Media Kit 09_Layout 1

March 21, 2018 | Author: yogakamloops | Category: Meditation, Advertising, Soap, Essential Oil, Mind



2009 Media KitAdvertising Rates BE PART OF IT! Content and Articles BC Interior’s Free Yoga and Wellness Magazine Dimensions BC Interior’s Free Yoga and Wellness Magazine Welcome to the Yoga Tree Magazine: Proud to connect and promote the Yoga and wellness community of British Columbia Interior! Our intention is to provide inspiring information and articles as well as current class and work- shop schedules easily accessable and FREE to the public. Equally important to us is providing an easy and afford- able way for related businesses and teachers to become more well known their local community. Mondav Tucsdav Vcdncsdav Thursdav Fridav Saturdav Chcck our wcbsitc for updatcs! s:cc ÷ s:4a Mcditation Katina s:cc ÷ s:4a Mcditation Katina CHECK FOR VORK- SHOPS AND EVENTS! o:cc ÷ ic:sc Hatha Yoga FIow AII LcvcIs EIizabcth o:cc ÷ ic:sc Hatha Yoga AII LcvcIs EIizabcth o:cc ÷ ic:sc YogafuI DcIight AII LcvcIs Sasja ic:cc ÷ ii:sc YogafuI DcIight AII LcvcIs Sasja ii:cc - ie:cc Nia Tcchniquc AII LcvcIs Natasha NO CLASSES IN !ULY Nc×t scssion bcgins Aug ! i:sc ÷ 4:cc BcIIv Dancc Troupc Rosi ie:cc ÷ i:sc BcIIv Dancc AII IcvcIs Rosi ie:cc ÷ i:cc DanccFit Thcrcsa 4:aa ÷ a:aa Amcrican TribaI BcIIv Dancc Bcginncrs LuciIIc a:cc ÷ c:sc YogafuI DcIight AII LcvcIs Sasja a:cc ÷ c:sc BcIIv Dancc Bcginncrs Rosi a:cc ÷ c:sc BcIIv Dancc Advanccd Rosi a:ia ÷ c:ia Amcrican TribaI BcIIv Dancc AII LcvcIs LuciIIc c:4a ÷ !:4a BoIIvwood Dancc AII LcvcIs Bonnic & Rcncc c:sc ÷ s:ccpm BcIIvdancc for Bcginncrs Dvanc L c t `s M o v c Yoga, D ancc & M orc... Ncw Studcnts... Lct`s Mo vc! O N E F R E E C L A S S E×p. !uIv si , ecco Summcr ecco BC Interiors’ FREE Yoga & Wellness Magazine For advertising opportunities, information, and to contribute articles please contact: Editor/Publisher: Elizabeth Beeds 250-371-1938 [email protected] The Yoga Tree People Designer Gavin Murgatroyd Copy Editors Leanne Fisher, Natasha Lyndon Photographer Bob Clark Distribution/ Assistants Steven, Angie, Carolyn, Susinn, Jen, Rosi, Theresa, Katina, Christine, Jim and Tanja S T I L L N E S S Community Calendar Exfoliating Sugar Scrub Recipe As we age, our skin can often use a little help in shedding dead skin cells and make-up residue. There are many chemical based exfo- liating products available, but they can be harsh and expensive. Natural sugar scrubs are a won- derful alternative. They gently polish and exfo- liate the skin, are luxurious, and smell naturally delicious. They can be used on the body and feet and are edible as well. With gentle appli- cation, they can be used on the face. You can make these Exfoliating Sugar Scrubs yourself! It's quick, easy, affordable and allows you to tailor the proportions of ingredients to match your skin type and preferences. This customizable recipe will make approxi- mately one 8 ounce jar or two 4 ounce jars of Exfoliating Sugar Scrub. Ingredients: 240 ml Fine grain organic sugar 30 ml Cold pressed vegetable oil. (I personally like to use highly stable oils in this recipe such as jojoba, sweet almond or fractionated co- conut oil.) 30 ml Vegetable glycerin (organic is good) 30 ml Liquid castille soap 1/2 tsp Vitamin E oil (1400 IU is Ideal) 1/2 tsp Organic rice flour 10-12 drops of essential oils for your skin type Suggestions for adding essential oils to your scrub: Normal skin: 6 drops lavender, 1 drop clary sage, 1 drop Roman Chamomile, and 4 drops Lemon Oily Skin: 4 drops Lavender, 2 drops Gera- nium, 2 drops Palmarosa, 2 drops Rosewood Dry Skin: 6 drops Lavender, 2 drops Rose, 1 drop Patchouli, 2 drop Frankinscence Directions For Preparation of the Scrub: Place the sugar in a small-medium mixing bowl. Add the oils, glycerin & castille soap - mix well with a fork. Add the essential oil and mix well. Store in air tight jars. To Use: This scrub can be used on both the face and body. Avoid use if you have sensitive skin or skin conditions such as eczema, and avoid use on wounds, cuts, abrasions or damaged skin. Scoop a tiny amount of the scrub onto your fin- gers and apply to wet skin. Scrub gently in a slow, circular motion. Do not grind the scrub into your skin. Rinse off. If desired, follow the exfoliating scrub with gentle cleansing. Mois- turize the skin with a natural moisturizer after exfoliating. This sugar scrub does not contain preserva- tives. For maximum freshness, use the scrub within a month and discard any that hasn't been To submit, please contact YOGA TREE Elizabeth Beeds 250-371-1938 [email protected] c/o Let’s Move Studio @ Sunmore Spa 925 McGill Place Kamloops B.C. V2C 6N9 1. Personal Articles - Free to submit Articles are beneficial to our readers as it gives them inspiration, encouragement and information for their own personal journey. We prefer 300 - 800 words, well written and not containing any advertising or rea- son for the readers to contact you. Blurb is limited to your name, email adress and phone number. 2. Informational Articles with Ads - Pay for the ad not the article space. Must be general in nature and not promotional infor- mation regarding products or services. Informational articles must be accompanied with an ad, as we do not include phone numbers, dates, etc. in the article. The size of these articles are limited according to the size of your ad, e.g. a business card ad or smaller is about 375 words and for a full page ad it is about 800 words. Your article is an opportunity for people to get to know you, your product or service. Your ad tells them the specifics on how to contact you. If your article pro- motes a specfic product or service please see the next category. 3. Advertorials/Profiles - Pay for the space your ar- ticle takes as well as your ad Contains promotional material about who you are, what you have done, your name, phone number, ad- dress, e-mail, website, dates, etc. Tips: Don't spend time formatting articles as they are for- matted to fit the magazine – plain text is best and pic- tures are great! Pictures should be in black and white (aka greyscale) in as HIGH resolution as possible Community Events and Classifieds - Always Free! As are submissions of quotes, poems, yoga poses, recipes, pictures etc. Guidelines for Articles “Make a commitment to follow the path of no resistance. This is the path through which nature’s intelligence un- folds spontaneously, without friction or effort. When you have the exquisite combination of acceptance, responsi- bility and defenselessness, you will experience life flow- ing with effortless ease.” ~ Dr. Deepak Chopra Finally! Summer is here and the lessons it brings are profound. Every- thing appears to be in bloom now; each tree is bringing forth the fruit it was created to manifest; each bush is revealing the beauty of the flowers it was meant to share with the world—it’s beautiful to wit- ness. The amazing thing is - not once do we hear or see even one of these beautiful expressions of Life, grunt, push, manipulate, or try to force its fruit or flowers to grow. Everything in Nature has its own natural rhythm—its own way of trusting the Life Force and surren- dering to the flow of the Energy coursing through it, within it and all around it. It appears that the things in Nature grow and produce with- out any effort by just being. Life flows - we don’t need to push it! When you stop to think about it, that is often what we do, isn’t it? We so often struggle, thinking we have to force or push the energy of life in a specific direction in order to create a fruitful and rewarding life. We do it with our rela- tionships. We do it with our finances. We even do it with our bodies. We try so hard to make (manipulate) things go (grow) in the direction we want them to, we end up short-circuiting our own good by not ho- nouring the same Divine Intelligence within us that does such a great job in Nature. A rose doesn’t withhold its unique expression in fear of being judged by the other roses because it is not as lovely. An apple tree doesn’t grow apples with a hidden agenda. It’s doing what comes naturally. It sounds too easy, doesn’t it? It is actually so easy it is one of the most difficult things we will ever do. The way to access what Chopra refers to as the Law of Least Effort is simple—practicing it is another thing. In his timeless classic, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success he discusses the three basic components that will enable us to access and use this principle: 1. Accept what is in every given moment; this doesn’t mean we have to like it—we just have to learn not to push against it. 2. Take responsibility for how we respond to what is; rather than blaming anyone (including ourselves), we remain conscious enough to look for the seed of a blessing in what is unfolding before us. 3. Live in defenselessness; we do this by letting go of the need to control other people’s opinion of us. Interestingly enough, this leads us back to acceptance of what is. If an apple tree can just be in “what is” every day and never blame the weather for its problems, and never apologize for a poor apple production when the weather doesn’t cooperate, perhaps there’s something we humans can learn here. You can’t force your life to grow faster than it should any more than you can force a rose to blos- som or an apple to grow, but you can trust that Life always knows what it’s doing. You are not here by mistake. That means you can trust that your life will unfold perfectly in its own season, in its own space and time when you don’t resist what is. This does not mean you don’t have an active role to play in creating a life worth living - it simply means you live consciously, knowing there is an Intelligence within you that is willing to do its part if you are only as willing as a rose to allow it to do so. So breathe; Do a deep let go, and let God…and smile. Now, don’t just do something, sit there! Rev. Connie Phelps is the Spiritual Leader of the Centre of Spiritual Living Kamloops. You can join them any Sunday morning at 10:30am at 540 Seymour Street. By Reverend Connie Phelps July/August, 2009 Issue #10 Content If, as is taught, the practice of meditation is a se- ries of moments resting the mind in the space be- tween thoughts, interspersed with other moments contemplating worthy subject matter, the question that naturally rises is what subjects are worthy of contemplation during meditation practice? It could be said that any matter could be examined and at the conclusion of the examination, the mind could be returned to it’s natural state. On a more serious plane, it will be suggested that subjects of serious import should be contemplated and what is serious, of course, will vary one per- son, and one moment to another. That said, how- ever, meditation is most often done for reasons spiritual and self improving and it follows that persons involved in that kind of endeavor should restrict their contemplations to matters of a spiri- tual and self-improving nature we can contem- plate our maxed-out credit cards later, at another time. Over the ages, great masters have risen in many traditions, masters who have laid out guidelines for those of us who need them. All masters, how- ever, would suggest that as a good beginning, we examine our lives as they are at the present time and place. Here in Canada, we are fortunate to live in a coun- try in which we are free to practice whatever faith or discipline we choose. Contemplate that and think about those who do not have that freedom then rest the mind, watching the flow of the breath without thinking. When you find yourself engaged in thinking again, as is inevitable, look at it, drop it, and if you find that your mind is too active to rest calmly, think about the fact that you have your faculties intact and are actually able to contem- plate serious matters. There are those who do not! When that realization is complete, rest again until the mind, once again, as it is designed to do, be- gins to think again. At that point, without recrim- ination, interrupt the chatter and think about the fact that you have a lifestyle that allows you to in- dulge in spiritual matters all of your waking moments are not dedicated to just staying alive, or finding enough to eat. When you end that con- templation rest again. At each interval of the realization of thinking, in- terrupt the frivolous thoughts and replace them with thoughts on the wealth of great teachers that are available to us, in all traditions. Perhaps it might be useful to think about finding a qualified teacher and refrain from too much popular teacher shopping, then rest. Remember that it is important that the teachings of the teacher that you choose are intact and available and be grateful for that, then rest. Also be grateful that there are those who are kind- hearted enough to be there for us, to assist us in our spiritual journey. Hopefully, these contem- plations will allow us to rest peacefully, in the true nature of our minds, for longer and longer peri- ods, restful and at peace. ~Anonymous On Saturday, March 28th, 2009, Let's Move Studio - along with over 30 other Yoga Studios across Canada - sponsored a 12 hour Yoga Marathon in support of Amnesty International. Twelve different instructors generously gave their time and expertise for this worthy cause and the event was enthusiasti- cally supported by individuals and businesses in the Kamloops area. After all was said and done, $1000.00 was raised for Amnesty International. Hopefully, everyone had fun in the process. A huge thank you from the Kamloops Yoga teachers and Let’s Move Studio to everyone to contributed to the suc- cess of the day. If you have missed the event and wish to pledge go to YOGA DAY for Human Rights W ellness D irectory Yoga Yoga Teacher Training South Okanagan Yoga Academy 200hr intensive retreat August 16-30,’09 Scotch Creek 250-492-2587 [email protected] Kamloops Anusara Kula The Anusara community in Kamloops is growing! To help keep us in touch, I amdeveloping an email list that will be used to share news re: classes, workshops, group practices, carpooling opportunities to training outside Kamloops, and other Anusara based community events. Interested? Mar- cia [email protected] 250-314-9550 Yogaful Groove Sundays at Let’s Move Studio 4:00-6:00 pm April 26, May 24, June 21 Join Sasja in this extended 2 hour musical journey through the pulsing groove of funk, rock and roll, world music, and other surprises! The class moves vinyasa style so you re- main deep in the flow and energy of the heart. A regular steady practice is preferable but not mandatory. 250-571-4431 [email protected] Meditation The Secret to Happiness is Within You: Happiness is possible in this life. Presentation followed by a 20 minute meditation. Tuesday, April 14th 6:30–8:00pm@Desert Gardens 540 Victoria St. Please call Robyn 250-372-5685 or email [email protected] Creative Meditation Based on Jose Silva’s meditation methods Mondays 5:45- 7:15 pm Mystic Dreams 419 Tranquille Cara 250-554-7902 Therevada Buddhist Meditation Group Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays every month from5:30 - 7 pm in the upper lounge of the Heritage House. Everybody is welcome [email protected] Crystal Bowl Meditation Friday evenings 125 Bestwick Drive 250-374-8672 call for info Community Centre for Spiritual Living Sharing tools that transform lives and make the world a bet- ter place. Sunday's: Healing Meditation 10am Celebration of Life 10:30amWednesday's: Meditative Experience @ 7pm Earthcare Kamloops Kamloops Vegetarian Potluck Sunday April 26th and May 31st Doors open at 5:30 dinner 6pm Church of Nazarene- downstairs 7th/Columbia, left side door. Please bring: A Vegetarian or Vegan dish for about 8 people, eggs and dairy are ok. Recipe or list of ingredients is mandatory. Your own plate, cutlery, and cup A suggested $3 donation. After dinner: Lesley Dale, ProgramManager for the Aborig- inal Agricultural Education Society of BC will present the many programs of the Kamloops area. COLOUR It grabs your attention! We have LIMITED ad spaces in FULL colour available! These are on the back cover page as well as inside the front and back covers. Get yours before they fill up! To advertise, please contact YOGA TREE Elizabeth Beeds 250-371-1938 [email protected] c/o Let’s Move Studio @ Sunmore Spa 925 McGill Place Kamloops B.C. V2C 6N9 Full Page 7.75W x 10.0 H Half Page (Wide) 7.75W x 5.0 H 1/4 Page 3.8W x 5.0H 1/4 Page banner 7.75W x 2.5 H Business Card Half Page (long) 7.75W x 10.0H 3.8W x 2.0H Wellness Directory Listing 3.8W x 1.0H Ad size Black & White Price Pay for 2 or more issues Save 10% COLOUR Limited prime spots available! COLOUR Pay for 2 or more issues Save 10% Wellness Directory listing - Half Business Card $50 $90 $100 $180 Business Card $100 $180 $200 $360 ¼ page/ OR 1/4 page banner $200 $360 $400 $720 ½ page $350 $630 $800 $1440 Full page $600 $1080 $1500 $2700 Back page - whole page $3000 $5400 Advertising Submission Deadlines September Issue AUGUST 15 November Issue October 15 January Issue DECEMBER 7 March Issue Febraury 15 May Issue April 15 July Issue JUNE 15 Full COLOUR only! T h e Y O G A T R E E M a g a z i n e i s p u b l i h e d e v e r y 2 m o n t h s .
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