M.E.curriculum Syllabus

March 19, 2018 | Author: vmspraneeth | Category: Equations, Antenna (Radio), Finite Element Method, Multi Core Processor, Channel Access Method



Sona College of Technology, Salem (Autonomous) Subjects of Study for ME I Semester under Regulations 2010R Branch: M.E.Computer Science and Engineering S. No Course Code Course Title Theory Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit 1 2 3 4 5 6 P10CSE101R P10CSE102R P10CSE103R P10CSE104R P10CSE105R P10CSE106R Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science Advanced Computer Architecture Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Advanced Operating Systems Software Engineering Methodologies Network Engineering and Management Practical 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 3 3 3 3 7 P10CSE107R Data Structures Laboratory 0 0 3 Total Credits 2 21 Approved by Chairperson, Computer Science and Engineering BOS Dr.B.Sathiyabhama Copy to:HOD/CSE, First Semester ME CSE Students and Staff, COE Member Secretary, Academic Council Dr.B.Sathiyabhama Chairperson, Academic Council & Principal Dr.P.Govindarajan P10CSE101 R THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE L TPC 3 10 4 Aim: The subject aims at imparting the knowledge of modeling and languages, probability. Objectives: At the end of the course students should be able to understand the basic principles of mathematical foundations required for computer science modeling and simulation. UNIT – I FUNDAMENTAL STRUCTURES (12) Set theory- Relationships between sets – Operations on sets – Set identities –Principle of inclusion and exclusion – Minsets. Relations:– Binary relations – Partial orderings – Equivalence relations. Functions:– Properties of functions – Composition of functions – Inverse functions – Permutation functions. UNIT - II LOGIC (12) Propositional logic – Logical connectives – Truth tables – Normal forms (conjunctive and disjunctive) – Predicate logic – Universal and existential quantifiers – Proof techniques – direct and indirect – Proof by contradiction – Mathematical Induction. UNIT - III COMBINATORICS (12) Basics of counting – Counting arguments – Pigeonhole principle – Permutations and Combinations – Recursion and Recurrence relations – Generating functions. UNIT – IV MODELING COMPUTATION AND LANGUAGES (12) Finite state machines – Deterministic and Non- deterministic finite state machines – Turing Machines – Formal Languages – Classes of Grammars – Type 0 – Context Sensitive – Context Free – Regular Grammars – Ambiguity UNIT – V DISCRETE PROBABILITY (12) Finite probability – Conditional Probability – Independence – Bayes’ theorem – Mathematical expectation – Probability Distribution (Binomial, Poisson, Geometric and their Properties). Lecture: 45 Tutorial:15 Total:60 Reference Books: 1. Judith L.Gersting, “Mathematical Structures for Computer Science”, W.H. Freeman and Company, NY, 2006. 2. Kenneth H. Rosen, “Discrete Mathematics and its Applications”, Fifth Edition, TMH, 2003. 3. M.K. Venkataraman, N. Sridharan and N.Chandrasekaran,“ Discrete Maths.”, The National Publishing Company, 2003. 4. Kishore S Trivedi, “Probability and statistics with reliability, Queing and computer science applications”, PHI, 2006. P10CSE102 R ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE L T P C 3 0 0 3 Aim: To understand the advanced concepts in instruction set architecture and organization of modern computers. Course Objectives:  Understand processor design concepts in modern computer architecture.  Understand Organization and Instruction Set Architecture  Understand Main and cache memory organization and design issues  Understand the ILP, Superscalar architecture and TLP performance  Understand different IO and Interconnection structures  Evaluate tradeoff in processor and memory design  Understand multicore architecture design UNIT I PIPELINING AND ILP (9) Fundamentals of Computer Design - Measuring and Reporting Performance - Instruction Level Parallelism and Its Exploitation - Concepts and Challenges - Overcoming Data Hazards with Dynamic Scheduling – Dynamic Branch Prediction - Speculation - Multiple Issue Processors – Case Studies. UNIT II TLP AND LIMITS OF ILP (9) Compiler Techniques for Exposing ILP - Limitations on ILP for Realizable Processors - Hardware versus Software Speculation - Multithreading: Using ILP Support to Exploit Thread-level Parallelism - Performance and Efficiency in Advanced Multiple Issue Processors - Case Studies. UNIT III MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEMS (9) Symmetric and distributed shared memory architectures – Cache coherence issues - Performance Issues – Synchronization issues – Models of Memory Consistency - Interconnection networks – Buses, crossbar and multistage switches. UNIT IV MULTI-CORE ARCHITECTURES (9) Introduction to Multicore Architecture –SMT and CMP architectures – Multicore Vs Multithreading– Case studies – Intel Multi-core architecture – SUN CMP architecture – IBM cell architecture.- hp architecture. UNIT V MEMORY HIERARCHY DESIGN (9) Introduction - Optimizations of Cache Performance - Memory Technology and Optimizations - Protection: Virtual Memory and Virtual Machines - Design of Memory Hierarchies - Case Studies. TOTAL - 45 Reference Books: 1. John L. Hennessey and David A. Patterson, “ Computer Architecture – A quantitative approach”, Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 4th. edition, 2007. 2. Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability and Programmability” McGrawHill, 1993 3. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for Performance”, Pearson Education, Seventh Edition, 2006. 2007. University Press. Rajasekaran. 4. UNIT III SEARCH STRUCTURES (9) Binary Search Trees – AVL Trees – Red-Black trees – Multi-way Search Trees –B-Trees – Splay Trees – Tries. Horowitz. UNIT V ALGORITHMS (9) Huffman Coding – Convex Hull – Topological Sort – Tree Vertex Splitting – Activity Networks – Flow Shop Scheduling – Counting Binary Trees – Introduction to Randomized Algorithms.Asymptotic Notations – Properties of Big-oh Notation – Conditional Asymptotic Notation – Algorithm Analysis – Amortized Analysis – NP Completeness – NP-Hard – Recurrence Equations – Solving Recurrence Equations – Memory Representation of Multi-dimensional Arrays – Time-Space Tradeoff.Sahni and Dinesh Mehta. Subramanian. Fundamentals of Data structures in C++. Principles of Multimedia Database systems.P10CSE103R ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS L T P C 3 0 0 3 Aim: The aim is to introduce the concepts and implementation of advanced Data Structures. . S. Printice –Hall. 3. 1988. 1998. 2007. E. UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS (9) Mathematical Induction . Morgan Kaufman. Horowitz. Computer Algorithms/C++. G.S. UNIT IV MULTIMEDIA STRUCTURES (9) Segment Trees – k-d Trees – Point Quad Trees – MX-Quad Trees – R-Trees – TVTrees. Total: 45 Reference Books: 1. 2. E. Brassard and P. Objectives:  To understand the concepts of notations and analysis.  To understand the concepts of Heaps and search structures. S. Uiversity Press. Second Edition.  To understand the concepts of multimedia structures and algorithms. Algorithmics: Theory and Practice. UNIT II HEAP STRUCTURES (9) Min/Max heaps – Deaps – Leftist Heaps – Binomial Heaps – Fibonacci Heaps – Skew Heaps – Lazy-Binomial Heaps. Bratley. Sahni and S. V. Demand paging – Page Replacement.Deadlock Handling .Galvin. G. PHI. sleep and wakeup. CPU scheduling – Scheduling Algorithms. address space. P. Total: 45 Reference Books: 1. Deadlock handling strategies in distributed system – Memory Management. critical regions. Avi Silberschatz.P10CSE104 R ADVANCED OPERATING SYSTEMS L T P C 3 0 0 3 Aim: The overall aim of this course is to provide a general understanding of modern operating systems that explores design aspects of modern operating systems.Sinha. 2nd Edition.Event Ordering-Mutual ExclusionAtomicity. 2004.Stateful versus Stateless service – Distributed Coordination. Deadlock detection and Recovery. UNIT – IV MULTIPROCESSOR OPERATING SYSTEMS (9) Basic multiprocessor system architectures – basic multiprocessor system architecture – inter connection networks for multiprocessor systems – Caching – structures of multiprocessor operating system – operating system design issues – process synchronization. process termination. 2. and be able to describe the advantages and disadvantages of each Knowing the concepts of multi processor & distributed operating system INTRODUCTION (9) UNIT – I Operating system concept – processes and threads. PHI . UNIT – III FILE SYSTEMS (9) File Concepts – Access methods – Directory Structure – File Protection – File System Implementation: File System Structure and Implementation – Directory Implementation – Allocation methods Free Space Management – Recovery – Disk Structure – Disk Scheduling. Andrew S. Deadlock prevention. Objectives:     Explain the concepts of process.Distributed file systems – Naming and Transparency-Remote File Access . UNIT – V DISTRIBUTED OPERATING SYSTEM (9) Design issues in distributed operating system . 2001 . and file Compare and contrast various CPU scheduling algorithms Understand the differences between segmented and paged memories. UNIT – II DEADLOCK & MEMORY MANAGEMENT (9) Deadlocks-Introduction.Swapping – Paging – Segmentation – Virtual Memory .B. Tanenbaum .Election Algorithms. Monitors. 3. Deadlock avoidance. “Distributed Operating System: Concepts and Design”. “Modern Operating Systems”. Pradeep K. IEEE computer Society Press. John Wiley & Sons.Gagne “Operating System Concepts” seventh edition.Inter Process Communication. 2007.Concurrency Control. Mutual Exclusion with busy waiting. process model. Semaphores.Race conditions. process creation. Implementation of processes. Addison Wesley. Architectures and Applications . Objectives: The students would be able to understand the process models and project management. UNIT – III SOFTWARE DESIGN (9) Architectural Design – Distributed System Architectures – Application Architectures – Object Oriented Design – Real-time Software Design. Requirements engineering processes – feasibility studies – elicitation and analysis – validations – management. System Models – Context – Behavioral – Data – Object – Structured.Sommerville. UNIT – IV SOFTWARE TESTING (9) Software testing fundamentals – Test Case Design – White Box – Basis Path Testing – Control Structure Testing – Black Box – Testing for Specialized environments. Roger S. 1996.Software Testing Strategies – Approach – issues – testing – unit – integration – validation – system – art of debugging. 5th Edition. use the testing tools and methods and also to understand the various quality standards. “Software Engineering”. design and develop an efficient software system through group cohesiveness. Management activities – project planning – project scheduling – risk management. Total: 45 Reference Books: 1. Pressman. UNIT – II REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS (9) Functional and Non – functional requirements – user requirements – system requirements – interface specifications – software requirements document. UNIT – I PROCESS AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT (9) Software Process models – process iteration – process activities – rational unified process – computer aided software engineering. analyze software requirements. McGraw Hill. Sixth Edition. UNIT – V SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE (9) Software Quality Concepts – Quality Assurance – Software Technical Reviews – Formal Approach to Software Quality Assurance – Reliability – Quality Standards – Software Quality Assurance Plan – Software Maintenance – Software Configuration Management – configuration item – process – objects in the software configuration – version control – change control – configuration audit – status reporting – SCM Standards – Case study : Martha Stockton Greengage (MSG) foundations. I. “Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach”. 2005. . 2.P10CSE105R SOFTWARE ENGINEERING METHODOLOGIES L T P C 3 0 0 3 Aim: The subject aims to impart sound knowledge to design and implement an efficient software system and manage the resources. 2002. 2002 4. Pearson Education. Pearson Education. Mani Subramaniam. 2002. Kasera and Seth. ICMP – CMIP – SNMP– SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 – Remote monitoring – RMON SMI and MIB . ‘High Performance Networks’. Objectives:  To understand the basic concepts in networking. 2. Mahbub Hassan and Raj Jain. Fourth Edition.P10CSE106 R NETWORK ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT LT P C 3 0 0 3 Aim: The aim is to introduce the concepts of high performance and high speed networks. Jean Warland and Pravin Vareya.Error and Flow Control – Congestion Control – Layered Architecture UNIT II QUALITY OF SERVICE (9) Traffic Characteristics and Descriptors – Quality of Service and Metrics – Best Effort model and Guaranteed Service Model – Limitations of IP networks – Scheduling and Dropping policies for BE and GS models – Traffic Shaping algorithms – End to End solutions – Laissez Faire Approach UNIT III HIGH PERFORMANCE NETWORKS (9) Integrated Services Architecture – Components and Services – Differentiated Services Networks – Per Hop Behaviour – Admission Control – MPLS Networks – Principles and Mechanisms – Label Stacking – RSVP – RTP/RTCP UNIT IV HIGH SPEED NETWORKS (9) Optical links – WDM systems – Optical Cross Connects – Optical paths and Networks –Principles of ATM Networks – B-ISDN/ATM Reference Model – ATM Header Structure – ATM Adaptation Layer – Management and Control – Service Categories and Traffic descriptors in ATM networks UNIT V NETWORK MANAGEMENT (9) Total: 45 Reference Books: 1. Morgan Kaufman Publishers. ‘High Performance TCP/IP Networking’. Larry L Peterson and Bruce S Davie. 2000 6. UNIT I FOUNDATIONS OF NETWORKING (9) Communication Networks – Network Elements – Switched Networks and Shared media Networks –Datagrams and Virtual Circuits – Multiplexing – Switching . 5. Tata McGraw Hill.  To understand the concepts of network management. ‘ATM Networks: Concepts and Protocols’. management and Quality of service. ‘High Speed Networks: Performance and Quality of Service’. Morgan Kauffman Publishers.  To understand the Quality of Service issues.  To understand the concepts of high performance and high speed networks. ‘Computer Networks: A Systems Approach’. William Stallings. ‘Network Management: Principles and Practices’. 2004. 3. Pearson Education. 2007. 2nd Edition. Implementation of multi-dimensional structures such as matrices. Implementation of any two of the following multimedia structures 2-d Trees (Insertion. Deletion – Show list of nodes where in insertion and deletion took place) 5. Implementation of any two of the following Heap structures Deaps (Insertion. Delete Max) Leftist Heap (All Meldable Priority Queue operations) Skew Heap (All Meldable Priority Queue operations) Fibonacci Heap (All Meldable Priority Queue operations) 3. . Deletion and Search) 4. diagonal matrices. Deletion and Search) B-Trees (Insertion. Deletion and Range Queries) Point Quad-Trees (Insertion. triangular matrices. Deletion and Search) Splay Trees (Insertion. Delete Min. etc into a one dimensional array (atleast any two) 2.P10CSE107 R DATA STRUCTURES LABORATORY L T P C 0 0 3 2 1. Deletion and Search) Tries for any specified alphabet (Insertion. Finding Convex-hull. Implementation of any two of the following Search Structures AVL Trees (Insertion. Deletion and Range Queries) Segment Trees (Insertion. Engineering Design S.B.E. Mechanical Engineering BOS Dr.Sathiyabhama Chairperson. Academic Council Dr.Govindarajan HOD/MECH.Sona College of Technology. Salem (Autonomous) Subjects of Study for ME I Semester under Regulations 2010 Mechanical Engineering Branch: M. COE .Venkatesan Copy to:- Member Secretary. First Semester ME END Students and Staff. Academic Council & Principal Dr.P. No Course Code Course Title Theory Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit 1 2 3 4 5 6 P10END101 P10END102 P10END103 P10END104 P10END105 P10END501 Advanced Mathematics Computer Applications in Design Finite Element Analysis Concepts of Engineering Design Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Design Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Practical 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 3 3 3 7 P10END106 CAD Lab 0 0 3 Total Credits 2 22 Approved by Chairperson.R. CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS 6 Variation and its properties –Euler’s equation – Functionals dependent on first and higher order derivatives . Jacobi method. irregular and non-rectangular grids. solution through a set of equations. Note: Assignments/Term papers using MATLAB / C / C++ to solve design problems. ADI method. PARABOLIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 7 Explicit method. Applications to heat flow problems.Functionals dependent on functions of several independent variables – Rayleigh Ritz method. Relaxation method. Matrix patterns. Crank-Nicholson method. Power method and Inverse power method. Simpson's rules. 3. Choleski method. Examples. TUTORIALS: 15 TOTAL: 60 . Poisson equation. derivative boundary conditions. Gauss elimination method. 2.NUMERICAL SOLUTION 7 Laplace's equations. 4. System of non-linear equations. method of characteristics. Wave equation in two space dimensions. Adaptive integration. Parabolic equations in two or more dimensions. applications to heat flow problems. derivative boundary condition. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS .Galerkin method. stability of numerical method.Newton Raphson method -Newton-Cotes integration formulas. BOUNDARY VALUE AND CHARACTERISTIC VALUE PROBLEMS 8 Shooting method. Iterative methods for Laplace's equations. Gaussian quadrature. computer programs. Sparseness. stability and convergence criteria. 6. 5. Rayleigh-Ritz method. Iterative methods. characteristic value problems. solution using Characteristic polynomial method. SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS AND NUMERICAL INTEGRATION 10 Solving of set of equations. derivative boundary conditions. representations as a difference equation.HYPERBOLIC PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 7 Solving wave equation by finite differences. Trapezoidal rule.P10END101 ADVANCED MATHEMATICS 3 1 0 4 1. approval and validation. 2. P10END102 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN DESIGN 3004 1. Fourth Edition. Pearson Education. Wheeler Publishing. 1999. "Numerical Mathematics and Computing". nesting and development – plastic parts with draft and shrinkage allowance – Reverse engineering of components – assembly of parts – tolerance analysis – mass property calculations 3. Ward Cheney and David Kincaid. Total: 45 . COMPUTERS IN DESIGN PRODUCTIVITY 8 Customizing various software by using visual basic. 1999. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale. Curtis F Gerald and Patrick O Wheatley. 5. script.. rotation – windowing. “Numerical Methods for Engineers with Software and Programming Applications”. 6. LISP etc to write applications like design of shafts. Prentice Hall. 1998. COMPUTERS IN TOOLING DESIGN 9 Mould design – jigs and fixtures design – check for interferences – mechanism design and analysis – Rapid tooling 4. view ports – clipping – data exchange formats. scaling. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. John H Mathews and Kurtis D Fink. pro/program. 3. "Applied Numerical Analysis". gears etc.Design check.REFERENCES 1. "Numerical Methods". Second Edition. “Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering – A Practical Approach”. 5. COMPUTERS IN DESIGN 10 Solid modeling of Mechanical components – associative features – Sheet metal components. Douglas J Faires and Riched Burden. Rajasekaran S. 2004. “Numerical Methods using MATLAB”. Tata McGraw Hill Edition. Second Edition. 4. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. 2.2D transformation. 1998. MANAGING PRODUCT DESIGN DATA 9 Version control – library creation – catalog making – standardization for design – collaborative design among peer groups – Design optimization for geometry . 2002. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN NEW PRODUCT DESIGN 9 Concept design – parametric sketching – constraints – computer graphics principles. P N Rao “CAD/CAM :Principles and Applications” Tata McGraw Hill . 2004. E. Ibrahim Zeid “CAD/CAM – Theory and Practice” – McGraw Hill. 4. G. 1989. Springer Verlag. Neumann and Robert Sproul “ Principles of Computer Graphics” McGraw Hill Book Co. 3. Berlin. Schlechtendahl. . CAD – Data transfer for Solid Models. International Edition 1998.REFERENCES 1. 5. 2. Second Edition. Donald Hearn and M Pauline Baker “Computer Graphics” Prentice Hall Inc 1992. William M. Singapore 1989. N. . STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS APPLICATIONS 9 Dynamic equations – Mass and damping matrices – Natural frequencies and modes – Reduction of number of DOF-response history – Model methods – Ritz vectors – Component mode synthesis – Harmonic response – Direct integration techniques – Explicit and implicit methods – Analysis by response spectra – Example problems 5. Reddy J. ISOPARAMETRIC ELEMENTS 8 Introduction – Bilinear quadrilateral elements – Quadratic quadrilaterals – Hexahedral elements Numerical integration – Gauss quadrature – Static condensation – Load considerations – Stress calculations – Examples of 2D and 3D applications 4.L. TWO-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS 10 Poisson equation – Laplace equation – Weak form – Element matrices for triangular and rectangular elements – Evaluation of integrals – Assembly – Axi-symmetric problems – Applications – Conduction and convection heat transfer . McGraw Hill. 1993. 2.. Thomson Learning. “An Introduction to the Finite Element Method”. “A First Course in the Finite Element Method”.Theory of elasticity – Plane strain – Plane stress – Axi-symmetric problems – Principle of virtual displacement 3. NON-LINEAR PROBLEMS & ERROR ESTIMATES 8 Introduction – Material non-linearity – Elasto Plasticity – Plasticity – Visco plasticity – Geometric nonlinearity – Large displacement – Error norms and convergence rates – H-refinement with adaptivity – adaptive refinement Total : 45 REFERENCES 1.Torsional cylindrical member – Transient analysis . International Edition. Logan D.Variational principles and methods – Weighted-Integral statements – Weak formulations – Ritz method – Method of weighted residuals – Applications of FEA Finite element modeling – Co-ordinates and shape functions . INTRODUCTION & ONE-DIMENSIONAL PROBLEMS 10 Relevance of finite element analysis in design . Third Edition. 2002.Potential energy approach – Galerkin’s approach – One dimensional finite element models in Solid mechanics and Heat transfer – Finite element model for beams 2.P10END103 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS 3003 1. “Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis”.Rao. “The Finite Element Method”. Bathe K. “Applied Finite Element Analysis”. Segerlind L. McGraw Hill International Edition. 4. John & Sons. S. Zienkiewicz. .S. Robert Davis et al “Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis”. 1984. Wiley. Physics Services. 2002 Edition. and Taylor. 7. R. Cook.C... John Wiley.L. Prentice Hall.. 1990. “Finite Element Analysis”. 6. O.J.J. 5. Volumes 1 & 2.3. Fourth Edition. 1999. 1991. 3 MATERIAL SELECTION AND MATERIALS IN DESIGN 9 The Classification and properties of Engineering materials. Geometric modeling.Liability – Tort Law. Pugh selection method. Geometric programming. Monte Carlo method – Optimization – Search methods. . use of process selection chart and computerized database – Design for manufacturing. finite element modeling. 5.need identification – Design requirements – Product Life Cycle – Morphology of Design steps of Product Design – Conceptual Design. Structural and shape optimization. 4.P10END104 CONCEPTS OF ENGINEERING DESIGN 3 0 0 3 1. Codes of ethics.Product Liability – Design aspects of product liability. Design for environment – Life Cycle assessment – Material recycling and remanufacture. Factors determining the process selection. Use of material selection Chart. solving ethical conflicts. selection with computed aided databases – Design for brittle fracture. Rapid Prototyping – Simulation Finite Difference method. Design for fatigue failure. 2. Designing with plastics. Design for reliability failure mode effect analysis. detailed Design – Concurrent Engineering – CAD & CAM. ethical environmental and safety issues in design and Quality Engineering 10 The origin of laws. MATERIAL PROCESSING AND DESIGN 9 Classification of manufacturing processes and their role in design. Mathematical modeling. THE DESIGN PROCESS 8 The Design Process . Contracts. TOOLS IN ENGINEERING DESIGN 9 Creativity and problem solving. Design for corrosion resistance. Legal. Embodiment Design. Design for forging and sheet metal forming. Design for casting. Design for safety – Potential Dangers and Guidelines for design for safety. Design for machining. Human factors in Design. design for residual stresses and heat – treatment. material standards and specifications – Methods of material selection – Ashby Chart and method of weight factors. Derivation of material indices. Decision Theory. welding and assembly. robust Design. Total: 45 REFERENCES . Modeling – Role of models in Engineering Design. .S. 3. P. “The principles of design”. Karl T. Mc Graw Hill. George E.1984. 2. Pahlgand Beitz W “Engineering Design” Springr – Verlag NY. 4. N. Engineering Design –“A materials and processing Approach. Oxford University. “Elements of Engineering Design”. International Edition. Press NY 1990. International Edition.1. Eppinger “Product design and Development”. Printice Hall Inc.. Suh. Singapore 2000. 1985 5. 2000. Ray M. Vlrich and Steven D. Mc Graw Hill. Dieter.”. MICROMECHANICS 9 Introduction-static bending of thin plates-circular plates with edge fixed .thermo mechanics-thermal stresses-fracture mechanics-stress intensity factors. INTRODUCTION 9 Overview-Microsystems and microelectronics .Rembold.Ion implantation . SiC. MATERIALS AND FABRICATION PROCESS 9 Substrates and wafer-single crystal silicon wafer formation-ideal substrates-mechanical propertiessilicon compounds . John Wiby & sons Ltd.2001.U. 3.Working principle of Microsystems -micro actuation techniques-micro sensors-types-microactuators-types-micropump-micromotors-micro-valvesmicrogrippers-scaling laws-scaling in geomentry-scaling in rigid body dynamics. Quartz-piezoelectric crystals-polymers for MEMS -conductive polymers – Photolithography . S.Deposition by epitaxy etching process 3.Silicon piezoresistors . MICRO SYSTEM MANUFACTURING 9 Clean room technology-Bulk Micro manufacturing.mechanical design-applications of micro system in -automotive industry-bio medical –aero space-telecommunications..micro accelerometers-design theory and damping coefficients.Sio2. 2. 2. MICRO SYSTEM DESIGN 9 Design considerations-process design-mask layout design.scaling in heat transfer.surface micro machining –LIGA-SLIGA-Micro system packaging-materials-die level-device level-system level-packaging techniques-die preparationsurface bonding-wire bonding-sealing 5.Vijay K. 4. .rectangular plate with all edges fixed and square plate with all edges fixed – Mechanical vibration-resonant vibration.scaling in fluid mechanics.Physical vapor deposition .scaling in electrostatic forces. fracture toughness and interfacial fracture mechanics. CRC press 2002.Awadel Karim.Diffusion – Oxidation –CVD .Gallium aresenside. Mohamed Gad-el-Hak.Microsystem Technology and Microrobotics. Si3N4 and polycrystalline silicon .Microsensors MEMS and Smart Devices.Fatikow.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg . The MEMS Hand book. Total: 45 REFERENCES 1.P10END105 MICRO ELECTRO MECHANICAL SYSTEMS DESIGN 3 0 0 3 1.Gardner.Osama O.scaling in electricity.1997.Varadan. Julian W. Tai-Ran Hsu.MEMS & Microsystems Design and Manufacture.Tata McGraw-Hill. 2002. . Springer.O Choong. Francis E. Microfludics and BioMEMS Applications.4.2006.H Tay and W. 5. RAPID MANUFACTURING PROCESS OPTIMIZATION . F. Principle of operation. London. Spray metal tooling. Terry Wohlers. "Stereo lithography and other RP & M Technologies".Vacuum Casting. Growth of RP industry. FUSION DEPOSITION MODELING 6 Principle. & Dimov. Overview of Solid view. SME. Errors in finishing. Part building errors. Process parameters. 2006 . 1996. etc.Silicone rubber tooling. Object Quadra System. Data preparation errors. Jacobs. LASER ENGINEERED NET SHAPING (LENS) – principle –applications. magics communicator. Process parameters. Paul. STEREOLITHOGRAPHY SYSTEMS 8 Principle. History of RP systems. data transfer to solid models. Applications. Applications. Sander's model market. 3. Copper polyamide. Verlag. Magics. Rapid Tool. Surface Digitizing. CONCEPT MODELERS Principle. Aluminum filled epoxy tooling. Machine details.LAMINATED OBJECT MANUFACTURING 8 Principle of operation. Process parameters. 3. 6. Sand casting tooling.Factors influencing accuracy. Process details. INTRODUCTION 3 0 0 3 4 Need for the compression in product development. S.Direct AIM. soft tooling vs hard tooling. Survey of applications. Surface Generation from point cloud. Thermo jet printer. 4. etc. Collaboration tools. SOFTWARE FOR RAPID PROTOTYPING 12 STL files. mimics. 2. classification of RP systems. 2001. Influence of part build orientation. D. Process details. ALLIED PROCESSES . Direct Rapid Tooling . 5. Applications. 3-D printer. NY. RAPID TOOLING 7 Indirect Rapid Tooling . Wohlers Associates. Pham. "Rapid Manufacturing". ProMetal. Data preparation. Data files and Machine details. Laminate tooling.P10END501 RAPID PROTOTYPING AND TOOLING 1. SELECTIVE LASER SINTERING . Surface modification. JP system 5.. Internet based softwares. DMILS. Path generation. S. SOLID GROUND CURING: Principle of operation. LOM materials. Total: 45 REFERENCES 1. Quick cast process. 2. T. Applications.Types of machines. Data preparation for SLS. "Wohlers Report 2006". Genisys Xs printer. Applications. Surface modeling. Total: 45 .P10END106CAD Laboratory 0 0 3 2 Exercises in Sketching. Solid Modeling. Sheet metal and mechanism design of Mechanical Components and assembly using Parametric and Feature Based Packages like PRO-E / SOLID WORKS /SOLID EDGE/CATIA / NX / ANSYS / NASTRAN etc. COE . Salem (Autonomous) Subjects of Study for ME I Semester under Regulations 2010 Electronics and Communication Engineering Branch: M. Electronics and Communication Engineering BOS Member Secretary.Sathiyabhama Dr.Kashwan Dr.Sona College of Technology. First Semester ME COS Students and Staff.E. Academic Council & Principal Dr.Govindarajan Copy to:HOD/ECE (PG). No Course Code Course Title Theory Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit 1 2 3 4 5 6 P10COS101 P10COS102 P10COS103 P10COS104 P10COS105 P10COS106 Applied Mathematics Advanced Digital Signal Processing Modern Digital Communication Techniques Optical Communication Networks Advanced Radiation Systems Satellite Communication Practical 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 3 4 3 3 7 P10COS107 Communication System Lab I 0 0 4 Total Credits 2 22 Approved by Chairperson.P.R.B.K. Communication Systems S. Academic Council Chairperson. Jacobi. Poisson. formula. UNIT II WAVE EQUATION 9+3 Solution of initial and boundary value problems.a long string under its weight .Moments and MGF – Binomial. 9+3 LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATION AND EIGEN VALUE PROBLEMS System of equations.Legendre polynomials -Rodrigue’s formula Recurrence relations.Characteristics.P10COS101 . Geometrical.M/G/1 queueing system – P.Significance of characteristic curves . to acquire skills in handling situation involving random variable.Functions of Two dimensional random variable UNIT V QUEUEING THEORY 9+3 Single and Multiple server Markovian queueing models .Eigen values of a matrix by Jacobi and Power method. UNIT IV RANDOM VARIABLES 9+3 One dimensional Random Variable .K.APPLIED MATHEMATICS AIM 3104 To introduce the students about the linear algebraic & wave equations. Gauss-Jordan and LU decomposition method.Steady state system size probabilities – Little’s formula .a bar with prescribed force on one end.D’Alembert’s Solution .Laplace transform solutions for displacement in a long string . GaussSeidal iteration method. To learn the basics and gained the skill for specialized studies and research. Normal DistributionsTwo dimensional Random Variables – Marginal and Conditional Distributions – Covariance and Correlation Coefficient . Random variables and Queuing theory in the engineering field.Legendre’s equation . OBJECTIVES   UNIT I To develop efficient algorithms for solving numerical methods.generating functions and orthogonal property for Bessel functions – Legendre polynomials.Bessel Functions. . UNIT III SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 9+3 Bessel’s equation .Solution by Gauss Elimination.free vibrations of a string.Priority queues . L + T = 45 + 15 = 60 TEXT BOOKS: 1.Levinson.K. PHI. Solutions of the Normal equations. Spectral Factorization.Durbin algorithms. 2005.. “Operations Research.R. Non-Parametric Methods-Correlation Method .Discrete Kalman filter UNIT IV ADAPTIVE FILTERS 9 9 9 . 1995. Least mean squared error criterion -Wiener filter for filtering and prediction .Forward and backward predictions. stationary processes. Greweal B. Low Pass Filtering of White Noise. S.Chand & Co. “International Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation”.S. FIR Wiener filter and Wiener IIR filters .. 2. H. REFERENCES: 1. P10COS102 .  Estimation and prediction using wiener FIR & IIR filters  Study adaptive filtering techniques using LMS algorithm and to study the applications of adaptive filtering. MA. Wiener-Khintchine Relation. UNIT II SPECTRUM ESTIMATION Estimation of spectra from finite duration signals. “Mathematical Statistics”. OBJECTIVES On completion of the course. Sankara Rao. Taha.ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 3003 AIM To introduce the student to advanced digital signal processing techniques.N. Iyengar. Bartlett and Welch methods.New Delhi. “Higher Engineering Mathematics”. H. 1997. 2.Ensemble averages.Periodogram Estimator.. solutions using Durbin’s algorithm UNIT III LINEAR ESTIMATION AND PREDICTION Linear prediction.AR. PHI. 3.Modified periodogram. Parameter estimation: Bias and consistency. the student will be able to:  Understand the basic concepts and to apply in discrete random signal processing. ARMA model based spectral estimation. 2003. Parametric Methods .A. Parameter Estimation -Yule-Walker equations. Khanna Publishers.An Introduction “ 6th Edition. Filtering random processes.K. & Jain R. Blackman –Tukey method. UNIT I DISCRETE RANDOM SIGNAL PROCESSING 9 Discrete Random Processes. Kanpur J.K.  Estimate the spectrum using parametric methods and non parametric methods.K. S. Autocorrelation and Auto covariance matrices.. & Saxena.C. Jain M. “Introduction to Partial Differential Equation “. Performance Analysis of Estimators -Unbiased. New Age International (P) Ltd. Parseval's Theorem.Power Spectral DensityPeriodogram. Consistent Estimators.  Apply multirate signal processing fundamentals. Publlishers 2003. Manolakis et. UNIT II BANDLIMITED CHANNELS AND DIGITAL MODULATIONS: 9  . Filter implementation for sampling rate conversion..Manolakis. UNIT I 9 COHERENT AND NON-COHERENT COMMUNICATION: Coherent receivers – Optimum receivers in WGN – IQ modulation & demodulation – Noncoherent receivers in random phase channels.Direct form FIR structures. Decimation by an integer factor . 2002. John G.( For Wavelet Transform Topic) 9 P10COS103 . OBJECTIVES To study the coherent and Non-coherent communication receivers and to discuss their performance analysis  To learn error control coding which encompasses techniques for the encoding and decoding of digital data streams for their reliable transmission over noisy channels. Normalized LMS.-BER Performance Analysis. Polyphase filter structures.Hayes.Proakis et. REFERENCES: 1. Digital Signal Processing Pearson Education.Inc.al. M-PSK. Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling. 2. Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor. UNIT V MULTIRATE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Mathematical description of change of sampling rate . RLS adaptive filters-Exponentially weighted RLS-sliding window RLS.Second Edition.. M-DPSK. Gonzalez. Multistage implementation of multirate system. Pearson Education.al. Inc. ‘Digital Image Processing’. 2. McGraw Hill. Total-45 TEXT BOOKS: 1.. 2004. M-FSK receivers – Rayleigh and Rician channels – Partially coherent receives – DPSK..Woods. Dimitris G. Monson H. John Wiley and Sons.’Algorithms for Statistical Signal Processing’.Proakis. Dimitris G. John G. time-variant structures. Adaptive channel equalization-Adaptive echo cancellation-Adaptive noise cancellation.Interpolation by an integer factor. 2002.Adaptive recursive filters (IIR).2000.Newyork. Application to sub band coding -Wavelet transform and filter bank implementation of wavelet expansion of signals. 2002.MODERN DIGITAL COMMUNICATION TECHNIQUES AIM 3003 To introduce the basic concepts of Modern Digital Communication Techniques and to give an exposure to receiver performance and Error control coding schemes.Singapore. Pearson Education. Rafael C.Interpolation and Decimation . Richard E.FIR adaptive filters -adaptive filter based on steepest descent method-Widrow-Hoff LMS adaptive algorithm. 3.’Statistical and adaptive signal Processing’. UNIT V SPREAD SPECTRUM SIGNALS FOR DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Model of spread Spectrum Digital Communication System-Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals.Lathi Modern digital and analog communication systems. Oxford University press 1998. UNIT IV CONVOLUTIONAL CODED DIGITAL COMMUNICATION: Representation of codes using Polynomial. CPFM. Digital communication techniques. Viterbi algorithm. 1998 3. 3rd Edition. Channel capacity. 1998 REFERENCES: 1. New Delhi. 4th Edition.Simon. 2. Matched filter.K. Total: 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Turbo Coding. Digital Communications.Error rate performance of the coder. 2.Hinedi and W. Transorthogonal – Shannon’s channel coding theorem. and Trellis diagram – Decoding techniques using Maximum likelihood. New york . Golay. 4th Edition Pearson Education Asia.M. Equalization techniques – IQ modulations. S. Cyclic. MSK. QAM.OFDM. Hammning. Orthogonal.Synchronization of Spread Spectrum Systems. McGraw-Hill.OPTICAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 3104 9 9 9 AIM To understand the new networking revolution within a revolution called Optical Communication.C.P. CPFSK. 1995. Simon Haykin. 2001 P10COS104 . Tree diagram. Concepts of Spread spectrum communication – Coded BPSK and DPSK demodulators – Linear block codes.. Digital communications. Networks. UNIT III BLOCK CODED DIGITAL COMMUNICATION: Architecture and performance – Binary block codes. Advanced electronic communication systems.Frequency-Hopped Spread SpectrumSignals. M. Generation of PN Sequences. Wayne Tomasi. Biorthogonal. B.Eye pattern. Signalling and detection. John Wiley and sons. Proakis. QBOM. OBJECTIVES . QPSK. Sequential and Threshold methods – Error probability performance for BPSK and Viterbi algorithm. John G. – Continuous phase modulation. State diagram. -BER Performance Analysis. Prentice Hall India. Performance of FH Spread Spectrum Signals in an AWGN Channel. BCH .Lindsey. Reed – Solomon codes. demodulation in the presence of ISI and AWGN. L + T = 45 + 15 = 60 TEXT BOOKS: 1.SELECT NETWORKS: Topologies. Rajiv Ramaswami and Kumar Sivarajan. isolators.  To study the issues in the network design and operation for wavelength routing in optical networks.  To study various Network architecture and topologies for optical networks. Switch-based networks. 2004. Application areas. switches. UNIT II SONET AND SDH NETWORKS: Integration of TDM signals. and WDM approaches. Components: couplers. REFERENCES: 9 9 9 9 . Single-hop.Test beds. 2. and Shufflenet multihop networks. Wavelength routing test beds. UNIT III BROADCAST – AND. Protection architectures. Layers. Optical Network Design and Implementation. UNIT V HIGH CAPACITY NETWORKS: SDM. and wavelength converters. amplifiers. 2nd edition. Network Management. Transport overhead. Synchronization. TDM. Ring architectures. Morgan Kaufmann.and second-generation optical networks. Broadcast networks. Framing. OTDM test beds. Optical layer cost Tradeoffs. Network elements. Multiplexing. UNIT IV WAVELENGTH-ROUTING NETWORKS: Node designs. multiplexers. Issues in Network design and operation. UNIT I 9 OPTICAL NETWORKING COMPONENTS: First. Vivek Alwayn. Routing and Wavelength assignment. Alarms. Media-Access control protocols. Topologies. circulators.filters. Pearson Education. Optical Networks: A practical perspective. To study the Optical network components for Optical Network communication. Multihop. Optical TDM Networks: Multiplexing and demultiplexing. 2001. Elliptical and circular polarization. 2002.ADVANCED RADIATION SYSTEMS AIM 3003 To enable the student to understand the concepts of Radiation and to study the various types of antennas and its characteristics OBJECTIVES • To study the concepts of radiation from a current element. 2.Tchebycheff arrays. Circular array.phased arrays and array feeding techniques. Kluwer Academic Publishers. McGraw Hill.Mouftab and Pin-Han Ho. Linear. • To study Antenna arrays. Hussein T. narrow main beam synthesis methods discretization of continuous sources. The Lorentz gauge condition. Power radiated in the far field. Biswanath Mukherjee. Electric vector potential F for a magnetic current source M.1. Duality theorem. 1997 P10COS105 . microstrip .Lawson sampling method – Linear array shaped beam synthesis method – Low side lobe. Fields radiated by an alternating current element and half wave dipole.Binomial arrays and Dolph. Mutual coupling in arrays. Schelkunoff polynomial method . Vector potential in Phasor form.Phased arrays. • To study various antenna synthesis methods. Optical Networks: Architecture and Survivability. UNIT II ANTENNA ARRAYS N element linear arrays – uniform amplitude and spacing. Development of the Poincare sphere. • To study horn . Optical Communication Networks.Pattern multiplication. Total power radiated and radiation resistance of alternating current element and half wave dipole. UNIT I CONCEPTS OF RADIATION Retarded vector potentials – Heuristic approach and Maxwell’s equation approach. multidimensional arrays. UNIT III ANTENNA SYNTHESIS 9 9 9 Synthesis problem-Line source based beam synthesis methods (Fourier transform and Woodward. Three dimensional characteristics . reflector antennas and various types of antennas.Directivity of Broadside and End fire arrays. MICROSTRIP. UNIT I ORBITAL MECHANICS 9 . E. Various Multiple Access techniques and network aspects are also introduced... Spillover and taper efficiencies. PHI 2003 3. Jordan.Babinets principle Fraunhoffer and Fresnel diffraction. Rectangular apertures.Microstrip antennas – feeding methods... Multimode horns.A. UNIT V HORN. “ Radio Astronomy” McGraw-Hill 1966. “Electromagnetics” McGraw-Hill. J. Balanis.D. Warren L.Huygens Principle. Optimum illumination.2003 2. for the last unit (reprints available) 9 P10COS106 .Circular apertures and their design considerations. Fourier transform in aperture antenna theory.SATELLITE COMMUNICATION AIM 3003 To introduce the student with the basics of orbital mechanics and the space perturbations. Krauss.C. Krauss. • To study the various multiple access techniques and network aspects for Space Services and applications. “Antenna Theory” Wiley. Slot and dipoles as dual antennas.UNIT IV APERTURE ANTENNAS 9 Radiation from apertures . Phase center.A. E and H plane sectoral Horns. Complimentary screens and slot antennas.techniques for evaluating gain.. Fleisch.1999 REFERENCES: 1.Transmission line model – Circular patch Parabolic Reflector antennas – Prime focus and cassegrain reflectors. “ Electromagnetic waves and Radiating systems”.D. Stutzman and Gary A. Thiele.“ Antenna theory and design”John Wiley and sons 1998 2. Pyramidal horns. C. Total:45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. REFLECTOR ANTENNAS. J. Conical and corrugated Horns.. OBJECTIVES • To study the orbital mechanics and space craft sub systems and earth station. Rectangular patch. • To study space links for the satellite link design.D. Equivalent focal length of Cassegrain antennas. System Noise Temp. Earth Stations. Hendri G. Artech House Inc. Design of Satellite Links for Specified C/N . Transponders.Mobile satellite network design.Suyderhood. Orbit Determination. Prentice Hall.INSAT. Locating the Satellite in the Orbit and with Respect to Earth. “Satellite Communications”. Basic Transmission Theory. Example of payloads of operating and planned systems.. UNIT IV MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES AND NETWORK ASPECTS Single access vs. Orbital Effects in Communication System . UNIT III SPACE LINKS The Space Link.Pritchard.g. VSAT. Communication Subsystems. Satellite Link Design . Bostian. propagation characteristics of fixed and mobile satellite links. Classical MA techniques: FDMA. Direct to Home service (DTH).Code division multiple access (CDMA). Timothy Pratt.Call control. Altitude and Orbit Control. Energy Dispersal. Noise Figure. Antennas.Mobile satellite service: GSM.Microwave Propagation on Satellite-Earth Paths. 3rd Edition. 2001 REFERENCES: 1.Multimedia satellite services .Advanced applications based on satellite platforms INTELSAT series .1999. Hybrid satellite-terrestrial networks UNIT V SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS Fixed and mobile services . “Satellite Communications”. GPS. Mc Graw Hill International Editions. the satellite component of UMTS).Satellite uplink -down link power Budget. UNIT II SPACECRAFT SUB SYSTEMS AND EARTH STATION Spacecraft Subsystems.Orbital Perturbations. Bruce R. Examples of MA techniques for existing and planned systems (e. E-mail. Interference between satellite circuits. Orbital Elements-Look Angle Determination and Visibility . Remote Sensing . multiple access (MA). Jeremy Allnutt. Downlink Design. New Jersey. 1993 9 9 9 9 . Special services. Robert A. Satellite launch vehicles. Wilbur L. Telemetry and Tracking. Single channel per carrier (SCPC) access . Wiley. Navigation System. John & Sons. “Introduction to Satellite Communication” . Dennis Roddy. handover and call set up procedures. Demand assignment techniques. TCP/IP via satellite . INMARSAT. Launch Vehicles. Video conferencing and Internet connectivity TOTAL : 45 TEXT BOOK: 1. Equipment Reliability. spectrum allocations for satellite systems. Orbit Equations. Charles W. 2nd Edition. Power Systems. ATM via satellite. G/T Ratio. Orbits.Performance Attitude control. TDMA. 2nd Edition. 2002 3. Orbit Description. 2. “Satellite Communication Systems Engineering”.Nelson.Kepler's laws of motion.Elbert. Implementation of Linear and Cyclic Codes. Performance evaluation of Digital Data Transmission through Fiber Optic Link. "Digital satellite communication". Implementation of Video Link using Optical Fiber. Antenna Radiation Pattern measurement. New york. McGraw Hill. 2. Implementation of Adaptive Filters. . 7.1990 P10COS107 . Simulation of Modulation and Coding in a AWGN Communication Channel using Simulation Packages. Study of Spread Spectrum Techniques. 2nd Edition.Ha. 3.4. Tri T. 6. 5. 8.COMMUNICATION SYSTEM LAB I 0042 1. Simulation of QMF using Simulation Packages. periodogram and multistage multirate system in DSP Processor 4. . COE .Govindarajan Copy to:HOD/EEE. Easwarlal Member Secretary.P. C. No Course Code Course Title Theory 1 2 3 4 5 6 P10PED101 P10PED102 P10PED103 P10PED104 P10PED105 P10PED501 Applied Mathematics Modeling and Analysis of Electrical Machines Advanced Digital System Design Advanced Power Semiconductor Devices Analysis of Power Converters Elective-I High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Practical 7 P10PED106 Modeling & Simulation Laboratory 0 0 3 Total Credits Approved by 2 22 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 3 3 3 Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit Chairperson.Sathiyabhama Chairperson. Electrical Engineering BOS Principal Prof. Power Electronics and Drives S. First Semester ME PED Students and Staff.Sona College of Technology.E. Salem (Autonomous) Subjects of Study for ME I Semester under Regulations 2010 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Branch: M. Academic Council & Dr. Academic Council Dr.B. I Functional – Euler’s equation – Variational problems involving one unknown function – Several unknown functions – Functionals dependent on higher order derivatives – Several independent variables – Isoperimetric problems. M. Publishing . S. T.K. P.2000 2. UNIT . “Engineering Mathematics Volume – II”.”Probability. ”Operations Research”.S.Venkataraman . UNIT . Statistics & Random Processes”.P10PED101 APPLIED MATHEMATICS CALCULUS OF VARIATION 3 1 0 100 12 UNIT . Total : 60 REFERENCE BOOKS 1.II Z – TRANSFORM 12 Transform of standard functions – Convolution – Initial and Final value problems – Shifting Theorem – Inverse transform (Using Partial Fraction – Residues) – Solution of difference Equations using Z – Transform. 1999 4.III RANDOM PROCESSES 12 Classification – Auto correlation – Cross correlation – Ergodicity – Power spectral density function – Poisson processes. UNIT . 2002.V Formulation of non–linear NON .Gupta .Chand & Co.Chand &Co . National Company..LINEAR PROGRAMMING programming problem – Constrained optimization 12 with equality constraints – Constrained optimization with inequality constraints – Saddle point problem – Graphical method of non–linear programming problem involving only two variables – Kuhn-tucker conditions with non-negative constraints – Wolfe’s modified simplex method.K.Hira. Tata McGraw Hill.Veerarajan. S.. D. UNIT . “Higher Mathematics for Engineering & Science”. Lecture : 45. 3.IV LINEAR PROGRAMMING 12 Simplex algorithm – Two-phase and Big–M method – Duality theory – Dual simplex method -Transportation and Assignment problems.. Kandasamy. Tutorial :15. 2001. Flux weakening operation: principle-flux weakening in stator flux linkage and rotor flux linkage. 5.Bhimbra. Three phase to two phase transformationElectromagnetic torque-generalized model in arbitrary reference frames-stator reference frames model-rotor reference frames model-synchronously rotating reference frame model. P. 2005. R. 2002.III PHASE CONTROLLED AND FREQUENCY CONTROLLED INDUCTION MACHINES 12 Stator voltage control: Steady state analysis-approximate analysis-slip power recovery scheme: principle of operation-steady state analysis range of slip equivalent circuit-performance-static scherbius drive.Krishnan. Charles kingsley.stepping motors. A.Fityzgerald. Indirect vector control scheme: Derivation and implementation. Tutorial :15. 1993.V.I MODELING OF DC MACHINES Equivalent circuit and Electro magnetic torque-Electromechanical modeling-Field excitation: separate. shunt. Sixth Edition. 4th Edition. ”The Unified Theory of ElectricalMachines:. Analysis and Control”.steady state performance equations-Dynamic modeling of induction machines: Real time model of a two phase induction machines.V SPECIAL MACHINES 12 Permanent magnet and characteristics-synchronous machines with PMs: Machine configuration-flux density distribution-types of PMSM-Variable Reluctance Machines: Basics-analysis-practical configurationcircuit wave forms for torque production.E.Bhimbra. 4. UNIT .London.”Electric motor & Drives: Modeling. PWM Voltages: Generation-machine model-steady state performance. P. Total : 60 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. 6. Khanna Publishers.J. ”Generalised theory of electrical machines”. Lecture : 45. Khanna Publishers.S.”Brushless permanent magnet and reluctance motor drives”.II DYNAMIC MODELING OF INDUCTION MACHINES 12 Equivalent circuits.1967. C. UNIT . Oxford.Umans “Electric Machinery”. Jr. T. UNIT . Tata McGraw Hill. UNIT . .Butterworth. series and compound excitation-commutator action. Constant Volts/Hz controls implementation-steady state performance-dynamic simulation.IV VECTOR CONTROLLED INDUCTION MACHINES 12 Principle of vector control-direct vector control: flux and torque processor-DVC in stator reference frames with space vector modulation. Prentice Hall of India.Jones.P10PED102 MODELING AND ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES 3 1 0 100 12 UNIT . Effect of armature mmf-Analytical fundamentals: Electric circuit aspects-magnetic circuit aspects-inter poles. Miller. 3. 2. 2001. Stephen D..E.”Generalised theory of electrical machines”.S. .II ASYNCHRONOUS FINITE STATE MACHINES 9 Scope.V SYSTEM DESIGN USING VHDL 9 Specification of combinational systems using VHDL. clock skew and methods to reduce skew. Parag K Lala .IV HIGH SPEED DIGITAL DESIGN 9 Frequency. A VHDL Primer.P10PED103 ADVANCED DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN (Common to Applied Electronics. C. High Speed Properties of Logical Gates.An Engineering Approach to Digital Design. Algorithms. PHI PTR.al . Random test Generation. Academic 1997. 5. Flip-Flops. PWS Publishing. Testability Considerations for Synchronous Circuits. Capacitance and Inductance Effects. Adhoc Design for Testability Techniques.Digital Circuit Testing And Testability. Z. Digital System using VHDL. MEV Approaches to Asynchronous Design. Sequential Machines. UNIT . UNIT . Registers. VHDL-Analysis And Modeling of Digital Systems. Asynchronous Analysis. Counters.III DIGITAL SYSTEM TESTING 9 Fault Models. Plotting and Reading the Excitation Map. 2. Design of Asynchronous Machines. Essential Hazards Map Entered Variable. Howard Johnson and Martin Graham. Signal pickup and loading effects of probes. 7.H. Clock oscillators and clock jitter. Miron Abramovici et. 8. Basic language element of VHDL. Controlling crosstalk on clock lines. Self Inductance . Fault Equivalence. Cycle and Races.Bhaskar. Fault Dominance. Addison Wesley Publishing Co. Sequential Circuit Optimization Using Network Models. Jaico Publishing House 2001. Built-In-Self-Test. Hazards in Circuit Developed by MEV Method. Design of Binary Multiplier and Binary Divider. State graph for Control network. clock distribution. Hazards. UNIT . PHI 2004. Total 45 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Power Electronics & Drives ) 3 0 0 100 9 UNIT . Delay adjustments. Speed And Power. Combinational Logic Circuits. Measurement Techniques. Addison Wesley 1999.I SEQUENTIAL LOGIC OPTIMIZATION Sequential Circuit Optimization Using State Based Models. Rise Time and Bandwidth of Oscilloscope probes. High Speed Digital Circuits. MGH. Implicit Finite State machine Traversal Methods. J. Testing for Single Stack Faults. 4. 3. Masakazu Shoji. BIST Architecture examples. Classical Scan Designs. Fletcher . Digital System Testing And Testable Design. Single and Multiple Stack Faults. Time and Distance. Design of serial adder with accumulator.Roth.Navabi. UNIT . High Speed Digital Design : Handbook of Black Magic. Test Pattern Generation. 6. Types of Modeling. Fault Location. Boundary Scan Standards. III VOLTAGE CONTROLLED DEVICES 9 Power MOSFETs and IGBTs – Principle of voltage controlled devices. Undeland and Robins. RCT and IGCT. MCT. Williams. 2. static and switching characteristics – Steady state and dynamic models of MOSFET and IGBTs. Singh and K. UNIT – IV FIRING AND PROTECTING CIRCUITS 9 Necessity of isolation – pulse transformer – opto-coupler. M. Gate drive circuit for SCR. Singapore. over current and gate protections. 2000.B. applications and design”.D. Prentice Hall India. Third Edition. UNIT . “Power Electronics – Concepts. 2001. Rashid M. Drivers. MOSFET. application requirements. vapour – phase cooling. (2/e).I Power switching devices overview – Attributes of an ideal switch. construction. Device selection strategy – On-state and switching losses – EMI due to switching – Power diodes – Types. series and parallel operation – Comparison of BJT and Thyristor – Steady state and dynamic models of BJT and Thyristor. John Wiley and sons. heat sink types and design – Mounting types. Devices and Applications”. Guidance for heat sink selection – Thermal resistance and impedance – Electrical analogy of thermal components. 3. Tata McGraw Hill. 4. . “Power Electronics circuits. switching characteristics – rating. 1992. B. Total : 60 REFERENCE BOOKS 1.P10PED104 ADVANCED POWER SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES INTRODUCTION 3 0 0 100 9 UNIT .W.H.Khanchandani. UNIT .V THERMAL PROTECTION 9 Heat transfer – conduction. “Power Electronics – Devices. Design of snubbers. Macmillan. switching characteristics. Basics of GTO. static characteristics. types. Applications and passive components”. Newdelhi.. 2004. forward and reverse characteristics. “Power Electronics”. IGBTs and base driving for power BJT – overvoltage. circuit symbols – Power handling capability – (SOA). UNIT – II CURRENT CONTROLLED DEVICES 9 BJTs – Construction.Negative temperature coefficient and secondary breakdown – Power Darlington – Thyristors – Physical and electrical principle underlying operating mode – Two transistor analogy – Effect of a and ico on ia – concept of latching – Gate and switching characteristics – Converter grade and inverter grade and other types. FCT. Lecture : 45. convection and radiation – Cooling – liquid cooling. Tutorial :00 . Mohan. RC load circuits – load circuit with electromotive force – thyristor specifications – heat sink calculations – Surge currents – limitation on di/dt. Devices and Applications”. ZVS and ZCS resonant converters. current and load commutation of choppers – step up chopper – pulse width modulated AC choppers – Current topologies and Harmonic elimination methods. UNIT . “Thyristor DC Drives”. John Wiley and sons. Cuck converters – continuous and discontinuous models – DC-DC converter comparison. 2. 5. Total : 60 REFERENCE BOOKS 1.R.C.H.. 2003 . “Power Electronics Circuits.K.II CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS 9 Continuous and discontinuous modes of single phase half wave and full wave rectifiers – half controlled configurations – RL circuit with electromotive force for continuous and discontinuous operation. Wiley Eastern Limited. Rashid M.. Lecture : 45. Bose. and sinha R.III DC-DC SWITCH MODE CONVERTERS 9 DC-DC converter systems – control of DC-DC converters. 1981. Undeland and Robbins. John Wiley and sons. Doralda S. Pearson (2/e)..IV CHOPPERS 9 Classification of DC chopper circuits – analysis of type A chopper and type B chopper – voltage. RL. Buck converters – Continuous and discontinuous modes – Boost converters – continuous and discontinuous modes – Buck boost converters – continuous and discontinuous and discontinuous modes.. (3/e). PHI. “Power Semiconductor Circuits”. Effect of transformer leakage reactance – operating domains of three phase full converters and semi converters. L. Bimal K. Ned Mohan. S. classification and analysis of commutation. applications and design”. John wiley and sons. Current source inverters – Concepts of multilevel inverters. Singapore.M.P10PED105 ANALYSIS OF POWER CONVERTERS ANALYSIS OF SWITCHED CIRCUITS 3 0 0 100 9 UNIT – I Ideal models of power switches – analysis of the thyristor controlled half wave rectifier – R. “Power Electronics: concepts. UNIT . IGBT inverters analysis and design.. 3. dv/dt. “Thyristorised power controllers”.K. UNIT .2000. Dubey G. Dewan. Tutorial :00 .V INVERTERS 9 Characteristics – output voltage and waveform control – bridge inverters – single phase and three phase versions – MOSFET. 1986. and Straugher A.. “Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives”.. 4. UNIT .B. 2004. Sen P. 1975. Joshi A. . Reactive Power Requirements – Reactive Power Control during Steady State and Transients UNIT . HARMONICS. Allan Greenwood.. Tutorial : 00 . .IV PROTECTION OF HVDC SYSTEMS.P10PED501 HIGH VOLTAGE DIRECT CURRENT TRANSMISSION LTP M 3 0 0 100 (Common to Power Electronics & Drives and Power System Engineering) UNIT . “Direct Current Transmission”. Total : 45 REFERENCE BOOKS 1.. “High Voltage Direct Current Power Transmission”. Kory(ed) B.I GENERAL ASPECTS 9 Historical development of HVAC and DC links – kinds of DC links-HVDC projects in India and abroad – advantages and disadvantages of HVDC transmission . Vol.X.G. John Wiley and Sons New York.Applications of DC transmission – economic factors – development of power devices for HVDC transmission – thyristors – light activated thyristors – MOS controlled thyristors (MCTs) –Switching and steady state characteristics– Cooling of Thyristors Problem. ‘Electrical Transients in Power Systems’.III CONTROL OF CONVERTERS AND REACTIVE POWER CONTROL 9 Gate control – basic means of control and modes of operation – power reversal – desired features of control – control characteristics – constant current control – constant extinction angle control – stability of control – tap changer control – power control and current limits.ground return and ground Electrodes UNIT . Lecture : 45. UNIT . Garraway ltd. J. Adamson and Hingorani N. “ High Voltage Direct Current Converters and Systems”. London 1995 4. 1960.II THYRISTOR CONVERTERS 9 Three phase fully controlled thyristor bridge converters – operation as rectifiers and line commutated inverters – converter equivalent circuits – parameters and characteristics of rectifiers and inverters – series and parallel arrangement of thyristors – multibridge converters. 1992 3. Kimbark E. England.. FILTERS AND GROUND RETURN 9 Basics of protection of HVDC systems – DC reactors – voltage and current oscillations – DC line oscillations – clearing line faults and re-energizing the line – circuit breakers – over voltage protection -Characteristics and uncharacteristic harmonics – troubles caused by harmonics – means of reducing harmonics –– harmonic filters – Corona and Radio interference. I. New York 1971 2. Macdonald & Co. UNIT .V SIMULATION OF HVDC SYSTEMS 9 Introduction – System Simulation: Philosophy and Tools – HVDC System Simulation – Modeling of HVDC Systems for Digital Dynamic Simulation – Digital Dynamic Simulation of Converters and DC Systems. Wiley Interscience. Modeling of Silicon Controlled Rectifier. Sinusoidal PWM 13. Simulation of Single phase Fully controlled converter 6. 8. a) Lamp load Motor load . Simulation of Three phase full bridge inverter. Simulation of Single phase Semi converter (i) R Load (i) R Load (ii) RL Load (ii) RL Load (iii) RLE (motor) Load (iii) RLE (motor) Load 5. Simulation of Three phase semi converter. Simulation of PWM inverters 12. Simulation of Three phase fully controlled converter 9. 3. Square PWM 14. Simulation of Single phase Dual converter 7. Simulation of Three phase AC Voltage Controller. a) 180 degree mode operation b) 120 degree mode operation 11. Modeling of simple PN Junction diode 2. Modeling of MOSFET / IGBT / BJT 4.P10PED106 MODELING & SIMULATION LABORATORY (Any 10 Experiments) LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 0 0 3 100 1. Simulation of Single phase full bridge Inverter 10. Academic Council Dr. No Course Code Course Title Theory Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit 1 2 3 4 5 6 P10PSE101 P10PSE102 P10PSE103 P10PSE104 P10PSE105 P10PSE501 Applied Mathematics Linear and Non Linear Systems Theory Power Electronics application to Power Systems Optimization and Soft Computing Techniques Power System Operation and Control Elective-I High Voltage Direct Current Transmission Practical 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 3 3 3 7 P10PSE106 Power Electronics Laboratory 0 0 3 Total Credits 2 22 Approved by Chairperson.B.Govindarajan Copy to:Copy: All HODS.Sona College of Technology.C. First Semester ME PSE Students and Staff.Easwarlal Member Secretary. Academic Council & Principal Dr.P. Electrical Engineering BOS Prof. COE . Power Systems Engineering S.E. Salem (Autonomous) Subjects of Study for ME I Semester under Regulations 2010 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Branch: M.Sathiyabhama Chairperson. Power Electronics & Drives and Power System Engineering) UNIT .I CALCULUS OF VARIATION 12 Functional – Euler’s equation – Variational problems involving one unknown function – Several unknown functions – Functionals dependent on higher order derivatives – Several independent variables – Isoperimetric problems.. 2001.”Probability.Chand & Co.K. Total : 60 REFERENCE BOOKS 1.LINEAR PROGRAMMING 12 Formulation of non–linear programming problem – Constrained optimization with equality constraints – Constrained optimization with inequality constraints – Saddle point problem – Graphical method of non–linear programming problem involving only two variables – Kuhn-tucker conditions with non-negative constraints – Wolfe’s modified simplex method. Statistics & Random Processes”. Publishing . M.Chand &Co .III RANDOM PROCESSES 12 Classification – Auto correlation – Cross correlation – Ergodicity – Power spectral density function – Poisson processes. National Company. P. 2002. ”Operations Research”. UNIT .V NON . T.. Kandasamy. UNIT . S.S.Hira. “Higher Mathematics for Engineering & Science”. 3. Lecture :45. D.II Z – TRANSFORM 12 Transform of standard functions – Convolution – Initial and Final value problems – Shifting Theorem – Inverse transform (Using Partial Fraction – Residues) – Solution of difference Equations using Z – Transform.2000 2.Gupta . Tata McGraw Hill.IV LINEAR PROGRAMMING 12 Simplex algorithm – Two-phase and Big–M method – Duality theory – Dual simplex method -Transportation and Assignment problems.K.Venkataraman .Veerarajan. “Engineering Mathematics Volume – II”. Tutorial :15. 1999 4. S.. UNIT . UNIT .P10PSE101 APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3 1 0 100 (Common to Applied Electronics. Kuo.State model for linear time invariant continuous systems. 4. 2. New Delhi. Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd. Nagrath.(Continuous system only).J. Total : 60 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Benjamin C. UNIT . New Delhi.K.2005.. Sixth Edition. “Control Systems Engineering”. . “Automatic Control Systems”. UNIT .II NON-LINEAR SYSTEMS 12 Types of non-linearity – Typical examples – Phase plane analysis – Singular points – Limit cycles – Construction of phase trajectories – Describing function method – Derivation of describing functions. UNIT – III LIAPUNOV STABILITY 12 Liapunov stability analysis – Stability in the sense of Liapunov – Definiteness of scalar Functions – Quadratic forms – Second method of Liapunov – Liapunov stability analysis of linear time invariant systems and non-linear systems. 3. UNIT .Pole placement by state feedback – Observer systems. Tutorial :15. Diagonalization – Solution of state equations – Concepts of Controllability and Observability. Fourth Edition . New Delhi. 2004. 1994.I LINEAR AND NON LINEAR SYSTEMS THEORY LINEAR SYSTEMS 3 1 0 100 12 Concepts of state. Lecture : 45. Pearson Education. New Delhi.P10PSE102 UNIT . Fourth Edition. Aggarwal K. Katsuhiko Ogata. “Modern Control Engineering”. “Control System Analysis and Design”.IV OPTIMAL CONTROL SYSTEMS 12 Parameter Optimization: Servomechanisms – Optimal Control Problems: Transfer function Approach – State variable approach – the state regulator problem – The Infinite-time regulator problem – Output regulator and the tracking Problems – Parameter Optimization: Regulators. New Age International (P)Limited.Design of robust control system – PID controllers – Fuzzy Logic Control – Neural Network Controller. state variables and state model .I. 1999. M. and Gopal.V ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEMS 12 Adaptive Control: Model-Reference Adaptive Control fundamental concepts – Self tuning control Robust Control: Parameter perturbations . Khanna Publishers. UNIT .V POWER FLOW ANALYSIS 9 Component models – Converter control – Analysis of converter – Transient and Dynamic stability analysis – Protection. Daniel. Khanna Publishers. Willey Eastern Limited. Total: 45 Reference Books 1. Arrillaga and Watson. 2.I HIGH POWER DEVICES AND THREE PHASE CONVERTERS 9 High power devices for power system controllers – characteristics – Converters configuration for large power control. Newdelhi. 2006. Van Nostrand Co. 1992. Mukund R Patel. 1999. “Wind Power – A handbook of WECS”. 4. Rakesh Das Bagamudre.. Rai GD. “HVDC Power Transmission System”. Newdelhi. Haunt V. UNIT . Properties of three phase converters – Current and voltage harmonics – Effects of source and load impedance – Choice of best circuit for power systems.II CONVERTER CONTROL 9 Gate control – Basic means of control – Control characteristics – Stability of control – Reactive power control UNIT . Tutorial: 0. “Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems”.IV WIND ENERGY AND PV ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEM 9 Basic components – Generator control – Harmonics – Power factor improvement. First Edition.III HVDC SYSTEM 9 Application of converters in HVDC system – Static VAR control – Sources of reactive power – Harmonics and filters. “Wind and Solar Power Systems”.. CRC Press. “Solar Energy Utilization”. Padiyar KR. Newdelhi. “Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering”. John Wiley. .P10PSE103 POWER ELECTRONICS APPLICATIONS TO POWER SYSTEMS 3 0 0 100 UNIT . 7. London. 1990. Acha E and Agilidis VG. “Computer Modelling of Electrical Power Systems”. 5. Willey Eastern Limited. Ltd. Elsevier India Pvt. 1991. UNIT . 1981. London. New York. Second Edition. Lecture: 45. 6. Different schemes for PV energy conversion – DC and AC power conditioners – Synchronized operation with grid supply – Harmonic problems. 2001. 3. . Random weight approach. Simulated annealing – global optimization using steepest descent method and simulated annealing method. objective functions. “ Genetic Algorithms and Engineering Optimization”. Region elimination methods – interval halving method. Fibonnaci search method – Root finding using optimization technique. 2002. S. S. Adaptive weight approach. UNIT . Runwei Cheng. concepts – calculation of distance measure – applications. penalty function method and multiplier method – sensitivity analysis – direct search for constrained minimization. representation and evaluation of chromosomes – genetic operations – Computer network expansion – problem description and kummar and Gupta’s approach. UNIT . UNIT . exhaustive search method & bounding phase method. Mitsuo Gen. Total: 45 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Multistage process planning – problem description and Genetic Algorithm approach. Distance method. 2002.V NETWORK DESIGN AND ROUTING 9 Adaptive network routing – genetic based adaptive routing. 2. UNIT . Compromise approach and goal programming approach. Tutorial: 00. “Optimization for Engineering Design – Algorithms and Examples”. Fifth printing. complex search method. Second Edition.P10PSE104 UNIT . Prentice Hall India.II MULTI OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION PROBLEMS 9 Basic concepts – non-dominated solutions – preference structures. 3. . “Optimization – Theory and Applications”.I OPTIMIZATION AND SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES SINGLE OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM 3 0 0 100 9 Optimal problem formulation: Constraints. basic solution approach – Weighted sum approach. Wiley Eastern Limited. Kalyanmoy Deb. 1984. random search method – Generalized reduced gradient method – gradient projection method. Single variable optimization algorithm: optimality criteria – bracketing method. variable elimination method.III CONSTRAINED OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM 9 Khun – Tucker conditions – transformation methods. Rao.IV INTEGER PROGRAMMING 9 Integer linear programming – graphical representation – Gomory’s cutting plane method – integer polynomial programming – integer nonlinear programming – Stochastic linear and non-linear programming. Lecture: 45. variable bounds. John Wiley & Sons Inc. II Edition. McGraw Hill Publishing Ltd. evaluation of system state by contingency analysis – Corrective controls (preventive. John Wiley & Sons. UNIT . 1971. 2006. UNIT .V COMPUTER CONTROL OF POWER SYSTEM 9 Energy control center – Various levels – National – Regional and state level SCADA system – Computer configuration – Functions – Monitoring. Tata McGraw Hill Pub. 4. 5. probabilistic production cost programs – Sample computation – No forced outages – Forced outages included – interchange of power and energy and its types. Krichmayer L. “Power Generation and Control”..I POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROL HYDRO THERMAL SCHEDULING 3 0 0 100 9 Problem definition and mathematical model of long and short term problems – Discretization – Dynamic and incremental dynamic programming – Hydro thermal system with pumped hydro units – Solution of hydro thermal scheduling using Linear programming. “Computer Aided Power System Analysis and Control”. UNIT . McGraw Hill.IV STATE ESTIMATION 9 Least square estimation – Basic solution – Sequential form of solution – Static State estimation of power system by different algorithms – Tracking state estimation of power system – Computer consideration – External equivalancing – Treatment of load data and on line load flow analysis. 3. “Economic operatin of power system”. Lecture: 45. Elgerd OI..II PRODUCTION COST MODELS 9 Uses and types of production cost programs. Newdelhi. . 1984. Allen J Wood. 1959. UNIT . John Wiley & Sons. Co.P10PSE105 UNIT . “Electrical Energy System Theory – An Introduction”. 2. II Edition. Kothari DP and Ahson SI. 1984. Mahamabalis AK.III SECURITY CONTROL CONCEPT 9 System operating states by security control functions – Monitoring. emergency. Ltd. Tutorial: 00. Kundur P. data acquisition and controls – EMS systems – Software in EMS system – Expert system application for power system operation. Newyork. and restorative) – Islanding scheme – Derivation related to network islanding. Total: 45 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Newyork. Bruce F Wollenberg. II Edition. “Power System Stability and Control”. John Wiley and Sons New York. UNIT .G.IV PROTECTION OF HVDC SYSTEMS. UNIT . “ High Voltage Direct Current Converters and Systems”. 1992 3. New York 1971 2. UNIT .X. England.V SIMULATION OF HVDC SYSTEMS 9 Introduction – System Simulation: Philosophy and Tools – HVDC System Simulation – Modeling of HVDC Systems for Digital Dynamic Simulation – Digital Dynamic Simulation of Converters and DC Systems Lecture: 45.. Garraway ltd. Wiley Interscience.III CONTROL OF CONVERTERS AND REACTIVE POWER CONTROL 9 Gate control – basic means of control and modes of operation – power reversal – desired features of control – control characteristics – constant current control – constant extinction angle control – stability of control – tap changer control – power control and current limits. Reactive Power Requirements – Reactive Power Control during Steady State and Transients UNIT . ‘Electrical Transients in Power Systems’.II THYRISTOR CONVERTERS 9 Three phase fully controlled thyristor bridge converters – operation as rectifiers and Line commutated inverters – converter equivalent circuits – parameters and Characteristics of rectifiers and inverters – series and parallel arrangement of thyristors – multibridge converters. Adamson and Hingorani N. “Direct Current Transmission”. Tutorial: 0. HARMONICS.P10PSE501 UNIT ... . Macdonald & Co. FILTERS AND GROUND RETURN 9 Basics of protection of HVDC systems – DC reactors – voltage and current Oscillations – DC line oscillations – clearing line faults and re-energizing the line – Circuit breakers – over voltage protection Characteristics and uncharacteristic Harmonics – troubles caused by harmonics – means of reducing harmonics -Harmonic filters – Corona and Radio interference. Allan Greenwood. Total: 45 REFERENCE BOOKS 1.“High Voltage Direct Current Power Transmission”. Vol. London 1995 4.ground return and ground Electrodes. I. J. Kory(ed) B.I HIGH VOLTAGE DIRECT CURRENT TRANSMISSION GENERAL ASPECTS LTPC 3 0 0 3 9 Historical development of HVAC and DC links – kinds of DC links-HVDC projects in India and abroad – advantages and disadvantages of HVDC transmission -Applications of DC transmission – economic factors – development of power devices for HVDC transmission – thyristors – light activated thyristors – MOS controlled thyristors (MCTs) –Switching and steady state characteristics–Cooling of Thyristors Problem. Kim barks E.. 1960. Single phase AC voltage controller using Matlab & PSpice .P10PSE106 POWER ELECTRONICS LABORATORY LIST OF EXPERIMENTS 3 0 0 100 1. Single phase full. IGBT based Choppers using Matlab & PSpice 5. MOSFET. IGBT based Single phase inverters using Matlab & PSpice 6.converter with R-L and R-L-E loads for continuous and discontinuous conduction modes using Matlab & PSpice 3. Single Phase Semi-converter with R-L and R-L-E loads for continuous and discontinuous conduction modes using Matlab & PSpice 2. Three phase full-converter with R-L-E load using Matlab & PSpice 4. . Mechanical Engineering BOS Principal Dr.R. First Semester ME PDD Students and Staff.P. COE .B. No Course Code Course Title Theory Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit 1 2 3 4 5 6 P10PDD101 P10PDD102 P10PDD103 P10PDD104 P10PDD105 P10PDD503 Geometric Modeling Product Development Strategies Finite Element Mechanism Analysis Product Data Management Rapid Prototyping and Tooling Production and Operations Management Practical 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 3 3 3 7 P10PDD106 CAD Lab 0 0 3 Total Credits 2 22 Approved by Chairperson.E. Salem (Autonomous) Subjects of Study for ME I Semester under Regulations 2010 Mechanical Engineering Branch: M.Govindarajan Copy to:HOD/MECH. Product Design and Development S.Sathiyabhama Chairperson. Academic Council Dr. Academic Council & Dr.Venkatesan Member Secretary.Sona College of Technology. (6) MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION OF SOLIDS: Fundamentals of solid modeling. analytic solid modelers. Wire frame models. animation systems. Michael E Mortenson. 5. parametric representation. Second Edition. sweep representation. Radhakrishnan P & Kothandaraman C P. David Solomon. Boundary representation. Computer Graphics Standard. New Age International (P) Ltd. 3. Radhakrishnan P & Subramanyan S. (6) MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION OF SURFACES: Surface models. 1991. design applications. shading. “CAD/CAM/CIM”. 1997. McGraw Hill Inc. "Computer Graphics and Design". (8) VISUAL REALISATION: Model cleanup. New York. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. 1997. types and technique. curve manipulation. design applications. hidden line removal.. "Geometric Modeling". surface manipulation. Ibrahim Zeid. 1999 2. 1997 (15) . " Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling". hidden surface removal. (5) COMPUTER ANIMATION: Computer animation. Dhanpat Rai and Sons. 4. (5) LABORATORY PRACTICE: Total: 45 REFERENCES: 1. colouring. parametric representation of curves (analytic & synthetic).P10PDD101 GEOMETRIC MODELING 3104 TYPES AND MATHEMATICAL REPRESENTATION OF CURVES: Introduction. design applications. constructive solid geometry. "CAD/CAM Theory and Practice".. design examples. Springer Verlag. Mark Henderson & Philip Wolfe. Concurrent Engineering. 1991. dynamic and thermal analysis. design for manufacturing and assembly. modifying features. 2. use of datums construction features. Part Modeling Users Guide”. Geometric modeling. static.. “Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing”. Cost of design changes. free form manipulation. mass property calculations. (9) Mechanism analysis Design Project. “CAD/CAM Theory and Practice”. .. analysis techniques. robust design. part design. David Bedworth. rapid prototyping and tooling. Ibrahim Zeid. configuration management. (8) CAD/CAM hardware .P10PDD102 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES (6) 3104 Phases in the life cycle of a product. axiomatic design. 1998.windows NT and unix based systems. “Pro/Engineer. 3. finite element modeling. Value engineering. failure mode and effect analysis. tolerancing. copying. (7) Assembly modeling. patterning. Finite element modeling and analysis. current concepts. sketching. general procedure. schemes for concurrent engineering. McGraw Hill Inc. McGraw Hill Inc. (5) (5) Total: 45 (5) REFERENCES: 1. 1991. J. (10) DYNAMIC ANALYSIS : Equations of motion for dynamic problems .Ritz methodformulation of element stiffness matrices . "Applied Finite Element Analysis".. 1984. velocity and acceleration functions..Jacobi & subspace iteration methods . 2nd Edition. 1989 7. J.. 6.finite element formulation . New Jersey.Galerkin method.imposement of constraints and forces .truss. beam..consistent and lumped mass matrices .animation . Prentice Hall. “Energy and Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics.J. Malkus D.P10PDD103 FINITE ELEMENT AND MECHANISM ANALYSIS 3104 INTRODUCTION TO FEM: Engineering design analysis . propagation and transient problems-basic concepts of FEM . 1989. "Finite Element Procedures in Ind.. & Plesha M. Pergomon Press. & Vicker .direct integration and mode superposition methods Interpolation techniques. "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms".static and dynamic analysis of kinematic systems .formulation of element mass matrices .Isoparametric elements. 1995.skeletal and continuum structures Discretization of domain-basic types of elements-shape function .one dimensional heat and fluid flow problems.. Shames I H & Dym C L .Choleski method-solving of eigen value problems . Bathe K J.Creation of kinematic models .Gaussian elimination method . (7) SOLUTION METHODS FOR FINITE ELEMENT EQUATIONS : Handling of simultaneous equations .D. (10) Total: 45 REFERENCES: 1. MDI. John Wiley & Sons..S. "Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis". 1998. E. (6) STATIC ANALYSIS: General procedure of FEM . (6) HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FLOW ANALYSIS : Basic equations of heat transfer & fluid flow problems . quadrilateral and brick elements . Engineering Analysis".E.meaning and purpose-steady state. John Wiley & Sons. 2 nd Edition. Oxford. triangular. . Rao SS. 2. McGraw Hill.” Wiley Eastern Ltd. "The Finite Element Method in Engineering".free vibration and forced vibration problem formulation. 1982 3. "ADAMS Reference Manual".inertial data .applicability of FEM to structural analysis heat transfer and fluid flow problems-advantages and limitations of FEM commercial finite element packages-organisation-advantages & limitations. (6) MECHANISM ANALYSIS : Introduction to Analysis of mechanisms .Reyleigh .analysis of output data . Cook R. 4.displacement. Segerlind L J. Shigley .. 5. P10PDD104 PRODUCT DATA MANAGEMENT 3003 INTRODUCTION: Introduction to PDM-present market constraints-need for collaborationinternet and developments in server-client computing.automating information flow.work flows. (5) PROJECTS AND ROLES: Creation of projects and roles. Addison Wesley. (6) . 2. McGraw Hill Inc. GENERIC PRODUCTS AND VARIANTS: Product configurator-comparison between sales configuration and product configurator-generic product modeling in configuration modeleruse of order generator for variant creation.case studies.0 Reference manuals. David Bedworth.life cycle management.life cycle of a product.product structure-configuration management.registering of variants in product register-case studies. Terry Quatrain. 1998. “Visual Modeling with Rational Rose and UML”. (12) CHANGE MANAGEMENT: Change issue-change request-change investigation-change proposal-change activity-case studies.case studies.case studies. “Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing”. (3) COMPONENTS OF PDM: Components of a typical PDM setup-hardware and softwaredocument management-creation and viewing of documents-creating parts-versions and version control of parts and documents.creation of work flow templates-life cycle-work flow integration. 3. Mark Henderson & Phillip Wolfe. 2000. (9) CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT: Base lines.. (10) Total: 45 REFERENCES: 1.1991. Wind-chill R5. Applications. Principle of operation. (4) LASER ENGINEERED NET SHAPING (LENS) RAPID TOOLING: Indirect Rapid Tooling . London. (4) FUSION DEPOSITION MODELING: Principle. S.P10PDD105 RAPID PROTOTYPING AND TOOLING 3003 INTRODUCTION: Need for the compression in product development.. (5) ALLIED PROCESSES: Vacuum Casting. 2001. SME. Sand casting tooling. 1. (4) STEREOLITHOGRAPHY SYSTEMS: Principle. Paul. 3-D printer. Influence of part build orientation. DMILS. Process details. . mimics. (4) Total : 45 REFERENCE: 1. Data files and Machine details. data transfer to solid models. Wohlers Associates. (4) SELECTIVE LASER SINTERING: Types of machines. 2000. "Wohlers Report 2000". 2. Verlag. Process parameters. Genisys Xs printer. soft tooling vs hard tooling. T. etc. Machine details. & Dimov. ProMetal. 1996. Magics. etc. (3) LAMINATED OBJECT MANUFACTURING: Principle of operation. Pham. Internet based softwares. Process parameters. Direct Rapid Tooling . D. Applications. Process details. Surface modification. (7) SOFTWARE FOR RP: STL files. Thermo jet printer. Object Quadra System. Collaboration tools. Quick cast process. Errors in finishing. Aluminum filled epoxy tooling.Direct AIM. JP system 5. "Rapid Manufacturing". Sander's model market. classification of RP systems. LOM materials. Growth of RP industry. Spray metal tooling. (4) RAPID MANUFACTURING PROCESS OPTIMIZATION: Factors influencing accuracy. Survey of applications. Data preparation for SLS. Laminate tooling. Applications. Path generation. Data preparation. "Stereo lithography and other RP & M Technologies". (3) SOLID GROUND CURING: Principle of operation. Rapid Tool. Surface Digitizing. Process parameters. Part building errors. F. Copper polyamide. Overview of Solid view.Silicone rubber tooling. S. Data preparation errors. Terry Wohlers. magics communicator. Applications. NY. 3D Keltool. History of RP systems. Surface Generation from point cloud. Cast Kirksite. (3) CONCEPT MODELERS: Principle. Applications. Jacobs. Product Line Balancing. empirical.graphical. Accuracy.Lot sizing Techniques. Project monitoring. New Delhi. "Operations Management. Development of a master production schedule.Quick. Arrangement of facilities within departments.EOQ models for Purchased Parts .advantages and limitation .Continuous improvement. "Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems". " Integrated Production Control systems Management.time Series Smoothing . Stochastic mixed .Production control in repetitive. James. New York. Network stochastic consideration. New Delhi. Inc. Line of Balance. Design. (6) SCHEDULING WITH RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS: Allocation of units for a single resource . (6) INVENTORY ANALYSIS AND CONTROL: Definitions . Vollman. Bedworth. Inventory models under uncertainty. forecasting methods . (5) FACILITY LOCATION AND LAYOUT: Location factors. Analysis.E.I) and manufacturing resource planning (MRP -II).exponential smoothing . John Wiley & Sons.Resource Balancing..Major steps involved information system linkages in Production Planning and Control .Computer Integration and AI in manufacturing and operations.allocation of multiple resources . Different types of layouts for operations and production.Critical Path Method (CPM) .D. Line Balancing . Optimised Production Technology. Planning and Control for Manufacturing and Services".Kanban system . (6) JUST IN TIME MANUFACTURING: INTRODUCTION: Elements of JIT . Dilworth B.Pull versus Push method. (6) PROJECT PLANNING: Evolution of Network Planning Techniques . (6) Total: 45 REFERENCES: 1. 1992.Helgeson Brine approach . 1998.P10PDD503 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 3003 FORECASTING: Introduction.concepts . D. 3. location evaluation methods. T.Seasonal forecasting Cyclic forecasting. Galgotia Publication (P) Ltd. measures of forecast. 2. Mc-Graw Hill.Region approach.. Flexible manufacturing system . materials requirement planning (MRP. (5) SCHEDULING AND CONTROLLING: Objectives in Scheduling .ABC inventory System . and optimisation. Electronic data interchange.Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).uniform production rate . batch and jobshop manufacturing environment.Regression models . 1982. inexpensive set-up .Inventory order policies .small lot size . Design". . (5) AGGREGATE PLANNING AND MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULING: Approaches to aggregate planning .EMQ Models for Manufactured Parts . . Analysis and Simulation Software and Making a Model Using RP.P10PDD106 CAD LABORATORY 0032 Developing a Specified Product Using Modeling. Sathiyabhama Dr. Software Engineering S. First Semester ME SWE Students and Staff.Sona College of Technology. COE . Academic Council & Principal Dr.Govindarajan Copy to:HOD/CSE.E. Academic Council Chairperson.B.P.Sathiyabhama Dr.B. Salem (Autonomous) Subjects of Study for ME I Semester under Regulations 2010R Computer Science and Engineering Branch: M. No Course Code Course Title Theory Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit 1 2 3 4 5 6 P10SWE101R P10SWE102R P10SWE103R P10SWE104R P10SWE105R P10SWE106R Applied Probability and Operations Research Formal Methods and Requirements Engineering Object Oriented Systems Software Engineering User Interface Design Network Engineering and Management Practical 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 3 3 3 7 P10SWE107R Case Tools Laboratory 0 0 3 Total Credits 2 22 Approved by Chairperson. Computer Science and Engineering BOS Member Secretary. H.K. 3. N. Objectives: At the end of the course students should be able to understand the basic principles of mathematical foundations required for computer science modeling and simulation. NY. Fifth Edition. Geometric and their Properties). TMH. UNIT . “Probability and statistics with reliability. Poisson. Kenneth H. probability. UNIT . The National Publishing Company. 2006.II LOGIC (12) Propositional logic – Logical connectives – Truth tables – Normal forms (conjunctive and disjunctive) – Predicate logic – Universal and existential quantifiers – Proof techniques – direct and indirect – Proof by contradiction – Mathematical Induction.P10CSE101R THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE L TPC 3 10 4 Aim: The subject aims at imparting the knowledge of modeling and languages. 4. Relations:– Binary relations – Partial orderings – Equivalence relations.Relationships between sets – Operations on sets – Set identities –Principle of inclusion and exclusion – Minsets. Freeman and Company.Gersting. Judith L.”. 2003.III COMBINATORICS (12) Basics of counting – Counting arguments – Pigeonhole principle – Permutations and Combinations – Recursion and Recurrence relations – Generating functions. 2003. UNIT – IV MODELING COMPUTATION AND LANGUAGES (12) Finite state machines – Deterministic and Non.deterministic finite state machines – Turing Machines – Formal Languages – Classes of Grammars – Type 0 – Context Sensitive – Context Free – Regular Grammars – Ambiguity UNIT – V DISCRETE PROBABILITY (12) Finite probability – Conditional Probability – Independence – Bayes’ theorem – Mathematical expectation – Probability Distribution (Binomial.“ Discrete Maths. Functions:– Properties of functions – Composition of functions – Inverse functions – Permutation functions. Sridharan and N. M. “Discrete Mathematics and its Applications”. “Mathematical Structures for Computer Science”. Lecture: 45 Tutorial:15 Total:60 Reference Books: 1. 2006. W. PHI. UNIT – I FUNDAMENTAL STRUCTURES (12) Set theory. Kishore S Trivedi. Queing and computer science applications”.Chandrasekaran. Rosen. Venkataraman. . 2. UNIT IV MULTI-CORE ARCHITECTURES (9) Introduction to Multicore Architecture –SMT and CMP architectures – Multicore Vs Multithreading– Case studies – Intel Multi-core architecture – SUN CMP architecture – IBM cell architecture.Hardware versus Software Speculation . William Stallings. UNIT V MEMORY HIERARCHY DESIGN (9) Introduction Optimizations of Cache Performance .Case Studies.Instruction Level Parallelism and Its Exploitation . 2006.Multiple Issue Processors – Case Studies. UNIT III MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEMS (9) Symmetric and distributed shared memory architectures – Cache coherence issues . Kai Hwang.P10CSE102 R ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE L T P C 3 0 0 3 Aim: To understand the advanced concepts in instruction set architecture and organization of modern computers. Patterson.Measuring and Reporting Performance . UNIT II TLP AND LIMITS OF ILP (9) Compiler Techniques for Exposing ILP .Case Studies. Scalability and Programmability” McGrawHill.Overcoming Data Hazards with Dynamic Scheduling – Dynamic Branch Prediction .Performance Issues – Synchronization issues – Models of Memory Consistency . Hennessey and David A.Speculation .Interconnection networks – Buses.Performance and Efficiency in Advanced Multiple Issue Processors .Limitations on ILP for Realizable Processors .Concepts and Challenges . edition. 4th. Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier. 1993 3.Design of Memory Hierarchies . Superscalar architecture and TLP performance  Understand different IO and Interconnection structures  Evaluate tradeoff in processor and memory design  Understand multicore architecture design UNIT I PIPELINING AND ILP (9) Fundamentals of Computer Design . 2007.45 Reference Books: 1. Pearson Education.. Course Objectives:  Understand processor design concepts in modern computer architecture.Memory Technology and Optimizations . . Seventh Edition.hp architecture. “ Computer Architecture – A quantitative approach”.Protection: Virtual Memory and Virtual Machines . crossbar and multistage switches. TOTAL . “Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for Performance”. John L. 2.  Understand Organization and Instruction Set Architecture  Understand Main and cache memory organization and design issues  Understand the ILP.Multithreading: Using ILP Support to Exploit Thread-level Parallelism . “Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism. S. S. E.  To understand the concepts of multimedia structures and algorithms. UNIT III SEARCH STRUCTURES (9) Binary Search Trees – AVL Trees – Red-Black trees – Multi-way Search Trees –B-Trees – Splay Trees – Tries.S. University Press. Brassard and P. 2007. Uiversity Press.  To understand the concepts of Heaps and search structures. 2007. UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS (9) L T P C 3 0 0 3 Mathematical Induction . 1998. Horowitz. Algorithmics: Theory and Practice. Total: 45 Reference Books: 1. 2. Sahni and S. Printice –Hall. 4. G. Subramanian. Morgan Kaufman. 3.Asymptotic Notations – Properties of Big-oh Notation – Conditional Asymptotic Notation – Algorithm Analysis – Amortized Analysis – NP Completeness – NP-Hard – Recurrence Equations – Solving Recurrence Equations – Memory Representation of Multi-dimensional Arrays – Time-Space Tradeoff. UNIT V ALGORITHMS (9) Huffman Coding – Convex Hull – Topological Sort – Tree Vertex Splitting – Activity Networks – Flow Shop Scheduling – Counting Binary Trees – Introduction to Randomized Algorithms. Bratley. Fundamentals of Data structures in C++. Rajasekaran. 1988. E. Computer Algorithms/C++. Objectives:  To understand the concepts of notations and analysis. UNIT II HEAP STRUCTURES (9) Min/Max heaps – Deaps – Leftist Heaps – Binomial Heaps – Fibonacci Heaps – Skew Heaps – Lazy-Binomial Heaps. . Horowitz.P10CSE103R ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS Aim: The aim is to introduce the concepts and implementation of advanced Data Structures. Second Edition. Principles of Multimedia Database systems. V.Sahni and Dinesh Mehta. UNIT IV MULTIMEDIA STRUCTURES (9) Segment Trees – k-d Trees – Point Quad Trees – MX-Quad Trees – R-Trees – TVTrees. Deadlock handling strategies in distributed system – Memory Management. PHI . UNIT – IV MULTIPROCESSOR OPERATING SYSTEMS (9) Basic multiprocessor system architectures – basic multiprocessor system architecture – inter connection networks for multiprocessor systems – Caching – structures of multiprocessor operating system – operating system design issues – process synchronization. Total: 45 Reference Books: 1. and be able to describe the advantages and disadvantages of each Knowing the concepts of multi processor & distributed operating system INTRODUCTION (9) UNIT – I Operating system concept – processes and threads. 2007. process termination.Event Ordering-Mutual ExclusionAtomicity. Deadlock avoidance. 2nd Edition. process model.Distributed file systems – Naming and Transparency-Remote File Access . process creation. UNIT – II DEADLOCK & MEMORY MANAGEMENT (9) Deadlocks-Introduction. address space. Semaphores.Galvin. Avi Silberschatz.Demand paging – Page Replacement. “Distributed Operating System: Concepts and Design”. Implementation of processes. 3. UNIT – III FILE SYSTEMS (9) File Concepts – Access methods – Directory Structure – File Protection – File System Implementation: File System Structure and Implementation – Directory Implementation – Allocation methods Free Space Management – Recovery – Disk Structure – Disk Scheduling. IEEE computer Society Press. Deadlock detection and Recovery. G. 2004. Pradeep K.P10CSE104 R ADVANCED OPERATING SYSTEMS L T P C 3 0 0 3 Aim: The overall aim of this course is to provide a general understanding of modern operating systems that explores design aspects of modern operating systems. Deadlock prevention. Objectives:     Explain the concepts of process. Mutual Exclusion with busy waiting. UNIT – V DISTRIBUTED OPERATING SYSTEM (9) Design issues in distributed operating system . sleep and wakeup. Andrew S. Monitors. and file Compare and contrast various CPU scheduling algorithms Understand the differences between segmented and paged memories.Stateful versus Stateless service – Distributed Coordination.B. Tanenbaum . P.Sinha.Election Algorithms. CPU scheduling – Scheduling Algorithms.Swapping – Paging – Segmentation – Virtual Memory .Concurrency Control. critical regions. John Wiley & Sons.Deadlock Handling .Gagne “Operating System Concepts” seventh edition.Race conditions. 2001 . “Modern Operating Systems”.Inter Process Communication. 2. PHI. 2005. use the testing tools and methods and also to understand the various quality standards. Pressman.P10CSE105R SOFTWARE ENGINEERING METHODOLOGIES L T P C 3 0 0 3 Aim: The subject aims to impart sound knowledge to design and implement an efficient software system and manage the resources. 1996. UNIT – II REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS (9) Functional and Non – functional requirements – user requirements – system requirements – interface specifications – software requirements document. UNIT – V SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE (9) Software Quality Concepts – Quality Assurance – Software Technical Reviews – Formal Approach to Software Quality Assurance – Reliability – Quality Standards – Software Quality Assurance Plan – Software Maintenance – Software Configuration Management – configuration item – process – objects in the software configuration – version control – change control – configuration audit – status reporting – SCM Standards – Case study : Martha Stockton Greengage (MSG) foundations. McGraw Hill. Management activities – project planning – project scheduling – risk management. “Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach”. Sixth Edition.Software Testing Strategies – Approach – issues – testing – unit – integration – validation – system – art of debugging. 2. Objectives: The students would be able to understand the process models and project management. Roger S. Architectures and Applications . UNIT – IV SOFTWARE TESTING (9) Software testing fundamentals – Test Case Design – White Box – Basis Path Testing – Control Structure Testing – Black Box – Testing for Specialized environments. I.Sommerville. design and develop an efficient software system through group cohesiveness. UNIT – I PROCESS AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT (9) Software Process models – process iteration – process activities – rational unified process – computer aided software engineering. “Software Engineering”. System Models – Context – Behavioral – Data – Object – Structured. Requirements engineering processes – feasibility studies – elicitation and analysis – validations – management. UNIT – III SOFTWARE DESIGN (9) Architectural Design – Distributed System Architectures – Application Architectures – Object Oriented Design – Real-time Software Design. Addison Wesley. Total: 45 Reference Books: 1. analyze software requirements. 5th Edition. . Morgan Kauffman Publishers. 2000 6.  To understand the Quality of Service issues. Pearson Education. 3. Morgan Kaufman Publishers. ‘High Performance TCP/IP Networking’. Jean Warland and Pravin Vareya. Mani Subramaniam. Mahbub Hassan and Raj Jain. 2007. ‘High Speed Networks: Performance and Quality of Service’. 2004. UNIT I FOUNDATIONS OF NETWORKING (9) Communication Networks – Network Elements – Switched Networks and Shared media Networks –Datagrams and Virtual Circuits – Multiplexing – Switching . 2002.P10CSE106R Aim: NETWORK ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT LT P C 3 0 0 3 The aim is to introduce the concepts of high performance and high speed networks. Kasera and Seth.  To understand the concepts of network management.  To understand the concepts of high performance and high speed networks. Fourth Edition. 2002. Tata McGraw Hill. Pearson Education. 5. Pearson Education. ‘Computer Networks: A Systems Approach’. ‘High Performance Networks’. ICMP – CMIP – SNMP– SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 – Remote monitoring – RMON SMI and MIB . Objectives:  To understand the basic concepts in networking. Larry L Peterson and Bruce S Davie. William Stallings.Error and Flow Control – Congestion Control – Layered Architecture UNIT II QUALITY OF SERVICE (9) Traffic Characteristics and Descriptors – Quality of Service and Metrics – Best Effort model and Guaranteed Service Model – Limitations of IP networks – Scheduling and Dropping policies for BE and GS models – Traffic Shaping algorithms – End to End solutions – Laissez Faire Approach UNIT III HIGH PERFORMANCE NETWORKS (9) Integrated Services Architecture – Components and Services – Differentiated Services Networks – Per Hop Behaviour – Admission Control – MPLS Networks – Principles and Mechanisms – Label Stacking – RSVP – RTP/RTCP UNIT IV HIGH SPEED NETWORKS (9) Optical links – WDM systems – Optical Cross Connects – Optical paths and Networks –Principles of ATM Networks – B-ISDN/ATM Reference Model – ATM Header Structure – ATM Adaptation Layer – Management and Control – Service Categories and Traffic descriptors in ATM networks UNIT V NETWORK MANAGEMENT (9) Total: 45 Reference Books: 1. 2. 2002 4. management and Quality of service. ‘ATM Networks: Concepts and Protocols’. ‘Network Management: Principles and Practices’. 2nd Edition. Deletion and Range Queries) Point Quad-Trees (Insertion. Deletion and Search) Splay Trees (Insertion. Deletion and Search) Tries for any specified alphabet (Insertion. Implementation of multi-dimensional structures such as matrices. Deletion and Search) B-Trees (Insertion. Implementation of any two of the following Heap structures Deaps (Insertion. . Delete Min. Implementation of any two of the following Search Structures AVL Trees (Insertion. Deletion and Search) 4. diagonal matrices. triangular matrices.P10CSE107 R DATA STRUCTURES LABORATORY L T P C 0 0 3 2 1. Finding Convex-hull. Implementation of any two of the following multimedia structures 2-d Trees (Insertion. Deletion – Show list of nodes where in insertion and deletion took place) 5. etc into a one dimensional array (atleast any two) 2. Deletion and Range Queries) Segment Trees (Insertion. Delete Max) Leftist Heap (All Meldable Priority Queue operations) Skew Heap (All Meldable Priority Queue operations) Fibonacci Heap (All Meldable Priority Queue operations) 3. Sona College of Technology, Salem (Autonomous) Subjects of Study for ME I Semester under Regulations 2010 Civil Engineering Branch: Structural Engineering S. No Course Code Course Title Theory 1 2 3 4 5 P10STR101 P10STR102 P10STR501 P10STR502 P10STR503 Matrix and Finite Element Methods of Structural analysis Design of Concrete Structures Advanced Concrete Technology Stability of Structures Advanced Foundation Engineering Practical 6 7 P10STR103 P10STR104 Computer Aided Structural Analysis Lab Structural Engineering Laboratory 0 0 0 0 4 4 Total Credits Approved by 2 2 21 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 3 3 3 Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit Chairperson, Civil Engineering BOS Dr.R.Kumutha Member Secretary, Academic Council Dr.B.Sathiyabhama Chairperson, Academic Council & Principal Dr.P.Govindarajan Copy to:Dean/Civil, First Semester ME STR Students and Staff, COE P11STR101 Objectives Matrix and Finite Element Methods of Structural analysis 3104 To educate the students to analyse the structures by Matrix methods  At the end of this course students will have sound knowledge of Finite element method and will be able to analyse linear elastic structures Unit – I Matrix Methods 9+3 Flexibility Method-Equilibrium and compatibility – Determinate Vs Indeterminate structures – Indeterminacy - Primary structure – Compatibility conditions – Analysis of indeterminate pinjointed plane frames, continuous beams, rigid jointed plane frames. Stiffness Method – Degree of freedom or Kinematic indeterminacy –Analysis procedure- Stiffness co-efficient- – Analysis of continuous beams – Analysis of pin-jointed plane frames and rigid frames. Unit – II Introduction to FEM 9+3 Introduction – General description of the method - Analysis procedure- Stress and strain vectorsstrain displacement equations-linear Constitutive equations-Plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric cases of elasticity-Energy principles- Variational methods- Rayleigh Ritz MethodGalerkins method –Concept of piecewise approximation. Unit – III Element Types and Properties 9+3 Concept of an element - Various element shapes- Approximating displacements by polynomialsConvergence and Compatibility Requirements-Pascal’s Triangle- Node numbering procedure – Natural coordinate system – Generalized coordinates – shape function – Lagrange, Serendipity and Hermitian elements – stiffness matrix – Nodal load vector –Condensation of internal degrees of freedom- Degrading Technique. Unit – IV Stress Analysis 9+3 Displacement formulation for axial element, beam bending element, Constant linear strain triangular elements- Linear Isoparametric quadrilateral and hexahedral elements, plate bending element and axisymmetric elements Unit – V Applications of FEM 9+3 Discretisation of a body or structure- Minimization of bandwidth- Selection of proper displacement or interpolation model- Derivation of element stiffness matrices and load vectorsAssemblage of element equation to obtain the overall equilibrium equation- Theory of direct stiffness method- solution for unknown nodal displacements computation of element strains and stresses-Application of displacement finite elements to the analysis of simple problems like beams, pin jointed plane frames and plate problems Lecture : 45, Tutorial : 15 , Total :60 References 1. Weaver, J.R and Gere,J.M., Matrix analysis of framed structures, CBS Publishers,newDelhi,1986. 2. Rao, S.S., The Finite Element Method in Engineering, Pergamon Press, 1999. 3. Bathe, K.J., Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1995. 4. Chandrakant S Desai and John F Abel., introduction to Finite Element Method, Affiliated East-West Press private Limited,1987 5. Krishnamoorthy C.S, Finite Element Analysis – Theory and programming, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.. 1994 6. Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla and Ashok D. Belegundu, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 2002 7. Structural Analysis – A Matrix Approach – G.S. Pandit & S.P. Gupta, Tata McGraw Hill 2004. . flat slab and grid floors  To expose them to the concepts of ductile detailing of R. “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”. 4.C.P.1986.1975. KrishnaRaju . IS 13920 and other relevant codes are permitted) Objectives  To make the students familiar with the limit state design of R.Design of deep beams Unit – III Design of Flat slabs and Grid floors 9+3 Yield line analysis of slabs-Hillerberg’s strip method of design of slab-Design of flat slabEquivalent frame method of design-Approximate analysis and Design of grid floors Unit – IV Inelastic behaviour of R.2002.C. . beams 9+3 Inelastic behaviour of concrete beams – Moment Rotation curves – Moment redistribution – Baker’s method of analysis and design – Design of cast in situ joints in frame. Tata Mcgraw Hill .Shear walls. walls . Park. bending moment and torsion-Design of slabs. P. Lecture : 45. 3. SP 16. “ Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements”: Behaviour Analysis and Design. Corbels.T. John wiley & Sons. Tutorial : 15 .C.C. SP 34.Design of short and slender columns including biaxial bending Design for limit state of serviceability-Calculation of deflection and crackwidth according to IS and ACI codes Unit – II Design of special R. elements such as deep beams.1986. Purushothaman . shear walls. Unit – V Detailing Requirements 9+3 Design and detailing of structural members using seismic design .Classification and design principles-Rectangular and Flanged shear walls-Design of corbels. Elements 9+3 Design of R. “ Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design” Prentice Hall of India.C. 2. members as per IS Codes Unit – I Review of limit State Design 9+3 Design for limit state of collapse-Design of beams for combined effect of shear.Reinforcement detailing of structural members as per SP:34 & IS:5525 – Earth quake Resistant Design – Detailing requirements for Ductility as per IS:13920 . IS 5525.C.P11STR102 Design of Concrete Structures 3104 (Use of IS 456-2000. “Reinforced Concrete Structures”. Total : 60 References 1. Beams and columns  At the end of this course students will be able to design special R. Varghese. CBS Publishers and Distributors .Fire resistance of buildings.C.R and Pauly.N.C. New Delhi.New Delhi..Constituent Materials --Strength of Concrete. London. Concrete Technology. Unit – IIII Concrete Testing 9 Workability-Compression-Tension-Flexure-Bond strength-Factors affecting the resultsAccelerated strength results-Stress strain characteristics.Ltd.  To make the students understand the properties of fresh and hardened concrete and to know the tests for determining these properties Unit – I Introduction 9 Concrete: Past. 4 Krishnaraju. New Delhi. A..S. 7 Santhakumar.R. 2007 .Ferrocement Concrete Vaccum Concrete – Shotcrete .A.Steel fiber Reinforced Concrete.Distribution of strength-Standard deviationNon destructive tests-I.S.S.High Strength Concrete .Indian Standards Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete 6 IS: 10262.Modulus of Elasticity-In situ strength determination-Variation in results..2003.Ltd.M.P11STR501 Advanced Concrete Technology 3003 Objectives  To enable the students to design concrete mixes as per ACI and IS methods.A.Chemical and Mineral Admixtures-Properties of Fresh and hardened Concrete Unit – II Mix Design 9 Principles of Concrete Mix Design. Pitman Publishing Limited.Methods -I.N. code provision Unit – IV Special Concretes 9 Lightweight and Heavy Weight Concrete .M. Publishing Co. Oxford University Press. “Concrete Technology”.Ready Mixed Concrete – Self compacting concrete-Geopolymer concrete. “Design of Concrete mixes”. Tata McGraw Hill.I . 2000. 5 IS:456-2000.Thermal properties of concrete-fire resistance-Methods of making durable concrete .Concrete Technology. Methods-Mix proportion.Faridabad.Design of concrete mix with Fly ash and silica fume.Correction for moisture contentBulking-Yield of concrete-Design of High strength concrete and Self compacting concreteEFNARC Specifications.Factors in the choice of mix proportions-Mix design methods.Polymers in Concrete .2004. Sehgal Educational Consultants Pvt. Properties of Concrete. 3 Gambir.High Performance Concrete . 1995 2 Shetty M..Dimensional Stability of Concrete. Unit – V Durability of Concrete 9 Permeability-chemical attack-sulphate attack-Quality of water-marine conditions. Present and Future.Chand and Company Ltd.C.Mass ConcreteFormwork-Structural Concrete Block Masonry -Quality Control of Concrete Construction Total: 45 References 1 Neville. “Recommended Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design”.L..S. P11STR502 Stability of Structures 3 0 0 3 Objectives  At the end of this course students will be in a position to understand the phenomenon of buckling and its effects on structural components. 2004..1986.Narrow rectangular cross sections. Unit – V Buckling of Thin Plates 9 Isotropic rectangular plates . springer. 2003 4. 1974. Total: 45 References 1.standard cases. Timoshenko.R. 3.  They will be in a position to design these components taking into account the effect of buckling Unit – I Stability of Columns 9 Concepts of Elastic Structural stability.Flexural torsional buckling – Equilibrium and energy approach.Simply Supported on all edges – Use of Energy methods –Numerical Techniques. Energy and Imperfection approaches – Non-prismatic columns. “Stability Analysis and Design of Structures”. “Structural stability of columns and plates”.Built up columns.Application to Symmetric and single symmetric I beams – simply supported and Cantilever beams .Effective length of Columns Inelastic behaviour... New York .Analytical approaches to stability . Allied Publishers LTD.Tangent modulus and Double modulus theory Unit – III Beam Columns and Frames 9 Beam column behaviour..Large deflection theory.Elastic Buckling of columns. “Principles of Structures Stability Theory”. 5. Gambhir.Buckling modes Effect of shear on buckling load . Chajes.characteristics of stability analysis. . Unit – II Methods of Analysis and In Elastic Buckling 9 Approximate methods – Rayleigh and Galerkin methods – numerical methods – Finite difference and finite Element . Iyenger. New Delhi.Continuous columns and beam columns – Columns on elastic foundation – Buckling of frames – Single storey portal frames with and without side sway – Classical and stiffness methods – Use of Wood’s charts. A. S. 2.– Numerical solutions – Torsional buckling – Uniform and non uniform Torsion on open cross section . Ashwini Kumar. Affiliated East West Press.Equilibrium. and Gere.Derivation of Column design formula . Stability of Structures.Column curves . Unit – IV Buckling of Beams 9 Lateral buckling of beams – Energy method. McGraw Hill Book Company. 2009.Governing Differential equations . Prentice Hall.G. “Theory of Elastic Stability”.analysis of columns – Experimental study of column behaviour – South well plot .N. Pvt. Swamy Saran. “Foundation Engineering Hand Book – Van Nostrard . Unit – III Pile Foundations 9 Types of piles-Static and Dynamic pile formula-Pile load test-Negative skin friction-Pile groupsEfficiency of pile group-Settlement of piles-Batter piles-Analysis of pile groups. 7..Forces acting-Construction and sinking.Cantilever sheet pile walls in granular soils and cohesive soils .Structural design of under reamed and cast in situ piles –Design of pile caps Unit – IV Well Foundations 9 Types of wells or caissons-Components-Shapes of wells. V..Types . Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd.Y. “Foundation Design manual for Practicing Engineers”. Bowels J. 6.Dimensions Cell fill .Fixed earth support method – lateral earth pressure on Braced sheet pile walls .Reinhold . . P. 2007 5.F. Murthy.Wiley Eastern Ltd.Cofferdams .Cofferdams on deep layers of sand or clay. 1982. strip.Design of drilled caissons Unit – V Machine Foundations and Foundations on expansive soils 9 Introduction to vibrations.V. C. Foundation Design. E “Foundation Analysis and Design” McGraw-Hill International Book Co. Winterkorn H.1976.. 2006 2. Advanced Foundation Engineering.components . Foundation Engineering. rectangular and trapezoidal combined footings – strap– raft foundation – Approximate flexible method of raft design..Cellular cofferdams . Ltd. Construction. Nayak. Varghese. J. 1991. Analysis and Design of Substructures. 2006 3.. and Fang H. Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.Anchored Bulk head . ELBS Longman.8. Thomlinson and R. CBS publisher. Boorman.Determination-Types of foundation.Stability of cellular cofferdams . N. Dhanpat Rai and Sons. N. S.Free earth support method . deep foundation and machine foundation Unit – I Shallow Foundations 9 Types of foundations and their specific applications – depth of foundation – bearing capacity and settlement estimates –structural design of isolated footings. M..  They will be able to select the type of foundation to be adopted and to design shallow foundation. New Delhi.Cofferdams in Rock . Gopal Ranjan and ASR Rao.Soil spring constants.P11STR503 Advanced Foundation Engineering 3 0 0 3 Objectives  At the end of this course students will be able to determine the bearing capacity of soil.Design criteria for satisfactory action of a machine foundation.Identification of swelling-Field conditions-Consequence of swelling-Design Total: 45 References 1. 1995 4. Unit – II Sheet Pile Walls and Cofferdams 9 Sheet pile structures . E.P. Salem (Autonomous) Subjects of Study for ME I Semester under Regulations 2010 Electronics and Communication Engineering Branch: M. Academic Council Chairperson.K.R. No Course Code Course Title Theory Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit 1 2 3 4 5 6 P10VLD101 P10VLD102 P10VLD103 P10VLD104 P10VLD105 P10VLD106 Applied Mathematics Digital Signal Processing Integrated Circuits Advanced Digital System Design VLSI Design Techniques Solid State Device Modeling and Simulation Testing of VLSI Circuits Practical 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 3 3 7 P10VLD107 VLSI Design Lab I 0 0 4 Total Credits 2 24 Approved by Chairperson. VLSI Design S.Sathiyabhama Dr.Govindarajan . Electronics and Communication Engineering BOS Member Secretary. COE Dr. First Semester ME VLSI Students and Staff.Kashwan Copy to:HOD/ECE. Academic Council & Principal Dr.Sona College of Technology.B. formula. REFERENCES: 1. PHI. to acquire skills in handling situation involving random variable. PHI. Geometrical.Two dimensional Random Variables – Marginal and Conditional Distributions – Covariance and Correlation Coefficient .D’Alembert’s Solution Significance of characteristic curves .Legendre polynomials. 1997. New Delhi. H.Legendre polynomials -Rodrigue’s formula Recurrence relations. Khanna Publishers. WAVE EQUATION 9+3 Solution of initial and boundary value problems.M/G/1 queueing system – P.R. Kanpur J.Bessel Functions. S. H.. . 1995. Jain M.. New Age International (P) Ltd. Normal Distributions. “Operations Research. Greweal B.Functions of Two dimensional random variable QUEUEING THEORY 9+3 Single and Multiple server Markovian queueing models . Gauss-Jordan and LU decomposition method.APPLIED MATHEMATICS 3104 AIM To introduce the students about the linear algebraic & wave equations.Priority queues .generating functions and orthogonal property for Bessel functions . 2005.Laplace transform solutions for displacement in a long string . “International Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation”. 2003. Sankara Rao. Random variables and Queuing theory in the engineering field. • To learn the basics and gained the skill for specialized studies and research. Iyengar.Chand & Co.Legendre’s equation .An Introduction “ 6th Edition.C. “Introduction to Partial Differential Equation “. Publlishers 2003.K. 3. Poisson..a long string under its weight . S. RANDOM VARIABLES 9+3 One dimensional Random Variable .Jacobi.Eigen values of a matrix by Jacobi and Power method. LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATION AND EIGEN VALUE PROBLEMS 9+3 System of equations.K. 2.Moments and MGF – Binomial. Gauss-Seidal iteration method.K. & Saxena. Taha.ESTER I P10VLD101 .Characteristics. L + T = 45 + 15 = 60 TEXT BOOKS: 1.K.Steady state system size probabilities – Little’s formula .Solution by Gauss Elimination. 2.free vibrations of a string. & Jain R. SPECIAL FUNCTIONS 9+3 Bessel’s equation .K. OBJECTIVES • To develop efficient algorithms for solving numerical methods.a bar with prescribed force on one end. “Mathematical Statistics”. “Higher Engineering Mathematics”.S.N.A. FFT processor. DFT & FFT computation. 3. Mapping of DSP algorithms onto hardware. . Implementation based on complex PEs. Coefficient sensitivity. Filter structures. Signal flow graphs. REFERENCES: 1. OBJECTIVES  To study DSP system design & CMOS technologies. UNIT IV 9 DSP ARCHITECTURES AND SYNTHESIS OF DSP ARCHITECTURES DSP system architectures. 2. Barrie W.Oppenheim et. BS Publications. Shared memory architecture with Bit – serial PEs. Multiprocessors and multicomputers. “DSP Integrated Circuits”. MOS transistors.Serial arithmetic. Residue Number System . Discrete cosine transforms. Interpolation with an integer factor L.al. ‘VLSI digital Signal Processing Systems design and Implementation’ John Wiley & Sons. Finite word length effects –Parasitic oscillations. Layout of VLSI circuits. UNIT I 9 DSP INTEGARTED CIRCUITS AND VLSI CIRCUIT TECHNOLOGIES Standard digital signal processors. Sampling rate change with a ratio L/M. FFT-The Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm. ‘Discrete-time Signal Processing’ Pearson education.DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AIM 3104 To introduce the students about the DSPICs. Pearson education. Shared memory architectures. Ifeachor. Frequency response. 4. DFT-The Discrete Fourier Transform. Systolic and Wave front arrays. Scaling of signal levels. Adaptive DSP algorithms.. Academic press.V. Transfer functions. Redundant Number system. Improved shift-accumulator. 1999. Selection of sample frequency. Sensitivity and noise. “ VLSI Design Methodologies for Digital Signal Processing Architectures”. Application specific IC’s for DSP. Measuring round-off noise. Image coding. Mapping of analog filter structures.Parhi. Signal-processing systems. Round-off noise. DSP architectures and its synthesis. Specifications of IIR filters. Bayoumi & Magdy A. DSP systems. Basic shift accumulator. FIR filter structures. Complex multipliers. Emmanuel C. DCT processor and Interpolator as case studies L : 45. New York 1999. IIR filters. UNIT V 9 ARITHMETIC UNITS AND INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DESIGN Conventional number system. Sampling of analog signals. Asia 2001. Multirate filters. “ Digital signal processing – A practical approach”. Standard DSP architecture. DSP system design. T:15 Total 60 TEXT BOOK: 1. Second edition. Lars Wanhammer. 2000. Mapping of analog transfer functions. Arithmetic units and logic circuit design. A. Ideal DSP architectures.  To introduce the architecture of synthesis of DSP. Keshab K.  To study the digital filters and finite word length. Jervis.P10VLD102 . Reducing the memory size. VLSI process technologies.Integrated circuit design. MOS logic. Multirate systems. FIR chips. Trends in CMOS technologies. 2005. UNIT III 9 DIGITAL FILTERS AND FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECTS FIR filters. UNIT II 9 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Digital signal processing.Bit-parallel and Bit. Prentice Hall International Inc. Nripendra N Biswas “Logic Design Theory” Prentice Hall of India. and Irwin J. 2004.. Charles H. REFERENCES: 1.  To study the system design using VHDL. OBJECTIVES  To learn how to design Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuit Design.P10VLD103 . 2. 4. Nelson V. McGraw International.Z.VHDL Code for – Serial Adder.1995. 2001. Givone “Digital principles and Design” Tata McGraw Hill. Donald G. 3. “Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design”.D.T. 1998. 2. John M Yarbrough “Digital Logic applications and Design” Thomson Learning.Xilinx 4000 UNIT V 9 SYSTEM DESIGN USING VHDL VHDL Description of Combinational Circuits – Arrays – VHDL Operators – Compilation and Simulation of VHDL Code – Modeling using VHDL – Flip Flops – Registers – Counters – Sequential Machine – Combinational Logic Circuits . L :45 T:15 Total 60 TEXT BOOKS: 1.ADVANCED DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN AIM 3104 To introduce the students about Sequential Circuit Design. Roth Jr. UNIT IV 9 SYNCHRONOUS DESIGN USING PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES Programmable Logic Devices – Designing a Synchronous Sequential Circuit using a PAL – Realization State machine using PLD –Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs) . UNIT III 9 FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND TESTABILITY ALGORITHMS Fault Table Method – Path Sensitization Method – Boolean Difference Method – D Algorithm – Tolerance Techniques – The Compact Algorithm – Practical PLA’s – Fault in PLA – Test Generation – Masking Cycle – DFT Schemes – Built-in Self Test. “Fundamentals of Logic design” Thomson Learning. UNIT II 9 ASYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN Analysis of Asynchronous Sequential Circuit (ASC) – Flow Table Reduction – Races in ASC – State Assignment – Problem and the Transition Table – Design of ASC – Static and Dynamic Hazards – Essential Hazards – Data Synchronizers – Designing Vending Machine Controller – Mixed Operating Mode Asynchronous Circuits. Carroll B. “VHDL Analysis and Modeling of Digital Systems... UNIT I 9 SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN Analysis of Clocked Synchronous Sequential Networks (CSSN) Modeling of CSSN – State Stable Assignment and Reduction – Design of CSSN – Design of Iterative Circuits – ASM Chart – ASM Realization. 3. Programmable logic circuits design and types of fault that occurs in digital circuits. 2002.P.  To determine the types of fault that occurs in digital circuits.D. Stephen Brown and Zvonk Vranesic “Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Design” Tata McGraw Hill. Navabi. 2001.  To learn how to design Programmable logic circuits and logic synthesis compiler based on VHDL. .FPGA – Xilinx FPGA – Xilinx 3000 . Binary Multiplier – Binary Divider – complete Sequential Systems – Design of a Simple Microprocessor. Nagale H..2002. J. To study about Verilog HDL Programme  UNIT I VLSI DESIGN PROCESS. data flow modelling.VLSI DESIGN TECHNIQUES AIM 3104 To know the students about the CMOS processing Technology. Static CMOS design.Scaling. switching times. Basic of CMOS & its characterization and Verilog HDL Programming. REFERENCES: 1. John Wiley & Sons. Arithmetic circuits – Ripple carry adders.Publications. CMOS logic structures . Prentice Hall of India Publication. modules and port definitions. 2001. dynamic CMOS design. Stick diagram. 3. NMOS and PMOS transistors. Threshold voltage. L :45 T:15 Total 60 TEXT BOOK: 1. Neil H.P10VLD104 . Pucknell.. transistor sizing.Uyemura “Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems”. Charge sharing . DC and transient characteristics . OBJECTIVES  To learn the CMOS processing technology and basic CMOS circuits.Second order effects. 2nd Edition. Transmission gates. High-speed adders. “Basic VLSI Design”. Super buffers. Inverter ratio. Shift registers.Body effect. Test Bench. UNIT III 9 CIRCUIT CHARACTERISATION AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION Resistance estimation. comparators. NMOS and CMOS Inverters. 4. . Weste and Kamran Eshraghian. John P. CMOS transistor theory and logic design. UNIT IV 9 VLSI SYSTEM COMPONENTS CIRCUITS Multiplexers. 9 VLSI Design Process – Architectural Design – Logical Design – Physical Design – Layout Styles –Full custom.E. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design. behavioral modelling. gate level modelling. Decoders. 2002 2. “A Verilog HDL Primer”. Inc. Pearson Education ASIA. MOS TRANSISTOR THEORY AND PROCESS TECHNOLOGY. Basic CMOS technology.Design equations. 2000. Carry look ahead adders. power dissipation and design margining. 2002. UNIT II 9 INVERTERS AND LOGIC GATES. Capacitance estimation. 1995. Semicustom approaches. “ Digital Integrated Circuits” Prentice Hall of India.Bhasker. MOS models and small signal AC characteristics. task & functions. Jan M Rabaey. hierarchical modelling concepts. Inductance. priority encoders. switching characteristics. B.S. 2nd edition. Multipliers UNIT V 9 VERILOG HARDWARE DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE Overview of digital design with Verilog HDL. Driving large capacitance loads. CMOS Models in SPICE. Band gap. Tyagi M. OBJECTIVES    To introduce an overall idea about solid state devices and it‘s parameters. 3. 2 nd Edition Mc Graw Hill. Diodes : Forward and Reverse biased junctions – Reverse bias breakdown – Transient and AC conditions -– Static and Dynamic behavior.SwitchingEber . UNIT IV 9 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT Bipolar Junction Transistor Parameter – Static Parameter Measurement Techniques – Large signal parameter Measurement Techniques. UNIT V 9 OPTOELECTRONIC DEVICE MODELING Static and Dynamic Models. Numerical Technique. New York. “Semiconductor Device Modeling with SPICE” Second Edition..SOLID STATE DEVICE MODELING AND SIMULATION AIM 3003 To learn the students about the modeling techniques used in solid state devices and measurement the solid state device parameters.Molls and Gummel Poon Model.P10VLD105 . To study how to measure the solid state device parameters. SPICE modeling . Carrier Concentration.M. Total: 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. S. Mohammed Ismail & Terri Fiez “Analog VLSI-Signal & Information Processing” 1st ED. New York. Gummel Plots. “Solid State Devices”. 1985. John Wiley and sons. UNIT III 9 MOSFET MODELING MOS Transistor – NMOS. To study the modeling technique and different models used for the implementation of circuits using solid state devices.Streetman. Depletion Type MOSFET. McGraw-Hill Inc.Sze “Semiconductor Devices . Laser Diode and Photodetectors. Equivalent Circuits.S. Ben. 1997.Small and Large signal models – SPICE model for a Diode – Temperature and Area effects on Diode Model Parameters. Avalanche Process. 1993.Threshold Voltage – Second order effects Temperature Short Channel and Narrow Width Effect. PMOS – MOS Device equations .Measurement of Capacitance. Models for Enhancement. “Introduction to Semiconductor Devices”.G. UNIT II 9 BIPOLAR DEVICE MODELING Transistor Models: BJT – Transistor Action – Minority carrier distribution and Terminal currents . MOSFET: Long and Short Channel Parameters. UNIT I 9 BASIC SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS Quantum Mechanical Concepts. Noise Sources. Transport Equation. 2. Carrier Generation and Recombination.1981 REFERENCES: 1. 2. Mobility and Resistivity.Physics and Technology”. .Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd 2001. Giuseppe Massobrio and Paolo Antogentti. Rate Equations.temperature and area effects. Prentice Hall . Modeling of LEDs. Fault Diagnosis for Combinational Circuits – Selfchecking design .Classical scan based design – System level DFT approaches. Breuer and A. "Design for Test for Digital IC's and Embedded Core Systems". M.P10VLD106 . Prentice Hall International.design of testable sequential circuits.System Level Diagnosis.Test generation for Embedded RAMs UNIT V 9 Logic Level Diagnosis . Agrawal. A. "Digital Circuit Testing and Testability". Friedman. Abramovici. M. "Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital. . 2. 2002.Delay models .Types of simulation . 2.D. Lala. OBJECTIVES   UNIT I Complex digital systems in single chips.BIST Architectures – Testable Memory Design . Kluwar Academic Publishers. 2002.Ad-hoc design . Crouch.Circular BIST . REFERENCES: 1.Diagnosis by UUT reduction . UNIT II 9 Test generation for combinational logic circuits . UNIT III 9 Design for Testability . "Digital Systems and Testable Design" Jaico Publishing House. Total 45 TEXT BOOKS: 1. UNIT IV 9 Built-In Self Test . 2002.Logical Fault Models – Fault detection Fault location . M.D.Logic Simulation .TESTING OF VLSI CIRCUITS AIM 3003 To introduce the students how to find and test the faults present in Combinational and Sequential circuits.Test algorithms . Bushnell and V.Test pattern generation for BIST .Faults in digital circuits . P. must be verify to ensure that they are functioning correctly.L.Generic scan based design . 2002. Academic Press.A. Memory and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits". Testing of VLSI circuits deals with the nuts and bolts of such technique used verify the system in chip.L.Testable combinational logic circuit design – Test generation for sequential circuits .Fault dominance .K. 9 Introduction to Testing .Gate level Eventdriven simulation.Modeling of faults . Modeling of Sequential Digital system using VHDL. Modeling of Sequential Digital system using Verilog. 2. Digital Filters. Implementation of MAC Unit using FPGA. 9. Design and Implementation of ALU using FPGA. 10. Design of Static and Dynamic Logic Circuits 7. Writing Test Benches Using Verilog / VHDL 4. Modeling of MOSFET using C. 6. 5. Implementation of FFT.P10VLD107 VLSI DESIGN LAB I 1. Implementation of DSP algorithms using software package. 3. 0042 . 8. Simulation of NMOS and CMOS circuits using SPICE.
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