Mechanics Syllabus

March 26, 2018 | Author: Ren Neils | Category: Nonverbal Communication, Narration, Body Language, Test (Assessment), Languages



Completion of Series: In this type, a series is given in which a word, letter, a figure or digit is missing somewhere in between or at theend and the candidate is required to insert it.  Example 1: Find the missing, 3,7,11,15,__,__ Ans: ( write it in the comment box) 2. Relationship of Analogy Tests: This is a mathematical type of exercise. There is certain type of relationship between two objects or ideas and bye establishing the same kind of relationship between the third and the fourth, the missing object or idea is to be provided.  Example 1: Q1 Bird is to fly as man is to _______ Ans: (write it in the comment box)  Example 2: Q2 Watch is to wrist as ring is to ______ Ans: (write it in the comment box) 3. Relationship Test: There is a certain relationship between the pairs of words.  Example 1: Write the number of the two word which have the relationship as tailor and clothes. (1) Cobbler (2) Doctor (3) Medicine (4) Shoes Ans: (write it in the comment box) 4. Jumbled Spelling Test: In this type of test, jumbled spelling of common words are given. The candidate is required to think out the correct work. Sometimes a hint about the nature of the word is also provided.  Example 1: Which choice mentions the last letter of the word rearranged from the following jumbled spelling: Q: COYEKH is an outdoor game. Options: Q,X,Y,H. 5. Coding and Decoding Test: In these tests, number, letters of alphabet do not stand for themselves but for some other letters, i.e., they have an artificial code value. These artificial or code values are given according to some set principle. By applying that principle the candidates can decode a coded word or number.  Example 1: If HKTG means Fire, what does YCVGT mean ?  Example 2: If 3=0, 4=4, 5=10, 6=18 then 7=? 6. Multiple Choice or Best Reason Test: In this case a question or an incomplete statement is followed by many possible alternative choices as answers and candidates are required to select the more appropriate choice that completes the statement or answers the question.  Example 1: Delhi is famous because (a) It is very neat city (b) It is the capital of India (c) The President and PM live in it. 7. Same Class Test: In this type of test, a group of words is given. Some of these words belong to one particular class but one ore more words do not belong to that class.  Example 1: Write the number of object which is different from the other objects in the following collection: (a) Teacher, (b) Professor, (c) Student, (d) Head Master, (e) Principal. 8. Synonym Test: In this type, pairs of words with the same meaning are given. But a certain pair of such that the meaning of the two words in the pair is not the same. Candidates are required to pick it out and write the number of that pair.  Example 1: Write the number of the pair, the words which do not have the same type of meaning as the others. (a) Agony and Pain, (b) Danger and Risk, (c) Freedom and Bondage, (4) Integrity and Honesty. 9. Antonym Test: In this type some pairs of words have opposite meaning but a certain pair of a different nature. Candidates are required to pick out the same. etc. Alternative choices for suitable or probable answer may or may not be provided in this type of test. (a) All animals are animals but all cats are not cats.Sequence Test: In this type. turn left again and walk 2 miles. (a) Compulsory. (c) Excess. (d) West.  Example 1: 3 years ago. then turn left and walk 3 miles towards the north. RING. 17. division and multiplication are written but arithmetical sign are omitted . months of the year. 13. OWL.  Example 1: Think of a single letter which when prefixed to the following words forms new words: READ. which choice mentions the direction in which you are going? (a) North.  Example 1: X and Y are children of Z.Jumbled Sentences Tests: In this type the words forming a sentences are jumbled up and candidates are required to rearrange these to form a sensible sentence. RISK.Assigning Correct Mathematical Signs: Sometimes arithmetical questions involving addition. The students are required to study the questions carefully and understand in which way the answer is to be expressed. Write "wrong" unless 3/4 when divide by 1/4 makes 1/3 in which case write 'right' 16. Famine. Obstruction. What is the difference between their ages today? 12. the candidates are required to make use of a keen sense of direction and remember the distance covered in each direction. 18. What is Y to Z? 14. etc. what day of the week will precede the 19th of the month. Candidates are required to insert these. Example 1: Write the number if the pair. 11.  Example 1: 24_5_4=9 .Word Building Tests: This type of test is meant to test the ability of students in word building. Lakshmi was 5 years older than Sita.Supplying the missing figures:  Example 1: Rupees Paisa **6 *2 . For example: forming new words by suffixing or prefixing new letters or taking off from or adding new letters to the body of words.Common Sense Test: In these type of tests. 10.  Example 1: Rearrange the following jumbled words to form sensible sentences.  Example 1: If you start from point A and walk 4 miles towards the east. Voluntary. (b) Help. Candidates have to draw upon their own past experience. (b) East. RIGHT. (c) South. subtraction.Confusing Instructions Tests: Questions of this type are simple to solve but instruction issued are confusing.Direction Sense Test: In this type of test. Surplus.  Example 1: If 1/2 when added to 1/4 makes 3/4. the words of which have a relationship different from the other pairs. the candidates are required to make use of their common sense only. Z is the father of X but Y is not the son of Z.Blood Relationship Tests: One is required to have fair knowledge of blood relations. sequence of words in the dictionary or sequence of letters of alphabets.  Example 1: If fifth of the month falls two days after Monday. one is required to concentrate on correct sequence of days of the week. (4) Food. 15.  On the right hand side of the sheet. How to write a story in PPDT?  You will see the picture for 30 secs and then you will get 1 min to note down few details and then 4 mins to write your story on the page provided by the SSB.  Write M/F/P for male/female/person(if the gender is not clear). mood and circle the character you have seen first. as the name suggests.  Write +/-/0 for positive/negative/neutral mood.  All these details have to be marked inside the box printed on the sheet provided by SSB. their age. you need to write a story on the picture shown.  Write their age assumed by you and as per the picture shown.  Circle the details of the character you have seen first. you have to write the action happening in your story. narrate it and then discuss among group members to make a common story.  In 1 minute you have to write down the details like gender of the characters you have seen. it could be in 3-4 words like " .x7 _____________________________________ 6*57 *4 What is PPDT?  PPDT stands for picture perception and discussion test. I have seen a female[F] character first on the very left side of the frame with positive mode and age around 26 years. but try to keep it relevant. I not able to guess the gender so I marked it as a person [P] but I guess the age would be 45 years and mood is neutral.  These assumptions may vary person to person. Individual narration: 1. Details in the Box  According to the picture. so based on that I assumed some story in my mind and based on that I wrote the action in very short.  I have seen another character in the middle of the frame. but try to assume practical and logical. you can add the missing parts while narrating but again make sure you do not change your story completely.Assume that you have seen the picture(above) during story writing. individual narration and group discussion decides whether you stay for the day or screened out. Discussion Test [Individual Narration + Group Discussion] This part of screening which can make most of us nervous. After the story writing. the next candidate will start his/her narration. once finished. So you can see what I have mentioned it in the box given. Your Story Once you are done with above. but that's okay. Candidate with the least chest number start narrating his/her story. assessors will not interrupt neither you are suppose to look or talk to assessors. candidates will be divided in a group of 12 -14. it will be displayed till 30 secs and then 1 min for noting down few details. so my story is related to farming/ agricultural. all group members are suppose to sit in a semi circular fashion. then write it as a female but male. I find the scene of an agricultural land. you will get 4 mins to write the story. Assumptions may vary person to person. one is individual narration and another is group discussion. You will be getting chance to read your story again just to revise before the individual narration starts. Sometime you may not be able to finish the story in time. use your full ability to perform well enough during narration and discussion. 2. This part consist two things. as a matter of fact. After seeing the picture few keywords came to my mind like farming+poor+agriculture+help+fertilizers+drought+earning+livelihood etc etc . keep your story relavent to the picture and characters mentioned by you. one may see only two characters and other may assume it as a battle ground. if you find the character as a female. so it depends on how you think and respond to what you see.  I have also seen another female[F] on the right hand side of the frame with little sad facial expression (negative mood) and age around 40 years. This will proceeds till last candidate. . Once the narration start. So. Action Part Coming to action part. Try to learn from your experiences. yes screening seems very difficult for those who got screened out many times. SSB consist of 2 stages. You may get 5-10 mins for discussion. 4. 4. The motto of the group discussion is to make a common story out of the picture shown. try to attempt all the questions because time is very limited if they say 15 mins for test take it as 10 mins and attempt most of the questions because no "negative" marking. You will get your results after few hours. 5. 2.3. you may get maximum 1 min to finish your narration. PPDT/Screening Result: 1. Try to keep your story short and to the point. 6. you are suppose to keep your calm and show maturity. those who are selected stay back for next few days for stage-II testing. group discussion begins among group members without any interruption from assessors.This post is regarding screening. This makes the discussion easier because of less candidates in each group. what you need to do is write a story according to the picture shown to you for 4 mins only and later you have to discuss about the picture and make a common story in group discussion. If the group discussion becomes fish market. first stage is called as screening test and second stage consist of 3 important test knows as Psychology test. As soon as the last candidate completes his/her narration. Group Discussion: 1. . Advertisement Verbal and non verbal is not difficult to crack because its just to test your OIR [ Officer's Intelligence Rate ]. You will be getting sufficient instructions from assessors before the narration starts. At last assessors will stop the discussion and tell the group to move out of the room. Generally it starts with 6-7 candidates speaking/yelling at the same time. Now the most famous picture perception and discussion test. screening test result is on the basis of your Intelligence tests [verbal & non verbal ] and PPDT [Picture Perception and Discussion test]. assessors may divide the group into two halves. Don't loose hope if you are not selected. 3.Screening test is indeed a difficult test because of the competition level. 2. Group Testing Officers (GTO) Test and personal interview. so choose a good name for your character.Some time we get stuck in between during narration. Assessors should get some interest and attention while reading/listening to your story but again do not make detective type and superman type stories be normal and practical. look at every one while narrating except looking at assessors. be confident about your story . do not worry about that try to come back on the track as soon as possible. getting reward for a good work is not that easy in Indian ( kidding)please avoide this reward system and just make a happy ending with some twists and turns in your story. and keep your story simple during narration so that you don't stuck in between and also don't bug others as well. for god sake don't write Ram. try to convey the message of your story instead of going deep into the story content { do not take much time to finish}. Okay you must be good at writing story so where is the fault ?? let us talk about group discussion. Also some of them write totally different story like if they see a "village scene" then hero wanted to work for his village as an engineer !! Really you want to do that ?? At least write something which has quick action and not future plans kind of things. Sohan. Some of you give rewards at the end of your story just for a social work.. a very tensed situation isn't it ?? Also Read:  PPDT-Picture Perception and Discussion Test  10 reasons why you are screened out from SSB Tips while narrating: Be loud enough while narrating the story . On the whole your story narration is easy and attractive because all you . I am sure every second person write "RAM" as his hero.PPDT Sample Picture What are the mistakes candidates do generally? Firstly you write a good story which has head and tail and match with the picture shown to all of you have friends with this name only? if not use your friends name. Mohan.. what is this ? fine its good if you like others story but it didn't mean that saying such lines let you in for 5 days. why are you there? you also have a story. Now. your narration or the group discussion. your written story. Suppose if most of you have seen a village environment then say that keep the village environment only and make story around that instead of making something odd. did you put your point even once ? did you contribute in the story making ? did you convince others regarding few points which you think are correct ? PPDT group discussion All you need to do is to make a story with the help of others. . the question is which test matters the most ? Is it your performance in verbal and non-verbal test. try your best to convince them. if you try to stop such stupid stuff in GD by convincing others then you have a good chance.What are the odd means ?? okay you must have seen a candidate saying " gentle man I agree with chest number xyz story " and that candidate keep on saying this throughout the whole discussion.need to get is attention from assessors.Sometimes GD becomes "Fish Market" and yes its not your fault because your are not getting involve but still you didn't get select. again do not try to gain attention through odd means. why ? because you didn't say a single world . so contribute some points during discussion and try to find out the common point in the story which others also observed and add it to the story because no one objects in something which he/she also observed. If you keep quit under such situation it's difficult for you to get selected and yes people who are shouting may get selected because they were trying to do something to make a story. supporting your story is good but forcing others to take whole part of your story as a common story is never gonna work for you. tell them not to argue and lets try to make a good story. All you need is to convince others and also agree with others. you can put that while narrating your story. because it can also make your narration powerful. it can be a good or bad. You just need to show some maturity at this point.Verbal and Non-Verbal: This must be considered at least priority. If you are a not a good writer but you still have a good theme. these tests are very easy and mostly you may find the same set of questions in different boards. do not feel nervous because you still have 100% chances of getting screened in. You need be full of confidence to narrate your story with correct expressions. however. PPDT at SSB Bhopal . How? Your Story: Your story matters a lot during screening. merely shouting won't help and you may loose more points instead of gaining. Group Discussion: Up to here you have already created an image of yours in front of assessors. Story Narration: This is the starting point of your real screening test. if you do not perform well in these tests. While narrating story. You also need to show your communication skills here and believe me it always add you more points. you are the king because no one disturbs you ( except assessors ) so you need to take the full advantage of this part. this is where you start creating the first impression. but here first impression is the last impression policy might not work. group discussion provide you one more chance to add few more points. moving your body parts continuously showing aggression. There is another option of Hindi. touching others all these shows low confidence level and badly affect your performance. perhaps you must go with a mindset of helping others by putting group effort to make a common story. 2. While narrating story. murder etc directly hamper your chance. Poor Body Language: Standing up. 4. because it can also make your narration powerful.Liveliness: This is what most of the candidates don't have.Top Ten Mistake Candidates Do In Screening Test [PPDT] 1. Unable to help group: If you are doing something which disturbs your group members then you are doing it really wrong. you can put that while narrating your story. Bad Narration: If you are not confident enough while narrating your story you may spoil half of your marks. Lack of knowledge: If you don't know about the process in advance. Discussion Vs Debate: You must clear yourself on what is the difference between a healthy discussion and a debate. you need to believe in yourself and your preparation. your written story. 6. do not feel nervous because you still have 100% chances of getting screened in. Bad Communication Skills: You must know how to speak in English then only assessors and others can understand you. You need be full of confidence to narrate your story with correct expressions. 10. You are suppose to talk with group members in GD else there is no point in attending a group discussion. If you are a not a good writer but you still have a good theme. if you do not perform well in these tests. Story Narration: This is the starting point of your real screening test. 3. however. it will improve your performance. these tests are very easy and mostly you may find the same set of questions in different boards. if you can't convince them then you should not disturb their performance by shouting or talking continuously. 7. your narration or the group discussion. 8. you will definitely loose few marks. 5. the question is which test matters the most ? Is it your performance in verbal and non-verbal test. How? Your Story: Your story matters a lot during screening. . 9. Verbal and Non-Verbal: This must be considered at least priority. if you can attract group members by the way you narrate and discuss then you will definitely attract assessors. you are the king because no one disturbs you ( except assessors ) so you need to take the full advantage of this part. but if you are choosing it then better pack your bags. Now. Nervousness: If you are nervous it will lower down your performance. this is where you start creating the first impression. Poor Story: Writing negative stories like suicide. You also need to show your communication skills here and believe me it always add you more points. Selfishness: If you go with only motto of clearing screening then you might make a mistake in nervousness. but here first impression is the last impression policy might not work. 6. There is another option of Hindi. it can be a good or bad. Poor Story: Writing negative stories like suicide. you need to believe in yourself and your preparation. PPDT at SSB Bhopal Top Ten Mistake Candidates Do In Screening Test [PPDT] 1.Group Discussion: Up to here you have already created an image of yours in front of assessors. You just need to show some maturity at this point. 2. . Nervousness: If you are nervous it will lower down your performance. you will definitely loose few marks. Unable to help group: If you are doing something which disturbs your group members then you are doing it really wrong. group discussion provide you one more chance to add few more points. Poor Body Language: Standing up. 5. 4. touching others all these shows low confidence level and badly affect your performance. murder etc directly hamper your chance. merely shouting won't help and you may loose more points instead of gaining. if you can't convince them then you should not disturb their performance by shouting or talking continuously. Lack of knowledge: If you don't know about the process in advance. 3. but if you are choosing it then better pack your bags. 7. Bad Narration: If you are not confident enough while narrating your story you may spoil half of your marks. moving your body parts continuously showing aggression. Bad Communication Skills: You must know how to speak in English then only assessors and others can understand you. the question is which test matters the most ? Is it your performance in verbal and non-verbal test. do not feel nervous because you still have 100% chances of getting screened in. Selfishness: If you go with only motto of clearing screening then you might make a mistake in nervousness. You need be full of confidence to narrate your story with correct expressions. Verbal and Non-Verbal: This must be considered at least priority. Story Narration: This is the starting point of your real screening test. While narrating story. this is where you start creating the first impression. Discussion Vs Debate: You must clear yourself on what is the difference between a healthy discussion and a debate. it will improve your performance. if you can attract group members by the way you narrate and discuss then you will definitely attract assessors. 10. because it can also make your narration powerful. you are the king because no one disturbs you ( except assessors ) so you need to take the full advantage of this part. your written story. . perhaps you must go with a mindset of helping others by putting group effort to make a common story. How? Your Story: Your story matters a lot during screening. You are suppose to talk with group members in GD else there is no point in attending a group discussion. merely shouting won't help and you may loose more points instead of gaining. you can put that while narrating your story. If you are a not a good writer but you still have a good theme. You also need to show your communication skills here and believe me it always add you more points. 9. but here first impression is the last impression policy might not work. group discussion provide you one more chance to add few more points. it can be a good or bad. however. Now. if you do not perform well in these tests. your narration or the group discussion. You just need to show some maturity at this point. Group Discussion: Up to here you have already created an image of yours in front of assessors.Liveliness: This is what most of the candidates don't have.8. these tests are very easy and mostly you may find the same set of questions in different boards. Bad Narration: If you are not confident enough while narrating your story you may spoil half of your marks. perhaps you must go with a mindset of helping others by putting group effort to make a common story. Poor Story: Writing negative stories like suicide. but if you are choosing it then better pack your bags. Lack of knowledge: If you don't know about the process in advance. if you can't convince them then you should not disturb their performance by shouting or talking continuously. 7. moving your body parts continuously showing aggression. you will definitely loose few marks. Discussion Vs Debate: You must clear yourself on what is the difference between a healthy discussion and a debate. Unable to help group: If you are doing something which disturbs your group members then you are doing it really wrong. 8.PPDT at SSB Bhopal Top Ten Mistake Candidates Do In Screening Test [PPDT] 1. 6. 4. Poor Body Language: Standing up. Bad Communication Skills: You must know how to speak in English then only assessors and others can understand you. 9. Selfishness: If you go with only motto of clearing screening then you might make a mistake in nervousness. it will improve your performance. you need to believe in yourself and your preparation. 3. . 2. There is another option of Hindi. 5. Nervousness: If you are nervous it will lower down your performance. touching others all these shows low confidence level and badly affect your performance. murder etc directly hamper your chance. this is where you start creating the first impression. these tests are very easy and mostly you may find the same set of questions in different boards. While narrating story. . however. If you are a not a good writer but you still have a good theme. you can put that while narrating your story. Story Narration: This is the starting point of your real screening test.Liveliness: This is what most of the candidates don't have. if you do not perform well in these tests. your narration or the group discussion. it can be a good or bad. Verbal and Non-Verbal: This must be considered at least priority.10. your written story. You are suppose to talk with group members in GD else there is no point in attending a group discussion. You also need to show your communication skills here and believe me it always add you more points. group discussion provide you one more chance to add few more points. How? Your Story: Your story matters a lot during screening. but here first impression is the last impression policy might not work. you are the king because no one disturbs you ( except assessors ) so you need to take the full advantage of this part. Now. if you can attract group members by the way you narrate and discuss then you will definitely attract assessors. do not feel nervous because you still have 100% chances of getting screened in. You just need to show some maturity at this point. merely shouting won't help and you may loose more points instead of gaining. You need be full of confidence to narrate your story with correct expressions. the question is which test matters the most ? Is it your performance in verbal and non-verbal test. because it can also make your narration powerful. Group Discussion: Up to here you have already created an image of yours in front of assessors. perhaps you must go with a mindset of helping others by putting group effort to make a common story. You are suppose to talk with group members in GD else there is no point in attending a group discussion. but if you are choosing it then better pack your bags. Unable to help group: If you are doing something which disturbs your group members then you are doing it really wrong. 4. 10. 2. There is another option of Hindi. Poor Body Language: Standing up. you will definitely loose few marks. 6. you need to believe in yourself and your preparation.Liveliness: This is what most of the candidates don't have. 3. Nervousness: If you are nervous it will lower down your performance. murder etc directly hamper your chance. it will improve your performance. moving your body parts continuously showing aggression. 5. Lack of knowledge: If you don't know about the process in advance. 1. if you can attract group members by the way you narrate and discuss then you will definitely attract assessors. Discussion Vs Debate: You must clear yourself on what is the difference between a healthy discussion and a debate.PPDT at SSB Bhopal Top Ten Mistake Candidates Do In Screening Test [PPDT] 1. Bad Communication Skills: You must know how to speak in English then only assessors and others can understand you.On his way to his house heavy rain dropped in with huge thunders and lightnings. 7.He understood that the rain is getting worse and observed many people in huts lying inside and the water . if you can't convince them then you should not disturb their performance by shouting or talking continuously. Selfishness: If you go with only motto of clearing screening then you might make a mistake in nervousness. touching others all these shows low confidence level and badly affect your performance.He ran under the village community building for shelter.ajay k Rahul is an young graduate who is coming from his frnds house late night. Bad Narration: If you are not confident enough while narrating your story you may spoil half of your marks. 8. 9. Poor Story: Writing negative stories like suicide. He went to near by city to purchase some seeds.A graduate hailing from a small village of Uttar pradesh..he borrowed his friend's umbrella and began to walk to his home.That night rain turned to cyclone and many huts were damaged. 3.he rushed towards the direction from where he heard the cry.while on the way he saw his neighbour near a shelter . 5. kaprykon Raj was coming home from work on a cold stormy evening.but the downpour only got worst.he quickly pulled her out and asked if there were others also in danger. At the time there was an ambulance with the emergency patient need to cross the road. Already some peoples stand in nearby shelter. 4.and with the help of young men evacuated the people under huts to the community building.He expalined the situation to the sarpanch.he wrapped her up with whatever material he could find and then carrying her on his back ran as fast as his legs could take him towards the nearest village to help her. 2. Mohan also joined with them.he called him and shared his umbrella and took her to home and he also returned home.he visited his friends and relatives in the day.took keys of the community building. rahul Ramesh was a B.and in front of him he saw what remained of a destroyed hut because of the storm. Finally the tree has evacuated from the road side and got an ambulance get a way to go hospital. praveen Venkat was doing his final year mechanical engineering in krishna college of technology.At first he felt that he would reach home before the weather got any worse.But all thanked Rahul for his timely action which saved many lives. there was a huge thunderstorm and heavy lightning..He took shelter underneath some trees. The village doctor saw her and gave her the required medicines and advised that she must get a lot of rest.he came to his native in semester vacations in the month of July . Mohan tried to reach asap to his home but unfortunately the rain has started so he find some shelter to stand. ambulance could not able to move further so Mohan asked help to evacuate the tree from road side. Without evacuate the tree..while coming from his friends house it started to rain.He sensed trouble and ran with huge leaves which are lying there.And as he stood there. Suddenly one huge tree has fallen down in center of the road. by keeping on his head to the village sarpanch's house. While coming back to his home town.pouring into their huts. Aravind Govindaraj Mohan was a sarpanch of Zaria village. She said no and that her parents were out working the fields of others in another village and hadn't come back yet.quickly he started searching underneath the ruins only to find a small little girl fighting for life against the weight of the debris.he heard a loud cry for help.Ramesh was preparing for IAS and every month in the starting weeks he used to go to magazine shop to buy Pratiyogita darpan as dere was .His father was sarpanch of the village. He donated the blood to the patient. In this way Naval help the cause of pollution control in his village. he saw big flames of fire in the field. Naval with the help of panchayat members talked to the farmers of the village and told them about the new government plans for controlling air pollution.It was monsoon season.He went dere but the shop was fully packed with patients. He took shelter under a tree.He walked quickly and reached the hospital on time .he went to take the book on monday and wen he was on his way his father called him and told him about sum women along wid there small babies had cum to seek help becz dere babies didnt take the polio drops on sunday becz of heavy rain. He also informed his mother that he might get late as he is going to the hospital for donating blood. As. On the same evening. as it will provide nutrients to the soil for next crop. He took him to hospital for first aid and later took him to his home. He again left from the school and finally found the boy stuck under a tree.he requested the assistant to report the problem to doctor.After some time he got a phone call from one of the parents of his students that their son has still not reached home.All the roads were blocked. he was voluntary donar in some of the hospitals . As always he was on the walk around the fields in the stocks. Aam banda Naval was headmaster in the village high school. Despite the thunderstorm he went back to the school.In this mean time he got a call from the hospital on his mobile that a patient needs O+ blood in emergency because there is shortage of O+. But he didnt find anyone there.His father instructed him to go to d doctor and report him about the situation. anupam khanduja Atish was pursuing graduation in the local college in his village. He ran up to that field quickly and what he saw was the farmers were burning the waste after cultivating their crop. 7. So he decided to move to the hospital in the heavy rain and reach hospital as quickly as possible. 8. according to which they can sell the waste to fertilizer companies and they should keep some amount of it in fields itself. But it started raining heavily so he stopped under the shed beside the road for the rain to stop. One day while coming from school. Till that time rain also stopped so he was able to return to his home on time. . But today he was not feeling the fresh air.That day he was returning to his home from his friend's place after studying as he had an exam the next day.He tuk d small bottles and walked towars his village and gave the drops to the babies. 6. kamal Sambodh was a teacher of a primary school in lohjang area of Uttrakhand. there was a huge thunderstorm and heavy rain. As he moved on.rather he was coughing due to the polluted air. which was polluting the fresh environment of early morning.The doc as he was busy culdnt be able to go to his village so he juz instructed him about how to give polio drops. 9. in the very first look.he along with two more persons put him in the jeep and took him to nearby hospital and informed his relatives.he took out the driver and tied his handkerchief to his hand as blood was flowing out of it. Interesting Point: Many candidates are unable to identify the actual object in front of the boy. one day while coming from the college huge rainfall started with heavy thunderstorm.after their arrival ravi went to his home. You can again take part in the story writing.ravi quickly rushed toward the spot and overturned the jeep with the help of other people. rather than the words and grammatical way of it. . see the sample picture and please write your story in the comment box below. Amit Sharma Kamal belong to a small city near the Kangra district and was studying in MCA final year one day while going to his area he saw that a speeding car hit a man who was crossing a road he immediately note down the car number and saw a passing vehicle and took a lift to admit him to hospital after admitting him he was sad with the traffic rules of the police and casual behavior of the police on duty after reaching his area he report to the representative of his village and went to police station to report against such careless duty by traffic police as that speeding car driver was driving after consuming liquor and latter he visit hospital and then was very happy to know that that man is out of danger All stories are judged on the basis theme and qualities.he took shelter under avtree with other people standing day he visited again to hospital and found that driver condition was improved. About this pic: You must have seen this pic in SSB Interview Psychology test. Check How to make a desirable story in TAT and PPDT and How to write a story in TAT and PPDT. yes it is an original SSB Interview TAT pic.suddenly a jeep overturned while turning due to slippery mud as the road was not concrete made. rajat Ravi was a college student living in a village. 10. Always write a practically possible story. Characteristics of the Story The candidates must remember that there are certain essential elements or components of a well constructed story. What the characters are feeling and thinking their mood.Thematic Apperception Test 1. How to prepare for TAT. 2. including the followin 1. What is happening at the moment 3. What has led up to the situation 2. What is the outcome of the story. These are: . 4.The subject is asked to tell as dramatic a story as they can for each picture presented. 6. Writing something from real life situations is also helpful. Keep a clean and calm thought process while writing story. 7. 5. 3. Do not use very tough language which is hard to understand. Write legible. 4. Keep on practice by writing stories on various pictures Improve your writing speed. The hero should exhibit qualities which an officer of the Armed Forces should possess. . The reader must not remain in doubt about it or keep on guessing it.  Other characters who help the hero in the execution of the task undertaken by him.  Situation in the Story:  What it is ?  How it came into being or what events led up to it?  What will be the outcome or conclusion?  The them or plot:  It is an attempt by the hero. He should act and behave like a normal human being and not like a supernatural being. assisted by other characters to organize the story by pooling all the resources at this disposal in order to successfully solve the problem by him.  It should be self-evident. The Hero: Each story must have a hero or the chief character with whom the writer identifies himself.  The plot should be interesting and end successfully.
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