ME136P Experiment 5

March 25, 2018 | Author: Daniel Naoe Festin | Category: Nature



EXPERIMENT NO.5 SIEVE ANALYSIS OF AGGREGATES OBJECTIVES To determine the grade of aggregates through ASTM C136 DISCUSSION OF PRINCIPLES Sieve analysis commonly known as the “Gradation Test” consists of determining the particle size distribution of fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, and mixtures of fine and coarse aggregates. This is accomplished by pouring an aggregate sample through a series of decreasing size sieves and weighing the amount of material retained on each sleeve. The size of an aggregate sieve is designated by the number of meshes to the linear inch in that sieve. The higher the number, the finer the sieve. Any material retained on the No. 4 sieve can be considered either coarse or fine. Aggregates larger than No. 4 are all coarse; those smaller are all fines. No. 4 aggregates are the dividing point. The finest coarse-aggregate sieve is the same No 4 used as the coarsest fine-aggregate sieve. With this exception, a coarse-aggregate sieve is designated by the size of one of its openings. The sieves commonly used are 1 ½ inches, ¾ inch, ½ inch, 3/8 inch, and No. 4. Any material that passes through the No. 200 sieve is too fine to be used in making concrete. 1 2013103308 Festin, Daniel Joshua N. 16. 8. 3”. ____1.1 Dry the aggregate sample at a temperature of 105 +/. . Note: Start from the top part.3 Put the sieves in order of decreasing size of opening. 2”. ¾”. 50. ____1. ____1. Daniel Joshua N. ____1. 4. 4. ____1. and 6” – for coarse aggregates ____1.6 Continue the sieving until not more than 1 % by weight of the residue passes any sieve during 1 minute.PROCEDURES (FINE AND COARSE AGGREGATES) Tick each step if it has been performed ____1. ____1.10 Calculate and determine the fineness modulus.5 ˚C ____1. 1” 1 ½”. Note: Ask for assistance to laboratory personnel. 3 ½”. 2 2013103308 Festin.9 Calculate the percentage passing on the basis of the total weight of the sample. ½”. 3/8”.7 Remove the sieves from the rotary sieve shaker. 30. 100. ____1. Sieves Nos.2 Weigh 1000 grams of aggregate sample.8 Determine the weight of the residue contained on each sieve.4 Put the aggregate sample on top of the sieve pan. 200 – for fine aggregates Sieves Nos. 2 ½”.5 Perform sieving operation using the rotary sieve shaker. 3/8. 100 100 Standard’s Limitations (for fine aggregates) Sieve Percent Passing Specification Percent Passing by Weight Sieve No.50.3 3 2013103308 Festin.187” 95-100 8 = 0.8.Calculations: moisture content= wt . of even dried aggregates cumulative weight retained=∑ of weigh retained on all coarser sieves cumulative weight passing=total weight retained−cumulative weight retained cumulative percent retained= cumulative weight retained x 100 total weight retained cumulative percent passing=100 −cumulative percent retained 3 fineness modulus= ∑ of cum. Daniel Joshua N.0469 50-85 30 25-60 50 10-30 100 2-10 Note: Table based on ASTM C-136 b. Fineness modulus should neighter exceed 3.0937” 80-100 16 = 0. Requirement 3/8 = 0. 8 . of oven dried aggregates x 100 wt . . 4.375 100 4 = 0.1 nor less than 2.16. retained on sieves Nos . of wet aggregates−wt .40. 1”. Set of standard sieves nos. 100. 8. ½”. Value of fineness modulus should remain between 5. 4. 3”. ½”. 30. Set of standard sieves nos. 50.Standard’s Limitations (for coarse aggregates) Note: Table Based on ASTM C136 b. 4. ¾”. 1 ½”. Daniel Joshua N. 200 – for fine aggregates 2. 16.5 APPARATUS 1.5 and 7. 5. . and 6” – for coarse aggregates Sieve pan Sieve cover Oven with temperature control Balance and weights 4 2013103308 Festin. 2”. 3 3. 3/8. 3/8”. 4. 6. 2 ½”. SET UP OF APPARATUS 1 Aggregates 4 Sieve Pan 2 Pan Lock 5 Column 3 Pan Cover 6 Sieve Shaker Fig. Daniel Joshua N. . 5-1 Sieve Analysis 5 2013103308 Festin. Galera Instructor 6 2013103308 % Passing specs 100 95-100 Festin.7796 1. 5 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates Preliminary Data Sheet Name: Festin.3195 3 939 0 0. F.Engineering Materials and Testing Laboratory Experiment No. 2015 Section: B3 Group No. Daniel Joshua N.8104 0.3621 14.7529 80.4185 26.4909 87.3046 25.2471 7.7721 12. 26.) Fine Aggregates Original weight:1150 g Over dry weight: 1000 g Moisture content: 15 Fineness modulus: 1 Sieve No. Rodriguez ME-UTM Engineer Remarks Fail 45-80 Pass 10-30 2-10 Pass Fail Approved by: Engr.0852 66. Daniel Joshua N.3195 100 0 Assisted by: Vergel S.6677 13.6667 40.59 1. Weight retained Weight passing Cumulative retained Cumulative passing 3/8 4 8 16 30 50 100 200 WASH PAN TOTAL None 115 72 126 247 242 120 14 None 824 752 626 379 137 17 3 12.: 2 A. Date: May. . 0101 55.2193 2.Engineering Materials and Testing Laboratory Experiment No. Rodriguez ME-UTM Engineer Remarks Fail Fail 45-80 Fail 10-30 2-10 Fail Fail Approved by: Engr.3561 3. Date: May. F. Galera Instructor 7 2013103308 % Passing specs 100 95-100 Festin. 26.503 64.5091 15 994 0 1.3018 0.0121 1. 2015 Section: B3 Group No.3139 2.: 2 B. Daniel Joshua N.9899 9.6338 6.2012 0.5151 2.1 Fineness modulus: 1 Sieve No.7042 0.1368 0.) Coarse Aggregates Original weight: 1031 g Over dry weight: 100000 g Moisture content: 3. . Weight retained Weight passing Cumulative retained Cumulative passing 3/8 4 8 16 30 50 100 200 WASH PAN TOTAL 348 553 61 7 2 3 5 646 93 32 25 23 20 15 35. Daniel Joshua N.5091 100 0 Assisted by: Vergel S. 5 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates Preliminary Data Sheet Name: Festin. .QUESTIONS 1. What are the difference between coarse aggregates coming from processing plants and coarse aggregates obtained underwater in rivers? 8 2013103308 Festin. What are the main purposes of Sieve Analysis of Aggregates? . 3. 2. . Daniel Joshua N. Discuss Fineness of Modulus. What is Effective Size? . What is Gradiation? .4. 5. 9 2013103308 Festin. Daniel Joshua N. . SAMPLE COMPUTATION (use another sheet of paper. Daniel Joshua N. . engineering lettering) 10 2013103308 Festin. engineering lettering) 11 2013103308 Festin.DISCUSSION (use another sheet of paper. . Daniel Joshua N. engineering lettering) 12 2013103308 Festin.CONCLUSION (use another sheet of paper. Daniel Joshua N. . engineering lettering) 13 2013103308 Festin. . Daniel Joshua N.RECOMMENDATION (use another sheet of paper. Daniel Joshua N.REFERENCES (use another sheet of paper. engineering lettering) 14 2013103308 Festin. . . Daniel Joshua N.15 2013103308 Festin.
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