ME111-Cardiovascular Timetable (a)

March 16, 2018 | Author: Amir Nazri | Category: Heart, Circulatory System, Physiology, Cardiology, Clinical Medicine



TIMETABLE INTAKE ME1/11DAY DATE TIME 0800 PS 0900 [15 mins] 0915 CVS Pre PBL Meeting [Facilitators only] 1015 [15 mins] 1030 PS 1130 [15 mins] 1145 MMS 1 OLIS 1245 [45 mins] 1330 PUBLIC HOLIDAY * New Year* carry forward from Sunday 1/1/12 [1330-1400] Dean's Briefing [JPJ] [1400-1430] 1430 [15 mins] 1445 Briefing on Clinic Visits Overview of CVS [RDA] 3.04 A1 - D10 E1 - H10 30.01.03 30.01.03 MONDAY 2-Jan-12 TUESDAY 3-Jan-12 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY CARDIOVASCULAR 1 WEDNESDAY 4-Jan-12 THURSDAY 5-Jan-12 FRIDAY 6-Jan-12 Grp Room SIL [Preparation for PBL] Break Briefing on e-Learning Resources A1 - G6 NKM/Library Break Briefing on e-Learning Resources G7 - N2 30.01.03 NKM/Library Break Briefing on e-Learning Resources N3 - T9 NKM/Library Break PS PS [1245-1430] Friday Prayers MMS 1 OLIS I1 - L10 Q1 - T9 MMS 1 OLIS Q1 - T9 M1 - P10 MMS 1 OLIS E1 - H10 A1 - D10 PS MMS 1 OLIS M1 - P10 I1 - L10 PS SIL [Preparation for PBL] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T SEMESTER 3 WEEK 1 2 JAN - 7 JAN 2012 Facilitator 1.06.01 Dr Chan Li Li 1.06.02 Dr Chye Soi Moi 1.06.05 Dr Liew Siaw Cheok 1.06.06 Dr Ebenezer Chitra 1.06.07 Dr Fabian Davamani 1.06.08 Dr Jeevathayaparan 1.06.09 Dr Kavitha Mohandas 1.06.10 Dr Kyan Aung 1.06.11 Ms Mangala Kumari 1.06.12 Mr Chan Kok Keong 1.06.13 Mr Fong Yewin 1.06.14 Ms Yap Fei Ling 1.06.15 Dr Ngai Siew Ching 1.06.16 Dr Nilesh Mitra 1.06.18 Dr Patricia Lim 1.06.19 Mr Premdass Ramdas 1.06.20 Dr Purushotham 1.06.21 Ms Valsala R 1.06.22 Dr Wong Shew Fung 1.06.23 Dr Ahmed Azzad Break MMS 1 Conducting system of the heart & ECG calculations MMS 2 Septal defects of the heart and consequences MMS 3 Coronary circulation and autoregulation of blood flow Heart & pericardium Dr Anupa Break [1600-1900] Cardiac electrophysiology & excitation-contraction coupling NW Cardiac rhythm and its common disturbances NW [1600-1730] 1545 [15 mins] 1600 3.04 [1600-1730] PBL 1 Sister Cheang Cardiovascular receptors for neurohumoral agents Moral Studies Break [1730-1830] Overview of History Taking & Physical Examination 1815 3.05 RS 3.05 Ms Usha Devi ECG: the electrophysiological basis and uses NW All lectures are held in 3.05 unless stated otherwise No. of students: 200 AS PBL 2 Cardiovascular Coordinator: Dr Ranjit De Alwis 1700 [15 mins] 1715 Important Note: This timetable is correct as of 20 December 2011 and subject to change. Students are advised to refer to the e-Learning Portal for the most up-to-date timetable. O10 MMS 2 OLIS M1 .TIMETABLE INTAKE ME1/11 DAY DATE TIME 0800 [0830-1230] Visit to Community Clinics Dato' Keramat Cheras Baru 0900 Jinjang [15 mins] 0915 Nilai D.E9 MMS 2 OLIS A1 .A8 A9 .F8 F9 .11 Ms Mangala Kumari 1.16 Dr Nilesh Mitra 1.06.L10 TKL [1245-1430] Friday Prayers AK MMS 1 SEMESTER 3 WEEK 2 9 AN .06.06.N2 Break MOFA A1 .B6 B7 .06.06.G6 MONDAY 9-Jan-12 TUESDAY 10-Jan-12 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY CARDIOVASCULAR 2 WEDNESDAY 11-Jan-12 [0830-1230] Visit to Community Clinics Dato' Keramat Cheras Baru Jinjang Nilai D.T9 Islamic Studies N O MMS 2 OLIS Q1 .13 JAN 2012 FRIDAY 13-Jan-12 Facilitator THURSDAY 12-Jan-12 1.M4 M5 .09 Dr Kavitha Mohandas 1.07 Dr Fabian Davamani 1.06.H10 MOFA N3 .D2 D3 . .06.12 Mr Chan Kok Keong 1.06.H10 I1 . Bandaraya Mantin K1 .18 Dr Patricia Lim 1.O1 O2 .08 Dr Jeevathayaparan 1.J10 [0830-1230] Visit to Community Clinics Dato' Keramat Cheras Baru Jinjang Nilai D.06.T9 Dental SC Grp Room A B C D E F G H I J K L M Break [1230-1330] MMS 2 OLIS E1 .06.06.07.C4 C5 .02 Dr Chye Soi Moi 1.K8 K9 .06.P10 Q1 .N2 N3 .D10 2.06.05 unless stated otherwise No.14 Ms Yap Fei Ling 1.19 Mr Premdass Ramdas 1. Bandaraya Mantin F1 . Bandaraya Mantin 1015 [15 mins] 1030 [1030-1230] A1 .T9 Break SC 3 A1 .D10 E1 .06.23 Dr Ahmed Azzad [Transport will not be provided] Break [1030-1330] [Transport will not be provided] [0800-1000] [Transport will not be provided] 1130 [15 mins] 1145 SC 1 O10 .03A Ustaz Jamalludin Break Haemodynamic Basis of Cardiac Sounds and Arterial and Venous Pulses NW Break Dr Sunil Congenital heart disease pathology Pathology of hypertension Conducting system of the heart & ECG calculations Cardiac output and its regualtion NW Blood Pressure:Variation and Homeostasis NW Break [1600-1900] Anti-hypertensives drugs WK [1630-1830] Fetal circulation & changes at birth MMS 2 Septal defects of the heart and consequences JPJ MMS 3 Coronary circulation and autoregulation of blood flow [1600-1730] PBL 1 [1600-1730] Cardiovascular Coordinator: Moral Studies SC 4 E10 .J9 PBL 2 Dr Ranjit De Alwis 1700 [15 mins] 1715 SC 2 J10 .I2 I3 .06.06.06.E10 MOFA G7 .L10 A1 .22 Dr Wong Shew Fung 1.06.J1 J2 .21 Ms Valsala R 1. of students: 200 Ms Usha Devi 1815 Important Note: This timetable is correct as of 20 December 2011 and subject to change.06 All lectures are held in 3.O9 [1730-1830] MMS 2 OLIS I1 .G6 G7 .01 Dr Chan Li Li 1.L6 L7 .06.T9 M1 .06 Dr Ebenezer Chitra 1.10 Dr Kyan Aung 1.15 Dr Ngai Siew Ching 1. Students are advised to refer to the e-Learning Portal for the most up-to-date timetable.P10 P Q R S T Elective Briefing 1245 [45 mins] 1330 Anti-arrhythmic drugs 1430 [15 mins] 1445 Embryology of the heart 1545 [15 mins] 1600 [1630-1830] JPJ KA 1.E1 E2 .20 Dr Purushotham 1.13 Mr Fong Yewin 1.06.H4 H5 .05 Dr Liew Siaw Cheok 1. L10 2.L10 M1 .06.P8 P9 .E1 E2 .02 Dr Chye Soi Moi 1.06.Q6 Q7 .Streptococcal infections & sequelae 1430 [15 mins] 1445 Valvular & endocardial disease 1545 [15 mins] 1600 [1630-1830] SKC OKH 2.10 Dr Kyan Aung 1.06 All lectures are held in 3.15pm] Blood supply of the heart [JPJ] [3.D10 E1 .D10 N O P Q R [1245-1430] [2.12 Mr Chan Kok Keong 1.06.06.E10 [0830-1230] Visit to Community Clinics Dato' Keramat Cheras Baru Jinjang Nilai D.J9 [1730-1830] MMS 3 OLIS M1 .R4 R5 .45-3.15 Dr Ngai Siew Ching 1.G6 G7 .13 Mr Fong Yewin 1. Bandaraya Mantin 1015 [15 mins] 1030 [1030-1230] P1 .T9 MOFA G7 .J1 J2 .01 Dr Chan Li Li Dr Fabian Davamani 1.J10 MMS 3 OLIS [Transport will not be provided] [0800-1000] SC 3 J10 .06.05 Dr Liew Siaw Cheok 1.06.11 Ms Mangala Kumari 1.O9 [Transport will not be provided] [0800-1000] SC 4 O10 .01 Ustaz Jamalludin Break Rheumatic fever & S T Friday Prayers rheumatic heart disease SKC Cardiac failure Reg' of coronary blood flow [NW] Conducting system of the heart & ECG calculations MMS 2 Septal defects of the heart and consequences MMS 3 Coronary circulation and autoregulation of blood flow Infective endocarditis Dr Sunil Pharmacological agents in cardiac failure WK Break [1600-1900] Control of vascular tone and tissue perfusion NW Ischaemic heart disease & myocardial infarction: Clinical Perspective Dr Esha Gupta [1600-1730] [1600-1730] PBL 1 Cardiovascular Coordinator: Moral Studies Dental SC PBL 2 Dr Ranjit De Alwis 1700 [15 mins] 1715 SC 2 E10 .T9 A1 .E9 Islamic Studies 1245 [45 mins] 1330 Group A .15-3.18 Dr Patricia Lim 1.06.21 Ms Valsala R 1.07.14 Ms Yap Fei Ling 1.T9 Break MMS 3 OLIS A1 .S2 S3 .06.H10 Grp Room A B C D E F G H I J K L M Break MMS 3 OLIS I1 . Bandaraya Mantin A1 .20 Dr Purushotham 1.H4 H5 .06.16 Dr Nilesh Mitra 1.P10 SIL [Preparation for PBL] MMS 3 OLIS Q1 .20 JAN 2012 FRIDAY 20-Jan-12 Facilitator THURSDAY 19-Jan-12 1.06 Dr Ebenezer Chitra 1.05 unless stated otherwise No. Students are advised to refer to the e-Learning Portal for the most up-to-date timetable.F8 F9 .08 Dr Jeevathayaparan 1.D2 D3 .07.B6 B7 .06.H10 Q1 .06. .06.06. Bandaraya Mantin F1 .06.N2 [Transport will not be provided] Break [1000-1300] Break MOFA A1 .T9 Break E1 . of students: 200 Ms Usha Devi 1815 Important Note: This timetable is correct as of 20 December 2011 and subject to change.06.19 Mr Premdass Ramdas 1.P10 I1 .T9 MOFA N3 .06.09 Dr Kavitha Mohandas 1.I2 I3 .23 Dr Ahmed Azzad 1130 [15 mins] 1145 SC 1 A1 .TIMETABLE INTAKE ME1/11 DAY DATE TIME 0800 [0830-1230] Visit to Community Clinics Dato' Keramat Cheras Baru 0900 Jinjang [15 mins] 0915 Nilai D.06.06.G6 MONDAY 16-Jan-12 TUESDAY 17-Jan-12 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY CARDIOVASCULAR 3 WEDNESDAY 18-Jan-12 [0830-1230] Visit to Community Clinics Dato' Keramat Cheras Baru Jinjang Nilai D.S10 T1 .45pm] AK Break MMS 1 SEMESTER 3 WEEK 3 16 JAN .C4 C5 .A8 A9 .22 Dr Wong Shew Fung 1. 06.D10 PS All lectures are held in 3. Students are advised to refer to the e-Learning Portal for the most up-to-date timetable.05 unless stated otherwise No.08 Break Ustaz Jamalludin PUBLIC HOLIDAY *Federal Territory Day* Myocardial.S2 S3 .J9 AK KA 1.L10 Grp Room A B C D E F G H I J K L M Break SIL [Preparation for PBL] MMS 4 OLIS Q1 .09 Dr Kavitha Mohandas 1.T9 MMS 4 OLIS I1 .P10 A1 .O1 O2 .L10 Q1 .L6 L7 .06.06.06. Bandaraya Mantin 1015 [15 mins] 1030 [1030-1230] K1 .T9 Break MMS 4 OLIS E1 .R4 R5 . Bandaraya Mantin P1 .P8 P9 .T9 Break SC 3 J10 .01 Dr Chan Li Li 1.19 Mr Premdass Ramdas 1.06.16 Dr Nilesh Mitra 1.15 Dr Ngai Siew Ching 1.06.21 Ms Valsala R 1.D10 M1 .10 Dr Kyan Aung 1.06.02 Dr Chye Soi Moi 1.3 FEB 2012 Facilitator 1.E9 Islamic Studies 1245 [45 mins] 1330 Pharmacologic agents in ischaemic heart disease 1430 [15 mins] 1445 Pathology of Angina & Myocardial Infarction 1545 [15 mins] 1600 [1630-1830] SC 2 1700 [15 mins] 1715 [1730-1830] MMS 4 OLIS 1815 A1 .06.12 Mr Chan Kok Keong 1.H10 N O P Q R Break [1245-1430] Friday Prayers PK Break S T THURSDAY 2-Feb-12 FRIDAY 3-Feb-12 SEMESTER 3 WEEK 4 30 JAN .23 Dr Ahmed Azzad [Transport will not be provided] Break [1000-1300] [Transport will not be provided] [0800-1000] 1130 [15 mins] 1145 SC 1 A1 .13 Mr Fong Yewin 1.08 Dr Jeevathayaparan 1.P10 E10 .N2 Break MOFA A1 .06. of students: 200 Important Note: This timetable is correct as of 20 December 2011 and subject to change.06.Q6 Q7 . .06 Dr Ebenezer Chitra 1.06.S10 T1 .N2 N3 .06.06.O10 MOFA G7 .O9 MOFA N3 .06.18 Dr Patricia Lim 1.06.K8 K9 .06.14 Ms Yap Fei Ling 1.07 Dr Fabian Davamani 1.M4 M5 . pericardial disease & cardiomyopathy PK Disease of Arteries Break Lipid Lowering Drugs KA [1600-1730] Disease of veins PK Prevention of cardiovascular disease VK [1600-1730] Break Break Communication and behavioural PBL 1 issues in cardiovascular disease SK Break PBL 2 Cardiovascular Coordinator: Dr Ranjit De Alwis [1730-1830] MMS 4 OLIS M1 .TIMETABLE INTAKE ME1/11 DAY DATE TIME 0800 [0830-1230] Visit to Community Clinics Dato' Keramat Cheras Baru 0900 Jinjang [15 mins] 0915 Nilai D.06.11 Ms Mangala Kumari 1.H10 I1 .22 Dr Wong Shew Fung 1.05 Dr Liew Siaw Cheok 1.06.06.G6 MONDAY 30-Jan-12 TUESDAY 31-Jan-12 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY CARDIOVASCULAR 4 WEDNESDAY 1-Feb-12 [0830-1230] Visit to Community Clinics Dato' Keramat Cheras Baru Jinjang Nilai D.20 Dr Purushotham 1.06.T9 E1 . 07 Dr Fabian Davamani 1.22 Dr Wong Shew Fung Ms Usha Devi Moral Studies Break All lectures are held in 3.01 Dr Chan Li Li 1.06.06 Dr Ebenezer Chitra 1. .21 Ms Valsala R Mr Premdass Ramdas 1.10 FEB 2012 Facilitator 1.06.08 Dr Jeevathayaparan 1.02 Dr Chye Soi Moi 1.06.12 Mr Chan Kok Keong unless stated otherwise No. Students are advised to refer to the e-Learning Portal for the most up-to-date timetable.06.11 Ms Mangala Kumari 1.TIMETABLE INTAKE ME1/11 DAY DATE TIME 0800 MONDAY 6-Feb-12 TUESDAY 7-Feb-12 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY CARDIOVASCULAR 5 WEDNESDAY 8-Feb-12 [0800-1000] Grp Room A B THURSDAY 9-Feb-12 FRIDAY 10-Feb-12 SEMESTER 3 WEEK 5 6 FEB .T9 Dental SC PS C D E F G 1015 [15 mins] 1030 SIL [Preparation for PBL] 1130 [15 mins] 1145 PS 1245 [45 mins] 1330 PUBLIC HOLIDAY *Maulidur Rasul* carry forward from Sunday 5/2/2012 Blood vessels in upper limbs 1430 [15 mins] 1445 Blood vessels in lower limb 1545 [15 mins] 1600 [1600-1900] Case Study I NKM Break [1600-1730] Reaction to cardiac events and psychological rehabilitation NMS Question & Answer Interactive Session [& MCQ Exposure] NKM Break Lymphatic system NKM Friday Prayers PUBLIC HOLIDAY *Thaipussam* Break Skills Centre [1245-1430] VK Break PBL 1 Wellness Programme [1030-1200] Break [1030-1230] H I J K L M N O P Q R S T Cardiovascular Coordinator: 1700 [15 mins] 1715 PS 1815 2.06.23 Dr Ahmed Azzad 0900 [15 mins] 0915 SC 4 Q10 .06.15 Dr Ngai Siew Ching Dr Purushotham 1.16 Dr Nilesh Mitra 1.05 Dr Liew Siaw Cheok 1.06.14 Ms Yap Fei Ling 1.06. of students: 200 PK/ Dr Sunil PBL 2 Dr Ranjit De Alwis Important Note: This timetable is correct as of 20 December 2011 and subject to change.06.18 Dr Patricia Lim 1.13 Mr Fong Yewin 1.09 Dr Kavitha Mohandas Dr Kyan Aung 1.
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