
Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP) M.E./ M.Tech.Computer Science and Engg Scheme of Examination SATI (Vidisha), Bansal, TIT, LNCT, RKDF (Bpl), SSSIT (Sehore), Medicap (Ind), MITS (Ujjain), SRI (jbl) ‘‘FIRST SEMESTER” S. N o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Subject Code Subject Name Contact Period L P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 Internal Assessment End Sem. Exam T P 100 100 100 100 100 500 100 100 200 Total Marks MCSE101 MCSE102 MCSE103 MCSE104 MCSE105 MCSE106 MCSE107 Total Advanced Computational Mathematics Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Advanced Computer Architecture Object Oriented Technology Advanced Computer Networking Laboratory I MCSE-103, MCSE-105 Laboratory II MCSE-102, MCSE-104 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 300 150 150 150 150 150 125 125 1000 Rajiv Gandhi Technological University, Bhopal (MP) M.E./ M.Tech. Computer Science and Engg Scheme of Examination SATI (Vidisha), Bansal, TIT, LNCT, RKDF (Bpl), SSSIT (Sehore), Medicap (Ind), MITS (Ujjain), SRI (jbl) ‘‘SECOND SEMESTER” S. No Subject Code Subject Name Contact Period L P 3 3 3 3 3 15 3 3 6 Internal Assess ment 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 300 End Sem. Exam T P 100 100 100 100 100 500 100 100 200 Total Marks 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. MCSE201 MCSE202 MCSE203 MCSE204 MCSE205 MCSE206 MCSE207 Total Web Technology and Commerce Information and coding theory Elective I Elective II Elective III Lab III MCSE-201 Lab IV 150 150 150 150 150 125 125 1000 MCSE-203 Elective-I (A) S/W Engg and Project Mgt (B) Artificial Intelligence & Computing Logic (C) Advanced Micro processor (D) Process Dynamics and Cont (E) Comp. Graphics & Multimed (F) Distributed System (G) Biometrics MCSE-204 Elective-II (A) Advanced DBMS (B) Soft computing (C) VLSI (D) Robotics & comp. vision (E) Digital signal Proc. (F) Mobile Computing (G) Human Comp Interface MCSE-205 Elective-III (A) MIS ERP CRM (C) Parallel Computing (D) Simulation & Modeling (E) Digital Image Process (F) CORBA Architecture (G) Knowledge MGT (H) Info Security SSSIT (Sehore). TIT. MCSE. Bhopal (MP) M.Tech.N o. Computer Science and Engg Scheme of Examination SATI (Vidisha). LNCT.E. 2 3 4./ M. Bansal. RKDF (Bpl). Code No.301 MCSE -302 MCSE -303 MCSE -304 MCSE -305 Elective – IV Elective . Subject Contact Period L 1. MITS (Ujjain). 5.V Seminar Project Preliminary Dissertation TOTAL 3 3 T -------3 3 3 P 50 50 50 50 50 Internal Assessme nt End Sem Exam Theor Pract y 100 -100 --50 Total 150 150 50 100 50 250 200 100 50 500 MCSE-301 Elective IV (A) Data Mining and Ware Housing (B) Web Engineering (C) Real Time and Fault Tolerant sys (D) Mechatronics (E) Virtual Reality (F) ERP And CRM (G) Logistics and SCM (H) Bio informatics MCSE -302 Elective V (A) Software testing and Quality assurance (B) Semantic Networks (C) Embedded Systems (D) CAD/ CAM (E) Multimedia management (F) Network Security (G) Grid computing G) Computing Ethics . SRI (jbl) ‘‘THIRD SEMESTER” S.Rajiv Gandhi Technological University. Medicap (Ind). RKDF (Bpl). 50/100 3.Tech. TIT./ M. Practical Max. SRI (jbl) ‘‘FOURTH SEMESTER” S. MITS (Ujjain). Computer Science and Engg Scheme of Examination SATI (Vidisha). Subject Contact Period L 1. LNCT. Bansal. MCSE-401 Dissertation Evaluation & Defence TOTAL Grand Total of Marks:1000+1000+500+500=3000 *Max. Exam = 300 -T -6 P 200 Internal Assessme nt End Sem Exam Theor Prac y t -300 Total 500 200 -- 300 500 PassMin = 40 PassMin = 25/50 Pass Min = 15/30/120 Pass Min = 150 . Bhopal (MP) M. Pass Marks: 1.E. Marks 25/50/200 4.N o. SSSIT (Sehore). Medicap (Ind). Internal Ass. Theory Marks = 100 2.Rajiv Gandhi Technological University. Code No. Dissertation End.Min. TIT. Graphics & Multimed Digital signal Proc. Bansal. Bhopal (MP) M. LNCT. Computer Science and Engg Scheme of Examination SATI (Vidisha). Medicap (Ind). vision Digital Image Process Mechatronics CAD/ CAM Comp. RKDF (Bpl).Tech.E. SSSIT (Sehore). MITS (Ujjain).Rajiv Gandhi Technological University. CORBA Architecture Virtual Reality Multimedia management Distributed System Mobile Computing Knowledge MGT ERP And CRM Network Security Biometrics Human Comp Interface Info Security Logistics and SCM Grid computing Bio informatics Computing Ethics ./ M. SRI (jbl) LIST OF ELECTIVE SUBJECTS CODE MCSE-E11 MCSE-E12 MCSE-E13 MCSE-E14 MCSE-E15 MCSE-E21 MCSE-E22 MCSE-E23 MCSE-E24 MCSE-E25 MCSE-E31 MCSE-E32 MCSE-E33 MCSE-E34 MCSE-E35 MCSE-E41 MCSE-E42 MCSE-E43 MCSE-E44 MCSE-E45 MCSE-E51 MCSE-E52 MCSE-E53 MCSE-E54 MCSE-E55 MCSE-E61 MCSE-E62 MCSE-E63 MCSE-E64 MCSE-E65 MCSE-E71 MCSE-E72 MCSE-E73 MCSE-E74 MCSE-E75 MCSE-E84 MCSE-E85 SUBJECT REMARK S/W Engg and Project Mgt Advanced DBMS MIS ERP CRM Data Mining and Ware Housing Software testing and Quality assurance Artificial Intelligence & Computing Logic Soft computing Parallel Computing Web Engineering Semantic Networks Advanced Micro processor VLSI Simulation & Modeling Real Time and Fault Tolerant sys Embedded Systems Process Dynamics and Cont Robotics & comp. compound probability and discrete random variable. Application of Eigen value problems in Markov Process. Advance Engineering Mathematics by Ervin Kreszig. concepts of queuing models (M/M/1: Infinity/ Infinity/ FC FS). Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Fourier Transforms by J. UNIT 4 Stochastic process. UNIT 1 Linear Algebra: Linear transformation. Sheddon 9. Markov process transition probability transition probability matrix. Binomial. elementary concept of estimation and theory of hypothesis. (M/M/S: Infinity/ Infinity/ FC FS) UNIT 5 Operations of fuzzy sets. Fuzzy Sets Theory & its Applications by H. 3. 2. Markov chain.Category of Course Course Title ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. hash function. traffic intensity. 4. Numerical Mathematical Analysis By James B. distribution queuing system. recurred relations. Marks-100 Min. Introduction of Numerical Analysis by Forberg 6. (M/M/1: N/ Infinity/ FC FS). TMH. Scarborogh 8. Parabolic) using finite difference methods. DFT. programming in MATLAB scripts.S. Fuzzy Logic in Engineering by T. Haar transform. Ramana. functions and their application. Wavelet transform.V. Shastry. MATLAB introduction. fuzzy relation equations. J. just and higher order Markov process. Reference Books: 1. numerical solution of PDE (Laplace. Queuing system. Wiley Easten Edd. J. Hermite polynomial. N. K. 5. Elementary properties of FT. Tata Mc Hill. Sampling distribution. Zimmersoms . Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis by S. transient and steady state. fuzzy logics. Poisson’s. Elementary concepts of Modular mathematics UNIT 2 Solution of Partial Differential Equation (PDE) by separation of variable method. Jain 7. Ross 10. Numerical Solution of Differential Equation by M. WFT. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. vector spaces. fuzzy arithmetic & relations. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB by Steven C Chapra. Heavisite’s unit function and error function.3 . UNIT 3 Probability.101 Theory Papers Max. Normal and Poisson’s distributions. Horowitz. B-Trees – Implementations . Ullman.3 .Divide and Conquer . Implementation and Applications .102 Theory Papers Max. “Computer Algorithms”. Doubly and Circular) Implementation . ”Data Structures using C & C++”.Storage Compaction UNIT 5 SEARCHING. AVL. 2002 .J.Graphs – Directed Graphs – Shortest Path Problem .Tree Traversals.Dynamic Programming . Hopcroft. Quick Sort. SORTING AND DESIGN TECHNIQUES: Searching Techniques. Multi-way Merge Sort.Storage Allocation for Objects with Mixed Sizes . Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Binary Search. Mark Allen Weiss.Greedy Algorithm – Backtracking . 2000 4. UNIT 3 ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES: Set – Implementation – Basic operations on set – Priority Queue – Implementation . Pearson Education P 3. Augestien M. Radix Sort – External Sorting – Merge Sort. Issues . “Data Structures and Algorithms”. Binary.Undirected Graph .Trees – General.Garbage Collection Algorithms for Equal Sized Blocks . Polyphase Sorting .Array. “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”. Sorting – Internal Sorting – Bubble Sort. Splay. Bin Sort. UNIT 1 INTRODUCTION: Basic concepts of OOPs – Templates – Algorithm Analysis – ADT . Expression Search. Cursor Implementation UNIT 2 BASIC DATA STRUCTURES: Stacks and Queues – ADT. Insertion Sort.Managing Equal Sized Blocks .Local Search Algorithms Reference Books : 1. Aho. Rajasekaran.Buddy Systems . Galgotia. Langram Y. Heap Sort.List (Singly.Category of Course Course Title ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHM Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE..Spanning Trees – Graph Traversals UNIT 4 MEMORY MANAGEMENT . Sahni.Design Techniques .. Marks-100 Min. Pointer. Prentice Hall of India. Tanenbaum A. Pearson P 2.S. I UNIT 3 nterconnection networks. TMH.Category of Course Course Title ADVANCED COMPUTOR ARCHITECTURE Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. Parallel Algorithms for array processors.Hwang And Briggs. UNIT 1 Flynn's and Handler's Classification of parallel computing structures. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs."Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing". Marks-100 Min."Computer Architecture and Organisation".John Hays. SIMD multiprocessor structures.Graw-Hill. Reference Books : 1.103 Theory Papers Max. 2. Multiprocessing control and algorithms. Mc. . MIMD multiprocessor systems. Search algorithms. UNIT 2 Data and control hazards and method to resolve them.3 . Pipelined and Vector Processors. UNIT 4 Scheduling and load balancing in multiprocessor systems. loops and decisions. Inheritence. Modern Data Base System by Kim W. structures and functions. Van Nostrand.104 Theory Papers Max. characterization of object oriented languages. Springer Verlag . 3. Unit 5 Object oriented Databases : Relational v/s object oriented databases. UNIT 1 0verview of object oriented concepts : Need for object oriented programming. Galgotia Pub. Galgotia Pub. OOP by Blaschek G. files and stream. Object Oriented S/W Development by Mc. Addison Wesely 4. and chen and chen ).Category of Course Course Title OBJECT ORIENTED TECHNOLOGY Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. Object Data Management by Cattel R. Unit 6 Distributed object oriented systems : Object management group. Reference Books : 1. Introduction to OOP by Witt KV. Addison Wesely 7. OOP in C++ by Lafore. The architecture of OO databases. Array and pointers. Query languages for OO databases. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Unit 2 Object oriented Design : object structure concepts. system design life cycle. Gregor & Sykes DA.. objects and classes. CORBA. methodology for object oriented design (Booch.3 . Gemstone/O2/orion. Marks-100 Min. virtual function. 5. Addison Wesely 6. 2. Design modelling. Unit 3 Object oriented programming : An overview of c++ programming. The C++ Programming Language by Stroustrup B. ACM Press. ATM Network: Kasara. Basic concepts. Multicast routing protocols: DVMRP. fundamentals. UNIT 4 VPN addressing and routing. 2. MOSPF. ATM Concepts. OSPF. MAN. Equipments and Implementation UNIT 5 Introduction to wireless transmission and medium access control.TMH . Configuring a Router. CIDR. RLOGN . ISO-OSI Model. CBT. Computer Networks and Open Systems: Hallsall. WAN. SNMP. FTP. MIME. Internetworking with TCP/IP: Comer. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. WAP GSM and CDMA: Network architecture and management Reference Books: 1. UNIT 1 Review of Networking and O. Multicast Trees. 3. TFTP. Marks-100 Min. Services Architecture. wireless LAN: IEEE 802. Bluetooth Mobile Network and Transport layer. TMH 8. IMAP. SMTP. Forouzan . Address handling Internet protocols and protocol layering. Uni-cast.DHCP.3 . MBONE.STTP. BGP. Stalling. Communication media & principles IEEE standards etc. Principles. Computer Networks: Tanenbaum. Multicast and Broadcast.S. HTTP. Comparative study of IPv6 and IPv4. 4. Pearson Education 6. UNIT 2 Internetworking with TCP/IP. PIM. NFS. DNS. Hipher LAN . Interior & Exterior Routing. Protocols and Architecture. Mobile Communication: Schiller. Wiley 7. Distance Vector Routing. TCP/IP protocol Suite. Data Communications. different layers and their functions. Applications: TELNET. 5.105 Theory Papers Max. LAN. Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture: Yi Bing Lin. VOIP. EIGRP.Category of Course Course Title ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKING Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. Data Communications. RIP. POPL. UNIT 3 Introduction to Router.11. VPN Host management. JSP & JAVA Beans. Koisur David : Electronic Commerce. e-wallet technologies. e-card. Atul Kahate. UNIT 1 Introduction to building blocks of electronic commerce: Internet and networking technologies. TMH 3. PHI 5. Web Technology. Distributed objects. . XML etc. Greenstein. AW. ICMP. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Comparative case study of Microsoft and JAVA technologies. component technology. SGML. plug-ins. Web application architectures. DNS. Marks-100 Min. TMH 6. tiers. multi-agent systems.Category of Course Course Title Web Technology and Commerce Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. frames and forms. PHI 4. UNIT 5 E-Governance: E-Governance architecture. ARP. Satyanarayana. UNIT 2 Static and dynamic web pages. electronic money and electronic payment systems. Payment protocols and standards. UNIT 4 Business models for electronic commerce. Digital divide and Cyber-law. E-Commerce. optimization algorithms for marketplaces. observers. private partnership. Exposure to Markup languages. Search engines. Reference Books: 1. Achyut Godbole. Public Readiness. DHTML. object request brokers. Microsoft 7. IP addressing.. active X control. EDI. management etc.201 Theory Papers Max. Browsers. The E-Business revolution.Commerce applications. Web technology and Commerce. E-Government.3 . design of auctions. Security. ASP. Ravi Kalakota : Frontiers of Electronic commerce. Web services. signatures. tractability. Applets & Serve-lets. privacy. HTML. web server scalability. TMH 2. electronic marketplaces. UNIT 3 Security of E-Commerce transactions. authentication. Minoli and Minoli. RARP. Daniel Amor. Software technologies for building E. key certification. review of cryptographic tools. auctions and other market mechanisms. VRML. CGI. anonymity. smart card. 3 .202 Theory Papers Max. channel coding theorem. Probability of undetected error for linear block code in BSC Hamming code and their applications. entropy of binary memory-less source and its extension to discrete memory-less source. MIT Press 7. Lempel-Ziv Coding. entropy and its properties.MGH 8. channel capacity. Binary symmetric channel. Digital Communication by Proakis. data compression. cyclic Hamming codes. Digital Communication by Haykins Simon Wiley Publ. Principal of Communication system by Taub & Schilling. Error control Coding: Theory and Application. cryptogram. UNIT 5 Video image compression and algorithms. Error Correcting Codes by Peterson W. Unit 1 Introduction to uncertainty. by B. vector spaces and matrices in GF(2). Concept of cipher Reference Books: 1. and its encoding circuits. decryption. its construction & viterbi algorithm for maximum likelihood decoding. Bandwidth signal to noise Trade off. and its application to BSC. mutual information & its properties. Lathi 4.. Digital Communication by Sklar. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. capacity of channel of infinite bandwidth. Binary image compression schemes. prefix coding.PHI 3. Unit 3 Group and field of Binary system Galois field and its construction in GF (2m) and its basic properties. Decoding circuits. Marks-100 Min. error location & correction. Introduction to convolution codes. Cryptography. encryption. crypto analysis. encoding & decoding circuits. Digital Communication by Carson. information. Systematic codes. run length encoding. coding theorem. Fading Channel.TMH . Linear Block Codes. TMH 6. Pearson Education 5. its encoding & decoding. Introduction to BCH codes. Shannon’s theorem on channel capacity.Category of Course Course Title Information theory and coding Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. syndrome computation & error detection. 2. syndrome and error detection minimum distance. Modern analog and Digital Communication system. error detecting and correcting capabilities of block code. HUFFMAN coding.P. CCIIT group 3 and 4 compression Unit 2 Discrete memory less channels. Generator & parity check matrix of cyclic codes. Practical communication system in light of Shannon’s theorem. Unit 4 Cyclic codes and its basic properties. by Shu Lin and Cosstlello. Narosa. Unified design process. Unit testing. Foundation of Software Engineering. Code walkthrough and reviews. Sofware Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach. Scheduling and tracking. Reference Books: 1. MGH 2. project management tools and techniques. project planning.Mall. Requirement analysis and specifications. Overview of objectoriented concepts. Life cycle models. Unified Modeling Language (UML). LOC and function point based estimates. integration and system testing. Unit 4 Software quality and reliability. software maintenance issues and techniques.203 (A) Theory Papers Max. measurement and metrics. specifications. software reuse. Black box and white box testing. cohesion. cost estimation.Category of Course Course Title Software Engineering and project mgt Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. PHI 4. Foundation of Software Engineering. Software Quality Assurance: factors and components. coupling. UNIT 5 Configuration management. client-sever software development.Ghezzi. Object oriented methodology for analysis & design. Function-oriented design. UNIT 2 Fundamental issues in software design: goodness of design. Pressman R. 3. software project management. Pankaj Jalote. risk analysis. formal requirements. PERT. An Intergrated Approach to Software Engineering. Marks-100 Min. CPM. PHI .3 . Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Project effort estimation. UNIT 1 Introduction. structured analysis and design.S. User interface design UNIT 3 Coding standards and guidelines. team management. Analogy. Introduction to Fuzzy Logic controllers. Fuzzy set theory. Artificial Intelligence . connectionist AI and symbolic AI.J. Hierarchical planning. M. UNIT 3 Natural language processing: Introduction. Case-based reasoning. Distributed Reasoning Systems. learning by taking advice. learning from examples. Fuzzy Systems theory application. statistical decision making. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs.Klir and B Yuan. References on specific games. Formal learning theory. Other planning techniques. Discovery. UNIT 6 Introduction to Neuro-fuzzy systems & its applications in real world computing.Category of Course Course Title Artificial Intelligence & Computing Logic Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. An example domain. Applications of Neural Networks. Explanation-based.Asai. Additional Refinements. Reactive Systems. Image processing. control.T. Databases. Recurrent Networks. Hand Book of Evolutionary Algorithms . Understanding: What is Understanding? What makes Understanding hard? Understanding as constraint satisfaction. Syntactic processing. Learning in Neural Networks.R. Schal Koft. an Engineering approach. Parallel and Distributed AI: Psychological modeling. components of a planning system Goal Stack planning. Marks-100 Min. Some case studies of FLCs in diagnosis. Information retrieval Expert system for damage assessment. Reference Books : 1.3 . Image recognition. Introduction to Neural Networks . various fuzzyfication and defuzzification methods.G. Iterative Deepening.Wassermann. Academic P 3.E. Fuzzy set relations. of NNs in pattern recognition. Over view of Evolutionary Algorithms & its applications in search and optimization areas. Parallelism in Reasoning Systems. human activities. Sugeno.Oxford University Press. Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy logic . UNIT 1 Game playing: Overview. Discourse and pragmatic Processing.203 (B) Theory Papers Max. nonlinear Planning using constraint posting. . Common Sense : Qualitative Physics. UNIT 2 Planning : Overview. Learning in Problem solving. Distributed representations. UNIT 4 Connectionist Models: Introduction. Van Nostrand Reinhold. Adding Alpha-Beta Cutoffs. K.Terano. 4. Neural Net learning and Genetic learning. Rich. Artificial Intelligence. Memory organization. PHI 5. Common sense ontology. Learning: Rote learning. Mini-max Search procedure. Semantic Analysis. Case studies. Mc Graw hill 6. Robots. Knight. Computer vision etc. UNIT 5 Fuzzy Logic : Introduction. K. TMH 2. 80386 Micrprocessor Handbook .J.C.H. 8086/88 Architecture and Instruction Set. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Marks-100 Min. Ostorne TMH. Advanced 80386 Programming Techniques . Turley. 80387 Numeric processor Extension. communicating among tasks. Microprocessor System Design . 8086 Emulation. Programming Techniques. designing 8086 CPU Module. Handling faults and Interrupts. Mc Graw Hill.Uffenbeck.J. Memory Segmentation. 8086 Emulation. 3. 5. Programming for performance. PHI 2.Category of Course Course Title Advanced Microprocessors Course Code MCSE203 (C) CreditsL T P 3 . Advanced 80486 Programming Techniques . Memory Segmentation. Multitasking. 80286 Emulation. Pappas and W. Reset and Real Mode. Turley. Case Studies of Microprocessor System design for various applications. Reference Books : 1. Microprocessor Product Development. 80386 Emulation. Main Memory System design. Basic I/O Overview of the 80386. Murray Osborne 4. Privilege levels. Paging. . 80286 Emulation. Overview of 80486. Osborne TMH.L. The 8086/8088 family .Conner.L.J.H. Introduction to latest families of Intel processors.- Theory Papers Max. Category of Course Course Title Comp. Cyrus beck clipping method. clipping. shading: Gouraud. Multimedia system designs an introduction compression & decompression data & file format standard. Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics. viewing Transformations. rotation. andleigh and Kiran Thakrar. polygon filling. Rendering & Visualization. New Delhi 3 Foley and VanDam.Wesley Pub. Hearn and Baker. Basics of Computer Graphics. Hyper media massaging. Storage technologies.Multimedia System Design. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Distributed multimedia system Reference Books : 1. translation. Buford. McGraw Hill. Computer Graphics. Multimedia Components. 2D and 3D Geometrical Transformations: scaling. Introduction to Ray-tracing. parallel and perspective projection. PHI 5.3 . Bezier curves B-splines. Multimedia Systems. Graphics & Multimedia Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. Multimedia input/output technologies. Multimedia authoring & user interface. curves and Surfaces: cubic splines. Marks-100 Min. Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics. 2. Prentice-Hall of India. reflection. Illuminations model. polygon intersection. .F. by John F. Rogers D. Input devices. Raster Graphics: line and circle drawing algorithms Windowing and clipping: Cohen and Sutherland line clipping. Computations on polygons: point inclusion problem.203 (E) Theory Papers Max. Hidden line/surface removal methods. Phong. Ed. Addison4 . Graphics display devices. Addison .K. 1994.Prabhat K. Query Processing and Optimization. Database Concept.Object Oriented databases :Narang. S. Attributes. Web databases: Accessing databases through web Reference Books : 1. Date. Addison W 3. C. Introduction to Image and Multimedia databases and data structures. Content based retrieval: Color Histograms. Relationships.Category of Course Course Title Advanced DBMS Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. Normal forms. Quad trees.H. Normalization. Integrity constraints. Data models. McGraw Hill. Association. 4. Relational Data models: Domains. Relational database. Prentice-Hall of India. Silberschatz.J. 2. DBMS Concepts Introduction. Keys. E-R diagram. Aggregation. Tuples. 2nd Edition. New Delhi . Data structure. Marks-100 Min. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Replication.Fundamentals of Database System. Generalization. Elmasri. K d tree.204 (A) Theory Papers Max.3 .An Introduction to Data base System. Object oriented and object relational databases: Specialization. Location & Fragment transparency. Relational algebra and relational calculus. Volume I (Vth Ed). Benjamin Cummings. Korth and A.R tree. Navathe. Schemas. Distributed Query Processing and Optimization. Entities and attributes. F. Distributed databases: Fragmentation. PHI 2.Multilayer Perception . other Search Techniques like hill Climbing.Fuzzy decision making. Reference Books : 1.Fuzzy functions Decomposition .Category of Course Course Title Soft Computing Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE.Data clustering algorithms . Knowledge Representation.FUZZY MODELING : Adaptive networks based Fuzzy interface systems .Kohnen's self organizing networks . Philip D.Fuzzy matrices . NEURO .Neuro-Fuzzy controls .Importance of tolerance of imprecision and uncertainty.3 . INTRODUCTION: production systems.Hopfield network.Fitness Computations .Simulated annealing – Evolutionary computation.Cross over . Best first search. Refutation. Marks-100 Min.Supervised and Unsupervised learning – Back propagation networks .Fuzzy control methods . fuzzylogic & Genetic algorithms. Resolution. 5. Thomson learning.204 (B) Theory Papers Max. Artificial Intelligence. GENETIC ALGORITHMS: Survival of the Fittest . Study and comparison of breadth first search and depth first search. Biological and artificial neuron. 4. theorem proving. A* algorithm. Dernuth & Beale. Rajsekaran & Pai – Neural Networks. VP. Rich E and Knight K. AO* algorithms. Kecman: Learning & soft Computing. Problems in representing knowledge. 3.Rank space method. History of the Development of Fuzzy Logic. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Van Nostrand Reinhold Pub. FUZZY SYSTEMS : Introduction. Neural Computing.Reproduction .Rank method . Hagan. Neural network design. Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy reasoning .Classification and Regression Trees .Fuzzy automata and languages . knowledge representation using prepositional and predicate logic. TMH. Pearson Edu. . ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS : Basic concepts .Rule based structure identification . monotonic and nonmonotonic reasoning. Wasserman. Single layer perception . New Delhi.Mutation . Techniques. & H/W implementation consideration. 2. CCD camera study.- Theory Papers Max.Category of Course Course Title Robotics and Computer Vision Course Code MCSE204 (D) CreditsL T P 3 . "Computer Vision"-D. Introduction to DFT errors in digital filtering. 5. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Estimation of DFT. WTFA & ints application to digital filter. "Digital Signal Processing". "Digital Image Processing And Computer Vision"-R. 4. and outdoor screne. "Robotics"-Lee. . selection of Co-ordinate frames. 3. Mc Graw Hill. Marks-100 Min.. "Introduction to Robotics"-Craig. 3D-vision.Openhem And Shepher. Control design. NTT. Design procedure for FIR & IIR Filters. Z transforms.Wiley. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Introduction to AGV.3 . Multirate digital filtering. clusturing and non supervised learning method. Ballard and C. real time processing. Prentice Hall. Kinematics and manupulators.J. Languages for Robots and Applications.Schalkoff. "Robot Vision"-Horn B.204 (E) Theory Papers Max.Segmentation using Genetic Algorithm: Adaptive algorithm for indor scene. NTT & WTFA. MIT Press. Category of Course Course Title Digital Signal Processing Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE.J. shape recognition.M. dynamic scane analysis. Homogeneous transformation.Graw-Hill. method of fast computation of DFT.Brown. Reference Books: 1. Marks-100 Min.H.. Powerspectrum. Basic components of robotics system. TO BE DETAILED AND EXPANDED Discrete time signals and system. Addison Wesley. Lagrangian equations and manipulator dynamics. Prespective vision. Mc. Reference Books : 1. Linear Phase design of filter. solution of kinematics equations. Interpretation of pictures. Schiller. Propagation in near in distance. Addison Wisely 4. Mobile IP. Planning of cellular system. Kaveh Pahalwan 3. UNIT 5 Handoffs & Dropped calls: Value of Implementing Handoffs. Real time co channel interference measurement at mobile radio Transceivers. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. fixed channel assignment. non fixed channel assignment algorithms How to operate north additional spectrum. operation of cellular systems. mobile to mobile Propagation. Finding the values of g & u. cell splitting. long distance Propagation obtain path less from a point to point Prediction model.3 . set up channels definition of channel assignment. Traffic & channel assignment.Category of Course Course Title Mobile Computing Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. 2. Mobility Management. UNIT 6 Special topics: Wireless and Mobile Computation – SS7. J. power difference handoff .204 (F) Theory Papers Max. Frequency-spectrum utilization. digital cellular systems. Decision of an omni directional antenna system. call site Handoff only. Lee TMH . Location Management. UNIT 2 Cell coverage for signal & Traffic: Introduction. obtaining the mobile point to point model. Reference Books: 1. Mobile assisted handoff & soft Handoff. Mobile Communication. introduction to dropped call rate. UNIT 3 Co channel Interference reduction: Co channel interference . Delaying a handoff. Formula of Dropped call rate. criteria. Queuing of Handoffs. Power control. initiation of a hand off. UNIT 4 Frequency management & channel Assignment: Frequency management. CDMA. Perkins. exploring co channel interference area. Perception of call blocking from the subscribers. performance. Forced Handoffs. Multicast Routing Protocols. Propagation over water or flat open areas.. intersystem Handoff. Foliage loss. in a system. call-site antenna Heights & Signal coverage calls. Uniqueness of mobile Radio environment. Lowering the antenna height.Y. GSM. marketing Image of Hexagonal shaped cells. reduction of co channel interference by mean of a notech in the tilted antenna Pattern. Wireless Mobile ATM. Adhoc Networking by Charles E. Marks-100 Min. UNIT 1 Introduction to cellular mobile systems: Basic cellular system. Wireless Network. Design of a directional antenna system. Mobile cellular Telecommunications by William C. Analog cellular systems. Mobile Agents. Pearson Press. performance. computer as closed system. BPR. info system components and activities. UNIT 3 Info concepts: define data. MFG-pro. MIS as strategic tool. Reference books: 1. context and risk and their effect on product performance. system stress and entropy. MIS. ERP by Alex Leon.K. Davis and Olson. (SDLC) system development life cycle for in-house and licensed sw. characteristics. design and implementation phases. five views of work system: structure. Integrated data model. info planning. Business Process Re-Engineering. Garg. training of Operational personnel. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Evolution of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) from MRP. difficulties in planning. structured and unstructured decision. definition. Information characteristics and attributes. UNIT 2 System concepts: types. TMH 3. methodology of ERP implementation and guidelines for ERP implementation. UNIT 5 E-business components and interrelationship. Objectives and benefits. system analysis and development plan-purpose and participants. Decision process and MIS. 4. and manuals of SAPP. Supply chain management (SCM) and Customer relationship management (CRM). hierarchical view of CBIS. Value chain and MIS support. UNIT 4 Planning and control Concepts: terminologies. MIS. obstacles and challenges for MIS.3 . . James O’ Brian.Category of Course Course Title Management Information System ERP-CRM Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE.205 (A) Theory Papers Max. Jayaraman. infrastructure. analysis of needs. knowledge. TMH. UNIT 6 ERP Implementation. ERP modules. role of consultants. information technology and computer NW support to MIS. intelligence and wisdom. law of requisite variety. ERP by V. info. Marks-100 Min. evaluation. PHI 5. TMH 2. info measurement and probability. characteristics of human as info processor. customization. functional and cross functional systems. Control and Maintenance of Information Systems. Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR). significance and functions. feedback (Pull) and feedforward (Push) control. Operation and mgt support. vendors and users. work system model and comparison with input-process-output model. system investigation. strategic and operational issues in ERP. UNIT 1 Management Information System (MIS) definition. open and flexible (Adaptive) systems. Parallel processing. 5. merging on the CRFW. searching on a Tree. ERFW models. CRCW & EREW searching. preparation of causal loop diagrams and flow diagrams.A. general principles of parallel computing. computer networks etc. CREW. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. TMH. searching a sorted sequence. Computing Fourier Transforms. sorting on the CRCW. nonlinear and stochastic models. System Dynamics modeling: Identification of problem situation .E. STELLA. parallel bubble sort. equation writing. Introduction to modeling and simulation: Modeling and simulation methodology. study of Simulation sw -SIMULA. PHI. CRFW. Simulation of system dynamics models. POWERSIM. quicksort. analysis of M/M/1 queues. 3. System simulation.. designing of parallel algorithms. A Network for merging. McGraw Hill. EREW models. Simulation languages comparison and selection. continuous and discrete time simulation. 4. System Dynamics..- Theory Papers Max. ERCW. Reference Books : 1. birth-death system. Bitonic sort using the perfect shuffle. Reference Books : 1. Wiley Eastern Ltd. Computer Aided Modeling and Simulation. concept of simulation. Quinn. Basic concept of probability and random variables continuous and discrete random variables. Application of queuing theory in computer system like operating systems.Category of Course Course Title Parallel Computing Course Code MCSE205 (C) CreditsL T P 3 . CREW & CRCW searching on SIMD computers. level and rate relationship. Spriet. Category of Course Course Title Simulation & Modeling Course Code MCSE205 (D) CreditsL T P 3 . Gorden G. Marks-100 Min. 2. testing and analysis. add-even transport sort. Compartmental models: linear. Payer T. validation of experimental models.I. Design & Analysis of Parallel Algorithm by Salim & Akl. Printice Hall. Parallel sorting algorithms Batcher’s bitonic sort. Prentice Hall . Introduction to system simulation. Parallel computer structure. equilibrium of queuing system. a parallel FFT algorithm.. W. Sushil. DYNAMO. distribution of random variables: discrete and continuous. Tree sort. analyzing algorithms. mesh. Design Efficient Algorithm for Parallel Computers by Michel J. 2. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Shannon R. Introduction to Queuing Theory: Characteristics of queuing system.Theory Papers Max. system modeling . computing the DFT in parallel. searching on a random sequence EREW. Marks-100 Min. System simulation. Verification and validation: Design of simulation experiments. Poisson's formula. "Digital Image Processing".Addison weslay. Hough Transform. Image Enhancement.A. Reference Books : 1. Hadmark Transform. Prentice Hall.Jain. Fast Fourier Transform. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Histogram. Marks-100 Min.Category of Course Course Title Digital Image Processing Course Code MCSE205 (E) CreditsL T P 3 .- Theory Papers Max. Image Representation. "Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing". . Segmentation. Introduction to Color Images. Thresh olding. Spatial Domain. texture classification feature extraction. Global Thrsh olding.K. data structures for picture representation Image Transformation.Walsh Transform. Hotelling Transform. Representation. Texture analysis. rule-based picture segmentation. Frequency Domain.India. Low Pass Filtering.C. Boundry detection.Wintex.Gonzalex and P. High Pass Filtering. Image capture and digitization.R. 2. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. an audio/visual stream control object CORBA-based Network-management. objects by value. 2. CORBA fundamentals & Programming . Reference Books : 1. the event and notification services. and the security service. Wiley. UNIT 1 Support for analysis and design : Unified Modelling Language (UML) and the Meta-Object Facility (MoF) UNIT 2 Basic Object-Oriented Computing model : The Object Request Broker (ORB). UNIT 4 CORBA services : basic services for distributed Object .3 . Fault tolerant.Nogel. and Embedded CORBA.Pope.205 (F) Theory Papers Max. a currency facility from finance. C++. and Ada. Marks-100 Min. Internet Inter ORB Protocol (IIOP) Component Model : CORBA components and scripting. J. Interface Definition Language (IDL) and its mapping to C. Wiley.Category of Course Course Title CORBA Architecture Course CreditsCode L T P MCSE. the lexicon query service. multiple interfaces. Addison-Wesley. UNIT 3 Distribution : The protocol content specification General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) and its mapping to TCP/IP.. 3. Vertical market CORBA facilities : Support for enterprise. Specialized modes : Support for Real-Time. A. Cobol. smalltalk. person identifier service. UNIT 5 Horizontal CORBA facilities : systems management. A.Siegel. Java. The CORBA Reference Guide. print spooling.Oriented applications : naming and trader services. Java Programming with CORBA . the Object Transaction service (OTS). . feature extraction. Sequence Mining. Pearson education. clustering and association paradigm. GSP. STIRR. Berry Linoff. Marks-100 Min. content based image and video retrieval. CURE. Web Mining. Other DM techniques & Web Mining: Application of Neural Network. categorical clustering algorithms. Reference Books : 1. Partition. Pincer search etc. Wiley. Mining problems. BIRCH. Spatial Trends. CLARANS. DM techniques. DBMS v/s Data Mining . Dunham. University Press. Pearson education. Time series analysis. Adriaans & Zantinge.- Theory Papers Max. motion analysis. Partitioning algorithms like K-Medioid. Clustering paradigms. CACTUS. SPADE. Mastering Data Mining. Spatial Mining tasks. Temporal and spatial DM: Temporal association rules..Category of Course Course Title Data Mining and Warehousing Course Code MCSE301 (A) CreditsL T P 3 . Data Mining. knowledge discovery. Image and Video representation techniques. and WUM algorithms. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. Spatial clustering. Web content mining. Data Mining. DM Application areas. DBSCAN. Web structure Mining. Decision tree in DM. 2. Issues and Challenges in DM. Data Mining Techniques . Generalized association rules. KDD v/s Data Mining. Association Rules & Clustering Techniques: Introduction. 4. AI. CLARA. Data Mining of Image and Video : A case study. Introduction : Data Mining: Definitions. Arun K. ROCK. 3. Web Usage Mining. Hierarchical clustering. Spatial Mining. Event prediction.Pujari . . SPIRIT. Various association algorithms like A Priori. Fuzzy logic and Genetic algorithm. Episode Discovery. Architecture. protocol. NFS. SNMP Introduction. dynamic routing.special case of IP addresses. trace route program operation. RARP server design. the Internet. . IP routing. examples. RARP examples. message format. Marks-100 Min.Category of Course Course Title Web Engineering Course Code MCSE301 (B) CreditsL T P 3 .IP source routing option. UDP Server design. SLIP. instance identification. subnet addressing. simple example. UDP: introduction. a subnet example.Loop back interface. DNS . ICMP: Introduction. Link layer: introduction. ICMP address mask request and reply-ICMP timestamp request and reply. examples. TCP\IP Principles. SMTP protocols. trailer encapsulation. examples. Internet protocol: introduction. timeout of connection establishment.options. simultaneous open and close. connection establishment and termination. IP record route option. ping program.encapsulation. IP time stamp option. TFTP: introduction. First Edition. and ICMP redirect errors. ARP packet format. state transition diagram. Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd. W. Protocols And Implementation. LAN output. reset segments. BOOTP: introduction. pointer quires. IP routing: Introduction. routing principles. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. services.S. Address Resolution Protocol: Introduction. through router.4 BSD processing of ICMP Messages. TCP/IP Applications. Jaiswal . management information base. PPP. object identifiers. TCP: Introduction. Ethernet and IEEE 802 encapsulation. RARP: Introduction.- Theory Papers Max.4. server design. ARP command. caching.basics. ARP examples. client /server model. UDP checksum. UDP header. packet format. RARP packet format. ICMP host. IP Fragmentation. protocol. FTP. ARP cache. structure of management information. Proxy ARP. de-multiplexing. TCP/IP Illustrated Volume-I "The Protocols ". IP header. Reference Books : 1. telnet protocol and examples. headers. subnet mask. standardization process. Introduction: layering. Richard Stevens. ICMP message types. Dynamic Routing protocols: introduction. MTU. port numbers. Ping Program: Introduction. resource records. Telnet: rlogin protocols. BGP. server design. an example. Addison W 2. CIDR.maximum segment size. Trace route program: Introduction. RIP-OSPF. and WAN output. security. DNS Introduction.half. close. UDP. protocol. Theory of redundant system design. Real time operating system. 2. Fault tolerant circuit design. Fault tolerant architectures. Denavit-Hartenberg representation. flow meters. Fault detection and diagonosis.The design specifications. tasks and task scheduling. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs. System Reliability and methods of improving it..J. Reference Books : 1.- Theory Papers Max. Case study: Electronic braking system. Components of a real time system.Category of Course Course Title Real time & Fault Tolerant Systems Course Code MCSE301 (C) CreditsL T P 3 . the development environment. Use of mechatronix for designing and manufacturing of: surface mount component. "Software Design for Real Time Systems". differential voltage transformers. Response time specification. feed back control. Introduction to Mechatronix. Robot kinematics: Homogeneous transformations. task synchronization and data transfer factors in selecting a real time operating system. pressure sensors. Newton euler formulations. Touch. Marks-100 Min. Category of Course Course Title Mechatronix Course Code MCSE301 (D) CreditsL T P 3 . Euler angle solution to inverse Kinematics. Dynamics: Lagrange-Euler. " Real Time System"-C. path planning: Joint interpolated and cartesian path planning. Mechatronix tools.M Krishna and Kang G. Range and proximity sensing.E.- Theory Papers Max. sensing mechanisms. Basic components of a Robotics system.ASM Diagram and Data flow analysis. Chapman & Hall Pub. thermo couple. assembling & testing mix technology board. force & torque sensors: Transducers: Solenoid valve. TMH. (hydrolic based) REFERENCE BOOKS: . collision avoidance. Inverse Kinematics. Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs.Shin. Marks-100 Min. Euler angles.Cooling. Mechatronix sensitivity analysis and stress analysis for hydraulic systems. Block Cipher Design Principles. Web Security Intruders. Viruses and Related Threats Firewalls Firewall Design Principles . Prentice Hall. Trusted Systems Reference Books : 1. “ Cryptography and Network Security”. Message Authentication Codes . Simplified DES .Third Edition. Viruses and Worms Intruders . Security of Hash Functions Hash And Mac Algorithms MD5 Message Digest Algorithm . Block Cipher Principles . Second edition. Atul Kahate.Category of Course Course Title Network Security Course Code MCSE302 (F) CreditsL T P 3 . Classical Encryption Techniques. Block Cipher Modes of operation. William Stallings. Marks-100 Min. Elliptic Curve Cryptography Message Authentication and Hash Functions Authentication Requirements. Conventional Encryption Convention Encryption : Conventional Encryption Model . “ Cryptography and Network Security.” TMH 3. Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-I) . Marks-40 Duration: 3 hrs."Cryptography and Network Security". The Data Encryption Standard. The Strength of DES . Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis. Steganography . Principles of Public Key Cryptosystems . Authentication Functions. The RSA Algorithm . Authentication Protocols -Digital Signature Standard Authentication Applications . 1999. 2. Key Management . IP Security . Diffie Hellman Key Exchange . Hash Functions . . HMAC Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols Digital Signatures . William Stallings.- Theory Papers Max. Conventional Encryption algorithms Public Key Encryption And Hash Functions Public Key Cryptography . Pearson Edu. RIPEMD .
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