March 20, 2018 | Author: Gaurang Rathod | Category: Digital Signal Processing, Vhdl, Discrete Fourier Transform, Sun, Signal Processing



Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.E Sem-I Remedial Examination January/ February 2011 Subject code: 710403 Subject Name: ASIC Design Date:02 /02 /2011 Time: 02.30 pm – 05.00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.3 Q.4 Q.4 Q.5 Q.5 (a) Describe logical design and physical design steps in ASIC design flow with block diagram. (b) Write the VHDL code for the 4 to 16 decoder using behavioral style of modeling. (a) Do as directed: (1) Whether following statement is true or false. “Nested process statements are possible in VHDL”. Also justify your answer. (2) List all different subtypes of scalar data types in VHDL. (3) Discuss necessity of resolution function. (b) Draw the basic block diagram of any CPLD and discuss. OR (b) Explain in brief (1) Channeled Gate array (2) Channel less gate array (3) Structured gate array (a) Explain Inertial Delay model with suitable example. Also summaries effect of Inertial Delay on Signal Drivers. (b) (1) Compare Signal and Variable in VHDL (2) Discuss Block statement in VHDL OR (a) Define the following terms: 1. Configuration declaration in VHDL 2. Transport Delay Model 3. Sequential Signal assignment statements 4. Component Instantiation 5. Data flow modeling 6. Anti-fuse technology (b) Write the VHDL code using structural model for a 9-bit parity generator circuit. (a) List the main purposes of test-bench. Discuss waveform generation using test-bench. (b) Discuss modeling of mealy state machine with suitable example. OR (a) Do as directed: (1) Differentiate between exit and next statements. (2) Briefly describe necessity of Configuration. (3) Elaborate Package declaration Compare following: (b) (1) PLA and ROM (2 ) FPGA and CPLD (a) Explain following operators used in VHDL with example (1) rem (2) mod (3) abs (b) Briefly describe implicit and explicit visibility in VHDL. OR (a) How many functions of how many variables can be realized by a PLA with n inputs and m outputs? Realize the following functions using PLA. F1 = Σm( 0,1,4,6) F2 = Σm( 2,3,4,6,7) F3 = Σm(0,1,2,6) F4 = Σm(2,3,5,6,7) (b) Write a short note on Floor planning and Placement. ************* 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.E Sem-I Examination January 2010 Subject code: 710403 Date: Subject ame: ASIC Design 25 / 01 / 2010 Time: 12.00 – 2.30 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) List down the advantages and disadvantages of Finite State 06 Machines. (b) Draw the basic block diagram of XC 9500 CPLD and Explain. 06 Q.2 06 (a) Explain the ASIC Design flow in detail. (b) Explain the importance of Regularity, Modularity and Locality 06 terms in ASIC Design. Take suitable example. OR (b) Explain in brief (i) Full Custom ASICs (ii) Standard Cell Based 06 ASICs (iii) Gate-Array Based ASICs. Q.3 (a) Write a VHDL code for 4-Bit Parallel-In-Serial-Out Shift Register. (b) Realize the following functions using PLA. F1 = Σm ( 3,4,5,6,7,10,13,15 ) F2 = Σm ( 2,4,6,8,10,14,15 ) F3 = Σm ( 5,7,13,15) OR (a) Write a VHDL Code for 4 – Bit full – adder. Use structural modeling style. Take 1- Bit full adder as a component. (b) Define Mealy State Machine and Moore State Machine. Compare them. Q.3 Q.4 06 06 06 06 (a) Explain Process statement. Explain the importance of sensitivity 06 list. Quote suitable example. (b) Explain basic data types in VHDL. 06 OR Q.4 (a) Explain Assertion statement. Explain its usefulness in writing 06 testbench. (b) What do you mean by Delta-delay ? Also explain Inertial Delay 06 model and Transport Delay model. Q.5 (a) Write a short note on Anti-fuse and Static RAM programming technology. (b) Write a short note on operators used in VHDL. OR (a) Write a short note on Programmable Logic Devices ( PLDs). (b) Explain Xilinx 3000 series logic cell, with configuration memory cell. Q.5 ************ 06 06 06 06 Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.E Sem-I Remedial Examination April 2010 Subject code: 710403 Subject !ame: ASIC Design Date: 08 / 04 / 2010 Time: 12.00 noon -02.30 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) Write a VHDL program for full Subtractor using structural modeling. (b) Discuss VLSI design methodology in brief. 06 06 Q.2 (a) Compare the following: I Moore and Melay machines. II CPLD and FPGA 06 (b) Do as directed: I. Discuss the necessity of resolution function. II. Compare VHDL language with C language. III. Write predefined operators in increasing precedence. OR (b) Compare Inertial and Transport delay with suitable examples. 06 (a) Compare ROM, PAL, PLA, and PLD. (b) Implement following equation using structural and data flow modeling. Y= ABCD+ A'B'C' +B'C+ AD' OR (a) Consider Melay Finite State Machine (FSM), with one input X and one output Z. The FSM asserts its output Z when it recognize the "101" input bit sequence. Overlapping sequences are accepted, i.e." if input X is 1010100.....output Z is 0010100." Implement the state diagram for above and write VHDL code for it. (b) Discuss following terms: 1. Moore's law 2. Gate density 3. Defect density 4. Yield 5. Gate Utilization 6. Die Cost. 06 06 Q.3 Q.3 Q.4 06 06 06 (a) Write VHDL code for the circuit that counts the number of positive clock 06 edges contained within a signal "Indat". If count exceeds a " Threshold_Max" an overflow flag is set. (b) Discuss the following: 06 1. Multiple processes and handshaking 2. Floor planning and placement OR Q.4 (a) State True/False. If statement is true justify it and if false correct it. 1. Variable represents wire connection 2. Process statement itself is concurrent statement. 3. VHDL allows changing the loop index inside the loop. 4. A generic declares a constant object of mode IN. 5. It is not possible to mix three modeling styles in single architecture body. 6. "Case" statement is a sequential statement. 06 1 (b) Write VHDL codes using behavioural modeling for the following flip-flops 06 with asynchronous clear input: I Negative edge-triggered D flip-flop II J-K flip-flop Q.5 Q.5 (a) Write a VHDL code to generate clock with ON period of 15 ns and OFF period of 25 ns. (b) What are the main objectives of test bench? Discuss test bench with suitable examples. OR (a) Differentiate between "Exit" statement and "Next" statement. Explain the same by writing suitable VHDL code. (b) Discuss concurrent versus sequential signal assignment statement. What is the effect of Delta delay in VHDL? 06 06 06 06 ************* 2 Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. E. IST Semester–Remedial Examination – July- 2011 Subject code: 710403 Subject Name: ASIC Design Date:11/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.3 Q.4 (a) Write VHDL codes using WHEN-ELSE statement for following circuits: 1. 4-to-2 priority encoder 2. Four-bit comparator (b) Write a VHDL code using behavioral description for four-bit shift register which has following features: 1. Parallel load, 2. Left shift, and 3. Right shift. 06 (a) Draw a state diagram for Moore type finite state machine (FSM) which generates output ‘1’ when it receives input ‘1’ on two subsequent clock cycles. Include reset signal which brings FSM to initial state when it goes high. Write VHDL code for this FSM using process statement. (b) Explain configuration and package declaration statements using necessary examples. OR (b) Explain various versions of wait statements. What will be the effect of including ‘wait for 0 ns’ statement within the middle of process statement which has signal assignments statements before and after this wait statement? Explain with appropriate example. 06 (a) Discuss assertion statement and write a VHDL code for rising edge triggered D flip-flop with a check on setup and hold times to demonstrate application of this statement. (b) List out uses of block statement and explain each of them in detail with appropriate statements. OR Explain inertial and transport delay models with necessary examples. (a) (b) Demonstrate the use of generic and FOR-LOOP statements by writing a VHDL code for n-input NAND gate. 06 (a) Give general structure of writing a test bench in VHDL. Write a test bench to generate D and clock inputs for D flip-flop. Assume VHDL code for D flipflop is available. How do you limit simulation time? (b) Draw architecture or block diagram of one of the CPLDs and explain its working. 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 OR Q.4 (a) Draw architecture or block diagram of one of the FPGAs and explain its working. (b) Write a VHDL program for n-bit adder using structural description by instantiating one-bit adder circuit. Program for one-bit adder must be given. 06 06 1 Q. Routing.5 Q. (b) Write a behavioral VHDL code for two-digit BCD counter. 2. Use INTEGER data type for signals. and 3. How is functional simulation different from timing simulation? (b) Write a behavioral VHDL code for four-bit counter with parallel load. OR (a) Explain following terminologies related chip design using CAD tools: 1. Technology 06 06 06 mapping.5 (a) Draw a flow chart indicating major steps involved in chip design using CAD tools. Placement. 06 ************* 2 . 2 (a) Write short notes on delays in VHDL. (b) Write down the truth table and VHDL code for the 4-bit up/down counter. Mealy machine requires more state than Moore machine to do same job. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. (b) Explain with a neat sketch the architecture of CLB’s available in Xilinx FPGA. Also draw the circuit and output waveforms OR Q. Can they be used 04 simultaneously in a program? 1 . 07 07 Q. Q.30 pm – 05. Also draw the circuit and output waveforms. Attempt all questions.I1 and two real numbers R0 and R1 5 List the 9 values of std_logic. The order of execution of concurrent VHDL statements cannot be predicted.E Sem-I Regular Examination January / February 2011 Subject code: 710403N Date: 02 /02 /2011 Subject Name: ASIC Design Time: 02. OR (b) With diagram explain FUSE and ANTIFUSE mechanism of FPGA programming. 2. The statement a<=b after 5ns in VHDL. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 6 Declare entity for 4x1 MUX. (ii) 1x4 DEMUX using when … else construct. Frequency of operation depends on critical path in a circuit. Declare 4-element array of 8-bit std_logic_vector called array_8. Do as Directed 07 Declare a numeric type called NewINT having range -2 to 6 Declare an enumerated data type called VOWEL containing only vowel characters. (b) Write down the truth table and VHDL code for the 4-bit left to right shift register.1 (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Write whether following statements are true or false? Justify your answer.Seat No.3 (a) Write behavioral VHDL code for (i) 4x1 MUX using with … select construct.4 (a) Discuss various loops in VHDL and Explain ‘Generate’ statement in VHDL with 07 an Example. A function can have inout mode parameters. 08 07 06 08 06 Q. 07 Q. 3. 7 Define VHDL package.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Also draw the circuit and write truth table. (b) Differentiate between a process and wait statement. is synthesized as a delay line of 5ns. Conditional assignment statements can not be used inside process.3 (a) Write the VHDL program for 1-bit full adder in all three types of modeling. two integers I0.: _____ Enrolment No.B1. Declare a record called MY_REC having two bytes B0. We can not mix structural and dataflow description in the same architecture unit. architecture con of trans is begin Signal temp:std_logic_vector(1 downto 0).std_logic_1164. draw circuit in terms of known combinational 07 blocks and flip flops.dir). end trans. a. Temp<=(en.5 (a) Discuss types of FSM (finite state machine) with appropriate example. With temp select a<=b when (“10”) <=(“zzz”) when others. U3. 07 (b) For latch shown in figure Q5bor below. 10. library ieee. 2 . U2. write behavioral VHDL code using 07 process.dir: in std_logic. 03 OR Q. end con. 10. With temp select B<=a when (“11”) <=(“zzz”) when others.(c) Explain BLOCK statement. Analyze behavior of the circuit if components U1. entity trans is port (en. Figure Q5a (b) For VHDL code shown below.all. (b) What is the use of Assertion statement? Explain with example. OR Q.4 (a) Explain the significance of conditional signal assignment statement and selected 07 signal assignment statement with example. 6ns respectively. 04 (c) How will you compare component declaration and component instantiation? 03 Q.b: inout std_logic_vector (3 downto 0). use ieee. Write VHDL 07 code using process. U4 are having delay of 5.5 (a) State diagram of vending machine is shown in figure Q5a below. Figure Q5bor ************* 3 . 07 07 1 .Seat No.1 Q. 4-to-2 priority encoder 2. OR (b) Explain various versions of wait statements. Left shift. OR Explain inertial and transport delay models with necessary examples.: _____ Enrolment No. Parallel load.4 (a) Write VHDL codes using WHEN-ELSE statement for following circuits: 1. Write a test bench to generate D and clock inputs for D flip-flop.2 Q. E.3 Q. 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 OR Q. 07 (a) Discuss assertion statement and write a VHDL code for rising edge triggered D flip-flop with a check on setup and hold times to demonstrate application of this statement. What will be the effect of including ‘wait for 0 ns’ statement within the middle of process statement which has signal assignments statements before and after this wait statement? Explain with appropriate example.4 (a) Draw architecture or block diagram of one of the FPGAs and explain its working. Include reset signal which brings FSM to initial state when it goes high. (b) Explain configuration and package declaration statements using necessary examples. (b) Write a VHDL program for n-bit adder using structural description by instantiating one-bit adder circuit.2011 Subject code: 710403N Subject Name: ASIC Design Date:11/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. (a) (b) Demonstrate the use of generic and FOR-LOOP statements by writing a VHDL code for n-input NAND gate. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 2. and 3. Four-bit comparator (b) Write a VHDL code using behavioral description for four-bit shift register which has following features: 1. (b) List out uses of block statement and explain each of them in detail with appropriate statements. Program for one-bit adder must be given. Figures to the right indicate full marks.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. 07 (a) Draw a state diagram for Moore type finite state machine (FSM) which generates output ‘1’ when it receives input ‘1’ on two subsequent clock cycles. Right shift. 3. 2. Q. How do you limit simulation time? (b) Draw architecture or block diagram of one of the CPLDs and explain its working. Assume VHDL code for D flipflop is available.3 Q. 07 (a) Give general structure of writing a test bench in VHDL. Write VHDL code for this FSM using process statement. IST Semester–Remedial Examination – July. Attempt all questions. 5 Q.5 (a) Draw a flow chart indicating major steps involved in chip design using CAD tools. Placement. Technology 07 07 07 mapping.Q. 2. and 3. Routing. How is functional simulation different from timing simulation? (b) Write a behavioral VHDL code for four-bit counter with parallel load. (b) Write a behavioral VHDL code for two-digit BCD counter. Use INTEGER data type for signals. OR (a) Explain following terminologies related chip design using CAD tools: 1. 07 ************* 2 . Light with wavelength shorter than that of violet is called ultraviolet light. the energy by which all the animals including human beings live is generated by the oxidation of the food produced by the plants. (b) Skim the following passage and answer the questions given at the end. E. in turn. We know that nuclear reactions that go on in the interior of the sun liberate a large amount of energy. About one-third of the light from the sun is infrared. it is the infrared wavelengths that heat up the earth.1 (a) Define the communication process. It powers the flow of wind and water cycles and sustains all life. which is the heavier isotope of hydrogen. All the food is derived from the process of photosynthesis. Nuclei of deuterium. 3. (Any Two) (1) Mental agility (2) Unsuitable personality (3) Apathy (4) Interpersonal skills 07 07 07 07 07 1 . Light with wavelength longer than that of red light is called infrared light. Questions (Any Two): (a) What is fusion reaction? (b) What is the central idea of the passage? (c) What is photosynthesis? Q. These reactions generate tremendous amount of energy. The sun emits lights of different wavelengths. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. If sunlight is passed through a prism each of these wave-lengths is refracted by a different amount. 2. In fact. Attempt all questions. The sun is the most direct source of energy. Violet has the shortest wavelength. The energy liberated in these reaction fires the sun. Also explain it with the help of schematic representation. Q. emits lights of different wavelengths. 1ST Semester Remedial Examination –July. it results in nuclear reactions. The sun contains in its core hydrogen nuclei moving at very great speeds. collide in the sun’s interior to produce helium. The reaction in which the hydrogen in the sun is converted into helium is called a fusion reaction.Seat No.2011 Subject code: 710001 Subject Name: Communication &Research Skills Date:06/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1.: _____ Enrolment No. Whenever these nuclei collide and fuse to form a nucleus of a heavier element. Of these wavelengths.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. The wavelength of green is midway between that of violet and red. It is the energy that powers the sun. which. and red has the longest. Plants use this energy to synthesize carbohydrates from simple substances like carbon dioxide and water. Figures to the right indicate full marks.2 (a) What is listening? What are the different types of listening? (b) Prepare a set of PowerPoint slides for professional presentations on “Use of Technology for Effective Communication” OR (b) Write short notes on each of the following terms with special reference to job interviews in about 100 words. 3 (a) Write short notes on Nature and Importance of Group Discussion. (b) ‘The District Collector. Jaipur. Now prepare a Questionnaire (7 points) to elicit the relevant information. OR As the manager of Sangam Hotel. Jhunjhunu. the Personnel Manager of Alpha Industries (e-mail address: sahini_kabir@alpha. inventing the necessary details. Therefore.Q.4 (a) Explain the significance of the following in terms of any research writing: Abstract. you wish to submit an unsolicited technical proposal for the manufacture of an item of your choice seeking loan from the State Industrial Development Corporation (SIDC). Now draft this proposal to be sent to the director. write a claim letter to the General Q. you have been asked to collect the data from the University students and submit a report. For this purpose. New Delhi. is concerned about the rapid increase in the number of road accidents in Pilani. 07 07 Q. Delhi. telling him that most of the contents of the china-ware which you had ordered from their firm have reached you in a damaged condition.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from requesting him to allow you to do summer training at the Gurgaon plant of the company. Jaipur. Invent necessary details. Illustrations and Footnote. Index.4 (a) Write a letter to the Police Commissioner. Pilani.5 (a) As a fresh graduate in engineering you have decided to establish a manufacturing unit in your hometown. Sampling. OR Q. Patna complaining about bad law and order situation in your area. Bhavanipur. a student doing M. Demand replacement or suitable compensation. (b) Write a detailed note on data collection and data analysis methods for research. 07 07 07 (b) Explain the following terms with reference to communication barriers and give two examples for each term: (1) Semantic Gap (2) Negative attitude (3) Absence of common frame of reference (4) information overload (5) Noise (6) selection of channel (7) Body Language 07 Q. (b) Assume that you are Niren Patel. has been asked to submit a report investigating the causes and suggesting measures to improve the situation. As the Education Officer. Bibliography.’ Prepare an outline for the above report. 07 (b) The director of education is deeply concerned about the loss of reading habits among the youth today. Tell him that you need to do a two weeks training at some company as part of your academic assignment. you have decided to avail yourself of the liberalized loan facility under the self-employment scheme. (b) Write short notes on following (any two): (a) Nature and scope of research (b) Hypothesis (c) solicited and unsolicited proposal 07 07 OR Q. Aligarh Road. The Chairman.5 (a) Manager of Bharat Potteries. SIDC. Write an e-mail message to Kabir Sahini. 07 07 07 ************* 2 .3 (a) Write a short note on “Professional and business etiquettes”. Municipal Corporation. (a) Write a reminder-letter to The Director. Q. Ltd. 3. 2. (b) Write a detailed note on traits of good listener. Billsbey Group of Companies. Q. Q.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.3 Q. AtoZ company. OR (b) Lack of vocabulary and Cultural difference-these two are interpersonal barriers. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Q. (a) Research is the systematic approach towards purposeful investigation.-Explain. OR (a) Explain the following terms in brief: (Any 3) 1-Bibliography and Index 2-Research Methodology 3-Contents and Appendix 4-Variables (b) Write short notes: (Any 2) 1-Types of Sampling in Research 2-Tools for Data Collection 3-Research Process ************* 06 06 06 06 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 .4 Q. Smart View Pvt.1 (a) Define the term ‘Communication’ and explain the process of communication. New Delhi regarding the delay of payments from their side. (b) Write an analytical report to The Executive Director. (b) Write a detailed note on flow of communication. Attempt all questions. (b) Write an informative report regarding the budget requirements for the newly started project of Employee-Training Program of your company.E Sem-I Remedial Examination January / February 2011 Subject code: 710001 Date: Subject Name: Communication & Research Skills 29 /01 /2011 Time: 02.30 pm – 05..00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. Assume that you are the executive member of the company.5 (a) Write an application letter with resume to The Manager.Seat No.2 (a) What are the techniques for good comprehension? 06 (b) Information overload and too many transfer stations-these two are organizational 06 barriers-Justify.5 Q. Andheri-West.4 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 OR Q. (b) Differentiate between dissertation and thesis and explain how they differ from a research paper. Figures to the right indicate full marks. M. Proxemics and Chronemics play vital roles in presentation-Elaborate.: _____ Enrolment No. regarding the extension of time period required for company’s sales target. Mumbai for the post of Engineer (in your respective area). (b) What are the expectations of interviewers from interviewee? OR (a) Kinesics.06 Justify. Marg.3 (a) Use of visual aids helps to make presentation elaborative-explain. Assume that you are the coordinator of this program and address the report to the general manager of your company-‘BUZZ Enterprize’. G. 00 – 2. (b) A research work is a task based on some systematic investigation which has to be done with the help of some factual information and it has to prove or disprove the hypotheses. 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 OR Q. (a) ‘Paraphrasing’ and ‘Reflecting implications’. (a consumer product company) along with your recommendations. C.4 Q.5 Q. G. Assume that you have to submit the report to the Executive Head of the company. (a) Defining a research question and framing hypotheses is an initial requirement to carry out any research. M. Mumbai. illustrations.3 Q.30 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. (b) Write an analytical report on Issues of Workers’ Community working at Novella Pvt. Road.D. (b) Write an informative report on possibilities of starting a new branch of the production division of New Gen Mechanics (a company manufacturing engineering tools) at Surat-G. Ahmedabad. 3. Ltd.-Explain. Q.4 (a) Write a detailed note on characteristics of language. Ltd. Hederabad as The Director of Genuine Group of Companies. – Justify.these two are signs of a good listener. New Delhi to place an order for 20 printing machines. Sampling. Assume that you are supposed to submit this report to Management Board of the company. (b) Write a detailed note on Verbal & Non-verbal Communication OR (b) Write a detailed note on types of interviews. OR (a) What are the types of listening? (b) What are the different techniques of delivering presentation? (a) Write a letter to The Manager.: _____ Enrolment No.-Justify.-Explain.2 Q.5 (a) Write a complaint letter to The Sales Division. footnotes. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Bibliography. (a) Interpersonal barriers play a crucial role for failure of communication processexplain.1 Q. Borivali (E). model no. M. Road. OR (a) Explain the significance of the following in terms of any research writing: Abstract.3 Q. Softlink Pvt. W678TH.Seat No. 2.E Sem-I Examination January 2010 Subject code: 710001 Date: 18 / 01/ 2010 Subject ame: Communication & Research Skills Time: 12. ABC Corporation.C. Attempt all questions. (b) Write a detailed note on levels of communication. (b) Effectiveness of your presentation up to some extent depends on your own analysis of your audience and locale.I. Assume that you are the purchase officer for Signature World. Your complaint is pertaining to program errors in the software you purchased from Softlink.. ************ 06 06 06 06 06 06 . (b) Write a detailed note on data collection and data analysis methods for research. Figures to the right indicate full marks. index.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. OR Explain importance of writing resume’ in job application. Explain any two of them with 06 Q. Ahmedabad complaining about bad law and order situation in your area. 06 (a) You have been successful in U. highlighting the crucial role of the mobile phones by way of communication and in promoting business and economy. Write a letter to the Chief Manager. Write an article on this. and conclusion of an 06 suitable (a) List various Barriers to effective Communication. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Nature and significance of proposals.5 (a) You are Kamal / Kamla.3 06 2.2 (b) Explain different types of interview.4 (a) (b) Q. Figures to the right indicate full for the Credit Manager of Citi Bank. Q. 3.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.E Sem-I Remedial Examination April 2010 Subject code:710001 Subject ame: Communication and Research Skills Date: 05 / 04 / 2010 Time: 12. write a report in 100-125 words for your organisation magazine.00 noon – 02.: _____ Enrolment No. body. 06 06 06 06 06 06 OR Q. (b) Write brief notes on the following: Q.S.C Examination. Suppose you want to take a car loan from State Bank Of India.30 pm Instructions: Total Marks: 60 1. Mumbai requesting him sent you details regarding educational loans by Citi Bank. (b) Explain any two: 1.Nature and Scope of Research 3. "Each one plant one" campaign was organised by your organisation to celebrate Van Mahotsava Day on 10th Nov. 2. Mobile phones have become a necessity and are seen in 06 the hands of the young and the old alike. 2. Write short notes on the following: 1.5 (a) (b) 06 1. 06 (a) What are the essential elements in the introduction. Also point out the difficulties and dangers in using mobile phones while driving. Difference between qualitative and quantitative research. Hypothesis ************* . 2. (b) Suppose you want to take an education loan from Citi Bank. Attempt all questions. Solicited and unsolicited proposal. As Secretary of your organisation ABC. oral presentation? (b) Write brief notes on the following: 1. Prepare a resume suitable for the Post of a Computer Engineer. SBI branch of your locality requesting him/her to send you all the information related to SBI car loans. OR Q. Write a suitable invitation for 06 your friends inviting them to a get together to celebrate the occasion at your home. Skimming OR (b) Discuss non-verbal communication in detail. Narrate elements of Technical Articles.4 (a) (b) Q. You are Sunil/ Sunita.P. Scanning Q. Write a letter to the Police Commissioner. Write an e-mail 06 (citibank@cit. Explain any four of them. Business and social etiquettes.3 (a) Write a report on the recent industrial tour you had taken along with your 06 classmates in print format. Bibliography 06 2.Seat No. Q. Whenever these nuclei collide and fuse to form a nucleus of a heavier element. which is the heavier isotope of hydrogen. (b) Skim the following passage and answer the questions given at the end. which.2011 Subject code: 710001 Subject Name: Communication &Research Skills Date:06/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. The wavelength of green is midway between that of violet and red. The reaction in which the hydrogen in the sun is converted into helium is called a fusion reaction. It powers the flow of wind and water cycles and sustains all life. All the food is derived from the process of photosynthesis. Of these wavelengths. in turn. The sun contains in its core hydrogen nuclei moving at very great speeds. These reactions generate tremendous amount of energy. collide in the sun’s interior to produce helium.Seat No. If sunlight is passed through a prism each of these wave-lengths is refracted by a different amount.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. We know that nuclear reactions that go on in the interior of the sun liberate a large amount of energy. 2. About one-third of the light from the sun is infrared. Plants use this energy to synthesize carbohydrates from simple substances like carbon dioxide and water.: _____ Enrolment No. In fact. Questions (Any Two): (a) What is fusion reaction? (b) What is the central idea of the passage? (c) What is photosynthesis? Q. It is the energy that powers the sun. it results in nuclear reactions. Nuclei of deuterium. The energy liberated in these reaction fires the sun. Light with wavelength longer than that of red light is called infrared light.2 (a) What is listening? What are the different types of listening? (b) Prepare a set of PowerPoint slides for professional presentations on “Use of Technology for Effective Communication” OR (b) Write short notes on each of the following terms with special reference to job interviews in about 100 words. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Violet has the shortest wavelength. Also explain it with the help of schematic representation. Attempt all questions. 3. Light with wavelength shorter than that of violet is called ultraviolet light. the energy by which all the animals including human beings live is generated by the oxidation of the food produced by the plants. E. and red has the longest. The sun is the most direct source of energy. it is the infrared wavelengths that heat up the earth. emits lights of different wavelengths. Figures to the right indicate full marks. (Any Two) (1) Mental agility (2) Unsuitable personality (3) Apathy (4) Interpersonal skills 06 06 06 06 06 1 . 1ST Semester Remedial Examination –July. The sun emits lights of different wavelengths.1 (a) Define the communication process. Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT. you wish to submit an unsolicited technical proposal for the manufacture of an item of your choice seeking loan from the State Industrial Development Corporation (SIDC). you have decided to avail yourself of the liberalized loan facility under the self-employment scheme. is concerned about the rapid increase in the number of road accidents in Pilani. (b) Write short notes on following (any two): (a) Nature and scope of research (b) Hypothesis (c) solicited and unsolicited proposal 06 06 OR Q. telling him that most of the contents of the china-ware which you had ordered from their firm have reached you in a damaged condition. Write an e-mail message to Kabir Sahini. OR As the manager of Sangam Hotel. 06 (b) The director of education is deeply concerned about the loss of reading habits among the youth today. the Personnel Manager of Alpha Industries (e-mail address: sahini_kabir@alpha. has been asked to submit a report investigating the causes and suggesting measures to improve the situation.4 (a) Write a letter to the Police Commissioner. Index. Pilani. Bibliography. Municipal Corporation. SIDC. Sampling. Bhavanipur. Aligarh Road. Jhunjhunu.4 (a) Explain the significance of the following in terms of any research writing: Abstract. Now draft this proposal to be sent to the director.’ Prepare an outline for the above report. inventing the necessary details. Patna complaining about bad law and order situation in your area.5 (a) As a fresh graduate in engineering you have decided to establish a manufacturing unit in your hometown.5 (a) Manager of Bharat Potteries. (b) Assume that you are Niren Patel. 06 06 06 (b) Explain the following terms with reference to communication barriers and give two examples for each term: (1) Semantic Gap (2) Negative attitude (3) Absence of common frame of reference (4) information overload (5) Noise (6) selection of channel (7) Body Language 06 Q. a student doing M. Therefore. Jaipur.Q. (b) ‘The District Collector. Tell him that you need to do a two weeks training at some company as part of your academic assignment. Delhi. write a claim letter to the General requesting him to allow you to do summer training at the Gurgaon plant of the company. Jaipur.3 (a) Write short notes on Nature and Importance of Group Discussion. 06 06 06 ************* 2 .3 (a) Write a short note on “Professional and business etiquettes”. For this purpose. The Chairman. Invent necessary details. Now prepare a Questionnaire (7 points) to elicit the relevant information. OR Q. Illustrations and Footnote. Demand replacement or suitable compensation. As the Education Officer. 06 06 Q. (b) Write a detailed note on data collection and data analysis methods for research. you have been asked to collect the data from the University students and submit a report. New Delhi. 07 Explain the significance of body language in communication. purchase order. (b) What are the essentials of a good questionnaire? Enumerate various steps involved in the design of a good questionnaire. circular. Write a strong complaint to the Area Sales Manager seeking replacement of the machine giving proper justification.E Sem-I Regular Examination January / February 2011 Subject code: 710001N Subject Name: Communication and Research Skills Date: 29 /01 /2011 Time: 02. the machine stopped working. 07 Distinguish between fundamental and applied research. OR Q3 (a) Write a letter to the management of an engineering college where you are a student suggesting measures with proper arguments for improvement in the quality of teaching and examination results. OR (b) Compare oral and written communication giving their merits and demerits. (b) 07 07 07 07 Q4 (a) Briefly describe the different steps involved in a research process. Q1 (a) Persons with poor communication skills are often not able to perform to their full 07 potential. OR Q4 (a) Distinguish between primary and secondary data. 3.: _____ Enrolment No. tender.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. 07 07 Q5 (a) Explain linear regression analysis and its application in research. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 2. 07 Explain grapevine communication. Attempt all questions. 07 1 07 07 . Give an exhaustive comparison between various methods of primary data collection. Q3 (a) Explain the meaning and usage of the following business documents: quotation. Even after several repairs by the local service centre. Justify this statement (b) What do you understand by research? Classify research in accordance with its objectives. Explain diagrammatically the process of communication. Explain the various types of listening with suitable 07 examples. work order.Seat No. (b) Define importance of listening.30 pm – 05. During warranty period. Explain various barriers in communication with the help of suitable examples. Q2 (a) Define communication. Bombay for your domestic use. Explain the survey method of research with example. Figures to the right indicate full marks. enquiry and complaint (b) You have purchased an air conditioner from M/S Voltas Ltd. the machine could not be set right by the company. (b) Distinguish between an experiment and survey. (b) Write a descriptive note on data presentation in tabular and graphical form. 07 OR Q5 (a) Why do we resort to sampling? Explain probability and non-probability sampling. 07 Explain sample size and sampling error. type I and type II errors used in connection with hypothesis testing. Give the meanings of the terms: null hypothesis. alternate hypothesis. ********** 2 . What do you understand by hypothesis testing? Give step by step procedure to test a 07 (b) hypothesis. determine whether system is stable. (i) y[n]=g[n]x[n] (ii) y[n]=ax[n]+b (b) (i) Find the linear convolution of two sequences given by 02 n n h(n)=a u(n) for all n x(n)=b u(n) for all n & (ii) How can you find step response of a system if impulse response is 04 known? Determine the step response of a linear-time-invariant system whose unit-impulse response is given by h(n) = a-nu(-n). List out the properties of DFT and explain circular shift of a sequence property of DFT.4} using DFT and IDFT method. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. OR (a) How to obtain linear convolution from circular convolution? Perform the circular convolution of x[n]={1.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. 2. 0<a<1 Q.1.5z-1)(1+0.2 (a) State sampling theorem.3 06 03 03 06 06 1 . Q.E Sem-I Examination January 2010 Subject code: 710422 Subject ame: Digital Signal Processing and Application Date:27/ 01 / 2010 Time: 12:00 . OR find (b) (i)For difference equation y(n)-3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=x(n)+2x(n-1) frequency response H(ejw) and impulse response h(n) (ii) State properties of Region Of Convergence for z-transform 06 (a) Explain Decimation-in-time algorithm to calculate 8-point DFT (b) A causal LTI system has impulse response h(n).2. (i) What is sampling frequency and folding frequency? (ii) What is Nyquist rate for the signal Xa(t)? (iii) What are the frequencies in resulting discrete time signal? (b) What is multirate signal processing? Explain application of Decimation and Interpolation to A/D and D/A conversion.000bits/sec and each input sample is quantized into 1024 different voltage levels.: _____ Enrolment No.3.for which the z-transform is H(z)=(1+z-1)/[(1-0.1 (a) For each of the following systems.Seat No.3 Q.2:30pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1.The link is operated at 10. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.2. linear and time-invariant or not.25z-1)] (i)What is the region of convergence of H(z)? (ii) Is the system stable? (iii)Find the z-transform X(z) of an input x[n] that will produce the output y[n]= -(1/3)(-1/4)nu[n]-(4/3)(2)nu[-n-1] (iv) Find the impulse response h[n] of the system. Attempt all questions. 06 06 Q.1} and h[n]={1. (b) Distinguish between DFT and DTFT. 06 causal. What is aliasing effect? A digital communication link carries binary coded words representing samples of an input signal Xa(t)=3cos600πt+2cos800πt. (b) What is Gibbs phenomenon? Design an FIR lowpass filter using Kaiser window filter design method satisfying the specifications wp=0.5 (a) Design a low pass discrete time filter by applying bilinear transformation method to an appropriate Butterworth continuous time filter for the following specification.e 0. (b) Compare FIR and IIR digital filters OR (a) Give direct form I and direct form II structure of second order system realization.e 0≤ w ≤0.2 π i.01 δs=0. 08 04 04 08 04 04 04 06 06 ************* 2 . (c) List various application areas of DSP processors and describe application of DSP to speech processing. (b) Describe Harvard Architecture in detail. (b) Explain pipeline concepts in DSP.45π ≤ w ≤ π.45 π and π i. Consider T is equal to unity.4π.δp=0.5 Q.001.6π. OR (a) Explain finite word length effects in FIR digital filters.Q.4 Q. (i) Passband magnitude is constant within 3 db for frequencies below 0.2π (ii) Stopband attenuation is greater than 25 db for frequencies between 0.4 Q. (a) Compare the fixed point and floating point arithmetic for DSP what will the cutoff frequency of effective continuous time filter be? 3) Repeat part (2) for 1/T=20 KHz. 3} and compare it.9 z −1 (b) A causal linear time-invariant system is described by the 06 difference equation y[n] − 5 y[n − 1] + 6 y[n − 2] = 2 x[n − 1] 1) Determine the impulse response of the system. 3} and system impulse response h[n] = {2.: _____ Enrolment No. Q.E Sem-I Remedial Examination April 2010 Subject code: 710422 Subject ame: Digital Signal Processing and Application Date: 09 / 04 / 2010 Time: 12. 1. Q. 1) If xc (t ) is band limited to 5 KHz.3 (a) 06 1 n When the input to an LTI system is x[n] =   u[n] + (2 ) u[− n − 1] the 3 n n 1 2 corresponding output is y[n] = 5  u[n] − 5  u[n] . Plot the pole(s) and Zero(s) of H (z) and indicate region of convergence. 3 3 1) Find the system function H (z) of the system. 2) Determine the step response of the system.5 z −1 H ( z) = with ROC |z| > 0. 1}.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. 2) State the different stages involve in digital filter designing? 3) Define inverse system. with the discrete-time system an ideal low-pass 06 filter with cutoff frequency π / 8 radians/sec. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.1 (a) Answer the following questions: 06 1) What is difference between discrete-time signal and digital signal? Explain with example. 3. 2. what is the maximum value of T that avoid aliasing in C/D converter? 2) If 1/T = 10 KHz.Seat No.00 noon – 02. Attempt all questions. 2) Is the system stable? Is it causal? 1 . n Q. (b) Explain linear convolution using DFT and compare it with circular convolution 06 for the system input x[n] = {1. OR (b) What is difference between DFT and DTFT? Compute the value of DFT and 06 DTFT for the given sequence x[n] = {0. 1 − 0. 2.2 (a) Consider the system of figure. Also find inverse of the system given by function 1 − 0. Figures to the right indicate full marks.9. 2.30 pm Instructions: Total Marks: 60 1. (b) Using Hamming window design a low-pass FIR filter for the following specifications: Cut-off frequency =500 Hz Sampling frequency =2 KHz Order of the filter N=10 Filter length required L=N+1=11  πn  (Hint: ω HAM = 0. 2) If x[n] is left side sequence. OR (a) Find inverse z-transform of 1 X ( z) = −1 1 − 1 .75 z −1 + 0. Also Differentiate floating point DSP processor and fix point DSP processor. (b) Explain the effect of coefficient quantization in digital filter with example. determine the transfer function of digital filter H (z) and also write the difference equation of digital filter. − M ≤ n ≤ M ) M  OR (a) What is concept of bilinear transformation technique of IIR filter design? An 1 analog filter has the following transfer function H a (s ) = . (b) In what way FFT algorithm is better than the conventional DFT implementation? Explain decimation in frequency decomposition FFT algorithm with example.Q.5 (b) Compute 8-point DFT of the sequence x[n] = u[n]-u [n-8] using decimation in time FFT algorithm. Assume T=1sec.54 + 0. Also justify FIR filter are stable. 3) If x[n] is double side sequence.3 Q. (b) What is Multirate signal processing? What is need for Multirate signal processing? Explain the frequency domain representation of decimation process with an example. OR (a) Compare DSP processor and general purpose microprocessor.4 Q.5 z − 2 1) If x[n] is right side sequence. ******** 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 2 .5 z + 0 . (b) Draw the signal flow graph for implementation of the discrete time system 1 + 2 z −1 + z −2 H ( z) = in each of the following forms: 1 − 0. Also compare the computational complexity with direct DFT computation and using FFT algorithm. (a) Compare IIR and FIR filter.125 z − 2 1) Direct form 1 2) Cascade form 3) Parallel form (a) Explain the role of DSP in speech coding.5 Q.Using bilinear S +1 transformation technique.46 cos .4 Q. 4 (a) Give differences between DIT and DIF FFT algorithms.2011 Subject code: 710422 Subject Name : Digital Signal Processing and Applications Date:15/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. 06 (a) Determine the Z-transform for the sequence x[n]=0. IST Semester–Remedial Examination – July. explain Digital Signal Processor architecture 06 06 Q. (b) Compare FIR and IIR filter designs.Seat No. OR (a) Describe properties of DTFT. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.33z-1)/( 1+0. (b) With the help of a neat sketch.3 Q.1 Q. Figures to the right indicate full marks.33z-1) for a right sided sequence x[n]. 06 06 Q. Attempt all questions. 06 (a) Describe properties of DFT.2 Q.|z|<1/4. OR (a) Discuss DSP applications to radar engineering. OR (b) Determine the inverse Z-transform using long division for X(z)=(1-0. (b) Explain linear convolution with the help of an example. 2.Specify its ROC also. Compute the DFT of the following finite length sequences considered to be (b) of length N (N is even): (i) x[n]= δ[n] (ii) x[n]= δ[n-5] 06 06 06 06 06 06 OR Q. Q. Determine the frequency spacing between spectral samples.4 (a) Define stable and causal system .: _____ Enrolment No.Give an example of LTI system expressed by a difference equation.5 (a) Describe windowing method for FIR filter design.5 06 06 ************* 1 . (b) Differentiate between DTFT and DFT with the help of mathematical expressions. (b) Determine the inverse Z-transform using power series for X(z)=ln(1-4z). (b) A continuous time signal is sampled at a sampling rate of 10 kHz and the DFT of 1024 samples computed. 3.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.draw flow graphs of all possible realizations for this system as cascade of first order systems.5n u[n]. 06 06 (a) For the system function 06 H(z)=(1+2z-1+z-2) / [1-(3/4)z-1+1/3z-2] . (b) Explain circular convolution with the help of an example.3 Q. E. Justify your answer. Compare it with analog signal processing.Seat No.3. u(-n-1). Determine system transfer function H(z) & its poles and zeros if the system difference equation is y(n)+3/4y(n-1)+1/8y(n-2)=x(n)+x(n-1) Explain (i)LTI system (ii) stability Explain relation between DFT and Z-Transform Find circular convolution of two sequence x(n)={4.4 (a) (b) Write short note on desirable features of a DSP processor 07 What is multi rate digital signal processing? Explain need of it.-1) is applied to this DSP system.2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.2. Attempt all questions.0} OR Given x(n)={1. Explain any one in brief A relax DSP system is describe by linear difference equation y(n)=0. OR (a) (i) Explain why FFT is more efficient than DFT? (ii) Explain steps to design FIR filter using Kaiser windows Explain various properties of discrete time system with examples (b) ************* 07 07 03 04 07 .4.1 (a) Q.2. Find X(k) using decimation in time fast Fourier transform algorithm (i) Draw direct form-I realization structure of general 3rd order system.2 (ii) (b) (i) (ii) (a) (i) (b) (b) Q. Q. Explain 07 any one of them Q. Explain (i) causal system (ii) difference equation Explain important of ROC in Z-Transform Find Z-transform of an u(n).3 (i) (ii) (i) (ii) Explain important of DSP in field of Engineering.30 pm –} & h(n)={3. Q.2x(n) pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. Draw all possible ROC.E Sem-I Regular Examination January / February 2011 Subject code: 710422N Subject Name: Digital Signal Processing and Applications Date: 05 /02 /2011 Time: 02. 3.3.4 (a) (b) Write short note on Effect of finite word length in FIR filter design 07 State various non parametric methods of power spectrum estimation.4. Determine the corresponding digital output sequence.2.5x(n-2)+0. digital input sequence {-1.1.5 State various application of DSP.5 (a) (b) OR Q. Give 07 examples and state various advantages of it.3 Q.1.: _____ Enrolment No.1} (a) 03 04 03 04 03 04 03 04 07 03 04 07 03 04 03 04 Q.1). (ii) Explain (i) aliasing error (ii) bit reversal Give detail comparison between FIR and IIR filter (b) OR (a) (i) State advantage and disadvantages of digital filter (ii) Explain impulse invariant technique (b) (i) Explain various desirable features of windows in filter design (ii) Find DFT of sequence x(n)={4. 33z-1)/( 1+0.: _____ Enrolment No. Figures to the right indicate full marks.3 Q.|z|<1/4.2011 Subject code: 710422N Subject Name : Digital Signal Processing and Applications Date:15/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1.5n u[n].3 Q. Attempt all questions. 07 07 Q.draw flow graphs of all possible realizations for this system as cascade of first order systems. (b) With the help of a neat sketch. IST Semester–Remedial Examination – July. 07 07 (a) For the system function 07 H(z)=(1+2z-1+z-2) / [1-(3/4)z-1+1/3z-2] . Compute the DFT of the following finite length sequences considered to be (b) of length N (N is even): (i) x[n]= δ[n] (ii) x[n]= δ[n-5] 07 07 07 07 07 07 OR Q.Specify its ROC also. 3. (b) Compare FIR and IIR filter designs. 2. OR (a) Describe properties of DTFT.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. 07 (a) Describe properties of DFT.2 Q. OR (a) Discuss DSP applications to radar engineering. (b) Explain linear convolution with the help of an example.5 07 07 ************* 1 .4 (a) Give differences between DIT and DIF FFT algorithms. Justify your answer.Give an example of LTI system expressed by a difference equation. 07 (a) Determine the Z-transform for the sequence x[n]=0.33z-1) for a right sided sequence x[n].5 (a) Describe windowing method for FIR filter design.4 (a) Define stable and causal system . Q.1 Q. (b) Differentiate between DTFT and DFT with the help of mathematical expressions. (b) Explain circular convolution with the help of an example. OR (b) Determine the inverse Z-transform using long division for X(z)=(1-0. E.Seat No. Determine the frequency spacing between spectral samples. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. (b) A continuous time signal is sampled at a sampling rate of 10 kHz and the DFT of 1024 samples computed. (b) Determine the inverse Z-transform using power series for X(z)=ln(1-4z). explain Digital Signal Processor architecture 07 07 Q. E Sem-I Remedial Examination January/ February 2011 Subject code: 710205 Subject Name: Internet Technology Date: 04 /02/ 2011 Time: 02. Figures to the right indicate full marks.5 (a) Using the CSS display paragraphs with black border. (b) Any office want to take internet service from internet service provider . Q. forward. click. onclick.4 06 06 06 06 (a) Using JavaScript write a program which accept two values and show 06 summation of those two values. RIP 3. 06 OR Q. ICMP (b) Explain use of Internet in daily activities. SNMP 2. (b) What is a directory server? 06 Q. (b) Show the functional role of basic network devices such as NIC. HUB. Q. onkeypress.1 (a) Give Full Forum of the following 06 1. 06 Q.: _____ Enrolment No.4 (a) Using JavaScript write a program which display ten numbers from given any 06 start number from HTML form containing Start number from text box. PPP 4. onmouseenter DHTML Events with proper example. Q.3 (a) Explain any three from onchange. Router. UDP 6. back. Attempt all questions. OR (a) Explain any three from alert. 2.3 Q. Show couple of scenario for using any 06 of two activities. findText DHTML Methods with proper example.30 pm – 05. (b) List HTTP method types and functionality of HTTP server. (b) Explain the various ways of applying CSS style in HTML elements. (b) Explain HTML FORM tag with all options. OR (a) What is proxy server? Give any two proxy server’s names. 3. today 06 which options are available? From that option. Explain it. (b) Explain HTML BODY tag with all options. OR (b) Explain HTML Table option with its futures and give suitable example for that.5 ************* 06 06 06 06 . which option is suitable for which type of situations. yellow background and red color for text. onfocus.00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. Q.Seat No.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. URI 5.2 (a) Explain Internet Explorer (IE) Tools/Internet option (any four) in brief 06 frequently used option parameters. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. dreagDrop. Switch. : _____ Enrolment No.00 .2 (a) Draw the block diagram of entire email system. Q.70.5 ************* 06 06 06 06 . The company needs six subnets. 2. OR (b) What is default subnet mask? What is default getway? A company is 06 granted the site address 181. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 1.1 (a) Give detail of general organization of Internet administration. Figures to the right indicate full marks.30 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1.<br> (b) Design HTML page which include table tag with its entire attributes. The company needs 1000 subnets. Q.0. 3. Attempt all questions. Q.0. Design the subnets. 06 (b) Design web page using JavaScript which takes input as a number using 06 prompt dialog box from user and find its square-root and display answer. (b) Explain the function of the following network connecting device in detail : 06 i) Repeater ii) Bridge iii) Router Q. (b) Explain :HTTP.E Sem-I Examination January 2010 Subject code: 710205 Subject ame: Internet Technology Date: 29 / 01 / 2010 Time: 12. explain the 06 function of each body.Seat No.4 (a) What is HTML? Where is it used? Explain following tags with its attributes. What is the purpose of MIME in email system.2. Explain the function of 06 each block in detail.4 (a) Explain CSS Box model in brief.3 Q. <a> 2 .3 (a) What is the purpose of the Domain Name System? Explain Recursive resolution and iterative resolution. Also explain the caching in DNS.0. OR (a) Explain background selector with all its properties and values. Q. OR (a) Explain the client server architecture of web base application. Q. (b) Explain DHCP protocol. (b) Explain the complete process of data communication using FTP. (b) What is subnetting? What is the advantage of that? A company is granted 06 the site address 201.56.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. Design the subnets.5 (a) i)Explain internal cascaded style sheet with appropriate example. (b) List the various components required to setup the Internet and explain.64. 06 06 06 06 06 06 OR Q. ii) Explain background selector with all its properties and values. 3 Q.30 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. develop 3 items and list and while you click any list item . (b) Using javascript sample code develop a for. 3.4 Q.: _____ Enrolment No.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.3 Q. Extranet and Internet and show the list of basic Network components required to setup the internet at home (b) Define following network devices along with its functional role and place in which OSI layer it does operate (i) Hub (ii) Network Switch (iii) Repeater (iv) Router (iv) Server (a) Write on following server for their functional roles (i) Internet server components (ii) Web servers (iii) E-mail servers (iv) FTP server (v) Proxy servers (vi) Directory server (b) Explain the basic structure of HTML files and show it’s various elements with it operation in HTML document OR (b) How does OSI Layer works and differentiates between TCP/IP stack and OSI layers (a) Show an example using Basic inline tags and using inline tags develop sample web page (b) Develop sample web site home for any any engineering college using div as section separator for header.Seat No.1 Q. navigation and body content section in HOME page OR (a) Using HTML table and Order list tags . Attempt all questions. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Explain the protocol at data link layer for Ethernet Network Interface card for accessing link (b) Define Following protocol (i) HTTP (ii)FTP (iii)NNTP (iv)ARP (v)TCP(vi)UDP OR (a) Write on list of emphasis tags and their use (b) What is URL and it’s components? Compare absolute and relative links in URL ************* 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 . loop to display numbers 1 to 10 in HTML document view OR (a) Compare alert..00 noon – 02.E Sem-I Remedial Examination April 2010 Subject code: 710205 Subject ame: Internet Technology Date: 10 / 04 / 2010 Time: 12. show separate HTML table having 3 * 2 HTML table (b) What is XHTML ? and compare it with HTML and show HTML and XHTML segment showing the syntax difference (a) What is CSS ? How in there different ways Cascaded style properties can be written? Show example style property each way.4 Q. 2. footer .5 (a) Differentiate between Intranet . Q.2 Q. Figures to the right indicate full marks.5 Q. prompt and confirm dialog in javascript with example for each one of them (b) What is DHTML? And what are different ways DHTML can be achieved (a) What are different network topology. 2011 Subject code: 710205 Subject Name: Internet Technology Date:13/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. (b) Explain the following servers in brief: i) FTP server ii) Web server 06 06 ************* 1 . also explain the concept of caching in DNS and its advantages. What are different ways for creating style sheet 06 06 06 06 explain. also explain the purpose of MIME in email system. 06 06 06 06 OR Q. and also explain the Internet administration.3 (a) Design HTML page which include table tag with its entire attributes. Q. 3. 06 06 06 06 Compare fiber optic cable and UTP cable. How ISP is granted a block of addresses are distributed to the customers. explain it with example. Figures to the right indicate full marks.4 Q. 1ST Semester Remedial Examination –July.: _____ Enrolment No. (b) Discuss the issues of the physical layer of OSI.2 (a) Explain how Internet standards are formed .5 OR (a) Explain email system and how SMTP provides mail exchange between users on the same or different system. (b) Explain the functions of the following networking devices in detail: i) Bridges ii) Routers iii) Switches 06 (a) Explain the classful addressing Write your comments of special addresses. Q.Seat No. (b) What do you understand by subnetting ?.4 OR (a) How Internet works? What are the requirements for connecting to Internet? (b) What is Proxy server ? Explain NAT in detail. Q. (b) Design web page using JavaScript which takes input as a number using prompt dialog 06 06 box from user and find its square-root and display answer.3 Q. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. E. 2.5 (a) Write down the steps for creating website. What are the benefits of HTML? How would you create forms in HTML? (b) What is XML? What are naming rules in XML? Describe the difference between XML and HTML (a) Explain client-server model and explain the concept of concurrency in clients and servers. Also explain CSS Box model in brief. Attempt all questions.1 Q. (b) What is DNS? Explain the various name resolution methods.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. Q. OR (b) What is style sheet? Briefly explain. (a) Compare TCP and UDP protocols. 5 ************* 07 07 . Attempt all questions. subnet addresses and range of addresses for each subnet? OR (b) An organization is granted a block of addresses with beginning address 07 14. 3.4 (a) Explain major tags used in HTML. each with 64 addresses b) two subnets. (b) Explain IP datagram header format. 2.2 (a) List various special addressing in classful addressing 07 (b) An organization is granted the block 130. (b) What is protocol ? List various types of protocols used in internet.3 (a) Explain TCP segment format.00 pm Total Mark : 70 Instructions: 1.4 (a) Differentiate HTML and DHTML.34.The organization needs 4 07 subnets. 07 07 Q.24. (b) What is website ? Explain various steps to design a website. each with 32 addresses c) three subnets. The organization needs to have 11 subnets as shown below: a) two subnets. 07 07 OR Q.3 (a) Explain seven major features of TCP.Seat No.30 pm – 05.E Sem-I Regular Examination January / February 2011 Subject code: 710205N Subject Name: Internet Technology Date: 04 /02 /2011 Time: 02. Q. Figures to the right indicate full marks.There are 256 addresses in this block.0/24.5 (a) What is the difference between web server and e-mail server ? (b) What is Network Interface Card? Explain its various types in details. each with 4 addresses. (b) Explain various advantages and characteristics of JavaScript.64/26. 07 07 Q. each with 16 addresses d) four subnets. 07 07 07 07 OR Q. Design the subnets. Explain any two of them. 07 07 Q. What are subnet prefix length.12.1 (a) Compare classful addressing and classless addressing. Q.74. OR (a) What is proxy server? Where and how do we use proxy server ? (b) List different types of devices used in networking.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. Q.: _____ Enrolment No. (b) Explain Internet Standards. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. (b) Discuss the issues of the physical layer of OSI.: _____ Enrolment No.Seat No. (b) Explain the functions of the following networking devices in detail: i) Bridges ii) Routers iii) Switches 07 (a) Explain the classful addressing Write your comments of special addresses. What are the benefits of HTML? How would you create forms in HTML? (b) What is XML? What are naming rules in XML? Describe the difference between XML and HTML (a) Explain client-server model and explain the concept of concurrency in clients and servers. (a) Compare TCP and UDP protocols. (b) What is DNS? Explain the various name resolution methods.5 (a) Write down the steps for creating website. Q. 3. Also explain CSS Box model in brief. also explain the concept of caching in DNS and its advantages. Figures to the right indicate full marks. also explain the purpose of MIME in email system. (b) Design web page using JavaScript which takes input as a number using prompt dialog 07 07 box from user and find its square-root and display answer.2 (a) Explain how Internet standards are formed . Attempt all questions. What are different ways for creating style sheet 07 07 07 07 explain.3 (a) Design HTML page which include table tag with its entire attributes. 1ST Semester Remedial Examination –July. 2. 07 07 07 07 OR Q.5 OR (a) Explain email system and how SMTP provides mail exchange between users on the same or different system. explain it with example. and also explain the Internet administration.4 Q. 07 07 07 07 Compare fiber optic cable and UTP cable.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. Q. (b) Explain the following servers in brief: i) FTP server ii) Web server 07 07 ************* 1 . (b) What do you understand by subnetting ?. Q.4 OR (a) How Internet works? What are the requirements for connecting to Internet? (b) What is Proxy server ? Explain NAT in detail.1 Q.2011 Subject code: 710205 Subject Name: Internet Technology Date:13/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Q. E. How ISP is granted a block of addresses are distributed to the customers.3 Q. OR (b) What is style sheet? Briefly explain. Determine the error correcting capability. H(x/y).2 (a) i) Obtain the Expression of Mutual Information of Discrete Memoryless 03 channel and from this define channel capacity. Explain Binary Huffman Encoding with the 06 help of an example. Determine H(x).11) code and code word for data word 10111010101.00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. 3.Seat No. 2. OR Explain Shannon-Fano code with an appropriate example. Figures to the right indicate full marks.y). Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 06 04 02 04 02 06 06 where n=length of code word and k=length of data word (n>k). PX(x2) = 2/3. 03 (b) A binary channel matrix is given by. ii) Find the channel capacity of the BSC channel. Q. H(y/x) and I(x. (b) Derive Hamming Bound for (n.4 (a) Obtain generator matrix and code table for systematic (7. 06 Construct the syndrome table and decode the received word 0101000. Q. (b) i) Obtain the generator matrix and code table for (7.3) systematic linear block code. Attempt all questions.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. 000110. c5 = d1+d3 i) Construct the appropriate generator matrix for this code and code ii) table. iii) Decode the received words 101100.3 Q. the three parity check digits are c4 = d1+d2+d3.3 (a) For a (6. c5 = d1+d2. 06 Output y1 y 2 x1  2 3 13    Input 9  x2  1 10  10 It is also given PX(x1) = 1/3.4) code and draw the encoder block diagram. ii) Obtain the generator matrix (15. 101010.E Sem-I Remedial Examination January/ February 2011 Subject code: 710402 Subject Name: Information Theory and Coding Date: 01 /02 /2011 Time: 02. H(y). 1 .k) binary and r-ary t-error correcting block code.: _____ Enrolment No.30 pm – 05. OR (a) Describe the procedure for encoding and decoding of linear block code.4) cyclic code. (b) Q. Symbol 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Length 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 (b) Define Entropy of a source. Q.1 (a) i) Define Instantaneous code and Derive Krafts inequality for code 04 alphabet of r symbols. ii) Construct a ternary instantaneous code for the following source 02 alphabet with the prescribed lengths of code words. 06 (b) Find the generator matrix G’ for a non-systematic (23. Discuss the Knapsack problem.12) Golay code 06 described by polynomial g(x) = x11+x9+x7+x6+x5+x+1. Q. Draw the trellis diagram for this encoder and encode the message 10111. (b) Explain the Viterbi Convolution Decoding Algorithm. Q. OR (a) Give differences between public key and private key encryption. (b) Write short note on Hamming Codes.5 (a) A rate ½ convolution encoder with constraint length 3 is described by g1(x) = 1+x+ x2 and 2 g2(x) = 1+ x .4 (a) Explain Reed-Solomon Encoding.12) Golay code is a cyclic code with a 06 generator polynomial g(x) = x11+x9+x7+x6+x5+x+1. Determine the code words for the data vectors 000011110000 and 101010101010. Determine the code words for the data vectors 000011110000 and 101010101010.(b) A three error correcting (23.5 06 06 06 06 ************* 2 . OR Q. (b) A source emits three equiprobable messages randomly and 06 independently.11) single error correcting linear 06 block code. Obtain the compact binary code and find the average length of the codeword. Q.: _____ Enrolment No.2 (a) Can we have a channel with infinite channel capacity? Justify your 06 answer with mathematical equations. the average length of the codeword. Attempt all questions.1111. 3. Find the codeword for the data vector 10111010101.0001.what will be the decoded symbol? (b) Explain Reed-Solomon encoding 06 Q.00 – 2.4) cyclic code and find code 06 vectors for the following data vectors: 1010.1000 (b) Define entropy of a source. the code efficiency and the redundancy. 1 . 06 Use the generator polynomial for the (7. 06 1/32.E Sem-I Examination January 2010 Subject code: 710402 Date: 22 /01 / 2010 Subject : Information Theory and Coding Time: 12.30 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. (a) Find the source entropy. Use polynomial division to find the parity polynomial. Find the entropy of the source. 1/8.3) R-S code to encode the 06 (b) message 010110111 in systematic form. 1/16. (b) Find the compact ternary code.Seat No. Why does 06 it not become infinite? (b) Find a generator matrix G for a (15. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 1/64 and 1/64.4 OR (a) Find the channel capacity of a channel of infinite bandwidth. 1/4. Determine the efficiency and redundancy of the code .______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. OR (b) A source emits seven messages with probabilities 1/2. Explain Huffman code with the help of an 06 example. Q.3 (a) Let the codewords of a coding scheme be 06 a= 000000 b=101010 c=010101 d=111111 If the received sequence over a binary symmetric channel is 1 1 1 0 1 0 and a maximum likelihood decoder is used. Q. (a) Explain why R-S codes perform so well in a bursty-noise environment.1 (a) Find a generator polynomial g(x) for a (7. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.3 Q. 2.respectively. Both codes have the same code rate.OR Q. OR (a) Give differences between public key and private key encryption. Compare the two codes when five errors occur randomly in 36 bits.5 (a) An often –heard saying is that “ A picture is worth a thousand words” Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Explain in the context of image compression.4 (a) What are the consequences of the Viterbi decoding algorithm not 06 yielding a posteriori probabilities? A (63. Discuss the Knapsack problem.4) 06 (b) code can correct nine errors. Q. Nine blocks of a (7.36) BCH code can correct five errors. (b) Explain JPEG standard for image compression. What is the output of the first iteration of the DES algorithm when (b) the plaintext and the key are each made up of zero sequences? Q.5 06 06 06 06 ************* 2 . 06 (b) Consider the binary symmetric channel shown in fig.25.Seat No.D. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.5. 0. OR (b) Consider a telegraph source having two symbols dot and dash. Comment on error detection capability of this code. (b) Explain construction of instantaneous code and state the theorem of kraft 06 inequality. The probability of the dot’s occurring is twice that of dash and time between symbols is 0. What is the difference to construct Shannon–Fano code for dyadic distribution and non dyadic distribution.2 (a) Construct the Shannon–Fano code for the probability distribution (0.B. If Distribution is non dyadic.1 (a) An error control code has the following parity check matrix H= 06 101100 110010 011001 (i) Determine the generator matrix G (ii) Find the code word that begin with 101… (iii) Decode the received code word 110110.E.F if A appears twice as often as E and F twice as 06 often as any constant. Figures to the right indicate full marks.125.: _____ Enrolment No.00 noon – 02.3 (a) State and explain theorem of extensions of source with proof. Given distribution is dyadic. 2. 3. Q. (c) Write a concluding remarks on binary and ternary Huffman code.C. 0.2 seconds.2 sec and the dash duration is 3 times of the dot duration. Q. Draw the CDF and F ( x ) for the given distribution function.E Sem-I Remedial Examination April 2010 Subject code: 710402 Subject ame: Information Theory & Coding Date: 07 / 04 / 2010 Time: 12.. The dot duration is 06 0. (b) The source alphabet A. Calculate information rate of telegraph source. Attempt all questions. (a) Find a binary Huffman code with various orderings scheme.125). The channel matrix is given by 06 M= 1-pe pe pe 1-pe and below figures shows a cascade of two such BSCs OR 1 . (b) Find ternary Huffman code. 06 0. Q.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.30 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. H(x|y). OR (a) The generator polynomial of (15. Px(x2)= Px (x3)= Q (Note : P+2Q =1) (i) Determine H(x).H(y) and I(x. (b) For the given convolution encoder develop the encoder states and the code tree.5 Q.ln x ≤ x-1 for x ≥ 0) (a) Define following terms: (i) Golay codes (ii) BCH codes (iii) RS codes (b) Why are cyclic codes effective in detecting error burst? The message 1001001010 is to be transmitted in a cyclic code with a generator polynomial g(x)=x2+1. The received sequence 01001000… .3 (a) The ternary channel shown figure Px(x1)=P. Show that this double error detection is possible with correction using viterbi algorithms.4 Q. Develop encoder and syndrome calculator for this code using systematic form.5 (b) Prove 0 ≤ H(x) ≤ log2M.Q.y) (ii) Show that the channel capacity Cs is given by 06  β +2  Cs = log  β  Where β=2-[plogp+(1-p)log(1-p)] Q. (a) The given encoder generates an all zero sequence which is sent over a binary symmetric channel.11) Hamming code is given by g(x)=1+x+x4 . (i) How many check bits does the encoded message contain? (ii) Obtain the transmitted code word? (iii) Draw encoding arrangement to obtain remainder bits. 06 06 06 06 06 06 (b) Describe Data Encryption Standard scheme. 06 OR (a) Describe any one decoding techniques for the binary double error correcting 06 BCH codes. Here M is the number of messages emitted by the source. 06 ************* 2 . (b) Write a note on cyclic codes also mention advantages and disadvantages. There are two errors in this sequence (at second and fifth position).4 Q. (Hint : . H (Y). OR (b) A source emits three equiprobable messages randomly and independently. E.Seat No. 2. 1/64 and 1/64. OR (a) For a binary symmetric channel (BSC). Attempt all questions.4 (a) Describe Data Encryption Standard scheme. Q.2011 Sub code: 710402 Sub Name: Information Theory and Coding Date:08/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. IST Semester–Remedial Examination – July.4 (a) A source emits seven messages with probabilities 1/2.: _____ Enrolment No.3 Q. Determine the efficiency and redundancy of the code. H (Y|X) and I (X|Y). Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Obtain the compact binary code and find the average length of the codeword. Figures to the right indicate full marks. P (y2|x2) = 9/10. 1 . (b) State and explain theorem of extensions of source with proof. Explain Huffman code with the help of an example. Q. the code efficiency and the redundancy. 1/32. (a) Find the source entropy. OR Q. (i) How many check bits does the encoded message contain? (ii) Obtain the transmitted code word? (iii) Draw encoding arrangement to obtain remainder bits. (b) Find the compact ternary code. find H(X). 06 (b) Explain construction of instantaneous code and state the theorem of kraft 06 inequality.2 (a) Why are cyclic codes effective in detecting error burst? The message 06 1011001011 is to be transmitted in a cyclic code with a generator polynomial g(x) = x2+1.1 (a) Explain in detail Reed-Solomon encoding 06 (b) Find a generator polynomial g(x) for a (7.3 Q. P (y2|x1) = 1/3. 1/4. Let P (y1|x1) = 2/3. the average length of the codeword. 1/8.1011 Q. (b) Describe any one decoding techniques for the binary double error correcting BCH 06 codes. 06 06 06 06 06 (a) Give differences between public key and private key encryption. Justify the statement with a suitable example.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.1110.4) cyclic code and find code 06 vectors for the following data vectors: 0010. (b) Define entropy of a source.respectively. (b) Variable length coding is preferred over fixed length codes for better 06 coding efficiency.1001. Find the entropy of the source. P (y1|x2) = 1/10. Discuss 06 the Knapsack problem. 1/16. P (x1) = 1/3 and P (x2) = 2/3. H (X|Y). OR (a) Can we have a channel with infinite channel capacity? Justify your answer 06 with mathematical equations. Q. The probabilities of occurrence of these 4 levels (messages) are p1=p4=1/8 and p2=p3=3/8.5 (a) Construct a code table for the (6.On other case All messages are equally likely. Prepare a 06 suitable decoding table.2 seconds. Give comments on it. ************* 2 .Q. Calculate information rate of telegraph source.5 (b) An analog signal is band limited to B Hz and sampled at Nyquist rate. The dot 06 duration is 0.2 sec and the dash duration is 3 times of the dot duration. In one case. 3) code generated by the matrix G. Find out information rate of source. The 06 samples are quantized into 4 levels. Thus there are 4 messages. (b) Consider a telegraph source having two symbols dot and dash. Each level represents one message. The probability of the dot’s occurring is twice that of dash and time between symbols is 0. E Sem-I Regular Examination January / February 2011 Subject code: 710402 N Subject Name: Information Theory and Coding Date: 01 /02 /2011 Time: 02.05 0. s3.2 0. H(Y|X) and I(X|Y). 1 . State and prove the relation between information rate. s4 and s5 are given. OR (b) Construct a ternary (three code symbols) instantaneous code for the following source 07 alphabet with the prescribed lengths of code words: Symbol S1 Length 1 Q. P(y1|x2) = 1/10.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. m3. P(x1) = 1/3 and P(x2) = 2/3. Which one is a better assignment? Justify your answer.1 0.30 pm – 05. i. H(Y). Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. s2. Q. m4.1 OR Q.1 (a) Explain the requirements of coding an information source.4 (a) Consider the linear block code with the codeword defined by: 07 U = m1 + m2 + m4 + m5. m2. 3. Assign two different binary instantaneous 07 codes to them. The average code length (Lmin) of a code will always be greater or equal to the source 04 entropy H(s). m1 + m2 + m3 + m4.Seat No. Draw the decoding trees for the same. Q. (b) What is an Instantaneous code? Describe the procedure to construct a binary 07 instantaneous code. (b) For a binary symmetric channel (BSC). Is this encoding uniquely decodable? Justify. 07 (b) Encode the sequence “BADF” using Arithmetic coding for the symbols with following 07 probability distribution: Symbol A B C D E F G H Length 0. ii. 07 Let P(y1|x1) = 2/3.1 0. m1 + m2 + m3 + m5.3 0. Figures to the right indicate full marks. reliability and channel 03 capacity for a noisy binary symmetric channel (BSC). Determine error detecting and correcting capabilities of the code.3 (a) i.05 0. ii. Describe the 2-out-of-5 code. H(X|Y).: _____ Enrolment No. m1. 2. Attempt all questions. 07 Encode the sequence “2709” using this code. Q. Give a few examples of an instantaneous code. P(y2|x1) = 1/3. m5.3 S2 3 S3 3 S4 4 S5 4 S6 2 S7 2 S8 2 S9 2 S10 2 (a) State and prove the Kraft’s inequality theorem with an example. (b) Variable length coding is preferred over fixed length codes for better coding efficiency.2 (a) Five symbols s1.00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. P(y2|x2) = 9/10. find H(X). Find the Generator and parity check matrices. 07 Justify the statement with a suitable example. Justify the statement with a suitable example. m1 + m3 + m4 + m5.1 0. ii.5) cyclic code has a generator polynomial of the following form: g ( X ) = 1 + X + X 2 + X 5 + X 8 + X 10 07 i. 07 OR Q. Draw and briefly describe the 07 encoder for Hamming code of length 7.4 (a) A (15. Draw the block diagram of the encoder for this code. (b) Explain the Reed-Solomon (RS) encoding and decoding procedure. Is V ( X ) = 1 + X 4 + X 6 + X 8 + X 14 a valid code polynomial? Q. iii. tree diagram and trellis diagram. Find the code polynomial (in systematic form) for the message m( X ) = 1 + X 2 + X 4 . (a) For the Convolutional encoder shown in figure below (i) determine the connection 07 vectors and polynomials and (ii) draw the state diagram. (b) Describe the data encryption standard (DES) encryption procedure.(b) Write notes on standard array and error detection and correction of the linear block 07 codes.5 (a) Compare the Viterbi and Sequential decoding algorithms for a Convolutional code 07 stating their advantages and limitations. 07 *************** 2 . OR Q.5 (b) Explain the perfect code for single error correction. ______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M.2 (a) Why are cyclic codes effective in detecting error burst? The message 07 1011001011 is to be transmitted in a cyclic code with a generator polynomial g(x) = x2+1. Figures to the right indicate full marks. H (X|Y). Find the entropy of the source. the code efficiency and the redundancy. P (x1) = 1/3 and P (x2) = 2/3. Q. (b) Describe any one decoding techniques for the binary double error correcting BCH 07 codes. OR (b) A source emits three equiprobable messages randomly and independently. Attempt all questions. P (y2|x2) = 9/10. H (Y|X) and I (X|Y). Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 2.4 (a) Describe Data Encryption Standard scheme. (b) Variable length coding is preferred over fixed length codes for better 07 coding efficiency. P (y1|x2) = 1/10. 1/8. 1/64 and 1/64. (b) Define entropy of a source. 07 (b) Explain construction of instantaneous code and state the theorem of kraft 07 inequality. 1/4. Discuss 07 the Knapsack problem. find H(X). (i) How many check bits does the encoded message contain? (ii) Obtain the transmitted code word? (iii) Draw encoding arrangement to obtain remainder bits. Let P (y1|x1) = 2/3.3 Q. Q. OR Q. E. OR (a) For a binary symmetric channel (BSC). 1/16.2011 Sub code: 710402N Sub Name: Information Theory and Coding Date:08/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1.1001. H (Y). (b) State and explain theorem of extensions of source with proof. 07 07 07 07 07 (a) Give differences between public key and private key encryption. (a) Find the source entropy.3 Q. (b) Find the compact ternary code. Justify the statement with a suitable example.1011 Q. Determine the efficiency and redundancy of the code.Seat No. P (y2|x1) = 1/3.1 (a) Explain in detail Reed-Solomon encoding 07 (b) Find a generator polynomial g(x) for a (7. 3. IST Semester–Remedial Examination – July.4) cyclic code and find code 07 vectors for the following data vectors: 0010. Obtain the compact binary code and find the average length of the codeword.4 (a) A source emits seven messages with probabilities 1/2. Explain Huffman code with the help of an example.1110. 1/32.: _____ Enrolment No. 1 . the average length of the codeword.respectively. Q. 3) code generated by the matrix G. The dot 07 duration is 0. The probabilities of occurrence of these 4 levels (messages) are p1=p4=1/8 and p2=p3=3/8. ************* 2 . Prepare a 07 suitable decoding table. (b) Consider a telegraph source having two symbols dot and dash.5 (a) Construct a code table for the (6. In one case. Calculate information rate of telegraph source.On other case All messages are equally likely. Find out information rate of source. OR (a) Can we have a channel with infinite channel capacity? Justify your answer 07 with mathematical equations. Each level represents one message. The probability of the dot’s occurring is twice that of dash and time between symbols is 0. The 07 samples are quantized into 4 levels. Thus there are 4 messages.2 sec and the dash duration is 3 times of the dot duration.Q.5 (b) An analog signal is band limited to B Hz and sampled at Nyquist rate. Give comments on it.2 seconds. Let (X. (b) Find the probability that the committee consists of all women. Y) be a bivariate 04 random variable. Y = 0). Q. (c) Suppose a random process X(t) has a mean square derivative X'(t). P(X = 0. 2.. the sum of a large numbers of independent random variables tends to be a gaussian random variable. P(3) = P(6) =1/3.: _____ Enrolment No. ……. P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A∩B) 3. If A1. and P(X = 1. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. If random variables X and Y are uncorrelated and have zero means than prove that (X+Y)2 = X2 + Y2 2. Show that X and Y are uncorrelated but are not independent.E Sem-I Remedial Examination January/ February 2011 Subject code: 710401 Subject Name: Statistical Signal Analysis Date: 31 /01 /2011 Time: 02. Y = 2). (c) Find the autocorrelation function of X’(t). Y). 2π). Figures to the right indicate full marks. Attempt all questions.30 pm – 05. (a) What is the range Rx of X? (b) What is the range Ry of Y? (c) Find and sketch the range Rxy of (X. Given X = cosθ and Y= sinθ. (b) Prove the following statements 1. 3. (a) Find the probability that the committee consists of 2 men and 3 women. (d) Find P(X = 2. Determine the probabilities of obtaining a sum (1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (a) 1. U P(An) = P(A1) + P(A2) + …… + P(An) OR (b) Two dice are tossed. A2. For any events A & B. then P(A1) U P(A2) U …….2 (a) A committee of 5 persons is to be selected randomly from a group of 5 men and 10 women. OR Q. A3. P(2) = P(4) = 0. Y = 1). An are pair wise mutually exclusive. (b) Explain the central limit theorem and prove that under certain conditions..1 (a) Define the following terms 04 (1) Random experiment (3) Sample space (2) Random variable (4) Random process (b) Consider an experiment of tossing a fair coin twice. Q. P(A) = 1 – P(A’) 2. where θ is a random variable uniformly distributed in the range (0. where X is the number of heads that occurs in the two tosses and Y is the number of tails that occurs in the two tosses. 04 (a) Find E[X'(t)].00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. One die is regular and the other is biased with probabilities P(1) = P(6) =1/6..Seat No. (b) Find the cross-correlation function of X(t) and X’(t).3 1 06 06 06 03 03 06 . independent of the probability densities of the variables added. For any event A. Find the range of (X. (b) Explain CDF and PDF with its properties and prove all these properties. P(Y > I ). and four blue balls. Where X and Y denote. Y > y). where θ is a uniformly distributed random variable in the interval (0. the number of red and white balls chosen.Q. Find the joint pmf's of (X.4 (a) The joint cdf of a bivariate random variable (X. Let (X. (b) Show that X and Y are independent.4 Q.3 (a) Determine mean. Are X and Y independent? (b) Explain in detail different laws of large numbers 06 (a) Classify the random processes explain each in detail (b) Let Xn = cos (2 π ƒ0 n + θ). 1. Y) be a bivariate random variable. Y). (a) Find the probability of matching all 6 balls to the 6 numbers chosen by the player (b) Find the probability of matching exactly 4 balls (c) Find the probability of matching exactly 4 balls Q. OR (a) Let Rx (k) = 4(1/2) | k | + 16(1/4) | k |. Y). In ten digits generated by the source (a) there are exactly two 1’s and eight 0’s (b) there are at least four 0’s.5 |X | e . (c) Find P(X ≤ 1. 2. (c) there are at least five 1’s 06 06 06 ************* 2 06 06 . Assign probabilities to the following events. Y ≤ I).5 (a) Consider an experiment of drawing randomly three balls from an urn containing two red. (b) A binary source generates digits 1 and 0 randomly with equal probability.| X | (b) A player chooses any 6 numbers out of 49 numbers. 2π). mean square and the variance of the random variable X for the 06 following PX(X) = 0. respectively. three white. Six balls are drawn randomly 06 without replacement from 49 balls numbered 1 through 49. Find the marginaI pmf'’s of X and Y.5 Q. 06 OR Q. 4. P(X ≤ I). Find Sx (ƒ) . Find Sx (ƒ). and P(X > x. 3. Y) is given by 06 (a) Find the marginal cdf'’s of X and Y. See the figure below. like hill or tall building) comes in to the path of signal then the region behind obstruction is called shadow region and only diffracted signal will reach to mobile unit. 3. Give your answer to her query. 06 . A uniformly distributed Random variable X has Probability Density Function (PDF) fX(x) =1/2π. 06 2. 1. Someone has given you the Cumulative Distribution Function(CDF) of random variable as. 3.e.1 (a) Give answer of following questions.: _____ Enrolment o. Find the expected value of cos(x) (i. Q. 1.2 (a) In mobile radio communication when any obstruction (e. 2. The Probability Density Function (PDF) of exponential distributed random X is given as f X ( x ) = λ e − λ x x ≥ 0 and λ > 0 .00-2. 1 − ae − x / b x ≥ 0 FX ( x) =  x<0 0 As you are expert in Statistical Signal Analysis (SSA) she asks you to verify whether FX(x) is a valid CDF or not. E [cos(x)]) and expected value of x2 (i. Attempt all questions. 06 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. Out of these two parameters of random variable which is the stronger notion of independent ness.E Sem-I Examination January 2010 Subject code: 710401 Date:20 / 01 / 2010 Subject ame: Statistical Signal Analysis Time: 12. 0≤ X ≤ 2 π . Explain the meaning of statistical independent ness and uncorrelated ness of two random variables.g.30pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. Describe the use of probability theory in Communication Engineering.______ GUJARAT TECH OLOGICAL U IVERSITY M.) (b) Give answer of following questions. Figures to the right indicate full marks.Seat o. Find the characteristics function of random variable X. E[x2]. Q.e. If transmitted signal has Gaussian distribution with mean mx and variance σ2 than find distribution of received signal in scattering zone. as shown in figure below. Find the value of V that gives P[Y<0]=10-6. Q. OR Q. for x<1. A communication system accepts a positive voltage V as a input and outputs a voltage Y=αV+N . 2.1437e 1<x<3 f X ( x) =  otherwise 0 Find the probability that X takes a value greater than 2 given that it has a value greater then 1. 2.3 (a) Give answer of following questions. X and Y both are uncorrelated? X and Y both are statistically independent? 2. 2. State and prove the central limit theorem. 1. Let Z be the random variable with PDF f Z ( z ) =1/2. Give the PDF for Gaussian distributed random variable and show that Gaussian PDF integrates to one. 2. Show that E[x] for the random variable with CDF FX(x)=1-1/x. 06 06 06 .3 (a) Give answer of following questions. OR (b) Give answer of following questions. (b) Give answer of following questions. where X is the transmitted signal random variable] (b) Give answer of following questions. Define the joint density function of two random variable and state how to get the marginal density function from joint density. 1.[Hint: In scattering zone received signal random variable is Y. Define characteristics function and Moment generating function of random variable. 1. then Y=eX .5. 06 06 1. X=Z and Y=Z2. where α=10-2 and N is a Gaussian random variable with parameter mean (m) = 0 and σ=2. Let new random variable X and Y is defined as. does not exist. 1. Show how Chebyshev’s inequality is useful to decide the narrowness or broadness of PDFs. The PDF of continuous random variable X is given as −x 3. State the Chebyshev’s inequality for random variable. 5Noδ(τ). 1. For random variable X and Y Joint density is given as. each of which assumes the values -2 and 1 with the probabilities ½ and 2/3 .5MHz. where X and Y both are random variables. Determine the Mean square values of the quadrature components of the output process. Assume the center frequency in the representation to be 0. 1.(b) Give answer of following questions. + i/p x(t) λ τ o/p y(t) λ is attenuation . the will (a) α1W(t)+ α2 W(t+T) be a Wiener process? Here T > 0 and α1. 06 06 2. Give the classification of different types of random processes. 0 ≤ y ≤ 1  f XY ( x. if random variable X is uniformly distributed over [-1. Consider a random process X(t)= U cos(t) + V sin (t) where U and V are independent random variables. Show that X(t) is Wide Sence Stationary random process. The autocorrelation function of a stochastic process X(t) is Rx(τ)=0. α2 are real constants. through a band pass filter with frequency response as shown in figure below.4 (a) Give answer of following questions. y ) =  a + b 0 otherwise Compute the conditional expectation E[X|Y=1/2] (b) Give answer of following questions 1. Such process is called white process. 2]. If Y=1/X2 . Find the FY(y)in terms of 06 FX(x) Q. (b) (W(t))2 be a Wiener process? 2. 2. find PDF of random variable Y and Plot PDF of random variable X and Y.  2(ax + by ) 0 ≤ x ≤ 1. respectively. 1.4(a) Give answer of following questions. Let Y= 2X+3. If W(t) is a Wiener process. 06 06 . For vectored random variable X of dimension of 2 x 1 find the PDF if random variables are jointly Gaussian.τ is Delay - OR Q. 2. (b) A random process x(t) with the PSD shown in figure below is passed. If X(t) is the input to system as shown below find the power spectral density at output of the system. determine whether this is a stationary or a non stationary process. Given a random process x(t) = k. (a) sin 4t (b) δ(t-2) 06 06 1 |t|<1 0 |t|>1 (c) R (t ) =  2. 2. OR Q.Sx(w) 10-3 100kHz 1 1MHz f 0 Q. Are the following covariance functions of a real stationary process (give reasons). S(f) B A -f2 -f1 0 f1 f2 f 2. Let n X (t ) = ∑ X k e jwk t k =1 X(t) is a wide sense stationary process? (b) Give answer of following questions. Give the condition for which random process will become the Ergodic random process. 2.5 (a) Give answer of following questions. (a) Sketch the ensemble of the random process (b) Determine x(t) (c) Determine Rx(t1.5 (a) 0 0. Just by observing the ensemble. Explain the significance of convergence in mean square sense. ********** 06 . 1.t2) (b) Give answer of following questions. Sketch the ensemble of the random process x(t) = at + b where b is a constant and a is an RV uniformly distributed in the range (-2. Define the point wise convergence and uniform convergence of random variable. Let Xn be a sequence of uncorrelated random variable with zero mean and variance σ2.1). Find the autocorrelation function of random variable X whose power spectral density shown in figure below. 1.2). 1. where k is an RV uniformly distributed in the range (-1.5MHz f Give answer of following questions 06 1. 7 and P(0) =0. X and Y are random variables (ii) Sum on n independent identically distributed (iid) random variable each with a mean µ and variance σ2 (b) State the Condition for sure convergence and absolute sure convergence 06 for a sequence or random variables {Xn(ζ)}. 3.30 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1.3 (a) A binary source generates digits 1 and 0 randomly with probabilities P(1) = 0.E Sem-I Examination January 2010 Subject code: 710401 Subject ame: Statistical Signal Analysis Date: 06 / 04 / 2010 Time: a wide sense stationary process.y) = ce-xe-y 0 ≤ y≤ x < ∞ =0 elsewhere OR (b) Show that the mean square derivative of a random process X(t) at the point t exists if ∂2 R x (t1.2π) .2 Q.00 noon – 02.3 . fX. Figures to the right indicate full marks.1 Q.t2) =(t.Y(x.Check for convergence of the following sequences. (a) State and prove the Central Limit Theorem (b) Find the normalization constant c and the marginal pdf’s for the following joint pdf.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. If 10 bit are generated. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.3 Q.t) 04 04 04 06 06 06 (a) Find the expression for mean and variance of 06 (i) Z = X + Y . t 2) ∂t1∂t 2 Exists at the point (t1.: _____ Enrolment No.Seat No. ζ 1 (i) Un(ζ ) = (ii) Vn(ζ ) = ζ (1 − ) n n (iii) Wn(ζ) = ζen OR (a) Define the Cumulative Distribution Function(cdf) for a random variable 04 and show that P[a <x ≤b] = Fx(b) – Fx(a) 1 . Q. Attempt all questions. 2. What is the probability that (i) No 1’s will be generated ? (ii) Eight 1’s and two 0’s will be generated? (iii) At least 5 ones will be generated? (iv) More than 2 zeros will be generated? (b) A random variable X has pdf fX(x) = cx(1-x) 0≤x≤1 =0 elsewhere (i) Find c (ii) Find P[1/2 ≤ X ≤ ¾] (iii) Find the cdf of X (c) Show that the random process X(t) = A cos(ωct+ Ө ) Where Ө is uniformly distributed in the range (0. (ii) B={X>x. 04 Q.5 (a) For a random process X(t) give the definitions of (i) mean (ii) Autocorrelation (iii) Auto covariance (iv) Correlation coefficient) (b) Does the Weiner Process whose autocorrelation function is given by RX(t1. Find the cross correlation between the observed signal and the desired signal .5 04 04 04 06 06 C OR (a) A random telegraph signal is passed through a RC lowpass filter which 06 has a Transfer function H( f ) = β β + j 2πf where β = 1/RC is the time constant of the filter.e-αx)(1-e-βy) x≥0 . OR Q. y ) = e −( x −2 ρxy + y ) /( 2(1− ρ ) 2π 1 − ρ 2 .t2) Have a mean square derivative? What is the name of the process obtained by taking the derivative of Wiener Process? (c) Suppose we observe a process Y(t) which consists of desired signal X(t) plus noise N(t) .Y>x} .2<Y≤5} Find the pdf of the sum Z = X+Y of two zero mean . assuming that X(t) and N(t) are independent random processes.unit variance 06 (b) Gaussian random variables with correlation coefficient ρ = -1/2.Y) 06 Is given by FX.( The joint pdf of X and Y is given by 2 2 2 1 f X . The Auto correlation function of the Telegraph signal is RX(τ) = 1-e-2α|τ| Find the power spectral density and the autocorrelation of the output. y < ∞) .Is Z a Gaussian Random variable.(b) Give the expression for the pdf of a Gaussian Random variable and its 04 application and show that the Gaussian pdf integrates to 1.4 Q. and (iii) D = {1 <X≤2.t2) = α min(t1. where x >0 .∞ <x .y ≥0 =0 elsewhere Find the probability that events(i) A= {X ≤1 . (b) Consider a random amplitude sinusoid signal with period T X(t) = A cos(2πt/T) Is X(t) cylclostationary ? Wide sense cyclostationary ? 06 ************* 2 .y >0 . (c) Derive the expressions for Markov Inequality and Chebyshev Inequality.4 (a) The joint cdf for the vector of random variables X =(X.Y≤1} .Y ( x. (a) Determine the PSD and mean square value of a random process X(t) = A cos(ωct + Ө) (b) Calculate the thermal noise voltage (rms value) across the RC circuit given in figure below R Q.y) = (1.Y(x. Find the probability that a block of 1000 bits has five or more errors. Find P[ A ∪ B ] if A and B are independent. IST Semester–Remedial Examination – July. (i) The probability of a bit error in a communication line is 10-3.Seat No. 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. (ii) A communication system accepts a positive voltage V as a input and outputs a voltage Y=αV+N. An item selected at random from a day’s production is known to have standard quality. 50%. (ii) Differentiate between Independent event & Mutually Exclusive event. 06 (b) Explain Total probability and Bayes’ theorem. Q. A firm has three machines A. 2. What is the chance that it came from machine C? 06 (a) Explain Cumulative Distribution Function & Probability Density Function for random variable with their properties.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. 70% and 90% of the items generated by A. Let A and B be events with probabilities P[A] and P[B]. OR (b) Give answer of following questions.2011 Subject code: 710401 Subject Name: Statistical Signal Analysis Date:07/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 60 Instructions: 1. Find P[ A ∪ B ] if A and B are mutually exclusive. B and C which generate items in the proportion 2:6:3.: _____ Enrolment No. 3x 2 . where α=10-2 and N is a Gaussian random variable with parameters m = 0 and σ=2. 1. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Attempt all questions. (i) Discuss statistical independence and uncorrelation of random variables.2 (a) Give answer of following questions. 0 ≤x ≤1 f x ( x) =  otherwise 0 06 (b) Give answer of following questions. (i) What is the significance of probability theory? Describe statistical approach & axiomatic approach to a theory of probability. B and C respectively are known to have standard quality.1 Q. E. Find the value of V that gives P[Y<0] = 10-6. 1 . Verify whether the following is a probability density function or not. (ii) Show that E[X] for the Cauchy random variable X with pdf 06 ( f X ( x) = π (1 + x 2 ) ) −1 06 does not exist. Let X(t) and Y(t) be independent. (i) Let Z = X + Y.Q. (i) Find mean and variance of the geometric random variable given by pk=p(1-p)k . (i) If the random variable X is uniformly distributed over [-1 .3 Q. Use the central limit theorem to estimate the probability that the sum of lifetimes is less than 600 hours. 06 06 06 (b) Give answer of following questions. 06 (b) State the conditions for sure convergence and absolute sure convergence for a sequence of random variables {Xn(ζ)}. OR (a) Explain central limit theorem with proof. Suppose that 16 light bulbs are tested and their lifetimes measured. Find the pdf of random variable Y=X2 06 (a) The joint pdf of two random variables X and Y is given by ce− x e − y 0 ≤ y ≤ x<∞ f ( X . OR (a) State the Markov and Chebyshev’s inequalities for random variable. Use Chebyshev’s inequality to find the lower bound for the probability of getting 100 to 140 sixes. x≥0 and λ>0 by applying the moment theorem. Find the mean and variance of exponentially distributed random variable X having probability density function fX(x) = λe-λx ..k=0.5 (a) Describe characteristics function and moment generating function of random variable. Let Z(t) be given by Z(t) = X(t) cos ωt + Y(t) sin ωt. (ii) Are the random variable X and Y independent? (iii) Find conditional pdf’s fX/Y(x/y) & fY/X(y/x) 06 (b) Give answer of following questions. wide-sense stationary random processes with zero means and the same covariance function CX(τ).1. 07 06 2 . 1 ]. y ) =  elsewhere 0 (i) Find the normalization constant c and the marginal pdf’s. Find π x  the pdf of random variable Y = sin  . A symmetric die is thrown 720 times.Y ) ( x. identically distributed (iid) zeromean. Find FZ(z) and fZ(z) in terms of the joint pdf of X and Y.. (ii) The random variable X has the pdf fX(x) = e-xu(x).…. (ii) Let X and Y be jointly Gaussian random variables. unit-variance Gaussian random variables.4 Q. Derive the joint characteristic function of X and Y using conditional expectation. (b) Give answer of following questions. A “low-pass filter” takes 1 the sequence Un and produces the sequence X n = (U n + U n −1 ) 2 (i) Does this sequence converge in the mean square sense? (ii) Does it converge in distribution? 06 (a) Define and classify Stochastic processes. The lifetime of a cheap light bulb is an exponential random variable with mean 36 hours.3 Q.n.  2  (ii) Show that the Gaussian PDF integrates to one. Let Un be a sequence of independent.4 Q. (i) Is Wiener process mean square continuous? (ii) Does the Wiener process have a mean square derivative? (ii) Find the power spectral density of Z(t) = X(t) +Y(t). dt (Hint: For this system H(f) =j2πf. OR (a) Give answer of following questions. Find the pdf. Find the pdf of Z(t) if X(t) and Y(t) are also jointly Gaussian random processes.(i) (ii) Q. (ii) Let Z(t) = X(t) – aX(t-s). where X(t) and Y(t) are jointly Wide Sense Stationary processes. Let X(t) be a differentiable WSS random process. where X(t) is Wiener process. 07 05 ************* 3 . 05 (b) Give answer of following questions.t2) of Z(t).) (ii) Discuss linear least square estimation in brief. (b) Give answer of following questions. mean mZ(t) and autocovariance CZ(t1. (i) Give the condition for which random process will become the Ergodic random process. and define d Y (t ) = X (t ) . (i) Explain the response of linear system to random signals in brief.5 Determine whether Z(t) is a wide-sense stationary random process. Find an expression for SY(f) and RY(τ). 3. (ii) A communication system accepts a positive voltage V as a input and outputs a voltage Y=αV+N. Let A and B be events with probabilities P[A] and P[B]. 1.2011 Subject code: 710401N Subject Name: Statistical Signal Analysis Date:07/07/2011 Time: 10:30 am – 01:00 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3x 2 . 1 . Find P[ A ∪ B ] if A and B are mutually exclusive. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. (ii) Show that E[X] for the Cauchy random variable X with pdf 07 ( f X ( x) = π (1 + x 2 ) ) −1 07 does not exist. (ii) Differentiate between Independent event & Mutually Exclusive event. (i) What is the significance of probability theory? Describe statistical approach & axiomatic approach to a theory of probability. B and C respectively are known to have standard quality. What is the chance that it came from machine C? 07 (a) Explain Cumulative Distribution Function & Probability Density Function for random variable with their properties.Seat No.1 Q. E. OR (b) Give answer of following questions. 07 (b) Explain Total probability and Bayes’ theorem. Attempt all questions. (i) The probability of a bit error in a communication line is 10-3. 2. Find the probability that a block of 1000 bits has five or more errors. 70% and 90% of the items generated by A. An item selected at random from a day’s production is known to have standard quality.2 (a) Give answer of following questions. Verify whether the following is a probability density function or not. IST Semester–Remedial Examination – July. Q.: _____ Enrolment No. Find P[ A ∪ B ] if A and B are independent. B and C which generate items in the proportion 2:6:3. 50%. where α=10-2 and N is a Gaussian random variable with parameters m = 0 and σ=2. Find the value of V that gives P[Y<0] = 10-6. (i) Discuss statistical independence and uncorrelation of random variables. 2.______ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY M. A firm has three machines A. 0 ≤x ≤1 f x ( x) =  otherwise 0 07 (b) Give answer of following questions. Derive the joint characteristic function of X and Y using conditional expectation.k=0. Find FZ(z) and fZ(z) in terms of the joint pdf of X and Y.…. OR (a) Explain central limit theorem with proof. identically distributed (iid) zeromean. Let X(t) and Y(t) be independent.5 (a) Describe characteristics function and moment generating function of random variable.. (ii) Let X and Y be jointly Gaussian random variables.Q. 08 07 2 . 07 (b) State the conditions for sure convergence and absolute sure convergence for a sequence of random variables {Xn(ζ)}.4 Q. Use Chebyshev’s inequality to find the lower bound for the probability of getting 100 to 140 sixes. unit-variance Gaussian random variables. Let Un be a sequence of independent. (i) Find mean and variance of the geometric random variable given by pk=p(1-p)k .3 Q. The lifetime of a cheap light bulb is an exponential random variable with mean 36 hours. Find the pdf of random variable Y=X2 07 (a) The joint pdf of two random variables X and Y is given by ce− x e − y 0 ≤ y ≤ x<∞ f ( X . A “low-pass filter” takes 1 the sequence Un and produces the sequence X n = (U n + U n −1 ) 2 (i) Does this sequence converge in the mean square sense? (ii) Does it converge in distribution? 07 (a) Define and classify Stochastic processes.1. Let Z(t) be given by Z(t) = X(t) cos ωt + Y(t) sin ωt. Find π x  the pdf of random variable Y = sin  . A symmetric die is thrown 720 times.4 Q. Suppose that 16 light bulbs are tested and their lifetimes measured.. y ) =  elsewhere 0 (i) Find the normalization constant c and the marginal pdf’s. (i) Let Z = X + Y. (i) If the random variable X is uniformly distributed over [-1 . 1 ].  2  (ii) Show that the Gaussian PDF integrates to one.n. (b) Give answer of following questions. OR (a) State the Markov and Chebyshev’s inequalities for random variable. (ii) The random variable X has the pdf fX(x) = e-xu(x).3 Q. x≥0 and λ>0 by applying the moment theorem. (ii) Are the random variable X and Y independent? (iii) Find conditional pdf’s fX/Y(x/y) & fY/X(y/x) 07 (b) Give answer of following questions. 07 07 07 (b) Give answer of following questions. wide-sense stationary random processes with zero means and the same covariance function CX(τ). Find the mean and variance of exponentially distributed random variable X having probability density function fX(x) = λe-λx . Use the central limit theorem to estimate the probability that the sum of lifetimes is less than 600 hours.Y ) ( x. Find the pdf of Z(t) if X(t) and Y(t) are also jointly Gaussian random processes. mean mZ(t) and autocovariance CZ(t1. OR (a) Give answer of following questions. where X(t) and Y(t) are jointly Wide Sense Stationary processes. (ii) Let Z(t) = X(t) – aX(t-s). Find the pdf. dt (Hint: For this system H(f) =j2πf. and define d Y (t ) = X (t ) . (b) Give answer of following questions. (i) Is Wiener process mean square continuous? (ii) Does the Wiener process have a mean square derivative? (ii) Find the power spectral density of Z(t) = X(t) +Y(t). (i) Give the condition for which random process will become the Ergodic random process. 08 06 ************* 3 .(i) (ii) Q. Find an expression for SY(f) and RY(τ).t2) of Z(t). 06 (b) Give answer of following questions.5 Determine whether Z(t) is a wide-sense stationary random process. (i) Explain the response of linear system to random signals in brief. where X(t) is Wiener process. Let X(t) be a differentiable WSS random process.) (ii) Discuss linear least square estimation in brief.
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