M.E. EST.2017

May 4, 2018 | Author: KeerthiSaha | Category: Microcontroller, Embedded System, Pic Microcontroller, Operating System, Fourier Series



ANNA UNIVERSITYAFFILIATED INSTITUTIONS REGULATIONS – 2017 CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM M.E. EMBEDDED SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES Programme Educational Objective 1) To prepare students for successful careers in industry that meets the needs of Indian and global industries as employable professionals. 2) To develop the ability among students to synthesize data and technical concepts for application to product design, system development of societal importance. 3) To provide opportunity for students to work as part of teams on multi disciplinary projects to solve engineering, technical issues of societal demands. 4) To provide the P.G students with a sound foundation in the mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, solve and analyze engineering problems and to prepare them for employability and higher studies. 5) To promote student awareness of the life long learning and to introduce them to professional ethics and codes of professional practice. Program Outcomes a) To Offer the P.G Program in Embedded System Technology with imparting domain knowledge in Electrical circuits, electronic devices, information technology and communication engineering to develop inter-process communication techniques based on hardware– software approaches for real time process automations. b) To enhance teaching & research contributions in Embedded System Technology with an ability to design and construct hardware and software systems, component or process keeping in tune with the latest developments and Industry requirements particularly for electrical and allied consumer electronics industries. c) An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to organize, analyze and interpret data on multidisciplinary domains onto role of electronics, computer science, communication engineering for electrical applications. d) Be able to identify problems in major issues of Electrical Systems , analyse problems, co- ordinate through all options in design & developments and solve them using the knowledge base of Embedded Technology. e) To extend advanced teaching & training sessions with promoting industry based internships, leading to development of self-employable entrepreneurs and globally employable professionals. f) To provide guidance and supervision in identified domains of Embedded Application Development for Electrical & related Industries with realistic concerns such as economic, environmental, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and technology sustainability. g) An ability to effectively communicate technical information in speech, presentation, and in writing. 1 h) An understanding of professional, legal and ethical issues and responsibilities as it pertains to engineering profession with engaging in life-long learning with knowledge of contemporary issues. Programme Programme Outcomes Educational Objectives a b c d e f g h 1     2     3    4      5    MAPPING – PG- EMBEDDED SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES POa POb POc POd POe POf POg POh SEM Applied Mathematics for   1 Electrical Engineers Advanced Digital Principles     and Design Microcontroller Based System     Design Design of Embedded Systems      Software for Embedded Systems      Elective I Embedded System Lab I YEAR 1 SEM Real Time Operating System 2 Pervasive Devices and      Technology RISC Processor Architecture and Programming Internet of Things Elective II Elective III Embedded System Lab II       Technical Seminar       SEM Elective IV     3 Elective V Elective VI YEAR 2 Technical Seminar       Project Work Phase I       SEM       Project Work Phase II 4 2 ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI AFFILIATED INSTITUTIONS REGULATIONS – 2017 CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM M.E. EMBEDDED SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES (FULL TIME) CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS I TO IV SEMESTERS SEMESTER I S.No COURSE COURSE TITLE CATEGORY CONTACT L T P C CODE PERIODS THEORY 1. MA5155 Applied Mathematics for FC 4 4 0 0 4 Electrical Engineers 2. ET5101 Advanced Digital PC 5 3 2 0 4 Principles and Design 3. ET5151 Microcontroller Based PC 3 3 0 0 3 System Design 4. ET5152 Design of Embedded PC 3 3 0 0 3 Systems 5. ET5191 Software for Embedded PC 3 3 0 0 3 Systems 6. Professional Elective I PE 3 3 0 0 3 PRACTICALS 7. ET5111 Embedded System PC 4 0 0 4 2 Lab I TOTAL 25 19 2 4 22 SEMESTER II S.No COURSE COURSE TITLE CATEGORY CONTACT L T P C CODE PERIODS THEORY 1. ET5251 PC 3 3 0 0 3 Real Time Operating Systems 2. ET5201 PC 3 3 0 0 3 Pervasive Devices and Technology 3. ET5202 RISC Processor PC 5 3 2 0 4 Architecture and Programming 4. ET5203 Internet of Things PC 3 3 0 0 3 5. Professional Elective II PE 3 3 0 0 3 6. Professional Elective III PE 3 3 0 0 3 PRACTICALS 7. ET5211 Embedded System Lab II PC 4 0 0 4 2 TOTAL 24 18 2 4 21 3 SEMESTER III S.No COURSE COURSE TITLE CATEGORY CONTACT L T P C CODE PERIODS THEORY 1. Professional Elective IV PE 3 3 0 0 3 2. Professional Elective V PE 3 3 0 0 3 3. Professional Elective VI PE 3 3 0 0 3 PRACTICALS 4. ET5311 Project Work Phase I EEC 12 0 0 12 6 5. ET5312 Technical Seminar EEC 2 0 0 2 1 TOTAL 23 9 0 14 16 SEMESTER IV SI.No COURSE COURSE TITLE CATEGORY CONTACT L T P C CODE PERIODS PRACTICALS 1. ET5411 Project Work Phase II EEC 24 0 0 24 12 TOTAL 24 0 0 24 12 TOTAL NO. OF CREDITS : 71 4 FOUNDATION COURSES (FC) S.No Course COURSE TITLE CATEGORY CONTACT L T P C Code PERIODS 1. MA5155 Applied Mathematics for Electrical FC 4 4 0 0 4 Engineers PROFESSIONAL CORE (PC) S.No Course COURSE TITLE CATEGORY CONTACT L T P C Code PERIODS 1. Advanced Digital PC 5 3 2 0 4 ET5101 Principles and Design 2. Microcontroller PC 3 3 0 0 3 ET5151 Based System Design 3. Design of Embedded PC 3 3 0 0 3 ET5152 Systems 4. Software for PC 3 3 0 0 3 ET5191 Embedded Systems 5. Embedded System PC 4 0 0 4 2 ET5111 Lab I 6. Real Time Operating PC 3 3 0 0 3 ET5251 Systems 7. Pervasive Devices PC 3 3 0 0 3 ET5201 and Technology 8. RISC Processor PC 5 3 2 0 4 ET5202 Architecture and Programming 9. Internet of Things PC 3 3 0 0 3 ET5203 10. Embedded System PC 4 0 0 4 2 ET5211 Lab II PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVES (PE)* SEMESTER I ELECTIVE I S.No COURSE COURSE TITLE CATEGORY CONTACT L T P C CODE PERIODS 1. ET5091 MEMS Technology PE 3 3 0 0 3 2. ET5001 Advanced PE 3 3 0 0 3 Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing 3. IN5092 Digital PE 3 3 0 0 3 Instrumentation 5 ET5009 Entrepreneurship PE 3 3 0 0 3 Development 5. ET5312 Technical Seminar EEC 2 0 0 2 1 3. ET5002 Embedded Linux PE 3 3 0 0 3 2. IN5079 Robotics and Control PE 3 3 0 0 3 EMPLOYABILITY ENHANCEMENT COURSES (EEC) S. V AND VI 1. ET5003 PE 3 3 0 0 3 Python Programming 4. SEMESTER II ELECTIVE II AND III 1. ET5010 Nano Electronics PE 3 3 0 0 3 6. ET5012 Soft Computing and Optimization PE 3 3 0 0 3 Techniques 10. ET5311 Project Work Phase I EEC 12 0 0 12 6 2. ET5014 Cryptography And PE 3 3 0 0 3 Network Security 12. ET5071 Advanced Digital PE 3 3 0 0 3 Signal Processing 3. PS5073 Electric Vehicles and PE 3 3 0 0 3 Power Management 9. ET5008 Smart System Design PE 3 3 0 0 3 4. ET5006 Reconfigurable PE 3 3 0 0 3 Processor and SoC Design SEMESTER III ELECTIVE IV. ET5005 Automotive Embedded PE 3 3 0 0 3 System 6. PS5091 Smart Grid PE 3 3 0 0 3 8. ET5013 Wireless And Mobile PE 3 3 0 0 3 Communication 11. ET5004 Embedded Product PE 3 3 0 0 3 Development 5.No Course COURSE TITLE CATEGORY CONTACT L T P C Code PERIODS 1. ET5007 Embedded Networking and Automation of PE 3 3 0 0 3 Electrical System 3. ET5092 Digital Image PE 3 3 0 0 3 Processing 2. ET5011 Distributed Embedded PE 3 3 0 0 3 Computing 7. ET5411 Project Work Phase II EEC 24 0 0 24 12 6 . MA5155 APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS L T P C 4 0 0 4 OBJECTIVES :  The main objective of this course is to demonstrate various analytical skills in applied mathematics and extensive experience with the tactics of problem solving and logical thinking applicable for the students of electrical engineering.  Fourier series analysis and its uses in representing the power signals.Canonical basis .Two phase method - Transportation and Assignment models. This course also will help the students to identify.Generalized Eigenvectors . UNIT II CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS 12 Concept of variation and its properties – Euler’s equation – Functional dependant on first and higher order derivatives – Functionals dependant on functions of several independent variables – Variational problems with moving boundaries – Isoperimetric problems . standard distributions of discrete and continuous random variables and functions of a random variable. Exponential. probability.Direct methods : Ritz and Kantorovich methods. 7 .Random variables - Probability function – Moments – Moment generating functions and their properties – Binomial. UNIT V FOURIER SERIES 12 Fourier trigonometric series : Periodic function as power signals – Convergence of series – Even and odd function : Cosine and sine series – Non periodic function : Extension to other intervals .  Computation of probability and moments. UNIT I MATRIX THEORY 12 Cholesky decomposition . UNIT III PROBABILITY AND RANDOM VARIABLES 12 Probability – Axioms of probability – Conditional probability – Baye’s theorem .Liouville systems – Generalized Fourier series.Least squares method . and solve problems in electrical engineering using mathematical tools from a variety of mathematical areas. Gamma and Normal distributions – Function of a random variable. TOTAL : 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After completing this course. including matrix theory. calculus of variations. formulate. Poisson. UNIT IV LINEAR PROGRAMMING 12 Formulation – Graphical solution – Simplex method – Big M method .Singular value decomposition.  Maximizing and minimizing the functional that occur in electrical engineering discipline. students should demonstrate competency in the following skills:  Apply various methods in matrix theory to solve system of linear equations. Uniform. linear programming and Fourier series.Power signals : Exponential Fourier series – Parseval’s theorem and power spectrum – Eigenvalue problems and orthogonal functions – Regular Sturm .  Could develop a fundamental understanding of linear programming models. apply the simplex method for solving linear programming problems. Geometric.QR Factorization . able to develop a linear programming model from problem description. abstract. A. New Delhi. 8 .REFERENCES : 1. Bronson. Arithmetic. H.. Miller. 2015. 6... Asynchronous circuits. Ltd. I and Freund J. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Asia. Schaum’s outline series.L. An Introduction”. Architecture of EPLD. “Operations Research. Pearson education. R. UNIT II ASYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN 12 Analysis of Asynchronous Sequential Circuit (ASC) – Flow Table Reduction – Races in ASC – State Assignment Problem and the Transition Table – Design of ASC – Static and Dynamic Hazards – Essential Hazards – Designing Hazard free circuits UNIT III FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND TESTABILITY ALGORITHMS 12 Fault Table Method – Path Sensitization Method – Boolean Difference Method – Kohavi Algorithm – Tolerance Techniques –Built-in Self Test. and Phillips R. 2007. Singapore.  To teach the fundamentals of modeling through comparative study on the classification of commercial family of Programmable Device  To study on Fault identification in digital switching circuits  To introduce logics for design of Programmable Devices  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN 12 Analysis of Clocked Synchronous Sequential Networks (CSSN) Modeling of CSSN – State table Assignment and Reduction – Design of CSSN – ASM Chart – ASM Realization.A. Interconnects. UNIT IV ARCHITECTURES &DESIGN USING PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES 12 Realize combinational. 2003.C.V. 2nd Edition. P.Xilinx 4000 family. 2. "Miller and Freund’s Probability and Statistics for Engineers". 8th Edition. 9th Edition. Elsgolc. Taha. New York. Pearson Education. “Matrix Operation”. O'Neil. Programmable Electrically Erasable Logic – Programming Techniques -Re-Programmable Devices Architecture- Function blocks.Xilinx FPGA – Xilinx 2000 .. Johnson.. switching errors . Dover Publications. ET5101 ADVANCED DIGITAL PRINCIPLES AND DESIGN LT P C 3204 COURSE OBJECTIVES:  To expose the students to the fundamentals of sequential system design. D. Sequential Circuit with Programmable Array Logic. New Delhi. "Advanced Engineering Mathematics". Thomson Asia Pvt. "Mathematical Techniques for Engineers and Scientists". Architecture and application of Field Programmable Logic Sequence. "Calculus of Variations". Andrews L. 2016. 2011. Ltd. 3. I/O blocks. 4. 2005. L. McGraw Hill. 5... R. Nripendra N Biswas. 10. 2010. “Digital System Design with VHDL”.1994 8. Multiplier. hierarchical modelling concepts.Richard C. Parag K Lala. Tata McGraw Hill 2002. Carry Look ahead adders. “Fundamentals of Logic design”.UNIT V HDL PROGRAMMING 12 Overview of digital design with VHDL. behavioural modelling. “Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL Deisgn”.2015.FPGA Technology. William J. “Logic Design Theory”. “Digital Systems design using VHDL”.  To know Microcontroller based system design. 2003 7.Oldfeild .Trimberger. Cambridge Univerity Press. Stephen Brown and Zvonk Vranesic.Ripple carry Adders. Charles H.” Digital Design Using VHDL:A Systems Approach. task & functions. Shift Registers.. Prentice Hall of India. Stephen M. Test Bench Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process: Discussions / Practice on Workbench : Logic Synthesis and Simulation for digital designs TOTAL : 45+ 30=75 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Analyze and design sequential digital circuits  Design and use programming tools for implementing digital circuits of industry standards  Identify the requirements and specifications of the system required for a given application  Learners can acquire knowledge about HDL programming. 2. 4.Springer.. applications. Aamodt. 5. Charles H. Donald G.  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge upgradation on recent trends in digital design for embedded systems. Givone. BS Publications.  To teach I/O and RTOS role on microcontroller. REFERENCES: 1.Dorf. Multiplexer. 2001 9. Roth Jr.2008 ET5151 MICROCONTROLLER BASED SYSTEM DESIGN LTPC 300 3 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To introduce the fundamentals of microcontroller based system design. ALU. Thomson Learning. 2004 6. “Digital principles and Design”.”Field Programmable Gate Arrays”. data flow modelling.Wiley India Edition. Cengage Learning. Pearson Education. Dally / Curtis Harting / Tor M. 2002 3. Mark Zwolinski. “Digital System design using PLD”. Comparator.  To teach I/O interface in system Design  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills 9 . gate level modelling. logic synthesis-simulation-Design examples. John V. Tata McGraw Hill. Roth Jr. 2004. I/O ports. or compile scripts REFERENCES: 1. UNIT II 8051 PROGRAMMING 9 Assembly language programming – Arithmetic Instructions – Logical Instructions –Single bit Instructions – Timer Counter Programming – Serial Communication Programming. Danny Causey ‘ PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using Assembly and C for PIC18’.Oxford. UNIT IV PERIPHERAL OF PIC MICROCONTROLLER 9 Timers – Interrupts.Sepehr Naimi‘ AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using Assembly and C”.UNIT I 8051 ARCHITECTURE 9 Architecture – memory organization – addressing modes – instruction set – Timers . Interrupt Programming. UNIT V SYSTEM DESIGN – CASE STUDY 9 Interfacing LCD Display – Keypad Interfacing .  The course would enable students to enrich their knowledge with hands on experiments and project based learning  Effectively utilize microcontroller software development tools such as a compiler.CCP modules -ADC. Rolin D. John Iovine. “Programming and customizing the 8051 microcontroller”. Pearson. 5. thermometer – Significance of RTOS for 8051 UNIT III PIC MICROCONTROLLER 9 Architecture – memory organization – addressing modes – instruction set – PIC progrmming in Assembly & C –I/O port. Muhammad Ali Mazidi. Janice G.Interrupts .  Learners will study about PIC microcontroller and system design.2012.& System Design.Stand alone Data Acquisition System.Motor Control TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  8-bit microcontrollers. 2005. Data Conversion. Interfacing I/O Devices – Serial Communication.Jeevanathan.”Microcontrollers Architecture. Muhammad Ali Mazidi. Senthil Kumar. Timer programming. ‘The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems’ Prentice Hall.I/O ports. Muhammad Ali Mazidi. Sarmad Naimi .Generation of Gate signals for converters and Inverters .”microprocessor & microcontrollers. learn assembly and C-programming of PIC. Programming Interfacing. Mckinlay.2013. Myke Predko. 7. Pearson Education 2014. 3.I2C bus-A/D converter-UART. LCD digital clock. Pearson Education 2008 2.Saravanan. practice in MP-LAB. Mazidi and Rolin D. 4. DAC and Sensor Interfacing –Flash and EEPROM memories.Motor Control – Controlling DC/ AC appliances – Measurement of frequency . make files. McKinlay. 10 . McGraw Hill 2000 6. RAM & ROM Allocation.Programming Interrupt –RTOS basis in Task creation and run – LCD digital clock/thermometer. Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process : Discussions/Practice on Workbench : 8051/PIC/ATMEL/other Microcontroller based Assembly/C language programming – Arithmetic Programming– Timer Counter Programming – Serial Communication. ‘PIC Microcontroller Project Book ’. Rajkamal. TMcGraw Hill 2001.  learn Interfacing of Microcontroller. linker. process & threads.DMA. Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling. cache replacement concept. Scope of UML modeling. different Phases & Modeling of the Embedded product Development Life Cycle (EDLC).structural. debugger. priority inheritance-comparison of commercial RTOS features . Activity Diagrams. Conceptual model of UML. Architectural. Case studies on Smart card. different Phases & Modeling of embedded system  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 9 Introduction to Embedded Systems –Structural units in Embedded processor. Overview of UML.Task. pipes. simulator.memory mapping. Development of embedded Products like : Smart card -Adaptive Cruise control in a Car - Mobile Phone -Automated Robonoid TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 11 . Watchdog Timer. UNIT III RTOS BASED EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN 9 Introduction to basic concepts of RTOS. assembler. Multiprocessing and Multitasking.ISR concept-– multiple interrupts – context and periods for context switching. Timer and Counting devices. Note: Class Room Discussions and Tutorials can include the following Guidelines for improved Teaching /Learning Process: Practice through any of Case studies through Exercise/Discussions on Design . Full RTOS. Building Blocks of Embedded System  To teach the fundamentals of Embedded processor Modeling . message passing-. priority inversion. I/O Device Ports & Buses– Serial Bus communication protocols - RS232 standard – RS485 –USB – Inter Integrated Circuits (I2C) – interrupt sources . Incircuit emulator. Input/output interfacing  To introduce on processor scheduling algorithms . Real Time Clock UNIT II EMBEDDED NETWORKING AND INTERRUPTS SERVICE MECHANISM 9 Embedded Networking: Introduction. Bus Communication in processors. Mailbox. Behavioral. µC/OS-II. VxWorks.RTOS Lite. Programmed-I/O busy-wait approach without interrupt service mechanism. UNIT V EMBEDDED SYSTEM APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 9 Objectives. interrupt latency and deadline -Introduction to Basic Concept Device Drivers.Adaptive Cruise control in a Car -Mobile Phone software for key inputs. UNIT IV SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS 9 Software Development environment-IDE. need for Hardware-Software Partitioning and Co-Design. interrupt routines in RTOS. Memory management methods.ET5152 DESIGN OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LTPC 30 03 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To provide a clear understanding on the basic concepts. compiler. RT Linux. Basics of Real time operating system  To discuss on aspects required in developing a new embedded processor.Modeling techniques . Target Hardware Debugging. UML basic elements-Diagram. Interprocess Communication – synchronization between processes-semaphores. Task communication- shared memory. selection of processor & memory devices. Jonathan W. “Make: Action.Introduction to GCC . Simon Monk. 2.” Embedded Systems-An Integrated Approach”.K.  To study basic concepts of embedded C . Qualifiers and Reading Numbers . Michael Margolis. Movement. ET5191 SOFTWARE FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LTPC 300 3 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the students to the fundamentals of embedded Programming. health and safety. TMH.2016.Elsevier. “Embedded system Design”.GNU Binary utilities . Rajkamal.Memory Leak Detection with valgrind . UNIT II. Elsevier. also recognize the classification of embedded systems  Design real time embedded systems using the concepts of RTOS. manufacturability.Cengage Learning.3rd edition. C PROGRAMMING TOOL CHAIN IN LINUX 9 C preprocessor .using gprof .Programming Style .JohnWiley&Sons.Debugging with GDB .Introduction to GNU C Library 12 .2009 4.2011. A comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers”. ethical.More Control Statements .SPD.V.Declarations and Expressions .Arrays.O’Reilly Series. Shibu.Profiling .”Making Embedded Systems”. ”Embedded System Architecture. social.OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  An ability to design a system. ‘Embedded system-Architecture.  To Introduce the GNU C Programming Tool Chain in Linux.SPD.Stages of Compilation .”Real-Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems.Real Time Interfacing”. environmental. Bruce Powel Douglass.Decision and Control Statements .Simple Pointers - Debugging and Optimization – In-line Assembly. political. Serial Interface with a case study.2012 10. Elicia White. 8. Tammy Noergaard. or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic.SPD.2011 7.Advanced Types . O’Reilly Series .Pearson2013 5. Design’. TataMcgraw Hill.”Arduino Cookbook. “Introduction to Embedded Systems”.Valvano.Variable Scope and Functions . and sustainability  Describe the differences between the general computing system and the embedded system.The Make utility .”Embedded Microcomputer Systems .2011 6. component.2010 3. O’Reilly Series .2013.  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I EMBEDDED PROGRAMMING 9 C and Assembly .C Preprocessor . Embedded OS&Python Programming  To introduce time driven architecture.GNU Configure and Build System .Programming Process . Lyla B Das. 2006 9. Light and Sound with Arduino and Raspberry Pi”. Peckol. Programming.  Foster ability to understand the role of embedded systems in industry REFERENCES 1. Christian Hill. O’Reilly Media. Tony Crawford. 13 .2015. both with respect to software and hardware  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design. Meeting Real-time constraints: Creating hardware delays . 9. “Programming in C”. David Griffiths. Stephen Kochan. Sams Publishing. 8. Important design considerations when using sEOS.O’reilly.Memory requirements . Pearson Educat. 10. Pearson Education. “C in a Nutshell”. Learning Scientific Programming with Python . ‘Practical C Programming 3rd Edition’.Need for timeout mechanism - Creating loop timeouts .2011. Mark Lutz. Introduction to sEOS. Header files for Project and Port.”Learning Python. O’reilly. 2009. Using Timer 0 and Timer 1.embedding serial communication & scheduling data transmission . Mark J. Wesley J. Pearson Education.2016.Bandu Meshram. C++ Linux and Python Programming Environments. 5. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Ability to use GNU C to develop embedded software.Powerful OOPs. 2. “Core python application Programming 3rd Edition”. possibilities and challenges.UNIT III EMBEDDED C 9 Adding Structure to ‘C’ Code: Object oriented programming with C. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS . Portability issue. 2007.  knowledge and understanding of fundamental embedded systems design paradigms. REFERENCES 1. Examples. “Object Oriented Paradigm C++ BeginnersGuide C&C++”. 7.SPD.Creating hardware timeouts. Peter Prinzs. “Embedded C”. Michael J Pont. architectures. “Head First C”. 2015. 3. Alternative system architecture. 4. 3rd Edition.O’Reilly.4th edition. Dawn Griffiths. 6.Chun. UNIT IV EMBEDDED OS 9 Creating embedded operating system: Basis of a simple embedded OS. 2006.Guzdial.Case study: Intruder alarm system. UNIT V PYTHON PROGRAMMING 9 Basics of PYTHON Programming Syntax and Style – Python Objects– Dictionaries – comparison with C programming on Conditionals and Loops – Files – Input and Output – Errors and Exceptions – Functions – Modules – Classes and OOP – Execution Environment. Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process: Discussions/Practice on Workbench : Program Development and practice in exercises with C. Inc. Dr.” introduction to computing and programming in python – a Multimedia approach .2016. 2016. 2016. Steve Oualline. c. simulators/experiments.c.in programmi programming ng processor boards.in 14 .4. design with crosscompilers.d Higher Level C/Embedded Java/ design with simulators/ Languages/ Compilers&Platforms programming Platforms environments 2. Programming in C/C++/Java/Embedded The students will learn a.3. Microcontrollers : Board Support Software  Assembly Tools /C Compiler/others  C programmi ng  programmi ng  Interfacing peripherals Study on incircuit The students will learn Emulators. ET5111 EMBEDDED SYSTEM LAB I LT P C 0042 Experiment Detail Equipment/ Supports Training outcomes Related Sl. Programming 8051 Microcpontrollers with 2.b. Board Microcontrollers Support Software Tools /C The students will learn : Compiler/others design with  Assembly simulators/experiments.Board Support Microcontrollers Software Tools.d . . with 8 bit peripherals.No Required programme outcomes 1.d with AVR/ PIC with peripherals. I/O Programming 8051 Microcpontrollers with a.c. .a. . peripherals I/O Interfacing : with interface Timers/ Interrupts/ Serial port programming/PW M Generation/ Motor Control/ADC/DAC / LCD/ RTC Interfacing/ Sensor Interfacing 4. crosscompilers.IDE. Programming AVR/ PIC Microcpontrollers a. .f with 8 bit peripherals.IDE. processor interfacing/ Study on incircuit designing digital controllers Emulators. debuggers 3.b. in programming processor boards.d 15 . designing digital controllers I/O Interfacing : peripherals with interface Timers/ Interrupts/ Serial port programming/PW M Generation/ Motor Control/ADC/DAC / LCD/ RTC Interfacing/ Sensor Interfacing 6.f with Arduino peripherals . . . .c. Synchronous.3.d with AVR/ PIC with peripherals. Asynchronous circuits with simulators/experiments . debuggers programming 5. VHDL Processor Boards with The students will learn a.modeling & FPGA processors Interfaces simulation of Combinational.d Simulation in Proteus/ ORCAD The students will learn Simulators design with /Tools/others experiments.a.IDE.c.a. debuggers 7. Sequential.c. 2. Sequential. Programming & Simulation Tools as a.modeling & FPGA processors Interfaces simulation of Combinational. crosscompilers.4.b. I/O Programming AVR/ PIC Microcpontrollers processor boards. processor interfacing/designing reprogrammable system 9. .f Programming in Board Support Tools & design . Asynchronous circuits with simulators/experiments .4.in programming 10. Synchronous.Board processor interfacing/ Microcontrollers Support Software Tools. Programming & Simulation Tools as Matlab suites/ simulators/Tool 2. Verilog HDL Processor Boards with The students will learn a..f Programming in Board Support Tools & design . Programming Arduino Boards with a.3. Board Microcontroller Support Software Tools Board : /Compiler/others Study on incircuit Emulators. processor interfacing/designing reprogrammable system 8.in programming processor boards. 3rd ed. 4. ‘PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems’ Pearson Education 3. 9.Cengage Learning. Sen M. Simulators /Tools/others TOTAL : 60 PERIODS Note: Note:Laboratory training.Chun.” Make Action-with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Jovitha Jerome. ‘Embedded Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture’. New Jersey 2007 10.2010. 16 .2016.events.Operating System structures – System Calls – Files – Processes – Design and Implementation of processes – Communication between processes – Introduction to Distributed operating system – issues in distributed system:states.2016 5. Elsevier 2008 ET5251 REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the students to the fundamentals of interaction of OS with a computer and User computation.simulators. Pearson Education 2. Simon Monk. John Wiley & Sons. Dogan Ibrahim. application development using RTOS  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I REVIEW OF OPERATING SYSTEMS 9 Basic Principles . ‘Advanced PIC microcontroller projects in C’. discussions can include the given guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Hands on experiences can be with Case specific experiments in domains on range of processors. Mohamammad Ali Mazidi & Mazidi ‘ 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems’.”DSP-A Matlab Based Approach”. Mohammad Ali Mazidi. Hoboken.clocks-Distributed scheduling-Fault &recovery. Vinay K.  To study on programming logic of modeling Process based on range of OS features  To compare types and Functionalities in commercial OS. Taan S. Elsevier 6.CRC Press2009. Inc. ‘Complete PCB Design using ORCAD Capture and Layout’. Wesley J.2010 7.Proakis.Elali.  To teach the fundamental concepts of how process are created and controlled with OS.”Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with Matlab”.circuits that support theory subjects. REFERENCE: 1.”Core Python Applications Programming.Ingle. Kuo.SPD .John G.programmes..”Virtual Instrumentation using Labview”PHI. Woon-Seng Gan.Pearson. Rolind Mckinley and Danny Causey. Kraig Mitzner. 8. Simulation in /others Bench. G. Charles Crowley. Marko Gargenta. 6.A Concept-Based Approch.Architecture.2003 2. including clock-driven and priority-driven scheduling  Theoretical background (specification/verification) and practical knowledge of real-time operating systems. with one Case study Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process: Discussions/Practice on Workbench :on understanding the scheduling techniques.Process Synchronisation- Message queues– Mail boxes -pipes – Critical section – Semaphores – Classical synchronisation problem – Deadlocks UNIT III REAL TIME MODELS AND LANGUAGES 9 Event Based – Process Based and Graph based Models – Real Time Languages – RTOS Tasks – RT scheduling . Kang. Programming and Design” Tata McGraw Hill. Kluwer Academic.TMH.Dhamdhere.1997 3.2006. 8. overview of commercial Embedded OS.  After completing the course students will appreciate the use of multitasking techniques in real- time systems.6th ed. “Linux Device Drivers”. “Operating Systems-A Design Oriented approach” McGraw Hill. Mukesh Sighal and N G Shi “Advanced Concepts in Operating System”. 7. 4. D.O’reilly Pub.” Operating Systems.M.”Learning Android “. 1997.John Wiley.2000 10. “Real Time Systems – Design for distributed Embedded Applications”.Interrupt processing – Synchronization – Control Blocks – Memory Requirements.Gagne” Operating System Concepts. Raj Kamal. Krishna. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Real-time scheduling and schedulability analysis. Karim Yaghmour.2008 17 . the File System. memory allotment scheme .UNIT II OVERVIEW OF RTOS 9 RTOS Task and Task state –Multithreaded Preemptive scheduler. Herma K. McGraw Hill. UNIT V INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED OS 12 Discussions on Basics of Linux supportive RTOS – uCOS-C Executive for development of RTOS Application –introduction to Android Environment -The Stack – Android User Interface – Preferences.M. understand the fundamental concepts of real-time operating systems  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design.. O’reilly. McGraw Hill.Building Embedded Linux System”. UNIT IV REAL TIME KERNEL 6 Principles – Design issues – RTOS Porting to a Target – Comparison and Basic study of various RTOS like – VX works – Linux supportive RTOS – C Executive. “Real Time Systems”. REFERENCES: 1.2003 5. the Options Menu and Intents. 1997.O’reilly 2011.Galvin. Kroah-Hartman. timing circuitary. C. 2016. Silberschatz. 9.Shin. “Embedded Systems. Corbet Rubini. classification  To teach the infrastructure of WSN processor and its functions in networking  To study on challenges in on interconnectivity of networks &Network communication  To discuss on commercial wireless technology  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I WIRELESS SENSOR DEVICES & NETWORKING 12 Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks.11 System Architecture . AdHoc Networks. Choice of modulation scheme-basic principle for data transfer and energy management for SMAC . Note:Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process : Discussions/Exercise/Practice on Workbench : on the basics of Zigbee protocols. Hiper LAN . Pocket PCs. Wireless Access Technology UNIT IV OVERVIEW OF SENSOR NETWORK PROTOCOLS 9 Introduction to fundamentals of Wireless sensor network MAC Protocols . link manager layer –Bluetooth piconet–application.Hardware Components. constraints & challenges in resources.IEEE 802.Energy Consumption of Sensor Nodes.Low duty cycle protocols and wakeup concepts . introduction to RF WPAN 802. ET5201 PERVASIVE DEVICES AND TECHNOLOGY LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the fundamentals of wireless sensor technology. 18 .Energy usage profile.1 &Blutooth - protocol stack.Schedule-based protocols . Wireless PAN. Gateway Concepts. role of special microcontrollers for Zigbee communication etc TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Relate to current trends in pervasive computing and develop a sense of their practicality  Identify distinguishing features of the different mobile device categories.Gateway Concepts – Need for gateway UNIT III.15. Leach & Zigbee communication UNIT V WIRELESS NETWORKING OF DEVICES 6 Classification of Wireless Networking of Devices. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). Optimization Goals and Figures of Merit. sensor motes.15. Wireless Backbone Networks .Characteristic requirements for WSN .4 MAC protocol. Wireless MAN. Bluetooth .Network Architecture -Sensor Network Scenarios. and wireless phones.WSN vs Adhoc Networks . namely.frame. Goals and Figures of Merit – Design Principles for WSNs. -Applications of sensor networks UNIT II BUILDING PERVASIVE SENSOR NETWORK 12 Single-Node Architecture . Data Dissemination-Flooding and Gossiping-Data gathering Sensor Network Scenarios –Optimization. WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY 6 Wireless LAN – IEEE 802.Contention-based protocols . protocol Architecture – Services .introduction to Sensor node networking with any Commercially available sensor nodes – Physical layer and transceiver design considerations in WSNs. Operating Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks – Introduction - Operating System Design Issues . CRC2007. 9.”Fundamentals of Mobile & Pervasive Computing.Andreas Willig. 8. Holger Karl.2010.An Information Processing Approach".Firmware and bootloader – Free RTOS Embedded Operating Systems concepts –example on ARM core like ARM9 processor 19 .”Protocols & Architectures for WSN”.Interrupts – ARM organization .Leonidas Guibas”Wireless Sensor Networks”.2012 2. 2007. 2015 7.S Gupta etal.  The learning process delivers insight onto building of sensor networks.Wireless AdHoc & Sensor N/Ws-Protocols&Control.  Recognize the difference between writing code for workstations and servers on one hand and for resource-constrained devices on the other hand.2009.2005. Mark Ciampa. “ Principles of Wireless Networks’ PHI/Pearson Education. Guibas. Kaveh Pahlavan.technologies and protocols for network design”. Wiley. Instruction set – Thumb instruction set – Instruction cycle timings UNIT III ARM APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 12 Introduction to RT implementation with ARM – –Exception Handling – Interrupts – Interrupt handling schemes.  Develop a framework for pervasive computing. William Stallings. 3.SandeepK. 2010 10.The ARM Programmer’s model -Registers – Pipeline . “Wireless Sensor Networks. Frank Adelstein. Feng Zhao. Elsevier. communication in zigbee network and sensor netwoks protocols are studied. application development in RISC processor  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I AVR MICROCONTROLLER ARCHITECTURE 12 Architecture – memory organization – addressing modes – I/O Memory – EEPROM – I/O Ports – SRAM –Timer –UART – Interrupt Structure. Prasanth Krishnamoorthy. Feng Zhao & Leonidas J.John Wiley. Jaganathan Sarangapani.”Introduction to wireless telecommunications systems and networks". 4.Elsevier.ARM processor family – Co-processors. “ Wireless communications and Networks”.Serial Communication with PC – ADC/DAC Interfacing UNIT II ARM ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMING ` 12 Arcon RISC Machine – Architectural Inheritance – Core & Architectures -.Cengage Learning.”Computer Networks principles. REFERENCES 1.  Design and develop a pervasive computing device for a specific need.”Wireless Communications. Natalia Olifer and Victor Olifer. 5.Jorge Olenewa. PHI/Pearson Education. 2002.TMcHill. Mullet. 2003 6. cengage learning. ET5202 RISC PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMING LT P C 3204 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To teach the architecture of general AVR processor  To teach the architecture and programming of 8/16 bit RISC processor  To teach the implementation of DSP in ARM processor  To discuss on memeroy management. Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process: Discussions/Exercise/Practice on Workbench : on Programming practices on the KEIL Work Bench for Simple ASM/C / Input & output interfacing programs with ARM 7/ARM 9/Nuvoton Processors TOTAL : 60 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Describe the programmer’s model of ARM processor and create and test assembly level programming. ‘ARM system on chip architecture’.. Sarmad Naimi . 8. ARM Architecture Reference Manual. Sloss. Trevor Martin.  To familiarize the different platforms and Attributes for IOT UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET OF THINGS 6 Overview. Chris Wright. Steve Furber. An Engineer's Introduction To The LPC2100 Series’ Hitex (UK) Ltd. John Rayfield ‘ARM System 3. Cache and Write Buffer-MPU to MMU-Virtual Memory-Page Tables-TLB-Domain and Memory Access Permission-Fast Context Switch Extension. Elsevier 2007. Technology drivers .UNIT IV MEMORY PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT 12 Protected Regions-Initializing MPU. Pearson Education 2014.Block copy. Developer’s Guide Designing and Optimizing System Software’. UNIT V DESIGN WITH ARM MICROCONTROLLERS 12 Assembler Rules and Directives. LPC213x User Manual 6.Division-Negation- Simple Loops –Look up table. Andrew N.  Analyze various types of coprocessors and design suitable co-processor interface to ARM processor. 5. Muhammad Ali Mazidi.  Students will develop more understanding on the concepts ARM Architecture. Trends and implications 20 .Hamming Code.  Identify the architectural support of ARM for operating system and analyze the function of memory Management unit of ARM.subroutines-application. REFERENCES 1.Nuvoton . Addision Wesley 2.Sepehr Naimi‘ AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using Assembly and C”.com/websites on Advanced ARM Cortex Processors 7. ET5203 INTERNET OF THINGS LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To Study about Internet of Things technologies and its role in real time applications  To familiarize the accessories and communication techniques for IOT. Dominic Symes. programming and application development. ‘The Insider's Guide To The Philips ARM7-Based Microcontrollers.Simple ASM/C programs.Typical IoT applications .  The learning process delivers insight into various embedded processors of RISC architecture / computational processors with improved design strategies. 4. www. Business drivers. 5.Security.Topologies. Productivity Applications TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES  Students will develop more understanding on the concepts of IOT and its present developments. Powering. beacons. 2. “ The Internet of Things”. “Internet of Things (A Hands on-Approach)”. SPI. Zigbee MIPI.Cloud computing for IoT.Philippe Vasseur. 3.Dependability. Electric vehicle charging. Adrian McEwen and Hakim Cassimally. ArshdeepBahga. Wireless communication. 2013 9.2016. 2015 4. David Boswarthick and Omar Elloumi “ The Internet of Things”. Data analytics for IoT: A framework for data-driven decision making .4). Processing. “Designing the Internet of Things”. UWB (IEEE 802. Agriculture.Sensing. Oliver Hersent . Descriptive. John Wiley and sons. Jean. M-PCIe Wired vs. 2014 21 .15. Wireless technologies for IoT: WiFi (IEEE 802.2014. RFID. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. LTE.11).  Students will study about different IOT technologies.GSM. Smart Grid. GPRS. Bluetooth Low Energy. The MIT press. Vijay Madisetti . River Publishers Series in Communication.” Wireless Device-to-Device Communications and Networks. Adrian McEwen and Hakim Cassimally “Designing the Internet of Things “Wiley. ZigBee/ZigBee Smart. Arshdeep Bahga and Vijai Madisetti : A Hands-on Approach “Internet of Things”. Communication. “Internet of Things: Converging Technologies for Smart Environments and Integrated Ecosystems”. Wiley. Proprietary systems.  Students will acquire knowledge about different platforms and Infrastructure for IOT  Students will learn the art of implementing IOT for smart applications and control Note: Class Room Discussions and Tutorials can include the following Guidelines for improved Teaching /Learning Process: Practice through any of Case studies through Exercise/Discussions on Design . Samuel Greengard. UNIT III PROTOCOLS AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY FOR IOT 9 Protocols : NFC. Bluetooth/Bluetooth Smart.IoT standards. SPMI. UniPro. Adam Dunkels. small cell. Environment. Layer/Stack architecture . 2014 7.Maintainability. Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics .UNIT II IOT ARCHITECTURE: 12 Node Structure . Lingyang Song/Dusit Niyato/ Zhu Han/ Ekram Hossain. OvidiuVermesan and Peter Friess (Editors). Development of embedded solutions using wireless communication by processor support REFERENCES: 1.2015 8. Networking . UNIT IV DATA ANALYSTICS FOR IOT 9 Services/Attributes: Big-Data Analytics and Visualization. “Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP: The Next Internet” Morgan Kuffmann Publishers. UNIT V CASE STUDIES 9 Home Automation. CDMA. Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Importance of impact and open innovation in data-driven decision making.Bluetooth. smart cities. 6. M-PHY. 6LoWPAN.Universities Press 2015. 2010. Rasberry Pi Microcontroller Microcontroller Boards with designing Boards I/O Interfacing : Timers/ peripherals. 2015 12. Programming with Rasberry Pi Rasberry Pi Boards with simulators/ex a.d processor : ARM7 / ARM9/ARM Cortex ARM9/ARM Microcpontrollers with CortexMicrocontrollers peripherals. Wiley.IDE.3. Programming with DSP Processor Boards with Board The students a. Carsten Bormann. Programming ARM processor : Microcpontrollers with ARM7 / ARM9/ARM Cortex peripherals. Kithsiri Liyanage.Board Support I/O Interfacing : Timers/ Software Tools. Upena Dalal.d 1. communications and security”. Lars T. Zach Shelby.b.f .4. debuggers I/O Programming with ARM ARM processor : ARM7 / 2. debuggers boards.Oxford. Akihiko Yokoyama and Nick Jenkins.2015 ET5211 EMBEDDED SYSTEM LAB II LT P C 0042 Sl. processor 3. /Keil/uCOS Compiler/others crosscompilers.b. Janaka Ekanayake.Board Support digital Interrupts/ Serial port Software Tools. .c. “ Smart Grid Technology and Applications”.a.c. Wiley. Board Support Software Tools Study on incircuit Emulators. “6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet”. “Smart Grid applications. Jianzhong Wu. Board periments.d 22 . Experiment Detail Equipment/ Supports Required Training Related No outcomes programme outcomes a. John Wiley and sons. peripherals Interrupts/ Serial port with interface programming/PWM Generation/ Motor Control/ADC/DAC/ LCD/ RTC Interfacing/ Sensor The students Interfacing will learn design with 2.Rasberry Pi interfacing/ a. 13. I/O Programming with Arduino Arduino. peripherals controllers programming/PWM Generation/ with interface Motor Control/ADC/DAC/ LCD/ RTC Interfacing/ Sensor Interfacing 4.”Wireless Communications & Networks. /Compiler/others processor crosscompilers. 2015. 10.f Microcontroller Board : peripherals .in Support Software Tools programming Study on incircuit Emulators. 2009 11.IDE.Berger and Krzysztof Iniewski.c. compiling Tiny OS/ Linux Support/any in various RTOS tools & 9.c.4. Programming & Simulation in Simulation Tools as Labview a. programming a. Signal anaysis with simulators/ex periments .f wired/wireless communication Protocols & Support Software Communicati protocol/Network Simulators Tools for BUS & network on Protocols communication & Experimentin g with Support Software Tools for communicati on interfaces TOTAL : 60 PERIODS 23 . processorint erfacing/ Tools 5.3. processors Support Tools & Interfaces will learn design & simulation of Arithmetic .a.d Operating Systems (RTOS) with VXWorks/ Keil/ Android/ .f  Study on MEMS Tools Licenced software & .a.4.3. Programming & Simulation in Programming in Python software 2. Programming in Freeware Programming 2.f GUI Simulators /Tools/others /others  Graphical User interface simulations & modeling of instrumentation & The students controllers will learn 8. Software & Modelling tools Personal Computers.d softwares/ Platforms Compilers&Platforms on The students freeware will learn 6.b.in programming processor boards.c. compiling  Study on process programming/modelling tools in various Controller modeling tools &  PLC/SCADA/PCB software  one type CAD Tool domains 7. Study of one type of Real Time Compilers & Platforms programming a.c. Filters.d Python Simulators/Tools/others Platform domains 10 Programming with Learning Communication Learning a.Logic programs. Jovitha Jerome. ‘Complete PCB Design using ORCAD Capture and Layout’.” Make Action-with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. 4. 8. ‘Advanced PIC microcontroller projects in C’. Elsevier 6. Rolind Mckinley and Danny Causey.”Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with Matlab”. Simon Monk.3.c. ARM processors with  DSP / Image / Video Processorssimulators/experiments..Chun. Taan S.b.Pearson.Note: Laboratory training.”DSP-A Matlab Based Approach”. Elsevier 2008 ET5311 PROJECT WORK PHASE I LT P C 0 0 12 6 Pre-requisites: choice of project title for project can also be done as per broad domain of research topic listed. Pearson Education 2.0 Embedded Processors The students will learn design 2. discussions can include the given guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Hands on experiences with Case specific experiments in domains on range of work Benches. Vinay K. Kraig Mitzner. Wesley J.2010. Kuo.Cengage Learning.”Virtual Instrumentation using Labview”PHI. libraries 24 . Mohamammad Ali Mazidi & Mazidi ‘ 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems’. domains Course objectives : to expose to many of Training outcomes Related the following by choice for learning programme outcomes 1.SPD .circuit boards that support the practical skill training supportive to theory subjects .2016 5.simulators. Dogan Ibrahim.0  Android / LINUX OS The students will skill through a.4.f Internals/VxWorks/Keil OS programming through  MPLAB/Os/any RTOS tool suite API. Hoboken. ‘Embedded Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture’.2010 7.3rd ed.d  uC. Woon-Seng Gan.Proakis.John G. wireless Computing communications  Java for Wireless Devices 2. New Jersey 2007 10.in  VHDL Programming in processorsprogramming processor boards.programmable Test suites.d C++ / JAVA Skill development in software  Network Simulators programming/working in  Network programming simulators. Inc.a. ‘PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems’ Pearson Education 3.CRC Press2009.c. processor interfacing/designing reprogrammable system 3. emulators. 9.Ingle.0  Programming in C/ Embedded C / a.Elali.2016. John Wiley & Sons. Sen M. REFERENCES: 1.”Core Python Applications Programming. learn  Python programming using the commercial  Programming on Pervasive packages for wired. Mohammad Ali Mazidi. .h. 2. Network simulation.0  Entrepreneurship Skill The students will know to d. VHDL Programming on Programmable Logic Devices -Design and Implementation with using Xilinx/Altera FPGA / CPLD on Design .f programming programming logic for  Simulink/Matlab Tools modeling/simulating for  Study on MEMS Tools embedded application  Study on process Controller /products & service modeling development  PLC/SCADA/PCB/ORCAD  one CAD Tool 5. remote monitoring etc. 4. Embedded Processors. Virtual Instrumentation programming to design smart metering Design and Implement though GUI suite /tool to record Sensor data recording with signal analysis to discuss on system performance and implement controller scheme. Disk driver and Terminal drivers 25 . desktop grabbing. 9.4. Programming in C/ Embedded C / Python/C++ / JAVA/others. percentage errors.codesign .device modeling. 7. Android / LINUX OS Internals/VxWorks/Keil -Study on programming of the OS through one API for Driver interfaces.verification of simple Combinational/Sequential Circuits 6.Simulation / Implementation of any fewof its algorithms 8. analysis for Embedded control of systems/vehicle modeling/communication of systems 5. development pickup skills for product development/establish consultancy services with an outlook into selecting commercially viable market for technical demands Guidelines onto Topics: 1.e. Network Simulators-Design and Implement many processor based network deployment /involve IOT or sensor network with use of monitoring tool to record sensor values. Study on CAD Tool. DSP / Image / Video Processing .get network statistics like packets sent and received.analysis on Tools.Implement an IO peripheral interface ARM/ PIC / MSP 430 /Arduino/RPi/ other advanced embedded Processor through Study of CAN / I2C / Ethernet/any serial bus communication /any other communication protocol for IO interface 3.using NS2/ Programming of TCP/IP protocol stack /any network simulator tools -Network Deployment /Design and Implement a GUI or text based network monitoring tool to record network statistics like packets sent and received. percentage errors..0  Virtual Instrumentation The students will apply a. security concepts.g.verification. Study on process Controller modelling -with math lab suite with modeling.f. establish communication.Embedded Application development 10. thermal resistor sensors-Applications. Study on MEMS –device.structural modeling & analysis using CAD lab SUITE 14.Integration Management configuration management. 15.Legal & Government rules on administration.Wireless Messaging. Java for Wireless Devices to Set up the development environment with Basic Data types. ET5091 MEMS TECHNOLOGY L T P C 3 0 0 3 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To teach the students properties of materials . 11. Making a device connection using HTTP 13. UNIT II ELECTROSTATIC SENSORS AND ACTUATION 9 Principle.Environment Safety Management Procurement Management.  To teach the design and modeling of Electrostatic sensors and actuators. design and fabrication of parallel plate capacitors as electrostatic sensors and actuators-Applications UNIT III THERMAL SENSING AND ACTUATION 9 Principle. Libraries . Programming on Pervasive Computing on mobile device application Platform through any one Operating System /Palm OS / Windows CE/ Embedded Linux -J2ME / Symbian /Android/others 12.Messaging API. Service&Quality Management planning .Organizational planning . development plan and execution.Cost estimation. design and fabrication of thermal couples. thermal bimorph sensors. Entrepreneurship Skill development through Product Design with Cost Estimation – Learn through survey on : project/product identification. Risk Management. staff acquisition. Communication - Information distribution .  To teach the characterizing thermal sensors and actuators through design and modeling  To teach the fundamentals of piezoelectric sensors and actuators through exposure to different MEMS and NEMS devices  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I MICRO-FABRICATION. the Activity planning. MATERIALS AND ELECTRO-MECHANICAL CONCEPTS 9 Overview of micro fabrication – Silicon and other material based fabrication processes – Concepts: Conductivity of semiconductors-Crystal planes and orientation-stress and strain-flexural beam bending analysis-torsional deflections-Intrinsic stress. material. Ethics. schedule development .microstructure and fabrication methods. PLC/SCADA/PCB study-develop one Case Study as Application with suitable platform. UNIT IV PIEZOELECTRIC SENSING AND ACTUATION 9 26 .resonant frequency and quality factor. reporting. Human Resource Management.Architecture for messaging application.contract. Time management-. material. “Micromachined Transducers Sourcebook”.Bao “Micromechanical transducers :Pressure sensors. OS for multiprogrammed computer  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I THEORY OF PARALLELISM 9 Parallel Computer models – the state of computing-introduction to parallel processing. embedded sensors & actuators in power aware systems like grid. 2.H. “Foundations of MEMS”.parallelism in uniprocessors& Multiprocessors.WCB McGraw Hill. REFERENCES 1.CRC Press. Pearson International Edition. 2006. Elsevier. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Understand basics of microfabrication. Boston . 4. Chang Liu. UNIT V CASE STUDIES 9 Piezoresistive sensors. Marc Madou . analyze dynamics of resonant micromechanical structures  The learning process delivers insight onto design of micro sensors. and learn the state of the art in optical microsytems  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design. “Fundamentals of microfabrication”. Newyork.-Program and Network Properties-H/W-S/W Parallelism 27 . accelerometers and gyroscopes”. Optical MEMS. Micro fluidics applications. Magnetic actuation.M. memory technologies. ET5001 ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE AND LT P C PARALLEL PROCESSING 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To educate the students to the fundamentals of parallel processing  To teach the fundamentals of network topologies for multiprocessors  To introduce different pipeline designs  To introduce features of parallel processors . 1997.-parallel architectural classification schemes-speedup performance laws.-NEMS Devices Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process: Discussions/Exercise/Practice on Workbench: on the basics /device model design aspects of thermal/peizo/resistive sensors etc. 3. 2000.  Understand the design process and validation for MEMS devices and systems. 1998.Piezoelectric effect-cantilever piezoelectric actuator model-properties of piezoelectric materials- Applications. Medical applications. develop models and simulate electrostatic and electromagnetic sensors and actuators  Understand material properties important for MEMS system performance. 2008 7. Shiva “Advanced Computer Architecture”. Systolic processors of their unique features -Scalable.Siva Ram Murthy. Hierarchical bus systems-Crossbar switch and multiport memory-multistage and combining network UNIT III PIPELINING AND SUPERSCALAR TECHNOLOGIES 6 Pipeline principle and implementation-classification of pipeline processor-introduction of arithmetic.2003. Pentium Processor.  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design. Multiprocessor and SIMD .VLIW . TMH. Petterson. 2008 6. Sefwat Zaky. 4th Edition.Parallel and scalable architectures. Multithreaded and data flow Architectures-inter PE communication-interconnection networks. C. “Advanced computer Architecture – A design Space Approach”. Advanced Computer architecture . “Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach”.  To know the working of superscalar pipeline. vector instruction types- performance modeling-design of vectorising compiler. “Parallel Computers. Kai Hwang “Advanced Computer Architecture”. John L.Tata McGraw Hill 2000 2. Pearson Education. Prentice Hall India. Elsevier. Dezso Sima. 2010 3. RISC.Superscalar.CISC. cache memory organization. Peter Kacsuk. 2007 4.processor pipelining-pipeline mechanisms-hazards UNIT IV HARDWARE TECHNOLOGIES 15 Introduction to features of advanced embedded processors through Basic Comparative study : of Architectures -addressing modes -instruction types-performance of. Distributed scheduler – PVM – PT Threads in shared memory systems Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process: :Discussions/Practice on Workbench : modelling of Computing Algorithms /ALU Functional Blocks TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  An ability to understand the operations of multiprocessor and multicomputer systems.UNIT II SYSTEM INTERCONNECT ARCHITECTURES 9 System interconnect Architectures-Network Properties and routing-Static Interconnection Networks- Dynamic Interconnection Networks-Multiprocessor System Interconnects-interprocessor communication network-Structure of Parallel Computers. threads – Classification of multi processor OS – Software requirements of multiprocessor OS. UNIT V OS ISSUES FOR MULTI PROCESSOR 6 Introduction-Need for Pre emptive OS – Synchronising and Scheduling in Multiprocessor OS-. Usual Os scheduling Techniques. 5th Edition.case Architecture of Itanium processor. Carl Homacher. 2002. S Chand . Sajjan G. “Computer Organisation”.  To understand the principles of multithreading. static and dynamic data flow.Architecture and Programming”.Array & vector processors. SPARC Processor. pipelining and scalable architectures. Terence Fountain. By Rajiv Chopra. 28 .  To understand the various advanced processor technology. Rajaraman. Hennessy. 5.instruction.MIMD computers. Taylor & Francis. REFERENCES: 1. multithread architecture. Zvonko Vranesic. David A. Vector. David E.CAN standards interfaces . 10.DSO interface -digital controller for colour video display. Richard Y. Modem standards. IN5092 DIGITAL INSTRUMENTATION LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To discuss to the students on the fundamentals building blocks of a digital instrument  To teach the digital data communication techniques  To study on bus communication standards and working principles  To teach Graphical programming using GUI for instrument building  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS 10 Overview of A/D converter. VI based process measurements like temperature. RS-422. Objective – Building blocks of Automation systems -Calibration.Graphical system design &programming usingGUI – Virtual Instrumentation for test. PHI.advantages and limitations . 2004.–Counters – Modes of operation.Frequency.general considerations.RS-232. Jordan Gita Alaghaband.8. control design-modular programming-conceptual and prog approaches for creation of panels.role. Culler. “Advanced computer architecture – A system Design Approach”.icons-Loops-Arrays-clusters-plotting data-structures-strings and File I/O. and system configuration of : HART network. Prescaler. Mod Bus. “Modern processor design Fundamentals of super scalar processors”. UNIT V CASE STUDIES 6 Processor based DAS.and Architecture for VI–– tool bar. Fieldbus UNIT III VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION BASICS 12 Block diagram . . Data loggers. 2003. Data transmission systems. Message transfer. pressure and level development system. USB. model. 2003.Instrument Drivers UNIT IV CONFIGURING PROGRAMMABLE INSTRUMENTATION 7 Microprocessor based system design –Peripheral Interfaces systems and instrument communication standards –Data acquisition with processor and with VI – Virtual Instrumentation Software and hardware simulation of I/O communication blocks-peripheral interface – ADC/DAC – Digital I/O – Counter . Timer-servo motor control-PID control. Kain. architecture. UNIT II INSTRUMENT COMMUNICATION 10 Introduction. “Fundamentals of Parallel Processing”. Errors.basics.Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) – Digital Modulation Basic requirements of Instrument Bus Communications standards. Tata McGraw Hill 2003. serial bus. Period. Time interval measurements. Pearson Education. Jaswinder Pal Singh with Anoop Gupta “Parallel Computer Architecture” . Harry F. 29 . Data acquisition interface requirements.General considerations -advantages and disadvantages-Instrumentation network design . interrupt and data handshaking .Elsevier. types and characteristics – Sampling. Shen. John P. Ethernet Bus. Resolution. 9. Single and Multi channel Data Acquisition systems-Digital storage Oscilloscope-digital display interface. 11. Heterodyne converter for frequency measurement. 1997.”Labview Digital Signal Processing & Digital Communication. Kaiser. use display devices for digital circuits. Jonathan W Valvano. its basic commands and shell programming  To teach the history of embedded Linux. Lab VIEW for everyone. Brooks/Cole.  Perform computational and measurement activities using digital techniques. S. Timer-servo motor control-PID control.2016 4. Gary Johnson.Popular Command-Line Commands . debug and various memory device.  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF LINUX 9 Basic Linux System Concepts: Working with Files and Directories . Mathivanan. file systems and performance tuning . “Embedded Microcomputer systems”. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Use digital integrated circuit logic family chips. K. 8. LabVIEW Graphical Programming. Lisa K. H S Kalsi.Getting to a Shell . “PC based Instrumentation Concepts and practice”. Second edition.Newyork. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS (CUP). Cory L. Digital I/O – Counter .Working with the Bash Shell 30 . Gregory J. Jovitha Jerome. Thomson. Prentice-Hall India.  Analyse working of A/D and D/A converters.Understanding Linux Permissions.TMcH. Prentice Hall.2006. Pottie / William J.2005 6. New Jersey. build sequential and combinational logic circuits.Ananthi A Treatise on Instrumentation Engineering .  To study on different Host-Target setup.2010. 2010.Introduction to Linux File system - Working with Partitions and File systems . Tata McGraw-Hill.”Virtual Instrumentation using Labview”PHI. Using Command Line Tools: Executing Commands from the Command Line .1997. use digital meters for measurements. 7.I K Publish. enabling them to understand current technology and to adapt to new devices and technologies. Principles Of Embedded Networked Systems Design.Clark. McG Hill.Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Discussions/Exercise/Practice on Workbench for Digital Control of Relays/Solenoids.2011 9. REFERENCES: 1. ET5002 EMBEDDED LINUX LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the students to the fundamentals of Linux Operating system. 5. 3. 2009 2.  To introduce the concept of configuring kernel using the cross-platform tool chain. / LCD graphics Interface/storage interface. “Electronic Instrumentation” Second Edition. various distributions and basics of GNU Cross Platform Tool Chain.  Graduates will understand the fundamental principles of electrical and electronics circuits and instrumentation. wells & Jeffrey Travis.  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design.Padmanabhan. Selecting a Kernel . 2010 31 . Wiley Publishing Inc. SPD -O’Reilly Publications.C Library Alternatives . SPD -O’Reilly Publications.Raghavan.Porting Roadmap .GNU Cross Platform Toolchain UNIT III HOST-TARGET SETUP AND OVERALL ARCHITECTURE 9 Real Life Embedded Linux Systems .”Linux System Programming.System Startup . SPD -O’Reilly Publications. P. Karim Yaghmour. REFERENCES: 1. Jon Masters.History of Embedded Linux .  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design.Types of Boot Configurations .Buses and Interfaces .Amol Lad. Robert Love.Linux Kernel Architecture .Kernel Modules and Kernel Images .”EmbeddedLinux System Design & Development.System Initialization UNIT V LINUX DRIVERS 9 Introduction in to basics on Linux drivers. introduction to GNU cross platform Toolchain. 2011 5.System Memory Layout . and Philippe Gerum.Embedded Linux Distributions .Terminal Emulators .Auerbach Publications.Device Files .Other Programming Languages .Main System Applications . William von Hagen.Configuring the Kernel . ‘Building Embedded Linux Systems 2nd Edition’..Design and Implementation Methodology .Types of Host/Target Development Setups .Choosing a distribution . 2012 3. ‘Linux Device Drivers 3rd Edition’.Eclipse: An Integrated Development Environment .Embedded Linux versus Desktop Linux .I/O – Storage UNIT IV KERNEL CONFIGURATION 9 A Practical Project Workspace .Types of Host/Target Debug Setups . Alessandro Rubini & Greg Kroah-Hartman. ‘Ubuntu Linux Bible 3rd Edition’. Gilad Ben-Yossef.  Add applications and write customized application for the Linux kernel in the target board.Compiling the Kernel .Commercial Embedded Linux Distribution . Jonathan Corbet.Libraries .Case study on programming one serial driver for developing application using Linux Driver Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process: Discussions/Practice on Workbench : on design of Algorithms for Practicing Shell Programming in Linux / Developing programs in GCC and Eclipse / Learning Debugging and Profiling/Linux Driver interface TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  To use Linux desktop and GNU tool chain with Eclipse IDE  Cross compile Linux kernel and port it to target board.Processor Architectures .GNU Cross-Platform Development Toolchain .Sriram Neelakandan.  Students will study about distributions and cross platform tool chain.Architecture of Embedded Linux . 2008 2.UNIT II VARIOUS DISTRIBUTIONS AND CROSS PLATFORM TOOL CHAIN 9 Introduction .Installing the Kernel - Basic Root Filesystem Structure .Generic Architecture of an Embedded Linux System . 2010 4. discrete-time systems. Fundamentals of multirate processing – decimation and interpolation. Flash. frequency transformation. SDRAM). aliasing. DIT-FFT. FFT Algorithm. I/O Interface. On-chip and On-board peripherals – memory (Cache. Generating basic signals. Position control . and Haar and Daubechies wavelet. codec. Digital filter design. interrupts. DSP based Power Meter. Speech and Audio processing applications. UNIT III ADAPTIVE FILTERS 9 Wiener filters – an introduction. LMS algorithm. NLMS. Adaptive recursive filters – exponentially weighted RLS algorithm.Application for Serial Interfacing. Adaptive filters. filter design concepts with simulation tools such as Matlab / Labview / CC studio will help the student understand signal processing concepts and DSP processors.Hanning windowing technique. IIR filter design – Butterworth filter. sampling theorem. FIR adaptive filter – steepest descent algorithm. and DIF-FFT. Adaptive filters: Fundamentals of adaptive filters. multichannel buffered I/O serial ports (McBSPs). Board support library. Interrupts. Fast Fourier transform (FFT). applications – channel equalization. constant-coefficient difference equation. Programmed I/O. Digital filters: FIR filter design – rectangular. CODEC Interface . UNIT IV ARCHITECTURE OF COMMERCIAL DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS 9 Introduction to commercial digital signal processors. timers and general purpose I/Os. wavelet coefficients – orthonormal wavelets and their relationship to filter banks. OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to: 32 . Memory Interface. Categorization of DSP processor – Fixed point and floating point. multi-resolution analysis. Design of Filter. Chip support library and Runtime support library.Hamming. Spectrum analysis. transforms. direct memory access (DMA).properties. Wavelet transforms:Introduction. Introduction to code composer studio (CCS). UNIT II TRANSFORMS AND PROPERTIES 9 Discrete Fourier transform (DFT): . Overview of TMS320C54xx and TMS320C67xx /other DSP Starter Kits.ET5071 ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the students to the fundamentals of digital signal processing in frequency domain& its application  To teach the fundamentals of digital signal processing in time-frequency domain& its application  To compare Architectures & features of Programmable DSprocessors & develop logical functions of DSProcessors  To discuss on Application development with commercial family of DS Processors  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF DSP 12 Frequency interpretation. bilinear transformation method. Architecture and instruction set of the TI TMS 320 C54xx and TMS 320 C6xxx DSP processors. . UNIT V INTERFACING I/O PERIPHERALS FOR DSP BASED APPLICATIONS 6 Introduction. External Bus Interfacing Signals. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS Note: Discussions / Exercise / practice on signal analysis. Wiley. Avatar Sing..Kuo.Cengage. Hayes.2010 11.. “Statistical Digital signal processing and modelling”. ET5003 PYTHON PROGRAMMING LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES:  Students will learn the grammar of Python programming language. Ifeachor E.  Students will learn the essential advanced topics in DSP that are necessary for successful Postgraduate level research. Proakis. Jervis B. John Wiley & Sons.2014. 7. PHI/ 2002 4.Insight into WAVELETS from theory to practice. 2008. Ramchandran. Manolakis. Dictionary and be able to manipulate text files and images. “Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the TMS320C6713 and TMS320C6416 DSK”. TMH.Gan. K.John G. Eastern Economy Edition.  Students will understand the process and will acquire skills necessary to effectively attempt a programming problem and implement it with a specific programming language . S. John. “Digital Signal Processors. “Digital Signal Processing. W .”DSP-A Matlab Based Approach”. recursion and function calls. Hoboken. Sen M. To Digital Signal Processing with Matlab”. conditionals. Apte.Ingle. Pearson- Education.  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills 33 .Implementation using DSP Microprocessors with Examples from TMS320C54xx”.L. 2012 3. RulphChassaing and Donald Reay.  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design. B Venkataramani and M Bhaskar “Digital Signal Processors”. Robert J. 2016. 2nd. variable. Pearson Edu.2004. Soman and K. Steven A.”Introd. Shaila D. “ Digital Signal Processing”. Monson H. 12.Woon-Seng S. design and Analyze the digital filters.  Students will have the ability to solve various types of practical problems in DSP  Comprehend the DFTs and FFTs. 2008. 2008. C. comprehend the Finite word length effects in Fixed point DSP Systems.  The conceptual aspects of Signal processing Transforms are introduced.Cengage Learning. Taan S. Srinivasan. 6. G. Dimitris G.Python.Elali. “Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms with Laboratory Experiments for the TMS320C6713™ DSK”. Thomson India.Harris.Sandra L.”Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with Matlab”. Vinay K. REFERENCES: 1.  Students will learn how to use basic data structures such as List.Proakis. Tretter. John Wiley & Sons. New Jersey.  The comparison on commercial available DSProcessors helps to understand system design through processor interface.P. Second Edition. 8. Springer.CRC Press2009. loops. “Digital signal processing”. 13. Inc. 2010 10.Schilling.  Students will understand and be able to use the basic programming principles such as data types.Pearson Edu. 2002 2. 2008 9.”Digital Signal Processing: A practical approach. 5. COURSE OUTCOMES:  Students will be able to develop skill in system administration and network programming by learning Python. Budd. 2003 34 . and Type checking – Error handling. Memory management.Robert Dondero. Exploring Python. UNIT III CLASSES AND OBJECTS 9 Introduction to Object-oriented programming – Basic principles of Object-oriented programming in Python – Class definition. Pearson. Development of embedded solutions with improved programming skill learnt through python that can be adopted while programming on other domains. 3. modeling etc.Powerful OOPs.”Learning Python. 2013.Barbara Ericson.O’reilly.Intr Programming in Python. Guttag. Reference counting. Zelle. Subprocesses. Binary data handling. XML parsing and Database Access – Installing third-party libraries. Mark Lutz.2011 2. handling infinite data streams. and Special properties of classes including properties. Text processing. Composition.2016. Timothy. 1st ed.”Introduction to Computing & Programming in Python. John M.Guzdial. Attribute binding. Robert Sedgewick.2015. Copying. Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python.  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS Note: Class Room Discussions and Tutorials can include the following Guidelines for improved Teaching /Learning Process: Practice through any of Case studies through Exercise/Discussions on Design . John. Template strings and Unicode-packages – Python Integration Primer – Network programming – Accessing C code – Survey on how Python interacts with other language programs. Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science.  Students will also learn how to effectively use Python’s very powerful processing primitives.UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO PYTHON 9 Introduction to Python language – Using the interpreter – Python data types and functions – Working with Data – List. UNIT IV TESTING. McGraw-Hill science. Inheritance. Operator overloading and Object creation – Python special modules – Python Object System – Object representation. UNIT II PROGRAM ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS 9 Organize Large programs into functions – Python functions including scoping rules and documentation strings – Modules and Libraries – Organize programs into modules – System administration.2009. Franklin Beedle& Associates. Mark J.) UNIT V TEXT I/O HANDLING 9 Text generation. 5. AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PRACTICE 9 Python Software development – Use of documentation string – Program testing using doctest and unittest modules – Effective use of assertions – Python debugger and profiler – Iterators and Generators to set up data processing pipelines – An effective technique for addressing common system programming problems (e. 4. MIT Press. Dictionary and Set – Processing Primitives – List comprehensions – File Handling – Object model including Variables. REFERENCES: 1.Kevin Wayne . etc. slots and private attributes.4th Edition Pearson. 6. DEBUGGING. processing large datafiles.g. Voltage Supply.establishing the architecture .choosing Bus Communication Standards.Linear. Translation & Debugging Tools & Application Software.Criteria in selection of Hardware & Software Components./ Robonoid as a product) -Architectural Structures.Memory . clustering -geometric layout development - Fundamental and incidental interactions . Need for Developing with IDE.related system level design issues . Grounding and noise elimination methods.Understanding customer and behavior analysis. processors. ET5004 EMBEDDED PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT LT P C 3003 OBJECTIVE  The course aims at providing the basic concepts of product design.variety – component standardization . Power supply protection. designer.Product Architecture changes . ADC System . UNIT V EMBEDDED PRODUCTS DESIGN 9 Creating general Embedded System Architecture(with Case study example: Mobile Phone / DeskJet Printer.Product Branding UNIT III INDUSTRIAL DESIGN STRATEGIES 6 Role of Integrating CAE. Criteria in selection of Embedded OS/Device Drivers.creating detailed interface specifications-Portfolio Architecture- competitive benchmarking.Documentation Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process: Term Project/Presentation on specific product design can be given for Assessment TOTAL: 45 PERIODS 35 . Prototyping.Product Development Process Flows- Product Development organization structures-Strategic importance of Product Planning process – Product Specifications-Target Specifications-Plan and establish product specifications .Five Step Method-Basics of Concept selection- Creative thinking –creativity and problem solving. material supplier and process planner.Generic product Development Process Phases.Economic & Cost Analysis -Testing Methodologies. CAM tools for Simulating product performance and manufacturing processes electronically. UNIT I CONCEPTS OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 12 Need for PD.Incorporating reverse engineering for consumer product development –case study on DeskJet Printer UNIT IV ELECTRONIC PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT STAGES 6 Product Development Stages-Embedded product modeling.creative thinking methods. Spiral - Selection of Sensor.secondary systems - architecture of the chunks .creation .integration of customer. CAD. Iterative. product features and its architecture so that student can have a basic knowledge in the common features a product has and how to incorporate them suitably in product. Costing. Performance Testing. Benchmarking .Basics on reverse engineering – Reverse engineering strategies – Finding reusable software components – Recycling real-time embedded software based approach and its logical basics. Thermal protection with heat management – PCB design steps – Software design and testing method – documentation.Principles of prototyping . Concept Generation.generating design concepts-systematic methods for designing –functional decomposition – physical decomposition UNIT II INTRODUCTION TO APPROACHES IN PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT 12 Product development management . input/output interfaces & connectors.Approach for the benchmarking process-Design for manufacturing - Industrial Design-Robust Design – Prototype basics . Competitor and customer .Planning for prototypes. Steven D Eppinger.4th Edition. 2014 3.Schmidt. T. thermal.exhaust gas oxygen sensors. McGraw-Hill International Edition. emission limits and vehicle performance. design of Consumer specific product .G. 3rd Edition. McGraw –Hill International Edns.selection and testing  Understand various aspects of design such as industrial design. ISBN 978-007-127189-9 4. George E. solenoid . Engineering and Product Development Management . The Holistic Approach. its Reverse Engineering manufacture . M. KEVIN OTTO & KRISTIN WOOD. M. Direct injection. advantages of using Electronic engine controls – open and closed loop fuel control.1999/ Tata McGrawEducation. 2009. Yousef Haik. 6.automobile sensors-volumetric. Product Design Techniques in Reverse Engineering and New Product Development. 2009. starter motors and circuits . “Engineering Design”. creativity. Anita Goyal. Oxidizing catalytic efficiency. UNIT II FUEL CELL FOR AUTOMOTIVE POWER 9 Fuel cell-Introduction-Proton exchange membrane FC (PEM). air-fuel ratio.2009.actuators interface to the ECU. John Wiley & Sons. “Product Design and Development“. Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)-properties of fuel cells for vehicles-power system of an automobile with fuel cell based drive.2011. Pearson Education (LPE). Shahin. 2010. R. Linda C.B. . and their characteristics 36 . “ Electronic Product Design”. ISBN 0495668141 8.concept for electronic engine controls and management-Standards. introduction to fuel economy.2014 5. Programming. ‘Embedded system-Architecture. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS (CUP). Wiley.2001. Block diagram of Electronic ignition system and Architecture of a EMS with multi point fuel injection system.Dieter. Baru. Stephen Armstrong. Patrick Little./ISBN 9788177588217 7. "Product Design and Development".OUTCOMES: On completion of the course the student will be able to  understand the integration of customer requirements in product design  Apply structural approach to concept generation. programmed ignition.hall effect. Kaduskar and V. Karl T Ulrich. Actuators and their characteristics – exhaust gas recirculation.Dym. Design’. 4th Edition. ISBN 978-0-470-22596-7 ET5005 AUTOMOTIVE EMBEDDED SYSTEM LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the students to the fundamentals and building of Electronic Engine Control systems . Rajkamal. 2nd Edition Reprint. Clive L. “Engineering Design Process”. TMH.sensors interface to the ECU.economic analysis and product architecture  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills REFERENCES 1. “Engineering Design: A Project-based Introduction”. ISBN-10-007-14679-9 2. Cengage Learning.  To teach on functional components and circuits for vehicles  To discuss on programmable controllers for vehicles  To teach logics of automation & commercial techniques for vehicle communication  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I BASICS OF ELECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEMS 9 Motivation . Jurgen. role of Instrumentation software packages / special automobile-microcontrollers for i/o port communication applicable to vehicles TOTAL:45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Design and develop automotive embedded systems.land.Harahima. 1997. th 8. Ali Emedi. Jack Erjavec. “Vehicular Electric power system. LIN and flex ray communication protocols in automotive applications. 2004. John M Miller . and Vehicle”. March 30. ECUs with other vehicle system components and other control systems. dashboard display .  Analyze various embedded products used in automotive industry. UNIT V ELECTRONIC DIAGNOSTICS FOR VEHICLES 9 System diagnostic standards and regulation requirements –On board diagnosis of vehicles electronic units &electric units-Speedometer. Robert Bosch.F. Mehrded ehsani. Robert Bosch Gmbh. J1850 message with(IFR) in frame response in protocol-Local Interconnect n/w [LI N].M. L. power management system-electrically assisted power steering system. 2004. Automotive Electricals / Electronics System and Components.. Elseiver. 2000 . ECU.Introduction to Society of Automotive Engineers(SAE). Ribbens .speed control-anti-locking braking system-electronic suspension .Parent. 10. Driveline. Springer. actuators to special automobile-microcontrollers. accelerators. Uwe Kiencke.SAE International. Electric Vehicles-Electrical loads.”Alternate Fuel Technology-Electric .2001. “Automotive Control Systems: For Engine. Lars Nielsen. 37 . Bently Publishers. 9. Vehicle system schematic for interfacing with EMS. William B. Automotive Electricals Electronics System and Components. UNIT IV AUTOMOTIVE TELEMATICS 9 Role of Bluetooth. Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process : Discussions//Practice on Workbench/Exercise/ AUTOSAR/ Vehicle simulators :on the basics of interfacing sensors. Automotive Hand Book. REFERENCES 1. a product or a service required for developing a startup idea used for automotive applications  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design.electronic steering .Vlacic. Realizing bus interfaces for diagnostics.Hybrid& Fuel Cell Vehicles”. fuel control.2012 2. wiper control . Multiplexed vehicle system architecture for signal and data / parameter exchange between EMS.UNIT III VEHICLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 9 Electronic Engine Control-engine mapping.”Intelligent Vehicl Technologies”. brake-Battery management.multimedia electronics. Sea.air/fuel ratio spark timing control strategy.Jeff Arias. 4 Edition. oil and temperature gauges.  Evaluate the opportunities involving technology.Cengage . R. Tom Denton. electronic ignition-Vehicle cruise control. Electronic Engine Control technology – Ronald K Jurgen Chilton’s guide to Fuel Injection – Ford rd 6. Air and Space Vehicles” Marcel Decker. 2004. 7. Bluetooth. 3. Energy Management system for electric vehicles. CAN. Automotive Electronics Hand Book.for sensors. and audio system .”Understanding Automotive Electronics”.2012 5. 4. 3 Edition. 1 edition. Altera Excalibur.FPGA to multi core embedded computing.recent trends in Reconfigurable Processor & SoC.Reconfigurable Computing-Programming elements and Programming Tools for Reconfigurable Processors.Hardware/Software Codesign- FPAA Architecture overview. in its complete strength. UNIT III PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES FPGA 9 FPGA architecture overview. E5.ET5006 RECONFIGURABLE PROCESSOR AND SOC DESIGN LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To introduce the Reconfigurable Processor technologies  To familiarize the need and role of Reconfigurable Processor for embedded system applications.  Reconfigurable processors have risen to prominence as a dominant computing platform across embedded. is present in reconfigurable processors. Note: Class Room Discussions and Tutorials can include the following Guidelines for improved Teaching /Learning Process: Practice through any of Case studies through Exercise/Discussions on Design . 38 . UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Introduction to reconfigurable processor. Cyclone V -Triscend A7. and high-performance application domains during the last decade  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design.Xilinx XC 9500. ASIC design flow. MAX V.Zynq-7000.Architectures and features of Altera:MAX 7000.  To impart the knowledge of Reconfigurable embedded Processor for real time applications. general-purpose. Jari (Ed.Atmel FPSLIC. CoolRunner-II. “Digital system design with FPGAs and CPLDs” Elsevier.digital filter design.FPGA based on-board computer system.Multicore SoCs. 2008.) "Processor Design System-On-Chip Computing for ASICs and FPGAs" Springer. UNIT IV RECONFIGURABLE SOC PROCESSORS 9 SoC Overview –Architecture and applications of Xilinx Virtex II pro . 2007. Ian Grout . CPLD building blocks. Nurmi. UNIT II PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES CPLD 9 Introduction to Programmable logic devices.Challenges of FPGA processor design-Opportunities of FPGA processor design. UNIT V RECONFIGURABLE PROCESSOR AND SOC APPLICATIONS 9 Reconfigurable processor based DC motor control. which makes it an important IP in modern System-on-Chips (SoCs). SPLDs.Designing SoftCore Processors – Designing Hardcore Processors –hardware/software co simulation. REFERENCES 1. 2. Development of embedded solutions using reconfigurable processor support TOTAL:45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Adaptability.mobile phone development- High Speed Data Acquisition -Image Processing application-controller implementation for mobile robot. and Optimization" Willey. Ron Sass and Anderew G. FFT. "Reconfigurable Computing: From FPGAs to Hardware/Software Codesign" Springer. segmentation and compression with simulation tools such as Matlab/ Raspberry pi (python programming) will help the student understand image processing concepts and hardware implementation using relevant processors 39 . color fundamentals and models. thresholding – feature analysis and extraction – region based segmentation – morphological watersheds – shape skeletonization. Steve Kilts. Image enhancement for remote sensing images and medical images. “ Embedded System design with platform FPGAs: Principles and Practices”. Number plate detection using segmentation algorithm. image operations – arithmetic. Applications of image compression techniques in video and image transmission. 2010.memory requirement. Joao Cardoso. Implementation. phase congruency. 3. UNIT V EMBEDDED IMAGE PROCESSING 9 Introduction to embedded image processing. Elsevier. geometric and morphological. power consumption. Design issues in VLSI implementation of Image processing algorithms - interfacing. Hardware implementation of image processing algorithms: Segmentation and compression TOTAL:45 PERIODS NOTE:Discussions / Exercise / practice on Image enhancement. Gray-level transformations – histogram processing – spatial filtering. 2011. 2007 ET5092 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING LTPC 300 3 COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this course to impart knowledge in  the fundamentals of image processing  the techniques involved in image enhancement  the low and high-level features for image analysis  the fundamentals and significance of image compression  the hardware for image processing applications UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF IMAGE PROCESSING 9 Introduction to image processing systems. Multi-resolution analysis – image pyramids UNIT II IMAGE ENHANCEMENT 9 Spatial domain.Schmidt. sampling and quantization. parallelism. 5. DCT – smoothing and sharpening filters – Homomorphic filtering. ASIC vs FPGA . 4. Frequency domain: filtering in frequency domain – DFT. "Advanced FPGA Design: Architecture. UNIT IV IMAGE COMPRESSION 9 Image compression: fundamentals – models – elements of information theory – error free compression – lossy compression – compression standards. smoothing and sharpening. UNIT III IMAGE SEGMENTATION AND FEATURE ANALYSIS 9 Detection of discontinuities – edge operators – edge linking and boundary detection. Michael Hübner. REFERENCES: 1. Jain. Mark Nixon and Alberto Aguado. UNIT II WIRELESS EMBEDDED NETWORKING 9 Wireless sensor networks – Introduction – Sensor node architecture – Commercially available sensor nodes -Network Topology –Localization –Time Synchronization .“Feature extraction & Image processing for computer vision”. Bus Architecture & Interfacing of external instruments to – RS 232C. Academic press.Industrial Automation UNIT III BUILDING SYSTEM AUTOMATION 9 Concept of Uc Based & PC based data acquisition – Concept of Virtual Instrumentation - Programming Environment to build a Virtual Instrumentation.  To expose the students to the fundamentals of wireless embedded networking  To study on design of automation in instrumentation  To introduce design of Programmable measurement & control of electrical Devices & grid  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired  over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I EMBEDDED PROCESS COMMUNICATION WITH INSTRUMENT BUS 9 Embedded Networking: Introduction – Cluster of Instruments in System: introduction to bus protocols. Applications . 2nd Edition.COURSE OUTCOMES: At the end of the course students will comprehend  Fundamentals of image processing and techniques involved in image enhancement. Bailey. 2003 2. Pearson education. 2012 5.Energy efficient MAC protocols – SMAC –Energy efficient and robust routing – Data Centric routing Applications of sensor networks. Thomson learning.RS – 422. Rafael C. 2nd edition. ET5007 EMBEDDED NETWORKING AND AUTOMATION OF LT P C ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 300 3 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the students to the fundamentals of wired embedded networking techniques. connectors. “Image processing. Anil K. 2003 3. “Digital Image processing”.Building Automation . Gonzalez and Richard E. RS 485 and USB standards – embedded ethernet – MOD bus and CAN bus. Building system automation with graphical user interface programming-Programmable Logic Controllers-introduction-Ladder& Functional Block programming-Case study on Temperature control.Home Control . “Fundamentals of digital image processing”. segmentation and compression and their real-time applications  The implementation of image processing applications using software and hardware. analysis and machine vision”.Valve sequencing control 40 . Milan Sonka. Donald G. 2011. ValclavHalavac and Roger Boyle. “Design for Embedded Image processing on FPGAs” John Wiley and Sons.3rd Edition. 2001 4. Woods. Pearson education. 5th Ed. Doeblin and Dhanesh N Manik. Current. need. flux.{“Wireless Ad Hoc Networking.Bolton.”Smart Grid . actuators to microcontrollers. Data acquisition & Display system. Torque. Event Processing. Stepper motors. 5th Edn. Robert Wilson.O’Reilly.Signal conditioning circuit design. 5. Relays UNIT V COMMUNICATION FOR LARGE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AUTOMATION 9 Data Acquisition. “Virtual Instrumentation. James Northcote-Green. 2009 9.Hardware and software selection & co-design- Communications-smart sensors and actuators-Open-source resources for embedded system. role of virtual Instrumentation software packages/ simulators/ special microcontrollers for i/o port communication with electrical loads. Shih-Lin Wu. CRC. 2007.”Building Wireless Sensor Networks.computers/ embedded processor interfacing circuit -design automation and protection of electrical appliances –processor based digital controllers for switching Actuators: Servo motors.2010. “ Measrement Systems – Application and Design”. extended control feeder automation.SAN.TMcGH. and Polling Principles. ET5008 SMART SYSTEM DESIGN LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To under stand about the smart system technologies and its role in real time applications  To expose students to different open source platforms and Attributes. Force. Robert H. ‘Networking wireless sensors’. 2006 2. W. Communication.Yu-Chee Tseng.Programmable Logic Controllers.LAN.2012 6. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS COURSE OUTCOMES:  The learning process delivers insight into categorizing various i/p-o/p configurations of computational processors with improved communication strategies  Improved Employability and enterprenership capacity due to knowledge upgradation on recent trends in embedded systems design . “Learning with Lab-View” Preticee Hall. Jan Axelson ‘Embedded Ethernet and Internet Complete’.2011 4. Bhaskar Krishnamachari.Aurebach Pub. New Delhi. SCADA system principles – outage management– Decision support application for substation automation.UNIT IV MEASUREMENT AND EMBEDDED CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS 9 Sensor Types & Charecteristics:Sensing Voltage. Sanjay Gupta. TMH.Infrastructure & Networking”. Penram publications 7.Elseiver.2012 3. Performance measure and response time. interface.  To familiarize the design and development of embedded system based system design. Cambridge press 2005 8. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Overview of smart system design and requirements. SCADA Data Models. NOTE Discussions/Exercise/Practice on Workbench /simulators: on the basics interface of sensors. 2003 10 Ernest O. sources. REFERENCES: 1. Robert Faludi. Krzysztof Iniewski.PAN. Control and automation of electrical power distribution systems. Bishop. Position. TMH. Monitoring. Proximity. LABVIEW”.android 41 . Taylor and Francis. Robert Faludi.Three-Servo Ant Robot- Autonomous Hexacopter System.Linux and Raspberry Pi – design and real time implementation. 2013. 2003.  Students will study about different embedded open source and cost effective techniques for developing solution for real time applications. 6.for embedded system .K. UNIT IV SMART APPLIANCES AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT 9 Overview. “ AdHoc mobile wireless networks”.Springer. Amartya Mukherjee. Nilanjan Dey. UNIT II MOBILE EMBEDDED SYSTEM 9 Design requirements-Hardware platform. blood pressure monitoring. “ Wireless Sensor Networks Technology.2011.functional requirements-Embedded and Integrated Platforms for Energy Management- Energy Measurement Techniques for Smart Metering-Smart Embedded Appliances Networks – Security Considerations. Grimm. Karim Yaghmour. Kazem Sohraby. mobile banking and appliances control. Inc.Hill. McGraw. and Applications“. Protocols. Prentice Hall.Mobile Apps development. 5. John Wiley & Sons.OS and Software development platform. Embedded Systems . 8. 2003. Raj Kamal. 3.Smart Home Automation with Linux and Raspberry Pi.. Daniel Minoli and Taieb Znati.Toh. Embedded Android .Embedded system for Ecommerce. UNIT III HOME AUTOMATION: 9 Home Automation System Architecture-Essential Components. Programming and Design" . Springer 2013. 2007. Embedded Systems for Smart Appliances and Energy Management .O’Reilly. UNIT V EMBEDDED SYSTEMS AND ROBOTICS 9 Robots and Controllers-components . John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2016. Mahlknech and Stefan. Peter.Applications: heart beat monitoring. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Discussions on integration of H/W & S/W technology in automation of system/process. Embedded Robotics .”Wireless Sensor Networks”. Neumann. “Wireless Sensor Network Designs”.  Students will learn the art of implementing embedded system for smart applications and control. OUTCOMES  Students will develop more understanding on the concepts of smart system design and its present developments. C. Anna Ha´c. 9.  Students will acquire knowledge on different platforms and Infrastructure for Smart system design.Architecture. Christoph. 2002. 2013 7. Embedded Systems and Robotics with Open Source Tools. CRC press. 10. 2008 4. Steven Goodwin . REFERENCES: 1. 42 .Aerial Robotics -Mobile Robot Design. 2. O'Reilly. Apress.Embedded system for Smart card design and development –Recent trends. Thomas Bräunl. Entrepreneurial skills for embedded system hardware and software architecture.High Performance embedded computers.Central Govt.incentives for exports -import of capital goods and raw materials.types -behavioural patterns of entrepreneurs -entrepreneurial motivation -establishing entrepreneurial systems -idea processing. UNIT I BASICS FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP 9 The entrepreneurial culture and structure -theories of entrepreneurship -entrepreneurial traits . personnel.institutions providing technical. UNIT II CHALLENGES FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP 9 Setting quality standards.release management-market pull product search . Registration and Licensing requirements for sales tax. CST. UNIT V SCOPE THROUGH EMBEDDED PRODUCTS 9 Embedded system Product development.feature driven development. and current entrepreneurship-related issues. Excise Duty -Power -Exploring export possibilities. Feasibility study on embedded system products.Entrepreneurial case studies: Mobile phone development. rewards and motivation - concept bank -Role of industrial Fairs.recruitment strategies.time schedules. 43 .Industrial Controllers. financial information and intelligence.Entrepreneurship development programmes in India. Schemes -incentives to SSI -registration. schemes and State Govt. case study analyses. Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Discussions with Case studies on establishing entrepreneurial development through Government supported schemes for utilizing technology.ET5009 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To develop an understanding on business promotion process.  demonstrate extemporaneous speaking skills developed through in-class discussion of text materials.  Apply knowledge of leadership concepts in an integrated manner.factory design -design requirements -applicability of the Factories Act.Financial analysis . financial and marketing assistance.automation components-Washing machine.embedded systems design. processes.Food Processing system and devices. and resources within a diverse organization. UNIT III RESPONSIBILITIES IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP 9 Steps for starting a small industry -selection of type of organization -Incentives and subsidies . modeling. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Manage people.Role and Improvement in Indian Economy.  To impart embedded system technology based entrepreneurship.  To expose students on the skills required for success in business.  Analyze the internal/external factors affecting a business/organization to evaluate business opportunities. UNIT IV SCOPE IN EMBEDDED SYSTEM FIELD 9 Entrepreneurship opportunities in Embedded system technologies .credit facilities- Marketing channel – advertisement. problems of entrepreneurship in Embedded system field. software and hardware co-design and challenges. Spin electronics. UNIT II NANOSCALE CMOS 9 Survey of modern electronics and trends towards nanoelectronics CMOS scaling. Mumbai. HEMT .Resonant Tunneling Transistor-Single-electron transfer devices-Potential effect transistors. 2002. LyLa B. Quantum Well. Ballistic electron transport. waves. 5 Gupta and Smivasan.peckol . materials and its properties. schrodinger equation. Enmterpreneurship : A Contemporary Approach. 1992 6. FerroFET- nanoscale CMOS ciruit design and analysis UNIT III NANOELECTRONIC STRUCTURE AND DEVICES.  To teach the circuits and architectural features of nano memory devices. and spreadsheet software packages. Das "Embedded Systems: An Integrated Approach" Pearson. static power. REFERENCES 1 Kuratko. James K. 3 Greene. Nano Photonic Devices-Molecular electronic devices -Nano-electromechanical system devices UNIT IV NANOELECTRONIC MEMORIES 6 44 . Quantum wire .Electrical and Electronics Applications of Nanotechnology. presentation.  To introduce the characteristics and applications of nano electronic devices.al. McGraw Hill. free and confined electrons. Entrepreneurial Development. as well as a basic facility with the internet and other research tools.CNT-FET. 1D transport . Electron transport in semiconductors and nanostructures. 9 Resonant-tunneling diodes.Quantum-dot cellular automata. New Delhi. Wiley. including the use of word processing. 1999.  demonstrate basic computer proficiency.. device variability. Thomson Learning. Sultan Chand. particle statistics and density of states. challenges and limits.2014 ET5010 NANO ELECTRONICS LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To introduce the properties of electron and its implication for electronics  To teach the importance and the issues of Nanoscale CMOS technology. New Ventrure creation.  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I INTRODUCTION 12 Particles. pHEMT FinFET. nano fabrication methods and techniques. 2013 7. Pearson Education. 2001. interconnect . Quantum dots. 2 Thomas Zimmerer et. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and small business Management 3rd Ed. Wave mechanics.  Key concepts underpinning entrepreneurship and its application in the recognition and exploitation of product/ service/ process opportunities  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design. Thomson Learning.” Embedded Systems: A contemporary Design Tool”. Entrepreneurship: Ideas in Action. 2000 4 Jeffry Timmons. 2000.Nanoscale DRAM.. Pearson education. Michael A. sensors and transducers and their applications in nanotechnology  The concepts of a quantum well. Hagelstein. and Terry P. Vol I.nanoimprint lithography. Peter L.Nano RAM. “Nanoelectronics and Information Technology”. “Introduction to Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics. 6. “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information”. “ Emerging Nanoelectronics: Life with and after CMOS” . Spl Indian Edition. Chuang. Nielsen and Isaac L. NY: Wiley. Hanson. II.  Understand the impact of nanoelectronics onto information technology. Wiley 2005 3.design and applications. New York.dip-pen nanolithography. 2004. 2.Nano tube for memories. Stephen D. 5.  Design integrated circuits (micro chip) using state-of-the-art CMOS technology  The learning process delivers insight into categorizing various nano configurations of computational processors with improved design strategies. Tunnel magnetoresistance-Giant magnetoresistance. Rainer Waser. Cambridge University Press. Adrian Ionesu and Kaustav Banerjee eds. Springer. Ultra Low voltage nano scale memories.  The students should be able to understand basic and advanced concepts of nanoelectronic devices.Scanning probe lithography.Hitoshi Tanaka.E-beam lithography- X-ray and ion-beam lithography. 4. Orlando. Kluwer Academic. Fundamental of nanoelectronics. Kiyoo Itoh Masashi Horiguchi . REFERENCES : 1. George W.  To teach the fundamentals of Internet  To study on Java based Networking and distributed computing  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills 45 . UNIT V FABRICATION TECHNIQUES 9 Clean room standards-Microfabrication –nanofabrication. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Students will understand the divers electronic device fabrication. Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Discussions/Practice on Workbench : on modelling of nano/micro analog &digital devices. ET5011 DISTRIBUTED EMBEDDED COMPUTING LTPC 300 3 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the students to the fundamentals of Network communication technologies and distributed computing.  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design. 2005.”. SRAM.nanofabrication issues. Senturia. and III. communication and computer science.Nano-characterization techniques. quantum transport and tunnelling effects. Tanenbaum.  To familiarize the power quality management issues in Smart Grid. Algorithm and systems. PS5091 SMART GRID LT P C 3003 OBJECTIVES:  To Study about Smart Grid technologies. E Balagurusamy. “Security in Computing”.Security in web services.E-mail security.APPLET programming. formulate.  Able to understand and integrate new knowledge within the field and advanced technical knowledge in multiple contexts.Distributed shared memory. Mc Graw Hill 2013 3. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Able to apply knowledge from undergraduate engineering and other disciplines to identify.Communication in distribution system-Client/Server Model-Synchronization in distributed system UNIT II EMBEDDED JAVA 9 Overview of JAVA – Programs.Protocols & Standards .UNIT I DISTRIBUTED SYSTEM 9 Introduction.Multithreaded programming. Cambridge university press 2008 4.Model of distributed computation. Pearson 2009.  To familiarize the high performance computing for Smart Grid applications 46 . “Distributed operating systems”. Charles P. Ajay D Kshemkalyani.” Programming with JAVA”.Authentication in distributed system UNIT IV SECURITY IN COMPUTING 9 Security meaning.  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge up gradation on recent trends in embedded systems design.Hardware/Software selection for Distributed Embedded – case study : Web based Home Automation Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Discussions/Practice on Workbench : Program Development and practice in exercises with XML/HTML/Java Programming Environments.Network security control.Case studies UNIT V WEB BASED HOME AUTOMATION 9 Components of Distributed Embedded . different smart meters and advanced metering infrastructure.Authentication. Pfleeger. Andrew S. solve novel advanced electronics engineering along with soft computing problems that require advanced knowledge within the field.I/O streaming- RMI.Introduction to Embedded JAVA UNIT III DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING 9 Definition.Threads in networks. “Distributed Computing” – Principles. Pearson 2013 2.Firewall.Mukesh Singhal. REFERENCES: 1. UNIT V HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING FOR SMART GRID 9 APPLICATIONS Local Area Network (LAN). FACTS and HVDC. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES:  Learners will develop more understanding on the concepts of Smart Grid and its present developments. Feeder Automation . CRC Press 2012. vol. AMI protocols. DilanSahin. UNIT IV POWER QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN SMART GRID 9 Power Quality & EMC in Smart Grid.  Learners will have knowledge on power quality management in Smart Grids  Learners will develop more understanding on LAN. 4 Xi Fang. functions. No. Isolation and service restoration. AMI needs in the smart grid. and Gerhard P. Outage management. Wide area monitoring. National and International Initiatives in Smart Grid. Smart substations. Fault Detection. 47 . House Area Network (HAN). Vol. Substation Automation. 14. Phasor Measurement Unit(PMU). Web based Power Quality monitoring.UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO SMART GRID 9 Evolution of Electric Grid. Advanced Metering infrastructure (AMI) drivers and benefits. and Dejun Yang “Smart Grid – The New and Improved Power Grid: A Survey” . Nick Jenkins. 7. November 2011. IEEE Transaction on Smart Grids. Güngör.Transmission systems: EMS. Cyber Security for Smart Grid. opportunities. 3 Vehbi C. Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). standards and initiatives. Smart grid drivers. Power Quality Audit.  Learners will acquire knowledge about different smart meters and advanced metering infrastructure. Broadband over Power line (BPL). Definitions and Need for Smart Grid. KithsiriLiyanage. Hancke. 2 Janaka Ekanayake. Concettina Buccella.  Learners will study about different Smart Grid technologies. Protection and control. Wide Area Network (WAN). TaskinKocak. Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED) & their application for monitoring & protection. Distribution systems: DMS. Wiley 2012. UNIT III SMART METERS AND ADVANCED METERING INFRASTRUCTURE 9 Introduction to Smart Meters. Salih Ergüt. Basics of Web Service and CLOUD Computing to make Smart Grids smarter. Power Quality issues of Grid connected Renewable Energy Sources. Jianzhong Wu. REFERENCES 1 Stuart Borlase “Smart Grid :Infrastructure. UNIT II SMART GRID TECHNOLOGIES 9 Technology Drivers. Concept. Power Quality Conditioners for Smart Grid. Akihiko Yokoyama. High-Efficiency Distribution Transformers. WAN and Cloud Computing for Smart Grid applications. Difference between conventional & Smart Grid. Phase Shifting Transformers. Guoliang Xue. Volt/Var control. “Smart Grid Technologies: Communication Technologies and Standards” IEEE Transactions On Industrial Informatics. IP based Protocols. 4. challenges and benefits. Satyajayant Misra. “Smart Grid: Technology and Applications”. 2012. Carlo Cecati. Technology and Solutions”. Smart energy resources. Types – hydrogen Storage Systems and Fuel cell EV – Ultra capacitors TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Learners will understand the operation of Electric vehicles and various energy storage technologies for electrical vehicles REFERENCES 1 Iqbal Hussain. Second Edition (2011).Power train components and sizing. Gears. Traction Batteries. Special Indian Edition. PS5073 ELECTRIC VEHICLES AND POWER MANAGEMENT LTPC 300 3 OBJECTIVES:  To understand the concept of electrical vehicles and its operations  To understand the need for energy storage in hybrid vehicles  To provide knowledge about various possible energy storage technologies that can be  used in electric vehicles UNIT I ELECTRIC VEHICLES AND VEHICLE MECHANICS 9 Electric Vehicles (EV). Inc 2010. ET5012 SOFT COMPUTING AND OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES: The main objectives of this course is to make the students  Understand the fundamental concepts of soft computing. Transmission and Brakes UNIT III CONTROL OF DC AND AC DRIVES 9 DC/DC chopper based four quadrant operations of DC drives – Inverter based V/f Operation (motoring and braking) of induction motor drive system – Induction motor and permanent motor based vector control operation – Switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives UNIT IV BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM 9 Battery Basics. John M. artificial neural networks and optimization techniques  Familiarize with recent advancements in Artificial neural networks and optimization techniques 48 . 2 Ali Emadi. Different types. Second Edition” CRC Press. UNIT V ALTERNATIVE ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMS 9 Fuel cell – Characteristics. “Vehicular Electric Power Systems”. Clutches. Marcel dekker.Miller. Fundamentals of vehicle mechanics UNIT II ARCHITECTURE OF EV’s AND POWER TRAIN COMPONENTS 9 Architecture of EV’s and HEV’s – Plug-n Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV). Comparisons of EV with internal combustion Engine vehicles. Mehrdad Ehsani. Engine ratings. “Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals. Battery modeling. Battery Parameters. Taylor & Francis Group. Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV). composition. “Neuro-Fuzzy and soft computing”. Laurene V. algorithms and applications. “Fundamentals of neural networks. EijiMizutani. UNIT V ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 Simple hill climbing algorithm. equilibrium points. Thomas Weise. Multi-layer perceptron – back propagation algorithm.  Be capable of developing ANN-based models  Be capable of choosing appropriate optimization techniques for engineering applications.Neural . 2009. UNIT III FUZZY LOGIC AND NEURO FUZZY SYSTEMS 9 Fundamentals of fuzzy set theory: fuzzy sets. Fausett. artificial neuron. “Engineering Optimization – Theory and Practice”. 2009 49 . John Wiley & Sons. 4. Jyh-Shing Roger Jang.UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO SOFT COMPUTING AND NEURAL NETWORKS 9 Introduction to soft computing: soft computing vs. applications of soft computing. Linear programming – simplex algorithm. projection. Simon Haykin. Goldberg. augmented Lagrange multiplier method – equality constrained problems. Advances in neural networks – convolution neural networks. . operations on fuzzy sets. activation function. 2005. Prentice Hall of India. “Global Optimization algorithms – Theory and applications”. Non-linear programming – steepest descent method. Boltzmann machine. Pearson Education. single layer perceptron – limitations. Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Discussions/Practice on Workbench : on role of Fuzzy. self-published. from conventional AI to computational intelligence. UNIT II ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS 9 Radial basis function networks – reinforcement learning. associative memory and characteristics. scalar cardinality. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course students will  Comprehend the fundamentals of artificial neural network. fuzzy systems and optimization techniques  Understand the significance of various optimization algorithms applied to engineering problems. Familiarization of Neural network toolbox. Fuzzy membership functions. Pearson Education. Fundamentals of neural network: biological neuron. 6. Hopfield / recurrent network – configuration – stability constraints. 2009. Steepest ascent hill climbing – algorithm and features. 5. 2008. Fundamentals of neuro-fuzzy systems – ANFIS. optimization and machine learning”. David E. Hopfield vs. union and intersection. “Genetic algorithms in search. Genetic algorithm: working principle. UNIT IV INTRODUCTION TO OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 Classification of optimization problems – classical optimization techniques. Chuen-Tsai Sun. 2003.Genetic algorithms and Concepts in design of intelligent systems. Rao. fitness function. Familiarization of ANFIS Toolbox. Familiarization with Optimization Toolbox. aggregation. architecture. “Neural Networks – A comprehensive foundation”. Pearson Education. Simulated annealing – algorithm and features. 2. Singiresu S. limitations and applications. 4th edition. hard computing – various types of soft computing techniques. REFERENCES: 1. 3. complement. PEGASIS UNIT V TRANSPORT AND APPLICATION LAYERS 9 TCP over Adhoc Networks – WAP – Architecture – WWW Programming Model – WDP – WTLS – WTP – WSP – WAE – WTA Architecture – WML – WML scripts.its integration for multi system by networked communication.  Ability to understand. link level simulation for wireless communications.  To teach the fundamentals of wireless mobile network protocols  To study on wireless network topologies  To introduce network routing protocols  To study the basis for classification of commercial family of wireless communication technologies UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Wireless Transmission – signal propagation – Free space and two ray models – spread spectrum – Satellite Networks – Capacity Allocation – FDMA –TDMA.  Fundamentals of mobile communication including various propagation path loss models under different operating conditions and their impact on received signal strength  The learning process delivers insight into categorizing various embedded & communication protocols for networking of distributed static & mobile systems.  Ability to understand and apply mathematically model in wireless communications. link and network layer.ET5013 WIRELESS AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the students to the fundamentals of wireless communication technologies.SIP – DHCP – AdHoc Networks – Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols – Multicast Routing .11 Standard-Architecture – Services – Hiper LAN. model. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Discussions on wireless technology .  Wireless communication transceiver algorithm design  Mobile system design methodology.SPIN. UNIT III WIRELESS NETWORKS 9 Wireless LAN – IEEE 802. 50 . and design mobile networks. Bluetooth UNIT IV ROUTING 9 Mobile IP. OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Knowledge of basic and advanced theories on wireless communications systems in physical.SDMA – DAMA UNIT II MOBILE NETWORKS 9 Cellular Wireless Networks – GSM – Architecture – Protocols – Connection Establishment – Frequency Allocation – Handover – Security – GPRA.WSN routing – LEACH. Uwe Hansmann. ET5014 CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY LT P C 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To expose the students to the fundamentals of data security. Second Edition. UNIT V WIRELESS SECURITY 9 Introduction to Wireless LAN Security Standards – Wireless LAN Security Factors and Issues. “ Principles of Wireless Networks’ PHI/Pearson Education. 2002. Siva Ram Murthy and B. Kaveh Pahlavan.REFERENCES 1. UNIT II PUBLIC-KEY ENCRYPTION AND HASH FUNCTIONS 9 Introduction to Number Theory – Public-Key Cryptography and RSA – Key Management – Diffie- Hellman Key Exchange – Elliptic Curve Cryptography – Message Authentication and Hash Functions – Hash Algorithms – Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols.S. Lothar Merk.K. Prentice Hall PTR. Prentice Hall. PHI/Pearson Education. Jochen Schiller.Toh. 2001. William Stallings. Springer. Martin S. “ Mobile communications”. UNIT IV SYSTEM SECURITY 9 Intruders – Intrusion Detection – Password Management – Malicious Software – Firewalls – Firewall Design Principles – Trusted Systems. AdHoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and protocols. New york.Symmetric Ciphers – Confidentiality using Symmetric Encryption. 2003. UNIT III NETWORK SECURITY PRACTICE 9 Authentication Applications – Kerberos – X. 2002. 2003 2. “ Adhoc Networking”.  To teach the fundamentals of mathematical aspects in creating Encryption keys  To teach the fundamentals of Security in data& wireless communication. 5. Charles E. Note: Class room discussions and tutorials can include the following guidelines for improved teaching /learning process :Discussions/Exercise/Practice on Workbench : on the basics /numerical design aspects of encryption. 7. Addison-Wesley.509 Authentication Service – Electronic mail Security – Pretty Good Privacy – S/MIME – IP Security architecture – Authentication Header – Encapsulating Security Payload – Key Management. “ AdHoc mobile wireless networks”. “ Principles of Mobile computing”. “ Wireless communications and Networks”. Perkins.  To involve Discussions/ Practice/Exercise onto revising & familiarizing the concepts acquired over the 5 Units of the subject for improved employability skills UNIT I SYMMETRIC CIPHERS 9 Overview – classical Encryption Techniques – Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption standard – Introduction to Finite Fields – Advanced Encryption standard – Contemporary.  To teach the fundamentals of Secured system operation. Manoj. 2004 3. 6. 2003. Nicklons and Thomas Stober. C.decryption keys/password creation etc TOTAL : 45 PERIODS 51 . Inc. Prasanth Krishnamoorthy. 4. PHI/Pearson Education. C. Wiley. “Cryptography And Network Security – Principles And Practices”. 6. Stewart S. and related legal and regulatory issues  The learning process delivers insight onto role of security aspects during data transfer and communication in systems like grid. 2003. 7. “Wi-Fi Security”. “Applied Cryptography”. 2003. standards and practices are developed. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. REFERRENCES: 1.  Describe the major types of cryptographic algorithms and typical applications. Pearson Education. “Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice”. Charles B. velocity and acceleration sensors-Torque sensors-tactile and touch sensors-proximity and range sensors. 3. 2003.Robots components-Degrees of freedom-Robot joints-coordinates- Reference frames-workspace-Robot languages-actuators-sensors-Position.”Computer Networks principles. write code to encrypt and decrypt information using some of the standard algorithms  To be exposed to original research in network security and master information security governance. First Edition.Robot Path planning 52 . Tata McGraw Hill. Bruce Schneier. 5.understand how security policies. Pearson Education. Miller. Pearson Education. Natalia Olifer and Victor Olifer. 3rd Edition. McGraw Hill. Mai.vision system-social issues. John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2015 4. “Security In Computing”.technologies and protocols for network design”. Pfleeger. UNIT II KINEMATICS 9 Mechanism-matrix representation-homogenous transformation-DH representation-Inverse kinematics solution and programming-degeneracy and dexterity UNIT III DIFFERENTIAL MOTION AND PATH PLANNING 9 Jacobian-differential motion of frames-Interpretation-calculation of Jacobian-Inverse Jacobian. 2003. IN5079 ROBOTICS AND CONTROL LTPC 300 3 COURSE OBJECTIVES  To introduce robot terminologies and robotic sensors To educate direct and inverse kinematic relations  To educate on formulation of manipulator Jacobians and introduce path planning techniques  To educate on robot dynamics  To introduce robot control techniques UNIT I INTRODUCTION AND TERMINOLOGIES 9 Definition-Classification-History. Atul Kahate. William Stallings. 2.  Improved Employability and entrepreneurship capacity due to knowledge upgradation on recent trends in embedded systems design.OUTCOMES : After the completion of this course the student will be able to:  Identify the major types of threats to information security and the associated attacks. “Cryptography and Network Security”. 2003. 2001. 3rd Edition. hybrid position force control. 3.''Robotics ". 2003. R.K.D.Linear control schemes. TA Chmielewski and Michael Negin. Gonzalez and Lee Mcgrahill . 2. 4. Klafter. Pearson Education.joint actuators. Fourth edition. "Robotic Engineering. Tata MacGraw Hill.''Introduction to Robotics ''. international edition. An Integrated approach". “ Robotics and Control”.Impedance/ Torque control TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES:  Ability to understand the components and basic terminology of Robotics  Ability to model the motion of Robots and analyze the workspace and trajectory panning of robots  Ability to develop application based Robots  Abiilty to formulate models for the control of mobile robots in various industrial applications REFERENCES 1. Fu.UNIT IV DYNAMIC MODELLING 9 Lagrangian mechanics.decentralized PID control.Euler formulation – Inverse dynamics UNIT V ROBOT CONTROL SYSTEM 9 . Mittal and I J Nagrath. 53 .computed torque control – force control. Saeed B.Prentice Hall of India. Niku .Two-DOF manipulator. R. 2002.Lagrange-Euler formulation – Newton.
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