ME Electronics Mumbai University



AC- 6.6.2012 Item No.4.63 UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI Revised Syllabus for the M. E. (Electronics Engineering): Program : M.E. Course: Electronics Engineering (As per Credit Based Semester and Grading System with effect from the academic year 2012–2013) 1   Program Structure for Master of Engineering-Electronics Engineering (With Effect From 2012-2013) Semester I Subject Code Teaching Scheme(Contact Hours) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Credits Assigned Pract. Tut. Total Subject Name ExC101 System Modeling and simulation 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExC102 Modelling of Microelectronic Devices 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExC103 Embedded system 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExE101X Elective I 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExE102X Elective II 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExL101 Laboratory I -- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01 ExL102 Laboratory II - -- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01 2   Total 20 04 -- 20 02 -- 22 Examination Scheme Sem-I Theory Subject Code Subject Name Internal Assessment Test1 System Modeling and simulation Test 2 Avg. Exam. Term End Sem.E Duration Work xam. (in Hrs) 80 03 -Pract. /oral Total ExC101 20  20  20 -- 100 ExC102 Modelling of Microelectronic Devices 20  20  20 80  03 -- -- 100 ExC103 Embedded system 20  20  20 80  03 -- -- 100 ExE101X Elective I 20  20  20 80  03 -- -- 100 ExE102X Elective II 20  20  20 80  03 -- -- 100 ExL101 Laboratory I -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 ExL102 Laboratory II Total -100 -100 -100 -400 --- 25 50 25 50 50 600 3   Tut.Semester II Teaching Scheme Subject Code Credits Assigned Subject Name (Contact Hours) Theory Pract. Tut. Theory Pract. Total ExC201 Power Electronic Devices and Design 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExC202 Advance Processor Architecture 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExC203 Applications of DSP and IP 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExE201X Elective III 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExE202X Elective IV 04 -- -- 04 -- -- 04 ExL201 Laboratory III -- 02 -- -- 01 -- 01 ExL202 Laboratory IV Total -20 02 04 --- -20 01 02 --- 01 22 4   . (in Hrs) Pract. /oral Total ExC201 Power Electronic Devices and Design 20  20  20  80 03 -- -- 100 ExC202 Advance Processor Architecture 20  20  20  80  03 -- -- 100 ExC203 Applications of DSP and IP 20  20  20  80  03 -- -- 100 ExE201X Elective III 20  20  20  80  03 -- -- 100 ExE202X Elective IV 20  20  20  80  03 -- -- 100 ExL201 Laboratory III -- -- -- -- -- 25 25 50 ExL202 Laboratory IV Total -100 -100 -100 -400 --- 25 50 25 50 50 600 5   . Exam. Term End Sem.Ex Duration Work am.Examination Scheme Sem-II Theory Subject Code Subject Name Internal Assessment Test1 Test 2 Avg. -Theory -Credits Assigned Pract. / Oral Total -- 50 -- 50 --  -- 100 150 --- 100 150 6   . 06 Tut.. Work Exam. -Total 03 Subject Name ExS301 Seminar ExD301 Dissertation I Total --- 24 30 --- --- 12 15 --- 12 15 Examination Scheme Sem-III Subject Code Theory Subject Name Internal Assessment Test1 -ExS301 Seminar -ExD301 Dissertation I Total -----Test 2 -Avg. Pract. Semester III Subject Code Teaching Scheme(Contact Hours) Theory -Pract. -Term End Sem. 03 Tut. / Oral Total 100 100 100 100 200 200 Note: o In case of Seminar. --  -Term Work Pract. 02 Hour / week / student should be considered for the calculation of load of a teacher 7   .Semester IV Subject Code ExD401 Teaching Scheme(Contact Hours) Theory Dissertation II Total --Pract.Exam. 30 30 Tut. 01 Hour / week / student should be considered for the calculation of load of a teacher o In case of Dissertation I. --End Sem. 02 Hour / week / student should be considered for the calculation of load of a teacher o In case of Dissertation II. --Total 15 15 Subject Name Examination Scheme Sem-IV Subject Code Theory Subject Name Internal Assessment Test1 ExD401 Dissertation II Total --Test 2 --Avg. 15 15 Tut. --Theory --Credits Assigned Pract. 8   . End Semester Examination: In all six questions to be set. Fabrication of Microelectronic IC Internal: Elective IV 1. Cryptography and Network Securities 4. Optical Fiber communication 4. Advance Digital Communication 2. out of these any four questions to be attempted by students. Project/ practical activity should be allotted two hours per week. Application Specific IC Design Assessment consists of two tests. Internetworking Technologies 4.Electives: ME –Electronics Engineering Elective I 1. Advance Digital Image Processing 3. Advance Networking Technologies 2. Digital System Design Elective III 1. Every year project/ practical topics should be revised to maintain continuity with the previous year projects. Real Time Operating System 2. They can take assistance from the laboratory equipment and software present in the laboratory specifically equipped by the Institute for ME course referring to the syllabus. Laboratory (I. Modeling and Synthesis with VHDL 3. Each question will comprise of mixed questions from different units of the subjects. II. III and IV) This is with the intention of developing research culture among the PG students. Instrumentation System Design 3. Machine Learning 3. Projects/ practical can be hardware/software based or combination of the two. Analogue IC Design Elective II 1. Various project/practical topics related to the syllabus’ subject should be provided to students and team should be formed for them to work in groups. each of 20 marks. Students should be graded based on these projects/ practicals. which are compulsory class test. Wireless and Mobile Networks 2. Microwave IC 4. 4. System Modeling and Simulation 1. Linearization and linearizability. Laplace transform. 1996 2. Simulation Techniques for Discrete Event Systems. Academic Press. state-space model. 4. a-b tracking system. System Modeling and Computer Simulation.Sailendra Jain(Wiley) Reference Books 1. Mitrani. control of robots. Cambridge Theory of Modeling and Simulation. Concept of a Model and Model building. 2001. 3. Inputoutput mapping and system invertibility. Naim A Kheir. Modeling & Simulation Using Metlab-Dr. Detailed Syllabus. Discrete time systems. applications Design and analysis of Simulation Experiments – Design of simulation Experiments. controllability and observability. phase trajectory and local linearization. analysis of simulation experiments. simple electrical circuits. Model classification. digital simulation languages Robotic Systems and Automation – Modeling of robot. Identification. 3.Severance(Wiley) I. stability. controllability and observalibility. 8. Marcel Dekker Inc. Modeling and Simulation. Introduction – System modeling.The TW and Practical/ oral should be assessed jointly by internal and external examiner. 6. Text Books: 1. Zeigler & Kim & Praehofer. Louis Birta. 2. Z-transform. System Modeling and Simulation –Frank L. System Analysis and Modeling. nonlinear system modeling and simulation Computer Simulation – Numeric integration. simulation of discrete-time systems. transfer functions. design approaches. Simulation softwares Continuous Time and Discrete Time Systems – Continuous-Time Linear systems. 2. 2000. Nonlinear System Analysis and Modeling – Mathematical models for nonlinear systems. modeling of mobile robots and control.ME Electronics Engineering Semester –I Compulsory I -C1. Digital Control systems – Basic Digital Control system. Academic Press. 5. Elsevier 9   . Feedback system. variance reduction techniques. Springer Donald Boyo. 2nd Edition. Gilbert Arbez. implementation 5. system stability. state space simulation techniques. 7. 3. CMOS Models in SPICE. Laser Diode and Photo Detectors. Microwave Diode: The Varactor Diode. 4. Continuity Equation.I -C 2. CAD for VLSI Graph algorithms and their application in IC design. Early Effect. the IMPATT Diode. the p-i-n Diode. Rate Equations. Transistor Models: Ebber . MOSFET Modeling Introduction Interior Layer. John WILEY & SONS.Molls and Gummel Port Model. 1991 10   . Depletion Capacitance. Carrier Concentration. Statistical Modeling of Biopolar and MOS Transistors.Majority carrier diodes. Tyagi. SPICE modeling temperature and area effects. Text Book: 1. Gummel Plots. Parameter measurement General Methods. The TRAPATT Diode. Threshold Voltage. Semiconductor Devices P-n junction diode : its behavior . Models for Enhancement. Transport Equation Band gap. Equivalent Circuits. Mextram model. 6. MOS Transistor Current. Noise Sources 2. The BARITT Diode. Modeling of LEDs. Depletion Type MOSFET. Transferred – Electron Devices Optoelectronic Devices: Static and Dynamic Models. S. Modeling Bipolar Device Phenomena Injection and Transport Model. Series Resistances. Carrier Generation and Recombination. Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Device By M. Basic Semiconductor physics: Quantum Mechanical Concepts. MOSFET: Long and Short Channel Parameters. 5. Avalanche Process. Mobility and Resistivity. Numerical Technique. Number solution and Monte carlo simulations. Modeling of Microelectronic Devices 1. Specific Bipolar Measurement. Design for testability. Temperature Short channel and Narrow Width Effect. A. I -C 3..S.Neamen. Kluwer Academic Publishers.. Microelectronics: an Integrated Approach.”Semiconductor physics and devices”. Inc Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices. S. Fundamentals of Microelectronics-Behzad Razavi (Wiley) S. Prentice-Hall. Practice and Modeling" by James D Plummer et al. A. G. 1997. 1994. H. SPICE for Circuits and Electronics using PSpice. Rashid. Vladimirescu.2007 Snowden C. New York : J. Grove.Fundamentals. The SPICE Book.3rd edition. Sherwani. 6th ed. 1995 A. Prentice Hall. Ben G. World Scientific Press.K. 2002. Banerjee. Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology.Sze. Wiley. McGraw-Hill. Gerez. “Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation”. Singapore. Streetman. Introduction to Semiconductor Device Modeling. Howe and C. "Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation". T. Sodini. Solid State Electronic Devices. 1967 Silicon VLSI Technology .Embedded memories – Embedded System design process – Requirements – Specification – Architectural Design – Designing Hardware and Software Components – System Integration –Design Example. John Wiley & Sons-2002. N. References: R. S.2. John Wiley & Sons. Prentice Hall. 1986 M. John Wiley.M. 11   . Embedded Systems EMBEDDED ARCHITECTURE Embedded Computers – Characteristics of Embedded Computing Applications – Challenges in Embedded Computing system design. 2000 3. Pearson Education 2001. M.H. Donald A. wireless communication. dynamic scheduling Real-world issues: blocking. real-time operating systems. interrupts. CCD camera (data compression). --Distributed Embedded Architecture – Networks for Embedded Systems. CAN and USB--wireless protocols and interfacing of IRDA and SMART card – Design Example wireless protocols and interfacing of IRDA and SMART card – Serial communications: I2C – CAN Bus – Design Example REAL TIME CONCEPTS Real-time concepts. process-control (Fuzzy logic). unpredictability. MSP 430 applications e. caching. Analog interfacing and data acquisition . ARM9. ARM11 with new features additions INTERFACING Sensors and interfacing techniques. Assembly programming concept.EMBEDDED PROCESSOR AND COMPUTING PLATFORM MSP 430 RISC Controllers. ARM processor fundamentals – introduction to ARM and THUMB instruction set--processor and memory organization – CPU Bus configuration – ARM Bus –Memory devices – Input/output devices – Component interfacing – designing with microprocessor development and debugging – Design Example Instruction set with enhanced DSP features with ARM core. robotics (wireless). compare with ARM7.g. external interrupts. parallel I/O. 12   . Resource Management/scheduling paradigms: static priorities. static schedules. Timing generation and measurements. mix mode programming as Thumb+ ARM core. hard and soft real time systems. Required RTOS services/capabilities (in contrast with traditional OS). capacitive touch screen as examples of embedded systems. RS485. Examples of OSs for embedded systems SYSTEM DESIGN Design Methodologies – Requirement Analysis – Specification – System Analysis and Architecture Design – modeling techniques --Testing and debugging ---Quality Assurance – Design Example: Data base applications (smart cards).serial bus protocols like I2C. electricity metering. network appliances (e-server). Digital Communication through fading multipath channels 13   . Pearson Education 11. 2. Jonathan W. An Embedded Software Primer. McCormick Frank Singhoff . 4. Design & Programming. Valvano . 2004. 2009. Communication through Band Limited Linear Filters Optimum receiver for Channels with ISI & AWGN Linear Equalization Design Feedback Equalization 4.References: 1. JérômeHugues . Dreamtech Publication. Dr. 2002 . Spread Spectrum Signals for Digital Communication 7. Cengage 2009. Embedded Systems-James K Peckol(Wiley) 7. Adaptive Equalization Adaptive Linear Equalization Adaptive Design Feedback Equalization 5. Sloss & Symes & Wright . Multichannel & Multicarrier System 6. ARM Technical Publications 10. Block & Convolution codes Linear Block codes Convolution Block codes Coded modulation for Bandwidth Constrained Channels 2.K. Prasad. Embedded system design by Frank Vahid & Tony Givargis. Embedded Systems Design. David E.V. Cambridge University Press 9. Embedded Real Time Systems: Concepts. S Heath. Simon. Introduction to embedded systems. John W.K. TEXAS MSP430. 1st Edition. McGraw-Hill 5. IEEE Press Semester –I Elective-I (any one) I –E-I 1.K. Signal Design for Band Limited Channels characterization of Band Limited Channels Signal Design for Band Limited Channels 3. Building Parallel. ARM System Developer's Guide. Morgan Kaufmann 3. shibu k v. Kritee Ramamritham – Real Time Operating Systems. Embedded. 2nd Edition. Introduction to Embedded Systems. Pearson Education Publication. 6. Newnes Publication 8. Advance Digital Communication 1. and Real-Time Applications with Ada. Bequette.John G.W. McGraw Hill(1989) Principles of Digital Communication & coding . CRC press IEEE press. Introduction to Model Predictive Control & Controllers Model based control schemes 3.F.A. CRC Press 3.R. Edgar. Theodore Rappaport. Generalized Predictive Control and Multivariable regulatory control. Special Purpose Instrumentation 4. 5. Instrumentation System Design 1. Instrumentation and Sensors Handbook . T.Viterbi & Omura. Seborg. and Mellichamp.E. Universities Press I –E-I 2. Virtual Instrumentation Text Book 1. D. Proakis. Measurement .D... 2.REFERENCES: Digital Communication . Model Based Predictive Control – A Practical Approach by J A Rossitor. 1998 2. Role of PLC in Automation 5. 2003. B. D. 2 ed Edition. 2nd Edition. K. “Process Dynamics and Control”. Baican . Micro sensors and actuators and recent trends in sensor technologies. Smart sensors. “Process Control Modeling. S Necsulescu “Applied Virtual Instrumentation ”WIT Press. Prentice Hall Digital Communication and Signal Processing.2000 14   . Control of time-varying and non-linear systems 6. Design and Simulation”. Wiley John and Sons. 2004 4. John G Webster . Vasudevan.. Prentice Hall of India. McGraw Hill(1979) Wireless Communication : Principles & Practice. Wiley John and Sons. Newyork. Antonio.E. Seborg. 4. Optical Fiber communication A Review of Optical Fibers • Introduction • Ray theory • Theory of optical wave propagation • Classification of optical fibers • Signal Degradation • Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Fibers • Plastic optical fibers • Splicing efficiency and optical fiber alignment • Fiber optic cable 15   . 2003.. 2002 7. “Process Systems Analysis and Control”. “Process Dynamics and Control”. 5. Air monitoring for Toxic explosions.F.Hill International Edition. P. Najim.. Water and Waste water examination manual.. Inc.. Ikonen and K. “ Advanced Process Identification and Control”. Von Nostrand (1991).A. 2nd Edition.. D. T. D.REFERENCE BOOKS 1. E. and Mellichamp. Albertos and S. Alans V. Air integrated Approach. 3. D. “ Multivariable Control Systems An Engineering I –E-I 3. Marcel Dekker.A.R. 2. Analytical Instrumentation hand book. McGraw . Ness S. Dekker (1991).Coughanowr. Lewis Chele 6. Ewing G. Edgar. 2004. Advanced Optical Sources and Detectors • Quantum well lasers • Charge capture in Quantum well lasers • Multi Quantum well Laser diodes • Surface Emitting Lasers: Vertical cavity Surface Emitting Lasers • Resonant cavity enhancement (RCE) Photo Detector • Material requirement for RCEPD • Wavelength selectivity • High speed comparison of conventional and RCEPD • RCE Schottky Photodiode • RCE Avalanche Photodiode Optical Amplification • Properties of Erbium Doped glass • Optical Pumping • Erbium Doped Amplifier • Semiconductor Laser Amplifier • Raman Amplifier • Raman Gain and Bandwidth • Multiple pump Raman Amplifier • Raman Induced signal gain • Noise Figure of Raman Amplifier • Optical Signal to noise ratio • Electrical Signal to noise ratio • Application Integrated Optics • Planar and channel waveguides • Coupled mode theory for waveguides • Beam Splitters. Directional couplers and Photonic Switch • Optical Modulators • Arrayed waveguide Grating (AWG) • Multimode interference coupler (MMI) • Opto Electronic Integration • Fabrication Techniques • Material 16   . • Fiber Brag Grating.its design. • Dispersion Equalizing Filters • Optical Phase conjugation • PMD Compensation Optical Networks • Network concepts • Network Topologies • FDDI • SONET/SDH • DWDM Networks Advanced Topics in OFC: • Biophotonics • Optical computing • Optical MEMS • Photonics Crystals Fibers and Waveguides 17   . • Dispersion compensating Fibers .Non linear Optics • General Overview of nonlinearties • Effective area and length • Stimulated Raman Scattering • Stimulated Brillouin Scattering • Self Phase modulation • Cross –Phase modulation • Four wave mixing and its mitigation • Solitons • Properties of Solitons • Loss managed Soliton • Dispersion managed Soliton • Dispersion Management: • Dispersion problems and its solution. Agarwal . “Fundamentals of Optoelectronics”-Pollock-Irwin Publications (2003) 12.G. Shaw.References.M. Mathematical Principles of Optical Fiber Communication. J.S. 9. McGraw Hill 3. “Introduction to Biophotonics”. Cambridge Optical Communication systems .non-ideal effects in PLLs .2009) 11. CMOS Analog Circuit Design. 2002 3. ‘Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuit’ Tata-McGrawHill. G. 18   . Fiber optic Communication Systems. an introduction”-Wilson and Hawkes. 2010 16. Behzad Razavi. 1.E. John Whiley 4. “An Introduction to Nonlinear Optics”-Geoffrey New-Cambridge University Press (2010) 14. Prentice Hall Optical Fibers Telecommunications .J. “Fiber Optics Communications”. 7.PTAT current generation and constant Gm biasing 2: First and second order switched capacitor circuits . 2001 2.Delay locked loops and applications. 6.E.Keiser . "Analog MOS ICs for Signal Processing". 2002 4.Chynoweth .Senior-Pearson Education(Third Edition.G.) 13.C. 2003 I –E-I 4. Wiley 1986. “Photonic Crystal Fibers”-Anders Bjarkler and JesBrong-Kluwer Academic Publishers (2011) 15. Paras N.Philip Allen & Douglas Holberg. Agrawal. “Optical Fiber Communications Principles and Practice”-John. 4: CMOS data converters -Medium and High-speed CMOS data converters. K. “Optical Fiber Communication System: Theory and Practice with MATLAB and Simulink” by Le Nguyen Binh.J. Optical Fibers for transmission -J. “Opto-Electronics.Miller and A. Temes. Prasad. Oxford University Press.Prentice Hall (Third Edition. 3. CRC Press.switched capacitor amplifiers-switched capacitor filters. Govind . David A Johns & Ken Martin. Gregorian. “An Introduction to Fiber Optic Systems”-John Power-McGrawHill-(Second Edition 2000) 5.Gowar.Academic Press Non linear fibers optics . P. R.Harold Kolimbris-Pearson Education(First Indian Reprint 2004) 10. 3: CMOS oscillators -ring oscillators-LC oscillators-VCO CMOS PLLs . 2004. CMOS comparators-multipliers and wave shaping circuits Text Books 1. Academic Press. Fiber Optic Communication . 8.Midwinter. 2.Over sampling converters. Analogue IC Design 1: Band gap references . ‘Analog Integrated Circuit Design’ John Wiley and Sons. Wiley India. Wiley-Interscience. 2009 5. Wireless and Mobile network Architectures. Introduction to GSM system. handoff management. Wireless Networking. 6. William stallings.Elective –II (any one) I –E-II 1.Ivan Stojmenivic. Administration and Maintenance 6. 2001. PACS Network Signalling 4. Wiley-India Edition. General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) 7. Mobile and Personal Communication Systems and Services. Wiley india Edition. Mobile IP : Introduction . 3. Wireless and Mobile Network 1. GSM system overview.Series. Introduction to wireless and Mobile communication. Route Optimization. Wireless application Protocol (WAP) 8. Mobility management. Morgan Kaufmann 19   . 2008. 4. 2/e. Mobility Support for IPv6. Mobile IP Protocol Overview.Detection . 1st Edition. Perkins Addition Wesley Wireless Commu.Prentice Hall. Kumar & Manjunath & Kuri. PHI. Intersystem handoff and Authentication in IS-41. Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing .Mobility requirements and constraints in an IP environment. GSM Mobility management. 2. Cellular Digital Packet data. 3G Mobile services and Wireless Local Loop (WLL) 9. Pearson. Wireless Communication by Andreas Molisch (WILEY) 7. Raj Pandya. IS-41 signaling. Interference issues in Wireless system. GSM Short message service and international Roaming for GSM 5. Mobile IP : Design Principles And Practice By Charles E. GSM Operations. GSM network Signalling. Yi-Bang Lin and Imrich Chlamtac. Wireless Communications & Networks. 2009. Connectivity with 3G Networks Reference Books: 1. Cell design concept. 2. Assignment and Radio link transfer 3. 3:Frequency Domain: Filtering in Frequency Domain – DFT.Jain. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”. Advance Digital Image Processing 1. 4. 2.introduction to fuzzy set classifier. “Digital Image Processing”. Image Enhancement and Restoration : Spatial Domain Gray level Transformations Histogram Processing Spatial Filtering – Smoothing and Sharpening. spectral signatures. ‘Digital Image Processing: An Algorithmic Approach”.Wavelet Packets. Pearson Education. Analysis and Machine Vision”. Colour Image Processing. 2. Third Edition. Ingle.Gonzalez and Richard E. Brooks Cole. Madhuri A. spectral characteristics. 3. Prentice-Hall India.feature extraction. “Image Processing. Steganography .I –E-II 2. Fundamentals of Image Processing: Introduction – Steps in Image Processing Systems.histogram estimation classifier. 2004. Third Edition. File Formats.Image Pyramids – Multi resolution expansion – Wavelet Transforms. Dimitris G. Noise models. Fast Wavelet transforms. First Edition. Cambridge University Press 20   . Applied Digital Signal Processing.spatial and radiometric characteristics. Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle. 2008. Vinay K. Joshi. 5: Introduction to remote sensing information extraction from Remote-sensing Images spectral Factors in Remote sensing. 2007. Smoothing and Sharpening filters – Homomorphic Filtering.Gonzalez . remote sensing systems. Pearson Education. Milan Sonka. Image Segmentation and Feature Analysis: Detection of Discontinuities – Edge Operators – Edge Linking and Boundary Detection – Thresholding – Region Based Segmentation – Motion Segmentation. Anil K.supervised and unsupervised training. Richard E.Robert schowengerdt.nearest neighbhour classiier. Rafael C.Woods and Steven L.Image Compression 4: Image Classification techniques:Introduction. FFT. Manolakis. Third Edition. 2008. DCT.Non parametric classification-level slice classification. 6: Applications of Image Processing: Representation and Description. image Acquisition – Sampling and Quantization – Pixel Relationships – Colour Fundamentals and Models. Prentice-Hall India. 2006. Constrained and Unconstrained restoration models. Feature Analysis and Extraction. Image RecognitionVideo Motion Analysis – Image Fusion . 6. “Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB”.ANN classifier (BPN). References: 1. 5..Remote sensing modules and methods for Image processing Elsevier publication IIIrd edition 7.Woods. Rafael C.hybrid-supervised and unsupervised training. Eddins. Forouzan TCP/IP Protocol suit Tata McGraw Hill PVt Forth edition. Differentiated services etc. SIP. RSVP. Behrouz A. Mobility principles 6: Multimedia Information and Networking: Compression Fundamentals. Overlay model.I –E-II 3. Multicast and Mobility 4: Advanced Network Architectures: IP forwarding architectures. Multimedia 21   . Ross: Computer Networking. RTSP. 2. Prentice-Hall of India. compression communication across networks: RTP. Rao et al: Multimedia Communication Systems. H. TCP. 3rd edition.TCP/IP protocol suite. J F. Application layerWeb and HTTP. A. Kurose & KW. Pearson. 5: Wireless and Mobility: Wi-Fi. 2005. Congestion Control 3: Network Layer and Routing Internet Protocol. Leon-Garcia & I. IPv6. wireless links characteristics. techniques. Addressing and Routing.323 Reference Books 1.A Top-down Approach featuring the Internet. K. Reliable Data Transfer. Widjaja :Communication Networks 2/e McGraw-Hill Publications 3. MPLS. Cellular access. Digital representation. 4. DNS and Socket Programming 2: Transport Layer UDP. Integrated services in Internet. Internetworking Technologies 1: Introduction to Internetworking Introduction to OSI model . R. Tolerance Techniques .I –E-II 4.Static and Dynamic Hazards .FPGA. Programmable gate arrays.Path Sensitization Method .The Compact Algorithm . Performance analysis.Boolean Difference Method – Kohavi Algorithm . Programmable logic devices (PLDs). Cambridge University Press 5. Types of FPGAs and their architectures. 2004 Mark Zwolinski. 2. FPGA fabrics. second edition W. FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND TESTABILITY ALGORITHMS Fault Table Method . Pearson Education. combinational network delay. Pearson. FPGA. Combinational logic design overview. Engineering Digital Design. Overview of synchronous FSM design – architectures and system level design – State machine designs centered around non registered PLDs . 2004.Fault in PLA .Built-in Self Test.Designing Vending Machine Controller Mixed Operating Mode Asynchronous Circuits. 3.Wolf. Academic Press. overview of arithmetic circuits . 6. Power optimization.Practical PLA’s . Power and energy optimization. Digital System Design 1.Sequential machine design Process. ASYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN Analysis of Asynchronous Sequential Circuit (ASC) . Digital Integrated Circuit Design.Test Generation -Masking Cycle . Rules for clocking. 5.Problem and the Transition Table .Design of ASC .Wiley 22   . 4. Text Books 1.Races in ASC State Assignment .Essential Hazards . implementation for FPGAs.Data Synchronizers . design styles. 4. Richard Tinder. Hubert Kaeslin. “Digital System Design with VHDL”.Vahid.based System Design.based system design.Flow Table Reduction . . Digital Design. 3.DFT Schemes . 2. 7. BJT. Isolation between control circuit and power circuit -techniques and circuits.Protection circuits:-Anti saturation protection for BJT& IGBT.Semester – II Compulsory II –C 1.AC motor drives for induction motors :-single phase and three phase. variable stator voltage control. v/f control. B.UPS & SMPS:. Power Electronic Devices and Design 1. Working quadrants.Power transistor.Review of Drive circuits for SCR. DC motor drives:-constant torque/constant power region. (ii)Chopper circuits (iii )Rheostatic chopper brake circuit 5. slip power recovery schemes-static Kramer and scherbius. Chopper circuits using IGBT.schematic diagrams. 23   . 6. (i)converter circuits. Sine wave and modified sine wave techniques.D & E. Unity Power Factor converters-Basic principle of working. Single pulse & multi pulse PWM inverters. thermal protection. Inverters:-Single phase and three phase using IGBT.Smart Grid & renewable energy sources:-Schematic diagrams of smart grid using solar power and wind energy. 8. Overload protection..SCR. 4. working of SMPS. 3. IGBT/MOSFET. Classes of chopper-A. advantages of UPF operation.Review of power devices . Power MOSFET. 2.IGBT . C. PHI India.Power Electronics by Joseph Vidyathil 2.B. 7.Solar Energy Utilization. Power Electronics-L umanand.H. Converters Application and Design .Power Electronics.Textbooks 1. Tata McGraw-Hill.H Khan.D .1993. Non conventional Energy sources..M.TMH References:6.M. Khanna Publishers.Rashid . Power Electronics. 3.B. Khanchandani. wiley 4.Singh and K.D. 24   .Ned Mohan.Jhon Willey 5.Rai G. PCI-E. RAID Virtual memory management I/O Types of I/Os. Symmetric Multiprocessors. Vector Computation Text Books: 1. Optical. Computer Functions. Pipelined Processors. External Memories: Magnetic . Universal Serial Bus(USB) Operating System support OS Overview. Scheduling. Out of Order Execution. NonUniform Memory Access. Instruction Level Parallelism. A Top Level View of Computer functions and Interconnections Computer Components. Interconnection Structures Bus Interconnections Advanced Processor Architectures CISC and RISC processor design fundamentals. I/O Interfacing Concepts. 6. Cache Design. Memory Management.II –C 2. Coherency. Cache Coherence and the MESI Protocol. Multithreading and Chip multiprocessors. Cache Memory : Principles. 4. 3. Advanced Microprocessors – Daniel Tabak References: Various company’s Manuals 25   . Superscalar Processors. Multi-core Architectures Case studies : Power PC architecture RISC architecture Memory Semiconductor Memories / DRAM organization. 7. Computer Organization and Architecture : Designing for Performance by William Stallings 1. Case studies: Pentium Power PC Parallel Processing Multiple Processor Organizations. Clusters. Branch Prediction Logic. I/O Buses: PCI. 2. 5. PCI-X. Advanced Processor Architectures and Organization 1. Biomedical Signal Processing . Monson Hayes. 2. Statistical Digital Signal Processing & Modeling.. . Overview of DSP and its Hardware. 2.. 4.Industrial Sensing.Cambridge 26   . --Wiley 2. Biomedical Signal Processing & Signal Modeling. Rabiner-Gold.. Theory and Implementation of Digital Signal Processing. 3. Applications of DSP and IP 1. Eugene N Bruce. Fundamentals of Speech Recognition. --Springer 3. Digital Image Processing. 3. Digital Signal Processing with FPGA.-.Object Recognition . DSP Application . Image Reconstruction 4. Image Compression techniques based on DCT and Wavelet transform. Geoff Dougherty.-. Application of Image Processing ..DTMF receiver and Transmitter . Rabiner.PHI 7. Advanced Image Modeling Techniques.Radar 1. Richard E Woods.Baese 3rd Edition. Statistical Signal Processing and Adaptive Filtering. DIP for Medical Applications. U Meyer.Medical Application .Forensics ..Speech and Audio Signal Processing .II –C 3.PHI 8.Remote Sensing . Jaung PHI 5. --Wiley. Rafael Gonzalez. References:1. Digital Image processing-Pratt 6. -. Design considerations. Reverse tunneling. Dynamic source routing. Availability and Maintainability. Connectivity. IPv6. Hierarchical algorithms. Mobile computing through Internet. Advanced Networking Technologies 1 Overview of OSI model and TCP/IP protocol suite. performance and design considerations. 4 Routing in the Internet: Intra and interdomain routing. Application. Mobile Internet connectivity and Personal area Networks. 27   . optical networking: SONET/SDH standards. Drawback of traditional routing methods. DESTINATION SEQUENCE DISTANCE VECTOR. Resource reservation: Queued data and Packet switched traffic modeling. QoS Mechanisms Queue management Algorithms. Dynamic host configuration protocol. Network Performance Modeling. Reliability. Ad hoc networks MANET: ROUTING. 5 Traffic Engineering and Capacity Planning: Traffic Engineering basics: Requirement definition: Traffic sizing. Design Tools. Unicast Routing Protocols: RIP. IP packet delivery.Multicast Routing Protocols. Application and QoS. IP over ATM. Entities and Terminology. Registration. MOSPF. Alternative metrices. DVMRP. Tunneling and Encapsulation. Capacity Planning and Network vision. Mobile computing Architecture: Three Tire Architecture for Mobile computing. Storage Area Network (SAN). feedback. characteristics. Protocols. OSPF. 2 Mobile Networks : Mobile IP: Goals. Queue Analysis: M/M/1 as a packet processing Model. Agent advertisement and discovery. Optimizations. Creating Traffic Matrix. 3 Wireless Sensor Networks: Introduction and Applications. optical routing. assumptions and requirements. Time Delay considerations. DWDM. Throughput calculations Quality of service: Introduction. BGP.Semester –II Elective-III (any one) II –E-III 1. Definition. Cloud Security and Privacy: An Enterprise Perspective by Tim Mather. 2. SPI framework of Cloud Computing. Google. Microsoft.6 Cloud computing: Cloud Computing Evolution. Salesforce etc. Cloud deployment models. impact of cloud computing on users. Darren Spohn Data Network Design McGraw Hill Publications 3. Subra Kumaraswamy 28   . key drivers to adoption of cloud. Forouzan TCP/IP Protocol suit Tata McGraw Hill PVt Forth edition. Behrouz A. Reference Books 1. Wireless and Mobile N/W Architecture yi Bang Lin and Inrich b(Wiley) 4. Cloud service delivery models. examples of cloud service providers: Amazon. 2. Recent applications of machine learning. 1998 4. Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto. Shusheela Devi. Minimum description length principle. Q-learning. such as to robotic control. 2004. 4. Christopher Bishop. Springer.Parallel and Distributed Approaches. V. Ethem Alpaydin. Prentice Hall of India. face recognition. Instance based learning – k-nearest neighbor learning. 2006. case based reasoning 6. Peter Hart and David Stork. McGraw-Hill.M. Murty. etc. Designing learning system. Scaling up Machine Learning .supervised. Radial basis and recurrent neural network. Ron Bekkerman . autonomous navigation. issues in decision tree learning 3. Machine Learning 1. character recognition. Text Books: 1. Reference Books: 1. speech recognition. inductive bias in decision tree learning. John Wiley & Sons. Artificial Neural Network – neural network learning. MIT Press. 2001. dynamic programming 7.. Concept learning. application of neural network such as character recognition. multilayer perceptron. Tom Mitchell. Thomson Learning 5. Hagan. EM algorithm 5.Cambridge University Press 6. Decision tree learning – Decision tree representation. 3. unsupervised learning. John Langford . Introduction: Types of learning . Mikhail Bilenko . backpropagation algorithm. perspectives and issues in Machine Learning 2. Reinforcement learning – Learning task. Neural Network Design. Pattern Recognition-An introduction. Reinforcement Learning: An introduction.II –E-III 2. Beale. Demuth. N. radial basis functions. Bayesian learning – Bayes theorem. Introduction to Machine Learning. Baysian Belief network. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. reinforcement learning and adaptive control. Machine Learning. Gibb’s algorithm. Single layer perceptron. 2nd ed. 2. 1997. face recognition. locally weighted regression. basic decision tree learning algorithm. Temporal difference learning. Universities Press 29   . Richard Duda. Pattern Classification. non-TEM propagation. design consideration.II –E-III 3. substrate vias. full wave analysis of microstrip propagation. LSE and LSM potentials. quasistatic approximations. Green’s functions. design considerations and coplanar line circuits. Programmable Microwave Tuning System. doping by ion implantation ohmic contact. Dielectric resonators. thin film hybrid circuits. 2. GaAs MMIC Layout Software. quasi-static line parameters. artwork. spectral domain analysis. Analysis. Bipolar Transistors. CAD Applications. Coupled Line Propagation: Wave equations for coupled lines. metal resistive layers. gate metal. coupled line pair operated as a two port assuming 0e = 0o. suspended substrate strip line filter design using method 1 and method 2. microstrip corners. spectral domain impedance analysis. suspended substrate strip lined filters. spectral domain impedance analysis. substrate structure. Comparison with conventional circuits. Varactor diodes. 30   . 5. Microstrip Lines: Planar wave guides. wire bonding. Designing Nonlinear Circuits Using Harmonic Balance Method. 4. photolithography. Yield Driven Design. Rethinking Design. 3. micropstrip open circuits and gaps. Devices: GaAs FET. 6. dielectric and air bridge vias. dielectric second level metal. Introduction. YIC resonators. Nonlinear Tools. PIN diodes. dispersion relation for open microsrip. thick film hybrid circuits. millimeter wave modeling of microstrip lines. Characteristics. symmetric T junction. Lange coupler coupled line pair treated as a four port. low pass filter design assuming 0e =0o. sawing. dispersion analysis. mask making. line impedance definitions. fields of application and limitations and criteria for the choice of substrate material. MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 1. Monolithic MICs: Definition. Integrated Microwave Workstation Approach. dispersion relation for open microstrip. coupled line pair analysed to a two port 0e not equal to 0o. microstrip characteristic impedance. narrow band filter using coupled resonator. Coplanar Waveguide. final wafer process steps. coupled line parameter variations with frequency. propagation models. narrow band coupled line filters. brazing process. Role CAD. coupled line parameters. Practical Design. Microwave Computer Aided Workstations for MMIC Requirement. resistor stabilization. transitions and applications. directional couplings. step changes in width. Hybrid MICs : Definition. Slot Lines : Analysis. Artech House. Edwards. Foundations for Microstrip Circuit design T. 7. Handbook of Microwave Integrated Circuits Reinmut K.C. Artech House. John Wiley and Sons 31   . R. Pavio and Rohde. New Jersey 07458. Gupta.Microwave Circuit Design using Linear and Non Linear Techniques: George Vendelin.Text And Reference Books 1. MMIC Design : GaAs FETs and HEMTs. Artech House. Garg and I. K. MIC and MMIC Amplifier and Oscillator Circuit Design 1990 edition. Prentice Hall PTR. Schrader .C. 2.J. 3. Wiley 4. Hoffman . 5. Peter Ladbrooke . Microstrip Lines and Slot Lines. 6. Bahl . Artech House. Microstrip Circuit Analysis – David H. Allen Sweet. Campbell (Oxford University Press) 5. Fabrication of Microelectronic IC 1 .II –E-III 4. The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication by Stephen A. PhotoMask. P-N Junction. Silicon Bipolar Technologies Environmental. Atomic Force Microscopy. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Device Isolation. Opitcal Lithography – Ion implantation. Future trends and issues in IC Design. Transistor. Characterization of Micro/Nano Structures : Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS). Nano : The Essentials by T. Health & Safety Considerations in Semiconductor Facilities. Raman Microscopy. CMOS Techniques. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Rapid Thermal Annealing. Contacts. Wet Etching. (3. Microwave Spectroscopy. Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM). Metalization. Nanolithography. Thermal Oxidation. (1. Semiconductor Manufacturing Handbook by Hwaiyu Geng (McGrawHill) 4.Semiconductor Manufacturing Handbook by Hwaiyu Geng (McGrawHill) 2. Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication. Designing an IC. Campbell (Oxford University Press) ) 3. GaAS Technologies. Integrated Circuit Manufacturing for VLSI : Vacuum Technology. Plasma Etching. Silicide & Epitaxial formation on silicon. The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication by Stephen A. Helium Ion Microscopy (Nanostructuring Operations in Nanoscale Science and Engineering by: Kal Renganathan Sharma) 32   . Auger Electron Microscopy. Semiconductor Substrates and Optical and Electronic Properties. Introduction to IC Design: Types of ICs. Pradeep (McGraw-Hill)) 6. Diffusion. Physical & Chemical Vapor Deposition. Characterization and Applications (Electron Field (Nano : The Essentials by T. Mechanical Properties. Transport Properties. Campbell) 8. mechanics of common MEMS devices. Pradeep (McGraw-Hill)) REFERENCES: 1 2 3 4 5 7 The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication by Stephen A. Pradeep (McGraw-Hill) Nanostructuring Operations in Nanoscale Science and Engineering by: Kal Renganathan Sharma (McGraw-Hill) Carbon Nanoforms and Applications by Maheshwar Sharon. Physical Properties. bulk micromachining process flow. stress in thin films. Micro Electro-Mechanical Structures (MEMS): Fundamentals of mechanics. mechanical to electrical transduction. Campbell (Oxford University Press) Semiconductor Manufacturing Handbook by: Hwaiyu Geng (McGrawHill) Nano : The Essentials by T. Carbon Nanotubes : Synthesis & Purification. MEMS actuators. (The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication by Stephen A. Tummala (McGraw-Hill) 33   . bulk micromachining etching techniques. Madhuri Sharon (McGraw-Hill) System on Package: Miniaturization of the Entire System by Rao R. Mechanism of Growth. surface micromachining basics. surface micromachining process flow.7. and high aspect ratio microsystems technology (HARMST). Electronic Structure. Program Modeling Concepts. Interprocess Communication (IPC) – IPC through Semaphores. REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS 1.K. Jane W. IEEE Press 34   . File Manipulations. C. resource access control and synchronization References: 1.K. Jobs & Processors. μC/OS-II. Prasad. Design & Programming. . Pipes and Filters. Simon.S. Linux commands. Software Architectures.Liu. Pearson Education Publication. The real time Kernel. Labrossy. Differences between Traditional OS and RTOS. Dr. Shell Programming. Mutex Management. 2. Introduction to multiprocessor scheduling . Time Management. Hard Real-time systems. 5. Task Priorities. Asia. File Protections. RT Linux Modules. and Porting μCos-II. 6. Intertask Communication & Synchronization – Definition of Context Switching. Real Time Systems. Memory Management. Mutex. Dreamtech Publication. Software Analysis. 3. Kernel Structure. System Programming. An Embedded Software Primer. Inter task Communication & Synchronization.V. RTOS Kernel & Issues in Multitasking – Task Assignment. Design and Maintenance. Software Development Process Life Cycle and its Model. Software Developments Tools. Foreground ISRs and Background Tasks. Real Time Systems. Jean J. Linux/RT Linux: Features of Linux. 4. 6. Allowing for Preemptive and Exclusion Condition.M. Hard and Soft timing constraints.. Preemptive EDF. 1997.K. 4. David E. Concept of Embedded Operating Systems. Scheduling. Pearson Education.Krishna and G. Message Queues or Pipes and Event Flags. McGraw Hill International Editions. Classical Uniprocessor Scheduling Algorithms – RMS. Embedded Real Time Systems: Concepts. Hard versus Soft Real-time systems – examples. Kritee Ramamritham – Real Time Operating Systems. Real Time Operating Systems (μC/OS):Real-Time Software Concepts. Mailboxes. POSIX Threads. 5. Directory. McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. Semaphore Management.Shin. Soft Real-time systems. 2. Real-time System Concepts. Lawrence: R & D Publications.Semester –II Elective-IV (any one) II –E-IV 1. Task Management. 2001. Critical Section – Reentrant Functions. 3. FPGA Design and I/O Resources 3. Signals and Variables 6. Architecture. Introduction to PLDs. 4. Introduction to VHDL. Concurrent Code and Sequential Code 5. Operators and Attributes. Entity. EDA tools. Library Declarations. SYSTEM DESIGN 1. Memory and Clocking 4. Advanced VHDL Circuit Design Examples. Packages. Advanced VHDL System Design Examples SYNTHESIS ON AN FPGA 1. Components and Configurations 2. State Machines 7. 2. Design Flow. Datapath /Controller Partioning 8.II –E-IV 2. Code Structure: Fundamentals of VHDL Units. 2. Application and End-Markets 35   . behavioral synthesis. Data Types. Functions & Procedures 3. Modeling and Synthesis with VHDL CIRCUIT DESIGN 1. place and route etc. Behavioral and Structural Description. CPLDS and FPGAS. Configuring an FPGA: RTL synthesis. 6. constraints. 3. Xilinx Spartan and Virtex Series FPGA 5. congruence.xilinx. biometric. Block ciphers. prime numbers. PKI 3: Hash functions and Access control Hash Functions: The Birthday problem and its relevance.References: Volnei A. Digital System Design with VHDL. 2004 Xilinx Online Resources: www. Ashenden P. SHA-512. security goals. Elsevier. Information theory. passwords. modular arithmetic. MIT Press. 2: Classical Cryptography Symmetric key cryptography : Stream ciphers. authentication II –E-IV 3. Kerberos. CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY 1: Introduction and Mathematics of Cryptography Introduction to System Security. Zwolinski M. Signature and Non-repudiation. 2004.J. Entropy of information.. AES Public key crypto: RSA. MD5. Pedroni.. uses of public key crypto. The Students Guide to VHDL. CAPTCHA 36   . Diffie Hellman. authentication methods. RC4. ACLs. mathematics of cryptography. DES. Circuit Design with VHDL. Fiestel cipher. and Capabilities. Access control matrix. 1999. Triple DES. A 5/1. Pearson. Confidentiality and Non-repudiation. Basic terminology. Euclidian algorithm. Uses of Hash functions Access Control: Authentication and Authorization. Basic number theory. 4: Network Security Basics and Application layer security [ Network security basics. IDS/ IPS systems. Cambridge University Press Security in computing by Pfleeger and Pfleeger (Pearson Education) 37   . Network vulnerabilities. TCP/IP Model and protocol flaws. S/MIME 5: Security at Transport layer Vulnerabilities at transport layer. ARP spoofing. Oded Goldreich .A Forouzan (TMH publication) Cryptography And Network Security by William Stallings (Pearson /prentice hall) Information security principles and practice by Mark Stamp (Wiley publication) Foundations of Cryptography . Honey Pots.Volume 1 and 2 : Basic Tools. session hijacking. SSL protocol and IPSEC protocol and their working 6: Security at Network layer Firewall. web site and web server vulnerabilities. Packet sniffing. Email security. IPSEC protocol and its operation Reference Books Cryptography and network Security by B. PGP. Cambridge. interconnect delay models and measurement of delay. Andrew Brown” VLSI Circuits and Systems in Silicon” McGraw Hill. An overview of advanced FPGAs and programmable SOCs : Architecture and configuration of Spartan II and Virtex II FPGAs . EPROM. 2. Z.DAA and computation of FFT and DCT. Kluwer Academy Publishers.1991 3. Programmable ASICs.J. Rox. G. placement and routing. Hardware/software codesign. EEPROM based ASICs. SDRAM and USB controllers. Processes and flows. ASIC physical design issues. Apex and Cyclone FPGAs. Uranesie. system partitioning. Text book 1. RazakHossain. Techniques for SOC testing. Configurable SOC. M. May. High performance filters using delta-sigma modulators. Types of ASICs. Antifuse. 1998 2. 3. 5. Case Studies: Digital camera. “Field Programmable Gate Arrays” . High performance algorithms for ASICS/ SOCS. SOC case studies.S. Bluetooth radio/modem.J.. Francis J. Haskard. 1992. Application Specific Integrated Circuit Design 1. Embedded software development for SOC. “ Analog VLSI Design. ASIC Construction Physical Design. R. Programmable interconnects. Virtex II PRO kits and Nios kits. Power dissipation Design issues in SOC. 4. Maclon R. 4. Education. OMAP. 38   . S.II –E-IV 4. SRAM. Programmable ASIC logic cells and I/O cells. Smith : Application Specific Integrated Circuits.Pearson. ASIC design flow. High Performance ASIC Design.D. CAD tools estimating ASIC size. Lan C. Design methodologies. floor planning.NMOS and CMOS” Prentice Hall. 2003 References: 1. Brown .
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