
March 28, 2018 | Author: Catacrack De los Bosques | Category: Adobe Flash, Action Script, Mac Os, Application Programming Interface, Installation (Computer Programs)



TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction Welcome System Requirements What's New in 2.5? Using Zinc v2.5 - Quickstart Guide Quickstart Tutorial Step 1 - Create New Document Step 2 - Add a Command Step 3 - Export to SWF Step 4 - Launch Zinc v2.5 Step 5 - Compile Projector Step 6 - Launch & Test Projector Workspace Workspace Overview Workspace > Input File Workspace > Style Workspace > Size & Position Workspace > Input Devices Workspace > Flash Settings Workspace > Installer Settings Workspace > Screensaver Options Workspace > Trial Options Workspace > Splash Screen Workspace > Version Information Workspace > Application Settings Workspace > Global/Secure Vars 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Workspace > Extensions Scripting with ZINC v2.5 Introduction FSCommands (Deprecated) What is a FSCommand? FSCommand Usage - Step 1 FSCommand Usage - Step 2 FSCommand Usage - Step 3 FSCommand Advanced Usage {mdm}Script 1.0 (Deprecated) What is {mdm}Script 1.0? {mdm}Script 1.0 Usage - Step 1 {mdm}Script 1.0 Usage - Step 2 {mdm}Script 1.0 Usage - Step 3 {mdm}Script 1.0 Advanced Usage {mdm}Script 2.0 What is {mdm}Script 2.0? {mdm}Script 2.0 Usage {mdm}Script 2.0 Advanced Usage Forms Forms Overview Working with Forms Templates Templates Overview Saving a Template Loading a Template CD/DVD Burning Creating a CD/DVD Icon Resources ICO 30 31 33 34 36 37 38 40 42 43 44 45 47 48 50 52 53 55 56 58 60 ICO Overview Adding an ICO Resource ICNS ICNS Overview Adding an ICNS Resource Installers Overview Building an Installer Mac OSX Overview Compiling for Mac OSX from Windows CMD Edition Introduction Quickstart Guide Mapping Network Locations Application Development Guide Overview Considerations Tutorials Command Line Parameters Introduction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Creating an Extension Introduction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 63 64 65 66 67 68 71 72 75 76 79 82 84 86 87 88 89 90 91 94 98 101 Step 5 Custom File Menu Introduction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Database Connectivity Introduction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Masking Projectors Introduction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Packing & Extracting Files Introduction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Socket Communication Introduction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Using Video Introduction 102 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 127 128 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Global & Secure Variables Introduction Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 {mdm}Script 2.0 API mdm.ActiveX Constructor mdm.ActiveX() Methods ActiveX.addMethodParam() ActiveX.close() ActiveX.doVerbCustom() ActiveX.doVerbDiscardUndoState() ActiveX.doVerbHide() ActiveX.doVerbInPlaceActivate() ActiveX.doVerbPrimary() ActiveX.doVerbOpen() ActiveX.doVerbShow() ActiveX.doVerbUIActivate() ActiveX.getProperty() ActiveX.hide() ActiveX.loadObject() ActiveX.runMethod() ActiveX.runMethodRet() ActiveX.saveDoc() 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 140 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 158 160 ActiveX.saveObject() ActiveX.setProperty() Properties ActiveX.height ActiveX.visible ActiveX.width ActiveX.x ActiveX.y mdm.Application Objects Application.Library Methods Application.Library.extractAllToDir() Application.Library.extractAllToExecPath() Application.Library.extractToExecPath() Application.Library.extractToFile() Application.Library.extractToVar() Application.Screensaver Methods Application.Screensaver.mouseMoveExits() Application.Timer Methods Application.Timer.start() Application.Timer.stop() Application.Timer.stopAll() Events onTimerX Application.Trial Methods 161 162 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 186 187 188 189 Application.Trial.activate() Application.Trial.evaluate() Application.Trial.resetTimer() Properties Application.Trial.daysLeft Application.Trial.expired Application.Trial.tampered Application.Trial.usesLeft Methods Application.bringToFront() Application.delay() Application.doEvents() Application.enableExitHandler() Application.exit() Application.exitWithCode() Application.exitWithModalResult() Application.getCMDParams() Application.getEnvVar() Application.getSecureVar() Application.maximize() Application.minimize() Application.minimizeToTray() Application.printVar() Application.restore() Application.say() Application.sendToBack() Application.setEnvVar() Application.shake() Application.showTips() Application.textAreaEnhance() 190 191 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 204 205 207 209 210 211 212 213 215 217 218 219 220 222 223 225 Properties Application.filename Application.filenameUnicode Application.filenameUnix Application.isMinimized Application.path Application.pathUnicode Application.pathUnix Application.title Events onAppChangeFocus onAppExit onAppMinimize onAppRestore onArrowKeyPress onBottomHit onDragDrop onFormChangeFocus onFormClose onFormMaximize onFormMinimize onFormReposition onFormResize onFormRestore onLeftHit onMDMScriptException onMDMScriptExceptionOSX onRightHit onSplashClosed onTopHit 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 252 253 254 255 mdm.AppleScript Methods AppleScript.compileScript() AppleScript.getCompilationError() AppleScript.getLastError() AppleScript.getProperty() AppleScript.getResult() AppleScript.runEvent() AppleScript.setProperty() AppleScript.setScript() mdm.Browser Constructor mdm.Browser() Methods Browser.addFavorite() Browser.back() Browser.close() Browser.forward() Browser.goto() Browser.gotoTarget() Browser.hide() Browser.print() Browser.printCopies() Browser.printFooter() Browser.printHeader() Browser.printHTMLHeader() Browser.printMargins() Browser.printOrientation() Browser.printPreview() 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 264 266 267 269 272 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 Browser.refresh() Browser.setSourceInTarget() Browser.stop() Properties Browser.favorites Browser.height Browser.isBusy Browser.source Browser.title Browser.url Browser.userAgent Browser.visible Browser.width Browser.x Browser.y Events onDocumentComplete mdm.Clipboard Methods Clipboard.clear() Clipboard.copy() Clipboard.copyString() Clipboard.cut() Clipboard.paste() mdm.COMPort Methods COMPort.close() COMPort.send() 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 315 316 318 COMPort.sendFileContents() COMPort.sendHEXData() COMPort.setBreak() COMPort.setDTR() COMPort.setEcho() COMPort.setRTS() COMPort.setXON() COMPort.setXOFF() COMPort.unsetBreak() COMPort.unsetDTR() COMPort.unsetRTS() COMPort.useLineMode() COMPort.useThreshold() Properties COMPort.initialDTR COMPort.initialRTS COMPort.ports Events onCOMPortCTSChanged onCOMPortDSRChanged onCOMPortData onCOMPortHEXData onCOMPortDataSent onCOMPortError onCOMPortSendProgress mdm.Database Objects Database.ADO Methods Database.ADO.close() 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 343 344 345 347 Database.ADO.connect() Database.ADO.error() Database.ADO.errorDetails() Database.ADO.getBlob() Database.ADO.getData() Database.ADO.getField() Database.ADO.getHTML() Database.ADO.getRecordCount() Database.ADO.getXML() Database.ADO.runQuery() Database.ADO.success() Database.MSAccess Methods Database.MSAccess.close() Database.MSAccess.compact() Database.MSAccess.connect() Database.MSAccess.connectAbs() Database.MSAccess.connectReadOnly() Database.MSAccess.connectReadOnlyAbs() Database.MSAccess.error() Database.MSAccess.errorDetails() Database.MSAccess.getBlob() Database.MSAccess.getData() Database.MSAccess.getField() Database.MSAccess.getHTML() Database.MSAccess.getRecordCount() Database.MSAccess.getXML() Database.MSAccess.runQuery() 348 350 351 352 354 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 375 377 378 379 380 381 382 Database.MSAccess.success() Database.MySQL Methods Database.MySQL.close() Database.MySQL.connect() Database.MySQL.getData() Database.MySQL.getField() Database.MySQL.getLastError() Database.MySQL.getLastInsertedId() Database.MySQL.getRecordCount() Database.MySQL.getStatus() Database.MySQL.isConnected Database.MySQL.runQuery mdm.Dialogs Objects Dialogs.BrowseFile Methods Dialogs.BrowseFile.showCreatorCode() Properties Dialogs.BrowseFile.allowMultiple Dialogs.BrowseFile.buttonText Dialogs.BrowseFile.creatorCode Dialogs.BrowseFile.defaultDirectory Dialogs.BrowseFile.defaultExtension Dialogs.BrowseFile.defaultFilename Dialogs.BrowseFile.dialogText Dialogs.BrowseFile.filterList Dialogs.BrowseFile.filterText Dialogs.BrowseFile.title 383 384 386 387 389 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 400 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode Methods Properties Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode.allowMultiple Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode.defaultDirectory Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode.defaultExtension Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode.defaultFilename Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode.filterList Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode.title Dialogs.BrowseFileToSave Methods Dialogs.BrowseFolder Methods Properties Dialogs.BrowseFolder.defaultDirectory Dialogs.BrowseFolder.title Methods Dialogs.inputBox() Dialogs.prompt() Dialogs.promptUnicode() Dialogs.promptAdv() Dialogs.promptAdvUnicode() Dialogs.promptModal() Dialogs.promptModalUnicode() mdm.DLL Constructor mdm.DLL() 414 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 436 438 440 442 443 Methods DLL.addParameter() DLL.clear() DLL.close() mdm.Encryption Methods Encryption.decryptFile() Encryption.decryptString() Encryption.encryptFile() Encryption.encryptString() mdm.Exception Objects Exception.DebugWindow Methods Exception.DebugWindow.hide() Exception.DebugWindow.trace() Methods Exception.disableHandler() Exception.enableHandler() Exception.resetHandler() Exception.showErrors() Exception.trapErrors() mdm.FileExplorer Objects FileExplorer.ComboBox Methods FileExplorer.ComboBox.getPath() FileExplorer.ComboBox.hide() 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 FileExplorer.ComboBox.setPath() FileExplorer.ListView Methods FileExplorer.ListView.dblClickExecutes() FileExplorer.ListView.getItems() FileExplorer.ListView.getSelected() FileExplorer.ListView.hide() FileExplorer.ListView.hideHiddenFiles() FileExplorer.ListView.showHiddenFiles() FileExplorer.ListView.setViewStyle() FileExplorer.TreeView Methods FileExplorer.TreeView.getSelected() FileExplorer.TreeView.getPath() FileExplorer.TreeView.hide() FileExplorer.TreeView.hideHiddenFiles() FileExplorer.TreeView.setPath() FileExplorer.TreeView.showHiddenFiles() Methods FileExplorer.init() Events onFileListViewDblClick mdm.FileSystem Objects FileSystem.BinaryFile FileSystem.BinaryFile.appendData() FileSystem.BinaryFile.setData() 468 470 472 473 474 476 477 478 479 480 482 484 485 486 487 488 489 491 493 494 495 497 501 502 503 FileSystem.BinaryFile.writeData() Methods FileSystem.appendFile() FileSystem.appendFileUnicode() FileSystem.copyFile() FileSystem.copyFileUnicode() FileSystem.copyFolder() FileSystem.createShortcut() FileSystem.deleteFile() FileSystem.deleteFileUnicode() FileSystem.deleteFolder() FileSystem.deleteFolderUnicode() FileSystem.fileExists() FileSystem.fileExistsUnicode() FileSystem.findFile() FileSystem.folderExists() FileSystem.folderExistsUnicode() FileSystem.getAssociation() FileSystem.getCurrentDir() FileSystem.getCurrentDirUnicode() FileSystem.getFileAttribs() FileSystem.getFileCreator() FileSystem.getFileDate() FileSystem.getFileSize() FileSystem.getFileTime() FileSystem.getFileType() FileSystem.getFileList() FileSystem.getFolderList() FileSystem.getFolderSize() FileSystem.getLongPathName() 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 FileSystem.getShortPathName() FileSystem.loadFile() FileSystem.loadFileHEX() FileSystem.loadFileUnicode() FileSystem.makeFolder() FileSystem.makeFolderUnicode() FileSystem.saveFile() FileSystem.saveFileHEX() FileSystem.saveFileUnicode() FileSystem.setCurrentDir() FileSystem.setCurrentDirUnicode() FileSystem.setFileAttribs() mdm.Flash Methods Flash.allowScale() Flash.baseURL() Flash.callFunction() Flash.callFunctionUnicode() Flash.getVar() Flash.getVarUnicode() Flash.loadMovie() Flash.setShowAllMode() Flash.setSWFDir() Flash.setSWFDirAdv() Flash.setVar() Flash.setVarUnicode() mdm.Forms Methods Forms.addMask() Forms.callFunction() 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 543 544 545 546 548 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 563 566 567 Forms.callFunctionUnicode() Forms.constraints() Forms.dndDisable() Forms.dndEnable() Forms.goToFrame() Forms.goToLabel() Forms.hide() Forms.hideMask() Forms.hideCaption() Forms.hideStatusBar() Forms.maximize() Forms.minimize() Forms.restore() Forms.setFocus() Forms.setStatusBarText() Forms.shake() Forms.showFullScreen() Forms.showInScreen() Forms.showMask() Forms.showModal() Forms.showStatusBar() Forms.startDrag() Forms.stopDrag() Properties Forms.alpha Forms.baseURL Forms.bgColor Forms.height Forms.isCreated 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 Forms.title Forms.titleUnicode Forms.visible Forms.width Forms.windowState Forms.x Forms.y mdm.FTP Constructor mdm.FTP() Methods FTP.abort() FTP.chDir() FTP.close() FTP.deleteDir() FTP.deleteFile() FTP.dirExists() FTP.fileExists() FTP.getDirAttribs() FTP.getDirDateTime() FTP.getFile() FTP.getFileList() FTP.getFileAttribs() FTP.getFileDateTime() FTP.getFileSize() FTP.getFolderList() FTP.login() FTP.makeDir() FTP.moveFile() FTP.refresh() 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 609 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 622 624 625 626 627 629 630 631 632 FTP.renameFile() FTP.resumePosition() FTP.sendCommand() FTP.sendFile() FTP.setProxy() Properties FTP.account FTP.async FTP.bytesTransfered FTP.currentDir FTP.error FTP.initialDir FTP.isBusy FTP.isConnected FTP.lastReply FTP.loggerData FTP.NOOP FTP.passive FTP.serverType FTP.success FTP.supportsResume FTP.timeout FTP.transferMode FTP.transferTime Events onAborted onBusy onConnected onDirChanged onDirCreated 633 635 636 637 639 641 642 643 644 645 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 onDirDeleted onError onFileDeleted onFileReceived onFileRenamed onFileSent onFileTransfered onIndexFileReceived onListingDone onLoggedIn onQuit onReady onResolvedLinks mdm.HTTP Constructor mdm.HTTP() Methods HTTP.abort() HTTP.close() HTTP.getFile() HTTP.getString() Events onBinaryTransferComplete onError onProgress onTransferComplete mdm.Image Objects Image.ScreenCapture Image.ScreenCapture.toBmp() 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 692 694 Image.ScreenCapture.toBmpAlt() Image.ScreenCapture.toJpg() Image.ScreenCapture.movieAreaToBmp() Image.ScreenCapture.movieAreaToBmpAlt() Image.ScreenCapture.movieToBmp() Image.ScreenCapture.movieToBmpAlt() Methods Image.bmpToJpg() Image.bmpToJpgAdv() Image.bmpToPng() Image.getJpgSize() Image.getSwfHeader() Image.jpgToBmp() Image.jpgToSwf() Image.jpgToSwfSlideShow() Image.pngToSwf() Image.pngToSwfTransparent() Image.setJpgSize() mdm.Input Objects Input.Joystick Methods Input.Joystick.enable() Input.Joystick.disable() Input.Joystick.setKey() Events onJoystick1ButtonDown onJoystick1Move onJoystick2ButtonDown onJoystick2Move 696 697 698 700 701 702 703 704 705 707 708 709 710 711 713 714 715 717 718 719 721 722 724 726 728 730 Input.Mouse Methods Input.Mouse.getPosition() Input.Mouse.generateEvent() Input.Mouse.setCursor() Input.Mouse.setPosition() Input.Mouse.hide() Input.Tablet Methods Input.Tablet.enable() Input.Tablet.disable() Events onTabletEvent Input.Twain Methods Input.Twain.acquire() mdm.MacShell Methods MacShell.close() MacShell.exec() Properties MacShell.exitCode MacShell.isRunning MacShell.output mdm.MediaPlayer6 Constructor mdm.MediaPlayer6() Methods MediaPlayer6.close() 732 733 734 736 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 758 760 hide() MediaPlayer6.mute() MediaPlayer6.volume MediaPlayer6.close() 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 787 789 .isInstalled MediaPlayer6.noMenu() MediaPlayer6.MediaPlayer6.height MediaPlayer6.MediaPlayer9() Methods MediaPlayer6.stop() Properties MediaPlayer6.width MediaPlayer6.fastReverse() MediaPlayer6.canScan MediaPlayer6.canSeek MediaPlayer6.position MediaPlayer6.fullscreen() MediaPlayer6.pause() MediaPlayer6.x MediaPlayer6.visible MediaPlayer6.MediaPlayer9 Constructor mdm.y Events onMPChangeState mdm.fastForward() MediaPlayer6.balance MediaPlayer6.duration MediaPlayer6. isInstalled MediaPlayer9.source MediaPlayer9.MediaPlayer9.y Events onWMP9Buffering 790 791 792 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 .height MediaPlayer9.canSeek MediaPlayer9.fastReverse() MediaPlayer9.canScan MediaPlayer9.x MediaPlayer9.position MediaPlayer9.pause() MediaPlayer9.stop() Properties MediaPlayer9.fastForward() MediaPlayer9.width MediaPlayer9.volume MediaPlayer9.mediaHeight MediaPlayer9.mediaName MediaPlayer9.mediaWidth MediaPlayer9.featureAvailable() MediaPlayer9.visible MediaPlayer9.balance MediaPlayer9.hide() MediaPlayer9.duration MediaPlayer9.currentMarker MediaPlayer9.mute() MediaPlayer9.markerCount MediaPlayer9. Context.menuType Events onContextMenuClick_* Menu.itemEnabled() Menu.itemChecked() Menu.Context.insertDivider() Menu.removeHeader() Menu.Main.Context.Main.Context.itemVisible() Menu.Main.itemVisible() Menu.enable() Menu.Main.Main.Context.disable() Menu.Main.Main.removeItem() Properties 819 821 822 823 824 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 836 838 840 841 842 844 845 846 847 848 .Context.insertItem() Menu.Context.removeItem() Properties Menu.Main Methods Menu.Menu Objects Menu.Main.Context Methods Menu.onWMP9ChangeState onWMP9Error onWMP9PositionChanged mdm.Context.insertDivider() Menu.itemEnabled() Menu.insertItem() Menu.insertHeader() Menu.Context.itemChecked() Menu. Tray.itemChecked() Menu.itemVisible() Menu.showBalloon() Menu.HTTPD.iconHint Events onTrayMenuClick_* mdm.Menu.HTTPD.startServer() Network.Tray.HTTPD.Main.Tray.Tray.menuType Events onMenuClick_* Menu.HTTPD Methods Network.Tray.Tray.setResponse() Network.Tray Methods Menu.resume() Network.Tray.Tray.Tray.menuType Menu.Network Objects Network.itemEnabled() Menu.Tray.HTTPD.insertItem() Menu.setIcon() Menu.hideIcon() Menu.insertDivider() Menu.showIcon() Properties Menu.removeItem() Menu.Tray.stopServer() Events onRequest 849 851 853 855 856 857 859 860 861 862 863 864 866 867 869 870 872 874 875 876 877 879 880 881 .Tray. FileServer.TCP.FileServer.getFile() Network.TCP.startServer() Network.TCP.Mail.FileServer.getFileList() Network.send() Network.Socket.setProxy() Network.TCP.startServer() Network.ProxyHTTP.sendFile() Network.TCP.TCP Objects Network.ProxyHTTP Methods Network.Network.Socket.UDP Objects Network.Mail.FileServer.getString() Network.Mail.send() Network.stopServer() Network.getFile() Network.Mail Methods Network.FileServer Methods Network.ProxyHTTP.TCP.UDP.stopServer() Events onData 882 883 885 887 889 890 891 892 893 894 896 897 898 899 900 901 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 .broadcast() Network.Socket.Socket.Socket Methods Network.TCP.getFolderList() Network.FileServer.TCP.UDP.TCP.sendNoAuth() Network.ProxyHTTP.UDP.sendClientSide() Network.TCP.UDP.FileServer.UDP.TCP. setBuffer() Network.isPresent mdm.getProgressMax() Network.UDP.stopServer() Methods Network.TFTP.UDP.UDP.TFTP Methods Network.UDP.getFile() Network.setTimeOut() Network.TFTP.TFTP.TFTP.TFTP.PDF6() Methods PDF6.UDP.UDP.UDP.getURL() Properties Network.UDP.UDP.abort() Network.checkConnectionAdv() Network.UDP.TFTP.getMACAddress() Network.firstPage() 910 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 935 937 938 .UDP.setTransferMode() Network.checkConnection() Network.setBlockSize() Network.checkConnectionPing() Network.TFTP.Network.getProgressCurrent() Network.UDP.getHostbyIP() Network.TFTP.close() PDF6.IPAddress Network.startServer() Network.TFTP.sendFile() Network.TFTP.PDF6 Constructor mdm.getIPbyHost() Network.TFTP. printWithDialog() PDF6.nextPage() PDF7.close() PDF7.printAll() PDF6.print() 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 959 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 .PDF7 Constructor mdm.toolbar PDF6.PDF6.firstPage() PDF7.visible PDF6.x PDF6.width PDF6.height PDF6.loadFile() PDF7.hide() PDF6.loadFile() PDF6.nextPage() PDF6.hide() PDF7.previousPage() PDF6.y mdm.print() PDF6.PDF7() Methods PDF7.scrollbars PDF6.lastPage() Properties PDF6.lastPage() PDF6.printPages() PDF6.setCurrentPage() PDF6. previousPage() PDF7.toolbar PDF7.lastId mdm.printAll() PDF7.setCurrentPage() PDF7.printPages() PDF7.hide() QuickTime.killById() Properties Process.visible Properties PDF7.hideControl() QuickTime.close() QuickTime.create() Process.printWithDialog() PDF7.Process Methods Process.QuickTime Constructor mdm.width PDF7.mute() 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 985 986 987 988 990 992 993 994 995 .x PDF7.PDF7.QuickTime() Methods QuickTime.close() Process.y mdm.kill() Process.height PDF7.scrollbars PDF7. RealMedia.fullscreen() RealMedia.showControl() QuickTime.width QuickTime.stop() Properties QuickTime.close() RealMedia.position QuickTime.pause() RealMedia.visible QuickTime.RealMedia() Methods RealMedia.isInstalled QuickTime.duration QuickTime.isInstalled 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1010 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 .normalSize() RealMedia.height QuickTime.x QuickTime.duration RealMedia.y mdm.height RealMedia.stop() Properties RealMedia.hide() RealMedia.mute() RealMedia.RealMedia Constructor mdm. swAudio() Shockwave.swBanner() Shockwave.goToFrame() Shockwave.RealMedia.swSound() Shockwave.swPreLoadTime() Shockwave.x RealMedia.swName() Shockwave.close() Shockwave.swColor() Shockwave.goToMovie() Shockwave.position RealMedia.swText() Shockwave.rewind() Shockwave.y mdm.stop() Shockwave.Shockwave() Methods Shockwave.swList() Shockwave.Shockwave Constructor mdm.evaluateScript() Shockwave.swPassword() Shockwave.swBackColor() Shockwave.swForeColor() Shockwave.swVolume() Properties 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1032 1034 1035 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 .width Shockwave.visible RealMedia.swFrame() Shockwave. commonPrograms System.commonAppData System.width Shockwave.allUsersAppData System.allUsersStartMenu System.DirectX.disable() System.position() String.Paths.String Methods String.Paths Properties System.Paths.Paths.visible Shockwave.Paths.Paths.DirectX.DirectX Methods System.enable() System.allUsersPrograms System.currentFrame Shockwave.JScript.y mdm.JScript Methods System.commonAdminTools System.x Shockwave.Shockwave.replace() mdm.Paths.Paths.height Shockwave.System Objects System.execute() System.allUsersStartup System.bgcolor Shockwave.commonStartMenu 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1069 1070 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 .Paths. windows System.Paths.recent System.Paths.startup System.Registry.Registry.Paths.Paths.programs System.keyExists() System.Registry.Paths.Paths.programFiles System.history System.Paths.Registry.loadBoolean() System.personal System.Registry.Registry.commonStartup System.system System.Registry Methods System.Paths.Paths.hasSubKeys() System.getValueNames() System.Registry.Paths.desktop System.startMenu System.deleteTree() System.Paths.Registry.loadInteger() System.Paths.Paths.getKeyNames() System.cookies System.Paths.Paths.loadString() 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1105 1107 1108 1109 1111 1113 1115 1117 1118 1120 1122 .load() System.Paths.appData System.Registry.favorites System.temp System.Registry.createKey() System.fonts System.deleteKey() System.System. Registry.System.logOff() System.Registry.getTotalSpace() System.saveBoolean() System.openCDTray() System.Registry.powerOff() System.hideTaskBar() System.saveString() System.getMasterVolume() System.execStdOut() System.VBScript Methods System.loadMultiSz() System.getDisplayModes() System.Registry.getHDSerial() System.Registry.getWaveVolume() System.exec() System.hibernate() System.execUnicode() System.saveInteger() System.getResolution() System.VBScript.execute() Methods System.getWaveBalance() System.restart() 1124 1126 1127 1129 1131 1133 1135 1136 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1158 1159 .Registry.postMessage() System.getWindowList() System.saveMultiSz() System.closeCDTray() System.getFreeSpace() System. screenWidth System.CDDrive System.winVerString System.setWallpaperAlt() System.showTaskBar() System.macVerString System.System.isAdmin System.servicePack System.computerOwner System.setWindowFocus() System.setWaveVolumeAdv() System.localTime System.CPUSpeed System.language System.RAMSize System.computerCompany System.taskBarBlink() Properties System.shutDown() System.winVerStringDetail Troubleshooting 1160 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 .setResolution() System.setMasterVolume() System.screenHeight System.suspend() System.setWallpaper() System.setWaveBalance() System.sendMessage() System.setWaveVolume() System.computerName System. Common Questions Are Shared Libraries Supported? Drag & Drop SWF Files onto Zinc v2 Events not Working Loading External SWF's Loading External FLV's Moving Mac OSX Projectors to the Trash Using Commas in Parameters What is the Flash OCX? What is the "ELNTFCASTEROOR" Error? What is the [Type Function] Error? Product Support MDM Support Forum Product Updates Contact Support Team 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 . 5 Zinc™ v2. Mac OSX*.Create Desktop Applications for Windows. Manipulate files and folders. style.5 empowers your Macromedia Flash Files with unrivaled functionality and flexibility. Pocket PC* and even Linux* from the Macromedia Flash® SWF File Format.5 can completely customize every aspect of your Application from size. Create Powerful Desktop Application with over 800 new and extremely powerful commands for your Flash Projects. Pocket PC and/or Linux Export .Welcome to Zinc™ v2. *Additional Components required for Mac OSX. negotiate HTTP and FTP connections. Zinc™ v2. and it's powerful scripting support allows unrivaled functionality.5 is the ultimate Rapid Application Development Tool for Macromedia Flash® . Zinc™ v2. border and icon. 8 1024 x 768 resolution or higher Mac OSX Minimum Requirements G3 300mhz 128mb RAM or higher 100mb Free HD Space Mac OS 10. 8 800 x 600 resolution or higher Mac OSX Recommended Requirements G4 800mhz 256mb RAM or higher 200mb Free HD Space Mac OS 10. the following System Requirements are necessary: PC Minimum Requirements Pentium 2 350mhz or higher 64mb RAM or higher 100mb Free HD Space Windows 98SE. Adobe LiveMotion 1 and 2.0 requires Flash Format 6.System Requirements To successfully install and run Zinc™ v2. 6. 7 or 8 . 8 1024 x 768 resolution or higher SWF Movies must be authored in dedicated SWF creation software. 5. Other SWF Authoring tools are also compatible.5 will work with SWF's generated from any of the following software titles: Macromedia Flash 5. 8 800 x 600 resolution or higher PC Recommended Requirements Pentium 3 500mhz or higher 256mb RAM or higher 500mb Free HD Space Windows XP Compatible with Macromedia Flash 4. *{mdm}Script™ 2.5 Compatible with Macromedia Flash 4. although Zinc™ v2. XP Compatible with Macromedia Flash 4. but they may not support the input of Actionscript. 7. 5. ME. MX2004. 2000. 5. MX. NT. 7. Swish 2 and MAX. 6.5. 6. We recommend using Macromedia Flash MX or higher.2. 5.x Compatible with Macromedia Flash 4. 6. 7. 7. 8. power and possibilities to your Flash based Application Development. {mdm}Script™ 2.0..What's New in 2. In addition. along with some great enhancements designed specifically for OSX.5 is more than just an upgrade.0 and 2.5 is now available. The new features in Zinc™ v2. Intervals or any other "workarounds"..True Synchronous and/or Asynchronous behavior on both Windows and Mac OSX means you can work smarter.0 .0 is as simple and straightforward as using ActionScript.5 Features: · Macromedia Flash® 8 Compatible Zinc™ v2. Best of all. features over 800 methods.5? Zinc™ v2. Zinc v2.0 Scripting Engine! {mdm}Script™ 2. New 2.Using {mdm}Script™ 2.5 now features an all new {mdm}Script™ 2.0 is 100% Synchronous! This means that code is executed in the correct order eliminating the need to use Call Backs.5 is the First and Only SWF2EXE Application which provides the ability to switch between Synchronous and Asynchronous Scripting during runtime on both Windows and Mac OSX. natively.5 is 100% Flash® 8 Compatible! This means you can start working with the latest release of Flash without the worry of compatibility. We've also updated the embedded OCX Control to use the latest Flash Player 8. it's an evolution. You choose the best method for your Project . Synchronous & Asynchronous Scripting {mdm}Script™ 2. Zinc™ v2. {mdm}Script™ 2.0 provides a true Object Orientated Approach to Programming and is integrated directly with ActionScript 1. properties and events for use in ActionScript! Virtually anything can · · · · .0 is available in your Project without the need to initialize it first. Loops. for both Windows and Mac OSX! The all new Mac OSX IDE Version features the same intuitive and familiar User Interface as the long established Windows version. not harder.0 Following the success of {mdm}Script™. Over 800 Commands The all new Zinc™ v2 Scripting API. Native Windows & Mac OSX Versions Zinc v2.5 provide even greater productivity. {mdm}Script™ 2. you can create "Trial" applications by limiting your projector to number of uses. 100+ Projector Skins Instantly give your Projectors and Applications a unique look and feel with over 50 pre-designed Skins . which allows advanced development of applications. number of days use. Zinc™ v2 is the only SWF2EXE tool which offers multiple window applications based upon the Macromedia Flash® Format! 100% Standalone Projectors A key improvement. In achieved "out of the box" making {mdm}Script™ 2. In addition. Projector Transitions Build applications which morph.0 the most powerful 3rd Party Scripting API for Macromedia Flash.0 Features and Exclusives · Form Based Development Zinc™ v2 embraces a form based visual programming environment. Using advanced OCX handling Techniques. Zinc™ v2 now builds completely standalone Projectors. Transparency is also supported on Windows 98SE Systems! Build Installers and Trial Protected Projectors Zinc™ v2 now allows you to compile a custom installer for your application. In addition.You can even specify a different skin for each form! Make your projectors look like Windows XP or Mac OSX applications or even dress them with a completely unique look! · · · · · . Previous Zinc™ v2. this makes Zinc™ v2.5 the Ultimate SWF2EXE Application. fade and scroll onto your desktop! Projector transitions are unique to Zinc™ v2 and add incredible creative functionality to your desktop applications. Combined with the groundbreaking features of the compiling engine. blend. or even to a specific date. Zinc™ v2 Projectors will now run even if the end system does not have the Flash OCX installed. PC Windows 2000 and XP Projectors now benefit from pixel perfect transparency and alpha blending which means you can create amazing transparent desktop applications. Admin Rights are no longer required! Pixel Perfect Transparency Transparency in Zinc™ v2 has been greatly improved. Improved GUI The Zinc™ v2 workspace has been greatly improved whilst retaining the ease of use from the original version. Zinc™ v2 builds upon the popular tab system of the original and provides a larger workspace to house the additional features. the GUI can also be maximized to full screen if required. project. Virtually every aspect of Zinc™ v2 can be extended through official MDM Plug-in's or 3rd Party Extensions. Extendable Architecture Zinc™ v2 has been built upon an extendable architecture. you can create a CD or DVD ready for distribution! *CD Writer Required for CD Burning.· Burn directly to CD/DVD Zinc™ v2 now allows you to burn your application. DVD Writer Required for DVD Burning. Export to Windows & Mac OSX Zinc™ v2 is the World's First SWF2EXE Application that provides export to both Windows PC and Mac OSX* Projectors! Create Cross-Platform Projectors from a single SWF source with over 100 Zinc™ v2 Commands supported on Mac OSX Projectors! *With Optional Mac OSX PLug-In · · · . In addition. setup files directly to CD or DVD without using any external software! Once you have completed a project. Users can even develop their own range of extensions in C++ or VBScript. 5 offers unrivaled ease of use which means that even novice users can begin to create real Desktop Applications within minutes! This Quickstart guide is aimed at users who are completely new to the concept of SWF2EXE applications.5 is extremely powerful. We recommend that you adopt {mdm}Script™ 2. complete with a custom {mdm}Script Command! NOTE: Although there are many ways to code in Zinc™ v2. offering the functionality and possibilities provided by popular Application Development Environments such as C++.0 as it is the most recent and most powerful Scripting Engine for Zinc™.0 in all of your future projects. but otherwise. Visual Basic and Delphi.5. It requires the end user to have a basic understanding of Flash Actionscripting.5 Projector. this Quickstart Tutorial demonstrates the usage of {mdm}Script™ 2. Zinc™ v2.Quickstart Tutorial Zinc™ v2. no previous experience is required! Follow the Quickstart Steps to create and build your first Zinc™ v2. However. . Swish MAX & Adobe LiveMotion.5 can use SWF's generated with most SWF authoring tools including Swish. Continue to Step 2 . Create a new button or select a pre-made one from the Flash Button Library.Quickstart Tutorial Step 1 . Add this button anywhere on your Canvas. but we do recommend using Macromedia Flash). (Zinc™ v2.Create a New Document Create a New File in your preferred SWF Authoring tool. 0 Command With the button selected.Dialogs. Enter the Syntax as shown in the Movie below: Your final code should look like this: on(release){ mdm. expand the Actionscript Syntax Window and enter the following ActionScript: on(release){ } We can now insert the appropriate {mdm}Script™ 2.prompt("Hello World").Add a {mdm}Script™ 2. } Continue to Step 3 . we want to execute a simple Prompt Dialog.Quickstart Tutorial Step 2 .0 Command within the on(release) event. In this case. Export to SWF From your SWF Authoring Tool.Quickstart Tutorial Step 3 . export your project as a SWF. The screenshot below is taken from Macromedia Flash MX 2004: Continue to Step 4 . Launch Zinc™ v2.5 and start a new project. Continue to Step 5 . Select the SWF you created in Step 3 from the Input Source: The Output File will automatically populate once you select an Input Source. You can change the Output Filename and Path if you wish.5 Launch Zinc™ v2.Quickstart Tutorial Step 4 . Quickstart Tutorial Step 5 . or you can simply click on Build to compile your Projector with default settings.5 and customize the appearance of your Projector. The Build button is always in view in the lower right hand corner (You can also press F12 on Windows to Build): Continue to Step 6 .Compile Projector You can click on each Tab in Zinc™ v2. 5 Projector complete with {mdm}Script™ 2. click Cancel and then navigate to the compiled Projector and double click on it. click on the button you created in Step 2 and the mdm. simply click on OK. Once the Projector launches.prompt() Command should execute a simple Prompt Dialog with the custom message "Hello World": Congratulations.Dialogs.0 Command! Related Topics Scripting with Zinc 2.5 Application Development Guide . To launch the Projector.Launch & Test Projector Once you have clicked on Build. you have compiled your first Zinc™ v2. or alternatively. you will be prompted when the Projector is compiled.Quickstart Tutorial Step 6 . whilst specific Projector Settings can be accessed via the Toolbar (1) or the Tab Structure (3). Common elements are always in view. (1) The Toolbar can be used to cycle through the various Projector Settings (2) The Forms Window will display any forms created for your Application.Workspace Overview The Zinc™ v2 workspace has been greatly improved whilst retaining the ease of use from the original version. . Zinc™ v2 builds upon the popular tab system of the original and provides a larger workspace to house the additional features. Selecting a specific Form will display the settings for that Form only. (3) The Main Tab Structure can be used to cycle through the various Projector Settings. All settings and option are displayed in this middle area. (5) The Library and CD-Rom/Installer File windows are used to pack external Files into the Projector. (6) The Build Button is always located in the lower right hand corner. or create a CD/Installer Structure.(4) A Preview of your selected SWF file will be displayed in the Preview Window. . You can compile your Project at any time by pressing this button. This can be a local SWF File or a SWF online. If you wish to change the output destination.Workspace . Using an online SWF is only recommended for Advanced Users.Input File The Input File Settings are shown below: (1) Enter a Form Caption for the current selected Form. (2) Select a SWF file. you can do so. (3) When an Input file is selected. . the Output destination is automatically entered. Workspace . The default settings are configured to standard Windows specification. (3) Window Settings which apply regardless of Window Style are displayed here. but each individual Form can have a different Window Style. Only one Window Style can be applied to a Form. (2) The Options for the selected Window Style will be displayed here. Each selected option has it's own unique settings which will be displayed (2).Style The Style Settings are shown below: (1) Select a Window Style. . The option "Screen Percentage" allows you to set a relative size in %. (2) (3) The Options for the selected Window Size will be displayed here.Size & Position The Size & Position Settings are shown below: (1) Select a Window Size. The option "Movie Size" will set th Projector to the SWF Movie Size. Each selected option has it's own unique settings which will be displayed (2). Extra settings and Form Behaviour Options are available here.Workspace . . .Input Devices The Input Devices Tab is shown below: Mouse Settings (1) (2) (3) Apply an Action to the Left Mouse Button..Workspace . Apply an Action to the Middle Mouse Button. Apply an Action to the Right Mouse Button. Keyboard Settings . (1) Disable or enable Key Combinations. Joystick Settings . for Joystick 2. Tablet Settings .(1) (2) If Joystick is enabled you can select the Emulation Type to use. As above. (1) Enable/Disable Graphic Tablet. . . the items outside of the SWF canvas area will not be shown in your Projector.Flash Settings The Flash Settings are shown below: (1) Specify a Background and Frame color for your SWF Projector. default values will be applied from the Input SWF.Workspace . (2) Additional Flash Movie Settings are displayed here. If left empty. (3) Flash Movie Quality Settings. If you select the "Clip Movie at Borders" option. . Messages and Install Locations by clicking on the sub-Tabs. You can change Installer Images. Note Additional Files can be packed into your Installer by adding them to the "CDRom/Installer Files" Window.Workspace . Installer options will be displayed here. (2) Once selected.Installer Settings The Installer Settings are shown below: (1) Select this option to compile an Installer for your Application. (2) Once selected. Settings BMP and Custom Text here. you can specify a Preview SWF.Screensaver Options The Screensaver Settings are shown below: (1) Select this option to compile a Screensaver (SCR) instead of an Executable (EXE).Workspace . . By default.Workspace . (2) The Options for the selected Projector Expiration Method are displayed here. In addition.Trial Options The Trial Settings are shown below: (1) Select a Projector Expiration Method to apply to your Projector. or supply a list of valid serials to "unlock" the Trial mode. Zinc™ v2 will automatically create a new random code each time a Projector Expiration Method is applied. . The Expiration Code must be unique for each new Trial Build. Projectors do not have Trial Limitations imposed. you can create a Password for your Projector. Workspace . The sound file must be in WAV format. . (4) If the selected Splash Screen Option is "Standard with Transition" (1) you can select a Transition Into Style here.Splash Screen The Splash Screen Settings are shown below: (1) Select a Splash Screen Option. but must be in BMP format. (3) If the option "Enable Splash Sound" (2) is enabled. (2) The Options for the selected Splash Screen Option are displayed here. you can specify a sound here. The Splash can be any size. Version Information The Version Information Settings are shown below: (1) Enter Version Information for your Application.Workspace . This information will be displayed in your Compiled Projectors Properties. Notes You can also set the default Company Information to use across all Projects in EDIT > PREFERENCES . (3) A launch DirectX resolution can be specified here. Please note that all ICO files must be 256 colors. the Application will initiate the DirectX resolution before launching. . If selected. DirectX must be installed on the users System..PC Executable Settings The PC Executable Settings are shown below: (1) Select Custom ICO files for your projector. (2) Additional Settings which are applicable to Windows Executable's are displayed here.Workspace . These variables will be available on Frame 1 of your compiled Application.Workspace . (2) Secure variables can also be entered.Global/Secure Vars The PC Executable Settings are shown below: (1) Create variables which you do not want to declare using Actionscript in your SWF movie.getSecureVar(). Unlike Global Variables (1). . Secure Vars must be requested using Application. Workspace . . For each extension that is enabled.Extensions The Extensions Settings are shown below: (1) Installed Extensions can be enabled or disabled. the compiled Projector Size will increase. However. All . Until recently. They are both still available in Zinc™ v2.0. {mdm}Script™ (Deprecated) Zinc™ v2 introduced a new Coding API called {mdm}Script™. FSCommands worked. all external Flash API's have had to be Asynchronous: FSCommands (Deprecated) In the beginning. and occasionally. FSCommands where over complicated and clumsy to use. {mdm}Script™ 2. but were Asynchronous in execution. The FSCommand and {mdm}Script™ 1. all SWF2EXE applications.0 chapters are included as a point of reference on their Implementation.5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects.0 Zinc™ v2. {mdm}Script™ 2.0 and 2. In addition.0 is now completely Synchronous which means that it works as if it were native to the standard Flash API! NOTE: FSCommand and {mdm}Script™ 1. This new API was the World's First cross platform API for Windows. Mac OSX and even Pocket PC and featured several advantages over FSComamnd Usage including Callbacks and far simpler Command Structure. {mdm}Script™ was still Asynchronous in execution and required the occasional "Coding Trick" to maximize it's potential. the manner in which these commands are executed has also evolved.0 provides a True Object Orientated Approach to Programming and is integrated directly with ActionScript 1. including Zinc™. In addition. used FSCommands.5 introduces an all new API for Flash Application Development.Introduction Zinc™ v2 has always offered a powerful and extensive list of Commands for developers to make use of in their Desktop Flash Applications. This list has grown with every new version and build of Zinc™.0 Usage is now deprecated. called {mdm}Script™ 2. resulting in developers having to adopt "Coding Tricks" or Frame Loops to achieve the desired results.0. This means that FSCommands would not execute in order with Native ActionScript. {mdm}Script™ 2. 5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2.0. .new Zinc™ v2. you must use either Frame-by-Frame looping methods. or the SetInterval Statement. Even if your FSCommands are placed at the top of your code.5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects. ranging from the actual Macromedia Flash Player. to a 3rd party developed player (often referred to as a "wrapper"). FSCommands and Variables By default. and then execute FSCommands. FSCommands have certain rules and procedures which must be followed for correct usage with Macromedia Actionscript. You must be sure to target variables correctly. even if the FSCommand is executed within a Movie Clip. It is still available in Zinc™ v2. This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation. FOR and WHILE. FSCommands will ALWAYS return and read values (variables) to the _root of your SWF movie. they will still be executed last. These requirements and limitations are listed below: · FSCommand Execution Order The SWF Format is engineered to execute all native actionscript first.What is a FSCommand? NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated. the limitations described above have rendered them clumsy to use and awkward to script with. . Instead of Loop statements. A FSCommand is a function in Macromedia Flash that provides communication with a SWF movie's host application. This is due to the point mentioned above.5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2. · · Whilst FSCommands have always (and still do) provide the basis of Communication between a SWF and it's host.0. All new Zinc™ v2. FSCommands in Loops FSCommands will not work in standard actionscript loops such as IF. A host application is anything that contains the actual SWF movie. Zinc™ v2 FSCommands are unique as they allow you to send multiple parameters in just one command. It is still available in Zinc™ v2. unlike the standard Macromedia Flash FSCommands which only allow one parameter per FSCommand. Step 1 .5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2. This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation.0. This section will demonstrate the correct way to use the Zinc™ v2 FSCommands.5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects. All new Zinc™ v2. Please note that the standard Macromedia Flash FSCommands do NOT work in Zinc™ v2 Projectors. Select fscommand from the Actionscript Reference or press 'Esc+fs' to insert it as shown below: .FSCommand Usage NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated.Insert a new FSCommand Create a New File in Macromedia Flash 5. MX or MX 2004 and go to the frame/button you wish to insert your FSCommand. your new FSCommand should like this: Continue to Step 2 .A FSCommand is very simple to script as it only requires the command name. and the command parameter(s). In the syntax window. 5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects. whilst standard Flash FSCommands cannot. The command name is entered first. The command name and parameters must be placed within the brackets.5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2.FSCommand Usage NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated. Step 2 .0. followed by the command parameter(s). This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation. This FSCommand only has one parameter which is the custom message for the dialog to display. This is required as Zinc™ v2 FSCommands can support multiple parameters. All new Zinc™ v2. The \" characters are used to "escape" the quotations in Macromedia Flash so that multiple parameters can be parsed correctly. Notice that our custom message ("Hello World") has the characters \" before and after it.prompt" which is used to display a Prompt Dialog with a custom message. as shown below: In the example above. we have used the FSCommand "mdm. It is still available in Zinc™ v2. Continue to Step 3 .FSCommand Syntax (literal) You can now type your command directly into the Flash Actionscript Syntax Window. Step 3 . note that when using variables. It is still available in Zinc™ v2. Notice that the FSCommand Parameter is now referenced to the variable name. All new Zinc™ v2. export a SWF and compile using Zinc™ v2.0. Also. When using literal parameters you cannot change the values during runtime. the FSCommand will execute a Prompt Dialog. To use variables. When you launch your Projector.5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects. Using variables instead of literal values offers more functionality. and then execute the FSCommand in the same manner: In the example above. you do not need to use the \" characters before and after the FSCommand Parameter(s). .FSCommand Usage NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated. the custom message is declared in the variable msg.5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2. and not the literal value. Conclusion Using either method. This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation. you simply declare a variable first. A literal entry is where the parameters are entered directly into the FSCommand like the example in Step 2.FSCommand Syntax (Var) FSCommands can be used using "literal" parameters or "variables". Example (Literal) When using multiple literal parameters. As you can see. which must be entered in the correct order. All new Zinc™ v2.FSCommand Advanced Usage NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated. care must be taken to add the characters \" before and after each parameter.0. Many Zinc™ v2 FSCommands require multiple parameters. we used a simple FSCommand which only requires one parameter. This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation. The variables are declared and then referenced in the FSCommand: . Example (Var) Using variables with multiple parameter FSCommands provides an easier method of code management. It is still available in Zinc™ v2.5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2. Advanced FSCommand Usage In the previous Topic. y resolution and the color depth to use. care must be taken to add \" characters before and after each parameter and also to separate each parameter with a comma. and also to separate each parameter with a comma: The command used above enables a DirectX resolution on the users system and has 3 parameters: x resolution.5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects. using literal values. Each parameter is separated with a single comma.Notice that we can enter the variables name without the need for \" characters. . · · . This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation." (without the quotes). Return Variables Return Variables in {mdm}Script™ Commands must ALWAYS be encapsulated in quotes. {mdm}Script™ is not compatible any previous versions of Flash.0 is coded directly in your Flash Movie (Using Flash MX. result handling and simplified scripting structure. {mdm}Script™ 1. However {mdm}Script™ 1.0 was Asynchnorous in execution (just as FSCommands are) and it still follows some of the basic rules of FSCommands.0. By far the biggest advantage of {mdm}Script™ 1. Adobe LiveMotion etc) but with the advantage of callbacks. {mdm}Script™ Initialization {mdm}Script™ must be initialized on the first frame of every SWF used in your Project with the code "mdminit().5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects.browsefile("returnVar").What is {mdm}Script 1.5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2. All new Zinc™ v2.0 is compatible on both Windows and Mac OSX Projector Types. For example.0 was introduced in 2004 as a replacement for FSCommands. Swift MAX. {mdm}Script™ 1.0 was that it had been developed as a Cross Platform Scripting language . mdm. {mdm}Script™ 1. Just like FSCommands. A list of Guidelines which should be considered when using {mdm}Script™ is composed below: · Flash Version Compatibility {mdm}Script™ is ONLY compatible with SWF's exported to version 6 or higher.0? NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated. It is still available in Zinc™ v2.browsefile should look like this: mdm.Whilst FSCommands are exclusive to Windows Projectors only. Each return variable in a command must have it's own set of quotes. You no longer need to declare variables on the _root. · . {mdm}Script™ can reference variables from ANY location.· Cross Platform Compatibility {mdm}Script™ is cross platform and works on both Windows PC Projectors and Mac OSX Projectors! Please note that if you are developing a Mac OSX Projector only. FSCommands are NOT supported in Mac OSX Projectors. you MUST use {mdm}Script™ . Referencing Variables Unlike FSCommands. {mdm}Script 1. If this is NOT included.5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2.0. This code is required on the First Frame of EVERY SWF USED IN YOUR PROJECT.Step 1 NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated.5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects. All new Zinc™ v2. This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation. It is still available in Zinc™ v2. The above code initializes the {mdm}Script™ and makes the scripting architecture possible. Expand the Action Window and enter the following code: mdminit(). then the commands will not function. Continue to Step 2 .Initialize {mdm}Script™ Create a New File in Macromedia Flash MX or MX 2004 and select the First Frame of your Movie.0 Usage . Step 1 . followed by it's parameters: mdm. the Command Name.{mdm}Script™ Syntax (literal) You can now type your command directly into the Flash Actionscript Syntax Window at any point you require. This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation. It is still available in Zinc™ v2.Step 2 NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated.5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2. All new Zinc™ v2.prompt("Hello World"). {mdm}Script™ Syntax resembles standard Macromedia Flash Functions.0 Usage .0. Step 2 . As you can see.{mdm}Script 1.5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects. the syntax is much shorter and far less complicated than using FSCommands! The Above code would execute a simple Prompt Dialog with the message "Hello World" Continue to Step 3 . This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation.Step 3 NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated.0 Usage .prompt(message). When you launch your Projector. A literal entry is where the parameters are entered directly into the syntax like the example in Step 2.{mdm}Script™ Syntax (var) {mdm}Script™ . It is still available in Zinc™ v2. To use variables.5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects. the parameter does not require quotes as we are now referencing a variable (in this case.{mdm}Script 1.5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2. the {mdm}Script™ Command will execute a Prompt Dialog. export a SWF and compile using Zinc™ v2. you simply declare a variable first. As you can see. All new Zinc™ v2. can be used using "literal" parameters or "variables". Using variables instead of literal values offers more functionality. When using literal parameters you cannot change the values during runtime. Conclusion Using either method. and then execute the command in the same manner: message = "Hello World". the variable is called message). Step 3 .0. . mdm. just like FSCommands. 0 Usage (Callbacks) {mdm}Script™ also incorporates a unique callback system which allows commands with return variables to trigger simple or complex functions. instead of entering the return variable. This chapter is included as a point of reference on FSCommand Implementation.0 Advanced Usage NOTE: FSCommand Usage is now deprecated. Expand the Action Window and enter the following code: mdminit(). the function is called "myCallBackFunction".prompt(myValue). function myCallBackFunction(myValue){ mdm.{mdm}Script 1. All new Zinc™ v2. Advanced {mdm}Script™ 1. It is still available in Zinc™ v2. Step 2 . In this case.0. we enter the name of the function to use instead. } Create a button on the main timeline and add the following code to it: on (release){ mdm.browsefile(myCallBackFunction) } As you can see. Below is a simple example of how to use a callback function: Step 1 Create a New File in Macromedia Flash MX or MX 2004 and select the First Frame of your Movie.5 to provide backwards compatibility but should not be exclusively used for new projects.5 Projects should be scripted with {mdm}Script™ 2. This demonstrates a very simple way to execute callback functions. press the button to trigger the Browse File Dialog. After selecting a file and clicking on OK. The main point. but advanced usage can also be applied. . or watches is now eliminated and coding becomes far less time consuming. the result will be sent to the function which will then prompt the value.When the movie is exported and compiled using Zinc™ v2. however. is that the need to use frame-by-frame loops. What is {mdm}Script 2.Using {mdm}Script™ 2.0 Scripting Engine! {mdm}Script™ 2.0 is as simple and straightforward as using ActionScript! In addition.0 command is part of an ActionScript Object.0 and 2. This means that it can called directly.0? Building on the success of {mdm}Script™ 1. It just Works! True Object Oriented Approach Every {mdm}Script™ 2.5 is the World's First SWF2EXE Application to provide Synchronous Command Execution on both Windows and Mac OSX! {mdm}Script™ 2. and introduces Methods. callbacks or coding "tricks" required. Zinc™ v2.0 provides a True Object Orientated Approach to Programming and is integrated directly with ActionScript 1.0 is 100% Synchronous.0 is now completely Synchronous and available in your Project without the need to initialize it first! {mdm}Script™ 2.0.0 does away with clumsy parameters and literals.. {mdm}Script™ 2..5 now features an all new {mdm}Script™ 2.0 provides developers with an all new API which is easier to use than ever before and also provides fantastic expandability for experienced ActionScript coders! · Synchronous Execution {mdm}Script™ 2. Events and Properties! Cross Platform Zinc v2.0 . or assigned to other objects (or classes) and called from them! {mdm}Script™ 2. This means that commands are executed in order with ActionScript! No more frame-by-frame loops.0 provides a flexible and powerful API which works on both Major Platforms! · · . This helps the programmer manage and scale thier code in a much more efficient manner. open. A Property Properties can be thought of as qualities or single features which can be set or . An Object An Object is a collection of methods and properties bundled together in a related fashion. A Class A Class is the definition of an Object. when we create a Box. if you want to tell the Box object to open: Box.0 API consisits of Classes. So in the case of a Box. So a Class for a box is used every time we are creating a new Box. {mdm}Script™ 2. Properties and Events for each Command Set. a Box Object has properties such as width.{mdm}Script 2. and methods such as close. A Class is not an Object itself.0. Similarily. please follow the QuickStart Guide. we need to know what kind of box we are making. unpack etc. Definitions of these categories are provided below: Object Oriented Programming A way of programming that introduces real world concepts such as objects to programming. Methods. For Example. depth and height.0 follows a true Object Oriented Apporach to Programming (OOP) so that it is more closely linked to ActionScript and familiar to Flash Developers/Designers. For example: myBox = new Box().open(). so if you want a Box object to close you tell it to close: Box.close(). A Method Methods can be thought of as verbs. but instead it acts as a blueprint for an Object. The {mdm}Script™ 2.0 Usage For a step-by-step guide on how to get started with {mdm}Script™ 2. For example: Box. An Event An event is something that occurs. causing a reaction.width = 100.onOpen() . .This is an event for the Box object which reacts when the Box is directly from the object. For example: Box. with {mdm}Script™ 1. } function promptValue(fileContent){ mdm.loadfromfile(fileToLoad. Whilst callbacks do the job. c) Prompt the contents in a simple Dialog. The easiest way to understand the benefits of this Synchronous behavior. With {mdm}Script™ 2.{mdm}Script 2. The above code uses Callbacks to compensate for the Asynchronous Execution. promptValue).0. the code required to successfully execute this procedure would be: mdminit(). function loadFile(fileToLoad){ mdm.browsefile(loadFile).0 API is it's Synchronous Execution. they can become very cumbersome to use and manage when several actions are required.0 Advanced Usage One of the most unique and powerful features of the {mdm}Script™ 2.0 the same procedure can be executed like so: . b) Load the contents of the File into their Application.prompt(fileContent). is to compare the syntax to previous Asynchronous execution: Let's assume you want to create a simple Application which allows the user to do the following: a) Browse their local Hard Drive for any Text File. Previously. } mdm. mdm.prompt( mdm. As you can immediately ) ). updates can be made quickly without having to refer to functions and callbacks which may reside in other frames or symbols. Best of all.BrowseFile.Dialogs.Dialogs. code is easier to read.FileSystem. understand and manage. . the entire process can be executed in a single line of code! By eliminating the need for Asynchronous Callbacks.loadFile( mdm. Forms. The basic structure of forms is a Parent (The main SWF compiled in this case) and the Child Form (any sub Forms which are created under the main Form). which allows advanced development of applications. . For the individual developer. to date. Forms are a great way to manage and build complex projects. Using Forms allows a team of developers to work on sperate areas of a Project at the same time. Zinc™ v2 is the only SWF2EXE tool which offers multiple window applications based upon the Macromedia Flash™ Format! Notes Please note that Sub-Forms are currently limited to 20 (including the Main Form). Forms are separate "windows" which make up one entire Application.Forms Overview Zinc™ v2 embraces a form based visual programming environment. have been used in RAD applications and more recently in Macromedia Flash MX 2004 and Flash 8. Working with Forms Forms in Zinc™ v2 can be added and removed from the Forms Pane: Forms do not need to be used in your Project. or be masked. Every entry under your MainForm is referred to as a SubForm. Sub-Forms can also be "Modal" which means that an action must be completed (either by the user or within the Form) before other Forms become active again. For example. Form Properties Each Form has it's own properties and settings which are independent to the Main Form. All Forms can be given unique names by clicking on the Form Name. A quick double-click will execute a quick preview of the Form. or be Transparent also. the Main Form can be transparent. This can be a great asset when developing your own custom dialogs. and then clicking again to edit it. but sub-Forms can have standard Windows Styles. . but they can easily be incorporated as your application grows in size and complexity. MainForm.width = 400. Forms have a number of unique commands which can be used to control other Forms from any location.0 Command. Notice that the name of the form. If the name of the Form is not known. .Form Communication Each Form is created from an individual SWF file.thisForm.0 also has a Forms class which contains methods and properties specifically for Application Forms. Using Forms in Zinc™ v2. This means that each Form can also execute any available {mdm}Script™ 2. In addition.Forms.width = 400.5 opens up new possibilities in Flash Application Development! Form Class {mdm}Script™ 2. A typical Forms command would be: mdm.Forms.MainForm. just as the main SWF does. you can also use "thisForm": mdm. is referenced in the actual command. Templates Overview Templates are a new addition to Zinc™ v2. This way. the developer can concentrate on coding and perfecting the internal workings of the SWF. if you are working on many different Applications but each application is part of a "family" of products. Position. you can create a Template for that family where Size. Templates can also be "locked" which prevents other users from changing certain or all options. A Template is a file with specific Project Settings already set which can be re-used and re-applied to any new project in Zinc™ v2. . Skin etc are all pre-defined. Notes Templates can only be exported from the Windows Edition of Zinc™ v2. For example. " and the following window will appear: .Saving a Template First you must create a new Project and select your custom options. select "FILE > Save as Template. A good Template is one where all of the important options have been pre-selected for a specific Application Type. Splash Screen and Styles where appropriate. Once you have selected your Form options. if your Template is part of an internal Project you should select the same skin.. For example. Your Template can also contain sub-Forms as the Zinc™ v2 Template will save the sub-Form options selected also.. Notes If you select "Enable Password for Full Open" please be sure to note the password as the Template will be permanently locked. If you do wish to Lock Form Settings. please remember to lock each sub-Forms option independently by selecting the appropriate Form the drop down list. You can also select certain options to Lock so that other developers/users who access the Template cannot change your options. . you can specify a Template Name and also enter Author/Ownership details. your Template will be saved. Once you click on Save.Here. The alternative method is to select a Template from the Templates Tab: ." which will open a browse dialog. Browse to your saved Template to load it. Either navigate to "FILE > NEW > From Template.. If the Template has been locked by the Author (ie. If you did not create the Template) then you will be prompted for a Password. but you will be unable to change settings within it. If you don't have a Password you can still apply the Template.Loading a Template Loading a Template is very simple.. .Double click on a Template to create a New Project with the Template Options applied. The Templates Panel creates a list of all available Templates which have been saved in the Zinc™ v2 Templates Folder. your system must be equipped with a CD-Writer/Re-Writer or DVD-Writer/Re-Writer. click on the "Burn to CD/DVD" button (The last icon along the bottom): . Step 1 .Launch the CD/DVD Burn Screen Once you have created a structure. you can burn your final Application and associated files directly to CD or DVD (Windows Version Only) without the need for external software. This is done by adding all of your required project files to the CD Structure Window: The buttons at the bottom can be used to add and remove files and folders. Please note that when adding a folder. To burn a CD or DVD. Step 2 .Creating a CD/DVD With Zinc™ v2. all sub-folders and content will also be included.Create a CD Structure The first step is to create a CD Structure for your Project. Zinc™ v2 is compatible with most internal and external CD/DVD Writers. you simply select the device to use (only applicable if you have more than one CD/DVD-Writer attached) and the speed at .Burn a CD/DVD From the CD/DVD Burning Screen.This will automatically compile your Projector and launch the CD/DVD Burning Screen: Step 3 . this value is set to Maximum. you can select "Erase a Rewritable CD" to clear the CD first. . Enable the "Create AUTORUN. If you are using a re-writable CD.which to burn. you can also create an Autorun. Select the file you wish to Autorun from the drop down list. By default. Click on "Burn CD" to begin writing your files to a CD or DVD.INF" option and a drop down will appear below it.inf file which will automatically execute a file on your CD. In addition. ICO Overview ICO files are unique image files which are used in Windows Applications. With Zinc™ v2. Icon files are also used in Windows Explorer to identify specific applications/files. ICO's (also referred to as Icons) are displayed in an Applications Title Bar. ICO files must be created using an ICO designer and must conform to standard ICO specifications. in the Task Bar and in the System Tray (If selected). Notes ICO files are specific to Windows PC Only . you can add a custom ICO resource to your Application to completely brand your end project. The ICO sizes supported by Zinc™ v2 are: 16x16 8bit 16x16 32bit 32x32 8bit 32x32 32bit 48x48 8bit 48x48 32bit (256 Color) (True Color with Alpha) (256 Color) (True Color with Alpha) (256 Color) (True Color with Alpha) With Zinc™ v2 you can provide a single resource ICO or a multi-resource ICO (an ICO which contains multiple sizes & color depths). Adding an ICO Resource You can specify a custom ICO resource for your Application under the Application Settings Tab. . b) Please note that your multi-resource ICO should always contain a 16x16 256 Color ICO for use in the Application Caption Bar. Simply select a valid ICO file and Zinc™ v2 will assign it to your Compiled Projector. If you provide a single resource ICO. provide a multi-resource ICO which has a resource for each ICO type. If a 16x16 ICO is not present. Zinc™ v2 will use the available resource to create entries for the other available slots. Notes a) For best results. For example. Zinc™ v2 will compile the 16x16 and 48x48 resources automatically. the next available Size will be used and scaled down. if your ICO is a single 32x32 resource. ICNS Overview ICNS files are unique image files which are used in Mac OSX Applications. Notes ICNS files are specific to Mac OSX Only. . The Free Developer Tools from Apple include a ICNS Composer. With Zinc™ v2. you can add a custom ICNS resource to your Mac OSX Application to completely brand your end project. ICNS files are also used in Mac File Explorer to identify specific applications/files. on the Desktop and in the Mac OSX Dock. ICNS files must be created using an ICNS designer and must conform to standard ICNS specifications. ICNS files are displayed in an Applications Title Bar. Simply select a valid ICNS file and Zinc™ v2 will assign it to your Compiled Mac OSX Projector. .Adding an ICNS Resource You can specify a custom ICNS resource for your Mac OSX Application under the Application Settings Tab. complete with customizable setup file and file structure! Zinc™ v2 will automatically compile the setup file which can be activated with a single option.Overview Zinc™ v2 allows you to compile a fully functional installer for your Application (Windows Version Only). . Notes The Zinc™ v2 MDM Installer system uses NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) to compile setup files and installers. The correct size for this image is 164 x 314 pixels. you can customize your Projector further: . be sure you have first selected a SWF file and selected the appropriate style. On the Installer Options tab. position etc options for your Project. Click on the Installer Tab and check the "Build Installer" option: When checked. You can specify any sized image but the installer will stretch the image to this requirement.Building an Installer To compile an Installer for your Project. you can specify a BMP image to customize your Projector. you can also select a language from the drop down list. The compiled installer will then have instructions in the selected language.You may specify a custom Terms and Conditions file which must be a . In addition. The drop down menu will auto-populate with a list of files that have been added in the Installer Files Window (see below): You can add additional files to the Installer by selecting individual files or complete folders. Your Projector will . Please note that only your setup file will be compiled in the selected language.RTF file (Rich Text Format). Finally. you can also select a file to launch after an installation. not be changed. Notes Please note that if you include over 100mb of additional files. Please do not cancel the build process during this time. . compiling can take a few minutes. To build. simply click on Build and the Application and Application Installer will be compiled. much more! In addition.0 for Mac OSX Projects. . write and save to files. Also.Mac OSX Overview Zinc™ v2 is the World's First SWF2EXE tool that provides export to both Windows PC and Mac OSX* projectors from a single SWF Source File! Building Desktop Applications for Mac OSX is as easy as building for Windows! Mac OSX Projectors support over 150 of the Zinc™ v2 commands which means that your Mac OSX projectors can also read. you must use new {mdm}Script™ 2. evoke Menu Items and much. connect to MySQL Databases. Mac OSX Projectors are also 100% Standalone which means that they do not require the Flash Plug-In and will also run on non-admin accounts! Notes Please note that the Mac OSX Operating System behaves very different to Windows in certain situations. certain application properties are only applicable to Windows Projectors and are not available for Mac OSX Projects. Mac OSX Projectors do not respond to FSCommands. . certain features (such as transparency) cannot be applied to Mac OSX Projectors. it is possible to compile Mac OSX projectors for Mac OSX directly from your Windows Version of Zinc™ v2! First. In addition. you must start a new Mac OSX Project by selecting "Blank Mac OSX Application" from the FILE > NEW menu: Projectors for Mac OSX do not have certain Windows based properties and so the options for Mac OSX projects are less complex than on Windows.Compiling for Mac OSX from Windows With the optional Mac OSX Plug-In for Zinc™ v2 Windows. so these features are disabled. locations and properties of your Projector. the actual Mac OSX Projector will be . Copy the HQX file to your Mac OSX System and double click to extract the Projector File: Once you double click the HQX file. The compiled Projector is in the form of a Mac HQX file. Once you're happy with the option. simply press Build to compile the Mac OSX Projector. Options which are applicable to Windows Only projects are simply deactivated to avoid confusion.Select an Input SWF and then cycle through the Mac OSX Project Tabs and customize the size. . Projects or any other distribution method.extracted using Stuff-It: Once extracted. Notes If you are creating a Mac OSX only Projector for distribution on CD. you can burn the Projector File to CD. For Cross Platform CD's. The Projector File can then be executed by double clicking on it like a standard Application. we recommend distributing the HQX File. the Projector File will appear in the same directory as the HQX File. . The CMD Edition is available as a separate purchase to the standard Zinc™ v2 Software. Please contact [email protected] for more information on the CMD Edition. (*Mac OSX Plug-In required for Commercial HQX Output) This chapter outlines the usage of the CMD Edition and the information contained is ONLY applicable to the CMD Edition of Zinc™ v2. The CMD Edition of Zinc v2 is not intended for use as an IDE (although it is still possible).znct files.zinc or . Notes *The number of Multiple Users allowed depends upon the number purchased with your CMD license.Introduction The CMD Edition of Zinc™ v2 is a unique version which allows multiple users* to access it on a "host" machine via the command line. It is intended to be installed on a central server location and accessed via command line to produce EXE or HQX* files from pre-defined . Compiles using the supplied sourcetype. After installing Zinc v2 CMD Edition. it is possible to execute Zinc v2 from the Command Line and specify the optional parameters. A Text Version of the Help is provided below: MDM Zinc v2 Command-line Compiler. Type "zinc -h" as shown below: The "-h" switch brings up the Help Information on how to use Zinc v2 from the Command Line. . From this point. Possible Sourcetype values: -s Takes a single swf file as input. ---------------------------------Syntax: [operation] [sourcetype] [swffiles . If in doubt.] -o outputfilename Possible Operation values: -h -c Displays this help message. To begin.Quickstart Guide This Quickstart Guide is aimed at users who are already familiar with Zinc v2 and have previous experience with Command Line Software. we shall take a look at the options available. launch the Command Line (Normally accessed via START > RUN and then typing "cmd") and locate the folder where Zinc v2 CMD Edition is installed... Used for simple testing only. please consult your System Administrator. check examples for syntax.swf subform4.swf subform1. has to be specified last.log.swf subform1. Other than the output file this parameter does not take any swf files as input files.znct) previously made in Zinc v2 as input.exe To compile a Zinc v2 Template with 5 forms to an exe: zinc -c -t mytmp. Examples: To compile a single swf to an exe: zinc -c -s myswf.zinc -o myswf. 4) Compiling a hqx file directly from a swf file is NOT supported.exe To compile a Zinc v2 project file: zinc -c -p myprj.swf subform1.-p Takes a Zinc v2 project file (. Notes: 1) The output file parameter.hqx Compiling Using the CMD Edition . 3) Upon successful compilation the compiler will generate a log file called: zinccc.exe To compile a Zinc v2 Template with 5 forms to an Mac OSX hqx file: zinc -c -t mytmp.swf subform3. -t Takes a Zinc v2 Template files (. Only exe files can be created using the -s option. Make sure you specify a valid output file.swf -o myswf. You also need to supply a swf file for all defined forms in the template file after this parameter.znct mainform.swf -o myswf.swf subform3.swf subform2.swf subform2.exe To compile a Zinc v2 Template with two forms to an exe: zinc -c -t mytmp.zinc) as input.swf subform4.swf -o myswf. 2) The output file parameter.swf -o myswf.znct mainform.znct mainform. -o is mandatory. Zinc v2 CMD Edition used . you can then specify a .zinc or . Zinc v2 Templates are files which contain generic data on the size. Click Here. .znct Template to use.The CMD Edition of Zinc v2 is not intended for use as an IDE (although it is still possible). position.znct files. From the Command Line. and still specify a unique SWF file to compile. feel and behavior! To learn how to create a Template File.znct).znct files to create the physical EXE file based upon pre-populated selections. (*Mac OSX Plug-In required for Commercial HQX Output) The most flexible way to compile using the Command line is to use pre-designed Zinc v2 Template Files (. resulting in completely new Projectors with the same predesigned look. It is intended to be installed on a central server location and accessed via command line to produce EXE or HQX* files from pre-defined . platform etc of how the compiled projector should look and behave on the users system. enter a unique name to identify the folder on your network.Mapping Network Locations The best way to allow multiple users to access Zinc™ v2 CMD Edition from a network "host" system. Click "Apply" and then . In the share name. is to Map the Install Folder as a network Drive. The instructions below demonstrate how to do this: Step 1 With Zinc™ v2 CMD Edition installed on your main network host (ie. We recommend using a simple name with no spaces. your server machine). navigate to the installation folder and Right Click on it and select "Properties" from the menu: Click on the "Sharing" Tab and check the "Share this folder on the network" box. Of the folders listed. you can access the Server Folder as if it was a Local Folder on your system anytime you are connected to the network."OK" to close the window. enter the ip address of your server as shown below: This will list all shared folders on your network server (This may take a few minutes). . This creates a new Z: Drive on your system which is linked to the Zinc™ v2 CMD Edition Installation Folder on your server. we have opted for Z: to identify it as the "Zinc Drive"). one should be the "CMD" folder we created in Step 1. In the Address bar. Step 2 Launch Windows Explorer on a different system which is connected to your network. From this point on. Right Click on the Folder and select "Map Network Drive" from the menu: Select a Drive from the drop down menu (In this case. exe to your local C:\ also.Step 3 Launch the Command Line (Normally accessed via START > RUN and then typing "cmd") and simply type "Z:" to switch drives to the newly created Zinc Drive.zinc project file on your C: drive. Notes a) This guide demonstrates how to Map a Network Drive with Windows XP. try typing "zinc -h" which will display the Zinc™ v2 Command Line Help. .zinc and .znct files which are located on your local system.zinc file on your local C:\ drive and output the .zinc -o c:\myProjector.exe This will access Zinc™ v2 from the server and compile the . please consult your System Administrator. For example. you can access Zinc™ v2 directly via the command line! For example. . From this point. your CMD syntax would be: Z:\zinc -c -p c:\myProject.swf. you must still provide absolute paths to . to compile a local . b) Even when using Mapped Drives. For other Windows Versions. Zinc™ v2. Flash Projectors (Standalone EXE versions compiled from within Flash) have always been very basic and lack the functionality of it's Big Brother. sound. Also. to code in development languages! Whilst previous tools allowed customization of Projector files. because your applications are based upon the Macromedia SWF format.5 has been the first SWF2EXE application to bring unrivaled functionality and features to your Flash Application Projects and promote Rapid Application Development for Flash! Zinc™ v2.. For this reason. Zinc™ v2. as a Flash Designer/Developer. as Macromedia Flash® began to exceed Director in popularity and ease of use. VB and Delphi combine to create endless possibilities! Now. .. Macromedia Director brought designers and developers closer together with an application that could be used to deliver exciting CD-ROM's and Desktop Applications. However. In addition.5 comes in.Overview Developing commercial Flash Based Desktop Applications is an exciting and inspirational prospect for both the developer and the end user. graphics and much more which would take hours. animation. However. if not weeks. such as Delphi and Visual Basic. Flash has never been intended for the desktop and was primarily designed as an Online Streaming Media Format. Desktop Applications had to be coded in conventional programming languages such as Java or C++. you REALLY can develop fully fledged Desktop Applications which rival those built with conventional coding practices. Until now.. fused with animation and various Media Elements. Director. but they still require an enormous contribution of time and effort to learn and put into practice. Rapid Application Development software. to really be considered a viable option for creating Desktop Applications. many Designers and Developers who are not strictly from a programming background tend to shy away from the magnitude and enormity of such developing environments. and the odd additional command. it was no surprise that many New Media Designers began to opt for Macromedia Flash® when considering their CD-ROM Projects..5 bridges the gap between New Media Design Tool and Rapid Application Development Coding Environment! The exciting vector based animation and simple ActionScript architecture of the SWF format fused with the power and flexibility of C++. which is exactly where Zinc™ v2.5 has pioneered . you can easily integrate video. help to streamline the process of developing applications. much more! The following chapters have been put together to help you make the progression from the Web to the Desktop with the SWF format! . delete a folder.5 commands integrate with existing ActionScript! One line of code.the introduction of Direct Database Communication.all features which have never previously been associated. System Manipulation. one additional command and you can save a file. connect to a database and much. there is virtually zero investment of time learning a new language or software as Zinc™ v2. with Macromedia Flash®! And best of all. or even thought possible. Hardware Access and Control and Socket Communication . and coding for the Desktop. when developing for the desktop. For the most part. particularly for more complicated application development. when trying to retrieve information from the Users System (such as System Paths. This is just one of the considerations that ANY Application Developer must take regardless of which coding environment they have opted to use. However. All of the functions called are usually internal to the SWF and therefore coding can be quite straightforward with the same results from any browser. a small investment of time is required to understand the intrinsic differences between coding for the web.path which contains the current location of the EXE File. Firstly. including CPU speed. Web based use of the SWF format does not involve communicating or manipulating system information on the end users PC. it is always advisable to use absolute paths for a number of reasons. File & Folder Names etc) the speed at which the result is returned can be dependent on a number of factors unique to the system. more importantly. it can still be important to account for this to ensure maximum compatibility of your Application.Application. For example. all paths should be appended with the property mdm. It could be from a CD. available RAM and speed of Hard Drive. or any system. For this reason. Whilst the differences are most likely a matter of milliseconds. there is no knowing where exactly the user will decide to launch the compiled Application from. when coding for the desktop. there are a number of factors which must be considered. doesn't know what is relative to it. it could be from the Hard Drive. The second reason is that the internal SWF isn't ever physically available on the users Hard Drive (it is contained within the EXE shell) and therefore doesn't "know" what it's current location is and. . Whilst Zinc™ v2 requires zero investment of time to learn and integrate the 800+ Commands.Considerations When developing Applications for the Desktop (using any coding environment) there are some differences to the way Projects should be structured and planned when compared to Web based Projects. We have compiled a list of considerations below which are often overlooked by first time Desktop Developers: · System & File Paths Most path references online are relative and there is no need to use absolute paths. However. However. Windows & Mac OSX With Zinc™ v2. care must be taken to allow sufficient time for the action to successfully complete. For more tips on Cross Platform Development. · . path references are different on a Mac OSX to Windows and care must be taken to use the correct format for the correct Platform. For example.· External System Commands When executing a command which does anything involving a process outside of the SWF. please visit the MDM Support Form. aside from characteristic differences there are also programming differences to consider when developing cross platform Projectors. retrieving 1000 records from an Access Database might take less than a second on a more recent system. but could take a couple of seconds on an older machine with a slower CPU and less recent Operating System. For example.5 (and the Mac OSX Plug-In) you can build applications for both Windows and Mac OSX from a single source SWF. 0 which is only available from Zinc™ 2.5 .Command Line Parameters Introduction Using the Command Line feature. Command Line Parameters can be used to initiate triggers within your Application. Notes This Tutorial uses {mdm}Script™ 2. or set options for the end user. The application can then be programmed to run any number of tasks based upon the passed arguments. They provide a very powerful method of communication from the Command Line for advanced applications. you can execute your Applications from the command line and pass any arguments to the projector using custom defined parameters. Command Line Parameters Step 1 Create a new file in Macromedia Flash (or your preferred SWF Authoring tool) and add a button with the following code: on (release) { cmdParam1 = mdm.5.prompt(cmdParam1) } This code has two parts: The first command retrieves the first command line parameter (which is always assigned the id "1") and returns it to the variable cmdParam1. Continue to Step 2 .Dialogs.cmdParams(1) mdm.Application. The second part of the code executes a prompt to display the value of cmdParam1. Export your SWF and then compile a Projector using Zinc™ v2. Continue to Step 3 . Enter "cmd" (as shown below) in the Run dialog box: Press OK to launch the Command Line Window.Command Line Parameters Step 2 To execute a projector with command line parameters. Click on the Windows Start button and then select Run. you must launch the projector from the command line. the first {mdm}Script™ Command will retrieve the value of the first parameter (in this case. "cmdvalue1") and assign it to the variable cmdParam1. which will be "cmdvalue1" . you can now execute your projector with up to 5 additional parameters of your choice. cmdvalue2 and cmdvalue3 Once the Projector is launched and we press the button created in Step 1. These values can be anything from a single word to a string of numbers. Separate each parameter with a single space: In the example above. The prompt command will then prompt the value of cmdParam1. we have the application name followed by 3 additional parameters with the values: cmdvalue1.Command Line Parameters Step 3 In the Command Line Window. Extensions.0 based upon existing or custom DLL files.beep() .5 which provide unlimited expandability to Zinc™ v2.0 API. Developers can now create their own custom commands for {mdm}Script™ 2. Notes In this Tutorial we shall create an extension from a function found in the Windows kernel32.Kernel32.the functions available in the kernel32.dll are documented in the Win32 Programmer's Reference which is available at the MDM File Exchange. The Zinc™ v2. Extensions can be saved and shared with other developers to extend the {mdm}Script™ 2.5 Extension Creator provides an interface to your DLL which can then run internal functions via custom named {mdm}Script™ Commands.5 projectors.dll . the Zinc v2 Extension Creator SDK is also available at the MDM File Exchange mdm. For advanced users.Creating an Extension Introduction Extensions are a fantastic new feature to Zinc™ v2. Creating an Extension Step 1 The kernel32. Click on Index and type the word "beep" in the search box at the top. To understand and use the available functions. The Chapter on the Beep Command should be highlighted as shown below: .dll is a Shared Library which is available in all Windows Systems. we can check the Win32 Programmer's Reference: The Win32 Programmer's Reference contains detailed usage guides on each function contained in the kernel32.dll. This DLL allows access to the entire Windows API through a series of functions. click on "Display" to view the usage references shown below: .With the Beep Chapter selected. dll is a simple command which executes a System Beep Tone.The Beep function within the kernel32. it is important that we know how many parameters are required so good DLL documentation is extremely important. Continue to Step 2 . The reference for the Beep function shows that this function has just 2 parameters: Frequency (in hertz) Duration (in milliseconds) To create a custom {mdm}Script™ Command based upon this DLL Function. Creating an Extension Step 2 Launch Zinc™ v2.5 and select "Extension Creator" from the Tools menu as shown below: This will launch the Zinc™v2.5 Extension Creator: . The kernel32. Click on the browse button at the bottom of the screen to select a DLL file.The first step is to select a DLL file.dll file is located in the Windows System32 Folder as shown below: . The Extension Creator will then ask you to select an Extension Class name. A second prompt will then be displayed as shown below: . For the purpose of this Tutorial.Select the kernel32. The Extension Creator will automatically select the prefix "kERNEL32" for you.dll and click on Open. we shall leave the prefix to this value: Click OK to accept the prefix. 45 seconds based upon the speed of your processor. This can take anything from 10 . it is best to select "No" at this prompt so that the DLL is packed into your final extension file. Instead. the extension will search in the appropriate system32 folder once it is installed. we can select "Yes" at this prompt so that the DLL is not included in the extension. Continue to Step 3 . Once you click on "Yes" the DLL Functions will be populated in the Extension Creator Command List.If you are connecting to a custom DLL. As we are using a standard Windows DLL. From the reference in Step 1. Set Parameter 1 and 2 to "integer" from the drop . Click on the "Extension Definition" Tab and enter the details as shown below: The Extension Creator allows you to specify up to 12 parameters for each DLL Function. In Step 1. we opened the Win32 Programmer's Reference to the Beep Command Usage Guide.Beep function.Creating an Extension Step 3 Scroll through the list of functions in the Command List and select the kernel32. we know that only 2 parameters are required for the Beep Function. Once loaded. In this case. can help assist in debugging your custom command. .down box and complete the Description and Sample Value for each. You can also specify a return value at the bottom which. we know from the DLL Function documentation that the return value should be a Boolean. click on the "Execute" button to test. Upon first test. you should here a System Beep which lasts for approximately 1 second. For the purpose of this example. Click on the "Command Tester" Tab: With the parameters set and sample values provided. When clicked. we can now proceed to testing our command. you need to Load the Library by clicking on the "Load Library" button at the bottom. although not required. set the value for each parameter to 1000. The extension file format is .zincx . If your test failed to play the beep sound. click on FILE and Create Extension: This will allow you to specify an extension name and path to save to. exit the Extension Creator. Once you are happy that your new Custom Command is working correctly in the Command Tester. The value "true" should also be visible in the Result Pane. then the value "false" should be visible in the Result Pane which would mean that communication was made but a parameter or multiple parameters were incorrectly specified. Continue to Step 4 .The exact syntax as it should be entered in your Actionscript is also generated in the Code Pane. Once you have created your Extension file.this is the file that you can distribute and share with other users. Please Note that these items are case sensitive. Continue to Step 5 .Creating an Extension Step 4 Create a new file in Macromedia Flash (or your preferred SWF Authoring tool) and add a button with the following code which has been copied from the Command Tester: on (release) { myResult = mdm."1000").DLLFUNCTION() In this case. so be sure to enter the command exactly as it is shown in the Extension Creator. the CUSTOMCLASS name is "KERNEL32" and the DLLFUNCTION name is "Beep".Extensions.KERNEL32. Create a Dynamic Text box on the canvas and label it "myResult" and export your SWF movie.Beep("1000". } All Custom Commands created with the Extension Creator always follow this format: mdm.Extensions.CUSTOMCLASS. When the Projector runs. A summary screen will be displayed which shows the information contained within the . In addition. your extension will be listed in the Extensions Window.zincx created in Step 3. To install the extension.Creating an Extension Step 5 Launch Zinc™ v2. Ensure that you select the new extension before compiling your projector: With the new extension selected.zincx file.5 (if it's not still open already) and exit the Extension Creator. click on "Install". a return value will be sent to the . click on the button created in Step 4 and the custom {mdm}Script™ Command will execute a System Beep. Once installed. Click on the "Install Extensions" button at the bottom and select the . compile a Projector. Select the SWF file you created in the previous as the input and then click on the "Extensions" Tab. This tutorial is a very simple example of how to create a simple custom {mdm}Script™command but very complicated procedures and functions can also be executed.dynamic text box "myResult".com/exchange .0 API by hundreds and can also be shared with other users.multidmedia. Creating extensions can increase the {mdm}Script™2. Extensions can also be submitted to the MDM Exchange at http://www. b) This Tutorial uses {mdm}Script™ 2. Tray Icon Menus and Right Click Menus.5 .5.0 which is only available from Zinc™ 2.Custom File Menu Introduction With Zinc™ v2. you can build your own custom File Menus. Creating dynamic menus are done at runtime using {mdm}Script™ which means that you can change menu structure at any point in your Projector! Notes a) This tutorial will guide you through creating a File Menu but the same methodology is applied to Context and Tray Menus. When "frame" is set. These methods can be either "function". Expand the Actionscript window and add the following code: mdm. "frame" or "variable".menuType = "frame".Custom File Menu Step 1 Create a new file in Macromedia Flash (or your preferred SWF Authoring tool) and select the first frame of the timeline. the menu item "Open" would set the variable "menu_Open" to "true". the File menu Item(s) will move the playhead to a frame label of the same name within your movie. there are three methods which can be used to handle a selected item. For example. In this example. the SWF Movie Playhead will move to a frame of the same name. When "variable" is set. Continue to Step 2 . the File menu Item(s) will set a variable of the same name (with the prefix "menu_") to "false" as default. you can use the System Event onMenuClick_* to execute a function directly when the user clicks on a Menu Item.Menu. When "function" is set. and "true" when clicked. When creating custom File Menus. we have the set the method to use to "frame" which means that when a menu item is selected by the user.Main. insertItem("File".Menu. The next 2 Commands assign sub entries (File Menu Items) to the FILE Header.Main. and the sub-entries are "File Menu Items". stop(). "Another Menu Item"). We have also placed a stop action at the end to stop the playhead at Frame 1. mdm. The first Command creates a new File Header entry called FILE. mdm.Main. These are the terms used within {mdm}Script™ to construct Custom File Menus.Menu. The entries across the top are referred to as "File Menu Headers". "Menu Item Here").insertHeader("File"). Add the following code: mdm. Continue to Step 3 .insertItem("File". This is the basic structure that all File Menu's adhere to: The above example is a screenshot of the File Menu from Notepad.Main.Menu.Custom File Menu Step 2 We will now add the {mdm}Script™ Commands to create the actual File Menu structure. This can be anything you want so long as it indicates that the playhead is now on the frame labeled "Menu Item Here". Continue to Step 4 . Once created. draw a shape on the canvas or write a custom message.Custom File Menu Step 3 Create a new keyframe anywhere on your movie timeline (Press F6 in Macromedia Flash to create a new keyframe).Please take care to enter the label EXACTLY the same as the code in Step 2. Flash is case sensitive: On the selected keyframe. Create a new keyframe somewhere else in your movie. label the frame as: "Menu Item Here" . and repeat the above steps but label the frame "Another Menu Item". That's it! You can add as many File Headers and File Items as required. and also include Item dividers to group certain options. . As soon as the Projector launches. it will construct the File Menu which should look like this: When you click on one of the File Menu Items.Custom File Menu Step 4 Export your movie and compile a Projector with Zinc™ v2. your projector should navigate to the associated frame (ie. the Frame which has the same name Label). UPDATE. ASP or CGI as Zinc™ v2. *Microsoft Access Databases can only be connected offline. Notes a) This Tutorial will go through the steps of connecting to a local Microsoft Access Database. To connect to an online Access Database. you can practically connect to any Database Type! Zinc™ v2.Database Connectivity Introduction Zinc™ v2.5 .0 which is only available from Zinc™ 2. c) This Tutorial uses {mdm}Script™ 2. and with added ADO support.5 supports SQL statements which means that you can execute all INSERT. DELETE and SELECT commands on your database connections.5 can connect to Microsoft Access* and MySQL Databases. you would still need to use ASP. The same methodology can be applied to MySQL Databases. There's no need for server side scripts such as PHP. b) This Tutorial assumes a basic understanding of Databases and SQL statements.5 creates a direct connection with the Database. mdb".Database Connectivity Step 1 Create a new file in Macromedia Flash (or your preferred SWF Authoring tool). Select Frame 1. expand the Actionscript Window and enter the following code: mdm.mdb".connect("myDatabase.MSAccess.connect("myDatabase. Continue to Step 2 . Nothing else is required. If your database is password protected. You can also connect to a Database over a network. or using an absolute path to a fixed location. you can include the password as a second parameter: mdm.mdb".Database.Database. This assumes that the MDB file is in the same directory as your Projector. "myPassword"). The first step is to make a connection with our database which we shall assume has the name "myDatabase.MSAccess. "myPassword"). MSAccess. then store the data into a result"SELECT * FROM myTable"). but it will prepare it for access.Database Connectivity Step 2 To read data from a database we have to use a SQL statement which will read data from a database table.5 will execute the SELECT statement. To do this we have to make a statement that contains the SQL SELECT command. The data will remain there.Database. The above command (inserted on Frame 1 after the connection command) would select all of the data from the table "mytable" and store it in a record set for access. The following command will NOT actually place the data in your Projector. Continue to Step 3 . An easy SQL SELECT statement (assuming that the database has a table that is called "mytable") would be: "SELECT * FROM mytable": mdm. waiting to be accessed until another SELECT statement is executed. Please note that Zinc™ v2. You can dump the data in a simple HTML 1.Database Connectivity Step 3 Zinc™ v2 provides several ways of accessing the data in a result set.0 format or a simple XML format. create two buttons. create a Dynamic Text Box and label the var "dbResult": Select the first button. The only difference between the two is the format of the data. The first two methods. On your main movie canvas. expand the Actionscript window and enter the following code: on (release) { . are both a "dump" of the result set contents. Underneath the buttons. An alternative method is to target a specific field and row within the record set and obtain the result for that entry only. } Select the second button and enter the following code in the Actionscript window: on (release) { dbResult = mdm. the first parameter is the Row Index within your Database table.dbResult = mdm.getField(1.MSAccess.getHTML(). 1). Continue to Step 4 .Database.Database. and the second parameter is the Column Index.MSAccess. } In the above code. . yet very simple to use. the dynamic text box should be populated with the results of the record set in simple HTML. UPDATE and DELETE Statements on your database using standard SQL formatting. As soon as your projector runs. you can also perform INSERT. it will connect to your Database and run the SELECT statement.Database Connectivity Step 4 Export your movie and compile a Projector with Zinc™ v2. Pressing the second button will return just a single entry of the value at the specified row and column index.5. If you click on the first button. In addition to simply reading values. Database connectivity is an extremely powerful feature. You can also change the shape of your projector at runtime using just a single {mdm}Script™ Command. makes them invisible). Masking projectors requires a BMP file in a specific format which "masks" certain areas of the projector (ie. Using this technique.Masking Projectors Introduction Zinc™ v2. you can create projectors of all shapes and sizes which are compatible with all Windows Operation Systems (from Windows 98 and upwards) and also Mac OSX! Notes This Tutorial uses {mdm}Script™ 2.5 .5 allows you to create an organic shaped projector during build time.0 which is only available from Zinc™ 2. 300 x 300 pixels. This can be any shape or design but keep in mind that all of the areas which are black (#000000) will be made transparent on your final Projector. An example is shown below: In this example.Masking Projectors Step 1 Open up your favorite image creation software (MS Paint is fine if you don't have anything else available) and create a new image. For the purpose of this tutorial. we want our final Projector to look like a speech bubble. Using just the colors white (#FFFFFF) and black (#000000) create a mask for your movie. save it as a BMP file. although any name is acceptable.bmp. Please note that your BMP file should be 24bit True Color. name your file mask. Continue to Step 2 . Once you are happy with your image. mdm.Forms.bmp is in the same folder as your Projector. "MainForm").Masking Projectors Step 2 Create a new file in Macromedia Flash (or your preferred SWF Authoring tool) and add a button with the following code: on (release) { mask = "mask. It applies the Mask to the Form specified in the Command Structure (in this case.showMask("myMask. The example above assumes that the mask. Please note that when using external mask files (BMP's) they must be in the location specified.MainForm.bmp"). Continue to Step 3 .bmp". } This Command is used to initiate the mask and create the organic shaped projector. .Masking Projectors Step 3 Export your movie and compile a Projector with Zinc™ v2.5. Once your Projector has opened. With Zinc™ v2. click on the button and the Projector will apply the mask and change shape! Masks can be used to create any shape Projector and add to the impact created with your final project.5 you can easily use multiple masks during runtime. Packed Files can be extracted to any location on the users system. but the Temp directory is recommended.5 . Packed Files must first be extracted before they can be used.Packing & Extracting Files Introduction Packing additional files into your main Executable is an excellent method of keeping your entire application to just 1 file. This tutorial will go through the steps to pack additional files and then extract them.0 which is only available from Zinc™ 2. Notes This Tutorial uses {mdm}Script™ 2. Using this method ensures that all required files are always present and available for use when needed. Continue to Step 2 .desktop+"myFile. mdm. extractedFile). expand the Actions Window and enter the following code: on(release){ packedFile = "myFile.Packing & Extracting Files Step 1 Create a new file in Macromedia Flash (or your preferred SWF Authoring tool) and create a new button on the canvas.tif". and attach the following code to it: on(release){ packedFile = "myPic.txt". extractedFile).extractToFile(packedFile.Library.txt".Library.Paths.Application.0 Properties to retrieve the Desktop and Temp Paths. } Create a second button. } Each of these two buttons extracts a different packed file to a different location.Application. The first is extracting a TXT file to the DESKTOP whilst the second button is going to extract a TIF file to the users TEMP directory.txt". extractedFile = mdm. mdm.System.temp+"myPic. extractedFile = mdm.System. With the button selected. Notice that we use the {mdm}Script™ 2.extractToFile(packedFile.Paths. Once you have added the appropriate files. click on Build to compile your Application.5. we use the new Library Window as shown below: Click on the lower buttons to add and remove files to your Projector. Notice that our Files have the same names used in the Extract Commands in the previous step. Select your SWF as the Input File. To Pack Files in your Zinc™ v2. Continue to Step 3 . You can use your own filenames.5 Projector. but you must be sure to change the references in the Flash Movie and re-export before compiling the projector.Packing & Extracting Files Step 2 Export your SWF movie and launch Zinc™ v2. This will extract the " can check that the file has been extracted correctly in Windows Explorer or by checking your System Desktop. use Windows Explorer to check that the file has been extracted correctly. (Please note that it may take a second or two to show up.tif" will be extracted to the system Temp Directory. you can proceed to use them as needed by your application! . Click on the second button and the file "myPic. depending on the size of your file).txt" file to the System Desktop . Again. Once files are extracted.Packing & Extracting Files Step 3 Launch the Projector and click on the first button we created in Step 1. ANY data. The packet will be sent to the destination by "hopping" though the various network points.5 Projector to send information to a third party application. A projector-to-projector message is designed to SET variables on the remote Flash Application.Socket Communication Introduction Zinc™ v2. This form of communication is based on the Datagram transfer of information through a TCP/IP network.5 . to send data to another Zinc™ v2. or combined literals and variables. However. This could be useful if you wanted a Zinc™ v2. A text can contain. the text has to be formatted in a certain way. Notes This Tutorial uses {mdm}Script™ 2. Sending Data is composed of three parts: · · · The destination information: This is the IP address. The message to be sent. This means that a packet containing the message and the destination IP address and port is constructed every time communication is required and then sent over the network. theocratically. The message is text that is either literal or in a variable. The port number of the client computer.0 which is only available from Zinc™ 2.5 provides a way to send and receive information to and from ANY computer by using the UDP protocol.5 projector. Socket Communication Step 1 Create a new file in Macromedia Flash (or your preferred SWF Authoring tool) and select Frame 1.Network. Label this box "cMessage". Expand the Actions window and enter the following code: mdm. Select the TEXT tool and create a dynamic text box anywhere on the movie.Socket.UDP. In this case. . we have set the port to "4000". This Command is required to enable the socket server. After creating your text box. export your Movie as a SWF called "Client.swf".startServer(4000). It has only one parameter which is the port that the projector is instructed to listen to. Continue to Step 2 . Network.0. mdm.0.Socket.Socket Communication Step 2 Create a new file and create a new button or select a pre-made one from the Button Library.0. "cMessage@eq@"+sMessage). we are instructing the Projector to send a message to IP 127. 4000.send("127. Place this button anywhere on your movie and copy the following syntax onto the button: on (release) { sMessage = "Hello World".5. Continue to Step 3 .0.1". } If we break this command down.1 on Port 4000.UDP. We are then setting the variable cMessage in the client Projector to the value of sMessage (Which has been set to "Hello World"). Export this movie to a SWF called "server.swf" and then compile both SWF files to Projectors using Zinc™ v2. the communication would have failed. If we had set the listen port in Step 1 to 4001. and then press the button on the "Server" to send the message to the "Client" Projector. unless we sent the message to port 4001. .Socket Communication Step 3 Run both Projectors. The message "Hello World" will be displayed in the Client Projector.0.0. It is important that the client projector is also "listening" to the correct port.1 because we are testing it on a local server) and on the specified port number (in this case 4000). The Command in Step 2 sends the contents of the variable sMessage to the IP address specified (in this case 127. For example. ASF and Real Media Video Files and control them independently! Notes a) Please note that for each video type. This means that you can now load multiple instances of AVI. QuickTime. the appropriate codec or Plug-In is required on the end users system. MPG.0 which is only available from Zinc™ 2. b) This Tutorial uses {mdm}Script™ 2.5 expands upon video integration by introducing multiple video instances.Using Video Introduction Zinc™ v2.5 . using Windows Media Player 9 Commands would require the end user to have Windows Media Player 9 Installed. X Position. Y Position.mpg" in the same folder as your projector. Height and File. expand the Actions window and enter the following code: myVideo = new mdm. 320.Using Video Step 1 Create a new file in Macromedia Flash (or your preferred SWF Authoring tool) and set the canvas size to 640x480. You can also specify an absolute path in the "file" parameter. Width. In the example above.WMP6 (0. 240. The Width and Height have been set to 320x240. the name is "myVideo". Select Frame 1.mpg") To load a video file into a custom size and position requires just one {mdm}Script™ constructor which has 5 parameters. "myClip.Y location from the Top Left hand corner of our movie. With {mdm}Script™. We have set the position to 0.0 which is the X. The above code assumes that there is a video file called "myClip. Continue to Step 2 . using constructors like the one above means you can create several instances and refer to them quickly and easily by their object name. 0. Using Video Step 2 Create a new keyframe on Frame 10. but you can specify another file if you have one in the same folder. In this example. 240. expand the Actionscript window and enter the following code: myVideo2 = new mdm.WMP6 (320. 320.mpg") The above code creates a new video instance and loads the same file next to the previous instance. 0. we have used the same video clip. "myClip. Continue to Step 3 . Notice that the X Position has been set to 320 which places it right next to our previous instance. Continue to Step 4 .play() } The two buttons have been set up to act as Play and Stop buttons for the first video instance (myVideo). Select the first button. If you wish. expand the Actionscript window and enter the following code: on(release({ myVideo.stop() } Select the second button and enter the following code: on(release({ myVideo. create two buttons at the very bottom. repeat the process by creating two additional buttons for the second video instance.Using Video Step 3 On your main movie canvas. Remember to change the instance name to myVideo2 on these buttons. If you wanted. A few seconds later.Using Video Step 4 Export your movie and compile a Projector with Zinc™ v2. The code for the second frame was placed on Frame 10. Press the buttons you created in the previous step to control the video instances independently. on the same frame. .5. but this was just to demonstrate that video can be loaded at different points in the timeline. you could have created two (or more) instances at the same time. the second instance will load next to it. the first video instance should load up at the size and position we set in Step 1. As soon as your projector runs. 5 .5 provides a method to declare variables without using Actionscript.5 Compiler and these will be available from Frame 1 onwards in your Application. You can specify variables and their values in the Zinc™ v2. In addition. These provide even greater levels of security and are ideal for keeping Passwords and other Sensitive Data safe. Secure variables can also be declared which are not available until requested. Notes This Tutorial uses {mdm}Script™ 2.0 which is only available from Zinc™ 2.Global & Secure Variables Introduction Zinc™ v2. Global & Secure Variables Step 1 Create a new file in Macromedia Flash (or your preferred SWF Authoring tool) and select Frame 1. Create a new button on the canvas. expand the Actions window and enter the following code: on (release){ SecureVarValue = mdm. Continue to Step 2 .Application. } This Command is used to request Secure variables. and with the button selected. Create two dynamic text boxes and label one "VarValue" and the other "SecureVarValue".getSecureVar("mySecureVar"). 5 and select the SWF.Global & Secure Variables Step 2 Export your SWF Movie. Launch Zinc™ v2. Cycle through to the "Global/Secure Vars" Tab and enter a Global Variable and a Secure Variable as shown below: Continue to Step 3 . 5.Global & Secure Variables Step 3 Compile the Projector with Zinc™ v2. . Using Secure variables are an excellent way to keep sensitive data in the Projector Wrapper until required. Once you click the button we created in the previous step. Extremely useful for Database and FTP passwords. If the Variables were entered correctly. the secure variable will be requested and the "SecureVarValue" text box will be populated with the Secure Value. your "VarValue" text box should be populated immediately with the appropriate value. ActiveX. ActiveX.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Executes a custom or nonActiveX.doVerbHide() ActiveX Object. Method Summary for the ActiveX Class The following table lists methods of the ActiveX class Method Description Will populate the argument list with Values and Types.addMethodParam() .ActiveX() Inserts an activeX/OLE object using the specified parameters. Executes a HIDE verb on the ActiveX.ActiveX Availability Zinc 2. Executes a ActiveX.doVerbDiscardUndoState() DISCARDUNDOSTAT verb on the ActiveX Object.close() Closes a previously created ActiveX Instance.mdm.ActiveX Constructor Summary for the ActiveX Class The following table lists constructors for the ActiveX class Constructor Description mdm.doVerbCustom() standard verb on the ActiveX Object. Will run the specified method ActiveX. Executes an UIACTIVATE verb ActiveX. Executes an OPEN verb on the ActiveX Instance Property Summary for the ActiveX Class The following table lists properties of the ActiveX class .getProperty() ActiveX/OLE Property.setProperty() Property Value Shows a previously created ActiveX.hide() ActiveX Instance. Will run the specified method ActiveX.saveDoc() within an ActiveX Object. Saves the document contained ActiveX.runMethodRet() on the ActiveX Object with a Return. Loads a previously saved ActiveX.saveObject() ActiveX Object for later use. Executes a PRIMARY verb on ActiveX.doVerbInPlaceActivate() INPLACEACTIVATE verb on the ActiveX Object.doVerbPrimary() the ActiveX Object. Saves the status of the current ActiveX. Executes an SHOW verb on ActiveX.runMethod() on the ActiveX Object.doVerbUIActivate() on the ActiveX Object. Will set the ActiveX Object's ActiveX.doVerbOpen() ActiveX Object. Hides a previously created ActiveX.loadObject() status of a current ActiveX Object.doVerbShow() the ActiveX Object.Executes an ActiveX. Will return the value of an ActiveX. x ActiveX.y Integer specifying the Height of the ActiveX Instance in Pixels. Boolean which shows or hides the ActiveX Instance. Integer specifying the Y position of the ActiveX Instance. Integer specifying the Width of the ActiveX Instance in Pixels. .height ActiveX. Integer specifying the X position of the ActiveX Instance.visible ActiveX.width ActiveX.Property Description ActiveX. Notes a) Please ensure the ActiveX/OLE object you intend to use is registered on the system or you will get a "Class not Found" error. b) To view which objects are registered on your system (and ActiveX/OLE names) visit http://www. Multiple Instances can be created.mdm. Availability Windows Constructor mdm. object:String):Void Parameters x:Number X position y:Number Y Position width:Number Width of Instance in Pixels height:String Height if Instance in Pixels object:String ActiveX Object Name Returns Nothing Description Inserts an activeX/OLE object using the specified width:Number. y:Number.asp and download . 350.1 Example Create a new Instance called myActiveX with absolute positioning: myActiveX = new mdm.ActiveX(0.sheet") .the OLE viewer to find the versionindependentprogID.mediaplayer wmplayer.document mediaplayer. 400.shockwaveflash.ocx shockwaveflash.ActiveX("t". "excel. "50%". "c". c) Some examples of class ID's for immediate use are: word. "excel. 0.sheet") Create a new Instance called myActiveX with relative positioning: // // // // // t b l r c = = = = = top bottom left right center myActiveX = new mdm. "50%". This method has 2 parameters. Once declared. To assign the Method Parameters. you can use activeX.addMethodParam() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. paramValue:String):Void Parameters paramID:Number Integer ID of the Argument paramType:String The Parameter Type paramValue:String The Parameter Value Returns Nothing Description Will populate the argument list with values and types.ActiveX. a String and an Integer.runmethod in order to run the function Example We instantiate an ActiveX Instance which contains a method to be executed.runmethod Notes There can be a maximum of 10 parameters. paramType:String.addMethodParam(paramID:Number. for later use with activeX. the command must be executed twice: . addMethodParam(2. "integer".addMethodParam(1. "John") myActiveX. 35) .myActiveX. "string". Example To close the ActiveX Instance myActiveX : myActiveX.close() .close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes a previously created ActiveX Instance Notes It is recommended that unused ActiveX Instances are closed to preserve memory.ActiveX. It is also recommended that all ActiveX Instances be closed before Exiting an Application.close() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. doVerbCustom(verbID:Number):Void Parameters VerbID:Number Integer ID of the Verb Returns Nothing Description Executes a custom or non-standard verb on the ActiveX object. myActiveX : myActiveX. specified by an integer ID.doVerbCustom(10) . Example To execute this command on the ActiveX Object.doVerbCustom() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.ActiveX. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated. Used to tell objects to discard any undo state that they may be maintaining without deactivating the Object.doVerbDiscardUndoState() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.doVerbDiscardUndoState() .ActiveX.doVerbDiscardUndoState():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Executes a DISCARDUNDOSTAT verb on the ActiveX Object. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated. Example To execute this command on the ActiveX Object. myActiveX : myActiveX. doVerbHide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Executes a HIDE verb on the ActiveX Object.ActiveX. myActiveX : myActiveX. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated. This causes an Object to remove it's User Interface from view.doVerbHide() . Only applies to Objects that are activated In-Place. Example To execute this command on the ActiveX Object.doVerbHide() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated.doVerbInPlaceActivate() .doVerbInPlaceActivate():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Executes an INPLACEACTIVATE verb on the ActiveX Object. such as menus and toolbars. the object remains active but without its tools displayed. Single-clicking such an object causes it to negotiate the display of its user-interface tools with its container. If the container refuses. myActiveX : myActiveX. that end users need to change the behavior or appearance of the object. Example To execute this command on the ActiveX Object.doVerbInPlaceActivate() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.ActiveX. Activates an object in place without displaying tools. Example To execute this command on the ActiveX Object.doVerbPrimary() .ActiveX. the primary verb usually activates the object in place. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated. determines this action. not the container. Specifies the action that occurs when an end user double-clicks the object in its container.doVerbPrimary() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. If the object supports in-place activation. The object.doVerbPrimary():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Executes a PRIMARY verb on the ActiveX Object. myActiveX : myActiveX. to open itself for editing in a window separate from that of its container.doVerbOpen() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.doVerbOpen() . If the object does not support in-place activation. Example To execute this command on the ActiveX Object.ActiveX. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated. this verb has the same semantics as OLEIVERB_SHOW.doVerbOpen():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Executes an OPEN verb on the ActiveX Object. myActiveX : myActiveX. including one that otherwise supports in-place activation. Instructs an object. Usually an alias for some other object-defined verb.doVerbShow() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.doVerbShow() .doVerbShow():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Executes a SHOW verb on the ActiveX Object. Called to display newly inserted objects for initial editing and to show link sources. myActiveX : myActiveX. Example To execute this command on the ActiveX Object. Instructs an object to show itself for editing or viewing.ActiveX. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated. Activates an object in place. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated. along with its full set of user-interface tools. Example To execute this command on the ActiveX Object. including menus. toolbars.ActiveX.doVerbUIActivate():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Executes a UIACTIVATE verb on the ActiveX Object.doVerbUIActivate() . and its name in the title bar of the container window.doVerbUIActivate() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. myActiveX : myActiveX. in an ActiveX Object referenced as myActiveX : var result = myActiveX.getProperty(propertyName:String):String Parameters propertyName:String reference to the Property Name Returns A String Description Will return the value of an ActiveX/OLE Property. Notes Regardless of the property type.ActiveX.getProperty("Movie").getProperty() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. . the returned value will always be a string. Example To receive the value of a property called Movie. ActiveX.hide() .hide() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides a previously created ActiveX Instance Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated. Example To hide the ActiveX Instance myActiveX : myActiveX. loadObject(fileName:String):Void Parameters fileName:String reference to the Path/Name of the File to load Returns Nothing Description Loads a previously saved status of a current ActiveX/OLE object. Loads a File which was previously saved using mdm.dat") .loadObject() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.loadObject("myFile.saveObject() Example ActiveXinstance.ActiveX. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated.ActiveX. Example We instantiate an ActiveX Instance. numArguments:String):Void Parameters methodName:String reference to the Method Name numArguments:Number An Integer reference to the number of Arguments Returns Nothing Description Will run the specified method on the ActiveX/OLE Object. myActiveX. If it has none.runMethod(methodName:String. which contains a method called myMethod.ActiveX. Notes If your method has arguments. This method has 2 parameters which must be declared first. before we can run the method: . then give it a value of "0".runMethod() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.addMethodParam() You must specify the number of arguments that the method has. the you MUST set up the parameters first before you can run this command. See ActiveX. addMethodParam(2.runMethod("myMethod". 2) In the next example below.runMethod("myMethod". In this case.// First declare the Method Parameters myActiveX. "integer". 35) // Run the Method myActiveX. the same Method does not have any Parameters. "John") myActiveX. 0) . the correct code would be: myActiveX. "string".addMethodParam("1". This method has 2 parameters which must be declared first.ActiveX.runMethodRet() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.runMethodRet(methodName:String. Example We instantiate an ActiveX Instance. the you MUST set up the parameters first before you can run this command.addMethodParam() You must specify the number of arguments that the method has. numArguments:Number):Void Parameters methodName:String reference to the Method Name numArguments:Number An Integer reference to the number of Arguments Returns A String Description Will run the specified method on the ActiveX/OLE Object. Notes If your method has arguments. If it has none. See ActiveX. This command is the same as ActiveX. then give it a value of "0". myActiveX. before we can run the method: . which contains a method called myMethod.runMethod() except that it has a return variable. "string".runMethodRet("myMethod".addMethodParam(1. the same Method does not have any Parameters.runMethodRet("myMethod". In this case. 0).addMethodParam(2. 2). .// First declare the Method Parameters myActiveX. In the next example below. "John") myActiveX. "integer". the correct code would be: Result = myActiveX. 35) // Run the Method Result = myActiveX. Alternatively you could use the objects own methods (if they exist) for loading and saving files. Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated.Document" Object was loaded (as myActiveX ).doc") .saveDoc() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. containing the contents of the document in the object: myActiveX. then by specifying the filename "C:\\myFile.doc" a word document would be saved to the hard disk. For loading a file into the object you have to use the OPEN verb first. and instruct the user to load the desired document.ActiveX. Only applicable to Objects that support this function. Example If a "Word. and then "update" in order to get the information into the embedded object.saveDoc(fileName:String):Void Parameters fileName:String value which contains a File Path/Name Returns Nothing Description Saves the document contained within an ActiveX/OLE Object.saveDoc("C:\\myFile. ActiveX.dat") . Notes This command is only applicable to ActiveX objects which support this feature. Example ActiveXinstance.saveObject() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.saveObject("myFile.saveObject(fileName:String):Void Parameters fileName:String A String reference to the Path/Name of the File to save Returns Nothing Description Saves the status of the current ActiveX/OLE Object to a File for later use. For use after an ActiveX Object has been instantiated. ActiveX. . "string".setProperty() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. integer) newValue:String A String reference to the New Property Value Returns Nothing Description Will set the ActiveX/OLE Object's property value to the parameters specified. boolean.setProperty("Movie". Example We have a Shockwave Flash Object loaded in the instance myActiveX and we want to set the movie property: myActiveX. Notes The correct Property Type must be passed for this command to function correctly.setProperty(propertyName:String. newValue:String):Void Parameters propertyName:String A String reference to the Property Name propertyType:String A String reference to the Property Type (string. propertyType:String. .swf")."C:\\myMovies\\Movie1. show() Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. Example To show the ActiveX Instance myActiveX : Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Shows a previously created ActiveX Instance Notes For use after an ActiveX Object has been .ActiveX. .height = 500.ActiveX.height:Number Description Gets or Sets the Height as an integer of the referenced ActiveX instance Notes None Example The following code sets the Height of the myActiveX object to 500 pixels: myActiveX.height Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance. ActiveX. Notes None Example To hide the ActiveX Instance called myActiveX: myActiveX.visible Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.visible = false.visible:Boolean Description Sets the visibility of the ActiveX Instance. . width = 500.width Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.width:Number Description Gets or Sets the Width as an integer of the referenced ActiveX instance Notes None Example The following code sets the Width of the myActiveX object to 500 pixels: myActiveX. .ActiveX. .x = 100.x Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.ActiveX.x:Number Description Gets or Sets the pixel X position as an integer of the referenced ActiveX instance Notes None Example The following code sets the X position of the myActiveX object to 100 pixels: myActiveX. ActiveX. .y:Number Description Gets or Sets the pixel Y position as an integer of the referenced ActiveX instance Notes None Example The following code sets the Y position of the myActiveX object to 100 pixels: myActiveX.y Availability Windows Usage ActiveXinstance.y = 100. delay() Application.bringToFront() Application.enableExitHandler() Application. .Application Availability Zinc 2.Application Object Summary for the Application Class The following table lists objects of the Application class Object Description Library Screensaver Timer Trial Library Object Screensaver Object Timer Object Trial Object Method Summary for the Application Class The following table lists methods of the Application class Method Description Application. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Pauses all execution in the form it is called from. Exits the Projector. Processes any system messages in the system message queue.doEvents() Application. When executed. this command will catch an external exit command.5 (Windows.mdm.exit() Restores the application to topmost standard mode. Returns a previously set Application. Sets the "minimize to tray" flag to "true" so that the Application. Sends the application behind Application. Will return the value of the Application. Closes a previously launched Application.maximize() Full Screen Application.Exit the Projector with a system code. Application.exitWithCode() .getSecureVar() specified secure variable from the Application Wrapper.shake() amount of times specified. Will set (or create if not declared).printVar() variable. Maximizes the Projector to Application. Restores the Projector to it's Application.say() capabilities to read back a String.exitWithModalResult() modal form and returns the modalResult to the Parent Form Retrieves the command line parameter set when the Application. Shakes the Projector the Application. a LOCAL Application.restore() original default size Uses the system text2speech Application.minimize() Minimizes the Projector.getCMDParams() Projector has been executed from the command line.sendToBack() any system windows.getEnvVar() Environment Variable. Prints the contents of the Application.setEnvVar() environment variable to the specified value.minimizeToTray() application will minimize to the Tray Icon and not the Taskbar. title Sets the Application Title. Property Summary for the Application Class The following table lists properties of the Application class Property Description Application.filename Contains the Application File Name. Application. Event Summary for the Application Class The following table lists events of the Application class Event Description onAppChangeFocus onAppExit onAppMinimize Executes a function upon a change in Focus of the Main Application Executes a function when the User attempts to Exit the Application. Contains the Application File Name in Application. Executes a function when the Projector is Minimized. Will enhance copying and pasting from within text boxes.pathUnix Format for Mac OSX. Application. Application. Contains the Application Path. Application. Contains the Application Path in Unix Application.isMinimized whether the App is minimized.Application. Unicode Compliant.pathUnicode Unicode Compliant.path Contains the Application Path.showTips() Application.filenameUnicode Contains the Application File Name. Returns a Boolean value indicating Application.filenameUnix Unix Format for Mac OSX.textAreaEnhance() Loads a Tips Window from your projector populated with custom data. . Executes a function when the specific Form is Restored. Mac OSX Specific. Executes a function upon a change in Form Focus. Executes a function when the specific Form is Repositioned. Executes when the specific Form touches the right side of the Desktop Area.onAppRestore onArrowKeyPress onBottomHit onDragDrop onFormChangeFocus onFormClose onFormMaximize onFormMinimize onFormReposition onFormResize onFormRestore onLeftHit onMDMScriptException onMDMScriptExceptionOSX onRightHit onSplashClosed onTopHit Executes when the Application Restores. Executes a function when the specific Form is Resized. . Executes a function when the specific Form is Minimized. Executes when the specific Form touches the top side of the Desktop Area. Executes a function when the specific Form is Closed. Executes when a custom splash closes. Executes a function when the specific Form is Maximized. Executes when any Arrow/Cursor Key is Pressed. Executes when the specific Form touches the left side of the Desktop Area Executes when an {mdm}Script Exception occurs. Executes when an {mdm}Script Exception occurs. Executes when the specific Form touches the bottom side of the Desktop Area Executes when the user drops a File/Files onto the Projector. . extractAllToExecPath() Extracts all packed files to the same directory as the Projector. MacOSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Library.Library. Extracts a packed Application.Application.Library.Library.5 (Windows.Library. . Extracts a packed file to the path Application.extractToFile() and filename specified.Applciation.extractAllToDir() specified directory.extractToExecPath() directory as the Projector.extractToVar() file directly to a variable.Library Availability Zinc 2.Library Method Summary for the Library Class The following table lists methods of the Library class Method Description Extracts all packed files to the Application. Extracts a packed file to the same Application. Application. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Application. . Example mdm.extractAllToDir() Availability Windows.extractAllToDir("c:\\").Application. extractAllToDir( extractDir:String ) :Void Parameters extractDir:String Target folder path Returns Nothing Description Extracts all packed files to the specified directory.Library.Application.Library.Library. Example mdm.Library.Application.Application.extractAllToExecPath().extractAllToExecPath() Availability Windows.extractAllToExecPath():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Extracts all packed files to the same directory as the Projector. . Mac OSX Usage mdm.Application.Library.Library. Application. "myFile.Application.Library.Library.Library. . extractedFile:String):Void Parameters packedFile:String Reference to file name to be extracted extractedFile:String Reference to target file name (file name to be created) Returns Nothing Description Extracts a packed file to the same directory as the Projector.txt".extractToExecPath(packedFile:String.Application. Mac OSX Usage mdm.txt"). Example mdm.extractToExecPath() Availability Windows.extractToExecPath("myFile. Notes The extractedFile parameter must NOT include a path as it will always extract to the Projector Directory. extractToFile() Availability Windows.Library. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Application.txt"). .Application. Notes The extractedFilePath parameter must include a path: directory + file name.extractToFile("myFile.Library. extractedFilePath:String):Void Parameters packedFile:String Reference to file name to be extracted extractedFilePath:String Reference to target file path (file path where file is to be created) Returns Nothing Description Extracts a packed file to the path and filename specified.Application.Library. Example mdm.extractToFile(packedFile:String.txt". "c:\\myFile. Application.txt").Library. .Application. Notes The extractedFile parameter must NOT include a path.extractToVar() Availability Windows. Mac OSX Usage mdm.extractToVar("myFile.Application.Library.Library. extractToVar( packedFile:String ) :String Parameters packedFile:String Reference to file name to be extracted Returns A String Description Extracts a packed file directly to a variable. Example var myData = mdm. Application. .Screensaver Method Summary for the Screensaver Class The following table lists events of the Screensaver class Method Description Enables or disables Application.Screensaver Availability Zinc 2.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Screensaver.Applciation.mouseMoveExits() the Screensaver exiting upon Mouse Movement. Screensaver.mouseMoveExits(). it will automatically default to a "true" initialization.Screensaver.mouseMoveExits():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables or disables the Screensaver exiting upon Mouse Movement. Example mdm. If this command is not specified in your compiled Screensaver project.Application.Screensaver.mouseMoveExits() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application.Application. . Application. Event Summary for the Timer Class The following table lists events of the Timer class Method Description onTimer Executes a function during a Timer Interval.Timer Availability Zinc 2.start() Application.Timer.Timer Method Summary for the Timer Class The following table lists methods of the Timer class Method Description Application. .stopAll() Disables all previously started timers.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Application.stop() Enables a Global Projector Timer.Applciation.Timer.Timer. Disables the Specified Projector Timer. the time will only run once. if set to "true".start(id:Number. .Timer. cycle:Boolean):Void Parameters id:Number Timer identifier interval:Number Timer interval in miliseconds cycle:Boolean Boolean flag Returns Nothing Description Enables a Global Projector Timer which executes the System Event Function onTimer at the interval specified.start() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application. Notes You can set upto 10 seperate Timers. interval:Number.Application.Timer. The value for interval is in milliseconds. If cycle is set to "false". Example var id = 0. var cycle = true. var interval = 1000. the timer will run indefinately. start(0. or: mdm. cycle). true).Timer.Application.mdm. interval.start(id.Timer. . 1000.Application. Application.Timer.stop(0).Timer.Application.Timer. or: mdm. Example var id = 0.stop(id:Number):Void Parameters id:Number Timer identifier Returns Nothing Description Disables the Specified Projector Timer.Timer.stop(id). mdm.Application. .stop() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application. Timer.Timer. Example mdm.stopAll() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Timer.Application. .stopAll().stopAll():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables all previously started Timers.Application.Application. Dialogs.Application.Application.Timer.Timer.onTimer1 = function(){ mdm. Replace 'X' with the Timer id.onTimerX Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application.Timer.onTimerX:Function Parameters None Description Executes a function when a Timer Interval Occurs.start() Example The following code displays a prompt when Timer 1 executes: mdm.Prompt("Timer 1 Interval") } . Notes This function will only execute when enabled with mdm. Application.activate() remove the Projector Trial Protection.Trial. Property Summary for the Trial Class The following table lists properties of the Trial class Method Description Application.tampered whether a Trial Projector has been tampered.Trial Method Summary for the Trial Class The following table lists methods of the Trial class Method Description Will activate a valid serial and Application. Application.Trial.expired Returns "true" or "false" based upon the Expiration of a Trial Projector. Application. .usesLeft Contains the Number of Uses left in a Trial Limited Projector.Trial Availability Zinc 2.evaluate() Will validate a specified serial.Applciation.Trial. Application.resetTimer() Will Reset the Trial Protection.Trial.Application.Trial.Trial. Returns "true" or "false" based upon Application.daysLeft Contains the Number of Days left in a Trial Limited Projector.Trial.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Application.activate() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Dialogs. Prompt the user directly: if (mdm.Trial.activate("ABC1234HB67N").activate("ABC1234HB67N") == true){ mdm. Notes A true or false value will be returned based upon the success of the command.Trial.Trial. Example Simple Usage: Result = mdm.Application.Application.Trial.Application.activate(serial:String):Boolean Parameters serial:String Reference to a valid serial Returns A Boolean Description Will activate a valid serial and remove the Projector Trial Protection.prompt("Your Software has been Activated") } . Application.Application.Application.prompt("Your Serial is Invalid") } .evaluate("ABC1234HB67N"). Prompt the user directly: if (mdm.evaluate("ABC1234HB67N") == false){ mdm.Trial.evaluate() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes Returns "true" if the serial is valid and "false" if invalid.Trial. Example Simple Usage: Result = mdm.Trial.evaluate(serial:String):Boolean Parameters serial:String Reference to a valid serial Returns A Boolean Description Compares the serial specified with the internal serial list.Trial.Dialogs.Application. . resetTimer() .resetTimer() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Trial.resetTimer():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will reset the Trial Protection.Trial.Application.Application.Application.Trial. Notes None Example mdm. .Trial.Application.Trial.Trial.daysLeft.daysLeft Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes None Example var myVar = Application.Application.daysLeft:Number Description Contains the Number of Days left in a Trial Limited Projector. Notes None Example var myVar = Application.expired Availability Windows Usage mdm.Trial.Trial.Application.Application.expired:Boolean Description Returns "true" or "false" based upon the Expiration of a Trial Projector. .expired.Trial. .tampered. Notes None Example var myVar = Application.tampered:Boolean Description Returns "true" or "false" based upon whether a Trial Projector has been tampered.Trial.Trial.Application.Application.Trial.tampered Availability Windows Usage mdm. Trial.Trial. Notes None Example var myVar = Application. .usesLeft Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application.Trial.usesLeft.usesLeft:Number Description Contains the Number of Uses left in a Trial Limited Projector.Application. Application.Application.sendToBack() Notes None Example mdm.Application.Application.bringToFront():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Restores the application to standard mode after executing mdm.bringToFront() .bringToFront() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Application.Application.delay(10) .Application.delay(delay:Number):Void Parameters delay:Number Time in milliseconds to wait Returns Nothing Description This command pauses all execution in the form it is called from. Notes None Example mdm.delay() Availability Windows Usage mdm. allowing drawing and other system events to occur). for the specified time in miliseconds (plus the time it takes for system events to clear the system message queue. Application.Application.Application.doEvents():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Processes any system messages in the system message queue.doEvents() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.doEvents() . enableExitHandler() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application.enableExitHandler() . and process a custom response/action before exit.enableExitHandler():Void Parameters None Returns nothing Description When executed.Application. this command will catch an external exit command (ie.Application. Notes None Example To enable the Exit Handler: mdm. When a user clicks on the corner close button of the projector) and execute System Event Function "onAppExit". The projector can then handle any exit request that is generated outside the movie. Application.exit():Void or mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm. Example To exit the Application with no confirmations: mdm. Notes This command has 2 optional parameters which can be used if you would prefer to Prompt the User prior to closing the Projector.Application. message:String):Void Parameters opt:String Constant optional parameter of value "ask" sourceFile:String Optional message string .Application.exit() Availability Windows.Application.required with "ask" parameter Returns Nothing Description Exits the Projector.exit() .exit(opt:String. Please see the examples below. To exit the Application with a custom confirmation: mdm.Application.exit("ask"."Are you sure you want to Exit?") . Example To exit the Application with a System Exit Code of "25": mdm.Application.exitWithCode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.exitWithCode(exitCode:Number):Void Parameters exitCode:Number An Integer Value between 0 and 255 Returns Nothing Description Exits the Projector and sets the System Exit Code to the value defined in exitCode Notes This command should only be used by experienced developers who need to set a System Exit Code when their Projector Exits.exitWithCode(25) .Application.Application. Valid modalResult values are: none ok cancel abort retry ignore yes no all notoall yestoall Notes The Parent Form is the form which initiated the Modal Form. This can be any .Application.exitWithModalResult( modalResult:String ) :Void Parameters modalResult:String reference to the Modal Result Message Returns Nothing Description Closes a previously launched modal form and returns the modalResult to the Parent Form.exitWithModalResult() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application. Form in your application. Example The Main Form initiates a Modal Form. To Exit the Modal Form and return an "ok" message back to the Main Form: mdm.Application. including the main Application Form.exitWithModalResult("ok") . Application.getCMDParams(2) To request the remaining 3 Command Line Parameters executed: cmdParam3 = mdm. Command line parameters are assigned an "id" in the order they appear in the command line.getCMDParams() Availability Windows Usage mdm.getCMDParams(cmdID:Number):String Parameters cmdID:Number An Integer reference to the Command Line Parameter ID Returns A String Description Retrieves the command line parameter set when the Projector has been executed from the command line.Application.Application.Application.getCMDParams(3) cmdParam4 = mdm.Application.getCMDParams(4) .Application. Notes None Example To request the first 2 Command Line Parameters executed: cmdParam1 = mdm.getCMDParams(1) cmdParam2 = mdm. cmdParam5 = mdm.Application.getCMDParams(5) . getEnvVar("myEnvVar").Application.getEnvVar(varName:String):String Parameters varName:String reference to the Environmental Variable Name Returns A String Description Returns a previously set Environment Variable.setEnvVar() . Example To retrieve a previously set Environmental Variable called myEnvVar : Result = mdm.This command is available for advanced users. Notes For use after mdm. and certain software protection packages.Application.Application. .getEnvVar() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application. . Secure variables are set in the Main Zinc IDE. Example To retrieve a Secure Variable called mySecureVar : Result = mdm.Application.Application.Application. the string "mdm_notfound" will be returned.getSecureVar("mySecureVar").getSecureVar(varName:String):String Parameters varName:String A String reference to the Secure Variable Name Returns A String Description Will return the value of the specified secure variable from the Application Wrapper. Notes If no value is found.getSecureVar() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Application.maximize() .maximize():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Maximizes the Projector to Full Screen.maximize() Availability Windows.Application. Notes None Example To Maximize the Application: mdm.Application. Mac OSX Usage mdm. minimize() .Application.Application. Mac OSX Usage mdm.minimize() Availability Windows.minimize():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Minimizes the Projector.Application. Notes None Example To Minimize the Application: mdm. The Tray Icon must be enabled for this command to function.Application.Application. but set the "minimize to tray" flag to "true" so that when a Application.minimizeToTray(enable:Boolean):Void Parameters enable:Boolean A boolean value which enables or disbales the behavior Returns Nothing Description Will minimize the application to the tray based upon the value of minimize Notes This command will not actually minimize the Projector to the tray. Example To Minimize an Application to the Tray. When using this option the developer must provide a means of restoring the projector. either in a timed manner. you must first use: mdm.Application. or by making that option available as a Tray Menu Item.minimize() command is executed.minimizeToTray() Availability Windows Usage mdm.minimizeToTray(true) . the application will minimize to the Tray Icon and not the Taskbar. Application.minimize() .Followed by: mdm. printVar(mainBody.Application. showPrintDialog:Boolean):Void Parameters varToPrint:String Variable or String to Print showPrintDialog:Boolean Boolean value to determine presence of the Print Dialog Returns Nothing Description Prints the contents of the variable varToPrint.printVar() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application. Notes None Example To print the contents of a Variable called mainBody and SHOW the Print Dialog Window: mdm.Application.printVar(varToPrint:String. true) To print a literal value and NOT show the Print Dialog Window: . Application. false) .mdm.printVar("Print this Text". restore() . Notes None Example To Restore the Application: mdm.Application. Mac OSX Usage mdm.restore() Availability Windows.Application.restore():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Restores the Projector to it's original default size.Application. say("Zinc is amazing") . Notes Windows 2000.Application. you must download and install the Microsoft Speech SDK at Example Simple usage: mdm. To use this command with Win98 Mac OSX Usage mdm.say(text2speech:String):Void Parameters text2speech:String A String value which contains the message Returns Nothing Description Uses the system text2speech capabilities to read back the String in text2speech.say() Availability Windows. XP and Mac OSX Only.Application. Application.Application.sendToBack() .sendToBack() Availability Windows Usage mdm.sendToBack():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sends the application behind any system windows.Application. Notes None Example mdm. ie. "Zinc") . It CANNOT change the global PATH variable even if you specify its name. varValue:String):Void Parameters varName:String A String reference to the Environmental Variable Name varValue:String A String reference to the Environmental Variable Value Returns Nothing Description Will set (or create if not declared). Notes This command will NOT set a global variable. Example To Set an Environmental Variable called myEnVar with the value "Zinc": mdm. and certain software protection packages.setEnvVar("myEnvVar".setEnvVar() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application. Any changes apply to the applications running shell ONLY.setEnvVar(varName:String. This command is available for advanced users.Application. a LOCAL environment variable to the specified value.Application. . Notes None Example Simple usage: mdm.Application.shake() Availability Windows. Mac OSX Usage mdm.shake(10) .Application.Application.shake(shakeTime:Number):Void Parameters shakeTime:Number An Integer reference to the number of times to shake Returns Nothing Description Shakes the Projector the amount of times specified. showTips("Zinc is Awesome!. tip:String]):Boolean Parameters tips:String A delimited String Returns A Boolean Description Loads a Tips Window from your projector populated with data from the variable tips. The checked status of the "Show Tips on Startup" will be returned to the variable return as a true or false statement.showTips() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes Your Tips must be delimited with a semicolon ". Example To display a Tips Window which contains 3 "tips": mdm.Zinc Rocks!.Application. This will NOT automatically make an entry and remember the status.Application.showTips(tips:String[." in your your Tip Descriptions.Zinc kicks a**!"). The Coder must handle this return based upon the needs of your Project. .Application." character and you must NOT use commas ". Zinc Rocks!. .To display the same Window.showTips("Zinc is Awesome!.Zinc kicks a**!").Application. but with a result to the checked status of "Show Tips on Startup": Result = mdm. However.textAreaEnhance() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application.textAreaEnhance(enhance:Boolean):Void Parameters enhance:Boolean Reference to the Main Application Returns Nothing Description When enabled. . this command will enhance copying and pasting from within text boxes.Application.textAreaEnhance(true). double clicking to select all text within a text box will be disabled.Application. Notes None Example mdm. filename Availability Windows. .Application.prompt(mdm.filename). Prompt the value directly: mdm. Read Only. Mac OSX Usage mdm.filename:String Description Contains the Application File Name.filename.Dialogs.Application. Notes Mac OSX returns the full Path and File Name. Example Simple Usage: var myApp = mdm.Application.Application. filenameUnicode Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application. Notes Unicode Compliant.Application.filenameUnicode. .filenameUnicode:String Description Gets the Application File Name. Prompt the value directly: mdm.filenameUnicode).prompt(mdm.Application.Dialogs.Application. Read Only Example Simple Usage: var myApp = mdm. filenameUnix:String Description Gets the Application File Name.Application.prompt(mdm.filenameUnix).filenameUnix Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. . Example Simple Usage: var myApp = mdm.Dialogs. Prompt the value directly: mdm.Application.Application. Notes Unix Format for Mac OSX.Application.filenameUnix. isMinimized Availability Windows Usage mdm.prompt("Application is Minimized").Application.Dialogs.isMinimized() == true){ mdm.Application.Application. } .Application.isMinimized() Used within IF Statement: if (mdm. Notes None Example Simple Return: Result = mdm.isMinimized():Boolean Description Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the Application is minimized (true) or not (false). path Availability Windows.Application.path. To construct a path to a file located in the same directory as your Application: var path = mdm. .path+"myImage.Application.Application.jpg".path:String Description Contains the Application Path Notes Read Only. Example Simple Usage: var myAppPath = mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Application. To construct a path to a file located in the same directory as your Application: var path = mdm. Read Only.pathUnicode+"myImage.pathUnicode Availability Windows Usage mdm. .pathUnicode.Application.Application. Example Simple Usage: var myAppPath = mdm.Application.Application.jpg".pathUnicode:String Description Contains the Application Path Notes Unicode Compliant. pathUnix.pathUnix Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.Application. .pathUnix+"myImage. To construct a path to a file located in the same directory as your Application: var path = mdm.Application.jpg". Example Simple Usage: var myAppPath = mdm.Application.pathUnix:String Description Contains the Application Path Notes Unix Format for Mac OSX.Application. title:String Description Sets the Application title.Application. Example mdm.Application.Application. .title Availability Windows Usage mdm.title = "My New Title". Notes Write Only. Prompt("Focus Changed") } .onAppChangeFocus Availability Windows Usage mdm.onAppChangeFocus = function(){ mdm.Dialogs.onAppChangeFocus:Function Parameters None Description Executes a function upon a change in Focus of the Main Application Example The following code displays a prompt when the Application Focus changes: mdm.Application.Application. Dialogs.Application.onAppExit Availability Windows Usage mdm.onAppExit = function(){ mdm.onAppExit:Function Parameters None Description Executes a function when the User attempts to Exit the Application. Notes This function will only execute when enabled with mdm.Application.enableExitHandler() Example The following code displays a prompt when the User tries to Exit: mdm.Prompt("Not so Fast!") } .Application. Notes Not supported on Transparent Projectors.Application.onAppMinimize = function(){ mdm.onAppMinimize:Function Parameters None Description Executes a function when the Projector is Minimized.Prompt("Application Minimized") } .Dialogs.Application. Example The following code displays a prompt when the Application is Minimized: mdm.onAppMinimize Availability Windows Usage mdm. onAppRestore:Function Parameters None Description Executes when the Application Restores.Application.Dialogs.Application. Notes Not supported on Transparent Projectors. Example The following code displays a prompt when the Application is restored: mdm.onAppRestore Availability Windows Usage mdm.Prompt("Application restored") } .onAppRestore = function(){ mdm. onArrowKeyPress Availability Windows Usage mdm. Description Executes when the user presses a UP.Dialogs. Example Simple Usage: function onArrowKeyPress(status){ mdm.onArrowKeyPress:Function Parameters status:String A reference to the Key State. DOWN. LEFT or RIGHT Arrow Key. Possible return values are: leftUp rightUp upUp downUp leftDown rightDown upDown downDown Notes Applicable to Transparent Form Only.Application.prompt(status) } . Application.onArrowKeyPress = function(myObject){ mdm.Advanced Usage: mdm.Dialogs.status) } .prompt(myObject. onBottomHit = function(){ mdm.Application. Notes Applicable to Transparent Form Only.Prompt("Bottom hit!") } .Application.Dialogs. Example The following code displays a prompt when bottom hit has occurred: mdm.onBottomHit Availability Windows Usage mdm.onBottomHit:Function Parameters None Description Executes when the specific Form touches the Bottom side of the Desktop Area. files[0]) } .onDragDrop:Function Parameters files:Array An array containing file(s) dropped on the Projector.dndEnable() Example The following code displays a prompt when a file is dropped onto the Projector: mdm.Application.Dialogs. Notes This event must is activated with mdm.onDragDrop= function(myObject){ mdm.Application.onDragDrop Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.prompt(myObject. Description Executes when the user drags and drops a file or files onto the Projector. Application. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Prompt("Form is Focused!") } } .Application. Notes None Example mdm.status == true){ mdm. Description Executes a function upon a change in Form Focus.onFormChangeFocus = function(myObject){ if (myObject.onFormChangeFocus:Function Parameters status:Boolean If form is in focus.onFormChangeFocus Availability Windows.Dialogs. However.onFormClose = function(){ mdm.Application.enableExitHandler() on the specific SubForm. Notes This Event is only applicable to Sub-Forms.Prompt("Form Attempting to Close") } . Example mdm.onFormClose:Function Parameters None Description Executes when the specific Form is Closed.Dialogs.onFormClose Availability Windows Usage mdm. to enable this event.Application.Application. you must enable mdm. Description Executes when the specific Form is Maximized. width:Number Window hosting flash content width in pixels.onFormMaximize:Function Parameters clientWidth:Number Flash content width in pixels.height) } .onFormMaximize Availability Windows Usage mdm.width) mdm.Application.Prompt(myObject. Notes None Example mdm. height:Number Window hosting flash content height in pixels.onFormMaximize = function(myObject){ mdm. clientHeight:Number Flash content height in pixels.Dialogs.Dialogs.Application.Prompt(myObject. Application.Prompt(myObject. height:Number Window hosting flash content height in pixels.onFormMinimize:Function Parameters clientWidth:Number Flash content width in pixels.height) } .onFormMinimize Availability Windows Usage mdm.width) mdm.onFormMinimize = function(myObject){ mdm. Notes None Example mdm.Prompt(myObject. width:Number Window hosting flash content width in pixels.Application.Dialogs. Description Executes when the specific Form is Minimized.Dialogs. clientHeight:Number Flash content height in pixels. Application.y) } . y:Number Form Y position on screen in pixels Description Executes when the specific Form is repositioned.onFormReposition:Function Parameters x:Number Form X position on screen in pixels. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Dialogs.Prompt(myObject.onFormReposition = function(myObject){ mdm.Dialogs.x) mdm. Notes None Example mdm.Application.onFormReposition Availability Windows.Prompt(myObject. onFormResize = function(myObject){ mdm. width:Number Window hosting flash content width in pixels.Application. clientHeight:Number Flash content height in pixels.width) mdm.onFormResize Availability Windows. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Dialogs. Description Executes when the specific Form is resized.onFormResize:Function Parameters clientWidth:Number Flash content width in pixels.Prompt(myObject. height:Number Window hosting flash content height in pixels.height) } .Prompt(myObject. Notes None Example mdm.Application.Dialogs. width:Number Window hosting flash content width in pixels.onFormRestore = function(myObject){ mdm.Prompt(myObject.Dialogs. Notes None Example mdm.Application.Application.width) mdm.onFormRestore Availability Windows Usage mdm. Description Executes when the specific Form is restored.Prompt(myObject.height) } . clientHeight:Number Flash content height in pixels. height:Number Window hosting flash content height in pixels.onFormRestore:Function Parameters clientWidth:Number Flash content width in pixels.Dialogs. onLeftHit Availability Windows Usage mdm.Application.onLeftHit:Function Parameters None Description Executes when the specific Form touches the Left side of the Desktop Area.Application.onLeftHit = function(){ mdm.Dialogs. Notes Applicable to Transparent Form Only.Prompt("Left hit!") } . Example The following code displays a prompt when left hit has occurred: mdm. Prompt(myObject. parameter:Number Parameter where error occured.Application.Dialogs. Example mdm.and so on } ..Prompt("An error has occured on Frame " + myObject. value:String Value of Paramater where error occured.frameNumber) mdm.onMDMScriptException = function(myObject){ mdm..command) mdm. Description Executes a function when an {mdm}Script Exception Occurs.onMDMScriptException:Function Parameters formType:String Form Type .Prompt(myObject. frameNumber:Number Frame Number where error occured.Dialogs.onMDMScriptException Availability Windows Usage mdm.message) // .Dialogs.Application."Standard" or "Transparent" command:String Command at which the Exception occured message:String Error Message. . .Dialogs.onMDMScriptExceptionOSX:Function Parameters command:String Command at which the Exception occured paramX:String Parameter value of the Command where X is 1-12 Description Executes a function when an {mdm}Script Exception Occurs. Example mdm.Dialogs.command) mdm.Prompt(myObject.Prompt(myObject..Application.Application.and so on } .onMDMScriptExceptionOSX = function(myObject){ mdm.Prompt(myObject.param2) // .onMDMScriptExceptionOSX Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.Dialogs.param1) mdm. Dialogs.Prompt("Right hit!") } .Application. Notes Applicable to Transparent Form Only. Example The following code displays a prompt when right hit has occurred: mdm.Application.onRightHit = function(){ mdm.onRightHit Availability Windows Usage mdm.onRightHit:Function Parameters None Description Executes when the specific Form touches the Right side of the Desktop Area. Prompt("Splash Closed.onSplashClosed Availability Windows Usage mdm..onSplashClosed:Function Parameters None Description Executes a function once a Custom Splash Screen Closes.onSplashClosed = function(){ mdm.Dialogs. Example The following code displays a prompt when the Splash Closes: mdm..Application.Application..") } .. Starting Application. onTopHit:Function Parameters None Description Executes when the specific Form touches the Top side of the Desktop Area.onTopHit = function(){ mdm.Dialogs.Prompt("Bottom hit!") } .Application.Application. Notes Applicable to Transparent Form Only.onTopHit Availability Windows Usage mdm. Example The following code displays a prompt when top hit has occurred: mdm. This command will execute an AppleScript. Used to set the AppleScript AppleScript.compileScript() . AppleScript.AppleScript Availability Zinc 2.runEvent() AppleScript Event. AppleScript. AppleScript. Used to retrieve the AppleScript.getProperty() the specified Property (if applicable).AppleScript Method Summary for the AppleScript Class The following table lists methods of the AppleScript class Method Description Compiles a previously defined AppleScript.setScript() Function. Used to set the value of the compiled AppleScript.mdm.setProperty() specified Property (if applicable). Used to retrieve the value of AppleScript.getCompilationError() Returns error details if a compilation error occured.getResult() AppleScript result value (if applicable).getLastError() Returns error details if a runtime error occured. Will run the previously set and AppleScript.5 (Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm. compileScript() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.setScript() Example To compile previously set script: var compiled = mdm.compileScript() .AppleScript.compileScript():Boolean Parameters None Returns A Boolean Description Compiles a previously defined AppleScript and returns true if the Script Compiled without Errors. or false is the Script Compiled with Errors.AppleScript.AppleScript.AppleScript. Notes For use after an AppleScript has been set using mdm. compileScript() Example To return a Compilation Error: var errorDetails = mdm.AppleScript.getCompilationError()) . you can use this command to return the exact details of the error Notes For use after mdm.AppleScript.prompt(mdm.getCompilationError() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.AppleScript.AppleScript.AppleScript.Dialogs.getCompilationError(). Or to prompt the details directly: mdm.getCompilationError():String Parameters None Returns String Description If a compilation error is found. you can use this command to return the exact details of the error.getLastError() Availability Mac OSX Usage Example To return the Last Error Details: var lastError = mdm. Or to prompt the details directly: mdm.AppleScript. Notes For use after mdm.AppleScript.AppleScript.getLastError()).AppleScript.getLastError():String Parameters None Returns String Description If a runtime error is found.prompt(mdm. .getLastError(). AppleScript.Dialogs.prompt( mdm.getProperty( propertyName:String ) :String Parameters propertyName:String Reference to the Property Name Returns A String Description Used to retrieve the value of the specified Property (if applicable).AppleScript. Notes For use after mdm. Or to prompt the value directly: mdm.getProperty("myProperty").AppleScript. .getProperty() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.compileScript() Example To return the value of a property called myProperty : var propertyValue = mdm.getProperty("myProperty") ).AppleScript.AppleScript. getResult() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. Notes For use after mdm.getResult(). Example var myResults = mdm.getResult():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Used to retrieve the AppleScript result value (if applicable).AppleScript.AppleScript.AppleScript. run() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.AppleScript. . but check for a true/false return: var success = mdm.getLastError() to the return the last Error Message. Notes If a return value is exepcted.AppleScript. Example To run a previously set and compiled AppleScript: mdm.AppleScript. or false is the Script Executed with Errors. If an error occured during To run the same AppleScript. use mdm. use mdm.getResult() to retrieve Parameters None Returns A Boolean Description Will run the previously set and compiled Returns true if the Script Executed without Errors. To use the same AppleScript in a IF Statement: if (mdm.AppleScript.prompt( == false){ mdm.getLastError()) } .AppleScript. setScript(): on showDialog (message) display dialog message end showDialog .AppleScript.AppleScript.]]] ) :String Parameters eventName:String Reference to the Event Name param:String Reference to an optional Event Parameter..AppleScript... Notes None Example Let's assume we have set the following AppleScript using mdm.param2:String[.runEvent() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. Param2 etc).runEvent(event Name:String[param1:String[. Returns A String Description This command will execute an Event (a Function that resides inside a AppleScript). Upto 8 Parameters can be passed (Param1. runEvent("showDialog". . our script would be: mdm. "Hello World"). the event (function) is called showDialog and it has 1 parameter. "Hello World"). message.runEvent("showDialog".AppleScript. but check for a return (if applicable): var myResult = mdm.AppleScript.As you can see. To run the same AppleScript. To run this event. Notes For use after mdm.setProperty(propertyName:String.AppleScript. propertyValue:String):String Parameters propertyName:String Reference to the Property Name propertyValue:String Reference to the Property Value Returns A String Description Used to set the value of the specified Property (if applicable).setProperty() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.setProperty("myProperty". .AppleScript.AppleScript.compileScript() Example To set the value of a property called myProperty: mdm. "This is my Value").AppleScript. Notes This command will NOT actually execute the script.AppleScript.setScript("tell application \"Finder\" empty . it will only declare it.setScript() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. You must compile and run the AppleScript to execute it. Example Below is an example of a simple AppleScript: tell application "Finder" empty trash end tell To set this Script: mdm.AppleScript.AppleScript.setScript(script:String):Void Parameters script:String Contains the AppleScript to be set Returns Nothing Description Used to set the AppleScript Function. trash end tell") . back() Browser.mdm. Loads the next page in the Browser history (if one exists).Browser() Inserts an Internet Explorer Browser Instance using the specified parameters. Method Summary for the Browser Class The following table lists methods of the Browser class Method Description Browser.goto() Launches the standard IE "Add to Favorites" dialog box with the url and name parameters set at the values url and name Loads the previous page in the Browser history.addFavorite() Browser.Browser Constructor Summary for the Browser Class The following table lists constructors for the Browser class Constructor Description mdm. .forward() Browser.Browser Availability Zinc 2. Closes the specified Browser Instance loaded. Instructs the specified Browser Instance to go to the specific URL.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.close() Browser. Will hide the specified Browser Instance.printMargins() Print Job.print() Browser Instance.printHeader() Sets the Header Text of the Print out.printCopies() Sets the number of Copies to Print.hide() Instance. Use to refresh the content inside a Browser.printPreview() Browser Instance.refresh() specified Browser Instance. Prints the contents of the specified Browser. Shows a Print Preview of the specified Browser. Use to stop loading the content inside Browser. Sets the page margins of the Browser Browser.printOrientation() Sets the Page orientation of the Print Job.Instructs the specified Browser Instance to go to the specific URL in a specific Frame Target. Browser. Will show the specified Browser Browser.setSourceInTarget() Frame in the specified browser Instance.gotoTarget() Property Summary for the Browser Class The following table lists properties of the Browser class . Browser. Browser. Browser.printFooter() Sets the Footer Text of the Print out.stop() a specified Browser Instance. Sets the HTML content of a specific Browser. Browser. Browser.printHTMLHeader() Sets the Header HTML of the Print out. visible Browser.url Browser. Integer value of pixel width of browser instance. Text property with current title of the page in the specified Browser Instance Current path to page loaded into browser instance. Sets the Browser Instance User Agent Browser Instance Visibility.x Browser.height Browser.Property Description Browser. .source Browser.isBusy Browser.favourites Browser.userAgent Browser. Integer value which determines the X Position.width Browser. Property which contains loaded page content. Integer value of pixel height of browser instance. Contains current state of activity of the Browser Instance.title Browser. Event Summary for the Browser Class The following table lists events of the Browser class Event Description onDocumentComplete Executes when a Browser Instance has finished loading its URL. Integer value which determines the Y Position.y Returns a current list of stored links in the System Favorites folder. width:Number. Notes Internet Explorer 5 or higher must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. IE5 is installed by default on all Win98SE systems and up. Multiple Instances can be created.Browser() Availability Windows Constructor mdm. border:Boolean):Void Parameters x:Number X position y:Number Y Position width:Number Width of Instance in Pixels height:String Height if Instance in Pixels url:String Initial URL to load border:Boolean Show/Hide Browser Borders Returns Nothing Description Inserts an Internet Explorer Browser Instance using the specified parameters. .mdm. y:Number.Browser(x:Number. height:Number. object:String. 400. "50%". 350.Browser(0.Browser("c".Example Create a new Instance called myBrowser with absolute positioning: myBrowser = new".com".multidmedia. true) .multidmedia. 0. true) Create a new Instance called myBrowser with relative positioning: // // // // // t b l r c = = = = = top bottom left right center myBrowser = new mdm. "http://www. "http://www. "c". "50%". .addFavorite(url:String. "MDM Homepage").addFavorite() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. description:String):Void Parameters url:String Rreference to the URL description:String Description of the URL Returns Nothing Description Launches the standard IE "Add to Favorites" dialog box with the url and name parameters set at the values url and name. Notes None Example myBrowser.addFavorite("".Browser.multidmedia. back().onRelease = function(){ myBrowser.back() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. Notes None Example backButton. } .Browser.back():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Loads the previous page in the Browser history (if one exists) in the specified Browser Instance. } .close().onRelease = function(){ myBrowser.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the specified Browser Instance loaded.close() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.Browser. Notes None Example closeButton. forward().Browser.forward() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.onRelease = function(){ myBrowser. } . Notes None Example forwardButton.forward():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Loads the next page in the Browser history (if one exists). } .goto("").multidmedia.goto(url:String):Void Parameters url:String A String reference to a Target URL Returns Nothing Description Instructs the specified Browser instance to go to the specific domain or webpage.Browser.goto() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. Notes None Example visitHomePageButton.onRelease = function(){ myBrowser. } .multidmedia.gotoTarget() Availability Windows Usage".Browser.onRelease = function(){ myBrowser. target:String):Void Parameters url:String A String reference to a Target URL url:String A String reference to a Target Frame Returns Nothing Description Instructs the specified Browser instance to go to the specific domain or webpage in a specific Frame or Window. "mainFrame").gotoTarget(url:String.gotoTarget("http://www. Notes None Example visitHomePageButton. hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will hide the specified Browser Instance.hide().hide() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. } .Browser. Notes None Example hideBrowserButton.onRelease = function(){ myBrowser. Browser.print(false). The parameter showPrompt must be a true or false value to either show or hide the default print dialog box.onRelease = function(){ myBrowser.print(showPrompt:Boolean):Void Parameters showPrompt:Boolean parameter to either show or hide the default print dialog box Returns Nothing Description Prints the contents of the specified Browser Instance. Notes None Example printCurrentPageButton.print() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. } . printCopies(3) .print() Notes None Example browserInstance.printCopies() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.printCopies(copies:Number):Void Parameters copies:Number Reference to the number of copies required Returns Nothing Description Sets the number of copies to print before using Browser.Browser. printFooter(footerText:String):Void Parameters footerText:String Text to be set as footer Returns Nothing Description Allows you to set the Footer Text of the Print out. } .Browser.printFooter(footerText). myBrowser.print(false). myBrowser.printFooter() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. Notes None Example printCurrentPageButton.onRelease = function(){ var footerText = "my footer". Notes None Example printCurrentPageButton.printHeader(headerText:String):Void Parameters headerText:String text to be set as header Returns Nothing Description Allows you to set the Header Text of the Print out.print(false). myBrowser.printHeader(headerText).onRelease = function(){ var headerText = "my header".Browser. myBrowser. } .printHeader() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. myBrowser. Notes None Example printCurrentPageButton.printHTMLHeader(htmlText). } .onRelease = function(){ var htmlText = "<b>This is my bold text</b>".print(false).printHTMLHeader() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. myBrowser.Browser.printHTMLHeader(htmlText:String):Void Parameters htmlText:String Text to be set as header Returns Nothing Description Allows you to set the Header HTML of the Print out. 1). } . myBrowser.Browser.print(false). right:Number. Values are in Inches. bottom:Number):Void Parameters left:Number Integer value of left margin (in inches) right:Number Integer value of right margin (in inches) top:Number Integer value of top margin (in inches) bottom:Number Integer value of bottom margin (in inches) Returns Nothing Description Sets the page margins of the Browser Print Job.printMargins(1. Notes None Example printCurrentPageButton.printMargins(left:Number.onRelease = function(){ myBrowser. top:Number.printMargins() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. 1. 1. printOrientation(orientation:String):Void Parameters orientation:String Reference to the print orientation (portrait or landscape) Returns Nothing Description Sets the orientation of the paper to print before using Browser.printOrientation() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.printOrientation("landscape") .Browser.print() Notes None Example browserInstance. } .Browser.printPreview() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.printPreview():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Shows a Print Preview of the specified Browser Instance Notes None Example previewPrintPageButton.onRelease = function(){ myBrowser.printPreview(). refresh().refresh() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. Notes None Example refreshPageButton.Browser.refresh():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Use to refresh the content inside a specified Browser Instance. } .onRelease = function(){ myBrowser. setSourceInTarget(content:String.setSourceInTarget() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.Browser.setSourceInTarget(myContent. } .onRelease = function(){ var myContent = "<html><b>This is my HTML</b></html>". myTarget). myBrowser. target:String):Void Parameters content:String Reference to the URL target:String Description of the URL Returns Nothing Description Sets the HTML content of a specific Frame in the specified browser Instance. Notes None Example setPageButton. var myTarget = "MainFrame". show().Browser. Notes None Example Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show the specified Browser Instance. Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.refresh(). } .onRelease = function(){ myBrowser. onRelease = function(){ myBrowser.stop():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Use to stop loading the content inside a specified Browser Instance.stop(). } .stop() Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. Notes None Example stopButton.Browser. The First Dimension contains the Array Entry ID and the Second Dimension contains the Favorite Link Details.favorites.favorites:Array Description Returns the Stored Favorites to a 2 dimensional Array.Browser.favorites Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. // favoritesList[0][0] = Favorite Name // favoritesList[0][1] = Favorite Link . Example var favoritesList = myBrowser. Dialogs.prompt(myBrowser.height = 200.height:Number Description Integer value of pixel height of browser instance.width = 400.height Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.height = 400.onRelase = function(){ myBrowser. . myBrowser. } Prompt the value directly: mdm.Browser. Example Simple Usage: myBrowser. resizeBrowserButton.height). var myInterval = setInterval(checkBrowserActivity. } } Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.Browser._visible = false.isBusy. Example Simple Usage: var isBusy = myBrowser. myProgressBar. Prompt the value directly: .isBusy) { setInterval(checkBrowserActivity. if (myBrowser.hide().isBusy:Boolean Description Property which contains current state of activity of the browser instance._visible = true. Read only. 500). myBrowser. } else { myProgressBar. 500). Advanced Usage: function checkBrowserActivity() { clearInterval(myInterval). Dialogs.isBusy). .mdm.prompt(myBrowser. source.source). Prompt the value directly: mdm.source = "<b>Hello World!</b>". .prompt(myBrowser.Browser.source:String Description Property which contains loaded page content (as plain or formatted text).Dialogs.source Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.. // set data myBrowser. Example Simple Usage: // get data var myBrowserData = myBrowser. title:String Description Text property with current title of the page in the specified Browser Instance.Browser.prompt(myBrowser. .title. Example Simple Usage: var myBrowserTitle = myBrowser.title Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. Read only.title). Prompt the value directly: mdm.Dialogs. Browser.Dialogs.url:String Description Text property with current path to page loaded into browser instance.url Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. .url. // get property var myBrowserURL = myBrowser.url).url = "http://www.prompt(". Example Simple Usage: // set property myBrowsere. Prompt the value directly: mdm. org/wiki/User_agent Example myBrowser.userAgent Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. en-US.0". This allows the Browser Instance to identify itself to the remote server as any Browser other than IE.7.userAgent = "Mozilla/5.wikipedia.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.Browser. Notes For a list of User Agents.1. rv:1. please see http://en.0 (Windows. U. . Windows NT 5.userAgent():String Description This commands Sets the User Agent to the specified value. visible:Boolean Description Sets the visibility of the Browser Instance.visible).visible = true. . Prompt the value directly: mdm.prompt(myBrowser. // set property myBrowser.visible Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.Dialogs.visible. Example Simple Usage: // get property var isVisible = myBrowser.Browser. Example Simple Usage: myBrowser. resizeBrowserButton.width Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.height = 400.Browser.width = 400.onRelase = function(){ browserInstance.width = 200.width:Number Description Pixel width of browser instance. browserInstance. .prompt(myBrowser.Dialogs. } Prompt the value directly: mdm.width). prompt(myBrowser. Prompt the value directly: mdm. Example Simple Usage: // get property var myBrowserLeftEdge = myBrowser.x Availability Windows Usage browserInstance.x. .Dialogs. // set property myBrowser.Browser.x:Number Description Integer value which determines position of left edge of browser.x = 150.x). y.prompt(myBrowser. // set property myBrowser.y = 130.Dialogs. Example Simple Usage: // get property var myBrowserTopEdge = myBrowser.y).Browser. .y Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. Prompt the value directly: mdm.y:Number Description Integer value which determines position of top edge of browser. Description Executes when a Browser Instance has finished loading its content.onDocumentComplete Availability Windows Usage browserInstance. Example myBrowser.onDocumentComplete:Function Parameters url:String URL of the Page loaded.Browser.onDocumentComplete = function(myObject){ mdm.url + " Loaded") } .goto() command has executed. This event only fires after a mdm.Prompt(myObject.Dialogs. Clipboard Availability Zinc 2.paste() Will clear the selected item(s) from the Clipboard. .copyString() Clipboard. Sets the clipboard to the specified string value.mdm. Will cut the selected item(s) to the Clipboard.Clipboard Method Summary for the Clipboard Class The following table lists methods of the Clipboard class Method Description Clipboard.clear() Clipboard.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Will copy the selected item(s) to the Clipboard. Will paste the item(s) from the Clipboard to the selected input box.copy() Clipboard.cut() Clipboard. clear() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Clipboard.Clipboard.clear():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will clear the selected item(s) from the Clipboard Notes None Example mdm.clear() .Clipboard. copy():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will copy the selected item(s) to the Clipboard. eg. //where mytextfield is the var name of the text field mdm.Clipboard. you must first use the setFocus actionscript to give focus to the element you wish to apply this action to.Clipboard.copy() } Example mdm.Clipboard.copy() . on (release) { selection.Clipboard. Notes When using this command.setFocus('mytextfield').copy() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Clipboard.copyString("This is my Content") .copyString(value:String):Void Parameters value:String Value to copy to the Clipboard Returns Nothing Description Sets the clipboard to the specified string value.Clipboard.Clipboard. Notes None Example mdm.copyString() Availability Windows Usage mdm. cut() } Example mdm.cut() .setfocus('mytextfield').cut() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes When using this command.Clipboard.Clipboard. on (release) { selection.cut():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will cut the selected item(s) to the Clipboard. eg. //where mytextfield is the instance name of the text field mdm. you must first use the setFocus actionscript to give focus to the element you wish to apply this action to.Clipboard.Clipboard. Clipboard.Clipboard.setfocus('mytextfield'). on (release) { selection. you must first use the setFocus actionscript to give focus to the element you wish to apply this action to. eg. Notes When using this command.Clipboard.paste() . //where mytextfield is the instance name of the text field mdm.paste() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Clipboard.paste() } Example mdm.paste():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will paste the item(s) from the Clipboard to the selected input box. Causes transmission to act as if XON COMPort.mdm.COMPort Availability Zinc Closes the comport.send() comport. Suspends transmission and places the COMPort.sendHEXData() Will send the specified HEX data via the comport.close() COMPort.setDTR() the comport has opened.setBreak() line in a break state. COMPort.sendFileContents() Will send the contents of the specified file.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.setRTS() the comport has opened. Sets the RTS state to high (on) after COMPort.COMPort Method Summary for the COMPort Class The following table lists methods of the COMPort class Method Description COMPort. Causes transmission to act as if XOFF COMPort. COMPort.setXOFF() has been received. Sets the DTR state to high (on) after COMPort.setEcho() Enables echo. This command opens the serial port for communication.setXON() has been received. Will send a string through the COMPort. COMPort. . unsetRTS() COMPort. Unsets the DTR state to low (off) after the comport has opened. Event Summary for the COMPort Class The following table lists events of the COMPort class . Unsets the RTS state to low (off) after the comport has opened.COMPort.useLinemode() COMPort.unsetBreak() COMPort.useThreshold() Restores transmission and places the line in a nonbreak.ports The variable contains Initialdtrstate (DTR) The variable contains Initialdtrstate (RTS) The variable contains delimited list by comma ". the component will fire the receive event only if the certain amount of bytes (or more) is arrived in the Rx buffer. Property Summary for the COMPort Class The following table lists properties of the COMPort class Property Description COMPort. the component will fire the receive event only when the LineEnd characters are received When enabled. When enabled." containing all the com ports that are found on the system.initialDTR COMPort.initialRTS COMPort.unsetDTR() COMPort. Executes when sending has completed and the buffers emptied. Executes when COM Port receives Incoming Hex Data. Executes when an error occurs. Intended for large data.Event Description onCOMPortCTSChanged onCOMPortDSRChanged onCOMPortData onCOMPortHEXData onCOMPortDataSent onCOMPortError onCOMPortSendProgress Executes when the CTS line changes status. . Executes when COM Port receives Incoming Data. Returns the number of bytes sent. Executes when the DSR line changes status. close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the comport.COMPort.close() Availability Windows Usage mdm. .COMPort.close(). Notes None Example mdm.COMPort. byteSize:Number. dataBits:Number Value can be Availability Windows Usage mdm.odd.M. flowControl:String):Void Parameters port:Number Value of port can be 1.6 or 5 parity:String Value can be N. respectively. Notes The last parameter. byteSize:Number Value of datasize can be: 8.O. baudRate:Number Value of baudrate supported by your hardware.COMPort. receivevar. HARDWARE. 1.7.mark.even.2.5 for none. flowControl:String Value OFF. dataBits:Number.5 or 2. parity:String. must be in the form of a literal. . baudRate:Number. Returns Nothing Description This command opens the serialport for communication with the specified settings.E.4. 8. "N". 1. OFF). 110.Example mdm. .open(1.COMPort. send(value:String):Void Parameters value:String Value which will be send through comport.send() Availability Windows Usage mdm. . Notes None Example mdm.COMPort.COMPort.COMPort. Returns Nothing Description Will send a string through the comport.send("This is my Content"). Application.path+ "myFile.sendFileContents( mdm.COMPort.COMPort.COMPort.txt"). Notes None Example mdm. Returns Nothing Description Will send the contents of the specified file. .sendFileContents() Availability Windows Usage mdm.sendFileContents( fileName:String ) :Void Parameters fileName:String Value with path to file which contents is to be send through comport. sendHEXData("255|0|103|234|52|159").sendHEXData() Availability Windows Usage mdm.COMPort. Returns Nothing Description Will send the specified HEX data via the comport.COMPort. Notes None Example Hex Data: mdm.sendHEXData("FF0067EA349F").sendHEXData(hexdata:String):Void Parameters hexdata:String Data to save to a file in HEX format or a pipe delimited list of bytes(decimal). . Pipe Delimited Decimal: mdm.COMPort.COMPort. setBreak():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Suspends transmission and places the line in a break state.COMPort.setBreak().COMPort. .COMPort. Notes None Example mdm.setBreak() Availability Windows Usage mdm. setDTR():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the DTR state to high (on) after the comport has opened. .COMPort. Notes None Example mdm.COMPort.COMPort.setDTR().setDTR() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes When using linemode or threshold. Any data sent to the Projector will automatically be sent back to the remote end. the echo happens only when the received event fires.setEcho(enable:Boolean):Void Parameters enable:Boolean Value specifying if echo is enabled. Example mdm.setEcho() Availability Windows Usage mdm.COMPort.COMPort.COMPort.setEcho(true). . Returns Nothing Description Enables echo. setRTS(). .COMPort.setRTS():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the RTS state to high (on) after the comport has opened.COMPort. Notes None Example mdm.COMPort.setRTS() Availability Windows Usage mdm. COMPort.setXON().COMPort. Notes None Example mdm.setXON() Availability Windows Usage mdm. .setXON():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Causes transmission to act as if XON has been received.COMPort. setXOFF().setXOFF() Availability Windows Usage mdm.COMPort. .setXOFF():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Causes transmission to act as if XOFF has been received.COMPort. Notes None Example mdm.COMPort. COMPort.COMPort. .unsetBreak(). Notes None Example mdm.unsetBreak():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Restores transmission and places the line in a nonbreak.unsetBreak() Availability Windows Usage mdm.COMPort. COMPort.COMPort. Notes None Example mdm.COMPort.unsetDTR() Availability Windows Usage mdm.unsetDTR():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Unsets the DTR state to low (off) after the comport has opened. .unsetDTR(). COMPort.unsetRTS():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Unsets the RTS state to low (off) after the comport has opened. .unsetRTS() Availability Windows Usage mdm.COMPort. Notes None Example mdm.COMPort.unsetRTS(). lineStr:String):Void Parameters enable:Boolean Boolean Reference to enable/disbale.COMPort. In this case you will need to use the following command to enable this function mdm.useLineMode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.COMPort. Returns Nothing Description When enabled. then you might want to trigger the received event.useLineMode(true.COMPort. terminated by a . If you will be reading a command sent by the remote end. the component will fire the receive event only when the LineEnd characters are received."#13#10"). lineStr:String Reference to Line String.useLineMode(enable:Boolean. Notes None Example If you will be reading lines typed in by the remote user. semicolon character. then you might want to trigger the received event.").COMPort.useLineMode(true. .". In this case you will need to use the following command to enable this function: mdm. Returns Nothing Description When enabled. the component will fire the receive event only if the certain amount of bytes (or more) is arrived in the Rx buffer. Notes None Example If you know that you will be receiving 10 bytes at a time.COMPort. threshold:Number Received bytes to use as a threshold. ."10").useThreshold(enable:Boolean. threshold:Number):Void Parameters enable:Boolean Boolean Reference to enable/disbale. your corresponding syntax would be: mdm.COMPort.useThreshold() Availability Windows Usage mdm.useThreshold(true.COMPort. enable or handshake.COMPort. Notes None Example Simple Usage: var myComportState = mdm.COMPort.initialDTR:String Description The variable contains Initialdtrstate (DTR) which can be: disable. Prompt the value directly: mdm.COMPort. .prompt(mdm.COMPort.initialDTR Availability Windows Usage mdm.initialDTR.Dialogs.initialDTR). COMPort.initialRTS Availability Windows Usage mdm. .initialRTS:String Description The variable contains Initialdtrstate (RTS) which can be: disable.prompt(mdm.initialRTS.COMPort. enable.initialRTS). handshake or toggle Notes None Example Simple Usage: var myComportState = mdm. Prompt the value directly: mdm.Dialogs.COMPort.COMPort. .ports:String Description The variable contains delimited list by comma ".COMPort.ports Availability Windows Usage mdm.").COMPort.ports.prompt(mdm. Prompt the value directly: mdm."))." containing all the com ports that are found on the system.COMPort. Notes None Example Simple Usage: var myComportsArray = mdm.split(".split(".ports.COMPort.Dialogs. Dialogs.Prompt(myObject. Example Simple Usage: function onCOMPortCTSChanged(timeCode. Description Executes when the CTS line changes status. state:String Boolean Reference to the State. state){ mdm.Prompt(state) } Advanced Usage: mdm.timeCode) mdm. A "true" or "false" value is returned to the state parameter.onCOMPortCTSChanged:Function Parameters timeCode:Number Value of time code.COMPort.onCOMPortCTSChanged Availability Windows Usage mdm.COMPort.Dialogs.Prompt(myObject.state) } .Dialogs.Prompt(timeCode) mdm.onCOMPortCTSChanged = function(myObject){ mdm.Dialogs. Dialogs. A "true" or "false" value is returned to the state parameter.Dialogs.Prompt(state) } Advanced Usage: mdm.state) } .timeCode) mdm. state:String Boolean Reference to the State.Dialogs.Prompt(myObject. Description Executes when the DSR line changes status. Example Simple Usage: function onCOMPortDSRChanged(timeCode.Dialogs.COMPort.COMPort. state){ mdm.Prompt(myObject.onCOMPortDSRChanged:Function Parameters timeCode:Number Value of time code.Prompt(timeCode) mdm.onCOMPortDSRChanged = function(myObject){ mdm.onCOMPortDSRChanged Availability Windows Usage mdm. data){"Data Received: " + myObject.Dialogs.onCOMPortData Availability Windows Usage mdm. Description Executes when COM Port receives Incoming Data Example Simple Usage: function onCOMPortData(timeCode. } Advanced Usage: mdm.Prompt("data received: " + data).onCOMPortData = function(myObject){ mdm. } .Dialogs.COMPort. data:String Value of incoming data.onCOMPortData:Function Parameters timeCode:Number Value of time code.COMPort. Prompt("Data Received: " + myObject. hexData:String Value of incoming data formatted as HEX values delimited by '|' Description Executes when COM Port receives Incoming Hex Data Example mdm.onCOMPortData:Function Parameters timeCode:Number Value of time code.COMPort. } .onCOMPortHEXData = function(myObject){ mdm.COMPort.hexData).Dialogs.onCOMPortHEXData Availability Windows Usage mdm. Example Simple Usage: function onCOMPortDataSent(timeCode){ mdm. this is the place to start another send.Dialogs.timeCode). } . For large data transfers.COMPort.Prompt("Data Sent at: " + timeCode).Prompt("Data Sent at: " + myObject.onCOMPortDataSent Availability Windows Usage mdm. Description Executes when sending has completed and the buffers emptied.COMPort.onCOMPortDataSent:Function Parameters timeCode:Number Value of time code.onCOMPortDataSent = function(myObject){ mdm. } Advanced Usage: mdm.Dialogs. error:String Value of error code returned.meaning: The hardware detected a parity error.Prompt(timeCode) mdm. error){ mdm.onCOMPortError Availability Windows Usage mdm. CE_RXPARITY .onCOMPortError = function(myObject){ mdm.COMPort.Prompt(error) } Advanced Usage: mdm. The error code returned will be one of he following: CE_FRAME .Dialogs.A character-buffer overrun has occurred. Example Simple Usage: function onCOMPortError(timeCode.The hardware detected a framing error. Description Executes when an error occurs.Dialogs.Prompt(myObject.Dialogs.timeCode) mdm.Dialogs.error) } .onCOMPortError:Function Parameters timeCode:Number Value fo time code. CE_OVERRUN .Prompt(myObject.COMPort. . Dialogs.onCOMPortSendProgress = function(myObject){ mdm.Prompt(myObject.bytes){ mdm. Example Simple Usage: function onCOMPortSendProgress(timeCode.Prompt(bytes) } Advanced Usage: mdm. Intended for large data.Dialogs.COMPort.onCOMPortSendProgress Availability Windows Usage mdm.Prompt(myObject.timeCode) mdm.Dialogs.COMPort.Prompt(timeCode) mdm. Description Returns the number of bytes sent.Dialogs.bytes) } . bytes:Number Value of bytes sent.onCOMPortSendProgress:Function Parameters timeCode:Number Value of time code. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.5 (Windows.mdm.Database Availability Zinc 2.Database Object Summary for the Database Class The following table lists objects of the Database class Object Description ADO MSAccess MySQL ADO Database Object MSAccess Database Object MySQL Database Object . ADO. Establishes a connection with any ADO Database Returns a true or false statement Database.runQuery() DELETE SQL statement on the database. Returns the contents of a result set Database.ADO.getField() Retrieves data from a Database Returns the contents of a result set Database.getXML() as XML formatted text. Runs INSERT.errorDetails() last query.ADO.ADO.ADO.ADO.getRecordCount() Returns the number of rows in a result set.Database. .ADO.close() Database.ADO. Database.getHTML() as html text.error() based upon a database error. Saves the contents of a BLOB or Database. UPDATE or Database.ADO. Will return the error details of the Database.ADO Availability Zinc 2.ADO.Applciation. Returns the Full Query Data to a 2 Database. Database.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.ADO Method Summary for the ADO Class The following table lists methods of the ADO class Method Description Database.connect() Closes the database connection.getBlob() OLE Variant field.getData() Dimensional Array.ADO. ADO.success() Runs a SELECT statement on the database. .ADO. Returns a true or false statement based upon the presence of a database Database.Database. Database.ADO. Notes None Example mdm.ADO.Database.close() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Database.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the database connection.close(). .ADO. ADO.connect(adoString).Database. Notes None Example Simple Usage: var adoString = "Provider=Microsoft. Advanced ADO String Usage: var adoString = "Provider=Microsoft.4.0.0.Database.connect(adoString:String):Void Parameters adoString:String Reference to ADO Connection Statement Returns Nothing Description Establishes a connection with any ADO Database specified in adoString.User ID=Admin.OLEDB. mdm.Jet.4.Database.mdb.Data Source=mydb.mdb".OLEDB.ADO. Data Source=d:\\dbtutor.Extended .ADO.Mode=Share Deny Write.connect() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Jet.Password="". Jet OLEDB:New Database Password="".Jet OLEDB:System database="".Jet OLEDB:Registry Path="".ADO.Jet OLEDB:Database Password="mypassword".Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1.Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=1.Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2.Jet OLEDB:Create System Database=False.Jet OLEDB:SFP=False".Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5. mdm.Jet OLEDB:Encrypt Database=False. .Jet OLEDB:Compact Without Replica Repair=False.connect(adoString).Database.Properties="". error()).Database. mdm.ADO.ADO. Notes None Example var success = !(mdm.Database.prompt("Last query execution status: "+success). . or false if no error occurred.Dialogs.error() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Database.ADO.error():Boolean Parameters None Returns A Boolean Description Returns a True or False statement based upon a database error. Will return true if an error occurred in the previous query. mdm.errorDetails() Availability Windows Usage mdm. delimited by a pipe symbol.error() == false){ var errorDetails = mdm.ADO.Database.errorDetails.Dialogs.ADO.Database.Database.ADO. The format of this string will be: "dataSource|errorDescription|SQLstateInteger" returned by the ADO connection.Database.errorDetails():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Will return the error details of the last query. Notes None Example if(mdm.ADO. If no error has occurred it will return the string "No errors".prompt("error details: "+errorDetails). } . Returns Nothing Description Saves the contents of a BLOB or OLE Variant field to the fileName specified. .jpg").ADO. The fileName can then be loaded into an appropriate container or processed as if it were a normal binary file.Application.Database.bmp. .gif etc. For example. Image files would be . fieldRow:Number.jpg. . Notes None Example mdm. mdm.getBlob() Availability Windows Usage mdm.ADO.getBlob("image_fld". 0. The file extension used to save to should be the same as the OLE object. fileName:String File path where content of BLOB is to be saved.ADO.getBlob( fieldName:String .path+"image.Database.fileName:String ) :Void Parameters fieldName:String Field name in table which holds blob data fieldRow:Number Integer which denotes the row containing blob field in the recordset.Database. . ADO.Database.Database.ADO. The First Dimension contains the Row Number and the Second Dimension contains the Field Number.Database.ADO. Feld 4 mdm.ADO.Database.prompt(dataSet[0][3]) .Dialogs.runQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable") var dataSet = mdm.getData() // To Prompt the Data in Row 1.getData() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes A Query must first be executed with mdm.runQuery() Example Simple Usage: mdm.ADO.getData():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Returns the Full Query Data to a 2 Dimensional Array.Database. i < dataSet.runQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable") var dataSet = mdm.Advanced Usage: mdm.getData() // To Prompt all of the Data (assuming the Database has 3 Fields) for (i=0.Database.ADO.Dialogs.Database. } .prompt("Field1: " + dataSet[i][0]+" Field2: " + dataSet[i][1]+" Field3: " + dataSet[i][2]).ADO. i++){ mdm.length. Notes None Example var customerName = mdm.ADO.Database. .Database.getField(rowIndex:Number.ADO.ADO.Database. Returns A String Description Retrieves data from a Database from the specified Row and Field Index.getField(1. 1).getField() Availability Windows Usage mdm. columnIndex:Number):String Parameters rowIndex:Number Reference to Row Index columnIndex:Number Reference to Column Index. Notes None Example var myResults = mdm.ADO.getHTML().Database.getHTML() Availability Windows Usage mdm. .Database.getHTML():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the contents of a result set as html text.Database.ADO.ADO. ADO. .Database.ADO.getRecordCount() Availability Windows Usage mdm.ADO.getRecordCount():Number Parameters None Returns An Integer Description Returns the number of rows in a result set after a connection with a Database has been established.Database.Database. Notes None Example var numberOfRows = mdm.getRecordCount(). Database. .ADO.ADO.getXML().Database. // convert to xml object var myXML = new XML().Database.parseXML(myResults).getXML() Availability Windows Usage mdm.getXML():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the contents of a result set as XML formatted text.ADO. myXML. Notes None Example var myResults = mdm. ADO.runQuery() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Database.ADO. UPDATE or DELETE SQL statement on the database. Notes This command will not run a SELECT statement. UPDATE or DELETE statement to be executed.Database.Database. .runQuery("DELETE * FROM myTable WHERE maxNumber > 0").runQuery(query:String):Void Parameters query:String Correct SQL string with INSERT.ADO. Example mdm. Returns Nothing Description Runs INSERT. select("SELECT * FROM myTable"). mdm.runQuery() Example 3 Different SQL Statements are shown below: mdm.Database.ADO.Database.Database. nickName FROM myTable").ADO. lastName.Database. mdm.ADO.ADO.ADO. use Parameters query:String Correct SQL string with SELECT"SELECT firstName.Database. DELETE or UPDATE queries. Notes This command will ONLY run a SELECT statement. For running INSERT. Returns Nothing Description Runs a SELECT statement on the database after a successful"SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE maxNumber > 0").select() Availability Windows Usage mdm. . ADO.ADO.success() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes None Example var isConnected = mdm.ADO.success().Database. .success():Boolean Parameters None Returns A Boolean Description Returns a True or False statement based upon the presence of a database connection.Database.Database. MSAccess Method Summary for the MSAccess Class The following table lists methods of the MSAccess class Method Description Closes the database connection.connectAbs() Access Database at an absolute position or network path.MSAccess.connectReadOnlyAbs() Access Database at an absolute position or network path in READ ONLY mode Database.MSAccess Availability Zinc 2. Establishes a connection with the Database. Establishes a connection with the Database. Establishes a connection with the Database.MSAccess.MSAccess. Establishes a Database. Database.connectReadOnly() Access Database specified in db in READ ONLY mode.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.connect() connection with the Access Database.compact() Compacts and Repairs the Access Databases.MSAccess.Database.close() .MSAccess.Database.MSAccess. MSAccess.MSAccess.MSAccess. Returns the contents of a result set as XML formatted text.success() Returns a true or false statement based upon a database error.getHTML() Database.getBlob() Database.MSAccess. UPDATE or DELETE SQL statement on the database.getData() Database. Saves the contents of a BLOB or OLE Variant field. Runs INSERT. Will return the error details of the last query.MSAccess. Returns a true or false statement based upon the presence of a database connection.MSAccess.MSAccess.getField() Database.error() Database.errorDetails() Database. Returns the contents of a result set as html text.MSAccess.getXML() Database.Database. Runs a SELECT statement on the database. Returns the number of rows in a result set. . Retrieves data from a Database from the specified Database. Returns the Full Query Data to a 2 Dimensional Array.getRecordCount() Database.runQuery() Database.MSAccess.MSAccess. Database.Database.MSAccess.MSAccess.close() Availability Windows Usage mdm.MSAccess.close().Database. . Notes None Example mdm.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the connection with database. Database. It can be: "2000" or "97". Example mdm. databaseVersion:String . databaseVersion can be "2000" or "97". .compact() Availability Windows Usage mdm. databasePassword:String ) :Void Parameters fileName:String Path to database .compact( fileName:String.compact(mdm. databasePassword:String Password to database. databaseVersion:String Database file version to be compacted.MSAccess.MSAccess.Application. All Database data is kept intact.MSAccess. "").Database.path+"myDatabase. "2000".Database.mdb file. "myPassword"). an empty parameter should be used (ie. The variable password is an optional parameter. Returns Nothing Description Compacts and Repairs the Access Databases defined. Notes If no Password is required. MSAccess.connect() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Database. Notes This command will only connect to .connectAbs() Example mdm. [databasePassword:String]):Void Parameters filename:String Path to database . .MSAccess.Database.Database.MSAccess.connect(filename:String. Returns Nothing Description Establishes a connection with the Access Database.mdb files in the same folder as your Application. If your Database is located elswhere.MSAccess.connect("dbtutor.mdb file. The variable password is an optional parameter.mdb". databasePassword:String Optional Parameter with password to database.Database. please use mdm. "myPassword"). . "myPassword").mdb". databasePassword:String Optional parameter with password to database. "\\myserver\myshare\database\mydb. Returns Nothing Description Establishes a connection with the Access Database at an absolute position or network path.Database.MSAccess. Example mdm.Database. [databasePassword:String]):Void Parameters filename:String Path to database .connectAbs("d:\\dbtutor.mdb".MSAccess.Database. The variable password is an optional parameter. Notes Network paths can also be entered eg.connectAbs(filename:String.connectAbs() Availability Windows Usage mdm.mdb file.MSAccess. connectReadOnly() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Database. Notes None Example mdm.Database.mdb".MSAccess. databasePassword:String Optional parameter with password to database. The variable password is an optional parameter.Database. [databasePassword:String]):Void Parameters filename:String Path to database .connectReadOnly("dbtutor.mdb file.connectReadOnly(filename:String.MSAccess. Returns Nothing Description Establishes a connection with the Access Database in READ ONLY mode. "myPassword").MSAccess. . mdb file.connectReadOnlyAbs() Availability Windows Usage mdm.connectReadOnlyAbs("d:\\dbtutor.MSAccess.Database.Database. Example mdm.mdb". The variable password is an optional parameter.MSAccess. databasePassword:String Optional parameter with password to database.mdb". . Notes Network paths can also be entered eg. "\\myserver\myshare\database\mydb. "myPassword").MSAccess.connectReadOnlyAbs(filename:String.Database. Returns Nothing Description Establishes a connection with the Access Database at an absolute position or network path in READ ONLY mode. [databasePassword:String]):Void Parameters filename:String Path to database . .Dialogs. mdm. Will return true if an error occurred in the previous query.Database.prompt("Last query execution status: "+success).Database.MSAccess.error():Boolean Parameters None Returns A Boolean Description Returns a True or False statement based upon a database error.Database.error() Availability Windows Usage mdm.MSAccess.error()). Notes None Example var success = !(mdm. or false if no error occurred.MSAccess. error() == false){ var errorDetails = mdm.Database.MSAccess.Database.Dialogs.errorDetails() Availability Windows Usage mdm.errorDetails.Database. } .MSAccess.MSAccess. mdm.MSAccess. delimited by a pipe symbol. Notes None Example if(mdm.Database. If no error has occurred it will return the string "No errors". The format of this string will be: "datasource|error description|SQLstateInteger" returned by the database connection.prompt("error details: "+errorDetails).errorDetails():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Will return the error details of the last query. 0.jpg"). mdm.getBlob("image_fld". Notes None Example mdm.MSAccess. For example. fieldRow:Number Integer which denotes row containing blob field in recordset.getBlob(fieldName:String. .getBlob() Availability Windows Usage mdm. .Database.Application. The file extension used to save to should be the same as the OLE object.Database.MSAccess. Image files would be .MSAccess. fieldRow:Number.gif etc. .Database.bmp. fileName:String):Void Parameters fieldName:String Field name in table which holds blob data. Returns Nothing Description Saves the contents of a BLOB or OLE Variant field to the fileName specified.path+"image. The fileName can then be loaded into an appropriate container or processed as if it were a normal binary file.jpg. fileName:String File path where content of BLOB is to be saved. . Notes A Query must first be executed with mdm.MSAccess.MSAccess.Database.getData() // To Prompt the Data in Row 1.runQuery() Example Simple Usage: mdm.MSAccess.MSAccess.runQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable") var dataSet = mdm.Database.Dialogs.getData() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Feld 4 mdm.Database.getData():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Returns the Full Query Data to a 2 Dimensional Array.Database. The First Dimension contains the Row Number and the Second Dimension contains the Field Number.prompt(dataSet[0][3]) .MSAccess.Database. Dialogs. } .Database.prompt("Field1: " + dataSet[i][0]+" Field2: " + dataSet[i][1]+" Field3: " + dataSet[i][2]).MSAccess.Advanced Usage: mdm. i++){ mdm.Database.length. i < dataSet.getData() // To Prompt all of the Data (assuming the Database has 3 Fields) for (i=0.runQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable") var dataSet = mdm.MSAccess. getField(1. Notes None Example var customerName = mdm.getField() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns A String Description Retrieves data from a Database from the specified Row and Field Index.MSAccess. columnIndex:Number):String Parameters rowIndex:Number Reference to Row Index columnIndex:Number Reference to Column Index.getField(rowIndex:Number. 1).MSAccess.Database.Database.Database.MSAccess. . getHTML().Database.Database.MSAccess.getHTML() Availability Windows Usage mdm. . Notes None Example var myResults = mdm.getHTML():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the contents of a result set as HTML text.Database.MSAccess.MSAccess. Database.MSAccess. . Notes None Example var numberOfRows = mdm.MSAccess.getRecordCount() Availability Windows Usage mdm.getRecordCount().Database.MSAccess.getRecordCount():Number Parameters None Returns An Integer Description Returns the number of rows in a result set after a connection with a Database has been established.Database. MSAccess.parseXML(myResults).getXML() Availability Windows Usage mdm.getXML(). .MSAccess. // convert to xml object var myXML = new XML().Database. Notes None Example var myResults = mdm.Database. myXML.MSAccess.getXML():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the contents of a result set as XML formatted text.Database. UPDATE or DELETE statement to be executed.Database.runQuery() Availability Windows Usage mdm.MSAccess. Returns Nothing Description Runs INSERT. UPDATE or DELETE SQL statement on the database. Notes This command will not run a SELECT statement. Example mdm.Database.MSAccess. .Database.runQuery("DELETE * FROM myTable WHERE maxNumber > 0").MSAccess.runQuery(query:String):Void Parameters query:String SQL string with INSERT. MSAccess. mdm.MSAccess. Notes This command will ONLY run a SELECT Availability Windows Usage mdm. . use mdm.Database."SELECT * FROM myTable")"SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE maxNumber > 0")"SELECT firstName.MSAccess.Database. DELETE or UPDATE queries.MSAccess.MSAccess. mdm.runQuery() Example 3 Different SQL Statements are shown below: mdm. nickName FROM myTable").Database. For running Parameters query:String Correct SQL string with SELECT statement. Returns Nothing Description Runs a SELECT statement on the database after a successful connection. success() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Database.MSAccess.Database.MSAccess.success().MSAccess. Notes None Example var isConnected = mdm.success():Boolean Parameters None Returns A Boolean Description Returns a True or False statement based upon the presence of a database connection.Database. . MySQL.MySQL Availability Zinc 2. Executes a SQL statement Database.Database.getLastError() (if any) in text form.MySQL.MySQL. Database. Returns a single result from Database.MySQL.MySQL.getField() a MySQL by specifying the row and column variable. Returns true if the MySQL Database. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Returns the number of rows Database.MySQL.getRecordCount() in a MySQL resultset.runQuery() query on a MySQL database.MySQL.close() .MySQL.isConnected() database is still connected. Returns the last error made Database.getLastInsertedId() Returns the id of the last inserted field.5 (Windows.connect() Open a connection to a MySQL server. Returns the status of a Database. Database.getData() to a 2 Dimensional Array.Database. Returns the Full Query Data Database.getStatus() server after a MySQL connection. Database.MySQL.MySQL.Mysql Method Summary for the Mysql Class The following table lists methods of the Msql class Method Description Closes the database connection. . Database.close() Availability Windows. .MySQL. Notes None Example mdm.Database.close().MySQL. Mac OSX Usage mdm.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the MySQL database connection.MySQL.Database. compression:Boolean Specifies if compression is to be used between clientserver communication. Set to false to disable transfer compression. Mac OSX Usage mdm. databaseName:String):Boolean Parameters host:String Name of server where MySQL database is. If left as empty string (""). port:String. password:String. Returns A Boolean Description Opens a connection to a MySQL database. this will default to 3306.connect(host:String. username:String Username specified in access table in MySQL server.1". Notes .MySQL.Database.0. userName:String. compression:Boolean.MySQL.0. password:String Password specified in access table in MySQL server. It can be DNS like "localhost" or IP "127. Returns a true or false value based upon a successful Connection.connect() Availability Windows. databaseName:String Name of MySQL database to connect with.Database. port:String Port number on which MySQL listens for connections. MySQL. "". true. "3306".connect("localhost". "test"). "root".Database.None Example var success = mdm. . Database.getData() Availability Windows.runQuery() Example Simple Usage: mdm.getDelimited():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Returns the Full Query Data to a 2 Dimensional Array.MySQL. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Database. The First Dimension contains the Row Number and the Second Dimension contains the Field Number. Notes A Query must first be executed with mdm.Database.MySQL. Feld 4 mdm.runQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable") var dataSet = mdm.MySQL.Dialogs.getData() // To Prompt the Data in Row 1.Database.MySQL.MySQL.prompt(dataSet[0][3]) .Database. runQuery("SELECT * FROM mytable") var dataSet = mdm.Database.MySQL.Database.Dialogs.MySQL.prompt("Field1: " + dataSet[i][0]+" Field2: " + dataSet[i][1]+" Field3: " + dataSet[i][2]).Advanced Usage: mdm. i++){ mdm. } . i < dataSet.length.getData() // To Prompt all of the Data (assuming the Database has 3 Fields) for (i=0. MySQL. Returns A String Description Returns a single result from a MySQL by specifying the row and column.Database.getField(1.getField() Availability Windows.MySQL.MySQL. . Notes None Example var customerName = mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm. columnIndex:Number):String Parameters rowIndex:Number Reference to Row Index columnIndex:Number Reference to Column Index.Database.getField(rowIndex:Number.Database. 1). .MySQL.Database. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Database.getLastError().getLastError() Availability Windows.Database.MySQL.getLastError():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the last error made (if any) in text form. Notes None Example var errorDetails = mdm.MySQL. .Database.getLastInsertedId() Availability Windows.MySQL. Notes None Example var lastRowID = mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Database.getLastInsertedId():Number Parameters None Returns An Integer Description Returns the id of the last inserted field.MySQL.MySQL.Database.getLastInsertedId(). Notes None Example var rowsCounter = mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Database. .MySQL.Database.getRecordCount() Availability Windows.Database.MySQL.MySQL.getRecordCount():Number Parameters None Returns An Integer Description Returns the number of rows in a MySQL Result Set after a query has been performed.getRecordCount(). .getStatus().getStatus() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Database.Database.MySQL.Database.MySQL.MySQL. Notes None Example var serverStatus = mdm.getStatus():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the status of a server after a MySQL connection. isConnected():Boolean Parameters None Returns A Boolean Description Returns true if the MySQL database is still connected.MySQL. the user will have to reconnect. (ie has not timed out).Database. If the database is connected.Database. Notes None Example var isConnected = mdm.MySQL.isConnected Availability Windows.Database. Mac OSX Usage mdm. .MySQL.isConnected(). Notes None Example var querySuccess = mdm. returns "false". .runQuery(query:String):Boolean Parameters query:String Correct SQL string with SELECT.MySQL.Database.MySQL. returns "true". INSERT. Returns Boolean statement upon successful query execution. UPDATE or DELETE statement to be executed.Database. If a successful query has been executed.runQuery("SELECT * FROM myTable").Database. Description Executes a SQL statement query on a MySQL database.runQuery Availability Windows.MySQL. Mac OSX Usage mdm. or if an error occurred. Dialogs Object Summary for the Dialogs Class The following table lists objects of the Dialogs class Object Description BrowseFile BrowseFileUnicode BrowseFolder BrowseFileToSave BrowseFile Object BrowsFileUnicode Object BrowseFolder Object BrowseFileToSave Object Method Summary for the Dialogs Class The following table lists methods of the Dialogs class .mdm.Dialogs Availability Zinc 2. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.5 (Windows. promptModal() with the specified parameters. Unicode Compliant.promptModalUnicode() with the specified parameters. Executes a Modal Prompt Dialog Dialogs.promptUnicode() displaying the custom message.inputBox() . Unicode Compliant.promptAdv() Dialog displaying the custom message. Executes a Modal Prompt Dialog Dialogs. Executes an advanced Prompt Dialogs.promptAdvUnicode() Dialog displaying the custom message.Method Description Executes an Input Box Dialog. which allows the user to type a string. Executes an advanced Prompt Dialogs.prompt() Executes a standard Prompt Dialog displaying the custom message. Executes a standard Prompt Dialog Dialogs. Dialogs. Dialogs. Unicode Complaint. BrowseFile Method Summary for the BrowseFile Class The following table lists methods of the BrowseFile class Method Description Displays a Browse File Dialog. Dialogs.5 (Windows.BrowseFile Availability Zinc 2. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name Property Summary for the BrowseFile Class The following table lists properties of the BrowseFile class . Dialogs.Dialogs.Dialogs.BrowseFile.showCreatorCode() Displays a Browse File Dialog filtered by the Creator Code.BrowseFile. defaultExtension Sets the default extension to Browse.filterList Dialog.BrowseFile.filterText Sets the text label in front of the filter selector in the Browse Dialog Sets the Title of the Dialog Dialogs.BrowseFile.creatorCode Creator Code Dialogs. Dialogs. Dialogs.BrowseFile.BrowseFile. Sets the Browse File Dialog Dialogs.BrowseFile.BrowseFile.Property Description Enables or Disables Multiple Select.dialogText Text.buttonText Sets the Initial default button text. Filters the Files shown by Dialogs. Dialogs.defaultDirectory Sets the initial default directory to Browse. Dialogs.BrowseFile.BrowseFile.title box. Sets the filter(s) of Browse Dialogs.allowMultiple .BrowseFile. Dialogs.defaultFilename Sets the default Filename.BrowseFile. BrowseFile.BrowseFile. Mac OSX Usage Availability Windows.Dialogs. Notes None Example var myFile = mdm. .show():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Allows the user to select any file from their system and returns the path and showCreatorCode() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.Dialogs.BrowseFile.Dialogs.showCreatorCode() Example var myFile = mdm.showCreatorCode():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Allows the user to select any file from their system and returns the path and filename.BrowseFile. Notes This command lists files by Creator Code and not be File Extensions. See mdm. .BrowseFile.showCreatorCode().Dialogs.BrowseFile. BrowseFile. Notes None Example Simple Usage: Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables or Disables Multiple Select for mdm.Dialogs.allowMultiple Availability Windows.BrowseFile. Mac OSX Usage mdm.allowMultiple = true.BrowseFile.Dialogs.Dialogs. . buttonText = "Open file". Notes None Example Simple Usage: mdm.Dialogs. .Dialogs.buttonText:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the initial default button text for use with the Mac OSX Usage mdm.BrowseFile.buttonText Availability Windows.BrowseFile.BrowseFile. Dialogs.BrowseFile. Notes None Example mdm. Multiple Extensions are delimited by the pipe Character "|" dialog by Creator Code.creatorCode:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Filters the Files shown in the mdm. .creatorCode = "application/xmif|application/binhex40".Dialogs.creatorCode Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.path. .BrowseFile.Dialogs.Application.defaultDirectory Availability Windows.BrowseFile.Dialogs.BrowseFile.defaultDirectory = mdm.Dialogs. Mac OSX Usage mdm.defaultDirectory:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the initial default directory of the Browse File Dialog. defaultExtension = "exe".BrowseFile. For example.defaultExtension:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the default extension of a file to the value specified.BrowseFile. a value of "exe" would assign . Notes None Example mdm.exe as the extension to any file selected from a command. then the extension returned will be the default extension of the file (as specified in the edit box of the dialog). If no extension is specified.defaultExtension Availability Windows Usage mdm. .Dialogs.Dialogs.Dialogs.BrowseFile.BrowseFile. Dialogs.defaultFilename = "myFile".Dialogs.BrowseFile. Notes None Example mdm.defaultFilename:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the default filename of a file to the value specified. .BrowseFile.Dialogs.BrowseFile.defaultFilename Availability Windows Usage mdm. .BrowseFile.dialogText:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the Browse File Dialog Text for use with the mdm.Dialogs. Notes None Example mdm.Dialogs.Dialogs.dialogText Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.BrowseFile.BrowseFile.dialogText = "Select a File to Use". Multiple Extensions are delimited by the pipe Character "|".filterList Availability dialog by Filename Extension.Dialogs. Notes None Example mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Dialogs.BrowseFile.exe|SWF Files|*. .avi".filterList = "Executable Files|*.BrowseFile.filterList:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Filters the Files shown in the mdm.BrowseFile.BrowseFile.Dialogs.Dialogs.swf|AVI Videos|*. BrowseFile.filterText Availability Windows Usage mdm.BrowseFile.avi". .Dialogs.BrowseFile.filterText:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the text label in front of the filter selector in the mdm.Dialogs.BrowseFile dialog.exe|SWF Files|*.Dialogs.Dialogs.swf|AVI Videos|*. Notes None Example mdm.filterText = "Executable Files|*. BrowseFile.Dialogs.title = "Please select a file to open".title Availability Windows. .title:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the Title of the Browse File Dialog.Dialogs.BrowseFile.Dialogs.BrowseFile. Notes None Example mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm. BrowseFileUnicode.allowMultiple . Property Summary for the BrowseFileUnicode Class The following table lists properties of the BrowseFileUnicode class Property Description Enables or Disables Multiple Select. Unicode Compliant.BrowseFileUnicode.BrowseFileUnicode Method Summary for the BrowseFileUnicode Class The following table lists methods of the BrowseFileUnicode class Method Description Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode Availability Zinc 2. Dialogs. Unicode Compliant.defaultExtension extension to Browse.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name Displays a Browse File Dialog.Dialogs. Unicode Compliant.Dialogs. Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode. Sets the default Dialogs.defaultDirectory Sets the initial default directory to Browse.BrowseFileUnicode. Sets the default Dialogs. Unicode Compliant. Unicode Compliant.filterList Unicode Compliant.BrowseFileUnicode.BrowseFileUnicode.title Sets the Title of the Browse File Dialog. . Dialogs. Dialogs. Sets the filter(s) of Browse Dialog.defaultFilename Filename.BrowseFileUnicode. Example var myFile = Parameters None Returns A String Description Allows the user to select any file from their system and returns the path and filename. Notes Unicode Availability Windows Usage . BrowseFileUnicode.BrowseFileUnicode. Notes Unicode Compliant.Dialogs.allowMultiple Availability Windows Usage mdm.BrowseFileUnicode.Dialogs.Dialogs.allowMultiple:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables or Disables Multiple Select for mdm. .allowMultiple = Example Simple Usage: mdm.Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode. Application. Example Simple Usage: mdm.BrowseFileUnicode.Dialogs. Notes Unicode Compliant.pathUnicode.Dialogs. .BrowseFileUnicode.Dialogs.defaultDirectory:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the initial default directory of the Browse File Dialog.BrowseFileUnicode.defaultDirectory = mdm.defaultDirectory Availability Windows Usage mdm. If no extension is command.Dialogs. a value of "exe" would assign .exe as the extension to any file selected from a mdm.defaultExtension:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the default extension of a file to the value specified.Dialogs. Example Simple Usage: mdm. Notes Unicode Compliant.BrowseFileUnicode.exe". .BrowseFileUnicode.defaultExtension Availability Windows Usage mdm.BrowseFileUnicode.Dialogs. For example.Dialogs.defaultExtension = ". then the extension returned will be the default extension of the file (as specified in the edit box of the dialog).BrowseFileUnicode. Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode. .BrowseFileUnicode. Example command.defaultFilename Availability Windows Usage mdm.exe as the extension to any file selected from a mdm. Notes Unicode Compliant.Dialogs.defaultFilename = ". then the extension returned will be the default extension of the file (as specified in the edit box of the dialog).defaultFilename:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the default extension of a file to the value specified. For example.Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode.exe". a value of "exe" would assign .BrowseFileUnicode. If no extension is specified. filterList = "Executable Files|*. Example Simple Usage: mdm.avi". Notes Unicode Compliant.BrowseFileUnicode. . Extensions are delimited by the pipe Character "|".exe|SWF Files|*.BrowseFile dialog to the specified value(s).Dialogs.swf|AVI Videos|*.filterList:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the filter(s) of the mdm.BrowseFileUnicode. and multiple filters can be assigned also.Dialogs.filterList Availability Windows Usage mdm.Dialogs.BrowseFileUnicode.Dialogs. title Availability Windows Usage mdm.BrowseFileUnicode.Dialogs.Dialogs.Dialogs.title:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the Title of the Browse File Dialog. Example Simple Usage: mdm.title = "Please select a file to open". Notes Unicode Compliant. .BrowseFileUnicode.BrowseFileUnicode. BrowseFileToSave Availability Zinc 2.BrowseFileToSave.Dialogs.5 (Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name instead of a BROWSE File Dialog. .BrowseFileToSave Method Summary for the BrowseFileToSave Class The following table lists methods of the BrowseFileToSave class Method Description Displays a SAVE file Dialog Dialogs. show():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Allows the user to select any file from their system and returns the path and although it will not actually save any files. .BrowseFileToSave.BrowseFileToSave. This command displays a SAVE file Dialog instead of a BROWSE file Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. Notes None Example var myFile = mdm. Dialogs. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.5 (Windows.BrowseFolder Availability Zinc 2.BrowseFolder. Property Summary for the BrowseFolder Class The following table lists properties of the BrowseFolder class: Property Description Sets the initial default Dialogs.BrowseFolder Method Summary for the BrowseFolder Class The following table lists methods of the BrowseFolder class: Method Description Dialogs.Dialogs.defaultDirectory directory of the Browse Folder Dialog. Allows the user to select any folder from their system.BrowseFolder.title Sets the Title of the Browse Folder Dialog.BrowseFolder. . show() Availability Windows.BrowseFolder.Dialogs.Dialogs. . Example var myFolder = Parameters None Returns A String Description Allows the user to select any folder from their system and returns the path and folder name to the variable Notes Unicode compliant. Mac OSX Usage mdm. .Properties Enter topic text here. defaultDirectory = mdm.BrowseFolder.path. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Application.Dialogs.BrowseFolder.Dialogs.BrowseFolder.defaultDirectory Availability Windows.defaultDirectory:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the initial default directory of the Browse Folder Dialog. Notes None Example mdm. .Dialogs. .BrowseFolder.title Availability Windows.Dialogs.title = "Please select a Folder".Dialogs.BrowseFolder.BrowseFolder.Dialogs. Mac OSX Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.title:Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the Title of the Browse Folder Dialog. Methods Enter topic text here. . Dialogs.Dialogs. which allows the user to type a string. Notes None Example var myResult = mdm. "Type Password Here.inputBox(caption:String.inputBox("Enter Password".inputBox() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Dialogs.. defaultText:String):String Parameters caption:String Dialog Window Title defaultText:String Default Input Text Returns A String Description Executes an Input Box Dialog..") . Dialogs.Dialogs. Mac OSX Usage mdm.prompt() Availability Windows.Dialogs.prompt("Zinc Rocks!") .prompt(message:String):Void Parameters message:String Message to display in Prompt Dialog Returns Nothing Description Executes a standard Prompt Dialog displaying the custom message. Notes None Example mdm. Notes Unicode Compliant.prompt(message:String):Void Parameters message:String Message to display in Prompt Dialog Returns Nothing Description Executes a standard Prompt Dialog displaying the custom message.Dialogs. Example mdm.prompt("Zinc Rocks!") .promptUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Dialogs.Dialogs. Dialogs.promptAdv() Availability Windows.promptAdv(message:String. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Dialogs. and "false" if the user clicks CANCEL. Prompt style can be set by using the following expressions: alert info confirm error empty Notes A "true" statement is returned if the user clicks OK. promptStyle:String):Boolean Parameters message:String Message to display in Prompt Dialog promptStyle:String Prompt Style to Display Returns A Boolean Description Executes an advanced Prompt Dialog displaying the custom message. Example . "alert") .promptAdv("Does Zinc Rock?".var Result = mdm.Dialogs. Unicode Compliant.promptAdvUnicode(message:String. Example .Dialogs. and "false" if the user clicks CANCEL.Dialogs.promptAdvUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Prompt style can be set by using the following expressions: alert info confirm error empty Notes A "true" statement is returned if the user clicks OK. promptStyle:String):Boolean Parameters message:String Message to display in Prompt Dialog promptStyle:String Prompt Style to Display Returns A Boolean Description Executes an advanced Prompt Dialog displaying the custom message. "alert") .Dialogs.var Result = mdm.promptAdvUnicode("Does Zinc Rock?". Mac OSX Usage mdm.Dialogs. promptType:String.promptModal() Availability Windows.promptModal(message:String. The Prompt Type can be: yesno okcancel abortignore The Prompt Style can be: alert error info confirm empty . promptStyle:String):Boolean Parameters message:String Message to display in Prompt Dialog promptType:String Prompt Type to Display promptStyle:String Prompt Style to Display Returns A Boolean Description Executes a Modal Prompt Dialog with the specified parameters.Dialogs. the value "true" will be returned if the "yes" button was pressed or "false" if the "no" button was pressed.promptModal("Does Zinc Rock?". "alert") . Example var Result = mdm. For example.Notes The value returned will be either "true" or "false". if a "yesno" Prompt Type is selected.Dialogs. promptModalUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm. promptStyle:String):Boolean Parameters message:String Message to display in Prompt Dialog promptType:String Prompt Type to Display promptStyle:String Prompt Style to Display Returns A Boolean Description Executes a Modal Prompt Dialog with the specified parameters. The Prompt Type can be: yesno okcancel abortignore The Prompt Style can be: alert error info confirm empty .Dialogs. promptType:String.promptModalUnicode(message:String.Dialogs. the value "true" will be returned if the "yes" button was pressed or "false" if the "no" button was pressed.Notes The value returned will be either "true" or "false". Unicode Compliant. For example.promptModalUnicode("Does Zinc Rock? ".Dialogs. if a "yesno" Prompt Type is selected. "alert") . Example var Result = mdm. This command will call a procedure or function by name This command will clear the parameter list for the specific DLL. This command will attempt to unload the DLL.clear() DLL. Method Summary for the DLL Class The following table lists methods of the DLL class Method Description DLL.DLL Availability Zinc 2.addParameter() DLL.DLL Constructor Summary for the DLL Class The following table lists constructors for the Browser class Constructor Description mdm.mdm.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.close() This command will add a parameter to the parameter list for the specific DLL.DLL() Creates a new DLL Instance and loads the DLL Library specified. . dll") .DLL("myFunctions.DLL() Availability Windows Constructor mdm. Notes None Example Create a new Instance called myDLL: myDLL = new mdm.DLL(dll:String):Boolean Parameters dll:String DLL File to Load Returns A Boolean Description Creates a new DLL Instance and loads the DLL Library specified.mdm. you must reset your parameter list with mdm.clear().DLL. Returns A Number Description This command will add a parameter to the parameter list for the specific DLL.addParameter() Availability Windows Usage dllInstance.addParameter("string". . For example. the first parameter you submit will return the result 0. The parameters should be entered in the order listed in the DLL documentation.DLL. For example. "myValue"). and then the second and so on. The result will respond with the index of the parameter that has just been entered starting at 0. enter the first parameter first."integer"or "boolean". parameterValue:String String with parameter value. Example var parameterIndex = myDLL.addParameter(parameterType:String. Notes If you enter a parameter to the list but the response of this command was other than the correct index. parameterValue:String):Number Parameters parameterType:String String that can be either "string". If the returnType is other than "none" then it will return the DLL function return value to the specified result variable. "myProcedure").DLL. procedureName:String) Parameters returnType:String String that can be either "string".addParameter() Example myDLL. Notes Any parameters that need to be supplied with this function or procedure MUST first be declared by using mdm. ."integer"or "boolean""string". String or Boolean Description This command will call a procedure or function by name (procedureName) in the specified DLL. Returns An Availability Windows Usage dllInstance. procedureName:String String with name of procedure to DLL.clear() Availability Windows Usage dllInstance. Notes This must always be used when you want to call a different function or procedure in the DLL as it clears any parameters previously loaded. Example myDLL.clear().clear():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description This command will clear the parameter list for the specified instance. . close(). . Notes None Example myDLL.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description This command will attempt to unload the DLL instance.close() Availability Windows Usage dllInstance.DLL. mdm.Encryption Availability Zinc 2.decryptFile() Encryption.encryptFile() Encryption. Decrypts a previously encrypted String Encrypts a FIle.Encryption Method Summary for the Encryption Class The following table lists methods of the Encryption class Method Description Encryption. Encrypts a String.5 (Windows. .decryptString() Encryption. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.encryptString() Decrypts a previously encrypted File. decryptFile() Availability Windows. outputFile:String Path to file to be created (decrypted file). . Mac OSX Usage mdm.txt". An encrypted file on Windows cannot be decrypted on a Mac and visa versa.decryptFile(key:String. "c:\\myDecryptedFile"). inputFile:String. inputFile:String Path to file to be decrypted. The decrypted file is generated to the path and filename specified in outputFile. Mac OSX Uses 128bit AES encryption. Returns Nothing Description Decrypts the inputFile using the variable key. Notes Windows Uses 448bit Blowfish encryption.Encryption. "c:\\myEncryptedFile. Example mdm. outputFile:String):Void Parameters key:String Key to use with decryption.decryptFile("My Key".Encryption.Encryption. Encryption. dataToDecrypt:String Encrypted data to decrypt. Mac OSX Usage mdm. .decryptString() Availability Windows.decryptString("My Key". dataToDecrypt:String):String Parameters key:String Key to use with decryption. Mac OSX Uses 128bit AES encryption."qU3qOPKIOWMjx3Rbk3qkMLc="). Notes Windows Uses 448bit Blowfish encryption. An encrypted file on Windows cannot be decrypted on a Mac and visa versa.Encryption.Encryption. Example var myDecryptedData = mdm.decryptString(key:String. Returns Decrypted text Description Decrypts the content of the variable dataToDecrypt using the key provided. txt". inputFile:String Path to file to be encrypted. Example mdm.encryptFile(key:String.Encryption.encryptFile("My Key". Returns Nothing Description Encrypts the inputFile using the variable key.encryptFile() Availability Windows. Mac OSX Usage mdm. .Encryption. An encrypted file on Windows cannot be decrypted on a Mac and visa versa. inputFile:String. outputFile:String):Void Parameters key:String Key to use with decryption. Mac OSX Uses 128bit AES encryption. The encrypted file is generated to the path and filename specified in outputFile. outputFile:String Path to file to be created (encrypted file). Notes Windows Uses 448bit Blowfish encryption. "c:\\myEncryptedFile"). "c:\\myFile.Encryption. dataToEncrypt:String):String Parameters key:String Key to use with decryption. Mac OSX Uses 128bit AES encryption.Encryption. dataToEncrypt:String Encrypted data to decrypt.Encryption. Notes Windows Uses 448bit Blowfish encryption. Mac OSX Usage mdm."My secret message").encryptString(key:String.Encryption. An encrypted file on Windows cannot be decrypted on a Mac and visa versa.encryptString("My Key". Example var myEncryptedData = mdm. . Returns A String Description Encrypts the content of the variable dataToEncrypt using the key provided.encryptString() Availability Windows. resetHandler() to a clear status.trapErrors() Disables error window. Exception.enableHandler() Enables the internal exception handler. Exception.disableHandler() Disables internal exception handling.Exception Object Summary for the Exception Class The following table lists Objects of the Exception class Object Description DebugWindow DebugWindow Object Method Summary for the Exception Class The following table lists methods of the Exception class Method Description Exception.Exception Availability Zinc 2.showErrors() Enables error window. Exception. . Resets the internal exception handler Exception.mdm.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. 5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Exception. . Exception.DebugWindow.DebugWindow.DebugWindow Method Summary for the DebugWindow Class The following table lists methods of the DebugWindow class Method Description Exception. Exception.Exception.hide() Hides the runtime debugging window.DebugWindow.DebugWindow Availability Zinc Enables runtime debugging window.trace() Traces to the debug window. Notes None Example mdm.Exception.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides the runtime debugging window.DebugWindow.Exception.DebugWindow.Exception.hide() Availability Windows Usage mdm.DebugWindow.hide() . Exception. Notes None Example mdm.DebugWindow. The Debug window can be used by developers to stop and play the application and debug syntax Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables runtime debugging Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.trace(myVar) .trace() Availability Windows Usage mdm.trace(trace:String):Void Parameters trace:String Item to Trace Returns Nothing Description Traces to the debug window.Exception.DebugWindow.DebugWindow.Exception.DebugWindow.Exception. Exception. .disableHandler() Availability Windows Usage mdm.disableHandler().Exception. Notes None Example mdm.disableHandler():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables internal exception handling and returns control of errors to the projector.Exception. The variables set inside the movie when an exception occurs are: mdm_exception .enableHandler():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables the internal exception handler.Exception.enableHandler() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Exception. When this option is enabled. the application will not show any error messages but will set a number of variables in the flash movie with error information.If an error occurs. the value of this variable will be set to "error" The rest of the variables will contain specific error information if an error occurs: mdm_exceptionmessage mdm_exceptionformtype mdm_exceptionframenum mdm_exceptionparamnumber mdm_exceptionparamvalue . This method should be used by advanced developers who wish to catch errors and deal with them inside their application without prompting the end user. .Exception. Example mdm.Exception.enableHandler().resetHandler() method.Notes a) After you have dealt with an exception. you must reset the exception handler by executing the mdm. b) This command must be called before the event onMDMScriptException will work. Exception.resetHandler():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Resets the internal exception handler to a clear status.Exception. This method must be executed after an error has been reported and dealt with.resetHandler() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.resetHandler(). .Exception. Notes None Example mdm. .Exception.showErrors().showErrors():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables error window.showErrors() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Exception.Exception. The error window will only report syntax errors related to {mdm}script execution. Exception.trapErrors().Exception.trapErrors() Availability Windows Usage mdm. .trapErrors():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables the error window.Exception. Notes None Example mdm. The application will not prompt the user on {mdm}script errors. mdm.init() Initializes the FileExplorer components. .FileExplorer Availability Zinc 2. Event Summary for the FileExplorer Class The following table lists events of the FileExplorer class Method Description onFileListViewDblClick Executes when a user double clicks an entry in the ListView.FileExplorer Object Summary for the FileExplorer Class The following table lists Objects of the FileExplorer class Object Description ComboBox ListView TreeView ComboBox Object ListView Object TreeView Object Method Summary for the FileExplorer Class The following table lists methods of the FileExplorer class Method Description FileExplorer.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. ComboBox Method Summary for the FileExplorer.hide() Hides the loaded control.FileExplorer. .ComboBox.ComboBox.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.ComboBox class Method Description FileExplorer.ComboBox.ComboBox Availability Zinc 2.FileExplorer. FileExplorer.ComboBox. FileExplorer.setPath() Changes the root of the loaded control to the specified value.getPath() Returns the current path/root of the Loads the Control Instance. FileExplorer.ComboBox Class The following table lists methods of the FileExplorer. .ComboBox.FileExplorer.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. the File Explorer controls are single instance only. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. This means that if you change the root location on one control.getPath().ComboBox. b) The ComboBox.FileExplorer.ComboBox. Example var currentRootFolder = mdm.FileExplorer.getPath():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the current path/root of the control.FileExplorer.getPath() Availability Windows Usage mdm. c) The mdm. the other two controls will also reflect the change. b) The ComboBox. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related.hide(). the other two controls will also reflect the change.ComboBox.FileExplorer.FileExplorer. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. Example mdm.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides the loaded control. This means that if you change the root location on one control.hide() Availability Windows Usage mdm.ComboBox. the File Explorer controls are single instance only.FileExplorer.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method.FileExplorer. . c) The mdm.ComboBox. ComboBox.setPath(basePath:String):Void Parameters basePath:String Base path to be used in control.setPath() Availability Windows Usage mdm.ComboBox.FileExplorer.FileExplorer. Returns Nothing Description Changes the root of the loaded control to the specified value or one of the system folder values below: desktop cpanel favorites network recyclebin commondesktop commonprograms commonstartmenu commonstartup fonts internet personal printers printhood programs recent . b) The ComboBox.FileExplorer. c) The mdm. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related.setPath("c:\\"). . the File Explorer controls are single instance only. This means that if you change the root location on one control.FileExplorer.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. the other two controls will also reflect the change.ComboBox. Example mdm.sendto startmenu templates Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. OR one of the following strings which will set the root to show a system folder: desktop cpanel favorites network recyclebin . The basePath parameter can be either a pathname such as "c:\\" . basePath:String):Void Parameters x:Number Horizontal position of control.ComboBox.ComboBox. basePath:String Base path to be used in control. y:Number Vertical position of Returns Nothing Description Loads a ComboBox control at the specified position/size and sets the root to the specified path or a predefined location. height:Number.FileExplorer.FileExplorer. y:Number. "c:\\myfiles\\" etc. width:Number Width of Availability Windows Usage mdm. height:Number Height of control. width:Number. init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. b) The ComboBox.FileExplorer.FileExplorer.commondesktop commonprograms commonstartmenu commonstartup fonts internet personal printers printhood programs recent sendto startmenu templates Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. 0.ComboBox. c) The the File Explorer controls are single instance only. 300. This means that if you change the root location on one control. the other two controls will also reflect the change. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. . Example mdm. "c:\\"). 400. FileExplorer.getItems() Returns an array which contains all items in the control.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.ListViewclass Method Description Automatically catch FileExplorer.ListView.ListView Class The following table lists methods of the FileExplorer.getSelected() item of the control.hide() control. Hides the loaded FileExplorer.ListView Method Summary for the FileExplorer.showHiddenFiles() Shows hidden files in the control.setViewStyle() method style in the ListView control.ListView.ListView.ListView Availability Zinc Loads the Control Instance. FileExplorer. .ListView.FileExplorer.ListView. Changes the listing FileExplorer.ListView.dblClickExecutes() a double click in the File List component.FileExplorer.ListView. FileExplorer. Returns the selected FileExplorer. FileExplorer.hideHiddenFiles() Hides hidden files in the control. ListView.FileExplorer.dblClickExecutes ( flag:Boolean ) :Void Parameters flag:Boolean Returns Nothing Description When enabled. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. Example mdm. the File Explorer controls are single instance only.FileExplorer.List View . . dblClickExecutes (true) . This means that if you change the root location on one control.FileExplorer.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method.FileExplorer. will enable the event onFileListViewDbdClick and automatically catch a double click in the File List component. b) The ComboBox. c) The mdm.ListView. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. the other two controls will also reflect the change.dblClickExecutes() Availability Windows Usage mdm. prompt(selectedItems[0]) mdm.FileExplorer. mdm.getItems():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Returns an array which contains all items in the control. the File Explorer controls are single instance only. the other two controls will also reflect the change.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. b) The ComboBox.Dialogs.FileExplorer. Example var selectedItems = mdm.getItems() Availability Windows Usage mdm. c) The mdm. This means that if you change the root location on one control.TreeView.Dialogs.TreeView. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related.getItems(). Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands.ListView.FileExplorer.prompt(selectedItems[1]) .FileExplorer. . and so on .// .. FileExplorer.FileExplorer.getSelected() Availability Windows Usage mdm.getSelected():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the selected item of the control.ListView. b) The ComboBox.FileExplorer. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. This means that if you change the root location on one control.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method.getSelected(). .ListView. the other two controls will also reflect the change. Example var selectedItem = mdm. c) The mdm.ListView. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands.FileExplorer. the File Explorer controls are single instance only. the other two controls will also reflect the change. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method.hide() Availability Windows Usage mdm. the File Explorer controls are single instance only. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands.FileExplorer. This means that if you change the root location on one control. .hide().ListView.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides the loaded control.FileExplorer.ListView. Example mdm. b) The ComboBox. c) The mdm.ListView.FileExplorer.FileExplorer. FileExplorer.ListView.FileExplorer. the File Explorer controls are single instance only. the other two controls will also reflect the change.FileExplorer.hideHiddenFiles() Availability Windows Usage mdm. c) The mdm. Example mdm.hideHiddenFiles():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides hidden files in the control. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related.ListView.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. b) The ComboBox. .ListView.FileExplorer. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. This means that if you change the root location on one control.hideHiddenFiles(). FileExplorer. Example mdm. This means that if you change the root location on one control.ListView.ListView. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands.ListView. b) The ComboBox.FileExplorer.showHiddenFiles(). .FileExplorer. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. the File Explorer controls are single instance only.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. the other two controls will also reflect the change.showHiddenFiles() Availability Windows Usage mdm.showHiddenFiles():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Shows hidden files in the control. c) The mdm.FileExplorer. FileExplorer.setViewStyle() Availability Windows Usage mdm.FileExplorer. The parameter viewType can be either: icon smallicon list report Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. This means that if you change the root location on one control. c) The mdm.FileExplorer.init() must be executed once before using any .setViewStyle ( viewType:String ) :Void Parameters viewType:String View Method to Use. b) The ComboBox.ListView.ListView. the File Explorer controls are single instance only. the other two controls will also reflect the change. Returns Nothing Description Changes the listing method style in the ListView control. . Example mdm.FileExplorer.setViewStyle("icon") .File Explorer objects method.List View . width:Number Width of control. width:Number. height:Number. The basePath parameter can be either a pathname such as "c:\\" .show() Availability Windows Usage mdm. OR one of the following strings which will set the root to show a system folder: desktop cpanel favorites network recyclebin . basePath:String):Void Parameters x:Number Horizontal position of basePath:String Base path to be used in control. "c:\\myfiles\\" etc. y:Number. height:Number Height of control.FileExplorer.ListView.FileExplorer. Returns Nothing Description Loads a ListView control at the specified position/size and sets the root to the specified path or a predefined location.ListView. y:Number Vertical position of control. 0.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. . This means that if you change the root location on one control. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. the File Explorer controls are single instance only.FileExplorer. 300.commondesktop commonprograms commonstartmenu commonstartup fonts internet personal printers printhood programs recent sendto startmenu templates Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. c) The mdm.FileExplorer. Example mdm. the other two controls will also reflect the change. "c:\\"). b) The ComboBox.ListView. getSelected() . FileExplorer.hide() control.TreeView.TreeView Method Summary for the FileExplorer.TreeView. Changes the root of FileExplorer.hideHiddenFiles() Hides hidden files in the control.TreeView. FileExplorer.FileExplorer.getPath() path/root of the control.TreeView class Method Description Returns the selected item of the control.setPath() the loaded control to the specified value. Loads the Control FileExplorer.TreeView. Hides the loaded FileExplorer.showHiddenFiles() Shows hidden files in the control. FileExplorer. Returns the current FileExplorer.TreeView.TreeView Class The following table lists methods of the Instance.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.FileExplorer.TreeView Availability Zinc 2.TreeView.TreeView. FileExplorer.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method.FileExplorer.FileExplorer. .TreeView.getSelected() Availability Windows Usage mdm. c) The mdm. This means that if you change the root location on one control. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related.FileExplorer.TreeView.getSelected(). Example var selectedItem = mdm.TreeView. the File Explorer controls are single instance only.getSelected():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the selected item of the control. the other two controls will also reflect the change. b) The ComboBox. TreeView.FileExplorer. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands.TreeView.FileExplorer. .FileExplorer. the other two controls will also reflect the change. b) The ComboBox.getPath():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the current path/root of the control.FileExplorer.TreeView. c) The mdm.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. the File Explorer controls are single instance only.getPath(). This means that if you change the root location on one control. Example var currentRootFolder = mdm. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related.getPath() Availability Windows Usage mdm. FileExplorer.FileExplorer.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides the loaded control. Example mdm.hide(). the File Explorer controls are single instance only.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method.TreeView.hide() Availability Windows Usage mdm. b) The ComboBox. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. This means that if you change the root location on one control.FileExplorer. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. c) The mdm.TreeView. . the other two controls will also reflect the change.TreeView.FileExplorer. the other two controls will also reflect the change. b) The ComboBox.TreeView.FileExplorer. the File Explorer controls are single instance only. This means that if you change the root location on one control.FileExplorer.FileExplorer. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related.hideHiddenFiles(). Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. c) The mdm. Example mdm.TreeView.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method.FileExplorer.TreeView. .hideHiddenFiles():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides hidden files in the control.hideHiddenFiles() Availability Windows Usage mdm. TreeView.setPath() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns Nothing Description Changes the root of the loaded control to the specified value or one of the system folder values below: desktop cpanel favorites network recyclebin commondesktop commonprograms commonstartmenu commonstartup fonts internet personal printers printhood programs recent .TreeView.FileExplorer.setPath(basePath:String):Void Parameters basePath:String Base path to be used in control.FileExplorer. This means that if you change the root location on one control. . ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. the File Explorer controls are single instance only. c) The mdm.sendto startmenu templates Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. the other two controls will also reflect the change. b) The ComboBox.TreeView. Example mdm.setPath("c:\\").FileExplorer.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method.FileExplorer. basePath:String Base path to be used in y:Number. The basePath parameter can be either a pathname such as "c:\\" .FileExplorer.TreeView. basePath:String):Void Parameters x:Number Horizontal position of control. OR one of the following strings which will set the root to show a system folder: desktop cpanel favorites network recyclebin .TreeView. y:Number Vertical position of control. width:Number Width of control. "c:\\myfiles\\" Availability Windows Usage mdm. width:Number. Returns Nothing Description Loads a TreeView control at the specified position/size and sets the root to the specified path or a predefined location. height:Number.FileExplorer. height:Number Height of control. init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. c) The mdm. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related. the other two controls will also reflect the change. 400.commondesktop commonprograms commonstartmenu commonstartup fonts internet personal printers printhood programs recent sendto startmenu templates Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. Example mdm. "C:\\"). b) The ComboBox. 500. 0.FileExplorer. This means that if you change the root location on one control.FileExplorer. the File Explorer controls are single instance only. FileExplorer. the File Explorer controls are single instance only.TreeView.TreeView.init() must be executed once before using any File Explorer objects method. the other two controls will also reflect the change. .showHiddenFiles():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Shows hidden files in the control.showHiddenFiles().FileExplorer. c) The mdm.FileExplorer.TreeView. This means that if you change the root location on one control. Notes a) Unlike the other embedding commands. b) The ComboBox.showHiddenFiles() Availability Windows Usage mdm. ListBox and TreeView controls are inter-related.FileExplorer. Example mdm. Notes This command must be executed once before using any other FileExplorer objects methods.FileExplorer. Example mdm.FileExplorer.init():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Initializes the FileExplorer components.init().FileExplorer.init() Availability Windows Usage mdm. . Prompt(name) mdm.onFileListViewDblClick Availability Windows Usage mdm.Dialogs.Prompt(myObject.Dialogs.Prompt(type) mdm.Dialogs.onFileListViewDblClick:Function Parameters type:String File or Folder. name:String Value of incoming data.Prompt(myObject. association:String Value of incoming data. name.Dialogs.Prompt(association) } Advanced Usage: mdm.onFileListViewDblClick = function(myObject){ mdm.Prompt(myObject.type) mdm. Description Executes when a user double clicks an entry in the FileExplorer ListView control. Example Simple Usage: function onFileListViewDblClick(type.Dialogs.FileExplorer.association) .Dialogs. association){ mdm.FileExplorer. } . Deletes a File.createShortcut() FileSystem. Copies a File from one location to another. Creates a Shortcut on the System.5 (Windows. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm. .copyFile() FileSystem.FileSystem Availability Zinc 2.mdm.FileSystem Object Summary for the FileSystem Class The following table lists Objects of the FileSystem class Object Description BinaryFile BinaryFile Object Method Summary for the FileSystem Class The following table lists methods of the FileSystem class Method Description FileSystem.appendFile() FileSystem.appendFileUnicode() FileSystem.copyFolder() FileSystem.copyFileUnicode() FileSystem. Copies a File from one location to another.deleteFile() Appends data to a File. Unicode Compliant. Unicode Compliant Copies a File from one location to another. Appends data to a File. FileSystem. FileSystem. FileSystem. Returns the last time modified FileSystem. FileSystem. Unicode FileSystem. FileSystem. FileSystem. Finds and list the specified FileSystem.findFile() files by looking in the specified folder and subdirectories. Unicode Compliant. FileSystem.Deletes a File.deleteFolder() Deletes a Folder. Returns the application FileSystem.getFileType() Returns the File Type.deleteFolderUnicode() Deletes a Folder.getFileDate() Returns the date of the file.getFileSize() Returns the size of the file.getAssociation() loading the specified extension.getFileCreator() Returns the File Creator Code.fileExists() Returns a true or false statement to the variable return based upon the existence of file. FileSystem. Unicode Compliant.getCurrentDirUnicode() Returns the application current directory. Returns a true or false statement to the variable FileSystem. FileSystem. Returns the the system associated executable for FileSystem. FileSystem.getCurrentDir() current directory.fileExistsUnicode() return based upon the existence of file.deleteFileUnicode() . Unicode Compliant.folderExists() Checks if a Folder Exists. FileSystem.getFileAttribs() Returns File Properties.getFileTime() of the file.folderExistsUnicode() Checks if a Folder Exists. getFolderList() that exist in the folder specified as argument. Saves text data to the file FileSystem. Returns a list of sub folders FileSystem. FileSystem. Changes the application FileSystem.3 FileSystem.saveFileUnicode() specified.saveFile() specified.getFolderSize() Folder.makeFolder() specified in argument. Converts the string in the variable path to a non 8. Unicode Compliant. Unicode FileSystem. Saves text data to the file FileSystem. ie.Will perform a search in folder against the preferences in search mask.getLongPathName() pathname. Converts the string in the variable path to a valid 8. Creates a new folder as FileSystem. ie.saveFileHEX() Saves HEX data to the file specified. c:\documents and settings\temp.loadFileHEX() Decimal string from the specified file.loadFile() Load data from Files.makeFolderUnicode() specified in argument.setCurrentDirUnicode() Changes the application current directory.3 FileSystem. FileSystem. Load HEX or a Pipe delimited FileSystem.setCurrentDir() current directory. Load data from Files. Returns the size of a specified FileSystem.getFileList() . FileSystem. Unicode Compliant. Unicode Compliant. c:\docum~1\temp.loadFileUnicode() Compliant. Creates a new folder as FileSystem. FileSystem.getShortPathName() pathname. FileSystem.setFileAttribs() Sets/Unsets the attribute of a file to one of possible values. . appendData() Appends the data specified.writeData() Writes the data specified.BinaryFile.FileSystem. FileSystem.BinaryFile. . FileSystem.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.BinaryFile.BinaryFile Method Summary for the BinaryFile Class The following table lists methods of the BinaryFile class Method Description FileSystem.FileSystem.setData() Saves the specified data to the filename provided.BinaryFile Availability Zinc 2. appendData() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.BinaryFile.appendData(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:String File path to file where data will be appended.BinaryFile. mdm.appendData("c:\\myData.BinaryFile.FileSystem.setData() to .BinaryFile.FileSystem.txt"). Returns Nothing Description Appends the data specified in the command the file specified in filePath. setData("255|0|103|234|52|159").BinaryFile.BinaryFile.setData() Availability Windows Usage mdm.setData(dataToAppend:String):Void Parameters dataToAppend:String Data to save in HEX format or a pipe delimited list of bytes(decimal) Returns Nothing Description Saves the specified data to the filename provided with the mdm. .BinaryFile.setData("FF0067EA349F").writeData() method. Decimal Pipe Delimited : mdm.BinaryFile.BinaryFile.FileSystem.FileSystem. Notes None Example Hex Example: mdm. writeData("c:\\myData.writeData() Availability Windows Usage mdm.BinaryFile.FileSystem.BinaryFile.BinaryFile.FileSystem. mdm.setData() to .writeData(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:String File path to file where data will be saved. Returns Nothing Description Writes the data specified in the command the file specified in filePath.BinaryFile.txt"). Notes None Example mdm. appendFile("c:\\myData.appendFile(filePath:String. Please note that this command does not overwrite the existing data. Returns Nothing Description Appends text data to a file. Notes None Example mdm. it will append data to the file.txt". . Mac OSX Usage mdm. dataToAdd:String Data to be added to file.FileSystem. Combinations of literals and variables can be used and any type of file can be created. dataToAdd:String):Void Parameters filePath:String File path to file where data will be appended. "This is my text").FileSystem.FileSystem.appendFile() Availability Windows. Combinations of literals and variables can be used and any type of file can be created. dataToAdd:String Data to be added to file. dataToAdd:String):Void Parameters filePath:String File path to file where data will be appended.FileSystem.txt". Notes Unicode compliant Example mdm.appendFileUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm. "This is my text"). it will append data to the file.appendFileUnicode("c:\\myData.appendFileUnicode(filePath:String. .FileSystem. Returns Nothing Description Appends the value of dataToAdd to the file specified in filePath. Please note that this command does not overwrite the existing data.FileSystem. txt".FileSystem. copyTo:String File path to file to be created. Returns Nothing Description Creates a copy of the file specified in copyFrom to the path and filename specified in .FileSystem. . Mac OSX Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.copyFile("c:\\myData.txt"). copyTo:String):Void Parameters copyFrom:String File path to file to be copied.copyFile() Availability Windows.FileSystem. "c:\\myDataCopy.copyFile(copyFrom:String. txt"). Returns Nothing Description Creates a copy of the file specified in copyFrom to the path and filename specified in .copyFileUnicode(copyFrom:String.copyFileUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.FileSystem. copyTo:String File path to file to be created. Notes Unicode compliant Example mdm. . copyTo:String):Void Parameters copyFrom:String File path to file to be copied.FileSystem.txt".FileSystem. "c:\\myDataCopy.copyFileUnicode("c:\\myData. FileSystem. copyTo:String Folder path where source folder is to be created.FileSystem.copyFolder() Availability Windows.copyFolder("c:\\myFolderA". Mac OSX Usage mdm.copyFolder(copyFrom:String. . Returns Nothing Description Creates a copy of the folder specified in copyFrom to the path and folder name specified in copyTo. Notes None Example mdm. copyTo:String):Void Parameters copyFrom:String Folder path to be copied.FileSystem. "c:\\myFolderB"). FileSystem. description:String. startInFolder:String. iconID:Number Shortcut icon identifier within icon source file. shorcutLinkPath:String):Void Parameters targetPath:String Shortcut target location. .DLL that contains icon Files. Notes . description:String Shortcut description. iconID:Number. iconFilePath:String. Please note that the icon variable can be a link to an . shorcutLinkPath:String Shorcut file location.createShortcut(targetPath:String. startInFolder:String Shortcut target start folder.FileSystem. iconID is the number of the resource within the dll or exe file. Returns Nothing Description Creates a shortcut from the parameters provided. iconFilePath:String Shortcut icon source path. the value 0 will use the first resource contained.createShortcut() Availability Windows Usage mdm. For example.ICO file.EXE or . "c:\\myFile.FileSystem."c:\\". iconID must be left at "0". ."My Projector"."0".exe". Example mdm. Also.createShortcut("c:\\myFile."c:\\myFile.exe".lnk").Windows 98 Users MUST switch the icon and iconID values around so that iconID comes BEFORE icon. FileSystem.FileSystem. Returns Nothing Description Deletes a file.deleteFile(pathToFile:String):Void Parameters pathToFile:String Path to a file to be deleted.deleteFile() Availability Windows. . Mac OSX Usage mdm.deleteFile("c:\\myTextA.txt").FileSystem. Notes None Example mdm. txt").FileSystem.deleteFileUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.deleteFileUnicode("c:\\myTextA. Returns Nothing Description Delete the file specified in the variable file or as specified in the literal string.FileSystem.FileSystem.deleteFileUnicode(pathToFile:String):Void Parameters pathToFile:String Path to a file to be deleted. Notes Unicode compliant Example mdm. . deleteFolder() Availability Windows.deleteFolder("c:\\myFolder").FileSystem. prompt:String):Void Parameters dir:String Path to a Folder to be deleted.FileSystem. Returns Nothing Description Deletes a Folder. The Parameter prompt must be wither "ask" to prompt the user before a delete.FileSystem. . or "noask" to delete without prompting.deleteFolder(dir:String. Notes None Example mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm. prompt:String Warning Prompt Visibility. Example mdm. Returns Nothing Description Deletes a Folder.deleteFolderUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.FileSystem.FileSystem. Unlike the Non Unicode version. Notes Unicode Compliant.deleteFolderUnicode("c:\\myFolder"). this command does not have the option of displaying a Warning Prompt. .deleteFolderUnicode(dir:String):Void Parameters dir:String Path to a Folder to be deleted.FileSystem. Returns Boolean statement depending on file existence.FileSystem.FileSystem.fileExists() Availability Windows. Description Returns a true or false statement to the variable return based upon the existence of file.fileExists(filePath:String):Boolean Parameters filePath:String Path to a file to check. Notes None Example var exists = mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm.FileSystem. .fileExists("c:\\myText.txt"). FileSystem.txt").fileExistsUnicode(filePath:String):Boolean Parameters filePath:String Path to a file to check. Description Returns a true or false statement to the variable return based upon the existence of file. Returns Boolean statement depending on file existence.fileExistsUnicode("c:\\myText.FileSystem.FileSystem. .fileExistsUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes Unicode compliant Example var exists = mdm. "C:\*.FileSystem.*") so please be sure to specify as much file and directory information as possible. Example var myResults = mdm.FileSystem. .findFile(searchCriteria:String):String Parameters searchCriteria:String Criteria to be matched make with folder path and extension filter.FileSystem. (eg.findFile("d:\\myTextA\\*.findFile() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns Nothing Description Finds and list the specified files by looking in the specified folder and subdirectories.exe"). Notes This command can potentially return huge strings. Notes None Example var exists = mdm.FileSystem.folderExists(folder:String):Boolean Parameters folder:String Path to folder to check.folderExists() Availability Windows.folderExists("c:\\myFolder"). .FileSystem.FileSystem. Returns A Boolean Description Returns a true or false statement based upon the existence of folder. Mac OSX Usage mdm. Notes Unicode compliant Example var exists = mdm.folderExistsUnicode("c:\\myFolder").FileSystem.folderExistsUnicode(folder:String):Boolean Parameters folder:String Path to folder to check.FileSystem. .FileSystem.folderExistsUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns A Boolean Description Returns a true or false statement to the variable return based upon the existence of the folder in the variable folder. FileSystem. ". Example var myApplicationPath = mdm. and not just the file extension.FileSystem. Returns A String Description Returns the full path to the system associated executable for loading the specified extension.FileSystem.getAssociation(". you must specify the full path to a file.exe.html" will return something similar to: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore. Mac OSX Usage mdm. .getAssociation(extension:String):String Parameters extension:String File extension to check for association with applications.getAssociation() Availability Windows. Notes On Mac OSX. For example. Great for finding executable paths.html"). getCurrentDir() Availability Windows. Notes None Example var currentPath = mdm.FileSystem.getCurrentDir():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the application current directory.FileSystem.FileSystem. .getCurrentDir(). Mac OSX Usage mdm. FileSystem.changeDir().FileSystem.FileSystem.getCurrentDirUnicode(). Notes Unicode Complaint. Use after mdm.getCurrentDirUnicode():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns the application current directory. . Example var currentPath = mdm.FileSystem.getCurrentDirUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes None Example var myFileAttribs = mdm.getFileAttribs() Availability Windows Usage mdm.getFileAttribs(filePath:String):Array Parameters filePath:String File path to check.FileSystem.getFileAttribs("c:\\myText.txt"). Returns An Array Description Returns array of items holding file properties.FileSystem. // // // // myFileAttribs[0] myFileAttribs[1] myFileAttribs[2] myFileAttribs[3] = = = = isArchive isHidden isReadOnly isSystemFile .FileSystem. FileSystem. Notes None Example var fileCreator = mdm.FileSystem.FileSystem. .getFileCreator() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. Returns A String Description Returns the the File Creator Code.getFileCreator("myFile.html").getFileCreator(filename:String):String Parameters filename:String Path to a file to check. FileSystem.getFileDate(pathToFile:String):String Parameters pathToFile:String Path to a file to check. Notes None Example var fileDate = mdm.FileSystem.txt"). .FileSystem. Returns A String Description Returns the date of the file.getFileDate("c:\\myText.getFileDate() Availability Windows Usage mdm. FileSystem.FileSystem. Returns An Integer Description Returns the date of the file. .FileSystem.txt").getFileSize(pathToFile:String):Number Parameters pathToFile:String Path to a file to check.getFileSize() Availability Windows Usage mdm.getFileSize("c:\\myText. Notes None Example var fileSize = mdm. FileSystem. .getFileTime("c:\\myText. Returns A String Description Returns the last time modified of the file. Notes None Example var fileModified = mdm.txt").FileSystem.FileSystem.getFileTime() Availability Windows Usage mdm.getFileTime(pathToFile:String):String Parameters pathToFile:String Path to a file to check. .FileSystem.getFileType(filename:String):String Parameters filename:String Path to a file to check.FileSystem.getFileType("myFile.getFileType() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. Returns A String Description Returns the the File Type.html"). Notes None Example var fileType = mdm.FileSystem. getFileList(folderPath:String. Mac OSX Usage mdm..getFileList("c:\\".Dialogs.prompt(myFiles[1]) // . "*.prompt(myFiles[0]) mdm.FileSystem..txt"). searchMask:String Search mask. mdm.FileSystem.getFileList() Availability Windows.FileSystem. Returns An Array Description Will perform a search in the folder specified and return an array of files. and so on .Dialogs. searchMask:String):Array Parameters folderPath:String Path to a folder. Notes None Example var myFiles = mdm. .. and so on .prompt(myFolders[0]) mdm.getFolderList(folderPath:String):Array Parameters folderPath:String Path to a folder.getFolderList("c:\\").Dialogs.FileSystem. Notes None Example var myFolders = mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm.FileSystem.Dialogs.FileSystem.getFolderList() Availability Windows. mdm.prompt(myFolders[1]) // . Returns An Array Description Returns a list of sub folders that exist in the folder specified. Returns An Integer Description Returns the size of the folder specified in argument.getFolderSize() Availability Windows Usage mdm.FileSystem.getFolderSize(folderPath:String):Number Parameters folderPath:String Path to a file to check.FileSystem.FileSystem.getFolderSize("c:\\"). . Notes None Example var myFolderSize = mdm. c:\documents and settings\temp. Returns A String Description Converts the string to a non 8.getLongPathName(path:String):String Parameters path:String Path to a file or folder to convert.3 pathname.getLongPathName() Availability Windows Usage mdm. ie. .getLongPathName("c:\\docum~1\\temp"). Notes None Example var myLongFileName = mdm.FileSystem.FileSystem.FileSystem. FileSystem.getShortPathName("C:\\documents and settings\\temp"). .FileSystem.getShortPathName(path:String):String Parameters path:String Path to a file or folder to convert. ie.3 pathname. c:\docum~1\temp. Notes None Example var myLongFileName = mdm. Returns A String Description Converts the string to a valid 8.getShortPathName() Availability Windows Usage mdm.FileSystem. loadFile("c:\\myText. Mac OSX Usage mdm. .FileSystem.loadFile() Availability Windows. Returns A String Description Load data from files. Notes None Example var mySavedData = mdm.FileSystem.txt").loadFile(filePath:String):String Parameters filePath:String Path to a file to load data from.FileSystem. Notes None Example var mySavedData = mdm.txt"). Returns A String Description Load HEX or a Pipe delimited Decimal string from the specified file.FileSystem.loadFileHEX(filePath:String):String Parameters filePath:String Path to a file to load data from.loadFileHEX() Availability Windows Usage mdm.FileSystem.loadFileHEX("c:\\myText.FileSystem. . FileSystem.FileSystem.loadFileUnicode("c:\\myText.loadFileUnicode() Availability Windows. Notes Unicode compliant Example var mySavedData = mdm.txt").FileSystem.loadFileUnicode(filePath:String):String Parameters filePath:String Path to a file to load data from. . Returns A String Description Load data from files. Mac OSX Usage mdm. makeFolder() Availability Windows.makeFolder(folderPath:String):Void Parameters folderPath:String Path to a folder to be created. Mac OSX Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.makeFolder("c:\\myFolder"). .FileSystem.FileSystem. Returns Nothing Description Creates a new folder as specified in argument.FileSystem. FileSystem.FileSystem. .makeFolderUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes Unicode compliant Example mdm.makeFolderUnicode("c:\\myFolder").FileSystem.makeFolderUnicode(folderPath:String):Void Parameters folderPath:String Path to a folder to be created. Returns Nothing Description Creates a new folder as specified in argument. Mac OSX Usage mdm. dataToSave:String):Void Parameters filePath:String Path to a file where data will be saved.saveFile() Availability Windows.FileSystem. Returns Nothing Description Saves text data to the file specified.saveFile(filePath:String.FileSystem. dataToSave:String Data to save to a file.txt".saveFile("c:\\myText. Notes None Example mdm. . "My text data").FileSystem. dataToSave:String Data to save to a file in HEX format or a pipe delimited list of bytes(decimal). Returns Nothing Description Saves HEX data to the file specified.saveFileHEX("c:\\myText.FileSystem.FileSystem.txt". Pipe Delimited Decimal: .saveFileHEX() Availability Windows Usage mdm. dataToSave:String):Void Parameters filePath:String Path to a file where data will be saved. "FF0067EA349F"). Notes None Example Hex Data: mdm.saveFileHEX(filePath:String.FileSystem. saveFileHEX("c:\\myText. "255|0|103|234|52|159").mdm.FileSystem. .txt". "My text data"). Notes Unicode compliant Example mdm. Returns Nothing Description Saves text data to the file specified.FileSystem. dataToSave:String Data to save to a file. . dataToSave:String):Void Parameters filePath:String Path to a file where data will be saved.saveFileUnicode() Availability Windows.FileSystem.FileSystem.saveFileUnicode("c:\\myText.txt".saveFileUnicode(filePath:String. Mac OSX Usage mdm. .FileSystem.FileSystem. Returns Nothing Description Changes the application current directory.setCurrentDir(newPath:String):Void Parameters newPath:String Path to be set as new application directory.setCurrentDir("c:\\"). Notes None Example mdm.setCurrentDir() Availability Windows Usage mdm.FileSystem. setCurrentDirUnicode("c:\\").FileSystem.FileSystem. Example mdm.setCurrentDirUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns Nothing Description Changes the application current directory. . Notes Unicode Compliant.FileSystem.setCurrentDirUnicode(newPath:String):Void Parameters newPath:String Path to be set as new application directory. FileSystem.setFileAttribs() Availability Windows. attribute:String):Void Parameters filePath:String Path to a file which attribute is to be set. attribute:String Attribute identifier.FileSystem. Returns Nothing Description Sets/Unsets the attribute of a file to one of possible values: +A sets the archive attribute +H sets the hidden attribute +R sets the read only attribute +S sets the system attribute -A unsets the archive attribute -H unsets the hidden attribute -R unsets the read only attribute -S unsets the system attribute Notes None Example . Mac OSX Usage mdm.setFileAttribs(filePath:String. txt".FileSystem. "+A").mdm. .setFileAttribs("c:\\myText. callFunction() movie. Retrieves the value of a ActionScript Flash. Sets the virtual SWF directory to the Flash. Flash.mdm.Flash Availability Zinc 2.5 (Windows. Sets the virtual SWF directory to the Flash.setSWFDirAdv() Specified Directory Flash.allowScale() . Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.getVar() variable. Retrieves the value of a ActionScript Flash.getVarUnicode() variable.setShowAllMode() entire spread of the Projector.setSWFDir() Application Directory.loadMovie() level.Flash Method Summary for the Flash Class The following table lists methods of the Flash class Method Description Sets the scale of the SWF during runtime Flash.baseURL() Sets the Base URL of the SWF file in projector. Unicode Compliant.callFunctionUnicode() Will execute a function in your SWF movie. Loads an external SWF movie into a Flash. Expands Flash Movie to cover the Flash. Will execute a function in your SWF Flash. setVar() Flash. .setVarUnicode() Sets or creates a variable on the _root of the SWF.Flash. Unicode Compliant. Sets or creates a variable on the _root of the SWF. true).Flash. keepAspectRatio:Boolean):Void Parameters scaleContent:Boolean Scale switch. Notes None Example mdm.allowScale(scaleContent:Boolean. . A true value in keepAspectRatio will instruct the SWF to maintain it's aspect ratio. Returns Nothing Description Sets the scale of the SWF during runtime.allowScale() Availability Windows Usage mdm.allowScale(true. A true value in scaleContent will instruct the SWF to scale up to the edges of the Projector Window. keepAspectRatio:Boolean Aspect ration switch.Flash.Flash. .baseURL("c:\\myFolder").Flash.baseURL(baseURLPath:String):Void Parameters baseURLPath:String Path to folder. Returns Nothing Description Sets the Base URL of the SWF file in projector. Notes None Example mdm.baseURL() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Flash.Flash. Returns Nothing Description Will execute a function in your SWF movie. .callFunction(functionName:String. parametersString:String Path Parameters as delimited string.Flash.callFunction() Availability Windows.Flash. Notes None Example mdm.Flash. Mac OSX Usage mdm. "abc|123". delimiter:String):Void Parameters functionName:String Function name to be executed. "|"). delimiter:String Used delimited.callFunction("myFunction". parametersString:String. "|"). parametersString:String. delimiter:String):Void Parameters functionName:String Function name to be executed. Notes Unicode compliant Example mdm.Flash. "abc|123". .callFunctionUnicode(functionName:String. parametersString:String Path Parameters as delimited string.Flash.callFunctionUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.callFunctionUnicode("myFunction". Returns Nothing Description Will execute a function in your SWF movie. delimiter:String Used delimited.Flash. Retrive a var from a SubForm: var myVariable = mdm.Flash.getVar("SubForm1:myName").getVar(variableName:String):String Parameters variableName:String Variable name.getVar("myName"). Returns A String Description Retrieves the value of an ActionScript variable.Flash.getVar() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Example Simple Usage: var myVariable = mdm.Flash.Flash. Notes This command can also retrieve a variable values from a subform. . Flash.getVarUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Flash.getVarUnicode(variableName:String):String Parameters variableName:String Variable name. Returns A String Description Retrieves the value of a ActionScript variable. Notes This command can also retrieve a variable values from a subform. Unicode compliant Example Simple Usage: var myVariable = mdm.Flash.getVarUnicode("myName"); Retrive a var from a SubForm: var myVariable = mdm.Flash.getVarUnicode("SubForm1:myName"); Flash.loadMovie() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Flash.loadMovie(targetLevel:Number, moviePath:String):Void Parameters targetLevel:Number Target level where movie is to be loaded. moviePath:String Path to movie to be loaded. Returns Nothing Description Alternative to LoadMovieNum command. Loads an external SWF movie into a level. Notes None Example mdm.Flash.loadMovie(1, "c:\\myMovie.swf"); Flash.setShowAllMode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Flash.setShowAllMode():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Expands flash movie to cover the entire spread of the projector window. Notes The correct way to use this command is to add it to the first frame of your Movie with your Projector set to "Maximized" - All other Scale options should be left at default values. Example mdm.Flash.setShowAllMode(); Flash.setSWFDir() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Flash.setSWFDir():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the virtual SWF directory to the Application Directory. Notes This command is executed by default on first frame of all projectors. Example mdm.Flash.setSWFDir(); Flash.setSWFDirAdv() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Flash.setSWFDirAdv(swfDirectory:String):Void Parameters swfDirectory:String Path to folder. Returns Nothing Description Sets the virtual SWF directory to the specified folder. Useful when you wish to install certain files on the users HD and run the main application from a CD-Rom. Notes None Example mdm.Flash.setSWFDirAdv("c:\\myFolder"); Flash.setVar() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Flash.setVar(variableName:String, variableValue:String):Void Parameters variableName:String Variable name. variableValue:String Variable value. Returns Nothing Description Sets or creates a variable in the main timeline (_root) of the SWF to the specified value. Notes This command can also retrieve variable values from a subform. Example Simple Usage: mdm.Flash.setVar("myVariable", "myName"); Set a var in a SubForm: mdm.Flash.setVar("myVariable", "SubForm1:myName"); Flash.setVarUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Flash.setVarUnicode(variableName:String, variableValue:String):Void Parameters variableName:String Variable name. variableValue:String Variable value. Returns Nothing Description Sets or creates a variable in the main timeline (_root) of the SWF to the specified value. Notes This command can also set variable values in a subform. Unicode compliant Example Simple Usage: mdm.Flash.setVarUnicode("myVariable", "myName"); Set a var in a SubForm: mdm.Flash.setVarUnicode("myVariable", "SubForm1:myName"); mdm.Forms Availability Zinc 2.5 (Windows, Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Forms Method Summary for the Forms Class The following table lists methods of the Forms class Method Description Applies a transparency sub-mask to the projector. Forms.callFunction() Executes a function in the specified form. Forms.callFucntionUnicode() Executes a function in the specified form. Sets maximum and minimum Forms.constraints() constraints for the specified form. Forms.dndDisable() Disables Drag and Drop functionality. Forms.dndEnable() Enables Drag and Drop functionality. Sets the playhead of the specified Forms.goToFrame() Form to the frame specified. Sets the playhead of the specified Forms.goToLabel() Form to the label specified. Forms.hide() Hides the specified Form. Forms.hideMask() Hides a previously applied mask. Hides the Caption on the specified Forms.hideCaption() Form. Forms.maximize() Maximizes the specified Form. Forms.minimize() Minimizes the specified Form. Forms.addMask() Forms.restore() Forms.setFocus() Forms.setStatusBarText() Forms.shake() Forms.showFullScreen() Forms.showInScreen() Forms.showMask() Forms.showModal() Forms.showStatusBar() Forms.startDrag() Forms.stopDrag() Restores the specified Form. Will set the specified Form to be in focus. Will set the text of the Status Bar. Shakes the specified form. Shows the specified form. Sets the specified Form to FullScreen. Mac OSX Only. Shows the specified form in specified display. Applies a Transparency Mask to the projector based upon a BMP image. Will show the specified Form in Modal Mode. Will display a Status Bar on the specified Form. When activated, LEFT mouse button can be used to drag the form. Disables LEFT mouse button drag function. Property Summary for the Forms Class The following table lists properties of the Forms class Property Description Forms.alpha Forms.baseURL Forms.bgColor Forms.height Forms.isCreated Forms.title Forms.titleUnicode Forms.visible Forms.width Forms.windowState Forms.x Forms.y onFormTopHit Will set the Base URL of the specified Form. Will set the Background Color of the specified Form. Sets the Form Height in Pixels Contains information if form is already created (rendered) on screen. Sets the Form Window Title. Sets the Form Window Title. Unicode Compliant. Form Visibility Sets the Form Width in Pixels Holds the Window state of the specified Form. Sets the Form X Position. Sets the Form Y Position. Forms.addMask() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.formName.addMask(xPosition:Number, yPosition:Number, imageMaskPath:String):Void Parameters xPosition:Number Mask starting left position. yPosition:Number Mask starting top position. imageMaskPath:String Path to file to be used as mask. Returns Nothing Description Applies a transparency sub-mask to the projector based upon a BMP image. Can only be applied after applying the mdm.Forms.showMask() method. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.addMask(10, 10, "c:\\myFolder\\myMask.bmp"); Forms.callFunction() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.formName.callFunction(functionName:String, parametersString:String, delimiter:String):Void Parameters functionName:String Function name to be executed. parametersString:String Path Parameters as delimited string. delimiter:String Used delimited. Returns Nothing Description Executes a function in the specified form. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.callFunction("myFunction", "abc|123", "|"); Forms.callFunctionUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.formName.callFunctionUnicode(functionName:String, parametersString:String, delimiter:String):Void Parameters functionName:String Function name to be executed. parametersString:String Path Parameters as delimited string. delimiter:String Delimiter to use Returns Nothing Description Executes a function in the specified form. Notes Unicode compliant Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.callFunctionUnicode("myFunction", "abc|123", "|"); Forms.constraints() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.formName.constraints(maxWidth:Number, maxHeight:Number, minWidth:Number, minHeight:Number):Void Parameters maxWidth:Number Maximum form width. maxHeight:Number Maximum form height. minWidth:Number Minimum form height. minHeight:Number Minimum form height. Returns Nothing Description Sets maximum and minimum values that the specified form can be resized to. Notes Please note that forms can still be maximized with the mdm.Forms.maximize() method. Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.constraints(400, 400, 200, 200); Forms.dndDisable() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.formName.dndDisable():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables Drag and Drop functionality for retrieving file paths and names. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.dndDisable(); Forms.dndEnable() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.formName.dndEnable():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables Drag and Drop functionality for retrieving file paths and names. Once activated, you can drag any file onto your projector, and the path and filename will be sent to the event function. Notes For use with the event onDragDrop Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.dndEnable(); Forms.goToFrame() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Forms.formName.goToFrame(frameNumber:Number):Void Parameters frameNumber:Number Target frame number. Returns Nothing Description Sets the playhead of the specified Form to the frame specified. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.goToFrame(10); Forms.goToLabel() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Forms.formName.goToLabel(frameLabel:Number):Void Parameters frameLabel:String Target frame label. Returns Nothing Description Sets the playhead of the specified Form to the label specified. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.goToLabel("intro"); Forms.hide() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Forms.formName.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides the specified form. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.hide(); Forms.hideMask() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.formName.hideMask():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides a previously applied mask. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.hideMask(); Forms.hideCaption() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.formName.hideCaption(flag:Boolean):Void Parameters flag:Boolean Value to hide or show the Caption Returns Nothing Description Hides the Caption on the specified Form. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.hideCaption(); Forms.hideStatusBar() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.formName.hideStatusBar():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides a previously created status bar. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.hideStatusBar() Forms.maximize() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Forms.formName.maximize():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Maximizes the specified Form. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.MainForm.maximize(); minimize() Availability Windows. Notes None Example mdm. .formName.MainForm.Forms.Forms.minimize():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Minimizes the specified Form.Forms. Mac OSX Usage mdm.minimize(). restore() Availability Windows Usage mdm. . Notes None Example mdm.formName.MainForm.Forms.restore():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Restores the specified Form.restore().Forms.Forms. formName.MainForm. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.setFocus() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.setFocus().setFocus():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will set the specified Form to be in focus.Forms. . Forms.Forms.setStatusBarText() Availability Windows Usage mdm. See Forms.Forms. formName .setStatusBarText ( statusBarText:String ) :Void Parameters statusBarText:String Text to display on status bar. . Notes For use after a Status Bar has been created. Returns Nothing Description Sets the text of the Status Bar.MainForm.showStatusBar() Example mdm.setStatusBarText ("This is my text"). shake(shakeTime:Number):Void Parameters shakeTime:Number Number of times to shake the form.Forms.shake() Availability Windows. . Mac OSX Usage mdm.Forms.formName.Forms.MainForm. Returns Nothing Description Shakes the specified form.shake(10). Notes None Example mdm. show():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Shows the specified form. Notes None Example Availability . Mac OSX Usage mdm.Forms.MainForm. . Notes None Example mdm.Forms.showFullScreen(true).showFullScreen() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.formName.Forms.Forms.showFullScreen(state:Boolean):Void Parameters state:Boolean True or False value to determine FullScreen State Returns Nothing Description Sets or Unsets the specified Form to FullScreen.MainForm. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.showInScreen(1).Forms.formName.showInScreen() Availability Windows Usage mdm.MainForm.Forms. Returns Nothing Description Shows the specified form in specified display.showInScreen(screenID:Number):Void Parameters screenID:Number Target display ID. . Returns Nothing Description Applies a Transparency Mask to the projector based upon a BMP image. .showMask(formName:String):Void Parameters formName:String Target form name.showMask() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.bmp").Forms.formName.Forms.showMask("c:\\myFolder\\myMask.MainForm. .showModal().exitWithModalResult executed in the Modal Form.Application.MainForm. The result variable will be set by the mdm.Forms. Notes None Example var exitCode = mdm.Forms.formName.showModal():String Parameters None Returns String Description Will show the specified Form in Modal Mode.showModal() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms. .showStatusBar().MainForm.formName.showStatusBar() Availability Windows Usage mdm.showStatusBar():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Creates/shows a status bar at the bottom of your Projector.Forms.Forms.Forms. Notes None Example mdm. formName.Forms.startDrag(). LEFT mouse button can be used to drag the form.Forms.startDrag():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description When activated. Notes None Example mdm.Forms.startDrag() Availability Windows Usage mdm. .MainForm. Forms. . Notes None Example mdm.formName.MainForm.stopDrag():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables LEFT mouse button drag function.stopDrag().Forms.Forms.stopDrag() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes None Example mdm.formName.alpha:Number Returns An Integer Description Will set the Alpha level of the Specified Form.Forms. .Forms.alpha Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms.MainForm.alpha = 255. mydomain.baseURL = "".Forms. Notes None Example mdm.baseURL:String Returns A String Description Will set the Base URL of the specified Form.Forms.baseURL Availability Windows Usage mdm.MainForm.formName. . Forms.formName.Forms.bgColor Availability Windows Usage mdm. . Notes None Example mdm.Forms.bgColor = "CCCCCC".bgColor:Number Returns An Integer Description Will set the Background Color of the specified Form.MainForm. height Availability Windows.Forms.formName. Mac OSX Usage mdm.height = 200.Forms. .Forms.Forms.height.MainForm.height:Number Returns An Integer Description Sets height of current form in pixels Notes None Example Get the Height: var Height = mdm.MainForm. Set the Height: mdm. isCreated Availability Windows Usage mdm. .Forms.isCreated. Notes None Example var isCreated = mdm.isCreated:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Contains information if form is already created (rendered) on screen.MainForm.Forms.formName.Forms. Forms.Forms. Notes None Example mdm.title:String Returns A String Description Sets the Form Window Title.title = "SubForm1".Forms.formName. .MainForm.title Availability Windows Usage mdm. titleUnicode Availability Windows Usage mdm.titleUnicode:String Returns A String Description Sets the form Window Title. Notes Unicode Compliant.Forms. .titleUnicode = "SubForm1".Forms.MainForm. Example mdm.Forms.formName. To Set the Visibility: mdm.visible:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Form visibility.formName.Forms.Forms.Forms. .visible.visible = true. Mac OSX Usage mdm.MainForm. Notes None Example To Get the Visibility: var isMyFormVisible = mdm.MainForm.Forms.visible Availability Windows. Forms. .MainForm.width.MainForm.Forms.Forms. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Forms. Set the Width: mdm.width = 200.formName.width Availability Windows.width:Number Returns An Integer Description Sets width of current form in pixels Notes None Example Get the Width: var Width = mdm. windowState:String Returns A String Description Holds the Window state of the specified Form.Forms.formName.Forms. Notes None Example var myFormState = mdm. Returns "max" for Maximized. .windowState.MainForm.windowState Availability Windows Usage mdm.Forms. "min" for minimized and "nor" for Normal. Mac OSX Usage mdm. .x:Number Returns An Integer Description Sets the X position of current form in pixels Notes None Example Get the X Position: var xPos = mdm.Forms.x.x = 200. Set the X Position: mdm.Forms.MainForm.formName.x Availability Windows.Forms.Forms.MainForm. Forms.y Availability Windows. Set the Y Position: mdm.y = 200.Forms.MainForm.Forms. .MainForm.formName.Forms.x.y:Number Returns An Integer Description Sets the Y position of current form in pixels Notes None Example Get the Y Position: var xPos = mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm. Deletes the File Specified from the FTP Server.chDir() FTP. Method Summary for the FTP Class The following table lists methods of the FTP class Method Description FTP.deleteFile() FTP.dirExists() Will abort transfer operation for the specified FTP Instance.close() FTP. Will return "true" or "false" depending on the existence of the specified directory. . Sets the current FTP directory to the one specified.FTP Constructor Summary for the FTP Class The following table lists constructors for the FTP class Constructor Description mdm.FTP Availability Zinc 2. Will close the specified FTP Instance and remove it from Memory.abort() FTP.FTP() Will create a new FTP Instance using the specified parameters.deleteDir() FTP. Deletes the Directory Specified from the FTP Server.mdm.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. getFileSize() FTP. Creates a new Directory with the name specified on the FTP Server. .refresh() FTP.getFile() FTP. Sets the type of FTP connection to use if the connection is behind a proxy server.FTP.getDirAttribs() FTP. Will return the Date and Time of the specified filename. Will refresh the lists of files and folders in the current FTP folder.renameFile() FTP.moveFile() FTP. Will download the a Remote File.getFileList() FTP. Will return a 2 dimensional array which contains all of the files in the current FTP Directory.login() FTP.resumePosition() FTP. Moves the specified File to the specified Folder on the FTP Server.sendFile() FTP. Will return the position in bytes where the transfer started when resuming is supported. Will rename the Specified File. Will return the size in bytes of the specified filename.sendCommand() FTP. Will Upload a File to the Remote Server.fileExists() FTP. Logs into the FTP Account.makeDir() FTP. Will send a specified command to the FTP server.getDirDateTime() FTP.setProxy() Will return "true" or "false" depending on the existence of the specified file.getFileDateTime() FTP. Will return a 2 dimensional array which contains all of the folders in the current FTP Directory.getFileAttribs() FTP. Will return the FTP attributes of the specified filename. Will return the Date and Time of the specified directory.getFolderList() FTP. Will return the FTP attributes of the specified directory. Will return "true" if last command was successful or "false" otherwise.Property Summary for the FTP Class The following table lists properties of the FTP class Property Description FTP. Will return a string containing the last response line from the FTP server.serverType FTP.bytesTransfered FTP. This command will return a string describing the last error occurred.account FTP. Returns all text from the FTP logger (if available).currentDir FTP.async FTP. Will set the current directory on FTP server. Sets the FTP Server Type. Will return "true" or "false" depending if the FTP connection is busy or not. immediately after login.initialDir FTP. .loggerData FTP.NOOP FTP. Set mode to "true" to enable passive mode or "false" to disable.lastReply FTP. for FTP servers that support it. Enable or Disable FTP Asynchronous Mode. Enable or Disbale an automatic NOOP Process.error FTP. Will return the number of bytes transferred since last transfer operation started. Sets the initial directory to change to.success Will set the account name to connect to.isBusy FTP.isConnected FTP. Will return "true" or "false" depending if the FTP connection is connected or not.passive FTP. FTP. Executes when an FTP file is renamed.transferTime Will return "true" or "false" based upon whether the FTP server supports resuming. Executes when an FTP error occurs. Sets the Transfer mode to "binary" or "ascii".transferMode FTP. Executes when an FTP file is deleted. Executes when an FTP file is sent. Executes when an FTP Connection occurs successfully.supportsResume FTP. Will set the time in seconds that the FTP connection will wait to connect to a socket.timeout FTP. Executes when an FTP directory is changed. Will return the time elapsed since last transfer operation for the specified connection. Event Summary for the FTP Class The following table lists events of the FTP class Event Description onAborted onBusy onConnected onDirChanged onDirCreated onDirDeleted onError onFileDeleted onFileReceived onFIleRenamed onFileSent Executes when an FTP transfer is aborted. Executes when an FTP directory is deleted. Executes when an FTP directory is created. Executes when an FTP connection is busy. . Executes when an FTP file is received. Executes when an FTP Log In occurs successfully. Executes when an FTP Listing Procedure completes. Executes when an FTP quit command occurs. Executes when an FTP Index File is received. . Executes when an FTP connection is ready.onFileTransfered onIndexFileReceived onListingDone onLoggedIn onQuit onReady onResolveLinks Executes when an FTP file is transfered. Executes when an FTP Resolved Link action occurs. FTP(server:String.FTP() Availability Windows Constructor mdm.mdm. Multiple Instances can be created. FTP. c) "21" is the standard FTP Port Example Create a new Instance called myFTP : . port:Number):Void Parameters server:String FTP Server port:Number Port Number Returns Nothing Description Will create a new FTP Instance using the specified parameters.close() to prevent memory leaks. b) You should to close any open FTP connections before exiting the projector with FTP. Notes a) This will NOT login to the server.login() must be executed after this command to log into the connection. com".mydomain.myFTP = new mdm.FTP("ftp. 21) . abort() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. . Notes None Example myFTP.FTP.abort():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will abort transfer operation for the specified FTP Instance.abort(). .chDir("Images").chDir(dir:String):Void Parameters dir:String Name of Directory Returns Nothing Description Sets the current FTP directory to the one specified. Notes None Example To change the FTP Folder to a Directory called "Images": myFTP.chDir() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP. .close().FTP.close() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will close the specified FTP Instance and remove it from Memory. Notes This command should always be used to close an FTP Instance once it is no longer required. Example myFTP. Not doing so can result in memory leaks and error messages. To Delete the FTP Folders "Images" and "Users": myFTP. Example To Delete the FTP Folder "Images": myFTP.deleteDir(dir:String):Void Parameters dir:String Name of Directory Returns Nothing Description Deletes the Directory Specified from the FTP Server. delimit directory names with a pipe charcter "|".deleteDir("Images").FTP.deleteDir() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. Notes To delete multiple directories.deleteDir("Images|Users"). . txt"). To Delete the Files "myFile.deleteFile(filename:String):Void Parameters filename:String Name of File(s) Returns Nothing Description Deletes the File Specified from the FTP Server.txt|myImage.jpg|myDatabase.FTP. . "myImage.txt": myFTP. Notes To delete multiple files.mdb").jpg" and "myDatabase.deleteFile("myFile.deleteFile() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.txt".deleteFile("myFile. delimit filenames with a pipe charcter "|".mdb": myFTP. Example To Delete the FTP File "myFile. dirExists() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP.dirExists("Images") == true){ mdm. Advanced Usage: if (myFTP.prompt("The Directory Exists").dirExists(dir:String):Boolean Parameters dir:String Name of Directory Returns A Boolean Description Will return "true" or "false" depending on the existence of the specified directory. } .dirExists("Images"). Notes None Example Simple Usage: var exists = myFTP.Dialogs. txt").fileExists(filename:String):Boolean Parameters filename:String Name of File Returns A Boolean Description Will return "true" or "false" depending on the existence of the specified file. } . Notes If the Directory contains many files.prompt("The File Exists").fileExists("myFile.FTP. Advanced Usage: if (myFTP. this command can take up to 20 seconds to return a result.fileExists("myFile.fileExists() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. Example Simple Usage: var exists = myFTP.txt") == true){ mdm.Dialogs. getDirAttribs(dir:String):String Parameters dir:String Name of Directory Returns A String Description Will return the FTP attributes of the specified directory.getDirAttribs("Images").FTP. . Notes None Example var attribs = myFTP.getDirAttribs() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. getDirDateTime("Images"). . Notes None Example var dateTime = myFTP.getDirDateTime(dir:String):String Parameters dir:String Name of Directory Returns A String Description Will return the Date and Time of the specified directory.FTP.getDirDateTime() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. .FTP.txt"). Notes To download multiple files. delimit filenames with a pipe charcter "|". localFile:String):Void Parameters remoteFile:String Name of File(s) to Download localFile:String Local Path and Filename(s) to Save To Returns Nothing Description Will download the file specified in remoteFile and save it to localFile.getFile() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. Example Simple Usage: myFTP. "C:\\myDownloadedFile.getFile("myFileA.txt".getFile(remoteFile:String.txt|myFileB.txt". To download multiple Files: myFTP.getFile("myFile. .txt|C:\\myDownloadedFileB.txt")."C:\\myDownloadedFileA. // // // // // myArray[0][0] myArray[0][1] myArray[0][2] myArray[0][3] myArray[0][4] = = = = = filename Date & Time Size Attribs Owner .getFileList():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Will return a 2 dimensional array which contains all of the files in the current FTP Directory.getFileList().getFileList() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP. The First Dimension contains the Filename ID and the Second Dimension contains the File Details. Notes None Example Simple Usage: var myArray = myFTP. // myArray[0][5] = Group . getFileAttribs() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP. .txt"). Notes None Example var attribs = myFTP.getFileAttribs("myFile.getFileAttribs(filename:String):String Parameters filename:String Name of File Returns A String Description Will return the FTP attributes of the specified filename. getFileDateTime("myFile.getFileDateTime(filename:String):String Parameters filename:String Name of File Returns A String Description Will return the Date and Time of the specified filename. .getFileDateTime() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.txt").FTP. Notes None Example var dateTime = myFTP. .txt").getFileSize(filename:String):Number Parameters filename:String Name of File Returns An Integer Description Will return the size in bytes of the specified filename.FTP.getFileSize() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. Notes None Example var fileSize = myFTP.getFileSize("myFile. getFolderList():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Will return a 2 dimensional array which contains all of the folders in the current FTP Directory. Notes None Example Simple Usage: var myArray = myFTP. // // // // // myArray[0][0] myArray[0][1] myArray[0][2] myArray[0][3] myArray[0][4] = = = = = Folder Name Date & Time Size Attribs Owner .FTP.getFolderList() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.getFolderList(). The First Dimension contains the Folder ID and the Second Dimension contains the File Details. // myArray[0][5] = Group . login(username:String.FTP. Notes None Example myFTP. "myPassword").login("myUsername". .login() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. password:String):Void Parameters username:String Name of User password:String Name of Password Returns Nothing Description Logs in using the specified username and password. FTP. . delimit Directory names with a pipe charcter "|".makeDir(dir:String):Void Parameters dir:String Name of Directory to Create Returns Nothing Description Creates a new Directory with the name specified on the FTP Server. To create 3 directories called "User1". "User2" and "User3": myFTP.makeDir() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. Example To create a new directory called "MDM": myFTP.makeDir("MDM"). Notes To create Multiple Directories.makeDir("User1|User2|User3"). txt" to the Folder "Files": myFTP.moveFile(filename:String. To move the files "myFileA. delimit filenames with a pipe charcter "|". dir:String):Void Parameters filename:String Name of File(s) to Move dir:String Name of Directory to Move File To Returns Nothing Description Moves the specified File to the specified Folder on the FTP Server.moveFile("myFileA.txt".txt|myFileB. Example To move the file "myFile. Notes To move multiple files.txt" to the Folder "Files": myFTP.moveFile() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.moveFile("myFile.txt" and "myFileB. "Files").txt".FTP. "Files"). . .FTP. Example myFTP.refresh():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will refresh the lists of files and folders in the current FTP folder.refresh() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.refresh(). Notes Useful if other FTP instances are changing/uploading files in the same folder and you need to refresh in order to see the changes. txt").txt" and "c.FTP. "myRenamedFile. Notes To rename multiple files.txt".txt|3. "1.txt").renameFile() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.txt|c.txt": myFTP.txt". "b.renameFile(currentFilename:String.txt": myFTP.renameFile("myFile. Example To rename the file "myFile. .renameFile("a.txt|b. delimit filenames with a pipe charcter "|". newFilename:String):Void Parameters currentFilename:String Current Name of File(s) to Rename newFilename:String New name(s) to assign Returns Nothing Description Will rename the file specified in currentFilename to the value newFilename. To rename the files "a.txt".txt|2. . .resumePosition():Number Parameters None Returns An Integer Description Will return the position in bytes where the transfer started when resuming is supported.resumePosition() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP.resumePosition(). Notes None Example var resumed = myFTP. The command can be any string for use with custom FTP servers.FTP. such as NOOP etc. Notes None Example var Result = myFTP.sendCommand() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.sendCommand(command:String):String Parameters command:String Current Name of File to Rename Returns A String Description Will send a specified command to the FTP server. or can be any FTP command that does not open the data channel. .sendCommand("EXEC"). remoteFile:String):Void Parameters localFile:String Local Path and Filename to Upload remoteFile:String Name of File to Save To on the Remote Server Returns Nothing Description Will upload the file specified in localFile and save it to Remote Server with the name specified in remoteFile.txt"). Notes To upload multiple files. "myRemoteFile.sendFile("C:\\myLocalFile.FTP. delimit filenames with a pipe charcter "|".sendFile() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.txt". To upload multiple files: . Example To upload a single file: myFTP.sendFile(localFile:String. txt|C:\\B.txt"). .myFTP. "A.txt".txt|B.sendFile("C:\\A. "UserSite" Example ."Site". proxyUsername:String. proxyPassword:String):Void Parameters proxyType:String Name of Source File to transfer proxyServer:String Name of File to Save To on the destination Server proxyPort:Number ??? proxyUsername:String ??? proxyPassword:String ??? Returns Nothing Description Sets the type of FTP connection to use if the connection is behind a proxy server. proxyPort:Number. Notes Valid values for proxyType are (case sensitive): "None". proxyServer:String.setProxy(proxyType:String."HostUser"."Host"."Open".FTP.setProxy() Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. com". .mydomain. "myPassword"). "myUsername".setProxy("None".myFTP. "4000". "ftp. account = "admin". Notes None Example myFTP. for FTP servers that support it.account Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP.account:Void Returns Nothing Description Will set the account name to connect to. . async Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.async = true. Notes None Example myFTP.async:Void Returns Nothing Description Set mode to "true" to enable or "false" to disable. .FTP. Asynchronous mode will make the rest of the application more responsive in certain cases. bytesTransfered. . Notes None Example var transferredBytes = myFTP.FTP.bytesTransfered:Number Returns An Integer Description Will return the number of bytes transferred since last transfer operation started.bytesTransfered Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. Notes None Example myFTP.FTP.currentDir Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.currentDir = "images".currentDir:Void Returns Nothing Description Will set the current directory on FTP server. . error:String Returns A string Description This command will return a string describing the last error occurred (If applicable).error Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP. Notes The possible return values are (Case Sensitive): ftpNone ftpNetworkDown ftpInvalidAddress ftpInternalError ftpGeneralWinsockError ftpConnAborted ftpConnReset ftpConnectTimeOut ftpOutofSockets ftpNetworkUnreachable ftpAddressNotAvailable ftpIDRefused ftpProtocolError ftpCanceled ftpUnknown ftpAddressResolutionError . error.ftpPrematureDisconnect ftpHostUnreachable ftpNoServer ftpNoProxyServer ftpFileOpen ftpFileWrite ftpFileRead ftpFileNotFound ftpTimeOut ftpServerDown ftpAccessDenied ftpDataError ftpResumeFailed ftpPermissionDenied ftpBadURL ftpTransferType ftpTransferPort ftpTransferFatalPort ftpTransferGet ftpTransferPut ftpTransferFatalError ftpTransferResumeFailed Example var lastError = myFTP. . Notes None Example myFTP.initialDir:Void Returns Nothing Description Sets the initial directory to change to.initialDir = "images". immediately after login.FTP.initialDir Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. . isbusy. Notes None Example var isBusy = myFTP.isBusy:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will return "true" or "false" depending if the FTP connection is busy or not.isBusy Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP. . isConnected.FTP. . Notes None Example var isConnected = myFTP.isConnected Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.isConnected:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will return "true" or "false" depending if the FTP connection is connected or not. lastReply.lastReply:String Returns A String Description Will return a string containing the last response line from the FTP server.lastReply Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP. Notes None Example var lastServerReply = myFTP. . . Notes None Example var myLog = myFTP.loggerData Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.loggerData.loggerData:String Returns A String Description Returns all text from the FTP logger (if available).FTP. NOOP Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.NOOP:Void Returns Nothing Description Setting NOOP to "true" will enable an automatic NOOP command every 30 seconds in order to keep the connection alive. Setting "false" will disable it.NOOP = true.FTP. Notes None Example myFTP. . FTP. .passive:Void Returns Nothing Description Set mode to "true" to enable passive mode or "false" to disable.passive Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.passive = true. Notes None Example myFTP. serverType:Void Returns Nothing Description Sets the FTP Server Type.FTP.serverType Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. Notes The Server Type must be one of the following values (Case Sensitive): AutoDetect UNIX ULTRIX Clix Chameleon NCSA QVT ftpstBSD ftpstSunOS VmsMultinet VmsUcx MVS VM VMVPS MSFTP NetTerm ServU . WFTPD Netware NetPresenz Example myFTP. .serverType = "WFTPD". success Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.success:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will return "true" if last command was successful or "false" otherwise.FTP.success. . Notes None Example var success = myFTP. supportsResume(). Notes None Example var suportsResume = myFTP.supportsResume:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will return "true" or "false" based upon whether the FTP server supports resuming.supportsResume Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. .FTP. FTP. .timeout = 30. Example myFTP. Notes Used to improve connectivity in very slow or busy servers.timeout Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.timeout:Void Returns Nothing Description Will set the time in seconds that the FTP connection will wait to connect to a socket. timeout:Void Returns Nothing Description Sets the Transfer mode to "binary" or "ascii". Notes None Example myFTP.FTP.transferMode = "binary". Set mode to "binary" to enable binary mode or "ascii" to enable text mode.transferMode Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. . transferTime Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.FTP.transferTime:Number Returns An Integer Description Will return the time elapsed since last transfer operation for the specified connection.transferTime(). Notes None Example var fileTransferTime = myFTP. . Notes None Example myFTP.Prompt("FTP connection aborted").Dialogs. } .onAborted Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.onAborted = function(){ mdm.onAborted:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP transfer is aborted. } .onBusy = function(){ mdm.onBusy:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP connection is busy. Notes None Example myFTP.Prompt("FTP connection busy").onBusy Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.Dialogs. onConnected:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP Connection occurs successfully.Dialogs. Notes None Example myFTP.onConnected = function(){ mdm.Prompt("FTP connection established").onConnected Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. } . Dialogs.onDirChanged Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. } .onDirChanged:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP directory is changed.Prompt("Directory changed"). Notes None Example myFTP.onDirChanged = function(){ mdm. onDirCreated = function(){ mdm. Notes None Example myFTP. } .Dialogs.onDirCreated:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP directory is created.onDirCreated Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.Prompt("Directory created"). } .onDirDeleted:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP directory is deleted.onDirDeleted = function(){ mdm.Dialogs.onDirDeleted Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.Prompt("Directory Deleted"). Notes None Example myFTP. Prompt("Error occured"). Notes None Example myFTP.onError Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.onError = function(){ mdm. } .Dialogs.onError:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP error occurs. Notes None Example myFTP.onFileDeleted:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP file is deleted.Dialogs.onFileDeleted = function(){ mdm.Prompt("File deleted").onFileDeleted Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. } . onFileReceived:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP file is received.Prompt("File received"). } . Notes None Example myFTP.onFileReceived Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.Dialogs.onFileReceived = function(){ mdm. Notes None Example myFTP.Prompt("File renamed").Dialogs.onFileRenamed:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP file is renamed.onFileRenamed = function(){ mdm. } .onFileRenamed Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. onFileSent = function(){ mdm.Prompt("File sent"). } . Notes None Example myFTP.onFileSent:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP file is sent.Dialogs.onFileSent Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. onFileTransfered:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP file is transfered.Prompt("File transfered").Dialogs. Notes None Example myFTP.onFileTransfered = function(){ mdm.onFileTransfered Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. } . Notes None Example myFTP.Dialogs.onIndexFileReceived = function(){ mdm.Prompt("Index File Received").onIndexFileReceived:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP Index File is received. } .onIndexFileReceived Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. onListingDone Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.onListingDone:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP Listing Procedure completes.onListingDone = function(){ mdm. Notes None Example myFTP.Dialogs.Prompt("File listing done"). } . Prompt("Logged to server").onLoggedIn:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP Log In occurs successfully.onLoggedIn = function(){ mdm. } .Dialogs.onLoggedIn Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. Notes None Example myFTP. Dialogs. Notes None Example myFTP.onQuit = function(){ mdm. } .onQuit:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP quit command occurs.Prompt("Quit from server").onQuit Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance. onReady = function(){ mdm.Dialogs.onReady:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP connection is ready. Notes None Example myFTP.onReady Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.Prompt("Connection is ready"). } . onResolvedLinks = function(){ mdm. Notes None Example myFTP. } .Prompt("Resolved link action").Dialogs.onResolvedLinks Availability Windows Usage ftpInstance.onResolvedLinks:Function Parameters None Description Executes when an FTP Resolved Link action occurs. Silently downloads any HTTP file in binary mode.HTTP Availability Zinc 2.HTTP() Will create a new HTTP Instance using the specified parameters. Closes the HTTP connection. Method Summary for the HTTP Class The following table lists methods of the HTTP class Method Description HTTP.mdm. Silently downloads a text document in text mode.HTTP Constructor Summary for the HTTP Class The following table lists constructors for the HTTP class Constructor Description mdm.close() HTTP.5 (Windows.getString() Aborts the HTTP transfer. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.abort() HTTP. Event Summary for the HTTP Class The following table lists events of the HTTP class .getFile() HTTP. Executes when a HTTP Error occurs. Executes when http transfer in text mode completes. . Executes when http transfer completes.Event Description onBinaryTransferComplete onError onProgress onTransferComplete Executes when http transfer completes. Notes Mac OSX only supports a single instance.HTTP() . Example Create a new Instance called myHTTP : myHTTP = new mdm. Multiple Instances can be created on Windows only. Mac OSX Constructor mdm.HTTP():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will create a new HTTP Instance.mdm.HTTP() Availability Windows. Mac OSX Usage httpInstance.abort() Availability Windows.abort(). .abort():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Aborts the HTTP transfer.HTTP. Notes None Example myHTTP. Notes None Example myHTTP. .HTTP.close(). Mac OSX Usage httpInstance.close() Availability Windows.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the HTTP connection. HTTP. password:String. username:String Empty string ("") or username if required on server. username:String. localFilePath:String):Void Parameters url:String Server path to remote file. "c:\\myFile. "".getFile("http://www. Mac OSX Usage").com/myFile.getFile() Availability Windows. .zip".mydomain. Notes None Example myHTTP.getFile(url:String. localFilePath:String Path to local file to be created. password:String Empty string ("") or password if required on server. "". Returns Nothing Description Silently downloads any HTTP file in binary mode with the specified parameters. getString() Availability Windows. Mac OSX Usage httpInstance.getString(url:String. "". .getString("http://www.txt". password:String):String Parameters url:String Server path to remote file. username:String.mydomain.HTTP. Returns A String Description Silently downloads a text document in text mode using the specified username:String Empty string ("") or username if required on server. ""). password:String Empty string ("") or password if required on server. Notes None Example var myText = myHTTP. Mac OSX Usage httpInstance. Notes None Example myHTTP.filename).onBinaryTransferComplete Availability Windows.Dialogs.onBinaryTransferComplete = function(myObject){ mdm. } .onBinaryTransferComplete:Function Parameters filename:String Path of downloaded file. Description Executes when HTTP transfer completes.Prompt(myObject. Notes None Example myHTTP. } .Prompt("A HTTP Error has Occurred"). Mac OSX Usage httpInstance.onError Availability Windows.Dialogs.onError:Function Parameters None Description Executes when a HTTP Error occurs.onError = function(){ mdm. bytesTotal).onProgress:Function Parameters bytesTotal:Number Total bytes of the file to download. bytesTransfered:Number Bytes currently loaded.onProgress Availability Windows.Dialogs.onProgress = function(myObject){ mdm. Notes None Example myHTTP. Description Executes when http transfer completes. } .bytesTransfered + "of" + myObject.Prompt("Progress: " + myObject. Mac OSX Usage httpInstance. data + " has downloaded"). Description Executes when HTTP transfer in text mode completes.onTransferComplete = function(myObject){ mdm.onTransferComplete Availability Windows.Dialogs. Mac OSX Usage httpInstance. } . Notes None Example myHTTP.onTransferComplete:Function Parameters data:String Downloaded text data.Prompt(myObject. jpgToSwf() Converts a BMP image to a JPG image of the same name. Converts a BMP image to a PNG image with transparency.5 (Windows.jpgToBmp() Image. Returns the header information of a SWF movie. Converts a BMP image to a JPG image of the same name.getJpgSize() Image.mdm.bmpToJpg() Image. Converts a JPG image to a BMP image of the same name. Converts a JPG image to a SWF file of the same name. .getSwfHeader() Image. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Image Object Summary for the Image Class The following table lists Object of the Image class Object Description ScreenCapture ScreenCapture Object Method Summary for the Image Class The following table lists methods of the Image class Method Description Image.bmpToPng() Image. Returns the size of the JPG image file to an array.Image Availability Zinc 2.bmpToJpgAdv() Image. pngToSwf() of the same name.Converts a sequence of JPG images to a single SWF slideshow.setJpgSize() output file to a BMP. Image. Resize's the JPG image and saves the Image.pngToSwfTransparent() Converts a PNG image to a SWF file of the same name with Transparency. Converts a PNG image to a SWF file Image.jpgToSwfSlideShow() . Image. toBmp() defined DESKTOP area. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Alt. Alt. Saves a BMP Image.5 (Windows.Image.movieAreaToBmpAlt() snapshot of the defined PROJECTOR area.ScreenCapture. Saves a JPG snapshot of the Image.ScreenCapture Method Summary for the ScreenCapture Class The following table lists methods of the ScreenCapture class Method Description Saves a BMP snapshot of the Image.movieAreaToBmp() defined PROJECTOR area.ScreenCapture.ScreenCapture.ScreenCapture Availability Zinc 2. Image.toJpg() defined DESKTOP area.ScreenCapture. .ScreenCapture. Saves a BMP snapshot of the Image. Saves a BMP snapshot of just the Image.toBmpAlt() Saves a BMP snapshot of the defined DESKTOP area.movieToBmp() PROJECTOR SWF area.ScreenCapture.Image. Alt .Image.movieToBmpAlt() Saves a BMP snapshot of just the PROJECTOR SWF area.ScreenCapture. width:Number Width of area to be captured in Pixels.Image. Notes If alpha blending has been enabled.ScreenCapture. height:Number Height of area to be captured in Pixels. . y:Number Y coordinate of area to be captured.ScreenCapture.toBmp() Availability Windows Usage mdm. width:Number. height:Number. Please use mdm. this command will not capture the actual Projector.ScreenCapture. 0. 200.toBmp(0. y:Number.Image. filePath:Number):Void Parameters x:Number X coordinate of area to be captured.Image.toBmp(x:Number. filePath:String Location of BMP file to be created.toBmpAlt instead. Returns Nothing Description Saves a BMP snapshot of the defined DESKTOP area. 200.ScreenCapture. Example mdm.Image. "c:\\myScreenshot.bmp"). . 200.toBmpAlt(x:Number. "c:\\myScreenshot.ScreenCapture. y:Number.Image.toBmpAlt() Availability Windows Usage mdm. filePath:String Location of BMP file to be created.Image.toBmpAlt(0.bmp"). . y:Number Y coordinate of area to be captured.Image. width:Number.ScreenCapture. 200.ScreenCapture. Example mdm. height:Number. Returns Nothing Description Saves a BMP snapshot of the defined DESKTOP area. filePath:Number):Void Parameters x:Number X coordinate of area to be captured. height:Number Height of area to be captured in Pixels. Notes This command will not capture Transparent and Skinned Windows. 0. width:Number Width of area to be captured in Pixels. ScreenCapture. height:Number. 200.ScreenCapture. y:Number. filePath:Number):Void Parameters x:Number X coordinate of area to be captured.toJpg(x:Number. width:Number. width:Number Width of area to be captured in Pixels height:Number Height of area to be captured in Pixels filePath:String Location of JPG file to be created.Image.Image. Notes None Example mdm.ScreenCapture. y:Number Y coordinate of area to be captured.Image.jpg").toJpg() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. .toJpg(0. 0. "myScreenshot. 200. Returns Nothing Description Saves a JPG snapshot of the defined DESKTOP area. Returns Nothing Description Saves a BMP snapshot of the defined PROJECTOR area.movieAreaToBmp() Availability Windows Usage mdm. width:Number Width of projector area to be captured in Pixels.Image. Notes If alpha blending has been enabled. height:Number. y:Number Y coordinate of projector area to be captured. this command will not capture the actual Projector.movieAreaToBmpAlt instead Example .Image..movieAreaToBmp(x:Number.ScreenCapture. Please use mdm. filePath:String Location of BMP file to be created.ScreenCapture. height:Number Height of area to be captured in Pixels. width:Number. y:Number.Image.ScreenCapture. filePath:Number):Void Parameters x:Number X coordinate of projector area to be captured. 200.ScreenCapture.movieAreaToBmp(0. . 0.bmp").Image.mdm. "c:\\myMovieScreenshot. 200. Example mdm.. 200. "c:\\myMovieScreenshot. filePath:Number):Void Parameters x:Number X coordinate of projector area to be captured.Image. Returns Nothing Description Saves a BMP snapshot of the defined PROJECTOR area.Image.movieAreaToBmpAlt(x:Number. Notes This command will not capture Transparent and Skinned Windows. 0. filePath:String Location of BMP file to be created. . 200. width:Number Width of projector area to be captured in Pixels. y:Number.Image. y:Number Y coordinate of projector area to be captured.ScreenCapture. height:Number Height of area to be captured in Pixels. height:Number.movieAreaToBmpAlt() Availability Windows Usage mdm. width:Number.movieAreaToBmpAlt(0.ScreenCapture.ScreenCapture.bmp"). Notes If alpha blending has been enabled.ScreenCapture.movieToBmp ("c:\\myMovieScreenshot. Example mdm.movieToBmp() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Please use mdm. Returns Nothing Description Takes a snapshot of just the PROJECTOR SWF window and saves it to a BMP.ScreenCapture.Image. this command will not capture the actual Projector.movieToBmpAlt instead.Image.ScreenCapture.Image.Image.ScreenCapture.movieToBmp ( filePath:String ) :Void Parameters filePath:String Location of bitmap file to be created.bmp"). . Returns Nothing Description Takes a snapshot of just the PROJECTOR SWF window and saves it to a BMP.Image. .movieToBmpAlt() Availability Windows Usage mdm.ScreenCapture. Notes This command will not capture Transparent and Skinned Windows.movieToBmpAlt ("c:\\myMovieScreenshot.bmp").ScreenCapture.Image.movieToBmpAlt ( filePath:String ) :Void Parameters filePath:String Location of bitmap file to be created. Example mdm.ScreenCapture.Image. Image. . Example mdm. Returns Nothing Description Converts a BMP image to a JPG image of the same name.jpg Notes JPG image files use much better compression and are a fraction of the size of BMPs.bmpToJpg(inputFilePath:String):Void Parameters inputFilePath:String Location of BMP file to be converted.bmp").Image.bmpToJpg() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Image.bmp will be converted to snapshot.bmpToJpg("c:\\myScreenshot. eg. snapshot. 50).bmp". Returns Nothing Description Converts a BMP image to a JPG image of the same name.bmpToJpgAdv(inputFilePath:String. Mac OSX Usage mdm. eg.jpg JPG image files use much better compression and are a fraction of the size of BMPs. compressionQuality:Number):Void Parameters inputFilePath:String Location of BMP file to be converted.bmp will be converted to snapshot.Image.Image.bmpToJpg with the added option of setting the quality of the output JPG file. snapshot.Image. Notes This command is exactly the same as mdm. Example mdm. compressionQuality:Number Quality of saved Image.bmpToJpgAdv("c:\\myScreenshot.Image.bmpToJpgAdv() Availability Windows. . "black" or "fuchsia". set to false will create a 24bit PNG transparentColor:String Constant value for transparency color to be used in created PNG. Must be either "white". Set to true will produce an 8bit 256 color PNG.Image.bmptToPng(inputBmpFilePath:String. outputPngFilePath:String Location of png file to be created.bmpToPng() Availability Windows Usage mdm. black (#000000) or fuchsia (#FF00FF) Notes None Example . outputPngFilePath:String. transparentColor:String):Void Parameters inputBmpFilePath:String Location of BMP file to be converted. Transparent areas on your image can be set to white (#FFFFFF). Returns Nothing Description Converts a BMP image to a PNG image with transparency. use256Color:Boolean Boolean flag for use 256 color palette (8bit).Image. use256Color:Boolean. bmp". . "c:\\myScreenshot. false.bmpToPng("c:\\myScreenshot. "white").Image.png".mdm. getJpgSize(filePath:String):Array Parameters filePath:String Location of JPG file.Image.getJpgSize("c:\\myScreenshot.Image.jpg").Image. Returns An Array Description Returns the dimensions of the JPG image file to an Array Notes None Example var imageSize = mdm.getJpgSize() Availability Windows Usage mdm. //imageSize[0] = Width //imageSize[1] = Height . getSwfHeader(filePath:String):Array Parameters filePath:String Location of SWF file.Image.Image. Notes None Example var swfInfo = mdm.Image.getSwfHeader("c:\\myMovie.getSwfHeader() Availability Windows Usage mdm.swf"). Returns An Array Description Returns the header information of the SWF movie. //swfInfo[0] //swfInfo[1] //swfInfo[2] //swfInfo[3] //swfInfo[4] = = = = = Width Height Version Frame Rate Frame Count . Notes None Example mdm.jpgToBmp() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns Nothing Description Converts a JPG image to a BMP file of the same name.jpgToBmp(inputJpgFilePath:String):Void Parameters inputJpgFilePath:String Location of JPG file to be converted.jpgToBmp("c:\\myImage.Image. eg.jpg").jpg will be converted to snapshot. snapshot.Image.Image.bmp. . jpgToSwf() Availability Windows Usage mdm. . Returns Nothing Description Converts a JPG image to a SWF file of the same name.jpg will be converted to snapshot. eg.jpgToSwf(inputJpgFilePath:String):Void Parameters inputJpgFilePath:String Location of JPG file to be converted.jpg"). snapshot.jpgToSwf("c:\\myImage.Image. Notes None Example mdm.Image.Image.swf. width:Number. inputJpgFiles:String Locations of JPG files to be converted. The frameGap variable must also be provided as a delimited list. width:Number Width of . frameGap:String. height:Number Height of .Image. Notes Images must be provided as a delimited list where the pipe character "|" is used as the delimiter.swf file to be created.jpgToSwfSlideShow() Availability Windows Usage mdm. inputJpgFiles:String. Returns Nothing Description Converts a sequence of JPG images to a single SWF slideshow. outputFilePath:String. . height:Number):Void Parameters frameRate:Number Frame rate of target movie. frameGap:String Set of frame to insert in each slide. outputFilePath:String Location of SWF file to be created.Image.swf file to be created.jpgToSwfSlideShow(frameRate:Number. Example mdm. . "c:\\myImage1. "1|1". 480.swf".Image. "c:\\mySlideshow.jpgToSwfSlideShow(12. 360).jpg|c:\\myImage2". eg.png will be converted to snapshot.Image. snapshot. Returns Nothing Description Converts a PNG image to a SWF file of the same name.swf Notes None Example mdm.png").pngToSwf("c:\\myImage.pngToSwf(inputPngFilePath:String):Void Parameters inputPngFilePath:String Location of PNG file to be converted.Image.Image. .pngToSwf() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Image. Example mdm. .pngToSwfTransparent("c:\\myImage.png").pngToSwfTransparent() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Image.pngToSwfTransparent(inputPngFilePath:String):Void Parameters inputPngFilePath:String Location of PNG file to be converted. eg.swf with preserved Transparency from the PNG File.Image.png will be converted to snapshot. Notes The PNG file must be 256 colors (8bit) only. Returns Nothing Description Converts a PNG image to a SWF file of the same name. snapshot. height:Number New out file height in pixels. Notes The antialiasing variables can be either: "1" for no antialiasing. width:Number. "2" for medium.setJpgSize() Availability Windows. "3" for maximum antialiasing. outputFilePath:String Location of BMP file to be created. Example . width:Number New out file width in pixels. outputFilePath:String.Image.Image. height:Number. antialiasingRation:Number):Void Parameters inputFilePath:String Location of JPG file. antialiasingRatio:Number Ratio of antialiasing to be applied. Returns Nothing Description Resize's the JPG image and saves the output file to a BMP.setJpgSize(inputFilePath:String. Mac OSX Usage mdm. .jpg".mdm.Image. 300. 2). "c:\\myNewImage.setJpgSize("c:\\myImage. 200.bmp". Input Availability Zinc 2.mdm.5 (Windows.Input Object Summary for the Input Class The following table lists objects of the Input class Method Description Joystick Mouse Tablet Twain Joystick Object Mouse Object Tablet Object Twain Object . Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Joystick Availability Zinc 2. .setKey() Enables Joystick control in the form which calls the command.Joystick class Method Description Input.Joystick.Input.disable() Input. Executes when Joystick 1 is moved.Joystick Method Summary for the Input.enable() Input. Will assign a Joystick Button to a Keyboard Key.Joystick class Event Description onJoystick1ButtonDown onJoystick1Move onJoystick2ButtonDown onJoystick2Move Executes when Joystick 1 button is pressed. Executes when Joystick 2 is moved.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Joystick Class The following table lists methods of the Input. Disables Joystick input.Input. Event Summary for the Input. Executes when Joystick 2 button is pressed.Joystick Class The following table lists events of the Input.Joystick.Joystick. enable(joystickID:Number. joystickEmulationType:String):Void Parameters joystickID:Number Joystick Identifier. If emulationType is set to "mouse". The parameter emulationType is either "keyboard" or "mouse".simulates LEFT mouse click Fire Button 2 . The parameter joystickID is either "1" or "2" for the corresponding Joystick.simulates 'a' key pressed Fire Button 4 .Input. joystickEmulationType:String Emulation Type. the mouse cursor will respond to the Joystick position and the following Joystick buttons are assigned to the following actions: Fire Button 1 .simulates 's' key pressed Notes . Returns Nothing Description Enables Joystick control in the form which executes the command.Input.Joystick.enable() Availability Windows Usage mdm.simulates SPACE key pressed Fire Button 3 .Joystick. enable(1.Joystick. (Contains the current X level of Joystick 1 from -100 (Contains the current Y level of Joystick 1 from -100 (Contains the current X level of Joystick 2 from -100 (Contains the current Y level of Joystick 2 from -100 . "mouse"). the following variables are created in your Flash Movie: mdm_joystick1_xlevel to 100) mdm_joystick1_ylevel to 100) mdm_joystick2_xlevel to 100) mdm_joystick2_ylevel to 100) Example mdm. When Keyboard emulation is enabled. Transparent forms can not use the Joystick.Input.The joystick is only compatible with standard Forms. Joystick.Input.Input.Joystick. Notes None Example mdm. Returns Nothing Description Disables Joystick input.disable().Joystick.disable() Availability Windows Usage mdm. The parameter joystickID is either "1" or "2" for the corresponding Joystick. .disable():Void Parameters joystickID:Number Joystick Identifier.Input. keyboardKeyCode:String):Void Parameters joystickButtonID:Number Joystick Button Identifier.Joystick.setKey() Availability Windows Usage mdm.90) } . Valid codes for keyboardKeyCode are: TAB = 9 RETURN = 13 SHIFT = 10 CONTROL = 17 ESCAPE = 27 SPACE = 20 HOME = 36 LEFT = 37 UP = 38 RIGHT = 39 DOWN = 40 { 0 thru 9 are the same as ASCII '0' thru '9' (48 . keyboardKeyCode:String String reference to keyboard Key Code.57) } { A thru Z are the same as ASCII 'A' thru 'Z' (65 . Returns Nothing Description Will assign a Joystick Button to a Keyboard Key.Joystick.Input.setKey(joystickButtonID:Number.Input. "$20").Input.setKey(1. Example The example code will assign Fire Button 1 on Joystick 1 to the equivalent of pressing the Space Bar: mdm.NUMPAD0 = 96 NUMPAD1 = 97 NUMPAD2 = 98 NUMPAD3 = 99 NUMPAD4 = 100 NUMPAD5 = 101 NUMPAD6 = 102 NUMPAD7 = 103 NUMPAD8 = 104 NUMPAD9 = 105 F1 = 112 F2 = 113 F3 = 114 F4 = 115 F5 = 116 F6 = 117 F7 = 118 F8 = 119 F9 = 120 F10 = 121 F11 = 122 F12 = 123 LSHIFT = 160 RSHIFT = 161 LCONTROL = 162 RCONTROL = 163 Notes To assign a Left Mouse Click to a Joystick Button.Joystick. . use the keyboardKeyCode "9999". b1:Boolean Current state of Button 1. Description Executes when Joystick 1 button is pressed. b3. b2. b4:Boolean Current state of Button 4. and "true" or "false" values are returned to the parameters b1. Notes None Example Simple Usage: function onJoystick1ButtonDown(x. b4){ . Co-ordinates are returned to x and y.onJoystick1ButtonDown Availability Windows Usage mdm. y:Number Y level of Joystick 1 from -100 to 100. b3:Boolean Current state of Button 3.Input. b1. y.onJoystick1ButtonDown:Function Parameters x:Number X level of Joystick 1 from -100 to 100. b3 and b4 (corresponding to the buttons on the Josytick). b2. b2:Boolean Current state of Button 2. y) mdm. and so on } .prompt(b1) // .Dialogs..Dialogs...prompt(myObject.Input.Dialogs.Joystick.Dialogs.prompt(myObject.prompt(y) mdm.b1) // .. and so on } Advanced Usage: mdm.onJoystick1ButtonDown = function(myObject){ mdm.Dialogs.x) mdm.prompt(myObject.Dialogs.prompt(x) mdm.mdm. b2:Boolean Current state of Button 2. b2. b3. Description Executes when Joystick 1 is moved. Notes None Example Simple Usage: function onJoystick1Move(x. b3 and b4 (corresponding to the buttons on the Josytick). b4:Boolean Current state of Button 4. and "true" or "false" values are returned to the parameters b1. b1:Boolean Current state of Button 1. b2.onJoystick1Move:Function Parameters x:Number X level of Joystick 1 from -100 to 100. y:Number Y level of Joystick 1 from -100 to 100.onJoystick1Move Availability Windows Usage mdm. b4){ . y. b1. b3:Boolean Current state of Button 3.Input. Co-ordinates are returned to x and y. and so on } .prompt(myObject.y) mdm.Dialogs.Dialogs.Dialogs..prompt(y) mdm. and so on } Advanced Usage: mdm...mdm.prompt(x) mdm.x) mdm.Dialogs.prompt(b1) // .prompt(myObject.prompt(myObject.Dialogs.Input.b1) // .onJoystick1Move = function(myObject){ mdm.Dialogs.. b3.Input. b1. y. Description Executes when Joystick 2 button is pressed. b2:Boolean Current state of Button 2. b4){ . Co-ordinates are returned to x and y. and "true" or "false" values are returned to the parameters b1. b2. b3 and b4 (corresponding to the buttons on the Josytick). b4:Boolean Current state of Button 4. b2.onJoystick2ButtonDown Availability Windows Usage mdm. b1:Boolean Current state of Button 1. y:Number Y level of Joystick 2 from -100 to 100. Notes None Example Simple Usage: function onJoystick2ButtonDown(x. b3:Boolean Current state of Button 3.onJoystick2ButtonDown:Function Parameters x:Number X level of Joystick 2 from -100 to 100. x) mdm..Dialogs.Dialogs.Dialogs. and so on } .prompt(myObject..b1) // .Dialogs.Dialogs..prompt(myObject.prompt(x) mdm.y) mdm.Dialogs.prompt(y) mdm.mdm.onJoystick2ButtonDown = function(myObject){ mdm. and so on } Advanced Usage: mdm..prompt(myObject.prompt(b1) // .Input. y:Number Y level of Joystick 2 from -100 to 100. b4){ . b1. b2. b2:Boolean Current state of Button 2. b3:Boolean Current state of Button 3. b1:Boolean Current state of Button 1. Notes None Example Simple Usage: function onJoystick2Move(x.onJoystick2Move:Function Parameters x:Number X level of Joystick 2 from -100 to 100. b2. Co-ordinates are returned to x and y. Description Executes when Joystick 2 is moved. y. b3. b3 and b4 (corresponding to the buttons on the Josytick). and "true" or "false" values are returned to the parameters b1.onJoystick2Move Availability Windows Usage mdm.Input. b4:Boolean Current state of Button 4. Dialogs.mdm.prompt(y) mdm...Dialogs.Input.Dialogs.prompt(b1) // ..prompt(myObject.. and so on } Advanced Usage: mdm.Dialogs.prompt(myObject.prompt(myObject.b1) // .x) mdm.y) mdm.prompt(x) mdm.Dialogs.Dialogs. and so on } .onJoystick2Move = function(myObject){ mdm. Mouse Class The following table lists methods of the Input.5 (Windows.Mouse Availability Zinc 2.Mouse.getPosition() .Input.Mouse.Mouse. Input.Mouse Method Summary for the Shows the Mouse Cursor.Input. Input.setPosition() Sets the Mouse position on screen.generateEvent() Simulate a Mouse Event. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Input. Input.Mouse.Mouse.setCursor() variable cursorType.Mouse class Method Description Gets the Mouse Cursor position in pixels. Input. Sets the Mouse Cursor Type to the Input.Mouse.hide() Hides the Mouse Cursor. getPosition():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Gets the Mouse Cursor Screen Position in pixels.getPosition() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Mouse. // myMousePosition[0] = x Position // myMousePosition[1] = y Position .Mouse.Input. Notes None Example var myMousePosition = mdm.Input.Input.getPosition().Mouse. Returns Nothing Description Sets the mouse Cursor position to the pixel values set in left and top and simulates a mouse-click as defined in event. x:Number Mouse X position in pixels. y:Number Mouse Y position in pixels.Mouse. x:Number.Input. restorePosition:Boolean Restore Original Mouse Position after Event. If set to "true" the cursor will return to it's original position once the event has been generated. restorePosition:Boolean):Void Parameters event:String Mouse Event to Generate. Notes Possible values for event are: LC for left click MC for middle click .generateEvent(event:String.Input. y:Number.Mouse. The variable restorePosition has either a "true" or "false" value.generateEvent() Availability Windows Usage mdm. 100.generateEvent("RC".RC for right click LDC for left mouse button double click Example mdm. . 100. true).Input.Mouse. setCursor(cursorType:String):Void Parameters cursorType:String Mouse cursor to be set as one of possible constant value. Returns Nothing Description Sets the Mouse Cursor Type to the variable cursorType. Valid values are (casesensitive): Default None Arrow Cross IBeam SizeNESW SizeNS SizeNWSE SizeWE UpArrow HourGlass Drag NoDrop HSplit VSplit .Input.Mouse.Input.Mouse.setCursor() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Mouse.setCursor("Arrow").Input.MultiDrag SQLWait No AppStart Help HandPoint SizeAll Notes None Example mdm. . Returns Nothing Description Sets the Mouse Cursor Screen Position.Mouse.Mouse. Notes None Example mdm.Input. 100). .Input.setPosition(x:Number. y:Number):Void Parameters x:Number Mouse X position in pixels. y:Number Mouse Y position in pixels.setPosition(100.setPosition() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Mouse.Input."MainForm") Availability Mac OSX Usage Parameters formName:String Name of Form to Target Returns Nothing Description Shows the Mouse Cursor.Mouse.Input.Mouse. . Notes None Example mdm.Mouse. hide("MainForm").Input. .Input.hide() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.Mouse.hide(formName:String):Void Parameters formName:String Name of Form to Target Returns Nothing Description Hides the Mouse Cursor.Input.Mouse. Notes None Example mdm.Mouse. disable() Enables Tablet Input in the form which executes the command.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Tablet class Event Description onTabletEvent Executes on any Tablet Event.Input.Tablet Class The following table lists methods of the Input.Tablet Availability Zinc 2.Tablet.Tablet Class The following table lists events of the Input. Event Summary for the Input.enable() Input.Tablet Method Summary for the Input.Tablet class Method Description Input. .Input.Tablet. Disables Tablet Input in the form which executes the command. Input.Tablet.Input.enable():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables Tablet input in the form which executes the command.Input.Tablet. Example mdm. .Tablet.enable().enable() Availability Windows Usage mdm. disable(). .disable():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables Tablet input in the form which executes the command.disable() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Tablet.Input.Input. Example mdm.Tablet.Tablet.Input. .Events Enter topic text here. pressure:Number Pressure of the Stylus.prompt(x) mdm.Input.onTabletEvent:Function Parameters x:Number X position of the Tablet Stylus. y:Number Y position of the Tablet Stylus.. Notes None Example Simple Usage: function onTabletEvent(x. and so on } .Dialogs.prompt(pressure) // .Dialogs.onTabletEvent Availability Windows Usage mdm.. Description Executes when a Tablet Event Occurs.Dialogs. y.prompt(y) mdm. buttons:Number Returns the Button Code of the Buttons Pressed. buttons){ mdm. pressure. prompt(myObject..prompt(myObject.y) mdm.pressure) // ..x) mdm.Advanced Usage: mdm.Dialogs.onTabletEvent = function(myObject){ mdm.Input. and so on } .Dialogs.Dialogs.prompt(myObject. acquire() Acquires an image from a compatible TWAIN device.Twain Class The following table lists methods of the Input.Twain.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Twain Method Summary for the Input.Twain class Method Description Input.Input.Input. .Twain Availability Zinc 2. acquire("c:\\myImage.Input.acquire(outputFilePath:String):Void Parameters outputFilePath:String Location of bmp file to be created.bmp"). Example mdm.Twain. Returns Nothing Description Acquires an image from a compatible TWAIN device and saves to a BMP format. .Input.Input.Twain.acquire() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Twain. Executes one line of Shell Script.exec() Will close or Interupt the Shell Script.mdm.MacShell Availability Zinc 2.close() MacShell. Will return the standard output (if applicable) of the Shell Script.isRunning MacShell.5 (Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.output Will return Checks to see if a Sheel Script is running. Property Summary for the MacShell Class The following table lists properties of the MacShell class Property Description MacShell.MacShell Method Summary for the MacShell Class The following table lists methods of the MacShell class Method Description MacShell. .exitCode MacShell. MacShell.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will close or interrupt the Shell Script. Notes None Example mdm.MacShell.close() .close() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.MacShell. exec() Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm. You can check the progress of the running script by using MacShell.MacShell.exec(:String):Void Parameters :String Reference to a single line of Shell Script Returns Nothing Description Executes one line of Shell Script.txt") .MacShell.output() Notes None Example mdm.MacShell.exec("chmod 777 myFile.isRunning() and MacShell. Dialogs.exitCode:String Returns A String Description Will return the exit code (if applicable) of the Shell Script executed using MacShell.MacShell. Prompt result directly: mdm.exitCode).exitCode.MacShell. .prompt(mdm.MacShell.exec() Notes None Example Simple Usage: Result = mdm.exitCode Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.MacShell. .isRunning:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will return a "true" or "false" statement based upon the Shell Script executed using MacShell.isRunning.isRunning Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.Dialogs.MacShell.prompt(mdm. Prompt result directly: mdm.exec() Notes None Example Simple Usage: Result = mdm.MacShell.MacShell.MacShell.isRunning). Dialogs.MacShell.output:String Returns A String Description Will return the standard output (if applicable) of the Shell Script executed using MacShell.MacShell.MacShell. .output. Prompt result directly: mdm.prompt(mdm.exec() Notes None Example Simple Usage: Result = mdm.output).output Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.MacShell. fastReverse() Use to Fast Rewind the video clip. MediaPlayer6.fastForward() Use to Fast Forward the video clip.noMenu() menu in the specified instance. Disables the Media Player context MediaPlayer6.mdm.MediaPlayer6() Inserts a Windows Media Player Instance using the specified parameters. MediaPlayer6. MediaPlayer6. MediaPlayer6.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.fullscreen() Switches the loaded Media File to Fullscreen.MediaPlayer6 Constructor Summary for the MediaPlayer6 Class The following table lists constructors for the MediaPlayer6 class Constructor Description mdm. Method Summary for the MediaPlayer6 Class The following table lists methods of the MediaPlayer6 class Method Description Closes the video file loaded in the specified instance.MediaPlayer6 Availability Zinc 2.pause() Use to Pause the video clip.hide() Player Instance.mute() Mutes the Media Player. MediaPlayer6. Will hide the specified Windows Media MediaPlayer6.close() . MediaPlayer6. Current position of the video file in the specified instance Video Instance Volume.position MediaPlayer6. Video Instance visibility.canScan MediaPlayer6. Will show the specified Windows Media Player instance.visible MediaPlayer6.balance MediaPlayer6.canSeek MediaPlayer6. Will stop the file loaded in the specified instance. Checks the Media File for Seek Functionality. Property Summary for the MediaPlayer6 Class The following table lists properties of the MediaPlayer6 class Property Description MediaPlayer6.stop() Will play the file loaded in the specified instance.volume MediaPlayer6.isInstalled MediaPlayer6. Existence of Windows Media Player 6 on the users system.y Sets the balance of the specified Instance. Event Summary for the MediaPlayer6 Class The following table lists events of the MediaPlayer6 class .play() MediaPlayer6. Returns the total length of the video file in the specified instance. Video Instance X Position. Video Instance Y Position. Video Instance Width.height MediaPlayer6. Checks the Media File for Scan Functionality.width MediaPlayer6.duration MediaPlayer6.x MediaPlayer6. Video Instance X Height. .Event Description onMPChangeState Executes when a video instance changes state. width:Number. Example . file:String):Void Parameters x:Number X position y:Number Y Position width:Number Width of Instance in Pixels height:String Height if Instance in Pixels file:String Initial Media File to load Returns Nothing Description Inserts a Windows Media Player Instance using the specified parameters.MediaPlayer6(x:Number.mdm. y:Number. Multiple Instances can be created. height:Number. Notes Windows Media Player must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.MediaPlayer6() Availability Windows Constructor mdm. avi") . 0.MediaPlayer6(0. "myFile.avi") Create a new Instance called myMP6 with relative positioning: // // // // // t b l r c = = = = = top bottom left right center myMP6 = new mdm. "50%". 400.MediaPlayer6("c". 350. "50%".Create a new Instance called myMP6 with absolute positioning: myMP6 = new mdm. "myFile. "c". MediaPlayer6.close().close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the video file loaded in the specified instance. Notes None Example myMP6.close() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. . . Notes None Example myMP6.fastForward().fastForward() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.fastForward():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Use to Fast Forward the video clip.MediaPlayer6. MediaPlayer6.fastReverse():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Use to Fast Rewind the video clip.fastReverse() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. Notes None Example myMP6.fastReverse(). . .MediaPlayer6. right click on the fullscreen window and deselect the fullscreen option.fullscreen().fullscreen() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.fullscreen():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Sets the view mode of the Media Player Instance to fullscreen Notes To return to window mode. Example myMP6. Notes None Example myMP6.hide().hide() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. .hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will hide the specified Windows Media Player Instance.MediaPlayer6. mute(true).MediaPlayer6.mute() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.mute(muteFlag:Boolean):Void Parameters muteFlag:Boolean Boolean reference to Mute Flag Returns Nothing Description Mutes the Media Player if parameter is "true" and unmutes if param is "false". . Notes None Example myMP6. Notes None Example myMP6. Single Mouse Clicks will start and stop the Video. .MediaPlayer6.noMenu().noMenu():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disbales the Media Player context menu.noMenu() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. MediaPlayer6. .pause().pause():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Use to Pause the video clip. Notes None Example myMP6.pause() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. . Notes None Example Availability Windows Usage Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will play the file loaded in the specified instance. show() Availability Windows Usage Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show the specified Windows Media Player Notes None Example myMP6. . stop() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. .stop():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will stop playback of the loaded file.MediaPlayer6. Notes None Example myMP6.stop(). MediaPlayer6. Notes The balance value are based upon the Windows Media Player requirements as provided by Microsoft.balance:Number Returns An Integer Description Sets the balance of the specified video instance.balance. The balance is a value from 10000 to 10000. Example To Get the Balance: var currentBalance = myMP6.balance = 0. .balance Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. To Set the Balance: myMP6. position Example var canScan = myMP6.MediaPlayer6. Notes If Scan is available.canScan:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Checks to see if the loaded Media File can scan and returns a "true" or "false" value based upon the result. . it means that the Media File will work with MediaPlayer6.canScan.canScan Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. . it means that the Media File will work with MediaPlayer6.canSeek:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Checks to see if the loaded Media File can seek and returns a "true" or "false" value based upon the result.fastForward() and MediaPlayer6.canSeek Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. Notes If Scan is available.MediaPlayer6.canSeek.fastReverse() Example var canSeek = myMP6. Notes None Example var videoLength = myMP6. .MediaPlayer6.duration:Number Returns An Integer Description Returns the total length of the video file in the specified instance.duration Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.duration. height Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. To Set the Height: myMP6. Notes None Example To Get the Height: var playerInstanceHeight = myMP6.height. .height = 200.height:Number Returns An Integer Description Height of player instance.MediaPlayer6. MediaPlayer6.isInstalled:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Checks the existence of Windows Media Player 6 on the users system and return a "true" or "false" value based upon it's presence. . Notes None Example var isInstalled = myMP6.isInstalled Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.isInstalled. position:Number Returns An Integer Description Current position of the video file. . Notes None Example To Get the Position: var currentPosition = myMP6.position Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.position.MediaPlayer6. To Set the Position: myMP6.position = 10. Example To Get the Volume: var currentVolume = myMP6. Notes The volume values are based upon the Windows Media Player requirements as provided by Microsoft. The volume is a value from -5000 to 0.volume Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.volume. To Set the Volume: myMP6.MediaPlayer6. .volume = 0.volume:Number Returns An Integer Description Volume of the specified video instance. .visible:Boolean Returns An Boolean Description Instance visibility.visible = true.visible Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. To Set the Visibility: myMP6.visible.MediaPlayer6. Notes None Example To Get the Visibility: var isVisible = myMP6. width = 200. To Set the Width: myMP6. .MediaPlayer6.width:Number Returns An Integer Description The width of player instance. Notes None Example To Get the Width: var playerInstanceWidth = myMP6.width Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.width. MediaPlayer6.x. To Set the X Position: myMP6. . Notes None Example To Get the X Position: var currentX = myMP6.x:Number Returns An Integer Description The current X position of player instance.x = 200.x Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. .MediaPlayer6.x:Number Returns An Integer Description The current Y position of player instance. Notes None Example To Get the Y Position: var currentY = myMP6.y. To Set the Y Position: myMP6.y = 200.y Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. onMPChangeState Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. } . Description Executes when a video instance changes state.Dialogs. newState:Number Current state of player. The states returned are as follows: 0 = stopped 1 = paused 2 = playing Notes None Example myMP6.onMPChangeState = function(myObject){ mdm.newState).onMPChangeState:Function Parameters oldState:Number Previous state of player.prompt(myObject. MediaPlayer9 Constructor Summary for the MediaPlayer9 Class The following table lists constructors for the MediaPlayer9 class Constructor Description mdm.MediaPlayer9 Availability Zinc 2. MediaPlayer9.MediaPlayer9() Inserts a Windows Media Player 9 Instance using the specified parameters.close() .mdm. Use to Fast Rewind the video MediaPlayer9.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.featureAvailable() see if specific WMP9 Features are supported. MediaPlayer9.mute() Mutes the Media Player. Method Summary for the MediaPlayer9 Class The following table lists methods of the MediaPlayer9 class Method Description Closes the video file loaded in the specified instance. Will hide the specified Windows MediaPlayer9.fastReverse() clip.hide() Media Player Instance. MediaPlayer9.fastForward() Use to Fast Forward the video clip. Checks the loaded Media File to MediaPlayer9. MediaPlayer9. Will play the file loaded in the specified instance. Will show the specified Windows Media Player instance. Loaded media name in the Windows MediaPlayer9.mediaName Media Player Instance MediaPlayer9.duration file in the specified instance. MediaPlayer9.canScan Functionality. Returns the number of markers inside MediaPlayer9.currentMarker Sets the current marker in the specified Instance.mediaWidth Returns the loaded Media Width. Property Summary for the MediaPlayer9 Class The following table lists properties of the MediaPlayer9 class Property Description Sets the balance of the specified Instance to the value of MediaPlayer9. MediaPlayer9.MediaPlayer9.pause() MediaPlayer9.canSeek Checks the Media File for Seek Functionality.position specified instance.markerCount the media file specified. MediaPlayer9.mediaHeight Returns the loaded Media Height.stop() Use to Pause the video clip.height Height of Player Instance. Returns the total length of the media MediaPlayer9. Existence of Windows Media Player 9 MediaPlayer9.source File. MediaPlayer9. Checks the Media File for Scan MediaPlayer9. Will stop the file loaded in the specified instance. The Source URL of the loaded Media MediaPlayer9.balance .isInstalled on the users system. Current position of the video file in the MediaPlayer9. width MediaPlayer9. Instance visibility.volume MediaPlayer9. Executes when an error occurs.x MediaPlayer9. The volume is a value from 0 to 100. . Executes when a video file Position changes. Y position of Player Instance.visible MediaPlayer9. Returns true or false based upon the buffering state. Width of Player Instance.MediaPlayer9. Event Summary for the MediaPlayer9 Class The following table lists events of the MediaPlayer9 class Event Description onWMP9ChangeState onWMP9Buffering onWMP9Error onWMP9PositionChanged Executes when a video instance changes state. X position of Player Instance.y Volume of the specified Instance to the value of vol. file:String):Void Parameters x:Number X position y:Number Y Position width:Number Width of Instance in Pixels height:String Height if Instance in Pixels uiMode:String Initial Media File to load contextMenu:Boolean Show/Hide Context Menu stretch:Boolean Stretch Media File to Instance Dimensions file:String Initial Media File to load Returns Nothing Description Inserts a Windows Media Player 9 Instance using the specified parameters. . contextMenu:Boolean.MediaPlayer9(x:Number. uiMode:String. Multiple Instances can be created. stretch:Boolean. y:Number.MediaPlayer9() Availability Windows Constructor mdm. height:Number. width:Number.mdm. b) Valid values for uiMode are: invisible . false. true. "50%".MediaPlayer9("c".The Player shows a Mini Control Bar full . 400. true. "myFile.The Player is not Visible none . 350.The Player does not show a Control Bar mini .avi") Create a new Instance called myMP9 with relative positioning: // // // // // t b l r c = = = = = top bottom left right center myMP9 = new mdm. 0.Notes a) Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.MediaPlayer9(0.The Player shows a Full Control Bar Example Create a new Instance called myMP9 with absolute positioning: myMP9 = new mdm. "none". "myFile.avi") . false. "c". "none". "50%". MediaPlayer9.close(). Notes None Example myMP9. .close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the video file loaded.close() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. Example myMP9. .fastForward(). Notes This command will only work on Media Files that support this function.fastForward():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Use to Fast Forward the video clip.MediaPlayer9.fastForward() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. fastReverse().fastReverse() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. . Notes This command will only work on Media Files that support this function.MediaPlayer9. Example myMP9.fastReverse():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Use to Fast Rewind the video clip. The feature parameter can be: currentitem currentposition fastforward fastreverse pause play previous stop Notes None Example .featureAvailable(feature:String):Boolean Parameters feature:String Reference to Feature Item Returns A Boolean Description This command queries the loaded player instance about the available features for the selected media and returns a "true" or "false" result.MediaPlayer9.featureAvailable() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. var featureResult = myMP9. .featureAvailable(). hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will hide the specified Windows Media Player Instance. Notes None Example myMP9.hide() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. .MediaPlayer9.hide(). mute() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.mute(true). Notes None Example myMP9.MediaPlayer9.mute(muteFlag:Boolean):Void Parameters muteFlag:Boolean Boolean reference to Mute Flag Returns Nothing Description Mutes the Media Player if parameter is "true" and unmutes if parameter is "false". . Notes None Example myMP9. .pause():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Use to Pause the video clip.pause() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.pause().MediaPlayer9. play():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will play the file loaded in the specified instance. Notes None Example Availability Windows Usage . Notes None Example Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show the specified Windows Media Player instance.MediaPlayer9. .show().show() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. stop() Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. .stop().MediaPlayer9. Notes None Example myMP9.stop():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will stop the playback of the loaded file. To Set the Balance: myMP9. Example To Get the Balance: var currentBalance = myMP9.balance. The balance is a value from -100 to 100.balance = 0. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. .balance Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.balance:Number Returns An Integer Description Sets the balance of the specified Instance to the value of balance.MediaPlayer9. MediaPlayer9.canScan Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.canScan. Notes If Scan is available. .canScan:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Checks to see if the loaded Media File can scan and returns a "true" or "false" value based upon the result.position Example var canScan = myMP9. it means that the Media File will work with MediaPlayer9. canSeek:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Checks to see if the loaded Media File can seek and returns a "true" or "false" value based upon the result.canSeek Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.fastReverse() Example var canSeek = myMP9. Notes If Scan is available.fastForward() and MediaPlayer9.canSeek. .MediaPlayer9. it means that the Media File will work with MediaPlayer9. currentMarker:Number Returns An Integer Description Sets the currentmarker in the specified player instance.markerCount b) Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.currentMarker = 0.currentMarker Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.MediaPlayer9. Example myMP9. Notes a) To make sure that the marker is available. . use mdm.MediaPlayer9. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.MediaPlayer9.duration. .duration:Number Returns An Integer Description Returns the Total Length of the media file loaded. Example var duration = myMP9.duration Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. height. To Set the Height: myMP9.height = 200. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.MediaPlayer9.height:Number Returns An Integer Description The Height of the Player Instance.height Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. . Example To Get the Height: var playerInstanceHeight = myMP9. .isInstalled:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Checks the existence of Windows Media Player 9 on the users system and return a "true" or "false" value based upon it's presence.MediaPlayer9.isInstalled Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.isInstalled. Notes None Example var isInstalled = myMP9. markerCount b) Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.markerCount Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. .markerCount.MediaPlayer9.markerCount:Number Returns An Integer Description Returns the number of markers inside the media file specified (If any). use mdm. Example var markerCounter = myMP9. Notes a) To make sure that the marker is available.MediaPlayer9. mediaName:String Returns A String Description Loaded media name in the Windows Media Player Instance Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.mediaName Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. Example var loadedVideoName = myMP9.mediaName. .MediaPlayer9. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.mediaHeight Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. .MediaPlayer9. Example var videoHeight = myMP9.mediaHeight:Number Returns An Integer Description Returns the loaded media height in the Windows Media Player Instance.mediaHeight. .mediaWidth.mediaWidth:Number Returns An Integer Description Returns the loaded media width in the Windows Media Player Instance. Example var videoWidth = myMP9.MediaPlayer9. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.mediaWidth Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. position.position = 10.position Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.MediaPlayer9. .position:Number Returns An Integer Description Current position of the video file in the specified instance. To Set the Position: myMP9. Example To Get the Position: var currentPosition = myMP9. source:Number Returns An Integer Description The Source URL of the loaded Media File.MediaPlayer9. Example To Get the Source: var sourceURL = myMP9.source Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.wmv". To Set the Source: myMP9.mydoamin. .source = " Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. volume Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.volume:Number Returns An Integer Description Volume of the specified instance.volume. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. Example To Get the Volume: var currentVolume = myMP9.MediaPlayer9.volume = 0. To Set the Volume: myMP9. The volume is a value from 0 to 100. . To Set the Visibility: myMP9.visible:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Media Player Instance visibility.visible = true.visibe.MediaPlayer9. Example To Get the Visibility: var isVisible = myMP9.visible Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. . width. .width = 200. Example To Get the Width: var playerInstanceWidth = myMP9.MediaPlayer9. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. To Set the Width: myMP9.width:Number Returns An Integer Description The width of the Player Instance.width Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. Example To Get the X Position: var currentX = myMP9. .x. To Set the X Position: myMP9.MediaPlayer9. Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.x:Number Returns An Integer Description The current X position of player instance .x Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.x = 200. Example To Get the Y Position: var currentY = myMP9. To Set the Y Position: myMP9.y = 200.MediaPlayer9.y Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.y:Number Returns An Integer Description The current Y position of player instance . Notes Windows Media Player 9 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.y. . onWMP9Buffering:Function Parameters status:Boolean Current buffering state. Description Returns true or false based upon the buffering state (where true means buffering has started. and false means buffering has finished).onWMP9Buffering Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.prompt(myObject.Dialogs.status). } .onWMP9Buffering = function(myObject){ mdm. Notes None Example myMP9. 8 = MediaEnded Media item has completed playback. 3 = Playing The current media item is playing. 10 = Ready to begin playing. 1 = Stopped Playback of the current media item is stopped. The states returned are as follows: 0 = Undefined Windows Media Player is in an undefined state. resuming playback begins from the same location. 2 = Paused Playback of the current media item is paused.onWMP9ChangeState:Function Parameters newState:Number Current state of player.onWMP9ChangeState Availability Windows Usage mpInstance. but the server is not sending data. 4 = ScanForward The current media item is fast forwarding. 5 = ScanReverse The current media item is fast rewinding. 6 = Buffering The current media item is getting additional data from the server. 9 = Preparing new media item. Description Executes when a video instance changes state. 7 = Waiting Connection is established. When a media item is paused. 11 = Reconnecting to stream. Notes None Example . Waiting for session to begin. myMP9.newState). } .Dialogs.prompt(myObject.onWMP9ChangeState = function(myObject){ mdm. onWMP9Error Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.Dialogs.onWMP9Error:Function Parameters error:String Error message. } .onWMP9Error = function(myObject){ mdm.error). Notes None Example myMP9. Description Executes when an error occurs.prompt(myObject. Description Executes when a video file Position changes. } .onWMP9PositionChanged:Function Parameters newPosition:Number Current position of loaded media. Notes None Example myMP9.prompt(myObject.Dialogs.onWMP9PositionChanged Availability Windows Usage mpInstance.onWMP9PositionChanged = function(myObject){ mdm.newPosition). mdm.Application. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Menu Availability Zinc 2.Menu Object Summary for the Menu Class The following table lists Objects of the Menu class Object Description Context Main Tray Context Menu Object Main Menu Object Tray Menu Object .5 (Windows. Context class Method Description Menu.Context.removeItem() Removes a Context Menu Item. Menu. .menuType Sets the method to use with custom File Menus.Context.Context.disable() Menu. Menu. Menu.Context.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Menu.Context.enable() Disables the RIGHT click menu Enables the RIGHT click menu Menu.insertItem() Inserts a RIGHT Click Menu Item.Context class Property Description Menu.Context.Context.itemVisible() Shows or Hides a Context Menu Item.Menu.itemChecked() Checks or unchecks a Context Menu Item. Menu.insertDivider() Inserts a menu divider in the Right Click Context menu. Menu.Context Method Summary for the Context Class The following table lists methods of the Menu. Property Summary for the Context Class The following table lists properties of the Menu.Context Availability Zinc 2.Context.itemEnabled() Enables or Disables a Context Menu Item.Context. Context class Event Description onContextMenuClick_* Executes when the user clicks on a context menu item that has previously been created.Event Summary for the Context Class The following table lists events of the Menu. . Menu.Context. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector.disable() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors.Menu. . it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher.Context.disable():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables the Context Menu.disable().Menu. Example mdm.Context. it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher.Menu.enable():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables the Context Menu.enable().enable() Availability Windows Usage mdm. .Menu.Context. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. Example mdm. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector.Context.Context.Menu. insertDivider():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Inserts a Menu Divider in the Context Menu.insertDivider().Menu. . it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher.Context.Menu.Context. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector. Example mdm.Context. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors.insertDivider() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu. Menu.Context.insertItem() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Context.insertItem(itemLabel:String):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. Returns Nothing Description Inserts a Context Menu Item. Notes a) Please be sure to specify handler method for menu items. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. d) To enable a keyboard shortcut for this particular Item, include "&" character before the letter you want to be the shortcut. For example. $File would make ALT-F the shortcut. $$File would be the same result, but no line under the F charcter would be visible. (Applies to Windows only) Example mdm.Menu.Context.insertItem("Hello World"); Menu.Context.itemChecked() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Context.itemChecked(itemLabel:String, checked:Boolean):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. checked:Boolean Boolean flag. Returns Nothing Description Checks or unchecks a Context Menu Item. Notes a) Please be sure to specify handler method for menu items. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Context.itemChecked("Hello World", true); Menu.Context.itemEnabled() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Context.itemEnabled(itemLabel:String, checked:Boolean):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. checked:Boolean Boolean flag. Returns Nothing Description Enables or Disables a Context Menu Item. Notes a) Please be sure to specify handler method for menu items. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Context.itemEnabled("Hello World", true); Menu.Context.itemVisible() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Context.itemVisible(itemLabel:String, checked:Boolean):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. checked:Boolean Boolean flag. Returns Nothing Description Hides or Shows a Context Menu Item. Notes a) Please be sure to specify handler method for menu items. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Context.itemVisible("Hello World", true); Menu.Context.removeItem() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Context.removeItem(itemLabel:String):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. Returns Nothing Description Removes a Context Menu Item. Notes a) Please be sure to specify handler method for menu items. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. d) To enable a keyboard shortcut for this particular Item, include "&" character before the letter you want to be the shortcut. For example. $File would make ALT-F the shortcut. $$File would be the same result, but no line under the F charcter would be visible. (Applies to Windows only) Example mdm.Menu.Context.removeItem("Hello World"); Menu.Context.menuType Availability Windows Usage playerInstance.menuType:String Description Sets the method to use with custom File Menus. The menuType parameter must be either "function", "variable" or "frame". When "function" is set, the System Event Function "onContextMenuClick_*" is executed (where * is the name of the menu item) When "variable" is set, the File menu Item(s) will set a variable of the same name (with the prefix "menu_") to "false" as default, and "true" when clicked. For example, the menu item "Open" would set the the variable "menu_Open" to "true". When "frame" is set, the File menu Item(s) will move the playhead to a frame label of the same name within your movie. Notes a) If "frame" is selected as the handler method, the menu Item name must be exactly the same name as a Label within your Flash Movie. Please note that labels are case sensitive. b) If "variable" is selected as the handler method, the developer must remember to reset the value to "false" after a "true" value has been returned. c) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. Example mdm.Menu.Context.menuType = "function"; onContextMenuClick_* Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Context.onContextMenuClick_*:Function Parameters error:String Error message. Description Executes when the user clicks on a context menu item that has previously been created. Notes a) These events will only execute after the menutype has been set to "function". b) If your Menu Item includes spaces, full stops or any of the ( ) { } , characters, they must be substituted with an underscore character in the function name. For example, if you File Menu Item entry is "Open File" the function would be: onMenuClick_Open_File() c) If your File Menu Item entry is "Open File..." the function would be: onMenuClick_Open_File___() d) The Underscore character is a substitute for a space or the ( ) { } , characters ONLY. No other characters are supported at this time. e) Not supported on Transparent Projectors Example mdm.Menu.Context.onContextMenuClick_Hello_World = function(){ mdm.Dialogs.prompt("Hello World!"); } Menu.Main Availability Zinc 2.5 (Windows, Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Menu.Main Method Summary for the Main Class The following table lists methods of the Menu.Main class Method Description Menu.Main.insertDivider() Menu.Main.insertHeader() Menu.Main.insertItem() Menu.Main.itemChecked() Menu.Main.itemEnabled() Menu.Main.itemVisible() Menu.Main.removeHeader() Menu.Main.removeItem() Inserts a menu divider in the specified menu header. Inserts a Title Bar Menu Header for building dynamic Menus. Inserts a Menu Item into the specified header. Checks or unchecks a Menu Item in the specified menu Header. Enables or disables a Menu Item in the specified menu Header. Hides or shows a Menu Item in the specified menu Header. Removes a previously added menu header. Removes a previously added menu item. Property Summary for the Main Class The following table lists properties of the Menu.Main class Property Description Menu.Main.menuType Sets the method to use with custom File Menus. Event Summary for the Main Class The following table lists events of the Menu.Main class Event Description onMenuClick_* Executes when the user clicks on a menu item. Menu.Main.insertDivider() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Menu.Main.insertDivider(headerLabel:String):Void Parameters headerLabel:String Menu header label. Returns Nothing Description Inserts a menu divider in the specified menu header. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Main.insertDivider("File"); Menu.Main.insertHeader() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Menu.Main.insertHeader(headerLabel:String):Void Parameters headerLabel:String Menu header label. Returns Nothing Description Inserts a Title Bar Menu Header for building dynamic Menus. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. c) To enable a keyboard shortcut for this particular Item, include "&" character before the letter you want to be the shortcut. For example. $File would make ALT-F the shortcut. $$File would be the same result, but no line under the F character would be visible. (Applies to Windows only) Example mdm.Menu.Main.insertHeader("File"); Menu.Main.insertItem() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Menu.Main.insertItem(headerLabel:String, itemLabel:String):Void Parameters headerLabel:String Menu header label. itemLabel:String Item label. Returns Nothing Description Inserts a Menu Item into the specified header. A Header must first be created using mdm.Menu.Main.insertHeader() Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. c) To enable a keyboard shortcut for this particular Item, include "&" character before the letter you want to be the shortcut. For example. $File would make ALT-F the shortcut. $$File would be the same result, but no line under the F character would be visible. (Applies to Windows only) Example mdm.Menu.Main.insertItem("File", "Open file"); Menu.Main.itemChecked() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Main.itemChecked(headerLabel:String, itemLabel:String, checked:Boolean):Void Parameters headerLabel:String Menu header label. itemLabel:String Item label. checked:Boolean If true item will be checked. Returns Nothing Description Checks or unchecks a Menu Item in the specified menu Header. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Main.itemChecked("File", "Open file", true); Menu.Main.itemEnabled() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Menu.Main.itemEnabled(headerLabel:String, itemLabel:String, enabled:Boolean):Void Parameters headerLabel:String Menu header label. itemLabel:String Item label. enabled:Boolean If true item will be enabled. Returns Nothing Description Enables or disables a Menu Item in the specified menu Header. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Main.itemEnabled("File", "Open file", true); Menu.Main.itemVisible() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Main.itemVisible(headerLabel:String, itemLabel:String, visible:Boolean):Void Parameters headerLabel:String Menu header label. itemLabel:String Item label. visible:Boolean If true item will be visible. Returns Nothing Description Hides or shows a Menu Item in the specified menu Header. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Main.itemVisible("File", "Open file", true); Menu.Main.removeHeader() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Menu.Main.removeHeader(headerLabel:String):Void Parameters headerLabel:String Menu header label. Returns Nothing Description Removes a previously added menu header. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Main.removeHeader("File"); Menu.Main.removeItem() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Menu.Main.removeItem(headerLabel:String, itemLabel:String):Void Parameters headerLabel:String Menu header label. itemLabel:String Item label. Returns Nothing Description Removes a previously added menu item. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Main.removeItem("File", "Open file"); Menu.Main.menuType Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Menu.Main.menuType:String Description Sets the method to use with custom File Menus. The menuType parameter must be either "function", "variable" or "frame". When "function" is set, the System Event Function "onMenuClick_*" is executed (where * is the name of the menu item) When "variable" is set, the File menu Item(s) will set a variable of the same name (with the prefix "menu_") to "false" as default, and "true" when clicked. For example, the menu item "Open" would set the the variable "menu_Open" to "true". When "frame" is set, the File menu Item(s) will move the playhead to a frame label of the same name within your movie. Notes a) If "frame" is selected as the handler method, the menu Item name must be exactly the same name as a Label within your Flash Movie. Please note that labels are case sensitive. b) If "variable" is selected as the handler method, the developer must remember to reset the value to "false" after a "true" value has been returned. c) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. Example mdm.Menu.Main.menuType = "function"; onMenuClick_* Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.Menu.Main.onContextMenuClick_*:Function Parameters None Description Executes when the user clicks on a menu item. Notes a) These events will only execute after the menutype has been set to "function". b) If your Menu Item includes spaces, full stops or any of the ( ) { } , characters, they must be substituted with an underscore character in the function name. For example, if you File Menu Item entry is "Open File" the function would be: onMenuClick_Open_File() c) If your File Menu Item entry is "Open File..." the function would be: onMenuClick_Open_File___() d) The Underscore character is a substitute for a space or the ( ) { } , characters ONLY. No other characters are supported at this time. e) Not supported on Transparent Projectors. Example mdm.Menu.Main.onMenuClick_Open_File = function(){ mdm.Dialogs.prompt("Open File"); } Menu.Tray vailability Zinc 2.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Menu.Tray Method Summary for the Tray Class The following table lists methods of the Menu.Tray class Method Description Menu.Tray.hideIcon() Menu.Tray.insertDivider() Menu.Tray.insertItem() Menu.Tray.itemChecked() Menu.Tray.itemEnabled() Menu.Tray.itemVisible() Menu.Tray.removeItem() Menu.Tray.setIcon() Menu.Tray.showBalloon() Menu.Tray.showIcon() Hides the Tray Icon. Inserts a menu divider in the Tray Icon menu. Inserts a Menu Item into the Tray Icon. Checks or unchecks a Tray Menu Item. Enables or disables a Tray Menu Item. Hides or Shows a Tray Menu Item. Removes a previously added tray menu item. Sets the Tray Icon to the specified ICO file. Will display an XP style tray Icon Balloon. Shows the Tray Icon. Property Summary for the Tray Class The following table lists properties of the Tray class Property Description Menu.Tray.menuType Menu.Tray.iconHint Sets the method to use with custom File Menus. Sets the Icon Hint. Event Summary for the Tray Class The following table lists events of the Tray class Event Description onTrayMenuClick_* Executes when the user clicks on a tray menu item. Menu.Tray.hideIcon() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.hideIcon():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Hides the Tray Icon. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.hideIcon(); Menu.Tray.insertDivider() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.insertDivider():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Inserts a menu divider in the Tray Icon menu. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.insertDivider(); Menu.Tray.insertItem() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.insertItem(itemLabel:String):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. Returns Nothing Description Inserts a Menu Item into the Tray Icon which can be accessed by right clicking on the icon. Notes a) Please be sure to specify handler method for menu items. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. d) To enable a keyboard shortcut for this particular Item, include "&" character before the letter you want to be the shortcut. For example. $File would make ALT-F the shortcut. $$File would be the same result, but no line under the F character would be visible. (Applies to Windows only) Example mdm.Menu.Tray.insertItem("Hello World"); Menu.Tray.itemChecked() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.itemChecked(itemLabel:String, checked:Boolean):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. checked:Boolean If true item will be checked. Returns Nothing Description Checks or unchecks a Tray Menu Item. The state parameter can be either "true" or "false". Notes a) The trayMenuItem name must be exactly the same name as a Label within your Flash Movie. Please note that labels are case sensitive. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.itemChecked("Hello World", true); Menu.Tray.itemEnabled() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.itemEnabled(itemLabel:String, enabled:Boolean):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. enabled:Boolean If true item will be enabled. Returns Nothing Description Enables or disables a Tray Menu Item. The state parameter can be either "true" or "false". Notes a) The trayMenuItem name must be exactly the same name as a Label within your Flash Movie. Please note that labels are case sensitive. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.itemEnabled("Hello World", true); Menu.Tray.itemVisible() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.itemVisible(itemLabel:String, visible:Boolean):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. visible:Boolean If true item will be visible. Returns Nothing Description Hides or Shows a Tray Menu Item. The state parameter can be either "true" or "false". Notes a) The trayMenuItem name must be exactly the same name as a Label within your Flash Movie. Please note that labels are case sensitive. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.itemVisible("Hello World", true); Menu.Tray.removeItem() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.removeItem(itemLabel:String):Void Parameters itemLabel:String Item label. Returns Nothing Description Removes a previously added tray menu item. Notes a) The trayMenuItem name must be exactly the same name as a Label within your Flash Movie. Please note that labels are case sensitive. b) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. c) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.removeItem("Hello World"); Menu.Tray.setIcon() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.setIcon(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:String Path to .ico file to be loaded into tray. Returns Nothing Description Sets the Tray Icon to the specified ICO file. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.setIcon("c:\\myIcon.ico"); Menu.Tray.showBalloon() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.showBalloon(balloonTitle:String, balloonText:String, balloonIconType:String, BalloonTimeout:Number, balloonFrameLabel:String):Void Parameters balloonTitle:String Title of balloon up to 64 characters. balloonText:String Balloon title up to 255 characters. balloonIconType:String Path Balloon icon type. One of constants: "none", "error", "warning" and "info". balloonTimeout:Number Duration of balloon visibility: from 10 to 60 seconds. ballonFrameLabel:String Name of flash timeline label. Returns Nothing Description will display an XP style tray icon balloon, using the specified parameters: title can be up to 64 characters text can be up to 255 characters iconType can be any of the following values: ("none","error","warning","info") timeout can be any value from 10 to 60 seconds (no more or less) frameLabel is the name of a label within your Flash Movie that the playhead will go to when the tray icon balloon is clicked. If you do not wish the playhead to move anywhere when the balloon is clicked, simply leave this variable empty. ie. "" Notes a) After the specified timeout period has passed the balloon closes automatically. b) The Tray Icon must be enabled for this command to function. c) Windows 2000 and XP only. d) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.showBalloon("News", "Zinc™ v2 Rocks!", "info", 10, "myFrame"); Menu.Tray.showIcon() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.showIcon():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Shows the Tray Icon. Notes a) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. b) When using Menu Items with a Skinned Projector, it is recommended that you initiate a Custom File Menu on Frame 2 or higher. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.showIcon(); Menu.Tray.menuType Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.menuType:String Description Sets the method to use with custom File Menus. The menuType parameter must be either "function", "variable" or "frame". When "function" is set, the System Event Function "onTrayMenuClick_*" is executed (where * is the name of the menu item) When "variable" is set, the File menu Item(s) will set a variable of the same name (with the prefix "menu_") to "false" as default, and "true" when clicked. For example, the menu item "Open" would set the the variable "menu_Open" to "true". When "frame" is set, the File menu Item(s) will move the playhead to a frame label of the same name within your movie. Notes a) If "frame" is selected as the handler method, the menu Item name must be exactly the same name as a Label within your Flash Movie. Please note that labels are case sensitive. b) If "variable" is selected as the handler method, the developer must remember to reset the value to "false" after a "true" value has been returned. c) Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.menuType = "function"; Menu.Tray.iconHint Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.iconHint:String Description Sets the Hint for the Projector Tray Icon. Notes Menu Items are not supported in Transparent Projectors. Example mdm.Menu.Tray.iconHint = "This is My Projector"; onTrayMenuClick_* Availability Windows Usage mdm.Menu.Tray.onTrayMenuClick_*:Function Parameters error:String Error message. Description Executes when the user clicks on a tray menu item. Notes a) These events will only execute after the menutype has been set to "function". b) If your Menu Item includes spaces, full stops or any of the ( ) { } , characters, they must be substituted with an underscore character in the function name. For example, if you File Menu Item entry is "Open File" the function would be: onMenuClick_Open_File() c) If your File Menu Item entry is "Open File..." the function would be: onMenuClick_Open_File___() d) The Underscore character is a substitute for a space or the ( ) { } , characters ONLY. No other characters are supported at this time. e) Not supported on Transparent Projectors Example mdm.Menu.Tray.onTrayMenuClick_Hello_World = function(){ mdm.Dialogs.prompt("Hello World!"); } mdm.Network Availability Zinc 2.5 (Windows, Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Net Object Summary for the Net Class The following table lists Objects of the Net class Object Description HTTPD Mail TCP UDP HTTPD Object Mail Object TCP Object UDP Object Method Summary for the Net Class The following table lists methods of the Net class Method Description Checks for presence of an Internet Connection. Network.checkConnectionAdv() Checks for presence of an Internet Connection in more detail. Uses an internal Ping request to Network.checkConnectionPing() check the connection of an internet presence. Returns the Host Name for the Network.getIPbyHost() specified IP address (if available). Returns the IP address for the Network.getIPbyHost() specified Host Name (if available). Returns the MAC address of the Network.getMacAddress() specified adapter. Will open a new external browser Network.getURL() window with the URL specified. Network.checkConnection() Property Summary for the Net Class The following table lists methods of the Net class Properties Description Network.IPAddress Network.isPresent Returns the system IP address. Will check for the presence of a Network. Network.HTTPD Availability Zinc 2.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Network.HTTPD Method Summary for the Network.HTTPD Class The following table lists methods of the Network.HTTPD class Method Description Network.HTTPD.resume() Resets the HTTP preprocessor. Network.HTTPD.startServer() Starts the HTTP server for http remote control of your Projector. Network.HTTPD.stopServer() Stops the HTTP server for http remote control of your Projector. Network.HTTPD.setResponse() Sets the response message for a successful HTTP transfer. Event Summary for the Network.HTTPD Class The following table lists events of the Network.HTTPD class Event Description onRequest Executes when a HTTP Server Request is made. startServer() Example mdm. It has to be manually run every time the processing of information is finished and the HTTPD.HTTPD.setResponse() has been run to update the response data.resume(). .resume() Availability Windows Usage mdm. This command is MANDATORY in that it makes that particular session end and conclude its cycle.HTTPD.HTTPD.resume():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Resets the HTTP preprocessor.Network.Network. otherwise the client side browser would be waiting to infinity or timeout. Notes For use with HTTPD.Network. Network. This can be any type of string.HTTPD.Network. . combined from calculated data and/or database origin.setResponse("Task completed"). Returns Nothing Description Sets the response message for a successful HTTPD transfer.HTTPD.Network.setResponse(responseString:String):Void Parameters responseString:String Item label. Notes None Example mdm. including any character.setResponse() Availability Windows Usage mdm.HTTPD. will move the projector to the specified frame number http://127.0.HTTPD.0.0.0.will move the projector to the specified frame label http://127.0.0. .will move the projector to the specified frame label and also return the ReturnData value to the variable httpparams.will set the variable info to Hello World http://127.0. The projector can be controlled using the following syntax in your web browser: http://127. An empty string will default to port 80.startServer() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns Nothing Description Starts the http server for HTTP remote control of your Projector.HTTPD.1?gotoframe&1 .Network.0.1?gotolabel&myLabel .startServer(serverPort:Number):Void Parameters serverPort:Number Port on which server will be listening.1?get&info .will return the contents of the variable info to the browser http://127.1?gotolabel_ret&myLabel&ReturnData .0.0.Network.1?set&info&Hello World . Notes None Example mdm.HTTPD.startServer(8080). .Network. Network.stopServer().stopServer() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Network.HTTPD.HTTPD.stopServer():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Stops the HTTPD server for HTTP remote control of your Projector. Notes None Example mdm.HTTPD.Network. . .Events Enter topic text here. Notes None Example httpServerInstance.onRequest = function(myObject){ mdm.prompt(myObject.prompt(myObject. Description Executes when a HTTP Server Request is made.prompt(myObject.remoteIP) } .onRequest:Function Parameters document:String Document filename requested.Dialogs.Dialogs.onRequest Availability Windows Usage httpServerInstance. remoteIP:Number Remote server IP address.Dialogs.document) mdm.parameters) mdm. parameters:String Parameters submitted. sendClientSide() Opens a new email using the clients default mail application. Network. Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Mail. Network.Network.Mail. For use when no Authorization is needed.Mail class Method Description Sends a new email message using the specified SMTP server.5 (Windows.send() .Mail Availability Zinc 2.sendNoAuth() the specified SMTP server.Mail Method Summary for the Mail Class The following table lists methods of the Network. Sends a new email message using Network.MAil.Network. password:String Mail acount password.send() Availability Windows. attachementsPath:String File paths to send with mail. bcc:String. password:String. from:String From line details. from:String. This . to:String To line details. subject:String Message subject.send(serverName:String. username:String Mail account username. body:String.Mail.Mail. bcc:String BCC (Blank carbon copy) line details. Returns Nothing Description Sends a new email message using the specified SMTP server specified. subject:String. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Network. username:String.Network. body:String Message body text. to:String. attachementsPath:String):Void Parameters serverName:String Mail server to use. "anotherrecipient@yetanotherdomain. Notes a) Please note that commas ".com" . "This is my Subject"."Hello World". "myPassword".Network. it is not possible to send attachments.Mail. . Multiple attachments can be added by delimiting them with a ".jpg")." When sending HTML emails. delimited with the "."c:\\ . Please do not use". c:\\test." are currently not supported in the message attribute.method works best when used for feedback forms to a static email address. Example mdm. "myUsername". "[email protected]:\\folder\\test2. b) To send a HTML email. simply enter the value "html" in the attachments parameter and ensure that the body is correctly formatted".com"."recipient@anotherdomain." character."to" and "bcc" can also have multiple values.mydomain. eg.send("mail. username:String Mail account username. subject:String.sendNoAuth() Availability Windows Usage mdm. username:String. from:String. attachementsPath:String File paths to send with mail. bcc:String. body:String Message body text.sendNoAuth(serverName:String. password:String Mail acount password. from:String From line details.Network. password:String. attachementsPath:String):Void Parameters serverName:String Mail server to use. body:String. subject:String Message subject. Returns Nothing Description . to:String.Mail. to:String To line details.Mail. bcc:String BCC (Blank carbon copy) line details.Network. com". delimited with the ".mydomain."Hello World"." character. "This is my Subject"."recipient@anotherdomain. Please do not use commas.Sends a new email message using the specified SMTP server specified. eg. c:\\test." are currently not supported in the message" . "myUsername". Notes a) Please note that commas ". Example".Mail. c) Use this command ONLY if your SMTP server does not require authentication. "[email protected]("mail. b) To send a HTML email. "myPassword".zip."to" and "bcc" can also have multiple values. This method works best when used for feedback forms to a static email address. . "[email protected] .d:\\folder\\test2. Multiple attachments can be added by delimiting them with a ".com".Network."c:\\myfile. When sending HTML emails. simply enter the value "html" in the attachments parameter and ensure that the body is correctly formatted HTML.jpg"). it is not possible to send attachments." character. subject:String Message Example mdm. Notes Commas (".") are currently not supported in the message attribute.Mail.Mail. body:String Message body text. attachementsPath:String File paths to send with mail. Returns Nothing Description Opens a new email using the clients default mail application with all options filled in.Network.Network.Mail. Multiple attachments can be added by delimiting them with a ".sendClientSide() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Network. body:String. attachementsPath:String ) :Void Parameters to:String To line details.d:\\folder\\test2.sendClientSide ( to:String. eg." character. ready to subject:String.sendClientSide . c:\\test. ("recipient@anotherdomain. "c:\\". "Hello World". .jpg"). "This is my Subject". 5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Network.TCP Availability Zinc 2.Network.TCP Object Summary for the TCP Class The following table lists Objects of the TCP class Object Description ProxyHTTP FileServer ProxyHTTP Object FileServer Object . FileServer.FileServer Method Summary for the FileServer Class The following table lists methods of the FileServer class Method Description Will retrieve the File Network.TCP.getFile() from the specified Remote System.FileServer.TCP.Network.TCP.FileServer.sendFile() using the TCP protocol.TCP. .TCP. Retrieves a Folder List Network.startServer() TCP based File Server.TCP. Network.getFolderList() from the Remote System. Will transfer a File Network. Network.stopServer() Disables the internal TCP based File Server.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.TCP.getFileList() Retrieves a File List from the Remote System.Network.FileServer.TCP.FileServer Availability Zinc 2.FileServer.FIleServer. Enables the internal Network. FileServer.0.Network.txt"). Notes None Example mdm.Network. "c:\\remote. remoteFilePath:String File path to a file on remote server.getFile() Availability Windows Usage mdm.FileServer.TCP.Network. . remoteFilePath:String. remotePortNumber:Number.getFile("127. localFilePath:String):Void Parameters remoteIPAddress:String Remote file server ip address. localFilePath:String File path to a file on local machine. 4000.getFile(remoteIPAddress:String.txt".0.TCP. "c:\\local.1". remotePortNumber:Number Remote file server port number.TCP.FileServer. Returns Nothing Description Will retrieve the file from the specified remote system. etc . remoteBaseFolder:String ) :Array Parameters remoteIPAddress:String Remote file server ip address.getFileList() Availability Windows Usage mdm.TCP.Network. // .prompt(fileList[0])..0. mdm.Dialogs.FileServer. remotePortNumber:Number Remote file server port number. 4000.TCP.1".Network.getFileList ("127. remoteBaseFolder:String Folder on remote machine.prompt(fileList[1]). Notes None Example var fileList = mdm.Network. "c:\\").0.Dialogs. remotePortNumber:Number. Returns An Array Description Retrieves an Arrayof all files in the Folder specified on the remote computer.FileServer.FileServer..getFileList ( remoteIPAddress:String.TCP. mdm. remotePortNumber:Number. etc .FileServer. "c:\\").FileServer..1".TCP. remotePortNumber:Number Remote file server port number.Dialogs. // .prompt(folderList[1]). mdm. Notes None Example var folderList = mdm.FileServer.TCP.Network. remoteBaseFolder:String ) :String Parameters remoteIPAddress:String Remote file server ip address. Returns An Array Description Retrieves an Array of all folders in the Folder Specified on the remote computer. remoteBaseFolder:String Folder on remote machine.prompt(folderList[0]).TCP.Network.getFolderList() Availability Windows Usage mdm. 4000.getFolderList ( remoteIPAddress:String.Dialogs.0. mdm.0..Network.getFolderList ("127. Returns Nothing Description Will transfer a file from the local system to the remote system using the TCP protocol.FileServer.Network.FileServer. localPortNumber:Number Local file server port number.sendFile(remoteIPAddress:String. remotePortNumber:Number. remotePortNumber:Number Remote file server port number.TCP.TCP. localFilePath:String File path to a file on local machine. localFilePath:String. remoteFilePath:String):Void Parameters remoteIPAddress:String Remote file server ip address. localIPAddress:String Local file server ip address. remoteFilePath:String File path to a file on remote server. localIPAddress:String. localPortNumber:Number.Network. Notes When executed. The value . sets a PPSV (variable) called "mdm_tcpfiletransfer".sendFile() Availability Windows Usage mdm. txt"). this PPSV is either "true" if the transfer has finished or "false" if the transfer is still in progress.sendFile("127. "c:\\local.FileServer.0. "127.0. Example mdm.txt".Network. 4000.TCP.0.0.1". "c:\\remote. .1". FileServer. .startServer().startServer() Availability Windows Usage mdm.TCP.TCP.TCP.Network.FileServer.Network. Notes None Example mdm.startServer():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Enables the internal TCP based File Server.FileServer.Network. FileServer.Network.Network. Notes None Example mdm.stopServer() Availability Windows Usage mdm.FileServer.stopServer().TCP. .stopServer():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables the internal TCP based File Server.FileServer.TCP.TCP.Network. Network.TCP.TCP.setProxy() connection to use if the connection is behind a proxy server.getString() Downloads a File directly to a String through a Proxy.TCP.ProxyHTTP Availability Zinc 2.ProxyHTTP.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.ProxyHTTP. Sets the type of HTTP Network.ProxyHTTP Method Summary for the ProxyHTTP Class The following table lists methods of the ProxyHTTP class Method Description Downloads a HTTP file through a Proxy.Network.Network.getFile() .TCP.ProxyHTTP.TCP. Network. TCP. localFilePath:String Path to a File on a Local System. "/remote. "c:\\local. remoteFilePath:String Path to a File on a Remote Server.mydomain. .getFile("www.txt". remoteFilePath:String.getFile() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Network.ProxyHTTP.TCP. Returns Nothing Description Downloads a HTTP file through a".TCP. localFilePath:String):Void Parameters serverName:String Remote File Server Address.txt").ProxyHTTP. Notes None Example mdm.Network.Network.getFile(serverName:String.ProxyHTTP. TCP. Notes None Example mdm.getString() Availability Windows Usage".TCP.ProxyHTTP.Network.Network. Returns Nothing Description Downloads a File directly to a String through a Proxy. . remoteFilePath:String):Void Parameters serverName:String Remote file server address.Network. "/remote.getString("www.ProxyHTTP.ProxyHTTP.getString(serverName:String.txt"). remoteFilePath:String Path to a File on a Remote Server.TCP. Network. Valid values for proxyType are: "0" .ProxyHTTP.setProxy() Availability Windows Usage mdm. proxyServerPortNumber:Number Proxy server port number.TCP. proxyServerPortNumber:Number. Notes None Example . proxyServerAddress:String Proxy server address.Network.TCP.Basic Authentication Enabled.Basic Authentication Disabled or "1" . proxyServerAddress:String. Returns Nothing Description Sets the type of HTTP connection to use if the connection is behind a proxy server. username:String Proxy server address username. password:String):Void Parameters proxyType:String Type of authentication. password:String Proxy server password.ProxyHTTP.setProxy(proxyType:String. username:String. com". .mdm. 8000.Network.TCP.myproxy. "myUsername").ProxyHTTP. "myPassword". "www.setProxy("0". Network.UDP Zinc 2.Network.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.UDP Object Summary for the UDP Class The following table lists Objects of the UDPclass Object Description Socket TFTP Socket Object TFTP Object . Socket.Socket.UDP. Network.stopServer() Disables listening.UDP.Socket.FileServer Method Summary for the Socket Class The following table lists methods of the Socket class Method Description Broadcasts a message across a specific Port.TCP.UDP.UDP.Socket.send() Sends a message to a specific IP Address. .UDP. Network. Network.Network.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Network.Socket Availability Zinc 2.Network.startServer() Enables listening to the specified port number.broadcast() Event Summary for the Socket Class The following table lists events of the Socket class Event Description onData Executes when UDP Data is Received. "receivedText@eq@Hello World!").broadcast(remotePortNumber:Number.UDP.broadcast() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Network.broadcast(4000.Socket. Returns Nothing Description Broadcasts the contents of the variable message to the specified Port number.UDP. // receivedText is a var on the recipient side which receive the String 'Hello World' . messageText:String):Void Parameters remotePortNumber:Number Port number to use. Example mdm.Network.Network.UDP.Socket.Socket. Notes This command will broadcast to all systems on the same network so an IP address is not required. messageText:String Text data to send with socket. UDP.send("127.Network. 4000.UDP.Socket. // receivedText is a var on the recipient side which receive the String 'Hello World' .Network.UDP.Socket. Returns Nothing Description Sends the contents of the variable messageText to the specified IP and Port number via UDP protocol.0.1". remotePortNumber:Number Port number to use. "receivedText@eq@Hello World!"). Notes None Example mdm. remotePortNumber:Number. messageText:String Text data to send with socket. messageText:String):Void Parameters remoteIPAddress:String Port number to use.send(remoteIPAddress:String.0.Network.send() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Socket. Socket.Network.startServer() Availability Windows Usage mdm.UDP. When set.startServer (4000).Socket. . Returns Nothing Description Enables listening to the specified port number.startServer ( localPortNumber:Number ) :Void Parameters localPortNumber:Number Port number to use. the projector will start listening for incoming packets.Network.UDP. Notes None Example mdm.Network.UDP.Socket. Socket.stopServer():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables listening.UDP. . Notes None Example mdm.Socket.Network. When set.Network. the projector will stop listening for incoming packets.Socket.stopServer() Availability Windows Usage mdm.UDP.UDP.stopServer().Network. onData Availability Windows Usage mdm. Description Executes when UDP Data is Received.Network.onData = function(myObject){ mdm.UDP.prompt(myObject.Socket. } .onData:Function Parameters data:String The Data Received as a Notes None Example mdm. UDP.UDP.UDP.Network.UDP.TFTP.TFTP.getProgressMax() the file to be transfered.setTransferMode() mode to the specified value. Gets a File from the Host Projector Network. Returns the Total size of Network. Sets the Buffer Size for Network. Starts the File Server for Network. Sends a File to the Host Network.UDP.TFTP.TFTP.getProgressCurrent() Returns Progress in Bytes.sendFile() Projector.startServer() transfer of files using the TFTP Protocol. Sets the TFTP timeout in Network.Network.TFTP Availability Zinc 2.UDP.TFTP.UDP.setTimeOut() miliseconds to the specified value.UDP.TFTP.abort() Network.setBlockSize() in bytes to the specified value.UDP.UDP.TFTP.UDP.getFile() Aborts the transfer. Sets the TFTP Transfer Network.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.TFTP.TFTP Method Summary for the TFPT Class The following table lists methods of the TFTP class Method Description Network. .UDP.setBuffer() Sending/Receiving Files.TFTP. Sets the TFTP block size Network.TFTP. TFTP.Network. .stopServer() Stops the File Server for transfer of files between projectors.UDP. TFTP Option Extension: http://www.TFTP. .abort():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Aborts the transfer.Network.txt RFC TFTP mode Option: http://www.txt RFC 1782. For more info on the TFTP protocol. Use error trapping to supress the timeout error which may occur when this command is Notes None Example mdm.abort() Availability Windows Usage Trivial File Transfer Protocol: http://www. and how to optimize it: RFC 1350.Network.UDP.UDP. Network. localFilePath:String File path to a file on local machine.UDP. remotePortNumber:Number.getFile("127.TFTP.txt". "c:\\remote.Network.TFTP. Returns Nothing Description Gets a File from the Host Projector at the specified Port. "c:\\local.0.UDP.TFTP.0. Notes None Example mdm. remoteFilePath:String):Void Parameters remoteIPAddress:String Remote file server ip address.UDP. remotePortNumber:Number Remote file server port number.1". . localFilePath:String.getFile() Availability Windows Usage mdm. 4000.txt").Network. remoteFilePath:String File path to a file on remote server.getFile(remoteIPAddress:String. Notes None Example var bytesLoaded = mdm.Network.UDP. .Network.UDP.getProgressCurrent():Number Parameters None Returns An Integer.getProgressCurrent().TFTP. Description Returns progress in bytes.TFTP.TFTP.Network.UDP.getProgressCurrent() Availability Windows Usage mdm. org/rfc/rfc1782.TFTP.txt RFC 1783. TFTP mode Option: Parameters None Returns An Integer.UDP.getProgressMax() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Trivial File Transfer Protocol: http://www.UDP.Network. and how to optimize it: RFC 1350.txt Notes None Example var bytesTotal = mdm. . For more info on the TFTP protocol.getProgressMax(). Description Returns the Total size of the file to be RFC 1782.TFTP. TFTP Option Extension: http://www.rfc-editor.Network. "c:\\remote.0.TFTP. .txt".1". localFilePath:String.sendFile() Availability Windows Usage mdm.TFTP. "c:\\local. remotePortNumber:Number. Returns Nothing Description Send a File from the Host Projector at the specified Port.Network. remoteFilePath:String):Void Parameters remoteIPAddress:String Remote file socket server ip address. localFilePath:String File path to a file on local machine.txt").sendFile(remoteIPAddress:String.Network. 4000.TFTP. remoteFilePath:String File path to a file on remote socket server.Network.0.UDP.sendFile("127. remotePortNumber:Number Remote file socket server port number.UDP.UDP. Notes None Example mdm. TFTP. Notes None Example mdm.Network.setBuffer() Availability Windows Usage mdm.UDP.UDP.setBuffer():Void Parameters bufferSize:Number Returns Nothing Description Sets the Buffer Size for Sending/Receiving Files.Network.UDP.TFTP.setBuffer(5000).TFTP.Network. . org/rfc/rfc1783.UDP.txt RFC 1782.UDP.TFTP.setBlockSize(1500). and how to optimize it: RFC 1350. TFTP Option Extension: http://www.Network.txt Example Trivial File Transfer Protocol: http://www. The default size is 1500.rfc-editor.Network.setBlockSize() Availability Windows Usage mdm. TFTP mode Option: RFC 1783.setBlockSize(blockSize:Number):Void Parameters blockSize:Number Block size in bytes Returns Nothing Description Sets the tftp block size in bytes to the specified value. .rfc-editor. Notes For more info on the TFTP protocol.Network.TFTP. rfc-editor. Notes For more info on the TFTP protocol. TFTP Option Extension: http://www.txt Example mdm.Network.rfc-editor. TFTP mode Option: http://www.TFTP. and how to optimize it: RFC 1350.Network. The default timeout is 4000.UDP.UDP.TFTP.setTimeOut() Availability Windows Usage Returns Nothing Description Sets the tftp timeout in miliseconds to the specified value.txt RFC Trivial File Transfer Protocol: Parameters timeout:Number Value of timeout in miliseconds.TFTP.txt RFC 1782. . Returns Nothing Description Sets the TFTP transfer mode to the specified value.TFTP. Trivial File Transfer Protocol: Availability Windows Usage mdm. TFTP mode Option: http://www.Network.txt RFC Possible values of transferMode are: "Octet" or "Ascii" Notes For more info on the TFTP protocol. .rfc-editor.rfc-editor.UDP.Network.Network. and how to optimize it: RFC 1350.setT ransferMode( transferMode:String ) :Void Parameters transferMode:String Value Transfer mode type. One of constants: "Octet" or "Ascii".org/rfc/rfc1350.txt Example mdm. TFTP Option Extension: http://www.txt RFC 1783.TFTP.TFTP.setTransferMode ("Octet").UDP.rfc-editor. UDP.txt RFC 1783. Uses TFTP and how to optimize it: RFC 1350. Notes For more info on the TFTP protocol.startServer() Availability Windows Usage mdm. TFTP Option Extension: (4000). .rfc-editor. Trivial File Transfer Protocol: http://www.TFTP. TFTP mode Option: Example mdm.TFTP.TFTP.Network. Returns Nothing Description Starts the file server for transfer of files between projectors on the port number specified in the variable port.Network.startServer ( localPortNumber:Number ) :Void Parameters localPortNumber:Number Local socket server port number.rfc-editor.txt RFC 1782.UDP. stopServer().txt RFC 1782.stopServer():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Stops the File Server for transfer of Files between Projectors. TFTP Option Extension: and how to optimize it: RFC 1350.Network.TFTP.txt RFC 1783. Notes For more info on the TFTP .stopServer() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Trivial File Transfer Protocol: http://www.UDP. TFTP mode Option: http://www.TFTP.TFTP.UDP.rfc-editor.Network.UDP.Network.txt Example checkConnection():Boolean Parameters None Returns A Boolean Description Returns True or False to the variable connected based upon the presence of an Internet Connection.Network. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Network.checkConnection().checkConnection() Availability Windows. Notes None Example var isConnected = mdm. .Network. checkConnectionAdv()."Proxy server configured" or "Not connected" Example var connectionType = mdm. Notes The string returned is either "Connected through LAN".Network."Connected through modem".Network.checkConnectionAdv() Availability Windows Usage mdm. .checkConnectionAdv():String Parameters None Returns A String Description Returns a string to the variable connected based upon the presence of an Internet Connection.Network. .checkConnectionPing() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Example var isConnected = mdm. The timeout can be set to any amount in". Notes This command uses an internal Ping request to check the connection of an internet presence. timeout:Number Item Timeout in milliseconds to wait for reply.Network.checkConnectionPing(remoteAddress:String. timeout:Number):Boolean Parameters remoteAddress:String Remote address to check.checkConnectionPing("www.Network. but we recommend using at least 2000 miliseconds for accurate results.multidmedia. The remoteAddress variable can also be an IP address. Returns A Boolean Description Returns "true" or "false" based upon the presence of an Internet Connection. 2000).Network. getHostbyIP() Availability Windows.Network.1").100. Notes None Example var ipAddress = mdm. Mac OSX Usage mdm.Network. .getHostbyIP("192. Returns A String Description Returns the hostname for the specified IP Address (if available).Network.getHostByIP(ip:String):String Parameters ip:String System IP Address.168. getIPByHost(hostName:String):String Parameters hostName:String Host Name to Check.getIPByHost("myhost"). Mac OSX Usage mdm.Network. Notes None Example var ipAddress = mdm.Network.Network.getIPbyHost() Availability Windows. . Returns A String Description Returns the IP Address for the specified hostname (if available). Mac OSX Usage mdm.getMACAddress(0). Returns A String Description Returns the MAC address of the specified adapter to the variable result.Network. adapterID must be a value from 0 upwards. .getMACAddress(adapterID:Number):String Parameters adapterID:Number Network card identifier.getMACAddress() Availability Windows.Network. Notes None Example var macAddress = mdm.Network. multidmedia.Network.getURL() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Network.getURL("http://www.Network. Returns A String Description Will open a new external browser window with the URL specified.getURL(url:String):Void Parameters url:String URL to open. Notes None Example"). . Properties Enter topic text here. . Notes None Example var ipAddress = mdm.Network.IPAddress:String Description Returns the system IP address.IPAddress. .Network.IPAddress Availability Windows Usage mdm.Network. isPresent Availability Windows Usage mdm. .Network.Network.isPresent:Boolean Description Will contain a "true" or "false" value based upon the presence of a Network.isPresent. Notes None Example var hasNetwork = mdm.Network. Loads a new PDF document in a previously loaded instance.print() Closes the specified PDF Instance Goes to the first page in the loaded PDF document.lastPage() PDF6.firstPage() PDF6. Prints the current page of the PDF instance. .nextPage() PDF6.mdm.PDF6() loads an instance of Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 using the specified parameters.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Goes to the last page in the loaded PDF document. Goes to the next page in the loaded PDF document.close() PDF6. Method Summary for the PDF Class The following table lists methods of the PDF class Method Description PDF6.loadFile() PDF6.PDF Constructor Summary for the PDF6 Class The following table lists constructors for the PDF6 class Constructor Description mdm. Will hide the specified PDF Instance.hide() PDF6.PDF6 Availability Zinc 2. PreviousPage() PDF6. Width of loaded PDF in pixels. Prints the specified pages of the loaded PDF. Controls PDF visibility. Goes to page specified in the parameter page in the PDF instance.toolbar PDF6. Y position of loaded PDF in pixels. Goes to the previous page in the loaded PDF document.visible PDF6.x PDF6. Prints the entire document of the PDF instance.y Height of loaded PDF in pixels. Property Summary for the PDF Class The following table lists properties of the PDF class Property Description PDF6.PDF6.PrintPages() PDF6. . Will show the specified PDF Prints the current page of the PDF instance with a Print Dialog.height PDF6.scrollbars PDF6.width PDF6. Will show or hide the toolbar in the specified PDF instance.printWithDialog() PDF6.setCurrentPage() PDF6.printAll() PDF6. X position of loaded PDF in pixels. Will show or hide the scrollbars in the specified PDF instance. PDF6(x:Number. Notes Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. Example . Multiple Instances can be created. y:Number.PDF6() Availability Windows Constructor mdm.mdm. height:Number. width:Number. pdf:String):Void Parameters x:Number X position y:Number Y Position width:Number Width of Instance in Pixels height:String Height if Instance in Pixels pdf:String Initial PDF File to load Returns Nothing Description loads an instance of Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 using the specified parameters. 0. "myFile.PDF6(0.Create a new Instance called myPDF with absolute positioning: myPDF = new mdm. "myFile. "c". 350. "50%".pdf") .PDF6("c".pdf") Create a new Instance called myPDF with relative positioning: // // // // // t b l r c = = = = = top bottom left right center myPDF = new mdm. 400. "50%". close(). Notes None Example myPDF. .PDF6.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the specified PDF Instance.close() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. .firstPage():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Goes to the first page in the loaded PDF document.firstPage().firstPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. Notes None Example myPDF.PDF6. Notes None Example myPDF.PDF6.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will hide the specified PDF Instance.hide() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. .hide(). lastPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. Notes None Example myPDF.lastPage():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Goes to the last page in the loaded PDF document.lastPage(). .PDF6. loadFile(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:String File path.loadFile("c:\\myFile. Notes None Example myPDF.PDF6. .pdf").loadFile() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. Returns Nothing Description Loads a new PDF document in a previously loaded instance. nextPage():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Goes to the next page in the loaded PDF document.PDF6. .nextPage().nextPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. Notes None Example myPDF. print() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. Notes None Example myPDF.print().PDF6. This command does not show a print dialog.print():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Prints the current page of the PDF instance. . printWithDialog().printWithDialog():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Prints the current page of the PDF instance. This command will show a print dialog.PDF6.printWithDialog() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. Notes None Example myPDF. . printAll() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. . Notes None Example myPDF. This command does not show a print dialog.printAll().printAll():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Prints the entire document of the PDF instance.PDF6. printPages() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance.printPages(1.printPages(printFromPage:Number. This command does not show a print dialog. printToPage:Number):Void Parameters printFromPage:Number First page to be printed. printToPage:Number File path. Returns Nothing Description Prints the pages specified in the variables from and to of the PDF instance.PDF6. 5). Notes None Example myPDF. . previousPage(). Notes None Example myPDF.previousPage():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Goes to the previous page in the loaded PDF document.PDF6.previousPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. . PDF6.setCurrentPage(targetPage:Number):Void Parameters targetPage:Number Page to be set as current. Notes None Example myPDF. Returns Nothing Description Goes to page specified in the parameter page in the PDF instance.setCurrentPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. .setCurrentPage(5). show() Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. Notes None Example Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show the specified PDF Instance. . Notes None Example To Get the Height: var pdfInstanceHeight = myPDF.PDF6.height:Number Returns An Integer Description Height of loaded PDF instance in pixels.height = 300. . To Set the Height: myPDF.height Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance.height. scrollbars:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will show or hide the scrollbars in the specified PDF instance.scrollbars.scrollbars Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance.scrollbars = true. . To Set the Scrollbar State: myPDF. Notes None Example To Get the Scrollbar State: var pdfScrollbars = myPDF.PDF6. toolbar. .toolbar = true. To Set the Toolbar State: myPDF.PDF6. Notes None Example To Get the Toolbar State: var pdfToolbar = myPDF.toolbar Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance.toolbar:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will show or hide the toolbar in the specified PDF instance. visible Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance.PDF6. To Set the Visibility: myPDF. Notes None Example To Get the Visibility: var pdfVisible = myPDF.visible:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Controls PDF visibility. .visible.visible = true. .PDF6.width. To Set the Width: myPDF. Notes None Example To Get the Width: var pdfInstanceWidth = myPDF.width:Number Returns An Integer Description Width of loaded PDF instance in pixels.width = 300.width Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. .x:Number Returns An Integer Description Current horizontal (x) position of loaded PDF in pixels.x = 0.PDF. Notes None Example To Get the X: var currentX = myPDF.x Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. To Set the X: myPDF.x. PDF. To Set the Y: myPDF.y = 0.y:Number Returns An Integer Description Current vertical (y) position of loaded PDF in pixels. Notes None Example To Get the Y: var currentY = myPDF.y.y Availability Windows Usage pdf6Instance. . nextPage() PDF7.hide() PDF7.lastPage() PDF7.firstPage() PDF7. .PDF7() loads an instance of Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 using the specified parameters. Method Summary for the PDF7 Class The following table lists methods of the PDF7 class Method Description PDF7. Prints the current page of the PDF instance.mdm.loadFile() PDF7.print() Closes the specified PDF Instance Goes to the first page in the loaded PDF document.PDF7 Availability Zinc 2. Loads a new PDF document in a previously loaded instance.PDF7 Constructor Summary for the PDF7 Class The following table lists constructors for the PDF7 class Constructor Description mdm. Will hide the specified PDF Instance.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Goes to the next page in the loaded PDF document.close() PDF7. Goes to the last page in the loaded PDF document. visible PDF7. Property Summary for the PDF7 Class The following table lists properties of the PDF7 class Property Description PDF7.toolbar PDF7.x PDF7.height PDF7. Prints the entire document of the PDF Prints the current page of the PDF instance with a Print Dialog. Will show or hide the scrollbars in the specified PDF instance. Will show the specified PDF Instance. Will show or hide the toolbar in the specified PDF instance.PDF7. Controls PDF visibility.scrollbars PDF7.setCurrentPage() PDF7. . Y position of loaded PDF in pixels. Goes to the previous page in the loaded PDF document. X position of loaded PDF in pixels.PreviousPage() PDF7.PrintPages() PDF7.y Height of loaded PDF in pixels. Goes to page specified in the parameter page in the PDF instance.width PDF7. Width of loaded PDF in pixels.printAll() PDF7. Prints the specified pages of the loaded PDF.printWithDialog() PDF7. PDF7() Availability Windows Constructor mdm. Example .PDF7(x:Number. Multiple Instances can be created. width:Number. Notes Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. pdf:String):Void Parameters x:Number X position y:Number Y Position width:Number Width of Instance in Pixels height:String Height if Instance in Pixels pdf:String Initial PDF File to load Returns Nothing Description loads an instance of Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 using the specified parameters.mdm. height:Number. y:Number. pdf") .PDF7("c".Create a new Instance called myPDF with absolute positioning: myPDF = new mdm.PDF7(0. 400. "c". "50%".pdf") Create a new Instance called myPDF with relative positioning: // // // // // t b l r c = = = = = top bottom left right center myPDF = new mdm. 350. "50%". "myFile. "myFile. 0. close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the specified PDF Instance Notes None Example myPDF.close() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.close(). .PDF7. firstPage(). .firstPage():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Goes to the first page in the loaded PDF document. Notes None Example myPDF.firstPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.PDF7. PDF7.hide() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.hide(). Notes None Example myPDF.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will hide the specified PDF Instance. . lastPage(). Notes None Example myPDF.lastPage():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Goes to the last page in the loaded PDF document.PDF7. .lastPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. pdf"). Notes None Example myPDF. .loadFile("c:\\myFile.loadFile() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.PDF7. Returns Nothing Description Loads a new PDF document in a previously loaded instance.loadFile(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:String File path. .PDF7.nextPage():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Goes to the next page in the loaded PDF document.nextPage().nextPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. Notes None Example myPDF. This command does not show a print dialog. .PDF7. Notes None Example myPDF.print().print():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Prints the current page of the PDF instance.print() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. .printWithDialog():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Prints the current page of the PDF instance.printWithDialog(). Notes None Example myPDF. This command will show a print dialog.PDF7.printWithDialog() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. PDF7. This command does not show a print dialog. .printAll().printAll():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Prints the entire document of the PDF instance.printAll() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. Notes None Example myPDF. printToPage:Number):Void Parameters printFromPage:Number First page to be printed. printToPage:Number File path. 5).printPages(printFromPage:Number.printPages() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.PDF7. . Returns Nothing Description Prints the pages specified in the variables from and to of the PDF instance.printPages(1. This command does not show a print dialog. Notes None Example myPDF. previousPage():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Goes to the previous page in the loaded PDF document. .previousPage().PDF7.previousPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. Notes None Example myPDF. setCurrentPage(targetPage:Number):Void Parameters targetPage:Number Page to be set as current. Returns Nothing Description Goes to page specified in the parameter page in the PDF instance. Notes None Example myPDF.PDF7. .setCurrentPage() Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.setCurrentPage(5). .PDF7. Notes None Example Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show the specified PDF Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. To Set the Height: myPDF.height:Number Returns An Integer Description Height of loaded PDF instance in pixels. .height Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.height = 300.height.PDF7. Notes None Example To Get the Height: var pdfInstanceHeight = myPDF. scrollbars. Notes None Example To Get the Scrollbar State: var pdfScrollbars = myPDF.PDF7. .scrollbars = true.scrollbars Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. To Set the Scrollbar State: myPDF.scrollbars:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will show or hide the scrollbars in the specified PDF instance. Notes None Example To Get the Toolbar State: var pdfToolbar = myPDF.toolbar = true.toolbar:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will show or hide the toolbar in the specified PDF instance.toolbar Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.PDF7.toolbar. . To Set the Toolbar State: myPDF. To Set the Visibility: myPDF.PDF7.visible Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.visible. Notes None Example To Get the Visibility: var pdfVisible = myPDF.visible = true. .visible:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Controls PDF visibility. width. .width = 300. To Set the Width: myPDF.width:Number Returns An Integer Description Width of loaded PDF instance in pixels.PDF7.width Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. Notes None Example To Get the Width: var pdfInstanceWidth = myPDF. x Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance. . Notes None Example To Get the X: var currentX = myPDF.x.PDF7. To Set the X: myPDF.x:Number Returns An Integer Description Current X position of loaded PDF in pixels.x = 0. PDF7.y. .y = 0. To Set the Y: myPDF. Notes None Example To Get the Y: var currentY = myPDF.y Availability Windows Usage pdf7Instance.y:Number Returns An Integer Description Current Y position of loaded PDF in pixels. Property Summary for the Process Class The following table lists properties of the Process class Property Description Process.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.kill() Process.create() Process.Process Method Summary for the Process Class The following table lists methods of the Process class Method Description Process.Process Availability Zinc 2.close() Process. Executes an application with custom parameters and creates a process for the application. Forcefully closes (kills) the Process. Forcefully closes (kills) the Process by ID.mdm. .lastId Returns the PID process ID of the last Executed Application.killById() Closes the application (process) that was previously launched. close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the application that was previously launched by using the Process. Notes Only the last application launched will close.Process.Process.close() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Process.close() .create() command. Example mdm. yPos:Number.e. 4 = Realtime windowStatus:Number 1 = Hidden. 4 = Normal Returns Nothing .Process. xPos:Number X Position of the Application in pixels yPos:Number Y Position of the Application in pixels width:Number Width of the Application in pixels height:Number Height of the Application in pixels appName:String Required parameter which MUST be left emply (i. windowStatus:Number):Void Parameters title:String Title of the Window (Only applicable with command. priority:Number.create() Availability Windows Usage mdm. 3 = High. app:String. "") app:String Name and extension of the Application to Launch startInFolder:String The Start Folder for the APplication priority:Number 1 = Idle.Process. startInFolder:String. appName:String. height:Number. width:Number. 2 = Minimized. 2 = Normal.create(title:String. 3 = Maximized. Notes None Example". 0. 600. "".Process.create("My Title". "C:\\windows".Description Executes an application with custom parameters and creates a process for the application. 4) . "command. 500. 3. 0. Process.Process. Example mdm.Process.kill():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Forcefully closes (kills) the application that was previously launched by the Process. Notes Only the last application launched will close.create() command.kill() .kill() Availability Windows Usage mdm. killById(1.killById() Availability Windows Usage mdm. timeout:Number):Void Parameters id:Number ID of the Application to Kill timeout:Number Value set in milliseconds which forces the task to close if the initial request was not executed Returns Nothing Description Forcefully closes (kills) the application with the specified ID.Process.Process. Notes You can retrieve the ID of the last Application launched with Process.killById(id:Number. 5000) .lastId Example mdm.Process. create() Example var lastProcessID = Process.lastId:Number Description Returns the PID process ID of the last Executed Application with Process. .lastId Availability Windows Usage Process.lastId.Process. Mutes the QuickTime Player.close() QuickTime. Will play the file loaded in the QuickTime Instance.showControl() QuickTime.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.QuickTime Availability Zinc QuickTime. .hide() QuickTime. Will show the QuickTime control in the QuickTime QuickTime.QuickTime Constructor Summary for the QuickTime Class The following table lists constructors for the QuickTime class Constructor Description mdm.mdm.mute() QuickTime. Method Summary for the QuickTimeClass The following table lists methods of the QuickTime class Method Description QuickTime. Will hide the QuickTime control in the QuickTime Instance. Will show QuickTime Instance. Will stop the file loaded in the QuickTime Instance. Will hide the QuickTime Instance.QuickTime() Inserts a QuickTime Player Instance using the specified parameters.stop() Closes the QuickTime file loaded in the specified instance.hideControl() QuickTime. width QuickTime.duration QuickTime.position QuickTime. Height of QuickTime Instance. Width of QuickTime Instance. .isInstalled QuickTime. Current position of the QuickTime Movie.height QuickTime. Instance visibility. The current X position of QuickTime Instance. Will check for the existance of the QuickTime Player on the users system.visible QuickTime.Property Summary for the QuickTime Class The following table lists properties of the QuickTime class Property Description QuickTime. The current Y position of QuickTime Instance.x QuickTime.y Returns the total length of the QuickTime Movie. Notes a) Quicktime 6 or higher must be installed on the users system for this command to function File to load Returns Nothing Description Inserts a QuickTime Player Instance using the specified parameters.mdm. height:Number.QuickTime() Availability Windows Constructor mdm. Multiple Instances can be created. width:Number. . b) The file parameter MUST be an absolute path.QuickTime(x:Number. file:String):Void Parameters x:Number X position y:Number Y Position width:Number Width of Instance in Pixels height:String Height if Instance in Pixels file:String Initial QuickTime . y:Number. QuickTime(0. "c".") .Example Create a new Instance called myQuickTime with absolute positioning: myQuickTime = new mdm. "c:\\myFile. "50%". "50%".QuickTime("c". 400. "c:\\myFile.") Create a new Instance called myQuickTime with relative positioning: // // // // // t b l r c = = = = = top bottom left right center myQuickTime = new mdm. close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the QuickTime file loaded in the specified instance.close(). .close() Availability Windows Usage qtInstance.QuickTime. Notes None Example myQuickTime. Notes None Example myQuickTime.QuickTime.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will hide the QuickTime Instance. .hide().hide() Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. hideControl() Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. .hideControl(). Notes None Example myQuickTime.QuickTime.hideControl():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will hide the QuickTime Playback Control in the QuickTime Instance. QuickTime.true if sound is should be muted in instance. Notes None Example myQuickTime.mute():Void Parameters muteFlag:Boolean Boolean . Returns Nothing Description Mutes the QuickTime Player if parameter is "true" and unmutes if param is "false" in the specified instance. .mute(true).mute() Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. Availability Windows Usage Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will play the file loaded in the specified instance. . Notes None Example myQuickTime. show():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show QuickTime Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. Notes None Example myQuickTime. .show(). showControl():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show the QuickTime Playback Control in the QuickTime Instance. Notes None Example myQuickTime. .showControl().showControl() Availability Windows Usage qtInstance.QuickTime. Notes None Example myQuickTime.stop().stop():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will stop the Mov file loaded in the specified instance.stop() Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. .QuickTime. QuickTime.duration. Notes None Example var videoLength = myQuickTime. .duration:Number Returns An Integer Description Returns the total length of the QuickTime file.duration Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. height:Number Returns An Integer Description Height of the QuickTime Instance.QuickTime. Set the Height: myQuickTime. .height.height = 200. Notes None Example Get the Height: var myQuickTimeHeight = myQuickTime.height Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. isInstalled:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will check for the existance of the QuickTime Player on the users system and return a "true" or "false" value to the variable Result based upon it's presence.isInstalled. . Notes None Example var isInstalled = myQuickTime.QuickTime.isInstalled Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. position.position = 10. Set the Position: myQuickTime. .position:Number Returns An Integer Description Current position of the video file in the specified instance Notes None Example Get the Position: var currentPosition = myQuickTime.QuickTime.position Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. visible:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Instance visibility. . Notes None Example Get the Visibility: var isVisible = myQuickTime.visible. Set the Visibility: myQuickTime.visible Availability Windows Usage qtInstance.QuickTime.visible = true. .width. Set the Width: myQuickTime.width Availability Windows Usage qtInstance. Notes None Example Get the Width: var myQuickTimeWidth = myQuickTime.QuickTime.width = 200.width:Number Returns An Integer Description The width of player instance . Set the X Position: myQuickTime.x Availability Windows Usage qtInstance.QuickTime. Notes None Example Get the X Position: var currentX = myQuickTime. .x = 200.x.x:Number Returns An Integer Description The current horizontal position of player instance . y = 200. Set the Y Position: myQuickTime. .y. Notes None Example Get the Y Position: var currentY = myQuickTime.QuickTime.y Availability Windows Usage qtInstance.x:Number Returns An Integer Description The current vertical position of player instance . RealMedia.fullscreen() RealMedia.mute() RealMedia.RealMedia Availability Zinc 2. Will switch the Real Media control from Full Screen to default mode. Will Play the File loaded in the Real Media Instance. Mutes the Real Media Player Instance.close() RealMedia.RealMedia Constructor Summary for the RealMedia Class The following table lists constructors for the RealMedia class Constructor Description mdm. Method Summary for the RealMedia Class The following table lists methods of the RealMedia class Method Description RealMedia.hide() RealMedia. Will Pause the File loaded in the Real Media Instance.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Will hide the specified Real Media Instance.normalSize() RealMedia.RealMedia() Inserts a Real Media Player Instance using the specified parameters.pause() Closes the File loaded in the Real Media Instance. Will show the Real Media control in Full Screen mode. .RealMedia. Current position of the File in the specified Real Media Instance.visible RealMedia. Will check for the existance of the Real Media on the users system. The Height of the Real Media Instance.duration RealMedia. Property Summary for the RealMedia Class The following table lists properties of the RealMedia class Property Description RealMedia.position RealMedia.y Returns the total length of the File in the Real Media instance.x RealMedia.height RealMedia.width RealMedia.isInstalled RealMedia.stop() Will show the Real Media Instance. The current Y Position of the Real Media Instance. Instance visibility. The current X Position of the Real Media Instance. Will stop the File loaded in the Real Media Instance. The Width of the Real Media Instance. Multiple Instances can be created. width:Number. y:Number.ram File to load Returns Nothing Description Inserts a Real Media Player Instance using the specified parameters. Example .RealMedia(x:Number.mdm.RealMedia() Availability Windows Constructor mdm. Notes Real Media Player must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. height:Number. file:String):Void Parameters x:Number X position y:Number Y Position width:Number Width of Instance in Pixels height:String Height if Instance in Pixels file:String Initial Real Media . "50%". 350.RealMedia("c". "c". "myFile.ram") Create a new Instance called myRealMedia with relative positioning: // // // // // t b l r c = = = = = top bottom left right center myRealMedia = new mdm. "myFile.Create a new Instance called myRealMedia with absolute positioning: myRealMedia = new mdm.ram") . 400. "50%". 0.RealMedia(0. close().RealMedia. Notes None Example myRealMedia.close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the File loaded in the Real Media Instance. .close() Availability Windows Usage rmInstance. .hide() Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.hide():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will hide the specified Real Media Instance. Notes None Example myRealMedia.hide().RealMedia. fullscreen():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show the Real Media control in Full Screen mode.fullscreen(). .RealMedia.fullscreen() Availability Windows Usage rmInstance. Notes None Example myRealMedia. Notes None Example myRealMedia. .mute() Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.RealMedia. Returns Nothing Description Mutes the Real Media Player if parameter is "true" and unmutes if param is "false".true if sound is should be muted in instance.mute():Void Parameters muteFlag:Boolean Boolean .mute(). . Notes None Example myRealMedia.normalSize():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will switch the Real Media control from Full Screen to default mode.normalSize() Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.RealMedia.normalSize(). Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will Play the File loaded in the Real Media Availability Windows Usage rmInstance. . Notes None Example RealMedia. .pause() Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.pause():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will Pause the File loaded in the Real Media Instance.pause(). Notes None Example myRealMedia. show(). Notes None Example Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show the Real Media Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.RealMedia. . stop(). .stop() Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.stop():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will stop the File loaded in the Real Media Instance.RealMedia. Notes None Example myRealMedia. duration Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.duration.duration:Number Returns An Integer Description Returns the total length of the File in the Real Media instance. .RealMedia. Notes None Example var videoLength = myRealMedia. height:Number Returns An Integer Description The Height of the Real Media Instance.height. . Notes None Example To Get the Height: var myRealMediaHeight = myRealMedia.height Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.height = 200.RealMedia. To Set the Height: myRealMedia. isInstalled Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.RealMedia.isInstalled. .isInstalled:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will check for the existance of the Real Media on the users system and return a "true" or "false" based upon it's presence. Notes None Example var isInstalled = myRealMedia. position = 10.position. Notes None Example To Get the Position: var currentPosition = myRealMedia.position Availability Windows Usage rmInstance. To Set the Position: myRealMedia.position:Number Returns An Integer Description Current position of the File in the specified Real Media Instance. .RealMedia. visible:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Instance visibility. To Set the Visibility: myRealMedia. Notes None Example To Get the Visibility: var isVisible = myRealMedia.visible.visible Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.visible = true. .RealMedia. width:Number Returns An Integer Description The Width of the Real Media Instance.width Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.RealMedia. Notes None Example To Get the Width: var myRealMediaWidth = myRealMedia.width = 200. .width. To Set the Width: myRealMedia. To Set the X Position: myRealMedia. .RealMedia.x Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.x.x:Number Returns An Integer Description The current X Position of the Real Media Instance.x = 200. Notes None Example To Get the X Position: currentX = myRealMedia. To Get the Y Position: myRealMedia. .RealMedia.x:Number Returns An Integer Description The current Y Position of the Real Media Instance.y = 200. Notes None Example To Get the Y Position: var currentY = myRealMedia.y Availability Windows Usage rmInstance.y. Shockwave Availability Zinc 2. Loads the specified file into the Shockwave. Plays the File in the Shockwave Shockwave.evaluateScript() This command will trigger the EvalScript function in Lingo.close() Closes the Shockwave Instance. Stops the File Playback in the Shockwave. .mdm.rewind() Shockwave Instance.goToFrame() in the Shockwave Instance.Shockwave Constructor Summary for the Shockwave Class The following table lists constructors for the Shockwave class Constructor Description mdm. Method Summary for the Shockwave Class The following table lists methods of the Shockwave class Method Description Shockwave.Shockwave() Inserts a Shockwave Instance using the specified parameters. Moves the Play Head a specific frame Shockwave. Rewinds the File loaded in the Shockwave.goToMovie() Shockwave Instance.stop() Shockwave Instance. Shockwave.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. swFrame() Shockwave.swAudio() Shockwave.swName() Shockwave.swSound() Shockwave.swColor() Shockwave.swList() Shockwave. Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swBanner Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swColor Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swForeColor Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swFrame Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swAudio Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swList Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swName Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swPassword Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swPreloadTime Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swSound Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swText Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swVolume Property Summary for the Shockwave Class The following table lists properties of the Shockwave class .swBackColor() Shockwave.swForeColor() Shockwave.swPreLoadTime() Shockwave.Shockwave.swText() Shockwave.swVolume() Changes the background color of the Shockwave Instance.swPassword() Shockwave.swBanner() Shockwave. height Shockwave.bgcolor Shockwave. The current X position of the Shockwave Player instance. Visibility of Shockwave Player instance. Width of Shockwave Player instance. .visible Shockwave. The current Y position of the Shockwave Player instance.width Shockwave. Height of Shockwave Player instance. Returns the current frame of the specified Shockwave Player Instance.Property Description Shockwave.y Sets the BG Color of the Shockwave Instance.x Shockwave.currentFrame Shockwave. com/shockwave/download/download.dcr File to load Returns Nothing Description Inserts an instance of the Macromedia Shockwave Player using the specified parameters. Multiple Instances can be created. Notes The Macromedia Shockwave Player must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly. file:String):Void Parameters x:Number X position y:Number Y Position width:Number Width of Instance in Pixels height:String Height if Instance in Pixels file:String Initial Shockwave . The Shockwave Player is different to the Flash OCX/Plug-In but is a free download available at: http://www. y:Number.Shockwave(x:Number. height:Number.cgi? P1_Prod_Version=Shockwave .mdm.macromedia.Shockwave() Availability Windows Constructor mdm. width:Number. "50%".Shockwave("c".dcr") . "myFile. 0.Shockwave(0. 350. "c". 400.Example Create a new Instance called myShockwave with absolute positioning: myShockwave = new mdm. "50%". "myFile.dcr") Create a new Instance called myShockwave with relative positioning: // // // // // t b l r c = = = = = top bottom left right center myShockwave= new mdm. close():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Closes the Shockwave Instance.close() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. Notes Please note that Shockwave Player must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.cgi? P1_Prod_Version=Shockwave Example The Shockwave Player is different to the Flash OCX/Plug-In but is a free download available at: http://www.close().macromedia. .Shockwave. The Shockwave Player is different to the Flash OCX/Plug-In but is a free download available at: http://www. and pass the specified string (script) to Parameters scriptString:String Script to evaluate.evaluateScript() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. The function will then execute and can also execute any code submited to it as long as it is formated correctly.cgi? P1_Prod_Version=Shockwave Example . An example of Lingo in Director would be: on evalScript argString do argString end Notes Please note that Shockwave Player must be installed on the users system for this command to function correctly.Shockwave. Returns Nothing Description This command will trigger (if implemented in the shockwave movie) the EvalScript function. evaluateScript("member(\"test\").text = argString").myShockwave. // Director Lingo: on evalScript argString do argString end . Shockwave. Returns Nothing Description Moves the Play Head a specific frame in the Shockwave Instance. Notes None Example myShockwave. .goToFrame() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.gotoFrame(frame:Number):Void Parameters frame:Number Target Frame Number.gotoFrame(20). Shockwave.goToMovie() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.dcr"). Notes None Example myShockwave.gotoMovie(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:String Path to a Shockwave File to load. .gotoMovie("c:\\myMovie. Returns Nothing Description Loads the specified file into the Shockwave Instance. play(). .play():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Plays the File in the Shockwave Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.Shockwave. Notes None Example myShockwave. .Shockwave.rewind().rewind():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Rewinds the File loaded in the Shockwave Instance. Notes None Example myShockwave.rewind() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. .stop().Shockwave.stop() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. Notes None Example myShockwave.stop():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Stops the File Playback in the Shockwave Instance. Shockwave. Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swBackColor Notes None Example myShockwave.swBackColor() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. .swBackColor("FF0000").swBackColor(backgroundColor:Number):Void Parameters backgroundColor:Number Background color. swBanner() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.Shockwave.swBanner("This is my text"). Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swBanner Notes None Example myShockwave. .swBanner(bannerText:String):Void Parameters bannerText:String Text string to be displayed. swColor(instanceColor:Number):Void Parameters instanceColor:Number Instance color.swColor(0xFF0000). .Shockwave. Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swColor Notes None Example myShockwave.swColor() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swForeColor Notes None Example myShockwave.swForeColor(foregroundColor:Number):Void Parameters foregroundColor:Number Instance Foreground Color.Shockwave.swForeColor() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.swForeColor(0xFF0000). . Shockwave. Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swFrame Notes None Example myShockwave.swForeColor(20).swFrame() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. .swFrame(frame:Number):Void Parameters frame:Number Frame to target within a loaded movie. Shockwave.wav").swAudio(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:String URL of an audio file to be played with a loaded movie. Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swAudio Notes None Example myShockwave.swAudio() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.swAudio("c:\\myAudio. . swList() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.val3.val4").val2.Shockwave.swList("val1.swList(delimitedKeys:String):Void Parameters delimitedKeys:String Comma-delimited list of items. Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swList Notes None Example myShockwave. . swName() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.swName("my name").swName(nameValue:String):Void Parameters nameValue:String Specify a name to be displayed or used within the movie. . Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swName Notes None Example myShockwave.Shockwave. swPassword("my password").Shockwave.swPassword(passwordValue:String):Void Parameters passwordValue:String Password to be used within the movie Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swPassword Notes None Example myShockwave.swPassword() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. . Shockwave.swPreLoadTime(30). .swPreLoadTime(preloadTime:Number):Void Parameters preloadTime:Number Preload time in seconds. Returns Nothing Description Stes the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swPreloadTime Notes None Example myShockwave.swPreLoadTime() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. swSound(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:String Path to audio file.wav").swSound() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.Shockwave. .swSound("c:\\myAudio. Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swSound Notes None Example myShockwave. swText(nameValue:String):Void Parameters textValue:String HTML-specified variable text in the movie.Shockwave. Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swText Notes None Example myShockwave.swText() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.swText("my text"). . swVolume() Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. Returns Nothing Description Sets the value for the Shockwave Player attribute: swVolume Notes None Example myShockwave. .swVolume(5).swVolume(soundLevel:Number):Void Parameters soundLevel:Number Sound level value between 0 and 10.Shockwave. Shockwave.bgcolor = "FF0000".bgcolor Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. Notes None Example myShockwave.bgcolor:Void Description Sets the BG Color of the Shockwave Instance. . currentFrame Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.Shockwave.currentFrame. Notes None Example var currentFrame = myShockwave.currentFrame:Number Description Returns the current frame of the specified Shockwave Player Instance. . height:Number Description Height of Shockwave Player instance .height Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. Notes None Example Get the Height: var instanceHeight = myShockwave. .Shockwave.height.height = 200. Get the Height: myShockwave. visible Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.Shockwave.visible.visible = true.visible:Boolean Description Instance visibility. Set the Visibility: myShockwave. Notes None Example Get the Visibility: var isVisible = myShockwave. . width.Shockwave.width = 200. .width Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance. Set the Width: myShockwave.width:Number Description The width of Shockwave Player instance . Notes None Example Get the Width: var playerInstanceWidth = myShockwave. . Notes None Example Get the X Position: var currentX = myShockwave.x:Number Description The current X position of the Shockwave Player instance. Get the X Position: myShockwave.x = 200.x Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.Shockwave.x. Notes None Example Get the Y Position: var currentY = myShockwave.x:Number Description The current Y position of the Shockwave Player instance. Set the Y Position: myShockwave.y Availability Windows Usage shockwaveInstance.y.Shockwave.y = 200. . mdm.String Method Summary for the Stirng Class The following table lists methods of the String class Method Description String.replace() Will return the position. . in characters.String Availability Zinc 2. of any String.position() String.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. Will execute an internal "Search and Replace" on any input string. Notes None Example This example code would return the value "3": var position = mdm.String. Returns An Integer Description Will return the position.String. searchString:String String to find.position("abcde". "c").position() Availability Windows Usage mdm. in characters. searchString:String):Number Parameters inputString:String String text to search within.position(inputString:String. of the subString in the inputString. .String. insertString:String String to replace. insertString:String):String Parameters inputString:String String text to search within. Returns A String Description Will execute an internal "Search and Replace" on any input string. "123").String. searchString:String.replace("abcde".replace(inputString:String. searchString:String String to be replaced. The command will search for occurences of the value find in the string specified in inputString and replace any matches with the value specified.String. .replace() Availability Windows Usage mdm.String. Notes None Example This example code would return the value "ab123de": var newString = mdm. The resulting string will be returned. "c". . Mac OSX) ActionScript Class Name mdm.execUnicode() System.closeCDTray() System. Executes a File or Application.exec() System.execStdOut() System.System Object Summary for the System Class The following table lists Objects of the System class Object Description DirectX Jscript Paths Registry VBscript DirectX Object Java Script Object Paths Object Registry Object Visual Basic Script Object Method Summary for the System Class The following table lists methods of the System class Method Description System. Unicode Compliant.mdm. Executes a File or Application and returns an Output Message.System Availability Zinc 2. Executes a File or Application.getDisplayModes() Closes the CD Tray on the specified drive. Returns the available system display modes to an array.5 (Windows. Gets the master volume as a 16-bit Integer Value. Returns the current Resolution and Color Depth.hibernate() System.powerOff() System.logoff() System.hideTaskbar() System.openCDTray() System.getTotalSpace() System. Sets the volume of the wave (digital sound) specified in the variable volume.getFreeSpace() System. Performs a Hibernate sequence.getWaveVolume() System.setWaveVolume() Returns the free space available from the drive specified.setWindowFocus() System. Gets the balance of the wave (digital sound).getMasterVolume() System. Returns the running Windows to a 2 dimensional Array. . Will send a system message to an active window to perform a specific task. Returns the Total Space available from the drive specified.setResolution() System. Sets the master volume as a 16-bit Integer Value.getResolution() System. Will post a system message using the Windows API Postmessage procedure. Sets the master volume as a 16-bit Integer Value.getWaveBalance() System.System. Will hide the System Taskbar.getWindowList() System. Performs a Restart Sequence. Performs a Log Off sequence. Returns the Hard Disk serial number.restart() System. Open the CD Tray on the specified drive. Sets Focus to the specified window. Performs a Power Off sequence.postMessage() System.sendMessage() System.setMasterVolume() System. Gets the volume of the wave (digital sound).getHDSerial() System. isAdmin System.RAMSize System.showTaskBar() System. Will Show the System Taskbar. Will contain a "true" or "false" value based upon the users Admin Status.setWaveVolumeAdv() System.setWaveBalance() System. Property Summary for the System Class The following table lists properties of the System class Property Description System.language System. Default computer name.screenHeight Default company name to whom the PC is registered. Sets the desktop wallpaper the specified BMP image.computerName System.localTime System. Default owner name to whom the PC/Windows is registered. Current Screen Height.setWallpaperAlt() System.System. Returns the system RAM size.shutDown() System.computerOwner System. Returns the first CD-Rom drive path present in the system.CPUSpeed System. Returns the system CPU speed. Sets the balance of the wave (digital sound).setWallpaper() System.suspend() System. Returns the local system time to the variable time.computerCompany System. . Performs a Suspend sequence.taskBarBlink() Sets the volume of the wave (digital sound). Makes the Projectors Taskbar Tile blink once.CDDrive System. Current Operating System Language Setting. Will Shutdown the System. Sets the desktop wallpaper the specified BMP image.macVerString System. Returns the Mac OSX Version. Returns the Windows Version in greater detail. Returns the Windows Version.winVerString System.winVerStringDetail Current Screen Width.screenWidth System. Returns Installed Service Packs. .servicePack System.System. 5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.DirectX.disable() Switches to the specified DirectX resolution.enable() System. Disables the DirectX resolution. .System.DirectX Availability Zinc 2.System.DirectX.DirectX Method Summary for the DirectX Class The following table lists methods of the DirectX class Method Description System. System.DirectX. When the Projector exits. Notes a) Use standard DirectX resolution only. the screen resolution will revert to default.enable(xRes:Number.System. These are: 320x240 400x300 640x480 800x600 1024x768 b) Color depths must be set in bits as 16. bitDepth:Number):Void Parameters xRes:Number Resolution Width yRes:Number Resolution Height bitDepth:Number Color Depth Returns Nothing Description Switches the Projector to Fullscreen at the specified DirectX resolution and Color Depth.DirectX. yRes:Number. 24 or 32. .enable() Availability Windows Usage mdm. 16). and monitor. Example mdm.System.c) Supported Resolutions and Color Depths are dependent on graphics hardware. 480. .DirectX.enable(640. .System. Notes None Example mdm.DirectX.disable():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Disables the DirectX resolution.DirectX.disable() Availability Windows Usage mdm.DirectX.System.disable().System. 5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.Jscript Method Summary for the Jscript Class The following table lists methods of the Jscript class Method Description System.execute() Runs a custom JScript command. .JScript.System.System.JScript Availability Zinc 2. Methods Enter topic text here. . param3:String Parameter 3 to the Function of the JScript. param1:String Parameter 1 to the Function of the JScript."").JScript.execute(jscode."".System. param1:String. param2:String Parameter 2 to the Function of the JScript.execute(codeString:String. mdm.JScript. param3:String):Void Parameters codeString:String JScript text to execute.\r}\r\r".b.System. Notes None Example var jscode = "function main (Name. Returns Nothing Description Runs a custom JScript command. "".System.execute() Availability Windows Usage mdm.JScript. param2:String. .c)\r{\rName=\"hello \"+Name\rreturn(Name). allUsersStartup Path to the All Users Start Up Folder.Paths.Paths.Paths.commonPrograms Folder.Paths.Paths.allUsersPrograms Path to the All User Programs Folder. System.Paths.commonStartup Folder.System. Path to the Application Data System.Paths.desktop Path to the Desktop Folder. System.Paths.allUsersAppData . Path to the Common Application System.Paths Availability Zinc 2.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.cookies Path to the Cookies Folder.Paths.appData Folder. System.Paths.Paths.System.Paths Property Summary for the Paths Class The following table lists properties of the Paths class Property Description Path to the All Users Application Data Folder.allUsersStartMenu Path to the All Users Windows Start Menu Folder. Path to the Common Programs System. System.commonAppData Data Folder. System.commonStartMenu Path to the Common Windows Start Menu Folder. System.commonAdminTools Path to the Common Admin Tools Folder.Paths. System. Path to the Common Start Up System. System. system System.Paths.Paths.Paths.Paths. Path to the Personal Folder.Paths.Paths.programFiles System. Path to the History Folder.personal System. Path to the System Folder.Paths.history System. Path to the Program Files Folder.startup System.Paths.recent System. Path to the Programs Folder.Paths.favorites System. System.System. Path to the Windows Installation Folder. Path to the Windows Start Menu Path to the Favorites Folder.temp System. Path to the Temp Folder. Path to the Network Folder. Path to the Recent Folder.startMenu System. Path to the Start Up Folder.Paths.Paths.programs System.Paths. Path to the Fonts Folder.fonts System. allUsersAppData:String Returns A String Description Path to the All Users Application Data Folder.Paths.Paths.System.Paths. .allUsersAppData.allUsersAppData Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ Example var myVar = mdm.System.System. allUsersPrograms:String Returns A String Description Path to the All User Programs Folder.System.Paths. .System.allUsersPrograms Availability Windows Usage mdm.Paths.Paths.System. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\ Example var myVar = mdm.allUsersPrograms. Paths.Paths. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\ Example var myVar = mdm.System.allUsersStartMenu Availability Windows Usage mdm.allUsersStartMenu.System.System.Paths.allUsersStartMenu:String Returns A String Description Path to the All Users Windows Start Menu Folder. . allUsersStartup Availability Windows Usage mdm.Paths.System.System.allUsersStartup.allUsersStartup:String Returns A String Description Path to the All Users Start Up Folder. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ Example var myVar = mdm.System.Paths. .Paths. commonAdminTools:String Returns A String Description Path to the Common Admin Tools Folder.Paths. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools\ Example var myVar = mdm. .System.commonAdminTools.commonAdminTools Availability Windows Usage mdm.Paths.Paths.System.System. Paths. .System.commonAppData.Paths.commonAppData Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ Example var myVar = mdm.commonAppData:String Returns A String Description Path to the Common Application Data Folder.System.System.Paths. System.Paths.System.commonPrograms:String Returns A String Description Path to the Common Programs Folder.Paths.commonPrograms Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\ Example var myVar = mdm.commonPrograms. .Paths.System. System.commonStartMenu:String Returns A String Description Path to the Common Windows Start Menu Folder. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\ Example var myVar = mdm.commonStartMenu.commonStartMenu Availability Windows Usage mdm. .Paths.System.Paths.System.Paths. System.Paths.commonStartup.commonStartup:String Returns A String Description Path to the Common Start Up Folder.System.Paths.System.commonStartup Availability Windows Usage mdm.Paths. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ Example var myVar = mdm. . Paths.System.Paths.System. .appData.System.appData Availability Windows Usage mdm.appData:String Returns A String Description Path to the Application Data Folder.Paths. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\ Example var myVar = mdm. .cookies Availability Windows Usage mdm.Paths.System.cookies:String Returns A String Description Path to the Cookies Folder.cookies.Paths.System. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Cookies\ Example var myVar = mdm.System.Paths. desktop.Paths. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\ Example var myVar = mdm. .Paths.System.desktop Availability Windows.System.System.Paths. Mac OSX Usage mdm.desktop:String Returns A String Description Path to the Desktop Folder. favorites Availability Windows Usage mdm.favorites:String Returns A String Description Path to the Favorites Folder.System. .Paths.Paths.Paths.System. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Favorites\ Example var myVar = mdm.favorites.System. fonts.Paths.fonts:String Returns A String Description Path to the Fonts Folder.Paths.Paths.fonts Availability Windows Usage mdm.System. Notes Example Return: C:\Windows\Fonts\ Example var myVar = mdm. .System.System. .history Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.Paths.history:String Returns A String Description Path to the History Folder.System. Notes Example Return: C:\Windows\History\ Example var myVar = mdm.Paths.Paths.System.history. network:String Returns A String Description Path to the Network Folder. Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\User\NetHood\ Example var myVar = mdm.System.Paths.Paths. Paths.personal Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.Paths. .System.personal:String Returns A String Description Path to the Personal Folder.System.Paths. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\ Example var myVar = mdm.personal. Paths.programs Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.System. .programs.Paths.Paths. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\ Example var myVar = mdm.System.programs:String Returns A String Description Path to the Programs Folder. System.System.programFiles:String Returns A String Description Path to the Program Files Folder.programFiles.System.Paths.Paths.programFiles Availability Windows Usage mdm. .Paths. Notes Example Return: C:\Program Files\ Example var myVar = mdm. System.recent Availability Windows Usage mdm.Paths.System.System.recent. .Paths.recent:String Returns A String Description Path to the Recent Folder. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Recent\ Example var myVar = mdm.Paths. startup.System. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ Example var myVar = mdm.Paths.startup Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.Paths. .Paths.System.startup:String Returns A String Description Path to the Start Up Folder. .System.Paths.startMenu:String Returns A String Description Path to the Windows Start Menu Folder. Notes Example Return: C:\Documents and Settings\User\Start Menu\ Example var myVar = mdm.Paths.startMenu Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.System.Paths.startMenu. Paths.Paths.system. Notes Example Return: C:\Windows\System Example var myVar = mdm.system Availability Windows Usage mdm. .Paths.System.System.System.system:String Returns A String Description Path to the System Folder. .temp.temp:String Returns A String Description Path to the Temp Folder.System.System.System. Mac OSX Usage mdm.temp Availability Windows.Paths.Paths. Notes Example Return: C:\Windows\Temp Example var myVar = mdm.Paths. windows:String Returns A String Description Path to the Windows Installation Folder.System. Notes Example Return: C:\Windows\ Example var myVar = Availability Windows Usage mdm.Paths.Paths.System. System.Registry.Registry.load() specified Key in the System Registry.Registry.loadInteger() Returns a INTEGER value from the System Registry. System.Registry.deleteKey() Deletes a Key in the System Registry at the location specified.getValueNames() names found under the specified values.Registry. Loads the data from the System.System.Registry Availability Zinc 2.getKeyNames() Will return an array of all keys found under the specified values. System. Will check for the existence of System.Registry.hasSubKeys() any Sub Keys.Registry Method Summary for the Registry Class The following table lists methods of the Registry class Method Description Create a new Key in the System Registry at the location specified.keyExists() the specified key. System.Registry. Will return an array of all value System.deleteTree() Deletes the Registry Tree.Registry.5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm. System.loadBoolean() Returns a BOOLEAN value from the System Registry. Will check for the existence of System. System.createKey() . System.Registry.Registry. Registry. Writes an INTEGER value to the System Registry.Registry.saveInteger() System. Loads a STRING value as a REG_MULTI_SZ type from the System Registry.loadString() System.Registry. .Registry.loadMultiSz() System. Saves the specified value to the Registry Key specified.saveMultiSz() Returns a STRING value from the System System. Writes a STRING value as a REG_MULTI_SZ type to the System Registry. Writes a STRING value to the System Registry.System.Registry.saveString() System. System.createKey( keyBranchID:Number. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Example .Registry. keyName:String.Registry.createKey() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System. Returns Nothing Description Create a new Key in the System Registry at the location specified. keyName:String Key Name to Create. keyDefaultValue:String Default Key Value. keyDefaultValue:String ) :Void Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location. mdm.System."A .createKey(3."\\SOFTWARE\\NewKey\\SubKey".Registry. System."\\SOFTWARE\\NewKey\\SubKey"). .deleteKey(3.System. keyName:String ) :Void Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location.deleteKey( keyBranchID:Number.deleteKey() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Registry.Registry. Returns Nothing Description Deletes a Key in the System Registry at the location specified. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Example mdm.System.Registry. keyName:String Key name to delete. System.Registry. Returns Nothing Description Deletes the Registry Tree.deleteTree(3). . Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Example mdm.Registry.Registry.deleteTree(keyBranchID:Number):Void Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location.System.System.deleteTree() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Example var keyNames = mdm.System.Registry. keyName:String Key name to search.getKeyNames() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns An Array Description Will return an array of all keys found under the specified values."\\SOFTWARE\\NewKey\\SubKey") .System. keyName:String ) :Array Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location.Registry.getKeyNames(3.getKeyNames( keyBranchID:Number.Registry.System. Dilaogs. mdm.prompt(keyNames[0]).mdm.Dilaogs. // etc .prompt(keyNames[1]). Description Will return an array of all value names found under the specified values. keyName:String Key name to search.getValueNames( keyBranchID:Number.System. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Example var valueNames = mdm. Returns A String. keyName:String ) :String Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location.Registry.getValueNames(3.System.Registry."\\SOFTWARE\\NewKey\\SubKey .Registry.getValueNames() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System. prompt(valueNames[1]).Dilaogs. mdm.prompt(valueNames[0]).Dilaogs. // etc .mdm. keyName:String ) :Boolean Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Example var hasSubkeys = . or "false" if it does not exist.Registry.hasSubKeys( keyBranchID:Number.System.Registry.hasSubKeys() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns A Boolean Description Will check for the existence of any Sub Keys and return "true" if it exists. keyName:String Key name to search.System. .hasSubKeys(3.mdm.System."\\SOFTWARE\\NewKey\\SubKey").Registry. Registry.System. or "false" if it does not exist.keyExists() Availability Windows Usage mdm. keyName:String ) :Boolean Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location.keyExists( keyBranchID:Number. keyName:String Key name to search. Returns A Boolean Description Will check for the existence of the specified key and return "true" if it exists.Registry. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Example var keyExists = .System. ."\\SOFTWARE\\NewKey\\SubKey").mdm.System.Registry.keyExists(3. Returns A String Description Loads the data from the specified Key in the System Registry.load(keyName:String):String Parameters keyName:String Key name to load.Registry.System.Registry.System.Registry. Notes None Example var Result = mdm.load() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.load("\\SOFTWARE\\NewKey\\SubKey"). . System.integer or boolean) the actual new value is always submitted as a string.Registry. Notes While the registry command looks for a specific type of key (string. keyName:String Key name to search. Returns A String. keyName:String.loadBoolean( keyBranchID:Number.Registry. keyNameValue:String ) :String Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location. The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG . Description Returns a BOOLEAN value from the System Registry. keyNameValue:String Key name to search.loadBoolean() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System. Registry.loadBoolean("3"."Version")."SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Inter Explorer".System. .Example var hasValue = mdm. keyName:String Key name to search.Registry.integer or boolean) the actual new value is always submitted as a string.System. Notes While the registry command looks for a specific type of key (string. The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG . keyNameValue:String ) :Number Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location.Registry. keyNameValue:String Key name to search.loadInteger( keyBranchID:Number.loadInteger() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns An Integer Description Returns a INTEGER value from the System Registry.System. keyName:String. loadInteger("3"."SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Inter Explorer".System. .Registry.Example var browserVersion = mdm."Version"). System.integer or boolean) the actual new value is always submitted as a string.Registry. Returns A String Description Returns a STRING value from the System Registry.System. keyName:String Key name to search. keyNameValue:String ) :String Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location. Notes While the registry command looks for a specific type of key (string.Registry. keyName:String. The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG .loadString( keyBranchID:Number.loadString() Availability Windows Usage mdm. keyNameValue:String Key name to search. Example var browserVersion = mdm.System. .Registry."SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Intern Explorer"."Version").loadString("3". Returns A String Description Loads a STRING value as a REG_MULTI_SZ type from the System Registry.loadMultiSz() Availability Windows Usage mdm.loadMultiSz( keyBranchID:Number.integer or boolean) the actual new value is always submitted as a string. keyName:String Key name to search.Registry.Registry. keyName:String. keyNameValue:String ) :String Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location. Notes While the registry command looks for a specific type of key (string.System. The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG .System. keyNameValue:String Key name to search. Registry.Example var browserVersion = mdm.loadMultiSz("3".System. ."SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Inter Explorer"."Version"). Notes The Key and Data will be saved in the Registry Location HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FormCaption\ Where FormCaption is the current Form Availability Windows Usage mdm."This is my Content") .save("myKey". Returns Nothing Description Saves the specified value to the Registry Key specified.System. keyValue:String Key value to save.Registry. Example mdm. keyValue:String):Void Parameters keyName:String Key name.System. keyNameData:Boolean Key data to write.System.saveBoolean( keyBranchID:Number. Returns Nothing Description Writes a BOOLEAN value to the System Registry. keyName:String Key name to search.saveBoolean() Availability Windows Usage mdm. keyNameValue:String Key value.Registry. keyName:String. keyNameValue:String. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG .System. keyNameData:Boolean ) :Void Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location.Registry. .saveBoolean(3."\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Inter Explorer"."Version".Example mdm. true).Registry.System. keyNameData:Number ) :Void Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location. keyName:String Key name to search. keyNameValue:String.System.System. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG .Registry.saveInteger() Availability Windows Usage mdm. keyName:String.Registry.saveInteger( keyBranchID:Number. keyNameData:Number Key data to write. Returns Nothing Description Writes an INTEGER value to the System Registry. keyNameValue:String Key value. ."\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Inter Explorer"."Version".System.Example mdm. 1234).Registry.saveInteger(3. saveString() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Registry. keyNameValue:String. keyNameData:String ) :Void Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location. keyNameData:String Key data to write.Registry. Returns Nothing Description Writes a STRING value to the System Registry. keyNameValue:String Key value.saveString( keyBranchID:Number.System. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG .System. keyName:String. keyName:String Key name to search. Registry.saveString(3.Example mdm."Version".System. "some string")."\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Intern Explorer". . System. keyNameValue:String Key value. keyNameValue:String.System. keyName:String.saveMultiSz( keyBranchID:Number. Notes The Key Branch ID can be: '1' for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT '2' for HKEY_CURRENT_USER '3' for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE '4' for HKEY_USERS '5' for HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG . Returns Nothing Description Writes a STRING value as a REG_MULTI_SZ type to the System Registry. keyNameData:String ) :Void Parameters keyBranchID:Number Branch Key Location. keyName:String Key name to search.saveMultiSz() Availability Windows Usage mdm.Registry. keyNameData:String Key data to write.Registry. "some string").Example mdm."Version". ."\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Inter Explorer".System.Registry.saveMultiSz(3. 5 (Windows) ActionScript Class Name mdm.System.System.VBScript Method Summary for the VBScript Class The following table lists methods of the VBScript class Method Description System.VBScript Availability Zinc 2.VBScript.execute() Runs a custom VB script command. . param1:String.VBScript.VBScript. param3:String Parameter 3 to the Function of the VBScript.execute() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns Nothing Description Runs a custom Visual Basic Script command.System.execute(codeString:String. param5:String Parameter 5 to the Function of the VBScript. codeFunction:String. param1:String Parameter 1 to the Function of the VBScript. param4:String):Void Parameters codeString:String VBScript text to execute. param2:String Parameter 2 to the Function of the VBScript. param4:String Parameter 4 to the Function of the VBScript. param2:String.System. param3:String. Notes None . codeFunction:String Name of Function/Subroutine to call in the VBSCript. Example var vbcode = "Sub makeshortcut (filename, url,c,d,e)\r"; vbcode += "Dim shell\r Dim urlLink\r \r Set shell = createObject (\"Wscript.Shell\")\r"; vbcode += "Set urlLink = shell.CreateShortcut (filename)\r \r urlLink.TargetPath = url\r"; vbcode += "urlLink.Save\rEnd Sub\r"; mdm.System.VBScript.execute(vbcode, "makeshortcut", "", "", "", "", ""); System.closeCDTray() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.closeCDTray(driveLetter:String):Void Parameters driveLetter:String CD drive. Returns Nothing Description Closes the CD Tray on the specified drive. Notes Trying to execute this command on a Physical Hard Drive can result in a System Crash. Example mdm.System.closeCDTray("e"); System.exec() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.System.exec(exePath:String):Void Parameters exePath:String Path to file or application. Returns Nothing Description Executes the File or Application. Any File type or Application can be launched using this method. Notes None Example Simple Usage: mdm.System.exec("Notepad.exe"); This command can also be used to execute "mailto:" commands to launch email: mdm.System.exec("mailto:[email protected]") System.execStdOut() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.execStdOut(exePath:String):Void Parameters exePath:String Path to File or Application. Returns Nothing Description Executes the File or Application and returns the standard Command Line output of the launched application. Notes None Example var StdOut = mdm.System.execStdOut("ipconfig /all"); System.execUnicode() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.execUnicode(exePath:String):Void Parameters exePath:String CD Path to file or application. Returns Nothing Description Executes the File or Application. Any File type or Application can be launched using this method. Notes Unicode Compliant. Example Simple Usage: mdm.System.execUnicode("Notepad.exe"); This command can also be used to execute "mailto:" commands to launch email: mdm.System.execUnicode("mailto:[email protected]") System.getDisplayModes() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.System.getDisplayModes():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Returns the available system display modes in a 2 dimensional array. The First Dimension contains the Array Entry ID and the Second Dimension contains the Resolution Details. Notes None Example var displayModes = mdm.System.getDisplayModes(); // displayModes[0][0] = Resolution Width // displayModes[0][1] = Resolution Height // displayModes[0][2] = Color Depth System.getFreeSpace() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.System.getFreeSpace(drive:String):Number Parameters drive:String Drive letter. Returns An Integer Description Returns the free space available from the drive specified. Notes On Mac OSX, sepcify the Volume Name instead of a Drive Letter. Example var freeSpace = mdm.System.getFreeSpace("c"); System.getHDSerial() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.getHDSerial(drive:String):String Parameters drive:String Hard Drive Letter to Check Returns A String Description Returns the Hard Disk serial number. Notes None Example var hdSerial = mdm.System.getHDSerial("c"); System.getMasterVolume() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.getMasterVolume():Number Parameters None Returns An Integer Description Gets the master volume as a 16-bit Integer Value. Range 0(min)-65535(max) Notes None Example var systemVolumeLevel = mdm.System.getMasterVolume(); System.getWaveBalance() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.getWaveBalance():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Gets the balance of the wave (digital sound). Range 0(min)-100(max) Notes None Example var waveBalance = mdm.System.getWaveBalance(); System.getWaveVolume() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.System.getWaveVolume():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Gets the volume of the wave (digital sound). Range 0(min)-255(max) Notes None Example var waveVol = mdm.System.getWaveVolume(); System.getWindowList() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.getWindowList():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Returns the running Windows to a 2 dimensional Array. The First Dimension contains the Array Entry ID and the Second Dimension contains the Window Details. Notes None Example var windowList = mdm.System.getWindowList(); // // // // // // displayModes[0][0] displayModes[0][1] displayModes[0][2] displayModes[0][3] displayModes[0][4] displayModes[0][5] = = = = = = Window Title Window ID X Pos Y Pos Width Height System.getResolution() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.System.getResolution():Array Parameters None Returns An Array Description Returns the Current Resolution and Color Depth to an Array. Notes None Example var resolutionInfo = mdm.System.getResolution(); // resolutionInfo[0] = Width // resolutionInfo[1] = Height // resolutionInfo[2] = Color Depth System.getTotalSpace() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.System.getTotalSpace(drive:String):Number Parameters drive:String Drive letter. Returns An Integer Description Returns the Total Space available from the drive specified. Notes On Mac OSX, sepcify the Volume Name instead of a Drive Letter. Example var freeSpace = mdm.System.getTotalSpace("c"); System.hibernate() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.hibernate(promptOption:String, messageText:String):Void Parameters promptOption:String Warning Prompt Visibility. messageText:String Warning message text. Returns Nothing Description Performs a Hibernate sequence. Notes promptOption can be either "ask" or "noask" Example Simple Usage: mdm.System.hibernate("noask"); Advanced Usage: mdm.System.hibernate("ask", "Are you sure to hibernate?"); System.hideTaskBar() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.hideTaskBar():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will hide the System Taskbar. Notes None Example mdm.System.hideTaskBar(); System.logOff() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.logOff(promptOption:String, messageText:String):Void Parameters promptOption:String Warning Prompt Visibility. messageText:String Warning message text. Returns Nothing Description Performs a Log Off sequence. Notes promptOption can be either "ask" or "noask" Example Simple Usage: mdm.System.logOff("noask"); Advanced Usage: mdm.System.logOff("ask", "Are you sure to Log Off?"); System.openCDTray() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.openCDTray(driveLetter:String):Void Parameters driveLetter:String CD drive. Returns Nothing Description Open the CD Tray on the specified drive. Notes Please do not use HD drive letters. This can cause the system to crash. Example mdm.System.openCDTray("e"); System.postMessage() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.postMessage(windowID:Number, messageNo:Number, wParam:Number, lParam:Number):Void Parameters windowID:Number Target window identifier. messageNo:Number Message identifier. wParam:Number wParam value. lParam:Number lParam value. Returns Nothing Description Will post a system message (by using the Windows API Postmessage procedure) to an active window to perform a specific task. For example, in the above code, the WM_QUIT message is sent to the specified window. A list of the most common messages follow: (Please note that this is NOT a comprehensive list. For more information on messages and parameters please consult the Microsoft Website 0:WM_NULL 1:WM_CREATE 2:WM_DESTROY 3:WM_MOVE 5:WM_SIZE 6:WM_ACTIVATE 7:WM_SETFOCUS 8:WM_KILLFOCUS 10:WM_ENABLE 11:WM_SETREDRAW 12:WM_SETTEXT 13:WM_GETTEXT 14:WM_GETTEXTLENGTH 15:WM_PAINT 16:WM_CLOSE 17:WM_QUERYENDSESSION 18:WM_QUIT 19:WM_QUERYOPEN 20:WM_ERASEBKGND 21:WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE 22:WM_ENDSESSION 23:WM_SYSTEMERROR 24:WM_SHOWWINDOW 25:WM_CTLCOLOR 26:WM_WININICHANGE 27:WM_DEVMODECHANGE 28:WM_ACTIVATEAPP 29:WM_FONTCHANGE 30:WM_TIMECHANGE 31:WM_CANCELMODE 32:WM_SETCURSOR 33:WM_MOUSEACTIVATE 34:WM_CHILDACTIVATE 35:WM_QUEUESYNC 36:WM_GETMINMAXINFO 38:WM_PAINTICON 39:WM_ICONERASEBKGND 40:WM_NEXTDLGCTL 42:WM_SPOOLERSTATUS 43:WM_DRAWITEM 44:WM_MEASUREITEM 45:WM_DELETEITEM 46:WM_VKEYTOITEM 47:WM_CHARTOITEM 48:WM_SETFONT 49:WM_GETFONT 50:WM_SETHOTKEY 51:WM_GETHOTKEY 55:WM_QUERYDRAGICON 57:WM_COMPAREITEM 61:WM_GETOBJECT 65:WM_COMPACTING 70:WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 71:WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED 72:WM_POWER 74:WM_COPYDATA 75:WM_CANCELJOURNAL 78:WM_NOTIFY Notes To retrieve a list of running windows and their IDs use mdm.System.getWindowList(). This command should only be used for sending simple messages, and will ONLY work on Windows that are able to receive and process these specific messages. Structures and Events should not be sent and will not work. Example mdm.System.postMessage(5024, 18, 0, 0); System.powerOff() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.powerOff(promptOption:String, messageText:String):Void Parameters promptOption:String Warning Prompt Visibility. messageText:String Warning message text. Returns Nothing Description Performs a Power Off sequence. Notes promptOption can be either "ask" or "noask" Example Simple Usage: mdm.System.powerOff("noask"); Advanced Usage: mdm.System.powerOff("ask", "Are you sure to Power Off?"); System.restart() Availability Windows, Mac OSX Usage mdm.System.restart(promptOption:String, messageText:String):Void Parameters promptOption:String Warning Prompt Visibility. messageText:String Warning message text. Returns Nothing Description Performs a Restart sequence. Notes promptOption can be either "ask" or "noask" Example Simple Usage: mdm.System.restart("noask"); Advanced Usage: mdm.System.restart("ask", "Are you sure to Restart?"); System.sendMessage() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.sendMessage(windowID:Number, messageNo:Number, wParam:Number, lParam:Number):Void Parameters windowID:Number Target window identifier. messageNo:Number Message identifier. wParam:Number wParam value. lParam:Number lParam value. Returns Nothing Description Will send a system message to an active window to perform a specific task. For example, in the above code, the WM_QUIT message is sent to the specified window. A list of the most common messages follow: (Please note that this is NOT a comprehensive list. For more information on messages and parameters please consult the Microsoft Website 0:WM_NULL 1:WM_CREATE 2:WM_DESTROY 3:WM_MOVE 5:WM_SIZE 6:WM_ACTIVATE 7:WM_SETFOCUS 8:WM_KILLFOCUS 10:WM_ENABLE 11:WM_SETREDRAW 12:WM_SETTEXT 13:WM_GETTEXT 14:WM_GETTEXTLENGTH 15:WM_PAINT 16:WM_CLOSE 17:WM_QUERYENDSESSION 18:WM_QUIT 19:WM_QUERYOPEN 20:WM_ERASEBKGND 21:WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE 22:WM_ENDSESSION 23:WM_SYSTEMERROR 24:WM_SHOWWINDOW 25:WM_CTLCOLOR 26:WM_WININICHANGE 27:WM_DEVMODECHANGE 28:WM_ACTIVATEAPP 29:WM_FONTCHANGE 30:WM_TIMECHANGE 31:WM_CANCELMODE 32:WM_SETCURSOR 33:WM_MOUSEACTIVATE 34:WM_CHILDACTIVATE 35:WM_QUEUESYNC 36:WM_GETMINMAXINFO 38:WM_PAINTICON 39:WM_ICONERASEBKGND 40:WM_NEXTDLGCTL 42:WM_SPOOLERSTATUS 43:WM_DRAWITEM 44:WM_MEASUREITEM 45:WM_DELETEITEM 46:WM_VKEYTOITEM 47:WM_CHARTOITEM 48:WM_SETFONT 49:WM_GETFONT 50:WM_SETHOTKEY 51:WM_GETHOTKEY . This command should only be used for sending simple messages. . Example mdm. 0. and will ONLY work on Windows that are able to receive and process these specific messages.System. 18.55:WM_QUERYDRAGICON 57:WM_COMPAREITEM 61:WM_GETOBJECT 65:WM_COMPACTING 70:WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING 71:WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED 72:WM_POWER 74:WM_COPYDATA 75:WM_CANCELJOURNAL 78:WM_NOTIFY Notes To retrieve a list of running windows and their IDs use mdm. Structures and Events should not be sent and will not work. 0).getWindowList().System.sendMessage(5024. setMasterVolume() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Range 0(min)-65535(max) Notes None Example mdm. .System. Returns Nothing Description Sets the master volume as a 16-bit Integer Value.System.setMasterVolume(0).setMasterVolume(volumeLevel:Number):Void Parameters volumeLevel:Number Volume level.System. resolutionY:Number):Void Parameters resolutionX:Number Horizontal resolution in pixels.setResolution(resolutionX:Number.System.System. Mac OSX Usage mdm.System. A "true" or "false" value is returned depending on a successful or non-successful change Notes None Example var ResChanged = mdm. 768).setResolution(1024. .setResolution() Availability Windows. resolutionY:Number Vertical resolution in pixels. Returns Nothing Description Changes the system resolution to the specified values. System. To retrieve a list of running windows and their ID's use System.setWindowFocus() Availability Windows Usage mdm. .setWindowFocus(windowID:Number):Void Parameters windowID:Number Window identifier.getWindowList() Notes None Example mdm. Returns Nothing Description Sets focus to the running window with the ID in the variable id.setWindowFocus(5024).System.System. setWaveVolume(0).System. Range 0(min)-255(max) Notes None Example mdm.System.setWaveVolume(volumeLevel:Number):Void Parameters volumeLevel:Number Volume level.System. .setWaveVolume() Availability Windows. Mac OSX Usage mdm. Returns Nothing Description Sets the volume of the wave (digital sound) specified in the variable volume. System. Notes None Example mdm. 65535).setWaveVolumeAdv(0. rightVolumeLevel:Number Volume level for right channel. Returns Nothing Description Sets the volume of the wave (digital sound) specified in the variable leftVolume and rightVolume. . rightVolumeLevel:Number):Void Parameters leftVolumeLevel:Number Volume level for left channel.System. Range 0(min)-65535(max) Balance can be set by altering the values for the left and right channels.setWaveVolumeAdv(leftVolumeLevel:Number.System.setWaveVolumeAdv() Availability Windows Usage mdm. System.integer between 0 and 100.System.setWaveBalance() Availability Windows Usage mdm. Returns Nothing Description Sets the balance of the wave (digital sound) specified in the variable balance.setWaveBalance(50). . Range 0(min)-100(max) Notes None Example mdm.System.setWaveBalance(volumeBalance:Number):Void Parameters volumeBalance:Number Balance level . setWallpaper(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:Number Path to bitmap file (. Notes Please note that only BMP files are valid.System.bmp).setWallpaper("c:\\myImage.System. Returns Nothing Description Sets the desktop wallpaper the specified bmp image. . Example mdm.System.bmp").setWallpaper() Availability Windows Usage mdm. bmp). Added Windows NT support.setWallpaperAlt("c:\\myImage. Example mdm. but requires reboot in order to apply changes.System.System.setWallpaper() which is non-ActiveX/ActiveDesktop method of setting the wallpaper.bmp"). .setWallpaperAlt(filePath:String):Void Parameters filePath:Number Path to bitmap file (. This command uses an alternative method to mdm. Notes Only BMP files are valid.System.System. Returns Nothing Description Sets the desktop wallpaper the specified bmp image.setWallpaperAlt() Availability Windows Usage mdm. showTaskBar():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Will show the System Taskbar.showTaskBar() Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.showTaskBar().System. Notes None Example mdm.System. . Notes promptOption can be either "ask" or "noask" Example Simple Usage: mdm.shutDown("ask".System.shutDown(promptOption:String. messageText:String Warning message text. messageText:String):Void Parameters promptOption:String Warning Prompt Visibility. Mac OSX Usage mdm.shutDown("noask"). Returns Nothing Description Performs a Shut Down sequence. "Are you sure to Power Off?").System. . Advanced Usage: mdm.shutDown() Availability Windows.System.System. suspend("ask". messageText:String):Void Parameters promptOption:String Warning Prompt Visibility.suspend() Availability Windows Usage mdm.suspend("noask"). Returns Nothing Description Performs a Suspend sequence.System.System.System.System. Advanced Usage: mdm. . messageText:String Warning message text.suspend(promptOption:String. "Are you sure to Restart?"). Notes promptOption can be either "ask" or "noask" Example Simple Usage: mdm. System. . Notes None Example mdm.taskBarBlink().System.taskBarBlink():Void Parameters None Returns Nothing Description Makes the Projectors Taskbar Tile blink once.System.taskBarBlink() Availability Windows Usage mdm. The tile will remain highlighted until clicked on by the user. .computerCompany Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.System.System.computerCompany:String Returns A String Description Default company name to whom the PC is registered (if a value exists) Notes None Example var company = mdm.computerCompany. computerName:String Returns A String Description Default Computer Name Notes None Example var computerName = mdm.System. .computerName Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.computerName.System. System.computerOwner Availability Windows Usage mdm.computerOwner:String Returns A String Description Default owner name to whom the PC/Windows is registered Notes None Example var owner = mdm.System.System.computerOwner. . .System.CPUSpeed Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.System. Notes None Example var cpuSpeed = mdm.CPUSpeed.CPUSpeed:Number Returns An Integer Description Returns the system CPU speed to the variable cpuspeed. .System.CDDrive.System. Notes None Example var cdDriveLetter = mdm.CDDrive Availability Windows Usage mdm.CDDrive:String Returns A String Description Returns the first CD-Rom drive path present in the system.System. System.System. Notes None Example var hasAdminPrivilages = mdm.isAdmin.isAdmin:Boolean Returns A Boolean Description Will contain a "true" or "false" value based upon the users Admin Status.isAdmin Availability Windows Usage mdm. .System. Notes None Example var currentTime = mdm.System. .localTime:Date Returns A Date Object Description Returns the Local System Time as a Date Object.System.localTime.localTime Availability Windows.System. Mac OSX Usage mdm. language Availability Windows Usage mdm.language:String Returns A String Description Current System Language Setting.System.language. Notes None Example var userLanguage = mdm.System. .System. macVerString Availability Mac OSX Usage mdm.System.macVerString:String Returns A String Description Mac Operating System Version Notes None Example var macVersion = mdm.System.macVerString. .System. System.System.RAMSize Availability Windows Usage mdm.RAMSize. Notes None Example var installedRAM = mdm.System.RAMSize:Number Returns An Integer Description Returns the system RAM size. . screenHeight:Number Returns An Integer Description Current Screen Height Notes None Example var screenResolutionY = mdm.System. .System.System. Mac OSX Usage mdm.screenHeight Availability Windows.screenHeight. screenWidth.System.screenWidth Availability Windows. Mac OSX Usage mdm.System.System.screenWidth:Number Returns An Integer Description Current Screen Width Notes None Example var screenResolutionX = mdm. . servicePack:String Returns A String Description Returns Service Packs installed on the System. the return value will be empty.servicePack.System.servicePack Availability Windows Usage mdm.System. . Notes If no service packs are installed.System. Example var windowsServicePack = mdm. System.winVerString Availability Windows Usage mdm.System.System.winVerString:String Returns A String Description Returns the Windows version.5 Windows NT 4.winVerString. Notes Return Values: Windows 95 Windows 95 OSR2 Windows 98 Windows 98 SE Windows ME Windows NT 3. .0 Windows 2000 Windows XP Example var windowsVersion = mdm. 0 Workstation Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Microsoft Windows 2000 DataCenter Server Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Windows XP .0 Server Microsoft Windows NT 4.winVerStringDetail.System.winVerStringDetail Availability Windows Usage mdm. .System.winVerStringDetail:String Returns A String Description Returns the Windows Version in greater detail.0 Domain Controller Microsoft Windows NT 4.51 Microsoft Windows NT 4.System.NET Server Example var windowsVersion = mdm. Notes Return Values: Microsoft Windows 95 Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Windows Millenium Edition Microsoft Windows NT 3. Runtime Shared Libraries are not supported in Zinc™ v2 Projectors for Windows or Mac OSX. We recommend you plan your Zinc™ v2 projects with this in mind before starting. .Are Shared Libraries Supported? At present. Drag & Drop SWF Files onto Zinc™ v2 Dragging a SWF file onto the main Application will create a new Project with the SWF just "dropped". dragging a SWF file onto the Preview Window will just replace the current SWF and retain all current Project Settings. . However. . If your Project only requires a System Event without the need for any {mdm}Script 2. please initialize events with: mdm.0 Commands.Events not Working System Events will only work if other {mdm}Script 2.0 Commands have been used.initevents(). Notes Using mdm.Application. doesn't know what is relative to it. there is no knowing where exactly the user will decide to launch the compiled Application from. LoadMovieNum(mdm.swf".Path+"myMovie. . when coding for the desktop.path which contains the current location of the EXE File. However.Application. The second reason is that the internal SWF isn't ever physically available on the users Hard Drive (it is contained within the EXE shell) and therefore doesn't "know" what it's current location is and. no matter where the Projector is. more importantly. it could be from the Hard Drive. It will also work across all operating systems.Loading External SWF's Most path references online are relative and there is no need to use absolute paths.Application. it is always advisable to use absolute paths for a number of reasons: Firstly. For this reason. It could be from a CD. all paths should be appended with the property mdm.path is recommended for all projects as it guarantees the path to the SWF will be found correctly. 5). It will also work across all operating systems.Application. Notes Using mdm. a similar approach to loading external SWF files must be adopted. Whether you are loading FLV files using actionscript you must specify the url of the FLV file as an absolute path using mdm.Application. . The correct Syntax should look like this: myMedia.setMedia(mdm. "FLV"). "FLV").path is recommended for all projects as it guarantees the path to the SWF will be found correctly. the following script will NOT work when compiled with Zinc™ v2. no matter where the Projector is.flv".path For example.Loading External FLV's When loading FLV files.Application.5: myMedia.Path+"myMovie.setMedia("myMovie.flv". Moving Mac OSX Projectors to the Trash When deleting a Mac Projector (Moving it to the Trash). be sure to empty the Trash before extracting a new Projector in the same location. OSX sometimes caches applications with the same file name if it is present in the System Trash Folder. . you can do this automatically using ActionScript. This is because the comma character is used to separate Parameters.split(". . you can also use @q@ for a doublequote character and @amp@ for the '&' character. mdm.").join("@c@"). Note If you have a variable which contains many characters which need to be escaped (as shown above).Using Commas in Parameters Comma characters in {mdm}Script™ 2. you can use @c@. An Example is shown below: myVar = myVar.Dialogs. If you need to use a comma character in your Parameters.prompt("Hello User@c@ how are you today?").0 Syntax can often break the code and result in Scripting Errors. In addition to @c@ for the comma character. 5 creates completely Standalone Projectors! This means that even if the end user does NOT have the Flash OCX installed. Projectors compiled with Zinc™ v2.5 Projector (also referred to as the "wrapper") What if the end user does not have the Flash OCX installed? Zinc™ v2. Zinc™ v2.5 uses the Flash OCX to render the SWF movie within the Zinc™ v2.5 Projectors do not edit.5 will STILL work! Zinc™ v2. . delete or update an existing Flash Plug-In if it is already present on the users system. Why is the Flash OCX important? Zinc™ v2. The Flash OCX (also referred to as the Flash Player) is available free from Macromedia.5 Application very versatile! Will Zinc™ v2 Projectors overwrite an existing installation of the Flash OCX? Absolutely not.5 projectors will also work on systems where Admin Rights have been restricted which makes Zinc™ v2. Over 98% of Internet users have the Flash Plug-In installed.What is the Flash OCX? The Macromedia Flash OCX is a small plug-in which renders the SWF movie on your system. Interface not supported" The MDAC drivers are installed by default across 99. completely free.What is the "ELNTFCASTEROOR" Error? Zinc™ v2.9% of systems from Win98SE upwards. they can be downloaded and installed. In this case.5 Standard Projectors require the Microsoft MDAC drivers present to function correctly. If a system does not have the MDAC drivers available. from the Microsoft Website. . it may show the following error: "The error ELNTFCASTEROOR in module. in very rare cases. some OEM licences do not include them. The MDAC Drivers are used by the Projector to evoke Database Connectivity. However. For example. it is a good indication that that you are not referencing the property in a case sensitive manner.application. . but mdm.Application.What is the [Type Function] Error? If the Result [Type Function] is ever returned within your Flash Project.Application. mdm.FileName is incorrect.filename is correct.filename or mdm. com . Tech Notes. with new questions being answered promptly by Moderator's and MDM Administrators. Most answers can be found on the MDM Support Forum.MDM Support Forum The MDM Support Forums are available 24 hours a day online at http://www. Please be sure to visit the Forum regularly for news and announcements on new MDM Software Builds and Releases! . Product Support and Scripting Help on all aspects of Zinc™ v2.mdmforum.5 and other MDM Software.They provide FAQ's. As such.multidmedia. MDM reserve the right to withdraw the free update policy without prior notice. product updates are released from time to time which are completely FREE* for Registered users.x *Updates are free for the life of a specific version. Registered Users of v2 are entitled to all 2.Product Updates MDM are committed to constantly improving our software. To keep your software up to date. ie. please be sure to check the MDM Software Updates at http://www. . Often. please upload your files to a server and provide us with the download link. If your files exceed this. For Technical Support on MDM Software. please be sure to state clearly in your email where the problem occurs. just the SWF file is needed. If you are attaching an FLA. so please be sure to include your serial number if you are registered. contact techsupport@multidmedia. many common questions have already been answered and are available at this resource. Notes Sending a Technical Query to a department/email other than techsupport@multidmedia will result in a delayed Technical Support Procedure If your question has not been answered. or you require help with something more specific. Please visit the MDM Forum Board at http://www. Support Checklist Before contacting the MDM Support Team.Contact Support Team MDM are committed to offering the very best support and after sales service to both registered and non-registered users of our software. .com . Tech Notes and User Posts on the MDM Forum Board for answers. Do NOT send any Attachments larger than 1mb.please be sure to attach the following information: · · · · Your Serial Number (If registered user) Please do NOT send compiled projectors. Registered users will take priority over non-registered. please make sure you have checked the FAQ's. please contact the appropriate MDM Support Department.mdmforum.
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