MCQ Labour Laws

April 4, 2018 | Author: jitintoteja | Category: Wage, Employment, Layoff, Salary, Trade Union



Madhu.T.K, Kannur MCQs on Industrial and Labour Laws 1.Appointment of Welfare Officer under Factories Act, 1948 is compulsorywhere_______ employees are employed.( (a) 50 (b)500 (c) 1000 (d) 100) 2.Crèche is mandatory under the Factories Act where ______________ workers areemployed( (a) 30 (b) 100 (c) 30 women(d) 250) 3.A canteen for use of workers providing subsidized food is statutory under theFactories Act where _____________ workers are employed.( (a) 250(b) 1000 (c) 100 (d) 150) 4.Under Factories Act, appointment of a Safety Officer is mandatory where the no.of employees exceeds ________ ( (a) 1000 (b) 500 (c) 100 (d) 50) 5.Under Plantation Labour Act, 1951 a Welfare Officer is required to be appointedwhere the no. of workers is __________ ( (a) 100 (b) 300(c) 500 (d) 1000) 6.Under Plantation Labour Act, crèche is to be set up where ______________ women workers are employed or the no. of children of women workers exceeds ________ ( (a) 50 and 20(b) 30 and 20 (c) 50 and 30 (d) 30 and 5) 7.Under Plantation Labour Act, canteen is compulsory where ________ workers areworking( (a) 100 (b) 250 (c) 500(d) 150 )8.An adult worker under the Factories Act is eligible for leave with wages @ I dayfor every________ days worked during the preceding year ( (a) 50(b) 20 (c) 15 (d) 240) 9.Under the Factories Act no worker is permitted to work for more than _____ hours in a day( (a) 8(b) 9(c) 10 (d) 24) 10.Under the Factories Act, white washing of the factory building should be carriedout in every _________ months( (a) 12 (b) 24 (c) 26(d) 14 )11.Repainting or re varnishing under the Factories Act is required to be carried out inevery ________ years( (a) 5(b) 10 (c) 3 (d) 1) 12.Certification of Standing Orders under the Industrial Employment (StandingOrders) Act, 1946 is mandatory where ________ workers are employed( (a) 500 (b) 1000 (c) 250(d) 100 )13.In order to be eligible for maternity benefit under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961,a woman worker should have worked for not less than_________ days in the 12months immediately preceding the date of delivery( (a) 160(b) 240 (c) 30 (d) 150) 33 % (c) 1.( (a) Rs 3500 (b) Rs 2500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 10000) 20. 1972.Employees’ share of contribution under the ESI Act is ________ ( (a) 12% (b) 8.A news paper employee is eligible for gratuity if he has ______ years continuousyears of service( (a) 10 (b) 5 (c) 7(d) 3 25. payment of wages of establishments employingnot less than 1000 employees shall be paid within __________ of the wage month( (a) 7thday (b) 15thday (c) 2ndday(d) 10thday) 18.33%(b) 10% (c) 24% (d) 20%) 21. 1965 if hehad worked for not less than ________ days in the preceding year ( (a) 30(b) 240 (c) 160 (d) 190 ) 19.75 % 28.60 ) .75 %(d) 4. 1936 payment of wages of establishmentsemploying not more than 1000 employees shall be paid within _______ of thewage month( (a) 10th day(b) 7thday(c) 2ndday (d) 15th day) 17. anemployee should have a minimum continuous service of __________ ( (a) 10 years(b) 5 years(c) 7 years (d) 3 years 23.Employees who are getting a daily average wages up to ________ are exemptedfrom contributing employees’ share of ESI contribution. a woman worker is eligible for ______ weeksleave with wages( (a) 6 (b) 24 (c) 15 (d) 12 15.14.75% ) 27.In case of miscarriage.33% (b) 10% (c) 24%(d) 20% 22.Under the Payment of Wages Act.Maximum bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act is _______ ( (a) 8.75 % (d) 4.Under the Payment of Gratuity Act.The statutory minimum bonus is ________ ( (a) 8.33%(c) 1.An employee is eligible to get bonus under the Payment of Bonus Act.Under the Maternity Benefit Act.Under the Payment of Wages Act. a woman worker shall be allowed______ weeks leave withwages( (a) 12(b) 6 (c) 4 (d) 24) 16. 1948.The employer’s share of contribution under the ESI Act is _____ ( (a) 12 % (b) 8.Employees who are drawing salary not more than __________ are covered under the Employees State Insurance Act.In order to be eligible for Gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act. the rate of gratuity is _________ salary for every completed year of service( (a) 20 days (b) 30 days (c) 15 days(d) 2 months) 24.((a) Rs 10000(b) Rs 7500 (c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 3500) 26.( (a) Rs 70 (b) Rs 50 (c) Rs 100 (b) Rs 384.An employee whose salary does not exceed ____________ is eligible for Bonusunder the Payment of Bonus Act. 05 % ) 35. 1936.67 % (d) 4.Employer’s contribution to Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance is __________ ( (a) 3. retrench or close down anestablishment is required under the Industrial Disputes Act where there are ________ workers((a) 100(b) 1000 (c) 50 (d) 500 ) 37.75 % ) 33.Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act.1 % (c) 0.75 % (d) 4.33% (c) 1. retrench or close down anestablishment is required under the Industrial Disputes Act. (c) Paymentof Subsistence Allowance Act (d) Equal Remuneration Act.Prior intimation to the appropriate Govt to lay off.67 % (b) 1. 1948.Forming of a Works Committee under the Industrial Disputes Act.Employer’s contribution to Employees Pension Scheme is _______ ( (a) 8.An employee whose salary at the time of joining does not exceed _________ shall become a member of the provident fund under the Act.75% ) 32. 1952 is applied toestablishments employing not less than _______ ( (a) 10 employees (b) 20 employees(c) 50 employees (d) 100 employees ) 30.33% (b) 12% (c) 3.5 %(d) 0. 1976 .The minimum no. 1947 where there are ________ workers( (a) 100 (b) 1000(c) 50(d) 500 ) 36.33% (b) 12% (c) 3. of workers required to register a Trade Union under the TradeUnions Act.Prior permission from the appropriate Govt to lay off.29. (b) Payment of Wages Act.Employees’ share of provident fund contribution is __________ ( (a) 12 %(b) 8.75 % ) 34.Employer’s share of contribution to the provident fund is ________ ( (a) 8. employees is _________ ( (a) 1000(b) 100 (c) 500 (d) 250 ) 38._______________________prohibits discrimination in fixing salary to men andwomen engaged in the work of similar nature( (a) Minimum Wages Act. is mandatorywhere the no.67 % (d) 4.Continuous Service under major labour legislations means _______________ ( (a) work of 240 days if work is above the ground and 190 days if work isbelow the ground (b) work of 240 days (c) work of 180 days ( d) work of 160days ) 41.Lay off compensation is to be paid @ _________ of average wages( (a) 15 days(b) 50%(c) 60% (d) 75 % ) 39.( (a) Rs 10000 (b) Rs 7500(c) Rs 6500 (d) Rs 5000 ) 31. 1926 is _________ ( (a) 10% (b) 50% (c) 33 % (d) 10% or 100 whichever is less )40. "Adult" means a p e r s o n w h o h a s c o m p l e t e d h i s .The wages under the Minimum Wages Act.Subsistence Allowance @ __________ shall be paid if suspension extends to a period beyond 90 days( (a) 50% (b) 75% (c) 90% (d) 100% ) per the Factories Act.[ Sec 2(m) ]A : 1 0 B : 2 0 C : 5 0 D : 1 0 0 Answer: B Q. 1948 shall include ______________ ((a) CTC (b) a basic rate of wages and dearness allowance variable accordingto cost of living (c) basic rate of 1 As per Factories Act "Factory" means any premises including the precinctsthereof where ____ or more workers are working or were working on any dayof the preceding 12 months. DA.______________ absolves the employer’s liability under the Maternity BenefitAct and Workmen’s Compensation Act. or is ordinarily so carried on.)42.. 1948 Q.year of age. JODHPUR Factories Act..Any amount due from an employer under settlement or award can be recoveredfollowing the procedures laid down in ______________ ( (a) The Standing Orders (b) section 15 of the Payment of Wages Act (c)Minimum Wages Act (d) section 33 (C) of the Industrial Disputes Act PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE. and in any part of which a manufacturing process isbeing carried on without the aid of power. [ Sec 2(a) ] A : f i f t e e n t h B : s i x t e e n t h C : s e v e n t e e n t h D : e i g h t e e n t h A n s w e r : D .( (a) Employees Provident Fund Act (b) Industrial Employment (Standing Order )Act (c) Employees State Insurance Act (d) Industrial Disputes Act 45. HRA and CCA (d) A consolidatedamount decided by the employer ) 44....... .. 19522) a mobile unit belonging to the Armed Forces of the Union3) a railway running shed4) a hotel.. [ Sec 2(b) ]A : t w e l f t h . t w e n t y f i r s t C : f i f t e e n t h .or more workers are working or were working on anyday of the preceding 12 months. 3 a n d 4 A n s w e r : D 5 As per factories act which among the following are true in respect of thedefinition of a worker? [ Sec 2(l) ]"Worker" means a person employed1) directly or by or through any agency (including a contractor)2) with or without the knowledge of the principal employer 3) whether for remuneration or not4) in any manufacturing processA : 3 a n d 4 o n l y B : 1 . . and in any part of which a manufacturingprocess is being carried out with the aid of power. "Factory" means a n y p r e m i s e s i n c l u d i n g t h e p r e c i n c t s thereof where on ------------.Q. n i n e t e e n t h A n s w e r : C Q. 2 ..year.year of age... "Adolescent" me a n s a p e r s o n w h o h a s c o m p l e t e d h i s per Factories per Factories Act.[ Sec 2(m)(i) ]A : 1 0 B : 2 0 C : 5 0 D : 1 0 0 A n s w e r : A Q. e i g h t e e n t h D : s i x t e e n t h . "Child" means a per s o n w h o h a s n o t c o m p l e t e d h i s .no:7As per Factories Act. a Factory does not include which among the following?[ Sec 2(m)] 1) a mine subject to the operation of the Mines Act. or is ordinarily so carried on.Year of age but has not completed his --------------.. 3 a n d 4 o n l y C : 1 a n d 4 o n l y D : 1 . [ Sec 2(c) ] A : f o u r t e e n t h B : f i f t e e n t h C : s i x t e e n t h D : e i g h t e e n t h A n s w e r : B per Factories Act. e i g h t e e n t h B : f i f t e e n t h . restaurant or eating placeA : 1 a n d a n d 3 o n l 4 D : 1 . [ Sec 2(n)] A : M a n a g e r B : O w n e r C : D i r e c t o r D : O c c u p i e r A n s w e r : D Q. 3 o n l y : C 1 . Can this be agreed to? ( Chapter VI )A : Y e s B : N o ( N o t m o r e t h a n 9 h r s i .( MC 23 )A : G e n e r a l M a n a g e r s B : C h i e f P e r s o n n e l O f f i c e r s C :C h i e f M e c h a n i c a l E n g i ne e rs / C W M D :C h i e f S e c u r it y C om mi s s i on e r s A n s w e r : C 8 As per Factories Act. Perambur has demanded to changethe working days from six days to five days without reducing the total workinghours of 47 ½ per week. -----------. JODHPUR Q. [ Sec 7A ]A : H e a l t h B : S a f e t y C : W e l f a r e D : A l l t h e a b o v e . 2 .no: 1 0 T h e Factories Act imposes the following obligations upon the employer inregard to his 11 An workman employed in Carriage Works. A n s w e r : D Q. a 2 n d PERSONNEL TRAINING CENTRE. 4 A n s w e r 2 o n l y B : y C : 1 .of Railway Production Uni t s h a v e b e e n a p p o i n t e d a s " O c c u p i e r s " of the respective units in terms of the provisions of the Factories Act. 2 . "--------------------” of a factory means the person who hasultimate control over the affairs of the factory. 46 of the Factories Act.A:a daily basis or weekly basis. 1948 impose statutory obligationon the Railway Administrations to provide and maintain canteens in RailwayEstablishments.n a d a y s ) C :C a n b e ne g o t ia t e d D : Al l o f th e a bo v e . 5 5 ) Q .. n o : 1 2 O v e r t i m e u n d e r Section 59 (1) of the Factories Act. whichever is the prevalent practiceB : a d a i l y b a s i s C : a w e e k l y b a s i s D:a daily basis or weekly basis. 1948 to the staff governed bythe same should be calculated on -----------------. n o : 1 3 T h e p r o v i s i o n s o f Sec. whichever is more favorable to the employee A n s w e r : D ( S e c . which are governed by the Factories Act and employ more than----------persons. A n s w e r : B Q .A : 1 0 0 B : 1 5 0 C : 2 5 0 D : 5 0 0 A n s w e r : C . L e a v e w i t h w a g e s i s a l l o w e d f o r employees if they work for _______ days ina month.Answerd. who has completed 15 years but less than18 years. 9.c. Occupier 4.2 5.1895c).1948 is called as _________ a.1885Answera). 400 b. who is less than 18 yearsc.c.Welfare Officers are to be appointed if O r g a n i s a t i o n i s e n g a g i n g _ _ _ _ _ _ o r m o r e employees. The Ambulance Room is to be providedif engaging employees more than______ a. 1000 b.Answer .a. 350c. C r e c h e i s t o b e p r o v i d e d i f _ _ _ _ _ _ o r more lady employees are engaged. 500 d.a. 450Answer. 150 d. 15 b. 25 b. who is less than 18 yearsc.c. 1000 1 0 . Who has completed 18 years of age b. S a f e t y O f f i c e r s a r e t o b e a p p o i n t e d i f O r ga n i s a t i o n i s engaging ______ or m o r e employees. 14.2 d. 135c.a. 20 12. 150 9 . 1881 2.a. 250 b.a. 160Answer. who is more than 14 yearsd. A person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the factory under Factories Act. 9c. 250 c. F i r s t A i d B o x e s i s t o b e p r o v i d e d f o r ______ of personsa. 8 . Crechesc. An adult worker can upto ____ hrs in aday as per factories Act. W h o h a s c o m p l e t e d 1 7 y e a r s o f a g e b. 32c. W h o i s a n Ad o l e s c e n t a s p e r F a c t o r i e s Act. 10 d.First Aid d. 2 0 0 b .1881 b).Drinkingwater. Chairmand.a. . 8 b.d.c. 230c. 1948 s hould be ________ Cubic Meters.c. 1948a. 5 0 0 d . 750Answer. 500 13.The provision for cooling water during hotweather should be made by the organizationif it employees _______ or more employees. 2000c . 25c. 600d. 12Answer-. 300 d. who has completed 15 years butless than 18 years. 14.c. 7 . The first Factories Act was enacted ina). 10. Managing Director.a. 500 b. 7 5 0 Answer.a . 250 1 1 . who is more than 15 yearsAnswera). 20 d. 28Answer. Drinking water.9 b. 1948?a. 13. 3015.2Answer. 1948 ?a . Occupier b. Who has completed 18 years of age 3. 30 d.2c. 1948a. 250 6 . The space for every worker employed int h e F a c t o r y a f t e r t h e c o m m e n c e m e n t o f Factories Act.a.a. Who is an adult as per Factories Act. Manager c. 300 d.1. 125 b.1897d). 40Answer. 275Answer.a. 5001 4 . 150Answer. C a n t e e n i s t o b e p r o v i d e d i f e n g a g i n g employees more than ______ persons. W h i c h o n e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g i s n o t a welfare provision under Factories Act. 2 5 0 c.Canteen b.b. None of theseAnswer. 9 16. 10 b) Rs.Form No-1 b)Form No-. 000 or bothd) None of theseAnswer – a)2 years or fine up to Rs.Paid leave for study 18. The applicant / occupier who propose tostart the factory should submit thea). leave with carry out the prescribeddutiesa) Safety Officer b) Welfare officer c) Security officer d) None of theseAnswer : a) Safety Officer 22. canteen. the occupier shallliable for punishment up toa)2 years or fine up to Rs. If any employee found violating thesection 20 of Factories Act 1947 shall befine up toa)Rs.within 12 hoursa) Form No:16 b) Form No:18 Ac) Form No :18 Bd) Form No:18 24.00. Who is responsible for payment to a person employed by him in a Factory under the Payment of wages Act 1936a) Accounts Manager b) HR manager c) Manager d) Owner Answer-Manager of a factory nominatedunder the section 7 (f) of Factories Act 28.000 or both. 5 26. Mention the types of Leave facilitiesavailable to a worker under the FactoriesAct 1947 ?Annual Leave with wages as per Factories ActCasual leave as per Standingorders National & Festival HolidayMaternity leave 21. Section 41.20Answer :b ) Rs.ambulance room.1.b)Form No-. they should appoint qualified------------.00. 23. 5c) Rs. shelter. For contravention of provisions of Factories Act or Rules. a separate accident report shall be sent to the District magistrate in Form No ---.Answer-d) Workers participation insafety management 27. Section 49 of the Factories Act 1947Says abouta) Welfare officer b) Canteenc) Rest roomd) CrècheAnswer is .111 17. Section 2 ( K )of the Factories Act 1947says abouta) Manufacturing Process b) Factoryc) Worker d) None of theseAnswer : Manufacturing Process 20.on or before 31 st Januarya) Form No : 22 b) Form No: 21c) Form No: 25 Ad) Form No: 25 BAnswer:a) Form No: 2225.b. In case of fatal accident occurred insidethe factory .Welfare officer 19.G of the Factories Act1948 says abouta) Fencing of machineries b) Facing of machineriesc) Work on near machinery in motiond) Workers participation in safety mgt. The term Sabbatical is connected witha) Paid leave for study b) Paternity leavec) Maternity leaved) Quarantine leaveAnswer.Sec.1 AAnswer.2c) Form No. accidentsin form no --.2Ad) Form No. 15d) Rs. 000 or bothc) 3 three years or fine 10. safety officers. Manager of every factory should sent aannual report to the Inspectorate of factoriescontaining details like numbers of workersemployed .000 or both b) 6 months or fine upto 10. If the factory employs more than 1000workers. Obligations of Workers under theFactories Act 1947 was discussed in section-----a ) 7 8 b ) 1 0 1 c ) 1 1 1 d ) 9 9 Answer .1.2 . 24 HoursAnswer. 24 Hoursd) Form No 18 A .Two Years onlyc).s o a s t o r e a c h t h e i n s p e c t o r o f factories on or before ------------. 30.b) Form No –15 37.. Lighting3.True.3 5 Answerd)Section -35 35...b) 20% of the license fee 32. 25. 5000 rupeesAnswer. 1000 rupeesd) one month..2 9 .1947. 31st July b) Form No 21.o r b o t h f o r u s i n g f a l s e certificate of fitness. T h e p a r t i c u l a r s o f t h e a c c i d e n t s h o u l d b e e n t e r e d i n s e p a r a t e r e g i s t e r s k e p t a s .of every year to renewalof a license for a factory. A suitable goggles shall be provided for the protection of persons employed inany factory is discussed inn the section ----a ) S e c t i o n 3 6 b ) S e c t i o n . in duplicate in F o r m .Answer.18. The renewal application for a licensesubmitted after December 31st of the everyyear shall paid the fine amount. 31stJulyd) Form No.. Every worker shall have the right toobtain information relating to workers’health and safety work at work.. b)Form No –15c)From .of the year a) Form NO-20. Section-------. T h e l i c e n s e f e e c a n b e p a i d t o g e t a license for a factory maximum uptoa). 12 Hours b) Form No..20Answer. 31stJuly 36.. An accident report.No–21d)From No.18.of Factories Act. 12 Hoursc) Form No..months or f i n e .The employment of young person ondangerous machines shall be prohibited the section -------.a).3 9 c ) S e c t i o n .a) two months.b) Form No 21.Three Years onlyd)Five years only.18. 31stJuneAnswer.of the Factories Actdescribes about the rights of the workersa) 111 b) 111 Ac) 110d) 112Answer.Answer.. 31stJulyc) Form No.Form No for ESI office . . The Section 20 of the Factories actdiscusses about1.True / FalseAnswer.4 0 d ) S e c t i o n .. 2000 rupeesc) six months.a) Form No.c)Section 23 34. 12 Hours3 6 . 1000 rupees 39. T h e o c c u p i e r s h a l l b e p u n i s h a b l e w i t h imprisonment extend to -------.a) two months.with details of number of person killed or injured to i) Inspector of Factories within -----------hours of theaccident . The occupier has to submit the documenton or before------..a ) S e c t i o n 2 1 b ) S e c t i o n 2 2 c ) S e c t i o n 2 3 d ) S e c t i o n 2 4 e)Answer.31 stOctober of every year. shall be confirmed by the manager by sending a separate reportin form no ---------. 18.One Year only b). 31.a) Form No..A .Drininkin Water 2. Spittoons 33.a) 10 % of the license fee b) 20% of the license feec) 30 % of the license feed) none of these.Accident Book.d)Five years only..Answer.b) 111 A 3 8 . 1000 rupees b) one year. A half yearly return for every half of every calendar year .. 24. Spittoonsd) Latrines and UrinalsAnswer-3.Form No -14. True. 26Answer. a register of Adult workers shall be maintained inForm No-----a) From No.15c) Form No.16 42.of the Factories Actsays about the definition for a factory. — a) Form No.a) 5 Years .d) 250 or more workers.of the Factories Actdiscusses about the nomination of themanager of a factory. 1.000 c) 7 Years. 00. Under the Factories Act 1948. 00. 25 Ac) Form No.12d) Form No. 1947 .c) Section 2( m) . 14Answer.c) Section 41 G 48.000Answer.False 51.27c) From No.c) Latrines and Urinals 49. Rs. aninspection book shall be maintained for exemptions granted or availed in Form No.c) From No. 25Answer. 2. 46.25 b) Form No. In case of employee covered under theESI. 00.c) Form No. Rs.28 45.29 b) From No.d) From No. A general manager of a company can beappointed as a occupier of a company. shall liable for punishment w h i c h m a y e x t e n d t o a n i m p r i s o n m e n t .000 41. T h e o c c u p i e r f a i l s t o t a k e r e m e d i a l actions against a pprehension of imminentd a n g e r t o l i v e s o r h e a l t h o f t h e w o r k e r s ( 41H). 25 44. fine upto Rupees 2 lacs or both. Under the Factories Act 1948. Rs. Under the Factories Act 1948.16Answer. 47.a ) S e c t i o n 2 ( k ) b ) S e c t i o n 2 ( l ) c ) S e c t i o n 2 ( m ) d ) S e c t i o n 2 ( n ) Answer. 18 b) Form No.000 b) 2 Years.1. 18 Ac) Form No.000d) 10 Years. 25Ad) Form No. u p t o 7 years.b) Section 7 (f) 50. then there shall be aSafety Committee in the factory.a ) S e c t i o n 7 ( e ) b ) S e c t i o n 7 ( f ) c ) S e c t i o n 7 ( g ) d ) S e c t i o n 7 ( d ) Answer. a register of Muster roll shall be maintained in Form No. 25d) From No. Section 19 of Factories Act discussesabout the ------------a ) D r i n k i n g W a t e r b ) L i g h t i n g c)Latrines and U r i n a l s d)Artificial Humidificatione)Answer.a ) S e c t i o n 4 0 b ) S e c t i o n 4 1 H c) Section 41 Gd) Section 41 Local office of the ESIto which the company attacheda) Form No.True / FalseAnswer. ----------a) Form No.12 43. Section ----------.True / FalseAnswer. Rs25. Section 41 G of the Factories Discussabout the Workers Participation inManagement . Under the Chapter II of the Tamil NaduShops and Establishments Act.25 B b) Form No.1. the accident report shall be sent inForm No --------.d) Form No. Where ------------or more workers areemployed in a factory. Rs.a) 100 or more workers b) 150 or more workersc) 200 or more workersd) 250 or more workersAnswer.theGovernment of Tamil Nadu exempted theSoftware Industries in the State from therule on opening and closing hours. Section ----.4 0 .b) 2 Years.00.28d) Form No. litres of water for everyday under the Factories Act.a) Form No-7 b) Form No.b) 2005 57.d) 1923 56. who has to prove this fact?a) Employer b)Employeec) Authorityd) Employer and Authority. the occupier has to give ------.Answer.A. fine 1. 10.The Factories employees ---------. 40 B. To close down a factory.year under thechairmanship of Chief Inspector of Factories. 7 Ad) From No. -------to theinspector of factories under the FactoriesAct.a) 1984 b) 2005c) 2004d) 1981Answer. One Lakh.000Answer. 11Answer. 00.c) Safety Officer. Under the Section 41. A particulars of white washing shall bemaintained in form no.c) Form No.5 litresc) 3 litresd) 5 litres. A weekly holiday was introduced in theFactories for the first time in the year-------. 3Answer.or more workers the rest room and lunch roomshall be provided under the Act.under thefactories act.c) Chief Inspector of Factories 53. ----------.a) Form -7 b) Form – 3 A. 59. 6 3 .52. fine Rs.5 litres 61. 54.a ) 1 9 4 8 b ) 1 9 3 1 c ) 1 9 2 6 d ) 1 9 2 3 Answer. The workers shall be provided withminimum -------.a) 2 years. The occupier shall liable for punishmentimprisonment for term of -----------.a) Once in 5 Year b) Once in 2 Year c) Once in 3 Year d) Once in a Year.a) 2 litres b) 4.25. of the Factories Act discussesabout the appointment of --------------a ) W e l f a r e Officer b ) M a n a g e r c)Safety Officer d) No ne of t h e s e .Answer.days notice to theauthorities.Answer.a ) 3 0 D a y s b ) 6 0 D a y s c ) 9 0 D a y s d ) 1 4 D a y s Answer. The expression of “Time card” in Form No. of the FactoriesAct . fine Rs. 60.a) 2 years. b) One Year. shall be substituted as “Service card” by an amendment in the Factories Act fromthe year. the Site Appraisal Committee shall beconstituted once in ---------. Answer. 50. I f a n e m p l o y e e a l l e g e s t h a t h e w a s working for the employer and the employer denies it. fine Rs.Answer.b) Form – 3 A. 3c) From No.b) 60 Days. 8d) From No.a) 100 Workers b) 150 Workersc) 200 Workersd) 250 Workers 62. The notice of change of manager shall be intimated in Form No.b) Employee .a) Once in 5 Year 58. The Factories employing more than1000 workers are required to submit their plan for approval toa)Deputy Chief Inspector of Factories b)Joint Chief Inspector of Factoriesc) Chief Inspector of Factoriesd) Additional Chief Inspector of Factories.a) Form No-7 55.or fine------------or both for failure to comply withthe provisions of Factories Act.000d) One year.000c) Six months. fine Rs. One Lakh.b) 4. 000c)Rs..a) one month b) Two monthsc) Three monthsd) Four monthsAnswer. there shall be at least one latrine seat for every --------male workers shall be provided.000 67.d) 100 Workers 72.12. The walls. 14.yearsa) one year b) two yearsc) three yearsd) Four yearsAnswer. T h e n u m b e r o f e l e c t e d w o r k e r s i n t h e canteen managing committee shall not bemore than -----. 65. N o o r d e r i s c o m m u n i c a t e d t o t h e applicant within -------------months from thed a t e o n w h i c h i t i s s o s e n t t h e permissiona p p l i e d f o r i n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n s h a l l b e d e e m e d t o h a v e b e e n g r a n t e d U n d e r t h e Factories Act. 24.monthsa) 6 months b) 12 monthsc) 18 monthsd) 24 monthsAnswerd) 24 months 7 3 . 12d) Form No. The examination of eye sight of certainw o r k e r s u n d e r t h e f a c t o r i e s A c t s h a l l b e done at least once in every ----.c) Three months 69.000d) Rs. Where males are employed .a) 31st January 66. 14.a).b) 4 months 71.or less than ---------a)more than 5 or less than 2b)more than 20 or less than 10c)more than 15 or less than 10d)more than 10 or less t h a n 5 Answer..d) Form No.o r m o r e w o r k e r s s h a l l p l a n t a n d m a i n t a i n t r e e s w i t h i n t h e p r e m i s e s o f t h e factory. The license fee for the factory employs 500workers using 250 Horse Power is Rs -------a) Rs..000Answerc)Rs.a)..b) two years . TheNotice of period of work for adultw o r k e r s u n d e r t h e F a c t o r i e s A c t s h a l l b e displace in Form-14a) Form No -7b) Form No-11c) Form No.. 24..a) Deputy Chief Inspector of factories 68..30. The annual return under the Factories Actshall be submitted to Inspector of Factories onor before -----------------------------a) 31stJanuaryb) 31stDecember c) 30thAprild) 31stMarchAnswer. The application for amendment of a licenseto a factory shall be submitted to -------------------a) Deputy Chief Inspector of factoriesb) Joint Chief Inspector of factoriesc) Additional Chief Inspector of Factoriesd) Chief Inspector of FactoriesAnswer. The occupier of every factory employing.20 workers b) 50 Workersc) 30 Workersd) 100 WorkersAnswer. ceilings and partitions of e v e r y l a t r i n e a n d u r i n a l s h a l l b e w h i t e washed or colour washed at least o n c e i n every period of -------.18.Answer.20 workers 70.64.a) more than 5 or less than 2 74.000b) Rs.monthsa) 6 months b) 4 monthsc) 12 monthsd) 14 monthsAnswer. The term of office of the canteen committeeis -----------------.a) 500 workers b) 250 Workersc) 200 W orekrsd) 100 WorkersAnswer. Time allotted for the purpose of washing is ---------.True / FalseAnswer.minutes before the end of days work .a) 15.a) 15.a) Manager b) General Manager c) Human Resource Manager d) Board of DirectorsAnswer. 5 76. the chief Inspector factories may grantexemption from the provision of crèche.14 77. the previousyear . the welfare officer ceases to have alocus standi. qualification and conditions of service )rules wasenacted in the year .False .a) 2002b) 2003c) 2004d) 2005Answer. T h e T a m i l N a d u s a f e t y o f f i c e r s ( d u t i e s .2005 79. A register of young person workers shall bemaintained in Form No. d) conditions not necessaryAnswer.--------------------a) Form No. 5b) 20.d) Board of Directors 80.c) Form No.75. 180 days. 10. 240 days.12b) Form No.c) 30. By an Amendment Act of 1987 in Factories A c t 1 9 4 7 . 240 days . If any time number of worker falls below 500in a factory. 180.14d) Form No. w h o i s t o b e a p p o i n t e d a s a n occupier. 13c) Form No. 15Answer.a) 5 Minutesb) 10 minutesc) 15 Minutesd) 20 minutesAnswerb) 10 minutes 7 8 . In a factory where the number of m a r r i e d w o m e n o r w i d o w s e m p l o y e d w a s l e s s t h a n --------or where the factory works for less than--------days or where number of children kept inthe crèche was less than -------. correct answer esi corporationyour answer esi corporationmultiple choice multiple answerquestion as per factory's act. 1924 the payment of gratuity act came in force in the year:-correct answer 1972your an swer 1972multiple choice single the short jute mill strike in the history of trade union movement inindia was held in calcutta. snacks. enf orcement of labour legislationsmultiple choice single answerquestion what is the main deference between arbitration and mediation?correct answer arbit ration is a judicial processyour answer arbitration is a judicial process the workmen's compensation act came into force on the following date:-correct an swer 1st july. privilegedleave would be counted alone with days worked for calculating leave. how many days it lasted? correct answer 4 daysyour answer 4 daysselect the blankquestion in case of earned learn or annual leave a worker has to apply for it________ from the date of leave. 1924your answer 1st july.empted questions and answerstrue/falsequestion an inspector can prosecute an employer who is defaulter under the provisions of the act. privileged leave would be counted alone with days worked for calculating leave. . should be clean and . lunch . a canteen has to have the following features :correct answer serve good quality tea. enforcement of labour legislationsyour answer strengthening industrial relations . if she/he has worked for less than 240 days but has been on maternity leave. . imparting training .co rrect answer trueyour answer truemultiple choice single when was the act came into being?correct answer 25th sep 1965your answer 25th sep 1960multiple choice multiple answer question a worker will be entitled to earned leave with wages if he fulfillsthe following criteria :-correct answer if he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year .your answer if he/she has worked for 240 days in calendar year . if she/hehas worked for less than 240 days but has been on maternity leave. imparting training . have sufficient lightand ventilation .correct answer 15 daysyour answer 15 daysmultiple choice single setting up of labour courts in each states was recommended by whichcommission ?correct answer industrial relations committeeyour answer industrial relations com mitteetrue/falsequestion woolen carpet industry is one of the scheduled the blankquestion a corporation under esi nears ________ set up under the act.correct answer trueyour answer truemultiple choice multiple answerquestion what are all the main points stressed in the fifth five year plan? correct answer strengthening industrial relations . should be clean and tidytrue/falsequestion arbitration is less expensive than other procedures. discourage absenteeism .correct answer trueyour answer truetrue/falsequestion an appeal and revie w of all disciplinary action is a basic need of justicecorrect answer trueyour answer truetrue/falsequesti on a punishment should be commensurate with the gravity of the offence.correct answer 48your answer 48true/falsequestion award of tribunal ca n be appealed before the high court and supremecourtcorrect answer trueyour ans wer truemultiple choice single answerquestion a registered unions can change its name if it is consented by the following percentage of members :-correct answer 0. no interruption ofworkselect the blankquestion the process of negotiations under collective bargaining involves ___ _____ steps.correct answer 1911your answer 1911select the blankquestion the failure of cancellation proceedings leads to refer the matter toadj udication by the ________.correct an swer trueyour answer trueselect the blankquestion an aggrieved employee should be given the answer within _______ _ hours from the submission of grievance.correct answer 2your answer 2multiple choice single .correct answer governmentyour answer governmenttrue/falsequestion th e declaration form for an employee under esi should be sent 10 esioffice duly filed written 15 days correct answer falseyour answer falseselect the blankquestion minimum wages was formulated in the year ________ correct answ er 1948your answer 1948match the followingquestion correct answer your answerduring a lay off period the company has to pay reduced esi contributions reducedesi contributionsthe principal employer has to give a report to the esi on those subsidiaries working under him who don't pay give a report to the esi on those subsidiaries working under him who don't paythe subsidiary employer has to give proof of esi payment to the principal employer give proof of esi payment to the principal employerthe companies usually insists on subsidiaries having their own esi code having their own esi codetrue/falsequestion an inspector under payment of gratuity can enter a factory a nd inspect the appropriate records. have sufficient light andve ntilation .66your answer 0. lunch . no interruptio nof workyour answer maximum production . correct a nswer trueyour answer truemultiple choice multiple answerquestion what are all the main provisions in the industrial trade resolution.tidyyour answer serve good quality tea. discourage absenteeism .66select the blankquestion tata iron and steel industry had been established in jemshedpur in _ _______. snacks.1 962?correct answer maximum production . . factories operated in some places. . civil court judgeyour answer any commissioner for workers compensation. fails to send return under section 16your answer fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section 10. it came into force on 1st july. it came into force on 1st july.correct answer close downyour answer close down what are the duties of central industrial machinery in india?correct answer prevention. investigation and settlement .answerquestion in case a worker quits. lahoore . . he has to be completely impartialyour answer fair hearing . fatehpuryour answer agra . which are these places?correct answer agra . the arbitrator should not relay on any documentwhich is not shown and explained to the other party . participation by workers inthe functions of the industry . give effect to various provisions of industrial dispute act 1947? . establishment of safety precautionsyour answer good employer-employee relation . 1924your answer it has enacted in 1923 . fatehpur the appropriate government may by notification in the official gazette appoint the following :-correct answer any commissioner for workers compensation.correct answer trueyour answer trueselect the blank question if a company cannot pay statutory wages it should as per supreme count order ________. he has to be paid. fails to send return under section 16multiple choice single answerquestion automation has eleminated :-correct answer human operationyour answer human operationmultiple choice multiple answerquestion the workmen's compensation act has the following features:-correct answer it has enacted in 1923 . he has to be completely impartialmultiple choice multiple answerquestion an employee is charged with the penalties the following circumstances:-correct answer fails to maintain a notice book under subsection 3 of section10 . enforcement of fair wage clause your answer prevention. the arbitrator should not relay on any document which is not shown and explained to the other party . participation by workers in thefunctions of the industry . establishment of safety precautionsmultiple choice single answerquestion the infancy period for an establishment where no pf is payable is asfollows:-correct answer 2 yearsyour answer 2 yearsmultiple choice multiple answerquestion what are the main aspects of procedure for investigation?correct answer fair hearing . give effect to variousprovisions of industrial dispute act 1947? . any officer of central government exercising functioning as labour commission. investigation and settlement . what are they?correct answer good employer-employee relation . fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section 10a . enforcement of fair wage clausemultiple choice multiple answerquestion under akber. lahoore . fails to send to the commissioner a statement under subsection 1 of section10a . it extends to whole of india . 1924select the blankquestion workmen does not include ________ correct answer policemanyour answer policemantrue/falsequestion in collective bargaining there should be willingness to give and take by both the parties. any officer of central government . it extends to whole of india . leave wages on the following day : correct answer next dayyour answer immediately employers can eliminate strikes and by providing certain needs of the workers. the amount payable underthe act is as follows:-correct answer 60% of monthly wages x relevant factor. to prosecute employeryour answer examine records . can seize the register / records for the purpose. . can seize the register / records for the purpose. to prosecute employermultiple choice single answerquestion in which year mr sorabji shapurji started a movement in bombay?correct answer 1875your answer 1875select the blankquestion every claim for non payment of minimum wages shall be presented within ________.your answer 60% of monthly wages x relevant factor. .correct answer immediately after its falling dueyour answer immediately after its falling duemultiple choice single answerquestion when a permanent total disablement occurs.correct answer 6 monthsyour answer 6 monthsselect the blankquestion compensation under workmen's compensation act has to be paid _______ _.true/false . civil court judgemultiple choice multiple answerquestion any inspects appointed by appropriate governed can do the following:correct answer examine records . .exercising functioning as labour commission.
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