

MCQ: ASP.Net 1. In order for query string values to be available during page processing, you must submit the page using an HTTP GET command. A. True B. False ANSWER: A 2. In order for hidden-field values to be available during page processing, you must submit the page using an HTTP POST command. A. True B. False ANSWER: A 3. Can you call SQL Trigger from ASP.NET application explicitly? A. Yes B. No C. None of them ANSWER: B 4. What is the name of the property of ASP.NET page that you can query to determine that a ASP.NET page is being requested not data being submitted to web server? A. FirstGet B. Initialized C. IncludesData D. IsPostBack ANSWER : D 5. For separating server-side code from client-side code on a ASP.NET page, what programming model should you use? A. Separation model B. Code-Behind model C. In-Line model D. ClientServer model ANSWER: B 6. Which of the following operations can you NOT perform on an ADO.NET DataSet? A. A DataSet can be synchronised with the database. B. A DataSet can be synchronised with a RecordSet. C. A DataSet can be converted to XML. D. You can infer the schema from a DataSet. ANSWER: B 7. A __________ control defaults to displaying the files in the current directory? A. List Box B. Drive List Box C. Dir List Box D. File List Box ANSWER: D 8. What debugging tools come with the .NET SDK? A. CorDBG – command-line debugger B. Dbg CLR – graphic debugger C. Both A and B D. None of the above ANSWER: C 9. How can you get the ColumnName,DataType ColumnSize, IsKeyColumn,IsAutoIncrement of the table from the dataset? A. GetSchemaTable method of the DataReader B. Fill method of data adaptor C. GetTableDetails method D. Dataset.GetDataTable() ANSWER: A 10. Which of the function is used to check textbox only contain number? A. char.IsDigit B. char.IsLetter C. char.IsNumber D. char.IsLetterOrDigit ANSWER: A 11. what are the Activation modes for .NET Remoting? A. Singleton B. Singlecall C. Both D. None ANSWER: C 12. How can you come out from the c# windows Forms Application? A. Application.Exit(); B. Application.close(); C. Form.Exit(); D. Form.Close(); ANSWER: A 13. You have designed a logon form with two TextBox controls named txtUserName and txtpassword. You want to ensure that the user can enter only lowercase characters in the controls. Which of the following solutions will fulfill this requirement using the simplest method? A. Program the KeyPress event of the TextBox controls to convert uppercase letters to lowercase letters. B. Create a single event handler that is attached to the KeyPress event of the form. Program this event handler to convert the uppercase letters to lowercase ones. C. Set the CharacterCasing property of the Textbox controls to Lower. D. Use the CharacterCasing method of the controls to convert the letters to lowercase letters. ANSWER: C 14. You are creating an order-tracking application using a Visual C# .NET Windows application. When you are unable to track a particular order number entered by the user, you need to raise an exception. Which of the following options will help you to raise an exception? A. try block B. catch block C. finally block D. throw statement ANSWER: D 15. Which of the following events will fire when the Insert key is pressed? A. KeyDown B. KeyPress C. KeyUp D. KeyDown,KeyPress ANSWER: D 16. You have a TextBox control and a Help button that the user can press to get help on allowable values. You validate the data entered by the user in the TextBox control. If the user enters an invalid value, you set the focus back in the control using the Cancel property of the CancelEventArgs. A user reports that once he enters invalid data in the text box, he cannot click the Help button. What should you do to correct the problem? A. Set the CausesValidation property of the text box to false. B. Set the CausesValidation property of the text box to true. C. Set the CausesValidation property of the Help button to false. D. Set the CausesValidation property of the Help button to true. ANSWER: C 17. You are designing a Windows Form that enables you to add a new product to the product catalog of your company. You need to validate the controls as the user enters the data. If incorrect data is entered in the field, you should set the focus back to the control and ask the user to enter the correct data. Which of the following events will you use to validate user input? A. LostFocus B. Validating C. Leave D. Validated you should set the focus back to the control and ask the user to enter the correct data. Which of the following events will you use to validate user input? A. You need to validate the controls as the user enters the data. False ANSWER: A 21. Validate D. Leave D. In order for hidden-field values to be available during page processing.ANSWER: B 18.NET store SessionIDs by default? A. Page_Unload ANSWER : D 23. In URL strings or in a database . In a global variable D. A. False ANSWER: A 20. In order for query string values to be available during page processing.True B. A hidden form field ANSWER : D 22. Page_Load C. A cookie B. A query string C. You are designing a Windows Form that enables you to add a new product to the product catalog of your company. True B. you must submit the page using an HTTP GET command.For this project. In cookies C. In cache B. LostFocus B. A. Validating C. Which is the best method to use? A. A project on which you are working calls for you to store small amount of frequently changing information about a page on the client. A URL D. you must submit the page using an HTTP POST command. What is the last stage of the Web forms lifecycle? A. Validated ANSWER: B 19. security is not a worry. How does ASP. If incorrect data is entered in the field. Event Handling B. ValidateControl C. Validate B.config D.config ANSWER : B 29. app. assembly. What attribute must be set on a validator control for the validation to work? A. In Which Page Cycle All Controls Are Fully Loaded? A. Page_Init() .aspx ANSWER : A 27.Web.config B. What is default time of expire session? A. 1200 hours ANSWER : A 30.RootBuilder C.Web.NET Framework class hierarchy? A. General. web. Global. Which of the following contains web application settings? A. Page_Load() B. Do I need IIS to develop a Web application in ASP.0? A. System. 40 minute C. ControlToValidate ANSWER : D 28.UserControl D.Control B.Config D. ControlToBind D. Yes B. 100 minute D.Web. Default. Where would you define application and session level events? A.aspx C. System.NET 2. machine. System. What namespace does the Web page belong in the . Web.Web.UI.Page ANSWER : D 26. No ANSWER : B 25.asax B.ANSWER : B 24. 20 minute B. System.config C. Fill( ) B. C. Session. Session Objects B.Close() B.Redirect(“SomePage.aspx”). D. Server. What DataType is return in IsPostback property? A. How do you explicitly kill a user’s session ? A. Viewstate .aspx”). Which directive can be used to assign a class name to the master page? A. <%@ Control %> B. ExecuteQuery( ) D. <%@ MasterType %> D. <%@ Master %> C. None of these ANSWER : A 34.Redirect(“SomePage.Discard() C. Page_Unload() ANSWER : A 31. string ANSWER : B 33. Application Objects C.aspx”). bit B.aspx”). Which method do you invoke on the Data Adapter control to load your generated dataset? A. Server. Session. Response.C. Server.End() ANSWER : C 36.Net? A.Transfer(“SomePage. <%@ Page %> ANSWER : B application A. The public methods and properties of a master page can be accessed in a content page by assigning a class name to the master page.Execute(“SomePage. Page_Render() D. Session. ANSWER : C 35. B. Which of the following is not a valid statement in ASP. int D. Read( ) C. Session. Boolean C.Abandon() D. How do you manage states in asp. None of these ANSWER : A 40. All of the above ANSWER : D 37. A. prior to setting the DataSource. Assemblies that are used on only this one web application B. Assemblies that are XCOPY’d to the location. Assemblies that are used on web sites on only this web server machine. Which control would you use if you needed to make sure the values in two different controls matched? A. You build the solution in Visual Studio . Which data control does not exist in asp. Custom Validator control C. tableView ANSWER : D 38.redirect will take you to another page with out round trip A. Required Field Validator B. server. Which is not a validation control? A. response. You have created a new ASP. DataTextField property. to display data in the combo box? A. ANSWER : A 42. Assemblies that are used by web applications anywhere on the network D. You notice that there is a /bin directory under the virtual directory. Repeater D. DataList C. DataMember D. GridView B. DataValueField Property C. Which property on a Combo Box do you set with a column name.redirect and server. Compare Validator C.transfer. C. Regular expression validator Control ANSWER : C 39. none of these ANSWER : D 41. Error Validator .Net web application.D.transfer will take the round trip from server to client C. Difference between response. all the above D. CompareValidator control D. B. Required Field Validator B.Net. Which type of files should you place in this location? A. D. Basic expressions ANSWER : B 48. Which namespace is used when we connect our asp. DataGrid D. Regular expressions C. To store the global information and variable definitions for the application B. To configure the web server D. System. When will a session be started in an application? A.sqlserver D. Regular Expression Validator ANSWER : C 43. After Application Started Which are the two properties of a Datagrid that has to be specified to turn on sorting and paging respectively? A. To configure the web browser ANSWER : A 46. None of these ANWER : C 45. Which control is used to sort the data and allow paging? A. What is used to validate complex string patterns like an e-mail address? A.url ANSWER : A . Extended expressions B. System.config file used for? A. EnableSorting=”true” and allowPaging=”true” ANSWER : C 47. While closing the application ANSWER : C 44. System. Repeater Control C. What is the page to sql server A. Datalist B. Configures the time that the server-side codebehind module is called C. When the Client first sends a request to browser D. Irregular expressions D. System.sqlclient B. AllowSoring=”true” and allowPaging=”true” D. DisableSorting=”false” and DisablePaging=”false” C.sql C. EnableSorting=”true” and EnablePaging=”true” B. Before Application Started Windows XP Professional B. Fill() ANSWER: D .Both are Same B. After Init() and After Page_Load() / OnLoad() ANSWER: C 54. After Init() and Before Page_Load() / OnLoad() D. PostBack B. Query strings D. you find that the event handler doesn’t execute. Windows 2003 Server D.Write() and Response. Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data? A.49. The process in which a web page sends data back to the same page on the server is called? A. After capturing the SelectedIndexChanged event for a ListBox control. Before Page_Load() / OnLoad() and Before Init() C.Write()? A. Bind D. The ListBox must be defined WithEvents ANSWER : B 52. All the above ANSWER : A 51. The codebehind module is not properly compiled D. The AutoPostBack attribute is set to False C. Session C. When the page processing cycle of ViewState is available? A. The AutoEventWireup attribute is set to False B. What could the problem be? A. What’s the difference between Response.None Of these ANSWER: B 53. Populate() C. Before init and After Page_Load() / OnLoad() B. DataBind() B.Write Formatted Output C.Output. Windows XP Home C.Write data to a file D. Which of the following is not supported for IIS? A. Windows 2000 Server ANSWER : B 50. In order to get assembly info which namespace we should import? A. HTML controls are run on client side.55. Which template must you provide. False ANSWER: A 56. false ANSWER: A 61. Can you edit data in the Repeater control? A. EditItemTemplate B. system.Configuration D. Assemblies are the building blocks of the .NET framework A. Unload() . true B. B. What methods are fired during the page load? A. A. System. in order to display data in a Repeater control? A. where as ASP. True B. FALSE ANSWER: A 60. ItemTemplate ANSWER: B 57. False ANSWER: A 59. What base class do all Web Forms inherit from? A.assembly ANSWER: A 63.NET web application consume Java web service ? A. ColumnMapping belongs to System. true B. System. controls runs on server side and for execute on client side. C. True B. The Session ANSWER: A 58.Collections. Can a .Generic C.Data namespaces ? A. The Form class. The Page class. TRUE B. false ANSWER: A 62.reflection B. they generate HTML controls. False . None Of The Above ANSWER: C 70. CacheElementPriority C. false ANSWER: B 69. A. false ANSWER: B 66. Windows Services Designing Language D. NET DLL contains Very Limited Number Of classes A. true B. True B.true B. Web Services Designing Language C. Web Services Description Language B. None of these ANSWER: A 68. A process where items are removed from cache in order to free the memory based on their priority. PreRender() C.false ANSWER: B 67. A. A. A. true B. true B. Ispostback event is generated by the web controls to alert the server to take respected action of the event generated. It is Specially used for particular Scenario. A. false ANSWER: A 65. Load() D. The Dataset is an core of connected architecture. What is the full form of WSDL A. CacheItemPriority D.B. All The Above ANSWER: B 64. CachePriority B. Setting a permanent cookie is not like Session cookie. A process where items are removed from cache in order to free the memory based on their priority is called page posting. false ANSWER: A 75. What is a Managed Data ? A. A. System C. A. Inside a function D. WCF does not have all Http capabilities E. reliable D. what is its lifetime of a Static variable? A. WCF is more secure. false ANSWER: B 77. Advantages of WCF over Web Services? (Windows communication Foundation) A. WCF is implemented on pipeline C. None Of the Above ANSWER: B 73. Web ANSWER: B 74. WCF can create services similar in concept to ASMX B. It stores items added to a page’s ViewState property as hidden fields on the page. Memory allocation/de-allocation is done by user B. Viewstate is the mechanism that automatically saves the values of the page's items just after rendering the page. Application domain is a way in CLR to maintain a boundary between various applications to ensure that they do not interfere in working of any other application. Root B. Parent D. An abstract class is one in which methods are defined but an object of this class cannot be instantiated. Memory allocation/ de-allocetion is done by CLR itself ANSWER: B 76. true B. All The Above ANSWER: E 72. What is the root namespace for all types? A. This type of a class can only be derived but cannot be instantiated. . Throughout the execution of a program C. Can Be accessed even Outside of the Program B. True B.ANSWER: B 71. Such a situation cannot happen at all C. Can We Pass parameter to Crystal Report (. ASP. B. True B. D. How many types of cookies are there? A.rpt) File ? A. AJAX refers to a set of client and server technologies that focus on improving web development with Visual Studio.A. False ANSWER: A 78. No C. True B. C. The customer must be having technology that run ASP. ValueToCompare B. 2 C. Yes B. Singleton architecture is to be used when all the applications have to use or share same data. 1 B.NET AJAX is the name of Microsoft’s AJAX solution B. Microsoft AJAX Library is a JavaScript library that works on a variety of browsers and serves to simplify JavaScript development. Which property common in every validation control? A. AJAX ? A. An organization has developed a web service in which the values of the forms are validated using ASP. None ANSWER: A 81. ControlToValidate D. InitialValue ANSWER: C 82. ValidationExpression C.NET application. Which statements are correct about asp. The customer can run on any platform. 3 . All The Above ANSWER: D 80. False ANSWER: A 79. None of the Above ANSWER: A 83.Suppose this web service is got and used by a customer then in such a scenario which of the following is TRUE A. A. [WebMethod(EnableSession ="true")] . HashTable C. Role membership determined only by user programming C. Automatically determines role membership B. Which of the following is TRUE about Windows Authentication in ASP. ArrayList D. Application_Error C. System.NET class that everything is derived from? A. Yes B. If cookies are not enabled at browser end does form Authentication work? A. No ANSWER: A 89. List B. No C.D.Object B. All of the Above ANSWER: A 90. What’s the top . System. Both Yes And NO D. System C. Can you prevent your class from being inherited by another class? ANSWER: A 86. None of the above ANSWER: B 88. System.NET? A. System_Error ANSWER: B 87. ASP. What is the event that is fired when an unhandled exception is encountered within the application? A. Arry ANSWER: B 85. Application_Disposed D.Data D.NET does not support Windows Authentication D. What’s the .NET collection class that allows an element to be accessed using a unique key? A. 4 ANSWER: B 84. Yes B. Page_Error B. What are WebMethod attribute properties A. abc. A. Yes B. Yes B. [WebMethod(CacheDuration = "180")] E. Two C. No ANSWER: B 95. Response. Yes . None ANSWER: C Can we run asp.B.Redirect() C. [WebMethod(TransactionOption = "Supported")] application without WEB. No ANSWER: A 96. Three D. You are developing an asp. All The Aboue ANSWER: E 91. One B. Yes B. Is it possible to inline assembly or IL in C# code? A. Can it run? A.Redirect() ANSWER: D 92. [WebMethod(MessageName = "SinInt")] C. Server. in that page you need to provide an option to redirect to a web page that is in www.Transfer() D. Is it possible to have a static indexer in C? A. Team foundation is a ________ tier architecture A. can we add more than one WEB. No ANSWER: B 94. Caching is considered as the best way to enhance the performance of the page for www. Response. Which method you should use to perform the task A.CONFIG file? A. Yes B.CONFIG files. No ANSWER: A 97.NET application. In an . Request.Transfer() B. True B. False ANSWER: B 101. No ANSWER: A 98. 255 bytes D. GridView_DataBinding D. What is the maximum size of query string? A. Yes B. Then. Name of the assembly B. The main event fired when we call bind method in a datagrid A. All of these ANSWER: E 100. First: GridView_DataBinding . Which are the components of a strong name? A.256mb 512mb ANSWER: C 103. First:GridView_RowCreated. GridView_RowCommand ANSWER: A 99. public key token. E.No ANSWER: B 102. A. The default size cache of a 128mb RAM is 128mb 384mb 3. Yes B. To test a Web service you must create a windows application or Web application to consume this service? A. 128 bytes C. Then. 384 bytes B. Culture identity D. First: GridView_DataBinding . GridView_RowCreated B. Then.B. Is it possible to Override Private Virtual methods. Does web service have a state? A.GridView_DataBinding C. version number C. 512 bytes . No ANSWER: A 104. True B. Both can use as drag and drop tool B. HTTP B. SMTP C. Two C.Collections D.NET DLL contain? A. System. System. System. what is the difference between user control and custom control A. Web Controls Supports CSS A. There can be more than 1 machine. Which Namespace is used for event log support? A.Web. System. Where do you store the information about the user’s locale? A. What is the transport protocol you use to call a Web service? A. How many classes can a single . One Custom Control can be use in different project but not the same with User control .Web. System.Web. SOAP E.UI ANSWER: B 106. TCP D. False ANSWER: A 110. Both can use different application D.UI.config file in a system A. POP ANSWER: D 109. One B.Diagnostics C. Both are same C. B. System. Three D.UI. System.Page.Web ANSWER: B 107.Reflection.UI B. True B. System. Many ANSWER: D 108.ANSWER: C 105.Page D.Culture C. False ANSWER: A 111.Web. resx ANSWER: A 118. It will stop the server process B.Finds the difference in two files D. Add reference of dll file and place the code where ever required C. By add/Remove items in the project menu B. Output Caching B.ascx D. CommandText ANSWER: D 114. Which of the following is not a member of ADODBCommand object-? A.Net 3rd party component? A. Select the caching type supported by ASP. . ExecuteScalar C.asmx B.aspx C. How do you add ASP. Open E. . What does Response. None of the above ANSWER: A 115. .The one which renders the dataset object contents to XML B. .net ANSWER: B 116.aspx ANSWER: A 113.None of the above ANSWER: B 117. It will stop the client process C. What is the extension of a web user control file ? A.Net A. DataCaching . Which of the following extension does a webservice file will have? A. Cannot add 3rd party component to asp.ANSWER: D 112.ascx C.End will do? A. . . ExecuteReader B. ExecuteStream D.asmx B.Finds the difference in two objects C. . What is a diffgram ? A. What is the default authentication mode for IIS? A. Anonymous C.C. Both a & b D. Which of the following is true ? A. Can not be done ANSWER: C 120. Client .Net Designer C. C# B. InProcess B. Yes C. Desktop B. How do you trace the application_End event on runtime? A. Where is the default Session data is stored in ASP. StateServer C. Visual Basic ANSWER: A 123. No B. Which of the following languages can be used to write server side scripting in ASP. ANSWER: B 121. User controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET Designer B. SQL Server D. C C. None of the above ANSWER: C 119. Windows B.NET? A. Can a dll run as stand alone application ? A. Custom controls are displayed correctly in VS. By Debugging B. By Tracing C. All of the above ANSWER: A 122. User and Custom controls are displayed correctly in the Visual Studio .NET Designer. The code will be processed on web server when the runat attribute of the < Script > tag has the following value? A. Basic Authentication D. None ANSWER: B 124.Net? A. Sometimes we can make it by introducing some code ANSWER: A 125. What is the advantage of Disconnected mode of ADO. Not necessary to connect with server C. Tagprefix. Tagname ANSWER: C 128. Server ANSWER: C 126. Httphandler is an event handler and httpmodule is module to do some task C. Add Source. Automatically dump data at client PC B. SQLLCientAttribute B. Both of the above D.config file set the tag to True B. In Web. update values with server) A. None of the above ANSWER: A 127. How do you register a user control? A. SQLPermissionClient D.Net(user data can update and retrieve in dataset and when connection connected. Add Src. SQLPermission C. No ANSWER: A 129. Set the EnableSession state to false in webform properties window ANSWER: D . Tag name B. Tag prefix C. All of the above ANSWER: C 130. Yes B. What is the difference between HTTP handlers & HTTP modules? A. update values with server D.C. The object used by SQL connection to make Security Demands A.config file set the tag to false C. In Web. Httphandler is an class and Httpmodule is an assembly B. Add Tag prefix. Set the Session state to false in webform properties window D. user data can update and retrieve in dataset and when connection connected. Is it Possible to Serialize HashTable with XMLSerializer? A. SQLClientPermission ANSWER: D 131. How do you turn off the Session state for a webform ? A.Net in ASP. NET can run? A. 2 B. Users must not be able to navigate directly to these files in a Web browser unless they are members of the Accounting role. Windows 2000 C. The Web application reads comma-delimited text files. Select the output of the statement < form method=post action=”test.aspx D. Which form of authentication should you use? A. Calls post method on test. Which of the following is true about session in ASP. Ensure that the source database is Microsoft SQL Server. On which of the operating system below ASP. 3 C.aspx with out HTTP headers C. You are transferring records from one database to another. Windows XP Professional B.aspx” > A. Anonymous B.132.NET automatically delete sessions after configurable timeout interval . ANSWER: B 135. Ensure that the bulk copy program (bcp) utility is installed on the destination server. Certificate C. Forms D. None of the above ANSWER: B 134. Transfers all the form data to test.NET HTTP handler that will use the FileAuthorizationModule class. Transfers all the form data to test. You need to decide whether you can use the SqlBulkCopy class to transfer the records. ASP. table.aspx with HTTP headers B. None of the Above ANSWER: C 137. Microsoft Windows Integrated Security ANSWER: 4 136. Ensure that the destination database is Microsoft SQL Server. You are creating a Web application that will run on an intranet. 1 D. E. C. The text files reside in a subdirectory below the Web application's root directory. More than one ANSWER: C 133. You need to write an ASP. What should you do? A.NET? A. Both A) and B) D. Ensure that the column names in the source table match the column names in the destination D. B. The number of forms that can be added to a aspx page is A. Microsoft SQL Server D. In ASP. Session State Service C. WindowDatset D. None of the Above ANSWER: A 138. In ASP.WorkingSet.Write(System. In-process storage B. Call FOCUS method D. In ASP. It is not possible to set automatically page events and methods . Call SETFOCUS B. In ASP. None of the Above ANSWER: B 139. Top-down D. AutoEventWireup attribute of the Page directive is set to False C. Return Null value C. In ASP. Gives Error D. Bottom-up ANSWER: A 142. AutoEventWireup attribute of the Page directive is set to true B.NET if one wants to set the focus on a particular control A. The default time interval is 5 minutes D. Programmers has to take care of delete sessions after configurable timeout interval C. Gives Error ANSWER: A 141. WindowsPrincipal C. None of the above ANSWER: C 143. Gives the memory working set B.NET page framework an automatic way to associate page events and methods is A. Serialization B.ToString())%> A.NET request processing is based on A.NET what does the following return < % Response. Waterfall C. Give one word: What model does ASP.Environment. Call SETCONTROL C.NET if one uses Windows authentication the current request attaches an object called as A.B. Pipeline B. All the Above ANSWER: 4 140.NET if one wants to maintain session then which of the following is used? A. NET application? A. Systems.NET to display information from data set but with better formatting and editing behavior is A. If a developer of ASP. single-file B. Both A and B D.D. code-behind C. If one uses ASP. Both A and B D.NET files B. None of the Above ANSWER: C 147.Diagnostics classes D. None of the above ANSWER: C 148. Which of the following denote page code model in ASP. All the Above ANSWER: D 145. None of the Above ANSWER: A 146. The Web site has many predefined roles and associated users that will be used for security purposes. Button C.NET defines style information in a common location. None of the Above ANSWER: B 149. the Code Access Security Policy tool . None of the Above ANSWER: A 144. the Microsoft . The access is restricted only to ASP. Master Page B.NET? A. DataList D.NET resources. The access is restricted only to static files and non-ASP. The control used in ASP.NET B. C. Which of the following can be used to debug .Which tool should you use? A. Runtime Debugger C. You create a Web site.NET Framework Configuration tool B. Panel B.NET configuration system to restrict access which of the following is TRUE? A. Theme C. Then that location is called as A. You need to manage these roles and user accounts. Visual Studio . Customization D. Code-behind C. System. To set page title dynamically in ASP. You need to add the Web control to your Web application pages without compiling your control into a .WebControls.Control.UI. System. You are creating a custom control. ASP. C.Web.WebControl. D. Code-front ANSWER: C 153.UI. <tail > section C.NET IIS Registration tool D. Create a control that derives from System. Code-front D. Which of the following is used to write error message in event Log File? A. Exception B. Ensure that the Web control inherits from the UserControl class.Web. Create a control that derives from System. the Web Site Administration Tool ANSWER: D 150. ANSWER: D 151. Create a control that derives from System. The UI of the control must contain several text boxes and two buttons. None of the above ANSWER: A 155. < head > section B.NET if you want to allows page developers a way to specify static connections in a content page then the class used is . the ASP.UI. D.CompositeControl. ANSWER: B 152. Ensure that the Web control inherits from the CompositeControl class.NET separates the HTML output from program logic using a feature named as A. B.Web.UserControl.Data D. System. What should you do? A. C. Ensure that the Web control inherits from the Control class. You need to achieve this functionality by using the minimum amount of code. Create a control that derives from System. What should you do? A. <sheet > section D.NET which of the following is used? A.Diagnostics B. B.Web. The control must be available in the global assembly cache for reuse across multiple Web applications.C.UI. You are creating a templated Web control for use in your Web application.EnterpriseServices C. Ensure that the Web control inherits from the WebControl class.WebControls. None of the Above ANSWER: A 154.dll file. In ASP. asax file lie in which directory A. Clears the buffer area C.NET object without affecting the existing one how to achieve the above? A. None of the Above ANSWER: A 158. System C. A client side already has 25 COM objects and if the requirement is to add a 26th function that must exists only for .ExpiresAbsolute = Now(). The session expires B. None of the Above ANSWER: A 159.Activator D. Cross Page Posting C. Application D. WebPartManager B.0 that is used to fire a normal postback to a different page in the application is called A. no-cache D. None of the Above ANSWER: B 156. Theme B. Avoid page to be cached D. The feature in ASP. In ASP. Setting the following properties for object in ASP.NET? A. Public B. System.NET results in Response. ROOT B. 0))Response.Subtract(New TimeSpan(1. None of the above ANSWER: B 160. Code-front D. ProxyWebPartManager C.A. By RCA D.Expires = 0 Response. 0. By CCW B. By RCW C. None of the Above ANSWER: C 157. All the Above .NET 2. Which of the following denote value that can be taken by Cache-Control of ASP.CacheControl = "no-cache A.NET application the Global. 0. Private C.Buffer = True Response. ANSWER: D 161. You create a large. What should you do? A. You need to add controls that use adaptive rendering to display content. Add Web server controls to the Web Form.MasterPageFile in the Page's Page_Init event. Automatic data binding B. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Set Page. Choose two. You create a Web Form. From which base type should your custom event type inherit? A. B.MasterPageFile in the Page's Page_PreInit event. What should you do? A. D.NET has which of the following features A. D. You need to dynamically set the master page when a user views pages in the application. Automatic paging . You need to create a custom event type that enables your event tracking system to record all relevant event details for all types of events.The type of content rendered must depend on the device that is requesting the page. WebEventProvider C.) A. ANSWER: D 163. B. You have a Web application that is configured for personalization. C. Add custom controls that emit WML to the Web Form. C. Add custom controls that emit XHTML to the Web Form. Access the personalization data from the Session property of the HttpContext object.MasterPageFile in the Page's Page_Load event. Access the personalization data from the Cache property of the HttpContext object. WebAuditEvent ANSWER: C 165. Set Page. WebBaseEvent D. You need to access personalization data from one of the pages of the Web application by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. D. The GridView control in ASP.D 164. Access the personalization data from the Application property of the HttpContext object. You develop a Web application that contains two master pages. ANSWER: D 162. Access the personalization data from the Profile property of the HttpContext object. ANSWER: C. Add mobile controls to the Web Form.MasterPageFile in the Page's OnInit event. Set Page. IWebEventCustomEvaluator B. Set Page. C. n-tier Web application that has a custom event tracking system. B. The events must be stored in Microsoft SQL Server. Which of the following denote New Data-bound Controls used with ASP. Both A) and B) D. If in an ASP. ListBox C.NET application one want to create http handlers which of the interface is used A.NET to achieve the above? A. LinkButton C. At this instance which of the following methods gets fired A.NET. Forms based authentication is otherwise called in ASP. None of the above ANSWER: C 166. AdRotator B.NET as Cookie Authentication because Forms authentication uses cookies to allow applications to track users throughout their visit A. Pipeline D.NET application. DataList B. None of the Above ANSWER: B 168. I have a page loaded from server memory. Windows Authentication D. A developer wanted to achieve graphics in his display using ASP. GridView . IHttpHandlerFactory B. Cookie Authentication B. None of the Above ANSWER: A 171. Which of the following denote the web control associated with Table control function of ASP.NET? A. Load() C. Unload( ) D.NET A. Passport Authentication C. None of the above ANSWER: A 167. I have an ASP. Which of the following web controls are available in ASP. TableRow D. All the Above ANSWER: C 169. Handler C.C. None of the Above ANSWER: A 170. Both A and B D. PreRender( ) B. Both A) and B) E. a Web Setup project ANSWER: B 173. ANSWER: A 174.exe. < allow > B. the Publish Web tool D. B. In ASP.B. you create new C# source code files and delete old ones. Write a batch file that uses aspnet_wp.You need to compile and copy the Web site to the staging server. CLR B. < deny > C. RMT B. Give One word: Common type system is built into which of the following A. You are working with a team of developers on a Web site. Write a batch file that uses aspnet_compiler.exe. C. What should you do? A. D. SqlDataSource D.NET the < authorization > section contain which of the following elements A. RC ANSWER: B 176.exe. The Web site needs to be deployed to a staging server for performance testing. You need to ensure that your changes propagate to the staging server without affecting any files that you have not modified. Which tool should you use? A. Both A and B D.NET Framework provides a runtime environment called A. RCT C. You plan to make a number of performance enhancements and then retest. the Copy Web tool C.exe. While making changes. None of the Above ANSWER: C 175. Write a batch file that uses Csc. Your team creates a Web site. The . XCOPY B. GAC . Write a batch file that uses InstallUtil. FormView C. CLR C. RCW D. All the Above ANSWER: E 172. You copy the Web site from the staging server to work on it locally. RCT D. Which of the following denote the possible priority level for the threads? A.NET RMT D.NET applications run without a Web Server B. None of the Above ANSWER: B 182. Which of the following denote the property in every validation control? A.None of the above ANSWER: B 180. . ControlToValidate property B. Both A and B D.ANSWER: A 177. . Page Class C. What is the base class from which all Web forms inherit? A. A.NET Threading B. In my . Overriding ANSWER: B 178. Master Page B. . Find the term: The . Text property C. Normal B.NET Framework I have threads. The technique that allow code to make function calls to . Serialization B.NET applications on other processes and on other machines is A. All the Above ANSWER: D 179. Garbage Collection C.NET is a major upgrade over ASP D. ASP. AboveNormal C. Which of the following is FALSE? A. Assemblies D. ASP+ and ASP.NET refer to the same thing C. ASP. Highest D. None of the Above ANSWER: C 181. Session Class D. . None of the Above .NET framework which provides automatic memory management using a technique called.NET Remoting C. Reflection B. System.Write() C. Use the Web Setup project Installer. C. Use the Copy Web tool.NET the operation of reading metadata and using its contents is known as A.Output. What tags one need to add within the asp:datagrid tags to bind columns manually. Set AutomaunalColumns Property to true on the datagrid tag ANSWER: A 184. Call the DataBind method C. Response. System. None of the Above ANSWER: B 185.Diagnostics D. Both A and B D. A. Which of the following allow writing formatted output? A. The namespace within the Microsoft . Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to false on the datagrid tag B.Security C. Use the Publish Web tool. GIVE ONE WORD: In . Use XCOPY. B.NET framework which provides the functionality to implement transaction processing is A. None of the Above ANSWER: C 186. D. Enumeration C. The only access you have to the server is through FTP. Both A) and B) D.Write() B.EnterpriseServices B.Data ANSWER: A 187.ANSWER: D 183. System. Response. Which of the following must be done in order to connect data from some data resource to Repeater control? A. It is not possible to do the operation D. System. You are deploying a Web site to a server managed by a hosting company. Set AutoGenerateColumns Property to true on the datagrid tag C. Binding . You need to precompile and deploy the Web site without its source files. ANSWER: B 188. Set the DataSource property B. What should you do? A. Server. RCW D. Passport . One must override the method ProcessMessage ANSWER: A 192. Choose the correct option from below A. None of the Above ANSWER: C 194. Both A and B D.NET. One must override the method ReceiveMessage B. CompareValidator D. If one has two different web form controls in a application and if one wanted to know whether the values in the above two different web form control match what control must be used? A. Response. List the types of Authentication supported by ASP.NET programmer wants to convert an object into a stream of bytes then the process is called A. GetType C. Windows (default) B. One must override the method InitializeMethod C. Which of the following method is used to obtain details about information types of assembly? A.D. GridView C. Serialization B. AppDomain ANSWER: A 193. A. Listview ANSWER: C 191. Serialization ANSWER: A 189. GetTypes B. Forms C.Redirect C.Transfer B. Which of the following transfer execution directly to another page? A. Both A and B D. Suppose a . Both A and B D. Suppose one wants to modify a SOAP message in a SOAP extension then how this can be achieved. None of the Above ANSWER: A 190. DataList B. Threading C. System.Mail.Exit D.NET page? A. Which of the following is used to send email message from my ASP. The actual work process of ASP. Both A and B D. Session. ViewState D. AlternatingItemTemplate B. Server-side code B. Which of the following can be used to add alternating color scheme in a Repeater control? A.SmtpMail C.Web. ColorValidator D. Session objects B. The type of code found in Code-Behind class is A.exe D. Session. aspnet_wp. System. Which of the following denote ways to manage state in an ASP.Abandon C. DataSource C. Both A and B D. All of the above ANSWER: E 195.D. Client-side code C. In ASP.Net Application? A.NET the sessions can be dumped by using A. Session. None (Security disabled) E. Application objects C.Dump B.dll C.Mail. None of the Above ANSWER: C 197. None of the Above ANSWER: C 196.NET is taken care by A. None of the Above . None of the Above ANSWER: A 198. inetinfo.Web. All the Above ANSWER: D 200. aspnet_isapi.MailMessage B.exe B. None of the above ANSWER: A 199. NET? A.NET DataSet? A. All of above are true ANSWER: D 207. ADO. Both 1 and 2 D.NET DataSet A.NET doesn't support disconnected architecture D.Data namespace ANSWER: C 202.NET enables to create distributed data sharing applications B. Connection B. Dataset enables to store data from multiple tables and multiple sources C. Command C. Which of the following is not true for ADO. Disconnected data access D.NET data provider? A. When you create a relationship between tables in ADO. Which of the following method of the command object is best suited when you have aggregate functions in a SELECT statement? .NET are defined in the System. Yes B. All of above ANSWER: D 204. Which of the following is the object of . Interoperability B. It uses DataSet to represent data in memory that can store data from multiple tables and multiple sources. Data Reader D. NONE ANSWER: C 206. Yes or No? A.NET? A. a UniqueConstraint is added to the parent table B. D. DataSet provides a disconnected view of a data source. DataAdapter object populates a DataSet and resolves updates with the data source.All of above ANSWER: D 203. Which of the following is not true about ADO.ANSWER: B 201.NET uses XML to transfer data across applications and data source C. Which of the following illustrates the benefit of ADO. B. ADO. C. a ForeignKeyConstraint is added to the child table by default C. No ANSWER: A 205. ADO. We can create relationship between the tables in a DataSet.The classes of ADO. Which of the following is not the method of DataAdapter? A. FillSchema C. ColumnChanged C. ExecuteReader C. sorted different ways. RowChanged B. WriteXML C. using the DataTable object’s Copy method. All of above ANSWER: D 209. NONE ANSWER: A 208. How do you do so? A. BeginExecute=true B. ExecuteScalar B. Which of the following is the method provided by the DataSet object to generate XML? A. Which of the following is the event that is exposed by the DataTable object? A. GetXML D. and then Sort the result. Update ANSWER: C 210. ReadXML B. Fill B. C. Use a DataView object for each sort.A. You are working with a DataSet and want to be able to display data. ReadData D. Asynchronous=true ANSWER: D 212. ExecuteNonQuery D. D. MultiThreaded=true C. All of above ANSWER: D 211. Use the DataSet object’s Sort method. ANSWER: C . B. Create a DataTable for each sort. Use the Sort method on the DataTable object. To perform asynchronous data access. what must be added to the connection string? A. MultipleActiveResultSets=true D. RowChanging D. SQL Injection D.Which pattern of design it could be? . Which method is used to Get a value indicating whether the column contains nonexistent or missing values? A. Which of the following is a DataView method? A.213. None ANSWER: B 216. By default. Which one of the following techniques would help? A.STUDENTS should make noise. Update() B. SQL Server authentication is the trusted one.The scemario best befits to the concept of "association of two classes behavior-where one class watches another class for a behavior change and triggers an action from inside itself based on the behavior change". False ANSWER: A 217. the pooling property with connection string is set as True/False A. IsDBNull () C. A. All the above ANSWER: B 214. To improve the performance and scalability of your . GetValues () D. Between Windows authentication and SQL Server Authentication. All the above ANSWER: C 219.NET application. GetType() B. Connection Strings B. Which method is used to commit all changes in the DataSet or DataTable? A. Data Adapter ANSWER: B 215. False ANSWER: B 218. Add B. GetChanges() D. Find D.When TEACHER goes out of the class. Remove C. Connection Pooling C. True B. There are two classes named TEACHER and STUDENTS. AcceptChanges() C. True B. For a web application. I want to store user's login information and also some static information relevant to be shared to all users. I can A. GridView D. An e-shopping web portal has a shopping basket control where the list of available items meant for shopping is displayed. DataSet C. Cache C. TFS ANSWER: D . WCF B. DataContext B. Store both in Session D.0 A. Dropdownlist B. Singleton patter B. WPF is appropriate to store the data in A.A. All ANSWER: B 221. Template pattern C. Server registry D. Data. ListBox C. None ANSWER: A 223. Store both in Cache ANSWER: B 222.The item list remains unchanged for all users irrespective of scenerios and it always populates from a database look up table every time when the page is loaded. WF D. Observer pattern D. Store user info in Session and static info in Cache C. Session B. ALL ANSWER: C 224. None ANSWER: C 220.For getting better performance and memory effectiveness. Store user info in Cache and static info in Session B.SqlClient D. Base class for LINQ to SQL is A.NET 3. Which web server control cannot be both either databound or unbound? A. Which of the following doesnot come with . Windows Action Server B. Web application services D. Now. WAS stands for A.print() and execute().DirectoryServices C.Color ANSWER: C 227.After implementation by the three parties. model view coupling ANSWER: A 226.I am implementing Computation to an abstract class called Execution where I provide some definition for the abstract execute() alone. Web application D. System. Web services B. ANSWER: A 228.collect D.Data D. System. Console application B. model vast control D. their three classes are integrated back to the project and now the end user\runtime decides which class to be loaded for processing. Factory pattern . System.Drawing. model view control B. I have an interface called Computation which has three methods add().gc. I expose the Execution class to three parties who can now inherit the class and provide their definition to add() and print() and simply call the parent execute(). Both D. Which of the following is associated with freeing of memory? A. Web activation server ANSWER: B 229. Windows Activation Server C. WPF application. None ANSWER: C 230. Web site C. This scenario is a typical example for A. Web methods are part of A. WCF service can be hosted in A. MVC stands for A. WAS C. modern view control C.225. I provided definition to execute() only because I want everybody inheriting the class to have my execute() only and not their own definition for it. System. Which application block type is not present in enterprise library? A. VB C. How many application blocks ate there in enterprise library? A. Singleton pattern D. TCP\IP C.NET application cannot be developed using A. C# B. . Response. MSMQ D. HTTP C. VJ# D. Observer pattern ANSWER: B 231. Python ANSWER: D 235.B. Which of the following cannot be used for navigating to a new web page? A. Server.Redirect C.write B. Exception C. 8 ANSWER: D 232. Abstract factory pattern C.Execute ANSWER: A 234. Server. A WCF service can be accessed through A. 12 D. All the above channels ANSWER: D . 3 C. Response.Transfer D. Logging ANSWER: C 233. 5 B. Performance D. Caching B.
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