McNaughton & Ying - Reading & Writing Chinese

March 30, 2018 | Author: albertomtch | Category: Tone (Linguistics), Symbols, Human Communication, Semiotics, Linguistics



Revised Edition11 The CHART OF TRADITIONAL RADICALS II gives the number of each traditional radical, its independent form. [ti English name, and the location in the text of its independent forni 1 the firs reference number) and any alternate or combining forms treated separatel> (the second and third reference numbers). Numbers in roman type refer tc radicals included in the first character group of 1062 basic characters. P3gi numbers in italic type refer to radicals in the second character proup (pp 245-301). A chart of "modem radicals," based on the %%%&, appears nr the backend papers. 35. 3 - slow 337 36. 9 dusk 117 37. k big 50 38. -k woman 11 39. ;f child 18 40. roof 127 41. -.i thumb 186 42. #Is small 27 43. k,lame 59 44. P corpse 329 45. 4 ' sprout 465 46. mountain 95 1 1 riverp.245,442,560 47. 1 48. z i work443 49. +. self 273 50. 9 cloth 352 51. i shield 87 52. k coil 25 53. i lean-to 155 54. 1 march 847 55. j t clasp 141 56. % dart42 57. 5 bow218 58. 3 pig's head 80,997 59. 3 streaks 819 + 12. eight 98, 88.26 13. fl borders 20 14. crown 47 15. ; ice564 16. JL table 645 17. U bowl 464 18. n !inife 102,205 - 72. 8 sun 160 73. P say 82 74. f l moon 178 L tree 64 75. $ 76. k yawn 191 77. It toe 195 78. P chip 727.646 79. k club 183 80. +? don't 212 81. tk compare 567 82. d fur 293 83. PC clan 224 84. 5 breath 324 85. 7i: water 362. IS l 86. X fire 414. . ; J claws p.2-:. 3 . 2 s 87. J& 88. ji father 21 1 89. k crisscrosr 152 90. 4 bed 849 91. ) ; slice 927 92. % tooth 576 93. cow 260. I5 94. it; dog 541. p._'-LY 21. L ladle 137 22. E basket 143 3.1- divine 118 26. P seal 84,760 28. L. cocoon 24 29. X right hand 85 30. mouth 33 31. Cl surround 21 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. -4heart 70, 67.p.248 3 . lance 43 P door391 i hand41.14 j_ branch 271 knockp.276.384 jr pattern 360 4 peck 1009 fr axe 262 96. 3- jade 62 97. 6. melonp.2Yl 98. Z tilep.271 99. i : sweet 1% 100. & ! b i d 248 101. R use 403 102. P field 23 103. iE bolt 245 104. f sick531 105. fi back 632 106. $ white 231 107. & skin 662 113. TT: sign 807,480 114. h traclt 488 190. 5% hair 946 118. St bamboo 54.55 160. f bitter549 204. ?$ embroider p.271 130. 1 1 1 . meat 928,326 131. % bureaucrat 491 132. b small nose 515 205. 206. 207. 208. 1 toadp.270 & tripodp.274 9.k drum p.261 L mousep.270 138. b stubborn 31 ? - big nose p.295 209. + 210. % line-up 1045 146. i4 cover 122 . 181. R liead 333 182. 1 wind 725 185. -if chief 266 186. -k scent 1044 212. 4% dragon p.275 213. 1 tortoise p.270 The CHART O F MODERN RADICALS (Dock crlclpopers) gives the set of rnodenz rodicnls likely to be most useful to the foreign student of Chinese - the set used to READING AND WRITING CHINESE READING AND WRITING A Guide to the Chinese Writing System: The Student's 1,020 List The Official 2,000 List Revised Edition by WILLIAM MCNAUGHTON and LI YING Tuttle Publishing Boston Rutland, Vermont Tokyo Published by Tuttle Publishing of Boston, Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, Japan by Charles E. Tuttle Co., Inc. -Revised-edition-0 1999 All rights reserved Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 77-77699 International Standard Boolc No. 0-8048-3206-4 First printing, 1979 First softcover edition, 1989 Revised edition, 2000, third printing TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface to the Revised Edition Preface 1. Student's Guide The Writing System Explanatory Notes How to Write the Characters The Pronunciation of Chinese 2. 1,062 Basic Characters and Elements of the Writing System 3. Remaining Characters of the "1,020 List" and the "2,000 List" Alphabetical Index Stroke Count-Strolte Order Index prepared by the English Department of the Beijing Forei Languages Institute (Commercial Press. easier. foreign student of Chinese. The mc important revisions to Reading and Writing Clziizese are as set out belo The Yale system of romanization has been replaced in this edition the Halzyu Piizyilz system of romanization. As a result. and better access to contempor. va-ious editions since 1978). . The set of modern radicals chosen 1 presentation is that used in Haiz-Yi~zgCidian/Tlze Clzi~zese-Eizgl Dictiolzary. of course. regarding China's relationship to the world.-- . Familiarity with such a set modern radicals will be extremely useful to foreign students of Chine for it will give them quicker. should reflect those happenings and chang which have influenced the language and which have affected usage a idiom in the language. wlgch is official in the Peoplc Republic of China. A new edition seems in ord Such an edition. and much has chang. the Haizyzi Piizyiiz system is also universa employed in foreign newspapers.PREFACE TO THE REVISED EDITION (1999 A great deal has happened in China since 1978.. magazines and boolts referring to Chi] 1 While the traditional system of 214 radicals is still presented in f~ -tl~is-presentation-is-supplemented-by-the-introd~1ction-of-tl1~set nzodeuz radicals which are most liltely to be useful to the contempor.Anew edition should also incorporate the experien of nineteen years of use of the first edition by classroom students a teachers. and by independent students around the world. when the first edition Reading arzd 1Vritilzg Chilzese was prepared. SI of "modern radicals" have become necessary with the language ref01 and the simplification of the writing system which has been carried out the government of the People's Republic. PREFACE lictionaries. The basic system of presentation of the contents in Reacli~zg nrzd Writiizg Clziizese has not been changed. . Furthermore. and modern systems differ in negligible ways from one another. the student who worlcs his or her way through Rendilzg nizd Writiizg Clziizese will have a vocabulruy of about 4. the introduction of new characters only in combination with characters already learned. namely. used as the basis for the organization of modern dictionaries and of indexes to modern dictionaries pho~leticallyarranged. is the same as the logic of the traditional system of 214 radicals. However. as being outmoded or otheiwise less Hcely to help students in their progress towards mastery of contemporary written Chinese.500 items-an adequate foundation for dealing with most contemporary materials.100 new combinations. and its place in the culture of the Chinese-spealcing world. With the 1. for it has worked well over the last nineteen years. the student using Rendirzg nizd Writiizg Clzilzese should have little trouble mastering the modern radicals. its relation to the spolcen language. the basic 2. the contents have been thoroughly revised to bring the contents up-to-date in idiom and usage. About 140 combinations have been deleted. The overlap in actual content between the traditional system and the modern system is about 80%. A popular feature of the first edition has been retained.100 new combinations of characters have been introduced to give the user a better picture of the range of functions and meanings of the individual characters and to provide the user with a significantly larger vocabulary. The logic of modern systems. so as to lessen the burden of learning the new combination and to provide a review of the characters already learned. many of wluch are vely good-to both English-Chinese and Zhinese-Chinese dictionaries. Seventy new notes on usage have been added to enhance students' insight into the contemporary state of the written language.000 characters.400 combinations retained from the first edition. and the 1. Over 1. and to more accurately reveal the present state of the language. See George A. attention. Miizi17zzci~z Vocnbz~knries of Written Clziize (New Haven: Far Eastern Publications. Among American teachers of Chinese.. revised edition. 1961). I have been guidi by the following principles: 1.: Charles E. an official list of 2000 characters has been published mainland China for the purpose of adult education. that is. Kennedy.' I have preparc Rending ntzd Writing CIziizese to help students master both these lists rapidly and easily as possible.' In selecting and arranging the materials in this book.Learning to read and write modern Chinese with reasonable fluency hi can now reach that goal with less strain on his or her time. a consensus has be. To present the characters in the order in which they are lilcely to 1 most useful. Vt. In addition. To teach the elements of the writing system -the 214 radicals a1 the "phonetics" (sound components) students will find most valuab in their study of the lists mentioned above. a] memory. to begin with the most frequently seen c h a r x e and to proceed to the less-frequently seen onei. has playc -a-similar-role in-thestudy-of Japanese-for-yearsl-- . To teach the student the most useful characters.020 characters most useful for the student to lea first. % Guide to Reading and Writing Jnpmzese.020 List" and the official "2. developed as to the 1..000 List". 1954). 3. as determined by tl "Yale 1. Tuttle Co. Florence Salcade (Tolc! and Rutland. ed. ed. 2. Teachers should find it quite easy to use this book with any of the other textbooks now popular in the United States. ed. The Yale guidelines. this gives the student the 1. See Henry C. or in some cases the first two years. plus 500 characters officially designated in China as being of most frequent occurrence.020 list" and the rest of the 2. Fenn. and different forms of the same radicaL3 The characters are presented in two groups. I used earlier versions of this book side by side with the Yale Mirror Series textbooks to teach my Chinese language classes at Oberlin College.. using almost any elementary textbook. are followed here. of study. These are the characters which students. To break down the subject matter (the characters that make up the two lists) into units of information based on the most recent developments in programmed instruction and to arrange these units in order of growing difficulty. which have become a standard in teaching Chinese in the United States.PREFACE I. I have tried to clarify the three main causes of the problem: look-alilce radicals. Kennedy has described as "a good foundation for the Western student of modern Chinese". for the logic of the writing system is always the same and the vocabulary in the various series of elementary and intermediate textbooks is virtually identical. The second group of characters contains the rest of the characters on the "Yde 1..000 characters on the officially published China list. because it is of only slight value to the foreigner studying modern Chinese. To help students master the problem of "look-alike" characters. 5. The first group presents the basic characters for adult students of Chinese and the elements of the writing system from which these basic characters are made. Clzirzese Clznl-actem Easily Coizfiised (New Haven: Far Eastern Publications. will be expected to learn in the first year. however. however. In aU. 1953). this list has not been included in the present volume. It should be noted that another list of 421 characters has been promulgated in China to cover technical terms used by the workers. . look-alike characters. Through juxtaposition and cross-reference.500 characters that George A. a class can cover all the material in tl first character group in two sixteen-week semesters.aclu~owledge theimportance to this work ( the earlier versions. since the format of this character book enables the students to lea on their own. their ltnowledge of basic charact' components will help speed their acquisition of this group.PREFACE When I teach. It has been my experience that students can be safely given Rendi~ nrzd Wi-itirzg Clziizese on their first day of Chinese study. Mo advanced students who have used this book in their first year of Chine. will have a tremendous advantage when they begin to study the characte in the second group. I assign six or seven characters a night as homewor We spend almost all our class time with the spolten Chinese and gramrn text. I should n/iiiz%nz Vocabt~lni-ies of Writterz Clzirzese. since tl presentation here uses these components in programmed sequences. . I am al: indebted to colleagues who have suggested changes and improvements -. 1954).. Far fro discouraging students. I generally quiz students every day on new characters enforce regular study habits. The class will the know all the characters through Rend Clzirzese II and Read AOoz~tClziri as well as the frequently seen component radicals and phonetics. Worlcing steadily at this rate. and of Jiarzlz~~azi Jinrlzi (Peking: Wenzi Gaige Chubanshe. edited by George A. stimulate enthusiasm and to increase motivation. I have incussed innumerable debts to studen who used these texts in earlier forms for many years in my Chinese class( at Oberlin College. These quizzes do not usually take up mo than five minutes of regular class time. Quite clearly. the characters and the writing system seem . 1965). Kennec Zorzgbic (New Haven: Far Eastern Publications. For valuable help I am indebted to various editors of the Charles I Tuttle Publishing Company. but Howard Spendelow and John Dove deserve speci mention for the amount and quality of their contributions. use them to organize some modern dictionaries. Every time a new character was created to represent some word of the spolcen language. and (6) re-clarified compounds. Traditional dictionaries begin with one-stroke radicals and characters classified under one-strolce radicals. determine which of the radicals within it is logicallv the most important. or as part of more complex characters. Haiz-Yzizg Cidiaiz (of which more will be said below) begins with one-stroke radicals and characters classified under them and ends. (4) sound-meaning compounds. the character was formed according to one of six principles. and then-classify-the-character under that radical in the dictionary or index. These radicals are used both independently. The widely used modern Chinese-English dictionary. with a fourteen-strolce radical and the characters classified under it. and use the radicals to supplement the phonetic organization of othel modern dictionaries. before a special category of eleven "left-over characters". Instead of seeming a capricious aggregation of strolces set down by an equally capricious pen. In using the writing system to organize dictionaries or to create supplementary radical indexes for dictionaries. (5) meaningmeaning compounds. we can say that six-and only six-lcinds of characters exist: (1) pictures. (2) symbols. If we understand these six principles.STUDENT'S GUIDE The Writing System The basis of the traditional Chinese writing sygem is 214 elements often referred to as "radicals". Classifying Chinese writing according to these six principles. The Chinese also use radicals to organize traditional dictionaries. the character . and end with a seventeen-strolce radical and characters classified under it. (3) sound-loans. we will be able to see why every new character we study means what it does. the makers take every character which is not itself a radical. "two". The character for "child" or "baby7'is a drawing of an infant with an open fontanel %. Let us look at each of the six kinds of Chinese characters. The character$$. For example. Sometimes.000" in the same symbolic notation used to write the numbers "one". the result is a new character fib "salted fish". and "three". = "three". the context was relied on to malce the meaning clear. a picture or symbol for one of two homonyms. For example. the character for "eye" B like this rm. though. Pictures. f. pronounced the same as another but with a different meaning. like "feet" and "feat". Sourzd-lonrzs. some less arbitrary-for the concept to which they refer. Some examples of "two". 13 . Menrzirzg-nzenrziizg conzpozirzds. 2. If this character is combined with the character Sif! "fish". Syiizbols. Some Chinese characters are mere pictures of things. or once was. pronounced ba'o. 1 symbols are: k "above". Some Chinese characters stand for a word which is. and the "wrap" component (bdo) suggests the sound.000" since there was little danger of confusing the two meanings in context. The character for "moon" used to look like this ) .Sometimes one part of a Chinese character gives a hint about the meaning. was borrowed to represent the companion homonym. too. "below". The "fish" component suggests the meaning. (The pronunciation of the romanization and tone markings used here are explained in the section beginning on page 27). You can probably see that it would have been inconvenient to write "10. 3. while another part gives a hint about "to wrap"." originally meant "scorpion" but was borrowed for "10.000" were once homonyms. the modern character is a very stylized picture of what it represents We then have to look into the history of the character before we can see the resemblance clearly. 4. Soziizd-inenrzirzg conzpourzds. 1. the character pronounced bdo. This type of character. "one".STUDENT'S GUIDE will reflect a logical system for representing words and concepts: each new character will be a combination of familiar elements. Some Chinese characters are symbols-some more. Sometimes two characters are put together to forrn a new character whose meaning derives from some d a. is the pronunciation. The character for "man" is a simple sticlc drawing of a man h. 5.000. now used to write "10. the words for "scorpion" and "10. which we saw above. or to pinpoint the meaning intended in the particular context. in their new to-suggest the-sound-and two-components-to suggest the mear~ing. since there is a great deal of dispute about the correct interpretation and reference of z/zL. 61-63. 6. Reclnl-ified cor7zpourzds. ---- . a character that means "to love" or "to be lovable. The character @ ting stood for "court"-whether it was the Icing's court or the court in someone's front yard. 1961). Although the logic in such a juxtaposition is usually not obvious enough to allow you to figure out the meaning of a new character. to be good". and whether or not this had anything to do with reclarified compounds is uncertain. the character for "sco~pion" %-. be simple sound-meaning compounds. In doing this. Chao Yuen Ren treats reclarified compounds as a sub-class of soundmeaning compounds: see Marzdnrirz Prinzer (Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Traditionally. was later re-clarified when it was used to represent "scorpion" (rather than "10. Some of these re-clarified compounds will. it is usually a great help when trying to remember a character you have seen only once. Eventually someone added the "lean-to" radical . The character k 'cwomany'beside the character j " " "child" forms 43. to be likable. to distinguish the lung's court (@ tfng) from the ordinary citizen's front yard ( @ iEng).~ Bernhard Karlgren identifies dozens of such characters in Arznlytic Dictiorznry of Clzirzese and Silzo-Jnparzese (Paris: Paul Geuthnel. either because the character-by sound-loan perhaps-had come to stand for a number of different words or because the word the character represented had a number of different meanings.mzzlzu. the scribe could add to the existing character either to clarify the word to which it referred. the sixth of the six principles was something called zlzumzzlzu. For example..STUDENT'S GUIDE logic in the juxtaposition of the two component characters. and some of them-if the re-clarified character itself was already a soundmeaning compound-will be sound-meaning compounds with one . pp. 1923).000") by adding the "bug" radical & to produce the new character @ that always meant "sco~pion"and only "scorpion". At various times in the history of the written language. which is a picture of a roof and a wall. a scribe has wanted to better "control" the meaning of a character he was using. 10. stroke-order diagram pronunciation and tone character definition radical information radical number (an " H before the radical number means that the character is a "modem radical". See the discussion of strolce and form discrepancy on pages 16-17.Yhg Cidianl The Chinese-English Dictionary: see below) character explanation character combinations with pronunciation and meaning Since characters may have more than nine strokes. it has sometimes been necessary to add in toto to the strolce-order diagram of the main 5. the official number will appear in parentheses here. 7.STUDENT'S GUIDE Explanatory Notes Below there appears an annotated character entry. 9. It has been slightly modified from the actual entry in this book to show the full range of information for characters in the first character group. 2. 8. used to organise the Han. KEY: 1. 12. . 6. 3. 4. the character character serial number strolce count if there is a difference between the actual number of strolces as written by hand and the official number of strolces used in traditional dictionaries. 11. Semicolons are also used after a character' romanized reading when a character's usage rather than the meaning i given. either that element's stroke order is obvious or it can be found in one of the preceding two character entries. Small discrepancies-almost alwa of-onestroke=. (The element and serial number shown in this sample are provided only to show how a reference to an element added in toto will appear. In addition to their occasional use with slang terms. % h6ngch& I "blaclc" % tea a Stroke and Form Discrepancy Each character has a traditional strolce count based on the charactel placement in traditional dictionaries. Owing to the unavoidable use in this book of English articles. in classical Chinese. or for clarit) quotation marks are used around character-compound definitions that a contextually proper in English but which cannot be derived from th characters themselves. Semicolons are used t distinguish meaning "groups". 13. or adverb. suffixes. Simplified character Understanding the Entries You should try to Iceep in mind that a Chinese character is not what we think of as a word in English.STUDENT'S GUIDE character an element that is itself a character. ctives. I have also adopted a fev c rules of my own to help the readerhtudent. and adverbs in English are. Since the more literal definition "red tea" would be meaningless.=sometimes~exist between this traditional strolce count a . you may be mislec tion5 into too narrow an inte are provided for clari eallj represent only the most basic outline of a character's "meaning". bloclcs are grammatically logical. have used quotation marks in the definition of the character compound follows: . and the like. all considered one part of speech-any noun can be a verb. and that Chinese words for which the t kinds of syntacticrestriction. adjective.) If such a reference is missing. For examplqtK~Chinese-use-a-character-forArec % and the character I for "tea" % to write what in English is called "blac tea". Most of the punctuation marks used in the characters' explanator. infinitives. However. Such anomalies have been eliminated from most modern dictionaries. because the traditional way of giving dates malces use of them. e. The most devastating problem for beginner students. when used as an element of another character. those characters whose shape changes may pose an identificationproblem. Problems of correct character identification also result from the fact that typeset forms often differ from the handwritten forms that are usually learned first. 17 . Numbers Also. and enumeration. Dictionaries. has been rationalized according to the principle of "what you see is what you get". The typeset list below provides the most common of these variant forms.g. thus. Such discrepancies are indicated in parentheses throughout the presentation of the first group of characters. therefore. becomes P . The radical system. They are also used in fortunetelling books and works of astrology in Chinese communities outside of the People's Republic. Hong Kong." These "stems" and "branches" are characters which are sometimes used in Chinese in various special ways of reckoning. a combined form that appears separately in this text as character 76. calculation. and what once were different forms of the same radical are now treated as different radicals. are now easier to use (see below for more on modern dictionaries). This means that although this form of the radical is actually written with three strolces. twenty-two characters are identified as "heavenly stems" or "earthly branches. all characters with P as the radical component will appear among the eight-stroke radicals in a traditional Chinese dictionary. The student who delves into Chinese history will need to know these twenty-two characters.STUDENT'S GUIDE the actual count used when the character is handwritten. however. Appearing in the small box below the character is "3 strokes (8 strolces)".5 For example. the radical Q . I have therefore treated as entirely separate elements. This treatment reflects more accurately the true nature of the writing system and has resulted in only about 40 characters being added to the text. its independent form takes eight strolces. Always compare a character in a typeset compound with its handwritten counterpart as you work through this book. that is. is a change in shape and stroke count that occurs when a radical or character is used as an element to form a more complex character. " Other techniques of simplification include thc --cC The student may notice that the new sound-loan character is often formed as in the examples given here. the mainland government has simplified many of the characters used for centuries.~ ~ l i. In the system of simplified characters. xikg "elephant" for x i & g "to look like. simply by removing the meaning elemen froin-all--old-sound meaning compound^ - . the traditional character & t E n g'Yoom hall". in the short form 4S5"sacrificen.STUDENT'S GUIDE refer to the serial number of characters in the first group.~ . we can find new sound-loans g ~ ~ . the traditional form $ $ I has been shortened by simply replacing the complicated sound-compound & with the simple sound-component . page numbers are for characters in the second group.. FOI example." Likewise."GWe can finc new sound-meaning compounds: Dl.-face -." and % .for .~ i-z i~ a e mian a " . be valuable. Traditional principles used fol making characters have been retained in malcing up new short forms. The "cow" radical appears in both the short and traditional forms because the original meaning of the charactel was "saclificial animal. and "cowrie" under "roof' -standing for the word biio "be precious." And we cal find new meaning-meaning compounds: % "jade" under "roof' for % 'tjade".Xi21 "flour. Students whc understand the logic of the traditional writing system and who have mastered the components of its characters will find that they attain master} of the short forms much more easily. Simplified Characters In attempting to deal with the need for adult education and the complexity of the Chinese writing system.~ i. "crock". y ~ ~ ~ f~ .. for 1% xi2 "to scare. has been simplified to f-7 mainly by substituting for the complicatec sound-component the simpler sound-component 7 . 612. as used_F index Han. For collateral presentation in this book.Ying Cidian/The Chinese-English Dictionary have used to organize their dictionary (prepared by the English Department of the Beijing Foreign Languages Institute. a common expression for "woman" in the modem spoken language is the two syllable n8rL12. "Mandarin") of the character.STUDENT'S GUIDE Many modern Chinese-Chinese dictionaries are organized alphabetically. And on the back endpapers there appears a chart of these 226 "modern radicals" phsa supplementary category. The radicals of Han. That dictionary is probably the most widelyused Chinese-English dictionary in the world and is deemed likely to be the dictionary most often consulted by users of Reading and Writing Chinese.Ying Cidian are identified in Reading and Writing Chinese by an " H plus the serial number in Ha-Ying Cidian's system of 226 radicals. of course (but it also happens with Chinese readers). which the makers of the Han. published by Commercial Press in various editions since 1978). all of them overlap to a great degree. So all dictionaries organized phonetically. according to the standard spelling (Hanyu Pinyin) of the Beijing pronunciation (Putonghua. the authors have chosen the system of 226 radicals plus a supplementary category. For example. The order of entries follows the English alphabetical order. as just described. Such phonetic organization worlcs fine until you meet a character you don't know how to pronounce-a common experience for foreign students.Many of these common combinations are given in this book so that you will get used to seeing the . also have an index-an index organized according to some modern adaptation of the traditional radical system. Character Combinations Individual characters themselves-each of which in general represents a single syllable of the spolcen language-may occur in combination with other characters to denote Chinese words and expressions of two or more syllables. and all follow quite closely the logic of the traditional system. A l l such systems. are derived from the traditional system of 214 radicals. starting with "A" and ending with " Z . so different dictionaries use slightly different radical systems. however. however.Ying Cidian. written with the characters for "woman" -knu' and "person" h 1. There is no universally accepted adaptation. Learning these four-character set expressions will be useful to the student in the same way as learning two-character combinations. is the sound-component for a character "wrap" 6 number of common characters that appear in this book: +& . Spanish. The different meanings are established. each of which has a different meaning but contains the same sound-component. and the four-character expression is also important in anything above the level of "survival Chinese". a group of characters emerges. these combinations provide review as well as usage examples. Phonetic Series When a certain character has been used to give the sound in a number of sound-meaning compounds. Some examples are also given of a favourite stylistic device in Chinese-four-character set expressions. 21 . Moreover. but the disyllable is an extremely important unit in modern Chinese. of course. German and Dutch differ from one another. The Chinese Writing System as Cultural Artifact There are.& . For example. that Chinese is a monosyllabic language. To some extent it may be so. Such a group of characters is called a phonetic series. by using a different meaningcomponent in each character. or as French. . mentioned above. written or spolcen. Italian and Portuguese differ. the 3 biio. since the characters used in these combinations are restricted to those that have already been presented in the text. In the second group of characters we have therefore introduced common characters as part of a phonetic series. Learning the combinations in which a character occurs can be a valuable aid to understanding that character. which the writing system so insistently encourages. The remarkable thing about the Chinese writing system. practice with twocharacter combinations and four-character set expressions will tend to break down the illusion. . Finally. thirteen dialects of the Chinese language-spolcen languages which differ from one another as much as English. and students have often found that learning becomes more rapid when they study such character groups. more or less.463.STUDENT'S GUIDE characters within important expressions and words. if the characters belong to an important series. and it will also prepare the student to deal with them when he or she encounters them or similar four-character expressions in discourse. think that Furthermore. who called the suggestion "deranged". the late George A.STUDENT'S GUIDE including the modem form of it which is studied in this book."ideograms". where the writing system is based on the Chinese system. is that a literate native-speaker of one dialect can write down anything he might reasonably want to communicate. And Jarnes Traub notes that only slightly more than four percent of Taiwanese fifth graders and slightly more than ten percent of Japanese scored as low as the average American fifth grader on a battery of reading tests. to master their own writing systems. . and especially "~neaning-meaning compounds" now to be seen on traffic signs and other public notices around the world: school crossing. .-78-(-74-79). neither would understand the other. Some foreign students. in the long run there is little diierence. James-Traub. but the relative unimportance and the ephemeral nature of slang and regionalisms make this a trivial working. say. A proposal was floated after World War II to -.have traffic signs_aII over the world prepared in Chinese Although derided by Yale's widely respected sinologist. as sketched on pages 12-14 above. Japan. . -.slippery True regionalisms and some dialectal slang are not reached by the writing system. from Leibniz in his work on the Calculus to Eisenstein on montage.8 The foreign student should also consider that the logic of the Chinese writing system.. "It's-Elementary. has one of the highest literacy rates in the world (illiteracy in Japan is about one-fifth that of the United States).'-'Ne~v-Yorlierr17-July 1995. symbols. something like that has actually happened. with modern pictures. That is. initially vexed when they see that the Chinese writing system is somewhat more complicated than their own. with the Chinese writing system.. Kennedy. has stimulated a number of outstanding Western thinkers. and a literate native-speaker of any other dialect will immediately understand-although if the two tried to speak in their native dialects. you can simultaneously write down a message in thirteen different languages!' There has never been anything else like it in human history. while it does take some months longer for a Chinese child to master the writing system than it does an American or French child.. by the letter "H" preceding the number).steep hill ahead. will pay off in time saved after you start to use eating or drinlcing on the subway.. "sit down or you will bloclc the captain's view and make it difficult for him to navigate the boat safely!" Many computer icons.. Just as it is a great time-saver with Western-language dictionaries t o know approximately where "F" occurs in the alphabet (and whether it occurs before or after " M .no out for deer. at least for radicals having two. . .slow-moving vehicles. Such incantations may be of considerable help in recalling characters to memory three or four days after first encountering them. of course. .STUDENT'S GUIDE when wet. lceep right. . So far. . There is a complex ideogram on the bus boats in Venice which clearly says. .. .emergency fire exit.. or six strolces. these international systems of modern ideograms have not developed sound-loans. Every effort you make to memorize the number.danger of falling roclcs. say "knight-eye-cowrie" while writing ? "sell" (character 135). You are also advised.low-flying aircraft ahead. . (All things being equal. whatever their native language. however. five. or re-clarified compounds. or "grass-mouth-mouth-dove-yawn" while writing # "to be pleased" (character 194). . sound-meaning compounds. For example. to be conscious of all the radicals that appear within it. the authors feel that the "H" set may be most useful to modern students.. for example) these numbers serve the same purpose in Chinese. when first learning a character. for radicals which still function in written Chinese as independent characters. You or your teacher should malce a decision early on about the question of which set of radical numbers you should try and memorize.. . as noted. The pronunciation should be learned.. This number is the radical number and indicates where the radical occurs within the sequence of 214 (or 226) radicals. three. too are a modern form of ideography. universally intelligible to computer users around the world..) This statement applies only to the radicals' serial numbers: the meaning of all radicals should be learned.. not play boom boxes on the beach. in just four elements. this way. Study Methods Each traditional radical introduced in this boolc is assigned a number in parentheses (radicals used to organize the modern HBn-Ying Cidim are identified. Say aloud the radicals while writing & a new character.. How to Write the Characters The Chinese learn to write characters by using an easy and effective method. Cover the character with a blank piece of paper placed along the vertical line that separates the character from the box containing its pronunciation and meaning. Follow the stroke-order diagrams in this book in order . Then try to write down the character. The essential ingredient of this method is the fixed order in which the strokes of a character are written. The rules below explain the method in general. take note of the error or errors and write the character correctly several times before proceeding to the next one. . Although Chinese people occasionally disagree among themselves about minor details.STUDENT'S GUIDE You should read the explanation of the sources of new characters. reverse the procedure and try to write down the pronunciation and meaning while looking only at the character. In that case you may want to learn all the explanations given and even to carry your own studies further afield into the various books which present such explanations in greater (and on occasion even fanciful) detail.---.presented .to acquire proper hab'lts early. and written the character incorrectly. the method has been developed and perfected through centuries of experience. Immediately check your work against the correct pronunciation and meaning that appear in the text. but you need not formally study these explanations unless (as sometimes happens) you become fascinated by the written Chinese character itself. After working to the bottom of a page in this way. and remember to keep your characters uniform in size. You can easily use Reading and Writing Chinese as a programmed textbook. Upper left corner to lower right corner: .STUDENT'S GUIDE 1. Top to bottom: 2. Left to right: m i I I1 Ill 3. STUDENT'S GUIDE 4. Outside to inside: perpendicular strokes: 6. Slanting strolce to the left before slanting strolce to the right: . n. below). like oo in moon but with the lips rounded and the tongue back. u (but not ii. I. sh. above). w. k. The following letters are pronounced lilce their English equivalents: f. 4. 3. The following combinations are pronounced like the English sounds indicated: ao. lilce wei in weight. (except in "sh") t. u preceded by j.STUDENT'S GUIDE 7. and e (except e after i or y: see 8. like tin k sky. like o in so. 1. and g. o as in worn. The following letters are pronounced as explained: b. q. and k but with less aspiration (cp. like o in done. like o in so. round the . ou. textbooks. with more friction than the English h. like English p. r. The following letters are pronounced as described: h. and ui. or zh: see 9. Center strolce before symmetrical wings: The Pronunciation of Chinese The system used in this revised edition of Reading and Writing Chinese to write Chinese with Roman letters is the Hanyu Pinyin system which is standard in mainland China and is now used almost everywhere else in the world. below). q. as in fnthel-. t. d. and y. in newspapers. and also not when followed by another vowel or pair of vowels. 5. z. and so on. or when preceded by j. s. as in machine (except when appearing immediately after u-see end of this paragraph-or when appearing immediately after c. too. i. m. below). 2. magazines. The Hanyu Pinyin system is as follows: 1. s. p. lilce ow in how. that is. The following letters are pronounced like the English sounds indicated: a (except as described in 8. or by i or y). ai as in aisle. like p in spy. u preceded by i or y. or x. books. like English but with tongue tip forward where teeth meet. that is. ii. like ts in it's hot. Chinese is written in 'the real world' with Chinese character not-with Roman-letters. the resulting syllables chi and zhi are pronounced as explained i 6. far back-like a j and pronounced e in yet. and ii) in it. above. after i or y and before n (but not before ng). below). like ds in cads. round the lips to say oo as in moon but try to pronounce instea i as in machine.-10. as i yet. 6. s. tongue very far back. . When i comes immediately after c. ch. To use this system of writing Chinese (Putonghua)with Roman letter the student needs to know about three further features: word-division. like jjust describe but with more breath.-so-the-system-of-romanizaton hasnot-been-two1 .-. 7. very far back. i. z. tongue tip against back of lower teet nounced as described: e after i or y. zi is jur a buzz.respectively. The following letters are pronounced as described: j. and a after and before n. q.ii.STUDENT'S GUIDE lips to say oo as in moon but try to pronounce instead i as in machirj (cp. r.shirr . but they slide towards the r sound and get a tone-rathe like the first syllable of gerbil and Churchill. The following letters and combinations are pronounced as describe( sh as in shred. and with a tone. The letter u when followed by another vowel or pair of vowels I pronounced like English w. e. tongue flat against roof c mouth. and yi i pronounced like the first syllable of easy. when i comes immediately after ch c zh. si is just a hiss. and n' is a kind of pun. like ch just described but with less breatl and r. tongue flat against roof of mouth. o. and whe i comes immediately after sh. it indicates that the mout and tongue are held in place while the consonant is pronounced with01 a vowel (but with a tone: see next section: we could say that 'th consonant becomes its own vowel'). the combination iu at the end of syllable is pronounced about lilce the American greeting Yo!. zh. th occasional use of apostrophes. and the placement of tone-marks (see belov over vowels when the syllable has more than one vowel-letter (a. and c. and x. or z. plus e. ii in 8. the resulting syllable shi sounds lik English but with the sh described above. like e in ye 9. lilce ii just described plus English e in yet. Note that it is only the contour of the pitch which determines the tone. When i and u appear together-as iu or as ui-whichever one comes second gets the tone-mark. spoken language of China.STUDENT'S GUIDE smooth' by those great creators and molders of language. The letters a and e always get the tone-mark in combinations. Thus. the situation is fairly simple. could be read as jia nai or jian ai. In Putonghua there are four tones (or five. fi. thus a man's normal first tone will be a bit lower than a woman's. As to the correct placement of tonemarks when a syllable has two or more vowel-letters in it. and practice and observation will help a great deal. The difficulty of learning these tones has been much exaggerated. Tones result from changes in pitch which the speaker produces with the vocal cords while pronouncing the vowels and consonants. to avoid ambiguity. The tone of a word is very important because it allows our ears to discriminate among words that have the same vowels and consonants. Beijing) is actually one of the simplest of all Chinese dialects. as below. ma'is m + a pronounced in the second tone. Tone In addition to its vowels and consonants. Many details. should the expression for "overseas Chinese". the standard. a word in modern Chinese has a characteristic "tone". the division into words is one of them. written over the syllable like the accent in French (see above). for example. therefore. in which case the a gets it. if we count the 'zero' tone: see below). and 6. one word. based on the dialect of the capital. mH is n z + n (as described above) pronounced in the first tone. These tones are indicated in Hnlzyzi Pinyin by the tone marks ii. For example. and so on. so an apostrophe is added to clanfy: jim'ai. when necessary. have not been worked out. or most commonly studied. (Chinese) + qi5o (person or people living abroad). Pitch will normally be somewhere near the centre 29 . The term jianai. and o always gets the tone-mark except when the combination is ao or iao.) Apostrophes are used. the system of tones in Putonghua ("Mandarin". be composed of HUB qiBo or HuBqiBo? I recommend that the student follow the written HUB advice I give to my students of translation at City University of Hong Kong: look it up in a good dictionary. like Hm-Ying Cidim! (It's HuBqiBo. The way in which the speaker uses the vocal chords to change the pitch can be written on a musical staff. 6. In fact. the folk. In nosmal speech the tone may disappear from a syllablc third tones in succession in a single expression. more properly a subject for a textboo of modern spoken Chinese. A Granznzar of Spolce ~lzinese-~Berlceley~Wniversity-of-~alifo1~ia-Press~l . and in these case we have indicated the tone appropriate to each expression.STUDENT'S GUIDE of the speaking voice and will vary according to the individual and his c her mood. The musical diagram is from Chao Yuen Ren. Some very common words change their tone regularly. We have indicated such changes in this book if the expression : a very common one.' The description of tones given here is the simplest and is the one mo: often presented in texts. depending on the tone of the following word. which you are urged to consult for mol specific information. Problems ( words in discourse are. native spealcer automatically change the first of them to a second tone: h6n hilo become hEn hilo. It is intended to enable the student to pronounc words-in isolation. however. Learn to distinguish the "man" rad. .1. A (152. from the "enter" rad.062 BASIC CHARACTERS character and means "man" or "person". below). the right half. In the form A . however. yE (6. (here. below -and also the form 2. in traditional dictionaries.g. 281a. it is used in modem dictionaries as a rad. "man" rad. "sideman") suggests the meaning. (e. The history of 4~ is very complicated. but now it is not . it involves the confusion of at least three different characters. above) at one time suggested the sound. Note that C has "down" and "twist" in it. The other stroke is not a rad..5-9 * BASIC CHARACTERS see p. a H5). " -kA niirEn. (38)(H73) -k is a picture -a rough stick drawing of a woman. occurs in the character for Tile "hook" rad. It differs from the "down" rad. above): the "down" rad has no little hook. ~ . "he. woman." the "woman" rad. suggests the meaning. WOMANrad.BASIC CHARACTERS 10-14 4 C 4 S A . has a little hook on the bottom of it. as in 4th t2. and yE. above) once suggested the sound. Note the logic in the writing system. N . Z 10 3 stroltes d. in modem . It occurs independently as a character and means "woman. woman compound. The "woman" rad. (3. Note that j u i i s not a rad." (7. occurs in the character for "he. the "man" rad. occurs only as a of characters. sons and daughters. 4 (260. w) occurs as an independent character. it is easy to cow with horns drawn from the front. another form. -71 occurs often as -71-k zinii. it quite clearly resembles a child. ?.15-19 BASIC CHARACTERS s a picture. form of the "cow" rad. children .is a picture. In older forms. In older forms. Note that it appears also in several characters related to sillc (25 and 28.BASIC CHARACTERS 20-24 s sometimes gloss this character form of fB " ("to go around. Dictionaries often note that this . below).a large wound silk cocoon. nce. ply an arbitrary symbol October 1. is a picture of the typical Chinese (and East Asian) field . below)." 876. National Day 's Republic of China The "field" rad. % (28. Learn to distinguish "coil" from the "cocoon" rad.-SeeZI74." Two of the dots remain. t (p. 24%). be very tired . the women's main work was sericulture (silk farming).%37-~-- in the fields. and from the "dark" rad. suggest "small. % may be a meaning-meaning compound to suggest everybody's work. bu the center dot has been replaced by a "hook' aic) a person of little The "silk" rad. above)." -W % hJolSi.25-29 * BASIC CHARACTERS The "coil" rad. was a drawing of silk thread. below). A (24. originally was a picture of a coil of silk thread. whence "be tied. Note that the modem form includes the -"W-faa. from the "silk" rad. three people a -3. This form of the "fire" rad. and sometime later the character was borrowed for h6n." It is a picture. the spoken word gin is dialect -used in certain localities. b h b b I\\\ 34 4 strokes . was reclarified with the "step" rad. M O W & . cut. . be blunt. it stood for a word that meant "to act stubborn. below). hole.' 30 3 strokes BASIC CHARACTERS 30-34 /J ) CId. includes the "sideman" (4. above). 4 '4 4" 4" / & . occurs often in characters for action or movement. staring eye -an obstinate type. (30)(H58) The "mouth" radical also occurs as an independent character and means "mouth. be tough. STEP rad. The "step" rad. occurs only as a part of characters. (138)(H184) I n early texts. but not part of modem standard Chinese. leathery (of food orpeople)." Originally.kGuzi. In modem times. rip ) 33 3 strokes 1 '' ' '' H U ~&. a measure for human beings." K ~ Umouth. "very. The "stubbom" rad. 1 7 31 6 strokes G&. A n rink64 population 5 a A s. FIRErad. step. an isolent fellow. opening. be stubborn.. It is called "fire-dots" or "four-dots fire. (86)(H80) This is supposed to be a picture of the fire burning on the ground. to which a stroke has been added -supposedly to suggest movement.Tn k6u r6n." Compare the independent form k (414. to resist" -a word that probably was cognate with gin (31. very This character is a sound-ioan for h6n "very. . STUBBORN rad. above). k i s clearly a picture of a man with a big. a step taken. (60)(H62) Note that the "step" rad. 10) tailed bird..% (35 part of characters.IS H rad." In some ancient texts it specifically means "dove. 75 is a sound-meaning compound ." The older forms of the character were clearly pictures of a .35-39 * BASIC CHARACTERS is a picture. The resemblance clearer in older forms of the topic to emphasize it. The weapon is also from zhso "look for" % (508." This fonn can also sometimes occur as a part of The "dart" rad. (43." at the bottom. below). Note that "lance" has one more stroke than "dart. above) is supposed to The "hand" rad. W6 is "hand" + "lance. is a picture. is a picture.") Compare the "lance" rad. (H defines yias "a retrievable arrow with string attached" and calls it "bookish. below) and learn to distinguish "lance" from "dart." zhso is "side-hand" + . Zhui(39. In museums you can see that the old weapon called g5 had a blade like this at the lower end. looks like this when it is an independent character meaning "hand." The "lance" rad.BASIC CHARACTERS * 40-44 This character is probably a sound-meaning compound. area by an This character came to mean "you" by sound-loan. The history of the character is too complicated to go into here. Nowadays 4k 4Pl nimen. hello! hi! how are you! .45-49 BASIC CHARACTERS an independent character and means "gate. (plural) nihrio. BASIC CHARACTERS 50-54 D & big. Madam Ma AiAi' 53 4 strokes 'I'I&V. rad. yZo c o m p r i s e sH. 90) Learn to distinguish k from k (52. size (abstract nouns are often formed of antonyms combined.Tnzi." klJ.Tnzh&(broadlnarrow: width). (37)(H52) k is a man with arms extended: "big. across the top? 4 54 6 strokes m . drooping leaves of the bamboo.6 zbiirni.% f . Madam . husband. "bigman" k d&fi. bamboo 4-t . BAMBOO rad. the size:" cp. AMil fiiren. 287. djyigo. The clue is: is there a "one" rad. 1051.) 50 3 strokes k 51 4 strokes 52 4 strokes --C Fii. & 8~ giio2i' (tall/ short: height). or a "left" rad. bamboo. p. 1 & qingzb6ng (lightheavy: weight). duiishio (manylfew: how many?). below." kk ti&ti&. This character is supposed to be a picture of "an anthropomorphic diety.. gentle ( w i t hA." the emperor YAO. (118)(H178) This character is a good picture of the slender. Mrs. a stick used by children as a toy horse . as if to say "the big and little of it. above). 9 3. day Heaven was anciently recognized as a diety in China. medical doctor (note that k "big" is pronounced d.ij in this expression) k A firen. etc. heaven. 254a. the "Son of Heaven. 75. ku. St? zhirzi. Ma. BIG rad. every day k 7 ti. Mrs. tender. it leans back gently like a man who .55-59 BASIC CHAIZACTERS This form of the "bamboo" rad. only occurs One scholar says. 'When bamboo takes the wind. BASIC CHARACTERS 6 0 6 4 character: just memorize it. "grain" (65 below). The point of the arrow is at the top. Distinguish it The character is a picture. & "rice" (101. and the feathers and notch are at the bottom. below). . women . a busy fellow . is composed of iF. are generally shorter: arrows than spears. grain than trees. Distinguish "grain" from f$. "arrow" k+ "grain" within their classes. "woman" & -all things which.65-69 * BASIC CHARACTERS stroke across the top to represent the head of ripened grain.tiA rnjngSn. used to address elders and superiors.BASIC CHARACTERS * 70-74 ?& is deferential. It's not good. No good! . Note that the top half of this character is f* "you" (49. 5% brihio. above). "left ear. &. In form. and impatient statements. should not kzxin. "mound" and the "city" rad. but "city" always appears at the far right in characters. be satisfying. 2 0 1 ." (h "mound" =572.75-79 BASIC CHARACTERS I% was a picture of stairs leading down from the mound. Not an independent form. Sound-loan. 282b). seep. 4 . pleasing -pref% it-is used by sound-loan-- -- direct address. T V brikB. below) are the same. (136. Dictionaries call zu6 drdu6. below. reclarified with "mouth." . " (Not accurate historically.e. If. this explanation can help you remember the character. .is a rad. perhaps to suggest the tongue moving.BASIC CHARACTERS = 80-84 Yir is a picture of a hand holding a brush. in many modem dictionaries (i.) above) and from "city" p (136. The top part. H124). below). Learn to tell "Brush" + "say" = "book. Such dictionaries Y u d has a stroke inside the mouth.. In modem texts.85-89 * BASIC CHARACTERS The "shield" cad. 8 . is a picture. above) suggests the sound." ~ I . . seems to be w h g will be found under "jade" but in modem dictionaries will be found.writinginstrument Biis a meaning-meaning compound: "bamboo" + "brush" =the traditional Chinese writing instrument. a brush made of bamboo. perhaps because toys were often made of" Often seen in characters for various metals or metallic objects. to The old form of this character meant "to requite" because it was a picture of a kneeling man with manacles and a hand to mete out the punishment. "toys" suggests "to play. above) although wjng has one less stroke. newspaper. 147) A 8k : s e s '& The "gold" rad. occurs as an independent character and means "gold" or "metals. ball-point pen refill Re 91 12 strokes 92 4 strokes Z 4 W ~ Gking. &5 jin yii. family name (H88) W h g i s classified in traditional dictionaries under the "jade" rad." 3 3 ' F 8 strokes m. pencil-lead.iobtio. GOLD isd (16'7)(HZ09. a family name. tabloid i2Ekes $r $p 1 $E R P BB~brush. king. $ l i xi. "treasures" (short form in combinations only: 4 ) . . more logically. to amuse oneself A sound-meaning compound. c ' & WAN. characters in which the rad. under L whg. In such dictionaries. The "jade" rad. metals. is supposed to help with the meaning.g bixin.BASIC CHARACTERS 90-94 announce. short form = H rad. . (bookish) gold and jade. % . 5 (62. Y u h (72. It stands for "announce" by sound-loan. It will have to be memorized as "lucky" + "seal" + "right hand. report. to play. low hill. This is the form which-is-usually-seems-anindependent tortoise. mountain pass Notice the "mountain" rad. (vulgar. often occurs independently as a character and means "mountain" and "hill.40 shMc6u. hilloclc "eight" rad. In the old form it is clearly three peaks sticking up.95-99 * BASIC CHARACTERS ShZn is a picture.40 shZn gfing. The "mountain" rad. to the other forms he has learned (26 and 88." I. above). abusive) . The rest of g a g is from an old character which gave 1. in the center of gZng it suggests the meaning. is classified 7J is a picture. above). Indian corn 101 6 strokes D & . below). and from "tree" &.lead (the metal) ia. (18)(H27. (65. above). .the form 3 .seen in combinations. 5 % yiimi. knife. was originally a picture of rice growing in a paddy.. a (206. rice-flour noodles Enb&chalk (for writing with) .in H . rice flour. Distinguish it from the "strength" rad. a family name. . i @ .9 qiZnb&pencil 100 13 strokes . I(119)(H159) The "rice" rad. RICE md. KNIFE md. The horizontal stroke represented the water that stands in paddies.(64. -(516. knife f i n . maize.BASIC CHARACTERS 100-104 Q m . n 4 diiozi. rice. below) Distinguish "rice" from "sift" $ from "grain" iF. " A commentator says.105-109 * BASIC CHARACTERS P B liya. "Where there's land by fields. you build a village. (old expression) write up your "earth" ="village." This character is also used by . " "Earth" has been corrupted into "one" in the modem form. a neutral nation rfi Zhdnggu6. -?-at shdubiZo. watch rad. wristwatch The downstroke through the center of the rectangle suggests "middle.wristwatch. center. China .e. core rfi 3 zhijnglf.BASIC CHARACTERS 110-1 14 0. below). be a simple sound-meaning compound." it was a combination of meanings: "lance" (for the army) + "mouth" (for a language) + "earth. "surround" rad. This character is a sound-loan. to suggest the national ? !' 3a zh6nglfgu6. "standing in the middle.." rfi *G zhdngxTn. Originally. As "nation. however. This character may. it meant "nation" (see 114." i. 115-119 a BASIC CHARACTERS Supposed to be a meaning-meaning compound. "If the applied-heat-to-theshell-until it-cracked. one dictionary says. then . government VIP . money. "west" (130. a g compound.BASIC CHARACTERS 120-124 should lean to distinguish the "eye" rad. 166. yellowish-white shell "with a fine gloss. below) as rad. etc. h (515. business transactions. a family name.tionql. We find the "cowrie" rad. it will be seen in the form a6 at the top of characters. as money*7 were money in China. in characters for value. C O W F I 123 7 strokes 9 A cowrie is a small.. The top commendation -&A gukEn. from the "small nose" rad. ~a a cowrie. below). cow. As a 122 6 strokes modem rad. g-meaning compound: "hand" xT. used by various peoples ( c e n t u r y. to shit. be better. "civvies." plainclothes man father. i W gibg hcio. Now it is used by . even more kb dn'bin'n. defecation C$-bihyi. street clothes.125-129 * BASIC CI-IARACTERS to make the explanation helpful. a. Distinguish the "wine" rad. important person (usually a government official) -%% ya'obli. H (363. be eager to improve yourself traditional dictionaries. below). this form is almost always "net" -and in H.130 6 strokes * ) . or 4 % yGoha'o. -" BASIC CHARACTERS 130-134 - west (H166.. "earth" k (86). be good friends. . always so. essential - &A ya'orEn. Characters in which xliseems to be the radical will be found in traditional dictionaries under the "cover" rad. to want. above). Y & . Cp. in the forms of I and a ) The character is a picture of a bird in a nest and originally meant "to nest. be on good terms." It is used for xi"west" by sound-loan. otherwise. or else. 73 (122. to ask for. his lord. "wanted?' 73 important. . "right ear" (2% = 210.135-1390 BASIC CHARACTERS 'mound" rad. say the dictionaries. (78. When the form ccurs far right in a character. below. it is always Dictionaries call "city" hq* yciu drdu6. =%. is a picture of an old man with long hair and a cane. but we lcnow it is there because zhdis classified under d 2 "old" in traditional 58 . is the form P -92) Lrio. It may be hard to see in zhd the "old" rad. The modem formis very stylized (you can-analyze it into "earth-left-ladle"). = 201. above). indeed. The student should learn to distinguish the "basket" rad." The character is a picture. "city" gives This character is formed of two "ten" rads. written together. . This character is normally read aloud simply as Z-t-~?rsh-." this character is a sound-meaning compound. r (145."twenty. below). have become the same rad (15) in H. from the "box" rad. The two are almost identical and. Note that niiin is sometimes written -If.BASIC CHARACTERS 140-144 In the sense of "metropolis. classics" of Confucianism. the right-hand side of the box is not drawn in.145-149 BASIC CHARACTERS we assume the box is tipped on its side. and tin). iron. copper. metals . A nikdu. very Originally this character stood for a word meaning "peace and happiness. 256b). below) and Iff (p. above).BASIC CHARACTERS 150-154 150 2 strokes Ql." the highest of heavens (the Westem world has "seventh heaven") 1 152 2 strokes A RO. m0 s. identified as enter. but H22 is the rad."Ninth Heaven. 277h) and in the short forms for 1(452) and (p. h j F . make a beginning A$-1$. (27)(H13) H. 264h below). with A (2. according to myth. Printed form: -\r -k 9 qikii the seventh night of the seventh lunar month -the one night of the year. primer A 3 nishdu. be written in a forceful hand. get started. be profound the first sylla~le of &&me (sh&mme). as the short form for & ch. = rad. in modem texts. put your hand in. cliff. "factory" (p. The student will want to note that this character is usually seen. & "3 9 shokes - ~m. L (137. to start En. what? SHE!N. that the legendary lovers "the Cowboy" and "the Weaver Girl" get to spend together ttk 151 2 strokes ~ f nine i. In H. seven The student will want to distinguish -k from the "ladle" rad. entrance A Pq riim6n.j i i i t i t i n ." Now the character is used by soundloan." It was a meaning-meaning compound: "sweet" + "mate. besides HI3 there is a look-alike form J . only in K (308. EBTER is a picture of a slope. 154 2 strokes . j y j * X & &$ & HbJ. slope. above). (11) (Tn H. 23) Distinguish "enter" from A ( ~ 2 ) . f (531.155-159 * BASIC CHARACTERS (154. woods." will most r Lin is a meaning-meaning compound: "tree' beside "tree" = "forest. . Y r i n . "lean-to. sgn (p. 266a. below). what? ( S h E m e i: commonly written now a! L. 281b. below)." Emme). see p. above) and from the "sick" rad. which also means "forest. [for I f ." Cp. or 3) the two will This character is a meaning-meaning gives you a hint that it refers to some object made of wood. or 2) the inner line in "say" will be incomplete. but it is not clear why "big" + "be able" should suggest "be weird. curiosity d to be a sound-meaning . be curious." @% iiiioqf. be interested in odd tliings or just in many things hiioqixin. above): 1) "sun" will be taller and thinner.BASIC CHARACTERS 70-74 "say" rad. R (82. Qiis said to be a meaning-meaning compound. . ancient. qirin. b fin . "the sun tangled in the branches of a tree" is supposed to suggest "sunrise" and. money (people). nine cents &i. therefore.165-169 a BASIC CHARACTERS meaning-meaning compound. 7 ' ~ e i jid .k jingirin. . Zl~di normally appears in the construction "zl16i+ 'measure"' or "zl~C?i + 'measure' + noun" (cp. to that extent or degree ther way to write % (28. fJF$4 nC?igC?.so. t should learn to recognize both . this one & zllC?me. that one fJir l E nC?me. & i l zl]C?i sC?. in this case.that. three .ingC?. 170. in that case. above).BASIC CHARACTERS * 170-174 "number+ ge + noun. to this extent or degree NC?inormally appears in the construction "ngi + 'measure"' or "nC?j+ 'measure' + noun" (cp.. 170 and 172.this." individual (adjective) Z I l s.that being so. thus. above). in that way. above). in this way. or the "meat" rad.youmayhave-to~nder both-rads. befo~e you find a character.' as one would two panels of a double door. The root meaning of h i is "to join or close. you cannot be sure whether this form is the "moon" rad. "to close. Early dictionaries call this character a meaning-meaning compound and say. .175-179 * BASIC CHARACTERS gathered around a single space. like the mouth. (326). H puts all such but not in traditional dictionaries." Not in current use as an independent cllaracter." dictionary. " from the other form form is called f. Shii. "follow" A (319).BASIC CHARACTERS 180-184 st forms show a hand taking hold of meat. under f "left hand. three-dots form ofte HZn is a sound-meaning compound. "pattern" (360). Distinguish "club" from these characters: "branch" & (271."club. and "slow" A (337)." is not now in common use. suggests the meaning. below). gEn (87. Later lexicographers lost so yciu came to be classified unde (in H. "knoclc" k (384). The "tluee-dots water" rad. above) suggests the S l ~ f i is a picture: a right hand holds the club. has not (done something) . * have.F" dots water" (for A. rank The "thumb" rad. ' a n m o w on a bow.185-189 * BASIC CHARACTERS ST 9 MshFn. Thank you. You're welcome. Leam distinguish "thumb. & El jiri. below).a ''lucky day" on tile traditional . to fit well (clothes) hzsht'n. and the "thumb" was z hand drawing on a bow." "side-hand" 3 (14. &t b0aX1d. w the dot added to indicate the thumb. position. L o fit well (clothes) 9 shFnRn. and "then" $ (596. is a picture of a hand. whence "to shoot Xis is a sound-meaning compound. the & x'Exi.5. above). t h i n k of the upper part as his This character is not at present used as an independent character. . If it helps you to remember character. to like .BASIC CHARACTERS * 190-194 te that the lower part of this character is "man" rad. & i k xihuZn. From above) gives the sound. above) gives the sound. gsnshang. howeve is-~eonizedsaradThechatta-alsooccurs independently and means "green" qing(l98. $TI? sh6 qing.195-199 * BASIC CHARACTERS re of a foot." Qing by itself. S R l . keep pac Note that Uie bottom half of "green" resembles "moon. to keep up with. Who's paying? . " "Leisure" may be an extension of meaning. as in English a rest is "a break. which loolcs lilce a meaningmeaning compound: "put a tree across ." Now usually = I??.BASIC CHARACTERS * 200-204 Bi] . break. the moon shining through a craclc in a gate. originally meant "crack. other people X l l E b i 6 t n . specific. do something "with all your might" differentiate. i i .205-209 * BASIC CHARACTERS e student should distinguish "strength" m the "knife" rad. 7J (102. above) E rh sipinijli. A (178 bove). D o n ' r b u y i t ! 1 1 3 XI1 $big. In H. "put your baclc" into a job. be taracter is classified in traditional ictionaries under the "moon" rad. it is classified under rad. four horsepower rh m d i . 118 . very few. difference Xd A bjErEn. The relation of that to its present meaning is unclear. Learn to distinguish tlte "don't" rad. This character is not in modem use except as a short form for L gin (215. from -4-mi. in which usage it is. pronounced . below). elders (as in a district) The character is supposed to be a picture of a woman in irons. of course.BASIC CHARACTERS 210-214 X# fui80. 5 3. 4 fimmu'. eye for &liiis a pictuie o f a woman with two dots t c emphasize the breasts. hence "to pity In modem use. oldest brother. a violin bow) an arrow stayed on the bow. 4 4 % mmu'qin. bow (e. also used to address politely a lnan about your bbiogZ. older male cousin such that The "bow" rad.parents. Learn to distinguish "mother" from the "don't" rad. is a picture of a bow.mother X .215-219 * BASIC CHARACTERS Zhen (213.g. this character has been replaced by $. -# (212.. above) for sound.gdngzi. which Bemhard Karlgen calls "a vulgar corruption" (Analytic . your father and mothe k 4 dl?@. cannot. ' T wdikE.BASIC CHARACTERS 200-224 z& Srdi. second younger cousin ka-ka jiEjie. or of two sisters . younger female cousin such that tl~e two of you are children or grandcl~ildren of a brother and a sister. also used to address politely a woman about your below) and from % (p. older sister k k a diijii. oldest sister.301b). be unable to &!LC biZornSi. 225-229 a BASIC CHARACTERS Ek shduzhi. newsprint The cliaracter is a drawing of a man with a . newspaper. toilet paper $IL"it. bjozhi. & '7 niirsli. bjitiZn. As part of a cilaracter." bjbzi t6ur -top of the character 'bao' (63 = 509. wooden ladle . -k 3. 6 = 454). $ = 257. The student should distinguish "white" from the "sun" rad. above) and from tile "nose" rad. 8 ( below. Some modem dictionaries call the "wrap" rad. El (160.BASIC CHARACTERS 230-234 This character is said to be a picture of a child with open fontanel. " 63 $32 %. the "wrap" rad. below). usually appears wrapped around other rads. in the daytime The character is a picture of a wrapper. or parts of the character. to set a clock mother's side - $L+k ba'oshui. That's right! "N3. adversafy.duishdu. to make a custolns . opponent #3& duiz!?6ng.235-239 * BASIC CHARACTERS ')f 7 duile. eternal. to understand. of the ages extra one (one too many) %Z guizhcing.i ." Note that in form it is identical to 243. The "ten" rad. an antique. long journey ?la% qiZnlim& a superb horse. with the addition of the .Tngfi. an old fart as 243. gi. above: "be correct (in the mind) about.4! qiZn lz many miles. a horse that can run many miles 'F.BASIC CHARACTERS 240-244 talk and laugh together. get repeated f ?& gtlddng. be valuable 3 7 ch6ng le. be done twice. 'F. gives a clue that the character stands for a number. innate.shSngshbu. green hand.245-249 BASIC CHARACTERS 2 burshi. a fault A xi&fiT. inborn shSng n&r. to bear a daughter 3. xiZnti?in. "No!". my late husband F . green horn . child (colloquial) 11% gti~ h in the fields W . h Z (250." . children T S3 % xiiiohZr. gives tile meaning. above) gives the sound. T 23 hZtdng.BASIC CHARACTERS 250-254 ives the sound in a aracters (usually as The "child" rad. full name $2 yGuming. . . . . be famous as a part of other characters.255-259 BASIC CHARACTERS kk-4 xikgming. " 4L-& ba'oga'o. to relate LM sll." The character was a meaning-meaning compound: "cow" + "mouth" suggested the device." wlich equals about 1. (legal term) to appeal to a . By soundloan it means "inform. a jin or "catty. to inform %%L siishu6. a report. This form occurs as a part of characters and also as an independent character.BASIC CHARACTERS * 260-264 This character is a picture (cp. The character now stands also for a measure of weight. a lecture The "axe" rad.ingsii. L e a n to distinguish "cow" from w0 "noon" 4 (594. 15. to report. is a picture. The original meaning of this character was "muzzle for cows.5 -&X ga'osii. to tell. above). (333. below) and from the "face" rad. $ 2 congratulate -f 8 z11EjyLuidsh&this lot of hooks f da' xit7. from the "head" rad Sj. 4 % dfioxi. dil (610. . below) "Chief' was originally a picture of a head with horns or some big headdress.265-269 BASIC CHARACTERS The student should distinguish the "chief' rad. capital city h8 zhidfio.a bit larger . to thank 8 . to know %# da'oxiZ. and from "seal" & (760). 271. above. from si FJ (275). this was probably a symbol. below). "follow" A (319). ' (360). has been reclarified wit11 the "tree" rad. Learn to tell "self" from "already" 5 (274. &? zlu'zi."bosom" or "intimate" * characters with which tf.BASIC CHARACTERS 270-274 "branch" rad. is likely to be . " In this character. below).a pen As a cyclical character ("heavenly stem"). The meaning "self" is probably by sound-loan. Z zllqi. from "club" "knock" k (384.(hee) branch -&* yizlu'bi. 275-279 * BASIC CHARACTERS originally supposed to have been a ing of a fetus.icl-t2Ehi0 ba. . *G is a sound-meaning compound. I y51g(278. Okay! Bravo! Fine! fsk&itiltC niz11idSo ba. suppose. with a large head and d up lower part. above) suggested the sound. The student should to distinguish sifrom 273 and 274. You know. . is a picture of raindrops falling from clouds. rw * s h &." an evil mind hsi b. 3.ii bfi En. (respectful) your older .at' % .%. 5:00 Tile "rain" rad. a "black heart..inliii.BASIC CHARACTERS 280-284 . cannot & is a meaning-meaning compound: the "divine" rad. (118. t 9% hEixii. +JL o'ng xi6ng.6 wU dijn zl16ng." Other meanings by sound-loan. above) + "mouth" = "to explain (orally) the divination cracks. 285-289 * BASIC CHARACTERS 4 3 .l nn 06 . Many thanlcs! 9"k shiioni. 97 hcio dud le. young + . Much better! 9 duaxis. (dialect) d ' i trick. Distinguish from 3 "hand" (41. a field M5o is a picture of an animal's pelt. -k%+t qikuZ q i k . evil The "earth" rad. %% mgobi. fine body-hair (on people) . a piece of land. writing brush %% niiioyi. guf (291.BASIC CHARACTERS * 290-294 9) once suggested the g6u pEngy6u. above). gives the meaning.if% hiinm50. above) suggests the sound. seven dollars -% W yikuZ t i k .Sf- guidiiinzi. to be a friend indeed %. (wool) sweater .%1. " $$ Ddnuing. above. to Older forms have "clasp" (141. above) -# yigdng. and @ ed as "to examine in the mind.295-299 BASIC CHARACTERS aracter may stand for a word cognate 4. The "heart" rad. It soon came to mean "tall buildings: capital. all together ? # Zhcing Gdng. can be (as it often does). means . Chinese Communists (from ? El # b 2 Zhdngguci) meaning. Tokyo . ready money 8 3 k . on a 3Rsk xiinqijo. 5 zrii wd kib. to no longer exist.BASIC CHARACTERS 300-304 check out something put in plain I see it % 8 7 bfi zii le. to be . a tael of gold h iL li8ng k6uzi.% &? yi liiingjinzi. Litkg the "stubborn" rad. conscience kW liSngh80. be good. two dollars --I.305-309 * BASIC CHARACTERS The student should distinguish liiing from % (31. 306 is the independent . i has the extra dot at the top. 1i5ngxinn. husband and wire part of a cltaracter. above). be well f L 8 ~ htA%k liiing kuii qi'in. cooked rice &$ti. gives the meaning. y i i ~to~beg . of Shdis a picture of a tongue sticking out of a @ % xudshd.BASIC CHARACTERS 310-314 Fin is a sound-meaning compound. (308. so that you can parrot the teacher's words without really understanding them. & { t i ." i. Ting (3 11.e. above) suggests the sound. to learn "by tongue. mIfin. The "food" rad. for food or money .. above) is. (colloquial) gossipy . above) in .315-319 * BASIC CHARACTERS This character sltows a hand holding a to intercede le yawn" rad. (to suggest the opening mouth) combines with gE(217. one by one an audience. everybody (used in addressin %% qingkS. to get people's attention)." It was probably by sound-loan that it came to mean "to beg. various nations -%I* gSbvSi. beg for food P~ 323 6 strokes /k 1 ' ' p )=. (84)(H109) The cliaracter is a picture of breath passing off in waves.trequire I ~tbreath. li.G cliide d6ngxi. each person . exhalations." %+> qisl~i. BRE4TH rad. to give a party ?jig sliu6k5. pl pc CEJji. below) and meant "breath. food. to eat ptbtl$. to the "breath" rad. an (informal) emissary. vapours. every one. (324. vapours. things to eat L h strengll and exertion. an eloquent fellow sent to win others to your point of view 322 3 strokes his character once was identical. to eat *~tti c / i i h .BASIC CHARACTERS 320-324 g E . exhalations. 324 4 strokes .%Ill %El gEgu6. a family name 328 12 strokes . -G. has a different form (928. (130)(H118) Note that when the "meat" rad. it is identical in form to the "moon" rad. relationship between great-grandparents and greatgrandchildren through the male line. meat. 118 whethe it originally meant "meat" or "moon. however. The "meat" rad. personal energy. h4EAT rad. yuiinqi. $L sl~Fngqi. below)." fiE h ningl?." I 4 strokes (6 strokes) 3 " 10 strokes Ifl *tl *t/ *t flL flk under the "meat" rad. this f o m is H. (326.v ROU. that is the only way we know that this form is "meat. occurs as a part of characters.325-329 * BASIC CHARACTERS a%. As part c a character. as a i independent character. get an. above). above). ability fik $4 nnngg:ciu. (178. rad. already. to be able to C%NG. .e. to receive a guest The character originally was "slope" + "white" + "water" and meant "spring" (i. traditional form. +G'Efi xiiyu$n.heart's desire i18Eii qingyuiin.$g h u M . "Water" was corrupted into The character was a picture of a man's head. not of the head. willingness often being a matter of the heart.BASIC CHARACTERS * 330-334 . a water-source).voluntarily . " The modem fonn has been corrupted into "stand" over "say.335-339 * BASIC CHARACTERS The old form of the "tone" rad. above) and may want to review the entry under 319 for clarification of their relation. (319. these two forms are put together as one rad. (For the said to be an object . that is used as a part of characters. was a mouth blowing on a flute -a pretty good way to suggest "tone. In modern dictionaries like H. (=H65). accident identical in form to the "follow" rad. This is the form of tlte "claws" rad." titought"). then. "F % zh2 kkjn. at first sight "F 4 "F % : z l 1 Z yciu zl~Z int?. other. now you don't") 8 t chkjngyjn. now it's here. The "two" rad. be human" are cognates.." and kindness is the most important virtue toward others. now it's not (idiomatically: "now you see it..BASIC CHARACTERS * 340-344 It is supposed that this word ren and the word rsn A ''man. is a reclarification. (bookish) frank and open speech or remarks 344 8 strokes E? . The "two" is often explained philosophically: "two" = "another. to be nearly a 1 % sl~ing xu& to go to school L shingm8." . but it is seen as a sound . "81 1 : "head" was corrupted to "field. to sing gvl hBcl~.345-349 BASIC CHARACTERS The "mouth" gives the meaning.. to start % Q xiEsl~Bng. thought modem Chinese. above) suggests the sound. & ' k 3 sixiing. chin:: (344. a chorus (group of singerr =fi118 nljichjng.inggB. (artist's expression) to dr "heart". to sing for a living LIU fi sh'ingge yu4 last month thousand people LC A sl~ing qiin r&n. to get on a horse. face towel zl$in.i-7. small towel.tER bima'or. cap s'iI. peak of a cap. % % rna'on6ng. to use someone else's name (353. ~FI . paper towel The top part of this character is the cover. cap of a pen % +% rna'osh6. rna'ozi. hat. above) gives the sound. visor il:zkes $j $fi $g r9 r9 .BASIC CHARACTERS * 350-354 The character is a picture of a small piece of $ ?lt shdujin. " The "grass" rad. to change or develop every day Not in use as an independent character in -- . helped furthe fix the meaning. again.355-359 a BASIC CHARACTERS %d/r ch6ngxin. and jiir (229. anew." the dove rad. fresh Tile original meaning of this character was "owl. person belonging to a different El ?l(r F1 Z$ rixin yud yi. above) gave Z$ t yiji. represented the bird's "horns. to drink tea %% cliidiiin. refreshments %I?? clidiui. an alcoholic. is a picture of a wine-jug. reception running water. cocktail party @ : $ jiiyi. wino. This is Ute independent form The "wine" rad. the horizontal stroke inside represents the liquid in it. mild high from drink. tipsy . lush $3I?? jiiliui.BASIC CHARACTERS * 360-364 6%> cliiclii. tea party. Tlte student should distinguish I % jiigui. ." 4%4? gild& to the best thing tc 1-0.365-369 - BASIC CHARACTERS the hand is supposed to be grabbing the ea hence the meaning "to grab. to obtain &?if zuih. the greatest. .BASIC CHARACTERS 370-374 picture of a man with his hands tied behind his back. the character is reclarified with the "stubborn" rad. hence "to be in difficulty.? You don't mean. J-r & shjngii. In $k jjjn. This is tile same word as 370. difficult.. (372. above. rarely The character is a picture.." X i & njnda'o. below). ? $k$@jijnnjn. in difficulty $h%$ niind6. It couldn't be that. the riglithand element is "dove." Not in modern use as an independent character. The student should distinguish jijn from n j ." in BP-njn. rare. ravine 374 10 stroltes A - * &*+ * . d i i c u l t to get. . the right-hand element is "stubborn. " The charactc is a sound-meaning compound. be easy CBng (377. the "ear" rad.375-379 * BASIC CHARACTERS This is said to be a picture of an old wamir flag -"Stop!" . A popular variant is h. gives the meaning. gives the meaning. $ b r6ngyi. Eorigin. . above) gives the sound." The measng "easy" is probably by sound-loan.llly meant "chameleon" and was picture of the chameleon. C6ng (378 above) gives the sound.from which the meanin "must not" derives. 378 11 strokes understand. the "heart" rad. to be intelligent. The meaning "to change" is an easy extension of "chameleon. this life .BASIC CHARACTERS * 380-384 3 k jinsl~@ng. 385-389 * BASIC CHARACTERS rad. above) + the "child" rad. (138. = "filial and drink extravagantly . room h%q fkgshi. house. above). h%$ ffjnddng. P hiik6u. The student should distinguish it froin "corpse" P (329. building. above) gives the sound. Usually printed 9 . fig (392. household 1P A $ s5n 116rEnjiZ. landlord h%5ii? fkgzi.BASIC CHARACTERS 390-394 fiZcombiies meanings: "pig" under "roof' This character is a picture. sexual intercourse (between husband and wife) . three housellolds Door" gives the meaning. population. up to the present time 4 P z11ish. room B d fhgwii. to change into American money & A BASIC CHARACTERS 35+ zhvjn. a place of great & && duicl~dng Mgijin. l~ouses. at least d? wiizi. ' a n adult . buildings XI1 $ k l h bj6 you LiZn-di. the Great Wall The original meaning of this character was "to cross. above)." it was a picture of a man with crossed legs. to have an effect on. above) gives the sound in tliis j&% ftj& cheng xii7ng8town and country Cl~Zngchcng. to have hidden motives or an axe to grind 4+ f i zuciycing.BASIC CHARACTERS 400-404 chgng (399. The student should distinguish it from "pattern" 2 (360. Rll$ . f i IC big y6u ycingxin. above) suggests the . above). near. this character was an" beside "man" and meant . The "gold" rad."Mandarin" language now like "corpse" P (329. above) ' b (137. and fU (404.405-409 BASIC CHARACTERS - compound." The meaning "nun" appears . gives the meaning. stock exchange !&$ kZcht5. automobile carbonated drink." i%7k qishui. bus 7 strokes :% 413 7 strokes 1 'p 1 . . fire.BASIC CHARACTERS 410-414 here warns that the character may be a wd ne. passenger train." whence "place. (railroad) train kJ-l hudshZn. therefore R 814 jiZoyisu6. volcano %k guihud. PIRErad (86)(H83) The character is a picture of flames rising.gas. will-o'-the-wisp (literally. This is the independent form of "fire dots" (34. wool overcoat "Door" and "axe" here are supposed to combine to give the meaning "to build a living place. soda water : & a x HUG.%$ qichs. $4Y% sudyi. steam The character combines meanings: "water" +"breath" (vapor) = "steam." The meanings "which? what" are by sound-loan. above) A$ hudchE. "ghost-fire") -& 414 4 strokes . What about me? d kd nf djyi. 4 Ql. captain. the bows of a boat. T#i xi.ichuiII. a very fast boat . prow IR& Eizhdu. 8 y5n (99. steamship #a& churinzl15ng. master of a ship n b L 5 chuiIIshdu. above) gives the meaning. Zhdu (415. (bookish) boat and car.415-419 * BASIC CHARACTERS $I-$ zl~duchF. above) once gave the sound. to disembark i$& qfchujn. . Originally the right half was identical (the similarity is still clear).BASIC CHARACTERS 420-424 The left half of "go" is "step" (30. above). and the character one time gave the sound. how? why? 5 $I% bfizgnrne. since 3:00 4:t:i.l.-rn % hufjiii. next time 1-16 . Compare 427. above) +"heart" (mind) = "bewilderment" = the questions "how? why?' &A zgnme. below. K1%@ ccing s5n diEn zhcing. c6ng xigo.4 2 5 4 2 9 * BASIC CHARACTERS meaning compound: "suddenly" (342. to go home T EJ xiiihuf.from childhood The character is supposed to symbolize going around something until you return to -the-starting-point--.not very The character is a picture of one man following another. to travel by boat &b#& zu6EijX to travel by plane This character originally meant "wheat" and was a picture of growing wheat. (156)(H189) The character originally was a meaningmeaning compound: "man" + "foot.xxijlili. to come down .& wBiIili. The meaning "to come" is by sound-loan. to sit down zu8cl1u8n. Let's go! Let's get outta here! 7 strokes .Ti. A$+& hu6cl1c?zl1&I." The modem character is somewhat corrupted. T $. customarily (in the past) ii.train station 1% qichc?zl~&I. I suggest we leave. walk WALK rad. bus station +& I% zi&~zh. klle z6u ba. P k T dz6uie. above) gives the sound. He's left. zh8n (281.stationmaster 1 . the fuhlre s a cup (now "cocoon" a . Z ~ Uto . 24.c6ngl. above) The "stand" rad.BASIC CHARACTERS * 430-434 & 7: zu6xia'. gives the meaning. I : & $.Ing. right away ziofm. is supposed to help with the meaning. in one day. pronto.435439 * BASIC CHARACTERS character. The "sun" rad. suggests the meaning. zhii 0' 8 dinxE (bookish) in the morning or the cvening -prctty soon -0' yidiin. breakfast 1 18 . the "walk" rad. free time Engdng.4 && giigD. r ( $ g6ngzu6. job &L miigrTng.BASIC CHARACTERS 440-44. to divide the labor This character is a picture of threads mn across a loom. ." one's native This character is a G6ng is a picture of a carpenter's square. to die &k giit0. work. Not in modem use as an independent character. to pass away. carpenter 2 k g6nO&. "the old country. The explanation of hu2n is very complicated and unsatisfactory. It occurs as part of characters to give the sound.445-449 * BASIC CKARACTERS "silk." The other meanings The character is a picture of a net. Not now used as an independent character. . appears in this character without its top dot. a sufCix used to form nouns and noun-phrases."fi A .BASIC CHARACTERS 450-454 TlGs was one or the punishments prescribed $&fi l~dutiiin.a cow &gf! miit6u. wood %&53 11dut6u. above) suggests the sound. The meaning "bean. the 4. a measure-wordfor certain animals Ddu (453. (on) the day after tomorrow The character is a picture of a flask. pea" is by sound-loan.1 lead" rad.the head. a bulb (of garlic). gives the meaning --lili 4 yi t6u back $6 . 5 6 454 - - 3 - TOU. 455-459 * BASIC CHARACTERS &'I 4G wgnhdu. above) gives the sound.. to ask after someone k4G huih8u. %. time required to cook BG (231. The present .~~e~~mmon people "monkey. suggests that the meaning is numerical.~&!5ob-Z~ing." "elephant. the "one" rad."etc. the tllird one . first. is * " * M 464 2 strokes ncngnifin. to stump with a question k 6 4 % zl~%uzl~~i.. BOWL year b. to advocate.iinifin.BASIC CHARACTERS * 460-464 3% zhOzhjjl. in H.of 4 in traditional dictionaries is '. . a lifetime K h .a hundred years. cannot stop 3t .the fourth day $ 5%disfinzh8. f (87. ( 1 7 ) ( H 3 8 ) Ifin is a picture of a bowl. bowl. idea. plan I Y wenzhir. the rad. to propose A& zlliyj. above). the first $ Q A disi tifin. to sweat $46 dEngI~du. cow +& dengda'o.dEngwiii.$ +$-% m i njfi y k g dEng.ou6. to wait for . 391.465-469 a BASIC CHARACTERS & @ chii. . be sub-standard drawing his bow or fitting tile thimble before he draws.. horses. to go abroad k!i $5 chfil~llin. by the time that. . It occurs as a part of characters to give sometimes tile sound jut sometimes tile sound guai (or kuai). be very sharp ' k kA kuifidih. "Faster. please.74 (lk%Jkuifidfio. Watch your step! "Take care of yourself!" (said to a departing The character originally was a picture of +%-I% r h r h . sharp knife jx'tk Eikuifi." Ek miinzciu. be very fast. (bookish) slowly.BASIC CHARACTERS 47011. little by . to catch fire i?+wgnjiin.475-479 * BASIC CHARACTERS the "sheep" rad. to sing a song 4$ rib zudqii. & k zhjohud. (see 115. documents. The form h e x is used as a part of characters and does not occur as an independent character. Q d4 chkgqii.above). above). papers -The rad:is-now-the "say~rad~(82. The flowers have been . to compose (music) te of a vessel (the "flask" rdc rs. week ombines meanings: "to join" . to worship." +-? IibZ.BASIC CHARACTERS 480-484 two "hands" + "to lower. 485-489 BASIC CHARACTERS & bdsdng. Not in modem use as an independent character. (by guest) Don't bother seeing me off. (by host) Excuse me The character is a pichlre of a monkey. . honest .in the midst of eating iE& zhSngzG. great" E (496. taking" & (406. & % ya'ojin. above) and from "chief. from "using. below).BASIC CHARACTERS 490-494 and the original meaning was "scorpion. be important iE%fVi zh6ng ci1Ti33. in the midst of i E b zhsngzhi. large." It is used to mean "ten thousand" by sound Learn to distinguish the "bureaucrat" rad. " In moder~ dictionaries. above). to classify it under 3 works better. but formally. (a . with handle." -$"& bhy2. under "lid. under the "lid" rad. the internal stroke is the "one" rad. E i* supposed to have been a picture of "a large carpenter's square. above) in some dictionaries. but in H. Logically. midnight Jii was traditionally classified under the "work" rad.495-499 BASIC CHARACTERS rad. (37. distorted. 3 (117. the rad. (443. above). is "basket" or "box" &. BASIC CHARACTERS 500-504 + "heart" at the CHAI, to send; to commission; official 2 % 3 chibuduQ almost the same X I chiibie, diierence & @ chZshi, work, job, official assignment kZmSn, to open the door kZchi7,to drive a car 7 k M' 3 si~uikZle, The water's boiling. RFI P1 BB 505-509 BASIC CHARACTERS or other thread in this process, and g u b (504, above) gives the sound. Not in mode use as an independent character. 5%-ai S& d i h y i k s , 3:15 # . %$ J zl~iiobuzl~io, can't find -A-3 -- - -T d zhiiodao to f i n d - - --- -A+ zl~iiosl~i, to go job-hunting; to pick ; - 1-32 BASIC CHARACTERS 5 10-5 14 The "foot" rad. gives the meaning; b;Jo (509, above) suggests the sound. The top part is supposed to show the bone in This character is the "bone" rad. minus its lower part, the "meat" rad. The "mouth" rad. gives the meaning in this character; gua' (512, above) gives the sound. This character occurs in a number of characters to give the sounds guo or huo. 515-519 * BASIC CHARACTERS lling through below it "cull" (517, below) a "tree" $. (65 and 64, dictionaries under the "sW rad. (516, above). The "claws" are supposed to represent a hand picking fruit from a tree, diiinc;ii, to order dishes (in a i & % yfd2o c5;a course (of amea1)-c;iidi, plot of vegetables di&, (dialect) a tiny bi BASIC CHARACTERS 520-524 The character is "knife" with an additional stroke to call attention to the blade. %J 3 7 dioren, knife-blade; crucial point The "heart" rad. gives the meaning; rZn (522, above) gives the sound. ,% & rBnsh6u, to endure, to "stand" rBnxin, hard-hearted enough (to do such-and-such a deed) ,% %@ rBnbuzhii, unable to bear 3% 525-529 BASIC CHARACTERS gives the meaning; the rest of the characte shi(224, above), once gave the sound. In k4 dizi, background, origin, foundatior k 7; d 2 2 , underneath, below If-kniiindi, year's end BASIC CHARACTERS 530-534 $& 530 13 strokes ' 7 '0 LO, road,kind, sort; family name The "foot" rad. gives the meaning; the rest of the character once gave the sound. &% lfiguci,to go past b& ~ 6 ~ 1to 0 walk , && szfi,train of thought , , 8 .$ .$& f 531 5 strokes i pf- fi, sick SICK md. (104)(H127) The character represents a man stretched out on his bed, whence "be sick." Compare the "bed" rad. (849, below). Niis not in modem use as an independent character. h 532 4 strokes 533 5 strokes I N&, inside NEj is a picture of a man entering a space . marked off by the "borders" rad. (The hjh h neidi, interior (of a country) i f l X. h s& ti& ncj, within three days 2 traditional rad. is "enter," not "man.") --1 9 h A n E n , my wife (old-fashioned, sexist) fi** B&G, fish W , the third ''heavenly stem" Bing looks like a picture of a fish tail. h% bingding, the third in a series; thiid category % I0k e : s :: =-7- 6& 6 B ~ Gsickness, , sick The character combines the "sick" rad. for meaning with birg (533, above) for sound. & Y84 k&bing, to see a doctor; to exa,ne a patient ?kY84 shsngbing, to get sick, to come down with a disease 535-539 BASIC CHARACTERS -%IS yiEng xin, a letter IS% xifing, envelope The character has "cloth" for meaning, b;ir (231, above) for sound. Not in modem use as an independent character. -$?A yi b&g rgn, a group, a band, a BASIC CHARACTERS * 540-544 o7i. dztiiu, to take the lead, to set an The student will note that the "dog" rad. = "big" + "dot." Care should be taken to distinguish "dog" from "big" k (50, above) and from k "extremely" (74, above). ng is a picture of a scale in balance. 4$ ; pfngchiing, ordinary 4 + pingd6ng, equal 4%pjngyuiin, a plain (flatland) 545-549 a BASIC CHARACTERS T $ cFngd;Ing,ding-dong finished+donef~r'~-------- -- reclarified Bi& (550. The "bitter" rad. the #+fQ b h g6ng. . to is supposed to combine meanings. The meaning "ancient" derives from the earLier meaning "to age. incorrectly written character. wrong impression 4%$ cudzi. to age. t sense of hearing he original meaning of this character was "meat dried in the sun. The sun can still be found in the modem character. to wrangle." and the top part of the old character was a picture of meat. to 1 % 1 ! Bngiu6.BASIC CHAFtACTERS * 550-554 Bi. above) suggests the sound. illusion." 45% cu6ju6." In modem times. repeated = "bitter against bitter:" "to recriminate. to work (in an office). I?. The rest of hug is supposed to represent something hidden in the clothes or hugged against the .flying fish ral yCw.555-559 * BASIC CHARACTERS form the "gown" rad. (religious term) eternal .ing. fishnet pposed to be a picture of thus suggests "go on ant 7 k t f i yingshzng. above). Eiyli. (109. Often printed : .6. above) for sound with "eternal" for meaning. terms.BASIC CHARACTERS * 560-564 Compare 442.245b. in this way. like this -4%. conditions h 4 564 2 strokes Note the similarity between the "ice" rad. The "ice" rad. and the "three-dots-water" form of the "water" rad. which is another form of this rad. In modem use. yyi tiZo yii. see p. so. .i+ tiZojiirin.) This form occurs only as a part of Yiingcombines y3ng (475. brief note 4l%. above. reclarified with the "water-dots" %L. (For the independent form. a fish C+%biiintiZo. has two dots instead of three. S$$-zl~Eyiing. second most important L.k s h ci.k& cfyio.565-569 BASIC CHARACTERS . three times %?. .k shduci. as scrabbling with their hands X. hurrying to catch heaven's times and seasons and . the first time thcrc are two similar objects side by side. Peking & A 7 xiSngzudle... the North chEngb6i. northeast BEijing. . Beijing... southwest I% + % nSnji. e. keep on thinking about it fi#i xuewt?i. north of the city ddngbei.g. to think incorrectly zudshdu. approximately f 4 y6uB right ear & .(Chinese medicine) acupuncture point .. zud siyciu xiSng. zud .. X f &.y 6u.. South Pole I% Nhjing. left hand zudy6u. to do something repeatedly over and over. f. . Nanjing (the city) * 3b % 3kjb &jb jb* b6ifang.BASIC CHARACTERS 570-574 E5 I% xinSn. -nevertheless. clotiling. is a picture.ikdu. apparel "gown" rad. Yuih is. "earth". canine tooth. PS 4 mgn~ri. above) has been conupted into I. ! i clothing. the age of an animal according to the appearance of its teeth.classified-in-~aditional- - . dog's fang 8~7 y. incisor K 4 quihyri. apparel !?% chuihzhuci.575-579 * BASIC CHARACTERS The "tooth" rad. the condition of an old person's teeth !?& chuZndrii. h (109. to cause a riff between fib* 1fgK strange. "lid" + "cruel." have been conupted from the original picture.BASIC CHARACTERS 580-584 The "bowl" rad. to part from (intending to be gone for some time) simply to reinforce the idea of getting . this character is only seen as fib W lijjiin. in this character used to be The top parts. bid farewell to. In modem usage. weird filrl~]1fij6. (of a criminal). as in English) a severe test 148 . baptism. number. to go straight k t & xili. (figurntively. mathematics &4k suishli. amount X Q shicuut'.585-589 BASIC CHARACTERS X A shcrnu. (person's) age wash your hands of something. 1 wish that KUJ to work in the fields The character appears to combine meanings: "right hand" + "earth" = "to work in the fields.BASIC CHARACTERS * 590-594 ." In modem Chinese. like this This character originally meant "to mast." comes by sound-loan. Don't blame him 1 f 5 5 &guriillui. if only. high noon q I@ wiishuj. to take a mid-day nap 4. + - . T? xiiwii. "nooner." and it combined meanings: "meat" (slightly deformed) + "dog" + "fire. so that's the reason. complaint 'I&%% guriibudc. peculiar. ?&%it rfinhdu.. certainly WfT." nap. right. so.# @ @ f \\\ ++ 594 4 strokes & t . above). it is only seen as + I ' 5 5 q@urii. weird $4 *I&4bbi6guZ tii. (87. afternoon ir? zh+ngwii. All other meanings are by sound-loan. no wonder. don't blame. afterward *B bjrfin. ' & k 4 j 593 12 strokes RAN. cynical remark. the seventh "earthly branch" The character once meant "to knock against" and was a picture of a batteringram. Compare the "shield" rad. I . siesta.(2 bGd&." "So. . noon. like this. not only ddjoyuh. Class dismissed. textbook -i%nifLk? on earth 1-50 .5. to + T* xiiikd. many things <+AxtIyu. veery many. to permit. C& kEb.class hour- 4k shishang.595-599 BASIC CHARACTERS 3 T xtIk. to make a vow (to a god). in this world. permission 8 xtIdu6. section. the Yellow River . Customs ih? % Djz/idng/irii. portion. customshouse. Shangl~ai 4 14? blifen. boundaries %%/%I hriiguh. to intervene. "heavy ones"] and leptons I ?[qingzi. get involved fiT jiszi. between baryons -ifi-T [zhsngzi. meson (term from physics: particle of intermediate mass. part $1' [I? blimgn. department iing ht?.BASIC CHARACTERS 600-604 *A jisrli. "light ones" -see 1051 for $E "be light"]) nal borders. Mediterranean L%% Shringlirii. &@. Distinguish it from "face" 6 (610. family name && liZnzhe.continuously. 1 m. comect. however . special. !if zhih2'0. even. company (military). but. only $FBI tgbii. promptly 1 : 5 strokes ZHi. right away. including. just. below). especially Eris a picture of a beard. continuously & ft liZnzhZng. can do nothing but 7 % h-sE. but.605-609 * BASIC CHARACTERS 605 17 strokes 1 $& 1 .&e 1 . company comm-ander liZnmZng. continuous. $f zhjyiju. and moreover fi rZn'ir. only 1 9 $? zhidi. can do nothing but 9 . can do nothing but 9 . 5 irqiE. BASIC CHARACTERS 610614 6 -f m'&zi. to remove I t 2' .A 9b chir le. social addition to I'k3 c11limI. (on) New Year's Eve . ..yiw.r. below). but in mainland Chinese Note that this character is now commonly short form of 872.ii.face. in addition to.. below. width by * (656. seen as tl~e h& cl~irqii.. rivers and mountains.615619 * BASIC CHARACTERS S jiiingshiin. to work hard for I?& jingzh6ngnet weight . (by metonymy) nation One authority explains: ''The sun 9 as it 9% zhEngqfj. landscape. "to mess around" "Nonsense!" "Bunkum!" $#& sh.BASIC C W C T E R S * 620-624 $ 4 1hiishu5.not know what you are importer shiinghui.merchant ship i & zf $ jink6usl1.ingchuZn. to tallc nonsense. the Muslim people of China . chamber of commerce fE Huimh. $A & hfil&i. to behead a zcInqi. to cut to pieces The character is explained as "a chariot wit! axes in it.625-629 BASIC CHARACTERS 20 strokes - @ .@1T Huiiil~E. to produce. zl1inqi6. . the Huai River . Kuomintang &A: & Mkzhtlding. family name I R :& Gu6rmkding. Chinese Nationalist Pnrty. D ~ Gassociation. join or be admitted to a political party (or to the Party) :g r)K dangblo. propertyTEal estate) zW.5.for a short time 1 I / I temporary . production output && $ G6ngchinding. political party. product. g . to behead. property h d chiich&.to produce. Democratic Party A$? rcding." $t-tf zhSnsl~du. Communist Party b % chinyd. party newspaper & x CKKN. BASIC CHARACTERS * 630-634 As to the short form of $. 261a. be long (in time) rad. above) -faced away from each other. k (195. zhiinshi. see also p. for sure The student should distinguish this character from "slow" and "follow" (337 and 319. permanently & A chhgjiii. Not now used as an independent . Hence the idea "back. that is. eternally." Not seen now as an independent character. 7%k ydngjili. standard. sound-loan. level q8 zhiinbrio. back to back. on time 71tq shiiizhin. 8 $ .to explain. to clarify @ 6 zh6ngm$ stud above) -but in traditional dictionaries as i . to attend a lecture S k Vl ji.ingmfng. & tingjiiing. presumably twice "reclarified." has two more bugs: &: (see When the use of 3.would create an . autobiograplly traditional form.BASIC CHARACTERS 640-644 $ zizhu&. flA ?% mi7glijng. military officer 7 & jiinzhing. corps commander 7 $ jii. jiis most likely to be encountered as the short form for % "bow many" (419.military.bright. 3 (1 z11iny6u. advantageous ZHAN. 646 5 strokes (4 strokes) I I I m G . well-lit. TABLE md. to take unfair advantage. Nowadays. to occupy B 1'2 $ zhjn pijnyi. become clear This character is often written k in moder~ texts B 3 & zhjn du6shii.table. military discipline and bearing 4 . above). bright and shining. This for111o C "chip" occurs only as a part or characters. to occupy. state your views 2% 7 ti& lia'ng 1e. to constitute m.645-649 * BASIC CHARACTERS a. iakZ&i1Gd=&idTf I&. to show %jf8 lijngxiing. (16)(H30) c i s a picture of a table. military affairs 7 jiinrcSng. to constitute a majority -!&-3!??$=iiii. (Beijing opera) strike a pose. tea table 1 2 strokes / / I D& chip. The student sllould distinguish from the "dusk" rad. above). army. to own. The student should distinguish it from "legs" IL and from "ma with amputated foot" IL (57 and 58. CHIP rad. (Its independent form is 727.shi. army corps 7 A jiinrgn. %R chiji. It's already daylight. soldier g $ junguEn. below). above Reading pronunciation j f . (78) The character is supposed to be a picture of bone chips. more than before 7 % yud I j i yui.. certainly not F R bingqig. to become more and 4kX g&y& to dare to F% bing bu. to merge om the "leeks" rad.BASIC CHARACTERS 650-654 S4F yonxing. A k . actually not. moreover F M bingxfng. to implement (two tlungs) at the same time *& hgbing. to be in motion $ yudjid. to encroach A# yudfii. . to move.. make love Now often written 7 . 261a). 3 . sl1irsl16u... with reference to me 8 & ducSyii."to have your hands tied. thereupon X-k yii r r b the way I see it .to rebel &$ z r i o i i i .655-659 * BASIC CHARACTERS &a$zrio qichb to manufacture cars &d d o f h . Inore than distinguished from ciUthorn" ?i (p. 3 .." t a shave and a haircut . establish $ 3 f H . sl~irlin.BASIC CHARACTERS * 660-664 %$ifgucishir. fruit tree $3f& shlizlu. woods . a grove. to set up. tree branch Al shlai. The commonly used : 992 below. go on foot 9 -3.bczi.665-669 * BASIC CHARACTERS This form of the "grass" rad. In the modem form. to suggest "grass" sprouting up. ' suddenly become hostile foot in two successive positions to suggest motion. above). step . (465. is e l l & bi. however. pace. one of these -feetisconupted into-"few:"9 4T bcxfng. The form here is the independent form. side by side. Tile student has learned another form of "grass (192. is composed two "sprout" rads. above). B 1L zhiinjii. to talk about 674 I 1 strokes : . ) : d A .. statement tj. . People say." Thus: "wild boar.xih." As a part of characters. O-iji jiishuci. ) < ( : ." Not in modem use as an independent character. heart-to-heart talk $k41 thdiio. "hand" gives tbe meaning "to take in the hand. to occupy (by force) = "to blaze. to i talk. above) gives the sound. & tznhuii. this character usually indicates the sound dan or (672) here bas the sound value tan." Other meanings are derivative. a pig fierce as a tiger. have a heart-to-heart talk. X i (670.BASIC CHARACTERS * 670-674 "tiger-pig. @. (1042. Not in modem use a an independent character. at the bottom gives the meaning. below) -compare tile upper left-hand comers. k? wjnzi. 9~ yiiwjn. fish-ball (food) Distinguish $1. which has been corrupted from liD (149. small ball . the sound is suggested by the rest of the character. above). pill. .675-679 BASIC CHARACTERS The "earth" lad. black market Na'o combines meanings: "to fight in the mar1<etplacen ="to make a disturbance.BASIC CHARACTERS 680-684 X Tii L siu'rcing. the look of a city ht?ishi." . below). above). In modem use. tiger's lair . shade of a tree l'24B yinbd.e the side that gets the sun (cp. be overcast i i f It& sl~dyin. The student should distinguish this charact from careless. 687. i. replaced by 687. 6 kk m&n&ihiihii. be kfi hExuE.685-689 * BASIC CHARACTERS 1% E yintik. private parts This character originally meant "south s l o ~ of a hill" or "north side of a riverbank". be easy" % (376. % (840. above) and the "spear" rad. here suggests the meaning 3 3 % yOsu211. to make advance plans 6 6 bGim&to saddle a horse . -7.6 yOyI.(18.BASIC CHARACTERS 690-694 "child" rad. below). give The "head" rad. -3. to grant. ancient times 1-70 . to blush.-qichhti. hope. of importance to a . closely related to hr 9 hr+ qiGshGn. get red-faced w i t h anger or other excitement 4Ehr qinqic. The meaning "hope" (the most common moden use of tlus character) is by sound-loan. ir there to help develop this meaning.-. to suit. call on Ji ?LA hdngrGn. prestige jEi Ji kinwing. is supposed to show the loose mesh of a cloth. favorite of an important 8kL~ liSnhGng. algebra giidiii. $ ixiwing. personal. to hope for mjngwi?ng.. to pay a visit to. to go well with dGshCxuE. the "cloth" rad.695-699 * BASIC CHARACTERS The "crisscross" rad. lcnow about $&$fi % jiBt6ur. joint. historically not accurate. 0 $? k6udZ. "Alchemy" = "to accept If "man" + "ladle" suggests "alchemy" to you.BASIC CHARACTERS 700-704 The "gown" rad.sleeping bag QiS is explained: "to stand" + "woman" = a woman who stands when her husband or wives of superior status are present. you can use that as a mnemonic for huii." This explanation. to 46 $ hujuu6. above) gives the sound. bag. a bunch of flowers %kj&f& set off fireworlts . gunny sack !& sl1uid5i. gives the meaning in this catch.7sl1Bng.peanut --$-$& yjs11B huii. to connect. chemistry ~ & 4 6 gBngySI~uii. pocket &!& mddZ. d Z (699. b hu. to follow closely $7 jiBt6u. theiefore. (colloquial) to contact (somebody). @ jiBzl~e. to industrialize & . cnn help you remember the character in any case. junction $&% jiBsl~du. "concubine. " "to make sounds." -liiDi6relass (~esulLingGo~~i-a classification).705-709 a BASIC CHARACTERS part is an old meaning-meaning compound itself. to close a business (for a holiday or vacation) . a musical instrument + "club" = "to strike the musical instrument with a stick. category #$-+ xiiixui. to drop out (of school) xiiyi. lag d8ndEng." (The significance of SHI." . to light a lamp %k@ husddng. fashion. style. type The "flaslc" used to be a pedestal.b is supposed to combine "nose" + "heart" to suggest "to breathe.form. deng (712. model. style 4 & xinshi. general. gives the meaning here. colored lantern (653.BASIC CHARACTERS 710-714 . above) gives the sound. above) + "sun" to suggest "all tlte places the sun shines:" "universal. the "baclcto-back" showed two feet that had climbed The "fie" rad. . new style $$% sl1iyZng. harvest -1lk-L-shdugdnms. springtime &-& chiinyi. to go through. be universal. be widespread or common I. electric light '@% diiinhuJ. to pass in a parliamentary meeting 4 &ttjngzhT.7 15-7 19 * BASIC CHARACTERS meant "a big bell" and was a a hook at the top by which the hung. the feeling of early spring. income. i . electricity llkh shdurir. "Mandarin" Chinese 4 8 tdngud. thoughts of love ."%<% PPiitdngI~uJ. ~ L o infonn. a notice falling under the rain. youth cl~PiintiZn. "Ten pecks" is by f 4 pdtting. telephone '@ $ *&qingchiin. to earn JIL& shducl16ng. ! 2 diindEng. "Man" + "stool" is a good way to . palpitations $&Asl~%En. signs of tl~e times & dL jizha'o. gives the meaning. omen 7%Ib yirzl~a'o. ILjfi zl~a'otou. a good omen The "foot" rad.BASIC CHARACTERS 720-724 divination. zhio (720. to commit murder Cl~ir. c11Cis composed of the "slow" rad. above) is supposed to give the sound. above). Originally "slow" was a picture of a man. and "table" was a small stool. to skip a line. + the "table" rad. (Read the note in 118. broad jump 91&%Ttia'ol~Eng. 9189 tia'oyujn. to change *sWk ~ l t i a ' oheart . the "bug" gives the rad. The form here may occur as an independent corrupted from an earlier "man" rad. you have already learned (646..725-729 * BASIC CHARACTERS The dictionaries say that f h (682. to set questions (for an exam) 1-76 . above). above) gives the sound.- & chiiti. and "man" + "bone chips" is supposed to suggest death. cold water. to correct (as. be cool % <$ zhfiolihg. to catch cold <%7]C ljhgshui. American currency iE giiizl~dng. an error) . i%<k li-kuai.BASIC CHARACTERS * 730-734 Alternate form: %. unboiled water & ljij Mgiyuh. 735-739 BASIC CHARACTERS D originally meant "veins in jade" and was a sound-meaning compound. dGoli, reason, logical basis; doctrine lixi2ng, ideal, be ideal "Water" gives the meaning; qing (198, above) gives Ule sound. -$is:-= 3% yi qing h cl~ii, be very clear f$3% chiichii,be clear; be neat The "word" cad. gives the meaning; ji(273, above) gives the sound. --;L~E jizl~ii, to fix i t l 'i e X iT d --" - .-,---- from studying abroad BASIC CHARACTERS * 740-744 The meaning "to summon" comes by combining "mouth" for meaning wit11 dZo (102, above) for sound. The "sillc" rad. suggests the meaning; zliiio, sl~iio (740, above) gives the sound. ./P% jjGsli&, to introduce For the basic meaning, "pipe," the "bamboo" rad. gives the meaning; gujn (407, above) gives the sound. Other meanings are by sound-loan. $ E gujnli, to manage character; gujn (193, above) suggests the it%% qukgiio, to urge i@~% quiinsliu6,to advise a& kqujn, be safe; safety 4?f$ k q u j n diyc Safety first! %% kdfng,be secure, be steady - 745-749 * BASIC CKARACTERS An (744, above) suggests the sound; the "tree" rad. suggests "table." Bf L "f- bin iinzi, to ltandle a legal case % $ Ang'iin, plan, program L4+ jnjjiin, law case BASIC CHARACTERS 750-754 le top part is a slightly abbreviated "tall" d. (75, above), which, as the student will member, is a picture of a tower. Ding 19, above) gives the sound. =f tingzi, kiosk, pavilion <-$h dngzhi, to stop (doing something) @$ tingchb to park .I-$ R dnghu6, cease-fire :BI-$ zhziinting, zziinting, to suspend; (sports) In the case of du6, the "meat" rad. gives the the sound. In modem times, only read sui (for t l ~ e dynasty or tile family name). 755-759 a BASIC CHARACTERS l&uQ suTslu; at any time I&i i suijw;in, attachi (166, above) suggests the sound. BASIC CHARACTERS * 760-764 The student has learned the independent form of the "seal" rad. already (84, above). The form here only occurs as a part of characters. Distinguish "seal" kom "self' I,"already" '5, and si €5(273-275, The character is explained as "a man at the top of a cliff, looking down at something that has fallen off." k wBixiiln, be dangerous, danger &% xiilnxi.5, nearly, almost A& liiinxiiln, natural barrier (e.g., a A$ &iE hdusl~f, be thick ilduda'o, be generous A& hduyj, kindness, thoughtfulness Rnkk hduliilnpf, "have thick skin on your face," i.e., be brazen of "oppose, be discordant." It is counted here as 6 strokes, but is often actually 765-769 BASIC CHARACTERS R can mean "early" in the sense "early in the day" or "early in the year." One modem scholar (Guo Moruo) thinks it is a picture of a stone tool used in ancient times to break the soil for cultivation. IY-jiiiw,$n, to investigate in detail, to try-a be simple Kj %? kZ dtkzi. to recite. write a character in simplified form. write a simplified version (as of a book) for beginners ffj % jikdjn. sight Ending. to cany on the +% shdubZi. B&. scenery. scene.BASIC CHARACTERS 770-774 ffj & jijnzhr. to make a list memorize. simply. landscape . frankly ffj % jijnxi6. knapsack -% % bEijing. background % % jingxjjng. back of the hand -% $3 bdihio. alley (note pronunciation of F l) 8t2 5 jiigui. . . lane. all the same.. neverti~eless $ I Fl hhtdng. The outcome was. result.775-779 BASIC CHARACTERS F l % tdngyhg. feather i$' 7% ) . to praise . academic problem "fFi$' yjnxi.BASIC CHARACTERS * 780-784 &k4@ lihiin. I & scitool exercise. to study. marriage ceremony d l -L yiimiio. weddirtg. to do research in cllEngdiio. to divorce 4@42 liiinli. by the month i&EjnD. to audit (a course) i& JI inyuE. .785-789 * BASIC CHARACTERS $?I% phgcng. iPtl+ insh&be on time f % R a Zh6nghuC Minguci.. The % l k Huzi bgi. Logically. to make a big and produce nothing . North China Republic of Cluna no h i t . be in a daze %& i .BASIC CHARACTERS 790-794 sound. to stare like a fool.Ed%."bookworm" &X.Ti zjijjiilL to stay at home where (he/she/it/they) went . enthusiast & %-? shfi djizi. or *t!k and 9 stand for cognate 3~-FdZzi. fool. & d.stupid person. 795-799 * BASIC CHARACTERS 1% guiquiin.k2 sllEjj50. time creeps by) I 799 5 strokes I I 1 1 . to make a regulation &+fL xjiiogui. reprimand CE guidfng. social relations years (is. society $. schooI regulations $..k& sh8hui. ancestor. open out $15: huiizl~in. representing. order. (is. ancestor zligu6.. to pay sharp attention to +$A xixi. to get down a bet ?kf? zhiyj. scapegoat fl @ % "3 12 strokes *** $ $1 j ' Zil.iO.inchii.) %k% % tisgui.. in place of .to unfold. family name 4 5 . fatherland zichurin. command su&nu'ng. be handed down fiom one's ancestors $n 9 strolces . to substitute o'gdng. X zirfu. i n place of.. to pay attention to d B i l zl~rinkZ. to emphasize guhzi~ir. .BASIC CHARACTERS 800-804 $++ nu'ngling. substitute. scapegoat LishZn.. to represent. susbtitute workman dZti. to tell a person's fortune a$+ m& zl1Ozl16ng. a show (of paintings) 10 strokes / - $ fifor. to open out b h zl~. "to lose face" & A diiir&n."to lose face" .805-809 BASIC CHARACTERS &)I& ditiliiin. to receive or welcome an object (the "down" rad.q to welcome 4%yfngjit?. the left half of the The two halves combine to give the ik& hu&yin.g~ nerve. government. i~bdsl16njin. administration & I % $ zl~i?ngti. it is itself a rad. In traditional eld" rad.).iJlb& sh6njTngbTngsdisease of the nervous system. nerves . government circles &$ zhi?ngkd.3$ 9 strokes 1 ZK~NG. in H. political. mental disorder gk.BASIC CHARACTERS 810-814 seal was a symbol..politician (pejorative) . system of government && zl~dngjii?. 8 15-8 19 * BASIC CHARACTERS . (your) residence (polite $ f A giirtn. merchant . to clear.l+?-$ fiqing. to pay off (an / T r k firsl~lng. hiring and firing IEQ rdnming. canying some object (Ule "left" rad. Originally the character was a picture of U 1 e standard canying pole wit11 an object fixed to each 4%rdn~ni. shade yJngsh6. to counterfeit The character seems to show the "knight" rad. shadow.) thrown over his shoulder.BASIC CHARACTERS 820-824 U& I$% yinying. nomination . . *?@ xij. unfortunately.gxi.825-829 a BASIC CHARACTERS Originally xihad "sillc" + "head" = "hair. Alas! i?$F fmggEn. be in detail Tcti: kgx. "fine. square root classified in dictionaries under "mouth" (33 st a variant of shf(828." therefore." Head was corrupted. manner style 9 strokes . 9 P & . political party 1 & 4 pjichiisuci. school or sect.n&. he a good imitation (of a painting or sculpture) The character is a picture of a stream dividing. $ p & qqiwdi. to appoint. qjpji. sense of taste . precinct house : L@ . smell. flavor wZnwdi. to ponder 04% wdida'o. manner. flavor iBL& 1u2nzh5nn.f~dkgpji. to levy.BASIC CHARACTERS 830-834 k4k da'sh&ambassador . to think over. below. T& k f p . style. to branch off. is now usually used in this sense." The character 834. to distribute 9 . from which comes the meaning "to branch off. pjitciu.Itili: wdiju6. court of law Gf F A yiyusn. hospital ilRX ffcdng. preliminary idea 2 kF A fiyuiin. to take into account.835-839 * BASIC CHARACTERS D h # zhirsl~du. assistant 1 7 % zhqjiijo.w'hg. teaching assistant Dh$! imagine. assistant %@ sliZ. to obey . have consideration for. rough plan. professional work h O & servile.BASIC CHARACTERS 840-844 student should learn to distinguish the + $ w ~ i i b f . servile disposition . service 9b+k w w j i w i i .without fail )L+$ fdwii. foreign affairs %+k serve. chair back ish it from the "slice" rad. qjiing is ependently only as the * .845-849 a BASIC CHARACTERS ?$ kSobSj. 250a). or Bed" is now written ed chuiing (p. " The bottom "grass" was corrupted into "big." mu gets reclarified with . therefore." "Don't" and "no one" are by sound-Ioan. late. "evening. For "evening.BASIC CHARACTERS 850-854 The old form had "grass-sun-grass:" the sun in the grass. ?CL@ kujnhdu. to tolerate . Not in modern use as an independent character. be generous ? C L gku&r(jng.855-859 a BASIC CHARACTERS Hujn undoubtedly was a picture of the animal to wluch it refers. inzl~ing.BASIC CHARACTERS 860-864 k I ' % % tiiyhgxf. be completely unarmed. coefficient % & xi. magistrate of a xian !'%&& xxijncl~dng. the solar system % 4k xisl~li. be defenceless . county seat & ? f gEngsl~d. to decide definitely & i l ' s11lciu wUL clin tie. commune &I% gEngsl~& minister (diplomatic) difficult? What's the problem? % tieding. 865-869 BASIC CHARACTERS expression (= a common . next in order.other (also written -ft-'2when it means "otl~erthing" for '2. $9Pi? yixiin. leisure .y6uqi. spare time. especially -ft-.BASIC CHARACTERS 870-874 K-ft. second &4& qftE. see p.k qfcj. he suitable. to permit.R jL?$ ylinsli. to assent ydnd. %& chBnD&n. perinission yiinc6ng. below). be adequate %JK ch6ngzii. satisfactory The student should distinguish this character from k h g "he high" % (952.875-879 * BASIC CHARACTERS " at top and bottom. know yourself and know your enemy k* be sufficient . BASIC CHARACTERS 880-884 - . unity promote. to propel AkT tuizi. to unify.tcingyi. barber's clippers . goping. be -4& yjsl~gngmi.quarl of rice -H-+ shdn. peace .885-889 BASIC CHARACTERS things. pertain to peacefill. doone thing one minute and another thing the next minute (e.<$' zhiochZng.&h. as usual '.. be happy.. passport F ..g.BASIC CHARACTERS * 890-894 an ascend-and-descend machine) Ri"sunW Q is for meaning. <&A?.. hd6r.. happiness .. & t f i R&tfi K hd Er kd hfi Er xiio. zhio B (740..h66r.. to weep one minute and laugh the next) kuriild. ing Quh. spnng water -Lf& g i n qu. "The Yellow Springs" (land of the dead) & % h - '@ 3fi dijnhu$jfi." &dc qujnshui.895-899 a BASIC CHARACTERS (for "pure") + "water" = "spring.situation .in. sweet spring water RdL Hu. telephone office j6shi. facial expression d% & chiinsti. above) suggests the sound. gives the idea "be empty. be satisfied he character is a picture of an animal's horn. Now usually written fi . whence "difficulty. be lustf~11 Ilk & liZns6. to satisfy R & nliinyi." % R b~im. spring scenery The character is supposed to show a tree in a box. right angle . (139) A % ' & qis4 complexion 45. complexion.$3 COLOR &ffi zllijii." 3.BASIC CHARACTERS 900-904 e" rad. be dissatisfied R E rnanzii. to liberate :R@+ jiiTngji6. personnel department combinations $R& zizh. This is the same word as 908. The character is reclarified with the "step" rad. weaving suggest the meaning of this character. to solve. above. solution 7 & fiZoji6.L. to understand (i$& jiEfZng. The top part -now "left-one-sun" -once was -a-characterthatgavethe-sound~In-usenow as the short form for 909. Distinguish from 91 1. . section chief 3 ' 6 zziih. below. (mathematical) t&.905-909 * BASIC CHARACTERS @+k jiiTju. to explain A+ rEnshizi. below.5. to kill.t o zhirnZoyL knit a swe $ : t i & to verify . be mixed up.ilu.BASIC CHARACTERS * 910-914 %@ fuzB. model. historical R46 diinfm. sundries C LL example & ?& cl~Idiin. dictionary of characters && diingii. to check a list of goods & %f cl~iidui. be in disorder $& zidiin. classical allusion. be complex @% z.ihuci. to withdrew money RI ciqiSn. to move (in a meeting).915-919 * BASIC CHARACTERS I'kZ xi. 263a) I ? % ti'&. unlimited (in writing). be infinite. dried cabbage .indiig. DI in some compounds (as I% d Z h g . bring up. t o defend against (I%: p." $3 Irk wLxi. preserved. to set a limit IrkP si. proposal d%& -$ to move up (the date of an another nation) kg CX to estimate 4 I'k y6uxi. be limited.inli. "Ltd. winter solstice limit. " Usually written 8 . at people] don't see the This character is a picture of a man in an enclosure.Not in modem use as an independent character." The student should compare Q to the bottom part of hB "what?" (387. above) and note that they cltaracter is explained: "to feed a prisoner to be kind. from "net" W (637. below). above).BASIC CHARACTERS 920-924 . (922. The student should be careful to distinguish "dish" from the "blood" rad." w (132. and from "eye.'a lBngi1~6. . whence "prisoner. unsalable goods The character is a picture. photograph % lZ # mingxinp~iin. postcard as in "movie star. # zha'opiin." etc 2% . review.i w?i. It's my hlm! BP. study g5.925-929 BASIC CHARACTERS & wsndi. temperature # wdnxi. above. X. (I) raise (my) head and look at the bright moon. reclarified with the IK& jiJyf. false tooth. behavior $%T jixing." not to "fight the world" $gh jidGng. to look forward to Note that the right side of tlus character is not the "club" rad. denture &-% yiqi. dit6u sigli xiiing. rather than & i l k & * yii shi w G zhEng. Lower (my) head and .In modem use. with false intent &lE f&~gjiS. to get out of the "rat race.BASIC CHARACTERS * 930-934 $4 qiink. this jiJ11as been replaced by 932. to have a vacation IE'n4 jiriyri. a meeting) mfng yud. (183. above). to expire .. This is 2 qiwiing.g. to hold (e. below. JiJis classified in traditional dictionaries under the "right hand" rad. be lucky.e. socialism $I~%'J bdidcing. be auspicious $11 fl liycing.935-939 * BASIC CHARACTERS words and conceive the meaning. to make use of crjnzii.jFll fili. existence with one of the Earthly Branches and with years in the duodecunal cycle .. compound interest jni. % sl12huizhiiyi.lke a text too literally #-*A . i. . be passive %jfll -f. to exist. t. to do archaeological research . to limit. restrict $ : $11 zl~uiinzlli. be despotic kaogir.BASIC CHAIZACTERS 940-944 I'lr+b] xijnzhi. so the traditional form became %. to sightsee at -reclarified-it-witha-ttbug. to consider & j i ~ caguzin. to consult. qualities.945-949 a BASIC CHARACTERS &% c&kBo. attributes .-late~o~ another reclarified it wid1 another dependent territories. to take a hip. to sail.BASIC C W C T E R S * 950-954 This is a form of -f used in accounting (to minimize the possibility of enor or fraud). to travel M . tf2 hhgk6ng.. . sincere" k (878. to pick up.k Iiizh8nggbrigade commander . collect from yfin "to consent.T hhgxing. to fly.xijn. to navigate At%?.l$-Jl% shiqii. aerial 9 4 . aviation. above) and from c11Gng"fi up" 5 (879. flight route $k%T ldxing. shipping route. hh. air-. ~. a In the senses "to spread. to be an impatient type. 265b). to announce." the character 4$ is often used (see p.jfxingzi.955-959 * BASIC CHARACTERS . .*tri-7. BASIC CHARACTERS * 960-964 "8& lluiinq( to incite. to change 484% huiinqii. to barter for something 4 86 @ ? A hua'n jir hua' sl1u4 in other words x'EgEn. to shout 485k cry out. heel of a shoe . to change money Tk48 gZl~uiin. to stir up "I"& jia'ol~uiin. to get something by exchange. prestige. G yinmiin.." Not in modem use independently. respect yiinds. smoke from kQ ! k .pipe (for tobacco) @I % yiinguui. nicotine fiend kQ k yiinhui.. fireworks %-Jill xiiingyiin. and the "streaks" rad. face. the "slope' rad.opium addict.cigarette. The relevance 01 "pattern" and "streaks" to "decoration" is lope.965-969 a BASIC CHARACTERS In yiin we see the "pattern" rad. hence the "grain" rad. to require. to demand "Canton") Province && big.BASIC CHARACTERS 970-974 In China. amount of rent. rent traditionally was land rent and was paid in grain. be . need bixi.gGo. be essential. be indispensable need. advertisement f i k guringda'. be worth some money. numerous. in ifa& zijin. rental ~. extensive Ib4t zhjqih.% ' %4i %% sBya'o. 975-979 BASIC CHARACTERS look at surreptitiously ?&M t6uxiJn. of course. to evade tax This cliaracter is a meaning-meaning loaf." and thl "grass" rad. the rest of . Tlie otlier part ."one" + "left" in the modem character . gave the meaning. This character used to mean " supposed to be armor: "armor" + "lance" = "weapons of war. T l ~ student e will recognize tlie right half. as the "lance" rad. to shirk &$R t6usl1ui. above).ika'n." %+kjingga'o. warning signal k % liudjjng. bronze statue .BASIC CHARACTERS a 980-984 Jingcombines meanings: use "words" to induce "reverence. The form here is the form once used as an independent character (but not now in use independently). caution" = "warn. Compare the form of "halt" which you have already lenmed (171.tdngxia'ng. ofiginally was a picture of a foot halted at a crossroads. ? L k h6ngt6ng7copper 1'2. police station %% cl~. to warn. to look into The "l~alt"rad. fire alarm jingclig policeman jingchjjii. warning qrSL jjngba'o. Clunese - language class Ile "torso" rad. to suffer %& kiicl~ir. above) gives the S & g6ngsl15n." weal and woe & & jjioting. hardship -&% giinkii. church $d ' 2 3 yi tZng Zl16mgwEnk6.985-989 * BASIC CHARACTERS PL% chiil-ii. to bend at the waist. "the sweet and the bitter. personally. (185. in person . to bow 5 311 g6ngqin. to rebuild 4k?%fuw3g8be revived. to right a wrong. static electricity 1 : F i jingz11&be motionless. m G . biidsong diiio.-$8f - -G.cA0. bud cries. be happy.BASIC CHARACTERS * 990-994 + + J~[NG. used as an insult in old novels (note pronunciation) . gives the meaning.iuu& It's snowing. snowman flB @ zhiioxuc?.wine from Shaoxing (widely recognized as very good Chinese wine) I\ \'I - -F-- -FI. z2o 7. penis. snowflake $A.% ~4 ni$ojja'o. be static + * 990 16sV0kes 2& +&' $&' 4 fia fiT(-&198.grass The "grass" rad. be happy ?%& xjngjih. to begin.i% xuc?l~uii. be quiet jingdih. to resurge %?%@ Sha' name B 1 : L iinjjng.bequiet. ( Jt) xu8r&i(r). to rehabilitate somebody (after unjust conviction or punislunent) . snowfall @.g xi. family name $5 ?% giioxing.*618) 1 f 1 1 fl ffl 99 1 16 strokes fm? -$8. 259a). The student will simply havc to remember that "pig's head" over "water" -=-lti "prosperity.995-999 BASIC CHARACTERS Compare $-?. the forms 3 and 3 are also classified are not helpful.yu5n (p." The characterisnowused . In H. above)." and the character is explained: "to divide a lizbzi. to murder.BASIC CHARACTERS * 1000-1004 $*ih hjipzi.iichGng. . The two dots mean "to divide. to study Chinese characters use as an independent character. (88.pests. to kill (someone) 9 $2: hh. harmful bugs two dots resembling tile "eight" rad. to get scared sh2hji. 1005-1009 BASIC CHARACTERS that crisscross the paddies." W u is now primnrily seen in use as the short form for 1'4 (679. l u ~ ~calendar ar & $.lj. solar calendar r&m. . above). It is perhaps for this reason that the "slope" rad. through the years This character is a picture of the old scoop or measure which was used to measure out "pecks. is in liUto i'%@-y.lil&.yjnli. to know of &+F xxi2oshi. tender spot B. kt6ngxji0.#w6nkI7.C. nk%?xxizode. to be . to proclaim 3 T ~ n . department chief (in a government ofice) %.BASIC CHARACTERS 1010-1014 #% kI7xu4 science *& kI7zhjng. liberal arts 3% tcingku.ii. be happy 3% & tdngchir.). to know quite well. sore spot. to know. a Chinese culture hero. to speak or act cautiously (literally. to ioolc into % sl1zic116ngy~0.1015-1019 * BASIC CHARACTERS jijndizln.e.. to check. bug-lulling chemical (i. insecticide) . city 1024 . Beijing opera &I%.6 5 cl~gngyi.kilnxi.BASIC CHARACTERS 1020-1024 $ A jingxi. to attend a play "city" which occurs as a part of characters Jki. to gather. && qujnji. complete worlts (of an author) %-a' jfhui.1025-1029 a BASIC CHARACTERS boats (1022. to lay an egg I~ujidjn. a bad zhSnchting. a "bad egg" (that is. to assemble $& f jfzhBng. be sincere. to concentrate j&% T% xiid&. above). be hue . " once gave the . at the bottom gives tile meaning of this character. The rest of the character. "claws" + "coil. to brealc an agreement own sweet time (to do something) The "big" rad.BASIC CHARACTERS 1030-1034 Distinguish fi from pin "be poor" /a 180 fiyu5. green leaves t u h t i . 1036 is seldom seen. This is the same word as 1036. % % liyZ. The character is reclarified with the "grass" rad. organization . This form is the form in common use today.1035-1039 BASIC CHARACTERS Yi is a picture of a tree. above. the strokes at the top represent its foliage. 'Wliich is right? {h sliljtdu.BASIC CHARACTERS * 1040-1044 tile lid is on. petroleum qfydu. (453. shoe polish . The basic meaning of this character is "be coolced. $I~&riIllP shti slij shti Ej." This character is 1 1 like the "flask" rad." Tile meaning "who? which?'occurs by sound-loan. be done. 3. gasoline : % : h xidydu. costume - .1045-1049 * BASIC CHARACTERS ss. attire. habitual $ S 2 gingzhcing. some fanciful. light industry $Sfi fh ig qing Eryijii. All agree that .BASIC CHARACTERS 1050-1054 customary. weight $ZL $ qinggdngyd. be easy to do explanations. in. ambitions.\. "Comrade" LiinhEgud.& Mngzl~i. aspiration .. one's intention.ii.&Mi zhiyuln. resolute & & zl~l.& zhuSngzhi.i.1055-1059 * BASIC CHARACTERS 37. to fail an exam #k. United Nations . "heart's desire" W . & 1udxid. to fall (leaves) I@:ci jiAnglud. to land (airplanes) 3%luddi. be determined. %. Soviet Union gdngsi company. corporation siJiK chauffeur. (military) commander .Jl$ SUli." + riginally this character. above.BASIC CHARACTERS 1060-1062 S U is supposed to suggest "to revive" by means of suggesting a good meal: "fish" "grain" = "a good meal. meant "to revive" and was 1060 reclarified with the "grass" driver silfng. (for vegetables. like 1060. REMAINING CHARACTERS of the "1.020 List" and the "2.000 List" . positive .REMAINING CHARACTERS ji. be energetic. be treacherous. to AN. rext-book sf& Jm. illicit sex D B G . to prolong. to investigate. to decide. to redeem. to study dfibe'n.REMAINING CHARACTERS Xi]. 11igIi riverbank a c e & DU. to recite. traitor. be crafty. to ransom. to j ! & ST +r . to add to. to revise for publicnion -g SHU. high cliff. REMAINING CHARACTERS ces. wells. and musical beats . can it be that .. . abcess.. sore.? d+'ifiE qiyOu dli.REMAINING CHARACTERS Q I m G . to snatch &*4L qisndiir. to begin. outrageous! Bunkum! G cL 'is CHUANG. to rob. to rescue % C H U m G . C H U m G . to lay in neat piles. yard (of c~ot~i a)counter . or marker ~ iHow . ulcer A% Mj\. be d~splayed. to spread out. to author together. lo drsplay. successron.REMAINING CHARACTERS ZIIU. . dynasly. to destroy Q U m . cave. hole. to encircle. break apart. deed. circle. diploma DONG. to imprison. JUAN.g. JUAN.REMAINING CHARACTERS H U ~to . of sheep) Q U m . pen. contract.. incisively . bond. fold (e. REMAINING CHARACTERS . REMAINING CHARACTERS . REMAINING CHARACTERS . to hire. be liired Often seen with the "side-man:" .REMAINING CHARACTERS GU. substance. arrive at .to lift (a heavy object) palms up (not above the head). it. to seduce 3 7 ZHi. ring. to encircle. to go through Biit shitdu. to distribute. get drenched windstorms or rainstorms FA. category DA. duty m. to put fust B-. pledge ZHi. to expect J & . family name I % ylinji. dish. be feeble in ability. manner m. be exhausted. J&.ing.herd. to appoint.) Lao. to mislead $$# yduji*. her. bracele Sometimes written & i i % x i ~i i l& n ~to &embroider % YOU. as much as possible.grain in the ear. to abandon. attitude. tub. to flourish. disposition. material. to sell. to move. season (of the year). grain. a crowd I. family name P a . really ZM. them TOU. to congregate Qm. r~ transport Ji.iidu. to Lransport. to coil up. to classify. price. to lead on. to expect (Distinguish + 1010. crowd (% and may appear in the form A% rsnqnqlin. to question. be accomplished T h .to embroider H U a . job.R E G - CHARACTERS BAN. a particle similar to h 5 : (nounlpronoun)'s. low (said of a fire) YUN. to oversee. to reach. $ 4 8 8 lliioxi. I . above). be elegant. plate. classification. him. (bookish) to pawn. to exhaust. manner r. a measun for games d -1. cloud. attitude. to reach SS'I d m o . (political) power .REMAINING CHARACTERS QUAN. REMAINING CHARACTERS . secondary .REMAJNING CHARACTERS for (a person's social) class. be scared with someone. h 'ajinghuii~~g. REMAINING CHARACTERS 1 " L qkuZnzh. breadth . width.ii. be putrid to heat up.REMAINING CHARACTERS df ill y'bgshir. consommi i % Ilk fiibji. to get a . poplar tree qingtang. to iron. order. remuneration ZAO." unpleasant CHOU. to pierce. foreword i Distinguish cifrom "bundle" $ (657. be inferior. at the time that . to transmit $ 1 1 4 shBzl~i. be "thorny. to spare (space. barely. to stab.. technique. E D h . sequence $ % xBtvtin. device 41%jish8. diligent. time. occasion. mechanic Z H h .to report on your work XU. (bookish) to pledge with wine iiiii& chdujin. war. boundary. T h . date (f~uit tree) YA. used to write foreign words (the short form = H rad.. splinter. above).craft. ~ ithorn. introductioii (to a book). be frequent 3%4& qinjign. art of war fi. . barely fX fll jinjin. to repay. family name . money) m. profession. BfNG. skill 4kr jigiing bkillrd worker. to enlarge SHI']. soldier. jujube.%8Ry6ujiz1ii?nn"rove-andstrike" (=guerrilla) war JbI. to expand 4R k kuddi?. a bullet. weapons & bin@. to tell a story. be hardworking. be hardworking and thrifty IWO. merely $ ? Sm. preface. technology 4 (5 QiN. art. 168) . to Ji. to hurl. fishbone.REMAINING CHARACTERS be evenly distributed. to the end of. wl~ole . to prevent jintdu. be muddy. t~usbandand wife 2 p 33 . be connected with Z H ~ N Gend. after all FU.REMAINING CHARACTERS I'nh zlizl~i. * ky Efi. to saturate SHE. mix up. (woman with broom:) wife. to fool around: IdJN. to ford.j--b H f j ~ lo . to pass through. . ASYE zli6nHiii. be foolish. REMAINING CHARACTERS . arrangement RR zh130. to wish. source zH~. abacus m. to lay out. be K ZHU. spinning (i. to pray. farming ~ ~ chdondo. a family name HI z11U116ng. to extinguish. source 8 8 yudnqudn. to till 8b. restraint. hi% dGing. brave man CHAO.REMAINING CHARACTERS M E . to parboil 4 9 :lG clijbsib to copy C M O . smallest part. 1 ~ to ~ wrangle 1 Z W . to rehash SHA. drought I section. region % . a measure for seconds (of time or angles) BU. slieer cloth W @ fdngshj. sand. family MIAO.. be marvelous. making thread) $9 HUB. to make G&NG. to go out (a fire. be hoarse. be slender. to copy. order.+fSr clldo 1~ngf. bead W&J$. to fry (in oil. beard of grain.y0.spring (of water). to info] I I W m . fertilizer HAN. be beauliful. to dig a well %i'% hdol~dn. disaster (often written %) '$ X hdnzZi. susnpdn ~1117. to obtain grab dB4:+ hudde. foreign lands I .e. to keep within bounds. stirring all \ the time) fiY. to loose. & y. to restrain. to quarrel. to plow. be graceful. the Han (Chinese) race. be baggy. sequence Z U .be vermillion I I c M O . lights). to wipe out S ~gauze. to sound gravelly. bright red. to confiscate.('fge'ngzud. a family ZHO. gravel. . pearl. oul" onfucius.REMAINING CHARACTERS is form is used as part of suffix: "away. a family name . REMAINING CHARACTERS . R E W I N G CHARACTERS 4EB jlising reclangle . lead astray to do a job for you (often .REMAINING CHARACTERS mistake. by mistake. statement. word. rat. to capture JIA. bad guys Uf. fly (insect) ~tfi~gpii. BAO. of all Icinds. (20Wf125) ?i5$ shdbdi.REMAINMG CKARACTERS . printing plate. to gain Yi. booboeeping &-& I ~ icraft. toad. good health. to seize. to get in the way fbng'zii. printing block. mouse. to sl~ift I B h J . to catch hold of. term. DAI. armor. (205) (the short form is H rad. 1 G . tortoise. to shift @ yiddng. TOAD rad. to grab. n turtle's). health(y) MiN. fly-swatter Ci. to peddle.&I. notebook. be thin. I siiofin. to obstruct 1 3: E N G string %. a measure for editions. TORTOISE rad. edition h'h+?ibbnqubn. a ci (old style "tz'u") poem B o . to arrest BkdK bdhud. (p. ledger 3 bDji. . pedlar BO. to replenish 2 s I XIA. be "wooden" (lifeless) B h . (171) Now used as the short form for ilt 1 . art + &9 I yishh & art 44- I BO. be weak F h . the first "heavenly stem" Bi]. be broad or comprehensive (in knowledge). small box BU. chaff . board. Y m G .298a). to patch up. shell (as. be weak 3iW b6rud. to fill in $51 tiiinbd. 207) I(ANG. first. GRAB rad. copyright SHU. be dry and pulpy. to deal in 11. family % k f ijia'nkzing. MOUSE rad. to win. a treasure .REMAINING CHARACTERS 37 S b.iob2i. fruitful. ngying. to toady to .REMAINING CHARACTERS abundant. REMAINING CHARACTERS sornetl~in~ off the surface of a . be uptight. tip visits. tow .REMAINING CHARACTERS to grind. column. millsto~le in front of you. REMAINING CHARACTERS . REMAINING CHARACTERS . mowliead.machine. to work hard .REMAINING CHARACTERS B WIy~jngjin. m o w t&#. mechanism . jixiei. R E G - CHARACTERS . REMAINING CHARACTERS . REMAINING CHARACTERS . REh4AlMNG CHARACTERS . loyal.REMAINING CHAMCTERS ZGhui. be bnght red. lose he'ut CH'I.Cn. bxe . REMAINING CHARACTERS DIAN. to rent land to farm 41aAdi3nn6ng tenant farmer . be level 4fl hU. to breathe T-shirt 4M pingtan. bands. undershirt.REMAINING CHARACTERS n. surges. gangs. anc sllares of stock . secretion &Jil l.REMAINING CHARACTERS out. SHI.isl~i. to defecate . shit. feces. break through. B?& liinii. get nngry .REMAINING CHARACTERS . MIXED WETI! rad. to contribute wine.REMAINING CHARACTERS Jii& juSnku5nn. (192) . balance pan .REMAINING CHARACTERS chengpin. to close with hook and line .EMMNING CHARACTERS ill 4 + bi116. suddenly .REMAINING CHARACTERS potent (as medicine). in.REMAINING CHARACTERS ~nold wirh rhe fingers di'. dyke. embanhnent . . of houses): neighbotl~ood .REMAINING CHARACTERS (as. REMAINING CHARACTERS . REMAINING CHARACTERS with a "chop." family name &$JL qingzliir. to celebrate . to console .REMAINING CHARACTERS 1v2i11~6n. to bum. to smelt $?k* r6ngh. down. to hammer. set on fire %%jkrrjnsl1i70. cake $8E x7jiBng tinsmith $$k iveight on a steelyard 4% & % ji5nzh0.f& 4 5 C H U ~hammer. to set on fire RONG.tin.REMAINKNG CHARACTERS $ & \\\ X T . building k P . . -~ m to ram . copper %$. to bum. to fuse . build % .$an.6. REMAINING CHARACTERS . soul. remains (of the dead) . be outdoors spirit.REMAtNING CHARACTERS IGtirTn. REMAINING CHARACTERS QIM. be shallow. superficial: . uneven No pronunciation.REMAINING CHARACTERS W f3 % -Y jbta biping. f t min. above). "country" (350. be full of holes and bumps. tile short form 3 of R xizng. and the short form @ of 4 %j& "to lift" . H rod. 139. "folk" (624. above). t6u "head. which were printed before the process of simplification began." as in X niin "be difficult. such as & for & ch6ng "bug." Five. too." We have used the unsimplified forms (most of which are still in use." Two. such as % for @.E m2 "horse." and ? J ? for % dong "east. Taiwan and Hong Kong still use the traditional characters." and for @I. Furthermore. to devise a new character in which the repeated element appears only once. however. is organized exactly like a traditional dictionary except that the dictionary's makers have modified the traditional radical system to get a new system of 250 radicals-a system which can be very quiclcly learned by anyone who lcnows the traditional system presented in Reading and Writing Chinese. The modern. One. like the organization of dictionaries. the replacement of a complex element with a simple E for #k element such as X -as in ~kfor f i huiin "be pleased. the use of forms from the so-called "grass script"-a lcind of "Chinese shorthand"-such as ?J for . for example. Modern Dictionaries After the simplification of many characters." Three." Four. g2. simplification in one area led to the perception that simplification in another area. classic. too) as the basis for this book's presentation. worm" and I& for & du2n "brealc into segments. the traditional 214-radical system of organizing dictionaries did not worlc as well as it had. might be a good thing. students effectively cut themselves off from much traditional Chinese literary and historical material (except where such material has been reprinted on the mainland in short-form versions) and have cut themselves off from many of the Chinese boolcs available in Western libraries. a measure-word or "enumerator. the use of simple variant forms which were already widely used in casual and informal wiiting." of % for lic'to depart from. where the character is composed of several repeated elements." of @ for $ ! $ En "to rouse. Ci Hai (Shanghai: Shanghai Dictionary Publishers. encyclopedic dictionary. Officially adopted simplified forms have been included since students who want to read what is now published on the mainland will have to learn them sooner or later. To learn only these short forms. in mainland China. In so doing." and as in X$ for %' duj "to face. is a great mistake. 1979: 2.216 pages).STUDENT'S GUIDE following. the use of one part of a complex character to stand for the whole character. such as for yi "to heal. 19 . . the character that provides the ley to the phonetic series appears first. If a character is also a traditional in superscript.ALPHABETICAL INDEX Hnizyzi Pilzyiiz system of romanization. here. its number in the sequence of 214 radicals is_-given Characters in the second group are referenced by the page number (pp. Since the tone of the key character may sometimes be numerically higher than that of a character in its group. when using this index. that character's series number (1-1062) is given in roman type. . This kind of index arrangement reflects the nature of the Chinese writing system and therefore provides a convenient visual review aid. Exceptions to this arise in the case of phonetic-series listings. radical. If a character is in the first character group. followed by characters sharing that element and having the same reading.All characters with the same Hnrzyu Pinyin spellings are listed in order of ascending tone. to scan up and down a group of characters sharing the same spelling. A character with two or more pronunciations will appear under each pronunciation. 245-301) set in italic type and followed by the letter n or b to indicate whether the character appears on the left (a) or right (O) side of the page. the student should make sure. A-BU -A 1 B a 1 I'T Orv -. iii iii iii iii iii B n B n B n iin Sin iing iing 30 go 50 ?% Aft, L k% /A & 2 d* 3 d % R& S I R GF bZn bgn bgn biin biin biin biing bang bang biing biing biio b b bgo biio biio biio biio b8o biio biio biio bei b6i b8i bei bEi bai, bEi bai bai bai b&i bEn ban bi bi bi bi bi bi dPQ d k i n k 4+ 9 6 ?iZ % ?$ #& 3 & #& i& $ ; w 4% 4% 2 9 s I& -B Y! Xi 3% $ @ : #% bii bSi b6 bii ba b5, bii bii bii bii bii, bii bii bsi b5i b5i b&i biii biii biin biin /\ /L \I & ! :It. 2 1 ; e pe: 4 3t 5 -'ot 444% M 4 6 @ $j e l 4 k 3 & $ ig $ 3 ItE #? & 8 k tt; I na jlk $ bi bi bi bi bi bi biiin bign bib biiin biiin biiin biiin biiin biiin biiin biiio biiio biiio biiio bii: bing bing bing bing bing bing bing bing b6 b6 b6 b6 bd bd b6 b6 bii bii bii p.2736 p.255a p.255a 494 950 p.289b 575 p.253b p.253b p.253 b 126 p.268b 667 550 p.297a 5 16IG5 p.264b 946Ig0 110 111 208 p.262b 56415 p.282a 533 534 p.271 b p.272a 653 p.288b p.273b p.252b p.245a p.264a p.270a p.270a 632'" 118'5 p.270a p.270a ALPHABETICAL INDEX bii bii bii bii bii bii 73 668 .f; 958 (6 p.265b 603 ar 4 p.270a T $ -Cci % cii $8 c5i if cii .Sjf' cli Rif c5i -% cii & ciii $ cii 3 c cli X can & c2n ciin % cin % ciing & cing & cing & ciio % cio 9 H c a o c80 -% CB % ci? I cE fi ci: IRll c6 % c6ng @ c6ng chii, 5L chS, chi3 n i% - JiE ch6ng jfE chbng {& ch6ng & ch6ng j & ch6ng 5 k p.284a ch6ng 771p.288a cheng 3 1 5 626 cheng V p.298a p.300b chi VC p.M8b 344 chi $+? 596 p.257b chi ; $ p.249b 345 chi S p.249 226168 chi, chi K 358 chkng & 88916" chi JC~p.269b chkng 368 chi & 517 chiing j $ p.261b chi p.289b ching, 995 chi $k p.267b ch5 chi 6 518 ching & p.264b chi d 945 chkg B ~.287bI!'~ chi p.294b chiio & p.254a ch6ng p.254a chiio $9 p.265a ch6ng % C p.279a chiio $9 p.265a chdng, 4Q p.248b chiio 9 p.265a ch6ng p.2486 chSo $A p.254b ch6ng d chdng & p.266a chko A p.254b p.280a chE 41215g chdu e h \ J6 ' Lk' 46Y5 ch6u i j ~ 1-92LchB-'R-pr279b-c~I~u-~&-chdu % 992 chi? diik p.279b p.281b ch6n I p.294b ch6u ffl p.259a ch6n iZi p.2826 chdu p.259a ch6n E 491"' ch6u d p.259a ch6n 1 76616' ch6u p.262a ch6n % . p.278b chBu 328 ch6n d p.264b chii & p.249a ch8n 8 784 chii 4n p.281a chEn & i p.269a chii 1$5 chii $# chEng, $4 784 p.291b chkng chii % !I chi5 @ chi5 & chi5 % chl, & chii, chli chii $6 chi5i % chin & chSn @& chiing 8 chiing 4 chlng 8 981 914 361 501 < * BU-DIAN chi3 % chi3 f*iq h chii, chi3 k chii, chii E chii 63 chuiin 1 1 1 chuiin {<{ chuiin (< chuiin 75' chuBn 4$ chu&n chuiin v% chuiin % chuiin $ chuiing & chuiing 8 '8 chuiing X @ chuiing, $11 chuiing chuiing 8 chui vk chui k chui 3k chui $ & chiin % chiin %chiin $& chuB j& chuB & chuB L . ci 1 ci $J ci % ci 3k ci jlt ci $4 ci ;k cBng & cijng ,a cijng Jl@ cBng c6ng CBU cii cii cii cui ciin ciin ciin cuo M .f% 426 427 ; & p.290b & p.263b i % p.286a % p.296a 4% p.294a &- 938 f & + 18GJi 554 #- p.249b -D- dii, d5 dii dg dB & dii, dB .ff dii k diii % dji 7 diii 9 diii 4 diii diii 9 diii k dji @ diii diii zsi diii & diin $2 diin f i d%n diin $$ diin a djn 4% diin i& diin ; S diin @ diing, diing, d5ng 882 p.284b p.256b 520 50j7 791 727" 64678 699 700 p.294b 50j7 540 4e p.248a 359 p.270bi7' p.257b p.257b 772 p.262b 437 590 674 664"' 1026 545 * diing diing dl0 diio diio diio diio diio diio diio diio de d6 dC, de, d6i d6ng dEng d8ng dGng di di di di dl di di di di di di di di di di diHn diiin diiin dijn diiin diiin p.297b 625 102i8 20518 429 p.246a p.266b 267 p.260b p.249b p.2972 234 965 296 ALPHABETICAL INDEX diln diao dilo dilo dilo dilo dig diE di6 di6 di6u ding ding ding ding ding ding dong dong d6ng diing diing d6ng d6ng d6u diiu d6u dbu d6u-17dii dii dfi dii dii dii dii dii dii, dii duZn duiin '8 717 -7 5 # $4 4 9 & & 4 1,. i & 7 h $1' ;I 2 k $ ; $ - 3 %J F l 3 # d *P & -& 3 3 &. @ 4~ 5% $3 p.281a 219 p.266b p.259b p.289b p.288a p.292a p.293a p.297a 805 519 p.247b p.247b p.247b p.274aZoG 424 91 165 p.286b 243 244 845 p.251a 140 1009G8 p.282b 453Is1 67919' 140 p.250b p.2856 p.258b p.247a 798 p.290b p.283b p.274a p.274b 566 duln duiin dui dui dui dui diin diin, diin du6 du6 du6 du6 du6 du6 $k @ % 3 5 -uf V&- A $3 3 $I% 11% % fln fiin fan fan fang fang fhg fiing fiing fang fang fang Ei fei f&i Pd I?& $6 -6'i E Yj % l % 1% W $$ & IB 9% fiC % fa f5 fii fa, fii, fii fa fan f h fan fiin f fin ffin 4% -% 4 2 $ 1 1 R 11IR Bl 3: d fen,En & En f6n $. En 4 & f6n tit En 16 E En @ feng -5 -feng-gEng J!$ fEng & feng, Eng& feng %feng 4t Eng 3% feng 8 % f6 at; f6u 5 f6u fii DIAN-GUAN fil fii f6, fi fii fii fii fii fii 4 % a:* 4 k 8 7 sf; ;M. I 4K fii fii f5 fii 4K Q s r;l 9 1 1 % fii fii, fii f i i fii fii nr; ?fi 44. %-% I & $5 fii fii fii fii fii fii fii R 4f+ * fi X giin gb g5n gsng g&g ggng giing gsng ggng gang giio giio g50 g80 giio giio g50 ge ge gc ge g8 gi: fii fii fi giii g% giii giii giin giin giin g5n giin, grin gitn g8n % t%e gi gi: g& g6i g6n gEn gen geng gEng g6ng g6ng gong g6ng g6ng g6ng -F P -G926 734 4% p.296a % p.295a $ 5 617 -kf 144g9 -7- 8751 RS p.247a #? p.247a in? p.247a & p.247a iik g6ng g6ng g8ng g6ng geng, g6ng gong g6u giiu g8u g6u g6u g6u g6u gii @I gfi gii gii fi gii gc gc g6 g G gfi gii ga gug guii guii guii guiii gu% guiin guiin gu& guiin gu8n gub 85 i - G K 4% 988 p.286b 14155 297 p.255a & p.255b p.28lb p.249b 978 4 290 35: 634 : & p.275b I& p.275b 168 W p.276a -r(& p.276a El 169 -h& 441 -IL p.284b & p.295b K p.284b & 373I5O 817 % 511188 & p.261a?07 4% p.2556 & p.255b 1 p.284b J k . ~.281b~ J$ p.294a # p.246a 469 592 fit' 504 inF 505 infl 506 $ 407 742 408 5 $4 ALPI-IABETICAL INDEX guh guh guiin guHn guiin guiin gubg gubg gui gui gui gui gui gui gui gui gui gui giin giin gu0 gub gu6 gu6 h H hfii hZhiii hC hiii hln h h h h hiin h h h5n hiin hbg 280'03 h6n %k 32 hBn tbk p.264a hing, p.296a hBng h6ng % p.255b hdng, % p.255b H hdng h0ng : ! $ p.264b 9 p.272a 3 448 hdng b 697 2%-602h b u A l & -457-huiing% 250 hdu */k p.276b % 251 h6u R p.276b hdu, hbu % p.283b I001 ep.271a hbu & 763 hbu $2 452 $ p.290b in 154?' hii 4 p.284b *& p.251b hii Q 893 in p.247a hii & p.263a .;;fl 182 hii +A 620 $2 p.265a hi3 $A 62 1 ilk 953 -- hii F 66914' 769 105 193 $@l 796 i p.257b 5q$ p.257b 748 & 972 422 % p.287b p.269b 8 R 795 & p.270$13 & $ p.288b $16 p.268a /$ 291 I".' 3% 124 & p.299b %? p.294a 4% p.264a 8 4 p.276a 23. 514 A 114 8 597 hang hao hlo ha0 h5o hao, hiio hiio 116 h6 hi hi %T 4211" -.- p.288b Q p.294b 19 690 L 69 1 /$% p.288a . I . r 823 $T 557 16 p.2896 4 ? 176 p.245a 387 388 4% p.287b % 65Il5 * -? g hii hC hii hii hii hul hu2 huii hug huii huii huii hu5i hu&i huiii ha, hB hi hi hE .$It hu5n huln hub huiin hu5n huiin huh uiin huHng huiing hulng huang hulng hui hui hui hui hui hui hui, hui hui GUAN-JIAO I~iin hiin hfin hiin hu6 hu6 11u6 huti huti hu6, huo hu6 hub hu6 hu6 hu6 hu6 % 4 @ $EL % k ,.., 1k 3 $ & % $4 & jg .k" -JJ L ji, ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji 2-99 ; X t& @ + & $4 h EP B I& & 4% ,% & & X % Z C i ! , ji, ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji ji jiii jiii jiii jiii jig jig jig jiii, jig jiii jiii jiii jiiin jiiin jiln jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin ' jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin ,EB % I $& j$(- * . + 4 T ; $ t& 3- & 8 % $& <jl& 2u $5 A. % & ? %$ Fn # L 'CP 66 I . , 4@ &. & h & % 47 4 in 1% % f.9 jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin jiln jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiin jiiing, jilng jiiing jiiing jiiing jiiing jiiing jihg jilng jiiing jiiing jiiio jiiio jiii0 jiiio, jiiio jiiio jiiio jiiio jiiio jiiio jiiio jiiio jiiio jiiio jiiio @ 771 I& p.254b & 1015 d Y p.277a %? p.277a p.277a 1002 d$- p.291a W 885 4 477 & 848 .(& p.290a $7 p.253a 24 p.298a R 21414' 4% 947 !I. % 256a k. j i jig jig 552 423 I% p.255b lciing & p.294a kiin @ 356 krin & p.277a 364 p. .jlng-!!-p.268a 4 e L 507 321 598 - .262b jii F 492 j ii .294a jii .2776 k5 & & -K4% p.264a p 84'" 5 76OZ6 & p.-. p. p.298b T 77 p.268b kilo 4% p.292a jiii & 94'67 j ii 2 p.282b jiin jiin Y $ p.268aI7Vki 300 kiii $ k 747 lch cIj 229"' kiln 3 p. % .295b s'.2686 Ici /ft 679 k5 4 p.270b 2 952 PA 5 689 846 % 942 % 1010 %2 p.2686 kE d p.264a 503 711 p.263ajGp jin & p.ALPHABETICAL INDEX jilo jig jiE jii jii jii jii jii jii.262a 649 jiii 382 jiii 35250 jiii fi 26269 jiii & 580 jiii ?* p.269b $ p..Ib 8 2 % J Z &k % & juiin dfi ju&n .601 $ 701 jiii jiii & 631 p.247a U 464" p. p.269a kiio 496 kE % p. n i juiln 5% juiin.252a JU +& p.255b kiing k 898 klng $-934-Rh~-&-p258b 6 289 k&o & p.248a kE 4g 671 kE ?8 p. juiin ju&n #+ jurin 4% juE Jk jui & jui 1 jui & jui $3 ji5 jig jig ji5 jig jin jin jin jin jin jin jin jin jin 3f.283a jii jin 4 484 jk jin jing d 299 jii jing 774 jii jing 444 jii E 445 jii jing jing $2 p.265a & 778 gk 4% Wt 221 jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing jing # i if: 8 * : t . Jm .276b ju jing 3% p277a jii jing F % p.270b @ p.285a jiii $6 p. E p..268b kg 5E p.285b % 121 f i p. p .256b jii + . 254b p.298b p. liiing lilng lilng liiing lilng liiing lihg liiing liiing liiio liFlo. lin lin 105"' p.275b 1059 606 585 p.288b p.299a p.261 b 731 p.247b p.248b p.293a 1003 305 756 p.295b 647 17 p.266a 307 p.247b p.275a 156 p.289a 1004 1005 1006 1007 p.298a p. liiio liiio lii 1iE 1iE lie 1iE lin lin.275b p.266a p.282a p.256a p.298a .268a p.JIAO-LIN k6n k6n k6n k6ng lcdng lcdng lcdng lcdu lc6u kfi lcii kii kii kii kuii kuii kuii ku% kuiii kuiii kuiii lcuiii lcuiin lcuiin kuiing lculng kuiing Icuiing lcui l&n leu6 lcu6 ic~a la la 1% 15 lli liii Iln 1611 l h liin 1ln liin 1iin liing liing 1Ho Ilo 150 lFl0 120 le ie 1Bi 16i lei lii lii lii l6ng li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li liln liln lih liiin liiin liiin li6n liiin liiin liiing liiing.295b p.248a p. 259a P p.286a & p.251bIg7 miii iniii $ p.292b ming V l 380 % 999 me 159 ming 800 I P p.2936 Nf p.273b mi & p.25cCb & p.272a m6i & 116 mZi 4% 223 min P? 4516g men %"J 46 mEn.248a + $ & p.266a -MmZng % p.ALPHABETICAL INDEX lin ling ling.273b i$L 832 m6i % p.287a miIn + 127"O mji ? i 133 miIn $8 p.292a m6ng 3 p293b ming %Ti p.292b - .270a205 # p.289algP miiin 6 % 610°176 & 675 miin nth p. men P 4 p.288a miiin % p.280a miio $ 7 p.293a 5 & p. & p.hi p.295b 751 $2 p. 149 #& p.263b m6i p.265b m5ng $ 1 69 & -8091g8 U p.274a p.249a mi I & p.262a miio 8 354 ming % 256 9 p.301b mii k 184 m6 $ p.274a ".260b $ 285 Sfi p.266b migo ? p.248b p.275b m b &-29382--milo-fi--p.252a mii 157'0° mi 101119 mI @ p.299b f 676 & 903 mi50 p.275a miii % 135 miiin L 439 p. m6 i$ p.248a mii A6 p.2976 miiin b p.1055 X 1056 I t p.275a2" p.299a p.249b mi p. 1 6 lu6 lu6 $& +k p.294a mil p.& p.272a .91b .295a miio ? . 36 mi 47" mI 46 p.p .271a m5n % p.296a miio 4P p. & . liin lu6 1 1 .2656 2 % p.290a lning p.271b % 530 miin .271b min I % 624 R p.285a rn2 5 35187 mi 5 5 p..260b 3 207 0 p. 3 0 1 bliin liin.260a m6.248a W p.271b mln 471 migo 9 2 p.265a @ p.271b 998 m2n 4% p. ling i n ling ling ling ling liii 1 1 liii lii liii 16ng 16ng 16u 16u 16u lii la lii lii lii lii 1ii lii lii lii 18 1 8 1 fi 16 18 18 lii 18 luIn luiin 1iiZ liin- p.297a ma r4.275a $4 394 1 2% m6i % p.299a miso 4 9 p.275b m5o 84O1I0 miS .285b m6 d p.272a min 921f08 954 miio 1 353 min 1 p.300a %.301b 739 i l p. 1 6 1 1 .299a 284 4% p.-730-mei-------% 589---m6-3 .E 472 mi20 8 p.249a mi p. 301 b pgng & 785 piing lkl p.256b pln & p.273b p6i 1% p.253b piiin 16 p.261 a prii b$ p. nBi n6i nBi nBn n6ng ni ni ni ni ni nirin nirin niln niiin niring ni8o nil0 .273b pi5 I 14 pin 4% p.250a pli A 833 pli 8~ 834 p8n + & p.2670 pen.300a piin $K p.272a .260a p6ng flfl 209 p5ng 4f$ p.253b pirin 4 E 126 piiin.274a pen & p. ou 6u ~5 PB p6i p i f t p. pBn " k p.nle nin ning niii niii niii ndng n6ng nting nii nii nii nU nu8n niiE niin ou 6u.273a pBng d& p. piLn f: 927g1 piiio % 957 pi60 2% p. pi ! 8 p.273b pM a6 p.253b piHn % p.258a p.264b pi& pi5 dibk p.272b p6i J% p.254b pi 4tk p. p. pa0 & .LIN-PIN m6 mo mc? m6 mti ma 1n6u mdu m fi mfi ma ma ma mii mii mii mii mii nri nii nii n8.255a pi h 662'07 : & p. na n8i niii niii nrin nrin nrin nrio n80 niio ne nB.272b plo J& p.283a prio 4 6 3 p.272b p80 36 510 piio.258a pi Fb pi.260b piin $11 p. 146 pi x 245Io3 pi6n 4& p.245a pi pi PF.273b pno d& p. 297a -p.263a rlin 8 593 215 rh i % p.2716 p.297a p.254b p.272a qiii R - % p.264b qiiio J5 cli 3& p.246a p.276aGG qiiing 384GG qiang qiiing 714 4 84gg0 quan # ! p.291a riin % p.% p.272a p.288b qing $$ Cli ? & p.277b rlo.qii Clii qii qii qii 746 1017 p.249b $ 7 qing S T & 435 qing @ qi % 1052 p.285a quE k k p.280a p.257b - qiiing p. d & IF $ @ & 4% i n k.272a $4 478 % 365 % p.271b 698 -R12 k 230 p.254a qiiio & qi p.277b 1028 h 432 $ pa pb Pfi k k p.245a p.299a qin % qi------?~-l 045"'L--qin-3% /-L 322 qin 5 ST 4 qing ~i % 324" qi I% qing 413 qing cli & 325 6 qing ~i A% p.285a 707 1051 riing 198174 riio f i k p.300a 1917"uiin qiii q qii qii qii qii.252a qiao & qf % 871 qiao L 1 k p.258a p.257a .256b p.262b-rBn-*473 -p.245a p.295b 989 r6n JL 591° 730 r6n 4= 341 r6n 821 923 * .257a 543 p.254a p.290b qiii 4 k qiii p.277b quC x/i p. riio t 3 17 d& p.252a riio r C %& 678 736 rEn h 2' 199 r6n 4 4' p.271b 100 451 167 p.277b k p.277a qiin Y p.259a p.245a p. qi8 k & 930 qi6 qr d 163 qin 4E qi 3$ p.264a qiiin qiiin qiln qiHn qiiin qiiin qiiin qian qi5n qiiin qiln -f.273b p.253b qiE.282a qi6ng % ~i % p.263b p.2606 S 4 % .ALPHABETICAL INDEX pin pin ping ping ping ping Pd Pd P6 Pa Pb % p.257a p. 4% $? j~k 2% & 9k i& p. 251 584 p.276a quC p. shen shBn shBn sh6n shBng shsng shEng sh8ng sh8ng shing shing shi?ng shi?ng shi?ng shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi slii . skg sting s80 s80. siii siii siin siin siin s h skg. sii s8 siii.ri?n ri?n rBn ri?n rEng ring f i r6ng r6ng r6ng r6ng r6ng r6u riju r6u r6u r C i 1-6 rii ruiin mi riin rub ru6 sii. stio si? si? sEn shii shii shti sh5i shiii shiin shiin shiin shh shiin shiin shiing shting shting shiing shiing shiio shiio shiio shb sh8o shiio shiio she shi she shB she sh6 shi? shi? shi? shi? sh6i shEn shEn shEn shEn shin shEn shin. 272a sii sh6u ~lk 718 shuiin & p.2466 147 455 275 p.258b sliuiing % p.283b 5 642 % I& 7 % J? % ! ' 6 4 4 755 499 p.657 s6ng slii 680 shii .294F0' si % 873 shii .4lG5 shuIng J ? p.250b sf & 728 dW W 6 @ $ il:* .291a p.253a shu6 tilp p.285a shii $.726 @ p.289a si 1 F i .299a 264 485 p.289a sii sh6u 3 14G4 shui 7 1 C 36285 suiin sh6u 266Is5 shui j 181K5 suln sh6u 339 shui il& 539 suln sh6u 4? p.247a si 3 665 su6 shii shii p.278a . # p. 2 5 O a s l i u 6 ~ t 2 4 O s u i l % 7 5 4 shii p.285b s shi ijL. p.261a p.287a $ 264 d p. 4 9 & p.270a20hi slli $ 316 shii 1 3? si shi shi -jr 13433 shii.262a s6ng slli & 943 shii i?i.280a sii shi 963 sliu% sii sh . p.280b % 1061 #.294b $ 521 8 p.272b shuiii. % i p.287a p.290a shiin @ p.262a s6u shi 2 246 shii ! k ? p.272a sui 2 18379 si A 24?" sui shii shii $$ 83 SI & 1008 sui shii @ p.271a tnk p.269a sii i 480ii3 shuiii p.ALPI-IABBTICAL INDEX slii 38915' shii 8 948 si shi -iE 599 shii 949 si slii W p.280b . shii -$k 586 s6ng shi $ p.279b shiin J p.277b sui sli6u $ p.280b 411 p.284b p.280b p.278a sii sli6u 3.293a p.2630 p.p .285b sii sh6u ! 1042 shuiing 1023 sii sli6u p.267a siin sliU J$& p.297b si .292a p.280b p.295a 3 % 33735 & p.250a p. p. sui sh6udk-.295b s6u shi b shuii $11 p.289a shui jhi 239 sui sh6u @ p.253a shuiii till1 p.246a si 4 1062 siin shii & p.246b shii $% p. 3 i Z .f% 661 s6ng slii $ 711 shii W i p.267a su6 SI b 28Iz0 su6 shii L 1041 shii ? k -! 1042 s1 $ 174120 su6 J j " I.286a p.267a s shi huii 4$ p.250b si 41% p. 807Ii3 shuiii $ t p.% 348 siin shii 8~p.280a sii shi slii R p.245b sui. 301a 996 p.284b 1039 881 p.283b p.275a p.283b wii w8 w8 wl wli w iin wiin w5n w 8n w b w Bn w6n w8n w 8n w iin wLng w5ng w8ng .290a p. ti80 & tiiio 1 B ti80 4% ti50 <fl tic lie tie J ! & ti8 &k ting $& ting & ting ting & ting 4 * ting t6ng & t6ng $9 tBng 3% t6ng fl t6ng.301b p.c t5n t8n & t8n 3 E tiin 4% tln $k tln & tiing f% tlng 3% tgng & t6ng ?@ t5ng $& tang tHng t8ng % tiing + & t8o fB t8o ig t8o -$+ tiio Q ti rt+ t6ng tBng Il& t6ng i & t6ng. tBng n b * % 7 ti &$ ti $I] ti J$ ti $4 ti 4% ti & ti F 4 ti +$ tiiin X tiiin .@ tiin 1.269b p. t 6 n g g t6ng fi t6ng ? & t6ng $& t6u 46. t6u t6u 4% t6u 5% tBu i & tii % tii tii t i i tii tii tii tii ta. a -1C P % $% & & % 4& 8% -% p.7 t8n #?$ tBn $ .rdti5n W tiiio.SHI-WANG -Ttii i & tH 4 L tii & ti7 t8 3 % tl F$ t5i f : tiii I t ? t5i 4 6 tiii k tiii j& tHn .284a p.248a p.288b p.253b 8G3? p.250b p. tii tii tu5n tui tui tui tiin tiin tu6 tu6 tu6 tu6 tu6 & b Sfr & f 01.5. $ ti5n *& ti5n .294b p.269b p.248a p. 288a 6O7I 21280 749 p.282b xi xi xi xi A& xi xi xi xi xi xi xi xi xi xi xi5 48 @ $4 4% f 2ki b .284b p. w6n $2 w6n h ? wen M1 w6n 46 a wen w6ng wij 696 w6 92 588 w6 w6 wii p.255a L 58 5 7 375 % p.277a 351 p.251a p.276a 44 p. .296b & p.281a xi 202 xi p. i i = & wei w6i R w6i w6i w6i wii d$ w5i @? w6i Ifr w6i & w6i fi w5i 4 2 w6i % w5i w5i & w5i %wii.296a wii 222 wii 831 459p. xih j(rfi xi&.266bl?~ p.258b 825 p.291b p.284a 397 p.259b xi p.300b Pi"r p.300b wii p.289b JL . % & & irh d i5 6 fi f 4% .298b 919 1221~ p. % @ 710 p.263a J% 497 841 & p269a -X11736 p.298b p.278a p.251a 8 p.%i & E F 4 El .2686 p.290a xi p.281a xi p.tir 695 % p.2586 p. wiing w5ng wiing whg whg w5ng w6i & p.281a wii p.282a 8 500 3.281b 247 p.-A-884xih & xi5n fi xi5n % xih P d xih in xiiin 83 xitin xih % $ .256a wii p.258b wii p.300a p.259b xi 924 xi 925 xi xi p.ALPHABETICAL INDEX wiing wiing wiing w5ng whg.260a wii p.-w6i-%w5i 4& w5i w6i "" jn wen wen w6n & win Ji.251b p.I% 5 23 B 200 p.271a xi P-7 $ i .278a p.297b 553 826 782 190 587 14Y3 860 968 p. xih % xiiin xiiin I' w p.295a p.294b 3606' xi p.252a 25 130 & 1019 I 1020 a 9 xi5 3% xi5 1 : xi5 xi5 xi9 it~i xih 4 xih k.281b p.286a wii wii 761 wii wii 2131 875178 wii 876 p.264a 2& 1033 . .288a p.257b wii 270 wii p.292a wii p.28la wii 446"? wii 63712? wii ~. x i h e xiiin %k xi5n.286a 148 867 p.268a 896 861 303 p.295b 203 762 p.292a +$ p.278a p.284a $i p. XlU % p. 4 $ p.278a & 295 & 706 % p. y l Yl yiin yiin y6n yln yln y6n yhn y6n I @ 7% p.299b 3 595 -rl % p.+& p.266a %.277a p.263a p.289b p.289b p. xilng xihng xilng xiiing xiiing xiiing xihng xihng xilng xilng xihng xilng xilng xiiing xiiing xilo x i xilo xiiio xi30 xiiio xilo xi60 xilo xilo xB xi6 xi6 xi6 xi6 xi6 xi6 xi6 xi6 xi5 IF% $ @ $8 915 349 350 294 xi5 xie xi& xin xin xin xin xin xin xin xin xing xing xing xing xing xlng xing xing xing.298b xi6 xiii xiii xiii xii xii xl xii k f ? & p.p.286b 3 1 1 p.285a p.2776 940 -YYB YR Y& YE YZ YB yl.246b 2Yd2 385 939 11.291b 776 p.277b > .295a p.287a 824 890 1040 793 643 644 & p.256a .288b & p.WANG-YAN xiiin xiiing xihng xilng xiiing.258a 6 p.293b p.252b @f 767 t 38IJQ .283a 964 347 923IJ3 1 h C p.245b tti dl1 I$ &A 3k $5 p.288b 969 8 p. xing xing xing xing xitjng xitjng xi6ng xitjng xidng xi5 xil .268a 672 3 p.247a Ifi p.261a 402 1014 56 269 p.262a *i p.284a p.2976 57G9? "4 & 2 & 8k % 0 & d k &\ 3 F p.280b p.258a p.263b 5% p.250b r3 ~r p. . xl xii xii xii xii xii xii xii xii xuiin xu6n xuln xuiin xu6 xu6 xu6 xu6 xiin xiin xiin xiin xiin 5 ' ~ p.280b p.299b +? 1044f86 .262b p.266a p.255b 6 8 45% p.280b p.248aQ5 @ a= a 34 k h s d % 777 253 574"6 922j4' 993 TP p. 2466 yin 6 yin 495 yin El 486 4B p. i & & 2 0 2 % q L A& §& % q & & p.281a ylng yiing % 686 ylng yiing yiing yiing ylng yBng yBng yiing yiing yHo yao ylo ylo yiio yfio y5 0 % ylo yiio yiio yiio ylo yiio yiio YB YE YE YE 4% I 3 3 % $5 h A.2646 yiin 8F. y6u kk y6u 2 y6u $2 y6u 7 c y6u '8 Jy6u & -y 6u-4t$yciu & y6u kb y6u g P ydu h ybu $ i y6u Ei y6u iC yau .261b 687 115'23 475"3 611 p. yingg.269b B 685 yin -$ + yin A yin 4k yin 51 yin yin.256a y fi 7692 .281b ybu %%.283b 2!i5' 1012 p.261a 131 p.267a ~-76%-p.p.249a p.254b ylng k 278 Q p. ying $4 ying d y6ng 4% y6ng 7jc y6ng fi ybng ih ybng 3 ybng % . ying % ying fk ying & ying iig ying ilC.248b yiin 8 966 yiin &? 967 y h K k p.$i% p.2936 1016 p. k .3006 yiin yiin in yiin i n p.293b p. X 4.ALPHABETICAL INDEX yiin 99 B p. y6u p.299~ 561 562 158 53 p.300a p.f.p.267a 25289 p.258a yiin . yin $k yin k & yin tp ying. 2656 474 8 304 e$ p.249a p.280a & p.279a p.254a p. zhho zhio zhBo zh5o zhiio zhiio 425 328 p.2906 342 p.254a 32.246a -#$ p. yii YC YG yii ~6 yii yii yii YG yu8 '7% yu8 KI yu8 T % yiin 9 yiin 2 yiin S yiin k yiin.245a p.2826 & p.2616 p.280a f p. zal ziii ziii zln ziin z6n ziing ziing ziing ziing zHo zEio z50 ZBO ZBO ziio ziio ziio z6 z6 z6 z6 z6i yii yuiin yuan y uiin yuan yuan yuiin yuln yuln yuBn yuBn y uBn yuln yuan yuln yu8 yue yus yus p.260a p.2696 X p.2836 & 655 fill p.279a p. p.280b & p.2546 476 508 p.255a .266a 1 % .260a p.260a p.253a p.2786 p.280a 438 % p. yiin $ yiin 3 yii yii Y3 yii YC YG yii YG yii YO z z5 zl ziii z ziii.262a % p.279a 226168 227 p.2800 k k p.286a 912 863 k p.258a p. p.279a 648 433 802 627 628 p.2786 p.YAN-ZHAO yii YG yus "I2 T .2866 p.266a # p.259a 3 ~i p.246a 28 1 p.294a p. zhiing zhiing zhiing zhiing zhiio zhlo.2626 p.2616 p.253a I ! & 977 zBn zEng z8ng z6ng zhii zh6 zhii zhii zhii zhiii zh5i zh% zhiin zhln zhiin zhln zhiin zhgn zhln zhiin zhiin zhiin zhiing zhBng zhEing zhiing zhiing zh5ng.249a p.273aS7 33P7 740 p.2696 & p.2606 p. zBi -. 267b zhub p263bzhuiinU 108 zhuiin % p.249a 3 E 1022 $L p.249a dI p.290a 4% 302 88 9b !a zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zI1i zhi zhi zhi zhi 265 p. zhE zh6 zhZ.266b & 476 E p.(fi p.256a 4 % p. D 607 J .284b $& p.262b zhui .618 aij'.257a zhuiing 2 242 zhuiing $3 636 zhuiing zhuiing 82 p.l p.259b zhui 9r.278b .255a 944 % p.256b 271K5 d k 272 p.293b & p.291b zhiin - Q % .269a % p.271a R S p.269a $ St .27laZM zhii 31934 d k p. zhbng zhdng zhiju zh6u zh6u zh6u zl16u 1057 zhii 1058 zhii i % 866 zhii & p.262b zhui $+? p.267b zhuhg @ Ip.281b zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi.& p. L k 225 3L -8 p.p.256b +& 525 1 1 k . zhei zhEn zhEn 891 892 720 p. zhi zh6ng zh6ng --zh6ng-?%zh6ng zhbng zhbng zhdng.278b 3 p.286b zhii 3 k p.2786 ? ' . zhEn zh6n zhen zhen zhen zhEng zhEng zhEng zheng zheng zhEngzhing zheng zheng zheng zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi zhi p.269a @ p. 907 @k p.256b zhuiin 112 zhuiin . .$+I p.ALPHABETICAL INDEX ZIIBO zhiio zhlo zhiio zhe zhE zhi.278b p. L 19577 k 4- \ zh6u zhdu zhdu zhBu zhBu zhii zhii zhii zhii zhii zhii zhii zhii zhii -A F Rzr 2k s- &k # i 2 % fi.295a L 493 4E-p:268a % 659 Jk 814 & p268a 252 899 =C p.283a & 139 4 172 .259a zhuiing 3 p.278b I p.294a 4 6 p.265a zhii 2 396133 zhii ?ti p.289a & 301 d& 973 & p.247a zhuii 5f p. L * Sf- 3 $$ zhEn zhEn zhEn zh6n zhEn. ! z6u k zii jfa zti $R 26 $ .267b 4 f k 1 8 k & d .267a 430 p.246b @ p. z6ng # .%I-IAO-%GO zhtin zhuij zhu6 z1 zi zi zi zi zi zi zong z6ng -@. +% zuZn.250a $ a? p.267b 436 343 179 572 p. zuiin zui p% zui zui zui ziin ziin zuci zuB zu6 zu6 zuB zuB zu6 & 366 % p.289a % p.% & 2 4 : R % -3- ? $k il Sm z6ng ? $ . zti b zii 2k z6 K zuiin. the ability to count correctly th number of strokes and learn the little tricks familiar to every first ye: . including any strok . You must then determine into which of the following four categorit: the first stroke in the character falls: 1) a dot. as George Kennedy says.-. the shape I i counted as one stroke rather than two. for reference or reviev any character in this boolc whose pronunciation he or she does not l a 0 1 or is unsure of.2)~ahoriZontal_ angle-th. whereas the strok count-stroke order system can be used by a student almost immediately. "appears to be widely use in China today. Where a discrepancy existl count the strokes that are actually made as you write the character b hand rather than use the "official" count traditionally used in Chines dictionaries. As you learn new characters an how to write them from the diagrams.) Characters in thjs index are groupe according to the total number of strokes in the character. The index has been organized by the strolce count-strok order system rather than the traditional radical system because mastery c the latter requires considerable time.downw~cLto~theright. you should first count the number of strolte in the character under consideration.. is also a system that. student of Chinese will come naturally. beginning wit characters having the fewest strokes (1 to 3 strokes) and concluding wit those having the most strolces (18 or more).STROKE COUNT-STROKE ORDER INDEX This second index of characters is arranged by strolce count and strok order and therefore enables the student to find. (For example." In order to use the index. . Mastery of the radicals is one of th goals of this book. not a slull assumed of its users. 3. though this differs from the writing diagrams in the text." Much like an alphabetical system. . 3) a vertical strolce. A complete chart of Hnn-Yilzg Ciclialz radicals appears as the back endpapers. On pages 300-301 of the text itself are introduced all Hnrz-Yi~zgCidinn radicals which have not been introduced earlier. The index does. downward-slanting will appear before a character of twelve strokes of which the first is a dot and the second a horizontal stroke (&). The system of reference to characters and page numbers is explained in the introduction to the Alphabetical Index on page 304. including angles that begin this way. Dot Across Down Left I ' I or or or or -? < All characters with the same number of strokes are subdivided into these four categories of "first strolces. 4. Note that characters whose first element is the common "grass radical" * are classified in the stroke count-stroke order system as if the first stroke were a downstroke. with the exception of characters that appear in modern texts only as parts of other characters.STROKE INDEX begins with a left to right horizontal. if one character has twelve strokes and its first and second strokes are "dots" (&) . across. left) into which the second stroke of the character falls. however. include all forms of traditional radicals. All of the characters appearing in Rending nlzd Writing Clzilzese are given here. or 4) a left. including angles that begin with a vertical. these categories are further ordered according to the category (dot. down. For example. and so on. To summarize: 1. 2. 2812 85'9 p. 155~~ p. L f . -k 3486 1O0gfi8 48O1I3 39270 952 .281a [I I A /\ 1 l4 2428 98" 232?O 64516 151 682 677 11736 233 5 L k R A 3 3 A i 2 . . 1 .STROKE INDEX 1-3 strolces [._ I L b - 136 55 1-1Xz5 137" 346 2013 2l3[ 3330 205j8 35250 46417 9SdG 465J5 274' -_ 4. -f- 11 9 U 3 d 5 K 'f7 A 4 '' 11. 4 9({{ 2552 30G0 8 1959-44247 G: P p1 1 n 1 7 [I 4 strokes ['I . - i 613 56415 88" 181" 12740 378 4714 171i6' 3 Af -w- % k A Z X 2. $ .f - i .245bM 56047 P -t t 5 E 1 4 3 E C 22'4 689 145= 842G 760'~ 7617".261 b p. 18641 1464 596 15P7 142 14155 5037 p.2566 e 5 8 275 274 6 f 9 63 1 24 1 99758 4 K a 5 'F g7 10 84754 8 0 ~ ~ 2 1857 8751 n h a n k 10218 20619 522 58 5943 /\ IL h 4 {{ 261' 571° 152" 49 p. 136IG3 35 1 44348 8632 13433 612 5 19 150 .I i 7 -. 1-3.281 b p. f?7 19176 p.281 b 810 581 p.5 STROKES k @ 42 4-t tlJ a 4 j ~ 475 It: 4.273aS7 k fi d k h 5 strolces .301 b 375 22483 262" 308 878 p.300A 703 p.281 b 341 p.4. 247a 869 409 p.271 bQ8 496 77 533 1449g 599 h EL E 9 h * Zt .STROKE INDEX $- ?I Jb % 33 J E .300b p.246b 493 25 245lo' 432 p. p.271 b p. 282b 229134 p.282b 709 p. 6 .247b 19 12 787 28120 174"" 7 stroltes .282b p.246b p.5 . 7 STROKES 901'39 p.260b 477 822 51513' 793 922Id3 418 41513' 42 1Id4 p. 262a 305 p.300a 220 238 p.245a 797 p.STROKE INDEX A % i 4n .f. %k p.t $4 % 3.282b . 7.8 STROKES 8 stroltes . 284b ['I .285a 485 2 % 8 & a . 2 . j & 4% i f 1 1 C 893 309184 ~.245a p.285a & .2852 321 p.264a 536 230 .2546 p. % S % p. $ 1 1 R % 4 i L lq i f g M [I] &j p.279b p.285a * M R-S_ nr..2-5.263b p. 1055 663 p.247b 39172 i& 5% .250a p.247b p.7~--+-830 p.284b 78 p.267a p.301 b p.2686 3$ 8% 4 D w - 410 p.285a 223 265 538 4b $4 p. .264bI7O p.259b p.270b p.285a 577 p.269b p. 255a p. L $It 4- tk @ & $ k 60 p.253a -5 3 % 367 h k Jr p.272a p.267b 913 96 169 p.234 2 % .255a - 376 p.263b p.r' E r9 an SF.284b 688 R & .%E ilk & ! + 779 p.2688 877 p.266b 383 9416' 3 15 800 750 %% 8P 33 fit 4 4% )ff? .256a p.284b 344--- b Q 4% fi a $Irk % .285a p.249b p.273a p.285a p. & - . 2 78a 41 1 588 p.J+I 4 & $$ p.301 b p.300a $+[I 1 $ 3 & & e 5 k -+ 4% k -& 339 618 517 p..284b 704 p.285a834 p.265b 839 209 p.260b p.2626 61 I p.S T R O K E INDEX a.2736 p.281 a 451G9 380 p. p. 8 . 9 STROKES 848 p.285b 397 p.285b 25 1 915 1030 1053 417Ifl3 .285b p.248a p. 269a @ p.261 a p.266a i $ p.286a p.260a 1001 745 p.266a J + -~28% 44 p.263a 940 p.259a 364 p.287a b p.286a 8 Rifi @ )I5 a& I 7 % p.263a 792 p.287a A p.288a p. IXL .286a 855 10 strokes ['I .257a p.300a & 3 11 p.257a -kt @ A .252a % p.STROKE INDEX w n 3P -P g p.-- % g $ C % & 11% rtr f& p.286b 602 390 p.256a $& 104 1-p. $ R 2% 4E 4% 4% 4% A I % .272a 7 % p.286b 374 p.273b p. + 1 p.268b 4p.287a 4% p.259b 60 1 p.286b ?@ .263b p.274b 955 908 974 72518? 487 126 p.287a & p.2726 41k 936 @ p.286a p. $ @ % -p 2 8 6 a ----i ~ - n 4 2 .274a p.274a 726 1000 p. E-I * 3 % S SYF d @ J~G. L & & 6 i g i & -8f * % fit5 p A $k . .Mi 4& +k $A $3 M 4 x 4 : X 4% 4& $5 ..H m E . +k % * I & i 9 . --& -5 --2 -p a 3 6 .251 b 4 6 p.288b p.I* it% $1~ 4% $& 2 2 d & I% 11 stroltes @ & - ['I 731 + $+ 795 747 386 p.246a 46 p.281a k$---. p.254b @ p.257a B--p.269a p.288b p.248a w p.260a ?IF p.300a p. .288b p.279a p.289a j & p.288b p.264a 1PG 225 ?& p.& A 973 p.288b p.2656 % p.* ig .257b 170 457 563 710 p.266b 674 736 p. + .246a & 6 1 3.277a p.289a $8 627 639 658 81 p.280a p.266a p.245a p.288b ! L p..248a G 4k .275a p.STROKE INDEX i6 44 P I t& ifL 4 8 43 4 g +% .265b ! 1 4 p.289ap % 957 &1054 3 604") % 370 qf+ 540 8 617 $& 702 R p.250b 603 962 622 p.273a 44.260b a~c 3 ! k 4 k @ 6 % + : 7 % p.277b dfp 140 4~ p.272a 8 $ - 561 p. 673 187 p.3.p.263a 595 317 826 p.277a 4% 953 7 % p. 256a dfk p.280a $2 .288b fik 327 $4 p.2726 476 p. % R p.266b % p.270b 8O9lg8 p.279b ik $& : e n (.263b H 993 p.300b ? & I .267a +& p.259b 696 626 582 157'0° p.289a p.255b 4 % p. l i @ .288b 1041 p.263b 619 & iR 4j q 43 4b 42 [-I g 3- p.288b p.2886 4Fp. p.274b p.+- i * % i . 267a p.2506 p.262a 296 427 945 p.259b 484 p.248b p.270a 290 p. I I STROKES p.290a p.290a 416 p.2476 975 700 883 71 765 505 378 p.290a 9941q6 558Iq5 p.259a p.253b p.263b .290a 932 p.290a p.290a 753 p.263a 780 741 906 825 p.290a p.290a p.10. 278b p.261 b p.291a 803 p.254b 621 p.290b p.291 b p.269a p.291 b p.)h: p.264a p.248a p.291 b p.290b p.291 b p.291 b 712 633 228 p.259a p.291a $fi 90 $ k p.291a % p.291 b 870 p.280b p.262a & 930 $!k p.246b 3k 652 & p.270a p.290b 525 107 p.270a p.% p. 259a ~g * el p.I+$ f? f%.290b p.256a 4% 4% 4% p.261 a 754 687 p. @ i p.269b 4 9 & & .266a p.249b p.290b 300 1011 p. $ ? Y m ' 4 g p.255a & 651 &----. 9% ? $ i d & @ 38rrr g i & i & $ G& .256b p.252a 1005 .253b &% g [-I . 3 $11 i& j & p.254a ik 4 4% p.253b 5 % & 4 i g p.279a p.279a @ p.264a p.291a p.2906 p.254b $ 3 p.290b p.290b p. & e 5 & $6 $3 & :.254b p.290b p.291a . t-.291a p.267b 7 14 328 p. & jk -3 $8~ < + " 1 $+ $ 6 & p 2 5 7 'a 885 p.p269a 3 % 1012 & 190 i % p.273a p.251a p.264a p.271 b 916 p.291a $ p.263a $ ? p.258a p.260a 264 650 p.245b % e $1 rsi ' & ?ij.253b 267 p.246b p.270a .257a p.264b $4 p.269a j ? p.267a 4 % & 4% 3$ & .291 a >% 995 % p.250b & p.290b p.STROKE INDEX 12 strolres 4% ? & [-I % .291 b p.290b p.. & I% 5 % I% 1% & I bv 3 7 A re % AT$ 569 p.291a p. 245b 665 419 . 13 STROKES j$- % 11lJj 43 A $ 6 $f% p.280b 880 778 p.292b p.276b 423 4% %& %B & : " t $& & & : a $8 %I + + l $ 909 p.245b p.292b 177 p.292b p.292b p.292b p.12.257a p.250a p.245b p. 254b p. g [) 6 ix 1 340 832 4 p.276a 935 p. 4cCp 545 1019 p..2 7OaZo5 1056 1037 p.293b .253b 876 p.258b 873 1047 p. 250a p.293b p.293b 539 977 p.293a p.274a206 948 p.248a % p.273a 479 691 p.293b 1 [-I p @ 7 @ % 7 % [I] p.293b A p.261 b p.293a p.251 b k t ? 66 8 p.274b p.293b @ p. I .p.279a p.293a 737 295 p.293b 499 p.261 a p.249a p.279a p.249b p. & 9 $ii n$.252a p. &% BI p.261 aZo7 579-. #k 4 % - .fi!l. 1g If& p.2466 447 p.267a 3$ p. - a p.269b p.2626 p.-- 9 @ $ r5 ok 3% d a$ &i St" d 4% % & I _- % @ 3 an .293a 717 285 p.293b 892 b % .245b 3 2 .293a p.266b 1049 d? & d I ? t i % 4 *& 3 % @ X 2- 3 $ .293b #& p.293b 36 p.277a p.279b p.293a 693 *& 3 % Rk 8% 8% D L %- 2 .275b p.262b p.251 a p.272b 4$ p.245b p.260b 4%--1 00 %330 & 584 f& p.293a p.256b p.274b p. # p.259a 449 p.276b 197 72 1 530 1018 p..293a p..261 b E L p.280a 490 979 243 p.247a 817 p.STROKE INDEX -$? $ $ 3 x @ J el& at% & % A Y .260a p.liia $$ % ! & 4% J .276a 1027 314 p.250a %L *P -- .274b 292 p. & 8 $ 4 % .265a 8 p.267a $ z $ p.293b RP p.254 b p. . 250a p.2956 628 p.274b 135 678 p.249b d p.279b p.295a209 p.250b p.295b p.278b p.296a p.267a p.251 a 236 p.259b 40 @ .STROKE INDEX 1 4 4t a 4 4. g g [) 202 p.273b p.259b p.f% ! p.296a 4 6 p.260b m p.274a 1028 p.254a p.296a 3k p.252 p.296a 4 l l & g 3 $4 % 5 4 % 982 984 742 521 p.295b p.254b p.280b +$ 562 +$p.249a &% I-' g 3% i$j 15 strokes ?& & [.2796 p.295b p.246a 6 1 5 p.261 Ah ern $ I % 751 p.296a .296a $2 854 4&----439S .257b p.252b p. p.259b -?El $% p.262b 4 p.2956 p.267b p.295b p.259b p.256b p.254b p.296a @ p.296a 4 8 p.255a r& 755 .269b p.252b $ . 249a p.25Sb 1039 996 p.260a 999 I & i % @ & d & g & $ $ - $#--p.277b d ih p.295a p.254a p.273b p. h k b 4% d& ti % p.295b p. $ f & if4 %& 8 35 & i& 2 4 4 k I p.295b 673 4% & A ~ t g & g 54j g i g @ @ Pi p.296a 3 p.280a 347 989 963 p.260b p.258a p.249~1 A p.295a 784 636 644 p.273b p.I :z && - & p.295b p.276b $A .296a p.273b p.271b 777 p.295a p.2 p.271a % p.t 42 .2646 p.295b p.264b 4 3 % p.2736 49$7 4& +% ?& p. 297a p.259b p.248b 555 244 p.297a 16 strokes . 16 STROKES am sn d 11% b $& ?kg. 15.14. L A% p.248b 1013 713 p. AI~ j & .274a 312 p. 297b p..257b p.2986 p.266b p.258b p.5t Ilk Q fik R& Q4 d h .268b p.297b p. ?jf s 9c p.280b p.298a 635 p.257b .297b p.273a a$ & c Z& Jl$ & 9 If$ % F~4R A* & k a fi% @ % % !I 537 705 379 1059 359 p.298b p.276b p.297b p.271a S fi& fig @ {g$ i & $6 C.246a 605 'K-p398b18 and up [. & % 4k.2986 n.277a p.298b p.298a p. @ 22 $k 4 86 1 p.300b p. I .297b 1014 p.298b p.275b p.298b 282 p.fn 1 92 % 4% 9% 0 %? & $ + - $? $ i ! 4 -T % I . K 4% % i ! p.STROKE INDEX %% flHj 4 % ~4 v % .249a 1052 p.298a p.294aZi4 p.298a p.271a p.265a p.246a p.270azi3 -g3499 1 253 p.Iki M p.260a p.280a #$ d g ?& p.I .297b p.258b p. 4 % 111 [-I .259a p.298a p.270b p.298b p.% 9% 17 strolres % [I] % p. K $6 & jE @.298a 1015 p.258a p.298a p.255b 97 p. .267a 188 706 544 48 1 p.268b 585 p.258a p.271a 1060 p.298b p.251a p.262b 448 R & $jk 2'C F .298a p.298b p.298a 37 1 p.276a p.262b p. 247a p.280b 806 p.250a p.10.276b .270b p.268a p.299b p.299b p.293b $k Str + $ p.251 a 7 2 % - a $8 laa f ! # Jj7 @ *+It tlir Ffi $ J : 4% 2 3 % 356 1016 729 506 p.249a p. 1061 & 980 ?& p.266a I % p. 17.296b p.252a @ .251 a p.299b p.18 $ 1 STROICES AND U P $% 743 796 194 $ % p. 254b .279a p.279b p.254a p.275b p.278a p.STROKE INDEX a 4% t f i rir $A q i % % 2 % % IE iiij % p.252b 77 1 p.300a p.300a p.300a p.270a p. U bowl 464 81. 48.* ) claws p. 87. 9 wrap 232 27:-n-(+-) knife (--)-lo2 28. 4 (side-) food 309 25. It toe 195 103. 4 bow218 29. "back-turned stroke" p. 4 walk off 875 95. f "three-dots water" 181 The Chart of Modem Radicals . " p. 41. 42. J left 1 5.88 68. ' I ' sprout 465 18. € ( 6 ) self (--) 273. -5126. % ( k ) heaven (tender) 52 (53) 91. mountain 95 crown 47 61. P corpse 329 24.lean-to 155 roof 127 il gate 45 i halt 171 r worlc43 L (k ) earth (knight) 86 - 83.*. 300 7. 47. 281. - 4 t heart 67 : I bed 849 i to die 68 /.-. 62 1 ctep 30 19. 3. 85. (275) 73. 1 . 301) 72. ((( river 442 34. Q sun 160 104. ' "top of & " p. L ! knock 384 : slice 927 114. 45. W wind 725 122. ' i breath 324 110. J .301 74. Icing 92 89. JL legs 57 30.) divine 118 17. JL table 645 (p. A follo~v. 84. 15 111. 301 90. 3 streaks 819 21. -340. li stand 105 127. k. W say 82 105. t twistp. 7 k water 362 _ . P (on the right of characters) city ("right 79. cocoon 24 80. 5i father 211 109.g&$q &.-k axe 262 --. X right hand 85 36. (n) 102. 7 "top of -7 . 1 115. 300 63. A ( A ) man (enter) 2 (152) 67. K foot (lengdl) 857 118. JL see214 108. R surround 21 16. k fire 414 5 pattern 360 iS square 392 P door 391 i (side-) sign 480 (cp. X "bottom of X " p. one 8 3. 1 down3 4. ( ) eight 98. 300 6. cow 260. $ horse 35 characters) mound 76. JL (.. dot61 2. ' "topof?"p. f sick 531 128.__ -11. k clan 224 123. h strength 206 997 71. '1. f (on tile left of 75. 9 dusk 117 65. ti. 5 . H132) 88. 44. . O borders 20 20. ( " ) small 27 ear") 136 35.( I. 300 66. % yawn 191 121. -? "lop of $ " p. 301 125. ' a heart70 3932ladle-137---8-?--+peck-1009 - " . 43.. 46.k. P seal 84 33. middle 112 106. 1 ' knife 205 60.. 273 (338) 117. fl moon 178 119. 3 hand 41 112. 49. ?c march 847 -437.cave57- - . 3 ( 7 ) cliild (--) 18 32. slow 319. % not73 ' 1 59.337 22. compare 567 124. 6 fur 293 113. 1. 1~ bullet 677 23. "top of -fi" p. "fire-dots" 34 38. fi cowrie I23 107. coil 25 ("left ear") 76 77. (h ) silk 28. "top of f i p. 300 26. 86. 116. 4 (side-)man 4 64. 174 78. -k woman 11 31. 6 club 183 120. Z reach 396 + -8202. I h melonp. W head 333 171. * "top of $ p. d flask453 192. * ( ) also @. roll. 4 (side-) gold 94 (cp. 3i drum p. 6 beard 609 170. & dmgonp.129. 1 3rain 283 205. R mouse p. dictionary d$$+IS / Tlrc Cl~blese Enelis11Dic. 271 199. L ( E )stubborn 31 -I- 216. 4 f ( = )bamboo 54 (55) 179. and a reference to ila rrenrrneol in Reading and 1V1-iri~r!: Cllirrese. C mortar 229 180. 4 bud 994 153. are 246 ' i ? hone 511 scent 1044 .Hl61) 130. 245-301). -ib wrong 654 206. Ei ( S ) cover (west) 122 (130) 167. X black 280 -13224.gain65 150. 262 168. t k teethp. crockp. )sheep 115 (475) 158. t toadp. 281 152. deer 809 . H209) 148. % ? tone 335 $ hide 369 & am. 262 169. 205 " 185. & 5th heavenly stem 497 139.5c . 301 204. 26 1 225. L rice 101 160.. f i hemp 157 222. Q dove 39 209. 268 220. . 4 gold 94 210. 5 village 106 196. The CHART OF kIODER\ RADICALS gives rile \! \ten1 of modem radicals 11~i. 301) 163. "top of 5 "p. 9 stretch812 145. k ! white 231 151. b early 756 188. Numbers i l l Ruman type refer to radical5 ii~cluded in the first character proup 01' basic characters. & from 799 144. d words 38 186. 6 fish 558 -9211. % I cauldron.zl. fi back 632 155. 3E inferiorp. W tiger 669 174. z?? go 432 134. -$. k ? i small nose 515 181. 270 208. 212. valley 373 200. 213. .the Stud! GU&.line-up I045 161. & skin 662 154.11. h blood 922 182. C tongue 313 178. 2950 140. E wine 363 194. 301 135. Z rock 664 137. R eye 120 142. % cull 517 198. 282 191. I (side-) gown 910 (cp.d In 111i. 3k business 623 141. & wheatp. /e foot 196 197. 296 207. % wings 781 184.2jl 159.11 221. 257 176. f: boat415 183. "b. E bureaucrat 491 . . a . ' k food 306 .tp of p. (1. B thornp. bitter 549 187. i i : redp. f spear 840 156. r? field 23 143. 214.p. 4 "top of & 166. 5 jade 62 132. dish 921 147. & tall75 219. " p.12223. is. 301 165. k bundle 657 193. e net 637 146. 275 138. ff walk434 190. 3 "side of 4 " p. The chart gives the nomher of each radical. R gown 109 162. 289 189.10218. 301 131. iE bolt W a. i i : sign 807 133. 8 torso 185 201. % hair 916 . & bug 641 175. " 1721 5% light 748 173. k mow 63 149. % ghost 291 discussed . Pape ntlmherr in italics refer to mdic:11>i n 111s second character group (pp. ' $ big nose p. R snakep. .sweet 144 136. 215. fi horn904 + -6157. % 1029 177. -% green 198 203.. 270 226. I pig 389 195. irs fomi cir ti~rnir. 4 ear201 164. She has taught at Beijing's Capital Normal University and now teaches at Hong Kong University. efficient. and there is a chart showing how to write each character.500 items. Since 1986 he has taught at Hong Kong's City University. the experience of the book's use in classrooms has been drawn on to produce a more convenient.062 characters. completely revised edition.100 new combinations of characters have been added.Reading and W t i n g Chinese has been the standard tan for foreign students and self-teachers of the Chinese writing system since Tutde &st published it in 1978. definition. Seventy new notes on usage appear. and up-to-date introduction to the Chinese writing system. He is the author of numerous books and journal arricles on Chinese literature and language. She has a BA from the Beijing Foreign Languages Institute and an MA from Middlebury College. L i Ying was born in Beijing. with examples of the use of most characters. In this new. the pronounciation. Hints for memorization and cautionary cross-references to look-alike characters are provided here. undergraduateprograms in Chinese.S. Over 1.95 . as well as information that clarifies ofien-overlooked aspects of the writing system. where he was the founding program leader of the BA (Honours) in Translation and Interpretation. one of the best-known U. For each of the basic 1. increasing the total vocabulary significantly. to about 4. enhancing students' insight into the contemporary state of the language. ISBN 0-8048-3206-4 US $1 8. William Maaughton began the research that led to Reading and Wn'ting Chinese when he was the founding teacher of Chinese at Oberlin College. and derivation are given. 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