MCEN 3025 - Syllabus_v1



MCEN 3025COMPONENT DESIGN Spring 2015 MCEN 3025 - Component Design – Course Syllabus Instructor: Jacob Segil DLC 178 Engineering Plus Phone: 303-735-7313 [email protected] TAs: Mackenzie Belden Hannah Hall Kevin Martin Jacob Salzman [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Office Hours: Mondays 3-5pm in DLC 178 or by appointment Meeting Times: Lectures (Section 010): Lectures (Section 020): T/TH 3:30 – 4:45 PM in HUMN 150 T/TH 2:00 – 3:15 PM in ITLL 1B50 Laboratories (Section 011): Laboratories (Section 012): M 5:00 - 6:50 PM in FLMG 55 W 5:00 – 6:50 PM in FLMG 55 Web Page: Desire2Learn, Prerequisites: MCEN 2063, Mechanics of Solids. Required Text: Machine Design: An Integrated Approach. Norton. Prentice-Hall, 2006. Fourth/Fifth Edition. Course Description: The purpose of this course is to teach you the basic science, engineering, and analytical tools required to build useful machines. Insofar as mechanical engineering is the design and construction of machines and mechanical devices, this course is truly the core of mechanical engineering. The first part of the course will review and build upon material from Statics, Mechanics of Solids and Material Science to determine how materials bend and fail and to ensure that parts of our machines do not deform excessively or fail prematurely. The second part of the course surveys common machine elements and introduces a process for effectively incorporating them into mechanical designs. A hands-on lab session and semester design project will reinforce the lectures and homeworks and allow you to ‘learn-by-doing.’ "Lecture" Sessions: There are two 75 minute "lecture" sessions each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The word "lecture" is in quotes because we do not intend for these sessions to be dominated by what you normally think of as lecturing. The "lecture" sessions will be used to introduce new material, to do interactive exercises, to practice the new material with group exercises, and to provide feedback on homework assignments and exams. We expect you to be present at these sessions A traditional point system will be used to grade the exams. Please include your name and ME ID number on each homework. A traditional point system will be used to grade the quiz. A review session will be held in class before each exam. Clicker questions will be used to assess attendance throughout the semester. in-class exercises. After this time period. The quiz will test your understanding of the machining. the homework will not be accepted. A review will be held during class before the quiz. All problem sets are to be completed using engineering paper in order to receive full credit. and dimensioning of drawings. In general. This quiz is worth 5% of the semester grade. "Lab" Sessions: You will attend one 2 hour "lab" session each week. See Homework Late Policy below. Homework Homeworks are to be completed by each individual student. Individual Work (60%): 40% Exams 5% Quiz 9% Homework 6% Peer Review Scores and In-class Participation Teamwork (40%): 10% In-class Workshops 30% Design Project Exams Two in-class exams will take place during the semester. These two exams will cover the material during the Material Fundamentals and Machine Components blocks. Late homework will be accepted for half credit (check-minus. Grading: The course grade will be based on a combination of individual scores on tests and homeworks. project milestones prepared by you and your project partners. Each Page 2 . and project group meetings.and to participate thoughtfully. See the MCEN 3025: Common Syllabus Material for exact format procedures. Please note: this course is based on an absolute grading scale (no curving). and your final team project. 5/10). this time will be dedicated for you to meet your teammates to work on the group design project. You will be able to pick-up homework at any time in the MCEN 3025 filing box on the first floor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Quiz An in-class quiz will take place after the manufacturing review block. Homeworks turned after the “start” of class are considered late. The word "lab" is in quotes because the session is a mix of training seminars. fabrication. Homework will be graded using the check system (see below). Each exam is worth 20% of the semester grade. Late homework may be submitted anytime after the “start” of class on the due date and the following class period. FEA. obviously. In-class workshops are graded using the check system (see below). . Design project grades will use both the check system and traditional point system.mechanical engineering student has been assigned a folder in the filing box using their ME ID number – graded homework will be placed in these files. Periodically. it is clearly legible) and the answers match the answer key. . a peer evaluation will be required of all students in which they describe the effort made by each member of the design team. Check System In class workshops and homework assignments will be graded on the check system: . you will receive a check (8/10). you will receive a check-minus (5/10). Turning in a workshop that one lab partner did not participate in is an Honor Code violation for both the student who did not participate and the four students who did. In-class participation will be measured using clicker questions. you will receive a check-minus (5/10). . Each team member is expected to contribute $30 toward supplies and equipment for the project. Design Project There will be one semester-long design project in this course.If you made some effort.And. but the answer is not. You will need to purchase additional materials in order to complete your projects.If the grader can follow the documented work (i. but were way off in approach. Peer Review Scores and In-class Participation The peer review score will be calculated using feedback provided by your design team members. In-class Workshops There will be a variety of in-class workshops throughout the semester. You will choose your own teams— all teams will include 5 students. grading rubrics will be provided before each milestone. If you were not in class to start the workshop with your group.If the grader can follow the documented work and your approach is correct. The workshops will be held during “lecture” on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Attendance at most of the lecture sessions is required to earn the in-class participation points. A detailed description of the design project will be handed out as a separate document. you should not participate in the out-of-class meeting.e. but allowed the fifth student to take credit for their work.If we can not follow your work. Page 3 . no effort will earn you a 0/10. you will receive a check-plus (10/10). There may be times that your group will need to meet for 15 or 20 minutes outside of class to complete the workshop. If you are not present you receive no credit. You must come to class and participate in order to receive credit for the workshops. Workshops will be due at beginning of the next class. The Honor Code (see Common Syllabus) applies to workshops as well as all other coursework. .. Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession. University of Colorado at Boulder Honor Code Policy: All students of the University of Colorado at Boulder are responsible for knowing and adhering to the academic integrity policy of this institution. engineers must meet high standards of technical competence and ethical behavior. we also expect that this culture of professionalism will pervade all of your University of Colorado experiences. engineers uphold and advance the integrity. possibly including expulsion from the ME program. These policies will be upheld in each of your courses throughout the mechanical engineering curriculum. copying from Internet sites. it is expected that you will abide by the University of Colorado at Boulder honor code at all times.MCEN 3025 Common Syllabus Material A primary objective of the Mechanical Engineering Department is to prepare each of our students for careers in the engineering profession. 2. their employers and clients. Therefore. Additional sanctions will be imposed by the ME Department for subsequent violations. The University of Colorado Honor Code policy is stated below. honor and dignity of the engineering profession by: 1. in each mechanical engineering course you will be required to practice the professional behavior that will be expected by your future employers. you may not plagiarize a problem set or allow another student to plagiarize your answers to a problem set. Any instances of dishonesty on homework or tests will result in a minimum sanction for your first violation of the honor code of a zero score and an entry in your department file. copying from previous academic year homework sets. This syllabus clearly outlines the ME policy regarding academic integrity and academic climate. and serving with fidelity the public. please ask your current instructor/professor. Examples of plagiarism include: copying from a solution manual. As professionals. it is also essential that you properly document the sources of information you use. and copying directly from classmates. Academic Integrity You will be asked to complete individual homework assignments in this course. You may contest any accusation according the campus honor code system. However. Therefore. On assignments that require you to use supplemental materials. Violations of this policy may Page 4 . The Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) believes that it is essential for each of you to learn the professional behavior that will prepare you for your career after college. Being honest and impartial. According to the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) code of ethics. If you have any doubt that you are using sanctioned materials to assist with your homework solution. Though you may work in groups to discuss and solve problems. 3. Class rosters are provided to the instructor with the student's legal name. The University of Colorado Classroom Behavior policy is stated Academic Climate In Class Expectations: It is our expectation that each of you will be respectful to your fellow classmates and instructors at all times. aid of academic dishonesty. lying. or expulsion). The University of Colorado Classroom behavior policy will compliment the outlined classroom expectations. All incidents of academic misconduct shall be reported to the Honor Code Council (honor@colorado. I will gladly honor your request to address you by an alternate name or gender pronoun. or if you must leave early do so without disrupting others Display professional courtesy and respect in all interactions related to this class Compliance with these expectations will assist us with the creation of a learning community and a high quality educational experience. fabrication. plagiarism. gender variance. and threatening behavior. suspension. University of Colorado Classroom Behavior Policy: Students and faculty each have responsibility for maintaining an appropriate learning environment.include: cheating. Other information on the Honor Code can be found at http://www. Please advise me of this preference early in the semester so that I may make appropriate changes to my records. A safe and inclusive environment will be created and maintained by the students Page 5 . it is requested that you:         Arrive to class on time Turn off your cell phone Take off and put away headphones Limit use of your laptop computer to class purposes Put away newspapers and magazines Refrain from having disruptive conversations during class Remain for the whole class.html#student_code Discrimination and Harassment: Discriminatory and harassing behavior will not be tolerated in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. 303-725-2273). Students who are found to be in violation of the academic integrity policy will be subject to both academic sanctions from the faculty member and non-academic sanctions (including but not limited to university probation. Those who fail to adhere to such behavioral standards may be subject to discipline. See polices at http://www. sexual orientation. In an effort to create a professional atmosphere within the classroom. and nationalities.html and at http://www. politics.colorado. religion.colorado. Professional courtesy and sensitivity are especially important with respect to individuals and topics dealing with differences of race.html and at http://www. sexual orientation. the University of Colorado policy on Sexual Harassment and the University of Colorado policy on Amorous Relationships apply to all students. The University of Colorado Discrimination and Harassment policy is stated below. Tips for a professional email include: . Page 6 . including peers.  Avoid disrupting ongoing meetings within faculty and staff offices. Out of Class Expectations: Though many of the above stated policies address academic climate within the classroom.. However.Be brief and polite.g. Send emails to faculty and staff using a professional format. . Plan your weekly schedule to align with scheduled office hours.Always fill in the subject line with a topic that indicates the reason for your email to your reader. faculty and staff members are very willing to assist with your academic and personal needs.Respectfully address the individual to whom you are sending the email (e. Dear Professor Smith). disability.Avoid email. Students with concerns about discrimination or harassment actions should immediately contact the instructor. .Add a signature block with appropriate contact information. color. . age. Please wait until the meeting concludes before seeking assistance. these policies should also be upheld outside of the classroom. Using degrading terminology in referring to others. Suggestions specific to interactions with faculty and staff include:  Respect posted office hours. multiple professional obligations make it necessary for us to schedule our availability. religion. Displaying sexually explicit material in an academic setting (including laptop wallpaper). Examples that may be considered harassment: A teaching assistant or instructor asking a student for a date. the Department Chair or their academic advisor. Information about the ODH.colorado. Any student. staff and faculty. As a member of the ME community you are expected to consistently demonstrate integrity and honor through your everyday actions. University of Colorado Classroom Behavior Policy: The University of Colorado at Boulder policy on Discrimination and Harassment. sex. or contact the Office of Discrimination and Harassment (below). the above referenced policies and the campus resources available to assist individuals regarding discrimination or harassment can be obtained at http://www. or veteran status should contact the Office of Discrimination and Harassment (ODH) at 303-492-2127 or the Office of Judicial Affairs at 303-492-5550.and instructing faculty member. national origin. chat room or text message abbreviations. Persisting in asking a classmate for a date after being turned down. . staff or faculty member who believes s/he has been the subject of discrimination or harassment based upon race. Respect faculty and staff policies regarding use of email and note that staff and faculty are not expected to respond to email outside of business hours. 2. Policy on Privacy of Graded Work Federal law requires that your grades be communicated to you privately. This should be in your own words. Disability Services determines accommodations based on documented disabilities. please submit to me a letter from Disability Services in a timely manner so that your needs can be addressed. Email/electronic submittals will not be accepted. You have been assigned a unique.Colorado. please see Dr. 5. and http://www. Homework Format: It is your responsibility to make your solutions clear and legible. List of assumptions. Label the equations. List of known values. organized way that will lead to the correct solution. Put this number on all work that you hand in. 1.colorado. Make sure they correspond to the sketch. Unless the problem requires only a conceptual or short answer. Accommodation of Disabilities or Religious Commitments If you qualify for accommodations because of a disability.cgi?select=temporary. Contact: 303-492-8671. including variables that are given and quantities to be found. Solution Page 7 . with units.html Campus policy regarding religious observances requires that faculty make every effort to deal reasonably and fairly with all students who. because of religious including properties obtained from a table. 3. assignments or required attendance. In this class. Problems may be written by hand and must be submitted in hard copy. Schematic/sketch (unless it is obviously not needed). and it will be the same for all your ME courses. see guidelines at http://www. List of unknowns. 4. This will allow your reader to quickly recall the questions and previous conversation. 7. Governing equations. The graders have the discretion to deduct points (up to and including full credit) for solutions that are hard to read or unprofessional in appearance. Clear and succinct problem statement.EDU/disabilityservices If you have a temporary medical condition or injury. All problem sets should be completed on green engineering paper. the following format is required. Indicate the source. List relevant information on the figure. You can pick up your graded work filed under this number in the filing cabinet on the second floor of the MCEN wing in the Engineering Center. 6. KotysSchwartz the first two weeks of the semester to make arrangements.- Reply to emails with the previously sent message. have conflicts with scheduled exams. if applicable. private ME ID number for this purpose. Willard 322. This will facilitate grading and will assist you to approach problems in a consistent. Show all work. Pay attention to a) units and b) significant figures. Verification.a. Make sure the number of equations matches the number of unknowns. b. 8. Present the answer with a box around it. Do the units make sense? Do the results compare reasonably to a related known quantity Page 8 . plugging in the numbers. c. in symbolic form. Check the answer against what common sense tells you. Then do the calculations. Obtain and present a simplified expression for the answer. First do the algebra. PRINT NAME__________________________________ SIGNATURE____________________________________ DATE_________________ Page 9 . the undersigned. I hereby agree to comply with these policies. agree that I have read and understood the policies described in the syllabus for MCEN 3025.________________________________SIGNATURE PAGE ___________________________ I.
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