
March 23, 2018 | Author: Parameswaran Murugesan | Category: Computer Aided Design, 3 D Modeling, Technical Drawing, Documentation, Specification (Technical Standard)



Historical, replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) Mercedes-Benz Engineering Standard Category: 31 MBN 10 317-1 Date Published: 2006-07 Total No. of Pages (Including Annex): 17 Person in Charge: Mogwitz / Schloz Plant 019; Dept.: EP/QIN Phone: 3 49 05 / 3 49 81 Date of Translation: 2006-08 CAD Drawings / 3D-CAD (CATIA) Models Identification of Documentation Requirement Part 1: Identification (Marking) of Parts, Assemblies and Individual Features Foreword Standard MBN 10 317 defines the identification of parts, assemblies and individual features and the identification of safety-relevant part connections in CAD drawings which require documentation. It also includes the identification for 3D-CAD (CATIA) models of the 3D-Master method. The standard comprises the following parts: Part 1: Identification (Marking) of parts, assemblies and individual features Part 2: Identification (Marking) of safety-relevant connections for parts / assemblies In this standard, the expression "documentation required" refers to two types of evidence: safetyrelevance (DS) and certification-relevance (DZ). The codes DS und DZ are intended for the special provision of objective evidence for the relevant components and systems. The abbreviations DS and DZ are formed from the first letter of the German term for the type of relevance applicable plus an initial D for documentation required. Both types of documentation requirement are applicable separately in CAD drawings and 3D CAD (CATIA) models. When applied, they represent binding instructions and form a prerequisite for passing on data to downstream systems along the process chain. Changes In comparison with edition 2005-07, the following changes have been made: - Identification for the information medium ”CAD drawing“ divided into two groups of generated CAD drawings - Scope of standard divided into Part 1 and Part 2 - Standard adapted to current status NOTE: No guarantee can be given in respect of this translation. In all cases the latest German-language version of this Standard shall be taken as authoritative. Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M, 2013-04-16) .....10 8..............................................................2 Identification of Documentation Requirement for Features in V5 .........................15 Annex E (informative) Sample Entry Documentation Requirement in DC Masterdata Tool CATIA V5.......8 6.................................................................................................4 Identification of the Documentation Requirement on a Supplier Drawing (Externally Created CAD Drawing) .....................9 7 3D-Master Method: Identification for Parts / Assemblies in 3D CAD Models V4 ........................................................9 6........14 Annex D (informative) Sample 3D CAD Model CATIA V4 with geometrically marked features ......................2 Identification of Documentation Requirement in a Table Drawing for Design Drawing (KZ) – see Parts (Component/General Assembly Drawing) ........................................8 6.......................................................... 2013-04-16) ............................................................ Generated in CATIA V4..4 Identification of the Documentation Requirement on a Supplier Drawing (Externally Created CAD Drawing) .......................................4 5..............10 7.........12 Annex B (informative) Sample CAD Drawing.......................................................4 5..........................4 5 Identification for Parts / Assemblies in CAD Drawings generated in CATIA V4...............6 5.......................................................5 Provision of Elements of Documentation Requirement on CAD drawings generated in CATIA V5 .............................2 Identification of Documentation Requirement in a Table Drawing for Design Drawing (KZ) – see Parts (Component/General Assembly Drawing) ......3 Normative References .............................................................................16 Annex F (informative) Sample 3D CAD Model CATIA V5 with geometrically marked features....3 Identification of Individual Features Requiring Documentation on a CAD Drawing ................... Acronyms.....5 Provision of Elements of Documentation Requirement on CAD Drawings generated from CATIA V4 ................................................1 Identification of Documentation Requirement on a Component / Assembly Drawing ...............................................10 8 3D-Master Method: Identification of Documentation Requirement in 3D CAD Models in CATIA-V5.................... Definitions...................................................Historical..................3 Abbreviations.................................................3 Basic Regulations Governing the Identification of Documentation Requirement for Parts / Assemblies ....2 Identification of Documentation Requirement for Features in V4 ................................................................................................................................ replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07...... Page 2 Contents 1 2 3 4 Scope ...............................................................................................7 5................ & Symbols.... Generated in CATIA V4 With Documentation Requirement Indicated .....................10 8.............................................................13 Annex C (informative) Sample CAD Drawing “Legal Proof” with Documentation Requirement Indicated...............................................................8 6 Identification for Parts / Components in CAD Drawings generated from CATIA V5 ................................................................................................................8 5..............................................1 Identification of Documentation Requirement on a Component / Assembly Drawing .........................................9 6...................................1 Identification of Documentation Requirement for Components in CATIA V5.....................17 Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M.............................................................................11 Annex A (informative) Examples of Identification Entries of Features on a CAD Drawing ..............3 Identification of Individual Features Requiring Documentation on a CAD Drawing ......................................10 7................1 Identification of Documentation Requirement for Components V4 .......................9 6................................ .Design drawing A design drawing is a technical drawing that represents an object in its intended final condition. Note: Special form DS_I of DS A special form of DS is the representation of a feature which ensures the safety function of an electronic component on the basis of a monitoring function which is inherent in the system (DS_I). . Features requiring documentation include specifications of materials.Safety relevance (DS) Components or systems are called safety relevant when their failure may carry an immediate risk of injury or death for participants in street traffic.Documentation required “Documentation required” is a binding instruction to store data and information for the purpose of providing evidence. . 2013-04-16) . & Symbols . .DC Masterdata Tool Master data of components are entered using this function of CATPart.Historical. tolerances. . including additional blocks for the description of a component.Master data sheet Contains all information relevant to a 2D representation in the drawing title block. It basically applies to CAD drawings generated in CATIA V4 and V5.Feature requiring documentation Features requiring documentation are features that have to be stored for the purpose of providing evidence. . 3 Abbreviations. sentence) etc. . Page 3 1 Scope This part of the standard applies to the unambiguous marking of components and systems which are subject to an increased significance in technical product documentation (special provision of objective evidence) with the identification “documentation required”. Acronyms.Title block editor Tool which is used to complete the drawing title bock of CAD drawings of version CATIA V5. Note: The DS_I information is only provided on CAD drawings and in the 3D CAD model (master data sheet). and 3D CAD (CATIA) models of versions V4 and V5 according to the 3D-Master method. Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. A symbol DS_I must not be created (see application example in Annex A). included within the meaning of this Standard are also legal-proof drawings. Definitions.Multi-sheet drawing A multi-sheet drawing is a technical drawing whose information is spread over at least two drawing sheets. 2 Normative References Not applicable. . dimensions. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07. .SNR SNR is the abbreviation of the German word “Sachnummer” (basic number). text (word.CAD drawing A design drawing produced by means of a computer is referred to as a CAD drawing. . 5. information.ZB drawing Abbreviation for the German word “Zusammenbau” (assembly) drawing. evidence or type approvals are used in certificates or country-specific registration documents or which are examined during type approval.3D-Master method The 3D-Master method is a method whereby the 3D data record contains all process-relevant information and no CAD drawing is provided. Scope of standard for CAD drawings The necessary identification of the documentation requirement on generated CAD drawings is divided into two groups: st • The 1 group consists of CAD drawings generated in CATIA V4 whereby the documentation requirement is realized using an additional data field “Documentation required in accordance with MBN 10317“. 2013-04-16) . nd • The 2 group consists of CAD drawings generated in CATIA V5 whereby the documentation requirement is realized directly in data fields of the drawing title block. 1. Page 4 . 1 Additional field "Documentation required according to MBN 10 317" for a component / assembly drawing. refer to Fig. the additional field "Documentation required according to MBN 10 317" shall be used. Scope of standard for 3D CAD models The necessary identification of the documentation for 3D CAD models in CATIA V4 and V5 is indicated exclusively using the 3D Master method. .1 Identification of Documentation Requirement on a Component / Assembly Drawing To identify parts/assemblies requiring documentation. Information media are generated CAD drawings and 3D CAD models.Historical. 5 Identification for Parts / Assemblies in CAD Drawings generated in CATIA V4 Identification includes parts and assemblies as well as individual features of a component requiring documentation for the different drawing types • Component drawing/General assembly drawing in single-sheet/multi-sheet version • Table drawings for design drawing (KZ) – see parts in single-sheet/multi-sheet version and • Supplier drawing. Fig.Certification relevance (DZ) Certification-reevant components or systems are those whose data. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07. for a representation of an additional field. not true to scale Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. 4 Basic Regulations Governing the Identification of Documentation Requirement for Parts / Assemblies The identification scopes defined in agreement with the person responsible in principle for the part shall be implemented in accordance with MBN 10 317-1. . Number of features subject to documentation Entry X in column “Art/type“ and total number of features in column “Anzahl Merkmale/number of features“. The total of all features for each relevance type of an SNR shall be entered here. If required.Historical. the identification of the documentation requirement shall be marked on the cover sheet (sheet 0) of a multi-sheet drawing. The system default for the possible entry fields is zero (0). Fig. Two columns are available for entry of the documentation requirement: “Art/type“ and “Anzahl Merkmale/number of features“. The additional block "Documentation required according to MBN 10 317" shall be added according to Figure 1. Meaning of possible entries for column in columns Column ”Art / type“ Entry X = corresponds to documentation required “yes“ Entry 0 = corresponds to documentation required “no“ (no documentation required) Column ”Anzahl Merkmale / number of features“ This column shall be completed if there is a requirement for individual features subject to documentation. where it is added. 2 Additional field "Documentation required according to MBN 10 317" as element for follow-on sheets of a multi-sheet drawing. Page 5 The additional field contains relevance types DS and DZ. then both relevance types shall always be entered. To make an entry. If in addition individual features with document requirement are needed on some/all subsequent sheets. the default zero (0) shall be changed by entering the total sum of all features for each affected follow-on sheet.1. Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. the letter X or the character zero ( 0 ) may be used for each relevance type of an SNR. it shall be completed on the follow-on sheet.1 Identification on component / assembly drawing – single-sheet version For this drawing version. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07. The system default for the possible entry fields is zero (0). The completion of this column is always related to the column “Art/type“.1. If the additional field is inserted into a CAD drawing. an entry requirement for the relevance types always exists. a further additional block according to Figure 2 shall be used on each affected follow-on sheet. not true to scale Where the additional field has been added.1. 5. 5. Data entry versions: Complete part or component requires documentation Entry X in column “Art/type“ and default entry zero (0) in column “Anzahl Merkmale/number of features“ is maintained. Procedure for the entry as under Section 5. the additional block "Documentation required according to MBN 10 317" shall be added near the title block according to Figure 1 and completed in line with the relevant specifications.2 Identification on component / assembly drawing – multiple-sheet version For this drawing version. 2013-04-16) . 5. as illustrated in Figure 4. When added to a CAD drawing.1 Identification of design drawing (KZ) – see parts on a single-sheet drawing To identify parts / assemblies requiring documentation for the representation type "Parts representation without separate drawing".g. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07.2 Identification of Documentation Requirement in a Table Drawing for Design Drawing (KZ) – see Parts (Component/General Assembly Drawing) The identification of the documentation requirement for this part type is described in Sections 5. not true to scale Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. the data field “D-Pflicht/required MBN 10317“ shall be used. Two entry variants are available for the completion of the columns DS and DZ of the data field: st 1 possibility: Entry of design drawing (KZ) – see part with complete documentation required nd 2 possibility: Entry of individual features with documentation required of design drawing (KZ) – see part If different features are required for the different design drawings (KZ) . Data field representation. the sum total of all features of the follow-on sheets shall be entered in the additional field "Documentation required according to MBN 10 317" on the cover sheet (sheet 0).see parts.1 and 5.2. 3. 5. the additional title block according to Fig. The data field shall be entered in the additional title block of a design drawing (KZ) – see parts.2. not true to scale Fig.Historical.2. Figure 5 indicates a DS relevance with 3 different DS features and the assignment to the relevant design drawing (KZ) . 3 Data field “D-Pflicht/required MBN 10317“" as an element of the additional title block of a CAD drawing. Finally. e. completion is required according to the relevant specification. Page 6 Data entry versions: for a number of features subject to documentation Entry of total. 3 shall be supplemented by a further data field. Fig. The system default for the possible entry fields is zero (0). in column “Anzahl Merkmale/number of features“ meaning that on this follow-on sheet 3 DS / DZ features exist. This data field shall be applied several times depending on the number of different features. 3 features. Note Follow-on sheets without required feature identification do not receive an additional field according to Figure 2. 2013-04-16) .see basic number. Fig.2 for single-sheet and multiple-sheet drawings. 4 Data field “DS“ as supplementary element to data field “D-Pflicht / required MBN 10317” of the additional title block of a CAD drawing. refer to Figures 6 and 7. for the meaning of the letter X. refer to Annex A. i. the sum total of all features of the follow-on sheets shall be entered in the data field. if required the default zero (0) shall be replaced by entering X. 7 Identification symbol for an 11 feature of at least 11 features. of the additional title block of the design drawing (KZ) – see parts. “D-Pflicht/required MBN 10317“ shall be used. The increment number depends on the number of required features in the document. When added.2 Identification of design drawing (KZ) – see parts on a multiple-sheet drawing To identify parts / assemblies requiring documentation for the representation type "Parts representation without separate drawing". it shall be completed on the follow-on sheet according to Section 5. The symbol contains the relevance type required according to the specifications and an increment number. not true to scale Data entry variants: st For the 1 entry variant (KZ-see part is completely subject to documentation requirement).2.Historical. For a representation of the symbols. see Fig. The symbol with the relevance type “DS” or “DZ” shall be created and inserted close to the relevant feature or using a reference line connected to the feature. If in addition individual features with document requirement are needed on some/all subsequent sheets.1. 6 Identification symbol for a 1 feature with safety relevance. 3. not true to scale st Fig.3 Identification of Individual Features Requiring Documentation on a CAD Drawing A symbol shall be used to identify features requiring documentation on CAD drawings. Page 7 Fig. 5 Sample data field “D-Pflicht / required MBN 10317“ with three added supplementary DS elements and assignment to the relevant design drawing (KZ) – see basic number. Finally. an X shall be entered in the relevant columns. not true to scale th Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. as for the single-sheet drawing. a further additional field according to Figure 2 shall be used on each affected follow-on sheet.e. For data field representation. 5. the increment is consecutive and ascending and shall always start with the character 1 for the first feature. For the 2 entry variant (individual features subject to documentation requirement of KZ-see part). 2013-04-16) . Figure 3. refer to Section 5. For other informative specimen entries of symbols on CAD drawings.1. nd 5. Fig. The data field shall be added to the additional title block of a design drawing (KZ) – see parts. only the required number of features shall be entered in the corresponding columns of the relevance type.2. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07. Fig. replace the default 0 by X depending on the relevance types DS and DZ. the total number of features shall be adjusted in the relevant SNR. For identification.5 Provision of Elements of Documentation Requirement on CAD Drawings generated from CATIA V4 The elements for CATIA V4 are provided in the detail library “CATIA:MB#ZNORM. 9. the identification in the drawing title block shall be executed in data field “Documentation required according to MBN 10317“. 10. for illustration.e. 6 Identification for Parts / Components in CAD Drawings generated from CATIA V5 Identification of Documentation Requirement on a Component / Assembly Drawing The indication on the drawing types corresponds to that of Section 5. 8 Illustration of a section of data field “Documentation required in accordance with MBN 10317“ of the drawing title block Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. the safety function of an electronic component realized by inherent system monitoring functions. refer to Fig. 8. Section 5. The data shall be entered using the Titleblock Editor tool. For entry of the totals in the drawing versions. refer to Fig. It is not acceptable to reassign a feature which has been removed.P#019. e.0 mm with TEXTD2-CREATE-TEXT-SIMPLE or TEXTD2-CREATE-TEXT-LEADER with frame setting W (whole text) and frame type (framing) RECTP11. refer to Section 5. 5. 2013-04-16) .1 For CAD drawings generated by CATIA V5. then the numbering shall not be changed. The identification symbol is created using font –EUDT_MCF. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07.MAP“ within the family “Additional fields“.5 or 5. is expressed by the short form DS_I.0 mm with 3. The identification of DS_I is only required on CAD drawings and in a 3D CAD model (master data sheet). it is sufficient in the change note to indicate that the respective symbol was removed. For data field. the data field “Anzahl Merkmale / number of features“ shall be completed by entering the total number of existing features for each relevance type. A. The Titleblock Editor transfers the data into the drawing title block. ”DS 4 removed”.and font size 3.Historical.4 Identification of the Documentation Requirement on a Supplier Drawing (Externally Created CAD Drawing) Identification of parts / assemblies requiring documentation on an externally created CAD drawing shall be executed in analogy with company-specific CAD drawings.3 Annex A. If there is a requirement for individual features. When a feature is removed from a total set of features. 5. refer to Fig. For the representation of an application example. Special feature case The feature “Functional Safety By Self-Test“.g. 6. for a specimen entry. refer to Fig. Page 8 If one or several features requiring documentation are entered on a CAD drawing.5 or 5. i. then the respective total of the features shall be determined to provide an overview of all features. Identification of parts / assemblies requiring documentation on an externally created CAD drawing shall be executed in analogy with company-specific CAD drawings.1. the additional block according to Figure 2 shall be applied. On each subsequent sheet containing a marking.2 Identification of Documentation Requirement in a Table Drawing for Design Drawing (KZ) – see Parts (Component/General Assembly Drawing) Identification of Individual Features Requiring Documentation on a CAD Drawing Identification of the Documentation Requirement on a Supplier Drawing (Externally Created CAD Drawing) Identification shall be executed as for the CAD drawings generated in CATIA V4.1 6. Section 6. If features are required. 2013-04-16) .5 or 5. The application shall be as described in Section 5. Section 5. The features shall be indicated on the subsequent sheets. 6. Page 9 Fig. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07.1. Section 5.3 applies.2 6. The Titleblock Editor tool shall be used for input. 10 Sample entry section data field “Documentation required MBN 10 317“ of drawing title block with 3 safety-relevant features Identification for parts/assemblies on component / assembly drawing – single-sheet version Execution of the documentation requirement for this drawing version according to Section 6. the identification of the documentation requirement shall be marked in the title block on the cover sheet (sheet 0).5 Provision of Elements of Documentation Requirement on CAD drawings generated in CATIA V5 The elements for CATIA V5 are provided in the catalog “#CATALOG.MBZNORM_19“ under “ZUSATZFELDER. mm with Text/Text with leader and frame setting “Rectangle“.2 applies. Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M.1. the total number of features for each relevance type shall be indicated on the cover sheet.Historical.4 Identification as for the CAD drawings generated in CATIA V4. 6. The feature symbol is created using font Monospac 821 and font size 3.catalog“. 9 Sample entry in Titleblock Editor tool with entered total number of 3 safety-relevant features Fig.3 6. Identification for parts/assemblies on component / assembly drawing – multiple-sheet version For this drawing version. The contents shall be entered in the supplier title block instead of the drawing title block. 8 3D-Master Method: Identification of Documentation Requirement in 3D CAD Models in CATIA-V5 For parts and assemblies created according to the 3D-Master method no CAD drawing exists. Index card “Tech.2.1 Identification of Documentation Requirement for Components V4 The identification of the documentation requirement for components is made in the master data within the Comment file. 7. the column “Anz. Note: The numbering of the features which can be marked geometrically and the features to be marked alphanumerically shall be consecutive. The identification of the documentation requirements and of features is effected in the 3D CAD model with master data.2 Features to be Marked Alphanumerically in CATIA V4 The alphanumeric identification of features is entered into the master data sheet in field “Dokumentationspflicht für Merkmale / Features Requiring Documentation“. 7.Merkm. not true to scale For identification. Fig. If individual features are required. The indication shall be executed in analogy with the process described in Section 5 for the CAD drawing. Section 7 covers the identification in 3D CAD models in CATIA V4.1 Features to be Marked Geometrically in CATIA V4 The geometric identification is entered into the 3D model at the respective geometry element. Specifications 2“ is used for the identification of the documentation requirement. Section 8 covers the identification in 3D-CAD models in CATIA V5. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07.1 Identification of Documentation Requirement for Components in CATIA V5 The master data for the identification of the documentation requirement of components are entered in CATPart using the function “DC Masterdata Tools“. Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. The system default for the possible entry fields is zero (0). of features“ will have to be completed with the sum total of existing features for each relevance type. For a representation of possible entries of the master data in the Comment file.2 Identification of Documentation Requirement for Features in V4 The features requiring documentation are broken down into features which can be geometrically marked and features which must be alphanumerically marked.Historical. replace the default 0 with X. 7. refer to Figure 11. 7. 2013-04-16) . for each relevance type DS and DZ.2. Page 10 7 3D-Master Method: Identification for Parts / Assemblies in 3D CAD Models V4 For parts and assemblies created according to the 3D-Master method no CAD drawing exists. For a representation of possible entries of the master data in DC Masterdata Tools. 8./no. in analogy with the 3D-Master specifications. The indication shall be made in analogy with the description for CAD drawings in Section 5. The identification and numbering shall be made in accordance with the description in Section 5 for CAD drawings. 11 Excerpt from the master data for entering the documentation requirement in accordance with MBN 10 317 for components. The identification of the documentation requirements and of features is effected in the 3D CAD model with master data. refer to Figure 12. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07. The total number of existing features for each relevance type shall be entered in the fields “Number of features“if there is a requirement for individual features. 12 Excerpt from DC Masterdata Tools for entering the documentation requirement for components in accordance with MBN 10 317.2. 8. in the field “Documentation required for features“. Page 11 The system default for the possible entry fields is zero (0). 8. not true to scale For identification.1 Features to be Marked Geometrically in CATIA V5 The geometric identification is entered into the 3D model at the respective geometry element. The identification and numbering shall be made in accordance with the description in Section 5 for the CAD drawing. Fig.Historical. Note The numbering of the features which can be marked geometrically and the features to be marked alphanumerically shall be consecutive. 8.2.2 Features to be Marked Alphabetically in CATIA V5 The alphanumeric identification is made in DC Masterdata Tools on index card “Tech. for each relevance type DS and DZ.2 Identification of Documentation Requirement for Features in V5 The features requiring documentation are broken down into features which can be geometrically marked and features which must be alphanumerically marked. End of Main document ##### Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. replace the default 0 with X. Specifications 2“. 2013-04-16) . in analogy with the 3D-Master specifications. 1 Dimensional information 11 identification symbol of at least 11 identification symbols on a CAD drawing th Fig.2 Text 5.3 Special form representation 1 identification symbol for feature “Functional Safety By Self-Test“ st End of Annex A ##### Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. 2013-04-16) . Identification symbol of at least 5 identification symbols on a CAD drawing Fig. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07. A. Page 12 Annex A (informative) Examples of Identification Entries of Features on a CAD Drawing Fig.Historical. A. A. whereby DS3 is offered with two entry variants End of Annex B ##### Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. 2013-04-16) . additional field “Documentation required in accordance with MBN 10 317“ and the 3 feature symbols DS1. Generated in CATIA V4 With Documentation Requirement Indicated Fig. DS2 and DS3 have been added. B1 Sample CAD drawing. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07.Historical. Page 13 Annex B (informative) Sample CAD Drawing. C1 Sample CAD drawing “Legal proof”. Page 14 Annex C (informative) Sample CAD Drawing “Legal Proof” with Documentation Requirement Indicated. complete part with documentation requirement End of Annex C ##### Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07. Generated in CATIA V4 Fig. 2013-04-16) .Historical. Page 15 Annex D (informative) Sample 3D CAD Model CATIA V4 with geometrically marked features Fig. DS2 and DS3 as well as DZ1 and DZ2 have been entered End of Annex D ##### Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. D1 Sample 3D-CAD model CATIA V4 with geometrically marked features. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07. 2013-04-16) .Historical. DS1. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07. 2013-04-16) . E1 Sample Entry Documentation Requirement in DC Masterdata Tool CATIA V5. DS2 and DS3 have been added End von Annex E ##### Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. Page 16 Annex E (informative) Sample Entry Documentation Requirement in DC Masterdata Tool CATIA V5 Fig.Historical. the alphanumerically marked features DS1. Page 17 Annex F (informative) Sample 3D CAD Model CATIA V5 with geometrically marked features Fig.in Figures F1 and F2: “Noa“ is an acronym of “note object attribute“.Historical. 2013-04-16) . an attribute which can be set with the FTA tool End of Annex F Copyright DaimlerChrysler 2006 Historical document/uncontrolled copy when printed (: Parameswaran M. F1: Certification-relevant feature DZ1 directly at tolerance Fig. F2 CAD model CATIA V5 with documentation requirement indicated. F2: Representation of the indication of the safety-relevant feature DS2 with reference arrow and highlighting Fig. DZ1 and DZ2 as well as DS2 have been entered Note on term – Noa . F1 and Fig. replaced by MBN 10317 (2008-05) MBN 10 317-1:2006-07.
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