Mba Full Syllabus

March 23, 2018 | Author: rebelious | Category: Strategic Management, Economics, Organizational Behavior, Investment Management, Marketing



MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [ TWO-YEAR (FULL TIME) AND THREE-YEAR (EVENING) ] CP 101 – At MBA Full TimeSemester – I CP 101 – At MBA Evening Semester – I Managerial Economics Objectives: The Objectives of the course is to acquaint the participants with concepts and techniques used in Micro-Economic Theory and to enable them to apply this knowledge in business decision-making. Emphasis is given to changes in the nature of business firms in the context of globalisation. The Objective of this course is to given the students an understanding and an appreciation of use of the concepts and tools of economic analysis in relation to managerial decision making and to enable them to understand the economic forces governing industry and business. Course Contents : Concepts and Techniques – Nature of business decision-making, marginal analysis, optimisation; Theory of Demand – demand functions, income and substitution effects, revealed preference approach and demand forecasts; Production and Cost- returns to scale, cost curves, break-even analysis; Theory of Firm – profit maximisation, sales maximisation, organisational slack, ownership and control; Market Structure – competition, monopoly, oligopoly, non-price competition; Macro Economics Aggregates and Concepts – GNP and GDP- Aggregate Consumption-Gross Domestic Savings-Gross Domestic Capital Formation- WPI,CPI, and Inflation-Employment-Balance of Payments-Money Supply and Monetary Policy-Fiscal Policy; Concept and Measurement of National Income; Determination of National Income-Consumption Function, Fiscal impact and Investment, Synthesis of Monetary and Real Factors. Suggested Readings : 1. Adhikary, M. Business Economics.; New Delhi, Excel Books,2000. 2. Baumol, W J. Economic Theory and Operations Analysis, 3rd ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall Inc., 1996. 3. Chopra, O P. Managerial Economics, New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill 1985. 4. Keat, Paul G & Philips K. Y. Young, Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996. 5. Koutsoyiannis, A. Modern Micro Economics, New York, Macmillan, 1991. 6. Milgrom, P and Roberts J. Economics, Organization and Management, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1992, CP 102 – At MBA Full Time Semester – I CP 102 – At MBA Evening Semester – I Organizational Behaviour Objectives: The basic objectives of the courses is to reflect the latest thinking and practices for creating conduction in behavioural areas among the participants of the programme who have no prior formal exposure or training in the topic, issues and concepts central to organization behaviour. With the broad objectives the goal of the course would be (a) To make the participants acquaint about the important concepts and issues, which may influence their behaviour and various competences in practice. (b) To help the participants develop their competencies and knowledge that they will need to be as effective professional managers and leaders & role of behavioural science. To encourage the students for active involvement in challenging task of developing analytical, perceptual, communication, skill and managing self-esteem, Programme aims to focus behavioural aspect and its linkage with developing competencies. Course Contents : Concept of Organisational Behaviour, Role of Behavioural Factors in Management, Foundation of Organisational Behaviour. Individual Behaviour : Psychological factors in Human Behaviour Perception : Perceptual selectivity, Managerial Implications, Theories of Personality Development; Personality and Performance; Attitude-its formation and change. Theories of Motivation : Need Hierarchy, two-Factor Theory X and Theory Y; Theory Z; Motivation-Expectancy models. Immaturity-Maturity. Leadership : Theories styles and leadership effectiveness; Interaction of individual and organization : organizational Effectiveness-concept and Approaches. Concept of Organizational change and Development. Linking the above concepts to developing and influencing competences of individuals as managers. Suggested Reading : 1. Hellri, Sloaime, Woodman L. : Organisationa Behaviour Pub. By Thomson Learning. 2. Robina S. P. : Organisation Behaviour Pub. By PHL. 3. Davis Kenth : Human Behaviour at Work by Tata Mc Grow Hills Luthans F : Organisation Behaviour Pub. By Tata Mc Graw Hill. 4. Prasdad D.H. : Organisation Theory & Behaviour – Sultanchand, 1982. 5. Schein E. H. : Organisational Psychology, PHY, 1983. 6. Hersey P. and Blanchard K.H. : Management of Organisational Behaviour, PHY 1980. 7. Luthan F. : Organisational Behaviour, MC Graw Hills, 1983. 8. Pareek U. et. Al. Behavior Process in Management – Oxford & IBH. 9. Keith, Da is : Human Behaviour at New Delhi, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1989. 10. Robbins, G.P.: Organisational Behaviour, PHL, 1985. 11. Secord P.F. and Backman C.W., Social & Psychology, Mc Graw Hill. 12. Halloran J. : Applied Human Relations, PHI, 1980. CP 103– At MBA Full Time Semester – I CP 103 – At MBA Evening Semester – I Managerial Accounting Objectives : The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the language of Accounting and to develop in them the ability to evaluate and use accounting data as an aid to decision making . The main purpose is to assist the students in developing skills in problem solvating and decision- making in the financial area. Emphasis is laid on analysis and utilization of financial and accounting data for Planning and Control. Course Contents: Financial Accounting – Concept, Importance and Scope, Generally accepted Accounting Principles, Preparation of Financial Statements with special reference to analysis of a Balance Sheet and Measurement of Business Income, Inventory Valuation and Depreciation, Financial statement, Analysis, Funds Flow Analysis, The statement of Cash Flows; Management Accounting – Concept, Need, Importance and Scope; Cost Accounting – Records and Processes, Cost Ledger and Control Accounts, Reconciliation and Integration between Financial and Cost Accounts; Overhead Cost and Control, Job and Process Costing, Budget and Budgetary Control, (c) Performance Budgeting, Zero-Base Budgeting, Relevant Costing and Costing for DecisionMaking, Standard Costing and Variance Analysis, Marginal Costing and Absorption Costing. Suggested Reading : 1. Anthony R N and Reece J S. : Accounting Principles, 6th ed., Homewood, IIIinois, Richard D. Irwin, 1995. 2. Bhattacharya S K and Dearden J. : Accounting for Management, Text and Cases. New Delhi, Vikas, 1996. 3. Heitger, L E and Matuluch, Serge. Financial Accounting. New York, McGraw Hill, 2990. 4. Hingorani, N L and Ramanathan, A R. : Management Accounting. 5th ed., New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1992. 5. Horngren, Charles etc. Principles of Financial and Management Accounting. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1994. 6. Needles, Belverd, etc. Financial and Managerial Accounting. Boston, Houghton Miffin Company, 1994. 7. Vij, Madhu, financial and Management Accounting. New Delhi, Anmol Publications, 1997. CP 104 – At MBA Full Time Semester – I CP 104 – At MBA Evening Semester – I Principles of Management Objectives: The objectives are to acquaint the student with the theory of management as far as it has been built-up as a body of knowledge and to develop in him an integrated approach to management problems. Course Contents: Concept of Management, Management and Professions Evolution of Modern Management. Thought, Approaches to managerial Thought, Approaches to Managerial Analysis; Process of Management Coordination as Essence of Management. Planning-steps, long-term and short term planning, objective setting, Management by objectives, Decisions-Making, Rationality in Decision-Making; Effective Decisions, Creativity, policy-Sources and Formulation, Elements of Planning-Programming Policy, Strategy. Organising- Organization Theory-Classical, Neoclassical and Modern Theories and Organization Structure. Designing of Basic structure, Depart mentation, Span of Management. Delegation of Authority, Centralisation and Decentralisation of Authority, Relationships, Line and Staff Authority Conflict and Cooperation, committees in Organizations, Modern Organisational Designs-Project, Matrix and free-form, structures. Directing and control –elements of directing-communication process, Media, dimension Barriers in Communication, Effective Communication, human aspect in Control , Management by Exception. Process of Control, Reporting systems for control, Elementary discussion Modern Control Aids-Particularly-Human Resource Act. Management Audit, Social Audit. Suggested Readings: 1. Prasad L.M.: Principles of Management, Sultan Chand, 1989. 2. Stoner & Freeman: Management(5th Edition)PHI, New Delhi. 3. Haynes & Masse: Management Analysis, Concepts and Cases, PHI,New Delhi. 4. Kontz H. & O. Donnell: Essentials of Management, TMcH. 5. Kontz, O’Donnell & Leihrich: Management, Mc Graw Hill, Tokyo. CP 105 – At MBA Full Time Semester – I CP 105 – At MBA Evening Semester – I Business Communication Objectives: The objective is to make the students acquainted with the basic concepts and techniques of communication that are useful in developing skills of communicating effectively in the corporate world Course Contents: The process of communication and the roadblocks, Role of verbal and non-verbal symbols in communication, Barriers that make communication less effective and ways to bring them down, Forms of communication, Listening- anatomy of poor listening, features of a good listener, Spoken communication over phone- challenges and etiquette, Oral presentations- how to plan presentations, how to deliver them, how to develop and display visual aids, how to handle questions from audience, Meetings- ways to make meetings work, Forms of communication in the written mode, Body language of writing letters, memos, tone of writing, E-mail- how to make the e-mail smart, Reports- how to write reports, Proposals Suggested Readings: 1. Mathukutty M. Monipally, Business Communication Strategies, New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2001 2. Khosla A. R. , Drafting and Official Correspondence 3. Leyland and Priow, Communicating Facts and Ideas in Business 4. Janis and Dressner, Business Writing CP 106 – At MBA Full Time Semester – I CP 106– At MBA Evening Semester – I Indian Ethos and Values Objective: The objective of the course is to make the students aware about the great Indian values and the significance of these values in the management of 21st Century businesses. Contents: An Introduction to the values of Indian Society; The concept oft the Human Values, Managerial Values in Corporate World – Organizational values and role of organizational culture; Indian Ancient scriptures and Vedic values – The Ramayana. The Mahabharata, Puranic Values, Important tenets from Islam, Christianity, Jainism, and Bhudhdhism, Kautilya’s Arthshastra; Studies on qualities of great Indian Leaders – The Rama, Lord Krishna, Akbar the Great, Maharana Pratap, Chhatrapati Shivaji, Guru Govindsingh and Mahatma Gandhi, Autobiographies of great Indian corporate Leaders like Lala Shree Ram, Sheth Jamnalal Bajaj, Raja Ghanshyam Das Birla, Shri T.V.S. Iyangar , Jamshetji N. Tata, Phiroz Godrej, Azim Premji, K. R. Narayanmurthy, V. Kurian. Standards; Empirical Evidences of use of moral standards in Practice; Ethics in Decision – Making and Making moral Decisions, Ethics in Practice. Suggested Readings : 1. Chakraborty, S.K.,: Ethics in Management – Vedantic Perspectives; Oxford University Press, Delhi-1997. 2. Chakraborty, S.K: Management by Values – Towards Cultural Congrance, Oxford University Press –1998. 3. Chakraborty, S.K : Human Values for Managers, Wheelor Publiching, New Delhi, 1995. 4. Chakraborty, S.K : Management Effectiveness and Quality of work life – Indian Insight Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1987. 5. Gandhi M.K. : The story of My Experiments with Truth Navjeevan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1972. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fritz & eha ; David I : Business Ethics, Mc Graw Hill International Editions New Delhi-1997. Kamala R. P. : Kautilya Arthashastra, Part 1,2 and 3, Motilal Banarsi Das, Delhi1988. Kunga G.B. : Immortlal Love of Rana, Lancer Publishers, New Delhi-1993. Lal P. : The Mababharata of Vyasa, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi – 1980. CP 107 – At MBA Full Time Semester – I CP 301– At MBA Evening Semester – III Computer Applications in Management Objectives: The objectives of this course include developing an appreciation of different software and hardware systems available in the industry among the participants and build up the experience of computer usage in business organizations with specific reference to commercial data processing systems. Course Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Introductory Concepts, Hardware And Software Numbering System for Data Representation Input & Output Devices Operating Systems Types of Computers Programming Concepts & Programming Languages Introduction to Business Practice & Business Computer System Introduction to Data Bases, Entering and Retrieving Information, Modifying information, Arranging Data, Multiple Files and Aggregate, Queries, Report Generation Computer Virus Presentation Techniques Introduction to Local Area Network (LAN) Introduction to Management Information System Introduction to Internet Introduction to E-Commerce Spreadsheet ( MS- Excel) as a Managerial Tool to solve various Business Problems* Introduction to MS Access as a Managerial Tool* Suggested Readings 1. Burch, John and Grudniski Gary, Information Systems: Theory and Practice, 5th Ed., New York, John Wiley, 1989. 2. David, Van Over, Foundations of Business Systems, Fort Worth, Dryden, 1992 3. Eliason, A. L. Online Business Computer Applications, 2nd Edition, Chicago, Science Research Associate, 1987 4. Esatrada, Susan, Connecting to the Internet. Seabastopol, C.A. O’Reilly, 1983 5. John, Moss Jones. Automating Managers: the implications of Information Technology for Managers, London, Pinter, 1990 6. Long, L. Computers, Englewwod Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1986 7. Summer, M. Computers Concepts and Uses. 2nd Ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1988 8. Jaydip Chaudhari & Vinod B. Patel , ‘Introduction to Computers & Information Technology’, New Popular Prakshan, Surat CP 108 – At MBA Full Time Semester – I CP 302– At MBA Evening Semester – III Quantitative Methods Objective: The objective of the course is to make the students familiar with some basic statistical and linear programming techniques. The main focus, however, is in their applications in business decision-making. Course Contents: Mathematical basis of Managerial Decisions: Functions, Application of Functions, and some Special Functions and their Managerial Applications, Matrices and their applications in solving Business Problems, Linear Programming, Frequency Distribution and their Analysis, Probability Theory and Probability Distributions-Normal, Binomial, and Exponential; Correlation, Simple and Multiple Regression Analysis, Time Series Analysis, Hypothesis Testing - Z, t, X2 & F Test, Use of SPSS Package and other Software Packages, Advanced Techniques for Data Analysis- ANOVA, Discriminant Analysis, Factor Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Multi Dimensional Scaling, Clustering Methods. Suggested Readings : 1. Chadha, N.K. Statistics for Behavioral and Social Scientists , Reliance Publishing House, Delhi, 1996. 2. Gupta, S P and Gupta M P. Business Statistics, New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1997. 3. Kazmier, L J and Pohl, N F. Basic Statistics for Business and Economics, New York, MC Graw Hill. 4. Levin Richard I and Rubin David S. Statistics for Management, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1995. 5. Narag, A.S. Linear Programming and Decision Making, New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1995. 6. Sharma, J. K. Fundamentals of Operation Research, Macmillan, New Delhi,2001. 7. Terry , Sineich. Business Statistics by Examples, London, Collier Mac Millian Publishers, 1990. CP 201 – At MBA Full Time Semester – II CP 201– At MBA Evening Semester – II Marketing Management Objective : To given students a basic understanding of the character and scope of Marketing and help them to develop skills in the analysis and resolution of management problems. Course Contents : Conceptualising Marketing Management; The concept of marketing ; The marketing system; Analysing marketing opportunities; Marketing Environment; Consumer Markets & Buying behaviour; Organizational Buying behaviour and markets; Researching & Selecting Marketing Opportunities; Marketing Information Systems & Marketing Research; Market Measurement & Forecasting; Market Segmentation; Targeting & Positioning; Developing Marketing Strategies; The Marketing Planning Process; New Product Development; Marketing Strategies in different stages of product life cycle; Marketing strategies for market leaders, challengers, followers, nichers; Marketing strategies for global marketplace; Corporate strategic Planning, Business Strategic Planning, Marketing Plan Planning Marketing Policies; Product, brand, packaging and service decisions; pricing decisions; Distribution decisions, Communication & Promotion mix decisions selling decisions; Implementing & Controlling The Marketing Effort; Marketing Organization & Implementation, Marketing Control; Rural Marketing; Online Marketing (E-commerce Commerce); Relationship Marketing; Supply Chain Management. References : 1. Philip Kotler : Marketing Management – Analysis, Planning, Implementation & Control Prentice Hall. 2. William Stanton : Fundamentals of Marketing McGraw-Hill. 3. E.Jerome MC Carth – Basic Marketing , An Managerial Approach : Richard D. Irwin Inc. Ontario. 4. Eugene W. Kelley – Marketing Management : Richard D. Irwin Inc. Homewood. 5. William Kazer – Perspective and Viewpoints : Illinois. 6. Edward W. ; Cundiff Richard; R.Still Norman; A.P.Govoni – Fundamentals of Marketing : Printice Hall Inc., N. Jersey. CP 202– At MBA Full Time Semester – II CP 202– At MBA Evening Semester – II Financial management Objective: The purpose of this course is to acquaint the students with the broad framework of financial decision-making and to develop skills in using the techniques of financial analysis of business problems acquiring necessary finance at the minimum possible cost. Course Contents: Aims and Objectives of Financial Management; Financial Analysis and Control; CostVolume-Profit Analysis; Operating and Financial Leverage; Time Value of Money; Investment and Capital Structure Decisions; Instruments of Long Term Finance; Cost of Different Sources of Raising Capital; Weighted Average Cost of Capital; Optimum Capital Structure; Valuation and Rates of Return; Methods of Capital Budgeting; Short-term Financing Investments; Management of Working Capital – Cash, Receivables and Inventory Management, Internal Financing and Dividend Policy; Financial Models. Suggested Readings : 1. Archer, Stephen H. etc. Financial Management. New York, John Wiley, 1990. 2. Bhalla, V K. Financial Management and Policy. 2nd ed., New Delhi, Anmol, 1998. 3. Brealey, Richard A and Myers Stewart C. Principles of Corporate Finance. 5th ed. New Delhi, McGraw Hill, 1996. 4. Hampton, John, Financial Decision Marketing. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1997. 5. Van Horne, James C. Financial Management and Policy, 10th ed. New Delhi, Prentic Hall of India, 1997. 6. Winger, Bernard and Mohan, Nancy. Principles of Financial Management, New York, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991. CP 203– At MBA Full Time Semester – II CP 203– At MBA Evening Semester – II Human Resource Management: Objectives : In a complex world of industry and business, organisational efficiency is largely dependent on the contribution made by the members of the organization. The Objectives of this course is to sensitise students to the various facets of managing people and to create an understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management. Course contents : Concepts and Perspectives on Human Resource Management; Human Resource Management in a Changing Environment; Corporate Objectives and Human Resource Planning; Career and Succession Planning; Job Analysis and Role Description; Methods of Manpower Training and Development; Employee Welfare, Industrial Relations & Trade Unions; Dispute Resolution & Grievance Management; Employee Empowerment. Suggested Readings: 1. Aswathappa, K. Human Resource and Personnel Management Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1997. 2. De Cenzo, D A & Robbins S P. Human Resource Management, 5th ed., New York, John Wiley, 1994. 3. Guy, V & Mattock J. The New International Manager, London, Kogan Page, 1993. 4. Holloway. J. ed. Performance Measurement and Evaluation, New Delhi, Sage, 1995. 5. Monappa, A. & Saiyadain M. Personnel Management, 2nd ed. New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1966. 6. Stone, Lioyed and Leslie W.Rue. Human Resource and Personnel Management Richard D. Irwin, Illinois, 1984. 204– At MBA Full Time Semester – II CP 204– At MBA Evening Semester – II Production and Operation Management Objectives : The course is designed to acquaints the students with the basic problems of manufacturing and service operations and with different types of decisions required which planning, scheduling and control of these operations. The course also aims at making efficient plant location and layout, How, replenishment and control of materials and maintenance of facilities play in improving productivity and quantity of output. Contents : Nature and scope of Production and Operations Management; Facility Location; Types of Manufacturing System & Layouts; Layout Planning and Analysis; Material Handling – Principles – Equipments, Line Balancing – Problems; Operations decisions-Production Planning and Control-In Mass Production-in Batch / Job Order manufacturing; capacity Planning-Models; Process Planning – Aggregate Planning—Scheduling—Maintenance Management Concept--Work Study, Method Study, Work Measurement, Work Sampling, Work Environment--Industrial Safety; Material Management: An Overview of Material Management, Material Planning and Inventory Control; JIT; Materials Planning Budgeting and Material Requirement Planning; Purchase management; Stores Management; Quality Assurance – Acceptance Sampling, Statistical Process Control, Total Quality Management; ISO-9000; Maintenance Management; Safety Management. Suggested Reading : 1. Adam, E E & Ebert, RJ. Production and Operations Management, 6th ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1995. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Amrine Harold T. etc. Manufacturing Organisation and Management. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1993. Buffa, E S, Modern Production Management, New York, John Wiley, 1987. Chary, S N. Production and Operations Management, New Delhi, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 1989. Dobler, Donald W and Lee, Lamar, Purchasing and Materials Management, New York, McGraw Hill, 1984. Dilworth, James B. Operations Management : Design, Planning and Control of Manufacturing & Services, Singapore, McGraw Hill, 1992, Moore, FG and Hendrick, T E. Production/Operations Management, Homewood, Illinois, Richard D, Irwin, 1992. CP 205– At MBA Full Time Semester – II CP 205– At MBA Evening Semester – II Indian Business Environment Objectives: To bring about understanding of Social, Economic and Managerial Environment influencing business and industrial management in India. Course Content: Economic Environment -Concepts and Signification of Economic Environment -Components of Economic Environment 1.Economic System : laissez fairs Socialism and communism mixed economy 2.National income and its distribution 3.Monetary, fiscal policy -Approach of government towards economic development: 1. Industrial policy 2. Latest five year plan SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT Concept and significance of social environment , Interdependence of business and society, Culture and organization, social responsibility of business and trusteeship management, Business ethics, Management education in India, Problems and Challenges before Indian manager, Chambers of Commerce. TECHNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT -Concept and significance of technological environment -Impact of technology on an organization -Process of technological adaptation and development, government guidelines, technology assessment at government level, TQM, regulation of foreign investment and collaboration. -Technological choice, Ecological implications of technology. Suggested Readings: 1. Business Environment : Frances Chernitam 2. Indian Economy: KPM Rudra dutt & sundram 3. Indian Economy: Misara Puri 4. Business Law: M.C. Kundan 5. TOM: Rajendra Sen Sunderan. 6. Business Environment: Aswthappa CP 206– At MBA Full Time Semester – II CP 206– At MBA Evening Semester – II International Business Environment Objectives The primary Objectives of this course is to acquaint the students to emerging global trends in business environment. Course Contents International Business: An overview – Types of International Business; The External Environment; The Economic and Political Environment, The Human Cultural Environment; Influence on Trade and Investment Patterns; Recent World Trade and Foreign Investment Trends; Balance of Payments Accounts and Macroeconomic Management; Theories and Institutions: Trade and Investment-Government Influence on Trade Investment; Determination of Trading Partner’s independence, interdependence and Dependence; World Financial Environment; Crossnational Cooperation and Agreements; Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers, WTO, Regional Blocks; International production; Internationalisation of Service Firms; Operation Management in International Firms; World Financial Environment: Foreign Exchange Market Mechanism; Determinants of Exchange Rates; Euro-currency Market; Offshore Financial Centres; International Banks; Non-Banking Financial Service Firms; Stock Markets; Global Competitiveness; Export Management Licensing; Joint Ventures Technology and Global Competition; Globalisation and Human Resource Development; Globalisation with Social Responsibility; World Economic Growth and the Environment; Country Evaluation and Selection; International Business Diplomacy; Negotiating and International Business, Issues in Asset Protection; Multilateral Settlements; Consortium Approaches; External Relations Approach. Suggested Readings 1. Alworth, Julian S. The Finance, Investment and Taxation Decision of Multinationals. London, Basil Blackwell, 1988. 2. Bhalla, V K and S. Shivaramu. International Business Environment and Business. New Delhi, Anmol, 1995. 3. Bhalla, V K International Economy; Liberalisation Process. New Delhi, Anmol,1993. 4. Daniel, John D and Radebangh, Lee H. International Business. 5th ed. New York, Addision Wesley, 1986. 5. Eiteman, D K and Stopnehill, Al. Multinational Business Finance. New York, Addision Wesley, 1986. 6. Johnston, R B . The Economics of the Euromarket: History, Theory and Practice. New York, Macmillan, 1983. 7. Parks, Yoon and Zwick, Jack. International Banking in Theory and Practice, New York, Addison-Wesley,1985. CP 207– At MBA Full Time Semester – II CP 401– At MBA Evening Semester –IV Research Methodology in Business Objectives: To equip the students with the basic understanding of the research methodology and to provide an insight into the application of modern analytical tools and techniques for the purpose of management decision making. Course Contents: Nature and Scope of Research Methodology; Problem Formulation and Statement of Research Objectives; Value and Cost of Information – Bayesian Decision Theory; Organization Structure of Research; Research Process; Research Designs – Exploratory, Descriptive and Experimental Research ; Research Designs; Methods of Data Collection – Observational and Survey Methods; Questionnaire Design; Attitude Measurement Techniques; Motivational Research Techniques; Administration of Surveys; Sample Design; Selecting an Appropriate Statistical Technique; Field Work and Tabulation of Data; analysis of Data. Suggested Readings: 1. Andrews, F.M. and S.B. Withey Social indications of Well Being,Plenum Press,NY.,1976. 2. Bennet, Roger. Management Research. ILO,1983. 3. Fowler, Floyd J.K. Survey Methods, 2nd ed. Sage Pub. 1993. 4. Fox. J.A. and P.E.Tracy-Randomized Response: A Method of Sensitive Surveys, Sage Pub., 1986. 5. Gupta S.P. Statistical Methods, 30th ed. Sultan Chand. New Delhi,2001. 6. Golden-Biddle, Loren and Karen D. Locke Composing Qualitative Research, Sage Puh., 1997. 7. Salkind, Nell J. Exploring Research, 3rd ed. Prentice- Hall, NJ,1997. CP 208 At MBA Full Time Semester – II CP 402 At MBA Evening Semester –IV Development of New Enterprises Objectives: The focus of this paper is on the problems of establishment of new enterprises. Course Contents: Analysis of Entrepreneurship, study of environmental factors in making of an entrepreneur, classification of industries-large scale, medium size, and small scale, cottage & home industries, khadi and village industries etc., Activities involved in starting new enterprises, Sources of information for obtain in relevant data for preparing a project Report, Agencies involved in providing assistance for starting a new industrial unit product selection, machinery and raw material procurement, allotment of industrial shades, recruitment, selection and training of labour force and other personnel, state aid to industries in the areas of Finance, raw material s, marketing and technical know-how and machinery procurement, provision for the development of industrial infrastructure, etc., Regulatory Requirements and procedures for availing of assistance from Government and other institutions, Elements of a Project cost, Techniques of Project Evaluation , Preparation of project Feasibility Report, Project Financing – Role of Commercial Banks and state and central level Institutions like Financial and Investment Corporations of different states, ICICI, IFCI, etc., Procedures for registration of New Industrial units. Project Planning & Implementation – Use of PERT & CPM. Suggested Readings 1. Chandra, Prasanna, Projects – Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review, New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 2. Desai, Vasant, Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Management,Mumbai- Himalaya Publishing House,1997. CP 301 MBA Full Time Semester – III CP 303 MBA Evening Semester –III Development and International EconomicOrganizations Objectives To familiarize the students (a) with the functions of International Economics Organizations and their changing role in the context of Globalisation of the world Economy, and (b) with the theoretical framework of the theory of economic integration and its impact on trade and investment flows arrange the region and on the global economy. Course Contents : Regimes, International Economic Organizations and Development Diplomacy : Regimes and regimes theory , International Organizations as international institutions; International Monetary Fund (IMF); World Bank Group-International Bank For Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Agency (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC), Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT); World Trade Organization (WTO), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); International Labour Organization (ILO). Asian Development Bank, Bank for International Settlements, Theory of Economic Integration and endogen growth selected Regional Blocks : NAFTA, EU, ASIAN, SAARC. Suggested Readings : 1. Bhalla, V.K. International Monetary Cooperation, Delhi, Anmol, 1992. 2. Hunt, Diana Economic Theories of Development : An Analysis of Competing Paradigms, Hemel Hempstead : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989. 3. Keohane, Robert O. International Institutions and State Power : Essays in International Relations Theory Boulder; Westview, 1989. 4. Krasner, Stephen D. Structural Conflict : The Third World Against Global Liberalism, Berkley, University of California Press, 1985. 5. Simai, Mihaly The Future of Global Governance, Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Process, 1994. 6. Sidell, Scott The IMF and Third World Political Instability, Macmillian, 1988. 7. Balassa, Bela Theory of Economic Integration, London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1961. 8. Bhalla, V>K> World Economy in ‘90s : A Portfolio Approach, Delhi, Anmol Pub. Pvt. Ltd., 1990. 9. Dreze, Jean and Sen, Aamrtya Indian Development : Selected Regional Erspective, Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1997. 10. Jackson, J. The World Trading System , Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1994. 11. Krugman, Paul R. and Obstfeld M. International Economic, 3rd ed., USA, Harper Collins Pub., 1994. 12. Machlup. F. A History of thought on Economic Integration, London., Macmillan, 1977. CP 302 MBA Full Time Semester – III CP 304 MBA Evening Semester –III Management Information and Control System Objectives : The main objective of this course is to apprise the students about the concepts of management information and management control system as well as their roles in management decision-making. The course also aims at equipping the students with skills to assess the information requirements for managerial decision-making and at enabling them to integrate their learning from other functions for better understanding. Course Contents Characteristics of Management Control Systems (MIS) , Framework for the understanding and designing of MIS, Approaches for developing computer based MIS, An over view of Data Based Management Software, Decision Support System, Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Nature, Scope and concept of Management Control System, Management Control Environment – Behaviour in Organizations, Responsibility Centres : Revenue & Expense Centres, Profit Centres, Transfer Pricing and Investment Centres, Management Control Process – Strategic Planning, Budget Preparation; Flexible Budgeting, Performance Budgeting, based Budgeting , Budgetary Control – Analysis of Variances , Variance Reporting. Management Controls in Specialized Organizations – Non-Profit Organizations, Service Organization Multi-National Corporations. Selected Case Studies. Suggested Readings : 1. Hawaysz-Ktewyes I.T., : Introduction to Systems Analysis & Designs Prentice Hall of India Ltd., New Delhi-1989. 2 .Senn. James A. : Analysis and Design of Information System : McGraw Hill Bool Company Singapore, International Edition,1987. 3. Kanter, Jerome: Management Information systems, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi, Third Edition,1987. 5. Murdick, Robert G. & Ross, Jeol E, : Information Systems for Modern Management , Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi, Edition-1989. 6. Management Control System: Text & Cases by Subhash Sharma, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd., 1958(TEXT). 7. Management Control System: by Robert N. Anthony and John Dearden Richard D. Irvin Homewood, Ilinois,1995. 8. Planning and Control System: A frame work of Analysis by Robert N. Anthony, Harward University, Press Cambridge, Mass, 1965. 9. Principles & Practices of Cost Accounting: by N.K. Prasad, Books Syndicate Pvt. Ltd. , Calcutta, 1978. 10. Budgeting : Profit Planning & Control : by Glenn. A. Nelson. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1979. 11. Emmnuel, C and Otley, D. Accounting for Management Control London, Nostrand Reinhold, 1985. 12. Ghosh, P K and Gupta, G.S. Cost Analysis and Control New Delhi, Vision 1985. 13. Glynn, J.J. Value for Money : Auditing a Public Sector. London, Prentice Hall Inc.,1985. 14. Hersey, P and Blanchand. H B. Management of Organisaltion Behaviour: Utilising Human Resources.New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India,1988. 15. Maciariello, J A and Kirby C.J. Management Control System. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey,Prentice Hall Inc.,1994. CP 303 MBA Full Time Semester – III CP 305 MBA Evening Semester –III Business Laws Objectives : The course is designed to assist the students in understanding baric laws affecting the operations of a business enterprise. Course Contents : The Indian Contract Act, 1872 : Essentials of a Valid Contract. Void Agreements. Performance of Contracts. Breach of Contract and its Remedies. Quasi-Contracts. The Sale of Goods Act, 1930 : Formation of a Contract. Right of a Unpaid Seller. The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Nature and types. Negotiation and Assignment. Holder – in-Due Course, dishonour and Discharge of a Negotiable Instrument. Arbitration: The Companies Act, 1956: Nature and Types of Companies. Formation. Memorandum and Articles of Association. Prospectus Allotment of Shares. Shares and Share Capital. Membership. Borrowing Powers. Management and Meetings. Accounts and Audit. Compromise Arrangements and Reconstruction. Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement. Winding Up : Consumer Protection Act and Cyber Laws. Suggested Readings : 1. Avtar singh, Company Law. 11th ed. Luchnow, estern, 1996. 2. Khergamwala J. S. The Negotiable Instrument Acts. Bombay, N. M. Tripathi,1980. 3. Rammaiya, A Guide to the Company Act, Nagpur, wadhwa, 1992 4. Shah. S. M. Lectures on Company Law. Bambay, N. M. Tripathi, 1990 5. Tuteja, S. K. Business Law for Managers. New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1998. CP 304 MBA Full Time Semester – III Summer Training The Summer Training of Eight Weeks after the Second Semester Examination of MBA Full Time Students will be evaluated on the commencement of Third Semester on the basis of the training Report submitted by the students within Three Weeks of the commencement of Semester III. The Report will be evaluated by the Teachers of the Department out of 100 marks and Viva voce examination will be evaluated out of 50 marks. MBA Evening students will be exempted from Summer training. CP 401 MBA Full Time Semester – IV CP 403 MBA Evening Semester –IV Business Policy and Strategic Management Objective : The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the strategic management process and to develop in them enough vision to find as to how do firms sustain superior performance over a long period of time and reason for success and failure for firms. Contents : Strategic Management Process – Establishing Company Direction; Developing a Strategic Vision, Setting Objectives and Creating Strategy; Analysis of External Environment; Opportunities Threats, Industry and Competitive Analysis; Internal Environment Analysis – Evaluating Company Resources and Competitive Capabilities, Formulation Corporate Level Strategy, Business Level Strategy, Acquisition & Restructuring Strategy, Cooperative Strategy, International Strategy, Strategy for competing in Globalise Markets, New Business Models and Strategies for the Internet Economy; Strategy Implementation – Organizational Structure and Control, Corporate Culture and Leadership; Strategy Evaluation, Strategy Ethics and Social Responsibilities. Suggested Readings : 1. Prasad L.M.; Business Policy – Strategic Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi, Fourth Edition – 2002. 2. Kazmi, Azhar; Business Policy and Strategic Management’ Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi-Secong Edition-2002. Strategic Planning and Business Policy. 3. Nonjundaiah, R; Strategic Planning and Business Policy; Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai First Edition 2001. 4. Thompson, Arthur A, Jr. and Strick and A.J.; Strategic Management, Mc Graw Hill Iruvin International Edition 2001, Twelth Edition. 5. Hill, Mechael A; Ireland, R Duane et al ; Strategic Management – Concepts & Cases’ South Western- Thompson Learning Fourth Edition 2001. 6. Ansoff H.I. : Strategic Management – New York, John Wiley, 1979. 7. Gluek E. F. and Jauck L. R. : Business Policy and Strategy Management – New York , Mc Graw Hill, 1984. 8. Steiner G. & Miner J. : Management Policy and Strategy – New York, Macmillan, 1982. 9. Hoofer C. and Schedule D. : Strategy Formulation – Analytical Concepts, New York 10. Paine F. and Anderson C. B. : Strategic Management – New York, Dryden Press, 1983. 11. Miles R. and Snow C. : Organisation Strategy, Structure and Process – New York, McGraw Hill, 1978. 12. Stanford : Management Policy – New Delhi – Prentice Hall of India, 1986. 13. Chakravorty. S K. – Managerial Transformation Through Valurs, New Delhi, Sage, 1993. 14. David Fred. Strategic Management. 7th ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1997. 15. Drucker, Peter F. The Changing World of the Executive. New York, Time Books 1982. 16. Hamel, G and Prahlad, C K. Competing for the Future, Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1994. 17. Jemison, D B and Haspeslagh, P C . Managing Acquisitions : Creating Value through Corporate Renewal, New York, Free Press, 1991. 18. Lorange, P and Ross, J. Strategic Alliances : Formation, Implementation and Evaluation, Massachusells, Blackwell Business, 1992. 19. Ohmae, Kenichi. The Mind of the Strategist : The Art of Japanese Management, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1982. CP 402 & CP 403 MBA Full Time Semester – IV CP 601 & CP 602 MBA Evening Semester – VI Project Study (Equivalent to Two Courses) The Project Study will begin in Semester III for MBA Full Time Programme and in Semester – V for MBA Evening Programme. The Project Report will be submitted by the end of Semester – IV for MBA Full Time Programme and by the end of Semester – VI for the MBA Evening Programme. FINANCE & ACCOUNTING GROUP OF&A 301– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OF&A 501– At MBA Evening Semester – V Security Analysis and Investment Management: Objective : The objective of this course is to impart knowledge to students regarding the theory and practice of Security Analysis and Investment Decision Making Process. Course Contents : Investment – Return and Risk; Operations of Indian Stock Market; Net Issue Market; Listing of Securities; Cost of Investing in Securities’ Mechanics of Investing; Market and Brokers; Investment Companies; Market Indices and Return; Security Credit Ratings; Objectives of Security Analysis; Investment Alternatives; Valuation Theories of Fixed and Variable Income Securities; The Return to Risk and the Investment Decision; Government Securities; NonSecurity Forms of Investment; Real Estate Investment; Investment Instruments of the Money Market; Stock Market Analysis – Fundamental and Technical Approach, Efficient Market Theory; Recent Developments in the Indian Stock Market; Suggested Readings : 1. Amling, Frederic. Investment, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1983. 2. Bhalla, V.K. Investment Management : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management., 8th ed., New Delhi, S. Chand, 2001. 3. Fischer, Donald E. and Jordan, Ronald J. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, 6th ed., New Delhi, Prentice Hall of In dia, 1995. 4. Fuller, Russell J. and Farrell, James L. Modern Investment and Security Analysis, New York, McGraw Hill, 1993. 5. Haugen, Robert H. Modern Investment Theory . Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey , Prentice Hall Inc., 1987. 6. Huang, Stanley S C and Randall, Maury R. Investment Analysis and Management, London, Allyn and Bacon, London, 1987. 7. Sharpe, Willism F. etc., Investment, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1997. OF&A 302– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OF&A 502– At MBA Evening Semester – V Portfolio Management Objectives : The objective of this course is to give the students an in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of Portfolio Management. Course Contents : Introduction to Portfolio Management – An Optimum Portfolio Selection Problem, Markowitz Portfolio Theory, The Mean-Variance Criterion (MVC) – The Nature of Investment Risk, MVC and Portfolio Selection, The Investment in Liquid Assets, Portfolio to Two Risky Securities, A Three Security Portfolio , The Efficient Frintier – The relationship between the Unleveraged and Leveraged portfolio , Sharpe; Single Index Model; Application of Market Model in Portfolio Construction, Capital Asset Pricing Model; Characteristic Lines, Factor Model and Arbitrage Pricing Theory, Constructing Efficient Forntier, Optimum Portfolios – Constructing the Optimum Portfolio, Portfolio Investment Process; Bond Portfolio Management Strategies; Investment Timing and Portfolio Performance Evaluation; Corporate Portfolio Management in India, International Diversification. Suggested Readings : 1. Alexander, Gordon J and Sharpe, William F. Fundamentals of Investments. Englewood Cliffs, Jew Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1989. 2. Bhalla, V K. Investment Management : Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 8th ed. Delhi, S.Chand, 2001. 3. Portfolio Analysis and Management, Delhi, S.Chand, 2002. 4. Elton, Edwin J and Gruber, Martin J. Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, New York, John Wiley, 1984. 5. Lee, Cheng F. etc. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Scott Foresman, 1990. 6. Markowiz, Harry M. Mean, Variance Analysis in Portfolio 7. choice and Capital Markets, London, Basic Blackwell, 1987. OF&A 303– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OF&A 503– At MBA Evening Semester – V International Financial Management: Objectives : The objective of this paper is to given students an overall view of the international financial system and how multinational corporations operate. Course Contents : Multinational Financial Management – An overview; Evolution of the International Management and Financial System; Managing short-term assets and liabilities; Long-run Investment Decisions- The Foreign Investment Decision; Political Risk Management; Multinational Capital Budgeting Application and Interpretation; Cost of Capital and Capital Structure of the Multinational Firm; Dividend Policy of the Multinational Firm; Taxation of the Multinational Firm; Country Risk Analysis; Long-term Financing; Working Capital Management, Interest Risk Management; International Capital Market Movement and Trends. Suggested Readings : 1. Abdullah, F A. Financial Management for the Multinational Firm. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1987. 2. Bhalla, V K. International Financial Management. 2nd ed. New Delhi, Anmol, 2001. 3. Buckley, Adrian. Multinational Finance. New York, Prentice Hall Inc., 1996. 4. Kim, Suk and Kim, Seung. Global Corporate Finance : Text and Cases. 2nd ed. Miami Florida, Kolb, 1993. 5. Shapiro, Alan C. Multinational Financial Management, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1995. OF &A 304– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OF &A 504– At MBA Evening Semester – V Management of Financial Institutions & Financial Services Objectives: The basic objective is to provide students an insight into the principles, Operational policies and Practices of Prominent Financial institutions of Indian Money and Capital Markets. Course Contents: 1. Current scenario of financial sector in Indian economy and its brief comparison with financial sectors in other countries. 2. Money and capital markets-managerial aspects. Network of financial institution in India. 3. Classification of Indian financial Institutions - all India financial institutions, State level financial institutions, Banking financial institutions. Non-banking financial institutions, 4. Cooperative financial institutions, Export oriented financial institutions, Agriculture oriented financial institutions, Insurance sector financial institutions, Investment financial institutions, Housing finance institutions. 5. Specific management policies and regulatory aspects. 6. Operational aspects of banking and non-banking financial institutions. 7. Merchant banking activities and SBI’s role. 8. Financial innovations. 9. Financial services-factoring forfeiting, leasing. hire purchase, securitisation, credit rating and other relate services. 10. Financial products in money and capital markets-commercial papers, certificates of deposits, T-Bills. credit cards bonds and other related instruments. 11. Co-ordination between financial and non-banking financial institutions. 12. Venture capital a financial innovation. Suggested Readings : 1. Bhalla, V. K. Management of Financial Services, Anmol, New Delhi, 2001 2. Bhalla V. K. and Dilbag, Singh. International Financial Centres, New Delhi, Anmol, 1997 3. Ennew, C, Trevor Watkins & Mike Wright, Marketing of Financial Service, Heinemann Professional Pub., 1990 4. Gordan, E and K. Natrajan, Emerging Scenario of Financial Services, Himalaya Publishing House,1997 5. Meidan, Arthur Brennet, M. Option Pricing : Theory & Applications. Toronto, Lexington Books, 1983 6. Kim, Suk and Kim, Seung. Global Corporate Finance : Text and Cases, 2nd ed., Miami Florida, Kolb, 1993 7. Dougall, Herbeert E and Gaumnitz. Capital Markets and Institutions. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall In., 1980 8. Hempel, Geroge H. and Yawitz, Jess B. Financial Management of Financial Institutions. Eaglewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1977 9. Kane, Joseph A. Development Banking, Toronto, Lexington Books, 1984 10. Rose, Peter S. and Frase, Donald R. Financial Institutions. Ontario, Irwin Dorsey, 1985 11. Vij, Madhu. Management of Financial Institutions in India. New Delhi, Anmol, 1991 12. Yeager, Fred C. and Seitz, Nail E. Financial Institution Management : Text and Cases, 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1989 OF &A 305– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OF &A 505– At MBA Evening Semester – V Financial Derivatives Objectives The objective of this course is to give an in depth knowledge of the functioning of derivative securities market. Course Contents Forward Contracts; Future Contracts; Other Derivative Securities; Types of Traders; Future Markets and the use of Futures for Hedging; Forward and Futures Prices: Interest Rate Futures Swaps; Options Market; Properties of Stock Option Prices; Trading Strategies Involving Options; Black-Scholes Option Model; Binomial Model; Options on Stock indices; Currencies and Futures Contracts; General Approach to Pricing Derivatives Securities; Interest Rate; Derivative Securities; Derivatives Market in India. Suggested Readings 1. Bhulla, V K. Investment Management; Security analysis and Portfolio Management, New Delhi,S.Chand,2001. 2. Financial Derivatives, Delhi, S.Chand,2001. 3. Brennet, M. Option Pricing: Theory & Applications. Toronto. Lexington Books, 1993. 4. Cox, John C and Rubinstein, Mark Options Markets. Engiewood Clifts, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.1985. 5. Huang, Stanley S C and Randall, Maury R. Investment Analysis and Management. London, Allyn and Bacun,1987. 6. Hull, John C. Opions, Futures and Other Derivative Securities. 2nd ed. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India,1996. 7. Sharpe, William F. etc. Investment, New Delhi.Prentice Hall of India, 1997. OF &A 401– At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OF &A 401– At MBA Evening Semester – IV Foreign Exchange Management Objectives ; To acquaint the participants with the mechanism of the foreign exchange markets, measurement of the foreign exchange exposure, and hedging against exposure risk. Course Contents; Types of Foreign Exchange Markets and Transactions, Quoting Foreign Exchange Rates, Spread, Official and Free Market Rates, Cross Rates, Forward Rates, Quoting Forward Rates; Organisation of the Foreign Exchange Markets; Currency Futures; Currency Options; Currency Swaps; Corporate Exposure Management; Alternative Definitions of Foreign Exchange Risk,Exposure Information System, Alternative Strategies for Exposure Management, Exposure Management Techniques, Organisation of the Exposure Management Function; Parameters and Constraints on Exposure Management: Theory and practice of Forecasting Exchange RatesEconomic Fundamentals, Financial and Socio-Political Factors, Technical Analysis; Tax Treatment of Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses; FEMA. Suggested Readings 1. Alber, R.Z. Exchange Risk and Corporate International Finance, London,Macmillan,1978. 2. Bhalla, V.K. International Financial Management,2nd ed., Delhi,Anmol,2001. 3. Luca Comelius Trading in the Global Currency Markets, NJ. Prentice Hall,1995. 4. Shapiro, A.C. International Financial Management, Boston, Allyn and Bacon,1979. 5. Sutton, W.H. Trading in Currency Options, NY, New York Institute of Finance,1987. OF &A 402– At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OF &A 402– At MBA Evening Semester – IV Corporate Taxation & Financial Planning Objectives: The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the tax structure as applicable to corporate bodies and to provide opportunity to corporate tax planning and management in Indian business. Course Contents: Basic frame work of Direct Tax laws in India. inter-relation of different direct taxes and the problem of tax planning with reference to such inter-relationships in the scheme of taxation in India, and the relative importance of the Income Tax Act Annual finance Act in that context. The various recognized methods of tax planning such as legal diversion of income ensuring maximum claim for deductions taking advantage of available reliefs and rebates, tax free sources of incomes etc., Problems arising from provision for aggregation of incomes under certain circumstances and legal opportunities for avoidance of such provisions, Maintenance of proper accounting records to obtain maximum tax relief, Selection of form of organization and tax planning. Guidelines to small businessman and professionals with regard to their compliance with tax requirements. Tax holiday provisions and other reliefs and rebates for industry, problems of double taxation. Significance of depreciation rebate and other similar allowance in tax planning. Tax incentives for export business and tax implications for receiving and giving foreign collaboration. Tax deductions for debt, equity, deposit term loan and deferred payment facilities. payment of interest on capital issue of convertible bonds from the view point of tax planning. Suggested Readings: 1. Sukumr Bhattacharya : Corporate Taxation and Financial Policy(Nagpur) 2. Vinod K. Sunghania : Direct Taxes-Loans and Practice(Delhi) 3. R.R.Gupta : Indian Income Tax Act. (Agra) 4. Bhagwati Prasad : Law and Practice of Income Tax in India(Aligarh) 5. M. Shrinivasan : Hand Book of Corporation Tax in India (Aligarh) OF &A 403– At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OF &A 601– At MBA Evening Semester – VI Strategic Financial Management Objective: This course is designed to acquaint the students with the application of the tools and techniques of financial analysis in framing appropriate financial strategy. It is also designed to make the students understand the linkages between financial strategy and corporate strategy, which are important for achieving strategic advantage. Course Contents: This course is based on the course contents of the course on ‘Financial Strategy for Competitive Advantage’ of the present MBA Programme. The contents of the course have been developed by the Departmental Faculty. 1. Globalisation of Indian market, competitive analysis of Industries, generic strategies to gain competitive advantage, financial strategy to achieve cost profit and investment leaderships aspects of financial strategy. 2. Introduction to Corporate Restructuring : Forms of restructuring business firms. 3. Types of Mergers and their characteristics. 4. Theories of Merger and Tender offer. 5. Sell-Offs and Divestitures. 6. ESOPs as a financial strategy for increasing shareholders wealth. 7. Going private and Leveraged Buyouts as a financial strategy.(Including MBOs). 8. Share repurchases and Exchanges as a financial strategy. 9. Financing and Dividend Policies. Theory of Capital Structure, Making Capital Structure Decisions and Dividend as a Financial Policy(including models). 10. Lease Buy Decision : using compounding and discounting techniques to take decisions. 11. Financial Engineering as a tool to develop financial strategy. 12. Capital Budgeting Decisions under conditions of certainty.* 13. Relevant Case Analysis (Mergers). Suggested Reading: 1. Competitive Advantage - Porter (Free Press). 2. Mergers Acquisitions and Corporate Control - Weston, Chung, Hoag(PHI) 3. Strategy and Business Landscape - Pankaj Ghemawat(Addison Wesley) 4. Financial Management and Policy - V.K.Bjhallah(Anmol Publication) OF &A 404– At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OF &A 602– At MBA Evening Semester – VI International Financial Market Objectives The objective of this course is to give students an in depth knowledge of the working of international financial markets. Course Contents History of the International Financial System - The rise and Fall of Bretton Woods, Globalisation and the Growth of Derivatives, The Crash of 1994-96 and Beyond, Euro-currency Market. Euro banking and Euro-currency Centres, Deposit Dealing and the Term Structure of Euro-currency Rates, Euro-currency Futures and Options, Syndicated Euro-credits. International Bond Markets - Introduction, New Issue Procedures in the Eurobond Markets, Eurobond Valuation and Hedging, Interest Rates and Currency Swaps, Pricing Option, Features of International Bonds, Forecasting and the Image of the Future - Central Banks and the Balance of Payments. The European Monetary System and Other Regional Artificial Currency Areas, New Instruments in International Capital Markets, International Banking and Country Risk, International Portfolio Diversification, International Transfer Pricing. Suggested Readings 1. Bhalla, V K. International Financial Management,2nd ed., New Delhi, Anmol,2001. 2. Bhulla, V K. Managing International Investment and Finance, New Delhi,Anmol,1997. 3. Buckley, Adrian, Multinational Finance, 3rd ed., Englewood Cliffs. Prentice Hall Inc.,1996. 4. Eiteman, David K and Stonehill, Arthur I. Multinational Business Finance. California, Addison-wesley,1988. 5. Johnson and Giaccotto. Options and Futures. St. :Paul, West,1995. 6. Kim, Suk and Kim. Seung. Global Corporate Finance: Text and Cases. 2nd ed. Miami, Florida, 1993. 7. Shapiro, Alan C. Multinational Financial Management. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India,1995. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY GROUP OIT 301 OIT 501 MBA (FT) SEMESTER III MBA (EVE) SEMESTER V System Analysis & Simulation Course Contents: 1. ‘C’ Programming Language 2. Role of Modeling in System Analysis 3. Simulation of Stochastic Systems 4. Generation of Pseudo-Random Numbers and Stochastic Varieties using the computer 5. Simulation of Queuing Systems, using Special purpose Languages for Simulating Queuing Systems 6. Simulation of Inventory Systems 7. Simulation Software 8. Simulation of Manufacturing & Material Handling Systems 9. GPSS and/or SLAM 10. System Dynamics 11. Simulations of Systems with feedback, using DYNAMO in System as dynamics 12. Validation & Calibration of Simulation Model 13. Cases on Simulation in Production, Finance, Marketing and Corporate Planning, Project work. Suggested Readings: 1. Kanetkar Y. : Let us C, BPB, 2. Kanetkar Y. : Understanding Pointers in C, BPB, 3. Gottefridth : Programming in C, Tata MacGrow Hill, 4. Cochan Stephan : Programming in C, PHI 5. Holzner S.,: C Programming, PHI 6. Kelly – Bootle, : Mastering Turbo C, BPB 7. Lewin Morton H., : Elements of C, 8. Hutchison Robert & Just Steven B. : Programming Using the C Language, McGrow Hill 9. Sahni Horowitz : Fundamental of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia 10. D. Ravichandran : Programming in C, Newage International 11. Law & Kelton : Simulation Modelling & Analysis, McGraw Hill 12. N. Deo : Simulation with Digital Computers, PHI 13. Banks J. : Discrete Event System Simulation, PHI 14. Gordon G. : System Simulation, PHI OIT 302 MBA (FT) SEMESTER III OIT 502 MBA (EVE) SEMESTER V Information System Design & Implementation Course Contents: 1. Information System Analysis and Design (Elements of Computer Systems Analysis and Design –Systems Life Cycle, Data Flow diagram, Data Dictionary, Tools for representing process logic). 2. Case studies for Design of Information System and its implementation. 3. CASE Tools 4. Software Design Alternatives 5. Basic Concepts and terminology related to files, Sequential, Indexed sequential, Random Files, their design and maintenance, Special File structures 6. Cases related to Design and Implementation DBTG Network Data Models 7. Issues related to Data Base Processing (Crash recovery) 8. Logical Database Design 9. Database Languages 10. Normalization Theory 11. Function Point Analysis 12. COCOMO Model 13. Currency Control 14. Security and Integrity Suggested Readings : 1. Senn James A. : Analysis & Design of Information System, 2. Husain and Husain : Information Systems : Analysis, Design & Implementation, 3. Kanter Jarom : Management Information System 4. Brien James O. : Management Information System 5. Jawadekar : Management Information System 6. Sudarshan, Korth & Abraham : Database System Concepts, 7. Date C. J. : Database Systems 8. Urman : Oracle – 8 : PL/SQL Programming 9. Yeates Don : System Analysis & Design, 10. Awad : System Analysis & Design 11. Gruber M. : Understanding SQL, 12. Deshpande P. S. : Oracle 13. Jain G. C. : Oracle OIT 303 OIT 503 MBA (FT) SEMESTER III MBA (EVE) SEMESTER V RDBMS & SQL Concepts Objective: The students are to be provided basic understanding of the RDBMS & SQL and the skills to make use of these in business organization. Contents: RDBMS: Introduction – Database and DBMS Software, Three Layered Architecture, Advantages and Disadvantages of a Database, History, Data Modeling- Object Oriented and Record Based models, E-R Model and E- R diagram Examples and Exercises, Hierarchical Model, Network Model and Relational Model, Normalization techniques- First Normal Form, Second Normal Form and Third normal Form, Examples and Exercises, E. F. Codd’s 12 Rules for a relational Database, Database concepts – Transaction Management, Properties of a Transaction, Commit and Rollback, Concurrency, Locking, Access Control, Data Integrity, Integrity Constraints, Auditing, Backup and Recovery, Data Dictionary- System Catalogue, Distributed Database and Distributed Data Access, Introduction to Client-Server and ODBC connectivity. SQL : SQL language-DML commands-Select, Insert, Update, Delete – retrieving data, summarizing data, adding data to the database, updating data to the database and selecting data. Simple queries – use of Where, Arithmetic, Comparison and logical operators, Order By, Group By and Group Functions, Multi table queries, Sub-queries, views; DDL commands – Table and View, Create, Alter, Drop Integrity Constraints, Transaction Processing – Commit, Rollback, Save point LAB : SQL & MS Access Suggested Readings: 1. Coleman, Pat and Peter Dyson, Internets, BPB Pub., Delhi, 1997 2. Keen, Peter and Mark MacDonald, The e-Process Edge, Delhi, Tata MacGraw Hill, 2000 3. Oberoi, Sundeep, e-Security and You, Delhi, Tata MacGraw Hill, 2001 4. Ricart, Alberto Manuel and Stephen Asbury, Active Server Pages 3, IDG Books, Delhi, 2000 5. Rich, Jason R. Starting an E-Commerce Business, IDG Books, 2000 6. Samantha Shurety, ‘E-business with Net Commerce’, Addison Wesley, Singapore, 2001 7. Schneider, Robert D. & J. R. Garbus Optimizing SQL Server 7, N. J. Prentice – Hall, 1999 OIT 304 OIT 504 MBA (FT) SEMESTER III MBA (EVE) SEMESTER V Business Data Networks Objective: The course has been developed to introduce the concepts of electronic marketplace and electronic commerce among the potential information technology leaders. Course Contents: Computers and Communications: The Information Technology; The concepts of Global Village, Computer Network: (Architecture, software, standards), Expansion of Networks, Management of Networks, Communications Networks, Communications Channels, Communication Control Devices, Managerial Issues related to telecommunications. Digital Networks, Value added Networks, Wireless Networks, Intranet, Extranet, Internet, Online Information Service, Interactive video, Electronic Data Interchange and its Applications, Enterprise Resource Planning systems, Inter Organizational Information Systems, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Managing in the Market space, E –commerce and Internet, Application of Internet. Suggested Readings: 1. Derfler, Frank J. Guide to Linking LANs. Emeryville, California, Ziff –Davis Press, 1992 2. Derfler, Frank J. Guide to Connectivity.2nd Edition, Emeryville, California, Ziff – Davis Press, 1992 3. Estabrooks, Maurice. Electroinc Technology. Corporate Strategy and World Transformation, Wastport, Quoram Books, 1995 4. Fitzgerand, Jerry. Businesss Data Communications; Basic Concepts, Security and Design, 4th edition, New York, John Wiley, 1993 5. Keen, Peter and Cummins, Michael. Networks in Action: Bsuiness Choices and Telecommunications Decesions, Belmont, CA, Wads Worth, 1994 6. LaQuey, Tracy. The Internet Companion: A Beginner’s Guide to Global Networking. California, Addison Wesley, 1994 7. Salemi, Joe. Client/Server Data Bases. Emeryville, California, Ziff-Davis Press, 1993. OIT 305 MBA (FT) SEMESTER III OIT 505 MBA (EVE) SEMESTER V Security And Control Information System Objective : The objective of the course is to familiarize the participants with Security and control Information system use in the business world. Course Contents: Introduction to Security, Need for security and control, Risks to Information system data and resources, Definitions of Information security, Computer crimes and virus, Internal control, Types of security, Physical Security, Fire, and theft protection Environmental hazards, Logical Security, Threats to security, Access control- Identification, Authentication, Authorization, Password control and management, Access control software, Data Security, Threats to security, Access controls, Back-up and recovery strategies, Data input/output control, Data encryption, Tele-communication Security, physical security, Logical Access Security, Network management control, Authentication protocols, Internet / Intranet / Extranet security, Computer Configuration and Operation Security, Hardware/Software security, Start up/Shut down procedures, Journals, Backup/recovery strategies, Personal Security, Threat Security, Protection from people, Protection of employees, Security Planning, Risk and Security policy, Security Management , Business continuity planning, Security audit. Suggested Readings : 1. Ron Weber; EDP Auditing 2. Stephen Cobb; PC and LAN Security 3. Michel E. Kabey; Enterprise Security – Protecting Information Assets 4. Miora; Enterprise Disaster Recovery Planning 5. Computer Security for Dummies 6. Derek Atkins ; Internet Security OIT 401 MBA (FT) SEMESTER IV OIT 401 MBA (EVE) SEMESTER IV Strategic Management of Information Technology Objectives: This course is aimed at developing an understanding of Use of Information Technology as a Strategic Tool for business management. The course focuses on development of Information Technology Leadership. Course Contents: Key issues in Information Systems Management and the Role of the CIO, Analytical Framework for Strategic IT Initiatives, Sustaining Competitive Advantage by use of IT, Creativity, Learning Organizations and Role of Information Technology in Business Transformation, Information Partnerships, Managing in the Market space, National Information Infrastructure and IT Policy at the National Level, Planning for Strategic IT Resource, Managing the IT Function, Outsourcing IT function. IT Act –2000, Corporate Governance Suggested Readings: 1. Galliers, R. D. Strategic Information Management: Challenges and Strategies in Managing Information Systems. Oxford, Butter worth-Heinemann, 1994 2. McKenney, James L. Waves of Change: Business Evolution through Information Technology, Boston, HBS Press, 1995 3. Neuman, Seev. Strategic Information Systems : Competition through Inforamtion Technologies, New York, MacMillan College, 1994 4. Nolan, Richard L. Creative Destruction: A sis-stage process for transforming the organization. Boston, HBS Press, 1995. 5. Parker, Marilyn M. Strategic Transformation and Information Technology, Paradigms for Performing while Transforming. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prntice Hall Inc., 1996. 6. somogyi, E K and Wallers, Robert. Towards Strategic Information Systems. Tunbridge, Kent Publishing, 1987. 7. Ward, John. Strategic Planning for Information Systems, Chichester, John Wiley, 1996. OIT 402 OIT 402 MBA (FT) SEMESTER IV MBA (EVE) SEMESTER IV Decision Support System Objective : The objective of this course is to introduce the participants to the design and practice of computer based systems that provide support to managerial decision making in semi-structured context, by providing to the users flexible access to relevant models and data. Most of the learning takes place through the project component, in which the participants are expected to choose a managerial decision context amenable to be addressed by the above systems, and to design and develop a suitable computer based system to support this task. Course Contents: 1. Framework for DSS. 2. Systems Analysis for DSS 3. Dialogue Management 4. Data Management and Model Management for DSS 5. Tools for developing DSS 6. Spreadsheet Software Systems as DSS Tool 7. Case Studies 8. Project Work 9. Group DSS 10. Network Decision Support System 11. Expert System 12. Executive Information System 13. Heuristic Problem Solving Procedure 14. Computational Complexity 15. Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic 16. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Need and Application, AI based systems 17. Artificial Neural Network Applications Suggested Readings : 1. Bratko, Ivan. Prolog : Programming for Artificial Intelligence. 2nd Ed. California, Addison-Wesley, 1990 2. Davis, Michael W. Decision Support. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1988. 3. Jayashankar, R. Decision Support Systems. New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1989. 4. Patterson, Dan W. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1990. 5. Roiph, Paul. How to choose and Use an Executive Information System. New Delhi. Viva Books. 6. Spargue, Raiph H. Decision Support for Mangement. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1995 OIT 403 MBA (FT) SEMESTER IV OIT 601 MBA (EVE) SEMESTER VI Enterprise Resource Planning Objective: To make the students able to participate in planning and implementation of advanced enterprise-wide systems and technologies in their career. Course Contents: Enterprise Resource Planning: Evolution of ERP – MRP and MRP –II problems of system islands – need for system integration and interface – early ERP Packages – ERP products and markets- Opportunities and Problems in ERP selection and implementation, ERP implementation, Identifying ERP benefits, team formation, Consultants intervention, Selection ERP, Process of ERP implementation, Managing changes in IT organization-Preparing IT infrastructure-Measuring benefits of ERP- Integrating with other systems, Post ERP, Modules in ERP, Business Modules of ERP packages, Reengineering Concepts, the emergence of reengineering concept-concept of business process-rethinking of processes- identification of reengineering need – preparing for reengineering –implementing change-change management-BPR and ERP-Supply Chain Management, The concept of value chain differentiation between ERP and SCM-SCM for customer focus-need and specificity of SCM- SCM scenario in Indiaproducts and markets of SCM-issues in selection and implementation of SCM solutions- CRM solutions, E-business, Introduction to 1 – Net technologies – Evolution of E – Commerce, EDI and E – Business – business opportunities –basic and advanced business models on internet – internet banking and related technologies – security and privacy issues – technologies for E – Business. Future and Growth of E – Business Suggested Readings: 1. Hammer, Micheal and Jamts Chamby Reengineering the Corporation, 1997 2. Leon, Alexix Countdown 2000, Tata McGraw 3. Ptak, Carol A. & Eli Schragenheim ERP, St. Lucie Press Ny, 2000 OIT 404 OIT 602 MBA (FT) SEMESTER IV MBA (EVE) SEMESTER IV E- Commerce Objective: The objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the use of E – Commerce in competing markets. Course Contents: Introduction to E-Commerce: Definition – Forces fuelling E-Commerce – Industry frame work – types – Internet Service Providers – Internet access providers – Internet v/s online Services; WWW Concepts – Technology – Applications – Electronic Payment Systems: Electronic Payment Technology – Digital Cash – Electronic Cheque – On-line Credit Card, Electronic Commerce and Banking; Changing dynamics in the Banking Industry – Home banking implementation approaches – Open v/s Closed models – Management issues in online Banking – Electronic Commerce and Retailing – changing retail industry dynamics – Online retailing – Management changelings – Electronic Commerce and publishing ; Online publishing strategies – approaches – Advertising and online publishing – Digital copyrights and Electronic publishing ; Intranets and Supply Chain Management; Managing retail supply chains – Supply Chain application software – Intranets and customer asset Management – Customer asset Management basics – online sales force – online customer service and support – Technology and Marketing strategy; Intranets and manufacturing ; Integrated logistic, -agile Manufacturing – Emerging Business requirements – Manufacturing Information Systems – Intranet based manufacturing logistic management; Intranets and Corporate Finance : Financial Systems – Financial Intranets – Software modules in Financial Information Systems – Transaction Accounting – Inventory Accounting Payment Management – Treasury and Cash Management – Human Resource Management Systems – size – structure of Financial Software Markets – The Corporate Digital Library – Intelligent Agents. Suggested Readings: 1. Cady, G. H. and Part McGreger, The Internet, BPB Pub., Delhi, 1999 2. Carpenter, Phil, e Brands, HBS Press, Boston, 2000 3. Keen, Peter and Mark McDonald, The e-Process Edge, Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000 4. Mann, Catherine, L. Global Electronic Commerce, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC, 2000 5. Oberoi, Sundeep, e-Security and You, Delhi, Tata MacGraw Hill, 2001 6. Rich, Jason R. Starting an E-Commerce Business, IDG Books, 2000 MARKETING GROUP OMK 301– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OMK 501– At MBA Evening Semester – V Consumer Behaviour Objectives: The basic objective of this course is to develop an understanding about the consumer decisionmaking process and its applications in marketing function of firms. Course Contents: Introduction to consumer behaviour; Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy; Consumer Involvement and Decision Making; Information Search Process; Evaluative Criteria and Decision Rules; Consumer Motivation; Information Processing and Consumer Perception; Learning in Consumer Behaviour Change – Brand Loyality and Brand Equity Consumer Attitudes and Attitude Change; Influence of Personality and Self Concept on Buying Behaviour; Psychographics and Lifestyle; Reference Group Influence; Social class and culture Influence Diffusion of Innovation and Opinion Leadership Family Decision Making; Industrial Buying Behaviour; Models of Consumer Behaviour; Consumer Behaviour Audit; Consumer Behaviour Studies in India. Suggested Readings: 1. Assael, H. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action. Ohio, South Western, 1995. 2. Engle, J F. etc. Consumer Behaviour. Chicago, Dryden Press, 1993. 3. Howard, John A. etc. Consumer Behaviour in Marketing. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1989. 4. Hawkins, D I. Etc. Consumer Behaviour; Implications for Marketing Strategy. Texas, Business, 1995. 5. Mowen, John C. Consumer Behaviour. New York. MacMillan, 1993. 6. Schiffman, L G and Kanuk, L L. Consumer Behaviour. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1994. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles and reports will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course. References: Bennet and Kassarjian : Consumer Behaviour, Prentice Hall OMK 302– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OMK 502– At MBA Evening Semester – V Adverting And Sales Promotion Management Objectives: The aim of the paper is to acquaint the students with concepts, techniques and to give experience in the application of concepts for developing an effective advertising programme and also to develop an understanding about concepts, methods and strategies of sales promotion. Course Contents: Dimensions of advertising Concepts of advertising & Advertising management Classification of advertising, Advertising and marketing mix Advertising and other promotional tools – Functional and purpose of advertising The business of advertising. Planning and objective setting, Framework of the planning process, Communication and persuasion process, Wilbur Schramm’s Model, Two Step Flow of Communication Advertising plan, Marketing communication process, Setting objective, Theory of Cognitive Dissonance and Clues for advertising Strategists: Stimulation of Primary and Selective Demand, DAGMAR approach and positioning Planning of an advertising campaign,; Copy Writing Creative execution : Message Strategy Attention & comprehension, Understanding attitudes formation in advertising Ad-evoked feeling through adcampaign Brand and advertising, equity, personality. Group influence and advertising, word of moutg. Message tactics: Advertising and creativity Desciplined creativity Creative approaches in advertising, Major successful campaigns in advertising (national and international level) Advertising copy writing process. The basic creative process, As per the different medias, Copy testing, The actual production process. Advertising Organisation and role of advertising agency : The advertising industry, The advertising agency Interaction with the advertiser, Compensation pattern Advertising Appropriation Recent trends in advertising International advertising Clientagency relationship. Media management Media Planning Role of media , Media objectives, Media mix, Media tactics : Selection of media vehicals, media schedules Television media, print media, electronic media, out door, direct mail, transit and supplementary media. Social, ethical and legal aspect of advertising, E-communication Internet advertising & marketing; Evaluation of advertising Camping. Sales Promotion and Marketing Mix; Nature and Types of Sales Promotion; Consumer Behaviour and Sales Promotion; Deal Prone Consumer; Economic Theories of Promotion; Sales Promotion’s Impact on Sales; Evaluation of Sales Promotion Experiments; Choice and Purchase Timing Models; Manufacturer Promotion Planning Process; Retailer Promotion Planning Process; Strategic Issues in Designing Promotional Strategies; Substantive Findings and Issues on Coupons, Trade Dealings, and Retail Promotions. Suggested Reading: 1. Aaker, David A. etc. Advertising Management, 4th ed. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 2001. 2. Beleh, George E and Beleh, Michael A. Introduction to Advertising and Promotion. 3rd ed. Chicago, Irwin, 1995. 3. Borden, William H. Advertising. New York, John Wiley, 1981. 4. Hard, Norman. The Practice of Advertising. Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann, 1995. 5. Kleppner, Otto. Advertising Procedure. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1986. 6. Ogilvy, David. Ogilvy on Advertising. London, Longman, 1983. 7. Sengupta, Subroto. Brand Positioning, Strategies for Competitive Advantages. New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1990. 8. Ailloni and Charas, Dan. Promotion: A Guide to Effective Promotional Planning, Strategies and Executions. New York, John Wiley, 1984. 9. Assael, Henry. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action. Bosten, Kant, 1987. 10. Blattberg, Robert C and Scott, A Neslin. Sales Promotion: concept, Methods and Strategies. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1990. 11. Schaltz, Don E and William, A Robinson. Sales Promotion Management. Chicago, Crain Books, 1982. 12. Strang, Roger A. The Promotional Planning Process. New York, Praeger, 1980. 13. Totten, John C and Block, Martin P. Analysing Sales Promotion: Text and Cases, Chicago, Commerce Communication, 1987. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Ulanoff, Stanley M. Handbook of Sales Promotion. New York, McGraw Hill, 1985. Arens & Bovee’ Advertising’ Irwin, The Dryden press. Shimp Advertising O’Guinn Allen’ Advertising Kuegler TJ “Advertising and Marketing” South Western College Publishing 2000. Jerry Wind & Vijay Mahajan “Digital Marketing “ John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2001. Jaweler Jerome and Drewniany Bonnie L. “Creative Strategy in Advertising” Wadsworth Publishing company 1998. Kleppner, Otto. “Advertising Prodedure Englewood cliffs, New jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1986. Ogilvy, Devid. “ Ogilvy in Advertising. London, ongman, 1983. The list of cases and specific reference including recent articles and reports will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course. OMK 303– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OMK 503– At MBA Evening Semester – V International Marketing Objectives: 1. The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the students with environmental, procedural, institutional and decisional aspects of international marketing. 2. To Acquaint the students with mechanism of International Marketing, Balance of Payment and Financing International Trade. 3. To Provide an understanding of International Business Operation and working of multinationals and India’s join ventures abroad. Course Contents: International Marketing – Definition, Concept And Setting; Distinctions between International Trade, Marketing and Business; Economic Environment of International Marketing; International Institutions – World Bank, IMF, UNCTAD, WTO, Economic Integration Customs Union, Common Markets, Free Trade Zones, Economic Communities; Constraints on International Marketing – Fiscal and Non-fiscal Barriers, Tariffs Non-tariff Barriers; Terms of Trade; Tariffs Trading Partners – Bilateral Trade Agreements, Commodity Agreements and GSP; India and World Trade, Import And Export Policy, Direction and Quantum of India’s Exports; Institutional Infrastructure for Export Promotion; Export Promotion Councils, Public Sector Trading Agencies, ECGC, Commodity Boards etc.; Procedure and Documents – Registration of Exporters, Export Quotations, Production and Clearance of Goods for Exports, Shipping and Transportation, Insurance, Negotiation of Documents; Instruments Of Payments – Open Account, Bills of Exchange; Letter Of Credit – Export Finance; International Marketing Mix – Identification of Markets, Product Policy, International Product Life Cycle, Promotion Strategy, Pricing Strategy and Distribution Strategy; Various Forms of International Business; Marketing of Joint Ventures and Project. Exports & Tendering – International Trade Theories – Export Packaging & labelling – Problems of Indian Export- Import Management – Sources of Information for International data – Restrictive Trade Practices - Legal Dimension of International Marketing – Counter Trade & Global Sourcing – International Marketing Intelligence – Risk in forgein Trade & Management – Strategic Market Plan . Suggested Readings: 1. Bhattacharya, B. Export Marketing: Strategies for Success. New Delhi, Global Business Press, 1991. 2. Johri, Lalit M. International Marketing: Strategies for Success. University of Delhi, Faculty of Management Studies, 1980. 3. Keegan, Warren. Global Marketing Management. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1995. 4. Onkvisit, Sak and Shaw, J J. International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1995. 5. Pripalomi, V.H.: International Marketing, Prentice Hall. 6. Terpstra, Vern and Sarathy, R. International Marketing. Oriando, Dryden Press, 1991. 7. Walter, I and Murray, T. Handbook of International Business. New York, John Wiley, 1988. 8. R.L. Varshney and B. Bhattacharya International Marketing Management, An Indian Perspective, Sultan Chand & Sons, 4792/23, Daryaganj, New Delhi – 100002. 9. T.A.S. BALAGOPAL, Export Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Ramdoot, Dr. Bhalero Marg, Girgaon, Bombay –1. 10. James M. Livingestone : International Marketing Management, Mac Millan Press Ltd., London. 11. Harold J. Hack : International Trade American Management Association N.Y. 12. Richard D. Robinson : International Management, Holt, Richard and Winston, London. 13. Chakrabarti H. : Trade and Commerce of Ancient India. 14. Francis Cherunilam : International Business. 15. Charles Kindleburger : International Economics. 16. B.S. Rathod : Export Management. 17. U.J. Kegan : Global Marketing Mangement. 18. R.M. Srivastava : International Strategic Management. 19. Thakur-Boston-Srivastava : International Management Concept & Cases. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles and reports will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course. OMK 304– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OMK 504– At MBA Evening Semester – V Marketing of Services Objectives: The objective of this course is to develop insights into emerging trends in the service sector in a developing economy and tackle issues involved in the management of services on national basis. Course Contents: The Emergence of Service Economy; Nature of Services; Goods and Services Marketing; Marketing Challenges in Service Business; Marketing Framework for Service Business; The Service Classification; Service Product Development; The Service Encounter; The Service Consumer Behaviour; Service Management Trinity; Service Vision and Service Strategy; Quality Issues and Quality Models; Demand-supply Management; Advertising, Branding and Packaging of Services; Recovery Management and Relationship Marketing; Service Marketing; Origin and Growth-Classification of Services-Marketing of financial services-The Indian scene-Designing of service strategy. Suggested Readings: 1. Lovelock, Christopher H. Managing Services: Marketing Operations and Human Resources. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.,1995. 2. Lovelock, Christopher H. Services Marketing, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.1993. 3. McDonald, Malcom and Payne, A. Marketing Planning for Services. Butterworth, Heinemann, 1996. 4. Newton M P Payne, A. The Essence of Services Marketing. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India,1996. 5. Verma, H V. Marketing of Services. New Delhi, Global Business Press, 1993. 6. Zelthami, V A and Bitner, M J. Services Marketing New York, McGraw Hill,1996. OMK 305– At MBA Full Time Semester –III OMK 505– At MBA Evening Semester – V Brand Management Objectives: The objective of this course is to introduce the students to the concept of brand. How companies offer various products in the market through brands, their extension the building of brand equity. Students are expected to understand the concepts, applications and competencies in using knowledge of brand to develop better marketing strategies. The broad topics to be covered are: Introduction to the concept of brand. Understanding brand-concept of brand knowledge, brand personality, brand equity, brand positioning brand value, brand research Issues in managing the brand-brand portfolios, brand positioning strategy, Measuring brand equity, extensions of brand New brand development Product offering, differentiation, the process, setting objectives, market dynamics, launching new brands, Role of promotional tool like, Advertising, Sales-promotion schemes, direct marketing etc in brand building Decision to be taken in managing the product offering Marketing decision to build brandsbranding commodity products, building global brands Financial valuation of brand Net branding Brand leaderships Brands as intellectual property Branding the corporate Brand Revitalization. Branding in Different sectors: Customer Industrial, Retail and Service. References: 1. Aaker David A. “Brand Leadership, “The free Press New York 2000. 2. Aaker David A. “Managinfg Brand Equity”, The Free Press New York 1991. 3. Kania Deborah “Branding. Com” NTC Business Book 2000. 4. Kapferer, Jean-Noel; Stategic Brand Management, Kogan Page India Private Pvt. OMK 401– At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OMK 401– At MBA Evening Semester – IV Industrial Marketing Objectives: The objective of this course is to lay a foundation for an understanding of the complex dimensions of the industrial marketing The proposed curriculum of the subject is : Nature and scope of Industrial Marketing, v/s Consumer marketing, System of Industrial marketing, Characteristics of industrial marketing, Specific problems of industrial marketing, customer relationship, Nature of demand in Industrial Markets derived demand, joined demand; Product Management; Concept of Industrial goods, Characteristics of industrial goods, Planning industrial products and services, Product Management, Product specification/quality, Segmenting, targeting and positioning of industrial products, Industrial Buying behaviour, Industrial Buying Process, Industrial Buying Behaviour models, Industrial customer, Industrial Product Pricing, Pricing new products, Price Determinants, Competitive bidding, Negotiations,; Purchasing : Concept, Selection and training of purchase personnel, Repetitive purchase, Progressing of supplies, Purchase records/ Purchase Accounting, Legal aspects of purchasing. Distribution and channel relationship, Logistics management, marketing research and market information system, industrial services, industrial marketing communication, industrial marketing strategy, planning and implementation Sales force management; Technology and Industrial Markets. Suggested Readings: 1. Corey, E. Raymond. Industrial Marketing : Cases and Concepts . 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1983. 2. Gross, A C. etc. Business Marketing. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1993. 3. Hill, Richard. Etc. Industrial Marketing. Homewood Illinois, Richard D. Irwin, 1975. 4. Reeder, Robert R. etc. Industrial Marketing : Analysis, Planning and Control, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey Prentice Hall Inc. 1991. 5. Webster, F E. Industrial Marketing Strategy, 2nd ed. New York, John Wiley, 1979. OMK 402– At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OMK 402– At MBA Evening Semester – IV Sales and Distribution Management: Objectives: The basic objective of the course is to provide students with knowledge, skills & attitude to specify, evaluate & utilize information for successful distribution & promotion (sales) of products & services from producer to consumer/buyer. Course Contents: Nature and Scope of Sales Management; Setting and Formulating Personal Selling Objectives; Personal selling process – negotiation, customer relationship management; Recruiting and Selecting Sales Personnel; Developing and Conducting Sales Training Programmes; Designing and Administering Compensation Plans; Supervision of Salesmen; Motivating Sales Personnel; Sales Meetings and Sales Contests; Designing Territories and Allocating Sales Efforts; Objectives and Quotas for Sales Personnel; Developing and Managing Sales Evaluation Programme; Sales Cost and Cost Analysis. Distribution, Logistics, Supply Chain Management – their role in Marketing . Physical Distribution & Sales Transportation & Physical Distribution Elementary aspects of transportation, modes of transportation, transportation costing in relation to Marketing Transportation pricing & carrier liability. Marketing Channels & Distribution Management Significance of Marketing channels in Physical Distribution, factors influencing selection of channels, channels for new products, evaluating channel performance, physical distribution information centre packaging, testing; Costs in physical distribution . Distribution Audit. Organizational patterns in marketing channels Vertical marketing systems, Conventional marketing channels, voluntary & co-operative group, franchise systems. Channel management by channel participants Channel management by manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, Joint channels management through partnership. Suggested Reading: 1. Anderson, R. Professional Sales Management: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1992. 2. Anderson, R. Professional Personal Selling: Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1991. 3. Buskirk, R H and Stanton, W J. Management of Sales Force. Homewood Illinois, Richard D. Irwin, 1983. 4. Dalrymple, D J. Sales Management: Concepts and Cases. New York. John Wiley, 1989. 5. Johnson, E M etc. Sales Management: Concepts, Practices and Cases. New York, McGraw Hill, 1986. 6. Stanton, William J etc. Management of a Sales Force. Chicago, Irwin, 1995. 7. Stiil, R R. Sales Management, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1988. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles and reports will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course. OMK 403– At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OMK 601– At MBA Evening Semester – VI Marketing of Social Services Objectives: The Course is designed to give an opportunity to acquire knowledge about the application of Marketing tool and techniques in the marketing socially desirable causes specially in the context developing country like India. Course Contents: Relevance of social services in a developing economy; applications of marketing in social services, e.g. health and family welfare, adult literacy programme, environment protection, social forestry etc.; socio-economic-cultural influences on beneficiary system; organising for marketing social services; beneficiary research and measurement of their perceptions and attitudes; planning and implementation of mass campaigns; beneficiary contact programme; use of print and electronic media in mass communication; diffusion of innovative ideas; geographical expansion strategies in mass contact programme; review and monitoring of making strategies of socially relevant programmes. Suggested Readings : 1. Betsy, D Gelb and Ben, M. “Marketing is Everybody’s Business Goodyear, Santa Monica (California)”. 1972. 2. Gather, A and Warren, M D. “Management and Health Services” Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1977. 3. Hyenion, K E. “Ecological Marketing”.. Columbus, Ohio 1976. 4. Jena, B and Pati R. “Health and Family Welfare Services in India”. Ashish, New Delhi..1986. 5. Kotler, Philip and Roberto, Eduardo L. “Social Marketing : Strategies for changing Public Behaviour”. Free Press, New Yourk, 1989. 6. Maitra, T. “Public Services in India”. Mittal, New Delhi.1985. 7. Pena, J J and Posen B. ed :Hospital Quality Assurance”. Aspen, Marykland. 1984. OMK 404– At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OMK 602– At MBA Evening Semester – VI Management of Retail Business Objectives : The course will focus on manufactures perspective on retailers and understanding of the retail business. Course Contents : An introduction to the Retailing System. Retailing mix – social forces – Economic forces – Technological force – Competitive forces; Retailing definition, structure, Different formats – marketing concepts in Retailing – Consumer purchase behaviour – Cultural and Social group influence on Consumer Purchase Behaviour; Retail store location – Traffic flow and analysis – population and its mobility – exteriors and layout – Customer traffic flows and pattern – Creative display; Merchandise Planning – Stock turns, Credit Management, Retail Pricing, Return on per sq. feet of space – Retail promotions – Staying ahead of competition; Supply Chain Management – Warehousing – Role of IT in supply chain management; Franchising, Direct Marketing/Direct Selling – Exclusive shope – Destination stores – Chain Stores – Discount Stores an other current and emerging formats – Issues and options; Retail Equity, Technology in Retailing – Retailing through the Internal. Suggested Readings : 1. Diamond Allen, Fashion Retailing, Delmar Pub. 1993. 2. Diamond, Jay and Gerald Pintel Retailing, Prentice-Hall, NJ, 1996. 3. Drake, Mary Francis, J.H.Spoone and H. Greenwald Retail Fashion, Promotion, and Advertising Macmillan, NY, 1992. 4. Levy,Michael&barton A Weitz Retailing management,2nd edition ,Irwin, London,1995 5. Morgenstein,Melvin and Harriat Strongin Modem Retailing,prentice-hall,NJ,1992. PRODUCTION & OPERATION MANAGEMENT GROUP OP&O 301 – At MBA Full Time Semester –III OP&O 501 – At MBA Evening Semester –V Production Planning & Control Objectives : This course is meant to familiarise the students with various techniques useful for production planning and control. Course Contents : Introduction to P.P.C. Basic Approaches to Aggregate Production Scheduling, Quantitative Approaches to Aggregate Planning, Evaluation of Decision system and Rules for Aggregate Planning, Aggregate Production Inventory Policies, Materials Requirement Planning, Batch Planning and Shop Loading, Safety Stock Policies, Mass/Production Flow Line Design System, Order Delivery and Production Control, Job Scheduling – Flow Shop, Job Scheduling-Job shop. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Burbidge, John L. Principles of Production Control. London, Donald and Evans,1981. Caubang, Ted C. Readings on Production Planning and Control. Geneva,ILO. Greene, James H. Production and Inventory Control Handbook, New York,McGraw Hill, 1987. Mc Leavey, Dennis W and Narasimhan, S L Production and Inventory OP&O 302 – At MBA Full Time Semester –III OP&O 502 – At MBA Evening Semester –V Applied Operation Research Objectives : The course is designed to present the scope of various Quantitative methods with enough specification so that the manager understands the reasoning behind the methods and is able to interpret their results. Course Contents : Linear Programme, Formulations of Linear Optimisation Models, Simplex and Transportation Models, Sensitivity Testing and Duality, Dynamic Programming and its applications, Integer Programming and Combinational Models, Network Analysis, Shortest Route and other Network Models, Waiting Lines and its Applications, Simulation and its Applications, Goal Programming and its application to business. Suggested Readings : 1. Ahuja A K. etc. Network Flows. Englewood Cliffs New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1993. 2. Gould, F J. etc. Introduction to Management Science. Englewood Cliffs New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1993. 3. Gupta, M P and Sharma J K. Operation Research for Management. New Delhi, National, 1997. 4. Taha Harndy A. Operations Research : An Introductions. Macmillan, New York, 1992. 5. Mathur, K and Solow D. Management Science. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1994. 6. Sharma S. J K. Operations Research : Theory and Applications, New Delhi, Macmillian India, 2001. 7. Srinath, L S. Operation Research for Executive. New Delhi, Affiliated East West Press, 1994. OP&O 303 – At MBA Full Time Semester –III OP&O 503 – At MBA Evening Semester –V Total Quality Management Objectives : The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with to make clear to candidates the basic concept of Total Quality (TQ) from design assurance to service assurance; to give emphasis on International Quality Certification Systems – ISO 9000 and other standards and their applicability in design manufacturing quality control and services, to closely interlink management of quality, reliability and maintainability for total product assurance; to focus on quality of services in contemporary environment. Course Contents : Basic Concept of Total Quality (TQ); Evolution of Total Quality Management ; Components of TQ Loop; Conceptual Approach to S.Q.C. Acceptance Sampling and Inspection Plans; Statistics Process Control; Process Capability Studies; Humanistic Aspects of TQM; Management of Q. C. and Z.D. Programmes; Quality Improvement Teams; Q-7 tools; Quality Costs, Taguchi Loss Function; Functional Linkage of Quality with Reliability and Maintainability Failure Analysis; (FTA/FMEA) and Optimum Maintenance Decisions; Total Productive Maintenance (TPM); Quality Audits; Lead Assessment and ISO-9000 Standards; Marketing Aspects of T.Q.; Total Quality of Services; Total Quality and Safety; Six Sigma. Suggested Reading : 1. Carruba, Eugene R and Gorden, Ronald D. Product Assurance Principles : Integrating Design Assurance & Quality Assurance, New York, McGraw Hill, 1991. 2. Grant, Eu-gene L and Leavenworth, Richards. Statistical Quality Control, McGraw Hill, New York, 1991. 3. Ireson, W G. and Coombas, C P. Handbook of Reliability Engineering & Management, New York, McGraw Hill, 1988. 4. Lochner, Robert H. and Matar, Joseph E. Designing for Quality. London , Chapman & Hill, 1990. 5. Pike, John and Barnes. Richard. TQM in Acton. London, Chapman & Hill, 1994. 6. Schmidt, Warren H. and Finnigan, Jerome P. TQ Manager. San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 1993. 7. Spenley. Paul. World Class Performance Through TQ, London, Chapman & Hill, 1992. OP&O 304 – At MBA Full Time Semester –III OP&O 504 – At MBA Evening Semester –V Logistics Management Objectives : The Course is designed to explain basic theory and techniques of logistics to examine the issues and problems associated with logistics in a changing business environment, and to show how logistics can improve an enterprises effectiveness and competitiveness. Students would be encouraged to use computer software packages for problem solving. Course Contents : Introduction to logistics and its Interface with Production and Marketing; Measure of Logistics; Physical Distribution and Logistics; Logistics System Analysis and Design; Warehousing and Distributing Centers, Location; Transportation System; Facilities and Services; Dispatch and Routing Decisions and Models; Inventory Management Decisions; Logistics Audit and Control; Packaging and Materials Handling; International Logistics Management; Logistics Future Directions. Suggested Readings : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ballau, Renald H. Business Logistics Management. Englewood Cliffs, New York, Prentice Hall Inc., 1992. Beal K. A Management Guide to Logistics Engineering, U.S.A., Institute of Production Engineering, 1990. Benjamin S.B. Logistics Engineering and Management. Englewood Cliffs, New York, Prentice Hall Inc. 1996. Bowersox, D J and Closs, D J. Logistics Management : A System Integration of Physical Distribution, New York, McMillan, 1986. Christopher, M. Logistics and Supply Chain Management : Strategies for Reducing Costs and Improving Services, London, Pitsman, 1992. James, C J. and Wood, Donald F. Contemporary Logistics. New York, MacMillan, 1990. Shapiroa, R. Logistics Strategy : Cases and Concepts. St. Paul, West. 1995. OP&O 305 – At MBA Full Time Semester –III OP&O 505 – At MBA Evening Semester –V World Class Manufacturing Objective: To acquaint the students with the world class manufacturing environment and optimised production principles Course Contents : World Class Manufacturing Environment; Imperatives for success – Technology, System approach and change in the mindset; Strategic decisions in manufacturing Management; Choice of Technology, Capacity, Layout/Automation in Material handling system; Aggregate Planning and Master Production Scheduling-Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) – Software in Use, Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP-11) Software in Use, Implementation Problems/Indian experience; Optimised Production; Technology Principles advocated by Eliyahu Goldtratt; just – in – Time System; JIT Manufacturing System, JIT Pull system Use of Kanban, JIT Purchase – Source Development, Buyer – seller relation; Supply Chain Management/Bench Marking; Total Quality Management-TQM Philosophy, TQM Principles, TQM tools including Circles, SQC / Acceptance samplings, Quality through design, QFD – Quality House, Failure Mode effect analysis, Fault – tree analysis, Concurrent Engineering Principles Taguchis’ Quality loss function and Robust Design concept, Designing products thro ‘Fuzzy’ logic, Quality Management System and ISO9000 Standards; Total Productive Maintenance, Objective of TPM – total system effectiveness, Break – down Maintenance, Prevention, Maintenance, Predictive. Maintenance, Condition Monitoring Systems Maintenance Prevention, Maintainability improvement, Reliability improvement, Total employee Involvement and small Group Activities, CustomerDriven Project Management (Integration of TQM, Project Management System with customer – driven team structure); Automation in Design and Manufacturing, Flexible manufacturing System (FMS), Group Technology/Cellular manufacturing Systems; Six Sigma, Suggested Readings : 1. Buffa, Elwoods and et al Programmed leaming at for Production and Operation Management – IIIinois, learning System Co., 1981. 2. Dervitsiptis, Kostas N : Operations Management Auckland, McGraw-Hill, 1981. 3. Hughes, Chris, Productions and Operations Management – London, Pan Books, 1985. 4. Schonberger, Richard J : Japanese manufacturing techniques, NY, Free-Press, 1982. OP&O 401 – At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OP&O401 – At MBA Evening Semester –IV Purchasing & Material Management Objective : The key objective of this course is to acquaint the students with Decision-making for effective and efficient purchase, storage and flow of materials in manufacturing and service organizations; Cost-reduction techniques in Pre-Purchase, Purchase and Port-Purchase systems; Modern Material planning and delivery systems like MRP and JIT and Material handling and logistics systems. Course Contents: Role of Purchasing and Materials Management – Objectives, Organization and Interrelationships, Determination and Description of Material Quantity, Material Planning in Push and Pull System, MRP and JIT; Determination and Description of Material Quality – Receiving and Incoming Quality Inspection, Acceptance Sampling Plans, Vendor-Process Capability; CostReduction Techniques – Standardisation, Simplification & Variety Reduction; Value Analysis and Engineering, Make or Buy Decisions, Purchasing Research, Sources of Supply, Price Determination and Negotiation, Vendor Rating, Selection and Development, Legal Aspects of Purchasing Public Purchasing and Tendering, International Purchasing – Procedures and Documentation; Purchasing of Capital Equipment – Appraisal Methods, Evaluating Suppliers’ Efficiency, Stores Layout, Classification and Codification; Material Logistics – Warehousing Management, Material Handling, Traffic and Transportation, Disposal of Scrap, Surplus and Obsolete Materials; Inventory control of Spare Parts, Materials Information System. Suggested Readings : 1. Ansari A and Modarress B. JIT Purchasing, New York, Free Press, 1990. 2. Baily P. etc. Purchasing Principles and Management, London, Pitman, 1994. 3. Burt, David N. Proactive Procurement. Englewood Cliffs, New Nersey, Prentice Hill Inc. 1994. 4. Dobler, D.W. etc. Purchasing and Materials Management, New York, McGraw Hill, 1990. 5. Dutta, A.K. Integrated Materials Management, New Delhi, PHI, 1986. 6. Farrington B and Waters, Derek W, Managing Purchasing . London, Chapman & Hall, 1994. 7. Gopalakrishnan P and Sunderashan M. Handbook of Materials Management, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1994. OP&O 402 – At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OP&O 402 – At MBA Evening Semester –IV Project Management Objectives: The course is designed to enable the students to develop, understand and design large complex systems with new planning and control techniques. Course Contents : Meaning and Significance of Project Management, Developing the Project Network, Time Estimates and the Levels of Details, Basic Scheduling, Computation, Scheduling Activities to Satisfy Resource Constraints, Multi project Scheduling, Time-Cost Trade off, Network, Cost control, Use of Critical Path Methods in preparing project proposal, computers and critical path Programme. Project Implementation and Monitoring Techniques. Making the Scheduling and monitoring effective scheduling and monitoring effective orientation programme for effective scheduling and monitoring. References : 1. Wiest, Jerome D. and Levy, Ferdinaudk A Management Guide to ERT/CPM, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1977. 2. Choudhary, Sadhan : Project Scheduling and Monitoring Practice, South Asian Publishers, New Delhi, 1983. 3. Phillips and Moder : Project Management with CPM and PERT, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company N.Y., 1970. 4. Dennis Lock : Project Management Grower Press London, 1968. 5. Dennis Lock : Industrial Scheduling Techniques, Gower Press, London, 1971. OP&O 403 – At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OP&O 601 – At MBA Evening Semester –VI Transportation Management Objectives: The objective of the course is to acquaints with the problems faced in planning policy and executing the transportation system. Course Contents : Growth of Urbanisation and Problems of Transportation; Transport-Challenges and Limitations; Government Activities in Transportation; Transportation Systems – Planning, Operation and Management; Trip Generation and Distribution; Load Planning; Transportation Modes and their selection; Sequential Travel Demand Forecasting Models; Future Developments in Transportation; Motor Vehicle Act 1988 and its Impact on Urban Transport System; Emission Norms. Suggested Readings : 1. Baerwald, J.E. Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall inc. 1976. 2. Bell. G. etc The Business of Transport, Plymouth, McDonald and Evans, 1984. 3. Dickey.J W. Metropolitan Transportation Planning. New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1980. 4. Grey, G E. amd Hole, L A. Public Transportation Planning : Operations and Management, Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1979. 5. Gupta, M P. Metropolitan Transportation System, New Delhi, National, 1983. 6. Papacostas, C S. Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering, Englewood Cliffs, New Hersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1987. OP&O 404 – At MBA Full Time Semester –IV OP&O 602 – At MBA Evening Semester –VI Service Operations Management Objectives: The key objective of this course is to acquaint the students with decision making in planning, design, delivery, quality and scheduling of service operations. The candidates are also expected to appreciate the role of service quality and operations in emerging services economy of India. Course Contents : Matrix of Service Characteristics : Challenges in Operations Management of Services; Aggregate Capacity Planning for Services; Facility Location and Layout for Services; job Design – Safety and Physical Environment; Effect of Automation; Operations Standards and Work Measurement; Measurement and Control of Quality of Services; Dynamics of Services Delivery System; Scheduling for Services Personnel and Vehicles; Waiting – Line analysis; Distribution of Services; Product-Support Services; Maintenance of Services; Inventory Control for Services; Case Studies on Professional Services. Suggested Readings : 1. Bowmen David E. etc. Service Management Effectiveness : Balancing Strategy, Organization and Human Resources, Operations and Marketing. San Francisco, Jossey Bass, 1990. 2. Collier David A. Service Management : Operating Decisions. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1987. 3. Fitzsimmons, James A and Sullivan, Robert S. Service Operations Management, New York, McGraw Hill, 1982. 4. Heskett, James L etc. Service Breakthroughs-Changing the Rules of the Game. New York, Free Press, 1990. 5. Murdiek, R G. etc. Service Operations management. Boston, Allyn and Bacon, 1990. RURAL AND URBAN MANAGEMENT GROUP ORM – 301 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III ORM – 501 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V Co-Operative Management Objectives: The objective of the course is to expose the students to the functional problems of co-operative organizations in view of the compulsions of technology and the changing market structure with the globalisation of markets. Course Contents: Co – operative Administration: A Global Perspective; Ecology of Co – operative Administration; the Co – operative Sector & Economic Development; Co – operative Management; Nature & Functions; Professionalised Management for Co – operatives; Role of Leadership in Co – operative Management; Placement and the Role of the Board of Directors in Co – operative Management; The State and the Co – operative Movement; Effects of Co – operative Law on Management; Long Range Planning for Co – operative Expansion; Policy Making; Executive Direction; Human Resource Management; Organisational Structure; Project Formulation, Implementation and Evaluation; Financial Management; Marketing Management; Procuring Management; Distribution Management; Co – ordination between Trading Co – operatives & Public Sector Trading Agencies; Problems & Prospects; Suggested Readings: 1. Ansari, A.A. “Co – operative Management Patterns” Amol Pub., Delhi, 1990. 2. Akmat, J.S. “New Dimensions of Co – operative Management, Himalaya Pub. House, 1978. 3. Goel, B.B. “Co – operative Management and Administration” Deep & Deep Pub. 1984. 4. Kamra, Pawan Kr. “Co – operative Management” Deep & Deep Pub. 1987. 5. Sah, A.K. “Professional Management for the Co – operatives”, Vikas Pub. House P. Ltd., 1984. 6. Taimni, K.K. “Managing the Co – operative enterprise ed., Minarva Associates P. Ltd., 1978. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. ORM – 302 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III ORM – 502 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V Rural Marketing Objectives: The objective of the course is to explore the students to the rural market environment and the emerging challenges in the globalisation of the economies. Course Contents: Nature, characteristics and the potential of rural markets in India, Socio-cultural economic & other environmental factors affecting rural marketing. Attitudes and behaviour of the rural consumers and farmers; Marketing of consumer durables and no durable goods and services in the rural markets with special reference to product planning, Media Planning, planning of distribution channels and organising personal selling in rural markets in India. Marketing of agricultural inputs with special reference to fertilizers, seeds and tractors; Organization and functions of agricultural marketing in India. Classification of agricultural products with particular reference t seasonality and perishability, Marketing structure and performance. Processing facilities for different agricultural products. Role of agricultural price commission. Role of central and state governments. Institutions and organizations. In agricultural marketing, Unique feature of commodity markets in India. Problems of agricultural marketing; Nature, scope and role of cooperative marketing in India. Suggested Readings: 1. Arora, RC, Integrated Rural Development, 1979. Schand, New Delhi. 2. Desai, Vasnat. Rural Development, 1988. Himalaya, Bombay. 3. Mishra, SN. Politics and Society in Rural India. 1980. Inter India, Delhi. 4. Porter, Michael E. Competitive Strategy, 1980. Free Press, New York. 5. Rudra, Ashok. Indian Agricultural Economics. Myths and Realities, 1982. Allied, New Delhi. 6. Stalk, George, Competing Against Time, 1990. Free Press, New York. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. ORM – 303 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III ORM – 503 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V Rural Industrialisation Objectives: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the Linkages between Rural Industrialisation, Agro – based industries and Rural Development. Course Contents: Rural – Urban organizational and industrial patterns : Decentralised Industries : Small and Medium Scale Industries: Choice of Rural, Agro based industries: Issues in the size and Location of Industries: Appropriate technology and issues in the transfer of technology: Rural Labour employment and rural industries: Policy and Development of Cottage Industries: Organization and administration of KVIC: Promotional measures: Subsidies, Incentives and financial inputs: Issues in product development, Pricing, Quality marketing and Local Governments: Socioeconomic impacts of Rural industrialization: Sectoral Systems Approach to Rural Industrialization. Suggested Readings: 1. Acharya, S.S. amd Agarwal, N L. “Agricultural Marketing in India”. 1987. Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. 2. Dasgupta, S. “Diffusion of Agricultural Innovation in Village India”. 1989. John Wiley, New York. 3. Desai, Vasant. “Rural Development” 1988. Himalaya, Bombay. 4. Dholakia, R.H. and lyenger 5. “Planning for Rural Development: Issues and Case studies”. 1988. Himalaya, Bombay. 5. Hanumantha. Rao, C H. “Technological Change and Distribution of Gains in Indian Agriculture”. 1975, Macmillan, Delhi. 6. Papola, T.S. “Rural Industrialisation” 1982, Himalaya, Bombay. 7. Thakur, S.Y. “Rural Industrialisation in India: Strategy and Approach”. 1986. Sterling, New Delhi. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. ORM – 304 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III ORM – 504 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V Rural and Credit Finance Objectives: To provide a conceptual framework and understanding of financial management practices and methods foe rural development agencies. Course Contents: Rural Indebtness: Factors, Analysis and Implications: System of Rural and Agricultural Credits in India: Short term, Medium term and Long term Credit Systems. Rural Credit : Needs, Objectives, Sources (Institutional, Non-institutional), and Types. Role of Central, State and Local Bodies. Role of Co-operatives and Commercial Banks. Integrated Agricultural Credit Services. Multi agency approach to Rural Credit and Agricultural Finance. Structure and Responsibilities of Credit Agencies Loans Overdues and Recovery, Farm Credit and Modernisation: District and Block level Credit Planning: Refinance: Purpose, Guidelines, Terms and Conditions: Credit Facilities and Support Services. Suggested Readings: 1. Ajit Singh, “Rural development and Banking in India Theory and Practice”. 1985. Deep & Deep, New Delhi. 2. Dandekar, V.M. “Financing Small and Marginal Farmers Through Co-operative Credit Structure”. 1976. Allied, Bombay. 3. Desai, Vasant, “Rural Development: Organisation, and Management, vol-3, 1988. Himalaya, Bombay. 4. Jain, S.C. “Management in Agricultural finance”. 1970. Vora, Bombay. 5. Naidu, L.K. “Bank Finance and Rural Development”. 1986. Ashish, New Delhi. 6. Tokbi, M.R. and Sharma, D.P. ed. “Rural Banking in India”., 1975. Oxford, Delhi. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. ORM – 305 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III ORM – 505 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V Rural Resources and Development Objectives: To provide an in-depth understanding of the problems and processes of rural development ecology, resources and other major developmental issues. Course Contents: Rural economy, Income, resource distribution and gaps: Rural ecology, Irrigation, Water supply and habitation: Land holdings, assets distribution and Land reforms: Land Utilisation and cropping patterns: Agricultural productivity: Technology inputs – Water, Electrification, Fertilisers. Seeds, Implements, Plant protection and subsidies: Manpower: Employment, Migration: Rural Women: Status, Role and participation: Forest Resources and Social Forestry: Special area Development programmes: Wasteland development: Public services and Extension services. Suggested Readings: 1. Arora, R.C. “Integrated Rural Development”. 1979. S. Chand, New Delhi. 2. Bansil P.C. “Agricultural Statistics in India”. 1974. Arnold Heinemann, New Delhi. 3. Gupta A. “Ecology and Development in the Third World”. 1988. routledge, London. 4. Hanumantha Rao, C. “Agricultural Production” Functions Costs and Returns in India”. 1965. Asia, Delhi. 5. Joshi, PC. “Land Reforms in India”. 1975. Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. 6. Joshi, Ved. “Migrant Labour and Related Issues”. 1987. Oxford and IBH, New Delhi. 7. Khusro, AM. “The Economics of Land Reforms and Farm Size in India”. Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. ORM – 401 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER IV ORM – 401 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER IV Urbanization in India Objectives: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the problems associated with the processes of Urbanisation and Industrialisation in India. Course Contents: The Dimensions and processes of Urbanisation: Features of Urban economy: Industrialisation and Urban Growth: Socio – economic implications: Urbanisation trends in India: Regional disparities: Growth of Urban settlements: Distribution patterns: Problems of Housing and space: Slums and Unauthorised settlements: Urban Land policy and utilisation: Urban employment and the Informal sector: City-hinterland relationships; Rural – Urban continuum: Migration: Infrastructural and service needs. Suggested Reading: 1. Abdul Aziz. “Urban poor and Urban informal sector”. 1984. Ashish, N. Delbi. 2. Bose, Ashish. Indian Urbanisation, 1901 – 2001 2nd ed, 1980. Tata Me-Graw Hill, N. Delhi. 3. DeSouza, A. “Urban growth and Urban planning: Political Context of Peoples’ Priorities”. 1983. Indian Statistical Institute, N. Delhi. 4. Dube. K. and Singh A K. ed. Urban Environment in India. 1978. Abbinay, New Delhi. 5. Ghosh, P K. ed. “Urban Development in the Third World”. 1984. Green-wood, West Port. 6. Plalankikr, P G. “Urban Mobility in the Developing Countries, 1978, Popular, Bombay. 7. Satyaraja, R. “Urban Unorganised Sector in India”. 1989. Mittal Publications, New Delhi. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. ORM – 402 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER IV ORM – 402 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER IV Urban Organization & Management Objectives: To review the functions of the Urban Institutions, organization, and administration and the role of the local government in the management of Urban community development services. Course Contents: Urban community development Concepts and; strategies: Municipal and Urban administration; Evolution, functions, finances, personnel: Urban and Metropolitan growth: Central, State and Local organizations; functions and systems in India; Public utilities and services, Water Supply, Transport, Energy, Housing, Health Sanitation and Social welfare, Employment, Unorganised labour, Customer and commercial services, Law and Order, and other social services / utilities. Organization and administration of public utilities – in Slums / Unauthorised settlements. Applied Urban analysis: Land Policy, Settlement control, tenant and rent control. Financing of public utilities and control. Suggested Readings: 1. Bahl, Roy ed. “Urban Government Finance: Emerging Trends”. 1981. Sage, Baverly Hills. 2. Bent, Alan E and Rossum, Ralph A. “Urban Administration: Management, Politics and Chance”. 1976. National University Press. 3. Bertuglia, C 8 etc. ed “Urban Systems: Contemporary Approaches to Modelling”. 1987. Croom Heim, London. 4. Bhattacharya, M. “Management of Urban Government in India”. 1976. Uppal Books, New Delhi. 5. Cullen, Lan. “Applied Urban Analysis: A Critique and Synthesis”. 1984. Methuen, London. 6. Datta, A. “Urban Government Finance and Development”. 1970. World Press, Calcutta. 7. Gupta, R P. “Planning and Development of Towns”. 1983. Oxford and IBH, New Delhi. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. ORM – 403 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER IV ORM – 601 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER VI Urban Planning & Strategies for Development Objectives: To provide comprehensive knowledge on methodologies and techniques of Urban Planning and Management Strategies. Course Contents: Urban policies in Indian cities: Urban planning in India: Review and analysis: Multi criterion evaluation of Urban planning: Urban programme planning: The Master Plans: Housing and resettlements: Public infrastructure planning and management: Need assessment and access: Community participation in planning and development of sites and services projects: Spatial, Locational analysis and distribution strategies. Suggested Readings: 1. Bourne, L A ed “Urbanisation and Settlement Systems: International Perspective”. 1984. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 2. Foot, David. “Operational Urban Models: All Introduction”, 1981. Metheuefi, London. 3. Godstein, S and Sly, D F. ed. “Measurement of Urbanisation and Projection of Urban Population”, 1985. International Union for the Scientific Study of Population. 4. India Ministry of Works and Housing, Town and Country Planning Organization. “Towards, Human Settlement Policy in India: 2001 A.D.”. 1978. New Delhi. 5. Krueckberg, D A and Silvers, A L. “Urban Planning and Analysis: Methods and Models”. 1974. John Wiley, New York. 6. Lee, C. “Model in Planning: An Introduction to the Use of Quantitative Models in Planning”. 1974. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 7. Masser, Ian. “Evaluating Urban Planning Efforts: Approaches to Policy Analysis”, 1983. Gower, Hampshire. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. ORM – 404 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER IV ORM – 602 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER VI Urban Development and Regional Planning Objectives: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the importance of regional planning and micro level planning in Urbanisation and Urban development. Corse Contents: Regional disparities – Urbanisation: Indices and structural characteristics: Systems Approach to Regional Urbanisation: Role of small towns and Institutions in Urbanisation: Micro level planning: Concepts, Strategies and Factors: Regional planning strategies: Information needs, networking: Generation and Utilisation for planning, evaluating and monitoring. Suggested Readings: 1. Clavel, P. “Urban and Regional Planning in an Age of Austerity”. 1980. Pergamon Press. New York. 2. India Ministry of Works and Housing. “Report of the task Force on Planning and, Development of Small and Medium Towns and Cities. V.1”. 1977. New Delhi. 3. Mandal, R S and Peter G S. ed. “Urbanisation and Regional Development”. 1982. Concept, New Delhi. 4. Shukla, V. “Urban Development and Regional Policy in India: An Iconometric Analysis”. 1988. Himalaya, Bombay. 5. United Nations. Department of International Economics and Social Affairs”. Patterns of Urban and Rural Population Growth”. 1980. New York. 6. Wishwa karma, R K. “Urban and Regional Planning Policy in India”. 1981. Uppal Books, New Delhi. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. PUBLIC SYSTEMS GROUP OPS – 301 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OPS-501 MBA (EVE) SEMSTER -V Public Enterprise Management Objectives: The objective of this course is to expose the students to the managerial aspects of public enterprise and to help them to understand the working of these enterprises and to measure and evaluate their performance and efficiency. Course contents: Genesis, Rationale and Objectives and Roles of Public Enterprise, Organizational Forms and Working of the Board of Management, Public Enterprise Policy and Reform Measures, Institutional Arrangement for Designing and Implementing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU); Project Management Methodologies in Public Enterprises; Problems with Regard to Choice, Transfer and Management of Technologies in Public Enterprises; Pricing Policy and Price Controls in Developing countries, Marketing Problems of Public Enterprises; The concept of Administered Prices; Institutional Mechanism for Price Fixation Process; Budgetary Techniques and Financial Control System in Public Enterprises; Expenditure control, Zero Base Budgeting and Performance Budgeting; Personnel Administration in India; Training and Development Facilities; Problems of Job Satisfaction, Absenteeism, System of Reward and Punishment; Stress and Executive Behaviour, Problems of Industrial Relations and Trade Unionism in Public Enterprises; Problems of Evaluation of Performance Autonomy vs. Accountability in Public Enterprises; Human Resource Development in Public Enterprises. Suggested Readings: 1. Bhattacharya C D. Public Sector Enterprises in India. Allahabad, Kitab Mahal, 1990. 2. Bureau of Public Enterprises. Public Enterprises survey, 1994-95, New Delhi, 1996. 3. Khandwall, Pradip N. Excellent Management in the Public Secotr: Cases and Models. New Delhi, Vision Books, 1990. 4. Laxmi Narain. Principles and Practices of Public Enterprise Management. Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1991. 5. Mishra, R K and Ravishanker, O S. Current Perspectives in Public Enterprises. Delhi, Ajanta, 1985. 6. Nigam, Raj K. Towards a Viable and Vibrant Public Sector in India. New Delhi, Documentation Centre for Corporate and Business Policy Research, 1986. 7. Patil S M. and Nigam R K. We and the Public Sector, Documentation centre for corporate and Business Policy Research. New Delhi, 1988. OPS – 302 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OPS-502 MBA (EVE) SEMSTER –V Financial Management in Public Systems Objectives: The basic objective of this Course is to appraise the students about the Financing and Investment decision-making process in Public Systems organizations. Course Contents: Finance functions in Public enterprises; Role of Financial Adviser, Major sources of Finance of Public enterprises; Capital markets for raising funds, Government grants and subsidies, Public deposits; Cost Control, Profit Planning and executions; Capital structure, Investment decisions in Public enterprises; Problems of Pricing; identifying and solving Financial problems of Non-Profit organizations with attention to funds, accounting, budgeting and control; Investment decisionmaking when market valuation cannot be used as a criterion; Sources of funds for non-profit organizations. Suggested Readings: 1. Glynn J J. “Value for Auditing in Public Sector”. 1985. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 2. Gross, MJ and Warshayer, W. “Financial and Accounting Guide for Non Profit Organisation”. 3rd ed. 1979. Ronald Press, New York. 3. Gupta, G S. “Budgetary Control in Electricity undertakings”. 1984. National, New Delhi. 4. Henke, Emerson O. “Accounting for Non Profit Organisations”. 2nd ed. 1977. Wordsworth, Belmont (California). 5. Livingstone, J L and Gunn, S C “Accounting for social goats: Budgeting and analysis of Nonmarket Projects”. 1974. Harper and Row, New York. 6. Lynn, E S and Freeman, Robert F Fund. “Accounting: Theory and Practice” 1974. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs. N.J. 7. Rmanathan, V V. ed. “Financial Organisations in Public Enterprises” 1983. Institute of Public Administration, Hyderabad. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of course. OPS – 303 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OPS-503MBA (EVE) SEMSTER –V Hotel Management Objectives: The basic objective of this Course is to acquaint the students with the working of the hospitality industry. Course Contents: Hotel Industry – Introduction and evolution – classification of hotels – types of accommodation – Intermediary accommodation and grouping of accommodation; Development of Hotel Industry in India – Industry defined – Early history of Hotel Management – Hotel Industry Vs Tourism Industry; Characteristics of Hotels – Activities of Hotels – Accommodation Management – Front office – House keeping – Bar and Restaurant – Supporting services – Working of Hotels – Maintenance of equipments – Maintenance of accounts; Room occupancy rate management – estimation of demand, seasonal pattern of guest occupancy – Factors affecting the determination of room rates during season and off season; marketing functions and its relevance to the hotel industry – sales – purchasing – storage systems – inventory levels – ordering levels – costing – food cost reports – recipe costing – menu pricing – hotel security; Licences – permission from statutory authorities – labour department – city corporation – police – state excise – customs – department of tourism – employee state insurance – food and beverage services – problems and prospects of Hotel industry. Suggested Readings: 1. Anand, M.M. Tourism and Hotel Management in India, Prentice – Hall, Delhi, 1976. 2. Doswell, Roger Approach to Hotel Planning, New University Education, London, 1970. 3. Medlik, S. The British Hotel and Catering Industry, Sir Issac Pitman and Sons Ltdd., London, 1961. 4. Negi, Jagmohan, Hotels for Tourism Development, Metropolitan Books, Delhi, 1983. 5. Paige, G. and D.K. Paige The Hotel Receptionist, Cassell, London, 1979. 6. Sutton, Donald F. Financial Management in Hotel and Catering Operation, Heinemann, 1979. The list of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. OPS – 304 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OPS-504 MBA (EVE) SEMSTER -V Tourism Management Objectives: The basic objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the tourism. Course Contents: Definition of Tourism and the need for Tourism – The birth, growth and development of Tourism – Factors influencing growth of Tourism – Tourism in India and abroad; Tourism Planning – Need for planning – Government’s Role in planning – Tourism under Five Year Plans; Tourism and culture: Tourism and people – Tourism and economic development – Tourism and growth of related industries – Tourism and employment – Tourism and related developments such as social, political, educational etc.; Tourism marketing: Concepts and importance – Marketing functions in Tourism – Tourism marketing mix; Tourism pricing: Methods of pricing – Tourism promotion Advertising costs – Steps in planning an advertising campaign – Tourist publicity; Tourism and Government administrative systems: Ministry of Tourism – Department of tourism – Indian Tourism Development corporation – World Tourism Organisation – Travel agents in India. Suggested Readings: 1. Elliot, James Tourism, Routledge, London, 1997. 2. Hall, Derak R. (ed.), Tourism and Economic Development, Belhaven Press, London, 1991. 3. Mazanec, Josef A. (ed.) International City Tourism, Pinter, London, 1997. 4. Lea, J. Tourism and Development in the Third World, Routledge, London, 1988. 5. Mowforth, Martin and Ian Munt Tourism and Sustainability, Routledge, London, 1988. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. OPS – 305 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OPS-505 MBA (EVE) SEMSTER -V Energy Management Objcectives: This course would equip the participants with knowledge and skills needed in managing energy crisis, developing non – conventional sources of energy and using conservation and conversion technologies for organisational use at a macro level. Techno – economic aspects of various operating decisions taken by organizations and policy decisions fixed by the Government are to be reviewed. Course Contents: Organization for Energy Management: Goal setting in Energy Management; Energy crisis, energy use Patterns and scope for Conservation; Energy Audit, Energy Pricing; Review of and conversion technologies; Incentives for conservation in thermal and electrical Systems in the organization; Non conventional sources of energy; Utilisation of solar energy, Biomass as a source of energy; The option of Nuclear energy, in the developing countries. Suggested Readings: 1. Donglass, C. “Energy Technology Handbook”. McGraw Hill, New York, 1977. 2. Ghosh, P K. and Gupta, G S. “Cost of Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution”. National, New Delhi. 1983. 3. Kreith, F. and Kreider, J F. “Principles of Solar Engineering N.Y.McGraw Hill, 1978. 4. Penner, S S. and Learman, L. “Energy: Non Nuclear Technology, Vol. II”. Addison Wesley, New York, 1975. 5. Prakash, IK. “Energy and Environment”. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. 1980. 6. Thorndike, E H. “Energy and Environment”. Addison Wesley, New York. 1976. 7. Venkateshwaralu, D. “Chemical Technology, 1, Chapter, 9-10”. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 1975. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. OPS – 401 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OPS-401 MBA (EVE) SEMSTER -V Environmental Health Management & Safety Planning Objectives: The aim of this paper is to expose the students about the possible health hazards faced in the health care delivery process through the waste generated. It talks about the environmental health and safety management leading to quality health. Course Contents: Concept of Health Care Planning, Health Expenditures, Hospitals as a Health Care Delivery System; Management of Health Care Systems; Dimensions of Health Care Management; Management of Quality; Concepts of Environmental Health Care; Microbiological considerations; Laundries, CSSD, Insect, Rodent Control, Emergency and Disaster Planning; Safety management; Patients and Personnel Safety, Fire Safety, General Sanitation; Hazardous Waste Management; Solid Waste Handling & Disposal; Liquid Waste Handling, Collection & Disposal; Water Treatment and Distribution. Planning and Organising for Safety and Waste management; Legal and Social Aspects of Waste Management; Trends and Practices; Management of Costs; Health care Budgeting; Cost Containment; Management of Conflicts; Organising for better Health Care Management; Collective Employee Participation; Bargaining; Rewards and Punishments. Suggested Readings: 1. Ferry, Ted Safety & Health Management Planning, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990. 2. Bond, Richard G, G.S. Michaelsen and Roger L. DeRoos Environmental Health & Safety in Health Care Facilities , Macmillan Pub. Co. Inc. 1973. 3. Journal of Hazardous Waste Management, U.S.A. 4. Zweife, Peter I and Friedrich Breyer Health Economics., Oxford University Press, New York, 1997. 5. Kurt, Darr & Jonathan S R., Hospital Organization and Management: Text and Readings, CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1992. 6. Goyal, R.C. Handbook of Hospital Personnel Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1993. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. OPS – 402 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OPS-402 MBA (EVE) SEMSTER -V Health Systems Management Objectives: The course is designed to appraise the participants on the uses of Systems Management concepts for the purpose of efficient health sector decision-making, control and evaluation. Course Contents: Systems analysis and systems dynamics in health care; Health systems: Characteristics, Planning methodologies, Goals and functions; Strategic management in health care; Quantitative foundations of health services management; Health Systems research: Users and applications; Evaluation methodologies for monitoring the performance and needs in health services; Operational planning and management issues in health care; Health care decision making for mega problems; Approaches; Contemporary trends in health care; Health Manpower policy, Planning and management; Project Management in Health care. Suggested Readings: 1. Ferrer, H P. ed. “The Health Services Administration Research and Management”. 1972. Butterworths, London. 2. Hodgetts, R M and Cascio, D M. “Modern Health Care Administration”. 1983. Academic Press, New York. 3. Homby, P. etc. “Guidelines for Health Manpower Planning”. 1981. WHO, Geneva. 4. Hyman, Herbert H. “Health Planning: A Systems Approach”. 2nd ed. 1982. Aspen, Rockville. 5. Indian Council of Medical Research. “National Conference on Evaluation of Primary Health Care Programmes. 1980. ICMR, New Delhi. 6. Ramaiah, J J. “Health Programme Management Through PERT”. 1979. Abhinav, New Delhi. 7. Wortman, P.M. ed. “Methods for Evaluating Health Services”. 1981. Sage, London. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. OPS – 403 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OPS-601 MBA (EVE) SEMSTER -V Health Care & Social Policy Objectives: Designed to impart knowledge on the a) Health and Social Welfare polices, b) Factors related to health policy formulation, c) Tools of analysis needed for the study of health policies d) The dynamics of policy making. Course Contents: Social Welfare, Social policy, Health care and Social Development; Public and Social policy; Approaches to analysis, resources, Structure and Organizations; Factors in Social Policy; Situational, Structural, Ideological and Environmental; Health Policy formulation: Factors, determinants and other sectoral issues; National health policy: Review of different committees; Distribution of health services in India: Disparities; Health policy: Input, Output and Performance; Role of Private and Voluntary groups; Role of national and International agencies, Health and Social Policy: International Perspective; Health policy the Disadvantaged. Suggested Readings: 1. Chatterice, Meera. “Implementing Health Policy”. 1988. Manohar, New Delhi. 2. Christianson, J B and Mamor, T R. “Health Care Policy: A political Economy Approach”. 1982 Sage, London. 3. Djunkanovic, V and Mach, E P. ed “Alternative Approaches to Meeting Basic Health Needs in Developing Countries”. 1975. WHO. Geneva. 4. Lee, Kenneth and Mills. Anne. “Policy making and planning in Health Sector”. 1987. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 5. Leichter, HM. “A comparative approach to Policy Analysis: Health Care Policies in Four Nations”. 1979 Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 6. Parsten, G. “Planners, Politics and Health Services”. 1980. Croorn Helm, London. 7. Roemer, M I. “Comparative National Policies on Health Care”. 1977. Mareel Dekker, New York. The list of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. OPS – 404 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OPS-602 MBA (EVE) SEMSTER -V Health Care Economics and Finance Objectives: Designed to explore the range of financing and economic techniques which can be used to aid a resource decision making and resource allocation in the health sector. Course Contents: Assessment of causes of poor health in the developing countries; Health services, economic development and national development and national development planning; Economic appraisal of health services: Needs vs Demand vs Supply model; Health sector financing and expenditure surveys; Primary care: Costs, resource availability and allocation; Methods and models in the analysis and evaluation of health, sector financing; Financial management in health services: Budgeting, control, pricing and efficiency; Economics Non-Governmental health care; Economics of various National, health programmes. Suggested Readings: 1. Carrin, G. “Economic Evaluation of Health in Developing Countries”. 1983. Oxford University Press, New York. 2. Clieverley, W D., ed. “Financial Management of Health Care Facilities”. 1976. Aspen, Maryland. 3. Conyers. D and Hills, P., “An Introduction to Development Planning in the Third World.” 1984. John Wiley, New York. 4. Drummond, M F. “Principles of Economics Appraisal in Health Care” 1985. Oxford University Press, New York. 5. Ferror, H P ed. “Health Services: Administration, Research and Management”. 1972. Butterworths, London. 6. Ferrnati, D., “Strategies for paying for Health Services in Developing Countries”. 1984. World Bank Washington D.C. 7. Fieldstein, P J. “Health Care Economics”. 1979. John Wiley, New York. List of cases and specific references including research papers, articles and books will be announced in the class. SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP MANAGEMENT GROUP OSB – 301 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OSB – 501 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V Government Business Interface Objectives: The objective of the course is to highlight the need for strong interaction between government and business in India so that the resources are channelised to priority sectors and the firms are induced to enter into a competitive environment specifically created for them by government. Course Contents: State Participation in Business, Interaction between Government, Business and Different Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India; Public Distribution System; Government Control over Price and Distribution; Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and The Role of Voluntary Organizations in Protecting Consumer’s Rights; Industrial Policy Resolution, New Industrial Policy of the Government; Concentration of Economic Power; Role of Multinationals, Foreign Capital and Foreign Collaborations; Indian Planning System; Government Policy Concerning Development of Backward Areas/Regions; Government Policy with Regard to Export Promotion and Import Substitution; Controller of Capital Issues. Government’s Policy with Regards to Small Scale Industries. The responsibilities of the Business as well as the Government to Protect the Environment; Government Clearance for Establishing a New Enterprise. Suggested Readings: 1. Amarchand, D. Government and Business. 3rd ed. New Delhi, Tata McGraw till, 1996. 2. Cherunilam, Francis. Business and Government. 8th ed. Bombay, Himalaya, 1995. 3. Dasgupta A.and Sengupta, N. Government and Business New Delhi, Vikas, 1987. 4. Marathe, Sharad S. Regulation and Development. New Delhi, Sage, 1986. 5. Trivedi, M L. Government and Business. Bombay, Multitech, 19880. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of course. OSB – 302 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OSB – 502 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V Small Business Marketing Objectives: The objective of this course is to develop in-depth analysis for better understanding of the nature of competition in changing business environment. Course Contents: Basis for Competition; Structural analysis of Industries; Generic competitive Strategies; Framework for Competition Analysis; Market Signals; Competitive Moves; Technology of Competitive Advantage; Strategy towards Buyers and Suppliers; Strategic Groups within Industries; Competitive Strategy in Declining Industries; Competitive Strategy in Global Industries; Strategic Analysis of Integration Capacity Expansion; Strategies of Entering into New Businesses; Portfolio Techniques in Competitor Analysis; Techniques of Conduction Industry Analysis. Suggested Readings: 1. Albert, Kenneth J. The Strategic Management Handbook. New York, McGraw Hill, 1983. 2. Allio, Robert J. The Practical Strategist: Business and Corporate Strategy in the 1990s. California, Ballinger, 1988. 3. Ansoff, H I. Implanting Strategic Management. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc., 1984. 4. Harnel, Gary and Prahlad, C K. Competing for the future. Boston, Harvard Business School Press, 1994. 5. Hax, A C and Majlyf, N S. Readings in Strategic Management. Cambridge, Ballinger, 1984. 6. Porter, Michael E. Competitive Advantage. New York, Free Press, 1985. 7. Stalk, George. Competing Against Time. New York, Free Press, 1990. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the at the time of launching of course. OSB – 303 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OSB – 503AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V Financing of Small Business Objectives: The objective of the course is to familiarise the participants with the various modes of Small Business Financing. Course Contents: Financial Management in Small Industries; Financial needs of Small Business – types of capital requirements: Cash Management Problems; Sources of finance for small business in India: Indigenous bankers, public deposits, State Finance Corporations, Industrial Co – operatives adequacy and appropriateness of funds from banking and non-banking financial intermediaries; Monetary Policy of the Reserve Bank of India for Small Business; Financial Assistance form the Central and State Governments. Small Scale Industries and Financial Allocation and Utilization under Five Year Plans – a Critical Appraisal. Suggested Readings: 1. Bhalla, V.K. Financial Management and Policy 2nd ed. New Delhi, Anmol 1998. 2. Bhattacharya C D. Public Sector Enterprises in India. Allahabad, Kitab Mahal, 1990. 3. Desai, Vasant. Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship. Bombay, Himalaya, 1995. 4. Pickle, Hal B and Abrahamjon, Royee L. Small Business Management. 5th ed. New York, John Wiley, 1990. 5. Schumacher, E F. Small is Beautiful, New Delhi, Rupa, 1990. 6. Staley, E and Morsay, R. Small Scale Industries in the Developing Countries. New York, McGraw Hill. 7. Vepa, Ram N. How to Success in Small Industry. New Delhi, Vikas, 1984. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of course. OSB – 304AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OSB – 504 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V New Enterprise Management Objectives: The objective of this course is to expose the students to the managerial aspects of new enterprise and to help them to understand the working of these enterprises and to measure and evaluate their performance and efficiency. Course Contents: Entrepreneurship and its role in economic development. Problems of industrialization in underdeveloped countries with special reference to India. Industrial policy, Regulation and control of Industries in India; Mechanics of setting of new enterprises-size and location, optimum units-its meaning and determinants; size of industrial units in India. Theory of industrial location factors determining the industrial location. Regional distribution of industrial activity in India; Recent trends in the localisation of industrial activity in India: Regional planning of industrial activity in India; Feasibility studies: technical, marketing and financial; Managerial problems of new enterprises; production purchasing, Financing labour and marketing problems Facilities provided by different Institutions and Agencies in India, financing facilities for new enterprises, marketing and other facilities. Suggested Readings: 1. Caticts A Dalley: Entrepreneurial Management Going All out for Results (McGraw Hill, 1971). 2. Clelland, D.C. and D.G. Winer: Motivating Economic Achievement (New York 1969). 3. Srucker, Peter. Innovation and Entrepreneurship. East – West Press (P) Ltd., 1992. 4. F.M. Harbison: Entrepreneurial Organizations a factor in Economic Development, Quarterly journal in Economics August, 1952. 5. Gupta, C B and Srinivasan. Entrepreneurial Development in India. New Delhi, Sultan Chand, 1997. 6. Hisrich, Robert D and Petors, Micheal P. Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing and Managing a New Enterprise. 3rd ed. Chicago, Irwin, 1995. 7. Holt, David H. Entrepreneurship – New Venture Creation. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1992 The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of course. OSB – 305 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER III OSB – 505 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER V Entrepreneurial Development Objectives: The objective of this course is to expose the students to the growth of entrepreneurship in developing countries with special references to India. Course Contents: Entrepreneurial traits, types and significance; Definitions, characteristics of Entrepreneurial types, Qualities and functions of entrepreneurs, Role and importance of entrepreneur in economic growth. Competing theories of entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Development Programme in India. – History, Support, Objectives, stages of performances; Planning and EDP – objectives. Target group, selection of centre, pre-training work; Govt. Policy towards SSI’s; Entrepreneurial Input; Entrepreneurial Behaviours and entrepreneurial motivation. N-Achievement and management success, Entrepreneurial success in rural area. Innovation and entrepreneur; Establishing Entrepreneurs System. Search for business idea, sources of ideas, idea processing, input requirements: Sources and criteria of financing, fixed and working capital assessment; Technical assistance, marketing assistance, sickness of units and remedial assistance; Preparation of feasibility reports and legal formalities and documentation. Suggested Readings: 1. Cliffton, Davis S and Fyfie, David E. “Project Feasibility Analysis”. 1977 John Wiley, New York. 2. Desai, A. N. “Entrepreneur & Environment “. 1990. Ashish, New Delhi. 3. Drucker, Peter, “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. 1985. Heinemann, London. 4. Jain Rajiv. “Planning a Small Scale Industry. A Guide to Entrepreneurs” . 1984. S.S. Books, Delhi. 5. Kumar, S A. “Entrepreneurship in Small Industry”. 1990. Discovery, New Delhi. 6. McClelland, D C and Winter, W G. “Motivating Economic Achievement”. 1969. Free Press, New York. 7. Pareek, Udai and Venkateswara Rao, T. “Developing Entrepreneurship – A Handbook on Learning Systems”. 1978. Learning Systems, Delhi. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of course. OSB – 401 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER IV OSB – 401 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER IV Technology Acquisition & Diffusion Objectives: This course will highlight at the indicators of Technology and Market survey for Technology with a point of view of Diffusion, also the parameters on which Technology is assessed and evaluated and the key works for the success of an effective diffusion will be discussed. Course Contents: Technological Indicators; Make vs. Buy Decisions; Technomarket Survey; Assessment & Evaluation of Technology (TA &TE); Methodology of TA; TA Imperatives; Organization & Management of TA; TE Parameters: Financing the Technology: Government Funding: CSIR, IDBI, ICICI CII and UNDP etc.; Venture Capital; Identification of Core Competence; Technology Absorption Efforts-Case Studies DRDO; Management of Technology Absorption; Benefits of Technology Absorption; Future Thrust for Technology Absorption; Importance of Diffusion; Diffusion Strategies; Case Studies-Indian Experiences; Technology Marketing Issues, Strategies – Internal transfers, export etc. Suggested Readings: 1. Coates, VT: A handbook of technology assessment. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington D.C. 1978. 2. Hawthorne, Edward P: Management of technology London, McGraw – Hill, 1978. 3. Fransman, Matrin & Kenneth King Technological Capabilities in the third world, Macmillan, 1984. 4. Jain, Ashok, S. Pruthi, K.C. Garg, S. Anabi: Indicatiors of Indian Science & Technology, Segment Books Pubi. 1996. 5. Twiss, Brain & Goodridge, Managing Technology for competitive advantage, Pitman, 1989. 6. Wad A, Radnor M, Technology Assessment: Review & Implications for developing countries, UNESCO Science Policy Studies No. 16, 1984. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles and reports will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course. OSB – 402 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER IV OSB – 402 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER IV Technology Transfer & Absorption Objectives: To share awareness and experiences in the field of Transfer of Technology through mutual interaction by sharing views and experiences of some Professionals in the field of Technology Transfer, and to provide field purchase solution to these issues through better managerial techniques and organization changes. Course contents: Aim and Objectives of Technology Transfer; Models of Technology Transfer, Technology Transfer Modes; Technology Search Strategy; Dimensions of Technology Transfer; Features of Technology package; Routes of Technology Transfer; Technology Absorption capabilities of recipient enterprise; Competence of know – how supplier; Pricing of technology; Technology Transfer Agreements; Code of conduct for Technology Transfer; Government initiative and Technology Transfer; Indian Experiences and case studies. Suggested Readings: 1. Mann, TS, Transfer of technology, Bombay, Himalaya Pub. House, 1982. 2. Menon, KSV, Technology transfer: Concept modalities and case studies, Delhi, Gold Line, 1990. 3. Mogavexco, L.N. and R.S. Shane, 1982, Technology Transfer and Innovation, Marcel Dekker, New York. 4. Nath, NCB and Misra, L (ed): Transfer of technology in Industry. Case studies on utilisation indigenous R & D. Delhi, Indus Pub. Co. 1994. 5. Singer, Hans: Hatti, Neelamber; Tandon, Rameshwar (ed): Technology transfer by multinationals. Delhi, Ashish pub. House, 1988. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles and reports will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course. OSB – 403 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER IV OSB – 601 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER VI R & D Management Objectives: To develop middle level scientists in the modern concepts of R & D management with a view to make them effective project managers and to enhance their human and behaviour skills to make them effective member of a large multi-disciplinary projects. Course Contents: Survey of Emerging Technologies; Environment Analysis; Project Proposals; R & D Management: Management of Knowledge workers, R & D environment; Management of High value Instruments Test Facilities, workshops etc; Identification of partners/contractors for R & D Projects; R & D Budget; Technology Scanning; Procurement Procedure; Material Management Policy; Discard Policies and Procedure; Contract Management; Vendor Development; Procurement and Utilisation of Capital Equipment; Test Facilities; Sharing of resources with other Institution – Sponsored Resources; Development Tools; Design Methodologies; CAD / CAM / CIM; Design for Manufacturing; Design for Maintenance. Suggested Readings: 1. Cetron, Marvin J and Goldhar, Joel D (ed): The science of managing organised technology. N.Y., Gordon & Research, Science Pub., 1970 2. Jain, RK and Triandis, HC: Management of research and development organizations; managing the unmanageable, N.Y. Wiley, 1990. 3. McLeod, Tom: The management of research, development and design in industry. England, Gower, 1988. 4. Meredith, jack R and Mantel, Samuel, J: Project management: a managerial approach. N.Y. Wiley, 1985. 5. NTIS: The management of Government R & D Projects; the effects of the contractual requirement to see specific management techniques. Texas, University of Texas at Austin, 1972. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles and reports will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course. OSB – 404 AT MBA (FULL TIME) SEMESTER IV OSB – 602 AT MBA (EVENING) SEMESTER VI Programme Management Objectives: To train the scientist and managers in the practical application and modern tools and techniques of planning, scheduling; monitoring and control of multiple projects. Course Contents: Project Feasibility Study: Programme Management Concepts-Society Model ADA, IGMDP Model. Deemed University Model. MOUs etc. PMBOK ISO standards; Project Appraisal; Project Selection; Networks Models and their applications-PERT, CPM, GERT, Precedence Network; Resource Allocation and Scheduling; Project Costing-Zero base Budgeting, Budgetary Control, CAG Report; Project Monitoring and Control – CASM (DRDL Model); Time and Cost Over run; Concurrent Engineering; Project Closure-Cube Model; IEEE Models; Project Management Software; Major Projects in DRDO / DAE / CSIR / HAL etc. SARVATRA; IGMDP; MBT; FALCON; SAMYUKTA; INSAS; LCA. Suggested Readings: 1. Choudhury, Sadhan: Project scheduling and monitoring in practice. Delhi, south Asian Pub., 1986. 2. Harrison, FL: Advanced project management. London, Gower, 1985. 3. Lockyer, KG: An introduction to critical path analysis. London, Pitman Books, 1982. 4. Martino, RL: Project management and control; finding the critical path; Applied operational planning; Allocating and scheduling resources; N.Y. , American Management Association, 1965. 5. Meredith, Jack R and Mantel, Samuel J: Project management; a managerial approach N.Y. Wiley, 1985. 6. Srinath, LS: PERT and CPM; principles and applications. Delhi, East-West Press, 1975. 7. United Nations Industrial Development Organization: Guide to practical project appraisal; social benefit – cost analysis in developing countries. Delhi, Oxford and IBH PUB. Co., 1978. The list of cases and specific references including recent articles and reports will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course. Human Resource Management &Organizational Development Group OHR 301 at MBA (FT) Semester-III OHR 501 at MBA(Evening)Semester-V Manpower Development & Technological Change Objectives: Recent years have witnessed rapid technological changes affecting industry and business in different ways. This course aims to discuss the major aspects of technological change and the kind of human resource management strategies and stops which may equip the organization and its human resources to adequately cope with such changes. Course Contents: Manpower Management in the 21st Century; Environmental Context of Human Resource Management; The Emerging Profile of Human Resources; Special Features of New Technology; Concept and Process of Technological Innovation; Organizational Implications of Technological Change; Human Resource Implications of Technological Change; Performance/Potential Evaluation in the Context of New Technology; Technology Transfer with Human Face; New issues in Manpower Training and Career Development. Suggested Readings: 1. Clark, Jon. Managing Innovation and Change. University of Southampton,1995. 2. Clark, Jon. Human Resource Management and Technolo 3. Compbell, A and Warmer, M.New Technology, Skills and Management.London,Routledge,1992. 4. Rastogi, P N. Management of Technology and innovation. New Delhi,Sage,1995. 5. Warmer,M.New Technology and Manufacturing Management.London,Wiley,1990. 6. Womack, J P . etc. The Machine That Changed the World. New York,Maxwell Macmillan, 1990. 7. Whittaker, D H Managing Innovation. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press,1990. OHR 302 at MBA(FT) Semester-III OHR 502 at MBA(Evening) Semester-V Management Training & Development Objectives: The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth understanding of the role of Training in the HRD, and to enable the course participants to manage the Training systems and process. Course Contents: Training Process - an Overview; Role, Responsibilities and Challenges to Training Managers; Organization and Management of Training Function; Training Needs Assessment and Action Research; Instructional Objectives and Lesson Planning; Learning Process; Training Climate and Pedagogy; Developing Training Modules; Training Methods and Techniques; Facilities Planning and Training Aids; Training Communication; Training Evaluation; Training and Development in India. Suggested Readings: 1. Beunet, Roger ed. Improving Training Effectiveness.Aldershot,Gower,1988. 2. Bucklely R&Caple,Jim.The Theory & Practice of Training.London,Kogan & Page,1995. 3. Lynton,R Pareek,U.Training for Development.2nd ed.New Delhi,Vistaar,1990 4. Pepper,Allan D.Managing the Training and Development Function.Aldershot,Gower,1984. 5. Rae,L.How to Measure Training Effectiveness, Aldershot, Gower,1986. 6. Reid,M A etc.Training Interventions:Managing Employee Development.3rd ed. London.IPM,1992. 7. Senge,P.The Fifth Discipline:The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation.London, Century, 1992 OHR 303 at MBA(FT) Semester-III OHR 503 at MBA(Evening) Semester-V Managing Interpersonal & Group Processes Objectives: The purpose of this course is to advance understanding regarding interpersonal and group processes and help the participants to examine and develop process facilitation skills mainly through laboratory and other experience based methods of learning. Course Contents: Group as a Medium of Learning; Developing and Change; Group Cohesiveness; Influence Processes; Interpersonal Communication; Interpersonal Awareness and Feedback Process; Interpersonal Trust; Group Decision Making; Group Synergy; Team Building. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bennis,W G. Essay in Interpersonal Dynamics.U.S.A.Dorsey Press,1979 Kolb. D.etc.Organizational Behaviour: An Experiential Approach.5th ed.Englewood Clitts, New Jersey,Prentice Hall Inc.,1991. Kolb.D.etc.Organizational Behaviour: Practical Readings for Management.5th ed.Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey, Prentice Hall of India,1991. Mainiero, L A & Tromley C L. Developing Managerial Skills in OB,New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1985. Moore, M D etc. Inside Organisations: understanding the Human Dimensions.London,Sage,1988. OHR 304 at MBA(FT) Semester-II OHR 504 at MBA(Evening)Semester-V Organizational Change & Intervention Strategies Objectives: The objective of this paper is to prepare students as organizational change facilitators using the knowledge and techniques of behavioral science. Course Contents: Organization Change - an Overview; Approaches to Problem Diagnosis; Some Major Techniques of Planned Change; Steps in OD, General OD Competencies, OD Skills, Designing Interventions - Interpersonal, Team, Inter group and System; Evaluation of OD, Ethics of OD Professional, Future of OD. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Abad, Ahmad, etc. Developing Effective Organisation, New Delhi, Sri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations 1980. De Nitish.Alternative Designs of Human Organisation.London,Sage,1988. French, W H and Bell, CH. Organization Development. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1991. French, W H , etc. Organization Development Theory, Practice and Research,3rd ed. New Delhi,Universal Book Stall,1990. Harvey, D F. and Brown.D R. An Experiential Approach to Organisation Development, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc.,1990. Huse, F E and Cummings, T G Organization,Development and Change,3rd ed.New York, West,1985. Sinha Dharani, P.etc. Consulting Styles. New Delhi,Vision,1982. OHR 305 MBA(FT)Semester-III OHR 505 MBA(Evening)Semester-V Counseling Skills for Managers Objectives: To develop basic skills among students to independently handle a wide range of employee counseling and performance counseling. Course Contents: Emergence and Growth of Counseling Services; Approaches to Counseling; Counseling Process - Beginning, Developing and Terminating a Counseling Relationship and Follow up; Counselor’s Attitude and Skills of Counseling; Assessing Client’s Problems; Selecting Counseling Strategies and Interventions - Changing Behaviour through Counseling; Special Problems in Counseling; Application of Counseling to Organizational Situations with a Focus on Performance Counseling. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cormer, L S. and Hackney, H.The Professional Counselor’s Process Guide to Helping. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc., 1987. Maclennan, Nigel, Councelling for Managers, Aldershot, Grover, 1996. Moursund, J. The Process of Counsellingand Therapy. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey, Prentice Hall Inc. 1990. Munro, C A, etc. Counseling: A Skills Approch Methuen, 1980. Reddy, Michael. Counseling at Work. British Psychological Society and Methuen, London and New York,1987. OHR 401 MBA(FT) Semester-IV OHR 401 MBA(Evening) Semester-IV Cross Culture & Global Management Objectives: The objective of this course is to develop a diagnostic and conceptual understanding of the cultural and related behavioural variables in the management of global organisations. Course Contents: Human and Cultural Variables in Global Organisations; Cross Cultural Differences and Managerial Implications; Cross Cultural Research Methodologies and Hofstede’s Hermes Study; Structural Evolution of Global Organisations; Cross Cultural Leadership and Decision Making; Cross Cultural Communication and Negotiation; Human Resource Management in Global Organisations; Selection, Source, Selection Criteria for International Assignment; Compensation and Appraisal in Global Perspective, MNC and Compensation System. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Adler, N J. International Dimensions of Organisational Behaviour. Boston, Kent Publishing, 1991. Bartlett, C and Ghoshal, S. Transnational Management: Text, Cases and Readings in Cross Border Management, Inwin,1995. Dowling. P J. etc. International Dimensions of Human Resource Management. 2nd ed. California, Wadsworth, 1994. Hofstende, G. Cultures Consequence: International Differences in Work Related Values. London, Sage,1984. OHR 402 to MBA(FT)Semester-IV OHR 402 to MBA(EVE)Semester-IV Management Development Objectives: The purpose of this course is to advance an understanding of concepts, methods, and strategies underlying the development of executives. Course Contents: Field of HRD: Definition, Objectives and Functions of HRD Professionals; Open Systems Theory Perspective for Training; Strategic Planning Approach; Organizational Environment and Training; Principles of Learning; Learning and Behaviour, Teaching/Learning Debate, Training and/or Development; Management Development - Perspectives, MD and management education, pitfalls, continuing need, need for effective MD, MD Policy and Committees; Planning the Strategies and Programme to reach MD objectives; Training Methodology An overview of the training process; Management Effectiveness Audit and, Management Inventory: Training needs Assessment and Training objectives; Designing training for effective learning; Methods of MD including Training for Human Relations, leadership, Team Work, Communication and creativity; conduction of MD Programme - Role of Programme Co-ordinator, trainee, top management; Evaluation; Getting Management Training to Pay-Off. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bienvenu, B J. “New Priorities in Training”.1969. American Management Association. Binsted, Don. “Developments in Interpersonal Skills Training”. 1986.Gower,London. Brinkerhoff, Robert.”Achieving Results from Training How to evaluate HRD to Strengthen Programs and Increase Impact”. 1987. Jossey Bass, San Francisco. Craig, Robert L. “Training and Development Handbook”, 3rd ed. 1987. McGraw Hill, New York. Kinlaw, Dennis C.”Developing Superior Work Terms: Building Quality and the Competitive Edge”.1991 University Associates, California. 6. 7. Lynton, Rolf P and Pareek, Udai.”Training for Development”. Richard D.Irwin, Homewood Illinois. Singh, P N. “Training for Management Development”. 1984. Forum of Asian Managers, Bombay. OHR 403 to MBA(FT) Semester-IV OHR 601 to MBA(Evening)Semester-VI Legal Aspects of Labour Management Objectives: The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of various labour laws necessary for effective management of labour force. Course Contents: The factories Act. The Trade Unions Act. The Industrial Disputes Act, The Payment of Wages Act, The Minimum Wages Act, The Employee’s State Insurance Act, The Workman’s Compensation Act, The Payment of Bonus Act, The Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, The Employment Exchange, Compulsory Notification of Vacancies Act. Suggested Readings: a. R.C.Chawla & K.C. Garg : A text Book of Industries Law, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, 1979. b. S.N.Mishra : Industrial Law, Allah bad Law Agency, Allah bad 1982. c. P.L. Malik : Industrial Law, Eastern Book Company, Luck now, 1980. d. V.N. Pandey :Text Book of Labor and Industrial Lays : Estern Book Company, Luck now,1980. e. N.D.Kapoor : Hand Book of Industrial Law : Sultanchand Sons, New Delhi,1980. OHR 404 MBA(FT) Semester-IV OHR 602 MBA(Evening) Semester-VI Human Resource Planning & Development – Strategies and Systems Objectives: The purpose of this course is to facilitate an understanding of the concepts, methods and strategies for HRD. Course Contents: Field of HRD - Concepts, Goals, Challenges; HRD Climate and Practices in India; Staffing HRD Function; Developing HR Strategies; HRD System Design Princples; Design & Administration of Select HRD Systems; HRD for Workers; HRD Intervention; HRD Approaches for coping with Organisational Changes; Case Studies of HRD in Indian Organizations. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Dayal, Ishwar. Successful Applications of HRD. New Delhi, New Concepts, 1996. Dayal, Ishwar. Designing HRD Systems. New Delhi,Concept.1993. Kohli, Uddesh & Sinha, Dhami P. HRD- Global Challenges & Strategies in 2000 A.D.New Delhi,ISTD,1995. Maheshwari, B.L. & Sinha,Dhami P. Management of Change Through HRD.New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill,1991. Pareek, U.etc. Managing Transitions: The HRD Response. New Delhi,Tata McGraw Hill, 1992 Rao, T V. etc. Alternative Approaches & Strategies of Human Resource Development.Jaipur, Rawat,1988. Silvera,D N . HRD: The Indian Experience Delhi, New India,1991.
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