mathematics lesson for early stage 1 students standard 2

March 22, 2018 | Author: api-267460868 | Category: Psychological Concepts, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognition, Teaching, Learning



Mathematics lesson for Early Stage 1 studentsLesson Objectives. Students will experience various teaching strategies that will develop their knowledge of counting on to the number 6. For e.g. if 2 counters are hiding and the students can see 4 than students are expected to count on from 4 to get to 6 to identify that there are 2 counters hiding. Lesson 1 Focus Maths Hidden Numbers Making 6 Teaching and Learning Experiences I ntro 20mins: Teacher to introduce mathematics lesson. Discuss with the students that they are going to be counting on with numbers that make 6. Question a student when I hold up 4 fingers how many more fingers do I need to make 6 fingers? Start by counting 4 fingers, instruct students to lock number 4 in their heads and count on 5-6. Repeat activity now holding up 5 fingers and then 3 fingers. a) Using the Smart Notebook application on the IWB teacher to display slide number one 6 monkeys. With students count 6 monkeys and allow them to watch you hide two monkeys then discuss with the students how many monkeys are hiding. Ask students how many monkeys can you see? Have students’ lock in their heads that amount number (4 monkeys) and count on to make 6 (5-6) and explain that’s how many monkeys are hiding. Using same slide repeat activity hiding a different amount of monkeys and again discuss with the students how many monkeys can you see? Lock that number of monkeys in your head and count on the make 6 that’s how may monkeys are hiding. Have students repeat holding their fingers up and counting on to make 6. Display slide number two of 6 puppies and count the 6 puppies with the students. Have students close their eyes and hide 4 puppies, select a student to work out how many puppies are hiding reminding them to look at how many puppies they can see, locking that number in their head and counting on then discuss with the whole class how the student worked out the answer. Display slide number three of 6 cars. Have students close their eyes and hide 1 car, then select a student to work out how many are hiding. Again discuss how the student worked out the answer. Specifically for Tai (boy with Autism) Display slide number four of 6 dinosaurs and allow for Tai to work out how many are hiding. b) Transfer activity to floor and have students form a circle sitting. Repeat activity using concrete materials. Using cars display 6, advise students to close their eyes and place your hand over 2 cars, then select a student to work out how many cars are hiding under your hand. Move hand away to display 2 cars and discuss with the students. Repeat activity with counters, then with dinosaurs to engage Tai, and then with marbles. Resources Smart Notebook IWB Cars Dinosaurs Counters Outcomes MAe-1WM describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings MAe-2WM uses objects, actions technology and/or trial and error to explore mathematical problems MAe-3WM uses concrete materials and/or pictorial representations to support conclusions Mae-4NA counts to 30, and orders, reads and represents numbers in the rage 0 to 20 Mae-5NA combines, separates and compares collections of objects, describes using everyday language, and records using informal methods Assessments Student observation notes from teacher- student interactions Collection of student workbooks (work samples) and G&T sheets of paper The key ideas and concepts have been organised into an effective learning and teaching sequence as I have effectively structured the lesson so that student’s knowledge is built on. From the introduction of advising student’s to count on using fingers, moving on to the whiteboard then floor, moving students to their desks and then back to the floor for reflective discussions encouraged the student’s learning. 2.2.2 Content selection and organisation 2.2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Implementing the direct teaching strategy utalising the Smart Notebook application expanded curriculum learning opportunities for students. Body 25mins: Teacher to introduce Maths Plus workbook and turn to unit 11 pg. 14. Teacher to go through explicitly each question with the students to consolidate an understanding of what is required. When working out each question always remind students about key concepts of locking the number of counters you can see in your head and count on to make 6 and invite whole class to explain how you (teacher) got the answer. When teacher has completed all questions in workbook, hand out to all students their Maths Plus workbook. Advise the students that they are now going to their desks to complete same page as the teacher and whole class just did. Before sending students to their desks ask them does anybody not know what to do? If so work closely with these students on the floor. For G&T students give them a sheet of paper and for every question in the workbook they are to write the equation so for e.g. if they can see 2 counters and 4 are hiding they must write on their sheet of paper 2+4=6 Extended activity: students to find another student who has finished and practice hiding counters up to 6 for their partner to work out. Conclusion 10mins: Gather the students in circle back on floor for lesson reflection. Discuss with students what did you learn? Teacher to count out 6 counters with the students and hide 3, select a student to work out how many are hiding. Discuss with class how did the students work out the answer. Select a student to count 6 counters out and the teacher to close their eyes and work out how many are hiding under the student’s hand. Again discuss with the students how the teacher worked out the answer. Maths Plus textbook Sheets of paper for (G&T) students Counters (early finishes) Student observation notes during lesson reflection discussing what they learnt I used explicit instructions in structured activities that involved teaching the specific key concept of locking a number in your head and counting on demonstrate an effective mathematics teaching strategy. 2.2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies
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