Mathcad Prime Alpha3 Guide



Alpha Test Guide for Mathcad Prime 1.0 Alpha 3 This is the final Alpha test for Mathcad Prime 1.0. We would like you to concentrate on converting your files into Mathcad Prime 1.0. Then try to recreate your previous worksheets from scratch in Mathcad Prime 1.0. If you do not have any previous Mathcad worksheets, then create new worksheets you might do in your work, trying out the features in Mathcad Prime 1.0 and report any issues.       Installing Mathcad Prime 1.0 Alpha 3 Installing Mathcad 15 M005 (needed for conversion of older Mathcad files) Converting worksheets from earlier versions of Mathcad into Mathcad Prime 1.0 Creating new worksheets in Mathcad Prime 1.0 Features in Mathcad Prime 1.0 Reporting Issues and Feedback to [email protected] Installation of Mathcad Prime 1.0 Alpha 3 You may install Mathcad Prime 1.0 Alpha 3 side-by-side with any previous version of Mathcad. Software Requirements   Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7. Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (must be installed first from Previous Testers You must uninstall previous Mathcad Prime 1.0 Alpha software before installing Mathcad Prime 1.0 Alpha 3. 1. Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs 2. Select Mathcad Prime 1.0 Alpha and click on remove. Download Mathcad Prime 1.0 Alpha 3 from and run the installation. If you are running on XP, see the hotfix instructions below. Installing Mathcad 15 M005 Mathcad 15 M005 is necessary for converting older versions of Mathcad worksheets. This is prerelease software. As a tester you will receive the shipping version of both Mathcad Prime 1.0 and Mathcad 15 M005. If you do not have Mathcad 14 or 15 installed 1. You can download and install Mathcad 15 M005 from 2. In the Mathcad License Setup, choose “I want to acquire a license via the Internet.” 3. On the next screen, check the last option, “I want a trial license.” If you have Mathcad 15.0 F000 installed 1. If you have a license.dat file in C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad 15\licenses, back it up outside of the Mathcad install directory, to ensure that it is not deleted. 2. If you use a license server, then you should be able to use the license server for Mathcad 15.0 M005. 3. Mathcad 15.0 M005 will uninstall Mathcad 15.0 F000. You may want to do your Mathcad Prime testing on a separate machine from where Mathcad 15.0 F000 is installed. 4. Download and install Mathcad 15 M005 from 5. You can use Mathcad 15 M005 until the final release is available. If you have any version of Mathcad 14 but do not have Mathcad 15 installed. 1. If you have a license.dat file in C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad 14\licenses, back it up outside of the Mathcad installed directory, to ensure that you do not lose it. 2. If you use a license server, follow step 6 to obtain a trial license for Mathcd 15.0 M005. 3. Mathcad 15.0 M005 will uninstall Mathcad 14. You may want to do your Mathcad Prime testing on a separate machine from where Mathcad 15.0 F000 is installed. 4. Download and install Mathcad 15 M005 from 5. Install Mathcad 15 M005 in a different directory from the Mathcad 14 install. 6. In the Mathcad License Setup, browse to your backed-up license.dat file. a. If that doesn’t work then choose “I want to acquire a license via the Internet.” b. And on the next screen, check the last option, “I want a trial license.” 7. If you uninstall Mathcad 15 M005, you can reinstall Mathcad 14 using your backed up license.dat. Note, when you reinstall Mathcad 14 you may lose your user preferences. Note: If you are a single user, and run out of trial licenses, contact [email protected] and we will provide you with a license for testing. Windows 7 or Vista: Disregard the Memory Leak steps below. This memory leak only affects Windows XP. Windows XP only READ THIS: Microsoft WPF has a major memory leak that may freeze up your computer. We are currently working with Microsoft to resolve this issue. Follow these steps to apply a hot fix provided by Microsoft. If you already applied the hotfix for Alpha 2, you do not need to repeat these steps. Please report the exact issues that arise when applying the hotfix so we can report the issues to Microsoft. First check to see if Mathcad Prime has the memory leak on your computer: 1. Start Mathcad Prime. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and choose Task Manager, then locate MathcadPrime.exe under the processes list: 2. Type a single character in Prime with your cursor remaining in it. On Task Manager, you will see the number under “Mem Usage” consistently go up. Exit from Mathcad aspx?ReleaseId=3 248. Restart your computer when 2.exe hot fix (it’s the second link.5 SP1 by clicking on the Change/Remove . Let us know if everything works correctly. and you do not see the memory Service Pack 2. Reinstall .NET 3. Next uninstall . 3. On http://code.exe in the name). run the NDP30SP2-KB967634-x86.0 5. 4. If you do not see this memory leak. 2. Next uninstall . let us Run Mathcad Prime. To Fix the Memory Leak 1. with –x86. 2.Prime before it crashes in about an hour.NET 3. Let us know that the hotfix did not work.msdn. If You Still have a Memory Leak 1.5 SP1 from this link: http://www. uninstall . Using Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.NET 3. microsoft. 5. 4. with – x86. as we may have another schema change before Mathcad Prime 1. We are fixing the character now. 2. Boolean Equals: Ctrl+= on some computers looks like a lightning bolt instead of the bold equals character. 3. Write down exactly what you did and report the steps to Mathcadalpha@ptc. 8.msdn. Ribbon: We have revised the ribbon. Check that Mathcad Prime 1. . You do not need to report any issues that you have already reported. Start Mathcad Prime 1. We are currently prioritizing bugs and issues and fixing them. Translations: Only the first pass has been Restart your computer when requested. you may see issues that you have already reported. as they have been logged. Files created with Mathcad Prime Alpha 1 cannot be opened in Alpha 3. Images that still need to be designed appear as asterisk Crashes: If you experience a crash or the software closes or freezes. repeat the steps you took to crash.aspx?ReleaseId=3 248. We cannot fix a crash unless we can repeat it. the memory does go up initially. This is Alpha software. Please do not do any real work in Alpha 3. 7.0 and repeat the Memory Leak check above.0 is shipped. Please wait at least a minute after you type the character. and rerun the NDP30SP2-KB967634-x86. as your files may not be able to be read by the final software. If the memory continues to rise after 2 or 3 minutes. 1.exe hot fix (it’s the second link. it means that the translation has not yet been done.0 now runs. Return to http://code. but it should stop after that. Known Issues In Mathcad Prime Alpha 3. 6. If content appears in English.8319-81da479ab0d7&displaylang=en 6. We had a schema change in order to add conversion in the name). You should not do any real work with the software. please report it to mathcad-alpha@ptc. Note that results are not calculated until you press F5 or edit the file. 4. You must convert them through the XMCD. Click on the region to see the issue. so make sure you have reviewed all the issues. select the worksheet and click Add References. locked areas must be unlocked before conversion. Converted worksheets are created in the same folder as the original worksheets. Each issue is annotated with a red annotation mark.Converting Mathcad Worksheets to Mathcad Prime 1. so you will see the old results in the file on open. If any of the worksheets have references to other worksheets. You cannot open worksheets from earlier versions of Mathcad directly in Mathcad Prime. 3. MCD Converter. Go to the XMCD. You must have Mathcad 15 M005 installed. Select the worksheets you want to convert. 1. 7. Notes: Collapsed. MCD Converter on the Input/Output tab of the ribbon. Reviewing Converted Worksheets to Mathcad Prime 1. 2. Click on a converted worksheet in the Converter to see a log file of issues. 4. 5. Open the converted Mathcad Prime worksheet. Click Add Worksheet and browse for the worksheets you want to convert. 2. 3.0 1. and click Convert. The Clear Annotations button in the Input/Output tab on the ribbon removes all annotations. 6.0. You can continue working in Mathcad Prime while other files are being converted. Issues are categorized as:     Display differences Calculation differences Unsupported formatting Unsupported features . plotting matrices. Include Worksheets (cache calculation option) is now working. Two new Fourier functions 2D plot features: waterfall plots.5. 2. PDF and XPS. 6. Programming operators Polar plots Solve blocks Equation editing Language and International issues Mathcad Prime 1. 6.0 and let us know of any issues that are time-consuming or difficult. It is still not final. 10. no workaround. 4. 14. Ribbon: revised based on Alpha and Usability test feedback Wide pages in Draft View Page Choices: Landscape and Portrait. Report any issues that concern you such as: crashes. hiding axis expressions Labels now show for units on the left and right side of an equation . 12. Rewrite your previous Mathcad worksheets in Mathcad Prime 1. 13. See Mathcad Prime 1. 7. overlapping regions. Creating New Worksheets in Mathcad Prime 1. loss of content. markers. calculation result changes. and display issues.0: Features below. Be sure to include the source Mathcad file and the converted file.0 1. 3. . 2. Report any crashes or loss of any content to mathcad-alpha@ptc. Margins and Grid size Contour plots Functions: The All functions panel is now docked on the left and is searchable . Test features that you commonly use or that you have not previously tested and report your feedback to mathcad-alpha@ptc. 15. 5. 8. 7. Fix the formatting and calculation issues so the worksheet works correctly. Page sizes. Previous Features 1.0 Ribbon Changes We have revised the ribbon based on Alpha testing and Usability testing feedback. Printing to paper. Unsupported features such as 3D plots and symbolics are converted as images so no information is lost. b. You will notice a nonprintable page marker on the right margin (triangle) indicating that unseen content is on the Draft View. Enter these types of elements near the far right edge of the Mathcad page. then view them in Page View and Draft View a. Draft view provides an unlimited wide page to the right without page breaks. the content in the Draft view cannot be printed. Close Draft view by clicking on the Page icon at the bottom right of your screen or by choosing Page from the View group on the Document tab. and headers/footers. Open Draft View by clicking on the Draft View icon at the bottom right of your screen or by selecting Draft from the View group on the Document tab. such as identity(20)=. You’ll see a yellow starburst for missing icons. Click on the nonprintable page marker to open the Draft View. Press Ctrl+Shift +T to create a text block. 5. which are searchable and can be viewed as an alphabetical list or by category. Document Features Wide Pages in Draft View We have implemented a non-printable draft view that is similar to the wide pages in earlier versions of Mathcad. past the right-hand page margin. The All Functions button on the Functions tab now provides a docked list of functions. Page view shows you what will be printed. We plan to provide the same docked panel for Units. 2. you can change your page size to a wider page for printing purposes. Unlike earlier versions of Mathcad. Add some content to the Draft View. Create an equation or function that will have a wide result. 4. margins. 3. To Test Draft View 1. 6. You do not need to report this. You can arrow or drag the content as far to the right as you want.0 schedule.The new and revised icons have not yet been designed. Please provide feedback on any issues you find using the Ribbon. Notice that you cannot type anything to the right of it . c. however. so that it runs for several lines. and then add content to it. and then add content so that it runs off the page or wraps. Press Ctrl+T to create a text box. thereby extending the page horizontally. and Symbols within the Mathcad Prime 1. This is so that when the Text Block grows and shrinks. Create math regions on the Draft View page. based on user feedback. and then return to Page View. Send the before and after worksheets to demonstrate any issues. then change the page parameters and see if your content is still placed as expected. such as: . Contour Plots To create a contour plot: 1. 3. it will not cause math regions to its right to lose calculation order. you now have:  More options for page size  Portrait or landscape page orientation  Choice of grid size. is the behavior what you expect? 5. Will you be switching grid size? If so. and wide To test page options: 1. 6. Margins and Grid Size Under the Document tab in the Page Group. Save the worksheet. narrow. 7. Page Options: Landscape and Portrait. 4. 2. Investigate spacing options using Remove Empty Space and Add space. Make headers and footers and report any issues. Report any issues. The content stays at the same gridline so content moves on the page. and change the grid size from standard to fine. and then add your content. orientation. Click in a math region on the Page View. Define a function dependent on x and y.  Multiple margins including standard. Save the revised worksheet under a new name so you can compare the two sets. and margins. The standard grid has been made smaller. Page Sizes. Define one set of page parameters with size. Place content on a the Draft View. then press tab repeatedly. 3. Insert a contour plot from the Plots Tab or press Ctrl+5. Type f in the bottom placeholder. Insert a contour plot and insert N in the bottom placeholder: . Create a matrix: 2.2. Creating a Contour Plot from a Matrix 1. and z coordinates.mcdx. you need to define a function of two variables.To Create a Contour Plot using the function CreateMesh To Test Contour Plots To create a contour plot. 3. . Create different contour plots from functions of f(x. or three vectors specifying the x. a matrix of zcoordinates. y. See the Mathcad Prime worksheet Example_Contour_Plots.y). You should not resize the plot while “show contour values” is on. which is not clear. y. making them difficult to edit. Show/Hide contour values: Showing contour values is currently slow. 8. then the 3 tick marks will appear spread across the axis and it will be easier to edit the Known issues with contour plots 1. Let us know which of these features you find the most valuable. Reformat the color and style of the contours and hide the contours by using options under Plots tab > Styles.       Log scale Markers Hiding the color scale Controlling the grid size for contours Dragging the color scale to a new location x and y axis placeholders to define contour plot in a parametric way. 5. Tick Mark Values: You can edit the tick mark values on each of the x. If you get an error on a contour plot. Not in Prime 1. Color Scheme: Click in the z-axis expression (f) then on the Plot tab > Trace Styles > Color Scheme to change the default Rainbow color scheme to other options such as Topographic. 2. .4. 3. Open a group of functions such as File Access to see the functions listed under it. Create contour plots from matrices and the CreateSpace function. Functions Docked Function List All functions can now be viewed in a docked panel. Hover over a function to see the arguments and brief description. The docked list of all function appears on the left. 9. or last tick mark value. If the data is symmetric. The values on the z-axis (color scale) currently have too many decimal places. as the reprocessing is very slow. Show and hide the tick marks and tick mark values. Change the 2nd tick mark value to 0 at the same time as entering the z-axis expression. or z-axis by clicking in the first. 7. please send the file to Mathcad-alpha@ptc. Press All Functions button on the Functions tab. 6. 10.0 for contour plots. 2. 1. second. Both A and Z are real or complex-valued vectors or matrices of any size. where m is an integer > 1) Fourier Transform Definitions The definitions adopted in the new Fourier functions are listed below. Choose Sort by category or Sort by name. These differences are summarized in detail below. F1 for context-sensitive help is currently broken. The data must have compatible units. 7. Click on a function to insert it. Z := dft(A) Performs the forward Fourier transform as defined below. One-dimensional Transforms Forward Fourier Transform Inverse Fourier Transform . They are based on the standard widely used forms. 6. dft and idft. 5. Search box: Type in a function or a term such as “complex” to find functions that work with complex numbers. A := idft(Z) Performs the inverse Fourier transform as defined below. They differ from the formulas currently in use by Mathcad both in the sign of the exponent as well as the scaling factor.4. New Fourier Functions We have added two improved Fourier functions. Both functions will use the fast algorithm if the number of rows (and columns for matrices) is a power of 2 (can be expressed as 2m . m is always 1 (only vectors are supported) For example. m represents the number of rows. Forward Transforms fft/cfft Scaling Factor Exponent Sign 1/√n√m positive FFT/CFFT 1/n.m Negative dft 1 negative Note. to recover the same result obtained by say fft. with fft and FFT. Inverse Transforms ifft/icfft IFFT/ICFFT idft . Also. and n the number of columns for the input.Two-Dimensional Transforms Forward Fourier Transform Inverse Fourier Transform Main differences with existing Mathcad functions Scaling and Signs Existing Mathcad functions use different scaling and signs for the exponents. you need to divide the dft result by 1/√n and reverse the sign of the complex part. The following tables summarize the various combinations. Markers 1. You can now add multiple vertical and horizontal markers to your plots from the Plots tab > Markers. Delete the markers.Scaling Factor Exponent Sign 1/√n√m negative 1 positive 1/n. Show/Hide callout on marker. Not in Prime 1. Move the markers to different positions 3. must be reconstructed manually by the user. Add defined variables to the markers or set a marker to pi. 2. 2D Plots Go to Getting Started tab > Tutorial > Task 5-1 and Task 5-2 to learn how to work with 2D plots in Mathcad Prime. To test markers: 1. which accept arguments of length 2m. only return half the result vector plus one or 2m-1 +1. You can insert as many as you want. 4. The other half. 1. which is the conjugate part of the first part.0: Let us know which features are the most important. . fft/FFT Result Half length cfft/CFFT Full length dft Full length Performance The new functions dft and idft offer significant performance improvement over existing functions particularly for larger data sets and the cases where the size is not a power of 2. The new function dft returns the full result. Edit the callouts on the markers to move them to different position. Insert vertical and horizontal markers on your plots.m positive Return Values The existing Fast Fourier Functions fft and FFT. 5. 2. 6. read about them in Help. 5. Bar. 4. and Waterfall. not numeric value. 3. Add new traces. Plot the data with different traces available from the Change Type button in the Plots tab. Let us know if the information in Help is clear and if you were able to make each of those plot types. by pressing Shift-Enter in an existing trace. Markers in polar plots and contour plots. If you use Box plots. Click in the y-axis placeholder and select Change Type in the Plots tab. Move callout to different positions on the marker. Effects plots and/or Pareto plots. You can add multiple traces to experiment with Waterfall plots. Error. To test plotting matrices: 1. Enter x in the y-axis placeholder and y in the x-axis placeholder. Point Markers (like Trace in Mathcad 14). Formatting markers: color and font styles To Plot Matrices 1. choose Insert Plot > XY Plot. Insert matrices with data. try making them using Help. If you would like to try a Box Plot or Effects traces. 4. Variable in marker shows as variable. 5. Hiding Axis Expressions . Enter two matrices in your worksheet as shown below by using the Insert Matrix button on the Matrix/Table tab and filling in the numbers or by typing [ or Ctrl+M 2.2. You can change the type to Column. 3. 6. Enter a 2D plot by pressing Ctrl+Shift+@ or on the Plots tab. 3. the keyword label is automatically applied as you type in the solvers: find. You can change the thickness of a symbol by trace thickness and the color by trace color. There are now additional symbol choices for plot traces. 2. miner. minimize. Note. TOL. and CTOL. go to the Plots tab > Axes > Axis Expressions when the plot is active. Choose line style > none if you want to only see symbols. then all the built-in functions in your worksheet will be bold and red. You have to apply the function label to user-defined labels. Label different elements in your worksheets. If you change Functions to bold and red. In solve blocks. To test labels: 1. and see if it works the way you expect. Labels in Mathcad Prime 1. built-in system variables such as ORIGIN. such as units and variables. To do so. and change the style of the labels.0 Labels are similar to the namespace operator in Mathcad 14 and 15. 4. They can also be used to format math styles. need to be labeled as System to work. such as a variable and a unit as shown below: You can change the look of labeled elements by going to the Formatting tab > Label Styles. Symbol Choices You can use symbols instead of lines for plot traces under Plot Tab > Styles > Symbol. 3. A label enables you to use built-in names for two different elements.You can now hide the axis expressions or functions that appear next to each axis. Use the same name for two different elements. the word ORIGIN is still a variable so . and maximize. In the first instance below. To turn off caching the content of an included worksheet. Press the Include Worksheet button from the Math tab or press Ctrl+Shift+W. Include Worksheet At any point in a worksheet. . Browse to the worksheet you want to include. In the second instance. which uses the default value of 0. under the Calculation tab. Content that is not critical to the calculation such as text regions are not cached to reduce the size of the worksheet. You can disable the region that includes an included worksheet.doesn’t affect the matrix index. toggle Calculation Options > Cache Worksheet. in order that the parent worksheet will still function when moved away from the included worksheet. such as Worksheet A may include Worksheet B that includes Worksheet C. To include a worksheet: 1. 2. You can edit the file path directly. You can cache included worksheets. You may include multi-level included worksheets. you may include a region that pulls in the definitions from another worksheet. ORIGIN has been labeled as system. so it affects the matrix. To print to PDF: Choose Print under the Prime icon in left side of the Ribbon. Test moving. Adobe PDF. Move the worksheets to different folders and make sure they still work. or XPS (XML paper specification). Can you tell when an included worksheet is reloaded? Does that matter? cutting and pasting the included worksheet region. model. Report any issues to mathcad-alpha@ptc. Does everything behave as you expect? Are the warning messages clear? 4. To print to paper: Choose Print under the Prime icon in left side of the Ribbon. Printing to Paper. 3. Note only content visible in the Page view will print. does not print. You can cache the worksheet from Input/Output tab > Mathcad Worksheets > Cache Worksheet. Include various Mathcad Prime worksheets in your current worksheet (you cannot include Mathcad 14 worksheets into a Mathcad Prime worksheet). 2. and printer drivers. Try revising an included worksheet and check the behavior. All three prints should look identical. To print to XPS: Choose Print under the Prime icon in left side of the Ribbon. Test both relative and absolute file paths. PDF. . Check “Print to file” in the Print dialog. Include multilevel worksheets with different definitions and settings in each one.To Test Included Worksheets: 1. 1. When do you expect the revisions to appear in your current worksheet? 6.0 you can print directly to paper. 3. 5. and XPS With Mathcad Prime 1. Take a look at the warning messages and error messages. You can enlarge your page to print additional content. Content that is visible only in the Draft view. Do so with caching on and off. Also include your printer name. Choose the Adobe PDF in the Select Printer dialog. The file is saved as an XPS file. Include worksheets with errors in them. 2. Print your worksheets to your printer and as XPS and PDF. copying. 3. To test printing: 1. You should be able to open the file with Adobe Acrobat Reader. 2. Please include your worksheet and the XPS or PDF file. means that an assignment (definition) inside of a program is not valid outside of the program. take a look at Help (press F1). Or they can be typed in followed by Ctrl+J to turn the words into operators. which has some basic information.New Programming Operators There are new programming operators and constructs in Mathcad Prime. . Local assignment in a program. Type Ctrl+J Program operator “while” If you are not familiar with Mathcad programming. The list of programming operators and their keystrokes are: Insert Program or Subprogram New line Program local definition <Program If statement Program else (follows if or else if) Program else if (follows if or else if) Program also if (follows if or else if Program For loop Program While loop Program break Program continue Program return Program Try (On Error) ] { } Ctrl+Shift+} None Ctrl+Shift+? Ctrl+Shift+" Ctrl+] Ctrl+Shift+{ Ctrl+[ Ctrl+\ Ctrl+' To use the Programming Operators The operators can be entered from the ribbon under the Math tab > Operators and Symbols > Programming. Elseif condition2 is true. If condition 1 is true then do statement 1. elseif.else operator with conditions and statements. Note that you cannot use both alsoif and elseif in the same if operator. Clicking on if shows that all pieces of the operator are connected. Elseif. then do statement 2. and else cannot stand alone. also if. If-elseif. Else do statement 3. alsoif. since the old if/otherwise caused a great deal of user confusion. and else are now part of the if operator. Elseif. also if.New Program Operators if. and else operators can only be entered after an if operator. alsoif. . and else: elseif. . then do statement 1. The second if operator and conditions are separate. Rewrite your old programs in Mathcad Prime 1. Click on first “if” to see what belongs with it. then do statement2 else do statement 3. If condition2 is true. To Test Programming: 1.0. We have also clarified the Try/On Error operator. Click on the second “if” to see what belongs with it.If condition1 is true. try-on error d. To test polar plots: 1. Add more than one trace. Navigate through the programs. Try out the operators: a. 4. Test inserting and editing programs. Cut. Try using program operators with math functions or expressions. You must return to the baseline. Revise the tick mark values. Are you able to add comments using strings? 7. 2. In the bottom placeholder (radial placeholder). type a function or the body of a function. . if-alsoif-else c. if-if-else 8. On the Plots tab choose Insert Plot > Polar Plot or press Ctrl+7. 3. Set logarithmic scaling on the radial axis. if-elseif-else b. Go into a program and try editing or deleting portions of it. 2. You can find out more about polar plots in Help by pressing F1. Let us know if you can do everything that you need to on a polar plot. by pressing Shift+Enter after the first trace. Test typing in program operators in different positions in programs. 4. 5. copy and paste sections of programs. Polar Plots To insert a polar plot: 1. 6. 5. in terms of an angle. . and pressing Ctrl+J to change them to operators. 4. 3.2. 6. type another function in terms of the same angle. In the left placeholder (angular placeholder). Format the plot. Create various polar plots that you might use in your work. Make polar plots with negative radii. Note: You cannot enter a new line from the exponent. 3. Enter your solver and evaluate it. You must use the Boolean operators to define your constraints. The other Boolean operators can be found in the Math tab under Operators > Comparison. x + y < 25 x2 + y2 (Ctrl+=)= 25 4. or an optimization problem. and review the Solve Block section of Task 1-1. and if you wish these other sections (1-2. 2-1. x:= 1 y:=-1 These are starting places for the solver.y)= . From the Math tab. The Boolean operator for equals is Ctrl+=. A solve block contains one of the solving functions:      find maximize minimize minerr odesolve If you are not familiar with solve blocks in Mathcad. Enter your constraints for the solver. choose Solve Block or press F1. To insert a solve block: 1. A solve block must have guess values and constraints. However you can assign the result of a solve block to a variable that can be used outside the solve block. go to the Getting Started tab > Solving Tutorial Getting Started tab. and 3-3). 2. Variables defined inside solve blocks are local variables. the definitions are true only inside the solve block. such as a. find (x. 1-4.Solve Blocks A solve block in Mathcad Prime 1. 3. a.0 is a group of regions that solves a system of linear. differential equations. Enter your guess values within the box. b. a. Tutorial > Solving Tutorial > Solve Block section of Task 1-1. first work through the Solving Tutorial under the Getting Started Tab. Move the solve block on the page. Try optimizing a function using the minimize or maximize solvers. Tasks 1-2. Add units to your solve blocks.5. 1-4. Try solving both linear and nonlinear equations. 7. Try combining a solve block and a program. 2. Assign the result of the solver. such as find to a variable if you want to use the result in another equation. . 6. 5. You can look up the solver minerr in Help if it is new to you. and 3-3. 8. Read about them in Help if necessary. To test solve blocks: 1. 3. 4. Solve differential equations using odesolve. 2-1. If you are new to solve blocks. Try solving with the solvers find and minerr. Units are included in all functions where they make sense. Delete. or apply operators to them. A row (Ctrl+Shift+R) extracts a row from a matrix. Select different parts of math expressions by highlighting them with your mouse.Equation Editing The new Equation Editor has been designed to follow the order of operations and math precedence. Report any issues you have with the equation editor. To Test Equation Editing: 1. 3. 4. Both square roots and root operators are entered with a \. Perform the kinds of the math and calculations you need for your work. or using the arrow keys or spacebar. Type in literal subscripts. You can move up and down within a variable so that you can type H2O. such as the summation.(Ctrl hyphen).  Some operators have been combined so you no longer need two different forms.. and plots. and derivative operators. a:=1. 2.10     Units Units in Mathcad Prime 1. A column operator (Ctrl+Shift+C) extracts a column from a matrix. A range variable operator is entered by pressing two periods as it looks. . This means that units are checked while functions are processed. then copy or move them. product.0 are dynamic. In Mathcad 12 through 15. Type in complex expressions and edit them. copy. tables. The new keystroke is Ctrl+. Operators  Enter operators through keystrokes or from the Math tab > Operators group. Units can be typed in or inserted from the Math tab > Operators and Symbols > Units. They can be deleted directly and retyped as a different unit. and paste expressions and parts of expressions. units are checked first and then processed. 5. Mixed units can be used in matrices. You can learn how to use the new equation editor in the Tutorial under the Getting Started tab. exe" /culture:ja-JA Korean "C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad Prime 1. Japanese.exe" /culture:zh-TW French "C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad Prime 1. Let us know if Mathcad Prime does not install in the correct language for your locale.0\MathcadPrime.exe" /culture:de-DE Italian "C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad Prime 1.exe" /culture:zh-CN Chinese Traditional "C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad Prime 1. (adjusting if Mathcad Prime 1. Italian.exe" /culture:it-IT Japanese "C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad Prime 1.0 Alpha is available in 10 different languages: English.0 is not installed on your C drive).exe" /culture:ko-KR Russian "C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad Prime 1. and Chinese-Traditional. Then click OK. we would appreciate you testing in that language.0\MathcadPrime.0\MathcadPrime.0\MathcadPrime.Testing Different Language Versions of Mathcad Prime 1.0\MathcadPrime. if it is one of the supported languages.0 Mathcad Prime 1.exe" /culture:ru-RU Spanish . Chinese Simplified "C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad Prime 1.exe" /culture:fr-FR German "C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad Prime 1. you can switch the language in the Start > Run text box. Spanish.0\MathcadPrime. German. Russian. Chinese-Simplified. French.0 Alpha.0\MathcadPrime. If you use one of the languages other than English. Copy the line below for the language and locale that you want to run. Korean.0\MathcadPrime. After installing Mathcad Prime 1. To switch to a different language in the Help Center follow these steps: Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: . please let us know.0\MathcadPrime. If not.exe" /culture:es-ES Help Help should install in the language of your locale if it is one of the 10 supported languages."C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad Prime 1. All function names and variables are in English. Most but not all documentation and tooltips have been translated. Keyboard shortcuts that don’t work 7. although most software issues are in all language versions.Step 4: Press the Submit button. but not yet fixed. Some software issues may be present only in a particular language version of the software. symbols. 2. Incorrect or nonstandard translations. . units and other keyed elements that you cannot insert into math. error messages. please indicate on your bug reports that you are testing another language version. plots. Missing translations in the Ribbon. or text regions. Operators. Words that are cut off in tooltips and the Ribbon. and other user interface elements. To test: Report these issues: 1. 5. 3. If you are testing a language other than English. A number of these have already been reported. tooltips. Weird characters. Misspelling in translations. 4. 6. Mathcad Prime 1. None. and customized unit system Features and new features Not in Mathcad Prime 1. binary number format Included worksheets can be cached for portability Literal subscripts can be in middle of a variable name for names like H2O Math styles   x . READEXCEL and WRITEEXCEL. Signal Processing.0: Features Mathcad Prime 1. Data Analysis . and Image Processing Extension Pack functions merged into Mathcad Prime 1.0 Features New Ribbon Customize Quick Access Toolbar Physical constants in ribbon Ribbon user interface based on Microsoft Office Features and functionality are more visible. not buried in menus and dialogs Units Dynamic units Mixed units in matrices and tables Mixed units in plots MKS. octal.0 Improved performance for a number of computational signal and image functions Most functions now accept units New Read/Write functions: READCSV and WRITECSV. READTEXT and WRITETEXT functions Math and Equation Editor Choice of solving algorithms Custom currency symbols Error tracing Explicit evaluation feature        x x  x x Hexadecimal.0         x Most functions now accept units Functions 2 new more flexible Fourier transform functions 24 new DOE (Design of Experiments) functions that support units. Mixed numbers (fraction) Multi-level worksheet include (referenced files inside another worksheet) New improved equation editor showing structure of math New Labels feature. such as m for meters and m for variables. Partial derivative operator display Pdesolve and PDE solve blocks Results formatting: Zero threshold and complex threshold. exponential threshold. prefix and postfix operators Direct substitution of operators by overtype Global definition Gradient operator Indefinite integral New Linear and Circular Convolution operators New Polar operator New Row operator for matrices Picture operator Scalar operator Square root and nth root operator combined into one operator  x x x    x   . Symbolic math Matrices and Vectors Add and delete rows and columns from ribbon or mouse Insert matrix with desired rows and columns from Ribbon Matrix navigator for panning and resizing large matrices Mixed units in matrices Operators Custom display of operators x    x x x   x     x x Custom operators. so same names can be used for different elements. E-notation Solve Blocks as a block that can be moved as a grouped regions with a border Solve Blocks contain local variables. stem.Two Derivative operators combined into one operator with multiple placeholders Two Product operators combined into one operator with multiple placeholders Two Summation operators combined into one operator with multiple placeholders Plots 2D plots traces: line. column. Trace and zoom Polar plots Waterfall plots and plotting matrices (for lines only) Programming Debugging tools Easier editing of programs New Programming operators: if else-if else and if also-if else Programming operators can be inserted by typing Document Features Align regions horizontally and vertically Auto save Collapsed and locked areas Compare worksheets Draft view/Page view options E-books Embedded math in text Find /Replace Find all/Replace all Grid with two grid settings            x x x   x    x x x x  x x  x  . animation. bar. error Box plot Contour Plots (improved) Effects plot Hide axis expression Line markers (unlimited number) Mixed units in plots Pareto plot Plot legends and titles Plots: 3D Plots. 2nd y-axis. vector field plot. box. 0 worksheets New Tutorials: Getting Started. and math that can be copied to Mathcad Prime 1. MCD Converter (single or batch) for converting previous versions of Mathcad worksheet to Mathcad Prime 1.0 New Help with bookmarks.0 with annotated differences Documentation Detailed tooltips Migration Guide for converting older worksheets to Mathcad Prime 1. and Programming Tables Add and delete rows and columns from ribbon or mouse Header for table with units row Insert table with desired rows and columns from ribbon Mixed units in tables Spec table: can define multiple variables with vectors and units Integration with other applications  x           . Solving.Hyperlinks Improved Headers and footers Landscape pages Multiple tabbed worksheet interface Paste special Print to XPS and PDF Region background color and border Ruler and guidelines Separate regions: vertically or horizontally Spell check Subscripts and superscripts Tab to different regions Templates Text blocks that push down other regions Text styles Tile worksheets View regions x    x  x x  x x  x  x x x Wide pages in draft view Worksheet protection XMCD. If you are reporting a printing problem. 2. You can send a screenshot of Control Panel > System. 5. suggestions. your graphics card and video driver if appropriate. Attach your files and any helpful screenshots. Include information about your system including your OS. 3.xls is coming) Excel Add-in Import or paste from Excel Mathsoft controls and web controls Pro/ENGINEER integration Windchill Product Point integration READEXCEL function with preview and ability to edit function for parametric processing SDK User-defined dlls.0 Alpha functionality. . 6. and for communicating directly with the Mathcad Alpha team. 4.Automation API Components Excel 2007 support (*. your browser and version if appropriate. Please send your issues with attached files directly to: Mathcad-Alpha@PTC. If you are reporting translation issues. The Alpha email is for reporting problems. Some software issues may only occur in a language version of the software. Repeat the steps before reporting an issue to make sure it is repeatable. Report the exact steps that happened when you had a problem so we can duplicate them here. include the language and locale. include information about your printer and printer driver. Language: If you are using a version other than English. include a screenshot and the correct wording and spelling. scripts Windchill integration x x  x  x    x x  Reporting Issues and Feedback to Mathcad Alpha Thank you for testing the Mathcad Prime 1. . We will be logging feature requests separately. put Request in front of that item or at the top of your email.7. If you are requesting a feature.
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