Material Properties From Fkm



3.2 Material properties 3.2 Material properties 1R32 Contents 3.2.0 General Page 76 3.2.1 Component values according to standards General Component values according to standards of semi-finished products or test pieces Component values according to the drawing Special case of actual component values 77 3.2.2 Technological size factor General Dependence on the effective diameter Effective diameter 78 3.2.3 Anisotropy factor 80 Compression strength factor and shear strength factor General Compression strength factor Shear strength factor 3 Assessment of the static strength using nominal stresses 76 Rm,N Values according to standards Component values - 3.2.4 3.2.5 81 Temperature factors General ~ormal temperature Low temperature Elevated temperature 3.2.0 General de ff .N -deff (Jg) Figure 3.2.1 Values according to standards and component values according to standards, Rm and Rp, or values specified by drawings, Rm,z and Rp,Z . Top: All kinds of material except GG, Rm ::: Rm.N, R" ::: R",N Semi-logarithmic decrease of the mechanical material properties with the effective diameter d.n- . Bottom: GG, Rm ::: or ~ Rm.N . Double-logarithmic decrease of the mechanical material properties with the effective diameter dell'. According to this chapter the mechanical material properties like tensile strength R.n, yield strength R, and further characteristics for non-welded and welded' components are to be determined. Values according to standards All mechanical material properties are those of the material test specimen. Values according to standards, component values and component values according to standards are to be distinguished, Figure 3.2.1. The values according to standards (R.n,N , Rm , Rp,N , Rp) correspond to an average probability of survival Po = 97,5 % and depend on the effective diameter deff and on the technological size factor. Material test specimen Component values In the context of this guideline the material test specimen is an unnotched polished round specimen of do = 7,5 mm diameter *1. The component values CRm , R.n.z , R, , Rp,z ) are valid for the effective diameter deff of the component, they may correspond to different probabilities of survival Po, however. Specified values according to drawings Rm.z and R",z. Special case of actual component values 1 This definition is the basis of the present calculation, although specimens for tensile tests may usually have diameters different from 7,5 mm. If specific values for a component (R.n,r , Rp,r) have been determined experimentally, they normally apply to a probability of survival Po = 50 % , and therefore they are valid only for the particular component, but not for the entirety of all those components. They may be used, for instance, for a subsequent assessment of the strength are to be determined from the values of semifinished products or of test pieces defined by standards. Rm and R.p KA Rm. c1eff. Their application is not limited to a particular component. values of the semi-finished product or of a test pieces defined by standards. Rm. the anisotropy factor and the temperature factors are to be considered in general. for shear stresses the shear strength factor f. As the value Rm.1 Component values according to standards of Moreover there are to be considered: for compressive stresses the compression strength factor fa . Rm. 3.94 . values of the semi-finished product or of a test piece according to standards..z.5 % is assumed for the component properties according to standards Rm. 3..I/(n+ 1) = 1 . Rp. Chapter 3.N . The component values according to standards <Rm .N .1) is not applicable. is Rm = 0. 5 The value R m Z is checked by three hardness measurements (n=3) for exampl~.z is the tensile· strength of the material specified on the drawing. K<J. and therefore they may be used for an assessment of strength. Chapter 3. if for that purpose all safety factors are set to 1. product *3 . = 97. Eq. Chapter 3. Rp. it is assumed to have a probability of survival less than PD= 97. Chapter 5.2 Component values according to the drawing The component value of the tensile strength. Rm. The probability of survival of the lowest of n = 3 tests may be estimated to 75 % (= I .2 Material properties 3 Assessment of the static strength using nominal stresses 77 of the particular component in case of a service failure. Rp. Component values according to standards The yield strength. Rm.2.m. Rp.2.r .5 % .z is normally verified by random inspection of small samples only *5. 3. Chapter 3.2.N and Rp. With a likely coefficient of variation of 4% the conversion to P.00 in addition.2. or from the component value specified in the drawing.z .N . Rm. and may be assigned to R m Z .2.2 proof stress (of nodular cast iron or malleable cast iron as well as aluminum alloys). (3. in the case of cast iron or cast aluminum it is the value from the test piece according to the material standard. (3. . Chapter 5.2. semi-finished products or of test pieces The component values according to standards of the tensile strength. This probability of survival should also apply to the values Rm ' Rp is calculated therefrom. KA ' Rm.N. R.2. Rm.2. valid for the entirety of all those components. Rp. 3 If different dimensions of that semi-finished product are given by the standard. In the case of steel or wrought aluminum alloys the tensile strength. KA ' Rp. = 97.1.1/(3+1) = 0.1 .p .2. To determine the tensile strength Rm and the yield strength R. For GG the yield strength is not defined and Eq.1) technological size factors. K<J. = Kd. anisotropy factor.2).3. 4 A probability of survival Pii = 97.2) The component value according to the drawing Rm.N .2. corresponding to the tensile strength Rm is *6 .4.m Rm.. are Rm = Kd. = K<J. (1.5 % and are valid for the effective diameter.2.N . Chapter 3. R. . Rp) apply to an average probability of survival PD = 97.0 General The component values according to standards. Rm .5.m .1 .5 %.1 Component values according to standards 3.3. and for elevated temperature the temperature factors Kt.N.2.2.75).3) technological size factors. of the component.5 % follows from Eq. Chapter 3. is the guaranteed minimum value specified for the smallest size of the semi-finished 2 The term yield strength is used as a generalized tenn for the yield stress (of milled or forged steel as well as cast steel) and for the 0.N. .2.N .1.m .r and Rp. 6 A conversion proportional to R p N f R m N would not be correct since the technological size effect is more pronounced for the yield strength than for the tensile strength.2. where every test has to reach or to exceed the required value. and of the yield strength. *2 the technological size factor.1.p . .2.N Kd.N (3.4. is the guaranteed minimum value specified for the smallest size of the semi-finished product *3 or for the test piece defined by the material standard *4.2. (3. Furthermore compression strength and shear strength values are to be considered. Rm.2) converts the value Rm•z to a component value Rm that is expected to conform with the probability of survival of Pr. can be applied. The yield strength R.2. As a special case the experimentally determined actual component values. (3. m.p :KI. deff deff.4) for deff > 7.m = deft:max.14) *10 For all kinds of material the technological size factor for the toe section and for the throat section of welded components is *11 KcI.3 Special case of actual component values If only an experimental value of the tensile strength Rm. (d .m .2.m).2.2.5mm) .3 (KA).m (3..m = For GG the following technological size factor applies to the tensile strength: For deff :s.N. It is specified as a function of the effective diameter. unless otherwise specified in the material standards. Chapter 3.. for steel 7 The influence factors according toChapter 3.J. constants.p = 250 mm. deft:max.207' (deff/7.m KcI.N. for 12 mm < deft' < deft:max.m = 1.2..5 mm Kd. for deff. 10 Valid for steel.p = 00 .2. Rp..8) .max.~m .13) = 150 mm (3.p = For materials such as conditionally weldable steel. 3.m = :KI.2.2.N.m = 1.1. deff. 7686·ad.1.m /7.2. For all other kinds of material there are no upper limit values deff.m have to be replaced by the values ~p .m = Kct.. are given in Chapter 5 according to the type of material and its condition.2.p = 1 apply. and adm. (3. and depending on the thickness or diameter of the semi-finished product. To these values the technological size factors Kj. Chapter 3.max.p = v.2..p .J. far as a cross section may be defined .2 .p = 0. .m . 3. 7686·ad. stainless steel or weldable cast iron the subsequent calculation is provisional and therefore it is to be applied with caution. .2 Technological size factor Aluminum alloys 3.~p Ueff /7 .N. 1 . For wrought aluminum alloys the component values of the tensile strength.6 .7) For all other kinds of steel and cast iron materials the technological size factor is: For deff s deff. Table 3.4 (fer.2.7686 = 1 fig 20. 5 mm) for deft'~ deft:max. (3.5) For stainless steel within the dimensions given in material standards there is Kd.2 Material properties 3 Assessment of the static strength using nominal stresses 78 3.2. deff. In general the upper limit of the effective diameter is specified in the material standards. (3.2. Table 3.2.2. .2.I is known the value of the yield strength Rp.2.2 . . (3. (3.5 (KT m.2.m = deft:max.) are supposed tobe valid for both non-welded and welded compon~nts.2 Effective diameter For components with a simple shape of the cross section . = v. .p = Steel and cast iron materials (3. and ad.6) cancelled. 1-0.0 General The technological size factor accounts for a decrease of the material strength values usually observed with increasing dimensions of the component.. It is different for non-welded and for welded components *7 For cast aluminum alloys the technological size factors for the tensile strength and for the yield strength are as follows: For deft':::.m ·lg(deff /7.max.2.m *9: KcI.2. (3.1 Constants deff.p = 12 mm 3.I may be computed from Eq.207.3.2. (3.2.m = deft:N.10) effective diameter.5 mm)-0.m = Kd.2.m < deff :s.12) 1.2..2..11) deft:max.N. Considering the yield strength the values Kct.m = :KI.9) 1-0. .2.p =1.1 and 3.max. For milled steel there is deff.5 mm *8 Kd. For the determination of the effective diameter deff two cases are to be distinguished as to the kind of material. 9 0. Welded components 150 mm -0.N. part 1.2.lg(deff.m.3.m (3.I. 8 Footnote an Eq.3) with Rm = Rm.m .m it is: ~m = ~m (deff. (3. Figure 3.5mm) for deff ~ deff.max. cast iron material and aluminum alloys.2.m = deff. Rm ... and of the yield strength. = :KI. (3. page 40. = 1.m = Kct. 11 For structural steel and fine grain structural steel according to DIN 18800.2.p =1. deff. f't) and Chapter 3.1922.1 Dependence on the effective diameter Non-welded components :KI.. ad. .2.the effective diameter is given according to the cross section in Table 3. 7.p (except for GG).N.max. and act. after DIN EN 10 027-1 C22E C22R C22 C25E C25R C25 C30E C30R C30 C35E C35R C35 C40E C40R C40 C45E C45R C45 C50E C50R C50 C55E C55R C55 C60E C60R C60 28Mn6 38Cr2 38CrS2 46Cr2 46CrS2 34Cr4 34CrS4 37Cr4 37CrS4 41Cr4 41CrS4 25CrMo4 25CrMoS4 34CrMo4 34CrMoS4 42CrMo4 42CrMoS4 50CrMo4 36CrNiMo4 34CrNiM06 30CrNiMo8 -¢.42 0.32 0.7226 1.33 0.39 0.1189 1.1.37 0.1163 1.33 0.38 0.28 0.39 650 460 295 260 320 170 190 0.1223 1.0501 1.1 36NiCrMo16?1 51CrV4 Type of material.1241 1.1158 1.7023 1.43 370 250 225 275 145 160 0.1201 1.p ?2 -¢-3 -¢-3 ?3 ?3 ?3 ?4 ?4 340 225 210 250 130 145 0.36 750 520 340 290 365 195 215 0.0535 1.28 0.N crW.0540 1.7035 1. after DIN EN 10 083-1 (1996-10-00) -¢-1.7227 1.34 800 800 590 360 550 360 305 305 390 390 210 210 230 230 0.7218 1.7003 1.1180 1.1178 1.7033 1.t.1149 1.N 500 550 .38 0.32 0.29 0.0503 1.1209 1.0402 1.19 0.52 900 650 405 335 435 235 260 0.0601 1.26 0.32 0.1221 1.7038 1.4 Mechanical properties in MFa for quenched and tempered steels in the quenched and tempered condition.7213 1.35 800 550 360 305 390 210 230 0.6773 1.40 600 400 270 245 295· 155 175 0.6511 1.6582 1.46 1000 800 450 360 480 260 285 0.44 1100 900 495 385 525 285 315 0.49 950 750 430 345 460 245 270 0.16 0.41 0.7225 1. after DIN 17200 Ck 22 Cm22 C 22 Ck 25 Cm25 C25 Ck 30 Cm30 C 30 Ck 35 Cm35 C 35 Ck40 Cm40 C40 Ck45 Cm45 C45 Ck 50 Cm50 C 50 Ck 55 Cm55 C 55 Ck60 Cm60 C60 28Mn6 38 Cr 2 38 CrS 2 46 Cr 2 46 CrS 2 34 Cr4 34 CrS 4 37 Cr4 37 CrS 4 41 Cr 4 41 CrS 4 25 CrMo4 25 CrMoS 4 34 CrMo 4 34 CrMoS 4 42 CrMo 4 42 CrMoS 4 50 CrMo4 36 CrNiMo 4 34 CrNoMo6 30 CrNiMo 8 50 CrY 4 Material No.43 1100 900 495 1100 900 495 1200 1000 540 1250 1050 565 1250 1050 565 1100 900 495 385 385 410 420 420 385 525 525 570 595 595 525 285 285 310 325 325 285 315 315 340 355 355 315 0.N crSch.1151 1.1191 1.1 Material tables Table 5.33 0.zd.1203 1.0406 1.6580 1.N ad.32 0.N LW.7039 1.37 630 430 285 255 310 165 185 0.s.12 0.30 0.7220 1.1206 1. Type of material.1181 1.36 700 490 315 275 345 180 205 0.b.33 Rm.rn llci.zd. Notes? 1 to -¢-4 see next page.21 0.N LW.7037 1.N crW.1170 1.20 0. 1.38 0.36 0.0528 1.30 0.8159 R.30 0.54 900 700 405 335 435 235 260 0.1179 1.7025 1.18 0.44 900 700 405 335 435 235 260 0.1186 1.7228 1.7006 1.134 5 Appendices 5.28 0.0511 1.49 1000 800 450 360 480 260 285 0.35 850 580 385 320 415 220 245 0.19 0.7034 1. 1158 1.0511 1.1181 1.4: -9.1.s.N / Rm.1 and 3.p -9-3 -9-3 430 240 195 185 215 110 125 0.19 550 300 250 225 275 145 160 0.75 for all types of material listed. deff. -9.1163 1. after DIN EN 10 027-1 C22E C22R C22 C25E C25R C25 C30E C30R C30 C35E C35R C35 C40E C40R C40 C45E C45R C45 CSOE C50R C50 C55E C55R C55 C60E C60R C60 28Mn6 Type of material.2.1.10 0.1170 Rn.5 Mechanical properties in MPa for quenched and tempered steels in the normalized condition.19 680 370 305 270 335 175 195 0.07 0.1 and 3.10 0.N -9-2 ~m ad.0528 1.N = 16 rom for all other types of material listed.N 'tW.1241 1.17 -9.2.1203 1.2 Re.2.09 0.0503 1.I.N CJSch.09 0.0406 1.N / Rm. Notes referring to Table 5.N Re. 46 CrS 2.1201 1.1180 1.19 620 340 280 250 305 160 180 0.1 Material tables Table 5.3 More specific values for the individual types of material compared to the average values given in Table 1.1223 1.zd.10 0.09 0. Ck22 Cm22 C 22 Ck 25 Cm25 C 25 Ck 30 Cm30 C 30 Ck 35 Cm35 C 35 Ck40 Cm40 C40 Ck45 Cm45 C45 Ck50 Cm50 C 50 Ck 55 Cm55 C 55 Ck60 Cm60 C60 28Mn6 1.3 The fatigue strength values of the sulphur bearing steels 38 CrS 2 to 42CrMoS 4 are lower than the values listed for 28 Cr 2 to 42 CrMo 4.0402 1.1209 1.N 't W.1189 1.0535 1.19 580 320 260 235 285 150 170 0. -9.= 40 rom for 30 CrNiMo 8 and 36 NiCrMo 16.0601 1.1.N / Rm.N < 0.135 5 Appendices 5.zd. after DIN EN 10 083-1 (1996-10-00) -9-1.0501 1. -9. .20 710 380 320 280 350 185 205 0.19 630 345 285 250 310 165 185 0.18 510 280 230 215 255 135 150 0. Type of material.1178 1.2 Re.1 Effective diameter deff. Re.19 470 260 210 200 235 120 140 0. -9.4 M ore specific values for the individual types of material compared to the average values given in Table 1.1.0540 1.10 0.N.N = 16 rom.75 from 34 Cr 4.1179 1.10 0.1186 1.1191 1.N < 0.1149 1.08 0.N crW. -9.1221 1. 34 CrS 4 on.b.20 650 355 295 260 320 170 190 0.1206 1.2. after DIN 17200 Material No.N > 0.75 up to and including 46 Cr 2.1 Effective diameter deff.1151 1.N CJW.
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