Material Ingles i - Mecanica 2014



CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 20141 INGLÉS I Ingeniería Mecánica Directora de Cátedra: Mg. Nancy L. Fernández Equipo docente: Trad. Púb. Mabel Romero, Trad. Púb. Elena Aguilar, Trad. Púb. Alejandra Ludman & Lic. Lidia Giromini 2014 CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 2 MÓDULO 1 CLASES 1 a 4 Objetivos: 1. Reconocer los tipos de discurso y sus funciones a partir de pautas no lingüísticas. 2. Relacionar texto e imagen. 3. Formular hipótesis sobre la fuente textual (origen), el receptor (destinatario) y el efecto buscado (función retórica). 4. Reconocer signos no lingüísticos, tipográficos y elementos gráficos como guía de lectura. 5. Anticipar contenidos sobre las hipótesis ya elaboradas. 6. Sistematizar los contenidos textuales como guía de lectura. 7. Aplicar estrategias de lectura para reconocer términos transparentes y repetidos. 8. Presentarse en contextos informales y formales. Actividades 1. Observe el texto Graphene as a solid lubricant: from nano-scale to macro- scale Graphene as a solid lubricant: from nano-scale to macro-scale Unique physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of graphene make it an attractive candidate for many tribological applications where control of friction and wear is of paramount importance at different length scales. In the following sub-sections, we review the tribological performance of graphene from nano-scale to micro-scale and up to macro-scale. Graphene tribology at nano-scale and micro-scale The atomically thin nature of graphene and its ability to conformally coat micro-scale and nano-scale objects simply by dispensing graphene flakes via solution make it a potential low friction and wear resistance coating that would extend the lifetime of MEMS/NEMS devices and constitute the motivation behind current studies being carried out in this direction. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 3 Nano-scale studies Often, theoretical predictions drive future experiments and usage of novel materials. In the case of graphene, several studies predicted the nature of the graphene's friction mechanism based upon a variety of computational methods at scales varying from sub- nano up to meso. In most of the nano-scale computational and experimental studies on graphene, the tribological behavior was shown to depend on stacking and other structural features, as well as the nature of the sliding surfaces. This observation is clearly seen for two different systems: (a) the friction of a nano-scale AFM tip sliding on a surface of graphene layers (which simulates AFM lateral force measurements) and (b) the friction between the graphene layers themselves. In case (a), it was shown that the friction decreases with increase of the number of layers, while in case (b) the friction was found to behave in the opposite way, achieving higher friction or stick-slip behavior once the number of layers increased to more than three. As shown in Fig. 2, the modeling of the AFM tip-graphene interactions, where the lateral force was calculated as the sum of y-components of all van der Waals forces acting between the atoms of the CNT tip and those of graphene layers, demonstrated that the friction force decreases as the number of layers increases; that conclusion was also supported by the experimental AFM measurements. That friction is dominated by the contribution from out-of-plane deformation, the so-called mechanism of ‗puckering‘ in front of the scanning tip ( Fig. 3d), which increases the contact area and, therefore, the amount of friction. Once the number of graphene layers increases, the interlayer interactions minimize the puckering effect and thereby reduce the friction. Moreover, Liu and Zhang stated that not only the increased number of layers, but also the increased tip-surface distance decreases the coefficient of friction for the sliding tip-surface interactions. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 4 Figure 2. (a) Four-layer suspended graphene assembly. The color of each atom is determined by its Z-position. (b) Contact force vs. friction force and the corresponding friction coefficients as function of number of layers. The results are obtained from Brownian dynamics simulations that model AFM lateral force measurements between the single-wall capped carbon nanotube tip (height and diameter were 2.3 and 1.2 nm, respectively) and suspended few-layer graphene (5.5 nm × 6.2 nm). The contact force was kept at the level of 10–16 nN. The simulations were thermostated at 300 K. Inset shows coefficient of friction versus number of layers. Reprinted figure with permission. Copyright (2012) by the American Physical Society. From Materialstoday, DECEMBER 2013| VOLUME 17| ISSUE 1 2. Establezca su fuente textual, sus posibles destinatarios y el (los) efectos(s) buscado(s). 3. Complete el siguiente cuadro a partir de la información recolectada sobre el texto observado. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 5 PAUTAS LINGÜÍSTICAS Y NO LINGÜÍSTICAS Artículo: Progress in nanogenerators for portable electronics Ilustraciones ¿Cuántas? ¿Qué indican? Cifras ¿Qué indican? Íconos / Símbolos ¿Qué indican? Copete ¿Qué indica? Título/Subtítulos ¿Qué indican? Epígrafe ¿Qué indica? Tipo de letra (cursiva, imprenta) ¿Qué indican? Tamaño de letra (mayúscula, minúscula) ¿Qué indican? Forma de letra (bastardilla, gótica, negrita) ¿Qué indican? 4. A partir de lo tabulado, elabore una hipótesis de contenido del texto. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 6 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Subraye en el texto las palabras conocidas, las transparentes y las repetidas. 6. A partir de esas palabras subrayadas, escriba en español una síntesis del tema desarrollado en el artículo. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 7 Computer Applications Computers can help students perform mathematical operations and solve difficult questions. They can be used to access the Internet, teach courses such as computer- aided design, language learning, programming, mathematics, etc. PCs (personal computers) are also used for administrative purposes: for example, schools use databases and word processors to keep records of students, teachers and materials. Computers store information about the amount of money held by each bank client and enable staff to access large databases and to carry out financial transactions at high speed. The also control the automatic cash dispensers which, by the use of a personal coded card, dispense money to clients. Airline pilots use computers to help them control the plane. For example, monitors display data about fuel consumption and weather conditions. In airport control towers, computers are used to manage radar systems and regulate air traffic. On the ground, airlines are connected to travel agencies by computer. Travel agents use computers to find out about the availability of flights, prices, times, stopovers and many other details like travel vouchers, etc. (Extraído y adaptado de Infotech. English for computer users de S. R. Esteras. CUP. 2003) - ¿Qué se ha formado a partir de este diagrama? .................................................................................................................... COMPUTERS APPLICATIONS PCs AIRPORTS AIR TRAFFIC CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 8 ILUSTRACIONES Muchos textos informativos usan diferentes clases de ilustraciones. Además de darle al texto una apariencia más atractiva, las ilustraciones son una parte integral del texto. Las palabras expresan las ideas en forma simbólica. Por su parte, las ilustraciones pueden expresar los mismos conceptos en forma más directa. Una representación visual bien pensada puede valer más que mil palabras. Las formas más comunes de ilustraciones son las siguientes: 1. GRÁFICAS Y TABLAS: Son especialmente útiles para presentar información numérica. 2. MAPAS Y PLANOS: Tienen como propósito ubicar al lector geográficamente en un lugar determinado. 3. DIAGRAMAS: Son dibujos y esquemas que facilitan la comprensión del funcionamiento de un sistema o parte de él. 4. FOTOGRAFÍAS Y DIBUJOS: Se utilizan con frecuencia para crear un ambiente, o hacer más emotiva o inmediata una situación. Inclusive pueden llegar a reemplazar la lectura casi por completo, como es el caso de las tiras cómicas o foto-novelas ilustradas, que expresan las ideas por medio de cuadros más que de palabras. El texto The Gearbox ejemplifica un tipo de ilustración: un diagrama que fue extraído de un manual de mantenimiento para vehículos. A partir de la observación del mismo, escriba en cada uno de los espacios ✓ o X. La ilustración: 1. Está estrechamente ligada con el texto. _____ 2. Es virtualmente explícita por sí misma. _____ 3. Se puede usar para obtener información. _____ 4. Es difícil de entender si no va acompañada de un texto. _____ 5. Contiene claves que requieren explicaciones. _____ CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 9 The Gearbox … now transmit the drive to output shaft B, with a suitable reduction ― about 2:1 in the illustration. Figure 10.2 Engaging gear by means of a dog clutch ― this arrangement provides top gear plus one other gear ratio. Follow through this description carefully, with reference to the diagram. You will find that the principle involved is really quite simple! A four-speed gearbox uses the same principle, but is rather more complicated since more ratios are required. 1. Subraye en el texto las palabras conocidas, las transparentes y las repetidas. 2. Indique el tipo de ilustración: A. Fig. 2 The graphene material. (a) Optical image of mechanical peeled graphene. (b) Optical image of the CVD grown graphene transferredfrom the Ni substrate onto SiO2/Si substrate. (c) AFM image of graphene on 6H–SiC(0001) with a nominal thickness of 1.2 monolayer formed by annealing in Ar.(d) Typical transfer characteristics (Ids-Vg) curve of a back-gated graphene FET on 100nm SoO2/Si substrate. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 10 B. C. D. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 11 PRESENTACIONES INFORMALES Y FORMALES: INTRODUCING YOURSELF Lea los siguientes diálogos: Lucas: Hi! I’m Lucas. And you? María: I’m María. L: Nice to meet you, María. M: Nice to meet you too. Looks like we’ll be mates in the English course. L: Great. Mr. Smith: Good morning. I’m Mr. Smith, the sales manager. How do you do? Marcos: How do you do? I’m Marcos Acosta, the new sales advisor. S: It’s your first day at work, right? M: That’s correct. S: Let me show you around so you can meet everyone. M: Sure. It’ll be a pleasure. Actividades 1. ¿Cuáles expresiones reconoce para presentarse de manera informal y formal? 2. ¿Cuáles serían los equivalentes en español? 3. Pair-work: Write a dialogue with your peer and introduce yourselves to each other. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 12 MÓDULO 2 Clases 5 a 8 Objetivos: 1. Elaborar hipótesis de lectura y contenido. 2. Reconocer elementos lingüísticos como guía de lectura para la elaboración de hipótesis de contenido. 3. Activar esquemas de contenidos textuales y específicos. 4. Relacionar texto y gramática. 5. Sistematizar contenidos textuales como guía de lectura. 6. Reconocer las relaciones entre las partes del texto a partir de la cohesión léxica: cadena léxica. 7. Reconocer campo léxico. 8. Identificar diferentes textos expositivos descriptivos. 9. Reconocer los elementos sintácticos principales del texto: bloque verbal y bloque nominal. Actividades 1. Lea los textos 1, 2 y 3. Formule una hipótesis de contenido para cada uno a partir de los títulos, el tipo y forma de letra utilizados en los mismos. 2. Confirme o modifique sus hipótesis. A. ¿En qué se basó para hacerlo? B. ¿Cómo están organizados los textos? 3. Busque las palabras repetidas y transparentes en cada texto. Resáltelas. 4. Señale el tópico (tema desarrollado) de cada texto. A. ¿En qué se basó para identificarlo? B. Entre los términos resaltados, ¿cuáles se relacionan con el tópico del texto? 5. Establezca la función discursiva predominante de cada texto. Texto 1 - ¿Describe? ¿Qué? - ¿Define? ¿Qué? - ¿Explica? ¿Qué? Texto 2 - ¿Describe?¿Qué? - ¿Define?¿Qué? - ¿Explica? ¿Qué? CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 13 Texto 3 - ¿Describe? ¿Qué? - ¿Define? ¿Qué? - ¿Explica? ¿Qué? 6. Subraye el (los) verbo(s) principal(es) en cada cláusula de cada texto. 7. Subraye en cada texto todas las frases nominales e indique el núcleo de cada una de ellas. TEXTO 1 Mechanical Engineering – Overview Mechanical Engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools. It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines. Mechanical Engineering emerged as a field during the industrial revolution in Europe in the 18th century; however, its development can be traced back several thousand years around the world. Mechanical engineering science emerged in the 19th century as a result of developments in the field of physics. TEXTO 2 FORCE AND LEVERS A lever is a beam connected to ground by a hinge, or pivot, called fulcrum. The ideal lever does not dissipate or store energy, which means there is no friction in the hinge or bending in the bean. In this case, the power into the lever equals the power out, and the ratio of output to input force is given by the ratio of the distances from the fulcrum to the points of application of these forces. This is known as the law of the lever. Mathematically, this is expressed by M= Fd, where F is the force, d is the perpendicular distance between the force and the fulcrum, and M is the turning force known as the moment or torque. TEXTO 3 CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 14 Classes of levers Levers are classified by the relative position of the fulcrum and the input and output forces. It is common to call the input force the effort and the output force the load or the resistance. This allows the identification of three classes of levers by the relative locations of the fulcrum, the resistance and the effort. * Class 1: Fulcrum in the middle: the effort is applied on one side of the fulcrum and the resistance on the other side, for example a pair of scissors *Class 1: Resistance in the middle: the effort is applied on one side of the resistance and the fulcrum is located on the other side, for example a wheelbarrow. *Class 3: Effort in the middle: the resistance is on one side of the effort and the fulcrum is located on the other side, for example, a pair of tweezers. TEXTOS TÉCNICO-CIENTÍFICOS EXPOSITIVOS: LA DEFINICIÓN Y LA DESCRIPCIÓN LA DEFINICIÓN Existen en el discurso técnico-científico diferentes tipos de definiciones. En términos generales, hay dos categorías: la definición simple (a) y la definición compleja o expandida (b). Ejemplos: a) Computers are electronic machines. b) A computer is a machine capable of executing instructions on data which stores its own instructions, to make it possible to perform many operations without the need for a person to type in new instructions each time. La definición compleja no sólo define un término u objeto de manera completa, sino que además incorpora otras funciones retóricas como la descripción o la clasificación. Ejemplo: A computer is an electronic machine capable of executing instructions on data. The distinguishing feature of a computer is its ability to store its own instructions. This ability makes it possible for a computer to perform many operations without the need for a person to type in new instructions each time. Thus, it consists of two major parts, memory and the central processing unit (CPU), which communicate through a set pf parallel electrical connections called the bus. The bus also connects to input-output devices such as a screen, a keyboard, and disk drives. Los exponentes lingüísticos más recurrentes de la definición en inglés son: CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 15 1) is / are (es / son) 2) is / are called (se llama / se llaman) 3) is / are defined as (se (lo/la) define como / se (los/las) definen como) 4) means / mean (significa / significan) 5) is / are known as (se lo/la conoce como / se los/las conoce como) 6) refers / refer / is o are referred to as (refiere(n) a / se lo/la refiere como / se los/las refiere como) 7) can be defined as (se lo/la/los/las puede definir como / puede/pueden definirse como) Actividades 1. En los textos 1, 2 y 3 anteriores, ¿qué tipo de definiciones puede reconocer? Justifique su respuesta. 2. Transcriba al español las definiciones que encontró en cada texto. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 16 DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA FAMILIA: DESCRIBING YOUR FAMILY Lea el siguiente texto: My family is a typical family: my parents, a brother and myself – Miguel. My mother is a nurse and works in a hospital. My father is an engineer and works for a big construction company. My brother Tom is still at school. Tommy is 12 and loves playing football. I think that’s what he wants to do for the rest of his life! As for me, I’m 22, single and studying Industrial Engineering at UTN. Actividades 1. Conteste las siguientes preguntas en inglés: a) Does Miguel have a large family? b) What does his mother do? c) What’s his father’s occupation? d) How old is his brother? e) What does Tommy like doing? f) Has Miguel got a job? g) Is he married? h) What does he do? 2. Describe YOUR family in a paragraph of no more than 10 lines. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 17 MÓDULO 3 CLASES 9 A 12 LA DESCRIPCIÓN La función retórica descriptiva se clasifica en tres tipos. Cada uno de ellos posee características distintivas y un conjunto de propósitos definido: a) la descripción física, b) la descripción de función, y c) la descripción de proceso. La descripción física describe las características físicas de un objeto y las relaciones espaciales de las partes del objeto entre sí y con todo el conjunto, como así también todo el conjunto con otros objetos relacionados. Las características físicas más frecuentes son la dimensión, el tamaño, el peso, el material, el volumen, el color, y la textura. En general, las descripciones físicas van de lo general a lo particular, con términos como above (arriba de), below (debajo de), in the center (en el centro de), to the right (a la derecha de), near (cerca de), etc. La manera más sencilla de presentar una descripción física es por medio de una ilustración con indicaciones acerca de las distintas partes o componentes. Tal descripción frecuentemente precede a una descripción de proceso o de función. La descripción de función involucra el propósito que tiene algún dispositivo (o maquinaria) y cómo las partes de esa máquina trabajan u operan de manera independiente, entre sí y con todo el conjunto. Esta clase de descripción está asociada frecuentemente con la relación lógica causalidad / resultado. El tiempo verbal presente se usa en este tipo de descripción. La descripción de proceso se la puede categorizar como un tipo de descripción de función y se refiere a una serie de pasos o etapas que se interrelacionan entre sí ya que cada paso (excepto el primero) es dependiente del anterior y así sucesivamente. Además, todos los pasos convergen hacia un objetivo determinado. Este tipo de proceso exige el uso de la forma imperativa del verbo (imperative form). También se pueden emplear el verbo modal should (debería / es aconsejable) y su forma negativa shouldn’t / should not (no debería / no es aconsejable) y el verbo modal can (puede/n). Actividades A. La descripción física 1. Observe la siguiente descripción de una motherboard. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 18 1. Front Audio Connector 2. CD-IN Connector 3. Back Panel I/O Connectors 4. Power Connector (4pin) 5. Socket AM2 for AMD Sempron /Athlon 64 / Athlon 64 FX / Althlon 64 X2 Processor FSB: Up to 1 GHz Bandwidth 6. NB Chipset: nForce 6100-430 7. DDR2 DIMM Slots Each DIMM supports 256MB/512MB/1GB/2gb DDR2 533/667/800 8. CPU Fan Header 9. IDE Connector 10. 5.1-Channels HD Audio 11. S/PDIF-OUT Connector 12. Printer Port Connector 13. Floppy Disk Drive Connector 14. System Fan Header 15. Front Panel Connector 16. SATA Connectors 17. Clear CMOS Header 18. PCI Slots 19. PCI-Express x16 Slot 20. USB 2.0 Connectors 21. Power Connector (24 pins) 2. Conteste las siguientes preguntas utilizando la ilustración y su clave. a. ¿Dónde se encuentra la conexión delantera de audio? b. ¿Esta motherboard tiene conector de puerto de impresora? c. ¿Dónde se encuentra el conector de energía de 24 pines? d. ¿Esta motherboard tiene conector para disquette? La descripción física rara vez está totalmente desconectada de una descripción de otro tipo. En este caso, muchas de las funciones de las partes indicadas en la descripción se sobreentienden. Quizás la manera más común de ofrecer una descripción física en un texto informativo es por medio de un diagrama. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 19 THE DRY CELL + The dry form of the Leclanché cell, which a has an e.m.f. of 1.5V, is the primary cell most d commonly used today. The positive pole consists of a carbon rod surrounded by a mixture of carbon powder and manganese dioxide. This mixture e acts as the depolarizer, (a mixture of substances b that prevent polarization and the consequential reduction in potential difference: p.d.). At the top f of the carbon rod is a brass cap, which acts as c the positive terminal. The carbon rod and the mixture of carbon powder and manganese dioxide which are contained in a porous gauze bag, are _ placed in a zinc container, and the space between Dry primary cell the bag and the container is filled with the electrolyte, which consists of a paste of ammonium chloride and zinc chloride. The zinc container acts as the negative pole. The top of the cell is closed with a sealing compound. 1. Subraye en el texto las oraciones que presenten una descripción física. 2. Relea el texto y complete la información en el diagrama con los siguientes términos: positive pole, carbon rod, zinc container, brass cap, electrolyte, sealing compound. B. La descripción de proceso La descripción de proceso busca aclarar las fases y/o interrelaciones de una secuencia. Este tipo de descripción también puede ofrecerse a través de diagramas (casi siempre incluyendo flechas para indicar generalmente flujo o movimiento, incluida también la secuencia). 1. Observe el diagrama que aparece a continuación y lea el texto que lo acompaña. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 20 COOLING IN SUMMER In air-to-air heat pumps, a temperate, gaseous refrigerant (1) from inside the house flows through a compressor (2), which compresses it into a hot gas. Outside air drawn across it whisks away heat, condensing it into a liquid (3). The liquid flows back into the house and through an expansion valve, which turns it into a cold gas (4). Fans blow warm air from inside the house across the gas inside an evaporator, cooling the air, which is sent back to the house. The warmed gas heads out to the compressor and the cycle repeats. 2. Conteste las siguientes preguntas después de observar con cuidado el diagrama. a. ¿Los diagramas de proceso suelen ser más sencillos o más complejos que los diagramas de descripción física? Son más ______________ c. ¿De dónde cree que fue extraído este texto? De un libro - para ingenieros? - de mecánica? - de diseños tecnológicos? C. La descripción de función La descripción de función es una descripción del propósito del todo o de las diferentes partes de un elemento, y frecuentemente se encuentra acompañada de una descripción física y/o de proceso. TEXTO 1 The starting system consists of an electric starter motor and a starter solenoid. When you turn the ignition key, the starter motor spins the engine a few revolutions so that the combustion process can start. It takes a powerful motor to spin a cold engine. Because so much energy is needed and because a car uses a 12-volt electrical system, hundreds of amps of electricity must flow into the starter motor. The starter solenoid is essentially a large electronic switch that can handle that much current. When you turn the ignition key, it activates the solenoid to power the motor. TEXTO 2 Valves The intake and exhaust valves open at the proper time to let in air and fuel and to let out exhaust. Note that both valves are closed during compression and combustion so that the combustion chamber is sealed CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 21 TEXTO 3 Semiconductor device fabrication is the process used to create the integrated circuits that are present in everyday electrical and electronic devices. It is a multiple-step sequence of photolithographic and chemical processing steps during which electronic circuits are gradually created on a wafer made of pure semiconducting material. Silicon is almost always used, but various compound semiconductors are used for specialized applications. The entire manufacturing process, from start to packaged chips ready for shipment, takes six to eight weeks and is performed in highly specialized facilities referred to as fabs. In semiconductor device fabrication, the various processing steps fall into four general categories: deposition, removal, patterning, and modification of electrical properties. Deposition is any process that grows, coats, or otherwise transfers a material onto the wafer. Removal processes remove material from the wafer either in bulk or selectively and consist primarily of etch processes, either wet etching or dry etching. Patterning covers the series of processes that shape or alter the existing shape of the deposited materials and is generally referred to as lithography. For example, in conventional lithography, the wafer is coated with a chemical called a photoresist. The photoresist is exposed by a stepper, a machine that focuses, aligns, and moves the mask, exposing select portions of the wafer to short wavelength light. The unexposed regions are washed away by a developer solution. After etching or other processing, the remaining photoresist is removed by plasma ashing. Modification of electrical properties consists of doping transistor sources and drains by diffusion furnaces and later by ion implantation. Modern chips have up to eleven metal levels produced in over 300 sequenced processing steps. Actividades 1. Lea cada texto y subraye todos los verbos conjugados. ¿Qué característica(s) tienen en común? 2. ¿Qué tipo de descripción ofrecen? 3. ¿Cuál es la función retórica predominante en cada texto? 4. Transcriba al español una característica/atributo de: a. un arranque solenoide: CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 22 b. una válvula: c. la fabricación de dispositivos semiconductores: 5. ¿Cuáles son los 4 pasos en la fabricación de dispositivos semiconductores? Explíquelos de manera sintética. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LA COMPARACIÓN: MAKING COMPARISONS Lea el siguiente cuadro: COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES ADJECTIVE COMPARATIVE FORM SUPERLATIVE FORM ONE- SYLLABLE ADJECTIVES new large big hot newer (than) larger (than) bigger (than) hotter (than) the newest the largest the biggest the hottest TWO- SYLLABLE ADJECTIVES ENDING IN “Y” dirty noisy happy dirtier (than) noisier (than) the dirtiest the noisiest TWO- SYLLABLE ADJECTIVES NOT ENDING IN “Y” AND THREE OR MORE SYLLABLE ADJECTIVES modern interesting difficult excited popular more modern (than) more interesting (than) the most modern the most interesting IRREGULAR ADJECTIVES good bad better (than) worse (than) the best the worst CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 23 Complete las oraciones a continuación: a. UTN offers multiple technical resources for all programmes and it has some of …………………………………………………… (modern) laboratories in the country. b. Which is ……………………………………… (good) university in Argentina? c. Some private universities are ……………………………… (cheap) ………………… others. d. Where is …………………………………………… (old) university in Europe? e. Which is ……………………………………………………… (difficult) to study, Physics or Maths? CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 24 MÓDULO 4 Clases 13 a 16 TEXTOS INSTRUCTIVOS La función básica de los textos instructivos es explicar cómo desarrollar cierta actividad. Estos tipos de texto suelen seguir una secuencia ordenada lógica. La presentación de los textos instructivos es variada. Podemos encontrar instrucciones no-verbales, instrucciones que combinan elementos visuales y verbales, y textos instructivos exclusivamente verbales. Actividades 1. Lea el siguiente texto tomado de un instructivo para aparatos eléctricos y conteste las preguntas a continuación del mismo. Usage Precautions for the PS-180 Power Unit CAUTI ON: Be sure to set this unit on a firm, stable, horizontal surface. Product may break or cause injury if it falls. To ensure safety, please unplug this product prior to leaving it unused for an extended period. Be sure to push the end of a power cable all the way into the AC inlet. The fitting on the cable should make contact with the back of the inlet. Confirm that the package includes the power unit. If the power unit is damaged or incomplete, contact your dealer for assistance. Labels WARNI NG: SHOCK HAZARD - DO NOT OPEN. CAUTI ON: FOR INDOOR USE ONLY. DO NOT USE THIS AC ADAPTER FOR ANY PRODUCTS OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED BY EPSON. Notes on Usage 1. Always supply power directly from a standard power outlet. 2. Set the power unit so that its label side is facing down. 3. Do not connect to electrical outlets close to devices that generate voltage fluctuations or electrical noise. In particular, stay clear of devices that use large electric motors. 4. Always connect the DC cable before plugging the power cable into the wall outlet. 5. When disconnecting power, always unplug the power cable from the wall outlet before disconnecting the DC cable. 6. When disconnecting the DC cable, hold it firmly at the connector area. Do not tug on the cable itself. 7. To clean the unit, wipe with a dry or slightly moistened cloth. Never clean the unit while it is plugged into the wall outlet. 8. Do not clean the unit with thinner, benzine, or alcohol. 9. Never attempt to stretch the cables to enable a connection. The power cable and DC cable must have adequate slack at all times during use. 10. Never allow the power unit to hang from the power cable or DC cable. 11. Do not place metallic parts (such as fasteners) in contact with the DC cable. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 25 12. Do not connect the unit to a table tap or extension cable. 2. La función de las palabras en mayúsculas y negritas es: a. advertir b. informar c. dar instrucciones 3. El efecto de los números es: a. sugerir un orden cronológico b. sugerir un orden de relativa importancia c. separar y enfatizar cada punto 4. La frase To ensure safety indica: a. cuándo b. para qué c. cómo tomar las precauciones indicadas 5. ¿Qué palabra se utiliza en los ítems 7, 9 y 10 para sustituir y enfatizar la idea de Do not (por ejemplo, do not use). 6. Lea el siguiente texto instructivo y responda las preguntas a continuación: Texto 2 Holding the Mouse  Hold the sides of the mouse with your thumb, ring finger and pinkie.  Place your index finger on the left button, middle finger on the right button.  Rest your wrist on the desk or mouse pad.  The mouse stays on the mouse pad. You can lift the mouse to move it when you run out of room on the pad. The mouse Right-handed user Left-handed user Moving the Mouse  Slowly slide the mouse around on the mouse pad. Watch what happens to the arrow on the screen. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 26 The mouse should always be pointing away from you. Do not turn the mouse sideways! Clicking  Clicking is one way of sending commands to the computer.  To click, gently press and release the left mouse button.  Be careful not to move the mouse while you are clicking. Fuente: a. Decida el tema del texto por las imágenes, los títulos, las palabras repetidas y las trasparentes. b. El tema del texto se relaciona con una parte del cuerpo. Escriba en las fotografías todo el vocabulario relacionado con esa parte del cuerpo y mencionado en el texto. c. ¿Qué frase se utiliza para mencionar el lugar en el que se apoya el mouse? d. Las instrucciones bajo el título "Holding the mouse" no se corresponde con una de las fotos que se encuentran intercaladas con el mismo. ¿Cuál es dicha fotografía? Explique su respuesta. e. Transcriba al español la expresión run out of room. Tenga en cuenta la noción dada por el verbo can y el marcador de tiempo when. f. Subraye todos los verbos en modo imperativo y transcríbalos al español. g. Distinga las diferentes instrucciones, recomendaciones, precauciones, etc. y marque de qué forma se expresan cada una de ellas. h. Observe la terminación -ly en ciertas palabras y transcriba al español las palabras y/o frases que contienen dicha terminación. i. Marque las frases que contienen palabras terminadas en -ING e indique como leería dicha palabra. Por ejemplo: Holding the mouse: sostén del ratón; cómo sostener/agarrar/tomar el ratón; sostener/usar el ratón. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 27 j. Intente dar un significado a la palabra way en la frase Clicking is a way of sending commands to the computer. ¿Cree usted que puede leerse como "camino"? Explique su posición al respecto. k. Identifique una instrucción que responda a la forma "propósito + acción". l. Subraye la oración que contiene la palabra do e indique si funciona como un verbo de contenido (con significado) o simplemente es un auxiliar. m. Encuentre en el texto el verbo opuesto a press  ................................... n. ¿En qué ocasión hay que tratar de no mover el mouse?  Relea los verbos remarcados. Dichos verbos son verbos modales. VERBOS MODALES: MODAL VERBS VERBOS MODALES 1. Los verbos modales siempre preceden al verbo lexical. You will probably feel very nervous before a job interview. 2. Los verbos modales siempre se invierten con el sujeto en la cláusula interrogativa. Can you speak any foreign languages? 3. Los verbos modales normalmente no indican tiempo. Students may enroll in any course they choose. 4. Los verbos modales indican la actitud del hablante. You should consider all the pros and cons before enrolling for an evening course. A continuación, lea la lista de verbos modales con sus significados: CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 28 CAN: Habilidad/Posibilidad MAY Posibilidad SHOULD: Advertencia/Recomendación/Sugerencia WILL Probabilidad/Certeza/Promesa MUST Obligación HAVE/HAS TO Obligación MIGHT Posibilidad remota COULD Posibilidad NEED TO Necesidad urgente MUSTN’T Prohibición CAN’T Imposibilidad/Prohibición WOULD Situación hipotética/Suposición Actividades 1. Elija la opción más apropiada para cada situación: a. If you want to be a good student of Engineering, you MAY/HAVE TO study hard. b. Because of space limitations, there NEED TO/CAN’T be more than 30 students per classroom. c. With early registration, students CAN/CAN’T get a vacancy. d. Governments SHOULD/MIGHT gather together and design a global plan to help the poor. e. Students WOULD/MUSTN’T become fluent speakers of English if they practised the language every day. 2. Conteste las siguientes preguntas: CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 29 a. What can you do? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b. What should you do when you have a problem with English? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… c. What will you do next summer holidays? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… d. What can’t you do in the classroom? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… e. What would you do if you were a millionaire? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… f. What do you have to do every day? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… g. What might happen if there were no problems in the world? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… DESCRIPCIÓN DE RUTINA: DESCRIBING ROUTINE CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 30 Lea el siguiente texto: Willy studies Electronics Engineering at the university. He gets up at 6.30 am every day because he has to go to work. He works in a motor company from 8.00 to 16.00. After he takes his breakfast and has a shower, he drives his father’s car to the factory. He is very happy with his job because he can connect his studies with his tasks in the company. He doesn’t have much free time but when he can, he meets his friends or goes out with his girlfriend who also attends university classes, but her programme is Industrial Engineering. On weekends, they have lunch together or go dancing, and sometimes they study for the university. Actividades 1. Conteste las siguientes preguntas en inglés: a) What does Willy do? b) What time does he get up? c) Why does he have to get up so early? d) Does he work part-time? e) Has he got a car of his own? f) Why does he not have much free time? g) What does he do in his free time? h) Does he have a girlfriend? i) What does she do? j) What do they do at the weekend? 2. Describe YOUR routine in a paragraph of no more than 10 lines. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 31 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Describe a friend’s/relative’s routine in a paragraph of no more than 10 lines. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MÓDULO 5 CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 32 Clases 17 a 20 Coherencia y Cohesión La coherencia está ligada a la posibilidad de dar sentido, es lo que hace que un texto tenga sentido para los usuarios, debiendo por tanto entenderse como un principio para interpretar el texto, en una situación de comunicación que tiene que ver con la capacidad del receptor para decodificar y construir su sentido. El modo natural e intuitivo de encarar la coherencia de los textos es a partir de la comprensión. La cohesión tiene que ver con el modo como los componentes de la superficie textual se conectan entre sí, en una secuencia lineal, por medio de señales de dependencia de diferentes clases. En términos más específicos, la cohesión es la representación sintáctica, semántica y pragmática de los procesos de conectividad señalados en el texto. Estos elementos pueden estar implícitos o explícitos. En el primer caso sólo se tratará de enlaces semánticos o pragmáticos, pero que aseguran una ligazón lingüística significativa. En cuanto a los elementos cohesivos explícitos, los mismos aparecen en la superficie textual. Proponemos una clasificación de cohesión que incluye tres categorías: gramatical, lexical y léxico-gramatical. Dentro de la cohesión gramatical reconocemos a tres mecanismos: referencia, sustitución y elipsis. La cohesión referencial es aquella en que un elemento de superficie del texto remite para su interpretación a otros elementos incluidos en el mismo texto. Es decir, en la referencia hay identidad absoluta entre el elemento referido y su referente textual. Ejemplos:  The CPU directs and coordinates the activities that take place within the computer system. It (the CPU) is a unit built into a single microprocessor chip.  Most computer programmers make a plan of the program before they (programmers) write it (the program). La sustitución es el reemplazo de un término lexical por otro de la misma clase. Es decir, el ítem que sustituye siempre se “redefine” de alguna manera respecto del ítem sustituido. Ejemplos:  Helena Smith is an expert IT engineer. The woman (La mujer) has published 6 manuals.  This plotter draws excellent pictures. The device (El dispositivo) is the new version by Microsoft. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 33  There are several ways in which a computer can be adapted for the disabled. One (Una de esas maneras) is employing adapted keyboards. Others (Otras maneras) are head pointers and Morse-code systems. La elipsis consiste en la omisión o ausencia de un ítem lingüístico. Es decir, lo que está omitido no significa “no dicho” sino al contrario “entendido de todos modos”. Básicamente, sirve para evitar la redundancia en la comunicación de información. Ejemplos:  In this chapter you will learn about six different types of printers. Two (types of printers) are complex and have the best print quality.  BASIC is a general-purpose high-level programming language, (that / which was) originally designed to develop programs in conversational mode. Dentro de la cohesión lexical reconocemos a la repetición del mismo ítem lexical (muy frecuente en los textos técnico-científicos), la sinonimia (sustitución de una palabra por otra cuyo significado es igual o semejante, por ejemplo: command  order), y las palabras de referencia generalizada (por ejemplo: objects / things / stuff / theory / place). Dentro de la cohesión léxico-gramatical reconocemos a los conectores lógicos. Los más comunes en el discurso técnico-científico son los: 1. adversativos o de contraste: marcan una oposición o contraste 2. de adición: agregan información o amplifican información dada 3. de causa o razón: anuncian una causa o razón 4. de consecuencia: anuncian un efecto Cabe aclarar que la causa y la consecuencia pueden estar ligadas entre sí en una misma cláusula. También la relación causal puede revertirse, es decir, primero aparece el efecto y luego la causa. 5. de secuencia: marcan un ordenamiento de sucesos o acontecimientos 6. témporo-espaciales: localizan acciones en el tiempo y en el espacio. También pueden establecer el orden de los acontecimientos. 7. de propósito: marcan el motivo o propósito de las acciones. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 34 CONECTORES Adversativos (o de Contraste) Adición Causa / razón Consecuencia Secuencia Témporo- espaciales Propósito However, (Sin embargo) and (y) Because (porque) So (Entonces) At first, (Al principio,) When (Cuando) In order to (para, con el propósito de) but (pero) Besides, (Además) as (como) Therefore, (Por lo tanto,) First, (En primer lugar,) While (Mientras) So as to Although (Aunque) Moreover, (Además) Due to (Debido a) Thus, (Así,) Second, (En segundo lugar,) At the same time, (Al mismo tiempo,) In order that Despite (A pesar de) What’s more, (Aún más) Owing to (Debido a) As a consequence, (Como consecuencia,) Then, (Luego,) After that, (Después de lo anterior) So that In spite of (A pesar de que) Furthermore, (Más aún) since (ya que) As a result, (Como resultado de lo anterior) Next, (Luego) Before that, (Antes de lo que sigue) Nevertheless, (No obstante) In addition, (Además) Finally, (Finalmente,) 1. Las siguientes oraciones han sido seleccionadas de diferentes fuentes porque ejemplifican usos de referencia relativamente sencillos. Léalas cuidadosamente, identifique los referentes mencionados e indique a qué o a quién(s) hacen referencia. a) For her discovery of radium, the Committee awarded Madame Curie the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, she being the first woman to receive it. For her discovery........................................................................................ she being ................................................................................................. to receive it ............................................................................................... b) Light is a form of energy. This can be shown because, as with all other forms of energy, it can be changed from one sort to another. Figure 84 shows a solar cell with light falling on to it. Solar cells contain the metals selenium and gold which convert light energy into electrical energy. They are used on artificial satellites to provide electrical energy for radio equipment. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 35 This can be ............................................................................................... it can be changed ...................................................................................... from one sort to another ............................................................................ falling on to it ............................................................................................ and gold which convert .............................................................................. They are used ........................................................................................... c) Elevator hydraulic shutoff switches isolate the selected hydraulic system pressure from the elevator power control unit. This is done by electrically closing the respective elevator hydraulic shutoff valve. This is done .............................................................................................. d) A diffuser operates on the principle of physics stated by Bernouilli’s Theorem which says that at any point in a tube (or a gas passage) through which liquid (or gas) is flowing, the sum of the pressure energy, the potential energy, and the kinetic energy is constant. Theorem which says ................................................................................. through which liquid ................................................................................. e) Acids turn litmus paper red and this provides a simple test of whether a solution is acid or not. and this provides ....................................................................................... f) It was Frank Whittle, a British pilot, who designed the first turbo jet engine in 1930. The first Whittle engine successfully flew in April 1937. This engine featured a multistage compressor, and a combustion chamber, a single stage turbine and a nozzle. The first jet airplane to use this type of engine was the German Heinkel He178. It was the world’s first turbojet powered flight. pilot, who designed .................................................................................... This engine featured .................................................................................. to use this type of engine ......................................................................... It was the world’s ...................................................................................... 2. A continuación lea los siguientes pares de oraciones. Intente relacionarlos lógicamente utilizando el nexo adecuado. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 36 a. The piston engine and the gas turbine develop thrust in the same way. They burn a combustible mixture of fuel and air. b. Huge quantities of air enter the case through the front opening. The air that remains after the burning process is exhausted through the rear opening. c. The gases leave the turbine section. They are expelled to the outside air through the exhaust duct and the jet nozzle. d. Many accidents happen. People’s carelessness. e. Education can reduce accidents. It is important that all personnel receive training in basic safety. f. Aircraft must be always pressurized. The difference of pressure in the air can damage structures. DESCRIPCIÓN DE ESTUDIOS PREVIOS: DESCRIBING PREVIOUS STUDIES CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 37 Lea el siguiente texto: I’m Antonio Andrade. I’m a fresher student of IT Engineering at UTN. Before I started the university, I graduated as a technician in computing from a technical school. The course lasted six years. Although it was difficult at the beginning, in the end I liked it a lot. I didn’t have a favorite subject but I was really good at maths. My secondary school experience was positive because it gave me the possibility to follow my vocation, and now I can connect my previous studies with my current program. I think that I have the necessary basic qualifications in the area to continue learning and become a proficient IT engineer. 1. Conteste las siguientes preguntas: a) What is Antonio studying now? b) What did he study in high school? c) How long did the course last? d) Was the course easy? e) Did he like the course? f) What subject did he like most? g) Why was he able to follow his vocation? h) What does he want to become? 2. Write about your previous studies in a paragraph of no more than 10 lines. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MÓDULO 6 CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 38 Clases 21 a 24 Objetivos: 1. Elaborar hipótesis de lectura y contenido. 2. Reconocer elementos lingüísticos como guía de lectura para la elaboración de hipótesis de contenido. 3. Activar esquemas de contenidos textuales y específicos. 4. Relacionar texto y gramática. 5. Sistematizar contenidos textuales como guía de lectura. 6. Reconocer los elementos que caracterizan al texto expositivo. 7. Identificar marcadores de definición y de descripción. 8. Reconocer tópico y extensión. 9. Reconocer las relaciones entre las partes del texto escrito. 10.Identificar los mecanismos de referencia y sustitución. 11.Identificar las relaciones de cohesión presentes en el texto expositivo. Actividades 1. Lea el texto WHICH? tests car auto-braking systems 2. Señale en cada parte del texto el tópico respectivo. 3. Marque en cada parte la oración tópico y su extensión. 4. Establezca la función discursiva predominante del texto. 5. Observe las palabras subrayadas y diga a qué se refieren: a. they (1er párrafo) b. they (2do párrafo) c. They (4to párrafo) d. it (4to párrafo) e. that (4to párrafo) f. it (6to párrafo) g. both manufacturers (último párrafo) 6. Identifique un conector de razón/causa y uno de contraste. Sintetice brevemente las dos ideas que cada uno de ellos conectan. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 39 a. RAZÓN/CAUSA:……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b. CONTRASTE:……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Which? tests car auto-braking systems 12 May 2011 A Which? test of advanced car breaking systems has revealed that they are capable of significantly reducing the severity of collisions. Although all of the systems we tested were judged as worth having, they are also currently only available as pricey optional extras – although we hope that electronic stability control, they will become a standard feature in the next few years. The cars we tested were the Volvo V60, new Mercedes CLS, Audi A7, VW Passat Estate, BMW 530d and the Infiniti M37S. They all come with equipment including radar sensors, cameras and lasers that recognise the vehicle in front and alert the driver if a collision is imminent. If the driver does not react and the collision cannot be avoided (by swerving), the system automatically brakes to reduce the speed of the impact or to prevent it altogether. Our test looked at how well the advanced braking systems reduced impact speed as well as how effectively the driver is alerted to an imminent collision. We also looked at the reliability of the systems and for the chance of false alarms or unnecessary emergency braking. The best overall systems we tried, with a five-star rating, was Volvo´s City Safe. It showed a high potential to prevent crashes into stationary objects, performing well at high speeds with early warming alarms. At speeds of up to 25mph, it completely prevented the V60 from crashing. The Mercedes Pre-Safe and Audi Pre- Sense outperformed the Volvo in terms of cutting speed and lessening the severity of potential injuries, but couldn´t completely prevent a collision or come to a stop in front of stationary objects. The Mercedes system had the edge of the two, just scoring five stars, while the Audi earned a high four-star award. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 40 However, both manufacturers have announced their systems will be upgraded later in 2011. 7. Transcriba el título del texto al español. 8. Transcriba al español los siguientes bloques nominales: a. the severity of collisions b. electronic stability control c. the advanced braking systems d. unnecessary emergency braking e. The best overall system f. severity of potential injuries 9. Conteste las siguientes preguntas: a. ¿Qué ha revelado la prueba de los sistemas de freno que realizó WHICH? b. ¿Estos sistemas de freno, están disponibles en la actualidad? c. ¿Cuáles son los elementos qué están incluidos en este sistema? d. ¿Cuál es la función de estos elementos? e. ¿En qué falló el Mercedes comparándolo con el Volvo? ENTREVISTAS DE TRABAJO: JOB INTERVIEWS CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 41 Lea el siguiente diálogo: Human Resources Manager: Please sit down, Mr. Pérez. Mr. Pérez: Thanks. HRM: Well, I have your application form here. To be honest, I am very interested in your form, it seems one of the most attractive. Mr. Pérez: I have brought a reference from my last employer, if you would like to have a look at it. HRM: Thanks, I will take a look later. Mr. Pérez: Unfortunately, the firm had to close down; otherwise, I would still be there. HRM: Don‘t worry; it shouldn‘t be too difficult for you to find a job considering your skills. But there is a lot of competition of course. Mr. Pérez: I see. HRM: I think we can offer you something interesting. You might sometimes have to do overtime. But you‘ll have the normal holidays with pay. Mr. Pérez: That sounds great. When do I begin work? HRM: Come round tomorrow and we will show you round the office. Preguntas más frecuentes  Please tell me a little about yourself.  What have you learned from your past jobs?  Why did you leave your last job?  Tell me about your last position and what you did.  Where would you like to be in 5 years from now?  Why are you applying for this post?  What are the key tasks for an Electronics engineer?  What are your strengths and weaknesses?  What are the top 3 skills for an Electronics engineer?  How would you measure your job performance of your position?  What do you know about this company?  Can you describe two or three major trends in your area?  What qualifications have you attained?  What is the skill you have learned recently?  Why do you want this job? Actividades 1. ¿Qué cree que se indaga en cada pregunta de la lista anterior? 2. Lea las siguientes preguntas y busque las respuestas correspondientes. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 42 a) Q: Can you describe yourself? ...... b) Q: Tell me about your educational background. ...... c) Q: What are your weaknesses? ...... d) Q: What are your salary expectations for this job? ...... e) Q: What do you do in leisure? ...... f) Q: What is the thing you dislike the most in the world? Why? ...... g) Q: What does success mean to you? ...... h) Q: Do you want to ask anything from us? ...... 1) If selected, how will my role as well as performance be measured and by whom? 2) Salary is certainly not a criterion for better opportunity but then it should be at par with the present industry norms. 3) I am a hardworking and ambitious person and appreciate responsible and serious people. 4) During my leisure hours I prefer browsing the internet, listening to music, meeting/chatting with my friends and doing sports. 5) I graduated from UTN, Regional Faculty in Haedo, as an Electronics Engineer last year. 6) I believe that communication is a major problem. We seldom like to hear but feel great given the chance to speak. If we can accommodate the thoughts of the other individual or what others are saying, then we could bring in a huge change. Even in a company, if proper communication is followed, then the productivity could be increased and ideal time may be reduced to a large extent. 7) I am too much focused on my work; you can even say that I am a workaholic! So, I think that I should get some time out for my family and hobbies. 8) Success is a win-win situation to me. I would always like to take my client, fellow workers and my company with me along my success path. In world everyone is somewhere dependent and related to one another, so success cannot be individual result it has to be a group result. 3. ¿Cuáles otras preguntas pueden aparecer en una entrevista laboral? CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 43 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MÓDULO 7 CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 44 Clases 25 a 28 Palabras terminadas en –ING El sufijo –ING es muy común en inglés. Puede aparecer de diferentes maneras y cada una de ellas cumple una función sintáctica y comunicativa distinta. Casos de –ING: 1) FUNCIÓN VERBAL: BE + VERBO BASE + ING = ANDO/ENDO/IENDO. Esta –ING representa el aspecto progresivo del verbo en inglés y describe una acción incompleta. Ejemplos: a. Researchers are now trying to speed up circuitry functions through the use of superconductivity. b. The object is moving and so it has the capacity to work. 2) FUNCIÓN NOMINAL: (PREMODIFICADOR) + SUSTANTIVO NÚCLEO -ING + (POSTMODIFICADOR). Esta –ING representa un sustantivo. Ejemplos: a. Swimming is a popular sport. b. The manufacturing of integrated circuits started in the late 1950s when the first integrated circuits were developed. 3) FUNCIÓN ADJETIVA: PREMODIFICADOR DE UN SUSTANTIVO: -ING + SUSTANTIVO NÚCLEO. Esta –ING representa un adjetivo. Ejemplos: a. Diodes let current through in one direction. This is useful if the input signal is an alternating current. b. An optical mouse uses a pair of light-emitting diodes (LEDs). 4) FUNCIÓN ADJETIVA: POSTMODIFICADOR DE UN SUSTANTIVO: SUSTANTIVO NÚCLEO + -ING. Esta –ING se traduce como “que + verbo conjugado”. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 45 Ejemplos: a. Resistors are used to reduce the current flowing through other components. b. Who is the man sitting next to Prof. Jones? 5) FUNCIÓN ADVERBIAL: (BY) + VERBO + ING. Esta –ING normalmente anuncia el modo o manera de hacer algo. Ejemplos: a. You can vary the amount of resistance in a circuit by using a variable resistor. b. Everyone can become a fluent user of English by practising the language regularly. 6) FUNCIÓN COMO INFINITIVO: (PREPOSICIÓN) + VERBO + -ING. Esta – ING se traduce como verbo infinitivo, aunque en algunos casos también se puede traducir como sustantivo. Ejemplos: a. Moving things can be described as energy which enables them to do work. b. Audio amplifiers are used for amplifying an electrical signal. c. Instead of watching TV, you can help me with this task! Actividades 1. Lea el texto sobre el profesor Kong y su investigación 2. Transcriba el encabezado al español. 3. ¿Sobre qué está investigando el profesor Kong? 4. ¿Cuál es su objetivo? 5. Describa el trabajo que realizan en el laboratorio. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 46 6. ¿ Qué quiere comprobar Kong en relación con los plásticos? 7. ¿Por qué razón quiere Kong mejorar los motores? ScienceDaily (Sep. 17, 2008)—The five engines in Song-Charng Kong´s Iowa State University laboratory have come a long way since Karl Benz patented a two-stroke internal combustion engine in 1879. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- There are fuel injectors and turbochargers and electrical controls. There´s more horsepower, better efficiency, cleaner burning and greater reliability. But Kong- with the help of 15 graduate students and all kinds of sensors recording engine cylinder pressure, energy release and exhaust emissions—is looking for even more. Kong, an Iowa State assistant professor of mechanical engineering who keeps a piston by his office computer, is studying engines with the goal of reducing emissions and improving efficiency. ―There is still a lot of work to be done to improve engine performance‖, Kong said. ―All of this work will lead to incremental improvements.‖ And those small improvements can add up when you consider there are more tan 250 million registered vehicles on U.S. highways, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Kong and his students are working on a lot of combustion projects in the lab: They are studying diesel engines with the goal of reducing emissions. They are developing a computer model of a gasoline engine that will make it much easier and faster to research and develop new engine technologies. They´re figuring out how to optimize new technologies such as multiple fuel injections per combustion cycle. They´re also studying how plastics dissolved in biodiesel affect engine performance. Biodiesel acts as a solvent on certain plastics and that has Kong checking to see if some waste plastic could be recycled by mixing it into fuel. As he showed a visitor around his engine lab recently, pointing out a new turbocharger here or an experimental one-cylinder there, Kong said there´s good reasons to keep studying engines. ―We want to make these engines better,‖ kong said. ―In my mind, the internal combustion engine may be the most important combustion system in daily life. Just by improving combustion efficiency by a fraction, we can save a lot of energy for the CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 47 country and the world.‖ And yes, he said, ―There is a future for internal combustion engines.‖ 10. Complete el siguiente cuadro con la traducción en el casillero correspondiente de las palabras terminados en –ING según su función en el texto. La primera está resuelta a modo de ejemplo. base + ing ando, endo, iendo infinitivo sustantivo adjetivo (pre modificador) adjetivo (post modificador) función adverbial burning (párrafo 2) ------ ------- combustión ------ ------ ------ recording (párrafo 2) engineering (párrafo 3) reducing (párrafo 3) working (párrafo 5) developing (párrafo 5) mixing (párrafo 6) Pointing out (párrafo 7) studying (párrafo 7) RELATOS DE EXPERIENCIAS PASADAS A PAST LIFE / EXPERIENCE... (SIMPLE PAST FOR EVENTS) CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 48 1. Lea los dos textos a continuación. American actor James Dean was born in 1931. Dean’s mother died when he was only 8 years old and he grew up with his aunt and uncle. He studied acting for two years. Then he started a career in films and the theatre. He also appeared in some TV commercials, including one for Pepsi-Cola. In 1954, he acted in a play called The Immoralist in a New York theatre. Producers from Hollywood saw the play. They liked Dean and offered him a film contract. Dean starred (was the protagonist) in three films, East of Eden, Rebel without a Cause and Giant. During his short career, he became extremely popular. He had a car accident in 1955. His death caused great sadness in his fans all over the world. Yesterday I went out with my friends. I didn’t see them all because some of them had to study for their university exams. We went to a pub and drank beer. The place was full of people and there was a band that played rock. We also met some classmates from the university there. The band wasn’t really good because they sang just few songs, but we spent a good time together. We even took some photos that we later posted in Facebook! It was great fun. 2. Elabore preguntas sobre cada uno de ellos utilizando el tiempo pasado. Texto 1: a. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. b. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… c. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… d. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… e. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Texto 2: g. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… h. …..……………………………………………………………………………………………………… i. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. j. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… k. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Write about a past anecdote/experience in about 10 lines. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 49 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… MÓDULO 8 Clases 29 a 32 CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 50 LA VOZ PASIVA En inglés, en general, la oración tiene esta estructura: SUBJECT + VERB + THE REST OF THE INFORMATION Ejemplo: The company selects the best applicants for the job. El sujeto The company ejecuta la acción de seleccionar y es el sujeto activo. Pero si queremos focalizar nuestra atención en la acción, usamos la voz pasiva. Ejemplo: The best applicants for the job are selected by the company. La estructura de la voz pasiva es la siguiente: PASSIVE SUBJECT + BE (IS/ARE/WAS/WERE/WILL (etc.) BE) + PAST PARTICIPLE Ejemplos: a. Experience is required for the job. (“Se requiere experiencia para el trabajo”.) b. Competent students are usually selected for the best internships. (“Usualmente se seleccionan alumnos competentes para las mejores pasantías.” O “Los alumnos competentes son seleccionados para las mejores pasantías.”) c. The vacant jobs were advertised in yesterday’s newspaper. d. Tim will be hired if his application is admitted. e. CVs are carefully read by Human Resources recruiters. f. You can succeed if you are given a opportunity. Actividad Transcriba al español las siguientes oraciones: a. The bipolar transistor is bipolar because both electrons and holes are involved in the conduction process. b. The field-effect transistor was patented by the German scientist Julius Lilienfeld in 1926. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 51 c. Applicants for a job are usually called for an interview. d. Candidates can be tested with an examination. e. Today silicon rectifiers are used almost exclusively because they have a low cost and a high reliability. f. The expansion bus consists of a series of slots to which the expansion boards are connected. g. America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Actividad 1. Lea atentamente el texto Typical Automotive Braking System. 2. Subraye las estructuras pasivas y transcríbalas al español. Typical Automotive Braking System The modern automotive braking system has been refined for over 100 years and has become extremely dependable and efficient. The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder. Other systems that are connected with the brake system include the parking brakes, power brake booster and the anti-lock system. When you step on the brake pedal, you are actually pushing against a plunger in the master cylinder, which forces hydraulic oil (brake fluid) through a series of tubes and hoses to the braking unit at each wheel. Since hydraulic fluid cannot be compressed, pushing fluid through a pipe is just like pushing a steel bar through a pipe. Unlike a steel bar, however, fluid can be directed through many twists and turns on its way to its destination, arriving with the exact same motion and pressure that it started with. It is very important that the fluid is pure liquid and there are no air bubbles in it. Air can compress, which causes a sponginess to the pedal and severely reduced braking efficiency. If CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 52 air is suspected, then the system must be bled to remove the air. There are ―bleeder screws‖ at each wheel cylinder and caliper for this purpose. On a disk brake, the fluid from master cylinder is forced into a caliper where it presses against a piston. The piston, in-turn, squeezes two brake pads against the disk (rotor), which is attached to the wheel, forcing it to slow down or stop. DESCRIPCIÓN DE PLANES/ANHELOS: TALKING ABOUT YOUR FUTURE PLANS CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 53 1. Lea el siguiente texto: Although the future is uncertain, I know what I will do. I want to become an engineer and work in a company. I am going to study hard so I can get good marks and be best qualified in my field. If I have the opportunity to apply for a scholarship, I will do it because I would like to continue my training abroad like in Germany or Japan. I will also go on with my English studies as it will help me achieve better professional goals. Perhaps, I will get married and raise a family, but that is not a priority now. 2. What are YOUR plans for the future? Describe them in a paragraph of about 10 lines. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… APPENDIXES MODELOS DE PARCIAL ESCRITO CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 54 Modelo 1 1. Lee el siguiente extracto sin detenerte ante las palabras resaltadas. Luego, contesta las preguntas con información proveniente del texto. A capacitor is a passive electrical component that can store energy in the electric field between a pair of conductors (called "plates"). The process of storing energy in the capacitor is known as "charging". This involves electric charges of equal magnitude, but opposite polarity, building up on each plate. A capacitor's ability to store charge is measured by its capacitance, in units of farads. Capacitors are often used in electric and electronic circuits as energy- storage devices. They can also be used to differentiate between high- frequency and low-frequency signals. This property makes them useful in electronic filters. Practical capacitors have series resistance, internal leakage of charge, series inductance and other non-ideal properties not found in a theoretical, ideal, capacitor. A wide variety of capacitors have been invented, including small electrolytic capacitors used in electronic circuits, basic parallel-plate capacitors, mechanical variable capacitors, and others. a) ¿Qué es un capacitor? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… b) ¿Para qué se emplea? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 55 c) ¿Cuáles ejemplos de capacitores se mencionan en el texto? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. En el segundo párrafo, aparece el conector also. Indica su función y luego sintetiza las dos ideas que conecta. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. ¿A qué se refieren las siguientes palabras? a) (párrafo 1) THIS: b) (párrafo 1) ITS: c) (párrafo 2) THIS PROPERTY (¿Cuál?): d) (párrafo 3) OTHERS: 4. Traslada al español los siguientes bloques nominales: a) energy in the electric field between a pair of conductors called "plates" b) a capacitor's ability to store charge c) series resistance, internal leakage of charge, series inductance and other non-ideal properties not found in a theoretical, ideal, capacitor CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 56 Modelo 2 1. Lee el siguiente extracto sin detenerte ante las palabras resaltadas. Luego, contesta las preguntas con información proveniente del texto. Capacitors types and their uses Electronic capacitors are one of the most widely used electronic components. They only allow alternating or changing signals to pass through them and, as a result, they find applications in many different areas of electronic circuit design. There are a wide variety of types of capacitors including electrolytic, ceramic, tantalum, plastic, silver mica, and many more. The choice of the correct capacitor type can have a major impact on any circuit. The difference between the different types of capacitors can mean that the circuit may not work correctly if the correct type of capacitor is not used. In essence the construction of an electronic capacitor is very simple, although in practice a lot of research has been put into capacitors technology. The basic electronics components consist of two plates that are insulated from one another. In between them, there is an insulating medium known as dielectric. The value of the electronic capacitor is dependant upon the area of the plates, the distance between them and the dielectric constant of the material or dielectric between them. The greater the area of the plates, the closer they are together, and the greater the value of the dielectric constant, the greater the value of the capacitance. Today, electronic capacitors are able to provide relatively high levels of capacitance within components that occupy a small volume. This is achieved in a number of ways. One is to have several sets of plates, and another is to place the plates very close to one another, having a thin layer of dielectric placed between them. Besides, special insulating dielectric materials have been developed to enable high level of capacitance to be achieved. 1. ¿Por qué es importante utilizar el capacitor correcto? 2. ¿De qué depende el mérito del capacitor electrónico? 3. ¿Qué proveen en la actualidad los capacitores electrónicos? 4. En el primer párrafo hay una comparación. ¿Qué se compara? ¿Cuál es el grado de comparación? CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 57 5. ¿Qué conector del último párrafo indica adición? 2. ¿A qué se refieren las siguientes palabras? 1. them (párrafo 3) 2. this (último párrafo) 3. ¿Qué tipo de relación lógica establecen los siguientes conectores? Sintetiza las dos ideas que cada uno de ellos conecta. 1. IF (párrafo 2) 2. ALTHOUGH (párrafo 3) 4. Traduce los siguientes bloques nominales: 1. electronic circuit design 2. special insulating dielectric materials 6. Completa el siguiente cuadro con la traducción en el casillero correspondiente de las palabras terminados en –ing según su función en el texto. La primera está resuelta a modo de ejemplo. base + ing ando, endo, iendo infinitivo sustantivo adjetivo (pre o post modificador) que + verbo conjugado changing (línea 2) ------ ------ ------ cambiantes ------ alternating (línea 2) having (línea 20) insulating (línea 21) CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 58 LIST OF IRREGULAR PAST VERBS INFINITIVE FORM PAST PAST PARTICIPLE SPANISH TRANSLATION be was/were been ser; estar become became become llegar a ser begin began begun comenzar break broke broken romper bring brought brought traer build built built construir buy bought bought comprar catch caught caught atrapar choose chose chosen elegir come came come venir cost cost cost costar cut cut cut cortar do did done hacer draw drew drawn dibujar dream dreamt (or dreamed) dreamt (or dreamed) soñar drink drank drunk beber drive drove driven conducir eat ate eaten comer fall fell fallen caer feel felt felt sentir fight fought fought pelear find found found encontrar fly flew flown volar forget forgot forgotten olvidar(se) get got got obtener; llegar give gave given dar go went gone ir grow grew grown crecer; cultivar hang hung hung colgar have had had tener hear heard heard oír hit hit hit golpear hold held held sostener algo o una idea hurt hurt hurt doler; lastimar keep kept kept guardar; CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 59 mantener know knew known saber, conocer lead led led guiar learn learnt (or learned) learnt (or learned) aprender; enterrarse de algo leave left left partir; abandonar lend lent lent prestar let let let permitir lose lost lost perder algo o el tiempo lie lay lain yacer, recostarse make made made hacer; fabricar mean meant meant significar meet met met encontrarse con misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood malinterpretar, no comprender pay paid paid pagar put put put poner, ubicar read read read leer remake remade remade rehacer rewrite rewrote rewritten rehacer ride rode ridden cabalgar ring rang rung sonar run run run correr say said said decir see saw seen ver sell sold sold vender send sent sent enviar set set set establecer; fijar shake shook shaken sacudir, agitar show showed shown (or showed) mostrar shut shut shut cerrar sing sang sung cantar sit sit sit sentarse sleep slept slept dormir(se) smell smelt (or smelled) smelt (or smelled) oler speak spoke spoken hablar spend spent spent gastar; pasar el tiempo, etc. CÁTEDRA INGLÉS NIVEL I – INGENIERÍA en MECÁNICA – 2014 60 stand stood stood estar de pie steal stole stolen robar swim swam swum nadar take took taken tomar; llevar teach taught taught enseñar tell told told decir; contar think thought thought pensar; creer understand understood understood entender wake (up) woke (up) woken (up) despertar(se) wear wore worn vestir win won won ganar write wrote written escribir
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