Materi Seminar

March 25, 2018 | Author: Valentina Hidayat | Category: Sustainable Transport, Sustainability, E Books, Transport, Information



Introduction, Syllabus, and Seminar Overview Session 1Course Objective Seminar is conducted on thesis SUSTAINABLE development and preparation with HUMAN emphasis place on language, the written form, thesis manual SETTLEMENTS requirement, drawing and model Background presentation, and oral presentation for examination. • Rapid urbanization Seminar dealing with ideas and • Resources scarsity literature related to architecture • Increasingly, cities relationship. have a network of Reading, preparation of paper and linkages that extends discussion. far beyond their 1 boundaries. Bina Nusantara University Curriculum mapping Bina Nusantara University 2 . and post-disaster rehabilitation capabilities Sosial Social development: eradication of poverty. creation of productive employment and social integration Population and sustainable human settlement Conservation and rehabilitation of historical and cultural heritage Economy Improving urban economic Digital/ real estate/ interior Real estate Real estate Real estate/ digital Real estate Real estate/ Interior/ Digital Real estate/ digital/ interior Real estate/ Interior . healthy and liveable human settlement Pemi Real estate Digital/ interior/ Real estate Sustainable energy use Sustainable transport and communcation systems Balanced development of settlement in rural regions Disaster prevention.Sustainable Ekologi Human Settlement Sustainable Land Use Environmentally sustainable. mitigation and preparedness. Sustainable transport and communication systems • Coordinate land-use and transport planning in order to encourage spatial settlement patterns that facilitate access to such basic necessities s workplacess. places of worship. • Encourage the use of an optimal combination of modes transport. spatial settlement policies and regulatory measures. through appropriate pricing. goods and services. and leisure. thereby reducing the need to travel. including walking. . health care. cycling and private and public means of transportation. schools. Research teaches logic. 5 • • • • • Bina Nusantara University .LTA Penelitian Abstrak Bab 1 : Pendahuluan Bab 2 : Landasan Teori Bab 3 : Metode Penelitian Bab 4 : Analisis dan Bahasan • Bab 5 : Simpulan (dan Saran) • Daftar Pustaka • • • • • • Why Do Reseach? Research teaches methods of dicovery. Research teaches investigative skills. Research teaches the basic ingredients of argument. Research develops inquirybased techniques. Research teaches critical thinking. why. Precedence Implication 6 Bina Nusantara University . and how. when. where.Understanding a Research Assignment • • • • • • • • Understanding the Terminology Evaluation Interpretation Finding and narrowing a topic Definition • The best way to narrow your topic Proposal is to apply a few of the old Causal Argument familiar question words. what. like who. Drafting the paper. Revising and proofreading. Creating Notes. Drafting a thesis and research proposal. Formatting the paper. Submitting the manuscript. Reading and creating a working bibliography. Bina Nusantara University 7 .Establishing a Schedule • • • • • • • • • • Finding and narrowing a topic. Writing a list of your reference. Organizing and outlining. you may find yourself returning to previous stages as you refine your topic. art. and design Research process Academic research is is a multi-step process that doesn't always go in a straight line.Getting started with academic research in architecture. Steps include • Choosing and focusing a research topic • Finding background information about your topic • Finding books that give information about your topic • Finding articles that give information about your topic • Evaluating the information your have found • Citing the information you use in your research 8 . Bina Nusantara University 9 .Starting your assignment well is the first step to producing a high quality research assignment. • Organize your research and write a preliminary topic statement. • Develop a thesis statement or other guiding principle for your research. • Develop an overview of your research idea. • Narrow or broaden your topic to match the requirements of your assignment. By working through this module you will learn the six steps for choosing and focusing a research project. • Identify research ideas that interest you and meet the criteria of your assignment. • Develop questions that your research should address. Using a Search • • • • • • • Engine Using Keywords Subject Directory Search Engines Robot-Driven Search Engine Metasearch Engines Specialized Search Engines Educational Search Engines Educational Search Engines Maintained by Libraries Bina Nusantara University 10 . Newspapers and Media Sources • Online Journals Searching for Photograph and Other Visual Sources • Google Image Search • Yahoo Image Search • Picsearch • Online Magaziness Bina Nusantara University . Magazines.Search for Articles in Journals. rooted Nook.Searching for Goverment Document Many of these documents have great value for reseachers. so investigate the following source if your topic is one that goverment agencies might have investigated Accessing E-books • Make sure you have. Mac. • An eBook reader or eBook application on a portable device that can access the web or remote collection-such as the kindle. Bina Nusantara University 12 . or Linux PC with acces to your eBook Library • An always on internet connection. or Android device. iPad/iphone. • A copy of open-source and cross-platform eBook management tool Calibre. • A windows. 12 point. bold) . Isi abstrak ditulis dengan menggunakan font Arial. 1. diambil dari judul LTA. Nama Mahasiswa. Italic. • Kata kunci adalah kata/frasa utama (kata benda) yang berfungsi sebagai titik akses sumber. Bab III Metode Penelitian • Berisi cara mendapatkan dan menganalisis data untuk menguji hipotesis serta mendapatkan jawaban penelitian. NIM. Judul ”ABSTRACT” dan ”ABSTRAK” .5 spasi. . kapital. 6a. Judul diketik di tengah dengan huruf Times New Roman (16 point. isi. Contoh Abstrak lihat Lampiran 6. dan 6b (halaman 20-22).Abstrak dan Kata Kunci • Abstrak dibuat berdasarkan ISO 214-1976. Halaman abstrak diawali dengan Judul lengkap LTA. tujuan penelitian. dan tinjauan pustaka. tetapi dari artikel jurnal ilmiah atau prosiding) Bina Nusantara University 14 . • State of the art (tinjauan pustaka) perlu dimasukkan dalam pendahuluan (Bab I). yaitu dengan merangkum hasil penelitian atau artikel terdahulu (bukan diambil dari buku teks. ruang lingkup.Bab I Pendahuluan • Pendahuluan berisi latar belakang. formulasi masalah. masalah/isu pokok. Pustaka acuan berupa textbooks dan minimum 5 artikel ilmiah (3 di antaranya dimuat dalam jurnal ilmiah internasional) yang diterbitkan 5 tahun terakhir. Literatur yang dimaksud adalah artikel ilmiah di jurnal/prosiding/kritik dari suatu karya. • Hipotesis yang digunakan harus dilandaskan dari sebuah kerangka pikir • Unsur kebaruan (novelty) pustaka acuan juga harus dipertimbangkan.Bab II Landasan Teori • Landasan teori berisi penjelasan mengenai variabel yang digunakan di dalam penelitian. 15 . Bina Nusantara University . • Data ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik. dilanjutkan dengan penyajian hasil penelitian yang sesuai dengan bahasan. • Saran berisi implikasi hasil penelitian dan usulan untuk penelitian selanjutnya. tabel. serta saran bagi pengguna yang 16 akan menggunakan hasil penelitian. dan gambar. Bab V Simpulan dan Saran • Simpulan berisi hasil penelitian (Bab IV) yang dapat menjawab masalah penelitian yang disampaikan dalam Bab I.Bab IV Hasil dan Bahasan • Hasil dan Bahasan LTA yang dikembangkan berdasarkan penelitian berupa diskusi atau analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan/atau kualitatif yang dihubungkan dengan setiap variabel penelitian. Tulis judul ‘REFERENSI. Literatur yang tidak diacu/dikutip. . kamus. atau periferal tertentu tidak boleh dimasukkan dalam referensi. di tengah atas halaman. bold. kapital. • Referensi ditulis pada halaman belakang sebelum lampiran.Referensi • Referensi berisi literatur yang diacu/dikutip pada LTA dan ditulis sesuai dengan gaya APA. literatur referensi seperti buku pedoman. buku petunjuk penulisan. • Tata cara penulisan dengan memakai standar American Psychological Association (APA) versi 5 17 atau 6. dengan huruf Times New Roman 14 point.
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