Mastering Impromptu 7.5
IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Series 7IBM Cognos Impromptu Version 7.5 Mastering Impromptu Reports Product Information This document applies to IBM Cognos Impromptu Version 7.5 and may also apply to subsequent releases. To check for newer versions of this document, visit the IBM Cognos Information Centers ( Copyright Licensed Materials - Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. 1991, 2010. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM, the IBM logo,, and Cognos are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Table of Contents Introduction 7 Chapter 1: Report Data 9 Getting the Results You Want 9 Specify the Catalog for Your Reports 9 Group Automatically 10 Define Filters 11 Detail and Summary Filters 11 Create Filters 12 Use Filter Expressions 12 Filter Without Changing Your Summaries 13 What You Can Do Using Filters 14 Tips for Filters 19 Use Prompts to Select Report Data 19 Type-in Prompts 20 Picklist Prompts 21 When to Use the Types of Prompts 24 Using the Prompt Manager 25 What You Can Do Using Prompts 30 Format Report and Catalog Prompts 31 Summaries 34 Summarize Data 34 Create a Summary 37 Changing a Summary's Association 39 Create or Copy a Summary 40 Change a Detailed Data Item into a Summary 41 Calculated Fields 43 Create Calculated Fields 43 What You Can Do Using Calculations 45 Highlight Data 53 Create Styles 54 Conditionally Format Data 56 Conditionally Hide and Show Report Objects 58 Chapter 2: Report Formats 61 Formatting Techniques 61 Data Formats and Locale Settings 61 Customize Data and Objects 61 Default Object Formats 63 Define Report Layouts with Templates 63 What are Placeholders? 64 Set a Default Template 65 Customize the Template's Preview Image 66 Set the View for Templates 67 Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. 1991, 2010. 3 Table of Contents Create Effective Templates 67 Create Placeholders 70 Modifying Existing Placeholders 72 Create Calculated Placeholders 73 Insert Placeholders 74 Create Complex Layouts with Frames 75 Frame Properties 76 The Parent/Child Relationship 77 Designate a Primary Frame 77 Insert a Frame 78 Select a Frame 80 Assign Names to Frames 81 List Frames 81 Form Frames 83 Chart Frames 87 Text Frames 88 Picture Frames 89 Chapter 3: Complex Reports 93 Crosstab Reports 93 Quickly Change a List Report into a Crosstab Report 94 Build Crosstabs from a List Query 95 Add Summaries to Crosstabs 96 Create Calculated Columns 99 Filter Data in Crosstab Reports 100 Swap Rows and Columns 102 Change a Crosstab to a List Report 102 Work With Sub-Reports 102 What You Can Do With Sub-Reports 103 What You Can't Do With Sub-Reports 104 Create Reports Containing Sub-Reports 104 Edit Sub-Report Queries 105 Link Sub-Reports 105 Use Drill-Through Reports 107 Associate Reports for Drill-Through 108 Test Drill-Through Reports 110 Present Results with Other Applications 112 Using OLE to Present Impromptu Reports 112 Embed Objects In Impromptu 115 Embed Impromptu Objects in Other Applications 118 Link Impromptu Reports in Other Applications 120 Using HTML to Create Reports on the Web 120 Designing HTML Report Output 121 Add Report Navigation 122 Align Report Objects in Impromptu 122 Eliminate Overlapping Objects in a Report 124 Avoid Multiple Scrollbars in HTML Report Output 124 Improving Performance 125 Save Reports as HTML 125 4 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Table of Contents HTML Files 126 Distributing HTML Report Output 127 Export a Report in Excel Format 128 Exporting Reports with Multiple List Frames to Excel 129 Avoiding Multiple Worksheets on Export to Excel 129 Align Report Objects Before Export to Excel 130 Eliminate Overlapping Objects in Excel Reports 130 Add Worksheet Names Before Export to Excel 130 Change the Worksheet Order Before Export to Excel 131 Group Report Objects to Export Them to the Same Excel Worksheet 131 Rendering Headers and Footers in Excel Report Output 132 Export a Report to Excel with Images in the Header and Footer 132 Using Summaries in Excel Report Output 133 Using Data Scoping to Enhance Excel Report Output 133 Export a Text Field with Leading Zeroes to Excel 134 Export a Numeric Field with Null or Missing Values to Excel 134 Export a Form Frame within a List Frame To Excel 135 Chapter 4: Data and Databases 141 Choose Your Data Source 141 How Impromptu Retrieves Data 141 Take Advantage of a Cache Query 142 How Databases are Attached to Catalogs 143 Disable the Auto-Attach to the Database Option 143 Your Copy of the Database 144 Local Snapshots 144 Thumbnails 144 Use HotFiles 145 Chapter 5: About Catalogs 149 What Can You Do with Catalogs? 149 Use Catalogs 149 Shared Catalogs 150 Personal Distributed Catalogs 150 Locked Catalogs 150 Lock a Catalog 151 How Catalogs Open 151 Open and Unlock a Catalog 152 Create a Personal Distributed Catalog 152 How Catalogs You Create are Updated 152 Disable Automatic Catalog Updating 153 What Can You Change? 153 Rename Folders and their Contents 154 Create Catalog Folders 155 Move Folders and their Contents 156 Store Filters in Catalogs 156 Change a Predefined Filter Condition 157 Store Calculated Data Items and Summaries in Catalogs 158 Create and Store Prompts in Catalogs 159 Add User Classes 160 Mastering Impromptu Reports 5 . Table of Contents Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu 163 Create Efficient Reports 163 The Difference Between Queries and Reports 163 Client/Server Balancing 165 Which Client/Server Options are Most Efficient? 165 Who Sets the Client/Server Balancing Option? 165 Summaries 166 Retrieve Summary Data Items 166 Put Summaries in Footers 166 Sorting on Database Summaries 166 Associating Summaries with Data Items 167 Choosing an Optimal Summary Strategy 167 Filters 173 Changes to the Filter 173 Database Summaries 173 Impromptu Functions 173 Non-Indexed Columns 173 Impromptu Functions 173 If/Then/Else and Lookup Statements 173 Functions 174 Report Formatting Commands 174 Scan Data for Best Fit 174 Fit to Page 174 Use Alternative Data Sources 175 Test Your Queries Using Thumbnails 175 Improve Performance Using Snapshots 175 Improve Performance Using HotFiles 176 How Outer Joins Affect Your Work 176 What is an Outer Join? 177 When Not to Use Outer Joins 177 Outer Joins Examples 178 Limit the Data 179 Minimize Connection Time 179 Create Separate Accessible Reports 179 Manage the Size of Impromptu Reports 179 Chapter 7: Customize Impromptu 181 Customize Menus 181 Set Up a Launch Menu Command 182 Customize Toolbars and Buttons 183 Show or Hide Toolbars 183 Create a Custom Toolbar 183 Customize Toolbar Buttons 184 Set Up a Launch Button 184 Distribute Custom Menus and Toolbars 185 Index 187 6 IBM Cognos Impromptu . This book contains information about ● advanced reporting techniques. To learn these v1r0m0/index. com/software/data/cognos/). and prompts ● how to work with templates and frames ● how to create crosstab reports. Finding information To find the most current product documentation. IBM Cognos Impromptu Web Reports. 7 . Samples disclaimer The Great Outdoors Company. Our documentation includes user guides. tutorial guides. reference including conditional highlighting. and other materials to meet the needs of our varied audience. is available from the Windows Start menu or the Impromptu Help menu. access one of the IBM Cognos Information Centers at http://publib. 1991. including all translated documentation. any variation of the Great Outdoors name. and Planning Sample depict fictitious business operations with sample data used to develop sample applications Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp.jsp. associate. drill through reports. advanced filters and calculations. group.Introduction This book is intended for advanced report authors who create complex reports. GO Sales. and filter data. visit IBM Cognos on the Web (http://www-01. you should read ● Discovering Impromptu ● the Impromptu online help For more information about using this product. It provides report authors with in-depth knowledge of the powerful features found in Impromptu. For information about education and and sub-reports ● integrating Impromptu with other applications ● setting up your reporting environment ● optimizing performance This book is aimed at advanced report authors who already know how to sort. the Documentation Roadmap. click the Education link from this site. 2010. and IBM Cognos Visualizer. An annotated list of other documentation. You can also read PDF versions of the product release notes and installation guides directly from IBM Cognos product disks. This document is available as online help and an online book. Note: Some Asian languages are not supported by IBM Cognos Impromptu.boulder. 8 IBM Cognos Impromptu . or transaction values. or data used with permission of the copyright holder. for use as sample data to develop sample applications. finance. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited. These fictitious records include sample data for sales transactions. factual data compiled from academic or public sources.Introduction for IBM and IBM customers. Product names referenced may be the trademarks of their respective owners. product distribution. Other sample files may contain fictional data manually or machine generated. addresses. and human resources. Any resemblance to actual names. contact numbers. is coincidental. and then move the report to a production catalog once your testing is complete. Your administrator develops and implements a data model by ● defining information in the database ● creating a catalog that presents a business view of the data and defines what information from the database you see and how the information in the database is structured You then use the catalog to access the database and create the reports you need. 1991. change or clear the catalog to which a report is attached. You can shape your report by customizing ● the data source ● data that appears in the report ● security features Getting the Results You Want You use Impromptu to answer business questions. such as ● Which sales representative sold the most products? ● How do sales representatives rank in terms of their total sales? ● Which product sells best? To get the results you want. you need to understand how Impromptu generates what you see in your reports. You can adjust the information that appears in your report by ● creating groups ● defining filters ● defining prompts ● creating summary fields ● adding calculated fields ● highlighting data Specify the Catalog for Your Reports You can specify. Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp.Chapter 1: Report Data You use Impromptu's powerful tools to create effective reports. This enables you to create and test a new report while attached to a small catalog. 9 . 2010. and the Total Sale Amount summary. you create a report that consists of Branch. Tip: You can also disconnect the report from the catalog to which it is attached by saving the report with a snapshot of the data. then the data items are grouped in the order that they appear in the Group Order box of the Group tab (Query dialog box). Steps 1. Select the Auto-Group check box and click OK. the lowest-level grouped data item. From the Report menu. In the Catalog box. When auto-grouping is enabled. 2. click General. type the path and name of the new catalog to which you want to attach the report. This is called Auto-Grouping. and click the Group tab. you must reconnect to the catalog if you want to refresh the data. 3. Select the report. Steps 1. 2. However. You can also click Browse to locate and select the new catalog. then ship the report to another site with a similar catalog and database. 10 IBM Cognos Impromptu . If you include a summary data item in the query and click the Auto-Group check box. Click OK. Use this default to quickly produce a summary report. Group Automatically If a report does not include a grouped data item and you add a summary data item. Impromptu automatically groups all data items in the report. 4. Rep Name.Chapter 1: Report Data You can also create and test a report at one location. and associates the summary with Rep Name. From the Report menu. Impromptu assumes full control of grouping and association: ● the Group and Associate buttons are unavailable (unless you select a data item) ● any previously grouped data items become ungrouped ● data items are grouped in the order in which they appear in the Group tab (Query dialog box) ● summaries are automatically associated with the last group listed in the Group Order box of the Group tab (Query dialog box) For example. Notes ● Selecting the Auto-Group check box has no effect until a summary data item is included in the query data. click Query. Impromptu automatically groups Branch and Rep Name. the row is retrieved and appears in the report. The WHERE clause is processed first. You can filter summary data items that you select from a report query or the catalog. Detail and Summary Filters Your report can contain a combination of detail and summary filters. the row is not retrieved and does not appear in the report. see "Summaries" (p. Note: You cannot use text binary objects in filters. Define Filters You use filters to focus a report and minimize processing time by excluding any data that is irrelevant to the report. Mastering Impromptu Reports 11 . followed by any grouping and summarization. which can include only detail data items. Instead of a detail filter. For example.Chapter 1: Report Data ● By default. For example. if the conditions are not true. Unlike a detail filter. You can create detail and summary filters. you can filter a report to show only the customers who placed orders with a total sales amount greater than $500 during the past year. here is the same report listing branches and total sale amounts. you can think of a detail filter as having a predicate in the WHERE clause and a summary filter as having a predicate in the HAVING clause. If you're familiar with SQL. and then the HAVING clause is processed. A detail filter applies one or more specified conditions to each row of data. the auto-group checkbox is selected whenever you create a new report. ● The Auto-Group check box is cleared if you select and group a data item or if you change the automatic association of a summary data item.000. For information about creating summaries. a summary filter can include both summary and detail data items. For example. this report uses a summary filter that retrieves only the rows where total sale amount is greater than $100. 34). If the conditions are true for a row. here is a report with a detail filter that includes only branches that start with the letter 'M'. 00.00 and the product margin is less than or equal to $5. 163). Follow these guidelines when using filter expressions.00 or the product margin is less than or equal to $5. For Example You want to filter a report to show only those products from the GO Sport Line. Click OK. 2. see "Optimize Performance in Impromptu" (p.00.00. ● Use the AND operator to indicate that a row must meet both of the conditions on either side of the AND operator. From the Report menu. use this expression. Because expressions that use the AND operator are processed before expressions that use the OR operator. Use Filter Expressions Use the OR operator and the AND operator to create the filter expressions you need. use limited local processing (Client/Server tab. Select either Detail or Summary in the Filter Type box. 3. For information about performance issues. Steps 1. For information about crosstab filters. use this expression: Product Price < 10 AND Product Margin <= 5 Tip: To enhance performance. Product Price < 10 OR Product Margin <= 5 To retrieve only the rows of data where the product price is less than $10. 4. 5. Query dialog box) instead of flexible processing. Of the rows that meet this condition. Note: You can only include crosstab filters in crosstab reports. insert the components into the Filter Definition box to build your filter. the following filter returns results that you do not expect: Product Type = 'GO Sport Line' AND Product Price <= 10 OR Product Margin <= 5 12 IBM Cognos Impromptu . From the Available Components box. ● Use the OR operator to indicate that a row must meet at least one of the conditions on either side of the OR operator. Click the Filter tab. For example. you want to retrieve only the rows in which the product price is less than or equal to $10. retrieve only the rows of data where the product price is less than $10. click Query.Chapter 1: Report Data Create Filters You can create filters by using filter definitions in the Filter tab (Query dialog box. 100).00 or the product margin is less than or equal $5. Report menu). see "Filter Data in Crosstab Reports" (p. the total number of orders is reduced to 39.122. Instead. To specify that a summary is calculated before the summary filter is applied. do one of the following: ● Click the Calculate Before the Summary Filter Is Applied check box in the Data Definition dialog box of the summary data item. For example. Depending on how your database processes requests. but not if you use it elsewhere.122. You can calculate the summary first. a summary in your report shows that the total number of orders is 1. 'Back Packs') Filter Without Changing Your Summaries You can filter values from your report without affecting the summaries that are based on those values. Impromptu first evaluates the expression in the parentheses and retrieves all the products with a product price less than $10. You define this filter: Product Line = 'Recycled Products' OR Product Line = 'Sport Wear' OR Product Line = 'Back Packs' Because the values in the example are from the same column of data." Impromptu then retrieves rows that meet the condition "Product Margin <= 5". The following expression returns the correct results: Product Type = 'GO Sport Line' AND (Product Price < 10 OR Product Margin <=5) Because parentheses are processed before other operators. For Example You want to retrieve only the rows for three product lines: Recycled Products.000. regardless of their Product Type.00 and a product margin less than or equal to $5. you can use the IN operator to achieve the same results: Product Line IN ('Recycled Products'. Mastering Impromptu Reports 13 . When you filter to show only orders with a total sale amount over $25.00. one method may be more efficient than another. you use parentheses to indicate which expressions to evaluate first. Impromptu then checks these products for those that are from the GO Sport Line. Sport Wear. and Back Packs. so that the total number remains at 1. 'Sport Wear'. then filter. The summary calculation is prefiltered in this instance.Chapter 1: Report Data Impromptu retrieves rows that meet the condition "Product Type = 'GO Sport Line' AND Product Price < 10. There is often more than one way to filter data and get the same results. select the summary data item that you want to calculate before the summary filter is applied. you want to determine which customers have not paid their invoices. Query dialog box). Steps 1. You can retrieve data ● that contains missing values ● that starts with or contains a specific value ● using another report ● based on a rolling time period ● that matches a pattern of characters Retrieving Data that Contains Missing Values You can limit your report to retrieve just those rows of data that contain missing values for a specified data item. 4. click Query. For example. You create the following filter: Payment is missing Steps 1. 3. In the Available Components box (Filter tab. or a null value (a cell that contains nothing and is marked with a flag in the database). 14 IBM Cognos Impromptu . and click the Data tab. In the Query Data box. What You Can Do Using Filters This section covers some of the things you can do using filters.Chapter 1: Report Data ● Add a Prefilter component to the summary expression. a variable length character field with a length of 0. Missing values can be a blank. You can add the Prefilter component to a summary expression even when there is no summary filter in the report. Click OK to return to the Query dialog box. If you add the Prefilter component to the Expression box. Click Edit Definition. In the Available Components box. double-click Is Missing and click OK. 5. select the Calculate Before the Summary Filter Is Applied check box or double-click Prefilter in the Available Components box to add it to the Expression box. add the data item from the Report column or the Catalog column. From the Report menu. 2. When you add or delete a summary filter. the data definition in the Expression box becomes: "<summary data item> prefilter". you do not change the summary expression. The calculation is always automatically applied before the summary filter. 2. In the Data Definition dialog box. Retrieve Data that Contains a Specific String or Value You can retrieve data that begins with or contains a specified string or value. In the Available Components box (Filter tab. Query dialog box). In the Filter Definition box. 2. 3. you have a report that contains customer details for your customers from Mexico. ● a snapshot. you must include the null value condition in the filter expression.Chapter 1: Report Data Note: If no rows appear in the report. This ensures that users working with the same report filter the same dataset. or Any. Filters that rely on another report or snapshot always end with the filter expressions In. add the data item from the Report Columns or the Catalog Columns. All. For example. For example. Retrieve Data Using Another Report or Snapshot You can filter a report using the data from ● another report. 4. In the Available Components box (Filter tab. Impromptu re-runs the report that stores the dataset to ensure that it contains the most current information. the following filter retrieves all product types except Outdoor Products. You want to create a new report that contains only the order information for those customers. Create a filter expression ending with In. so you create your new report. type the string or value in the highlighted location and click OK. double-click Starts With or Contains. 2. For example. Product Type not in ('Outdoor Products') OR Product Type is missing If the product type is a null value. Query dialog box). the following filter retrieves only the rows in which the postal code or zip code begins with 3 specific characters: Postal Code Starts With 'K2G' You can also filter a report to retrieve only the product numbers that contain a specific value. add the data item from the Report Columns or the Catalog Columns. This restricts the data available for your new report to orders made by customers in the customer details report. Tip: To show null values when you filter on another condition. The filter expression looks like this: Product Number Contains '60' Steps 1. Double-click String or Value. and then filter it using the customer details report. Steps 1. In the Available Components box. the filter retrieves the row. there are no missing values. Impromptu filters on a fixed dataset and does not query the database. Mastering Impromptu Reports 15 . All or Any. you set the current date from either: ● the database using the Now function ● your computer using the Today function. When you apply the filter. In the Available Components box (Filter tab. work with date formats. you must precede a date function in the filter with the DateTime-To-Date function to convert the format. -1) and Order Date < now ( ) The first part of the expression restricts the data to records dated one year earlier than the current date according to your PC. Impromptu's date functions. Steps 1. Click Open. If your database uses DateTime formats. Impromptu captures current information for use in the expression. Filter Using a Rolling Time Period You can retrieve data for a time period that has a fixed range. 6. where both dates continuously move (a rolling time period). 2. such as Add-years. Query dialog box).=. Instead of including the dates in the filter and changing them each time you run the report. double-click ● a comparative operator (>. if the now function returns a date of September 7. you use the following functions in the filter definition: Order Date >= add-years ((now ( )). this expression will return all records dated between September 7. For example. 1998.<=. and so on) ● Functions and Add-years( ) ● Functions and Today( ) ● the minus sign - ● Number 16 IBM Cognos Impromptu . 1997 and September 6. To create an expression for a rolling time period. Click OK. add the data item from the Report Columns or the Catalog Columns. while the second part restricts the data to records from the previous day or earlier.Chapter 1: Report Data 3.>=. 4. In the Available Components box. Double-click Dataset. For Example You filter a report to retrieve the information for orders placed in the last year. Click the report that contains the dataset and select the column on which you want to base your filter. 1998.<. 5. =. Note: Impromptu is case-sensitive. For example. and so on. and so on) ● Functions and double-click Today( ) 5. 2. double-click ● Like ● String. Impromptu retrieves "H2Y 2W2". use the TrimTrailing function to remove blanks at the end of the data. 4. Retrieve Data that Matches a Pattern of Characters You can create an expression that retrieves data that matches a specific pattern. followed by any single character. Postal Code Like 'H_Y%' Impromptu retrieves only the codes that begin with "H". the following expression removes blanks at the end of each Customer Name value and retrieves rows where the last character of the customer name is 'n': TRIM-TRAILING (Customer Name) LIKE '%n' Steps 1. Click OK. you want to mail out flyers to specific regions of the city. In the Available Components box (Filter tab.<=..>=. In the Available Components box.Chapter 1: Report Data 3. For example. The pattern can include wildcard characters as follows: ● the percent sign (%) represents any number of characters ● the underscore (_) represents one character For example. ● Double-click the ellipse (. Mastering Impromptu Reports 17 . a "Y". add the data item from the Report Columns or the Catalog Columns. In the Available Components box.. Be sure the case of the characters you enter is correct. Query dialog box). "H8Y 2R5". then type the string including any wildcard characters 3. double-click ● AND ● the report or catalog column ● a comparative operator (>. When you use the Like function to retrieve data that ends with a specific value. Click OK. and any number of characters to complete the sequence.). Do the following in the Filter Definition box: ● Type 1 in the highlighted area between quotation marks.<. You filter a report to retrieve customer addresses that match a postal code or zip code pattern. or component that evaluates to a string can be used with these operators. Contains. Click OK. and Starts With Operators You can use the Like. text blobs can be included in the filter (p. ● Double-click the text blob data item.Chapter 1: Report Data Creating Filters Using the Like. ● Double-click the Like. 18 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Contains. When the filter contains Report Columns or Catalog Columns. and Starts With operators to search text blob data. ● Type a string value. and Starts With operators to create complex filter expressions for reports and catalogs. In the Available components box (Filter tab. <156) then ('A') else ('B')) Search Text Blob Data Using the Like. prompt. and Starts With Operators You can create report and catalog filters that use the Like. Contains. Any function. 18). 2. Steps 1. Query dialog box). ● Double-click string. Contains. the pattern can include wildcards such as the percent sign (%) and underscores (_). or Starts With operator. If you are using the Like operator. The following components are available: ● Report Columns ● Functions ● Access Security ● Catalog Columns ● string ● Prompt Manager ● If The following example creates a filter that can search a column based on case insensitive prompt values: upper (columnname) Contains upper (?Type in Prompt?) This example uses the Starts With operator to search a column based on a conditional expression: Product Line Starts With if (Product no. create the filter as follows: ● Double-click the Report Columns to create a report filter or the Catalog Columns to create a catalog filter. Contains. select the values you want retrieved. do one of the following: ● to use the default sort order set by the database. 2. click the Filter button. The types of prompts are ● type-in ● picklist ● catalog Each prompt type appears when you open a report. 3. place your cursor in the condition or filter so that select values appears in the Available components box. you can specify either an ascending or descending sort. select the Eliminate Duplicate Rows check box on the Filter tab (Query dialog box). and confirm that you want to delete the existing filter. Tips for Filters ● To filter out repetitive information in the database and retrieve only unique rows of data. In the report title. you can include filter definitions or values in a report title or text frame. This is an alternative to viewing the values in the default sort order set by the database. On the Filter tab. and in the resulting list. you include the filter expression "Country = 'North America'". Click the Sort List button. You insert filter definitions using the More Objects dialog box. Impromptu presents the prompts in Mastering Impromptu Reports 19 . Use Prompts to Select Report Data You can use prompts to filter data when you open a report. When you open a report that contains more than one prompt. click the Descending button The values appear in the Select values for <data_item> box in the specified order. click the Ascending button ● to sort the values in descending order. in the Filter definition box.Chapter 1: Report Data Sort Returned Values in Impromptu Selection Lists When selecting values in a report filter or catalog condition. and in the Select values for <data_item> box. Double-click select values. Click OK. Steps 1. ● To provide the report user with a description of the report content. ● To remove all filters from a report. 4. a report is filtered to show only the rows for North America. The report uses your response to filter the data. press Esc to ensure that nothing is selected in your report. click the No sort (As source) button ● to sort the values in ascending order. The limit of the values that are retrieved and appear in the list box is set by the Picklist Limit property in Configuration Manager. For example. a report on order information uses a type-in prompt to capture two dates. You can define either a single value or multiple values in a type-in prompt. 20 IBM Cognos Impromptu . If the prompt is used in a filter. ● To include the prompt data in a report. For example. a sales report uses two type-in prompts. Only prompts that are used in the report appear in the Available Prompts list in the Prompt Manager box. For example. calculation. where each prompt accepts multiple values. In the following example. its uses are also listed in the reference box.Chapter 1: Report Data the order they are listed in the Available Prompts list (Prompt Manager dialog box. Prompt Sort Order The sort order of data returned by a prompt is locale sensitive. Locale sensitive sorting ignores the "-" character and is not case-sensitive. Type-in prompts are best suited for capturing dates or numeric values that do not require familiarity with the contents of the database. from the Report menu. click More Objects (Insert menu) and select the Prompt Variables item. the order of a picklist prompt appears as follows: ● Enviro-Kit ● Envirosafe ● EnviroSak ● Enviro-T Tips ● Impromptu runs prompts for sub-reports once at the same time as the parent query. or condition. Type-in Prompts A type-in prompt captures information that you enter into the prompt. Drag the prompts in this list to change their order. filtering on the country and product name. Impromptu filters the report to show only the orders placed within a specific time period. Prompt Manager). Note that each prompt value is entered on a separate line and formatted according to the user's locale settings. you add a filter that converts the text to all upper case (LIKE THIS). you can control the text case entered by the user. To do so. If the text file has two columns. or all lower case (like this). a report picklist prompt based on the Customer Name data item in another report lists only the customer names included in the referenced report. When you open the new report. If the text file has a single column of values. date-time. and intervals. Except for intervals and time. the value in the Prompts dialog box comes from the second column and the corresponding value from the first column is the filter value. This expression in the Filter tab of the Query dialog box converts the user-entered response to the Customer Status prompt to upper case: Customer Status in ( upper ( ?What type? ) ) You can also force the text to lower case by replacing the "upper" function with "lower". which use the ISO format and English text. when you want to select values from a subset of those available in the database. you are prompted to select one of the customer names. The localized version is set by the user's locale. Mastering Impromptu Reports 21 . or a HotFile. tip text is localized. so you need not be familiar with the database. For example. time. Tip text shows users the expected formats when entering data values for dates. ● a text file saved in a comma delimited ASCII format when you want to base a prompt on information from another application. see the Configuration Manager User Guide.Chapter 1: Report Data Tip Text Impromptu provides tip text for type-in prompts. The values listed in picklist prompts can be retrieved from ● a database via a catalog when you want to select information that often changes. the value in the Prompts dialog box is the filter value. ● a column in another saved Impromptu report. Use two columns in the text file to provide descriptive text for the filter values. Picklist Prompts A picklist prompt presents you with a list of data items from which you select one or more values. For information about changing locale settings in Configuration Manager. Ensure Case Compatibility If you want your report to include a type-in prompt that requires text. a snapshot. or you can use the order that exists at source. use the In operator and put the prompt in parentheses.ini file. ● You can sort the data values in picklist prompts in ascending or descending order. and date-time values. Picklist Prompts that Allow Multiple Selections To create picklist prompts that let you select more than one value. you can change this limit using the Picklist Limit property in Configuration Manager. For information. Tips ● By default. If you sort values in ascending or descending order. For example. ● To change the prompt separator for a file picklist. type ● startup options For information about performance issues. see the Impromptu Administrator online help. In the Index tab. Increasing the limit may have a negative impact on performance. you may want to use the select all option with multiselect prompts. 163). Although you should avoid using large picklists because they can be confusing to users. then all the product name 22 IBM Cognos Impromptu . These values are sorted chronologically. a report can include a prompt that asks you to select a product type from a list of those available in the database. values are sorted alphabetically or numerically with the exception of date. Only the products belonging to the product type you select are retrieved and displayed in your report.Chapter 1: Report Data For example. if the prompt filters on product name. see "Optimize Performance in Impromptu" (p. modify the Impromptu. For example. The select all option allows users to generate a report using all the values that are valid for the prompt. the filter expression Product Type in (?Product Type?) brings up the following prompt dialog box: This prompt enables you to select multiple items from the list using Ctrl+click. time. the maximum number of items in a picklist is 100 items. Add the Select All Option to Picklist Prompts To make prompt selection more convenient. Run a report with the updated prompt. Steps to Add the Select All Option to a Prompt in a Report 1. and click Edit. When you use the select all option. Then. For upgraded prompts. The select all option is available in file. when there is a filter and a user chooses to select all. For example. the data will still be filtered and only the allowed products will be included in the report. then the report is generated with 5000 product names. In the Prompt Definition dialog box. open a report that contains a multi-select prompt. For example. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to edit any other prompts in the catalog. Steps to Add the Select All Option to a Prompt in a Catalog 1. The select all option applies to prompts used in filters that use the In operator. click OK. Country IN (?CountryPrompt?) Mastering Impromptu Reports 23 . In the Prompt Manager dialog box. So. Country IN (?CountryPrompt?) 3. click Prompt Manager. ProductB.Chapter 1: Report Data values are used when the report is generated. If you want to control access to data. and then in the Folders dialog box. but there are 5000 products in the database. then if select all is enabled and the user chooses this option. 2. or ProductC. all 5000 products are included in the report. Note that if you have a picklist that prompts the user to choose ProductA. the picklist limit is ignored. The <All> option appears in the picklist. 3. 2. In Impromptu Administrator. then you must have a catalog or report filter that restricts user access to data. click Folders. From the Report menu. select the Allow the user to select all values option. In Impromptu Administrator. find and click the multi-select prompt you want to edit. A picklist prompt does not provide data access security. 4. 5. The select all option applies to prompts used in filters that use the In operator. if you have 5000 product names. under the Catalog menu. you must edit the prompt and specify the select all option. select the prompt you want to change. By default. Click the Edit button. report and catalog picklists specified in either catalogs or reports. the option is selected for new prompts. click OK again. In the Catalog Folders list. A type-in prompt. cascading prompts. see "Calculating Data Items" (p. When you run the report. A folder for catalog prompts appears under the Catalog Columns in the Available Components box. Follow the guidelines listed below to choose the appropriate type of prompt for your reports. You can access catalog prompts from the Filter tab (Query dialog box). to reference the catalog. 31). When to Use the Types of Prompts The type of prompt you create depends on factors such as the function of the prompt. see the Macro Online Help ( IBM CognosScript Editor). Additional processing is required for filtering A report picklist with a snapshot or a HotFile report as the data source. and the nature of the data (static or dynamic). already been generated and saved with the required data. Catalog Prompts The administrator can create catalog prompts stored in a folder within the catalog. The catalog prompt symbol identifies a catalog prompt. 24 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Because the report has or calculations. the amount of processing required. You can move. Users can also create their own catalog prompts if they have the access rights or are working with a personal distributed copy of the catalog (Folders in the Catalog menu). This can save time. copy or delete catalog prompts just as you can any other catalog folder item using OLE automation. In the Prompt Definition dialog box. This type of prompt can speed Your audience has a detailed knowledge of up processing time because the report does not need the database or you want the report to be filtered on a range of values. Use If A catalog picklist prompt. when you run the prompt you do not have to query the database. Because the catalog prompts reside in the catalog. the <All> option appears in the picklist. select the Allow the user to select all values option and click OK. This type of prompt does Your report consists of a simple list of not require a detailed knowledge of the database. For information about Your reports consist of a hierarchy of values. Click OK again in the Prompt Manager dialog box. dynamic values.Chapter 1: Report Data 4. For information on OLE automation. they are available to any report that attaches to the catalog. A cascading report prompt. click Prompt Manager. Steps to Create a Prompt for a Single Value 1. you can use one data item as the source for the prompt. Creating Prompts Using the Prompt Manager You can create your own prompts using the Prompt Manager. you can prompt users for a data item such as Productname. This may affect performance. For example. and you can create cascading prompts. Click New.Chapter 1: Report Data Using the Prompt Manager The Prompt Manager (Report menu) allows you to easily manage prompts in the current report. Mastering Impromptu Reports 25 . see "Optimize Performance in Impromptu" (p. and display a different data item in the prompt. For information about performance issues. but use Productnumber in the query that generates the report. You can ● create prompts ● edit prompts ● remove prompts ● store prompts The Prompt Manager verifies links between prompts. From the Report menu. or you can use prompts from the catalog. If you attempt to create a circular link between two reports in which Report A has a report picklist prompt that references Report B and you attempt to set up a prompt for Report B that references Report A. 163). the OK button (Prompt Definition dialog box) becomes unavailable. For catalog and report picklists. 2. You can create prompts for single values and multiple values. the default prompt value is set to the current date and time and formatted according to the user's locale. 6. ● Depending on the expression. ● In the Report Data box. select the data item you want to use to filter your report and click Use. then at run time. ● If you want a default value to appear in the Type-in Prompt box when the report is opened. type the instructions users see in the Prompts dialog box when you open the report. ● If you want the Report Picklist to show a different data item in the prompt. and click OK. Impromptu may select a default data type. ● Locate and select the desired report. File Picklist Report Picklist ● Locate and select the desired file. Time and DateTime values are initialized to zeros in the ISO date-time format. select the appropriate data type. If you accept the initial values. select the type of data you will enter. 3. Impromptu may select a default data type. Do one of the following: To create this type of prompt Do this Type-in ● In the Data Type box. In the Name box. and click OK. Depending on the expression. The value must use standard ISO format. type a default value in the Default Value box. In the Type box. 26 IBM Cognos Impromptu .Chapter 1: Report Data The Prompt Definition dialog box appears. Date. In the Message box. 5. type a prompt name. select the type of prompt. ● In the Data Type box. select a data item and click Display. 4. ● If you want the Catalog Picklist to show a different data item in the prompt. select the data item you want to use to filter your report and click Use. If more than one prompt is defined. click the operator you want to use (either And or Or). In the Available Components box. click Query. Mastering Impromptu Reports 27 . 7. from the Report menu click Query. 3. Click OK. select a data item and click Display. Click OK. Country = ?Country? and Product in (?Product?) and Sale Amount >= ?Amount? ● You can use any combination of prompt types. Steps to Create a Filter With Multiple Prompts 1. 2. add the required data item from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder. 7.Chapter 1: Report Data To create this type of prompt Do this Catalog Picklist ● In the Catalog Columns box. report consumers can refine reports more easily. Steps 1. Notes ● Prompted values appear between question marks. Click the prompt you want to appear as the first prompt. 8. By allowing multiple prompt values. 9. For example. and click OK. 5. In the Available Components box. From the Report menu. the new prompt appears highlighted in the Available Prompts box. Create more than one prompt. 4. Click the Filter tab. Create a Type-in Prompt With the In Operator that Accepts Multiple Values Report filters or conditions that contain the In operator allow report authors to specify type-in prompts that accept multiple values. click the desired operator and then double-click Prompt Manager 6. With a report open. Repeat steps 4 to 7 until all the prompts you want to use are included. In the Available Components box. Impromptu must run the report and read through the dataset to apply the filter. Creating and Using Cascading Prompts You can create a series of prompts that show only the values that correspond to the value selected for the previous prompt. Because Impromptu runs each report. 3. complete the following steps to add a filter definition: ● double-click the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder. You select the Environmental Line. and in the Available prompts box. they can type multiple prompt values in the Prompts dialog. After the last prompt. you create a series of linked reports. and click OK. These are called cascading prompts. Click OK. the size of the reports affects performance. it is more efficient to create a HotFile with the data that you want in your picklist.Chapter 1: Report Data 2. If the information contained in the database does not change very often. Click the Filter tab. To do so. The following is an example of a prompt filter using the In operator that accepts multiple values: Country in (?Prompt1?) and Productname in(?Prompt2?) 5. For example. and double-click the data item to filter on ● double-click the in operator ● double-click the opening parenthesis ● double-click Prompt Manager. each of which contains a filter prompt. The next prompt asks you to select a 28 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Repeat step 3 to add additional prompts until you reach the last prompt. and a prompt appears asking you to select a product type from a list of product types. If you use a large report as the source for a prompt. omit the And or Or operator. In the Available Components box. you open a report. and then use the HotFile in your Query. click the prompt you want to appear as the first prompt. Each prompt value must be entered on a separate line and formatted according to the user's locale settings. ● double-click the closing parenthesis ● double-click the And or Or operator 4. When the user runs the report. Open the last report and edit it so it is a simple list containing the data item for which the user is prompted. save the report again with a different name for each. Save the report. and the appropriate filter definition containing the desired prompt. 10. Go back to the first report you created. and click the left parenthesis. Double-click the data item you want to appear in the filter expression. In the Report Data box. and the report appears showing only the data for the Sun Block products. For example. 6. Open each of the reports you saved (other than the first report you created in step 1). Click OK to close the Prompt Manager. double click the Report Columns folder to open it. Steps 1. click Query. From the Report menu. In the Available Components box. 18. click Report Picklist. Click New to create a prompt. click Use. but do not close. 5. you are presented with the series of prompts and lists of filtered values. Create the report that you want the user to open. 2. 15. and edit each report so it contains the required data items. Complete the filter definition by double-clicking ")" in the Available Components box. Product in ( 8. 3. 13. Locate and select one of the reports you saved in step 2. type a Name and a Message for the prompt. 17. You select the Sun Block product line. and click OK. 4. click "In" or "=". In the Type box. Product in (?Product Name?) 16. and click the Filter tab. In the Prompt Definition dialog box. select the data item that the current report prompts for. Mastering Impromptu Reports 29 . 12. 9. When you open the report you created for users. click Display and click OK. Double-click Prompt Manager in the Available Filter Components box. For each cascading prompt you require. Save. 7.Chapter 1: Report Data product line from a list showing only the product lines belonging to the Environmental Line. 11. In the Available Components box. the report. 14. For example. A prompt filter is applied when data is retrieved from the database on the first query. For information about performance issues. What You Can Do Using Prompts You can use prompts to ● filter reports ● calculate data items ● format prompts ● format data Filter Reports Prompts are often used to filter reports. and then click OK. Do one of the following: ● To use an existing prompt or create a new prompt. ● To use a prompt stored in the catalog. but the filter itself stays the same.Chapter 1: Report Data Note: If a prompt in the current report is based on a report that also contains a prompt. Complete the filter expression. Other types of filters apply to existing queries. 12). you must respond to the prompt in the referenced report before you can respond to the prompt in your current report. so Impromptu must access the database again. select the prompt. see "Optimize Performance in Impromptu" (p. 30 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Click OK. From the Report menu. double-click Catalog Columns. and then click OK. double-click Prompt Manager. if necessary. Filters that use prompts are more efficient than other filtering methods. 3. a prompt called Sales Over the Catalog Prompts folder would look like this: Sale Amount >= ?\Catalog Prompts\Sales Over? 4. For information about creating filter expressions. Steps 1. select or create the prompt. The path for the prompt location and the prompt name appears in the Filter Definition box. 2. For example. then click the Filter tab. a filter retrieves product information based on the product line captured by the prompt: Product Line = ?Product Line Prompt? Each time you open the report. 5. For example. click Query. see (p. you can enter a different product line. Create a filter expression up to the point where you want to include the prompt. 163). Click OK to close the Prompt Manager dialog box. For information about creating calculation expressions. 5. create a calculation expression up to the point where you want to include the prompt. you can enter a different markup value without modifying the calculation itself. a calculation determines new product prices based on a markup value captured by the prompt: New Product Price = Product Price + (Product Price * ?Markup?) Each time you open or run the report. In the Calculation Definition dialog box. if necessary. 3. 7. For example. 2. ● To use a prompt stored in the catalog. 43).Chapter 1: Report Data Calculating Data Items Prompts can capture values that are used in calculations. and then click OK. a prompt called Sales Over looks like this: Sale Amount >= ?Sales Over? 6. Complete the calculation expression. From the Report menu. Steps 1. Format Report and Catalog Prompts To achieve consistency in formatting. Click OK. select the prompt. see "Create Calculated Fields" (p. and click the Data tab. Impromptu shows the Prompts dialog box where you can select a value. double-click Prompt Manager. Your prompt name appears in the Expression box. 4. Do one of the following: ● To use an existing prompt or create a new prompt. double-click Catalog Columns. For example. click Query. and then click OK. Click the Calculate button . the user's locale settings in Configuration Manager are used to set the default format of report and catalog prompts that use date and date-time values. The prompt types affected are ● type-in ● file picklist ● report picklist ● catalog picklist Mastering Impromptu Reports 31 . select or create the prompt. Locale settings do not affect the prompt format in automated reports. If you select the General option. the format for time values is hh:mm AM/PM. For information about changing locale settings in Configuration Manager. When you specify global settings. Click a date or date-time data item in the report. click the format to use as the default. click Data. and click OK. In the Normal box. The settings for existing reports are not changed. Automated reports still use the ISO format so that report macros remain portable. From the Format menu. For example. Steps to Format Selected Data Values 1.sss. the format is set to your locale settings. the settings only apply to new reports. click Options. click a date or date-time date type. 32 IBM Cognos Impromptu . If you select the General option. you can change the condition description without modifying the condition itself. The format for interval values is dhh:mm:ss. you create a condition that applies a green background color to all sales amounts greater than the number entered in a prompt. Although the General format for interval and time values cannot be changed. Format Data Prompts can capture values used in conditions that format data. Steps to Format Prompts Globally 1. see the Configuration Manager User Guide. the separator characters can be changed. You could enter "500" in the prompt as follows: The resulting list would have all sale amounts greater than $500 conditionally formatted. 2.Chapter 1: Report Data Report authors can override the formats globally or set the format of specific data values. In this example the sale amounts greater than $500 are highlighted. 3. 2. In the Normal box. click the format to use as the default. Every time you run a report. In the Data Type box. the format is set to your locale settings. Start Impromptu. and click OK. 3. and from the Tools menu. Click OK. ● If the prompt doesn't exist. select the style you want to apply. click Add Custom Condition. see "Conditionally Format Data" (p. click New and create it. 56). For information about conditional text. In the Change Style To box. From the Conditions dialog box. click Conditional Formats. Select a data item in the report to which you want to add conditional formatting. click Conditions. Mastering Impromptu Reports 33 . 5. Impromptu shows the Prompts dialog box where you can select a value. Your prompt name appears in the Expressions box. 11.Chapter 1: Report Data Steps 1. Create a condition expression up to the point where you want to include the prompt. Click OK. if necessary. 9. select it from the Prompt Manager dialog box. Complete the condition expression. 2. For example: Sale Amount >= ?Sales Over? 7. 4. From the Format menu. Click Close. Click OK to close the Prompt Manager dialog box. 10. Double-click Prompt Manager and do one of the following: ● If the prompt already exists. 3. 6. From the Conditional Formats dialog box. 8. You can use summaries on their own or as part of a larger expression. individual row summaries appear in a column of their own. which are organized by Country. If your report contains grouping. that summarizes the data. City. In the Index tab. Note: If you had created the Count summary based on the catalog. You want a count of the number of customers supported by each of your distribution centers. create the summary based on the report. 34 IBM Cognos Impromptu . or average. The result is an accurate count of the customers supported by your distribution centers in each country. All the summaries are available in the Calculation Definition dialog box. For information about creating simple summaries. You create a Count summary of Customers based on your report. you create the following summary: Running-total (Total Sale Amount) The Running-total summary takes the value of a row in the report. For example. You can access this dialog box with the Calculate button (Query dialog box) or the Calculation command (Insert menu). Summarize Data Some types of summaries calculate a value for each row in the report. For example. count. you have a list report of your customers' addresses that is grouped by Country. and Customer. The key difference between these summary types is that summaries based on a report include an appropriate function (for example the "distinct" clause in SQL) to ensure that only one instance of each value is counted for grouped items. This ensures that the results returned by the summary reflect the report organization. and you want your summary to take into account the groups. You can create summaries based on either the report data or the catalog to which the report is attached. By default. like functions. including all recurrences of the same customer name.Chapter 1: Report Data Summaries Summaries. the summary would have returned a count of how often the Customer field was not empty. type summaries You can create more complex summaries using the summaries listed in the Available Components box. are predefined calculations that perform an operation on one or more values and return a value such as total. and creates a new total in the new calculated column. see the Impromptu online Help. adds it to the total of all of the previous rows in the group. these summaries appear in a group footer. called fixed association Automatic Association The value of a summary with automatic association changes with the summary's current location in the report. this can slow down Impromptu's performance. You shouldn't apply further sorting on running summary columns on a report. 163). You can also place summary values in the group header. You can tell that a summary has automatic association by its icon box). the summary has automatic association by default. Some types of summaries calculate a single value for a group of rows. For example. The summary looks like average (Quota 95) for [Country] The summary values appear in a separate column. By default. in the Group tab (Query dialog Mastering Impromptu Reports 35 . For information about performance issues. you calculate the average quota for all sales reps within a country. however. see "Optimize Performance in Impromptu" (p. called automatic association ● a specific data item. When you add a summary to a report. but you move the result into the group footer. Each summary is associated with one of the following: ● its location in the report.Chapter 1: Report Data Running summaries produce a sorted result that relies on the report sorting. you can associate the summary to a specific data item in the report or catalog. the summary becomes Total (Sale Amount) [for Report] and the report no longer contains a Total (Sale Amount) for [Country]. Total (Sale Amount) [for Customer No. If you move the summary. The lower portion of a fixed summary's icon is blank.] Total (Sale Amount) [for Country] Total (Sale Amount) [for Report] If you drag and drop a summary to a different location in the same report. the value does not change. or to the entire report.Chapter 1: Report Data For Example This report displays sales amounts for Canada and Sweden and shows the totals that Impromptu automatically calculates when you add Total (Sale Amount) to your report using the Summary button on the toolbar. the summary's value changes.] Total (Sale Amount) [for Customer No.] Total (Sale Amount) [for Report] Fixed Association When you add a summary to a query. For Example You include a summary to calculate the Total Sale Amount and you manually specify that the summary is for the customer name. For example. You can tell that a summary has fixed association by its icon in the Group tab (Query dialog box). if you move Total (Sale Amount) [for Country] to the page header area. Total (Sale Amount) [for Report] Total (Sale Amount) [for Customer No. This 'for' clause is hard-coded or fixed in the summary 36 IBM Cognos Impromptu .] Total (Sale Amount) [for Customer No. In the Available Components box Mastering Impromptu Reports 37 . This name appears in the Data tab. from the report which is 35. In addition. summary results can be different if the user selects a column from the catalog. If the catalog column is selected.Chapter 1: Report Data expression. Create a Summary Steps 1. regardless of where you copy or move the summary. In the first example. the summary is applied against all rows in the table disregarding some grouping at the report level. In the Calculation Definition dialog box. In the following example. when the same column is available in the report. the grouping has been removed and both results are the same. the summary value for the Sales Report. Different Summary Results for Grouped Columns In a grouped report.555. 3. click Query. does not change when you copy or move it here from its original location. (The screen capture only shows the first four rows). and click the Data tab.79. Click the Calculate button . 4. In the second example. From the Report menu. the grouping makes the summary results between the two columns different. from the catalog which isn't affected by the grouping. 2. so the summary does not change when you change its location in the report. type a name for the summary in the Name box.) column is selected from Catalog Columns and is returning the count of all Product No. is fixed with the Customer Name.) column is selected from Report Columns and is returning the count of Product No. $11. The first count (Product No. the Total Sale Amount that shows the summary's association. The second count (Product No. double-click For. click Calculation (Insert menu). click OK. 38 IBM Cognos Impromptu . there are multiple Average Product Price summaries per Product Type. 7. position the pointer where you want to insert the calculation. There is one summary per Product Line. and click OK. and when the summary is complete. Report. Because there are multiple Product Lines per Product Type. 6. The Calculation Definition dialog box appears and you can create a summary. skip to Step 7. item. To create an automatic association. data item.Chapter 1: Report Data ● double-click Summaries ● double-click the appropriate summary option ● add the required data item from the ReportColumns or Catalog Columns folder 5. To create a fixed association. Continue to add the necessary expression components. Tip: To add a summary directly into your report. Catalog Columns to locate and select the A data item that is not in your report. Choose a Group Level for a Fixed Summary The group level associated with a fixed summary determines whether one or multiple summary values appear for a group. and click the mouse button. Do one of the following: Double-click To associate the summary to Report Columns. and double-click the data A data item that is in your report. For Example The following report has an Average Product Price for Product Line. The entire report. Chapter 1: Report Data If you want only one Average Product Price summary per Product Type, you can change the association of Average Product Price so that it is fixed with Product Type. There is now only one summary per Product Type and the value reflects the Average Product Price for Product Type Changing a Summary's Association You can change a summary's association at any time from fixed to automatic and vice versa. You can also change a summary that has fixed association so that it is associated with a different group. When you change its association, you are changing ● how the summary column appears in the list report. In list frames, the summary appears once for each occurrence of its associated data item. ● the summarization results. The summary is calculated for its current associated data item. ● calculations performed on the associated data item. A summary operation, such as count, ignores data repeated within that group. Only one summary for each group of the associated data item is counted. ● the association of the summary in the Group tab (Query dialog box). ● the association in the Association box of the Data Definition dialog box. ● the order of the report data. The sort order in your report varies depending on the associations you set for the data items in your report. When you sort on The report is sorted An associated data item By the grouped data item with which it is associated For example, if Product Line is a grouped data item and Product is associated to Product Line, Impromptu sorts Product first and Product Line second. Mastering Impromptu Reports 39 Chapter 1: Report Data When you sort on The report is sorted A detail data item that is not associated with the grouped data item By the detail data item For example, if Product Type is a grouped data item and Product Price is a detail data item, the details within Product Type are sorted in the order of Product Price. The order of the groups, however, remains unchanged. You can change a summary's association by selecting the summary in the Query Data box (Query dialog box) and clicking Edit Definition. Note: You can only change the association of a summary that is predefined in the catalog if you have the necessary permissions. Steps 1. Select a value in the report's summary column, right-click, and click Data Definition. 2. In the Association box (Data Definition dialog box), do one of the following: Select To calculate the summary Automatic Based on its location in the report Report For the entire report A data item For a specific data item 3. Click OK. Tip: To view the association of a selected summary in your report, look in the status line. For example, Total (Sale Amount) [for Product Type]. Create or Copy a Summary There is an important difference between making copies of a summary and creating a summary. When a summary has automatic association (its value reflects its location in the report), you get a different result depending on whether you copy the summary or create a new summary. For information about automatic association, see (p. 35). Copy Summaries When you copy a summary that has automatic association, and you paste it in another location in your report, you actually copy the text frame within the report. If there is a conflict between the copied summary's group levels, Impromptu calculates the summary for the highest group level. For example, you have a summary, Total Sale Amount, in the City group footer. You make a copy of Total Sale Amount and paste it in the Country group footer (which is higher than the City group). 40 IBM Cognos Impromptu Chapter 1: Report Data The summary calculates Total Sale Amount for the Country, and both text frames show the Total Sale amount, for the Country. Therefore, the wrong summary value appears in each City group footer. Create Summaries When you create a summary, Impromptu inserts a discrete calculation in the query. You must create a new summary for each discrete summary in your report. For example, you have a summary, Total Sale Amount, in the City group footer. You want the Country group footer to have a Total Sale Amount, so you create a new summary data item and you associate it with Country. Two summaries appear in your query; each one calculated for a discrete group in your report. The labels following the summary name in the Query Data box (Query dialog box) and the Group Order box (Group tab, Query dialog box) identify these two discrete groups. Change a Detailed Data Item into a Summary You may require a summary of a data item in your report rather than the details. Instead of adding a new, summarized data item to the query, you can change the definition of a data item that is already in the report. For example, a report contains the Sale Amount for each Product in an order. You create the summary Total (Sale Amount). This summary shows the total sale amount for each order, rather than the sale amount for each item in an order. Mastering Impromptu Reports 41 4. Right-click and click Data Definition.Chapter 1: Report Data The Sale Amount column contains details. If you change Sale Amount from a detailed data item to a summary. the summary has automatic association. 3. ● To re-use a calculated data item that contains a summary in another report. select the data item you want to change into a Summary. select the data item to highlight it. 2. and the report takes longer to process. add the summary data item twice to the Query data (once for each location in the report). double-click the Summaries folder. see your administrator. or to enable other users to use a calculated data item that contains a summary. For information about adding calculated data items to a catalog. Tips ● To insert a catalog summary that has an automatic association into a list footer and a group footer. 42 IBM Cognos Impromptu . By default. In the Expression box.] If you add a summary. The data item you selected in the report appears in the Expression box. Double-click the type of summary you want to create and click OK. 5. Impromptu does not have to retrieve the details from the database. the report contains both details and a summary for Sale Amount. In the Available Components box. In the report. Impromptu changes the original definition of the data item into a summary based on the type of summary you chose. you can add the calculated data item to the catalog. Steps 1. which may combine existing columns with summaries. you are creating an invoice report that contains the order number. You also create a calculation called Profit Margin Ranges that uses a conditional expression and a data item as follows: if (Profit < 500) then ('Low') else if (Profit > 500 and Profit < 1000) then ('Medium') else ( 'High'). For information about performance issues. For example. Create Calculated Fields Use calculated fields to include information in your report that is based on a formula. You can use calculated fields created by the administrator or you can create calculated fields of your own You can create ● simple calculated fields with simple mathematical calculations. ● Total Profit subtracts the Product Cost column from the Total Sale Amount. A calculated field can include any combination of the following: ● data from your report ● functions ● summaries ● values that you enter ● data from the catalog ● mathematical operations Mastering Impromptu Reports 43 .Chapter 1: Report Data Calculated Fields A calculated field is a new data item based on a formula that you define. the product names. and the quantity of each product ordered. and value constants The number and complexity of the calculated fields in your report may affect performance. see "Optimize Performance in Impromptu" (p. functions. such as Product Price * Quantity = Total Cost ● complex calculations. You add some simple calculated fields: ● Total Sale Amount multiplies the product price by the quantity ordered. 163). click the You do not know where you want to . click Query. then You ran the report and you know where click the mouse pointer in the report where you want to place the calculated field in the report you want to insert the calculated field. see "Store Calculated Data Items and Summaries in Catalogs" (p. click Calculation. 44 IBM Cognos Impromptu . For information about adding calculations to a catalog. For information about summaries. Note: You can add calculated fields to the catalog for use in other reports or by other users of the catalog. From the Available Components box. 4. 2.Chapter 1: Report Data Calculated fields are identified by their icon . place the calculated field in the report. To create a calculated field. double-click the components to add them to the Expression box and build your calculation. 158). and click the Calculate button you just want to add the calculated field to the query Click the Data tab and click the Calculate button You are in the Query dialog box . see "Summaries" (p. From the Report menu. you build an expression using the available components in the Calculation Definition dialog box. 3. Type a name for the new calculation in the Name box (Calculation Definition dialog box). Do one of the following to access the Calculation Definition dialog box: Do this If From the Insert menu. or Data tab. 34). Click OK to return to the Query dialog box. Steps to Create a Calculated Field 1. 43). 3. From the Available Components box. In the Catalog box. and click the Data tab. Do one of the following to add the first date to the expression: Double-click If Report Columns. or to summarize information. 2. You want to use a date from your report Catalog Columns. double-click "-". see "Create Calculated Fields" (p. What You Can Do Using Calculations You can use calculations to compare or combine values. Do one of the following to add the second date to the expression: Double-click If Report Columns. Steps 1. and click OK. Mastering Impromptu Reports 45 . Click the Add button to add the calculated field to the Query Data box. Open a report or template. Steps to Insert a Predefined Calculated Field from a Catalog 1. 4. you calculate the number of days between the closed date and the order date in order to track the average number of days it takes to close a sale. and double-click a date. and click OK. double-click a date from The date is not in your report the Catalog Folders box. The following examples begin with creating a calculation. select the calculated field you want to use. and click You want to use a date that is not in your report OK. For example. From the Report menu. double-click the date from the Catalog Folders box. and then double-click the The date is in your report a date. 2.Chapter 1: Report Data Note: The types of components that appear at any given time in the Available Components box depend on the previous selection. Catalog Columns. click Query. For detailed steps. 3. Calculating the Interval Between Two Dates You can calculate the interval between two dates by subtracting one date from the other. Double-click Summaries and double-click Rank. Change the data format of the percentile column if necessary: ● Select the column and click the right mouse button. 3. 7. For example: rank (Total Sale Amount) Note: If you're ranking a summarized data item. you must do the summarization before you rank the data item. Double-click Summaries and double-click Percentile. 6. Double-click Report Columns and select the calculated field you want to rank. For example: percentile (Total Sales) 8. In the Data tab (Query dialog box).Order Date 4. ● Click Format and specify the required format. 2. type a name for the new calculated field.Chapter 1: Report Data The expression looks something like this: Closed Date . Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and if necessary. click Calculate. Double-click Report Columns and select the calculated field. 4. you find the rank and percentile of branches based on their total sales. Steps 1. You then sort the report on the rank column to see the branches with the best sales performance. Click OK. In the Name box (Calculation Definition dialog box). 5. click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). Find the Rank and Percentile of Calculated Fields You can calculate the rank and percentile of calculated fields in order. For example. ● Click OK 46 IBM Cognos Impromptu . The average total quantity of sales per product type is an example of a summary within a summary. Delete the text <numeric column or calculation>. In the Available Components box. Position the pointer outside the parenthesis and double-click "for" (Available Components box). 4. Double-click "report" (Available Components box). 3. Double-click Summaries and double-click Total. The calculated field looks something like this: Mastering Impromptu Reports 47 . on the toolbar. you find the total quantity of sales per product as well as the average total quantity of sales per product type. Steps 1. Find the Average of Totals for Groups You can calculate a summary on a summarized data item. If the required button is not on the toolbar. you can For information about customizing toolbars. 2. 181). Double-click Summaries and double-click Average. 6. For example. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). The calculated field looks like this: average (total(Qty)) 5. add the required data item from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder.Chapter 1: Report Data 9. see (p. Tip: You can perform these operations directly in your report by selecting the column and clicking the appropriate button customize the toolbar. and select one of the following: ● Day to show the day portion of a date ● Month to show the month portion of a date ● Year to show the year portion of a date 5. 2. month or day portion of an interval. this function shows only the month portion of order dates month (order date) Steps 1. Extract Years. or Days from a Date When you want to display only the year. you can round the year. In the Available Components box. To change the interval from a date-time format into the year/month/date format. and then double-click ymdint-between. click the column to highlight it. For example. month or day portion of a date. Date Received)) Steps 1. Months. months. replace the first date with the required date item from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder. Click OK to close the Data Definition dialog box. you can convert a shipping time of 62 days into 2 months using this function: month-of-ymd-interval(ymdint-between(Date Shipped. 48 IBM Cognos Impromptu .Chapter 1: Report Data average (total(Qty)) for product type 7. In the report. In the Expression box. Months. and select one of the following: ● Day-of-ymd-interval to show the day portion of the interval ● Month-of-ymd-interval to show the month portion of a date ● Year-of-ymd-interval to show the year portion of a date Note: The ymd interval expression only shows the interval in date-time format. select the date column from which you want to extract the years. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). 4. 3. double-click Functions. The Data Definition dialog box appears with the selected column in the Expression box. In the Available Components box. In the Available Components box. double click Functions. or Days from an Interval In order to make information easier to interpret. For example. Extract Years. double click Functions. 2. 3. and/or days. you can extract the information you need. Right-click and then click Data Definition. 4. you can use the year. In the Available Components box. and select one of the following: ● Day to show the day portion of a date ● Month to show the month portion of a date ● Year to show the year portion of a date 3. For example. which is your anticipated final billing date for all outstanding invoices. and type the day into the expression. Find the Average Interval Between Two Dates You can calculate the average interval between two dates by subtracting one date from the other and applying the average summary. Select <integer_exp2>. double-click Number in the Components box. you calculate a date by combining numbers signifying year. Steps 1. month. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). In the Available Components box. you can calculate the average time it takes to collect payments on invoices using the following function: average (day (InvSent . Create a Date from a Number You can create a date from a number. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box).Chapter 1: Report Data 4. add the required data item from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder.Payment)) Steps 1. and type the month into the expression. double click Functions. For example. Select <integer_exp3>. In the Available Components box. 4. 5. 6. To make the information easier to interpret. Double-click Number and type the year into the expression. 3. In the Available Components box. double-click Number in the Components box. month or day function. 2. Position the pointer after the first date. double-click Summaries and double-click Average. 5. You calculate the number of days from the order date until year end. 2. replace the second date with the required date item from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder. double-click "-". Double-click Functions and double-click Make-datetime. and date in order to determine the number of outstanding orders to your year end. Mastering Impromptu Reports 49 . In the Available Components box. 12. Double-click Functions and double-click Last-of-month. Select <date_exp> and double-click Value in the Available Components box. In the Available Components box. Double-click Functions and double-click Now or Today. 3. 6. double-click "-". Double-click Report Columns and double-click Order Date.31) . 2. 50 IBM Cognos Impromptu .Chapter 1: Report Data 5. Use the Current Date in a Calculation You can use the current date in calculations. Find the Number of Days to the End of the Month You can determine the number of days left in a specific time period. you calculate the number of days between the due date for current invoices and today's date in order to determine how many days payment is overdue. Double-click Date. Steps 1. Double-click Report Columns and double-click the required column. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). and overwrite the default date with the date representing the end of the current month. 7. You can capture the current date to use in calculations from either ● the database (Now function) ● your computer (Today function). to establish how many days remain in the current sales period. For example. 4.Closed Date 4. The expression now looks something like this: make-datetime (1995. In the Available Components box. you calculate the number of days remaining to the end of the current month. Steps 1. For example. double-click "-".Order Date 8. 2. 5. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). Double-click Functions and double-click Now. Position the pointer outside the parenthesis. The expression looks something like this now ( ) . In the Available Components box. double-click "-". 3. Chapter 1: Report Data The expression now looks something like this last-of-month (1998-12-01) . For example. and string C. the result of the operation is an empty cell (or 'null value') if any of the strings involved contain null values. string B. the database may concatenate only string A and string C. In the Available Components box. 2. Double-click Number. double-click "+". add the next required string from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder. 6. Many databases ignore any null string when performing concatenation. Steps 1. add the first required string from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder. to create a report that lists both the current address and the mailing address for each customer. This procedure is called concatenation. double-click "=". In the Available Components box. 5. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). Type the applicable number value into the Expression box and press Enter. add the first required data item from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder. and string B is a null value. In the Available Components box. 3. 4. Steps 1. 3. In the Available Components box. CurrentAddress1 with MailingAddress2. if you are concatenating string A. For example. 4. For example. Mastering Impromptu Reports 51 . double-click If. into a single string called All Addresses. From the Available Components box. From the Available Components box. Note: When Impromptu performs string concatenation locally. This occurs because Impromptu requires any expression involving a null value to return a null ( ) 6. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). Create a Character Data Item from a Number Using If/Then/Else Statement You can create a character data item from a numeric value using an If/Then/Else statement. Combine Data Items You can combine two data items into a single data item. 2. you combine two strings. In the Available Components box. you convert a coded number into the days of the week or into the applicable department name. double-click ")". 52 IBM Cognos Impromptu . 8. Use a Predefined Filter Condition with an If/Then Statement You can use an if/then statement to set a specific criterion for filtering. Gender types are coded as: 1 (female).Chapter 1: Report Data 7. 11. In the Available Components box. '2' --> 'male') default ('unknown' ) Steps 1. 4. From the Available Components box. In the Available Components box.43) is only performed if the country is Canada. double-click Lookup. select a condition .43 else price "Country=Canada" is a filter condition. you need to indicate gender type on the personnel forms used within your company. 5. Double-click NULL. In the Available Components box. For example. 2 (male). In the Available Components box. From the Available Components box. 3. 7. For example. In the Catalog Folders box. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). and 3 (unknown). 2. add the required data item from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder. Type the applicable string into the Expression box and press Enter. because the action (multiply price by 1. Double-click Value and double-click String. 9. Type a number to overwrite the default 0 value and press Enter. Double-click Value and double-click String. Build the rest of the expression and click OK. double-click Catalog Columns. double-click -->. You convert the gender code to the appropriate gender type using the following calculation: lookup (Gender Code) in ('1' --> 'female'. The expression now looks something like this if (Dept = 02) then ('Marketing') else 10. double-click ")". Steps 1. Double-click Number. 2. double-click ")". Create a Character Data Item from a Number Using Lookup You can create a character data item from a number when you need to make report information more meaningful. 6. you create a calculation to convert prices to Canadian currency without changing the original American prices: if Country=Canada then price *1. 3. ● Assign a style to a condition. For example. Impromptu adds 'default' to the end of your expression. Double-click NULL. ● Use predefined conditions from the catalog. Type a string between the quotation marks and press Enter. In the Available Components box. ● Apply a conditional format. From the Available Components box. ● Enhance the appearance of your report with 3-dimensional formatting techniques. ● Conditionally show and hide headers. 10. ● Create styles that you can use to format data. footers and rows. add the required data item from the Report Columns or Catalog Columns folder. 2. Steps 1. ● Change the order of conditions. The expression now looks something like this number-to-string (Phone Number) 3. Mastering Impromptu Reports 53 . Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). you convert a telephone number into a string. 9. The expression now looks something like this lookup (Line No) in (4 ->'Naturals')default NULL 11.Chapter 1: Report Data 8. In the Available Components box. Highlight Data You can format your report to highlight interesting data: ● Define conditions for formatting that is unique to your report. double-click Functions and double-click Number-tostring. Create a Character Data Item from a Number Using Number-to-String You can convert a number to a character data item. double-click ")". Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box and click OK to close the Data tab (Query dialog box). and data formatting. borders. Steps 1. When you finish selecting the formats in the tabs. Note: The tabs for Data. Otherwise. In the Index tab. Borders. For information about applying styles. and Patterns are only available if you select the corresponding check box on the Content tab. You want the column titles to be Arial font. Once you create a style. see the Impromptu online Help. Borders. send users the Impromptu. To apply this style to selected report objects. size. you want to set up a style that formats numeric values with a dollar sign and two decimal places.ini file on their computer with the Impromptu. bold. For example. click OK. color. 3. click Close. 2. click Apply. For users to see the custom styles. click Add to add a new style.ini file. type a new name in the StyleName box. You can apply one or more styles to a report object. Your report now looks like this. From the Format menu. type ● styles Applying 3-Dimensional Formatting Techniques You can combine patterns and borders for report objects to give a three-dimensional appearance. 5. you can apply it to objects in any of your reports.ini file sent with the report. 4. and light on the left and top. Font. in the following report ● the frame appears raised because its borders are dark on the right and bottom.ini file along with the report. and it is filled with a light color 54 IBM Cognos Impromptu . they must replace the Impromptu.Chapter 1: Report Data Create Styles A style is a defined set of formatting characteristics that you can apply to report objects such as font. Tip: To distribute a report containing custom styles. click Styles. In the Style Definition dialog box. In the Styles dialog box. Styles are not saved with a report but are saved in the Impromptu. Patterns. 6. Select the style features you want to set up: Data. and have a pattern. patterns. size 14. For example. Font. Click the lower line in the Border box and select the same style and color. and they are filled with a dark color Steps to Make an Object Appear Raised 1. In the Line box. Under Foreground or Background. Click OK. select the solid pattern. 12. Repeat the steps for the top line in the Border box. 4. in the Color dialog box. and click OK. 8. 10. and then. select a dark color. In the Line box. and then click Customize. select a light color. 2. such as gray or black. 7. In the Pattern box. Right-click and click Format. In the Color dialog box. 5. 5. 9. select a style. such as a thin line. click the right line in the border. click the right line in the border. In the Color dialog box. and dark border on the left and top. In the Border box. 4. 11. Select the object you want to format.Chapter 1: Report Data ● the text frames appear recessed because their borders are light on the right and bottom. Mastering Impromptu Reports 55 . 3. select a color and click OK. 6. In the Border box. click Customize. Steps to Make an Object Appear Recessed 1. select a style. Click Customize for either the Foreground or the Background box. Click the Borders tab. 2. Click the Borders tab. Click the Patterns tab. Click the left line in the Border box and select a thin style and a light color in the Line box. and then click Customize. such as a thick line. 3. Click Conditions. select a light color. 3. such as white. Click OK. in the Line box. Click the left line in the Border box and select a thick style and a dark color. You can use predefined conditions or create your own conditions. You create a condition that checks whether each representative's sales for the year is less than their quota for the year: Sales 95 < Quota 95. Click the lower line in the Border box and select the same style and color. click Conditional Formats. 56 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Repeat these steps for the top line in the Border box. 7. such as gray or black. you want the representative's name automatically bolded and highlighted with a border. 7. click Add Custom Condition to show the Condition Definition dialog box. Steps 1. Use the options in the Available Components box to build an expression. In the Name box. Impromptu then formats selected report objects that meet the condition's criteria. Click OK to close the Condition Definition dialog box. and click OK. Once you have a condition. type a name for the condition. you need to assign a style to the condition. 9. 5. 4. If the representative's sales are less than the representative's quota. From the Format menu. Create a Condition You can create and apply a style to data that meets certain conditions. Select one or more report objects that you want to format conditionally. For Example You want to identify sales representatives who have not met their quota. Conditionally Format Data You can use conditional formatting to identify exceptional data in your report.Chapter 1: Report Data 6. In the Conditions dialog box. 6. 2. In the Color dialog box. 8. In the Change Style To box. select the style you want for this condition. 5. you assign a style to a condition called "Low Margin". click Add Catalog Condition. Click Conditions. 4. In the Conditions dialog box. Click Close to close the Conditions dialog box. Then define the condition and click OK. ● To modify a condition in the report. Assign a Style to a Condition You can assign a style to a catalog condition or to a custom condition. Select the condition to which you want to assign a style. It formats low sales with a large green font. select a condition. you can create it. Select one or more report objects. 3. In the Change Style To box. Steps 1. select the style. Change a Condition You can modify existing conditions in your reports. click Conditional Formats. and then click OK. Mastering Impromptu Reports 57 . you can make a copy and modify the copy. type a name for the new condition. 3. For example. 9. If you do not have the appropriate privileges to change a predefined condition. and click OK. From the Format menu. 54). 2. Click Edit in the Conditions dialog box.Chapter 1: Report Data 8. Note: If the style you want does not exist. From the Format menu. For information about creating styles. If you are creating a new condition. 2. any data that meets the condition is automatically formatted with the style you assigned so that the results stand out. Steps 1. You also assign a style to a condition called "High Margin" to format high sales with a large red font. 4. Select one or more report objects. The Condition Definition dialog box appears. see (p. 10. select the required condition. The custom condition appears in the Condition box. The None standard style is assigned to the condition by default. do one of the following: ● To create and modify a copy of a catalog condition. click Conditional Formats. Click OK. When you apply the condition. 6. then all the Qty data is formatted with the style "Blue Font" because "Greater than Two" takes precedence.Chapter 1: Report Data Tips ● To remove a style from a condition. Therefore. ● To remove all styles assigned to conditions. when you distribute reports electronically. the formatting assigned to the first condition in the list takes precedence over the formats assigned to subsequent conditions in the list. 58 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Step ● Select one or more report objects and then select the condition to apply from the Condition dialog box (Format menu. select the condition you want to remove. Applying a Conditional Format You can apply a conditional format to one or more report objects after you create a condition and assign a style to it. You change the order of the conditions so that "Greater than Three" becomes the top condition in the list. and all the quantities that are greater than two are formatted with the style "Blue Font". you want to highlight high sales for the month of December. For example. click Clear (Conditional Formats dialog box) and click OK. The None style appears in the Style box beside the conditions. The order of your conditions can be important. You then assign a style to this condition that makes all Sale Amounts greater than 500 display in a red font. Conditional Formats). Conditional formats). For example. select the None style and click OK. the Qty data item in your report has two conditions: ● "Greater than Two" has the style Blue Font ● "Greater Than Three" has the style Red Font If "Greater than Two" is at the top of the Conditions box. The effect of the change is that all quantities that are greater than three are formatted with the style "Red Font". and create the condition: Sale Amount > 500. Change the Order of Conditions When more than one conditional format is applied to a report object. You select the Sale Amount column in the report. In the Change Style To box. This is useful when you distribute printed reports. Conditionally Hide and Show Report Objects For reports that include sensitive or irrelevant data. do not electronically distribute sensitive information as hidden. Step ● Move the required conditions in the Condition dialog box (Format menu. However. you can hide report objects and show them when you want. especially if you have conditions with similar expressions. Impromptu applies the None style to the selected report objects. the users can show any objects you've hidden. In the Conditional Formats dialog box. or entire rows. or any rows that you want to hide based on a condition.)=1 The row and group footer display the same totals. footers. 2.Chapter 1: Report Data For information about hiding. part of a report ● showing. part of a report You can define conditional formats that automatically hide headers. For some groups with only one row of details. The Total Sale Amount and the total in the group footer are the same when there is only one order number for a customer. the summary in the group footer is the same value as the value in the detail row. showing. Steps 1.) for Customer No. Mastering Impromptu Reports 59 . The conditionality hiding the group footer eliminates the repetition. click Conditions. see the Impromptu online Help. For Example You have a grouped report that contains details and a summary for each group. 3. In the Index tab. and unhiding report objects. footer. The expression for this condition is (count (Order No. type ● hiding. Select the header. so you conditionally hide the group footer when there is only one row in the group. Right-click and click Conditional Formats. You set up conditional formatting that hides the group footer if there is only one row in a group. click OK. and click Close In the Change Style To box.Chapter 1: Report Data 4. 60 IBM Cognos Impromptu The condition you want to apply to the selection does not exist . click the Hidden style. click the Hidden style. click OK. and The condition you want to apply to the selection exists in the catalog Click Close In the Change Style To box. Do one of the following: Do This If Click the condition and click Close The condition you want to apply to the selection is in the Conditions box Add Catalog Condition. Click the predefined condition. and click OK Add Custom Condition Create the expression. and click OK. IBM Cognos Visualizer. However. 61).Chapter 2: Report Formats This chapter discusses some of the advanced formatting techniques you can use to ● make your reports more readable ● highlight important findings Formatting Techniques There are several ways to add formatting to your reports to enhance their readability and their general appearance. By default. 1991. see "Data Formats and Locale Settings" (p.xml. or editing the data format configuration file. Formats can be applied globally to all reports or to specific data items. copying data format information. IBM Cognos PowerPlay for Windows. For more information about locale settings. or contact your administrator. For information about managing data formats. Positive A format to apply to positive numbers. You can also customize the data formats for your reports. Use This To Set Data type A data type to format. 61 . and IBM Cognos Transformer use Windows Regional Settings for locale settings and data format information. Customize Data and Objects The default format applied to report data is based on the format the data has in the database and your locale settings. 2010. see the Configuration Manager User Guide. You can ● customize data and object formats ● apply templates ● add frames to your reports Data Formats and Locale Settings Data formats depend on the locale configuration settings for your IBM Cognos Series 7 product. these products can also be configured to use the data format configuration file. IBM Cognos Series 7 server products and IBM Cognos Impromptu use a data format configuration file named cerlocale. Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. click a data type. and intervals that are missing. in Impromptu Administrator version. ● set a default format for time values.00 or 250. For example. Zero A format to apply to numbers and intervals that are zero. float.SS am/pm" to show the time as "01. For example. ● set a default format for date-time values. Steps to Customize Data Globally 1. date-times.000". use the format "HH. For information about modifying locale settings.00£. use the format "D. double and quad. MMMM. For example. from the Report menu.45 PM". ● set numeric values to default to the user's locale using the Number option in the Positive list.Chapter 2: Report Formats Use This To Set Negative A format to apply to negative numbers and intervals. 62 IBM Cognos Impromptu . 11:30 am". use the format "DDD. The Number option applies to the following data types: integer. 2. For example.56" as "1. You can: ● set a default format for numeric values. use the symbol. use the format "0. For example. Tip: To determine the data type of a number. see the Configuration Manager documentation. times. dates. click Options. use the format ""Today is" DDDD. For example.MMM. Missing A format to apply to numbers. D" to show the date as "Today is Wednesday.235". January 1".MM. to show numeric values as £250. characters. £.23. For example.Jan. From the Tools menu. Currency Symbol An explicit currency symbol for numeric values that persist with the data or set the currency symbol to default to the user's locale setting. short integer. ● set a default format for interval values. use the format "DD "Days" HH:MM:SS" to show the date as "123 Days 04:30:28". ● set a default format for date values. Or. set the currency symbol to default to the user's the locale using the Default option in the Currency Symbol list. Click the Data Format tab. HH:MM am/pm" to show the date as "Wednesday. and then in the Profile tab. ● set a default format for character values.98 Wednesday". decimal. and in the Data type box. click Query columns.YY DDDD" to show the date as "15. to show the data "1234. ● set a default currency format for numeric values. click Query. From the Format menu. effects. Click a data item in the report. The options available depend on the data item selected. particularly when you or other template users frequently need the same type of report. Set the format to use as the global default. Steps to Customize Selected Data Values 1. Use This To Set Object types The object type to use as the default format Font The type. style. click Data. Click OK. When you specify global settings. 2. The settings for existing reports are not changed. By default. Mastering Impromptu Reports 63 . Use ● Number to format numbers using the locale settings.Chapter 2: Report Formats The options available for the data type appear. 4. ● set a default pattern for report objects. the settings only apply to new reports. size. specify a data format. OLE objects. Using Default in the Currency Symbol list sets the format to the user's locale. In the Data tab. you can ● set a default font so that text in a text frame is always formatted the same way. and color of the font Borders The location. or picture frames. 3. foreground. ● set a default border for report objects. or have no border by default. all objects (except text frames) have a border. and click OK. 3. It is like a report without any actual data. Using templates to create new reports can save time and effort. ● Currency and click a currency format in the Currency Symbol list. Default Object Formats To customize objects in your report. You can set a different border. line style and color or a border Patterns The pattern. You cannot add a pattern to chart frames. and background colors Define Report Layouts with Templates A template is a pattern you can use to build reports. As a result. see the Impromptu online Help. For example.Chapter 2: Report Formats A template can contain any or all of the following report objects: ● formatting ● placeholders ● text ● pictures ● frames ● macros ● report variables. such as the date or time that the report was created ● calculations ● summaries ● OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) objects You cannot include the following items in a template: ● sub-reports ● calculated data items that are stored in the catalog ● filter conditions that are stored in the catalog ● any prompts (picklist or type-in). whether or not they are stored in the catalog Templates can ● increase productivity for the users because the design work is already done ● facilitate standardized reporting by applying pre-defined formatting ● enable users to create sophisticated reports that might otherwise be beyond their skill level For information about using templates to create reports. type ● creating. You can group and sort placeholders in a template. This helps those who use a template to understand how to complete the report. In the Index tab. reports with templates What are Placeholders? Templates use placeholders to represent the data items that should appear in the report. Placeholders are data independent and allow you to assign a specific data type to each placeholder. just like data items in a report. a mailing labels template can contain placeholders for name and address. 64 IBM Cognos Impromptu . they are useful when you use one template to create different reports based on data from different catalogs. Mastering Impromptu Reports 65 . this template automatically appears. creating reports with Set a Default Template You can select the template that you use most often and click the Set as Default button (New dialog box). Then when you click the New toolbar button or create a new report using the Report Wizard. 70). see the Impromptu online Help. In the Index tab. or accepting one or more data items You can also define a placeholder so that it does not appear in a report but remains in the query. type ● templates. In the following example. Customer Name is a required placeholder. For information about adding placeholders to a template. Placeholders can be defined as ● no specific type ● numeric ● character ● date ● time ● date-time ● interval ● text-blob ● required (they must be filled). see "Create Placeholders" (p. or optional ● accepting only one data item.Chapter 2: Report Formats Placeholders can accept data items of any data type or of a particular data type. For information about filling placeholders in templates. For Example Each preview image includes an icon that shows the data source. such as a database or a snapshot. 3. The following preview image shows a list style report that uses a snapshot (as indicated by the snapshot icon in the lower right corner) as its data source: The following preview image shows a list style report that uses a database (as indicated by the database icon in the lower right corner) as its data source: You can customize the preview image so it shows a different image. Paste the image into a graphics application and edit it. 2. 66 IBM Cognos Impromptu . click Preview. From the Report menu. by default. 4. You can customize the preview image.Chapter 2: Report Formats Customize the Template's Preview Image In the Open dialog box. to more easily distinguish templates. Open the template (or report) for which you want to customize the preview image. Do one of the following: Do this To In the Preview tab. Clear the Automatic Image Generation check box. such as the report title: Steps 1. click Copy and click Modify the existing preview image OK. Impromptu generates a preview image based on what the selected template looks like. For a step-by-step tutorial on creating a nested crosstab. 6. Template file names end with the extension . The advantages of the screen layout view are that you can move a column from one page to the next if your report is too wide to fit on one page (which cannot be done in page layout view) and that there are no margins to reduce the visibility of the report. You can create a nested crosstab report by allowing each placeholder to accept more than one data item. and cells. Impromptu groups the data items in the rows and columns. Impromptu now uses the new preview image for this report in the Open dialog box. When you fill in the placeholders. and summarizes the data items in the cells.imr extension that Impromptu uses for reports. Set the View for Templates You can specify the default view for a template (page layout or screen layout). such as form letters and mailing labels ● a crosstab report A crosstab template contains placeholders for the rows. Create Effective Templates You can create a template for ● a list report ● a chart report ● forms. Select and copy the new image to the Clipboard (Ctrl+C). Save the report and close it.imt extension when you create and name a template. create a new image.imt rather than the . Impromptu automatically adds the . ● You can follow the same steps to customize a report's preview image. and click OK. click Paste. In Impromptu (Report Properties dialog box). Notes ● You can use a graphics program to customize a preview image. You can either alter the default image or create a new image. Use screen layout for screen-only reports. Mastering Impromptu Reports 67 . Create a new preview image 5. see Discovering Impromptu. Use page layout view for reports that are destined for the printer. columns.Chapter 2: Report Formats Do this To In a graphics application. objects. 2. The File Name box shows a default file name. click Save to save the template with the same name. Save Reports as Templates As well as creating a template from scratch. or formatting. frames. You can then add placeholders. 5. ● Add. 68 IBM Cognos Impromptu . click New. All the data items in the report automatically become placeholders and the template has the same formatting. If the template you select contains placeholders. If the template upon which you base the new template contains placeholders. remove. 4. or remove frames in a template. Tip: To save time when you create a template. and then click OK. sorting. edit. or insert placeholders. 70). 2. you begin with an existing template or the Blank template. Select a template. From the File menu. ● Add frames. Customize your template. and filtering that the report had. you can turn any report into a template. you can start with an existing mailing labels template and modify it to meet your needs. Click the Template option button in the Create New box. see "Create Complex Layouts with Frames" (p. ● Format the template. see (p. From the File menu. click Save As. and formatting. to create a mailing labels template. or click Save As to save the template with a different name. For information about creating placeholders. This is faster than starting with the Blank template. Steps to Save Reports as Templates 1. format frames. For example. You can ● create a template from scratch ● save a report as a template Create a New Template When you create a new template. objects. Open a report. calculate. 3. they appear on the screen. For information about frames. begin by selecting an existing template that closely resembles the template you want to create. Steps 1.Chapter 2: Report Formats There are different ways to create a template. grouping. ● Set the layout of the template. you can edit or delete them as necessary. From the File menu. 75). Note: All the placeholders from the list template appear in the crosstab rows. column For information about creating calculated placeor cells box holders. column or cells box Click Calculation in the Select a Type Create a calculated placeholder. select Templates (*. 6. When you create a crosstab template. Click the Crosstab Template button. you can specify the placeholder locations on the Template tab by selecting each placeholder and clicking the Rows . From the Report menu. click Query. and click Save. 5. Columns . In the Files of Type box (Open dialog box). type a new name in the File Name box. Mastering Impromptu Reports 69 . You can edit a list template (. If you do not want to use the default file name. or Cells button . see (p.imt) from the Save as Type box.imt). Click OK. 4. From the File menu. 7. columns and cells. 2. Notes ● You cannot use either multi-column or optional placeholders in filters. The following steps are optional: Do this To Ensure that the Summaries check box Include column summaries is selected for the columns Ensure that the Summaries check box Include row summaries is selected for rows Click Placeholder in the Select a Type Create a new placeholder box and move it into the row. Select the list template you want to change and click Open. 3. box and move it into the row. This can save you time if you already have a template that contains all or most of the placeholders and formatting you require. Select Templates (*. 73). click Open. 4.Chapter 2: Report Formats 3. Steps to Change a List into a Crosstab Template 1.imt) and change it into a crosstab template. From the Report menu. The following Template tab appears. select it and click Edit. but it is otherwise irrelevant to the report) you can choose not to generate the placeholder in the report. ● You must have at least one required placeholder in the Columns box and the Cells box. Open the template. Create Placeholders Placeholders are markers in a template that tell users what data items they should add to the report. 3. 2. If you do not want the data item that a placeholder contains to appear in the final report (because. Columns. You can set up a placeholder to ● be optional or required ● accept only one data item.Chapter 2: Report Formats ● You can only use one multi-column placeholder in calculations. A placeholder can show which data item the user should fill it with. 70 IBM Cognos Impromptu . ● You can drag and drop a placeholder from the Select a Type box to the Rows. click Query. Steps 1. and show the result in the report. or one or more The user can fill the placeholders in any order and skip optional placeholders altogether. All required placeholders appear in bold. Click Add. To check the properties of a placeholder. It can also perform a calculation using the data item the user fills it with. or Cells box. you need the item for a calculation. Ensure that the Optional Placeholder check box (Placeholder Definition dialog box) is cleared for all required placeholders. for example. 6. 10. 5.Chapter 2: Report Formats The Placeholder Definition dialog box appears. Columns. 9. If you leave it blank. The Label box is required when you create a filter or calculation that uses the placeholder. ● You can only use one multi-column placeholder in calculations. Type the prompt text in the Prompt box. When you create a report using this template. 8. Note: You cannot use placeholders with the No Specific Type data type in calculated data items or filters. Notes ● You cannot use either multi-column or optional placeholders in filters. or Cells boxes (Crosstab tab. The Prompt box is optional. Impromptu shows the text you entered in the Label box. ● If you don't want the data item that the placeholder contains to be displayed in the report nor added to the query. ● If you want the placeholder to accept more than one data item. Define the placeholder as required: ● If you want the placeholder to be optional. Repeat steps 3 to 9 to add more placeholders to your template. Impromptu shows the prompt in the Data tab (Query dialog box) to indicate which data item should replace the placeholder. Query dialog box) or the Rows. Click OK. Click OK. select the Optional Placeholder check box. 7. Mastering Impromptu Reports 71 . select the Can Be Filled By More Than One Column check box. Query dialog box). The label appears in the Query Data box (Data tab. Select a data type from the Data Type box. Type a label in the Label box. 4. select the For Calculations Only check box. you change the prompt text that appears in the Data tab (Query dialog box) by changing the prompt you specified for the placeholder. all the inserted columns will have the same alignment. Make the changes you want in the Placeholder Definition dialog box. Select the placeholder you want to change. 72 IBM Cognos Impromptu . When you insert a multi-column placeholder and its associated summary into a report. For example. Picture frame Duplicates the picture frame for each data item contained in the placeholder. Steps 1. and click OK. Modifying Existing Placeholders You can change a placeholder in a template. and click Edit. If the form frame is scoped on a grouped data item. 3. List frame Inserts each data item contained in the placeholder as a column to the right of the original. Chart frame Displays each column contained in the placeholder. a summary is created for each data item contained in the placeholder. 2.Chapter 2: Report Formats Placement of Multi-Column Placeholders and Associated Summaries How Impromptu inserts multi-column placeholders depends on the type of frame. If you insert a multi-column placeholder Impromptu into a Text frame contained in a form frame Duplicates the text frame for each data item contained in the placeholder. Each summary is aligned with its respective data item. Group header or footer in a list frame Duplicates the header or footer and all formatting associated with it for each data item contained in the placeholder. then only the data item used to scope the data will be inserted. Note: Data items that cannot be displayed in a chart are not added to the chart data. Note: If the placeholder is aligned with a list column. 70). see (p. From the Report menu. For information about the Placeholder Definition dialog box. click Query. and click the Template tab. For information about building calculated data items.cost" ● % margin. see "Create Calculated Fields" (p. click Calculate to show the Calculation Definition dialog box. 4.Chapter 2: Report Formats 4. In the Template tab. which is the calculation: "((price . The template user cannot fill in calculated placeholders with data items. From the Report menu. Open a template. 2. Type a name for the calculated placeholder in the Name box. Create Calculated Placeholders Calculated placeholders enable you to include standardized calculations in your reports. The results appear in the report. which is the calculation: "price . 7. they only have to replace the following placeholders with data items: ● product ● cost ● price Impromptu automatically adds the margin and % margin calculations to the query. click Query. Steps 1. Click OK to close the Calculation Definition dialog box. 6. 5.cost) / price) When report creators use this template. Click OK to close the Query dialog box. Build a calculation expression. 3. You can create placeholders for numeric data and complete a calculation using these values. Notes ● You cannot use placeholders of the No Specific Type data type in calculations. a Margin by Product report contains the following placeholders: ● product ● cost ● price ● margin. For example. Click OK. 43). Mastering Impromptu Reports 73 . ● Calculations can only reference one multi-column placeholder (a placeholder with the Can Be Filled By More Than One Column check box selected in the Placeholder Definition dialog box). Impromptu shows the placeholder in the location you specified.Chapter 2: Report Formats Insert Placeholders Once you create a placeholder. 2. and the Description placeholder with Customer Note. Click the Column Title tab. the report column titles are Customer Name and Customer Note. 74 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Note: By default. Click OK. You can also set up the placeholder so the name of the query data item appears in the report column title. From the Insert menu. the title remains the same until you change it. 4. Link Column Titles to the Name of Query Data Items When you create a placeholder. the name you give that placeholder appears in the report column title. 3. Select the column title. Steps 1. 6. A placeholder that is marked for insertion is identified by an insertion icon . Steps 1. When you link the column title to the name of the data items. When you enter a name for the column. The prompt in the Prompt box appears in the template's Query Data box. Your pointer changes . Click Mark for Insertion. 2. 4. you create placeholders called Name and Description. For example. For example. if a user fills the Name placeholder with Customer Name. Each user of this template fills the placeholders with different data items. 3. position the pointer where you want the upper-left corner of the placeholder. A placeholder is identified by a placeholder icon . you can insert it on the report where you want the real data to appear. click Data. Click and drag the mouse diagonally until the placeholder is the size you want. click Properties. the label in the Label box appears as the column header in list reports. 5. Click the placeholder. Click OK. On the template. From the Format menu. Select the Link the Column Title Text to the Name of the Query Data Item check box. Release the mouse button to show the Template tab (Query dialog box). the column title is automatically updated if the name of the data changes. 5. You can create a form frame report or insert a form frame in another frame.Chapter 2: Report Formats Create Complex Layouts with Frames Frames are containers for report objects such as data. Impromptu treats an OLE object as a default frame. You can use the following types of frames to create reports: This type of frame Contains For more information List frame Data items and other report objects See (p. and so on from an OLE-compliant application. If the OLE frame is linked to the source application then the information in the frame automatically reflects changes made in the source application. Form frame Other report objects. 83) frames. 87) as a pie chart. and charts. pictures. See (p. including other See (p. You can use frames in your reports to organize complex data into a more readable form. Picture frame A static graphic (such as a company See (p. 89) logo that doesn't change) or a dynamic graphic (such as a unique product photo for each product number). 102) The following report includes several types of frames. text. See (p. Chart frame A visual representation of data such See (p. Text frame Data items or text that you enter. 88) You can edit the text that you enter into a text frame but you cannot edit a text frame that contains a data item.An object such as data. See (p. Mastering Impromptu Reports 75 . 115) ding (OLE) frame charts. Sub-report frame The results of several reports combined into one report. 81) in a tabular row and column format. Object Linking and Embed. pictures. Size tab Set the vertical and horizontal size of the frame. Set the justification and the line control for a text frame. size. and how much data is displayed in each frame. Refer to the table below for a description of each frame property available in the Properties dialog box (Format menu). Layout tab Set the scope of data in a form frame and position the frame on the page. Printing tab Hide frames on the printed page. control page numbering. Add or remove headers and footers.Chapter 2: Report Formats Text Frame Form Frame Picture Frame List Frames Chart Frame Frame Properties The properties of a frame determine the format. alignment of data within the frame. Use the To Align tab Set the vertical and horizontal position of the frame. Format tab Select a chart style and format the appearance of a chart. set page breaks. 76 IBM Cognos Impromptu . location of the frame. and show or hide scroll bars for a list frame. You can also use the Printing tab to see which columns in a list frame are repeated on every printed page. Data tab Determine which data is displayed and how it is displayed. Parent Frame Child Frames This is useful for building reports like invoices or orders where data in one section of the report depends on the values in other sections of the report. picture frame and a list frame that are contained within a form frame.Chapter 2: Report Formats Use the To Source tab Select a source for a picture frame. You can use this relationship to control the data that is available to subordinate frames and report objects. When you work with templates the primary frame is the default container for any placeholders. Designate a Primary Frame Impromptu automatically inserts data into the primary frame if no other frame is selected. Mastering Impromptu Reports 77 . For information about templates. or text frame that you insert into a report is designated as the primary frame. list frame. or load picture files using file names from your database. For example. see (p. The Parent/Child Relationship When you insert frames into a report or into other frames. Crosstab tab Sort crosstab rows and columns in the order specified in the Query dialog box. The form frame is the parent and the chart. The child frame only uses the data available to the parent frame. picture and list frames are each child frames. the first form frame. you create a chart frame. A frame that contains another frame is the parent frame. 63). Impromptu keeps track of which frames belong to which frame. By default. From the Report menu. or when you do not know which frame should contain the data. Steps 1. from the Format menu. The following table describes how Impromptu inserts data items into frames: If you insert data into a Impromptu adds the data Form frame At the position where you clicked the mouse button. In the Chart Data box (Query tab). when you create a query. That is. A list frame should be the primary frame for a crosstab report.Chapter 2: Report Formats If you set a report to have no primary frame. click General. ● If the space between two adjacent columns is highlighted then Impromptu adds the data item as a new column. To set a report to have no primary frame. Impromptu does not automatically insert the data items in the query into your report. Insert a Frame Inserting one or more frames is the first step to create a template or new report. then Impromptu adds the data item to that page header or footer. click Properties. Impromptu disassociates the report from the database query. List frame At the highlighted position. select a frame as the primary frame and click OK. Text frame At the beginning of the text frame. Instead. Tips ● To identify a frame type. then Impromptu adds the data item to the group header or footer. ● If you position the pointer over a page header or footer. In the Primary Frame box on the General tab (Report Properties dialog box). Note: To add new data items. ● If the group header or footer is highlighted. click Boundary Lines (View menu). you must select the frame into which you want to insert data items. Chart frame Into the list of data items for the chart frame. add the new data items. 78 IBM Cognos Impromptu . 2. select (none) in the Primary Frame box. This can be useful when you want total control over where data is placed when you insert it into the report from the query. Chapter 2: Report Formats You can insert frames or report variables such as Date and Time, into ● form frames ● list frames Not all frames can contain other frames. You cannot insert frames into ● chart frames ● picture frames ● text frames Although you cannot insert frames and report objects into text frames, you can combine text frames with one another. For information, see "Combining Text Frames" (p. 89). Note: For information on modifying the different SQL queries that can appear in frames, see "Edit Sub-Report Queries" (p. 105). Steps 1. From the Insert menu, click a frame type. 2. On the report, position the pointer where you want to locate the upper-left corner of the frame. Your pointer changes according to the frame type you selected. 3. While holding down the mouse button, drag the mouse diagonally until the frame is the size you want, and then release the mouse button. One of the following occurs: Icon Inserts This happens Form frame An empty form frame appears. List frame An empty list frame appears. Text frame The flashing I-beam appears where you can begin inserting text. Picture frame The Source tab (Picture Properties dialog box) appears. You can use this tab to select the image (.bmp,.dib) to include in the frame. Mastering Impromptu Reports 79 Chapter 2: Report Formats Icon Inserts This happens Chart frame The Data tab (Chart Properties dialog box) appears. You can use this tab to select the data item to include in the chart. For information about using this tab, see (p. 87). OLE Object The Insert Object dialog box appears where you can locate and select the file you want to insert, or you can create a new object using the software listed in the Object Type box. Select a Frame You may want to select a frame so that you can ● move or resize it ● add a border or pattern to it ● insert data items or placeholders ● change its basic properties (such as its name) ● change its stacking order within the current report ● control the vertical and horizontal alignment and position ● set printing characteristics that hide the frame on specific pages in a multi-page report Note: Page header and footer frames are always hidden in Screen Layout view ● view the query for a sub-report For information about sub-report queries, see (p. 105). Step to Select an Individual Frame ● Click anywhere in the frame. Handles appear indicating that the frame is selected. Steps to Select Multiple Frames 1. Position the pointer on the frames you want to select. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse until all the frames you want to select are partially crossed by the selection rectangle. 2. Release the mouse button. 80 IBM Cognos Impromptu Chapter 2: Report Formats All the report objects whose borders were touched by the selection rectangle are now selected. Step to Select All the Frames and Objects in a Report ● From the Edit menu, click Select All. Impromptu selects all of the frames and report objects. Tip: To select a parent list frame or a form frame that is completely filled with subordinate report objects, click anywhere within the parent object. Then click Select Parent (Edit menu), or click the Select Parent button. Assign Names to Frames Reports and templates can contain a large number of frames and other report objects. At any time, you can view the names of the frames in your current report. When you insert new frames into a report, Impromptu assigns names based on the frame type such as "List Frame", "Text Frame", and so on. For example, you insert the first chart frame into a report and Impromptu assigns the name "Chart Frame". When you insert a second chart frame Impromptu assigns the name "Chart Frame 1". You can view the names of the frames in your current report at any time. You can also give each frame in your report a more meaningful name. Step to Show Frame Names for all Frames in a Report ● From the View menu, click Boundary Lines. Impromptu shows the frame name in the upper-left corner of each frame in your report. Steps to Change the Name of a Frame 1. Select the frame whose name you want to change. 2. From the Format menu, click Properties. 3. In the Name box, enter a meaningful name for the frame and click OK. List Frames Using list frames, you can create many different types of reports. For example, you can use list frames to create detailed reports such as Product Inventory or to create summary reports such as Total Sales Per Product Line. A list frame can ● make up the entire report. To see an example, open the sample report named Singlepage.imr. ● be inserted into other frames. To see an example, open the "Annual Product Sales" sample report. ● be inserted as a sub-report. For information about sub-report list frames, see "Link Sub-Reports" (p. 105). Mastering Impromptu Reports 81 Step to Insert a Report Object in a List Frame ● Drag and drop the existing report object onto the list frame. select the data items that you want to add to the list frame. From the Insert menu. Click the mouse button anywhere in the list frame. chart frames. click the report object that you want to add to the list frame. 3. You can sort. 2. Steps 1. You can also ● specify custom formatting for all report objects in the list ● insert other frames (such as form frames. position the pointer where you want the upper-left corner of the report object you are inserting. group. Click the Mark for Insertion button. or perform calculations on the data in a list frame. In the Query Data box. Insert Report Objects You can insert any type of report object into a list frame. or picture frames) and report objects into a list frame ● link column titles in a list frame to the names of query data items ● perform summary operations on the columns in a list frame Insert Data You can insert data items into a list frame to present your report data in rows and columns. Your pointer changes . 82 IBM Cognos Impromptu . The pointer changes depending on the type of report object you chose. From the Insert menu. Data items marked for insertion are identified by an insertion icon . 2. and formatted. filter. but not over any existing cells. Steps to Insert a New Report Object in a List Frame 1. Within the boundaries of the parent list frame. Hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse diagonally within the boundaries of the parent frame until the new report object is the size you want and release the mouse button.Chapter 2: Report Formats List frames can be resized. 5. moved. 4. click Data. 3. text frames. Click OK. The Data tab (Query dialog box) appears. Impromptu inserts the new report object at the point where you click the mouse. Mastering Impromptu Reports 83 . Click the mouse button anywhere in the frame. you can ● insert any type of data item or report object. Insert Data You can insert data into a form frame when you want to limit the scope of data. Your pointer changes . product descriptions and product codes ● repeat the form frame horizontally and vertically to show or print multiple copies of the form frame ● format the form frame with borders and patterns ● hide form frames on specific pages of a report For information about hiding frames on specific pages of a printed report. 58). checks. order forms. or logically group related data. Form Frames Form frames are the basic building blocks for many common reports such as invoices. Notes ● The Blank template consists of one form frame called the Report Body. 2. With a form frame. including placeholders and other frames (child report objects) ● align child report objects with one another and with the boundaries of the form frame ● limit the scope of data ● logically group related data items such as customer address.Chapter 2: Report Formats Notes ● If you want Impromptu to set the size of the new report object. mailing labels. ● Impromptu uses form frames for the headers and footers it automatically creates. Steps 1. click Data. see "Conditionally Hide and Show Report Objects" (p. From the Insert menu. and packing slips. ● Avoid inserting a frame or report object into the detail area of a list frame because the frame or report object is repeated for each row in the list. click the mouse button where you want the upper-left corner of the report object. A form frame can also be inserted into a report as a subreport. Hold down the mouse button. Step to Insert a Report Object into a Form Frame ● Drag and drop the existing report object into the form frame. 84 IBM Cognos Impromptu . select the data items that you want to add to the form frame. Within the boundaries of the form frame. 3. see the online Help. Tip: To make the form scrollable. Impromptu makes the existing form frame the parent frame of the selected report objects. To do this. you see only the first data item in the form frame. From the Insert menu. For information on aligning and grouping report objects. 3.Chapter 2: Report Formats The Data tab (Query dialog box) appears. In the Index tab. ● When you group report objects. click a frame type. Click the Mark for Insertion button. Scope of data is a powerful property that you can use to create form frames that automatically show specific subsets of data. Form Properties dialog box). Notes ● You can align report objects to one another or to the boundaries of the parent frame. 5. 2. drag and drop the selected report objects into the form frame. set the scope of the form frame to Single Row of Data or Data in a Group (Layout tab. Steps to Insert a New Frame into a Form Frame 1. In the Query Data box. parts of a report Set the Scope of the Data for a Form Frame The scope of data determines what data appears in a form frame. see (p. Note: By default. 84). You can also use a form frame to group existing report objects. type ● aligning. For information about setting the scope of a form frame. and drag the mouse diagonally until the form frame is the size you want and then release the mouse button. 4. Data items marked for insertion are identified by an insertion icon . a form frame is inserted around the grouped report objects. Click OK. position the pointer where you want the upper-left corner of the report object. parts of a report ● grouping. The pointer changes to reflect the type of frame or report object you chose. Insert Report Objects You can insert any type of report object into a form frame. you can set the scope to All Data. Select the form frame for which you want to set the scope of data.Chapter 2: Report Formats By scoping the data. you can limit data values in the list to the current row of data in the query. do one of the following Click To Single Row of Data Show one row of data at a time in each form as you scroll through the report. when you put a list frame inside a form frame. the child frames within the parent form frame can access only the data specified in the properties of the parent form frame. 4. In the Scope of Data box. You can also restrict data items in a form frame to the values for a specific grouped data item such as Customer Name. 3. such as a Product. grouped data item from the Data in the Group box All Data Show all the data that the form frame can access. and click the Layout tab. click Properties. For example. 2. If you do not want to establish any special relationship between the form frame and the values it shows. Click OK. Steps 1. Data in the Group and select a Show all rows that are associated with the grouped data item. From the Format menu. Mastering Impromptu Reports 85 . Setting the scope of data to a specific grouped data item limits the data that appears in the form frame to just the grouped data items. Steps 1. 7. Note: You cannot repeat a form frame that has been scoped to All Data. In the Tile box. You can repeat a form up to 4 times horizontally and 4 times vertically for a maximum of 16 form images using the form image buttons. Create a form frame in the report within which you want to show multiple form images. Impromptu automatically tiles the form frame to repeat the number of times you specified and fit exactly within the boundaries of the parent frame. click Size. Click OK. 8.Chapter 2: Report Formats Repeated Form Frames You can repeat a form frame horizontally and vertically across the screen or page to view or print multiple copies of a form frame. Note: The number you type for the horizontal and vertical forms can exceed the number of form image buttons. do one of the following: ● Indicate the number of times that you want to repeat the form by clicking the form image buttons. select Snap to Parent. 5. You can automatically generate multiple. 6. Click the Layout tab (Form Properties dialog box). 86 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Select the form frame that you created in step 1. From the Format menu. you create a single form for address labels. identical form frames within the selected form boundary. you can type 6 by 6. The single form occupies the entire height and width of the report body. For example. In the Height box. select Snap to Parent. For example. In the Scope of Data box. 4. 3. or enter 4 by 3. and you have Impromptu partition it into a 3 x 4 matrix of identically sized form images that fit exactly within the boundaries of the form. For example. third column. if you click the button in the fourth row. then the form repeats 12 times in a 4 by 3 matrix. 9. ● Type the number of horizontal and vertical forms underneath the form image buttons. In the Width box. This is useful when you create a report where a specific number of form frames must fit within the boundaries of the report body. click Single Row of Data. 2. you create a chart to report your company's sales over the last four years. 6. 3. You can also customize the chart by pivoting the data in the chart or changing the data mode to present a different perspective of your data. The Chart Properties dialog appears. do one or more of the following. it becomes grouped by columns. 4. Mastering Impromptu Reports 87 . click By Column. The chart type sets whether you can plot one or more data values. On the Data tab. On the Data tab. click By Row. click the chart type. and exceptions. Use charts to uncover trends. you pick the available data from the Query Data box that you want to appear in the chart. click the left arrow. data item. item. You must have at least one grouped data item.Chapter 2: Report Formats Chart Frames A chart is a visual representation of data that you can use to quickly and easily evaluate information. For instructions about inserting a chart frame. 5. and Measure(s) boxes. use the right arrow to move data items from the Query Data box to the Primary Axis. see Impromptu User Reference. For example. The chart changes automatically when the data changes. Goal Action Show in a chart the first row in a grouped data In the Mode box. as required. Show in a chart the first column in a grouped In the Mode box. Assign Data Using the Data tab. In the Chart Type box. Swap rows and columns. If you swap rows and columns in a chart that is grouped by rows. Click OK. From the Insert menu. Place the pointer where you want to locate the upper-left corner of the frame and drag the mouse diagonally until the frame is the size you want. correlations. 2. Click Pivot Data. Secondary Axis. Steps 1. click Chart Frame. Only numeric data items appear in the Query data box. Tip: To remove a data item. truncating the text to the width of the text frame 88 IBM Cognos Impromptu . such as bold. Steps 1. type ● adding. and click the Layout tab. or automatically wrap the text in a text frame. A list frame is made up of rows of text frames. Select the text frame. For information about these topics. and specify the format for the labels.Chapter 2: Report Formats Formatting a Chart You can format a chart to improve readability and presentation by changing the chart style. text Sorting or Grouping on Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) When you put BLOBs in text frames you cannot view the text when you sort or group on your computer rather than in the database. refer to the online Help. charts ● formatting. From the Format menu. In the Index tab. In the Index tab. 3. font type. see the online Help. and size. see "Client/Server Balancing" (p. chart legends Text Frames You use text frames to add text or data items to a report. do one of the following: Click the To Single Line option button Show text on a single line. type ● formatting. click Properties. the words "Text not available" appear in the text frame for the BLOB. 2. You can also add and remove labels for the data in a chart. For information about grouping locally and on the server. 165). and adding grid lines. Format the Contents of a Text Frame You can make text in a text frame either appear ● on a single line ● on more than one line You can also truncate the text to the size of the text frame. When this occurs. In the Layout tab. background color. For information about inserting text into your report. While holding down the mouse button. 4.dib). Your pointer changes . ● scale the image to fit within a specific area in the report. Portable Network Graphics (. Release the mouse button. When you insert a picture in a header or footer in a list frame.bmp).jpg). set the height to dynamic. Joint Photographic Experts Group (. When you insert a picture in the detail area of a list frame. Impromptu combines the two text frames. such as company logos and product pictures. in the Size tab. you can ● insert any Windows bitmap (. However.Chapter 2: Report Formats Click the To Multi-Line option button Show text on more than one line. or use the image's original size and crop it to meet your needs.jpeg or . Tip: To have large amounts of text span multiple pages. select and drag one of the sizing handles to size the frame. Click OK. Picture Frames You use picture frames to add bitmap graphics.png) or Device Independent Bitmap (. Mastering Impromptu Reports 89 . Combining Text Frames You cannot insert other frames into a text frame. With picture frames. the picture repeats once for every row in the list frame. 3. but truncate it to the width of the text frame Multi-Line with Word Wrap option button Automatically wrap text in the text frame. drag the frame into the other text frame. the text is pasted as a new column and is repeated for each row) Steps 1. Select one of the text frames. 2. you can ● combine two text frames into one text frame (Impromptu removes all trailing blank spaces in the data before showing the data in text frames) ● copy and paste one text frame into another (when you paste a text frame into a list frame. ● insert pictures in list frames. the picture appears in that header or footer. to your reports. Tip: To quickly make text in a text frame appear on a single line. For an example of a report that contains a dynamic picture ● based on a data item. Position the pointer where you want to locate the upper-left corner of the frame. You cannot insert a picture frame in a text frame. In the Index tab. You can use scope of data to control how the pictures are displayed. Click OK. see the Impromptu online Help.bmp or Tent-A. the picture in the report changes. In the Index tab. For information about inserting report objects. a chart frame. Click the Load Using File Name in Column option button (Picture Properties dialog box). Impromptu looks for a file name such as Tent-A. Impromptu inserts pictures linked to their source so that if the source picture changes. Select the name of the column that contains the names of the picture files from the Load Using File Name in Column box. see sample report "Annual Product Sales" Steps to Insert a Dynamic Picture 1. 8. You can also have Impromptu make a copy of the picture in the report so that changes to the original bitmap file are not reflected in the report. report variables By default. and enter the location of the picture files. click Picture Frame. type ● inserting. 2. Select the Prefix with Path check box.png and shows the picture for the first record. click the default file type of your picture files. see the Impromptu online Help. see (p. From the Insert menu. the Product Picture data item has "Tent-A" as the value in the first record. For information about inserting a picture frame. or another picture frame. 6. 3. 5. 7. While holding down the mouse button.Chapter 2: Report Formats ● insert pictures into form frames. Notes ● You can create a static graphic by inserting an OLE Object containing a bitmap that you create using Microsoft Paint. pictures You can add a picture that changes based on the values for a data item or a calculation called a dynamic picture. 84). type ● inserting. drag the mouse diagonally until the frame is the size you want and then release the mouse button. Note: The column must contain only the names of the pictures. 4. In the Select the Default Image Type list. For example. For information about scope of data. 90 IBM Cognos Impromptu . such as . You can squash or stretch the picture to produce a desired effect. Note: You can scale or re-shape a picture to fit a picture frame even if the dimensions of the picture differ from those of the picture frame. Do one of the following: Do this To Select the Scale Image to Fit check box. Generally. click Size. Mastering Impromptu Reports 91 . or to fit it within the boundaries of a picture frame. 3. Select the Scale Image to Fit and the Maintain Maintain the aspect ratio when you resize Height/Width Ratio check boxes if they are a picture not already selected. Scale and Crop a Picture By default.jpg. Select the picture frame that contains the picture you want to scale or crop.Chapter 2: Report Formats Note: When creating a picture frame by referencing an image stored in a database column. the picture does not fit exactly within the picture frame. 4. Steps 1. Clear the Scale Image to Fit check box. From the Format menu. Impromptu adjusts the size of the picture in the picture frame so that the ratio matches that of the original picture size. Impromptu defaults to the format selected in the Source tab of the Picture Properties dialog box. while maintaining the proportions of the picture. If the extension is missing. the name of the image can include the file extension. Scale a picture to fit within a picture frame Impromptu resizes the picture to the same size as the picture frame. Click OK. 2. drag to size the picture frame and then release the mouse button. While holding down the pointer over one of the handles for the selected picture frame. Crop a picture Impromptu returns the picture to its original size and crops the picture using the frame's dimensions. Impromptu adjusts the size of a picture to a best fit within a picture frame. 5. Chapter 2: Report Formats 92 IBM Cognos Impromptu . in the crosstab report. columns. You can present complex data in several ways. 1991. However. and cells are interrelated. List Report Crosstab Report You cannot edit the SQL (Structured Query Language) for a crosstab report. In the index tab. the rows and columns are grouped. columns. the rows. see the Impromptu online Help. creating Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. 93 . Both the crosstab report and the list report contain rows. For more information about creating crosstabs. In a typical crosstab report. 2010.Chapter 3: Complex Reports This chapter discusses techniques for presenting complex data in a report. in the first report the data is presented in a list while in the second report the data is presented in a crosstab. and the cells are summarized. including ● crosstab reports ● sub-reports and drill-through reports Crosstab Reports A crosstab report is a compact table of rows and columns that shows the value for the combination of each row and column. type ● crosstabs. You can use crosstab reports to summarize and present complex data. cells and summaries. For example. To restore the list report ● use the Undo command (Edit menu) or the Undo button ● pivot the data again ● use the Build List Report button (Query dialog box) Steps 1. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to create a nested crosstab. For example. Note: You determine the order of nesting with the drop position of the selected item(s). Select one or more columns or column values in the list report. you have less control over the contents of the column headers and cells of the crosstab than you do when you use other crosstab creation methods ● Any detail data items in the list report query. For information about designating a frame as the primary frame. 4. such as Customer and Customer Number. even if they are not in the list report. 3. You must summarize the data item you use for the cells. Tip: To reduce the number of empty cells in the crosstab.Chapter 3: Complex Reports ● templates. Drag the selected item(s) into the column titles area. The pointer changes valid drop locations. Sales Rep and Product. 94 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Customer and Product. 77). A one-to-one relationship. select a data item for the columns with a many-to-many relationship with the data item in the rows. results in a crosstab with many empty cells. or the crosstab shows only the first occurrence of a value. to indicate Note: The selected items are inserted at the position indicated by the highlighting. However. 2. see (p. will appear in the crosstab You can also create a crosstab from a chart or form frame if the frame is the primary frame in your report. The crosstab retains all the properties of the primary frame. you should be aware of the following: ● Because all the columns in the list report must appear in the crosstab. The report becomes a crosstab. Year and Product. Region and Product all have a many-to-many relationship. Drop the selected item(s). creating reports with Quickly Change a List Report into a Crosstab Report You can quickly change a list report into a crosstab report by dragging one or more columns into the row titles area . Query dialog box). you can include calculations using the columns generated by the crosstab. 2. Use the Build Crosstab button (Query dialog box) to view the Crosstab tab. A nested crosstab has more than one data item in rows and/or columns. A simple crosstab has one data item in the rows and one data item in the columns. Here is an example of a nested crosstab. To include summary information in your calculations ensure the checkboxes are selected. Turning a list report into a crosstab report works best if the data items you want as rows and columns in the crosstab are already grouped. When you create crosstabs. Here is an example of a simple crosstab report with both a row summary and a column summary. Steps 1. In this example the Row Summary checkbox is shown at the end of the Row. you specify where you want summaries in the crosstab and what types of summaries you want. click Query. You can create simple crosstabs or nested crosstabs. Again. the report has both a row summary and a column summary. the default summary is retained. This method requires a more in-depth understanding of crosstabs. Sale Amount becomes Total Sale Amount when you add it to the Cells box (if Total is the default).Chapter 3: Complex Reports Build Crosstabs from a List Query You can create a crosstab report directly or build a crosstab after you added data items to a list query or list report. Impromptu adds the default summary. The Crosstab tab appears. When you add a data item to the Cells box (Crosstab tab. Impromptu uses the grouping to decide where to put columns. For example. Mastering Impromptu Reports 95 . and the Column Summary checkbox is shown at the bottom of the column. you can include any columns from the existing list query in the crosstab query. click the Build Crosstab button. If you decide to build a crosstab after you have created a list query. In the Query dialog box. If you drag Total Sale Amount from the Cells box back to the Rows box or the Columns box. When you build a crosstab. This tab contains all the options you need to create a sophisticated crosstab report. From the Report menu. and if there is no grouping you may end up with a crosstab that doesn't make sense. you can add summaries to ● rows ● columns ● footers For example. then the row and column summaries will be average. and footers. the following report contains summaries in the rows. if the cell data is averaged. Once you run the query. columns. Add Summaries to Crosstabs In a crosstab report. 4. you can modify the data definition for any row or column summaries to show a different summary type than the cell data summary. ● When you select the summary check box in the Crosstab tab (Query dialog box) to include the row or column summaries. ● You cannot edit the generated crosstab titles. see Discovering Impromptu. Notes ● For a step-by-step tutorial on how to add data items to a crosstab and how to include summaries. Click OK. For example. the default summary type matches the summary type of the cell data. 96 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Add data items to the crosstab and include summaries as required.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 3. A summary check box can be cleared. 2. From the Report menu. Change Summarization Types for Crosstab Cells Each cell data item has a default summarization type that depends on the data type of the cell data item. the default summarization type is Total. If the data type is Number. selected. Steps 1. For all other data types. or shaded (it contains a grayed check mark). In the graphic below the Row Summary checkbox appears at the end of the row on the right. Select a summarized data item in the Cells box and click Edit. The summarized data item you selected appears in the Expression box. click Query and ensure that the Crosstab tab is selected. the summarization type is Count. and the Row Summary checkbox is not. In this example the Column Summary checkbox is selected. Mastering Impromptu Reports 97 . The Data Definition dialog box appears.Chapter 3: Complex Reports You add row and column summaries by selecting one of the summary check boxes. below the Summaries button. You can clear or select a shaded checkbox to change the summarization. The Column Summary checkbox appears at the bottom of the row. You can change the summarization type. The Crosstab Summarization dialog box appears. 3. select one or more data items to which you want to apply the summary. In the Footer <summary> box. Summarization for Crosstab Columns and Footers The default type of summarization for numeric values in crosstab columns and footers is Total. 2. 4. 5.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 3. Edit the summarized data item in the Expression box and Click OK. 98 IBM Cognos Impromptu . From the Report menu. select the type of summarization you want to apply. Select a summarized data item in the Cells box and click Summarize. You can change the type of summarization using the Summarization dialog box and specify the levels of grouping to summarize in the columns and footers. Steps 1. click Query and ensure that the Crosstab tab is selected. In the Column <summary> box. In the Summary Type list box. select one or more data items to which you want to apply the summary. you create a new sales quota for each sales representative by calculating an amount that is 25% over the sales each representative made last year. Apply the summary you want to each column and delete the unwanted columns from your report. see "Create Calculated Fields" (p. To do this. since Impromptu must know which columns are generated. Use Columns Generated by the Crosstab You can create calculated columns using columns generated by the crosstab. Tip: To apply more than one summary to column totals. Mastering Impromptu Reports 99 . Then. click the Calculate button . if you want both the Total Sale Amount and the Average Sale amount. create the calculation you want and click OK. You can do this only after the crosstab query runs. you calculate the net change between the total sale amount and the sale quota for each representative. For example. and click OK. click Query. add the column you want to summarize once for each summary you want. Steps 1. add the Sale Amount data item to your report twice.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 6. In the Calculation Definition dialog box. Create Calculated Columns You create calculated columns in a crosstab report the same way you create them in a list report. From the Report menu. From the Report menu. In the Crosstab tab (Query dialog box). In the Calculation Placement dialog box. 3. you create a calculation using columns generated by the crosstab. columns. 2. Click OK. or cells. 4. specify whether you want the calculation you created to appear in the rows. 43). For example. Total Net Change = total (Sales Quota . For information about defining calculations. click Query.Total Sales) Steps 1. For Example You create a crosstab report that displays the sales totals across the Great Outdoors line of products for all customers. create your calculation and click OK.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 2. click the Advanced button. Delete a calculation 4. 3. you are prompted to run the query. In the Calculation Definition dialog box. Note: If you have not run the crosstab query when you click the Advanced button. Add a new calculation Select the calculation and click Edit. In the Crosstab tab (Query dialog box). the crosstab filters are removed from the list report. Do one of the following: Do this To Select the Show All Crosstab Columns check box. Filter Data in Crosstab Reports You can filter data in a crosstab report by applying one or more of the following types of filters: ● detail ● summary ● crosstab detail ● crosstab summary For information about detail and summary filters. 100 IBM Cognos Impromptu . If you're familiar with SQL. Edit a calculation Select the calculation and click Remove. see (p. New calculations are added as columns at the end of the report. Crosstab filters are used with only crosstab reports. If you change the crosstab back to a list report. 11). you can think of a crosstab filter as having a predicate in the WHERE clause on the second SQL pass. This ensures that the crosstab columns are generated and available for use. See all the crosstab columns (not just the calculated columns) Click New. Chapter 3: Complex Reports You apply the following four filters to the report. Steps 1. if the cells in your crosstab report are values of Average Margin and you select a cell value of 25 and click the Filter button. 3. Mastering Impromptu Reports 101 . For example. From the Report menu. 2. 5. 4. In the Filter Type box. Tip: To quickly apply a filter to a crosstab report. the crosstab filter is Average Margin = 25. Create a filter expression using the components in the Available Components box. select either the Crosstab Detail filter or the Crosstab Summary filter. You apply That looks like this The detail filter (Product Line ='Alert Devices' and (Customer Type = 'Camping Chain' and Customer Name starts with 'F')) or (Product Line = 'Alert Devices' and (Customer Type = 'Sports Chain' and Customer Name starts with 'A')) The summary filter Total Sale Amount < 5000 The crosstab detail filter Alert Devices Microwave Detective > 200 The crosstab summary filter Total < 10000 The report now looks like this. Create the crosstab report. click Query and then click the Filter tab. Click OK. use the Filter button on the toolbar. and the columns are countries. Steps 1.Chapter 3: Complex Reports Swap Rows and Columns You can swap rows and columns in the Crosstab tab or you can swap them directly on the crosstab report by dragging one or more columns to the row titles area. you lose the crosstab filters. Sub-reports offer more flexibility for grouping and sorting data than a regular report. Click the mouse a second time to select all the columns. Sub-reports use the same catalog. The crosstab becomes a list report. you can swap them to change the rows to countries and the columns to products. The pointer looks like this . you can only group data in different frames on the same columns. Tip: You can also change a crosstab to a list report by clicking Build List Report in the Crosstab tab (Query dialog box). 3. When you do so. 2. You can also apply different sort and filter conditions to each sub-report. For example. 102 IBM Cognos Impromptu . You want to see the total sale amount for each year by both product and by product type. with a regular report. but you can group each sub-report on different columns. Position the pointer over a column. Change a Crosstab to a List Report You can change any crosstab report to a list report. if the rows are products. you create a report that compares annual sales. Any data items you added to the crosstab now appear in the list report. Click the mouse once to select the column. You use sub-reports and display them side by side. Drag the selection into the row titles area. so that you can deliver information that would otherwise only be available with two or more reports. The pointer looks like this . Work With Sub-Reports Sub-reports are multiple Impromptu queries contained in a single report. For example. you use sub-reports. What You Can Do With Sub-Reports You can ● schedule sub-reports with Scheduler and print the results Mastering Impromptu Reports 103 .Chapter 3: Complex Reports You can also create reports that display information in a vertical list. you create a report that lists sales information. and filter on different data items. In the graphic below there are three sub-reports. Product and Customer Name. Rep Name. and who are creating standard reports for use without modification by the user community. The creation of sub-reports is best suited to report authors who have a good understanding of the database that the catalog uses. group. In order to sort. For example. When you add a sub-report. Note: If the Change to Sub-Report command (Report menu) is unavailable. click Change to Sub-Report. Form. From the Insert menu. or Text Frame). Select the frame into which you want to insert a sub-report. ensure you selected a frame. see "Using HTML to Create Reports on the Web" (p. or filter two different queries simultaneously Create Reports Containing Sub-Reports A new report automatically has a main query. 3. click Sub-Report. List. such as a form frame. Steps to Insert a New Frame as a Sub-Report 1. 2. You can add a sub-report to a report by ● adding a new frame as a sub-report ● changing an empty frame into a sub-report A frame can be changed to a sub-report or added to the report as a sub-report as long as it can be associated with a query. group. ● publish a report with multiple queries as HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and view it with a Web browser For information about publishing reports for use with Web browsers. the filters that are automatically applied from the source report to the drill-through report are always applied to the main query but never applied to the sub-report queries For information on setting up drill-through reports. This excludes only OLE objects and picture frames.Chapter 3: Complex Reports ● export the main sub-report query data to other applications using the Save As command ● drill through to a sub-report from PowerPlay or Impromptu. 120). Steps to Change an Empty Frame into a Sub-Report 1. From the Report menu. see (p. you must define its query as well. then click the type of frame you want to insert (Chart. however. 104 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Position the pointer where you want the upper-left corner of the frame. and that the frame is not an OLE object or a picture frame. What You Can't Do With Sub-Reports You cannot ● save a sub-report as a local snapshot ● insert a sub-report into a list frame ● sort. 107). that the selected frame is not already a sub-report. Select the empty frame that you want to change into a sub-report. Crosstab. 2. from the Report menu click Query. the Query dialog box appears. then the Main Query. and select the query you want to edit. Mastering Impromptu Reports 105 . You can define a query for the subreport that is completely independent of the main query. the Report menu changes to enable you to select a specific query from a flyout menu. If Then No frame is selected The Main Query appears first on the list. 5. When a report contains more than one query. with it's own sorting. Tip: To see all the queries in the report in a hierarchical structure. Edit Sub-Report Queries When you add a sub-report. Hold down the mouse button and drag the mouse diagonally until the frame is the size you want and then release the mouse button. the main query and sub-report queries are independent of each other. A frame is selected The frame's sub-report appears at the top of the list. followed by the name of each sub-report.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 4. click Query. The Query dialog box appears. followed by any parent queries the sub-report may have. you can link them by including data items from the main query in the sub-report filter expression. Add the data items you want in this sub-report and click OK. then All Queries. grouping. Step to Select a Query to Edit ● From the Report menu. Link Sub-Reports By default. However. and filtering. the Chart Properties dialog box appears. If you add a chart sub-report. and click the Layout tab. double-click Customer Name. it changes as you click through the rows in the main report. click Properties. In the Query Data box.<column name> <Column name> is the data item you use to link the queries. and click List Frame. From the Report menu. the sub-report shows only information for that customer. Click the empty report. place the main report in a form frame that shows only one row at a time. In the Data tab (Query dialog box). it checks for the first row in the Customer Name column and shows only information for that customer. Steps to Create the Main Report 1. When you insert the sub-report into the form frame as well. Each time you scroll to another customer name.Chapter 3: Complex Reports For Example You filter a sub-report query so that it shows only order information for the current customer name in the main query. From the Insert menu. 6. the main and sub-reports above are both in a form frame that shows only one row of the Customer Name column at a time. The Blank template uses a form frame to create a report. and click Mark for Insertion. click Single Row of Data. open the Customers folder. When the sub-report query runs. 106 IBM Cognos Impromptu . and click OK. Use to drag and size a list frame anywhere in the report. In the Data tab (Query dialog box). and click OK. For example. 5. 2. The cursor shows a List Frame icon. Click OK. 7. In the graphic below the Customer Name is the main report and the Order Date is the sub-report. 2. 4. double-click the data items you want to include in the subreport query. click Query. The example above uses the Customer Name column to link the queries. click Sub-Report. Create a new report using the Blank template. The filter expression that links a sub-report to a main report looks like this: <column name>=Main Query. If you want a sub-report to show information for another row in the column. To recreate the example above. Steps to Add a Linked Sub-report 1. 3. click the Data items. From the Format menu. double-click the data items you want to include in the main query. In the Scope of Data box. and the sub-report query runs. Click OK. and the total sale amount for each order. and double-click Order Date and Closed Date. Main Query. Each time you scroll. This report is called the Parent Report. open the Customers folder. Use the scroll buttons on the top right of the report to scroll through the data items in the main query. 3. You want to see the transaction details for order number 160. and double-click Customer Name ● double-click = ● double-click Report Columns. The subreport then shows information for the current row in the main query. and Customer Name 4. For more information about creating filter expressions. you have a report that lists customer names. Use Drill-Through Reports You can use drill-through reports to create a report that better meets the needs of its primary audience while still providing an easy to access link to related information. A report user who wants to see related or more detailed information selects a value in the report and drills through to an associated report. order numbers. 12). For example. To recreate the example above ● double-click Catalog Columns. The associated drill-through report opens and is filtered on order number 160.Chapter 3: Complex Reports To recreate the example above. the report frame is recreated. Mastering Impromptu Reports 107 . You select this value and click the Drill-Through button . open the Orders folder. and use data items from the main query to create a filter expression. Click the Filter tab. see (p. Associate Reports for Drill-Through To set up a drill-through report association. in this example 160.Chapter 3: Complex Reports If you click the order number. ● Both reports must be from the same catalog. ● When a parent report drills down to a child report containing a prompt. you ● select the report from which you want users to start. the chart must contain summary values for one data item (for example. and the new prompt value is appended to the filter. This is called the child report ● specify the parent report column(s) from which a child report can be accessed ● specify the columns from the parent report that are to be included in the filter expression of the child report 108 IBM Cognos Impromptu . In the child report. if you select Prompt from the Report menu and enter a new value. the original prompt value is still used as the filter. a Child Report opens to show more detail. You can set up drill-through associations for the following types of reports: ● list reports ● crosstab reports ● reports containing multiple queries (sub-reports) ● reports using snapshots or outflows ● reports including chart frames Notes ● You can only drill through from a value in the parent's main query to a main query in the child report. a bar chart that shows the total sale amount for each country). ● To drill through from a chart. the prompt value you enter for the child report is used as part of the filter for the child report. This is called the parent report ● select a report that you want users to drill to. Before you begin. then when the user drills through on a value of Product Cost. Clear the column(s) you do not want included in the drill-through filter. ensure that you have a parent report. the filter passed to the child report could be Product Cost = 500 AND Product = Star Lite. Notes ● To have a column value included in the filter of the drill-through report. the filter information passed to the child report includes the value of Product that is in the same row as the selected value of Product Cost. ● Any other columns that you selected for inclusion in the child filter are passed to the filter expression of the child report. For example. and then click Properties. Type the drill-through report name and path. 2. and click any data item. or click Browse to find it. ● Both the parent and child reports must be from the same catalog. Select the column(s) to be included in the drill-through filter. click Options (Tools menu). but not necessarily in the child report. along with any grouped columns. From the Report menu. 5. Mastering Impromptu Reports 109 . Steps 1. 3. You can clear the check box for these columns if you do not want them in the filter of the child report. the column must exist in both the parent and the child query. and at least one report that is going to be the drill-through or child report. Note: The column you add a drill-through report for is included by default in the drill-through filter.Chapter 3: Complex Reports When you select a value in one of the specified columns in the parent report and click the DrillThrough button. select the Drill Through tab. Note: If the Drill Through Properties command (Report menu) is unavailable. ● The child report's query runs and the report appears. and then select the Enable Drill Through Properties check box. The Drill Through Properties dialog box appears. Open the parent report (the one from which users will drill). Select a column for which you want to add a drill-through report and click Add. click Drill Through. For example. the following occurs: ● Filter information for this value is passed to the filter expression of the child report. if you select Product for the drill-through column Product Cost. ● You can verify the drill-through filter using the Drill-Through Filters command (Report menu) when you are viewing the child report. The Add Drill Through Query/Report dialog box appears. 4. ● You can include more than one column in a drill-through filter. drag the report name to the top of the list under its associated column in the Drill-Through Properties dialog box. The values the user enters or selects are added to the filter expression in the drill-through report. When the user drills through from the parent report. You can then choose whether you want to leave the columns in the drill-through filter or clear the selection from the columns and remove them from the drillthrough filter.through association and close the dialog box. For example. if the selected value in the parent report results in the filter Country = ‘Canada’ being passed to the child report. Impromptu validates the child report's path and file name. a prompt appears. and verifies whether the selected columns exist in the child report. the user will be unable to drill through from the parent to the child report. ● To provide the report users with added flexibility. ● If you remove or rename a column in the parent or child report. if you do not add the missing columns to the child report. see (p. Notes ● If there is a conflict between the parent and the child filters. Tips ● To set a drill-through report as the default report that opens when a user selects a value and clicks the Drill Through button. the drill-through (child) report may contain no data. Test Drill-Through Reports Before you deploy drill-through reports. The result is that no rows meet these filter conditions and no data is shown in the drill-through report. The default report is the report that appears when the user selects 110 IBM Cognos Impromptu . 6. or if the data type of a column changes in the database.Chapter 3: Complex Reports While browsing. when you drill through an error message appears and the drill-through operation fails. For information about creating prompts. test the associations you created to ensure that ● the drill-through works and the expected result appears ● the default drill-through report is the first report under the data item if more than one report is associated with a data item. 19). and the child report already has a filter Country = ‘Germany’. Select Enable Filter by Columns to see only reports that contain columns you are using in the drill-through filter. you can include a prompt in the drill-through report. the filter becomes Country =’Canada’ AND Country = ‘Germany’. click OK to set the drill. Click OK. However. In the Drill-Through Properties dialog box. 7. select Enable Filter by Catalog to see only reports that use the same catalog as the parent report. Impromptu grays them and shows you a message. Note: If one or more selected columns do not exist in the child report. The final filter expression applied to the child report is a combination of valid drill-through filters and both the detail and summary filters (or crosstab filters) in the child report. you are ready to deploy the report and its associated drillthrough reports. 6.Chapter 3: Complex Reports a value and clicks the Drill-Through button without selecting the drill-through report from the Drill-Through button drop-down list. Open the parent report. If you associated more than one report with the parent report's column. 2. 9. Mastering Impromptu Reports 111 . Click the Drill Through drop-down button on the toolbar. Click and hold down the Drill-Through button on the toolbar to highlight all the report hotspots from which you can drill through. verify that the drillthrough report that appears is the report you want as the default report. the highlighting disappears). (When you release the Drill-Through button. If not. Note: The drill-through filter is not saved when you exit the child report. Select a report or click the Drill-Through button to open the child report. Steps 1. 7. Select a value in the report that was highlighted in step 3. 112). see "Present Results with Other Applications" (p. If you are satisfied with the test results. Verify that the filter expression shows the filter conditions you want passed from the parent report. Press Esc to clear any selections in the report. 3. 8. 4. 5. click Filters. For information about deploying reports. drag the report you want as the default to the top of the list for the column in the Drill-Through Properties dialog box. Verify whether the correct report or reports appear in the drop-down list. Note: The Impromptu Drill-Through Filters dialog box displays only valid drill-through filter expressions. From the Drill-Through button drop-down list. In the source application. and distribute the report to your sales force. select the information that you want to appear in the Impromptu report. see (p. the Impromptu report is automatically updated with the changed information. 112 IBM Cognos Impromptu . ● An embedded OLE object is a copy of the information from one application inserted and stored in another application. Copy the selected information to the Clipboard. Next. 181). For example. 4. Impromptu automatically copies information from the active report to the Clipboard before running the application.Chapter 3: Complex Reports Present Results with Other Applications You can present the results of your Impromptu reports outside of Impromptu using ● OLE (object linking and embedding) ● HTML (web-based report publishing) You can also use OLE to embed objects from other applications into Impromptu reports. Steps to Link Information From Another Application 1. Link Information From Another Application to Impromptu Reports You can create a link to include information from other applications in an Impromptu report. This information can appear in the Impromptu report either as data or as an icon. click Paste Special to show the Paste Special dialog box. When you link and embed objects from one application to another. Note: If the Paste Link option button is unavailable. When you click the Launch button. Note: If you regularly copy report objects to another application. From the Impromptu Edit menu. The primary difference between linking and embedding is where the OLE object is stored: ● A linked object is like a pointer from one application to information stored in another application. For information about Launch buttons. Using OLE to Present Impromptu Reports Information created in one application and linked or embedded in another application is called an OLE object. you maintain a link to the original application so you can take advantage of its features. When the information in the source application changes. Click the Paste Link option button. you can set up a Launch button on the toolbar. save the source file. 2. you link the company sales figures that are in an OLE spreadsheet application to the report. you prepare an Impromptu report that shows target sales quotas. 3. This ensures that the sales figures are automatically kept as current as the information in the spreadsheet. Position the pointer where you want the upper-left corner of the new OLE object. select the Display as Icon check box. the Impromptu report is updated with the changed information. 2. If you want the linked information to appear as an icon rather than as data. It merely removes the link to that object from the Impromptu report. click Browse to locate and select the file. Select the Link check box to link the selected file to your report. Impromptu inserts a shortcut that points to the location of the source file. Your pointer changes . Click OK. 7. select the Display as Icon check box. In the File box. 3. you can open the object's source application. Click OK. Mastering Impromptu Reports 113 . Your pointer changes . From the Insert menu. type the name of the file to link to your report. Position the pointer where you want the upper-left corner of the linked object. Steps 1. 6. 4. Impromptu creates a link between the file you specified and the current report. 8. Double-click the linked object to open the source application. click OLE Object. 2. Note: Deleting a linked object does not delete the information in the source document. In the source application. Click the mouse button. Edit Linked Report Objects When an Impromptu report includes a linked object. Click the Create from File option button. If you are not sure of the name or the location of the file to which you want to link. make the required editing changes. If you want the linked information to appear as an icon rather than as data. 6. Impromptu inserts a shortcut that points to the location of the source file. 7.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 5. Steps to Link to Another Application Without Leaving Impromptu 1. Whenever the information in the linked file changes. Note: When you select the Display as Icon check box. Note: When you select the Display as Icon check box. 5. 3. You want to manually update the link monthly so that performance is not affected by frequent link updates. From the Edit menu. Click Close. there may be an impact on performance. save the changes. the linked object that you selected in step 1 is highlighted. 114 IBM Cognos Impromptu . 2. This spreadsheet frequently performs a forecasting calculation using the last period's sales data. Do one of the following: Click To The Manual option button Turn off automatic updating Update Now Update the link now The Automatic option button Update the link whenever the source document changes Change Source To show the Change Source dialog box. complete manual updates. When you change the link settings. and then turn automatic updating back on again. Use to select a new file to base the OLE object on Open Source To edit the object using the application in which it was created Break Link To change the object into a Windows Metafile that can no longer be edited You can click Cancel until you change the object's link settings. you link an Impromptu report to a very large and complex spreadsheet that was created in an OLE compliant application. In the source application. Exit the source application and return to Impromptu. you can turn off automatic updating. Select the linked object you want to change. 4. the Cancel button changes to a Close button. 4. click Links. You can also change a link to retrieve information from a different file. Note: When you link objects that frequently change. Steps 1. Impromptu sets links to be updated automatically when the information in the source document changes. If you do not want changes in linked objects automatically reflected in your Impromptu reports. In the Links box. Update Links By default.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 3. For example. Steps 1. you linked an object created with an OLE compliant drawing application to your report. From the Object Type box. Steps 1. select the appropriate form or list frame in Impromptu. Convert Linked Objects Windows automatically tracks all the OLE objects that are available for use in your system. 163). and changes you make do not appear in the source file. To speed up the report. select the information you want to embed and then copy it to the Clipboard. 3. When you convert OLE objects. you make a copy. 3. You convert the object in the Impromptu report to a new type. click the type you want the object converted to and then click OK. 2. see "Optimize Performance in Impromptu" (p.Chapter 3: Complex Reports For information about performance issues. so that changes in the source do not appear in the report. For example. When it does not support in-place editing. 2. Mastering Impromptu Reports 115 . In the source application. you now the link and store the object in the report as a picture so you can edit it using another software package. To insert the OLE objects into a frame other than the primary frame. the application menus and toolbars temporarily replace Impromptu's menus and toolbars. click Paste Special. You can convert an OLE object to a different format. Embed Objects In Impromptu You can embed all or part of the information from another application in your Impromptu reports so that the information appears as part of the report. From the Edit menu. click Linked Document Object. Impromptu cannot perform conversions on some types of linked objects. From the Edit menu. Impromptu opens the other application. When you create a new object or edit an object and the application you're embedding supports inplace editing. you must perform conversions completely within a source application before you create the link in your report. and then click Convert. You can ● embed information in a report by copying the information from the source ● embed an object in a report ● embed a newly created object in a report Embed Objects By Copying When you embed information. Select the object that you want to convert. 116 IBM Cognos Impromptu . 5. From the Insert menu. and then edit the new object--all without leaving Impromptu. Create Embedded Objects in Reports You can create new OLE objects in an Impromptu report. as either data or as an icon. that you created in an OLE-compliant application into an Impromptu report. In the File box. you have a spreadsheet that outlines major sales campaign expenditures during the past year. Steps 1. 6. Click OK. click the Display as Icon check box. type the name of the file to embed in your report. For example. Click OK. Impromptu inserts an OLE object containing the data from the other application into the frame you selected in Step 2. Click the mouse button to show the Insert Object dialog box. Note: When you select the Display as Icon check box. you want to embed a spreadsheet that was created in an OLE compliant application in an Impromptu report. select the object type that corresponds to the application in which the object was created. 3. 5. From the Insert menu.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 4. select the type. Impromptu inserts a shortcut that points to the location of the source file. 4. Click the Create From File option button. click OLE Object. Steps 1. You insert an OLE object. Impromptu inserts a shortcut that points to the location of the source file. For example. 7. Impromptu embeds the file you specified into the current report. If you want the embedded information to appear as an icon rather than as data. 6. If you want the embedded information to appear as an icon rather than as data. click the Display as Icon check box. In the As box. Your pointer changes . Note: When you select the Display as Icon check box. 2. You embed the spreadsheet in a sales report so you can correlate sales costs with revenues. Position the pointer where you want the upper-left corner of the new OLE object. click OLE Object. Embed Existing Objects in Reports You can embed entire files. Your pointer changes . In Impromptu. If an application does not support in-place editing. click Yes. select the embedded object. 2. click the mouse button anywhere outside the embedded object to return control to Impromptu. click Open from the cascading menu. Do one of the following: ● If the embedded object was created in Impromptu. ● If the embedded object was created in another application that was launched from Impromptu. click Exit from the File menu. 7. Edit Embedded Objects You can edit an embedded object by editing the object within Impromptu or by launching the source application. Mastering Impromptu Reports 117 . 5. If you are prompted to save the changes you made. Make the changes to the embedded object. If you want the embedded information to appear as an icon rather than as data. double-click the type of object to insert. Do one of the following: ● If the source application supports in-place editing. Impromptu's menus are replaced by the menus of the application in which the OLE object was created. Position the pointer where you want the upper-left corner of the new OLE object. ● If the source application does not support in-place editing. select the embedded object that you want to edit.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 2. click the mouse button anywhere outside of the embedded object to return control to Impromptu. 6. 4. Many applications support in-place editing of embedded OLE objects. Do one of the following: ● If the source application supports in-place editing. Impromptu launches the application in which the OLE object was created. Click the Create New option button. From the Edit menu. 3. Impromptu automatically launches the application when you edit the OLE object. 3. 5. Steps 1. In the Object Type box. Work within the application as you would normally to create the new object. select the Display as Icon check box. 4. 8. click Edit from the cascading menu. Click the mouse button to show the Insert Object dialog box. see the Impromptu online Help. You can edit the report by double-clicking the report or the report icon. In the Index tab. 6. Note: It is not possible to document all the methods for embedding an Impromptu report in all other applications here. Note: When you select the Display as Icon check box. Note: You can also click Copy Special from the Edit menu. Generally. click Select All. type ● borders ● patterns ● styles. Click the Paste option button. Steps 1. For example. From the Impromptu Edit menu. 6. ensure that the Impromptu Report Object type is selected. Impromptu inserts a shortcut that points to the location of the source file. 4. For example. applications that support OLE do so through commands such as 118 IBM Cognos Impromptu . click Exit from the File menu. 5. 3. The Impromptu report is embedded in the current application. you can change the properties of the object and format it as you would any other report object. If you want the Impromptu report to appear as an icon rather than as data. click the Copy Report Image option button and then click Copy. applying ● resizing parts of a report Embed Impromptu Objects in Other Applications You can embed Impromptu report data in other applications that support OLE. From the Edit menu in the target application. click Yes. click Paste Special. You embed Impromptu reports in the order forms to create order reports. In the As box. select the Display as Icon check box. When the Copy Special dialog box appears. and click Copy.Chapter 3: Complex Reports ● If the source application does not support in-place editing. Format Linked or Embedded Objects Once you have linked or embedded an OLE object in a report. 2. you can change the size of an embedded object or add a border to a linked object. For information about changing the format and properties of a report object. A linked or embedded object has many of the same physical properties as frames. If you are prompted to save the changes you made. Click OK. your department uses a programming application to manage an order tracking system. Mastering Impromptu Reports 119 . Change the data items copied Select either Change the number of rows used in the copy operation ● The Copy All Rows option button to copy all data values ● the Copy Rows option button to copy a specific number of rows In the Copy Rows boxes. 2. 4. Select the data that you want to copy. the Copy Special dialog box is set to Copy Query Data rather than Copy Report Image. Because you selected a range of data values to copy. type the numbers for the first and last row that you want to copy. click Copy Special. Make any changes to the data you have selected for the copy operation as follows: Do this If you want to Click to add or remove data items. From the Edit menu. Select or clear the Include Data Labels check Include or exclude the labels for each data item in the copy operation box. or you can specify which columns and rows to copy as part of the Copy Special command. Impromptu copies the data values to the Clipboard based on the settings you chose. 3.Chapter 3: Complex Reports ● the Paste Special command in the Edit menu (copy either the Impromptu report image or report data using the Copy Special command) ● the Object command in the Insert menu ● the Insert Object in the Edit menu Copy Subsets of Data to Other Applications You can use the Copy Special command to paste or link information in another application or to copy data to another application. You can either select the data values that you want to copy. For Example You use the Copy Special command to copy the first 40 rows for 5 specific data items in the query to the Clipboard. Steps 1. Click Copy. Note: If you click Paste. use the Select All command (Edit menu) before you copy the report data to the Clipboard. Using HTML to Create Reports on the Web A HyperText Markup Language (HTML) report is a read-only report that users can view in a Web browser.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 5. Link Impromptu Reports in Other Applications You can link Impromptu reports in other applications so that whenever the report is run in Impromptu. 6. and position the cursor where you want to insert the copied data. 4. click Paste Special from the Edit menu. click Copy Special. You create a link to the Impromptu report. 7. the data values are pasted into the target application as unformatted text. The Impromptu report data is linked to the target application. you include an Impromptu report that shows the most recent sales data in a sales analysis document. Steps 1. select the data items whose values you want to link to another application. Click the Copy the Report Image option button. For example. the Paste Special dialog box appears. From the Edit menu. Note: It is not possible to fully document all of the methods for linking. and the linked report appears in the sales document exactly as it appears in Impromptu. In the As box. If you click Paste Special. ensure that Impromptu Report Object type is selected and click OK. 5. applications that support OLE do so through commands such as ● the Paste Special command in the Edit menu (copy either the Impromptu report image or report data using the Copy Special command) ● the Object command in the Insert menu ● the Insert Object command in the Edit menu Tip: To quickly select the Impromptu report data you want to link. the information in the other application is updated. Click Copy. Generally. From the Edit menu. so that the information in the target application changes with the report. 3. and you can choose whether to paste or paste and link the data into the target application. 2. Within Impromptu. 6. Click the Paste Link option button. You can save and distribute Impromptu reports in HTML format. Within the target application. Launch the application into which you want to copy the data. such as from your 120 IBM Cognos Impromptu . click either the Paste or Paste Special option button. You click a picture to jump to a page in the report.Chapter 3: Complex Reports intranet or Internet Web site or by email. which means you can jump to a grouped column value or a specific page number in the HTML report. In the following HTML report. Well-designed reports consider such elements as ● report navigation ● object alignment ● overlapping objects ● unnecessary scrollbars Mastering Impromptu Reports 121 . there are important design considerations to remember. Designing HTML Report Output When you create reports in HTML format. You can view and run Impromptu HTML report output in Impromptu Web Reports. HTML report output contains a Report Navigator. values in the Report Navigator appear as pictures. you cannot add columns to the Report Navigator. This is expected Adobe behavior. a Report Navigator is not required. To maintain the relative position of objects. clear the Include report navigator check box.Chapter 3: Complex Reports ● performance Add Report Navigation You can add a Report Navigator to your report output to set navigation based on one or more grouped columns. Tip: If you later want to remove all bookmarks in your report output without changing the settings in the Available Columns box. the selected columns must be visible in the report. Steps 1. from the Report menu. Click OK. laid out relative to 122 IBM Cognos Impromptu . If you do not have any grouped columns in your report. Goal Action Include a list of page numbers in the Select the Include page numbers check box report navigator. The Bookmark tab remains in the PDF report output when you view a report in Adobe Reader. 2. 4. Specify the navigation properties that you want. which link to specific pages in the report body Remove duplicate entries in the report Select the Suppress duplicate entries check box navigator caused by horizontal page breaks 5. Align Report Objects in Impromptu A report may look fine in Impromptu. all objects are placed in cells of one or more HTML tables. You cannot specify the absolute position of an object in HTML. select the check box next to one or more of the grouped or associated columns that you want. With a report open. click Navigation. but the report objects may not align properly in the HTML output. if your report fits on one page. A Report Navigator is recommended for multipage reports. Select the Include report navigator check box. For information about grouping columns. see Impromptu User Reference. 3. However. In addition. For items to appear in the Report Navigator. The columns serve as bookmarks or table of contents entries in both HTML and PDF report output. only grouped and associated columns are available for selection. In the Available columns box. 3. and click the Align tab.25. 3. If you want to align objects vertically. Horizontal Alignment (3. Click OK. click the arrow next to the box in the vertical line. 0) (0. The coordinates are visible in the status bar when an object is selected.1) The bolded values indicate values in the report that must be identical to ensure correct alignment. right-click. . have objects use the same x coordinates Vertical Alignment (0. Tip: The easiest way to align objects is to align one side to the parent (top. To align objects horizontally. have objects use the same y coordinate. such as the Selection box.5. and select an alignment option.3. Mastering Impromptu Reports 123 . 1. click Properties. 4. Shift+click the objects you want to align.25) (5. bottom. Steps 1. 2.Chapter 3: Complex Reports the report image. such as the Selection box. If you want to align objects horizontally. . left.25) To Align objects vertically. you may need to specify a box. to which objects are aligned. click the arrow next to the box in the horizontal line. align the report objects in Impromptu before rendering. To design reports that render properly in HTML. right). Depending on the alignment option you choose. Depending on the alignment option you choose. and select an alignment option. you may need to specify a box. to which objects are aligned. A C D B HTML Output The resulting HTML output shows only two of the four objects. date. If the text frame for a label overlaps the related data. Steps 1. Resize or move objects so that none overlap. such as 'Customer Name: ' + customer_name Avoid Multiple Scrollbars in HTML Report Output When viewing HTML report output. because the report contains more data than can fit in the frame. If the report name MyReport. ● Eliminate the text frame by creating a calculated item that concatenates the label with the data. Tip: To see the object outline. Impromptu Report An Impromptu report contains objects arranged like this. you discover that some objects are missing. Open a report. You can also check the HTML log file to see if anything was discarded. the object that appears behind another object does not export to HTML. Scrollbars may appear in report objects. C B If you create HTML reports and warnings appear or. 2. 124 IBM Cognos Impromptu . from the View menu. You can also add vertical scrollbars to the report. 3.txt. even only partly. check your Impromptu reports for overlapping objects. the log file name is MyReport. Tip: A log file is generated in the same folder as the HTML output. When one object overlaps another. or time values to string values. click Boundary Lines. to convert numeric. horizontal and vertical scrollbars may appear in the report and in the browser. such as the Number-to-String () function.Chapter 3: Complex Reports Eliminate Overlapping Objects in a Report You cannot layer objects in HTML report output. do the following: ● Use string conversion functions. such as list frames. To remove unnecessary horizontal scrollbars in list frames. However. The more complex the formatting. do the following: ● resize the body of the report to fit in the browser window. the longer it takes to load in the browser. The quantity and types of files depend on the size of the report. click Hypertext Markup Language (*. Use the Save As command to save reports in HTML format. 4. you must provide all the associated files (p. click Save As. Save Reports as HTML Impromptu creates different file types when you save a report as HTML. because all the data is retrieved before report output is generated. 3. You can ● align objects The more unaligned objects you have in a report. the number of graphics. In the Save as Type box. ● simplify the use of borders. Steps 1. thus eliminating the need for a horizontal scrollbar. and font Formatting is a consideration only when file size is critical. and the options you include. the larger the HTML files. An important way to improve the performance of HTML reports is to manage file size. 126). leave a little space on the right side of the report. This space will accommodate the width of a vertical scrollbar when the number of rows exceeds the height of the list frame. ● minimize the number of objects on the report The more objects in the report. 2. When you distribute the HTML report. performance is not dependent on the format you choose for the report. colors. do the following: ● In the list frame. From the File menu.Chapter 3: Complex Reports In the browser. the more HTML table entries are created to position the objects an the larger the HTML files. specify the name of the report. In the File Name box. Complex queries require more time for data retrieval than do simple queries. the larger the HTML files. To remove duplicate vertical and horizontal scrollbars in the report and browser. The larger the HTML files. Each report you save as HTML requires its own folder. Improving Performance Performance is affected by the complexity of a report query. Mastering Impromptu Reports 125 .HTM). Tip: Try turning on page breaks after group breaks. scrollbars may appear when the size of the report is greater than the browser window size. Click Options. htm.css.css. Create a separate folder for each report to more easily manage the files that Impromptu generates.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 5.css.html. Filename: index.css Report Navigator Button Files Is created for each report saved as HTML. Links the navigation buttons to the pages.htm. This ensures also that the files from one report do not affect the files from another. Report StyleSheet Files Specifies the layout attributes of a report. For example: MyFile1. MyFileb. This File Has These Characteristics Main HTML page Is created for each report saved as HTML. followed by a letter. and the extension . Is used to launch the HTML report output. You are notified if your HTML report content contains overlapping objects (p. 6. Contains the report navigation buttons. there will be 50 files of this type. HTML Files The Save as HTML command generates a number of related files. The following files are created when you save a report as HTML. MyFilea. 124). If you distribute an HTML report by email. Tip: Each report requires its own folder to ensure that index.htm file is not overwritten. Report Navigation Buttons Frame Is created for each report saved as HTML. number or alphanumeric value. For example: MyFile1. For example: htmlnavbuttons. number or alphanumeric value. Has the prefix you provide. or MyFile1b. or Myfile1a. and the extension. Click Save. Specify the page options for the report and click OK.htm. Filename: htmlnavbuttons. Has the prefix you provide. ensure that you send all the files for that report.js 126 IBM Cognos Impromptu . followed a letter. If a report has 50 pages.htm.htm Report body pages Is created for each page of the report body. and provide access to the folder according to your organization's procedures. Contains links for navigation. Has the prefix you provide. There will be a 8.Chapter 3: Complex Reports This File Has These Characteristics Report Content Frame Is created for each report saved as HTML. Filename: htmltoc. For example. followed by a number and the extension .gif files for the top. For example: MyFile1.log Distributing HTML Report Output After you save a report as HTML. Displays report content. Filename: htmlcontent.gif Log Report Is created for each report saved as HTML. Be sure to include all files associated with the HTML report. Mastering Impromptu Reports 127 . you can make it available to report viewers in a Web browser. CG47DN.png Navigation Buttons Is created for each navigation option if you include a Report Navigator. ● by sending it to specific users by email Ensure that all of the HTML files are compressed and mailed to recipients according to your organization's email procedures. bottom.js Image Files Is created for each OLE object and graph.js Report Table of Contents Frame Is created for each report saved as HTML. You can distribute HTML report output ● on an Internet Web site Follow your organization's procedures for linking reports to your Web page. and down buttons in both the available and unavailable state.log. Filename: Myfile0. up. ● on a network for your organization Ensure that all the HTML files are in the appropriate folder on the network. ● on the intranet Web site for your organization Follow your organization's procedures for linking reports to your Web page. you still retain the following: ● list frames and crosstabs 128 IBM Cognos Impromptu . text frames. From the Report menu. 131) ● export summaries as live formulas (p. From the File menu. you can choose the version of Excel to use. For example. or Excel 2007 and higher. click Save As. 5. text frames.xlsx format. 130) ● set worksheet order (p.Chapter 3: Complex Reports Export a Report in Excel Format When you export a report to Excel. you can employ certain strategies in your Impromptu reports. and summary expressions. 130) ● avoid splitting reports over multiple worksheets (p. 129) ● group objects to export them to the same worksheet (p. To render these reports successfully. Reports exported to Excel 2002/2003 are in . 2. Reports can be rendered in Excel 2002/2003. and save the report as Excel with Format (*. If the size of a column is less than 1. Click the check boxes next to the objects you want to include: ● images ● static charts ● text frames ● summary expressions 4. you can ● add worksheet names (p. Impromptu provides full rendering of report objects including images. 130) ● eliminate overlapping objects (p. 131) ● use data scoping to assist with navigation (p. click Excel 2002/2003 or Excel 2007 and higher. see the Impromptu online help. and in the Version box. the column is rendered with a width of 1 pixel in Excel.xls format.XLS) or Excel with Format (*. 3. 133) Steps 1. static charts. and summaries. Click OK. The page breaks you add in Impromptu control the page breaks in the Excel report output. click Excel. 133) ● align objects (p.XLSX). Open a report. For more information about inserting page breaks. whereas reports exported to Excel 2007 and higher are in . static charts. If you export reports without images. you may be able to prevent the split by transposing the columns and rows. "Change column width". and Text frames. If so. when you manually enter a value. the number is rounded and truncated after the 15th digit. The remaining digits are replaced with zeros. For more information. try the following in Impromptu: ● Export the list frames without images. This may give unexpected results in Excel. However. in some cases. 130). Exporting Reports with Multiple List Frames to Excel When you render a report containing several list frames. if you export a report containing two list frames. and in the Include in Excel Worksheet box. check the Excel online help for the topic. If so. The list frame keeps the position it held in the Impromptu report. the header or footer information is not be translated when the report is saved as Excel. and text frames. left corner. static charts. For example. a report splits over multiple pages because the Excel column limit is exceeded. White space fills the worksheet area where the other list frame existed before export. Mastering Impromptu Reports 129 . convert the value from a number to a string using the Microsoft Excel number-to-string function. When you export the report. This is possible because the limit for rows is 65. For information about moving columns. the Impromptu locations are ignored. each list frame is exported to a separate worksheet. To avoid this problem. You should also note that when saving a report as Excel with format. splitting it over multiple worksheets may be unavoidable. Tip: From the Report menu. Each list frame is positioned on a separate worksheet in the upper. Another way to reduce the number of columns is to align report objects (p. see the Impromptu online help. To render multiple frames and avoid extra white space in a worksheet. However. for example German text. each list frame appears in a separate Excel worksheet in the same location as in the Impromptu report. click Excel. Static charts. change the column width manually within Excel. whereas the limit for columns is 256 per worksheet. IBM Cognos Impromptu and Impromptu Web Reports exports the full numeric precision. clear the check box next to Images.536. If an Impromptu Report contains a header or footer with localized information. Avoiding Multiple Worksheets on Export to Excel If a report contains a large amount of data.Chapter 3: Complex Reports ● data formatting ● header and footer information ● column titles Note that the Excel column width of 255 may not be large enough to display the data in your report. This is a Microsoft Excel issue. even only partly. you cannot layer objects in Excel report output. Eliminate Overlapping Objects in Excel Reports Similar to HTML report output. and the vertical coordinates are created at the top and bottom ends. see "Align Report Objects in Impromptu" (p. you can align each vertical or horizontal coordinate. To eliminate unnecessary rows and columns in the report output. Aligning objects reduces the number of unique coordinates. align report objects in Impromptu. 130 IBM Cognos Impromptu . the object that appears behind another object does not export to Excel. Resize or move objects so that none overlap. 2.Chapter 3: Complex Reports Align Report Objects Before Export to Excel Each object in a report has two horizontal coordinates and two vertical coordinates. If the report name is MyReport. When one object overlaps another. the log file name is MyReport_Warning. Tip: To reduce the number of unique coordinates. match the report objects by size. and click Properties. For information about how to align objects. If you create Excel reports and warnings appear or you discover that some objects are missing. For example. Countries changes to Countries_1. You can also check the log file to see if anything was discarded. The name is also truncated to 27 characters. Steps 1. see the Impromptu online help. Open a report. For more information about how overlapping objects are exported. 124). Right-click the list frame. A number is appended to the name to ensure uniqueness. and thereby reduces the number of rows and columns generated in Excel. Add Worksheet Names Before Export to Excel When reports are exported to Excel. Each unique vertical coordinate results in an Excel row. The horizontal coordinates are created at the leftmost and rightmost ends of the object. Tip: A log file is generated in the same folder as the Excel output. Steps 1. When objects match in size. if required.txt. Each unique horizontal coordinate results in an Excel column. align the objects horizontally to a list frame column. see "Eliminate Overlapping Objects in a Report" (p. We recommend that you change the default list frame names to something more meaningful to improve usability. check your Impromptu reports for overlapping objects. For information about sizing objects. 122). so that a number from _1 to _999 can be appended without exceeding the 31 character limit for Excel worksheet names. the worksheet names are derived from the list frame names specified in Impromptu. If the objects exist in a group header or footer. the second list frame created generates the second worksheet. and click a stacking command such as Send Back or Bring Forward. the worksheet names appear as row1_1. If the report contains a form frame with two list frames. The form frame becomes the parent object. Select the list frame. For example. type a meaningful name. Star_Dome_3. 2. each list frame is created on a separate worksheet. Group Report Objects to Export Them to the Same Excel Worksheet When you export a report to Excel. and so on. The worksheet name is created by appending a number to the row name. If data is scoped by row. such as static images and text frames. Rather. In the Name box. 2. and from the Insert menu. From the Format menu. Steps 1. Worksheet Names and Scoped Data If data is scoped (p. Drag the list frame and the report objects into the form frame. Open the report. and the product name Star Lite can generate the worksheet name Star_Lite_1. Save your changes and export the report to Excel. the worksheet names use the product names. all other objects in the report. 84). the worksheet names appear as Star_Lite_1. If the report contains a form frame with two list frames with scoped data. For example. the order is set by the creation and zorder of the list frame in Impromptu. Mastering Impromptu Reports 131 . click Stacking. by default. The first list frame created in the z-order generates the first worksheet. if data is grouped by product. the worksheet name for row 1 becomes row1_1. row2_4. row1_2. Worksheets are not ordered alphabetically by the list frame name or ordered by the left-to-right and top-to-bottom order of the respective list frame. add them to the same form frame before export. To change the worksheet order. If the data is scoped by data group. the worksheet name is based on the data groupings. 3. and so on. and click OK. However. the worksheet name is based on how the data is scoped. you must change the list frame z-order. click Form Frame. row2_3. Star_Lite_2.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 2. To export report objects and a list frame to the same worksheet. Change the Worksheet Order Before Export to Excel When rendering a report in Excel format and the report has more than one worksheet. Steps 1. you may want to control the way the worksheets are ordered. the name is based on the row number. and Star_Dome_4. are added to the first worksheet. for example. was selected. For more information about adding static images to a report. Open a report in Impromptu. they are added only to the worksheets that contain the list frame or crosstab report that use the column and row titles. click Picture Frame and with the pointer draw a frame in the header. Columns to repeat at left. see Impromptu User Reference. in the Picture Properties dialog box. was selected. To add an image to the footer. and patterns cannot be set. 4. You are warned if there are any problems with the report output if you have warnings messages set to show in the Report Properties dialog box. Exporting Row and Column Titles to Excel When column titles are exported to Excel. ● Images cannot be added. To export headers and footer successfully. they are treated as Excel titles that repeat on the top of each printed page. Rows to appear at top. and then. see (p. borders. ● Text length cannot exceed 256 characters. When row titles in crosstab reports are exported. For information about keeping the objects in the data group together on export. row titles repeat at the left of each printed page. It is as if the Excel page setup option. It is as if the Excel page setup option. Open the report in Excel. repeat step 3 but create the frame in the footer instead. 131). However. 3. Export a Report to Excel with Images in the Header and Footer You can insert multiple static images in the report header and footer and have the images rendered in the Excel report output. specify the image to use. ● Scoped data is not applied in Excel report output. the column and row titles are repeated as well. consider the following: ● List frames and crosstabs added to report headers or footers are not rendered in Excel format.Chapter 3: Complex Reports Rendering Headers and Footers in Excel Report Output Some limitations apply when exporting reports with headers and footers to Excel. background color. and save the report as Excel with Format (*. If a report splits across more multiple worksheets. From the File menu. click Save As. Steps 1. Click OK. ● Text color. You can save your reports as Excel with Format in Impromptu or you can publish them to Impromptu Web Reports and then save them with this format.XLSX). This can provide a useful way to include the company logo. ● The ability to position text is limited.XLS) or Excel with Format (*. 2. Only the first data grouping is used in the Excel header or footer. From the Insert menu. 132 IBM Cognos Impromptu . When data is scoped by grouping. Data that is scoped by row or group is exported to separate worksheets in Excel.Chapter 3: Complex Reports To view the header and footer. 130). 84) to specify the data to show by row. Summary formulas are supported in Excel using hidden worksheets that store the contiguous data ranges and arguments used by the formulas. or have all the data appear. if data is scoped by country. from the File menu. Only simple. a worksheet for each country is generated. Formulas with nested or multiple functions. maximum. non-nested summaries are exported as summary formulas. standard deviation. Tip: You unhide hidden worksheets in Excel using the Unhide command. such as product. To render summaries as live formulas. click Page Setup and click the Header/Footer tab. To see how the header and footer appears on the report page. Using Summaries in Excel Report Output Summaries may be exported as static text. 128). average. and Total (Qty) for Country are exported as static text. Total (Min(Qty)). click Print Preview. you can view data for each product individually. CAN_2. or as live Excel formulas. Worksheet names are created based on the name of each group. Using Data Scoping to Enhance Excel Report Output In Impromptu reports. 129). GER_3 (p. you can scope data added to a form frame (p. The summary formulas on the visible worksheets are updated from the hidden worksheets. from the File menu. select the option to include summary expressions on export (p. they are treated as static text. Summary expressions are rendered as static text when the summary is included in the report as follows: ● in a page header or footer ● in a stand alone text frame ● in nested. To render summaries as formulas. by a data grouping. The following summary calculations are supported as Excel formulas: total. include the formula and the data relevant to the summary in the list frame or crosstab report. This provides useful navigation to Excel users similar to PDF bookmarks in PDF output. For example. Otherwise. Mastering Impromptu Reports 133 . variance. such as AUS_1. minimum. multi-dimensional crosstabs where data is interleaved ● in a column that has conditional formatting using the hidden style ● with an associated column that does not appear as a column in the report ● in a report that splits across multiple worksheets (p. such as Total (Qty *3). and count. 4. Browse to the location of the .csv file format from Impromptu or Impromptu Web Reports. In Impromptu. ="Sales" instead of "00010". 2. Note that an equal sign is inserted now before the opening quotation marks of strings. When you author reports. For example. open a report that has numeric fields with null or missing values. you can select an option that retains leading zeroes in text fields on export. see Impromptu Macro Help.csv) and open it in Excel. From the Report menu. You can save reports that retain leading zeroes in . You can also create automated reports that export numeric fields with missing or null values as zeroes. a zip code such as 01803 is truncated to 1803. and click Save. Export a Numeric Field with Null or Missing Values to Excel When you author and save an Impromptu report as a comma delimited ASCII file (. to view the changes to the file format.csv file you created and open it with Excel. To generate the CSV output in Impromptu Web Reports. and in the Report Properties dialog box. click General. Click OK. 2. and specify a name and location for the report. open a report that uses text values with leading zeroes. Click OK. From the File menu. Steps 1. select the option Output numeric fields with missing values as 0 (zero). In Impromptu. Syntax that allows you to retain leading zeroes on export to Excel is now available in automated reports. see Impromptu Macro Help. click Delimited ASCII (*. Reports you author with this option can be saved in CSV file format from Impromptu or published to Impromptu Web Reports and then saved in CSV file format. select the option Mark text fields for import into Microsoft Excel. by default. and specify a name and location for the report. From the File menu. When you author reports. open the file in a text editor. For example. For information about the new syntax that supports this functionality. In the Save as type box. click Save As. you find ="00010". After saving the file.csv) and open it in Excel. you can select an option to have null or missing values appear as zeroes. Note that in the Excel spreadsheet the leading zeroes appear in the text column. leading zeroes are not retained. leading zeroes in text columns are dropped. numeric fields with missing or null values appear as empty cells. 3. 3.Chapter 3: Complex Reports Export a Text Field with Leading Zeroes to Excel When you author an Impromptu report. 5. click General. "Sales". you must first author the reports in Impromptu and then publish them to Impromptu Web Reports. For information about this syntax. By default. save it as a comma delimited ASCII file (. click Save As. and in the Report Properties dialog box. From the Report menu.CSV). Steps 1. 134 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Browse to the location of the . Each text string is separated by a single space. and list frames are not rendered. Note: The Text frames option on the Excel tab of the Report Properties dialog box does not affect the export of text frames within list frames. other objects within the form frame.XLSX). If the report contains many text frames. In the Save as type box.xls) file and open the file using Excel. on the General tab. Steps 1. is rendered as a combined text string. 5. 2. OLE objects. Mastering Impromptu Reports 135 . the text within each text frame of a form frame. click Delimited ASCII (*. a warning message is issued. This option is located in the Report Properties dialog box. you may encounter some degradation in performance because more data is being exported. click Save As and save the report as Excel with Format (*. open a report that contains a form frame in a list frame. From the File menu. Browse to the location of the report output (. and click Save. Report Output in Excel When exporting list frames. Rendering text content in a form frame can have performance implications. Note that although text content is rendered. The combined text string is inserted into a single cell in the Excel worksheet as follows. you can render the text content of a form frame. charts. If your report contains any unsupported objects in the form frame.CSV).XLS) or Excel with Format (*. the more time is required to render and open the file. such as formulas. 3.Chapter 3: Complex Reports 4. images. In Impromptu. including spaces and line feeds. In the Excel spreadsheet the null or missing values appear as zero (0). This option applies only to text frames outside a list frame. The greater the file size. The warning message appears only if the report is created with the Show the Warning Messages dialog for HTML and Excel report output option selected. depending on the report.csv file you created and open it with Excel. Export a Form Frame within a List Frame To Excel When you export a report to Excel. This option is applied because Excel allows only one data format per cell.Chapter 3: Complex Reports Impromptu Report form frame within a list frame Text1 Text2 text frames Excel Worksheet worksheet cell Text1 Text2 Exporting text frames in form frames affects such things as existing data formats and content layout.234. For more information about content sequencing. For example. Combined text string (sequence) Sequenced from top-left to bottom right and then z-order. Object Report output Combined text string (format) Formatted the same as the text in the first text frame. Cannot exceed the maximum number of characters for an Excel cell which is 1. the raw number data 102334. Form frame borders Rendered. see (p. Data formats Exported to Excel using the General format option in Impromptu. 136 IBM Cognos Impromptu . 137). certain objects are not rendered. whereas Impromptu allows a different format for each text frame.767 characters. 137). see (p. Text frame borders Not rendered.024 characters or the Excel formula bar which is 32. Text frame patterns Not rendered. For information about controlling the format of the text string on export. Also.23 and the raw date data 2005-08-15 11:27:00:000 is rendered as 8/15/2005 11:27AM.23 is rendered as $10. Here is a list of objects and a description of how they are rendered. it must be formatted to the desired font. For more information about content sequencing. ❑ Position the text frame such that the rendered frame is sequenced first in the combined text string. do the following: ❑ Insert a text frame in the form frame of the Impromptu report. however. see (p. Text1 and Text2. When creating the sequence. Form Frame with Text Frame Y positions (Y2<Y1) X positions X1 X2 Y2 Text2 Y1 Text1 TextFrame1 TextFrame2 Mastering Impromptu Reports 137 . the text attributes of only the first text frame are used to format the combined text string. and list Not rendered. frames Content Formatting On export. The top-most vertical (y) position of the text frame sets the vertical position. are sequenced based on the horizontal and vertical positions of the text frames. charts. the text frame with the leftmost horizontal (x) position takes precedence. To control the font applied to the combined text string. The horizontal center of the text frame sets the horizontal (x) position.Chapter 3: Complex Reports Object Report output Images. Content Sequencing The position of the text frames in the form frame specifies the sequence of the strings in the combined text string exported to Excel. the placement of the text is set by the z-order. and then. in z-order. the text frame with the topmost vertical position takes precedence over text frames with a lower vertical position. TextFrame1 and TextFrame2. 137). The content of the text frames is retrieved from the top-left to the bottom right. If the horizontal and vertical positions are equal. The text frame can be blank. If the vertical positions are equal. Here is a graphical representation showing the vertical and horizontal positions of two text frames in a form frame and a flowchart showing how the text strings. OLE objects. Chapter 3: Complex Reports Flowchart Start No Y1<Y2 Yes Y1=Y2 Yes No X1=X2 Yes Order: Text1 Text2 No No No X1<X2 Yes Order: Text2 Text1 Order: Text2 Text1 Order: Text1 Text2 Flowchart The following graphic shows some typical rendering scenarios: 138 IBM Cognos Impromptu Z1<Z2 Yes . Chapter 3: Complex Reports Impromptu Input Excel Output Text Frames with Different X and Y Axis Positions Form Frame Text2 Text2 Text1 Text1 Text Frames with Different X and Y Axis Positions Form Frame Text2 Text3 Text1 Text3 Text2 Text1 Text Frames with Y Axis Positions Equal Form Frame Text2 Text1 Text2 Text1 Text Frames with Y Axis Positions Equal and Text1 created prior to Text2 Form Frame Text2 Text1 Text2 Text1 Nested Form Frames Form Frame1 Form Frame2 Text2 Text1 Text1 Text2 Overlapping Text Frames Form Frame Text1 Text2 Text2 Text1 Form Frame with unsupported Objects Form Frame1 Text1 Image. list frame object Text1 Mastering Impromptu Reports 139 . chart. OLE object. Chapter 3: Complex Reports 140 IBM Cognos Impromptu . When a report requires information. Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. you must first understand how ● Impromptu retrieves data ● a database is attached to your catalogs ● copies of the data can be used ● you can format the data How Impromptu Retrieves Data Your Impromptu reports show information retrieved from the database. 2010. 1991. 141 . Impromptu accesses the database via a catalog.Chapter 4: Data and Databases This chapter discusses how Impromptu uses data in creating reports. To make the best decisions about how to maintain the report data. It includes a discussion of ● how Impromptu retrieves data ● your options in choosing data sources Choose Your Data Source You have several choices in working with the data from which you create reports in Impromptu. An administrator can create a catalog that meets different user requirements. a catalog ● points to the data (name. 142 IBM Cognos Impromptu .Chapter 4: Data and Databases You run a query Impromptu generates SQL Database Impromptu retrieves data from the database You open a catalog that points to your view of the data in the database The resulting report shows your data in a meaningful format A catalog insulates you from the complexities of the database. Impromptu generates a Structured Query Language (SQL) query based on your request and passes it to the database. letting you focus on analyzing the data that drives your business. This improves Impromptu's performance when your reports tend to require the same information from report to report. The database then selects the data for your report and sends the result set back to Impromptu. Your Impromptu administrator creates the catalogs you use. Impromptu uses the cache query results stored locally and will only query the database when required. As the bridge to the database. Query box). When you use the Cache Query checkbox (Access tab. contents) ● controls what data can be accessed by each class of catalog user ● presents a business view of the information in the database When you request information from the database. location. Take Advantage of a Cache Query A cache query is a temporary cache on your personal computer that Impromptu uses to store report results. Note: If the auto-attach option is turned off for all databases. Select Database as the data source. you can use the Catalog Logon dialog box to turn the auto-attach option back on for the database. and specify the number of rows. 2. Impromptu automatically attaches to the associated database to retrieve the report data.Chapter 4: Data and Databases Tip: You can usually achieve the same performance results by using the Cache Query check box as you can by using thumbnails. Step to Turn Off Automatic Retrieval for a Specific Database ● Clear the Connect to the Database check box (Catalog Logon dialog box) when you log on to a catalog. For information about how to open reports. In the Index tab. From the Report menu. see the Impromptu online Help. you can connect to the database to retrieve the data using the Connect and Retrieve commands. Once you verify the report. For information about these commands. type either ● connecting to the database ● retrieving data Step to Turn Off Automatic Retrieval ● Clear the Auto-Attach to the Database When the Catalog is Opened check box in the General tab of the Options dialog box (Tools menu). click Query and click the Access tab. Disable the Auto-Attach to the Database Option You can turn off the Auto-attach to the Database option (for all databases or for one database) to view a report without any data. see (p. How Databases are Attached to Catalogs By default. Steps 1. Select the Cache Query Results check box and the Limit Data To check box. and you can not use the report until data retrieval is complete. you can disable the option that automatically attaches Impromptu to the database. when you open a report. 144). see the Impromptu online Help. Mastering Impromptu Reports 143 . This enables you to verify that you've selected the correct report and check the layout and formatting in the report. To avoid waiting for large amounts of data to be retrieved. For information about thumbnails. but you want to preserve the current results for comparison. Impromptu accesses the database and retrieves the information required. it cannot be used to generate new reports. To enhance the performance of your reports. Local Snapshots A local snapshot is a permanent copy of the data stored as part of your report. Snapshots and thumbnails are independent of the source. Impromptu retrieves only the number of rows you specify and then saves them temporarily on your computer. Like a photograph. you can distribute the copies of the data in any of the following formats: ● local snapshots ● thumbnails ● HotFiles HotFiles remain linked to the source database and can be updated with changes to the database. However. Use local snapshots when you ● want to run reports without opening a catalog ● want a static view of the data at a particular point in time ● want to be able to view the report without access to the source database ● do not need to add new tables or data to your report You can use local snapshots when you want to compare the state of the database at different times. Impromptu attempts to use only the data in the thumbnail when you run a query. it is important that reports run efficiently. For example. the thumbnail is discarded. When you close the current report. The information in the report changes daily. You save the data in this report as a snapshot so you can compare this data to future monthly sales reports. see the Impromptu online Help. In the Index tab. If your query requires information that is not in the thumbnail. it captures the data as it existed when you created the snapshot. and so are not updated.Chapter 4: Data and Databases Your Copy of the Database When you create reports for distribution. a local copy of report data Thumbnails When you use thumbnails. 144 IBM Cognos Impromptu . but do not need to be able to run new reports against the data. For information about creating local snapshots. because the data is part of the report. you run a query to generate a report of the current monthly sales. type one of ● snapshots ● creating. Impromptu must retrieve the new data from the database. see "Optimize Performance in Impromptu" (p. Use a HotFile when you want to ● create new reports with the data ● cut. you can join HotFiles to database tables. select the Show Advanced Tabs in the Query Dialog Box check box (Options tab. For example. see (p. Use HotFiles A HotFile is a separate locally saved data table that you can use in a report. For information about performance and thumbnails. and the salary data item is in a separate database.Chapter 4: Data and Databases For example. you want to test a theory that expenses are proportional to salary. Click OK. click Query and then click the Access tab. use the thumbnail toolbar button . For information about performance issues. calculate. Tip: To quickly create or remove thumbnails. you create a HotFile automatically every day that you use as the data source for the daily reports. may have a negative impact on performance. Saving historical data using HotFiles offers a number of advantages over independent copies of the data like thumbnails or snapshots. Tools menu). click Thumbnail Of and enter the number of rows you want in the thumbnail (the default is 30). If you add a column to the query. 2. From the Report menu. however. In the Data Source box. paste. 175). Impromptu retrieves the first 30 rows from the database and then uses the 30 rows as the data source for your queries. Doing so. 3. Steps to Create Thumbnails Steps 1. Note: If you do not see the Access tab. if you work with a thumbnail of 30 rows. For example. If you have the Administrator version of Impromptu. and filter the data as required ● join to database tables in the catalog Mastering Impromptu Reports 145 . 163). When you use HotFiles. Impromptu accesses the data contained in the HotFile and does not go to the database to retrieve the required information. ● in your report so that you can include data items that are only available in a separate database but are not in your catalog. You create a HotFile for use in your report that contains the salary data item. You can use a HotFile ● as the data source for your report when you want to work without being connected to the database. if you generate daily reports based on the sales made on the previous day. A thumbnail is an efficient way to test your report before running the query against a large database. Create or open the report with the data items you want in your HotFile. 5. Impromptu adds the data items you selected from the HotFile to your report. 4. click Query. Sharing HotFiles on the LAN means everyone can use the same HotFile. and click OK. Impromptu creates a HotFile with the name you chose. Click Browse to locate and select the folder that contains the HotFile. In the Data Source box.ims to the HotFile. For example. click Save As. For example.Chapter 4: Data and Databases ● use it exactly like a database table ● save the data with your catalog Steps to Create a Hotfile 1. Double-click the HotFile folder to open it. In the File menu. click HotFile. Click OK. 3. and double-click the HotFile data items you want to add to the Query Data box. Share HotFiles on the LAN You can share a HotFile on the LAN. Type the file name and click OK. and assigns the extension . Open a report. In the Save As Type box. 6. 2. you can save the report as a HotFile and copy it to the LAN for others to use. 2. connect to the database and open the report with the data items you require. or create a new report with the data items you need. 3. Create a HotFile Automatically You can set up a macro that automatically creates a HotFile each night to save time on lengthy report execution during business hours. you have a report that contains a complicated calculation for profit margin that takes 45 minutes to execute. You have to create this calculation 146 IBM Cognos Impromptu . if you have a sales account HotFile created every morning when you open the sales report. if you just created a report with data that you think other people can use. All HotFiles in the folder appear in the Data tab (Query dialog box). you can copy the HotFile to the LAN for everyone to use. Steps to Use a HotFile in a Report 1. For example. 4. select HotFile. Tip: To update the data or change the data in a HotFile. From the Report menu. and several people in your department ask you for your daily HotFile. Save the report to replace the existing HotFile. unattended tasks Mastering Impromptu Reports 147 . You can also use Scheduler to automatically run a report and save it as a HotFile. For information about using Scheduler to automatically create a HotFile. In the Index tab. see the Macro online Help. You create a macro in Impromptu that creates a profit margin report with the new data and saves it as a HotFile overnight using the IBM Cognos Scheduler. type either ● running.Chapter 4: Data and Databases with new data each day. see the Scheduler online Help. remote tasks ● running. For information on macros. Chapter 4: Data and Databases 148 IBM Cognos Impromptu . run. Locking a catalog prevents a user from opening it using the creator user class. but denies the Sales user class permission to modify the catalog. you may be able to add folders to your copy and add data items to your folders. Use Catalogs The administrator sets up and manages the master distributed catalog and assigns certain attributes to the catalog. It tells you ● how catalogs work ● how to make your own catalogs ● what you can modify or customize What Can You Do with Catalogs? You can use catalogs to ● view. the administrator stores the master distributed catalog on a LAN and gives the Sales user class access to the catalog. For more information about catalog locking. and print reports ● export reports to other applications ● disconnect from and connect to the database You may also be able to ● create reports ● change the contents of the catalog ● add user classes ● lock a catalog If you are the creator of the catalog. all Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. If you are not the creator and you are working with a personal copy of a distributed catalog. 2010. These attributes include ● catalog access ● catalog permissions that define the tasks a particular user class can perform You will have permission to perform certain tasks according to your user class. you can lock and unlock the catalog. In this case. see Locked Catalogs.Chapter 5: About Catalogs This chapter discusses catalogs. For example. unless the user provides additional credentials for authentication. 149 . 1991. you can modify any of the folders and their contents. If you are the creator of the catalog. however. For information about modifying catalogs. When the administrator changes the master distributed catalog. a personal distributed catalog. the Creator user class has unrestricted access to a catalog and can restrict access to other user classes. Impromptu uses these links to automatically update your personal distributed catalog the next time it is opened. Locked Catalogs A locked catalog restricts access to the Creator user class. see (p. if the Access Manager runtime configuration is set to any namespace that has a Creator user class. depending on your user profile. Any changes you made to your copy are retained when the update occurs. or you may be able to view reports. All users with access to the master distributed catalog can create a personal distributed catalog. Impromptu automatically updates your copy when you reconnect to the LAN. By default. 153). If a user. who is not a member of the Creator user class. there may be certain occasions when you want to restrict access even to members of the Creator user class. For more information about shared catalogs and how to create them. or a locked catalog. you have secured your catalog with a userid and password. When a member of the Creator user class catalog attempts to open a locked catalog. In this situation. The scope of the changes that you can make depends on the privileges assigned to your user class. you may be able to create and edit reports. see the Impromptu Administration Guide. this is how you want catalog access to be managed. A catalog lock is specified by the administrator and exists in addition to the common logon authentication required by IBM Cognos products and the catalog logon authentication. By default. you can disconnect from the LAN and continue to work with the catalog (for example. A personal distributed catalog maintains links to the master distributed catalog. they must provide password authentication to unlock the catalog before opening it. Note: Your administrator may have given you permission to make changes to a catalog. any user can access a catalog. Shared Catalogs A shared catalog is created and maintained by an administrator. The catalog you use will be either a shared catalog. it is stored on the LAN and is shared by all users with access permission. attempts to open a locked catalog. Personal Distributed Catalogs A personal distributed catalog is a copy of a master distributed catalog set up and managed by your administrator. You cannot edit catalog folders within a shared catalog. For example. However. and the user attempting 150 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Typically. but have not secured it using an Access Manager namespace. on business trips). they are prompted for the usual catalog logon credentials only. They can create reports but cannot change the catalog. when you work with a personal distributed catalog. If you have a copy of a catalog on your computer.Chapter 5: About Catalogs individuals who are part of the Sales user class share access to the catalog on the LAN. Typically. click Lock Catalog. How Catalogs Open To create or run Impromptu reports other than snapshot reports. the user is prompted to enter a password before gaining access to the catalog. you can remove the lock on the catalog. As an administrator. This password is requested in addition to the IBM Cognos Common Logon and the Catalog Logon passwords. enter the password again. 3. unless the user provides an additional password for authentication. In the Confirm Password box. When you routinely use a specific catalog. In the Lock Catalog dialog box. Lock a Catalog Locking a catalog prevents a user from opening it using the Creator user class. For information about opening a locked catalog. enter a password. Options dialog box) Mastering Impromptu Reports 151 . Users that do not belong to the Creator user class are not prompted for the Open Locked Catalog password since they do not require Creator privileges. Steps 1. you can control catalog access to the privileged Creator user class by setting a lock on the catalog. 2. When a catalog is locked and a user belonging to the Creator user class tries to open it. After you open a locked catalog using the necessary authentication. This password is requested in addition to the IBM Cognos Common Logon and the Catalog Logon passwords. From the Catalog menu. in the Password box. see the Impromptu online Help. Impromptu must not be running when you use this shortcut ● use a command line start-up switch to start Impromptu and open a catalog ● define the catalog to be automatically loaded when you start Impromptu (Start-up tab. For information about opening catalogs. The Lock Catalog command is only enabled when the following holds true: ● the catalog is opened by someone belonging to the Creator user class ● the catalog is opened in read and write mode When a catalog is locked and a user belonging to the Creator user class tries to open it. you can ● automatically open it using a shortcut on your desktop. the user is prompted to enter a password before gaining access to the catalog. 152). you must first open a catalog. see "Open and Unlock a Catalog" (p. 4. Click Lock Catalog. Users that do not belong to the Creator user class are not prompted for the Open Locked Catalog password since they do not require Creator privileges.Chapter 5: About Catalogs to log on is a member of the Creator user class. if you choose. enter a password and click OK. click OK. conditions. columns. in the User class box. Tables. in the case of tables and joins 152 IBM Cognos Impromptu . calculations. you open the personal distributed catalog directly. you must first open it using the credentials the administrator specified when the lock was created. From the Catalog menu. Impromptu automatically updates your personal distributed catalog each time it is opened. In the Catalog Logon dialog box. folders. click Unlock Catalog. In the Open Locked Catalog dialog box. 4. and prompts that are updated from the master distributed catalog are ● overwritten. your password is supplied. In the Catalog Logon dialog box. 2. How Catalogs You Create are Updated By default. 151). you must create it from the master distributed catalog. Open a master distributed catalog. In subsequent Impromptu sessions. If you are a member of the Creator user class that belongs to the catalog namespace. and click OK. For information about locking a catalog. see (p. Specify a name and location for your personal distributed catalog in the File Name box (Name Your Copy of the Catalog dialog box) and click OK. click Unlock Catalog. enter a user id and password and click Log On. 7.Chapter 5: About Catalogs Open and Unlock a Catalog Before you can unlock a catalog. 6. click Open. joins. click Creator. The Make a Copy of This Distributed Catalog checkbox (Catalog Logon dialog box) is automatically selected and grayed out if you are not the creator of the catalog. user classes. Steps 1. 3. 5. 2. you can then change the status from locked to unlocked. from the Catalog menu. In the Unlock Catalog dialog box. You can now permanently unlock the catalog. After you open the catalog. If the IBM Cognos Common Logon dialog appears. 3. The catalog opens. Steps 1. Browse to the catalog and click Open. Create a Personal Distributed Catalog To work with a personal distributed catalog for the first time. To remove the lock from the catalog. Chapter 5: About Catalogs ● merged, in the case of folders and user classes ● added if they don't already exist ● removed if they were copied from the master distributed catalog in a previous update and no longer exist in the current master distributed catalog. Disable Automatic Catalog Updating You may want to turn off automatic catalog updating to increase your work efficiency. For example, when you work disconnected from the network, Impromptu displays the message that it cannot locate the master catalog to update your personal distributed catalog. If you disable automatic updating, this message does not appear. You may also want to turn off automatic updating to retain your copy of the master distributed catalog without updating it with the new master distributed catalog. For example, if the administrator is making changes to the master distributed catalog over a period of days, rather than update your copy of the catalog each time you open it, you can turn off automatic updating until the administrator notifies you that the master distributed catalog is ready. Then you can update your copy. If you disabled automatic updating, and you are connected to the LAN, you can manually update the catalog when it is open. Steps to Change Automatic Catalog Updating 1. Open your personal distributed catalog. 2. From the Catalog menu, click Properties. 3. Select or Clear the Update Automatically check box. 4. Click OK. Step to Manually Update a Personal Distributed Catalog ● From the Catalog menu, click Update Catalog. What Can You Change? If your administrator enabled the Folders command and gave you the required permissions, you can change the catalog by ● renaming folders and data items ● creating new folders in the catalog ● moving folders and data items to new locations in the catalog ● sorting folders and data items ● storing filters, calculated data items, summaries, and prompts in the catalog ● adding user subclasses and modifying their profiles Mastering Impromptu Reports 153 Chapter 5: About Catalogs You can only change the catalog when all reports are closed. The types of changes you can make depend on whether you use a shared or distributed catalog. Note: Many of the features in the following sections are available only if you have administrator privileges or if your administrator has enabled them for you. Changes to Shared Catalogs For a shared catalog, you may be permitted to change any of the existing content and add content. For example, you may be able to rename a folder, move data items from one folder to another, and add a new folder. Because the administrator and other users may also have permission to make changes to the catalog, be careful not to overwrite other users' changes. Changes to Personal Distributed Catalogs For a personal distributed catalog, do not worry about affecting other users' work. You can only add content and change the content that you added. You cannot change content copied from the master distributed catalog, so you do not make changes that will be overwritten when the catalog is updated. Upgrade and Update Personal Distributed Catalogs If you upgrade or change the location of a master copy of a distributed catalog, the personal copy won't be able to recognize or find it. When you open the personal copy you will get the Source Catalog Not Found message. If you click Change and select the correct master catalog, Impromptu will both update and upgrade your personal copy, even if the Update Automatically On Open checkbox is cleared. If you do not want to upgrade distributed copies of a catalog, make a backup of your personal copy of the catalog before you upgrade it. Rename Folders and their Contents You can rename folders and data items to make their names more intuitive to the catalog users. For example, you rename the "Qty" data item to "Quantity". Steps 1. Make sure that the catalog is open and all reports are closed. 2. From the Catalog menu, click Folders. Note: If the Folders command is not available, contact your administrator. 3. In the Folders dialog box, select the folder or data item you want to rename. 4. Click Edit. If you selected a calculation or filter condition, the Edit Calculation or Edit Condition dialog box appears in which you can edit the name and expression for the selected item. For information about filters, see (p. 11). For information about editing calculation expressions, see "Create Calculated Fields" (p. 43). 5. Click OK to close the dialog box, and click OK again to close the Folders dialog box. Note: Any folders and data items that you do not have permission to modify are marked with the Denied icon 154 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Chapter 5: About Catalogs Create Catalog Folders You can reorganize the contents of your catalog by creating new folders. Ways to Create Catalog Folders To add folders to a catalog, you can create either ● an empty folder from scratch ● a folder from a report If you have a report that contains complex calculated data items, summaries, and filters, you can save time by generating a folder from the report. Note: You can also copy a folder using the Copy button (Folders dialog box). Examples ● You create a folder called "Favorite Data Items" that contains the 20 data items you use frequently. You can put data items from different folders in your new folder. ● You have a report that contains some columns, including a summary and a complex calculation. The report is filtered. You create a folder from this report and the folder contains all the data items in the report. Steps to Create an Empty Folder 1. Make sure that the catalog is open and all reports are closed. 2. From the Catalog menu, click Folders. Note: You can move folders any time. If you want the new folder to appear in a specific location, select a folder, and the new folder appears before the selected one. Otherwise, the new folder appears at the end of the list. 3. In the Folders dialog box, click New Folder. 4. In the New Folder dialog box, type the name of the new folder in the Name box, and click OK. Steps to Generate a Folder from a Report 1. Make sure that the catalog is open and all reports are closed. 2. From the Catalog menu, click Folders. Note: The Folders command is available if you are the creator of the catalog or if your administrator gave you the required permission. If the Folders command is unavailable, contact your administrator. 3. If you want to store the new folder in a specific folder, double-click that folder to open it. 4. Click Generate. 5. In the Generate Folder Based On box, click Report and then click OK. Mastering Impromptu Reports 155 Otherwise. so all users of this catalog have the correct filter definition. select the folder you want to move. In the Folders dialog box. and the new folder appears before the selected one. select it and click Copy. 3. you can select it from the catalog rather than recreate it. 4. click Folders. Make sure that the catalog is open and all reports are closed. the new folder appears at the end of the list. 156 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Tip: To remove unnecessary folders and items. Then open the destination folder and click Paste. resize the Folders dialog box. 2. Click Cut.Chapter 5: About Catalogs 6. or restore the default sort order. You can sort in ascending or descending alphabetical order. and then select the data item you want to move. If you want the new folder to appear in a specific location. 6. Click Paste and click OK. When you need to use a filter. In the Select Report dialog box. Click OK. Tips ● To copy a folder or data item rather than move it. Then select the folder or data item you want to remove. ● To better view long lists of folders and data items. From the Catalog menu. Note: You can move folders any time. Move Folders and their Contents You can move folders and data items to new locations. double-click the folder where the data item is located. 5. Click Cut and click OK. Do one of the following: ● If you are moving a folder. do one of the following: ● If you are moving a folder. click Folders from the Catalog menu. select the folder above which you want to paste the cut folder. For example. ● If you are moving a data item in a folder. 7. click the Sort icon above the Catalog folders box. You also control the definition of the filter. ● If you are moving a data item. you move the Sale Amount item from the Order Details folder to the Orders folder. ● To sort folders and folder items. select a folder. locate and select the report containing the desired columns and conditions and click Open. Steps 1. select the folder into which you want to paste the item. Store Filters in Catalogs You store complex or frequently-used filter conditions in the catalog. Chapter 5: About Catalogs For information about creating filters, see (p. 12). For example, you create a condition so you see only data for your sales region when you use the condition. If a new area is added to the region, add the new area to the condition once, and all reports change to show the new area in the region. Steps 1. From the Catalog menu, click Folders. 2. If you want the new filter to appear in a specific location, select a folder, and the new filter is added to it. Otherwise, the new filter appears at the end of the list. Note: You can move filters any time. 3. In the New box (Folders dialog box), click Condition. 4. In the New Condition dialog box, type a name for the condition in the Name box. Note: Use this name to identify the condition when you use it in reports. 5. Build an expression. 6. Click OK to close the New Condition dialog box. 7. The new filter appears in the Catalog folders box. 8. Click OK. Tip: To remove a catalog condition, select the condition you want to remove in the Folders dialog box, and click Cut. For information about creating conditions, see (p. 56). If you are responsible for deploying catalogs and want more information about including conditions in catalogs, see the administrator. Change a Predefined Filter Condition If you have the necessary permissions, you can edit or rename predefined filter conditions. Steps 1. Close any open reports. 2. From the Catalog menu, click Folders. 3. Select the condition you want to change, and click Edit. 4. Do one of the following: ● If you want to change the condition, select the part of the condition you want to change, and click OK. ● If you want to change the name of the condition, type a new name for the condition in the Name box. 5. Click OK to close the Edit Condition dialog box, and click OK again. All reports that use this condition will automatically change when you change the condition. Mastering Impromptu Reports 157 Chapter 5: About Catalogs Store Calculated Data Items and Summaries in Catalogs You can save time by storing complex or frequently-used calculations and summaries in the catalog. When you need to use a calculation or summary, you can select it from the catalog rather than recreate it. You also control the definition of the calculation, so that users of this catalog who need this calculation or summary in their query have the correct calculation definition. You can use these predefined calculations or summaries on their own or as part of the definition of another calculated data item you create. You can store calculated data items and summaries in a catalog as follows: ● If a calculated data item or summary exists in a saved report, save the entire report as a catalog folder, then delete the data items you do not want in the folder. ● Create a new calculated data item or summary directly in a catalog folder. For information about creating calculated data items, see "Create Calculated Fields" (p. 43). For information about creating summaries, see (p. 34). For example, you have a report that contains a calculated data item called Profit. This calculated data item subtracts Prod Cost from Prod Price for each product. You want to store this calculated data item in the catalog for use in other reports you create with the same catalog. Steps to Store Existing Calculated Data Items and Summaries 1. Make sure that the catalog is open and all reports are closed. 2. From the Catalog menu, click Folders. 3. If you want the item to appear in a specific location, select a folder, and the item is added to it. Otherwise, the item appears at the end of the list. 4. In the Folders dialog box, click Generate. 5. In the Generate Folder dialog box, click Report, and click OK. 6. Select the report that contains the calculated data item or summary you want to add to the catalog, and click Open. Note: A new folder containing the report you selected appears in the Catalog Folders box. The folder name contains the report path and file name. 7. In the Catalog Folders box, double-click the new folder. 8. Select the data items you do not want to add to the catalog. 9. Click Cut to delete the unwanted data items, and click OK. Tip: To rename the new folder, select it in the Catalog Folders box (Folders dialog box) and click Edit. Type the name in the Name box (Edit Name dialog box) and click OK. Steps to Create and Store Calculated Data Items and Summaries 1. Make sure that the catalog is open and all reports are closed. 2. From the Catalog menu, click Folders. 158 IBM Cognos Impromptu Chapter 5: About Catalogs 3. If you want the item to appear in a specific location, select a folder, and the item is added to it. Otherwise, the item appears at the end of the list. 4. In the New box (Folders dialog box), click Calculation. 5. Type a name for the calculation in the Name box (New Calculation dialog box). 6. Build an expression. For information about creating expressions for calculated data items, see "Create Calculated Fields" (p. 43). 7. Click OK to close the New Calculation dialog box, and click OK again. Note: If you are responsible for deploying catalogs and want more information on including calculations in catalogs, see your administrator. Tips ● To rename the calculated data item or summary you stored in the catalog, select it in the Catalog Folders box (Folders dialog box) and click Edit. Type the name in the Name box (Edit Calculation dialog box) and click OK. ● To change a calculation you stored in the catalog, select the calculated data item you want to change, click Edit, change the expression in the Edit Calculation dialog box, and click OK. Click OK again to exit from the Folders dialog box. When you change the calculation, all reports that use this calculation automatically change. Create and Store Prompts in Catalogs You can create prompts in a catalog and reuse them in different reports you create with the catalog. Each time you want to include a prompt in a report, select it from the catalog rather than re-create it. You can store prompts in a catalog by creating a prompt directly in a catalog folder. For information on types of prompts, creating and editing prompts, and organizing prompts within a report, see (p. 19). For example, you have a report containing a picklist prompt that requires you to select a branch from a list of all branches in the database. You frequently filter reports by branch, so you decide to store this prompt in the catalog. You can later add this prompt to any report so you can quickly filter on a branch. Steps to Create and Store Prompts 1. Make sure that the catalog is open and all reports are closed. 2. From the Catalog menu, click Folders. 3. If you want the prompt to appear in a specific location, select a folder, and the prompt is added to it. Otherwise, the prompt appears at the end of the list. 4. In the New box (Folders dialog box), click Prompt. 5. Type a name for the prompt in the Name box (Prompt Definition dialog box). Mastering Impromptu Reports 159 Note: If you are responsible for deploying catalogs and want more information on including calculations in catalogs. 160 IBM Cognos Impromptu . You can add user classes to a catalog if you created the catalog or you are working with a personal copy of a distributed catalog and your administrator gave you the privilege to add and modify user classes. Add User Classes A user class is a group of users who need access to the same data and have the same access privileges. You did not create the master distributed catalog. You decide to add the user classes Europe. Type a message in the Message box. select the prompt you want to change in the Folders dialog box. You set up the user classes so users in each class can only see regional information. see your administrator. North America. change the prompt and click OK. For Example You create a personal copy of a distributed catalog. so you can only add users as subclasses of your user class. 8. and click OK. Click OK again to exit from the Folders dialog box. You can use it in any report that you create with this catalog. 7. ● To change a prompt you stored in the catalog. The prompt is now in the catalog. and Asia-Pacific. Suppose you are in the user class called Marketing that enables you to see marketing information for all countries. all reports that use this calculation automatically change. Type the name you want in the Name box (Prompt Definition dialog box). select the type of prompt you want.Chapter 5: About Catalogs Note: You will use this name to identify the prompt when you use the prompt in reports. 19). Each user class is added to the User Class tab as a subclass. click OK. Complete the lower portion of the dialog box. Subclasses inherit the set of privileges and restrictions from the immediate parent class. The administrator creates the catalog and user classes. and click OK again to close the Folders dialog box. For information about creating different types of prompts. click Edit. Tips ● To rename the prompt you stored in the catalog. In the Data Type box. This is the message that appears with the prompt. When you change a prompt. see (p. select it in the Catalog Folders box (Folders dialog box) and click Edit. The lower half of the dialog box changes depending on the type of prompt you select. 6. This set of privileges is known as the user profile. Other people in an organization may also create and maintain user classes for the employees in their own department or area. and then click Add. For example. You can modify the user profile for any user class you create. If you want the users of this user class to enter a password in order to access the catalog. table/column access.Chapter 5: About Catalogs Europe inherits the privileges and restrictions from Marketing. provided that they don't conflict with their parent user profile settings. In these cases. Click OK. select the user class. When you update the master catalog. For information about editing the user profile for a user class. 2. 3. From the Catalog menu. and then click Edit. type a password in the User Class Password box. ● To better view a long list of users. ● To remove a user class. Tips ● To edit the name or password of a user class. 5. see the Impromptu Administrator version online Help or contact your administrator. then Europe is also denied access to the folder. resize the User Profiles dialog box. Conflicts also arise when a user adds a new user profile to the distributed copy that has the same name as a new user profile in the master catalog. if you want to add a user class under Marketing. Conflicts arise when the constraints. Notes ● You can add user classes with the Impromptu User version or the Impromptu Administrator version. or client-server balancing options applied to the parent profile are more restrictive than the child. the child user profile is changed to match the more restrictive configuration of the parent. 4. click User Profiles. select Marketing. so if Marketing is denied access to a particular catalog folder. select it and click Remove. Close all open reports. ● If you did not create the catalog. You cannot remove or rename the Creator user class but you can change the password for it. In the Class Name box. In the User Classes tab (User Profiles dialog box). Steps 1. The settings in these local user profiles are retained. select the user class to which you want to add a subclass. User profiles that users add to the distributed catalog are retained provided that the parent user profile inherited from the master catalog still exists. type a meaningful name for the user class. user profiles inherited from the master catalog are destroyed in the copy and replaced by those in the master catalog. Add User Profiles to Distributed Catalogs User profiles inherited from the master catalog are read-only in the distributed copy. Mastering Impromptu Reports 161 . you can only add subclasses. 6. the user profile in the users copy is overwritten by the user profile from the master catalog. 162 IBM Cognos Impromptu .Chapter 5: About Catalogs When you update the master catalog. 1991. you must ● run the query as few times as possible ● make the database do most of the query processing The Difference Between Queries and Reports A query is a question you define and send to the data source to retrieve the data.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu This chapter discusses some of the ways you can improve the performance of your Impromptu reports. 163 . Impromptu generates one or more SQL statements and sends them to the database. you try to create the most efficient reports possible by optimizing ● queries and reports ● the balance between client and server processing ● summaries ● filters ● sorting ● If/Then/Else and Lookup statements ● OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) ● report formatting commands ● the use of alternative data sources ● the use of outer joins ● data retrieval limits ● connection time to the data server ● the use of accessible reports for disabled users ● the report size When you query the database. 2010. Impromptu complements the capabilities of the database with its own local SQL based query engine. Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. whether you are updating a report or building a new one. Where required. Create Efficient Reports To maximize the performance of Impromptu. To optimize performance. and filter in the Query dialog box before you run the query. and Product Margin by hiding the Total Sales Amount column. Notes ● If you are using the Blank template. you create a query that includes the data items Product. all of the data items in the query appear in the report by default. Select all the data items and group. 164 IBM Cognos Impromptu . After you run the query. ● If you are using any template other than the Blank template. Product Price. whether or not they are included In the graphic below click the Mark for Insertion button. You indicate which query data items you want to appear in the report by selecting the items and clicking the Mark for Insertion button (Query dialog box. the amount of processing that takes place locally. Product Margin. and the number of times Impromptu queries the database . Product Price. This reduces the amount of data retrieved from the database. this icon indicates they will appear in the report. unless you select a frame. The report does not have to include all of the data items you specify in the query. For example. which by default is a form frame. sort. to specify whether you want the selected data item to appear in the report. You create a report that only shows Product. You then create a report for your manager that shows only Product and Total Sales Amount by hiding the Product Price and Product Margin columns. data items in the query have this icon in the report. When you first add data items to the query. and Total Sales Amount. none of the data items in the query appear in the report until you add a frame to the report and mark the data items for insertion into the frame. Report menu). You saved time because you only had to run the query once to retrieve all the data items. The data items are added to the primary frame.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu A report is an organized and formatted view of the data the query retrieved. Note: If your administrator gave you the privilege to add or modify user classes. from the Tools menu. For the standard templates supplied with Impromptu. process as much as possible on the database server. Note: The Query Processing options (Client/Server tab. Limited Local Processing Runs queries with some processing on your computer. click Options. Query dialog box) are only available if you are connecting to a database server. Query dialog box). Flexible Processing Processes on the database only. the Client/Server tab shows the message "Local database. To achieve this goal. you can change the client/server balancing option for subordinate user classes. Flexible Processing assumed. If you have appropriate access." Which Client/Server Options are Most Efficient? The Database Only or Limited Local Processing options are the most efficient options because they force processing as much as possible on to the database and prohibit these activities: ● sorting on your computer ● using extended summaries For information about extended summaries. see the Administration Guide. Who Sets the Client/Server Balancing Option? Your administrator sets the client/server balancing option for your user class. Mastering Impromptu Reports 165 . such as Oracle or Sybase. or on the database and on your computer depending on how Impromptu decides to optimize the processing. and avoid local processing on your computer. If you are not connecting to a database server. Impromptu has three client/serving balancing options: This option Does this Database only Runs queries completely on the database. Consider all of the performance issues and guidelines described in this chapter when you query the database. you can change the client/server balancing option in the Client/Server tab (Query dialog box). and select the Show Advanced Tabs in the Query dialog box check box (General tab). The client/server balancing option can also be defined in templates you use.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu Client/Server Balancing The overall goal of performance is to provide the best response time with the least impact on available resources. the client/server balancing option is set to Limited Local Processing (Client/Server tab. If the Client/Server tab (Query dialog box) is unavailable. You can make these changes using the Client/Server tab (User Profiles dialog box). then summarizing. 160). Summaries in headers are called extended summaries and they are processed on your computer. maximum. Rather than retrieving all of the details. If you set the Flexible processing option. one of the following occurs: ● processing takes place on your computer ● ● Impromptu sends multiple queries to the database. For information about user classes. Put Summaries in Footers To reduce the amount of processing on your computer. For example. such as Running-Total. count. Summaries Retrieve Summary Data Items If you create a summary report. average. which means they are processed on your computer: ● moving-average ● moving-total 166 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Only the summarized values are retrieved from the database. Notes ● Running summaries. such as Moving-Total. Sorting on Database Summaries Sort on summaries that can be processed by the database. see (p. Impromptu retrieves the minimum required data from the database and summarizes on your computer. you may be able to change the processing options. ● Anytime a report has footers that contain summaries. Avoid putting summaries in headers. Impromptu makes two passes and combines the results. and minimum. such as total. The following summaries are available in Impromptu only. Depending on how the governors are set by your administrator. are special cases. retrieve less data by only including summary data items (not details) in the query. put summaries in footers. You can put them in a separate column without affecting performance. you need a report that shows the total sales amount for each country. you can only change the client/server balancing option for your own user class if you created the catalog (user class: Creator). since the database may not be able to handle the query in a single pass. you can include only the grouped data item Country and the summary data item Total Sales Amount in the query. and moving summaries.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu When you use this tab. If you set the Limited Local processing option. 39). the user created a report showing Product Type.Running Summaries One option is to calculate running totals locally as the records are retrieved from the database. added a footer for Product Line. Product Line. For information about changing a summary's association. and placed Total (Product Cost) into the footer. a new column is created where the running total is appended. To do this. and Product Cost.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu ● percentage of the total ● percentile ● quantile ● rank ● running-total ● running-average ● running-count ● running-difference ● running-maximum ● running-minimum ● tertile Associating Summaries with Data Items Associate a summary with a specific data item rather than using Automatic (location-dependent) association. As database SQL does not allow this in a single query. as the database records are retrieved to the client. In the following example. Mastering Impromptu Reports 167 . Choosing an Optimal Summary Strategy When you need to add summaries or outer joins to a report. For example. see (p. Product. edit the summary's definition and add the FOR clause. choose a processing strategy that will optimize client-server (query) performance. For example. The user then grouped on Product Type and Product Line. setting the association to Product Line. Option 1 . Impromptu provides extended processing in the form of multiple (merged) queries and local processing to derive the required result set. you could create a report which merged ordered (grouped) details with varying and opposing summary levels. Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu Product Type Product Line Product Product Cost Environmental Line Alert Devices Pocket U.where .. However. The Impromptu report appears as a 'grouped' report.V. Product Line.. Alerter 3 Microwave Detective 4 Pocket Radon Alerter 13 RiverKind Shampoo 3 RiverKind Soap 4 RiverKind Detergent 2 EnviroSak 2 Enviro-Kit 4 Enviro-T 10 Sun Shelter-8 2 Sun Shelter-15 3 Environmental Line Environmental Line Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps Recycled Products Sunblock The query sent to the database is select Product Type..V. Product. Impromptu creates a running total column (see following table) which is appended to the database result set before being passed from the data access engine to the report engine: 168 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Alerter 3 Environmental Line Alert Devices Microwave Detective 4 Environmental Line Alert Devices Pocket Radon Alerter 13 Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps RiverKind Shampoo 3 Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps RiverKind Soap 4 Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps RiverKind Detergent 2 In addition to the above database result set. the grouping is actually SQL ordering combined with the suppressed display of repeating values.. The result set from the database would be: Product Type Product Line Product Product Cost Environmental Line Alert Devices Pocket U. Product Cost from . Product Line. order by Product Type. T1. c9 as c2. the Impromptu report engine displays the total. T1.2 gent 9 As you can see. Mastering Impromptu Reports 169 .'PRODUCT' from 'PRODUCT' T1 order by 2 asc.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu Product Type Product Line Product Product Cost Total (Product Cost) No.V."PROD_TYPE" as c10. T1.c9) as c5 from (select T1. RSUM(c11 for c10.'PROD_COST'. The RSUM is the syntax used to create the running summary."PROD_COST" as c11."PRODUCT" as c12 from "PRODUCT" T1 order by c10 asc. T1.3 poo 3 Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps RiverKind Soap 4 7 Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps RiverKind Deter. 1 asc The beginning portion of the Cognos SQL is the local processing required to create the additional total column in the derived table. after reading the last record in a group. c11 as c4. T1. Thus.'PROD_TYPE'."PROD_LINE" as c9. T1.c9 asc ) D1 The italicized portion of the query would be passed to the database after conversion to database native SQL (ODBC in this sample): select T1. the running total column begins re-totalling for each Product Line. The generated Cognos SQL creates the database result set using it as a derived table upon which it creates the final result set to pass to the report engine: select c10 as c1. Alerter 3 3 Environmental Line Alert Devices Microwave Detective 4 7 Environmental Line Alert Devices Pocket Radon Alerter 13 20 Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps RiverKind Sham.'PROD_LINE'. c12 as c3. 1 Environmental Line Alert Devices Pocket U. "PROD_TYPE" as c10 T1."PRODUCT" as c12 from "PRODUCT" T1 170 IBM Cognos Impromptu . c11 as c4. when the additional column is added. Take the same report we looked at a moment ago. similar to running summaries. additional columns are appended to the result set. c12 ac c3. and place the total in the header. T1.Extended Summaries A second option is to append the overall group total to the result set using extended summaries.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu Option 2 . 1 Environmental Line Alert Devices Pocket U. T1."PROD_COST" as c11. The generated Cognos SQL creates the database result set using it as a derived table upon which it creates the final result set to pass to the report engine: select c10 as c1. In this case."PROD_LINE" as c9.V. However. Note that the same total appears for each record in the group. The total must appear in the first record of each group to ensure the correct value is displayed. resulting in: Product Type Product Line Product Product Cost Total (Product Cost) No. However.3 poo 9 Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps RiverKind Soap 4 9 Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps RiverKind Deter. XSUM(c11 for c10. an extended summary is used instead.2 gent 9 Notice that now the total must be in the first record of each group so it can be displayed before the details for that group. The SQL sent to the database is the same as when using running summaries. these values are calculated for the entire group before being appended to the result set and therefore require more local processing.c9) as c 5 from (select T1. c9 as c2. Alerter 3 20 Environmental Line Alert Devices Microwave Detective 4 20 Environmental Line Alert Devices Pocket Radon Alerter 13 20 Environmental Line Bio-Friendly Soaps RiverKind Sham. Multiple Queries A third option is to execute two queries back to the database. T1.'PROD_COST'. T1. T1.'PROD_LINE'. or if the total is displayed in the detail line as a separate column beside the detail column. In other words. Multiple queries are used only when the report displays the total of a column either before the detail records (i.."PROD_LINE" as c9.."PROD_COST") as c8 from "PRODUCT" T1 group by T1. select T1.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu order by C10 asc. T1. (select T1.'PROD_LINE'. a. c2 asc The italicized portion is the two database queries that will be translated and passed to the database. T1. put the total in the group header instead of the group footer).T1. group by a."PROD_TYPE" as c7. c11 as c4. T1. from .'PROD_TYPE'. this mechanism is not used when the summaries are displayed in a footer after the details."PRODUCT" as c12 from "PRODUCT" T1 ) D1 where ((c10 = c7) and (c9 = c6)) order by c1 asc..'PROD_LINE'.. if the report displays the total with or before the first detail record. 1 asc select T1. As both queries are sorted in the same order. b. where .'PROD_COST'."PROD)TYPE".. and the second a grouped summary query in the form select a. c9 as c2. T1. b. sum (C) from . where .'PROD_COST') from 'PRODUCT' T1 Mastering Impromptu Reports 171 . The XSUM is the syntax used to create the extended summary. select c10 as c1.'PRODUCT' from 'PRODUCT' T1 order by 2 asc. the total must be in the first record of the result set. T1. b. c12 as c3.."PROD_LINE" ) D2.. c8 as c5 from (select T1. T1.'PROD_TYPE'. T1. c. one an ordered detail query in the form select. Option 3 . .'PROD_TYPE'."PROD_TYPE" as c10. sum(T1.e. C9 asc ) D1 Again. order by a.. SUM(T1. the italicized SQL is sent to the database after translation to native syntax: select T1. Impromptu merges the results locally without re-sorting the two result sets on the PC. Recall that the data access and manipulation must be completed before the report is displayed. Thus.. b.'PRODUCT' from 'PRODUCT' T1 order by 2 asc."PROD-LINE" as c6. 1 asc The beginning portion of the Cognos SQL is the local processing required to create the additional total column in the derived table.."PROD_COST" as c11.. This requires very little local processing. T1. and use the PC to merge results into a single result set for less costly running totals. depend on the database to sort and summarize. This option does not allow local processing. ● Flexible Processing. Running Summaries Running summaries are always used when the summary is displayed after the details. Since the Database Only processing option does not allow mixing details with summaries. Limited Local? Flexible Processing? Running Summaries: RSUM YES YES Extended Summaries: XSUM NO YES Multiple Database SQL Queries: Sum YES in second select NO 172 IBM Cognos Impromptu .Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu group by T1. Multiple Queries Both extended summaries and multiple query mechanisms are used when the report requires totals to be displayed before the details (in a header) or beside the details (as a column). Impromptu's decision as to which mechanism is used coincides with your choice of client/database-server balancing. This is how the summary mechanisms interface with the query processing (Client/Database-Server Balancing) options. This table will help you determine how the summary mechanism corresponds with the Client/ Database-Server Balancing options. ● Limited Local Processing. ● Database Only. Only queries that execute database native SQL are allowed. this option is not applicable when considering summaries.'PROD_TYPE'. Query Processing Model: Client/Database-Server Balancing Impromptu uses the Client/Database-Server Balancing options to tune the interaction between the database and the three summary options. In other words. 1 asc The "where" syntax is used to merge (join without sort) the two database result sets locally. T1. This uses extended summaries instead of multiple queries and allows local sorting.'PROD_LINE' order by 2 asc. and uses multiple queries instead of extended summaries to calculate summaries. Extended Summaries vs. This limits the amount of local processing by disallowing local sorting. Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu Filters Changes to the Filter To optimize performance. When you filter on summaries that are processed on your computer. using If/Then/Else or Lookup statements is not a performance issue because processing takes place on the database. average. Query dialog box) also impacts the processing location of the summary filter. If/Then/Else and Lookup Statements Avoid using If/Then/Else or Lookup statements because processing takes place on your computer. such as total. Selecting the client/server option (Client/Server tab. Notes ● If you use a database that supports CASE structure. Avoid filtering on non-indexed columns as processing is longer than when you filter on indexed columns. However. Query dialog box) is set. Impromptu Functions Avoid sorting on calculated data items that use Impromptu functions because it requires processing on your computer. Database Summaries Filter on summarized data items that are processed in the database. Mastering Impromptu Reports 173 . you define a summary filter that is processed on your computer when the Flexible Processing option (Client/Server tab. For example. or see your administrator. the query runs against the entire database. refer to your database schema. Your administrator can set an option for your user class in the Governor tab that prohibits sorting on non-indexed columns. adding a filter may change where the summary is processed. the summaries are usually processed locally. minimize the number of changes you make to the filter. Impromptu Functions Avoid filtering on calculated data items that use Impromptu functions. Non-Indexed Columns Avoid sorting on non-indexed columns because it requires processing on your computer. and minimum. maximum. If you use a database as the data source. count. each time you modify the filter. To know whether columns are non-indexed. You can split the same summary filter into two queries and the queries process on the database when the Limited Local Processing option (Client/Server tab) is set. the filter is processed on your computer. Format menu). are processed on the database whenever possible. are processed on the database. specify a width size. To find out if your database server supports CASE expressions. see the Impromptu online Help. You can see the type of function and where it is processed by looking at its icon in the Available Components box (Calculation dialog box): ● Impromptu functions ● Database-only functions ● Combination functions are processed locally on your computer. Instead. Functions A calculated data item is processed on your computer if it uses Impromptu functions. ● Only the functions that your database supports appear in the Available Components box.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu ● If you use a database that supports CASE structure. This impacts performance. In the Index tab. Notes ● If your catalog uses a local database. but you include Impromptu functions in the filter expression. Each time the query runs. Impromptu must scan the number of rows you specify to set the width of the frame to the widest data value within the specified number of rows. Fit to Page If you use this feature and the data changes. For information on using the Fit to Page feature. you only see Impromptu functions in the Available Components box. the dynamic nature of this option may affect performance. then the database results and the results processed on your computer must be merged before Impromptu can produce the report. Report Formatting Commands Scan Data for Best Fit You may notice a performance decrease when you use the Scan Data for Best Fit option (Size command. Avoid filtering and sorting on any calculated data item that is processed locally because the sort or filter takes place on your computer along with the processing of the calculated data item. see your database documentation. type fit to page 174 IBM Cognos Impromptu . If Impromptu processes functions locally that are not supported by the database. Once you are satisfied with the results. Mastering Impromptu Reports 175 . or apply a more restrictive filter. before you create a snapshot. Impromptu moves the processing back to the database. ● If you add a new database column. 144). see (p. If you perform local calculations. depending on the database and the network you use. Notes ● The default number of rows that the thumbnail retrieves is 30. add a calculated column that uses database functions. you can return the data source back to the database. Impromptu presents a message indicating that you exceeded the governor restrictions for your profile. it stops querying the database.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu Use Alternative Data Sources Instead of querying the entire database. snapshot. if the snapshot contains a lot of data. but your administrator has set a governor limit of 30 rows. Also. 5. For example. ● Check your other data access settings to ensure that they reflect the amount of data that you want. While the number of rows varies. it will require more local disk space. You can create a thumbnail when you open or create a report.000 rows is generally the maximum practical limit for a snapshot. Once the thumbnail contains the set number of rows. A thumbnail can include all the report data or you can limit it to a certain number of rows. especially if you are sorting.000 to 8. ● Before you create a snapshot. if you select the Limit Data To check box and set a limit of 20 rows in the Access tab (Query dialog box). For example. Improve Performance Using Snapshots You can improve performance by following these guidelines for snapshots: ● Do not create huge snapshots. Impromptu performs these actions locally without accessing the database. use the Filter tab (Query dialog box) to filter out any data you do not need. the data is discarded. Test Your Queries Using Thumbnails A thumbnail is the most efficient method for testing your query. group. A thumbnail is a temporary cache or file of the retrieved data on your computer. you can use a thumbnail. sort. you specify that the thumbnail should retrieve the first 500 rows from the database. For example. or HotFile as the data source to test your query. For information about creating thumbnails. ● When you close a report that uses a thumbnail. your snapshot will only access 20 rows. if you set a thumbnail to retrieve 500 rows. and only retrieves 30 rows. or if you make the filter less restrictive. ● Impromptu does not retrieve more rows than your administrator has specified in the governor limit for your profile. You can use a HotFile as the data source by attaching a HotFile to a report. ● Ensure you have all the data you need to perform any action you are planning. If security is an issue. as a result of an outer join. For example. and use the HotFile data during the month rather than recalculating the data over and over again. and use the HotFile data rather than querying the data on the database. You can ● improve query performance and report execution using HotFiles. you can create a HotFile with this data. For information about creating HotFiles. that is. and character data can be read in some text editors. ● A report that uses a snapshot as its data source no longer has access to the database. Because of the indexing method used in snapshots. How Outer Joins Affect Your Work Joins link related data contained in separate tables. 145). when the data is not in the same database that your catalog accesses.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu ● Perform all the sorting and grouping you require for a report before you create a snapshot. For example 176 IBM Cognos Impromptu . You will not be able to access any data that is not in the snapshot. Null is not the same as zero. You may want to perform these operations while you are still attached to the database rather than with the snapshot. ● improve report execution using precalculated HotFile tables. An outer join can cause a Null value to be returned when data is not retrieved from a table. You may notice ● unexpected results. Note: In snapshots. which have an encrypt and decrypt function. ● that expressions and filters are affected. Use a HotFile only if you do not have direct access to the data. operations such as sorting are not as efficient when a snapshot is the data source as they are when the database is the data source. you can create precalculated HotFile tables at the beginning of the month. you can reduce network traffic and improve the report's execution time. if you use complicated calculations for your reports that only change on a monthly basis. Your administrator can provide information about the various types of joins. the numeric data is encoded. you should take extra precautions when using snapshots. not encrypted. Since a HotFile resides on your computer. also retrieve data from some other table. You may choose to use HotFiles instead. see (p. Improve Performance Using HotFiles A HotFile is a separate local data table you can use in a report. if you use a large static dataset for many of the reports you create. This means you could run a report and get more or different data than what you expected. Precalculated HotFile tables contain complex calculations that obtain certain calculated values. A report that retrieves data from a particular table may. so your data is not updated until you re-create the snapshot or redirect your query to the database. The type of join that is most likely to affect your work is the outer join. For example. You run a query to get a list of employee expenses for the past month. The expenses for any employees who did not actually have expenses will appear as Null. Mastering Impromptu Reports 177 . you can override all outer joins in a report. For example. regardless of whether they had expenses this past month. Joins are defined by your administrator. Outer Join exists? Results of the above query No A list of employees who had expenses this past month. to link data between a parent query and a child query. An outer join could cause more local processing at the client. Query dialog box). You may be able to accomplish the work of an outer join by using ● sub-reports. More SQL statements may be generated. All rows will be displayed even when there is no corresponding data in each table. When Not to Use Outer Joins Your administrator may choose not to use outer joins if ● the data model never has optional relationships between tables ● it doesn't matter if rows are discarded when no matches are found in another table Override Outer Joins If your administrator has made the option available. you have two tables called "Employees" and "Expenses".Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu Null + 10 = Null zero + 10 = 10. For more information about joins. Step ● Select the Include the Missing Table Join Values (Outer Join) check box (Access tab. ● that you must carefully select the columns for the desired result if your catalog includes outer joins between tables because the order in which you select columns for your query affects the SQL that Impromptu generates. see your administrator. The results of a query will differ depending on whether or not there is an outer join relationship between two tables. ● changes in performance. What is an Outer Join? An outer join causes data to be retrieved from one table even if there are no matching rows in its related table. Yes A list of all employees. Total Sales Bjorn Flertjan 1 $115. Sales Rep. to create an alias table (instead of setting up an outer join to the original table) and link to it when the request for that data is an exception. No. your administrator could set up a right outer join and define Table 2 as the right outer table.83 Gus Grovlin 2 NULL Right Outer Join To get a report that shows the sales representatives who actually made sales. Name Total Sales Bjorn Flertjan 1 Bjorn Flertjan $115. Sales Rep. your administrator could set up a left outer join and define Table 1 as the left outer table.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu ● drill-throughs.707. 178 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Sales Rep.83 Bill Smertal NULL $28.83 Gus Grovlin 2 Bill Smertal $28.138. The report shows all sales representatives from both tables.31 Left Outer Join To get a report that shows all the sales representatives who have a Sales Rep. Sales Rep. No.138.. including those who didn't make any sales. Table 1 Table 2 Sales Rep.707. Outer Joins Examples Suppose your database contains two tables. to link two reports together and make it easy to move back and forth. Sales Rep. ● alias tables. 138. The report shows all the sales representatives from Table 2. No. Total Sales Bjorn Flertjan 1 $115.31 Full Outer Join To get a report that shows all sales representatives. No. Sales Rep. The report shows all the sales representatives from Table 1. your administrator could set up a full outer join between the Table 1 and Table 2. 31 Limit the Data When you use the Limit Data To check box (Access tab. this can degrade performance. Provide accessible reports only to those users who require them. User Profiles dialog box). Total Sales Bjorn Flertjan 1 $115.ini file. No. Mastering Impromptu Reports 179 . 3. set the Report Defrag Threshold value to 100. browse to the Impromptu.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu Sales Rep. find the following setting: Report Defrag Threshold=<n> If this setting does not exist. To reduce performance issues. one with and one without accessible information. The file is located in the installation_ location/bin directory. However. 2. When this check box is selected. Minimize Connection Time Another option available to the administrator is the Minimize Connection Time to the Database check box (Client/Server tab. Create Separate Accessible Reports Impromptu can generate reports that contain accessible information for disabled users. Impromptu retrieves only the specified number of rows.138. An Impromptu. Setting the Report Defrag Threshold value to 0 (zero).ini file setting lets you control the size of the report files by occasionally defragmenting or removing unused information when the files are closed. Query dialog box). To achieve full compression. turns off defragmentation.83 Gus Grovlin 2 NULL Bill Smertal NULL $28. Sales Rep. Ensure that Impromptu Administrator is closed. create two instances of the report. add it. Manage the Size of Impromptu Reports Impromptu reports can become large in size over time. Using a text editor. 4. Open the file and in the [Startup Options] section.707. Impromptu creates a temporary cache for query results and disconnects from the database as soon as the report is run. Steps 1. Important: If you do not close the report. Save and close the Impromptu. the report will be defragmented and the unused data in the report will be removed. it does not get compressed. Start Impromptu Administrator and open the report. the value is read as a percentage of the amount of accessible data in the report before the report is defragmented. 180 IBM Cognos Impromptu . click Save. select Yes.Chapter 6: Optimize Performance in Impromptu If you set Report Defrag Threshold to a value other than 0 (zero). From the File menu.ini file. 8. 7. see the Impromptu User Help. 5. From the File menu. If the percentage of accessible data falls below the threshold value you set. 6. 9. For a complete description of the Report Defrag Threshold setting. If prompted to upgrade the report. click Close. 3. For example. You can do any of the following. When you change default menus or create new ones. From the Tools menu. Note: Customized menus appear only when a report is open. 181 . Customize Menus You can create your own menus and add the commands you need. 2010. Click the Menus tab. 2. and save valuable time for yourself and other users in your organization. click the name of the menu. click Customize. The Menu Layout box shows the current menu structure. type a new name. click the menu or command and then click Remove. Rearrange menu commands In the Menu Layout box. or menu commands Commands box to the Menu Layout box. Goal Action Add menus. drag menu commands from one menu to another. Change the name of a menu command In the Menu Layout box. Steps 1.Drag what you want to add from the Available ors. 1991. A list of menu commands appears in the Available Commands box. You can customize menus. in the Name box. Delete a menu or menu command In the Menu Layout box. and toolbar buttons. Under Item Properties. You can also set up launch buttons and launch menu commands. Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. toolbars. click File to show only those commands found on the File menu. click the menu command.Chapter 7: Customize Impromptu Customize Impromptu to suit your everyday reporting needs. the changes are stored in an . submenus. which is updated each time you make a change. Show only those menu commands found on a specific menu In the Category box.mnu file. menu separat. You can distribute your customized menus and toolbars to other users in your organization. type a name for the launch menu command. select the Minimize Application Before Launching check box. If you want to minimize the current window when you run the program or macro. 3. 10. enter any parameters you want to add to the macro or program. click Macro or Application. In the Name box. Click OK. 8. You can configure each launch menu command to run a different program or macro. browse to the location of the macro or application. click the menu comof a menu command mand. 7. in the Shortcut box. From the Tools menu. In the Parameters box. Under Item Properties. type an ampersand (&) and the name of the menu command.Chapter 7: Customize Impromptu Goal Action Change the shortcut key combination In the Menu Layout box. click the Reset button. 9. type a tooltip for the menu command. 6. In the Command box. click Customize. 2. &New makes N the accelerator key. For example. click the menu command. In the Description box. The New Launch Item dialog box appears. Under Item Properties. ● To restore the default menus. Create a menu accelerator key In the Menu Layout box. 4. Click New. In the Type box. enter a new combination of keys. 182 IBM Cognos Impromptu . Steps 1. If a combination of keys is currently assigned to another menu command. Tips ● You can add a separator line between groups of related commands to organize a menu. Set Up a Launch Menu Command You can add a launch command to any menu. 4. Click the Menus tab. Click OK. in the Name box. a message will appear in the message pane that the shortcut is in use. 5. delete. Show or Hide Toolbars You can show or hide toolbars so that you see only what you need. Any changes you make are stored in an initialization file on your computer. Steps 1. In the Toolbar Name box. 6. click it in the Menu Layout box. on the Menus tab. create. Click New. Tip: To reset the toolbars to the default settings and delete any custom toolbars. You can now add buttons to the new toolbar. select Show Tooltips. 3. hide. click a default location for the toolbar. Tip: To show tooltips for each toolbar. 3. Steps 1. In the Initial Location box. click Reset. 2. Tip: You can remove a toolbar from the Available Toolbars box by clicking the toolbar name. 4. Create a Custom Toolbar You can create a custom toolbar that contains only the tools you need. Customize Toolbars and Buttons You can show. for the current user. Select the check box beside each toolbar that you want to appear. Click OK. Click the Toolbars tab.ini file or moving it to another folder. A list of toolbars appears in the Available Toolbars box. You can also reset the toolbars by deleting the tbinfo. Click OK. 2. and modify toolbars. click Customize. The name of the new toolbar appears in the Available Toolbars box. From the Tools menu. 4. From the Tools menu. Mastering Impromptu Reports 183 . then click Modify. Click the Toolbars tab. click Customize.Chapter 7: Customize Impromptu Tip: To edit a launch menu command. 5. The settings are saved for your computer. and then clicking Remove. type a name for the toolbar. While reviewing your reports. Tip: To learn what a button does. Steps 1. 5. Drag the buttons you want to remove off an existing toolbar. click File to show only those buttons found on the File toolbar. add a separator button (found under the Miscellaneous category). ● To add a space between buttons. Double-click the new launch button. 4. Set Up a Launch Button You can add up to 64 launch buttons to a custom toolbar. Drag the buttons you want to add from the Available Buttons box to a toolbar. you want to look at your data source files. Click the Toolbar Buttons tab. From the Tools menu. Impromptu. In the Category box. You want to customize your toolbar by creating and adding a Currency button. You can configure each button to run a different program or macro. 5. You keep the data source files for your reports in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Tip: To return to the original settings. For example. or Transformer. Click Toolbar Launch Button. select its name in the Available Buttons box. you are in charge of imports for a governmental department. 3. The buttons in the Miscellaneous category appear in the Available Buttons box. then look under Button Description. 184 IBM Cognos Impromptu . 2. You regularly distribute reports to offices in Great Britain. 3.Chapter 7: Customize Impromptu Customize Toolbar Buttons You can change the buttons on a default toolbar or add buttons to a custom toolbar. You can also remove buttons from any toolbar. You customize your toolbar to run Excel directly from PowerPlay. From the Tools menu. Click the Toolbar Buttons tab. Steps 1. click Miscellaneous. and drag it to a toolbar. which requires that you convert your reports so that they use British pounds. click Reset on the Toolbars tab. click Customize. Click OK. click Customize. Tips ● To change the selection of buttons use the Category box. 4. 2. you are the manager of a government department. For example. For example. select the Minimize Application Before Launching check box. Tip: To change the settings of a launch button.mnu in the following location: < installation_dir >\Document Settings\<user_id>\Application Data\Cognos\cern\impadmin Example You are the director of a government department that oversees transportation policy. In the Description box. 13. The tooltip appears when you pause the pointer over the button. 9. 10. click the image you want to appear on the new launch button.mnu file in the following location: < installation_dir >\Documents and Settings\< user_id >\Application Data\Cognos\cer n\<filename. type a brief description of what the button does. and Ctrl+click the launch button and then make changes in the Modify Launch Item dialog box. In the Parameters box. 14. In the Image box. Toolbars are stored in the tbinfo. browse to the location of the button image. click Macro or Application. 6.exe> .ini and menuinfo. You want to distribute these menus and toolbars to others in your department. In the Command box. Click OK. Mastering Impromptu Reports 185 . 11. browse to the location of the macro or program. and menus are stored in the menuinfo. For example. if you are running Impromptu you would find tbinfo.Chapter 7: Customize Impromptu The New Launch Item dialog box appears. If you want to minimize the current window when you run the program or macro. 8.ini file. enter any parameters you want to add to the macro or program. You worked closely with your systems analyst to build customized menus and toolbars that suit your departmental needs. Distribute Custom Menus and Toolbars You can distribute custom menus and toolbars to other users. Place a copy of the files that contain the settings for the custom toolbars and menus in a location that users can access. Steps 1. type a name for the launch button. In the Path box. 12. In the Type box. In the Name box. ensure the Customize dialog box is closed. 7. Click OK. 186 IBM Cognos Impromptu .Chapter 7: Customize Impromptu 2. Browse to the location of the tbinfo. 5. 3.mnu file to be imported. 4.ini file or the menuinfo. From the Tools menu. Click Load. The custom menus or toolbars appear. click Customize. 173 number of days remaining in period. 152 opening. months. 155 folders. creating. moving. 89 report navigation. 43 Licensed Materials – Property of IBM © Copyright IBM Corp. 184 C calculated columns. 2010. 143 grouping. 151 permissions. 46 rank. 24 purpose. 153 creating and storing prompts in. 31 calculated placeholders. 181.mnu files.Index Symbols . copying. 14 summary before applying a filter. 159 folders. 43 simple. 52 if/then/else. type-in prompts. 39 fixed. 145 adding dynamic picture frames. 149 personal distributed. 122. 20 catalog attributes. 49 date intervals. 141 Access tab. 45 using the current date. 158 using prompts. 185 A accessing databases. 48 if/then. 173 lookup. 122 user classes. 1991. 10 B Binary Large Objects (BLOBs). 146 data retrieval.ini files. changing. 141 187 . 153 creation of HotFiles. description. days. 43 storing in catalogs. 130 aligning report objects. 160 worksheet names for Excel. 151 open and unlock. 50 cascading prompts. 58 association automatic. 185 . 156 folders. 150 locking. 130 apply conditional formatting. 154 prompts. 45 extracting years. 9. 43 complex. 149 changing. creating. viewing. 49 average totals for groups. 73 calculation average of two dates. 88 blanks. 183. 28 case sensitivity. 40 catalog updating. creating. 150 personal distributed. 17 blobs searching. 52 creating dates. 50 percentile. 18 buttons customizing. 46 summary. 35 changing. removing. 43 creating. 99 calculated data items adding to catalogs. 36 automatic association. 14 using. 47 creating characters items from numbers. 51. changing. 156 locked. 43 overview. 88 child frame. 41 summaries from detailed data. accessing via the catalog. 57 filters. 102 using calculated columns. 87 changing data. 165 column titles exporting to Excel. 184 launch menu commands. 54 summaries. 99 cascading prompts. 53 chart frames adding data. 98 customizing buttons. 87 description. 184 toolbars. 56 using to hide/show report objects. 93 filter data. creating from a number. 183 launch buttons. 156 data to other applications. 182 menus. 28 conditions. 183. 49 a distributed catalog. 40 188 IBM Cognos Impromptu creating a character item from a number. description. 96 changing into a list report. 183. 57 changing the order. 99 using more than one summary. 120 new crosstab reports. 95 prompts. 61 Contains operator with filters. 119 summaries. 95 editing SQL. 145 cropping picture frames. 141. 74 conditionally format data. 78. 18 copying catalog folders. 158 types. 58 creating. 94 summaries for cells. 58 configuring data formats. 41 thumbnails. 102 creating calculated columns. 77 client/server balancing overview. 58 applying styles to. 149 cerlocale. 132 linking to query. 91 crosstab reports adding summaries. 52 use to format data. 131 character items. 58 conditions applying. 97 summaries for columns and footers. 156 storing summaries. 87 inserting into frames. 102 summary association. 153 using. 149 updating. 83 sources and performance. 175 database. 61 changing a crosstab to a list report. 56. 141 . 152 calculated columns. 104 snapshots. 39 worksheet order for Excel. 165 tune for efficiency. 12 HTML report output. 150 storing calculated data items in. 152 updating automatically. 181 toolbar buttons. 57 predefined. 98 swapping data. 183 D data adding to chart frames. 158 storing summaries in. 75 formatting. 144 styles.Index shared. 99 creating new. 95 pivoting list reports. 100 nested. 57 including pre-defined conditions. 25 reports with sub-reports. 158 storing filters in.xml. 51 a date from a number. 132 rendering image in report header or footer. 43 changing. 49 detailed data items. changing the prompt separator. 144 data scoping enhancing Excel output with. 100 using. months. 25 distributing custom menus. 12. Contains. 173 removing. 117 main queries. 130 aligning objects for. 132 reports with list frames. 36 footers putting summaries in. 173 performance issues. 16 storing in catalogs. 108 If/Then/Else. 129 changing worksheet order. 185 custom toolbars. 128 grouping objects for. 61 configuring. days from a date. 51 copying to other applications. performance issues.Index data formats. 19 rolling time period. 115 report objects in other applications. 133 eliminating overlapping objects. 127 reports using styles. changing. Starts With operators. 13 containing prompts. 12 data in a crosstab. 132 data scoping. 48 F file picklist prompts. 105 embedding compared to linking. 131 controlling page breaks. 112 report objects. 132 Mastering Impromptu Reports 189 . 185 HTML report output. 19 types. 22 files. 107 E editing embedded objects. 14 using database summaries. 119 formatting using prompts. 24 Excel format adding worksheet names. 153 automatic data retrieval. 41 disabling automatic catalog updating. 13 tips. 110 using. 166 rendering in Excel. 130 exporting reports to. 156 tips. 133 dates. 27 overview. 107. 19 filters using Like. 128. 173 filter expressions applying after summaries. 130 avoiding multiple worksheets. 134 row and column titles. 54 drill-through reports setting up. 173 creating. 132 using data scoping. 143 displaying values in prompts. 10 data retrieval automatic. 108 testing. 125 filter changing. 131 rendering headers and footers. creating from a number. 32 grouping. using in filters. 118 evaluating prompt requirements. 61 data items calculated. 133 exporting reports to Excel. 133 using summaries. 144 using thumbnails. 129 retain leading zeroes in text. 100 drill-through. in HTML report output. 18 fixed association. 12 prefilter component. 143 limiting. 12 extracting years. 41 combining. 128 expressions. 125 I if/then calculation. 163 SQL. 141 inserting data into frames. 84 frames and sub-reports. 120 designing. 78 frames. 75 viewing frame types. 10 report objects.Index rendering with image for Excel. 146 updating. 83 inserting report objects. 84 report objects for Excel. 146 performance issues. 89 properties. 76 selecting. 81 parent/child relationship. 16 find the average of totals for groups. 56 form frames description. 125 improving performance. 83 repeating. 121 distributing. 146 using instead of snapshots. 124 creating. 145 how to create an interval. 132 Impromptu architecture. 183 HotFiles as data sources. 176 sharing. 127 files created. 56 HTML report output. 45 HTML files. 45 finding the average. 61 exporting to Excel. 78 naming. 177 effects on report. 125 formatting. 78. 128 using conditions. 145 using in reports. 131 rendering with image for Excel. 45 filter using a rolling time period. 81 full outer join. 58 toolbars. 176 . 104 designating the primary frame. 77 picture. 88 types. 173 performance issues. 75 inserting data. 78 intervals calculating between two dates. 125 linked or embedded objects. 132 formats data. 125 HTML report output avoiding multiple scrollbars. 49 J H headers rendering in Excel. 80 text. 83 inserting. 84 overview. 47 find the rank and percentile of calculated values. 86 scoping data. 46 insert a calculated data item. 77 form. 146 creating automatically. 52 images in header or footer for Excel. 132 190 IBM Cognos Impromptu joins described. 128 formatting 3-Dimensional. 88 data using conditions. 54 charts. 132 hiding report objects. 118 retaining in Excel. example. 178 functions filtering. 174 G grouping automatically. 177 right outer join example. 151 M macros using a menu command. 144 locked catalog. example. 14 missing values. 61 locale settings configuring. 112 links breaking.Index full outer join. 24 manually updating catalogs. 184 launch menu commands setting up. retrieving. 184 using with catalog prompts. 75 exporting to Excel. 153 placeholders. 72 placement. 182 left outer join. 156 multi-column placeholders alignment. example. 82 inserting report objects. 72 multiple queries. example. example. 153 menus adding commands. 94 locale settings. 124 grouping for Excel. 173 null values description. 114 converting linked objects. 178 full outer join. 112 from another application. 61 local snapshots. description. 115 editing. 181 missing values retrieving. 27 multiple worksheets avoiding in Excel. 185 resetting. 178 overriding. 151 outer joins described. 14 in filters. what you can do. 129 inserting data. 178 left outer join. 177 Mastering Impromptu Reports 191 . 178 overriding. 18 linking column titles to query. 72 moving catalog folders. 113 updating. 150 locking catalog. 178 when not to use. 82 list reports changing a crosstab into. catalogs. 178 left outer join. 129 N nested crosstab reports. example. 178 Like operator with filters. 131 OLE frame. 181 customizing. 114 list frames description. 75 opening. 14 modifying catalogs. 103 multiple values in type-in prompts. example. 177 L launch buttons setting up. 178 when not to use. 95 non-indexed columns sorting. description. 182 using a toolbar button. 177 effect on reports. 181 creating. 112. 102 pivoting data. 15 O objects eliminating overlapped in Excel. 177 right outer join. 176 examples. 74 compared to embedding. 181 distributing. 157 using. 154 overview. 72 predefined calculations. 28 creating for a single selection. 173 functions. 19 unreferenced. 130 P page breaks controlling for Excel. templates. 150. 166. 91 using. 22 creating for multiple selections. 173 summaries. changing. 25 creating and storing in catalogs. 27 picklist. 70 creating calculated. 22 displaying values in. 150 updating. 32 in calculated data items. 125 performance issues associating. 76 publishing reports to Upfront. 34 predefined conditions renaming. 72 creating. 25 picture frames description. 25 with multiple selections. 27 multiple values for type-in. 27 prompt separator. 89 pivoting data in list reports. 173 permissions for catalogs. 19 prompts case sensitivity. 174 HotFiles. 175 using cascading prompts. 67 parent/child relationship. 22 type-in. 22 properties. 153 picklist prompts adding select all option. 132 page view. 152 updating manually. 89 scaling and cropping. 64 modifying. 72 placement. 24 changing prompt separator. 124 eliminating in Excel reports. performance issues. 20 types. 22 creating in Prompt Manager. 94 192 IBM Cognos Impromptu placeholders alignment.Index overlapping objects eliminating for Excel. of frames. 174 sizing frames. 159 creating cascading. 166 thumbnails. 165 data. description. 19 requirements. 72 multi-column. 22 creating. 25 creating picklists for multiple selections. 77 percentile. 175 sorting. 57 preview image. 173 using lookup. 167 client/server balancing. 20 catalog. 175 filtering. customizing. 25 using values in. 22 changing prompt separator. 128. 21 re-ordering. 77 parent frame. 31 in filter expressions. 28 using if/then/else. 73 description. 77 printing reports. 120 . 75 dynamic. 46 performance improving in HTML report output. 174 prompt manager. 25 formatting data with. 24 select all option. 66 primary frames. 149 personal distributed catalogs changing. 176 printing reports. 174 snapshots. 129 outer joins. 129 changing catalogs. 15 using a snapshot. 114 using drill-through. 112 linking versus embedding objects. 91 scoping data. 132 running totals. 146 using summaries for Excel. 124 Mastering Impromptu Reports 193 . 84 grouping objects for Excel. 112 list frames in Excel. 183 retrieving data containing missing values. 133 versus queries. 118 embedding objects. 16 row titles exporting to Excel. 163 controlling page breaks for Excel. 107 using HotFiles. 68 updating object links. 34 S scaling picture frames. 129 multiple list frames for Excel. 122 Report Navigator adding to reports. 120 inserting objects into frames. 113 eliminating overlapped objects in Excel. example. 163 editing. 15 using Like. 82 linking from another application. 117 editing object links. 176 publishing to Upfront. 163 what you can do with. Contains. 133 designing HTML. 132 headers and footers in Excel. 84 scrollbars avoiding multiple in HTML report output. 84 inserting objects into list frames. 112 linking objects. 130 avoiding multiple worksheets in Excel. 118 grouping objects. 122 reports aligning objects for Excel. 132 repeating form frames. 181 toolbars. 58 rendering header or footer with image for Excel. 74 SQL. 131 incorporating in other applications. 179 report navigation adding. 163 report size managing. 179 converting linked objects. 130 aligning for HTML output.Index Q queries compared to reports. 14 in text blobs. 132 saving as HTML. 176 R ranking calculated data items. 132 row and column titles. prompt. 104 query results column order. Starts With operators. 86 Report Defrag Threshold setting. 122 report objects aligning for Excel output. 121 editing embedding objects. 120 rendering headers and footers for Excel. 179 data scoping for Excel. 24 resetting menus. 18 that starts with or contains a specific value. 179 requirements. 15 using another report. 163 versus reports. 124 embedding in other applications. 115 create accessible. 9 compared to queries. 112. 128 controlling size. 18 right outer join. 115 exporting to Excel. 125 saving as templates. 178 rolling time period. 105 linking column titles to. 103 what you cannot do with. 46 removing duplicate rows. 19 styles from conditions. 128 formatting linked or embedded objects. 58 using conditions. 64 saving reports as. 18 Structured Query Language. 110 text blobs searching. 96 applying more than one to crosstabs. 141 styles applying 3D formatting. 34 running totals. 63 changing a list to a crosstab. 65 settings locale. 89 description. 103 what you cannot do. 11 swapping data in a crosstab report. 166 description. 40 creating. 183 snapshots local. 13 when to use. 67 testing drill-through reports. 104 frames. 15 using instead of HotFiles. 40 complex. 167 row. 133 summary association automatic. 56 sub-reports and frames. 18 text fields retaining leading zeroes for Excel. 104 creating. 145 sorting performance issues. 40 database. 150 showing report objects. 36 performance issues. 61 setting up launch buttons. 98 for groups. 57 creating. 75 formatting. 134 text frames and binary large objects. 88 . 65 setting the view. 66 limitations. description. 39 fixed. 22 selecting frames. 154 overview. 67 placeholders. 105 types. 68 customizing preview image. 80 setting default templates. 63 page view. 166.Index select all option picklist prompts. 58 toolbars. 104 summaries adding to crosstab reports. 105 what you can do. 41 creating from detailed data. 97 performance issues. 88 combining. 166. 54 distributing reports using. 35. 173 Starts With operator with filters. 54 applying to a condition. 144 performance issues. 34 fixed association. 34 in a crosstab. 35 changing. 175 retrieving data using. 98 automatic association. 104 converting an empty frame into. 41 creating versus copying. 34 194 IBM Cognos Impromptu copying. 167 summary filters applying before filters. 54 removing from conditions. 102 T templates benefits. 36 for crosstab columns and footers. 75 queries. 184 launch menu commands. 68 setting default. 182 shared catalog changing. 34 storing in catalogs. 158 using in Excel output. 145 frame types. 133 summary filters. 183 type-in prompts multiple values. 25 updating HotFiles.Index using. 183 distributing. 152 user classes adding. 131 grouping report objects for Excel. 144 performance issues. 11 filters. 130 changing order before export to Excel. 145 summaries for Excel. 133 detail filters. 145 snapshots. 183 toolbars changing buttons. 150. 25 Mastering Impromptu Reports 195 . 149 using calculations. 152 unreferenced prompts. 81 W worksheets adding names before export to Excel. 183 setting up buttons. 114 personal distributed catalogs. 149 V viewing Access tab. 19 titles exporting row and column to Excel. 27 types of catalogs. 175 tips for filters. 183 showing or hiding. 11 values in prompts. 14 HotFiles. 145 links. 185 resetting. 45 data scoping for Excel. 134 U unlocking catalog. 12. 88 thumbnails creating. 183 customizing. 160 effects of. 145 description. 131 Z zeroes retain in text on export. 132 toolbar buttons customizing.
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