Master of Computer Science _software_ W_e_f 2015-16

March 28, 2018 | Author: AmarChaudary | Category: Parsing, Html, Class (Computer Programming), Compiler, Computer Network



SCHEME OF EXAMINATION FOR MASTER OF COMPUTER SCIENCE (SOFTWARE) w.e.f.Academic Session 2015-16 Paper Code Exam Time (hrs.) Nomenclature of Paper External Marks Max Internal Marks Total Marks Pass Max Pass FIRST SEMESTER MS-15-11 WEB ENGINEERING 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-12 DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-13 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-14 DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-15 S/W LAB – I BASED ON MS-15-11 3 100 40 100 MS-15-16 S/W LAB – II BASED ON MS-15-12 3 100 40 100 MS-15-17 SEMINAR 1/2 TOTAL 50 520 20 130 50 650 SECOND SEMESTER MS-15-21 JAVA PROGRAMMING 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-22 LINUX AND SHELL PROGRAMMING 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-23 THEORY OF COMPUTATION 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-24 COMPILER DESIGN 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-25 S/W LAB – III BASED ON MS-15-21 3 100 40 100 MS-15-26 S/W LAB – IV BASED ON MS-15-22 3 100 40 100 MS-15-27 SEMINAR 1/2 50 20 50 TOTAL 520 130 650 THIRD SEMESTER MS-15-31 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN USING UML 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-32 ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-33 COMPUTER NETWORKS 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-34 ADVANCED OPERATING SYSTEMS 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-35 S/W LAB – V BASED ON MS-15-31 3 100 40 100 MS-15-36 S/W LAB – VI BASED ON MS-15-32 3 100 40 100 MS-15-37 SEMINAR 1/2 TOTAL 50 520 20 130 50 650 FOURTH SEMESTER MS-15-41 ADVANCED WEB TECHNOLOGY 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-42 COMPUTER GRAPHICS 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-43 ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-44 ELECTIVE 3 80 32 20 8 100 MS-15-45 S/W LAB–VII BASED ON MS-15-41 3 100 40 100 MS-15-46 S/W LAB-VIII BASED ON MS-15-42 3 100 40 100 MS-15-47 SEMINAR 1/2 TOTAL 50 520 130 20 50 650 CLOUD COMPUTING II. SOFT COMPUTING IV. SECURITY IN COMPUTING V.I.GRAND TOTAL ELECTIVE: . DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING III. DATA ANALYTICS 2080 520 2600 . Defining Virtual Hosts. Types. Creating HTML Pages. IT Professional. Jeffrey C. UNIT-III Client–Side Programming: Introduction to JavaScript. Characteristics. Andrew King. . Template based Transformations. “The Complete Reference HTML”. Built-in Objects. Namespaces and Data Typing in XML. New York. 2. “Web Technologies”. 1. Web Essentials: The Internet. Secure Servers. Text Books: 1. William Pardi. Servlet Life Cycle. All questions will carry equal marks. Servlets and Concurrency. UNIT-IV XML: Relation between XML. Style Sheets and HTML. Linking with XML. Web Applications Vs Conventional Software. Positioning and other useful Style Properties. Operators. URL. Tata McGraw Hill. In addition to question no. Forms. India. “XML in Action”. Well Formed XML. Tables. Lists. Objects. “Web Technologies”. Displaying XML documents in Browsers. Text Properties. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. Structure and Syntax of XML. Core Syntax. Web Servers and their features. Tata McGraw Hill. UNIT-I Introduction to Web Engineering: Categories and Characteristics of Web Applications. Server-Side Programming: Servlet Architecture. References Books: 1. Literals. Statements. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. India. Cookies. SGML. CSS Box Model. Achyut Godbole. Basic Internet Protocols. Basic Syntax. Transforming XML Documents. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Need for an Engineering Approach. “Website Optimization”. 2. USA. HTML. Web Browser and its functions. Style Rule Cascading and Inheritance. URL Rewriting. Frames. Thomas Powell. HTTP (Structure of Request and Response Messages). 3. XHTML Syntax and Semantics. Generating Dynamic Content. Servlet Capabilities. Variables and Data types. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. India. Shroff Publishers. Debuggers. Pearson Education. Perspective. Cascading Style Sheets: Features. DTD and its Structure. Normal Flow Box Layout. Fundamental HTML Elements. UNIT-II MarkUp Languages: Introduction to HTML. Jackson. Arrays. In addition to compulsory question. Sessions. India. Functions.MS-15-11 WEB ENGINEERING Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. WWW. Goals of XML. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. XPATH. XHTML Abstract Syntax. Leiserson. . Applications. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. Huffman codes. Longest common subsequence. Redblack Tree.P.A. 2. UNIT-II Trees: Definition. “Data Structures”. UNIT-IV Greedy Techniques (GT): Elements of GT. Implementation of Linked Representations. Reference Books: 1. Applications. Analysis of Floyd Warshall algorithm. Graph Traversals. Radix sort. New Delhi. Searching. 3. Minimum Spanning Tree. Negative weight cycle. Stacks & Queues: Representation of Stacks. NP-Completeness. “Data Structures and Algorithms”. Analysis of heap sort and quick sort. Reducibility. Complexity classes: P. Types. B+ Trees. 5. Advanced Trees: Introduction to 2-3 Tree. Dynamic Programming (DP): Elements of DP. optimal binary search trees. UNIT-III Introduction to Algorithms: Role of algorithms in computing. “Introduction to Algorithms”. Schaum’s Outlines. Neapolitan R. Trembley. McGraw. Operations (Insertion. Arrays. m-way Search Trees. Heap. 1. G.G. Binary Search Trees and Operations. In addition to question no. Queues. Matrix chain multiplication. UNIT-I Introduction to Data Structures: Classification of Data Structures. Robert Sedgewick. Polynomial time verification. Cooper A. 4. McGraw-Hill. Rivest. Operations on Queues. Deletion. Pearson Education India. Shortest Path Problem. Applications. asymptotic notations. PHI India. Applications.V Pai. J. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Limitations of Dijkstra’s Algorithm. Representation of Graphs. Bellman-Ford algorithm. 2. “Foundations of Algorithms”. Graphs: Definitions and Basic Terminologies. All questions will carry equal marks. Lower bounds for sorting. solving recurrence equations: back substitution method. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. Counting sort. All Pairs Shortest Path: Relation of Shortest path and matrix multiplication. “Algorithms in C”. Representation of Binary Trees.Hill. “Computability Theory”. Dequeue. FordFulkerson method. Maximum Flow: Flow network. Circular Queues. Representation of Trees. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. NP-Hard and NPComplete. Threaded Binary Trees. Chapman and Hall/ CRC Press. recursion tree method.. Analyzing algorithms. Linked Lists: Introduction. Divide and Conquer: Complexity of iterative programs and recursive programs. Stack Operations. Text Books: 1. designing algorithms. masters theorem. Sorting). Bucket sort. Traversal. McGraw-Hill. Cormen. B-Trees. Splay Trees. “An Introduction to Data Structures With Applications”. And Sorenson P.. Activity selection problem. NP. In addition to compulsory question. Seymour Lipschutz.MS-15-12 DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Complexity of algorithms. Jones and Bartlett Learning. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. AVL Trees. Dynamic Memory Management. Knapsack Problem. Applications. Priority Queues. Binary Tree Traversals. Types of Tree. Graph Algorithms: Single source shortest path: Analysis of Dijkstra’s Algorithm. Computational complexity: Notion of Polynomial time algorithms.. loop testing. software testing strategies: unit testing. All questions will carry equal marks. “Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach”. Pedrycz. Maintenance Process. 2. In addition to question no. “An Integrated approach to Software Engineering”. P. “Software Engineering”. quality assurance. Software Processes. exception handling. debugging. SEI-CMM. problem partitioning and abstraction. UNIT – III Software Design: Design fundamentals. . 1. defensive programming. “Software Engineering Concepts”. Walk Through. PCMM. In addition to compulsory question. Software reliability: Metric and specification. design methodology. Risk management. Software Maintenance: Types of Maintenance. Structural testing: Control flow based and data flow based testing. personnel planning. Equivalence class testing. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. structured programming. Fairley. Entity-Relationship diagrams. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Reference Books: 1. Narosa Publications. project monitoring. System testing. Token Count. CMMI. Software configuration management. Coding: Programming style. Behavioral and non-behavioral requirements. mutation testing. Tata McGraw Hill. COCOMO model. Text Books 1. Tata McGraw Hill. James Peter. fault avoidance and tolerance. 2. Pfleeger. S. Cohesion & Coupling. Function Oriented Design and User Interface Design. Software life cycle models: Waterfall. Software Re-engineering. Jalote. Putnam Resource Allocation Model. Overview of Quality Standards like ISO 9001. Ltd. Reverse Engineering. Prototype. Pearson Education. Alpha and Beta testing. team structure. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Six Sigma. Pressman R. Maintenance characteristics. Halstead Complexity measures. Data Flow Diagrams. project scheduling. Single and multivariate models. 3. Sommerville. stress and performance testing. Pearson Education.. 4. W. Evolutionary and Spiral models. static. Software Requirement and Specifications. Data Dictionaries. R.MS-15-13 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Software Metrics: Size Metrics like LOC. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. integration testing. Function Count. Musa and JM reliability model. Code Inspection. Software Requirement Analysis and Specifications: Structured Analysis. UNIT – II Software Project Planning: Cost estimation. Cause effect graphing. cyclomatic complexity. “Software Engineering”. Data Structure Metrics. Static Testing: Formal Technical Reviews. “Software Engineering: Theory and Practice”. Information Flow Metrics. load. Wiley India Pvt. UNIT – IV Software Testing: Functional testing: Boundary Value Analysis. Design Metrics. UNIT – I Introduction: Software Crisis-problem and causes. Latices and boolean algebra: Lattices. Venn Diagrams. “Schaum Outlines of Discrete Mathematics”.Vertices. Boolean Expression. Domain. Planar & Dual Graphs. Shortest Path Problem. 2. Eric Gosett. Proofs: Methods. Quantifiers. Normal Forms. UNIT – I Set Theory: Basic Set Theory. Ltd. Tata McGraw Hill. Composite relations. 3. Counting: Pigeonhole Principle. Co-domain. Properties. Hasse Diagram. Binomial Coefficients. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all.MS-15-14 DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Types of Graphs. Subgraphs. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. Equivalence. Paths and Circuits. Solution of Recurrence Relations by the method of Generating Function. UNIT –II Propositional Calculus: Propositional logic. Koshy T. Cut-set and Cut .Operations. Pearson India. Seymour Lipshutz.. Permutations and Combinations. Dual. Special Lattices. 1. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. “Discrete Mathematics”. Functions: Functions on Set. Divide and Conquer Algorithms and Recurrence Relations. Representation of Functions. Algebra of sets. 2. Coloring. Homomorphism. Predicates . “Discrete Mathematics And Its Applications”. Bipartite Graphs. Reference Books: 1. “Discrete Mathematics with proof”. Connectivity. Types of Tree. Partial Order and Total order relations. Kenneth G. In addition to question no. Operations on Sets. Complement of relations. Text Books: 1. “Discrete Mathematics with Applications”.. Inverse of relations. Terminology. Equivalent circuits. Wiley India Pvt. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. Rosen. Operations on Graphs. Types. Rules of Inference. In addition to compulsory question. Minimum Spanning Tree (MST). . Equivalences. Properties of tree. Identity and Inverse Functions. UNIT –IV Graphs: Introduction. Counting Principles. All questions will carry equal marks. Kenneth Ross. Relations: Binary Relations. Types of Lattices. Strategy. Solving Recurrence Relations. Elsevier India. Euler and Hamiltonian Graphs. Composition of Functions. Tata McGraw-Hill. Graph Isomorphism. Inclusion-Exclusion Principle. Representation of Graphs. Normal Forms. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. Nested Quantifiers. UNIT –III Advanced Counting Techniques: Recurrence Relations. Principle of Duality. Tree: Tree Notations. “Java-2 The complete Reference”. Input/Output Programming: Basics. string array and methods. Streams. . Wiley India Pvt. Text Books: 1. Byte code. All questions will carry equal marks. Byte and Character Stream. Ltd. 2.MS-15-21 JAVA PROGRAMMING Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. UNIT – I Introduction to Java: Importance and features of Java. thread classes. Layout managers and menus. Reference Books: 1. Graphics and Text. Branching and Looping. suspending. Decision Making. Beans: Introduction to Java Beans and Swings. resuming and stopping threads. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. return. uncaught exceptions. Wrapper classes: Basics types. class inheritance. Java Applet. Edition 3. Horstmann. constructors. Tata McGraw-Hill. animation. constants. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. messaging. Java virtual machine. Arrays and String: Creating an array. 1. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. using AWT controls. “Programming. In addition to compulsory question. Reading and writing from console and files. predefined streams. “Programming with Java”. continue. variables and Data Types. Vikas Publication House. Adapter and Inner Classes. In addition to question no. UNIT – III I/O Streams: String and String Buffer classes. Patrick Naughton and Herbertz Schildt. built in exception. jump statements: break. Multithreaded Programming: Fundamentals. one and two dimensional arrays. McGraw Hill. E Balaguruswamy. Exception Handling: Fundamentals exception types. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. handling Image. 3. Runnable interface. UNIT – II Packages and interfaces. Operators and Expressions. creating your own exceptions. throw exception. Keywords. Java thread model: synchronization. UNIT –IV Event Handling: Different Mechanism. “Computing Concepts with Java 2 Essentials”. using super. Event Classes. adding variables and methods. Working with windows. Multilevel hierarchy abstract and final classes. inter thread Communication. Introducing classes. sound and video. Decker & Hirshfield.Java”. objects and methods: defining a class. Event Listener Interfaces. the Delegation Event Model. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. creating objects. JDK. more. Communication-oriented commands. batch. Your Unix . Features of Linux/Unix. directory oriented commands. UNIT – IV Basic system administration in Linux/Unix. wait.The Ultimate Guide. job control . iseek. Interfacing with Unix/Linux system. A Practical Guide to Linux Commands. Introduction to Unix & Shell Programming.G. Unix & Shell programming – BPB Publications. uniq. The Complete Reference – Linux. open. subprograms. Stephen Prata. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Shell Programming: vi editor. etc.Venkateshmurthy. Simple filters viz.Sobell. umask. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. process oriented commands and other commonly used commands. 4. In addition to question no. In addition to compulsory question. mechanism of process creation. Mark G. diff. shell variables. Linux/Unix architecture. Text Books: 1. inodes and structure and file system. Sumitabha Das. Linux/Unix operating system. write. Linux/Unix file system: Linux/Unix files. fork. UNIT – I Introduction to Unix/Linux: Evolution of Unix/Linux. Reference Books: 1. loops. file system components. . Pearson Education. Advanced UNIX-A programmer’s Guide. McGraw-Hill. Editors. UNIT – II Regular expressions & Filters in Linux: Regular expressions and their use. exec. 2. 1. UNIT – III Processes in Linux : starting and stopping processes. SAMS Publication. M. close. stat. Commands in Unix/Linux: General-Purpose commands. sed. cron.MS-15-22 LINUX AND SHELL PROGRAMMING Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. grep. and Shell Programming. Yashwant Signal handling. fstat. control structures. system. System Calls: creat. creating shell scripts. sort. Tata McGraw-Hill. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. All questions will carry equal marks. unlink. File oriented commands. Unix/Linux distributions. initialization Processes. I/O in shell. 2. file system mounting and unmounting. wc. read. command line programming. time. file system types. link. Pearson Education. standard file system. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. Richard Petersen. chmod. 3. Ambiguity. Polynomial-Time Reductions and NP-Completeness. Simplification of Context Free Grammar. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. mapping reducibility. H. Construction of Context Free Grammar. Pearson Education. Peter Linz. Arden’s Theorem with proof. Finite Automata with E-Transitions. Pearson Education. Recursive and recursively. Removal of Ambiguity. Cengage Learning .J. “Introduction To Languages and Theory of Computation”. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Finite State System. 2. All questions will carry equal marks. 2. Elements of the theory of computation. Diagonalization method. C. Designing of PDA’s. 2009. CNF and GNF. The Cook-Levin Theorem. Pushdown Automaton: Introduction. Tomito's. Unit – I Computability and Non-computability and examples of non-computable problems. Russel's paradox. Types of PDA. Turing machines.&Ullman. emptiness and equivalence problems of languages.J. computable functions. Decidable languages. 4.. Application of Pumping Lemma. Reference Books: 1. Myhill-Nerode Theorem. Parsing: Early's. Pumping Lemma for CFL. examples. & Papadimitrious. In addition to question no. Krithivasan K. Equivalence of DFA and NFA with proof. “Introduction to the Theory of Computation”. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. McGraw Hill. Michael Sipser. Automata Theory and Computation”. Reduction.H. Cook-Kasami-Young. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. The halting problem. & Rama R. top-down and bottom-up methods Unit – III Linear Bounded Automata (LBA). Computational Complexity: Primitive recursive functions. Laws of Regular Expressions. Theory of Optimization.E. Parse Trees.R. Hopcroft. 1. Conversion from PDA to CFG and vice-versa. Properties and Limitations of FSM. Text Books 1. Regular Expression. Turing machines and other undecidable problems. Undecidable problems for Regular expressions. PHI 3. Formal languages and their relation to Automata. Recursion theorem. Lewis. Random Access Machines. Tractable and Intractable problems. Applications. Closure Properties of Regular Sets. Unit – II Grammar: Definition. Chomsky Classification of Grammars. TMs and Computers. Jones & Bartlete publications. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Martin. Some Other NP-Complete Problems. Derivation. Closure properties of CFL. decidable problems. An introduction to formal language & automata.“Introduction to Formal Languages. John C. Kleene’s Theorem 1 and 2.enumerable languages and Properties. Decidability: Post's correspondence problem. Extended Transition Function. FSM with Output: Moore and Mealy Machines. Designing of DFA and NDFA. Restricted TMs. In addition to compulsory question.D. Unit – IV Reducibility: The Set NP and Polynomial Verifiability. decidability of membership. Rice's theorem.MS-15-23 THEORY OF COMPUTATION Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Minimization of FA. variants of TMs. Recognition of Regular Expressions. 2. Lexical-Phase Errors. Symbol Table: Contents of Symbol Table.MS-15-24 COMPILER DESIGN Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Parse Trees and Syntax Trees. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. “Principles of Compiler Design. Storage Allocation in Block Structured Languages. . Unit – III Parsing Techniques: Top down & Bottom-up parsing. 3. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. Dhamdhere D. Need of Translators. Finite Automata and Regular Expressions. Lexical Analysis: Design of Lexical Analyzer. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Process of Lexical Analysis. Postfix Notation. Predictive Parsers. Quadruples. Unit – II Syntax-Directed Translation: Translation Schemes. Reference Books: 1. Reducible Flow Graphs. Issues in the design of a code generator. Error Detection and Recovery: Errors. Using Ambiguous Grammars. Left Recursion and its removal. Jean Paul Tremblay and Sorenson. Phases of Compilation process. Implementaion of Block Structured Languages. Syntactic Phase Errors. McGraw Hill. Lex package on UNIX systems. Alfred V Aho. Fischer. Code Optimization: Principle sources of Optimization. Operator Precedence parsing. Constructing LALR parsing tables. Run Time Storage Administration: Types of Storage Allocation Schemes. Intermediate code and its need. Shift Reduce parsing. Boolean Expressions. Aho. Compiler Construction Tools. Constructing LALR sets of items. an Automatic Parser Generator. McGraw Hill. Semantic Errors. Structure and Phases of Compiler. In addition to compulsory question. optimization of basic blocks. “The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing”. All questions will carry equal marks. Beck L. Constructing Canonical LR parsing tables. Implementation of LR parsing tables. Implementation of Syntax-Directed Translators. Register Allocation and Assignment statement. Bootstrapping. peephole optimization. YACC package on UNIX systems. Loop Invariant Computation. Pearson Education. Leland. Bootstrap compilers. Intermediate languages. Three-address code and its representations. Pearson Education. 2. and case statement. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus.M. Unit – I Compilers and Translators. & Ullman. System Software. 1. “Crafting a compiler in C”. Representating scope information. Data Structures used for symbol table. Recursive Descent parser. Loop Optimizations. Implementation of Stack Allocation Scheme. Text Books 1. Tools used for compilation. code improving transformation. Narosa Publishing House. System programming and operating system. Pearson Education. Generating intermediate code for declarative statement. Flow of Control. Global Data Flow Analysis. Automatic Construction of efficient Parsers: LR parsers. Single-Pass and Multi-Pass Compilers. the Canonical Collection of LR(0) items. Techniques and Tools. Boolean expression. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. 4. DAG Representation of Basic Blocks. Compilers Principles. Sethi. In addition to question no. Constructing SLR parsing tables. Unit – IV Intermediate Code Generation: Object programs. Lorensen. Use-Case diagram. UNIT – III State Modeling: Event. W. Eddy. Role names. Text Books: 1. Action. Class Design: bridging gap. In addition to compulsory question. Generalization. “Object-Oriented Modeling and Design”. relationships between class and state models. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. identifying concurrency. Annotational. use case relationships. adding operations System Design: estimating performance. Sequence diagram. “Object Oriented Analysis & Design”. Activity diagram. activity models. management of data stores. choosing software control strategies. Prentice Hall of India-1998 2. Transitions & Conditions. Reference Books: 1. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. “The Unified Modeling Language User Guide”. Purpose of modeling. F. Satzinger. Links & Associations. Modularity. Ordering. application state model. M. Application interaction model. Deployment diagram. Class Model – Object & Class. Object diagram. “Object-Oriented Modeling and Design with UML”. Grady Booch. allocating subsystems to processors and tasks. Jackson. Behavioral. Thomson. Realization. handling global resources. UNIT – I UML: Principles of modeling. UML Things – Structural. selecting an architect style. Pearson education. Pearson Education. UNIT – II Modeling as a Design Technique: Abstraction. James Rumbaugh. Execution. Relationships in UML – Dependency. system conception. Blaha. Burd. Activity. Common Divisions. Extensibility Mechanisms. Constructing class diagram. State. handling boundary conditions. UNIT – IV System Analysis & design: System development stages. sequence models. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Encapsulation. Grouping. Mechanisms in the UML – Specifications. Integrity. Typing. State diagrams. Pearson Education. All questions will carry equal marks. special constructs for activity models. concurrency. setting trade-off priorities. Aggregation. W. Association. Constraints. Nested state diagrams. Qualification. Concurrency. Generalization & Inheritance. UML Semantic Rules – Names. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. Ivar Jacobson. Metadata. analysis. . realize use cases with operations. iterating the analysis. Collaboration diagram. adjustment of inheritance. domain class model. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. J. M. Link attributes & Link class. Interaction Modeling: use case models. make a reuse plan. Scope. domain state model. 2. J. organize classes & associations. Persistence of objects. Premerlani. Grady Booch. Overview of diagrams in UML – Class diagram. Abstract class. Visibility. Component diagram. “Object-Oriented Analysis & Design with the Unified Process”. Hierarchy. application class model. Statechart diagram. Blaha. Rumbaugh. Adornments.MS-15-31 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN USING UML Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. 3. signal generalization. 1. design optimization. In addition to question no. designing algorithms. Rumbaugh. organize the system into subsystem. Association Ends Multiplicity. procedural sequence models. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. Pearson Education. Pearson Education. and Persistence. Naming conventions and Design Issues. Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas. Database Tuning in Relational Systems. McGraw Hill.. 3. UNIT – I Database System Concepts and Architecture: Three ... Replication. Data Integration and Software Interoperability Versioning and Compliance Issues. UNIT – II Object Model: Overview of Object-Oriented concepts. Constraints and characteristics of specialization and Generalization. Type hierarchies and Inheritance. Elsevier India. 1. Temporal Databases Concepts.M. and allocation techniques. Berman.. ER Diagrams. Elmasri and Navathe.MS-15-32 ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Jules J. Korth H.. XML Schema. Distributed database concepts. Deductive Databases. 2. All questions will carry equal marks. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Ullman J. 2. Query Processing and Optimization: Using Heuristics in Query Optimization. Failures and Legalities. Classes with Multiple Parents. UNIT – III Databases for Advance Applications: Architecture for parallel database. Stepwise Approach to Big Data Analysis. Object structure. Silberschatz A. Documents and Databases UNIT – IV Principles of Big Data: Ontologies and Semantics: Classifications. Pearson Education. Spatial and Multimedia Databases. “Fundamentals of Database Systems”.D. Widom J. “Database System Concepts”. In addition to question no. Object identity. Methods.. Inheritance. Data fragmentation. . Super classes. Active Database Concept and Triggers. Ontologies. Complex objects. Encapsulation of operations. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. EER model: Subclasses. Hector G. “Principles of Big Data”. “An Introduction to Database Systems”. Type constructors.J.. Overview of Client-Server Architecture. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. “Database Systems: The Complete Book”. Specialization and Generalization. Date C. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Semantic Query Optimization. The Simplest of Ontologies. Choosing a Class Model. In addition to compulsory question. Text Books: 1. Reference Books: 1.Schema Architecture and Data Independence. Sudarshan S. 2. Digital and Analog data and signals. PHI. ADSL Versus Cable. Transmission impairment. Multiplexing. Introduction to Example Networks: Internet. Leaky bucket. X.25. Packet Scheduling. UNIT – II Data Communication Model. Internet over Cable. Switching. Tanenbaum. Spread Spectrum. ISDN. Encoding: NRZ. Channel Capacity. Data Communications and Networking . Collision free protocols. Network Architecture. Gigabit Ethernet. ATM. 5th Edition. Wireless LAN Protocol: MACA. Random Early Detection. All questions will carry equal marks. 2. Hierarchical Routing. Buffering. Introduction to Wireless LANs. UNIT – I Introduction to Computer Networks and its uses. William Stallings. Wavelength Division Multiple access protocol. Computer Networks. CSMA protocols. OSI Reference model. Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP Models. Fast Ethernet. Error Detection and Correction. Network categorization and Hardware. Shortest path Routing. Token Ring and FDDI. Broadcast and Multi Cast Routing. Traffic Shaping. Flow Control: Sliding Window Protocols. Computer Communications and Networking Technologies – CENGAGE learning. In addition to compulsory question. bit rate. Topologies. Michael A. Wireless transmission. Congestion Control Algorithms: General Principals. bandwidth. NRZ-I. Binary Exponential Backoff algorithm. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Admission Control. Gallo. 1. Manchester and Differential Manchester encoding. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. Network Software: Protocols. token bucket. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. baud. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. 5th Edition – PHI. Guided Transmission Media. Framing. Resource Reservation. Andrew S. Frame Relay. Routing Algorithms: Optimality principle. Medium Access Control: Aloha. Congestion Control in Datagram Subnets: Choke packets. Satellite communication. Text Books: 1. Reference Books: 1. TCP/IP Reference model. . local loop. Services. Data and Computer Communications. Link State Routing. UNIT – III Data Link Layer Design issues. Behrouz A Forouzan. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. Congestion control in Virtual – Circuit Subnets. Design issues for the layers. UNIT – IV Network Layer Design issues .MS-15-33 COMPUTER NETWORKS Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. In addition to question no. The Mobile Telephone System. William M. Ethernet LAN. Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission. Virtual Circuit and Datagram Subnet. Limited Contention Protocols. Distance Vector Routing. Modems and ADSL.Tata Mc-Graw Hill. Hancock. High Speed LANs. Flooding . Routing for Mobile hosts. Load Shedding. Quality of Service: Over provisioning. Jitter Control. Distributed File System Design. 2. Processes and Threads. Group communication. What is Shared memory?. Deadlocks in Distributed Systems. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. Remote Procedure call. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. Characteristics. Andrew S. Software concepts. “Operating System Concepts”. Distributed File System implementation. Atomic transactions. In addition to question no. UNIT – II Synchronization in Distributed System. Trends in Distributed File System. Client Server Resource Access. 1. Hard ware concepts. and Multiprocessor Operating Systems”. UNIT – I Introduction to Distributed Systems. Processors allocation. Rajib Mall. Peter Baer Galvin. Ltd. Applications of Real Time Systems. 2001. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. Election algorithms. Tata McGraw Hill. 3. Introduction. “Real Time Systems: Theory and Practice”. System Models. Fault tolerance. Database. ATM networks. UNIT – III Distributed File Systems. Distributed Shared Memory. Memory Management Text Books: 1. Real Time Task Scheduling. Consistency models. Distributed Operating Systems. Abraham Silberschatz. Page based Distributed Shared memory. Shivaratri. Scheduling in Distributed System. Process and processors in Distributed System threads.MS-15-34 ADVANCED OPERATING SYSTEMS Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Micro Kernel Design. “Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems Distributed. Greg Gagne. Design issues. Tanenbanm . Handling Resource Sharing. Real time Distributed System. All questions will carry equal marks. 2006 4. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Shared – variable Distributed Shared memory. Communication in Distributed Systems. Wiley India Pvt. Clock Synchronization. UNIT – IV REAL TIME AND MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS : Basic Model of Real Time Systems. In addition to compulsory question. Object based Distributed Shared Memory. Pearson Education India. Lay red Protocols. Mobile Operating Systems. Mukesh Singhal and Niranjan G. The Client – sever model. Mutual Exclusion. Switching Flow. Maro Fischer. JSP. Ltd. Kogent Learning. break. Buffering. Tuning MYSQL. dynamic contents. robots. DNS caching and prefetching. residence time of website. Form processing. keywords. XML. UNIT – IV Introduction to PHP: Installing and Configuring MySQL and PHP. Website Marketing”. Looping constructs. Text Books: 1. content management system. Variables. Using query caching. selection of URL. scripts. Newsletters. Objects: String. Persistent Connections. Weblog Optimization and Security: Parallel Downloading. CSS Expressions and performance. Java. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. alt tags. Peter Smith. UNIT – I Introduction: Web Browsers. poor readability. quick change of topics. tools for optimization: etracking.J. Apache.. Pearson Education. broken links. rigid layouts.M. All questions will carry equal marks. Strings Processing. Operators and Expressions. “Web Technologies: HTML. Wiley India Pvt. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. Boolean. Ltd. Operators. AJAX – Black Book”. Basic Security Guidelines. Control Structures. UNIT – III Introduction to JavaScript: Introduction. Firewall Media. Marketing of Website: traffic generation. Wiley India Pvt. Optimization. Flow Control Functions. JavaScript. Naramore. Optimizing query execution and optimization. Boronczyk. Optimizing images. Search engine optimization for individual web pages: header entries. using cookies. Google analytics. SQL injections. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Caching. frames. page rank of Google. using cookies. Deitel H. click rate. MySQL Web Development”. Control size with minification. doorway pages. Reference Books: 1.. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Window. Controlling caches. 2. passing arrays to function. Objects. navigation styles. “Professional Website performance”. Pitfalls in Optimization: optimization and testing. 3. keyword density. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. . Data Types. Loops. continue statements. Downloading and Rendering. memory concepts. Load balancers. “ Website Boosting: Search Engine. tags. PHP. document. Usability. Obtaining user inputs. Array declaration and allocation. “Beginning PHP. 2. 1. advertisements. In addition to question no. Search engine optimization for entire website: Hyperlinks and link structure.MS-15-41 ADVANCED WEB TECHNOLOGY Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Ltd. Security: SQL: query log. Programmer defined functions. “Internet & World wide Web: How to program”. Constants. UNIT – II Search engines: Searching techniques used by search engines. Connecting to database. Date. Content compression. Wiley India Pvt. New Delhi. Deitel P. checklists. duplicate contents. Code Blocks and Browser Output. Scoping rules. In addition to compulsory question. Recursion and iteration. cookies. Handling Events Using JavaScript. matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates. Reflection . Components and working of Interactive Graphics. Tweening. Tata McGraw Hill. Computer Graphics. Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping. Cohen-Sutherland line clipping. Coordinate Representations. Introduction to Animation. Apurva A. Arup Chattopadhyay. Zhigang Xiang.. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. 4. rotation. Bresenham’s circle drawing. Desai. Shearing. joystick. mid-point subdivision line clipping. Pakhira. viewport. PHI. Malay K. Interactive Input and Output Devices: keyboard. Foley etc. Text Books: 1. 2. Phong shading. 7. McGraw Hill.P. 3. Generation of ellipse. BSP-Tree method. printers. Multimedia and Animation. Donald Hearn. Refresh CRT. Ray casting. Roy Plastock. Liang-Barsky line clipping. Filled-Area Primitives: Flood fill algorithm. McGraw Hill. LookUp tables. Newmann & Sproull. 6. Fractals. perspective projection. Computer Graphics. Computer Graphics. zooming. In addition to compulsory question. image scanners. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Pearson Education. PHI . Shading: Modelling light intensities. D. area subdivision. Pearson Education. mouse. Aspect Ratio. UNIT – II Drawing Geometry: Symmetrical and Simple DDA line drawing algorithm. Reference Books: 1. Boundary fill algorithm. drawing Bezier curves. light pen. scaling and rotation. general fixed point scaling. parallel projection: Orthographic and oblique projection. Scan-line polygon fill algorithm UNIT – III 2-D Transformations: translation. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics. depth-sorting.MS-15-42 COMPUTER GRAPHICS Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Gouraud shading. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics and Multimedia. Rogers. UNIT – IV 3-D Graphics: 3-D modeling of objects. general pivot point rotation. 2-D viewing transformation. scaling. panning. Color CRT monitors. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. All questions will carry equal marks. Symmetrical DDA for drawing circle. 2-D Viewing: window. interlacing. M. 5. Touch Panels. Weiler-Atherton polygon Clipping Pointing and positioning techniques. loading frame buffer. Introduction to Computer Graphics and Multimedia. Vikas Publications. Computer Graphics. trackball. Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics. UNIT – I Introduction to Computer Graphics and its applications. Hidden surface removal: Z-buffer. circle drawing using polar coordinates. Anirban Mukhopadhyay. PHI. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. 1. Clipping operations: point and line clipping. composite transformations. Display Processors. Morphing. digitizers. In addition to question no. Mukherjee. Polynomial method for circle drawing. 3D transformation matrices for translation. Resolution. Plasma Panel and LCD monitors. plotters. Bresenham’s line Algorithm. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Reflection about an arbitrary line. Video Display Devices: Raster scan and Random Scan displays. rubber band technique. Pauline Baker. dragging. Computer Graphics Principles & Practice. Graphics Software. Voice systems. parametric representation of cubic curves. 2. 2D mesh. barrel shifter. multiway branches. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. branch penalties and schemes to reduce them. Approaches to branch handling – delayed branching. Fundamentals of Parallel Processing. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Advanced Computer Architecture. Morgan Kaufmann. branch detection and prediction schemes. 1. loop scheduling. 2006. principle and general structure of pipelines. Direct Interconnection Networks: Linear array. UMA. VLIW architecture.Basic block scheduling. 2. parallel execution. pended & split transaction buses. Hennessey. In addition to compulsory question. crossbar. Boolean. Code Scheduling for ILPProcessors . arbiter logics. software based protocols. tree. hypercubes. load and store instructions. register renaming. L. guarded execution UNIT – III MIMD Architectures: Concepts of distributed and shared memory MIMD architectures. evolution and interpretation of computer architecture. . Sima. problems of scalable computers. performance measures of pipeline. Gita Alaghband. Pearson Education. chordal rings. Patterson and J. Computer Architecture – A Quantitative Approach. hierarchical cache coherence protocols. shelving. ring. Harry F. Classification of parallel architectures. comparison of bandwidths of locked. Nicholas Carter. Kai Hwang. 3. McGraw Hill. Fountain.MS-15-43 ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Fifth Edition. D. Pearson Education. Advanced Computer Architecture. Jordan. butterfly Cache coherence problem. NUMA. comparison of VLIW & superscalar processors Branch Handling: Branch problem. pipelined processing of integer. Relationships between programming languages and parallel architectures Parallel Processing:: Types and levels of parallelism. UNIT – I Computational Model: Basic computational models. Computer Architecture. preserving sequential consistency of instruction execution and exception processing. multistage networks – omega. dependencies between instructions. superscalar instruction issue. concept of computer architecture as a multilevel hierarchical framework. Reference Books: 1. CCNUMA & COMA models. In addition to question no. global scheduling UNIT – II Superscalar Processors: Emergence of superscalar processors. All questions will carry equal marks. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. star. Instruction Level Parallel (ILP) processors. 2. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. Kacsuk. UNIT – IV Dynamic interconnection networks: single shared buses. A. Tasks of superscalar processing – parallel decoding. Text Books: 1. hardware based protocols – snoopy cache protocol. McGraw Hill. directory schemes. SLA management in cloud. packages. Ltd. auditing. Deployment & management services. Content delivery services. date/time operations. cloud contracting models. Wiley India Pvt. Cloud Computing – Principles and Paradigms. roots of clouds. identity & access management. E-mail services. 2. layers enhancement of federation. Wiley India Pvt. Cloud Computing: Web-Based Applications That Change the Way You Work and Collaborate Online. characteristics. UNIT – IV Developing for Cloud: Design considerations for cloud applications. Migrating into a Cloud: broad approaches. advantages & disadvantages of Cloud Computing. file handling. Cloud Computing – A Hands-on Approach. Michael Miller. In addition to question no. Identity & access management services. Que Publishing. Notification services. In addition to compulsory question. Vijay Madisetti. federation scenarios. cloud application design methodologies. Case studies of these services. Analytics services. 1. 2. Cloud Computing Bible. private. Cloud Computing. UNIT – II Cloud Services & Platforms: Compute services. Federated & Multimedia Cloud Computing: architecture. reference architectures for cloud applications. Media services. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. 3. University Press. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. Ltd. data storage approaches Python for Cloud: Python characteristics. UNIT – I Cloud Computing: Definition. network virtualization. Rajkumar Buyya. Storage services Database services. Cloud Computing Best Practices for Managing and Measuring Processes for On-demand Computing. Python web application framework – Django. Queuing services. Ltd. application virtualization. CSA cloud security architecture. features of federation types. UNIT – III SLA Management in Cloud Computing: traditional approaches to SLA management. authorization. Multimedia Cloud. Application Services. Applications and Data Centers in the Cloud with SLAs. types of SLA. seven-step model to migrate Virtualization: benefits & drawbacks of virtualization. Andrzej Goscinski. data types & data structures. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. hybrid. storage virtualization. life cycle of SLA. functions. Barrie Sosinsky. 2nd Edition. virtualization technologies. virtualization types – operating system virtualization. Haley Beard. Text Books 1. Wiley India Pvt. community. All questions will carry equal marks. Legal Issues in Cloud Computing: data privacy and security issues. automated policy-based management. modules. Arshdeep Bahga. Emereo Pvt Limited. Reference Books 1. control flows. authentication. classes. . James Broberg. 3. Saurabh Kumar. Cloud Security: challenges. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. data security.MS-15-44(I) CLOUD COMPUTING Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. platform virtualization. Cloud Architecture – public. CYK.C. Reference Books: 1. Image sampling and Quantization. All questions will carry equal marks. RGB. Steps in digital image processing. Point and Mask based techniques. CMYK. In addition to compulsory question. Annadurai. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. William K. Topological Descriptors. LZW Coding. Smoothening and sharpening of images. Text Book: 1. Ganzalez R. Histogram processing.E. Ltd. Wiley India Pvt. Signatures. Majumder D. “Digital Image Processing”.. Texture. Color models. Components of an Image Processing system.. HIS.. Elsevier India. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all.. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus.. Simple Descriptors. UNIT – III Image Restoration: Model of Image Degradation/Restoration process. Jain A. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. Least Square Restoration. Line and Edge Detection. “Digital Image Processing”. “Digital Image Processing”. 2. Image Compression Fundamentals: Lossless and Lossy Compression. Sonka Milan.. UNIT – II Filtering in frequency domain: Fourier Series and Transform.MS-15-44(II) DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Image Enhancement: Intensity transformations and spatial filtering. Gonzalez R. Veerakumar T. Color characteristics. “Digital Image Processing with MATLAB and LABVIEW”. Vipula Singh. Thresholding. Chanda B. Smoothing and sharpening spatial filters. Inverse filtering. Discrete Fourier Transform. Point. Fundamentals of spatial filtering. full color image processing. Transform Coding. Noise models.K. UNIT – I Introduction to Digital Image Processing. UNIT – IV Image Segmentation: Fundamentals. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. 6. Pratt. Region-Based Segmentation. Bit-Plane Coding. color transformations. “Fundamental of Digital Image Processing”. Predictive Coding. .. Run-Length Coding. In addition to question no. “Digital Image Processing”. Arithmetic Coding. Tata McGraw Hill.C. 1. Pearson Education. Polygonal Approximations. Compression standards. “Digital Image Processing with MATLAB”. Homomorphic Filtering. Tata McGraw Hill. Shape Numbers. Relationships between pixels. Jayaraman S. PHI Learning. PHI Learning. “Image Processing Analysis and Machine vision”. Pseudo color image processing. Chain Codes. 4. Color Image Processing: Color Fundamentals. “Digital Image Processing and Analysis”. Pearson Education. 2. Wavelet Coding. YIQ models. 7.. Cengage Learning. Woods R. Linear. Boundary Descriptors. Regional Descriptors. Image Representation: Boundary Representation. Basic Compression Methods: Huffman Coding. 3. Frequency Domain Filtering Fundamentals. Applications of digital image processing. Esakkirajan S. Mean Square Error Restoration. 5. Dutta. Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA). Multilayer Perceptron Model. 2. ANN training Algorithms-perceptions.. Prentice-Hall. N. An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms. 1998. Sun. UNIT – I Basic concepts of neuro-computing: Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and their biological roots and motivations.India. Optimization. Training rules.MS-15-44(III) SOFT COMPUTING Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all.. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. Simulated Annealing. Membership Function. UNIT – III Genetic Algorithm (GA): Evolutionary computing. E. optimization problems and traditional optimization methods. differences between GA & traditional methods. Kohonen self organizing networks. Genetic Algorithms in Search. Hopfield Networks. Goldberg D. Memetic Algorithms. Holland’s schemata theorem. Fuzzy Logic: Classical Logic. Intersections. Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft computing. Crossover. Fuzzy rule generation. Combinations of Operations. Wiley . Question Number 1 will be compulsory. 3. Sivanandam & S. Aggregation Operations. encoding schemes. 2. ANN architecture.J. conditions for evolution. Principles of Soft Computing. Haykin. Pearson Education. Ant Colony Optimization. Back Propagation Algorithm. mutation and replacement. UNIT – IV Random Optimization. Applications of Artificial Neural Networks. Hebbian learning. Reference Books: 1. N. Mizutani. Arithmetic Operations on Intervals & Numbers. In addition to question no. Tabu Search. Fuzzy Arithmetic: Fuzzy Numbers. Unions. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logic. and Machine Learning. Particle Swarm Optimization. Linguistic Variables. Learning rules. Fuzzy Equations. Pearson Education. Mitchell M. & Yuan B. Competitive learning networks. The boltzman machine. All questions will carry equal marks. Klir G. Mathematical Models of Neurons. UNIT – II Introduction to Fuzzy Logic: Classical and Fuzzy Sets: Overview of Classical Sets. Operations on Fuzzy Sets: Compliment. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. PHI. Associative Memories. S. Applications.. Text Books: 1. Delta. 4. In addition to compulsory question. Neural networks: a comprehensive foundation. 1. . Deepa. Unsupervised and reinforcement Learning. Pearson Education. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. Learning ParadigmsSupervised. different types of operators: Selection. Lattice of Fuzzy Numbers. Jang. Security in Computing. Types of firewall. Reference Books: 1. IT Security Plan. Network Security Controls. Firewall Basing. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. In addition to compulsory question. Characteristics. Database Encryption. Security Risk assessment. Sensitive Data. Ethical Issues. IPv4 and IPv6 Security. Linux Vulnerability. Security Functional Requirements. UNIT – II Database Security: Database Management System. Viruses and other Malicious Code. 1. 2. Control against Program Threats. File System Security. Pfleeger & Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. “Computer Security Principles and Practice”. Public Key Infrastructure. Intellectual Property. Program Security: Secure Program.509 678. Targeted Malicious Code. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. Window Security Architecture. Computer Security Strategies. Cybercrime and Computer Crime. Recovery form Physical Security Breaches. X. Windows Security Defense. William Stalling. Database Access Control. Inference. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. Reliability and Integrity. Goals of IDS. Non-malicious Program Error. Kerberos 672.Need for firewall.Types. UNIT – IV Physical Security Threats. IDS strengths and Limitations. Security Auditing Architecture. In addition to question no. Pearson Education. . Windows Vulnerability. All questions will carry equal marks. Attacks and Assets. Computer Security Trends. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Relational Databases. Security Architecture and Scope of Computer Security. Privacy. Firewall. Security Audit Trail. Pearson Education. P. Browser Defenses. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus. Security Requirements. Linux Security Model. Physical Security Prevention and Mitigation Measures.MS-15-44(IV) SECURITY IN COMPUTING Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Network Security: Threats in Network. Intrusion Detection System. UNIT – I Computer Security Concepts. Lawrie Brown. Security Controls or Safeguard. Linux System Hardening. UNIT – III Internet Security Protocols and Standards: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS). Charles. Threats. Application Security. Secondary Indexes.Bayesian Modeling . “Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave: Finding Opportunities in Huge Data Streams with Advanced Analytics”. Systems and Analytics Applications . Strict & Casual Consistency. Test of independence. association. Two Phase Commit. Ltd.Rule Induction. Fern Halper. CQL Scripts from the command prompt. Inferential statistics and predictive analytics. MichelineKamber “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”.Support Vector and Kernel Methods .Analysis vs Reporting . David J. Import and export data.Prediction Error. “Making Sense of Data”. Elsevier India. Analytic Processes and Tools . Statistics by S. Big Data vs. Referential Integrity. Second Edition.Multivariate Analysis . Wiley India Pvt. Create and modify Users. 6. Sharding & Share Nothing Architecture.MS-15-44(V) DATA ANALYTICS Maximum marks: 100 External: 80 Time: 3 hours Internal: 20 Note: Examiner will be required to set NINE questions in all. Wide Rows.Modern Data Analytic Tools.Re-Sampling . Key Based. decision trees. All questions will carry equal marks. 5. Business value of Analytics and Data Science.Casandra . regression.Nonlinear Dynamics . Confidence Interval and Tests of Significance. O’Reilly. Writing and Reading Data. Sorting. Typical problems solved with data science. Column Orientation. Creating Keyspace and Column Family. ANOVA UNIT – III FRAMEWORKS AND VISUALIZATION : MapReduce – Hadoop. Anand Rajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman. Distributed & Decentralized. Question Number 1 will consist of objective type/short-answer type questions covering the entire syllabus.Inference and Bayesian Networks . 8. student will have to attempt four more questions selecting one question from each Unit. “Big Data Glossary”. Springer. 1. Question Number 1 will be compulsory. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Cassandra Definition & Features. Capture CQL output to a file. classification. Skinny Rows. Alan Nugent. “Intelligent Data Analysis”. Big Data for Dummies by Judith Hurwitz. Ltd. Cluster.Statistical Inference . High Availability & Fault Tolerance. 2. Lookup Table Based. conventional data. UNIT – II DATA ANALYSIS : Regression Modeling . UNIT – I Introduction: Need of Big Data. Cambridge University Press. Materialized Views. C. Student will be required to attempt FIVE questions in all. Big Data Platform. MapR – Sharding – NoSQL Databases . 2007. UNIT – IV NoSQL Database concepts. Feature Based.Intelligence from unstructured information-Text analytics. Pete Warden. Schema Free.Analysis of Time Series: Linear Systems Analysis . High Performance. Chi square. Myatt. Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney 9. 7. Wiley India Pvt. Reprinted 2008. CQL scripts from within CQL. Data Manipulation Language (DML). DeNormalisation. Jiawei Han. Tuneable Consistency. Hand. 4. Analytics Modeling. . CQLData Definition language(DDL) Statements. Elastic Scalability. Elsevier India. Introduction to Data Science & Analytics. In addition to question no.Visual Data Analysis Techniques Interaction Techniques. Bill Franks. Design Patterns. In addition to compulsory question.Analytics using Statistical packages-Approaches to modeling in Analytics – correlation. 2011. Michael Berthold. Statistical Concepts: Sampling Distributions . 3.Hadoop Distributed File Systems – Visualizations . Hive. Dr. Glenn J. “Mining of Massive Datasets”. the examiner is required to set eight more questions selecting two from each unit. Schema. Gupta. User permission.
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