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ROADS and TRAFFIC AUTHORITY NSWQA SPECI FI CATI ON G1 J OB SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Copyright - Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, 2005 VERSION FOR: Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair DATE: J anuary 2008 Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair 1 CONTENTS 1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Description of Works.....................................................................................................1 1.2 Structure of the Specification.........................................................................................3 2 SURVEILLANCE ..............................................................................................................................3 3 WORK PROGRAM ...........................................................................................................................4 4 PRICING..........................................................................................................................................4 5 ANNEXURE GL/1 – SPECIFICATIONS..............................................................................................1 6 ANNEXURE GL/2 – REFERENCE DOCUMENTS................................................................................. 7 ANNEXURE G1/C - SCHEDULES OF HOLD POINTS, WITNESS POINTS AND IDENTIFIED RECORDS... C1 Schedule Of Hold Points and Witness points................................................................... 8 ANNEXURES G1/D TO G1/L – (NOT USED) ...................................................................................... 9 ANNEXURE G1/M – REFERENCED DOCUMENTS.............................................................................. Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair 1 RTA QA SPECIFICATION G1 JOB SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1 GENERAL A major overhaul of the Wardell bridge situated approximately 10kms south of Ballina is currently been undertaken. As part of this work four large counterweight sheaves were removed from the bridge primarily to assist with the replacement of their bearings and to clean and repaint them. However, following the sand blasting process, metal loss due to corrosion was observed across the running surface of the sheaves in various locations and to various degrees. In general 3 of the sheaves have significant corrosion across the running surface of the sheave, and in particular the outside grooves appear to be corroded the most. A sketch of where the corrosion has occurred on the sheaves is detailed in Attachment A. Details of the counterweight sheaves including dimensions given are given in Attachment B. Work generally involves the repair of the corroded surface by machining out the corroded profile, then building up the profile using submerged arc welding and machining back to reform the original profile. Additionally various NDT will be undertaken throughout the repair process in order to ensure the quality and integrity of the repair. It is anticipated that the process set out below will demonstrate that the quality of repair has been carried out to the highest quality standard and if any defect have occurred as a result of the repair. It is therefore essential that there is sufficient testing and documentation that demonstrates the repair has not altered the mechanical and chemical properties of the sheave material. The Contractor can at stage through the process request additional testing to ensure the above intention is met. Metal samples of the sheaves have been sent to Anthony Thomas of Bureau Veritas for chemical analysis. Anthony can be contacted at the address given below to obtain the results: 29 Rosegum Close, Warabrook NSW 2304 PO Box 96, Hunter Region Mail Centre NSW 2310 Tel: +61 (0) 2 4967 2788 Fax: +61 (0) 2 4960 1030 Direct: +61 (0) 2 4908 2502 Mobile: +61 0425253719 Email :[email protected] Web : The RTA will be responsible for the pickup and delivery of the sheaves only. 1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORKS The scope of the repairs involves but is not limited to the following: a. RTA to deliver 4 off sheaves to the Contractor’s site facilities, metal analysis report for each sheave is available, see information above. b. Sheaves to undergo light sand blast to remove the paint prime coat. G1 Job Specific Requirements 2 Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair c. Prior to work commencing a quality plan is to be submitted for approval, this shall include the following: proposed procedures for blasting, cleaning, testing, preheating including maintaining the preheat, welding, stress relieving, machining, painting and any other procedure related to this repair work. Additional it shall include the Contractor’s Inspection and Test plan (ITP) HOLD POINT Process Held: Sheave testing Submission Details: Project Quality Plan and Inspection and Test Plan Release of Hold Point: Approval by Principal d. Prior to any repairs being undertaken magnetic particle testing to be undertaken to 100% of the rope groves surface and additionally on the other areas of the sheave surface, locations that fall outside the requirements of AS2574 are to be recorded. e. Areas that fall outside of AS2574 will require a radiographic test and records retained. Radiographic testing is to comply with AS3507, Ultrasonic Testing is to comply with AS 2574. f. Following the testing a full visual assessment of all 4 sheaves is to be undertaken, this combined with the above-mentioned testing shall determine the full scope of repairs. This will include the repairs to the running surface and any other defects, corrosion or cracks observed in other locations on the sheave. The detailed scope of repairs together with the results of the testing shall be then submitted to the RTA for approval together with the documentation discussed earlier. HOLD POINT Process Held: Repair of Sheaves. Submission Details: Details of final scope of work and results of testing. Release of Hold Point: Approval by Principal g. Sheaves grooves are to be machined to remove the corroded areas. In other areas suitable preparation is to be undertaken. h. Submerged arc welding to be undertaken in accordance with RTA welding specifications listed below. i. Approved stress relieving process to be applied. j. Machine back profile to original. Job Specific Requirements G1 Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair 3 k. Ultrasonic and X-ray any areas identified as defective from f, and other randomly chosen locations so that a total of 4 separate areas are radiographed. l. Carry out 100% ultrasonic and 100% magnetic particle testing to the remainder of the sheave surface. m. A final report is to be submitted to the RTA for approval detailing the findings of the testing ie reporting on lack of fusion, shrinkage or cracking or any other defect observed as a result of the repair process. HOLD POINT Process Held: Prime painting of the sheave. Submission Details: Final report Release of Hold Point: Approval by the Principal. n. Following testing and signoff by the RTA sheaves to be primed painted to the attached RTA specification B220. 1.2 STRUCTURE OF THE SPECIFICATION This Specification includes Annexure G1/L that details additional requirements. 1.2.3 Referenced Documents Unless otherwise specified or is specifically supplied by the Principal, the applicable issue of a referenced document is the issue current at the date one week before the agreed price, or where no issue is current at that date, the most recent issue. Codes, standards, specifications and test methods are referred to in abbreviated form (eg AS 1234). For convenience, the full titles are given in Annexure GL/1. 2 SURVEILLANCE RTA surveillance officers shall be present to surveil the work processes in particular, the preheat, welding and the stress relieving must be witnessed by the RTA Surveillance Officer. The Inspection and Test Plan, submitted by the Contractor as part of its Project Quality Plan, must address this requirement. The hold points for welding procedure qualifications etc. are nominated in B204. G1 Job Specific Requirements 4 Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair 3 WORK PROGRAM A program of work is to be submitted two weeks in advance in order for RTA to plan its surveillance of the work. 4 PRICING TBC Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair 1 5 ANNEXURE GL/1 – SPECIFICATIONS RTA B200 Major Steel Structural Members RTA B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures RTA B220 Protective Treatment of Steel Work AS2574 NDT – Ultrasonic Testing AS3507 NDT – Radiographic Testing Edition 2/Revision 1 ROADS and TRAFFIC AUTHORITY NSW May 2000 QA SPECIFICATION B200 FABRICATION OF MAJ OR STEEL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS Copyright - Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, 2000 RNIC-QA-B200 VERSION For: Wardell Bridge Sheaves DATE: J anuary 2008 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2 /Rev 1 i CONTENTS CLAUSE PAGE REVISIONS TO EDITION 2.............................................................................................................1 PROJ ECT SPECIFIC CHANGES.......................................................................................................1 1 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Scope...................................................................................................................1 1.2 Reference Documents.........................................................................................1 1.3 Provision for Surveillance..................................................................................2 1.4 Provision for Auditing........................................................................................2 2 ADDITIONAL QUALITY PLAN REQUIREMENTS....................................................................3 2.1 Quality Management...........................................................................................3 2.2 Procedures...........................................................................................................3 2.3 Fabrication Programme.......................................................................................3 2.4 Shop Drawings....................................................................................................4 3 MATERIALS........................................................................................................................5 3.1 General................................................................................................................5 3.2 Testing of Structural Steel for Sections, Plates and Bars...................................5 3.3 Restrictions on Use of Weld Repaired Steel and Steel with Repaired Surface Defects................................................................................................................5 3.4 Identification of Materials..................................................................................5 3.5 Precutting of Steel by Merchants and Suppliers.................................................6 3.6 Storage of Materials............................................................................................6 3.7 Defective Materials.............................................................................................6 4 FABRICATION.....................................................................................................................7 4.1 Commencement of Fabrication...........................................................................7 4.2 Dimensional Tolerances.....................................................................................7 4.3 Straightening.....................................................................................................18 4.4 Plates and Flats.................................................................................................18 4.5 Cutting and Edge Treatment.............................................................................18 4.6 Repair of Material Surface Defects..................................................................20 4.7 Splices...............................................................................................................20 4.8 Cambering.........................................................................................................20 4.9 Bending.............................................................................................................20 4.10 Identification Marks..........................................................................................21 4.11 End Preparation of Girder Segments................................................................21 4.12 Correction of Distortion....................................................................................21 5 HOLES FOR BOLTING.......................................................................................................21 5.1 General..............................................................................................................21 5.2 Sub-Punched and Sub-Drilled Holes................................................................21 5.3 Reamed or Drilled Holes..................................................................................21 5.4 Holes for Field Connections.............................................................................22 5.5 Alignment.........................................................................................................22 B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members ii Ed 2/Rev 1 6 WELDING..........................................................................................................................22 6.1 Welding Requirements......................................................................................22 7 SHOP ASSEMBLY ..............................................................................................................22 8 CERTIFICATION OF FABRICATION.....................................................................................23 9 MARKING, PACKING AND HANDLING...............................................................................23 10 PROTECTIVE TREATMENT.................................................................................................24 11 TRANSPORT TO SITE .........................................................................................................24 ANNEXURE B200/1 - SCHEDULES OF HOLD AND WITNESS POINTS AND IDENTIFIED RECORDS..25 ANNEXURE B200/2 - GUIDANCE ON TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS..............................................26 LAST PAGE OF B200 IS..............................................................................................................26 (RTA COPYRIGHT) Ed 2/ Rev 1 1 RTA QA SPECIFICATION B200 FABRICATION OF MAJOR STEEL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS REVISIONS TO EDITION 2 This document is based on RTA Specification B200 Edition 2 Revision 0 ⎯October 1998. All revisions to RTA B200 Ed 2/Rev 0 (other than minor editorial and project specific changes) have been indicated by a vertical line in the margin as shown here. PROJECT SPECIFIC CHANGES Any project specific changes have been indicated in the following manner: (a) The text which is additional to the base document and which is included in the Specification is shown in bold italics eg Additional Text. (b) Text which has been deleted from the base document and which is not included in the Specification is shown struck out eg Deleted Text. 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE This Specification sets out the requirements for materials, fabrication, shop assembly, marking, packing, handling and transport to the bridge site of steel girders, columns and other structural members fabricated from plates and/or rolled sections. Welding shall be carried out in accordance with RTA B204. This Specification shall not apply to the fabrication of steel railings, lighting columns, expansion joints, protection angles, bearings or piles. 1.2 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Unless otherwise specified the applicable issue of a reference document, except RTA specifications, shall be the issue current at the date one week before the closing date for tenders. Standards, specifications and test methods are referred to in abbreviated form (eg AS 1100). For convenience the full titles are given below: Australian Standards AS 1100 Technical drawings (parts as appropriate) (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 2 Ed 2/ Rev 1 AS 1101.3 Graphical symbols for general engineering - Welding and non- destructive examination. AS/NZS 1554.1 Welding of steel structures AS 2812 Welding, brazing and cutting of metals - Glossary of terms AS/NZS 3678 Structural steel- Hot-rolled plates, floor plates and slabs AS/NZS 3679.1 Structural steel- Hot-rolled bars and sections AS/NZS 3679.2 Structural steel- Welded I sections AS 4100 Steel Structures AS/NZS ISO 9002 Quality system - Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing RTA Specifications RTA B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures RTA B220 Protective Treatment of Steelwork RTA B260 Erection of Structural Steelwork RTA Q Quality System Australian Institute of Steel Construction Bolting of Steel Structures, Third edition - includes limit states provisions to AS 4100. Welding Technology Institute of Australia Technical Notes Technical Note 5 “Flame Cutting of Steels” Technical Note 19 “Cost Effective Quality Management for Welding” TN 19-95 1.3 PROVISION FOR SURVEILLANCE The Superintendent shall have full liberty during all working hours to enter the fabrication shop for the purpose of surveillance. The Contractor shall provide reasonable assistance, suitable accommodation for the Superintendent at the fabrication site and full access to the works for this purpose. Alternatively the Superintendent may approve office accommodation provided by the Contractor in an existing building in the vicinity of the fabrication shop. 1.4 PROVISION FOR AUDITING When required for the purpose of auditing, the Contractor shall lay out and arrange the individual members or units so that identification marks on each may be readily distinguished and so that each member or unit is accessible. The Contractor shall assist by turning the members or parts to permit examination on all sides. The Contractor shall bear the cost of all labour, tools, scaffolding and other equipment required for this purpose. The Contractor shall also make available at the site of the fabrication work suitable facilities to accommodate an audit team of three persons for Scheduled Audits. The cost of providing such facilities shall be borne by the Contractor. (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 3 2 ADDITIONAL QUALITY PLAN REQUIREMENTS 2.1 QUALITY MANAGEMENT The Contractor shall ensure that the quality system operating for the work complies with the requirements of RTA Q and the steel fabricator implements a quality system complying with AS/NZS ISO 9002. 2.2 PROCEDURES Details of the procedures for assembly and fabrication shall be submitted with the PROJ ECT QUALITY PLAN. These procedures shall be comprehensive and shall cover all aspects of the work. All procedures, work instructions etc. shall make reference to and include appropriate safe working practices and requirements. The procedures shall include, but not be limited to:- (a) Assembly including dimensional control and details of manufacturing jigs (b) Cambering (c) Repairs and corrections allowed under this Specification (d) Shop assembly (e) End finishing for field joints (f) Transport, handling and storage, including measures to prevent distortion and damage to the steelwork and its protective coating. When RTA B220 and/or RTA B260 are included in the Specification, the procedures required under the Clause "Painting Procedures and Programming" in B220, and the Clauses "Erection Equipment" and "Erection Method" in B260 shall be included with the above. 2.3 FABRICATION PROGRAMME The Contractor shall submit a fabrication programme as part of its PROJ ECT QUALITY PLAN (refer to RTA Q) showing the proposed sequence of operations and the proposed time required for all members and/or parts, which shall be identified by name and mark. (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 4 Ed 2/ Rev 1 2.4 SHOP DRAWINGS The Contractor shall prepare shop drawings for the fabrication of all members. The Contractor shall arrange for these drawings to be verified by personnel other than those directly involved in the drafting of the shop drawings [refer to RTA Q Clause 4.1.2(c)]. The details shown on the shop drawings shall be consistent with the Drawings and shall comply with the following:- (a) The marking plan shall show the location, as appropriate, of Abutment A and B, Upstream and Downstream, span numbers, pier numbers and North orientation. Where the shop drawings depict any part of the Contract Drawings that part shall be clearly identified on the shop drawings. (b) Shop drawings shall conform to AS 1100 as appropriate. Drawings showing only the cutting dimensions of webs, flanges and the like shall not be considered as shop drawings. (c) Welding and cutting definitions shall conform to AS 2812. (d) Welding symbols shall conform to AS 1101.3. (e) Complete information regarding the location, type, category, size and extent of all welds shall be clearly shown on the shop drawings. These drawings shall clearly distinguish between shop and field welds. (f) J oints or groups of joints in which it is especially important that the welding sequence and technique of welding be carefully controlled to minimise shrinkage stresses and distortion shall be noted on the drawings. J oints where no welding is permitted shall also be clearly indicated. Weld lengths specified on the drawings shall be the required effective lengths. (g) Each member shall be clearly identified with the identification marks shown on the Drawings. Each type of component shall be further identified to readily distinguish it from all other types. (h) For assemblies, all associated bolting, accessories and/or joining details shall be shown on the shop drawings. (i) Details shall be shown of all holes and attachments required for temporary work such as formwork and lifting lugs. Methods of sealing all such holes shall be shown. Four copies of the shop drawings, certified by the Contractor as complying with the above requirements, shall be submitted to the Superintendent at least ten (10) working days before fabrication commences. The Contractor shall be responsible for the correctness of the shop drawings. Submission of the shop drawings to the Superintendent shall not relieve the Contractor of its responsibilities under the Contract. The Contractor shall submit to the Superintendent two copies of the "Work as Executed" shop drawings within four (4) weeks of the completion of fabrication and erection of the steel members. (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 5 3 MATERIALS 3.1 GENERAL All materials supplied must comply with standards and specifications shown on the drawings unless otherwise specified. 3.2 TESTING OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR SECTIONS, PLATES AND BARS All supplied structural steel shall be manufactured by companies using quality systems certified to AS/NZS ISO 9002 by a third party accredited by the J oint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand. The Contractor shall ensure that all materials comply with the relevant Australian Standards and specifications. A mill certificate with appropriate NATA registration from the material supplier shall constitute documentary evidence of compliance. 3.3 RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF WELD REPAIRED STEEL AND STEEL WITH REPAIRED SURFACE DEFECTS Subject to the prior approval of the Superintendent, steel containing surface defects may be repaired by welding in accordance with the RTA B204. The Contractor shall submit details of any proposal to use weld repaired steel, including the proposed location in the structure, prior to use of such steel. Any piece of steel containing a surface defect which has been repaired by welding shall not be used in a part of the structure which is subject to significant tensile stress, unless the steel has been normalised after welding. HOLD POINT Process Held: Use of weld repaired steel. Submission Details: Details of weld repaired steel proposed to be used in the work shall be submitted at least three (3) working days before such steel is to be used. Release of Hold Point: The Superintendent will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point All grinding of surface imperfections and defects shall produce a surface roughness similar to, and blend with, the finish on surrounding areas. Any significant surface defect areas corrected by grinding shall not be located on the outside (visible) surface of outside members. Such grinding shall be carried out by a grinding wheel of grain size No. 46 or finer. 3.4 IDENTIFICATION OF MATERIALS The Contractor shall establish and maintain a comprehensive system of identification records which shall be kept up to date. The records shall include which items are cut from each of piece of material and where each item is used in each member. Two copies of these records shall be forwarded to the Superintendent on request. (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 6 Ed 2/ Rev 1 3.5 PRECUTTING OF STEEL BY MERCHANTS AND SUPPLIERS Any cutting or shaping of steel plates and sections after the steel has left the steel mill shall be regarded as fabrication work and shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Specification. 3.6 STORAGE OF MATERIALS All steel, whether fabricated or not, shall be stored in such a manner that it will not be bent or damaged and will be adequately protected against corrosion. Generally, storage at least 200 mm above the ground on platforms, slabs, or other supports under cover will be satisfactory. 3.7 DEFECTIVE MATERIALS Where defects arising from the manufacture of the steel become evident at any stage of fabrication, the steel shall be deemed to be nonconforming. (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 7 4 FABRICATION 4.1 COMMENCEMENT OF FABRICATION The Contractor shall give at least five (5) working days advance notice in writing before commencing fabrication work, and this shall be allowed for in its programme. HOLD POINT Process Held: Commencement of fabrication work. Submission Details: Procedures as detailed in Clause 2.2, Items (a), (b), (c) and (d) and shop drawings as detailed in Clause 2.4 shall be submitted at least ten (10) working days prior to commencement of fabrication work. Release of Hold Point: The Superintendent will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point. 4.2 DIMENSIONAL TOLERANCES Member dimensions shall be measured for conformance when all fabrication and heating operations are completed and the member has cooled to a uniform temperature, and prior to protective treatment. Measurements of length shall be checked with a standard steel measuring tape or band and corrected to a standard temperature of 20°C. Dimensions of fabricated members, in addition to complying with the tolerances stated in the relevant Standard, shall be within the tolerances stated hereunder unless tighter tolerances are called for on the Drawings or otherwise specified in which case such tighter tolerances shall govern. Tolerances expressed as ±values shall be taken as occurring in either direction. Tolerances expressed as +values shall be taken as occurring only in the direction indicated. Where a tolerance is not specified hereunder or otherwise specified it shall be ±2 mm. Where parts are to fit together on assembly or erection, tolerances shall be such that all parts fit together within the tolerances as specified. (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 8 Ed 2/ Rev 1 4.2.1 Cross Sections Tolerances on any cross-section of a rolled section or a plate shall comply with the requirements of AS 3678 or AS 3679 as appropriate. For built-up sections the deviations from the specified dimensions shall not exceed the following: Dimension Application Tolerance (a) Depth of a section - d (see Figure B200.1) • for d ≤ 900 mm: • for d > 900 mm: • at splices: (Dimension d is measured along the centreline of the web) ± 3 mm the lesser of : ± 6 mm or ± d/300 mm ± 1.5 mm (b) Width of flange - b f (see Figure B200.1) • for all values of flange widths: (Direction of measurement is parallel to the plane of the flange) ± 6 mm (c) Out of square of an individual flange - a 1 or a o (see Figure B200.1) • for a 1 or a o : (Direction of measurement is parallel to the centreline of the web) the greater of: ± 3 mm or ± b f /200 mm b f a 1 d a o Fig B200.1 Tolerances on cross section (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 9 Dimension Application Tolerance (d) Out of flatness of a web - Δ w (see Figure B200.2) • unstiffened web: (Δ w measured on a gauge length of d 1 in the direction of d 1 ) • stiffened web with intermediate transverse stiffeners: This tolerance shall not apply to webs with longitudinal stiffeners Δ w measured on a gauge length of b in the direction of b where b shall be taken as d 1 or spacing between the enclosing stiffeners whichever is the lesser (Direction of measurement is at a right angle to the web surface) ± d 1 /150 mm ± b /100 mm (e) Deviation from verticality of a web at a support - Δ v (see Figure B200.2 • Δ v : This tolerance shall not apply to box girders (Direction of measurement is at a right angle to the plumb line) the greater of: ± 3 mm or ± d /300 mm (f) Off centre of a web - e (see Figure B200.3) • e: (Direction of measurement is at a right angle to the plumb line) ± 6 mm Δv d 1 d Δw Fig B200.2 Tolerances on web (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 10 Ed 2/ Rev 1 Dimension Application Tolerance (g) Deviation from shape of box section (see Figure B200.4) • at diaphragm: the greater of: ± 5 mm or ±(a 2 +a 3 )/400 mm At locations of welded or bolted cross girders or bracing, all parts shall fit together on erection in accordance with the Specification. Fig B200.3 Tolerance on off centre of a web e Nominal web centreline a 2 a 3 Fig B200.4 Tolerance on shape of a box girder (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 11 Dimension Application Tolerance (h) Out of flatness of a flange - Δ f (see Figure B200.5) • Δ f : This tolerance shall not apply to box girders or flanges comprising plate panels The gauge length is the lesser of the section depth or spacing between stiffeners as appropriate. (Direction of measurement is the plumb line) the lesser of: ± 3 mm or ± b f /150 mm Δf Δf Cross section Fig B200.5 Tolerance on out of flatness of a flange b f Elevation Flange edge Δf (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 12 Ed 2/ Rev 1 Dimension Application Tolerance (i) Flatness and finish of bearing seats The bearing seat shall be that area of plate which bears directly on a bearing or bearing plate. As nominated by the manufacturer The Contractor shall obtain the tolerances required for the flatness and finish of bearing seats from the manufacturer of the bearings prior to commencement of fabrication. (j) Twist deviation - D t (see Figure B200.6) • Away from bearing seat locations, the angular rotation of any cross-section expressed in terms of total horizontal deviation D t of any line within the section relative to its position shown in the Drawings: shall not exceed: 1 mm per 100 mm depth of section (unless noted otherwise on the Drawings or in the Specification), or ± 15 mm, whichever is the lesser. • At bearing seat locations, D t : (Direction of measurement is at right angles to the plumb line) shall not exceed: 0.5 mm per 100 mm depth of section or ± 7.5 mm, whichever is the lesser. Fig B200.6 Twist deviation of cross section D t Section position as shown in Drawings Actual section position d (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 13 4.2.2 Girders For girder segments which are to be connected at the bridge site to form continuous girders, the length of each girder segment and/or the location of bolt holes if any shall be such that all parts will fit together on erection. To satisfy these tolerances, due allowance shall be made during fabrication for any change in dimensions which may result from the erection procedure; refer to Clause 4.11. Dimension Application Tolerance (a) Length • overall length ≤ 10 m: • overall length > 10 m: • centreline to centreline of bearings ≤ 10 m: • centreline to centreline of bearings >10 m: ± 2 mm ± 4 mm ± 2 mm ± 4 mm (b) Straightness (see Figure B200.7) • Camber: • Sweep: (Direction of measurement is at a right angle to the plumb line) the lesser of: +10 mm or +L/1000 mm the greater of: ± 3 mm or ± L/1000 mm where L is the length of the girder in the completed structure or the length of each fabricated piece. At the location of welded or bolted cross girders or bracing, all parts shall fit together on erection. Camber Sweep (a) Camber Plan view with web horizontal (b) Sweep Plan view with web vertical Fig B200.7 Tolerances on camber and sweep of girders (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 14 Ed 2/ Rev 1 4.2.3 Compression members Dimension Application Tolerance (a) Length • deviation of member from its detailed length: ± 2 mm (b) Straightness • deviation from either principal axis: (Direction of measurement is at right angles to a straight line between the two ends) the greater of: ± 3 mm or ± L/1000 mm (c) Full contact splice • maximum clearance between abutting bearing surfaces: shall not exceed: ± 0.5 mm over 67% of contact area , or ± 1 mm 4.2.4 Tension members Dimension Application Tolerance (a) Length • overall length ≤ 10 m: • overall length > 10 m: ± 2 mm ± 4 mm (b) Straightness • deviation from either principal axis: (Direction of measurement is at right angles to a straight line between the two ends) the greater of ± L/500 mm (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 15 4.2.5 Straightness of stiffeners Straightness of longitudinal compression flange stiffeners in box girders and box compression members and all web stiffeners in plate and box girders shall be as follows: Dimension Application Tolerance (a) in-plane deviation - Δ sx (see Figure B200.8) Δ sx : where: G is the gauge length, equal to L, and L is the maximum clear length of stiffener in mm (Direction of measurement is at a right angle to a straight line between the two ends) the greater of: ± 2 mm or ± G/750 mm, (b) out-of-plane deviation from specified shape - Δ sy (see Figure B200.9) Δ sx : where G is the gauge length and is the lesser of 2b or L; b is the shortest side in mm of plate panel in which the stiffener is one of its boundaries; and L is the maximum clear length of stiffener in mm (Direction of measurement is at a right angle to a straight line between the two ends) the greater of: ± 2 mm, or ± G f y 450 250 mm (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 16 Ed 2/ Rev 1 Stiffener Web Δsx Top flange Δsx Web Stiffener In plane deviation of stiffener in a plate girder In plane deviation of stiffener in a box girder Fig 200.8 Tolerances on in plane straightness of stiffeners Flange L L Flange Top flange Web Web Δsy Δsy Elevation Section - top view Out of plane deviation of stiffener in a plate girder Out of plane deviation of stiffener in a box girder Fig B200.9 Tolerance on out of plane straightness of stiffeners (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 17 4.2.6 Flatness of plate panels Dimension Application Tolerance (a) out of flatness - Δ x (see Figure B200.10) • for b t f y > 30 250 , Δ x : the greater of: G f y 450 250 or 3 mm (b) • for b t f y ≤ 30 250 , Δ x : no requirement unless otherwise specified where: G is the gauge length in mm and is the lesser of a or 2b; a is the length of the longer side of the plate panel; b is the length of the shorter side of the plate panel; b t f y ≤30 250 is the specified yield strength of the steel in MPa; and t is the plate thickness (Direction of measurement is at a right angle to a straight line between the two ends) Section A-A Fig B200.10 Tolerance on out of flatness of plate panels Plate Stiffener G a Flange Web a b Stiffeners Measurement direction Stiffeners Plate A A a b Measurement direction Δx (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 18 Ed 2/ Rev 1 4.2.7 Alignment at splice joints Dimension Application Tolerance (a) Butt welded joint root faces - z (see Fig B200.11) z : ± 1.5 mm (b) Bolted joints members shall be aligned such that all parts fit on erection Butt weld root face Fig B200.11 Tolerance on alignment of butt welded joints z 4.3 STRAIGHTENING Before any marking out or other work is done, all plates shall be made flat and all bars and sections made straight and free from twist so that, when assembled, adjacent surfaces shall be in close contact throughout. The methods adopted for the above work shall be such as to not damage the material. 4.4 PLATES AND FLATS Where indicated on the drawings, plates and flats shall be aligned in such a manner that the main stresses will be in the direction of rolling. Stripped plates shall be finished square, straight and plane without burrs or imperfections. Plates shall be marked before cutting so that the cut pieces are identifiable at all times. 4.5 CUTTING AND EDGE TREATMENT 4.5.1 General Steelwork may be cut by flame cutting, sawing or shearing unless otherwise specified below. Surfaces produced by such cutting shall be representative of good workmanship, finished square (unless a bevelled edge is called for), true to the required dimensions and free from (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 19 defects, such as excessive roughness, which would impair the service performance or seriously interfere with subsequent fabrication and protective treatment. Shearing shall not be used for main plates, reinforcing plates, main gussets, splice plates and diaphragms except in a direction perpendicular to the direction of their main stresses. Shearing of items over 16 mm thick shall not be carried out when the item is to be galvanised and subject to tensile stresses unless the item is subsequently stress relieved. Distortions caused by shearing shall be removed. Re-entrant corners shall be smoothly rounded to a radius of 20 mm. Unless shown otherwise on the Drawings, all corners on exposed edges shall be rounded to a radius of approximately 1.5 mm, except where such edges are subsequently to be welded. Rolled edges need not be rounded provided the corners have a similar radius. Flame cutting shall be carried out wherever possible by machines which are mechanically guided and moved at uniform speed. Hand cutting shall only be used for secondary cuts, hole preparation, repairs and other work where machine cutting is not possible. Any cut surface to be incorporated in a weld shall comply with AS 1554.1 and the depth of isolated gouges shall not be greater than 2 mm. Flame cutting of plates, sections and other components with surfaces which will be used in the "as-cut" condition, shall be carried out with procedures giving minimum reduction in properties at the cut surface and shall satisfy the requirements given below. Any cut surfaces to be used in the "as cut" condition shall have:- (a) a surface roughness (CLA) not greater than 12 µm (ie WTIA Roughness Class 2 as shown in WTIA Technical Note 5). (b) a depth of isolated gouges not greater than 3 mm. All gouges less than 3 mm in depth shall be repaired as specified in Clause 4.5.2 below. (c) a surface quality which will not impair subsequent fabrication and protective coating requirements. Note that the flame cut surface may require a light surface grind to render it suitable for subsequent protective coating requirements. 4.5.2 Repairs Cut surfaces may be ground to obtain the specified surface roughness. Grinding marks shall be parallel to the direction of the cut. For steel with a flame cut surface which is to be used in the "as-cut" condition, edges with occasional striations or gouges which are less than 3 mm in depth may be accepted provided that these defects are corrected by grinding. The resulting depression, which shall not exceed 3 mm, shall be tapered out smoothly for a distance of at least 75 mm on both sides of the defect. (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 20 Ed 2/ Rev 1 4.6 REPAIR OF MATERIAL SURFACE DEFECTS Any defects, score marks or bruises found during fabrication shall be ground out as detailed in Clause 3.3. 4.7 SPLICES Shop splices in the component parts of welded members shall be made before the parts are assembled. Where splice locations are not shown on the Drawings or where splices at locations other than those shown on the Drawings are proposed, details of the design and position of the proposed splices shall be submitted for the approval of the Superintendent. HOLD POINT (For members with splice locations nominated by the Contractor) Process Held: Commencement of fabrication of relevant members. Submission Details: Details of design and locations of proposed splices to be used in the work shall be submitted at least ten (10) working days prior to the proposed commencement of fabrication. Release of Hold Point: The Superintendent will examine the submitted proposal and, if approved, will authorise the release of the Hold Point 4.8 CAMBERING Camber in a built-up section shall be obtained by cutting webs to the shapes shown in the Drawings. Cambering of rolled sections and adjustment to the camber in built-up sections shall be carried out to the requirements of Clause 4.12. If, in the measurement of camber, the member spans between supports, allowance shall be made for the deflection due to self weight. This allowance shall be calculated by an Engineer who is eligible for Corporate Membership of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. 4.9 BENDING Bending and forming plates or sections during fabrication shall conform to the manufacturer's recommendations and/or the relevant Australian Standard. (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 21 4.10 IDENTIFICATION MARKS Each component shall be metal stamped with an identification mark which remains recognisable after protective treatment, but which is located in a hidden or inconspicuous position after erection. 4.11 END PREPARATION OF GIRDER SEGMENTS Where field joints are required, the ends of all girder segments shall be finished true, as shown on the Drawings, to a tolerance of ±1 mm over the depth and width of the girder. Surveyed datum lines shall be used to ensure the correct horizontal and vertical alignment of the girder segment end while positioned as required in the completed structure. The preparation of the edges of the end plates for field welded splices shall be carried out subsequent to the end finishing. One girder segment length shall be left long for final cutting to length on site or during shop assembly so as to attain the required overall length tolerances. 4.12 CORRECTION OF DISTORTION Distortion resulting from welding and fabrication may be corrected by mechanical or thermal means in accordance with the methods and conditions given in RTA B204 Clause 5 HOLES FOR BOLTING 5.1 GENERAL The diameters of the bolt holes shall be in accordance with the requirements of AS 4100, except that, for M24 bolts and smaller, this shall be 2 mm greater than the diameters of the bolts shown on the Drawings unless otherwise specified. Holes may be either drilled full-size or reamed to full-size after sub-drilling or sub-punching. 5.2 SUB-PUNCHED AND SUB-DRILLED HOLES Sub-punched and sub-drilled holes shall be smaller in diameter than the nominal diameter of bolts by 3 mm. For sub-punched holes the diameter of the die shall not exceed the diameter of the punch by more than 1 mm. Holes shall be clean cut, without torn or ragged edges. 5.3 REAMED OR DRILLED HOLES Reamed or drilled holes shall be cylindrical and perpendicular to the face of the member unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. Reaming and drilling shall be done by mechanical means. (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 22 Ed 2/ Rev 1 Connecting parts shall be assembled and held securely while being reamed or drilled and shall be match-marked before separating the parts. All burrs shall be removed. If necessary, assembled parts shall be taken apart for removal of burrs caused by drilling and reaming. 5.4 HOLES FOR FIELD CONNECTIONS Holes for field connections and field splices of main members shall be reamed or drilled with the members assembled in the shop in their correct relative positions. All adjoining main members in an assembly shall be assembled before reaming or drilling is commenced. All joints and associated splice plates shall be matchmarked before the structure is dismantled. Holes for field connections of minor members may be reamed or drilled with the members assembled. Alternatively these connections may be sub-punched or sub-drilled and reamed or drilled from the solid to a hardened steel template not less than 25 mm thick, and all corresponding holes in the members to which they connect shall be reamed or drilled to the same template. 5.5 ALIGNMENT All matching holes in any contiguous group shall register with each other so that a gauge or drift 2 mm less in diameter than the holes shall pass freely through the assembled contact faces at right angles to them. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of all holes regardless of variations in dimensions of rolled sections or tolerances allowed in fabrication. 6 WELDING 6.1 WELDING REQUIREMENTS All welding (including that for shear stud connectors) shall be carried out in accordance with RTA B204. 7 SHOP ASSEMBLY Shop assembly will not be required for girders for simply supported girder spans less than 25 m in length unless otherwise specified. For spans 25 m or greater in length with steel cross girders or cross frames, the first two lines of girders (ie. abutment ‘A’ to abutment ‘B’) fabricated shall be shop assembled to check the fabrication procedures, the fit of the components and verify the suitability of the templates used in fabrication. (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 23 The Contractor shall supply certification of satisfactory shop assembly. 8 CERTIFICATION OF FABRICATION HOLD POINT Process Held: Commencement of Marking, Packing and Handling. Submission Details: Certification and fabrication records verifying: that each item fabricated conforms to the requirements of the Drawings and this Specification; and that all fabrication defects particularly those related to welding have been treated in accordance with the requirements of this Specification and RTA B204, at least ten (10) working days prior to the marking, packing and handling of the fabricated member Release of Hold Point: The Superintendent will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point 9 MARKING, PACKING AND HANDLING Each part shall be marked with durable distinguishing marks. Paint of different colours shall be used to distinguish similar parts. Two copies of drawings showing these markings shall be supplied to the Superintendent when the steelwork is despatched. All open joints, ends and projecting parts shall be protected from damage in transit in such a manner as to stiffen the member and prevent distortion. Shipping marks shall be carefully stencilled on each piece in a conspicuous position. Members shall have their mass clearly marked upon them. Special care shall be taken in the packing and methods of support and lifting during handling of all structural steelwork to prevent distortion or damage to the steelwork and its protective coating. HOLD POINT Process Held: Transport to other yards or to site. Submission Details: Certification of shop assembly and procedures required in Clause 2.2, Items (e) and (f) shall be submitted at least ten (10) working days prior to the transport of any of the fabricated members to any other place (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 24 Ed 2/ Rev 1 Release of Hold Point: The Superintendent will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point 10 PROTECTIVE TREATMENT Protective treatment shall be carried out in accordance with RTA B220. 11 TRANSPORT TO SITE The Contractor shall ensure that during transport of any part of the work, there will be no distortion, loss of camber or damage to the steelwork and its protective coating. (RTA COPYRIGHT) Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members B200 Ed 2/ Rev 1 25 ANNEXURE B200/1 - SCHEDULES OF HOLD AND WITNESS POINTS AND IDENTIFIED RECORDS 1. Schedule of Hold and Witness Points CLAUSE HOLD/WITNESS POINT DESCRIPTION 3.3 HOLD Weld repaired steel 4.1 HOLD Commencement of fabrication 4.7 HOLD Proposal for splices 8 HOLD Marking, packing and handling 9 HOLD Transport to other yards or to site 2. Schedule of Identified Records The records listed below are Identified Records for the purposes of RTA G2 Clause 19 and RTA G7 Clause 6. Clause Description of the Identified Record 2.4 Shop drawings certified as complying with requirements as listed 2.4 "Work as executed" shop drawings 3.3 Details of weld repaired steel to be used in the work 3.4 Identification records for each piece of material (on request by the Superintendent) 4.1 Procedures and shop drawings as detailed 4.7 Details of design and location of proposed splices 8 Certification and fabrication records verifying that each item complies with the Drawings and Specification and that all fabrication defects have been treated (RTA COPYRIGHT) B200 Fabrication of Major Steel Structural Members 26 Ed 2/ Rev 1 ANNEXURE B200/2 - GUIDANCE ON TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Guidance on some of the requirements of RTA B200 is available in the following cross- referenced publication: Requirement B200 Clause Guidance Publication∗ Quality system 2.1 SAA HB 66 Welding procedures 2.1 WTIA Technical Note 19 Bolting 5.1 AISC Bolting of Steel Structures ∗ Referenced Guidance Publications Welding Technology Institute of Australia Technical Notes Technical Note 19 “Cost Effective Quality Management for Welding” Australian Institute of Steel Construction Bolting of Steel Structures, Third edition - includes limit states provisions to AS 4100. Other Publications SAA/SNZ HB66 Quality Assurance Explained. . Edition 2 / Revision 1 ROADS and TRAFFIC AUTHORITY NSW February 2007 QA SPECI FI CATI ON B204 WELDING OF BRIDGES AND OTHER ROAD STRUCTURES Copyright-Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, 2006 RNIC-QA-B204 VERSION For: Wardell Bridge DATE: J anuary 2008 . (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Ed 2 / Rev 1 1 CONTENTS CLAUSE PAGE FOREWORD..................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. RTA Copyright and Use of this Document.................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Revisions to Edition 2.................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Project Specific Changes............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. 1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Scope..............................................................................................................................3 1.2 Structure of the Specification.........................................................................................3 1.3 Applicability of Referenced Standards...........................................................................4 2 ADDITIONAL QUALITY PLAN REQUIREMENTS...............................................................................4 2.1 Quality Management and Supervision...........................................................................4 2.2 Nomination of Personnel ................................................................................................5 2.3 Technical Procedures......................................................................................................5 3 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................6 3.1 Personnel ........................................................................................................................6 3.2 Equipment.......................................................................................................................6 4 WELDING PROCEDURES.................................................................................................................6 4.1 General ...........................................................................................................................6 4.2 Qualification of Welding Procedure...............................................................................6 5 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS........................................................................................................8 5.1 General ...........................................................................................................................8 5.2 Welding Supervisor(s)....................................................................................................9 5.3 Inspector(s).....................................................................................................................9 5.4 Welders.........................................................................................................................10 6 WELDING OF STEELWORK............................................................................................................10 6.1 General .........................................................................................................................10 6.2 Consumables.................................................................................................................15 6.3 Workmanship...............................................................................................................15 6.4 Inspection of Welds......................................................................................................17 6.5 Non-conforming Welds................................................................................................17 7 STUD WELDING............................................................................................................................18 7.1 General .........................................................................................................................18 7.2 Certification of Studs....................................................................................................18 7.3 Qualification of Operators............................................................................................18 7.4 Commencement of Stud Welding.................................................................................19 7.5 Testing of Finished Stud Welds...................................................................................19 7.6 Alternative Welding Processes and Repair...................................................................19 8 WELDING OF REINFORCING STEEL FOR CONCRETE.....................................................................20 8.1 General .........................................................................................................................20 8.2 Additional Requirements..............................................................................................20 9 WELDING OF HIGH STRENGTH QUENCHED AND TEMPERED STEELS..........................................21 9.1 General .........................................................................................................................21 9.2 Additional Requirements..............................................................................................21 (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 2 Ed 2 / Rev 1 ANNEXURE B204/A – PROJ ECT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................23 A1 Requirements for Special Test Piece(s)........................................................................23 ANNEXURE B204/B PAYMENT.......................................................................................................23 ANNEXURE B204/C - SCHEDULES OF HOLD AND WITNESS POINTS AND IDENTIFIED RECORDS...........24 C1 Schedule of Hold and Witness Points...........................................................................24 C2 Schedule of Identified Records.....................................................................................24 ANNEXURE B204/D – (NOT USED) .........................................................................................................24 ANNEXURE B204/E - LIST OF CROSS-REFERENCES TO APPENDIX D OF AS/NZS 1554.1......................25 ANNEXURE B204/F - GUIDANCE ON TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................25 ANNEXURE B204/G – MODEL CHECKLIST – TACK WELDING AND WELDING OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT..........................................................................................................................27 ANNEXURE B204/H – MODEL WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORDS AND WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS FOR TACK WELDING AND WELDING OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT28 ANNEXURES B204/I TO B204/L – (NOT USED) .......................................................................................47 ANNEXURE B204/M - REFERENCED DOCUMENTS.................................................................................47 LAST PAGE OF RTA B204......................................................................................................................47 (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 3 RTA QA SPECIFICATION B204 WELDING OF BRIDGES AND OTHER ROAD STRUCTURES 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE This Specification sets out the minimum requirements for the preparation, welding, inspection and testing, and final acceptance of fabricated steel structures which are covered by technical specifications requiring compliance with this Specification. Unless otherwise specified on the Drawing(s) or within this Specification, all welding must be in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.1 category SP. Where this Specification refers only to AS/NZS 1554, this shall mean a reference to the appropriate part of this Standard listed in Annexure B204/M. Welds not carried out in conformity with this Specification is deemed to be non-conforming. 1.2 STRUCTURE OF THE SPECIFICATION This Specification includes a series of annexures that detail additional requirements. 1.2.1 Details of Work Project specific requirements are shown in Annexure B204/A. 1.2.2 Payment The method of payment is detailed in Annexure B204/B. 1.2.3 Schedules of HOLD POINTS, WITNESS POINTS and Identified Records The schedules in Annexure B204/C list the HOLD POINTS and WITNESS POINTS that must be observed. Refer to RTA Q for the definitions of HOLD POINTS and WITNESS POINTS. The records listed in Annexure B204/C are Identified Records for the purposes of RTA Q Clause E2. 1.2.4 Referenced Documents Unless otherwise specified or is specifically supplied by the Principal, the applicable issue of a reference document, other than RTA specifications, shall be the issue current at the date one week before the closing date for tenders, or where no issue is current at that date, the most recent issue. Standards, specifications and test methods are referred to in abbreviated form (e.g. AS 1171). For convenience the full titles are given in Annexure B204/M. When referring to a part of a standard, the title of the standard, if appropriate, is referenced separately and the part only by its subtitle. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 4 Ed 2 / Rev 1 1.3 APPLICABILITY OF REFERENCED STANDARDS Welds specified on the Drawings as category ‘SFP’ must be in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.5 unless otherwise specified. In such cases, where this Specification refers to clauses or tables in AS/NZS 1554.1, reference must be made to similar clauses and tables in AS/NZS 1554.5. Where quenched and tempered steels are used as the base metal for welding, carry out the welding in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.4 and Clause 9 of this Specification. Where seal welds or category GP welds are specified on the Drawings, they must comply with AS/NZS 1554.1. Stud welding must be in accordance with Clause 7 of this Specification and AS/NZS 1554.2. Welding of reinforcing steels must be in accordance with Clause 8 of this Specification and AS/NZS 1554.3. For these two applications Clauses 7 and 8 of this Specification shall override the requirements of Clauses 6.2 to 6.4 where they are in contradiction. All matters raised by Appendix D – AS/NZS 1554.1 that need to be specifically addressed are covered by this Specification, and for ease of use are cross-referenced in Annexure B204/E. Further guidance is provided by the cross-referenced publications detailed in Annexure B204/F. Unless otherwise specified, weld symbols on the Drawings must conform to AS 1101.3. Unless otherwise specified, welding for steel pile casings and tubes must also conform to AS 1579. 2 ADDITIONAL QUALITY PLAN REQUIREMENTS HOLD POINT Process Held: Commencement of welding. Submission Details: Quality Plan. Information and evidence proving conformity with Clause 2. Release of Hold Point: The Principal will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point or may request further information or evidence. 2.1 QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION Ensure that the quality management system operating for Work under this Specification complies with AS/NZS ISO 9001 or, preferably, with AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 or AS/NZS ISO 3834.3. For the purposes of the Principal’s surveillance and audit, provide a welding programme and acceptable accommodation. The Welding Supervisor must keep readily accessible for inspection a complete weld map and records of materials certification and welder qualification. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 5 2.2 NOMINATION OF PERSONNEL Nominate in your Quality Plan the names and qualifications of all personnel to be associated in the planning, production and inspection of all welds in the work except the names of welders to be qualified by testing (see Clause 5 of this Specification). Identify the responsibilities of the following personnel: (a) Welding Supervisor(s) (b) Welding Inspector(s) (c) Welders (d) Non-destructive examination technicians and operators For the purposes of this Specification the role of the welding coordinator under AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 and AS/NZS ISO 3834.3 shall be deemed to be performed by the Welding Supervisor. The Welding Supervisor and the Welding Inspector must not be the same person and must not carry out welding for the Works. The Welding Supervisor must be an employee or agent of the fabricator or company carrying out the welding. The Welding Inspector must be an employee or agent of the Contractor. 2.3 TECHNICAL PROCEDURES Submit the following technical procedures including, but not limited to: (a) Disposition of non-conforming welds; (b) Identification and removal of welders constantly producing non-conforming welds as defined by Clause 5.4.2 of this Specification; (c) Cutting of fusion faces when welding reinforcing steel, as appropriate; (d) Peening of intermediate weld runs, as appropriate; (e) Correction of welding distortion, as appropriate; (f) Provisions for maintaining site joint gap within tolerances during site welding; (g) Control of site welding and provisions for addressing and release of Hold Points including, but not limited to, the following where applicable: (i) in precasting yards, welding and tack welding of steel reinforcement; (ii) for bridge girders, butt welding of field splices; (iii) Grade 500 MPa steel reinforcement; (iv) steel piles or pile segments; (v) welding productivity and sequence of welding; and (vi) protection of weldment and heat affected zone (HAZ) against embrittlement by atmosphere and other site conditions. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 6 Ed 2 / Rev 1 3 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 3.1 PERSONNEL Carry out welding in accordance with the safety requirements of AS/NZS 1554 (e.g. AS/NZS 1554.1 Clause 1.8.1). Take precautions to protect all those associated with the welding and persons working in the vicinity of the welding operation (including visitors). Include in such precautions the prevention of electric shock, exposure to arc radiation, exposure to hot metal and exposure to concentrations of welding fume exceeding the recommendations of NOHSC:1003. Satisfy the requirements of AS 1674.2 for electrical safety for welding in confined spaces and/or in similar conditions where there is a high risk of electric shock to personnel. Where exposure to welding fume is likely to exceed NOHSC:1003 limits, provide all affected people with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE). Provide adequate protection for all personnel within ten (10) metres of any open arc welding process and any plasma cutting operation. Such protection may include the use of welding screens to shield persons in the vicinity of welding operations from the effects of optical and ultraviolet radiation. 3.2 EQUIPMENT All welding equipment and plant used must comply with AS/NZS 1554 (e.g. AS/NZS 1554.1 Clause 1.8.2). Portable equipment for electric arc welding must satisfy the requirements of AS/NZS 3195. 4 WELDING PROCEDURES 4.1 GENERAL Carry out welding using approved qualified welding procedures as detailed in Clause 4.2 of this Specification. Procedures shall be qualified by any of the methods allowed in AS/NZS 1554 (e.g. Clause 4.2 of AS/NZS 1554.1) unless otherwise specified in this Specification. The benefits of increased penetration from fully automatic arc welding processes may be utilised in accordance with the conditions of Clauses 3.2.2 and 3.3.2 of AS/NZS 1554.1. 4.2 QUALIFICATION OF WELDING PROCEDURE All procedures (i.e. the preparation, welding consumables and welding parameters) must be qualified and approved by the Welding Inspector. Document the procedure in a Welding Procedure Qualification Record (PQR or WPQR) and a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 7 A procedure shall only be deemed qualified after the Welding Inspector examines and/or witnesses the procedure documentation and/or testing and certifies such a procedure as qualified. Such certification must contain the Welding Inspector’s signature and registration number of the Welding Inspector’s accreditation. A copy of the certified qualified welding procedure must accompany each welding test piece submitted for destructive or non-destructive testing. The extent of testing and/ or documentation of a welding procedure is dependent on the details of such a procedure as shown hereunder. Category SP fillet welds must be qualified with a macro test. 4.2.1 Prequalified Welding Procedures Welding procedures prequalified in accordance with AS/NZS 1554 shall be deemed qualified for this work upon certification by the Welding Inspector of the submitted Welding Procedure Specification(s). 4.2.2 Qualification of Welding Procedure by Testing WITNESS POINT For welding procedures qualified by testing Process to be Witnessed: Any welding and testing required for qualifying a welding procedure. Submission Details: At least three (3) working days notification of the time and place where the welding and testing of all test pieces and/or assemblies will be carried out. The welding of all test pieces must be done under the direct supervision of the Welding Supervisor and in the presence of the Welding Inspector. The Welding Inspector must examine the Welding Procedure Specification and ensure that all test pieces have been welded accordingly. Upon receiving conforming test results, the Welding Inspector must certify the procedure as qualified. Where electroslag or electrogas welding methods are to be used, determine the tolerances for butt welded joints on the basis of the results of the qualification tests carried out in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.1. Keep records of all qualification tests associated with all welding procedures, together with the relevant Welding Procedure Specifications, and make them available to those authorised to examine them. Include in these results a photograph or sketch of the macro test unless the test piece is to be retained by you. Where a macro test only is required, the test piece may be prepared and examined instead of referring it to a NATA laboratory, provided that the test piece is prepared and examined by the Welding Inspector in accordance with Clause 4.7.4 of AS/NZS 1554.1 and prior approval for this has been given by the Principal. The test pieces and/or assemblies shall represent the actual conditions of fabrication including anticipated weather and other environmental conditions, degree of restraint, welding through holes, welding with the aid of mirrors, welding at floor level etc. Where nominated by the Principal in Annexure B204/A, use a special test piece replicating the necessary conditions to verify the suitability of the welding procedure (e.g. see Clause 4.7.2 of AS/NZS 1554.1). The tolerances for the preparation of such test pieces must comply with Tables E of AS/NZS 1554.1. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 8 Ed 2 / Rev 1 Where ‘GP’ category welding or seal weld is specified, welding procedures must be qualified as required by AS/NZS 1554 for GP category welds. Where testing is not required by AS/NZS 1554 the procedure must still be documented and approved as detailed in Clause 4.2 of this Specification. Where the weld arc energy exceeds the limitations accepted for prequalified consumables in accordance with Clause 4.6 of AS/NZS 1554.1, carry out impact tests on the heat affected zone (HAZ) of the parent steel to verify that the impact properties of the HAZ continue to meet the minimum requirement for that steel as in AS/NZS 1554 or other applicable material Standards as specified on the Drawings. Hardness tests on the HAZ are only required when the requirements for preheating temperature related to arc energy input do not comply with Clause 5.3.4 of AS/NZS 1554.1. Use of a steel type which is not specifically provided for by AS/NZS 1554.1 must be treated as using non-qualified consumables for the purpose of qualifying by testing. 4.2.3 Qualification of Previously Used Welding Procedure Welding procedures previously qualified and used on other work shall be deemed qualified for this work upon certification of the relevant documentary evidence by the Welding Inspector provided that: (a) the procedure is being used within the limits of its essential variables as defined by AS/NZS 1554; (b) all qualification documents as required by AS/NZS 1554 (or the application Standard to which the procedure was qualified) are available to support the procedure qualification record; (c) the welder demonstrates an ability to produce a weld procedure specification (WPS) sample, verified by NATA accredited testing; and (d) NDE records are available demonstrating successful use of that procedure. 5 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS 5.1 GENERAL Ensure personnel qualifications which are partly or wholly obtained outside Australia or New Zealand are equivalent to the specified requirements for Australian qualification. HOLD POINT Process Held: Use of persons with qualifications obtained outside Australia or New Zealand where a qualification is required. Submission Details: Details of the qualification and WTIA’s assessment and certification of equivalency with Australian requirements at least ten (10) working days prior to commencement of using such persons. Release of Hold Point: The Principal will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point or may request further evidence of qualification. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 9 5.2 WELDING SUPERVISOR(S) Ensure that all welding is supervised on the workshop floor by a qualified Welding Supervisor(s) with a thorough working knowledge and understanding of the AS/NZS 1554 series of Standards. Such a person must satisfy the requirements of Clauses 4.12.1(a), (b), (c) or (d) of AS/NZS 1554.1. 5.3 INSPECTOR(S) 5.3.1 Welding Inspector(s) Ensure that all welding is inspected by a qualified Welding Inspector with suitable training and experience in the fabrication and inspection of welded structures satisfying the requirements of: (a) Clause 5.2 above; or (b) Clause 7.2 of AS/NZS 1554.1; or (c) Have equivalent overseas qualifications. The Welding Inspector is responsible for ensuring that all welding conforms to the requirements of this Specification. The Welding Inspector may examine backgouge areas and issue a report giving the results of such an examination (NATA accreditation is not required), using the Magnetic Particle Examination method (MPE - refer to AS 1171) or Liquid Penetrant Examination method (LPE - refer to AS 2062). HOLD POINT Process Held: Use of MPE and/or LPE by Welding Inspector only. Submission Details: Documents demonstrating training background, experience and competency of the Welding Inspector at least two (2) working days prior to the start of first examination. Release of Hold Point: The Principal will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point. 5.3.2 NDE Technicians Ensure that all various non-destructive examinations (NDE, e.g. ultrasonic examination, radiography etc.) are carried out by technicians suitably qualified and accredited for carrying out the examination method employed (see Clause 7.4 of AS/NZS 1554.1). Such a technician must be accredited by: (a) Australian Institute of Non-destructive Testing (AINDT); or (b) Certification Board of Inspection Personnel, New Zealand (CBIP-NZ); or (c) Equivalent overseas institutions. The currency of the above qualifications and accreditations must comply with the requirements of the issuing institution. Lapsed qualifications and accreditations will not be acceptable. All non-destructive examination reports must be prepared by qualified and accredited NDE technicians, and must contain the NDE technician’s signature and registration number of the NDE technician’s qualification and accreditation. In such instances NATA-endorsed examination reports will not be required. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 10 Ed 2 / Rev 1 5.4 WELDERS 5.4.1 Qualification of Welders A Welder cannot be a Welding Supervisor or a Welding Inspector for the Works. Use only qualified welders with proven ability to produce sound welds. Such welders are those who: (a) satisfy the requirements of Clause 4.12.2 of AS/NZS 1554.1 and can produce documented evidence (e.g. NDE records traceable to the welder) of having successfully and consistently produced welds to ‘SP’ quality during the previous six months; or (b) meet the requirements of AS 3992 Clause 9.2 or AS 2980; or (c) hold equivalent overseas qualifications; or (d) whilst not satisfying the requirements of item (a), (b) or (c) above, can demonstrate compliance with ‘SP’ requirements by means of a macro test for the welding procedures similar to and representative of those to be used in the work particularly in terms of welding positions. In special cases including, but not limited to: (i) welding through holes; (ii) welding with the assistance of mirrors; (iii) restricted access to the weldment; (iv) welding at or near ground level; and (v) where environmental circumstances are likely to interfere with the welding process, each welder who is required to weld on such occasions must demonstrate an ability to produce sound welds under those conditions by carrying out welding in a simulated working position, verified by means of a macro test conducted as above. 5.4.2 Poor Welding Remove from the work any welder who during fabrication, produces at most three non-conforming welds and determine the reason(s) for failure. Where the cause of the failure has been rectified through retraining, the welder must demonstrate competency to produce sound welds before submitting for re-qualification as specified in Clause 5.4.1 of this Specification. 6 WELDING OF STEELWORK 6.1 GENERAL Welding must be carried out in the presence of the Welding Supervisor, witnessed and inspected by the Welding Inspector. 6.1.1 Commencement of Welding Prior to the commencement of any welding on the work, submit copies of the following documentation: (a) the personnel qualifications (see Clauses 2.2, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of this Specification); (b) technical procedures (see Clause 2.3 of this Specification); and (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 11 (c) welding procedures associated with that work together with qualification records. HOLD POINT Process Held: Commencement of welding. Submission Details: All details in Clause 6.1.1 at least two (2) working days prior to commencement of any welding. Release of Hold Point: The Principal will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point. Give the Principal a minimum of two (2) working days advance notice in writing before commencing welding work. 6.1.2 Use of Welding Procedures Not Already Approved Prior to the use of any welding procedure on the work that has not been included in Clause 6.1.1 above, submit to the Principal copies of such a procedure and supporting qualification. Where a welding procedure qualification record is accepted, then the welder must demonstrate a capability to produce the weld from a representative simulated welding position. HOLD POINT Process Held: Use of a welding procedure not already approved. Submission Details: All details in Clause 6.1.2 at least ten (10) working days prior to commencement of using such a welding procedure. Release of Hold Point: The Principal will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point. 6.1.3 Marking of Welds When welding on bridges, bridge components or piles, all welders must clearly identify their work either through the use of weld maps or by marking their identification symbol adjacent to each weld. Do not use chalk, crayons and other marking substances that may interfere with the application, adherence or final appearance of any protective coating to be applied to the structure. 6.1.4 Use of Filler Plates Do not use filler plates unless otherwise specified. 6.1.5 Welding and Inspection of Similar Components Where the work includes similar components, inspect the first one welded (referred to as the prototype) and submit the relevant documentation to the Principal prior to any welding of subsequent similar components. The prototype must be inspected by the Welding Inspector to check that welding processes are satisfactory, dimensional tolerances are not exceeded and that welding of adjacent items will result in a completed component which is within tolerance. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 12 Ed 2 / Rev 1 Notwithstanding Clause 6.4 of this Specification, the extent of weld inspection on the prototype of components for ‘I’, box and trough girder bridges must comprise 100% testing of all butt welds using either ultrasonic or radiographic testing methods, with 100% MPE testing of all crucifix fillet welds and 33% of all other fillet welds. Carry out all such tests on the prototype welds at least forty eight (48) hours after the weld to be tested and its adjacent welds have cooled to ambient temperature. Carry out weld inspections after all heat treatment is completed. HOLD POINT Process Held: Commencement of welding of subsequent similar components. Submission Details: Documents demonstrating compliance of the prototype with Clause 6.1.5 of this Specification at least one (1) day prior to commencement of welding of subsequent similar components. Release of Hold Point: The Principal will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point. 6.1.6 Test Pieces Prepare and test welded test pieces representative of each type of weld within the limits of the essential variables of the welding procedure for the completed weld where: (a) the length of weld represented exceeds 200 m for automatic welding or 100 m for manual or semi- automatic welding; and (b) the welding is not done in a reasonably continuous operation using the same welding procedure; or (c) the welds are field welds. Make the test piece from material of the same standard, grade and heat treatment conditions as the material used in the structure. Each plate making up the test piece must be at least 150 mm x 150 mm. Example test pieces are shown in Figures B204.1A and B204.1B. Verify weld quality by carrying out a macro and bend test on the welds in the test piece and examine using radiographics or ultrasonics for butt welds and MPE for fillet welds. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 13 Figure B204.1A – Example test pieces for shop welds (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 14 Ed 2 / Rev 1 Figure B204.1B – Example test pieces for field welds (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 15 6.2 CONSUMABLES All welding consumables must conform to the requirements of AS/NZS 1554.1 Clause 4.6. The hydrogen content of deposited weld metal must not exceed 10 ml H 2 / 100 g weld metal. Only hydrogen controlled (low hydrogen) consumables and/or processes must be used in order to meet this requirement (i.e. H 10 classification or better except for gas metal arc welding consumables which may be H 15 ). Store and dry (if required) all consumables in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions prior to and during use. The minimum nominal tensile strength of weld metal used shall be 480 MPa (e.g. E48XX, W502, W503 etc. or stronger) for all steels other than reinforcing steel for concrete. For reinforcing steel refer to Clause 8.2 of this Specification. Obtain a certificate or letter of conformity from the manufacturer that the batch of consumables supplied and used in the work conform to the relevant Australian Standard and classification as described in Table 4.6.1(A) of AS/NZS 1554.1. If prequalified consumables are to be used outside of their manufacturer’s specifications for which they are prequalified, these consumables shall be deemed non-prequalified and additional qualification tests must be undertaken to establish suitability for the application (e.g. Table 4.7.1 of AS/NZS 1554.1). Notwithstanding the requirements of AS/NZS 1554.1, for the qualification of consumables for welding processes incorporating shielding gas, the specific combination of gas and wire must be qualified as certified by Lloyds or other ship classification societies. 6.3 WORKMANSHIP 6.3.1 Control of Distortion and Residual Stress General Ensure that welding is done in a manner and sequence so as to minimise and control shrinkage and distortion in accordance with Clause 5.7 of AS/NZS 1554.1 and the following requirements: (a) deposit all welds in a sequence that will balance the heat applied to the member(s) whilst welding progresses; (b) commence welding from points that are fixed in position with respect to each other and progress towards points where there is greater relative freedom of movement; and (c) weld first joints which are expected to have the largest amount of shrinkage with as little restraint as possible. Welding and Cutting Under Stress Do not weld and/or cut under stress. Peening Peening to correct distortion is permitted in accordance with the limits specified in Clause 5.7.3 of AS/NZS 1554.1. Prior to the peening operation, submit the procedure to the Principal (see Clauses 2.3 and 6.1.1). (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 16 Ed 2 / Rev 1 Hammering is not permitted. Correction of Distortion Distortion may be corrected by mechanical or thermal means provided that the process used does not damage the components or impair its intended use. In addition, the following requirements apply where flame or heating methods are to be used: (a) The temperature of the steel must not exceed 600°C. Measure and record this temperature. (b) Do not artificially cool until the temperature of the steel has dropped below 300°C. (c) Do not cool heated parts with solid water jets. Water fog nozzles may be used. 6.3.2 Welding Technique General Comply with the following requirements: (a) Complete and inspect all butt welds in any part of a member as specified in Clause 6.4 of this Specification before that part is welded to any other part. (b) Use run-on and run-off tabs with minimum length of 50 mm and of the same thickness and preparation as the joint for all butt welds. (c) Terminate welds such that the tail of any weld crater (especially in Submerged Arc Welding) is at least 20 mm beyond the edge of the parts being joined. Whenever possible this must be done by use of weld tabs duplicating the joint being welded. (d) The method of removal of run-on and run-off tabs must not damage the parent material. Make the ends of the welds smooth and flush with the edges of the abutting parts. (e) Do not use antispatter fluids and compounds. (f) Arc strikes are not permitted. (g) Terminate all welds so as to completely fill the weld crater. Resume interrupted weld runs within the crater of the previous run so as to fill the weld to its correct height and melt out any imperfections within the crater. (h) Remove all slag and injurious foreign materials prior to the commencement of welding and between weld runs including any slag within the weld crater of an interrupted run. Appearance and Finish of Welds For all welds: (a) Dress butt welds smooth and flush with abutting surfaces where required for correct assembly and/ or where specified on the Drawings, and inspect and NDE test. (b) Remove all weld spatter from the surface of the weld and the parent material. (c) Remove slag from all completed welds and clean both the weld and the parent metal from fabrication contamination. (d) Reinstate and inspect surfaces of temporary welds in accordance with Clause 5.9 of AS/NZS 1554.1. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 17 (e) Ensure all finished weld faces are compatible with the protective coating system specified. 6.4 INSPECTION OF WELDS Inspect welds in accordance with the methods nominated in AS/NZS 1554.1. In addition, apply the following: (a) For welds where category ‘SFP’ is specified, the minimum extent of testing shall be as provided for ‘SP’ category below and/ or as given in Table 7.4 of AS/NZS 1554.5 whichever is the greater. (b) For ‘SP’ category welds, the minimum extent and type of inspection shall be as given in Table B204.2. Where not specified in this table, on the Drawings or in other documents associated with the work, the maximum recommendations of Table 7.4 of AS/NZS 1554.1 must apply. (c) For ‘GP’ category welds carry out 100% visual scanning and 100% visual examination. Other inspection methods are only required if specified on the Drawings or in other documents associated with the work. (d) For radiographic and ultrasonic examination, determine “h” by sectioning or vertical ultrasonic sizing in accordance with AS 2177.1 and AS 2207 respectively. (e) For NDE only use those techniques that are covered by Section 6 of AS/NZS 1554.1 except that the ultrasonic examination method must comply with AS 2207. Remove weld tabs prior to NDE inspection. (f) Use one metre or the actual weld length (whichever is the lesser) as the value “L” of a continuous weld length for the assessment of weld imperfections as detailed in Section 6 of AS/NZS 1554.1. (g) Unless otherwise specified carry out weld inspections to be covered by test certificates at least 48 hours after the joint and all adjacent welds have been completed and have cooled to ambient temperature, and where post weld heat treatment is specified or applied, such testing must occur only after completion of the heat treatment. (h) Where unacceptable imperfections are detected during audit testing or surveillance carried out by the Principal, repair such imperfections and 100% retest, including 100% testing of a further 300 mm each side of the repair zone, all at your expense. (i) Examine multi-pass welds in plates with thicknesses greater than 20 mm for transverse cracking by ultrasonic methods as specified in Table B204.2. HOLD POINT Process Held: Completion of weld inspection. Submission Details: Evidence that all testing in Clauses 6.4 and 6.5 has been carried out as specified. Release of Hold Point: The Principal will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point. 6.5 NON-CONFORMING WELDS When a weld is inspected by NDE and the level of imperfection detected exceeds the permissible values shown in Table 6.2.1 and Table 6.2.2 of AS/NZS 1554.1, such a weld shall be a non-conforming weld. Inspect the remainder of the weld as follows: (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 18 Ed 2 / Rev 1 (a) For manual and semi-automatic processes (e.g. FCAW, GMAW, MMAW etc.), 100% inspect the weld metal adjacent to the non-conforming weld section for an additional 300 mm minimum in each direction. Examine the remaining part of the weld in accordance with Table B204.2 and Clause 6.4 of this Specification. Where another non-conforming weld is detected, repeat the same cycle of inspection until no more non-conforming welds are found. (b) For automatic processes (e.g. SAW), if any defect is found 100% test the remainder of the weld in accordance with the methods given in Table B204.2 and Clause 6.4. The Principal must be notified of any non-conformity together with the extent of the non-conformity. The disposition proposed in the Non-Conformity Report submitted to the Principal must conform to the following: (a) Where you can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Principal through the use of fracture mechanics (see Clause 6.7 of AS/NZS 1554.1) or through other suitable assessment methods that the defect will not impair the performance of the structure, the defect need not be repaired; or (b) Repair the defect using a welding procedure qualified in accordance with Clause 4.2 of this Specification or requalified as required by AS/NZS 1554,e.g. AS/NZS 1554.1 Clause 4.11 (note that the qualified procedure used to produce the weld may be used to repair the defect). Note that even though an imperfection may be acceptable under this Section, the presence of surface breaking imperfections may interfere with your obligation to produce a weld with a surface finish suitable for application of the protective coating (see Clause and thus some rectification work may be necessary. 100% NDE inspect all welds for conformity, including 300 mm on each side of the repair zone. 7 STUD WELDING 7.1 GENERAL Supply, weld and inspect stud shear connectors in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.2 and this Specification. 7.2 CERTIFICATION OF STUDS Obtain certification from the stud supplier that the materials of the studs and their bases comply with the appropriate specification as required by Clause 2.2.3 and Paragraph C10, Appendix C of AS/NZS 1554.2. 7.3 QUALIFICATION OF OPERATORS Provide certification that each operator has passed a qualification test in accordance with Clause 4.3 of AS/NZS 1554.2. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 19 7.4 COMMENCEMENT OF STUD WELDING HOLD POINT Process Held: Commencement of stud welding. Submission Details: All details in Clauses 7.2 and 7.3 at least two (2) working days prior to commencement of any welding. Release of Hold Point: The Principal will examine the submitted documents prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point. Give the Principal a minimum of two (2) working days advance notice in writing before commencing stud welding work. 7.5 TESTING OF FINISHED STUD WELDS Test each stud in the work by striking it with a light hammer (ring test) in the presence of the Principal. Test by taking a steel hammer of approximately 1 kg in weight and using a free swing to strike the stud, then striking it again in the opposite direction. Then bend test, in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.2, any studs that do not give a consistent ringing sound. Also perform bend tests on a random selection of 5% of studs on each member in addition to those tested in accordance with Section 6 of AS/NZS 1554.2. In the bend test, bend the stud at an angle of 30° to its original axis. Bend only in the longitudinal direction of the member and towards its centre. After bending, examine the stud for cracks. Remove and replace any stud which exhibits cracks using the arc stud welding process. WITNESS POINT Process to be Witnessed: Testing of finished stud welds Submission Details: At least three (3) working days notification prior to testing of welded studs using ring and bend tests as detailed in Clause 7.5 of this Specification Mark any selected studs which fail. Bend test additional studs in the near vicinity of the failed stud. Do not bend back studs unless required for clearance. 7.6 ALTERNATIVE WELDING PROCESSES AND REPAIR Studs may be welded or repaired using qualified flux cored arc, gas metal-arc or manual metal-arc welding subject to the following: (a) The weld repairs must be at least category SP; (b) The parent material must be free from loose or thick scale, slag, rust, moisture or other material that prevents conforming welds or produces unsafe fumes; (c) The stud base must be clean and prepared so that the outside circumference fits tightly against the parent material. (d) Minimum fillet weld sizes must conform to Table B204.1. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 20 Ed 2 / Rev 1 Table B204.1 Minimum Fillet Weld Size for Studs Stud diameter millimetres Minimum size fillet millimetres 6.4 to 11.1 5 12.7 6 15.9 to 19.0 8 22.2 to 25.4 10 8 WELDING OF REINFORCING STEEL FOR CONCRETE 8.1 GENERAL Welding (including tack welds) of reinforcing steel must comply with AS/NZS 1554.3. In addition, for steel grades not qualified or covered by AS/NZS 1554.3, apply the bar manufacturer’s recommendations. Welding of reinforcing steels onto steel plates must comply with Clause 3.2.3 of AS/NZS 1554.3 for anchorage splices, the requirements of this Specification and AS/NZS 1554.1, AS/NZS 1554.4 or AS/NZS 1554.5, as appropriate. Apply all requirements of the previous Clauses of this Specification including the Hold Points (e.g. welding procedures, qualifications of personnel, welding of steel structures etc.) to the welding of reinforcing steels, where relevant. Where reference is made in those Clauses to AS/NZS 1554 or AS/NZS 1554.1, apply the corresponding Clauses in AS/NZS 1554.3. A model checklist for welding and tack welding of steel reinforcement is included in Annexure B204/G. Some model welding procedure qualification records and welding procedure specifications for non-structural/locational tack welding and welding of steel reinforcement are included in Annexure B204/H. The relevant model WPQRs and WPSs may be used for structural tack welding provided matching strength consumables of classifications E5518, E6218, W55X, W62X, W55XX.X or W62XX.X are used. 8.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Apply the following requirements for the welding of reinforcing steel bars. They override the previous Clauses of this Specification or AS/NZS 1554 when they are in contradiction: (a) Consumables for locational tack welds (refer to Figure B1 of AS 1554.3) may be non-hydrogen controlled, as permitted by AS/NZS 1554.3. Conform also to Clause 3.3.4 of AS 1554.3. (b) Locational tack welding need not be supervised by a Welding Supervisor, provided: (i) Welders are qualified in the presence of a Welding Supervisor and in accordance with the requirements of AS/NZS 1554.3; (ii) Audits of locational tack welding performed by qualified welders are carried out by a Welding Supervisor at least every 6 months; and (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 21 (iii) The Principal carries out regular inspections of the locational tack welding to verify conformity with AS/NZS 1554.3; (c) Non-qualified personnel must not perform any locational tack welding or other welding. (d) Use butt welded splices only if acceptable to the Principal; (e) Any welding procedure, regardless of the method used for its qualification, must be tested in accordance with Clause 7 of AS/NZS 1554.3 before it is used for the first time on RTA works. Subsequent use of such a procedure is acceptable without these additional tests provided that records of these tests and their results are available and meet the requirements of Clause 7.3 of AS/NZS 1554.3. (f) Provide a Weld Procedure Specification (WPS) for automated machine welds, and demonstrate that the strength of such welds is not less than that achieved by welding in accordance with a relevant model WPS in Annexure B204/H. (g) Carry out preparation or cutting of the fusion face, where appropriate, by a method complying with the submitted technical procedure (see Clause 2.3 of this Specification). (h) The extent of inspection must be 100% visual scanning and 100% visual examination with permissible levels of imperfection equivalent to those of Table 9.2 of AS/NZS 1554.3. 9 WELDING OF HIGH STRENGTH QUENCHED AND TEMPERED STEELS 9.1 GENERAL Welding of steelwork using quenched and tempered steels must be in accordance with AS/NZS 1554.4, category ‘SP’ unless otherwise specified on the Drawings. Welds in structural members subject to high levels of fatigue and specified on the Drawings as category ‘FP’ must be in accordance with the requirements for FP welds in AS/NZS 1554.4 unless otherwise specified. Relevant requirements of previous Clauses of this Specification including the Hold Points (e.g. welding procedures, qualifications of personnel, welding of steelwork etc.) shall apply to the welding of quenched and tempered steels. Where reference is made to AS/NZS 1554 or AS/NZS 1554.1, reference must be made to appropriate clauses in AS/NZS 1554.4. 9.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS For the welding of quenched and tempered steels the following overrides the previous Clauses of this Specification or AS/NZS 1554 when they are in contradiction: (a) Where thermal methods are used to correct distortion, the temperature of the steelwork must not exceed the tempering temperature of the steel less 20°C. (b) For welds specified on the Drawings as Category ‘FP’, the minimum extent of testing must be as provided for ‘SP’ Category in Table B204.2 or as given in Table 7.4 of AS/NZS 1554.4 Category ‘FP’, whichever is the greater. (c) For ‘SP’ category welds, the minimum extent and type of inspection must be as given in Table B204.2. Where not specified in this table, on the Drawings or in other documents associated with the work, apply the maximum recommendations of Table 7.4 of AS/NZS 1554.4. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 22 Ed 2 / Rev 1 Table B204.2 - Extent and Type of Inspection for ‘SP’ Category Welds Inspection method Weld location Minimum extent of inspection for each weld Visual scanning 1 All joints 100% Visual examination 2 All joints 100% MPE/LPE 3 Bridge Components • Stiffener welds at crucifix locations (single run fillet welds) 100% (MPE only) • Stiffener fillets at site joints 100% (MPE only) • Edges of flange butt joints 100% (MPE only) • Single pass fillet welds o All stiffeners, diaphragms or diaphragm stiffeners to tension flange; Diaphragm stiffener to diaphragm o All stiffeners, diaphragms or diaphragm stiffeners to compression flange or web plates; End plates to tension flange, compression flange and web plate 100% (MPE only) 20%(MPE only) • Back gouging 20% (MPE only) • All other welds 2% (MPE only) All Other Structural Members The maximum of AS/NZS 1554 recommendations Repairs • Repaired defects in base metal 100% • Remaining weld after removal of defected weld 100% (MPE only) • Repaired or replaced weld 100% Ultrasonic or Bridge Components radiographic • Flange butt joints 50% • Web butt joints 300 mm minimum each end of joint • Web to flange butt joint 100% within 500 mm each side of diaphragms 10% for other locations in addition to all ends of welds • Web to flange multipass fillet welds 4 10% - in addition to all ends of welds, lifting lug locations and at diaphragm locations • All stiffeners, diaphragms or diaphragm stiffeners to tension flange (butt and multipass fillet welds) 4 100% 4 • All stiffeners, diaphragms or diaphragm stiffeners to compression flange or web plates; Diaphragm stiffener to diaphragm; End plates to tension flange, compression flange and web plate (butt and multipass fillet welds) 4 10% 4 • All other welds 10% • All site joint welds 100% All Other Structural Members The maximum of AS/NZS 1554 recommendations 1 Detection of gross defects and omission of welds 2 Examination of the quality of the specified extent of weld 3 Magnetic Particle Examination / Liquid Penetrant Examination 4 Inspect using both MPE and ultrasonic methods. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 23 ANNEXURE B204/A – PROJECT SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS A1 REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL TEST PIECE(S) (J ob Specific- Ref. Clause 4.2.2) The Works covered by this Specification require the preparation and testing of special test piece(s) as detailed in Clause 4.2.2 of this Specification and: (a) as detailed in the following table: Test Piece Identification Conditions To Be Replicated Comments and (b) as specified in the Quality Plan. ANNEXURE B204/B PAYMENT (Refer to Clause 1.2.2) Except where specific pay items are provided, all costs associated with qualification of welding procedures and welders, inspection and testing of welding shall be deemed to be included in the rates and prices generally for the work under the Contract. All repairs to welds shall be at your cost including the cost of any subsequent NDE. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 24 Ed 2 / Rev 1 ANNEXURE B204/C - SCHEDULES OF HOLD AND WITNESS POINTS AND IDENTIFIED RECORDS (Refer to Clause 1.2.3) C1 SCHEDULE OF HOLD AND WITNESS POINTS Clause Point Description 2 HOLD Commencement of welding 4.2.2 WITNESS Welding procedures qualified by testing 5.1 HOLD Equivalency of overseas qualifications to be verified by WTIA. 5.3.1 HOLD Use of MPE and/or LPE by Welding Inspector 6.1.1 HOLD Commencement of welding 6.1.2 HOLD New welding procedures 6.1.5 HOLD Completion of prototype 6.4 HOLD Completion of weld inspection 7.4 HOLD Commencement of stud welding 7.5 WITNESS Testing of finished stud welds C2 SCHEDULE OF IDENTIFIED RECORDS The records listed below are Identified Records for the purposes of RTA Q Clause E2Clause E2. Clause Description of the Identified Record 6.1.1 Details of personnel qualifications, technical procedures and welding processes 6.1.5 Documents demonstrating compliance of prototype Peening procedure 6.5 Non-conformities and proposed disposition for welds 7.2 & 7.3 Certification of studs and operators ANNEXURE B204/D – (NOT USED) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 25 ANNEXURE B204/E - LIST OF CROSS-REFERENCES TO APPENDIX D OF AS/NZS 1554.1 (Refer to Clause 1.3.) Appendix D of AS/NZS 1554.1 RTA B204 Item Clause Clause a 3.1.2 1.1, 1.3, 6.2 & 8.2 b 3.2.2 & 3.3.2 4.1 c 3.5 1.3 d 4.1 & 4.2 4.1, 4.2 & 6.1.2 e 4.2 4.1, 4.2 & 6.1.2 f 4.6.1 6.2 g 4.7.1 4.2.2 h Table 4.7.1 4.2.2 i Table 4.7.1 & Clause 4.7.9 4.2.2 j 4.7.2 4.2.2 k 4.10 4.2.2 l 4.12.1 5.1 & 5.2 m 4.12.2 5.1 &5.4.1 n 5.2.2 4.2.2 & 6.3 o 5.2.2 4.2.2 & 6.3 p 5.7.2 q 5.7.3 r 5.7.4 s 5.11 & 5.12 6.1.3, & 6.5 t 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 & 7.4 6.4 u 6.3.1, 6.4.1, 6.5 & 6.6 6.4 v 6.3.3, 6.4.3 & 6.7 6.5 w 6.8 6.4 x 7.4 5.3.2 y 7.4 6.4 ANNEXURE B204/F - GUIDANCE ON TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 26 Ed 2 / Rev 1 (Refer to Clause 1.3.) Guidance on some of the requirements of RTA B204 is available in the following cross-referenced publication: Requirement B204 Clause Guidance Publication∗ Safety – personnel 3.1 WTIA Technical Note 22 Safety – equipment 3.2 WTIA Technical Note 7 Welding procedures 4 Appendix A, WTIA Technical Note 19 Weld marking 6.1.3 Chapter 8, WTIA Technical Note 19 Storing of consumables 6.2 WTIA Technical Note 3 WTIA Technical Note 2; and Control of distortion 6.3.1 Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding published by The Lincoln Electric Company Inspection of welded reinforcing steel bars 8.2 Section F, WTIA Technical Note 11 ∗ Referenced Guidance Publications Welding Technology Institute of Australia Technical Notes Technical Note 2 “Welding Aluminium with the Inert Gas Processes” Technical Note 3 “Care & Conditioning of Arc Welding Consumables” Technical Note 7 “Health & Safety in Welding” Technical Note 11 “Commentary on The Structural Steel Welding Code AS 1554” Technical Note 15 “Welding & Fabrication of Quenched & Tempered Steels” Technical Note 19 “Cost Effective Quality Management for Welding” Technical Note 22 “Welding Electrical Safety” Other Publications The Lincoln Electric Company “The Procedure Handbook of Arc Welding” EN 719 Welding Coordinator Qualifications ISO 14731 The Coordinator – Tasks and responsibilities (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 27 ANNEXURE B204/G – MODEL CHECKLIST – TACK WELDING AND WELDING OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT (Refer Clause 8) Item B204 Requirement B204 Clause AS/NZS 1554.3 Clause Hold/Witness Point Conforms Does Not Conform Inspector’s Comments 1 Quality Plan 2 Hold 2 Qualified Welding Procedure 4 4 Witness 3 Previously Used Qualified Welding Procedure 4 4 4 Qualified Personnel 5.1 Hold a. Welding Supervisor 5.2 4.10.1 b. Welding Inspector 5.3 10.2 c. MPE and LPE Inspection 5 9.3; 9.4 Hold d. Overseas Personnel 5 Hold 5 Qualified Welders 5.4 4.10.2 6 Commencement of Welding 6 Hold 7 Weld Procedures Not Approved 6 4.5.2; 7 Hold 8 Welding and Inspection of Similar Components 6 Hold 9 Consumables 6 4.5 a. Stick Electrodes 6 b. Gas/Wire 6 10 Inspection of Welds 6 10.3.1; 10.3.2 Hold 11 Non-Conforming Welds 6 12 Additional Requirements 8.1; 8.2 Appendix C (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 28 Ed 2 / Rev 1 ANNEXURE B204/H – MODEL WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORDS AND WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS FOR TACK WELDING AND WELDING OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT (Refer Clause 8.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 29 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0001 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0001 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm Position Flat Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix C Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix C Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 Flat 3.2mm CIG Weld 118 21 DCEP 240 0.6195 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Test Results Test Type Visual Macro Tensile Bend Charpy V Hardness Other Date Checked Test by Yes Yes Yes Yes Report no Result Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm diameter bar tackwelds 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 6 spot tackwelds welded between the ribs on the bar at two times the dia of the bar (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 30 Ed 2 / Rev 1 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0001 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0001 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm Position Flat Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix C Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix C Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 Flat 3.2mm CIG Weld 118 21 DCEP 240 0.6195 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm diameter bar tackwelds 12mm Rebar 12mm R b 6 spot tackwelds welded between the ribs on the bar at two times the dia of the bar (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 31 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Materal/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0002 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0002 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 18mm to 36mm Position Flat Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appedix C Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appedix C Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Materal Thickness Dia 24mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position Omm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 Flat 3.2mm CIG Weld 118 21 DCEP 240 0.6195 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Test Results Test Type Visual Macro Tensile Bend Charpy V Hardness Other Date Checked Test by Yes Yes Yes Yes Report no Result Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Wittnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 24mm diameter bar 24mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 6 spot tackwelds welded between the ribs on the bar at two times the dia of the bar (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 32 Ed 2 / Rev 1 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0002 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0002 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 18mm to 36mm Position Flat Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix C Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix C Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 24mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 Flat 3.2mm CIG Weld 118 21 DCEP 240 0.6195 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 24mm diameter bar 24mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 6 spot tackwelds welded between the ribs on the bar at two times the dia of the bar (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 33 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0003 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0003 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 21mm to 42mm Position Flat Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix C Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix C Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 28mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 Flat 3.2mm CIG Weld 118 21 DCEP 240 0.6195 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Test Results Test Type Visual Macro Tensile Bend Charpy V Hardness Other Date Checked Test by Yes Yes Yes Yes Report no Result Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 28mm diameter bar 28mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 6 spot tackwelds welded between the ribs on the bar at two times the dia of the bar (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 34 Ed 2 / Rev 1 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0003 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0003 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 21mm to 42mm Position Flat Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix C Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix C Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 28mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 Flat 3.2mm CIG Weld 118 21 DCEP 240 0.6195 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 28mm diameter bar 28mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 6 spot tackwelds welded between the ribs on the bar at two times the dia of the bar (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 35 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0004 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0004 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix B Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix B Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm to 12mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Test Results Test Type Visual Macro Tensile Bend Charpy V Hardness Other Date Checked Test by Yes Yes Report no Result Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm diameter bars cross tack weld 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 1 1 4mm (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 36 Ed 2 / Rev 1 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0004 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0004 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix B Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix B Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm to 12mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm diameter bars cross tack weld 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 1 1 4mm (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 37 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0005 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0005 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm & 18 to 36 Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix B Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix B Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm to 24mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Test Results Test Type Visual Macro Tensile Bend Charpy V Hardness Other Date Checked Test by Yes Yes Report no Result Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm and 24mm diameter bars cross tack weld 24mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 1 1 4mm (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 38 Ed 2 / Rev 1 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0005 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0005 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm & 18 to 36 Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix B Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix B Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm to 24mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Notes/ Revisions 1.This tack weld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tack weld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tack weld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm and 24mm diameter bars cross tack weld 24mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 1 1 4mm (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 39 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0006 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0006 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm & 21 to 42 Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix B Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix B Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm to 28mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Test Results Test Type Visual Macro Tensile Bend Charpy V Hardness Other Date Checked Test by Yes Yes Report no Result Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm and 28mm diameter bars cross tackweld 28mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 1 1 4mm (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 40 Ed 2 / Rev 1 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0006 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0006 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm & 21 to 42 Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 App-B Prequal Joint No Appendix B Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table Appendix B Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm to 28mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Notes/ Revisions 1.This tackweld shall not have any structural performance. 2. This tackweld shall not be used for lifting. 3.This tackweld shall only be used for location purposes only. Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm and 28mm diameter bars cross tackweld 28mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 1 1 4mm (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 41 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0007 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0007 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 Cl.3.2.2 Prequal Joint No L-d Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table F-4 Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence * Refer to Standard for values for bars other than 12 mm diameter Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 2 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Test Results Test Type Visual Macro Tensile Bend Charpy V Hardness Other Date Checked Test by Yes Yes Report no Result Notes/ Revisions Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm diameter bars load bearing lap splice 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 1 5mm* 120 mm* m 2 1 2 0 mm Gap (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 42 Ed 2 / Rev 1 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0007 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0007 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 9mm to 18mm Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 Cl.3.2.2 Prequal Joint No L-d Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table F-4 Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 12mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence * Refer to Standard for values for bars other than 12 mm diameter Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 2 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Notes/ Revisions Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 12mm diameter bars load bearing lap splice 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 12mm Rebar 1 5mm* 120 mm* m 2 1 2 0 mm Gap (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 43 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0008 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0008 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 18mm to 36mm Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 Cl.3.2.2 Prequal Joint No L-d Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table F4 Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 24mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence * Refer to Standard for values for bars other than 24 mm diameter Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 2 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Test Results Test Type Visual Macro Tensile Bend Charpy V Hardness Other Date Checked Test by Yes Yes Report no Result Notes/ Revisions Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 24mm diameter bars load bearing lap splice 24mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 1 10mm* 240mm* 2 1 2 0 mm Gap (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 44 Ed 2 / Rev 1 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0008 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0008 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 18mm to 36mm Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 Cl.3.2.2 Prequal Joint No L-d Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table F4 Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 24mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence * Refer to Standard for values for bars other than 24 mm diameter Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 2 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Notes/ Revisions Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 24mm diameter bars load bearing lap splice 24mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 24mm Rebar 1 10mm* 240mm* 2 1 2 0 mm Gap (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 45 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0009 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0009 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 21mm to 42mm Dia Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 Cl.3.2.2 Prequal Joint No L-d Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table F4 Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 28mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence * Refer to Standard for values for bars other than 28 mm diameter Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 2 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Test Results Test Type Visual Macro Tensile Bend Charpy V Hardness Other Date Checked Test by Yes Yes Report no Result Notes/ Revisions Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 28mm diameter bars load bearing lap splice 28mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 1 12mm* 280mm* 2 1 2 0 mm Gap (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B204 Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures 46 Ed 2 / Rev 1 WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION Material/Grade AS-NZS 4761-500N Bar Weldability Group Number 4 Fabricator N/A PQR No RTA PQR 0009 Standard AS-NZS 1554.3 Date Apr-05 Process MMAW WPS No RTA WPS 0009 Edge Prep Cut and Grind Page No 1 Welding Direction Drag/pull Revision and Date 0 Range Qualified 21mm to 42mm Dia Position Horizontal 2F Preheat Temp N/A PWHT N/A Method and Check N/A Hold Time N/A Inter-run Temp 200'C Max Other AS-NZS 1554.3 Cl.3.2.2 Prequal Joint No L-d Root Face 'Fr' N/A Joint Tolerances To Table F4 Included Angle '0' N/A Root gap 'G' 0mm Backing N/A Material Thickness Dia 28mm Combined Thickness N/A Joint Sequence Run Sequence * Refer to Standard for values for bars other than 28 mm diameter Welding Consumables Specifications Root E4113 Remainder Same Flux Classification Root AS1553 Remainder Same Shielding Gas N/A Flowrate N/A N/A Purge Gas N/A Flowrate N/A Weld Run Details Welding Parameters Pass No Side Position 0mm Trade Name Amps Volts Current Polarity T/ Speed mm/min Heat input KJ 1 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 2 1 3.2mm CIG Weld 125 20 DCEP 150 1 Technique Stringer/Weave Stringer Single or Multi run Single Stick-Out N/A Initial Cleaning Wire Brush Back Gouge N/A Inter Run Clean Wire Brush Gouge Check N/A Notes/ Revisions Welders Name Witnessed by Sign Date Approved by Sign Date 28mm diameter bars load bearing lap splice 28mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 28mm Rebar 1 12mm* 280mm* 2 1 2 0 mm Gap (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Welding of Bridges and Other Road Structures B204 Ed 2 / Rev 1 47 ANNEXURES B204/I TO B204/L – (NOT USED) ANNEXURE B204/M - REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (Refer to Clause 1.2.4) Australian Standards AS 1101 Graphical symbols for general engineering AS 1101.3 Welding and non-destructive examination AS 1171 Non-destructive testing – Magnetic particle testing of ferromagnetic products, components and structures AS/NZS 1554 Structural steel welding AS/NZS 1554.1 Welding of steel structures AS/NZS 1554.2 Stud welding (steel studs to steel) AS/NZS 1554.3 Welding of reinforcing steel AS/NZS 1554.4 Welding of high strength quenched and tempered steels AS/NZS 1554.5 Welding of steel structures subject to high levels of fatigue loading AS 1579 Arc-welded steel pipes and fittings for water and waste-water AS 1674.2 Safety in welding and allied processes - Electrical AS 2062 Non-destructive testing – Penetrant testing of products and components AS 2177.1 Non-destructive testing – Radiography of welded butt joints in metal – Methods of test AS 2207 Non-destructive testing – Ultrasonic testing of fusion welded joints in carbon and low alloy steel AS 2980 Qualification of welders for fusion welding of steels AS/NZS 3195 Approval and test specification – Portable machines for electric arc welding and allied processes AS 3992 Pressure equipment - Welding and brazing qualification AS/NZS ISO 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements AS/NZS ISO 3834 Quality requirements for welding – Fusion welding of metallic materials AS/NZS ISO 3834.2 Comprehensive quality requirements AS/NZS ISO 3834.3 Standard quality requirements RTA Specifications RTA Q Quality Management System Other Publications NOHSC:1003 “Adopted National Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment”, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC). Presently replaced by the Office of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council (OASCC) B220 - Wardell Sheave Repairs ROADS and TRAFFIC AUTHORITY NSW J anuary 2008 QA SPECI FI CATI ON B220 PROTECTIVE TREATMENT OF BRIDGE STEELWORK Copyright - Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, 2005 RNIC-QA-B220 VERSION FOR: Wardell Sheave Repairs DATE: J anuary 2008 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. i CONTENTS FOREWORD...............................................................................................................................................II RTA Copyright and Use of this Document....................................................................................ii Revisions to Edition 1....................................................................................................................ii Project Specific Changes...............................................................................................................ii 1 GENERAL........................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Scope..............................................................................................................................1 1.2 Structure of the Specification.........................................................................................1 1.3 Definitions......................................................................................................................2 2 RESOURCES....................................................................................................................................2 2.1 Plant and Equipment.......................................................................................................2 2.2 Materials.........................................................................................................................2 3 EXECUTION....................................................................................................................................4 3.1 General ...........................................................................................................................4 3.2 Emissions Control ..........................................................................................................4 3.3 Hot-dip Galvanizing.......................................................................................................4 3.4 Paint Coating Systems....................................................................................................5 3.5 Connections....................................................................................................................6 3.6 Surface Preparation........................................................................................................8 3.7 Paint Application............................................................................................................9 3.8 Care of the Work..........................................................................................................12 4 CONFORMITY ...............................................................................................................................13 4.1 Dry Film Thickness......................................................................................................13 4.2 Adhesion.......................................................................................................................13 4.3 Appearance...................................................................................................................13 4.4 Nonconformity.............................................................................................................14 4.5 Records.........................................................................................................................14 ANNEXURE B220/A – DETAILS OF WORK..............................................................................................16 ANNEXURE B220/B - PAYMENT.............................................................................................................18 B.1 General .........................................................................................................................18 B.2 Pay Items......................................................................................................................18 ANNEXURE B220/C – SCHEDULE OF HOLD AND WITNESS POINTS AND IDENTIFIED RECORDS............19 C.1 Schedule of Hold and Witness Points...........................................................................19 C.2 Schedule of Identified Records.....................................................................................19 ANNEXURE B220/D – PLANNING DOCUMENTS......................................................................................20 D.1 Information to be Included in the Project Quality Plan................................................20 ANNEXURE B220/E – PAINT COATING SYSTEMS...................................................................................21 E.1 Explanation of Table....................................................................................................21 E.2 Coating Systems...........................................................................................................22 ANNEXURES B220/F TO B220/L - (NOT USED) ......................................................................................38 ANNEXURE B220/M – REFERENCED DOCUMENTS................................................................................39 B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork ii B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs LAST PAGE OF RTA B220 IS...................................................................................................................39 FOREWORD RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT When this document forms part of a contract This document should be read with all the documents forming the Contract. When this document does not form part of a contract This copy is not a controlled document. Observe the Notice that appears on the first page of the copy controlled by RTA. A full copy of the latest version of the document is available on the RTA Internet website: REVISIONS TO EDITION 1 This document is based on RTA Specification B220 Edition 1 Revision 0 ⎯ April 2004. All revisions to RTA B220 Ed 1/Rev 0 (other than minor editorial and project specific changes) have been indicated by a vertical line in the margin as shown here. PROJECT SPECIFIC CHANGES Any project specific changes have been indicated in the following manner:- (a) Text which is additional to the base document and which is included in the Specification is shown in bold italics e.g. Additional Text. (b) Text which has been deleted from the base document and which is not included in the Specification is shown struck out e.g. Deleted Text. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs 1 RTA QA SPECIFICATION B220 PROTECTIVE TREATMENT OF BRIDGE STEELWORK 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE This Specification sets out the requirements for the protective treatment of BRIDGE STEELWORK. It includes provisions for the painting of new steelwork and the maintenance painting of existing steelwork. 1.2 STRUCTURE OF THE SPECIFICATION This Specification includes a series of annexures that detail additional requirements. 1.2.1 Details of work Details of work to be carried out under this Specification are described in Annexure B220/A. 1.2.2 Payment Payment for the activities associated with completing the work detailed under this Specification must be made using the Pay Item(s) referred to in Annexure B220/B. 1.2.3 Schedules of HOLD POINTS, WITNESS POINTS and Identified Records The schedules in Annexure B220/C list the HOLD POINTS and WITNESS POINTS that must be observed. Refer to RTA Q for the definitions of HOLD POINTS and WITNESS POINTS. The records listed in Annexure B220/C are Identified Records for the purposes of RTA Q Clause E2. 1.2.4 Planning Documents The PROJ ECT QUALITY PLAN must include each of the documents and requirements listed in Annexure B220/D and must be implemented. If the Contract does not require you to implement a PROJ ECT QUALITY PLAN, the documents listed in Annexure B220/D must be submitted to the Principal for consideration at least 5 working days prior to work commencing and must be implemented. 1.2.5 Referenced Documents Unless otherwise specified or is specifically supplied by the Principal, the applicable issue of a referenced document is the issue current one week before closing date for tenders, or where no issue is current at that date, the most recent issue. Codes, standards, specifications and test methods are referred to in an abbreviated form (e.g. AS 2312). For convenience, the full titles are given in Annexure B220/M. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 2 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs 1.3 DEFINITIONS The following definition applies to this Specification: BRIDGE STEELWORK refers to all ferrous components including steel, wrought-iron and cast-iron bridge components. DFT refers to Dry Film Thickness. Apply the definitions of painting terms contained in AS 2310. 2 RESOURCES 2.1 PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 2.1.1 General Meet the obligations for plant and equipment in RTA G22. 2.1.2 Blasting and Painting Equipment Ensure that clean dry air is supplied for abrasive blast cleaning, blowing down and spraying. Fit and regularly maintain oil and water traps to all air-lines. Employ new in-line air supply filters at the beginning of the Contract. Replace filters at the manufacturer’s recommended date for replacement or earlier if found to be ineffective. Ensure that water used for washing down and high-pressure water blasting is clean, free from chlorides and free from any other deleterious contaminants. Maintain any supply water treatment system. Ensure any used water is treated to remove contaminants before recycling or discharge. Maintain used water treatment system so that the water discharged from the system meets all environmental and steel contamination requirements. Use electric arc plasma equipment for hot metal spray work. Include the procedure for monitoring and replacement of in-line air supply filters for blasting helmets in the PROJ ECT QUALITY PLAN. Include the procedures for monitoring of the water quality and maintenance of any water treatment system in the PROJ ECT QUALITY PLAN. 2.2 MATERIALS 2.2.1 Cleaning Solutions Use cleaning solutions for removal of non-water soluble contamination (e.g. grease, lifting chain lubricant or road grime) according to recommendations of AS 1627.1. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 3 2.2.2 Water for blast cleaning Use only water that is free from contaminants deleterious to the surface of the steel for high pressure water blasting and jet washing. 2.2.3 Abrasives Use only steel grit and other metal abrasives for the abrasive blast cleaning of new steelwork and use permanent blast chambers fitted with mechanical recycling systems and dust extractors that ensure that the abrasives are not exposed to water and are dry at all times. Use only garnet abrasives for all on-site work, regardless of whether the work is carried out in a weatherproof containment or not. Do not use copper and other mineral slag abrasives that contain various forms of heavy metals. Remove all inspirable dust and toxic contaminants from abrasives used as a blasting medium prior to their re-use in the blasting process. Analyse abrasives before first use for the presence of water-soluble salts and total lead content. The water-soluble salts content must be less than 50 parts per million (ppm). The total lead content must be less than 100 ppm. Prior to the commencement of abrasive blast cleaning, submit a certificate from the abrasive supplier that the abrasive conforms to these requirements. 2.2.4 Paint Use paints and thinners conforming to RTA B221. A single manufacturer must supply all paints. All paints brought to site must be in their original unopened containers, bearing the manufacturer’s label, batch number, coating colour and expiry date where applicable. Store paint under conditions that do not lead to deterioration of the paint and store according to the paint manufacturer’s recommendations. Prior to the commencement of painting, provide written advice from the paint supplier on how to interpret the paint supplier’s batch coding and labelling to permit determination of the batch number and the expiry date of the paint. The Principal may take half-litre samples of the paints supplied for the work to test compliance with RTA B221. Submit a copy of the manufacturer’s record of test when requested by the Principal. Immediately removed nonconforming paint from site and replace. 2.2.5 Thinners For each of the paint products to be applied, use only the specific thinners recommended by the paint manufacturer for the thinning of paint. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 4 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs Do use to thin paint solvents that are specified only for the cleaning of equipment. Prior to application of paint, flush or otherwise remove from painting equipment solvents that are used for cleaning equipment. 2.2.6 Fillers Use only a two-part solventless epoxy putty that is suitable for use as a filler for crevices and gaps between steel. 2.2.7 Hot Metal Spray Use only a wire comprising 85% zinc and 15% aluminium. Wire must conform to AS. The Principal may sample up to 100 grams of wire from each coil to test the wire for conformance. 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL Carry out all work in accordance with the recommendations and advice of AS 2312 and AS 1627 unless otherwise specified herein. 3.2 EMISSIONS CONTROL Employ containment and other measures for all surface preparation and paint application work to prevent emissions from surface preparation operations, paint overspray or other discharges of materials of any form into any river or waterway, into the air or onto any soils, onto passing vehicles, pedestrians and other members of the public and their property. Employ water treatment and recycling to minimise the water use where jet washing is used for preparing steelwork for painting. Containments for abrasive blast cleaning work may be either permanent blast chambers or temporary enclosures. Ensure all containments comply with all environmental and occupational health and safety legislation. Carry out painting works involving the surface preparation of paint coatings containing lead and/or asbestos in accordance with RTA B223. Employ screens, drop-sheets or similar measures to prevent coating surfaces not included in the Contract. Apply paint coating systems for new steelwork under enclosed conditions that protect blast cleaned and freshly painted surfaces from damage from environmental exposure or air-borne dust or other contamination. 3.3 HOT-DIP GALVANIZING 3.3.1 General Carry out hot-dip galvanizing in accordance with AS/NZS 4680. Ensure hollow members to be hot-dip galvanized are free from crevices, open and not sealed. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 5 Ensure internal surfaces of hot-dip galvanized hollow members are galvanized. Ensure galvanized coatings are free of the following: (a) brittle, uneven and/or loosely adhering coatings on flame cut edges; (b) pin-holes in galvanized coatings along welds; and (c) white rust, ferrous rust and other surface contamination or stains that diminish the appearance or function of the galvanized coating. 3.3.2 Repairs Repair damaged galvanized coatings as follows: (a) Degrease surfaces according to AS 1627.1 using a suitable proprietary cleaner containing solvent and emulsifiable degreasers. (b) Abrade damaged area by hand or power tool or by abrasive blast cleaning, as appropriate for size and situation of area to be treated. Exposed steel must be bright, free of rust and other surface impurities immediately prior to painting. (c) Apply one coat of two pack, zinc rich epoxy primer paint to exposed steel and adjacent sound galvanised coating to provide a dry film thickness of 75 microns. 3.4 PAINT COATING SYSTEMS 3.4.1 General Paint coating systems for painted bridge steelwork are specified in Annexure B220/E. 3.4.2 Hollow Members Fully seal hollow non-galvanised members with interiors that are inaccessible after fabrication by continuous welding prior to painting. Use sealing welds between intermittent welds. Internal surfaces of fully sealed hollow members require no protective treatment but must be dry and free of any loose or other materials that may have long-term deleterious affects on the internal surfaces and welds. Paint internal surfaces of box girders with provision for entry of personnel in the finished structure using the paint coating system specified in Annexure B220/E. 3.4.3 Surfaces in Contact with Concrete Atmospheric Exposure For surfaces of steelwork in contact with concrete in the completed structure exposed to atmospheric conditions: (a) Up to 50 mm of the adjacent exposed surface of steelwork – apply the same surface preparation and shop applied coatings as that employed on adjacent exposed surfaces surface of steelwork. (b) Beyond 50 mm from an exposed surface of steelwork – apply the same surface preparation and primer but coatings applied after the primer may be reduced in build to give a total minimum dry film thickness, including primer, of 150 microns. For a single coat system, the minimum dry film thickness of the single coating must be 150 microns. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 6 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs Immersed Conditions For surfaces of steelwork in contact with concrete in the completed structure and adjacent to surfaces subject to immersion in water: (a) Up to 200 mm from an exposed surface of steelwork – provide the surface preparation and the full protective treatment employed on the exposed surfaces. (b) Beyond 200 mm from an exposed surface of steelwork – provide the surface preparation, full primer and a minimum total DFT of build and top coats of one half that applied to the exposed surfaces. Shear Studs Abrasive blast clean shear studs to AS 1627.4 Sa 2½ and then protect with coatings as per the base steel area but with total dry film thickness of 50 to 150 microns. 3.4.4 Paint Coating Repairs Repair all areas of damaged paintwork and areas at support locations for temporary scaffolding in accordance with the specified paint coating system subject to following modifications: (a) Areas less than 100 cm 2 may be prepared by power tool or abrasive paper. (b) Exposed steel surfaces at repair areas must be bright, free of rust and other surface impurities immediately prior to painting. (c) Zinc phosphate epoxy primer may be used in lieu of zinc rich epoxy primer for priming areas less than 100 cm 2 . To achieve uniform appearance and colour and to blend in with previously applied paint, apply a light, feathered spray application of the final topcoat paint to areas adjoining repairs. 3.5 CONNECTIONS 3.5.1 Fixings The protective treatment of bolts, nuts, screws and washers must be in accordance with RTA B240. 3.5.2 Friction-Type Bolted Connections General Faying surfaces of friction-type bolted connections designed to AS 4100 must have a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.35 measured according to AS 4100 Appendix J . Galvanized members Lightly abrade faying surfaces of friction grip bolted connections on galvanized members to achieve the specified minimum coefficient of friction by means of one or more of the following: (a) by a light "brush off" abrasive blast clean to a dull grey finish; (b) by buffing the surface with a carborundum impregnated, nylon buffing disc using a slow revving grinder to a dull grey finish; and/or (c) by lightly abrading with 120-grit paper to a dull grey finish. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 7 Painted Members Unless hot metal spray is specified, faying surfaces on painted members must be coated with a zinc rich primer, irrespective of the coating system used elsewhere on the members. The coating system for faying surfaces of painted members must be as follows: (a) degrease surfaces according to AS 1627.1 using a suitable proprietary cleaner containing solvent and emulsifiable degreasers; (b) abrasive blast clean to AS 1627.4 Sa 2½ with surface profile 45 to 65 microns; and (c) apply one coat of a zinc rich primer having dry film thickness of 75 microns. The zinc rich primer on faying surfaces must be either: (i) an inorganic zinc primer conforming to AS 3750.15 Type 4 and APAS 2908, or (ii) a zinc rich epoxy primer conforming to AS/NZS 3750.9 and APAS 2916. If requested by the Principal, provide evidence that zinc paint coatings applied to faying surfaces have the minimum coefficient of friction specified above. Hot Metal Spray Faying Surfaces Where specified, use hot metal spray on the faying surfaces. The coating system for hot metal spray must be as follows: (a) degrease surfaces according to AS 1627.1 using a suitable proprietary cleaner containing solvent and emulsifiable degreasers; and (b) i. abrasive blast clean to AS 1627.4 Sa 3 with surface profile 45 to 65 microns; and ii. apply one coat of a hot metal spray having a thickness of 75 microns. 3.5.3 Masking at Connections Mask connection areas of steel members that are to be blast cleaned and painted before site welding or bolting as follows: (a) mask areas adjacent to field welds to leave an uncoated margin of 75 mm to the first coat and an additional 50 mm margin for each subsequent coat; and (b) mask faying surfaces of friction-type bolted connections coated with zinc primer paint or hot metal spray to leave a margin of 50 mm around the perimeter of the contact surface to the second coat and an additional 50 mm margin for each subsequent coat. Following completion of connection, prepare the surface, lightly feather masked coating edges and apply paint coatings specified for the connected members. 3.5.4 Painting of Bolted Connections Paint hot-dip galvanized and zinc plated nuts, bolts and washers, splice plates and other fixing components of bolted connections of painted members as follows: (a) degrease galvanized and zinc coated surfaces according to AS 1627.1 using a suitable proprietary cleaner containing solvent and emulsifiable degreasers; (b) lightly abrade hot-dip galvanized splice plates as per the surface preparation of galvanised members; (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 8 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs (c) repair damaged areas of zinc coating as specified above for paint coating repairs; and (d) apply paint coatings specified for the connected members. 3.6 SURFACE PREPARATION 3.6.1 General Prepare surfaces of all iron and steelwork according to the requirements and recommendations of AS 1627 unless otherwise specified in this Specification. Assess the surface profile of the steel to ensure that the proposed blast preparation process will provide the required surface profile. 3.6.2 Preliminary cleaning Remove heavy localised deposits of contaminants by scraping or other mechanical means that do not spread contaminants over less contaminated areas. 3.6.3 Oil and Grease Removal Clean areas contaminated with oil, grease and bitumen spray using an alkaline or solvent cleaning process according to AS 1627.1 prior to blast cleaning or any other surface preparation process or painting. 3.6.4 Sharp Edges Sharp edges and corners, including sharp edges resulting from loss of section caused by rust, must be rounded by hand or power tools to a minimum radius of 1.5 mm prior to painting. WITNESS POINT Process to be Witnessed: Commencement abrasive Blast Cleaning Submission Details: 2 days prior notice of intention to commence abrasive blast cleaning 3.6.5 Abrasive Blast Cleaning Procedures Record the air temperature, surface temperature, relative humidity, dew point and time immediately prior to commencement of abrasive blast cleaning. Record the air temperature, surface temperature, relative humidity, dew point and time every two hours during blast cleaning and immediately on completion of blast cleaning. Abrasive blast clean surfaces using a dry abrasive blast cleaning process according to AS 1627.4 to achieve the specified class of surface preparation and profile. You must abrasive blast clean all interior surfaces of members comprising two or more flat plates, back-to-back angles, channels or other sections. You need not remove sound coatings or sealants that remain under rivet heads, in corners, in gaps between elements of built-up sections or in crevices after abrasive blast cleaning. You must ensure no significant quantities of spent abrasive and removed paint particles remain in on-site containments overnight. Collect and remove spent abrasive and removed paint particles from contained areas at least once per day. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 9 Surface Contaminants Abrasive blast cleaned and painted surfaces must be free of salts, loose particles, paint over spray or dust from abrasive blast cleaning and other surface contaminants prior to the application of paint. Remove any salts by jet washing and re-blast. Remove surface contaminants by blowing down with compressed air and brushing with a soft bristle brush. Air used to blow down surfaces must be free of oil and moisture. Remove all residual dust on surfaces by vacuum. 3.6.6 Inspection Prior to painting, inspect 100% of the area to be painted to ensure conformance with the surface preparation requirements. WITNESS POINT Process to be Witnessed: Commencement of primer and commencement of other coats Submission Details: Evidence by the Contractor of surface preparation having been properly completed and documented on the Contractor’s ITP record 3.6.7 Records Record details of the surface preparation procedures used on the work using AS 3894.10, AS 3894.14 or their equivalent. As a minimum, include records of the following: (a) name/s of cleaning solution manufacturer/s; (b) product names of cleaning solutions; (c) designation of each member or area where cleaning solution is used; (d) the method/s of surface preparation employed; (e) the class of surface preparation and profile of blast cleaned surfaces; (f) the type and grade of abrasive; (g) soluble salt and lead content of non-metallic abrasives; and (h) records of the air temperature, surface temperature, relative humidity, dew point and times of commencement and completion. 3.7 PAINT APPLICATION 3.7.1 Method Except as otherwise specified below in this clause or Annexure B220/E, apply all paints and coatings by spray using airless or air-assisted airless equipment. Conventional spray equipment may be used for the application of zinc epoxy primers. Employ brush and roller application as specified for stripe coats. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 10 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs Ensure that the DFT is between the minimum specified DFT and three times the minimum specified DFT at all locations. Ensure that each coat is applied before the maximum recoat time specified by the Manufacturer but after the previous coat has reached a sufficient degree of cure to accept the coat. Adjust curing times according to the ambient conditions and the manufacturer’s recommendations. 3.7.2 Mixing Paints Mix paints according to the Product Data Sheet or as advised by the Coating Manufacturer. Observe mixing requirements including thinner type and quantity, and any induction times. Hand mixing of coatings or packs of coatings that do not exceed 5 litres in total must be permitted. Mechanical mixing must be employed for all kit sizes exceeding 5 litres in volume. For multi-package coatings, both components must be thoroughly and separately mixed before blending together. Mix coatings or packs of coatings that do not exceed 5 litres in total by hand or mechanical means. Mechanically mix all kit sizes exceeding 5 litres in volume. For multi-package coatings, thoroughly and separately mix both components before blending together. Mix the total contents of the respective containers of the two components in a multi-package coating. The contents of either of the two components must not be split unless an accurate means of proportioning the components is provided. When absolute colour consistency is required, pre-mix or box the Pack A components of coating products that have been tinted to the required colour prior to the addition of the curing agent or converter and before coating application. For coatings containing heavy bodied materials, e.g., zinc metal filled coatings, the paint must be strained using an appropriate mesh size to collect any agglomerations and continuously mechanically agitated during application to prevent settling. 3.7.3 Application of Primer Apply primers to prepared surfaces before any deterioration, discolouration or contamination of the prepared surface occurs and, unless you use dehumidification control, on the same day as surface preparation. In all cases, ensure the class of surface preparation and surface profile is as specified at the time that the primer coating is applied. If any deterioration in the standard of the prepared surface occurs by the time that the primer is scheduled to be applied, the surface preparation must be repeated at no cost to the Principal until you achieve the correct standard. 3.7.4 Application Conditions Apply all paint coatings under paint application conditions recommended by the paint manufacturer. Submit details of paint application conditions recommended by the manufacturer for all paints prior to the commencement of paint application. Details must include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) the maximum and minimum ambient temperature; (b) the maximum and minimum temperature of surfaces to be painted; (c) the maximum and minimum (if applicable) relative humidity; (d) the minimum additional temperature of the surface to be painted above the dew point; and (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 11 (e) the minimum and/or maximum time delays between the applications of successive coats. You may use dehumidification units and heaters that vary the relative humidity and temperature within the working area to satisfy the paint manufacturer’s recommended application conditions. When you use such equipment to vary paint application conditions, you must use the equipment during the whole time that work is being performed, including the recommended curing period after the last application of paint. WITNESS POINT Process to be witnessed: Commencement of Painting Submission Details: Submission of test results that demonstrate that conditions for the application of paint are appropriate 3.7.5 Stripe Coats For each paint coating in a coating system, include a stripe coat of the paint prior to the general application of the paint by spray. Apply wet-on wet applications of the stripe coat and the full application of paint according to the paint manufacturer’s recommendations. Where specified, a separate additional stripe coat, having a colour distinctly different to the underlying and subsequent coatings, must also be applied. This stripe coat must be fully cured prior to the application of the next coating. Apply stripe coats to shadowed and other difficult to spray areas such as nuts, bolts, washers, rivets, unsealed and filled lap joints and crevices formed by plates and sections in contact. Also apply stripe coats to areas prone to corrosion such as exposed edges, holes, welds, corners and pitted areas. Apply stripe coats to all interior surfaces of hollow latticed members, lower and upper chords of trusses and the base of lift span towers. Apply stripe coats by spray, roller or brush as necessary to ensure complete coverage of all shadowed and other difficult to spray areas and to ensure all crevices and surface imperfections in the steelwork are full of paint. Apply stripe coats to all rivets with difficult to spray surfaces, all bolts, nuts and washers, all welds and crevices by brush. 3.7.6 Crevices and Gaps Fill any crevices and gaps that are not filled following application of the primer and other coatings excluding the topcoat paint using a two-pack, solventless epoxy putty that is compatible with subsequently applied coatings and is recommended by the paint manufacturer for this purpose. Fill gaps between back to back angles or other sections with an epoxy putty only at upward facing locations that have the potential to hold water and/or dirt such as at points of intersection of battens in latticed members. Apply a stripe coat of the epoxy build coat paint and other paints in the coating system to filled crevices and gaps prior to the application of the topcoat. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 12 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs 3.7.7 Wet Film Thickness Take wet film thickness measurements during application of all paints according to AS 3894.3, Appendix C to ensure that the specified film builds are achieved. Include wet film thickness measurements in the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP). 3.7.8 Records Record details of the paint application procedures employed and data, using AS 3894.10 and/or AS 3894.14 or equivalent for this purpose. These records must be made available to the Principal at any time upon request. The records must include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) details of spray equipment; (b) dates and times of blast cleaning and application of first coat of primer paint; (c) dates and times of application of subsequent paint coatings; (d) batch numbers of each product and designation of each member or area that each batch of paint is used; and (e) paint application conditions, namely: (i) ambient temperature; (ii) temperature of surface; (iii) relative humidity; and (iv) dew point. 3.8 CARE OF THE WORK 3.8.1 Lifting and Handling of Steelwork Employ effective measures preventing damage to the protective treatment during all phases of lifting, handling, storage, loading and transit of painted and galvanized steelwork. Use lifting lugs for lifting steelwork where provided. Where lifting lugs are not provided, use chains or steel strand encased in a full-length nylon braid sheath for lifting steelwork. Use chains or steel strand with full-length nylon braid sheathing to secure steelwork for transport to site. Bare chains or steel strand bearing directly on coated steel surfaces must not be used. Store painted girders with soffits of girders a minimum distance of 600 millimetres above the ground. For all steelwork, allow a minimum curing period of 72 hours from the completion of painting before loading of steelwork for transport to site. 3.8.2 Construction Damage Exercise due care at all times during all phases of construction to avoid damage to the protective treatment of steelwork. Prevent steel filings, weld spatter and spatter from oxy and acetylene burning or similar from depositing on painted or galvanized surfaces. Immediately remove such material that does deposit on painted surfaces to prevent rust staining of the painted surface. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 13 Expeditiously remove concrete and slurry deposits on painted steelwork resulting from deck construction using a method that does not damage the protective coating. 3.8.3 Damage to Property Clean up spillages and overspray. Refer Clause 29 of the General Conditions of Contract C2-GC21 - Care of People, Property and the Environment. 4 CONFORMITY 4.1 DRY FILM THICKNESS Determine the dry film thickness (DFT) of coatings on all surfaces at the completion of each coating according to AS 3894.3 Method B. Use an electronic electromagnetic DFT gauge with statistical capacity such as Elcometer Models 345, 456, or 355, PosiTector 6000 or similar dry film thickness gauge with a permanent hard copy record produced for each definable area. Measured DFT for each coating must achieve the minimum DFT specified in Annexure B220/E. Use school grade chalk, adhesive inspection labels or masking tape to mark defects. Do not use crayon, paint or spirit based ink pens. WITNESS POINT Process to be witnessed: Commencement of over-coating of a painted surface Submission Details: Notification of the location, date and time proposed to commence each overcoating. Submission of DFT records. 4.2 ADHESION Carry out adhesion testing where there are indications to suggest that coatings are unsound such as the presence of bubbling, blistering, wrinkling, and flaking or other visible defects. The tensile adhesion of cured coatings to metal and paint coating substrates must exceed 2.0 MPa, measured according to AS 1580.408.5. 4.3 APPEARANCE On completion, all painted surfaces must be uniform in appearance and colour. Repair areas must have the same appearance and colour as adjacent surfaces. Irregularly coated patches must not be apparent. Fishtails and other indications of poor paint application technique or equipment must not be evident. Surfaces must have a smooth, even finish free from runs, missed areas, voids, pinholes, sags, fat edges, blisters, stickiness, inclusions, overspray, overbuild and other paint film defects. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 14 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs Areas of rust staining, staining from hardwood, formwork or other staining on painted surfaces must not be apparent. 4.4 NONCONFORMITY 4.4.1 General All applied coatings must comply with all specified requirements related to DFT, adhesion and other defects that would limit the long-term performance of the coating. Repair or replace any coatings that do not comply with the specified requirements. Remove all areas of rust staining; staining from hardwood, formwork or other staining on painted surfaces must be removed by solvent or detergent washing You must investigate all substantial coating defects and report the results of such investigations to the Principal in writing, along with proposed corrective actions to prevent further instances of such failure. Repairs to coatings must be satisfactorily completed prior to the application of any subsequent coating. 4.4.2 Paint coatings Where bubbling and other visible defects occur in 10% or more of the surface, or when the tensile adhesion of cured coatings to metal and paint coating substrates is less than 2.0 MPa, measured according to AS 1580.408.5, abrasive blast clean all affected surfaces of contiguous members to bare metal and repaint. Where the paint coating is less than the specified minimum DFT or greater than three times the minimum DFT, abrasive blast clean all affected surfaces of contiguous members to bare metal and repaints. .If the completed paintwork on the outer face and soffit of exterior girders and other surfaces in general public view is not uniform in appearance and colour as a result of coating repairs, apply a further application of the topcoat paint having a minimum DFT of 40 microns, for the full length of the girder or member, to those surfaces deemed necessary by the Principal. This additional application of topcoat paint must be at no extra cost to the Principal. WITNESS POINT Process to be witnessed: Commencement of rectification to substantial coating defects Submission Details: Notification of the location, date and time proposed to commence each rectification. Submission of a written report on the causes of coating defects and proposed corrective actions to the Quality Plan to prevent future coating defects. 4.5 RECORDS The records must include, but not be limited to: (a) the surface preparation; (b) the dry film thickness of coatings at the completion of each coat of paint, as applicable for each definable area; and (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 15 (c) appearance of the finished surface HOLD POINT Process Held: Removal of access and/or containment in each separable area or section, e.g. one bay or span. Submission Details: Contractor’s daily inspection records for the bay or span including DFT records. Release of Hold Point: The Principal will consider the details submitted and spot check prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 16 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs ANNEXURE B220/A – DETAILS OF WORK Contract: Contract No Bridge No Location: Local Government: Details of work: Zinc coatings are unsuitable for immersion and must not be used where prolonged immersion is likely. Standard Colour Scheme and Coating Systems: The standard colour scheme is RTA Bridge Grey for all exterior surfaces and white for all interior surfaces. Coating Systems: (a) External Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, new steel substrate – SC1 or SC2 (b) External Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, existing steel substrate – SC2 (c) External Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, galvanized steel substrate – SC3 (d) Internal Surfaces, atmospheric exposure new steel substrate – SC4 or SC5 (e) Internal Surfaces, atmospheric exposure existing steel substrate – SC5 (f) Internal Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, galvanized steel substrate – SC6 (g) All Surfaces subject to immersion – SC7 (h) All Faying Surfaces where curing time is not available, atmospheric exposure, new or existing steel substrate – SC8 (i) External Accessible Surfaces coated with SC8, new Hot Metal Spray, – SC9 (j) External Accessible Surfaces coated with existing Hot Metal Spray – SC10 (k) Internal Accessible Surfaces coated with SC8, new Hot Metal Spray – SC11 (l) Internal Accessible Surfaces coated with existing Hot Metal Spray – SC12 (m) External Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, existing steel substrate where full cleaning not achievable (subject to approval by the Principal) – SC13 (n) Internal Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, existing steel substrate where full cleaning not achievable (subject to approval by the Principal) – SC14 (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 17 Non-standard Colour Scheme and Coating Systems: Steel subject to immersion must be Black, RTA Bridge Grey, Natural Grey or N35 (Light Grey) to AS3700 Exterior surfaces – as specified. Interior surfaces – choose from the systems for interior surfaces above. Colour – white. . (a) External Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, new steel substrate – SC15 or SC16 (b) External Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, existing steel substrate – SC16 (c) External Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, galvanized steel substrate – SC17 (d) All Surfaces subject to immersion, steel substrate – SC18 (e) All Faying Surfaces where curing time is not available, atmospheric exposure, new or existing steel substrate – SC8 (f) External Accessible Surfaces coated with SC8, new Hot Metal Spray, – SC19 (g) External Accessible Surfaces coated with existing Hot Metal Spray – SC20 (h) External Surfaces, atmospheric exposure, existing steel substrate where full cleaning not achievable (subject to approval by the Principal) – SC21 Coating Systems are detailed in Annexure B220/E. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 18 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs ANNEXURE B220/B - PAYMENT B.1 GENERAL In the Schedule of Prices accompanying the Lump Sum Tender, the cost of maintenance painting work must be divided using the Pay Items in B220/B.2. B.2 PAY ITEMS B220P1 - Surface Preparation and Priming of Existing Steelwork These items must include all costs of all cleaning and surface preparation activities associated with the removal of existing coatings and corrosion products to bare steel. These items must also include all costs of all activities associated with the application of the primer or other first coat of paint applied to the blast-cleaned surface. The quantity must be the total surface area of steelwork to be prepared and primed. The unit is per square metre. B220P2 - Application of Stripe, Build and Topcoats to Existing Steelwork These items must include all costs of all activities associated with the application of stripe coats, build- coats and topcoats. These items must also include all costs associated with surface preparation activities required prior to application of these coatings and all costs associated with final touch-up and repairs. The quantity must be the total surface area of steelwork to be painted. The unit is per square metre. B220P3 – Painting of New Steelwork These items must include all costs of all activities associated with the painting of new steelwork including the surface preparation of the steelwork, the application of the specified paint coatings and emissions control. The quantity must be the total surface area of steelwork to be prepared and painted including areas requiring repair and touch-up such as at bolted and site-welded connections. The unit must be per square metre for all steelwork except for pedestrian and traffic barrier railings. The unit for pedestrian and traffic barrier railings is per linear metre. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 19 ANNEXURE B220/C – SCHEDULE OF HOLD AND WITNESS POINTS AND IDENTIFIED RECORDS C.1 SCHEDULE OF HOLD AND WITNESS POINTS Clause No. Type Process Held or Witnessed Submission Details 3.6.5 Witness Point Abrasive Blast Cleaning 2 days notice of intention to commence abrasive blast cleaning 3.6.6 Witness Points Commencement of primer and commencement of other coats Evidence by the Contractor of surface preparation having been properly completed and documented on the Contractor’s ITP record 3.7.4 Witness Point Commencement of Painting Submission of the Contractor’s test results that demonstrate that conditions for the application of paint are appropriate 4.1 Witness Point Commencement of over- coating of a painted surface. Submission of evidence by the Contractor of DFT records 4.4 Witness Point Commencement of rectification to substantial coating defects Submission by the Contractor of a written report on the causes of coating defects and proposed corrective actions to the Quality Plan to prevent future coating defects. 4.5 Hold Point Removal of access and/or containment in each separable area or section, e.g. one bay or span. Contractor’s daily inspection records for the bay or span including DFT records. The Principal’s site Surveillance Officer will consider the details submitted and spot check prior to authorising the release of the Hold Point. C.2 SCHEDULE OF IDENTIFIED RECORDS Clause No. Description of the Identified Record 3.6.7. Surface preparation procedures and conditions 3.7.8. paint application procedures and data 4.5 Dry film thicknesses of paint coating (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 20 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs ANNEXURE B220/D – PLANNING DOCUMENTS D.1 INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PROJECT QUALITY PLAN Item Details Material product information For all paints, thinners, preservatives, cleaning solutions the following information: Type of product, manufacturer and product name; Technical data setting out manufacturer’s recommendations for use. Material safety sheets (MSDS) showing all hazard and first aid information for products. For all paints, written advice from the paint supplier on how to interpret the paint supplier’s batch coding and labelling to permit determination of the batch number and expiry date of the paint. Plant and equipment Type, description, capacity and number of each of the following: Abrasive blast cleaning plant; Paint application equipment; Ventilation equipment; Waste collection equipment; Abrasive recycling equipment; Dehumidifying equipment; Hot metal spray equipment. Procedures • Procedure for monitoring and replacement of in-line air supply filters for blasting helmets, refer Clauses 2.1.2. • Procedure for monitoring and maintaining water treatment equipment • Procedure for adjusting curing times to suit ambient conditions. • Procedure for adjusting cuing time due to changes in thickness. Conformity data • Procedure for the routine submission of conformity data and supporting documentation that certifies conformity of all work and materials to the requirements of the Specification. (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 21 ANNEXURE B220/E – PAINT COATING SYSTEMS This Annexure sets out details of the coating system for new and previously coated steelwork. E.1 EXPLANATION OF TABLE References: B220 (3.6.2) refers to QA Specification B220 Clause 3.6.2. B221 (8) refers to QA Specification B221 Clause 8. The inclusion of some references only in the tables makes no representation regarding the applicability of other clauses in the Specification that are not in the tables. Dry film thickness DFT 75 µm refers to dry film thickness of coating in micrometers (microns). Meaning NA means Not Applicable (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 22 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs E.2 COATING SYSTEMS Coating System SC1: Polyurethane Coating System applied to steel substrate Details: as set out in Table B220/E.1 Table B220/E.1 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 to achieve a Sa 2½ cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 2 ½ in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 (3.6.5) Zinc Primer One full coat of inorganic zinc sislicate primer. Applied to all surfaces. Colour green 75 µm 75 µm B220 (3.7) B220 (3.7.3) B221 (5) Stripe Coat One stripe coat of a high build, two-pack epoxy paint. Applied to all crevices, edges, bolts, rivets, and other nominated surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 100 µm 100 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 (3.7.5) B221 (8) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 200 µm 125 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, acrylic modified, two- component polyurethane. Applied to all surfaces. Colour RTA Bridge Grey 75 µm 75 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Without stripe coat Minimum DFT With stripe coat Minimum DFT 350 µm 450 µm NA 375 µm B220 (4.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 23 Coating System SC2: Polyurethane Coating System applied to steel substrate Details: as set out in Table B220/E.2 Table B220/E.2 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of old paint, mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 to achieve a Sa 2½ cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 2 ½ in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 (3.6.5) B220 (3.6.6) Zinc Primer One full coat of a polyamide-cured, two-pack zinc-rich epoxy primer. Applied to all surfaces. Colour green 75 µm 75 µm B220 (3.7) B220 (3.7.3) B221 (5) Stripe Coat One stripe coat of a high build, two-pack epoxy paint. Applied to all crevices, edges, bolts, rivets, and other nominated surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 100 µm 100 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 (3.7.5) B221 (8) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 200 µm 125 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, acrylic modified, two- component polyurethane. Applied to all surfaces. Colour RTA Bridge Grey 75 µm 75 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Without stripe coat Minimum DFT With stripe coat Minimum DFT 350 µm 450 µm NA 375 µm B220 (4.1) Coating System SC3: Polyurethane Coating System applied to galvanized substrate Details: as set out in Table B220/E.3 (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 24 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs Table B220/E.3 Item Description Minimum DFT Reference Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. - B220 (4.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. - B220 (4.6.3) Preparation of Galvanized surface Lightly abrade galvanized surface by a light "brush off" abrasive blast clean to achieve a dull grey finish. The surface profile of prepared galvanized must be 15 to 25 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. - B220 (4.6.5) Primer One full coat of a polyamide-cured, two-pack zinc phosphate epoxy primer. Applied to all surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 50 µm B220 (4.7) B221 (6) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 150 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, acrylic modified, two-component polyurethane. Applied to all surfaces. Colour RTA Bridge Grey 75 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Applied paint coating 275 µm B220 (5.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 25 Coating System SC4: Epoxy Coating System applied to steel substrate. Details: as set out in Table B220/E.4 Table B220/E.4 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 to achieve a Sa 2½ cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 2½ in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 (3.6.5) B220 (3.6.6) Zinc Primer One coat of inorganic zinc silicate primer. Applied to all surfaces. Colour green 75 µm 75 µm B220 (3.7) B220 (3.7.3) B221 (5) Stripe Coat One stripe coat of a high build, two-pack epoxy paint. Applied to all crevices, edges, bolts, rivets, and other nominated surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 100 µm 100 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 (3.7.5) B221 (8) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 125µm 125 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, high solids, two-pack epoxy topcoat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour: White. 125 µm 125 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Without stripe coat Minimum DFT With stripe coat Minimum DFT 325 µm 425 µm NA 425 µm B220 (4.1) Coating System SC5: Epoxy Coating System applied to steel substrate Details: as set out in Table B220/E.5 (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 26 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs Table B220/E.5 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces of latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of old paint, mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 to achieve a Sa 2½ cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 2½ in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 (3.6.5) Zinc Primer One full coat of a polyamide-cured, two-pack zinc-rich epoxy primer. Applied to all surfaces. Colour green 75 µm 75 µm B220 (3.7) B220 (3.7.3) B221 (5) Stripe Coat One stripe coat of a high build, two-pack epoxy paint. Applied to all crevices, edges, bolts, rivets, and other nominated surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 100 µm 100 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 (3.7.5) B221 (8) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 125 µm 125 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, high solids, two-pack epoxy topcoat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour: White. 125 µm 125 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Without stripe coat Minimum DFT With stripe coat Minimum DFT 325 µm 425 µm NA 425 µm B220 (4.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 27 Coating System SC6: Epoxy Coating System applied to galvanized substrate Details: as set out in Table B220/E.6 Table B220/E.6 Item Description Minimum DFT Reference Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. - B220 (4.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. - B220 (4.6.3) Preparation of Galvanized surface Lightly abrade galvanized surface by a light "brush off" abrasive blast clean to achieve a dull grey finish. The surface profile of prepared galvanized must be 15 to 25 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. - B220 (4.6.5) Primer One full coat of a polyamide-cured, two-pack zinc phosphate epoxy primer. Applied to all surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 50 µm B220 (4.7) B221 (6) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 150 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, high solids, two-pack epoxy topcoat. Applied to all surfaces Colour: White 75 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Applied paint coating 275 µm B220 (5.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 28 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs C C C o o o a a a t t t i i i n n n g g g S S S y y y s s s t t t e e e m m m S S S C C C 7 7 7 : : : E E E p p p o o o x x x y y y C C C o o o a a a t t t i i i n n n g g g S S S y y y s s s t t t e e e m m m a a a p p p p p p l l l i i i e e e d d d t t t o o o s s s t t t e e e e e e l l l s s s u u u b b b s s s t t t r r r a a a t t t e e e s s s u u u b b b j j j e e e c c c t t t t t t o o o i i i m m m m m m e e e r r r s s s i i i o o o n n n D D D e e e t t t a a a i i i l l l s s s : : : a a a s s s s s s e e e t t t o o o u u u t t t i i i n n n T T T a a a b b b l l l e e e M M M / / / 2 2 2 . . . 7 7 7 Table M/2.7 Item Description Minimum DFT Reference Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. - M (4.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. - M (4.6.3) Removal of Coatings and Corrosion Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 to achieve a Sa 2½ cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 2½ in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 65 to 100µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. - M (4.6.6) Topcoat One coat of a two-pack medium-build or ultra-build epoxy paint applied to all pier surfaces. Colour: RTA Bridge Grey. The paint shall be a solvent borne epoxy system approved under APAS Specification Nos 2973F and 2973S for fresh and salt-water immersion respectively. The paint shall be applied by airless spray in a series of multiple cross spray patterns to attain the specified DFT in a single coat. 500µm P (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Applied paint coating 500µm M (5.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 29 Coating System SC8: Hot Metal Spray. Details: as set out in Table B220/E.8 Table B220/E.8 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 to achieve a Sa 3 cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 3 in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 (3.6.5) Hot Metal Spray One coat of Zinc-Aluminium (85% Zinc, 15% Aluminium by weight) Hot metal Spray applied to all surfaces. 125 µm 125 µm B220 () B220 () Seal coat One seal coat of a low viscosity epoxy sealer applied to all exposed surfaces. (Seal coat is not applied to faying surfaces where curing time is limited) Colour: Green 30 µm 30 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 () B221 () Total Dry Film Thickness Minimum DFT 125 µm 125 µm B220 () (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 30 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs Coating System SC9: Polyurethane Coating System applied to steel substrate over Hot Metal Spray Details: as set out in Table B220/E.9 Table B220/E.9 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 or high pressure water blast to achieve a Sa 3 cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 3 in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 ( 3.6.5) Hot Metal Spray One coat of Zinc-Aluminium (85% Zinc, 15% Aluminium by weight) Hot metal Spray applied to all surfaces. 125 µm 125 µm B220 () B220 () Tie coat One tie coat of a low viscosity epoxy sealer applied to all exposed surfaces. (Seal coat is not applied to faying surfaces where curing time is limited) Colour: Green 30 µm 30 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 () B221 () Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 200 µm 200 µm B221 () Topcoat One coat of a high build, acrylic modified, two- component polyurethane. Applied to all surfaces. Colour RTA Bridge Grey 75 µm 75 µm B221 () Total Dry Film Thickness Minimum DFT 400 µm 400 µm B220 () (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 31 Coating System SC10: Epoxy Coating System applied to steel substrate over Hot Metal Spray Details: as set out in Table B220/E.10 Table B220/E.10 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 or high pressure water blast to achieve a Sa 3 cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 3 in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 ( 3.6.5) Hot Metal Spray One coat of Zinc-Aluminium (85% Zinc, 15% Aluminium by weight) Hot metal Spray applied to all surfaces. 125 µm 125 µm B220 () B220 () Tie coat One tie coat of a low viscosity epoxy sealer applied to all exposed surfaces. (Seal coat is not applied to faying surfaces where curing time is limited) Colour: Green 30 µm 30 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 () B221 () Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 200 µm 200 µm B221 () Topcoat One coat of a high build, high solids, two-pack epoxy topcoat. Applied to all surfaces Colour: White 75 µm 75 µm B221 () Total Dry Film Thickness Minimum DFT 400 µm 400 µm B220 () (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 32 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs Coating System SC11: Polyurethane Coating System applied to steel substrate. (Use subject to approval by the Principal) Details: as set out in Table B220/E.11 Table B220/E.11 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4. Power and hand tool areas where full cleaning is not possible B220 (3.6.5) B220 (3.6.6) Zinc Primer One full coat of a polyamide-cured, surface tolerant epoxy. Applied to all surfaces. Colour green 75 µm 75 µm B220 (3.7) B220 (3.7.3) B221 (5) Stripe Coat One stripe coat of a high build, two-pack epoxy paint. Applied to all crevices, edges, bolts, rivets, and other nominated surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 100 µm 100 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 (3.7.5) B221 (8) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 200 µm 125 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, acrylic modified, two- component polyurethane. Applied to all surfaces. Colour RTA Bridge Grey. 75 µm 75 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Without stripe coat Minimum DFT With stripe coat Minimum DFT 350 µm 450 µm 350 375 µm B220 (4.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 33 Coating System SC12: Polysiloxane Coating System applied to steel substrate Details: as set out in Table B220/E.12 Table B220/E.12 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 to achieve a Sa 2½ cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 2 ½ in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 (3.6.5) Zinc Primer One full coat of inorganic zinc sislicate primer. Applied to all surfaces. Colour green 75 µm 75 µm B220 (3.7) B220 (3.7.3) B221 (5) Stripe Coat One stripe coat of a high build, two-pack epoxy paint. Applied to all crevices, edges, bolts, rivets, and other nominated surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 100 µm 100 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 (3.7.5) B221 (8) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 200 µm 125 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, (polysiloxane). Applied to all surfaces. Colour and gloss in accordance with the architectural scheme. 75 µm 75 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Without stripe coat Minimum DFT With stripe coat Minimum DFT 350 µm 450 µm NA 375 µm B220 (4.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 34 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs Coating System SC13: Polysiloxane Coating System applied to steel substrate Details: as set out in Table B220/E.13 Table B220/E.13 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of old paint, mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 to achieve a Sa 2½ cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 2 ½ in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 (3.6.5) B220 (3.6.6) Zinc Primer One full coat of a polyamide-cured, two-pack zinc-rich epoxy primer. Applied to all surfaces. Colour green 75 µm 75 µm B220 (3.7) B220 (3.7.3) B221 (5) Stripe Coat One stripe coat of a high build, two-pack epoxy paint. Applied to all crevices, edges, bolts, rivets, and other nominated surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 100 µm 100 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 (3.7.5) B221 (8) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 200 µm 125 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, (polysiloxane). Applied to all surfaces. Colour and gloss in accordance with the architectural scheme. 75 µm 75 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Without stripe coat Minimum DFT With stripe coat Minimum DFT 350 µm 450 µm NA 375 µm B220 (4.1) Coating System SC14: Polysiloxane Coating System applied to galvanized substrate Details: as set out in Table B220/E.14 (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 35 Table B220/E.14 Item Description Minimum DFT Reference Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. - B220 (4.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. - B220 (4.6.3) Preparation of Galvanized surface Lightly abrade galvanized surface by a light "brush off" abrasive blast clean to achieve a dull grey finish. The surface profile of prepared galvanized must be 15 to 25 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. - B220 (4.6.5) Primer One full coat of a polyamide-cured, two-pack zinc phosphate epoxy primer. Applied to all surfaces. Colour R63 Red Oxide to AS 2700 50 µm B220 (4.7) B221 (6) Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 150 µm B221 (9) Topcoat One coat of a high build, (polysiloxane). Applied to all surfaces. Colour and gloss in accordance with the architectural scheme. 75 µm B221 (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Applied paint coating 275 µm B220 (5.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 36 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs C C C o o o a a a t t t i i i n n n g g g S S S y y y s s s t t t e e e m m m S S S C C C 1 1 1 5 5 5 : : : E E E p p p o o o x x x y y y C C C o o o a a a t t t i i i n n n g g g S S S y y y s s s t t t e e e m m m a a a p p p p p p l l l i i i e e e d d d t t t o o o s s s t t t e e e e e e l l l s s s u u u b b b s s s t t t r r r a a a t t t e e e s s s u u u b b b j j j e e e c c c t t t t t t o o o i i i m m m m m m e e e r r r s s s i i i o o o n n n D D D e e e t t t a a a i i i l l l s s s : : : a a a s s s s s s e e e t t t o o o u u u t t t i i i n n n T T T a a a b b b l l l e e e M M M / / / 2 2 2 . . . 1 1 1 5 5 5 Table M/2.15 Item Description Minimum DFT Reference Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. - M (4.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. - M (4.6.3) Removal of Coatings and Corrosion Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 to achieve a Sa 2½ cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 2½ in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 65 to 100µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. - M (4.6.6) Topcoat One coat of a two-pack medium-build or ultra-build epoxy paint applied to all pier surfaces. Colour: In accordance with the aritectural colour scheme. The paint shall be a solvent borne epoxy system approved under APAS Specification Nos 2973F and 2973S for fresh and salt-water immersion respectively. The paint shall be applied by airless spray in a series of multiple cross spray patterns to attain the specified DFT in a single coat. 500µm P (10) Total Dry Film Thickness Applied paint coating 500µm M (5.1) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 37 Coating System SC16: Polysiloxane Coating System applied to steel substrate over Hot Metal Spray Details: as set out in Table B220/E.16 Table B220/E.16 Item Description All surfaces excluding Column 4 Internal surfaces latticed members Reference Min DFT Min DFT 1 2 3 4 5 Preliminary Cleaning Remove mud, dirt and other loose contamination. Wash using low pressure water jetting or spot clean using buckets, brushes and water. B220 (3.6.2) Oil &Grease Removal Remove oil and grease in accordance with AS 1627.1. B220 (3.6.3) Removal of mill-scale and rust Abrasive blast clean in accordance with AS 1627.4 or high pressure water blast to achieve a Sa 3 cleanliness as described in AS 2312 and as depicted pictorially as Sa 3 in AS 1627.9. The surface profile of bare metal must be 40 to 70 µm measured in accordance with AS 3894.5. B220 ( 3.6.5) Hot Metal Spray One coat of Zinc-Aluminium (85% Zinc, 15% Aluminium by weight) Hot metal Spray applied to all surfaces. 125 µm 125 µm B220 () B220 () Tie coat One tie coat of a low viscosity epoxy sealer applied to all exposed surfaces. (Seal coat is not applied to faying surfaces where curing time is limited) Colour: Green 30 µm 30 µm (applied to all surfaces) B220 () B221 () Build coat One coat of a high build, high solids, MIO pigmented, two-pack epoxy coat. Applied to all surfaces. Colour Natural Steel Grey 200 µm 200 µm B221 () Topcoat One coat of a high build, (polysiloxane). Applied to all surfaces. Colour and gloss in accordance with the architectural scheme. 75 µm 75 µm B221 () Total Dry Film Thickness Minimum DFT 400 µm 400 µm B220 () (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) B220 Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork 38 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs ANNEXURES B220/F TO B220/L - (NOT USED) (RTA COPYRIGHT AND USE OF THIS DOCUMENT - Refer to the Foreword after the Table of Contents) Protective Treatment of Bridge Steelwork B220 B220 – Wardell Sheave Repairs. 39 ANNEXURE B220/M – REFERENCED DOCUMENTS Abbreviation Australian Standards AS 1580.408.5 Methods of Test for Paint and Related Materials; Adhesion – Tensile Adhesion test. AS 1627 Metal Finishing - Preparation and Pre-treatment of Surfaces AS 1627.1 Cleaning Using Liquid Solvents and Alkaline Solutions AS 1627.2 Power Tool Cleaning AS 1627.4 Abrasive Blast Cleaning AS 1627.9 Pictorial Surface Preparation Standards for Painting Steel Surfaces AS 1214 Hot-dip galvanized coatings on threaded fasteners (ISO metric coarse thread series) AS 2310 Glossary of Paint and Painting Terms. AS 2312 Guide to the protection of Iron and Steel against Exterior Atmospheric Exposure. AS 3894.3 Site Testing of Protective Coatings – Determination of Dry Film Thickness. AS 3894.5 Determination of Surface Profile AS 3894.6 Determination of Residual Contaminants AS 3894.10 Site Testing of Protective Coatings – Daily Inspection Report. AS 3894.14 Site Testing of Protective Coatings – Daily Painting Report. AS 4361.1 Guide to Lead Paint Management. Part 1: Industrial Applications. AS/NZS 4680 Hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coatings on fabricated ferrous articles. Reference No: APAS Specification APAS 2916 Organic zinc rich coating for steel APAS 2973 High-build epoxy Reference No: RTA Specification RTA Q6 Quality Management System (Type 6) RTA B240 Supply of Bolts, Nuts, Screws and Washers RTA B221 Lead Paint and Asbestos Paint Management RTA B223 Paints and Thinners for Bridges … QA SPECIFICATION B221 PAINTS AND THINNERS FOR BRIDGES Copyright - Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales, 2005 VERSION FOR: Wardell Bridge Sheaves DATE: J anuary 2008 B221 – 2008 for Wardell Bridge CONTENTS SCOPE:.........................................................................................................................................1 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.............................................................................................................1 QUALITY SYSTEM........................................................................................................................1 APAS APPROVAL ........................................................................................................................1 ZINC-RICH EPOXY PRIMER ..........................................................................................................2 Specifications: ...................................................................................................................2 Colour 2 Application Properties:......................................................................................................2 ZINC PHOSPHATE EPOXY PRIMER................................................................................................2 Specifications: ...................................................................................................................2 Application Properties:......................................................................................................2 SURFACE TOLERANT EPOXY PAINT .............................................................................................3 Specifications....................................................................................................................3 Compatibility with other coatings.....................................................................................3 Volume/Solids...................................................................................................................3 Application........................................................................................................................3 HIGH-BUILD EPOXY PAINT..........................................................................................................3 Specifications....................................................................................................................3 Compatibility with other coatings.....................................................................................3 Volume/Solids...................................................................................................................3 Application........................................................................................................................3 MIO EPOXY PAINT ......................................................................................................................3 Specifications....................................................................................................................3 Compatibility with other coatings.....................................................................................3 Colour 4 Main Pigment....................................................................................................................4 Volume/Solids...................................................................................................................4 Application........................................................................................................................4 MIO POLYURETHANE PAINT........................................................................................................4 Specifications: ...................................................................................................................4 Compatibility with other coatings.....................................................................................4 Colour and Gloss...............................................................................................................4 Pigments............................................................................................................................4 Curing agent......................................................................................................................5 Application Properties:......................................................................................................5 POLYURETHANE PAINT – SOLID COLOUR ....................................................................................5 Specifications: ...................................................................................................................5 Compatibility with other coatings.....................................................................................5 Colour and Gloss...............................................................................................................5 Pigments............................................................................................................................5 Curing agent......................................................................................................................5 B221 – 2008 for Wardell Bridge Application Properties:......................................................................................................5 POLYSILOXANE PAINT – SOLID COLOUR......................................................................................6 Specifications: ...................................................................................................................6 Compatibility with other coatings.....................................................................................6 Colour and Gloss...............................................................................................................6 Pigments............................................................................................................................6 Curing agent......................................................................................................................6 Application Properties:......................................................................................................6 DELIVERY ....................................................................................................................................6 Identification of Containers...............................................................................................6 LAST PAGE OF QA SPECIFICATION PART P IS...............................................................................7 B221 – 2008 for Wardell Bridge 1 QA SPECIFICATION P Paints and Thinners for Bridges 1 Scope: This Specification sets out details and requirements for the supply of paints and thinners for the painting of bridges. 2 Reference Documents Unless otherwise specified use the issue current at the date one week before the closing date for tenders. Standards, specifications and test methods are referred to in abbreviated form (eg AS 1234). For convenience, the full titles are given below: Australian Standards AS 1580 Paints and related materials - Methods of test AS 2700 Colour Standards for general purposes AS 2855 Paints and related materials – Micaceous iron oxide pigment AS 3750.1 Paints for Steel Structures - Epoxy mastic (two-pack) – For rusted steel AS/NZS 3750.6 Paints for Steel Structures – Full gloss polyurethane (two-pack) AS/NZS 3750.9 Paints for Steel Structures – Organic zinc-rich primer AS/NZS 3750.13 Paints for Steel Structures – Epoxy primer (two-pack) AS/NZS 3750.14 Paints for Steel Structures – High-build epoxy (two-pack) AS/NZS ISO 9002 Quality Systems - Model for quality assurance in production, installation and servicing ISO Standards ISO 8501-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness – Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings. APAS Specification Specification 2916 Organic zinc rich coating for protection of steel Specification 2973 Solvent borne epoxy enamel or epoxy system to 400um 3 Quality System Establish and maintain a Quality System in accordance with ISO 9002 as a means of ensuring that the product conforms to the Specification requirements. 4 APAS Approval Supply paints approved under Australian Paint Approval Scheme (APAS) or are manufactured by an APAS recognised manufacturing unit and are accepted by the Principal’s Authorised Person as suitable for the specified purpose. B221 – 2008 for Wardell Bridge Where you want a paint to be accepted by the Principal’s Authorised Person, submit the following information not less than 20 working days prior to ordering supply of the paint: (a) The name of the manufacturer and proof that the manufacturer is recognised by APAS (b) Whether the paints are approved to specifications of the APAS 2900 Series other than that specified. (c) Whether the paints are approved to the appropriate APAS Specification for colours other than that specified (d) The status of any current applications for APAS approval for the paints. (e) RTA experience with the paints. (f) Case histories supplied by the manufacturer. (g) Evidence from the manufacturer that the paints are superior, with respect to application characteristics or long term performance, to other of the manufacturer’s paints that are approved under the specified or other relevant APAS Specifications. The Pricncipal’s Authorised Person has absolute discretion to accept or reject a paint not approved under APAS. You must not use paint that is neither approved nor accepted. 5 Zinc-Rich Epoxy Primer 5.1 Specifications: A two-pack, polyamide cured, zinc-rich epoxy primer paint meeting the general requirements of AS/NZS 3750.9 Type 2 and approved to APAS Specification 2916You must pre-diperse the zinc component. 5.2 Colour Green when dry and with sufficient colour difference as a wet film, that it will provide an easy visual difference to blasted steel in low-light situations. 5.3 Application Properties: Suitable for application by spray to a DFT of 75 microns without loss of cohesion or cure properties. Suitable for application by conventional, airless and air-assisted airless spray equipment and also for application by brush/roller for small areas and touch-up. 6 Zinc Phosphate Epoxy Primer 6.1 Specifications: A two-pack, polyamide cured, zinc phosphate pigmented epoxy primer paint meeting the general requirements of AS/NZS 3750.13 and approved to APAS Specification 2971. 6.2 Application Properties: Suitable for application by spray to a DFT of 75 microns without loss of cohesion or cure properties. Suitable for application by conventional, airless and air-assisted airless spray equipment and also application by brush/roller for small areas and touch-up. B221 – 2008 for Wardell Bridge 7 Surface Tolerant Epoxy Paint 7.1 Specifications A two-pack surface tolerant epoxy paint meeting the general requirements of AS/NZS 3750.1 with respect to constitution, cure rate and pot life, and approved to APAS 2973. It must use a polyamide or similar curing agent; 7.2 Compatibility with other coatings Tolerant of being applied over sound zinc-rich epoxy coatings and be physically and chemically compatible with later coatings in the system. 7.3 Volume/Solids Volume/solids greater than 70%. 7.4 Application Suitable for application by airless and air-assisted airless spray equipment and by brush and roller to a DFT of 125 microns. 8 High-Build Epoxy Paint 8.1 Specifications A two-pack, high-build epoxy paint meeting the general requirements of AS/NZS 3750.14 with respect to constitution, cure rate and pot life,and approved to APAS 2973. It shall use a polyamide or similar curing agent; It shall be 8.2 Compatibility with other coatings Tolerant of being applied over sound zinc-rich epoxy coatings and be physically and chemically compatible with later coatings in the system. 8.3 Volume/Solids Volume/solids greater than 70%. 8.4 Application Suitable for application by airless and air-assisted airless spray equipment and by brush and roller to a DFT of 125 microns. 9 MIO Epoxy Paint 9.1 Specifications A two-pack MIO pigmented, high build, epoxy paint meeting the general requirements of AS 3750.14 with respect to constitution, cure rate and pot life, and approved to APAS 2973. 9.2 Compatibility with other coatings Suitable for application to sound zinc-rich epoxy coatings and stripe coats of high-solids epoxy stripe coating and be physically and chemically compatible with later coatings in the system. B221 – 2008 for Wardell Bridge 9.3 Colour Supply in a factory batched colour as an approximate match to the APAS colour “Natural Steel Grey”. 9.4 Main Pigment Natural MIO that: - (a) meets the requirements of AS 2855 with a lamellar content of at least 60%; (b) retains its lamellar appearance into the dry film (excessive high speed dispersion and fragmentation of the MIO shall be avoided); (c) comprises at least 80% by mass of the total pigment, taken to be the pigments that could impart colour to the product, that is, excluding extender pigments. 9.5 Volume/Solids Volume/solids greater than 70%. 9.6 Application Suitable for application by spray to a DFT of 200 microns as a single coat by airless and air- assisted airless spray equipment. Suitable for application by brush/roller for small areas and touch-up. 10 MIO Polyurethane Paint 10.1 Specifications: A two-pack MIO pigmented, high build, recoatable, acrylic modified polyurethane topcoat paint that meets the general requirements of AS/NZS 3750.6 with respect to constitution, cure rate and pot life, except where as modified herein with respect to gloss level, film build, gloss change and colour. 10.2 Compatibility with other coatings Tolerant of being applied over sound zinc-rich epoxy coatings; high solids epoxy coatings, surface tolerant epoxy coatings and MIO epoxy coatings. 10.3 Colour and Gloss Supply in a factory batched colour to match “RTA Bridge Grey”, using the RTA 2002 MIO polyurethane colour/finish standard. Finished gloss level, when applied by airless or air-assisted airless spray, of between 10 and 20 gloss units when measured with a 60° head in accordance with AS 1580, Method 602.2. Have a high exterior durability with respect to weathering and UV resistance when cured, with minimum colour shift in full light, part light and full shadow situations. 10.4 Pigments The main pigment of MIO polyurethane paint - natural MIO that: - (a) meets the requirements of AS 2855 with a lamellar content of at least 60%; (b) retains its lamellar appearance into the dry film (excessive high speed dispersion and fragmentation of the MIO during manufacture of the paint shall be avoided); and B221 – 2008 for Wardell Bridge (c) comprises at least 90% by mass of the total pigment, taken to be the pigments that could impart colour to the product, that is, excluding extender pigments. MIO loading - between 40 and 50 grams per square metre when applied at a dry film thickness of 75 microns. Add non-leafing aluminium as a secondary pigment, (colourant) to achieve the “RTA Bridge Grey” colour. MIO polyurethane paint must not contain titanium dioxide as a pigment or lightening agent. Use tinters for minor colour adjustments only. 10.5 Curing agent An aliphatic polyisocyanate curing agent. The curing agent must comprise at least 17% of the total binder solids by weight. 10.6 Application Properties: Volume solids and rheology so that the mixed coating can be satisfactorily applied by spray to a DFT of 75 microns as a single coat. Suitable for application by airless and air-assisted airless spray equipment and also application by brush/roller for small areas and touch-up. 11 Polyurethane Paint – Solid Colour 11.1 Specifications: A two-pack Pigmented, high build, recoatable, acrylic modified polyurethane topcoat paint that meets the general requirements of AS/NZS 3750.6 with respect to constitution, cure rate and pot life, except where as modified herein with respect to gloss level, film build, gloss change and colour. 11.2 Compatibility with other coatings Tolerant of being applied over sound zinc-rich epoxy coatings; high solids epoxy coatings, surface tolerant epoxy coatings and MIO epoxy coatings. 11.3 Colour and Gloss Supply in a factory batched to match the specified colour. Finished gloss level, when applied by airless or air-assisted airless spray, of between 10 and 20 gloss units when measured with a 60° head in accordance with AS 1580, Method 602.2. Have a high exterior durability with respect to weathering and UV resistance when cured, with minimum colour shift in full light, part light and full shadow situations. 11.4 Pigments Lead based pigments are not permissible. 11.5 Curing agent An aliphatic polyisocyanate curing agent. 11.6 Application Properties: Volume solids and rheology so that the mixed coating can be satisfactorily applied by spray to a DFT of 75 microns as a single coat. B221 – 2008 for Wardell Bridge Suitable for application by airless and air-assisted airless spray equipment and also application by brush/roller for small areas and touch-up. 12 Polysiloxane Paint – Solid Colour 12.1 Specifications: A two-pack Pigmented, high build, recoatable, polysiloxane topcoat paint that meets the general requirements of AS/NZS 3750.6 with respect to constitution, cure rate and pot life, except where as modified herein with respect to gloss level, film build, gloss change and colour. 12.2 Compatibility with other coatings Tolerant of being applied over sound zinc-rich epoxy coatings; high solids epoxy coatings, surface tolerant epoxy coatings and MIO epoxy coatings. 12.3 Colour and Gloss Supply in a factory batched to match the specified colour. Finished gloss level, when applied by airless or air-assisted airless spray, of between 10 and 20 gloss units when measured with a 60° head in accordance with AS 1580, Method 602.2. Have a high exterior durability with respect to weathering and UV resistance when cured, with minimum colour shift in full light, part light and full shadow situations. 12.4 Pigments Lead based pigments are not permissible. 12.5 Curing agent A siloxane curing agent containing at least 60% siloxane by weight. 12.6 Application Properties: Volume solids and rheology so that the mixed coating can be satisfactorily applied by spray to a DFT of 75 microns as a single coat. Suitable for application by airless and air-assisted airless spray equipment and also application by brush/roller for small areas and touch-up. 13 Delivery 13.1 Identification of Containers Mark each container clearly and durably with the following information: (a) Manufacturer's name. (b) Product Name or Trade Name (c) Product Reference Number or Identification Number (d) Batch Number or date of manufacture. Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair 6 ANNEXURE GL/2 – REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Sheave Drawings Site Measurements of Sheave Grooves Site measurements of corrosion and details. Photographs Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair 7 ANNEXURE G1/C - SCHEDULES OF HOLD POINTS, WITNESS POINTS AND IDENTIFIED RECORDS C1 SCHEDULE OF HOLD POINTS AND WITNESS POINTS Clause Hold/Witness Point Description 1.1.c G1.1 Project Quality Plan 1.1.f G1.2 Final agreed scope of work 1.1.m G1.3 Final Report G1 Job Specific Requirements Wardell Bridge Sheave Repair 8 ANNEXURES G1/D TO G1/L – (NOT USED) 9 ANNEXURE G1/M – REFERENCED DOCUMENTS RTA Specifications RTA Q Quality Management System
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