MARU 220 Manual Vol 1

May 4, 2018 | Author: Indra Pratama | Category: Telecommunications Engineering, Electronics, Radio, Electrical Engineering, Wireless



MARU 220 Doppler VHF Omni-directional Radio Range Technical Manual Volume I EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Copyright (C) 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. ....................................................... VOR Receiver ...............1.....................................5............................................. 1-30 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS................................5.......................5...... Characteristics of MARU 220 Doppler VOR ....... Doppler Effect ........7.....................5...3..................9................................ Inc.............................................................................2.......................... 1-25 1............................1....4.......... Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) ....................2........2...1.......... 1-15 1............2...........5..........5.......................................................5................................. Frequency Band of VOR (VHF) .2............ MARU 220 Doppler VOR Specification ........... 1-7 1............... Hardware ........................... Page I ....................................1-11 1.........................................1....................... Use of VOR ........6..........5............................ 1-20 1.....1-1 1.... Collocation of VOR and DME/TACAN ............................2.............. Transmitter Specification .............................3...........................................................2.... NAVAID Overview ...................... Frequency Spectrum of VOR . Counterpoise Specification .... 1-2 1....................... Principles of VOR ............... 1-19 1........................ Doppler VOR (DVOR) ............................................................................................1....................5..................1............................4............................. Related Technology and Theory ........... Conventional VOR (CVOR) .........................6....3........ 1-17 1.... 1-13 1...3.....................................2.1-29 1................... System Configuration .................. 1-23 1................. 1-3 1.... Principles of the Light Tower ......... VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR) ...... 1-9 1......................................................2............................................................................................ All Rights Reserved. 1-8 1......1...................................... Non Directional Beacon (NDB) .4............1-23 1..................1-3 1..............1............................2....................................................... VOR Course Indicator ......6............. Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) ... Comparison between CVOR and DVOR ........................................ 1-15 1... 1-1 1.................................................... 1-28 1... Introduction to the System ...................1-19 1..............8.................................. 1-16 1............ Instrument Landing System (ILS) .......................... Antenna Specification .......1..................................4........6........................ 1-1 1....................2.........1........2..................10............ 1-26 1.............2.......................... 1-2 1.3...........1-22 1......... Power Supply Specification ..................................................................Table of Contents Chapter 1.......................................... 1-24 1..............5............ 1-2 1............................2...................................................... 1-27 1.3..........1....... Monitor Specification ............................ The Continuous Rotation Effect of Antenna ....................................................... System Specification .................................................2........................ 1-1 1..... .............. 3-8 3..................................... Function .. Antenna Selection Signal Decoding ....5...........................2-12 2......................1.................................................... Remote Control Unit ................................2..........2.......... Unit Slot Classification ...... 2-14 2......4................. Operating Software (LMMS / RMMS) ............................ 2-12 2................ 2-3 2..................... 2-9 2......................5............................2-15 2... 2-13 2....................................... 2-1 2........ Overview ................................... 2-5 2................................................................3............... 1-33 1................1......................... Major ASU Parts ....... Overview ...............................................................................................5.. Overview ...... Inc............... USB/LSB Turnover Module (TM) ......... 2-1 2........................... 3-13 3...........................................................2........3........... Common Data Storage ........ CMS (Control & Monitor Subsystem) ................................ Functions ...... Antenna................. 3-15 3.................. 2-15 Chapter 3...................................................................... 1-37 Chapter 2................................................. 1-33 1...........................1..........2.......................System Description / Ed..........................2...........2....................2-7 2............... Others ...1.................................................................................... 3-2 3.............................. 3-2 3...........2.... PDC ..........................................................................3......... 2-8 2...........1............................ 1-33 1...1..1............1....................................3...............3.................................. 2-15 2................................. 2-2 2...............4.........2................................. System Redundancy................................................................. Interface between Units ........................3.............................6..........................2..............................................................2-11 2........................................................... AES (Antenna Electronics Subsystem) ...................................3............2....... Hardware Description ....................................... 3-9 3............................. 3-1 3.......2.............................. 2-4 2......................... Major PDC Parts ................6......4.......... 3-10 3.....................................................................7................................................... 3-3 3.............2.................... PSS (Power Supply Subsystem) ...........6........4............................4....................................................................1... 1-34 1..........................2........................................................ 2-6 2..................................................................................... PDC Operations ..............................3-13 3..............................................1................. Overview ....... ASU ......... MAS (Modulation Amplifier Subsystem) .................................... ASU Block Diagram .........2-1 2...............................6....3................................................................. Interfaces between Units ................................. ASU Operations ...................6...2.................1.............................3................................3...................3..............1..............................................1...............2..........1....................... 3-1 3. Air Baffle ..............................................5..... FAN .........1........................................ Functions ............................................6.................................2-4 2.............................. Sub-Systems Description .........1..............................................................3-1 3........... 3-16 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS..................................................... Input Signal Timing .................8................. Appearance of PDC ...........................01 1.....1.................................... Selection Module (SM) ............3....... Interfaces between Units .2..................1...................................................4.......4....... Functions ......6............. All Rights Reserved Page II .............................. Interface between Units ............................5....................................... 3-5 3..... Appearance of ASU .....................................1............................ 2-7 2..................................1............... .....1.. SMA Configuration ............ Main Parts of MON ...................................... PDC-SB ..........5.......................................................................................3..... 3-44 3.......2.................................6... Operations of Frequency Synthesis Circuit (SYN) .................... 3-34 3. CSP Control .....6....5.............................. Warning Sound Generation and IDENT Tone Playback ............................. Reference 30 Hz Signal Process ....5............... 3-40 3..............7....... CMA Block Diagram ....................................................... 3-39 3...... LCU Functions ..................... 3-49 3...... Appearance of MON . 3-29 3... Sub-Processor ........6..... 3-43 3........6............................... Synthesizer (SYN) ........1............................ 3-38 3...... Other Functions .......3........... LCU ............................ 3-65 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS......... All Rights Reserved Page III ..3.................................................................................................................5................ 3-19 3............................ 3-18 3............................1.............................................4................... 3-33 3......3....................6................................................................. 3-46 3........................................................2...........................................................6..........12.............. 3-17 3..............10................................................6.............................................4................................ 3-26 3...3-20 3........... Interfaces between Units .4.............. Major CMA Parts .....6..... MON .............................................................6..................... Sideband Amplifier Unit (SBA) . CMA........................................................................................................................................................3........................................ Modulator (MOD) ......... 3-40 3............. Other Circuits .................. 3-32 3.. 3-30 3................3.................11...................4..................... 3-25 3......................................................5.....................4. Other Circuits ....................... 3-42 3........................................................................ 3-62 3.....................................8.........................5............... 3-35 3.............. Appearance of SMA .... 3-64 3. MON Overview ..........3...................... 3-50 3............................................. 3-52 3.6.. Monitoring the Status of Transmission Antenna ................. Measuring the SYN Output Frequency ...3-30 3....... Measuring the AM Degree of 9960 Hz Sub-carrier Wave Signal ....4....5.......6..........................................................................................................................................01 3............ 3-57 3.. 3-56 3.6.........6.......... 3-24 3............. Abnormal Antenna Detection Circuit ....................2....... Microprocessor and Peripheral Circuits ............8....................................................................................................4................6........3..5............ 3-60 3...........................1................9..................2.............. 3-48 3...7................................................3-38 3...............3............................................................. Appearance of LCU ....................5........................................................... Carrier Power Amplifier (CPA) ......................3.. 3-37 3..........................6............................5..............................4..... 3-23 3..........6........................5..................................4...... 3-36 3.................................................................. SMA ......................................................... Major SMA Parts ......5............... 3-44 3....................................... 3-52 3.....6..........3....4.........................2..........................................................................................2..... Serial Communication Control ................5..............3....... 1020 Hz IDENT Signal Process....... Microprocessor and Peripheral Circuit ............................................3-48 3.. PDC-CAR.......................9................................... 3-55 3................6...........5..............................................................System Description / Ed........7.........7.........................................5......... Major LCU Parts ................. Variable 30 Hz Signal Process .... RF Signal Processing Circuit ....................... Inc........................................................................2..........................4......................4......................................... 3-20 3........... Appearance of CMA ........4. 3-28 3..................... Modulator (MOD) .......................... ...1.................... Measuring the Backplane Supply Voltage .........................8........................ MSG...........10........6....................... Modulation Signal Generation for Carrier Wave .......7... Redundancy Support Interface of Transmitter and Monitor ..............9.......3-105 3.............. Switching Signal Generation for Antenna ..............2........................................ Self Test ...........................8.....7..............................................................................................................4.......1.........................8...... 3-92 3....6............................10.4......... RF Phase Control .............................. Appearance of CSP .....13......................... CSU Overview .............................. Appearance of DC/DC Converter .... 3-107 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.............................................................6......................... 3-97 3.......15....7................. RCMU Overview .............9........ Features of MSG .......................... Appearance of RCMU ........................... Appearance of CSU .......................................7.......1.......3-102 3.......... 3-67 3............................................................ Modulation Signal Generation for Sideband ....... 3-90 3..... 3-66 3..7................. 3-84 3............ 3-96 3............ 3-74 3...................... 3-77 3..............................................................................8.............................. All Rights Reserved Page IV ...3-96 3.......................9......................... 3-97 3...........8........6.....7........................3.......... DC/DC Overview .................... Operations ...... Voice Signal Processing ............ 3-68 3.1......2........6.......................................... 3-72 3...............9.......................................................... 3-103 3.12.........4..... 3-88 3.................................................7.....................................5......1...........................10. Interface between MONs ...................................................01 3....11..........................3-99 3....................................................11...................................... 3-73 3..........................................8............. 3-73 3...............................................................12.................................................................7... Main Parts of CSP ...............................................................10.......... AC/DC Overview ....... 3-97 3.............6. 3-106 3...... Main Parts of CSU ........................................................... DC / DC Converter ......................................7...................................................2........................ 3-83 3....................................................... 3-91 3..... Processor ......... CSP .......... 3-93 3..........16................3............................................. 3-79 3....................................3-86 3..4.......................8...........3.................... Internal Configuration of CSP ...... Transmitter Changeover Control .................2..............3...................7..........................................7... 3-71 3.12....... Interface with the Collocated DME or TACAN ........................................................... Other Control and Monitor ..17..... 3-103 3.. AC / DC Converter . 3-89 3............................... Inc.............................. Appearance of AC/DC Converter ...........................................................................3....9.....................................................................................6..................... Circuit Description ........ Microprocessor and Peripheral Circuits ...................11.................................................5............12.... 3-100 3..............................3-71 3............................ CSU ......................................................................................................3.. 3-99 3................7.....2.................... Test Signal Generator (TSG) ......2.......................9.... Measuring the Output Level of Carrier Wave ............1.................... 3-105 3.14.....................................................12........................................................................ 3-86 3...System Description / Ed.................. Operations ........................ 3-66 3.8... 3-67 3............. 3-107 3.............. Main Parts of MSG ................................................. 3-100 3......................................... RCMU .................................................................................. Main Parts of RCMU ....11.............................8....................................... 3-102 3...................................... Appearance of MSG ............................ ..3.......................................................3.... 4-1 4....................................... Circuit Description ......3-113 Chapter 4...12.......................................2................................... Area of Generating the Warning Sounds ....2............... RMU. Controlling the LED Lamp....13................... Block Diagram of RMU ..............1...................13............................................. 3-111 3...............3-110 3.............13.... Appearance of Transmission Antenna ...............................................................................................................................1............................................3.13...2......1........................3-112 3................7................4-1 4................System Description / Ed................................ Power Supply Unit (SMPS)......................... Main Parts of RMU .............13...................................................5...... Antenna ............................................... Overview ..12.................................4-4 4..... 4-8 4................ Characteristics of Alford Loop Antenna ..................... Transmission Antenna ......................... Monitor Antenna .... 4-11 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS..... 3-111 3......... Appearance of RMU ..................................................8...... 3-109 3..... Inc.......... Graphic LCD and Keypad ........6............. Electric Structure of Transmission Antenna ......3-113 3................2..........01 3.......12...................... All Rights Reserved Page V .........2........................................12................................................... 4-4 4.......................3-110 3.....3-110 3.2............................................. Serial Communication Control ................................. 4-6 4..........................................................4........................ System Description / Ed.01 Contents of Figures Figure 1-1 Principles of Light Tower ...................................................................................... 1-3 Figure 1-2 Phase Relationship between Reference and Variable Phase Signals ................ 1-5 Figure 1-3 Radiation Pattern and Phase Relationship of CVOR .......................................... 1-7 Figure 1-4 The Frequency Spectrum of VOR Signal ............................................................ 1-8 Figure 1-5 Frequency Deviation by Doppler Effect ............................................................. 1-11 Figure 1-6 Implementing the Continuous Rotation Effect by Blending ............................... 1-12 Figure 1-7 Phase Relationship of VOR Signal .................................................................... 1-13 Figure 1-8 Configuration of the VOR Receiver ................................................................... 1-16 Figure 1-9 VOR Course Indicator ....................................................................................... 1-17 Figure 1-10 TO-FROM Indicator ............................................................................................ 1-18 Figure 1-11 Doppler Effect ..................................................................................................... 1-19 Figure 1-12 System Diagram ................................................................................................. 1-29 Figure 1-13 Sub-system of MARU 220 .................................................................................. 1-30 Figure 1-14 Unit Mounting Positions ..................................................................................... 1-31 Figure 1-15 Redundant Structure of Power Unit ................................................................... 1-34 Figure 1-16 Redundant Structure of the Transmitter ............................................................. 1-35 Figure 1-17 Redundant Structure of the Monitor ................................................................... 1-36 Figure 1-18 Classifying the Slots of CMS Units ..................................................................... 1-37 Figure 2-1 External View of ASU........................................................................................... 2-1 Figure 2-2 Installation Position and Appearance of PDC ...................................................... 2-1 Figure 2-3 AES Configuration ............................................................................................... 2-3 Figure 2-4 Installation locations and appearance of each MAS LRU ................................... 2-4 Figure 2-5 MAS Configuration & Interfaces .......................................................................... 2-6 Figure 2-6 Installation Positions and Appearance of Each CMS LRU .................................. 2-7 Figure 2-7 CMS Configuration & Interfaces ........................................................................ 2-10 Figure 2-8 Each LRU Installation Position and Appearance of PSS................................... 2-12 Figure 2-9 PSS Configuration & Interfaces ......................................................................... 2-14 Figure 2-10 FAN Installation Positions and Appearance ....................................................... 2-15 Figure 2-11 Positions and Appearance of Air Baffle .............................................................. 2-15 Figure 3-1 Appearance of ASU ............................................................................................. 3-1 Figure 3-2 ASU Configuration & Interfaces........................................................................... 3-2 Figure 3-3 Internal Configuration of ASU .............................................................................. 3-3 Figure 3-4 Internal Configuration of ASU-TM........................................................................ 3-5 Figure 3-5 Configuration of SIN Path .................................................................................... 3-6 Figure 3-6 Configuration of COS Path .................................................................................. 3-6 Figure 3-7 Internal Configuration of ASU-SM ....................................................................... 3-8 Figure 3-8 Antenna Selection Signal Decoding .................................................................... 3-9 Figure 3-9 Switching Signals and Antenna Selections ....................................................... 3-10 Figure 3-10 Timings of the COS Antenna Switching Signals ................................................ 3-11 Figure 3-11 Timings of the SIN Antenna Switching Signals .................................................. 3-12 Figure 3-12 The Front Panel of PDC ..................................................................................... 3-13 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page VI System Description / Ed.01 Figure 3-13 PDC Back Panel ................................................................................................ 3-14 Figure 3-14 Internal Configuration of PDC ............................................................................ 3-16 Figure 3-15 Internal Configuration of PDC-CAR ................................................................... 3-17 Figure 3-16 Internal Configuration of PDC-SB ...................................................................... 3-18 Figure 3-17 Configuration of an Abnormal Antenna Detection Circuit ................................... 3-19 Figure 3-18 Front Panel of CMA ............................................................................................ 3-20 Figure 3-19 Rear Panel of CMA ............................................................................................ 3-21 Figure 3-20 Internal Configuration of CMA and SMA ............................................................ 3-23 Figure 3-21 Configuration of SYN ......................................................................................... 3-25 Figure 3-22 Configuration of MOD ........................................................................................ 3-26 Figure 3-23 Configuration of CPA .......................................................................................... 3-28 Figure 3-24 Front Panel of SMA ............................................................................................ 3-30 Figure 3-25 Rear Panel of SMA ............................................................................................ 3-31 Figure 3-26 Configuration and Interfaces of SMA ................................................................. 3-32 Figure 3-27 Internal Configuration of SYN ............................................................................ 3-34 Figure 3-28 Internal Configuration of MOD ........................................................................... 3-35 Figure 3-29 Internal Configuration of SBA ............................................................................. 3-36 Figure 3-30 Front Panel of LCU ............................................................................................ 3-38 Figure 3-31 Internal Configuration of LCU ............................................................................. 3-39 Figure 3-32 LCU Microprocessor .......................................................................................... 3-40 Figure 3-33 Communication Port ........................................................................................... 3-42 Figure 3-34 Configuration of CSP Control ............................................................................. 3-43 Figure 3-35 Warning Sound Generation and IDENT Tone Playback .................................... 3-44 Figure 3-36 Sub-Processor Circuit ........................................................................................ 3-44 Figure 3-37 LCU Other Circuits ............................................................................................. 3-46 Figure 3-38 Front Panel of MON ........................................................................................... 3-48 Figure 3-39 Monitor Interface ................................................................................................ 3-49 Figure 3-40 Block Diagram of MON ...................................................................................... 3-51 Figure 3-41 RF Signal Processing Circuit ............................................................................. 3-55 Figure 3-42 Reference 30Hz Signal Process ........................................................................ 3-56 Figure 3-43 Steps of Variable 30Hz Signal Process .............................................................. 3-57 Figure 3-44 Measuring the AM Degree of 9960 Hz Sub-carrier Wave Signal ....................... 3-60 Figure 3-45 Measuring the Amplitude Modulation Degree of 1020 Hz IDENT Signal........... 3-62 Figure 3-46 IDENT Signal Code Decoding............................................................................ 3-63 Figure 3-47 Timing of Morse Code IDENT ............................................................................ 3-63 Figure 3-48 Measuring the SYN Output Frequency .............................................................. 3-64 Figure 3-49 Timing Diagram for Monitoring the Status of Transmission Antenna ................. 3-65 Figure 3-50 Front Panel of MSG ........................................................................................... 3-71 Figure 3-51 Internal Configuration of MSG ............................................................................ 3-72 Figure 3-52 Blending Signal Waveforms ............................................................................... 3-77 Figure 3-53 COS/SIN Blending Signal .................................................................................. 3-78 Figure 3-54 Timing of Antenna Switching Signal ................................................................... 3-80 Figure 3-55 COS Antenna Switching ..................................................................................... 3-81 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page VII System Description / Ed.01 Figure 3-56 SIN Antenna Switching ....................................................................................... 3-82 Figure 3-57 Phasor Diagram that Shows the RF Phase Relationship .................................. 3-83 Figure 3-58 Font Panel of CSU ............................................................................................. 3-86 Figure 3-59 Interface Signal to DME/TACAN ........................................................................ 3-89 Figure 3-60 Control Signal Switching Block Diagram ............................................................ 3-90 Figure 3-61 Block Diagram of Test Signal Generator ............................................................ 3-91 Figure 3-62 Block Diagram of Voice Signal Processor .......................................................... 3-92 Figure 3-63 When the Master is the Sink Current and the Slave is the Source Current ....... 3-93 Figure 3-64 When the Master is the Source Current and the Slave is the Sink Current ....... 3-93 Figure 3-65 Block Diagram of DME Interface ........................................................................ 3-95 Figure 3-66 Appearance of CSP ............................................................................................ 3-96 Figure 3-67 Internal Block Diagram of CSP .......................................................................... 3-97 Figure 3-68 Front Panel of AC/DC ......................................................................................... 3-99 Figure 3-69 Internal Configuration of AC/DC Converter ...................................................... 3-100 Figure 3-70 Front Panel of DC/DC Converter ..................................................................... 3-102 Figure 3-71 Internal Configuration of DC/DC Converter ..................................................... 3-103 Figure 3-72 Appearance of RCMU ...................................................................................... 3-105 Figure 3-73 Block Diagram of RCMU .................................................................................. 3-106 Figure 3-74 RCMU Processor ............................................................................................. 3-108 Figure 3-75 Configuration of RCMU Communication Part .................................................. 3-109 Figure 3-76 Appearance of RMU ..........................................................................................3-111 Figure 3-77 Internal Configuration of RMU .......................................................................... 3-112 Figure 4-1 DVOR Antenna System ....................................................................................... 4-1 Figure 4-2 Antenna Arrangement on the Horizontal Plane of Counterpoise ........................ 4-2 Figure 4-3 Vertical Radiation Pattern When h=/2 ............................................................... 4-4 Figure 4-4 Vertical Radiation Pattern in a Free Space .......................................................... 4-5 Figure 4-5 Horizontal Radiation Pattern ................................................................................ 4-5 Figure 4-6 Appearance of Transmission Antenna ................................................................. 4-6 Figure 4-7 Electric Distribution of Alford Loop Antenna Radiation Elements ........................ 4-8 Figure 4-8 Matching Stub Assembly ..................................................................................... 4-9 Figure 4-9 4:1 Balun of the Coaxial Cable .......................................................................... 4-10 Figure 4-10 Monitor Antenna ................................................................................................. 4-11 Contents of Tables Table 3-1 Test Signals Outputted from TSG .......................................................................... 3-68 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page VIII 01 Abbreviations ADC Analog to Digital Converter AES Antenna Electronics Subsystem AMP Amplifier ANT Antenna ASU Antenna Switching Unit BIT Built In Test BITE Built In Test Equipment BPF Band Pass Filter CMA Carrier Modulation Amplifier CMS Control Monitor Subsystem CPA Carrier Power Amplifier CPD Carrier Power Detector CSP Control and Status Panel CSU Control Selection Unit CVOR Conventional VOR DAC Digital to Analog Converter DET Detector DME Distance Measuring Equipment DPDT Double-Pole Double-Throw DVOR Doppler VOR ENV Envelope GUI Graphic User Interface LCU Local Control Unit LPF Low Pass Filter LSB Lower Sideband MAS Modulation Amplifier Subsystem MOD Modulator MISC MISCellaneous MMIC Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit MOD Modulator MON Monitor MSG Modulation Signal Generator PA Power Amplifier PDC Power Detector &Changeover PFC Phase Frequency Comparator PLD Programmable Logic Device PLL Phase Locked Loop PSS Power Supply Subsystem PSU Power Supply Unit PWM Pulse-Width Modulation RCMU Remote Control and Monitor Unit Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.System Description / Ed. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page IX . All Rights Reserved Page X . Inc.System Description / Ed.01 REF CLK Reference Clock RMU Remote Monitor Unit SBA Sideband Amplifier Unit SM Selection Module SMA Sideband Modulation Amplifier SPD Sideband Power Detector SPI Serial Peripheral Interface SYN Synthesizer TACAN Tactical Air Navigation System TCXO Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator TM Toggling Module UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter USART Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter USB Upper Sideband VOP Voice Processor VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. System Description / Ed.01 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page XI . Inc. 1. Middle Marker and Outer Marker. 1050m for the Middle Marker and 7200m for the Outer Marker.1.1. The accuracy of NDB is in the range of 5~10˚. ILS consists of the following 3 facilities. Introduction to the System Chapter 1. The Inner Marker is located at the point 75m away from the start point of runway. Non Directional Beacon (NDB) NDB refers to the navigation aid facility that becomes the barometer that informs the location and azimuth of the NDB station to an aircraft by transmitting a non-directional radio wave. NAVAID Overview The terrestrial wireless facilities in aiding navigation may be followed as below. Instrument Landing System (ILS) The Instrument Landing System (ILS) guides aircrafts with directional radio waves so that they can follow a certain course and land accurately even in the nighttime or when the visibility is bad.  Localizer – Horizontal position of the landing course. Introduction to the System This chapter describes about the basic theories and concepts needed in understanding the MARU 220 Doppler VOR system.  Glide Path: Vertical position of the landing course.1.2.5° ~ 3°) of approach for the horizontal runway plane. 1. 1. NDB is the facility for detecting the azimuth of an NDB terrestrial station equipped with the Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) by transmitting the non-directional radio waves in the medium/long-frequency range (200~415kHz). which is the equipment of transmitting the radio wave that indicates the angle(2.  Marker: As the equipment of indicating the distance from the end of runway. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. 1. it consists of the Inner Marker. NDB has been the facility used in the air and sea for the longest time as for a simple system Configuration.Chapter 1. which is the equipment of transmitting the radio wave that indicates the centerline of runway. All Rights Reserved Page 1-1 . ICAO adopted ILS as a standard for the precision approach support system in 1950. Inc. Although the effective distance reachable by the VOR radio wave is generally limited to the visible range of distance. Although TACAN can be used as a stand-alone system. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The DME interrogator calculates the distance by measuring the pulse signal exchange time. the location that VOR is installed. The time interval between interrogation pulse and response pulse is proportional to the slant distance between the aircraft and the terrestrial DME facility. Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) It is developed for the course directions of TACAN military aircrafts.4. If the DME interrogator mounted onto an aircraft transmits the pulse signal to the terrestrial station. it may depend on the surrounding environment.Chapter 1. Since the distance-measuring signal is identical to that of DME. 1. 1. TACAN provides the distance and azimuth information at the same time. the distance measuring part of TACAN is collocated within TACAN and VOR so that civil aircrafts can also share it. ICAO has adopted VOR in 1949 as the standard for the non- precision approach facility. The azimuth is indicated on the indicator of VOR receiver that is mounted on to the aircraft. VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR) The ultra short wave VOR is the aid facility that supports aircrafts to approach an airport or to navigate a certain course by providing the azimuth information dependent on the terrestrial wireless stations. Introduction to the System 1. The frequencies used by VOR can be in the range of 108~118MHz.1.5. civil aircrafts can use TACAN as the DME. and the altitude that the aircraft is flying. Inc. Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) The Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) is the system that provides information to the aircraft for the slant distance between the terrestrial equipments. Aircraft can decide the azimuth based on the terrestrial wireless stations by receiving the VOR signals. it is operated in collocation with VOR.1. the DME terrestrial station receives this signal and then transmits the response signal to the aircraft after a certain delay time (50μs). All Rights Reserved Page 1-2 .3. Generally.1. 2. the azimuth of current location can be calculated. 2) The variable signal rotates at a fixed rate and flashes only in one direction. Observer stops the stopwatch as soon as the green light is observed.Chapter 1. Observer starts the stopwatch at the point when the white light flashes. By measuring the time between the observations of reference signal and variable signal. let’s assume tow virtual light towers of using two lights.2. Let’s us call it as “Variable Signal. Let’s assume that it takes 60 seconds for the variable signal to make a turn of 360° and the reference signal (white light) flashes when the variable signal faces to the magnetic north. 2. Let say that one of two lights. referred as “Reference Signal. Assume that the time indicated on the stopwatch is 20 seconds. Introduction to the System 1.” is a white light fixed at one location and can observe all the directions around. 1. Principles of the Light Tower To aid understanding the basic principles of VOR.1. the observer’s azimuth at the magnetic north from the light tower can be calculated as 6° × 20sec = 120°. All Rights Reserved Page 1-3 . The other is a rotating green light that flashes the light only in one direction and the observer can see the light only when he is at the right direction. 3. Inc. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.” 1) The reference signal (white light) lights up only when the variable signal (green light) face exactly to the magnetic north. Principles of VOR 1. N N N B Green Light (Variable Signal) 120° Flash of White Light (Reference Signal) 312° A Time 0 0 :0 0 :0 0 Time 0 0 :0 0 :2 0 Time 0 0 :0 0 :5 2 Figure 1-1 Principles of Light Tower Ex-1) when observing at the “A” point in the above figure 1-1. In this case. The only difference is that these two signals are radiated to the wireless signals rather than lights. which are two 30 Hz signals. 1. is omni-directionally radiated and the phase of reference signal is identically observed regardless of the observer’s direction. 3. the observer’s azimuth at the magnetic north from the light tower can be calculated as 6° × 52sec = 312°. Assume that the time indicated on the stopwatch is 52 seconds. In this case. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Observer stops the stopwatch when as soon as the green light is observed. The VOR receiver obtains the azimuth by calculating the phase difference between these two signals. 2. The reference phase signal. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 1-4 . Introduction to the System Ex-2) when observing at the “B” point of the figure 1-1. as a sine wave of 30 Hz. Observer starts the stopwatch at the point when the reference light (white light) flashes. Although the variable phase signal is also a 30 Hz sine wave. The principles of VOR are based on the phase relationship between Reference Phase Signal and Variable Phase Signal.Chapter 1. Reference and Variable Signals of VOR The signals identical to the reference and variable signals mentioned in the azimuth principles are used in the actual VOR. it is rotated and radiated at the rate of 30 cycles/s and the phase observed varies according to the observer’s position. Chapter 1. Introduction to the System Figure 1-2 shows the phase relationship between two signals in the 4 directions of VOR. Phase Difference = 0° 0° (N) Phase Difference = 270° 270° 90° (W) (E) Phase Difference = 90° 180° (S) Variable Phase (AM 30Hz) Reference Phase (FM 30Hz) Phase Difference = 180° Figure 1-2 Phase Relationship between Reference and Variable Phase Signals Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. At the 90° direction. All Rights Reserved Page 1-5 . Inc. the phase relationship will be changed and the variable signal as relative to the reference signal will be delayed by 90°. The phases of two signals will be matched when it is at 0° (or magnetic north).  30 Hz AM Signal: 30 %  9960 Hz Sub-carrier : 30 %  IDENT: 10 % Max. All Rights Reserved Page 1-6 . Inc. The Morse code is keyed at the speed of 7 words/minute and the identification signal is repeated at the rate of 3 or 4 times in every 30 seconds. Introduction to the System Voice and Identification Signals of VOR The actual VOR signal in addition to the two signals mentioned above includes a unique IDENT for identifying the VOR transmitting station and optionally.Chapter 1.  Voice Signal: 30 % Max. The voice signal as an optional item is the audio signal in the range of 300 Hz ~ 3. it can include a voice signal.000 Hz. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The modulation value included in the VOR signal for each modulated signal is described as in the following according to the ICAO Annex 10 specification. whose amplitude is modulated by the carrier wave. The voice signal is either transmitting the IDENT as a voice rather than a Morse code or is used for broadcasting the airport information (ATIS). IDENT consists of 2~3 different alphabets or digits with the respective transmitting station and the 1020 Hz sine wave signal whose amplitude is modulated by the carrier wave is keyed and transmitted. the terrestrial station continuously transmits the directional (Cardioid characteristics) VHF radio wave while rotating it at the rate of 30 cycles/s in the clockwise direction. Introduction to the System 1. If the receiver within an aircraft receives this signal. Conventional VOR (CVOR) In case of the conventional VOR. the modulated signal (AM 30 Hz) can be obtained since the signal strength is varied according to the signal strength. This signal is the variable phase signal. which is received respectively from the Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc.2. Since the VOR terrestrial station is also transmitting the reference phase signal of 30 Hz at the same time. the direction of receiving position can be known from obtaining the phase difference by receiving these two signals simultaneously. Phase Difference = 0° N Direction of Revolution Phase Difference = 270° W E Phase Difference = 90° Variable Phase Signal Reference Phase Signal Radiation Pattern Radiation Pattern S (CARDIOID) Variable Phase (AM 30Hz) Reference Phase (FM 30Hz) Phase Difference = 180° Figure 1-3 Radiation Pattern and Phase Relationship of CVOR Figure 1-3 represents the radiation pattern and phase relationship of reference phase signal (dotted line) and variable phase signal (solid line). The reference phase signal at the conventional VOR transmits the carrier wave of 108 ~ 118 MHz by modulating the 9960 Hz sub-carrier that is frequency-modulated with 30 Hz.Chapter 1.2. All Rights Reserved Page 1-7 . By doing so. While the phase of reference phase signal as in the figure is identical at the 4 points. the azimuth of that point can be obtained by calculating the phase difference between two signals. Inc. Although an infinite number of these FM sidebands exist theoretically. due south and north. the phase difference of two signals at each point is identical to the azimuth of the point. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. 1. Carrier AM30Hz AM30Hz FM30Hz FM30Hz IDENT IDENT Voice Voice fc-9960Hz fc-1020Hz fc fc+1020Hz fc+9960Hz (LSB Subcarrier) (USB Subcarrier) fc-30Hz fc+30Hz Figure 1-4 The Frequency Spectrum of VOR Signal Since each modulation element is amplitude-modulated to the primary carrier wave. the number of sidebands actually observed is highly limited since the size gets smaller as it gets away from the sub-carrier.2. Frequency Spectrum of VOR Figure 1-4 represents the frequency spectrum of VOR signal that is radiated in the air.3. The Morse code IDENT appears on the both points ±1020 Hz away from the carrier frequency fc and the spectrum appears on the position ±300 Hz ~ 3000 Hz away from fc when including voice signal. the frequency spectrum as in the figure is distributed in a horizontal symmetry of USB in the right and LSB in the left around the carrier frequency fc.Chapter 1. Introduction to the System four points of due east. The sidebands of frequency-modulated 30 Hz signal (FM 30 Hz) appear at an interval of 30 Hz in the perspective of 9960 Hz carrier wave from both points ±9960 Hz away from the primary carrier frequency fc. the phase of variable phase signal differs by the receiving direction. All Rights Reserved Page 1-8 . due west. In other words. The sidebands of amplitude-modulated 30Hz signal appear on the both points ±30 Hz away from fc and its size is 16dB smaller than that of carrier wave when the amplitude- modulation level is 30 %. Therefore. the sub-carrier doesn’t modulate the primary carrier wave of 9960 Hz directly. At this time. but it indirectly modulates the amplitude of primary carrier wave that is transmitted from a separate antenna. the 9960 Hz sub-carrier signal becomes one that is frequency-modulated by the 30 Hz variable phase signal. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The variable phase signal of Doppler VOR is transmitted by the 9960 Hz sub-carrier that has amplitude-modulated the primary carrier wave. varies according to the receiving point. Inc. Ultimately.2. Actually. the frequency deviation of 30 Hz cycle occurs in the 9960 Hz sub-carrier signal by the Doppler Effect. an identical signal is received in all the directions. R = the rotation radius of sideband antenna. Since the antenna used in this time is non-directional. the variable phase signal from the point of reference phase signal. When the variable phase signal is frequency-modulated by the Doppler Effect. If the sideband antenna is rotated. f should be ±480 Hz. v  f R  f 2  30  R  f f    c c c Here. The sideband antenna is non-directional and is continuously rotating in the counter clockwise direction at the rate of 30 cycles/s from the sub-carrier antenna.4. All Rights Reserved Page 1-9 . c = the speed of light (3  108 m/sec). Introduction to the System 1. The reference phase signals of Doppler VOR are transmitted Omni-directionally from a fixed antenna after amplitude-modulating the 30 Hz sine wave signals on the carrier wave. f = the receiving frequency According to the ICAO Annex 10 specification.Chapter 1. Doppler VOR (DVOR) Doppler VOR uses the Doppler Effect to obtain the variable phase signal. The 9960 Hz sub-carrier is transmitted from the sideband antenna at a fixed distance from the sub-carrier antenna. which is the phase of frequency-modulated 30Hz signal. the distance from a certain point to the transmission point of 9960 Hz sub-carrier changes at the rate of 30 cycles/s. The rotation radius of antenna to raise the frequency deviation of ±480 Hz in a given frequency may be calculated in the following equation. the maximum frequency deviation f follows the equation below. The Doppler effect occurs since the distance between the transmitting and receiving points varies according to the time and as the result. the receiving frequency also changes at the rate of 30 cycles/s as well. 8 300 R   6. All Rights Reserved Page 1-10 . Introduction to the System 480  c 8c 8 R   f  2  30   f  Ex) when f=113MHz.52m. Although the phases of reference phase signal are identical at 4 points. In other words. As mentioned in the previous section. Inc.Chapter 1.14 113 Therefore. Therefore. the phase difference between two signals at a point is the same as the azimuth of that point. as shown in the following figure. the circle diameter that the antenna rotates becomes approximately 13. the phases of variable phase signal vary according to the receiving point. Figure 1-7 represents the phase relationship for the frequency deviation (solid line) and reference phase signal (dotted line) of the 9960 Hz sub-carrier signal received respectively from 4 points of ①due north.76m 3. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. which are distant from the Doppler VOR. the azimuth at a certain point can be obtained by calculating the phase difference between two signals at any point. ③due south and ④due west. the frequency deviation curve of 9960 Hz sub-carrier signal represents the variable phase signal. the rotation radius of the antenna can be calculated. ②due east. the blending method is used to obtain the continuous rotation effect.2. the electrically rotating effect can be obtained by suddenly applying electricity sequentially by arranging 48 or 50 antennas on a fixed circle perimeter. the electricity applied to these two antennas is modulated according to a fixed blending function. Different magnitudes of electricity are supplied simultaneously to two adjacent antennas to have the continuous rotation effect. At this time. The Continuous Rotation Effect of Antenna There are several difficulties in rotating the antenna physically to obtain the variable signal necessary for the Doppler type of VOR. so that the size of modulation signal at one side becomes the maximum while that of the modulation signal at the other side becomes “0.5. All Rights Reserved Page 1-11 . Introduction to the System Reference Phase 1 Signal 0 t (AM 30Hz) 1/30sec 1 f +480Hz 0 t N -480Hz 1/30sec Direction of Revolution D = 4 2 2 f 16  W E +480Hz / 0 t -480Hz 1/30sec S 3 f +480Hz 0 t -480Hz 3 1/30sec 4 f +480Hz 0 t -480Hz 1/30sec Figure 1-5 Frequency Deviation by Doppler Effect 1.” By applying two signals that the modulation phases between two antennas are 180° different from each other. Instead. Switching the antenna can make the sudden sequential electricity supply. Since the rotation effect can be discontinuous only by the sequential switching of the antenna.Chapter 1. Inc. the signal from two antennas at one Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Introduction to the System receiving point appears to be vector-synthesized. All Rights Reserved Page 1-12 . A general blending signal holds the form of figure 1-6 and it can be classified by the COS blending signal and SIN blending signal. Ultimately.Chapter 1. Inc. the same effect as an antenna of continuously rotated and radiated can be obtained by appropriately selecting the antenna switching timing and blending function. COS blending signal is applied to the odd numbered antenna and SIN blending signal is applied to the even numbered antenna. COS 45 47 1 3 t 3 2 1 48 47 4 46 5 45 6 44 SIN 7 43 USB 44 46 48 2 8 42 9 41 t 10 40 11 39 12 38 13 37 14 36 Carrier Antenna 15 35 16 34 COS 17 33 21 23 25 27 18 32 LSB 19 31 t 20 30 21 29 22 28 23 24 25 26 27 SIN 20 22 24 26 t Figure 1-6 Implementing the Continuous Rotation Effect by Blending Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 1-13 . Inc. The Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.6. VOR R-90 Aircraft A R -1 3 5 Aircraft B CVOR DVOR FM 30Hz AM 30Hz (Reference Phase) (Reference Phase) Aircraft A (R-90) 90° 90° AM 30Hz FM 30Hz (Variable Phase) (Variable Phase) FM 30Hz AM 30Hz (Reference Phase) (Reference Phase) Aircraft 135° 135° B (R-135) AM 30Hz FM 30Hz (Variable Phase) (Variable Phase) Figure 1-7 Phase Relationship of VOR Signal As described earlier.2. The phase in the reference phase signal from CVOR is slower than that of the variable phase signal (as much as the azimuth of the receiving point).Chapter 1. Introduction to the System 1. the reference phase signal of conventional VOR is the frequency- modulated 30 Hz (FM 30 Hz) and the variable phase signal is the amplitude-modulated 30 Hz (AM 30 Hz). The reference phase signal in the Doppler VOR is the amplitude-modulated 30 Hz (AM 30 Hz) and the variable phase signal is the frequency-modulated 30 Hz (FM 30 Hz). Comparison between CVOR and DVOR Figure 1-7 has compared the signal phase relationship of conventional VOR and Doppler VOR when receiving one VOR signal from two aircrafts A (90°) and B (135°) in two different directions. the receiver calculates the azimuth by calculating the FM 30 Hz phase from the phase of AM 30 Hz. Consequently. However. Therefore. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. whether it is the reference phase signal or the variable phase signal.Chapter 1. All Rights Reserved Page 1-14 . Introduction to the System phase of the reference phase signal in DVOR is faster than that of the variable phase signal (as much as the azimuth of the receiving point). Inc. CVOR and DVOR can be separated from the perspective of an aircraft and also. there is no difference in CVOR and DVOR in the perspective of using it. the identical azimuth is obtained from the same receiving point whether it is DVOR or DVOR. Introduction to the System 1. Collocation of VOR and DME/TACAN In addition to the azimuth information. VOR can be considered as a numerous number of spokes extending from the center of a wheel to the outside in various directions. 1. Since several VOR terrestrial station can exist in one area. VOR can be collocated with DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) or TACAN in order to provide the distance information necessary for the blind flying. an alarm flag will be indicated on the indicator. The way that an actual aircraft uses a specific VOR is first to set the receiver frequency to the VOR frequency indicated on the radio navigation chart and then to select the targeted course (radial) by turning the handle of Omni-Bearing Selector (OBS).7. the degree and direction of the current location deviated from the selected course is indicated on the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI). the VOR is operated in collocation with TACAN and when the direction and distance information is provided only for the civil aircrafts. the respective extending spoke can be considered as the bearing azimuth in each direction and it is called as the radial of that direction.2. If the service range of the aircraft is deviated. The VOR terrestrial station transmits its own IDENT in a Morse code of 2~3 characters and the aircraft classifies each VOR terrestrial station as an indicated IDENT.2.8. When providing the direction and distance information to the civil and military aircrafts. The location and frequency of VOR terrestrial station are marked on the radio navigation chart. Inc. If it is within the selected VOR service area. All Rights Reserved Page 1-15 .Chapter 1. the actually used radials of 360 units can be thought to exist in the bound of 1° ~ 360°. the IDENT is indicated on the radio navigation chart together with the VOR frequency. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Also. Use of VOR In order to aid your understanding. At this time. Each radial represents the magnetic bearing outbound from the VOR directing to the outside. the VOR is operated in collocation with DME (Distance Measuring Equipment). Since only the integer radial is used in the current VOR navigation. a unique IDENT is allocated to each VOR to be distinguished from each other. this signal is further classified into the AM 30 Hz signal and 9960 Hz sub-carrier by the respective filter. the band pass filter for VOR signal processing. Navigational Signal Processing Conventional VHF AM Receiver 9960 Hz FM30Hz FM DET FILTER RF MIX IF AM DET AM30Hz 90° 30 Hz PHASE PHASE FILTER ADJUST SHIFT CTRL OSC AGC PHASE PHASE COMP COMP 1 1 3 5 CDI Needle Drive TO-FROM Flag Frequency Selector N 3 6 Resolver Out 33 E TO 30 12 Resolver Drive 15 W 24 S OBS 21 OBS/CDI Figure 1-8 Configuration of the VOR Receiver Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The signal received through the antenna is demodulated into the original composite VOR signal after passing through the circuits of the high frequency amplification. All Rights Reserved Page 1-16 . and the phase comparator and indicator.2. The VOR receiver consists of an AM receiver circuit with a general super-heterodyne method. Two 30 Hz signals (AM 30 Hz signal and FM 30 Hz signal) are inputted to the phase comparator and the result is indicated on the indicator.Chapter 1. medium frequency amplification and demodulation. The 9960 Hz sub-carrier signal is demodulated into the FM 30 Hz signal after passing through the 9960 Hz band pass filter and FM discriminator. Again. an FM discriminator. Inc. frequency conversion. VOR Receiver The VOR receiver mounted onto the aircraft follows the selected VOR frequency channel and receives the signals from VOR. Introduction to the System 1. The AM 30 Hz signal is separated from the composite VOR signal by the low pass filter.9. ” it refers that the aircraft is located in the opposite direction of Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 1. 3 N 6 33 E TO 30 15 12 W 24 S OBS 21 Figure 1-9 VOR Course Indicator 1) OBS (Omni Bearing Selector) OBS is used by a pilot in selecting the course to be navigated. Introduction to the System 1. 2) CDI (Course Deviation Indicator) CDI.2. There are five small dots in the left and right sides of the course indicator center.10. 3) TO-FROM Indicator (Flag) The TO-FROM Indicator indicates whether the current aircraft location on the selected course radial is at the position approaching to the VOR receiving station or at the position of getting away from the VOR transmitting station. the aircraft is positioned on the selected course and if the needle is positioned to the left/right side. Inc. One dot represents 2° and the needle moves within the range of 10° to the left and right. When the course selected as in the figure 1-10 indicates “TO. indicates how much the location of current aircraft is deviated from the direction and what degree. VOR Course Indicator A typical VOR course indicator is constructed as in the following. Turn the OBS handle in the left/right directions so that the course selection arrow near to the compass plate indicates the desired course azimuth. All Rights Reserved Page 1-17 . The azimuth that the arrowhead direction indicates is the course radial. for the course selected by a pilot. it refers that the aircraft is deviated to the left/right direction. If the CDI needle is centered. Chapter 1. Introduction to the System the selected radial and when that indicates “FROM. All Rights Reserved Page 1-18 . Inc.” it means that the aircraft is located in the same direction as the selected radial. θ1=50°-90°=-40°=320° N Course = R050 (OBS Setting) B 50° CD I = 5 ° 45° TO 225° FROM A CD I = 5 ° θ2=50°+90°=140° Figure 1-10 TO-FROM Indicator Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. for the relative movement between the wave motion originator and observer. Introduction to the System 1. the radio wave is Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Related Technology and Theory 1. A B fo (a) When A and B are not moving A B v fo +  f (b) When A is moving toward B A B -v fo . refers to the phenomenon that the number of vibrations differs when they are stopped and relatively moving. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 1-19 . The Doppler Effect can be found from the wave motion and the change in the observed values of the frequency by this effect depends on the relative velocity of the wave motion and the relative speed of the observer.1. it will be hard low. f (c) When A is moving away from B Figure 1-11 Doppler Effect Suppose that when A in the figure 1-11 emits the radio wave of f 0 (Hz).3. For example. the siren of the train will be heard high and when the train gets farther off from each other. Doppler Effect Doppler Effect. when a train approaches to the observer on a railroad track.Chapter 1.3. v f  f 0  f  f0 (c  v ) Here. Introduction to the System received by the receiver B and A is moving at the rate of v (m/s) toward B. The frequency range used by VOR falls within the VHF frequency band of 108. f 0  f 0v f  (c  v ) Here. since c (the speed of radio wave) is much faster than v (the speed of a moving object). All Rights Reserved Page 1-20 . it is widely used such as for the short-distance mobile communication and aeronautical control.2.  f  fo c 1. aeronautical information service. MF and HF is relatively small. The frequency deviation occurred by such Doppler Effect could be summarized as in the following. Then. f 0  f 0v f  (c  v ) If A and B are moving in the opposite directions from each other. Due to these characteristics. the reachable distance is wide. the frequency of the radio wave received from B can be calculated as in the following. Frequency Band of VOR (VHF) VHF communication is used for the air traffic communication. (c  v)  c Therefore. which is the speed of light (3×108m/s). Inc.000 MHz or below. Since VHF radio wave has the straight-going nature and the diffraction as compared to those of LF. c is the speed of radio wave. the following can be applied.000 MHz or above and 118. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.3. the following equation can be derived. aeronautical operation communication and operational communications for the aircrafts within the line of light.Chapter 1. aeronautical radio UHF 300MHz ~3GHz Television broadcasting. Introduction to the System Uses and Characteristics in Varying the Frequency Range Weak Strong Name Frequency Use Range VLF 3kHz~30kHz Ship LF 30kHz~300kHz Weather broadcasting. amateur radio. amateur radio. aeronautical radio. All Rights Reserved Page 1-21 .Chapter 1. satellite broadcasting. ship accident communication. short-wave broadcasting Straight Diffraction VHF 30MHz~300MHz FM broadcasting. ship accident communication HF 3MHz~30MHz Amateur radio. radio wave Strong Weak astronomy Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. the navigation beacons for ship or aircraft MF 300kHz~3MHz Radio. Inc. amateur radio. radar SHF 3GHz~30GHz Weather radar. television broadcasting. space communication EHF 30GHz~300GHz Radar. its size and power consumption are minimized and the cost-effectiveness is also accomplished. alarm status and RF output level can be controlled and checked. The hot-swap function is implemented to replace a LRU without turning off the system. Compact Design By enclosing dual transmitter. Collocate with DME/TACAN System MARU 220 can be easily configured to collocate with any DME/TACAN. All Rights Reserved Page 1-22 .4. standard 19” rack cabinet. Hot-swappable Plug-in Units Plug-in type Line Replaceable Units (LRU) with card ejector are used. System Operation while Using the Convenient GUI Environment The system can be controlled at a remote location by implementing the Remote Maintenance and Monitoring System (RMMS) to the general PC and the major parameters. State of the Art Digital Technology The system can be reliably controlled or managed through the 68000 series of Motorola microprocessor and its flexibility has been greatly improved by using EPLD to the digital circuit part. Introduction to the System 1. Inc. unit status.Chapter 1. where applicable. system status. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. dual monitor and dual power supply in a single. Self-Diagnostic Function The Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) function is included to check integrity of the system operation. Characteristics of MARU 220 Doppler VOR The followings are major features and characteristics of the MARU 220 Doppler VOR. 5.5° (When measuring at the point 300m away from the antenna with the low angle shot of 3° Azimuth Stability Within ±0.25° (When measuring with the system monitor) A minimum of 200NM or over from the visible distance when using the output of 100W Coverage (Electric field strength of 90 µV/m or electricity density of -107 2 dBW/m ) Within the 30%±2% nominal 30 Hz AM Stability (When measuring at the distance of 300m from the antenna or above from the antenna and within the low angle shot of 5°) Within the 30%±2% nominal 9960 Hz AM Stability (When measuring at the distance of 300m from the antenna or above from the antenna and within the low angle shot of 5°) 16±1 9960 Hz FM Index (When using the antenna ring diameter of 13.5. except for the backup battery charging current) Operating -10 °C ~ 55 °C (indoor) Temperature -40 °C ~ 70 °C (outdoor) Relative Within 95% (Up to the temperature of 35 °C) Environmental Conditions Humidity Within 60% (Above the temperature of 35 °C) Operating Up to 4.1.Chapter 1. MARU 220 Doppler VOR Specification MARU 220 is designed suitable to the ICAO Annex 10 specifications. System Specification Item Specification Azimuth Accuracy Within ±0. 1.500m (15. Introduction to the System 1.000ft) Altitude Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.6m and the frequency of 113 MHz) AM percentage of lower than 40% 9960 Hz subcarrier (When measuring at the distance of 300m from the center antenna) Possible to set with an arbitrary value at the interval of 0. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 1-23 .1° within Azimuth Offset the range of 0° ~ 360° Equipment Dimensions 1888 mm (H) *600 mm (W) * 600 mm (D) Environmental Protection Complant with EN60529 IP54 rating MTBF Longer than 10. Hot standby 100W output.000 hours (MIL-HDBK-217) Reliability / Maintainability MTTR Less than 15 minutes 10A or less Max Consumption Current (AC220V. 1 time of DME in every 30 seconds: Frequency: 300 Hz ~ 3000 Hz Range (Within 3 dB of the flatness when using 1000 Hz as the 0dB reference Voice Signal point) AM Depth: 30 % nominal.000 MHz ~ 117. Introduction to the System 1.01% sine wave Reference Signal of AM Depth : 30% nominal 30 Hz (Adjustable in steps of 0.1% within the range of 0% ~ 40%) Frequency: 1020 Hz ±0. Inc.01% sine wave AM Depth : 10% nominal (Adjustable in steps of 0.2.001% 100 W Power Output (When measuring at the tip of a R214 antenna sudden electricity cable with the length of 15m) Output Power -50% ~ +20% Adjustment Range (Adjustable in steps of of 1W) Output Impedance 50 Ω 2nd Harmonic Wave: Below –60 dBc Harmonics 3rd Harmonic Wave: Below –70 dBc Spurious radiation Below -60 dBc Modulation Depth of Up to 80% Main Carrier Frequency: 30 Hz ±0. adjustable up to 40% in steps of 0. Transmitter Specification Carrier Wave Specification Item Specification Frequency Range 108.1% within the range of 0% ~ 30%) Code: International Morse code of 2~3 characters. All Rights Reserved Page 1-24 .5.Chapter 1. up to 4 characters IDENT Signal Code Length: Dot/Pause – 125ms. Dash 374 ms.1% Harmonic distortion: less than -30dBc in total Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.975 MHz (Arbitrarily selectable in steps of 50kHz) Frequency Tolerance ±0.001% Frequency Stability Better than ±0. 7 words per minute Repetition: 4 times in every 30 seconds for standalone mode When collocated with DME or TACAN: 3 times of VOR. resolving power of 0. Possible to use other wave Signal program 1. resolving power of 0.Chapter 1. resolving power of 0.1% Depth Measuring Accuracy: Within ±1% 9960 Hz AM Modulation Measuring Range: 0 ~ 40%.15° 30 Hz AM Modulation Measuring Range: 0 ~ 40%.1° Measuring Accuracy: Within ±0.3. Monitor Specification Item Specification Azimuth Measuring Range: 0° ~ 359.1 FM Index Measuring Accuracy: Within 0.5.9°. resolving power 0. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc.1% Depth Measuring Accuracy: Within ±1% Measuring Range: 14 ~ 18.1 W Output Impedance 50Ω nd 2 Harmonic Wave: Below –40 dBc rd Harmonic Element 3 Harmonic Wave: Below –50 dBc th 4 or Higher Harmonic Wave: Below –60 dBc Frequency: 720 Hz Blending Modulation Blending Function: Updated SIN wave.2 Defective Antenna Possible to detect the defects of one and two antennas at the same Detection time Configuration Single or Dual: ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ mode Alarm Limit Boundary Possible to set simply through the graphic user interface(GUI). Introduction to the System Sideband Specification Item Specification Sub-carrier Frequency 9960 Hz ±1% Power Output 25 W PEP (6 W CW) nominal per sideband Variable Output Range Adjustable -80% to +20% in steps of 0. All Rights Reserved Page 1-25 . 4.8 m Characteristics Height 1.5 dB.2 m ~ 1.Chapter 1. nominal Polarization Horizontal Vertical Polarized Element ≤ -40 dBc Horizontal Plane Radiation Omini-directional Characteristics Deviations in the Horizontal Plane Radiation Amplitude ≤±0. phase ≤5° Characteristics Max Input Power 200W Connector Standard N-type.2 : 1 or below. All Rights Reserved Page 1-26 .4 m Cover (Radome) Material Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester (FRP) Pedestal Material Hot dip galvanizing steel Environmental Temperature Range -40°C ~ +70°C Conditions Relative Humidity 0% ~ 100% Altitude Limit 4. Introduction to the System 1.500m above sea Wind Speed Limit 60 m/sec Salinity 5 % ±1 % @30°C Hailstone Diameter of 1 cm Freezing Thickness of 5 cm Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. in the state adjusted to the use Ratio (VSWR) frequency Impedance 50 Ω. adjustable in the field Characteristics Voltage Standing Wave 1.5. Female Mechanical Diameter 0. Antenna Specification Carrier Wave / Sideband Antenna Specification Classification Item Specification Type & Antenna type Alford Loop Configuration Configuration 1 carrier wave antenna + 48 sideband antennas Electrical Frequency Range 108 MHz ~ 118 MHz. Inc. Female Environmental Temperature Range -40 ~ +70 °C Conditions Relative Humidity 0 ~ 100 % Wind Speed Limit 60 m/sec 1.5m (W) Characteristics Weight Material Stainless steel & brass Connector Type Standard N-type. Inc. or 10m Antenna Ring Diameter About 13.2 : 1 or below (in the state adjusted to the use Ratio (VSWR) frequency) Impedance 50 Ω.5.5m at f=113MHz (16   / ) Structure Material Melting hot dip galvanizing steel and stainless steel Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Introduction to the System Monitor Antenna Specification Classification Item Specification Configuration Configuration Single antenna & Type Antenna Type 4-element Yagi-Uda Electrical Frequency Range 108 MHz ~ 118 MHz.3m (L)  1. All Rights Reserved Page 1-27 . 7m.5. adjustable in the field Characteristics Voltage Standing Wave 1.Chapter 1. Counterpoise Specification Item Specification Diameter 30m standard Height 3 m. 5m. nominal Horizontal Plane Gain ≥ 7 dBi Front to Back Ratio ≥ 12 dBi Partiality Characteristics Horizontal partiality Mechanical Dimension 2. sustainable dual system for 4 hours Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. single-phase Input Frequency: 47Hz~63Hz Rated Output Voltage: 28 VDC. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 1-28 . Introduction to the System 1. +15 V.Chapter 1.6. -15 V. dual DC/DC converter Parallel Battery Connection: Continuous charging & backup AC/DC Converter Rated Input Voltage: 110V/220 VAC ±20%. +28 V Type: Maintenance-free lead battery Charge/Backup Type: Parallel connection. Power Supply Specification Item Specification Configuration Dual AC/DC converter. +7 V.5. continuous charging Backup Battery and backup Rated Output Voltage: 24 V Capacity: 120AH. Nominal DC Output Voltage DC/DC Converter +5 V. System Configuration Figure 1-12 System Diagram Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc.Chapter 1.6. Introduction to the System 1. All Rights Reserved Page 1-29 . Inc. Hardware The hardware of MARU 220 consists of the following 4 sub-systems. Introduction to the System 1.Chapter 1.  AES (Antenna Electronics Sub-system)  MAS (Modulation Amplifier Sub-system)  CMS (Control Monitor Sub-system)  PSS (Power Supply Sub-system) Figure 1-13 Sub-system of MARU 220 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 1-30 .6.1. Chapter 1. Introduction to the System Figure 1-14 Unit Mounting Positions Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 1-31 . Inc. Introduction to the System Each sub-system consists of the following line replaceable units (LRU) or assemblies. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 1-32 . Sub-system Name Quantity Note PDC LRU 1 AES ASU LRU 1 CMA LRU 2 MAS SMA LRU 4 USB -2 / LSB .Chapter 1.2 FAN LRU 2 MSG LRU 2 CSU LRU 1 CMS MON LRU 2 LCU LRU 1 CSP Assembly 1 AC/DC LRU 2 DC/DC LRU 2 PSS PDU LRU 1 FAN LRU 2 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. the monitor antenna is installed at the point that is at least 80m away from the center of counterpoise. The carrier antenna is installed on the center of counterpoise and the sideband antenna is installed at an interval of 7.3. RCMU is made possible to display and control the status of equipments by attaching the LED indicator. Antenna One antenna unit consists of 1 antenna.Chapter 1. LMMS is connected to the system console through a serial RS-232 cable and RMMS is connected to the system remote port through a private line or dial-up modem. Inc. RMU only has the function of indicating the status of equipments while not having the control function of changing the status of equipments. 48 sideband antennas and 1 monitor antenna. All Rights Reserved Page 1-33 . LCD and keypad.2.6.4. Operating Software (LMMS / RMMS) As for the user interface equipments in monitoring and maintaining various equipments. Remote Control Unit The remote control unit consists of Remote Control & Monitor Unit (RCMU) and Remote Monitor Unit (RMU). Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. the Remote Maintenance Monitoring System (LMMS) and Remote Maintenance Monitoring System (RMMS) can be considered. Introduction to the System 1. 1.6. In order to monitor the transmitted signal quality.6. These systems are installed and operated onto the IBM-compatible PC by installing the Windows 2000 or higher OS. 1. Each sideband antenna is numbered in the counter clockwise direction starting from the antenna #1 positioned on the due north to #48.5°on the perimeter that is a fixed distance away around the centre of the carrier wave antenna. Since it is designed in such a load sharing structure. Introduction to the System 1. the remaining one supplies the power necessary to the entire system when one of two power units is not functioning. All Rights Reserved Page 1-34 . System Redundancy The redundancy of MARU 220 system is made available to the power unit. there exists neither a physical switching process nor a power interruption state. Power Unit Redundancy Since the output of two independent MARU 220 power units is connected in parallel. Backup Battery#1 AC/DC DC/DC Converter#1 Converter#1 220VAC DC Input Output AC/DC DC/DC Converter#2 Converter#2 Backup Battery#2 Figure 1-15 Redundant Structure of Power Unit Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.6.Chapter 1. Inc. transmitter and monitor.5. the monitor detects it and sends a command to switch over the converter. If a problem occurs from the transmitter connected to the antenna. 100% of the standby transmitter output continues to be outputted to the dummy load. Transmitter ANT Transmitter#1 Switch (Active) Transmitter#2 Dummy load (Standby) When having trouble with the Transmitter#1 ANT Transmitter Transmitter#1 Switch (Standby) Transmitter#2 Dummy load (Active) Figure 1-16 Redundant Structure of the Transmitter Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Introduction to the System Transmitter Unit Redundancy The transmitter unit of MARU 220 is duplicated in a way that transmits the output of two independent transmitters through one selected by the switch and the other added to the dummy load to emit by heat. the output of current standby transmitter is switched over to the antenna and the transmitter output previously connected with an antenna is switched to the dummy load. Inc. It is done in the way of shifting the roles of active and passive (standby) transmitters. If this command is executed. All Rights Reserved Page 1-35 .Chapter 1. In case of the Hot Standby type. it turns off the transmitter output when in the standby mode and the output is emitted when switched to the active mode. In case of the Cold Standby. It can be classified into the types of Hot Standby and Cold Standby according to the standby transmitter operation and one type can be selected according to the system setting. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The signal inputted to the monitor is received from one common antenna and is distributed to two monitors. analyse and checks the signals emitted to the air in the current system. Introduction to the System Monitor Redundancy MARU 220 uses two independent monitors and they receive. As an option.Chapter 1. DVOR System Monitor#1 Monitor Antenna (Active) Monitor#2 Distributor (Standby) Figure 1-17 Redundant Structure of the Monitor The operation status of the system can be judged by using the results of two redundant monitors and it may effect on the system operation according to the result selection when two different outputs are made from two separate monitors. The “AND” mode is the method of judging an error when the signal analysed by both monitors is found to be erroneous and the “OR” mode regards it an error when either one of them is found to be erroneous. Inc. MARU 220 requires user to selectively use one of two modes “AND and OR” when judging an error from the analysis results of two monitors. they can be independently supplied to two monitors by using two antennas. All Rights Reserved Page 1-36 . it may cause a permanent damage to the circuit. For example. the units corresponding to the locations can be mounted. and LCU): Since the connector locations connected to the back-plane are different from each other. CSU. the MON unit can be attached either in the MON #1 slot or in the MON #2 slot. On the other hand. Unit Slot Classification Each unit of MARU 220 should be installed in the correct area since the installable area is fixed respectively. since the connector locations are differently designed for each slot. the CMS and MAS units are designed as in the following. 96P 96P 96P 144P 96P 96P 96P 96P 96P 96P 96P 96P MSG #1 MON #1 CSU LCU MON #2 MSG #2 Figure 1-18 Classifying the Slots of CMS Units Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. CMA): Since the sizes of SMA and CMA are significantly different from each other. All Rights Reserved Page 1-37 . If one is installed in a different area.  CMS (MON. In order to prevent this risk fundamentally. Introduction to the System 1. MSG. it is almost impossible to insert into other positions.6. It will not make any problem since SMAs are compatible with each other. CMS Unit Classification As shown on the figure below. Inc. it is impossible to mount another unit on a specific slot.Chapter 1.6.  MAS (SMA. The same type of units can be mounted in any slot. the MON unit can’t be attached to the MSG and CSU slots since the connector positions are designed to be different. Inc.Chapter 1. Introduction to the System Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 1-38 . Chapter 2. Figure 2-1 External View of ASU Figure 2-2 Installation Position and Appearance of PDC Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc. Sub-Systems Description Chapter 2. PDC is installed in a cabinet and ASU is installed within the equipment room as a separate structure. All Rights Reserved Page 2-1 .1.1. AES (Antenna Electronics Subsystem) 2. Overview AES (Antenna Electronics Subsystem) consists of ASU and PDC units. Sub-Systems Description 2.1. Also. detects their magnitude and monitors the status of the antenna. LSB SIN.2. USB COS. Inc. is not included in the main cabinet and is separately installed in the outside.Chapter 2. ASU basically consists of an RF switch that accommodates 4 inputs and 48 outputs. one output of two transmitters is connected to the antenna and the other output is connected to the dummy load. AUS. different from other units. USB COS. PDC (Power Detector & Changeover) PDC plays the roles of changing over the transmitter connected to the antenna and of sampling the RF output level. and LSB COS). and LSB COS) from PDC and distributes to 48 antennas. LSB SIN.1. The control signal of this switch is generated from MSG and supplied to ASU via CSU. Function ASU (Antenna Switching Unit) ASU switches 4 sideband outputs (USB SIN. PDC samples the RF signals from each course (CAR. PDC includes an RF relay that allows selects and changing over the output from two transmitters TX1 and TX2. By using this relay. All Rights Reserved Page 2-2 . USB SIN. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Sub-Systems Description LRU Quantity Description ASU 1 Sideband antenna switching PDC 1 Detecting every transmission output and transmitter changeover 2.  The RF signal inputs of PDC are the carrier wave signal and 4 sideband signals. are supplied by MON.Chapter 2.  The switching control signal and power of ASU is provided by the CSP. Interface between Units 1) ASU  ASU is positioned between PDC and sideband antenna for the RF signal flow. As for the carrier wave it is directly supplied to the antenna and in case of the sideband it is supplied to ASU.  Likewise.3.  The RF signal inputs of ASU are the 4 sideband signals (LSB COS. 2) PDC  PDC is located between MAS and ASU (antenna in case of the carrier wave) for the RF signal flow. All Rights Reserved Page 2-3 . USB COS. USB SIN) provided by PDC. Inc. outputted from PDC. the RF signal outputs of PDC are the carrier signal and 4 sideband signals. PDC CARRIER ANT#0 USB-SIN From USB-COS CPD ASU ANT#1 ANT#12 TX1 LSB-SIN LSB-COS SPD#1 USB-SIN SM#1  MAS ANT#13 ANT#24 SPD#2 USB-COS CARRIER SM#2  From USB-SIN SPD#3 LSB-SIN T ANT#25 ANT#36 TX2 M USB-COS LSB-COS  SPD#4 SM#3 MAS LSB-SIN ANT#37 ANT#48 LSB-COS ANT Fault SM#4  detector Relay Control ANT.  The RF signal outputs of ASU are the 48 signals distributed to the respective sideband antennas.  The input signal for controlling the coaxial relay operation is supplied from CSU. LSB SIN. Timing From CSU From CSU ANT fault To MON Figure 2-3 AES Configuration Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. which are supplied from both sides of CMA and SMA.1. Sub-Systems Description 2.  The signals for the monitoring and status-control. and the cooling fan.1. Overview Modulation Amplifier Subsystem (MAS) is the subsystem that is responsible for the RF signal oscillation. USB SMA of generating the upper sideband signal. All Rights Reserved Page 2-4 . The locations of installing each MAS LRU are shown on the following figure 2-4. Sub-Systems Description 2. MAS are made of the dual redundant structure that two transmitters (TX1 and TX2) operate independently. LSB SMA of generating the lower sideband signal. MAS (Modulation Amplifier Subsystem) 2. Figure 2-4 Installation locations and appearance of each MAS LRU Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. modulation and power amplification.2. One transmitter includes CMA of generating the carrier wave signal. Inc.2.Chapter 2. Chapter 2.2. modulating and amplifying the carrier RF signal. Inc. Functions CMA (Carrier Modulation Amplifier) CMA generates stable carrier wave RF signals by using the temperature-compensated crystal oscillator(TCXO) and the PLL frequency synthesizer.  MOD: Amplitude-modulate the carrier wave RF signals.2. Sub-Systems Description Name Quantity Description CMA 2 CMA executes the functions of generating.  MOD: Amplitude-modulate the sideband RF signals. These signals are transmitted to MOD. And by using the composite modulation signal supplied from MSG. modulating and amplifying the sideband RF signals. the left side becomes the SMA for LSB and the right side becomes the SMA for USB. The inner area of SMA is largely subdivided into three parts of SYN (Synthesizer). Then. as in the following. it performs the amplitude modulation task and then does the power amplification of modulated carrier wave signals.  SBA: Amplify the modulated sideband RF signals. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.  CPA: Amplify the modulated carrier wave RF signal. SMA (Sideband Modulation Amplifier) SMA generates the sideband RF signal synchronized to the reference signal received from CMA and modulates the amplitude by using the SIN/COS blending signal supplied from MSG. All Rights Reserved Page 2-5 . as in the following. SMA 4 SMA executes the functions of generating. 2. The inner area of CMA is largely subdivided into three parts of SYN (Synthesizer). it amplifies the power of modulated sideband signal. MOD (Modulator) and CPA (Carrier Power Amplifier). According to the positions installed. The modulated signals are transmitted to CPA.  SYN: Generate the sideband RF signals.  SYN: Generate the carrier wave RF signals. MOD (Modulator) and SBA (Sideband Amplifier).  The control signals such as the PLL frequency setting data of CMA are supplied from MSG. 2) SMA  The modulation signal input of SMA comes from the audio band blending signals. MSG CMA SMA PLL LOCK DETECTOR REF CLOCK PLL DATA SYN CARRIER FREQ COMPOSITE MOD CPA CARRIER FREQ to MON CARRIER OUT to PDC Figure 2-5 MAS Configuration & Interfaces Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.  The reference frequency signal of CMA is supplied to SMA.  The status monitoring and BITE signal output of CMA is supplied to MSG.  The reference frequency signal applied to the SMA PLL is supplied from CMA.Chapter 2. Interface between Units 1) CMA  The modulation signal input of CMA comes from the composite audio band signals. This signal is supplied from MSG.  The main signal output of CMA comes from the amplitude-modulated carrier wave RF signals.3.  The control signals such as the PLL frequency setting data of SMA are supplied from MSG. Sub-Systems Description 2. Inc. This signal is provided to PDC.2. All Rights Reserved Page 2-6 . This signal is provided to PDC. This signal is supplied from MSG  The main signal output of CMA comes from the amplitude-modulated sideband RF signals. All Rights Reserved Page 2-7 . monitors the system operation status and transmission signal quality. It checks the major parameters while analyzing the signals sampled from the monitor antenna and stops/switches the transmitter if an error is found. LCU 1 LCU takes the operator’s commands through LMMS/RMMS and RCMU and sends them to MSG and MON. Also. MON 2 MON monitors the status of transmitted signals.Chapter 2. Figure 2-6 Installation Positions and Appearance of Each CMS LRU Name Quantity Description MSG 2 MSG generates the carrier wave. CSU 1 CSU selects one from the sideband antenna switching signals generated by two MSGs. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.3. and send them back to LMMS/RMMS and RCMU/RMU after receiving the responses.1. the TSG for the verification of MON operation status and the interface circuit necessary for the collocation with DME/TACAN are included. it controls and monitors the status of transmitter. Also. sideband modulation signals and the timings for the switching of sideband antenna.3. Sub-Systems Description 2. CMS (Control & Monitor Subsystem) 2. Inc. and controls the functions of each system component. Overview CMS (Control & Monitor Subsystem) generates each modulation signal and timing signal and supplies them to MAS and AES. converts the level and supplies it to ASU. Figure 2-6 indicates the CMS position within the system cabinet and the respective unit positions within the CMS rack. the transmission will be stopped. Sub-Systems Description 2. which are the modulation signals for the carrier wave. LMMS. Inc. The major parameters monitored by MON are followed as in the below. it issues a warning and switches over to the standby transmitter to carry out the recovery. which are the modulation signals for the sideband.  Monitor the voltage and current status of PSS. Functions LCU (Local Control Unit) LCU delivers the operator’s control commands to MSG and MON and returns the status information received from MSG and MON to the operator. LED indicator lamp and keypad that are attached to CSP.  Process the messages received from RMMS.  Generate the SIN and COS blending signals.  Set the transmission output by controlling the amplitudes of carrier wave and sideband modulation signals. When the controlled level of signals is not transmitted. MON (Monitor) MON monitors the radiated signals and detects error.  Monitor reference azimuth  Reference 30 Hz AM depth  Index of variable 30 Hz FM  9960 Hz sub-carrier AM depth  IDENT code and AM depth Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.  Generate the composite signals of 30 Hz reference phase signals.Chapter 2.  Control the LCD.  Set the SYN oscillating frequencies within CMA and SMA. IDENT and voice.  Select the test signals of TSG (Test Signal Generator).  Read the current status of the environment monitoring sensors (temperature.3.  Control the phases of RF signal being transmitted. LMMS and RCMU. fire and intrusion). RCMU and CSP. If the signals are not recovered even after switching to the standby transmitter.2.  Generate the control signals for antenna switching. Operator exchanges the control commands and status information through RMMS. All Rights Reserved Page 2-8 . MSG (Modulation Signal Generator) The basic functions of MSG can be summarized by generating the modulation and antenna switching signals and by controlling the transmitters. PDC: Coaxial relay control signal. BITE  MSG . PLL frequency setting data. MON executes the following monitoring and test functions.MSG: RS-232C serial communication  LCU .  The interfaces for supporting the transmitter and monitor redundancies  The TSG (Test Signal Generator) for testing and verifying a monitor  The VOP for processing the voice signal to be included in the composite modulation signals  The interface with DME or TACAN equipments to be collocated CSP (Control and Status Panel) CSP. is the input/output device for indicating the system status and for taking the control input. 12 LED indicators and 7 input keys are included within CSP. output power sample. holds the following functions.CMA: Composite modulation signal.  RMU: RMU is generally connected to RCMU.3.CSU: Changeover control signal Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc.MON: RS-232C serial communication  LCU . 2) Interfaces to MAS or AES  MSG .ASU: Antenna switching control signal 3) CMS Internal Interfaces  LCU . which is attached to the front panel.SMA: Blending signal. CSP. PLL frequency setting data. is directly controlled by LCU.  RMMS: Connect to LCU through a dial-up/private-line modem. BITE  CSU .CSU: Antenna switching control signal  MON .  RCMU: Connect to LCU through a dial-up/private-line modem. Interfaces between Units 1) Interfaces to External Devices  LMMS: Connect to LCU through RS-232C.Chapter 2.CSU: TSG pattern selection signal  MSG . 2. All Rights Reserved Page 2-9 .  Monitoring the transmission frequencies of carrier wave and sideband  Monitoring the output power of carrier wave  Monitoring the carrier wave and sideband antennas CSU (Control Select Unit) CSU. which is connected to the I/O bus of the CPU inside of LCU. A graphic LCD. BITE  CSU . Sub-Systems Description Additionally. but it can be directly connected to LCU through a RS-485 line if needed. as one of the parts that cannot be included in the system redundancy.3. Chapter 2. Inc. Sub-Systems Description #2 #1 Direct cable LMMS RS232 RS232 Monitor signal MON Dial-up/leased line RMMS MODEM Dial-up/leased line RCMU Composite MODEM RS232 LCU MSG SIN To MAS RS485 COS RMU TX1 TX2 Power Control To PDC On/off Control ANT Timing CSP CSU To ASU CPU I/O Relay Control To PDC IDENT keying DME/TACAN Figure 2-7 CMS Configuration & Interfaces Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 2-10 . in addition to the connectors. Since the status of this signal line ‘L’ means that other unit is using the EEPROM. it is needed to wait until the signal line status becomes ‘H’. Sub-Systems Description 2. All Rights Reserved Page 2-11 . Common Data Storage CMS backplane.4. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. it uses one common signal line “/EEPROMBUSY” to control the accesses to EEPROM. includes the 4K-byte capacity of nonvolatile memory that can be used for the storage of following common system data.3. Inc. In order to prevent this problem. it may cause a problem when 2 or more units are accessed at the same time. the respective MSG and MON of TX1 and TX2 are used together.  IDENT  Transmission frequency  Carrier wave and sideband output level  The modulation depth for each signal element  The permissible range for each signal parameter that is monitored by MON  Output Power Lookup Table  Monitor correction value  Other system configuration information The common system memory is the EEPROM of using a 2-line serial interface. Since one EEPROM is commonly used by several units.Chapter 2. In this EEPROM. DC/DC 2 Convert the +28V power coming from the AC/DC converter into the respective DC voltages (+5V.1. PDU 1 Distribute the respective voltages to TX1.4. +28V). PSS (Power Supply Subsystem) 2. +15V.Chapter 2. Figure 2-8 Each LRU Installation Position and Appearance of PSS Name Quantity Description AC/DC 2 After converting the AC 220V into the DC +28V. Sub-Systems Description 2. TX2. Overview After converting the supplied AC power into the DC power. All Rights Reserved Page 2-12 . it supplies it to the DC/DC converter and charges the backup batteries. Inc. Figure 2-8 indicates the PSS rack position within the system cabinet and the respective LRU positions within the PSS rack. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. PSS supplies the DC voltage and charges the backup batteries. +7V.4. -15V. MON1 and MON2.  There are the test points (T/P) on the front panel of PDU so as to measure each output voltage. +28V) necessary for the system.2. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 2-13 . Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. +7V. +15V. The AC/DC converter is designed in a plug-in structure so that it can be easily mounted or de-mounted. The DC/DC converter is designed in a plug-in structure same as the AC/DC converter. -15V. DC/DC Converter The DC/DC converter is provided with the DC +28V power from the AC/DC converter and converts into the respective DC voltages (+5V.  Since an LED indicator lamp is attached on the PDU front panel.4. +7V.Chapter 2. The front panel of DC/DC converter has an LED indicator lamp to see the power status. PDU (Power Distribution Unit) PDU distributes the DC voltages (+5V. +28V) converted in the DC/DC converter to every component of the system. Sub-Systems Description 2. the DC output current is indicated since a digital ammeter is attached. the status of each power can be easily perceived. -15V. Functions AC/DC Converter The AC/DC converter converts the common AC220V power into the DC +28V and supplies it to the DC/DC converter. +15V. An LED indicator lamp is attached to see the power status on the front panel of the AC/DC converter. Also. Each DC/DC output is inputted to PDU through the backplane.3. All Rights Reserved Page 2-14 . 3) Backup Battery  The backup battery comprises 2 sets of the nominal voltage 24V maintenance free batteries and each battery is separately connected to both sides of the DC/DC converter. connecting to the backplane in parallel.4. The AC/DC output is connected to the DC/DC input. DC/DC is duplicated in the shape that 2 identical units are connected in parallel. BACKUP BATTERY +24V AC 220V +28V AC/DC DC/DC TX1 +5V TX2 Mains +7V +15V PDU MON1 Input -15V +28V MON2 +28V AC/DC DC/DC COM AC 220V +24V BACKUP BATTERY Figure 2-9 PSS Configuration & Interfaces Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc. 2) DC/DC Converter  Likewise. 4) PDU  Both sides of DC/DC output are inputted to PDU and distributed to each component of the system. The DC/DC input is connected to the AC/DC output. Sub-Systems Description 2. Interfaces between Units 1) AC/DC Converter  AC/DC is duplicated in the shape that 2 identical units are connected in parallel. The AC/DC input is connected to the common power.Chapter 2. The internal part of Fan consists of 3 modules.5. suck in the external air and pass it through the internal system to prevent the abnormal operation from overheating. When the fan switch in PDU is turned on. Air Baffle Air Baffle is the sucking holes of drawing in the external air to radiate the internal air. Figure 2-11 Positions and Appearance of Air Baffle Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 2. which sucks in the air from the rear side of the cabinet and sends it to the upper end.5. being installed to two places as below. FAN Fans. The air baffles are located in 3 places of MARU 220 as shown in the figure 2-11. Figure 2-10 FAN Installation Positions and Appearance 2.5.1. it is intended to operate permanently unless an error occurs. Sub-Systems Description 2. Others 2. All Rights Reserved Page 2-15 .2. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 2-16 .Chapter 2. Inc. Sub-Systems Description Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Hardware Description Chapter 3. Hardware Description 3. Appearance of ASU Figure 3-1 Appearance of ASU Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc.1.Chapter 3.1.1. ASU 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-1 . 0] RS422 . J414 ASU input port: USB SIN is inputted from PDC.SIN SEL A/B [3. ASU Block Diagram ASU consists of 1 TM (Toggling Module) and 4 SMs (Selection Module). 1. The following block diagram shows the interfaces between units for the major signals. All Rights Reserved Page 3-2 .0] CSU RS422 . 2.3. J413 ASU input port: USB COS is inputted from PDC. ASU Side Band ANT 12 12 12 SM 12 RS422 .48 ASU output port: Connected to each branched LSB / USB SIN output port antenna.SIN Toggle A/B RS422 .2.6 ~ 46. J412 ASU input port: LSB SIN is inputted from PDC..COS Toggle A/B +5V TM +28V DC PSU DC -24V USB COS LSB COS PDC USB SIN LSB SIN Figure 3-2 ASU Configuration & Interfaces 3.5 ~ 45.1.. CN411 Power and switch control signal input 3.3.Chapter 3. Major ASU Parts Part Name P/N Description Pin Diode UM9401 Antenna Switch Diode Inverter 74HC14 Hex Inverting Schmitt Trigger Decoder 74HC4514D 1-of-16 Decoder Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.COS SEL A/B [3.47 ASU output port: Connected to each branched LSB / USB COS output port antenna.4.1. Hardware Description Ports Port Name Description J411 ASU input port: LSB COS is inputted from PDC. Inc. SIN Toggle A/B (From CSU) RS422 . A17. A28. Inc. A39..COS SEL A/B [3.0] Figure 3-3 Internal Configuration of ASU A total of 48 sideband antennas are classified into 4 groups (12 each) and are assigned to each SM. A40. A3. A36. A24)  SM4: Even numbered antennas from #26 to #48 (A26. A4.0] RS422 SB Ant 2 COS SEL[3. A18. A45.0] RS422 . A14. A29. A42. A19.0] SIN SEL[3. A7.COS Toggle A/B RS422 . A43.0] SIN Toggle COS SEL[3. A8. A37. A5... A48) Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-3 . A38.. Hardware Description 3..1. A35. A44. A6. A33. A31.SIN SEL A/B [3.4. ASU Operations SB Ant 1 ASU SB Ant 3 SB Ant 5 TM SM1 SB Ant 21 SB Ant 23 LSB COS SB Ant 25 SB Ant 27 SM2 SB Ant 29 SB Ant 45 SB Ant 47 USB COS COS Toggle COS Toggle COS SEL[3. A15.0] Receiver SIN SEL[3.. A20. A23)  SM2: Odd numbered antennas from #25 to #47 (A25. A41. A12. A16. A9. A13. A22. A11. A27. A10..Chapter 3. A30.  SM1: Odd numbered antennas from #1 to #23 (A1.. A46.0] SIN SEL[3. A21. A47)  SM3: Even numbered antennas from #2 to #24 (A2. A32. A34.0] SB Ant 4 SB Ant 6 SIN Toggle SM3 SB Ant 22 SB Ant 24 LSB SIN SB Ant 26 SB Ant 28 SM4 SB Ant 30 SB Ant 46 SB Ant 48 USB SIN RS422 . Chapter 3. USB SIN) inputted to ASU are distributed to each sideband antenna according to the following rules.  Within each SM. only the SIN signals are supplied to SM3 and SM4. only one sideband antenna is selected at a time. SM1 and SM2 are always selected at the same time and the sideband signals different from each other are exchanged at a fixed cycle. For the first 1/60 second. For the first 1/60 second. LSB SIN. Inc.  For the odd-numbered antenna.  Likewise. Hardware Description The 4 sideband antenna signals (LSB COS.  Toggle Signal: The 1-bit signal supplied to TM in order to periodically swap the USB and LSB signals inputted to SM COS Toggle SM1 SM2 SIN Toggle SM3 SM4 0 LSB USB 0 LSB SIN USB SIN COS COS 1 USB LSB 1 USB SIN LSB SIN COS COS  Selection Signal: A 4-bit signal that allows selecting a specific number of antenna within each SM COS SEL SM1 SM2 SIN SEL SM3 SM4 0 [00002] A1 A25 0 [00002] A2 A26 1 [00012] A3 A27 1 [00012] A4 A28 2 [00102] A5 A29 2 [00102] A6 A30 3 [00112] A7 A31 3 [00112] A8 A32 4 [01002] A9 A33 4 [01002] A10 A34 5 [01012] A11 A35 5 [01012] A12 A36 6 [01102] A13 A37 6 [01102] A14 A38 7 [01112] A15 A39 7 [01112] A16 A40 8 [10002] A17 A41 8 [10002] A18 A42 9 [10012] A19 A43 9 [10012] A20 A44 10 [10102] A21 A45 10 [10102] A22 A46 11 [10112] A23 A47 11 [10112] A24 A48 12 ~ 15 x x 12 ~ 15 x x Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. According to such rules. the USB signal is supplied to SM3 and the LSB signal to SM4. USB COS. only the COS signals are supplied to SM1 and SM2. the USB signal is supplied to SM1 and the LSB signal to SM2. the LSB signal is supplied to SM3 and the USB signal to SM4 and for the next 1/60 second.  For the even-numbered antennas. the following control signals are supplied to ASU by each SIN and COS to distribute 4 input signals to each sideband antenna. All Rights Reserved Page 3-4 .  SM1 and SM2 are always selected at the same time and the sideband signals different from each other are exchanged. the LSB signal is supplied to SM1 and the USB signal to SM2 and for the next 1/60 second. . either +5V or -24V bias voltage is outputted from the DC bias circuit. All Rights Reserved Page 3-5 . According to the level converted control signals.. USB/LSB Turnover Module (TM) SIN SEL [3.0] LSB COS USB COS COS SEL [3. -24V to SM USB SIN LSB SIN D3 D7 D8 D4 DC +5V D1 D6 +5V. they are converted into the TTL signal level within the level conversion circuit.1.COS Toggle A/B D9 D14 D12 D11 D15 D16 COS SEL [3.SIN Toggle A/B RS422 . -24V to SM Figure 3-4 Internal Configuration of ASU-TM ASU-TM consists of the RF switch of using the PIN diode.0] Diode Bias +5V / -24V RS422 . The RF path corresponding to this voltage is formed in the PIN diode RF switch.0] To SM4 To SM3 SIN SEL [3. -24V to SM To SM1 To SM2 +5V.0] +5V. -24V to SM +5V. Since the control signals received from CSU are the differential signals defined according to the RS-422 standards.COS SEL A/B [3. Hardware Description 3.Chapter 3. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc..0] D10 D13 RS422 . control signal level conversion circuit and DC bias control signal for the pin diode..5.SIN SEL A/B [3..0] +5V.. -24V +28V COS 0 COS180 SIN0 SIN180 DC -24V D2 D5 +5V / -24V Control Circuit RS422 . Chapter 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-6 .24 : Off From CSU SIN 180 ( Output: +5 V or-24V) Q5 Q2 U1 Figure 3-5 Configuration of SIN Path Configuration of COS Path D9 D11 USB COS D10 D12 RFC COS0 D13 COS180 LSB COS D14 D15 RFD D16 Hex Inverting Schmitt trigger COS0 0 1 0 1 ( Output: +5 V or-24V) Q7 Q3 +5 V : On COS_ Toggle signal . Inc. Hardware Description Configuration of SIN Path D1 D3 USB SIN D2 D4 RFA SIN 0 D5 SIN180 LSB SIN D6 D7 RFB D8 Hex Inverting Schmitt trigger SIN0 0 1 0 1 ( Output: +5 V or-24V) Q4 Q1 +5 V : On SIN_ Toggle signal .24 : Off From CSU COS 180 ( Output: +5 V or-24V) Q8 Q6 U2 Figure 3-6 Configuration of COS Path Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. TR Toggle RF Path Input Diode Status Output Diode Status Output Signal USB LSB Q1 Q2 D1 D2 D5 D6 D3 D4 D7 D8 - 0 RFA RFB +5V ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON 24V - 1 RFB RFA +5V OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF 24V Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Contrarily when the toggle signal is ‘1. CSU transmits the control signal for selecting the sideband antenna pair to ASU. 2) The RS422 receiver U5 of ASU receives the control signal. D4. 5) When the toggle signal is ‘0. Accordingly. 6) On the other hand. the logic is toggled by the inverter U1C in the input terminal. is identical to the RS422 signal level. D7. Q4 and Q1 or Q5 and Q2 outputs either +5V or - 24V and supplies the bias voltages to the D3. Hardware Description TM Operations ASU-TM delivers the 4 sideband signals supplied from PDC to the 4 SMs through a toggling process. 1) According to the timing signal supplied from MSG. Inc.’ Q2 is toggled off as the bias voltage is not applied to Q5. 7) The following table shows the RF paths and switching statuses according to the toggle signals. All Rights Reserved Page 3-7 . The level of this signal.’ +5V is outputted from the Q2 collector as Q5 and Q2 are toggle on. -24V is outputted from the Q2 collector. This phrase explains about the delivery process of the 2 SIN signals from the 4 signals and the delivery process of COS signals is skipped as it is similar to that of COS signals. as a differential signal.Chapter 3. Therefore. and D8 diodes. the Q2 output becomes +5V if the Q1 output is -24V. 4) According to the inputted TTL level. the Q2 output becomes -24V if the Q1 output +5V and reversely. 3) The signals that have passed U5 is changed to the TTL level of signals and the toggle signal among these signals is inputted as the Schmidt trigger inverter IC U1. 3) Each PIN diode is biased according to the switch control signals and one path selected out of the 12 RF paths is toggled on and the rest are toggled off. A2 and A3) that have passed through the RS422 receiver of TM are converted to the TTL signal levels and inputted to SM. Hardware Description 3. 1) The 4 binary selection signals (A0. Switching.1. Selection Module (SM) Each SM consists of the 1-input and 12-output PIN diode switch circuits. -24V. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The phases of RF paths are the same no matter what path is selected. A0 A1 Bias. 2) The 4 signals received from SM are decoded on U4 and converted to the 12 switching control signals (S1~S12). A1. All Rights Reserved Page 3-8 . One of 12 paths is selected according to the selected control signals. Antenna switching Signal A2 A3 Control Circuit +5V. Inc.6. GND (from TM) RF1 D1 D2 RF2 D4 D5 RF3 D7 D8 RF4 D10 D11 RF5 D13 D14 RF6 To Side Band ANT Input D16 D17 RF IN matching RF7 D19 D20 RF8 D22 D23 RF9 D25 D26 RF10 D28 D29 RF11 D31 D32 RF12 D34 D35 Figure 3-7 Internal Configuration of ASU-SM The signal flows of ASU-SM circuit will be the same as below.Chapter 3. This selection signal is separately supplied each with 4-bits for the odd number (for COS) and 4-bits for the even number (for SIN).1. A0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 A1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 A2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 A3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Select S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-9 . Inc.Chapter 3. S1 S2 Decoder S3 S1 S2 S4 A0 S3 S4 S5 A1 S5 U4 S6 S6 Selection Signal S7 SM Control Signal12 ea A2 S8 From SM S9 S7 S10 A3 S11 S12 S8 4 to 6 Line S9 S10 S 1 to S12 Control Signal S11 S12 Ex) Signal Path(S 1 and S1) Figure 3-8 Antenna Selection Signal Decoding The following shows the Truth Table for the selection of signals. Antenna Selection Signal Decoding The on/off operations of ASU-SM switching circuit are controlled by the selection signals supplied from CSU. Hardware Description 3. ASU-SM decodes the binary-coded antenna selection signal by using the 4-to-16 binary decoder IC U4.7. The sideband antenna number selected according to the timing generated from MSG is binary-encoded. 29 0010 6. 41 1000 18. 27 0001 4. 28 0010 5. Hardware Description 3. 26 0001 3. 36 0110 13. 35 0101 12. P airs 0000 1. 38 0111 15.1. 46 1011 23. P airs S IN S E L Ant. 48 COS Antenna Pairs SIN Antenna Pairs Figure 3-9 Switching Signals and Antenna Selections Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.8. 39 0111 16. 47 1011 24. 44 1010 21. 34 0101 11. 43 1001 20. 40 1000 17. Input Signal Timing The antenna selection is made by the COS and SIN antenna selection signals according to the sequence of the following figures. All Rights Reserved Page 3-10 . 45 1010 22. 30 0011 7. 32 0100 9.Chapter 3. 1 47 2 48 46 3 45 4 5 6 30 29 28 21 27 23 25 22 24 26 COS Antenna SIN Antenna Select Select COS S E L Ant. 37 0110 14. 31 0011 8. 25 0000 2. 33 0100 10. Inc. 42 1001 19. 47 ] Figure 3-10 Timings of the COS Antenna Switching Signals Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Chapter 3. 45 ] Antenna Switching COS 1011 2 [ 23.. All Rights Reserved Page 3-11 . Inc. 1/30 sec 30Hz AM 0 ~ 359 deg 가변 Variable Reference 30Hz Clock Reference 720Hz Clock Frame Sync [30Hz] 1/1440 sec 1/30 sec COSINE Toggle LSB(Low) or USB(High) 1/720 sec 1/60 sec Antenna Switching COS 0000 2 [ 1. Hardware Description The following figure shows the timings of the toggling signals and antennal selection signals for the COS paths.. 27 ] . 25 ] Antenna Switching COS 0001 2 [ 3. Antenna Switching COS 1010 2 [ 21. Chapter 3. 46 ] Antenna Switching SIN 1011 2 [ 24. Inc. 28 ] . 48 ] Figure 3-11 Timings of the SIN Antenna Switching Signals Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-12 . Hardware Description The following figure shows the toggling signals and antenna selection signals for the SIN paths.. Antenna Switching SIN 1010 2 [ 22. 1/30 sec 30Hz AM 0 ~ 359 deg 가변 Variable Reference 30Hz Clock Reference 720Hz Clock Frame Sync [30Hz] 1/30 sec SINE Toggle LSB(Low) or USB(High) 1/720 sec 1/60 sec Antenna Switching SIN 0000 2 [ 2. 26 ] Antenna Switching SIN 0001 2 [ 4.. 1. Appearance of PDC PDC Front Panel Figure 3-12 shows the front panel of PDC. PDC 3.Chapter 3. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-13 . Figure 3-12 The Front Panel of PDC LED Descriptions LED Name Color Description ON: When power is normally supplied POWER Green OFF: When power is interrupted ON: When the TX1 output is connected to the antenna TX1 Green OFF: When the TX1 output is connected to the dummy load ON: When the TX2 output is connected to the antenna TX2 Green OFF: When the TX2 output is connected to the dummy load Test Ports Port Name Description USB COS The test port that has coupled the USB COS path signals LSB COS The test port that has coupled the LSB COS path signals USB SIN The test port that has coupled the USB SIN path signals LSB SIN The test port that has coupled the LSB SIN path signals CAR FWD The incident wave test port that has coupled the carrier wave path signals CAR RVS The reflected wave test port that has coupled the carrier wave path signals Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Hardware Description 3.2.2. Hardware Description PDC Back Panel Figure 3-13 PDC Back Panel OUTPUT Port Name Description LSB SIN As the connector that the LSB SIN signals of Active TX. connected to the dummy load. connected to the COS output of the USB SMA. connected to CSU. connected to the SIN output of the USB SMA. USB COS As the connector that the USB COS signals of Active TX. Inc. USB SIN As the USB SIN signal input connector. connected to the COS output of the LSB SMA. INTERFACE Port Name Description CN401 As the PDC control signal interface connector. connected to the carrier wave antenna. LSB SIN As the LSB SIN signal input connector. LSB COS As the connector that the LSB COS signals of Active TX. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. CAR OUT As the connector that the carrier wave signals of Active TX. connected to ASU. connected to the SIN output of the LSB SMA. connected to ASU. connected to the CMA output of the TX. CAR As the carrier wave signal input connector. connected to ASU. DUMMY LOAD As the connector that the carrier wave signals of Standby TX. USB SIN As the connector that the USB SIN signals of Active TX.Chapter 3. TX1/TX2 INPUT Port Name Description USB COS As the USB COS signal input connector. LSB COS As the LSB COS signal input connector. connected to ASU. All Rights Reserved Page 3-14 . 5dB max Isolation: > 20dBc Handling Power: 250 W max Impedance: 50 Ohm RMS Detector AD8361 Input range: 30dB Supply operation: +2.2.5V Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Hardware Description Adjust Points Name Description CAR Adjust the sensitivity of the circuit that detects the abnormality of carrier wave antenna.Chapter 3.2. 3.5dB max Isolation: > 20dBc Handling Power: 25 W max Impedance: 50 Ohm Isolator VFB1171 Insertion Loss: 0.7 ~ +5. Inc. Major PDC Parts Part Name P/N Description Coaxial Relay C1-2-LSI Insertion Loss: 0.2dB max Isolation: 90dBHandling Power: 200 W max Impedance: 50 Ohm Actuator Voltage: +28V DC Switching Type: Latching. COS Adjust the sensitivity of the circuit that detects the abnormality of odd numbered (COS) sideband antenna. All Rights Reserved Page 3-15 . SIN Adjust the sensitivity of the circuit that detects the abnormality of even numbered (SIN) sideband antenna. Including Indicator function RF Relay ARE104H Insertion Loss: 0.2dB max Isolation: 60dB min Handling Power: 200 mW max Impedance: 50 Ohm Isolator VFB1170 Insertion Loss: 0. All Rights Reserved Page 3-16 . PDC TX1 CARRIER Carrier FWD/RVS CPL Pad Coaxial Relay Isolator LPF To Carrier Dummy Antenna Load VSWR Detector Det PWR_DET (To MSG/MON1.3.Chapter 3. PDC Operations Figure 3-14 shows the internal Configuration of PDC.2.2) TX2 CARRIER Comparator Pad VSWR Alam (To monitor1/2) TL082 Det Pad Carrier TX1 USB-COS Isolator Relay LPF To ASU Dummy Load VSWR Detector Det PWR_DET (To MSG) S/B FWD CPL Comparator VSWR Alam TX2 USB-COS (To monitor1/2) TL082 AMP AM1 Det RF Sidebnad 10KHz (To MSG) IF TX1 LSB-COS Isolator Relay LPF To ASU Dummy Load Det PWR_DET (To MSG) S/B FWD CPL TX2 LSB-COS PWR_DET AMP AM1 Det RF Sidebnad 10KHz (To MSG) IF TX1 USB-COS Isolator Relay LPF To ASU Dummy Load VSWR Detector Det PWR_DET (To MSG) S/B FWD CPL Comparator VSWR Alam TX2 USB-COS (To monitor1/2) TL082 AMP AM1 Det RF Sidebnad 10KHz (To MSG) IF TX1 LSB-COS Isolator Relay LPF To ASU Dummy Load Det PWR_DET (To MSG) S/B FWD CPL TX2 LSB-COS PWR_DET AMP AM1 Det RF Sidebnad 10KHz (To MSG) IF Figure 3-14 Internal Configuration of PDC Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Hardware Description 3. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-17 . 6) Another pair of the signals sampled from the coupler is converted to the DC signal after passing through the RMS detectors U6 and U15 and is outputted as a maximum of 5V DC via the OP AMP buffer U1 (FWD DET and RVS DET in the above figure).Chapter 3. OUT CPD 2 . 5) One pair (forward and reverse) of the signals sampled from the coupler is supplied to the test port on the front panel of PDC. The coaxial relay operates in the double-pole double-throw (DPDT) method to exchange these signal paths. TX2 35 dB CPL 1 2 3 .2. 7) The FWD DET and RVS DET signals are sent to MSG and MON through the IF board. Isolator only allows the traveling wave passing through while removing the reflective wave. 3) The signals that have passed through the isolator are sent to the carrier power detector (CPD). 1) The carrier wave signals generated on each CMA of two TXs (TX1 and TX2) is supplied respectively to the CAR input connectors. Hardware Description 3. 2) One of two carrier wave signals is sent to the isolator passing through the coaxial relay and the other one is sent to the external high power dummy load. TERM CAR 1 ( TX1) To Carrier Antenna Selected Signal 35 dB CPL Isolator U6 In from DPDT Switch RVS DET U1 (CAR VSWR) To Interface board Out U15 FWD DET (CAR Power) Figure 3-15 Internal Configuration of PDC-CAR The signal flow of PDC-CAR circuit shall be followed as below. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.4. The FWD DET signal is used to measure the carrier wave output level and the RVS DET signal is used to detect the antenna problem. Inc. TX1 LPF 3 4 4 . PDC-CAR Non-Selected Signal Dummy from DPDT Switch DPDT RF Switch Load CAR 2 ( TX2) FWD/RVS CPL 1 . 4) The carrier wave signals sent to CPD are sent to the antenna after passing through the 35dB dual directional coupler and low pass filter circuit. 6) The traveling wave signals sampled from the coupler FWD port are divided into two after passing through the 2-way divider. All Rights Reserved Page 3-18 .5.2. 1) The sideband signals generated on each SMA of two TXs (TX1 and TX2) is supplied respectively to the back plane of PDC.Chapter 3. Inc. 4) The sideband signals sent to SPD are sent to ASU via LPF. A total of 4 PDC-SBs are used by the respective sidebands (USB-SIN. The DC- converted signals are sent to the abnormal antenna detection circuit via the OP-AMP buffer U3B. USB-COS. Isolator only allows the traveling wave passing through while removing the reflective wave. One of two divided signals is supplied to the test port on the front panel of PDC. 3) The sideband signals that have passed through the isolator are sent to the sideband power detector (SPD). Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Two RF relays RY1 and RY2 constructs a switch of using the double-pole double-throw (DPDT) method to exchange these signal paths. LSB- SIN. Here. PDC-SB Sideband Isolator In Out LPF 30 dB CPL SB1 (TX1) RY1 Output RVS DET U2 U8 U3-B U5 SB2 (TX2) RY2 10 KHz Signal U6 U7 50 ohm Term1 Term U1 FWD CPL FWD DET U3-A Figure 3-16 Internal Configuration of PDC-SB The signal flow of PDC-SB circuit can be explained as below. Hardware Description 3. 5) The reflective wave signals sampled from the coupler RVS port are amplified on the MMIC AMP U8 and converted to the DC level on the RMS detector IC U2. 2) One of two sideband signals is sent to the isolator passing through the HF relays RY1 and RY2 and the other one is sent to the internal small power dummy load. The other one is converted to the DC level on the RMS detector IC U1. LSB-COS) and all 4 of them are constructed with the same circuit. it is explained while referring to one PDC-SB. The signals converted to DC are outputted via the OP AMP U3A (FWD DET in the above figure). 7) These signals are sent to MSG and MON via the IF board and used to measure the sideband output level. The abnormal antenna detection circuit compares the level of this reflective wave signal with the pre-defined reference value and checks the status of sideband antenna.  I/F board: Include the voltage comparator IC and output level conversion circuit.  ADJ board: Include the potentiometer that can vary the voltage applied to the comparator by dividing the reference voltage and the LED indicator circuit that indicates the antenna status. Inc. The potentiometer on the ADJ board should be adjusted so that it turns off the LED when connected to the antenna with the VSWR 1.2. All Rights Reserved Page 3-19 .6. Hardware Description 3. The abnormal antenna detection circuit is constructed on the respective I/F (interface) and ADJ (adjust) boards as in the below. Directional Coupler RF RF INPUT OUTPUT F R Detector PWR Meas.5:1 or below. Comparator Pad ANT FAULT Detector Pad Figure 3-17 Configuration of an Abnormal Antenna Detection Circuit Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Carrier wave divides the FWD DET voltage to use it as the reference voltage and sideband divides the fixed DC voltage to use it as the reference voltage. USB COS and USB SIN into DC while using the coupler within PDC and by comparing this DC level with the reference voltage while using a voltage comparator. Abnormal Antenna Detection Circuit The status of an antenna can be checked by converting each reflective wave signal sampled from the 3 paths of CAR.Chapter 3. Figure 3-18 Front Panel of CMA LED Indicator Lamp LED Name Color Description ON: When power is normally supplied POWER Green OFF: When power is interrupted ON: When the PLL of SYN is not normally operating PLL FAIL Red OFF: When the PLL of SYN is normally operating ON: When the RF signal is normally outputted CAR ON Green OFF: When the RF signal is not normally outputted Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc. CMA 3.3. Appearance of CMA Front Panel of CMA Figure 3-18 shows the front panel of CMA.1.Chapter 3.3. Hardware Description 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-20 . All Rights Reserved Page 3-21 . Inc. Hardware Description Port Port Name Description FREQ The test port for measuring the carrier wave oscillating frequency as a SYN output CAR ENV The test port for checking the carrier wave modulation status as the Envelop output of the carrier wave RF output Rear Panel of CMA Figure 3-19 Rear Panel of CMA Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 3. it is used in generating the lower sideband RF signal synchronized at this reference clock after being sent to the LSB SMA.Chapter 3. J316 As the RF output signal of SYN. Hardware Description Input/Output Port Port Name Description J311 Connect to PDC as the RF output of CMA. Inc. it is used as the reference signal for the lower sideband RF phase synchronization after being sent to the LSB SMA. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. J315 As the RF output signal of SYN. CAR OUT J312 The test port combined with the RF output of CMA CAR CPL J313 As the reference clock of the carrier wave. it is used as the reference signal for the upper sideband RF phase synchronization after being sent to the USB SMA. All Rights Reserved Page 3-22 . J314 As the reference clock of the carrier wave. it is used in generating the upper sideband RF signal synchronized at this reference clock after being sent to the USB SMA. All Rights Reserved Page 3-23 .Chapter 3. CMA Amplitude Modulation Circuit PLL Drive Amp Carrier TCXO Modulation Signal: Composite Signal Amplitude Modulation Circuit LSB SMA Drive Amp LSB-COS PLL Modulation Signal: COS Blending Signal Amplitude Modulation Circuit Drive Amp LSB-SIN Modulation Signal: SIN Blending Signal Figure 3-20 Internal Configuration of CMA and SMA Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc. CMA Block Diagram Amplitude Modulation Circuit USB SMA Drive Amp USB-COS Modulation Signal: COS Blending Signal PLL Amplitude Modulation Circuit Drive Amp USB-SIN Modulation Signal: SIN Blending Signal Ref.3.2. Hardware Description 3. 19 dB Gain. Positive.3. Hardware Description 3. Low-Voltage IC MAX5900 Hot-Swap Control. 2.0F1 TCXO. 108 MHz ~ 118 MHz Phase Shifter JSPHS-150 Mini-Circuits Phase Detector SYPD-2 Mini-Circuits MMIC AMP AM1 60-3000 MHz. 1.0ppm Prescaler MC12080 1/40 Frequency Prescaler PLL Module KSP-113E Phase Locked Loop. 20MHz. Inc. +22dBm P1dB. High-Voltage IC DS1620 Digital Temperature Sensor Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Major CMA Parts Part Name P/N Description TCXO TX-C1-1. Positive. +39 dBm OIP3 MMIC AMP AH31 50-1000MHz. Negative.Chapter 3.3. 14 dB Gain.4 dB NF. +42dBm OIP3 PIN Diode HSMP-3814 AM Modulator MOS FET MRF136 Pre-Drive MOS FET MRF171A Drive MOS FET BLF248 Final PA IC MAX4272 Hot-Swap Control. High-Voltage IC MAX5902 Hot-Swap Control. LMX2326. 5V. All Rights Reserved Page 3-24 . Since the MON unit can’t count the VHF frequency directly. Each SMA receives this clock signal and uses it as the reference signal source of the PLL circuit to synthesize the USB and LSB frequencies. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.4.5Vpp PAD SYN PLL Module LC LPF AM1 +8 dBm -5 dB MC12080 +10 dBm KSP-0113E 1/N PAD Step = 50KHz PAD fc = 120MHz Amp.0F1 PAD 2 WAY 2 WAY -3 dB PAD BPF AM1 PAD +10 dBm -1 dB -3 dB fc = 113MHz Amp. All Rights Reserved Page 3-25 . Two of these are sent to the LSB SMA and USB SMA for the phase synchronization and the one left is outputted to the test port (BNC connector) on the front panel for the repair/maintenance purpose. TCXO -3 dB fc = 108~118 MHz -9 dB -1 dB +15 dB U3 20 MHz TX C2-1. To MOD -4 dB -2 dB +15 dB -1 dB 108~118MHz U1 U2 2 WAY 10dBm -3 dB F1 U4 2 WAY AM1 PAD X1 CPL Port PAD Amp. -3 dB -1 dB +15 dB -9 dB 108~118MHz / 0dBm BNC PAD -10 dB Sideband PHASE U5 108~118MHz / +10dBm SMA SMA SMA Sideband PHASE USMA REF CLK LSMA REF CLK 108~118MHz / +10dBm 20MHz / 3 dBm 20MHz / 3 dBm SMA Figure 3-21 Configuration of SYN Generate the reference 20 MHz clock signal by using TCXO X1. The U2 output is amplified by +15dB on the MMIC Amp U4 after passing through the 2- way divider and BPF F1. The other one is further divided into three parts via two 2-way dividers after being amplified by +15 dB on the MMIC AMP U5. Hardware Description 3. Operations of Frequency Synthesis Circuit (SYN) To MON Prescaler 1. The PLL module U1 creates the carrier wave RF signal that holds the frequency range of 108 MHz~118 MHz by using this signal. the 20 MHz clock signal generated on TCXO X1 is sent to the LSB SMA and USB SMA units via the 2-way divider.Chapter 3. This is a clean carrier wave RF signal with the size of 10 dBm. The MON unit checks the output frequency of SYN by using this signal. it transmits by dividing it into 40 demultiply without sending the PLL output frequency in that way. In order to monitor the oscillating frequency of SYN. Inc. The output frequency of PLL can be set in a unit of 50 kHz. The output signal of U4 is divided into two parts via the 2-way divider and one of them is sent to MOD. the PLL output signal is sent to the MON unit after dividing it into 40 demultiply on the Frequency Prescaler IC U3. The output signal of the PLL module U1 is amplified by 15dB on the MMIC AMP U2 after passing through the LPF circuit consisted of LC in order to remove the harmonic element.3. F1 is the band pass filter (BPF) that has the center frequency of 113MHz and the pass bandwidth of 10 MHz. For the frequency synchronization between CMA and both side SMAs. Modulator (MOD) MOD +4 dBm PAD Phase Shifter JSPHS-150 -2 dB PAD 2 dBm AM Modulation HSMP HSMP PAD AM1 Amp. The RF main path signal is amplitude-modulated on the PIN diode D1 and D2 after being phase-adjusted to the Phase Shifter U7. The modulation circuit consists of the PIN diode D1 and D2. Each divided signal is used in the following ways. the 2nd signal is applied to the phase detector U16 input via the MMIC AMP U15. LPF 0 dB 0 dB 3814 3814 -2 dB +15 dB -2 dB -2 dB +20 dB -1 dB PAD -1 dB 2 WAY From SYN U7 D1 D2 U9 F2 U10 -5 dB To CAR AMP 108~118MHz 108~118MHz 10dBm PAD +5~+15dBm -10 dB 0 ~ +10 dBm 5082- PAD PAD Amp.  As the automatic phase adjust reference signal. This flow is the main RF path of MOD. 2800 -4 dB TL082 Env. Det. In order to Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. 10KHz BPF PAD PAD PAD -2 dB +15 dB -5 dB U16 TL082 TL082 U11 D4 -2 dB U12 To CMA TP 2 WAY 108~118MHz -3 dB 0 dBm SMA U29 Phase Det. Inc.3. While the phase error may occur in the modulation or power amplification process on the RF main path. The voltage corresponding to the phase difference of two RF signals are outputted on U16. signals are greatly distorted due to the nonlinear characteristics of PIN diode.5. The automatic phase adjust circuit uses the Closed-Loop Control method and consists of the phase detector U16 and phase detector U7.  The 1st signal is delivered to CPA after passing through the phase adjust circuit and modulation circuit and the filter circuit and amplification circuit. The BPF output signal is sent to CPA after being amplified by +20 dB on the MMIC U10 and filtered on the LPF consisted of LC. PAD BPF AH31 Amp. The AM-modulated signal is filtered on the BPF F2 after being amplified by +15 dB on the MMIC U9. The amplitude modulation process is also made by using a similar the Closed-Loop Control method. All Rights Reserved Page 3-26 . U17 U18 To CAR AMP SYPD-2 FEEDBACK 108~118MHz +7 dBm -5 ~ +5dBm From MSG 0 ~ +10 dBm PAD Comp 0 dB Figure 3-22 Configuration of MOD . Hardware Description 3. this error can be compensated by using the automatic phase adjust circuit. 0 dB U15 AM1 TL081 AM1 +15 dB Amp.Chapter 3. There are two signals within the phase detector U16.  The 3rd signal is used for checking the circuit (internal T/P). One is the reference signal for comparison and the other is the RF signal fed back from the CPA output. This voltage is supplied to the Phase Shifter U7 to correct the phase error. The carrier wave RF signals (108~118 MHz) from SYN is divided into three parts via the 3-way divider after inputting to MOD. Only by this signal. The feedback circuit consists of the Envelope detection circuit D4 and OP AMP U12. the control signal made through the feedback circuit is applied to the PIN diode circuit rather than directly applying the modulation signal to the PIN diode circuit. Here. The Envelope Detector D4 detects the carrier wave Envelope from the RF signal sampled from the final CMA output. All Rights Reserved Page 3-27 . This signal is inputted to the PIN diode and used as the control signal of modulation circuit. Hardware Description repair it. Inc. the modulation signal is a composite signal that is generated on MSG and supplied to CMA. This Envelope signal is inputted to the comparator consisting of OP AMP U12 and compared with the modulation signal. The voltage corresponding to the amplitude error is outputted on U12.Chapter 3. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Two parallel signals that have the phases differing by 180° are needed in the push-pull amplification circuit.Chapter 3. as the composite elements that are included in one package of two MOSFETs. they are converted into the balanced signals by using the Float Balun consisted of a coaxial cable. All Rights Reserved Page 3-28 . Inc. Carrier Power Amplifier (CPA) PA CPA BLF248 12dB To CAR_MOD_FEEDBACK 108~118MHz / +23~+13dBm PAD Balun -10 dB -3dB Balun -3dB Forward Power Pre-Drv. After passing through the -1dB attenuator for matching the impedance between terminals. the amplified output is merged and outputted in the 2-way combiner after being respectively converted into the unbalanced signals via the balance- unbalance conversion Float Balun. CPA consists of a 3-terminal amplifier and its overall gain is approximately 38 dB. The final power amplification is done in parallel on two amplification circuits consisted of U1 and U2. Hardware Description 3. it is amplified by 16dB on the 2nd amplifier Q10. The output signal of Q10 is power-amplified on the 3rd amplifier U1 and U2. Couple Port PAD MRF136 PAD MRF171A -3 dB 15dB -1 dB 16dB U1 2 WAY From CAR_AMP CMA OUT 108~118MHz / +5~+15dBm -3 dB -40dB U2 (+43dBm ~ +53dBm) Q9 Q10 Balun -3dB Balun -3dB DC ENABL PA E BLF248 12dB Figure 3-23 Configuration of CPA The signal modulated from MOD is inputted to CPA. In the same way. Drv.3. Since the signals outputted from the 2-way divider are the unbalanced signals. U1 and U2.6. The directional coupler is used to obtain the feedback signal necessary for the modulation circuit. The final power-amplified signal is outputted to the external part of CMA via the -40 dB Directional Coupler. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. which are symmetric from each other. they construct their respective push-pull amplification circuits. The input signal is amplified by 15dB on the 1st RF driver Q9 via the -3dB attenuator. U15 and U29 and the +28V power for the respective MOSTFET Q9. it turns On/Off the +7V power for the MOD MMIC amplification circuits U9.3. Hardware Description 3. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Other Circuits As for the CMA power source. U10. Inc. The digital temperature sensor U24 is used to monitor the internal temperature of power amplifier. The On/Off control of the power is made through using the On/Off control signal input of the Hot-Swap control circuits U19 and U23. +15V and -15V are supplied to the analog circuit such as the OP AMP. Q11 and Q12 bias voltages of CPA. +28V is supplied to the power amplification circuit of CPA.Chapter 3. +7V is supplied simultaneously to the MMIC amplification circuit and part of it is supplied to the rest of circuits after being converted via the 3-way terminal constant-voltage IC.7. DC +28V. +7V. +15V and -15V are used. For the On/Off control of the carrier wave output. The measured temperature data is sent to MSG via the 3-lined serial interface (SPI). All Rights Reserved Page 3-29 . Q10. All Rights Reserved Page 3-30 .Chapter 3. Inc. Appearance of SMA Front Panel of SMA Figure 3-24 shows the front panel of SMA. Hardware Description Figure 3-24 Front Panel of SMA LED Indicator Lamp LED Name Color Description ON: When power is normally supplied POWER Green OFF: When power is interrupted ON: When the PLL circuit is not locked PLL FAIL Red OFF: When the PLL circuit is normally locked ON: When the COS RF signal is normally outputted COS ON Green OFF: When the COS RF signal is not outputted ON: When the SIN RF signal is normally outputted SIN ON Green OFF: When the SIN RF signal is not outputted Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. SMA 3. J322 COS CPL – The test port coupled to the COS output J323 SIN OUT . Connected to the SIN input of PDC. Hardware Description I/O Ports Port Name Description FREQ The port for measuring the sideband RF frequency COS ENV The port for measuring/testing the Envelope of COS RF output signal SIN ENV The port for measuring/testing the Envelope of SIN RF output signal Rear Panel of SMA Figure 3-25 Rear Panel of SMA Ports Port Name Description J321 COS OUT . Connected to the TCXO output of CMA. Inc. J324 SIN CPL – The test port coupled to the SIN output J325 REF CLK – PLL reference clock signal 20 MHz.SIN output port. All Rights Reserved Page 3-31 . Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Connected to the SYN output of CMA.COS output port.Chapter 3. J326 CAR PHASE – Phase comparator input port. Connected to the COS input of PDC. All Rights Reserved Page 3-32 . SMA Configuration PSU +28V . Inc.2. -15V GND MSG SMA CMA PLL LOCK DETECTOR REF CLOCK PLL DATA SYN BLENDING CARRIER FREQ . +15V . 10KHz ALARM DATA MON ENABLE MOD SIDEBAND F/D LCU SBA PRESENCE DETECTOR SIDEBAND OUT PDC Figure 3-26 Configuration and Interfaces of SMA Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. +7V . Hardware Description 3.4.Chapter 3. LMX2326. +22dBm P1dB. 19 dB Gain. Positive.4. Low-Voltage IC MAX5900 Hot-Swap Control. 14 dB Gain. Positive. 108 MHz ~ 118 MHz Phase Shifter JSPHS-150 Mini-Circuits Phase Detector SYPD-2 Mini-Circuits MMIC AMP AM1 60-3000 MHz. Major SMA Parts Part Name P/N Description PLL Module KSP-113E Phase Locked Loop. High-Voltage Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Negative.4 dB NF. 2. Hardware Description 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-33 . High-Voltage IC MAX5902 Hot-Swap Control.3.Chapter 3. +39 dBm OIP3 MMIC AMP AH31 50-1000MHz. Inc. +42dBm OIP3 PIN Diode HSMP-3814 AM Modulator Mixer ESMD-C50H Double Balanced Mixer Prescaler MC12080 1/40 Frequency Prescaler MOS FET MRF136 Pre-Drive MOS FET MRF171A Drive IC MAX4272 Hot-Swap Control. This is to make the output frequencies of CMA and SMA to be exactly synchronized with each other.1Vpp LC LPF AM1 +9 dBm KSP-0113E 1/N PAD Step = 10KHz PAD fc = 120MHz Amp.4.3. the control software of MSG adjusts the voltage value applied to the phase adjusters U4 and U5 and automatically corrects the errors. PAD PAD U8 -10 dB -15 dB -6 dB TL082 +15 dB RF To MSG 10KHz / 5Vpp 2 WAY LO U7 -3 dB U9 PAD 0 dB From CMA Sideband PHASE CPL Port 108~118MHz 108~118MHz +10dBm 0dBm SMA BNC Figure 3-27 Internal Configuration of SYN The SYN for SMA is basically identical to the SYN used for CMA except for some part. PAD 108~118MHz / 9 dBm From CMA U1 U2 -2 dB -1 dB -2 dB -2 dB +15 dB 0 dB Ref CLK To SIN MOD 20MHz / 4dBm 108~118MHz / 9 dBm U4 U5 F1 U6 3 WAY -5 dB -10 dBm 0 dBm AM1 10KHz BPF PAD Amp. All Rights Reserved Page 3-34 .4 for the detailed circuit theory. While the CMA SYN uses the signal self-oscillated within TCXO as the reference clock. the carrier wave output frequency and sideband output frequency of MARU 220 DVOR are always keeping 10 kHz intervals. The Doppler VOR that uses Double Sideband (DSB) requires maintaining not only the synchronization of two sideband signal frequencies but also the phase synchronization between two signals. SMA -3 dB fc = 108~118 MHz -8 dB -1 dB +15 dB U3 2 WAY -3 dB Phase Shifter BPF AM1 To COS MOD PAD JSPHS-150 JSPHS-150 fc = 113MHz Amp.Chapter 3. there is no problem in its practical use since it falls within the permissible range of below 1%. two 10 kHz intermediate signals obtained respectively from USB SMA and LSB SMA are sent to MSG and phase-compared from each other. Hence.4. Please refer to the paragraph 3. only the differences are described. Inc. Although it differs by 40 Hz from the sub-carrier center frequency of 9960 Hz that is stipulated from the ICAO Annex 10. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Through the above process. SMA doesn’t hold its built-in oscillating circuit and uses it as the reference clock of the PLL circuit after receiving the signal generated within CMA. The output signal of SMA-SYN is mixed with the output signal of CMA-SYN on the double balanced mixer (DMB) U8 and is frequency-converted to the intermediate frequency (IF) signal of 10 kHz. which is set by the ICAO Annex 10. Hence. The SMA SYN is programmed so that the output frequency always becomes 10kHz higher (USB) than or lower (LSB) than the setting frequency of CMA. Synthesizer (SYN) To MON SYN PLL Module +9 dBm PAD -6 dB Prescaler MC12080 1. Hardware Description 3. SMA includes the circuit for the phase synchronization. If the result differs from the reference value set previously. The sideband RF signal is amplitude-modulated near to the modulation depth 100% by the blending signal from SMA MOD. 10KHz BPF PAD PAD PAD -2 dB +15 dB -5 dB U34 TL082 TL082 U28 D12 To SMA COS TP -2 dB U29 2 WAY 108~118MHz -3 dB 0 dBm U30 SMA Phase Det. Blending is used to obtain electrically the continuous rotating effects of sideband antenna and is divided into those of SIN and COS.3. Two signals are identical in their phases and bandwidths. U22 U23 SYPD-2 To SMA COS AMP FEEDBACK 108~118MHz +7 dBm +5 ~ -5dBm From MSG 0 ~ +10 dBm PAD Comp 0 dB SIN MOD +4 dBm Phase Shifter 2 dBm AM Modulation AM1 AH31 PAD JSPHS-150 PAD HSMP HSMP PAD Amp. Two modulators are exactly identical and it is the same as the one used in CMA. The RF signals applied to the COS and SIN modulators of SMA are exactly the same. Det. 0 dB AM1 AM1 +15 dB Amp. All Rights Reserved Page 3-35 . The modulation signal applied to SMA is the blending signal supplied from MSG.4. PAD BPF Amp. U35 U36 SYPD-2 To SMA COS AMP FEEDBACK 108~118MHz +7 dBm +5 ~ -5dBm From MSG 0 ~ +10 dBm PAD Comp 0 dB Figure 3-28 Internal Configuration of MOD As for the SMA modulator (MOD).Chapter 3. Modulator (MOD) COS MOD +4 dBm Phase Shifter 2 dBm AM Modulation AM1 AH31 PAD JSPHS-150 PAD HSMP HSMP PAD Amp.5. only the differences are described here.5 for more detailed circuit theory. 0 dB U20 AM1 TL081 AM1 +15 dB Amp. LPF 0 dB -2 dB 0 dB 3814 -2 dB +15 dB -2 dB -2 dB +20 dB -1 dB 3814 PAD 0 dB 3 WAY From SYN -5 dB U11 D1 D2 U13 F2 U14 To CAR AMP 108~118MHz 108~118MHz 9 dBm PAD +5~+15dBm -10 dB 0 ~ +10 dBm 5082- PAD PAD Amp. TL082 U33 TL081 Env. PAD BPF Amp. Two signals divided by using the 3-Way Divider from the output of SMA SYN are applied respectively to the COS and SIN modulators. Inc. Please refer to the paragraph 3. 10KHz BPF PAD PAD PAD -2 dB +15 dB -5 dB U21 TL082 TL082 U15 D4 To SMA COS TP -2 dB U16 2 WAY 108~118MHz -3 dB 0 dBm U17 SMA Phase Det. Hardware Description 3. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. the bandwidth modulation circuit constructed in the same way is used respectively for COS and SIN. Hence. 2800 -4 dB TL082 Env. LPF 0 dB -2 dB 0 dB 3814 -2 dB +15 dB -2 dB -2 dB +20 dB -1 dB 3814 PAD 0 dB 3 WAY From SYN U24 D9 D10 U26 F3 U27 -5 dB To CAR AMP 108~118MHz 108~118MHz 9 dBm PAD +5~+15dBm -10 dB 0 ~ +10 dBm 5082- PAD 2800 PAD -4 dB Amp. Det. The COS SBA and SIN SBA are constructed with the identical circuit. SBA is constructed with a 2-way amplifier and the total gain of the respective amplifiers is 31dB.6.51MHz / 23 ~ 13dBm Figure 3-29 Internal Configuration of SBA The sideband signals modulated on two MODs of COS and SIN are inputted respectively to the COS SBA and SIN SBA. The directional coupler is used to obtain the feedback signal necessary for the modulation circuit. it is explained here only with the SBA for SIN. PA MRF136 MRF171A +15dB +16 dB From MOD_SIN 40dB SMA_COS OUT 108 ~ 118MHz / +5 ~ +15dBm 108 ~ 118MHz / +33 ~ +43cBm Q11 Q12 Feedback In DC Enable To USB_SIN FEEDBACK 113. Hence. Sideband Amplifier Unit (SBA) SBA_COS Drv. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. it is amplified on the 2nd amplifier Q12 by 16dB to have its maximum signal of +43dBm. Then. Inc.Chapter 3. Hardware Description 3. PA MRF136 MRF171A +15dB +16 dB From MOD_COS 40dB SMA_COS OUT 108 ~ 118MHz / +5 ~ +15dBm 108 ~ 118MHz / +33 ~ +43cBm Q9 Q10 DC Enable Feedback In To USB_COS FEEDBACK 113.51MHz / 23 ~ 13dBm SBA_SIN Drv. All Rights Reserved Page 3-36 .4. The inputted sideband RF signal is amplified by 15dB on the 1st RF driver Q11. The final power-amplified signal is outputted to the external part of SMA via the -40 dB Directional Coupler. All Rights Reserved Page 3-37 . Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. +15V and -15V are used. In the same way as the carrier wave. Q11 and Q12 are controlled for the On/Off control of sideband output. +28V is supplied to the power amplification circuit of SBA. Hardware Description 3.Chapter 3. +7V. Other Circuits As for the SMA power source. U27 and U30 and the gate bias +28V power of MOSFET Q9. a part of it is converted to +5V via the 3-way terminal constant voltage IC and supplied to the rest of circuits. Q10. +15V and -15V are supplied to the analog circuits like OP AMP.7.4. the +7V power of U13. While +7V is supplied to the MMIC amplification circuit. U26. U14. The power On/Off control is made by using the On/Off control signal input pin of the hot-swap control circuits U19 and U23. U7. DC +28V. Inc. LCU 3.Chapter 3.5. Appearance of LCU Front Panel of LCU Figure 3-30 Front Panel of LCU LEDs LED Name Color Description ON: When the power is normally supplied POWER Green OFF: When the power is interrupted TxD Green When LCU is transmitting data to LMMS RxD Green When LCU is receiving data from LMMS FAULT Red When a reset or trouble of LCU has occurred Switches Name Description RESET The switch that resets LCU CPU Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc.5.1. All Rights Reserved Page 3-38 . Hardware Description 3. 5. User through the interfaces such as LMMS / RMMS.In FAN C ontrol C ontrol C ontrol D ATA D ATA B uffer M icro p ro cesso r Sink D river Real AD C Input Tim e Am p C lock B uffer Sw itching FE T RS232 D river H ot SW A P R TC C SP I/F C ontrol SU B C ontroller Am p FAN D river Alarm Sound H ot P lug. + 5V] AC /D C Tem p Sound Shelter Tem p Figure 3-31 Internal Configuration of LCU Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 3. LED lamp and keypad. M SG 2 U AR T C lock : D river 14.15V. Hardware Description 3. RCMU/RMU via LCU for the display or indicated directly on the CSP attached on the system cabinet. The interfaces between the external devices such as LMMS / RMMS or RCMU / RMU and the respective control/monitor units are made through the asynchronous serial data communication. M O N 2 RS232 D river M icroprocessor P art B uffer C om m unication P art MiCOM Clock: 14. SC C 3 B uffer SRAM RS232 R S 485/1. which are attached on CSP  Select the Test Signal Generator (TSG) test signal  Measure and monitor the voltage and current of PSS  Measure the MAS temperature and control the FAN according to the temperature  Monitor the attachment/detachment of each unit attached on the system cabinet  Generate the warning sound and play the IDENT tone UART RS232 M SG 1. and MON2) within the system. LCU carries out the following functions.7456M H z ROMH ROML D ATA RCMU.+ 15V. RMMS Buffer Buffer Socket M odem 1 MPU RS232 UART 29.7456MHz Latch Alarm SPI Status C ontrol & Status C ontrol C SP I/F H ot Plug. Inc. RCMU or CSP sends a control/query command to LCU and LCU sends it to the corresponding MSG or MON unit.  Collect and record system logs  Control the graphic LCD.In AD C Input / SW AP P art P SU M onitoring ID Tone A nalog M U X Am p M AS Tem p Am p P ow er [+ 28V. The executed result is sent to the user in the opposite path. However. .2. LCU Functions Local Control Unit (LCU) is responsible for the communication interfaces among user and the respective control/monitor units ((MSG1. MON1. Additionally. MSG2. the CSP attached on the system cabinet is directly controlled by LCU without going through these communication interfaces. The information such as the alarm detected from the system or the system parameters collected and analyzed is also sent to LMMS/RMMS. RS485/2 UART D river FLA S H LM M S E P LD D ATA RS232 D river FLA S H B uffer M O N 1. All Rights Reserved Page 3-39 .4912MHz Main Clock : SC C 1 D river Socket M odem 2 SC C 2. 16 kbit (2kb x 8) SRAM Microprocessor ATmega16 8-bit AVR microprocessor with 16k Bytes ISP Flash Modem MT5634 Socket Modem. Hardware Description 3.U 503.4912M H z A ddress SR A M /C S_FLA SH U 602 FLA SH /RD U 603. Watchdog Timer / Monitor 3. Inc.4912M H z /W R /RD U 600.92/56k V. as the microprocessor monitor circuit IC. U 601 A ddress E PLD /C S_FLA SH M ic ro p ro c esso r U 400 U300 A ddress A ddress A ddress A ddress B uffer D ata A ddress B uffer B uffer R eset Logic U 502. Reset.U 504 A ddress U 301 SR A M /C S_SRA M U 602 /RD B U S B uffer /W R M icro p ro cesso r P erip heral Lo g ic D ata C LKO :29. Programmable Logic Device RTC M48T02 Real Time Clock. All Rights Reserved Page 3-40 . programmable timer. SC L U 605 M em o ry P art S erial E E P R O M Figure 3-32 LCU Microprocessor U300 is the microprocessor for the main control of LCU. U301. Microprocessor and Peripheral Circuits D ata X300 D ata D A TA A ddress DBAuffer TA B uffer D ata M ain C lo ck : U 500. Uniform Block) 5V Supply Flash Memory UART TL16C552 Dual Asynchronous Communications Element with FIFO EPLD EPM7128 128 Macrocells.U 501 /C S_RO M L.4. serial communication controller (SCC).6k Embedded Modem Reset IC DS1232 Micro Monitor. U 604 /W R E E PR O M SD A . 100 I/O pins. U300 is based on the M68000 core and the 1152-byte dual port RAM.3.34/33. The crystal oscillating circuit X300 supplies a clock of 29.5. includes the reset signal generation circuit. Integrated Multiprotocol Processor RAM K6T4016 256k x 16 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM EPROM M27C4002 4 Mbit (256Kb x 16) UV EPROM Flash Memory M29F016 16 Mbit (2Mb x 8. power monitor circuit and the watchdog timer. and 24-bit general GPIO are integrated within the chip. it monitors whether U300 operates normally. The data and address buses of U300 are connected to the peripheral devices through the 3-state buffer U500-U504.5. U301 supplies a reset signal to the microprocessor U300 and at the same time.4912 MHz to U300. The cases that U301 outputs a reset signal follow as below. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. H E PR O M /RD /C S_RO M L. V.Chapter 3. Major LCU Parts Part Name P/N Description CPU MC68302 M68000 Core. H E PR O M 28. The GPIO port of U400 consists of the latch circuit for the output port and the digital switch circuit for the input port. Hardware Description 1) When power is turned on 2) When the reset switch is pressed for 250ms or more 3) When the Address Strobe (AS) of U300 is not outputted for 1. U1105. the LCU input/output signal line is separated from the backplane during the reset period.  EPROM U600 and U601: Store the program code and data  SRAM U602: Store the temporary data used during the program execution  FLASH Memory U603 and U604: Store the log data  EEPROM U605: Store the non-volatile parameters When the microprocessor U300 is initialized after receiving the reset signal.2 seconds or more (Watchdog timer – microprocessor error) 4) When the Vcc voltage goes below 4. reads the current time from RTC IC U1105 and records the event and time of occurrence together with the data. the FAULT LED lamp of LCU front panel is lighted. It includes the logic circuits such as the address decoder and GPIO port. Since the /RESET output signal of U301 is connected to the /OE pin of the bus switches U1400 ~ U1408 via Q1400. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. LCU. All the rest of storage devices except for the serial EEPROM are positioned within the memory space of the microprocessor U300. All Rights Reserved Page 3-41 . U400 is a programmable logic device (PLD). The address decoder inside of U400 decodes the addresses for each memory and I/O device and generates the Chip Selection Signals.Chapter 3. when saving a log data.5V (abnormal power voltage) When the reset signal of U301 is outputted. U300 executes the program code saved in the EPROM U600 and U601. Inc. as the Real Time Clock (RTC) IC that has built-in crystal oscillator and backup battery. provides the standard time to the system. LCU uses the following storage devices different from each other. In this case. REM4) U300 SCC1 is the RS-232C port exclusively for LMMS. The operation of the asynchronous serial communication controllers U800.4 29.Chapter 3.4912M Hz UART CLOCK: 14. Hardware Description 3. in addition to the 3 SCCs included in U300. two LED lamps are attached on the front panel of LCU. All Rights Reserved Page 3-42 .2 PLD CLOCK: /CS_REM 3. Although the UART0 and UART1 of U801 is connected to the built-in socket MODEM.7456M Hz RS232 Driver U902 REM 1 Com m unication RXD3 RXD_M ON2 M ON1/2 Com m unication Data M O DEM 1 /CS_REM 1. U801 and U802 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Serial Communication Control UART CLOCK: 14. Inc. The usage of each port follows as below.7456M Hz RS485 REM 3 Com m unication Driver Data UART U1002 M icroprocessor Part Peripheral Logic Device /CS_REM 3. REM2)  U802 UART0 and UART1: Remote control through RS-485 (REM3.7456M Hz RS232 M SG1 Com m unication Driver Data UART U900 TXD1 TXD_LOCAL Device RS232 Driver /CS_M SG1.  U300 SCC1: RS-232C console port for LMMS  U300 SCC2 and SCC3: Internal RS-232C communication with MON1 and MON2  U800 UART0 and UART1: Internal RS-232C communication with MSG1 and MSG2  U801 UART0 and UART1: Remote control through internal MODEM or RS-232C (REM1. it can be changed by user.2 RXD1 U1001 RXD_LO CAL U800 RS232 M SG2 Com m unication Driver U901 LM M S Com m unication M icroprocessor TXD2 TXD_M O N1 M SG1/2 Com m unication RXD2 RS232 Driver RXD_M ON1 U1000 UART CLOCK: TXD3 TXD_M ON2 14.4 U802 RS485 REM 4 Com m unication Driver U1003 REM 3/4 Com m unication Figure 3-33 Communication Port LCU. Hence.5.2 UART Device Buffer U801 RS232 Driver U903 REM 2 Com m unication EPRO M M O DEM 2 UART CLOCK: 14. These LEDs are lighted on whenever U300 SCC1 transmits (TxD) or receives (RxD) data. U801 and U802. they can interface directly to the RS-232C without using the built-in MODEM by a user setting.7456M Hz SRAM EPLD /CS_M SG1.5. To see visually whether the data communication between LCU and LMMS is normally made.2 REM 1/2 Com m unication U400 /CS_REM 1. set SW900 and SW901 to the ‘RS232C’ position and remove the built- in socket MODEMs U1103 and U1104. In order to use the MODEM again. set SW900 and SW901 to the ‘MODEM’ position and install the socket MODEMs U1103 and U1104. Although the communication speed is initially set to 57600bps. has asynchronous serial communication controllers (UART) U800. a total of 9 serial communication ports are available. Inc. 3. If one of these pins becomes the ‘L’ status. via the PB10 and PB11 pins for U801. the corresponding UART requests an interrupt from the microprocessor U300. The I/O process of serial communication data is made asynchronously by using an interrupt method. If the interrupt request is received. These devices are directly connected to the lower 8-bits D0 – D7 of the CPU data bus through the 3-state data buffer U1101. If data is received from the outside. The chip selection signals and other control signals from U300 is connected to CSP via the 3-state data buffer U1102. /CDSWITCH. /CSLED1 and /CSLED2 for the I/O devices included within the CSP.Chapter 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-43 .6.7456 MHz power output from U400. graphic LCD and keypad on CSP. the microprocessor U300 stops the code in execution for a moment and reads the data from UART by executing the interrupt processing routine. CSP Control Data C SP_DATA Buffer /C SP_DATA_EN U1101 BUS Signal /C S_Sw itch Buffer C SP C ontrol Signal C S_LED1 U1102 C S_LED2 M icroprocessor BUS_Signal CSP Interface EPLD /C SP_DATA_EN U400 /C S_Sw itch PLD C LO C K: C S_LED1 29. the microprocessor U300 executes reading and writing the data by judging that the corresponding UART is in the state of receiving or transmitting. EPLD U400 decodes the address signals of U300 and generates the respective chip selection signals /CSLCD.5. Hardware Description can be made by receiving the 14. The microprocessor U300 monitors the RXRDY and TXRDY pins of each UART via U700 and U701. The interrupt request signals are inputted respectively to the microprocessor via the PB8 and PB9 pins of U300 for U800.4912M Hz C S_LED2 Data Buffer C S_LED2 /C S_RTC RTC /C S_RTC U1105 EPRO M Peripheral Logic SRAM Real Tim e Clock M icroprocessor Part Figure 3-34 Configuration of CSP Control LCU directly controls the LED lamp. and via the IRQ6 and IRQ7 pins for U802. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. MON1 and MON2 are inputted to the Analog MUX U1106 and one of these is outputted according to the user’s setting. 3.86432M H z U 1200 AD C 1 Tem p Source+ Am p Tem p Source- U 1200 AD C 2 U 1200 AD C 3 M icroprocessor P art U 1200 AD C 3 Tem p Sense+ Am p Tem p Sense- M U X Selection SU B C ontroller Shelter Tem p Figure 3-36 Sub-Processor Circuit Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.7. and is played through the speaker of CSP.4912M H z 7. LCU detects it and outputs a warning sound through the speaker attached on CSP.86432M H z FAN D rive M icro p ro cesso r P eripheral Logic U 1200 AD C 1 PSU D C Voltage & C urrent 1 Am p FAN C ontrol B uffer C M A1 Tem p C ontrol M O SI U 1200 AD C 2 Am p PSU D C Voltage & C urrent 2 C M A2 Tem p C ontrol EPROM M ISO AC /D C 1 Tem p C ontrol SPI_C LK AC /D C 2 Tem p C ontrol P SU M easurem ent SRAM SU B -C ontroller AVR C LO C K: U 1200 7.5.8. being played through the speaker. Warning Sound Generation and IDENT Tone Playback Alarm M SG SPK1 M SG SPK2 M O NSPK1 M O NSPK2 M icroprocessor ID Sound SPKO UT Analog M UX Am p U1106 Data Latch U707 CS_CALSIG Audio AM P Buffer EPRO M M icroprocessor Part ID Sound Selection Figure 3-35 Warning Sound Generation and IDENT Tone Playback If an alarm occurs from the system.5. MSG2.Chapter 3. The magnitude of the alarm warning sound and IDENT tone. In order to check the IDENT signal being correctly transmitted. can be adjusted by turning the volume VR1101. LCU generates a warning sound signal of 1000 Hz by using the Timer2 of the microprocessor U300. Sub-Processor FAN C ontrol Sink D rive FAN D rive Signal U 1100 EPLD PLD C LO C K: U 400 AVR C LO C K: 29. Inc. The IDENT signals coming from MSG1. The selected signal is amplified in the audio amplification IC U1107 and played through the speaker on CSP. The IDENT tone generated from MSG or the IDENT tone received via MON can be played through a speaker. All Rights Reserved Page 3-44 . Hardware Description 3. This signal is outputted to the TOUT2 pin of U300 and is amplified in the audio amplification IC U1107. The sub-processor U1200 monitors the output voltage and current of power unit. internal temperature. Hardware Description The sub-processor U1200. Q1101. internal temperature of CMA and temperature of the equipment room and at the same time controls the cooking FAN for the radiations of PSS and CMS. Hence when the U1100 output is off. The items measured from U1200 are shown on the following table. When the U1100 output is turned on. the VGS of MOSFET becomes ‘0’ and the FAN stops as the drain current is cut-off.Chapter 3. serial communication device. R1105. and 8-channel 10bit A/D converter. The FAN control signal is outputted from the parallel I/O ports PD4. U1200 exchanges data through the SPI interface to the main CPU U300. timer. as an 8-bit micro-controller. While the respective output voltage and current of DC/DC unit is detected from the PDU sensor and sent to LCU via the Analog MUX. SN Signal Name Comment ADC Input Channel 1 AC1_+28V_V AC/DC1 Output +28V Voltage Value ADC1 2 AC1_+28V_A AC/DC1 Output +28V Current Value ADC1 3 AC2_+28V_V AC/DC2 Output +28V Voltage Value ADC1 4 AC2_+28V_A AC/DC2 Output +28V Current Value ADC1 5 DC_+5V_V DC/DC Output +5V Voltage Value ADC1 6 DC_+5V_A DC/DC Output +5V Current Value ADC1 7 DC_+7V_V DC/DC Output +7V Voltage Value ADC1 8 DC_+7V+_A DC/DC Output +7V Current Value ADC1 9 DC_-15V_V DC/DC Output -15V Voltage Value ADC1 10 DC_-15V_A DC/DC Output -15V Current Value ADC1 11 DC_+15V_V DC/DC Output +15V Voltage Value ADC1 12 DC_+15V_A DC/DC Output +15V Current Value ADC1 13 DC_-24V_V DC/DC Output -24V Voltage Value ADC1 14 DC_-24V_A DC/DC Output -24V Current Value ADC1 15 DC_+28V_V DC/DC Output +28V Voltage Value ADC1 16 DC_+28V_A DC/DC Output +28V Current Value ADC1 17 BAT1_+28V_V Battery 1 Output +28V Voltage Value ADC2 18 BAT1_+28V_A Battery 1 Output +28V Current Value ADC2 19 BAT2_+28V_V Battery 2 Output +28V Voltage Value ADC2 20 BAT2_+28V_A Battery 2 Output +28V Current Value ADC2 The internal temperature of power unit is measured by the digital temperature sensor being in the AC/DC unit and read from U1200 via the serial data interface. The gates of MOSFET Q1100. has the built-in 32KB flash memory. PD6 and PD7. Q1102 and Q1103 are pulled up to +28V by R1104. the VGS of MOSFET rises more than 4V and the FAN operates as the drain Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-45 . Q1102 and Q1103. 4KB RAM. This signal operates the P-channel power MOSFET Q1100. Inc. Q1101. PD5. it is inputted again to the ADC of U1200 via the buffer U1201. R1106 and R1107. The temperature data measured from the temperature sensor built within CMA are read from U1200 through the serial data interface. When in the manual control mode. When in the automatic control mode. user turns ON/OFF the respective FAN individually according to the user setting. If one ore more of two measured temperature values rise beyond the threshold. as the part that generates the test signal used for monitoring the operating status of monitor. LCU selects the test signals of TSG. monitors the attachment/detachment of each system unit.Chapter 3. LCU monitors the attachment/detachment status of each LRU of the system. Here. is physically included in CSU. the FAN doesn’t stop immediately until the temperature fall 2℃ below the threshold. The signal outputted from the temperature sensor is converted into the DC voltage via U1203 and inputted to the ADC2 of U1200 and read. FAN can be controlled in two ways of automatic or manual by the software. TSG can output a total of 16 test signals. 3. Hardware Description current flows. MSG Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-46 . all the FANs of the system are simultaneously turned ON/OFF.4912M Hz U707 /CS_RSV_IN /CS_RSV_IN Shelter & Reseved M icroprocessor Part Peripheral Logic Figure 3-37 LCU Other Circuits Additionally. Even though the temperatures of CMA1 and CMA2 goes down below the threshold. LCU generates the 4-bit test signal selection signals via the LATCH IC U707 and provides them to CSU. Other Functions Data Latch Test Signal Selection Data Buffer U707 U705 CS_CALSIG /CS_PD_ALM Unit Detect Test Signal Selection Buffer U706 M icroprocessor Unit D etect Data Buffer PSU Alarm Input U702 /CS_ALM Buffer Buffer U703 EPRO M UART CLO CK: PSU Alarm D etect 14. In case of the automatic mode.5.7456M Hz EPLD CS_CALSIG SRAM U400 /CS_PD_ALM PLD CLO CK: Data Latch Shelter Alarm & Reserved /CS_ALM 29. U1200 operates the FAN.9. The temperature measuring function inside of the equipment room is optional and it is provided when the PT100 temperature sensor is installed within the equipment room. the FAN is automatically controlled according to the temperatures of CMA1 and CMA2. and checks the trouble of power unit. TSG. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-47 . CSU. CMA 1/2. Hardware Description 1/2. Since each signal is pulled up with the resistors R712 ~ R722 and R725 ~ R728. Inc. LCU monitors the trouble of power unit. LSB SMA 1/2. HIGH (+5V) is inputted when no unit is attached and LOW (GND) when a unit is attached. These alarm signals are sent to the 3-state buffer IC U702 and U703 and read by the microprocessor U300. USB SMA 1/2.Chapter 3. MON 1/2. AC input alarm and battery problem alarm. AD/DC 1/2 and DC/DC 1/2 are included. The detachment/attachment monitoring signal of each LRU is sent to the 3- state buffer IC U704 and U705 and read by the microprocessor U300. The power unit alarm signals include the unit trouble alarm. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Also. 1. Appearance of MON Front Panel of MON Figure 3-38 Front Panel of MON LEDs LED Name Color Description POWER Green ON: When power is normally supplied OFF: When power is cut-off TxD Green When MON is transmitting data to LCU RxD Green When MON is receiving data From LCU FAULT Red When a RESET or trouble occurs from MON IDENT Green When it receives the IDENT signal Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Hardware Description 3.6. Inc.Chapter 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-48 . MON 3.6. 2. Interfaces between Units Figure 3-39 Monitor Interface Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc.Chapter 3.6. Hardware Description Switch Name Description RESET The switch for resetting the LCU CPU Ports Port Name Description DEMOD The composite VOR signal that is received from the field monitor antenna and decoded REF 30Hz The reference phase (REF 30 Hz) signal that is received from the field monitor antenna and decoded VAR 30Hz The variable phase (VAR 30 Hz) signal that is received from the field monitor antenna and decoded 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-49 .  When the error of monitor reference azimuth goes beyond the allowable range  When the deviation of reference 30Hz AM modulation degree goes beyond the allowable range  When the deviation of 9960Hz sub-carrier wave AM modulation degree goes beyond the allowable range  When the IDENT signal is omitted or the transmission is not made according to the stipulated code or interval  When the MON unit itself has a trouble  When the deviation of variable 30Hz AM modulation index goes beyond the allowable range  When the deviation of carrier wave frequency goes beyond the allowable range  When the carrier wave and sideband antennas have errors (VSWR > 1. The major signal parameters that the monitor watches will be followed as below. If the same alarm persists for a certain period of time after transferring to the standby TX. it transfers to the standby TX and tries the recovery. When the alarm persists for a certain period of time.  AND Mode: If alarms are detected from both MONs. MON.6. it is transferred to the standby TX or halts the transmission Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-50 . MON Overview Signal Monitor MON monitors the radiated signal and detects any abnormality.  OR Mode: If an alarm is detected from either one of two.Chapter 3. it halts the signal transmission to prevent the wrong signal from transmitting.2:1) Monitor Configuration Two MONs of MARU 220 can be configured to the OR Mode or AND Mode according to the user’s selection. Hardware Description 3. converts into the digital data and measures each signal parameter.3. it generates a warning alarm.  Monitor reference azimuth  Reference 30Hz AM modulation degree  Variable 30Hz AM modulation index  9960Hz sub-carrier wave AM modulation degree  IDENT code and AM modulation degree When the measured signal parameter goes beyond the fixed allowed range. it is transferred to the standby TX or halts the transmission. Inc. The radiated signal is received with the monitor antenna and supplied to MON. after amplifying and decoding the received signal. The conditions that transfers to the standby TX or halts the transmission shall be followed as below. they are quite accurate.  Monitor the carrier wave and sideband transmission frequencies  Monitor the carrier wave output power  Monitor the signal level received from the monitor antenna  Monitor the carrier wave antenna and sideband antenna  Monitor the DC voltage supplied to each unit The following figure shows the MON block diagram. However. the corresponding MON can be judged as be normal. The MARU 220 Doppler VOR has the function of calibrating these differences so that the MON monitoring results can be matched with the navigation check data.4320MHz Main Clock : Address 10V Buffer EPLD Data Reference BPF AM LPF Discriminator IDENT 1020Hz Demodulator 10Hz Digital to Analog Converter Microprocessor Data SCC BPF FM RS232 Limiter 9960Hz Demodulator [LCU] MUX1 MUX2 In/Out Buffer RS232C Test Signal HPF AM IDENT [from CSU] 9960Hz Demodulator I/O Sampling Clock : 960Hz LPF 150Hz BPF Amp Audio Signal [to LCU] 300~3kHz Changeover LPF Hot Swap Hot Plug-In Control ADC Frequency MUX3 TX1/TX2 Voltage Control 5V [from Backplane] Reference Antenna Carrier Forward Power Hot Plug-In / [from PDC] Hot Swap Analog to Digital Converter Analog Circuitry Power [+15V. The VOR test signals from TSG are processed and read by MON in the same way as the signals received from the monitor antenna. MON executes the following monitoring and diagnosis functions. The calibration factor is saved to the EEPROM of each MON. MON Calibration MON is calibrated by using a standard measuring instrument before sending out from the factory. Others Additionally. Since the VOR test signals generated from TSG are synthesized by a digital method according to a pre-fixed number of reference modulation elements. VOR Signal Data [from Monitor Antenna] BPF SRAM AMP / ATT Demodulator ROM MPU DAC Amp 108~118MHz 18. When a normal number is outputted after MON measures this signal. the VOR signal parameter that MON monitors can be variable according to the setup environment and it can differ from the actual navigation check result. This calibration factor is saved to the system EEPROM so that it can be retained even though the MON unit is replaced. Hardware Description Self-Diagnosis Function It uses the Test Signal Generator (TSG) for the self-diagnosis of MON.Chapter 3. Inc. +5V] Figure 3-40 Block Diagram of MON Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. -15V. All Rights Reserved Page 3-51 . power voltage monitoring circuit and watchdog timer circuit.Chapter 3. +39 dBm OIP3 Detector AD8361 LF to 2. the FAULT LED on the front panel of MON is lighted on. Microprocessor and Peripheral Circuit Microprocessor and Memory U300 is the primary control microprocessor of MON.5. U301 supplies the reset signal to the microprocessor U300 and at the same time monitors the operation status of U300. Integrated Multiprotocol Processor RAM K6T4016 256k x 16 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM EPROM M27C4002 4 Mb (256Kb x 16) UV EPROM Reset IC DS1232 Micro Monitor. All Rights Reserved Page 3-52 . SCC. U301.4 dB NF. MON uses several different types of storage devices as below. The data and address buses of U300 are connected to the peripheral devices through the 3-state buffer U500-U504. as the microprocessor monitor IC.5V (abnormal power voltage) When the reset signal of U301 is outputted. Since the /RESET output signal of U301 is also connected to the /OE pins of bus switches U1800 ~ U1805 via Q1800. U300. Inc. 14 dB Gain. Programmable Logic Device A/D Converter ADC12041 12-bit Parallel Analog-to-Digital Converter D/A Converter AD7945BR 12-bit Parallel Digital-to-Analog Converter MMIC AMP AM1 60-3000 MHz. The followings are the cases that U301 outputs a reset signal.2 seconds (Watchdog timer – Microprocessor error) 4) When the Vcc fall below 4. the I/O signal line of MON is separated from the backplane during the reset period. and 24-bit general GPIO.4.6. programmable timer. includes the reset signal generation circuit. Reset. All the rest of storage devices except for the serial EEPROM are positioned within the memory space of the microprocessor U300.432 MHz to U300. is integrated with the 1152B dual port RAM. 2. Watchdog Timer / Monitor EPLD EPM7064 64 Macrocells. 1) When power is turned on 2) When the reset switched is pressed for a minimum of 250ms 3) When the Address Strobe (AS) signal of U300 is not outputted for over 1. Hardware Description 3.6. based on the M68000 core. Main Parts of MON Part Name P/N Description CPU MC68302 M68000 Core. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The crystal oscillating circuit X300 supplies a clock of 18.5 GHz RMS Power Detector 3. This signal is applied to the variable voltage attenuator of a RF signal processing circuit via the non-reversal buffer consisted of U702 and Q700. U300 executes the program code saved in the EPROM U506. The serial communication port SCC1 of U300 is used to exchange the LCU status information and control data. Although U703 itself is a single channel. The A/D conversion timing. The GPIO port of U400 consists of the latch circuit for the output port and the digital switch circuit for the input port.Chapter 3. is obtained by synchronizing it to the 960 Hz sampling signal supplied from U400. Also. U400 is a programmable logic device (PLD). DAC and ADC The D/A converter of MON is used to automatically adjust the gains of RF signal processing circuit. The address decoder inside of U400 decodes the addresses for each memory and I/O device from the address and control bus signals of U300 and generates the Chip Selection Signals. The output of U700 is converted into the voltage signal from the current-voltage conversion circuit consisted of OP AMP U701. U700 is a 12-bit current output and multiplying D/A converter. MON uses the public EEPROM attached to the backplane. when analyzing the VOR signal element. U900. It includes the logic circuits such as the address decoder and GPIO port. supplies the 10V reference voltage to DAC U700. SCC2 is not used during a normal operation and is reserved for debugging. Hardware Description  EPROM U506: Save the program code and data  SRAM U505: Save the temporary data used when executing a program  EEPROM U507: Save non-volatile parameters Additionally. The A/D conversion is Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-53 . it is multiplexed by the analog switches IC U803. The A/D converter of MON is used to sample each VOR signal element and at the same time used to measure the carrier wave output power and power voltage. Inc. When the microprocessor U300 is initialized after receiving the reset signal. is divided into 1/8192 and generates the 960 Hz sampling signals for A/D converter.86432 MHz from the X400 crystal oscillator. as a precise reference voltage IC. U703 is a 13-bit (data 12-bit and sign 1-bit) parallel A/D converter. U400 receives the reference clock of 7. U800 and U1201 to process several inputs. as a precise reference voltage IC. Hardware Description asynchronously made to the microprocessor U300 control. when measuring the carrier wave output and power voltage. U1701 and U1702 are the hot-swap ICs. supplies the 5V reference voltage to ADC U703. U1800. U703. All Rights Reserved Page 3-54 .Chapter 3. These control ICs are electrically separated from the backplane of power supply lines while in the process of attaching or detaching a unit and prevent the unstable voltage being applied to the internal circuits of the unit. Hot-Swap Control U1700. These bus switches are electrically separated from the backplane of each I/O signal line while in the process of attaching or detaching a unit and prevent the system from an erroneous operation. U1802. U1801. U1804 and U1805 are 10-bit bus switches. Inc. U1803. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The signal received from the antenna is supplied to the Band Pass Filter (BPF) F1101 via the impedance matching circuit.6. The control voltage applied to the voltage attenuation control circuit has the range of 1 V ~ 8 V. The noise signals in addition to the frequency band assigned to VOR are cut- off from F1101. RF Signal Processing Circuit Figure 3-41 RF Signal Processing Circuit The internal RF signal processing circuit of MON filters the frequency band needed from the RF signal received from the field monitor antenna. The pass frequency band of F1101 lies in the range of 108 ~ 118 MHz. The signal amplified to -5 dBm is detected from the AM demodulation circuit U1104 and the VOR composite signal of audio band that has removed the carrier wave is obtained. variable 30Hz signal frequency-modulated to the 9960 Hz sub-carrier wave. and extracts the audio band VOR signal after detecting that. The signals that have passed BPF F1101 are supplied to the RF amplification circuit consisted of the voltage control attenuation circuit made with the PIN diode D1100~D1105 and of the MMIC amplifiers U1100. 1102 and 1103 and are then amplified. All Rights Reserved Page 3-55 . 1101. The total gain of RF signal processing circuit is automatically controlled by the MON software so that -5dBm is constantly outputted for the input signal level range -45 dBm ~ +5 dBm. This signal includes the DC and reference 30Hz signal proportional to the magnitude of carrier wave. RF-amplifies and converts it with a fixed level of about -5 dBm.6. Hardware Description 3.Chapter 3. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc. the 32 data in the back are Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. 3. Finally. Therefore. Although U1201 is the analog switch that can select one of 8 inputs. the data is sampled at the rate of 32 for one cycle of 30Hz signal (32 samples/cycle  960 samples/sec). 150Hz LPF consists of R1305. Reference 30 Hz Signal Process Figure 3-42 Reference 30Hz Signal Process Figure 3-42 shows the processing steps of a reference 30 Hz signal. only the pure reference 30Hz signals are obtained from the VOR composite signals. In other words. only two of them are used here. All Rights Reserved Page 3-56 . 60Hz LPF. The amount of data sampled for one time of signal processing is the amount for two cycles of 30Hz signal processing. the reference 30Hz signals pass through the 1-of-16 analog switch U803 (MUX3) and are converted into the digital data after being sampled from the A/D converter U703. R830. The decoded VOR signal is supplied to the analog signal processing circuit for the signal analysis by each modulation element. as an active one.6. The foremost one from the analog signal processing system is a signal selection switch U1201 (MUX1).7. The extracted signals pass through the 1-of-8 analog switch U800 (MUX2) and again. U1201 is controlled by the MON software and one of these two are selected and passed. Part of this signal is outputted to the test BNC connector (REF 30Hz) attached on the front panel of MON via the OP AMP buffer U802-B. At this time. are supplied to 60Hz LPF. The signals applied to U1201 are the VOR composite signal decoded within the RF signal processing circuit and the test signal generated from the test signal generator (TSG). Inc. The signal that has passed U1201 is supplied to the 150Hz low pass filter (LPF) via the non-reversal amplification circuit of OP AMP U1300. From these.Chapter 3. consists of OP AMP U801. which are 64 samples. MC801 and MC802 and allows passing the signals below 60 Hz. R1306 and MC1300 and the signal elements below 150 Hz are passed and the rest are cut- off. the sampling frequency is 1/ 960 second. Hardware Description and IDENT signal. R826. Variable 30 Hz Signal Process Figure 3-43 Steps of Variable 30Hz Signal Process The figure 3-43 above shows the processing steps of variable 30Hz signal. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. MUX2 and MUX3 is selected. A30Hz m30Hz  A0 Hz Also by taking the real number part and imaginary number part of 30Hz elements. the first 32 data are not used. the band modulation degree of reference 30Hz signal can be calculated according to the equation below. Inc. By taking the DC and 30Hz elements from these.8. the magnitude shown in a complex number with the respective frequency elements in the interval of 30Hz from the range of 0 Hz (DC) ~ 480 Hz is obtained from the FFT result. Hardware Description used in processing the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Since the sampling frequency is 960Hz and the used data are 32.6. Im( A30Hz )  REF  arctan Re( A30Hz ) 3.Chapter 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-57 . the phase of reference 30Hz signal can be calculated according to the equation below. Since it is possible to have incorrect data for a certain period of time until the signal is stabilized after the path corresponding to the respective analog switches of MUX1. In other words. This signal is filtered from the 9960 Hz band pass filter U1401 via the OP AMP buffer U1400-A. The detected variable 30Hz signal is supplied to the 60Hz active low pass filter U801-B via the 1-of-8 analog switch (MUX2) U800 and buffer circuit U801-A. receives the 491520 Hz clock signal from U400 and constructs the band pass filter circuit below the pass bandwidth 1 kHz of the intermediate frequency 9960 Hz. the first 32 data are not used. Q1403. Here. Since this signal includes the unnecessary DC elements. After the filtered signal is amplified to the approximate magnitude of peak-to-peak 5V from U1400-B. All Rights Reserved Page 3-58 . The frequency discriminator consists of the diodes D1404 ~ D1411.Chapter 3. Hardware Description Same as the processing steps of other analog signals. the capacitors MC1405 and MC1406. The signal that has passed U1201 passes through the limiter circuit consisted of D1400. MUX2 and MUX3 is selected. the 32 data in the back are used in processing the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The amount of data sampled for one time of signal processing is the amount for two cycles of 30Hz signal processing. which are 64 samples. U1201 is controlled by the MON software and one of these two is selected and passed. From these. the demodulated VOR composite signal in the RF signal process circuit and the test signal generated from the test signal generator (TSG) are applied to U1201. the variable 30Hz signals pass through the 1-of-16 analog switch U803 and are converted into the digital data after being sampled from the A/D converter U703. the sampling frequency is 1/ 960 second. and the integrator constructed with the OP AMP U1403-A and capacitor MC1407. Finally. U401. Q1404 and Q1405. the pure variable 30Hz elements are extracted by using the attenuator circuit consisted of OP AMP U1403-B. D1401 and Q1400 and the amplitude-modulated elements are removed. as a switched capacitor filter. At this time. the data is sampled at the rate of 32 for one cycle of 30Hz signal (32 samples/cycle  960 samples/sec). The variable 30Hz signal frequency-modulated to the 9960 Hz sub-carrier wave via the frequency discriminator is demodulated. Part of this signal is outputted to the test BNC connector (VAR 30 Hz) attached on the front panel of MON via the OP AMP buffer U1404-A. the unnecessary signal elements more than 60Hz are removed. Inc. it is supplied to the frequency discriminator circuit via the differential amplifiers Q1402. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Since it is possible to have incorrect data for a certain period of time until the signal is stabilized after the path corresponding to the respective analog switches of MUX1. Hardware Description Since the sampling frequency is 960Hz and the used data are 32. f max f max    K  A30Hz f mod 30 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. By taking the real number part and imaginary number part of 30Hz elements. Inc.6. the magnitude shown in a complex number with the respective frequency elements in the interval of 30Hz from the range of 0 Hz (DC) ~ 480 Hz is obtained from the FFT result. the phase of variable 30Hz signal can be calculated according to the equation below. All Rights Reserved Page 3-59 .Chapter 3. the FM index () from the magnitude of 30Hz elements can be calculated.8. Therefore. the amplitude of output signal is proportional to the maximum frequency deviation of original signal. Im( A30Hz ) VAR  arctan Re( A30Hz ) Since the phase of reference 30Hz is calculated from the section 3. the azimuth can be calculated according to the equation below if the phase of variable 30Hz can be known.   VAR   REF The output signal magnitude from the transmission characteristics of frequency discriminator is proportional to the deviation of instantaneous frequency. A30Hz  f max Also since the variable 30Hz signal is fixed with the frequency 30Hz at the time of being modulated. Measuring the AM Degree of 9960 Hz Sub-carrier Wave Signal Figure 3-44 Measuring the AM Degree of 9960 Hz Sub-carrier Wave Signal Figure 3-44 shows the steps of measuring the amplitude modulation degree of 9960 Hz FM sub-carrier wave signal. The amplitude modulation degree of the 9960 Hz FM sub-carrier wave signal can be calculated according to the equation below. the demodulated VOR composite signal in the RF signal process circuit and the test signal generated from the test signal generator (TSG) are applied to U1201. The pure DC elements obtained through the above described process again pass through the analog switch U803 (MUX3). Since these unnecessary signal elements need to be eliminated to obtain the 9960 Hz AM modulation degree. This DC signal is supplied to the 60Hz active low pass filter (LPF) U801 after passing through the analog switch U800 (MUX2). Hardware Description 3. U1201 is controlled by the MON software and one of these two is selected and passed.6. Since the unnecessary AC elements from the signals converted into DC can be left over. are sampled from the A/D converter U703. the high pass filter (HPF) is used. and are converted into the digital data.9. Same as the processing steps of other analog signals.Chapter 3. The VOR composite signal that has passed U1201 includes the reference 30Hz signal and 1020Hz IDENT in addition to the 9960 Hz FM sub-carrier wave. Inc. U801 eliminates these and allows only the DC elements passing through. as an active HPF. U1601. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-60 . allows only the 9960 Hz sub- carrier wave elements passing through. The signal that has passed through the U1603 HPF is converted to the DC signal from the precise full-wave AM demodulation circuit consisted of D1600 and D1601. VDC as the elements corresponding to the 9960 Hz sub-carrier wave has the magnitude of DC elements obtained above and A0Hz as the elements corresponding to the primary carrier wave signal has the magnitude of DC elements obtained from the processing steps of reference 30Hz signal. All Rights Reserved Page 3-61 . Hardware Description A9960Hz VDC m9960Hz   A0 Hz A0 Hz Here.Chapter 3. Inc. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. 60 Hz LPF U801. the rest of unnecessary signals are filtered here. The composite signal that has passed through the OP AMP buffer U1200-A is applied to the 1020 Hz band pass filter (BPF) U1500. The A/D converter U703 samples the inputted signal and converts into the digital data. via the OP AMP buffer U1501-A. Same to the processing steps of other signal elements. the VOR composite signal demodulated from the RF signal processing circuit is inputted to the analog switch U1201 for other analog signal processing and at the same time is supplied to the OP AMP buffer U1200-A for the IDENT signal processing. 1020 Hz IDENT Signal Process Figure 3-45 Measuring the Amplitude Modulation Degree of 1020 Hz IDENT Signal Figure 3-45 shows the steps of measuring the amplitude modulation degree of IDENT signal. Inc. as a switched capacitor filter.10.6. the signals that have passed 10 Hz LPF are inputted to the A/D converter U703 via the analog switch U803 (MUX3). 58.1 baud/sec). and again analog switch U803 (MUX3). All Rights Reserved Page 3-62 . operates after receiving the clock signal of 61440 Hz from U400. Since these elements can interfere in processing the IDENT signal. As shown in the figure. Hardware Description 3. The signals converted into DC can include the signals of high frequency elements in addition to the Morse code IDENT signal that is keyed at the rate of 7 words per minute (≒ 350 baud/min. and this data is processed by the MON software to get the amplitude modulation degree of IDENT signal. U1500. The OP AMP U1503 consists the active low pass filter (LPF) circuit that is used here. they are filtered by using the LPF with the cut-off frequency of about 10 Hz. The IDENT signal that has passed BPF is converted into the DC signal from the precise full-wave AM demodulation circuit consisted of the diodes D1500 and D1501 and the OP AMP U1502. While the IDENT signal of the frequency 1020 Hz passes through this BPF. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 3. By doing so. The microprocessor U300 reads the TTL level IDENT signal status that is entered to U605 every 1. MON software detects the time that this level is changed from the state of ‘L’ to ‘H’ and measures the time between these two. Figure 3-46 IDENT Signal Code Decoding The IDENT signal that has passed the 10 Hz LPF U1503 is inputted to the A/D converter for measuring the amplitude modulation degree and at the same time converted in to the TTL level from the level conversion circuit consisted of the OP comparator U1503 and transistor Q1500 for the code decoding. Figure 3-46 shows the steps of decoding the codes of IDENT signal. the ‘IDENT’ LED on the front panel is operated by using Q1501 to indicate the IDENT visually. Inc. and then decode the Morse code from that. Figure 3-47 Timing of Morse Code IDENT Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Together with these.Chapter 3. the code carried with the IDENT signal in a form of Morse code needs to be decoded to check whether the code and repetition cycle is transmitted according to the rules. The IDENT signal converted into the TTL level is sent to the microprocessor U300 via the 3-state data buffer IC U605. Hardware Description In addition to the modulation degree of IDENT signal. Figure 3-47 shows the timing of Morse code IDENT signal.04ms by using the timer interrupt of 960 Hz cycle. All Rights Reserved Page 3-63 . calculate the merit (DOT) and demerit (DASH) and the interval and order mix of PAUSE. All Rights Reserved Page 3-64 .Chapter 3. MON software opens the gate of this counter for exactly 400ms and counts the signals inputted. Measuring the SYN Output Frequency Figure 3-48 Measuring the SYN Output Frequency The signals dividing each output frequency into 40 from the SYN of CMA and SMA are all transmitted to MON and inputted to the 8-input multiplexer IC U1001.11.6. The selected signal is applied to the input TIN1 of the microprocessor U300 programmable timer 1. Hence. the actual frequency is obtained by multiplying 2. The output TOUT1 of timer 1 is cascaded to the input TIN2 of timer 2 and constructs a 24-bit programmable counter as a whole. U1001 is controlled by the MON software and selects the signal to be measured. Hardware Description 3. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.5 (= 1 sec / 400 ms) to the number read by the counter. Inc. MON software generates an alarm when the measured frequency goes beyond the allowable setting range. Monitoring the Status of Sideband Antenna PDC compares the magnitude of the reflective wave voltage generated from the sideband path with the fixed reference voltage and sends the result to MON. judges that the carrier wave antenna is having a trouble and generates the antenna alarm. judges that the sideband antenna is having a trouble and generates the antenna alarm. Monitoring the Status of Transmission Antenna Figure 3-49 Timing Diagram for Monitoring the Status of Transmission Antenna MARU 220 DVOR checks the abnormality by monitoring the status of the carrier wave antenna and each sideband antenna in operation and can indicate which antenna is having a trouble when an abnormality exists among the sideband antennas. Monitoring the Status of Carrier Wave Antenna PDC compares the magnitude of the reflective wave voltage generated from the carrier wave path with that of the reference and sends the result to MON.6. This status signal is inputted to the 3-state data buffer U604 and is read by the microprocessor U300. Hardware Description 3. if this signal level is maintained with ‘L’ for a certain period of time. All Rights Reserved Page 3-65 . MON software. if this signal level is maintained with ‘L’ for a certain period of time.Chapter 3. Inc. MON software.12. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. This status signal is inputted to the 3-state data buffer U604 and is read by the microprocessor U300. is an amplitude-modulated signal. The data exchanged at this time are the status values that show whether or not the Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The data exchange between two monitors is essential to determine the executive action such as switching to the standby TX or interrupting the TX by detecting the abnormality of a monitor. At least one cycle of modulated signal data is taken and averaged to indicate the average output power. sampled to detect the output level from PDC. MON software. Also. whenever a periodic interrupt occurs. 3. By doing so. it is provided with the 30Hz trigger signal synchronized to the antenna rotation cycle from MSG via CSU and the 2880Hz clock signal. Measuring the Output Level of Carrier Wave The output level of sideband wave is detected from PDC and sent to MON. Inc.13. The carrier wave output detection signal sent to MON passes through the analog switch U803 (MUX3) and is converted into the digital data from the A/D converter U703. All Rights Reserved Page 3-66 . checks the level of sideband antenna status signal at that point from PDC and detects the sideband antenna number with a trouble. 3. it issues another interrupt to the microprocessor U300 at the rotation cycle start point of the sideband antenna by using the 30Hz trigger signal. Since the carrier wave output signal. the magnitude of the signal sent to MON gets changed periodically.6. MON software defines and uses the variables of indicating the sideband antenna number that is internally selected.6.14. Whenever an interrupt is issued by the trigger signal. Interface between MONs MARU 220 DVOR uses two independent monitors. this variable is initialized and this variable’s value is increased whenever the interrupt by the 2880 Hz clock occurs.Chapter 3. MON software in this signal takes 64 data samples at a time and calculates the average of the last 32 samples. it issues an interrupt to the microprocessor U300 whenever the antenna switching occurs by using the 2880Hz clock signal. MON software can recognize the antenna number selected at the point whenever the sideband antenna is switched. it can be shared by MSG and MON. More or less. Since this lookup table is saved to the non-volatile memory attached on the system backplane. Hardware Description In order to detect the antenna number that is having a trouble among the 48 sideband antennas. A software type of lookup table is used to get the output power shown in watts from this calculated value. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. TSG generates the test signals by synthesizing in a digital method according to the equation. U602 and U603 is connected to the data bus of the microprocessor U300 and controlled by the MON software. All Rights Reserved Page 3-67 .Chapter 3. Since the maximum input voltage of the A/D converter U703 that includes MON is 5V. In the normal times. The current system status that has monitored each monitor is outputted to the 8-bit data latch IC U602.’ it means that the radiated signal is not right and an alarm has occurred. Each voltage on two backplanes are divided into the voltages of 3~4V through the resistors R905~R934 and they are applied to the A/D converter U703 via the OP AMP buffer U903 and analog switch U803. This data are exchanged from each other through U602 and U603.16. 3. The lowest bit (b0) among the 8-bit data exchanged between two monitors indicates whether the signal radiated is right or not and if this bit is ‘L. The signals applied to U1201 are the demodulated VOR composite signal in the RF signal processing circuit and the test signal generated from the test signal generator (TSG). the input voltage should be divided to be less than 5V to measure each power voltage. Inc. Measuring the Backplane Supply Voltage Apart from the voltage and current measured internally within PSS by LCU. Hardware Description monitoring result of each monitor is right. Operator judges which test signal TSG is to output and operator controls it through LCU.15. The output of U602 is connected to the 3-state data buffer U603 of the other party. the respective voltages supplied to the backplane of CMS and MAS are monitored by MON. TSG can output one among the 16 test signals numbered from 0 to 16 as shown in the following table. Self Test The foremost one in the analog signal processing system is the signal selection switch U1201 (MUX1). Hence. The signal processing steps from then on are identical. If the respective voltages measured in this way goes beyond a setting range. the corresponding alarm is generated.6. only the one with ‘0’ is used and it is used to check the monitor in the preventive maintenance process. the respective parameters of these test signals are fixed in advance and precise signals are obtained without an error.6. U1201 is controlled by the MON software and allows passing through by selecting one of two signals. 3. Chapter 3.6. it is not advisable for several reasons to change over the relay contact point while the high-power RF signal is applied. The outputs of two transmitters are either sent to the antenna by the coaxial relay and RF relay included in PDC or connected to the dummy load. Hardware Description MON software periodically analyzes the test signals generated from TSG and calculates each signal parameter and checks whether or not the error is within the allowable range.17.5° Azimuth Alarm 3 20% 30% 16 180° 30Hz AM Depth Lower Limit Alarm 4 40% 30% 16 180° 30Hz AM Depth Upper Limit Alarm 5 30% 20% 16 180° 9960Hz AM Depth Lower Limit Alarm 6 30% 40% 16 180° 9960Hz AM Depth Upper Limit Alarm 7 30% 30% 14. Inc. this Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Table 3-1 Test Signals Outputted from TSG 9960Hz 30Hz AM 30Hz FM No.5 180° 30Hz FM Index Lower Limit Alarm 8 30% 30% 17. All Rights Reserved Page 3-68 . However since MSG controls the RF output.5° Azimuth Alarm 2 30% 30% 16 181. MON can’t directly cut-off the transmission output. However. the steps of changing over to the transmitter are to reverse the routine by controlling the relay. it judges that the monitor itself is having an trouble. Hence. Therefore. Hence. When the analysis result of this test signal exceeds the allowable range. it is advisable to cut-off the RF output temporarily before changing over the relay contact point. AM Azimuth Remarks Depth Mod-Index Depth 0 30% 30% 16 180° REF 1 30% 30% 16 178.5 180° 30Hz FM Index Upper Limit Alarm 9 30% 0% 16 0° 30Hz Only 10 0% 30% 16 0° 10kHz Only 11 30% 30% 16 0° Calibration 12 30% 30% 16 45° Calibration 13 30% 30% 16 270° Calibration 14 30% 30% 15 0° Calibration 15 30% 30% 17 0° Calibration 3. Transmitter Changeover Control The changeover function from the primary transmitter (TX) to the standby transmitter is controlled by MON and the interface circuits related to it are all included in CSU. the path connected to the antenna is changed while maintaining the ON/OFF state of the transmitter. MON sends the relay changeover signal to CSU. the standby transmitter waiting up until now Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. 8) Each MSG waits for the hardware flag in CSU to get cleared and restores that to the original transmission output. the process that the transmitter is changed over is somewhat different. All Rights Reserved Page 3-69 . the path connected to the antenna is changed over while the transmitter active up until now becomes off and the transmitter in the standby state becomes on. 7) MON clears the hardware flag in CSU to recover the transmission output again. 7) When the relay changeover is confirmed. There are two cases that the transmitter is changed over.Chapter 3. 4) MON monitors the transmission output and MSG waits until the transmission output is temporarily cut-off. One is that it is automatically changed over by detecting a serious problem when the monitor is in the active state or user manually changes over regardless of the monitor status. MON sends the relay changeover signal to CSU. Changeover by a Manual Operation In this case. Hardware Description process is made in the way of signaling indirectly to MSG by using the hard flag included in CSU. Inc. 3) MSG reads this hardware flag periodically and cuts-off the transmitter output temporarily if it is set. 2) MON sets the hardware flag within CSU. 3) MSG reads this hardware flag periodically and cuts-off the transmitter output temporarily if it is set. 1) Judge which one is active or standby first by reading the contact point status of the PDC coaxial relay from CSU. 5) If the cut-off of the transmission output is confirmed. 6) MON checks whether or not the relay is changed over by reading the contact point status from CSU. Automatic Changeover When the Monitor Is in the Active State In this case. 6) MON checks whether or not the relay is changed over by reading the contact point status from CSU. 5) If the cut-off of the transmission output is confirmed. 4) MON monitors the transmission output and MSG waits until the transmission output is temporarily cut-off. According to the cases. 2) MON sets the hardware flag within CSU. 1) Judge which one is active or standby first by reading the contact point status of the PDC coaxial relay from CSU. All Rights Reserved Page 3-70 . Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. the transmitter currently in an active state becomes off. 9) MON clears the hardware flag in CSU to recover the transmission output again. In other words. two transmitters become off and the system gets shutdown. 10)Each MSG waits for the hardware flag in CSU to get cleared and restores that to the original transmission output. the primary transmitter that has been active becomes off. Inc. 8) Reversely.Chapter 3. If a serious problem occurs even after the transmitter is changed over. Hardware Description becomes on. 7. MSG 3.7.1. All Rights Reserved Page 3-71 . Inc. Hardware Description 3.Chapter 3. Appearance of MSG Front Panel of MSG Figure 3-50 Front Panel of MSG LEDs LED Name Color Description POWER Green ON: When power is normally supplied OFF: When power is cut-off TxD Green When MSG is transmitting data to LCU RxD Green When MSG is receiving data from LCU FAULT Red When a reset or trouble of MSG has occurred Switches Name Description RESET The switch that resets the MSG CPU Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The voice signal is included into the composite signal by receiving an external input. ADC Ref. All Rights Reserved Page 3-72 .Chapter 3.V Amp U904 U1000 U1003 U1404 U1405 Data Ant. Inc. U601 PLD U1102 U1302 U1800 U1801 U700 Address USB SIN BNC TP Ref.V DAC Amp U1106 U1300 Data SIN Reset Logic U1301 U301 11. which are the sideband modulation signals.864320MHz [X700] Data -15V / 200mA Max PWR TxD RxD HALT Ref. By measuring the phase error between carrier wave and two sideband signals. it adjusts the voltage applied to the phase regulator of SMA to correct it.796480MHz [X701] Data Hot Swap Controls 7.2. The function of keying the fixed IDENT code into the Morse code includes of generating the IDENT signal. This signal is supplied to ASU via CSU.7. Hardware Description 3.4320MHz [X1001] EPROM U1100 Amp U1203 Amp STATUS Out U702 U1101 U1202 STATUS In B-DATA EPROM USB COS BNC TP U600 DAC Amp COS U1200 EXT.V DAC LSB Phase Amp +15V / 200mA Max LED LED LED LED U1706 U1704 U1705 +5V / 500mA Max DAC USB Phase Amp U1702 U1703 Figure 3-51 Internal Configuration of MSG Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. U1504-1505 LSB/USB 9960 Phase Com BNC TP COMP U1400-1403 VOICE DAC Amp Voice AM Amp DAC Amp COMP U906 U1002 Power DET. it controls the system variables such as transmission output and modulation degree.  Generate the composite signal that consists of the carrier wave modulation signal that is the 30Hz reference phase signal.  Set the oscillating frequency of SYN in CMA and two SMAs. Features of MSG MSG generates the respective modulation signal and antenna switching control signal and supplies them to ASU.  Control the amplitudes of carrier wave and sideband modulation signals and set the respective transmission outputs. IDENT and voice. Timing DAC 30Hz DAC 30Hz AM Amp Amp U800 U900 C-DATA U801 U901 EPROM ID Sound MAS Cotrols MPU U701 DAC Amp 1020Hz DAC Amp MUX ID Amp Hot Plug-In Controls U803 U903 U909 PLD U300 U400 U802 U902 U1001 Keying DC 10V DAC COS DAC LSB COS 18. This signal is supplied to CMA. EEPROM S/W EEPROM U1201 U1802 U603 DAC SIN DAC LSB SIN SRAM U1103 Amp U1303 Amp TxD / RxD RS232C Temp. These signals are supplied to each SMA. Also.  Generate the control signal for switching the antenna. which is the transmission frequency of the system.  Automatically control the phase of RF signal to be transmitted.  Generate the SIN blending signal and COS blending signal.  Measure each transmission output and monitor the internal temperature of MSG. Microprocessor and Peripheral Circuits U300 is the microprocessor for the main control of LCU. it monitors whether U300 operates normally. Reset. U301 supplies a reset signal to the microprocessor U300 and at the same time. The crystal oscillating circuit X1001 supplies a clock of 29. the FAULT LED lamp on the front panel of LCU is lighted on. All Rights Reserved Page 3-73 . Hardware Description 3. The cases that U301 outputs a reset signal follow as below. Watchdog Timer / Monitor EPLD EPM7128 128 Macrocells. Inc. programmable timer. power monitor circuit and watchdog timer circuit.2 seconds or more (Watchdog timer – microprocessor error) 4) When the Vcc voltage falls below 4. and 24-bit general GPIO are integrated within the chip.Chapter 3. Since the /RESET output signal of U301 is also connected to the /OE pin of the bus switches U1903 ~ U1907 via Q300.12-bit Serial.7. includes the reset signal generation circuit.5V (abnormal power voltage) When the reset signal of U301 is outputted. U300 is based on the M68000 core and the 1152-byte dual port RAM. U301.7. MSG uses the following storage devices different from each other. Programmable Logic Device A/D Converter AD7888 8-Channel. Integrated Multiprotocol Processor RAM K6T4016 256k x 16 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM EPROM M27C4002 4 Mb (256Kb x 16) UV EPROM Reset IC DS1232 Micro Monitor.4. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. the I/O signal line of LCU is separated from the backplane during the reset period. Main Parts of MSG Part Name P/N Description CPU MC68302 M68000 Core. Parallel. The data and address buses of U300 are connected to the peripheral devices through the 3-state buffer U500-U504.4912 MHz to U300. Digital-to-Analog Converter 3.3. Analog-to-Digital Converter D/A Converter AD7945BR 12-bit. 125 kSPS. Programmable Logic Device EPLD EPM7192 192 Macrocells. as the microprocessor monitor circuit IC. All the rest of storage devices except for the serial EEPROM are positioned within the memory space of the microprocessor U300. serial communication controller (SCC). 1) When power is turned on 2) When the reset switch is pressed for 250ms or more 3) When the Address Strobe (AS) of U300 is not outputted for 1. The 30Hz reference phase signal and 1020Hz IDENT should have an accurate sine wave and at the same time. Inc.  Voice. as the audio signal of 300 ~ 3000 Hz. The analog switch U1802 is controlled by the microprocessor U300 so that the MSG software can access the data of two EEPROMs. as the reference signal of measuring the azimuth. the frequency should be highly stabilized. It includes the logic circuits such as the address decoder and GPIO port. is synchronized to the control signal for switching the antenna. 3.  SCC1: The RS-232C serial communication for exchanging data with LCU  SCC2: The RS-232C serial communication for software debugging and factory test  SCC3: The 3-lined serial data interface (SPI) for controlling the A/D converter U1404 U400 is a programmable logic device (PLD).5.  The 30Hz reference phase signal. the 30Hz reference phase signal should be phase-synchronized to the antenna switching signal and the phase offset should be precisely controlled.Chapter 3. The 3 serial communication ports included in U300 are used for the following purposes. The amplitude modulation degree of each element is individually controlled by adjusting the magnitude of the corresponding elements included within the composite signal. The address decoder inside of ELPD U400 decodes the addresses for each memory and I/O device and generates the Chip Selection Signals.  IDENT is obtained by keying the 1020Hz sine wave into the preset Morse code. Hardware Description  EPROM U600 and U601: Store the program code and data  SRAM U601: Store the temporary data used during the program execution  EEPROM U603: Store the non-volatile parameters Additionally. MSG uses the public EEPROM attached to the backplane. All Rights Reserved Page 3-74 . Also.  The carrier wave level in the modulation process is determined according to the magnitude of DC elements included here. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The GPIO port of U400 consists of the latch circuit for the output port and the digital switch circuit for the input port.7. from the address bus and control bus signals of the microprocessor U300. IDENT and voice are overlapped on a fixed magnitude of DC. is included to the composite modulation signal when having an external input. The EEPROM U603 inside of MSG and the public EEPROM attached to the backplane are multiplexed by the analog switch U1802. Modulation Signal Generation for Carrier Wave The modulation signal for carrier wave is the composite signal that the 30Hz reference phase signal. 864320 MHz clock from the crystal oscillator X700 and uses it.Chapter 3. The phase control of 30Hz reference phase signal is made by supplying the phase offset value from the microprocessor U300 to the EPLD U700. The address signals of EPROM U701 and the write signals of D/A converters U800 and U803 are made by the EPLD U700.1 ° in the range of 0 ° ~ 359. Inc. The trigger signal for the phase-synchronization between 30Hz reference phase signal and antenna switching signal are made within U700 in the same way. In order to generate these signals. Hardware Description The 30Hz and 1020Hz signals are digitally synthesized by using the Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) technology for these. Since the phase offset data have the 14-bit length. Accordingly. Since U800 and U803 are the current- output type of D/A converters. the output of U802 or 1020Hz signal is inputted to the reference voltage input (VREF) pin of D/A converter U903 for the control of modulation degree.9 °. The 30Hz signal wave data read from U701 are sent to the D/A converter U800 and the 1020Hz signal wave data to the D/A converter U803 and they are converted into the analog signals. DDS is the technology of generating the sine wave of having accurate frequencies by reading the numeric data of the wave saved within the memory and by sending them to the D/A converter. The numeric data of 30Hz and 1020Hz signal waves are saved in the EPROM U701. they are converted into the voltage output by using the precise operation amplifiers U801 and U802. Since U900 is a multiplying D/A converter. U701 is separated by the odd-numbered addresses and even-numbered addresses and the 30Hz signal wave data are saved to the even-numbered addresses and the 1020Hz signal wave data to the odd-numbered addresses. U700 receives the 7. it can be adjusted by 0. All Rights Reserved Page 3-75 . Since U903 is a multiplying D/A converter. the signal inputted to the VREF pin is amplitude-adjusted by the inputted data value and appears on the output pin (IOUT1). The phase of generated signals can be precisely controlled digitally by controlling the timing of taking out the wave data from the memory by using the DDS technology. The output of U801 or 30Hz reference phase signal is inputted to the reference voltage input (VREF) pin of D/A converter U900 for the control of modulation degree. In the same way. The current output of U900 is converted to a voltage by U901. the 30Hz reference phase signal is accurately delayed to the offset set by the synchronization trigger signal and outputted. The D/A converter U800 and U803 receive an accurate +10V power from the reference voltage U1106 and use it as the reference voltage. the signal inputted to the VREF pin is amplitude-adjusted Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The current output of U903 is converted into a voltage output by U902. The voice signal is inputted through the microphone jack or line input on the front panel of CSU and is provided to MSG via the voice signal processing circuit (VOP) within the CSP unit. This signal is inputted again to the reference voltage input (VREF) pin of the D/A converter U1002 for the amplitude control. the amplitude-adjusted composite signal is outputted to the output (IOUT1) pin of U1002. which is combined with the addition circuit consisting of the operation amplifier U1000 together with the precise +10V reference voltage (DC). the signal inputted to VREF is amplitude-adjusted according to the inputted data value and appears on the output (IOUT1) pin. Since U906 is a multiplying D/A converter. The current output of U906 is converted into a voltage output by U904. The Morse code keying is either controlled by the MSG software in the microprocessor U300 or mad by receiving the keying signal from the collocated DME. The voice signal supplied to MSG is inputted to the reference voltage input (VREF) pin of the D/A converter U906 for the control of modulation degree. The current output of U1002 is converted into a voltage output by U1003. Each modulation signal made through the process described above becomes the composite signal for the modulation of carrier wave. All Rights Reserved Page 3-76 . Hence. Inc.Chapter 3. The signal keyed by the MSG software and the keying signal are all inputted to the EPLD U700. One of two keying signals is selected according the system setting within the internal logic circuit of U700 and the selected signal controls the ON/OFF functions of the analog switch U909. This signal is inputted to the analog switch U909 for keying the Morse code again. Hardware Description by the inputted data value and appears on the output pin (IOUT1). Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. In order to accomplish it. The blending signal is used to obtain the continuous rotation effect of sideband antenna and it can be divided into the COS blending signal and SIN blending signal that are supplied to the odd- numbered antenna and even-numbered antenna respectively. the blending signal uses the DDS technology in the same way as the carrier wave modulation and is digitally synthesized. The numeric data of blending signal wave is saved in EPROM U702.7. Hardware Description 3. the sideband output power can be adjusted by controlling the amplitude of blending signal and as the result the amplitude modulation degree of 9960Hz sub-carrier wave can be adjusted. Figure 3-52 Blending Signal Waveforms The amplitude of blending signal determines the sideband output power and this fixes the amplitude modulation degree of 9960Hz sub-carrier wave. Inc.6. All Rights Reserved Page 3-77 . U702 is separated by the odd-numbered and even-numbered addresses and the COS signal waveform data is in the odd-numbered addresses and the SIN signal waveform data in the even-numbered addresses. The basic blending signal holds the rectified sine wave form as shown in the figure 3-52 and the COS blending signal and SIN blending signal have a 90°phase difference from each other. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Since 4 types of blending waveform data are saved in U702 and one of them can be selected and used. Therefore. same to the 30Hz reference phase signal. should be highly stabilized and phase-synchronized to the control signal of switching the antenna. Modulation Signal Generation for Sideband The modulation signals for sideband are two 720Hz blending signals.Chapter 3. The frequency of blending signal. U1300 and U1303 are all the multiplying D/A converter. Since U1200. Hardware Description The COS signal waveform data read from U702 is sent to the D/A converter U1100 and the SIN signal waveform data to the D/A converter U1103 and they are converted into the analog signals. U1203 (LSB COS). All Rights Reserved Page 3-78 . Inc. However in order to generate the blending signal unlike the carrier wave modulation signal. The current output is converted into the voltage output range of 0 V ~ -10 V by U1201.796480 MHz clock from the crystal oscillator X701 and uses that. it receives the 11. The reason that the blending signal waveform is reversed from the figure is because SMA requires the ‘-’ modulation signal. they are converted into the voltage output by using the precise operation amplifiers U1101 and U1102. U1202. U1203. Each blending signal is inputted respectively to the reference voltage input (VREF) pine of D/A converter U1200 (USB COS).Chapter 3. The output of U1101 and U1103 or the COS blending signal and SIN blending signal are divided into LSB and USB. Since U1100 and U1103 are the current-output type of D/A converters. The address signal of EPROM U702 and the write signal of D/A converters U1100 and U1103 are made by the EPLD U700 together with the carrier wave modulation signal. Figure 3-53 shows the timing of basic COS and SIN blending signals. the signal inputted to the VREF pin is amplitude-adjusted by the inputted data value and appears on the output (IOUT1) pin. U1300 (USB SIN) and U1303 (LSB SIN). The D/A converter U1100 and U1103 receive an accurate +10V power from the reference voltage IC U1106 and use it as the reference voltage. U1301 and U1302. 1/60 sec 1/60 sec COS Blending SIN Blending 10V 10V 1/720 sec 1/720 sec 1/1440 sec Figure 3-53 COS/SIN Blending Signal Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Figure 3-54 shows the timing of antenna switching signal. Hardware Description 3. The antenna switching signal is supplied separately by the odd-numbered (COS) signal and even-numbered (SIN) signal. the antenna switching signal is generated within the internal logic circuit of EPLD U700 by receiving the 11. in addition to the signal supplied to ASU. U700. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. is initialized. Switching Signal Generation for Antenna The antenna switching signal is the signal to control the switching operation of ASU to obtain the rotation effect of sideband antenna. the trigger signal with the pulse width of 127ns is accurately generated at every 1/30 second within the EPLD U700. In order to accomplish these. the phase of even-numbered (SIN) switching signal is delayed by 1/1440 second from that of odd-numbered (COS) switching signal.7. Also. after the time delay corresponding to the azimuth offset set from this point. the sequential logic circuit for the generation of 30Hz reference phase. Each switching signal consists of the LSB/USB toggling signal 1-bit and selection signal 4-bits for selecting one of 12 antennas within one group (refer to the paragraph 3. For the phase synchronization. The sequential logic circuit for the generation of antenna switching signal and blending signal is initialized at the rising point of this trigger signal. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-79 .Chapter 3. The frequency and timing of antenna switching signal should be very accurate and should be precisely phase-synchronized with the 30Hz reference phase signal and blending signal.796480 MHz clock from the crystal oscillator X701. One of the antenna switching signals generated respectively from the MSG of TX1 and TX2 is selected by the selection circuit in CSU and the level is converted and supplied to ASU. generates two timing signals that are supplied to MON for monitoring the status of sideband antennas. As shown in the figure.4.1.7. which are the 30Hz trigger signal and 2880Hz clock signal that are synchronized to the antenna rotation cycle. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-80 . Timing 48 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 2 USB SIN Ant. Timing 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 1 USB COS Ant. Chapter 3. Timing 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 1/60 sec 1/720 sec SIN Toggle LSB SIN Ant. Hardware Description 1/30 sec variability Reference 30Hz 0 ~ 359.9 Deg variability 1/720 sec COS Blending SIN Blending 1/1440 sec 1/720 sec COS Toggle LSB COS Ant. Timing 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 127ns MSG Internal Sync 30Hz VSWR 2880Hz Figure 3-54 Timing of Antenna Switching Signal Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. 10 6 Ant. 2 8 2 Ant. 4 3 Ant. 46 1011 24. 6 TOGGLE Module 4 Ant. 30 5 Ant. 14 8 Ant. 32 6 0100 10. 26 2 SIN SEL Ant. Pairs Ant. 28 3 0000 2. 40 0111 16. Hardware Description SIN Antenna Select Module 2 48 1 4 46 Ant. 32 0010 6. 22 Antenna 12 Switching Ant.Chapter 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-81 . 42 1000 18. 44 Ant. 38 0110 14. 18 30 10 28 Ant. 36 7 0101 12. Ant. Ant. 36 Ant. 42 10 1001 20. 48 Antenna 12 Switching Ant. 34 Ant. 38 8 Ant. 16 9 Ant. 24 Logic SIN Antenna Select 1 Ant. 28 Ant. 26 Ant. 34 0011 8. 12 7 LSB SIN Ant. 20 22 24 26 11 ASU . 48 1100 ~ Don’t Care Logic SIN Antenna Pairs SIN TOGGLE SIN SEL[3. 40 9 Ant. Inc. 46 ASU .. 8 5 USB SIN Ant. 44 11 1010 22.0] Figure 3-55 COS Antenna Switching Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. 30 4 0001 4. Chapter 3. Hardware Description COS Antenna Select Module 1 1 3 47 45 Ant. 1 5 2 Ant. 3 3 Ant. 5 TOGGLE Module 4 Ant. 7 5 USB COS Ant. 9 6 Ant. 11 7 LSB COS Ant. 13 8 Ant. 15 9 Ant. 17 10 21 29 Ant. 19 23 25 27 11 ASU - Ant. 21 Antenna 12 Switching Ant. 23 Logic COS Antenna Select 1 Ant. 25 2 COS SEL Ant. Pairs Ant. 27 3 0000 1, 25 Ant. 29 0001 3, 27 4 Ant. 31 0010 5, 29 5 Ant. 33 0011 7, 31 6 0100 9, 33 Ant. 35 7 0101 11, 35 Ant. 37 0110 13, 37 8 Ant. 39 0111 15, 39 9 Ant. 41 1000 17, 41 10 1001 19, 43 Ant. 43 11 1010 21, 45 ASU - Ant. 45 1011 23, 47 Antenna 12 Switching Ant. 47 1100 ~ Don’t Care Logic COS Antenna Pairs COS TOGGLE COS SEL[3..0] Figure 3-56 SIN Antenna Switching Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-82 Chapter 3. Hardware Description 3.7.8. RF Phase Control Figure 3-57 is the phasor diagram that shows the RF phase relationship of a carrier wave and two sidebands. CAR LSB USB 2 1 Figure 3-57 Phasor Diagram that Shows the RF Phase Relationship In the Doppler VOR of using double sidebands (DSB), it is important to maintain the RF phase relation of carrier wave and two sidebands so that θ1 and θ2 are always equal (that is θ1 - θ2 = 0). It has only regarded the signal radiated in the air and the value of θ1 - θ2 may not be ‘0’ since there would be a phase difference in the actual equipment by each path. Therefore for the signal generated from CMA and SMA, CAR, USB and LSB need to be adjusted so that it becomes θ1 - θ2 = k (a fixed offset value). To accomplish it, MSG automatically adjusts the voltage applied to the Phase Shifter included in LSB SMA and USB SMA. In reality, a fixed voltage is applied to USB SMA and the difference (that is the voltage corresponding to the phase error) between θ1 - θ2 and k value is applied to have the control. Two sideband signals from LSB SMA and USB SMA are mixed with the carrier wave signal and are converted respectively to the intermediate frequency signal of 10 kHz. Hence, the phase of two 10 kHz intermediate frequency signals holds the values (θ1 and θ2) corresponding to the difference between carrier wave and two sideband phase. MSG inputs two 10 kHz signals supplied from LSB SMA and USB SMA to the Time Interval Counter and calculates the value of θ1 - θ2. Since the 10 kHz intermediate frequency signals supplied from two SMAs are the sine wave type of analog signals, they are first inputted to the IN2- and IN3- pins of the voltage comparator U1504 and converted into the TTL level of square wave. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-83 Chapter 3. Hardware Description The time interval counter, as a digital logic circuit, is implemented within the EPLD U400. The measured results are read by the microprocessor U300. MSG software periodically reads the values measured from the time interval counter, converts them into the phase values, and calculates the phase error value which is the difference in the preset RF phase offset. Calculate the voltage to be applied to the phase regulator of LSB SMA and USB SMA from this value and automatically adjust the RF phase by setting the value to the D/A converters U1702 and U1704. 3.7.9. Other Control and Monitor In addition to the contents described above, MSG sets the oscillating frequency of SYN which is the transmission frequency of the system, controls the ON/OFF of SMA and CMA, and monitors the operation status by measuring the output power of carrier wave and sideband and its internal temperature. MSG, in order to set the transmission frequency of the system, transmits the frequency data to the PLL circuit included within the SYN of CMA and SMA through the 3-line serial data interface. The 3-line serial data interface consists of three signals DATA, CLOCK and ENABLE and all of them are controlled through the GPIO A of the microprocessor U300. DATA and CLOCK are used publicly by CMA and two SMAs and are connected respectively to the PA2 and PA3 pins of U300. ENABLE is used individually to all. CMA is connected to the PA4 pin of U300, USB SMA to PA5, and LSB SMA to PA6. U1404, as the A/D converter equipped with the SPI serial data interface, is controlled through the SCC3 of the microprocessor U300. The precise reference voltage IC U1405 supplies a precise +5V reference voltage to U1404. U1404 has the 8-channel input and each input is used in the following ways.  CH 1 (AIN1): Measure the forward directional (traveling wave) power of carrier wave  CH 2 (AIN2): Measure the reverse directional (reflective wave) power of carrier wave  CH 3 (AIN3): Measure the USB COS output power  CH 4 (AIN4): Measure the LSB COS output power  CH 5 (AIN5): Measure the USB SIN output power  CH 6 (AIN6): Measure the LSB SIN output power  CH 7 (AIN7): Not used  CH 8 (AIN8): Not used Each measured signal is sampled and detected from PDC and sent to MSG and they are supplied to the respective inputs of A/D converter via the buffer of having used the OP AMP U1400, U1401, U1402 and 1403. The allowable voltage range of each input is 0 V ~ 5 V. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-84 The microprocessor U300 issues an interrupt whenever a pulse is inputted to the corresponding port and calculates the average of inputted carrier wave power. The digital temperature sensor U1801 included in the MSG board uses the 3-line serial data interface and is connected to the GPIO A of the microprocessor U300. In order to indicate the average output power. the trigger signal of indicating the start point of modulation signal and the synchronized sampling clock signal are supplied to the GPIO port of the microprocessor U300 from the EPLD U700. To accomplish it. the amplitude varies periodically since the signal sampled from PDC is amplitude-modulated by the 30Hz sine wave.Chapter 3. Inc. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Hardware Description When measuring the carrier wave power. All Rights Reserved Page 3-85 . 24 data are taken and averaged to get the average power for the cycle (1/30 second) of modulated signal. MSG software periodically reads the temperature from U1801 and monitors the status. Chapter 3. Hardware Description 3.8. CSU 3.8.1. Appearance of CSU Front Panel of CSU Figure 3-58 shows the front panel of CSU. Figure 3-58 Font Panel of CSU LEDs LED Name Color Description POWER Green ON: When power is normally supplied OFF: When power is cut-off TX1 Green When power is normally supplied to TX1 TX2 Green When power is normally supplied to TX2 MON1 Green When power is normally supplied to MON1 MON2 Green When power is normally supplied to MON2 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-86 Chapter 3. Hardware Description Switches Switch Description TX1 ON Not used TX1 OFF Not used TX2 ON Not used TX2 OFF Not used Ports Port Description MIC The microphone input of voice to be included in the composite modulation signal of carrier wave TSG OUT Test output for the Test Signal Generator (TSG) Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-87 Chapter 3. Hardware Description 3.8.2. CSU Overview Although the power, transmitter and monitor are all duplicated to improve the system availability, there are few parts that can’t be or not practical to be redundantly constructed. CSU, as one of these parts, includes the following functions. The Interfaces of Supporting the Transmitter and Monitor Redundancies Although the transmission part is redundant, the antenna itself can’t be duplicated. Hence, there should be a function of switching over to the standby transmitter while one transmitter has the connection. The function of changing over to the standby transmitter is determined first by the monitor. Since the monitor itself is duplicated, there must be an interface function that two monitors are linked together for the control of transmitter changeover. For the transmitter redundancy, its selection and changeover control is necessary since not only the respective RF output signals (CAR, LSB COS, LSB SIN, USB COS and USB SIN) but also the antenna switching control signals supplied to ASU are duplicated. The changeover of each RF output signal is made by the coaxial relay and RF relay that are included in PDC. The changeover of the antenna switching control signals supplied to ASU is made by the digital multiplexing (MUX) circuit included in CSU. CSU also includes the circuit for monitoring and driving the relays included in PDC. Test Signal Generator (TSG) For the self-diagnosis and integrity checking of a monitor, the precise test signal that has accurately defined the parameter values of each modulation signal is necessary. The test signal generator circuit for this purpose is included in CSU. The signal generated from the test signal generator are not only distributed to both monitors, but also supplied to the outside through the test BNC connector (T/P) attached on the front panel. Voice Processor (VOP) As an option, a voice signal can be included in the composite modulation signal of carrier wave. The voice signal is either directly connected to the microphone jack attached on the front panel of CSU or inputted through the line input terminal on the upper side of the equipment cabinet. Both cases are distributed to both of TX1 and TX2 MSGs while passing through the signal Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-88 VOR is collocated and operated together with the DME or TACAN equipment. +15V. Interface to the Collocated DME (or TACAN) Equipment Generally. Hardware Description processing steps such as amplification. +5V] RS485 Antenna Selection Timing Driver Changeover & Timing Figure 3-59 Interface Signal to DME/TACAN 3. The collocated VOR/DME or VOR/TAC uses the same IDENT and transmits the IDENT consisting of the Morse code 4 times every 30 seconds according to the rules of ICAO Annex 10. Analog Opto IDENT KEYING Line Input Line VOICE1 Source Amp Amp Driver Switch Coupler Receiver EPLD Analog Compressor BPF MUX Opto IDENT KEYING Coupler VOICE2 MIC Input Amp Amp Changeover Part DME Interface Voice Input Hot Plug-In Hot SWAP Control Test Signal Multi Source Relay Selection Control EPLD EPROM DAC Amp Vibrator Driver Hot Plug-In / SWAP Part Test Signal Generation EPLD Power [+28V.Chapter 3. Digital-to-Analog Converter Analog Filter LMF100 High Performance Dual Switched Capacitor Filter Analog IC SSM2166 Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression Interface IC MAX3045 10 kV ESD-protected. it is necessary to have the function of linking the equipment to IDENT. filtering and compression. such as the Morse code keying circuit. the transmission is made 3 times by VOR and 1 time by DME or TACAN. Inc. Main Parts of CSU Part Name P/N Description EPLD EPM7192 192 Macrocells. Of these.8. Quad 5V RS-485/RS-422 Transmitters Interface IC TD62783AP 8CH High-Voltage Source Driver Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.3. Parallel. CSU includes the analog signal processing circuit necessary for these. Programmable Logic Device EPLD EPM7064 64 Macrocells. To accomplish these. CSU includes the interface circuit necessary for these. All Rights Reserved Page 3-89 . Programmable Logic Device D/A Converter AD7945BR 12-bit. -15V. The RF relay drive circuit consists of the Mono-stable Multi-vibrator U500 and high- voltage Source Driver U501. Monitor decides the transmitter to be connected to the antenna according to a user’s command or by judging from the monitoring result of transmission signal and transmits a short pulse type of control signal (TX1_AERIAL or TX2_AERIAL) to CSU for the corresponding transmitter selection.Chapter 3. the monitor determines which side is on the aerial state by connecting the antenna or which side is on the standby state by connecting to the dummy load. but also sent to both MONs and both MSGs for confirming the selection result. Inc.8. Since the monitor itself is duplicated. The latch-type of RF signal changeover relay included in PDC requires a +28V pulse. All Rights Reserved Page 3-90 . Hardware Description 3. The antenna switching signal selection circuit is implemented as a logic circuit inside of Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. the RF relay drive circuit and antenna switching signal selection circuit inside of EPLD U400 are controlled. U501 converts this pulse signal to the voltage +28V necessary to operate the relay and supply it to PDC. These signals are all inputted to EPLD U400 and they select the transmitter chosen first in the priority selection circuit to be connected to the antenna. Redundancy Support Interface of Transmitter and Monitor AERIAL MON1 AERIAL A Coaxial Relay SEL A Multi Vibrator Source Driver AERIAL MON2 AERIAL B Coaxial Relay SEL B U500 U501 AERIAL MON1 AERIAL MON2 Changeover Status Antenna Timing MSG1 RF Power Status Antenna Timing MSG2 PLD U400 RS485 Driver DCLK U401 RS485 Driver Antenna Timing U402 RS485 Driver U403 Figure 3-60 Control Signal Switching Block Diagram The digital logic circuits for supporting the redundancy of transmitter and monitor are all implemented in the EPLD U400.4. U500 generates a pulse of about 100ms in length at the drop point of selection control signal from EPLD. According to the transmitter selection result. Of these two duplicated transmitters. this control signal is supplied from both of the monitors. The selection result is not only supplied to the actual transmitter changeover circuit. this switch selects the antenna switching signal supplied from the corresponding transmitter and makes the output. The selected signal is converted to the TTL compatible level or differential signal in the RS-485/RS-422 line drive IC U401. Hardware Description EPLD U400. U700. The DDS control circuit for the generation of test signals is implemented within EPLD U600. U600 operates by receiving a clock of 7. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-91 .864320MHz U600 U601 LPF Test Signal MON2 Amp U700 Test Signal BNC Amp V Ref U603 Figure 3-61 Block Diagram of Test Signal Generator Test Signal Generator. same to MSG. they can be removed by passing through the analog filter U700. Inc. Each 10-bit antenna switching signal supplied from both MSGs is inputted to the digital switch (MUX) circuit inside of U400. Since U601 is a current output type of D/A converter is converted into the voltage signal from the conversion circuit consisted of OP AMP U604 and outputted via the OP AMP buffer U605.86432 MHz from the crystal oscillator X600.5. supplies the +5V precision voltage as the reference voltage of U602. U402 and U403 and sent to ASU. U603. Since the test signal generated from the DDS circuit includes the high-frequency quantization noises. uses the DDS technology and generates the precise test signal accurately defined for the signal parameter of each element. U601 can save up to 16 different test signal waveforms. Of these one test signal is selected according to the control signal from LCU and supplied to both monitors. The waveform data saved to U601 are sequentially sent to the D/A converter and converted into the analog signals. According to the transmitter selection result described above. Test Signal Generator (TSG) Test Signal Selection Test Signal MON1 Amp DAC U602 PLD ROM Address EPROM DAC Data Amp Amp 7.8.Chapter 3. 3. The waveform data of test signals is saved in EPROM U601. as a precise voltage generator IC. All Rights Reserved Page 3-92 . it is converted into the common unbalanced single-ended signal and inputted to the amplifier U1101-B analog switch U1102 via the I/O separated transmitter TR1100 and line receiver U1100.034 kHz in EPLD U601. 3. The output signal of U1102 is inputted to the IC U1103 for the voice compression and compressed by 15:1. Hardware Description as a programmable Switched Capacitor Filter (SCF). U1102 outputs one of two inputs according to the control signal from LCU. Inc. The voice signal that has passed through U1200 again passes through the 4-layer active band pass filter consisted of U1201 and U1202.6. consists of the 4th Chebyshev low pass filter with the cut-off frequency of 20 kHz. The compressed voice signal passes through the active band reject filter consisted of U1200. Since the line input is a 600  balanced differential signal. The microphone input signal is directly inputted to the analog switch U1102 via the amplifier U1101-A. Voice Signal Processing Line Input Line Receiver Amp U1100 Voice MSG1 Amp 1020Hz 300~3000Hz Analog MUX Compressor Notch Filter BPF U1102 U1103 MIC Input U1200 U1201. The 1020Hz element that can cause interference to the Morse code IDENT by this filter is rejected. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The noise signals beyond the 300~3000 Hz voice signal band is rejected by this filter.8. U1202 Amp Voice MSG2 Amp LINE/MIC Selection Figure 3-62 Block Diagram of Voice Signal Processor The voice signal is inputted to the voice processing circuit of CSU via the microphone jack attached on the front panel or the line input terminal on the upper side of the cabinet.Chapter 3. The clock signal necessary for U700 is supplied with 98. The signals that have passed through the filter U700 are supplied respectively to the test BNC connectors attached on the front panel of both monitors via the OP AMP buffer U701 and U702. All Rights Reserved Page 3-93 . 3.7.Chapter 3. Oppositely when DME operates as the master.8. Hardware Description The voice signals that have passed the filter are distributed to the MSGs of both transmitters via the OP AMP buffer U1203. MARU 220 supports above 2 cases and the setting can be changed with the software. Also. DME operates as the slave. when the master is the sink current (Figure 3-63) or the source current (Figure3-64). it can be divided into two according to the circuit configuration. VOR operates as the slave. Inc. Master Slave R Vbias KEY to MSG Current Sink Current Source Figure 3-63 When the Master is the Sink Current and the Slave is the Source Current Master Slave to MSG KEY Vbias R Current Source Current Sink Figure 3-64 When the Master is the Source Current and the Slave is the Sink Current Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. MARU 220 can be set to operate as a master or slave with the software. When VOR operates as the master. it can be divided by the master unit that transmits the IDENT by generating the keying signal and the slave unit that transmits the IDENT by receiving the keying signal. Interface with the Collocated DME or TACAN When operating by linking with VOR or DME (or TACAN). by using the power on the side of DME. Q304 operates the Photo-coupler PT300-B and generates the signal that is separated by power and ground. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. U300 selects the keying signals from the corresponding transmitter and switches the transistor Q304. This signal switches the Darlington-connected transistors Q300 and Q301 and operates the keying circuit of DME. logic reversal circuit U301-A and U301-B. Inc. according to the selection signals. the keying signals of IDENT not only key the IDENT of VOR within MSG. The control of the relay REY300 is driven through the logic reversal circuit U301-E and transistor Q308 according to the selection signal of LCU. All Rights Reserved Page 3-94 . but also supply it to DME via CSU. CSU operates the Photo-coupler PT-301 by receiving the keying signals from DME.Chapter 3. IDENT generation occurs from MSG. Both are supported through the selection relay REY300. At this time. REY300 operates the Photo- coupler PT301-A directly when the keying signal is a current source and selects to operate the PT301-A by using the +15V power when the current is a sink. CSU receives the keying signals from the MSGs of two transmitters TX1 and TX2 and input them to the analog switch U300. When DME Is Keying The keying signals from DME are converted into the TTL control signals from CSU and distributed to the MSGs of both transmitters. Hardware Description When VOR Is Keying First. The VOR status signals supplied to DME are also inputted and selected as the analog switch U300 in both MSGs and supplied to the transistors Q302 and Q303 after being separated into power and ground through the transistor Q305 and Photo-coupler PT300-A. The signal separated by power and ground through PT-301 is supplied to both MSGs after passing through the switching transistor Q306. Chapter 3. Hardware Description The status signal of DME is also supplied to both MSGs via Q307 and logic reversal circuit U301-C and U301-D after passing through the current sink/source selection relay REY301 and Photo-coupler PT301-B. VOR ID/OP MSG1 Opto Coupler VOR ID KEYING PT300 VOR ID/OP MSG2 Analog Switch U300 Opto Coupler VOR Status CHOV PT300 DME ID/OP MSG1 DME ID KEYING Inverter Opto Coupler DME ID/OP MSG2 U301 PT301 DME Status Figure 3-65 Block Diagram of DME Interface Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-95 Chapter 3. Hardware Description 3.9. CSP 3.9.1. Appearance of CSP Figure 3-66 Appearance of CSP Keypad Classification Name Description CONTROL MENU Key to enter to MENU or exit from MENU LOCAL Key to switch between LOCAL and REMOTE C/O Key to initiate CHANGEOVER ◄ Key to move to PRIOR item ► Key to move to NEXT item SEL Key to SELECT item SPEAKER SILENCE Key to MUTE alerting sound LED Lamp TRANSMITTER ACTIVE Indicates that the TX is in Active state, i.e. on Aerial STANDBY Indicates that the TX is in Standby state, i.e. on Dummy Load FAULT Indicates that the TX is in Faulty state MONITOR ACTIVE Indicates that the MON is in Active state BYPASSED Indicates that the MON is in Bypassed state ALARM Indicates that the MON is in ALARM condition Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-96 Chapter 3. Hardware Description 3.9.2. Internal Configuration of CSP CSP is a user interface device attached on the upper side of the equipment cabinet. CSP is the I/O device connected to the primary microprocessor of LCU. CSP consists of 1 240x64 mono-graphic LCD, 12 LED lamps, 7 manipulation keys, and 1 warning sound generation speaker. The connection between CMS backplane and CSP is made through the 25P DB25 connector attached on the fixture inside of the equipment cabinet. Almost all the system functions, such as the status indication and parameter setting changes of the system, can be controlled by using CSP without needing separate LMMS and RMMS. 3.9.3. Main Parts of CSP Name P/N Description LCD GM246401GNCWA 240x64 Graphic LCD LED HLMP-2655 Light Bar LED, RED LED HLMP-2755 Light Bar LED, YELLOW LED HLMP-2855 Light Bar LED, GREEN Tact Switch PMS-SW-4 Tact Switch DC/AC Inverter CXA-L10A Inverter for CCFL, In: +5V, 600mA / Out: 300Vrms, 5mA Analog IC MAX685 CMOS charge-pump DC/DC Converter 3.9.4. Circuit Description Data Data Switch LCD Switch Switch /CS_LCD Buffer CS_Switch LCD_C/D Switch DC-AC Switch Switch LCD Inverter /LCD_RST /CSP_WR Switch Input Part /CSP_RD Graphic LCD +5V Data /CS_Switch CS_LED1 CS_LED2 Latch Sink Driver LED LED Data 25pin LED LED /CS_LCD LED LED D-Sub LCD_C/D CS_LED1 Latch /LCD_RST Sink Driver LED LED CS_LED2 LED LED /CSP_WR LED LED /CSP_RD LED Control Part Figure 3-67 Internal Block Diagram of CSP Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS, Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-97 a negative DC power is needed. All Rights Reserved Page 3-98 . and this signal is inputted to the sink drivers U400 and U401 to have the On/Off control of LED. This power is supplied from the DC/AC inverter U301. LED Control LED is controlled by LCU. Inc. For the LCD bias in addition to the +5V power supplied to CSP. a high-voltage of high frequency AC power is needed. The graphic LCD used to CSP uses the Cold Cathode Florescent Lamp (CCFL) as the back light. Since each key line has the pull-up resistors of R300 ~ R306. This power is supplied from the DC/DC converter U404. U404 generates the -10 V DC power and this power is divided through the variable resistor VR300 for the brightness adjustment and supplied to LCD. Hardware Description LCD Operation The graphic LCD is directly connected to the lower 8-bits of the microprocessor U300 data bus of LCU. it maintains the high status when having no input and outputs the low signal when having a key input. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 3. Notice Since there is a risk of an electric shock. U301 generates the 300 Vrms and 30 kHz AC power needed for CCFL from the +5V DC power. Key Input Area The 7 key inputs are sent to LCU through the buffer U300. please be careful not to touch the output poles of the inverter when power is applied. The prevention of key chattering is implemented by software. the High or Low is outputted on the latches U402 and U403. In order to operate CCFL. 10. Appearance of AC/DC Converter Figure 3-68 Front Panel of AC/DC LED Lamp Name Color Description NORMAL Green When AC/DC is normally operating FAIL Red When AC/DC has a trouble Adjust Point Name Description V-ADJ No output voltage adjustment LOAD SHARE No load balance adjustment Switch Name Description INPUT Input power switch Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.1.10. All Rights Reserved Page 3-99 . AC / DC Converter 3. Inc.Chapter 3. Hardware Description 3. please be careful not to touch the output poles of AC/DC when power is applied.2. Figure 3-69 Internal Configuration of AC/DC Converter The AC power of +220V is supplied for the input of AC/DC. as a Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS). All Rights Reserved Page 3-100 . The maximum output current of DC 28V is 78A per unit. Since a digital ammeter is attached on the front side of the unit. AC/DC Overview AC/DC. Notice Since there is a risk of an electric shock. converts the inputted commercial AC power into DC 28V. the current load can be easily checked. Hardware Description 3. Operations Figure 3-69 shows the internal configuration of AC/DC converter.10. The allowable variation of input voltage is in the range of AC 187 V ∼ AC 253 V and the allowable variation of input frequency is in the range of 47 Hz ~ 63 Hz. AC/DC is constructed with a highly-efficient high-frequency conversion method and has the hot plug-in structure that allows attaching/detaching it on the front side of the cabinet.10.Chapter 3.3. 3. Inc. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. transformer and feedback circuit. The AC power that has passed through the protection circuit and filter is rectified by the full-wave rectification circuit of using a bridge diode. PWM circuit samples the output voltage. the pulse width is decreased. compares it with the reference voltage. The input filter in the back of the surge protection circuit rejects the noise elements included in the input power. Right behind the rectification circuit. If an excessive voltage or current is detected. there is a Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuit. The inrush current limiting circuit restricts the excessive current at the time of applying power to a certain extent. The transformer converts the pulse power switched by the switching MOSFET to a low AC voltage. by controlling the power factor nearing to ‘1. All Rights Reserved Page 3-101 . and varies the pulse width applied to the switching MOSFET in comparison to the voltage error. The DC voltage that has passed through the PFC control circuit is applied to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) circuit. The power that has passed through the input filter soon goes through the inrush current limiting circuit. the AC elements are rejected by a smoothing capacitor and it is converted into a complete DC power. they are removed through the output filter. The PWM circuit consists of the switching MOSFET. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.’ leaves the resistor elements only in the transmission side. it is also protected from overheating. The output voltage and the detection circuit for measuring the current are included in the output area of AC/DC. the occurrence of harmonic noise is reduced and the efficiency of power use is improved. Since the PWM control circuit has the built-in temperature sensing circuit. Through these. the PWM control circuit breaks an alarm and cuts off the output to protect the circuit. This circuit. This prevents the operation of a circuit breaker in the power transmission system due to the inrush current at the time of applying power. when the surge current is flowed into the power input line due to the lightning strikes. prevents the system from a breakdown by absorbing them. Since the switching noise and ripple elements are included much in the output of the 2 nd rectifier. If the output voltage is lower than the reference voltage. Hardware Description The surge protection circuit of using Varister is included in the input part of AC/DC.Chapter 3. the pulse width is increased and if the output voltage is higher than the reference voltage. This circuit. The detected voltage is sent to the PWM control circuit through the feedback circuit. Then. The output of transformer is inputted again to the rectifier of using a high-speed diode and converted into DC. Inc. 1. Appearance of DC/DC Converter Figure 3-70 Front Panel of DC/DC Converter LED Lamp Name Color Description NORMAL Green Indicates that AC/DC is normally operating FAIL Red Indicates that a alarm is occurred in the AC/DC Adjust Point Name Description 5V-ADJ No adjustment for +5V output voltage Switch Name Description INPUT Input power switch BATTERY Switch for connecting/breaking the backup battery Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-102 . DC / DC Converter 3. Hardware Description 3. Inc.11.11. Operations The following figure shows the overall block diagram of a DC/DC converter. +15V. Hardware Description 3. it charges the backup battery by using the DC 28V power supplied from AC/DC. DC/DC Overview DC/DC converts the DC +28V power supplied by AC/DC into five other voltages (+5V.3. DC/DC is basically consisted of the switch mode power supply (SMPS) circuit. -15V and +28V) needed for the system. Also. 3. Figure 3-71 Internal Configuration of DC/DC Converter An input line filter is included within the input part of DC/DC. the power is supplied from this battery. This filter removes the Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 3-103 .2. Same as AC/DC.Chapter 3. it has the hot-swap structure that allows attaching/detaching a part easily from the front side.11. Inc. When the DC 28V power is not supplied from AC/DC.11. Also when the backup battery is discharged. DC/DC is connected to the backup battery. +7V. the pulse width is increased and if the output voltage is higher than the reference voltage. The circuit block that generates each voltage is identical in the operating principle to the output voltage except for the difference in their polarity. All Rights Reserved Page 3-104 . the PWM control circuit breaks an alarm and cuts off the output to protect the circuit. compares it with the reference voltage. The PWM circuit consists of the switching MOSFET. transformer and feedback circuit. The DC voltage that has passed through the input filter is applied to the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) circuit. The output voltage and the detection circuit for measuring the current are included in the output area of DC/DC. The output of transformer is inputted again to the rectifier of using a high-speed diode and converted into DC. and -24V necessary for the system. and varies the pulse width applied to the switching MOSFET in comparison to the voltage error. Inc. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 3. In addition to the +28V primary power. Since the switching noise and ripple elements are included much in the output of the 2 nd rectifier. The transformer converts the pulse power switched by the switching MOSFET to a low AC voltage. If an excessive voltage or current is detected. the explanations below are made while basing on one circuit block. +7V. the pulse width is decreased. If the output voltage is lower than the reference voltage. Therefore. Hardware Description noise included within the power supplied. The detected voltage is sent to the PWM control circuit through the feedback circuit. DC/DC outputs the DC voltage of +5V. +15V. -15V. PWM circuit samples the output voltage. they are removed through the output filter. Inc.e.Chapter 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-105 . i. on Dummy Load FAULT Indicates that the TX is in Faulty state MONITOR ACTIVE Indicates that the MON is in Active state BYPASSED Indicates that the MON is in Bypassed state ALARM Indicates that the MON is in ALARM condition Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.e. on Aerial STANDBY Indicates that the TX is in Standby state. Hardware Description 3.1. Appearance of RCMU Figure 3-72 Appearance of RCMU Keypad Classification Name Description CONTROL MENU Key to enter to MENU or exit from MENU LAMP TEST Key to TEST indicator LAMPs SILENCE Key to MUTE alerting sound ◄ Key to move to PRIOR item ► Key to move to NEXT item SEL Key to SELECT item LED Lamp Classification Name Description TRANSMITTER ACTIVE Indicates that the TX is in Active state. RCMU 3.12. i.12. Monitoring and controlling the MARU 220 DVOR system can be accomplished at a remote place by using RCMU. RCMU Overview RCMU is a remote control monitor unit. RCMU and RMU are connected from each other via the RS-422/485 compatible 4-line communication circuit and as many as two RMUs can be connected to one RCMU. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.7456MHz MPU DATA MODEM Socket Modem1 Buffer Buffer Main Clock : 29.4912MHz SRAM RS232 UART RS232 SCC1 Driver Buffer RS232 RS485/1.2. RCMU is equipped with the graphic LCD. Hardware Description 3. it relays the system status monitoring data received from LCU to RMU. RS485/2 UART Driver EPLD RS232 (Not Used) RS232 Driver DVOR Status Microprocessor Part Communication Part Alarm Sound Speaker out DATA Buffer Graphic LCD KEY & LED +5V SMPS Amp Buffer R-CSP Power [+5V] Alarm Sound R-CSP I/F Figure 3-73 Block Diagram of RCMU Remote Control Monitor Unit (RCMU) is a remote control and monitor unit.12. RS232/2 UART Clock : Driver ROM 14. it has an expansion output port that indicates a brief status of the system. RCMU sends major system information to the RMU that RCMU is connected. All Rights Reserved Page 3-106 . RCMU. the system monitoring and controlling function can be executed at a distance. RCMU is connected to the LCU of the equipment cabinet through a communication circuit. UART RS232 RS232 /1. exchanges the data necessary for the system control and monitor. Additionally. LED lamp and keypad that are identical to those attached on the equipment cabinet.Chapter 3. connected to the LCU of the system cabinet through a dialup or private line. Since the menu configuration shown on the graphic LCD screen is identical to that of CSP. Inc. This port can be used to interface with the centralized monitoring system. Also. 1) When power is turned on 2) When the reset switch is pressed for 250ms or more 3) When the Address Strobe (AS) of U300 is not outputted for 1. U301. 5V/3A 3. 3.4. it monitors whether U300 operates normally.2 seconds or more (Watchdog timer – microprocessor error) 4) When the Vcc voltage falls below 4.4912 MHz to U300. 600mA / Out: 300Vrms. and a small switching power supply (SMPS). KEY and LED.12. the RCMI (RCMU Interface) board for the interface to external systems. Watchdog Timer / Monitor LCD GM246401 240x64 Graphic LCD LED HLMP-2655 Light Bar LED. V. Main Parts of RCMU Part Name P/N Description CPU MC68302 M68000 Core. Processor U300 is the primary control microprocessor of RCMU. power monitor circuit and watchdog timer. U301 supplies a reset signal to the microprocessor U300 and at the same time.34/33. Programmable Logic Device Modem MT5634 Socket Modem.3. serial communication controller (SCC).5V (abnormal power voltage) Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The crystal oscillating circuit X300 supplies a clock of 29. RED LED HLMP-2755 Light Bar LED. Inc. Hardware Description RCMU is physically consisted of the main board.92/56k V. programmable timer. All Rights Reserved Page 3-107 . The cases that U301 outputs a reset signal follow as below. YELLOW LED HLMP-2855 Light Bar LED. The data and address buses of U300 are connected to the peripheral devices through the 3-state buffer U500-U504. 5mA Analog IC MAX685 CMOS charge-pump DC/DC Converter SMPS CS15-5 AC/DC Switch Mode Power Supply. U300 is based on the M68000 core and the 1152-byte dual port RAM. Reset. 100 I/O pins. and 24-bit general GPIO are integrated within the chip. includes the reset signal generation circuit.12. GREEN Tact Switch PMS-SW-4 Tact Switch DC/AC CXA-L10A Inverter for CCFL Inverter In: +5V.6k Embedded Modem Reset IC DS1232 Micro Monitor. the R-CSP (RCMU CSP) board of having LCD. as the microprocessor monitor circuit IC. Integrated Multiprotocol Processor RAM K6T4016 256k x 16 bit Low Power CMOS Static RAM EPROM M27C4002 4 Mb (256Kb x 16) UV EPROM UART TL16C552 Dual Asynchronous Communications Element with FIFO EPLD EPM7128 128 Macrocells.Chapter 3. U501 /RD /CS_ROM 28.Chapter 3. the PB8 of U300 outputs the High (5V).4912MHz /WR /RD Address EPLD /CS_FLASH Microprocessor U400 U300 Address Address Address Address Buffer Data Address Buffer Buffer Reset Logic U502.  EPROM U600 and U601: Store the program code and data  SRAM U602: Store the temporary data used during a program execution  EEPROM U605: Store the non-volatile parameters When the microprocessor U300 is initialized after receiving the reset signal. Hardware Description LCU uses the following storage devices different from each other. When this system is normal. Data X300 Data DATA Address EPROM DATA Data Main Clock : BufferBuffer /CS_ROM U600 U500. It includes the logic circuits such as the address decoder and GPIO port.U504 Address U301 SRAM /CS_SRAM U602 /RD BUS Buffer /WR Microprocessor Peripheral Logic Memory Part CLKO:29. U300 executes the program code saved in the EPROM U600 and U601.U503. All Rights Reserved Page 3-108 . Inc. All the rest of storage devices except for the serial EEPROM are positioned within the memory space of the microprocessor U300. SCL U605 Serial EEPROM Figure 3-74 RCMU Processor Expansion Port Output This port outputs the status value that shows the normality of the system.4912MHz EEPROM SDA. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. U400 is a programmable logic device (PLD). The GPIO port of U400 consists of the latch circuit for the output port and the digital switch circuit for the input port. The address decoder inside of U400 decodes the addresses for each memory and I/O device from the address bus and control bus signals of U300 and generates the Chip Selection Signals. The UART0 and UART1 of U801 can either be connected to the default built-in socket MODEM or use the direct RS-232C interface without using an internal MODEM by user’s setting.  U300 SCC1: Reserved (for debugging)  U300 SCC2. In this case. Accordingly.5. not used. Hardware Description 3.12. UART CLOCK: 14. U801 and U802 operate by receiving the output 14.4912MHz UART CLOCK: 14.7456MHz RS232 Driver U902 MODEM1 Data MODEM1 /CS_REM1.7456MHz RS485 RS485/1 Communication Driver Data UART U1002 Microprocessor Part Peripheral Logic Device /CS_REM3. In order to use the MODEMs again. Serial Communication Control RCMU.Chapter 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-109 . UART1: Remote control through internal MODEM or RS- 232C (REM3 and REM4)  U802 UART0. a total of 9 serial communication ports are available. set SW900 and SW901 to the ‘RS232C’ position and remove the internal socket MODEMs U1103 and U1104. UART1: Remote control through RS-485 (RMU1.2 PLD CLOCK: /CS_REM3. UART1: Remote control through RS-232C (REM1 and REM2)  U801 UART0.2 REM1/2 Communication U400 /CS_REM1. The usage of each port shall be followed as below.7456MHz RS232 RS232/1 Communication Driver Data UART U900 TXD1 TXD Device RS232 Driver /CS_MSG1.2 UART Device Buffer U801 RS232 Driver U903 MODEM2 EPROM MODEM2 UART CLOCK: 14.2 RXD1 U1001 RXD U800 RS232 RS232/2 Driver Communication U901 RS232 (Not Used) Microprocessor MSG1/2 Communication UART CLOCK: 14. SCC3: Reserved (not used)  U800 UART0. in addition to the 3 SCCs included in U300. RMU2) The SCCs of U300 are reserved and hence. has the synchronous communication controllers (UART) U800. The asynchronous serial communication controllers U800.4 U802 RS485 RS485/2 Communication Driver U1003 REM3/4 Communication Figure 3-75 Configuration of RCMU Communication Part Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.7456 MHz from U400. Inc. U801 and U802. set SW900 and SW901 to the ‘MODEM’ position and install the socket MODEMs U1103 and U1104.7456MHz SRAM EPLD /CS_MSG1.4 29. Graphic LCD and Keypad RCMU directly controls the LED lamps. These devices are directly connected to the 8-bit lower data buses D0 . EPLD U400 decodes the address of U300 and generates the respective chip selection signals /CSLCD. and played through the speaker on the front panel. Area of Generating the Warning Sounds RCMU generates the warning signals of about 1000 Hz by using the timer-2 of the microprocessor U300. the interrupt request signal of U801 through the PB10 and PB11 pins. Controlling the LED Lamp. executes the interrupt processing routine and reads the data from UART. amplified in the audio amplification IC U1107.8. The microprocessor U300 monitors the RXRDY and TXRDY pins of each UART through U700 and U701. 3. the microprocessor U300 judges that the corresponding UART is in the state possible to receive data and executes reading and writing the data.6.12. The magnitude of the alarm sounds and IDENT tone can be adjusted by turning the volume VR1101. When a data is received from the outside. This signal is outputted to the TOUT2 pin of U300. The interrupt request signal of U800 is inputted to the microprocessor through the PB8 and PB9 pins of U300.Chapter 3. Inc. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.12.7. the microprocessor U300 temporarily stops the code in execution. 3. Hardware Description The I/O process of serial communication data is made asynchronously by using an interrupt method. If one of these pins becomes the ‘L’ state. Power Supply Unit (SMPS) The power supply unit (SMPS) supplies the power of +5V to RCMU. The chip selection signals and other control signals of U300 are connected to the front panel through the 3-state data buffer U1102. /CSLED1 and /CSLED2 for the I/O devices included in CSP. graphic LCD and keypad on the front panel.12. /CDSWITCH. and the interrupt request signal of U802 through the IRQ6 and IRQ7 pins. 3. All Rights Reserved Page 3-110 . When an interrupt request is submitted.D7 of the CPU through the 3-state data buffer U1101. the corresponding UART requests an interrupt from the microprocessor U300. i. All Rights Reserved Page 3-111 . on Aerial TX2 Indicates that the TX2 is in Active state. i. Appearance of RMU Figure 3-76 Appearance of RMU Button Switch Name Description SILENCE Key to MUTE alerting sound LAMP TEST Key to TEST indicator LAMPs LED Lamp Name Description TX1 Indicates that the TX1 is in Active state.e.Chapter 3.13.e.1. on Aerial NORMAL Indicates that the DVOR is in NORMAL operation BYPASSED Indicates that the DVOR is in Bypassed state ALARM Indicates that the DVOR is in ALARM condition COMM Indicates that Communication error is occurred Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.13. RMU 3. Inc. Hardware Description 3. 2. The major functions of RMU shall be followed as below. TXD RS485_TXD RS485 Driver RXD U301 RS485_RXD Alarm Sound Speaker out Amp RS485 Driver 14. Also.  Microprocessor & peripherals: Control the RMU  LED lamps and switch interface: Operate the LED lamps on the front side and interface the button switches  Power supply unit: Supply the power of +5V to RMU from SMPS  RS-485 interface: Convert the TTL/RS485 level Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc.13.7456MHz Main Clock : Alarm Sound LED Control MPU Sink Driver LED Bar U300 U400 LED400~LED405 LED Drive +5V SMPS KEY Input Silence Lamp Test KEY KEY Power [+5V] Microprocessor Part Key Input Alarm Sound Figure 3-77 Internal Configuration of RMU RMU can be constructed as below.Chapter 3.  Indicate the major status of the system  Generate the warning sound when an alarm occurs The block diagram of RMU shall be followed as below. All Rights Reserved Page 3-112 . Hardware Description 3. it generates the warning sound when an alarm occurs. Block Diagram of RMU RMU receives the status information of the system from LCU or RCMU and indicates them on the 6 LED lamps on the front side. YELLOW LED HLMP-2855 Light Bar LED. The control of LED lamps is made through the GPIO ports PC0~PC5 of U300. GREEN SMPS CS15-5 AC/DC Switch Mode Power Supply. RMU operates by receiving the power of 5V from the built-in power supply unit (SMPS). 5V/3A 3.Chapter 3. U300 operates by receiving the clock of 14.13. The TTL output signals of U301 are converted into the RS485 level.7456 MHz from the crystal oscillator X300. RED LED HLMP-2755 Light Bar LED. Main Parts of RMU Part Name P/N Description Microcontroller ATmega16 8-bit AVR microprocessor with 16k Bytes ISP Flash Interface IC MAX485 RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver LED HLMP-2655 Light Bar LED. The serial communication ports built into U300 are used. The communication to RCMU or LCU is made through the RS485 serial communication.13. Circuit Description Microprocessor U300 executes most of the controls for RMU. All Rights Reserved Page 3-113 . Inc.3. Hardware Description 3.4. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Hardware Description Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 3. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 3-114 . The carrier wave antenna and sideband antenna as shown in the figure 4-2 are arranged on the counterpoise. plays the role of a reflective object electrically. The radius is about 30m and this also can be changed according to the conditions. The signals radiated below the horizontal plane of an antenna radiation element from the general installation environment are randomly reflected on an uneven surface and causes multiple path interferences. Counterpoise. Sideband Antenna Carrier Wave DME Antenna Antenna Figure 4-1 DVOR Antenna System Counterpoise Counterpoise has a circular metal structure. Although its height on the surface generally ranges from 2. Counterpoise prevents the random reflection by functioning as a uniform reflection object on the horizontal plane.4m to 6m. Inc. Antenna 4. Overview Figure 4-1 shows the antenna system of MARU 220.Chapter 4. All Rights Reserved Page 4-1 . the DME or TACAN antenna is Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The parts of counterpoise are made of the melted zinc galvanizing iron and steel. as the support structure for the antenna mechanically installed. Antenna Chapter 4.1. it can be changed according to the environmental conditions. When collocated with DME or TACAN. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 4-2 . Antenna also installed on the counterpoise. Magnetic North n tio lu 2 1 48 47 vo 3 4 46 re 5 45 of n 6 44 io ct 7 43 re di 8 42 9 41 10 40 11 39 12 38 13 37 14 36 Carrier Antenna 15 35 16 34 17 33 18 32 19 31 20 30 21 29 22 28 23 24 25 26 27 Figure 4-2 Antenna Arrangement on the Horizontal Plane of Counterpoise Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 4. starting from the antenna to the magnetic north with ‘1. the carrier wave antenna uses the Alford loop type and is installed in the middle of the counterpoise. the DME antenna can be installed on the side of the counterpoise. When DME or TACAN is collocated. due to the characteristics of Doppler VOR. As for the monitor antenna. Monitor antenna. Forty-eight sideband antennas are installed in the interval of 7. Inc.’ Field Monitor Antenna Field monitor antenna is used to monitor the aerial radiation of VOR signal.76m (113 MHz standard) away from the carrier wave antenna. according to the sequence of power feed. Antenna Carrier Wave Antenna Carrier wave antenna is used to radiate the carrier wave signals in the air.Chapter 4. the Alford loop type of sideband antenna is used to radiate Omni-directional on the horizontal plane. Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. should be installed a minimum of 80m away from the carrier wave antenna. In case of the sideband antenna. In order to radiate Omni-directionally on a horizontal plane. is numbered 1 to 48. the DME or TACAN antenna can be installed above the carrier wave antenna. power is fed sequentially in the counter-clock direction to have the rotational effect. Each sideband antenna. the partially horizontal 4-element Yagi antenna is used. All Rights Reserved Page 4-3 . When it is not appropriate to install the DME antenna due to the installation position. Same to the carrier wave antenna. Sideband Antenna Sideband antenna is used to radiate the 9960Hz sub-carrier wave sideband signals in the air.5°on the circle perimeter 6. 1. Figure 4-3 Vertical Radiation Pattern When h=/2 Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.Chapter 4. Transmission Antenna 4.2. Characteristics of Alford Loop Antenna MARU 220 DVOR uses the Alford loop antenna for the transmission of carrier wave and sideband signals. Alford loop antenna is partially horizontal and Omni-directional within the horizontal plane. Antenna 4. All Rights Reserved Page 4-4 . due to its wide radiation face.2. Inc. Also. it has higher radiation efficiency than other generic loop antennas. Chapter 4. Inc. Antenna +90° 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 180° 0° -90° Figure 4-4 Vertical Radiation Pattern in a Free Space 0° 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 270° 90° 180° Figure 4-5 Horizontal Radiation Pattern Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. All Rights Reserved Page 4-5 . All Rights Reserved Page 4-6 . DME Antenna Supprt Radome Cover.2. Inc. Top Radome Cover. Appearance of Transmission Antenna Same to the sideband antenna. Two pipes of supporting the DME antenna are penetrated from above the Radome to the floor. carrier wave antenna uses the Alford loop antenna. Bottom Pedestal Carrier Antenna Sideband Antenna Figure 4-6 Appearance of Transmission Antenna Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Antenna 4.Chapter 4.2. Inc. The lower cover is fixed to the pedestal together with the radiation elements and the upper cover laid on top of the lower cover is fastened with 6 screws. rain and wind.Chapter 4. Since it is made of the Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP). Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The Radome shape of sideband antenna is circular from the horizontal plane and conic from the side. Antenna Radome Radome is an antenna protection cover. Pedestal Pedestal is the structure of supporting and fixing the antenna. it is not easily corroded and is designed to stand against a strong wind of max 200km/h. The Radome for carrier wave antenna differs from the sideband antenna in that two pipes of supporting the DME antenna are penetrating and the upper cover is flat. The lower end of pedestal is fixed to the ring above the counter and the upper end supports the Radome cover. The Balun cable and matching stub is positioned in the empty space of the pedestal. All Rights Reserved Page 4-7 . Radome protects radiation elements and other fixtures from snow. Since it is made of the melted zinc galvanizing steel. Each radiation element is folded in a triangular shape as shown in the following figure. The respective parts of a-b and a’-b’ form the folded half-wave (λ/2) dipole antenna. It is because two half-wave elements are offset as the direction from the inner folded part becomes opposite to each other. Electric Structure of Transmission Antenna Radiation Element The Alford loop antenna consists of 4 elements in a half-wave (λ/2) length. All Rights Reserved Page 4-8 . Two half-wave dipole antennas are faced from each other. The electric distribution makes a circle from the outside that forms 4 sides of the Alford loop.3. Inc. + – a b Feeding Point (BALUN) b' a' + – Disc Capacitor Figure 4-7 Electric Distribution of Alford Loop Antenna Radiation Elements Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. The electric connection of two dipole antennas is crossed so that the electric distribution makes a circular direction.Chapter 4. As shown in the figure. a is connected to a’ and be is connected to b’. Antenna 4.2. Accordingly. only the outside current distribution forms the radiation pattern and the inner current distribution doesn’t affect much on the radiation pattern. Matching Stub Matching stub is used to match the impedance of antenna transmission line. The resonant frequency can be finely adjusted by turning the circular disc to the left and right. Generally. To Antenna l1 Positioning Piece Tee Adaptor Right Angle Adaptor Tuning Stub l2 Feeder Cable From Transmitter Figure 4-8 Matching Stub Assembly Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Inc. Antenna Disc Capacitor Disc capacitor is a parallel circular plate attached respectively near to the rapid electricity application points of two dipole antennas that makes up the radiation element. there are the short-circuited and open-circuited types of stubs and MARU 220 DVOR uses the open-circuited stub. All Rights Reserved Page 4-9 .Chapter 4. Balanced Z=4Zo /2 Balun Cable Feeder Cable Unbalanced Z=Zo Figure 4-9 4:1 Balun of the Coaxial Cable Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Also. Therefore. the coaxial cable used commonly has the unbalanced characteristics. Inc. The signal reversed by 180°can be obtained from the provided signal by using these characteristics. it has to use the balanced transmission line. it is not recommended to adjust it from the field.Chapter 4. the Balun of converting the unbalanced to the balanced is needed. Antenna The impedance matching job can be done by adjusting the length ‘11’ of positioning piece and the length ‘l2’ of tuning stub. Since Alford loop antenna has a dipole antenna structure that is basically symmetric. matching to the standard transmission line impedance 50  becomes easier. Since the lengths are adjusted to the installation frequency from the factory. By doing so. it can convert the antenna input impedance 300  to 75. MARU 220 uses the RG-214 coaxial cable Balun with the length λ/2. since this Balun holds the 4:1 impedance conversion characteristics. All Rights Reserved Page 4-10 . However. The signal that has passed through λ/2 transmission line will have the phase reversed by 180°from the original signal. Balun Balun is the device that converts the unbalanced transmission line to the balanced transmission line and vice versa. Inc. All Rights Reserved Page 4-11 .3. Monitor Antenna Boom Director Reflector Director Radiator Mast Figure 4-10 Monitor Antenna Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS. Antenna 4.Chapter 4. Inc. . All rights reserved This document contains copyrighted and proprietary information. which may not be disclosed to others for any purposes without written permission from MOPIENS. Inc.MARU 220 Doppler VHF Omni-directional Radio Range Technical Manual Volume I EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION Copyright© 2009-2011 MOPIENS.
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