Marpol Annex 1

March 22, 2018 | Author: Roquelito C Camosa | Category: Fluorescence, Chemistry, Applied And Interdisciplinary Physics, Nature, Transport



MARPOL ANNEX 1 & OILY WATER SEPARATORPresentation Transcript 1. OILY WATER SEPARATOR 1 Mohd. Hanif Dewan, Senior Engg. Lecturer, IMA, Bangladesh 2 January 2014  2 Principles of Environmental Protection (Marpol 73/78 Annex 1) Minimising Generation of oil water mixtures Separating oil from water where mixture occur Carrying oil in spaces protected from direct impact by stranding or collision Instituting special areas and prohibited coastal areas Setting limits on quantities which may be discharged into the sea. Mohd. Hanif Dewan, Senior Engg. Lecturer, IMA, Bangladesh 2 January 2014    2. Oily Water Separators  3. Marpol 73-78 Annex 1 However before we get into this subject we need to understand the Rules and Regulations that surround this equipment Can someone tell me what book we need to be looking into to find the rules and Regulations that govern the operation of an Oily Water Separator MARPOL ANNEX 1 Anyone got any suggestion what the chapter is or the number of the regulations Chapter 3 Regulations 12 to 17 3 Mohd. Hanif Dewan, Senior Engg. Lecturer, IMA, Bangladesh 2 January 2014  4. Lets have a look at the regulation in Chapter 3 (Requirements for machinery spaces of all ships) that immediately concern you. With reference to Oily Water Separators These being Regulation 14 Oil filtering equipment Regulation 15 Control of discharge of Oil Regulation 17 Oil Record Book Part I – Machinery space operations 4 Mohd. Hanif Dewan, Senior Engg. Lecturer, IMA, Bangladesh 2 January 2014  5. REGULATION 15 A Discharge Outside Special areas Any Discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixture GENERATED FROM MACHINERY SPACE from ships of 400 gross tonnage and above shall be prohibited except when all of the following conditions are satisfied The ship is Any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from ships shall be prohibited except when all the following conditions are satisfied: For an oil tanker>150 gt. IMA. Lecturer. 5 Mohd. Bangladesh 2 January 2014  The remaining oil/water mixture now flows down into the fine separating compartment and moves slowly between the catch plates. Hanif . The oily mixture does not originate from cargo pumproom bilges on oil tankers 5. Bangladesh 2 January 2014  6. IMA. IMA. the instantaneous rate of discharge does not exceed 30 litres/nautical mile 5. Hanif Dewan. Bangladesh 2 January 2014  7. the tanker is not less than 50 miles from the nearest land.proceeding en route 2. The oily mixture is processed through an oil filtering equipment meeting the requirements of Regulation 14 of this Annex 3. In Antarctic Special Area. Senior Engg. 2. 4. Bangladesh 2 January 2014  8. for tankers which entered into service in or since 1980. Senior Engg. Hanif Dewan. the bilge water must not originate from cargo pump 3. in the case of oil tankers. 1/30000 of the total quantity of cargo. 3. Hanif Dewan. Senior Engg. 2. the tanker is not within a MARPOL Annex-1 special area. 4. 7 Mohd. The oil content of the effluent without dilution does not exceed 15 ppm 4. Discharge criteria within a special area: 1. 5. total prohibition 2. 16(5) the filtration system is equipped with automatic stopping device when effluent level exceeds 15 ppm. 1. Lecturer. Lecturer. IMA. The oily mixture. Hanif Dewan. Senior Engg. the tanker is proceeding on a voyage. Lecturer. is not mixed with oil cargo residues 1. Oily water Separator –Coalescer 2nd Stage 8 Mohd. 6. 6 room the bilge water is not mixed with cargo residue the ship is proceeding on voyage the oil content without dilution does not exceed 15 ppm the ship has in operation an oil filtering system complying with Reg. Mohd. total quantity discharged does not exceed 1/15000 of the total quantity of cargo and tankers which entered into service after 1980. except machinery space bilge. 9 Mohd. 7. 10 Mohd.Dewan. 12. Oily water separator working principles  Coalescence is the breakdown of surface tension between oil droplets in an oil/water mixture which causes them to join and increase in size. Lecturer. Senior Engg. Here some oil.  The complete unit is first filled with clean water.  Air is released from the unit by a vent valve.  The first-stage filter removes physical impurities present and promotes some fine separation. Oily water separator working principles  Where greater purity is required. 10. Senior Engg. IMA. as a result of its lower density. Hanif Dewan. Hanif Dewan. Bangladesh 2 January 2014 Steam or electric heating coils are provided in the upper and sometimes the lower parts of the separator. Automatic Oily water Separator  The almost oil-free water passes into the central pipe and leaves the separator unit. Lecturer. 11 Mohd. 12 Mohd. 11. 9. the almost oilfree water passes to a filter unit. IMA. The purity at this point will be 100 parts per million or less. Bangladesh 2 January 2014  the oily water mixture is then pumped through the separator inlet pipe into the coarse separating compartment. as required. Oily water separator working principles Current legislation requires the use of a monitoring unit which continuously records and gives an alarm when levels . usually about once a week. will separate and rise into the oil collection space.  An automatically controlled valve releases the separated oil to a storage tank. Bangladesh 2 January 2014 The second-stage filter uses coalescer inserts to achieve the final de-oiling. Bangladesh 2 January 2014 More oil will separate out onto the underside of these plates and travel outwards until it is free to rise into the oil collecting space. Senior Engg. Lecturer. IMA. Hanif Dewan. 13. Senior Engg. Oily water separator working principles  The filter inserts will require chan The oil from the collecting spaces is drained away manually. depending upon the type of oil to be separated.  The water flows in turn through two filter stages and the oil removed passes to oil collecting spaces. IMA. Lecturer. Lecturer. IMA. the period of useful life depending upon the operating conditions. Senior Engg.  This is the emission of light by a molecule that has absorbed light. IMA. Lecturer. Where an excessive level of contamination is detected an alarm is sounded and diverting valves are operated. Bangladesh The measured value is compared with the maximum desired value in the controller/recorder.  The principle used is that of ultra-violet fluorescence. Bangladesh 2 January 2014 During the short interval between absorption and emission. 13 Mohd. 16 Mohd. 17. 14. Senior Engg. Hanif Dewan. Oil in Water Monitor System  The discharging liquid is then passed to a slop Mohd. 16.  An ultra-violet light is directed at the sample and the fluorescence is monitored by a photoelectric cell.  A sample is drawn off from the overboard 17 discharge and passes through a sample cell . Lecturer. IMA.  A monitor is required in order to measure these values and provide both continuous records and an alarm with auto stopping device where the permitted level is exceeded. 2 January 2014 IMA. Oil in Water Monitoring System  15.of discharge in excess of 15 parts per million occur. 14 Mohd. Bangladesh 2 January 2014ging. Hanif Dewan. Hanif Dewan. Senior Engg. Senior Engg. Oil in Water Monitor System . IMA. Senior Engg. Lecturer. tank. Bangladesh 2 January 2014  Oil fluoresces more readily than water and this provides the means for its detection. Bangladesh 2 January 2014 Current regulations with respect to the discharge of oily water from ships set limits of concentration 15 parts per million. Hanif Dewan. energy is lost and light of a longer wavelength is emitted. Hanif Dewan. Lecturer. Oil in Water Monitor System 15 Mohd.
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