Marmolit SolidStraw(Safety)

June 13, 2018 | Author: Tariq Akhtar | Category: Dangerous Goods, Toxicity, Personal Protective Equipment, Chemistry, Chemicals



Safety Data SheetUnder Regulation (EU) No. 453/2010, Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY - BRAND : Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 MARMOLIT 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY 1.1. Product identifier Trading name: SOLID STRAW 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the mixture and uses advised against Use of the mixture: Unsaturated polyester resin – styrene solution; Mastic for marble, granite, stone in general SU3 - Industrial Uses SU22 - Professional Use PROC10 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet B-CHEM Snc Via Enzo Ferrari, 68 - Industrial Area A 62012 CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) ITALY tel. +39 0733 801444, fax +39 0733 801062 Competent person responsible for the safety data sheet e-mail: [email protected] 1.4. Emergency telephone number Office hours: 8.30/12.30 - 14.30/17.30 tel. +39 0733 801444 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Classification of the mixture under Directive 1999/45/EC: HAZARDOUS The mixture meets the requirements of Regulation No. 1907/06 (REACH - Article 31, paragraph 1) and requires a safety data sheet under the Annex II of REACH Regulation. Further information on risks to human health and/or the environment are given in sections 11 and 12 of this safety data sheet. 2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture R 10 Flammable R 20 Harmful by inhalation R 36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin Acute and chronic effects on organs and systems: symptoms Acute effects dose-dependent Skin: irritation, delipidization Eyes: irritation Nervous System: depression, dizziness, fatigue Upper airways: irritation Lungs: irritation, pulmonary edema SOLID STRAW - Mastic for marble, granite page 1 of 11 carbon dioxide or powdered extinguishing agent.Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No. granite page 2 of 11 . Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 Chronic effects Skin: irritant contact dermatitis Nervous System: organic psycosyndrome.3. peripheral neuropathy Eyes: irritation. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Liver: liver damage Urogenital System: renal damage The substance (styrene) is currently not classified for mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity. S 23 Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray. Dangerous substances (Directive 67/548/EEC) SOLID STRAW . COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Mixture of unsaturated polyester resin containing styrene. Other hazards None 3. S 43 In case of fire. Other information All product components are listed in EINECS or ELINCS. conjunctivitis Lungs: irritation. 2. unless specifically exempted by the EEC Directive 67/548. S 26 In case of contact with eyes. Never use water. Environmental hazards: not classified as dangerous for the environment 2. S 9 Keep container in a well-ventilated place. S 36/37 Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves.Mastic for marble. colourant pigment and inert mineral charges. use sand.2.Harmful Risk Phrases (R) R 10 Flammable R 20 Harmful by inhalation R 36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin Precautionary statements (S) S 7 Keep container tightly closed. rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Label elements EEC Labelling Symbol (s) and indication (s) of danger Xn . 453/2010. S 60 This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste. No available data on mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity. 1. 4 (*) Eye Irrit. if you feel unwell get medical attention. If eye irritation persists get medical advice. health and environment. 4. 2 H226 H332 H319 H315 Labelling Pictogram. Liq. Most important symptoms and effects. Xi R10 R20 R36/38 Note This section gives the classification of substance. 453/2010. The meaning of each code of risk is given in section 16 (the most important Risk Phrases used in section 2 and 3 of this safety data sheet). show the safety data sheet. FIRST AID MEASURES 4.CLP) Index number International Chemical Identification EC No CAS No 601-026-00-0 Styrene 202-851-5 100-42-5 Classification Hazard Hazard Class and statement Category Code(s) Code(s) Flam. both acute and delayed None known. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Information for physician: symptoms treatment. IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. health and environment. including the codes of class and hazard category. 4. Signal Word Code(s) GHS02 GHS07 Warning Note This section gives the classification of substance.3. SOLID STRAW . Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY EC number 202-851-5 Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 CAS Registration Chemical Conc number number name (%w/w) 100-42-5 012119457861-32 Styrene 11 . 2 Skin Irrit.2. If skin irritation occurs get medical advice. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes while holding eyelids open.13 Classification Risk phrases Xn. including the letters corresponding to the hazard symbols and codes related Risk Phrases (R) assigned according to their risks for safety.Mastic for marble. Description of first aid measures IF ON SKIN: Gently wash with plenty of soap and water. Hazardous Substances (Regulation No. indication of hazard statement and pictograms and warning codes assigned according to their hazards for safety. granite page 3 of 11 . The meaning of each code is given in section 16. 4. IF SWALLOWED: Do NOT induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth if the victim is unconscious.Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No. 3 Acute Tox. 1272/2008 . Special exposure hazards: Special procedures: WARNING 5. Cool fire exposed containers with water. Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 5. The damaged containers should be handled only by trained personnel.1. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture The dispersion of the substance in the environment may cause pollution.2.Mastic for marble. Avoid placing the spilt in the closed sewers or collect in closed containers to reduce the risk of confined explosion. Methods and material Cover the leaks with inert absorbent material (clay. FIREFIGHTING MEASURES 5. 5. protective equipment and emergency procedures 6. The fumes from liquefied gas are initially heavier than air and tend to disperse along the ground. the personnel assigned to extinguish fires should act from a secure location. sand or other for containment and non-combustible material).2.Gas mask with breathing apparatus .3. 6. SOLID STRAW . 453/2010. in order to reduce the vapours cleaning up development. Environmental precautions Wear gloves. jacket and fireproof pants with bands around arms. Collect the spilled material with non-sparking equipment. fainting or suffocation. Advice for firefighters Refer to Section 8 for the use of personal protective equipment. Away individuals who are unprotected. The substance is easily transported at high temperatures. provide barriers to contain spilled substance. 6. drains or watercourses. To limit evaporation and to minimize the area affected by the spread of vapours. The substance forms explosive mixtures with air. boots and a tool of protection for the respiratory system (breathing apparatus). The firefighters must take into account the risk of explosion. Take appropriate measures to contain the extinguishing water. Use installation systems and operating procedures to avoid the product reaches the sewerage system. protective clothing.3. granite page 4 of 11 . Wash the floor with water after collecting the shed. Refer to protective measures listed in sections 7 and 8. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 6. safety goggles.Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No.carbon dioxide . The vapours of the substance can go back to the source point and create flashbacks phenomena. Containers may explode when subjected to heat flow. legs and waist.foams . Extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing media: Unsuitable extinguishing media: Special protective equipment for fire-fighters: Use the following media: . Personal precautions.Full equipment consisting of helmet with face shield and neck protection. Vapours may cause dizziness.1. Do not discharge contaminated water into drains.water spray . soil or surface waters.dry chemical High-pressure water jets Wear: . The use of water spray reduces the development of vapours but does not prevent the substance ignition in enclosed areas. Avoid accumulation of static discharges. Provide electrical equipment in accordance with local regulations on electrical safety for places with fire and explosion hazard. No smoking.3. Do not use acid to clean. Precautions for Work upwind if possible. Handle in well ventilated areas. dry and cool area. HANDLING AND STORAGE 7. Keep separate containers from strong oxidizers. Store in a well ventilated. 7. Keep at temperature not exceeding 25° C. Conditions for Protect containers from damage. granite page 5 of 11 . use(s) SOLID STRAW . 7. safe storage. Do not use cleaning products made from strong oxidants. Specific end No data available. Keep away from all possible sources of with skin and eyes. Keep only in original container. Do not wear contact lenses during the handling of the substance.Mastic for marble. safe handling Avoid: . .Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No. containers and equipment.inhalation of vapours and fumes. Contaminated work clothing should be changed. 453/2010. particularly when pouring off. Keep away from food. Before carrying out hot work clean up lines and containers. Make sure that the transmission lines and equipment are perfectly clean and do not contain acids or oxidizing substances before using the substance. 7.2. Include the use of local exhaust ventilation. Never reuse empty containers before they are subjected to industrial cleaning or reconditioning. Protect from direct sunlight. For matters not provided here. refer to personal protective equipment recommended in Section 8 of this sheet. incompatibilities Ventilate the storage area so they can be diluted leaks from containers. Before carrying out transfer operations make sure that the tank does not contain residues of incompatible substances. Ensure the grounding of tanks.1. Ensure the grounding of equipment during decanting and wear antistatic footwear during the operation. feed and beverages. Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 Enter the material collected in clean and labeled containers. Store in tightly closed and labeled containers. Provide the possibility of cool with water and other systems the product including any containers. 6 °C (styrene) Initial boiling point and boiling range: 145. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.2 mg / L 8. EN 467). Provide workplace facilities for washing (emergency shower and eye showers).PVA (permeability time> 6 hours) . do not use contact lenses.2 Hand protection Gloves: . Individual protection measures.3 ppm (styrene) pH: n.1.3 Eye protection Safety glasses.2. 8. EN 369.2 °C (styrene) Flashpoint: 30°C Evaporation rate: n. EN 368. Control parameters (ACGIH®) Substance TLV-TWA STEL Styrene 20 ppm 40 ppm Occupational Exposure Limit: BEI ACGIH Mandelic acid with benzoylformic acid on urine.1 (higher) (styrene) Vapour pressure: 600 Pa at 20 °C (styrene) Vapour density: 3. Avoid gloves made of: PVC. gas): flammable Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits: 1.1. 8. such as personal protective equipment 8.1 (lower).2.d.2.2. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION 8.30 g/l SOLID STRAW . Wash hands accurately with soap and water before eating and take a shower after work shift.Teflon (permeability time> 4 hours) (CEN: EN 420.2. Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 8. shift end: 0.2.2 Exposure controls 8.906 g/cmc Liquid density 1782.2. Melting point / freezing point: .2.2. EN 374-1-2-3).a. Neoprene and Latex 8.1. Nitrile. 8.6 (styrene) Relative density: 0. shift end: 400 mg/g creatinine Styrene in blood. 453/2010.1 Information on basic physical and chemical properties Physical state: solid Colour: straw-coloured Odor: characteristic of styrene Odour threshold: 0.Organic gases and vapours . 6. drink or smoke during work.Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No.3 Environmental exposure -----controls Precautionary measures Do not eat.Mastic for marble.4 Skin protection Protective clothing (CEN: EN 340. Flammability (solid. Working clothes should be washed separately and stored in a separate place.(EN 141).2. Appropriate engineering controls 8. Recommended engineering controls ------ 9.30.1 Respiratory protection Mask with filter type A1 .2. granite page 6 of 11 . Keep away from open flames. fatigue. n. Avoid formation of static discharges.3.d. Incompatible materials 10.13% p/p . Spontaneous polymerization. n. dermal and inhalation: oral LD-50 (rat): 5000 mg/kg skin LD-50 (rabbit): not available inhalation LC-50 . loss of SOLID STRAW . Other information Solid content: Acid number: Softening point: Ignition temperature: SADT: Active oxygen content: 84.1 (lower).O. Keep away from oxidizing agents.0. Toxicological information relating the main substances in the mixture are shown below. strong acids and alkalis. Avoid exposing container to direct sunlight. Possible reaction with acids and oxidizing substances (styrene). 453/2010. The product is stable under recommended storage and handling conditions (see paragraph 7). STABILITY AND REACTIVITY 10.4 hours (rat): 2770 ppm Irritation Styrene is irritating to eyes.a.3% 6 mgKOH/gr n.29 mg/l (styrene) octanol / water 2. hepatotoxic and can depress the central nervous system.a – not applicable n. 11 . Possibility of hazardous reactions 10.95 (styrene) 490°C (styrene) n.1. strong acids and alkalis in order to avoid exothermic reactions (styrene).d. 6. Main symptoms are nausea. 1. Conditions to avoid 10. – not determined 10. Peroxides.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Toxicological data about mixture as a whole are not available.a.2. Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 Solubility in water: Partition coefficient: Ignition temperature: Decomposition temperature: Viscosity: Explosive properties: Oxidising properties: V. (styrene).C. Reactivity 10.a.634 g/l 9.1 (upper) (styrene) n. May be nephrotoxic.d.Mastic for marble. The product is stable under normal conditions of use and storage.Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No. > 2600 mPa*s-1 1. value: 0. n. headache. Hazardous decomposition products Spontaneous polymerization. n.4.6. The product is flammable: it can give rise to formation of decomposition products after combustion. granite page 7 of 11 . Acute toxicity Acute toxicity by oral.a. Note the concentration of each substance in order to evaluate the toxicological effects from exposure.5. Chemical stability 10. skin and mucous membranes. Keep away from oxidizing agents.2. Reaction with alkalis. Persistence and degradability There is no hydrolysis in water. CNS depression and peripheral neuropathy. May cause pulmonary edema and peripheral neuropathy. Sensitization In humans. Workers are exposed by inhalation or percutaneous absorption. Styrene depresses the central nervous system and causes peripheral neuropathy: the mechanism of action of the substance has not yet been clarified. granite page 8 of 11 . we report those for the individual components. Corrosion Exposure by inhalation to styrene results in irritation of mucous membranes.3. more toxic metabolite. Carcinogenicity. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Any known ecological data for the mixture. There is hyperaemia of the conjunctiva and cornea moderate impairment. nuclear pyknosis and. according to data gathered in literature. The population can be exposed by ingesting contaminated water or food. Toxicity The substance is not classifiable ecotoxic. inhalation in areas contaminated by industrial waste or inhalation of cigarette smoke. with return to normal in 48 hours. EC50/48h. Daphnia magna: 4. Information about potential exposure pathways The main potential exposure pathways are inhalation.Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No. Bioaccumulative potential The bioconcentration factor is not significant. breaking in the cytoplasm membrane.1 mg/l (fish) 12.Mastic for marble. Biodegradation. Photochemical degradation in the atmosphere. In rats exposed by inhalation was noted a reduction in ciliary activity against the nasal mucosa and morphological anomalies with vacuolation of epithelial cells. Symptoms related to the physical. delayed and chronic effects from exposure to short and long-term Styrene is metabolized in the liver by mixed function oxidase system of the endoplasmic reticulum. dizziness and unconsciousness. 453/2010. Interactive effects No data available 12. mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity There was no evidence of carcinogenic activity in a two-year study of B6C3F1 mice and Fischer 344 rats by administering styrene by the oral route. Immediate. 12. SOLID STRAW .7 mg/l LC50/96h: = 9. chemical and toxicological properties. Metabolic transformation of styrene in humans begins with his conversion to epoxide (styrene oxide).2. 12. Repeated dose toxicity Chronic exposure to the substance may cause obstructive pulmonary syndromes. muscle weakness.1. sometimes. The mixture is NOT classified as dangerous for the environment: the following data refers to styrene. Exposures more than five years have brought hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 coordination. styrene resulted in sensitization reactions. ingestion and skin contact. feeling of drunkenness. Other adverse effects Following treatments for wastewater containing styrene were studied: biological. 12. stripping and extraction with solvents and activated carbon. rail. Contaminated packaging Other information Dispose of as chemical waste empty and uncleaned containers.1 UN number 14.6 Special precautions for user 14.1.1 .Special Provision 236 of the IMDG Code Amendment 34° . Mobility in soil Low mobility in soil. In Italy dispose of according to Legislative Decree 152/2006. Waste treatment methods Product Dispose of according to local and national regulation.5 Environmental hazards 14. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment The mixture does not contain any substances classified as persistent.4 Packing group 14.7 Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code Transport/shipping by road.4. ------------ 14. SOLID STRAW . S-E (*) 3 3 III Not classified (*) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable (*) .2 UN proper shipping name 14. 453/2010. the UN number becomes UN 3269. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS 13.2008 currently in force. 13.I. including loading and unloading. Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 12. 12.Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No. as indicated in Section 3.5.3 Transport hazard class Hazard Label 14. bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) or very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB)./IATA) UN 1866 RESIN SOLUTION UN 1866 RESIN SOLUTION 3 3 III Not classified (*) 3 3 III Not classified EmS : F-E.Mastic for marble. inland waterways (ADR/RID/ADN) UN 1866 RESIN SOLUTION Maritime transport (IMDG Code) Transport by air (ICAO T. granite page 9 of 11 .” Additional information for transport: When the product is delivered in conjunction with the hardener (peroxide). must be carried out by people who received the necessary training required by the modal regulations concerning the transport of dangerous goods.6.“Transport. TRANSPORT INFORMATION 14.3. Article 59 (1): candidate list Not listed. Part 1 Not listed. Regulation (EC) No 689/2008 concerning the export and import of dangerous chemicals.Mastic for marble. 4 H332: Harmful if inhaled. OTHER INFORMATION Date: 25/11/2010 Revision: All sections According to Regulation (EU) No 453/2010. Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006. Supplementary hazard statement code(s) ---Other information SOLID STRAW .1. Annex V Not listed.Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No. Annex I. signal word code(s) GHS 02 GHS 07 WARNING Hazard class and category code(s) Hazard statement code(s) Acute Tox. Regulation (EC) No 2037/2000 on substances that deplete the ozone layer. 453/2010. Annex I. 15. Most important risk phrases used in the sections 2 and 3 of this SDS R 10 Flammable R 20 Harmful by inhalation R 36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin Pictograms. granite page 10 of 11 . Part 3 Not listed. Liq. Annex I Not listed. 3 H226: Flammable liquid and vapour. Eye Irrit.2. Skin Irrit. Chemical safety assessment: not carried out. Regulation (EC) No 689/2008 concerning the export and import of dangerous chemicals. 2 H315: Causes skin irritation. Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 15.1. health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture Regulation (EC) No 2037/2000 on substances that deplete the ozone layer. Annex I Not listed. Regulation (EC) No 689/2008 concerning the export and import of dangerous chemicals. Safety. 16. Regulation (EC) No 850/2004 on Persistent Organic Pollutants. Part 2 Not listed. Flam. class and hazard category codes and additional information used in Section 3 of this SDS Pictogram. Annex I.634 g/l . Annex I.13% p/p VOC Value. signal word codes. 2 H319: Causes serious eye irritation. Regulation (EC) No 689/2008 concerning the export and import of dangerous chemicals. Annex II Not listed. Organic volatile compounds contained in the mixture: 0. REGULATORY INFORMATION 15. Some data are still under review. different actions).SAX'S Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. 453/2010. .Decision 2000/532/EC and subsequent amendments. . storage. SOLID STRAW .Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH). . by sending them a copy of this Safety Data Sheet.a = not determined Additional information: Data and information provided here are in good faith and based on our knowledge about the product.Directive 1999/45/EC and subsequent amendments. .a = not applicable n. Note: n.Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (Classification. cleaning of containers. granite page 11 of 11 . the information provided not guarantee specific product features and shall not establish a legal contract. labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures). .Regulation (EC) No 453/2010.Safety Data Sheet Under Regulation (EU) No.Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP).Directive 67/548/EEC and subsequent amendments (Classification and labelling of dangerous substances). . .International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code). The user must also provide all the information needed for job security. .Regulation (EC) No 790/2009.Directive 67/548/EEC and subsequent amendments. .Legislative Decree No 152/2006 (Regulations on the environment) and subsequent amendments.Mastic for marble. . Annex I CIVITANOVA MARCHE (MC) – ITALY Issue date: 16/05/2011 Revision date: 16/03/2012 Version: 03 ----Safety Data Sheet based on: . storage and handling of the product. . .Legislative Decree 14/3/2003 No 65 and subsequent amendments.Legislative Decree 14/3/2003 No 65 (Classification and labelling of dangerous preparations). .International Air Transport Association (IATA). activities for which is solely responsible.Directive 1999/45/EC and subsequent amendments (Classification and labelling of dangerous preparations). health and environmental protection to people who may come into contact with the product (use. Legislation and reference sources: . at the date of issue of this sheet. .ADR (European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road). The recipient of the product should refer to official documents concerning the use. The list of legislation. . regulations and administrative acts should not be considered complete.
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