Marma Vidya

April 4, 2018 | Author: Phalgun Balaaji | Category: Massage, Ayurveda, Clinical Medicine, Medicine, Therapy



MarmaMarma points are the ‘junction of consciousness and physiology.’ In Ayurveda consciousness is considered primary, and all health, healing and well-being are the result of universal consciousness flowing freely. ecause marma points are a direct connection to universal consciousness, when these points are cleared, vital energy flows more fully through the body, enlivening it and restoring perfect health. Marma chikitsa !hat is marma chi"itsa# It is a powerful instrument of Ayurveda that originated $,%%% years ago. It is a process and a therapy that wor"s with &%' subtle and sensitive energy points to open energy channels in the body called strotras. (Marma’s effects are profound and can create dramatic shifts in the body. And what are the side effects# )ou have to live a long life with energy, enthusiasm and tran*uility+, -r. .asant /ad 01/2 13 MA0MA 4here are four basic purposes of marma5 1) It removes blocks in energy channels called strotras. 2) It pacifies vata dosha, (air and space elements ), bringing it to its normal path— especially vyana vata, (a sub-dosha hich controls the autonomic nervous system.) !) It creates physical, mental and emotional fle"ibility. #ecause of ama (to"ins) and because of vata, human beings after !$ or %& years of age become rigid — and this happens to animals and plants too. 's vata increases in our body, e e"perience degeneration. (his rigidity can mean becoming fi"ed in ideas, emotions and physical movements. %) (his gentle treatment creates an opportunity to e"perience poerful and dynamic transformation at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels by building a positive link ith the unconscious mind. Many times people are not able to go outside their ‘comfort 6ones.’ 4hey thin" they have absolute limitations. After marma is done, they can start ta"ing positive ris"s. Marma is beneficial for many conditions, including the following5 )uscular and *oint pain +ro,en *oints )uscular strain -espiratory conditions .igestion and elimination problems /ervous system disorders 0eadaches and migraines 1eneral aging problems 1landular issues 'n"iety and depression 2tress response, fears and phobias 3onfusion, memory loss and mental focus 4o energy and fatigue #reaking through limited belief systems 4here are various systems of massage in practice in addition to the Ayurvedic treatment. 1ne of such most advanced and sophisticated systems in 7erala is Marma 4herapy. Marma 4herapy, among the most popular health care systems in 7erala, has been developed and perfected over the many years of practice and e8perience. 2arly reference of the word Marma is seen in Atharvaveda. -uring .edic period "nowledge of Marma was "nown to "ings and warriors. It was applied in battle fields to hit and achieve ma8imum fatal effect against their enemies. 4herefore it can be assumed that this science was used both in warfare and surgery. As a practical science, the Marma therapy has been widely acclaimed as an effective treatment method and has been in vogue from time immemorial in many parts of 9outh India, especially in 7erala and 4amil :adu. 4his art had, for many years, been "ept a closely guarded secret and was "nown only to a few close relatives and insiders in family. 4hese families rendered treatment more as a duty than as their profession. ;ence the actual treatment remained as a secret in the family. 4his led to the downfall of this science. Marma is certain vital points spread all over the surface of human body. 4hese are the places where the <rana =life force> is said to be sited. ;ence any injury to these centers or in the vicinity of these areas are highly painful and might lead to irreparable damages or even death. ;ence these areas are highly guarded from injury. <robably, that is the reason why this "nowledge was the part and parcel of the curriculum in Martial art practices. 4he warrior learns how to induce ma8imum possible injury to his opponents and even silent death. ut the very same points could be triggered to revive him from the harmful effects of ones trauma. In 4amil literature a very e8haustive descriptions of Marma points are found. ;ere we could find very clearly the treatment of every injury to Marma.y application of various treatment modalities li"e massage, internal medicines, as well as <ancha"arma we see" to alleviate various diseases due to trauma and it is to our credit that we achieve commendable success in this filed. 4he ;ealing <ower of Marma 4herapy !hat do these symptoms have in common5 headaches, muscular pain, fatigue, recurring bac" and nec" pains, aches in the joints and impaired immune response# !hile there is more than one possible answer, it could primarily be due to the stress-filled life, which disrupts the flow of .ital 2nergy or ?hetna. According to 9usruta in 9usruta 9amhita =ayurvedic te8t> the body has &%' vital spots or Marma centers. 4he energy flows and accumulate in these spots. Any imbalance in these centers causes body ailments, which can be rectified using certain revival techni*ues practiced in Marma 4herapy. 4he first science of massage described in the classical Ayurvedic te8t, 9ushruta 9amhita points to vital spots, similar to ?hinese acupuncture. ut, unli"e acupuncture it does not involve any invasive use of needles. 0evitali6ing through Marma 3rom common ailments to serious neuromuscular diseases, all can be treated by Marma therapy. ?ommon ailments li"e headaches, body aches, faulty spinal alignment, pain in the joints can be revitali6ed through Marma ?hi"itsa, which involves 9nehana, Abhayanga, <i6hichil, and 7i6hi treatment. 7i6hi treatment is a therapy wherein heated herbs and medicinal oils are tied in cloth bags and placed on the area to be treated. 4his is followed by specific massages, done using the fingers, heel of the hand or palm. 4he pressure application varies according to the nature of ailment and the spot. :euromuscular diseases need prolonged treatment. In 7erala there are number of Marma e8perts who can totally heal various "inds of neuromuscular diseases. Marma 4herapy Marma therapy focuses on energi6ing the body to relieve occupational illness and stress related diseases. 1ften, it helps the couples to re-establish harmony in marital life. Marma ?hi"itsa =therapeutic treatment in vital spots> is an offshoot of the 7alarippayattu, 7eralas martial art. In 7erala, Marma therapy joins the streams of 9idha and 7alari. <enetration of any of the &%'-marma points causes injury and "nowledge of these points are used to align the upset e*uilibrium between the 4ridosha .ata =wind>, <itta =bile>, @ 7apha =phlegm>. 4hese A elements form the essence of life. Marma ?hi"itsa is basically a neuromuscular and orthopedic science. In southern 7erala, the Agasthya system is practiced, the chi"itsa =therapy> is an amalgamation of the 7alari 9idha .eda and Ayurveda forms. 1il therapy or 9nehana is an important part of Marma ?hi"itsa, warm, medicated oils are applied in large amounts all over the body. 4he medicated oils are used in specific body sites, such as on the char"as and Marma points or at specific trouble spots. 4he body is then massaged using these oilsB this specific techni*ue of massage is "nown as Abhayanga. Marma Abhayanga is different from Ayurveda Abhyanga. Marma Abhayanga Abhayanga involves the use of major and minor marma points. 4he success of the chi"itsa depends on two factors one is the patients faith in the system, god and the master. 4he second factor is the master or CDuru""alC himself and his e8perience that play a pivotal role in the treatment process. Although the marmas are the junctions of all $ principles =flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints> at each point pre-dominance of one principle e8ists. It is at these points where Abhayanga can most effectively restructure or rebalance the system to function most healthily. 3urther, Abhayanga helps develop the bodys immune system and longevity of both the body and mind, by ensuring the proper balance and flow of hormones, fluids, immune factors etc. !hat are the Marma <oints# Marma points are positions on the body where flesh, veins, arteries, tendon, bones and joints meet. 4hey may also be described as the junctions where .ayu, <itta and 7apha meetB where 9attwa, 0ajas and 4amas meet, or where eternity and relativity meet. !hile a healer uses these points to heal, for a warrior the very same spots could be used to harm. 4he Marma points are the points where the three aspects of reali6ation meet, i.e. the inner self, outer world, and intersection of the above two. 4hus these are junctions between the physical, astral and causal bodies. 4he Marma points are of great importance to a persons body, mind and spirit, as these are the points where the spirit hinges the body. Marma Drouping Marma points are grouped according to the region of the body. • arms 22 points, • legs 22 points (11 per limb), • abdomen ! points, • chest 5 points, • back 1% points, • head and neck !6 points. 4he Marma points are also grouped according to other aspects such as • muscles 1& points, • tenders7ligaments 2! points, • 'rteries 5 points, • 8eins !6 points, • *oints 2& points • bones 9 points. 4raditionally Marma points are grouped into A categories, those on the legs and feet =9an"ha Marma>, on the trun" =Madhayamanga Marma>, @ nec" and head =Eatrurdhara Marma>. If these points are pierced or hit forcefully, it could result in disease, trauma or even death. 4he heart, forehead and throat are the most vulnerable areas, whereas the areas on the arms and legs are less vulnerable to severe injury. !hen imbalances e8ist in the body, these spots become sore, through Marma Abhayanga health is restored. !hen a person is hit at a Marma point, the pain constantly fluctuates, if the injury is made by a weapon or the point is hit forcefully it can prove fatal, often causing death. Marma in terms of Ayurveda Ayurvedadetails the &%' Marma points major, and minor, which e8ist on the body. 4he major points correspond to the major char"as on the body, while the minor points are found around the torso and limbs. 4hus healing through Marma Abhayanga affects the char"as, physical health and the doshas. 4he purpose of a Marma Abhayanga is to stimulate the various body organs and systems. 4hese points are measured by finger units to detect their correct location. 3or eg - CAnimarmaC is a Marma point e8isting just above the "nee, four fingers above the middle of the "nee. 4his point relates to the small intestine, and is situated at on the bac" of the leg, directly behind this spot. If we move the hands from the front Animarma, in a straight line to the bac" =i.e. by wor"ing the sides of the leg that are in line with Animarma>, this Marma would be stimulated. 9o wor"ing on a Marma point affects the front, sides and bac" of a Marma, encircling the area around the arm or leg. 7alari and Marma ;ealing 7alarippayattu also teaches the Marma =meaning vital points of the body> system. 7alari- Marma system is a combination of traditional, ayurvedic and siddha systems of Marma. 4he southern system of 7alarippayattu developed a concept of Amritnila =nectar placement>, which e8plains that the effectiveness of attac" on Marma depends on the lunar movement. 4he most effective point changes with the moon and such effective points of each day are "nown as the Amritnila. 4hey also spea" of Attangal Marma =particular points>, which can be used as a first aid to bring the patient to a state of consciousness. 4he Marma .ijnana ="nowledge of Marma> has twin aspects, martial and therapeutic. 4he available published manuscripts on 7alari - Marma therapy are 0angabhyasam, Ayudhabhyasam, 7alarividya, Marma ?hi"itsa,Marma 9asthra <eedhi"a, Marma 9amacharam and Marma ?haari. Marma Massage 4he word Marma comes from 9ans"rit origin CmruC or CmarrC .FMarayate Iti MarmaniF, the 9ans"rit phrase means there is li"elihood of death after infliction to these places hence are are called Marma .4he word Marma used with meanings as tender, secrete or vital places. 4here are certain anatomical locations in the body which are vital, and serve as small poc"ets of <rana, thus any injury to these parts can be painful and cripple the local functions or even lead to sudden death of the individual. 4hey are junctions of different channels of <rana movements in the body. <rana is a vital energy ,<rana pervades each and every corner of the body, it nourishes ,guides and controls the functioning of the cell and systems. when these MA0MA =junctions> are affected or ruptured ,the organs lin"ed with <rana channels become starved with lac" of <rana and some organ becomes diseased ,crippled or paraly6ed or depending upon the *uantum is of <rana being lost ,it may lead to slow or sudden death. .agbthata =In the te8t Ashtanga hridaya sharira Gth chapter slo"a > defines Marma is the meeting point of mamsa ,asthi,sira ,snayu,dhamani, and sandhi, and Cwhere the <rana is presentC. 4his is similar with ?hinese meridian concept in which the points appear either on signal meridian line or at meeting points of different meridian. 4he "nowledge of MA0MA has got wide implication in the many fields of medical practice, but as today its traditional practices are limited and scattered in India 4he "nowledge of mama can be classified in following fields -In Martial art and welfare, in surgical importance, medical importance -in the management of disease and in the diagnosis of illness 4here are total &%H Marma in the body. In 4amilian traditions they are &%' Marma points. and in "alari tradition hey are AI$ Marma points. 4hey are classified for better understanding according to the physical components li"e - 1))ansa )arma (muscle), 2)sira )arma- ( vessels conveying body fluids and impulses), !)sanyu (tendons), %)asthi (bones) and $)sandhi (articulate points specially bone *oints). 4he Marma are also grouped on the basis of there similarities in the features particularly on the basis of vulnerabilityJ a> 9adhya <ranhara Marma - 9adhya means sudden or immediate. there are the Marma which are vulnerable for the loss of life immediately after injury or insult. b> 7alantara <ranhara - 7alantara means after the lapse of some time, <ranhara means loss of life. After an insults to these Marma loss of life results gradually after some time. c> .ishalyaghana - 4his category of Marma is named on its surgical importance. .ishalya means being the foreign body removed. .ishalyaghana indicated death being the foreign body removed. when injured the person survives as long the foreign body remains in place. d> .ai"alya"ara - .il"ala means deform or cripple. vai"alya"ara means one which deforms or cripples. 4reatment or the care of Marma- 4o defy from the dangers to Marma , to follow the hygienic measures everyday and to treat the affliction are the means to care Marma- ?hara"a 9amhita <reventative aspect- Marma are very sensitive places a small injury or insult is always a possibility. -esirous of health one must avoid physical and mental over e8ertions. the in depletion of tissue metabolic substances ,with holding of natural impulses ,e8cessive consuming dry articles, e8cessive physical e8ertion and fasting ,these factors can disturb pranvaha srotas = channels through <rana is flowing> and ma"es more vulnerability to disease. 4owards positive health - 3ollowing are the guidelines to improve upon the health of the Marma ;ealthy daily regimen, 1il massage and stimulating the Marma points, head massage, treatments in affected Marma li"e :asya, asti, 9heha pana internal oliation, soft .irechana, 9hirodhara, 9hiro asti, e8ternal application with herbs. -ifferent oils and substitutes li"e needle therapy , magnet , mo"sha therapy and lepa herbal pac" are used in treating or maintaining the health of Marma points 4rainings and 9essions 0aso .ai Ayurveda offers training in Marma massage and individual treatment with Marma massage. Marma massgae involves full body massage with warm medicated oil and stimulating or massaging the Marma points on the body. According to psychosomatic constitution or disease, different oils are selected for Marma massage. Marma massage is soft flowing massage can be done by two people massaging in synchroni6e rhythm or with single Individual. Marma massage the techni*ues and the guidelines are developed "eeping the "nowledge of channels and nadi location in priority. 4he massage is I% to K% minutes of duration followed by steam bath or warm shower. Marma massage stimulates generates the own energy resources and gives person more vital energy .It removes bloc"ages form the Marma points giving physical and psychological rela8ation and strength. 0egular Marma massage protects from vata disorders nourishes body, e8tends life span, provides good sleep, improves physical stability. simulating or massaging the Marma points gives benefits to the area of there location and improves the function of the connecting organs.
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