Market Visit Report

March 31, 2018 | Author: Khizar Raza | Category: Tea, Point Of Sale, Retail, Brand, Foods



2012MARKET VISIT REPORT GAUHAR MUSHTAQ BHATTI PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING BBA 4 I kg. Tapal danedar. Tetley. exit and banners hanging after every 4 to 5 aisles. Tapal’s stall was kept. Tapal family mixture. Since Metro became operational. Payments for such promotional activities were done by companies themselves. Mostly housewives. Karachi Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes A complete aisle dedicated to tea products. Similarly at the other end of the tea aisle. 450 g and 379 g packs. Had a separate café outside Metro. Bill boards of Lipton and Tapal at POP. Biscuits were placed exactly opposite the tea aisle. Company trucks deliver goods. Danedar because of its aroma and strong taste. Mon o Salwa had a stall where it distributed free nuggets etc to people for tasting. Both Lipton and Tapal Danedar Lipton because of its promotional activities. Teabags available of 100. No Yes. Within the aisle where all tea variety was available. It was opposite juices and other similar beverages. Surf Excel had posters and boards at the entrance. Tapal also had a separate stall like Lipton. Lipton Yellow Label was placed at and below eye level. Frequency of trucks bringing goods depends on orders. Separate Stall of Lipton at the aisle’s entrance which was opposite Coffee brands like Nescafe. . Another area where Lipton tea was placed was near the check out counters.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other Activities going on? Distribution Process 1 Metro IMT University Road. 300 and 600 pieces per pack. No third party involved. green tea etc). 1/3rd was occupied by Lipton (black tea. Ponds had a separate stall where women were given free cream samples to try. Lipton teabags and 1 kg bags are bought in huge numbers by housewives and Office consumption. Alokozay. LIPTON PRICES 379 g 450 g 1 kg Rs. 620 TAPAL DANEDAR PRICES 2x200 g Rs.254. 1208 .235 4x95 g Rs.25 300 pieces 600 pieces Rs. 323 Rs. 237 ALOKOZAY 100 teabags Rs. 55 100 pieces (Tea bags) Rs.210 25 tea bags Rs. 640 Rs. 243 Rs. People admire its taste and colour. Tetley and Alokozay. 70 100 pieces Rs. 140 . Opposite it are racks of artificial sugar. Tapal family mixture. LIPTON PRICES 1 kg Rs. Bahadurabad Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes Separate stall of LIPTON only at entrance.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities going on? Distribution Process 2 Naheed Supermarket LMT Siraj ud Daulah Road. 640 450 g Rs. 450g I kg packs. Housewives main type.310 250 g Rs. 20. 250g. 560 200 g Rs. Opposite the tea aisle are powdered milk like Everyday etc. No Company Trucks deliver tea. Lipton had a small vending machine where Lipton tea was available for Rs.280 50 pieces Rs. Green tea 25 teabags per pack. Tea kept on the basement floor. Teabags of Lipton 100 pieces per bag and 50 pieces per bag. Tapal leading.Brooke Bond Supreme(Only a few packets). Alokozay kept way below eye level on a lower shelf.125 100 g Rs. Lipton on an average 25 to 30 cartons per week are ordered by Naheed. Lipton. Tapal danedar. 150 TAPAL DANEDAR PRICES 950 g Rs. Tapal kept at eye level on the same shelf. Tetley. Since quite some years. More than 5 No Yes. 65 . 115 TAPAL DANEDAR 950 g Rs. Middle man involved instead of company trucks. Tapal danedar and Mixture and Tetley. Lipton. 310 950 g Rs.560 BROOKE BOND SUPREME 95 g Rs. 190g. 115 100 g Rs.260 50 pieces Rs. Brooke Bond Supreme. All kinds of customers. 280 950 g Rs. Since past two to three years.125 475 g Rs. People prefer it because of its taste and affordable price. 475g. 50 and 25 pieces per pack.70 190 g Rs. 95g packs. 530 200 g Rs. LIPTON PRICES 95 g Rs. 130 25 pieces Rs.620 475 g Rs. No No No Distributor comes and delivers it.60 100 pieces Rs. Teabags of 100. 57 190 g Rs.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process 3 Al Amin General Stores HFS A Gulistan-e-jauhar roundabout Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes Central shelf behind the counter 950g. Its teabags are very popular and demand of these is highest. 70 190 g Rs. Tapal danedar and Mixture and Tetley and Alokozay.114 100 g Rs. Brooke Bond Supreme. Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes Tea shelf near the entrance. 50 and 25 pieces per pack. They are responsible for distributing. Mostly housewives and teenagers. A whole separate aisle for tea. Lipton above and at eye level.65 . 950g.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process 4 Taimuriya Stores HFS A Near maskan roundabout.600 1 kg Rs. Lipton No particular reason.58 475 g Rs. 130 25 pieces Rs.125 TAPAL FAMILY MIXTURE 200 g Rs. 310 950 g Rs. 95g packs. No No Delivery van comes after every 15 days.Perhaps because of its strategic placement which catches customer’s eyes. Teabags of 100. LIPTON PRICES 95 g Rs. 1 kg. at the lower shelfs. 190g. Other brands below eye level. Since many months. 475g. 620 100 pieces Rs.260 50 pieces Rs. About 8 to 10 Board of Lipton near the aisle. Gold Café Green. Tapal. Savera. A1 Karak at eye and above eye level. All kinds of people. 190 g.115 450 g Rs. Past 2 to 3 years. Teenagers etc. Probably because of flavor and fragrance. HFS A Next to Toyota Showroom at Rashid Minhas Road. LIPTON PRICES 1 kg Rs. Tetley. 620 TETLEY 190 g Rs. Quite some time.125 100 pieces Rs.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process 5 Eastern Medicos. Board of Lipton. 450 g. teabags 100 and 50 pieces per pack. Tapal kept below eye level whereas brands like Tetley. Women. 130 . Gold Café Green. Lipton.260 50 pieces Rs. Lipton. Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes Tea kept at the last aisle of the shop. Savera. Men. 310 190 g Rs. No Distributer comes and gives products to the store. Small board of Tapal and Lipton at the counter. No particular reason. 1 kg. Lipton Tea has a separate shelf. etc. Quite some time.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process 6 As-salam Medicos. 310 200 g Rs. 130 . No particular reason. Tapal. Supreme. No Small board of Tapal and Lipton at the entrance. Past many years. 1 kg. Tetley kept together in a shelf next to Lipton’s. Biscuits kept opposite to the aisles with tea products. 50 and 40 pieces per pack. HFS A Near Johar Roundabout Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes Tea is kept in the central aisle of the shop.260 40 pieces Rs. 450 g. Lipton. No Company trucks deliver to the shop LIPTON PRICES 1 kg Rs. Supreme. Men.60 100 pieces Rs.135 TAPAL DANEDAR 950 g Rs. 200 g. 115 100 g Rs. All variety are kept at and below eye level. Tetley. Teabags 100. Danedar. All kinds of people. Probably because of flavor and fragrance. Danedar.150 (Special Tinned packs) 50 pieces Rs. Women. 620 450 g Rs. 530 200 g Rs. Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process 7 Boatsons Medical Store. 310 100 teabags Rs. however distributors come and deliver in a delivery van.250 TAPAL DANEDAR 950 g Rs. Many months. HFS B Bahadurabad Chorangi Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes In the lowest shelf of the corner most aisle. No No No Company does not send its trucks. 450 g. Mostly men. 475 g and teabags 100 pieces per packet. Tapal and Tetley. LIPTON PRICES 190 g Rs. 530 200 g Rs.135 380 g Rs. All tea variety kept under the eye level. not very clearly visible upon entering. Tapal Danedar (although Lipton spends relatively more for promotion and advertisement) Customers feel danedar stronger tea than Lipton. 380 g. 190 g .260 .300 475 g Rs. They also prefer aroma of danedar as compared to Lipton’s.60 450 g Rs. 115 100 g Rs. 300 1 kg Rs. Teabags in very small quantity.58 100 teabags Rs. Women said they preferred it because it has a stronger taste and flavor and good to serve guests. 1 kg packs. All tea variety at and above eye level. Over past year. About 5 to 6 packets of 100 pieces per pack.114 100 g Rs. All types of customers. 70 450 g Rs. Tetley.600 TAPAL FAMILY MIXTURE 200 g Rs.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process 8 Razaq Medical and General Store HFS B Near TV Station Bahadurabad Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes At the rack to the immediate left of the shop’s entrance.260 . Tapal Family mixture most popular. 450 g. Tapal Danedar. No Board of Danedar at the shop’s entrance. 95 g. Brooke Bond Supreme. No Delivery van comes on an average fifteen to twenty days interval LIPTON PRICES 95 g Rs. 475 g.60 TAPAL DANEDAR 950 g Rs. Tapal Danedar.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process 9 Bismillah Medicos HFS B Near TV Station Bahadurabad Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes At the right aisle immediately at entrance. 225 . 450 g. 190 g. No No Tetley was giving a free colgate tube with its 425 g packet.70 190 g Rs. Quite a few years. 300 200 g Rs. Tetley Mostly housewives. LIPTON PRICES 95 g Rs. Family Mixture. 115 100 g Rs. Another reason for Tapal’s popularity the shopkeeper gave was that Tapal was available in satchet packs. Delivery van comes to the shops based on stock levels and demand. 530 400 g Rs. 300 450 g Rs. Tapal Family Mixture most popular Women gave its strong color and taste as a reason for its popularity. 95 g. Also its relatively cheap price than lipton accounts for its popularity.125 450 g Rs. 260 50 pieces Rs. teabags of 100 and 50 pieces per pack.Madina General Store HFS C KDA Overseas Bungalows Gulistan-e-Jauhar Block 16-A Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes On the shelf which is on the right side of the checkout counter. Tetley.60 450 g Rs.65 BROOKE BOND SUPREME 200 g Rs. 115 100 g Rs. No No No Delivery van comes and distribution is done through middle men instead of company sending its own trucks. Tapal Danedar. 200 g. 130 . 100 g. Then Brooke Bond Supreme. Since quite a few months. Mostly men. Both because of their cheap prices and flavor and strong color.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process 10 Shah-e. Tapal danedar most popular.125 100 g Rs. LIPTON PRICES 200 g Rs. 450 g jar. Brooke Bond Supreme. 300 100 pieces Rs. At eye level of customers. 1 kg teabags of 100 and 50 pieces per pack Tapal Danedar. 500 g. 295 1 kg Rs. Tapal and Lipton equal popularity. More than five.65 500 g Rs. Shopkeeper thought people preferred Lipton because of its flavour and Danedar because of its cheap prices as compared to Lipton.115 400 g Rs.5 100 g Rs. 100 g. No No No Mostly delivery vans although sometimes company trucks also deliver tea.225 1 kg Rs.590 100 pieces Rs. 130 .Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process 11 Makkah Madina General Store HFS C KDA Overseas Bungalows Gulistan-e-Jauhar Block 16-A Lipton Yellow Label Tea Yes At the center shelf. 200 g.125 100 g Rs. Tetley All kinds of customers. LIPTON PRICES 200 g Rs.60 50 pieces Rs. Past many years.260 200 g Rs.540 DANEDAR PRICES Satchets Rs. 225 1 kg Rs. Tapal Danedar preferred by people.115 TAPAL DANEDAR Satchets Rs.60 200 g Rs. All types of customers.540 1 kg Rs.125 475 g Rs. 300 1 kg Rs. 530 . 590 400 g Rs.Iqbal Block 7 Lipton Yellow Label tea Yes At the back of the shop. I kg packs. Stock Keeping Units Competitors Customer Type Most Running Brand Why? Since when? Activities at point of purchase? Activities at point of sale? Any other activities? Distribution Process LIPTON PRICES 95 g Rs. No teabags Tapal Danedar and Brooke Bond Supreme. 270 BROOKE BOND SUPREME 100 g Rs. 200 g. 475 g. 95 g.5 100 g Rs. No No No Distributors come and deliver Tea on a monthly basis. Not visible clearly to customers from the shopkeeper counter.115 400 g Rs. About 5 to 6 months.Shop Number Shop Name Shop Type Shop Location Product Name Is it available? Product placement? 12 Hameed General Store HFS C Gulshan-e. Stock inventory levels are usually kept high so that surge in demand can be catered to. 65 200 g Rs. 235 450 g Rs. They like its strong colour and affordable price. 50 200 g Rs. WRITE UP . e. retailers. neither in LMT nor in the HFS shops. A few varieties like Lipton 100 teabags pack in METRO were being sold at discounted prices which made them . three HFS B’s and three HFS C’s. At Metro I even saw a separate café of Lipton where items like tea. Another thing that struck me was that in the IMT. It had the largest size as compared to the HFS retail outlets and the LMT. Goods were delivered to it mainly based on orders by officers responsible for inventory management. the aisle for tea was opposite to those of biscuits and cookies. This was something not observed in the HFS stores which had only black tea or at most green tea available. Out of those. Gulshan-e-Iqbal. and other grocery items. as opposed to HFS outlets which did not have separate aisles for tea alone but placed tea along with other commodities like milk. It is a product which is liked by people from almost all walks of life . And the reason for that is that it serves as both. during lunch breaks and an ideal beverage to serve guests. Lipton’s teabags were extremely popular whereas Tapal’s Danedar brand were also among customers’ favorites. snacks etc were being sold at affordable prices.WRITE UP The product I chose for my market visit report is Lipton yellow label tea. As far as tea was concerned there was a whole aisle comprising of tea of various brands like Tapal. METRO prices were a bit higher than those of HFS stores but lower than that of the LMT I visited i. The IMT that I visited was METRO. Apart from this. Green tea. They both were the only brands which even had billboards within the food items section. company trucks delivered the required products. Lipton. Thus no marks for guessing that Lipton and Tapal were the leading brands at the IMT. Lipton and Tapal paid for these promotional activities. Another difference that I was informed of by the METRO staff was of how products were supplied to it which differed significantly from the way they were supplied at HFS’s. a wholesale and a retail store with a wide range of customers including shopkeepers. families etc. while the remaining ten were a combination of four HFS (High Frequency Store) A’s. According to the staff. Tea is one of the most favorite beverages of Pakistani people. pink tea and a few other alternatives were kept in the shelves. Lipton and Tapal each located at opposite ends of the aisle and products were clearly visible at eye level for customers. Naheed SuperMarket. Furthermore in METRO I noticed that tea was available in bulk form. According to the staff there. Black tea.It is consumed at breakfast. Alokozay etc. biscuits. one was an LMT (Local Modern Trade). there were two separate stalls of both. within the same brand there were a number of different tea varieties to choose from. biscuits. Apart from tea available at the aisles. Whereas in HFS outlets I was told by about 98% shopkeepers that delivery was done through vans which came after an interval of about average 15 days. This placement was very strategic for complementary goods of tea. For my market visit report I paid a visit to a total of 12 outlets. one was an IMT (International Modern Trade). Once an order was placed. which is adjacent to Safari Park. Since people shopped there monthly or so hence there were no sachets or small tea packs available like in HFS stores. Plus there were some significant price differences amongst all three categories. Tea bags were also sold in 600 pieces pack which was found no where else. Hence distribution in HFS stores was done through middle man (distributors) whereas in IMT it was done directly through company trucks. etc. The likely reason for this might be the lavish ambiance of Naheed with Air conditioning at all floors and being located in an posh locality like Bahadurabad . That was what I observed about the IMT and how it contrasted with the HFS and somewhat with the LMT.almost equal to HFS’ tea prices. a majority of people (both customers and shopkeepers) greatly showed a liking for Lipton tea. 450 g and 1 kg packs. Nido. Hence this accounts for greater sales of Lipton at Naheed. 250 g. However such discounts were only temporary and generally tea prices at the IMT were bit higher than tea prices at HFS stores. In the HFS A’s there was a mixed trend of customers liking Lipton and Tapal. size. distribution was done through middle men rather than company trucks delivering tea. Lastly I visited the HFS outlets. As far as supply is concerned. Its size was smaller as compared to METRO which was huge and extremely spacious. artificial sugar products. C’s on the basis of their sales. I was told that Lipton is the most running brand at Naheed. the HFS stores were all small as compared to the IMT and LMT. Brooke Bond. The prices however. Perhaps another reason of its popularity was that immediately at the entrance. the retailer informed me that owner places orders of tea products on a weekly basis. Milkpak etc. The retailer also said that the owner did not build up too much inventory because of expiry date issues and likely changes in demand of tea brands. desserts. location and customer frequency. three HFS B’s and three HFS C’s. Naheed had several different packs like teabags of 100 and 50 pieces as well as 190 g. there was a separate rack consisting of Lipton tea only which caught every one’s eyes instantly. However. Hence it can be seen that tea and its complementary products were kept very suitably and within reach. biscuit. Generally speaking. Another difference was that in all these HFS outlets. Despite being relatively expensive as compared to Tapal. Naheed comprised of 3 different floors and tea was kept at the lowest one. were higher in Naheed as compared to those in Metro and the HFS stores. It was kept amongst products like milk. . opposite to the tea racks was a rack consisting of powdered milk like Everyday. As far as SKU’s are concerned. I differentiated amongst HFS A’s. The LMT I chose for my report was Naheed Supermarket located at Bahadurabad. About 25 to 30 cartons were ordered per week through company trucks directly. As far as tea preference is concerned. The reason they gave was its great flavor and aroma. opposed to that of IMT and the HFS. I visited four HFS A’s. Tetley etc. And since these stores catered mostly to people with average and low level incomes hence Tapal was the more running brand unlike Naheed which has a huge majority of people coming from upper and elite class. all the HFS B and C store retailers said that Tapal Tea was the most running brand and the reason why customers preferred it was because of its strong flavor and fragrance. Tapal was also the most running brand in these stores because it was relatively cheaper as compared to Lipton. They did not have separate aisles or so for tea and a few of them (HFS A’s) had small posters etc at point of sales as their promotional activities for which company paid. product variety. However it was significantly larger than all the HFS stores. Talking about preferences of tea in the LMT. B’s. Moreover. Goods were kept very close together and tea was kept with other commodities like Masala. 200 g. 450 g. the size of HFS A’s was larger followed by that of HFS B stores and the smallest were HFS C’s. Since customers also bought goods on a daily basis from these HFS stores. 95 g. Hence the above mentioned observations and differences I noticed during my market visit report to various outlets and retail stores. Very less posters and other advertisement efforts were seen in these HFS stores as compared to promotional activities in IMT and LMT. 1 kg and teabags etc.As far as SKU’s are concerned. these SKUs were appropriate. Biscuits. these outlets had a variety of those such as sachet packs. Milk. and Chips etc. .
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