Marcinkiewicz mouthpieces

March 26, 2018 | Author: Anonymous jf5kso | Category: Trombone, Trumpet, French Horn, Tuba, Brass Instruments



Put Your MoneyWhere Your Mouth Is™ J.M. Mouthpiece Product Guide For All Brasswind Instruments Ph. 503-263-2456 593 S.E 1st Avenue • Canby, Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] The Marcinkiewicz Company Philosophy Our goal is to offer players the best quality mouthpiece at each and every stage of their growth: first as a student and throughout their career as a professional musician. Because the facial structure of young students change as they mature, our line of mouthpieces is carefully graduated, allowing students to progress more quickly (and enthusiastically!) as they find the correct "fit" for their changing anatomy. Now players have the means to progress in logical, gradual increments to find the correct mouthpiece for their unique needs. In order to offer the highest quality product available for both students and professionals, we have integrated the most sophisticated computer technology with "old-world" craftsmanship. There is no difference in quality between our student and professional mouthpieces. Our state of the art computerized cutting lathes assure that the quality of design as well as the precise reproduction of every Marcinkiewicz mouthpiece is exact. This is truly a first. We measure our mouthpieces precisely to the thousandths of an inch. We do not use approximations or fractions, but precise figures. Display Screen of our CNC lathe "Our commitment is to quality and consistency- guaranteed* every time." J.M. At the Marcinkiewicz Company, our philosophy is: 1) Quality We produce the best quality mouthpiece in the world today. There is a and difference between saying you are the best and being the best. Our Precision customers demand it, so we give it. Our reputation of quality and precision speaks for itself. We put our money where your mouth is. 2) Efficiency Our innovative cup and venturi designs have been proven to be more responsive, allowing the player to use less effort, enhancing intonation, sound and performance. 3) Choice Choose a mouthpiece that fits comfortably and gives you the best results. Marcinkiewicz gives you a choice in logical order and sizes, and our large selection allows you to select the proper fit. A mouthpiece does not have to hurt to be viable, so the choice is yours. We invest in maintaining the highest quality of manufacturing. The mouthpiece technician's job is to give the player the best possible mouthpiece. All of the mouthpiece manufacturers have something to offer and that benefits you. The choice belongs to the players. We are here to help you. Just remember to play what is best for you. "Put your money where your mouth is!"™ - Joseph W. Marcinkiewicz Ph. 503-263-2456 593 S.E 1st Avenue • Canby, Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] com . Mr. No part of this document may be published without written permission. this catalog can be used as a general reference for all brasswind mouthpieces. All rights reserved. Our standard mouthpieces come with our modified C/V-cup. Marcinkiewicz Co. the student.) Marcinkiewicz offers these "classic" mouthpieces using our state of the art manufacturing techniques with the same quality that goes into every Marcinkiewicz product. hunting horn to peck horn. and player. © Copyright 1998. Ph. We take great care to ensure that the customers get what they want. We can create custom mouthpieces for any brasswind instrument. Because of the nature of this format. Custom Mouthpieces For players that have special needs. 503-263-2456 593 S. Catalog Design by Marcinkiewicz Co. The ultimate designer of a custom mouthpiece is the player that commissions it. Marcinkiewicz and the client. Marcinkiewicz is available for consultation to help clients determine exactly what they desire in a mouthpiece. Marcinkiewicz Co. And for the players that have grown accustom to conventional mouthpieces. educator. can determine for yourself what mouthpiece is appropriate for your fit and application. Although custom mouthpieces are the ultimate choice. we recommend trying stock equipment first. we offer detailed specifications and a definition of each part of the mouthpiece so you. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:mmpco@teleport. offers custom brasswind mouthpieces. Mr. regardless of manufacturer. Remember.About this Catalog You may notice that the format of this catalog is different from other mouthpiece catalogs. anything from cornetto to mellophone. (These are shaded gray in the comparison column in the specification charts.E 1st Avenue • Canby. Designing a mouthpiece involves both Mr. we also offer several mouthpieces that have the same interior dimensions that are of “”classic” designs. the choice is yours. In lieu of offering a description of each individual mouthpiece. Marcinkiewicz making a custom mouthpiece. Our Designer/Signature models vary where the requirements of the artist took precedence. .) figure A Ph. INNER EDGE The detail of this feature is most critical as it should not be so sharp that it cuts the flesh. 503-263-2456 593 S. INSIDE CUP DIAMETER Again. the difference is only a few thousandths of an inch. Efficiency is the ability of the mouthpiece to offer quicker response. There are three basic types of cups: C-cup. outside cup diameter and depth) but play completely differently. The size is again determined by the lips and teeth of the player. In short. this situation is because the modified C/V-cup is more efficient. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:mmpco@teleport. Bite is defined as the ability to hold the mouthpiece to the lips without excess pressure. In this example.471 in. this is due to a variation in cup shape. There is a difference between a C-cup and a V-cup and not every player can play both. OUTSIDE DIAMETER and RIM WIDTH These two features are determined simply by what feels comfortable to the player. This allows us to give the sound of a 11/2C while increasing the efficiency. yet not so rounded that there is no bite. Our modified C/V-cup mouthpieces can be shallower and still give the player more flexibility and versatility verses the C-cup or V-cup alone. The air stream is channeled through the center of our uniquely designed cup and venturi. A C-cup offers the player a darker sound. Again.474 in. with same rim dimensions) to have greater overall cup volume than the deeper mouthpiece. It is possible for a mouthpiece that has a shallower cup than another mouthpiece (again. You may find mouthpieces in this catalog that have similar dimensions (inside cup diameter. and still feel comfortable. Generally. A deeper cup offers a darker sound and a shallower cup offers a brighter sound. Cup depth alone does not always dictate the sound quality. A V-cup offers efficiency. V-cup and the Marcinkiewicz modified C/V-cup. due to the contours of the cup. vs. through the backbore and directly into the horn to produce the desired sound. our No.308/11/2C is shallower than a normal C-cup 11/2C. A mouthpiece should not have to hurt to be playable. this is a critical part of the mouthpiece because it interfaces with the inner edge to insure proper fit and control. (See example figure A) For example. The C/V-cup offers more choice to a wider range of players.Anatomy of a Mouthpiece RIM FACING or CONTOUR This feature is determined strictly by the lip size and teeth of the individual. 308/11/2C has a cup depth of . Cup depth of our E1. The overall shape of the cup factors in greatly.E 1st Avenue • Canby. CUP The cup reflects the player's choice for quality of sound by both depth and shape. Our modified C/V-cup can offer the darker sound of a C-cup with the efficiency of a . when discussing terms of deeper or shallower that differences may be subtle. (No. Remember. the modified C/V-cup is easier to play. too much resistance is produced. The precision of our measurements allows the difference to be evident. compassionate mouthpiece with feeling and depth of sound. so you know what you are getting.050" per inch -No more and no less! Please note. An accurate and consistent measurement allows a player to know exactly at what dimension is employed and a baseline for adjustments.E1 both compare to a 11/2C. The entrance determines how smoothly the air moves from the cup through the venturi or drill. The most frustrating issue for a player is to find a replacement of a favored mouthpiece due to loss or damage. Accurate and consistent measurement is a baseline. If the entrance is more open it creates less resistance. By applying the correct taper the efficiency of the mouthpiece is improved further. from the top. We make the Morse taper exact at .032 in. VENTURI (also known as Throat or Drill) Generally.064 in. We measure our trumpet. BACKBORE Perhaps the second most critical area of a mouthpiece. "Without this baseline the process becomes a search that may have no end due to inconsistent information.. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:mmpco@teleport. The same mouthpiece with a tighter backbore will focus the sound that is being created. Please note that the SHANK We use a standard Morse taper. This causes an undesirable sound for certain notes. bass trombone and euphonium mouthpieces are measured .308/11/2C trumpet mouthpiece and the No. Standard for a trumpet is a 27 or . Ph. This is very hard to detect by the naked eye. but have different inside bites*. Fractions or approximations do not work the same way. See the Venturi Drill chart for other sizes in each category. The backbore influences the color. Hence. There is a danger that the lead pipe will flair creating a burr resulting in resistance in the wrong place. from the top.144 in. If the mouthpiece does not go in far enough and is more than a quarter inch away from the lead pipe.234 in.302 in.047 in. cornet. our No. the backbore either spreads the sound or channels it depending on how tight or open the design. Tenor trombone. from the top of the rim to a consistent point. flugelhorn and French horn mouthpieces at . nuance and timbre of the mouthpiece.MEASUREMENT . We took the guess work out.. If you put a large backbore with a large cup mouthpiece the result will be a very warm. Our backbore designs enhance the player's ability to move easily throughout all registers of the instrument with uniformity of timbre and feel.E 1st Avenue • Canby. the size of the opening determines the amount of air the player can to put through the instrument. *See spec sheet THROAT ENTRANCE This is another critical area of the mouthpiece.INSIDE CUP DIMENSIONS The inside cup dimension measurement is a critical piece of information any mouthpiece and the consistency and accuracy of the measurement is vital for the player. 503-263-2456 593 S. If the entrance is too sharp it creates more . (See example figure B) figure B For example. and tuba is N or . the modified C/V-cup. trombone is an A or ." J. There are a wide variety of throat sizes aside from these standards. if your mouthpiece goes all the way in and touches the lead pipe it creates less resistance. Often the new mouthpiece is not like the original at all. tuba and sousaphone mouthpieces . equalizing the lower end and accenting the upper end of upper harmonics. This arrangement permits players to select mouthpieces by precise increments of depth to find the correct cup volume required by their situation. This backbore broadens the sound offering a richer. For example. These are references to standard sizes. Please note that all standard trumpet mouthpieces.No. Wherever possible this includes providing the best instruments and equipment available. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] too shallow. For example. Lancashire. 503-263-2456 593 S. They can now spend their time and effort on MAKING MUSIC!!" "We are proud to say that the brass section of the Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra choose to play on Marcinkiewicz Mouthpieces and as a result we can feel and hear the difference.No.0 to No. are available in cornet. if a No.Musical Director. except for custom or the Designer/Signature models.Ian Darrington .15). some of our numbers have a slash (/) and a reference after it. but similar items using our own designs.8 or No.10 are similar to a Bach 101/2C. We provide them to make it easier for the customer to make a selection. Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra.Standard Trumpet Mouthpieces Choice in Logical Sizes Choice in Feel Choice in Sound Our standard trumpet mouthpieces are arranged in a logical ascending order from deep to shallow and wide to narrow (No.15 are available with an "S" (symphonic) backbore. a No. "At Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra we pride ourselves with offering our pupils the best possible education. a No. In 1986 Bobby Shew introduced me to Marcinkiewicz Mouthpieces. The comparison column on this chart (and all charts in the catalog) offers rough comparisons to standard sizes.) Note that No.9 may be the best logical choice.0 .6 . In addition.4/7C is our number 4 and is most similar to a standard 7C. models No. Other configurations of rim size and cup depth can also offer similar compression. We are not offering copies of other brands in this series. (This is not true for other manufacturers. The comparisons are given for casual references only. the search for the RIGHT mouthpiece is over.E 1st Avenue • Canby. darker tone." . For the individual players. The help and advice that I subsequently received from Joe Marcinkiewicz on mouthpiece design and selection has had a profound and direct effect on the sound of Wigan Youth Jazz Orchestra. For identification purposes. With Marcinkiewicz you do have a choice in logical . Great Britain Ph.7 trumpet mouthpiece is too deep and a No. 92 mm 0. 3. 16.18 mm 0.433 in.66 mm 3. 3. 87. 17.84 mm 0.144 in.84 mm 0.84 mm 0.18 mm 0.477 in.18 mm 0.31 mm 0. 16.18 mm 0.10 mm 0. 87. 26. 3.63 mm Medium Round Smaller than Bach 10 1/2 C 7 1.63 mm Medium Round Smaller than Bach 10 1/2 C 11 1.680 in.97 mm .663 in.663 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach 7C 5 1.12 mm 0. 87. 87. 11.450 in.683 in.08mm 0.66 mm 3. 87. 11.070 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach 5C 6/101/2C 1. Inside Cup dia.144 in. 16. 16.97 mm 0. 16.31 mm 0.437 in.97 mm 0. 26. Outside Cup dia.66 mm 3. 87.062 in.144 in. 503-263-2456 593 S. 3.659 in.435 in. 16.144 in.450 in.20 mm 0.97 mm 0. 26.97 mm 0.062 in.144 in. 16.515 in.642 in. 3. 11. 87.441 in 11. 3. 26.070 in.144 in.450 in. 26.31 mm 0. 17.66 mm 3.84 mm 0.062 in. Inside Cup dia.66 mm 3.450 in.424 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach 7B 3/5C 1.440 in.663 in.642 in.450 in. 27.20 mm 0. 87.27 mm 0.46 mm 0. 87.97 mm 0. 10.144 in. 12. 12.66 mm 3.77 mm Drill Venturi Length Ri m Comparison only 0.63 mm Medium Round Smaller than Bach 10 1/2 C 10 1. 26. 3. 27. 3. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Ri m Comparison only 0 1.464 in. 11.450 in.144 in.77 mm 7PD/7E 1.144 in.677 in.144 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach 7E or 13A4A 15 1.E 1st Avenue • Canby.31 mm 0.659 in.66 mm 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach 7E /10 1/2E * Piccolo Trumpet mouthpieces are also available with Cornet shank Trumpet Model No.144 in. 16.450 in.43 mm 0.450 in 87.74 mm 0.97 mm 0. 3. 16.450 in.515 in.97 mm 0.66 mm 3.450 in.144 in. Cup Depth 7PB 1. 17.97 mm 0. 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach 5B expanded rim 1/5B 1. 87. 3.450 in.062 in. 87. 87. 3.450 in.430 in.140 in.144 in.062 in.062 in.144 in.97 mm 0.63 mm Medium Round Bach 7E or 13A4A 12 1.453 in.66 mm 3. 27. 26.450 in. 87. 26. 13.642 in.74 mm 0.63 mm Medium Round Bach 7E or 13A4A 14 1. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] in.450 in.489 in. 26.66 mm 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach 7E or 13A4A Ph. 10. 87.062 in.070 in. 27. 3. 26. 27.66 mm 3. 16. 26.66 mm 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach 7E or 13A4A 13 1.475 in.66 mm 3.062 in.08 mm 0.144 in.070 in.450 in.144 in. 26. Outside Cup dia. 11.05 mm 0. 87.97 mm 0.63 mm Medium Round Smaller than Bach 10 1/2 C 8 1. 11.070 in.144 in.20 mm 0.062 in.00 mm 0.663 in.450 in.35 mm 0.84 mm 0.496 in.677 in. 16.439 in.698 in. 10.663 in. 13.42 mm 0. 87.60 mm 0. 17.663 in.450 in.66 mm 3.062 in.66 mm 3. 3.062 in.18 mm 0.56 mm 3.97 mm 0. 12.84 mm 0.062 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach 5B 2/7B 1.97 mm 0.63 mm Medium Round Bach 7E /10 1/2E 0.15 mm 0.63 mm Medium Round Smaller than Bach 10 1/2 C 9 1.642 in.31 mm 0. 3.51 mm 0. 16.450 in. 11. 3.66 mm 3.18 mm 0. 3. 12.642 in. 27.63 mm Medium Round Bach 5C 4/7C 1.424 in.73 mm 0. 11. 87.Standard Trumpet Mouthpieces Piccolo(*) Model No.66 mm 3. 17.450 in.07 mm 0. 3. 16. com .147 in.664 in.674 in. 28.63 mm Medium Bach Round 3C J. 87.430 in.070 in.56 mm 3. 87.63 mm Medium Gardinelli Round 10S Herb Alpert E6 1.425 in.450 in.450 in.E 1st Avenue • Canby.073 in.444 in.63 mm Medium Bach Round 101/2 C Bobby Shew #2 E5 1.450 in. Custom mouthpieces are also available upon request.. 10.450 in.50 mm 0.450 in.055 in. 11. etc.04 mm 0.Designer/Signature/ “Classic”/Trumpet Mouthpieces These mouthpieces are made to each specific player's specifications.677 in. 27. 3. 27.144 in. 27. 27. 27.36 mm 0.66 mm 3.473 in. Inside Cup dia. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Rim Comparison only *** 7CW 1.10 mm 0.81 mm 3. 10. 17. 87.674 in.66 mm 3.430 in. 87.082 in.56 mm 3. 3. 3.63 mm Medium Bach Flat 11/2 C *** 6C 1.657 in. 10. 3.450 in.92 mm 0. 16.92 mm 0. Designer/ Signature Model No.47 mm 0.450 in. 3.450 in. E7 Marcinkiewicz 1. 27. 16.674 in.140 in.20 mm 0. 26.85 mm 0. venturi.81 mm 0. 87.48 mm 0. 27.1 Marcinkiewicz 1.450 in.61 mm 0. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] mm Medium Bach Round 3E Rick Baptist 1.662 in.474 in. 17.50 mm 0. 17. Lead Trumpet Maynard Ferguson & Big Bop Nouveau Plays Marcinkiewicz E14 Designer/Signature models are available in flugelhorn and cornet as a special order only.13 mm 0. 87. 12.73 mm 3.450 in. 3. 11.66 mm 3. are not arranged systematically.419 in. 10. Many play our mouthpiece exclusively.437 in. 16.427 in. 27. 3.056 in.081 in. 17.63 mm Medium Bach Round 7CW Bob Senescu E1 1.429 in. 16. 10.450 in.07 mm 0.64 mm 0.450 in.060 in.457 in. 3.081 in.46 mm 0.18 mm 0. Outside Cup dia.97 mm 0. 87.419 in.82 mm 0.81 mm 0.150 in. 16.12 mm 0.63 mm Medium Bach Round 7B Joseph W. 3. 87.144 in. 3.63 mm Medium 101/2 C Round Shallow E8 Ph. 87.668 in. 87. 17. W.12 mm 0. 10. 3.66 mm 3. 18/16 mm 0.63 mm Medium Bach Flat 3C *** E3/3C 1.25 mm 0.450 in. 26.80 mm 0.144 in. 10.56 mm 3. 3.63 mm Medium Bach Round 3E Graham Young E4 1. Each of these mouthpieces were designed for a specific player at a specific point in time.689 in.077 in.144 in. Gray shaded represent comparisons of “classic” models.45 mm 0.19 mm 0. 17. however this line is also numbered progressively by cup depth from deep to shallow.140 in. 3.63 mm Medium Bach Round 1E Jean P.69 mm 0. E3. 87.105 in.687 in. 17.715 in.80 mm 0.144 in.480 in 12.140 in. 87. 27.081 in. Each of our endorsees chose a Marcinkiewicz Designer/Signature Mouthpiece because of their belief in the product.66 mm 3. 12.144 in.095 in.7 1.12 mm 0. 11.56 mm 3.64 mm 0. 503-263-2456 593 S. 26.97 mm 0.90 mm 0.140 in.689 in.28 mm 0. Measurements such as inner diameter.66 mm 3. 87.66 mm 3.068 in.144 in.01 mm 0.63 mm Medium Bach Round 6C *** 11/4C 1. “The best thing I've put to my chops” Scott Englebright.668 in.87 mm 0.92 mm 0.63 mm Medium Bach Round 11/4 C Roy Roman E1.46 mm 0. Michelou E2 1. 608 in. .140 in. 3.144 in.60 mm 0.56 mm 3.1 1. 27.44 mm 0.140 in. Conductor. recording.5 E9.85 mm 0.97 mm 0.085 in. 16.681 in.65 mm 0. 16.54 mm 0.63 mm Medium Round Bobby Shew Gardinelli Chuck Findley E13 1.662 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach 101/2C Allen Vizzutti E12 1.25 mm 0. I am also able to get a very warm.40 mm 0.85 mm 0.61 mm 0.69 mm 0. 9. 9.05 mm 0. 87. rich relaxed sound for jazz playing.81 mm 0. 27.56 mm 0.060 in. 17.23 mm 0.73 mm 3.373 in. 27.63 mm Medium Flat Proviance 4*3 Bobby Shew 1. 17.450 in.71 mm 0.369 in.66 mm 3. 9.065 in.140 in.057 in. Designer/ Signature Model No.144 in. 87.68 mm 0.363 in.63 mm Medium Flat Schilke 13A4A *** G10S 1.37 mm 0.080 in. 3. TV and commercial Trumpet Player -Brandon.3 1. 26.56 mm 3. 26.63 mm Medium Flat Proviance 4*3 Bobby Shew 1 E14 1. 9. 87.80 mm 0.140 in.140 in.03 mm 0.380 in. 17.92 mm 0. 3.450 in.072 in.56 mm 3. 3. 27.63 mm Medium Round Bach 101/2C Shallow Eric Miyashiro E18 1.450 in.450 in. 87. 16. 27.63 mm Medium Round Bach 101/2C Pete Candoli E16 1.057 in. 16. It is great to get all (these sounds) on one mouthpiece. 3.22 mm 0.057 in. 17. 3.63 mm Medium Round Gardinelli 10S “I recently changed to your Al Vizzutti (E12) mouthpiece.85 mm 0.140 in.4 1.51 mm 0. It is great! I didn't think I'd be able to handle a large inner diameter like this.84 mm 0.02 mm 0.56 mm 0. 503-263-2456 593 S.450 in.56 mm 3.47 mm 0.61 mm 0. 27.651 in.97 mm 0. 26.32 mm 0.670 in.687 in.66 mm 3. 3. Accomplished big band.63 mm Medium Flat Schilke 13A4A Roger Ingram E12. 87. 87.057 in. 16.56 mm 3.378 in.63 mm Medium Round Gardinelli 10S *** G10SW 1. 10.070 in. 87.364 in.450 in.140 in.662 in.682 in.63 mm Medium Round Gardinelli 10S Paul Cacia E14. but I adapted immediately and had no down time. 87. 10. 16. 87. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Rim Comparison on l y Manny Klein E9 1. 15. 9.18 mm 0.63 mm Medium Round Gardinelli 10S B ob Findley E10 1.645 in.97 mm 0.05 mm 0. 3.63 mm Wide Round Smaller than Schilke 13A4A Bob O'Donnell E17 1.43 mm 0.63 mm Medium Round Gardinelli 10S Jeff Tyzik E11 1.1 1. 16.071 in.140 in. 27. 26.56 mm 3. 16.450 in. 3.140 in.Gray shaded represent comparisons of “classic” models.140 in. 87.81 mm 0. 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach 101/2C Mike Vax #1 E12. 26.25 E10. 87. 9. show.63 mm Medium F l at Schilke 13A4A John Rinaldo E15 1.51 mm 0.654 in.56 mm 3. 8.81 mm 0.450 in.372 in.56 mm 3.450 in. 3.147 in.147 in.450 in.095 in. 15.97 mm 0. 9. 16. along with getting a very strong lead trumpet sound.450 in.091 in.50 mm 0.650 in.670 in. 3. 3. 87.450 in.66 mm 3.20 mm 0.73 mm 3. 9. 27. 9. 27. 16.56 mm 3.450 in.144 in.353 in.450 in. 87.56 mm 3.” -Paul Von Adam.450 in.065 in. Articulation.450 in. 87. 9.06 mm 0. 87.368 in. quality of sound. Educator. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] in.35 mm 0. 17.81 mm 0. 9.084 in. 8. 27. Inside Cup dia.47 mm 0.147 in. 3.654 in. 16.668 in.22 mm 0. and general ease of playing improved at once.662 in. Outside Cup dia. 87.374 in.E 1st Avenue • Canby.668 in.02 mm 0.56 mm 3.090 in.396 in.381 in.353 in.63 mm Medium Round Schilke 14A4A Bobby Shew 1. 9. 27.450 in.73 mm 3. 87.2 1. 26.083 in. Kenton Band Alum. FL Ph.85 mm 0.36 mm 0.45 mm 0. 3. 3.395 in.140 in.30 mm 0.370 in.361 in.373 in. The “300” Series Trumpet Mouthpieces Important Educator Information 15 Graduated Cup Depths on Same Rim Tool for Educators As a woodwind player's embouchure becomes more developed. allowing the developing player to find optimal response from a mouthpiece with the same . our “”300” Series was developed not only for the student. 503-263-2456 593 S. Woodwind players have always had a logical choice of reeds to help them make the proper choice for their playing needs. Like woodwind players. while maintaining the exact rim dimensions of the previous choice. COMFORT. but as a tool for the educator.” “ My students are receiving the same benefits from your product as I am.309 or No.301) to shallowest (No. “Just wanted to let you know.315). For example. * This rim was determined by comparing and testing many 3C mouthpieces for comfort and best attributes. The difference is immediate.San Diego. It is very rewarding to see the look on the face of a struggling student. from deepest (No. discovering the ease of play of one of your mouthpieces. After discussing this problem with numerous educators. (although many professionals use them as well). they will have trouble playing certain notes. The benefit to the player is a richer. Trumpet Player and Private Instructor .006 in. (the equivalent to the thickness of two human hairs. to resolve real problems for growing students. intervals. these mouthpieces offer the same rim (similar to a 3C *) on 15 different cup depths. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:mmpco@teleport. If students use a reed that is too hard or too soft. After 40 years of playing I never thought I'd find a mouthpiece with such superior TONE. Now the same holds true for developing brass players. brass players' embouchures develop with experience and time. if a No. their needs change. CA Ph. without a frustrating transition. As players mature. Luna. and their selection of appropriate mouthpieces. Please note: No. I cannot believe the difference in my playing. Developed specifically with the student in mind.E 1st Avenue • Canby. the necessary strength of the reed will change from weak to strong. The result is a mouthpiece that both feels good to the player and provides the desired sound instantly.310 may be the appropriate fit.301 with an expanded cup diameter. Solution for Students The line also includes an “ S” (symphonic) backbore. who is fit properly. darker tone associated with concert bands and orchestras. I think Marcinkiewicz Mouthpieces are truly the best available today.300 has the same cup depth as the No.).307 is too deep and a No. the No. Most seem to benefit most from something in the '300 Series'. Thanks!” -Joe L. graduated at . SUPPORT and FREE BLOWING.312 too shallow. This series allows selection to the next logical cup depth. 63 mm Medium Round Bach B Cup 302 1.450 in.42 mm 0.677 in.144 in. 3.483 in.20 mm 0.677 in.66 mm 3.57 mm 0.081 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach E Cup 313 1.144 in.471 in.677 in.66 mm 3.27 mm 0. 87.96 mm 0. 12.66 mm 3.081 in.450 in.459 in. 27.081 in.144 in.58 mm 0.081 in.46 mm 0.450 in.20 mm 0.144 in. Outside Cup dia.46 mm 0. 87. 27.20 mm 0.46 mm 0. 17.081 .20 mm 0. 17.489 in. 87. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] mm 0.677 in.46 mm 0. 27.450 in. 11. 87.73 mm 0.51 mm 0.450 in.20 mm 0. 11.144 in.090 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach E Cup 315 1.677 in. 3.450 in. 87. 3.081 in.465 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach C Cup 310 1.63 mm Medium Round Bach B Cup 306 1. 11.66 mm 3. 11.20 mm 0.66 mm 3.144 in.435 in.081 in.66 mm 0. 3.20 mm 0. 12.450 in. 12.144 in. 17. 17. 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach B Cup 304 1.441 in.20 mm 0.46 mm 0.46 mm 0. Inside Cup dia.081 in. 13.46 mm 0.081 in. 11.677 in. 3. 11.677 in. 27. 87.429 in. 12.12 mm 0.450 in.46 mm 0. 27. 10.144 in.35 mm 0. 17.66 mm 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach C Cup 308/1 1/2 C 1.69 mm 0.677 in.20 mm 0.450 in. 27.081 in.677 in.20 mm 0.46 mm 0. 17.677 in.450 in.46 mm 0.144 in.453 in. 11. 3. 3.450 in. 3.66 mm 3.450 in. 12. 17.081 in.81 mm 0. 87. 27.501 in.677 in.20 mm 0. 17. 87. 87.144 in.692 in.677 in.677 in. 3. 13.081 in. 17. 27.081 in. 3.46 mm 0.450 in.20 mm 0. 27.66 mm 3. 27.20 mm 0.66 mm 3.66 mm 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach C Cup 309 1. 17.20 mm 0.66 mm 3.144 in. 12. 17.63 mm Medium Round Bach E Cup 314 1.66 mm 3.66 mm 3.144 in.447 in.513 in. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Rim Comparison only 300 1.63 mm Medium Round Bach B Cup 303 1. 87. 3.144 in.20 mm 0.90 mm 0. 27.63 mm Medium Round Bach E Cup Ph.66 mm 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach E Cup 312 1.03 mm 0. 87. 17.677 in. 87.20 mm 0.88 mm 0. 27.63 mm Medium Round Bach C Cup 307 1.46 mm 0. 87.66 mm 3.507 in. 87.081 in.495 in.081 in.E 1st Avenue • Canby.477 in. 17.450 in.46 mm 0. 17. 27. 3. 87.63 mm Medium Round Bach C Cup 311 1. 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach B Cup 301 1. 27.450 in. 3.03 mm 0.144 in.677 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach B Cup 305 1.513 in.450 in. 3.66 mm 3.05 mm 0. 503-263-2456 593 S.46 mm 0.144 in. 87. 27. 17. 27.144 in.The “300” Series Trumpet Mouthpieces Trumpet Model No. 17. flugelhorn and other keyed instruments. 27.48 mm 0.489 in.082 in. 27.149 in.501 in.46 mm 0. 3. 3.63 mm Medium Round Bach 3C Monette B6 Ph.46 mm 0.69 mm 0.42 mm 0. 17.450 in. Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces can be custom fitted to suit your needs.450 in. 17. 13.149 in.450 in. 3. 27.78 mm 3. 503-263-2456 593 S.78 mm 3.48 mm 0.692 in. 87.78 mm 3.Pro-Line Concert Hall™ Trumpet/Cornet/Flugelhorn Mouthpieces (pat.692 in.03 mm 0.58 mm 0.677 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach 1 1/2 C Stork 2C C1 1. 12.73 mm 0.63 mm Medium Round Bach 1 1/4 C Monette B2 B5 1.20 mm 0.73 mm 0.687 in.082 in.48 mm 0.45 mm 0. 27. 12. 13. allows unprecedented dynamic levels without distortion and provides a rich.149 in. Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces have a unique exterior design that offers optimal nodal enhancement by placing integral vibration dampers in specific. 3.149 in. 87.149 in.03 mm 0. 12. 17.090 in.42 mm 0.78 mm 3.E 1st Avenue • Canby.03 mm 0.78 mm 3. They are optimized for Bb trumpets. 27.081 in. 87.450 in.20 mm 0.149 in.73 mm 0. 17.149 in. 27.513 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach 1 Stork 1 A5 1.45 mm 0.090 in.63 mm Medium Round Bach 1B Monette B1-1 A3 1. 12. 87.78 mm 3. 87.58 mm 0.081 in. dark symphonic sound without the additional mass of a conventional heavy wall mouthpiece.687 in.149 in.513 in.489 in.58 mm 0.78 mm 3.501 in. and the same great intonation throughout all registers that Marcinkiewicz mouthpieces are famous for. even timbre from ppp to fff.501 in. 13. Cu p Depth Drill Venturi Length Ri m Comparison only A1 1. 87.63 mm Medium Round Bach 1X Stork 2B B3 1. All Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces are special order and custom work is available upon request.69 mm 0. 27.450 in. 3. 3.63 mm Medium Round Stork 3B Monette B4 C3 1.45 mm 0.450 in.081 in.42 mm 0.450 in. 87.46 mm 0.450 in. The net result is a mouthpiece that gives an extremely stable center of .082 in. calculated areas. 87.63 mm Medium Round B ac h 1C Monette B1-5 B1 1. 17. 17. 3. 17. 12. but will function on cornet.20 mm 0.69 mm 0.677 in.692 in. 87.63 mm Medium Round Bach 3 Monette B5 C5 1.450 in. Pending) Designed for the player whose needs are not met elsewhere.489 in. 17. Inside Cup dia.149 in. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] in.090 in. these mouthpieces affords enhanced projection. 27. 27. 3. Dark Symphonic Sound Pro-Line Concert Hall™ Model No.78 mm 3. 3. Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces are optimized to give the player the best efficiency possible without compromise. Outside Cup dia.78 mm 3.687 in.677 in. 17. 12. Keep making a product that I can always rely on.147 in. Outside Cup . WI Ph.531 in.450 in.97 mm 0.800 in. 27. 62. 71.147 in. 3.065 in.91 mm 2. 71. 62.15 are also offered with an "S" (symphonic) backbore.Madison.800 in.95 mm 0.660 in. These mouthpieces are also numbered in the logical deep to shallow progression to offer optimum choice.687 in. Please note. which allows more air through the instrument for a darker. 15. 62.19 mm 0. Wick 5 Expanded Rim 4 *W 1.81 mm 0.045 in.12 mm Medium Round Bach 3C “I purchased an E3/3C from you recently.23 mm Medium Round D. 16. 27.800 in. 26.73 mm 2. 503-263-2456 593 S. A No.12 mm Medium Round Same as Trumpet 5*W 1. Trumpet Player.154 in. 71.680 in. 12. 17.23 mm Medium Round Dennis Wick 5 5XW 1. I love it” “I have a 1/5B and I really love it too.05 mm 0. 17.23 mm Medium Round Dennis Wick 4 7CW 1.E 1st Avenue • Canby.154 in.450 in.628 in.045 in.76 mm 0. The No.450 in. 27. The rims and cups in the Standard and the “ 300” Series cornet line are identical to those in the trumpet line with the same number*.61 0. University of Wisconsin Marching Band . 13.677 in.080 in. 15-S SAME AS TRUMPET 0.95 mm 0.800 in.” Phil Aucutt. 3. the cornet mouthpieces have a larger throat (#26). 3.480 in.147 in.54 mm 0.166 in.628 in.800 in. richer cornet sound.48 0.54 mm 0. and I've played them all.20 mm 0.147 in.668 in. 4/7C cornet mouthpiece.Cornet Mouthpieces Rich Cornet Sound Cornet Model No. 16.457 in.22 mm 2. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Rim Comparison only 0-15.49 mm 0. 4. 3. 3.12 mm Medium Round Bach 11/4C 3C 1. 10.17 mm 0. *Any Designer / Signature model in cornet is a special order custom mouthpiece.0 to No.315 SAME AS TRUMPET 0.92 mm 0.73 mm 2.73 mm 2.095 in.147 in. O-S. 17.46 mm 0.12 mm Medium Round Bach 7CW 11/4C 1.27 mm 0. 71.081 in. 15.4/7C trumpet mouthpiece has the identical rim and cup as a No. Inside Cup dia. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] mm 0. 27. 3. 3.430 in. 26. 71. 11.91 mm 2.676 in.73 mm 2.73 mm 2.12 mm Medium Round Same as Trumpet 300 . 17. I think you make one of the finest products out there. 3. 69. 4.750 in.706 in. 12.04 mm 0.89 mm 0.85 mm Medium Round B ac h 5FL 5FLD 1.85 mm Medium Round B ac h 3FL 3FLD 1.069 in.474 in.93 mm 0. No. 69. No.93 mm 0.93 mm 0. 17. 27.18 mm 0.85 mm Medium Round Bach 7FL 3FLS 1. FLB designations indicates Bright and FLD indicates Dark. 27. All flugelhorn Models (except BSC FL) have a standard flugelhorn shank.25 mm 0.E10.161 in.39 mm 2.90 mm 0. 27.070 in.64 mm Medium Round Bobby Shew Cuenon Ph.677 in.659 in.750 in. The "300" series (No.537 in. 27.25 mm 0. 4.509 in.85 mm Medium Round *** BS FL 1.5FL(B/D) and No.39 mm 2. 12.706 in.46 mm 0.13 mm 0.547 in. 27. 4.7FLS are designed for a players that need more lip (chops) room. 27.22 mm 0.32 mm 2.303FL. 503-263-2456 593 S.307FL) is our largest flugelhorn mouthpieces series and has the same rim as the Student "300" Series trumpet mouthpieces.860 in.750 in.39 mm 2. 16.677 in.750 in.85 mm Medium Round Bach 3FL 5FLS 1.626 in.13 mm 0. 16.173 in.161 in.93 mm 0.25 mm 0.7 are logically numbered from largest to smallest in depth. 72. 26. E9.1. 4.679 in.25 mm 0. 69. 15.46 mm 0.474 in. 69. 4.750 in. 4.537 in.170 in. Inside Cup dia. 17. 17.170 in 4.068 in. 13.173 in. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Ri m Comparison only 3FLB 1.97 mm 0.068 in.74 mm 0. 17.09 mm 2. 69. 69.170 in.13 mm 0.97 mm 0.547 in.90 mm 0. and No.09 mm 2.32 mm 2.517 in.18 mm 0.659 in.85 mm Medium Round Bach 3F L 5FLB 1. 15.069 in. Cuenon shanked mouthpieces are available by special order.20 mm 0. 17. 17.305FL and No. Please keep in mind the No. allowing the player to use the same rim on trumpet and flugelhorn.85 mm Medium Round Bach 5FL 7FLB 1.161 in.85 mm Medium Round *** 305FL 1.85 mm Medium Round Bach 7FL 7FLD 1. The No.750 in.173 in.32 mm 2. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] in. 13.64 mm 0.3FL(B/D).18 mm 0. 26. 4.89 mm 0.750 in.46 mm 0. 12. 27.679 in.679 in.39 mm 2. 69. 17.13 mm 0.173 in.062 in. 4.15 mm 0.750 in.20 mm 0. 72.3 or E14 trumpet mouthpieces.509 in.13 mm 0.64 mm 0. 69. 69.170 in.706 in. 69.062 in.750 in. 27. *Any Designer/Signature model in flugelhorn is a special order custom mouthpiece Flugelhorn Model No.22 mm 0.750 in.081 in 27.5.Flugelhorn Mouthpieces The rim contours of our flugelhorn mouthpieces No. . 13. No. 12.860 in. 4. 4.E 1st Avenue • Canby.74 mm 0.20 mm 0.679 in.081 in. 69. Outside Cup dia.32 mm 2.173 in.677 in.32 mm 2.39 mm 2.081 in.93 mm 0. 13. Choice in Size and Sound We also offer models BSFL and BSC FL (Cuenon shank) . 4. 4. 69.64 mm Medium Round Bobby Shew Model BSC FL 1. The BSFL and BSC FL are not directly related to the E5.070 in.170 in.25 mm 0.15 mm 0. 4.750 in.04 mm 0. No. 17.679 in. 27. 27.070 in.5FLS and No.25 mm 0.3FLS. 13.32 mm 2.750 in.068 in. 17.85 mm Medium Round B ac h 7F L 303FL 1.069 in.481 in 12.09 mm 2.170 in.15 mm 0.85 mm Medium Round Bach 5FL 7FLS 1.626 in.679 in. 17. 13. 17.7FL(B/D) are similar to our standard trumpet line. 17.481 in.85 mm Medium Round *** 307FL 1. 27. =H 0.144 in.316 in. 25.=S 0.191 in. Model .000 in.41 mm 2.692 in.28 mm 0.50 mm Round Giardinelli C4 5 1.50 mm 0. 63.992 in. 5. 4. 5. “ Drills can be used for determining Approximate size. We do not use drill bits.500 in.55 mm 0.French Horn Mouthpieces and Venturi Chart Innovative Design Our French Horn Mouthpieces are of a unique design.152 in.50 mm Round Larger than C10 9 1.500 in.=24 0.170 in. Cornet.281 in. These mouthpieces are also available an "S" (symphonic) backbore . 25. Inside Cup dia. 63. 25.=23 0.257 in.983 in.228 in.50 mm Round Bach 7 In our French Horn mouthpiece line.006 in.196 in.M.=25 0.75 mm 0.692 in.=D 0.) 0.500 in.266 in.500 in.000 in.965 in. 63. 17.40 mm 0. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:mmpco@teleport. the number of the mouthpiece equals number of the reamer (venturi) size. 24. 5.500 in.40 mm 0.50 mm Round Giardinelli C10 11 1.=28 0.74 mm 0.000 in.956 in.70 mm 2. F. 25.699 in.974 in. 24. 17.201 in. and are played by some of the most discerning horn players. 24. 24.000 in.=L Please note that we use reamers to manufacture our venturies. but are inadequate for manufacturing or modifying any mouthpieces. 25. 17.=F 0.50 mm Round Smaller than C4 7 1.=E 0.=18 0.=27 0.000 in. These are some of the finest mouthpieces made in the world today and stand alone as such.58 mm 0. 503-263-2456 593 S.246 in.166 in.328 in.=A 0.1405 in. 17.705 in.40 mm 0.40 mm 0. 25.”-J.91 mm 1.348 in.206 in.42 mm 0.302 in. 25.40 mm 0. 63.=O 0. Trumpet.75 mm 0.98 mm 2. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Rim Comparison only 1 1.213 in. 0.161 in. 24.79 mm 2.173 in.000 in.51 mm 0. 17. 25.250 in. 63.85 mm 2.=19 0.500 in.234 in. 17.40 mm 0.=K 0.686 in. 4.=G 0. 63. 5. H. 63.11 mm 2.154 in.228 in.140 in.500 in.705 in.50 mm Round Schilke 32 3 1.58 mm 0.261 in.323 in. Flugelhorn Trombone Tuba 0.147 in.000 in. 25. 4.E 1st Avenue • Canby.91 mm 0.=P 0.=1 0. Outside Cup dia. These mouthpieces are numbered in a logical progression from wide to narrow and deep to shallow.23 mm 2.=26 0.185 in.947 in.97 mm 0.290 in.=21/64 0.=N (0.=20 0.40 mm 0.20 mm 0. 17.149 in.50 mm Round Holton Farkas MDC 13 1.=17 Ph.699 in. 39.495 in.976 in.E 1st Avenue • Canby. 25.52 mm Bach 61/2 AL 6E 1.04 mm 0.534 in 38. 80. 25.045 in. 80.170 in.96 mm 1.261 in. As rim size does not directly correspond to cup depth.170 in. C up Depth Drill Venturi Length Comparison only 5G W Greg Woll 1.52 mm Bach 15C Specify type of shank when ordering * Note: Tenor Trombone models are available in bass shank upon special order.999 in.24 mm 1.10 mm 0. 5.10 mm 0. 26.52 mm Bach 7C 11 1. 6.47 mm 0. 20. 25.21 mm 0.538 in.55 mm Bach 5GW 5G 1.234 in.52 mm 8H/61/2 AL 1.30 mm 0. "S" (symphonic) backbores available in Tenor and Bass Trombone mouthpieces on special order.76 mm Bach 5 5F 1.989 in.55 mm 1.51 mm 0.21 mm 0. 25. please observe inside cup diameter for finding optimal response.96 mm 1. 27.05 mm 0.79 mm 0. 5.37 mm 0.266 in.93 mm 0.234 in. 503-263-2456 Fax 503-263-2484 email:mmpco@teleport. 6.94 mm 3.52 mm Bach 3 7G 1.85 mm 0. 80. 26.026 in. / 61/2AL in bass and No.15 in tenor.530 in.170 in. 80.94 mm 3. 38.52 mm Bach 12C 15 1.55 mm 1. Oregon 97013 Ph.021 in.8H B.27 mm 0.78 mm 1. 25. 6.94 mm 3.170 in. 25. 24.24 mm 1. 25.988 in. 80. 38.234 in. 29.10 mm 0.63 mm 3.53 mm 3.806 in.015 in.170 in. 5.500 in.170 in.988 in.86 mm 0. 38.170 in.261 in. 80.006 in. 26.63 mm 3.52 mm Bach 11C 7C 1.091 in.10 mm 0. 25.999 in. 25.170 in.234 in. 29.12 mm 0.170 in.000 in.40 mm 0.35 mm 3.806 in. 80.889 in.94 mm 3. 38.71 mm 0.500 in.545 in.261 in.083 in. 25.867 in.250 in.52 mm Bach 12C 11C 1.530 in.63 mm 3.94 mm 3.37 mm 0. 20.58 mm 0. 38.06 mm 0.996 in.96 mm 1.52 mm Bach 4 9 1.07 mm 1.015 in.026 in. 26.94 mm 3.Trombone.96 mm 1. 23.534 in. 5.02 mm 0. Outside Cup dia. 25.78 mm 0. 25. Euphonium.250 in. 22.1 to No. 38.5GW to No.170 . 80.047 in. 80. Please note all Euphonium/Baritone mouthpieces come with an "S" (symphonic) backbore.35 mm 3.995 in. 6.47 mm 0.94 mm 3.21 mm 3.10 mm 0. 39. & Bass Trombone Mouthpieces Real Choice In Size Our standard trombone and euphonium mouthpieces are arranged on our specification chart in a logical ascending order from deep to shallow. Tenor Trombone Model No.257 in.59 mm 0.538 in.52 mm Bach 61/2AL 10 1.S.78 mm 1. No.96 mm 1.534 in.534 in.150 in. 38.76 mm 3. 26. 29.261 in. 25. The comparisons are given for casual references only.026 in. Inside Cup dia. 82. 38. 80.170 in.234 in. 6.52 mm Bach 11C 12 1.06 mm 1. 23. 37. 39.52 mm Bach 3 8 1.52 mm Bach 7C 12C 1. 27. 593 S. 80.10 mm 0.170 in.5G-S to 7G-S in Euphonium/Baritone. 5.250 in.520 in.545 in. 39.61 mm 0.170 in. 25. 80.015 in.150 in.54 mm 0.534 in.06 mm 1. 80. 6.07 mm 1.250 in. 38.35 mm 3. 5.140 in.939 in.988 in. No.234 in.97 mm 0.52 mm Bach 5G 9B Bob Stroup 1.868 in. 80.500 in.86 mm 1. 25.907 in. 5.170 in. 38. 80. 22. The comparison column on this chart (and all charts in the catalog) offers rough comparisons only. 6. 6.234 in.170 in.006 in. 22. Gray shaded areas represent comparisons of “ classic”models. 79.52 mm 3. 281 in.” .96 mm 1.84 mm 1.52 mm 11/2 G Oversized 11/2 1. MD Ph. 29. 39.78 mm 0.29 mm 0.170 in.015 in.06 mm 1.45 mm 0. 26.250 in. Trombone Player . 6. 27.30 mm 0.12 mm 1.51 mm 0. 25.56 mm 0.52 mm Bach 5GS 9B-S 1.540 in.54 mm 0.261 in.047 in.52 mm Bach 11/2 G 3 1. 6.52 mm Bach 6 1/2 AL 6E-S 1. 6. Outside Cup dia. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Comparison only 1 1.06 mm 1. 27. 26. 26.78 mm 1.14 mm 3.12 mm 1. 39.250 in.170 in.96 mm 1.170 in.257 in. 80. 6.55 mm . B.153 in. 6. 80.015 in.21 mm 0.096 in.55 mm 1.63 mm 3.96 mm 1. Euphonium. 7.006 in. In si d e Cup dia.14 mm 3. 6.150 in.538 in.110 in.996 in.045 in.540 in.170 in. 25.52 mm Bach 3 8H-S 1.19 mm 1.026 in.76 mm 3.35 mm 3. 38.281 in.203 in. 7. 27. 38. Euphonium Model No. & Bass Trombone Mouthpieces Because euphonium mouthpiece receivers vary.534 in. “I am auditioning a Marcinkiewicz ET-3 Charlie Loper tenor trombone mouthpiece.06 mm 1.026 in.170 in. Inside Cup dia. 39.63 mm 3.150 in.170 in.52 mm Bach 61/2 AL Specify type of shank when ordering. 25.170 in. 25.78 mm 1.261 in.281 in. The high register is very focused without getting inappropriately bright. 31. 79.534 in. 80.E 1st Avenue • Canby.538 in.534 in.534 in.84 mm 1.76 mm Bach 5 5F . The response is quite even and open in all registers.015 in.261 in. I am writing to tell you it is one of the best (if not the best) trombone mouthpieces I have ever had the pleasure of playing.59 mm 0.170 in. 80.96 mm 1.S.545 in. 39.52 mm Bach 2 5G 1.534 in.07 mm 1. 7.53 mm 3. 80. 25. 80.140 in.Trombone. 25. 39.540 in.24 mm 1.266 in.026 in.047 in. 26.S 1.091 in.63 mm 3. 80.14 mm 3. Outside Cup dia. 6. 30.238 in. 80. please specify manufacturer of euphonium when ordering.71 mm 0. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Comparison only 5G-S 1. 80. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] mm Bach 5G 8H 1. 39. 503-263-2456 593 S. 38. 6. You have a wonderful product for the brass playing community.170 in.76 mm 3. 28.006 in.266 in.21 mm 0.096 in.Crownsville .96 mm 1.59 mm 0.52 mm Bach 3 7G-S 1./61/2AL 38. 29. 26.35 mm 3.07 mm 1. 38. 29.170 in.Eric Richards.12 mm 1.52 mm Bach 3 Gray shaded areas represent comparisons of “classic models” Bass Trombone Model No. 27.083 in. 26. 80. are not arranged systematically. Y. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] in. 22.28 mm Bach 11/2 G Ernie Tack EBT3 1.761 in.99 mm 0.90 mm Schilke 60 *** 107 1. Each of these mouthpieces were designed for a specific player at a specific point in time. 39.73 mm 0. 37.58 mm 1.05 mm 0.116 in.867 in.Designer/Signature Trombone & Bass Trombone Mouthpieces Designed for Demanding Situations These mouthpieces are made to each specific player's specifications.25 mm 3.36 mm 0.13 mm 0. 88. Tenor Trombone Designer/ Signature Model No. 8. 28.540 in.225 in. 7.14 mm 1.494 in. 79. 8.90 mm Schilke 60 C. 5.228 in. 81.105. 79.94 mm 3. 37.316 in. 42. 80. Gray shaded areas represent comparisons of “ classic” models. Drill Venturi Length Comparison only Bill Rickenbach EBT1 1.94 mm . Inside Cup dia. 22. 80.35 mm 1.03 mm 3.170 in.266 in.140 in.540 in.14 mm 3.029 in.44 mm 1. 34.178 in.520 in.184 in. 42.07 mm 1. Inside Cup dia. 38. 81.125 in. 30. 82.200 in.37 mm 0. 79.514 in.159 in.234 in.E 1st Avenue • Canby.76 mm Mt.92 mm 0. 88.12 mm 0.187 in. 5.384 in.03 mm 3.97 mm 0.281 in. 88. 26.03 mm 3.500 in.46 mm 0. Each of our endorsees chose a Marcinkiewicz Designer/Signature Mouthpiece because of their belief in the product.33 mm 0.500 in. 5. 24. 42.74 mm 0.76 mm Bach 18 Outside Cup dia.12 mm 1. 29.495 in. 25. 6.55 mm *** Ian McDougall ET2 1. 28.02 mm 0..7 1.551 in.868 in.140 in. 39. 31. however this line is also numbered progressively by cup depth from deep to shallow.281 in.42 mm 1.981 in.Y.200 in.96 mm N. 25.76 mm N.61 mm 0. 30. 30. 39. Ph.67 mm . 7.856 in. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Comparison only Byron Peebles ET1 1.79 mm 3.28 mm Bach 11/2 G Oversized Phil Teele EBT2 1.52 mm Bach 11/2 G *** 105 1.140 in.15 mm 1.895 in.65 mm 0.680 in.10 mm 0.316 in. 29. 22.37 mm 3.40 mm 1.343 in. 28. 38. venturi. Cup Depth Bass Trombone Designer/ Signature Model N o.14 mm 3.561 in.12 mm 0.170 in.989 in.500 in. Bach 11C Charlie Loper ET3 1.79 mm 3.52 mm Bach 5G bass shank Jiggs Whigham ET1. 76.76 mm 3. 503-263-2456 593 S.67 mm 1.95 mm 1. 25.988 in.11 mm 0.15 mm 0.030 in.250 in. 6.680 in.234 in.Bach 12C David Steinmeyer ET7 1.131 in.10 mm 0.316 in.220 in. 5. 35.290 in. 35. 8. 25. 106 and 107 to be contrabass trombone mouthpieces. 19. Many play Marcinkiewicz mouthpieces exclusively. 21. 29. Vernon Bach 11C Lloyd Ulyate ET4 1.90 mm Schilke 60 Kleinhammer Jim Martin 106 1.156 in.228 in.73 mm 1. Vernon ***We consider no. Outside Cup dia.487 in.670 in.383 in. etc. Measurements such as inner diameter.77 mm 0.12 mm 1. 37. 7.92 mm 0.988 in. 39.246 in. 27. 27.52 mm Bach 5G 9B 1. these mouthpieces affords enhanced projection.52 mm Bach 61/2 AL Bass Trombone Ph.63 mm 3. 25.170 in. 79.63 mm 3. 7.71 mm 0. Inside Cup dia. 6.538 in. 80. Pro-Line Concert Hall™ Model No. 30. 39. 26. 6.006 in. Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces are optimized to give the player the best efficiency possible without compromise.534 in.250 in.091 in.22 mm 1.E 1st Avenue • Canby.150 in.266 in. 29. 39. The net result is a mouthpiece that gives an extremely stable center of pitch.07 mm 1. 29. All Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces are special order and custom work is available upon request.52 mm Bach 5G 5J 1. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] mm Bach 61/2 AL 11/2G 1.026 in. 38. 26. 503-263-2456 593 S.047 in. allows unprecedented dynamic levels without distortion and provides a rich.140 in.76 mm 3.261 in.06 mm 1. pending) Tenor/Bass Trombone. 6.096 in.170 in.55 mm 1. 80. 80.234 in.170 in. Dark Symphonic Sound Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces have a unique exterior design that offers optimal nodal enhancement by placing integral vibration dampers in specific. 39. calculated areas. and the same great intonation throughout all registers that Marcinkiewicz mouthpieces are famous for.55 mm 1. 26.170 in.006 in.281 in.538 in. 26.76 mm 3.170 in.06 mm 1.35 mm 3.14 mm 3.07 mm 1.52 mm Bach 11/2 G 5G 1. 7. 25.55 mm 1.07 mm 1. Euphonium Mouthpieces Designed for the player whose needs are not met elsewhere.59 mm 0. 39. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Comparison on l y Tenor Trombone 5G 1.170 in.150 in.047 in. Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces can be custom fitted to suit your needs.266 in.24 mm 1.150 in.203 in. 39.538 in. 26. 80.21 mm 0. dark symphonic sound without the additional mass of a conventional heavy wall mouthpiece. 29.52 mm Bach 5G 8H/61/2 AL 1.56 mm 0.545 in. . 6.04 mm 3.Pro-Line Concert Hall™ (pat.261 in.21 mm 0.96 mm 1. 6.03 mm 1.026 in.540 in.96 mm 1. even timbre from ppp to fff. Outside Cup dia.277 in. 80.21 mm 0.006 in.84 mm 1. 25. 80.76 mm Bach 5 8H / 61/2 AL 1.026 in.59 mm 0. 417 in.28 mm 1. 49. 96.323 in. These are not copies. 96.29 mm 1. 96. 33.800 in. 8. 7.60 mm 1.66 mm .66 mm 1. 33.328 in.980 in.52 mm " N3 1. (It doesn't have to hurt to play!) Models given for comparison again reflect standard sizes.800 in. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] in. 33.800 in.302 in. 7. 47.67 mm 3.99 mm 0.67 mm 3.417 in. 38. 7. 37.873 in.532 in.33 mm 3.328 in.67 mm 3.325 in.28 mm 1. 96.66 mm 1.28 mm 1. 33.325 in.53 mm 0.800 in.52 mm " N1 1.52 mm " W1 1. N.325 in.66 mm 1. substantial changes and improvements have been made to increase playability and response.302 in. 33. 7.302 in. 7.325 in.33 mm 3. 37. 96.99 mm 0.66 mm 1.26 mm 0. 40.873 in.325 in.302 in.800 in. Inside Cup dia. 37.52 mm Mirafone C3 N2 1.517 in.57 mm 1.60 mm 1.467 in. 41. 96. 49.800 in. 38.980 in.940 in.29 mm 1. 96.26 mm 0.67 mm 3.476 in. 33.476 in. 49.52 mm " W4 1. 33.57 mm 1. 8.873 in.800 in. 49.28 mm 1. 50. 96. 8. 96.328 in. with shallower cups.325 in. 34. 7.517 in.980 in.67 mm 3.33 mm 3.302 in.52 mm Mirafone C4 W2 1. Outside Cup dia.52 mm " H4 1. Johnson N4 1.67 mm 3.328 in.800 in. 50.352 in.67 mm 3. 47.352 in. This arrangement permits players to select a mouthpiece by precise increments of depth to find the correct cup volume required by their musical needs.57 mm 1.52 mm " W3 1.323 in.940 in. Model No. 96.33 mm 3.873 in.Tuba & Sousaphone Mouthpieces New Visualizers Large Selection Our standard tuba mouthpieces are arranged in a logical ascending order from deep to shallow and wide to narrow in three different types.52 mm " T.52 mm Conn Helleberg H2 1.800 in. 33.302 in.57 mm 1. 50.940 in.325 in. 33. 34.66 mm 1.91 mm 0.800 in.26 mm 0.52 mm " H3 1.34 mm 0.67 mm 3.29 mm 1. 'N' mouthpieces have a narrow rim.29 mm 1.800 in.E 1st Avenue • Canby.52 mm " Ph.60 mm 1. The ST3 and ST4. 'W' pieces have a wider rim and 'H' pieces have a smaller inside bite. 35. Please note that the chart is grouped in sections according to type.34 mm 0. 8. 35.60 mm 1. are designed specifically for students.940 in.53 mm 0.800 in. 47.45 mm 0. 38.66 mm 1. 33. 503-263-2456 593 S. 50.18 mm 0.302 in. 7.66 mm 1.325 in. 33. 7. W.302 in. & H. 96. 96.325 in. 47.323 in.980 in. 33.582 in. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Comparison only H1 1. 443 in.287 in.69 mm *** ST 4 1.63 mm 1.86 mm 1.800 in. 8.287 in.54 mm 1. This is a great advantage over the traditional 'rim-on-a-stick' type visualizers.52 mm Bach 18 24AW 1. 47.66 mm 1. Ph.97 mm 0.69 mm 1.52 mm Bach 24AW 25 1. 503-263-2456 593 S.323 in.77 mm 1. 8. 31.20 mm 3. 50.457 in.955 in. Bass Trombone and Tuba. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:mmpco@teleport. 32.287 in.845 in. Tenor Trombone.15 mm 1. 47.44 mm 1. Cornet. 37.800 in. 96. Visualizers with specific rim sizes are available on special order. 32. 96.01 mm 0. French Horn. 33.305 in.316 in.800 in. Outside Cup dia.04 mm 0.281 in.348 in.800 in.973 in. 36.876 in.11 mm 1.52 mm *** ST 3 1.65 mm 1. 32. 96.302 in.222 in. 8. 96. 8.52 mm Bach 25 Our embouchure visualizers are designed to be used with the players instrument for natural playing position. Inside Cup dia. 37.230 in. 32.277 in. 31. 8.84 mm .44 mm 1.290 in.33 mm 3.09 mm 0.69 mm 1. 96. 49.Embouchure Visualizers Model No.33 mm 3. as Marcinkiewicz visualizers can show the effects of playing angle and pressure.277 in. 32.03 mm 3. 32.24 mm 1. 42. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Comparison only Jim Self ETU 1 1.495 in.800 in. 47.875 in. 32.63 mm 1.65 mm 0. Flugelhorn.875 in. 46.328 in. Our visualizers are available in Trumpet.657 in.E 1st Avenue • Canby.52 mm *** 18 1. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:[email protected] in. even timbre from ppp to fff. 37. Pro-Line Concert Hall™ Model No.443 in. The net result is a mouthpiece that gives an extremely stable center of pitch. Dark Symphonic Sound Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces have a unique exterior design that offers optimal nodal enhancement by placing integral vibration dampers in specific.328 in.876 in.325 in.52 mm Conn Helleberg N1 1. pending) Tuba Mouthpieces Designed for the player whose needs are not met elsewhere.Pro-Line Concert Hall™ (pat. 47. allows unprecedented dynamic levels without distortion and provides a rich. dark symphonic sound without the additional mass of a conventional heavy wall mouthpiece.800 in. Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces are optimized to give the player the best efficiency possible without compromise. 7. 96.66 mm 1. All Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces are special order and custom work is available upon request.33 mm 3.176 in.323 in.302 in.940 in. Inside Cup dia. 503-263-2456 593 S.18 mm 0. 7. 33. 96. 96.28 mm 1. 96. 49. 96.323 in. 8. 8.325 in.800 in.302 in.60 mm 1. 36.873 in. 38. 33.57 mm 1.800 in.517 in.E 1st Avenue • Canby.328 in.940 in.52 mm Conn Helleberg H4 1.67 mm 3. 33. 8. and the same great intonation throughout all registers that Marcinkiewicz mouthpieces are famous for. these mouthpieces affords enhanced projection.290 in.33 mm 3. 34.77 mm 1. 49.57 mm 1. Gray shaded represent comparisons of “classic” models. calculated areas.34 mm 0. 32.65 mm 1. Pro-Line Concert Hall™ mouthpieces can be custom fitted to suit your needs. 47. Cup Depth Drill Venturi Length Comparison only H2 1. Outside Cup dia.26 mm 0.52 mm Mirafone C3 N4 1.60 mm 1.582 in.323 in.65 mm 0. 33. 47.28 mm 1.352 in.67 mm 3.66 mm 1.53 mm 0.52 mm Mirafone C3 N4 1.20 mm 3.52 mm Bach 18 Ph. .800 in.800 in. Uan Rasey. His mouthpiece design studies began in 1973 under the tutelage of legendary master designer and craftsman Burt Herrick. All fabrication. Beginning brass instrument repair in 1965. assembly and plating are done on site. and The Portland Pops. Don . Arthur Fiedler. efficiency and choice. The finished product. Oregon. reflects the perfect blend of "old world" craftsmanship and modern technology. Marcinkiewicz offers a wealth of knowledge regarding teaching methods and is a highly respected authority in the area of embouchure pedagogy . 503-263-2456 593 S. Roger Williams. Lake Oswego. Marcinkiewicz has acquired diverse instruction. Bob Findley and Carmine Caruso. Ray Charles. Manufacturing of the Marcinkiewicz Brasswind Mouthpiece began in 1983. Teaching privately. to mention a few. The results are a wide range of brasswind mouthpieces that are unrivaled in quality. he gives lectures on mouthpieces and embouchure development around the world. Roy Stevens. San Francisco State University. with CNC (Computer Numeric Control) lathes. Apart from private instruction. Marcinkiewicz is regarded as a master mouthpiece designer and brass instrument technician. Marcinkiewicz to compile credits with bands and orchestras throughout the world including Stan Kenton. Virginia. San Francisco Conservatory of Music and the US Naval School of Music.a real "Dean of Chops". The operation is equipped with the latest computer aided design software and single point cutting technology. In addition. precision. giving him a vast understanding of the performing arts. "Put your money where your mouth is!"™ Ph. The company also produces a full line of hand crafted brass instruments. Mr. In addition. His Music studies include work at The University of Washington. Oregon. today Mr. Norfolk. Renold Schilke. Knowledge. Marcinkiewicz Company is recognized as a manufacturer of the world's highest quality brasswind mouthpieces and hand crafted brass instruments. Dr. Portland Festival Symphony. Dr. In the field of brass technology.E 1st Avenue • Canby. skill and reputation have enabled Mr. The Marcinkiewicz Company is housed in their new state of the art facility in Canby. Mr. Mr. Marcinkiewicz directed the Marylhurst Jazz Arts Ensemble at Marylhurst College. whether a mouthpiece or horn. quality and precision are the reputation of Joe Marcinkiewicz and the Marcinkiewicz Company. Oregon 97013 Fax 503-263-2484 email:mmpco@teleport. The company produces models for some of the top players in the world today. he has studied with such notables as Johnny Coppola. Don Ellis.Biographical Information Playing trumpet professionally since the 10th grade. choice. “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is!™” . Marcinkiewicz .J. postage prepaid. for a prompt and courteous exchange for other merchandise. Marcinkiewicz Co. offers a Dealer Exchange Program in which dealers may return unsold product.PRODUCT WARRANTY DEALER EXCHANGE GUARANTEE Marcinkiewicz Co. warrants each of its precision brasswind mouthpieces against defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase (with proof of purchase) and agrees to repair or exchange any defective mouthpiece without charge within such period. In addition. in original packaging.
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