Marble Soundness Classification

March 26, 2018 | Author: juli_rad | Category: Marble, Minerals, Epoxy, Taxonomy (Biology), Stone



Volume II, Issue 1January 2005 Marble Soundness Classification The assessment of physical properties in natural stone products is a challenging task. The challenge is not unique to the stone industry in that producers of all natural materials are charged with developing a system of classifying and categorizing those materials within their industry. The Marble Soundness Classification System has been with us, essentially unmodified, for more than half of a century (originating with the National Association of Marble Producers who merged with the Marble Institute in 1963). Its long, established use is definitely a result of its simplicity and effectiveness, but perhaps the greatest strength of this system is that it is linked only to material working properties, and specifically excludes any relationship with the market value of the materials. The intentional disassociation with market value has encouraged the objective review of natural stone materials for technical purposes, while avoiding the temptation to publish inappropriate classifications in the interest of inflating the cost of these materials. The recent incorporation of the Marble Classification data by ASTM into the C503 Standard Specification prompted the publication of this technical bulletin to educate MIA members about this system. Since this system has been so successful with marble and marble-like stones, the MIA is currently working on a similar classification system for granite and granite-like products. This bulletin contains five sections: 1. Marble Soundness Classification definitions and descriptions (revised since the publication of the Dimension Stone Design Manual, VI)—pages 1-2. 2. How Marbles receive their Soundness Classification—pages 2-3. 3. What is on the horizon for a Granite Soundness Classification System—page 3. 4. Listing of Marbles with Soundness Classification designations—pages 3-10. 5. Understanding Stone Test Reports of Group C Marbles (this is the last article that Vincent Migliore wrote for the Marble Institute)—pages 11-12. ______________________________________________________________________________ Section 1: Marble Soundness Classification (This text is a revision to that referenced on pages 82-83 of the Dimension Stone Design Manual, VI, and will be incorporated into next version of the Design Manual) As a result of knowledge gained from extensive practical experience in the dimension stone industry, marbles have been classified into four groups known as the Marble Soundness Classification. The groupings–A, B, C, and D–should be taken into account when specifying or using marble, for all marbles are not suitable for all building applications. This is particularly true of the comparatively fragile marbles classified under Groups C and D, which may require additional fabrication before or during installation. The basis of this classification is the characteristics encountered in fabricating, and has no reference whatsoever to the comparative merits or value of each type of marble (e.g. an A class marble is not necessarily more valuable than a D class marble). The classification indicates what method of fabrication is considered necessary and acceptable in each instance This technical bulletin contains general guidelines. The Marble Institute of America and its Member companies are not responsible for any use or misuse that causes damage of any kind, including loss of rights, materials, and personal injury alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this document. © 2004 Marble Institute of America. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America. VI). Upon completion. in which non-carbonate minerals associated with clay and silt have been recrystallized or altered into other minerals. sticking together. Group B Marbles Marbles similar in character to Group A. It does not refer to the application of paste wax to make surfaces shinier. color and texture. cements. Filling is not intended to be noticeable to a great degree. Many of the non-carbonate minerals associated with clay and silt have not been recrystallized or altered into other minerals due to incomplete metamorphism. thus “sticking.” Filling describes the filling of natural voids in stone units with cements or synthetic resins and similar materials. except all the non-carbonate minerals associated with clay and silt have not been recrystallized or altered into other minerals. but some geological imperfections could be evident. or epoxies. The pieces are “stuck” together. They may contain all or some of the following features: holes. Any other work necessary to hold the stone together is performed to yield a finished product that is usable for architectural purposes. can be used on the exterior or interior. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America. now generally done with dowels. or D) is determined by the quarry/producer based on the definitions described above. it is reserved for only very laborious Group C stones. these marbles are not suitable for exterior application. Group C Marbles have variations in working qualities. Sticking describes the butt edge repair of a broken piece. The four groups of Marble Soundness Classification are: Group A Marbles Sound marbles with uniform and favorable working qualities. Group D Marbles Marbles which are very similiar to Group C. fabricating corners or missing stone with compounds of similar nature. Waxing . containing no obvious geological voids or fissures. cabinetmaker’s wax or certain polyester compounds. Quality of the repair work will vary in this group. nor is it expected to be perfectly color matched or “glass” smooth. voids. Quarry/Producer Members desiring that a marble be added or re-classified to this listing should follow this process: Step 1: Designate the marble with one of the classifications (using the definitions published in this technical bulletin and/or Dimension Stone Design Manual. Few stones carry this designation. maximum variations in working qualities and require more methods of finishing. The sup- 2 © 2004 Marble Institute of America. These stones have uniform working qualities.” or “filling”. It is standard practice to repair these variations by use of reinforcing backing. or polyester resin by “waxing. The Marble Institute of America confirms the designation and publishes the listing. C. .Volume II. Step 2: Request that the MIA Technical Department verify the quarry/producer designation. Issue 1 . ___________________________________________________________________________________ Section 2: How Marbles Receive Their Soundness Classification The actual classification (A. most repairs can be visible and apparent given a difference in light reflection. Group B Marbles are suitable for exterior or interior applications. shellac. but contain a larger proportion of natural faults. and do not require any filling or patching. Group B Marbles are similar in quality to limestone or dolostone of Group A. and applies only to marble and limestone/marble. B. Group C Marbles Group C Marbles comprise the largest and most colorful group of marbles. filling with resin or cement.Marble Soundness Classification January 2005 as based on standard trade practice. lines of separation and structural flaws. With several exceptions. liners. They include completely metamorphosed (recrystallized) limestone or dolostone.” “sticking. These marbles may contain holes or voids which are filled with epoxy.sticking and filling (common industry terms) are defined below: Waxing refers to the practice of filling minor surface imperfections such as voids or sand holes with melted shellac. ............................................................................................................. ————————————————————————————————————— Section 4: Listing of Marbles with a Soundness Classification Designation Many marbles have received a Marble Soundness Classification designation since the inception of this system...............................P Orange ................ To work with stone is to work with a product of nature............................................. W-Brw White-Creamy ........................................................... This technical bulletin includes the most recent list.............................. stone name............................................................................ and reason for the designation.................................................... etc......... The most recent listing of marbles was featured in both Dimension Stone Design Manual......................................................................................... Issue 1 ........................................................... W-Go White-Grayish ...... Brecciated (Tan or Yellowish Background)... The Marble Institute is developing a classification system for granite for use by the stone industry in 2005....................................................................... and the Dimension Stones of the World (2-volume set)....................................................... V...........Volume II........................................................................................................................................................ the unique properties and characteristics found in various granites also require specific measures to be employed in the fabrication....................................................................................................................................................................................... Step 3: MIA Technical Department issues a report.................................................................................................................................................... The classification given in this report is a point of reference only............................................................................................................. 3 .................. Black & White ............................................................................................................... W-Cr White-Goldish .............. Bf-Dk Gray.................................................... May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Marble Soundness Classification January 2005 porting documentation should include the following: • A letter to the MIA Technical Department stating the classification......................................R-RBrw Rose.................................................................. Several dozen marbles have received a designation since these publications were first printed...................................... ————————————————————————————————————— Section 3: Granite Soundness Classification System Currently there is no soundness classification system established for granite.......................................................................................................... Therefore consumers are encouraged to investigate a stone’s classification and request documentation about the classification from the supplier of the product............. Brc (Bl-Gy) Veined.................................................................. Brw Buff-Brown-Yellowish ........................................ • 12"x12" (300 mm x 300 mm) sample • 2-3 photographs featuring close-up images of the vein the stone was taken from..... Brc (T-Y) White .................................................................................................................................................................................................Bf-C/L Buff-Dark ................... R Red-Reddish Brown................................................................................ W-Gr Yellow or Gold ................................................ Bl/Gy Brecciated.......................................................................................................................................................................... photos.............................................. • Payment of $250 USD (payable to the Marble Institute of America) to cover review and report fees........................................................................................................................................ W-BI White-Brownish.................................................... IV (1991).................. Y/G © 2004 Marble Institute of America.............. handling................................................................................ Blk Blue-Gray ......................................................................................................... Similar to marble............................................................................ Further research and testing is normally done to substantiate the stone’s worthiness for particular applications....................................................................................................................... origin..................... Key to Color Range Abbreviations Black ...............................Gr Pink ........................................................................................... Brecciated (Bluish or Gray Background)..................................................... and installation practices to ensure quality applications of the material...........Brc-Blk/W Brown ................................................... Gy Gray-Bluish ........ and products of nature vary from sample to sample.......................................................... • Quarry/producer pays all costs associated with shipping samples........................................................... W-Gy White-Greenish.................... V......... O Red ..................................................................................................... It is important to note that many of the classifications were originally established by the producer...................................................................................................................... Gy-Bl Green ..................................... Bf-Brw-Y Buff-Cream or Light .................. W White-Bluish.........................Rs Veined... Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Orobico Rosso V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Tombaccio V.A. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Faniello V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Alga Marina Stazzema V. U.A. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Orobico Grigio Nuvolato V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato M V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Colletino V.S.S. Turkey Turkey Taiwan Italy C C A B C B C C B A A C C A C C C A C A A B B Italy Italy Italy C C B Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy C C B C B C B B B C Italy C Italy C Italy Italy Italy Italy Spain Italy Greece U. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Arni Corchia V.Volume II. Greece C C C B B D B A A Aurisina Chiara Aurisina Fiorito Aurisina Granitello Avorio Beta Avorio di Siena Avorio Siena Gy Gy Gy Bf-C/L Y/G Y/G Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy B B B C C C Brw Gy-Bl Bl/Gy Gy Gy-Bl Bl/Gy Gy Gy Bf-C/L Bf-C/L O Bf-C/L Blk Blk R Gr V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato la Mossa V.A. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Cervaiole V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Calacatta Resceto V.S. Name A Abancado Laranja O Abancado Laranja Claro O Acquabianca W-Bl Adair Marble W-Bl Adria Grigio Gy Aegean Crystal W African Rose Brw African Rose Light Brw Afyon Bf-C/L Afyon White W Ajax W-Cr Alagao Beige O Alba Pallida Bf/Cl Alexander White W Almiscado Rs Alpinina Clara* Bf-C/L Alpinina Rosada* Bf-C/L Andies Grey Gy Apache Gold Vein Gy Aphrodisias Cloudy W-Bl Aphrodisias White W Apollo Gr Arebescato V.C.S. A (continued) Portugal Portugal Italy Canada Yugoslavia Greece Morocco Morocco Turkey Turkey Greece Philippines Italy Guatemala Portugal Portugal Portugal U. Brc(Bl-Gy) Spain Mexico Belguim France U. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Orobico V. U.S. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Siena V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Rosso Garfagnana V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Vagli V. France A C C C A A C B Baker Dark Cedar Bardiglietto Bardiglio Cappella Bardiglio Carrara Bardiglio Carrara Chiaro Bardiglio Carrara Scuro Bardiglio Costa Basaltina Beige Classic* Beige Maya Beige Peach* Beige Serpentina Belgium Black Belgium Blue* Belgium Red Light Belice Verde Bettogli Vein Bianco Arni Bianco Carrara B Bianco Carrara C Bianco Carrara C/D Bianco Carrara D Bianco Cristal Bianco de Nieve Bianco P Bianco Pentelicon Bianco Venato Gioia Biancospino Black and Gold Black and Gold Extra Black Levadias Black Marquina* Black Principessa Black Saint Laurent Blanc Bleute de Savoie Blanco Macael Blanco Macael Heavy Veined Blanco Marfil Bleu Belge Blue Savoy Boardman Brown Boardman Vein Bois Jourdan © 2004 Marble Institute of America. . Brc(Bl-Gy) Arabescato Bf-Brw-Y Ardesia Blk Arta Pink P Asbury Pink P Athos White W 4 Color Origin S.S.A. Brc(Cr-W) W-Gy W W W W W W W W W-Gy W-Gy Blk Blk Blk Blk Blk Blk Bl/Gy W U.A. Issue 1 – Marble Soundness Classification Name Color Origin January 2005 S. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Corchia V.A. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Arni V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Carcaraia V. Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Philippines Mexico Philippines Spain Belgium Belgium Belgium Guatemala Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Greece Yugoslavia Italy Greece Italy Italy Italy Italy Greece Spain Spain France France Spain A B C B B B D A C C C C B B C C A A A A A A B B A A A A D D B C D D C A W Bf-C/L Blk Bl/Gy W-Brw W-Gy V. Brc(Cr-W) Arabescato Garfagnana V.C. S.A. Brc(T-Y) V. U. Brc(Cr-W) W-Cr W-Cr Bf-C/L Gr R Bf-C/L Rs R-RBrw Color Name Origin S.A Spain U. Australia Spain Spain Spain Spain Italy Italy U. Italy U. Brc(Cr-W) Y/G V.S. Italy U. Ireland U.S.S. Brc(T-Y) Gy Bf-C/L V.S.C. Brc(Bl-Gy) Rs Gy . A C A C B C A A C A C C C C C A C B B C C D C C D C A A C C C C C B A C A Mexico Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Spain France France Philippines Italy U.S.S.S. France France France France France France U. Brc(Cr-W) V. Issue 1 – Marble Soundness Classification Color Name Origin January 2005 S.A.S.S.A.A. B C C C C B B C C C C C C D A W-Gr W U.A.A. B (continued) Botticino Clasico Botticino Classico Botticino Fiorito Botticino Magnus Botticino Perlato Botticino Royal Botticino Sicilia Botticino Sicilia Royal Botticino Standard Branco Mar* Branco Rosal* Brazilian Rose Brazilian White Breccia Aurora Breccia Aurora IMV Breccia Carsica Breccia Karnezeika Breccia Novella Breccia Oniciata Breccia Pernice Brecha da Ota* Brecha Lioz* Brecha Perola * Brecha Portuguesa* Brecha Tavira Dourada* Brecha Tavira Vermelha* Breche Maritime Breche Noire Breche Nouvelle Breche Ronceveaux Bronceado Brown Beige* Brown Chios Brown Terra Brown Tourmalion Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L W-Cr W-Cr Rs W V. Greece A A Spain Taiwan Taiwan Greece Greece Italy China Turkey Spain Spain C C C C B C C C C C © 2004 Marble Institute of America. Brc(T-Y) Brw R-RBrw R-RBrw Brw Brw R-RBrw Bf-C/L Brc-Blk/W Brw Brc-Blk/W Y/G Brw Brw Brw Brw Café Goleta Calacata Campo Cecina Calacata Cremo Calacata Cremo Massa Calacata di Siena Calacatta Calacatta Tirreno Calacatta Vagli Calacatta Vagli Rosato Caliza Capri Campan Rose Vert Campan Rouge Capistrano Cassino Rosa Cedar Rose Brw V. C (continued) Puerto Rico Italy Italy Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Italy Italy Italy Italy Portugal Portugal Brazil Brazil Italy Italy Italy Greece France Italy Italy Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portigal France France France Spain Philippines Greece Venezuela France A C C A A C C C C B B C A D D C C D D D C C C C C C C C C C C C C B C R-RBrw Gy Blk R Bf-Brw-Y Brc-Blk/W Bf-Brw-Y P P W Bf-C/L Rs bf-C/L Rs P Bf-Brw-Y W-Go Gr W Br-Brw-Y Bf-Brw-Y R W Gr R-RBrw Rs P Bf-C/L Y/G Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Brw Bf-C/L W-Cr E-Bl R W-Gr U.Volume II.S. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.A.S. Brc(Cr-W) V.A.C.A. France U.A. Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Brazil Italy Italy Taiwan U. Brc(Cr-W) V. Brc(T-Y) Bf-Dk V. 5 C Cedar Tavernelle Cevenol Champlain Black Chandolin* Chanteuil Charcoal Saint Jean Chassagne Beige Chassagne Rose Chassagne Violine Cherokee Chiampo Mandorlaro Chiampo Paglierino Chiampo Perlato Chiampo Porfirico Chiampo Rosa Chocolate Brun Amazone Cipollino Dorato Cipollino Verde Apuano Claro Cliffdale “A” Dark Cliffdale “B” Light Collemandina Colorado Yule Connemara Marble Coral Rouge Fleuri Coralito Craig Pink Tennessee Cream Wombeyan Crema Espanol Crema Levante Crema Marfil* Crema Nuevo Crème Perla Cremo Delicato Creole Crocidolite Crystal Stratus Danby Crystal Stratus Veined Danby Crystalina White D Dark Emperador* Dark Green Antique Dark Hualian Jade Desert Peach Desert Pink Dolcetto Perlato Doppio Nero Dove Duchessa Rosa Duquesa Gris Brw Gr Gr O P Bf-C/L Blk V.A. Brc(T-Y) V.S.S. Brc(Bl-Gy) Gy W Gy V. Brc(Cr-W) W Greece U.S. Issue 1 – Marble Soundness Classification Color Name Origin January 2005 S. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.S.A.A.A. . A A A A A A Italy France Philippines Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Spain Italy Taiwan Taiwan France France France D C C C C C B D D C C B A C C C Greece Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Honduras France France Australia Greece Spain Italy Italy France A C C C C C A B B B A C D C C E F G 6 Color Gris Antique Gris Duquesa Gris Goleta Gris Macael Gris Paloma Gris Perla Gris Tellez Gris Tepeaca Gris Terrazo Guatemala Antique Green Guatemala Emerald Green Guatemala Extra White Guatemala Gold Guatemala Gray Guatemala Standard White Guatemala Veined Gray Guatemala White Blk Gy Gy-Bl Gy Gy Gy-Bl W-Gy Gy Gy Gr Belgium Spain Mexico Spain France Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Guatemala B C B A C B B B B C Gr W Y/G Gy Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala C A A A W Gy W Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala A A A France U.A.S. A B B C A Brw Gy W-Cr Bf-C/L P Spain Spain Italy Philippines Italy C C C C B Jade Green Jaspe Gris Jaspe Rosa Jerusalem Stone* Juane Rose Jura Jura Beige Jura Giallo Gr C. Anne Basque Gray/White Wombeyan Greek White Grey Duchess Grigio Carnico Grigio Romano Grimaldi W-Cr Y/G Y/G Y/G Y/G Y/G Blk V. Name D (continued) Duquesa Rosa Rs Edward Pink Emperador Light Eretria Red Estremoz Branco Estremoz Crème Estremoz Vergadas Estremoz Vergadas Catanhas Etremoz Vergado Etremoz Vergado Escuro Etowah Fleuri Etowah Pink Eureka Danby Fantastico Arni Farges* Fawntan* Filleto America Filleto Rosso Filetto Rosso Classico Fior di Mare Fior di Pesco Fior di Pesco Carnico Florido* Forest Green Formosa Black Formosa White French Antique Gray French Red French Rouge Antique Gr Bf-C/L Brw Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Gy V. Spain Italy U.S. Anne Alpha Gray St.A.S.C. Spain Greece Portugal Portugal Portugal A C C A A A W-Brw W W P P W-Brw Portugal Portugal Portugal U. Brc(Cr-W) Ilios Imperial Black Imperial Brown Imperial Calacata Imperal Danby Imperial Emperador Brown Incarnat Turquin Italian Cremo Italian Pearl* Italian Pink W-Gy Blk V. Brc(Bl-Gy) Blk Gr Blk W Gy R R-RBrw Galaxy Giallo di Siena Giallo Mori Giallo Siena Giallo Siena Avorio Giallo Siena Unito Gold Black Gray St. U. Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan B A C C C B C H Hauteville Highland Danby Hualian Jade Hualien Green Hualien Jewel Hualien White B Hualien White C Bf-C/L Gy Gr Gr Gr V. U. Brc(Cr-W) V. Brc(Bl-Gy) V. Brc(Bl-Gy) Bf-C/L Rs Brw Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Taiwan Mexico Mexico Israel Norway Germany Germany Germany C B B B B A A A I J © 2004 Marble Institute of America. Brc(Bl-Gy) Gy Gy Origin S.Volume II. Brc(Bl-Gy) V. Brc(Bl-Gy) V. G (continued) Spain C P Brw R W Bf-C/L W U.A.C.A. U. Italy Guatemala U.C.S.S.) Notre Dame Notre Dame A Nowshera Maroon Nuovo Brocatello Nuvoltao Apuano Blk Blk Blk Blk Rs Rs Rs Bf-C/L Bf-C/L R V.S. 7 .A. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.S.A.S. U. Brc(T-Y) Bf/Dk R-RBrw U.A. Italy Italy Italy C D D A A C A A A B C C C C C C C C C B B B B A C B A A D D D O P Paonazzetto Paradiso Paradiso D Pardais Pavonazzo Pearl Beige Pearl Gray Pearl Grey Pentelicon White Penuela Peperino Grigio Peperino Rosato Perla Marina Perlato d’Italia Perlato Philippines* Perlato Royal Perlato Sicilia Perlato Suevo Perlino Rosato Petit Granit Piastraccia Pietra del Cardosa Pietra di Luserna Pilion Pink Pink Dutchess Pink Ioannina Pink Tennessee Plateau Danby Porto Extra Portoro Macchia Fine Portoro Macchia Larga V.A. Name J (continued) Jura Gray Jura Melange Gy-Bl Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Origin S.S.S.S. Issue 1 – Marble Soundness Classification Color Name Origin January 2005 S.A.A.A. U. Brc(Cr-W) Brw Brw Rs V. Honduras Mexico Portugal U. Philippines Taiwan Morocco Portugal Portugal Italy Italy Italy U.S.C.A. Spain Spain Spain Mexico U.A. B C A A Italy Italy Italy Portugal U.S. U. U.A.S. U.S. Laurent Noir Cihigue Noir Fleuri Norwegian Rose Norwegian Rose (M. France Italy Italy U.A. B A A A Macchiavecchia Manyas White Marblehaus Beige Marbre du Roi Mariposa Alagao* Mariposa Danby Marron Braun* Marron Emperador* Marron Imperial* Maya Mezzotint Mink Black Mino Nero Antique Moca Crème* Montclair Danby V.Volume II. Brc(T-Y) V. Brc(T-Y) W Bf-C/L R O W-Gr Brw Brw Brw Bf-C/L Gy Brw Blk Bf-C/L W-Gr Italy Turkey Philippines France Philippines U.A France Greece Spain Mexico C A C A C B M N Nero Marquina* Nero St.S.S.A. Greece Mexico Italy Italy Italy Italy Philippines Italy Italy Italy Italy Belgium Italy Italy Italy Greece Spain Greece U.A.S.A.S.S.A.L) Norwegian Rose (M. Brc(Cr-W) Gy Gr P Rs P Rs W-Gy Blk Blk Blk © 2004 Marble Institute of America. Brc(T-Y) Gy-Bl Olho de Sapo Ozark Famosa Ozark Fleuri Ozark Grey Vein Bf-C/L Brw Gy Gy Spain France France France Norway Norway Norway France France Pakistan Italy Italy C D C C B B B C C C B B Portugal U. D A B C C A C C C C A A C B A Napoleon Grand Melange Napoleon Grey Napoleon Tigre Naxos Negro Marquina* Negro Monterrey Bf-C/L Gy Bf-C/L W Blk Blk France U.A. Brc(Cr-W) Bf-C/L W-Gy Gy W Bf-Dk Gy R W-Cr Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L P Blk V. N (continued) Germany Germany A A K K-Beige* Color Philippines C L Lambery Cedar Larrys Lasa Bianco Vena Oro Lasa Bianco Venato Lee White Light Beige Light Verde Jade Lido Lioz Lioz Crème Loredo Chiaro Loredo IMV Loredo Rubane Luck Dark Cedar Luck Dark Cedar Tavernelle Luck Dark Rose Luck Light Rose Luck Medium Rose R-RBrw Bf-C/L W-Go W W Bf-C/L Gr Gy Rs Bf-Brw-Y V.S.A.S. B B A A A B C B C C D D C B R-RBrw Rs Rs Rs U. S.S.C. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.A.A.A. Brc(T-Y) Gr Gr Gr Gr Bf-Brw-Y W Blk Blk Rs France Portugal Portugal France Greece Turkey Mexico Yugoslavia Portugal Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Germany Greece Spain Morocco Portugal B C C C C C A B B C C C C C C C A A C C C S © 2004 Marble Institute of America. Issue 1 – Marble Soundness Classification Color Name Origin January 2005 S. . Brc(Cr-W) R Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs V. Spain Spain Italy Italy Italy Spain France Italy Italy C A D A C C D C D C C D C R R R R R-RBrw R R Gy W-Bl R-RBrw W Bf-C/L W-Gy Gy W-Gy Italy Italy Italy Italy France France Spain France U.S. Italy Italy France France France France France Spain Spain Spain Italy Portugal Portugal Portugal Mexico Portugal Italy Portugal Portugal Portugal Spain Mexico Mexico Mexico Norway Portugal Puerto Rico Greece Portugal Yugoslavia Italy A A D C C C D D C C A A B B B C B B B C C C B A A A C A C A A A C B B D B B C C A C C R Radio Black Rainbow Rasotica Red Duquesa Red Dutchess Red Eretria Red Levanto Red Levanto Rai Red Royale Red Verona Regal Blue Regal White Danby Repen Classico Chiaro Repen Classico Zolla Revermont Roc Argent Rochebelle Beige* Rochebelle Rose* Rocheret* Rojo Alicante* Rojo Bilbao Rojo Coralito Roman Stone Rosa Aurora A Rosa Aurora B Rosa Aurora C Rosa Clasico Rosa de Borba Rosa del Garda Rosa do Monte Rosa do Monte A Rosa do Monte B Rosa Duquesa Rosa Emperador Rosa Imperial Rosa Mexico Rosa Norvegia Rosa Portogallo Rosa Salmon Rosa Surpi Rosa Vergado Rosalit Rosato 8 Blk Gy Brw Rs Rs R R R R R Bl/Gy W-Cr Gy Gy Bf-C/L Gy Bf-C/L P Y/G R R R Gy W Bf-C/L W Rs Rs Rs O Rs Rs Rs Bf-C/L V. U. U.A. P (continued) Pouillenay Primavera Pumpokha White Bf-C/L Bf-Brw-Y W Gr Guatemala C U. Honduras Yugoslavia Spain Spain Greece Italy Italy France Italy U. Taiwan France Portugal Portugal Portugal C C C C C C C C A D A C B B A Saint Corneille Saint Florient Saint Florient Rose Saint Jean Fleury Salanti Red Salome/Leopard Santo Tomas Selji Cream Semi-Rijo* Serpeggiante Classico Serpeggiante di Trani Serpeggiante Silverbella Serpentine Serpentine Verde Scuro Serpentino Classico Serpentino di Fundres Sierra Madre Snow White Spanish Black* St.A.S. Brc(T-Y) V.S. Brc(Bl-Gy) R-RBrw Bf-C/L W-Cr V. R (continued) France A Philippines B Pakistan A Q Quetzal Green Name Rosatta* Rose Aurora Rose De Felines Rose Gray Rose Turquesa Rosso Alicante* Rosso Antico d’Italia Rosso Asiago Rosso Collemandina Rosso Coralito Rosso Francia Rosso Levanto Rosso Magnaboschi Rosso Magnaboschi Fiorito Rosso Rubino Rosso Verona Rosso Verona Broccato Rouge Antique Rouge Incarnat Rouge Matadof Rouge Turquin Royal Danby Royal Fleuri Royal White Rubane Ruivina Clara Ruivina Escura Ruivina Raiado R-RBrw Rs Bf-Brw-Y Gy Rs R R R R R R R R Philippines Portugal France U. Anne African Vein St.C. Brc(T-Y) Color Origin S.Volume II. Brc(T-Y) V.A.S. Florient Bf-C/L Rs Rs Brc-Blk/W R V. A. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.S.A.Volume II.A. Brc(Cr-W) Gy V. U.A. Issue 1 – Marble Soundness Classification Color Name Origin January 2005 S.S. U. © 2004 Marble Institute of America. Brc(T-Y) Gy Brc-Blk/W Gy U. Name S (continued) R-RBrw R W W V.S.C.A. Italy Italy Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Gy Gr Gr Gr Gr W Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr V.S. Brc(Bl-Gy) Gy P P Bf-Dk A V Valencia Rose Veined Black B Veined Black C Venezuelan Pink Verde Acceglio Verde Alpi Cesana Verde Antique Verde Antonio Verde Aver Origin V (continued) St. 9 .S. U. Brc(T-Y) V.A.C. Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Italy Sweden Italy Greece Portugal Portugal Portugal Greece U. Italy Italy Italy Italy U. Denis Verde Svezia Verde Tiffany Verde Tinos Verde Viana Claro Verde Viana Cristal Verde Viana Escuro Veria White Vermont Verde Antique Vert d’Estours Vert d’Irlande Vert Jade Vert Racega Villa Gray Villebois* Vize Pink Volou Pink Vulcano S. Italy A B Portugal C Italy Italy C C W Waterloo White White Alabama White Carrara White Carrara C White Carrara C/A White Carrara D White Cherokee White Georgia White Georgia Golden Vien White Veined Statuary X Xita* Spain Taiwan Taiwan Venezuela Italy Italy U. B A A A A A A A W-Go W U.S. Genevieve Golden Vein Ste.S.S.A.S. Thomas Stalattite Staro Statuario Venato Carrara Statuary Vein Ste. Italy Honduras Honduras Turkey C C A B A B C Taiwan Jade Taiwan Green Tavernelle Chiampo Mandorlato Tea Rose Teresa Beige* Thassos A-1 Thassos White Tienshan Jade Tigre Tikal Green Tinos Green Tinos Green Dark Topaze* Trani Chiaro Trani Perlato Trani Unito Trigaxes Claro Trigaxes Escuro Tropical Gray Tropical White Tsipolino Gr Gr Taiwan Taiwan C C Bf-C/L Bl/Gy Bf-C/L W W Gr Bf-C/L Gr Gr Gr W-Cr Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Bf-C/L Gy Gy Gy W-Gy Gy-Bl Italy China Philippines Greece Greece Taiwan France Guatemala Greece Greece Portugal Italy Italy Italy Portugal Portugal Honduras Honduras Greece C C C A A C C C B C C C C C A A A B B T U Gy-Bl Italy P Brc-Blk/W Brc-Blk/W P Gr Gr Gr Gr Gr Verde Dorato Verde Fraye Verde Giada Verde Gressoney Verde Imperiale Verde Issorie Verde Patrizia Verde Smeraldo Verde St. Brc(Cr-W) Mexico Italy Taiwan Italy Italy A C B B B V. France Ireland Italy Italy China France Turkey Greece Italy C C C C C C C C C B C C A A A A C C C C C C C A B C W-Gy W W W W W W-Gy W-Go Canada U. Genevieve Rose Sterling Grey Sunflower Sunset Superior Black Supren Uliano Venato Color B C C B D C C C C P Y Yellow Siena Yellow Verona Y/G Y/G _________________________________ * Denotes hard or dolomitic limestones capable of taking a polish and known commercially as marble.A.A. S. M Navona Travertine Spain Origin I Montemerano Travertine Bf-Dk H Honey Onyx Color C D C Cabrino Name U.S.Volume II.C.A. Scheherazade Fleuri Travertine Scheherazade Vein Travertine St.S.A. Peter Travertine Striato Travertine C Caesar (Roman Classic Travertine) Classico (Roman Classic Travertine) Colosseo (Roman Classic Travertine) Continental Buff Travertine T Bf-C/L Italy C Bf-C/L Italy C Bf-C/L Italy C Bf-C/L U. . Issue 1 – Marble Soundness Classification January 2005 Onyx Varieties Name Color Origin S.A.A. A Agata Malaga Arabescato Vittoria Brw Spain V. Brw C © 2004 Marble Institute of America.S.S. U.A.S.S. C C Y/G U. C C Remo (Roman Classic Travertine) W-Cr S Travertine Varieties The soundness classification of “C” for most travertines is the result of the filling process used. C D Denizli Travertine Desert Crème Travertine Desert Gold Fleuri Travertine Desert Gold Veined Travertine 10 Temple Crème Travertine Bf-C/L Travertine “N” Bf-C/L Travertine BS Larry Light Bf-C/L Travertine Light Bf-C/L Travertino Brw Travertino Iberico Bf-C/L Travertino Moonlight Bf-C/L Travertino Nole Brw Travertino Paglierino Bf Travertino Rojo R-RBrw Travertino Silver Gr-Bl W Walnut Travertine Y/G U. C P Brw Bf-Dk U.S. Brc(Cr-W) Norway Bl/Gy Bf-C/L Imperial Travertine Incas Golden Travertine Y/G Y/G Peru Spain Peru C C Italy C Italy C Italy Italy C C Italy C Peru Mexico C D Italy C P U.A.A.C.A. May be reproduced with credit given to Marble Institute of America.” Contact your travertine producer for additional information. C Bf-C/L Bf-Dk Turkey U.A Italy Italy Mexico Portugal Spain Italy Italy Italy Spain Italy C C C C C C C C C C C Italy C D N Mexican Onyx V. Brc(Cr-W) Mexico Onice Pakistan Onyx Carbino Gr Bl/Gy Bf-C/L C M C O Oniciato (Roman Travertine) Osso Travertine Brw Bf-C/L O P Pakistan Peru D D P Pakistan Onyx Gr Pakistan D Pantheon (Roman Classic Travertine) Bf-C/L Peruvian Golden Travertine Y/G Pueblo Travertine Bf-C/L R V Vista Grande Onyx W-Brw Vista Grande Onyx Vein W-Brw S.S. Unfilled travertines would be classified in either group “A” or “B. Italy Italy C C C U.
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