Marazzi Complete

March 27, 2018 | Author: brkinjo | Category: Tile, Americans With Disabilities Act Of 1990, Measurement, Packaging And Labeling, Retail



MARAZZI TILECERAMIC & PORCELAIN 1/18/2012 RETAIL PRICE LIST Updated 2/17/12: Lower pricing on Crystal Stone, Crystal Stone II, Walnut Canyon 13x13 & 20x20 Updated 12/20/11: Added Stone Age Updated 12/12/11: Added Crystal Stone II Updated 10/17/11 – Added “Romancing the Stone” Series Updated 8/18/11 = Removed Tosca 13x20, Discontinued PREMIER DISTRIBUTING 8310 S. 137TH CR OMAHA,NE. 68139 PH 800-976-2121 LOCAL 402-339-1999 FAX 402-339-9988 9250 BOND ST OVERLAND PARK,KS 66215 PH 888-438-3936 LOCAL 913-438-3936 FAX 913-438-5059 Aida Glazed Porcelain Tile FIELD TILE LISTELLI DECOS Corner Insert Border TRIM* Single Bullnose 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 3" x 3" (8 x 8 cm) 3" x 12" (8x 30 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS, SIZES, CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Aida Beige/Gray (beige/gray) Aida Brown (brown) Aida Gold (gold) Aida Off White (off white) Tebe Beige/Gray Tebe Brown/Gold Tebe Off White RETAIL PRICING FTL Delivered WEIGHTS, QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.) Pallet (lbs.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONSArea covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. ft.) One Carton (sq. ft.) One Pallet (sq. ft.) Thickness (in.) 0.969 14.53 697.44 0.33 2.180 15.26 488.32 0.37 Compatible Compatible Compatible 15 48 7 32 6 6 20 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors, including changes in composition of clays used. 52 2496 68 2176 2 6 21 sq. ft. $1.93 sq. ft. $2.17 UF4S UF4T UF4U UF4V UF4W UF4X UF4Y UF4Z UC2N UC2P UC2Q per piece $11.08 UF46 UF47 UF48 per piece $16.01 per piece $4.86 UH5Z UH52 UH53 UH54 *Trim is available in all colors, suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). Due to size fluctuation, all measurements given are nominal. Where strict accuracy is required, please refer to actual tile samples. The slight shade variation (range of color and finish is slightly different from tile to tile) in Aida is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. Always view several samples, before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential, medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms, residential kitchens, foyers, recreation areas, restaurant dining rooms, shopping malls, offices, lobbies, showrooms and corridors. Aida has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.50 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. We reserve the right to make changes any time, without notice, in colors,materials, packaging, specifications and availability. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing, please check with American Marazzi Tile, Inc. Customer Service for details. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. Copyright 06.06 American Marazzi Tile, Inc. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog - Aida 0.5K Archaeology Color Body Porcelain Stoneware 3d Technology MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE Strip DECORATIVE MOSAICS 3x3 Mesh Mounted Glass Pinwheel Mosaic Mosaic TRIM Single Bullnose 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" (16.5 x 16.5 cm) 6 1/2” x 13” (16.5 x 33.3 cm) 13" x 13" (33.3 x 33.3 cm) 20" x 20" (50 x 50 cm) 12” x 24” (30 x 60 cm) 12” x 12” (30 x 30 cm) 13" x 13" (33.3 x 33.3 cm) 13" x 13" (33.3 x 33.3 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33.3 cm) PRODUCTS, SIZES, CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Babylon (Cream) Chaco Canyon (Amber) Crystal River (Silver) Troy (Walnut) PRICING Retail WEIGHTS, QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.) Pallet (lbs.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. ft.) One Carton (sq. ft.) One Pallet (sq. ft.) Thickness (in.) 0.293 9.38 478.38 10.5 MM 0.591 9.46 482.46 10.5 MM 1.190 15.52 589.76 10 MM 2.690 16.15 387.60 11 MM 1.938 9.69 387.60 11 MM Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible 1.000 10 1.190 11.94 1.190 11.94 5.74 0.29 32 51 16 51 13 38 6 24 5 40 10 10 10 20 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors, including changes in composition of clays used. 42 2142 41 2122 73 2774 79 1896 53 2144 39 39 39 21 UL2J UL2K UL2L UL2M sq. ft. $5.35 UL2E UL2F UL2G UL2H sq. ft. $5.35 UL2A UL2B UL2C UL2D sq. ft. $5.11 UL26 UL27 UL28 UL29 sq. ft. $5.40 UL22 UL23 UL24 UL25 sq. ft. $5.42 UL36 UL37 UL38 UL39 per piece $35.65 UL2W UL2X UL2Y UL2Z per piece $18.17 UL32 UL33 UL34 UL35 per piece $23.31 UL2S UL2T UL2U UL2V per piece $5.09 * Trim is av ailable in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). Due to size fluctuation, all measurements given are nominal. Where strict accuracy is required, please refer to actual til e samples. Marazzi is the only manufacturer in US that can do digital print up to 360 dpi, direct to tile. At this maximum resolution and with the unique grayscale printing technique, Marazzi reaches finer, crisper and smoother printed designs. Moreover, the design will never repeat in more than 100 square feet at maximum resolution. $3. $2.180 15. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.60 UG5F UG5G UG5H sq. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.) One Pallet (sq.97 14.32 0.24 9. without notice.Arctic Bay 0.44 0.33 2. ft.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.) One Carton (sq. in colors. We reserve the right to make changes any time. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog . Always view several samples. 35 2800 52 2496 68 2176 21 40 80 15 48 7 32 20 0. ft.07 American Marazzi Tile. Customer Service for details. ft.53 697.Arctic Bay Glazed Ceramic Tile MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE TRIMS Single Bullnose 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. Inc. $2. please refer to actual tile samples. Copyright 07. specifications and availability. Where strict accuracy is required. including changes in composition of clays used.60 for accessible routes and 0.) Pallet (lbs. ft.03 UG5J UG5K UG5L sq. SIZES. please check with American Marazzi Tile.37 Compatible The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0.52 PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS. Due to size fluctuation.) Thickness (in.33 0.29 UG5M UG5N UG5P per piece $3.69 775. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.5K . ft.20 0. ft.26 488. packaging.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. The average shade variation (range of color and finish are moderately different from tile to tile) in Arctic Bay is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.) * Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). all measurements given are nominal.80 for ramps. Inc. All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.materials. Arctic Bay has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Arviat (taupe) Grise (gold) Rankin (noce) UG5C UG5D UG5E sq. We reserve the right to make changes any time.190 15.87 Discontinued Discontinued per piece $12.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet 32 51 16 51 13 38 6 24 4 12 6 4 20 24 6 6 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.94 per piece per carton $8.10 Marazzi USA.34 per piece $6.5 x 33.) Pallet (lbs. Cappuccino) Stella (Complements Avorio.03 UC4W UC4X UC4V UC4U UC4T UC53 UC54 UC52 UC4Z UC4Y UC4R UC4S UC4Q UC4P UC4N UD1M UD1N UD1P UD1Q UD1R UD1S UD1T UD1U UD1V UD1W UD1X UD1Y UD1Z UD20 UD21 DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.3 cm) 6" x 8" (15 x 20 cm) 1" x 6" (2. in colors.) Thickness (in.5 cm) (16.3 cm) 2-1/4" x 6-1/2" 2-1/4" x 1-1/4" (5.59 sq.591 9.3 cm) 13" x 13" (33.) One Carton (sq. including changes in composition of clays used.3 cm) 20" x 20" (50 x 50 cm) 4" x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 4" x 13" (10 x 33. APPLICATIONS & TECHNICAL FEATURES * Trim is available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).41 2.Artea Stone Glazed Porcelain Tile MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE LISTELLI DECOS Corner Insert Listelli Sink Rail Sink Rail Corner Single Bullnose TRIM* Sanitary Cove Base Sanitary Cove Sanitary Cove Base In Angle Base Out Angle 6-1/2" x 6-1/2" 6-1/2" x 13" (16.59 WEIGHTS.3 x 33. packaging.42 UC43 UC44 UC42 UC3Z UC3Y UC48 UC49 UC47 UC46 UC45 UC4D UC4E UC4C UC4B UC4A UC4J UC4K UC4H UC4G UC4F UC4M UD14 per piece $9. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. all measurements given are nominal.55 sq.52 589.5 cm) (5. $4.Pricing and Specifications Catalog .43 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible SHADE VARIATION.38 0.52 per piece $10. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. Due to size fluctuation.41 1. without notice. ft.03 per piece $12.60 0.5 x 15 cm) PRODUCTS. please refer to actual tile samples.15 387.) 0. Inc.41 0.) One Pallet (sq. ft.38 478. ft. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Artea Antico (light taupe) Artea Avorio (ivory) Artea Cappuccino (cocoa) Artea Noce (brown) Artea Oro (gold) Luna (Complements Antico. SIZES.46 482. ft.38 0.2 x 16. Where strict accuracy is required.690 16. $4. specifications and availability. $3.5 x 16. 42 2131 42 2131 73 2774 84 2016 3 18 4 1 21 26 2 2 sq. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. $4.5 x 15 cm) 1" x 6" (2.38 $3. ft.46 0. ft. please check with Marazzi USA Customer Service for details. Noce and Oro) RETAIL PRICING sq. . © 04.2 x 3 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33.293 9.93 per piece $12. ft.materials. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.55 538.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028.) 0. shopping malls.60 for accessible routes and 0. $5. SIZES. residential kitchens. The extreme shade variation (range of color and finish are vastly different from tile to tile) in Campione is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. recreation areas. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.) One Carton (sq.58 UHA2 UHA3 UHA4 per piece $5.55 538. Always view several samples.15 10.37 *Trim is available in all colors. restaurant dining rooms. all measurements given are nominal. We reserve the right to make changes any time. ft. Where strict accuracy is required. Copyright 03.15 387. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0.) Thickness (in.60 10MM compatible compatible 72 51 36 51 15 38 6 24 10 20 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. ft. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). Inc.68 UJ28 UJ29 UJ3A sq.255x16. please check with American Marazzi Tile.09 American Marazzi Tile.) Pallet (lbs.80 for ramps. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog . ft. $5.05 9MM 1.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. foyers.5 cm) 13" x 13" (33. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.5 x 16.3 x 33.53 UHAN UHAP UHAQ sq. 42 2142 42 2142 67 2546 84 2016 39 21 UJ3B UJ3C UJ3D sq. specifications and availability.Campione Glazed Porcelain Stoneware MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE DECOS 13"x13" Octagon TRIMS* Single Bullnose 3 1/4" x 6 1/2" (8. Inc. lobbies.690 16.194 17. ft. $4. please refer to actual tile samples.) One Pallet (sq. Campione has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.Campione 0. ft. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Andretti (Brown) Armstrong (Beige) Sampras (Mocha) PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS.58 9MM 2.materials.5K . $4. Customer Service for details.65 UHA6 UHA7 UHA8 per piece $28. ft.91 680.3 cm) 20" x 20" (50 x 50 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33.293 10. ft. including changes in composition of clays used. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms. packaging.3 cm) PRODUCTS. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. Due to size fluctuation.5 cm) 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" (16.05 9MM 0. without notice. showrooms and corridors. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential.37 UHAS UHAT UHAU sq. in colors. offices. SERIES DISCONTINUED ****12/12/11*** . without notice.SERIES DISCONTINUED ****12/12/11*** .39 Compatible Compatible Compatible * Mosaic Listelli are imported.5 x 16. do not meet ADA recommendations and are made to complement Field Tile. ** Trim is available in all colors. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.5 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33.50 (wet). including changes in composition of clays used.3 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) UF5L UF5M UF5N UF5P UF5Q UF5R UF5S UF5T UC1D UC1E UC1F UC1G UC1H UD2Q – DISCONTINUED UH55 UH56 UH57 UH58 sq.SERIES DISCONTINUED ****12/12/11*** .SERIES DISCONTINUED ****12/12/11*** .materials. lobbies. ft.33 0.50 (wet and dry)* in accordance with ASTM C-1028. We reserve the right to make changes any time. have a coefficient of friction less than 0. offices. ft.5K .SERIES DISCONTINUED ****12/12/11*** .Casali Glazed Ceramic Tile ****12/12/11*** . Copyright 06.81 per piece $4. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.) Thickness (in. showrooms and corridors. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .SERIES DISCONTINUED ****12/12/11*** . Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. suggested for interiorresidential applications only.969 14.44 0. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including restaurant dining rooms.33 1. ft.37 sq.) One Carton (sq.77 440.) Pallet (lbs. The slight shade variation (range of color and finish is relatively uniformed or subtly different from tile to tile) in Casali is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.20 0. * Some variation may occur from lot to lot. SIZES. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Cascina (brown) Fattoria (beige) Maso (almond) Masseria (rust) Novello (Complements all colors) Carroway (Complements all colors) RETAIL PRICING FTL Delivered WEIGHTS. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Modular and Field Tile.37 per piece $17.Casali 0. packaging. Always view several samples. Casali has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of 0.722 13. ft.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONSArea covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. please refer to actual tile samples. 35 2800 52 2496 54 1728 1 11 21 40 80 15 48 8 32 6 10 20 0. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. shopping malls. $4.64 0.SERIES DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS.86 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. Inc. please check with American Marazzi Tile.SERIES DISCONTINUED ****12/12/11*** .242 9.69 775.53 697. ft.SERIES DISCONTINUED ****12/12/11*** . specifications and availability. Where strict accuracy is required. rated Class 3. in colors. $1. $1. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. Inc. all measurements given are nominal.93 per piece $17. Due to size fluctuation.) MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE LISTELLI DECOS* Wall Border Mosaic Border TRIM** Single Bullnose 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 16" x 16" (40 x 40 cm) 1" x 6-1/2" (2.93 sq. Customer Service for details. ft.) One Pallet (sq.06 American Marazzi Tile.SERIES DISCONTINUED ****12/12/11*** . ) Thickness (in.) QUANTITIES Tile per Box Boxes per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Box (sq.Catwalk Mesh-Mounted Glass Mosaics FIELD TILE 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. SIZES. including changes in composition of clays used. all measurements given are nominal.00 20 20. 25.52 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.) Pallet (lbs. UJ9S UJ9T UJ9U UJ9V UJ9W UJ9X UJ9Y UJ9Z UJ92 UJ93 EACH $38.) One Pallet (sq.) SHADE VARIATION. ft. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Blue Ballet Chocolate Clog Jade Jellies Olive Oxfords Pecan Pump Smokey Stiletto Sable Slipper Steel Toe Toffee Tennies Walnut Wedge PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS. ft.00 3MM . please refer to actual tile samples. Where strict accuracy is required. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Box (lbs. APPLICATIONS & TECHNICAL FEATURES Due to size fluctuation. 33 0. Inc.33 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible * Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).) Pallet (lbs. specifications and availability.5 x 30 cm) 1" x 6" (2. Inc.5 x 15 cm) 1" x 6" (2.44 0.10 $5. ft. $2. including changes in composition of clays used.31 sq.80 for ramps. Always view several samples.33 2.69 775. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.5 cm) 6" x 8" (15 x 20 cm) 1" x 6" (2.60 for accessible routes and 0.53 697.26 488.88 per piece per piece per piece per piece per piece $5. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a coefficient of friction of 0.41 $4.) sq. 35 2800 52 2496 68 2176 2 2 2 1 26 2 2 21 40 80 15 48 7 32 8 6 10 4 24 6 6 20 0.5 x 15 cm) 1" x 1" (2. all measurements given are nominal. $2. Customer Service for details. ft. $3.07 American Marazzi Tile. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. in colors.21 per piece $10.60 sq.) One Pallet (sq.5K .43 $11. Cimmaron™ has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.20 0. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. ft.32 0.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. Due to size fluctuation.180 15. without notice. ft.97 14. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .) Thickness (in.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.5 cm) 1" x 12" (2. Where strict accuracy is required.37 $12.5 x 2.09 $8.Cimmaron™ 0.41 per piece per piece $10.55 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. ft. packaging.5 x 2. please check with American Marazzi Tile. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.Cimmaron™ Glazed Porcelain Tile MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE DECOS CornerInsert Listelli Quarter Round Quarter Round Angle TRIMS* Sanitary Cove Base Sanitary Cove Base In Angle Sanitary Cove Base Out Angle Single Bullnose 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 1" x 1" (2.materials. please refer to actual tile samples.24 9. We reserve the right to make changes any time. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Canyon (noce) Meadow (cream) Sierra (black) Timber (beige) Copper Strata (Complements all colors) UG2X UG32 UG2Y UG2Z UG33 UG36 UG34 UG35 UG37 UG3A UG38 UG39 UG44 UG43 UG3K UG3N UG3L UG3M UG3P UG3S UG3Q UG3R UG45 UG48 UG46 UG47 UG49 UG4C UG4A UG4B UG4D UG4G UG4E UG4F UG3T UG3W UG3U UG3V PRICING Retail WEIGHTS.) One Carton (sq. SIZES. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. The Heavy shade variation (range of color and finish are distinctively different from tile to tile) in Cimmaron™ is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.5 x 15 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. ft. Copyright 03. 00 6 11. all measurements given are nominal. in colors. We reserve the right to make changes any time.Crystal Stone Mesh-Mounted Glass/Stone Mosaics FIELD TILE 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. Crystal Stone has been independently tested and does not meet a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. kitchens. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Box (lbs. including changes in composition of clays used.63 0. please refer to actual tile samples. please check with Ragno USA Customer Service for details.08 Ragno USA. . dining rooms and recreation areas. foyers.) Thickness (in. Class 3 Light/Moderate Traffic: Tile suggested for residential floor and wall applications including bathrooms.) Pallet (lbs.Pricing and Specifications Catalog . without notice. The average shade variation (range of color and finish is moderately different from tile to tile) in Crystal Stone is intentional.) Due to size fluctuation. ft. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. packaging. 42. Inc. $20.) One Pallet (sq. SIZES. ft. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.83 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. © 03. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.) QUANTITIES Tile per Box Boxes per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Box (sq. Always view several samples. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Breeze Caramel Coffee Gold Honey Ivory Marine Purple Walnut PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS.materials.33 .Crystal Stone LG4C LG4B LG4E LG4J LG4H LG4A LG4D LG4G LG4F sq. Where strict accuracy is required. ft. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.50 (wet)* in accordance with ASTM C-1028. specifications and availability. including changes in composition of clays used.) Pallet (lbs. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. 21 21 6 6 0.) QUANTITIES Tile per Box Boxes per Pallet Area covered (excluding grout joints) DIMENSIONS One Tile (sq. ft. UL8Z UL94 UL95 UL92 UL93 EACH $20.969 5.83 UL8U UL8X UL8Y UL8V UL8W EACH $20. SIZES. APPLICATIONS & TECHNICAL FEATURES The average shade variation (range of color and finish is moderately different from tile to tile) in Crystal Stone is intentional.969 5. ft. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Espresso Pearl Pewter Slate Terracotta PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS.83 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.Crystal Stone II Mesh-Mounted Glass/Stone Mosaics FLOOR TILE Strip Mosaic Square Mosaic 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. Always view several samples.) SHADE VARIATION.810 .) Thickness (in.81 0.) One Pallet (sq.) One Box (sq. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Box (lbs. ft. ft. Wall Field Tile Class 1 No Foot Traffic: Tile suggested for wall applications only.5K .666 16.) One Carton (sq. in colors. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.) Thickness (in.180 15.) 0.50 (wet). The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0. Inc. Inc.93 per piece $2.39 UF6F UF6G UF6H UF6M UF6N UF6P UF6Q UF6R UF6S Bronze Deco (Complements Forest Beige and Forest Noce) Steel Deco (Complements Forest Green) Glass Gold Glass Green Glass Orange PRICING Retail WEIGHTS.969 14. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.00 0.26 488. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.80 for ramps.07 American Marazzi Tile.5 x 20 cm) (6. Always view several samples. SIZES. **Trim is available in all colors.materials. please check with American Marazzi Tile.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.93 sq. $3. all measurements given are nominal.44 0.10 per piece $3.Forest ImpressionsTM 0.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. $2.60 for accessible routes and 0. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications.01 UF6T UF6U UF6V per piece $9. ft.37 0. packaging. ft. please refer to actual tile samples.3 cm) (3 x 3 cm) 3/8" x 8" (1 x 20 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) 2 1/2" x 8" 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" (6. The average shade variation (range of color and finish is average from tile to tile) in Forest ImpressionsTM is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.5 cm) PRODUCTS. suggested for interior residential applications only.53 697.5 x 6. ft. 52 2496 68 2176 50 3000 1 7 1 2 21 10 2 4 12 24 12 20 20 20 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible *Listelli Decos are imported. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .29 15 48 7 32 25 60 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. Where strict accuracy is required.Forest ImpressionsTM Glazed Porcelain Tile FIELD TILE WALL TILE Corner Insert LISTELLI* Border Insert Liner Single Bullnose TRIM** Wall SBN Wall SBN Corner 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 8" x 12" (20 x 30 cm) 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" 1 1/4" x 13" 1 3/16" x 1 3/16" (3 x 3 cm) (3 x 33.50 990.30 per piece $2. Forest ImpressionsTM has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. specifications and availability. Copyright 01. without notice. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Forest Beige (beige) Forest Green (green) Forest Noce (brown) UF59 UF6A UF6B UF6C UF6D UF6E UF6J UF6K UF6L FD13 FD14 FD11* Discontinued FD12* Discontinued UF6W UF6X UF6Y sq. have a coefficient of friction less than 0. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. ft. $2. RESIDENTIAL LIGHT COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL † Floor(bathroom) Wall Backsplash Countertop NO YES YES NO NO YES YES NO NO YES YES NO †Great for Commercial Application We reserve the right to make changes any time. including changes in composition of clays used. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). ft. Due to size fluctuation.) One Pallet (sq. do not meet ADA recommendations and are made to complement Floor and Wall Field Tile.39 per piece $2.33 2.19 sq.32 0.) Pallet (lbs.65 per piece $12. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. Customer Service for details.93 per piece $2. 16 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.60 11MM 3. Inc. in colors. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog . ft. please check with American Marazzi Tile. ft. all measurements given are nominal. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.) * Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).50 465. The average shade variation (range of color and finish are moderately different from tile to tile) in Gemstone is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.00 11MM Compatible Compatible Compatible . QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. please refer to actual tile samples. without notice.) One Carton (sq. Copyright 03. $12.85 M79X M79Y M79Z M79W sq.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Beige Blue Green White PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS. packaging. Due to size fluctuation. Where strict accuracy is required. ft.88 15. Customer Service for details.Gemstone Glazed Porcelain Stoneware Rectified MODULAR TILE Mesh Mounted Mosaic DECOS Listelli TRIMS* Single Bullnose 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 24"x24" (60x60 cm) 12"x12" (30x30 cm) 3"x12" (7. SIZES.) One Pallet (sq.69 387. specifications and availability. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.6 x60 cm) 4"x24" (10 x 60 cm) PRODUCTS. $12. 49 1991 78 2370 21 8 37 5 40 4 30 4 6 13 1.55 M7AR M7AT M7AU M7AQ per piece $14. Always view several samples.09 American Marazzi Tile. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.5K M792 M793 M794 M791 sq.materials. ft.938 9.50 (wet)* in accordance with ASTM C-1028. ft.) Pallet (lbs.10 M799 M7AA M7AC M798 per piece $37.54 M7AL M7AM M7AN M7AK per piece $78. including changes in composition of clays used.) Thickness (in.Gemstone 0. Inc. Crystal Stone has been independently tested and does not meet a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. We reserve the right to make changes any time. please refer to actual tile samples. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .5K .70(dry)* in accordance with ASTM C-1028. ft. I Colori has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. lobbies.) Area covered (excluding grout joints) All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.13 UD3L UD3M UD3N UD3P UD3Q UD3R UD3S per piece $13. all measurements given are nominal.97 14. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).materials. The slight shade variation (range of color and finish is slightly different from tile to tile) in I Colori is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.78 UD3T UD3U UD3V UD3W UD3X UD3Y UD3Z per piece $13. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.02 American Marazzi Tile.33 Compatible Compatible Compatible **Trim is imported. Copyright 07. ft. Due to size fluctuation.5x15 cm) PRODUCTS. packaging. including changes in composition of clays used.) One Carton (sq. specifications and availability.34 UD3D UD3E UD3F UD3G UD3H UD3J UD3K per piece $10. offices. $3.5x15 cm) 1"x6" (2. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. in colors. We reserve the right to make changes any time. SIZES.) Thickness (in. Where strict accuracy is required. showrooms and corridors. 53 2544 26 2 2 15 48 24 6 6 0. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including restaurant dining rooms.) One Pallet (sq.53 697.) Pallet (lbs. without notice.78 RETAIL PRICING WEIGHTS. Always view several samples. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. Inc.Grand CanyonTM (revised) 0. ft. Crayons Red Luster meets a minimum coefficient of friction of .) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS One Tile (sq. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.60(wet) and 0. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. shopping malls. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. ft. please check with American Marazzi Tile Customer Service for details.DISC I Colori Glazed Ceramic Tile FIELD Sanitary Cove Base TRIM Sanitary CB in Angle Sanitary CB out Angle 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 6"X8" (15X20 CM) 1"x6" (2.50 (wet and dry). available in all colors. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Colori Black Colori Blue Colori Brown Colori Green Colori White Colori Yellow Crayons Red Luster+ UD37 UD38 UD39 UD3A UD3B UD3C UQ00 sq.44 0. M6YE M6YC M6YD sq. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms. including changes in composition of clays used. Always view several samples. The Heavy shade variation (range of color and finish are distinctively different from tile to tile) in i Porfidi di Marazzi is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.60 0.12 $4.20 $165. We reserve the right to make changes any time. ft. recreation areas.34 0.43 505.5 cm) 6" x 12" (14. M6ZM M6ZK M6ZL per piece M6ZQ M6ZN M6ZP per piece M6ZU M6ZR M6ZT per piece M6ZX M6ZV M6ZW per piece RETAIL WEIGHTS.) Pallet (lbs. shopping malls. Where strict accuracy is required. please check with American Marazzi Tile. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Antracite Rosso Verde PRICING M6YH M6YF M6YG sq. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.i Porfidi di Marazzi Through Body Porcelain Stoneware MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE 3"x3" Mesh Mounted DECOS* Random Mosaic Fan Mosaic TRIM** Single Bullnose 6" x 6" (14. **Trim is available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). residential kitchens.88 $30.) One Pallet (sq.59 503.34 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible * Individual pieces on Mesh-mounted Mosaics are tumbled to intentionally create distressed edges that add timeless character.80 0. the edges can appear irregular and slightly worn.) $8.5 x 30 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 52" x 30" (133 x 77 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. .60 for accessible routes and 0. offices. restaurant dining rooms. 41 2296 38 2280 54 2160 17 17 48 29 38 56 18 60 13 40 4 4 1 26 0. ft.74 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.60 481. M6YA M6X8 M6X9 sq.24 $6. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. packaging. in colors. ft. all measurements given are nominal.34 0.468 8.60 0. foyers.) One Carton (sq. please refer to actual tile samples.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0. ft.24 $8. i Porfidi di Marazzi has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. ft. without notice.80 for ramps.969 12. ft. Due to size fluctuation. As in nature.05 $15. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. lobbies. Inc. adding a subtle rustic touch. SIZES.5 x 14. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.226 8. showrooms and corridors. specifications and availability.) Thickness (in. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.materials. Customer Service for details. Imperial Slate 0. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Imperial Black (black) Imperial Rust (rust) Imperial Tan (tan) Imperial Mix (black/rust) RETAIL PRICING UE3P sq.Imperial Slate Glazed Ceramic Tile MODULAR TILE* FIELD TILE FIELD TILE TRIM** Single Bullnose 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 16" x 16" (40 x 40 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS.37 WEIGHTS. recreation areas. offices.) 0. Where strict accuracy is required. specifications and availability. ft. please check with American Marazzi Tile.00 0. in colors.72 13.97 14.78 440. restaurant dining rooms. residential kitchens.62 $2.5K . foyers. Inc.44 0.89 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. ft. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. Always view several samples. Due to size fluctuation.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. Imperial Slate has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.354 Compatible *Imperial Mix color is a combination of the Imperial Black and Imperial Rust. all measurements given are nominal. Copyright 04.) One Pallet (sq. shopping malls. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.88 $4.53 697.96 0. showrooms and corridors. We reserve the right to make changes any time. sq. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.335 40 80 $2.335 1. rustic stone products. packaging. **Trim is available in all colors. SIZES. ft.05 American Marazzi Tile. Inc. per piece UE24 UE25 UE26 UF4P UF4Q UF4R UH59 UH6A UH6B $4. Tile is randomly packaged and has extreme shade variation. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.70 776. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential.) Pallet (lbs. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). Customer Service for details.) Thickness (in. ft. lobbies. ft. ft. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms. please refer to actual tile samples. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. 35 2800 51 2448 54 1728 47 15 48 8 32 50 0. The extreme shade variation (range of color and finish are vastly different and random from tile to tile) in Imperial Slate is intentional and designed to replicate natural.) One Carton (sq. sq. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog . including changes in composition of clays used.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.242 9.materials. without notice. ) One Carton (sq. offices. Customer Service for details. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. residential kitchens. please check with American Marazzi Tile.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. Always view several samples.293 10. restaurant dining rooms.05 0.) Pallet (lbs. We reserve the right to make changes any time. ft.53 UE45 UE46 UE47 UE48 per piece $21.15 387. without notice.Jade REVISED 0. ft.80 for ramps. shopping malls.24 UE4V UE4W UE4X UE4Y per piece $26. $3.) Thickness (in. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog . This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Jade Chestnut Jade Ochre Jade Sage Jade Taupe PRICING Retail WEIGHTS. $4. ft. ft. Where strict accuracy is required.5K . $4.34 2.5 x 16. showrooms and corridors. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.materials.5 x 2.60 for accessible routes and 0. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms.85 749.3 cm) 20" x 20" (50 x 50 cm) 1" x 1" (2. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. specifications and availability.34 1.78 Due to size fluctuation.63 UE3A UE3B UE3C UE3D sq. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.) 0. ft. Inc.39 UE4Z UE42 UE43 UE44 per piece $16.5 x 5 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33.55 538. foyers.) One Pallet (sq.690 16. ft. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0.Jade Glazed Porcelain Tile MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE DECORATIVE MOSAICS 13"x13" Mesh Mounted 13"x13" Mesh Mounted 13"x13" Mesh Mounted TRIM Single Bullnose 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" (16. all measurements given are nominal. lobbies.43 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible 36 51 15 42 6 24 10 10 10 30 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.60 0. Copyright 03. 42 2131 73 3066 84 2016 33 39 36 28 UE4R UE4S UE4T UE4U sq. Jade has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.60 UE3E UE3F UE3G UE3H sq.85 UE3J UE3K UE3M UE3N per piece $4.3 cm) PRODUCTS.06 American Marazzi Tile. Inc.5 cm) 13" x 13" (33. The extreme shade variation (range of color and finish are vastly different from tile to tile) in Jade is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. please refer to actual tile samples.3 x 33.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. packaging. in colors.5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 1" x 2" (2.70 0. SIZES. including changes in composition of clays used. recreation areas.190 17. shopping malls.63 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. specifications and availability. Inc. Always view several samples. SIZES.5K . including changes in composition of clays used.722 15. packaging. ft. Copyright 10. without notice. in colors. ft.50 744. Inc.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.) One Carton (sq.07 American Marazzi Tile. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. Mountain Lodge has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog . showrooms and corridors. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential.60 for accessible routes and 0. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. residential kitchens. please check with American Marazzi Tile.Mountain Lodge 0.49 UGAA UGAB per piece $5.) Pallet (lbs. recreation areas.) Due to size fluctuation.Mountain Lodge Glazed Porcelain Stoneware FIELD TILE TRIM Single Bullnose 16" x 16" (40 x 40 cm) 3" x 16" (8 x 40 cm) PRODUCTS. $2. We reserve the right to make changes any time.materials. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Leaf (noce) Snow (white) PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS. 64 3072 39 9 48 20 1. UG6Q UG6R sq.80 for ramps. Customer Service for details. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. offices. The average shade variation (range of color and finish is moderately different from tile to tile) in Mountain Lodge is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. all measurements given are nominal. lobbies. restaurant dining rooms.) Thickness (in. ft.) One Pallet (sq. Where strict accuracy is required.00 7/16" Compatible The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0. foyers. ft. please refer to actual tile samples. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms. ft.39 1. specifications and availability.969 10.81 $5.) One Carton (sq. Due to size fluctuation.484 7.66 426. Inc.938 9. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a coefficient of friction of 0. ft. ft. subways and supermarkets. packaging.75 527. in colors. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. shopping malls. 38 2584 52 2080 48 1920 39 37 16 68 11 40 5 40 4 25 0. restaurant dining rooms.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. showrooms & corridors. including changes in composition of clays used. We reserve the right to make changes any time.41 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.69 387. Always view several samples. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.5 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. MJ88 MJ89 MJ9A MJ9C sq. commercial and institutional floor and wall applications subjected to heavy/extra heavy traffic.39 Compatible Compatible The Heavy shade variation (range of color and finish are distinctively different from tile to tile) in Percorsi are intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. SIZES.Percorsi Color Body Porcelain Stoneware MODULAR TILE Rectified FIELD TILE Rectified Rectified DECORATIVE MOSAICS Mesh Mounted TRIMS* Single Bullnose 6" x 12" (15 x 30 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 4" x 12" (9. lobbies.80 for ramps. all measurements given are nominal.88 $36. including airports.) *Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. offices. ft. please refer to actual tile samples.40 0. MJ80 MJ81 MJ82 MJ83 sq. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Percorsi Beige (beige) Percorsi Bianco (white) Percorsi Nero (black) Percorsi Verde (green) PRICING MJ84 MJ85 MJ86 MJ87 sq. please check with American Marazzi Tile.00 0. MHUY MJ9W MJ9X MJ9Y per piece MJDZ MJD0 MJD1 MJD2 per piece RETAIL WEIGHTS.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028.79 $9. $10. Customer Service for details.60 for accessible routes and 0.) Thickness (in. Class 4+ Heavy/Extra Heavy Traffic Tile suggested for residential. ft.) Pallet (lbs.39 0. Percorsi has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.) One Pallet (sq.60 0.materials.79 $10. ft. Where strict accuracy is required. . without notice. Presidential™ has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. Due to size fluctuation.63 $3. in colors. Floor Field and Wall Field Tile.56 0. Always view several samples. sq. lobbies.21 $2. suggested for interior residential applications only. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.81 $8. have a coefficient of friction less than 0.53 $3.20 0.) Thickness (in.033. Inc. Specific patterns cannot be selected. shopping malls.70 $6.62 $6.60 (wet and dry). before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. The American With Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a minimum coefficient of friction 0. ft. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).7 cm) 2 3/8" x 6" 7/8" x 2 3/8" (6 x 15 cm) (2 x 6 cm) 2" x 8" (5 x 20.16 0. The average shade variation (range of color and finish is moderately different from tile to tile) in Presidential™ is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.242 9.50 (wet).162 1.86 $3. packaging.70 776. ***Floor and Wall Trim is imported. Wall Field Tile Class 2 Light Traffic: Tile suggested for interior residential and commercial wall applications and for residential bathroom floor applications only. Floor Field and Wall Field Tile.80 (wet and dry) for ramps. ft. recreation areas.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. ft. ft.94 0. please check with American Marazzi Tile Customer Service for details.31 2.02 American Marazzi Tile. offices.44 0.323 5. foyers. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog . without notice.06 WEIGHTS.50 (wet). suggested for interior residential applications only. do not meet ADA recommendations and made to complement Modular. Floor Field Tile Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential.) One Carton (sq. SIZES. do not meet ADA recommendations and made to complement Modular. 34 2720 51 2448 54 1728 34 5 17 47 29 1827 5 13 1 39 2 Area covered (excluding grout joints) 0. RESIDENTIAL LIGHT COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL† Floor (bathroom) Wall Backsplash Countertop †Great for Commercial Application YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES NO YES YES NO We reserve the right to make changes any time. ft. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.91 $3.5K .60 (wet and dry) for accessible routes and 0. Embossed Decos are randomly selected and boxed. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms. ft.969 14.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS One Tile (sq.07 $6.PresidentialTM (revised) 0. ft.32 $12. sq. per piece per piece per piece per piece per piece $4. per piece per piece per piece per piece sq. including changes in composition of clays used. all measurements given are nominal. Copyright 07.*Discontinued 6/7/11 MODULAR TILE FLOOR TILE FLOOR EMBOSSE D DECO Corner Insert Presidential™ Glazed Porcelain Tile WALL FIELD TILE WALL LISTELLI TILE Border Sink Rail FLOOR LISTELLI DECOS Corner Insert Border FLOOR TRIM Single Bullnose WALL TRIM Sink Rail Angle Single Bullnose Single Bullnose Corner 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 4" x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 4" x 12" (10 x 30 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) 8" x 10" (20. **Floor and Wall Listelli Decos are imported. please refer to actual tile samples. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Hermitage (white) Monticello (beige) Mount Vernon (brown/green) Springwood (brown/mauve) UAKZ UAL1 UAL2 UAL3 UNDERLINED ITEMS ARE STOCK UAKH UAKJ UAKK UAKL UAKM UAKN UAKP UAKQ UAL4 UAL5 UAL6 UAL7 UAMV UAMU UAKR UAKS UAKT UAKU UALC UALD UALE UALF UAML UAMM UAMN UAMP UAMQ UAMR UAMS UAMT UALL UALM UALN UALP UALG UALH UALJ UALK Metropolitan Listelli Decos** (Complements all colors) Carnegie Listelli Decos** (Complements all colors) UAMW RETAIL PRICING sq.70 0.) 40 80 15 48 6 32 40 12 16 50 31 63 12 36 4 120 20 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.06 $2.180 13. available in all colors. These Marazzi products meet or exceed a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.53 697.materials.31 0. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.7 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) PRODUCTS. have a coefficient of friction less than 0.22 1. showrooms and corridors. restaurant dining rooms. specifications and availability.08 418.7 x 25 cm) 2" x 8" (5 x 20.31 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible *Embossed Decos are rated Class 3. residential kitchens.35 0.242 9.555 17.00 0. Where strict accuracy is required.) Pallet (lbs.) One Pallet (sq.34 $3. all measurements given are nominal.14 UHAJ UHAK UHAL UHAM UJ3H sq. specifications and availability. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms. offices. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.40 11MM 1. $6. lobbies.) QUANTITIES Tile per Box Boxes per Pallet Area covered (excluding grout joints) DIMENSIONS One Tile (sq.09 Marazzi USA. foyers. UJ3P UJ3Q UJ3R UJ3S UJ3T sq. kitchens. Where strict accuracy is required.40 11MM We reserve the right to make changes any time. © 03. ft. The slight shade variation (range of color and finish is slightly different from tile to tile) in Aida is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. Inc.65x 59. including changes in composition of clays used. $6.Riflessi di Legno .materials.51 380. . QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Box (lbs.Riflessi di Legno Color Body Porcelain Stoneware Rectified MODULAR TILE 3 13/16" x23 7/16" (9.14 UJ3J UJ3K UJ3L UJ3M UJ3N sq. please refer to actual tile samples. ft.62 9.) One Box (sq.73 x 59. 55 2200 55 2200 55 2200 15 40 10 40 5 40 0.) Pallet (lbs.) One Pallet (sq. Riflessi di Legno has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.32 372. in colors. packaging. Always view several samples.95 9.80 11MM 0. ft.5 cm) PRODUCTS. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Ash Cherry Ebony Oak Walnut PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS. ft. SIZES.60 (wet and dry) *in accordance with ASTM C-1028. without notice.46 378. ft.9 9.Pricing and Specifications Catalog . Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. ft. $6. restaurant dining rooms. and corridors. shopping malls.5 cm) 5 13/16" x23 7/16" (14.) Due to size fluctuation.14 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.5 cm) 11 11/16" x 23 7/16" (29. please check with Marazzi USA Customer Service for details.75 x 59. recreation areas. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.) Thickness (in. 5 x 2.3 cm) 1" x 13" (2. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .53 UJ6S UJ6T UJ68 UJ69 per piece $5.53 UJ6W UJ6X UJ72 UJ73 per piece $5.21 UJ89 UJ9A UJ9B UJ9C per piece $4.22 0. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.5 x 2. ft.21 UJ64 UJ65 UJ78 UJ79 per piece $5.03 0.53 UJ7E UJ7F UJ8C UJ8D per piece $5.5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 4" x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 4" x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 1/2" x 13" (1.5K . SIZES.45 0.) One Carton (sq.028 0. without notice.01 0.21 UJ6Y UJ6Z UJ74 UJ75 per piece $4.53 UJ62 UJ63 UJ76 UJ77 per piece $15.03 0.5 cm) 1" x 1" (2.07 0.89 0.21 UJ7A UJ7B UJ7C UJ7D per piece $4.) Thickness (in.22 0. ft. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.materials. specifications and availability. please check with American Marazzi Tile.35 10 10 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.) One Pallet (sq.Romance Collection Decorative Collection DECORATIVE OPTIONS Diamond Insert Dot Insert Fleur de Lis Insert Floral Insert Diamond Insert Dot Insert Fleur de Lis Insert Floral Insert Diamond Insert Floral Insert Pencil Liner Dot Listelli TRIM* Chair Rail 1" x 1" (2.5 x 33. in colors.22 0.09 American Marazzi Tile.3 cm) 2" x 13" (5 x 33. Copyright 07.90 0.111 0.3 cm) PRODUCTS.5 cm) 1" x 1" (2. ft.3 x 33. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 3 4 8 UJ66 UJ67 UJ8A UJ8B per piece $4.5 cm) 1" x 1" (2.07 0.5 x 2.01 0. including changes in composition of clays used.32 UJ6Q UJ6R UJ7U UJ7V per piece $14. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.52 UJ9D UJ9E UJ9F UJ9G per piece $14. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Nickel Bronze Venetian Bronze Wrought Iron PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS.01 0.07 0.090 0.27 UJ6U UJ6V UJ7Y UJ7Z per piece $15.89 0.22 We reserve the right to make changes any time. Inc.22 0.) Pallet (lbs.045 0.135 1. Customer Service for details.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.52 UJ6N UJ6P UJ7S UJ7T per piece $18.Romance Collection 0.) Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible 0.5 x 2.01 0.111 0. Inc.03 0. packaging.07 0. 54 UL4G UL4H per piece $5. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.5 x 33.Pricing and Specifications Catalog .54 UL4L UL4M per piece $5. specifications and availability.20 0. without notice.20 0.024 0. ft.10 Marazzi USA.54 UL4U UL4V per piece $10.) Thickness (in.85 0.3 x 33. packaging.084 0.150 One Carton (sq.) 0.09 UL52 UL53 per piece $12.27 We reserve the right to make changes any time.3 cm) 1 1/2" x 13" (4 x 33.85 0.82 UL4J UL4K per piece $5.materials.024 0.3 cm) PRODUCTS.95 UL4Y UL4Z per piece $10.3 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33. please check with Marazzi USA Customer Service for details.49 0.048 0.3 cm) 1" x 13" (2.85 1. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Ivory Noce PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS.95 UL4W UL4X per piece $10. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. © 04.20 0. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.20 0.3 cm) 1" x 13" (2. please refer to actual tile samples.Romancing The Stone Decorative Collection DECORATIVE OPTIONS Diamond Insert Dot Insert Fleur de Lis Insert Fleur de Lis Insert with Bronze Inlay Floral Insert Weave Insert Renaissance Insert Pencil Liner Dot Listelli Weave Listelli TRIM* Renaissance Border Chair Rail 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) .5 x 33.20 0.54 UL4Q UL4R per piece $5. ft.95 UL54 UL55 per piece $16.084 0.024 0.20 0.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 8 Pallet (lbs. ft. Carton (lbs. all measurements given are nominal.20 0. APPLICATIONS & TECHNICAL FEATURES Due to size fluctuation.) 0.54 UL4N UL4P per piece $5.024 0. including changes in composition of clays used.5" x 13" (1. SIZES. UL4E UL4F per piece $5.) Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible SHADE VARIATION.50 One Pallet (sq.024 0. Where strict accuracy is required. .) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.024 0. Inc. in colors.024 0.084 0.54 UL4S UL4T per piece $6. 39 0. specifications and availability.49 $2. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including restaurant dining rooms.96 0. Safari® has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. and made Due to size fluctuation. please refer to actual tile samples.31 0. Copyright 07. offices. shopping malls. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. ft. in colors. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.97 14. sq.53 697. ft.50 (wet)* in accordance with ASTM C-1028.5K . Listelli are mounted to a mesh backing. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.) One Pallet (sq. packaging.92 813. 41 2460 39 2 8 46 2898 51 2448 54 1728 9 9 47 30 63 15 48 8 32 10 10 50 0.77 440.) Pallet (lbs.43 $2. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. ft.98 Dealer Cost 30% $2.83 $2. Where strict accuracy is required. Colors and Patterns are random per piece. have a coefficient of friction less than 0.Safari (revised) 0. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.22 1033.) Thickness (in.18 $2.06 $2. rated Class 3. per piece per piece per piece $2.61 $18.) One Carton (sq.78 $3.26 2. all measurements given are nominal. lobbies. sq. per pieceper pieceper piece sq.44 0.materials.50 (wet). CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Botswana (beige) Capetown (beige / gold) Serengeti (walnut) Swaziland (off white) Tumbled Marble Listelli* (Complements all colors) Tumbled Marble Listelli with Glass Insert* (Complements all colors) Discontinued all wall 12/12/11 Discontinued all wall 12/12/11 Discontinued all wall 12/12/11 Discontinued all wall 12/12/11 UAH7 UAH8 UAH9 UAJ1 UADZ UAE1 UAE2 UAE3 UAE4 UAE5 UAE6 UAE7 UAB7 UAB8 UB2E UB2F UB2G UB2H RETAIL PRICING sq. ft. We reserve the right to make changes any time. The average shade variation (range of color and finish is moderately different from tile to tile) in Safari® is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.84 $1. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. ft. including changes in composition of clays used.58 0.78 $14.42 $18.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS One Tile (sq.43 12.85 $7.75 $24.722 13. ft.68 $3.37 0.54 17.Safari WALL TILE FIELD SINGLE BULLNOSE LISTELLI BULLNOSE CORNER ® Glazed Porcelain Tile FIELD TILE LISTELLI* Border/ Corner Border/ Corner TRIM** Single Bullnose 8X10 2"X8" 2"X2" 2 1/4X8 8" x 8" 12" x 12" 16" x 16" 3" x 12" (20 x 20 cm) (30 x 30 cm) (40 x 40 cm) (8 x 30 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS.26 2. suggested for interior residential applications only.64 0. ft.03 $2. showrooms and corridors. Always view several samples.28 32 60 120 20 24 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. SIZES.58 Compatible Compatible Compatible *Listelli are imported.) Area covered (excluding grout joints) 0.02 Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog . please check with Customer Service for details.57 WEIGHTS. without notice. do not meet ADA recommendations and made to complement Field Tile.34 1. Inc.66 per piece $30. Saturnia has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.Saturnia 0.) 1. SIZES. without notice.15 387. packaging. ft. recreation areas. showrooms and corridors.75 FB2H per piece $13. Customer Service for details.5K .5 x 5 cm) 2" x 3 1/2" (5 x 8. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. Copyright 03.) Thickness (in. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .) One Carton (sq.41 2.80 for ramps.60 for accessible routes and 0. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms.76 0.27 per piece $17.materials. Inc. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Acqua (ivory) Argilla (walnut) Creta (gray) Elios (gold) Serena (Complements all colors) PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. ft. please refer to actual tile samples. ft.190 10. foyers.) Pallet (lbs.Saturnia Glazed Porcelain Tile FIELD TILE 13"x13" Mesh Mounted DECORATIVE MOSAICS 13"x13" Mesh Mounted 13"x13" Mesh Mounted 13"x13" Mesh Mounted Listelli* DISCONTINUED AS OF 01/29/10 TRIM Single Bullnose 13" x 13" (33.3 cm) PRODUCTS.06 American Marazzi Tile.3 cm) 20" x 20" (50 x 50 cm) 1" x 1" (2. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0. rated Class 3.9 cm) 4" x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 4" x 13" (10 x 33.88 per piece $4. have a coefficient of friction less than 0. residential kitchens. in colors.690 16. Where strict accuracy is required. Always view several samples.07 per piece $25.71 599. Due to size fluctuation.) One Pallet (sq. please check with American Marazzi Tile. offices. lobbies. $3. $3.5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 1" x 2" (2. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. We reserve the right to make changes any time.60 0. shopping malls. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.78 FB2C FB2D FB2E FB2F * Listelli are imported. ft. 50 2800 84 2016 38 45 38 45 3 4 43 sq.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028.86 per piece $28. ft.3 x 33. specifications and availability. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.5 x 2. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential.50 (wet). do not meet ADA recommendations and made to complement Field Tile. restaurant dining rooms. The average shade variation (range of color and finish are moderately different from tile to tile) in Saturnia is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. suggested for interior residential applications only. including changes in composition of clays used.3 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33.96 FB24 FB25 FB26 FB27 FB28 FB29 FB2A FB2B FC2K FC2L FC2M FC2N FC2P FC2Q FC2R FC2S FC2T FC2U FC2V FC2W FC2X FC2Y FC2Z FC22 FB2G per piece $12.34 sq. all measurements given are nominal.43 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible 9 56 6 24 10 10 10 10 12 6 50 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. 60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028.00 Compatible *Trim is available in all colors.750 15. ft.02 1. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms.) One Pallet (sq.3 cm) PRODUCTS.00 3.938 9.69 465.875 15.91 sq. offices. foyers.938 9.91 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.50 465. ft.00 7. ft.68 sq.) Pallet (lbs. ft.17 per piece $9. shopping malls.60 for accessible routes and 0. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential.00 3.63 sq.50 465. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Acciaio Argilla Avorio Bianco Cemento Creta Fango Grigio Marrone Sabbia Tortora M6MG M6MQ M6MM M6MF M6MH M6MU M6MR M6MJ M6MT M6MN M6MP M6K8 M6LH M6LE M6K7 M6K9 M6LL M6LJ M6LA M6LK M6LF M6LG M6LW M6L4 M6L1 M6LV M6LX M6L8 M6L5 M6LY M6L6 M6L2 M6L3 M6M1 M6M9 M6M6 M6M0 M6M2 M6ND M6NA M6M3 M6NC M6M7 M6M8 M6NZ M6NV M6NR M6NY M6N0 M6NK M6NW M6N1 M6NX M6NT M6NU Arancio Ardesia Giallo Nero Verde M6MZ M6MK M6MY M6ML M6MV M6LR M6LC M6LQ M6LD M6LM M6ME M6LZ M6MD M6L0 M6L9 M6NJ M6M4 M6NH M6M5 M6NE M6NQ M6N2 M6NP M6N3 M6NL Blu Rosso M6MX M6MW M6LP M6LN M6MC M6MA M6NG M6NF M6NN M6NM PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS.50 465. ft. 49 2352 49 2352 49 2352 75 2250 75 2250 75 2250 75 2250 75 2250 75 2250 36 1080 36 1080 36 1080 5 48 5 48 5 48 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 30 4 30 2 30 2 30 2 30 1. $11.64 sq.00 7. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0.875 15. Always view several samples. showrooms and corridors.50 465. ft.14 sq. recreation areas. ft.50 465.16 sq.875 15. $13. .00 3.SistemA Color Body Porcelain Stoneware MODULAR TILE Natural Rectified Natural Rectified Natural Rectified Natural Rectified Natural Rectified Natural Rectified Lux Rectified Lux Rectified Lux Rectified Natural Rectified Natural Rectified Natural Rectified TRIM* Single Bullnose *Natural Surface 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 24" x 48" (60 x 120 cm) 24" x 48" (60 x 120 cm) 24" x 48" (60 x 120 cm) 3" x 24" (8 x 33. ft. all measurements given are nominal.00 3.5 465.40 sq.875 15. $12. $11.80 for ramps.5 465. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics) Due to size fluctuation.00 3. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.5 465. ft.) One Carton (sq. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. ft.750 15.875 15.50 465. $11.) Thickness (in.69 465.875 15.45 sq.42 sq. SistemA has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. $11.02 3. ft. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.938 9.) sq. including changes in composition of clays used.40 sq. residential kitchens. lobbies. ft. The slight shade variation (range of color and finish is relatively uniformed or subtly different from tile to tile) in SistemA is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.69 465.02 1. $11.20 sq.750 15. $12. ft. restaurant dining rooms. ft. $13. ft. $11. Where strict accuracy is required.00 7. $10. SIZES. please refer to actual tile samples. $10. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). lobbies. packaging. ft. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Anthracite Beige Brown Grey PRICING M6X4 M6X1 M6X3 M6X2 sq.60 for accessible routes and 0. ft.63 232. M6YN M6YK M6YM M6YL sq. Customer Service for details.43 3.5 x 60 cm) PRODUCTS.875 15.60 0.43 7.50 465.56 $7.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet Area covered (excluding grout joints) DIMENSIONS One Tile (sq.43 Compatible Compatible Compatible *Trim is available in all colors.60 0.50 465.69 387.) Pallet (lbs. including changes in composition of clays used.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. 50 2000 77 2310 58 1160 77 2310 41 20 39 5 40 4 30 3 20 2 30 4 4 13 1. offices. recreation areas. We reserve the right to make changes any time.938 9.80 for ramps.) One Carton (sq.750 15. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.) One Pallet (sq.04 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.92 $10. . restaurant dining rooms.) Thickness (in. showrooms and corridors. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. Due to size fluctuation. ft.34 $96.80 $9.) $7.43 3. Always view several samples. ft. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.00 0. M70C M70E M70D M70F per piece per piece M70A M6Z9 M70U M70Q M70T M70R per piece RETAIL WEIGHTS.24 $11. residential kitchens. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms. Inc. all measurements given are nominal. The average shade variation (range of color and finish are moderately different from tile to tile) in Soho is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. Where strict accuracy is required. ft. please refer to actual tile samples.875 11. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. ft.00 0. Soho has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. specifications and availability.33 $125.Soho Color Body Porcelain Stoneware MODULAR TILE Rectified Rectified Rectified FIELD TILE Rectified DECOS Fascia Decorative Modulo TRIM* Single Bullnose 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 12" x 48" (30 x 120 cm) 24" x 48" (60 x 120 cm) 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 4" x 24" (9. please check with American Marazzi Tile. M6XW M6XT M6XV M6XU sq. in colors. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. without notice. ft. SIZES.materials. foyers. shopping malls. M6X0 M6XX M6XZ M6XY sq. ) One Carton (sq. including changes in composition of clays used. Copyright 06. please check with American Marazzi Tile.86 UH6C UH6D UH6E *Listelli are mounted to a mesh backing. ft.180 15.06 American Marazzi Tile.97 14.50 (wet) and 0. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential.33 2. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Field Tile (See Trim for frost resistance characteristics). SIZES. specifications and availability. Inc.32 0.93 sq. without notice.) 0.44 0.5K . offices.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. ft. Where strict accuracy is required. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.37 Compatible Compatible 15 48 7 32 6 20 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. $2. packaging. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.17 UF49 UF5A UF5B UF5C UF5D UF5E UD2P per piece $22.) One Pallet (sq. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Ginger (white/ mauve) Nutmeg (moss) Saffron (ochre) Paprika (Complements all colors) PRICING FTL Delivered WEIGHTS. The extreme shade variation (range of color and finish is distinctively different from tile to tile) in Solaris is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. Inc. shopping malls.) Pallet (lbs. Always view several samples.26 488. ft. Due to size fluctuation. all measurements given are nominal. ft. in colors. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. We reserve the right to make changes any time.5 x 33.Solaris 0. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including restaurant dining rooms. 52 2496 68 2176 2 21 sq. please refer to actual tile samples.materials. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.53 697. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .3 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. Solaris has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.Solaris Glazed Porcelain Tile FIELD TILE Mosaic Listelli Floor Border TRIM** Single Bullnose 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 1" x 13" (2.70 (dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. $1.28 per piece $4. lobbies. **Trim is available in all colors. showrooms & corridors. ft.) Thickness (in. Customer Service for details. 32 9 MM Compatible . ft. please refer to actual tile samples. UL88 UL89 UL8A UL8B per piece $5. Where strict accuracy is required. SIZES.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet Area covered (excluding grout joints) DIMENSIONS One Tile (sq. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. ft.34 $5.68 464. including changes in composition of clays used.24 9.54 697.) Thickness (in.Stone Age Glazed Ceramic Tile FIELD TILE TRIM SBN 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. UL7Y UL7Z UL82 UL83 sq.) One Pallet (sq.) One Carton (sq. ft. ft. $2. Due to size fluctuation.64 8 MM 0.23 WEIGHTS.97 14.04 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Lava River (Rust) Lost Sea (Charcoal) Mammoth (Brown) Sequoyah (Beige) PRICING UL7U UL7V UL7W UL7X sq. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).04 $2. UL84 UL85 UL86 UL87 sq. ft.) Pallet (lbs.68 8 MM 2. all measurements given are nominal. ft.18 15.) **Trim is available in all colors. 34 2525 50 2531 61 2039 21 40 80 15 48 7 32 20 0.26 488. 41 0.41 3.55 MHSK MHSL MHSH sq.36 MHSP MHSQ MHSM sq. ft. Due to size fluctuation.41 3. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.60 0. all measurements given are nominal.969 10.50 465. N/A $8.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet 5 40 3 20 11 40 6 26 4 30 4 30 2 30 4 4 6 20 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including restaurant dining rooms.36 M54W M54X M54U per piece N/A $19. We reserve the right to make changes any time.36 MHHQ MHHR MHHN sq.66 426. SIZES. ft. Inc. lobbies. please check with American Marazzi Tile. Stone Collection has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. Always view several samples. The average shade variation (range of color and finish are moderately different from tile to tile) in Stone Collection is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.40 0.08 0.63 232. ft.938 9. ft. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.41 7. N/A $7.60 0.81 M6ZD M6ZE M6ZA sq.43 DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.750 15.41 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible *Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).) Pallet (lbs.875 15.875 15.50 465.56 per piece N/A $22.00 0.) One Carton (sq. N/A $7.08 340.materials.180 13.41 2. ft.50 465. ft. shopping malls.41 3. ft. N/A $8.70 MHT2 MHT3 UG4H UG4J UG4K per piece N/A $5. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.55 M6ZH M6ZJ M6ZF sq. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Stone Anthracite Stone Green Stone Ivory PRICING POE RETAIL WEIGHTS.875 11.00 0.81 M54R M54T M54P per piece N/A $18. in colors. ft. including changes in composition of clays used.60 for accessible routes and 0. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a coefficient of friction of 0. without notice. packaging. N/A $5. Customer Service for details. N/A $8.Stone Collection Color Body Porcelain Stoneware MODULAR TILE Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified FIELD TILE Rectified DECOS 12"x12" Mesh Mounted 12"x12" Mesh Mounted Listelli TRIMS* Single Bullnose 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 12" x 48" (30 x 120 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 24" x 48" (60 x 120 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" (4 x 6 cm) 2" x 12" (5 x 30 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. ft. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.69 387. N/A $11.00 0. Where strict accuracy is required.12 MHJM MHJN MHHT sq. 52 2080 61 1220 56 2240 68 1768 79 2370 82 2460 77 2310 21 21 7 26 MHSF MHSG MHSD sq.) One Pallet (sq. ft. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. showrooms & corridors. please refer to actual tile samples.) Thickness (in.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. offices. specifications and availability. .80 for ramps.) 1. please refer to actual tile samples. ft.45 UJAE UJAF UJAB UJAD UJAA UJAC sq.50 11.00 29. all measurements given are nominal. Where strict accuracy is required.) Pallet (lbs. UJ98 UJ99 UJ95 UJ97 UJ94 UJ96 sq.50 6MM 6MM . $19.) Thickness (in. ft. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Flamenco (blue) Jive (multicolor) Samba (red) Swing (ivory) Tango (light green) Waltz ( dark green) PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS. APPLICATIONS & TECHNICAL FEATURES Due to size fluctuation.) One Pallet (sq. ft.Studio M Paper-Faced Glass Mosaics FIELD TILE 5/8" x 5/8" square 1 1/4" x 5/8" brick 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS.45 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. ft.00 10 10 11.) QUANTITIES Tile per Box Boxes per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Box (sq. SIZES.) SHADE VARIATION. $19. 29. including changes in composition of clays used. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Box (lbs. ft.97 14.32 0.37 Compatible The Average shade variation (range of color and/or finish within the same shade is moderately noticeable from tile to tile) in Sumatra is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.Sumatra Glazed Ceramic Tile MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE TRIMS* Single Bullnose 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS.20 0. SIZES. ft. Class 3 Light/Moderate Traffic: Tile suggested for residential floor and wall applications including bathrooms. without notice. all measurements given are nominal.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.03 UG5Z UG62 UG63 sq.) Pallet (lbs. ft. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .) Thickness (in.materials. All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. Inc. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.Sumatra 0. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. ft. foyers.69 775.53 697.33 0.5K . Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. packaging. Copyright 08. Sumatra has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. Where strict accuracy is required. ft. please check with American Marazzi Tile. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. in colors. kitchens. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Dumai (beige) Giambi (gold) Medan (noce) UG5T UG5U UG5V sq. We reserve the right to make changes any time.60 UG5W UG5X UG5Y sq.44 0.07 American Marazzi Tile.180 15.) One Pallet (sq.50 (wet)* in accordance with ASTM C-1028. $3. 35 2800 52 2496 68 2176 21 40 80 15 48 7 32 20 0. $2.24 9. Customer Service for details.26 488.) * Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). specifications and availability. please refer to actual tile samples. Due to size fluctuation. dining rooms and recreation areas. Always view several samples. including changes in composition of clays used.33 2. $2.52 PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS. ft.) One Carton (sq. Inc.29 UG64 UG65 UG67 per piece $3. 33 2.) One Carton (sq. $13. Specific patterns cannot be selected. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. Customer Service for details. **Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).87 per piece $4.33 0.67 sq. ft. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. packaging.15 sq. ft. offices.Super Saltillo Glazed Porcelain Tile MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE DECO* Insert Sink Rail Sink Rail Angle TRIMS** Quarter Round Quarter Round Angle Single Bullnose 6" x 6" (15 x 15 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 18" x 18" (45 x 45 cm) 3" x 3" (8 x 8 cm) 2" x 6" (5 x 15 cm) 7/8" x 2" (2 x 5 cm) 1"x6" (2.) 0. Super Saltillo has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. lobbies. ft. We reserve the right to make changes any time.32 0.5 cm) 3"x12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. ft.Super Saltillo 0. $3. ft. 35 2800 52 2496 68 2176 2 7 1 2 1 21 sq. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. Where strict accuracy is required.) One Pallet (sq. $2. $2.60 sq. Due to size fluctuation. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .5K .) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.44 0. please check with American Marazzi Tile. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. Always view several samples. Inc. Copyright 03. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.) Pallet (lbs.47 sq.26 488.26 sq.20 0. Inc. shopping malls. $8. without notice. ft. including changes in composition of clays used.97 14. The Heavy shade variation (range of color and finish are distinctively different from tile to tile) in Super Saltillo is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. showrooms & corridors. in colors.180 15.53 697.55 UG2J UG2H UG2L UG2K UG2N UG2M UG2Q UG2P UG2S UG2R * Four patterns randomly selected and boxed.5 x 2.) Thickness (in.91 per piece $9.24 9. SIZES & CODES NAMES (colors) Desierto (brown) Saguaro (yellow) Ocotillo (Complements all colors) PRICING Retail WEIGHTS.materials. all measurements given are nominal. ft.93 UG2C UG2B UG2E UG2D UG2G UG2F UG2V sq. $5.5 x 15 cm) 1"x1" (2.69 775. ft.50 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including restaurant dining rooms.06 American Marazzi Tile. please refer to actual tile samples. $3.37 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible 40 80 15 48 7 32 8 10 4 10 4 20 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. ft. specifications and availability. ft. ft. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.) Thickness (in. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.5K . Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. $3.9 680.81 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.) One Carton (sq. ft. Inc.80 for ramps.3 x 33.44 UH9E UH9F UH9G UH9B UH9C UH9D PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS.3 cm) PRODUCTS. Due to size fluctuation.15 387.24 $4.5MM 2. all measurements given are nominal. Customer Service for details. Where strict accuracy is required. including changes in composition of clays used. specifications and availability.19 17. 64 2432 84 2016 39 21 15 38 6 24 10 20 1. in colors. ft.60 for accessible routes and 0. ft. please refer to actual tile samples. please check with American Marazzi Tile. without notice. Copyright 03.07 American Marazzi Tile.60 11MM Compatible Compatible The Heavy shade variation (range of color and finish are distinctively different from tile to tile) in Terra Plana is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog . $3. SIZES. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. We reserve the right to make changes any time.Terra Plana 0. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a coefficient of friction of 0.materials.) * Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq.3 cm) 20" x 20" (50 x 50 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 3"x 13" (8 x 33.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028.) One Pallet (sq. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.690 16. Inc. Terra Plana has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.) Pallet (lbs.Terra Plana White Body Porcelain Stoneware FIELD TILE DECOS 13"x13" Mesh Mounted TRIMS* Single Bullnose 13" x 13" (33.19 UH88 UH89 UH9A sq.01 8. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Jasper Midnight Black Graphite UH85 UH86 UH87 sq. Always view several samples. per piece per piece $25. ft. packaging. 23 12.34 8. Where strict accuracy is required. SIZES. please refer to actual tile samples. APPLICATIONS & TECHNICAL FEATURES * Trim is available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).00 2142 55. Marazzi is the only manufacturer in US that can do digital print up to 360 dpi. ft. all measurements given are nominal. direct to tile. $5.63 UK2D UK2E UK2F sq. ft. .40 11 MM 1. including changes in composition of clays used.00 21.00 SHADE VARIATION.) 72 51 Area covered (excluding grout joints) 0.03 UK2V UK2W UK2X piece $30.5 MM 1. $6.) One Box (sq. crisper and smoother printed designs.Timeless Collection Color Body Porcelain Stoneware 3d Technology | Rectified FIELD TILE Rectified Rectified Rectified Rectified DECOS 13"x13" Hexagon TRIMS Single Bullnose 3-3/16"x6-7/16" 11-11/16"x23-7/16" 12-15/16"x12-15/16" 19-9/16"x19-9/16" 1 3/4" x1 1/2" 3"x13" PRODUCTS.) QUANTITIES Tile per Box Boxes per Pallet DIMENSIONS One Tile (sq.24 UK2S UK2T UK2U piece $5. Moreover.00 2016 39.96 383.20 UK2K UK2L UK2M sq.22 8. ft.14 10.16 17.) One Pallet (sq. Due to size fluctuation.43 662.51 380.63 WEIGHTS.00 2204 84. ft. ft.) Thickness (in.00 2200 58. ft. At this maximum resolution and with the unique grayscale printing technique.66 15. $6.33 UK2A UK2B UK2C sq. ft.04 11 MM 1. 42. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Box (lbs.) Pallet (lbs. Marazzi reaches finer. $6. the design will never repeat in more than 100 square feet at maximum resolution.9 9.27 552.22 521. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Calacatta Pearl Marfil Cream Emperador Mocha PRICING RETAIL UK2N UK2P UK2R sq.5 MM 2.15 compatible compatible 5 40 15 38 6 24 10 20 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. 41 0. have a coefficient of friction less than 0. The average shade variation (range of color and finish is moderately different from tile to tile) in Tosca is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.38 9.3 x 50 cm) 20" x 20" (50 x 50 cm) 4" x 4" (10 x 10 cm) 4" x 13" (10 x 33. packaging. shopping malls. restaurant dining rooms.86 sq.77 WEIGHTS. do not meet ADA recommendations and made to complement Modular and Floor Field Tile. suggested for interior residential applications only. ft.50 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028. Where strict accuracy is required.5 x 16.3 cm) 13" x 20" (33.42 sq.32 387. Copyright 01. do not meet ADA recommendations and made to complement Modular and Floor Field Tile. SIZES.5 cm) 6 1/2" x 13" (16.materials. ft.60 One Pallet (sq.13 482. suggested for interior residential applications only and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics).98 UB6M UB6N UB6P UB6Q UB6D UB6E UB6F UB6G UB6H UB6J UB6K UB6L RETAIL PRICING sq. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. lobbies. ft. without notice. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms. $3. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. ***Trim is imported.190 1.3 cm) 2" x 13" (6 x 33. ivory.46 15.) 478. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Tosca Amber (amber) Tosca Beige (beige) Tosca Ivory (ivory) Tosca Noce (walnut) Floria (Complements amber) Scarpia (Complements beige.5K .3 cm) 13" x 13" (33. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. please check with American Marazzi Tile Customer Service for details. including changes in composition of clays used.12 16.03 American Marazzi Tile. Due to size fluctuation.591 1.) QUANTITIES 36 18 13 9 6 4 Tile per Carton 56 56 38 36 24 Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) 0.52 per piece $14.27 sq.Tosca Glazed Porcelain Tile MODULAR FIELD TILE FIELD TILE LISTELLI DECOS** TRIM Corner Insert 13x20 DISCONTINUED Border Single Bullnose V-Cap V-Cap Corner 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" (16.) 2968 2968 2926 2664 1896 Pallet (lbs. ft. ft.Tosca 0. ft.51 16. $4. Inc.38 580.293 0. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.5 x 33. please refer to actual tile samples.15 One Carton (sq. have a coefficient of friction less than 0.27 sq. offices. $4. $4. specifications and availability.41 Compatible Thickness (in.41 0.) 9. ft. and noce) UNDERLINED ITEMS ARE STOCK DISCONTINUED UB5D UB5E UB5F UB5G UB5H UB5J UB5K UB5L UB5M UB5N UB5P UB5Q UB5R-disc UB5S-disc UB5T-disc UB5U-disc DISCONTINUED UB5V UB5W UB5X UB5Y UB6R UB6X UB6S UB6Y per piece $14.) 0.3 x 33. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .3 cm) 2" x 2" (6 x 6 cm) PRODUCTS.50 (wet). foyers.3 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33. available in all colors.79 2. showrooms and corridors. Always view several samples. all measurements given are nominal.24 per piece N/A $12. **Listelli Decos are imported. recreation areas.50 (wet).52 per piece $5. suggested for interior residential applications only.) 24 26 3 1 12 28 6 4 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible *Embossed Decos are rated Class 3.41 0. ft.55 per piece $3.41 0. $4.690 One Tile (sq. WEIGHTS 53 53 77 74 79 3 Carton (lbs. We reserve the right to make changes any time. Tosca has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. in colors.46 589. residential kitchens. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications. materials. without notice.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet Area covered (excluding grout joints) DIMENSIONS One Tile (sq.63 511. packaging. We reserve the right to make changes any time.03 $10. Always view several samples. please check with American Marazzi Tile.88 $5.) Thickness (in.39 Compatible Compatible Compatible The average shade variation (range of color and finish are moderately different from tile to tile) in Vanity is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. offices. all measurements given are nominal.72 0.50 558. showrooms and corridors. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.54 $40. SIZES.39 3. Where strict accuracy is required. ft. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. in colors. $11. lobbies.875 15.) One Carton (sq.194 11. ft. including changes in composition of clays used. .50 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028.) Pallet (lbs. sq.45 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.50 558.) One Pallet (sq.39 0. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms. Vanity has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Vanity Black Vanity Frost Vanity Rust Glamour PRICING sq. 53 2332 72 2592 68 2176 44 2 21 6 44 16 36 4 36 10 6 20 1. ft.00 0. per piece LF3E LF3C LF3B UG55 UG56 UG57 LF3J LF3G LF3F UG6B UG6C UG6D UG4Q per piece per piece UG4L UG4M UG4N RETAIL WEIGHTS. Due to size fluctuation. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential. sq. restaurant dining rooms. recreation areas.Vanity Color Body Porcelain Stoneware *Discontinued 6/7/11 MODULAR TILE Rectified FIELD TILE Rectified Rectified DECORATIVE MOSAICS 3"x3" Square Mesh Mounted DECOS Listelli TRIM* Single Bullnose 12" x 24" (30 x 60 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 24" x 24" (60 x 60 cm) 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) 2" x 13" (5.969 15.3 cm) 3" x 12" (8 x 30 cm) PRODUCTS. ft.03 $11. residential kitchens. ft.00 0. Inc. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.4 x 33. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. specifications and availability.) * Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). please refer to actual tile samples.81 $23. shopping malls. ft. foyers. Customer Service for details. $3. ft. residential kitchens. all measurements given are nominal.5 x 2.Vesale Stone 0.5 cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 3 1/2" (3 x 8.92 UF28 UF29 UF3A UF3B per piece $24. medium commercial and light institutional floor and wall applications including bathrooms.3 cm) 10" x 20" (33. ft.38 0.39 1. $4. please check with American Marazzi Tile. without notice. specifications and availability. lobbies.46 376.35 13.60 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028.52 589. offices.5 x 16. Inc.3 x 33. packaging. ft.9 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot. Where strict accuracy is required. in colors.19 15. ft. Always view several samples.06 American Marazzi Tile.76 0.88 0. Class 4 Moderate/Heavy Traffic: Tile suggested for residential.78 Due to size fluctuation.29 9.60 UF2G UF2H UF2J UF2K sq.42 UF2U UF2V UF2W UF2X per piece $4. SIZES.41 2.) 0. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.24 UF2Y UF2Z UF22 UF23 per piece $26. Copyright 03. recreation areas.15 387.63 UF2L UF2M UF2N UF2P sq. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product.materials.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. We reserve the right to make changes any time.) Thickness (in.60 0. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a static coefficient of friction of 0. Inc. 42 2142 73 2774 64 1792 79 1896 33 39 45 22 UF2A UF2B UF2C UF2D sq.5 cm) 13" x 13" (33. Customer Service for details.38 478.41 Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible 32 51 13 38 10 28 6 24 10 10 10 20 All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors.3 x 50 cm) 20" x 20" (50 x 50 cm) 1" x 1" (2.) Pallet (lbs.24 UF2Q UF2R UF2S UF2T sq.3 cm) PRODUCTS. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Moss (green) Rust (brown) Sand (beige) Smoke (gray) PRICING Retail WEIGHTS.Vesale Stone Glazed Porcelain Tile FIELD TILE DECORATIVE MOSAICS 13"x13" Mesh Mounted 13"x13" Mesh Mounted 13"x13" Mesh Mounted TRIM Single Bullnose 6 1/2" x 6 1/2" (16. $4. foyers. showrooms and corridors. ft. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .690 16. ft.60 for accessible routes and 0. The Heavy shade variation (range of color and finish are distinctively different from tile to tile) in Vesale Stone is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products.) One Pallet (sq. $4.5K .39 1. Vesale Stone has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0. please refer to actual tile samples. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs.80 for ramps.) One Carton (sq.39 UF24 UF25 UF26 UF27 per piece $21. shopping malls. restaurant dining rooms. ft. including changes in composition of clays used. 293 10.) One Pallet (sq. *Some variation may occur from lot to lot.) QUANTITIES Tile per Carton Cartons per Pallet DIMENSIONS: Area covered (excluding grout joints) One Tile (sq. without notice.85 678.5"x6.690 16. Where strict accuracy is required. please refer to actual tile samples.60 for accessible routes and 0. $5. Walnut Canyon has been independently tested and meets or exceeds a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.10 UJ2A UJ2B UJ2C UJ32 per piece $11.) Pallet (lbs.99 UHDY UHDZ UHD2 UJ3Z per piece $10. Since some information may have been updated since time of printing.60 11MM Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible Compatible The average shade variation (range of color and finish are moderately different from tile to tile) in Walnut Canyon is intentional and designed to replicate natural stone products. Always view several samples.3cm) 20"x20" (50x50cm) 2" x 2" (5 x 5 cm) 2" x 4" (5x10cm) 6" x 13" (15 x 33.5" (16.5MM 1. Copyright 03. ft. ft. Due to size fluctuation.18 UJ2D UJ2E UJ2F UJ33 per piece $11.) * Trims are available in all colors and made to complement Modular and Field Tile (see Trim for frost resistance characteristics). including changes in composition of clays used.80 for ramps. All weights are approximate: weight values fluctuate throughout the year due to a variety of factors. ft.3 cm) 1" x 6" (2. Inc.58 UHC2 UHC3 UHC4 UJ3U sq. $4. all measurements given are nominal. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) recommends a coefficient of friction of 0. $4.3x33.09 American Marazzi Tile.5cm) 13"x13" (33. QUANTITIES & DIMENSIONS WEIGHTS Carton (lbs. 42 2131 73 2774 84 2016 39 45 42 2 2 21 36 51 15 38 6 24 10 10 12 6 6 20 0.18 UHDV UHDW UHDX UJ3Y per piece $5.15 387.50 (wet and dry) * in accordance with ASTM C-1028.41 UHC5 UHC6 UHC7 UJ3V sq. ft.5MM 2. SIZES.55 538. in colors. packaging.75 UHD3 UHD4 UHD5 UJ34 per piece $19.) Thickness (in.71 PRICING RETAIL WEIGHTS. specifications and availability. This issue cancels and replaces any previous publications.5 x 15 cm) 1" x 6" (2.Walnut Canyon 0. Z924 Distributor Pricing and Specifications Catalog .190 17. We reserve the right to make changes any time.05 8. please check with American Marazzi Tile.5 x 15 cm) 3" x 13" (8 x 33. CODES & PRICING NAMES (colors) Umber Golden Multi Cream UHDP UHDQ UHDR UJ3W sq.5K .5x 16.3 cm) PRODUCTS. before making your final selection and before authorizing installation of actual product. Inc.materials.3 8. ft.63 UHD6 UHD7 UHD8 UJ35 per piece $28. ft. Customer Service for details.Walnut Canyon Color Body Porcelain MODULAR TILE FIELD TILE DECORATIVE MOSAICS 13"x13" Mesh Mounted 13"x13" Mesh Mounted Sanitary Cove Base TRIMS Sanitary Cove Base In Angle Sanitary Cove Base Out Angle Single Bullnose 6.) One Carton (sq.
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