MapR Certified Cluster Administrator Study Guide v.5.1

March 26, 2018 | Author: Vijay Reddy | Category: Computer Cluster, Google Chrome, Test (Assessment), Apache Hadoop, System Administrator



®Certification Study Guide MapR Certified Cluster Administrator 5.1 Study Guide 1 ® CONTENTS About MapR Study Guides .................................................................................................................................... 3 MapR Certified Cluster Administrator 5.1 (MCCA) ......................................................................................... 3 SECTION 1 – WHAT’S ON THE EXAM? .................................................................................. 5 1. Installation 15%................................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Configure Cluster Resources 15% ................................................................................................................... 5 3. Volumes, Snapshots, and Mirrors 20% ......................................................................................................... 6 4. Data Access 15% .................................................................................................................................................. 6 5. Disk and Node Maintenance 20% .................................................................................................................. 6 6. Monitoring, Manage, Basic Linux, and Troubleshoot the Cluster 15% ................................................ 6 Sample Questions .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Answer Key ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 SECTION 2- PREPARING FOR THE CERTIFICATION......................................................... 14 Instructor and Virtual Instructor-led Training ............................................................................................... 14 Videos & Webinars ................................................................................................................................................. 17 Tutorials, Blogs, and other resources ...............................................................................................................18 Datasets .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 SECTION 3 - TAKING THE EXAM ..........................................................................................21 Register for the Exam............................................................................................................................................ 21 Reserve a Test Session ..........................................................................................................................................22 Cancellation & Rescheduling ............................................................................................................................. 23 Test System Compatibility .................................................................................................................................. 24 Day of the Exam .................................................................................................................................................... 26 After the Exam - Sharing Your Results ............................................................................................................. 27 Exam Retakes ......................................................................................................................................................... 28 2 MapR Certified Cluster Administrator 5. and details about how to take the exam. practice. If you use all the resources in this guide. experimenting with the tools. sample questions.® About MapR Study Guides MapR certification study guides are intended to help you prepare for certification by providing additional study resources. Exam Cost: $250 Duration: 2 Hours 3 . manage. The certification tests one’s ability to use MapR tools and basic Linux commands to design.1 (MCCA) The MapR Certified Cluster Administrator 5. and experience. and spend 6-12 months on your own using the software.1 credential is designed for Engineers and Administrators who set up and manage clusters using MapR. The study guide will point you in the right direction and help you get ready. The study guide by itself is not enough to prepare you for the exam. You’ll need training. and practicing the role you are certifying for. and troubleshoot clusters. you should be well prepared to attempt the exams. 1 What’s on the Exam? 4 . This means that you may see test questions on the exam that are not used for scoring your exam. We do not publish the exam cut score because the passing score changes frequently based on the scored items that are being used. set-up a node using an appropriate node topology 5 .® Section 1 – What’s on the Exam? The MapR Certified Cluster Administrator 5. MapR tests new questions on the exam in an unscored manner. There are 60-80 questions on the exam. 1.1 Install the MapR Platform 1.2 Install and configure resources 2.1 exam is comprised of 6 exam topic sections and 15 objectives.1 Configure permissions for users and groups 2. MapR exams are Pass or Fail.3 Locate and review log files and describe the behavior of the fair scheduler 2. Installation 1.2 Configure Logging options including default/local. Configure Cluster Resources 15% 15% 2. MapR exams are frequently updated and therefore the number of exam questions change frequently.4 Given a typical use case. Unscored items have no influence on your results. You will not know which items are scored and which are unscored. Unscored items are being tested for inclusion in future versions of the exam. centralized & YARN log aggregation 2. 2 Demonstrate how to use the configurable properties of MapR volumes 3.1 Demonstrate how to use common Linux commands to manage Cluster services 6. restore from a snapshot. and Mirrors 20% 3. and describe how snapshots are expired 4.1 Demonstrate how to get files into and out of the cluster using a variety of commands like Copy Table and importtsv 4. and MapR POSIX Client 5. Volumes.2 Configure client access using Direct Access NFS.2 Demonstrate add nodes. and replace a failed disks 5. Snapshots. and Troubleshooting the Cluster 15% 6. Disk and Node Maintenance 20% 5. MapR Client.® 3. add disks. replaced failed nodes.2 Demonstrate how to diagnose common cluster problems and troubleshooting steps to correct the problem 6 . Managing.1 Create MapR volumes through the MCS and CLI 3. and use maintenance windows to maintain nodes 6. Data Access 15% 4. Monitoring.1 Demonstrate how to diagnose disk failures.3 Demonstrate how to create and schedule snapshots from MCS and CLI. then you delete a 20 GB file from your volume and take another snapshot.® Sample Questions The following questions represent the kinds of questions you will see on the exam. B. one two three four Q2. How much space are your snapshots counting against your quota? A. You take a snapshot of the volume. D. What is the default replication factor for a name container? A. with a replication factor of 3. Q1. You write 100 GB of data to the volume. 0 GB 20 GB 80 GB 100 GB 120 GB Q3. D. E. D. C. B. Starting appropriate services Allocating memory for services when they start up Starting ZooKeeper Restarting failed services Q4. C. The answers to these sample questions can be found in the answer key following the sample questions. What two (2) things does the POSIX client enable you to do that you wouldn’t be able to do if you hadn’t installed it? A. D. B. Use Linux commands to access the cluster Use hadoop commands to access the cluster Use maprcli commands to query the cluster Use native applications on the client to access cluster data 7 . B. Which task is NOT performed by the Warden? A. C. You create a new volume. C. Almost immediately After 30 minutes After 1 hour After 4 hours Q6.® Q5. C. C. when will the data begin to re-replicate? A. D. D. /decommissioned /data/decommissioned /decommissioned/data /data-decommissioned Q7. All of your volumes are in the /data topology. To which of the nodes could that volume's data be written? A. You create a volume and assign a volume topology of /data/rack3. B. If the number of replicas of that volume's data falls to 2 because a disk failed. You have a volume configured with the default replication factors. D. B. Which topology could NOT be used to safely decommission a node? A. A cluster has the node topology illustrated here. B. C. Nodes 1 through 24 Nodes 17 through 24 Nodes 17 through 19 Any of them 8 . ® Q8. Which Linux command can he use to verify the port is open and listening? A. ZooKeeper JobHistoryServer NodeManager WebServer NFS CLDB Q9. The rest of the data will use the default replication factor. D. and will have a replication factor of 5. which three (3) of the following services can be configured on multiple nodes? A. About how much total cluster storage space should you start with? A. B. F. D. B. B. C. E. Eddie cannot connect to his MCS. 20 TB of the data is considered critical. C. ifconfig route netstat iptables 9 . 640 TB 800 TB 900 TB 1280 TB Q10. and will load 200 TB of non-compressible data into the cluster. With a Converged Community Edition Cluster. C. D. You are creating a new cluster. B. D. *0 GB 20 GB 80 GB 100 GB 120 GB Q3.® Sample Question Answer Key Q1. with a replication factor of 3. C. B. What two (2) things does the POSIX client enable you to do that you wouldn’t be able to do if you hadn’t installed it? A. You take a snapshot of the volume then you delete a 20 GB file from your volume and take another snapshot. C. D. B. You create a new volume. C. Starting appropriate services Allocating memory for services when they start up * Starting ZooKeeper Restarting failed services Q4. C. Use Linux commands to access the cluster * Use hadoop commands to access the cluster * Use maprcli commands to query the cluster Use native applications on the client to access cluster data 10 . D. E. How much space are your snapshots counting against your quota? A. What is the default replication factor for a name container? A. You write 100 GB of data to the volume. B. D. Which task is NOT performed by the Warden? A. one two *three four Q2. If the number of replicas of that volume's data falls to 2 because a disk failed. B. C. B. C. B. You have a volume configured with the default replication factors. D. To which of the nodes could that volume's data be written? A. /decommissioned */data/decommissioned /decommissioned/data /data-decommissioned Q7. You create a volume and assign a volume topology of /data/rack3. *Almost immediately After 30 minutes After 1 hour After 4 hours Q6. D. A cluster has the node topology illustrated here. All of your volumes are in the /data topology. C. when will the data begin to re-replicate? A. D.® Q5. Nodes 1 through 24 *Nodes 17 through 24 Nodes 17 through 19 Any of them 11 . Which topology could NOT be used to safely decommission a node? A. You are creating a new cluster. E. About how much total cluster storage space should you start with? A. and will load 200 TB of non-compressible data into the cluster. With a Converged Community Edition Cluster. Eddie cannot connect to his MCS. ifconfig route *netstat iptables 12 . 640 TB *800 TB 900 TB 1280 TB Q10. C. 20 TB of the data is considered critical. which three (3) of the following services can be configured on multiple nodes? A. B. D. The rest of the data will use the default replication factor. and will have a replication factor of 5. * ZooKeeper JobHistoryServer * NodeManager * WebServer NFS CLDB Q9. F.® Q8. Which Linux command can he use to verify the port is open and listening? A. B. B. C. C. D. D. 2 Preparing for the Certification 13 . and is expert in classroom facilitation and course delivery techniques • Collaboration and assistance for all students on completion of exercises • Lab exercises. The blogs. 14 . a lab guide.Preparing for the Certification MapR provides several ways to prepare for the certification including classroom training. create baseline benchmarks. and then several months of experimentation on your own learning the tools in a real-world environment. videos. We also provide additional resources in this guide to support your learning. and ebooks. and ebooks are excellent supporting material in your efforts to become a Cluster Administrator. install The MapR Converged Data Platform. Instructor and Virtual Instructor-led Training All courses include: • Certified MapR Instructor who is an SME in the topic. You will learn how to test hardware for performance consistency. whiteboard walkthroughs.® Section 2. We recommend taking the classroom training first. MapR offers a number of training courses that will help you prepare. followed by self-paced online training. and maintain a MapR Hadoop cluster. The course includes extensive hands-on labs with real-word system administrator scenarios. configure. done on the student’s own time (not in class) ADM 2000 – Cluster Administration Duration: 3 days Cost: $2400 Course Description: This introductory course is designed to teach Hadoop administrators how to install. slide guide. and configure and maintain a Hadoop cluster. job aids as appropriate • Course Cluster for completing labs provided • Certification exam fee included – one exam try only. self-paced online training. using Amazon Web Services (AWS) clusters. webinars. blogs. and execute common commands) • A Linux Duration: 90 minutes Cost: FREE! Course Description: This is the first course in the Cluster Administration curriculum.mapr. or similar tools) ADM 200 . use an editor at the command-line interface. add users/groups. This course covers how to configure the cluster’s storage resources once the cluster has been installed. PC or Mac with access to ssh and scp (using PuTTY. installing a MapR cluster.Configure a MapR Cluster Where: learn.® Prerequisites for Success in this Course • Completion if HDE 100 . Lesson 1: Prepare for Installation Lesson 2: Install the MapR Distribution Lesson 3: Verify and Test the Cluster ADM 201 . Groups. Cygwin. Lesson 4: Duration: 90 minutes Cost: FREE! Course Description: ADM 201 is the second course in the Cluster Administration curriculum.mapr.Install a MapR Cluster Where: learn. and performing postinstallation benchmarking.Hadoop Essentials • A Background in Linux system administration (are able to navigate the Linux file system. This course covers preinstallation testing and verification. and System Settings Lesson 5: Configure Topology Lesson 6: Configure MapR Volumes Lesson 7: Job Logs and Scheduling 15 . and optimize cluster performance. Lesson 11: Monitor and Mange the Cluster Lesson 12: Disk and Node Maintenance Lesson 13: Troubleshoot Cluster Problems 16 .® ADM 202 . and covers the use of snapshots and Duration: 90 minutes Cost: FREE! Course Description: ADM 202 is the third course in the Cluster Administration curriculum. Lesson 8: Access the Cluster Lesson 9: Snapshots Lesson 10: Mirrors ADM 203 . This course defines methods for data ingestion. monitor the Duration: 90 minutes Cost: FREE! Course Description: This is the fourth and final course in the Cluster Administration curriculum. resolve issues. This course teaches you how to configure cluster settings.Data Access and Protection Where: learn.Cluster Maintenance Where: learn.mapr. MapR Control System Part 3: Alarms and Metrics https://www.pdf 4.mapr.mapr.mapr. NameNode: WhiteboardWalkthrough https://www.mapr. High Availability on MapR: PDF https://www.mapr. MapR Control System Part 1: Dashboard and Setting Topology Tutorial https://www. MapR Control System Part 2: Setting up Volumes. Snapshots. How to Configure the Network for MapR 5. Container Location Databases (CLDB) vs.mapr.mapr. MapR Snapshots https://www. we recommend these 17 . webinars. and tutorials Launching a MapR Cluster on Google Compute Engine 7. and Mirrors https://www. Handling Disk Failure in MapR FS https://www. Managing MapR Clusters on Google Compute Engine https://www. WhiteboardWalkthrough 10. Disaster Recovery 9.® Videos & Webinars In addition to the classroom and self-paced training courses. 18 . and other resources We recommend these resources to help you prepare for the MapR Certified Cluster Administrator 4.0 https://www. MapR Administrator Guide http://doc.mapr. Cluster Auditing Demo in MapR 5.mapr. Best Practices for ETL/ELT Offload to Hadoop https://www.® Tutorials. 1.mapr. 2. MapR Community Knowledge Articles https://community. com/datasets/index. http://archive. SF Open Data SF OpenData is the central clearinghouse for data published by the City and County of San Francisco and is part of the broader open data program. Kaggle This site includes a collection of datasets used in machine learning competitions run by 4.kdnuggets.® Datasets These are some datasets that we recommend for experimenting with. including some of those mentioned earlier. regression. The list is available at http://www. and image 2. regression. the Common Crawl web corpus. and recommender systems. https://data.ics. UCI Machine Learning Repository This site has almost 300 datasets of various types and sizes for tasks including and Google Books Ngrams.kaggle. recommender systems. These datasets can be found under the Competitions section at http://www. Information on these datasets can be found at 3. clustering. KDnuggets This site has a detailed list of public datasets. ranking. Areas include 19 . Wikipedia data. 1.sfgov. Amazon AWS public datasets These datasets include the Human Genome Project.html 5. 3 Taking the Exam 20 . Taking the Exam MapR Certification exams are delivered online using a service from Innovative Exams. American You have six months to complete your certification after you purchase the exam. and anywhere. but you will need a quiet environment where you will remain uninterrupted for up to two hours. your proctor will launch your exam. or Discover credit card.mapr.mapr. your exam registration will be canceled. enter it in the Promotion Code field Use a credit card to pay for the exam You may use a Visa. Once you are logged in for your test session. There are no refunds for expired certification purchases. After six months have expired. MasterCard. You will also need a reliable Internet connection for the entire test session. A human will proctor your exam. 1) 2) 3) 4) Sign in to your profile at learn. and your webcam and desktop are shared.® Section 3 . The charge will appear as MAPR TECHNOLOGIES on your credit card statement. 5) Look for a confirmation with your Order ID 21 . There are five steps in taking your exam: 1) Register for the exam 2) Reserve a test session 3) Test your system compatibility 4) Take the exam 5) Get your results Register for the Exam MapR exams are available for purchase exclusively at learn.mapr. Your proctor will have access to your webcam and desktop during your catalog and click Purchase If you have a voucher code. This method allows you to take our exams Find the exam in the learn. When you are ready to schedule your click on your find your exam and click Continue to Innovative Exams Single Sign on will bring you to Innovative Exams Go to My Exams Enter your exam title in the Search field Choose an exam date 6) Choose a time slot at least 24 hours in advance 22 . This will take you to go back to your profile in learn.® Reserve a Test Session MapR exams are delivered on a platform called Innovative Exams. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) In learn. and click the Continue to Innovative Exams link to proceed to scheduling. A cancellation confirmation email will be sent to the examinee following the cancellation. the examinee will forfeit the entire cost of the exam and they will need to pay for it again to reschedule.examslocal. the examinee logs into and clicks My Exams. Examinees must cancel or reschedule their exams more than 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund and remain eligible to take the exam.® Once confirmed. 23 . your reservation will be in your My Exams tab of Innovative Exams 7) Check your email for a reservation confirmation Cancellation & Rescheduling Examinees are allowed to cancel or reschedule their exam with 24-hour notice without a cancellation penalty. selects the exam to cancel. If they cancel or reschedule within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment. To cancel an exam. and then selects the Cancel button to confirm their cancellation. com/ScheduleExam/Home/CompatibilityCheck These are the system requirements: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Mac.® Test System Compatibility We recommend that you check your system compatibility several days before your exam to make sure you are ready to go. or Chrome OS Google Chrome or Chromium version 32 and above Your browser must accept third party cookies for the duration of the exam ONLY Install Innovative Exams Google Chrome Extension TCP: port 80 and 443 1GB RAM & 2GHz dual core processor Minimum 1280 x 800 resolution Sufficient bandwidth to share your screen via the Internet 24 . Go to https://www.examslocal. Windows. Linux. ® 25 . the Proctor will shut down your exam. If the Proctor senses any misconduct. web postings.® Day of the Exam • • • • • • • • Make sure your Internet connection is strong and stable Make sure you are in a quiet. the following: • • • • • • • • Impersonating another person Accepting assistance or providing assistance to another person Disclosure of exam content including. computers and mobile devices. but not limited to. Examples of misconduct and/or misuse of the exam include. This includes study materials. well-lit room without distractions Clear the room . and mobile devices Silence your mobile and remove it from your desk Configure your computer for a single display. but are not limited to. Use of unauthorized materials (including “brain-dump” material and/or unauthorized publication of exam questions with or without answers) Making notes of any kind during the exam Removing or attempting to remove exam material (in any format) Modifying and/or altering the results and/or scoring the report or any other exam record MapR Certification exam policies can be viewed at: https://www. If your misconduct is not corrected. You will be required to share your desktop and your webcam prior to the exam start. resulting in a Fail. your exam will be paused and you will be notified by the proctor of your misconduct. or reconstruction through memorization or any other method Possession of unauthorized items during the must be alone when taking your exam No breaks are allowed during the 26 . YOUR EXAM SESSION WILL BE RECORDED. use the bathroom before you log in Clear your desk of any materials. and get completely set up well in advance of your test time. multiple displays are not allowed Close out of all other applications except for Chrome We recommend that you sign in 30 minutes in advance of your testing time so that you can communicate with your proctor. formal or informal test preparation or discussion groups. notebooks. notes. ® After the Exam . From your profile you can view your certificate and share it on LinkedIn.Sharing Your Results When you pass a MapR Certification exam. and share your certification on social media. This will include the title of your certification and details on how you can download your digital certificate. Your certification will be updated in learn. 27 .com in your profile.mapr. you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your success. g. 2016 to November 2. v. but you may take any newer version of the exam (e. Retakes are $100 USD and can be purchased by contacting [email protected]. Once you have passed the exam. MapR will verify your eligibility and supply you with a special 1-time use discount code which you can apply at the time of purchase. Exam Retakes If you fail an exam. you are eligible to purchase and retake the exam in 14 days. you will automatically qualify for a discounted exam retake voucher. Violators of these policies may be banned from participation in the MapR Certification Program. MapR Certified Professional Jane Doe has satisfied the requirements to be certified as MapR Certified Cluster Administrator 28 Your credential contains a unique Certificate Number and a URL. You can share your credential with anyone who needs to verify your certification.0) of the exam again. 2016 Certificate No: uk65oep87sts View: http://verify. v. A test result found to be in violation of the retake policy will result in no credit awarded for the test If you happen to fail the exam.4.skilljar.mapr.1 (MCCA) Valid: May 2.1). you may not take that version (e.4. You can download and print your certificate from your profile in learn.® Your certificate is available as a PDF.
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