Manuals JANDY Manuals Chlorine Generator AquaPure AquaPure Fusion Soft 2010 Final

March 29, 2018 | Author: Larry Cox | Category: Sodium Chloride, Power Supply, Ph, Electric Current, Chemistry



Jandy AquaPure, PureLink & Nature² Fusion Soft WorkbookZodiac Pool Systems, Inc. 1-800-822-7933 Instructor___________________________________________________ ext._________ Sales Representatives________________________________________ ext._________ __________________________________________________________ ext._________ __________________________________________________________ ext._________ Service Manager_____________________________________________ ext._________ __________________________________________________________ ext._________ 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents MODELS AND MODEL NUMBERS.................................................................................. 4 SIZING AND GENERATION PROCESS .......................................................................... 5 COMPONENTS .............................................................................................................6-7 NATURE² .......................................................................................................................... 8 INSTALLATION- PLUMBING ................................................................................................................9-11 - ELECTRICAL...........................................................................................................12-13 - CHEMISTRY............................................................................................................14-15 OPERATION ................................................................................................................... 16 TROUBLESHOOTING- TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE ...................................................................................17-18 - POWER INTERFACE BOARD (PIB) DC VOLTAGE .................................................... 19 - SENSOR INSPECTION................................................................................................ 20 - PIB SENSOR READINGS TEST .................................................................................. 21 - CELL INSPECTION ...................................................................................................... 22 - CELL VOLTAGE AND CURRENT ................................................................................ 23 - SERVICE CODE........................................................................................................... 24 - SERVICE CODE FLOW CHARTS...........................................................................25-28 ORIGINAL AQUAPURE, PURELINK, AND CM3 TEST POINTS- BACK BOARD TRANSFORMER AND CELL VOLTAGE TESTS................................. 29 - FRONT BOARD VOLTAGE TESTS ............................................................................. 30 - FRONT BOARD SENSOR READNGS TEST............................................................... 31 3 & Nature² FusionM (Require Cell Kit or Nature² Fusion Soft) Finished Goods Part Numbers “Chlorine Generators” 6613AP Power Pack Model: 6614AP-L= Sub Panel Power Center PureLink for AL-RS/PDA 6613AP= Standard Power Center PureLink Generator for AL-RS/PDA AquaPureM or Nature² FusionM = Stand Alone AquaPure/Nature² Fusion Cell Model: PLC= Cell Kit FSOFT= Cell Kit with Nature2 Vessel PLC1400 Size: 1400= 14 Plate Cell 700= 7 Plate Cell 4 .CHLORINE GENERATION Current Models: Chlorine Generation Discontinued Models: AquaPure MODEL: FUSIONM COM 25 Fusion ClorMatic II ClorMatic III Parts Still Available! Jandy PureLink. APureM. 25 lbs Liquid Chlorine (12.625 gallons 1. 1.NaCl) Bubbles Off Salt Recycled Liquid Chlorine 6 At a pH of 7.NaCl) ANODE Hypochlorous Acid Hydrochloric Acid 4 Hypochlorous Acid + Sodium Hydroxide = 3 Sodium Hypochlorite (Liquid Chlorine) CATHODE Sodium Hydroxide Hydrogen Gas 5 Hydrochloric Acid + Sodium Hydroxide = Sodium Chloride (Salt .NaCl Notes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5 .625 lbs.95 lbs.25 gallons 90% Tri-Chlor Tabs .4. dirt. algae. one half of the Sodium Hypochlorite goes into: Hydrochloric Acid + Sodium Hydroxide 7 Hypochlorous Acid oxidizes soil. 2 H20 1 + Sodium Chloride (Salt . 1.CHLORINE GENERATION Chlorine Production and Process Gas Chlorine 700 1400 .38 lbs Calcium Hypochlorite 0.5%) .69 lbs.9 lbs. (organic material) leaving: 8 Hydrochloric Acid + Sodium Hydroxide Salt . 1. 8 Temp = 75 HR Temp = 75 Temp = 91 H Temp = 91 POS .1 BUZZER +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC VAC 1 19 VAC VAC 2 BUZZER OFF ---OFF ---ON ----ADDRESS A B Device ADDRESS 0 0 #1 A 0 Device 1 B #2 A 0 1 ## 1 B 0 3 A 1 1 ## 2 1 0 4 ON ----- COMMON 1 Amp FUSE 1 Amp FUSE 0 1 #3 1 1DBI 4 # B INTERFACE DBI INTERFACE 65 VAC 75 VAC 15 Amp FUSE Mechanical Sensor Mechanical ENB Sensor DIS SE RVIC E LO W SALT FLO W 15 15 TEST POINTS ORP HEAT ER GROUN D RESTIN G ENB DIS M-S M-S CELL ON OPEN .AP1400 120 mVDC (+) Green (-) TEST POINTS OPEN .Temp Salinity ORP POS .2 POS 1 POS.8 RSalinity = 2..CHLORINE GENERATION AQUAPURE AND NATURE² FUSION POWER PACKS STAND ALONE POWER PACK APUREM NATURE² FUSIONM PURELINK POWER CENTERS STANDARD POWER CENTER 6613AP SUB-PANEL POWER CENTER 6614AP-L AquaPure/ Nature² Fusion Soft Power Pack PureLink USER INTERFACE BOARD (UIB) Replacement P/N: R0467400 A B C D ? ? POWER INTERFACE BOARD (PIB) Replacement P/N: R0467600 ORP ORP FLOW SENSOR FLOW SENSOR HH Temp .AP700 SHORTED .AP700 SHORTED ..– 2 ORP Salinity = 2.Temp R RTemp Salinity .AP1400 (+) Black & W hite (-) Green Black & White 6 . 000 Gallons) NATURE² CARTRIDGES W28000 = Single Cartridge for FSOFT700 W26000 = 4 Pack of Cartridges for FSOFT700 W28002 = Single Cartridge for FSOFT1400 W26002 = 4 Pack of Cartridges for FSOFT1400 Low Voltage Cord Nature² Cartridge Nature² Fusion Soft (Cell and Start Up Cartridge Included) 7 Flow/Temp/Salinity Sensor .000 Gallons) PLC1400 (Up to 40.000 Gallons) FSOFT1400 (Up to 40.000 Gallons) 25’ CORDS PLC700-25 PLC1400-25 Low Voltage Cord Cell – 3 Port Flow/Temp/Salinity Sensor NATURE² FUSION SOFT KITS 16’ CORDS FSOFT700 (Up to 12.CHLORINE GENERATION CELL KITS 16’ CORDS PLC700 (Up to 12. and on • skin Porous Alumina– releases silver and copper..01 . the pool water quality dramatically improves and the life of the electrolytic cell is extended. By Lowering the output of the chlorine generator. The copper inhibits algae growth. regularly sold as algaecides • Silver– known bactericide.06 ppm) • Silver is maintained throughout the cartridge life (6 months at .000 Gallons • 3 Cartridge Sizes Nature² Express • Stand Alone Nature² • After Market. milk. assists in trapping nuisance metals. and bacteria The Facts • Copper is released into the pool at low levels (.000 Gallons • 3 Cartridge Sizes Professional G • Stand Alone Nature² • Up to 45. algae. The Minerals • Copper– inhibits algae growth.. used for thousands of years to bacteria in water.NATURE² Nature² Nature² Benefits • The Bactericidal qualities of silver reduce the amount of chlorine required to maintain the • pool.000 Gallons Notes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8 .05 ppm) • Minimum pump run time is 6 hours. and can be run up to 24 hours Additional Nature² Products Nature² Fusion Inground • Nature² with Chlorine Tab Feeder • Up to 45. Easy Install • Up to 25.02 . 3 Port Cell and Sensor OK Plumbing The 3 Port Cell can be located so the sensor is mounted to the top of the cell. OK 9 . 13 7/8” Cut Out 3 Port Cell and Sensor OK Plumbing The 3 Port Cell can be located so the sensor is mounted to the side of the cell.CHLORINE GENERATION INSTALLATION – PLUMBING 3 Port Cell and Sensor Preferred Plumbing The “T” for the Flow/Temp/Salinity Sensor should be pointed down to prevent air entrapment which could cause false readings. Wrong Notes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 10 . the cell may not produce chlorine.CHLORINE GENERATION INSTALLATION . Wrong 3 Port Cell and Sensor Wrong Plumbing If the 3 Port Cell is plumbed as shown. and the sensor will provide inaccurate readings. the sensor may provide inaccurate readings.PLUMBING 3 Port Cell and Sensor Wrong Plumbing If the 3 Port Cell is plumbed as shown. PLUMBING Nature² Fusion Proper Plumbing The Flow/Temp/Salinity must be plumbed on the inlet side of the Nature² Fusion. 13 7/8” Cut Out 11 1/8” Center of Pipe Notes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 11 .CHLORINE GENERATION INSTALLATION . ELECTRICAL 1400 700 To Covert a Power Interface Board (PIB) from a 1400 to a 700 cut the jumper Cell Low Voltage Cable Connection Original Cell Low Voltage Cable Extension wires from the PIB Cell Low Voltage Cable Extension New Cell Low Voltage Cable Extension Green Wire Green Wire Black/White Wire Black Wire & White Wire Green Wire Red Wire Black/White Wire Black Wire & Blue Wire Cell Low Voltage Cable Cell Low Voltage Cable Cell Low Voltage Cable 12 .CHLORINE GENERATION INSTALLATION . 3 Port Cell Cell should be the last item on the equipment pad Connected to load side of time clock or relay.CHLORINE GENERATION INSTALLATION . Versa Plumb.ELECTRICAL Versa Plumb. All electrical equipment connected by bond wire.Nature² Fusion Soft Cell should be the last item on the equipment pad Connected to load side of time clock or relay. 13 . All electrical equipment connected by bond wire. 7. The remaining half is in the form of a hypochlorite ion. (Subtract salinity level to arrive at corrected level.2 to 7.0 and the efficacy of the chlorine drops to 73%. is greatly influenced by the care with which the pH level is managed..0 to 3. It's just too corrosive.8 • Total Alkalinity . but at what cost? S uch a low pH would wreck havoc on all of the surfaces the water comes in contact with. As the pH of the pool increases.CHEMISTRY START-UP Before starting a chlorine generator • Balance the pool water • Super chlorinate if needed.80 to 120 ppm • Cyanuric Acid (Stabilizer) .Less than 2000 ppm.) pH SCALE Alkaline Neutral Acidic 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 x 10 x 10 = 100 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 1. where many a pool seems to drift. WATER CHEMISTRY • Free chlorine . but raise it up to 8. • Add a metal remover. Notes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 14 .5 is possible with the Nature² Fusion) • pH . and it drops dramatically.1. the power of it to have an effect.down to 21%! At a perfect pH level of 7. At a pH of 6. the killing power of chlorine decreases. T he efficacy of chlorine.000 x WHAT AF F E C T DOE S pH HAVE ON C HLOR INE .0. Move the pH up to 7. killing form. but very weak and slow to kill. we'll get 96% or so of the potential out of each lb of chlorine. including swimmers.10 to 100 ppm • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) . the active.. we can expect to have about 50% of the chlorine in the molecular structure of hypochlorous acid.0 (Low of .CHLORINE GENERATION INSTALLATION . that is.000 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10.5. which is also an active form of chlorine..0.. 000 350 lbs 230 lbs 175 lbs 120 lbs 60 lbs 0 lbs 18. 23.yellow prussiate of soda) • Non-iodized. poor performance and shortened anode life. of stabilizer for every 50 lbs.5 lbs.7 lbs. 15.7 kg) (9.0 gpl 1.9 kg) (1.000 450 lbs 300 lbs 225 lbs 150 lbs 70 lbs 0 lbs 20.4 lbs.8% pure NaCl • No added anti-caking agents • No sodium ferrocyanides (aka .8 gpl Salt Addition Required per 1000 gallon pool capacity 25.000 600 lbs 400 lbs 300 lbs 205 lbs 100 lbs 0 lbs 28. Before Addition 0. 19.0 gpl 2. 17.3 gpl 2.1 lbs.0 gpl 2.0 gpl 1. 2. Calcium and magnesium are the enemies of the cell and cause scaling. Current Salinity Salt Adjustment Chart to Achieve 3.8 kg) (6.4 lbs.5 lbs.0 lbs. of salt.9 kg) (2.0 gpl (food grade salt only) Pool Size 10.5 gpl 0. (11.6 lbs.000 700 lbs 460 lbs 350 lbs 240 lbs 110 lbs 0 lbs 30.M1003 Testing Salt Level Myron L Meter Calibrated to test for NaCl CALIBRATED X NaCl SALT ADJUSTMENT CHART Add 1. 10.000 500 lbs 330 lbs 250 lbs 170 lbs 80 lbs 0 lbs 24.2 lbs.3 gpl 1.CHLORINE GENERATION INSTALLATION . 21.8 kg) (5. It is recommended to use food grade salt only with the following characteristics: • Minimum 99. SALT TEST METER MYRON L METER P/N . 6.7 kg) (8.8 kg) (4.5 gpl 3. the purer the salt the better the performance and the longer the “life” of the cell.2 lbs.8 gpl 1.CHEMISTRY SALT As a general guideline.2 lbs.0 gpl 0.0 gpl 250 lbs 165 lbs 125 lbs 85 lbs 40 lbs 0 lbs SALT MAINTENANCE CHART Approximate Pound (kg) of Salt Needed to Maintain 3.6 kg) (10.5 gpl 2. 4.8 lbs.0 gpl 1.8 kg) (3. 12.9 kg) (1 kg) 15 . 8.25 lbs.8 gpl 2.0 gpl (3000 PPM) Salt Concentration.7 kg) (7.000 750 lbs 495 lbs 375 lbs 255 lbs 120 lbs 0 lbs 0.3 gpl 0.5 gpl 1.5 gpl 2.000 14. and is in AUTO mode.A service problem has been detected. Should be 3. FLOW . The cell will rest for 3 minutes between switching of polarity.indicates the water temperature is less than 51 degrees F. CHLORINE PRODUCTION . CELL RESTING .The sensor is detecting water flow.g. Bathing load. Covered or uncovered. it will display the temperature in degrees F.5 gpl. JB .indicates operation is controlled by a Jandy AquaLink RS or PDA. BO . Cancel by holding the POOL TEMPERATURE button down for 10 seconds.the unit is being controlled by an external controller or ORP device.5 gpl or less. Phosphates). WHAT THE INDICATOR LIGHTS MEAN CELL ON . Other organic matter (e. Cycle time is 30 minutes. LO .displays the current production percentage rate for chlorine. CELL REVERSING . NO FLOW . Salt level.CHLORINE GENERATION . full power will be applied to the cell for 15 minutes and then no power (CELL RESTING) for the next 15 minutes. EC . POWER ON . Water temperature.indicates operation is controlled by a Jandy AquaLink RS or PDA. FLOW . JA . and the system is in SERVICE or TIMEOUT mode. If the unit detects 60 cycles. 60 cycles power is the US standard.The unit is detecting the electrical supply to optimize the unit settings.Salinity level is 2. or no water flow is detected. JO . WAIT . Water chemistry. ADD SALT .Power is being sent to the control and received at the User Interface Board 16 . 50 cycles is common in Europe.the flow sensor is indicating to the unit it has enough water flow. Water features.0 to 3.OPERATION FACTORS WHICH AFFECT CHLORINE RESIDUAL Model/Size of chlorine generator. As an example. How long the chlorine generator is ON. SERVICE .the unit is still testing its diagnostics. when the chlorine production rate is set to 50%. AQUAPURE LCD DISPLAY Chlorine Production 100 POWER ON CELL RESTING CELL ON FLOW A B % GPL No Flow Wait CELL REVERSING SERVICE ADD SALT CHLORINE PRODUCTION RATE C Salinity ? D ? Pool Temp -Boost- WHAT THE LCD DISPLAY MEANS 50 or 60 .Control switches polarity to the cell every 3 hours to help clean the plates. Setting of Production Percentage of the chlorine generator.boost cycle has been activated.indicates operation is controlled by a Jandy AquaLink RS or PDA.The cell is in the off portion of chlorine production cycle. and the system is in BOOST mode.Full power is being sent to the cell.the unit is still testing its diagnostics. The display will also show one or two error codes. .AP700 SHORTED . The voltage should be between 67 to 87.1 BUZZER +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC VAC 1 19 VAC VAC 2 BUZZER OFF ---OFF ---ON ----ADDRESS 0 0 #1 A 0 Device 1 B #2 A 0 1 ## 1 B 0 3 A 1 0 4 1 1 ## 2 B 0 1 #3 DBI 1 1 #4 INTERFACE ADDRESS A B Device ON ----- COMMON 1 Amp FUSE 1 Amp FUSE DBI INTERFACE 65 VAC 75 VAC 15 Amp FUSE Mechanical Sensor Mechanical ENB Sensor DIS SE RVIC E LO W SA LT FLO W 15 15 TEST POINTS ORP HE AT ER GROUN D RE STIN G ENB DIS M-S M-S CE LL ON OPEN .AP1400 120 mVDC (+) Green (-) TEST POINTS OPEN ..AP700 SHORTED . If the voltage is outside this range.TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE ORP ORP FLOW SENSOR FLOW SENSOR HH Temp .Temp This test confirms the proper secondary voltage is coming out of the transformer. replace the Transformer. 65 DCV 200 20 2 200m 1000 +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC COMMON VAC 1 VAC 2 19 VAC 1 Amp FUSE OFF 750 ACV 200 DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A 2000K 200K 20K 2K 200 hFE W 65 VAC NPN PNP 75 VAC 17 .8 RSalinity = 2. replace the Transformer. Put the leads on the 65 VAC test points.8 Temp = 75 HR Temp = 75 Temp = 91 H Temp = 91 POS .AP1400 (+) Black & White (-) Green Black & White First Test: Set the meter to 200 ACV or higher.2 POS 1 POS. Put the leads on the 75 VAC test points.– 2 ORP Salinity = 2. 75 DCV 200 20 2 200m 1000 +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC COMMON VAC 1 VAC 2 19 VAC 1 Amp FUSE OFF 750 ACV 200 DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A 2000K 200K 20K 2K 200 hFE W 65 VAC NPN PNP 75 VAC Second Test: Set the meter to 200 ACV or higher. R RTemp Salinity . The voltage should be between 60 to 75 If the voltage is outside this range.Temp Salinity ORP POS .TROUBLESHOOTING . The voltage should be between 17 to 24. If the voltage is outside the above range. replace the Transformer. If no voltage is present.TROUBLESHOOTING . check 1 Amp Fuse on PIB. Notes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 18 .TRANSFORMER VOLTAGE 19 DCV 200 20 2 200m 1000 +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC COMMON VAC 1 VAC 2 19 VAC 1 Amp FUSE OFF 750 ACV 200 DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A 2000K 200K 20K 2K 200 hFE W NPN PNP 65 VAC 75 VAC Third Test: Set the meter to 200 ACV or higher. Put the leads on VAC 1 & VAC 2 of the 19 VAC test points. 2. Put the leads on the Common & +12 VDC test points.8 to 5.2.Temp This test confirms that the Power Interface Board (PIB) is taking the AC Voltage from the Transformer and converting it to DC Voltage..8 to 12.. If the voltage is outside the above range.AP700 SHORTED .2 POS . If the voltage is outside the above range. 12 DCV 200 20 2 200m 1000 +24 VDC +12 VDC VAC 1 ACV 200 OFF 750 DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A +5 VDC 19 VAC VAC 2 COMMON 2000K 200K 20K 2K 200 hFE W NPN PNP Second Test: Set the meter to 200 DCV or higher.AP1400 (+) Black & White (-) Green Black & White First Test: Set the meter to 200 DCV or higher. Put the leads on the Common & +5 VDC test points.Temp Salinity ORP POS .AP700 SHORTED .1 BUZZER Salinity = 2. The voltage should be between 11. The voltage should be between 4.8 RSalinity = 2. 5 DCV 200 20 2 200m 1000 +24 VDC +12 VDC VAC 1 ACV 200 OFF 750 DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A +5 VDC 19 VAC VAC 2 COMMON 2000K 200K 20K 2K 200 hFE W NPN PNP 19 .AP1400 120 mVDC (+) Green (-) TEST POINTS OPEN .8 Temp = 75 HR Temp = 75 Temp = 91 H Temp = 91 +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC VAC 1 19 VAC VAC 2 BUZZER OFF ---OFF ---ON ----ADDRESS A B Device ADDRESS 0 0 #1 A 0 Device 1 B #2 A 0 1 ## 1 A 0 3 B 1 0 4 1 1 ## 2 ON ----- COMMON 1 Amp FUSE 1 Amp FUSE 0 1 #3 1 1DBI 4 # B INTERFACE DBI INTERFACE 65 VAC 75 VAC 15 Amp FUSE Mechanical Sensor Mechanical ENB Sensor DIS SE RV IC E LOW SA LT FLOW 15 15 TEST POINTS ORP HE AT ER GROUN D RE STIN G ENB DIS M-S M-S CE LL ON OPEN .1 ORP POS – 2 POS . R RTemp Salinity . replace the PIB.TROUBLESHOOTING .PIB DC VOLTAGE ORP ORP FLOW SENSOR FLOW SENSOR HH Temp . replace the PIB. These pads should be kept clean to insure accuracy. 4. • Failure to indicate flow.TROUBLESHOOTING . Replace and resume normal operation. 2. • Incorrect salt indications. FLOW/TEMP/SALINITY SENSOR REVISION Current Revisions are HX19 and JX 11 FLOW/TEMP/SALINITY SENSOR CLEANING Once per year. clean the sensor as follows: 1. 3. PROBLEMS: • Failure to shut of power.SENSOR INSPECTION FLOW/TEMP/SALINITY SENSOR The Sensor determines flow by comparing the temperature differential between the heated and unheated test pads. CAUSES: • Broken or damaged wires. • Failed electrical component. Brush with a mildly abrasive green fiber household cleaning pad. Salinity is measured by the two “silver” test pads. • System not Bonded. • Calcified sensor(s). Thoroughly rinse the Flow/Temp/Salinity Sensor with clean tap water. Remove Flow/Temp/Salinity Sensor. Salinity Sensor Studs Hidden unheated Temperature Probe Heated Temperature Probe Look for JX 11 printed on label Notes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 20 . Turn power off and back on to re-calibrate and reset Flow/Temp/Salinity Sensor. Contacts should be clean and bright when done. or as needed. and the Salinity readout button on the UIB.1 ORP POS – 2 POS . C D ? ? +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC VAC 1 19 VAC VAC 2 Second Test. replace the PIB.AP700 SHORTED .1.2 POS .1 BUZZER Salinity = 2.Temp R . FLOW SENSOR 75° F A B H . C D ? ? +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC VAC 1 19 VAC VAC 2 21 . DBI INTERFACE 65 VAC 75 VAC 15 Amp FUSE Mechanical Sensor Mechanical ENB Sensor DIS SERVIC E LOW SA LT FLOW 15 15 TEST POINTS ORP HE AT ER GROUN D RE STIN G ENB DIS M-S M-S CE LL ON OPEN .8gpl B H ...Temp Salinity Salinity = 2. The UIB display should read between 2. The UIB display should read between 89 to 93 Degrees. replace the PIB.7 to 3.Temp Salinity ORP POS .TROUBLESHOOTING .AP700 SHORTED .Low Temp: Press the R-Temp & the Salinity buttons on the PIB.8 RSalinity = 2.8 Temp = 75 HR Temp = 75 Temp = 91 H Temp = 91 +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC VAC 1 19 VAC VAC 2 BUZZER OFF ---OFF ---ON ----ADDRESS 0 0 #1 A 0 Device 1 B #2 A 0 1 ## 1 A 0 3 B 1 0 4 1 1 ## 2 B 0 1 #3 1 1DBI 4 # INTERFACE ADDRESS A B Device ON ----- COMMON 1 Amp FUSE 1 Amp FUSE The Flow/Temp/Salinity Sensor must be disconnected for these 3 Tests.AP1400 (+) Black & White (-) Green Black & White First Test.Temp This test confirms that the Power Interface Board (PIB) is reading the Flow/Temp/Salinity Sensor correctly utilizing the User Interface Board (UIB).SENSOR READINGS TEST ORP ORP FLOW SENSOR FLOW SENSOR HH Temp . The UIB display should read between 73 to 77 Degrees. A FLOW SENSOR 91° F B H .8 R Temp = 75 H Temp = 91 If the number is outside this range.Temp R . If the number is outside this range. and the Temperature readout button on the UIB.Temp R .AP1400 120 mVDC (+) Green (-) TEST POINTS OPEN .High Temp: Press the H-Temp & button on the PIB.8 R Temp = 75 H Temp = 91 C D ? ? +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC VAC 1 19 VAC VAC 2 Third Test.Salinity: Press the R-Temp & the Salinity buttons on the PIB.Temp Salinity Salinity = 2.8 R Temp = 75 H Temp = 91 If the number is outside this range. and the Salinity readout & Chlorine Production down button on the UIB. R RTemp Salinity .Temp Salinity Salinity = 2. replace the PIB. A FLOW SENSOR 2. TROUBLESHOOTING . manually test the water chemistry and salt ppm. Lift cable enough to slide test probes to the terminals. • No current at cell. CELL CLEANING • Clean the cell by submerging it in 4 parts water to 1 part muriatic acid. • Coating worn off of plates. Notes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 22 . With the cell under full load there should be 22 to 28 VDC. Turn on power and wait for control to call for chlorine production.7 plate cell AP 1400 . Make certain cable stays in contact with terminals. calcium buildup. TEST VOLTAGE AT THE CELL Turn power off. • When bubbling quits. freezing. press the cable down tightly.14 plate cell CELL PROBLEMS • Needs cleaning. If the problem continues. • Do not leave the cell in acid for more than 30 minutes.CELL CELL AP 700 . If the correct voltage is present. but the cell is not producing chlorine. the cell is clean of calcium deposits. • Damaged due to low flow. replace the cord and cell. broken or cracked fittings. • Shorted with foreign matter. After testing is complete. Touch common probe to the center terminal and the other probe to either outside terminal. • Rinse thoroughly after cleaning. Correct any readings out of range. replace the PIB.CELL VOLTAGE & CURRENT ORP ORP FLOW SENSOR FLOW SENSOR HH Temp . The voltage should be between 22 to 28. If the voltage is outside the above range.Temp Salinity ORP POS .2 POS . check 15 Amp Fuse on PIB.8 RSalinity = 2.AP1400 (+) Green (-) Black & White 2000K 200K 20K 2K 200 hFE W NPN PNP Test: Cell Current is test through DC Millivolts.1 BUZZER Salinity = 2. 15 Amp FUSE 120 DCV 200 20 2 200m 1000 COMMON 15 OFF 750 ACV 200 DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A 120 mVDC OPEN . 23 . Set the meter to 2 DCV.Temp R RTemp Salinity . If no voltage is present.AP700 SHORTED .TROUBLESHOOTING .8 Temp = 75 HR Temp = 75 Temp = 91 H Temp = 91 +24 VDC +12 VDC +5 VDC VAC 1 These tests confirms that the Power Interface Board (PIB) is sending the correct voltage to the cell and that the cell has the proper current passing between plates..AP1400 120 mVDC (+) Green (-) Black & W hite TEST POINTS OPEN .AP700 SHORTED .AP1400 (+) (-) Green Black & W hite 15 Amp FUSE 24 DCV 200 20 2 200m 1000 COMMON 15 OFF 750 ACV 200 DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A 120 mVDC OPEN .AP700 SHORTED ..AP700 SHORTED . If the voltage is outside the above range. inspect the cell and replace the PIB as needed. Put the leads on the Cell connection test points. 15 Amp FUSE Mechanical Sensor Mechanical ENB Sensor DIS SERV IC E LO W SA LT FLOW 15 15 TEST POINTS ORP HEAT ER GROUN D RE STIN G ENB DIS M-S M-S CE LL ON OPEN . The voltage should be between 100 to 145. 19 VAC VAC 2 BUZZER OFF ---OFF ---ON ----ADDRESS 0 0 #1 A 0 Device 1 B #2 A 0 1 ## 1 A 0 3 B 1 0 4 1 1 ## 2 B 0 1 #3 DBI 1 1 #4 INTERFACE ADDRESS A B Device ON ----- COMMON 1 Amp FUSE 1 Amp FUSE DBI INTERFACE 65 VAC 75 VAC The Chlorine Generator has to be set to 100% and producing chlorine to perform these tests.AP1400 (+) Green (-) Black & White 2000K 200K 20K 2K 200 hFE W NPN PNP Test: Set the meter to 200 DCV or higher. Put the leads on the 120 mVDC test points.1 ORP POS – 2 POS . Low cell current in reverse direction.Low Salinity (below 2.check input voltage.SERVICE CODES 172 POWER ON CELL RESTING CELL REVERSING SERVICE LEVEL 1 CELL ON FLOW ADD SALT 120 . transformer and PIB voltages.Low VAC input voltage and on-board power supply is not regulated . clean cell if necessary or replace cell.flow salinity sensor temperature probe error codes. 175 . 174 .PIB power supply either too low or too high (generates 173 . 124 . 125 .TROUBLESHOOTING .0 gpl) . 145 . 123 . 171 . 193 .PIB service) 190 .Cell Current is 85% lower than desired and cell voltage above 19V (generates 125 code Cell dirty or needs replacement). 188 . either no salt in pool or sensor air locked (generates 175 code – Flow sensor air lock) 183 to 186 .check DC cord.indicates pool needs to be diluted.indicates board needs to be replaced.Low input voltage code if Level II code 188 is present) (generates 170 code if 188 is not present).High cell current (at upper limit of A/D converter) and cell voltage below 19V (generates 170 code PIB service) 192 .PIB service) 191. 187 . check for damage and replace if necessary. 121 .High current indicated at the cell . 195 . same as 120 above.Cell needs to be cleaned or replaced. 173 .Flow sensor temperature sensor failure (generates 172 code – Flow sensor service) 182 .Heated sensor element not heating (generates 172 code) 181 . LEVEL 2 180 .make sure unit is wired with the proper voltage.check input voltage. They will all generate 172 codes which indicate flow sensor service is required.Low current in forward direction and VAC input voltage below 100/200 VAC .VAC input voltage is too low (generates 173 code if Level II code 187 is present) 189 .Relay not conducting in the forward direction (generates 171 code .2 gpl of salt. 194 . clean cell or replace if necessary.PIB service condition .Low cell current in forward direction . 127 -Low current in reverse direction and VAC input voltage below 100/200 VAC .Measured significant cell current when SCRs were turned off (generates 170 code – PIB service).Pool temperature is too high for operation of AquaPure (i.Salinity Sensor sees less than 0. 144 . transformer and PIB voltages.Flow sensor air lock condition or very low salinity. > 108°F).check DC cord.PIB service condition indicated and is usually caused by low incoming AC voltage check transformer voltages.0 gpl) .High cell current and cell voltage below 19V (generates 171 code – PIB service).this usually means a bad PIB.clean sensor. 24 . 172 – Flow sensor service .e.Relay not conducting in the reverse direction (generates 171 code .indicates the pool needs salt added. 170 .Salinity invalid due to out of range measurements caused by PIB error (generates 170 code – PIB service). 126 .High Salinity (above 4.Low to no current at cell . Incorrect Installation = Plumb correctly. Loose connection = Reconnect firmly. Are these correct? Yes No Damaged Cable = Replace sensor. Yes Confirm proper wiring and that PIB is properly addressed for either the 1400 or 700 cell.0 GPL? (2000 ppm) Yes No Visually inspect sensor cable and check for proper plumbing installation. Rinse with fresh water when done. is the code 124 or 123? (The unit updates the codes approximately every 2 minutes). Voltage. Is the 144 code still present? Yes Conduct the sensor reading test. Inspection. Wait for system diagnostics. Do the salinity tests match? (±. or a combination of 125 & 194 ? Visually check the DC cell cord and outside of cell. set the production to 100% and follow the steps below for that code. Next. After 4 minutes. Yes Replace the cell and cord and restart the system & wait for system diagnostics. Test salt level with another accurate salt testing method. Restart system. Codes 120. Wait for system diagnostics. (Approximately 5 minutes). (Approximately 5 minutes). Test salt level with another accurate salt testing method. the service light will be lit.SERVICE CODE FLOW CHARTS When 3 digit service codes are present on the display screen. or 123. Sensor is working correctly. (page 12). Does the cell cord connection drop below 22 VDC and/or are there 160 DC Millivolts or higher at the cell current test points? or Does the cell cord connection exceed 28 VDC and/or are there 120 DC Millivolts or lower at the cell current test points? Confirm proper salinity and check for Metals in the water and possible shorts between the plates & posts on the cell and inside the cord. Are these correct? Yes No Damaged Cable = Replace sensor. Replace cell and cord Replace PIB 124 Code 144 Is the unit reading salinity below 2. Damaged cell or cord = Replace cell and cord. (Approximately 5 minutes).0 GPL? (4000 ppm) Yes No Visually inspect sensor cable and check for proper plumbing installation.1 GPL or 100 ppm) No Remove and clean sensor. Sensor is working correctly. or 121.1 GPL or 100 ppm) No Remove and clean sensor. Do the salinity tests match? (±. Restart the unit and wait for system diagnostics. No No (Approximately 5 minutes). Incorrect Installation = Plumb correctly. No Yes Add salt according to the table. 25 . Is the 145 code still present? Yes No Yes Dilute pool water until the desired salt level is achieved. Let salt mix for 24 hours and retest levels. Conduct cell Voltage and Current test. Restart system. Conduct the sensor reading test. Does the system show the same service code? Yes No No Code = System Operating Normally Different Code = Proceed to that code. & Current Tests on pages 17-23. Code 145 Is the unit reading salinity above 4. (Approximately 5 minutes). To troubleshoot any code. (Approximately 5 minutes). 123 Code 124 Remove the Cord from the cell. Restart the unit and wait for system diagnostics. Are they connected loosely together or are there signs of damage? Yes No Remove Cell and visually check for calcium build up and or debris. Is the cell clean? Yes No Clean the cell with 4 parts water and 1 part muriatic acid. Wait for system diagnostics. (Do this while the 124 code is present and the production rate 100%). Reinstall and restart the unit. Code combination of 170 & 193? PIB measured significant current when the unit is either resting or off. Does the system show the same service code? Yes No No Code = System Operating Normally Different Code = Proceed to that code. Does the 170 appear upon power up without waiting the 5 minute wait period? No Yes Perform transformer voltage test and sensor reading test. Replace PIB. Inspect Sensor and replace. (Approximately 5 minutes). Wait for system diagnostics. Replace PIB. -If the voltage is good. Restart the unit and wait for system diagnostics. Code combination of 170 & 187? Conduct a transformer voltage test on the PIB. No Inspection. No Check incoming Power. Does it pass the test? Replace the flow sensor. -If the voltage is below 108 VAC when wired for 115 or below 216 VAC when wired for 230. Check for Metals in the water and possible shorts between the plates & posts on the cell and inside the cord. Is the voltage less then 19 VDC? Yes No Are there 160 DC Millivolts or higher at the cell current test points? No Yes Restart the unit and wait for system diagnostics. Replace the PIB. Yes Code combination of 170 & 195? Conduct a sensor reading test. Rinse with fresh water when done. 26 . Clean the cell with 4 parts water and 1 part muriatic acid. Replace the PIB. Code combination of 170 & 191? Test cell voltage at the cord connection on the PIB. Voltage. replace the transformer. Damaged cell or cord = Replace cell and cord. and Power Up the AquaPure. Reinstall and restart the unit. the voltage is too low for proper operation. (Approximately 5 minutes). Are they connected loosely together or are there signs of damage? Yes No Remove Cell and visually check calcium build up and or debris. Is the cell clean? Yes No Loose connection = Reconnect firmly. Yes Are the readings correct. Visually check the DC cell cord and outside of cell. Next.SERVICE CODE FLOW CHARTS Code 170 Does the 170 appear Yes upon power up to the AquaPure without waiting for the 5 minute wait period? No Turn Power off. Replace the PIB or Transformer as needed. remove the Sensor from the PIB. & Current Tests on pages 17-23. Rinse with fresh water when done. Confirm unit is set to 100% production. Are the voltages correct? Yes No Replace PIB. (Approximately 5 minutes). or 230 VAC? 230 115 Is the unit still factory wired for 230 VAC? No Yes Rewire unit for 115 VAC. (Approximately 5 minutes). Code combinations of 171 & 189 or 171 & 190? Is the “Cell On” or “Cell Reversing” light on? No Yes Conduct transformer voltage test and PIB DC voltage tests. Does the system show the same service code? Yes Yes No No Code = System Operating Normally Different Code = Proceed to that code. Visually check the DC cell cord and outside of cell. or 172 & 186? Visually inspect sensor cable and check for proper plumbing installation. Remove and clean sensor. Are the voltages correct? No Yes Restart system. No Replace the PIB. or combinations of 172 & 180. Is the 171 code still present? Yes Replace PIB. Are either or both voltages low? No Yes Replace PIB Replace Transformer Inspection. Restart the unit. Incorrect Installation = Plumb correctly. Reinstall and restart the unit. Replace the PIB. or 172 & 184. or 172 & 185. Does it pass the test? Replace the flow sensor. Wait for system diagnostics. Code 172. Conduct all voltage tests on the PIB. 27 .Loose connection = Reconnect firmly. Are they connected loosely together or are there signs of damage? Yes No Remove Cell and visually check calcium build up and or debris. & Current Tests on pages 17-23. System is working correctly. Reinstall and restart the unit. (Approximately 5 minutes). Is the input voltage 115. Wait for system diagnostics. Replace the PIB.SERVICE CODE FLOW CHARTS Code 171 Conduct the transformer voltage tests. Does the system show the same service code? Yes No No Code = System Operating Normally Different Code = Proceed to that code. (Approximately 5 minutes). or 172 & 181. . . Are these good? Yes No Damaged Cable = Replace sensor.Damaged cell or cord = Replace cell and cord. Conduct a sensor reading test. or 172 & 183. Is the cell clean? Yes No Clean the cell with 4 parts water and 1 part muriatic acid. Does the system show the same service code? Yes No No Code = System Operating Normally Different Code = Proceed to that code. (Approximately 5 minutes). Restart the unit and wait for system diagnostics. Wait for system diagnostics. Next. No Code combinations of 173 & 187. the “Flow” light is lit and the salinity is within its proper range. Wait for system diagnostics. or 173 & 188? No Check Incoming Power. Voltage. Replace the PIB. Notes: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 28 . No Yes Add or dilute salt accordingly. (Approximately 5 minutes). Incorrect Installation = Plumb correctly. Restart system. Code combination 175 & 182? Has salt been added to the pool? Yes No Visually inspect sensor cable and check for proper plumbing installation. Sensor is working correctly. Wait for system diagnostics. Replace the PIB. Yes Does the system show the same service code? No Conduct a sensor readings test on the PIB. No Code = System Operating Normally Different Code = Proceed to that code. Reinstall and restart the unit. Visually inspect sensor cable and check for proper plumbing installation. Test salt level with another accurate salt testing method. Remove and clean sensor. Inspection. (Approximately 5 minutes). Is the 175 code still present? Yes Conduct the sensor readings test on the PIB. Do the salinity tests match? (±. (Let salt mix for 24 hours and retest levels). Is the sensor located where a heater or solar panel system can affect the temperature reading? No Yes Relocate the sensor for accurate temperature sensing.SERVICE CODE FLOW CHARTS Code 174 The sensor is reading above 108°.1 GPL or 100 ppm) No Remove and clean sensor. Wait for system diagnostics. Are these correct? Yes No Damaged Cable = Replace sensor. Does it pass the test? Yes No Replace the flow sensor. Incorrect Installation = Plumb correctly. Are these good? Yes No Damaged Cable = Replace sensor. Voltage. & Current Tests on pages 17-23. check incoming Power. and back board are firmly and completely connected. cord. Also. turn off the unit. Cell Current Test Points 4 & 5 120 DCV 200 20 2 200m 2000K 200K 20K 1000 OFF 750 200 Test the current to the cell at test points 4 & 5. replace the cell & cord and restart the unit. check for possible shorts between the plates & posts on the cell and inside the cord. hFE 2K 200 W 1-8 75 VAC 2-7 65 VAC 3-6 21 VAC 4-5 120 mVDC (with Cell On) Ribbon Cable Front Board Test Points 2 & 7 65 VAC (± 10%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DCV 200 20 2 200m 2000K 200K 20K 1000 Transformer Transformer NPN PN P Cell Voltage 22 to 28 VDC 65 OFF 750 200 Test Points 3 & 6 21 VAC (± 10%) ACV DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A 21 DCV 200 20 2 200m 2000K 200K 20K 1000 OFF 750 200 hFE 2K 200 W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ACV DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A hFE 2K 200 1-8 75 VAC 2-7 65 VAC 3-6 21 VAC 4-5 120 mVDC (with Cell On) Ribbon Cable Front Board NPN PN P 1-8 75 VAC 2-7 65 VAC 3-6 21 VAC 4-5 120 mVDC (with Cell On) Ribbon Cable Front Board W Transformer NPN PN P Cell Current and Voltage on Back Board (All test point voltages are marked on the board) Confirm that the unit is turned on and the cell production is set to 100%. check for possible shorts between the plates & posts on the cell and inside the cord. the voltage is too low for proper operation. Also. (Approximately 5 minutes). check the water for possible metals and other conductive material. Wait for system diagnostics and retest. replace the transformer. -If the voltage is higher than 28 VDC. check the water for possible metals and other conductive material. -If the voltage is higher than 160 mVDC. -If the voltage is less than 120 mVDC. and 3 & 6. -If the voltage is good.ORIGINAL AQUAPURE. -If the voltage is less than 22 VDC. make sure that the cell. 2 & 7. replace the cell & cord and restart the unit. Wait for system diagnostics and retest. PURELINK. If the voltage is not within the proper range. (Approximately 5 minutes). Cell Voltage 22 to 28 VDC Cell Voltage 22 to 28 VDC 120 to 160 mVDC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ACV DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A hFE 2K 200 W NPN PN P 1-8 75 VAC 2-7 65 VAC 3-6 21 VAC 4-5 120 mVDC (with Cell On) Ribbon Cable Front Board Cell Voltage Test Points 22 to 28 VDC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DCV 200 20 2 200m 2000K 200K 20K 1000 Transformer Transformer Cell Voltage 22 to 28 VDC 25 OFF 750 200 ACV DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A hFE 2K 200 W NPN PN P 1-8 75 VAC 2-7 65 VAC 3-6 21 VAC 4-5 120 mVDC (with Cell On) Ribbon Cable Front Board Cell Voltage 22 to 28 VDC 29 . Test the voltage to the cell at test points at the cord connection point. -If the voltage is below 105 VAC when wired for 120 or below 210 VAC when wired for 240. This confirms that the unit is getting the proper voltage needed. & CM3 TESTS Transformer Voltage on Back Board (All test point voltages are marked on the board) Test Points 1 & 8 75 VAC (± 10%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DCV 200 20 2 200m 2000K 200K 20K 1000 75 OFF 750 200 ACV DCA 200µ 2000µ 20m 200m 10A Test the output voltage of the transformer on the test points 1 & 8. Also. turn off the unit. ORIGINAL AQUAPURE. perform a back board test.120 mVDC RED BLK YEL GRN 120 DCV 200 20 2 200m 2000K 200K 20K 2K 200 10A 1000 Salinity – 2.120 mVDC RED BLK YEL GRN 21 DCV 200 20 2 200m 2000K 200K 20K 2K 200 10A 1000 Salinity – 2. If the retest remains outside the required voltage. -If the voltage is higher than 160 mVDC or less than 120 mVDC. confirm that the ribbon cable that connects the back board to the front board is not damaged and that it is seated correctly and retest.21 VAC K to H -.Temp 91 F ACV 200 200µ OFF 750 DCA 2000µ 20m 200m hFE W NPN PNP Test Point Common Cell Current on Front Board (All test point voltages are marked on the board) Cell Current is tested through DC Millivolts. -If the voltage is not 21 VAC (±10%) confirm that the ribbon cable that connects the back board to the front board is not damaged and that it is seated correctly and retest. If the retest remains outside the required voltage. Test the current from the cell at test points H & K. & CM3 TESTS Voltage on Front Board (All test point voltages are marked on the board) Test the voltage from the back board at test points A & C.21 VAC K to H -. PURELINK.8 GPL R-Temp – 75 F H. Informational Note: 20 millivolts = 1 ampere on a 1400 unit 40 millivolts = 1 ampere on a 700 unit ABCDEFGHJK 1 Test Points 2 3 4 Flow Sensor R-Temp H-Temp Salinity Disconnect Flow Sensor Before Using Test Switches A to C -. ABCDEFGHJK 1 Test Points 2 3 4 Flow Sensor R-Temp H-Temp Salinity Disconnect Flow Sensor Before Using Test Switches A to C -. perform a back board test.Temp 91 F ACV 200 200µ OFF 750 DCA 2000µ 20m 200m hFE W NPN PNP Test Point Common 30 .8 GPL R-Temp – 75 F H. (Approximately 5 minutes).To Enter Boost Mode Press and Hold “Temperature” Button 10 Seconds Pool Temperature – Temperature of Water at Flow Sensor Cell On – Making Chlorine Cell Resting – Off Portion of Chlorine Production Cycle Flow – Water Flow Present Cell Reversing – Automatic Cleaning Cycle in Progress Add Salt – Salinity Should be 3. While still pressing the test button. Restart the unit and wait for system diagnostics. -On a PureLink. Display side of AquaPure Directions for Adding Salt: 1. The LCD should read 91° F or 33° C.To Silence Audible Service Alarm Press and Hold “Salinity” Button 5 Seconds AquaPure Sensor Readings Test . To use these. *Note: In some cases the front board may have been recalibrated.1)* 2) Press and hold the test buttons marked Salinity and R-Temp. drop the power center down and you will be able to access both sets of buttons at the same time.Temp 91 F A B FLOW CELL REVERSING ADD SALT SERVICE C D Transformer ? Salinity ? Pool Temperature -Boost- Power On PureLink Sensor Readings Test. (± . press the ‘Pool Temperature’ key (‘D’). 31 .0 – 3. This will show a different gpl then what is listed. and the problem is with the sensor. While still pressing these test buttons.8gpl. It should read 75° F or 24° C. While still pressing these test buttons.Front Board Disconnect the sensor from the front board for the following tests. PureLink front board access 1) Press and hold the test buttons marked Salinity and R-Temp. & CM3 TESTS To help determine if a fault is with the front board or the sensor. 2. contact Zodiac technical support at 800-822-7933. Turn off power and replace the failed component. If the readings are different then it indicates that there is a problem with the front board. you will need to remove the front cover and use both sides of the cover. (± 1°) If the readings are correct then the front board is O.Front Board Upper right side of front board on an AquaPure 1 2 3 4 Flow Sensor R-Temp H-Temp Salinity Disconnect Flow Sensor Before Using Test Switches RED BLK YEL GRN CELL ON CELL RESTING 1-8 75 VAC 2-7 65 VAC 3-6 21 VAC 4-5 120 mVAC (with Cell On) CHLORINE PRODUCTION RATE Salinity – 2. Do not Add Salt through Skimmer. press the ‘Salinity’ key (‘C’) on the front cover of the unit.K. (± 1°) Salinity H-Temp R-Temp 3) Press and hold the test button marked H-Temp. -On an AquaPure. The LCD should read 2.8 GPL R-Temp – 75 F H.ORIGINAL AQUAPURE. Set Unit to “00” % for 24 Hours. Main Drain or Surge Tank. Boost – 24 Hour 100% Chlorine Production Cycle – Refer to Manual – ---. there are self diagnostic tests put on the front board. Broadcast or Spread Salt into Shallow End of Pool. If the front board or housing has any markings that indicate it has been recalibrated. PURELINK. Otherwise replace the front board. press the ‘Salinity’ key (‘C’) together with the ‘Chlorine Production Rate’ arrow down key (‘A’) on the front cover of the unit.5 Grams / Liter Service – Refer to Manual – ---. you will need access to the front board display side and the corner of the front board next to the red four pin connector. Inc.822.AP/Nature² Fusion Soft 7/2010 Final Zodiac Pool Systems. 800.7933 32 .
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