


SINUMERIK 810DSoftware Version 4 Manual 10.2000 Edition Configuring CCU1/CCU2 Manufacturer/Service Documentation Overview of SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Documentation (10.00) General Documentation SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 840D/810D/ FM-NC 840D/840Di/ 810D/ Brochure Catalog Ordering Info NC 60 *) User Documentation SINUMERIK SIROTEC SIMODRIVE Accessories Catalog Accessories NC-Z User Documentation SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/ 810D/ FM-NC SINUMERIK SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 840D/810D/ FM-NC 840D/810D 840D/840Di/ 810D/ FM-NC 840D/840Di/ 810D/ FM-NC AutoTurn – Short Guide – Programming (1) – Setup (2) Operator’s Guide – HT 6 (+ 840Di) – HPU – Unit Operator Panel Diagnostics Guide *) Operator’s Guide – Short Guide – Operator’s Guide*) Manufacturer/Service Documentation SINUMERIK 840Di 840D/810D Program. Guide – Short Guide – Fundamentals *) – Advanced *) – Cycles – Measuring Cycles SINUMERIK Operator’s Guide System Overview – ManualTurn – Short Guide ManualTurn – ShopMill – Short Guide ShopMill SINUMERIK SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 840D/810D 840D/840Di/ 810D 840D/810D Description of Functions – ManualTurn – ShopMill Description of Functions Synchronized Actions Desc. of Functions – Computer Link – Tool Data Information System SINUMERIK Configuring (HW) *) – FM-NC – 810D – 840D Manufacturer/Service Documentation SINUMERIK SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE SINUMERIK SINUMERIK SINUMERIK SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/ 810D/ FM-NC 611D 840D/810D 840D/840Di/ 810D FM-NC 840D/810D/ FM-NC 840D/810D/ FM-NC 840D/840Di/ 810D 840D/810D/ FM-NC Operator Components (HW) *) Description of Description of Functions Functions Drive Functions *) – Basic Machine *) – Extended Functions – Special Functions Configuring Kit MMC100/101 – Configuring Syntax – Development Kit Screen Kit MMC100/101 SW Update and Configuration Description of Functions Tool Management Description of Functions Operator Interface OP 030 Manufacturer/Service Documentation SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE SINUMERIK 840D Description of Functions SINUMERIK Safety Integrated Description of Functions Digitizing Installation & Start–up Guide *) – FM-NC – 810D – 840D/611D – MMC/HMI SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE 840D/840Di 810D/ FM–NC 611D Lists *) SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE 840D 611D Description of Functions Linear Motor SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE 840D 611D EMC Guidelines Description of Functions – Hydraulics Module – Analog Module Manufacturer/Service Documentation Electronic Documentation SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE 840D/840Di/ 810D/ FM-NC 611, Motors DOC ON CD *) The SINUMERIK System *) These documents are a minimum requirement for the control SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/ 810D Description of Functions ISO Dialects for SINUMERIK SINUMERIK 840Di Description of Functions CAM Integration DNC NT-2000 SINUMERIK SIMODRIVE SIROTEC Manual (HW + Installation and Start-up) SINUMERIK 810D Software Version 4 Configuring CCU1/CCU2 Manual System Overview 1 Connection Conditions 2 Design and Assembly 3 Description 4 Axis Extension 5 I/O Modules 6 NCU Terminal Block 7 DMP Compact Modules 8 Servicing and Maintenance 9 Abbreviations A References B EC Declaration of Conformity C Valid for Control Software version SINUMERIK 810D 4 SINUMERIK 810DE (export version) 4 Drive SIMODRIVE 611D 5 Index 10.00 Edition 95 07.99 04. . if used by third parties. including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design.00 Order No. SIMATIC NETr. Further information is available on the Internet under: http://www. are reserved. SIROTECr. transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. This does not. Revised edition with new status. . All rights reserved. Order No. . B . We have checked that the contents of this document correspond to the hardware and software described. . This publication was produced with Interleaf V 7 Siemens AG 1995–2000. 6FC5 297-4AD10-0BP0 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Siemens Aktiengesellschaft .ad.00 6FC5 298-6CA00-0BG0 C Trademarks SIMATICr. Remarks 10. Unrevised reprint with new Order No. 6FC5 297-1AD10-0BP0 6FC5 297-1AD10-0BP1 6FC5 297-2AD10-0BP0 6FC5 297-3AD10-0BP0 6FC5 297-3AD10-0BP1 6FC5 297-3AD10-0BP2 6FC5 297-4AD10-0BP0 Remarks A C C C C C C This manual is included in the documentation on CD-ROM (DOCONCD) Edition Order No. Edition 12.96 08. We welcome suggestions for improvement. . SIMATIC HMIr. Status code in the “Remarks” column: A .97 12.  Subject to changes without prior notice. this is indicated by a new edition coding in the header on that page. If factual changes have been made on the page since the last edition. Offenders will be liable for damages. represent an obligation to supply such functions with a new control or when servicing. C .SINUMERIK Documentation Printing history Brief details of this edition and previous editions are listed below. SINUMERIKr and SIMODRIVEr are trademarks of Siemens. differences might exist and therefore we cannot guarantee that they are completely identical. Nonetheless. . however. . could infringe the rights of their owners. The reproduction. The status of each edition is shown by the code in the “Remarks” column. . however. . . All Other functions not described in this documentation might be executable in the control. Other product names used in this documentation may be trademarks which. The information contained in this document is. reviewed regularly and any necessary changes will be included in the next edition. . .98 08.00 10.siemens. New documentation. See Instruction Manual. All rights reserved. Hazardous voltage is still present for at least 5 minutes in the DC link of all SIMODRIVE modules after all voltage sources have been disconnected. to protect the product described or the connected equipment and machines against damage. please contact your local Siemens office. You will also require the following References: /PJU/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide About the manual Who is the manual intended for? This manual provides you with the relevant information required to set up a SINUMERIK 810D control system and perform maintenance and servicing procedures. S Configuring engineers.00 Edition v . Persons who are not qualified should not be allowed to handle the equipment/system. electricians and fitters S Servicing and operating personnel Safety notices ! The following safety notices are devised to protect your personal safety on the one hand and. Non-compliance with safety notices and warnings can result in severe personal injury or damage to property. on the other. Warning Hazardous voltages are present in this electrical equipment during operation.  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. assemble. start up or operate the product should be allowed to handle this equipment/system. Only appropriately qualified personnel who are trained to install.Preface Structure of documentation The SINUMERIK documentation is organized on 3 levels: S General documentation S User documentation S Manufacturer/service documentation For more detailed information on SINUMERIK 810D publications and other publications covering all SINUMERIK controls. 00 12. Notice This symbol indicates that an undesired event can occur if the corresponding note is not observed. All rights reserved.0. in particular § 8 “Acceptable deviations when working on live parts”. Note This symbol appears in the documentation to draw your attention to a related topic.00 Edition . Appropriate electrical tools must be used. severe physical injury or substantial property damage may result if proper precautions are not taken.Manual Configuring SINUMERIK 810D Preface Further notes ! ! ! 10. Warning This symbol in the document indicates that death. vi  Siemens AG 2000. severe physical injury or substantial property damage will result if proper precautions are not taken. Caution This symbol (without a warning triangle) indicates that properly damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. ! Important This symbol appears in the documentation to draw special attention to an important point. please observe the guidelines and instructions given in accident prevention regulation VBG 4.95 If you need to carry out measurements or checks when the equipment is live. Danger This symbol in the document indicates that death. Caution This symbol appears in the document indicating that minor physical injury or property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. mounting and installation as well as careful operator control and servicing.Manual Configuring SINUMERIK 810D Preface 12.95 ! Warning S Repairs to equipment supplied by us may only be carried out by SIEMENS Customer Service personnel or by repair centers authorized by SIEMENS. S Always interrupt the power supply before you open the device.g. The simplest way of doing this is to touch a conductive.  Siemens AG 2000.g.e. make sure that your own body has been electrostatically discharged. are potential dangerous faults. bare metal part of a switchboard. Resetting the emergency tripping device must not result in any uncontrolled or undefined restart of the equipment. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. Warning Printed circuit boards contain components which can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge. S Wherever faults occurring in the automation equipment can lead to substantial damage or even grievous bodily injury. i. S Emergency tripping devices as stipulated in EN 60204 IEC 204 (VDE 0113) must remain operative in all operating modes of the automation equipment. mechanical interlocks. storage. ! Warning Perfect and safe operation of this equipment assumes professional transport. Before you touch a PCB.). independent limit switches. All rights reserved. earthed object immediately beforehand (e. additional external precautions must be taken or facilities must be provided ensuring or enforcing safe operation even when a fault occurs (e. Failure to observe safety notices can result in severe personal injury or substantial property damage.00 Edition vii . Only items contained in the spare parts list may be used to replace parts or components. protective earth contact of a socket outlet). etc. ! Caution S Install power supply and signal cables in such a way as to prevent inductive and capacitive interference voltages from affecting the automation functions. Do not touch the boards in such a way that your hands come into contact with pins or printed conductors. J viii  Siemens AG 2000. S Measurements may be taken on the boards only if – the measuring instrument is properly earthed (e. ESDS transport containers). the probe is briefly discharged (e. or – before measuring with a potential-free measuring instrument. Proper use The device may be used only for the applications specified in the manual and only in conjunction with external equipment and components recommended or authorized by SIEMENS. All rights reserved. electronic boards should only be touched when absolutely necessary. conductive ESDS foam rubber. touch the unpainted metal parts of the control housing).00 Edition . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.95 Manual Configuring SINUMERIK 810D Preface ESDS instructions ! ElectroStatic Discharge Sensitive Boards Important Handling ESDS boards: S When handling components which can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge. S Boards may not be allowed to come into contact with electrically insulating materials such as plastic films. please contact the responsible department named on the query sheet at the back of the document. S You may only touch ESDS components if – you are continuously grounded via an ESDS bracelet. the workstation and packaging are well grounded. ESDS packing bag. make sure that personnel.g. S Boards may only be placed on conductive surfaces (desk with ESDS surface. equipment grounding conductor).g. monitors or television sets (a minimum of 10 cm should be kept between the board and the screen). S Boards may not be brought close to data terminals. insulating table tops or clothing made of synthetic fibers. Further assistance If you should encounter problems in using this Manual or have any other queries.07. S As a general rule. – you are wearing ESDS shoes or ESDS shoe grounding strips in conjunction with an ESDS floor surface.96 12. . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . .2 4. . . .3 Mains infeed (NE) . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. .9 2. .2 3.3 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19 Connection Conditions . . Shipment and storage conditions . .2. . . . . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. . . . . . . . . . .5 2. . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description of interfaces on the CCU1/CCU2 . . . . . . . . . . . Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . . 2-33 Design and Assembly of the 810D Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-35 3. . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RI suppression measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conversion for external cooling. .7 2. . . Overview of interfaces on CCU1/CCU2 .1 Installing the SINUMERIK 810D . . . . . . . . . . MPI connecting cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All rights reserved. . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 1.2 and later) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-axis CCU box (SW 5 and later) . . . . . . . . . . . Cable distributor . . . . .4 Integrated power sections: 3-axis CCU box . . . . . . .1 Components of the SINUMERIK 810D . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical data of individual components . . . . . . . . .3 Measuring system . . . . 3-35 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 2. . . .2 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 2. . . . . . 4-45 4-45 4-47 4-53 4.2 Markings and labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Measuring channels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 CCU1: 6th axis (SW 3. . . . . . . . . . .2 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . .2. 4-69  Siemens AG 2000. . . . . . . . . 4-65 4. . . . . . . . . . .1 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 System configuration .00 Edition ix . . . . . . . . . . Protective separation . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . Earthing concept . . . . . . . . . . .5 Integrated power sections: 2-axis CCU box . . . . .1 2. . . . . .1 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D . . . . .2. . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-36 3-40 3. . . .2 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . indirect and direct measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 4-57 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ambient climatic and mechanical conditions in operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-57 4-58 4-60 4.7 PCMCIA card (memory card) . . . . . . . . . . . 4-43 4. . . . . . . .10. . . .95 Manual Configuring SINUMERIK 810D Contents Contents 1 2 3 4 System Overview . . . . . . . . . . . Assignments between measuring systems and motor connections . Interpretable encoder systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Ambient conditions . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-68 4. . . .8 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 MPI/OPI networking rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31 2-32 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 12. . . Stressing by pollutant contamination .6 PLC module . . . . . . . . . .3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power supply . . . . . . . . . 2-21 2.1. . 4-43 4. 3-42 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D . . . . . . 4-67 4.3 2. . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-68 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-71 5. . 7-103 8 DMP Compact Modules . . . . . . . . . .95 Axis Extension . . . . . . . . . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 9 Index Index-145 J x  Siemens AG 2000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-124 A Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 12. . .1 Safety Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-77 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-115 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Battery replacement (6FC5 247-0AA18-0AA0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 DMP compact module 16 I (6FC5 111-0CA01-0AA0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-123 9. . . . . . .2 DMP compact module 16 O (6FC5 111-0CA02-0AA1) . C-141 6 8. . . . . . . . . 5-71 5. . .1 Single I/O module (EFP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Axis extension with SIMODRIVE 611D control module . . . A-127 B References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 DMP compact module 1 I NC analog (6FC5 211-0AA10-0AA0) . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-123 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-121 Servicing and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-85 7 NCU Terminal Block . . . . 6-77 6. . . . . . . . . . . GWE-570 665 000 101) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-113 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-118 DMP compact module 1 O analog (6FC5 111-0CA05-0AA0) . . . . 8-109 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-129 C EC Declaration of Conformity . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 DMP compact module 8 O (6FC5 111-0CA03-0AA1) . . 5-74 I/O Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 DMP compact module 1 I analog (6FC5 111-0CA04-0AA0) . . All rights reserved.1 Plug-in axis extension unit . . . . 8-111 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-109 8. . . . . . . . . . .Manual Configuring SINUMERIK 810D Contents 5 10. . . . . . . communications functions. 2 MB SRAM – Handling with 5 axes – 2nd channel with 5 axes – Connection for HPU – CCU 1 (Compact Control Unit) 6FC5 410-0AX01-0AA0 Contents of CPU in 810D: NCK. filter modules as option. communications functions. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. As either open-loop control (OI 5 kW–28 kW) or closed-loop control as an infeed/regenerative feedback module. keyboard and 810D operation MMC module1) Operator panel computer (integrated in operator panel). standard digital closed-loop control 6FC5 410-0AX02-1AA0 CCU1/22 Contents of CPU in 810D: NCK. – MMC 103 with hard disk – MMC 100. PLC AS 314. A description of the components marked with 1) can be found in: References: /BH/. internal cooling only Subrack for holding the CCU1/2 with 2 integrated power modules: 2 x 9/18/A (FDD).95 1 System Overview 1. 2 MB SRAM – Connection for HPU Operator panel 1) Display. Description See References: /PJ2/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide Mains Supply for the electronic equipment and drives.97 12.2 without hard disk Machine control panel1) SIEMENS MCP or interface for customer MCP. 16 kW–120 kW and over. internal or external cooling 6FC5447-0AA01-0AA1 6FC5 410-0AA00-0AA0 CCU1/21 Contents of CPU in 810D: NCK.1 System configuration 1 System Overview 1.00 Edition 1-11 .08. communications functions. V_03_01_01 or higher ISA adapter1) Allows AT modules to be operated in conjunction with the MMC 103 module (integrated in the operator panel) Full CNC keyboard1) Full keyboard can be connected to the MMC module  Siemens AG 2000.1 System configuration Components A complete SINUMERIK 810D system comprises various individual components. standard digital closed-loop control Additional features: – 8 MB DRAM. These are listed below. 6FC5447-0AA00-0AA0 Subrack for holding the CCU1/2 with 3 integrated power modules: 1 x 18/36A (FDD) or 24/32A (MSD) and 2 x 6/12A (FDD). PLC AS 314. All rights reserved. standard digital closed-loop control Additional features: – 8MB DRAM. PLC AS 315. Operator Components Manual Table 1-1 810D components in maximum configuration (excluding motors) Component Mains Supply (MS) SINUMERIK 810D – CCU box (3 axes) – CCU box (2 axes) – CCU (Compact Control Unit) – CCU 2 (Compact Control Unit) Order no. 840D and FM-NC. keyswitch. Manual Single I/O module (EFP) 6FC5 411-0AA00-0AA0 PLC I/O module with 64 inputs and 32 short-circuit-proof outputs NCU terminal block1) 6FC5 211-0AA00-0AA0 High-speed digital and analog NC I/O devices on the SINUMERIK 810D drive bus Hand-held unit (HHU)1) 6FX2 007-1AC..04. PCMCIA card for software upgrades and SW 3. – Enabling switches. Distribution box1) 6FX2 006-1BC00 For linking the handheld unit to the MPI bus. – LCD display (240 x 64 pixels) with LED brightness control. enabling switches. Handheld unit with handwheel. Memory card (PCMCIA) Slot for PCMCIA card on the CCU1/2. handwheel. 840C. user-assignable keys Connection via MPI bus and cable distributor Handheld programming unit (HPU)1) 6FX2 007-1AC. – EMERGENCY STOP button. Distribution board consisting of – one single I/O module (EFP.95 1 System Overview 1. 32 outputs).24 interface. – one basic module (24 outputs) and – one drive module (5 outputs) A description of the components marked with 1) can be found in: References: /BH/. Operator Components Manual 1-12  Siemens AG 2000.or 2-axis). 24 V DC Mini hand-held unit1) 6FX2 006-1BG00 Mini handheld unit for setting up and operating simple machines in the JobShop sector or similar applications. All rights reserved. References: /PJ/. Accessories Catalog NC Z 6FC5 412-0FA10-0AA0 SIMATIC components For mounting in a SIMODRIVE 611 power module (1. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. SIMODRIVE 611 Planning Guide References: /S7H/.1 System configuration Component Order no. display.00 Edition .x CCU1/2 system software is stored on an internal Flash Eprom for SW versions < 3.1 Floppy disk unit1) Cable distributor Rack-mounting unit for connection to the MMC module 6FX2 006-1BA01 Cable Plug-in axis extension unit Description Connection of two handwheels and two probes to the CCU1/2/2 RC References: /Z/. 64 inputs. override.2) 6FM8 180-1AA00-0AA0 Connection via X103 with 15-way SUB D plug with ribbon cable link Suitable for use with 810D..00 12. Handheld programming unit (HPU) with – Keyboard + travel key block. enabling switches. – V. LED background lighting. Distribution board (DSB. see Section 6. Connection for EMERGENCY STOP circuit. EMERGENCY STOP button. 00 Edition 1-13 .g.00 12. 1-1 1FT6 / 1FK6 /1PH motors Distribution board *) One measurement input can be replaced by a 3rd handwheel SINUMERIK 810D system  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved.04. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.95 1 System Overview 1. direct measuring system Measurement (2x) *) Cable distributor Handwheel (2x) SIMATIC IM cable UE or 14 14 I/RF MSD 810D Motor cable 3x 1x FDD Terminal block Plug-in axis extension unit 1x 15 Motor encoder cable 611 power module 5x Step7-300 Single I/O module Direct measuring system (e. at X416) Fig.1 System configuration Floppy disk unit HHU or HPU or Mini HHU ÄÄ ÄÄ Handheld unit MMC module Operator panel MPI cable Handheld programming unit MCP Distribution box QWERTY keyboard Encoder lead. HPU and cable distributor  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition . 1-2 1-14 X8/X9 on MMC 101/102 only SINUMERIK 810D connection configuration for the MPI bus.95 QWERTY X8: Parallel interface 1) X7: COM2 interface X6: COM1 interface X5: VGA interface Floppy1) Operator panel X10 Power supply MMC X8 ISA adapter X7 X5 X6 X4 (with MMC 103 in this diagram) (rear view) X9 MCP X20 HPU or (rear view) HHU ÄÄ ÄÄ Distribution box X5 X1 16 X2 MPI bus lead 1 X4 CCU1/2/2-H X3 Sensor Cable distributor 5 3 Handwheel HHU 6 Handwheel Shield MPI bus lead 2 PG740 programming device MPI cable 4 1) Fig. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.1 System configuration 12.1 System Overview 1. 95 1 System Overview 1.04.00 12.00 Edition 1-15 . 1-3 EFP 1) Distribution board (DSB) Do not exceed maximum configuration !! SINUMERIK 810D connection configuration for PLC I/Os and NCU terminal block  Siemens AG 2000.1 System configuration SIMATIC S7-300 I/Os X2 PS IM SMs SIMATIC S7-300 IM connecting cable 8 CCU1/2 8 Single I/O module (EFP) 1) 8 Shielded connecting cable Drive bus lead 7 9 9 Terminal block EFP Terminator Fig. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved. Designation 1 6FX2 002–4EA0V–1VV0 1) MPI bus lead from operator panel to MCP and CCU1/2 2 6ES7 901-0BF00-0AA0 MPI bus lead from distribution box (HHU) to CCU1/2 3 6FX2 002–4AA21–1VV0 1) Connecting lead from distribution box to cable distributor on the CCU1/2 (for handwheel pulses from HHU) 4 Included in the scope of supply of the PG740 MPI bus lead to PG 5 6FX2 002-4AA41-1AB0 Sensor connecting lead to cable distributor. for connection of device and drive buses 11 6FX2003-0DA00-0AA0 Terminator for drive bus (only when a drive bus is used) 12 1) Ribbon cable to terminal strip converter 13 2) Motor encoder cable – incremental – absolute 14 6FX2002-2CG00-1AA0 6FX2002-2CH00-1AA0 Cable for connecting direct measuring systems to the CCU1/2 – incremental – absolute 15 2) Power leads for motor 16 1) Ribbon cable from HPU to distribution box Each cable has its own number. 1 S MMC MPI bus lead with cable no.12. You can find these numbers (1 to 16) in the above diagrams.00 Edition .1 System configuration Connecting leads Table 1-2 The following connecting leads are used on the SINUMERIK 810D Connecting cables for the SINUMERIK 810D No. 2  Siemens AG 2000. 2 S MCP MPI bus lead with cable no. see References: 2) see References: MMC. length: 5 m 6 6FX2 002–4AA21–1VV0 1) Connecting lead for electronic handwheel to cable distributor on CCU1/2 7 6FX2 002-1CB01-1AB0 Drive bus lead (1 m) to connecting up the NCU terminal block 8 6ES7 368–3VVV0–0AA0 1) Connecting lead for Step7-300 I/Os (IM361 or single I/O module) 9 6FC5 411-0AA80-0AA0 Shielded connecting lead for single-tier installation with several single I/O modules 10 6FC5 412-0FA80-0AA0 Cable set for external SIMODRIVE 611 closed-loop control. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 1) For length code. MCP and HPU There are 4 possible variants: 1-16 /Z/ Catalog NC Z /PJ2/SIMODRIVE Planning Guide S HPU without MMC/MCP S MMC + MCP MPI bus lead with cable no. Order no. All rights reserved.95 1 System Overview 1.97 12. Plug-in axis extension units are designed for 1-axis and 2-axis power modules. 1-4 Power section 10 Axis extension on a SINUMERIK 810D with SIMODRIVE 611D closed-loop control  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. The plug-in unit is supplied with all necessary ribbon cables. There are two possible expansion methods.95 Axis extension feature on 810D 1 System Overview 1. The unit is plugged into a SIMODRIVE 611 power module.1 System configuration The SINUMERIK 810D can be expanded up to five drives (see below for SW 3. 1-4) The appropriate axis expansion method is primarily determined by the number of measuring channels required. further channels can be connected by installing SIMODRIVE 611 closed-loop control units in the SIMODRIVE 611 power modules (connected via drive bus with drive bus terminator). it may be necessary to connect the NCU terminal block to the free drive bus connector on the 611D control. Drive bus Device bus 611D closed-loop control unit Bus terminator SIEMENS SIMODRIVE Mains Supply (I/RF or OI) 810D Cable set Fig. When 611D closedloop control modules are used.00 Edition 1-17 . Plug-in axis extension unit Plug-in axis extension units are used whenever a maximum of six measuring channels are needed on the SINUMERIK 810D. Axis extension via closed-loop control units If an application requires more than the six standard measuring channels on the SINUMERIK 810D.96 12. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. i.07.e.1) by an axis extension feature. either a plug-in axis extension unit and SIMODRIVE 611 power module connected at the axis extension terminal or SIMODRIVE 611D closed-loop control plug-in unit with SIMODRIVE 611 power module connected to the drive bus/unit bus (see Fig. 2 and later. With SW 3.04. 1-18  Siemens AG 2000. Combinations With SW version 3.00 Edition .99 and later: 150 mm). S The DC link busbar on the 810D has an effective load capability of 120 A (07.1 System configuration Power modules Axis extension units can be connected to 1-axis or 2-axis power modules. 2-axis power modules are suitable for both axes and spindles. If the spindle is to be operated on the internal power module.1 and earlier. Power modules must always be installed on the right of the SINUMERIK 810D modules. it is not possible to combine the two methods of axis extension. In this case. Table 1-3 Possible combinations for 1–5 drives on the SINUMERIK 810D Number of drives Internal drives 1 x 18/36A (FDD) or 24/32A (MSD) 2 x 6/12A Drives provided by axis extension 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 2 3 0 2 1 1 2 0 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 4 5 Restrictions S Mains Supply:  55 kW (07. the 6th axis is a combination. S The ribbon cable on the plug-in axis extension unit is long enough for a module width of 100 mm (07. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. S The length of the cable set for the plug-in axis expansion with 611D closedloop control unit is: 62 mm for the drive bus and 150 mm for the device bus. then it must be connected to the 24A/32A power section (A1).00 12.99 and later: 200 A). The number of drives is limited to five.95 1 System Overview 1. All rights reserved.99 and later: 120 kW). Configurations from 1 to 5 drives can be obtained by many combinations. the number of axes is limited to 6. ISA adapter.01 ABC Component name: SINUMERIK 810D Power section module 2x15A+1x50A MLFB: 6FC5447-0AA00-0AA0 Product status: A (last cross) SINUMERIK 810D Power section module 2x15A + 1x50A 6FC5 447-0AA00-0AA0 Made in Germany A B  Siemens AG 2000.9001.2 Markings and labels If you have any technical queries or require servicing assistance. 570 038. please have all the rating plate data available when you contact your local Siemens sales office.9001.9001.00 Product version: B (last cross) SIEMENS A B C D E 570 573.00 OP.570 038.95 1.570039.570039. MMC.9001.01 6FC5410Ć0AA00Ć0AA0 Example: GE.00 Edition C 1-19 .9001.2 Markings and labels 12. PCMCIA Example: Component name: OP 031 MLFB (order number): 6FC5203-0BA10-0AA0 Component number: GE.00 A B C CCU1 plug-in unit CCU1 CCU box Example: Component name: CCU1 MLFB: 6FC5410-0AA00-0AA0 Component number: GE.00 OP 031 6FC5203Ć0BA10Ć0AA0 GE.1 System Overview 1. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved. HD.9001. One of the following labels will be attached to the components and modules: Screen printing on PCBs Example: Component number: 570 573. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. Before you touch a PCB. ground contact of outlet). touch a conductive.95 ESDS symbol Warning Printed circuit boards contain components which can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge.2 Markings and labels 12. All rights reserved.g. make sure that your own body has been electrostatically discharged. J 1-20  Siemens AG 2000. To discharge your body. grounded object (e.00 Edition . the unpainted metal parts of the switching cabinet.1 System Overview 1. 1 2 Ambient conditions Compliance with connection conditions The 810D numerical control system is checked for compliance with the ambient conditions listed below. /EMC/. Fault-free operation can be guaranteed only if S these ambient conditions are satisfied in operation and during transportation.95 Connection Conditions 2.1 Ambient conditions 12. If you require further support and advice. This applies in particular to the use of specified cables and connectors. Additional information References: Support and advice The relevant connection conditions must be satisfied in the overall plant installation. The system must not be started up until conformity with the standards specified in Directive 89/392/EEC has been verified. please contact your Siemens sales partner.00 Edition 2-21 . S original components and spare parts are used. S the equipment is installed correctly to specification. Description  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved.2 Connection Conditions 2. Note The operator must assess the interference radiation in relation to the whole plant. For support and advice. EN 55022 (with limit value class B only) Table 2-1 Limit values of emitted interference Limit value according to Cable-conducted RI suppression Limit value class A for industrial applications Interference radiation Limit value class A for industrial applications To information about satisfying limit value class B (residential areas). EN 61000-4-2. 2-22  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. please contact your local Siemens sales office.00 12.00 Edition . Interference immunity Applicable standards: Table 2-2 ENV 50140. Note The emitted interference and interference immunity are determined by the whole plant. ENV 50141. As a result. EN 61000-4-4 Extract defining interference immunity according to EN 50082-2 Limit value  2 kV Cable-conducted interference (power supply and signal leads via coupling networks or clamp) EN 61000-4-4 Test voltage: Static discharge (via air gap) EN 61000-4-2 Test voltage on user interface: Test voltage on device: Test voltage on device: Test duration: Radiated radio frequency fields EN 50140 Test field strength: Frequency: 12 kV  4 kV (contact)  8 kV (air)  10 discharges at 1 discharge/s 10V/m 80–1000 MHz For a complete list of limit values to be applied. EN 61000-4-8. All rights reserved. the control system must be installed in the overall plant in compliance with the EMC Directive and the appendix containing the Declaration of Conformity.1 10. please contact your Siemens sales partner.95 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Emitted interference Applicable standards: EN 55011.1. Special attention must be paid to cabling. ENV 50204. please refer to Generic Norm EN 50082-2.2 Connection Conditions 2.1 Ambient conditions 2. l. All rights reserved. Table 2-3 Ambient climatic conditions Temperature range Lower limit temperature See Section 2.98 12. Part 2-27) Frequency range 10–58 Hz betw.1.5°C/500m. At greater altitudes the upper limit temperature must be reduced by 3.1.95 2.9 Permissible change in relative air humidity EN 60721-3-3. then a heat exchanger or air-conditioning unit must be provided. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.2 2 Connection Conditions 2.1 % Condensation Not permissible Temperature change Within 1 minute max. test Ea acc.9 Upper limit temperature See Section 2. 58–500 Hz Const. 0.12. IEC 68-2-2.2 K Within three minutes 1K At site altitudes of up to 1500 m above s. deflection 0.1 Ambient conditions Ambient climatic and mechanical conditions in operation Applicable standards IEC 68-2-1. IEC 68-2-3. to IEC 68.8 m/s2 Acceleration 15 g Acceleration for screen units 2g Duration of nominal shock 11 ms / 30 ms for drives Acceleration for drive components 0.075 mm Ampl. of acceleration 9.00 Edition 2-23 . 860 hPa to 1080 hPa Air pressure Table 2-4 Ambient mechanical conditions Vibrational stressing (to IEC 68-2-6) Shock stressing (Test Group E.5 g  Siemens AG 2000. EN 60721 Ambient climatic conditions If the specified values cannot be guaranteed.1. Class 3K5 Within 1 minute max. 0. ! 2-24 Warning Improper handling of backup batteries can cause them to ignite.1. of acceleration 10 m/s2 Backup batteries must always be transported in their original packaging.95 Shipment and storage conditions Applicable standards IEC 68-2-1. deflection 3.2 Connection Conditions 2.l. to IEC 68-2-6) Frequency range 5–9 Hz betw.: 10 Briefest sequence of condensation cycles 1 day Temperature change Within one hour 20 K Air pressure The specified values correspond to a shipment altitude of 3265 m above s. IEC 68-2-2.9 Dewpoint temperature td Annual average and relative air humidity U U = 75%. period of condensation 3 hours Frequency of condensation Annual average: 3 / max. No special approval needs to be obtained to transport backup batteries. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. slight The following cases can apply simultaneously as regards condensation: Max. The lithium content is approximately 300 mg. Note: The backup battery belongs to Dangerous Materials Class 9 according to air freight haulage regulations. td = 20°C Condensation Rare. td = 17°C On 30 days (24 hours) in the year (days distributed over annual period) U = 95%. td = 24°C On 30 days (24 hours) in the year (days distributed over annual period) U = 85%.9 Upper limit temperature See Section 2.1. brief. 660 hPa to 1080 hPa Table 2-6 Mechanical conditions for shipment in original packaging Vibrational stressing (acc. explode or combust!  Siemens AG 2000. 9–500 Hz Transport of backup batteries Const. IEC 68-2-3 Modules in original packaging The following data apply to modules in original packaging: Table 2-5 Climatic conditions Temperature range Lower limit temperature See Section 2.3 12.00 Edition .1.5 mm Ampl. All rights reserved.1 Ambient conditions 2. 95 2 Connection Conditions 2.4 The hard disk unit on the MMC is fitted with shock absorbers. Nevertheless.00 Edition 2-25 . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. S The disk support springs must not be adjusted! Stressing by pollutant contamination Applicable standards DIN 40046.00 12. All rights reserved. S and must not be removed from the mechanical casing in which it is supplied.1 Ambient conditions Rules for handling backup batteries The following regulations must be adhered to: Backup batteries must not be S charged S heated up or burned S drilled into or crushed S manipulated in any other way.3 cm3/m3 Temperature 25 °C "2 °C Relative air humidity 75% "5% Test duration 4 days Severity 1 cm3/m3 "0. S must not be thrown or subjected to other shocks.  Siemens AG 2000. either mechanically or electrically! Rules for handling the MMC 103 ! 2.04.1. the following rules must be applied when handling the unit: Important The hard disk unit S must always be transported in its original packaging. Parts 36 and 37 Table 2-7 Gases which may impair operation Sulphur dioxide (SO2) Test conditions: Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Test conditions: Dust which may impair operation Severity 10 cm3/m3 "0. it must be installed in a cubicle with a heat exchanger or with adequate cooling air supply.3 cm3/m3 Temperature 25 °C "2 °C Relative air humidity 75% "5% Test duration 4 days If the control is to be operated in areas where its function may be impaired by dust. Configuring the 810D power consumption The EP and AP points for the power section modules are valid only in combination with the SINUMERIK 810D (axis extension).1  Siemens AG 2000.96 12.x configuration program.1 See Catalog NC 60.0 Power section module > 80A. To facilitate the power calculation.5 EnDat encoder 0 0.5 Power section module > 50A  80A 0. This must not exceed the power supplied by the power supply module.75 1. main spindle modules).3 Power section module  50A 0. No provision is made for connecting a supply voltage in any other way and any attempt to do so could damage the equipment. For information about electrical connection conditions of mains supply modules as well as typical circuits.1 apply.5 07.2 Connection Conditions 2. The sum of the products must not be greater than specified on the data sheet of the power supply module. technical data and setting options. When SIMODRIVE 611D modules with plug-in closed-loop control are used. SimoPro V5. please refer to References: Connection and power loss calculations for the 810D /PJ2/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide The 810D is integrated as a compact module into the SIMODRIVE module network (power supply or mains supply module. The total power must be calculated for the total module network.6 0.1. Table 2-8 EP and AP points for 810D components Component Electronics points (EP) Control points (AP) 810D 2 4. feed modules.96 (to be notified via PRODOK).  120A 611D module MSD or FDD 2-26 1.00 Edition .5 1.1 and later) on any IBM-compatible PC. All rights reserved. the EP and AP points from Catalog NC60.1 Ambient conditions 2. The version which also supports the SINUMERIK 810D is available from approximately 10. useful information can be found in References: /SP/. The SimoPro program can run under MS WINDOWS (3. For assistance in configuring the 611D/611A system.95 Power supply Mains connection 810D / SIMODRIVE 810D and SIMODRIVE components are supplied via the device bus and the DC link busbar from the SIMODRIVE mains supply module. The power supply is connected via the device bus. each module has 2 weighting factors that specify the power requirement of the module (electronics points EP and control points AP). SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. Planning Guide.5 See Catalog NC 60. Note The data of the SIMODRIVE components can be found in References: /PJ1/. These must be entered in the table below in order to form the product weighting factor  number of modules. 5 1 0.50 MMC.3 2 0. MCP and I/Os require an external 24 V DC supply.6 LTM 50A 0. Warning ! S The DC supply is always referred to ground and must not be generated by means of an autotransformer.6  16. S In order to ensure safe electrical separation of the user interface. to DIN VDE 0160 10% Transient overvoltages S S S S  35 V Brief voltage dips Magnitude of overvoltage Period of overvoltage Recovery time Events per hour S Period of voltage dips S Recovery time S Events per hour  Siemens AG 2000. to IEC 65A (Co) 22-I 24 V DC S Voltage range (mean value) S Voltage ripple at rated voltage 20.95 Table 2-9 Example of how to calculate the supply power 4 axes / 1 spindle for 810D Electronics points (EP) Module Weighting factor for single module Number of modules Control points (AP) Product Weighting factor for single module Number of modules Product 810D 2 1 2 4.6 0.75 1 0.2 Connection Conditions 2.35  7.5 With16 kW I/RF unit Power supply for MMC/MCP/I/Os 1 Sum of products With16 kW I/RF unit 1 6. Table 2-10 Requirements of the DC supply Rated voltage acc.8.00 Edition  500 ms  50 s  10  5 ms  10 s  10 2-27 .6 V and rated current peak/peak S Runup time after Power ON any Harmonic content acc. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.8 V DC 3.5 1 4.4 V DC to 28.5 EnDat encoder 0 2 0 0. the DC supply must be protectively separated.1.6 1 0.75 1 Sum of products 3.1 Ambient conditions 12. All rights reserved. See Section 2.5 LTM 80A 0. A=10mm2 Fig. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. EMC Guidelines CCU Power electronics Drive electronics Distribution box Machine MMC control panel PA PA PA PE in motor cable MB PLC I/Os NCU terminal block E M PA PA PA PA Machine base Earthing bar Central earthing bar Large-area conductive connection with earthed housing Equipotential bonding conductor ( 30cm) to earthed housing.96 12.6 07. 2-1 2-28 MB: Shielded signal cable with ground reference M: Motor E: Encoder Cross-sections (mm2) 10 PA: Equipotential bonding conductor PE minimum Mains connection S PE: PE conductor S: Mains connection S  16 16 < S  35 S > 35 S 16 S/ 2 Earthing concept  Siemens AG 2000.95 Earthing concept The 810D system consists of a number of individual components. each of which complies with the EMC and safety regulations in its own right. It must be possible to create a low-impedance contact around the bolts between the CCU box and the cubicle wall. References: ÏÏÏÏ ÏÏÏÏ Operator panel /EMV/.1 Ambient conditions 2. The contact point must be kept free of corrosion.00 Edition . The electronics grounds of the modules must be interconnected via the device and drive buses and taken to terminal X131 on the mains infeed module as well. All rights reserved.2 Connection Conditions 2.1. CCU box and SIMODRIVE components are bolted to a metallic cubicle wall. Insulating paint must be removed wherever possible. These measures include shielded signal cables. The external device must also be connected to the control system via an equipotential bonding conductor.). S The largest possible clearance must be left between signal and load cables. +24 V DC etc. power section. etc. machine). EMC Guidelines The following EMC measures must be implemented to ensure the greatest possible interference immunity of the overall installation (control system. If it is impossible to avoid using them in operation.) – Supply cables for contactors (primary and secondary circuits) References: Assembly guidelines /EMV/.1. programming devices. However. special supplementary measures for ensuring reliable. S Signal and load cables may cross one another (if possible. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.g. at an angle of 90°).) – Data cables (MPI. Filter modules Line filters for RI suppression according to CE Standard.00 Edition 2-29 . fault-free operation of the installation must be implemented. external devices of this type must not be connected to the control system in normal operation. their cable shields must be connected at both ends.) – Binary inputs and outputs – Emergency Stop cables – Motor and power cables S Load cables (e.95 2. fault-free operation of the plant. sensor cables.) – Low-voltage supply cables (230 V AC.1 Ambient conditions 12. etc. the cables specified in individual circuit diagrams must be used (shield connected at both ends).g.7 RI suppression measures In addition to the protective earthing of the plant components in accordance with VDE. but must never be laid in close proximity to one another or parallel. Note If external devices are connected (printers. Shielded signal cables To ensure reliable. All rights reserved.  Siemens AG 2000. special equipotential bonding and ground connections. see References: Cable definitions /PJ2/ SIMODRIVE 611D Planning Guide Definition: S Signal cables (e.2 Connection Conditions 2. it is permissible to use standard cables with shield connection at one end. e. X351. S If signal cables cannot be effectively separated from interference sources. i.g.95 S Only cables supplied by SIEMENS may be used as the signal cables from and to the NC or PLC. X342. for which no tools or ancillary equipment are required. They are not protectively separated. maintenance and start-up purposes. Important For further information about suppression measures and connecting shielded cables. motors and transformers).1 Ambient conditions 07. EMC Guidelines Protective separation User interfaces and interfaces for servicing.00 Edition . X352 Function DAC test sockets for analog signals  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.8 /EMV/. start-up and maintenance form part of the overall system. they must be installed in shielding cable ducts (metal). S The distance (interference coupling surface) between the following cables must be as short as possible: ! – Signal cable and signal cable – Signal cable and associated equipotential bonding conductor – Equipotential bonding conductor and accompanying PE conductor.2 Connection Conditions 2.96 12. please see References: 2.1. All rights reserved. S Signal cables must not be laid close to strong permanent–magnetic fields (e. These user interfaces are designed in accordance with EN 60204-1 and DIN VDE 0160 to be protectively separated. Interfaces for servicing/Start-up/ Maintenance These interfaces are provided solely for servicing. Table 2-11 Service interfaces Component 810D CCU module 2-30 Interface designation X341. User interfaces (UI) The term “UI” refers to all interfaces which are freely accessible to the machine operator. Power may not be supplied by other devices.. 25 W Max.55 1600 Front panel: IP 20 50 x 374 x 153 1700 IP 20 –20.1..60 0.3 A 12 A 1 NCU terminal block 24 V for logics supply.. 24 V for load supply... load supply direct to the DMP module 0.. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10... All rights reserved....04.5 A 1 Distribution board (DSB) 24 V for logics supply 24 V for load supply 1A 2A 1  Siemens AG 2000.55 Distribution board (DSB) 150 x 440 x 268 1700 IP 20 –20... Single I/O module (EFP) 24 V for logics supply.55 –40..4 x 36.95 2.70 Table 2-13 Electrical data Components Line voltage and tolerance Max..55 NCU terminal block 257 x 89.9 2 Connection Conditions 2. current Protect...60 0.1 Ambient conditions Technical data of individual components ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Table 2-12 Mechanical data and temperature ranges Weight approx. power loss at rated voltage – – Approx... 350 W Internal/external/total 69/ 111 / 180 W CCU box 3 axes 2 axes Approx. class DIN VDE 0160 See table 2-9 1 See Table 2-9 1 CCU Power supply via SIMODRIVE 611 mains supply (I/RF or OI module).00 12.60 0.60 0..00 Edition 30. in g Degree of protection to DIN 40050 Temperature ranges Operation or storage/transport in °C 150 x 490 x 268 Internal cooling Internal and external cooling 150 x 307 x 220 9800 IP 20 0.2 W 30 W 2-31 .1 500 IP 00 –20.55 Component CCU box 3 axes 2 axes CCU (Compact Control Unit) Single I/O module (EFP) Dimensions Width x height x depth in mm –20. 0. 2 Connection Conditions 2.1 Ambient conditions 2.1.10 12.95 MPI connecting cable MPI connecting cables are available in different lengths. They can be used to make the following connections: S CCU to operator panel S Operator panel to MCP S PLC (S7) to PG740 S CCU to handheld unit via distribution box You can use the MPI connecting cable to link one node to the next by inserting the MPI connector on the outgoing cable in the MPI connector of the incoming cable. Cables with switchable terminating resistor Switch on the terminating resistor in the MPI connector of the first and last nodes. Switch off the resistors on all other nodes. 46 46 O O N N 55 Off Fig. 2-2 On MPI connector References: 2-32 Terminating resistor /Z/, Accessories and Equipment for Special-Purpose Machines  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 08.99 12.95 2.2 2 Connection Conditions 2.2 MPI/OPI networking rules MPI/OPI networking rules The following basic rules governing network installations must be observed: 1. The bus line must be terminated at both ends. To do this, switch on the terminating resistor in the MPI connector on the first and last nodes and all others off. Note S Only two terminators may be switched on. S Bus terminating resistors are integral components of the HHU and HPU. 2. At least 1 terminator must be supplied with a 5V voltage. This supply can be provided by connecting the MPI connector with active terminating resistor to a unit that is switched on. Note The NC unit is best suited for this purpose. 3. Spur lines (supply cable from bus segment to node) should be kept as short as possible. Note Unused spur lines should be removed if possible. 4. Each MPI node must be connected up first, and then activated. If you wish to disconnect a node, you must deactivate the link first and then remove the connector. 5. One HHU and one HPU or two HHUs or two HPUs can be connected to each bus segment. No bus terminators may be inserted in the distribution boxes of an HHU or HPU. If necessary, an intermediate repeater can be inserted to connect more than one HHU/HPU to a bus segment. 6. The following cable lengths for MPI or OPI for standard application without repeater must not be exceeded: MPI (187.5 kbaud): Max. cable length in total 1000 m OPI (1.5 Mbaud): Max. cable length in total 200 m J  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 2-33 2 Connection Conditions 2.2 MPI/OPI networking rules 04.00 12.95 Notes 2-34  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 98 12. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.1 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D Design and Assembly of the 810D Control 3.1 3 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D The SINUMERIK 810D comprises three components: CCU module Fig. 2-axis CCU box with external and internal cooling (metal casing with 2 integrated power sections for holding the CCU module).95 3 Design and Assembly 3. CCU module (Compact Control Unit).12. 3-1 3-axis CCU box 2-axis CCU box Components of the SINUMERIK 810D 1. Conversion: Unscrew mounting bracket using a screwdriver (Torx for M6) and mount the 4 grounding springs (see assembly instructions)  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition 3-35 . 2. Delivery state: Internal cooling. 3-axis CCU box (metal casing with 3 integrated power sections for holding the CCU module) with internal cooling 3. connect the DC link bars of the mains supply unit and the CCU box and. All rights reserved. To do this. It should be mounted by means of 4 M5 screws. Remove the plastic cover over the DC link busbars.2 Installing the SINUMERIK 810D 3. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. Installing the CCU box The CCU box is installed on the right of the mains supply module. Using two M4 screws. if applicable. Plug-in axis extension unit SIEMENS SIMODRIVE Mains Supply (I/RF or OI) Fig. 3. 3-2 3-36 810D Power section Plug-in axis extension unit with SIMODRIVE 611 power modules  Siemens AG 2000. loosen it by inserting a flat screwdriver in the recess on the top edge and then fold it down forwards.3 Design and Assembly 3. Check that all DC link connecting screws are correctly positioned.2 07. Replace the cover so that the plastic lugs are resting in the correct recesses and then close the DC link by swinging the cover backwards until the latch on the top engages correctly.95 Installing the SINUMERIK 810D Preparations for assembly You will need the following tools to install the SINUMERIK 810D: S Screwdriver for slotted screw sizes 0 and 1 S Screwdriver for Torx screws M4 and M5 Position within the overall system The CCU box must be installed directly on the right of the SIMODRIVE mains supply module.00 Edition . the next module. 2.96 12. 1. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved.2 Installing the SINUMERIK 810D 12.3 Design and Assembly 3. Place the CCU module on the guide rails in the CCU box and secure You must tighten the slotted screws (1) (see Fig.00 Edition 3-37 . Connect up the battery on the CCU module 2. 3-3 Assembling the SINUMERIK 810D  Siemens AG 2000. CCU box CCU 1 Battery DC-link busbars 1 PE conductor terminal Fig. 3-3) in order to guarantee vibration resistance and compliance with EMC regulations.95 Installing the CCU Installation sequence: 1. Approx. The specified screw tightening torque must be observed. 5.1. Mounting the shielding plate The shielding plate is attached to the bottom of the 2-axis CCU box by means of 3 screws. see Fig.6. 3. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 466 Please observe the following tightening torques for module assembly screws !! M3 : 0.2 Installing the SINUMERIK 810D Assembly info 12. 3-4 25 Equipotential bonding terminal Dimension drawing of 3-axis CCU box  Siemens AG 2000. see Section 2. All rights reserved. Extra mounting depth is needed to fit connectors. The shields of the motor cables must be connected once the shielding plate is installed.8 Nm M4 : 1.8 Nm M5 : 3 Nm M6 : 6 Nm 480 Free space for cooling air 80 mm 443 130 80 Additional connection option for shield support M5x10 Motor terminal A3 A2 A1 80 120 Free space for cooling air 80 mm Shielding plate 3-38 100 150 288 Fig.95 Please observe the following points when installing the SINUMERIK 810D: 1.3 Design and Assembly 3.00 Edition . All the screws on the DC-link busbars must be tightened. The tube clip for the shield connection is included in the scope of supply of the pre-assembled SIEMENS motor connecting cable. 6. for 2-axis CCU box.98 12. Mounting the shielding plate). The shielding plate is supplied with the box. The equipotential bonding conductor must be connected on each motor 4. 80 mm of free space for cooling air at top and bottom 2. 5x8 Combi–screw M5x10 Tube clamp for shield (included in the scope of supply of our pre-assembled Siemens motor cable) e.2 150 120 8 ± 0.95 3 Design and Assembly 3. 3-5 Support point for cable shields (e.1 90 80 20 M4 57 77 110 232 289 Free space for cooling air Shielding plate X Screw M2.2 100 ± 0.00 Edition 3-39 .12.8 Nm M5 : 3 Nm M6 : 6 Nm 443 466 ± 0.2 149.g.8 Nm M4 : 1.98 12.5 ± 0.:++49-6181-403-0 Fax: ++49-6181-403-210 Shield connecting bus MLFB: 6SN1162-0FA00-0AA0 Caution! The shield support does not provide for cable strain relief Fig. O. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.1 5) Seal X Please observe the following tightening torques for module assembly screws !! M3 : 0.8 ± 0.7 ± 0. Box 1149 Tel.2 Installing the SINUMERIK 810D Free space for cooling air 80 24.2 130 ± 6 0.2 100 ± 0. control lead for function terminals) Dimension drawing of 2-axis CCU box  Siemens AG 2000.3 480 Heat sink M3 24. All rights reserved.g. made by Rasmussen GmbH D–63461 Maintal P. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved.00 Edition . 3-6 3.3 Design and Assembly 3.1 2-axis CCU box: Shielding plate assembly Conversion for external cooling.98 12.2. 3-7 3-40 2-axis CCU box: Conversion for external cooling  Siemens AG 2000. 2-axis CCU box (SW 5 and later) Conversion for external cooling Undo M6 screws and remove bracket Fit the grounding springs (packed in flat bag) Undo M6 screws and remove bracket Fit the grounding springs (packed in flat bag) Fig.95 Shielding plate assembly Fig.2 Installing the SINUMERIK 810D 12. 08 Order No.12.: 1788 347 *included in scope of supply of SIEMENS motor cable Fig.95 3 Design and Assembly 3. 3-8 Connection of motor and encoder cables (3-axis CCU box)  Siemens AG 2000.: 1863 631 Type: MVSTBU 2.2 Installing the SINUMERIK 810D A1 A2 A3 Equipotential bonding terminal Equipotential bonding terminal Á Á ÁÁ Á ÁÁÁ Option for fitting plug-in connector for motor brake Shielding plate Tube clamp Shield terminal Motor cables Connector type for connection* motor brake: PHÖNIX Type: MSTB 2.5/2-STF-5.08-BD1-2SO Order No. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 3-41 .98 12.5/2-GFB-5. All rights reserved. I/RF 16 kW.00 Edition . The OI module is installed as the first module on the left in the drive configuration. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. during braking) can be returned to the system.99: 120 kW) S SIMODRIVE filter modules or commutating reactor Note The mains supply and filter modules/reactors are described in the Planning Guide 6SN1 197-0AA00 (setting options. I/RF 36 kW. OI modules discharge the braking energy via a pulsed resistor. Line filters must be fitted to ensure compliance with EMC regulations stipulated by the CE Standard. Terminals 72. Terminals 72 and 73 are closed in the error-free status. ! Warning Hazardous voltage is still present for at least 5 minutes after all voltage sources have been disconnected.3 12.95 Mains Supply (MS) Mains Supply (MS) are available as a closed-loop-control infeed/regenerative feedback module or as an open-loop-control infeed module (OI). Permissible modules S Mains Supply: OI 5 kW. technical data.g. typical circuits). 73.3 Mains Supply (MS) 3. OI 10 kW. J 3-42  Siemens AG 2000. OI 28 kW. They supply the required operating voltages and power for the relevant system in a variety of rating classes. 74 “Ready to run” signal from NC and drive. With I/RF modules. I/RF 55 kW (from 07. excess DC link current (e.3 Design and Assembly 3. It has 6 measuring channels and can digitally control up to 5 drives (5 x FDD or 4 x FDD and 1 x MSD).99 and later) Basic housing with fan for holding the CCU1/2 module with 2 integrated power sections. PCMCIA card (NC card) 6th axis (SW 3. 3-axis CCU box Basic housing with fan for holding the CCU1/2 module with 3 integrated power sections. these can be freely assigned as direct measuring channels.x and earlier: The system software for the SINUMERIK 810D is stored on an internal Flash EPROM and included in the standard scope of supply. If there are any measuring channels left spare on the basic unit after connection of the drives. PLC. The PCMCIA card need only be used when the software is upgraded. the CCU1 is capable of operating a 6th axis. 1x18A/36A (FDD) or 24A/32A (MSD) and 2x6A/12A (FDD).or 2-axis closed-loop control unit) with or without a direct measuring system (DMS). 2-axis CCU box (02.8. The SINUMERIK 810D is operated on the SIMODRIVE 611 mains supply module (OI or I/RF modules). In addition to SW upgrades. Each drive requires its own measuring channel for the motor measuring system. the PCMCIA card can also be used as a storage medium for series start-up processes.  Siemens AG 2000. the drive is controlled by the 611D module. 9A/18A (FDD). SW 2.2 and later.1 4 Components of the SINUMERIK 810D The SINUMERIK 810D is designed to be compatible with the modular SIMODRIVE 611 digital product range.2 and later) SW 3 and later: The NC card containing the system software must be left in the appropriate slot during operation. CCU1 / CCU2 module The CCU (Compact Control Unit) module on the SINUMERIK 810D performs all CNC. and a slot for the CCU1/2 module (internal and external cooling).08. and a slot for the CCU1/2 module (internal cooling). In this case. for the spindle. e.00 Edition 4-43 .95 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved. communications and closed-loop control tasks.1 Components of the SINUMERIK 810D Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.g. Additional measuring channels can be provided by means of a 611D closedloop control module (1.99 12. see Section 4. see References: /IAC/ 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide With SW 3. Any unused measuring channels can be assigned freely by the user. 08. weight compensation S Speed controller I component cannot be switched S Only one power and one torque limit 4-44  Siemens AG 2000.1 Components of the SINUMERIK 810D Closed-loop control Restrictions vis-à-vis 611D standard closed-loop control The closed-loop control is identical to the 611D standard closed-loop control with the following restrictions: S No star/delta switchover S No operation under V/Hz control S No speed setpoint filter switching via PLC S No parking axis S No variable signalling functions S No torque feedforward control.99 12.00 Edition . All rights reserved.95 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. . sensor) S MPI interface for operator panel. The identification run is carried out every time the system runs up.00 Edition 4-45 . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. incremental/absolute with EnDat interface ) S 3 axis extension terminals for up to 3 ext.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D 4.  Siemens AG 2000. . status.12. 1VPP. zero marker (spindle) S Indicators for error.1 Overview of interfaces on CCU1/CCU2 Brief description of interfaces The interfaces on the CCU1/CCU2 modules are as follows: S Optical encoders (max. booting S Operator elements for start-up.. group pulse enable for all 5 drives S Starting lockout terminals AS1. travel motions of <5 mechanical degrees are not exceeded.98 12.2. optimum torque utilization is supported by automatic identification processes. programming device. All rights reserved.95 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. In this case.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D 4. 6 measuring systems for voltage raw signal encoders. S PLC I/O device bus (P/K bus) S Option: PROFIBUS DP on the CCU2 with SW 3 and later S Ext. power sections S Drive bus for axis extension with 611D modules and connection of NCU terminal block S PCMCIA slot S Onboard backup battery S Connection for cable distributor (handwheel. AS2 S BERO input for ext. general reset and reset S 3 test sockets for diagnostics S Device bus connection Note On 1FK6 motors with optical encoders. location of interfaces for control and display elements  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.99) PLC I/O device connection (P bus) Reserved Terminal block X431 7-segment display (H3) SIMODRIVE 611D drive bus Various error and status LEDs (H1/H2) PCMCIA slot RESET button (S1) NCK start-up switch (S3) Test sockets PLC start-up switch (S4) Axis extension connection X304–X306 Device bus interface X151 Fig. control and display elements I/O device interface (cable distributor) Measuring system connection X411–X416 MPI interface Profibus DP on CCU2 (from 06.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D Overview 12.4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.95 Location of interfaces.00 Edition . 4-1 4-46 SINUMERIK 810D. 04.00 12.95 4.2.2 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D Description of interfaces on the CCU1/CCU2 X102 (from 06.99, CCU2 only) PROFIBUS-DP interface Connector name: Connector type: Max. cable length: Special features: Table 4-1 X102 9-way subminiature D socket connector 200 m Electrical (safety) isolation 12 MB Pin assignment of connector X102 X102 Pin Name Type 1 Not assigned 2 M24ext VO 3 RS_PROFIBUSDP 4 5 Pin Name Type 6 VP VO 7 P24ext VO B 8 XRS_PROFIBUSDP B RTSAS_PROFIBUSDP O 9 RTSPG_PROFIBUSDP I DGND VO Signal names XRS_PROFIBUSDP, RS_PROFIBUSDP RTSAS_PROFIBUSDP RTSPG_PROFIBUSDP DGND VP P24ext, M24ext Differential RS485 data – PROFIBUSDP Request to Send AS – PROFIBUSDP Request to Send PG – PROFIBUSDP Signal ground, floating +5V, floating 24V supply voltage Signal type B O VO I X111 Bidirectional Output Voltage Output Input P bus (PLC I/O bus) Connection of S7–300 I/Os, single I/O module and distribution board Connector name: Connector type: Max. cable length: Special features: X111 25-way subminiature D socket connector 10 m Non-floating, no safety isolation X113/X114 Reserved X121 I/O device interface (cable distributor for handwheel and sensor)  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 4-47 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D 07.96 12.95 Connector name: Connector type: Max. cable length: Special features: X121 37-way subminiature D plug connector 25 m for all functions Non-floating handwheels For pin assignments, see Section 4.2.3. Cable distributor. X122 MPI interface (187.5 Kbaud) Connector name: Connector type: Max. cable length: Table 4-2 X122 9-way subminiature D socket connector 200 m Pin assignments of connector X122 X122 Pin Name 1 Not assigned Type Pin Name Type 6 P5EXT VO 2 M24EXT VO 7 P24EXT VO 3 RS_BTSS B 8 XRS_BTSS B 4 ORTSAS_BTSS O 9 IRTSPG_BTSS I 5 M5EXT VO Signal names RS_BTSS, XRS_BTSS ORTSAS_BTSS IRTSPG_BTSS M5EXT P5EXT P24EXT M24EXT Differential RS485 data – K bus from PLC Request to Send PLC – K bus from PLC Request to Send programming device – K bus from PLC Ground 5V 5V 24V Ground 24V Signal type B O VO I X130 Bidirectional Output Voltage Output Input SIMODRIVE 611D drive bus interface and I/O extension Connector name: Connector type: Max. cable length: Special features: X130 36-way Micro Ribbon 10 m Non-floating, no safety isolation X131 Reserved X151 Device bus interface (power supply) 4-48  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D 12.95 Connector name: Connector type: X304, X305, X306 X151 34-way ribbon cable connector, plug connector Connection for plug-in axis extension unit Connector name: Connector type: X341, X342, X351, X352 X304, X305, X306 20-way ribbon cable connector, plug connector Test sockets for the output of 3 analog signals. Measured values are assigned to the sockets via a software function. Connector name: Connector type: Table 4-3 X411–X416 X341, X342, X351, X352 Test socket 2 mm Assignment of test sockets X341 to X352 Test socket Location on CCU Meaning Range X351   DAC 1 0–5V X352   DAC 2 0–5V 0–5V X341   DAC 3 X342   Ground for all DACs 6-way measuring system connection for indirect and direct position sensing Connector name: X411–X416 Connector type: 25-way subminiature D plug connector Signals on a gray background are not required with direct measuring systems. Table 4-4 Pin assignment of measuring system connection X411–X416 X411–X416 Pin Name Type Pin Name 1 PENC1/2 VO 14 PENC1/2 2 M M 15 ENCDATi 3 APi I 16 M 4 ANi I 17 RPi I 5 M V 18 RNi I 6 BPi I 19 CPi I 7 BNi I 20 CNi I 8 M V 21 DPi I 9 Not assigned 22 DNi I 10 ENCCLK 23 XENCDATi B 11 Not assigned 24 M V  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition O Type B 4-49 2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D Table 4-4 12. S EQN 1325:  18 m S ERN 1387:  25 m S External encoder with power consumption  300 mA: X431 4-50  18 m Terminal block for the connection of starting lockout.95 Pin assignment of measuring system connection X411–X416 X411–X416 12 XENCCLK O 13 THMOTi I 25 THMOTCOM I Signal names PENC1/2 APi ANi BPi BNi CPi CNi DPi DNi RPi RNi ENCCLK XENCCLK ENCDATi XENCDATi THMOTi THMOTCOM Encoder power supply (PENC1: X411–X413. the encoder cable length is limited.4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. pulse enable (all drives) and external zero marker (BERO)  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition . As a result. PENC2: X414–X416) Incremental signal A Incremental signal A Incremental signal B Incremental signal B Incremental signal C (not with direct measuring system) Incremental signal C (not with direct measuring system) Incremental sign D (not with direct measuring system) Incremental signal D (not with direct measuring system) Incremental signal R Incremental signal R Clock signal Clock signal Data signal Data signal Motor temperature (not with direct measuring system) Motor temperature (not with direct measuring system) Signal type B O O VO V M Bidirectional Input Output Voltage Output Voltage Logic reference potential ground Note The encoder power supply is not stabilized which means “no remote/sense” mode. 5 mm2 9 Enabling potential +24 V. the control pulses are disabled and the drive torque is cut off.663) 1. When it opens.4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. Terminal 663 switches the “Starting lockout” relay.5 mm2 B Input for external zero marker (BERO) 1.5 mm2 663 Pulse enable for all drives (FDD and MSD).5 mm2  Siemens AG 2000.663) 1. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.95 Table 4-5 Terminal signals drive X431 Terminal Function Cross-section AS1 Starting lockout relay (checkback at term. All rights reserved. reference terminal is term. 19 1.5 mm2 19 Reference ground for enabling potential 1.5 mm2 AS2 Starting lockout relay (checkback at term. 1.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D 12.00 Edition 4-51 . CB: Lights up if data are being transferred via the MPI interface..2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D Control and display elements 07.7: Reserved Rotary switch PLC mode selector switch Position 0: PLC-RUN Position 1: PLC-RUN-P Position 2: PLC-STOP Position 3: MRES S4 Green LED LEDs (lefthand row) Red LED Red LED Yellow LED LEDs (righthand row) H3 Green LED Red LED Red LED Yellow LED Yellow LED 7-segment +5V: Lights up when the supply voltage is within tolerance range. Software-backed output of test and diagnostic signals DAC test sockets Fig. NF: Lights up if the NCK or PLC watchdog has been triggered SF: Lights up in response to drive faults.95 The layout of the control and display elements on the module front panel can be seen in Fig.. Table 4-6 Designation Control and display elements on the CCU module Type Meaning RESET (S1) Button Initiates a HW RESET to reset the control system and drives followed by rebooting. Goes out after a system powerup in an error-free state. 4-2 4-52 DAC 1 DAC 2 DAC 3 Ground DAC test sockets on the CCU1/2 modules  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.96 12. PR: PS: PF: PFO: –: PLC-RUN state PLC-STOP state Lights up with PLC error PLC-FORCE state No function (lights up briefly during Reset).4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.00 Edition . All rights reserved. 4-1. S3 Rotary switch NCK start-up switch Position 0: Normal operation Position 1: NCK general reset Position 2: NCK SW update from memory card Positions 3. 04.00 12.95 4.2.3 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D Cable distributor Cable distributor (I/O device interface) X121 Interface X121 of the CCU1/CCU2 is split in the cable distributor into S two connections for differential handwheel, S two connections for measuring pulse input, in a maximum of seven individual cables. 90 Max. 2 cables for handwheel 6FX2002–4AA21–0jjj Max. 2 cables for sensor 6FX2002-4AA41-0jjj top 1 7 bottom Fig. 4-3 Cable distributor The cable distributor (37-way) consists of a connector jacket (SINUMERIK design) for a 37-way subminiature D plug connector with enlarged interior. Seven cable inputs are located on the rear side of the jacket. Cables must be connected to these as specified in Table 4-8. Attach the cable to connectors X1 to X10 in the open cable distributor and place the cable in the cable entry. The exposed shielding sheaths must be bonded over a large conductive area with the metallic contact surfaces, as shown in Fig. 4-4. Insert the top terminal clamp in such a way that the “teeth” are facing the “teeth” in the bottom clamp and then secure the top half of the connector jacket.  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 4-53 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D 12.95 The cable shields are thereby compressed and contacted between the contact surfaces of the contact springs. When you attach the distributor to the front panel of the CCU, the shield potential is directed via the contact springs in the distributor. The DIP-FIX switches inside the cable distributor 6FX 2006-1BA01 must be set as follows: Table 4-7 Setting the DIP-FIX switches (S1...S6) in the cable distributor Switch S1 S2 S3 S4 opened x x x x S5 S6 x x closed Location of interfaces 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cable guides Terminal clamp Contact surfaces X1 X2 X3 S2 S4 X5 X6 X4 X7 X8 X9 X10 S1 S3 S5 S6 Connectors X1...X10 Subminiature D socket connector X11 Fig. 4-4 Location of interfaces on cable distributor Connectors X1-X10 Table 4-8 Connector assignments Connector no. Cable run I/O devices X1 1 (top) 1st handwheel 2 2nd handwheel 3 2nd sensor 4 Reserved 5 Reserved X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 4-54  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D 12.95 Table 4-8 Terminal assignment Table 4-9 Pin no. 37-way connector 9 10 Connector assignments Connector no. Cable run I/O devices X9 6 Reserved X10 7 (bottom) 1st sensor Connector designation: Connector type: X1...X10 DU-BOX plug connectors Terminal assignment, cable distributor Signal name – MEPUS 0 – MEPUC 0 DU-BOX connector No./pin X10/2 X10/1 X10/4 X10/3 Cable run 7 Cable order no. 6FX2002–4AA 41–0jjj Core color rd og bn bk Shield I/O device Terminal 1st sensor +24V signal 1st sensor Reference signal 1 20 2 21 X9/2 X9/1 X9/4 X9/3 6 41–0jjj Reserved 3 22 4 23 X8/2 X8/1 X8/4 X8/3 5 41–0jjj Reserved 5 24 6 25 7 26 8 27 X7/2 X7/1 X7/4 X7/3 X6/2 X6/1 X6/4 X6/3 4 21–0jjj Reserved 28 29 – MEPUS 1 – MEPUC 1 X5/2 X5/1 X5/4 X5/3 3 41–0jjj  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition rd og bn bk Shield 2nd sensor +24V signal 2nd sensor Reference signal 4-55 SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10./pin 11 30 12 31 13 32 14 33 MPG1 A MPG1 A MPG1 5V MPG1 0V MPG1 5V MPG1 0V MPG1 B MPG1 B X4/2 X4/1 X4/4 X4/3 X3/2 X3/1 X3/4 X3/3 15 34 16 35 17 36 18 37 MPG0 A MPG0 A MPG0 5V MPG0 0V MPG0 5V MPG0 0V MPG0 B MPG0 B X2/2 X2/1 X2/4 X2/3 X1/2 X1/1 X1/4 X1/3 Signal names Cable run MPG0/1 5 V MPG0/1 0V MPG0/1 A/A MPG0/1 B/B MEPUS 0/1 MEPUC 0/1 2 1 Cable order no.e.00 Edition . 37-way connector 12.2 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D Table 4-9 Pin no. max. All rights reserved. 6FX2002–4AA 21–0jjj 21–0jjj Core color rd og bn bk gn ye vt bu Shield rd og bn bk gn ye vt bu Shield I/O device 2nd handwheel 6FC9320-5DB 1st handwheel 6FC9320-5DB Terminal A A 5V 0V 5V 0V B B A A 5V 0V 5V 0V B B Supply voltage for handwheel 0/1. 500 mA per handwheel 4-56  Siemens AG 2000. 5 V 1) Supply voltage for handwheel 0/1. i. 1 A.95 Terminal assignment. cable distributor Signal name DU-BOX connector No. 0 V Differential handwheel input 0/1 A/A Differential handwheel input 0/1 B/B Measuring pulse signal 0/1 Measuring pulse common (reference ground) 0/1 1) total of max.4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.95 4.96 12. M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 OI or I/RF MSD 810D A1 A2 FDD A3 Motor 5 Motor 1 Motor 2 Fig.4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.3 Measuring system 4. All rights reserved.3.00 Edition 4-57 . 4-5 Table 4-10 Motor 3 Motor 4 Assignment between measuring system and motor connection Assignment between measuring system and motor connection or axis expansion Measuring system connection Motor terminal Axis expansion connection X411 A1 – X412 A2 – X413 A3 – X414 – X304 X415 – X305 X416 – X306  Siemens AG 2000.3 Measuring system 07.1 Assignments between measuring systems and motor connections Motor measuring system and motor connection There is a fixed assignment between each motor measuring system and motor connection. . 0.5 Vpp. B and R. A. the signal amplitude must amount to  60% of the rated amplitude. 0.00 Edition . 1FK6) Transmission: Differential signals A. 1 Vpp Amplitude B – B typ.5V A–A 0 90_el. the deviation of the phase displacement between track A and B is ideally 90d  30d.3.g. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved. 4-6 4-58 Signal chart for incremental encoders with CW rotation  Siemens AG 2000.4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. R Amplitude A – A typ.96 12. interpretable encoder signal frequency: 350 kHz Note With the above mentioned frequency. 0. e.1 Vpp Voltage supply: 5 V ±5 % Maximum supply current: 300 mA Max.2 07.. 1 Vpp Amplitude R – R typ. 360_ el.95 Interpretable encoder systems Incremental measuring systems Incremental systems with two sinusoidal voltage signals A and B in quadrature and a reference marker R.5V B–B 0 Range of uniqueness R–R 0 Fig. Please note the frequency response of the encoder signals. B. ERN 1387 (motor measuring system 1FT6.3 Measuring system 4. 360_ el. single-turn ECN 1313 encoder or a linear LC181 absolute measuring system. to EIA 485 Voltage supply: 5 V ±5 % Maximum supply current: 300 mA Max.07. multi-turn and linear absolute measuring systems with two sinusoidal voltage signals A and B in quadrature and an EnDat interface.96 12.3 Measuring system Single-turn. B–B 0 Fig. 1 Vpp Amplitude B – B typ. interpretable encoder signal frequency: 350 kHz Note With the above mentioned frequency. B Amplitude A – A typ. the signal amplitude must amount to  60% of the rated amplitude.g. A and B.95 Absolute (EnDat) measuring systems 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. All rights reserved. data and clock clock Level: Acc. 4-7 Signal chart for incremental tracks with CW rotation  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition 4-59 . Transmission of incremental signals: Differential signals A. e. the deviation of the phase displacement between track A and B is ideally 90d  30d. 1 Vpp Transmission of serial signals: Differential signals Data. Please note the frequency response of the encoder signals. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. A–A 0 90_el. multi-turn EQN 1325 encoder. indirect and direct measuring system Measuring channels on the SINUMERIK 810D The 6 measuring channels on the SINUMERIK 810D can be used for both indirect and direct position sensing. Indirect measuring system FDD The motor measuring system is also used for position sensing. You can find these numbers (1–7) in the diagrams below.3. Two encoder systems are available: S Optical/incremental (1FT6/1FK6 motor) S Optical/incremental and absolute multi-turn (1FT6 motor. 2) Connecting cable for a multi-turn absolute EnDat encoder with 25-way connector (for connection to CCU1/CCU2 only) 4 6FX2 002–2CA11–1VV0 1) Connecting cable for a direct measuring system with 15-way connector (for connection to 611D control module only) 5 6FX2 002–2AD00–1VV0 1) Connecting cable for a multi-turn absolute EnDat encoder with 15-way connector (for connection to 611D control only) 6 6FX2 002–2EQ00–1VV0 1) Absolute motor measuring system cable with 25-way connector 7 6FX2 002–2EQ10–1VV0 1) Absolute motor measuring system cable with 25-way connector 1) For length code see References: /Z/ Catalog NC Z 2) Measuring system side of circular connector Each cable has its own number. You can use a spare measuring channel. 2) Connecting cable for a direct measuring system with 25-way connector (for connection to CCU1/CCU2 only) Incremental motor measuring system cable with 25-way connector 3 6FX2 002–2CH00–1VV0 1). Order no. All rights reserved. 4-60  Siemens AG 2000. to connect a spindle measuring system.00 Edition . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. You can make additional measuring channels available by installing a standard 611D closed-loop control module with or without a direct measuring system.3 Measuring channels.99 12. Connecting cables The following connecting cables are used on the SINUMERIK 810D Table 4-11 Connecting cables for the SINUMERIK 810D No. Designation 1) 1 6FX2 002–2CA31–1VV0 2 6FX2 002–2CG00–1VV0 1). EnDat).08.3 Measuring system 4. for example.95 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. increments Z = 2048 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module 1FT6 1 6 G = 0..3 Measuring system Indirect position (motor rotor position) and motor speed sensing FDD 1 Incremental X411 M = 128 x Z per 360 degrees mech.95 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.006 degrees 1FT6 1 X130 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module M: Max.08.99 12. 4-8 Indirect position sensing with digital control FDD  Siemens AG 2000.. Z.increments Z = 2048 G = 0. possible measuring increments G: Accuracy of encoder system 6 7 Multi-turn absolute: 4096 revolutions Incremental / or multi-turn absolute EnDat Axis extension via 611D control M = 128 x Z per 360 degrees mech. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10....increments Z = 2048 G = 0.00 Edition 4-61 .006 degrees Incremental and multi-turn absolute EnDat 7 X411 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module M = 128 x Z per 360 degrees mech.. Z.006 degrees 1FT6 Multi-turn absolute: 4096 revolutions Fig. Z. All rights reserved. 95 The motor measuring system is used only to sense the motor position. 3 Motor position incremental/absolute 1 X130 Axis extension via 611D control Linear measuring system. A second measuring system. 1FT6 Incremental motor position 2 or 3 Direct position sensing with axis extension via external 611D control Axis extension via 611D control X130 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module 1 Linear measuring system. can be used for sensing the position at the load end. a scale. Direct position sensing via free CCU1/CCU2 measuring channel M: Max. 1FT6 Voltage signals and EnDat absolute Fig.4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. 4-9 4-62 Incremental motor position 4 or 5 Direct position sensing with digital control FDD  Siemens AG 2000. distance-coded incremental encoders or EnDat absolute encoders are suitable as direct measuring systems (voltage signals). possible measuring increments G: Accuracy of encoder system FDD Linear measuring system incremental/absolute 1 X411 M = 128 per encoder signal period or graduation X416 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module Voltage signals G is a function of the accuracy of the load-side encoder system. incremental or incremental and absolute M = 128 per encoder signal period or graduation SINUMERIK 810D CCU module G is a function of the accuracy of the optional encoder system. e. Incremental encoders. incremental or incremental and absolute M = 128 or 2048 with 611D performance control per encoder signal period or graduation 1FT6 Voltage signals and EnDat absolute 2 or G is a function of the accuracy of the load-side encoder system.3 Measuring system Direct measuring system FDD 12. All rights reserved.00 Edition .g. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10..increments Z = 2048 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module 1PH4/6/7 1 Incremental X130 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module M: Max. Z..95 Indirect measuring system MSD The motor measuring system is used as a position sensor.00 Edition 4-63 . 4-10 Indirect position sensing with digital control MSD  Siemens AG 2000. One encoder system is available: S Optical/incremental (1PH motor) Indirect position (motor rotor position) and motor speed sensing MSD 1 X411 Incremental M = 128 x Z per 360 degrees mech. Z.4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.006 degrees M = 128 x Z per 360 degrees mech.. possible measuring increments G: Accuracy of encoder system G = 0.increments Z = 2048 Axis extension via 611D control G = 0.3 Measuring system 12. All rights reserved.006 degrees 1PH4/6/7 Fig. SINUMERIK 810D CCU module 1PH4/6/7 Voltage signals 1 1 X411 M = 128 V Z per 360 degrees mech. e. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. incremental Axis extension via 611D control Z. A second measuring system.. incremental Axis extension via 611D control M = 128 x Z per 360 degrees mech.increments Z = 2048 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module G = 0. a rotary inducer... incremental X416 M = 128 per encoder signal period or graduation G is a function of the accuracy of the optional encoder system. can be used for sensing the position at the load end.006 degrees 1PH4/6/7 4 1 X130 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module M = 128 x Z per 360 degrees mech. Only voltage-signal encoders may be installed on the SINUMERIK 810D. possible measuring increments G: Accuracy of encoder system MSD 1 X411 Spindle measuring system incremental Motor measuring system. Motor measuring system.006 degrees X431 1PH4/6/7 BERO Direct position sensing with axis extension via external 611D control Spindle measuring system incremental 1 X130 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module Z...3 Measuring system Direct measuring system MSD 12.increments Z = 2048 G = 0. Direct position sensing via free CCU1/CCU2 measuring channel M: Max. G = 0.g..4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.00 Edition .006 degrees 1PH4/6/7 BERO Fig. incremental Z.95 The motor measuring system is used only as a motor position sensor. Motor measuring system.increments Z = 2048 Motor measuring system. 4-11 4-64 Direct position sensing on MSD  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved. s. Current reduction as a function of installation altitude All specified load currents apply up to an installation altitude of 1000 m.95 4. With ambient temperatures of > 40_C. At a maximum ambient temperature of 55_C: Current reduction to 60 % of 40_C value. Rated load cycles FDD For use as an FDD power section (A1–A3) I Imax In 0. 4-12 10 s t Peak current load cycle with previous load for FDD  Siemens AG 2000.07. 40_C. currents must be reduced linearly similar to the effect of an OI mains supply. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved.2 s Imax = peak current In = rated current Fig.m. For site altitudes of > 1000 m.00 Edition 4-65 .4 Integrated power sections: 3-axis CCU box Integrated power sections: 3-axis CCU box Description 3 integrated power sections are fitted to a heat sink in the 3-axis CCU box on the SINUMERIK 810D: S Power section for 2x 6A/12A (FDD) S Power section for 1x 18A/36A (FDD) or 24A/32A (MSD) S Heat sink temperature sensor Table 4-12 Assignment between motor connection and power section Motor terminal A1 (rear) Power section Continuous current. rated current (sine.) 18A/36A (FDD) or 24A/32A /MSD) 24A A2 (center) 6A/12A (as FDD only) 6A A3 (front) 6A/12A (as FDD only) 6A Note The spindle may only be connected to “A1” on the integrated power section. r. Current reduction as a function of ambient temperature All technical data apply only to ambient temperatures of up to max.96 12. load currents must be reduced as shown in the diagram for mains supply via an OI module.4 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. 95 I Imax In 4s Imax = peak current In = rated current Fig.7xIn 4 min 10 min t Imax = peak current In = rated current Fig.7xIn 10 s 60 s t Imax = peak current In = rated current Fig. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 4-14 S6 load cycle with previous load for MSD I Imax IS6 In 0.00 Edition . All rights reserved.4 Integrated power sections: 3-axis CCU box 12.4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.  Siemens AG 2000. A1 is not subject to any simultaneity restriction. 4-15 Simultaneity factor 4-66 S6 peak current load cycle with previous load for MSD The mean operating current for power sections A2 and A3 must not exceed 63% of their rated current with simultaneous continuous operation. 4-13 Rated load cycles MSD t 10 s Peak current load cycle without previous load for FDD For the MSD power section with 24A/32A only I Imax IS6 In 0. 05. Table 4-13 Assignment between motor connection and power section Motor terminal Power section Continuous current.5 Integrated power sections: 2-axis CCU box Integrated power sections: 2-axis CCU box Description 2 integrated power sections are fitted to a heat sink in the 2-axis CCU box on the SINUMERIK 810D: S Power section for 9A/18A (FDD) S Heat sink temperature sensor The 2-axis CCU box can be installed with either internal or external cooling. 4-16 10 s t Peak current load cycle with previous load for FDD  Siemens AG 2000. “A3” cannot be used for an axis and must not be assigned for any other purpose. With ambient temperatures of > 40_C.5 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.s. load currents must be reduced as shown in the diagram for mains supply via an OI module.00 Edition 4-67 . 40_C.2 s Imax = peak current In = rated current Fig. Current reduction as a function of installation altitude All specified load currents apply up to an installation altitude of 1000 m. Rated load cycles FDD For use as an FDD power section (A1–A2) I Imax In 0.) A1 (rear) 9A/18A (as FDD only) 9A A2 (front) 9A/18A (as FDD only) 9A Note The third drive no. rated current (sine. currents must be reduced linearly similar to the effect of an OI mains supply. At a maximum ambient temperature of 55_C: Current reduction to 60 % of 40_C value.99 12. For site altitudes of > 1000 m. Current reduction as a function of ambient temperature All technical data apply only to ambient temperatures of up to max. Encoder input X413 can be parameterized for a direct measuring system. r.95 4. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.m. All rights reserved. 2 and later. In addition to software upgrades. 4-17 t 10 s Peak current load cycle without previous load for FDD References: /PJ1/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide 4.6 PLC module PLC module 4. References: /S7H/.6 PLC module I Imax In 4s Imax = peak current In = rated current Fig.7 The PLC module is a PLC-CPU that is compatible with the S7-300 product family.95 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. The system software for the SINUMERIK 810D is stored on an internal Flash EPROM and included in the standard scope of supply.99 12. Three external chains with up to either S7-300 I/O modules each can be linked via the PK bus X111. PCMCIA card (memory card) The CCU features a slot for standard PC cards via which all type II Flash cards up to 8 MB memory capacity may be operated. see References: /IAC/ 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide ! 4-68 Caution The PCMCIA card will be damaged if it is inserted or removed with the power supply connected!  Siemens AG 2000. up to 3 distribution boards (DSB) can be connected. see Section 5. S SW 3 and later: The PCMCIA card containing the system software must remain in the slot during operation. S SW2. All rights reserved. the PC card can also be used as a storage medium for series start-up processes. IM361s and EFPs may be operated together.x and earlier: The PC card is used only to upgrade the system software.00 Edition . This bus can also provide the interface for a further 3 single I/O modules (EFP). Recommendation: Use Siemens PC cards.05. IM361s and distribution boards may be operated together. Manual With SW 3. 00 Edition 4-69 .08.8 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.8 CCU1: 6th axis (SW 3.95 4.2 and later) Required components S 611 digital control 6SN1118–0Djj1–0AAj S 611D power module 6SN112j–1AA0j–0jA1 S Drive bus cable 6SN1161–1CA00–0jA0 S Terminator for the drive bus 6FX2003-0DA00 S Device bus cable 6FC5247-0AA28-0AA0 GWE: 462008006403 Design Design: Infeed module 1 3-axis CCU box with CCU1 1 power section with plug-in axis extension unit (1-axis module) 1 power section with 611D closed-loop control module (2-axis module) Fig. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 4-18 Sample configuration  Siemens AG 2000.99 12.2 and later) CCU1: 6th axis (SW 3. All rights reserved.95 4 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D 4.00 Edition .2 and later) Design: Infeed module 1 2-axis CCU box with CCU1 3 power sections with plug-in axis extension unit (1-axis module) 1 power section with 611D closed-loop control module (1-axis module) Fig. 4-19 Sample configuration with a large power section Connecting cables Table 4-14 Recommended lengths for drive bus cable Order number Module width in mm to be bridged Comment 6SN1161-1CA00-0BA1 50 Drive bus cable.8 CCU1: 6th axis (SW 3. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. shielded 6FC5247-0AA28-0AA0 GWE: 462008006403 50 50 Drive bus cable and device bus cable J 4-70  Siemens AG 2000.08. circular.99 12. the free end of the device bus must be inserted in the 24-way device bus connector on the module.1 Plug-in axis extension unit Application The plug-in axis extension unit is installed in a SIMODRIVE 611 power module and then connected to the axis extension terminal X304-X306 on the SINUMERIK 810D.  Siemens AG 2000. The plug-in unit is designed for use in 1-axis and 2-axis power modules.5 Axis Extension 5. All rights reserved. 5-1 810D Power section Axis extension on SINUMERIK 810D with SIMODRIVE 611 power modules Note In the case of power section modules of more than 50 mm in width with integrated device bus. Plug-in axis extension unit SIEMENS SIMODRIVE Mains Supply (I/RF or OI) Fig.95 5 Axis Extension 5. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.1 Plug-in axis extension unit 12.00 Edition 5-71 . 00 Edition . 5-2 Ribbon cable connectors There are two connectors on the axis extension unit.95 SIMODRIVE 611 Power section Plug-in axis extension unit Fig. If you are using a 2-axis power section. You must connect up X301 if the unit is inserted in a 1-axis power section.5 Axis Extension 5. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. X301 and X302. All rights reserved. Table 5-1 5-72 Installing the plug-in axis extension unit in the power section Ribbon cable connections on the plug-in axis extension unit Ribbon cable connector 1-axis power section 2-axis power section X301 1st axis 1st axis X302 Free 2nd axis  Siemens AG 2000.1 Plug-in axis extension unit 12. use connector C301 for the first axis and connector X302 for the second axis. push any excess cable into the space provided under the metal cover on the axis extension unit. Attach the ribbon cable for connector X302 (for 2nd axis if applicable). Push the ribbon cable for connector X301 through the slot on the front panel with the notch facing forwards and connect. 2.5 Axis Extension 5. All rights reserved.1 Plug-in axis extension unit 12.  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition 5-73 . Front plate Notch X302 301 302 X301 Ribbon cable Metal cover Fig. Once you have inserted the axis extension unit and made the connection to the CCU1/CCU2/CCU2-H.95 Connection 1. 5-3 Plug-in axis extension unit Connecting the ribbon cables for the axis extension 3. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 00 Edition . All rights reserved. This cable set includes the connection to the drive bus and another device bus cable. Connection A special cable set is required to connect up the SIMODRIVE 611D control module. 5-4 810D Power section Axis extension on the SINUMERIK 810D with SIMODRIVE 611D module Note To ensure CE-compliant installation you must use shielded motor cables in combination with the shield support plates provided for SIMODRIVE power section modules.2 Axis extension with SIMODRIVE 611D control module 5. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. Installation The SIMODRIVE 611D module must be installed as the first module directly on the right of the SINUMERIK 810D.2 12.95 Axis extension with SIMODRIVE 611D control module Application The axis extension variant based on the SIMODRIVE 611D closed-loop control module must be used if the standard number of measuring channels on the SINUMERIK 810D is insufficient.5 Axis Extension 5. All screws on the DC-link bars must be tightened (note tightening torque!) when they are connected. Cable set: Device bus and drive bus 611D control module SIEMENS SIMODRIVE Mains Supply (I/RF or OI) Fig. see References: /PJ2/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide 5-74  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved.5 Axis Extension 5.95 Cable set for axis extension Components required to connect the SIMODRIVE 611D closed-loop control module: Drive bus cable 62 Device bus cable 54 Fig. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 5-75 .2 Axis extension with SIMODRIVE 611D control module 12. 5-5 105 Cable set for axis extension by means of a SIMODRIVE 611D module J  Siemens AG 2000. 95 Notes 5-76  Siemens AG 2000.2 Axis extension with SIMODRIVE 611D control module 04.5 Axis Extension 5. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 12. All rights reserved.00 Edition . length 150mm ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ IN X3 EFP 6ES7 368–3jjj0–0AA0 6ES7 368–3jjj0–0AA0 6FC5 411–0AA80–0AA0. length 150mm Ribbon cable Ribbon cable X405 32 E X402 32 A Fig.99 12. All rights reserved.05. 6-1 OUT Ribbon cable ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ IN OUT X3 EFP SINUMERIK 810D IM 361 or a second EFP Terminal strip converter Terminal strip converter Terminal strip converter Overview of connections for single I/O module on the SINUMERIK 810D  Siemens AG 2000. Connection to the 810D The EFP (connector X3 IN) is connected to the SINUMERIK 810D (connector X111). SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.95 6 I/O Modules 6.1 Single I/O module (EFP) 6 I/O Modules 6.00 Edition 6-77 . The simultaneity factor equals 75%. you may also combine them with SIMATIC-S7-300 module chains.1 Single I/O module (EFP) Brief description The single I/O module has 64 inputs and 32 short-circuit proof outputs (floating). length 150mm. The connecting cable length is maximum 10 m. 2 different types of cable can be used to interconnect two EFPs: S For a single EFP: 6ES7 368–3jjj0–0AA0 S For single-tier configuration with several EFPs: 6FC 5 411-0AA80-0AA0.5 A. You can connect a total of 3 EFP modules to the SINUMERIK 810D control. 6ES7 368–3jjj0–0AA0 X111 810D ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ X3 IN X3 OUT EFP X404 32 E ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ IN OUT X3 EFP Shielded connecting cable for single-tier configuration only 6FC5 411-0AA80-0AA0. Each output has a load rating of 0. The connection must be as short as possible.98 12. All rights reserved.05.95 6 I/O Modules 6.1. You must connect a low-resistance. P24Logic Space for front connector 374 360 SHIELD M24Po P24Power Ventilation clearance 50 mm 25 Fig. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. fine-cored conductor with a cross-section of at least 10 mm2 to the grounding bar (see Section 2.1 Single I/O module (EFP) Ventilation clearance 50 mm 70 SHIELD M24Lo.00 Edition . it must meet the PE conductor specifications stipulated in VDE 0100 and VDE 0160. 6-2 Dimension drawing of single I/O module EMC measures 6-78 135 25 The EFP module features an equipotential bonding terminal on the front panel.6) as an interference current discharger. When a joint protective and interference discharge system is used.  Siemens AG 2000. 30. All rights reserved. each within the 0.5 A group 75% Insulation class to DIN 57110 b A Humidity rating to DIN 40040 F Weight 1..6 A inductive: 0.5 to 3 ms 0. of outputs Signal level for “0” signal Signal level for “1” signal Galvanic isolation Short-circuit-proof Max.5 .6 A Lamp: 6 W Ohmic load: 100 Hz Inductive load: 2 Hz Lamp load: 11 Hz 2 kV max 3 m Outputs Operating frequency Noise immunity (DIN 57847) Cable length terminal block Overtemperature protection Module-specific shutdown Simultaneity factor Sum of all rated currents. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.5 to 3 ms 2 kV max 3 m No.00 Edition –40°C to +70°C 0°C to +55°C 6-79 .1 Single I/O module (EFP) Technical data Table 6-1 Technical data of the single I/O module Supply voltage for LOGIC (X1) and POWER (X5) – Rated value – Perm.07.2 VA max: 362 VA Inputs No. max. range – Ripple – Reverse voltage protection – Fusing Power consumption – LOGIC – POWER – LOGIC – POWER Power loss 24 V DC 18. max.96 12. output current 32 digital outputs Open UPower – 0.5 V yes (optocoupler) yes ohmic: 0. typ: 6 mA –9 mA to 1 mA 0.2 V 3.7 kg Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP 20 Vibration resistance to SN 29010 Class 12 Temperature range Storage: Operation:  Siemens AG 2000.2 VA. of inputs Signal level for “0” signal Signal level for “1” signal Galvanic isolation Input current “1” signal Input current “0” signal Delay time TPHL Delay time TPLH Noise immunity (DIN 57847) Cable length terminal block 64 digital inputs –3 V to +5 V +15 V to +30 V yes (optocoupler) 2 – 15 mA. 1 A max: 12 A typ: 7.6 V pp yes LOGIC: 1 A/250 V POWER: no typ: 0.. 30.3 A.95 6 I/O Modules 6. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.12. angled Phoenix screw-type terminal connector (2. SHIELD (pin 3) M24 Power (pin 2) P24 Power (pin 1) Table 6-3 Pin assignment of connector X5 X5 POWER power supply Pin Name Type 3 SHIELD 2 M24 Power VI 1 P24 Power VI Signal names P24 Power M24 Power External +24 V load power supply Ground for external load power supply Signal type VI 6-80 Voltage Input  Siemens AG 2000.95 6 I/O Modules 6. angled Phoenix screw-type terminal connector (2.1 Single I/O module (EFP) Connection of the electronics power supply The 24 V DC supply is connected via a 3-way. SHIELD (pin 3) M24Logic (pin 2) P24Logic (pin 1) Table 6-2 Pin assignment of connector X1 X1 LOGIC power supply Pin Name Type 3 SHIELD 2 M24 Logic VI 1 P24 Logic VI Signal names P24 Logic M24 Logic External +24 V electronics power supply Ground for external electronics power supply Signal type VI Connection of the load power supply Voltage Input The 24 V DC supply is connected via a 3-way. All rights reserved.5 mm2) to X5.00 Edition .98 12.5mm2) to X1. 1 Single I/O module (EFP) Connection of inputs/outputs The inputs and outputs are connected by means of ribbon cables of max. 3 m to terminal strip converter Note The outputs must be protected against surge voltages by means of external inductive loads (free-wheeling diodes.95 6 I/O Modules 6.00 Edition 6-81 .). RC elements. You can use the following 34-way terminal strip converters for this purpose: see References: /Z/ Catalog NCZ Terminal strip converter.5 A) 6FC9302-2AL (2 A) Terminal strip converter.. Meaning of LEDs The status of the EFP module is indicated via two LEDs. X402 Outputs 0-31 Connection of outputs Green LED: Red LED: 5 V Power OK Group error Connector name: Connector type: Length of ribbon cable: X402 OUTPUT 0-31 34-way DIN ribbon cable connection Max. 1 Not assigned 2 Not assigned 3 OUT0ȱ0ȳ O 4 OUT0ȱ1ȳ O 5 OUT0ȱ2ȳ O 6 OUT0ȱ3ȳ O 7 OUT0ȱ4ȳ O 8 OUT0ȱ5ȳ O 9 OUT0ȱ6ȳ O 10 OUT0ȱ7ȳ O 11 OUT1ȱ0ȳ O 12 OUT1ȱ1ȳ O 13 OUT1ȱ2ȳ O 14 OUT1ȱ3ȳ O 15 OUT1ȱ4ȳ O 16 OUT1ȱ5ȳ O 17 OUT1ȱ6ȳ O 18 OUT1ȱ7ȳ O 19 OUT2ȱ0ȳ O 20 OUT2ȱ1ȳ O 21 OUT2ȱ2ȳ O 22 OUT2ȱ3ȳ O 23 OUT2ȱ4ȳ O 24 OUT2ȱ5ȳ O 25 OUT2ȱ6ȳ O 26 OUT2ȱ7ȳ O 27 OUT3ȱ0ȳ O 28 OUT3ȱ1ȳ O 29 OUT3ȱ2ȳ O 30 OUT3ȱ3ȳ O 31 OUT3ȱ4ȳ O 32 OUT3ȱ5ȳ O 33 OUT3ȱ6ȳ O 34 OUT3ȱ7ȳ O Signal names OUTi[j] Output j of output byte i Signal type O Output  Siemens AG 2000.04. without LED: 6FC9302-2AA Terminal strip converter. with green LED: 6FC9302-2BB01 The connector pin assignment of the ribbon cable is compatible with the I/O modules (logic modules) on the SINUMERIK 810D.00 12. . with red LED: 6FC9302-2AB (0. All rights reserved.. 3 m in length. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 3 m to terminal block 2 Not assigned I 4 INP4ȱ1ȳ I I 6 INP4ȱ3ȳ I INP4ȱ4ȳ I 8 INP4ȱ5ȳ I 9 INP4ȱ6ȳ I 10 INP4ȱ7ȳ I 11 INP5ȱ0ȳ I 12 INP5ȱ1ȳ I 13 INP5ȱ2ȳ I 14 INP5ȱ3ȳ I 15 INP5ȱ4ȳ I 16 INP5ȱ5ȳ I 17 INP5ȱ6ȳ I 18 INP5ȱ7ȳ I 19 INP6ȱ0ȳ I 20 INP6ȱ1ȳ I 21 INP6ȱ2ȳ I 22 INP6ȱ3ȳ I 23 INP6ȱ4ȳ I 24 INP6ȱ5ȳ I 25 INP6ȱ6ȳ I 26 INP6ȱ7ȳ I  Siemens AG 2000.1 Single I/O module (EFP) X404 Inputs 0–31 12.00 Edition . 3 m to terminal block 2 Not assigned I 4 INP0ȱ1ȳ I I 6 INP0ȱ3ȳ I INP0ȱ4ȳ I 8 INP0ȱ5ȳ I 9 INP0ȱ6ȳ I 10 INP0ȱ7ȳ I 11 INP1ȱ0ȳ I 12 INP1ȱ1ȳ I 13 INP1ȱ2ȳ I 14 INP1ȱ3ȳ I 15 INP1ȱ4ȳ I 16 INP1ȱ5ȳ I 17 INP1ȱ6ȳ I 18 INP1ȱ7ȳ I 19 INP2ȱ0ȳ I 20 INP2ȱ1ȳ I 21 INP2ȱ2ȳ I 22 INP2ȱ3ȳ I 23 INP2ȱ4ȳ I 24 INP2ȱ5ȳ I 25 INP2ȱ6ȳ I 26 INP2ȱ7ȳ I 27 INP3ȱ0ȳ I 28 INP3ȱ1ȳ I 29 INP3ȱ2ȳ I 30 INP3ȱ3ȳ I 31 INP3ȱ4ȳ I 32 INP3ȱ5ȳ I 33 INP3ȱ6ȳ I 34 INP3ȱ7ȳ I Signal names X405 Inputs 32–63 6-82 INPi[j] Signal type Input j of input byte i I Input Connection of inputs 32–63 Connector name: Connector type: Length of ribbon cable: 1 Not assigned 3 INP4ȱ0ȳ 5 INP4ȱ2ȳ 7 X405 INPUT 32–63 34-way DIN ribbon cable connection Max.6 I/O Modules 6. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.95 Connection of inputs 0–31 Connector name: Connector type: Length of ribbon cable: 1 Not assigned 3 INP0ȱ0ȳ 5 INP0ȱ2ȳ 7 X404 INPUT 0–31 34-way DIN ribbon cable connection Max. i. i. from input byte 32 to input byte 39 for operation in chain 1 2. All rights reserved. The address area is assigned automatically during power-up.96 12.e. from output byte 40 to output byte 44 for operation in chain 1 Only one I/O module can be installed in each chain.07.00 Edition 6-83 .95 6 I/O Modules 6. No parameters need be set for this purpose. Input range Input byte (chain number *32) to (chain number *32) +7.  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. The 810D I/Os can be treated in AS-PARAM in the same way as a corresponding configuration of S7-300 modules.1 Single I/O module (EFP) 27 INP7ȱ0ȳ I 28 INP7ȱ1ȳ I 29 INP7ȱ2ȳ I 30 INP7ȱ3ȳ I 31 INP7ȱ4ȳ I 32 INP7ȱ5ȳ I 33 INP7ȱ6ȳ I 34 INP7ȱ7ȳ I Signal names INPi[j] Input j of input byte i Signal type Address space I Input The 810D single I/Os as viewed by the PLC are the same as an S7-300 I/O chain with the following configuration: S P bus interface IM-R S 2 x 32 bit input module S 1 x 32 bit output module X3 IN X404 X405 X406 X3 OUT 32 inputs 0–31 32 inputs 32–63 32 outputs 0–31 The address space is as follows: 1.e. Output range Output byte (chain number *32) +8 to (chain number *32) +11. 1 Single I/O module (EFP) 12. configuration)  Siemens AG 2000.95 Chain 1 X111 P bus Chain 2 Chain 3 SINUMERIK 810D with integrated AS314 EFP EFP EFP Fig. 6-3 6-84 SINUMERIK 810D with 3 chains of I/O modules (max. All rights reserved.00 Edition .6 I/O Modules 6. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved. Three separate voltages can each be connected to 8 outputs via three supply modules. The remaining 8 outputs control the ON/OFF commands for 5 three-phase AC motors as well as the change in rotational direction for three three-phase AC motors. 24 outputs of the 32 are also connected via relays to Phoenix-Combicon plug-in units on the basic module. (A voltage supply via a common connection depending on the fuse module used will be available soon.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module 05. S a basic module (24 outputs – load rating 2 A.95 6. The 64 inputs of the EFP module are taken directly to Phoenix-Combicon plug-in units via the basic module. One type of cable is available for interconnecting two distribution boards: Order no. The voltage is supplied via 5 separate inputs. Connection to the 810D The IN connector (socket) of the DSB is linked to connector X111 (socket) on the SINUMERIK 810D by means of a connecting cable. simultaneity factor 50%).: 6ES7 368–3jjj0–0AA0  Siemens AG 2000.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module Brief description The DSB distribution board comprises S a single I/O module (64 inputs and 32 outputs) as an interface module. The distribution board can only be operated on a TN system with 3 AC 400X.) 5 inputs are required for overcurrent monitoring (settable between 1 A and 8 A).99 12.00 Edition 6-85 . S a drive module (5 outputs – with max.6 I/O Modules 6. The maximum cable length is 10 m. Each output has a load rating of 2 A. load rating of 8 A – for three-phase AC motor connection). SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 4-way Incoming supply for X202.00 Edition . 6-4 DSB ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ Shielded connecting cable 6ES7 368–3jjj0–0AA0 IN DSB IN OUT ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ 05. 10-way 32 inputs X100 1 Phoenix screw-type terminal connector.6 I/O Modules 6.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ ÏÏÏ 6ES7 368–3jjj0–0AA0 X111 810D ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ ÏÏ 6-86 IN OUT DSB IN OUT DSB SINUMERIK 810D 6ES7 368–3jjj0–0AA0 IM 361 or a second DSB or an EFP X110X117 16 Phoenix screw-type terminal connectors. X204. X208. X206. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.99 05. adjustable OUT Fig.99 12. 12-way 3 x 8 2 A outputs X201 X203 X205 X207 X209 5 Phoenix screw-type terminal connectors. 6-way Incoming supply for X120-X125 X120X125 6 Phoenix screw-type terminal connectors. X210 X202 X204 X206 X208 X210 5 Phoenix screw-type terminal connectors.95 Connections on distribution board on the SINUMERIK 810D  Siemens AG 2000. 4-way 5 outputs 1-8 A. X113. X111. X114. X117 Basic module left right P/K bus IN INP00– INP37 32I 1U X100 2U OUT INP40– INP77 32I 3U X120 X121 32O OUT00– OUT27 X122 OUT30/32/34/36/37 X123 1U 2U OUT31/33/35 X124 X125 Fuse module Drive module Shutdown + reversing circuit Current measurement settable between 1–8 A X201 (C1) X202 X203 (C2) X204 X205 (C3) Shutdown Current measurement settable between 1–8 A X206 X207 (C4) X208 X209 (C5) X210 Fig. 6-5 3U Block diagram of DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module  Siemens AG 2000.05. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.99 12. X116. X115.95 6 I/O Modules 6. X112. All rights reserved.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module Single I/Os Display X110.00 Edition 6-87 . 2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module 05.99 12.: 170 mm 0 7 P24 3 P24 0 1A C1 CURRENT LIMIT 0 6 11 X114 1A C3 7 3 P24 4 P24 4 1A C5 7 440 466 480 1 3 150 Dimension drawing of DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition . All rights reserved. 6-6 7 P24 3 P24 7 Clearance for connector/fan: 50 mm Space for changing fuse p.c.95 Clearance for connector/ventilation: 50 mm X106 X1 SHIELD M24 5V FAULT SHIELD P24 POWER X117 M24 P24 7 P24 7 P24 6 P24 5 P24 6 P24 5 P24 4 P24 LOGIC P24 4 11 X116 7 P24 3 P24 3 P24 2 P24 1 P24 2 P24 1 P24 0 P24 0 1 IN OUT 7 11 X115 P24 7 P24 7 P24 6 P24 5 P24 6 P24 5 POWER OK Space for front connector: 70 mm 8A 1A 2 C4 8A 1 8A 1A C2 8A P24 2 P24 1 P24 2 P24 1 0 0 P24 0 7 7 1 8A X113 P24 7 P24 6 P24 5 11 X112 P24 3 P24 2 P24 1 P24 2 P24 1 4 0 INPUT 0–63 0 0 7 7 P24 0 P24 7 P24 6 P24 5 P24 6 P24 5 P24 4 P24 4 1 7 11 X111 P24 7 0 7 0 5 P24 3 1 11 X110 3 1 0 0 7 7 4 P24 3 P24 3 P24 2 P24 1 P24 2 P24 1 P24 0–31 INPUT 0 0 OUTPUT 0–31 0 2 0 P24 32–63 0 INPUT 1 25 11 25 100 268 6-88 0 P24 4 1 5 1 P24 6 P24 5 P24 4 1 6 2 11 P24 0 Fig. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.b.6 I/O Modules 6. 05.b. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.95 6 I/O Modules 6. typ: 10 mA –9 mA to 1 mA 0..5 .2 V 3.2 W max. 3 m Overtemperature protection Module-specific shutdown Simultaneity factor for relay outputs Sum of all rated currents.99 12. of outputs Number of incoming supplies Galvanic isolation Short-circuit-proof Output current Noise immunity (DIN 57847) Cable length terminal block 24 relay outputs (freely assignable) 8 outputs 50% yes (relay) no (line-side fuse or 10 A m.6 V pp yes LOGIC: 1 A/250 V POWER: no Typ: 0. each within the 2 A group 50% Insulation class to DIN 57110 b A Humidity rating to DIN 40040 F Weight 1. of inputs Signal level for “0” signal Signal level for “1” signal Galvanic isolation Input current “1” signal Input current “0” signal Delay time TPHL Delay time TPLH Noise immunity (DIN 57847) Cable length terminal block 64 digital inputs. 2 A Typ: 7. 2 A 5 three-phase outputs 5 separate yes (contactor) yes (internal fuse) max. 30 W 3A Inputs No. 8 A 2 kV max.5 to 3 ms 0. range – Ripple – Reverse voltage protection – Fusing Power consumption – LOGIC – POWER – LOGIC – POWER Power loss Supply lead fuse 24 V DC 18. required) max. of outputs Number per incoming supply Simultaneity factor Galvanic isolation Short-circuit-proof Output current Drive module: No. All rights reserved. max: 30.3 A .5 to 3 ms 2 kV max.c.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module Technical data Technical data for distribution board Table 6-4 Supply voltage for LOGIC (X1) and POWER (X5) – Rated value – Perm. 30.00 Edition –40°C to +70°C 0°C to +55°C 6-89 . 3 m Outputs Basic module: No..2 W.7 kg Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP 20 with connectors plugged in Vibration resistance to SN 29010 Class 12 Temperature range Storage: Operation:  Siemens AG 2000. of which 59 are freely assignable –3 V to +5 V +15 V to +30 V yes (optocoupler) 2–15 mA. max: 1 A max. 2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module 05.6 I/O Modules 6. 6-7 7 P24 3 1 0 0 P24 3 8A 1 0 6 11 X114 7 7 3 1A C3 OUT 11 DSB terminals.99 12.95 Terminals X106 SHIELD X1 M24 5V FAULT SHIELD P24 POWER X117 P24 7 P24 7 P24 6 P24 5 P24 6 P24 5 M24 P24 LOGIC P24 4 P24 4 1 3 11 X116 7 P24 3 P24 3 P24 2 P24 1 P24 2 P24 1 IN P24 0 P24 0 1 7 11 X115 P24 7 P24 7 P24 6 P24 5 P24 6 P24 5 P24 4 P24 4 POWER OK 1A C5 8A 1A 2 C4 8A 1 8A 1A C2 8A 1A C1 CURRENT LIMIT P24 2 P24 1 0 0 P24 0 P24 0 7 7 P24 7 P24 4 0 0 7 7 P24 4 11 X112 5 P24 3 P24 3 P24 2 P24 1 P24 2 P24 1 P24 0 P24 0 1 4 0 INPUT 0–63 0 0 7 7 11 X111 P24 7 P24 7 P24 6 P24 5 P24 6 P24 5 P24 4 P24 4 1 5 1 P24 6 P24 5 1 6 2 11 X113 P24 6 P24 5 11 X110 3 1 0 0 7 7 4 P24 3 P24 3 P24 2 P24 1 P24 2 P24 1 P24 0–31 INPUT 0 0 OUTPUT 0–31 0 2 0 P24 32–63 0 INPUT 1 6-90 7 P24 2 P24 1 P24 7 Fig. front view  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved.00 Edition . 99 12. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 6-8 X205 (C3) U1 V1 W1 1 26 3M 25 3M X204 (C2) 1 W2 V2 U2 24 3M 23 3M 22 3M X202 (C1) W2 V2 U2 X124 (3U) 1 1 21 3M W2 V2 U2 1 20 3M 1 X123 (2U) 17 2M 16 2M 15 2M 1 14 2M Terminals on top of DSB  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved.95 6 I/O Modules 6. 6-9 X207 (C4) U1 V1 W1 1 X122 (2U) 1 Fig.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module X201 (C1) U1 V1 W1 X203 (C2) U1 V1 W1 1 X100 13 2M 3M 3U 2M 2U 1M 1U 12 2M 1 X121 (1U) 1 11 2M X209 (C5) U1 V1 W1 1 10 2M 07 1M 06 1M 05 1M 1 X120 (1U) 1 04 1M 03 1M 02 1M 01 1M 00 1M Terminals on bottom of DSB X210 (C5) X208 (C4) 1 X206 (C3) 1 W2 V2 U2 W2 V2 U2 X125 (3U) 27 3M Fig.05.00 Edition 6-91 . angled Phoenix screw-type terminal connector (2. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition . All rights reserved.6 I/O Modules 6.5 mm2) to X1. SHIELD (pin 3) M24Logic (pin 2) P24Logic (pin 1) X1 Table 6-5 Pin assignment of connector X1 X1 LOGIC power supply Pin Name Type 3 SHIELD 2 M24 Logic VI 1 P24 Logic VI Signal names P24 Logic M24 Logic External +24 V electronics power supply Ground for external electronics power supply Signal type VI Connection of the load power supply Voltage Input The 24 V DC load power supply is connected via a 3-way.5 mm2) to X5.99 12. SHIELD (pin 3) M24 Power (pin 2) P24 Power (pin 1) X106 Table 6-6 Pin assignment of connector X106 X106 POWER power supply Pin Name Type 3 SHIELD 2 M24 Power VI 1 P24 Power VI Signal names P24 Power M24 Power External +24 V load power supply Ground for external load power supply Signal type VI 6-92 Voltage Input  Siemens AG 2000.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module Connection of the electronics power supply 05. angled Phoenix screw-type terminal connector (2.95 The 24 V DC supply is connected via a 3-way. 99 12.05. Green LED: INPUT 0-63 Green LED: OUTPUT 0-31  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition 6-93 . 6-10 Meaning of LEDs X106 P24 Power M24 Power M Example circuit showing how to include the DSB in the EMERGENCY STOP loop The status of the DSB module is displayed by means of three LEDs..2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module +24 V EMERGENCY STOP . Safety switch M DSB Fig.95 6 I/O Modules 6.. All rights reserved. Green LED: 5 V Power OK (single I/Os) Red LED: Group error Green LED: POWER OK (drive module) The control status of the inputs and outputs is indicated via 96 LEDs. 6 I/O Modules 6.g.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module Connection of inputs/outputs 05.00 Edition . e.99 12.95 Inputs and outputs are connected via 10-way screw-type terminal connectors (1. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. All rights reserved.5 mm2) to X110-X117. to supply a floating contact or switch Example: Pin 1 2 6-94 I 2–15 mA Input P24 supply  Siemens AG 2000. Table 6-7 Pin assignment of connectors X110-X117 Inputs X110-X117 left Pin Name 1 XX Input 2 P24 Supply voltage 3 Shield Shield 4 XX Input 5 P24 Supply voltage 6 XX Input 7 P24 Supply voltage 8 Shield Shield 9 XX Input 10 P24 Supply voltage Type I VO1) I VO1) I VO1) I VO1) Inputs X110-X117 right 11 XX Input 12 P24 Supply voltage I 13 Shield Shield 14 XX Input 15 P24 Supply voltage 16 XX Input 17 P24 Supply voltage 18 Shield Shield 19 XX Input 20 P24 Supply voltage VO1) I VO1) I VO1) I VO1) Signal type VO Voltage Output I Input 1) If required. X125 VI 2 3U Supply voltage at X124. X125 VI 3 2M Reference potential at X122.) Table 6-8 Pin assignment of connector X100 Incoming supply X100 Pin Connection of relay outputs Name Type 1 3M Reference potential at X124.00 Edition 6-95 . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. X123 VI 4 2U Supply voltage at X122. Note Line-side fuse required (10 A m. varistors. X121 VI 6 1U Supply voltage at X120.05. RC elements) to prevent excessive transient voltages.b.g. Table 6-9 Pin assignment of connectors X120-X125 Outputs X120-X125 Pin Name Type 1 M Reference potential O 2 XX Output voltage O 3 Shield Shield 4 M Reference potential O 5 XX Output voltage O 6 Shield Shield 7 M Reference potential O 8 XX Output voltage O 9 Shield Shield 10 M Reference potential O 11 XX Output voltage O 12 Shield Shield  Siemens AG 2000.95 Incoming supply for relay outputs X120–X125 6 I/O Modules 6. X123 VI 5 1M Reference potential at X120. with diodes.c. connect inductive loads (e. All rights reserved.5 mm2) to X120-X125. Note If required.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module The incoming supply for the 24 relay outputs X120-X125 is connected via a 6-way Phoenix screw-type terminal connector (4 mm2) to X100. X121 VI The relay outputs are connected via six 12-way Phoenix screw-type terminal connectors (2.99 12. X208. with diodes. When a joint protective and interference discharge system is used. X203.g.95 The incoming supply for the 5 motor-controlling contactor outputs X202. X206. X209 Pin Name Type 1 U1 VI 2 V1 VI 3 W1 VI 4 Unassigned S Variant: One common incoming supply (available soon) Connection of contactor outputs Contactor outputs are connected via five 4-way Phoenix screw-type terminal connectors (2.6 I/O Modules 6. X206. X206. X210. X204. varistors. X208. X210 is provided as described below with: S Variant: Five separate incoming supplies The incoming supply is provided via five 4-way Phoenix screw-type connectors (2.99 12. Note If required. RC elements) to prevent excessive transient voltages. X205. it must meet the PE conductor specifications stipulated in VDE 0100 and VDE 0160. X208.5 mm2) to X202. All rights reserved. X204. X204. connect inductive loads (e. X209. X210 Pin EMC measures 6-96 Name Type 1 U2 Phase for motor connection O 2 V2 Phase for motor connection O 3 W2 Phase for motor connection O 4 Shield There is an equipotential bonding terminal on the bottom of the DSB module.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module Incoming supply for contactor outputs X202. The connection must be as short as possible.5 mm 2) to X201. fine-cored conductor with a cross-section of at least 16 mm2 to the grounding bar (see Section 2) as an interference current discharger. X208. X206. Table 6-11 Pin assignment of connectors X202/X204/X206/X208/X210 Outputs X202. Table 6-10 Pin assignment of connectors X201/X203/X205/X207/X209 Incoming supply X201. X207. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. You must connect a low-resistance. X210 05. X203.  Siemens AG 2000. X207.00 Edition . X205. X204. 11 INP 4[0] I X110.11 INP 7[0] I X116. channel 3 X117.16 INP 4[2] I X110.19 INP 4[7] I X112.16 INP 4[6] I X111.11 INP 6[0] I X114. All rights reserved.14 INP 4[5] I X111. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.16 INP 5[2] I X112. overcurrent.19 INP 7[7] I Checkback signal. channel 5 Signal names INPi[j] Input j of input byte i Signal type I Input  Siemens AG 2000.19 INP 6[3] I X115.14 INP 7[5] I Checkback signal.19 INP 7[3] I Checkback signal.11 INP 6[4] I X115.11 INP 5[0] I X112.16 INP 5[6] I X113. channel 4 X117.19 INP 6[7] I X116.00 Edition 6-97 .11 INP 7[4] I Checkback signal. overcurrent.11 INP 5[4] I X113. channel 2 X117.19 INP 5[7] I X114.14 INP 7[1] I X116.16 INP 6[6] I X115. overcurrent.16 INP 7[2] I X116.14 INP 5[5] I X113.11 INP 4[4] I X111.14 INP 4[1] I X110.16 INP 6[2] I X114.14 INP 5[1] I X112. channel 1 X117.99 12.14 INP 6[1] I X114. overcurrent.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module S Assignment of right-hand inputs of X110-X117 to signal names Table 6-12 Assignment of signal names to X110-X117 (right-hand inputs) Connector Name Type X110.05.19 INP 4[3] I X111.14 INP 6[5] I X115.95 Assignment of signal names 6 I/O Modules 6.19 INP 5[3] I Remarks X113. overcurrent.16 INP 7[6] I Checkback signal. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.1 INP 3[0] I X116.4 INP 3[1] I X116.4 INP 1[1] I X112.6 INP 0[2] I X110.6 INP 3[6] I X117.1 INP 0[4] I X111.9 INP 1[7] I X114.6 INP 1[2] I X112.95 S Assignment of right-hand inputs of X110-X117 to signal names Table 6-13 Assignment of signal names to X110-X117 (left-hand inputs) Connector Name Type X110.9 INP 1[3] I X113.9 INP 2[7] I X116.6 INP 2[6] I X115.9 INP 2[3] I X115.6 INP 2[2] I X114.4 INP 3[5] I X117.9 INP 0[3] I X111.9 INP 3[3] I X117.4 INP 1[5] I X113.1 INP 2[4] I X115.9 INP 3[7] I Remarks Signal names INPi[j] Input j of input byte i Signal type I 6-98 Input  Siemens AG 2000.4 INP 0[1] I X110.1 INP 1[4] I X113.6 INP 3[2] I X116.00 Edition .6 INP 1[6] I X113.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module 05.1 INP 2[0] I X114.1 INP 0[0] I X110.9 INP 0[7] I X112.1 INP 3[4] I X117.4 INP 2[5] I X115.99 12.6 INP 0[6] I X111.4 INP 2[1] I X114. All rights reserved.4 INP 0[5] I X111.1 INP 1[0] I X112.6 I/O Modules 6. 5 OUT 2[1] O X124. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.99 12. All rights reserved.2 OUT 0[4] O X121.2 OUT 2[4] O X125.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module S Assignment of outputs to signal names Table 6-14 Assignment of signal names to X110-X117 Connector Name Type X120.8 OUT 2[2] O X124.8 OUT 0[2] O X120.11 OUT 1[7] O X124.2 OUT 1[4] O X123.8 OUT 2[6] O X125.00 Edition 6-99 . channel 2 X204 OUT 3[3] O CCW rotation.05.11 OUT 0[7] O X122.11 OUT 0[3] O X121.11 OUT 2[7] O X202 OUT 3[0] O CW rotation.5 OUT 0[1] O X120.95 6 I/O Modules 6.2 OUT 0[0] O X120. channel 1 X202 OUT 3[1] O CCW rotation. channel 1 X204 OUT 3[2] O CW rotation.5 OUT 1[1] O X122. channel 2 X206 OUT 3[4] O CW rotation.5 OUT 0[5] O X121.5 OUT 1[5] O X123.2 OUT 2[0] O X124. channel 5 Signal names OUTi[j] Output j of output byte i Signal type O Output  Siemens AG 2000.8 OUT 0[6] O X121. channel 3 X208 OUT 3[6] O CW rotation.11 OUT 2[3] O X125. channel 4 X210 OUT 3[7] O CW rotation.8 OUT 1[6] O X123.8 OUT 1[2] O X122.2 OUT 1[0] O X122.11 OUT 1[3] O X123.5 OUT 2[5] O Remarks X125. channel 3 X206 OUT 3[5] O CCW rotation. All rights reserved.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module Example 05. The signal must be linked to the PLC program for all 5 channels as shown in the following example. If the current limit value is exceeded.bit 0 (1st drive) in_out temp Block: FC35 AUX_DRIVE Network: 1 AUX_DRIVE 1 A JC #MOTOR_PROTECTION_TRIPPED M1 A S #ON_CONDITION #AUX_DRIVE_ON A O JC R #EMERGENCY_STOP #MOTOR_PROTECTION_TRIPPED #MACHINE_CONDITION #AUX_DRIVE_ON A JC #MOTOR_PROTECTION_TRIPPED #AUX_DRIVE_ON // // // M1: The motor circuit is therefore cut off in the event of overcurrent. ! 6-100 Warning No motor shutdown function is implemented in the hardware.99 12.6 I/O Modules 6.95 Overcurrent evaluation of 5 motor circuits.0 out MACHINE_CONDITION BOOL FALSE 2. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.  Siemens AG 2000.2 in ON_CONDITION BOOL FALSE 2. The current value to be monitored is input via a potentiometer. The tolerance for the current settings is 10%. a signal is generated and processed in the software.1 in MOTOR_PROTECTION_TRIPPED BOOL FALSE 0.00 Edition .0 Initial value in EMERGENCY_STOP BOOL FALSE 0. Address Declaration Name Type 0.1 out Comment Input byte n+7.bit 3 (1st drive) Output byte n+11. 7 O 104.0–O 42.3 2 motor circuit reversed O 43. All rights reserved.3–I 71.4 O 107.95 6 I/O Modules 6.7 Relay outputs O 43.7 O 72.2 I 68.7 Current monitoring 59–63 O 40.5 O 107.7 I 71.0–I 35.3 O 107.2 O 75.4 O 75.1 O 107.7 I 64.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module Address assignments Table 6-15 Address assignments as a function of layout in system Rack 1 Rack 2 Rack 3 Assignment I 32.0–O 106.3–I 103.05.2 O 107.0–O 74.4 3 motor circuit O 43.2 2 motor circuit O 43.7 5 motor circuit J  Siemens AG 2000.7 I 96.0–I 67.5 3 motor circuit reversed O 43.7 Digital inputs 0–31 I 36.0 O 107.6 O 75.7 O 75.0 O 75.3 O 75.7 I 102.0–I 71.7 O 107.2 I 100.00 Edition 6-101 .0–I 39.3–I 39.0–I 102.6 O 107.1 1 motor circuit reversed O 43.2 Digital inputs 32–58 I 39.1 O 75.0–I 99.0 1 motor circuit O 43. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.6 4 motor circuit O 43.5 O 75.99 12. 95 Notes 6-102  Siemens AG 2000.00 12. All rights reserved.2 DSB with 5 incoming supplies for drive module 04.00 Edition .6 I/O Modules 6. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 5 m and 10 m).4 Status LED green: 5V OK Status LED yellow: internal error terminal box Status LED red: external error (drive bus link) 237 257 Depth: 40 mm or 130 mm (with DMP compact module) Fig. The round cables are also used to connect individual terminal blocks. 2 m. 7-1 Front view of NCU terminal block Connection to the drive bus ! The terminal block is connected to terminal X20 on the drive bus of the last drive module via a round cable.00 Edition 7-103 . All rights reserved. Important Please make sure that the total length of cable connections does not exceed 10 m.99 12.95 7 NCU Terminal Block 7 NCU Terminal Block 6FC5 211-0AA00-0AA0 X20: Interface to drive bus X21: Interface to next NCU terminal block 2.  Siemens AG 2000. You can operate a maximum of 2 terminal blocks (according to the available NCK addresses for high-speed analog and digital I/Os). SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.05. These cables are available in different lengths (cable lengths 1 m.5mm2 24V 0V 4 3 21 X9: Connection for external 24 V logic supply Shielding plate DMP compact module slots 100 1 PE conductor terminal 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 74. 00 Edition . DMP compact modules 7-104 A maximum of 8 DMP compact modules can be connected for each NCU terminal block. the shield of the drive bus cable must be bonded to the drive module (top). The low-resistance connecting lead must be a fine-cored conductor with a cross-section of at least 10 mm2 and a length of <30 cm if possible. “Front view of NCU terminal block” on previous page. All rights reserved. 7-2 810D Power section Note: In the event of EMC-related problems. Connection of NCU terminal block Terminator The terminator for the drive bus must be inserted in slot X21 on the last NCU terminal block. length 10 m SIEMENS SIMODRIVE Mains Supply (I/RF or OI) Fig. it must meet the PE conductor specifications stipulated in VDE 0100 and VDE 0160. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. see Fig. max. you must make a low-resistance connection between the shielding plate and ground potential.96 12. EMC measures The PE conductor terminal also serves to discharge interference currents from S the shields of the DMP module holder.95 611D closed-loop control module Max.  Siemens AG 2000. For PE conductor connection. To ensure the effectiveness of these RI suppression measures. PE conductor When a joint protective and interference discharge system is used.7 NCU Terminal Block 07. S the DMP compact plug-in modules and S the 24 V logic power supply. 2 NCU terminal blocks can be connected Terminator Drive bus. LED (red) on  Siemens AG 2000.7 NCU Terminal Block 12. then the outputs do not switch through reliably again when the load power supply is connected again.5 A DMP compact module 8 O 4 Digital outputs 2. number Differentiation DMP compact module 16 I 2 Digital inputs DMP compact module16 O 2 Digital outputs 0. 2 terminal blocks on a control: ! ! Monitoring functions I/O devices Number Digital inputs 32 Digital outputs 32 Analog inputs 8 Analog outputs 8 Important A total of 4 analog outputs and 4 analog inputs may be inserted simultaneously for each NCU terminal block. S +5 V monitor S Temperature monitor 60C "3C S Configuration monitor S Sign-of-life monitor (watchdog) for microcontroller S Sign-of-life monitor for NC Error Sensing Effect Undervoltage (< 4.00 Edition 7-105 . Caution If the load power supply for the DMP compact modules is disconnected during operation. All rights reserved. 12 bit DMP compact module 1O analog 4 Analog output 14 bit Complement in max.75 V) Limit monitor Disabling of NC outputs. If you cannot avoid disconnecting the supply during operation.0 A DMP compact module 1I analog 8 Analog input 13 bit DMP compact module 1I NC analog IN 4 High-speed analog input 75µs. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. screen display NCU sign of life Cyclical message Disabling of NC outputs. then you must ensure that the DMP outputs are reset via the PLC program as the load supply voltage is disconnected.95 Module type Max. The outputs must be reset when the voltage is switched on again. LED (green) off Ambient temperature Temperature sensor Status signal to NC. . 8) Connector type: 30-way plug connector ELCO Microleaf  Siemens AG 2000. LED (red) on HW combination HW configuration Disabling of NC outputs LED (red.7 NCU Terminal Block 12.5mm2 connection Table 7-1 Pin assignment of connector X9 X9 Pin Name Type 1 P24 ext VI 2 P24 ext VI 3 M24 ext VI 4 M24 ext VI Signal names P24 ext M24 ext External +24 V voltage supply Ground for external voltage supply Signal type VI X / X21 X20 X11–X18 7-106 Voltage Input Drive bus interface Connector designation: Connector type: Special features: Caution: X20 (IN) X21 (OUT) 36-way Micro Ribbon Non-floating.. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. length of drive bus is 10 m Module connector Connector designation: X11 . yellow) on. status signal to NC The binary and analog outputs are switched to a safe state (0V at output) by the signal XOUTDS in response to disturbances or errors in the NCU or the microcontroller or a power failure! Power supply 24V DC (20... All rights reserved. 2.8 V DC) Connector designation: X9 Connector type: 4-way terminal block.4 V DC to 28.00 Edition . no reliable isolation Max.95 Watchdog Time recording Disabling of NC outputs. X18 (slots 1 . 1 % J  Siemens AG 2000..55 °C within 1 minute –20..00 Edition 7-107 .95 7 NCU Terminal Block Table 7-2 Technical data for NCU terminal block Mechanical data Dimensions Height Width Depth 100 mm 257 mm 40 mm Environmental conditions Temperature ranges Service/operation Limit values Temperature change Storage/transport 0.05.. 0. 0.99 12.. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.2 K Permissible change in relative air humidity EN 60721-3-3. All rights reserved.60 °C max. Class 3K5 within 1 minute max. 7 NCU Terminal Block 04. All rights reserved.95 Notes 7-108  Siemens AG 2000.00 12. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition . .5 0V X3 Status LEDs Labelling strips Fastening screw X3 0 ... All rights reserved.81 GREY.95 8 DMP Compact Modules 8. . IN 7 LOW byte Interfaces P M 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M P X2 X1 X2 Fig.10. Order No. S Terminal P (24 V) on the 24 V connection is not used Display elements 16 LEDs as a status display for the logical states of the inputs.1 DMP compact module 16 I (6FC5 111-0CA01-0AA0) The DMP compact module 16 I is an encapsulated module which can be plugged into a slot on the NCU terminal block. 7 HIGH byte Inputs IN 0 . type MC1. 7 LOW byte 0 . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) -.5/10-ST-3.. IN 0 HIGH byte 1. Siemens AG 2000.1 DMP compact module 16 I (6FC5 111-0CA01-0AA0) 12. S Two 10-pin terminals X2 and X3 (Phoenix.5 0V Front view and side view of DMP Compact Module 16 I S One 30-way connector X1 for insertion in the NCU terminal block.. 1. for X3 and X2: 18 28 171) for connecting the 16 inputs and the load supply voltage.8 DMP Compact Modules 8.00 Edition 8-109 . S The terminals can be plugged in and coded mechanically by the customer if required. LEDs illuminated: Input ON. 8-1 Inputs IN 7 . 1 DMP compact module 16 I (6FC5 111-0CA01-0AA0) Table 8-1 12.95 Technical data for DMP Compact Module 16 I Number of inputs 16 digital inputs Galvanic isolation yes Supply voltage VLOAD .8 V 3.00 Edition . range .for “1” signal Input current with “1” signal +2 mA to +5 mA Delay time for tpLH tpLH = typ 1 ms Delay time for tpHL tpHL = typ 1 ms Cable length max.Perm.8 DMP Compact Modules 8. All rights reserved.6 Vpp 24 V DC Input voltage .Rated value .for “0” signal .Ripple Input voltage (rated value) 24 V DC 20.4 V to 28. 125 g Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP20 Humidity rating to DIN 40040 F  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 30 m Weight 8-110 –3 to +5 V +13 V to +33 V approx. LEDs illuminated: Table 8-2 Output ON.6 Vpp Signal level of outputs (typical) .00 Edition open VLoad –250 mV 8-111 .Perm.2 DMP compact module 16 O (6FC5 111-0CA02-0AA1) The DMP compact module 16 O is an encapsulated module which can be plugged into a slot on the NCU terminal block. .for “0” signal .. Order No. OUT 0 HIGH byte 0V 24 VLOAD DC 1. .2 DMP compact module 16 O (6FC5 111-0CA02-0AA1) 12.. All rights reserved.. 8-2 Outputs OUT 7 .. the LEDs go out if the load voltage fails. Technical data for DMP Compact Module 16 O Number of outputs 16 digital outputs Galvanic isolation yes Supply voltage VLOAD .Ripple 24 V DC 20. 7 LOW byte 0 .8 V 3. S 10-pin terminals X3 and X2 (Phoenix.5 0V X3 Status LEDs Labelling strips X3 0 . S The terminals can be plugged in and coded mechanically by the customer if required.for “1” signal  Siemens AG 2000. for X3 and X2: 18 28 171) for connecting the 16 outputs and the load supply voltage.95 8. On product version B and later.5/10-ST-3. OUT 7 LOW byte Interfaces P M 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M P X2 X1 X2 Fig. range . 7 HIGH byte Fastening screw Outputs OUT 0 .Rated value .5 Front view and side view of DMP compact module 16 O S One 30-way connector X1 for insertion in the NCU terminal block.8 DMP Compact Modules 8. type MC1. 24 VLOAD DC 1. Display elements 16 LEDs as a status display for the logical states of the outputs. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.81 GREY.4 V to 28. ! 8-112 Important Switching voltage peaks must be suppressed by external free-wheeling diodes when inductive loads are used.Ohmic load . With a short circuit on one output.g. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 3. the outputs switch through again automatically once the fault has been cleared.25 A. 0.95 Technical data for DMP Compact Module 16 O Output load rating with “1” signal (rated value) . 7) the sum of the output currents must not exceed 2 A (corresponding to a simultaneity factor of 50% when the individual outputs are fully loaded). 0.7 A.8 DMP Compact Modules 8. For each set of 8 outputs (2 x outputs 0 . There is no mutual interaction in normal operation at currents of < 0. All rights reserved. a new output driver is installed on the DMP Compact Module 16 O. with 0. One power supply feeds 8 outputs in each case.00 Edition . high values are permissible under lower loads) Total load capability at 55 C (referred to the sum of rated currents of all outputs) 50% Delay time for tpLH tpLH = max. 50 m Weight ! 100 Hz 11 Hz 2 Hz approx. All 16 outputs can be loaded simultaneously. (With earlier versions: Disabling with “storage” until the output is activated again by the PLC user program). 160 g Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP20 Humidity rating to DIN 40040 F Important With product version C and later..Lamp load .Inductive load 500 mA 5W 500 mA Short-circuit protection yes Power loss at 30 V max. e.5 ms Delay time for tpHL tpHL = max..5 ms Cable length max. The following new operating response must be noted: In the event of a fault initiated by overcurrent or a short circuit.8 W Operating frequency with .  Siemens AG 2000.Inductive load (at rated load. the three other outputs of the same half-byte might be disabled as well.Ohmic load .Lamps .2 DMP compact module 16 O (6FC5 111-0CA02-0AA1) Table 8-2 12. OUT 4 0 .08 GREY Order No. . 8-3 Interfaces Front view and side view of DMP Compact Module 8 O Terminal P M 7/3 6/2 5/1 4/0 X3 24 V 0V OUT 7 OUT 6 OUT 5 OUT 4 X2 24 V 0V OUT 3 OUT 2 OUT 1 OUT 0 S One 30-way connector X1 for insertion in the NCU terminal block. LEDs illuminated: Output ON. On product version B and later.. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.5/6-ST-5. 24 VLOAD DC 2.  Siemens AG 2000. 7 Labelling strips X1 Fastening screw X2 Outputs OUT 0 .3 DMP compact module 8 O (6FC5 111-0CA03-0AA1) 12. Display elements 8 LEDs as a status display for the logical states of the outputs.5 Fig. OUT 3 0V 24 VLOAD DC 2. the LEDs go out if the load voltage fails..00 Edition 8-113 .3 DMP compact module 8 O (6FC5 111-0CA03-0AA1) The DMP compact module 8 O is an encapsulated module which can be plugged into a slot on the NCU terminal block. for X3 :18 28 647 and for X2: 18 28 168) for connecting the 8 outputs and the load supply voltage. S 6-pin terminals X3 and X2 (Phoenix. type MSTB2.95 8. S The terminals can be plugged in and coded mechanically by the customer if required..5 0V X3 Status LEDs X3 P M7 6 5 4 X2 0 1 2 3 MP Outputs OUT 7 ..8 DMP Compact Modules 8. All rights reserved. for “1” signal open VLoad –80 mV Output load rating with “1” signal (rated value) . 145 g Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP20 Humidity rating to DIN 40040 F One power supply feeds 4 outputs in each case.5 ms Delay time for tpHL tpHL = max. 3. 0. e.4 V to 28.  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.6 Vpp Signal level of outputs (typical) . high values are permissible under lower loads) 100 Hz 11 Hz 2 Hz Total load capability at 55 C (referred to the sum of rated currents of all outputs) 50% Delay time for tpLH tpLH = max. The sum of the output currents for 4 outputs (outputs 0 . range .. 3 and 4 . 0.3 DMP compact module 8 O (6FC5 111-0CA03-0AA1) Table 8-3 12.for “0” signal .Inductive load 2000 mA 25 W 2000 mA Short-circuit protection yes Power loss at 30 V max. 50 m Weight approx.00 Edition .1 W Operating frequency with . All 8 outputs can be loaded simultaneously.Lamp load .Lamps ..g..Inductive load (at rated load.Ripple 24 V DC 20.8 DMP Compact Modules 8. with 1 A.Ohmic load .8 V 3.Perm.5 ms Cable length max.. 7) must not exceed 4 A (corresponding to a simultaneity factor of 50% when the individual outputs are fully loaded).95 Technical data for DMP Compact Module 8 O Number of outputs 8 digital outputs Galvanic isolation yes Supply voltage VLOAD .Ohmic load . ! 8-114 Important Switching voltage peaks must be suppressed by external free-wheeling diodes when inductive loads are used.Rated value . All rights reserved. K. S The terminals can be plugged in and coded mechanically by the customer if required.8 DMP Compact Modules 8. S 4-pin terminal X3 (Phoenix.5 Fig.95 8.08 GREY.4 DMP compact module 1 I analog (6FC5 111-0CA04-0AA0) 12. Labelling strips ANALOG IN Fastening screw S1 X1 S2 1 3 2 X2 2. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. for X2: 17 87 076) for connecting the analog input.4 DMP compact module 1 I analog (6FC5 111-0CA04-0AA0) The DMP Compact Module 1I Analog is an encapsulated module which can be plugged into a slot on the NCU terminal block. Display elements 1 LED as a status display for the power supply. All rights reserved.00 Edition 8-115 .5/4-ST-5. 1 1 2 Terminal: 6.08 GREY. 8-4 Interfaces 6 . . type MSTB2. for X3: 18 48 407) for connecting the supply voltage for the analog section and 6-pin terminal X2 (Phoenix. 1 Shield 2 Current source for PT100 3 Analog input In+ 4 Analog input In– 5 Ground Front view and side view of DMP Compact Module 1 I analog S One 30-way connector X1 for insertion in the NCU terminal block. (maximum 4 modules per terminal block) P1 P2 M1 M2 24 V DC 2. type MSTB2. Order No.k. Order No. Jumpering S1: Measuring range setting 1–2 closed: + 10 V 1–3 closed: + 500 mV S2: Line frequency setting closed: for 50 Hz systems open: for 60 Hz systems  Siemens AG 2000. LED illuminated: Internal power supply o.5/6-ST-5.5 0V X3 Status LEDs Terminals POWER SUPPLY O. Ripple 24 V DC 20. 150 g Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP20 Humidity rating to DIN 40040 F  Siemens AG 2000. "1 V) yes Basic errors "0. All rights reserved. it must be short-circuited.8 DMP Compact Modules 8. 8-5 Note Typical circuits for DMP Compact Module 1 I Analog If the power source is not required.5 mA Connection of sensors see below Digital representation of input signal 12 bits + sign Error message indicating range violation (" 20 V.8 V 3.Perm.95 Analog voltage measurement X2 S 6 X2 M – + S 5 4 3 2 1 S M – + S 6 5 4 3 2 1 Differential input (common-mode faults are suppressed) U Unipolar (Standard) U Measurement with PT100 S 6 X2 M – + I S 5 4 3 2 1 S 6 X2 M – + I S 5 4 3 2 1 PT100 with 4way connection Fig. range .6 Vpp Rated value input ranges Overrange "10 V or "500 mV+ "20 V or "1 V Power consumption (24V) 45 mA Iconst for PT100 2.4 V to 28.00 Edition .4 DMP compact module 1 I analog (6FC5 111-0CA04-0AA0) Typical circuits 12. Weight 8-116 PT100 with 2way connection 30 m approx.Rated value . SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. Table 8-4 Technical data for DMP Compact Module 1 I Analog Number of inputs 1 analog input Galvanic isolation yes Supply voltage VLOAD .2% Operational limits (0 C to 60 C) Cable length (shielded) "0.5% max. 76 mV : : 10. This voltage value is measured by a floating differential input.00 Edition 8-117 .995 V –499. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.005 V 0.5 mA).4 DMP compact module 1 I analog (6FC5 111-0CA04-0AA0) 12.005 V –0. Table 8-5 Digital analog value representation on DMP Compact Module 1 I Analog Input word Significance IB m IB m+1 Analog input voltage 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 VZ 211 210 29 28 27 26 2 24 0 23 22 21 2 0 0R PF 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 5 0 1 0 : 10 V range 500 mV range 0 19.995 V 499.995 V 999.995 V – 999.005 V –500.24 mV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0V 0 mV 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 –0.76 mV : Digital value 0 : : : 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 –10 V –500 mV 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 –10.24 mV : : –9.76 mV : 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 = always 0 OR= Overflow bit.8 DMP Compact Modules 8.005 V 500. input voltage is higher than 20 V or 1 V (double input range) PF = Failure of analog section power supply  Siemens AG 2000.95 The DMP Compact Module 1 I Analog serves to input and digitize analog voltage values. All rights reserved. PT100 resistance thermometers can be connected in conjunction with the integrated stabilized power supply (2.24 mV : 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 V 500 mV 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 9.76 mV : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0.24 mV : : – 19. Labelling strips ANALOG IN Fastening screw S1 X1 S2 1 3 2 X2 2.08 GREY. 8-118  Siemens AG 2000. P1 P2 M1 M2 24 V DC 2. Order No. LED illuminated: Internal power supply o.95 DMP compact module 1 I NC analog (6FC5 211-0AA10-0AA0) The DMP compact module 1 I NC analog is an encapsulated.8 DMP Compact Modules 8.k.5 Fig. for X2: 17 87 076) for connecting the analog input. 1 Shield 2 Ground 3 Analog input In+ 4 Analog input In– 5 Ground Front view and side view of DMP Compact Module 1 I NC Analog S One 30-way connector X1 for insertion in the NCU terminal block. 1 1 2 Terminal: 6. type MSTB2. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition .5/6-ST-5.08 GREY. S The terminals can be plugged in and coded mechanically by the customer if required.5 0V X3 Status LEDs Terminals POWER SUPPLY O. . Order No.5/4-ST-5. for X3: 18 48 407) for connecting the supply voltage for the analog section and 6-pin terminal X2 (Phoenix.5 DMP compact module 1 I NC analog (6FC5 211-0AA10-0AA0) 8. It can be plugged into a slot on the NCU terminal block (maximum 4 modules per terminal block). Display elements 1 LED as a status display for the power supply. 8-6 Interfaces 6 .K. S 4-pin terminal X3 (Phoenix. All rights reserved. high-speed analog input module with an access time of 75µs.5 12. type MSTB2. Analog value representation The converter result is made available as a two’s complement with a resolution of 4.5 DMP compact module 1 I NC analog (6FC5 211-0AA10-0AA0) Typical circuits Analog voltage measurement S 6 X2 M – + M S 5 4 3 2 1 U Fig. "0.Rated value .8 V 3. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.55 error Cable length (shielded) Weight 11 bits + sign C including zero max. range . 160 g Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP20 Humidity rating to DIN 40040 F The DMP Compact Module 1 I NC Analog serves to input and digitize analog voltage values.Ripple 24 V DC 20. All rights reserved.95 8 DMP Compact Modules 8. The duration of a conversion cycle – from the moment the conversion begins to the point at which the result is read out – lasts a maximum of 75µs. This voltage value is measured by a floating differential input.88 mV for one bit.Perm. 8-7 Table 8-6 S 6 X2 M – + M S 5 4 3 2 1 Differential input (common-mode faults are suppressed) U Unipolar (Standard) Typical circuits for DMP Compact Module 1I NC Analog Technical data for DMP Compact Module 1I NC Analog Number of inputs 1 analog input Galvanic isolation Supply voltage VLOAD yes .4 V to 28.12..  Siemens AG 2000.6 Vpp Rated value input ranges "10 V Power consumption (24V) 85 mA Connection of sensors see below Digital representation of input signal Total error across temperature range 0.00 Edition 8-119 .6% 30 m approx. 995 V 0. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.995 V 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 –10 V 0 = Always 0 PF = Failure of analog section power supply 8-120  Siemens AG 2000. All rights reserved.005 V : Digital value 12.005 V 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0V 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 –0.95 : : : : : 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 –9.5 DMP compact module 1 I NC analog (6FC5 211-0AA10-0AA0) Table 8-7 Digital analog value representation on DMP Compact Module 1 I NC Analog Input word IB m 7 Significance 6 5 4 3 IB m+1 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 VZ 210 29 28 27 26 25 2 23 22 21 2 4 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 Analog input voltage 2 1 0 0 PF 0 0 +/– 10V range 0 0 9.8 DMP Compact Modules 8.00 Edition . 8 GREY. analog output Out– Front view and side view of DMP Compact Module 1 O Analog S One 30-way connector X1 for insertion in the NCU terminal block.K.95 8. Order No. analog output Out+ 3 .5 Fig. LED illuminated: Internal power supply o. (maximum 4 modules per terminal block) P1 P2 M1 M2 24 V DC 0V X3 Status LEDs 1.. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. shield 2 . for X2: 18 40 942) for connecting the analog output. for X3: 1828126) for connecting the supply voltage for the analog section and X2 (Phoenix. 4 .. All rights reserved...6 DMP compact module 1 O analog (6FC5 111-0CA05-0AA0) The DMP compact module 1 O analog is an encapsulated module which can be plugged into a slot on the NCU terminal block. Order No. Display elements 1 LED as a status display for the power supply.00 Edition 8-121 . type MSTB2.  Siemens AG 2000. type MC1.k.5 Terminals POWER SUPPLY O.81. 8-8 Interfaces Terminal: 1. S The terminals can be plugged in and coded mechanically by the customer if required.5/4-ST-3. Labelling strips ANALOG OUT Fastening screw X1 4 3 2 1 X2 2..8 DMP Compact Modules 8. S 4-pin terminal X3 (Phoenix..5/4-ST-5.6 DMP compact module 1 O analog (6FC5 111-0CA05-0AA0) 12. 6 DMP compact module 1 O analog (6FC5 111-0CA05-0AA0) Table 8-8 12.22 mV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 –1.95 Technical data for DMP Compact Module 1 O Analog Number of outputs 1 analog output Galvanic isolation yes Supply voltage VLOAD . range . 140 g Degree of protection to DIN 40050 IP20 Humidity rating to DIN 40040 F Table 8-9 Digital analog value representation on DMP Compact Module 1 O Analog Output word OB m Significance 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VZ 212 211 210 29 28 27 26 7 6 5 4 3 2 25 24 23 22 21 20 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 +9.Perm.Ripple 24 V DC 20.8 DMP Compact Modules 8.6 Vpp Power consumption (24 V) 60 mA Output ranges (rated value) DC "10 V "3 mA Output current min.3 kΩ Load resistance for voltage outputs Digital representation of output signal 13 bits + sign Short-circuit protection yes Cable length (shielded) max.4 V to 28.00 Edition . All rights reserved.Rated value .22 mV 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 –10 V Digital value Analog output voltage OB m+1 0 always 0 J 8-122  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.9988 V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 +1.8 V 3. 30 m Weight approx. 3. 00 Edition 9-123 . All rights reserved. For this reason. S The prescribed maintenance intervals and instructions for repair and replacement must be strictly observed. severe personal injury or substantial property damage.1 9 Safety Notices ! Warning Hazardous voltages are present in this electrical equipment during operation.1 Safety Notices 12. S Maintenance work on the equipment may only be carried out by qualified personnel.95 Servicing and Maintenance 9. S Use only spare parts authorized by the manufacturer. please strictly observe all safety instructions in this Section and on the product itself when carrying out maintenance procedures. See Instruction Manual.  Siemens AG 2000. S Disconnect the unit from the power supply before you commence any maintenance work (except battery replacement).9 Servicing and Maintenance 9. Failure to properly maintain the equipment can result in death. ! Warning Hazardous voltage is still present for at least 5 minutes on all modules after all voltage sources have been disconnected. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. Charging batteries may cause them to leak and/or explode. Battery life The batteries’ service life is at least 5 years.2 Battery replacement (6FC5 247-0AA18-0AA0. since the data are backed up over of a period of approximately 15 minutes. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. etc. GWE-570 665 000 101) 9. GWE-570 665 000 101) ! Caution You must never attempt to reactivate discharged batteries by heating them. Failure to observe the above warning may result in personal injury or property damage. The battery must be removed before the module is stored. 9-1 9-124 SINUMERIK 810D CCU module  Siemens AG 2000. The back-up voltage is monitored by the control system which outputs a monitoring signal.95 9 Servicing and Maintenance 9. Once the monitor has responded. The battery on the SINUMERIK 810D can be replaced without risk of data loss after disconnection of the control power and removal of the CCU module. All rights reserved. you have a period of 6 weeks to change the battery.2 Battery replacement (6FC5 247-0AA18-0AA0.98 12.05.00 Edition . Battery-backed SRAMS and clock batteries are installed on the CCU module and the MMC101/102. Battery Fig. Connect up the new battery (check that polarity is correct) and insert it in the battery compartment. ground contact of outlet). Before you touch a PCB.g. Remove all connectors (label beforehand if necessary).07.00 Edition 9-125 .95 9 Servicing and Maintenance 9. Read ESD handling instructions! 3. Data will be backed up by a capacitor for a period of approximately 15 minutes. 1. Before removing the CCU module. grounded object (e. 8. please note the prescribed measures for handling ESD components in the preface of this Planning Guide.96 12. Switch off the control. the unpainted metal parts of the switching cabinet. Take out the battery and pull out the battery plug. 4. make sure that your own body has been electrostatically discharged. 7. 2. 6. To discharge your body. 9-1). Insert the CCU module again and tighten the fastening screws. GWE-570 665 000 101) Replacement of battery on the CCU module The battery is located on the CCU module (see Fig. touch a conductive.2 Battery replacement (6FC5 247-0AA18-0AA0. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. Undo the 4 fastening screws on the CCU module and remove the module. All rights reserved. J  Siemens AG 2000. 5. Insert all connectors in their correct positions. Warning Printed circuit boards contain components which can be destroyed by electrostatic discharge. 95 Notes 9-126  Siemens AG 2000.00 12.00 Edition . All rights reserved. GWE-570 665 000 101) 04.2 Battery replacement (6FC5 247-0AA18-0AA0. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.9 Servicing and Maintenance 9. 00 Edition A-127 . All rights reserved. programming and simulating.Abbreviations A AS PARAM SIMATIC Parameterizing Tool CCU Compact Control Unit DMP Distributed Machine I/Os EFP Single I/O Module EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EnDat Absolute Encoder Interface (Heidenhain) ESD Electrostatically Sensitive Devices FDD Feed Drive HD Hard Disk HHU Handheld Unit HMI Human Machine Interface: SINUMERIK operating functions for operating. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. IM Interface Module (SIMATIC S7–300) IM Address Interface Module Address I/RF Infeed/Regenerative Feedback Module ISA Industry Standard Architecture K Bus Communication Bus LED Light Emitting Diode LT Power Section Module MCP Machine Control Panel  Siemens AG 2000. The meaning of HMI is identical with MMC. e. All rights reserved.08.97 12.The meaning of HMI is identical with MMC.95 A Abbreviations MLFB Machine-Readable Product Designation MMC Human Machine Communication. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. MPI Multi-Point Interface MS Mains Supply Module MSD Main Spindle Drive NC Numerical Control NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt OI Open-loop control infeed OP Operator Panel OPI Operator Panel Interface P Bus I/O Bus PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association PER I/O module PG Programming Device PLC Programmable Logic Controller PS Power Supply (SIMATIC S7–300) SM Signal Module SIMATIC S7–300.00 Edition . input/output modules SW Software UI User Interfaces VGA Video Graphics Adapter J A-128  Siemens AG 2000.g. C.: E86060–K4490–A001–A7 –7600 Electronic Documentation /CD6/ The SINUMERIK System (10.00 Edition B-129 .B References General Documentation /BU/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/802S. All rights reserved. SIMODRIVE Accessories and Equipment for Special-Purpose Machines Catalog NC Z Order No. D Ordering Information Catalog NC 60 Order No. SIROTEC.: E86060–K4460–A101–A8 –7600 /ST7/ SIMATIC SIMATIC S7 Programmable Logic Controllers Catalog ST 70 Order No.: E86 060–K4670–A111–A3 /Z/ SINUMERIK.00 Edition) DOC ON CD (includes all SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC and SIMODRIVE publications) Order No. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.: 6FC5 298–6CA00–0BG0  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Short Operation Guide Order No.: 6FC5 298–2AD40–0BP0 (11.98 Edition)  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/810D Operator’s Guide ManualTurn Order No.99 Edition) (07. All rights reserved.: 6FC5 298–4AA40–0BP2 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Operator’s Guide Order No.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/810D/ FM-NC Operator’s Guide Unit Operator Panel Order No.10.00 12.96 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Operator’s Guide HT 6 (HPU new) Order No.: 6FC5 298–6AA10–0BP0 (10.: 6FC5 298–0AD60–0BP0 (06.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/810D Short Guide ManualTurn Order No.95 B References User documentation /AUE/ /AUK/ /AUP/ /BA/ /BAE/ /BAH/ /BAK/ /BAM/ /KAM/ B-130 SINUMERIK 840D/810D/FM-NC AutoTurn Graphic Programming System Part 2: Setup Order No.: 6FC5 298–4AA30–0BP2 SINUMERIK 840D/810D/FM-NC AutoTurn Graphic Programming System Part 1: Programming Order No.99 Edition) (10.: 6FC5 298–4AA50–0BP2 SINUMERIK 840D/810D/ FM-NC Short Guide AutoTurn Operation Order No.: 6FC5 298–5AD00–0BP0 (02.: 6FC5 298–6AA00–0BP0 – Operator’s Guide MMC – Operator’s Guide HMI Advanced (07.99 Edition) (07.: 6FC5 298–3AA60–0BP1 (04.00 Edition . : 6FC5 298–5AE40–0BP0  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Programming Guide Advanced Order No.: 6FC5 298–6AB10–0BP0 (10. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.: 6FC5 298–5AA70–0BP2 (06. English.: 6FX2 060 4AA00–4XB0 (German.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Programming Guide Fundamentals Order No.4 Software for Data Transfer to/from MMC Module Order No.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Diagnostics Guide Order No.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/810D Short Guide ShopMill Order No.95 /BAS/ /KAS/ /BAP/ /BNM/ /DA/ /PG/ /PGA/ /PGK/ /PGZ/ B References SINUMERIK 840D/810D Operator’s Guide ShopMill Order No.00 Edition) /PI / PCIN 4.: 6FC5 298–6AB40–0BP0 (10.10.00 Edition (01.: 6FC5 298–6AB30–0BP0 (10.00 12.: 6FC5 298–5AD10–0BP1 (08.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Short Guide Programming Order No.: 6FC5 298–6AB00–0BP0 (10.98 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Operator’s Guide Handheld Programming Unit Order No. French) Order from: WK Fürth /SYI/ SINUMERIK 840Di System Overview Order No.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC User’s Guide Measuring Cycles Order No. All rights reserved.: 6FC5 298–2AD30–0BP0 (01.00 Edition) B-131 .: 6FC5 298–5AD20–0BP1 (04.: 6FC5 298–6AA20–0BP0 (10.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Programming Guide Cycles Order No. : 6FC5 297–4AD10–0BP0 (10.00 12. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.: 6FC5 297–3AC00–0BP0 (04. SIROTEC.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D NCU 561.00 Edition .: 6FC5 297–6AC10–0BP0 (10.: 6FC5 297–6AB70–0BP0 (10.00 Edition) SINUMERIK FM-NC NCU 570 Configuring Manual (HW) Order No.2–573.00 Edition) (02.10.2 Configuring Manual (HW) Order No.: 6FC5 297–0AD30–0BP1 (10.: 6SN1197–0AB10–0YP1 SINUMERIK.99 Edition) (06.96 Edition) SIMODRIVE Sensor Measuring System for Main Spindle Drives Configuring/Installation Guide. SIMAG-H (HW) Order No.: 6SN1197–0AB30–0BP0 (05. SIMODRIVE EMC Installation Guide Planning Guide (HW) Order No.99 Edition)  Siemens AG 2000.95 B References Manufacturer/Service Documentation a) Lists /LIS/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC SIMODRIVE 611D Lists Order No.00 Edition) b) Hardware /BH/ /BHA/ /EMV/ /PHC/ /PHD/ /PHF/ /PMH/ B-132 SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Operator Components Manual (HW) Order No.: 6FC5 297–6AA50–0BP0 SIMODRIVE Sensor Absolute Encoder with PROFIBUS-DP User Guide (HW) Order No.99 Edition) SINUMERIK 810D Configuring Manual (HW) Order No. Frames.00 12.10. Extended Functions (Part 2) –(10. Position Switching Signals Punching and Nibbling Positioning Axes Oscillation Rotary Axes Synchronous Spindles Synchronized Actions (up to and including SW 3) Stepper Motor Control Memory Configuration Indexing Axes Tool Change Grinding  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition)– including FM-NC: Turning. Basic Machine (Part 1) – (10.00 Edition B-133 . Setpoint/Actual-Value Systems.: 6FC5 297–6AC20–0BP0 A2 A3 B1 B2 D1 D2 F1 G2 H2 K1 K2 K4 N2 P1 P3 R1 S1 V1 W1 /FB2/ Various Interface Signals Axis Monitoring. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.: 6FC5 297–6AC30–0BP0 A4 B3 B4 F3 H1 K3 K5 L1 M1 M5 N3 N4 P2 P5 R2 S3 S5 S6 S7 T1 W3 W4 Digital and Analog NCK I/Os Several Operator Panels and NCUs Operation via PG/PC Remote Diagnostics Jog with/without Handwheel Compensations Mode Groups. Closed-Loop Control Output of Auxiliary Functions to PLC Mode Group. Protection Zones Continuous Path Mode. External Zero Offset Communication EMERGENCY STOP Transverse Axes Basic PLC Program Reference Point Approach Spindles Feeds Tool Compensation SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D(CCU2)/FM-NC Description of Functions. Actual-Value System for Workpiece. Program Operation Mode Axes. All rights reserved.00 Edition) – (the various sections are listed below) Order No. Channels. Stepper Motor (the various sections are listed below) Order No. Coordinate Systems.95 B References c) Software /FB1/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D/FM-NC Description of Functions. Axis Replacement FM-NC Local Bus Kinematic Transformation Measurement Software Cams. Channel. Exact Stop and Look Ahead Acceleration Diagnostic Tools Interactive Programming Travel to Fixed Stop Velocities. : 6SN1 197–0AB80–0BP0 SINUMERIK 840D Description of Functions Digitizing Order No.99 Edition) Start-Up Scanning with Tactile Sensors (scancad scan) Scanning with Lasers (scancad laser) Milling Program Generation (scancad mill)  Siemens AG 2000. Special Functions (Part 3) – (10. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition) Operational Messages/Alarm Reactions Diagnostic Functions Speed Control Loop Extended Drive Functions Enable Commands Encoder Parameterization Calculation of Motor/Power Section Parameters and Controller Data Current Loop Control Monitors/Limitations SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 Digital Description of Functions ANA Module Order No.00 Edition) (07. All rights reserved.95 B References /FB3/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D(CCU2)/FM-NC Description of Functions.00 Edition .10.: 6FC5 297–4AC50–0BP0 DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 B-134 3-Axis to 5-Axis Transformation Gantry Axes Cycle Times Contour Tunnel Monitoring Coupled Motion and Leading Value Coupling Constant Workpiece Speed for Centerless Grinding Tangential Control Preprocessing 3D Tool Radius Compensation Distance Control Analog Axis Master-Slave for Drives Transformation Package for Handling Setpoint Exchange MCS Coupling (02.00 Edition) – (the various sections are listed below) Order No.: 6SN1 197–0AA80–0BP6 DB1 DD1 DD2 DE1 DF1 DG1 DM1 DS1 DÜ1 /FBAN/ /FBD/ (10.00 12. Drive Functions (the various sections are listed below) Order No.: 6FC5 297–6AC80–0BP0 F2 G1 G3 K6 M3 S8 T3 V2 W5 TE1 TE2 TE3 TE4 TE5 TE6 /FBA/ SIMODRIVE 611D/SINUMERIK 840D/810D Description of Functions. 10.: 6SN1 197–0AB60–0BP1 /FBR/ (02.95 B References /FBDN/ CAM Integration DNC NT-2000 Description of Functions System for NC Data Management and Data Distribution (05.96 Edition) Operator’s Guide Development Environment (Configuring Package) Online only: Configuring Syntax (Configuring Package) Introduction to Configuring of Operator Interface Screen Kit: Software Update and Configuration SINUMERIK 840D Description of Functions C-PLC Programming Order No.96 Edition) (02.00 12.00 Edition) Host Computer Interface PLC/NCK Interface SINUMERIK 840D / SIMODRIVE Description of Functions SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (05.: 6FC5 297–5AD50–0BP0 BA EU PS PSE IK /FBP/ (10.00 Edition) Order No.: 6FC5 297–5AB80–0BP1  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition B-135 .: 6FC5 297–5AD60–0BP0 NFL NPL /FBSI/ (08.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/810D/FM-NC Description of Functions Configuring of Operator Interface OP 030 (the various sections are listed below) Order No.: 6FC5 297–6AE50–0BP0 /FBFA/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Description of Functions ISO Dialects for SINUMERIK Order No. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.: 6FC5 297–3AC40–0BP0 (03.00 Edition) Order No.: 6FC5 297–3AB60–0BP0 SINUMERIK 840D/810D Description of Functions SINCOM Computer Link Order No.00 Edition) (03.: 6FC5 297–6AE10–0BP0 /FBHLA/ /FBMA/ /FBO/ SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 Digital Description of Functions HLA Module Order No.99 Edition) SINUMERIK 840D/810D Description of Functions ManualTurn Order No. : 6FC5 297–5AC60–0BP2 (07.: 6FC5 297–5AE00–0BP0 (08.95 B References /FBSP/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D Description of Functions ShopMill Order No.: 6FC5 297–5AE60–0BP0 (06.: 6SN1 197–0AB40–0BP3 B-136 (05.99 Edition) /FBU/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal Description of Functions (05.98 Edition) (10.00 12.10.00 Edition) (04. Presses Order No. Ceramics.: 6FC5 297–6AD40–0BP0 /FBTD/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D Description of Functions Tool Information SINTDI with Online Help Order No. All rights reserved. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. Glass.00 Edition) SINUMERIK 840Di Manual Order No.: 6FC5 297–5AD80–0BP1 /FBST/ SIMATIC FM STEPDRIVE/SIMOSTEP Description of Functions Order No.00 Edition) /HBI/ /IK/ SINUMERIK 840D/810D/FM-NC Screen Kit MMC 100/Unit Operator Panel (06.: 6SN1 197–0AA70–0YP3 /FBSY/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D(CCU2) Description of Functions Synchronized Actions for Wood.: 6FC5 297–3EA10–0BP1 /KBU/ SIMODRIVE 611 universal Short Description Closed-Loop Control Component for Speed Control Order No.96 Edition) Description of Functions: Software Update and Configuration Order No.: 6SN1 197–0AB20–0BP3 /FBW/ SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Description of Functions Tool Management Order No.00 Edition) Closed-Loop Control Component for Speed Control and Positioning Order No.00 Edition .00 Edition) (11.00 Edition)  Siemens AG 2000. 00 12.: 6ES7 398–8AA03–8AA0 (10.97 Edition)  Siemens AG 2000. User Manual Order No. V.: 462 008 0815 00 (12.00 Edition) /S7H/ SIMATIC S7–300 – Manual: Assembly.00 Edition) Distributed Positioning Motor on PROFIBUS DP.00 Edition) (on request) ALL General Information about Linear Motors 1FN1 1FN1 Three-Phase AC Linear Motor 1FN3 1FN3 Three-Phase AC Linear Motor CON Connections Order No.: 6SN1 197–0AA00–0BP4 /POS1/ SIMODRIVE POSMO A (02.: 6SN2197–0AA20–0BP0 (09.: 6SN1 197–0AA20–0BP4 /PJMS/ /PJU/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide 1FE1 Synchronous Built-In Motors Three-Phase AC Motors for Main Spindle Drives Order No.00 Edition) (03. 3.: 6SN2197–0AA00–0BP1 /POS2/ SIMODRIVE POSMO A Installation Instructions (enclosed with POSMO A) Order No.: (on request) SIMODRIVE 611–A/611–D Planning Guide Inverters Transistor PWM Inverters for AC Feed Drives and AC Main Spindle Drives (09.00 Edition) (08.10.00 Edition B-137 . All rights reserved.: 6ES7 810–4CA02–8AA0 (03.: 6SN1 197–0AB70–0BP1 /PJM/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide Motors Three-Phase AC Motors for Feed and Main Spindle Drives Order No.1 Order No. CPU Data (HW) – Reference Manual: Module Data Order No.98 Edition) /POS3/ SIMODRIVE POSMO SI/CD/CA Distributed Servo Drive Technology. Basic Information.95 B References /PJLM/ SIMODRIVE Planning Guide Linear Motors (05. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. User Manual Order No.98 Edition) /S7HT/ SIMATIC S7–300 Manual: STEP 7.98 Edition) Order No. 97 Edition) /S7L/ SIMATIC S7–300 FM 354 Servo Drive Positioning Module Order in conjunction with Configuring Package (04.00 Edition) (incl. description of SIMODRIVE 611D start-up software) Order No. description of SIMODRIVE 611D start-up software) Order No. V. Reference Manuals.: 6FC5 297–4AD20–0BP0 /IAD/ SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611D Installation and Start-Up Guide (10.: 6SN 1197–0AA60–0BP5 (09. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.: 6SN 1197–4MA00–0BP0 /SP/ SIMODRIVE 611–A/611–D. SimoPro 3.: 6ES7 810–4CA02–8AR0 (03.1 Order No. All rights reserved.99 Edition) FM 357 Multi-Axis Module for Servo and Stepper Drives Order in conjunction with Configuring Package /SHM/ SIMODRIVE 611 Manual Single-Axis Positioning for MCU 172A Order No.: 6FC5 297–3AB00–0BP0 B-138 (04.98 Edition) d) Installation and start-up /IAA/ SIMODRIVE 611A Installation and Start-Up Guide Order No.00 Edition) /IAC/ SINUMERIK 810D Installation and Start-Up Guide (10.00 Edition .95 B References /S7HR/ SIMATIC S7–300 Manual: STEP 7.00 12.: 6FC5 297–6AB10–0BP0 /IAF/ SINUMERIK FM-NC Installation and Start-Up Guide Order No.97 Edition) /S7M/ SIMATIC S7–300 (10.96 Edition)  Siemens AG 2000. 3.10.: 6SC6 111–6PC00–0AAj Order from: WK Fürth (01.97 Edition) /S7S/ SIMATIC S7–300 FM 353 Step Drive Positioning Module Order in conjunction with Configuring Package (04.1 Program for Configuring Machine-Tool Drives Order No.00 Edition) (incl. : 6FC5 297–6AE20–0BP0 IM1 IM3 IM4 HE1 BE1 (10.2 Start-Up Functions for the MMC 103 Start-Up Functions for the HMI Advanced (PCU 50) Online Help Supplement Operator Interface  Siemens AG 2000.00 12.95 /IAM/ B References SINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D MMC/HMI Installation and Start-Up Guide Order No. All rights reserved.00 Edition B-139 .10. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition) Start-Up Functions for the MMC 100. B References 10.00 Edition .95 Notes B-140  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 04.00 12. All rights reserved. 95 EC Declaration of Conformity  Siemens AG 2000.00 Edition C-141 .99 12. All rights reserved.08. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 00 Edition .95 Notes C-142  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.04. All rights reserved.00 12.  Siemens AG 2000. sect. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. please follow the installation guidelines for EMC-compatible plant design provided in the product documentation and the EMC Installation Guidelines for SINUMERIK. El. E002 V 26/03/99 A11: Typical plant configuration SINUMERIK 810D Metal cubicle *) on I/RF module and OI module 28 kW **) Filter in module group or separately Operator panel Machine contr.i p ter n p **) s l y SIN.95 Appendix A to EC Declaration of Conformity No.08. In cases where the plant configuration is not typical. 810D QWERTY – keyboard 611 Pow. SIROTEC and SIMODRIVE (Order No: 6FC5297-0AD30-0BP1). S See Appendix C for conformity with standards Note The plant configuration sketch shows only the basic measures required for a typical plant configuration to comply with Directive 89/336/EEC.99 12. mod. handwheel Terminal strips 810D I/Os 810D I/Os *) Machine base 810D I/Os G M G M NCK I/Os Reactor Line terminal S All components which are authorized for the SINUMERIK 810D module network according to ordering information comply with Directive 89/336/EEC within the network. panel MS a u Fil. All rights reserved.00 Edition C-143 . SIROTEC and SIMODRIVE. E002 V 26/03/99 C: The compliance of the products with the Directive of the Council 89/336/EEC has been verified through inspection and testing according to the following product standards. SIMATIC. basic specifications and standards contained therein.99 12. SIMATIC.08. Different product specifications apply to product categories SINUMERIK. C1: Product category SINUMERIK*). SIROTEC: Basic specification: EN 50081-2 dated 8/93 Basic standards: EN 55011 2) Test subject: Radio interference Basic specification: EN 50082-2 dated 3/95 Basic standards: EN 61000-4-3 4) ENV 50204 5) EN 61000-4-6 EN 61000-4-8 EN 61000-4-2 EN 61000-4-4 6) 7) 8) 9) 1) 3) Test subject: Radiated high-frequency interference (amplitude-modulated) Radiated high-frequency interference (pulse-modulated) Conducted disturbances induced by RF fields Magnetic fields Static discharge Electrical fast transient bursts C2: Product category SIMODRIVE. SINUMERIK 810D:. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.00 Edition . All rights reserved. Product standard: EN 61800-3 10) C3: Other standards fulfilled by SINUMERIK 810D: Re 1): Re 2): Re 3): Re 4): Re 5): Re 6): Re 7): Re 8): Re 9): Re 10): VDE 0839 Part 81-2 VDE 0875 Part 11 VDE 0839 Part 82-2 VDE 0847 Part 4-3 ENV 50140 VDE 0847 Part 204 IEC 801-6 VDE 0847 Part 4-6 IEV 1000-4-6 ENV 50141 VDE 0847 Part 4-8 IEC 1000-4-8 VDE 0847 Part 4-2 EN 60801 Part 2 IEC 801-2 VDE 0843 Part 2 VDE 0843 Part 4 VDE 0847 Part 4-4 IEC 801-4 VDE 0160 Part 100 J *) except for SINUMERIK 810D C-144  Siemens AG 2000.95 Appendix C to EC Declaration of Conformity No. 5-75 CCU box. Meaning of LEDs. 4-52 D DAC test sockets. 1-14 Connection configuration with PLC I/Os and NCU terminal block. X204. 4-65. 6-89 Terminals. 1-18 Components of the SINUMERIK 810D. 6-96 Incoming supply for relay outputs X120–X125. 2-23 Ambient conditions. 2-axis CCU box. 3-37 CCU1: 6th axis. 4-67 6th axis. 2-21 Connection configuration for the MPI bus. 2-24 Battery replacement. 6-95 Technical data.Index Conversion for external cooling. 4-55 Cable set for 611D closed-loop control module. 5-71 Axis extension with SIMODRIVE 611D closedloop control module. 4-52 DC supply. 2-29 Axis extension. 8-109 Drive bus. X206. CCU1. HHU. 4-60 Connecting leads. 8-115 DMP compact module 1 I NC analog. 1-15 Connectors. 5-74 B Backup batteries. 2-23 Ambient climatic conditions. 6-96 Example. 6-94 Connection of relay outputs. 6-92 Connection of the load power supply. 4-48 Dimension drawing of 2-axis CCU box. 6-90 with 5 inputs for drive module. 2-28 EC Declaration of Conformity. 9-124 C Cable distributor. 4-53 Cable distributor interfaces. 1-11 A Air pressure. 3-36 CCU. 3-35 Device bus. 6-95 Connection of the electronics supply. 3-39 Display elements. C-141 Electromagnetic compatibility. 4-43 Design of the SINUMERIK 810D. 4-65. 8-111 DMP compact module 8 O. 6-86 with 5 incoming supplies for drive module Address assignments. 8-121 DMP compact module 16 I. installation. 4-69 Combinations. 4-48 Dust.00 Edition Index-145 . 2-22  Siemens AG 2000. 4-52 Distribution board Connections. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. X208. 6-96 Connection of inputs/outputs. 4-43 Connecting cables. 6-101 Assignment of signal names. 4-54 Control elements. 4-67 Numbers 3-axis CCU box. terminal assignment. 2-21 Ambient mechanical conditions. 1-17. 8-113 DMP compact modules. 8-118 DMP compact module 1 O analog. 3-37 Assembly guidelines. 2-27 Description of the SINUMERIK 810D. 8-109 DMP compact module 16 O. 6-97 Connection of contactor outputs. 2-23 Assembling the 810D. All rights reserved. 6-92 EMC. 6-100 Incoming supply for contactor outputs X202. location. HPU. X130. X210. 6-93 DMP compact module 1 I analog. 1-16 Connection conditions. installation. 4-69 810D components. 4-54 Cable distributor. X151. 3-40 Current reduction. 2-25 E Earthing concept. 7-106 NCU terminal box. 9-123 Markings. 7-105 O Overview display of 810D. 4-65. 4-63 Measuring system. indirect. 1-13 Overview of interfaces. 3-42 Maintenance. 7-104 DMP compact modules. 4-46 M Mains connection. 5-71 Pollutants. 4-62 Position sensing. indirect. 7-104 EMC measures. 2-30 Interfaces on the SINUMERIK 810D. 4-60 Measuring system. absolute (EnDat). 7-106 Terminator. 2-25 Position sensing. 4-67 Interfaces for servicing/Start-up/Maintenance. X111. 4-63 Position sensing. 4-66 References. 4-62 Measuring system.00 12.95 EMC. 3-41 Motor connection.04. 4-68 Plug-in axis extension unit.indirect. All rights reserved.FDD. 4-44 RI suppression measures. 4-47 Interference immunity. 4-64 Position sensing.FDD. X122. 7-103 Connection. connection. 4-67 Rated load cycles MSD. 2-31 Motor cables. 4-47 PCMCIA card (memory card). 4-64 Measuring systems. 4-45 P P bus. 4-60 Measuring system. 7-104 X11–X18. 1-19 Measuring channels. 2-32 MPI interface. 4-61 Power consumption.FDD. X121. 5-73 Ribbon cable connectors. 2-26 Power modules. Monitoring functions. MSD. 4-68 PLC module.00 Edition . MSD. 2-26 Protective separation. 7-104 Power 2-29 I I/O device interface. 7-106 X20/X21. B-129 Relative air humidity. 4-58 L L2-DP interface. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. 3-36 Integrated power sections. 3-41 ESD symbol. FDD. 2-26 Power loss calculation. indirect. 4-57 MPI connecting cable. description. 4-57 Motor measuring 2-30 R Radiated emissions. 4-59 Mechanical data. 2-23 Restrictions vis-à-vis 611D standard closed-loop control. 2-29 Ribbon cable. X102. 7-107 relative air humidity . 4-48 Index-146 N NCU terminal block. 1-18 Power supply. 4-65. 1-20 F Filter modules. 4-57 Measuring system. 2-26 Mains infeed. 7-104 PE conductor. 2-22 Rated load cycles FDD. 1-19 Location of interfaces. 4-47 Labels. 2-22 Interpretable encoder systems. 2-32 MPI connector. direct. connection. 2-22 Encoder cables.MSD. 4-58 Installing the SINUMERIK 810D. 5-72  Siemens AG 2000. 2-30 Interfaces for user. 4-47 Incremental measuring systems. 4-45 Interfaces. 00 Edition Index-147 . X342. 9-123 Servicing. 1-11 Technical data of individual components. 4-48 X151. 3-40 Shipment conditions. 2-23 Terminal block. 2-axis CCU box. 4-66 Single I/O module. X351. 6-78 Electronics power supply. 4-50 V Vibrational stressing. 4-48 X131. 6-79 X402. 1-11 System overview. Mounting. 4-48 X304. 6-78 Inputs/outputs. 4-47 X121. All rights reserved. 6-77 Dimension drawing. 6-83 Storage conditions. 2-29 Shielding plate. 2-24 Shock stressing. 4-50 J  Siemens AG 2000. 6-77 Connections. Address space. 6-82 Single I/Os. 4-49 X431. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10. X431. 4-47 X113. 2-24 System configuration. X306. X352. 6-82 X405.00 12. 2-23 Signal chart for incremental encoders. 9-123 Shielded signal cables. 6-81 Load power supply. 3-38 Shielding plate assembly. 6-81 X404. 4-48 X130. X305. 2-23 X X102.04. 2-31 Temperature range. 4-47 X111. 4-47 X114. 4-49 X341. 4-58 Simultaneity factor. 4-49 X411–X416. 4-47 X122. 6-81 LEDs. 6-80 Technical data.95 S T Safety notices. 6-80 EMC. 00 12.95 Notes Index-148  Siemens AG 2000. SINUMERIK 810D Manual Configuring HW (PHC) – 10.04.00 Edition . All rights reserved. docu@erlf. O. Suggestions for improvement are also welcome. Address Telephone: / Telefax: / Suggestions and/or corrections SINUMERIK 810D Software Version 4 Configuring CCU1/CCU2 .de) Manufacturer/Service Documentation Manual From Order No. please notify us on this sheet. 0180 / 525 – 8008 / 5009 [Hotline] Fax +49 9131 / 98 – 1145 email: motioncontrol.: Edition: Name Company/Department 6FC5 297-4AD10-0BP0 10.00 Should you come across any printing errors when reading this publication. Box 3180 Corrections For Publication/Manual: D–91050 Erlangen (Tel.siemens.Suggestions SIEMENS AG A&D MC BMS P.
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