Manual V22 Servis

March 22, 2018 | Author: Dmitry Yankovsky | Category: Windows Vista, Component Object Model, Internet Explorer, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Windows Xp



Amadeus Vista 2.2 Support Guide V1.0 Copyright © AMADEUS GLOBAL TRAVEL DISTRIBUTION All Rights Reserved. Author: TOPS SER PTS – Nice Date: 04/2005 Published by: AMADEUS s.a.s 155 Route du Pin Montard B.P. 69 06902 Sophia Antipolis FRANCE REVISION HISTORY Amadeus Vista 2.2 – Support guide Version 0.1 0.9 1.0 Date September 04 April 05 April 05 Author O. Romagny O. Romagny O. Romagny Comments Draft Update for Vista 2.2P200 Last review Page 2/68 Amadeus Vista 2.2 – Support guide Contents 1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6.1 ABOUT THIS GUIDE ....................................................................................... 5 INTENDED AUDIENCE ..................................................................................... 5 ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ............................................................................. 5 GLOBAL ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................ 6 VISTA CLIENT ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................ 6 SERVER ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................ 6 GOOD INSTALLATION ..................................................................................... 6 CLIENT HAS A HWID BUT HAS NOT MIGRATED YET ........................................ 6 BAD INSTALLATION (NO MIGRATION OR REGISTRATION) .................................. 6 STARTING VISTA W ITH PARAMETERS.............................................................. 6 WELCOME PAGE FLOWCHART ........................................................................ 6 WINDOWS XP, VISTA 2.2P200 AND AMADEUSLAUNCHER ............................... 6 WINDOWS XP SP2 CASE .............................................................................. 6 VISTA SHELL FLOWCHART ............................................................................. 6 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................... 6 STARTUP...................................................................................................... 6 CONFIGURATION FILE .................................................................................... 6 LOG FILE ...................................................................................................... 6 DEFAULT CONFIGURATION VALUE .................................................................. 6 CONCEPT DIAGRAM ...................................................................................... 6 VISTA 2.X CID MIGRATION ............................................................................. 6 2. VISTA ARCHITECTURE.................................................................................. 6 3. WELCOME PAGE HWID/CID INFORMATION PAGE.................................... 6 4. VISTA STARTUP OVERVIEW......................................................................... 6 5. VISTA LOG TOOL ........................................................................................... 6 6. UPGRADING FROM VISTA 2.0 OR 2.1 .......................................................... 6 7. FAQ.................................................................................................................. 6 8. TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................... 6 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 DIAGNOSTIC PAGE ........................................................................................ 6 VISTA GUI DEBUG PAGE ............................................................................... 6 VISTA CP CONFIGURATION PAGE ................................................................... 6 VISTA CP DEBUG PAGE ................................................................................ 6 VISTA TN3270 EMULATOR PROPERTY PAGE .................................................. 6 CHECKING W EB CONFIG DATA ....................................................................... 6 LOCAL DATA ................................................................................................. 6 VISTA ERROR CODE RANGES ........................................................................ 6 APPENDIX A. IE SCRIPTS ERRORS ................................................................... 6 Page 3/68 ....................................... 6 APPENDIX H......... 6 APPENDIX G....... TN3270 EMULATOR ERRORS ....... 6 APPENDIX E............................... GENERAL SERVER OBJECT ERRORS WASH (8000–8999) ...... 6 APPENDIX K... MPCPIA ERRORS (12000-12499).................. GENERAL SERVER OBJECT ERRORS COMCORE (8000–8999) 6 APPENDIX I............. COMCORE CLIENT COMMUNICATION ERRORS (1000–2999) ......... 6 APPENDIX F........ WASH CLIENT COMMUNICATION ERRORS (1000–2999) ....................... 6 APPENDIX J..................... 6 Page 4/68 ....... COMMAND PAGE ERRORS .... 6 APPENDIX C..... START-UP ERRORS ...........Amadeus Vista 2......... SPECIFIC SERVER OBJECT ERRORS (6000–7999) ........................................ 6 APPENDIX D.......... EDIFACT HANDLER ERRORS (9000–11999) .................2 – Support guide APPENDIX B.... Vista customisation is not covered by this guide. Printing facility is not covered by this guide. TOPS Support Tools Guide. Toolbars XML Configuration Guide.2 Intended Audience The information in this manual is written for technical users. Folders XML Configuration Guide. but by the Amadeus Pro Printer support guide.2. The new features of Vista 2.Installation guide 1. To know more on the configuration part: Host Window & Session Configuration Guide. 1.2 Installation guide.1 About This Guide This guide describes the basic components and steps for supporting Amadeus Vista 2. Web Config Functional Training support document. It is assumed that the reader has a good knowledge of the Microsoft operating systems. Smart Keys XML Configuration Guide. but by the Vista Customisation Training Support document. Diagnostic Site Troubleshooting Guide.2 installation guide and in the Vista technical release notes. Automatic Update Installation and Troubleshooting Guide.2 are detailed in the Vista 2. +QC Guide.2 installation. Security Gateway Troubleshooting Guide. Introduction 1. +ACE Guide.3 Associated Documents The following Amadeus resources will help you to get the required knowledge to install and support Vista 2.Amadeus Vista 2. . This is not a functional User Guide. of the Amadeus software distribution platform (Web Config system including Automatic Update) and of the Amadeus Vista 2.2 . 1.2: Vista 2. Amadeus Vista 2.2 – Support guide 2.1 Global Architecture ICSAT WC DB 1A Central System API ComCore Components S-K DB Wash Data (SOAP/HTTPS) Server Web Config WC DB ComCore Ext. Vista Architecture 2. RecordSets / HTTPS Data XML) ComCore Wash 3270 UTS Ace Files +Ace UI Config XChange Vista Graphic Vista Command Page Automaticupdate Client Page 6/68 . Wash is currently used by the Vista shell for all communications concerning the session as well as Page 7/68 .Amadeus Vista 2.2 – Support guide 2.htm) WASH ComCore Xchange Component Architecture (Travel.2 Vista Client Architecture Vista Server Vista Client Vista Shell (vista.htm) Functional Component/Scriptlet Xchange Notifier Component specific Javascript HTML/XHTML Presentation layer The above drawing shows the main components of the Vista client with its two communication components: WASH and ComCore. WASH Wash is a C++ module that communicates with the Vista server in XML format. 2. Xchange Xchange is a C++ ActiveX that is responsible for the cross component communication within the application.g.3 Server Architecture Vista Server Utilities (Certificates / Tokens) Web Config (Deployment / Configuration) Agent Smart Keys (Wash: SOAP XML) Microsoft IIIS START Transactions (SOAP XML) GUI Transactions (ComCore: MS Recordset) 1ACA Cryptic Transactions (Wash: SOAP XML) Customer Profiles (ComCore) TCP / I-EDI WebConf SQL Proxy ComCore Proxy Wash Proxy START Agent Smart Keys START SIP TPF Front End START ASW TCP / XML Vista client TCP / I-EDI TPF Back Ends TCP / I-EDI CSX Page 8/68 .).2 – Support guide by the command page for all cryptic commands. The ComCore proxy is instantiated by the Vista shell when the first component makes a request to it (this means the first functional call made by a graphical module e.Amadeus Vista 2. Air availability etc. ComCore The Com Core Proxy is a Visual Basic module being used for communication by all graphical components in Vista. WASH is also the component communicating with the Security Gateway modules to get the list of ATIDs associated with the Hardware ID on the machine. Retrieve PNR. 2 – Support guide 3. Welcome Page HWID/CID Information Page Clicking on the version will display a HWID/CID information page. 3. This page can be used to quickly troubleshoot the client installation.Amadeus Vista 2.1 Good Installation Page 9/68 . 2 – Support guide 3.Amadeus Vista 2.2 Client Has A HWID But Has Not Migrated Yet Page 10/68 . 2 – Support guide 3.Amadeus Vista 2.3 Bad Installation (No Migration Or Registration) Page 11/68 . Add special functionality. the Welcome Page is not displayed and Vista is automatically started.2 URL to:\Vista\VistaDev XML_CONF: This allows running a local Web Config date file: DEVEL_PATH: This gives the possibility to specify a source code different than the standard Vista installation that you wish to run. separated by ‘&’: http://amadeusvista. To supply parameters to the Vista URL you have to specify the web site entry page followed by ‘?’ and then each parameter. http://amadeusvista.x ml The packagedef file has the following format: <ComponentList> <Component> <name>PNR</name> </Component> <Component> <name>AIR</name> </Component> </ComponentList> Page 12/68 .2 – Support guide\Vista\ResSeparation\WebConf.Amadeus Vista 2. 2. Vista Startup Overview 4. http://amadeusvista.xml The parameters available are: BYPASS: If set to 1.1 Starting Vista With Parameters Parameters may be added within Vista 2.\Vista\ResSeparation\WebConf.xml PACKAGE_DEF: This allows you to specify a file that will allow the overriding of the installed component list returned by Automatic Update. Overwrite default parameters build up at run time by the Welcome Page and propagated to the Vista\Vista\ResSeparation\PackageDef. 2.htm no installed version > Registration Site redirection (ALWAYS PRODUCTION) AU.Amadeus Vista 2.setWebServer (using XXXXX.2 Welcome Page Flowchart A new Welcome Page has been launched with Vista 2.amadeusvista.) Old German Welcome Page AU.amadeusvista.amadeusvista.forceUpdate AU.2 – Support guide 4. Here is the new Vista WP flow manual registration German Specific Registration Site registration site link German cutomized version of the Welcome Page German flow Registration Site xxxx = caller (redirection) or "" Autmatic Update flow Page 13/68 .s All Rights reserved Unauthorized use and disclosure strictly forbidden yes are AU and Vista installed? germanstart. XXXXXX.AMADEUS s.setWebServer (using XXXXX.) deployment check Old Welcome Page deployment finished yes from a redirection? no language? language? language SUPPORTED LANGUAGE NON SUPPORTED OR ENGLISH SUPPORTED translated/ customized Welcome Page NON SUPPORTED OR ENGLISH SUPPORTED NON SUPPORTED OR ENGLISH GERMAN GERMAN registration site link english version of the Welcome Page In those cases the registration site includes a text explaining why the user has been redirected translated Registration Site English Version of the Registration Site registration site link Registration site (including explanations) Registration site (including explanations) this page is actually a call to the "Common" Welcome Page where the language is forced (See ) * registration site direct access Any manual action certificates.htm are AU and Vista installed? yes installed Version >=2.setWebServer (using XXXXX.2 no Au installed yes yes /germanOld redirection yes /VWP redirection AU.2 2 parallel actions no * ?LANGUAGE=DE no ©Copyright 2004 .) WEBCONFIG (XXXXX. If Vista is a Vista error WCG001 is displayed. When running Vista through AmadeusLauncher. This is described in Amadeus Upgrade for XP SP2 Support Document. Automatic Update is no longer installed. a new program called AmadeusLauncher is started. Product version and language are retrieved from: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Amadeus\1aAutoUpdate\Products\Vista 4.2 – Support guide Important remarks (doesn’t concern German page) If no Vista product is installed.amadeusvista. the “Internet Explorer” name is removed from the Window’s title. The URL of the old Welcome Page is *. but Automatic Update is not started. From this version. when Vista is started on a Windows XP workstation (not only SP2). Vista running in AmadeusLauncher: Page 14/68 .2P200 runs natively on Service Pack2.Amadeus Vista 2.2P200 And AmadeusLauncher Up to version 2.2P200. The page is displayed in the language of the product installed (for supported languages). or if the Vista release is below 2.3 Windows XP. the page is redirected to the old Welcome Page.2. Vista 2. started nor synchronized from the Welcome Page. the old Welcome Page is displayed. If Automatic Update is not installed. This tool embeds an Internet Explorer control and will “replace” Internet Explorer to display the screens. Vista 2. running Vista under Windows XP SP2 requires an Amadeus Upgrade to work. Amadeus Vista 2. go to the Effects tab. For some components using JavaApplets (German market). The executable file (AmadeusLauncher.4P200 release.exe) is located in the Automatic Update kernel directory. it may be necessary to update a display setting to solve a flickering problem (PTR1309375): Open the Display Properties window (through the control panel). and uncheck Show window contents while dragging. Page 15/68 .2 – Support guide Vista running in Internet Explorer: The AmadeusLauncher is installed with Automatic Update since 2. Amadeus Vista” (**) When an action is done concerning the SP2 patch (apply or remove) a flag is set through an xml persistent object. running Vista 2. Moreover. The new flow for the Windows XP SP2 detection in the Welcome Page is the following: no Force launcher?(*) No Is XP SP2? yes no Vista Version< 2.4 Windows XP SP2 Case As described in the previous chapter. This object can be only accessed from the creator URL.4P200? no yes Return error: Launcher not available Use Launcher for launching Vista Figure 1: SP2 Patch and Launch flow (*) The force launcher parameter is passed in the URL when calling the welcome page.2P200? no Vista Version = 2.2 – Support guide 4. For example: “amadeusvista. (***) This action is not changed from the way it for SP2 and Vista below 2.2P200 no longer requires an Amadeus patch. the Amadeus patch will be removed. For more information refer to SP2 patch documents. A patch is applied in the registry and the client is marked as “applied”.2P200.2P200? yes yes patch applied? (**) patch applied? (**) is XP? no yes no Apply registrySP2 patch (***) yes remove registry SP2 patch yes no flag as patch removed Use Open windowin IE for launching Vista (****) yes is AU version >= 2. when a computer running the Amadeus Upgrade for XP SP2 (previous Vista versions) is upgraded to Vista 2.2P200. Page 16/68 . htm .This page can be used to detect or install the patch manually. Please refer to the Cruise documentation for more information. Page 17/68 . A support page is available on the Vista or Cruise welcome page through a hidden link: until the new Cruise Welcome Page (Cruise 3.exe"=dword:00000001 The Amadeus patch for XP SP2 is also currently mandatory to run Cruise.2P200 remove the patch. This means that there are now dependencies between Vista and Cruise releases.2 – Support guide (****) It is the same way of launching Vista as today for all versions of Vista previous to V2.Amadeus Vista 2. As Vista 2. Cruise may not work anymore as a standalone application unless reapplying the patch. Removing the Amadeus patch means that the Windows registry keys modified by the patch are set to the Microsoft default value: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Lockdown_Zones\0] "2101"=dword:00000003 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0] "2101"=dword:00000003 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_LOCALMACHINE_LOCKDOWN] "iexplore.7 and future 3.8) is released. No Launcher used. The workaround is to run Cruise inside Vista 2. More information can be found in the Amadeus Upgrade for XP SP2 Support document. Amadeus Vista 2.2 – Support guide 4.htm Display signin ProceedAmadeusSignInRequest( ) This call passes through standard wrappers in g User click on send button on sign-in screen SEC_sendSignIn( ) SEC_GetSessionInfo( ) GetSessionInfo( ) GetOfficeIndicators( ) Sign-in finished display marketing message and end of openVistaSession() loadtravelPage( ) buildVistaXML( ) will get the list of possible eggs from web conf. shows modal dialog signin.js : Wash : signin.5 Vista Shell Flowchart : T/A LoadWindow( ) : Vista : WebConfManagement : Travel : securityutils.htm : workArea vst_InitAndConnect( ) SetXchange( ) vst_setPropsFromURL() vst_ConnectWash( ) End of vst_InitAndConnect Display certificate list wcm_GetWebConfData( ) initialize( ) openVistaSession( ) SEC_GetSessionInfo( ) GetSessionInfo( ) GetOfficeIndicators( ) If not already signed. check against list of installed eggs from autoupdate and build list of eggs to display loadOneSet( ) loads the scriptlet that are marked as preloaded or first load finished Page 18/68 . . In the case of Security Gateway. Vst_SetPropsFromURL This function parses the URL being passed from the Welcome Page to initialise Vista global parameters. Page 19/68 . and if there is a problem with some of these parameters. If 1 certificate is returned. node If there is a response but there is no value for the XML node //wcfgResponse/Data. the function will throw the error WCG_003. then passes certain parameters recuperated from the URL in the previous step to WASH. If there is a response but there is no value for the XML //wcfgResponse/Status/Success.Amadeus Vista 2. It then asks for the certificate that is available for this machine. WASH will return an error message. the function displays the certificates prompt to ask the user to select one certificate. you will find a more detailed explanation of some of the key steps./Xchange/Xchange_config. and will then use the information from the selected certificate to continue start up. OFFICE and ATID of this certificate. Furthermore. Vst_connectWash This function instantiates the WASH client module. Wcm_GetWebConfData This function will use an interface of Automatic Update to get the Web Configuration data. and to publish these parameters in Xchange to make them available for third party components. SetXchange This function will initialise Xchange with its configuration file that is found in the folder “. Below. WASH is itself handling whether there is a HWID installed and the certificates should be recuperated from the machine registry or from the Security Gateway mechanism. The errors that are thrown are the following: If the response of this function is nothing.xml”. the function will at this point be able to return the full range of SG errors (note that only the error number will correspond to the SG range with this format SG_XXXX whereas the text will be a standard line saying:” The attempt to connect to the Amadeus system has failed”). If 2 or more certificates are returned. this function will register Xchange in the Running Objects Table. the error WCG_002 will be displayed.2 – Support guide The above sequence diagram shows the flow of the Vista Start up. the function continues the start up with the CID. The next step is to handle the certificate collection being returned: If 0 are certificates returned. This is the file that provides the rules for how Xchange will route its information flows. the error WCG_001 will be displayed. the error WCG_001 will be displayed. This information will be inspected by the Vista shell to detect if the user is already signed in a work area and if he has a PNR open: If the user is signed. he will be prompted to through the sign in screen.2 – Support guide The process that follows will be described in less detail. If the user is not signed in. If the user has a PNR open as well. After that step. Both of these requests are done through WASH and are also always immediately followed by a request to retrieve the office indicators. the PNR module will be asked to retrieve the PNR information. a sign in request will be sent to Central System to sign in the user.Amadeus Vista 2. The first communication that is made with Central System is a request for the session information. Page 20/68 . the sign-in screen of Vista will be bypassed and the application starts directly. 5.Levels: DEBUG. It will also be used in the future to measure performance of the vista module (for internal Amadeus needs only). Vista components will then use the logging API provided by the DLL.2 – Support guide 5.xml configuration file in the “%USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Amadeus\” directory. ERROR.xml file indicates the log file location. 5. VTLD will assume default values (see later in this chapter) for its operations and create the file in the above directory. In the case where the Vistalog. AU installs (in its own kernel directory) and registers the “VTLD_COM_Cplus_DLL.1 Installation VTLD is distributed by Automatic Update since 2.2 Startup When Vista is started.dll”.<TST level="INFO"/> --> <Air level="DEBUG"/> <Car level="WARN"/> </VistaTraceToolConfiguration> Page 21/68 .xml” xml file. VTLD looks for it in an “Amadeus” folder in the system directory. Vista Log Tool Vista Trace Log and Debug (VTLD) is a new application extension (DLL) to use for tracing and debugging Vista.Amadeus Vista 2. The Vistalog. FATAL> <ComponentConfiguration/> <!-.xml configuration file is not found.0"?> <VistaTraceToolConfiguration> <GeneralConfiguration VTLD="True" extension="CSV" location="C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\Amadeus\" VTLD="True" fileName="VistaLog" maxSize="200" defaultLevel="FATAL"/> <PerformanceLog active="FALSE" subtasks="FALSE" snapshots="FALSE" file="PerfLog" maxStackSize="50"/> <!-.4 release. INFO.xml file: <?xml version="1. This tool will create a log file containing all Tracing of the information that may help in the troubleshooting of a problem and another file for Performance data. WARN. VTLD is loaded and searches for the Vistalog.3 Configuration File Sample Vistalog. VTLD can be configured via the “Vistalog. 5. If it is not found there. then in the temporary directory. Components Code can be: VLT Trace Tool SHL Shell WCL Wash client PNR ACE CCP COMcore proxy CPS Command Page Shell (Command page Area container) CPB Command Page Business CPU Command Page UI PQA Plus QC Admin PQE Plus QC RuleEditor PQR Plus QC RuleChecker SWP Simplified Welcome Page (Vista 2.Amadeus Vista 2. Log file directory – Will be created if necessary.exe (from AU) Level values are the same as in the <GeneralConfiguration> section. If component node is defined and level element is not defined OR component node is not defined at all. Log file directory.2 – Support guide The GeneralConfiguration section defines log file characteristics: VTLD location: fileName: extension True/False – Enable or disable the traces.). AU and CCCert) for migration and registration SGD SGDLL (called by the CC proxy to access SGW functionalities) SGI SGInterface (VB cls into the CC proxy) SGE SGExe.2) SLB SGLib (into SGDLL and WASH) for SGW functionalities SLT SGLibLite (into the WASH proxy. If component node and level element is defined then this level will be in effect for that component. Page 22/68 . maxSize: defaultLevel Maximum size (KB) of the log file.CSV) file with each line representing a different record. in these cases default level permissions from the GeneralConfiguration section will take effect. Tracing level. The ComponentConfiguration section defines the log level for each individual component. Also component codes and all values are case insensitive. Log file extension (a character text (TAB) separated value (. Value are (from more to less detailed): Debug Info Warn Error Fatal The PerformanceLog is reserved for development usage. Any problem(s) with the Configuration process will be logged as an error in VTLD output log file. ErrorNumber.4 Log File The log file is created where indicated by the Vistalog. Internally it will identify ComponentCode with FIRST 3 letters for config level purposes.cpp main() 10 “test warn CVTLD” Record Format: Type Date Time MessageType: Size Date(9) Time 24 hr(12) char(1) Description DdMMMyyyy hh:mm:ss. MAX FreeFlow Cells numbers will be kept at 200. Content Example: 02JUN2004 14:07:43:493 “test Fatal CVTLD” F AIR 2.2 – Support guide 5.0 and onward).0P060 AIR.0P060 D:\usr\air_api\testVTLD\VTLDTest. Replace any Tab with Space within Free flow. Double quote free flow text in each cell.11. ComponentCode String(8) ComponentVersion ErrorCode String(12) String(20) SourceFileName FunctionName SourceLocalisation FreeFlowText String(64) String(64) String(8) String Page 23/68 . Function Name.xml file.Amadeus Vista A one character as follows: F Fatal E Error W Warning I Info D Debug Component code should match the XML definition for overwriting defaults. Also replace any Double quote as part of free flow text with 2 Double quotes. The ErrorCode is generated by appending the following information: ComponentCode.Occurance Source File Name. Component version code. Excel cell will be limited to 30000 char (Excel 8. The FreeFlow message to be written. LineNumber(C++) or Localisation.0 02JUN2004 14:08:20:847 W AIR 2. 2 – Support guide 5. If above fails Use GetSystemDirectory()/Amadeus Location If above fails Use GetTempPath() Location (as a last resort because regular users may not be able to write to System Dir!) VistaLog CSV 200 (KB) FATAL fileName: extension: maxSize: defaultLevel: <PerformanceLog> active: subtasks: snapshots: file: maxStackSize: FALSE FALSE FALSE PerfLog 50 Page 24/68 . VTLD will create the file assuming the following default values: <GeneralConfiguration> VTLD location: True %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Amadeus\ If above path does not exists then VTLD try to create path.5 Default Configuration Value If the Vistalog.Amadeus Vista 2.xml file is not found. 6 Concept Diagram VLTD DLL VTLD_Fatal VTLD_Error VTLD_Warn VTLD_Info VTLD_Debug VTLD_SetLogger VTLD_NotifyTaskBegin VTLD_NotifyTaskEnd VTLD_NotifySubTaskBegin VTLD_NotifySubTaskEnd VTLD_LogResourceSnapshot VTLD_NotifySetTaskName VLTD management Com Interface VTLD_ReloadConfiguration Com Component XML Config VTLD Log File VTLD PerfMon File Vista Components Vista Client Page 25/68 .2 – Support guide 5.Amadeus Vista 2. 2 – Support guide 6.x CID migration The HWID will be created and the CID migration process will occur (linking existing CID to the HWID) during the first use of Vista 2. Refer to security gateway documentation for details on HWID migration troubleshooting.1 Vista 2. Page 26/68 .Amadeus Vista 2.1 6.2.0 or 2. Upgrading from Vista 2. If for instance a PC is installed with Amadeus Pro Tempo. Error WCG001 when starting Vista This generally occurs when Automatic Update is stopped.Amadeus Vista 2. the application has to be removed first before installing a new product like Amadeus Vista. Check that Automatic Update is up and running. See Error chapter of this guide to get more information. Error NG_1110 when starting Vista This error generally occurs when the Amadeus Root Certification Authority is not installed. Amadeus Pro Web and/or Amadeus Vista on the same computer.2 – Support guide 7. Error NG_5117 when starting Vista Page 27/68 . FAQ Can I run multiple front-office products on the same workstation? Amadeus does not support the installation of several front-office products on the same PC: it is not possible to install Amadeus Pro Tempo. Install the Amadeus Root CA. Check that the certificate is installed. Move the cursor over the registration site logo.2 – Support guide The HWID is configured with high encryption but the certificate can not be found. Click on the new link that appears at the bottom of the page. Register again the CID. reissue/reinstall the HWID.Amadeus Vista 2. (See picture on the next page) Page 28/68 . If you want to reinstall it: Go to the SGW registration site. Hold the Shift key and click on left button of the mouse. If not installed. Hotel picture or map are not displayed Internet access is required to access hotel multimedia feature. How to reinstall Automatic Update Automatic Update is not anymore installed from the Welcome Page. Error NG_9015 when starting Vista The HWID has been reissued but not reinstalled. Check the network requirement in the installation guide. 2 – Support guide Hold the Shift key and click on left button Click here to download AU Page 29/68 .Amadeus Vista 2. This tool has more technical features. Press the Shift +CTRL + X keys to open the page. Page 30/68 . but the page can be printed. Press the Shift key and click on the left button of the mouse.2 Vista GUI Debug Page The Vista GUI debug page displays information on CID/ATID/Office used for the graphical part. use the Amadeus diagnostic page to check that all Vista requirements are fulfilled. Troubleshooting 8.3 Vista CP Configuration Page The Vista CP Configuration page lists all the parameters (XML data) used by the shell and the command page (including scripts and SmartTabs). Refer to Amadeus diagnostic page technical documentation.Amadeus Vista 2. 8. Move the cursor here 8.1 Diagnostic Page Before any troubleshooting. Move the cursor over the Amadeus Vista image. To open this page: Start Vista. No search facility is provided. like retrieving data (ComCore) sent to the Vista servers that may be used by developers for a debugging purpose. Go into the Command Page tab.2 – Support guide 8. To open this page: Start Vista. and the XML sections can be collapsed or expanded. Click on the Debug button.4 Vista CP Debug Page The Vista CP Debug page lists all the components installed as well the transport URL (transactional server) and the Application Window URL. Page 31/68 . The page also allows setting traces. used by developers for debugging purpose. To open the debug page: Open the CP Configuration Page.2 – Support guide 8.Amadeus Vista 2. Page 32/68 . If some parameters are modified in this way. the modification will be applied only for the duration of the Vista session.Amadeus Vista 2. The emulator parameters will be reset to their default values stored in the Web Config the next time Vista is started.2 – Support guide 8. Press the Shift +CTRL + Q keys to open the page. To open this page: Start Vista. Go into the Command Page tab.5 Vista TN3270 Emulator Property Page The Vista CP TN3270 Emulator property page allows you to view and to temporarily modify the configuration of the TN3270e emulator. The data are mainly stored by Vista through two mechanisms: Internet Explorer UserData persistence feature or Local data Local data are user customised data that are stored Checking Web Config Data Some URLs can be used to check the data that are supposed to come from Web Config. User sign-in parameters. Opening these pages in Internet Explorer also verifies that the data received are conformed to the XML specifications. UserData Persistence Vista options like the Vista tabs order.Amadeus Vista 2. refer to the Vista TN3270 Support document.2 – Support guide To get more information. Hotel preferences.asp?CertificateId=the cid&ProductName=Vista 8. Checking the list of CIDs attached to an HWID1 Page 33/68 .asp?CertificateId=theci d&ModifCounter=0 Checking the configuration of a product for a CID http://amadeusvista. 8.asp?HWID1=thehwid1 Checking the products and components deployed for a CID http://amadeusvista. 8999 9000 . This directory will be automatically recreated but all data customised through this mecanism will be lost. Internet Explorer should be configured to accept cookies.5999 6000-7999 8000 .11999 are prefixed by NG SGW documentation SGW documentation Annex errors Annex Annex Location of error descriptions Annex Annex Vista TN3270 Support document Annex Annex Security Gateway client errors Security Gateway server errors Specific server object errors General server COMCore/WASH object EDIFACT handler errors (server side) Page 34/68 . If you suspect that the local cache is causing problems. 8.2999 Component IE Scripts errors Shell errors TN3270 Emulator errors Command Page/ Emulator errors ComCore/ WASH client(wash errors are prefixed by NG :NG_1110 – ComCore by CC) (wash errors :NG_1110) 3000. The data are stored in the XML file.8 Vista Error Code Ranges The following chart lists the range of error codes used and the location of error descriptions: Error numbers None WCG 00x 0 – 20 0 – 1000 1000 . accessible only by the Web sites that created them.2 – Support guide This mechanism of Internet Explorer stores data on the directory %userprofile%\UserData\XXXX. the change will not take effect for most of the clients because their local cache will override the Web Config data. This caching has priority over the data coming from Web Config unless some major changes have been made in the data.4999 5000. Moreover. the Internet Explorer Internet Options window allows the deletion of all cookies. Cookies Command Page customisation like fonts/colours used.Amadeus Vista 2. delete the Userdata directory. If a vendor wants to change the egg that is being displayed by default for the clients. Cookies store data in text files located under the %userprofile%\Cookies directory. this advanced option should be checked to detect script errors. Report the error to support teams with all information provided (You may have to click on Show Details command button to view details). IE Scripts Errors Important notice: An IE java script error message will be displayed in the Vista application window only if the advanced option “Display notification on every script error” is checked. If a JavaScript error occurs on the client.Amadeus Vista 2. Each time the application is not working.2 – Support guide Appendix A. IE will display an error message box as below. or: Page 35/68 . Error WCG_001 Description Start-up Errors No answer from the Web Config server. WCG_003 No HWID or CID available. No CID is attached to the HWID. Check through the a CID is attached to the HWID.Amadeus Vista 2. Check the security gateway environment. Page 36/68 . Check that Automatic Update is started. Check the Web Config deployment and configuration. Automatic Update is not running or doesn’t have access to Web Conf.2 – Support guide Appendix B. Look for errors in the Automatic Update log file. WCG_002 The Web Config data returned are not correct. Delete the Automatic Update cache. The version of the product installed is different than the version deployed in Web Config. Page 37/68 . 1. 3 Some Emulator components are missing. Report to WASH error message section for details. Ask support from Command page Development team. Re install IE. Please contact your help desk. Check Version parameter value. 2. Number Message / Description Probable cause Recommended actions <rc> (any) There has been an error <rc> on initialisation of the SmartKey API application server. WASH error number is given by rc value. contact Dev Team. COM Components (ActiveX dlls) that belong to ‘Emulator 3270’ Web Components not installed or registered on the client machine. alert Error: The requested Command Page server version ("Version directory name") does not exist on the server. For Vista CmdPage : Command page can’t find a certificate from WASH certificate collection with a CID that mach the one selected on GUI side and used by CCCert4. Command Page Errors This list of errors is extracted from the Pro Web support document and some errors are not applicable to Vista. If the problem persists.description> If this continues to happen please contact your help desk. SmartKey WASH server service can’t be reached. ‘Version’ parameter value provided within the Pro Web Url does not exist on the server (directory). Force reinstalls. Problem with Microsoft XML Dom object (unable to uncompress XML file). Description : <e.Amadeus Vista 2.2 – Support guide Appendix C. For Vista/ProWeb: Same as above but certificate can’t be found because of an error in WASH cert while calling LoadCertificateList method. 1 The Certificate being checked is not valid. Please contact your Amadeus help desk. If the problem persists. Force reinstalls. Please contact your help desk. If the problem persists. If the problem persists. COM Components (ActiveX dlls) that belong to CmdPageUI Web Components not installed or registered on the client machine. 10 Pro Web not installed.2 – Support guide Number Message / Description Probable cause Recommended actions 4 Some Emulator components are missing. Page 38/68 . Please contact your Help Desk. 3) Automatic Update unable to install Pro Web. 2) Activation date not reached. Deploy the certificate. Idem description.Amadeus Vista 2. OfficeId attribute value must match with one of the Office attached to the client certificates. 7 No certificate selected or installed on your machine. contact Dev Team. contact Dev Team. 5 Some Smart Key components are missing. Force reinstalls. 8 The switch to session [SessionName] is not possible because no Certificates match your session definition. 21 The WashClientModule is not installed. 1) No Certificates installed on the client PC are deployed on Pro Web product. 6 Some Emulator components are missing. Force reinstalls. Wait until activation date Refers to Automatic Update trouble shooting documentation. COM Components (ActiveX dlls) that belong to ‘Emulator 4505’ or ‘Client4505API’ Web Components not installed or registered on the client machine. Forces reinstall. Idem description. contact Dev Team. COM Components (ActiveX dlls) that belong to ‘Emulator 4505’ or ‘Client4505API’ Web Components not installed or registered on the client machine. Client4505API Web conf component not installed or deregistered. Check Host-OfficeId attribute definition in HostList WebConf component. Select 3270 certificate. If no path is given in the WebConfig it should be installed on one of the system path or the system PATH variable must contain the script path. Check in registry if ScriptCOM correctly installed/registered. Open more detail section to see the exact cause. 103 <ScriptName> script is not installed on the machine or the System PATH variable is not correctly set. Parameters given to COM object are not defined in the COM object interface or COM object crashes. 102 Could not launch COM object <ProgId> <Method><Params> Method or parameters invalid. WebConf System not already refreshed with the ‘active’ status (update performed each hour). Check in WebConf ScriptCOM element definition. A ScriptCOM is configured but COM object method not found. 23 The Macro Parser Module is not installed. Check in WebConf ScriptCOM element definition. 100 Could not create object ProgId=<ProgId>. Deploy the certificate.dll not installed or de registered.2 – Support guide Number Message / Description Probable cause Recommended actions 22 The Smartkey Parser Module is not installed. A ScriptCOM is configured but COM object not installed on client machine. 200 No configuration available. Forces reinstall. Forces reinstall. The EXE script specified in <ScriptName> can’t be launched. Certificate selected not deployed. 101 Could not find method to call for object ProgId=<ProgId>. W1aSmartKeyParser.Amadeus Vista 2. Check EXE is installed on the client machine at the given path. The other possibility is that the ScriptCOM parameters are not valid. Macro Parser08. A certificate has been reissued and installed on the client PC. Check your configuration. Please contact your help desk.dll not installed or de registered. Error description : <description> COM Error launching COM object method. Error description displayed gives the system error description. Wait and retry one hour later. Object is not installed on the machine. The other possibility is that the ScriptCOM parameters are not valid. Please contact your help desk. Page 39/68 . " Config error in Folder component for ScriptFolderItem with wcfgIndex=xx. or remove ScriptFolderItem element that caused the error. Do a force Update from Automatic Update window. 211 Error no ScriptEXE/COM/URL/. Deploy one of the optional Emulator from Web Conf for this terminal. ScriptFolderItem ignored. Page 40/68 . Please ensure one of the optional emulators is deployed for your terminal. defined in ScriptFolderItem wcfgIndex=xx. Add missing ScriptEXE/COM/URL element configuration in Folder component..2 – Support guide Number Message / Description Probable cause Recommended actions 210 Error no Script or Menu defined in ScriptFolderItem wcfgIndex=xx. No Emulator deployed. ScriptFolderItem ignored. or remove ScriptFolderItem element that caused the error. Config error in Folder component for ScriptFolderItem with wcfgIndex=xx. 300 Command page Error: No Host defined in your configuration. There is no ScriptEXE or ScriptCOM or ScriptURL Element node defined. Add missing Script element configuration in Folder component. There is no Script Element node defined.Amadeus Vista 2. Please verify xxx. A connection is not possible. Host Ip number. A connection is not possible. The host name is correct in the configuration. as there is a network problem.Amadeus Vista 2. 3 The host system is not responding. The host name given in the configuration (xxx) is not visible on the network. Number 1 Message / Description The configuration of the emulator is not correct. Further information At the end of this message you will see which items will need to be verified. The emulator was not able to start a connection. Check : The host can be seen by doing an "nslookup" from a command prompt. Check : The host name is correct in the configuration. 2 The network connection is not active. TN3270 Emulator Errors For more information refer to the Vista/3270 support document. 4 The address of this Host cannot be found.2 – Support guide Appendix D. Check : The network / modem cable correctly attached. xxx Please verify the configuration. This will be one or both of the following: Host name. Page 41/68 . There is no answer coming back from the host system. There have been no network error messages shown by the OS. The host will return the reason.. the 'Reset' key is pressed.Amadeus Vista 2. You are not able to modify the display at this time. The field where the cursor is is a numeric field. but has not indicated that the keyboard can be unlocked. The cursor is in the wrong place. 13 Security Error: . or move the cursor. or the insert key is pressed to go to 'overwrite' mode. During this time. the host has sent data to the emulator. The keyboard is in 'Insert' mode and the field where the cursor is. 12 The keyboard has not been unlocked by the host. which will be displayed as well. during negotiation. The keyboard will be locked until the cursor is moved or the 'Reset' key is pressed. Here. the keyboard is locked and no change of the presentation space is permitted. Further information The emulator has successfully connected to the host but. Page 42/68 . This is the 'X: SYSTEM' message as seen in PCom. 8 The cursor was in a protected area of the screen when the user tried to enter a character. or move the cursor. The emulator is in the process of communicating with the host. The keyboard will be locked until either the cursor is moved or the 'Reset' key is pressed. Press Reset. 10 The current field numeric characters. Press Reset. either the cursor is moved. only accepts 11 There is a transaction in progress between the emulator and the Host. The specific problem will be indicated here. Thus. You can wait for the host to unlock the keyboard or press the 'Reset' key. 9 The current field is full. is full. A problem has been detected by the security package. The user has clicked on "Disconnect". . only numeric characters can be entered into it.. the host has refused the access to a specific LU/session. The keyboard will be locked until. Press the Insert key to overwrite.. 7 The connection to the Host system has been closed by user request..2 – Support guide Number 5 Message / Description The Host has refused the connection. Network may be down." certificate) is not supported in production. remove all COMCore components (In the windows explorer. "An error occurred Client failed to create an Object on the server. and select 'remove'). check VTLD & Security Gateway log file.Amadeus Vista 2. “The remote server returned no data. a fresh proxy will be downloaded and installed.the variant response received from COMCore server is empty. so it does not occur in Version0. Generic Error in ConnectNew(). Check server configuration (MTS components)." Further information Client cannot make an object call onto the Vista server. In ConnectNew() call. attempting to create Probably indicates a faulty proxy installation. Network: re-establish network connectivity." "An error occurred An object creation failed within the COMCore proxy (client piece). At the next connection. so it does not occur in Version0. a ComCore local object. or switch to hot-standby server.ProcessRawResponse(). Check authority to do SSL. variant response. in c:\winnt\Downloaded Program Files. right click on components. COMCore Client Communication Errors (1000–2999) Number Message 1000 "Unable to access Server. Server: re-start. 1010 "A communication ConnectPooled failed. transportURL as before for 2003.2 – Support guide Appendix E." On the client machine.” Error in Services. Check VTLD log and get the line # for UnMarshalDownStreamCentralXML. during the deserialisation while processing the process. or Server may be down. An error occurred Only occurs if XML response requested. or Server may be badly configured. This does not occur attempting to create when the transport is RDS/HTTP. Pooled ATID mode (connection without a error has occurred. 1020 1030 1001 1088 1089 1091 Page 43/68 . a business object. Server Component not correctly initialised by the Client. If still occurring. check VTLD & Security Gateway log file. COMCore server. 1097 Relaunch Vista. re-install COMCore proxy. If still occurring. The variant response received from COMCore server is empty. 1094 An error occurred Error in Marshal.2 – Support guide Number Message 1092 Further information Generic Error in SetSessionData(). connectivity.Connect was not completed successfully. Server Method not correctly initialised by the Client. Check network Server Component.UnMarshalDownStreamCentral.Amadeus Vista 2. "The certificate on the client side is valid” "The certificate on the client side is not valid" "The reference to the utils object is not valid" Re-try call to Connect. Error in Marshal. Check CC Log while processing the Service traces (Variant + EDIFACT) to see what was returned by the variant response. 1095 1096 Relaunch Vista. Services. re-install COMCore proxy. 1098 Cannot create Failed to call CC server component remotely. 1099 2001 2002 2003 Page 44/68 . Check CC Log Service traces (Variant + EDIFACT) to see what was returned by the COMCore server. Server config.UnMarshalDownStreamCentral. Unexpected internal error – should not get passed initialisation without this parameter being defined. Page 45/68 . The failure code is written to the Debug field of the logged error. 1101 Connector: End point URL not defined Unexpected internal error – should not get passed initialization without this parameter being defined Log a PTR. 1000 Server request currently in progress Server not accessible . 1102 Connector: http request type not defined. Only one server request is permitted at a time for a single Wash client instance. URL: Verify Web configuration of Emulator4505 component. 1099 "Unexpected error during server communication” An exception has occurred in the secondary (server communications) thread. Log a PTR. Log a PTR.2 – Support guide Appendix F. Programmatic error.a request is currently in progress. 1100 "Unknown error during server communication" An unknown failure code has been returned from the secondary (server communications) thread. Wash Client Communication Errors (1000–2999) Number Message 999 Further information Unexpected error Unexpected error. Log a PTR. An exception has been caught in the main thread. Log a PTR. 1103 Connector: Invalid Format of server URL supplied to initialise method is not correct.Amadeus Vista 2. to send http Log a PTR. 1111 Connector: Failed Unexpected WinInet failure. request on URL: 1109 Connector: Failed Unexpected Connector failure. to obtain Log a PTR. e. to end http Log a PTR. Verify network. 1105 Connector: Failed Unexpected WinInet failure. Typically indicates a network connectivity problem. internet) check that the authority for the server certificate has been installed on the client. This error is generated when using https protocol if the authority for the server certificate has not been installed on the client. to connect to Log a PTR. response headers from URL: 1112 Connector: Timeout waiting for a response from the server The tcp request has been acknowledged by the server. routers. If using SSL. firewalls.g.2 – Support guide Number Message 1104 Connector: Unable to initialise internet access. to open http Log a PTR.e. Page 46/68 . In practice this response from can have many causes. request on URL: 1110 Connector: Failed Technically this means that the client has not received an to obtain acknowledgement of the tcp request that was sent.: URL: Incorrect url specified. server on URL: 1106 Connector: Failed Unexpected WinInet failure. 1107 1108 Connector: Failed Unexpected Connector failure. Loss of network connectivity. but the response has not arrived within the specified timeout period. proxies. routers. Log a PTR. proxies and server availability. Verify Web Configuration of Emulator4505 component and verify network. to add http Log a PTR. headers. firewalls. Further information Unexpected WinInet failure. (i. request on URL: Connector: Failed Unexpected Connector failure.Amadeus Vista 2. no response data is available. See appendix 10. Then check server application or XML version on client. but can be verified by checking the value of the environment variable TEMP). to retrieve element: Recover and analyse error file. 1114 Connector: Failed Unexpected WinInet failure. May indicate a problem on the server. fault string – Unspecified Soap fault” is only displayed if the true fault string is unavailable. this is a connectivity error – although no error has been response: no data reported by WinInet. Verify network. Check server application.Amadeus Vista 2. Log a PTR.2 – Support guide Number Message 1113 Further information Http Error: Status An http status other than 200 was received from the server. Normally the description will be fault. Recover and analyse error file. Then check server application or XML version on client. routers. and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp on NT/2000/XP. c:\Windows\Temp on W98/ME.2 for HTTP error codes. if available.xml in the TEMP directory (typically C:\Documents to parse xml. Then check server application or XML version on client. or a problem with the request which was sent. Log a PTR. 1119 Invalid Soap Soap request returned invalid xml – if possible a trace is written to response: unable WashSoapError. Log a PTR. 1120 Header Handler: Failed to write Soap headers. 1116 Invalid Soap Effectively. status from URL: 1115 Unspecified Soap Soap fault returned from the server. The code = is included in the message and.xml in TEMP directory. Typically indicates a network connectivity problem. firewalls and server availability.xml in TEMP directory. 1118 Invalid Soap response: unable to retrieve document element. to retrieve http Log a PTR. Page 47/68 . Recover and analyse error file. 1117 Invalid Soap Soap request returned invalid xml – if possible a trace is written to response: unable WashSoapError. Unable to write header data to Soap request – unexpected error Log a PTR. Soap request returned invalid xml – if possible a trace is written to WashSoapError. the description Do the appropriate checks depending on the Http error code. returned. Check product installation. Check product installation. Can indicate a problem with MSXML dll on the client. This can occur after the detection of the to close request WinInet blocking condition when the value of the Connector property handle on URL: “WinInetAttempts” is greater than one. Page 48/68 . Unable to create internal COM object – WashClient dll not correctly registered. Unable to create COM object – WashCert dll not correctly registered. 1204 Failed to marshal Unable to marshal internal COM object – WashClient dll not correctly local properties. Check product installation. Check product installation. 1201 Failed to create certificate collection. 1122 Connector: Error condition in communications module. 1200 Failed to create local properties. 1205 Failed to create Soap client.2 – Support guide Number Message 1121 Header Handler: Failed to read Soap headers. Check product installation. Log a PTR if MSXML is correctly installed. 1203 Failed to marshal Unable to marshal internal COM object – WashClient dll not correctly header handler. Log a PTR. Unable to create internal COM object – WashClient dll not correctly registered. WinInet deadlock was detected after a delay of %d ms on URL: Problem detected due to the combination of a tcp reset and a bug in the WinInet dll. registered. Further information Unable to read header data from Soap response.Amadeus Vista 2. registered. Unable to create internal COM object – WashClient dll not correctly registered. Check product installation. 1202 Failed to create header handler. Note that this error is only generated after performing the number of attempts specified by the Connector property “WinInetAttempts” Increase the “WinInetAttempts” value (in Emulator4505 WebConf) 1123 Connector: Failed Unexpected WinInet failure. Abort functionality is not available in MS Soap Toolkit configuration. Log a PTR. 1300 Unexpected internal error. 1305 Failed to retrieve The timings required for the specified interval have not been stored. 1301 Failed to create Windows event. Unable to create internal COM object – WashClient dll not correctly registered. Unexpected internal error. Log a PTR. Log a PTR.2 – Support guide Number Message 1206 Further information Failed to marshal Unable to marshal internal COM object – WashClient dll not correctly Soap client. Log a PTR. 1303 Unable to abort: there is no request currently in progress. 1208 "Failed to create diagnostics collection". the following timing properties: 1306 Failed to parse wsdl file: Required parameters were not available in wsdl file. Log a PTR. 1304 Unable to abort: operation not supported by underlying Soap client. Reinstall the product. Failed to set certificate collection property. Log a PTR. 1307 Failed to read wsdl file: UseWSDL property was set but wsdl file could not be retrieved from specified location. Check product installation.Amadeus Vista 2. Abort functionality is only available during a server request. one (or both) of Log a PTR. 1302 Attempt to set read-only property: Specified property is read-only. registered. Page 49/68 . Log a PTR. 1317 Unable to find property map for current active header: The ActiveHeader local property has been set. Log a PTR. Setting a header property will cause the map to be created. but no header properties have been set and therefore the map has not yet been created. Can occur when a local wsdl file is specified without setting the UseWSDL property (http requests can not be sent to a local file). Unexpected internal error.Amadeus Vista 2. Log a PTR. Log a PTR. 1310 Soap Reader: Failed to create XML DOM. 1315 Failed to retrieve count of property collection. Log a PTR. Log a PTR. 1311 Failed to retrieve property: Specified property does not exist. Log a PTR. Log a PTR. Log a PTR. 1316 Failed to enumerate properties.2 – Support guide Number Message 1308 Invalid URL: Further information Unexpected internal error. Page 50/68 . 1312 Failed to set property: Unexpected internal error. 1309 Http server not specified. MSXML not registered – sending Soap requests requires v1 as a minimum. Unexpected internal error. Unexpected internal error (functionality not used). Check that there is a MSXML installed/registered on the client machine. Log a PTR. 1313 Failed to remove property: Unexpected internal error (functionality not used). 1314 Failed to clear property collection. Amadeus Vista 2. Log a PTR. Page 51/68 . 1400 No certificate has Initialise has been called without retrieving the certificate collection been selected and setting an active certificate. Unexpected internal error. Log a PTR (application side). 1319 Unable to add property map for current active header: Unexpected internal error.2 – Support guide Number Message 1318 Unable to create property map for current active header: Further information Unexpected internal error. 1401 Unexpected error Unknown error returned from certificate server. Log a PTR (WashCert). 1322 Host Access client not initialised. Log a PTR. Host Access client. collection. 1403 Certificate service Local property “CertificateServiceName” should be set before name not initialisation (normally to “aHaUtilities”). Log a PTR (application side). Log a PTR. Initialising a second time is not permitted. 1321 Failed to initialize Unexpected failure during initialisation. Log a PTR (application side). 1323 Failed to launch thread for server communications. Log a PTR. 1320 Host Access client already initialised. Unexpected internal error. Connector property map is not available until initialisation complete. from the certificate Log a PTR (application side). Check certificate server or log PTR (AhaUtilities). 1402 Failed to retrieve ATID from certificate. supplied. during certificate check. For the second case. 2002 The certificate on Check certificate. Unable to create Soap client object. Log a PTR (WashCert).com/aHaUtilities/aHaU tilities01.transport. In the first case. Page 52/68 . 2003 Generic WASHCert.Amadeus Vista 2. This could also occur if ‘Root certificate’ authority is not installed. SoapClient for This could be the consequence of one of the following problems: Certificate Checking failed Most often this will be a result of a failure to obtain the WSDL file from the server (the message will confirm this). so this error should not occur in normal circumstances. Normally these properties are cached and shared between all Wash Client instances. https://ncepdt2k.farm2. e. 2004 Creation of the SoapClient for Certificate Checking failed. 2006 GetId before SOAP certificate Check failed. 2005 Initialisation of the Failure to initialize Soap client. 2007 Packaging before SOAP certificate Check failed.amadeusvista. then the configuration of the transport URL should be checked and modified as necessary.g. If it is not available. the client side is not valid. the Wash service address should be verified by concatenating the service address with the relative path of the cryptic (or utilities) wsdl file.2 – Support guide Number Message 1404 Further information "Failed to retrieve This error can occur during the attempt to re-negotiate an expired server Security Gateway token if the ServerUrl or CertificateServiceName parameters" local properties are not available. install the Root certificate authority.dll error. Solution is to re-install.wsdl Using the browser to retrieve this file. re-install. Page 53/68 . Solutions: Verify that the server is reachable.2 – Support guide Number Message 2008 Invoke method failed on SOAP Toolkit Further information Problem communicating with server. This can be caused by network problems.Amadeus Vista 2. If server is reachable. or by installation problems. Amadeus Vista 2.2 – Support guide Appendix G. Specific Server Object Errors (6000–7999) Wash/ComCore Both. Number Message 6002 The object cannot open the certificate store on the computer. 6003 The certificate already exists on the server. Further information Log PTR. Both. 6004 There was en error decoding certificate Log PTR. on the server. Invalid argument serialising certificate Log PTR. to store. Could not open the root store on server. Log PTR. Issuer of certificate not found on server. Failed to certify the certificate. The certificate is on the revocation list on the server. The certificate signature is incorrect. The certificate time stamp validation failed. The certificate is marked as inactive. The certificate has expired. Incorrect certificate type. Both. 6005 Both. 6006 Both. 6007 Both. 6008 Both. Log PTR. Both. 6009 6010 Both. 6011 Both. 6012 Both. 6013 Both. 6014 Both. Page 54/68 Amadeus Vista 2.2 – Support guide Number Message Further information 6015 There was an unknown error trying to serialise the certificate to the store. 6016 Could not open the certificate authority store on server. The server side utilities ran out of memory. Verify that the correct certificate authority has been installed on the server. Wash/ComCore Both. Both. 6021 Both. Log PTR. 6022 Failed to create a safe array in utilities Log PTR. component on server. No certificate has been selected from the certificate collection. Error detected at Initialise time (Sign-in time). No active certificate. Programmatic error – the ActiveCertificate property of the CertificateCollection object must be set before the first call to Initialise. Log PTR. Both. 6050 Wash. 6051 Unexpected error during certificate check. Failed to retrieve ATID from certificate. Unexpected certificate error, e.g. ATID not available from certificate. Log PTR. Wash. 6052 Certificate service name not supplied. CertificateService name property has not Wash. been set. This needs to be done before the call to initialise (normally the value should be "aHaUtilities"). Programmatic error. Log PTR. Page 55/68 Amadeus Vista 2.2 – Support guide Appendix H. General Server Object Errors COMCore (8000–8999) Further information This error should not occur. 8001 and 8002 have replaced it. Vista server is unable to format a request message (DSC message formatting failed). This may happen if non standard characters are used in the request. Check request being made by the user for unusual characters which may not be supported by EDIFACT. If OK, log PTR. Number Message 8000 Parser error. 8001 Invalid Parameters. 8002 Invalid host response. EDIFACT message received from Global Core could not be interpreted on the Vista server (DSC parsing failed). This indicates an application error either on Global Core or on the Vista server. Retry. If reproducible, log PTR. 8003 Invalid host response. An unexpected EDIFACT message is received by the Vista server from Global Core. This indicates an application error either on Global Core or on the Vista server. Retry. If reproducible, log PTR. 8004 Invalid Parameter. Cryptic mapper failed. Usually happens if a mandatory parameter is missing. Since this is already checked in the proxy, this error should not occur. If it does, it indicates an application error. Retry. If reproducible, log PTR. 8005 Invalid ATID. Blank ATID was passed to the server. Indicates an application error. Retry. If reproducible, log PTR. 8006 8007 SEH_EXCEPTION_THROWN. COM error. General com error. Retry. If reproducible, log PTR. 8008 8009 No more used! Invalid Office identifier specified. Page 56/68 Amadeus Vista 2. Security Gateway error. 8504 8505 Page 57/68 . log PTR. log PTR. If reproducible. and the state of your UNTO redirection. your systemID. Solution: Change to the appropriate BE. Retry. Retry. If you are on the correct Back-End. If reproducible. Bnf Parser error. Failed to set the timeout. Retry. If reproducible. Your UNTO. log PTR. If reproducible.2 – Support guide Number Message 8010 8011 8012 8013 Invalid agent sign specified. 8016 8017 8500 Unable to process input request. Invalid Component. Maybe the request you try to make is too complex and is lost in central system. maybe you need to reset your ATID because the flag "In use" is always activated. Retry. log PTR. Unable to process PNR response. You are not requesting the correct BackEnd. If reproducible. If reproducible. Time out is set in registry to 45s. log PTR. here are the different possibilities. The server timed out waiting for No answer was received by ComCore from central a response. system. Edifact Version-Release no longer supported. Your ATID is not defined on this BE. Failed to bind socket to local server. Solution: Go to a 3270 session with another ATID. Retry. It depends (in order of investigation) of your VistaServer. and do the following for the ATID that is blocked (here 6790005b) OK-WD/L-6790005b OK-WI/C-C3DAP/W-AMAD/T-MUC/S80X22/O-MUC1A0701/A-MUC/U-AFCHK/L6790005b. log PTR. Retry. 8501 8502 8503 Failed to create the socket. Further information 8014 8015 Retry. Failed to allocate a UDP Port. TCP Error. Failed to Connect and send to Server. PTR to central system. If reproducible. 8509 8600 Failed to create the semaphore.2 – Support guide Number Message 8506 Windows Sockets did not respond to the WSAStartup() call 8508 Failed to bind to local server.Amadeus Vista 2. Further information Page 58/68 . Semaphore timed out. If reproducible. Yes 8008 Unable to instantiate workflow objects. Yes 8004 Invalid Parameter. If reproducible. This indicates an application error either on Global Core or on the Vista server. log a PTR detailing No Page 59/68 . log PTR. log PTR. Usually happens if a mandatory parameter is missing. If the problem persists. log PTR. Yes EDIFACT message received from Global Core could not be interpreted on the Vista server (DSC parsing failed). Retry. If OK. If reproducible.Amadeus Vista 2. This indicates an application error either on Global Core or on the Vista server. Retry. Exists in ComCore ? Yes Number Message 8000 Parser error. If it does. 8001 Invalid Parameters. Check request being made by the user for unusual characters which may not be supported by EDIFACT. 8003 Invalid host response. this error should not occur. it indicates an application error. General Server Object Errors Wash (8000– 8999) Further information This error should not occur. log PTR.2 – Support guide Appendix I. Since this is already checked in the proxy. Blank ATID was passed to the server. Indicates an application error. An unexpected EDIFACT message is received by the Vista server from Global Core. log PTR. Retry. Vista server is unable to format a request message (DSC message formatting failed). This may happen if non standard characters are used in the request. If reproducible. 8005 Invalid ATID. 8001 and 8002 have replaced it. Yes Cryptic mapper failed. Retry. Configuration problem on the server for the service specified. Yes 8002 Invalid host response. Yes Exists in ComCore ? Page 60/68 . 8500 The server timed out No answer was received by ComCore from waiting for a response. Time out is set in registry to 45s. Solution: Change to the appropriate BE. PTR to central system.2 – Support guide Number Message Further information the service used. It depends (in order of investigation) of your VistaServer. If you are on the correct Back-End.Amadeus Vista 2. and do the following for the ATID that is blocked (here 6790005b) OK-WD/L-6790005b OK-WI/C-C3DAP/W-AMAD/TMUC/S-80X22/O-MUC1A0701/AMUC/U-AFCHK/L-6790005b. Retry. central system. You are not requesting the correct Back-End. Your UNTO. Your ATID is not defined on this BE. here are the different possibilities. and the state of your UNTO redirection. Solution: Go to a 3270 session with another ATID. the request sent and the ATID and Office ID. If reproducible. Maybe the request you try to do is too complex and is lost in central system. maybe you need to reset your ATID because the flag "In use" is always activated. your systemID. EDIFACT Handler Errors (9000–11999) Further information A ComCore Object tried to read a registry key which doesn't exist on the server. If reproducible. General Handler Errors. If reproducible. Retry. Minimum number of sockets required. Core. This message number is for pooled ATID connection. the UDP gateway. 9511 is for ATID connection. No timer sessions available for handler. for addressee and systemId. Terminate not found on CLTRES. 9004 9501 9502 9503 9504 9505 9506 Inactivity time out. log PTR.2 – Support guide Appendix J. If reproducible. 9002 9003 Unknown handler for General Handler Errors. Timed out waiting for No response received after 40 sec. If reproducible.Amadeus Vista 2. No handler assigned General Handler Errors. by Vista server from Global response. log PTR. Response time out on trying to start 9507 9508 9509 Page 61/68 . Windows socket not responding. Retry. The initialisation of the handler failed. Misc error. Retry. Check availability of the above systems. log PTR. the FE or the BE. Retry. addressee and systemId. log PTR. This usually indicates an outage of either the link to the UDP gateway. No sessions available in the handler. Number 9001 Message The Addressee or sytemID used for this call was unrecognised. Handle not found. Missing DeliverSystemID. Missing OriginCountry. Page 62/68 .2 – Support guide Number Message conv. and problem is reproducible. Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Further information 9510 9511 9512 9513 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. This message number is for non-pooled ATID connection. Missing Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Missing DeliverLocation. Missing OriginSystemType. by Vista server from Global response. 9524 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. 9521 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Timed out waiting for No response received after 40 sec. Core. 9516 9517 9519 9520 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. 9522 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. 9514 9515 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. If systems are up. Session not available on the host. Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Recipient Unto Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. the UDP gateway. 9527 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. 9525 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Missing OriginSystemID. Missing sender. ito < rto. This usually indicates an outage of either the link to the UDP gateway. 9523 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. the FE or the BE. Session not available.Amadeus Vista 2. Name not registered. Response time out on trying to end conv. Missing OriginAgentID. Missing OriginLocation. Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Missing recv. Check availability of the above systems. 9526 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. 9511 Response time out on trying to start One-Off conv. Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. log a PTR. Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Shutdown the EDIFACT handler and re-start. Usually indicates that the EDIFACT handler process is not running. Section Elements for CLTREQ. Others Host communication Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. 10061 Host communication Vista server component cannot communicate with EDIFACT unavailable. Missing OriginDutyCode. handler. 9531 9532 9533 Missing CompanyID. Missing OfficeID. 1004-1024 Windows Sockets redefinitions of regular Microsoft C error constants. Start the EDIFACT handler. log PTR. unavailable. Missing OriginLanguage. log PTR. Further information 9528 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Page 63/68 . If problem recurs. If problem reoccurs. 9529 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. 1053-1101 Windows Sockets redefinitions of regular Berkeley error constants. If problem recurs. Missing ORG Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Shutdown the EDIFACT handler and re-start. Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. Shutdown the EDIFACT handler and re-start. Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems. log PTR.Amadeus Vista 2. Missing OriginAgentInitials. 9530 Miscellaneous EDIFACT handler problems.2 – Support guide Number Message OriginCurrency. Both causes are a symptom either of lack of system resources (e. If problem persists. 12004 MPCPIA Resource There can be two possible causes for such an error: Communication Adapter problem. Change the path name. be resolved. the MPCPIA library checks that the connection to 1ACA is up and running. Error should be transient. Library cannot connect to 1ACA.Amadeus Vista 2. The reply did not come within the specified time interval.g. A request for an internal resource in the API part cannot be resolved. There are several situations that can lead 1ACA and MPCPIA library to generate a Timeout event. service not available due to a crash). WaitForEvent API calls). The creation of the Path object within 1ACA has failed. Before executing any API call. Number Message 12001 MPCPIA path already exits 12003 MPCPIA Resource API problem. overloaded machine) or of a 1ACA problem (e. Possible causes could be: Configuration mistake in the Configuration File. verify the configuration file or call support. Thread cannot be started. Based on the information.g. Select call is failing. 12005 Server Timeout. MPCPIA Errors (12000-12499) Further information The name used to open 1ACA path is already registered by another call back that does not belong to the same family of MPCPIA or proxy or external. a lack of system resources or a network problem. An application using the MPCPIA library has requested 1ACA to wait for a reply for a supplied amount of time (using for example ReceiveDatagram. Check if 1ACA service is started on the server. There is no connection to 1ACA. Receive. Since every MPCPIA API call is synchronous. Configuration error. Check 1ACA's logs to get an indication of the exact cause. call support. every call expects an ACK from 1ACA within a Page 64/68 . Memory cannot be allocated. an application using the communication adapter can not MPCPIA library has to create a 'Path' object. This is a generic error that can flag a configuration mistake.2 – Support guide Appendix K. A request for an To be able to send and receive messages internal resource in the through 1ACA. Request OnCall support. The connection with the destination application cannot be established. Message has to be changed. The user application tried to send a message to a destination application using the 'SingleQueryReply' API call. Something is wrong with 1ACA. 12006 MPCPIA application invalid name. A response timeout has expired. An application using the MPCPIA library has one or more threads blocked in a MPCPIA API call (e. Please check 1ACA.15. The IEDI message built by the user application is wrong.g. 1ACA has not acknowledged an API request within the given time. 12007 MPCPIA unknown destination. but Page 65/68 12009 MPCPIA send request failed. Every API call returns control to its thread reporting a Timeout event. Please check the link between 1ACA server and customer server. The library on user's side realises that the connection to 1ACA has been lost and initiates an 'Emergency Close' to release all locked threads.Amadeus Vista 2. 1ACA is not involved. avoiding to leave any user's thread blocked. The Path creation fails with a MPCPIA_APP_NAME_INVALIDE exception. but the send has failed because 1ACA could not parse the IEDI header/trailer due to a syntactical error. Check 1ACA's logs to get an indication of the exact cause. The only thing that 1ACA checks is the name length: it must be included within 1 and max_name_len. ReceiveDatagram) and 1ACA crashes.2 – Support guide Number Message Further information given time. where max_name_len is: 8 for library versions < 1.ini file and the registry UNTO. This can be considered as a configuration error.15. The Path's name has to be changed. This is to protect user's application. The user application tried to create a 'Path' object. 12010 MPCPIA abnormal initialisation. 35 for library versions >= 1. The user application tried to send a message to a destination application. The destination name is wrong or there is a configuration mistake along the chain of applications in front of the destination. Check with the Links Group. This time is set by default to 1 minute. The user application tried to create a 'Path' object. but the supplied name for the Path is invalid. WaitForEvent. If cause of Timeout is: 1ACA is behaving properly. Error should be transient since 1ACA will be automatically or manually re-started. Check the remote application. . but the name used to reach the destination is unknown. Could be a symptom of lack of system resources on the machine. When a MPCPIA call is done. queries and replies. Something is wrong at problem.2 – Support guide Number Message Further information Please check if 1ACA service is the library has detected an error in its initialisation. An MPCPIA 'Identifier' is a token that is used to match queries and replies.Amadeus Vista 2. Log PTR. The user's application tried to open/close an 'Identifier' using the 'OpenIdentifier' or 'CloseIdentifier' API call. It can be seen as a conversation ID and the user's application can freely set it and pass it to 1ACA. The Path object keeps a list of pending requests (like for ReceiveDatagram) and terminates all of them with MPCPIA_RECEIVE_FAILED exception. 12014 MPCPIA Protocol Resource API This error should never happen. call support. 12015 MPCPIA message rejected. If problem persists. Calls like ReceiveDatagram can be issued also with an infinite timeout. If problem persists. Page 66/68 . It can be seen as a conversation ID and the user's application can freely set it and pass it to 1ACA. 12016 MPCPIA Path name is invalid. No action required. but no value has been supplied for the identifier. If the user application wants to shutdown or terminate such a blocked thread. This is just a response to user requested action. User's application has to correct the error providing a value for the Identifier. the user thread that has performed the call (like ReceiveDatagram) is blocked waiting for a reply or an ACK from 1ACA. Please check the link between 1ACA server and customer server. Check 1ACA's logs to get an indication of the exact cause. it should call the 'EmergencyClose' API or delete the Path object. Insertion in one of these tables has failed and 1ACA could not handle user's request. the host application. Could be a symptom of lack of system resources on the machine. This error should never happen. avoiding leaving some user thread hanging forever. 1ACA uses internal tables. 12011 MPCPIA receive response failed. but the value has been supplied for the identifier is already used and so it is not unique. source code level (State Machine). 12013 MPCPIA unknown UID. correctly started. The Any MPCPIA API call can be seen as a request to message has been rejected by 1ACA to perform one or more actions. The user's application tried to open/close an 'Identifier' using the 'OpenIdentifier' or 'CloseIdentifier' API call. For doing so. 1ACA is not involved. 1ACA is not involved. Log PTR. request on call support. 12017 MPCPIA Path identifier is not An MPCPIA 'Identifier' is a token that is used to match unique. Most probably the transport to the destination application is no longer available or the destination application is so overloaded that it cannot read fast enough from its TCP/IP buffers. The user application has requested an action on an Association object but the requested action could not be executed because it violates the IEDI State Machine. 12023 MPCPIA Application Error. User application is trying to perform a wrong sequence of actions not allowed by the IEDI protocol standard. The user application has tried to send a message to a destination application using the 'SendDatagram' API call. the conversation can be closed always. 1ACA is not involved. In this case. The MPCPIA_Library is Responder of a Conversation. The conversation could not be found either because the user application has already closed it or because the inactivity timeout is expired. running response and inactivity timeouts. An MPCPIA 'Association' is the object used to handle IEDI conversation between the user's application and a destination application. 1ACA is not involved. 1ACA is not involved. but the send has failed. building UNB-UNZ segments. 1ACA is responsible for managing the IEDI conversation. Check the destination application. 12019 MPCPIA send warning. The buffers become full and 1ACA gets a 'flow control' error that prevents it from sending the message. 12021 MPCPIA close Application Error. 12024 MPCPIA Application Error. the application shouldn't close the conversation at any time but only when it is IDLE or Inactive. Same as 12020. User application is trying to perform a wrong sequence of actions not allowed by the Page 67/68 .2 – Support guide Number Message Further information 1ACA is not involved. The user application has requested to close an Association but the request has been rejected. 12020 MPCPIA close Association Error. User's application has to correct the error providing a value for the Identifier. 1ACA is not involved. The peer will enter in a timeout process and he will understand that the Conversation is lost.Amadeus Vista 2. The message cannot be sent. In this case. There are two cases to be considered: The MPCPIA_Library is Initiator of a Conversation. validating a message against the IEDI state machine. The user application has requested an action on an Association object but the requested action could not be executed because the conversation is in the 'Invalid State'. A conversation is put by 1ACA in 'Invalid State' as a response to an abnormal condition handled by the IEDI State Machine. service not available due to a crash). The conversation has already been removed either because the user application has closed it or because the inactivity timeout is expired. 1ACA is not involved. but the creation of the conversation object within 1ACA has failed. 12051 Page 68/68 . If problem persists. 12026 MPCPIA Application Error.g. 1ACA is not involved. The user's application tried to send a message but 1ACA has found an error while parsing the protocol stack's headers and/or trailers. Could be a symptom either of lack of system resources (e. 12025 MPCPIA Application Error. 12031 12050 1ACA creation has failed within Retry. The message sent by the application is syntactically wrong. a timeout. 12027 MPCPIA Protocol Error. The user application has requested an action on an Association object but the corresponding conversation within 1ACA has already been terminated. overloaded machine) or of a 1ACA problem (e. Retry. A typical protocol stack between MPCPIA library and 1ACA is 'MPCPIA IEDI'. Error should be transient.g. request on-call support.2 – Support guide Number Message Further information IEDI protocol standard. 1ACA Path Creation Semaphore returned WAIT_ABANDONNED. User's application has to correct the message. The user application has requested to open an association to start a new conversation.Amadeus Vista 2. Applications use protocol stack to communicate to each other.
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