Manual Tajima

March 26, 2018 | Author: Bordados Fx | Category: Sewing Machine, Electrical Connector, Manufactured Goods, Electrical Engineering, Technology



USER’S MANUALTFMX-C (SINGLE HEAD MACHINE) TFMX-II TFMX-IIC TFMX (L) TFMX-C (L) Original Instructions M-MX20-E (2010.02) Foreword This manual is a guidebook for using TAJIMA embroidery machine TFMX series. Please read this manual thoroughly and operate the machine after understanding the contents. The contents of this manual may contain discrepancies in detailed information when compared with the actual product you have purchased due to difference of target model or continued research and improvements. If any question about the products or contents of this manual arises, please consult your TAJIMA distributor. Regarding optional device, please refer to the user’s manual (separate volume) of the device you have chosen. Please keep this manual with care near the machine for quick reference. The following booklets are convenient for you to help understand this machine. Please also read these booklets. BASICS TAJIMA EMBROIDERY MACHINES MACHINE SETUP INSTRUCTIONS Tokai Industrial Sewing Machine Co., Ltd. Important safety instructions Items that require your special attention on operation are specified below. ! ! ! DANGER Indicates that there is a lot of danger of death or serious injuries[*A] if the instruction is not observed. Indicates that there is a likelihood of death or serious injuries[*A] if the instruction is not observed. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in WARNING CAUTION minor or moderate injury[*B] or property damage. *A A condition caused by electric shock, injury, fracture of a bone, etc., that leads to aftereffects, or an injury that necessitates hospitalization or visits to a hospital over a long period. *B An injury that does not necessitate hospitalization or visit to a hospital over a long period. : Prohibited items : Items that may cause electric shock if not observed : Items that must be followed carefully to ensure safe operation [E] MW08 .......................... List screen .......38 3-1. or power switch ON........... TFMX-II.........................18 4.....................13 3-2.......2 1..................p... Frame Origin Memory ......... Bar code reader ......30 2-1........Table of contents (Functional items) Chapter 1 Warning and caution Chapter 4 When changing frame 1......................... p...23 6.........................................21 12. p.......... Inspection before starting work ..12 1..................10 1-1...............p................. p.................................. Equipment ... TFMX-C (L) ........p...................................................... Start/stop switch . USB memory design .... Bar switch....24 .p.....10 1-3.18 6...p.................................36 3........23 5............... Data input ......26 5...............................p...... p.........................15 3-4.................................21 13..........p................p........................ p. Name of each part....................43 2..............p..................22 3...................... p........ Operation panel ........................ Cancel of sleep mode..... To pass thread. Emergency stop switch .................p. TFMX-II C (2 or more head machine) ...............p. Change setting.....p................ Start ...................................... Power switch ...............5 3.. To change frame ...............................p..... Completion of embroidery ...................... Character/numeric value input screen.................................................. Confirmation of head ................p..... Warning labels...23 4......................p....... p....................... Data input screen ............................... Floppy disk design ......p... USB memory design ..... Head . Jog remote-controller ................. Check the design......................12 3-1.p..... to set fabric........... p..... Frame travel (decision of start position) .... Needle bar selection... ...................... p......15 (To use a bar code reader)...34 2-6....40 7..p....14 3-3....p..... When thread is broken ....p.....................p...6 4...... Option and others.............................p.....30 3.... Execution of trace....p......43 2-1..21 11........................44 2-2............ Maximum RPM.... Design confirming screen.....................11 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure 2........................p.. TFMX (L)........ Main screen................... Design stored in DG/ML 2-5..............10 1-2..............p.......30 2-2................ Warning ..............p................... Built-in memory design.......42 Screen 1..............41 8.26 3.26 4.......p... Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS).................................p.............20 10.....p..........................................33 2-4............. p..................... Power switch ON....... Built-in memory design ..............p....p..17 3-5........32 2-3................30 2................................27 Chapter 2 Name of each part and equipment 1.... TFMX-C single head machine ...44 2-3.................................... p.......................... Message......................p...39 3-2........................3 2...............................p... p... Setting screen .......18 5....................................... or power switch OFF ...... p............p... Sleep mode...................p............... p......................p...............................26 2........42 Chapter 3 9.. Caution ..... Design stored in DG/ML ........... ...........p....... USB memory design 1 (or floppy disk design)........................52 1-11............83 2-6..p.................60 7 8 9 3.......91 1-4.......p............... Auto Origin Return .. Jump code combination .........57 2-5.......63 3-7............89 11 1........................................ p................................................................47 1-4.... Checking of software version...... ATH Start Timing.. Changing folder name .. Copy of design ......... p............................. Data conversion........... p..p..................72 .... p....................p...80 6 2...........p.... Edit of a design (modification/deletion of a stitch)....62 3-5.p..........p.....Table of contents (Functional items) Chapter 6 Operation • setting 2........ Remove fine stitch(es)....... Main Shaft Inching ........... Frame limit setting .........75 2-2..................... Total Stitch Counter / Design Timer.........p..............p.................... Related to ATH.p.......................................... Built-in memory design .......... p.....90 1-2.....................81 2-2............. Backlash..............75 2-1...p....69 1-9....................46 1-2......78 1-3... p....................... Frame Start Timing............................... Store a design to a USB memory (or floppy disk)............................................... Change of design name ..p......................84 2-7.......................... Rearrangement of designs .... Sleep mode ............... p............................... Stop at the lower dead point (pseudo-fixed position) ....................... Functions that are frequently used ............................ Jump Convert.. p................................................. p.......70 1-10..................p............................................................ Revolution .................p...............64 3-8..............................................................p...................p... Moving of a design...84 2-8..... Offset return................. frame drive......................p.......56 2-3. Upper thread lock timing ..................................p....................... Repeat.......... Trace.............54 2-1.................. Frame drive adjustment .. p........................67 1-7........................................ p.p..........................79 1-4.................p.....90 12 1-3........... p................................................ p..............76 1....................52 1-10........................................... Deletion of a design ........................ p........................59 2-8...............p.....88 Chapter 7 Design data management 3-4. p.....80 1-5.........................................78 1-1.................................... Frame Back/Forward.........................85 2-9..51 1-7............. Revolution Limit.................................... Rotation of a design by 180° ............. p................. Language.............. p..68 13 14 1-8..... p.................p...................56 2-4...............p.... Manual ATH ..p.p.....62 3-6................. Software Frame Limit ... Automatic start after automatic data set........86 3-1.......p............... Power resume (restore) .......... Related to main shaft .........80 4 5 2.......82 2-5................ p.... Main shaft motor brake............................. Auto jump ............ Frame Back All Head Sew....... p.. p.p...................89 1-1........... Min....81 2-3.........................51 1-8........... Satin stitch .......66 1-6.... Limit of max revolution..........50 1-6..........59 2-7................85 2-10......53 2-1..... Needle bar color ................................... p.................... p..................p......................... p.. p................... Frame travel speed ............p...... Convenient functions ........ Rearrangement of designs.................... p...........55 2-2......................... p............... Automatic offset.86 10 3-2.................................p................................................................... Correction of Color Change interval .......... Related to embroidery .............................................. Edit of a design (insertion of a stitch)...................65 1-5....46 1-1.....81 2-4..................... p.......... Manual color change ....58 2-6..47 1-3...... Preset halt ........................... p...................... Deletion of a design ........ p..... Offsetting at automatic color change ...............48 1-5.. Design Start Position Return..............87 3-3.. Manual offset ...........................53 1-6.................51 1-9................................................ Automatic thread trimming (ATH).52 2 Chapter 8 Other settings 3 1........ Thread Detection................................ p...78 1-2.. ........................98 3.p.... p........ Frame Type ..............p.......................................p... p.......p...... Manual Lubrication...113 7...140 9.137 1............................... To change the setting value ....126 2. Up/down-by-motor type .............116 .... Network................................... Switching of input voltage 1-5..................... p..........114 1-4........118 [In case of single head machine] 1-2................................ Cleaning .....118 1-3........... only)..................................................... When using a DST design (T format) ...97 1-4...... Bobbin changer .... p.96 1-2....p................................115 (some spec..................131 2-2....................p...........109 3-1...... To suspend the head with occurrence of error... p....................... p.... Cording..p.........................................p......129 1...p..................... Operation and procedure .. Electrical system diagram (single head machine)............. p..... Setting for device .....96 1-3.................. Usual stop............ Zigzag cord.....109 3-2...............................128 Sequin device (option) 4....................134 2........115 8..............120 [In case of 2 or more head machine] 1-2.. Setting for device ......... Boring.......p....... p... ..... Ambient noise level ..97 1-6............p................. Machine Information....................................................... Manual operation...... When the machine does not sew well ....110 Chapter 11 Optional device 1................... p......p.. p..............p.............. p.................. Needle breaks...........................p............ Layout of electrical components and cards (2 or more head machines).............p.............. Electrical system diagram 2-1..........p............................. Terminology...............p...136 3..................................115 1-6.p.p.........116 10.p......................127 Chapter 10 3.........p........ Frame Type ....p.. Air compressor .97 2......p.................................................112 6...............................108 Chapter 14 Appendix at the back of the manual 3.....136 4......p................................ Machine Type...... Bad finishing of sewing.... Correction of Color Change Interval (some models only) .............................p............p.....................................................137 1-2..............................142 2. p.......................................p................... When the machine stopped.....................................Table of contents (Functional items) Chapter 9 Software installation Chapter 12 Troubleshooting 1.............................. p.........107 2-3.................... To set a password ....138 1-3..........124 Chapter 13 Maintenance 2.................................................105 7...... p.............................p............ To convert the first color to the second color and vice versa ........................................................... Power supply specifications ...p.95 1-4. p....................94 1-1....... Frame Origin Memory ..............112 5......................... Inspection ............................. p........122 3...... Setting for device........... Lubrication............................. Machine Type.......99 1....................................118 1-1..... Main shaft stop position......... Frame Origin Memory .. When replacing electrical component ... Stop by trouble........ Type of device .......p.......................................141 (2 or more head machines)... Up/down-by-air type ....104 5..............130 2...97 1-5.............. Middle sash stay (accessory) . p..... Automatic lubrication.............................................123 5..................... Abnormal stop... Greasing... p........... p.137 1-1......... p......................................... Machine weight .... Software installation........................................... Repair...........105 6...130 2-1........................ Warning items for safety...94 1..p.......123 4...............p.95 1-3.... p..p.............. 81 p.62 p.S after Auto Data Set 10 Needle Bar Color 1 Maximum RPM 2 Total Stitch Counter/Design Timer 3 Frame Back/Forward 5 Frame Back All Head Sew 6 Preset Halt 7 Frame Type 10 Stop at Lower D.26 p.85 p.80 p.59 p.55 p.35 p.Table of contents(Classified by key) 1 Key 1 Data Input (Memory) 2 Data Input (FD) 4 Data Input (USB) 5 Data Input (LAN) 8 Memory Delete 1 Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS) 2 Needle Bar Selection 2Offsetting at automatic color change 3 Data Conversion 4 Repeat 5 Automatic Offset 6 A.51 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 .84 p.80 p.48 p.38 p.39 p.58 p. Revolution 2 Revolution Limit 3 Main Shaft Inching p.42 Mode setting Sleep mode (Power save mode) Refer to p.56 p.50 p.46 p.40 Design confirmation mode Refer to p.47 p.54 p.81 p. Point 1 Manual Color Change 2 Manual ATH 3 Design Start Position Return 4 Manual Offset 10 Trace 1 Manual sequin Up/Down (Refer to manual of option) 4 Manual Lubrication 7 Zigzag cording device .41 Frame travel mode Refer to p.42 p.51 p.78 p.57 p.82 p.36 p.78 p.53 p.116 Function p.31 p.52 p.32 p.83 p.47 p.Up/Down (Refer to manual of option) 1 Jump Convert 2 Auto Jump 3 Satin Stitch 4 Backlash 5 Jump code combination 6 Software Frame Limit 1 Min. 87 p.107 p.68 p.63 p.104 p.109 p.115 p.110 p.75 p.68 p.64 p.115 p.90 p.105 p.67 p.86 p.75 p.98 p.90 p.113 p.51 p.72 p.80 p.65 p.27 : Modification.115 SET+F3 3 Air Pressure Sensor 7 Sequin device (Type of device) 10 Network .84 p.88 p.76 p.114 p. deletion of stitch : Insertion of stitch : Motor-driven type : Air-driven type SET+A SET+B SET+F1 SET+F2 9 Frame Origin Memory 1 Sequin chip feed (Refer to manual of option) 2 Main shaft motor brake p.Table of contents(Classified by key) 4 Automatic Origin Return 5 Frame Travel Speed 6 Thread Detection 9 ATH 10 Upper thread lock timing 1 Boring 2 Sequin 2 Sequin 3 Cording 5 Zigzag cording device 6 Lubrication 9 Bobbin Changer 1 Data Edit 1 Data Edit 2 Cleanup 4 Move a Design 5 Copy a design 6 Changing design name 7 Changing folder name 9 Data conversion for sequin output 1 Floppy Disk Processing (Save) 2 Floppy Disk Processing (Delete) 6 USB (Save) 7 USB (Delete) 1 Design sort (in memory) 4 Design sort (USB) 1 Design rotation by 180 degrees on Cap Frame 1 Password (Functional Limit) 6 Frame limit setting p.69 p.70 p.112 p.66 p. ............. Caution.................. Warning ......................................6 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 ........5 4............................................p...............2 2. Inspection before starting work .p....1 1 Chapter 1 Warning and caution 2 3 1.......................p.... Warning labels ..............................p............3 3.................................... Then. the operation panel box. Otherwise the cables will be damaged causing fire and electric shock. Use this machine for semi. A single operator should operate the machine in principle. Only the persons who are sufficiently trained for the operation must operate the machine. Do not exert undue force to them. Do not damage. Warning ! WARNING To prevent accidents resulting in injury or death and property damage. Insert the power cable plug fully. Please read this book thoroughly and understand the contents of operation certainly. make sure that no one is working near the moving units of the machine before starting the machine. make sure to turn off the main switch.or finished textile products and similar materials. either. Wear proper clothes and tidy up yourself so that you can smoothly perform the operation. rotary/shuttle hook. operate the machine. Using the bar switch as a grip to support yourself is strictly prohibited. Do not access your hands or face to moving parts during operation. Supervise children so that they do not access to the machine. Sticking needle could injure you. [Before Starting the Machine] This machine is designed for industrial use. to needle during operation. [During the Machine Operation] Do not use a device such as a cellular phone that generates microwave near the control circuits of the power supply box. etc. The rear of the machine is not a working area. take-up lever. pulley etc. Do not access your hands etc. NV02 . If a metallic part touches a blade in the plug. pulley and speed-reduction box. it may cause fire and/or electric shock.2 Chapter 1 Warning and caution 1. Use this machine under the environment where access can be supervised so that unauthorized person does not operate the machine. Do not detach covers of shaft. If plural operators are working together. Microwave may cause malfunctioning of the machine. the following items must be observed strictly when operating the machine. modify or heat the power or other cables. Do not use this machine for other purposes in principle. Do not operate the machine with covers detached. Do not stand on the machine. It is especially dangerous around needle. If you have to move to the rear of the machine. . Be sure to turn off the power switch of the machine before turning off the primary power source. [About connection of power cord] In addition to full-time leak current. which will be useful to avoid unexpected troubles. Do not use bent needles or needles that are not suitable for the material. For actual product names of breaker of electric current leakage and leak current relay for which measures are taken against harmonics and surge. Entry or splashing of them into control units leads to short circuits. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NV02 . and turn OFF the primary power supply. Stop the machine before carrying out work near the needles such as threading the needle and checking the finish of embroidery. (In this case. observe the following items. please consult your local TAJIMA distributor. If water or other chemicals enter the unit. Use a breaker of electric current leakage and leak current relay for which measures are taken against harmonics and surge. it may cause electric shock. malfunctioning of the machine may occur. Caution ! CAUTION For using the machine for a long time. 2 3 4 2. etc. leak electric current generated by harmonics and surge flows in the power cable of the machine. Turn off the primary power source before opening the electrical boxes. electric shock and other troubles. To prevent the machine from physical damages. select conventional breaker and relay with sufficient leak current capacity to absorb leak current caused by harmonics and surge. shut off the power at the primary power source of the machine and contact your local distributor. stop position error and color change error caused by the stop position error. If not. design displacement.Chapter 1 3 1 Warning and caution ! WARNING [Others] Keep away electrical units from water and chemicals. By performing operation for total fitting. life of the machine will become longer. one embroidery machine should be connected to one no fuse breaker. Be sure to turn OFF the power switch after working. Do not put things on the table. Physical damages include a drop of output of the main shaft motor. constant leak current must be controlled satisfactorily. causing fire. etc. use the machine with about 70% of the maximum speed as “operation for total fitting” for about two weeks after installing this machine. if selection and installation of breaker of leak current and leak current relay used for the factory are not correct. For this reason. Regarding connection of power cord. please consult your local TAJIMA distributor or electric engineers.) Regarding capacity of electric current leakage for breaker of electric current leakage and leak current relay per machine. If such a breaker and a relay are not available. the machine body may be discolored or deformed. Install the machine on a sturdy floor. ceiling. and floor of the factory. If the machine is exposed to direct sunlight over an extended period of time. The floor structure must be strong enough to bear the machine weight (indicated on the spec. left and rear directions of the machine against obstacles such as walls. use the interior finish materials which show high sound insulating performance for the walls. Although the machine is designed not to apply radio wave to other equipment. Since dust and moisture lead to dirt and rust on the machine. This machine is designed to reduce noise during operation. NV02 . Humidity: 30 to 95%RH (relative humidity) without condensation Ambient temperature: 5 to 40°C (during operation). Use caution not to expose the machine to direct wind from the air conditioner so that embroidery threads do not become disheveled. -10 to 60°C (during storage) Avoid direct sunlight. and clean the working place periodically. To improve the sound insulation performance in a factory still more. there could be cases where it causes interference depending on operation environment and type of equipment. plate). provide 50 cm or more working area to right. Provide enough space for maintenance. use the machine in an environment of facility of air conditioner. 50 cm 50 cm 50 cm Pay attention to interference of radio wave. If such problems arise. Avoid dust and moisture.4 Chapter 1 Warning and caution ! CAUTION [About installation environment] Prevent the operation noise in the environment. install the equipment as apart from the machine as possible. Taking account of workability when maintaining and inspecting the machine. Put curtains or shades to the site to prevent the machine from direct sunlight. 17) Jog remote-controller (Refer to p.17) Middle thread course adjusting lever (Refer to p.18) 5 6 7 8 Tension base switch Jog remote-controller (Option) 9 10 11 Middle thread course adjusting lever 12 Needle bar suspension lever 13 14 MW08 . lubrication) of each part.Chapter 1 5 1 Warning and caution 3.17) Needle bar suspension lever (Refer to p. Place Checking 2 Covers Upper thread Are covers attached correctly? Is thread passed to each part correctly? Is tension adequate? Does thread entwine around frame/drive system? Is under thread (bobbin case) set to rotary hook correctly? Is tension adequate? Is needle bent? Is direction of needle correct? Is needle broken? Is cleaning/lubrication performed in adequate frequency? Is the switch of head to use turned ON? Is the switch of unused head turned OFF? Is the lever of head to use set to ON? Is the lever of unused head set to OFF? Is position correct? Is it contained in the pocket? 3 Under thread 4 Needle Rotary hook (Refer to p. Inspection before starting work Before starting work.128) Tension base switch (Refer to p. execute inspection (including cleaning. refer to p. Las agujas expuestas pueden ocasionar lesion grave.. burn. Do not take off the safety covers nor put your hands etc. [C] MW08 . please contact your TAJIMA distributor. No retirar las cubiertas de seguridad ni poner las manos. or death. When you open the cover.close to the moving parts during machine operation. Warning labels The machine has warning labels that bear instructions for safe operation. Las partes en movimiento pueden ocasionar lesion grave.6 Chapter 1 Warning and caution 4. Stop the machine before working near the needles. [A] [B] [C] [C*] [D] Catching mark [C*] [C] [D] [C*] [C] There could be danger of being caught or clipped. Regarding [C*]. etc. etc. Other persons than the service personnel certified by TAJIMA should not open the cover.126. Do not detach the warning labels nor make them illegible by painting. Machine operators must follow the instructions shown on the warning labels. Detenga la maquina antes de trabajar cerca de las agujas. turn OFF the power switch and wait for four minutes. cerca de las piezas en movimiento mientras la maquina este en funcionamiento. If the warning label is missed or damaged. (S010) ! WARNING ATENCION Exposed needles can cause severe injury. Other persons than the technician authorized by TAJIMA should not open the cover. (S020) [C] High voltage indication mark [2 or more head machine] There could be danger of electric shock. [Single head machine] [A] [A][B] [C] [C] [B] [C] [D] ! WARNING ATENCION Moving parts can cause severe injury. UL is safety standard applied to USA and CSA is safety standard applied to Canada. threading bobbin. Never operate this machine if it has a damaged cord or plug. Return the machine to the nearest authorized dealer or service center for examination. repair. etc. 3 4 ! WARNING To reduce the risk of burns. then remove plug from outlet. Do not allow to be used as a toy. An appliance should never be left unattended when plugged in. Keep fingers away from all moving parts. or when making any other user servicing adjustments mentioned in the instruction manual.Chapter 1 7 1 Warning and caution IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (applied to UL-spec. including the following. and loose cloth. fire. Switch the sewing machine off (O) when making any adjustments in the needle area. Use this machine only for its intended use as described in this manual. turn all controls to the off (O) position. Do not unplug by pulling on cord. To disconnect. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 14 NV02 . electric shock. To unplug. Do not pull or push fabric while stitching. Close attention is necessary when this machine is used by or near children. Do not use outdoors. or injury to person. and CSA-spec. Special care is required around sewing needle. dust. grasp the plug. It may deflect the needle causing it to break. Do not operate where aerosol (spray) products are being or where oxygen is being administrated. Always unplug sewing machine from the electrical outlet when removing covers. 2 ! DANGER To reduce the risk of electric shock. or changing presser foot. electrical or mechanical adjustment. machines) When using an electrical appliance. or dropped into water. Always use the proper needle plate. Do not use bent needle. if it has been dropped or damaged. Keep ventilation openings of the sewing machine and foot controller free from the accumulation of lint. Never drop or insert any object into any opening. such as threading needle. not the cord. Never operate the machine with any air openings blocked. Read all instructions before using the machine. lubricating. if it is not working properly. Use only attachments recommended by the manufacturer as contained in this manual. Always unplug this machine from the electric outlet immediately after and before cleaning. The wrong plate can cause the needle to break. basic safety precautions should always be followed. changing needle. and the like. have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician. if it will not fit the outlet. and after the reconnection. A temporary adaptor. the reconnection should be made by qualified service personnel. grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock. The green colored rigid ear. extending from the adaptor must be connected to a permanent ground such as a properly grounded outlet box cover. In the event of malfunction or breakdown. Do not modify the plug provided with the product. ! DANGER Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Machines) The product must be grounded. the machine should comply with all local codes and ordinances. it must be held in place by the metal screw. and has a grounding plug that looks like the plug illustrated in sketch A in Figure-1. Figure-1 Grounding pin Metal screw Cover of grounded outlet box Cover of grounded outlet box (A) Adapter (B) (C) Grounding means Grounding pin Cover of grounded outlet box (D) This machine is also for use on a circuit having a nominal rating more than 120V. No adaptor should be used with this machine.8 Chapter 1 Warning and caution Grounding Instructions (applied to UL-spec. and is factory equipped with a specific electric cord and plug. do not connect the equipment-grounding conductor to a live terminal. The conductor with insulation having an outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is the equipment-grounding conductor. NV02 . The temporary adaptor should be used only until a properly grounded outlet can be installed by a qualified electrician. If the product must be reconnected for use on a different type of electric circuit. This product is equipped with a cord having an equipmentgrounding conductor and a grounding plug. or if in doubt as to whether the product is properly grounded. UL is safety standard applied to USA and CSA is safety standard applied to Canada. If repair or replacement of the cord or plug is necessary. lug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if the grounding instructions are not completely understood. which looks like the adaptor illustrated in sketches B and C. and CSA-spec. Whenever the adaptor is used. This machine is for use on a nominal 120V circuit. may be used to connect this plug to a 2-pole receptacle as shown in sketch B if a properly grounded outlet is not available. ...................... Option and others...............................p................... Equipment ............................................................10 2.....p..9 1 Chapter 2 Name of each part and equipment 2 3 1......p...................12 3..... Name of each part...18 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [E] MW08 ....... TFMX-C single head machine 7 1 8 2 3 6 9 5 4 10 11 1-2. TFMX-IIC (2 or more head machine) 7 TFMX-II C 1 13 6 5 TFMX-II 2 11 10 4 19 3 18 12 15 [E] MW08 .10 Chapter 2 Name of each part and equipment 1. TFMX-II. Name of each part 1-1. Start/stop switch (Refer to p. Stand (option) 10. Thread course 2.17) 7. Bar switch (Refer to p. Manual pump 18. Up/down cylinder 17. TFMX (L). refer to the separate parts list.14) 16.12) 11. TFMX-C (L) * Described as “L-spec. Main shaft motor 8.15) 12. Operation panel (Refer to p. machine” in the manual 6 *Model suitable for big design (Shape of stand and structure around machine framing are different when compared with model of 1-2. 1. Change device[*A] *A Existence/absence differs depending on spec. Transformer[*A] 13. For details. Under thread winder (option) 9. Table lid 15. 2 3 4 5 1-3.) 1 13 7 TFMX (L) 7 8 15 6 4 18 19 2 9 3 10 11 14 TFMX-C (L) 10 12 11 5 12 13 16 17 14 [E] MW08 .13) 5. Cylinder bed 6. Head (Refer to p. X-axis motor 4.Chapter 2 11 1 Name of each part and equipment Only main sections are shown here. Y-axis motor 14. Power switch (Refer to p. Emergency stop switch (Refer to p.15) 3. Rotary hook base 19. net TFMX-C Software version TAJIMA_W 14117 0 Main screen To lock the switch 1.. Lock (Commercial item 4).12 Chapter 2 Name of each part and equipment 2. Power switch ! CAUTION To turn ON the power again. 3. Push the lock plate 3 into the handle 1. wait for five or more seconds. and return the handle 1 to the original position (direction B). Equipment 2-1. 2. 1 3 4 [E] NV02 ON TR IPP ED 2 . Press DEL to set up ********************* >> Now System Loading. Turning ON the power switch will switch to the main screen after self-check of the software (right figure). Turn the handle 1 (right figure 1) to the position of the groove 2 (direction A).. Neglect could cause damage of software. of the machine. It is possible to continue embroidery as it is even if you turn OFF the switch due to intermission and turn ON the switch again.40[%]!! ON OFF Microsoft Windows CE. Award modular BIOS ******** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** There are following two types of switch (It differs depending on spec. 2 3 TFMX-II C. * Switching of frame back/forward (Refer to p. 10 11 12 [During operation] Stop switch (red) Press Start switch (green) Press. Operation starts. Inching operation[*A] starts. Moving needle bar and/or frame could injure you. Keep on pressing.46). Invalid (Machine operation is not effected) Operation stops. the machine will run normally.Chapter 2 13 1 Name of each part and equipment 2-2.46 The machine will perform frame back/forward [*A] by 1-stitch unit. (For 11 stitches or more) *A Terminology: Refer to p. the number of specified stitches: Refer to p. Execution of frame back/forward by color change unit. TFMX-C(L) Single head machine 4 Stop 5 Start 6 Start Stop 7 [During stop] Start switch (green) Press it and release it immediately. Pressing it again will stop frame back/forward. Keep on pressing.46) The machine will continue frame back/forward (It will not stop even if you release the switch). Start/stop switch Target models: refer to the description below. When released. 3 and 5 stitches (Refer to p. * Select a frame feed amount among 1. 13 14 [E] NV02 . 8 9 Stop switch (red) Press it and release it (up to 10 stitches).134. ! CAUTION Pay enough attention to surrounding safety before you start the machine. keep on pressing. the machine will run normally. Move it to the left and hold it at that position. Returning the switch to the right and moving it to the left again will stop frame back/forward. *A Terminology: Refer to p. Inching[*A] operation starts. Stop Start [During stop] Move it to the right and release it immediately.46 [During operation] Move it to the left and release it. * Switching of frame back/forward (Refer to p. 3 and 5 stitches (Refer to p. TFMX (L) ! CAUTION Pay enough attention to surrounding safety before you start the machine. Move it to the right and hold it at that position.46) The machine will continue frame back/forward (Even if you release it. Execution of frame back/forward by color change unit. the number of specified stitches: Refer to p. Move it to the right and hold it at that position. the machine will not stop). (11 stitches or more) Operation starts. Operation stops.46).134. Invalid (Machine operation is not effected) [E] NV02 . Moving needle bar and/or frame could injure you.14 Chapter 2 Name of each part and equipment 2-3. The machine will perform frame back/forward[*A] by 1-stitch unit. When released. Move it to the right and release it. * Select a feed amount of frame among 1. Move it to the left and release it (up to 10 stitches). Bar switch Target models: TFMX-II . Setting keys (F1 to F6) 11. Condition after stop and how to release the lock differ depending on spec.: Power OFF Turn the switch clockwise (Power will be turned ON). Turn the switch clockwise. Escape key ([E] key in the sentence) Switching of screen Resetting of stop factor (Refer to p. Screen (Refer to p. AS (Auto start) (Refer to p. Pressing this switch will stop the machine (Switch will be in the state of locked). Jog dial/jog shuttle (Refer to p. and Japanese domestic use: Sleep mode 2.24) 5. 3 4 To start the machine after that.) 1.51) Power save mode 3. (European safety spec.. Operation panel 1.19) 1 2.16) Lit: during operation 11 4. Press the sleep mode key (It takes a while until the sleep mode is released). Emergency stop switch This is a switch for safety measure. (chart below). * Displayed as shown in the figure below.46) Lit: frame back Unlit: frame forward 8 (In the state of the machine shaft stopped) 2 3 4 5 6 9 7 Lit: fixed position (normal) Unlit: other than the fixed position (abnormal) Blinking: lower dead point. Emergency stop switch 2 EN spec. Operating keys (A to D2) 10. [E] NV01 Jog shuttle (outside) Jog dial (inside) 13 6.38) Lit: with Unlit: without 6 7 FB (Refer to p. 12 7. operate the start switch (bar switch).80) 9 (FDD) Lit: during operation 10 10 11 8 (USB port) (Refer to p. or main shaft motor brake OFF (Refer to p. Set key To fix the value 8. Manual frame travel key (Refer to p. 5 2-5.Chapter 2 15 1 Name of each part and equipment 2-4. Data edit key ( ) Edit of design data.40) 9. Sleep mode key (Refer to p.118) Frame travel mode (Refer to p. Excluding EN spec.40) 14 .40) Change of value of manual frame travel etc. Confirmation mode key ([i] key in the sentence) (Refer to p. USB memory etc. and then start operation (It may take about one minute at a maximum to recognize data). Wait for five or more seconds after inserting a USB memory. [About usage of USB memory] ! CAUTION Do not pull out/in a USB memory in motion (when the main shaft motor and frame are moving. Insert a USB memory slowly and carefully. [E] NV02 .Design data input or software installation by USB memory . Some kind of USB memory may not be used for this machine. change the setting (Network: Refer to p. USB memory (commercial item) For storing design data * Please prepare separately. USB port There are two spots (side face. (This prevents data in the USB memory from deletion or overwriting accidentally). When you insert a USB memory. In this case. Do not insert the USB memory in the state of dirt or dust attached to the inside of the connector.). 16 12 14 15 Software version **** *** * It may be different Notice: from the actual product. back face). Inside card could be damaged. or in the middle of color change etc. please buy other USB memory.115) [Back face] 16. 13. When you format a USB memory. Use: . 14. Distinguish 13 USB memory from 16 USB memory described above. apply FAT16 or FAT32. do not mistake the direction of connector. The USB memory and its inside card could be damaged.Connection with bar code reader (commercial item) 12 13 It is impossible to use USB memory at two spots at the same time. USB memory (accessory) It is exclusive for installation of software.16 Chapter 2 Name of each part and equipment [Side face] 12. The latest software is stored in it. LAN port 15. Insert a USB memory upright against the port (insert slot). Oblique insertion could damage to inside card due to interference of connector with the card. LAN cable (commercial item) When connecting a personal computer. Needle bar suspension lever * Corresponding to 2 or more head machines only ON OFF (Usual position) (Head suspended) 8 Screw 8. It is possible to slide the needle bar case only when the main shaft angle is set to the fixed position. *B It will be suspended mechanically. Head [When suspending a head] Turn OFF the switch 3[*A] in the figure below (or turn OFF the lever 6[*B] ). 2 1. lamp unlit) Head will be suspended. 2.88 [E] MW08 . Second tension Regarding how to use. Middle thread course adjusting lever 5 6 When passing thread Usual position 9 10 [Single head machine only] 7 11 6.87 5. Setting for detecting sensibility: Refer to p. * When upper thread remains on the fabric: Refer to p. It detects thread breakage. lamp lit) It is the usual position. Switch (Tension base switch) Top position: Refer to p. refer to the separate volume “BASICS”. Lamp (Thread breakage indicator lamp) 1 2 3 4 Lit in green Possible to perform embroidery 3 4 Blinking in green Frame back section excluding head of thread breakage Lit in red Thread breakage detection (upper thread) 5 Blinking in red Thread breakage detection (under thread) Unlit Head suspended 6 3.Chapter 2 17 1 Name of each part and equipment 2-6.44 ON (2. 7 8 4. *A It will be suspended electrically. Upper thread lock Adjust remaining length of upper thread. 12 13 14 7. OFF (2. Stop the handle at the position where the screw faces directly above (at odd-numbered needle) or directly below (at evennumbered needle). Color change handle Turning this handle will slide the needle bar case. (2) Press [E] key. Jog remote-controller This is a device to move the frame manually.40 [How to operate] (1) Change screen to the main screen (Refer to p. 3-2.20). Option and others 3-1. Bar code reader Refer to p. (The frame will move). Refer to p.16. Bar code [E] MW08 . (3) Tilt the stick.18 Chapter 2 Name of each part and equipment 3. * Please buy a corresponding product to the USB port. Frame travel speed will change according to an angle of inclination. When not using (It will become frame travel mode).34 Connect to the USB port (back face). We do not sell. Refer to p. ..20 2......................21 3..23 6.23 5......19 1 Chapter 3 Screen 2 3 1...... Character/numeric value input screen .................p............................................p............................... List screen..p............................p....................................p...........p........ Design confirming screen............. Data input screen ................. Setting screen .......24 7 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 ........................23 4......................... Main screen................ * Numbers in the figure below accord with the right paragraph numbers. 5 6 7 8 5.58) :With setting 10. setting • operation will start.42) Actual number of revolutions (rpm) will be displayed during operation. Main screen When the power is turned ON.57) 2 3 14117 4 : Without setting 12 0 9 10 1 15 Switching of sequin 1/2 (Refer to p. Automatic offset (Refer to p.20 Chapter 3 Screen 1. : Tubular goods frame : Frame holder : Cylindrical frame : Cap frame : Border frame : Tubular goods auto clamp frame : Border frame auto clamp frame 9. Design name 2. Software Frame Limit (Refer to p. the following screen will appear. Ratio of finish of embroidery .54) : With setting 8. press [E] key until the main screen appears. From this screen.27) 12.26) * Icon to be displayed differs depending on spec. Design start position ( ) NV01 14. Step [When auto color change is set to YES] Step No. Maximum RPM (Refer to p.26) When “Design rotation by 180 degrees” is set to “YES” (Refer to p. “Cap frame” (Refer to p. 14 13 11 [When auto color change is set to NO] When both items described below are set at the same time. The type of frame that is currently set (Refer to p. The current needle bar No. 1 TAJIMA_W To return to the main screen from other screen.84) Design data will be embroidered in the state of its rotation by 180° after start of the machine. 7.53) : With setting 6. 13. The number of stitches of design 4. the design image will rotate by 180°. 1.108) Needle bar No.39) Needle bar color (Refer to p. Design of which data is set 3. Offsetting at automatic color change (Refer to p. (Refer to p. The current frame position (mm) * Based on frame origin (Refer to p. The current number of stitches 11. Folder In the state of selection. The number of stitches of design 7 When T or T2 is selected: Pressing [i] key will switch to the design confirming screen. 3 4 Data Input (USB) A Group1 Group2 4 *** ****** **** T 3. pressing [SET] will display designs in a folder.22) T3: TAJIMA binary (TCF) T2: TAJIMA binary (TBF) T: TAJIMA (DST) When changing data mode to “T3”: When you store design data into a USB memory. DST 5 4 5 G001. Design name (up to 8 characters) 8. 6. : First layer directory directory the upper one. USB memory design Up to 255 designs at the maximum in a layer directory are available. 7. Built-in memory design 1 2 3 4 9 1 Data Input (Memory) 1.TCF TAJIMA_W 14117 6 7 8 T3 T2 *** ****** **** TCF 6 *** ****** **** TBF 5. Design data 5. 2-2. 8 Built-in memory can contain up to 200 designs (2 million stitches) at the maximum.TBF TAJIMA_W 14117 14 NV02 . 1 2 3 1. Folder name (up to 8 characters) 4. 10 A Group1 Group2 Group3 2. Pressing [SET] will switch to a design image. 2 : Fourth layer * Pressing [E] key will return the layer directory to 2. 6 7 9 10 11 8. Folder In the state of selection. Design name (up to 8 characters) 11. The number of stitches of design 11 12 Group4 Group5 *** ****** **** 2[CR] TBF 13 When design data is selected: Pressing [i] key will switch to the design confirming screen. pressing [SET] will display designs in a folder. Extension 10. 3. select “T3” (Refer to p.Chapter 3 21 1 Screen 2. 5 2[CR] 8 G001. It will be displayed when “Data Conversion” is set. It is possible to read design data of down to the fourth layer directory in a USB memory. It will be displayed when “Repeat” is set. Folder name (up to 8 characters) 4. File name 6. Data input screen 2-1. Extension 7. Data mode (Refer to p. Built-in memory registration No. Layer directory (down to the second layer directory) : First layer directory :Second layer directory * Pressing [E] key will return the layer directory to the upper one.69). File name 9. TCF T O[*B] 1. Stitch data Storing into a USB memory (including floppy disk)[*A] T3 (TCF). start position).CTO ***. Repeat (Refer to p. This message will be displayed only when design contains condition data (needle bar selection.DST 1 2. * Refer to the chart below. S NV02 . Start position *A Storing condition (right chart) 1 2 3 ***.2] [Condition data] 2 3 The screen as shown left will be displayed only when the machine reads condition data in the figure 1 above.22 Chapter 3 Screen 2-3.DGF *** shows a file name. When you embroider this design data next time.53) 5. Coordinates of 2 described above * Based on frame origin (Refer to p. About 5 in the chart above The frame position where the machine starts at the beginning after data set will be registered as a start position ([S] in the right figure) to the built-in memory with design data. *B When you exchange design data between models with different embroidery spaces.50) 3. Design data 4.TBF ***. Condition data (Needle bar selection. 1 Read Condition File? ’’YES’’>>SET ’’NO’’ >> E OK to move the frame to design start position? [X:+115. T2 (TBF) O T (DST) Created by DG/ML by Pulse (Hereafter described as DG/ML) O Condition data 1.27) It indicates embroidery conditions included in design data (1 to 5 in the chart below). Data combining 1 to 3 of “T2” 4 ***. 3. Message 1. Automatic offset (Refer to p. : It is possible to store : It is not possible to store Storing to the built-in memory O O O O O T3 T2 ***. The position where the machine started to embroider this design at the last time (Start position) * Refer to the chart below. About 1 to 4 in the chart above By setting 1 to 4 after data set. Data Conversion (Refer to p.7 Y:-153. these will be registered into the built-in memory with design data. start position) 3. 2. Needle Bar Selection (Refer to p. it will be unnecessary to set again.39) 2.48) 4. start position may differ depending on model. Design name (up to 8 characters) 3. Setting screen [An example] 6 1. It will not be displayed at input of a password. Pressing [SET] will switch to “Setting screen”. 8 9 10 5. press [SET] or To return the screen. . The cursor (selecting item) is displayed in yellow. Character/numeric value input screen 1 2 3 4 1. [How to input] 11 TAJIMA_W 12 13 0 Repeat Enter 14 6 MW08 5 . 2 B 1 Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS) 2 Needle Bar Selection 3 Data Conversion 4 Repeat 5 Automatic Offset YES 6 A. 1 To lower the cursor. To return the cursor (to delete a character) 4.Chapter 3 23 1 Screen 3. Cursor (selecting character) 2. press [E] key. press the [B] key or . 1 AC 1 Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS) 7 B AC AS Same Color (AS) NO NO NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES It is also possible to use the jog shuttle to select the number of stitches etc. To lower the cursor. List screen [An example] 1.S after Auto Data Set 3 4 10 Needle Bar Color 5 4. Decision 5. Change the value and [SET]. Switching of large letter/small letter 6. 10. The number of stitches of design 5. File name Coordinates (From Start Point) 57. 10.0 mm YES 30 2 NO 0 NO NO Step 1/ 10 Offset 3. Stop factor occurred at the latest Error stuck 14 To return to the main screen 13 MW08 .0 90.). 2. 8. Design of which data is set TAJIMA_W 2. 1 9. Setting contents 13.0 pp M.24 Chapter 3 Screen 6. Design confirming screen It is possible to check setting contents of design of which data is set and/or records of occurrence of stop factor(s) (code Nos. 4. It indicates the next page exists. 1 2 3 4 Calling of screen AS FB 1. 9.8 95. 6 7 8 Offset 90 10 10 150. Data conversion With: 10. Needle bar step The number of steps Automatic offset 185. 4. 13 : The page will scroll.0 9 Data Conversion Rotation Reversion Repeat 80 80 Stitch Counter Stitch Length Function Design Counter Step 1/ 10 3. 7. Design size : Design start position 4. 5. 14. 1. 5. The number of times of embroidering this design continuously 9.2 5 3. 7. Maximum RPM Min. 7. Revolution Total Stitch Counter Frame Start Timing *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** *************** Frame Back All Head Sew Stop at the lower dead point (pseudo-fixed position) 1000 rpm 600 rpm 76543210 250 2 4 70% 10 YES NO NO YES 3 4.2 -7. The current frame position (A distance from a design start position) 6. The current step (red) Offsetting at automatic color change With: 12. Repeat 11 12 The screen will switch.0 10 -130. The current number of stitches 7. The contents of repeat 11. The contents of the current stitch 8.0 -56. 2. 7 8. .......27 7 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 ........p...26 5........................... or power switch OFF................ .................................p..........p.25 1 Chapter 4 When changing frame 2 3 1...............p.26 2...... Sleep mode................ Change setting. To change frame .p......... Frame Origin Memory .............26 4....26 3.................................... Cancel of sleep mode. or power switch ON ....... cap frame. Change setting. [a] Cap Power will be turned OFF/ON automatically. Tubular goods frame Cap frame Border frame Cylindrical frame 3. or power switch OFF * Sleep mode (Refer to p. MW08 . tubular goods frame.51) It is possible to move the frame by hand during sleep mode. (1) To call the screen 7 Frame Type C 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. Change drive mode according to the frame to use. AS FB Press it for a few seconds in the state of the main screen. Sleep mode. 2. select “Cap”. or power switch ON 4.26 Chapter 4 When changing frame 1. but it is not possible to operate the machine. (2) Select a value and [SET]. * In case of pocket frame. cylindrical frame etc. 7 Frame Type Frame Type [a] Tubular <Explanation on the screen> [a] Border frame. Cancel of sleep mode. To change frame Change frame after referring to the separate user’s manual. * Contents of display differ depending on model. • The frame does not return to the interrupted position even after performing power resume. • Frame coordinates are not displayed correctly. 6 7 (1) To call the screen * Start from the main screen.90 Frame origin (*) 2 X: Y: 0. 4 11 9 Frame Origin Memory <Explanation on the screen> [a] : Not to perform : To perform (The frame will move.Chapter 4 27 1 When changing frame 5. Frame Origin Memory This operation makes this machine memorize the frame origin. 8 1 Press [F2] while pressing [SET]. 2. Perform in the following conditions. When frame driver is changed When a frame origin is wrong. the following troubles will occur. you could be injured. • Position of frame limit becomes misaligned (excluding L-spec.0 3 * An anchoring point to calculate the current frame coordinates (position differs depending on model) 4 5 ! CAUTION Do not perform in the middle of embroidery.0 0. Since the frame moves. If you perform in the middle of embroidery. on the machine table. [a] Completion 13 14 (Work) NV02 . 9 Frame Origin Memory 2 SET F2 9 [a] 10 3 Press [F2] until the object item appears. 1. Do not put your hands etc. There is a possibility that the frame was moved by hand in the state of power OFF or during sleep mode in such a case as changing frame. there could be a possibility that disables continuation of embroidery. machine). After installation of software 3.) 12 (2) Select “O” to [SET].: Refer to p. 28 Chapter 4 When changing frame . ...42 10....... Confirmation of head.....29 1 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure 2 3 1..... Frame travel (decision of start position) .........p...............44 13..... Start............p.................43 11......... Needle bar selection ................ Completion of embroidery .......... Data input....... ..................................................30 2....p................39 6...............................30 4.p....p.......... Power switch ON............... to set fabric ....................p...........p......p.. When thread is broken ..... Execution of trace ...................................................................p........................................p..........44 13 10 7 4 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 MW08 ............ To pass thread. Maximum RPM....................41 8.p..38 5........................30 3...................................................... Check the design.......................43 12...............42 9..p.........................p............40 7................................ Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS) ............... 32) • DG/ML (Refer to p.30 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure 1. 2. refer to the separate manual “BASICS”. 3-1.36) All designs will be converted to T2 (TBF) and stored after data input. Data input Make a design stored in the following items become possible to be embroidered. USB memory design (1) Set a USB memory. Clip * Type of clip differs depending on model (The figure above is an example). Power switch ON * Refer to p. To pass thread. 3.12.33) • FDD (Floppy disk drive) (Refer to p. to set fabric * Regarding how to pass thread. • USB memory • Built-in memory of this machine (Refer to p. Pay attention to the direction! US B 256MB NV02 . Chapter 5 31 1 Basic operation procedure (2) To call the screen Press keys according to numbers. Folder Design (T3/T2/T) 5 4 Data Input (USB) A Group2 6 Group3 *** ****** **** TCF *** DST ****** **** T 7 Layer directory (down to 4 layer directories) (Refer to p. 8 (4) To input a design to the built-in memory After confirming the design Are you ready? 9 1 Data Input (Memory) In case of T design In case of T3/T2 design A 1 2 3 10 *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** Are you ready? G006.21) T2 *** TBF ****** **** *** DST ****** **** T It switches to an image.22 13 14 NV01 . 2 4 Data Input (USB) A 1 Press it until the object item appears.DST COASTER 5433 11 ( ) * Read Condition File? 4 *** TBF ****** **** 12 * Refer to p. 4 Data Input (USB) T3 Group1 Group2 *** TCF ****** **** 3 2 T2 *** TBF ****** **** *** DST ****** **** T *** DST ****** **** T 4 (3) Select a folder or design (T3/T2/T). 22 (6) Proceed to “4. Built-in memory design (1) To call the screen Press keys according to numbers.21) *** TBF ****** **** Are you ready?*** *** ****** ****** 2 TBF 3 TBF **** **** 4 *** TBF ****** **** NV01 . 1 Data Input (Memory) A 1 2 1 Data Input (Memory) Group4 Group5 4 Group1 Group2 Group3 *** TBF ****** **** (2) Select a folder or design. OK to move the frame to design start position?( ) * * Refer to p. Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS)” (Refer to p.32 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure (5) Set data of design. Folder Design 1 Data Input (Memory) 4 TBF A Group2 *** ****** **** 1 Layer directory (down to 2 layer directories) (Refer to p. After confirming the design Are you ready? In case of T design Completion of data set Are you ready? 4 TBF G006.38) continuously. 3-2.DST COASTER 5433 *** ****** **** In case of T3/T2 design The frame will move. 6 Connection between this machine and DG/ML LAN cable 7 DG/ML (3) To call the screen Press keys according to numbers. (2) After connecting a LAN cable to the LAN port of this machine.22 4 (4) Proceed to “4.Chapter 5 33 1 Completion of data set Basic operation procedure (3) Set data of design. start up DG/ML. Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS)” (Refer to p. 5 Data Input (LAN) 8 A 1 2 Press it until the object item appears.115). 5 Data Input (LAN) Design data stored in DG/ML 5 6 3 9 *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 .38) continuously. 5 3-3. 2 OK to move the frame to design start position? ( ) * 3 The frame will move. * Refer to p. Design stored in DG/ML (1) Set “YES” to network (Refer to p. start up DG/ML. After confirming the design Design Are you ready? 4 In case of T design 1 Data Input (Memory) *** TBF ****** **** A In case of T2 design ( ) * Read Condition File? 4 1 2 3 *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** * Refer to p. Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS)” (Refer to p. Design stored in DG/ML (To use a bar code reader) (1) Set “YES” to network (Refer to p. MW08 . 3-4.16).34 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure (4) Select a design. (3) After connecting a LAN cable to the LAN port of this machine.115). Connection between this machine and DG/ML LAN cable DG/ML * Please buy a commercial item. (2) Connect a bar code reader to the USB port (Refer to p. After confirming the design Completion of data set Are you ready? (6) Proceed to “4.22 (5) Set data of design.38) continuously. 38) continuously. After confirming the design Completion of data set 9 10 Are you ready? 11 12 (7) Proceed to “4. 2 5 Data Input (LAN) A 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS)” (Refer to p. 5 Data Input (LAN) Design data stored in DG/ML *** ****** **** 5 TBF 3 *** ****** **** 6 TBF *** ****** **** 3 TBF 4 (5) To read bar code 5 Data Input (LAN) 5 6 A 5 6 3 *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** 7 Bar code The cursor will move to the read design. 13 14 MW08 . 8 (6) Set data of design.Chapter 5 35 1 Basic operation procedure (4) To call the screen Press keys according to numbers. 2 Data Input (FD) A T2 *** TBF ****** **** *** DST ****** **** T T2 *** TBF *** TBF ****** ****** **** **** It switches to an image.36 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure 3-5. 2 Data Input (FD) A 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. (2) To call the screen Press keys according to numbers. 2 Data Input (FD) T2 *** TBF ****** **** *** DST ****** **** T T T2 *** TBF ****** **** *** DST ****** **** T2 *** TBF ****** **** *** DST ****** **** T (3) Select a design (T/T2). Wait for five or more seconds after setting. Design (T/T2) It takes a while. and then start the next operation. NV02 . Floppy disk design (1) Set a floppy disk. FDD (commercial item) *Trouble caused by FDD is out of scope of our guarantee. DST COASTER 5433 A 1 2 3 *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** 3 ( ) * Read Condition File? 4 *** TBF ****** **** 4 * Refer to p.Chapter 5 37 1 Basic operation procedure (4) To input a design to the built-in memory After confirming the design Are you ready? In case of T design In case of T2 design 1 Data Input (Memory) 2 Are you ready? G006. Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS)” (Refer to p.38) continuously. After confirming the design Are you ready? In case of T design Completion of data set 6 Are you ready? 4 TBF G006.DST COASTER 5433 7 *** ****** **** In case of T2 design The frame will move. 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 .22 (6) Proceed to “4.22 5 (5) Set data of design. 8 OK to move the frame to design start position?( ) * 9 * Refer to p. Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS) This setting makes the machine change color and start automatically. 1 Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS) 1 2 1 Auto Color Change (AC)/Auto Start (AS) B [a] AC [b] AS [c] Same Color (AS) NO NO NO YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO [Explanation on the screen] [a] Automatic color change according to “Needle Bar Selection” To perform: YES (usual setting) Not to perform: NO (It is not possible to set the following [b] and [c]. (1) To call the screen Press keys according to numbers. [a] [b] [c] YES YES YES NV02 .) [a] YES / NO * Selecting NO will select the current needle bar regardless of “Needle Bar Selection”.) [c] Automatic start when the same needle bar is selected before and after a step To perform: YES Not to perform: NO [c] YES / NO * Selecting “NO” will stop the machine after end of step 1.38 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure 4. Step1 1 2 3 5 5 2 The same needle bar No. (2) Select a value and [SET]. [b] YES / NO [b] Automatic start after color change To perform: YES (usual setting) Not to perform: NO (It is not possible to set the following [c]. 2 Needle Bar Selection [a] 1 [c] 5 2 [b] 3 4 5 6 5 6 <Explanation on the screen> [a] Design of which data is set [b] The number of steps in this design (6 steps in this example) [c] Step Step No. [c] Select and press [SET]. When equipped at both sides L-side R-side 1 5 2 1 9 Needle bar color (Refer to p. Sequin right side 7 8 It is displayed when sequin device III is equipped (“M2” should be selected: Refer to p.22). 2 Needle Bar Selection 3 4 B 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. <When design data is TBF design> Proceed to the following (3).108. set “AC” and “AS” to “YES” (Refer to p. 14 NV02 . To perform embroidery as “Needle Bar Selection” is. 12 . 2 1 1 2 11 Step 2 and after It is the same procedure. 3 [a] Select a sequin step. To set the desired step only.57) Cursor (yellow) It shows the step being selected. This setting selects whether or not you switch sequin 1 to 2 or vice versa (Right figure).38). 10 Proceed to the following (2). (using order of needle bars) to use at each step in embroidery. This function is condition data (Refer to p. <When design data is DST design> Proceed to p. Needle bar selection Set needle bar Nos. Needle bar No. (2) Select a value and [SET].Chapter 5 39 1 Basic operation procedure 5. 2 (1) To call the screen Press keys according to numbers.104). Step 1 Needle bar No. press 13 (3) To switch sequin 1 to 2 or vice versa (in case of model equipped with sequin device III) [b] Select a needle bar and press [SET]. 40 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure 6. Frame travel (decision of start position) * Only when it is necessary Move the frame manually to the position you desire. ! CAUTION When performing this operation, do not put your hands etc. around the frame. Moving frame could injure you. (1) Change screen to the main screen.(Refer to p.20). (2) Frame travel [In case of jog dial/jog shuttle] [Lengthwise] [Crosswise] Frame travel mode The current frame X: Y: 150.0 100.0 Based on the frame origin (mm) Code (+/-) indicates a direction (Figure below) Jog dial (Low speed) Jog shuttle (High speed) X: + Y: + Speed switching key Lit: high speed Unlit: low speed Left Y: X: - [In case of frame travel key] Rear Right Front [In case of jog remote-controller (option)] *Refer to p.18 NV02 Chapter 5 41 1 Basic operation procedure 7. Execution of trace Check if the start position and embroidery space are appropriate to the size of design data. Since the frame moves in advance according to size of design data, it prevents unexpected frame hitting (needle bar hits the frame) (needle bar will not move down). ! CAUTION Do not put your hands etc. around the frame. Moving frame could injure you. 2 3 (1) To call the screen Press keys according to numbers. 10 Trace D1 4 5 Needle Position 15 [a] [b] /Low/High 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. 10 Trace 6 7 <Explanation on the screen> [a] The current needle bar No. [b] Trace speed Low: low speed, High: high speed, -: not to trace 8 When automatic offset is set 6 2 (2) Select a value and [SET]. 5 9 High 3 (Work) 4 1 7 10 [Interruption of trace] 1. Perform interruption by using bar switch or stop switch (NO.1C1 will be displayed). 2. Press [E] key. 3. Follow the message described below. OK to continue Tracing? 11 Offset start position (Trace start point) Offset start middle position Design start position 12 "YES" >> SET "NO" >> E After completion of trace, it is possible to perform embroidery from that position. When design data does not fall within the embroidery space, perform tracing again (Refer to p.52). 13 14 NV02 42 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure 8. Check the design. Check setting contents of design (data conversion, repeat etc.) of which data is set (Refer to p.24). Every pressing will switch the screen. Design confirmation mode TAJIMA_W i 1 Design Information 2 Contents of setting 3 Records of stop factors 95.2 Data conversion Rotation -7.2 57.0 -56.8 Coordinates (From start point) 185.0 90.0 80 80 Stitch Counter Stitch Length Function Design Counter Step 1/ 10 3. 10. 5. 7. 2. 7 8. 4. 1. 9. Offset 90 Return to the main screen. Reversion Repeat 10 150.0 10 -130.0 pp M. Repeat 9. Maximum RPM Set a maximum RPM that is suitable for a design to be embroidered. (1) To call the screen (2) Select a value and [SET]. 1000 rpm 1 Maximum RPM 950 rpm RPM (the number of revolutions) will vary automatically placing the value of “Maximum RPM” as the upper limit according to stitch length of design data. Stitch length Up to 4.0 mm 4.1 mm to 11.9 mm 12.0 mm and more RPM Maximum RPM (Right figure A) Automatic change (Right figure B) Min. Revolution (Refer to p.78) (Right figure C) rpm A B C 0 4.0 (mm) 12.0 [To change rpm during operation] Turn the jog dial. MW08 Start ! CAUTION Before starting the machine. Since the needle and/or frame move. Confirmation of head When both the following switch and lever are set to ON. TFMX-C (L) Stop switch (Red) Start switch (Green) 9 Start switch (Green) 10 Stop switch (red) 11 TFMX-II. 6 7 8 TFMX-C single head machine TFMX-IIC. [Tension base switch] [Needle bar suspension lever] * 2 or more head machine only 2 ON OFF ON OFF 3 4 Switching 5 enough attention to the surrounding safety.Chapter 5 43 1 Basic operation procedure 10. TFMX (L) 12 stop start 13 Stop Start 14 NV02 . you could be injured. the head will work. 53) Without Auto Origin Return (Refer to p. and an error code (a number indicating stop factor) will be displayed. When thread is broken The machine will stop automatically.291) Blinking: Under thread breakage (No. An example of display Lit: Upper thread breakage (No. (3) Start the machine. Automatic offset (Refer to p. [In case of 2 or more head machine] To make a head without thread breakage detection perform embroidery from the position after frame back.44 Chapter 5 Basic operation procedure 12. or change the under thread (bobbin). (2) Perform frame back by a few stitches for mending. Lamp of the head where thread broke will switch to red color (lit or blinking). set the switch of the head (right figure) to the “Top” once (when you release the switch. it will return to the original position). Threader (accessory) 13. Completion of embroidery Destination to move of the frame differs depending on setting of the machine (chart below).51) Withou t With Not to move Start position (S) Figure below[a] With Offset start position Figure below[b] Tension base switch S E Frame travel E: Design end point [a] Frame travel E [b] MW08 . Only the head where thread broke will start embroidery again from the position after frame back. (1) Pass the upper thread.293) [291] 2 Head with thread breakage Start the embroidery again by the following procedure. 2......p....45 1 Chapter 6 Operation • setting 2 3 1........p................... Functions that are frequently used.........53 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 ..46 4 Convenient functions................................ 134.14 [e] The number of current stitches (display only) (2) How to operate To lower the cursor. p.13. Stop Code Stitches FB/FF Stitch Unit Stitch Counter FB [a] FB/FF [b] NO [c] 1 [d] 1/3/5 39628 [e] 3 Frame Back/Forward <Explanation on the screen> [a] Switching of frame back (FB)/forward (FF) [b] To execute by color change unit : Not to perform : To perform [c] To execute by specifying the number of stitches NO: not to perform 1 ~: to perform (FB/FF by stitches) [d] Frame feed unit (stitches) when executing FB/FF by using stop switch (or bar switch) Refer to p.13. on the table. Functions that are frequently used 1-1. You could be injured. Frame Back/Forward Switch/execute frame back/forward specifying the number of stitches).14 [*A] ! CAUTION (color change unit. p. 3 or 5 stitches): Refer to p.46 Chapter 6 Operation • setting 1. press . At execution. (1) To call the screen 3 Frame Back/Forward 1 C 2 Press it until the object item appears. *A Terminology: Refer to p. When setting [a] Example When executing [c] FB When executing [b] When setting [d] 525 (Work) (Work) 5 NV02 . do not put your hands etc. When executing stitch unit (1. ........ 7 (1) To switch screen ...38)...... 3 5 (Work) 4 1 Manual Color Change 2 The current needle bar No......Chapter 6 47 1 Operation • setting 1-2... set “AC” to “NO” (Refer to p.. You could be injured..... 2 (1) To switch screen ...... near needle bar case.. 2 Manual ATH 10 11 12 13 14 NV02 ....... (2) Select “O” to [SET]... Manual ATH This function trims thread by manual operation.......... near needle or on the table... ! CAUTION Do not put your hands etc..... 5 6 1-3.. ! CAUTION Do not put your hands etc. 8 (Work) 9 To execute Press it until the object item appears.... (2) Select a value and [SET]........... You could be injured..................... To perform embroidery by using the selected needle bar No.............. Manual color change This function performs color change by manual operation......... It is not possible to perform setting in the middle of embroidery. NV02 . Perform operation after paying attention to surrounding safety. Repeat It makes the machine embroider design stored in the built-in memory repeatedly. (1) To call the screen 4 Repeat B 1 2 Press it until the object item appears.0 (Frame travel) Completion [f] [f] Priority (X/Y): Preceding direction to perform embroidery (X/Y) [g] To embroider the next design after thread trimming (Display only. [a] <Explanation on the screen> [a] Repeat mode (Refer to p.48 Chapter 6 Operation • setting 1-4.49) pb [b] The number of times (X): crosswise [c] Design interval amount (X): a distance between designs in crosswise direction Code determines direction of repeat.22).0 (Frame travel) [d] 5 Lengthwise (Y) direction [e] -80. ! CAUTION The frame will move at setting. 4 Repeat [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] Trim [g] (2) Select a value and [SET]. This function is condition data (Refer to p. (No display) Example [b] 10 Crosswise (X) direction [c] [d] The number of times (Y): lengthwise [e] Design interval amount (Y): a distance between designs in lengthwise direction Code determines direction of repeat. (No display) 150. it is not possible to change) X The frame will return to the original position. Perform setting after data set. Chapter 6 49 1 Operation • setting [How to repeat] pp (Usual setting) [f] In case of priority to crosswise (X) [c] 2 1 Design start position [f] In case of priority to lengthwise (Y) [c] 2 [e] 3 5 4 5 4 3 2 1 [e] 3 4 pb (X-axis mirror) 5 [f] In case of priority to lengthwise (Y) [c] 6 X 5 4 3 2 1 [e] 7 8 pq (Y-axis mirror) [f] In case of priority to lengthwise (Y) Y [c] 9 [e] 5 4 3 2 1 10 11 pd (Rotation by 180°) 12 [f] In case of priority to lengthwise (Y) [c] 13 [e] 5 4 3 2 1 14 MW08 . 50 Chapter 6 Operation • setting 1-5. It is not possible to perform setting in the middle of embroidery.22). (1) To call the screen 3 Data Conversion B 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. 3 Data Conversion [a] [b] [c] [d] (2) Select a value and [SET].0 [c] 90 [d] [b] Lengthwise (Y) scale ratio (%) Ditto [c] Rotating angle (degrees) Y p Example: 30° X [d] Reversion Y Not to perform X To perform X MW08 . rotates and/or reverses design stored in the built-in memory to embroider. Perform setting after data set. reduces. Data conversion It enlarges.0 Example [b] Scale up/down 150. This function is condition data (Refer to p. [a] <Explanation on the screen> [a] Crosswise (X) scale ratio (%) Y After enlargement * In case of the same scale ratio in X/Y X Original size Design start position 150. ......... You could be injured.... (1) Change screen to the main screen (Refer to p...... on the table.. 2 [How to release] Press this key again (The lamp will be unlit)...... 5 (1) To switch screen ...... * It takes a while until it is canceled............Chapter 6 51 1 Operation • setting 1-6.... it will suppress unnecessary power consumption.... (2) Press sleep mode key for a few seconds (lamp lit)...... Manual offset It returns the frame that was moved in the middle of embroidery to the original position....... Moving frame could injure you. (2) Select “O” to [SET]....... 4 Automatic Origin Return NO 14 NV02 . 4 Manual Offset 7 8 9 1-8.... the frame will return to an offset start position irrespective of this setting (Refer to p... ! CAUTION After embroidery is finished... Auto Origin Return It returns the frame to a start position automatically after embroidery is finished[*A] ......53)... 6 (Work) To execute Press it until the object item appears... 10 (1) To switch screen ... 3 4 1-7.... When you set the machine to sleep mode at intermission etc...20). *A When automatic offset is set. (2) “YES” and [SET]..... Sleep mode It switches the power supply of this machine to power save mode....... 11 YES 12 13 Press it until the object item appears......... do not put your hands etc..... ! CAUTION Do not put your hands etc... on the table... 225.... To return the frame to the original position..........51)....52 Chapter 6 Operation • setting 1-9. (Work) To execute Press it until the object item appears.... 9 5 8 1 4 2 3 7 NV02 (1) The frame will stop. perform “Manual Offset” (Refer to p... Offset return It returns the frame to an offset start embroidery. Trace Only details are explained here. *A : Refer to p.. The frame does not move through the offset middle position....... (1) To switch screen.. near needle or on the table....51).. (2) Select "O" to [SET]..... 10 6 (3) Display of error code No.. position[*A] ! CAUTION in the middle of Do not put your hands etc. Regarding how to operate... Press [E] key... refer to p.. 1-10..53 It is possible to operate only when automatic offset is set. (1) To switch screen.... Press it until the object item appears........ the machine will also move according to setting)......... near needle or on the table.. You could be injured... Design Start Position Return It return the frame to a start position in the middle of embroidery. ..........41. perform “Manual Offset” (Refer to p...... (4) Perform tracing again from that position....... You could be injured.... (2) Select “O” to [SET].... To return the frame to the original position.... 3 Design Start Position Return Pressing [SET] will make the frame move. (2) The frame will move automatically so that the design falls within a range of embroidery space... ! CAUTION Do not put your hands etc.......... 5 Offset Return 1-11..... (Work) To execute Pressing [SET] will make the frame move.... [When the frame comes to the limit position] [When repeat is set] The machine will trace the whole designs after tracing the first design (When data conversion and/or automatic offset are set.. It is not possible to perform setting in the middle of embroidery. Set automatic offset after data set. The frame will move at the end of embroidery. Perform operation after paying attention to surrounding safety. This function is condition data (Refer to p. 3 4 5 (1) Set the data of design (Refer to p.Chapter 6 53 1 Operation • setting 2. Convenient functions 2-1.30).22). and then the machine will start embroidery. the frame will return to the offset start position automatically. [b] Offset start position (stand-by position) 10 11 12 [a] [s] [a] Completion of embroidery 13 Embroidery starts. <Explanation on the screen> [a] Offset middle position (a position where the frame moves through) * This setting is arbitrary. (2) To call the screen 5 Automatic Offset 6 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. Automatic offset Start operation will move the frame to the start position automatically. Do not put your hands on the table. B [a] OF1 X Y OF2 X 0 0 [b] 0 0 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] Previous 0 0 0 0 7 8 5 Automatic Offset The current frame position when it is [SET] will be memorized as a start position (Figure below [s]). [b] [b] NV02 14 . 2 ! CAUTION The frame will move at setting. Y 9 Coordinates of [a] and [b] are based on the start position. After embroidery is finished. 2-2. When an offset start position is not set.0 [How to release automatic offset] Set both values of [a] and [b] in the description above to “0”. Do not put your hands on the table.54 Chapter 6 Operation • setting (3) Move the frame to perform [SET]. 2 Needle Bar Selection B 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 3 4 2 1 3 [a] <Explanation on the screen> [a] Offset mark ( ) In this example. (1) Set an offset start position (automatic offset) (Refer to p.22). press [SET] as it is. Insertion of an offset mark To delete NV02 . (3) To insert an offset mark 1. 20. [a] [b] 50. the frame will move to a start position.0 250. *A : Refer to p. Select a step. the frame will move to the offset start position after step 3 is finished.53 [*A] ! CAUTION The frame will move at color change in the middle of embroidery or completion of embroidery. (2) To call the screen 2 Needle Bar Selection 1 2 Press it until the object item appears.0 150.0 Example When you do not set [a]. 2. Offsetting at automatic color change It makes the frame move to an offset start position automatically in the middle of embroidery and at end of embroidery.53). This function is condition data (Refer to p. 000 stitches) is set at shipment. 4 (1) To call the screen 6 Preset Halt 5 0 [a] 0-999999[st] 0 [b] 0-99999[cm] 0 [c] 0-999[Designs] 10 [d] 0-99*10000[st] NO [e] YES/NO C 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. It is not particularly necessary to change this value. the machine will stop automatically. 8 9 10 (2) Select a value and [SET]. Preset halt When counting reaches a set value. [b] When counting reaches the cumulative data length that has been set. To lower the cursor. Data. [d] The machine will stop when counting reaches the number of set stitches. [e] The machine will stop short of the end code by one stitch. 11 [a] 50000 Example [b] [c] [d] Same procedure [e] YES 12 13 14 MW08 . * It will not be displayed when automatic lubrication system is set to “YES”. the following code No. the machine will stop. * Since embroidery is not finished. When the machine stops. 6 Preset Halt Stitch Data Design Lubrication Just before End Code 6 7 <Explanation on the screen> [a] The machine will stop when counting reaches the number of set stitches. will be displayed. the machine will stop.Chapter 6 55 1 Operation • setting 2-3. Just before End Code Halt by lubrication 3 *A “10” (stop at 100. 1D2 OIL [*A] 2 Stop method Stitch. press . it is possible to perform frame back. Code No. [c] When counting reaches the number of designs that has been set. Design. .. error code No... do not put your hands etc. This function works on condition that the frame origin is memorized correctly (Refer to p..38)..56 Chapter 6 Operation • setting 2-4. the frame will not return to the correct position. This function is suitable for such a work as changing sock frame one after another while performing embroidery....S after Auto Data Set NO 2-5... (1) To switch screen. ! CAUTION Do not put your hands etc.. It is effective only when “Auto Start” is set to YES (Refer to p.... 6 A... [Occurrence of power shut off] The machine will stop.... Power resume (restore) It prevents displacement of design.. 8 Power Resume SET F2 [Explanation on the screen] [a] : Not to execute : To execute[*A] [a] ATH ATH : To execute after thread trimming[*A] *A The frame will return to short of the position by several stitches where power was shut off.. You could be injured.. ! CAUTION The machine will start automatically after the end of design.. near needle or on the table...... Perform the following operations..... the machine will start automatically after embroidery is finished and will repeat embroidery. (2) Select a value and [SET].... Moving needle bar or frame could injure you... Completion ATH (Work) NV02 ....... If it is wrong.. Therefore... (1) Press [E] key (The following screen will appear).. When the power is turned ON after that.. (2) Select “YES” and [SET]. near needle or on the table. YES Press it until the object item appears.....2E3 will be displayed....27). Automatic start after automatic data set By this setting. 1 When skipping needle bar Needle bar No. Are you ready? Completion 11 Needle bar No. Needle bar color It is possible to pigment the screen at every needle bar.Chapter 6 57 1 Operation • setting 2-6.3 12 13 14 MW08 . and it is possible to check design image of finished sewing. 10 Needle Bar Color B [b] [a] 3 4 [c] [d] 5 <Explanation on the screen> [a] Palette (32 colors) [b] Cursor (selecting color) [c] Needle bar No.2 10 Color It is the same procedure. (1) To call the screen 10 Needle Bar Color 2 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. [d] Color to needle bar 6 7 (2) To set Needle bar 1 Color 5 Color 8 9 Needle bar No. Pay enough attention to surrounding safety.26). [d] **** **** The frame will move. check if design data falls in the tubular goods frame by using trace function (in such a case as the right figure. Software Frame Limit It establishes a limit to an embroidery space and makes the machine stop before needle touches the frame.58 Chapter 6 Operation • setting 2-7. and then perform operation. Moving embroidery frame could injure you. needle will locate to four corners). 6 Software Frame Limit F1 Frame Limit [a]NO YES/NO Previous [b] Frame Type Tubular [c] P1X Y [d] P2X Y 0 0 0 0 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 0 0 0 0 (3) To set [a] [Explanation on the screen] [a] Setting YES: to perform. (2) To call the screen 6 Software Frame Limit 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. When you use tubular goods frame. ! CAUTION The frame will move at setting. [d] Coordinates of point 2 Area that can be embroidered P2 NV02 . (1) Check the current “Frame Type” or change it (Refer to p. Frame limit will be memorized in every “Frame Type”. NO: not to perform [b] Frame type being selected currently *Display only [c] Coordinates of point 1 P1 YES [c] **** **** The frame will move. 10 11 1 Press [F4] while pressing [SET]. When the current embroidery is finished and start the machine next 2.Chapter 6 59 1 Operation • setting 2-8. When data is set 8 9 2-9. Total Stitch Counter / Design Timer Make the machine display the number of total stitches embroidered up to now and time elapsed from start after data set to the present. 2 (1) To call the screen 2 Total Stitch Counter/Design Timer 3 C 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. (1) To call the screen * Start from the main screen. SET 2 F4 2 Date and Time 3 Machine Type 4 Machine Number 5 Machine Information 12 8 Software Version 10 Language Ver. [When resetting [a] [a] [b] will be reset in the following cases. 2 Total Stitch Counter/Design Timer [a] 8752195 [st] [b] 0:50:8 [H:M:S] 4 5 <Explanation on the screen> [a] The number of total stitches embroidered up to now [b] Time elapsed from start after data set to the present (The screen shows an example of 50 minutes and 8 seconds) Counting continues even during sleep mode and turning OFF the power. 6 7 0 1. Checking of software version Check the version of software that is currently installed. *** 13 14 MW08 . Language Set the language to be displayed on the screen. 1 2 English 3 Press [F4] until the object item appears. (2) Select a value and [SET]. (1) To perform the following operations from the main screen Press [F4] while pressing [SET]. 10 Language **** The current language MW08 .60 Chapter 6 Operation • setting 2-10. p...........75 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 ......61 1 Chapter 7 Design data management 2 3 1....... 2...................................62 4 USB memory design(or floppy disk design) ... p................... Built-in memory design.. Are you ready? *** TBF ****** **** MW08 .62 Chapter 7 Design data management 1. Are you ready? OneorAll All One To the following (3) (3) Select a design. Deletion of a design Delete a design stored in the built-in memory. Built-in memory design 1-1. (1) To call the screen 8 Memory Delete A 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. 8 Memory Delete 139628 Remaining stitch capacity One [a] [b] One/All <Explanation on the screen> [a] Deletion by 1 design unit [b] To delete all designs at once (2) Select a deleting method. *** TBF ****** **** 6 7 Group1 Group2 Group3 8 Group4 Group5 9 (3) Select a destination to move.Chapter 7 63 1 Design data management 1-2. 4 Move a Design > Paste The screen will switch. Moving of a design Move a design stored in the built-in memory (to change storing destination). (1) To call the screen 4 Move a Design 2 3 1 Press it until the object item appears. 10 Are you ready? Group3 11 12 13 14 MW08 . 4 Move a Design 2 Designs stored in the builtin memory will be Group1 Group2 Group3 displayed. 4 Group4 Group5 *** TBF ****** **** 5 (2) Select a design. Are you ready? Group3 MW08 . 5 Copy a design 2 Designs stored in the builtin Group1memory will be Group2 Group3 displayed.64 Chapter 7 Design data management 1-3. Copy of design Copy a design stored in the built-in memory. Group4 Group5 *** TBF ****** **** (2) Select a design. *** TBF ****** **** Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 (3) Select a destination to copy. (1) To call the screen 5 Copy a design 1 Press it until the object item appears. 5 Copy a design > Paste The screen will switch. Character input screen (Refer to p. Change of design name Change a design name of a design stored in the built-in memory. Enter Are you ready? 11 12 13 14 MW08 . 4 Group4 Group5 *** TBF ****** **** 5 (2) Select a design. (1) To call the screen 6 Changing design name 2 3 1 Press it until the object item appears. 6 Changing design name 2 Designs stored in the builtin Group1memory will be Group2 Group3 displayed.Chapter 7 65 1 Design data management 1-4.23) *** TBF ****** **** 6 6 Changing design name TAJIMA_W 7 8 9 (3) To change design name 10 BS Repeat input of character. Enter Are you ready? MW08 . (1) To call the screen 7 Changing folder name 1 Press it until the object item appears. 7 Changing folder name 2 Group1 Folders stored in the builtGroup2 Group3 in memory will be displayed. Changing folder name Change a folder name of designs stored in the built-in memory. Group5 Group4 (2) Select a folder. Character input screen (Refer to p. BS Repeat input of character.23) Group3 6 Changing design name Group3_ (3) Change a folder name.66 Chapter 7 Design data management 1-5. Chapter 7 67 1 Design data management 1-6. Rearrangement of designs Rearrange designs stored in the built-in memory. 2 A folder is displayed ahead of design (It is not possible to sort folders). (1) To call the screen * Start from the main screen. 1 Design sort (in memory) SET 3 Press [A] while pressing [SET]. A Priority [c] Time Time [a] [b] Time/File name 4 1 1 Design sort (in memory) 2 3 [d] File Name Up Up Up/Down Up/Down 5 6 <Explanation on the screen> [a] To give priority to updated time (go to [c]) [b] To give priority to file name (go to [d]) [c] Up: ascending order (old new) Down: descending order (New old) [d] Up: ascending order (digit/symbol ABC) Down: descending order (ABC digit/symbol) 7 8 (2) Select time or file name. [When selecting “Time”] 9 10 Time [When selecting “File Name”] Down 11 File Name Up 12 13 14 MW08 68 Chapter 7 Design data management 1-7. Store a design to a USB memory (or floppy disk). Write a design stored in the built-in memory to a USB memory (or floppy disk). Hereafter, explanation is given taking USB memory design as an example. In case of a floppy disk, although screen display is partly different, operation is the same. Trouble caused by use of FDD (commercial item) is out of scope of our guarantee. (1) Set the USB memory (or floppy disk). (2) To call the screen 6 USB (Save) 1 6 USB (Save) 2 Press it until the object item appears. In case of a floppy disk, select the following. 1 Floppy Disk Processing (Save) (3) Input the password (Refer to p.98) 6 USB (Save) T Repeat Enter Designs stored in the builtGroup1 Group2 in memory will be Group3 displayed. *** TBF ****** **** Group4 Group5 (4) Select a design. 6 USB (Save) Character input screen (Refer to p.23) TAJIMA_W *** TBF ****** **** NV02 Chapter 7 69 1 Design data management (5) To change design name * In case of no change, select [Enter] and press [SET]. 2 BS (6) Select a storing type. Repeat input of character. Enter Are you ready? 3 * Usually select T3 (Refer to p.22). T3/T2/T 4 Are you ready? After that, take out the USB memory. T3 5 1-8. Remove fine stitch(es). It removes a fine stitch of a design stored in the built-in memory and makes the next stitch absorb the removed stitch. This function has an effect to reduce thread breakage. It is not possible to perform setting in the middle of embroidery. 6 ! CAUTION The original design data will be overwritten after deletion. Back up design data according to need (Refer to p.68). 7 (1) To call the screen 2 Cleanup 8 9 2 1 3 Designs stored in the builtin Group1memory will be Group2 Group3 displayed. 10 2 Cleanup Group4 Group5 *** TBF ****** **** 11 (2) Select a design. 2 Cleanup The screen will switch. *** ****** **** TBF 12 13 0.4 0.4 0.9 [mm] 14 NV02 0.74) After that. (1) To call the screen 1 Data Edit 1 1 Data Edit 2 Designs stored in the builtGroup1memory will be Group2 in Group3 displayed. *** TBF ****** **** [a] 1 [b] 0 [c] 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 8 11 8 1 -11 -12 -11 -25 4 3 5 8 13 2 -3 7 15 [d] [Explanation on the screen] [a] 1st stitch (Stitch No.68). delete) a stitch of a design stored in the built-in memory.8 122 Removal stitch Are you ready? 1-9. ! CAUTION The original design data will be overwritten after edit.71.0 mm (the same in Y data). When you edit design of which data is set. 0.) [b] X data * When a value is 10. 1 Data Edit The screen will switch. *** TBF ****** **** Group4 Group5 (2) Select a design. In case of selection by dial: Go to (3) of p. it indicates 1. Insertion of stitch is performed stitch by stitch. Back up design data according to need (Refer to p.8 0.72.8 mm or less stitches will be removed. select the stitch to edit. When using search function: Go to (3) of p. Jump Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Modify Insert Delete NV02 . Edit of a design (modification/deletion of a stitch) Edit (modify.70 Chapter 7 Design data management (3) Select a stitch length. [c] Y data [d] Function code (Refer to p. data set will be canceled. Example: 10th stitch (right figure [A]) 1 Data Edit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 8 8 11 8 1 -11 -12 -11 -25 0 4 3 5 8 13 2 -3 7 15 Jump Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch 2 [B] Modify Insert Delete 3 (4) Select [Modify] or [Delete]. In case of [Modify] (right figure [B]) In case of [Delete] (right figure [C]) [A] [C] 4 (5) Edit a stitch. only the current stitch and after can be selected. * In the middle of embroidery.Chapter 7 71 1 Design data management (3) Select a stitch by using the dial (without searching function). [Modify] 5 X data Y data 6 -40 20 7 8 Function code 9 Color [Delete] Are you ready? 10 11 Are you ready? Are you ready? 12 13 14 NV02 . 1-10. display will not change. (1) To call the screen 1 Data Edit 1 1 Data Edit 2 Designs stored in the builtin Group1memory will be Group2 Group3 displayed. 1 Data Edit 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 0 8 8 11 8 1 0 -12 -11 -25 0 4 3 5 8 13 0 -3 7 15 Jump Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Color Stitch Stitch Stitch Color Modify Insert Delete [B] (4) After that. ! CAUTION The original design data will be overwritten after edit. Performing [SET] further will search the next stitch containing Color. Back up design data according to need (Refer to p. When you edit design of which data is set. Group4 Group5 *** TBF ****** **** NV02 . (right figure [B]). proceed to (4) of p.68).71. Insertion of stitch is performed stitch by stitch. Example Color Completion of searching Pressing [SET] will search the first stitch containing Color. When there is no selected function code. The function code (Stitch) will be displayed (right figure [A]). data set will be canceled.72 Chapter 7 Design data management [When using searching function] (3) Select a function code. Edit of a design (insertion of a stitch) Insert a stitch to a design stored in the built-in memory. 1 Data Edit [A] Modify Select. * Only the current stitch and after can be searched in the middle of embroidery. 13 14 MW08 . proceed to (5) of p.Chapter 7 73 1 1 Data Edit The screen will switch. only the current stitch and after can be selected. *** TBF ****** **** Design data management (2) Select a design.0 mm (the same in Y data). [A] 8 (5) [SET] Are you ready? A stitch has been inserted before the 10th stitch (right figure [C]).) [b] X data * When a value is 10.74) Jump Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Modify Insert Delete 3 4 5 (3) Select a stitch.71. [c] Y data [d] Function code (Refer to p. 7 (4) Select [Insert] (right figure [B]). 1 Data Edit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 8 8 11 8 1 -11 -12 -11 -25 0 4 3 5 8 13 2 -3 7 15 Jump Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Modify Stitch [B] Insert Stitch Stitch Delete Stitch Stitch 6 Example: 10th stitch (right figure [A]) It is also possible to select a stitch by using search function (Refer to p. 1 Data Edit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 8 8 11 8 1 -11 -12 -11 0 0 4 3 5 8 13 2 -3 7 0 Jump Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch Stitch 9 10 [D] Modify Insert Delete (6) Select [Modify] (right figure [D]). [C] 11 12 (7) After that. it indicates 1. * In the middle of embroidery.72). [a] 1 [b] 0 [c] 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 8 11 8 1 -11 -12 -11 -25 4 3 5 8 13 2 -3 7 15 [d] 2 <Explanation on the screen> [a] 1st stitch (Stitch No. data will be converted to the following function codes.74 Chapter 7 Design data management [Function code chart] Function codes that can be edited by this machine Function code Stitch Jump Color ATH Up_ATH Tmp_Stop Tmp_Stop_J Low_S Low_E Low_S_J Low_E_J Satin_S Satin_E Offset Sequin_S Sequin_E Sequin_O Sequin_O_2 Boring_S Boring_E AFC_Feed End Stitch Jump Color change Upper/Under Thread ATH Upper Thread ATH Temporary Stop Stitch Temporary Stop Jump Low Speed Start Stitch Low Speed End Stitch Low Speed Start Jump Low Speed End Jump Satin Stitch Start Satin Stitch End Offsetting at automatic color change Sequin Start Sequin End Sequin Output Sequin Output 2 Boring Start Boring End AFC frame feed End End Stitch Sequin Jump Jump Stitch Function name In case of storing design to a USB memory and selecting “T”. Stitch Jump Stop Jump Stop Stitch Jump Function codes that cannot be edited by this machine (display only) Function code Color_J ATH_J Up_ATH_J Sequin_E_J Sequin_O_J Boring_1_J Boring_2_J Boring_3_J Boring_4_J Boring_S_J Boring_E_J Loop Loop_J Chain Chain_J Laser_ON Laser_OFF Laser_Pow Laser_Lens Tape_Head End_J Function name Color Change Jump Upper/Under Thread ATH Jump Upper Thread ATH Jump Sequin End Jump Sequin Output Jump Boring 1 Jump Boring 2 Jump Boring 3 Jump Boring 4 Jump Boring Start Jump Boring End Jump Loop Stitch Loop Stitch Jump Chain Stitch Chain Stitch Jump Laser ON Laser OFF Laser Power Switching Laser Lens Switching Tape Rewinding End Jump End NV01 Ditto Stop Jump Sequin Jump Stitch . 10 After that. 2 Hereafter. Deletion of a design Delete a design in a USB memory (1-design unit). *** Designs stored in the USB ****** Group1 Group2 **** memory will be displayed. although screen display is partly different. In case of a floppy disk. take out the USB memory. explanation is given taking USB memory design as an example. USB memory design(or floppy disk design) 2-1. 8 T2 *** TBF ****** **** *** TBF ****** **** Are you ready? 9 Check the design. 3 (1) Set the USB memory (or floppy disk).Chapter 7 75 1 Design data management 2. select the following. 2 Floppy Disk Processing (Delete) T2 *** TBF ****** **** *** DST ****** **** T T 7 (3) Select the design and delete it. Trouble caused by use of FDD (commercial item) is out of scope of our guarantee. 11 12 13 14 NV02 . TBF T2 *** DST ****** **** 6 In case of a floppy disk. (2) To call the screen 7 USB (Delete) 4 5 1 7 USB (Delete) 2 Press it until the object item appears. operation is the same. take out the USB memory. When selecting “Time” Time When selecting “File Name” Down After that. take out the USB memory. 4 Design sort (USB) [Explanation on the screen] [a] To give priority to updated time (go to [c]) [b] To give priority to file name (go to [d]) [c] Up: ascending order (old new) Down: descending order (New old) [d] Up: ascending order (digit/symbol ABC) Down: descending order (ABC digit/symbol) 4 [d] File Name Up Up Up/Down Up/Down (3) Select time or file name. 1 Press [A] while pressing [SET]. (2) To call the screen * Start from the main screen.76 Chapter 7 Design data management 2-2. MW08 . 4 Design sort (USB) 2 SET A Priority [c] Time Time [a] [b] Time/File name 3 Press [A] until the object item appears. File Name Up After that. (1) Set the USB memory. Rearrangement of designs A folder is displayed ahead of design (It is not possible to sort folders). ... frame drive......... Related to main shaft .......78 4 Related to embroidery...p.. 3.....77 1 Chapter 8 Other settings 2 3 1.....p...................................................81 Related to ATH.......86 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 ............... 2..............................p. ...... Last Needle 500 [c] [rpm] 2 Revolution Limit Low Speed Code 500 [rpm] <Explanation on the screen> [a] RPM of the main shaft at the first needle *A value differs depending on spec. Although it is possible to use this machine with the condition as it is.. last needle and a section surrounded by low speed codes. 650 rpm 1 Min.. It will change between 250 rpm and a setting value according to stitch length automatically............ NV01 ... Min... (2) Select a value and [SET].74). 1. Revolution Set rpm of the main shaft at stitch length of 12 mm and more........78 Chapter 8 Other settings Settings explained below are already set as values at shipment from the factory (values are described on the list: Refer to p. Revolution Limit Set rpm of the main shaft at the first needle.42).. It will change between 250 rpm and a setting value according to stitch length automatically... It is not possible to set this value exceeding “Maximum RPM” (Refer to p. Related to main shaft 1-1..99).. (1) To call the screen 2 Revolution Limit F2 [a] 1st Needle 1 500 [b] [rpm] 2 Press it until the object item appears.. Revolution 400 rpm 1-2. it is possible to obtain finishing of sewing and/or working condition you desire by changing value individually..... (1) To switch screen.... (same to the following) [b] RPM of the main shaft at the last needle [c] RPM of the main shaft in the section surrounded by low speed codes * A section surrounded by function codes Low_S to Low_E (Refer to p.............. 98) 1 Max Revolution Limit SET 8 T Repeat Enter F2 9 [a] 900 <Explanation on the screen> [a] 500 rpm to Max Revolution *A value differs depending on spec. [rpm] 10 11 (3) Select a value and [SET]. 4 (1) To call the screen * Start from the main screen. F2 6 2 3 7 1 Max Revolution Limit (2) Input the password (Refer to p.Chapter 8 79 1 Other settings (2) Select a value and [SET]. 12 1000 13 14 NV01 . 5 1 Max Revolution Limit SET 1 Press [F2] while pressing [SET]. [a] [b] Same procedure [c] 850 Example 600 2 3 1-3. Limit of max revolution Set upper limit value of “Max Revolution”. ..... (2) Select a value and [SET].............. 2 Weak Brake Always NO: not to apply (single-head machine only) * Never to apply during stop YES MW08 ........... Stop at the lower dead point (pseudo-fixed position) This setting makes the machine stop with needle stuck in the material at the end of a design. (1) To call the screen .134...80 Chapter 8 Other settings 1-4...... Press [F3] while pressing [SET]...... * Start from the main screen. YES Press it until the object item appears........ (2) Select “YES” and press [SET]. (1) To switch screen. 5 Press it until the object item appears.... *A Terminology: Refer to p...........86 (1) To switch screen............ (2) Select NO and press [SET]........ Main Shaft Inching Set the number of inching[*A] times at start of the machine.. 1 2 NO YES: to apply (usual setting) NO: not to apply (set to NO at maintenance) * Starting the machine will switch to YES... Point NO 1-6. 3 Main Shaft Inching 3 After starting....... the machine will be in a stage of normal operation followed by inching five times......................... This value is the number of inching times when the machine stops in the middle of embroidery and then it restarts by switch operation........ Main shaft motor brake This setting cancels (not to apply) brake to the main shaft motor at stop of the main shaft......................... 3 Press [F3] until the object item appears............. When setting the number of inching times after thread trimming: Refer to p....... 10 Stop at Lower D... 1-5..... Chapter 8 81 1 Other settings 2. Related to embroidery 2-1. Auto jump This setting makes the machine perform jumping when stitch length exceeds a setting value. 2 (1) To call the screen 2 Auto Jump 3 1 Press it until the object item appears. 2 Auto Jump F1 4 4.0 [a] NO/2.0 Frame Start Timing Keep up R.P.M. 9.9[mm] 2 240[b] 240 360[ ] 5 NO [c] Yes/No 6 <Explanation on the screen> [a] Setting for auto jump NO: Not to perform 2.0 to 9.9: When stitches exceed the set value, the machine will perform jumping automatically (When the set value is 4.0 and given stitches are 4.1 mm and more, the machine will perform jumping automatically). [b] Frame start timing (Refer to p.89) [c] RPM at auto jump Yes: To keep (as high speed) No: Not to keep (changes to low speed according to stitch length) 7 8 (2) Select a value and press [SET]. [a] [b] [c] 9 8.0 2-2. Jump code combination 240 YES 10 This setting combines frame travel amount by consecutive jump stitches (up to five stitches), and reduces the number of stitches by feeding the frame all at once (It intends to increase efficiency of embroidery).. 11 This function corresponds only to 2 or more head machines. 12 (2) Select “YES” and press [SET]. 13 (1) To switch the screen .................................................. YES Press it until the object item appears. 5 Jump code combination NV01 NO YES: To perform NO: Not to perform 14 82 Chapter 8 Other settings 2-3. Jump Convert Set how many consecutive stitches of jump code make the machine perform frame stepping[*A] and frame travel mode. *A Terminology: Refer to p.134. (1) To call the screen 1 Jump Convert 1 F1 2 Frame Movement 3 [a] NO/1-9 A [b] 1 Jump Convert <Explanation on the screen> [a] NO: not to convert 1 to 9: the number of consecutive jump codes [b] A: batch, B: as data is Jump code B A (2) Select a value and [SET]. [a] [b] 5 A In this example, the machine will perform thread trimming and frame stepping when jump codes are continued by 5 stitches. NV01 Chapter 8 83 1 Other settings 2-4. Frame Back All Head Sew This setting determines whether or not the machine stops at a start point of all head sewing after frame back (excluding head with thread breakage) and a start point of sewing. 2 This function corresponds to 2 or more head machine only. Head with thread breakage sews whole section of frame back after frame back irrespective of the following setting. 3 (1) To call the screen 5 Frame Back All Head Sew 4 1 C 2 Press it until the object item appears. Halt Frame Back 4 [a] [b] ALL/0-9[st] 5 NO [c] YES/NO 5 Frame Back All Head Sew 6 <Explanation on the screen> [a] To sew by all heads and whole section (right figure 1) * When ALL is selected, [c] is fixed to NO. [b] All head sewing start point (right figure 2) * The number of stitches from the frame back start point (right figure 3) [c] Stop at a start point of sewing by all heads (right figure 2) YES: to perform NO: not to perform 1 (Frame back section) 2 3 7 8 In case of sequin needle, the machine performs sewing from 3 in the figure above irrespective of setting of [b]. 9 (2) Select a value and [SET]. [b] [c] 10 3 YES 11 12 13 14 NV01 (2) Select “YES” and press [SET].4 (mm) 0. It is effective only when “Frame Type” is cap frame (Refer to p. (1) To call the screen Satin stitch: 1 in the right figure is a stitch of 1 mm or less 1 3 Satin Stitch 1 Press it until the object item appears. This setting rotates a design by 180° irrespective of a value of data conversion (rotate).74) [c] : Reduce. * Start from the main screen. Press [B] while pressing [SET]...... : Enlarge 1/2 of the value will be added to both sides of stitch length (right figure).2 Before enlargement After enlargement (2) Select a value and [SET]. (1) To call the screen . Satin stitch This setting reduces/enlarges length of a satin stitch....26).............0 [c] -1..2 0..... 1 2 YES Rotation of a design by 180° YES: to perform NO: not to perform 1 Design rotation by 180 degrees on Cap Frame NO 2-6..... 3 Satin Stitch <Explanation on the screen> [a] It targets all satin stitches.5 MW08 ......... Rotation of a design by 180° It rotates a design automatically by 180° at cap frame spec.. It is not possible to perform setting in the middle of embroidery. [a] [b] Part -0.... 2 NO F1 Range Expansion [a] [b] Whole Whole/Part 0.0 +1... An example when [c] is 0.....(Refer to p......84 Chapter 8 Other settings 2-5...0 [mm] [b] It targets satin stitches surrounded by function codes Satin_S to Satin_E. Press [F3] while pressing [SET].. Correction of Color Interval(SET+F3-5) 12 +0..5 0.......5 0.. (2) Select a value and [SET]. M/NO.....5 [mm] 0. * Start from the main screen... Perform the following operations after installation of the software....0 [b] -0..5 2-8. +0..... [a] [b] 7 0. *A : Refer to p. (2) Select a value and [SET].5 [mm] 4 Before correction 0.02 Select this value.... 11 1 2 +0....Chapter 8 85 1 Other settings 2-7..3 8 This setting fine adjusts a moving amount of a needle bar case at color change..5 6 [b] Y (lengthwise) Refer to the figure above.0 [a] -0. (1) To call the screen 4 Backlash 2 1 Press it until the object item appears....... 9 This function targets the model equipped with change device[*A] ..02 mm 13 3 Press it until the object item appears........11 10 (1) To call the screen... 5 Correction of Color Change interval It might be different even with the same model.. Backlash This setting corrects driving error of the frame generated when a stitch returns..5 After correction 5 -0... 4 Backlash <Explanation on the screen> [a] X (crosswise) Turning point 2 NO F1 3 X Y 0... Correction of Color Change interval 0.01 14 MW08 .. A: short B: long 1 2 ! CAUTION Select “B” for [h] Hook.6 2. Related to ATH. 9 ATH Return Stitches NO Return Stitch Length Tie Stitches Tie Stitch Length YES[a]YES/NO 0 [b] -8 +8 4 [c] 2 9 NO [d] 1/2/NO 0.8 [g] 0.8 [e] 0. NO: not to perform [b] Length of upper thread remaining at thread trimming (right figure 1) Short -8 0 Long +8 [c] The number of inching times after thread trimming or after data set [d] The number of return stitches at start of sewing NO: not to perform 4 1 2 1: 1 reciprocating 3 2: 2 reciprocatings An example of 1 reciprocating [e] Stitch length of [d] described above [f] Tie stitching at thread trimming A: not to perform B: to perform C: Hard to fray D: [g] Stitch length of [d] described above [h] Amount of coming out of hook (right figure 2) * Select B.0[mm] A [f] A/B/C/D 0.Shaft Inching after ATH Press it until the object item appears. If you make a mistake.0[mm] Next page Hook B [h] A/B <Explanation on the screen> [a] Automatic thread trimming (ATH) YES: to perform. frame drive 3-1. (1) To call the screen 9 ATH F2 1 2 Picker Timing M.2 2. Automatic thread trimming (ATH) This setting makes the machine trim thread automatically. NV02 .86 Chapter 8 Other settings 3. it will cause occurrence of noise and/or abnormal holding of thread. (1) To call the screen 6 Thread Detection F2 7 1 Press it until the object item appears. Although detecting sensitivity of under thread breakage is mainly decided by [c]. Thread Detection B 5 6 This setting will stop the machine when thread (upper thread/under thread) is broken.Chapter 8 87 1 [e] Other settings (2) Select a value and [SET].6 4 1 3-2.1 6 Thread Detection Only [a].) 2 to 8: To perform (all needle bars collectively) 2 High [Sensitivity] 12 100 High N: to perform (needle bar unit) [f] To set [e] by needle bar unit It will be displayed when you select N at [e]. Regarding [b]. [a] YES [b] [f] 1. also adjust a value of [e] according to sewing thread and/or sewing condition.1 Under (Step Ratio) Needle No.6 2 +3 [c] [g] B 3 4 [d] [h] 0. refer to the description below. <Explanation on the screen> [a] Detection of upper thread breakage 0: Not to perform (The machine does not stop. [d] and [f]. 13 [Sensitivity] 8 Low 14 N: to perform (needle bar unit) NV01 . [c] Detection of under thread breakage 0: Not to perform (The machine does not stop. [e] Detection of under thread breakage *Detailed setting of [c] 30 to 100: To perform (all needle bars collectively) 30 Low 11 [Sensitivity] 4 Low N: to perform (needle bar unit) [b] To set [a] by needle bar unit It will be displayed when you select N at [a]. 2 Upper Needle No.1 Under (Unit) Needle No. [b] and [e] will be displayed after pressing [SET] (right figure).) 1 to 4: To perform (all needle bars collectively) 1 High N [a] 0/1/2/3/4/N 2 [b] 0/1/2/3/4 N [c] 0/2/4/6/8/N 4 [d] 0/2/4/6/8 70[e] 30 100 [%] /N 4 [f] 30 100 [%] 8 9 10 [d] To set [c] by needle bar unit it will be displayed when you select N at [c]. set to B or C. 80 The last needle bar No. go to [d] of the right figure. (*) 2 Needle bar No.88 Chapter 8 Other settings (2) To set [a] 3 [c] (*) * When selecting N. When upper thread is still highly visible.1 Continue the procedure. * When selecting N. 4 The last needle bar No. Release Lock Upper thread MW08 . Continue the procedure. When upper thread is still highly visible.1 6 [e] * When selecting N. [b][d] go to [b] of the right figure. NO <Explanation on the screen> [a] Perform adjustment when upper thread remains on [Common to [a] and [b]] the fabric. [f] 30 Needle bar No. (1) To call the screen 10 Upper thread lock timing F2 1 10 Upper thread lock timing 2 Release Lock A [a] A/B/C A [b] A/B/C Press it until the object item appears. Upper thread lock timing This setting adjusts remaining length of upper thread after start of sewing and/or thread trimming. A Upper thread is set B or C. 3-3. B difficult to remain [b] Perform adjustment when upper thread remains on C Hard to fray the fabric after thread trimming. 80 (*) go to [f] of the right figure. .... 11 1 Press [F2] while pressing [SET]. * Start from the main screen.... 13 280 2 Frame Start Timing 14 NV02 ... [a] B C 2 3-4. 5 1 2 5 6 3 7 Press [F2] until the object item appears..... (1) To call the screen... ! CAUTION To change this value......... Frame Start Timing Set drive start timing of frame....... consult the distributor.... * Start from the main screen....Chapter 8 89 1 [b] Other settings (2) Select a value and [SET]...... (2) Select a value and [SET].................. 4 This function corresponds to single head machine only........... 9 10 (1) To call the screen...... ATH Start Timing Set ATH drive start timing.... 3 ! CAUTION To change this value.... consult the distributor. 4 ATH Start Timing 0 8 3-5....... 260 2 [Thread tension] 12 280 Strong 230 Weak 3 Press [F2] until the object item appears. (2) Select a value and [SET]..................... Press [F2] while pressing [SET]..... ... NO 2 YES To stop (usual setting) Not to stop The machine does not display the following message at data input. 100 Press it until the object item appears. (1) To switch screen. (2) Select a value and [SET].. it is necessary to memorize the frame origin correctly (Refer to p..... Frame travel speed Set frame travel speed.This function targets the frame set by “Frame Type”...22 6 Frame limit setting NV02 .. This function does not correspond to L-spec. 5 Frame Travel Speed 200 100: 100 mm/second 200: 200 mm/second 3-7.. OK to move the frame to design start position? 3 Press [F1] until the object item appears.. 1 Press [F1] while pressing [SET]. Frame limit setting This setting selects to stop/not to stop the frame at frame limit....... YES NO : Refer to p.. machine. consult the distributor............27)... To make this function effective. Frame limit <Cap frame> <Border frame> <Tubular goods frame> <Cylindrical frame> (1) To call the screen * Start from the main screen....... (2) Select a value and [SET]..........90 Chapter 8 Other settings 3-6.. ! CAUTION To change this value.. This function targets at origin return of the frame and/or offset travel....... 26) * It is possible to make the machine memorize the following values in every “Frame Type”. 8 9 (2) Select a value and [SET]. this aptitude may not be applicable depending on setting condition of other items and/or machine condition. 2 This function corresponds to 2 or more head machine only. Frame drive adjustment Adjust stitch length by changing frame feed time. However. 4 12mm Y 4mm 12mm 0 0 0 0 [b] -3 +3 [c] -3 +3 [d] -3 +3 [e] -3 +3 5 3 Frame drive adjustment <Explanation on the screen> [a] The current “Frame Type” (Refer to p. 3 1 Press [F2] while pressing [SET].Chapter 8 91 1 Other settings 3-8. [b] 10 1 [c] 11 +3 [d] 12 1 [e] 13 +2 14 MW08 . [b] To fine adjust stitch length (crosswise) of around 4 mm -3 Increase 0 6 7 +3 Decrease [c] To fine adjust stitch length (crosswise) of around 12 mm [d] To fine adjust stitch length (lengthwise) of around 4 mm [e] To fine adjust stitch length (lengthwise) of around 12 mm Stitch length tends to be increased in [-] value and decreased in [+] value in general due to characteristic of the machine. (1) To call the screen * Start from the main screen. 3 Frame drive adjustment 2 SET F2 4 Frame Type Tubular [a] X 4mm 3 Press [F2] until the object item appears. 92 Chapter 8 Other settings . ....94 2......98 3........ Operation and procedure . To change the setting value ..............................................p............... To set a password .....93 1 Chapter 9 Software installation 2 3 1..............99 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 ..p......................................p. . install the software according to the following procedure.... 1-1. (3) Turn ON the power. ***** Model TFMX [b] Model IP Setting [c] Needles Down Grade [d] [e] [f] Install [g] Memory INT [f] Software installation • Setting values of this machine will return to the initial values (Refer to p.. Regarding how to obtain the latest software.60).... back up all built-in memory designs (Refer to p..27)..16).. NV02 . About [f] It does not affect built-in memory designs..... ***** [Single head machine] Model TFMX [2 or more head machine] [a] TFMX/TEMX/TFMS Ver. (The screen shown right will appear automatically. [g] Initialization of built-in memory The description below will be added to the state of [f] above. Regarding “1-2... Software varies between “Single head machine” and “2 or more head machine”..... Operation and procedure The latest software at shipment is installed to this machine....... When upgrading is necessary along with improvement after that. • The password will return to “0000”.... [a] TFMX/TEMX/TFMS SingleHead Ver.. • Display language will become English (Refer to p... perform “Frame Origin Memory” (Refer to p. please ask for the distributor..” is common operation to “Single head machine” and “2 or more head machine”. About [g] After installation is finished.. [b] Model [c] Needles [d] IP setting (Network connection) * Please ask the distributor for details... [e] To return the software to former version * Please ask the distributor for details....68). take out the USB memory and turn OFF/ON the power.. After that... • All built-in memory designs will be deleted. (2) Set the USB memory in which the software is stored to the USB port (Refer to p.94 Chapter 9 Software installation 1. ! CAUTION Before installing the software..” and after..99). An unexpected factor could damage design data..) <Explanation on the screen> [a] The model to which the software stored in the USB memory corresponds and its software version No... Software installation “1-1. operation and screen are different in these machines each other. (1) Turn OFF the power..... ” continuously.96 continuously.” continuously. Software installation (4) Select a value and [SET]. <Explanation on the screen> [a] The number of needles of this machine SET F4 3 Machine Type 7 (2) After confirming the value. Frame Type (1) The screen shown right will appear automatically. perform [SET]. * It is possible to change by using the jog dial. * Leave interval for 5 or more seconds. [In case of single head machine] 6 1-2. 4 5 In case of 2 or more head machines In case of single-head machine Proceed to “1-2. (6) Turn OFF/ON the power. Machine Type (1) The screen shown right will appear automatically. Wait a while. Completion [Important] Perform the operation described left even if [a] is not changed. [c] Move the cursor to [f]. <Explanation on the screen> [a] Previous C [a] Frame Type Tubular 7 Frame Type 11 (2) After confirming the value.Chapter 9 95 1 Move the cursor to [c].” of p.” described below continuously. Proceed to “1-4. the power will be turned OFF/ON automatically. 10 1-3. After that. Wait for a while until completion. [b] Model (Example) 15 2 Start installation. Completion Finish !! 3 (5) Take out the USB memory. 8 Needles 15 [a] 9 Proceed to “1-3. press [SET] and [E] key. Proceed to “1-2. 12 13 [Important] Perform the operation described above even if [a] is not changed. NV01 14 . Proceed to “1-3. press [SET].98) “3. NV01 . [Important] Perform the following operations even if ([a] to [d]) are not changed. This completes the installation of the software. 3 Machine Type <Explanation on the screen> [a] X-axis drive system is different (figure below) 2 L SET F4 Model Name Cylinder Needles Heads 2 [a] YES [b] 15 [c] 6 [d] [b] YES: Cylinder bed machine NO: Machine with rotary hook base [c] The number of needles of this machine [d] Heads (2) After confirming the value. Perform setting again according to need. Frame Origin Memory Refer to p. “2.” continuously. and press [E] key finally. To change the setting value” (Refer to p.99) [In case of 2 or more head machine] 1-2. To set a password” (Refer to p.27 and then perform operation.96 Chapter 9 Software installation 1-4. [a] [b] [c] [d] Completion Move the cursor to [a]. Machine Type (1) The screen shown right will appear automatically. The password and the setting values of this machine have returned to the initial values. ” continuously. 1-4. 5 Machine Information <Explanation on the screen> [a] Crosswise (X) embroidery space [b] Lengthwise (Y) embroidery space [c] Frame spec. perform [SET]. * It is possible to change by using the jog dial. After that. [a] [b] [c] [d] Completion Move the cursor to [a]. “2. [d] Overlap SET F4 Head Interval Y axis Frame Size Frame Spec. 4 5 6 Proceed to “1-4.Chapter 9 97 1 Software installation 1-3. press [SET]. Perform setting again according to need. Frame Origin Memory Refer to p. This completes the installation of the software. The password and the setting values of this machine have returned to the initial values.” continuously.27 and then perform operation. [Important] Perform the following operations even if ([a] to [d]) are not changed. To set a password” (Refer to p. Proceed to “1-5. Overlap 360.85 and then perform operation (It targets only to the model equipped with change device). Machine Information (1) The screen shown right will appear automatically. 9 10 [Important] Perform the operation described above even if [a] is not changed. 11 1-5. Frame Type (1) The screen shown right will appear automatically. and press [E] key finally. the power will be turned OFF/ON automatically.0 [mm] S [c] S/W/2W/3W 0. <Explanation on the screen> [a] Previous C [a] Frame Type Tubular 7 Frame Type 7 8 (2) After confirming the value.99) NV01 13 14 .0 [d] [mm] 3 [a] 2 (2) After confirming the value.98) “3. 12 1-6. Correction of Color Change Interval (some models only) Refer to p.0 [mm] [b] 450. To change the setting value” (Refer to p. Wait a while. 0 Repeat Enter MW08 . install the software. * Input 4 to 8 characters.98 Chapter 9 Software installation 2. *The value after installation of the software is “0000”. 1 Password (Functional Limit) Press [F1] while pressing [SET]. To set a password Functions that require input of a password are described below. • To store design to a USB memory (Refer to p. 1 Password (Functional Limit) SET 0 Repeat Enter F1 New Password Again: 1 0 (4) Input the password again. (1) To call the screen * Start from the main screen. 1 Password (Functional Limit) SET F1 New Password: **** 0 Repeat Enter 1 0 (3) Input a new password.79) When you forget the password. SET F1 Password: 1 1 Password (Functional Limit) 2 3 (2) Input the current password.68) • Max revolution limit (Refer to p. 82) The number of stitches Frame Movement Auto jump Auto Jump (Refer to p.59) Frame Back/Forward (Refer to p. The chart below is available for single head machine.0 0.55) Design Lubrication Just before end code 0 9 NO Previous NO 3 A NO 240 NO Whole 0. 2 Please note that initial value may be different from the actual one depending on model.26) Stop at the lower dead point (pseudo-fixed position) (Refer to p. setting value of this machine will return to the initial value (right end of the chart below). 3 4 [Single head machine] Key Screen number Setting item Auto Color Change (AC) (Refer to p.102.Chapter 9 99 1 Software installation 3.M.85) Software Frame Limit (Refer to p. spec.P. Range Expansion X Y 10 11 F1 3 4 6 Satin stitch (Refer to p. etc.101 and p. In case of 2 or more head machine. Perform setting again according to the spec.81) Frame Start Timing Keep up R.0 NO 7 10 1 2 Frame Type(Refer to p.38) Same Color (AS) (Refer to p. List (To be stuck at shipment) Value of the list is different from value of the chart below.42) Total Stitch Counter (Refer to p.56) Maximum RPM (Refer to p.84) Backlash (Refer to p.46) Switching of FB/FF Feed unit Stitch Data NO NO According as “Max Revolution Limit” 0 FB 1 6 7 8 C 6 Preset halt (Refer to p.58) 12 13 14 NV01 . refer to p.38) Automatic start after automatic data set (Refer to p. of the machine by referring to the chart (right figure). To change the setting value After installation of software.80) Jump Convert (Refer to p.38) Initial value 5 B 1 6 1 2 3 Automatic start (AS) (Refer to p. 79) Frame Start Timing (Refer to p.88) Boring device (Refer to p.104) Network (Refer to p.86) 10 1 Upper thread lock timing (Refer to p.89) ATH Start Timing (Refer to p.90) Upper thread 600 According as “Max Revolution Limit” 500 0 YES 200 2 4 70 YES +2 4 NO B 0.110) Sequin device (Refer to p.8 B A A NO 1 NO 9 NO NO YES Previous 280 0 YES NO (Not to use) NO F2 6 Thread Detection (Refer to p.115) SET F3 7 10 NV01 .80) Air Pressure Sensor (Refer to p.shaft Inching after ATH Return Stitches Tie Stitches Design interval amount Hook Release Lock Use of the device Needle bar No.90) Limit of max revolution (Refer to p.115) F3 3 5 SET B SET F1 SET F2 1 6 1 2 4 2 3 Design rotation by 180 degrees on Cap Frame (Refer to p. to be attached Use of the device Needle bar No.80) Auto Origin Return (Refer to p.78) Last needle Low speed code Main Shaft Inching (Refer to p. to be attached 9 Automatic thread trimming (ATH) (Refer to p.78) First needle Revolution Limit (Refer to p.89) Main shaft motor brake (Refer to p.112) Cording device (Refer to p. Revolution (Refer to p.113) Zigzag cording device (Refer to p.87) Under (Unit) Under (Step Ratio) Automatic thread trimming (ATH) Picker Timing M.100 Chapter 9 Software installation 1 2 3 4 5 Min.84) Frame limit setting (Refer to p.51) Frame travel speed (Refer to p. Chapter 9 101 1 Setting item Auto Color Change (AC) (Refer to p.0 NO NO 600 7 10 1 2 Frame Type (Refer to p.38) Automatic start after automatic data set (Refer to p.81) Frame Start Timing Keep up R.26) Stop at the lower dead point (pseudo-fixed position) (Refer to p.46) Frame Back All Head Sew (Refer to p.51) Frame travel speed (Refer to p.38) Initial value Software installation [2 or more head machine] Key Screen number 2 NO NO According as “Max Revolution Limit” 0 FB 1 0 NO Switching of FB/FF Feed unit All head sewing start point Stop at start point of all head sewing Stitch Data B 1 6 1 2 3 Automatic start (AS) (Refer to p.82) The number of stitches Frame Movement Auto jump Auto Jump (Refer to p.80) Jump Convert (Refer to p.42) Total Stitch Counter / Design Timer (Refer to p.0 0.78) Last needle Low speed code According as “Max Revolution Limit” 500 0 YES 200 11 F2 3 4 5 6 Main Shaft Inching (Refer to p.56) Maximum RPM (Refer to p.83) 3 4 C 5 5 6 Preset halt (Refer to p.80) Auto Origin Return (Refer to p.55) Design Lubrication Just before end code 0 6 NO Previous NO 3 A NO 240 NO Whole 0.90) Upper thread Thread Detection (Refer to p.M.78) 9 10 First needle Revolution Limit (Refer to p.87) Under (Unit) Under (Step Ratio) 12 2 4 70 13 14 NV01 .P. Range Expansion X Y 7 8 F1 3 4 5 6 1 2 Satin stitch (Refer to p.59) Frame Back/Forward (Refer to p.84) Backlash (Refer to p.58) Min.85) Jump Code Combine Software Frame Limit (Refer to p. Revolution (Refer to p.38) Same Color (AS) (Refer to p. 89) X 4 mm Frame drive adjustment (Refer to p.115) Bobbin changer (Refer to p.79) Frame Start Timing (Refer to p.80) Air Pressure Sensor (Refer to p.114) Zigzag cording device (Refer to p. Limit of max revolution (Refer to p.104) Network (Refer to p.112) Cording device (Refer to p.115) X12mm Y 4 mm Y12mm Release Lock Use of the device Needle bar No.113) Automatic lubrication system (Refer to p.88) Boring device (Refer to p.110) Sequin device (Refer to p.shaft Inching after ATH Return Stitches Tie Stitches Design interval amount Hook Upper thread lock timing (Refer to p.90) *It corresponds only to some models. to be attached Use of the device Lubrication Cycle (Rotary hook) Lubrication Cycle (Arm) Initial value YES +2 4 NO B 0.91) Main shaft motor brake (Refer to p.84) Frame limit setting (Refer to p. to be attached Use of the device Needle bar No.86) F3 6 5 9 SET B SET F1 1 6 1 2 SET F2 3 2 3 SET F3 7 10 NV01 . Design rotation by 180 degrees on Cap Frame (Refer to p.115) *It corresponds only to some models.8 B A A NO 1 NO 9 NO 100000 100000 NO NO NO YES Previous 280 0 0 0 0 YES NO (Not to use) NO 9 F2 10 1 3 Automatic thread trimming (ATH) (Refer to p.102 Chapter 9 Software installation Key Screen number Setting item Automatic thread trimming (ATH) Picker Timing M. ................p..104 4 Up/down-by-motor type..103 1 Chapter 10 Sequin device (option) 2 3 1...... 3........................ Type of device ....p.....109 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 ...................... 2..............................105 Up/down-by-air type ..........p............................... color change speed will become 1/2 of normal speed. When selecting M2 (up/down-by-motor type): Go to p. 7 Sequin device 2 SET F3 L [a] / A / M1 / M2 [b] / A / M1 / M2 3 7 Sequin device 4 Press [F3] until the object item appears. (1) To call the screen * Start from the main screen. [a] [b] M2 Proceed to the following operation continuously. “1. up/down-by-air type). read the separate volume “Sequin Device”. MW08 . Type of device Select the type of device equipped to the machine (up/down-by-motor type. Regarding manual operation described below.105. Up/down of device (all heads/individual head) Color changing of device Sequin Chip Feed After installation of the software.104 Chapter 10 Sequin device (option) This manual only explains about setting items of device. When selecting A (up/down-by-air type): Go to p. R <Explanation on the screen> [a] Left side of device : Not to use A: Up/down-by-air type * An air compressor is necessary. When the machine is equipped with device. M2 When you select “M2” in single-head machine. 1 Press [F3] while pressing [SET]. perform setting again (It is not possible to perform setting in the middle of embroidery). 1. Air compressor M1: Not available M2: Up/down-by-motor type (Sequin device III twin type) * An air compressor is unnecessary. [b] Right side of device Ditto (2) Select a value and [SET]. Type of device” will return to “Not to use”.109. 0 3. 11 12 13 14 NV02 . 2 (1) To call the screen 2 Sequin F3 ---L1-----L2--------- 3 1 2 Press it until the object item appears.0 to the diameter of chip (rough standard).0 4. the device could interfere with the frame resulting in its breakage depending on design or frame type to use.9[mm] 9. efficiency will decrease.9[mm] 4 5 2 Sequin NO [b] YES/NO [c] YES YES/NO Regarding selecting values of [b] to [f] described below.0 4. Up/down-by-motor type 2-1. values in the list are recommended (Refer to p. select “4. Change as needed. However.0”.0 9. * In case of 3mm sequin.9[mm] 9. NO: not to perform [c] Moving up of device at frame stepping YES: to perform NO: not to perform About [c] Left side Right side 7 8 9 L2 L1 R1 R2 10 ! CAUTION Selecting “NO” will increase manufacturing efficiency.0 [a] 3. ------R1-----------R2 Jump insertion Sequin Up at frame stepping 4. Setting for device Set operating condition. However.0 3.9[mm] 9.99). 6 The figure above is a screen when devices are equipped to both sides (L/R). [b] Insertion of automatic jump data when a sequin chip is sewn on YES: to perform * Select YES when it is not possible to sew on sequin chips capably.Chapter 10 105 1 Sequin device (option) 2.0 4. <Explanation on the screen> [a] Feeding amount of a sequin chip (refer to the right figure) * Select a value that adds about 1.0 3. 106 Chapter 10 Sequin device (option) [d] Moving up of device at thread breakage YES: to perform NO: not to perform [e] Moving up of device when sequin chip runs out YES: to perform NO: not to perform [f] This setting prevents upper thread breakage by interference with device.0 [b] YES NO This completes the setting of this device.0 [a] R2 [f] YES 5. [a] L1 [c] 6. MW08 .0 [a] L2 YES [d] 6. YES: to perform NO: not to perform 2 Sequin F3 thread breakage Sequin Up at sequin tape breakage Jump insertion (Y>0) Sequin Up at NO [d] [e] [f] YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO YES YES (2) Select a value and [SET].0 [a] R1 [e] NO 5. 9 Data conversion for sequin output 1 2 Designs stored in the built-in memory will be displayed. To convert the first color to the second color and vice versa When the first color/second color in design data is opposite to the actual equipped sequin size. • Sequin output (the first color) • Sequin output 2 (the second color) 10 Left side Right side 11 [b] To counterchange the first color (R1) with the second color (R2) at a part to be sewn by the right device 12 L2 L1 R1 R2 (3) Select “O” to [SET]. 2 (1) To call the screen 3 9 Data conversion for sequin output 4 1 Press it until the object item appears. [a] 13 Are you ready? [b] 14 Are you ready? NV02 . L1 < > L2 R1 < > R2 [a] [b] *** TBF ****** **** 8 9 [a] To counterchange the first color (L1) with the second color (L2) at a part to be sewn by the left device This operation counterchanges the following function codes (the same applied to [b] described below).Chapter 10 107 1 Sequin device (option) 2-2. this function converts design data collectively. 9 Data conversion for sequin output 1 7 The screen will switch. ! CAUTION The original design data will be overwritten after conversion.68). Back up design data according to need (Refer to p. Group1 Group2 Group3 5 Group4 Group5 *** TBF ****** **** 6 (2) Select a design. When using a DST design (T format) This function makes a DST design that is originally for single color possible to be used for color change at sequin device III. However. 1 in the right figure. [b] Sequin (Left side) 2 (Right figure) 2 1 2 1 2 2 *An example of 12-needle machine 4 12 Left side 1 (Right figure) 2 (Right figure) 2 1 2 NV02 . 2 Needle Bar Selection 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 1 8 12 [a] [b] (2) To select a sequin step <Explanation on the screen> [a] Sequin (Right side) 2 (3) To select which side (right/left side) of device you use and press [SET]. 1 2 (1) To call the screen 2 Needle Bar Selection B 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. Left side 1 Right side 1 (Right figure) 12 (4) Select and press [SET]. After data input of DST design.108 Chapter 10 Sequin device (option) 2-3. sequin code (Sequin_O) will be allocated to versa by step unit. At this moment. it is possible to switch 1 to 2 or vice 2 1 2 Sequin code 1 2 Sequin_O Sequin_O_2 It is also possible to store the switched design data into a USB memory (Select “T3 or T2”). data of built-in memory design will be edited and all displays will return to . 0 YES 13 Proceed to operation of “3-2. values in the list are recommended (Refer to p. Setting for device Set operating condition. However. Air compressor” continuously (Refer to p. 10 (2) Select a value and [SET].0”.0 to the diameter of chip (rough standard). Change as needed. 14 NV02 . select “4.0 [a] 3.0 [a] R [c] NO 12 6. Sequin (L) Sequin (R) 4. 6 The figure above is a screen when devices are equipped to both sides (L/R). Up/down-by-air type 3-1. efficiency will decrease. the device could interfere with the frame resulting in its breakage depending on design or frame type to use.110). [a] L [b] 11 6. [b] Insertion of automatic jump data when a sequin chip is sewn on YES: to perform * Select YES when it is not possible to sew on sequin chips capably. R: right side) *Select a value that adds about 1. * In case of 3mm sequin.0 3.9[mm] 9.0 9.99).Chapter 10 109 1 Sequin device (option) 3.0 4. 2 (1) To call the screen 2 Sequin 3 1 F3 2 Press it until the object item appears. However. <Explanation on the screen> [a] Feeding amount of a sequin chip (L: left side.9[mm] 4 2 Sequin Jump insertion Sequin Up at frame stepping 5 NO[b] YES/NO [c] YES YES/NO Regarding selecting values of [b] and [c] described below. NO: not to perform About [c] [c] Moving up of device at frame stepping YES: to perform NO: not to perform 7 8 9 ! CAUTION Selecting “NO” will increase manufacturing efficiency. It is possible to set only when type of sequin device is “A (up/down-by-air type)” (Refer to p. (2) Select “YES” and press [SET]. NO NV02 .104). Air pressure sensor ! CAUTION Select “YES”. it will cause the sequin device to move down and the device or machine could be damaged. 1 2 YES Select YES. Air compressor This setting will stop the machine when air pressure of an air compressor decreases. 3 Press [F3] until the object item appears. Selecting NO cannot detect air pressure of an air compressor. Therefore. 3 Air Pressure Sensor This completes the setting of this device.110 Chapter 10 Sequin device (option) 3-2. if air pressure decreases in the middle of embroidery. (1) To perform the following operations from the main screen Press [F3] while pressing [SET]. .........p.......................111 1 Chapter 11 Optional device 2 3 1..... Setting for device ........... Manual operation ............116 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 ............................112 2................p..... [a] [b] Step1 1 NV01 . perform setting again (It is not possible to perform setting in the middle of embroidery). When the machine is equipped with corresponding option. *C Select this item when design data does not include frame offset data. [b] Needle bar No. equipped with device * It corresponds only to the first needle currently. Setting for device 1-1. 1. Boring This setting makes boring device available for use.112 Chapter 11 Optional device After installation of software. (1) To call the screen 1 Boring 1 1 Boring 2 F3 NO[a] NO/Step1/Step3 Needle No. the frame will move to lengthwise direction by 12 mm (right figure [A]). all setting items of this chapter will return to “No to use”. *B Select this item when design data includes frame offset data. 1 [b] <Explanation on the screen> [a] List below Device NO Step1[*B] Step3[*C] No to use To use Frame offset[*A] — Not to perform To perform Data conversion — Enable Unable A *A When the machine switches to boring. (2) Select a value and [SET]. Chapter 11 113 1 Optional device 1-2. Cording This setting makes cording device become possible to use. (1) To call the screen 3 Cording F3 2 3 NO[a] YES / NO 1 2 Press it until the object item appears. Needle No. 1 [b] 4 3 Cording 5 <Explanation on the screen> [a] YES: to use NO: not to use [b] Needle bar No. equipped with device 1: Right side 9 (Example): Left side * The last needle bar No. will be displayed. 6 7 (2) Select a value and [SET]. [a] 8 YES 9 [b] 1 10 11 12 13 14 NV01 114 Chapter 11 Optional device 1-3. Automatic lubrication This setting makes automatic lubrication system available for use. (1) To call the screen 6 Lubrication F3 1 NO [a] YES/Arm/NO Lubrication Cycle (Rotary hook) 2 Press it until the object item appears. 6 Lubrication [b] 100000 [st] [c] 100000 [st] Lubrication Cycle (Arm) <Explanation on the screen> [a] Type of device YES: type to lubricate both to inside of the arm and rotary hook (LB1) (right figures 1 and 2) Arm: type to lubricate only to the arm (LB2) (right figure 1) NO: not to use 1 2 [b] When counting reaches the number of set stitches, the machine will lubricate to the rotary hook. [c] When counting reaches the number of set stitches, the machine will lubricate to the arm. —: Not to lubricate [d] When you select “Arm” at [a], the following screen will appear. When counting reaches the number of set stitches, the machine will lubricate to the arm. Each recommended value is as shown below. [b]: 50000 [c][d]: 150000 * Change as needed according to using condition. Arm Lubrication Cycle YES/Arm/NO [d] 100000 [st] (2) Select a value and [SET]. [When selecting “YES” at [a]] [a] [b] [c] YES [When selecting “Arm” at [a]] [a] 50000 150000 [d] Arm 150000 NV01 Chapter 11 115 1 Optional device 1-4. Network This setting makes LAN connection possible when using DG/ML. (1) To perform the following operations from the main screen Press [F3] while pressing [SET]. (2) Select “YES” and press [SET]. 2 1 2 YES 3 4 3 10 Network Press [F3] until the object item appears. 5 NO 6 1-5. Bobbin changer This setting makes bobbin changer available for use. This function corresponds only to L-spec. machine. 7 (2) Select “YES” and press [SET]. 8 (1) To switch screen ........................................................ YES Press it until the object item appears. 9 Bobbin Changer 9 NO 10 1-6. Zigzag cord This setting makes zigzag cording device become possible to use. Only setting for the device is explained in this manual. Regarding manual operation described below, read the separate volume “Option Manual”. D2-7: Zigzag cording device - Up/Down 11 12 (1) To switch screen ........................................................ (2) Select L or R, and press [SET]. 13 R Press it until the object item appears. 5 Zigzag cording device NV01 NO L: Left side R: right side 14 ... Manual operation 2-1......... (1) To switch screen....... 4 Manual Lubrication NV01 .............116 Chapter 11 Optional device 2........) R................ (2) Select “O” to [SET]. Manual Lubrication Make automatic lubrication system work to lubricate..Hook: Rotary hook only Press it until the object item appears..... (Work) : Arm and rotary hook (There is also a type that lubricates only to the arm. ............................ When the machine does not sew well.p.p.. When the machine stopped .123 4.......... ......117 1 Chapter 12 Troubleshooting 2 3 1.......... Needle breaks.....118 2...................122 3...p................124 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 MW08 .......p............... To suspend the head with occurrence of error ....... To start the machine again. Move the frame manually so that embroidery can be performed within the set range. Press [E] key. There are following three types of stop factor. OIL) There is no problem. Press [E] key to reset the error. Stop at the start of all-head embroidery due to the stop setting. 211 221 (*) 222 (*) 223 (*) 224 (*) 225 228 Stop Factor Corrective Action The main shaft has stopped deviating from the fixed position Return the main shaft to the fixed position. NV01 . press [E] key. Check setting range of software frame limit. press SET. Stop by occurrence of error (No. and press [E] key to reset the machine. harness or communication error. TEMX-C). * Only the model that has limit switch at drive system The frame moved to the software limit position during trace. 1B1 1B2 1B3 1B4 1B6 1B8 1C1 Stop Factor Stop due to a frame stepping code Stop by stop code Stop due to stop code 1. Press [E] key.118 Chapter 12 Troubleshooting 1. The embroidery frame moved to the travel limit position (left) (+X direction). Example [2CA] 1-1. The machine was stopped during trace. The chart below includes code numbers that are not described (common to TFMX. TFMS. Check encoder signal. Corrective Action 1D1 1D2 1D3 OIL 1-2. or press any operation key (excluding manual frame travel key) to continue operation of the machine.3 ** series) It is caused by card. Start the machine and continue embroidery. Lubricate the necessary spots. Abnormal stop No. Stop by preset halt (except lubrication) Stop by moving up of zigzag cording device Preset halt (lubrication) Start. To reset the setting. Check the current frame position. Move the frame to the rearmost position.1 ** . Table up/down operation was performed when the frame was positioned at the front. The embroidery frame moved to the travel limit position (front) (+Y direction). When the machine stopped When the machine stops.2 ** series) It will occur when you perform different operation from the machine setting or machine movement comes out from the defined position. Stop due to thread trimming code Stop by offset code at automatic color change Stop by temporary stop code The machine was stopped at frame stepping. The embroidery frame moved to the travel limit position (right) (-X direction). The frame move to the limit position during trace. will be displayed on the screen. The embroidery frame moved to the travel limit position (rear) (-Y direction). Perform “Start operation” or “Frame back/forward operation”. Stop by occurrence of trouble (No. Usual stop (No. Usual stop No. a code No. input the correct password. Sleep mode key was pressed during trace. Network does not work normally. Turn “OFF/ON” the power. Data exists in an end code. Sequin tape breakage is detected (Sequin device III only). Close the write protect window. and then press start switch. Perform power resume operation after turning ON the power. Check the sensor card. Power was shut off during operation of embroidery. Replace with a new formatted floppy disk. Do not perform data edit (cleanup) in process of embroidery. Check the sensor. Do not operate the machine during working of bobbin changer. Check thread. Check the material. Format error of the floppy disk Abnormality occurred in reading/writing. Replace TC sensor card. Check the origin of air supply. zigzag cording device) Sequin color change sensor error (Sequin device III only) Thread breakage is detected. Check the sensor. 7 8 9 Set again so that start and end codes become as a pair. 6 Set data. Remove the obstacle. 10 11 12 13 B01 14 Write protect window of floppy disk is open. Wrong password is input. B03 NV01 Corrective Action Lubricate to the lubrication tank. Register designs in the memory. . Attempt was made to perform memory delete of design in 2BC process of embroidery Attempt was made to perform data edit (cleanup) in process of embroidery. Initialize the floppy disk.Chapter 12 119 1 Troubleshooting No. sequin. 2 3 292 293 294 2B1 2B3 2B4 2B5 2B7 2BA 2BB 4 5 Correct design data. Memory capacity over Available range to perform frame back was exceeded. Copy the design to a new USB memory or floppy disk and use. Check the air compressor. 251 258 259 25A 291 Stop Factor Oil of lubricating pump is lacking. Press [E] key. After pressing [E] key. No design is registered in the memory at all. Check the sensor. Set correctly. setting status of device such as personal computer. press [E] key. Setting for option is incorrect. Delete unnecessary design(s) registered in the memory. Under thread breakage is detected. boring and low speed code. Perform needle bar selection. Do not perform frame back any more. Stop by safety device Air pressure of the regulator has become lower than the rated value. Upper dead point sensor error (Sequin device III only) Lower dead point sensor error (Sequin device III. Function code error Sequin data error Data is not set. To perform memory delete of design in process of embroidery. perform data input of other data or perform data input of the same design again. Check under thread. Operation of the machine was performed during working of bobbin changer. The machine was started without needle bar selection. of zigzag cording device. harness etc. Check connecting status of cable. TC sensor card error Material feed error occurred at zigzag cording device. Check the material. The power is not turned “OFF/ON”. 2BE 2C1 2C2 2C6 2C7 2C8 2CA 2CE 2E2 2E3 Start and End codes are not set as a one pair in satin conversion. Abnormality occurs in up/down color change driver (Sequin Check the card. Operate the bobbin changer manually to check the place where movements are bad. No design is registered in the floppy disk. Abnormality of X-axis driver 322. 1-3. TFMS). It is not possible to input data due to abnormality exists in the contents of configuration of TCF design. device III only). device. Check the sensor card. Check the potentiometer (needle position sensor). 311 Stop Factor Encoder A signal does not change for 5 seconds. 383 There was no needle position signal during rotation of the main shaft. and adjust it. Data set was performed without absolute origin memory after installation of software. 387 3A6 NV01 . The machine cannot complete Y-axis origin search within the time. 323. motor belt 312 316 Corrective Action Check the encoder or encoder signal lines. When it is not possible to recover from the trouble. Corrective Action Remaining capacity of USB memory (including floppy disk) Replace with the USB memory or floppy disk that has enough is not enough. Main shaft driver error Turn “OFF/ON” the power. Wrong setting of color change sequin Check the setting of panel. Encoder Z signal does not change (TFMX. Or switch from sleep mode to normal mode (each driver setting will be reset).* Description of * mark differs depending on factor (Details are omitted). Replace the corresponding frame driver or frame motor. Turn “OFF/ON” the power. The needle position signal status during color change does not change for 1 second and more. Check the motor or motor belt. replace the card. Abnormality of motor. Check the main shaft driver for excitation. Change the file name. during operation (TEMX-C).* Abnormality of Y-axis driver 32A 32B 32C 32D 32E 32F 331 353 382 The machine cannot memorize excitation of X-axis driver. When it is not possible to recover from the trouble. Check setting for the number of needles at installation of software. Input design. The machine cannot memorize excitation of Y-axis driver. Check the setting for embroidery space at software installation.27). Operation was performed during moving up/down of sequin Perform operation after moving up/down of the device. Check the design. Fixed position signal (Main shaft Z signal) does not change Check the encoder or encoder signal lines. Check connection of each frame driver motor and/or sensor wire. When input of needle position was abnormal Check the color change motor and power supply circuit. Stop by trouble No. Incompletion of X-axis frame travel Incompletion of Y-axis frame travel The machine cannot complete X-axis origin search within the time. Or switch from sleep mode to normal mode (each driver setting will be reset). B04 BC1 BC2 BC5 5B1 5C1 5C2 5C3 Stop Factor USB memory (including floppy disk) is not inserted. the same file name is set). Perform frame origin memory (Refer to p. remaining capacity.323. Insert. replace the card. The same is applied to No. T2. Check the potentiometer (needle position sensor). Check the position of ATH movable knife. Abnormal signal of bobbin changer has been detected. Color change motor sensor error ATH knife retractable position has become nonuniform.120 Chapter 12 Troubleshooting No. Set file name is already used for the design registered in USB memory (including floppy disk) (Irrespective of code format T. Check encoder signal wire of color change motor. Turn “OFF/ON” the power. 11 12 13 14 . Check/replace the X-axis driver.Check/replace machine card. ID written on card error. 24 V power supply system error. Check and/or replace the main shaft driver. Check and/or replace 24 V power supply. 10 ID written on card error. USB hub and main shaft driver). nected. ID written on card error. Driver not for main shaft is connected. power supply Check and/or replace power supply card. Replace CPU card or switch card. Driver not for machine card is con. Check/replace the Y-axis driver. USB hub and Y-axis driver).96) There is abnormality in the program or in the CPU card. Replace DOM or CPU card. Check the sequin controller card or connection. Driver not for X-axis is connected. Check the CPU card. USB communication error due to color change driver. Check harness connection between CPU card and switch card. Install the software. Abnormality of power supply card Wrong selection of model at installation of software 3B5 MC 3B5 S 3B5 X 3B5 Y Communication error (CPU card USB hub machine card). Replace CPU card. position. USB communication error due to color change shaft driver. position. Communication error with sequin device III Communication speed error (Machine card) Communication speed error (Main shaft driver) Communication speed error (X-axis driver) Communication speed error (Y-axis driver) Turn “OFF/ON” the power. Contact error of the bar switch or start/stop switch. breakage Check the connector and the connecting terminal. Turn “OFF/ON” the power. Check/replace machine card. Check and/or replace power supply card. 280 V power supply system error. card error Communication error (CPU card USB hub X-axis Check harness connection among CPU card. When the software is not installed normally Lack of system RAM capacity Abnormality of memory device Abnormal system installation Check the contents of setting. Install the software. Install the software. or bad connection of the connector Replace the limit switch/switch assembly. power supply Check and/or replace power supply card. card error Communication error (CPU card USB hub Y-axis Check harness connection among CPU card. USB communication error due to color change driver. position. power supply card error Check harness connection between CPU card and USB hub. USB hub and machine card. Check harness connection among CPU card.Chapter 12 121 1 Troubleshooting Communication error (CPU card USB hub) Power supply system error of 280 V. 280 V power supply system error. Check/replace the X-axis driver. 24 V. Driver not for Y-axis is connected. 280 V power supply system error. card error Communication error inside the controller. USB hub and X-axis driver). Turn “OFF/ON” the power. power supply Check and/or replace power supply card. Check and/or replace the main shaft driver. Check the sequin controller card or connection (Occurred only when power is turned ON). Replace DOM or CPU card. Check/replace the Y-axis driver. Mis-setting of the number of heads in “Machine Type” (Refer to p. 3 4 5 3B7 3B8 3B9 3BA 3BC MC 3BC S 3BC X 3BC Y 3BD MC 3BD S 3BD X 3BD Y 3C1 3C3 3D6 3DB 3DC 3DD NV02 6 7 8 9 ID written on card error. Check and/or replace DC power supply. bad communication (CPU card switch card) Impossible to communicate with sequin device III No response from up/down color change driver (Sequin device III only). 3B5 2 Communication error (CPU card USB hub main Check harness connection among CPU card. Check and/or replace power supply card. USB communication error due to color change position. of the switch harness. Check the sequin driver card (Occurred only when power is turned ON). Install the software again. under thread (20 to 30 g) TFMS: Upper thread (around 100 g). abrasion of rotary hook Corrective Action Grind it with sandpaper etc. TEMX-C: Adjust to about 0. (2) Case to be conducted by the distributor Cause Scratch. Timing between needle and rotary hook is too early or too late. Remove adhered glue. TFMX. Bad adjustment of lower dead point and/or upper dead point Adjust to the standard value using the lower dead point gauge.122 Chapter 12 Troubleshooting 3DE 6D1 Abnormality of external memory device File error of frame drive parameter Turn “OFF/ON” the power. under thread (around 40 g) Use good quality thread. Poor thread flow Direction of needle is bad. Adjust to face to the front or to the right a bit. Bent Applique glue is stuck on needle.89). Adjust start-up timing. Perform cleaning and lubrication (Refer to p. not suitable.128). When the machine does not sew well (1) Case to be conducted by the customer Cause Bad thread tension Quality of thread is bad. Install the software. Spray silicone.2 mm. Adjust the play. Replace the part. A clearance between needle and hook point of rotary hook is TFMX. Replace. TFMS: Adjust the main shaft angle between 203 to 204°. Adjust.69). Setting for the machine does not match embroidery condition.1 to 0. Replace.3 mm. Check and/or replace USB memory or floppy disk. TFMX.5 mm or less in design data. Bad take-up lever timing Tension of upper/lower shaft connecting belt is weak. of needle bar Play of rotary hook shaft is big in back and forth direction. The gap between rotary hook and rotary hook support is narrow. Replace. Abrasion/breakage of neighboring parts of take-up lever drive and/or needle bar drive Play of needle bar case (in right and left direction) is big. The fabric touches the needle plate too much. Set screw of the main shaft timing pulley is loose. The fabric is lifted too much against the needle plate. Adjust the play. NV02 . Perform alignment of the shaft. Bad height of presser foot Corrective Action Adjust tension. Stretch the fabric again so that it touches needle plate lightly. Rotation of the main shaft is not smooth. Contamination. Change setting of “Frame Start Timing” (Refer to p. TEMX-C: Upper thread (120 to 140 g). TEMX-C: Adjust the clearance to 0.1 to 0. Lubricate (Refer to p. Replace floppy disk drive or CPU card. Run-out of oil of needle bar There is a scratch on the thread course. There is a play on the fringe of frame. 2. Adjust. Tighten again. Grind it with sandpaper etc. TFMX. Remove fine stitch(es) (Refer to p. Perform adjustment so that height fits to fabric/material. run-out of oil of rotary hook There are many fine stitches of 0. TFMS: Adjust the clearance to 0. Replace the part.125). TEMX-C: Adjust the main shaft angle between 198 to 203° (Reference value is 200°).5 mm. not suitable. under thread (20 to 30 g) TFMS: Upper thread (around 100 g). Fix the fabric firmly. embroidery. Needle breaks.89). Poor thread flow Corrective Action Adjust tension. thread. 4 (2) Case to be conducted by the distributor Cause Corrective Action A clearance between needle and hook point of rotary hook is TFMX. Change setting of “Frame Start Timing” (Refer to p. Change installation site of the machine. Adjust. Use needle that fits to embroidery condition. Bad finishing of sewing (1) Case to be conducted by the customer Cause Bad thread tension Quality of thread is bad. Bad needle location Play of needle bar case (in right and left direction) is big. TEMX-C: Adjust the clearance to 0.91). (1) Case to be conducted by the customer Cause Bad thread tension Density of design data is very high. Replace the part. TEMX-C: Upper thread (120 to 140 g). R. TFMS: Adjust the clearance to 0. Replace the driver.3 mm. needle and/or size of needle plate do not match with Make combination that fits to design data/material. 11 Thread. Adjust the play. Bad frame attaching and fixing of the fabric Attach the frame correctly. mismatching to embroidery condition Use good quality needle. 2 3 Bad quality of needle. 5 6 TFMX. Spray silicone. Adjust start-up timing. Perform adjustment so that needle locates to the center of needle hole. Replace the bobbin. under thread (20 to 30 g) TFMS: Upper thread (around 100 g). Vibration of the machine is big.Chapter 12 123 1 Troubleshooting 3. Delete unnecessary underlay stitching. 9 10 Density of design data does not match with material and/or Correct data.1 to 0. Adjust. Abrasion/breakage of neighboring parts of take-up lever drive and/or needle bar drive Bad take-up lever timing Belt tension of drive system is too strong or too weak. TEMX-C: Abrasion of needle catcher of rotary hook Replace the rotary hook. Setting for the machine does not match embroidery condition.1 to 0. 12 (2) Case to be conducted by the distributor Cause There is a play on the fringe of frame.2 mm.P. 13 14 NV02 . Use material suitable for embroidery. under thread (around 40 g) Correct data.m. 7 8 4. There is a play on the fringe of frame. TEMX-C: Upper thread (120 to 140 g). The floor vibrates. Replace the part. Adjust leveling. under thread (around 40 g) Use good quality thread. Bobbin is deformed and it touches the needle. Decrease r. Corrective Action Adjust the play. is too high. Corrective Action Adjust tension. Replace the part. The material is too thick or hard. TFMX.M. TFMS: Abrasion of shuttle hook driver.p. TFMX. Change “Frame drive adjustment” (Refer to p. (1) Detach the wiring cover (1 in the figure below).124 Chapter 12 Troubleshooting 5.this working makes the remaining heads perform embroidering by making the head with occurrence of trouble become suspended head. Card that generates high voltage is attached to the back face of the square pipe. 1 (2) Connect the jumper connector 4 to the head card 2. [Example] To suspend the third head (odd-numbered head). be sure to turn OFF the power. There could be danger of electric shock. 2 1H/2H 2 3H/4H 5H/6H 3 CN9 For odd-numbered head CN20 For even-numbered head 4 Accessory NV02 . It corresponds only to 2 or more head machine. connect the jumper connector 4 to the connector 3. ! DANGER To detach the wiring cover. To suspend the head with occurrence of error When it becomes impossible to perform embroidering by all heads due to malfunctioning of tension base card. One piece of the head card 2 is used for two heads. .................... When replacing electrical component .............125 1 Chapter 13 Maintenance 2 3 1.....129 5.................p..........130 6.................................p.p.... Cleaning ................................126 4 2....................p.......130 7........128 4..............p......................... Warning items for safety ...................p.......................................... Greasing ....................... Lubrication .. Repair .........p................131 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [E] NV02 ....... Inspection .........................................................127 3............... Assure enough illumination. lubrication. data may be lost for about one month because voltage of the battery will come down gradually due to discharge when the power switch is turned off. The machine could be broken. Although each card of the machine has a backup battery. Damage due to neglect of daily maintenance may be judged as “Outside the scope of warranty”. ! WARNING Daily maintenance (cleaning. Assure 300 lux or more for working areas including underneath part of the machine table when changing under threads or performing daily maintenance. inspection) should be performed by personnel who has been trained properly. “Repairs” and/or “replacement of electrical component” must be done only by the service personnel assigned and trained by Tajima or qualified technician. Warning items for safety ! DANGER The spots as shown below are attached with cards that generate high voltage. greasing. Do not turn ON the power with the main shaft fixed. You could get an electric shock of high voltage. attach all the detached covers as they originally were. [E] NV02 . Other personnel than the service man approved by TAJIMA should not open the covers. greasing. turn the power switch ON in regular intervals. If the machine is not used for a long period. Neglect of daily maintenance could cause troubles.) When starting operation again. lubrication. ! CAUTION Perform daily maintenance (cleaning. (Consult your distributor. inspection).126 Chapter 13 Maintenance 1. .....Chapter 13 127 1 Maintenance 2............... [Every day] *1: Hole for air gun (When using an air compressor) ! WARNING When you clean the machine.. [About once a week] * The figure below is an example of single head machine............ 2 or more head machine is the same. 2 *1 *1 Clean each section by using a commercially available cleaning tool or brush (accessory)............ Use of an air compressor will facilitate working..... rotary hook ... The machine could catch you up resulting in severe injury.... [About once a week] 5 6 Brush 7 8 9 An example when using a cleaner An example when using an air compressor 10 (3) Drive system ..... An example when using an air compressor 3 4 (2) Head ................ Cleaning (1) ATH...... turn OFF the power switch.............................. 11 12 13 14 [E] NV02 ........... Lubricating spot Cycle 1. Lubrication hole of rotary hook (refer to 1 in the figure below) 2. Parts in the arm 7. Needle bar drive shaft (either one spot is OK) 4. Needle bar (spot indicated by red mark) 8. refer to the user’s manual of this device. Nozzle 6 7 7 6 6 6 8 8 Single head machine TFMX-II C. Cut the tip of the nozzle according to necessary length. Needle bar (all needles) 6. When the machine is equipped with automatic lubrication system.128 Chapter 13 Maintenance 3. attach the nozzle (accessory) to the tip of the oiler. TFMX-C (L) [E] NV02 . or the equivalent (viscosity grade = equivalent to VG20). turn OFF the power switch. Inside of the cylinder bed About once per 5 to 6 hours About once a week 3 4 1 5 6 Lubrication to rail section 2 3 To lubricate to 1. Lubrication Use the TF oil (packed with the machine). ! WARNING When you lubricate the machine. Rail section of rotary hook 3. The machine could catch you up resulting in severe injury. Wick 5. refer to the separate parts list). Bearing case 2. 1 [A typical example] Tube type Spray type 3 4 2 4 5 3 6 7 5 TFMX-II . use mineral oilbased lithium grease (recommended) or the equivalent. Greasing To perform greasing. The machine could catch you up resulting in severe injury. Gear 6. Cam A 4. TFMX-II C. 2 1 When performing greasing. please consult the distributor. TFMX (L) [Parts 2 and 3] Slide needle bar case to the last needle. Cam C 7.Chapter 13 129 1 Maintenance 4. 8 5 Parts 2 and 3 Part 4 9 10 Single head machine. Cam B 5. Gear [E] NV02 12 Once/3 months 13 Once/6 months 14 . * Numbers in the figure accord with the paragraph numbers in the list below. ! WARNING When you grease the machine. Greasing spot Cycle 2 or more head machine only 6 7 11 1. TFMX-C (L) * Part name in the list below is abbreviated name (For details. Roller 3. turn OFF the power switch. Wait until they are discharged completely (four minutes). Replace the needle. Even if the primary power supply is turned OFF. the repairs must be done only by the service personnel assigned and trained by Tajima or qualified technician. Inspection Point Attaching of each type of cover Setting condition of embroidery thread Check breakage and/or bent of needle. Lubricate. Such modification may risk the operational safety. some circuits are supplied with voltage. and then start working. [E] NV02 . (consult your distributor.130 Chapter 13 Maintenance 5. Lubricating condition of each section Lubrication system Belt tension (main shaft. * Please consult the distributor. Set it correctly. Once/3 months At start of working Action Inspection Cycle 6. Inspection ! WARNING Turn OFF the primary power supply before you start working. When restarting the machine after repairs. ! CAUTION For the machine repairs. attach all covers etc. and then start working. Refill oil. X/Y drive system) Attach all the covers. Repair ! WARNING If the machine needs repairs. Adjust.) Do not change the specification nor modify the parts of the machine without due consultation with Tajima. which were removed for repair operation. Even if the primary power supply is turned OFF. Wait until they are discharged completely (four minutes). use TAJIMA genuine parts for replacement. some circuits are supplied with voltage. Turn OFF the primary power supply before you start working. only)” (Refer to p. X river. Switching of input voltage (some spec. perform working according to the chart below. 3 4 5 (1) In case of single-head machine Regarding layout drawing of electrical component.140) *How to connect the connector (CN11) on the power supply card 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 [E] NV02 . CPU card Power supply card Necessary works Software installation p. Electrical component to replace Head card. Switching of input voltage (some spec. and then start working. Frame Type (Refer to p.97. Wait until they are discharged completely (four minutes).141.137. some circuits are supplied with voltage. Even if the primary power supply is turned OFF. refer to p. machine card. main shaft driver.) Turn OFF the primary power supply before you replace electrical component and check connection of connector on the power supply card. machine card.94. Frame Origin Memory p.Chapter 13 131 1 Maintenance 7. Machine Information p. operation panel. refer to p. When replacing electrical component After replacing some electrical component. CPU card Power supply card Necessary works Software installation p. Frame Origin Memory p. 2 ! WARNING Replacement of electrical component must be done only by the service personnel assigned and trained by Tajima or qualified technician. Electrical component to replace Head card. operation panel. attach all the detached covers as they originally were.140) *How to connect the connector (CN11) on the power supply card 6 7 (2) In case of 2 or more head machines Regarding layout drawing of electrical component.94. To start the operation again after completion of replacement.95. Machine Type p. only)” (Refer to p. Machine Type p.26).27 “8. Frame type (Refer to p.96. Y driver.27 “8. (Consultt your distributor.26). main shaft driver. 132 Chapter 13 Maintenance [E] . ........134 2. Terminology....142 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 MW08 ...........138 8.............................................136 3.....p.... Machine weight .............p..141 10.......136 4............. Middle sash stay (accessory).. Layout of electrical components and cards (2 or more head machines) .....137 7. only).... p........................................p.......133 1 Chapter 14 Appendix at the back of the manual 2 3 1..137 5...p....p... Ambient noise level..................137 6........ Switching of input voltage (some spec... Electrical system diagram (single head machine).........p......p............................................... Main shaft stop position ......p.. Electrical system diagram (2 or more head machines)p.. Power supply specifications...........................140 9.. There might be a case that it does not correspond to the purchased machine depending on model. etc. Data mode of Tajima ternary format. LAN Abbreviation of Local Area Network. data conversion. JUMP Not to activate needle bar by cutting off the driving force from needle bar driving mechanism. It is not possible to move the frame by hand during excitation. M-AXIS Driving shaft to rotate nipple or bobbin NIPPLE STROKE Stroke of nipple in up and down direction NV02 .134 Chapter 14 Appendix at the back of the manual 1. A kind of measure to move the frame to the next embroidery position INCHING Movement to stabilize start of sewing by moving needle bar slowly before the main shaft starts usual operation. Y-axis driver. X-axis driver. It is executed before thread trimming to stabilize thread trimming. repeat. DATA SET To input design data to the built-in memory to make the machine possible to start D-AXIS Driving shaft to rotate nipple or bobbin DESIGN START POSITION A start position on design data (0th stitch) DRIVER Control system to drive the frame or main shaft such as main shaft driver. DST Tajima format. It is possible to generate longer stitch than the maximum length of one stitch. By connecting this machine with a personal computer. COILING To coil cord-shaped material around core thread to be sewn on the material to be embroidered CONDITION DATA Embroidery condition included in design data (needle bar selection. FRAME STEPPING To move the embroidery frame only with the main shaft of the machine kept stopped during embroidery. automatic offset). ATH Abbreviation of Automatic Thread Trimming and Holding Device. it is possible to transmit design data from a personal computer to the machine (DG/ML is required). Refer to TBF EXCITATION To generate magnetic power by sending electric current into coil such as electric magnet. Terminology The following terms apply to all models in common. FIXED POSITION An angle of the main shaft that stops the main shaft motor (stop position) FIXED PITCH MOVEMENT To move the frame to right or left direction (X-axis direction) by preset head pitch (head interval) FRAME BACK To move the embroidery frame only to the returning direction of stitches with the needle bar(s) stopped FRAME FORWARD To move the embroidery frame only to the advancing direction of stitches with the needle bar(s) stopped FRAME LIMIT The embroidery space limited by the frame limit switches. start position. A position to make the machine stand by to facilitate changing of frame and/or fabric by moving the frame to the front automatically in the middle of sewing or at the end of sewing.) START POSITION A position from which embroidery started by bar switch (or start switch) after data set. When automatic offset is set. PARAMETER Setting item that decides working condition of the machine RETURN STITCH It prevents misstitching or fraying. It means two values that are complemental each other (for example. back ground. TAJIMA PASSPORT BY PULSE Central control system of plural machines by a personal computer.Chapter 14 135 1 Appendix at the back of the manual OFFSET START POSITION A frame travel start position set by operation of automatic offset. UNDER THREAD RELEASE Action that makes the frame perform slight reciprocating movement to pull out under thread for loosening its tension before thread trimming not to trim under thread by other sections than the thread trimming section X-AXIS DRIVE SYSTEM The drive system that makes the embroidery frame move to right and left direction against the front of the embroidery machine X DATA The data that makes the embroidery frame move right/left direction (X direction) by the X-axis drive system. TABLE OFFSET It means to move the frame temporarily to the rear direction to facilitate threading. RUNNING STITCH Decorative stitch of straight line or curved line only SATIN STITCH A kind of technique that repeats stitches zigzag and sews a design. It is possible to transmit design data to each machine and manage workability. the number of thread breakage etc. flower design etc. This format can correspond to more function codes compared with DST (Tajima format). TAJIMA CODE COMPLEMENT DATA ERROR Error related to composition of X and Y data of design data. STEP Sequence or unit of color changes for one design STOP AT THE LOWER DEAD POINT (PSEUDO-FIXED POSITION) To stop the machine with needle stuck in cloth at end of embroidery (end code 2) (Stop at the lower dead point). TBF Abbreviation of Tajima Binary Format. and the symbol indicates movement direction (+/-). The value displayed as X data indicates movement amount (mm). It indicates the first needle or last needle. underlayment etc. logo mark. a position after offset frame travel will become a start position after start of embroidery. The origin of this term comes from Japanese “Tatami”. It is convenient to use this function when the frame is positioned at table cut section. It is mainly used for a big logo. SEWING START POINT A point where the first stitch data exists in design data (It is different from a design start position. It is executed at thread trimming. It is mainly used for hemming an applique. +27 and -27) exist on X or Y. TATAMI STITCH A kind of sewing technique that fills a certain area by stitches. SEQUIN NEEDLE Needle that is sewing sequins. MW08 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . TIE STITCH It means stitching that prevents fray of thread. and is executed when the machine starts to sew. 5 m 5 m or more B 3. fixed position indicator lamp lights (Refer to p. code number 211 will be displayed (Refer to p.15).136 Chapter 14 Appendix at the back of the manual Y-AXIS DRIVE SYSTEM The drive system that makes the embroidery frame move to front and rear direction against the front of the embroidery machine Y DATA The data that makes the embroidery frame move front/rear direction (Y direction) by the Y-axis drive system. 2. Measuring conditions are as follows: 1.6 m from the floor 3. [How to restore] Turn OFF the power. Measured at positions B and C *Higher value is adopted. Ambient noise level The ambient noise level of the machine is less than 85 dB (less than 82 dB in single head machine). and the symbol indicates movement direction (+/-).5 to 107. RPM The maximum number of revolutions of the machine 5. Measuring ambience (refer to the illustration shown right) 2. The value displayed as Y data indicates movement amount (mm). When operating the machine with deviated from the fixed position. Main shaft stop position The main shaft of this machine stops at the fixed position (between 97. Z-AXIS Driving shaft to change needle height ZIGZAG SWING EMBROIDERY To sew cord-shaped material by zigzag swing. 90 100 110 NV01 .118).0 m 5 m or more 1.5°) . Measuring instrument Conformity to IEC61672-1: 2002 Class 1 5 m or more A Wall 5 m or more A: Position of needle location C 1. Height: 1. 4. Working condition of the machine Fabric is stretched on the border frame and satin stitch sewing of stitch length 4 mm is executed. Needle is not generally located to cord-shaped material. When the machine stops at the fixed position. and adjust the main shaft angle by using the accessory main shaft handle or wrench. In addition. it is described on p. 13 14 NV02 .Chapter 14 137 1 Appendix at the back of the manual 4. other persons than service personnel certified by TAJIMA should not open the right-end box cover (A). Machine weight It is described on the spec. Head card 10. Y-axis driver 11. Terminal base [4] ! DANGER Since there could be danger of electric shock. Power supply specifications Since power spec. In addition. Insulation resistance: 10M ohms and larger (at 500 V Megger) 9 10 ! WARNING Since there is danger of electric shock due to leak current. DC 12/5 V power supply 7. degree of grounding should be type D or higher (grounding resistance 100 ohms or less). Power consumption (max): 330 VA. Voltage. 2 [1] [5] [8] [3] [2] [6] [7] 3 6. wiring cover (B) and Y-axis driver box (C). plate (right figure). Main shaft driver B 4 5 [9] A [9] [10] C [9] [11] 6 7 8 5. Layout of electrical components and cards (2 or more head machines) Regarding single head machine. 11 12 6. degree of grounding should be type D or higher (grounding resistance 100 ohms or less). X-axis driver 5. 260 W 3. use the machine under these conditions. 24 VDC power supply 3. Power supply card 8. Machine card 4.141. of the machine is specified clearly as shown below. Noise filter 9. be sure to ground the earth cable of the machine. Breaker Acrylic board 2. allowable voltage range: +/-10% of the rated voltage 2. 1. Frequency: 50/60 Hz 4. 1. 1 2 1 3 2 [c] Attach the stay 3. There are six types (A to F) of middle sash stays. Use these stays separately according to Y-axis embroidery space and/or type of frame (refer to the separate list).138 Chapter 14 Appendix at the back of the manual 7. 2 1 MW08 . each of total length is different. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Spacer :Middle Sash :2t Joint :Middle Sash Stay :Middle Sash Truss Head Screw :M3*5 Truss head Screw :M4*12 Screw with Washer :M4*12 Part No. * The number of pieces to use (one piece or two pieces) differs depending on Y-axis length (refer to list 3). A B C D E F 162mm 249 mm 326 mm 420 mm 545 mm 715 mm A to F in the left list (1) How to attach [a] Remove the screw 1 (Truss Head Screw M4*8) and detach the border frame crosswise sash 2. Middle sash stay (accessory) *This information is for the model with which this object is packed. [b] Attach 2 to the middle sash 3 using the screw 1. 0G0310070000 0G0310060000 0G031005@000 S130030501MZ S130041202SD S660041201MZ Quantity 3 1 [*A] 2 2 2 4 5 4 3 6 3 5 *A Quantity per set differs depending on Y-axis embroidery space. [In case of one piece] [In case of two pieces] 3 Two spacers One spacer Two spacers One spacer (2) Details (for one set) No. Chapter 14 139 1 Appendix at the back of the manual (3) The number of sets and details for one machine [Example] As for the model with three shafts for Y-axis drive system.438 mm 415 . refer to List 2.1370 mm A 12 13 14 . * Regarding combination of stays to be attached to frame. 1000 mm Concomitant use with TCMX 0G031500A001 Stay :Middle Sash :A 0G031005B001 Stay :Middle Sash :B 0G031005C001 Stay :Middle Sash :C 0G031005D001 Stay :Middle Sash :D Y 1400. When using one piece only When using two pieces as a combination Stay A B C D E F Size (A) 67 . List 1: the number of sets The number of shafts for Y-axis drive system Cross-type Z3 spec.351 mm 328 .686 mm 711 . frame 4 5 6 The number of shafts for Y-axis drive system 2 3 4 5 2 Number of sets 3 3 5 7 Excluding cross-type Zspec.405 mm 450 .904 mm Stay C+C C+D C+E C+F D+D D+E D+F E+E E+F F+F Size (A) 492 . 800 mm Concomitant use with TCMX 0G031005A001 Stay :Middle Sash :A 0G031005B001 Stay :Middle Sash :B 0G031005D001 Stay :Middle Sash :D Y 1200. * As for one set. 1300 mm Concomitant use with TCMX 0G031005A001 Stay :Middle Sash :A 0G031005B001 Stay :Middle Sash :B 0G031005C001 Stay :Middle Sash :C 0G031005E001 Stay :Middle Sash :E Y 1600 mm 0G031005A001 Stay :Middle Sash :A 0G031005B001 Stay :Middle Sash :B 0G031005C001 Stay :Middle Sash :C 0G031005D001 Stay :Middle Sash :D [*A] 0G031005F001 Stay :Middle Sash :F *A Use two pieces.817 mm 338 .428 mm 422 . frame Number of sets 3 5 7 9 3 4 List 2: Details of one set Y 450 mm 0G031005A001 Stay :Middle Sash :A 0G031005B001 Stay :Middle Sash :B Y 550 mm Concomitant use with TCMX 0G031005A001 Stay :Middle Sash :A 0G031005C001 Stay :Middle Sash :C Y 750.905 mm 955 -1075 mm 930 .234 mm 231 .530 mm 600 .811 mm 861 .609 mm 634 .592 mm 586 .522 mm 547 .700 mm Stay A+A A+B A+C A+D A+E A+F B+B B+C B+D B+E B+F MW08 11 Size (A) 164 .981 mm 680 . Y 450 mm For TCMX 0G031005B001 Stay :Middle Sash :B 0G031005C001 Stay :Middle Sash :C Y 680.647 mm 697 .311 mm 325 .1030 mm 1080 .147 mm 154 . 1500 mm Concomitant use with TCMX 0G031500A001 Stay :Middle Sash :A 0G031005B001 Stay :Middle Sash :B 0G031005C001 Stay :Middle Sash :C 0G031005D001 Stay :Middle Sash :D 0G031005F001 Stay :Middle Sash :F 5 6 7 8 9 10 List 3: Combination of stays differs depending on size (A). three sets are packed with the machine (refer to list 1). refer to list 3.264 mm 251 .734 mm 784 .515 mm 509 . 850 mm Concomitant use with TCMX 0G031005B001 Stay :Middle Sash :B 0G031005C001 Stay :Middle Sash :C 0G031005D001 Stay :Middle Sash :D Y 950.780 mm 805 .1200 mm 1230 . 3 MW08 . [How to switch] Change connection of the connector (CN11) on the power supply card (1).3 Single head machine A [Connection of CN11] In case of 100 V series 1 In case of 200 V series A CN11 Label No. only) The following label is applied on the machine (either one sheet. it differs depending on voltage spec. 2 or more head machines Acrylic board [Connection of CN11] In case of 100 V series In case of 200 V series CN11 1 Label No.2 Label No. it is not necessary to switch input voltage in usual usage.1 Label No. since the setting according to your voltage spec.). is different from that at shipment (2) When you replace power supply card (1) and connection of the connector (CN11) is different from your voltage spec.3 is applied can perform switching.3 Exclusive for single-phase/100 V For 3-phase/200 V Single-phase 100 V or 200 V However. Switching of input voltage (some spec. is performed at shipment. (1) When the machine was moved for installation to the place whose voltage spec. Only the model on which label No.140 Chapter 14 Appendix at the back of the manual 8. Label No. Perform switching of input voltage only in the following condition. Electrical system diagram (single head machine) [Number] in the figure below accords with the number of “Layout of cards”. 4 CN3 CN2 CN6 CN1 CN9 CN7 Driver CPU card CN4 CN11 CN9 Switch card CN6 CN5 CN2 5 <5> Noise filter <6> Terminal base <7> Breaker TC sensor card CN1 Emergency stop switch 5 V.Chapter 14 141 1 Appendix at the back of the manual 9. 12 V power supply CN2 <2> CN1 6 CN10 CN6 CN22 CN15 7 Power supply card <3> CN1 CN7 CN4 A CN4 CN11 Carrier card CN13 I/F connector card LAN USB CN2 USB 8 <4> 24 V USB connector card 9 [Layout of cards] 10 <9> CN12 CN7 Upper thread holding hook Jump motor Sequin motor (L) Upper thread lock X-axis motor encoder Y-axis motor encoder Y-axis motor X-axis motor Position marker Head card <8> CN3 CN5 CN6 CN10 CN15 CN17 CN18 CN16 CN11 CN20 CN9 11 <6><5> <7> 12 <3> <1> 13 CN1 CN2 <3> <8><11> <2> <10> <4> 14 <9> Tension base card MW08 . <1> Operation panel Backlight inverter <11> Machine card LCD panel CN1 CN10 CN13 Main shaft sensor 2 ATH motor ATH potentiometer Color change motor Color change potentiometer USB hub CN2 CN24 CN2 CN5 CN1 CN4 CN14 CN25 CN26 CN27 CN10 CN31 CN30 CN29 CN28 CN11 CN16 CN19 CN3 CN1 CN5 Carrier card CPU card CN9 Capacitor card 3 To [A] <10> Main shaft CN12 CN7 Main shaft Main shaft encoder Picker solenoid Sequin air valve L (OP) Sequin air valve R (OP) Sequin air sensor (OP) Safety device (GES) Safety device (GES) Safety device (GES) Safety device Start/stop switch X-axis origin switch Y-axis origin switch Sequin motor (R) GES is safety standard applied to Germany. 137.142 Chapter 14 Appendix at the back of the manual 10. Regarding layout drawing of electrical component. CN22 CN15 Power supply card CN1 CN7 Noise filter CN3 CN1 Main shaft motor Main shaft encoder CN9 CN7 A CN4 CN11 Carrier card CN13 CN4 I/F connector card LAN USB CN2 USB CN2 CN6 Driver CPU card 24 V power supply USB connector card To the next head card CN12 CN7 CN8 CN3 CN5 CN6 CN10 CN21 CN19 CN18 CN16 CN11 CN9 CN20 Upper thread holding hook Jump motor Sequin motor L/R Upper thread lock Upper thread lock Sequin motor L/R Jump motor Upper thread holding hook Position marker CN12 CN7 CN8 CN3 CN5 CN6 CN10 CN21 CN19 CN18 CN16 CN11 CN9 CN20 Upper thread holding hook Jump motor Sequin motor L/R Upper thread lock Upper thread lock Sequin motor L/R Jump motor Upper thread holding hook Position marker CN12 CN7 CN8 CN3 CN5 CN6 CN10 CN21 CN19 CN18 CN16 CN11 CN9 CN20 To the next head card Upper thread holding hook Jump motor Sequin motor L/R Upper thread lock Upper thread lock Sequin motor L/R Jump motor Upper thread holding hook Position marker 1H/2H Head card 3H/4H Head card 5H/6H Head card CN1 CN2 CN1 CN2 TC sensor card TC sensor card CN1 CN2 CN1 CN2 TC sensor card TC sensor card CN1 CN2 CN1 CN2 TC sensor card 1H 2H Tension base card 3H 4H Tension base card 5H 6H Tension base card MW08 . 12 V power supply CN2 CN6 Driver CPU card Main shaft sensor Main shaft driver GES is safety standard applied to Germany. refer to p. machine. Electrical system diagram (2 or more head machines) Limit switch (*) is equipped only to L-spec. Operation panel Backlight inverter Machine card LCD panel CN1 CN10 USB hub Limit switch ( ) Origin sensor CN24 CN2 CN9 CN1 CN4 CN14 CN25 ATH solenoid ATH sensor Color change motor Color change potentiometer CN2 CN1 CN5 Carrier card CPUcard CN9 Capacitor card TC sensor card X driver CN3 CN1 X motor CN9 CN7 CN13 To [A] CN2 CN6 Driver Limit switch ( ) Origin Picker solenoid 1st to the last head CPU card CN12 CN7 X encoder CN26 CN27 CN10 CN31 CN30 CN29 CN28 CN11 Sequin air valve L (OP) Sequin air valve R (OP) Sequin air sensor (OP) CN4 CN11 Terminal base Breaker CN1 CN9 Switch card CN6 CN5 CN2 CN2 <2> CN1 CN10 CN6 CN2 CN3 Y driver Safety device (GES) Safety device (GES) Safety device (GES) Safety device Start/stop (bar) switch CN3 CN1 Y motor Y encoder CN9 CN7 Emergency stop switch 5 V. . or reform of a part or whole of this manual without permission is prohibited. reprint. .1800. Nagoya. 19-22.1st Edition 20th Edition June. Japan Telephone:568-33-1161 Fax:568-33-1191 Distributed by: Tajima Industries Ltd. Higashi-ku.. 2004 February. Japan Telephone:52-932-3444 Fax:52-932-2457 Authorized Distributor: Copy. 3-chome. 2010 Manufactured by: Tokai Industrial Sewing Machine Co. Ltd. Aichi-pref. 486-0901. Shirakabe. Kasugai. NO. 461-0011. Ushiyama-cho.
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