March 29, 2018 | Author: Luis Quiñones | Category: Amplifier, Electrical Connector, Rectifier, Electronic Circuits, Analog To Digital Converter



/-\n $crvtGc al nn anu ,¡ T Í, EK1 O Electrocardiog raph Versions 1 and 2 Service Manual Part No.086027 Revised 11-95 S BUfdiCk lnC. 15 Ptumb Street Mitton, wt s3s63 u.s.A. (608) 868-6000 Service Manual t\ ,l {/ CONTENTS INFORMATION 1 GENERAL 1.1 1.2 LJ Basic System Description .............. Block Diagram.............. Soecifications............... 2 SERVICE 2.1 Safety and Service Tools and Test 2.4 2.4 Cautions Equipment.......,..... Printhead Disable....... Automatic Shutdown Disable Setup for 24OV 50/60H2 3 SAFETY AND PERFORMANCE CHECKS 3.1 Chassis 3.2 Patient 2.2 ¿.J 3.3 J.+ - Leakage..... Leakage Printhead Dot Test...... Printhead Protection Test............ PAC 3 ) I .......................5 ............ 5 ............ 5 ..............,..... 5 .....,............. ...,.,.. .5 .................6 ..................,....6 ..............6 ............. ..6 EK 1 0 Et e c trocardiog rap, h THEORY OF OPERATION I SCHEMATICS AND COMPONENT DIAGRAM 8.1 Power Supply Circuit 8,2 lnput Circuit nput Circuit Schematic (continued) Logic Circuit Logic Circuit Schematic EK10 PCB Component Diagram (prior to Rev. EK10 PCB Component Diagram (Rev, D and I QA ó.b 8.7 Schematic.. Schematic Schematic (continued) D)....... after)... .............28 ..........28 .......................28 .........28 .........28 .....,..............28 .....................28 l: ' .",3::já whích consísts of a 48mm thermal array printhead and a DC motor. the EK10 PCB. The 12.4ELY --t -li ol THERMAL PRINTHEAD PATIENT INPUT 1^ trn tu -t/ PC Board MOTOR \------ KEYPAD INPUT ------) 1 VOLT OUTPUT (version 2 only) 1.2 BLOCK DIAGRAM i .1 BASIC SYSTEM DESCRIPTION . A single pr¡nted circuit board assembly. A microprocessor handles control functions.5V nicad battery provides the circuitry is inactive. filtered. User inputs are provided by means of a membrane switch keypad. Operator prompts and menus appear on a 2-line by 2O-character liquid crystaldisplay. An optional nicad battery allows the EK10 to operate independently of the AC power line for about an hour (long enough to acquire approximately 50 ECGs) before recharging is neces- 'sary. This battery is recharged whenever the EK'10 is plugged into an AC line and the power switch is ON. amplified. ECG recordings are printed by the writer assembly. and digitized before being processed further by the system. Overcharge protection is built-in. WRITER ASSE/!. contains the main circuitry for the system. even when the rest of 1. A logic switch allows the battery to charge continuously. ECG data signals are acquired.1 I I Seruice Manual The EK10 is a single channel electrocardiograph which uses a thermal array wr¡t¡ng system to print standard electrocardiograms.I h I t! I a Fl 1 GENERAL INFORMATION power when an AC power source is not connected. 3AG 220-240V. vrrdr t JPccrJü.04H2 to 30H2. 25mm/s or 50mm/s 12% Printout format: single channel.r an^¡¡.EK 1 0 El e ctrocardi og rap h 1. 45mm grid. type T Operating tem perature: 10"C to 40'C Storage temperature: -34'C to 70"C Relative humidity: 15% to 90% non-condensing Frequency response: meets or exceeds AAMI standard (unfiltered) .^.3 SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: 11" x 13"x $3/16" Weight: 9lbs. type T Battery fuse: 110-120V 24 slow blow 3AG 220-240V. roll I aaA 'ma¿l'iaa ¡rrdrnItv. -3dB (filtered) Input impedance: greater than 50M ohm Electrode offset tolerance: *300mV A/D conversion: B bits Signal output (version 2 only): 1V out per 1mV input.24 time lag. LVdLI lead imprinted for each trace above waveform Patient safety: floating input with defibrilfation protect¡on according to AAMt . r10% gain connector.2 x 160mA time lag. including optional battery Power Requirements: 110-120 I 220-240VAC 50/60H2 standard.SVdc nickel-cadmium battery (optional) Mains voltage fuses: 110-120V 2 x 0. 30VA 2. auto or manual Printout device: 48mm thermal dot array Paper dimension: 50mm w¡de.1¡. 150 ft. 9-oin D-subminiature Paper type: thermal l'aF.3A slow blow. I I The i i t t t I f I EK|0 uses CMOS integrated circuits and caution must be taken dur¡ng maintenance procedures to prevent damage which can be caused by static electr¡city. Power line voltage is present on the EKl0 PCB. (Ref er to section 5. For convenience during repair sessions. 2.5 SETUP FOR The EK10 can be configured easíly for operation at 240V 50/60H2 according to the following procedure: . CAUTION - .l0 v¡ill display a message indicating that the 15 minute shut down is disabled. 3.- I Return to the main menu by selecting RTNI. (Burdick part number 848773.l0 requires only standard electronics tools for maintenance to the board level.) 6. 5. Insert two (2) 5x20MM Type T 0. The following is a list of suggested test equipment.) 2. Locate a row of 4 configuration pins on the 1 Digilal Mull¡meter Leakage Current Meter / Safety Analyzer tIOTE: A7164 Allen wrench and smallscrewdriver are suggested for use during removal and replacement procedures. Main voltage can be CAUTION encountered at the fuse. and power transformer. Remove use cover. 7. 3. press front panel ke-vs V4 and V6 simultaneouslv to enter the Test & Setup Menu. 2.4 AUTOMATIC SHUT DOWN DISABLE The EK10 automatically shuts down (returns to standby) after 15 minutes if no keys are pressed.t Service Manual t p t 0 t 2 3. Wax-coated or blush-coated paper will damage the printhead. From the main menu. B. Press the V4 key and the EK. Place a new warning label over ihe fuse cover. Press the V6 key and the EK10 will display a message indicating that the printhead is disabled. Always ensure that the unit ¡s unplugged whenever you are disas- sembling it. 2. Replace fuse cover. the printhead should be dis- abled whenever the writer is activated without the top enclosure in place and paper loaded.7.2 TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT The EK. Return to the main menu by selecting RTN. press front panel keys V4 and V6 simultaneouslv to enter the Test & Setup Menu. (Rurdick part number 848769. 250V fuses into the fuse clips. power switch. (Burdicl< part nt.1 SAFETY AND SERVICE CAUTIONS i t t h Note: the printhead can be re-enabled onl'¡ by turning the unit OFF and then ON again. Oscilloscope Electronic Patient 24OV 5O/6OHZ 4. 2. Remove the two (2)lumper blocks from the pins. this feature can be disabled as follows: 1. The test equipment should be calibrated periodically and be in good repair. 164. SERVICE 2. Locate the center two p¡ns and rcplace one (1) jumper block over these pins.) Always ensure the the EKl0 is configured for the appropriate power line voltage and the correct rating and warning Iables are applied. 1.) Place a new rating labelover the old one.tmber 833098. Remove the two (2) fuses from luse clips.1 . located at the side of the unit. 2. Use only Burdick-approved thermal ECG recording paper. ed. Note: the automatic shut down can be reenabled only by turning the unit ()FF and then ON again. 2.3 PRINTHEAD DISABLE To avoid damage. f board near the fuse clips. From the main menu. An anti-static work surface is recommend- . Use caut¡on when conducting /hese fesfs. - 2. For additional information. The meter must be suitably insulated and capable of withstanding the power line voltage. 2. press front panel keys V4 and VG simultaneouslv to enter the Test & Setuo Menu. Connect a leakage meter between the rear panel chassis ground iack and power line ground. '{ E . 3. From the main menu. and under normal circumstances. 1. 3. Reverse line polarity and ensure that leakaqe current is less than 100prA with ground 3. 3. 2. Turn the EK10 rear panel power switch ON. Individua. Return to the main menu by selecting RTN. it indicates that the pr¡nthead protection c ircuitry is fun ction in g p roperly. 3. 5. When the test is passed. The writer will print a diagonal line.4 PRINTHEAD PROTECT¡ON TEST ^lñeañ 5.EK 1 0 Ele ctroc ardi og ra p h 3 SAFETY AND PERFOR. Select PHPT to initiate the test. Connect the oatient cable to the EK10. open ground line and ensure leakage is less than 100¡lA. Leakage tests should be performed at a non-conductive work station. Reverse line polarity and ensure that leakage current is less than 20pA w¡th ground closed. Refer to page 20 for details. Open ground line and ensure leakage current is less than 1OOpA. Ensure that leakage current is less than [email protected] through the patient cable and less than lOpA at the patient input connector. Press the Lead I key to initiate test.2 PATIENT LEAKAGE NOTE: Leakage should be less than 2O¡. From the main menu. 2. 3. refer to section 6 Maintenance. 4. Connect all patient cable leads together.3 PRINTHEAD DOT TEST This test can be used to determine if all the individual printhead dots are functioning properly. MANCE CHECKS NOTE - With reversed polarity. Return to the main menu by selecting RTN. a. This test monitors the printhead strobe. which should be inspected for continuity. 1. lf this occurs. WARNING 3. 1 . Always ensure that the pi'inthead and paper path are kept free of dirt or other foreign mater¡al. Open ground line and ensure that leakage current is less than 20pA. 5. lnappropriate meters can produce erroneous leakage readings. 4. Á lf the test was not passed. With reversed polarity. Ensure leakage is less than 20pA. Turn the rear panel power switch ON. dots or groups of dots which do not print indicate a problem with the printhead control circuitry or the printhead itself.1 CHASSIS LEAKAGE 1. Connect a leakage meter between patient cable leads and power line ground. The strobe time is determined. the Printhead Voltage Adjustment must be performed. 6. Leakage tests should be conducted with a high quality meter or safety analyzer capable of testing to AAMI specifications. press front panel keys V4 and V6 simultaneously to enter the Test & Setuo Menu. 4. the display will indicate that the printhead resistance is either too high or too low. Fading at the top or bottom of the page indicates that the printhead is mis-aligned. the display indicates that the test was passed. open ground line and ensure leakaoe current is less than 2AuA. . f F PROBLEM SOLVING Past experience has shown that a large per centage of service calls are due to poor ECG technique and broken cables. ensure that technique and faulty cables are eliminated as the source of the problem.t Service Manual l¿ 4 IT 4. Before disassembling the electrocardiograph.1 TROUBLESHOOTING lr F T lr F lr iüu t r tF t t!. . Refer to the Operator's Manual for additional information. EK | 0 Ele ctrocard i og rap h 4.25V ACROSS C I7 FAULN TNANSFONMER TI ON rcWER SOURCE VOLTAGE AT 1C4. F2. O. I 2V ACROSS TERMINAL? TURN ON AND PI-UG IN RECHARGE OR REPUCE WTH POWER OFF CHECK ALL INTERNAL CONNECTIONS. APPLY rcWER. 06. OR 04 I I I{ I I I t t .{TTERY N S TAUE D? EATTEEY FULLY CHARGED? 1 O.1 Display I )I SPLAY IS COMPLETELY BLr''NK I)UNDDK EK\O PLUCGED IN AND IIFAR PANEL rcWEB SWI|CH ON? O PT I O NAL B. AND F3 OK? REPUCE AS NECESSARY APPROX 20.SV TO I5V WEN ONETANDBY KÚ IS PSESSED? GO TO SECTION A I f I I É FAULW K*SOARD OV Af 04 BASE V'IIIILE ONl SIANDBYKEY/S pÉESSED? { l| I POSSIBLE FAILURE OF IC3.1.7 TOGGLE FROM APPROX. STILLBUNK? u -y FUSES F I . ÍHEN STAP. +8V AÍ lCí. STILL EUNK? FAULN LOGIC CIRCUITRY CN CPU rcB FAULN LCD MODULE I I ¡tu: I I q .1. +5V ACBOSS C3l.s snoBEo H|GH To LOW? APnOX. NERY t)rns? FAULTY IC26 AB LOGIC CIRCUITRY ON CPU rcB FAULTY IC28 ON LOGIC CIRCUITRY ON CN) PCB V/ITH POV/ER OFF. AND-8V Af D6.6) snoBED HtGH tc28. DID WITER MOTOR ACTMATE? FAULTY LOGIC CIRCUINY ON CN PCB tc26.4 FAULW rcVEB SUPftY CINCUÍRY DISABLE PRINTHFAD.Service Manual 4. REMOVE 1C29.1. ffiESS MANUAL.1 Display (cont¡nued) SUPPLY VOLTAGES OK? APNOX +5V Af 1C2.e us. APPLY POWER.l. 2 Writer ( . BUÍ PAPEB ADVANCES AP%OX.OR WNITER FAULIY PRINTHEAO .EK 1 0 El e ctrocardiog rap h 4.14? FAULTY POWER SUWLY DISABLE PRIN'|HEAD.t6V AT J2. AND J2.. I.14? DISCONNECI WRITER CABLE J2.8 SWTCHNG? FAULN V/RITEN CONTROL CIRCUITRY ON CPU rc8 0 MUTLIftE FAILURES ON CPU rcB AND.1. ABE LOGIC SIGNALS AT J2. PRESS MANUAL ARE LAGIC SIGNALS AT J2. J2.1.6. J2.8 SWJTCHING? DISCONNECT VlRITER CABLE AT J2. AND J2.i: WRITER DOES NOT PfrNT.6. t0. APffiOX t0-t6v Af AT J2. q O \7.EKl0 Electrocardiograph ji*.2 WAVEFORMS AND TESTPOINTS trJ trJ o O O c) :tr Z F N O CU q .- ll h uJ uJ O O o z (o O ll ll ll o Z o O tl Y LLI ll ñO l¡ &4r t¿ $ . 4. lt LlJ ul Ül vO FO '. ü3¡p { EKlO SYSTEM TIMING EKlO IC4#6 rR6G€R ON F^TTWG ÉoG€ oÉ ^b.rfrTrFr I. U) € o (D m .r^rcfO GNO TP9 tcr 9.u-!L 0 ¡ | ¡ 0 ¡ 0 r 0 I O 0 0 I ¡ I O I o 0 0 ¡ ¡ 0 0 o | I I I 0000!¡oatt¡o 0ol oot0ol¡¡t o ¡ o 0 0 ¡ Cx^NCEO ^A€ vr^ TrrE rEYBO^nD L( c^r. 6^r¡ ^o.ft r o I a = z(] { {lt m @ o z{ @ lou!/ólv 2v/d\v c) o z{ ¡r l a EKIO ADTXO & ¡c¡a ADSCLK Átgll wrL crocx a livfS rt AñY OF lxÉ I ¡ ¡t rt n] al !l r0 fó!tOwlf¡c 0oo¡¡0¡¡01r0^vt 001¡¡t¡l¡¡¡¡^ef 0t0¡00¡00tooLao¡¡¡. I o O o o o I ¡ 0 0 ¡ 0 0 0¡¡ 001 ¡ 0 ¡ 0 ¡ A\a tuo ¡.r O rc¡o tt¡ .cHlRL 6ROUñO F^lr€fl tñPurf uO PUCE UN¡l ¡{ u^ru^L !@€. ú-!t c^L v¡ vl (D 3. r l0 t¡ c_L_^ ATA ¡00 l0¡ 00¡ ¡¡l 001 nm tuL!¡ ¡c¡t t¡N I t ¡0 lI c I /ólY tolt/d11 I 0 O 0 0 0 I I o 0 I 0 t o ¡ 0 o I 00¡0¡0 o0l 00¡000 001 rlN t¡¡ t ¡o ¡l tt c^t¡ 11 c^L t¡ x6! 0 0 ¡l 0 I o AC¡¡V¡ 0 ¡ ^cflvl 0 ! rl I ¡ct¡ tlr t ¡0 g I r¡ La¡0 StLtc¡to ^ ¡cll ?Y czm . u-LA lE¡O l¡. D^J^ S|oI^L sLL OF SO C¡ ¡^¡rof rf frf ^{ Ilrt AOOVC ^t¡[ ^trY C. . t€aO ¡ ¡t\. sv¡ É. 3 CONNECTOR PINOUTS EKIO PC BOARD Connector Pln# J1 (ver. sense to processor Thermistor ground Printhead ground Pri nthead supply voltage Pr¡nthead ground Printhead supply voltage Printhead ground Printhead supply voltage Printhead ground Printhead supply voltage input signal input signal input signal input signal input signal input signal input signal input signal Cable sense A Cable sense B ECG input signal ECG input signal ECG ECG ECG ECG ECG ECG ECG ECG . 2 only) 1 7 J¿ Name 1V OUT GND 1 STROBEl ¿ STROBE2 GND 4 TXD I 7 T GND LATCH VDD B ¡ULÑ o STROBE3 THERMISTOR THERMGND PHGND 10 11 IJ .EK 1 0 El e ctrocardiog raph 4.A t+ VH to VH PHGND 17 PHGND 1B VH 19 PHGND ¿v VH ¿ \/e 4 V1 t4 RL v4 6 RA B LA LL I t/)A 11 1A ta VO V5 t4 DescripJlon '1V output Chassis ground Printhead strobe Printhead strobe Chassis ground Transmit data line Chassis ground Data latch signal +5V Serial clock Printhead strobe signal Temp. 3 CONNECTOR PINOUTS (CONTINUED) f t Connector Pln# Name- Ground 1 z VDD VD a J6 A AO 6 A1 6 E aA .LDO KEYBD4-O POWER GND l-J 6 ó-ll t¿ Descrlotion LDT. 1q .I Service Manual a\ f ¡ 4.a SHIELD +5V supply to LCD Adiust LCD control signal LCD control signal LCD control sígnal LCD data lines Keyboard row lines Front panel power switch Chassis ground Keyboard column lines Earth ground Y¡. 1. Remove the top enclosure as previously described. Remove paper compartment cover and uducr. H Use the carrying handle to set the EK10 on its side (vertically). Gently unsnap LCD module from its retainer posts on the top enclosure and remove. 3. 3. Remove cable connecting the LCD module to the EK10 PCB. 5.1. An anti-static work surface is recommended. adjustments will be necessary. NOTE: When removing connectors or wires from PC boards. Replace screws. Failure to do so may damage the wires. taking care not to oull too hard on the connectors attached to the LCD module and membrane switches. 6. An ant¡-stat¡c work surface is recommended.. \Fh ftr Disconnect ribbon cable at printhead and efi remove writer assembly. NOTE:The EK10 uses CMOS integrated circuits and cautton must be taken during maintenance procedures to prevent damage which can be caused by stat¡c electricity. MENT PROCEDURES 5. Remove the top enclosure as previously el described.1 Top Enclosure 1.1. NOTE: Always ensure that internal wires are properly routed before snapping enclosure Release latches on either side of the writer assembly and carefully slide upwards in slots to access connector. Lay the two halves side by side. observe and mark their position. 4. Fefer to printhead voltage and motor speed adjustments on page 20. Open the enclosure by separating the two halves at the carrying handle. Locate the square battery compartment at the lower left corner of the EK10's back panel. Carefuily slide writer assembly upwards out of slots. 5. NOTE: After replacing the writer assembly. 4. bly. carefully turn the EK10 upright again. 2. gently tip { to F**É*.1 BEMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT ensure that unit is . one at the handle and one at the paper compartment base. While holding the cover. CAUTION sembly.Always prior to performing any disasunplugged 1. 5. Remove connector on EKlO PCB atlaching motor.3 Writer Assembly CAUTION:The printhead is susceptible to damage from static electr¡city.1. 5. Two are located by the carrying handle and three along the left side of the unit. F.EK 1 0 Ele ctroc ardi og rap h 5 halves together. Remove ground wire attached to writer chassis. Replace in reverse order. hr 1. Use a small screwdriver to unlatch the five (5) remaining catches in sequence. q Use a small screwdriver to release the latch on the battery compartment cover. 4. 5. small screwdriver to unlatch the large catch located beneath the paper compartment. REMOVAL AND REPLACE. Careful observation will prevent wire or connector reversal durino re-assem- 2. Re-assemble by carefully aligning the two halves and snapping them together. 3. 2.2 LCD Module 5. Turn the EKlO on its back. Remove two (2) Phillips head screws.4 Battery (optional) 1 . The battery rests inside the compartment cover. 2. Once the catches are released. Replace in reverse order. Use a 3.r rll . 3 CONNECTOR PTNOUTS Connector Pln# D.O 6 POWER 7 GND KEYBDd-a 1 12 SHIELD Keyboard row lines Front panel power switch Chassis ground Keyboard column lines Earth ground 1q 4*{*á$Áb- '* .1t l$ J6 (CONTTNUED) LD7-LDO KEYBD4.escription 1 v55 Ground VDD 3 VD +5V supply to LCD Adjust LCD control signal LCD control signal LCD control signal LCD data l¡nes 4 AO 5 A1 o E 1-5 B-1 Name ¿ a.Service Manual 4.. o. Lift the EK10 PCB up and out of bottom enclosure.5mm Allen wrench into slot next to access cover. Replace in reverse order. NOTE: Ensure that battery terminalwires are properly routed in the compartment cover. Carefully disconnect cable at EK10 PCB attaching membrane switch keypad. Refer to the previous instructions for EK10 PCB removal. 2. Replace fuse if necessary and replace access cover. Unplug connector on EK10 PCB attaching LCD module.1. lnsert a 2. 5. lf replacement is necessary.7 Power Llne Fuses The oower line fuses are accessible from the bottom of the EK10. Turn the EK10 on its back and locate the fuse access cover at the corner of unit. Use a long-nose pliers to disconnect the battery terminal connector from the PC board. 3.5 EK10 PCB 1. lf reolacement is necessary. adjustments will be necessary. The wires are damaged easily if they become trapped between the cover and main assembly. Remove the battery as previously described. CAUTION: Pullon the connector. NOTE:After replacing the EK10 PCB. 2. 1. 5. 17 .5. 4. Gently fwist the wrench to release latch and remove cover. 3. Remove the top enclosure as previously described. Refer to printhead voltage and motor speed adjustments on page 20 Replace in reverse order. the unit so the weight of the battery causes lhe cover to drop out of place.6 Battery Fuse The battery fuse is located on the EK10 PCB. not the wires themselves. use only a fuse of the same type and rating. Ensure that the unit is unplugged. 5. 7. 5. Remove the writer assembly as prevíously described.1. 4. use only a fuse of the same type and rating.1. iF F 862523 Bottom Enclosure 8626&a EK10 Versbn 2 PCB 862300 EK|O Versio¡t I PCB F F . t 862514 Fuse Cover 862499 Rubber Foot 86?278 12.2 EXPLODED VIEW 007514 |j-Lead 007958 Thermal Patient Cable ECG PaPer (150ft.EKl 0 Electroca rdiograph l'.5V Nicad Battery (optional) 862513 Battery Carrier / Cover I t eü I . 5.) 8625'f 2 Paper ComPartment Cover C47262 Pwer Cord 833007 Line Fuse 833098 Line Fuse (odd voltage) 8330'f 4 gattery Fuse 862276 Paper 862282 Thrust Eearlng Spool 862330 Top Enclosure w/membrane switch 862269 Platen Roller I. n 862332 Paper Drive AssemblY 862302 LCO Module AssemblY . 6. or poor contacts by measuring the resistance for individual electrode leads.5V Nicad battery is located in a battery compartment on the bottom enclosure. Polishing cloth . lf problems are apparent. Wipe dry with a soft. Distilled water . Clean the housing with a damo cloth.4 Patient Cable Check the patient cable and input connector for any visible signs of damage or loose connections. Soft brush Mild detergent solution The purpose of preventive maintenance is to eliminate future problerns as much as possible and to keep the equipment in good operating condition. Individual dots or groups of dots which do not print (particularly at the baseline) are an indication that the printhead is dirty.1. wipe the paper compartment.1 Msual Inspection Check to see if the EK. Soft. In the event of a malfunction. Disconnect the patient cable from the unit and inspect it for short circuits. . such as a heavy lr ir Ir n Seruice Manual ffl i:):/ 6 MAINTENANCE 6.3 Power Cable Check the power cord and appliance inlet for any visible signs of deterioration. loose connections. Disconnect the AC power cord before attempting any cleaning. This ensures safe and satisfactory ECG recordings. . Restdue can be removed effectively by using a small amount of rubbing alcohol and a lint-free swab. .1. Under normal conditions.3 BATTERY The need for cleaning greatly depends on the environment and frequency of use' The following items are required: The EK10's optional 12. broken wires. THE FOLLOWING PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR: CAUTION:Avoid putt¡ng any liquids such as alcohol or solvents directly onto the unit. Check cabinet for cracks and missing parts.2 Cleaning 6. Contamination from liquids may result in severe electrical damage. clean cloth. Are mechanical items firmly attached? Are all internal electrical connections firmly attached? ls there any sign of burning or other damage? 6. or burn damage. Check for any signs of abnormal operation.2 PRINTHEAD The thermal array printhead should be kept clean and free of dirt or other foreign materials which can adversely affect its performance. lint-free cloth . Do not use abrasives or cleaners which may damage the printhead. Check leakage currents Simple maintenance routines. Check patient cable . Do not use abrasive cleaners or polishes.1. 6. are described in the Operating lnstructions.1.1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE . 6. lnspect connectors and cords for signs of deterioration.10 has been subiected to extreme mechanlcal stress. 6. Cleaning . Check power cord . Visual insoection . remove the power cable and check the following: . . this battery 19 . refer the repair to an authorized Burdick Service Representative. or damage from liquid spills. normally performed darly or weekly by the user. Also. Check thermal printhead and clean if necessary. rre¡rr uuvsr ond paper arg removgd. Approximately 15 hours are required to fully recharge the battery. About once every 6 months. This ensures that the battery will operate at full capac¡ty. At SOmmis they should be 1Omm apart. will provide approximately one hour of continuous service (about 50 ECG recordings in AUTO mode). select either 25mm/s or S0mmis. with 25mm between the large tic marks. partment is provided for access to R109. . and R122.ZA at 1Oomm. press front panel keys V4 and VO simultaneouslv to enter the Test & Setup Menu. Since individual printheads vary in resistance. Holes in the battery compartment are provided for access to R121 follows: 1. 2. A hole in the battery com. The tolerance is x. the EK10 should be allowed to run on battery power until the low battery indicator (LB) is displayed on the main menu.vhenever the EKlO PCB or printhead has been replaced. this adjustment also is necessary '. Select SPD to display the Speed Adjust Menu. adjust R121 for 25mm/s and R122for SOmm/s until the tic marks are properly spaced. NOTE: The EK10 can be operated under AC power without affecting the charge time. the battery's life expectancy is 3 . At 25mm/s the marks should be Smm apart. press front panel keys V4 and V6 simultaneouslv to enter the Test & Setup Menu. Return to the main menu by selecting RTN. Return to the main menu by selecting RTN. the unit will not operate even under AC power. 20 From the main menu. To terminate the adjustment procedure. The value on the printhead is visible when the paper com^^r+ñ^^+ vqr. adiust R109 until the displayed value matches the value indicated on the printhead.. Under normal circumstances. However. The writer will print a contlnuous strip of calibration lines until the STOP key is pressed.5 years. 6. the printhead voltage needs adjustment. The adjustment should be made as From the main menu. lf necessary. if the battery becomes completely discharged. From this menu. with 50mm between the large tic marks. 6. Select PHR and compare the displayed value (resistance in ohms) to the value indicated on the printhead. 4..4 PRINTHEAD VOLTAGE +- press STOP. lt allows the paper speed to be adiusted for both 25mmis and 50mm/s.5 PAPER SPEED ADJUSTMENT This adlustrnent should be performed after repair or replacement of the EK10 PCB or writer assembly. 1. 2.EK 1 0 El e ctrocardiog raph lf necessary. Then recharge the unit. ADJUSTMENT lf a message indicating high or low printhead resistance is displayed when the EK10 is first powered up. 5. . refer to sections 8.i- ll' .s1it :- ff 21 .B.7 EK10 PCB Component Diagram for the location of these comDonents.6 ADJUSTMENT LOCATIONS The following adjustments can be accessed írom the battery compartrnent: A B C - 50mm/s speed adiustment (R122) 25mm/s speed adjustment (R121) Printhead voltage adjustment (F109) Also..-l E.t Service Manual 6. . lü | .6 and 8. It' 1.r i'"L II I ie l!Fi. lr |r lr lf I I It$ It lr AB @@ if o r& E r :? I| ) @c o t . t#l . lrl t. Q4 is turned off again.5V isolated suppty is generated by tC5. CG provides ripple filtering for the reference during low line voltage conditions. This signal prevents strobe pulses from enabling the printhead. This causes the output of lC3 at pin 13 to go low.4V Q3 turns on to produce the strobe inhibit signal. and provide a DC value to the load resistor. Q2 turns on to mainta¡n maximum charge current to BATl (approximately 100mA)when the voltage across R5 is about 0. The line voltage is applied to transformer T1 through fuses F1 andF2 and the rear panel power switch. 04 turns off . The +5V power supply is generated 6y lCZ. C15 and R16 form a resonant discharge path for the primary ol T2via D7. a voltage regulator. which together form a 13. For the purpose of discussion. D41 provides a path for battery current when the EK10 is operating on battery power. S1. turn¡ng off the logic switch Q6. STRINH. Jumpers select the appropriate setting.2V (t5%) reference at pin A. and current sense resistor R5. which has an internal oscillator that produces a +SVDC output through DB. R24 and C'l9 determine the frequency of the internal oscillators. Q4 and lC3 control the logic switch. D40 blocks current flow from the battery into lC1. lC6.1 Power Supply The EK. R14 and R'f 5 provide the under voltage sensor input. which in turn drives the transformer.EK 1 0 El e ctrocardiog rap h 7 THEORY OF OPERATION 7. This causes the output of lc3 at pin 13 to return to a high condition. Pin 6 of lC4 drives the power FET Q7. the EK. R2 provides a current path for D3 and D4. When the front panel power ON/OFF switch is pressed.1 provide base current limiting and ground reference for Q7. As BAT.1 EKl O PCB Allof the circuitry for the EK10 Electrocardiograph is contained on a single printed circuit board.6VDC. microprocessor. R25 and C1B form a low pass filter for the over current shut down input at pin 3 of lC4. lts output voltage varies with the input and load to produce unregulated voltages for three isolated regulators: lCs. orinthead control. R23 and C17 filter out high frequency transients on the feedback signat. The transformer secondary provides 17VAC to rectifier D1 . R19. C10 and RB provide a power up reset. 7. which rectify and filter the input for 1C45. When power is first applied to the EK'l0. lC45 is a vottage regutator which provides +5V for the isolated logic circuitry. L1 . and C22. lf a strobe error is detected. The logic switch can be turned off by pressing the front panel power ON/OFF switch again. R3 and C7 provide output stability for lC1. and correspondingly the charge current is reduced. and 1C45. the circuitry on this board can be identified as follows: power supply. power is available to ail the circuits at the drain of Q6. fuse F3. Once the logic switch is on. The output regulation is controlled by feedback from pins 1 and 4 of T2. the voltage across R5 is reduced. In either case. a pulse width modulator. An inductor filters electromagnetic ¡nterference that is radiated from the power line.6V reference. The isolated power supplies are generated from lC4. motor control. C13 and C14 filter the switching suppty. keyboard interface. turning on logic switch Q6.I becomes fully charged. and LCD ¡nterface. C12 and zz R10 debounce the circuit. The output voltage from lC1 is determined by a 14. R20 and R2. The rectifier and C1 produce an unregulated 23V at the input of lC1. This voltage can be reduced when Q2 turns on to control the battery charge current for BAT1. or by the PWRDWN signal from the microprocessor. amplifier. D6 and C16 rectify and {ilter the signal. the STRERR signal turns on Q5 to force the strobe inhibit. R22 is the current sense resistor.l0 can be operated at line voltages of 120VAC or 24OVAC.lB for the feedback voltage applied to p¡n 2 of lC4. When the output falls below 4. The logic supply voltage is applied to lC4 at pin 7 and to the isolation transformer T2 at pin 5. Q6. Pins 7 and 10 of T2 furnish a pulsating vottage to D11 and C30.1. R6 provides a current path for R2 during very low line voltage condit¡ons. D9 and C23 rectify and filter the secondary to provide an unregulated +12V at pin B of lOs. The battery is charged through D40.l0 PCB. A divider network is formed by R17 and R. The +8. R26 ! T I I I I . 05H2. Signals 85 and BG determine which input signal at lC34 will be passed to the offset amplifier. whlch amplifies the input by a factor of 50. The multiplexer outputs from lC10 and lC1'1 are applied to the differential amplifier composed of lC15-A. lC21-A drives the output through T3. When data is to be sent to the control shift register (1C19). The CS signal enables the converter to clock data out to the isolation network. |C16. After being buffered. and are applied to the lead select multiplexers lClO and |C11. When the microprocessor needs data from the A/D converter (lC'17). Transistors Q11 and Q10 provide a mut¡ng function. Capacitor C33 filters out high frequencies on the input signal. only one input is described ¡n detail. The signal is delayed through lC35-A.l chest lead independently of lead selector signals B0When a lGlead cable is used. The -8.5V isolated supply is the same as the +8. Correspondingly. lC9-B detects when a S-lead patient cable is attached to the input connector. The chest lead signals are muitiplexed by tc12. Signal 87 causes a calibration pulse by turning on Q9. This signal disables lC17 and enables the clock to lC'19 through lC20-C and |C2O-D. The data output from lC17 at pin 6 is driven through T4 to provide the ADRXD signal. andxl12 gain selections are developed across a resistor divider network consisting of R94. This results in a 1mV input at the lead select multiplexel IC1 1 .5V isolated supply. n rt r n n ü:. :|. lC'17 is an B-bit serial analog to digital converter. which drives transformer TB. Diodes D14 and D15 protect against high voltage defibrillator pulses. Q14. Signals are sent across the isolation barrier with the aid of a modulator clock.5V supply except that the ground and output pins are reversed to yield a negative voltage. which provides the demodulating clock for lC22-A. and associated components to cause an additional discharge of C92. The x2. D. lt is also applied to IC3GA at pin 6 to disable the ADSCLK signal and to lC39-F to enable the CTS signal. and lC'15-D. The clock results from the ADSCLK signal being enabled at lC36-A when the AD/CNTRL signal is hígh.lC22-8. lC9-8. the transition latches data from lc19 into lC1B. R96. x1. and lC13-D. C92 discharges through these transistors when the muting signal.(Note: Q14. and lC22-D. RN1. Q15. runs at 6MHz and is under control from the microprocessor. C24 and C25 provide filtering for the +8. the AD/CNTRL signal is brought low. . :l t n r 7. The signal is also sent through lC21-A to serve as the modulating clock for the outout from 1C17. This selects the V. The cable provides continuity between CSA ancj CSB to cause a high at pin 5. C92 and R123 produce a low frequency response of 0.aod R27 determine the output voltage. lC35-8. 84. and R97. The CTS signal is driven through T7 and produces the clock input to 1C17. R5B and C45 mute any high frequencies before the signal is applied to |C16. the AD/CNTRL signal is brought high. Diodes D1 2 and D13 are connected to each of the lead protection diodes and províde a current path to the isolated ground.2 Amplifier Since the input circu¡try for each patient lead is the same. lC13-C. and associated components drive the mutino transistors.) lC34 is the gain select multiplexer. goes low.1. a high is produced at the inputs to lC13-8. This helps prevent a memory etfect in the capacitor. Q15. signals 80-83 determine which lead group is selected. the limb lead signals pass through a lead weighting resistor network. When AD/CNTRL is returned to a low condition. and associated components are not present on boards prior to Rev. ISOCLK provides the modulating signal to lC24-8. This amplifier provides a gain of twenty. This network provides the means to interface non-isolated microprocessor circuitry to the isolated amplifier. ISOCLK. The isolated modulator clock signal. The RA input is current limited by resistor R30 and applied to butfer amplifier lC7-D. This output is sensed by lC25-D. lC15-8. which provides the demodulating clock for lC25-A. This control signal is driven across the isolation barrier to enable lC17 via its CS line. The output from TB is sensed by lC22-C. a 12MHz crystal. R122. the 50MMi25MM signal is high. When the P13 line is high. A thermister provides temperature information to the microprocessor. STRINH. To turn the motor on. depending on the input at pins 5 and 13. The system clock originates from Y1. The strobe signal is generated by the microprocessor at P35 and applied to the printhead through R 1 17. The strobe inhibit signal. the A switch in lC40 is closed to ground the 25mm/sec adjustment potentiometer. A high from P37 causes the motor to stop. the TXD and SCLK signals are routed through pins 9 and 10 of lC27 to the printhead. When a keyboard switch is pressed.5 Motor Control (Revision F and below) The paper drive motor can run at either 25mm/sec or SOmm/sec. T F I T q il I I I 1 The SCLK and TXD signals from the microprocessor provide clock and data signals the amplifier/printhead switch. 7. which contains the operating progranr for the microprocessor. Q18 turns on which grounds pins 3 and 4 of lC37 thereby turning it on. and sends the appropriate output to the LCD and thermal printhead. R121. lf the 2Smm/sec speed is selected. DMA circuitry. serial l/O. Field effecttransistors Q17 and Q16 selecteither the 25mm/sec potentiometer R121 or the S0mm/sec potentiometer R122. handles input from the front panel keyboard. A high from P37 causes the motor to stop.1.3 Microprocessor lC33 is a NEC7B310 microprocessor which has 4 analog to digital converters. R104 provides a ground path to the printhead when the amplifier circuitry is selected 6y 1C27.1. and peripheral interface ports built in. lC31 latches address lines A0-A7 when the ALE signal from the microprocessor is applied at pin 11. lC37 provides the constant speed control. is connected at R1 17 and inhibits the strobe if a failure is detected. the signal is brought low and inverted by Q13 before being applied to the gate of Q18.i i i : l EKl 0 Electrocardiograph 7. R'122. This in turn causes the gate of Q16 to go high and the base of Q17 to go low.4 Keyboard Interface Pull-up resistors in RN3 provide +5V to the keyboard. This closes the B switch in lC40 to provide a ground for the S0mm/sec adjustment potentiometer. Q12 is the motor current driver. the signal is brought low and inverted by Q13 24 before being applied to pin 3 of 1C37. P0-P7. When the gate of Q18 is brought high. When this line is low. 7. R121. lC29 is the system ROM. lC40 is an analog switch that selects the speed by grounding pin 1 or 3. lC37 provides the constant speed control.1. The signal is buffered by lC39 and lC41 before being applied to the microprocessor. When the 50MM/ 25MM signal is low.lf the S0mm/sec speed is selected. lC39-E inverts this signal so that the base of Q20 is driven low and the base of Q19 is driven high. The microprocessor controls the timing of data acquisition.6 Printhead Control The printhead timing cycle requires the data to be clocked into the printhead logic and latched in the printhead buffer. the 50MM/25MM signalfrom the microprocessor is high. 3 timers. which can shut down the system if the printhead becomes too warm. The microprocessor (1C33) turns the motor on and off via the PAUSE/RUN signalfrom its P37 line. The strobe signal is also applied to the strobe width { I T t . The four column signals are also sensed by lC38 and 1C39. When the SOmm/sec speed is selected.5a Motor Control (Revision G) The paper drive can run at either 2Smm/sec or 50mm/ sec. Static discharge protection for the microprocessor port lines. The 50mmlsec potentiometer. lC30 provides temporary RAM storage for data and processor commands. The P13 line on the microorocessor (1C33) controls switch selection. 1C27. 7. lC39-E inverts this signal to apply a low at pin 13 of 1C40. R105 and CB1 orovide a 1Oms debounce network before the signal is inverted at lC39-A and applied to the microprocessor's lNT2 line. To turn the motor on. lC2B produces an enable signal for the liquid crystal display when the appropriate address is presented on lines A13-A15. 7.1. the 50MM/25MM signalgoes low and the opposite action takes place resulting in Q17 turning off and Q17 turning on which selects the 2Smm/sec potentiometer. is provided by R85-R93. The microprocessor (1C33) turns the motor on and off via the PAUSE/RUN signalfrom its P37 line. Data is then strobed onto the thermal array grid.1. R101 provides short cicuit protection. the RXD and TXD lines of the microprocessor are directed to the amplifier circuitry from pins 2 and 3 ot lC27 . is thereby selected. both a column and row are taken low and applied to the microprocessor. which is driven by the output at pin 6 of 1C37. The digitized ECG signal is applied to an B-bit digital{o-analog converter.. lf the strobe pulse is longer than 2.i. A reset signal is applied at pin 1 of lC32 during power up to ensure that the printhead is not strobed during this time.l#+. and the output at pin 6 of lC32 remains low. J1. This causes pin 6 of lC32 to go high. The A0 address line high for data and low for the instruction mode.1.i r'l l¡i. Current output at lC46 pin 1 is converted to a voltage range of 0 to -5V by lC49-D.0ms. During a write operation. The A1 address line to the LCD is high for read operations and low for write operations.5V reference supplíed by D4B and associated components is applied to lC49-C. 7. 25 . pín 2 of lC32 is high when pin 7 of lC23 returns high. which shifts the signal level to -2. pin 4. This signal causes data to be clocked into 1C43.0ms. lf the strobe pulse is less than 2. lC4B and associated components generate -5V. 1C43. r:' lri. Pin 7 is ground and the other pins are not used.8 1V Output (Version 2 only) This circuitry provides a 1V analog ECG output at pin 1 of the external connector. Configured as a single-pole 40Hz filter.1. 1C46. The software filter does not affect the 1V output signal. The LDOLD7 data lines interface with lC43 during a write. pin B of lC26-C goes low to latch the data into the LCD. and lC44 provide the interface between the microprocessor and the liquid crystal display. 7. The falling edge of the strobe triggers one-shot lC23 and is the D input for flip flop 1C32. the output at lC44-8. When the output from lC44-B returns low.¡1. pin 2 of lC32 is low when lC23 times out. The liquid crystal display has an internal controller and drivers which allow it to operate independently of the microprocessor when new data is not being written to or read from the display. The gain of this output tracks with the unit gain. which is comprised of lC23 and 1C32.1:' detector circuitry.1.:. ¡1&r+9.rl. The 2. via data bus lines D0-D7.5V. is high. sending the STRERR signal to P16 of the microprocessor and to the strobe inhibit circuitry. which is filtered by lC49-B to provide -5V op amp supplies. lC49-A and associated components smooth the signal for output.¡.7 LCD Interface 1C26. *-* i És ei* i i | i | _-**J .-'jNF&MF-''" EK 1 0 ElectrocardiograPn I t t I I I I I r-------l II | . itul ü:{ ie) *---l-". .\* !t I :: t1I 5. :+at | d I I lI i !l\ :! g' e': i! t5 h¡. Service Manuat 7.1. \ E R s 6 Y ñ I o o O o .10 EK10 PCB Block Dlagram é 8b Eü --\ 5 ñ Á Ie ñ ú O s f.'. 8 SCHEMATICS AND COMPONENT DIAGRAMS .1 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC 8. G and after) ' a1: I I 8. 8.D.3 INPUT CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC (continued) I 8.'-iffi . D and after) I 8.ffiH 8. F and below) 8.2 INPUT C¡RCUIT SCHEMAT¡C I 8.'l*.4 LOGIC CIRCU¡T SCHEMATIC (Rev.. E and F) 8..7 EK10 PCB COMPONENT DIAGRAM (Rev.6 .5 LOGIC CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC (continued) I 8..4A LOGIC CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC (Rev. G and after) D) I t .2A INPUT C¡RCUIT SCHEMATIC (Rev.8 EK10 PCB COMPONENT DIAGRAM (Rev. K10 PCB COMPONENT DIAGRAM (prior to Rev. S.7 X .T\ tcF I ¿5v I cs r00f T ¡5t) .5v ñICAI] . -- l-o FR:ñr.F€S¡sTacE v^u-€s IN Ors >!C *t6 e .R€ tz---^U.^-L FfxED R6S¡SIORS^.:i*J-: E -t - RI 5. AY¿O' Lco -T. ^Re C-p^C¡iaG VILES Iil ñlCtCFR. C4 al+400 'l'roor .dr* I ¡lFzs ll!cK I I€fES¡ I}LE.7 I1ILTON.L? ii]ol-e * .._ ASE'1 RAU L-5-30 BURDIC TITLI: FrG i\o.¡ I I 8. r1K '1'e.€J I I 94f.SS OT¡€A!'ISE SF€ClFI:! SIgl 1-^1 N^.1rK )d T\ teCV 1 e+ov lF11€ li.7s _1T -l =¿. 540C36 FOWER SUPPLY CKT. -8'5r'I MASTIR RTVIS ON TABLT R13 i I I gtut OATE a6l órt DESCRIPTION fE! 1 5013 rs0{q 9 /2" /s5 \ .¡-1c t8 D. l0 -{si II ? B z 1 2 L I 0 I 4V 1 SLt D10 I*.-c8l 01! sRso 3 g^Tt 1e.G Iq R!+ 1l+¡4€ fi ers !¡K Iv t0K I 10K lcH Fé L. LF: ¡- I---1. 5ñt!uri ii .of]-€es ¡rlÉ SZ 3.'is ^E cÉsfRrPf t5l !s¡ t_ I 1.J I CÍUOIT¡^E -' . I suaüi&'ex:c :.! t l.0 sFs03 ¡q[.1 fÉtr ¿. UI .-_í"__F_3 30cra -i ¡ i J s.).¿€ ?s lN+148 --iGt 'C+ llF6 lfJS¿13 |¿< I .n- . svr f-"**o rT:P :. INC. wI UNIT¡ Éux!ls s ü . titf I I I Delt _l . Ne€J gíf.G:sTAcE V¡LI'ES !N *rs >!c ctst€ & <1 a. f TI r:z TL-oA40¡ G r33< o.48 J' *ir V . EK o.C^P^C¡T^¡€E V4_Lt5 M€ ^ÁÉ 5Z gr3t91 . rtl I FSS +s3< u c36 ¿r0PF l I t . s¡cl t-^!.aI F¡xE FÉsISfcFs^'1€ \Z---^LL CrTr€FS ^FÉ 3.¿ I )I fmINAfEJ f€fES.v v x i . ¡ILTON. StLioo FSo 13< o.€]SVI o R+3 ICl3-a\ 7+CA? R40 7 il ¿cK R+a a1 lM!= F F--____?_€. RA'J L-5-90 No.'Ji:]ffi Dr3-3t tMsa^nE t I I I I s^l!_-s E clJTFÍ + R+5 5. 56 0 0 35 EURDICK. gtl r ol ErcE.l -J J-' tcra 7 +Er7 3|]{ I t tl I 5A €$ tI ti I OJTRJT + rh @{rPo_ +0s!!E R+t al +csa Á 5 LE^! I I C^A-E L€TECfCR [LtIa-e€Fs .tt ':¡ l lRt |3.rG L rl AsEfl r86e++a . TITLtr ' INPUT CKT.csu fe ¡N ñIC'CFAAA¡S rrulN Dr.11 rr O 'R3a I ! 85l 3-F3 ) . L¡r€sS CrTl€ilf S€ SP€CIíIA !. 8€ 3. L^fcx 5 LÉ^O C^6L€ 0Éf€CiOñ r{+r5z I'a 9 5!6( I -^r N^ÉJ t I sxft) cco8ot¡^f€ J a)..2A MILroN.c.0rf-f¡ a¡t t i15l ¿Cf. BtoctI¡6 c^r^ctfor i5r l-tr( r! z .{ : 6l .r-) iJ3i¿1 165(11 lro -o ^sLts -:- I ñOt€5:UNLE5S OrH€¡rl5E SFECIF!aO r. 564436 INPUÍ sa.c^P^c¡r¡{cE ^Áé 8862i42 ." "T 2.^!L Élx€o AÉs¡stcAs^A€.HCa2 Á15 afé qtÁcú!t g' I I E N T c4l tl. 3gz-t"o ^s€v AsEv aa62653 . zdr..te C^L PULSÉ GEÑ!F^IOñ o¡ 2 'lutJ 5 ñ.a"t !lr * ¡ct a CH QA L IC6 7.fa oM ! <r <6 rz---^LL Oft€RS 5t ^ñE vaLu€s ^ñEJN . 6ál r¿q (NOrE: rHlS SHE€T IS ÉOR rE624' I REV-O ANO LATÉF ) €l BURDICK.ll[. ar 'LO6'CJ 432 Ol. o.¡cñoF^F¡OS r . ti lNC. I I ILtr: owG No. gbl rz-t .ii r z U T ?.¡rt A55 LOw.1 ----..REs!Sf^rCE v^LU€s ¡N CB6 .. wI AUFO¡CK ÉKIg CKT s¡i 2A oe . ! t\ Crg g't -!u ¿r¡ -& áv!: F36 1!l r1l FlÉ P s 65 r 3-rt ro_:g srfJ'F3r^.l --'i I oa I I I. cso a ./"' ñr 2¡ f.. @ u ? 2At 2 lcl5 -^ .HCa73 cc¡lFcL I' t4Hcr ¡. . + s G.1 B .---a-L ofl€Rs aFE s¿ ^É. HILTON.2 | ¡ | | *'z pc ALE o ^Lgts-01..c:l I ) ) All! ^¡0 FD(} 106 10K 5-€r ^12 A^¡3 allD@ R ^-D0-^ltt Pt3 Pt6 ill Rt07 10K )Q.10 A .A -tr-.á< ^¡6 P36 ^ts AIl+ NO A.3 G..¡ rc=' FO-LOtiSl ^STO B¡DI @if(N P¡Ñ TI-€ FCI.RÉ Ifo€ t0. ---{ grra_-ot !-Fa .R€SISTA\C¿ v^Lt-ES fN o+ts >10 CFi€ & ¿1 f€6 a.a D !-l P04 F! 4eaa At5 a€t { s-Ett l 5-c7 t úrs-€r tñ r ñ(s-Drl A1S PC7 Pr0 A13 l:J All -l :l Pl+ ^11 Ar0 Alz *-1 *.'r' c8+ off -La 1 OJT IC+ ! -S Lñrot+ 6 VDD d13-rc o i!9* = +c 3e UNUSED auu l-11 rc 1^ juo 4 lvssl DAIA I el r 7L<J+ !+538 RIMF€A. p:s IC+r -A 7 +'c0+ 7 +CL+ IC33 UPDZ831 .6." .1{ €-^1s{5-É! +.Í 8.. off P¡N eS---ñ€. ERS:ñ| t-ÉB) Pta P34 A\e .LOJ¡¡G PRIMn<^o REslsT^¡(: I PtN ?7---8.Al.7 I / . TITLf ^: s'DUG NO. FI)€D RESISÍCFS^FE t'/..CI$€CTA 10K t 00K ^.s R . 560O ' INC. wI UNIf¡ BURDICK EKlO .t.^! O I5*-T L* '-l PATE€ -Ae tñ+r5¿ R! 00 1!. F81 F¡€ f** PI}6 O.5.8. S( fmc¡ lc+L-c I 7 IC39-D 2 . !a RÉ vlrf r-€t0 ) AVSS t0K AV fdF } N)7 ¡NTA 15¡err F84 \.O PFOTÉEi:O¡ I ñITES¡ t¡.r-ESS OfF€ryIS€ SF€af F!E! !.6.10L6 ASaY AsÉ¡1 8.9 PIil e3---S€.'.C*^CIT^JG ¡:t t^ N¡CRCFAR^¡S = te7 7 +€.E.4 '86e++¿ '86e553 Dtuw RAW 1-5-30 BURDICK.rl O . LOGIC CKT. VILES AF€ IN 3.-----€r ffii !-Esl . . SHTSoFS .uw Dlrc RAu 1-3-e0 ¡ro.8.r-ESS NA€J gÍr¿ | ÉCúv r R = CaTE A L lA i:i__.= T1 I ) R11/ I H ="co *ñ IÉ¡ i-¡¡rc -l.8. TILTON.r..¿..'-':'. 560 036 | BURDICK..5 ñITES¡ tl.s nRlls + U toK esrr.¿:.s ( ^¡€ +-F8 n#rsToR -STGT*"2.r.t.-=T rcao = Lr¡ IC+3 f}€F-ilsrcR_.a.É.:. Q 1r í-_---T-_F tn I N. te | C\¡Il .C¡P^Cri{€€ 8. I D€SCAIPTIO{ OnGvIsÉ SP€CIFIED 1.8. -.RÉs¡5'^¡€ vatlEs Af.:.rtrc -Lca-¡ I lc. t3 .+873 L5l¿¿J u¡lu=eu I 1i I J f ) f.3 L .9 .*. 7+€r38 rjl-\s b^ | I r> T E R QYpaqq .t S¡C{ 1 -^1 | LIGD¡N^TE i r r r€.¿ Icso ¿ . lNC.i j." = *cs lf A Y 10f 6r I.r .i1:. itlr'1 . r? S r- -8. TITLE: LCCTC CKT.-rarc--i-----S*. 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