Manual de serviço Samsung GT-I8552-TSHOO-7

May 22, 2018 | Author: negogrummt | Category: Computing And Information Technology, Entertainment (General), Business



PM8029 VREG_RFRX_2.7V GPS LNA GPS_LNA_ON (PMIC) GPS I/F MGF7301-38 MSM_A1(0:14) RX_GPS ANT_SEL(0:3) VREG_RFRX_2.7V MSM_D(0:31) VREG_PA_2.1V eMCP VREG_MSMP_1.8V EMCP_D(0:7) VREG_MSME_1.8V RX_I/Q RX_EGSM900 EMCP_CLK (4GB eMMC + 8Gb VNAND_3.0V RX_2G_LB SAW TX_I/Q RX_GSM850 EMCP_CMD LPDDR) WGPRS Filter 8-1. Block Diagram RFOUT_DCS,PCS DAC_REF EMCP_RST Mod ule SAW RX_DCS1800 TX_ON RF I/F eMMC I/F PM8029 V_BAT RX_2G_HB RX_PCS1900 SKY77584 Filter PWR_D (PMIC) RFOUT_G850,EGSM RTR6285A TRX_WCDMA2100 SENSOR_I2C_SCL BMC150 RTR_W2100_RX (Trans ceiver) SENSOR_I2C_SDA VDD_SEN_3V3 (Accelera tors / V_BAT JAV5 601 BMC_INT1 Duplexer 8. Level 3 Repair RFOUT_W2100 Sensor Compass Se nsor) 3G B1 WCDMA_900 I/F SENSOR_I2C_SCL VDD_SEN_3V3 TRX_WCDMA900 IR Proximity JAV5 508 SENSOR_I2C_SDA VPROXY_LED_3V3 V_BAT Dupl exer RFOUT_W900 PROXI_INT Lig ht Sensor 3G B8 SBDT_RTR6285A V_BAT RX_2100 MIC5362- PROXY_LED_EN 3.3YMT(LDO) SAW Filter MICROSD_CMD SD I/F MICROSD_CLK VREG_MSMP_1.8V SD_DET_N VREG_TFLASH_2.85V VC-TCXO TCXO-CLK RCV RCV_P/N MICROSD_DATA(0:3) VMIC_BIAS_1.8V MIC_P/N (MSM8225) MAIN MIC 5MP_CAM_MCLK VCAM_A_2.8V 5M_CAM_RESET SPK SPK_OUT_P/N HPH_R 5M_CAM_STBY VCAM_C_1.2V RP507K PM8029 HPH_L AUDIO I/F MIPI_TX_CP/CN 5M CAM VCAM_IO_1.8V (DC/DC) EAR_SPK_R MIPI_TX_DP/DN(0:1) NL17SG32P5T5G DET NCX2220GM DET EAROUT_R/L (Auido) CAM_I2C_SDA/SCL VCAM_AF_2.8V MIC5362- EAR_SPK_L (Compar ator) (Compa rator) 2.8YMT(LDO) EAR_MI CAM I/F VCAM_A_2.8V EAR_BIAS_1.8V AUX_MIC_P/N VT_CAM_MCLK C VT_CAM_RESET JACK_INT_N VT_CAM_STBY VT CAM MIC5362- MIPI_TX_CP/CN_VT VCAM_IO_1.8V 1.8YMT(LDO) BT_CLK_REQ BT_PCM_OUT PM829 MIPI_TX_DP0/DN0_VT BT_CLK BT_PCM_IN EN_CAM_IO BT_PCM_SYNC BT I/F MSM8225Q CAM_AF_EN (PMIC) SLEEP_CLK 8-1 BT BT_PCM_CLK PCM I/F CAM_C_EN CSR7820 BT_HOST_WAKE FLASH I/F KTD262EJH-TR BT_UART_CTS FLASH_MODE_GATE VPH_PWR BT_RF_TRX BT_UART_RTS UART I/F FLASH_EN_GATE (Cam Flash Dri ver) BT_UART_RXD / TXD PM8029 FUEL FUEL_ALRT STC3115IJT VF (PMIC) BT_PRIORITY BT_ACTIVE WLAN_ACTIVE FUEL_I2C_SCL/SDA WIFI-FEM GAUGE (Fuel Gauge) V_BAT D2037 WLAN 2G RX/TX WLAN_SD_CMD HOME_GPIO_37 HOME KEY WLAN_SD_CLK WLAN I/F KYPD VOL UP KBR(4)/KBC(0) VREG_VIB_3.05V WLAN_SD_DATA(0:3) IF ANT_SEL(B,C,E) WIFI KBR(1)/KBC(0) VOL DOWN WLAN_HOST_WAKE AR6005G Super CAP V_BAT WIFI_TCXO WLAN_RESET_N WIFI_CLK_REQ VREG_MSMC1_1.1V VREG_MSMC2_1.1V VREG_MSMP_1.8V VREG_MSMP_1.8V VREG_MSME_1.8V ON_SW POWER KEY LCD_DETEC LCD_VGH_14V5 T LCD_DETECT VLCD_3.0V VREG_MSMP_2.85V VREG_USB_3.3V/1.8V Output Volt age VREG_MSMP_1.8V MIPI_CLK_P/N VREG_MSM_PLL_1.1V KYPD MAIN LCD MIPI_D_0_P/N Regulator KTD253EHD- LCD I/F VREG_MSM_PLL4_1.8V I/F LED_P_26V MIPI_D_1_P/N VREG_RF_2.1V VREG_S(0:4) / VREG_L(0:25) TR(BLIC) LCD_RESET_N VREG_MSM_CSI_1.8V LCD_BL_CTRL VREG_MSM_DSI_1.2V VREG_MSMA_2.6V I2C Inte rface MIC5362- TSP_SCL PS_HOLD VTOUCH_3.0V TSP TSP_SDA PON_RESET_N GPIO 35 SCL 3.0YMT(LDO) TSP I/F PM8029 TSP TOUCH_IRQ SLEEP_CLK 3PI_ADC(Ear Jack) GPIO 40 SDA System TRK_LO_MSM (Main PMU) TOUCH_EN PM_INT_N GPIO 122 SCL FSA880UMX Contr ol THERM_ADC GPIO 123 SDA (uUSB IC) TCXO_EN General UART_TXD/RXD ULPI_TCXO I/F GPIO 16 SCL BMC150 DM MUS_SCL/SDA REF_OUT House (Acceleration/ GPIO 17 SDA SBDTI_PMIC Syst em 19.2MHz Compass) DP FSA880UMX MUSB_INT Keepi ng USB I/F SIM1/2_CLK_MSM GPIO 60 SCL USB_ID (u-USB IC) USB_DP/DM Control CAM GPIO 61 SDA SIM I/F SIM I/F 32.768KHz VREG_MSMP_1.8V SIM1/2_DATA_MSM I/F SCL UART_BOOT_ON GPIO 78 STC3115IJT GPIO 79 SDA (Fuel Gauge) VREG_USIM1/2_3V0 PM8029 JIG_ON Main BATT SIM SIM SIM1/2_RST V_BAT Charge 1 2 SIM1/2_CLK (PMIC) VF (Main Battery) SIM1/2_DATA Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution, transmission, or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Level 3 Repair 8-2. PCB Diagrams 8-2-1. Top 8-2 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution, transmission, or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Level 3 Repair 8-2-2. Bottom 8-3 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution, transmission, or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Level 3 Repair 8-3. LOGIC 8-3-1. Power On Power switch on NG Connect the jig box. Check the current consum NO ption Download >= 100mA? Yes Check the battery NO voltage Change the battery >= 3.45? Yes Check the GPIO_2 NO Check the PMIC 5 of UCP300 PS_ related to PS_HOLD HOLD pin is 2.6V? Yes NO Check the clock at OSC400 = 32.7KHz ? Resolder OSC400 Yes C441(VREG_MSMC1)=1.1V? C440(VREG_MSMC2)=1.1V? C439(VREG_MSME)=1.8V? NO Check the voltage and Resolder R320(VREG_MSMP)=1.8V? PM400 C426(VREG_MSMA)=2.6V? Yes NO check Resolder or Replace UCP300 the initial operation Yes NO END Change the main PBA 8-4 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution, transmission, or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Level 3 Repair VREG_MSMP_1.8V S1 VREG_PA_2. transmission.1V C426 S2 S3 C452 S4 C454 C438 C439 C440 C441 C442 OSC400 4 3 1 2 C354 C354 R335 R335 R301 R301 R30 R33 C352 C352 35 R3 R357 R35 3557 C367 C367 C3 C36 TP 36 36 P S C430 C C43 C4430 30 C3 C349 349 3449 SIM WLAN P W TP CLWLAN SD P LAN SD WLAN CLK SD CM AN SD IM C3 4 7 C347 C34 M DA D DATA L404 04 L404 L405 L405 ATA C439 C439 C43 C4 TP C438 C438 C43 TA 4 P WLAN WLAN R 400 00 0 0 C429 C429 C42 C4 C316 C316 C31 426 C426 426 26 RE RESET ESET N C346 C346 C42 C348 348 C348 48 C4 C34 C3 R409 R4 0 9 R40 R4 C315 C315 UCP300 U 400 00 OSC4000 TP_SD_DQM_300 TP P S SD D DQ DQM 30 30 C407 C407 C314 C314 C406 406 406 06 301 40 C40 C447 C447 C44 447 C448 C448 C44 C4 448 0 C40 QS B 3 L403 L403 CP3 CP3 C4 DQS QS SC4 DQ SD D P SD SC C 308 C30 C TP P3 0 P S TP SDD DQS 30 DQ 30 C412 C 412 C437 C437 C43 C4 L401 01 L40 401 O C446 C446 C44 C4 SM P MSM TP MS M D 300 30 C413 C 413 PM400 400 00 00 46 C440 C440 C44 14 R714 00 R71 L400 400 L40 C322 C322 C310 C310 C442 C442 C44 M40 C452 C452 C45 0 C411 C411 C41 C4 LKK C325 C325 C32 C323 C323 CL KPNSD M4 4 C443 C443 C324 C324 C32 C326 C326 C445 C445 C44 C4 TP C454 C454 C414 C C41 C4414 402 L402 L CLK LK T C45 L 50 350 C350 0 D C C4 35 35 SD P S C3 TP C TP_SD_CKE_30 TP P S SD D CKE CKE 30 CK 300 300 TH300 C436 C436 C43 C4 C40 C405 C40 C4 R35 R353 R3 R3 5 5 R355 R40 R401 R40 R4 409 H30 C409 C R35 436 353 P 401 TH 36 405 TH301 H30 TH 30 011 05 R356 R356 R3 56 432 C432 32 C408 C408 TP P EM E EMCP MCP M CP C CM CMD M C43 441 C441 C44 C44 TP P EX EXT EXT XT B BUCK U EN C4 C BAT400 B 00 400 T40 AT4 R3 R35 35 358 58 58 C339 C339 C3 TP P EM E EMCP MCP CP RST C345 C345 345 C34 TP C433 433 C4 1 6 C416 C4 R408 R408 R40 R4 P P C43 PO PON 408 O N RE C42 C427 C4 C42 C428 C4 C4 354 54 R354 R3 R 08 C4 2 2 C422 C42 C4 C423 C C42 C4 C4 2 5 C425 C42 C4 C4 2 1 C421 C42 C4 C4 2 0 C420 C42 C4 C417 C417 C41 C4 C40 C401 C40 C4 C3 C32 328 3228 R RESET C 42 427 428 428 C434 C434 C4 E ES 423 C4 C C449 C44 C435 C435 C43 C4 SET 401 28 ET N R617 617 R61 R6 R 449 R321 R3 2 1 R322 R3 2 2 C33 C C335 C336 C336 C33 C333 C333 C33 C334 C334 C33 R32 R32 L300 L300 335 33 336 333 334 35 36 R405 R R40 R440 4 05 NT N C309 09 3099 M IINT C424 C 424 C 444 C444 44 C418 C 418 C402 C402 P T TP CXO EN XO TCXO EN C613 C6 1 3 C6 C419 C419 C41 30 C30 30 PM P P R411 R411 R41 R4 U706 06 06 U70 TP C331 C331 C337 C337 C332 C332 C330 C330 C33 C33 C33 C33 R32 R320 R32 R32 R R329 R315 R3 1 5 C R331 R3 3 1 R316 R3 1 6 R31 320 320 329 329 32 R412 R412 R41 R4 R33 R31 C3 C343 343 43 C329 C329 329 C32 R417 R417 R41 R4 R333 R333 R33 C7 C707 7007 R332 R332 R3 BO P B TP O OO BOOTOT SCUR CU SCU 8-5 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution.6V R320 R321 R322 H22 EN_CAM_IO C19 GPIO_4|LCDC_PCLK FLASH_MODE GPIO_5|LCDC_RED_7 AT32 CAM_MCLK GPIO_15|CAM_MCLK AM16 SENSOR_I2C_SCL GPIO_16|WDOG_STB|MDP_VSYNC_E AN17 SENSOR_I2C_SDA GPIO_17|CAM_FLASH|ASYNC_TIMER1A AR15 BT_HOST_WAKE GPIO_18|CAM_SHTR|ASYNC_TIMER1B| AJ15 GPIO_22|PA_ON1 AN27 LCD_RESET_N GPIO_23 AR27 PS_HOLD GPIO_25|PS_HOLD AJ25 UART_BOOT_ON GPIO_26 AT28 TOUCH_IRQ GPIO_27|GP_CLK|CAM_AFC2|ASYNC_TIMER2A AK26 PROXI_INT GPIO_29|CAM_AFC0|SYNC_TIMER2 AN29 GPIO_30|SYNC_TIMER1 VREG_MSMC1_1. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. .2V VREG_NCP VREG_MSME_1.8V VREG_MSMA_2.1V VREG_S2_1. L602.L603 CHECK LCD DATALINE NO (LCD_SDA.L601.SCL) Resolder or replace UCP300 Yes Replace LCD NO Replace PBA 8-6 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. LCD Working Power Switch On LCD FPCB Correctly connected LCD Display connector is co On? NO rrectly connecti NO ned? Yes Yes C618 LED_P_26V=26V? Yes NO Replace U603 & Check Replace or Resolder D600.L601. transmission.L603 & D600. Level 3 Repair 8-3-2.L602. Distribution. . . transmission.Level 3 Repair VPH_PWR L601 D600 L603 L602 LED_P_26V C617 C618 C621 U603 6 1 VIN LX 5 2 VOUT GND 4 3 LCD_BL_CTRL EN FB LED_N R615 C607 C612 R613 C300 C30 C307 C30 C3 0 C370 C360 360 R303 303 R309 309 R304 R304 R310 310 R319 R319 R308 R306 R306 R307 R307 R305 R305 C301 301 C30 C304 C R330 R330 R33 C34 C C344 R30 R30 R30 R31 R31 R30 R30 R30 R30 307 304 30 344 344 34 C302 C C30 3 02 04 30 C618 C618 C61 C617 C C6 L603 603 C R R R C 4 C61 C640 40 C640 C6 617 C6 L 612 C612 D60 D600 000 C61 C6 C 602 L602 L C607 C607 C6 C60 U603 U 60 6 L601 601 03 UME3 ME3 ME E30 3000 0 R613 R613 R61 R6 R615 R615 R6 R61 L R366 R R36 C621 C621 C6 C62 36 666 UAR P U TX RT T ART XD XD RT RXD UART P UAR TP U ART RX RXD XD 00 R700 R70 U705 U C700 C70 70 00 05 C498 C498 C49 C4 C704 04 70 98 C R795 R795 C494 C494 L40 L407 407 8-7 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Distribution. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Level 3 Repair 8-3-3. .SDA UCP300 YES Replace LCD NO Replace PBA 8-8 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution. transmission. TSP Operate TSP NG Check NO TSP Connecting Reconnecting TSP YES Check NO Reconnecting LCD LCD Connecting YES Check NO Resolder or Replace VTOUCH_3.0V PM400 YES Check NO Resolder or Replace TSP_SCL. Distribution. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.L401 ? Replace PM400 Replace UCP300 YES YES Speaker break Change Speaker down? NO Change main PBA 8-9 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice.ZD508 C508.L401 NO Resolder or L400. . transmission.C527 YES Resolder Signal on in NO L400. Audio Working  Speaker Working Operate speaker NG Signal on in NO SPK_OUT_P Resolder & SPK_OUT_N? ZD507.Level 3 Repair 8-3-4. 2M_TCXO M4 TCXO_OUT_A0 WIFI_TCXO N9 R405 TCXO_OUT_D0 ULPI_TCXO N7 SPK_OUT_P SPK_OUT_N C527 C508 ZD508 ZD507 ZD502 Z 502 D50 D50 ZD500 Z L508 L L5 L5 L506 L NT201 ANT201 50 506 D50 08 06 8 TP TP SIM ZD503 ZD503 ZD C430 C C443 430 300 SIM WLAN WLA P W TP AN SD LA CLK SD C LAN S WLAN PLW SDD C CMM M DA D DATA 404 L404 L L405 L A AT C43 C C439 TP C438 C438 C43 C511 C C505 C T TA P WLAN A 4 WL AN RESET WL 400 51 505 50 40 40 00 00 439 0 C42 C429 C4 429 429 R RE C426 C426 ZD508 08 8 ZD507 507 AN 05 ESE ES C348 48 8 ET N 50 D50 D50 C4 C34 C34 5 D5 D5 ZD5 R409 R409 R40 R4 L502 502 L5 ZD 00 C400 OSC400 0 40 C4 C4 07 C407 406 C406 06 C406 40 C44 C447 C44 447 C527 527 27 08 8 C44 C448 C44 C4 448 4488 403 L403 L 52 C50 50 C4 SC4 C5 C5 C C SC 412 C412 C L503 L L5 C437 C437 C43 401 L401 L 5003 500 500 00 Q500 Q50 Q O C44 C446 C44 C4 3 446 413 C413 C M400 PM40000 0 46 C440 C440 C44 R714 14 6 L400 L400 71 C442 C442 C44 L507 07 M40 40 R 50 C400 C411 C411 C41 C4 L U503 U C455 C455 M4 503 55 C443 C 43 44 4 C44 C445 C44 C4 C451 03 C414 C C41 C4414 402 L402 L R501 445 45 C539 C 08 50 R50 5 53 R5 C4 C C436 C43 300 TH300 C4 C C405 C40 39 39 R355 55 355 R3 R R353 R40 R401 R40 R4 C409 C409 H30 35 436 353 35 P 401 TH R3 36 405 R D700 700 00 70 SD700 S 400 400 U400 U C432 432 C 08 C408 408 4 C43 441 C441 C44 C C4 C 00 00 400 40 BAT4 4 C433 433 C416 C416 C4 R408 R408 R40 R4 C43 C427 C427 C42 C4 C428 C428 C42 C4 C4 C422 C422 C42 C4 C4 C423 C C42 C425 C425 C42 C4 C421 C421 C42 C4 C420 C420 C42 C4 C417 C417 C41 C4 C40 C401 C40 C4 C C434 C434 C4 4334 4 C44 C449 C44 C4 C435 C435 C43 C4 423 401 INT400 00 400 401 01 01 NT 40 449 719 R719 R NT4 INT C IN P INT 49 35 TP T P DRDY DRDY D IN NT N MC BMC TP M BM 400 00 PM INT NT 40 IN C424 C424 C444 C444 C418 418 C41 C C402 C402 TCXO EN P TCXO TP EN C419 C419 C41 C4 P PM P INT C712 C IN 712 TP TP 8-10 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. transmission. Distribution. Level 3 Repair P18 SPKR_IN_M R19 L400 SPKR_OUT_M SPK_OUT_N L401 N21 SPK_OUT_P SPKR_BYP_P N19 C414 SPKR_IN_P HPH_R P22 C412 SPKR_OUT_P C413 P2 TCXO_IN CLK19. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. . Distribution.Level 3 Repair  Receiver Working Operate Receiver NG Check NO ZD504.ZD505.ZD505. transmission. Resolder or Replace C506.C507 YES Receiver break YES Change Receiver down? NO Check NO Resolder or Replace UCP300 UCP300 YES Change main PBA 8-11 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.C506. .C507 ZD504. 8V ? YES Change main PBA 8-12 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution. C526? C517. Level 3 Repair  MIC Working Operate MIC NG YES Pollute Clean up MIC Hole? MIC hole NO Signal on in NO Resoldering C517. transmission. C526 YES YES MIC Resolder or Replace break down MIC NO NO Signal on in Change UCP300 C519. C525. C520 ? YES Check Voltage NO of L505 Voltage is 1. . or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. C525. Level 3 Repair C503 C503 ZD505 ZD5 50 D5005 05 VREG_MSMP_1. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. . Distribution.8V 504 ZD504 C504 C D50 504 ZD5 D5 ZD C502 C630 R505 C506 R505 C604 R502 C507 C606 C611 HDC500 PROXI_INT 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 RCV_P 5 5 6 6 600 D600 7 7 8 8 RCV_N R621 R6 2 1 R62 R6 C616 C616 9 9 10 60 10 NC NCNCNC ED6 11 12 13 14 U607 07 C62 C623 60 U60 C636 C636 6 D U C506 C507 ZD504 ZD505 05 605 L605 5 600 U600 U L 60 VMIC_BIAS_1. transmission.8V L505 00 0 HOME701 HOME702 02 2 ME70 700 700 L701 L701 ME7 E7 7 ME7 M 7 OME ME OME OME MIC500 C722 C722 HO HO HO 1 22 R722 R72 POWER 2 GND C519 GND1 MIC_N R718 R718 C721 C 3 GND 721 721 72 GND2 R514 02 U702 4 OUT C520 U70 70 OUT MIC_P U 19 C719 C71 04 20 C720 C72 C517 C525 C526 ZD506 R516 VR504 01 C701 C70 29 R729 R72 R796 R 7 799 966 C7 C703 7003 U700 U C7 C724 724 24 04 R704 700 70 R70 C5 C C525 00 525 525 VR5 VR504 R5 5004 04 ZD ZD506 D50 D5 C52 C C526 C5 R51 R R514 R5 506 506 526 526 52 514 06 L505 05 L505 517 C517 C MIC50 MI 500 BH104 BH104 04 8-13 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Level 3 Repair  Stereo Headset Working Hands-free stereo headset NG YES Button NG? Resolder or Replace U503.U501 NO YES NO Check MIC NG? L507 Check U503. . or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. transmission.U501 YES NO Reconnect HDC501 YES NO Signal on SPK NG? in L500 L501 Resolder or Replace L500 L501 YES NO Resolder or Replace PM400 The End 8-14 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution. 8V VREG_MSMP_1. IN+ R509 C500 SPK_OUT_P SPK_OUT_N C527 C508 ZD508 ZD507 HDC501 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 EAR_DETECT_MIC L507 5 5 6 6 EAR_DETECT_GND L502 7 7 8 8 L506 L500 EARSPK_R L503 9 9 10 10 L508 L501 EAR_DETECT_EARLEFT EARSPK_L NC NCNCNC 11 12 13 14 C515 C516 L5 L503 L C513 C514 ZD509 ZD510 50 50 03 500 Q500 Q50 Q C511 ZD500 ZD502 R518 R519 3 ZD503 L507 07 50 C400 L U50 U5 U503 C455 C 45 C451 R501 C539 C R50 50 R5008 8 539 R5 400 U400 U MC NT400 01 NT 401 0 401 719 R719 R P IINT TP T P D DY DRD DRDY TP 00 NT 40 INT 40 0 C712 C P IN 712 8-15 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. transmission. . or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.8V R508 R522 R501 U503 C539 1 A VCC 5 EAR_DETECT_GND 2 GND R524 3 4 EAR_DETECT_EARLEFT B OUTY JACK_INT_N VREG_MSMP_1.Level 3 Repair VREG_MSMP_1.8V U501 R504 6 VCC OUT 1 1 G 5 2 NC VEE Q500 3 R507 EAR_DETECT_MIC D 2 S 4 3 IN. Distribution. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. . KEY Working  Power KEY Press Power Key NG Check the P/K NO Soldering State Resoldering the TACT702 It is OK ? YES Check NO Resolder or Replace R714 R714 YES Check NO Resolder or Replace ON_SW UCP300 YES Change main PBA 8-16 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. transmission. Level 3 Repair 8-3-5. Distribution. HOME701.L701.Level 3 Repair  Volume Key and Oter Sub key Press Volume Key and Other Sub Key Yes Volume Key NG? Resolder or Replace TAC700. transmission. ZD700 NO Yes Resolder or Replace home Key NG? R722. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. TAC701.TSP NG? 8-17 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. . Distribution.HOME702 Yes NO Resolder or Replace UCP300 Yes Replace PBA Yes home Key LED Check HOME700 is damaged NG? NO Menu&Back Key GO TO 8-3-3. transmission. Level 3 Repair TAC700 KBR(4) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KBC(0) TAC701 KBR(1) 1 2 ZD700 VDD_KEY_LED_3. .8V 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 HOME700 R722 2 2 L701 HOME_GPIO_37 1 1 HOME701 TAC702 2 2 R714 ON_SW 2 1 C721 1 1 HOME702 7 6 5 4 3 C722 2 2 7000 TAC700 C70 AC7 TA 0 C21 C C216 C2 C2 C C235 C23 216 235 726 26 C726 09 D509 ZD509 D510 ZD510 D51 C ZD5 Z 516 C516 L501 L501 C51 BH103 BH10 H 10 03 03 L5 0 0 L500 C5 C 00 0 HOME701 HOME702 ME702 02 R519 R519 R518 R R51 5 18 ME70 ME70 TAC702 TA AC7 700 022 ZD700 700 0 00 L701 L701 70 D70 ME7 ME7 ME7 C51 C C514 C5 C51 C C513 C5 10 C410 410 OME OME OME C41 514 513 C4 C4 Z C722 C722 HO HO HO R5 R R522 R509 R R55 50 509 09 R50 R507 R5 R50 507 500 500 C500 522 522 C50 R722 22 R722 72 C5 U50 U501 501 R524 R718 R718 R7 R50 R R504 R5 C721 C721 504 50 72 21 02 02 U702 U70 U70 ZD704 ZD704 704 19 19 C719 C71 C705 05 04 C70 C70 720 20 72 C720 C 704 70 04 TA A 701 01 TAC701 AC70 C70 C43 C437 C4 437 01 C701 C70 R729 29 R72 R796 R796 C703 C 7 703 03 U70 U700 C724 C724 04 04 R704 R 14 R714 R71 70 C442 C442 C44 C4 C5 C525 C5 0 R R3 R R353 55 355 R355 35 353 35 R3 R 8-18 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.3V C726 VREG_MSME_1. Distribution. C501 Yes VDD_VIB_3.05V NO Check PMIC (PM400) (C501) = 3.05V? 8-19 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice.Level 3 Repair 8-3-6. Vibrator Working Operate Vibrator NO Check NO Resolder Vibrator Motor Vibrator Motor Yes Check No Resolder or Replace D500. transmission. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. .C501 D500. Distribution. 05V R619 619 19 R61 R6 R6 R612 R612 R6 R61 619 C619 C 501 C501 R61 R618 R618 U602 U602 C ANT500 R620 R R6 1 620 620 62 1 20 C 620 C620 C6 C624 C C6 C62 624 624 2 D500 D500 00 2 09 609 R609 R60 R6 R R606 R606 R6 R60 U601 U601 C501 D500 608 R6 R 08 R60 C637 637 ANT500 T500 00 ANT501 1 01 ANT501 C615 615 1 C L604 044 C61 T50 50 1 L60 C6 NT5 NT5 R60 R R607 R6 C 607 2 2 A A R362 R362 C34 C340 C34 R36 40 C614 C614 0 R360 R360 R36 C369 C369 R361 R361 361 36 R36 U300 U300 8-20 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. . transmission. Level 3 Repair VREG_VIB_3. Distribution. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. transmission.Level 3 Repair 8-3-7.85V ? PM400(PMIC) YES Check UCP300 8-21 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. T-Flash Card Working Insert & Operate microSD card NG YES SD700 break down ? Change SD700 NO 10thPin of SD700 YES = High ? Change SD700 NO 4thPin of SD700 NO Resolder or Replace = 2. . 85V VREG_USIM1_3V0 R713 R708 R709 R710 R711 R712 SD700 1 MICROSD_DATA(2) DAT2 2 MICROSD_DATA(3) DAT3 3 MICROSD_CMD CMD 4 VDD R723 5 MICROSD_CLK CLK 6A VSS R715 6B SD_DET_N CARD_DECT R719 7 MICROSD_DATA(0) DAT0 8 MICROSD_DATA(1) DAT1 9 C1 10 SIM1_RST C2 11 SIM1_CLK C3 12 C4 13 C8 14 SIM1_DATA C7 15 C6 16 C5 17 NC 18 NC 19 NC 20 NC 21 NC 22 NC 23 NC 24 NC C710 3 1 6 5 4 C712 C709 ZD703 2 ZD502 Z 502 02 50 D50 D5 ZD ZD500 Z L5 L508 L L506 L L5 ANT201 NT201 50 506 506 D500 08 8 ZD50 ZD503 ZD C511 C C505 C 51 50 05 ZD508 D508 508 ZD507 507 AN D50 D50 ZD5 ZD5 D5 502 L502 L5 ZD ZD 27 527 C527 508 52 C50 C5 C5 C L503 L L5 50 03 500 50 5 00 00 Q500 Q50 Q 07 L507 50 3 C400 L5 U503 U C455 C45 455 503 55 C451 R501 C539 C R508 50 R5008 5 53 R5 3 39 9 S 00 700 SD700 D70 U400 U400 400 C INT400 NT 401 011 NT40 40 0 R719 R719 INT P D TP T DY D DRDYY P IN MC BMC M BM TP 400 00 NT 40 INT C712 C P IN 712 8-22 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Distribution. Level 3 Repair VREG_MSMP_1. transmission. .8V VREG_TFLASH_2. transmission. Distribution.Level 3 Repair 8-3-8.clk.C712 No = 3. . SIM Card Working Insert & Operate SIM card NG SIM Connector NO Break down? Change SD700 YES R719.0V Check PM400(PMIC) YES Resolder SD700 Yes No Resolder or Replace Check data.reset line PM400 Yes Change PBA 8-23 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. transmission.8V VREG_TFLASH_2. Level 3 Repair VREG_MSMP_1. . Distribution.85V VREG_USIM1_3V0 R713 R708 R709 R710 R711 R712 SD700 1 MICROSD_DATA(2) DAT2 2 MICROSD_DATA(3) DAT3 3 MICROSD_CMD CMD 4 VDD R723 5 MICROSD_CLK CLK 6A VSS R715 6B SD_DET_N CARD_DECT R719 7 MICROSD_DATA(0) DAT0 8 MICROSD_DATA(1) DAT1 9 C1 10 SIM1_RST C2 11 SIM1_CLK C3 12 C4 13 C8 14 SIM1_DATA C7 15 C6 16 C5 17 NC 18 NC 19 NC 20 NC 21 NC 22 NC 23 NC 24 NC C710 3 1 6 5 4 C712 C709 ZD703 2 Z 502 502 ZD502 D50 D50 D5 ZD500 ZD L5 L508 L L506 L L5 ANT201 NT201 50 506 D500 088 ZD50 ZD503 ZD C511 C C505 C 51 505 50 0 ZD508 508 D508 ZD507 507 AN D50 D50 ZD5 D5 ZD5 502 L502 L5 ZD ZD 27 527 C527 508 C50 C5 C5 C L503 L5 503 03 500 500 00 Q500 Q50 Q 07 L507 50 C400 L 5 U503 U U5 C455 C4 45 503 5 55 C451 R501 C539 C 508 R5008 50 5 53 39 R 700 00 D70 SD700 S U400 U400 C INT400 400 401 01 1 NT40 NT 40 0 719 R719 R INT P DRDY TP T DY D DY P IN BMC MC TP BM M 400 00 NT 40 P INT C712 C IN 712 TP 8-24 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Level 3 Repair 8-3-9 CAMERA Working  5M CAM Operate CAMERA NG Camera connector NO is connected correct? Re-connect Yes C601 = 2. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. .8V PM400(PMIC) L600 = 2.2V C602 = 1. Distribution. transmission.8V & U602(DCDC) Yes CAM_MCLK (C605) NO = 24 MHz ? Change UCP300 Yes Re-assy or replace the camera module 8-25 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice.8V NO Check C603 = 1. 8V L600 HDC601 1 1 2 2 TP_CAM_TX_DP_1 3 4 MIPI_TX_DP1 TP_CAM_TX_DN_1 3 4 MIPI_TX_DN1 5 6 TP_CAM_TX_DP_0 5 6 TP_CAM_TX_DN_0 MIPI_TX_DP0 MIPI_TX_DN0 7 7 8 8 TP_CAM_TX_CN MIPI_TX_CN TP_CAM_TX_CP 9 9 10 10 MIPI_TX_CP 11 11 12 12 5MP_CAM_MCLK 13 CAM_I2C_SCL 13 14 14 CAM_I2C_SDA 15 16 15 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 TP_5M_CAM_STBY 21 22 5M_CAM_STBY 21 22 5M_CAM_RESET 23 24 TP_RST_5M_CAM 23 24 NCNCNCNC 25 26 27 28 C600 C601 C603 C602 C605 U601 U60 6 01 608 R60 DN 0 STBY CN TB TB R6 X DN X C P DP TX D M S R TX M TX M TX AM 5M CAM AM T CA CAM AM P CAM AM P CAM CA CA CA CA P 5M P C TP TP TP TP C637 637 C63 C6 615 C615 C L604 04 604 C61 C6 R60 R R607 R6 C 607 L HDC6 HDC601 C6 6001 C340 C R362 R362 R36 34 40 14 C614 614 C6 C6 0 R360 R360 R36 CAM DP 0 T 5M CA DN TX DN TX DP R361 R361 C369 C369 R36 CAM TX CAM TX TP_CAM_TX_CP TP P C CAM AM TX TX C P CAM ST P CAM RS P RS U30 U300 30 000 TP TP R338 C361 C361 R33 C362 C362 C366 C366 R334 R334 R33 05 C605 601 C601 R337 R337 R336 R336 C351 C351 600 C600 C602 C602 C603 C603 L600 L C35 C60 60 C60 C60 C60 R33 C60 60 C303 303 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 00 C C 0 C353 C353 C359 C 359 C U405 U405 C327 C327 R 404 R404 R4 350 50 R350 C404 C404 C40 C4 C318 C318 C3 R359 R359 C311 C311 R406 R406 C403 403 R35 R40 R4 R C C306 06 C306 516 R516 R51 R5 R TP P U R521 R R52 5 521 5221 U301 U301 C520 C520 USB US R351 R351 R352 R352 C5 C C521 C342 C342 C341 C341 C338 C313 C313 SB ID SB R341 R341 R34 R35 R35 521 20 C522 C522 D C519 C 5 19 8-26 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution.2V VCAM_IO_1. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.8V VCAM_C_1. transmission. Level 3 Repair VCAM_A_2.8V VCAM_AF_2. . or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. L128.Level 3 Repair 8-4-1. GSM850 Rx Continuous Rx ON Channel : 190 CH Cell power : -60dBm U100 PIN26 ≥ -65dBm? No Resolder L112 or RFS100 (L112 using spectrum analyzer) Check RFcable Yes U100 PIN19. transmission. L127 ≥ -75dBm? Resolder L122. L128. . Distribution. selection diagram Yes Yes Check Main chip(UCP300) Resolder L121. L127 Yes Change U100 8-27 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. L121.7 No L122. L1120 or Change U100 F101 PIN6. L120 No ≥ -68dBm? Check the U100`s No Ant. Distribution. GSM900 Rx Continuous Rx ON Channel : 37 CH Cell power : -60dBm U100 PIN26 ≥ -65dBm? No Resolder L112 or RFS100 (L112 using spectrum analyzer) Check RFcable Yes U100 PIN19. C125 ≥ -75dBm? Resolder L118. C124. selection diagram Yes Yes Check Main Chip(UCP300) Resolder L121. L120 No ≥ -68dBm? Check the U100`s No Ant. C124. L120 or Change U100 F101 PIN8.9 No L118. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. transmission. Level 3 Repair 8-4-2. C125 Yes Change U100 8-28 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. . L121. Distribution. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. transmission.Level 3 Repair 8-4-3. . C119 ≥ -75dBm? or Change F103 Yes Change U100 8-29 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. C115.L132 ≥ -68dBm? Check the U100`s No Ant.L132 or Change U100 F103 PIN7. DCS Rx Continuous Rx ON Channel : 698 CH Cell power : -60dBm U100 PIN26 ≥ -65dBm? No Resolder L112 or RFS100 (L112 using spectrum analyzer) Check RFcable Yes No U100 PIN20. C119 L134. C118. selection diagram Yes Yes Check Main chip(UCP300) Resolder C115.8 No Resolder L134. C118. C120.C115 or Change U100 F103 PIN8. . Distribution. C120. PCS Rx Continuous Rx ON Channel : 661 CH Cell power : -60dBm U100 PIN26 ≥ -65dBm? No Resolder L112 or RFS100 (L112 using spectrum analyzer) Check RFcable Yes No U100 PIN20. Level 3 Repair 8-4-4. L132. selection diagram Yes Yes Check Main chip(UCP300) Resolder L132. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.9 No Resolder L130. C121 L130.C115 ≥ -68dBm? Check the U100`s No Ant. transmission. C121 ≥ -75dBm? or Change F103 Yes Change U100 8-30 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. transmission. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Distribution. .Level 3 Repair V_BAT ANT101 ANT100 RFS100 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 G G C A C105 C103 1 2 3 4 C124 RX_EGSM900_P 10 5 4 3 2 L118 L107 C108 9 G G G G G OUT 8 L120 OUT C125 L153 RX_EGSM900_N IN 1 RX_2G_LB L112 L110 7 C106 C107 L111 OUT 6 OUT L122 RX_GSM850_P L121 F101 L127 L128 RX_GSM850_N C126 C110 13 14 26 VCC ANT VBATT R103 9 RFOUT_DCS_PCS TX_HB_IN C120 17 R104 TXEN ANT_SEL(0) R105 RX_PCS1900_P 10 5 4 3 2 10 18 RFOUT_G850_EGSM TX_LB_IN VRAMP GSM_PA_RAMP_P L130 16 TP_ANT_SEL_100 G G G G G MODE ANT_SEL(1) 9 OUT C115 12 ANT_SEL(2) BS1 C121 8 OUT 11 U100 19 ANT_SEL(3) BS2 TRX1 RX_2G_LB RX_PCS1900_N IN 1 RX_2G_HB 20 TRX2 RX_2G_HB C113 7 OUT 1 21 GND TRX3 TRX_WCDMA900 6 OUT 2 23 GND TRX4 TRX_WCDMA2100 RX_DCS1800_P L132 3 C118 GND L134 F103 4 GND G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G RX_DCS1800_N 5 6 7 8 15 22 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 C119 8-31 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. 4. C154. C102. L100. C122. L100. R111. C151. R111. L105. L109 ≥ -75dBm? or Change F100 Yes No L150 ≥ -75dBm? Change U103 Yes Check voltage L144. L146. selection diagram Yes Yes Check Main chip(UCP300) Resolder C122.1V L146. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. C102. L151 No Resolder C151. L109 No Resolder L105. WCDMA Band1 (2100) Rx Continuous Rx ON Channel : 10700 CH Cell power : -60dBm U100 PIN26 ≥ -65dBm? No Resolder L112 or RFS100 (L112 using spectrum analyzer) Check RFcable Yes U100 PIN23. C143 Yes F106 PIN3. transmission. L102 or Change U100 F100 PIN1. L102 No ≥ -68dBm? Check the U100`s No Ant. C154. Level 3 Repair 8-4-5. L151 ≥ -75dBm? or Change F106 Yes Change U100 8-32 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution. No Resolder L144. C143 = about 2. . L126 ≥ -75dBm? or Change F102 Yes Change U100 8-33 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. L114 No ≥ -68dBm? Check the U100`s No Ant. C114.8. L114 or Change U100 F102 PIN1.L126 No Resolder C114. L115.C116. WCDMA Band8 (900) Rx Continuous Rx ON Channel : 3013 CH Cell power : -60dBm U100 PIN26 ≥ -65dBm? No Resolder L112 or RFS100 (L112 using spectrum analyzer) Check RFcable Yes U100 PIN21. C123. Distribution. selection diagram Yes Yes Check Main chip(UCP300) Resolder L115. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. transmission. .C116.Level 3 Repair 8-4-6. C123. transmission. . or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.8V C142 L144 M8 WB_MX_INM WCDMA_RXM_2100 N8 WB_MX_INP WCDMA_RXP_2100 J12 WDRXHB1 J13 WDRXHB2 H13 WDRXLB R111 L146 C143 N11 WPRXHBM N10 WPRXHBP M9 WPRXLBM WCDMA_RXM_900 N9 WPRXLBP WCDMA_RXP_900 K13 C151 WPRXSE1 F106 WCDMA_RXM_2100 M13 WPRXSE1_OUT L13 3 WPRXSE2 RTR_W2100_RX OUT N12 L150 1 L151 WPRXSE2_OUT IN OUT 4 G G A9 C152 HB_RF_OUT1 RFOUT_DCS_PCS C154 A8 2 5 HB_RF_OUT2 C156 WCDMA_RXP_2100 A7 C155 HB_RF_OUT3 RFOUT_W2100 C158 A10 LB_RF_OUT1 RFOUT_G850_EGSM B9 C159 LB_RF_OUT2 RFOUT_W900 M7 RF_OM TX_ON C1 TCXO RTR6285A_TCXO 8-34 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Distribution. Level 3 Repair V_BAT L100 TRX_WCDMA2100 C101 C100 L102 C122 PAM100 F107 F100 6 1 10 VBAT VCC2 ANT L155 L103 1 OUT 4 2 9 L104 3 TX RX 1 L105 C102 RFOUT_W2100 IN RFIN RFOUT RTR_W2100_RX G G G 3 8 G PA_R1 VMODE1 CPLIN CPL_B8_B1 G G G G G 2 3 5 C172 C173 2 4 5 7 8 9 4 7 L108 L154 L109 C171 PA_R0 VMODE0 GND 5 6 PA_ON_W2100 VEN CPLOUT TP_PA_ON_W100 GND 11 R100 PWR_DET R101 R102 V_BAT C123 TRX_WCDMA900 L114 L115 C111 C112 PAM101 F102 6 1 10 ANT C114 VBAT VBAT 1 WCDMA_RXP_900 RX L123 2 9 L101 3 L126 RFOUT_W900 RFIN RFOUT TX 8 RX 3 8 PA_R1 VMODE1 CPLIN G G G G G C116 L124 4 7 C117 L125 2 4 5 7 9 WCDMA_RXM_900 PA_R0 VMODE0 GND 5 6 PA_ON_W900 VEN CPLOUT CPL_B8_B1 TP_PA_ON_W101 GND 11 R106 VREG_MSMP_1. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.Level 3 Repair 8-4-7. : 20dB Check Output power of RFS100 Yes Check Main Antenna contact ≥ 31. No switching diagram of U100 TP_ANT_SEL_100 No Check GPIO control (UCP300) Yes Resolder or Change U100 No U100 normally is operated.L110 No Check Output power at Yes R104 ≥ 11dBm ? Check the Ant. Change U100 Yes Check UCP300 8-35 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. GSM850/900 Tx CONTINOUS TX ON CONDITION TX POWER DAC:14500 CODE APPLIED GSM850 CH : 190 Continuous TX ON GSM900 CH : 62 RBW : 100KHz VBW : 100KHz SPAN : 10MHz REF LEV. transmission. Distribution. .5 dBm ? & L111. : 10dBm ATT. No switching diagram of U100 TP_ANT_SEL_100 No Yes Check GPIO control (UCP300) Resolder or Change U100 No U100 normally is operated. DCS/PCS Tx CONTINOUS TX ON CONDITION TX POWER DAC:14500 CODE APPLIED Continuous TX ON DCS CH : 685 PCS CH : 661 RBW : 100KHz VBW : 100KHz SPAN : 10MHz REF LEV. Level 3 Repair 8-4-8. C126 ≥ 8dBm ? Check the Ant. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. . transmission. C110. : 10dBm ATT.L110 No Check Output power at Yes R103. Distribution. : 20dB Check Output power of RFS100 Yes Check Main Antenna contact ≥ 28. Change U100 Yes Check UCP300 8-36 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice.5 dBm ? & L111. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. transmission. Distribution.Level 3 Repair V_BAT ANT101 ANT100 RFS100 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 G G C A C105 C103 1 2 3 4 L107 C108 L153 L112 C107 L111 L110 C106 C126 C110 13 14 26 VCC ANT VBATT R103 9 RFOUT_DCS_PCS TX_HB_IN 17 R104 TXEN ANT_SEL(0) R105 10 18 RFOUT_G850_EGSM TX_LB_IN VRAMP GSM_PA_RAMP_P 16 TP_ANT_SEL_100 MODE ANT_SEL(1) 12 ANT_SEL(2) BS1 11 U100 19 ANT_SEL(3) BS2 TRX1 RX_2G_LB 20 TRX2 RX_2G_HB C113 1 21 GND TRX3 TRX_WCDMA900 2 23 GND TRX4 TRX_WCDMA2100 3 GND 4 GND G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G 5 6 7 8 15 22 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 C124 RX_EGSM900_P 10 5 4 3 2 L118 9 G G G G G OUT 8 L120 OUT C125 RX_EGSM900_N IN 1 RX_2G_LB 7 OUT 6 OUT L122 RX_GSM850_P L121 F101 L127 L128 RX_GSM850_N C120 RX_PCS1900_P 10 5 4 3 2 L130 G G G G G 9 OUT C115 C121 8 OUT RX_PCS1900_N IN 1 RX_2G_HB 7 OUT 6 OUT RX_DCS1800_P L132 C118 F103 L134 RX_DCS1800_N C119 8-37 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. . ≥ 17dBm ? L104. C171 Yes Resolder or Change PAM100 ≥ 5dBm ? L103. WCDMA Band1 (2100) Tx CONTINOUS TX ON CONDITION TX POWER DAC:14500 CODE APPLIED WCDMA Band1 CH : 10700 Continuous TX ON RBW : 100KHz (target power 24 dBm) VBW : 100KHz SPAN : 10MHz REF LEV. . C171 No Check U100 8-38 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. C122 ≥ 20dBm ? No Check the Ant.L110 No Check Output power at Yes L100. L154 No Check L103. L108. L102. : 10dBm ATT. : 20dB Check Output power of RFS100 Yes Check Main Antenna contact ≥ 20dBm ? & L111. transmission. L108. L154 Yes Resolder or Change F100. Level 3 Repair 8-4-9. No switching diagram of U100 TP_ANT_SEL Check GPIO control (UCP300) Yes Resolder or Change U100 Check L104. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Distribution. WCDMA Band8 (900) Tx CONTINOUS TX ON CONDITION TX POWER DAC:14500 CODE APPLIED Continuous TX ON WCDMA Band8 CH : 3018 RBW : 100KHz (Target power 24 dBm) VBW : 100KHz SPAN : 10MHz REF LEV. L110 No Check Output power at Yes L115. L114. C123 ≥ 20dBm ? No Check the Ant. L124 ≥ 5dBm ? PAM101. L125 Yes Resolder or Change F102 ≥ 20dBm ? L101. L124 No Change U100 8-39 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice.Level 3 Repair 8-4-10. transmission. : 20dB Check Output power of RFS100 Yes Check Main Antenna contact ≥ 20dBm ? & L111. L123. . : 10dBm ATT. No switching diagram of U100 TP_ANT_SEL_100 Check GPIO control (UCP300) Yes Resolder or Change U100 Check L101. Distribution. C117. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. L125 No Yes Resolder or Change Check L123. C117. Level 3 Repair V_BAT L100 TRX_WCDMA2100 C101 C100 L102 C122 PAM100 F107 F100 6 1 10 VBAT VCC2 ANT L155 L103 1 OUT 4 2 9 L104 3 TX RX 1 L105 C102 IN RFIN RFOUT RTR_W2100_RX G G G 3 8 G PA_R1 VMODE1 CPLIN CPL_B8_B1 G G G G G 2 3 5 C172 C173 2 4 5 7 8 9 4 7 L108 L154 L109 C171 PA_R0 VMODE0 GND 5 6 PA_ON_W2100 VEN CPLOUT TP_PA_ON_W100 GND 11 R100 PWR_DET R101 R102 V_BAT C123 TRX_WCDMA900 L114 L115 C111 C112 PAM101 F102 6 1 10 ANT C114 VBAT VBAT 1 WCDMA_RXP_900 RX L123 2 9 L101 3 L126 RFOUT_W900 RFIN RFOUT TX 8 RX 3 8 PA_R1 VMODE1 CPLIN G G G G G C116 L124 4 7 C117 L125 2 4 5 7 9 WCDMA_RXM_900 PA_R0 VMODE0 GND 5 6 PA_ON_W900 VEN CPLOUT CPL_B8_B1 TP_PA_ON_W101 GND 11 R106 8-40 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. transmission. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Distribution. . Level 3 Repair 8-4-11. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. C235. C216 8-41 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Bluetooth Bluetooth Function ON Bluetooth function enabled ? Yes No Check TP_BT No TP_BT_PCM is ok? Change UCP300 Yes No The voltage of C214 = Check PM400 about 1. .3 V Check PM400 Yes No Check C234 ≥ 4 dBm ? Resolder or replace C234 Yes Resolder or replace L208. C206 Yes No Check the voltage of C238 = 3. Distribution.8V Yes No Check C206 ≥ 5 dBm ? Resolder or replace U203. transmission. transmission.3V F202 2 13 1 L208 C216 ANT_RF TXA_RF WLAN_2G_TX_N 9 2 ANT_SEL_B VC1 TXB_RF WLAN_2G_TX_P 4 ANT_SEL_C VC2 16 5 ANT_SEL_E VC3 RXA_RF WLAN_2G_RX_N 6 RXB_RF WLAN_2G_RX_P 17 TX_BIAS 8 BT_RF BT_RF_TRX GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND C237 7 3 19 18 15 14 12 11 10 C238 8-42 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. Level 3 Repair VREG_MSMP_1. . or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.8V C201 C202 C200 C203 C204 C205 C206 G2 G7 C3 D3 H2 C7 F7 B3 B2 A6 BT_RF_TRX VDD_DIG VDD_DIG VDD_HOST VDD_FM_TX VDD_AUX VDD_PADS VDD_ANA VDD_FM_RX_AUDIO VDD_BT_LO VDD_BT_RADIO B4 AIO1 A7 B1 PIO0 BT_RF B6 PIO1 L201 TP_BT_CLK_REQ G3 F1 BT_CLK_REQ PIO2|CLK_REQ_OUT FM_RX FM_ANT H4 H1 PIO3|CLK_REQ_IN FM_TX_N TP_HOST_WAKE H6 G1 BT_HOST_WAKE PIO4 FM_TX_P G4 BT_PRIORITY PIO5 C211 L202 D4 D6 TP_BT_TXD BT_UART_TXD WLAN_ACTIVE PIO6 UART_RX E4 D7 TP_BT_RXD BT_ACTIVE PIO7 UART_TX BT_UART_RXD E7 UART_CTS BT_UART_RTS TP_BT_FM_PCB_DOUT G6 E6 BT_FM_PCM_DOUT PCM1_IN|SPI_MOSI UART_RTS BT_UART_CTS TP_BT_FM_PCM_DIN H7 BT_FM_PCM_DIN PCM1_OUT|SPI_MISO TP_BT_FM_PCM_CLK G5 H5 TP_SLEEP_CLK BT_FM_PCM_CLK PCM1_CLK|SPI_CLK SLEEP_CLK SLEEP_CLK TP_BT_FM_PCB_SYNC F5 PCM1_SYNC|SPI_CS# BT_FM_PCM_SYNC H3 A3 C213 SPI_PCM#_SEL U203 SYS_CLK|XTAL_IN BT_CLK B7 A4 PCM2_IN VREGIN_H R206 B5 A5 R205 PCM2_OUT VREGOUT_H C6 F4 PCM2_CLK VREG_ENABLE_RST# RST_BT C5 PCM2_SYNC C2 NC F3 D5 AUDIO_IN_L NC E3 E5 AUDIO_IN_R NC C214 C215 1 NC E2 2 VSS_BT_LO_AUX VSS_BT_RF_BAL FM_LOUT VSS_FM_AUDIO VSS_DIG_PADS VSS_BT_RADIO AUDIO_OUT_L NC VSS_REG_ANA VSSXTAL_OUT E1 AUDIO_OUT_R FM_ROUT D2 C1 C4 F6 F2 A2 A1 C217 ANT201 C234 C235 1 1 2 VWLAN_3. Distribution. Distribution.Level 3 Repair 8-4-12. C240 Yes No Check C234 ≥ 10 dBm ? Resolder or replace C234 Yes Resolder or replace L208. 19.2MHz Clock is ok? Resolder or replace C239. No TP_WLAN is ok? Change UCP300 Yes No Check the supply voltage of C222. C240.. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. C223. C227 Check PM400 The supply voltage is ok? Yes No Check C239. WiFi WiFi Function ON WiFi function enabled ? Yes No Check the TP_WLAN. C235. C226. . C216 8-43 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. transmission. .3V F202 2 13 1 L208 C216 ANT_RF TXA_RF WLAN_2G_TX_N 9 2 ANT_SEL_B VC1 TXB_RF WLAN_2G_TX_P 4 ANT_SEL_C VC2 16 5 ANT_SEL_E VC3 RXA_RF WLAN_2G_RX_N 6 RXB_RF WLAN_2G_RX_P 17 TX_BIAS 8 BT_RF BT_RF_TRX GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND C237 19 18 15 14 12 11 10 7 3 C238 8-44 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice.8V C201 C202 C200 C203 C204 C205 C206 G2 G7 C3 D3 H2 C7 B3 B2 A6 F7 BT_RF_TRX VDD_DIG VDD_DIG VDD_HOST VDD_FM_TX VDD_AUX VDD_PADS VDD_ANA VDD_BT_LO VDD_FM_RX_AUDIO VDD_BT_RADIO B4 AIO1 A7 B1 PIO0 BT_RF B6 PIO1 L201 TP_BT_CLK_REQ G3 F1 BT_CLK_REQ PIO2|CLK_REQ_OUT FM_RX FM_ANT H4 H1 PIO3|CLK_REQ_IN FM_TX_N TP_HOST_WAKE H6 G1 BT_HOST_WAKE PIO4 FM_TX_P G4 BT_PRIORITY PIO5 C211 L202 D4 D6 TP_BT_TXD BT_UART_TXD WLAN_ACTIVE PIO6 UART_RX E4 D7 TP_BT_RXD BT_ACTIVE PIO7 UART_TX BT_UART_RXD E7 UART_CTS BT_UART_RTS TP_BT_FM_PCB_DOUT G6 E6 BT_UART_CTS BT_FM_PCM_DOUT PCM1_IN|SPI_MOSI UART_RTS TP_BT_FM_PCM_DIN H7 PCM1_OUT|SPI_MISO BT_FM_PCM_DIN TP_BT_FM_PCM_CLK G5 H5 TP_SLEEP_CLK BT_FM_PCM_CLK PCM1_CLK|SPI_CLK SLEEP_CLK SLEEP_CLK TP_BT_FM_PCB_SYNC F5 PCM1_SYNC|SPI_CS# BT_FM_PCM_SYNC H3 A3 C213 SPI_PCM#_SEL U203 SYS_CLK|XTAL_IN BT_CLK B7 A4 PCM2_IN VREGIN_H R206 B5 A5 R205 C6 PCM2_OUT VREGOUT_H F4 PCM2_CLK VREG_ENABLE_RST# RST_BT C5 PCM2_SYNC C2 NC F3 D5 AUDIO_IN_L NC E3 E5 AUDIO_IN_R NC C214 C215 1 NC E2 2 VSS_BT_LO_AUX VSS_BT_RF_BAL FM_LOUT VSS_FM_AUDIO VSS_DIG_PADS AUDIO_OUT_L VSS_BT_RADIO NC VSS_REG_ANA VSSXTAL_OUT E1 AUDIO_OUT_R FM_ROUT D2 C1 C4 A2 A1 F6 F2 C217 ANT201 C234 C235 1 1 2 VWLAN_3. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Distribution. transmission. Level 3 Repair VREG_MSMP_1. Level 3 Repair 8-4-13. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. L205. L206 GPS function is ok? Yes No Repair is complete Change the rear case 8-45 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. L203. C241. L204. U200. transmission. F201.7V Check PM400 Yes No Check U101 is ok? Change U101 Yes Resolder C208. GPS GPS function on Check the voltage of L200 No = 2. F200. Distribution. Check UCP300 C242. . C209. transmission. Level 3 Repair VREG_RFRX_2. Distribution.7V L200 U200 F200 C208 C242 1 GND 6 1 OUT 4 RX_GPS RFOUT IN ANT200 G GG F201 2 GND VEN 5 GPS_LNA_ON C241 C209 2 3 5 L203 1 4 3 4 L204 IN OUT RFIN VCC C210 2 2 G GG 1 1 2 3 5 L205 L206 C212 8-46 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. . Service Schematics .NC Point(Top View) . or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited.UCP300 ( : NC ) 8-47 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. . transmission. Distribution.Level 3 Repair 8-5. PM400 ( : NC ) 8-48 Confidential and proprietary-the contents in this service guide subject to change without prior notice. . or infringement of any content or data from this document without Samsung’s written authorization is strictly prohibited. Distribution. transmission. Level 3 Repair .
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