Manual de Servicio Motorola CDM & PRO Series

March 27, 2018 | Author: Fran Vaccia | Category: Bipolar Junction Transistor, Transistor, Electromagnetic Interference, Capacitor, Amplifier



CDM™ and PRO SERIES™Mobile Radios contact PRO7100 control Detailed Service Manual Professional Radio As Dedicated As You Are Computer Software Copyrights The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy or reproduce in any form, the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola products described in this manual may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission of Motorola. Furthermore, the purchase of Motorola products shall not be deemed to grant, either directly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise, any license under the copyrights, patents or patent applications of Motorola, except for the normal non-exclusive royalty-free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product. Safety-1 SAFETY INFORMATION Important information on safe and efficient operation is included in this manual. Read this information before using your radio. SAFE AND EFFICIENT OPERATION OF MOTOROLA TWO-WAY RADIOS This document provides information and instructions for the safe and efficient operation of Motorola Portable and Mobile Two-Way Radios. The information provided in this document supercedes the general safety information contained in user guides published prior to 1st. January 1998. For information regarding radio use in hazardous areas, please refer to the Factory Mutual (FM) approval manual supplement or Instruction Card which is included with radio models that offer this capability. EXPOSURE TO RADIO FREQUENCY ENERGY Your Motorola Two-Way Radio, which generates and radiates radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy (EME) is designed to comply with the following National and International Standards and Guidelines regarding exposure of human beings to radio frequency electromagnetic energy: l l l l l Federal Communications Commission Report and Order No. FCC 96-326 (August 1996) American National Standards Institute (C95.1 - 1992) National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP-1986) International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNRP- 1986) European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC): ENV 50166-1 1995 E ENV 50166-2 1995 E Proceedings of SC211/B 1996 Human exposure to electromagnetic fields Low frequency (0 Hz to 10 kHz) Human exposure to electromagnetic fields High frequency (10 kHz to 300 GHz) “Safety Considerations for Human Exposure to EMFs from Mobile Telecommunication Equipment (MTE) in the Frequency Range 30MHz - 6 GHz.” (EMF - Electro-Magnetic Fields) To assure optimal radio performance and to ensure that your exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy is within the guidelines in the above standards, always adhere to the following procedures: PORTABLE RADIO OPERATION AND EME EXPOSURE l l When transmitting with a portable radio, hold radio in a vertical position with the microphone 2.5 to 5 centimeters (one or two inches) away from the mouth. Keep antenna at least 2.5 centimeters (one inch) from your head or body when transmitting. If you wear a portable Two-Way radio on your body, ensure that the antenna is at least 2.5 centimeters (one inch) from the body when transmitting. MAN WITH RADIO ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE/COMPATIBILITY NOTE Nearly every electronic device is susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) if inade- quately shielded, designed or otherwise configured for electromagnetic compatibility l l To avoid electromagnetic interference and/or compatibility conflicts, turn off your radio in any facility where posted notices instruct you to do so. Hospital or health facilities may be using equipment that is sensitive to external RF energy. When instructed to do so, turn off your radio when on board an aircraft. Any use of a radio must be in accordance with airline regulations or crew instructions. . Blasting caps and areas l To avoid possible interference with blasting operations. keys or beaded chains touch exposed terminals. Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres are often but not always posted. Potentially explosive atmospheres l Turn off your Two-Way radio when you are in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. NOTE The areas with potentially explosive atmospheres referred to above include fuelling areas such as: below decks on boats. areas where the air contains chemicals or particles. Sparks in a potentially explosive atmosphere can cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death. purse or other container with metal objects. FMRC has also issued a voluntary approval standard for repair service (“Class Number 3605”).g. If a portable radio is placed in the air bag deployment area and the air bag inflates.Safety-2 OPERATIONAL WARNINGS Vehicles with an air bag l ! WARNING Do not place a portable radio in the area over an air bag or in the air bag deployment area. lists manufacturers and the products approved by FMRC for use in such locations. issued by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FMRC). Air bags inflate with great force. The conductive material may complete an electrical circuit (short circuit) and become quite hot. a minor burn can result. INTRINSICALLY SAFE RADIO INFORMATION FMRC Approved Equipment Anyone intending to use a radio in a location where hazardous concentrations of flammable material exist (hazardous atmosphere) is advised to become familiar with the subject of intrinsic safety and with the National Electric Code NFPA 70 (National Fire Protection Association) Article 500 (hazardous [classified] locations). obey all signs and instructions. Batteries l All batteries can cause property damage and/or bodily injury such as burns if a conductive material such as jewelery. Depending on the design of the portable unit. An Approval Guide. the radio may be propelled with great force and cause serious injury to occupants of vehicle. In a “blasting area” or in areas posted “turn off two-way radio”. dust or metal powders. and any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine. OPERATIONAL CAUTIONS Damaged antennas l ! Caution Do not use any portable Two-Way radio that has a damaged antenna. Exercise care in handling any charged battery. If a damaged antenna comes into contact with your skin. FMRC Approval labels are attached to the radio to identify the unit as being FM Approved for specified hazardous atmospheres. fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities. turn off your radio when you are near electrical blasting caps. such as grain. Contact sparking may occur while installing or removing batteries and cause an explosion. particularly when placing it inside a pocket. This label specifies the hazardous Class/Division/Group along with the part number of the battery that must be used. FM or Cenelec approved). unless it is a radio type especially qualified for use in such areas (e. Batteries l Do not replace or recharge batteries in a potentially explosive atmosphere. g.g.Safety-3 this FM label can be found on the back of the radio housing or the bottom of the radio housing. WARNING: Incorrect repair or relabeling of any FMRC Approved Product unit could adversely affect the Approval rating of the unit. WARNING: Do not replace or change accessories in a hazardous atmosphere. Keep the connector cover in place when accessories are not used. ! WARNING WARNING: Failure to use an FMRC Approved Product unit with an FMRC Approved battery or FMRC Approved accessories specifically approved for that product may result in the dangerously unsafe condition of an unapproved radio combination being used in a hazardous location. An explosion or fire may result. WARNING: Turn radio off before removing or installing a battery or accessory. Unauthorized or incorrect modification of an FMRC Approved Product unit will negate the Approval rating of the product. Radios must ship from the Motorola manufacturing facility with the hazardous atmosphere capability and FM Approval labeling. . You should not repair or relabel any Motorola manufactured communication equipment bearing the FMRC Approval label (“FMRC Approved Product”) unless you are familiar with the current FMRC Approval standard for repairs and service (“Class Number 3605). Modifications can only be done by the original product manufacturer at one of its FMRC audited manufacturing facilities. You may want to consider using a repair facility that operates under 3605 repair service approval. An explosion or fire may result.Their Approval mark is shown below. cracked housing). WARNING: Do not operate the FMRC Approved Product in a hazardous atmosphere if it has been physically damaged (e. Contact sparking may occur while installing or removing accessories and cause an explosion or fire. WARNING: Do not operate the FMRC Approved Product unit in a hazardous location with the accessory contacts exposed. WARNING: Do not disassemble the FMRC Approved Product unit in any way that exposes the internal electrical circuits of the unit. Repair of FMRC Approved Products REPAIRS FOR MOTOROLA FMRC APPROVED PRODUCTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. FMRC Approved) for such use. A modification changes the unit’s hardware from its original design configuration. ! WARNING WARNING: Use of a radio that is not intrinsically safe in a hazardous atmosphere could result in serious injury or death. Radios will not be “upgraded” to this capability and labeled in the field. FM APPROVED ! WARNING WARNING: Do not operate radio communications equipment in a hazardous atmosphere unless it is a type especially qualified (e. Contact sparking may occur while installing or removing batteries and cause an explosion or fire. WARNING: Do not replace or charge batteries in a hazardous atmosphere. . This FM Supplement is shipped with FM Approved radio and battery combination from the manufacturer. There must be no substitution of items. Relabeling The repair facility shall have a method by which the replacement of FMRC Approval labels are controlled to ensure that any relabeling is limited to units that were originally shipped from the Manufacturer with an FM Approval label in place. Replacement labels may be obtained and applied by the repair facility providing satisfactory evidence that the unit being relabeled was originally an FMRC Approved unit. or the Approval standard Class Number 3605 document for repairs and service. An FMRC Approval label shall be ordered from the original manufacturer as needed to repair a specific unit. even if the substitute has been previously Approved with a different Motorola communications equipment unit.Safety-4 FMRC’s Approval Standard Class Number 3605 is subject to change at any time without notice to you. You do not have to be an FMRC Approved Repair Facility to perform these actions. but is not limited to: a unit with a damaged Approval label. FMRC Approval labels shall not be stocked by the repair facility. or both. or in the product FM Supplement. Per the December. This Approved portable and battery combination must be strictly observed. so you may want to obtain a current copy of 3605 from FMRC. 1994 publication of 3605. Massachusetts. The Approval guide. Verification may include. A repair should be done in an FMRC Approved facility. and FM Approved accessories or options. a unit with a defective housing displaying an Approval label. FM Approved battery. or a customer invoice indicating the serial number of the unit and purchase of an FMRC Approved model. some key definitions and service requirements are as follows: Repair A repair constitutes something done internally to the unit that would bring it back to its original condition Approved by FMRC. can be ordered directly through Factory Mutual Research Corporation located in Norwood. Approved configurations are listed in the FM Approval guide published by FMRC. Do Not Substitute Options or Accessories The Motorola communications equipment certified by Factory Mutual is tested as a system and consists of the FM Approved portable. Items not considered as repairs are those in which an action is performed on a unit which does not require the outer casing of the unit to be opened in a manner which exposes the internal electrical circuits of the unit. .1 PTT Sensing and TX Audio Processing ....................................3.......................... 1-4 Chapter 2 Theory of Operation 2................. 2-5 2.............................4 Transmit Signalling Circuits ..................... 2-15 ..........2..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4.................................9 General Purpose Input/Output ..... 2-6 2.....3...............................5............. 2-4 2. 1-4 1................3.........2............. 2-14 2.......................................................1 Sub-Audible Data (PL/DPL) ... 2-13 2..........1 Audio Signalling Filter IC with Compander (ASFIC CMP) ..............................2.................................................................. 1-2 1...............................3...........................................11 Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) ..5 Filtered Audio and Flat Audio ......................2 Automatic On/Off ......................................................................3............1 Radio Power Distribution ........2....................... 2-12 2................1 Overview....................................................................5 Warranty and Repairs................................................................................ 2-13 2..................................5..................................................10 Normal Microprocessor Operation ...................................................2.............7 Radio Model Information . 1-2 1..................1 Squelch Detect ..............................6 Radio Model Chart and Specifications ................................................2...................................2......................................... 2-4 2..............2...5.......................... 2-7 2.. 2-5 2.................... 2-12 2........................................... 2-2 2..........................1 Warranty Period ..........................5 Receive Audio Circuits........................3 Emergency........ 2-1 2...............................................................................2.................. 2-9 2.............. 2-9 2......1 Scope of Manual ...............................................................................................3............................................................................................................................................6 Microprocessor Clock Synthesizer..................3 Audio Amplification Speaker (+) Speaker (-) ...............................................2 High Speed Data .............................................7 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) ...................................................................2...................................3. 1-1 1.................. 2-15 2..................4.......................................3......................5.............................................................2............3 Option Board Transmit Audio .................................3 After Warranty Period ...............................................3.............4...........................................................................................................................................2 Transmit Audio Circuits..................................................................................2.......................................2 TX Secure Audio (optional) ..................3.......3...... 2-6 2............ 2-11 2......................... 2-1 2................2 Controller Section ........... 2-10 2..........................................5................ 1-1 1..3............................................................3......................2 Warranty and Service Support .................3....... 2-8 2.... 2-3 2......................4 Handset Audio ........................................... 2-10 2.............................................. 1-1 1.................5 Ignition ...................3........2... 1-2 1...............3....................... 2-4 2................................................................................i TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction 1...3 Microphone Input Path .........................3 Controller Board Audio and Signalling Circuits ..................2 Audio Processing and Digital Volume Control ... 1-1 1......................................3....................................... 2-15 2...................................4 Mechanical On/Off .............................3 Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) Data . 2-14 2...........................5...............................................................................................................................4 Technical Support ......................................................................................... 2-8 2....................................................................................................................................................................3................3................ 1-1 1................. 2-8 2.6 RX Secure Audio (Optional) .............8 SBEP Serial Interface ........................................... 2-11 2......................................................2............... 2-10 2...................................3 Related Documents ..............................................................................................................................................................2 Return Instructions ..................................3.......... ...........................................5 Bi-Directional Coupler ..............10..........................8 Power Control ..6 Receive Signalling Circuits.................................................... 2-37 2.......................................................................................................... 2-34 2..........................8.........6 Antenna Switch ...............2 First Mixer and 1st Intermediate Frequency (IF) ..........................................................................4 SBEP Serial Interface ................. 2-34 2.......................... 2-25 2................................................................................................................................6... CDM750) ........ 2-29 2...................1 Power Controlled Stage ...................... 2-30 2................................. 2-36 2.... 2-33 2........10................................................................. 2-35 2............................. 2-22 2................7.3.....................2 Pre-Driver Stage ................ 2-16 2...............2 First Mixer and 1st Intermediate Frequency (IF) ...........7 Harmonic Filter..... 2-23 2......................5 Transmitter Power Amplifier (PA) 40 W ..........10......................................................3......................... 2-19 2........................... 2-19 2.......10..11....8.....................................1 Reference Oscillator.............6..................... 2-29 2...................4 Synthesizer Operation............................7 VHF (136-174MHz) Receiver Front-End .........................................6..............................................................................8..........................................................1 Power Controlled Stage ...........................3 2nd Intermediate Frequency (IF) and Receiver Back-End................................................ 2-34 2................................ 2-28 2...........9 Frequency Synthesis .......................................................6 Antenna Switch ........................................................... 2-35 2..............................5..................................................................................................... 2-21 2...................................3 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) ...2 Fractional-N Synthesizer...11 Control Head (PRO5100...................................................................5...............................5..5..............................................10..............3 Driver Stage .................................7 Harmonic Filter...................... 2-26 2........9......................2 Alert Tone Circuits ...... 2-30 2.................................................... 2-16 2.... 2-27 2..............5 Directional Coupler................................................8 Power Control ..............6 Frequency Synthesis ...........11............................................................................... 2-22 2..................................1 Power Supplies .................................................. 2-28 2.................. PRO7100........................10............5....................................3 Driver Stage .............................9 Electrostatic Transient Protection ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2-29 2......................................8 Transmitter Power Amplifier (PA) 45 W ........5............ 2-34 2.................... 2-27 2.....................................................................................................7............... 2-20 2...........................................................2 Pre-Driver Stage . 2-35 2.........3 Microprocessor Circuit ....... 2-17 2........6 Status LED and Back Light Circuit .....................7.................................. 2-20 2.......3....................................................4.......................................10............................................................2 Power On / Off ...........................1 Sub-audible Data (PL/DPL) and High Speed Data Decoder ......................................................... 2-21 2.....................................................................9...............5 Keypad Keys ........................................8 Speaker.................................. 2-29 2.....5.....6.........................................10....................8............8...............................6...........................................4...............8... 2-20 2..................................................3.................................................................................................................7 Microphone Connector Signals .....................................................6.................................. 2-32 2..........................................................4 Final Stage ...........4 Final Stage ...............................................................................................................................................................5......................5....................................... CDM1250............ 2-36 2........................................................3 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) .............7 Option Board Receive Audio 2-15 2...............................................................10..........................................................................................................................................3 Voice Storage (Optional) .....................8......................................................................................................6............................. CDM1550) ..................... 2-22 2.10 Control Head (PRO3100..........................................3....................................... 2-27 2..........................4 Synthesizer Operation.............................................................8....................................................................................................................... 2-36 2................... 2-17 2.... 2-30 2..4 UHF (403-470 MHz) Receiver Front-End .....1 Front-End Band-Pass Filters & Pre-Amplifier....................................................................2 Fractional-N Synthesizer.......9........3 2nd Intermediate Frequency (IF) and Receiver Back-End......... 2-19 2..................................ii 2............................................ 2-30 2.................4. 2-21 2......................1 Reference Oscillator..................... 2-21 2...................................................................................................................................................... 2-37 2.................. 2-21 2...... 2-37 ....................9........... 2-28 2...............................2 Power On/Off ........................................... 2-29 2............1 Front-End Band-Pass Filters and Pre-Amplifier ................................................................................ 2-21 2....... 2-16 2..1 Power Supplies ............................ ....................... 3-2 3.............................................................1 Introduction ................................... 3-5 3.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 General Repair Procedures and Techniques ......... 2-1 DC Power Distribution Block Diagram ............. 2............................ 2-9 Transmit Signalling Paths ....................................................................................... 3-1 3........................2 Cleaning......................................................11.....5 Keypad Keys..............8 Synthesizer Troubleshooting Charts ................................... 2-20 UHF Synthesizer Block Diagram .......... 2-32 PRO3100/CDM750 Control Head Top Overlay ...............................................................1 Introduction ......................................................................... 2-24 VHF Receiver Block Diagram ..................................................................... 3-7 3........... 2..........................9 VCO Troubleshooting Charts.......................................... 4-4 PRO3100CDM750 Control Head Schematic Diagram..................... 3-1 3........................................................................................................................................... 2-13 Receive Signalling Paths ..11..........11.................................7 Receiver Troubleshooting Charts ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2-23 UHF VCO Block Diagram ...... 3-1 3....................................................... 4-5 PRO3100CDM750 Control Head Schematic Diagram.......................................... and Parts Lists 4...........................3 Microprocessor Circuit ...................................................... 3-9 3................................................................................................................................ 3-11 Chapter 4 Schematic Diagrams.........2...... 2-26 VHF Transmitter Block Diagram .........................2............................ 2-3 Transmit Audio Paths ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-6 .............. 2-18 UHF Transmitter Block Diagram........................................ 3-2 3......................11..........................................6 Status LED and Back Light Circuit..7 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).................................................................................8 Microphone Connector Signals................. 4-1 List of Figures 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 Controller Block Diagram....................................................................11.............................................................9 Speaker.............................................6 Transmitter Troubleshooting Chart ........................ Overlays.................................................................................................... 2..1 Inspection............................................................................10 Electrostatic Transient Protection ............... 4-1 4............... 3-6 3............. 2................................................. 4-3 PRO3100/CDM750 Control Head Bottom Overlay . Sheet 2 .................................................1.......1 Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards ...........................................................................3 Safe Handling of CMOS and LDMOS ......................................11.......... 2.............................. 2.............................11..................................................................iii 2................................................................................... 2-16 UHF Receiver Block Diagram ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-31 VHF VCO Block Diagram ........................................... Sheet 1 ..4 SBEP Serial Interface ..................... 2-28 VHF Synthesizer Block Diagram .................................................................................................... 3-1 3............................................ 2-11 Receive Audio Paths ............................................................................................5 Recommended Test Tools ...................................2 Preventive Maintenance ................................................................................. 2-37 2-38 2-38 2-38 2-39 2-39 2-40 2-40 Chapter 3 Maintenance 3......11.......... iv 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Top Overlay .......................................................................................................................................... 4-9 PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Bottom Overlay ........................................................................................................................................ 4-10 PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Schematic Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 4-11 PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Keypad Schematic Diagram..................................................................................................................... 4-12 PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head LCD Schematic ................................................................................................................................... 4-13 PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Display Schematic ................................................................................................................................... 4-14 Complete Controller Schematic Diagram .................................................................................... 4-17 Controller Control Schematic Diagram ...................................................................................... 4-18 Controller I/O Schematic Diagram .............................................................................................. 4-19 Controller Audio Schematic Diagram .......................................................................................... 4-20 Controller Supply Voltage Schematic Diagram ........................................................................... 4-21 UHF (403-470MHz) Voltage Controlled Oscillator Schematic Diagram ...................................... 4-25 UHF (403-470MHz) Fractal-N Schematic Diagram .................................................................... 4-26 UHF (403-470MHz) Power Amplifier Schematic Diagram .......................................................... 4-27 VHF (136-174MHz) Main Board Top Side PCB .......................................................................... 4-33 VHF (136-174MHz) Receiver Front End Schematic Diagram .................................................... 4-34 VHF (136-174MHz) Receiver IF Schematic Diagram ................................................................. 4-35 VHF (136-174MHz) Fractal-N Schematic Diagram ..................................................................... 4-36 VHF (136-174MHz) Voltage Controlled Oscillator Schematic Diagram ...................................... 4-37 VHF (136-174MHz) Power Amplifier Schematic Diagram .......................................................... 4-38 List of Tables 1-1 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 Radio Model Number ..................................................................................................................... 1-3 Recommended Test tools .............................................................................................................. 3-5 PRO3100/CDM750 Control Head Parts List.................................................................................. 4-7 PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Parts List............................................ 4-15 Controller Parts List ..................................................................................................................... 4-22 UHF B1 Radio Parts List.............................................................................................................. 4-28 VHF (136-174MHz) Radio Parts List ........................................................................................... 4-39 1-1 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope of Manual This manual is intended for use by service technicians familiar with similar types of equipment. It contains service information required for the equipment described and is current as of the printing date. Changes that occur after the printing date are incorporated by a complete manual revision or alternatively, as additions. NOTE Before operating or testing these units, please read the Safety Information Section in the front of this manual. 1.2 Warranty and Service Support Motorola offers long term support for its products. This support includes full exchange and/or repair of the product during the warranty period, and service/repair or spare parts support out of warranty. Any “return for exchange” or “return for repair” by an authorized Motorola dealer must be accompanied by a warranty claim form. Warranty claim forms are obtained by contacting customer service. 1.2.1 Warranty Period The terms and conditions of warranty are defined fully in the Motorola dealer or distributor or reseller contract. These conditions may change from time to time and the following notes are for guidance purposes only. 1.2.2 Return Instructions In instances where the product is covered under a “return for replacement” or “return for repair” warranty, a check of the product should be performed prior to shipping the unit back to Motorola. This is to ensure that the product has been correctly programmed or has not been subjected to damage outside the terms of the warranty. Prior to shipping any radio back to a Motorola warranty depot, please contact the appropriate customer service for instructions. All returns must be accompanied by a warranty claim form, available from your customer services representative. Products should be shipped back in the original packaging, or correctly packaged to ensure no damage occurs in transit. 1.2.3 After Warranty Period After the Warranty period, Motorola continues to support its products in two ways: Firstly, Motorola's Accessories and Aftermarket Division (ADD) offers a repair service to both end users and dealers at competitive prices. Secondly, Motorola’s service department supplies individual parts and modules that can be purchased by dealers who are technically capable of performing fault analysis and repair. 1-2 Related Documents 1.3 Related Documents The following documents are directly related to the use and maintainability of this product. Title Service Manual, Basic, Engl Service Manual, Basic, Engl Service Manual, Basic, Port Service Manual, Basic,Span Service Manual, Detailed, Engl Service Manual, Detailed, Port Service Manual, Detailed, Span Part Number 68P81091C62 68P81092C71 68P81092C73 68P81092C72 68P81091C63 68P81092C76 68P81092C75 1.4 Technical Support Technical support is available to assist the dealer/distributor and self-maintained customers in resolving any malfunction which may be encountered. Initial contact should be by telephone to customer resources wherever possible. When contacting Motorola technical support, be prepared to provide the product model number and the unit’s serial number. The contact locations and telephone numbers are listed below. United States and Puerto Rico: 1-800-694-2161, Options 1, 3 Brasil: 000-811-682-0550 Colombia: 980-12-0451 Mexico: 001-800-694-2161 From other countries: (954)723-3008 1.5 Warranty and Repairs For warranty and repairs, contact Motorola Technical Support as listed below. Be prepared to provide the product model number and the unit’s serial number. Some replacement parts, spare parts, and/or product information can be ordered directly. If a complete Motorola part number is assigned to the part, and it is not identified as “Depot ONLY”, the part is available from Motorola Accessories and Aftermarket Division (AAD). If no part number is assigned, the part is not normally available from Motorola. If the part number is appended with an asterisk, the part is serviceable by a Motorola depot only. If a parts list is not included, this generally means that no user-serviceable parts are available for that kit or assembly.Technical Support the product model number and the unit’s serial number. Warranty and Repairs 1-3 Parts Order Entry 7:00 A. 06700 CP 11000 Mexico Phone: (5)387-0501 Fax: (5)387-0554 . or 410-712-6200 (U. IL 60196 TELEX: 280127 FAX: 1-847-538-8198 Accessories and Aftermarket Division FAX: 1-410-712-4991 (U. S. S. U. S. Chardon. M. S. Lomas de Chapultepec Mexico D. Federal Attention: Order Processing Government) 1313 E. Manuel Avila Camacho #32. Federal Government) Attention: Latin America and Caribbean (U. PR 00918 Telefono: (787)641-4100 Fax: (787)782-3685 Brazil Motorola Do Brasil Rua Bandeira Paulista. to 7:00 P . IL 60196 Parts Identification 1-847-538-0021 (Voice) 1-847-538-8194 (FAX) Colombia Motorola de Colombia Diagonal 127A 17-64 Santa Fe de Bogota Columbia Telefono: 1-615-5759 Puerto Rico Motorola de Puerto Rico A BE. M. A. 580 Phone: (11)821-9991 Fax: (11)828-0157 Mexico Motorola De Mexico Blvd. A. Primer Piso COL. Algonquin Road Schaumburg. or 847-538-8023 1-800-826-1913.) after hours or weekends: 1-800-925-4357 Order Processing 1313 E.) To Order Parts in Latin America and the Caribbean: 1-847-538-8023 Motorola Parts To Order Parts in the United States of America: Accessories and Aftermarket Division (United States and Canada) 1-800-422-4210.F. Algonquin Road Schaumburg. (Central Standard Time) Monday through Friday (Chicago. Edificio Telemundo 2 Hato Rey. 0MHz) C Low Band.042.0MHz) D Low Band. Limited Keypad F 1-Line Display. Enhanced Keypad DU LTR 2 64F 5 128F 8 160F . Standard Keypad N 4-Line Display. The example below shows one portable radio model number and its specific characteristics.050.736. Example: AAM25RHC9AA1AN Type of Model Unit Series AA or LA M 25 Freq. You can determine the RF output power. protocols. frequency band.7 Radio Model Information The model number and serial number are located on a label attached to the back of your radio. No Keypad Motorola Internal Use M = Mobile R K C UHF1 25-40W No Display (403Basic Key470MHz) pad S UHF2 (450512MHz) B Low Band. Table 1-1.1-4 Radio Model Chart and Specifications 1. R2 (36.6 Radio Model Chart and Specifications The radio model charts and specifications are located in the Basic Service Manual listed under the Related Documents paragraph of this chapter. Band K VHF (136174MHz) Power Level Radio Model Number Physical Packages Channel Spacing 9 Programmable Protocol AA Conventional Feature Level 1 4F Model Revision A Model Package N H A 1-25W No Display. 1. R3 (42. and physical packages from these numbers.0MHz) D 1-Line Display. R1 (29. and buttons depending on the radio type. or a signalling decoder.8 MHz Reference Clock from Synthesizer Recovered Audio 5V from Synthesizer Section (5V_RF) To RF Section Digital 5V Regulator (5VD) RAM EEPROM FLASH HC11FL0 SPI µP Clock SCI to Accessory & Control Head Connector External Microphone Audio/Signalling ASFIC_CMP Audio PA Internal Speaker External Speaker Mod Out Figure 2-1. 2.2-1 Chapter 2 Theory of Operation 2. display. is divided into three main functions: n n n Digital control Audio processing Voltage regulation. LED indicators. To Synthesizer 16. on/off circuit. antenna. microphone connector. The board also accepts one additional option board that can provide functions such as secure voice/data. An additional control head may be connected using an extension cable. and general purpose input/output circuits. The rear of the radio provides connections for a power. emergency switch. If a control head is not mounted directly on the front of the radio.2 Controller The radio controller. voice storage. receiver. etc. support memory. The radio is designed as a single board unit consisting of a transmitter. signal MUX ICs. an expansion board containing circuits for special applications can be mounted in its place on the front of the radio. and accessory cable. A control head mounted directly on the front of the radio or remotely connected by an extension cable provides a user interface for controlling the various features of the radio. foot operated PTT. shown in Figure 2-1. support logic.The control head contains. and ignition sensing. and controller circuits. and speaker. Controller Block Diagram . The accessory cable provides connections for items such as an external speaker.1 Overview This chapter provides a detailed theory of operation for the radio and its components. The digital control section of the radio consists of a microprocessor (µP). 3volts supply. Input and output capacitors (C0651 / C0652 and C0654 / C0655) reduce high frequency noise and provide proper operation during battery transients. The dc voltage applied to connector J0601 supplies power directly to the following: n n n n n n n Electronic on/off control RF power amplifier 12 volt regulator 9. Diode D0651 prevents discharge of C0652 by negative spikes on the 9. The VSTBY signal. This regulator output is enabled by a 0 volt signal on pin 2. This voltage supplies the 5 volt regulator.2. . Voltage regulation for the controller is provided by four separate devices: n n n n n U0651 (MC78M05) +5 volts U0641 (LM2941) +9. located on the RF section. the µP enters the wrong mode if the voltage across C0622 is still too low. Q0641.3 volt regulator (U0641) supplies power to the 5 volt regulator (U0651) and 6 volt voltage divider Q0681 Regulator U0641 generates the 9. By reducing the supply voltage of the regulator. derived directly from the supply voltage by components R0621 and VR0621.2-2 Theory of Operation 2.3 volt regulator Audio PA 5.6 volt stabilization circuit 9. the RF and power control circuits.3 volts down to about 6 volts. If the voltage at pin 1 is greater than 1. Operating voltage is from the regulated 9. Input and output capacitors C0641 and C0644 / C0645 are used to reduce high frequency noise. the power dissipation is divided between the RF section and the controller section. Transistors Q0661.3 volts U0611 (LM2941) +12 volts VSTBY 5V (a combination of R0621 and VR0621) Additional 5 volt regulator located in the RF section.3 volts required by some audio circuits.5 volts. Resistors R0642 / R0643 set the output voltage of the regulator.3 volts the regulator output increases.1 Radio Power Distribution The dc power distribution throughout the radio board is shown in Figure 2-2.3 volts the regulator output decreases and if the voltage is less than 1. Dual diode D0621 prevents radio circuits from discharging this capacitor. buffers the internal RAM. Voltage sense device U0652 or alternatively U0653 provides a reset output that goes to 0 volts if the regulator output goes below 4. Capacitor C0622 allows the battery voltage to be disconnected for several seconds without losing RAM information. This resets the controller to prevent improper operation. C0622 is charged via R0621 and D0621.3 volt supply. Transistor Q0681 and resistors R0681 / R0682 divide the regulated 9. When the supply voltage is applied to the radio. Voltage regulator U0651 provides 5 volts operating voltage for the digital circuits. and R0641 are used to disable the regulator when the radio is turned off. The regulated 5 volts charges C0622 via diode D0621. When the radio is switched on. Theory of Operation 2-3 J0601 13.2V PASUPVLTG PA, Driver Antenna Switch Accessories 20 Pin Connector Control Head 12 Pin Connector Option Board 40 Pin Connector 12V Regulator SWB+ FLT_A+ ON / OFF Control FLT_A+ 9.3V Regulator Audio PA Ignition Emergency ON/OFF 5VD 9V3 6V Regulator 5V Regulator 5VD MCU µP , RAM, FLASH & EEPROM 5V Regulator 5V_RF 5V/ VDDA PCIC, TX Amp Temp Sense RX RF Amp IF Amp VSTBY 5.6V ASFIC_CMP FRACTN VCOBIC Figure 2-2. DC Power Distribution Block Diagram The INT SW B+ voltage from switching transistor Q0661 provides power to the circuit controlling the audio PA output. The voltage is monitored by the µP through voltage divider R0671/R0672 and the line battery voltage. Diode VR0671 limits the divided voltage to 5.6 volts to protect the µP . Regulator U0611 generates the voltage for the switched supply voltage output (SWB+) at accessory connector J0501, pin 13. U0611 operates as a switch with voltage and current limit. Resistors R0611/R0612 set the maximum output voltage to 16.5 volts. This limitation is only active at high supply voltage levels. The regulator output is enabled by a 0 volt signal at Q0661, pin 2. Q0641 and R0641 disable the regulator when the radio is turned off. Input and output capacitors C0603 and C0611/C0612 reduce high frequency noise. Diode VR0601 protects against transients and reverse polarity of the supply voltage. 2.2.2 Automatic On/Off The radio software and/or external triggers turn the radio on or off without direct user action. For example, automatic turn on when ignition is sensed and off when ignition is off. Q0661 provides the INT SW B+ voltage to the various radio circuits and to enable the voltage regulators via transistor Q0641 which contains a pnp and an npn transistor that provide an electronic on/off switch. The switch is on when the collector of the npn transistor within Q0661 is low. When the radio is off the collector is at supply voltage level. This effectively prevents current flow from emitter to collector of the pnp transistor. When the radio is turned on the voltage at the base of the npn transistor is pulled high and the pnp transistor switches on (saturation). With the INT SWB+ voltage now at supply voltage level, transistor Q0641 pulls pin 2 of the voltage regulators U0611 and U 0641 to ground level, enabling their outputs. The electronic on/off circuits are enabled by the µP through ASFIC CMP port GCB2, line DC POWER ON, emergency switch (line EMERGENCY CONTROL), the mechanical On/Off/Volume knob on the control head (line ON OFF CONTROL), or the ignition sense circuits (line IGNITION CONTROL). If any of the four paths cause a low at the collector of the npn transistor within Q0661, the electronic "ON" is engaged. 2-4 Theory of Operation 2.2.3 Emergency The emergency switch (J0501, pin 9), when engaged, grounds the base of Q0662 via the EMERGENCY CONTROL line. This switches Q0662 off and resistor R0662 pulls the collector of Q0662 and the base of Q0663 to levels above two volts. Transistor Q0663 then switches on and pulls the collector of the npn transistor within Q0661 to ground level This enables the voltage regulators via Q0641. When the emergency switch is released, R0541 pulls the base of Q0662 up to 0.6 volts causing the collector of transistor Q0662 to go low (0.2 volts), switching Q0663 off. While the radio is on, the µP monitors the voltage at the emergency input on the accessory connector via pin 60 and the GP5 IN ACC9 line. Three different conditions can exit: no emergency, emergency, and open connection to the emergency switch. If no emergency switch is connected or the connection to the emergency switch is broken, the resistive divider R0541/R0512 sets the voltage to about 4.7 volts. If an emergency switch is connected, a resistor to ground within the emergency switch reduces the voltage on line GP5 IN ACC9 to inform the µP that the emergency switch is operational. An engaged emergency switch pulls line GP5 IN ACC9 to ground level. Diode D0179 limits the voltage to protect the µP input. While the EMERGENCY CONTROL signal is low and INT SW B+ is on, the µP starts execution, reads that the emergency input is active through the voltage level of line GP5 IN ACC9, and sets the DC POWER ON output of the ASFIC CMP , pin 13 to a logic high. This keeps Q0661 and Q0641 switched to allow a momentary press of the emergency switch to power up the radio. When the µP has finished processing the emergency press, it sets the DC POWER ON line to a logic 0. This turns off Q0661 and the radio turns off. Notice that the µP is alerted to the emergency condition via line GP5 IN ACC9. If the radio is already on when the emergency is triggered, the DC POWER ON signal is already high. 2.2.4 Mechanical On/Off This refers to the on/off/volume knob located on the control head which is used to turn the radio on and off and control the volume. If the radio is turned off and the on/off/volume knob is pressed, line ON OFF CONTROL (J0401, pin 11) goes high and switches the radio’s voltage regulators on as long as the button is pressed. The µP is alerted through line ON OFF SENSE (U0101, pin 6) which is pulled to low by Q0110 while the on/ off/volume knob is pressed. In addition, an interrupt is generated at µP , pin 96. The µP asserts line DC POWER ON via ASFIC CMP , pin 13 high which keeps the radio switched on. The µP switches the radio off by setting DC POWER ON to low via ASFIC CMP pin 13. 2.2.5 Ignition Ignition sense prevents the radio from draining the vehicle’s battery because the engine is not running. When the IGNITION input (J0501, pin 10) goes above 5 volts, Q0661 is turned on via line IGNITION CONTROL. Q0661 turns on INT SW B+ and the voltage regulators by turning on Q0641 and the µP starts execution. The µP is alerted through line GP6 IN ACC10. While the on/off button is pressed, a high signal turns Q0181 on, which pulls µP , pin 74 to low. If the software detects a low state it asserts DC POWER ON via ASFIC, pin 13 high which keeps Q0661 and Q0641 and the radio switched on. When the IGNITION input goes below 3 volts, Q0181 switches off and R0181 pulls µP, pin 74 to high. This alerts the software to switch off the radio by setting DC POWER ON to low. The next time the IGNITION input goes above 5 volts the above process is repeated. Theory of Operation 2-5 2.2.6 Microprocessor Clock Synthesizer The clock source for the µP system is generated by the ASFIC CMP (U0221). Upon power-up the synthesizer IC (FRAC-N) generates a 16.8 MHz waveform that is routed from the RF section to the ASFIC CMP , pin 34. For the main board controller the ASFIC CMP uses 16.8 MHz as a reference input clock signal for its internal synthesizer. The ASFIC CMP , in addition to the audio circuit, has a programmable synthesizer which can generate a synthesized signal ranging from 1200Hz to 32.769MHz in 1200Hz steps. When power is first applied, the ASFIC CMP generates its default 3.6864MHz CMOS square wave UP CLK (on U0221, pin 28) and this is routed to the µP (U0101, pin 90). After the µP starts operation, it reprograms the ASFIC CMP clock synthesizer to a higher UP CLK frequency (usually 7.3728 or 14.7456 MHz) and continues operation. The ASFIC CMP may be reprogrammed to change the clock synthesizer frequencies at various times depending on the software features that are executing. In addition, the clock frequency of the synthesizer is changed in small amounts if there is a possibility of harmonics of this clock source interfering with the desired radio receive frequency. The ASFIC CMP synthesizer loop uses C0245, C0246 and R0241 to set the switching time and jitter of the clock output. If the synthesizer cannot generate the required clock frequency it switches back to its default 3.6864MHz output. Because the ASFIC CMP synthesizer and the µP do not operate without the 16.8 MHz reference clock, the synthesizer and the voltage regulators should be checked first in debugging the system. The µP uses crystal oscillator Y0131 and associated components to form a real time clock used to display the time on control heads (with display) or as time stamp for incoming calls or messages. The real time clock is powered from the voltage VSTBY to keep running while the radio is switched off. If the radio is disconnected from the supply voltage, the time must be reset. 2.2.7 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) The µP communicates to many of the IC’s through its SPI port. This port consists of SPI TRANSMIT DATA (MOSI) (U0101, pin 100), SPI RECEIVE DATA (MISO) (U0101, pin 99), SPI CLK (U0101, pin 1) and chip select lines going to the various ICs. The BUS is a synchronous bus, in that the timing clock signal CLK is sent while SPI data (SPI TRANSMIT or RECEIVE) is sent. Therefore, whenever there is activity on either SPI TRANSMIT DATA or SPI RECEIVE DATA there should be a uniform signal on CLK. The SPI TRANSMIT DATA sends serial data from the µP to a device, and SPI RECEIVE DATA is sends data from a device to the µP . On the controller there are two ICs on the SPI BUS: ASFIC CMP (U0221, pin 22), and EEPROM (U0111, pin 5). In the RF section there are two ICs on the SPI BUS: FRAC-N Synthesizer, and the Power Control IC (PCIC). The SPI TRANSMIT DATA and CLK lines going to the RF section are filtered by L0481/R0481 and L0482/R0482 to minimize noise. The chip select line CSX from U0101, pin 2 is shared by the ASFIC CMP , FRAC-N Synthesizer, and PCIC. Each of these IC‘s check the SPI data and when the sent address information matches the IC’s address, the data that follows is processed. The chip select lines for the EEPROM (EE CS), voice storage (VS CS), expansion board (EXP1 CS, EXP2 CS) and option board (OPT CS) are decoded by the address decoder U0141. When the µP needs to program any of these IC’s it brings the chip select line CSX to a logic 0 and then sends the proper data and clock signals. The amount of data sent varies, for example the ASFIC CMP can receive up to 19 bytes (152 bits) while the PCIC can receive up to 6 bytes (48 bits). After the data is sent, the chip select line is returned to logic 1. DIG IN 6 can be used as normal input. the µP requests the data from the control head. and µP . the line ON OFF CONTROL goes high. pin 8) or to the accessory connector J0401. Diode D0179 limits the voltage to protect the µP input. 47. In addition.8 SBEP Serial Interface The SBEP serial interface allows the radio to communicate with the Customer Programming Software (CPS). pin 16 When data transfer is complete the main board terminates the chip select and CLK activity n n n 2. The µP reads this port via. This turns on transistor Q0110 which pulls line ON OFF SENSE and µP . pin 14. In addition. 54. Each port uses an output transistor Q0177. set by the CPS. line OPT CS. DIG IN 3 is read by µP . pin 15 and reads serial data via J0551. pin 17 and comprises BUS+. pin 79 The main board asserts a chip select for that option board via U0141. DIG IN OUT 4 are fed to the option board connector J0551 and the expansion board connector J0451. DIG IN 1 can be used as external PTT input or others. pin 6 to ground level. The control head ignores any data on BUS+ during SBEP communication with the CPS or universal tuner. If the interrupt source was from the control head. 76.9 General Purpose Input/Output The controller provides eight general purpose lines (DIG1 through DIG8) available on the accessory connector J0501 to interface the external options. Q0183. the ON OFF CONTROL line goes low. In addition the signals from DIG IN 1. an interrupt is generated via R0109 (for SELECT 5 / MDC models) or R0128. The µP then reads the registers of the Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) U0125 to determine whether the interrupt source was the control head or the UART (MPT models only). pin 60.8 are 14.2-6 Theory of Operation The option board interfaces are different in that the µP can also read data back from devices connected. the SBEP serial interface is used to communicate with a connected control head. . The µP reads this port via R0179 and µP 30 The main board µP generates the CLK (J0551. meaning that either the radio or the RIB can drive the line.2. The µP sends serial data via pin 98 and D0101 and it reads serial data via pin 97. pins 46. are inputs.5.7. The µP reads this port via pin 77 and Q0171. DIG IN OUT 4. pin 96. pins 75. line RDY. Transistor Q0173 is controlled by the µP via ASFIC CMP. To use one of the ports as input the µP must turn off the corresponding output transistor. pin 74 and Q0181. The control head starts sending and after all data has been sent.3. The software and the hardware of the radio model define the function of each port.6. 2. Whenever the µP detects activity on the BUS+ line. DIG OUT 2 is an output and DIG IN OUT 4. 53. The line is bi-directional. Q0185 controlled by µP . pins 17/26 (for MPT models) and µP . This interface connects to the microphone connector via control head connector (J0401. pin 63 via resistor R0176 DIG IN 5 can be used as normal input or emergency input. The ports are read by µP . pin 3) The main board µP writes serial data via J0551. J0551. but the general pattern is as follows: n n Option board generates a service request via J0551. set by the CPS.The timing and operation of this interface is specific to the option connected.7. set by the CPS. When a control head key is pressed or the volume knob is rotated. Lines DIG IN 1. DIG OUT 2 can be used as normal output or external alarm output. or the universal tuner via the Radio Interface Box (RIB). This indicates that the control head wants to start SBEP communication.8 are bidirectional and use the same circuit configuration. set by the CPS. U0125. pin 29. it starts communication. the OPTION BOARD and EXPANSION BOARD are selected by three lines of the µP using address decoder U0141. These lines sense the voltage level ranging from 0 to 5V of the input line and convert that level to a number ranging from 0 to 255 which is read by the software to take appropriate action. Also.. For example U0101. and a data bus of eight data lines (DATA 0 . pin 38) to chip select U0121. After the µP starts execution it periodically pulses these lines to determine the desired operating mode.2. While the central processing unit (CPU) is running. pin 2). The external EEPROM (U0111. pin 57) inputs to the µP must be at a logic 1 for it to start executing correctly. R0671 and R0672 form a resistor divider on INT SWB+. U0122 (SRAM). Whenever a data or address line becomes open or shorted to an adjacent line. In the case of shorted lines you may also detect the line periodically at an intermediate level.On the µP the lines XIRQ (U0101. or memory fetches. Specifically. the µP uses external memory devices to operate.24V which is then be converted to ~140 to 217 respectively. pin 30 (EEPROM). When the µP is functioning normally. the logic high levels should be between 4.8 to 5. as well as logic to select external memory devices. the µP uses only its internal memory. The µP provides an address bus of 16 address lines (ADDR 0 .e. and U0111 (EEPROM). In expanded mode. with the period being in the order of 20msecs. i. pin 94) should be high at all times during normal operation. MODA LIR (U0101. pin 57) and RESET (U0101.0 volts.10 Normal Microprocessor Operation The µP is configured to operate in one of two modes: expanded or bootstrap. The chips ASFIC CMP / FRAC-N / PCIC are selected by line CSX (U0101. the µP is operating in expanded mode and the µP (U0101) has access to three external memory devices: U0121 (EEPROM).Theory of Operation 2-7 2. and the rise and fall times should be <30ns. pin 67 is the battery voltage detect line. e. No other intermediate levels should be observed. pin 58) and MODB VSTPY (U0101. referred to as the codeplug. the address and data lines are toggling at CMOS logic levels.ADDR 15). High speed CMOS transitions should also be observed on the µP control lines. The external EEPROM (U0111) space contains the information in the radio which is customer specific.5 volts when two shorted lines attempt to drive to opposite rails.DATA 7). you should set your oscilloscope sweep to 1µs/div. The MODA LIR (U0101. This information consists of items such as: n n n Band in which the radio operates What frequencies are assigned to what channel Tuning information. With 30K and 10K and a voltage range of 11V to 17V. The low-order address lines (ADDR 0 . within the µP there are three KBs of internal RAM. . In bootstrap mode. pin 20 (SRAM) and PG7 R W (U0101. MODB VSTPY (U0101. g. All of the data stored in both of these locations is lost when the radio powers off (See the particular device subsection for more details). There are eight analog-to-digital converter ports (A/D) on U0101 labelled within the device block as PE0-PE7. pin 58). pin 41) to chip select U0122.ADDR 7) and the data lines (DATA 0-DATA 7) should be toggling at a high rate. MODA LIR is an open-drain CMOS output which goes low whenever the µP begins a new instruction. pin 48). One instruction typically requires 2-4 external bus cycles. a common symptom is that the RESET line goes low periodically. CSGP2 (U0101.2 volts. around 2. There are also three control lines: CSPROG (U0101. The external SRAM (U0122) as well as the µP’s own internal RAM space are used for temporary calculations required by the software during execution. and the logic low levels should be between 0 to 0. During normal operation of the radio.74V to 4. or faster to observe individual pulses. pin 4) to select whether to read or to 1). that A/D port is 2. 2. This programming sets up various paths within the ASFIC CMP to route audio and/or signalling signals through the appropriate filtering. U0122 is commonly referred to as the external RAM as opposed to the internal RAM which is the 3 KBs of RAM (part of the 68HC11FL0). . EXTERNAL ALARM (GCB1). If this line is not connected to ground. SRAM accesses are indicated by the CS signal U0122. PL/DPL/HST/MDC/MPT Squelch detection µP clock signal generation The ASFIC CMP is programmable through the SPI BUS (U0221-20/21/22). and attenuator blocks. The device allows an unlimited number of write cycles. the A/D reading is incorrect. and which are generated and stored by the software during its normal operation. Likewise U0101. 2. the internal RAM is used for the calculated values which are accessed most often. gain.2. filtering. normally receiving 19 bytes. Capacitor C0101 filters the +5 volt reference.1 Controller Board Audio and Signalling Circuits Audio Signalling Filter IC with Compander (ASFIC CMP) The ASFIC CMP (U0221) used in the controller has the four following functions: n n n n RX/TX audio shaping. the A/D readings could be incorrect.e. pin 20 which is the result of U0101-CSGP2 going low.3. pin 68 is the low reference for the A/D ports. pin 11 to output either RX FLAT AUDIO or RX FILTERED AUDIO on the accessory connector. If this voltage is lower than +5 volt.11 Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) The SRAM (U0121) contains temporary radio calculations or parameters that can change very frequently. i. However. Capacitor C0122 filters out any ac noise which may ride on +5V at U0122.2-8 Theory of Operation U0101-69 is the high reference voltage for the A/D ports on the µP . The information is lost when the radio is turned off. GCB4 controls U0251. and DC POWER ON (GCB2) to switch the voltage regulators (and the radio) on and off. Both RAM spaces serve the purpose. GCB5 switches the audio PA on and off.3 2. amplification. pin 10 to use either the external microphone input or the voice storage playback signal. attenuation RX/TX signalling. GCB3 controls U0251. This line is normally tied to ground. pin 11. The ASFIC CMP also has six general control bits (GCB0-5) which are CMOS level outputs and used for NOISE BLANKER (GCB0) in low band radios. The signal is then routed via R0409 and line INT MIC to R0205. The microphones require a DC biasing voltage provided by a resistive network. Resistive divider R0206 / R0208 divide the input signal by 5. The audio signal at U0221. R0204 and C0201 provide a 560 ohm AC path to ground that sets the input impedance for the microphone and determines the gain based on the emitter resistor in the microphone’s amplifier circuit. One from the control head external microphone accessory connector J0501. pin 46 (auxiliary microphone).3. then it is routed via line EXT MIC to resistor R0206. pin 48 (external microphone) and U0221. J0451 FLAT TX RTN 18 31 39 EXPANSION BOARD 33 J0551 IN OPTION OUT BOARD IN OUT 32 J0401 44 TX SND MIC 9 CONTROL HEAD CONNECTOR TP0221 MIC INT 36 TX RTN 46 FILTERS AND PREEMPHASIS MIC ASFIC_CMP IN U0221 LIMITER HS SUMMER SPLATTER FILTER LS SUMMER VCO ATN ATTENUATOR MOD IN 40 TO RF SECTION (SYNTHESIZER) J0501 2 5 TP0222 48 42 AUX TX ACCESSORY CONNECTOR MIC EXT EXT MIC FLAT TX AUDIO Figure 2-3. Capacitor C0204 provides dc blocking.3Vdc bias. The two microphone audio input paths enter the ASFIC CMP at U0221. pin 9. Capacitor C0254 provides dc blocking.3 Microphone Input Path The radio supports two microphone input paths.5 and provide input protection for the CMOS amplifier input. Resistive divider R0205/R0207 divide the input signal by 5. pin 2.5kHz or 25kHz channel spacing. pin 46 (TP0221) is approximately 14mV for 1.Theory of Operation 2-9 2.3. pin 5. The microphone is plugged into the radio control head which is connected to the controller board via J0401. and one from the microphone auxiliary path (FLAT TX AUDIO) via accessory connector J0501.5 and provide input protection for the CMOS amplifier input.3Vdc bias. The external microphone signal enters the radio on accessory connector J0501. Transmit Audio Paths 2. Resistors R0201 and R0202 provide 9.5kHz or 3kHz of deviation with 12. R0202 and C0201 provide a 560 ohm AC path to ground that sets the input impedance for the microphone and determines the gain based on the emitter resistor in the microphone’s amplifier circuit. pin 5. . Resistors R0201 and R0204 provide a 9.2 Transmit Audio Circuits Refer to Figure 2-3 for the descriptions that follow. which is fed to the Secure board residing at option connector J0551-33. The processed signal is then fed back from J0551-32 to the ASFIC CMP TX RTN input (U0221-36). The signal is then routed through the TX path in the ASFIC CMP and emerges at MOD IN pin 40. pin 42) through C0541 and line FLAT TX RTN. When microphone PTT is sensed. pin 7. The signal is then routed through the TX path in the ASFIC CMP and out at MOD IN.5kHz or 25kHz channel spacing. 2. The signal level at this pin should be about 65mVrms. The AGC can be disabled/enabled by the µP. The ASFIC has an internal AGC that controls the gain in the microphone audio path. The audio signal at U0221-48 (TP0222) is approximately 14mVrms for 1. The TX audio emerges from the ASFIC CMP at U0221-40 MOD IN. and then to a splatter filter to eliminate high frequency spectral components that could be generated by the limiter. .3. The option board contains circuits to process the audio. The Secure board contains circuits to amplify. the microphone audio is filtered to eliminate frequency components outside the 300-3000Hz voice band. 2. The limited microphone audio is then routed through a summer. Another feature that can be enabled/disabled in the ASFIC is the VOX. This circuit. The FLAT TX AUDIO signal from accessory connector J0501-5 is fed to the ASFIC CMP (U0221. Inside the ASFIC CMP. The signal is then limited to prevent the transmitter from over deviating. The signal level at this pin is approximately 65mVrms.3. The audio is then routed to an attenuator. The ASFIC can also be programmed to route the microphone audio to a speaker for public address operation. An external PTT can be generated by grounding pin 3 on the accessory connector if this input is programmed for PTT by the CPS. which is used to add in signalling data. encrypt.3. along with the capacitor at U0221. which is fed to the option board residing at option connector J0551-33. The encrypted signal is then fed back from J0551-32 to the ASFIC CMP TX RTN input (U0221-36).3. provides a dc voltage allows the µP to detect microphone audio. and external PTT results in the external microphone audio path being selected.3.3.5kHz or 3kHz of deviation with 12. pin 40.2 TX Secure Audio (optional) The audio follows the normal transmit audio processing until it emerges from the ASFIC CMP TX SND pin (U0221-44). at which point it is routed to the RF section. 2.3 Option Board Transmit Audio The audio follows the normal transmit audio processing until it emerges from the ASFIC CMP TX SND pin (U0221-44). and pre-emphasized if pre-emphasis is enabled.2-10 Theory of Operation Multi switch U0251 controlled by ASFIC CMP port GCB4 selects either the external microphone input signal or the voice storage playback signal for entering the ASFIC CMP at pin 48. the µP always configures the ASFIC CMP for the "internal" microphone audio path.1 PTT Sensing and TX Audio Processing The microphone PTT signal coming from the control head is sent via the SBEP bus to the µP . and filter the audio. which is tuned in the factory or the field to set the proper amount of FM deviation. This drives a tone generator inside U0221 which generates a staircase approximation to a PL sine wave or DPL data pattern. where it is sent to the RF board as previously described for transmit audio. . using the SPI BUS.1 Sub-Audible Data (PL/DPL) Sub-audible data implies signalling whose frequency/data rate is below 300Hz. The µP then generates a square wave which strobes the ASFIC PL / DPL encode input LSIO U0221-18 at twelve times the desired data rate.3. Only one type of sub-audible data can be generated by U0221 (ASFIC CMP) at any one time.4 Transmit Signalling Circuits Refer to Figure 2-4 for the descriptions that follow. the µP programs the ASFIC CMP to set up the proper lowspeed data deviation and select the PL or DPL filters. The resulting summed waveform then appears on U0221-40 (MOD IN)." the actual frequency spectrum of these waveforms may be as high as 250 Hz.4. This internal waveform is then low-pass filtered and summed with voice or data. Figure 2-4. Transmit Signalling Paths The three types of transmit signalling paths are as follows: • • • Sub-audible data (PL/DPL/connect tone) summed with transmit voice or signalling DTMF data for telephone communication between trunked and conventional systems Audible signalling NOTE All three types are supported by the hardware while the radio software determines which signalling type is available. However. PL and DPL waveforms are used for conventional operation and connect tones for trunked voice channel operation. For example. which is audible to the human ear.Theory of Operation 2-11 2. Although it is referred to as "sub-audible data. 2.3. The trunking connect tone is simply a PL tone at a higher deviation level than PL in a conventional system. the radio receiver filters out any audio below 300Hz. for a PL frequency of 103Hz. the frequency of the square wave is 1236Hz. A trunking connect tone would be generated in the same manner as a PL tone. The process is as follows. so these tones are never heard in the actual system. To generate an ISW. which is in a 2-state mode. Microphone audio is muted during high speed data signalling.3. There are seven frequencies. controlled by the µP via SPI bus.2-12 Theory of Operation 2. The low group tone is generated by the ASFIC CMP . 1477Hz). From that point. the µP first programs the ASFIC CMP (U0221) to the proper filter and gain settings. Inside U0221 the lowgroup and high-group tones are summed (with the amplitude of the high group tone being approximately 2 dB greater than that of the low group tone) and then pre-emphasized before being routed to the summer and splatter filter. it is routed through the modulation attenuators and then out of the ASFIC CMP to the RF board.4. U0221’s 5-3-2 state encoder. in some cases these signals may also pass through a data pre-emphasis block in the ASFIC CMP . known as inbound signalling words (ISWs) used in a trunking system for high speed communication between the central controller and the radio. with four in the low group (697.2 High Speed Data High speed data refers to the 3600 baud data waveforms. However. Also these signalling schemes are based on sending a combination of 1200 Hz and 1800 Hz tones only.3 Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) Data DTMF data is a dual tone waveform used during phone interconnect operation. 1336. The DTMF waveform then follows the same path as described for high-speed data . It is the same type of tones which are heard when using a "Touch Tone" telephone. It then begins strobing U0221-19 (HSIO) with a pulse when the data is supposed to change states. 852.3. 941Hz) and three in the high group (1209. is then fed to the post-limiter summer block and then the splatter filter. The high-group tone is generated by the µP (U0101-44) strobing U0221-19 at six times the tone frequency for tones less than 1440Hz or twice the frequency for tones greater than 1440Hz. 770.4. 2. MPT 1327 and MDC are generated in much the same way as trunking ISW. In this case CH ACT is a pre-indicator as it occurs slightly faster than SQ DET. filtered. pin 2). Receive Audio Paths 2. RECTIFIER FILTER. COMPARATOR CH ACT SQUELCH CIRCUIT LS IO 18 J0451 17 SQ DET 16 84 83 17 EXPANSION BOARD MICRO CONTROLLER U0101 80 85 Figure 2-5.3. and rectified. The CH ACT and SQ DET signals from the squelch circuit are applied to the µP pins 84 and 83 respectively. pin 17 from the CH ACT input signal. The squelch signal entering the ASFIC CMP is amplified. The state of CH ACT and SQ DET go from a low (logic 0) to a high (logic 1) when an RF carrier is detected. The squelch circuit produces the SQ DET signal at U0221. The radio’s RF circuits are constantly producing an output (DISC AUDIO) at the discriminator IF IC.3. It is then sent to a comparator to produce an active high signal (CH ACT).Theory of Operation 2-13 2. SQ DET is used to determine all audio mute/unmute decisions except for conventional scan. ACCESSORY CONNECTOR 11 J0501 AUDIO PA U0271 9 4 6 INT SPKRCONTROLHEAD CONNECTOR 3 2 J0401 7 HANDSET AUDIO INTERNAL SPEAKER SPKR + SPKR 16 1 EXTERNAL SPEAKER FLT RX AUDIO 1 INT SPKR+ 10 35 IN 39 41 28 IN OUT U IO URX OUT AUDIO VOLUME ATTEN. attenuated.5.1 Squelch Detect The squelch detect circuits are all contained within the ASFIC CMP as shown in Figure 2-5. The output signal is applied to the ASFIC CMP’s squelch detect circuits DISC input (U0221.5 Receive Audio Circuits Refer to Figure 2-5 for the descriptions that follow. . OPTION BOARD J0551 7 DISC FROM AUDIO RF SECTION (IF IC) 34 43 AUX RX ASFIC_CMP U0221 IN FILTER AND DEEMPHASIS 2 DISC PL FILTER LIMITER LIMITER. 2. The audio power amplifier has one inverted and one non-inverted output that produces the differential audio output SPK+/SPK. the transistor is off and U0271-8 is high via pull-up resistor R0273. The signal is then applied to both the audio and the PL/DPL paths. pin 41). goes through a limiter. When the base of Q0271 is low. SPK+ and SPK. Resistors R0256 and R0268 set the correct input level to the audio PA (U0271). FLT A+ of 11V yields a dc offset of 5V.3.5. using the SPI BUS. or DPL/LST low pass filter. The µP programs the attenuator. This is a mute condition used to prevent an audio pop when the PA is enabled. The signal first passes through one of two low pass filters. The audio PA’s dc biases are not activated until the audio PA is enabled at pin 8. it must be separated from the voice information before processing. Either signal is then filtered. The recovered audio passes through a de-emphasis filter. The signal on the audio path is applied to a programmable amplifier. If the voltage is between 3. Resistor R0267 and capacitor C0267 increase frequency components below 350 Hz. pin 18). whose setting is based on the channel bandwidth being received. The minimum/ maximum settings of the attenuator are set by codeplug parameters.2-14 Theory of Operation 2. but has its input (U0273. and the audio PA is ON. pin 80) decodes the signal directly to determine if it is the tone/code currently active on that mode. pin 38). and exits the ASFIC CMP at LSIO (U0221. pins 1 and 16) and to the control head connector (J0401. pin 2.3 Audio Amplification Speaker (+) Speaker (-) The output of the ASFIC CMP’s digital volume pot (U0221. and FLT A+ of 17V yields a dc offset of 8. then through the PL/DPL path. pin 1. pin 7). pins 4 and 6). The voltage at U0273-8 must be above 8. pin 41) is routed through dc blocking capacitor C0256 to a buffer formed by U0211. The µP (U0101. if it is enabled.outputs of the audio PA are dc biased and vary proportionately with FLT A+ (U0271. The audio PA is enabled via the ASFIC CMP (U0221. and HPF filter to strip off any sub-audible data below 300Hz. pins 1 and 9) off. pins 2 and 3).2 Audio Processing and Digital Volume Control The receiver audio signal (DISC AUDIO) enters the controller section from the IF IC where it is AC coupled by C0227 before entering the ASFIC CMP via the DISC input at U0221. based on the volume setting. If either of these lines is shorted to ground. either PL low pass filter. The audio then passes through R0269 and C0272 which provides AC coupling and low frequency roll-off. The resulting filtered audio signal is passed through an output buffer within the ASFIC CMP and exits the ASFIC CMP at the AUDIO output (U0221. pins 1 and 9 which are both tied to the received audio. This is necessary because the gain of the audio PA is 46 dB and the ASFIC CMP output is capable of overdriving the PA unless the maximum volume is limited. pin 2. Any sub-audible signal enters the ASFIC CMP from the IF IC at DISC U0221. .are routed to the accessory connector (J0501. The SPK+ and SPK. The audio then goes through the 8-bit programmable attenuator whose level is set depending on the value of the volume control. an LPF filter to remove any frequency components above 3000Hz. C0273 provides high frequency roll-off as the audio signal is routed to audio power amplifier U0271.5V. it is possible that the audio PA could be damaged.(U0271.5.3. to compensate for pre-emphasis which is used to reduce the effects of FM noise. the device is active.3 and 6. Since sub-audible signalling is summed with voice information on transmit.5Vdc to properly enable the device. At this point the signal appears as a square wave version of the sub-audible signal the radio received.4V. pin 10).3kHz) and deemphasized.Theory of Operation 2-15 2.5.3kHz) and de-emphasized. The maximum value of this output is 6. The signal then follows a path identical to conventional receive audio. Filtered audio from the ASFIC CMP URXOUT (U0221. pin 39) enters the option board at connector J0551. pin 10) enters the option board at connector J0551.3 . the signal is processed.3. the encrypted signal is converted back to normal audio format. pin 1. pin 9 where it is amplified by 20 dB. which is now encrypted audio. then fed back through J0551. The signal then follows a path identical to the conventional receive audio. is not used for the secure board. pin 11 via dc blocking capacitor C0542. pin 2. 2. but has not yet gone through the digital volume attenuator. where it is filtered (0. The control head sends this signal directly out to the microphone jack.5. pin 39 is filtered and de-emphasized. pin 34 to AUX RX of the ASFIC CMP (U0221. pin 35) selects between the filtered audio signal from the ASFIC CMP at pin 39 (URXOUT) or the unfiltered flat audio signal from the ASFIC CMP . pin 35.6Vp-p.3. For those devices. Resistors R0251 and R0253 determine the gain of op amp U0211. pin 43).5 Filtered Audio and Flat Audio The ASFIC CMP audio output at U0221. pin 2 for the filtered audio while R0252 and R0253 determine the gain for the flat audio. pin 12 and AC coupled to U0211. From ASFIC CMP U0221. U10. The received audio from the output of the ASFIC CMP’s digital volume attenuator and buffered by U0211. The signal URX SND from the ASFIC CMP (U0221-39) also routed to option connector J0551. . pin 10. pin 28. which is fed to the secure audio board at option connector J0551. pin 43). This is set by the 10k/ 100k combination of R0261 and R0262. then fed back through (J0551. is also routed to U0211.3. HANDSET AUDIO is available at control head connector J0401. 2.7 Option Board Receive Audio Unfiltered audio from the ASFIC CMP (U0221. pin 7.3 . On the option board. pin 7 is then routed to J0501. pin 39 the signal is routed via R0251 through gate U0251. 2. pin 34) to AUX RX of the ASFIC CMP (U0221.The output of U0253.3. pin 28.5. This signal is routed from the output of the op amp U0211 to J0401-7. follows the normal receive audio processing until it is output from the ASFIC CMP UIO (U0221.5. On the secure board. Note that any volume adjustment of the signal on this path must be done by the accessory. where it is filtered (0. The gate controlled by ASFIC CMP port GCB3 (U0221. pin 35. but for other option boards.4 Handset Audio Certain accessories have a self contained speaker which requires a different voltage level than that provided by U0271.6 RX Secure Audio Option Discriminator audio. or for a bad key press. For external alert tones. pin 19. DATA FILTER AND DEEMPHASIS DET AUDIO DISCRIMINATOR AUDIO FROM RF SECTION (IF IC) 2 DISC LIMITER HSIO 19 82 44 MICRO CONTROLLER U0101 ASFIC_CMP U0221 FILTER LIMITER LSIO 18 80 85 PLEAP 8 PLCAP2 25 Figure 2-6. circuit failures). The data enters the ASFIC CMP at input DISC (U0221. then it is limited to a 0-5V digital level.6 Receive Signalling Circuits Refer to Figure 2-6 for the descriptions that follow. or externally using the µP and the ASFIC CMP . it sends an alert tone to the speaker. and at what volume level to generate the tone. This is accomplished by the µP generating a square wave which enters the ASFIC CMP at U0221-19. In this case a code contained within the SPI BUS load to the ASFIC CMP sets up the path and determines the tone frequency.3. pin 80. The low speed data is read by the µP at twice the frequency of the sampling waveform. pin 2).6. pin 18.3. 2. DPL. the µP can generate any tone within the 100-3000Hz audio band. pin 82 The low speed limited data output (PL. then passed through the 8-bit digital volume attenuator. Receive Signalling Paths 2. (It does not have to be related to the voice volume setting).2-16 Theory of Operation 2. The tone exits at U022141 and is routed to the audio PA like receive audio. and C0244 set the low frequency pole for a zero crossings detector in the limiters for PL and HS data. The external capacitors C0236. The hysteresis of these limiters is programmed based on the type of received data.1 Sub-Audible Data (PL/DPL) and High Speed Data Decoder The ASFIC CMP (U0221) filters and limits all received data. It does so by sending SPI BUS data to U0221 which sets up the audio path to the speaker for alert tones. a latch configuration in the ASFIC CMP stores one bit every clock cycle. where it connects to the µP U0101.2 Alert Tone Circuits When the software determines that it needs to give the operator an audible feedback for a good key press. and trunking LS) appears at U0221. 608. Inside U0221 the data is filtered according to data type (HS or LS). The MDC and trunking high speed data appear at U0221.3. and 1823Hz. The allowable internal alert tones are 304. which is typically loaded with a special value for alert tone audio. 911. where it connects to the µP U0101. . Inside U0221 the tone is amplified and filtered. phone call.6. Inside the ASFIC CMP this signal is routed to the alert tone generator The output of the generator is summed into the audio chain just after the RX audio de-emphasis block. or radio status (trunked system busy. The alert tone itself can be generated in one of two ways: internally by the ASFIC CMP . the stored audio emerges U0301 at pin 20. To transmit the audio signal. A cross over quad diode mixer converts the signal to the 1st IF of 44. During playback. Pin 2 (RAC) of U0301 indicates the end of a message row by a low state for 12. 2. line VS CS and U0301 pin 9. Audio. which is connected to µP pin 55 indicates that the Voice Storage IC requires service from the µP. Any stored audio signal can be played back over the radio’s speaker or sent out via the radio’s transmitter. the audio from U0301 pin 20 is buffered by op-amp U0341-2 and fed via switch U0342 and line FLAT RX SND to ASFIC CMP pin 10 (UIO). Switch U0342 is controlled by the µP via ASFIC CMP port GCB 4 and feeds the stored audio only to the ASFIC CMP port UIO when it is programmed as input. Then the µP sends data through line DATA and receives data through line MISO.3 Voice Storage Option The Voice Storage (VS) option can be used to store audio signals coming from the receiver or from the microphone.5 ms and connects to µP pin 52. It consists of four major blocks: front-end bandpass filters and preamplifier. A low at pin 5 (INT).3 volts regulator U0351 which is powered from the regulated 5 volts. DATA (U0301-10) and MISO (U0301-11).3. is buffered by op-amp U0341-1. Voice Storage IC U0301 provides all required functionality and is powered from 3. it is fed through resistive divider R0344 / R0345 and line VS MIC to input selector IC U0251. emerges the ASFIC CMP (U0221) at pin 43. The Voice Storage option can by placed on the controller section or on an additional option board which resides on option board connector J0551. To transfer data. the µP first selects the U0301 via address decoder U0141. either from the radio’s receiver or from one of the microphone inputs. The µP controls U0301 via SPI bus lines CLK (U0301-8). To play the stored audio over the radio’s speaker. In this case. Low side first injection is used.85 MHz.Theory of Operation 2-17 2. then enters the voice storage IC U0301 at pin 25. • • • • First mixer 1st IF 2nd IF Receiver back-end Two varactor tuned bandpass filters perform antenna signal pre-selection.6. the audio signal enters the ASFIC CMP at pin 48 and is processed like normal transmit audio.4 UHF (403-470 MHz) Receiver Front-End The receiver is able to cover the UHF range from 403 to 470 MHz. When this path is selected by the µP via ASFIC CMP port GCB 4. this ASFIC CMP pin is programmed as input and feeds the audio signal through the normal receiver audio path to the speaker or handset. Dual shottky diode D0301 reduces the supply voltage for U0301 to 3 volts. . 85 MHz crystal filters in the 1st IF section and two pairs of 455 kHz ceramic filters in the 2nd IF section provide the required adjacent channel selectivity.5 or 25 kHz channel spacing is selected via control line BWSELECT. and demodulated in the IF IC.5kHz) BWSELECT Filter Bank Selection from Synthesizer IC Figure 2-7.2-18 Theory of Operation RF Jack Pin Diode Antenna Switch Varactor Tuned Filter RF Amp Varactor Tuned Filter Mixer 1. amplified. Crystal Filter Recovered Audio Demodulator Limiter RSSI Second LO Switch Switch Switch Switch 455kHz Filter (25kHz) 455kHz Filter (12. The 2nd IF at 455 kHz is mixed. . IF Amp Harmonic Filter Control Voltage from PCIC First LO from FGU 2. The processing of the demodulated audio signal is performed by an audio processing IC located in the controller section. IF Amp 2.5kHz) 455kHz Filter (25kHz) 455kHz Filter (12. Crystal Filter 1. UHF Receiver Block Diagram The 2-pole 44. The correct pair of ceramic filters for 12. Its output impedance is matched to the second two pole crystal filter FL3102. A following 1 dB pad (R4013 .R4010) stabilizes the output impedance and intermodulation performance. The collector current of approximately 11-16 mA is drawn from the 9. which controls the pre-selector filter.85 MHz high IF signal mixes with the 44. These pairs are selectable via BWSELECT. The mixer IF output signal (IF) from transformer T4501pin 2 is fed to the first two pole crystal filter FL3101. The IF IC contains a quadrature detector using a ceramic phase-shift element (Y3102) to provide audio detection. The RSSI signal is interpreted by the µP (U0101 pin 63) and is available at accessory connector J0501-15.1 Front-End Band-Pass Filters and Pre-Amplifier The received signal from the radio’s antenna connector is first routed through the harmonic filter and antenna switch. The signal is further amplified by a preamplifier (Q3102) before going into pin 1 of IFIC (U3101). The IF amplifier Q3101 is actively biased by a collector base feedback (R3101.R4011 and R4008 . The tuning voltage (FECTRL_1) ranging from 2 volts to 8 volts is controlled by pin 20 of PCIC (U4501) in the Transmitter section. FL3114) for 20/25 kHz channel spacing or FL3111 and FL3113/F3115 for 12. and intermodulation. . The 2-pole pre-selector filter tuned by the varactor diodes D4001 and D4002 pre-selects the incoming signal (RXIN) from the antenna switch to reduce spurious effects to following stages. A 3dB pad (R4006.4. The filtered output from the ceramic filters is applied to the limiter input pin of the IF IC (pin 14). The 2nd IF signal is amplified and filtered by an external pair of 455 kHz ceramic filters (FL3112.R4007. 2. having a dynamic range of 70 dB. L4054. D4001 and associated components). The 2nd LO frequency is determined by crystal Y3101. A second 2-pole varactor tuned bandpass filter provides additional filtering of the amplified signal. The injection signal (RXINJ) coming from the RX VCO buffer (Q4332) is filtered by the lowpass filter consisting of (L4053. A dual hot carrier diode (D3101) limits the filter output voltage swing to reduce overdrive effects at RF input levels above -27 dBm. R3106) to a current drain of approximately 5 mA drawn from the 5 volt supply. before being applied to the receiver pre-selector filter (C4001.Theory of Operation 2-19 2. impedance.85 MHz) using a cross over quad diode mixer (D4051). C4053 . C4002.5 kHz channel spacing. which are part of the RF power amplifier circuits.85 MHz IF using low side injection via matching transformers T4051 and T4052.395 MHz second local oscillator (2nd LO) to produce the low IF signal at 455 kHz.3 volt supply via L4003 and R4002.85 MHz 1st IF signal from the second IF amplifier feeds the IF IC (U3101) at pin1.C4055) followed by a matching transformer T4052 and has a level of approximately 15dBm. The filter output in turn is matched to the following IF amplifier. The RF pre-amplifier is an SMD device (Q4003) with collector base feedback to stabilize gain. Within the IF IC the 44.2 First Mixer and 1st Intermediate Frequency (IF) The signal coming from the front-end is converted to the first IF (44. The varactor diodes D4004 and D4005 are controlled by the same signal FECTRL_1.4. 2. Its ports are matched for incoming RF signal conversion to the 44. A received signal strength indicator (RSSI) signal is available at U3101 pin 5. Internal amplification provides an audio output level of 120 mV rms (at 60% deviation) from U3103 pin 8 (DISCAUDIO) which is fed to the ASFIC_CMP (U0221) pin 2 (part of the Controller circuits).4.R4015) stabilizes the output impedance and intermodulation performance. A dual hot carrier diode (D4003) limits any inband signal to 0 dBm to prevent damage to the preamplifier.3 2nd Intermediate Frequency (IF) and Receiver Back-End The 44. The first stage is a LDMOS predriver (U4401) that is controlled by pin 4 of PCIC (U4501) via Q4473 (CNTLVLTG).5. . The voltage of the line PCIC_MOSBIAS_1 is set in transmit mode by PCIC pin 24 and fed to the gate of Q4421 via the resistive network R4407. which in turn controls the output power of the PA. Q4431 and Q4441 are directly attached to the heat sink. It is followed by another LDMOS stage (Q4421). It consists of the following four stages in the line-up. 2. The bias voltage is tuned in the factory.5 Transmitter Power Amplifier (PA) 40 W The radio’s 40W power amplifier (PA) is a four stage amplifier used to amplify the output from the VCOBIC to the radio transmit level. R4416 and R4415. UHF Transmitter Block Diagram Device Q4401 is surface mounted.2-20 Theory of Operation 2. In receive mode the voltage control line is at ground level and turns off Q4473 which in turn switches off the biasing voltage to U4401. R4408.1 Power Controlled Stage The first stage (U4401) amplifies the RF signal from the VCO (TXINJ) and controls the output power of the PA.2 Pre-Driver Stage The next stage is a 13dB gain LDMOS device (Q4421) which requires a positive gate bias and a quiescent current flow for proper operation.5. The control voltage simultaneously varies the bias of two FET stages within U4401. Antenna From VCO Controlled Stage PA Driver PA-Final Stage Power Sense Pin Diode Antenna Switch Harmonic Filter RF Jack Bias 2 AS FI C _ C M P SPI BUS PA PWR SET Bias 1 Vcontrol To Microprocessor PCIC Temperature Sense To Microprocessor Figure 2-8. This biasing point determines the overall gain of U4401 and therefore its output drive level to Q4421. The output power of the transistor U4401 is controlled by a voltage control line feed from the PCIC pin4(U4501). 2. and a bipolar final stage (Q4441). an LDMOS stage (Q4431). Q4421. 5 Bi-Directional Coupler The Bi-directional coupler is a microstrip printed circuit.3 Driver Stage The following stage is an enhancement-mode N-Channel MOSFET device (Q4431) providing a gain of 10dB. Care must be taken not to damage the device by exceeding the maximum allowed bias voltage. and R4632.5.C4494. which couples a small amount of the forward and reverse power of the RF power from Q4441. The device’s collector current is also drawn from the radio’s dc supply voltage input. improving spurious response rejection. A+.5.6 Antenna Switch The antenna switch utilizes the existing dc feed (A+) to the last stage device (Q4441). R4631. via L4421. A portion of the forward RF power from the transmitter is sampled by the bi-directional coupler and rectified. The coupled signal is rectified to an output power proportional dc voltage by the diodes D4451 & D4452 and sent to the RFIN of the PCIC. 2. The current through the diodes needs to be set around 80mA to fully open the transmit path through resistor R4496. the base is dc-grounded by a series inductor (L4441) and a bead (L4440).Theory of Operation 2-21 2. The reference voltage level is programmable through the SPI line of the PCIC. It is achieve by pulling down the voltage at the cathode end of D4472 to around 11. to provide a dc voltage to the RFIN port of the PCIC (pin 1) which is proportional to the sampled RF power. L4492. VR4471 ensures the voltage at the resistor R4511 never exceeds 5. L4493 and capacitors C4448.5.7V drop across each diode). The voltage of the line Bias_2_UHF_PA_1 is set in transmit mode by the ASFIC and fed to the gate of Q4431 via the resistive network R4630. .7 Harmonic Filter Inductors L4491. Basic operation is to have both PIN diodes D4471 and D4472 turns on during key-up by forward biasing them.6V 2. 2. C4496 and C4498 form a lowpass filter to attenuate harmonic energy from the transmitter. The PCIC controls the gain of stage U4401 as necessary to hold this voltage constant.5. A matching network consisting of C5541-C5544 and two striplines transform the impedance to 50 Ohms and feeds the directional coupler.8 Power Control The transmitter uses the Power Control IC (PCIC. This reference voltage is proportional to the desired power setting of the transmitter. U4501) to control the power output of the radio.4 Final Stage The final stage uses the bipolar device Q4441. C4493. This device also requires a positive gate bias and a quiescent current flow for proper operation. Q4472 is a current source controlled by Q4471 and is eventually connected to pin ANO of PCIC.8V (0. R4491 is used to drain any electrostatic charges that might otherwise build up on the antenna. The harmonic filter also prevents high level RF signals above the receiver passband from reaching the receiver circuits. The device’s drain current is drawn directly from the radio’s dc supply voltage input.5. To maintain class C operation. If the transistor is replaced. 2. This bias voltage is also tuned in the factory. The PCIC has internal digital to analog converters (DACs) which provide the reference voltage of the control loop. 2. This ensures the forward power out of the radio is held to a constant value. the bias voltage must be tuned using the Customer Programming Software (CPS).5. and is factory programmed at several points across the frequency range of the transmitter to offset frequency response variations of the transmitter’s power detector circuits. Variations in forward or reflected transmitter power cause the dc voltage at pin 1 to change. R4263. U4502 is a temperature-sensing device. a 13V positive voltage multiplier. 2.8 MHz. an A/D converter for low frequency digital modulation. C4261. In order to generate a high voltage to supply the phase detector (charge pump) output stage at pin VCP (U5701-32). a balanced attenuator to balance the high frequency analog modulation and low frequency digital modulation. a programmable loop divider. C4261. 2. in conjunction with resistors and integrators within the PCIC. This adjusts the transmitter power output to the intended value.2 Fractional-N Synthesizer The LVFRAC-N synthesizer IC (U4201) consists of a pre-scaler. control divider logic. Capacitors C4502-4. and provides a dc voltage to the PCIC (TEMP . pin 29) proportional to temperature.6. In applications where less frequency stability is required the oscillator inside U4201 is used along with an external crystal Y4261. It supplies the VCO. C4202. a phase detector. Y4262.5 Vdc (VSF) at pin 28.2-22 Theory of Operation The PCIC provides a dc output voltage at pin 4 (INT) and applied as CNTLVLTG to the power-adjust input pin of the first transmitter stage U4401. This voltage multiplier is basically a diode capacitor network driven by two signals (1. and the PCIC adjusts the control voltage above or below its nominal value to raise or lower output power.1 Reference Oscillator The reference oscillator (Y4262) contains a temperature compensated crystal oscillator with a frequency of 16.05MHz) 180 degrees out of phase (U4201-14 and -15). which monitors the circuit board temperature in the vicinity of the transmitter driver and final devices. U4201). An Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter internal to U4201 (LVFRAC-N) and controlled by the µP via serial interface (SRL) sets the voltage at the warp output of U4201. 2. a charge pump. Y4261. A voltage of 5V applied to the super filter input (U4201 pin 30) supplies an output voltage of 4. R4252).6 Frequency Synthesis The synthesizer subsystem consists of the reference oscillator (Y4261 or Y4262). and C4263 is increased to 0. The output of the oscillator (pin 3 of Y4262) is applied to pin 23 (XTAL1) of U4201 via an RC series combination. C4262 and R4262 are not used.6. control the transmitter power-rise (key-up) and power-decay (de-key) characteristic to minimize splatter into adjacent channels. . and finally a super filter for the regulated 5 volts. C4262 and R4262. If the dc voltage produced exceeds the set threshold in the PCIC. and the Voltage Controlled Oscillator VCO. a voltage of 13 Vdc is being generated by the positive voltage multiplier circuitry (D4201. the low voltage fractional-N synthesizer (LVFRAC-N. C4235 and C4251 are not used. pin 25 to set the frequency of the oscillator. a serial interface for control. When Y4262 is used. varactor diode D4261. C4203).1 uF. D4261. the transmitter output power is reduced so as to reduce the transmitter temperature. In this case. The synthesizer supply voltage is provided by the 5V regulator U4211. VCO modulation bias circuit (via R4322) and the synthesizer charge pump resistor network (R4251. 44 LOCK (U0101 PIN 56) FREF (U0221 PIN 34) STEERING LINE 43 45 41 3 1 (NU) 2 5.Theory of Operation 2-23 DATA (U0101 PIN 100) CLOCK (U0101 PIN 1) CSX (U0101 PIN 2) MOD IN (U0221 PIN 40) +5V (U4211 PIN 1) +5V (U4211 PIN 1) 7 DATA 8 9 10 13. 36 23 2-POLE LOOP FILTER VCO Bias TRB LO RF INJECTION REFERENCE OSCILLATOR 24 25 32 47 LOW VOLTAGE FRACTIONAL-N SYNTHESIZER VOLTAGE 28 FILTERED 5V CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR 40 VMULT1 15 AUX1 BIAS2 39 48 BWSELECT To IF Section VOLTAGE MULTIPLIER TX RF INJECTION (1ST STAGE OF PA) PRESCALER IN Figure 2-9. DC5V VDD. 34. 30 CLK CEX MODIN VCC. DC5V XTAL1 XTAL2 WARP PREIN VCP VMULT2 14 U4201 LOCK FREFOUT GND IOUT IADAPT MODOUT AUX4 AUX2 AUX3 SFOUT BIAS1 4 19 6. . clock line CLK (U4201-8). A high level at this output indicates a stable loop. to pin 32 of U4201 (PREIN). 20.6. 22. A high level on TRB enables TX tank and TX output (pin 10). 2. and chip enable line CSX (U4201-9). 33. via a low pass filter. and a low enables RX tank and RX output (pin 8). The VCOBIC together with Fractional-N synthesizer (U4201) generates the required frequencies in both transmit and receive modes. IC U4201 provides the 16. The serial interface (SRL) is connected to the µP via the data line DATA (U4201-7). the TX and RX tank circuits. UHF Synthesizer Block Diagram Output LOCK (U4201-4) provides information about the lock status of the synthesizer loop. and the modulation circuits.3 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) The Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) consists of the VCO buffer IC (VCOBIC.8 MHz reference frequency at pin 19. U4301). the external RX buffer stages. The TRB line (U4301 pin 19) determines which tank circuits and internal buffers are to be enabled. A sample of the signal from the enabled output is routed from U4301 pin 12 (PRESC_OUT). R4322 and C4324. In TX mode the modulation signal (VCOMOD) from the LVFRAC-N synthesizer IC (U4201 pin41) is applied to the modulation circuits CR4321. The tank circuits uses the Hartley configuration for wider bandwidth. AUX3 (U4201 Pin2) U4201 Pin 32 TRB IN Pin 20 Rx-SW Tx-SW Pin7 Pin13 TX/RX/BS Switching Network LO RF INJECTION (U4201 Pin28) Pin3 Steer Line Voltage (VCTRL) RX VCO Circuit Q4301 Collector/RF in Pin4 RX Rx Active Bias Pin8 (U4201 Pin28) Pin14 Pin6 VCC Buffers TX RF Injection Attenuator Vsens Circuit Pin2 Vcc-Logic Rx-I adjust Pin1 Pins 9. an external transistor Q4301 is used in conjunction with the internal transistor for better side-band noise. UHF VCO Block Diagram The external RX buffers (Q4332) are enabled by a high at U4201 pin 3 (AUX4) via transistor switch Q4333.2-24 Theory of Operation A steering line voltage (VCTRL) between 3.17 Tx-I adjust Vcc-Superfilter Presc U4301 VCOBIC Matching Network Q4332 Low Pass Filter Pin 19 Prescaler Out Pin 12 RX RX Tank Pin5 TX TX Tank TX VCO Circuit Pin16 Pin15 Tx Active Bias TX Pin10 Pin18 (U4201 Pin28) Figure 2-10. CR4302 and CR4303 will tune the full RX frequency range (RXINJ) from 358 MHz to 425 MHz. R4321. These modulate the TX VCO frequency via coupling capacitor C4321. For the RX tank circuit.0V and 10.0V at varactor diode CR4311 will tune the full TX frequency range (TXINJ) from 403 MHz to 470 MHz.11. Varactor CR4321 is biased for linearity from the VSF. . and at varactor diodes CR4301. C4221-C4225. CR4301.4 Synthesizer Operation The complete synthesizer subsystem comprises mainly of a low voltage FRAC-N (LVFRACN) IC. loop filter circuits. A settled synthesizer loop is indicated by a high level of signal LOCK (U4201-4). or the internal current source. which compares the loop divider´s output signal with the reference signal. The loop filter (which consists of R4221R4223. charge pump circuits.The current can be set to a value fixed in the LVFRAC-N IC or to a value determined by the currents flowing into BIAS 1 (U4201-40) or BIAS 2 (U4201-39). The output signal of the phase detector is a pulsed dc signal which is routed to the charge pump.C4226) which attenuates harmonics and provides correct level to close the synthesizer loop.The reference signal is generated by dividing down the signal of the reference oscillator (Y4261 or Y4262). The charge pump outputs a current at pin 43 of U4201 (IOUT). LOCK (U4201-4) signal is routed to one of the µP´s ADCs input U101-56.Theory of Operation 2-25 2.L4221) transforms this current into a voltage that is applied to the varactor diodes CR4311 for transmit. thereby causing the carrier to deviate. The adapt mode timer is started by a low to high transient of the CSX line. BIAS 2.6. The balance attenuator is used to adjust the VCO’s deviation sensitivity to high frequency modulating signals. To reduce synthesizer lock time when new frequency data has been loaded into the synthesizer the magnitude of the loop current is increased by enabling the IADAPT (U4201-45) for a certain software programmable time (Adapt Mode). and dc supply. Reference Oscillator (crystal oscillator with temperature compensation). The currents are set by the value of R4251 or R4252 respectively. From the voltage the µP determines whether LOCK is active. C4325. The output signal (PRESC_OUT) of the VCOBIC (U4301. The output of the balance attenuator is present at the MODOUT port (U4201-41) and connected to the VCO modulation diode CR4321 via R4321. The selection of the three different bias sources is done by software programming. pin 32 (PREIN) via a low pass filter (C4229. The A/D converter converts the low frequency analog modulating signal into a digital code which is applied to the loop divider. . which in turn receives its inputs via the SRL. When the synthesizer is within the lock range the current is determined only by the resistors connected to BIAS 1. The divider ratio of the pre-scaler is controlled by the loop divider. The output of the loop divider is connected to the phase detector. The output of the pre-scaler is applied to the loop divider. CR4302 & CR4303 for receive and alters the output frequency of the VCO.L4225. The audio signal is applied to both the A/D converter (low frequency path) as well as the balanced attenuator (high frequency path). pin12) is fed to of U4201. The pre-scaler in the synthesizer (U4201) is basically a dual modulus pre-scaler with selectable divider ratios. In order to modulate the PLL the two spot modulation method is utilized Via pin 10 (MODIN) on U4201. The processing of the demodulated audio signal is performed by an audio processing IC located in the controller section. The correct pair of ceramic filters for 12. High-side injection is used. amplified and demodulated in the IF IC. first mixer.5 or 25kHz channel spacing is selected via control line BWSELECT.7 VHF (136-174MHz) Receiver Front-End The receiver is able to cover the VHF range from 136 to 174 MHz. and receiver back-end. Crystal Filter 1. IF Amp Control Voltage from PCIC First LO from FGU 2. The second IF at 455 kHz is mixed. RF Jack Pin Diode Antenna Switch Varactor Tuned Filter RF Amp Varactor Tuned Filter Mixer 1. IF Amp 2. A cross over quad diode mixer converts the signal to the first IF of 44.2-26 Theory of Operation 2. Crystal Filter Recovered Audio Demodulator Limiter RSSI IF Second LO Switch Switch Switch Switch 455kHz Filter (25kHz) 455kHz Filter (12. 2nd IF. Two varactor-tuned bandpass filters perform antenna signal pre-selection. 1st IF. VHF Receiver Block Diagram There are two 2-pole 44. It consists of four major blocks: front-end bandpass filters and pre-amplifier.85 MHz crystal filters in the 1st IF section and 2 pairs of 455 kHz ceramic filters in the 2nd IF section to provide the required adjacent channel selectivity.5kHz) Filter Bank Selection from Synthesizer IC Figure 2-11.5kHz) 455kHz Filter (25kHz) 455kHz Filter (12.85 MHz. . The IF IC contains a quadrature detector using a ceramic phase-shift element (Y3102) to provide audio detection. The IF output signal (IF) from transformer T3001 pin 2 is fed to the first 2. The tuning voltage (FECTRL_1) ranging from 2 volts to 8 volts is controlled by pin 20 of PCIC (U3501) in the Transmitter section. and intermodulation. The signal is further amplified by a preamplifier (Q3102) before going into pin 1 of IFIC (U3101). Its ports are matched for incoming RF signal conversion to the 44. . This protects the RF pre-amplifier from excessive dissipation during transmit mode.3V supply (9V3).395 MHz second local oscillator (2nd LO) to produce the 2nd IF signal at 455 kHz. The 2nd IF signal is amplified and filtered by an external pair of 455 kHz ceramic filters FL3112. FL3114 for 20/25 kHz channel spacing or FL3111. The 2-pole pre-selector filter tuned by the dual varactor diode D3001 pre-selects the incoming signal (RXIN) from the antenna switch to reduce spurious effects to following stages. The dual varactor diode D3004 is controlled by the same signal FECTRL_1. During transmit. R3106) to a current drain of approximately 5 mA drawn from the 5 volt supply. A dual hot carrier diode (D3101) limits the filter output voltage swing to reduce overdrive effects at RF input levels above -27 dBm.7.7.pole crystal filter FL3101. impedance. R3000 and R3012.5 kHz channel spacing. Its output impedance is matched to the second 2-pole crystal filter FL3102. pin 63) and in addition is available at accessory connector J0501-15. pin 5.85 MHz 1st IF signal from the second IF amplifier feeds the IF IC (U3101) at pin1. FL3113/F3115 for 12. The filter output in turn is matched to IF amplifier Q3101 which is actively biased by a collector base feedback (R3101.1 volts (K9V1) turns off both transistors Q3002 and Q3001. Within the IF IC. C3002. the 44. These pairs are selectable via BWSELECT. 2.3 2nd Intermediate Frequency (IF) and Receiver Back-End The 44. A dual hot carrier diode (D3003) limits any inband signal to 0 dBm to prevent damage to the pre-amplifier.Theory of Operation 2-27 2. 9.85 MHz using a cross over quad diode mixer (D3031). and adjusts the base current of Q3001 as necessary to maintain its collector current constant at approximately 15-20 mA. Internal amplification provides an audio output level of 120 mV rms (at 60% deviation) from U3101 pin 8 (DISCAUDIO) which is fed to the ASFIC_CMP (U0221) pin 2 (part of the Controller circuits). Transistor Q3002 compares the voltage drop across resistor R3002 with a fixed base voltage from divider R3011. The RF pre-amplifier is a surface mount device (SMD) Q3001 with collector-base feedback to stabilize gain.1 Front-End Band-Pass Filters and Pre-Amplifier The received signal from the radio’s antenna connector is first routed through the harmonic filter and antenna switch.85 MHz high IF signal mixes with the 44. which controls the preselector filter. Operating voltage is from the regulated 9. The high-side injection signal (RXINJ) from the frequency synthesizer circuit has a level of approximately +13 dBm and is injected via matching transformer T3002. before being applied to the receiver pre-selector filter (C3001. which are part of the RF power amplifier circuits. A received signal strength indicator (RSSI) signal is available at U3101.2 First Mixer and 1st Intermediate Frequency (IF) The signal coming from the front-end is converted to the 1st IF frequency of 44. A following 3dB pad (R3006 – R3008 and R3016 – R3018) stabilizes the output impedance and intermodulation performance. 2. The filtered output from the ceramic filters is applied to the limiter input pin of the IF IC (pin 14).7.85 MHz IF using high side injection. A second 2-pole varactor tuned bandpass filter provides additional filtering of the amplified signal. The RSSI signal is interpreted by the µP (U0101. D3001 and associated components). having a dynamic range of 70 dB. The 2nd LO frequency is determined by crystal Y3101. 8 Transmitter Power Amplifier (PA) 45 W The radio’s 45 W PA is a four-stage amplifier used to amplify the output from the VCOBIC to the radio transmit level. and fed to the gate of Q3421 via the resistive network R3410. In receive mode the voltage control line is at ground level and turns off Q3501-2. and R3416. The output power of stage U3401 is controlled by a dc voltage applied to pin 1 from the power control circuit (U3501 pin 4.2 Pre-Driver Stage The next stage is an LDMOS device (Q3421) providing a gain of +13 dB. which in turn controls the output power of the PA. The bias voltage is factory tuned. The control voltage simultaneously varies the bias of two FET stages within U3401.1 Power Controlled Stage The first stage (U3401) is a 20 dB gain integrated circuit containing two LDMOS FET amplifier stages. VHF Transmitter Block Diagram Devices U3401 and Q3421 are surface mounted. It is followed by an LDMOS pre-driver stage (Q3421). The voltage of the line PCIC_MOSBIAS_1 is set during transmit mode by the PCIC pin 24. controlled by pin 4 of PCIC (U3501) via Q3501 and Q3502 (VCONT). The line-up consists of three stages which utilize LDMOS and VMOS technology. The gain of the first stage (U3401) is adjustable. This device requires a positive gate bias and a quiescent current flow for proper operation. Antenna From VCO Controlled Stage PA Driver PA-Final Stage Power Sense Pin Diode Antenna Switch Harmonic Filter RF Jack Bias 2 AS FI C _ C M P SPI BUS PA PWR SET Bias 1 Vcontrol To Microprocessor PCIC Temperature Sense To Microprocessor Figure 2-12. which in turn switches off the biasing voltage to U3401. a VMOS driver stage (Q3431) and a bipolar final stage (Q3441).8. with transistors Q3501 and Q3502 providing current gain and level-shifting). It amplifies the RF signal from the VCO (TXINJ). followed by a final stage using a bipolar device. The remaining devices are directly attached to the heat sink. 2. This biasing point determines the overall gain of U3401 and therefore its output drive level to Q3421. .8. 2.2-28 Theory of Operation 2. R3415. C3474 and C3475.8. If the transistor is replaced. The transmitter RF from the directional coupler is routed via D3471 to the harmonic filter and antenna jack. transforms the impedance to approximately 50 ohms and feeds the directional coupler. To maintain class C operation. This device also requires a positive gate bias and a quiescent current flow for proper operation. both diodes are off. the base is dc-grounded by a series inductor (L3441) and a bead (L3442). shunting RF power and preventing it from reaching the receiver port (RXIN). and R3431-5. The harmonic filter also prevents high level RF signals above the receiver passband from reaching the receiver circuits. reducing transmitter output power to prevent damage to the final device due to an improper load.4 Final Stage The final stage uses bipolar device Q3441. In the receive mode. the keyed 9 volts turns on Q3471 which enables current sink Q3472. D3471. the bias voltage must be tuned using the Customer Programming Software (CPS). to ground. L3477. Care must be taken not to damage the device by exceeding the maximum allowed bias voltage.8.3 Driver Stage The following stage is an enhancement-mode N-Channel MOSFET device (Q3431) providing a gain of 10 dB. This completes a dc path from PASUPVLTG. L34445. improving spurious response rejection. thus ensuring the forward power out of the radio to be held to a constant value.5 Directional Coupler The directional coupler is a microstrip printed circuit. . through network L3472. The device’s drain current is drawn directly from the radio’s dc supply voltage input. D3471 and D3472. R3474 and the current sink. to the receiver input. such as may be caused by a damaged antenna. making the short circuit presented by D3472 appear as an open circuit at the junction of D3472 and the receiver path. via L3431 and L3432. The device’s collector current is also drawn from the radio’s dc supply voltage input. PASUPVLTG. which couples a small amount of the forward and reflected power delivered by Q3441. L3471. also causes the dc voltage applied to the PCIC to increase.8. In the transmit mode. Signals applied at the antenna jack J3401 are routed. through L3473. R3490 is used to drain electrostatic charge that might otherwise build up on the antenna. via the harmonic filter. 2.6 Antenna Switch The antenna switch consists of two PIN diodes. D3472 also conducts. R3406. D3472. The resulting dc voltage is proportional to RF output power and feeds the RFIN port of the PCIC (U3501. 2. C3467. and two striplines.7 Harmonic Filter Components L3491-L3494 and C3490-C3498 form a nine-pole Chebychev low-pass filter to attenuate harmonic energy of the transmitter. The PCIC controls the gain of stage U3401 as necessary to hold this voltage constant. An abnormally high reflected power level. and this will cause a reduction in the gain of U3401. L3472.Theory of Operation 2-29 2. set to 96 mA by R3473 and VR3471. The coupled signals are rectified by D3451-2 and combined by R3463-4. Both diodes are forward biased into conduction. This bias voltage is also tuned in the factory. pin 1). 2. The voltage of the line MOSBIAS_2 is set in transmit mode by the ASFIC and fed to the gate of Q3431 via the resistive network R3404. L3472 is selected to appear as a broadband guarter-wave transmission line. 2.8. A matching network consisting of C3446-52.8. R3263. control the transmitter power-rise (key-up) and power-decay (de-key) characteristic to minimize splatter into adjacent channels. 2. U3502 is a temperature-sensing device. Y3261. a 13 volt positive voltage multiplier. and applied as VCONT to the power-adjust input pin of the first transmitter stage U3401.2-30 Theory of Operation 2. This reference voltage is proportional to the desired power setting of the transmitter. a charge pump. and C3263 is increased to 0.5 Vdc range at the output of Q3501.8 Power Control The transmitter uses the power control IC (PCIC. If the dc voltage produced exceeds the set threshold in the PCIC. 2. C3261. the Low Voltage Fractional-N synthesizer (LVFRAC-N. Y3262. C3262 and R3262.8 MHz. Variations in forward or reflected transmitter power cause the dc voltage at pin 1 to change. D3261. which monitors the circuit board temperature in the vicinity of the transmitter driver and final devices. the transmitter output power is reduced so as to reduce the transmitter temperature. C3261. C3235 and C3251 are not used. the oscillator inside U3201 is used along with an external crystal Y3261. In this case.1 Reference Oscillator The reference oscillator (Y3262) contains a temperature compensated crystal oscillator with a frequency of 16. in conjunction with resistors and integrators within the PCIC. rectified and summed. When Y3262 is used. Capacitors C3502-4. a serial interface for control. . The PCIC provides a dc output voltage at pin 4 (INT) which is amplified and shifted in dc level by stages Q3501 and Q3502. and finally a super filter for the regulated 5 volts. The 0 to 4 Vdc range at U1503. varactor diode D3261. 2. In applications were less frequency stability is required.9 Frequency Synthesis The frequency synthesizer subsystem consists of the reference oscillator (Y3261 or Y3262). A portion of the forward and reflected RF power from the transmitter is sampled by the directional coupler.9.1 uF. pin 29) proportional to temperature. and the PCIC adjusts the control voltage above or below its nominal value to raise or lower output power. and the voltage-controlled oscillators and buffer amplifiers (U3301. to provide a dc voltage to the RFIN port of the PCIC (pin 1) which is proportional to the sampled RF power. pin 4 is translated to a 0 to 8. C3262 and R3262 are not used.9. a balance attenuator to balance the high frequency analog modulation and low frequency digital modulation. This adjusts the transmitter power output to the intended value. U3201). Q3301-2 and associated circuits). and is factory programmed at several points across the frequency range of the transmitter to offset frequency response variations of the transmitter’s power detector circuit. The reference voltage level is programmable through the SPI line of the PCIC. U3501) to control the power output of the radio. The ASFIC contains a digital to analog converter (DAC) which provides a reference voltage of the control loop to the PCIC via R3517. a phase detector. and provides a dc voltage to the PCIC (TEMP . An analog-to-digital (A/D) converter internal to U3201 (LVFRAC-N) and controlled by the µP via serial interface (SRL) sets the voltage at the warp output of U3201 (pin 25) to set the frequency of the oscillator.8. control divider logic.2 Fractional-N Synthesizer The LVFRAC-N synthesizer IC (U3201) consists of a pre-scaler. The output of the oscillator (U3262 pin 3) is applied to pin 23 (XTAL1) of U3201 via R3263 and C3235. a programmable loop divider. an A/D converter for low frequency digital modulation. 05MHz) 180 degrees out of phase signals (U3201-14 and -15). 34.Theory of Operation 2-31 DATA (U0101 PIN 100) CLOCK (U0101 PIN 1) CSX (U0101 PIN 2) MOD IN (U0221 PIN 40) +5V (U3211 PIN 1) +5V (U3211 PIN 1) 7 DATA 8 9 10 13. C3202. clock line CLK (U3201-8). 33.5 Vdc (VSF) at pin 28. 30 CLK CEX MODIN VCC. R3252). The synthesizer supply voltage is provided by the 5V regulator U3211. DC5V VDD. C3203). This voltage multiplier is basically a diode capacitor network driven by two signals (1. The serial interface (SRL) is connected to the µP via the data line DATA (U3201-7). . It supplies the VCO. IC U3201 provides the 16. 22. 44 LOCK (U0101 PIN 56) FREF (U0221 PIN 34) STEERING LINE 43 45 41 3 1 2 5. a voltage of 13 Vdc is being generated by the positive voltage multiplier circuits (D3201. Output LOCK (U3201-4) provides information about the lock status of the synthesizer loop. and chip enable line CSX (U3201-9). 20. 36 23 2-POLE LOOP FILTER LO RF INJECTION REFERENCE OSCILLATOR 24 25 32 47 LOW VOLTAGE FRACTIONAL-N SYNTHESIZER VOLTAGE 28 FILTERED 5V CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR 40 39 TX RF INJECTION (1ST STAGE OF PA) TRB VOLTAGE MULTIPLIER 48 PRESCALER IN Figure 2-13. DC5V XTAL1 XTAL2 WARP PREIN VCP VMULT2 14 U3201 LOCK FREFOUT GND IOUT IADAPT MODOUT AUX4 AUX2 AUX3 SFOUT BIAS1 VMULT1 15 AUX1 BIAS2 4 19 6. A high level at this output indicates a stable loop. VCO modulation bias circuit (via R3363) and the synthesizer charge pump resistor network (R3251. VHF Synthesizer Block Diagram A voltage of 5V applied to the super filter input (U3201 pin 30) supplies an output voltage of 4.8 MHz reference frequency at pin 19. In order to generate a high voltage to supply the phase detector (charge pump) output stage at pin VCP (U3201-47). A high level on TRB enables the TX tank and TX output (pin 10). AUX3 (U3201 Pin2) U3201 Pin 32 TRB IN Pin 20 Rx-SW Tx-SW Pin7 Pin13 TX/RX/BS Switching Network LO RF INJECTION (U3201 Pin28) Pin3 Steer Line Voltage (VCTRL) RX VCO Circuit Q3304 Collector/RF in Pin4 RX Rx Active Bias Pin8 (U3211 Pin1) Pin14 Pin6 TX Tank TX VCO Circuit Pin16 Pin15 Vsens Circuit Pin2 Vcc-Logic Rx-I adjust Pin1 Pins 9. to U3201. an external transistor Q3304 is used for better side-band noise.9. via a low pass filter.11. The RX tank circuit uses a Hartley configuration for wider bandwidth. U3301). pin 32 (PREIN). . the TX and RX tank circuits. VHF VCO Block Diagram The VCOBIC together with the Fractional-N synthesizer (U3201) generates the required frequencies in both the transmit and receive modes. A steering line voltage (VCTRL) between 2.3 Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) The Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) consists of the VCO/Buffer IC (VCOBIC. pin 12 (PRESC_OUT). the external RX buffer stages. and varactor diode D3341 tunes the full RX frequency range (RXINJ) from 181 MHz to 219 MHz.17 Tx-I adjust VCC Buffers TX RF Injection Attenuator Vcc-Superfilter Pin 19 Prescaler Out Pin 12 U3301 VCOBIC Presc Matching Network Q3301 Low Pass Filter RX RX Tank Pin5 TX Tx Active Bias TX Pin10 Pin18 (U3211 Pin1) Figure 2-14. pin 19) determines which tank circuits and internal buffers are to be enabled.2-32 Theory of Operation 2. A sample of the signal from the enabled RF output is routed from U3301. For the RX tank circuit. and a low enables the RX tank and RX output (pin 8).5 volts and 11 volts at varactor diode D3361 tune the full TX frequency range (TXINJ) from 136 MHz to 174 MHz. The TRB line (U3301. and the modulation circuits. The currents are set by the value of R3251 and R3252 respectively. the current is determined only by the resistors connected to BIAS 1 and BIAS 2. the magnitude of the loop current is increased by enabling the IADAPT pin (U3201-45) for a certain software programmable time (adapt mode). The divider ratio of the pre-scaler is controlled by the loop divider. reference oscillator (a crystal oscillator with temperature compensation). The output of the balance attenuator is present at the MODOUT port (U3201-41) and connected to the VCO modulation diode D3362 via R3364. pin 10 (MODIN). From the measured voltage. or by the internal current source.9. The selection of the three different bias sources is done by software programming. the audio signal is applied to both the A/D converter (low frequency path) as well as the balance attenuator (high frequency path). A settled synthesizer loop is indicated by a high level signal at U3201-4 (LOCK). In the TX mode. charge pump circuit. The LOCK signal is routed to one of the µP´s ADC inputs (U0101-56). The reference signal is generated by dividing down the signal of reference oscillator Y3261 or Y3262. The output signal PRESC from the VCOBIC (U3301 pin 12) is fed to U3201 pin 32 (PREIN) via a low pass filter (C3318. Varactor D3362 is biased for linearity from the VSF. . The balance attenuator is used to adjust the VCO’s deviation sensitivity to high frequency modulating signals. D3341 for receive) to alter the output frequency of the appropriate VCO. The output of the pre-scaler is applied to the loop divider. or to a value determined by the currents flowing into BIAS 1 (U3201-40) or BIAS 2 (U3201-39). the µP determines whether LOCK is active. loop filter circuit and a dc supply. The A/D converter changes the low frequency analog modulating signal into a digital code that is applied to the loop divider. the two spot modulation method is utilized. The output signal of the phase detector is a pulsed dc signal which is routed to the charge pump. The charge pump outputs a current at U3201 pin 43 (IOUT). which compares the loop divider´s output signal with the reference signal. To modulate the PLL. When the synthesizer is within the lock range. The current can be set to a value fixed within the LVFRAC-N IC.4 Synthesizer Operation The complete synthesizer subsystem consists of the low voltage FRAC-N (LVFRACN). 2. The pre-scaler in the synthesizer (U3201) is a dual modulus type with selectable divider ratios. which in turn receives its inputs via the SRL. To reduce synthesizer lock time when new frequency data has been loaded into the synthesizer. which modulates the TX VCO frequency via capacitor C3362. the modulation signal (VCOMOD) from the LVFRAC-N synthesizer IC (U3201 pin 41) is applied to varactor diode D3362. The output of the loop divider is connected to the phase detector. pin 7 (RX_SWITCH) via transistor switch Q3303. L3318 and C3226) which attenuates harmonics and provides the correct level to close the synthesizer loop.Theory of Operation 2-33 The external RX buffers (Q3301 and Q3302) are enabled by a high at U3301. The loop filter (which consists of R3221R3223 and C3221-C3224) transforms this current into a voltage that is applied to the varactor diodes (D3361 for transmit. The adapt mode timer is started by a low to high transient of the CSX line. thereby causing the carrier to deviate. Via U3201. They are labeled within the device block as PE0-PE7. The VRL signal is the low reference for the A/D ports.2-34 Theory of Operation 2. pin 25. The Pin VRH Pin is the high reference voltage for the A/D ports on the uP. CDM750) ThE Control Head Contains the internal speaker. The high line ON OFF CONTROL also informs the host radio that the control head’s µP wants to send data via the SBEP bus. The stabilized +5 volt is used for µP and the keypad buttons. the µP informs the radio about the pressed knob. VR0822 is used to buffer the internal RAM of the µP (U0831). . C0822 allows the battery voltage to be disconnected for a couple of seconds without losing RAM parameters. The control head µP informs the radio about the pressed knob and the radio’s µP switches the radio off. There are eight analog-to-digital converter ports (A/D) on the uP. If this line is not connected to ground. The voltage USW 5V derived from the FLT A+ voltage and stabilized by the series combination of R0822. This is achieved by maintaining 5V at uP . 2.10. when the radio is off. 2. To control the LED’s and to communicate with the host radio the control head uses the Motorola 68HC11E9 µP . When the radio returns a data request message. This line is normally tied to ground.10. The µP generates it’s clock using the oscillator inside the µP along with a 8 MHz ceramic resonator (U0833) and R0920. USW 5V is formed by FLT A+ running to D0822.2 Power On/Off The on/off/Volume knob. the A/D readings could be incorrect. the back light and to power up the radio via on / off / volume knob. the radio is alerted via line ON OFF CONTROL and sends a data request message. C0822 is charged via R0822 and D0822. when pressed. Dual diode D0822 prevents radio circuits from discharging this capacitor. The µP asserts pin 62 and line CH REQUEST low to hold the line ON OFF CONTROL at 5 volts via Q0823 and D0821. switches the radio’s voltage regulators on by connecting line ON OFF CONTROL to line UNSW 5V via D0821. Capacitor C0822 allows the battery voltage to be disconnected for a couple of seconds without losing RAM parameters. Diode D0822 prevents radio circuits from discharging this capacitor. the regulated 5 volt supply charges C0822 via diode D0822. Under normal conditions. When the supply voltage is applied to the radio. To avoid the µP entering the wrong mode if the radio is switched on while the voltage across C0822 is still too low. pin 3 and the regulated +5V via connector J0801 pin 7. These lines sense the voltage level ranging from 0 to 5 volts of the input line and convert that level to a number ranging from 0 to 255 which can be read by the software to take appropriate action.10 Control Head (PRO3100. The µP’s RAM is always powered to maintain parameters such as the last operating mode. Additionally. RAM and ROM are contained within the µP . The voltage FLT A+ is at battery level and is used for the LED’s. the microphone connector. If this voltage is lower than +5V the A/D reading is incorrect. the on/off/volume knob. If the on/off/ volume knob is pressed while the radio is on. the radio’s µP switches it on and vice versa. 2.1 Power Supplies The power supply to the control head is taken from the host radio’s FLT A+ voltage via connector J0801.10. several buttons to operate the radio and several indicator Light Emitting Diodes (LED) to inform the user about the radio status. 5 volts at the base of digital transistor Q0822 informs the control head’s µP about the pressed knob. If the radio is switched off.3 Microprocessor Circuit The control head uses the Motorola 68HC11E9 microprocessor (µP) (U0831) to control the LED’s and to communicate with the host radio. the software detects a low state on line ON OFF SENSE. 1) and specify the pressed button. If a button is pressed. To determine which key is pressed. 2. green) are driven by current sources. Any microphone key press is processed the same way as a key press on a control head. 2. yellow. The LED current is determined by the resistor at the emitter of the respective current source transistor. The µP can switch the back light on and off under software control. When the control head µP wants to communicate to the host radio. The control head uP monitors all messages sent via BUS+. The host radio may send data like LED and back light status or it may request the control head ID or the keypad ID. This bus uses only line BUS+ for data transfer. The LED status is stored in the µP’s memory.Theory of Operation 2-35 The µP determines the used keypad type and the control head ID by reading the levels at ports PC0 – PC7. Each line is connected to a resistive divider powered by +5 volts. but ignores any data communication between the host radio and CPS or universal tuner. The line is bi-directional meaning that either the radio or the control head µP can drive the line. it will connect one specific resistor of each divider line to ground level and thereby reduce the voltages on the analog lines The voltages of the lines are A/D converted inside the µP (ports PE 0 . When the host radio needs to communicate to the control head uP . The keypad back light current is drawn from the FLT A+ source and controlled by 2 current sources. The host radio then sends a data request message via BUS+ and the control head uP replies with the data it wanted to send.4 SBEP Serial Interface The host radio (master) communicates to the control head µP (slave) through its SBEP bus.10. Connections JU0852/3/4 are provided by the individual keypads. An additional pair of analog lines and A/D µP ports (PE 3 – 2) are available to support a keypad microphone. The µP sends serial data via pin 50 and D0831 and it reads serial data via pin 47. connected to the microphone connector J0811.10. 2. . Voltage sense device U0832 provides a reset output that goes to 0 volts if the regulated 5 volts goes below 4. All keys are configured as two analog lines read by µP pins 13 and 15. The MODB / MODA input of the µP must be at a logic 1 to start executing correctly.5 volts.6 Status LED and Back Light Circuit All indicator LED’s (red. that the control head requires service. which pulls line ON OFF CONTROL high through diode D0821. the voltage of both lines must be considered.5 Keypad Keys The control head keypad is a 6-key design. The voltage on the analog lines varies between 0 volts and +5 volts depending on which key has been pressed. The LED current is determined by the resistor at the emitter of the respective current source transistor. The XIRQ and the IRQ pins should also be at a logic 1. the uP brings the request line CH REQUEST to a logic 0 via µP pin 62. it starts communication. To change the LED status the host radio sends a data message via SBEP bus to the control head µP . it sends data via line BUS+. Any transition on this line generates an interrupt and the µP starts communication. the voltage at both lines is 5 volts. This is used to reset the controller to prevent improper operation. The key configuration can be thought of as a matrix. The control head µP determines the LED status from the received message and switches the LED’s on or off via port PB 7 – 0 and port PA4. This data can be information like which key has been pressed or that the volume knob has been rotated. If no key is pressed.10. A low to high transition on this line informs the radio. The back light for the keypad is controlled by the host radio the same way as the indicator LED’s using uP port PA 5. This switches on Q0823. Whenever the µP detects activity on the BUS+ line. where the two lines represent one row and one column. The associated capacitors provide radio frequency interference (RFI) protection. . connected on the accessory connector. A pressed key changes the dc voltage on both lines. transistor Q0821 is switched on through diode VR0821 and thereby pulls the level on line ON OFF CONTROL to FLT A+ level. line PTT IRDEC is pulled to +5 volts level by R0843. and +5V are used to supply any connected accessory like a microphone or a handset. +5V. The voltages depend on which key is pressed. The Line HANDSET AUDIO (J0811-8) feeds the receiver audio from the controller (J0801-6) to a connected handset. the line HOOK is pulled to +5 volts level by R0841.7 Microphone Connector Signals Signals BUS+.10. which is at supply voltage level.2-36 Theory of Operation 2. The HOOK input (J0811-3) informs the µP when the microphone´s hang-up switch is engaged. Bootstrap mode loads the firmware into the radio’s flash memory. 11 to the speaker connector P0801. The speaker is connected to the speaker connector P0801. Line PTT IRDEC (J0811-6) is used to key µP the radio’s transmitter.10. signal PTT IRDEC is pulled to ground level.VR0817. While the PTT button on a connected microphone is released.10. The µP determines from the voltage on these lines which key is pressed and sends the information to the host radio. The two A/D converter inputs (J0811-9/10) are used for a microphone with keypad.9 Electrostatic Transient Protection Electrostatic transient protection is provided for the sensitive components in the control head by diodes VR0811 VR00812 VR0816 . This switches off Q0843 and the resulting high level at µP port PA2 informs the µP about the pressed PTT button. and two A/D converter inputs are available at the microphone connector J0811. The µP informs the host radio about any status change on the PTT IRDEC line via SBEP bus. PTT IRDEC. MIC. Transistor Q0841 is switched on and causes a low at µp port PA1. The µp informs the host radio about any status change on the HOOK line via SBEP bus. This switches off R0841and the resulting high level at µp port PA1 informs the µp about the closed hang µp switch. HOOK. pins 1 and 2. is fed via connector J0801-10. 2. the µP may take actions like turning the audio PA on or off.8 Speaker The control head contains a speaker for the receiver audio. the HOOK signal is pulled to ground level. FLT A+. This switches on the radio and puts the radio’s µP in bootstrap mode. While the hang µp switch is open. When the HOOK switch is closed. 2. Line MIC (J0811-5) feeds the audio from the microphone to the radio’s controller via connector J0801-4. Signal BUS+ (J0811-7) connects to the SBEP bus for communication with the CPS or the Universal Tuner. is used. When line PTT IRDEC is connected to FLT A+ level. FLT A+. Transistor Q0843 is switched on and causes a low at µP port PA2. Depending on the CPS programming. HANDSET AUDIO. The receiver audio signal from the differential audio output of the audio amplifier located on the radio’s controller. The control head speaker can be disconnected only if an external speaker. The diodes limit any transient voltages. When the PTT button is pressed. The high line ON OFF CONTROL also informs the host radio.11. USW 5V is formed by FLT A+ running to D0822. several indicator light emitting diodes (LEDs) to inform the user about the radio status. If this voltage is lower than +5V the A/D reading is incorrect. To avoid that the µp enters the wrong mode when the radio is switched on while the voltage across C0822 is still too low. several buttons to operate the radio. and a 14 character liquid crystal display (LCD) for alpha . C0822 allows the battery voltage to be disconnected for a couple of seconds without losing RAM parameters. 2. If this line is not connected to ground. C0822 is charged via R0822 and D0822. If the on/off/volume knob is pressed while the radio is on. CDM1250. Likewise pin VRL is the low reference for the A/D ports. The µP’s RAM is always powered to maintain parameters such as the last operating mode. The µP asserts pin 62 and line CH REQUEST low to hold line ON OFF CONTROL at 5 volts via Q0823 and D0821. e. the back light and to power up the radio via on / off / volume knob. The stabilized +5 volt is used for the µP . .11.g. The voltage USW 5V derived from the FLT A+ voltage and stabilized by the series combination of R0822.3 Microprocessor Circuit The control head uses the Motorola 68HC11E9 microprocessor (µp) (U0831) to control the LED’s and the LCD and to communicate with the host radio. VR0822 is used to buffer the internal RAM of the µP (U0831). PRO7100. channel number or call address name. pin 25. There are eight analog-to-digital converter ports (A/D) on the µp.Theory of Operation 2-37 2. C0822 allows the battery voltage to be disconnected for a couple of seconds without losing RAM parameters. that the control head’s µP wants to send data via SBEP bus. when the radio is off. When the supply voltage is applied to the radio. and keypad buttons. 2.numerical information. the on/off/volume knob. the microphone connector. Dual diode D0822 prevents radio circuits from discharging this capacitor. If the radio was switched off. CDM1550) The control head contains the internal speaker. Pin VRH is the high reference voltage for the A/D ports on the µP. The control head µp will inform the radio about the pressed knob and the radio’s µp switches the radio off. This is achieved by maintaining 5 volts at µp. the software detects a low state on line ON OFF SENSE. Additionally. The voltage FLT A+ is at battery level and is used for the LED’s. These lines sense the voltage level ranging from 0 to 5V of the input line and convert that level to a number ranging from 0 to 255 which can be read by the software to take appropriate action. They are labeled within the device block as PE0-PE7. and to communicate with the host radio the control head uses the Motorola 68HC11E9 µP . the A/D readings could be incorrect.1 Power Supplies The power supply to the control head is taken from the host radio’s FLT A+ voltage via connector J0801 pin 3 and the regulated +5V via connector J0801 pin 7. The µP generates it’s clock using the oscillator inside the µP along with a 8 MHz ceramic resonator (U0833) and R0920. display driver.11 Control Head (PRO5100. the radio is alerted via line ON OFF CONTROL and sends a data request message. This line is normally tied to ground. RAM and ROM are contained within the µP itself. 2. To control the LED’s and the LCD. the regulated 5V charge C0822 via diode D0822.2 Power On / Off The on/off/volume knob when pressed switches the radio’s voltage regulators on by connecting line ON OFF CONTROL to line UNSW 5V via D0821. the radio’s µp switches it on and vice versa. When the radio returns a data request message. Under normal conditions. Diode D0822 prevents radio circuits from discharging this capacitor. display. the µP informs the radio about the pressed knob. 5 volts at the base of digital transistor Q0822 informs the control head’s µP about the pressed knob.11. When the control head µP wants to communicate to the host radio. Any microphone key press is processed the same way as a key press on the control head. If a button is pressed.2-38 Theory of Operation The µP determines the used keypad type and the control head ID by reading the levels at ports PC0 – PC7. which pulls line ON OFF CONTROL high through diode D0821.1) and specify the pressed button. By changing the pulse width under software control. If no key is pressed. pins 13 and 15. This port is a Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) output.5 volts. it sends data via line BUS+. 2. The back light for the LCD and the keypad is controlled by the host radio the same way as the indicator LED’s using µP port PA 5. A low to high transition on this line informs the radio. it starts communication.5 Keypad Keys The control head keypad is a 6-key keypad (Model B) or a 10. meaning that either the radio or the control head µP can drive the line. The output signal charges capacitor C0843 through R0847. but ignores any data communication between host radio and CPS or Universal Tuner.4 SBEP Serial Interface The host radio (master) communicates to the control head µP (slave) through its SBEP bus. To determine which key is pressed. 2. The µP sends serial data via pin 50 and D0831 and it reads serial data via pin 47. it will connect one specific resistor of each divider line to ground level and thereby reduce the voltages on the analog lines The voltages of the lines are A/D converted inside the µP (ports PE 0 . green) are driven by current sources. .11. The host radio may send data like display information. the µP brings request line CH REQUEST to a logic 0 via µP . The voltage on the analog lines varies between 0 volts and +5 volts depending on which key has been pressed. The LED status is stored in the µP’s memory. The host radio then sends a data request message via BUS+ and the control head µP replies with the data it wanted to send. the brightness of the back light can be changed in four steps. where the two lines represent one row and one column. 2. Voltage sense device U0832 provides a reset output that goes to 0 volts if the regulated 5 volts goes below 4. This switches on Q0823. the voltage at both lines is 5 volts. yellow. The MODB / MODA input of the µP must be at a logic 1 for it to start executing correctly.key keypad (model C). To change the LED status the host radio sends a data message via SBEP bus to the control head µP . The XIRQ and the IRQ pins should also be at a logic 1. This data can be information such as a key is pressed or the volume knob rotated. LED and back light status or it may request the control head ID or the keypad ID. The control head µP monitors all messages sent via BUS+. connected to the microphone connector J0811. the dc voltage of C0843 and thereby. Whenever the µP detects activity on the BUS+ line.6 Status LED and Back Light Circuit All the indicator LED’s (red. Each line is connected to a resistive divider powered by +5 volts. The line is bi-directional. that the control head requires service.11. pin 62. The LED current is determined by the resistor at the emitter of the respective current source transistor. This bus uses only line BUS+ for data transfer. The control head µP determines the LED status from the received message and switches the LED’s on or off via port PB 7 – 0 and port PA4. All keys are configured as two analog lines read by µP . Connections JU0852/3/4 are provided by the individual keypads. the voltage of both lines must be considered. This is used to reset the controller to prevent improper operation. The key configuration can be thought of as a matrix. An additional pair of analog lines and A/D µP ports (PE 3 – 2) is available to support a keypad microphone. Any transition on this line generates an interrupt and the µP starts communication.11. When the host radio needs to communicate to the control head µP . via parallel interface. voltage regulator and a voltage follower.numerical information and a line with 21 pre . It has 14 characters with a 5*8 dot matrix for displaying alpha . Signal BUS+ (J0811-7) connects to the SBEP bus for communication with the CPS or the Universal Tuner. FLT A+. MIC. The µP controls the LED’s by changing the dc level at the base of Q0934.defined icons above the dot matrix The driver contains a data interface to the µP . and in turn the display brightness. R0948. FLT A+. R0976. To stabilize the display brightness over a large temperature range the µP measures the temperature via analog-to-digital converter (U083118) using temperature sensor U0834. 2. At power up the driver’s control logic is reset by a logic 0 at input SR2 (U0971-15). which is at supply voltage level. The display driver’s power circuit provides the voltage supply for the display. PTT IRDEC. This decreases the current of Q0933 until the loop has settled. With input A0 (U0971-21) set to logic 0 via U0831-12 the µP writes control data to the driver. If the base voltage of Q0934 rises a current flows through Q0934 and in turn through Q0933 causing the LED’s to turn on and a rising voltage drop across R0947. The external capacitors C0971 . 2. The display is a single-layer super-twist pneumatic (STN) LCD display. When data transfer is complete the µP terminates the chip select. With the used configuration the voltage V5 is about –2V. The voltage V5 is resistively divided by the driver’s voltage follower to provide the voltages V1 .8 Microphone Connector Signals Signals BUS+. The voltage difference between the base of Q0934 and the output of U0931-2 determines the current from the base of the LED control transistor Q0933 and in turn the brightness of the LED’s. RD (U0971-18) to logic 1 via (U0831-10) and WR (U0971-17) to logic 0 via U0831-9. an LCD power circuit.7 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) The LCD H0971 uses the display driver U0971. Line MIC (J0811-5) feeds the audio from the microphone to the radio’s controller via connector J0801-4.V4. and WD activities. The driver’s µP interface is configured to accept 8 bit parallel data input (U0971-D0-D7) from the control head µP (U0831 port PC0-PC7). U0931-2 and Q0934 form a differential amplifier. HOOK. These voltages are needed for driving the liquid crystals. and +5V are used to supply any connected accessory like a microphone or a handset. . The rising voltage causes the output of the op-amp to rise and to reduce the base to emitter voltage of Q0934. RD.C0973 configure the multiplier to double the supply voltage. The current flowing through the LED’s cause a proportional voltage drop across the parallel resistors R0947. HANDSET AUDIO. The multiplied voltage VOUT is sent to the internal voltage regulator. In addition the regulator output voltage V5 can be controlled electronically by a control command sent to the driver.Theory of Operation 2-39 The keypad back light current is drawn from the FLT A+ source and controlled by transistor Q0933. +5V and 2 A/D converter inputs are available at the microphone connector J0811. Q0934 is switched off and no current flows through Q0933 and the LED’s.11. With input A0 set to logic 1 the µP then writes the display data to the display RAM. data RAM and control logic. To write data to the driver’s RAM the µP sets chip select (U0971-20) to logic 0 via U0831-11. Line HANDSET AUDIO (J0811-8) feeds the receiver audio from the controller (J0801-6) to a connected handset. an LCD segment driver. If the base of Q0934 is at ground level. To set the voltage level of the regulator output V5 (U0971-5) this voltage is divided by the resistors R0973 and R0974 and fed back to the reference input VR (U0971-6).11. Dependent on the measured temperature the µP adjusts the driver output voltage V5. This voltage drop is amplified by the op-amp U0931-2. This circuit consists of a voltage multiplier. The driver’s internal oscillator is set to about 20 kHz and can be measured at pin 22. Control data includes the RAM start address for the following display data. R0948. In this configuration the multiplier output VOUT (U0971-8) supplies a voltage of -5V (2* -5V below VDD). an oscillator. The level of V5 can be measured by one of the µP’s analog-to-digital converters (U0831-20) via resistive divider R0975. When the PTT button is pressed. 2. Dependent on the CPS programming the µP may take actions like turning the audio PA on or off. Transistor Q0843 is then switched on causing a low at µP port PA2. This switches off Q0843 and the resulting high level at µP port PA2 informs the µP about the pressed PTT button. While the hang up switch is open. pins 1 and 2. transistor Q0821 is switched on through diode VR0821 pulling the level on the line ON OFF CONTROL to FLT A+ level. -11 to the speaker connector P0801.VR0817. The µP informs the host radio about any status change on the PTT IRDEC line via the SBEP bus. This switches off R0841 and the resulting high level at µP port PA1 informs the µP about the closed hang up switch. The speaker is connected to the speaker connector P0801. Line PTT IRDEC (J0811-6) is used to key up the radio’s transmitter.11. When line PTT IRDEC is connected to FLT A+ level.11. Transistor Q0841 is switched on causing a low at µP port PA1. . The associated capacitors provide radio frequency interference (RFI) protection. signal HOOK is pulled to ground level. The µP informs the host radio about any status change on the HOOK line via SBEP bus. The diodes limit any transient voltages. This switches on the radio and puts the radio’s µP in bootstrap mode.10Electrostatic Transient Protection Electrostatic transient protection is provided for the sensitive components in the control head by diodes VR0811 VR00812 and VR0816 . connected on the accessory connector. 2. line PTT IRDEC line is pulled to a +5 volts level by R0843. from the voltage on these lines. The µP determines. which key is pressed and sends this information to the host radio. line HOOK is pulled to +5 volts level by R0841. The control head speaker can only be disconnected if an external speaker. The HOOK input (J0811-3) is used to inform the µP when the microphone´s hang-up switch is engaged. The receiver audio signal from the differential audio output of the audio amplifier located on the radio’s controller is fed via connector J0801-10. A pressed key changes the dc voltage on both lines.2-40 Theory of Operation The two A/D converter inputs (J0811-9/10) are used as a microphone with keypad. The voltages depend on which key is pressed.9 Speaker The control head contains a speaker for the receiver audio. signal PTT IRDEC is pulled to ground level. Bootstrap mode is used to load the firmware into the radio’s flash memory. While the PTT button on a connected microphone is released. is used. When the HOOK switch is closed. 3-1 Chapter 3 Maintenance 3.2 Cleaning The following procedures describe the recommended cleaning agents and the methods to be used when cleaning the external and internal surfaces of the radio.1 Introduction This chapter of the manual describes: n n n Preventive maintenance Safe handling of CMOS and LDMOS devices Repair procedures and techniques 3. tuner cleaners.2. 3.1 Inspection Check that the external surfaces of the radio are clean. NOTE Internal surfaces should be cleaned only when the radio is disassembled for servicing or repair. 3.5% solution of a mild dishwashing detergent in water. Cleaning External Plastic Surfaces The detergent-water solution should be applied sparingly with a stiff. These surfaces should be cleaned whenever a periodic visual inspection reveals the presence of smudges. Cleaning Internal Circuit Boards and Components Isopropyl alcohol may be applied with a stiff. housing assembly. short-bristled brush to dislodge embedded or caked materials located in hard-to-reach areas. The only recommended agent for cleaning the external radio surfaces is a 0. absorbent. The only factory recommended liquid for cleaning the printed circuit boards and their components is isopropyl alcohol (70% by volume). and/or grime. short-bristled brush to work all loose dirt away from the radio.2. however. and battery case.2 Preventive Maintenance The radios do not require a scheduled preventive maintenance program. and that all external controls and switches are functional. Aerosol sprays. The brush stroke should direct the dislodged material out and away from the inside of the radio. cracks. or crevices. grease. Make sure that controls or tunable components are . periodic visual inspection and cleaning is recommended. It is not recommended to inspect the interior electronic circuitry. non-metallic. External surfaces include the front cover. A soft. Make sure that no water remains entrapped near the connectors. ! WARNING CAUTION: The effects of certain chemicals and their vapors can have harmful results on certain plastics. non-metallic. and other chemicals should be avoided. lintless cloth or tissue should be used to remove the solution and dry the radio. If the identical replacement component is not locally available. Wear a conductive wrist strap in series with a 100k resistor to ground. and repair.3 Safe Handling of CMOS and LDMOS Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices are used in this family of radios. P/N 6880309G53. check the parts list for the proper Motorola part number and order the component from the nearest Motorola Communications parts center listed in the Piece Parts Availability section of this manual (See Chapter 1). printed circuit boards. use a grounded soldering iron. handle CMOS devices by the package and not by the leads. troubleshooting. which can be ordered from AAD at 1-800422-4210. CMOS characteristics make them susceptible to damage by electrostatic or high voltage charges. If at all possible. or back cover. front cover. use a soft. Ground the working surface of the service bench to protect the CMOS device.3-2 Maintenance not soaked with alcohol. identical parts should be used. Take the following precautions when working on this unit: n Store and transport all CMOS devices in conductive material so that all exposed leads are shorted together. Do not open the radio unless you are properly grounded. Upon completion of the cleaning process. If so. Do not use high-pressure air to hasten the drying process since this could cause the liquid to collect in unwanted places. Do not insert CMOS devices into conventional plastic “snow” trays used for storage and transportation of other semiconductor devices. a table mat. Damage can be latent. the reaction of a discharge to the case would cause the same damage as touching the leads. When soldering. two ground cords. provide ground straps for the apparatus used. When straightening CMOS pins. DO NOT attempt to disassemble the radio without first referring to the CMOS CAUTION paragraph in the Disassembly and Reassembly section of the manual. Since the inner layers are not accessible. Therefore. and a floor mat. special precautions must be taken to prevent device damage during disassembly. Rigid Circuit Boards The family of radios uses bonded. n n n n n n n 3. absorbent. some special considerations are required when soldering and unsoldering components. touch an electrical ground to remove any static charge that you may have accumulated. 3. NOTE Always use a fresh supply of alcohol and a clean container to prevent contamination by dissolved material (from previous usage). The package and substrate may be electrically common. Handling precautions are mandatory for CMOS circuits and are especially important in low humidity conditions. Check all power supplies used for testing CMOS devices to be certain that there are no voltage transients present. lintless cloth to dry the area. Prior to touching the unit. You also need to review Motorola’s Rework and Repair Technical Reference manual. (Replacement wrist straps that connect to the bench top covering are Motorola part number RSX-4015. Do not insert or remove CMOS devices with power applied. We recommend using the Motorola Static Protection Assembly (part number 0180386A82). multi-layer.4 General Repair Procedures and Techniques Parts Replacement and Substitution When damaged parts are replaced.) Do not wear nylon clothing while handling CMOS devices. ! WARNING CAUTION: This radio contains static-sensitive devices. which includes a wrist strap. resulting in failures occurring weeks or months later. Do not brush or apply any isopropyl alcohol to the frame. . All solder joints should be smooth and shiny. Avoid excessive heat and excessive bending. 3. remove the heat from the solder. Apply the tip of the soldering iron to the component connections while pulling with the seizers. select the TJ-65 mini-thermojet hand piece. Do not exceed 210 degrees C when reworking boards. 2. care should be exercised to avoid pulling the plated circuit out of the hole. adjust the temperature control to 700 degrees F. micro BGA and connectors. On either unit. Heat the remaining pad with the soldering iron and apply solder until it wicks to the component. 4. For parts replacement. Once the solder reflows. 3. touch up the first side. To replace a chip component using a soldering iron: 1. When using the 0180381B45 Repair Station. Select the appropriate micro-tipped soldering iron and apply fresh solder paste (Motorola P/N 6680333E72) to one of the solder pads. Use digital tweezers for all other component. 2. NOTE Do not attempt to puddle out components. Therefore. Pull gently. Closely examine your work for shorts due to solder bridges. Excessive prolonged heat on the flexible circuit can damage the material. Use small diameter solder such as ST-633. Use a hot-air hand piece and position the nozzle of hand piece R1319A approximately 1/8" (0.3 cm) above the component to be removed. Prolonged application of heat may damage the flexible circuit. and adjust the airflow to a minimum setting. To remove a chip component: 1. 2. position the new chip component in place while heating the fresh solder. Grasp the edge of the flexible circuit with seizers (hemostats) near the part to be removed. remove the component using the pair of tweezers contained in the SMD tool kit shipped with the R1319A. Begin applying the hot air. The smaller size solder will melt faster and require less heat to be applied to the circuit.Maintenance 3-3 The printed-through holes may interconnect multiple layers of the printed circuit. use the ST-1087 R1319A Temperature-Controlled Solder Station with a 600700 degree tip for OMPAC (BGA) CSP. Using a pair of tweezers. Once solder wicks onto the new component. remove the excess solder from the pads. Airflow can vary due to component density. . Using a solder wick (Motorola P/N 6680334B25) and a soldering iron or a power desoldering station. If necessary. (370 degrees C). To replace a component on a flexible circuit: 1. Be careful not to form solder bridges between the connector pins. 3. Flexible Circuits The flexible circuits are made from a different material than the rigid boards and different techniques must be used when soldering. When soldering near the 20-pin and 40-pin connectors: n n n n n Avoid accidentally getting solder in the connector. Do not exceed 5 degrees temperature ramp rate. Chip Components Use either the RLN-4062 R1319A Chipmaster Hot-Air Repair Station or the Motorola 0180381B45 Repair Station R1364a digital heated tweezer system for chip component replacement. For an extensive discussion of chip component rework and other technical procedures. Use the hot-air hand piece and reflow the solder on the solder pads to smooth it. Position the hot-air hand piece approximately 1/8” (0. Add solder to the shield if necessary. To remove the shield: 1. grab the part with a pair of tweezers. using a micro-tipped soldering iron. 2. 5. 7. 8. Once the shield is off. Place the circuit board back in the R1070’s R1319A circuit board holder. Remove the circuit board from the R-1070’s circuit board holder. All joints should be smooth and shiny.3-4 Maintenance To replace a chip component using hot air: 1. 5. No cleaning should be necessary. Once the solder wicks to the component.3 cm) above the shield. Place a small bead of no-clean flux (Motorola P/N 6680333E71) around the tinned surface. position the new component in place. 3. Apply a drop of solder paste flux to each pad. Shields Removing and replacing shields will be done with the R-1070 R1319A station with the temperature control set to approximately 415°F (215°C) [445°F (230°C) maximum]. Lower the focus head until it is approximately 1/8” (0. turn off the heat. The R1319A will record removal time. order manual 6880309G53 from Motorola AAD. For components having two or three solder connections. add 30 to 40 seconds for replacement. 3. Use solder wick and a soldering iron to remove excess solder from the solder pads on the circuit board. Remove the circuit board and inspect the repair. Rub the soldering iron tip along the edge of the shield to smooth out any excess solder. Place the circuit board in the R-1070’s holder. Turn on the heater and wait until the shield lifts off the circuit board. and turn off the vacuum pump. Select the proper heat focus head and attach it to the heater chimney. turn off the heat. apply a bead of solder paste. 4. raise the heat-focus head and wait approximately one minute for the part to cool. leaving the ideal amount on the pads for their surface area. 9. TSOPs. . 2. As component is removed. 4. Lower the vacuum tip and attach it to the shield by turning on the vacuum pump. 5. Add paste flux (Motorola P/N 6680333E71) around the base of the shield. 3. Using a pair of tweezers. To replace the shield: 1. 7. 2. apply a dot of NO-CLEAN solder paste to the lead joints before removal. 9. Place the shield on the circuit board using a pair of tweezers. and quad leaded devices less than 20 leads.3 cm) above the shield. 8. 6. remove the heat and inspect the repair. 4. such as PLCCs and QFPs. Position the heat-focus head over the shield and lower it to approximately 1/8” (0. 6. it will carry away excess solder. Once complete. For dual leaded devices such as SOICs.3 cm) above the component and begin applying heat. Position the shield under the heat-focus head. Turn on the heater and wait for the solder to reflow. Maintenance 3-5 3.245” x 0. 63/37.340” x 0.560” 0.475” x 0. 0.492” 0. and technical references regarding rework equipment .460” x 0.570” 0.350” Digital Heated Tweezer System Board Preheater Rework Procedures Manual Removal and assembly of surface-mounted integrated circuits and shields.572” 0. Illuminated Magnification System Anti-static grounding kit Straight prober Brush Solder (RMA type).670” x 0.470” x 0.430” x 0.591” x 0. procedures. Includes five nozzles Illuminated and magnification of components Used during all radio assembly and disassembly procedures Description Application Tighten and remove chassis screws Removable Torx driver bit Digitally controlled soldering Iron For WADN4055A soldering Iron 0180303E45 R-1321A R1319A 6680334B49 6680334B50 6680334B51 6680334B52 6680334B53 6680370B51 6680370B54 6680370B57 6680370B58 6680371B15 6680371B74 6680332E45 6680332E46 R1364A R1427A 6680309B53 Heat-focus heads for R-1319A work station Chip component removal Reduces heatsink on multi-level boards Contains Application notes.340” 0.572” x 0.492” x 0.5mm diameter 1 lb.862” x 0.410” x 0.245” 0.315” 0.790” 0. Table 3-1.475” 0.8mm replacement tip Illuminated magnifying glass with lens attachment.710” 0. spool SMD tool kit (Include with R1319A) Shields and surface-mounted component and IC removal/rework station (order all heat-focus heads separately) 0. Recommended Test Tools Motorola Part Number RSX4043 6680387A70 WADN4055A 6604008K01 6604008K02 0180386A78 0180302E51 0180386A82 6684253C72 6680384A98 1010041A86 Torx Driver T-6 Torx Bit Portable soldering station 0.5 Recommended Test Tools Table 3-1 lists the recommended tools used for maintaining this family of radios. These tools are also available from Motorola.410” 0.430” 0.4mm replacement tip 0.710” x 0. 6 Transmitter Troubleshooting Chart START No power No Is Q4573 OK? No No Yes Is Vctrl there? Check MOSBIAS_2 No Check ASFIC Change Q4573 Yes Yes Yes Check voltage on pin 4 U4501 Check PCIC_MOSBIAS_1 No Check PCIC Check R4422-5 and go back to top No Yes No Check voltage on pin 5 U4501 Change Q4431 Are D4471 & D4472 OK? No Change D4471 & D4472 Troubleshoot ASFIC Yes No Yes No Check voltage on TP4531 Check Q4431 gate(open) and drain resistances (11kohm) Yes Check Q4421 gate(open) and drain resistances (11kohm) No Change Q4421 Change PCIC Yes Yes Check R4409 & R4473 and go back to top Is Q4441 OK ? No Troubleshoot VCO No Is voltage drop across R4497 >4.5V ? Change Q4441 Yes Is drive from VCO >+4dBm? Yes Do visual check on all components No Change U4401 .3-6 Maintenance 3. Biasing OK? No Replace Q3102. Yes B LO present? Yes Go to B No Check circuitry around U3101. OK? Yes Check circuitry around Y3101. Or else go to “B” A Yes B Audio heard? Check Q3102 bias for faults. No Check 2nd LO (44.395MHz) at C3135. No Check voltages on U3101.7 Receiver Troubleshooting Chart START Bad SINAD Bad 20dB Quieting No Recovered Audio Audio at pin 8 Yes of U3101? No Spray or inject 44. Replace U3101 if defect.85MHz into XTAL Filter FL3101. Troubleshooting Flow Chart for Receiver (Sheet 1 of 2) . Replace Y3101 if defect. Check Controller (in the case of no audio).Maintenance 3-7 3. C4492 and ant. L4008.switch D4471. C4009? No or weak RF No Check filter between C4025 & C4009. Yes RF Signal at C4015? No Check filter between C4015 & T4051. Check Yes tuning voltage at R4060. IF signal at Q3102 collector? Yes 1st LO level OK? Locked? Yes No Check FGU Check T4051. Check U0611 and U0641. check U3101 voltages.D4472. No Before replacing U3101. Check for bad XTAL filter. Is tuning voltage OK? Yes Check varactor filter. Troubleshooting Flow Chart for Receiver (Sheet 2 of 2) . RF Signal at C4025? No Is 9V3 present? Yes A No Check Supply Voltage circuitry.3-8 Maintenance B Inject RF into J4401 IF Signal at C3101? No Yes RF Signal at T4051? No Yes Trace IF signal from C3101 to Q3101. R4052. T4052. Check for 5VDC Yes A Yes Check RF amp (Q4003) RF Signal at Stage. Check harmonic filters L4491-L4493.L4472. D4051. No Check U4501. C4202.5 VDC in Rx & <40 mVDC in Rx YES NO Do Pins 7.8 Synthesizer Troubleshooting Chart Start 5V at U4201 pins 5. C4229 & C4227 are OK.8 & 9 YES NO Is information from µP U0101 correct? Check uP U0101 Troubleshooting Chart Is RF level at U4201 Pin 32 -12 < x <-25 dBm? NO If L4225.8MHz Signal at U4201 Pin 19? NO Is 16.C4221.5 VDC in TX? (at VCO section) YES NO Are signals at Pin’s 14 & 15 of U4201? YES Are Waveforms at Pins 14 & 15 triangular? YES NO Is U4201 pin 2 >4.Maintenance 3-9 3.C4222. C4263.R4222.8MHz signal at U4201 pin 23? NO Replace U4201 YES Check C4381 Check 5V R e g ul a t or U4211 NO YES Check Y4261. D4261 & R4261 Is U4301 Pin 19 <40 mVDC in RX & >4. 34 & 36 NO Check 5V Regulator U4211 Check D4201. C4261. C4262. C4203. R4223. then see VCO troubleshooting chart YES Replace U4201 YES Are R4221. & C4206 Correct Problem NO Visual check of the Board OK? YES YES YES 5V NO at pin 6 of D4201 NO YES Check R4201 Is U4201 Pin 47 at = 13VDC NO +5V at U4201 Pin’s 13 & 30? YES Is 16.8 & 9 of U4201 toggle when channel is changed? NO Replace U4201 NO Is there a short between Pin 47 and Pins 14 & 15 of U4201? YES Remove Shorts Check programming lines between U0101 and U4201 Pins 7. 20. & C4223 OK? NO Replace or resolder necessary components YES Replace U4201 Troubleshooting Flow Chart for UHF Mobile Synthesizer Section . 3-10 Maintenance This page intentionally left blank . 7V YES NO REPLACE Q4301 ARE U251 PINS 13 AT 4.5V DC AT U4301 PIN 14&18 YES NO MAKE SURE SYNTHESIZER IS WORKING CORRECTLY AND RUNNER BETWEEN U4201 PIN 28 AND U4301 PIN 14&18 IS OK.5V EMITTER AT 110mV YES IF ALL PARTS FROM COLLECTOR OF Q4332 TO TP4003 ARE OK. REPLACE Q4332 IF ALL PARTS FROM TP4534 TO U4401 PIN 16 ARE OK.5V EMITTER AT 1.5V DC AT U251 PIN 14&18 YES 4. REPLACE U4301 IS RF AVAILABLE AT BASE OF Q4332 NO IF ALL PARTS FROM U4301 PIN 8 TO BASE OF Q4332 ARE OK.5VDC AT CR4321 YES NO REPLACE R4322 35mV DC AT U4301 PIN 19 YES NO CHECK RUNNER BETWEEN U4201 PIN 2 AND U4301 PIN 19 NO 4.4V 15 AT 1.8V DC AT U4301 PIN 19 YES IF C4321 AND R4321 ARE OK. REPLACE U4301 IS RF AVAILABLE AT TP4534 YES NO IF R4361 AND L4361 ARE OK. NO 4.Maintenance 3-11 3.5V 16 AT 1.1V 10 AT 4.4V COLLECTOR AT 4.7V COLLECTOR AT 4. REPLACE U4301 .9 VCO Troubleshooting Chart l RX VCO LOW OR NO RF SIGNAL AT TP4003 LOW OR NO RF SIGNAL AT INPUT TO PA TX VCO POWER OK BUT NO MODULATION VISUAL CHECK OF BOARD OK? YES NO CORRECT PROBLEM NO VISUAL CHECK OF BOARD OK? YES AUDIO = 180 mVRMS AT “-” SIDE OF C4325 YES NO REPLACE C4325 4. REPLACE Q4332 NO IF ALL PARTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PINS ARE OK.9V YES NO IF ALL PARTS ASSOCIATED WITH THOSE PINS ARE OK. REPLACE U4301 YES ARE Q4332 BASE AT 0. THEN REPLACE CR4321 ARE Q4301 BASE AT 2. 3-12 Maintenance This page intentionally left blank . 1 Introduction This chapter provides schematic diagrams. Interconnect Tie Point Legend: UNSWB+ SWB+ R5 CLK Vdda Vddd CSX SYN DACRX VSF VR = = = = = = = = = = = Unswitched Battery Voltage (12V) Switched Battery Voltage (12V) Receiver Five Volts Clock Regulated 5 Volts (for analog) Regulated 5 Volts (for digital) Chip Select Line (not for LVZIF) Synthesizer Digital to Analog Voltage (For Receiver Front End Filter) Voltage Super Filtered (5 volts) Voltage Regulator . Refer to the Electrical Parts List for value and usage. and Parts Lists 4. and parts lists for the radio circuit boards and interface connections. overlays. 1. resistances are in Ohms (k = 1000). 4. Unless otherwise stated. Reference Designators are assigned in the following manner: 800-900 = Control Heads 100/200/400/500/600 Series = Controller 100/200/400/500/600/3000/4000 Series = UHF Transmitter 3000 Series = VHF Transmitter 4. Transmitter measurements should be made with a 1. Overlays. 3. 2.2 µH choke in series with the voltage probe to prevent circuit loading. DC voltages are measured from point indicated to chassis ground using a Motorola DC multimeter or equivalent. and capacitances are in picofarads (pF) or microfarads (µF).4-1 Chapter 4 Schematic Diagrams.1 Notes For All Schematics and Circuit Boards * Component is frequency sensitive.1. 4-2 Introduction SIDE 1 LAYER 1 (L1) LAYER 2 (L2) LAYER 3 (L3) LAYER 4 (L4) LAYER 5 (L5) LAYER 6 (L6) SIDE 2 INNER LAYERS 6-LAYER CIRCUIT BOARD DETAIL VIEWING COPPER STEPS IN PROPER LAYER SEQUENCE . PRO3100/CDM750 Control Head Top Overlay .4-3 D0877 D0878 D0879 D0873 D0872 4 R0823 5 JU0853 S0866 D0886 S0865 D0884 1 2 3 JU0852 JU0854 9 8 7 6 5 4 J0811 S0864 3 2 1 10 D0874 D0875 D0876 D0871 S0863 D0887 D0888 S0861 S0862 D0881 D0885 ZWG0130114 Figure 4-1. 4-4 Q0872 Q0878 R0872 Q0879 R0878 R0879 1 C0802 C0803 R0881 C0804 C0805 Q0881 C0806 8 C0808 TP0833 TP0834 1 J0801 5 U0832 4 R0854 R0853 TP0838 R0877 U0833 R0831 R0873 Q0877 Q0873 Q0823 R0825 D0821 C0824 Q0822 VR0822 R0822 Q0821 TP0835 C0822 R0821 D0822 C0821 C0823 3 32 33 17 16 Q0871 R0871 R0824 R0812 C0813 C0815 R0813 R0814 R0816 R0815 C0818 VR0816 VR0823 R0849 VR0821 R0845 C0831 C0819 R0852 R0832 C0833 U0831 Q0874 R0874 C0811 VR0811 R0835 C0809 12 TP0831 R0876 Q0876 TP0836 R0875 Q0875 C0810 R0833 R0834 48 49 1 64 Q0841 R0841 VR0817 R0810 R0811 R0847 C0843 C0816 C0817 R0837 TP0837 R0838 D0831 R0836 R0842 0 TP0832 1 P0801 2 R0861 R0862 R0880 R0866 R0867 R0843 Q0843 R0844 R0864 Q0885 R0885 R0839 C0832 ZWG0130113 Figure 4-2. PRO3100/CDM750 Control Head Bottom Overlay . 00MG C0831 3.1uF Controller Section 5V R0841 10K Q0841 PTT_IRDEC 5V R0843 10K Q0843 VDD 55 VRH 22 VRL 21 35 44 48 60 61 5V R0842 47K 28 30 1 64 63 62 59 58 57 56 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 12 0 11 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 6 5 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R0844 10K HOOK R0845 4.01uF TP0834 BOOT_VPP 5V Q0823 D0821 R0825 ON_OFF_CONTROL 1K CH_REQUEST 5V R0821 10K ON_OFF_SENSE C0824 .2K 3 C2 5V R0831 1MEG NC3 6 3 NC1 NC4 7 5 NC2 8 GND NC5 C0833 0.01uF NU TAB 5V 2 U0832 MC33064 NU INPUT RESET 1 1 5V R0833 47K GND 2 C1 1 VR0821 5.6V C0802 470pF NU ON/OFF Section 5V Q0821 FLT_A+ PTT_IRDEC C0823 .6V C0821 470pF NU C0822 2.6V U0833 CSTCC8.4-5 Microphone Interface Radio Interface VR0811 33V NU J0801 CONTROLHEAD CONNECTOR J0801-14 J0801-13 EXT_KP_COL J0801-12 FLT_A+ R0847 5V HOOK J0811 MICROPHONE CONNECTOR GROUND MIC J0811-2 22 J0811-3 J0811-4 J0811-5 R0814 BUS+ J0811-7 270 R0815 EXT_KP_ROW J0811-9 13K R0816 51K 5V C0815 470pF C0816 470pF C0817 C0818 470pF 82pF NU C0819 470pF NU VR0817 20V VR0816 20V EXT_KP_ROW J0801-3 J0801-2 J0801-1 C0808 470pF C0806 C0805 C0804 C0803 470pF 82pF 470pF 470pF NU FLT_A+ ON_OFF_CONTROL BUS+ J0801-5 HANDSET_AUDIO J0801-4 MIC BUS+ HANDSET_AUDIO J0811-8 R0813 10 MIC J0801-7 PTT_IRDECODER J0811-6 PTT_IRDEC J0801-6 HANDSET_AUDIO 5V HOOK J0801-9 J0801-8 22 5V J0801-10 P0801-2 J0801-11 P0801-1 C0809 82pF NU SCI_TX 5V R0811 51K R0810 EXT_KP_COL J0811-10 WARIS GM300 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 13K FLT_A+ J0811-1 R0812 C0810 C0811 470pF 470pF NU C0843 470pF C0813 470pF VR0823 5. Sheet 1 1 USW_5V D0831 2 NC1 3 NC2 4 NC3 26 NC4 32 NC5 R0839 0 NU 5V JU0852 CONTROL HEAD ID JU0853 2 JU0854 0 0 .3uF C0832 0.7K VR0822 5.7K R0835 100 R0832 2.1uF TP0833 RESET TP0831 TP0832 TP0838 1 BOOT_MODE 1 TP0835 USW_5V FLT_A+ 5V INT_KP_COL INT_KP_ROW EXT_KP_COL EXT_KP_ROW VOLUME 5V 29 STRA_AS CLK_E 31 EXTAL U0831 STRB_RW* 33 XTAL MC68HC711E9 PA0_IC3 CONTROLLER PA1_IC2 46 IRQ PA2_IC1 45 XIRQ PA3_OC5_OC1 43 RESET PA4_OC4_OC1 PA5_OC3_OC1 27 MODA_LIR* PA6_OC2_OC1 25 MODB_VSTBY PA7_PA1_OC1 13 15 17 19 14 16 18 20 47 50 51 52 53 54 PE0_AN0 PE1_AN1 PE2_AN2 PE3_AN3 PE4_AN4 PE5_AN5 PE6_AN6 PE7_AN7 PD0_RXD PD1_TXD PD2_MISO PD3_MOSI PD4_SCK PD5_SS* PC0_AD0 PC1_AD1 PC2_AD2 PC3_AD3 PC4_AD4 PC5_AD5 PC6_AD6 PC7_AD7 PB0_A8 PB1_A9 PB2_A10 PB3_A11 PB4_A12 PB5_A13 PB6_A14 PB7_A15 NC6 NC7 NC8 NC9 NC10 ON_OFF_SENSE CH_REQUEST BL_GREEN 5V R0823 50K Q0822 1 1 1 4 NEG TAB1 R0849 47K 5V R0852 100K CH_KP_ID(0:7) R0853 100K R0854 100K VAR POS TP0836 SCI_RX 1 5V R0836 10K R0837 33K 1 FLT_A+ R0822 24K D0822 R0824 VOLUME BUS+ 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 23 VSS1 24 VSS2 49 VSS3 1 1 4. PRO3100/CDM750 Control Head Schematic Diagram.2uF SCI_TX TP0837 SCI_TX 1 R0834 270 R0838 10K LED_CNTRL(0:8) KEYPAD ID ZWG0130239 Figure 4-3. PRO3100/CDM750 Control Head Schematic Diagram.4-6 Keypad FLT_A+ INT_KP_COL 5V Backlight D0886 green D0884 green D0881 green Q0881 Q0885 D0885 green D0888 green D0887 green R0866 5V 51K R0867 13K R0861 51K INT_KP_ROW 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 S0861 red yellow green 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 S0862 LED4 F4 S0861 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 S0863 LED_CNTRL(0:8) F2 0V/2V R0864 43K 5 6 7 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 S0866 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 S0865 F4 0V/0V P2 1V/0V Keypad Layout R0862 13K R0881 270 BL_GREEN R0885 270 Status LED P1 1V/1V FLT_A+ R0880 22K D0877 red Q0877 D0878 yellow Q0878 D0879 green Q0879 LED6 P1 S0866 LED5 P2 S0865 F3 0V/1V LED1 F1 S0864 LED2 F2 S0863 LED3 F3 S0862 R0877 270 R0878 270 R0879 270 Sunction LED FLT_A+ F1 0V/3V LED1 D0874 red Q0874 LED2 D0875 red Q0875 LED3 D0876 red Q0876 LED4 D0871 red Q0871 LED5 D0872 red Q0872 LED6 D0873 red Q0873 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 S0864 4 LED_CNTRL(0:8) R0874 270 3 R0875 270 2 R0876 270 1 R0871 270 0 R0872 270 8 R0873 270 ZWG0130240 Figure 4-4. Sheet 2 . 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113740F49 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113740F49 2311049A40 2113741F49 2311049A42 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113741F17 4813833C02 4813833C02 4880236E05 4886171B01 4886171B01 4880479B01 4886171B01 4886171B01 4886171B01 4886171B01 4886171B03 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 0902636Y02 2864287B01 4805921T02 4880048M01 4805921T02 4880048M01 4880048M01 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A10 Description 470pF 470pF 100pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 82pF 2. Green LED. 4813824A10 0662057A76 0662057A90 0662057A09 0662057A01 0662057A35 0662057A76 0662057A90 0662057A73 0662057A82 1805911V01 0662057A65 0662057A49 0662057B22 0662057A57 0662057A89 0662057A35 0662057A25 0662057A73 0662057A85 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A89 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A65 0662057A09 0662057A89 0662057A97 0662057A97 0662057A97 0662057A90 0662057A76 0662057A88 0662057A90 0662057A76 0660076A35 0660076A35 0660076A35 0660076A35 0660076A35 0660076A35 0660076A35 0660076A35 0660076A35 0662057A81 0662057A35 0662057A35 5113802A24 4886061B01 4805656W09 Description Transistor. 5.4-7 Table 4-1. Green LED. NPN Transistor. NPN Transistor. Green 12-Pin Connector 10-Pin Jack Transistor.6V . Red LED. Green LED. NPN 13K 51K 22 10 270 13K 51K 10K 24K Volume Pot 4K 1K 1M 2K 47K 270 100 10K 33K 10K 10K 47K 10K 10K 4K 22 47K 100K 100K 100K 51K 13K 43K 51K 13K 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 270 22K 270 270 IC 8 MHz Diode. Zener Diode. Zener Reference Designator VR0817 VR0821 VR0822 VR0823 Motorola Part No. 4805656W09 4813830A15 4813830A15 4813830A15 Description Diode.6V Diode. 5. Red LED. NPN Transistor. NPN Transistor. Red LED. Dual Transistor.2uF 10nF 3. NPN Transistor. 5. NPN Transistor. Green LED.3uF 100nF 100nF 470pF Dual Schottky Dual Schottky Schottky LED. NPN Transistor. NPN Transistor. NPN Transistor. Red LED. Dual Transistor. Red LED. Yellow LED. NPN Transistor. NPN Reference Designator Q0885 R0810 R0811 R0812 R0813 R0814 R0815 R0816 R0821 R0822 R0823 R0824 R0825 R0831 R0832 R0833 R0834 R0835 R0836 R0837 R0838 R0841 R0842 R0843 R0844 R0845 R0847 R0849 R0852 R0853 R0854 R0861 R0862 R0864 R0866 R0867 R0871 R0872 R0873 R0874 R0875 R0876 R0877 R0878 R0879 R0880 R0881 R0885 U0831 U0833 VR0816 Motorola Part No. NPN Transistor. Red LED. Green LED.6V Diode. Red LED. PRO3100/CDM750 Control Head Parts List Reference Designator C0803 C0804 C0805 C0808 C0811 C0813 C0815 C0816 C0817 C0822 C0823 C0831 C0832 C0833 C0843 D0821 D0822 D0831 D0871 D0872 D0873 D0874 D0875 D0876 D0877 D0878 D0879 D0881 D0884 D0885 D0886 D0887 D0888 J801 J811 Q0821 Q0822 Q0823 Q0841 Q0843 Q0871 Q0872 Q0873 Q0874 Q0875 Q0876 Q0877 Q0878 Q0879 Q0881 Motorola Part No. NPN Transistor. Green LED. 4-8 This page intentionally left blank . PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Top Overlay . AS IS CHECK ONE ( ) ) O. WARIS Controlhead B/C 8486155B04-P4 TOP SIDE ILLUSTRATOR DATE ENGINEER DATE ZWG0130136 PROGRAM Illustrator DISK O. P4 Figure 4-5. RK EDITOR 30/March/99 DATE CHECKER DATE LETTERING SIZE: REQUIRES: RLSE.K.4-9 D0877 D0880 D0879 1 H0971 D0935 D0965 D0939 D0969 D0943 D0973 D0947 D0977 D0955 D0985 D0958 D0988 D0941 D0971 10 20 30 40 D0961 D0931 D0933 D0963 S0854 U0834 4 R0823 5 D0936 D0966 S0853 D0940 D0970 D0944 D0974 D0948 D0978 D0956 D0986 D0937 D0967 D0945 D0975 D0962 1 D0932 2 3 D0934 D0964 S0852 41 50 60 70 80 S0906 9 8 7 6 5 4 J0811 3 2 1 10 D0949 D0979 S0904 S0902 S0909 S0910 D0952 D0982 D0957 D0987 D0953 D0983 D0946 D0976 S0903 S0901 S0905 S0907 S0908 D0950 D0980 D0951 D0981 D0938 D0968 D0954 D0984 D0942 D0972 ZWG0130136 DWG. NO. CORRECTED AS MARKED ISS. AS MARKED ( REVISION RLSE.K. 4-10 Q0878 Q0823 64 65 39 38 R0857 R0879 R0878 Q0877 Q0821 R0855 Q0879 R0877 R0856 R0851 R0850 R0852 R0853 C0802 C0803 C0804 C0805 C0806 C0807 J0801 TP0972 R0973 TP0973 102 103 1 128 D0821 C0832 U0833 C0831 R0831 Q0822 TP0831 3 R0863 VR0821 VR0811 VR0817 1 U0971 R0854 R0860 R0821 R0825 R0822 C0823 R0824 TP0832 17 D0822 TP0835 R0864 R0861R0865 33 R0862 R0859 R0858 U0831 C0983 R0975 C0833 R0832 R0833 1 64 R0842 R0844 R0848 R0849 TP0837 R0845 R0847 R0843 C0843 R0837 R0836 5 Q0843 4 U0832 Q0841 R0812 R0810 TP0838 C0822 C0815 C0811 C0813 R0813 R0814 C0821 C0817 R0834 C0808 12 C0985 C0984 3 4 Q0933 2 R0941 1 R0943 3 P0801 R0931 4 Q0931 2 1 R0933 R0935 R0934 R0932 C0931 R0936 8 Q0932 1 U0931 R0946 4 C0932 5 C0933 R0942 C0975 C0976 C0978 C0974 C0977 C0979 C0972 C0981 R0945 Q0934 C0973 R0905 C0982 C0971 R0977 TP0974 R0811 R0816 R0817 R0938 R0937 C0980 R0944 VR0812 TP0971 C0842 R0903 R0902 R0904 R0907 R0901 D0831 R0906 R0910 TP0833 1 8 R0947 R0948 2 1 R0908 R0909 VR0816 R0978 R0972 R0976 R0835 49 TP0834 TP0836 R0974 R0838 C0812 TP0975 C0810 R0815 C0816 C0818 C0819 R0841 ZWG0130137 Figure 4-6. PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Bottom Overlay VR0822 . 1uF VDD 55 22 VRH VRL 21 CSTCC8.00MG ON/OFF Section FLT_A+ VR0821 10V Q0821 RESET TP0833 ?X RESET 5V R0832 2.3uF Controller Section 5V R0841 10K Q0841 Q0843 5V R0843 10K PTT_IRDEC 5V 28 30 1 64 63 62 59 58 57 56 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 8 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R0842 47K R0844 10K R0845 4.00MG C0831 3.6V J0801-12 J0801-11 J0801-10 AN(0:4) FLT_A+ 5V HOOK J0801-9 J0801-8 J0801-7 J0801-6 J0801-5 J0801-4 J0801-3 J0801-2 J0801-1 P0801-1 P0801-2 C0808 82pF NU SCI_TX Status LED 2 FLT_A+ 5V HANDSET_AUDIO BUS+ MIC FLT_A+ ON_OFF_CONTROL LED_CNTRL(0:8) 5 6 7 R0877 270 R0878 270 R0879 270 Q0877 Q0878 Q0879 D0877 red D0880 yellow D0879 green GROUND J0811-4 MIC J0811-5 PTT_IRDECODER J0811-6 C0807 470pF C0806 C0805 C0804 C0803 C0802 470pF 82pF 470pF 470pF 470pF NU NU 5V C0832 0.1uF NU R0835 100 USW_5V AN(0:4) CLK_E STRA_AS STRB_RW* U0831 31 33 EXTAL MC68HC711E9 PA0_IC3 XTAL CONTROLLER PA1_IC2 46 IRQ PA2_IC1 45 XIRQ PA3_OC5_OC1 43 RESET PA4_OC4_OC1 PA5_OC3_OC1 27 PA6_OC2_OC1 25 MODA_LIR* MODB_VSTBY PA7_PA1_OC1 MC68HC711E9 ON_OFF_SENSE CH_REQUEST BL_GREEN BL_RED C0843 2.6V 33V 5.7K R0864 4.7K S0854 S0852 0 .6V 5V D0831 R0834 270 1 AN(0:4) SCI_TX USW_5V R0838 10K 2 CONTROL HEAD ID SCI_TX TP0837 1 KEYPAD ID C0821 470pF NU C0822 2. PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Schematic Diagram 2 LED_CNTRL(0:8) R0856 R0857 47K 47K NU 1 1 S0853 SWITCH 4 23 VSS1 24 VSS2 49 VSS3 2 3 NC1 NC2 4 NC3 26 NC4 32 NC5 TAB R0836 10K R0855 47K R0858 47K R0859 47K R0863 4.6V 5.2uF R0850 R0851 NU NU R0852 NU USED R0853 USED NU R0855 USED USED R0856 USED USED ZWG0130241 CONTROLHEAD PRO5100/CDM1250 CONTROLHEAD PRO7100/CDM1550 NU NU 2 R0857 R0858 USED NU NU USED Figure 4-7.2uF NU R0849 47K CH_REQUEST 5V R0821 10K ON_OFF_SENSE VPP TP0834 TP0835 BOOT_MODE FLT_A+ TP0831 TP0832 5V TP0838 GND 5V U0834 1 LM50 POS FLT_A+ TEMP_SENSE 2 VOUT 5V LM50 0 13 PE0_AN0 1 15 PE1_AN1 2 17 PE2_AN2 3 19 PE3_AN3 4 14 PE4_AN4 16 PE5_AN5 18 PE6_AN6 20 PE7_AN7 47 50 51 52 53 54 PD0_RXD PD1_TXD PD2_MISO PD3_MOSI PD4_SCK PD5_SS* PC0_AD0 PC1_AD1 PC2_AD2 PC3_AD3 PC4_AD4 PC5_AD5 PC6_AD6 PC7_AD7 PB0_A8 PB1_A9 PB2_A10 PB3_A11 PB4_A12 PB5_A13 PB6_A14 PB7_A15 5V R0850 47K NU 5V R0823 50K Q0822 GND 3 VOLTAGE_SENSE 5V 1 SCI_RX TP0836 R0837 33K R0860 100K R0861 100K 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 NEG TAB1 CH_KP_ID(0:7) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VAR POS BUS+ FLT_A+ R0822 22K D0822 R0824 4.2uF R0851 R0852 47K 47K NU R0853 47K NU R0854 47K NU R0862 100K R0847 68K R0848 68K NU C0842 2.01uF 2 U0832 MC33064 MC33064 5V INPUT RESET 1 4 GND Q0823 D0821 R0825 1K ON_OFF_CONTROL 3 NC1 5 NC2 NC3 6 NC4 7 NC5 8 C0833 0.4-11 WARIS GM300 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 10 Microphone Interface J0801 CONTROLHEAD CONNECTOR J0801-14 J0801-13 Transceiver Interface J0811 MICROPHONE CONNECTOR 5V R0810 13K ANALOG_INPUT_2 J0811-10 FLT_A+ J0811-1 5V HOOK J0811-2 J0811-3 R0813 10 MIC PTT_IRDEC R0814 BUS+ J0811-7 270 HANDSET_AUDIO J0811-8 ANALOG_INPUT_3 J0811-9 R0815 13K R0816 51K 5V C0815 C0816 C0817 C0818 C0819 470pF 470pF 82pF 470pF 470pF NU NU VR0817 20V VR0816 20V 3 AN(0:4) HANDSET_AUDIO BUS+ R0812 22 R0817 22 R0811 51K C0810 470pF NU C0811 470pF C0812 470pF C0813 470pF VR0811 33V NU VR0812 5.7K VR0822 5.7K HOOK 3 C2 PTT_IRDEC 10V C0823 .7K 0 R0865 4.2K R0833 47K 2 GND C1 1 R0831 1MEG 29 NC6 35 NC7 44 NC8 48 NC9 60 NC10 61 U0833 CSTCC8. PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Keypad Schematic .4-12 Keypad B Layout P1 SW0906 P2 SW0903 SW0902 SW0905 P3 SW0910 P4 SW0908 S0901 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 S0902 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 S0903 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 ROW1 S0904 Keypad C Layout 5V AN(0:4) P1 SW0906 P2 SW0903 P3 SW0910 P4 SW0908 ROW1 R0902 13K ROW2 R0903 22K ROW3 R0904 43K ROW4 R0909 43K COL4 R0905 130K NU ROW5 R0910 130K NU COL5 COL4 R0908 22K COL3 S0909 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 R0907 13K COL2 R0901 51K 0 1 SW0905 SW0901 SW0907 COL1 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 S0907 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 R0906 51K 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 S0905 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 S0906 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 ROW2 SW0904 SW0902 SW0909 S0908 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 ROW3 S0910 1 5 4 8 2 6 3 7 P1 P5 P4 P8 P2 P6 P3 P7 ROW4 R0909 CONTROLHEAD PRO5100/CDM1250 CONTROLHEAD PRO7100/CDM1550 NU USED COL3 COL2 ZWG0130242 Figure 4-8. 7K Q0934 R0933 4.7K NU R0945 10K FLT_A+ R0946 10K R0948 10 1 C0931 0.1uF NU R0938 10 NU 6 5 C0933 0.4-13 BACKLIGHT GREEN Q0933 FLT_A+ R0941 10K D0962 NU D0963 NU D0966 D0970 D0974 D0978 D0982 D0986 D0967 D0971 D0975 D0979 D0983 D0987 D0972 D0976 D0980 D0984 D0988 BL_RED R0944 100K MC33072 U0931-2 FLT_A+ 7 8 4 MC33072 HSMG-H690 Q0931 NU D0961 NU D0965 D0969 D0973 D0977 D0981 D0985 FLT_A+ R0931 10K NU D0931 NU D0935 NU D0939 NU D0940 NU D0941 NU D0942 NU D0943 NU D0944 NU D0945 NU D0946 NU D0947 NU D0948 NU D0949 NU D0950 NU D0951 NU D0952 NU D0953 NU D0954 NU D0955 NU D0956 NU D0957 NU D0958 NU D0932 D0936 NU NU D0933 NU D0934 NU D0937 NU D0938 NU R0942 33K R0932 33K NU Q0932 NU R0934 100K NU MC33072 U0931-1 8 2 3 4 MC33072 D0964 D0968 NU BL_GREEN R0943 4. PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head LCD Schematic .1uF R0947 10 R0937 10 D0981 D982 D0983 D0984 CONTROL HEAD PRO5100/CDM1250 CONTROL HEAD PRO7100/CDM1550 NU NU NU NU USED USED USED USED ZWG0130243 Figure 4-9.1uF R0935 10K R0936 10K C0932 0. 1uF C0976 0.2MEG Figure 4-10.1uF C0980 0.1uF NU R0976 100K R0978 100K NU TP0975 0.1uF 1 2 3 4 5 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 THE LCD IS OF HARDWAREKITS GLN7358A (EUR) and GLN7359A (US) C0977 0.2uF 5V Display Driver 7 VDD 13 VSS SEG0_C1 SEG1_C2 SEG2_C3 SEG3_C4 SEG4_C5 SEG5_C6 SEG6_C7 SEG7_C8 SEG8_C9 SEG9_C10 SEG10_C11 SEG11_C12 SEG12_C13 SEG13_C14 SEG14_C15 SEG15_C16 SEG16_C17 SEG17_C18 SEG18_C19 SEG19_C20 SEG20_C21 SEG21_C22 SEG22_C23 SEG23_C24 SEG24_C25 SEG25_C26 SEG26_C27 SEG27_C28 SEG28_C29 SEG29_C30 SEG30_C31 SEG31_C32 SEG32_C33 SEG33_C34 SEG34_C35 SEG35_C36 SEG36_C37 SEG37_C38 SEG38_C39 SEG39_C40 SEG40_C41 SEG41_C42 SEG42_C43 SEG43_C44 SEG44_C45 SEG45_C46 SEG46_C47 SEG47_C48 SEG48_C49 SEG49_C50 SEG50_C51 SEG51_C52 SEG52_C53 SEG53_C54 SEG54_C55 SEG55_C56 SEG56_C57 SEG57_C58 SEG58_C59 SEG59_C60 SEG60_C61 SEG61_C62 SEG62_C63 SEG63_C64 SEG64_C65 SEG65_C66 SEG66_C67 SEG67_C68 SEG68_C69 SEG69_C70 NC 04B01 H0971 04B01 NU SEG0 SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 SEG10 SEG11 SEG12 SEG13 SEG14 SEG15 SEG16 SEG17 SEG18 SEG19 SEG20 SEG21 SEG22 SEG23 SEG24 SEG25 SEG26 SEG27 SEG28 SEG29 SEG30 SEG31 SEG32 SEG33 SEG34 SEG35 SEG36 SEG37 SEG38 SEG39 SEG40 SEG41 SEG42 SEG43 SEG44 SEG45 SEG46 SEG47 SEG48 SEG49 SEG50 SEG51 SEG52 SEG53 SEG54 SEG55 SEG56 SEG57 SEG58 SEG59 SEG60 SEG61 SEG62 SEG63 SEG64 SEG65 SEG66 SEG67 SEG68 SEG69 SEG70 SEG71 SEG72 SEG73 SEG74 SEG75 SEG76 SEG77 SEG78 SEG79 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 SED1526F0A COM8 COM9 COM10 COM11 COM12 COM13 COM14 COM15 ZWG0130244 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 SED1526F0A .4-14 LED_CNTRL(0:8) RESET TP0972 TP0971 COMS 48 COMS 3 2 5V 1 0 C0971 1uF 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 SR2 SR1 WR RD CS2 CS1 A0 COM0 COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 COM5 COM6 COM7 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 COM0_R1 COM1_R2 COM2_R3 COM3_R4 COM4_R5 COM5_R6 COM6_R7 COM7_NC C0973 1uF R0972 0 C0972 1uF NU 5V 22 23 14 12 11 10 9 6 8 FR CL M_S CAP1_POS CAP1_NEG CAP2_POS CAP2_NEG VR VOUT R0973 1.01uF C0985 2.1uF C0979 C0981 C0982 0.1uF NU C0975 0.1uF NU 0.1uF NU C0978 0. PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Display Schematic R0974 1.1uF C0983 2.8MEG C0974 0.2uF TP0974 VOLTAGE_SENSE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 DISPLAY U0971 R0975 200K R0977 200K NU CH_KP_ID(0:7) TP0973 C0984 . Green VR0817 4805656W09 Diode.8M 200K 100K IC Voltage Sensor 8 MHz Temperature Sensor IC LCD Driver Diode. Green LED. 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113740F49 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113740F49 2311049A40 2113741F49 2311049A42 2113743E20 2311049A40 2113743E20 2113743E20 2311049A07 2311049A07 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2311049A09 2113741F49 2311049A40 4813833C02 4813833C02 4880236E05 4886171B01 4886171B04 4886171B03 4886171B02 4886171B02 4886171B02 4886171B02 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 Description 470pF 470pF 100pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 82pF 2. Green LED. 5. Green 12-pin connector 10-pin connector 2-pin connector Transistor.3uF 100nF 470pF 100nF 100nF 1uF 1uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 2. Green LED. dual Transistor. Orange LED. 5. Green LED. Green LED. Orange LED. PNP Transistor. Green LED. Green LED. Green LED.2uF 10nF 3. Zener VR0821 4813830A23 Diode.6V * Models PRO7100/CDM1550 Only ** Models PRO5100/CDM1250 Only . 0662057A93 0662057A89 0662057A89 0662057A89 0662057A89 0662057A89 0662057A89 0662057A89 0662057A89 0662057A97 0662057A97 0662057A97 0662057A65 0662057A65 0662057A65 0660076A35 0660076A35 0660076A35 0662057A90 0662057A76 0662057A81 0662057A88 0662057A90 0662057A76 0662057A81 0662057A88 0662057A73 0662057A73 0660076A01 0662057A73 0662057A85 0662057A65 0662057A97 0662057A73 0662057A73 0660076A01 0660076A01 0662057B47 0662057B24 0662057B28 0662057G29 0662057G13 5113802A24 5113815A02 4886061B01 5185963A15 5113818A03 5186158B01 4813830A15 4805656W09 Description 22 47K 47K 47K 47K 47K 47K 47K 47K 100K 100K 100K 4K 4K 4K 270 270 270 51K 13K 22K 43K 51K 13K 22K 43K 10K 10K 10 10K 33K 4K 100K 10K 10K 10 10 0 1. Green LED. NPN Transistor.2 uF Dual Schottky Dual Schottky Schottky LED. dual Transistor.2M 1. Yellow LED. Description Reference Designator C0803 C0804 C0805 C0807 C0811 C0812 C0813 C0815 C0816 C0817 C0822 C0823 C0831 C0832 C0843 C0931 C0933 C0971 C0973 C0974 C0975 C0976 C0978 C0980 C0983 C0984 C0985 D0821 D0822 D0831 D0877 D0879 D0880 D0951* D0952* D0953* D0954* D0965 D0966 D0967 D0968 D0969 D0970 D0971 D0972 D0973 D0974 D0975 D0976 Motorola Part No. Green LED. Zener Reference Designator Motorola Part No. Orange LED. Green LED.4-15 Table 4-2: PRO5100/PRO7100/CDM1250/CDM1550 Control Head Parts List Reference Designator D0977 D0978 D0979 D0980 D0981* D0982* D0983* D0984* D0985 D0986 D0987 D0988 J801 J811 P0801 Q0821 Q0822 Q0823 Q0841 Q0843 Q0877 Q0878 Q0879 Q0933 Q0934 R0810 R0811 R0812 R0813 R0814 R0815 R0816 R0817 R0821 R0822 R0823 R0824 R0825 R0831 R0832 R0833 R0834 R0835 R0836 R0837 R0838 R0841 R0842 R0843 R0844 R0845 Motorola Part No.6V VR0822 4813830A15 Diode. NPN Transistor. Green LED.2uF 10nF 2. Orange LED. NPN 13K 51K 22 10 270 13K 51K 22 10K 24K Volume Pot 4K 1K 1M 2K 47K 270 100 10K 33K 10K 10K 47K 10K 10K 4K Reference Designator R0847 R0849 R0852* R0853** R0855 R0856 R0857** R0858* R0859 R0860 R0861 R0862 R0863 R0864 R0865 R0877 R0878 R0879 R0901 R0902 R0903 R0904 R0906 R0907 R0908 R0909* R0935 R0936 R0937 R0941 R0942 R0943 R0944 R0945 R0946 R0947 R0948 R0972 R0973 R0974 R0975 R0976 U0831 U0832 U0833 U0834 U0931 U0971 VR0812 VR0816 Motorola Part No. Green LED. Green LED. NPN Transistor. Green LED. NPN Transistor. Green LED. NPN Transistor. Green LED. Green LED. NPN Transistor. Green LED. Green LED. Green LED. Green LED. 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 4886171B04 0902636Y02 2864287B01 2809926G01 4805921T02 4880048M01 4805921T02 4880048M01 4880048M01 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A10 4813824A08 4813824A10 0662057A76 0662057A90 0662057A09 0662057A01 0662057A35 0662057A76 0662057A90 0662057A09 0662057A73 0662057A82 1805911V01 0662057A65 0662057A49 0662057B22 0662057A57 0662057A89 0662057A35 0662057A25 0662057A73 0662057A85 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A89 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A65 Description LED. Green LED. Red LED. 4-16 This page intentionally left blank . Complete Controller Schematic Diagram .4-17 OPT_PTT GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 GP5 GP6 GP7 GP8 BUS+ RESET CNTRL_AUDIO(0:7) GPIO(0:13) SPI(0:10) GP2_OUT_ACC4 GP3_IN_ACC6 GP4_IN_OUT_ACC8 GP5_IN_ACC9 GP6_IN_ACC10 GP7_IN_OUT_ACC12 GP8_IN_OUT_ACC14 OPT_PTT SPI(0:10) RESET BUS+ GP1_IN_ACC3 OPT_PTT GP1 GP2 GP3 GP4 GP5 GP6 GP7 GP8 BUS+ RESET CNTRL_AUDIO(0:7) GPIO(0:13) SPI(0:10) IN_5V_RF_REG VS_MIC FLT_A+ GP6_IN_ACC10 GP7_IN_OUT_ACC12 GP8_IN_OUT_ACC14 CNTLR_AUDIO(0:7) RESET BUS+ GP1_IN_ACC3 GP2_OUT_ACC4 GP3_IN_ACC6 GP4_IN_OUT_ACC8 GP5_IN_ACC9 SPI(0:10) GPIO(0:13) CNTLR_AUDIO(0:7) PASUPVLTG INT_SWB+ EXT_SWB+ 9V3 5VD SCI_TX UART_TX RX_ADAPT NOISE_BLNKR PA_PWR_SET MOSBIAS_2 MOSBIAS_3 VS_GAINSEL VS_AUDSEL CH_ACT MODIN URX_SND TX_AUD_SND FLAT_RX_SND RX_FLAT_FILTERED_AUDIO HANDSET_AUDIO SPKRSPKR+ RDY EXP_BD_REQ BOOT_CNTRL 5V_RF EMERGENCY_CONTROL IGNITION_CONTROL ON_OFF_CONTROL TEMPSENSE CNTLVLTG UART_RX VS_RAC VS_INT 16_8MHZ RSSI LOCK INT_MIC EXT_MIC DISCAUDIO RX_AUD_RTN TX_AUD_RTN FLAT_TX_RTN GPIO(0:13) OPT_PTT SPI(0:10) RESET FLT_A+ 5VD VSTBY SUPPLY_VOLTAGE FLT_A+ PASUPVLTG EXT_SWB+ INT_SWB+ 9V3 5VD VSTBY BATTERY_VOLTAGE IN_5V_RF_REG EMERGENCY_CONTROL IGNITION_CONTROL DC_POWER_ON ON_OFF_CONTROL FLT_A+ INT_SWB+ 9V3 5VD 5V_RF CH_ACT DC_POWER_ON VS_AUDSEL NOISE_BLNKR PA_PWR_SET MOSBIAS_2 MOSBIAS_3 MODIN CONTROLLER VOICE_STORAGE 5VD VS_GAINSEL SCI_TX UART_TX RX_AUD_RTN VS_RAC VS_INT VS_AUDSEL FLAT_RX_SND IO BOOT_CNTRL BATTERY_VOLTAGE ON_OFF_CONTROL UART_RX RDY VS_RAC VS_INT EXT_BD_REQ RSSI LOCK TEMPSENSE CNTLVLTG AUDIO INT_MIC EXT_MIC URX_SND DISCAUDIO TX_AUD_SND RX_AUD_RTN FLAT_RX_SND TX_AUD_RTN RX_FLAT_FILTERED_AUDIO FLAT_TX_RTN HANDSET_AUDIO VS_MIC SPKR+ 16_8MHZ SPKR- SPI(0:10) VS_MIC RX_ADAPT FLT_A+ PASUPVLTG EXT_SWB+ INT_SWB+ 9V3 5VD VSTBY 5V_RF BATTERY_VOLTAGE IN_5V_RF_REG ON_OFF_CONTROL DC_POWER_ON IGNITION_CONTROL EMERGENCY_CONTROL BOOT_CNTRL INT_MIC EXT_MIC DISCAUDIO RX_AUD_RTN TX_AUD_RTN FLAT_TX_RTN FLAT_RX_SND TX_AUD_SND URX_SND MODIN SPKRSPKR+ HANDSET_AUDIO RX_FLAT_FILTERED_AUDIO MOSBIAS_3 MOSBIAS_2 PA_PWR_SET NOISE_BLNKR CNTLVLTG TEMPSENSE RX_ADAPT 16_8MHZ LOCK RSSI CH_ACT VS_RAC VS_INT VS_AUDSEL VS_GAINSEL VS_MIC EXP_BD_REQ UART_RX UART_TX SCI_TX RDY FLT_A+ PASUPVLTG EXT_SWB+ INT_SWB+ 9V3 5VD VSTBY 5V_RF BATTERY_VOLTAGE IN_5V_RF_REG ON_OFF_CONTROL DC_POWER_ON IGNITION_CONTROL EMERGENCY_CONTROL BOOT_CNTRL INT_MIC EXT_MIC DISCAUDIO RX_AUD_RTN TX_AUD_RTN FLAT_TX_RTN FLAT_RX_SND TX_AUD_SND URX_SND MODIN SPKRSPKR+ HANDSET_AUDIO RX_FLAT_FILTERED_AUDIO MOSBIAS_3 MOSBIAS_2 PA_PWR_SET NOISE_BLNKR CNTLVLTG TEMPSENSE RX_ADAPT 16_8MHZ LOCK RSSI CH_ACT VS_RAC VS_INT VS_AUDSEL VS_GAINSEL VS_MIC EXP_BD_REQ UART_RX UART_TX SCI_TX RDY ZWG0130228 Figure 4-11. Controller Control Schematic Diagram .2K RESET RESET C0107 1000pF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5VD R0105 100K See NOTE 7 8 R0106 0 See NOTE 5VD 3 GP6_IN GP3_IN PE6 GP2_OUT_ACC4 7 8 910 2 SO 4 5VD R0110 10K NU 3 2 1 100 99 98 97 EEPROM U0111 16Kx8bit RDY FLASH_OE RX_ADAPT EXTAL 90 XTAL 91NC_XTAL 8 VCC CLK CS WP HOLD VSS SI R0111 0 6 1 3 7 5 R0112 0 NU 5VD Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 7 Y7 16 VCC EN_CS1 6 EN_CS2 4 EN_CS3 5 1HC138_A0 A0 HC138_A1 A1 2HC138_A2 3 GND A2 8 Q0173 10K R0176 GP3_IN_ACC6 30K C0101 C0102 C0103 C0104 C0105 100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF NU NU NU NU R0170 10K R0177 4.6V Q0151 R0151 24K 5VD VSTBY R0152 24K R0172 5VD 5VD 4.7K C0141 0.40KHz NC1 NC 3 2 Y0131 XTAL C0132 22pF ADDR_BUS(0:18) ZWG0130229-A Figure 4-12.7K Q0181 R0182 47K R0183 5VD 9 13 GP7_IN 15 VDD DCD RD U0125 TD DSR XTL0 CTS DTR RTS RS0 D7 RS1 D6 R_W* D5 D4 CS0 D3 CS1 D2 D1 XTL1 D0 CLK RC VSS 1 26 10 7 11 8 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 5 DATA_BUS(0:7) 47 46 45 44 43 UART_CS NC_PH5_CSGP1 42 41 RAM_CS 38 FLASH_CE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 PH0_PW1 PH1_PW2 PH2_PW3 PH3_PW4 PH4_CSIO PH5_CSGP1 PH6_CSGP2 PH7_CSPROG PC0_DATA0 PC1_DATA1 PC2_DATA2 PC3_DATA3 PC4_DATA4 PC5_DATA5 PC6_DATA6 PC7_DATA7 U0101 MC68HC11FL0 MICROPROCESSOR (EXT_BD_PTT & DATA_PTT) HC138_A0 HC138_A1 HC138_A2 GP6_IN GP4_IN GP8_IN GP1_IN GP5_IN GP5_IN_ACC9 EXT_BD_REQ BATTERY_VOLTAGE CNTLVLTG TEMPSENSE R0117 3.1uF C0122 0.9K 5VD R0114 10K RSSI LOCK VS_INT VS_RAC VS_GAINSEL GP7_IN GP8_OUT GP3_IN GP5_IN GP6_IN_ACC10 NC_PB7_ADDR15 7 PB7_ADDR15 NC_PB6_ADDR14 8 PB6_ADDR14 15 PB5_ADDR13 21 PB4_ADDR12 9 PB3_ADDR11 11 PB2_ADDR10 10 PB1_ADDR9 14 PBO_ADDR8 PF7_ADDR7 PF6_ADDR6 PF5_ADDR5 PF4_ADDR4 PF3_ADDR3 PF2_ADDR2 PF1_ADDR1 PFO_ADDR0 13 VSS 87 VSSR 40 VSSL 70 AVSS 4.1uF 11 GP2_OUT 10 5VD C0111 NU 100pF C0112 0.1uF FLT_A+ R0174 10K R0175 5VD GPIO(0:13) 7 0 1 2 5VD R0108 2.7K 5VDC (0VDC during boot mode) BOOT_CNTRL TP0151 D0151 1 R0115 10K ON_OFF_CONTROL VR0151 5.7K 6 GP1_IN GPIO(0:13) 10K R0171 TP0102 1 C0151 .7K R0186 47K GP8_IN_OUT_ACC14 27 FLASH_OE R_W R0121 100K 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 8 VCC 30 32 EN_CE EN_OE 7 EN_WE 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 3 2 31 1 12 4 5 11 10 6 9 A0 IO0 A1 IO1 A2 IO2 A3 IO3 A4 IO4 IO5 A5 IO6 A6 IO7 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 U0121 A13 A14 512kx8bit A15 A16 A17 A18 GND 24 FLASH ROM 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 28 VCC 20 EN_CS 22 EN_OE EN_WE 27 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 A0 10 A1 9 A2 8 A3 7 A4 6 A5 5 A6 4 A7 3 A8 25 A9 24 U0122 A10 21 RAM A11 23 2 32kx8bit A12 A13 26 1 A14 GND 14 IO1 IO2 IO3 IO4 IO5 IO6 IO7 IO8 18 RAM_CS 17 16 15 R_W 14 13 12 0 11 1 10 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6 6 5 7 4 8 3 9 2 10 1 11 0 12 13 14 5 9 10 12 13 10 GP8_IN GP8_OUT Q0185 FROM_U0101_46 FROM_U0101_47 R0131 10MEG R0132 330K GP4_OUT GP7_OUT NOTE R0105 R0106 R0128 R0109 MDC/Sel5 MPT Used NU NU Used NU Used Used NU U0125 NU Used C0131 22pF 1 4 OUT IN 38.01uF CNTLR_AUDIO(0:7) VOX GP1_IN_ACC3 Q0171 6 5 4 3 LSIO CHACT SQ_DET HSIO 2 F1200 6 LSIO 1 SYN 7 SPI(0:10) MISO SPI(0:10) CLK DATA EE_CS SPI(0:10) 8 9 0 SPI(0:10) CSX CLK DATA MISO SPI(0:10) U0141 MC74HC138A 5VD 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 EE_CS 15 OPT_CS 14 VS_CS 13 EXP1_CS12 EXP2_CS11 REF_CS 10 LVZIF_CS 9 R0173 4.7K 5VD 4 12 GP4_IN 5VD R0104 10K ECLK IRQ R_W C0106 100pF NU 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 VRL 68 VRH 69 VDDSYN 92 XFC 93 LVOUT 95 VDD 12 VDDR 88 VDDL 39 AVDD 59 X25128_2.1uF C0123 100pF NU OPT_PTT IRQ FROM_U0101_47 FROM_U0101_46 GP7_OUT GP4_OUT 6 16 20 19 17 18 5 PG0_XA13 PG1_XA14 PG2_XA15 PG3_XA16 PG4_XA17 PG5_XA18 PG6_AS ECLK 89 IRQ 96 XIRQ 48 RESET 94 PG7_R_W 4 MODA_LIR 58 MODB_VSTBY 57 PJ0_CSGP3 PJ1_CSGP4 PJ2 PJ3 PJ4 PJ5 PJ6 PJ7 PE0_AN0 PE1_AN1 PE2_AN2 PE3_AN3 PE4_AN4 PE5_AN5 PE6_AN6 PE7_AN7 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 R0178 47K GP4_IN_OUT_ACC8 GP4_OUT Q0177 D0179 5VD 8 R0179 47K R0181 4.4-18 5VD 5VD FLT_A+ 5VD FLT_A+ BUS+ D0101 R0116 0 NU SCI_TX TP0101 1 CNTLR_AUDIO(0:7) CNTLR_AUDIO(0:7) CNTLR_AUDIO(0:7) 3 HSIO R0101 10K R0102 4.7K R0184 47K GP7_IN_OUT_ACC12 UART PI7 PI6 PI5 PI4 PI3 PI2 PI1 PI0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 1 TP0103 R0113 10K H/W-Version & Memory size GP7_OUT Q0183 R0185 5VD 4.1uF NU 16 12 17 9 0 1 R0124 0 NU R_W 5VD UART_CS ECLK R0127 0 NU 13 14 28 2 3 12 R0109 0 See NOTE 5VD 5VD R0126 27K NU UART_TX 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FLASH_CE 5VD 5VD C0121 0.7V PD6_LVIN PD5_SS PD4_SCK PD3_MOSI PD2_MISO PD1_TXD PD0_RXD PA7_PA1_OC1 PA6_OC2_OC1 PA5_OC3_OC1 PA4_OC4_OC1 PA3_IC4_OC5_OC1 PA2_IC1 PA1_IC2 PA0_IC3 Q0110 ON_OFF_CONTROL 5VDC (0VDC during On/Off pressed and during head request) ON_OFF_SENSE 5VD R0107 47K NU See NOTE R0128 0 5VD R0125 27K NU UART_RX C0125 0. 6V See NOTE R0524 220 See NOTE C0541 VR0501 0.6V See NOTE R0527 R0521 220 NU R0522 220 NU J0501 ACCESSORY 20-PIN CONNECTOR R0523 VR0522 220 See NOTE 5.C.7K C0513 470pF C0516 .1uF SPI_DATA CLK 9 8 10 3 2 1 8 CLK 8 CLK CSX SPI_CLK MISO SPI_MISO EXP1_CS 7 EXP1_CS VS_CS VS_CS OPT_CS OPT_CS RX_ADAPT RESET CNTLVLTG TEMPSENSE RSSI LOCK PASUPVLTG NU C0484 470pF C0485 470pF C0486 470pF C0483 470pF C0487 470pF C0488 470pF 9V3 9V3 9V3_CNTLR_2 9V3 C0575 470pF NU C0576 470pF NU J0551-42 C0520 470pF C0521 470pF C0522 470pF C0519 470pF C0502 470pF C0503 470pF C0504 470pF C0505 470pF C0525 470pF C0526 470pF UART_RX UART_TX SPKREXT_MIC GP1_IN_ACC3 GP2_OUT_ACC4 FLAT_TX_RTN VR0521 5.1uF NU C0478 470pF C0470 470pF C0467 470pF C0464 470pF C0461 470pF C0460 470pF C0462 470pF C0477 470pF Note: Fuse is part of PCB In case fuse is blowen.01uF C0523 470pF C0524 470pF C0527 470pF REAR VIEW Pin 1 to 16 used for standard accessories Pin 17 to 20 for special use R0529 47K C0542 47uF R0530 0 C0506 470pF C0511 470pF C0512 470pF C0508 470pF C0528 470pF C0533 470pF NU C0539 82pF NU C0509 470pF C0531 470pF C0510 470pF VR0541 14V R0511 100K R0512 15K VR0503 20V VR0509 33V VR0510 33V R0510 4. SPEAKEREXT_MIC_AUDIO DIG_IN1 DIG_OUT2 (EXTERNAL_ALARM) FLAT_TX_AUDIO DIG_IN_3 = Sel5/MDC UART_RX = MPT GROUND DIG_IN_OUT_4 = Sel5/MDC UART_TX = MPT DIG_IN_5 WITH WAKEUP (EMERGENCY) DIG_IN_6 WITH WAKEUP (IGNITION) FLAT/FILTERED_RX_AUDIO DIG_IN_OUT_7 SWB+ DIG_IN_OUT_8 RSSI SPEAKER+ BUS+ BOOT_CNTRL 20 19 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 18 17 C0501 . replace it with R0410 P/N 0662057B47 J0451-1 J0451-2 J0451-3 J0451-4 J0451-5 J0451-6 J0451-7 J0451-8 J0451-9 J0451-10 J0451-11 J0451-12 J0451-13 J0451-14 J0451-15 J0451-16 J0451-17 J0451-18 RSSI CH_ACT 5VD FLT_A+ SPKRSPKR+ DISCAUDIO HANDSET_AUDIO UART_TX UART_RX VS_MIC INT_MIC EXT_MIC ON_OFF_CONTROL FLAT_TX_RTN EXP_BD_REQ EXP_BD_PTT RDY RESET BUS+ GP4_IN_OUT_ACC8 OPT_PTT RSSI CH_ACT 5VD FLT_A+ SPKRSPKR+ DISCAUDIO HANDSET_AUDIO UART_TX UART_RX VS_MIC INT_MIC EXT_MIC ON_OFF_CONTROL FLAT_TX_RTN EXP_BD_REQ EXP_BD_PTT RDY RESET BUS+ GP4_IN_OUT_ACC8 OPT_PTT R0467 10 J0551-41 J0551-40 J0551-39 J0551-38 J0551-37 J0551-36 J0551-35 J0551-34 J0551-33 J0551-32 J0551-31 J0551-30 J0551-29 J0551-28 J0551-27 J0551-26 J0551-25 J0551-24 J0551-23 J0551-22 J0551-21 J0551-20 J0551-19 J0551-18 J0551-17 J0551-16 J0551-15 J0551-14 J0551-13 J0551-12 J0551-11 J0551-10 J0551-9 J0551-8 J0551-7 J0551-6 J0551-5 J0551-4 J0551-3 J0551-2 J0551-1 VS_MIC VS_CS 9V3 Vddd VS_AUDSEL Det_Aud_Snd Rx_Aud_Rtn Tx_Aud_Snd Tx_Aud_Rtn Flat_Tx_Rtn Opt_Bd_En Rdy/Req Rx_Aud_Snd ON INT_EXT_Vdd Key_Row Key_Col PTT Key_Intrp VS_INT RST* LED_EN OFF_BATT_DATA_OUT VS_GAINSEL SrD_Rtn SrD_Snd R/W* CS* DB0 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 A0 SCK_Snd VS_RAC Gnd TO/FROM RF VS_MIC VS_CS 9V3 5VD VS_AUDSEL FLAT_RX_SND RX_AUD_RTN TX_AUD_SND TX_AUD_RTN FLAT_TX_RTN OPT_CS RDY URX_SND R0592 10 SPI(0:10) 9 DATA 9 DATA DATA L0481 390nH NU R0481 0 R0482 0 L0482 390nH NU DATA_CNTLR_1 DATA DATA_CNTLR_2 DATA CLK_CNTLR_1 CLK CLK_CNTLR_2 CLK CSX_CNTLR_2 CSX CSX_CNTLR_1 C0482 470pF CSX PA_PWR_SET MOSBIAS_2_CNTLR_1 MOSBIAS_2 MOSBIAS_3_CNTLR_1 TP0481 1 RX_ADAPT RESET_CNTLR_1 RESET CNTLVLTG_CNTLR_1 CNTLVLTG TEMPSENSE_CNTLR_1 TEMPSENSE RSSI_CNTLR_1 RSSI LOCK_CNTLR_1 LOCK PASUPVLTG_CNTRL_1 PASUPVLTG 9V3_CNTLR_1 MOSBIAS_3 NOISE_BLNKR_CNTLR_1 NOISE_BLNKR MODIN_CNTLR_1 MODIN 16_8MHZ INT_SWB_CNTLR_1 INT_SWB+ C0491 470pF C0492 470pF C0493 470pF C0494 470pF C0495 470pF C0497 470pF C0496 470pF C0498 470pF C0499 470pF MODIN 16_8MHZ_CNTLR_1 16_8MHZ INT_SWB NOISE_BLNKR MOSBIAS_3 MOSBIAS_2 DISCAUDIO PA_PWR_SET_1_CNTLR_1 PA_PWR_SET 5V_RF DISCAUDIO_CNTLR_1 DISCAUDIO 5V_CNTLR_1 5V TO/FROM RF C0592 0.1uF C0593 0.1uF C0591 0.C.6V R0539 5VD 4. Controller I/O Schematic Diagram . PCB N.01uF C0518 470pF C0514 470pF C0517 82pF C0535 470pF C0537 470pF C0538 470pF NOTE VR0521 MDC/Sel5 MPT NU Used R0523 NU Used R0527 Used NU VR0522 NU Used R0524 NU Used R0528 Used NU NU C0536 470pF NU NU NU C0540 470pF NU VR0505 20V C0515 470pF C0534 470pF NU ZWG0130230 A Figure 4-13.4-19 C0449 470pF C0446 470pF C0448 470pF C0456 470pF C0455 470pF C0452 470pF C0457 470pF C0454 470pF C0453 470pF C0451 470pF C0447 470pF C0458 470pF C0445 470pF C0444 470pF C0427 470pF C0406 NU 470pF C0459 470pF C0407 NU 470pF C0426 470pF C0403 NU 470pF C0402 NU 470pF C0401 NU 82pF C0423 470pF C0422 470pF C0421 82pF J0401 CONTROL HEAD 12-PIN CONNECTOR SCI_TX SPEAKER+ SPEAKERGROUND EXP_BD_PTT 5VD HANSET_AUDIO BUS+ INT_MIC FLT_A+ ON_OFF_CONTROL NC R0401 220 1 SCI_TX 2 SPKR+ 3 SPKR4 GROUND 5 EXP_BD_PTT 6 5VD 7 HANDSET_AUDIO 8 BUS+ 9 INT_MIC 10 FLT_A+ 11 ON_OFF_CONTROL 12 NC J0451 EXPANSION BOARD 18-PIN CONNECTOR UART_RX UART_TX NC NC OPT_PTT RDY OPT_CS GPIO EXP1_CS EXP_BD_REQ CLK MISO DATA EXP_BD_PTT GND FAST_SQ DISCAUDIO FLAT_TX_RTN NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU C0443 470pF NU C0442 470pF NU C0441 470pF NU 1 UART_RX 2 UART_TX 3 NC 4 NC 5 OPT_PTT 6 RDY 7 OPT_CS 8 GP4_IN_OUT_ACC8 9 EXP1_CS 10 EXP_BD_REQ 11 SPI_CLK 12 SPI_MISO 13 SPI_DATA 14 EXP_BD_PTT 15 GND 16 CH_ACT 17 DISCAUDIO 18 FLAT_TX_RTN J0401-1 J0401-2 J0401-3 J0401-4 J0401-5 J0401-6 J0401-7 J0401-8 J0401-9 J0401-10 J0401-11 J0401-12 R0407 10 R0409 10 R0408 100 Note R0410 C0408 C0409 C0410 C0411 NU NU NU NU 82pF 470pF 470pF 470pF C0428 C0429 C0430 C0431 82pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 0 NU C0476 470pF C0473 470pF C0474 470pF C0472 470pF C0471 470pF C0466 470pF C0468 470pF NU J0551 INTERNAL OPTION BOARD 40-PINS CONNECTOR NU NU NU C0463 470pF R0468 10 NU NU NU NU R0591 24K 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 NC 27 NC 26 NC 25 NC 24 OPT_PTT 23 NC 22 VS_INT 21 RESET 20 5VD 19 NC 18 VS_GAINSEL 17 SPI_MISO 16 SPI_DATA 15 UART_RX 14 UART_TX 13 GP4_IN_OUT_ACC8 12 EXP1_CS 11 EXP_BD_REQ 10 EXP_BD_PTT 9 CH_ACT 8 DISCAUDIO 7 NC 6 FLT_A+ 5 NC 4 SPI_CLK 3 VS_RAC 2 GND 1 C0560 470pF NU C0559 470pF NU C0558 470pF NU C0554 0.47uF 20V R0525 100K VR0504 33V NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU NU GP3_IN_ACC6 GP4_IN_OUT_ACC8 FLT_A+ GP5_IN_ACC9 EMERGENCY_CONTROL FLT_A+ GP6_IN_ACC10 IGNITION_CONTROL RX_FLAT_FILTERED_AUDIO GP7_IN_OUT_ACC12 See NOTE 0 R0528 0 See NOTE 27K R0541 R0542 47K NU R0531 560 J0501-1 J0501-20 J0501-2 J0501-19 J0501-3 J0501-18 J0501-4 J0501-17 J0501-5 J0501-16 J0501-6 J0501-15 J0501-7 J0501-14 J0501-8 J0501-13 J0501-9 J0501-12 J0501-10 J0501-11 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 N.7K C0530 470pF NU R0533 0 NU NU C0532 470pF NU EXT_SWB+ GP8_IN_OUT_ACC14 RSSI SPKR+ BUS+ BOOT_CNTRL R0535 1K R0537 220 R0538 220 VR0537 5. 22uF NU C0231 4.1uF 100K C0261 0.1uF 80mV RMS VS_MIC R0206 10K C0205 2200pF NU R0208 2.01uF 5VD 5VD R0241 47K INT_SWB+ 5VD DC_POWER_ON NOISE_BLNKR CH_ACT GP2_OUT DATA CSX CLK 9 VCC C0276 1000pF E0271 57R01 SPKR+ SPKR- R0273 13VDC unmuted 24K 5VDC muted R0274 10K NU R0275 10K C0274 0.1uF C0271 .5K C0211 0. Controller Audio Schematic Diagram .1uF C0245 0.1uF Y 1 B Y1 5 C0255 Z0 0.01uF R0267 47K FLT_A+ 9V3 2 4 1 11 U0211-1 MC3403 R0269 470 C0272 0.1uF C0244 0.2K NU 1 R0251 47K R0252 56K C0223 0.1uF C0236 .2K R0224 8.1uF C0267 .2K EXT_MIC MODIN VS_AUDSEL TX_AUD_RTN TX_AUD_SND RX_AUD_RTN R0221 5V_RF 24K 300mV RMS 16_8MHZ C0221 0.1uF R0222 24K R0223 30K TP0222 C0243 100pF 5VD NU 100pF R0253 6 14 11 15 10 4 9 VAG C0252 1uF 6 5 100K 9V3 4 7 630mV RX Filtered 330mV Flat C0251 0.1uF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 R0242 0 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 C0242 0.1uF NU R0276 15K Q0271 5VDC (0VDC during radio off) 2 5 C0277 1000pF E0272 57R01 C0275 47uF 7 8 9 11 SPI(0:10) GPIO(0:13) SQ_DET CH_ACT F1200 HSIO LSIO SYN VOX 7 5 4 6 3 1 2 CNTLR_AUDIO(0:7) ZWG0130231-A Figure 4-14.2uF NU C0232 0.5K C0212 10uF R0205 10K C0203 2200pF NU R0207 2.1uF NU 4.6VDC 9V3 13 12 U0211-4 4 MC3403 14 11 VAG TP0221 C0204 R0212 7.1uF NU R0266 24K NU RX_FLAT_FILTERED_AUDIO 11 U0211-2 MC3403 C0262 82pF R0262 NU 5VDC RX Filtered Audio (0V DC Flat) C0265 0.1uF 5V_RF C0227 R0226 1M R0227 1M C0224 100pF 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 C0225 0.033uF C0233 0.01uF R0261 10K VAG 10 9V3 9 4 8 11 U0211-3 MC3403 HANDSET_AUDIO 5V_RF C0241 0.7uF VDDA DISC GNDA DACU DACR DACG VOX PLCAP SQIN UIO VDDDAC AGCCAP U0221 63A53 ASFIC CMP TXRTN GCB3 CLK168 VDDD VDDCP GNDD GNDD0 F1200 SYN VDDSYN NC U0251 MC14053B VCC EN 12 X0 X 13 A C0254 2 X1 Y0 0.1uF NU R0265 24K PA_PWR_SET MOSBIAS_3 MOSBIAS_2 GCB2 GCB1 GCB0 CHACT SQDET LSIO HSIO CSX CLK DATA GNDSYN LCAP PLCAP2 C0237 2.1uF 0 VDC C0253 NU C0222 0.1uF VAG 3 C0273 3300pF U0271 PA 7 INV 4 OUT1 1 NINV 3 RR 6 8 M_SS OUT2 GND1 GND2 C0246 .1uF C0226 0.022uF 5V_RF 5V_RF D0201 NU 5V_RF C0234 0.1uF Z 3 C Z1 GND VEE 7 8 C0266 0.2K 1 INT_MIC 0.1uF R0268 10K 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C0235 .1uF 5V_RF MICEXT GNDRC MICINT VDDRC TXSND AUXRX AUXTX AUDIO MOD URXOUT GCB5 GCB4 DISCAUDIO 0.5kHz 200mV RMS R0224 8.4-20 9V3 R0201 100 R0202 560 R0204 560 C0201 10uF 80mV RMS 9V3 R0211 7.1uF URX_SND FLAT_RX_SND FLAT_TX_RTN 145mV RMS @25kHz 72mV RMS @12. 6V NU R0662 150K Q0662 EMERGENCY_CONTROL C0663 0.1uF C0641 470pF R0643 1. Controller Supply Voltage Schematic Diagram .6V U0641 LM2941 4 R0641 10K 5 VOUT 1 2 ON_OFF ADJ GND1 GND2 3 6 VIN 9V3 R0642 7.5K C0644 33uF C0645 0.4-21 J0601-1 J0601-2 J0601-3 PASUPVLTG VR0601 24V C0601 470pF 4 C0603 10uF U0611 LM2941 5 VIN VOUT 1 2 ON_OFF ADJ GND1 GND2 3 6 EXT_SWB+ R0611 56K C0611 22uF C0612 0.1uF C0652 33uF U0651 MC78M05 IN OUT GND 2 3 U0653 NU 5VDC C0654 10uF C0655 0.1uF U0652 MC33064 RESET 1 2 INPUT 6 NC3 3 7 NC1 NC4 5 8 NC2 NC5 5VD 0V (13.1uF R0612 4.1uF VR0671 5.2K R0651 10 R0652 D0651 1 C0651 NU 0.01uF R0671 30K BATTERY_VOLTAGE R0672 10K Q0663 C0671 0.1uF Q0661 R0682 68K ON_OFF_CONTROL D0661 DC_POWER_ON IGNITION_CONTROL R0661 1K C0661 47uF INT_SWB+ C0662 .1uF ZWG0130232-A DWG NO Figure 4-15.8VDC when radio off) 10 RESET Q0641 GND 5VDC (0VDC during reset) 4 Q0681 6VDC R0671 18K IN_5V_RF_REG D0660 C0681 0.7K E0631 57R01 FLT_A+ R0621 24K D0621 5VDC C0621 470pF NU C0622 47uF VSTBY VR0621 5. Zif. SMD.4-22 Table 4-3.5K 7.5K 24K 24K 30K 8K 1M 1M 47K 0 47K 56K 100K 10K 100K 24K Description Circuit Ref C0101 C0107 C0112 C0121 C0122 C0131 C0132 C0141 C0151 C0201 C0204 C0212 C0221 C0222 C0223 C0224 C0225 C0226 C0227 C0231 C0232 C0234 C0235 C0236 C0241 C0243 C0244 C0245 C0246 C0252 C0254 C0255 C0261 C0262 C0265 C0267 C0271 C0272 C0273 C0275 C0276 C0277 C0421 C0422 C0423 C0426 C0427 C0428 C0429 Motorola Part No. Schottky Diode. Dalington NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN Dual NPN NPN NPN. Flex. Flex. 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F49 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F49 2113743N48 2113743L09 2311049A05 2311049A99 2113743E20 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 10nF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 10nF 82pF 470pF 470nF 47uF 100nF Description Circuit Ref C0592 C0593 C0601 C0603 C0611 C0612 C0622 C0641 C0644 C0645 C0652 C0654 C0655 C0661 C0662 C0663 C0671 C0681 D0101 D0151 D0179 D0621 D0651 D0660 D0661 E0271 E0272 E0631 J0401 J0451 J0501 J0551 J0601 Q0110 Q0151 Q0171 Q0173 Q0177 Q0181 Q0183 Q0185 Q0271 Q0641 Q0661 Q0662 Q0663 Q0681 R0101 R0102 R0104 R0105 Motorola Part No. Side Entry Connector. Dual Diode. Horizontal DC Power Connector NPN NPN NPN NPN. 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113741F17 2380090M24 2311049C06 2113743E20 2311049A99 2113741F17 2311049A97 2113743E20 2311049A97 2311049A57 2113743E20 2311049C05 2113741F49 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 4880236E05 4813833C02 4813833C02 4813833C02 4813833C02 4813833C02 4813833C02 2484657R01 2484657R01 2484657R01 0902636Y02 0902636Y01 0986105B01 0905505Y04 0986165B01 4880048M01 4880048M01 4880048M01 4880052M01 4880048M01 4880048M01 4880048M01 4880048M01 4813824A10 4880048M01 4805921T02 4813824A10 4880048M01 4880052M01 0662057A73 0662057A65 0662057A73 0662057A97 Description 100nF 100nF 470pF 10uF 22uF 100nF 47uF 470pF 33uF 100nF 33uF 10uF 100nF 47uF 10nF 100nF 100nF 100nF Diode. Dalington 10k 1/16W 5% 4k7 1/16W 5% 10K 100K Circuit Ref R0108 R0109 R0111 R0113 R0114 R0115 R0117 R0121 R0131 R0132 R0151 R0152 R0170 R0171 R0172 R0173 R0174 R0175 R0176 R0177 R0178 R0179 R0181 R0182 R0183 R0184 R0185 R0186 R0201 R0202 R0204 R0205 R0206 R0207 R0208 R0211 R0212 R0221 R0222 R0223 R0224 R0226 R0227 R0241 R0242 R0251 R0252 R0253 R0261 R0262 R0265 Motorola Part No. 20-Pin Connector. Dual Diode. Dual Diode.3nF 47uF 1nF 1nF 82. 12-pin Connector. Dual Diode. 0662057A57 0662057B47 0662057B47 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A63 0662057A97 0662057B46 0662057B10 0662057A82 0662057A82 0662057A73 0662057A65 0662057A73 0662057A65 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A84 0662057A65 0662057A89 0662057A89 0662057A65 0662057A89 0662057A65 0662057A89 0662057A65 0662057A89 0662057A25 0662057A43 0662057A43 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A57 0662057A57 0660076E70 0660076E70 0662057A82 0662057A82 0662057A84 0662057A71 0662057B22 0662057B22 0662057A89 0662057B47 0662057A89 0662057A91 0662057A97 0662057A73 0662057A97 0662057A82 2K 0 0 10K 10K 10K 3K 100K 10M 330K 24K 24K 10K 4K 10K 4K 10K 10K 30K 4K 47K 47K 4K 47K 4K 47K 4K 47K 100 560 560 10K 10K 2K 2K 7. Dual Ferrite Bead Ferrite Bead Ferrite Bead Connector. 2113740F51 2113741F25 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113740F35 2113740F35 2113743E20 2113741F49 2311049A57 2113743E20 2311049A57 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113740F51 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743B29 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E07 2113743E10 2113743E20 2113740F51 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113741F49 2311049A07 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113740F49 2113743E20 2113741F49 2113741F49 2113743E20 2113741F37 2311049A99 2113741F25 2113741F25 2113743N48 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743N48 2113743L09 100pF 1nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 22pF 22pF 100nF 10nF 10uF 100nF 10uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100pF 100nF 100nF 100nF 1UF 100nF 100nF 22nF 33nF 100nF 100pF 100nF 100nF 10nF 1uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 82pF 100nF 10nF 10nF 100nF 3. Controller Parts List Circuit Ref Description C0430 C0431 C0445 C0446 C0447 C0448 C0449 C0470 C0471 C0472 C0473 C0474 C0476 C0477 C0478 C0482 C0483 C0484 C0485 C0486 C0487 C0488 C0490 C0491 C0492 C0493 C0494 C0495 C0496 C0497 C0499 C0501 C0502 C0503 C0504 C0505 C0506 C0508 C0509 C0510 C0511 C0512 C0513 C0514 C0515 C0516 C0517 C0518 C0541 C0542 C0591 Motorola Part No.0pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 82pF 470pF . Dual Diode. 5.4-23 Circuit Ref R0267 R0268 R0269 R0273 R0275 R0276 R0401 R0407 R0408 R0409 R0467 R0468 R0481 R0482 R0510 R0511 R0512 R0525 R0527 R0528 R0529 R0530 R0531 R0533 R0535 R0537 R0538 R0539 R0541 R0591 R0592 R0611 R0612 R0621 R0641 R0642 R0643 R0651 R0652 R0661 R0662 R0671 R0672 R0681 R0682 U0101 * U0111 * U0121 U0122 U0141 U0211 Motorola Part No.6V Diode. 0662057A89 0662057A73 0662057A41 0662057A82 0662057A73 0662057A77 0662057A33 0662057M26 0662057A25 0662057M26 0662057M26 0662057M26 0662057B47 0662057B47 0662057A65 0662057A97 0662057A77 0662057A97 0662057B47 0662057B47 0662057A89 0662057B47 0662057A43 0662057B47 0662057A49 0662057A33 0662057A33 0662057A65 0662057A83 0662057A82 0662057A01 0662057A91 0662057A65 0662057A82 0662057A73 0660076E70 0660076E51 0662057A01 0662057A01 0662057A49 0662057B02 0662057A84 0662057A73 0662057A79 0662057A93 5102226J56 5102463J64 5186137B01 5185963A21 5113805A30 5183222M49 Description 47K 10K 470 24K 10K 15K 220 10 100 10 10 10 0 0 4K 100K 15K 100K 0 0 47K 0 560 0 1K 220 220 4K 27K 24K 10 56K 4k 24K 10k 7.6V Crystal 38.4KHz * Motorola Depot Servicing only Reference designators with an asterisk indicate components which are not field replaceable because they need to be calibrated with specialized factory equipment after installation. 5. 14V Transient Supressor Diode.5K 1. 5185963A53 5113806A20 5109699X01 5183308X01 5183308X01 5113816A07 5113815A02 4813830A15 4805656W09 4805656W09 4813830A40 4805656W09 4813830A40 4813830A40 4813830A15 4813830A27 4813832C77 4813830A15 4880113R19 Description ASFIC Mux/Demux Audio Power Amplifier Adjustable Voltage Regulator Adjustable Voltage Regulator Regulator.6V Zener Quad Zener Quad Auto Shutdown Diode Zener Quad Auto Shutdown Auto Shutdown Diode. .2K 10 10 1K 150K 30K 10K 18K 68K Microprocessor EEPROM 512KX8 ROM 32KX8 SRAM Remux Quad Opamp Circuit Ref U0221 U0251 U0271 U0611 U0641 U0651 U0652 VR0151 VR0501 VR0503 VR0504 VR0505 VR0509 VR0510 VR0537 VR0541 VR0601 VR0621 Y0131 Motorola Part No. Radios in which these parts have been replaced in the field will be off-frequency at temperature extremes. 5. +5V Under Voltage Sensor Diode. 4-24 This page intentionally left blank . 43 VDC (Rx) 1 6 2 C4375 0.54 VDC 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 15 20 19 1 VCC_BUFFERS VCC_LOGIC TX_IADJ RX_IADJ SUPER_FLTR COLL_RFIN RX_BASE RX_EMITTER TX_BASE TX_EMITTER FLIP_IN TRB_IN TX_OUT RX_OUT PRESC_OUT 1 P1 L4303 RESONATOR C4302 8.2uF R4361 180 C4353 0.97 VDC (Tx) TXSW 4.2K C4336 .45 VDC (Rx) 2 P2 R4303 30 C4307 100pF R4304 6.1uF 5V 5V 3 5V_UHF_VCO 4 VSF R4301 RXSW 5.1uF C4351 100pF C4354 2.6K C4381 0.1uF C4372 C4371 0.2uF C4352 0.7uF C4323 C4321 1pF R4321 56K C4322 CR4321 Vac GROUND C4324 2.58 VDC Vac C4332 Vac R4332 Vac L4332 Vac R4336 Vac C4333 Vac Vac R4339 C4335 100pF 13.35 VDC 10 (Tx) 8 4.54 VDC 12 (Rx) 4 to 6 dBm C4363 TXINJ_UHF_VCO TXINJ L4371 68nH C4373 Vac C4331 R4331 22 Vac Q4331 R4338 Vac R4343 1K R4344 10 R4347 C4338 51pF 0 VDC (Tx) 2.022uF L4333 390nH C4337 51pF Q4332 4.1uF L4331 33nH VSF VSF_UHF_VC0 0 VDC (Tx) 4.91 VDC (Tx) 0 VDC (Rx) 9 GND_FLAG 11 GND_BUFFERS 17 GND_LOGIC 7 RX_SWITCH 13 TX_SWITCH Vac C4374 Vac R4333 R4334 Vac PRESC_UHF_VCO PRESC Vac 3 P3 L4302 390nH CR4303 CR4302 U4301 50U54 0 R4340 Vac TXSW 180 CR4301 L4301 390nH R4311 7.22uF R4302 10K L4304 390nH C4309 100pF L4305 390nH R4305 10 C4361 100pF 14 18 C4362 L4361 390nH Vac C4355 2.5 .1uF L4311 390nH C4311 100pF C4312 12pF CR4311 C4313 Vac 2.1uF -18 to -16 dBm (Rx) -16 to -11 dBm (Tx) TRB_UHF_VCO TRB R4335 Vac C4334 Vac SH4301 SHIELD SH4302 SHIELD 0 VDC (Rx) 4.58 VDC VSF ZWG0130272 Vac Figure 4-16.42 VDC (Rx) 0 VDC (Tx) RXSW C4382 Vac C4383 Vac VCTRL_UHF_VCO VCTRL GND R4315 0 C4316 0.4-25 Q4333 VCOBIAS_2_UHF_VCO VCOBIAS_2 R4346 10K 0 VDC (Tx) 2.6K C4308 0.7 VDC (Rx) R4341 0 R4337 Vac R4342 2.2pF C4303 8.22uF R4312 5.8pF 1.11 VDC P1 1 RESONATOR L4312 R4313 30 2 P2 3 P3 2.5pF R4314 270 C4315 100pF C4318 0.5K L4313 390nH C4301 100pF C4317 Vac C4314 1. UHF (403-470MHz) Voltage Controlled Oscillator Schematic Diagram .9pF 2.4pF R4323 100K R4322 10K 4.5 to 16 dBm RXINJ_UHF_VCO RXINJ R4345 C4339 Vac Vac C4305 Vac C4306 2pF Q4301 4.2pF C4304 3.54 VDC (Tx) 0 VDC (Rx) 4.1 VDC (Rx) VCOMOD 4.6 VDC (Tx) VCOMOD_UHF_VCO C4325 3. 1uF R4203 47 R4204 47 C4209 0.05 VDC (RX) 2.2uF 32 SFBASE 27 SFCAP 26 1.01uF C4263 1. Spacing) BWSELECT_UHF_FN_1 BWSELECT 63A27 VCOMOD_UHF_FN_1 VCOMOD 16_8MHz_UHF_FN_1 16_8MHz TRB_UHF_FN_1 TRB 3.1uF C4215 2.79 VDC C4227 100pF U4506 PRESC C4226 4.5KHZ Chan.01uF 2 C4289 0.97 VDC (25KHZ Chan.87 VDC C4203 L4201 390nH C4213 2.1uF R4228 47K C4246 100pF LOCK_UHF_FN_1 LOCK 5 VDC (Locked) 0 VDC (Unlocked) TP4201 25 16 28 46 4 45 43 WARP INDMULT SFOUT ADAPTSW LOCK IADAPT IOUT U4201 38 TEST2 37 TEST1 3 AUX4 2 AUX3 1 AUX2 48 AUX1 PD_GND 44 PRE_GND 33 AGND 22 DGND 6 3.48 VDC 2.01uF D4201 C4202 .1uF DATA_UHF_FN_1 VSF 4.48 VDC 24 XTAL2 23 XTAL1 0 VDC (RX) 4.1uF C4261 62pF C4235 1 16.97 VDC 6.97 VDC (TX) VCP 47 VRO 13 DVDD 36 AVDD 20 PRE_VDD 34 PD_VDD 5 R4261 150K L4231 C4231 .76 VDC (Tx) R4252 BIAS2 30K 39 BIAS1 40 R4251 39K VBPASS 21 C4255 PVREF 1.43 VDC TP4202 CCOMP 42 REFSEL 18 -18 to -16 dBm (Rx) -16 to -11 dBm (Tx) 3.01uF C4233 2.2uH C4234 .2uF 2.2uF 12.97 VDC 0 VDC C4244 100pF C4242 100pF C4243 100pF DATA MODIN_UHF_FN_1 MODIN CSX_UHF_FN_1 CSX CLK_UHF_FN_1 CLK R4241 220 C4288 C4241 1.1uF 1 NC3 31 NC2 29 NC1 17 2.5 to 11 VDC R4221 150 C4221 . Spacing) 0 VDC (12. UHF (403-470MHz) Fractal-N Schematic Diagram .68 VDC 10.2uF R4211 0 GND 4 VDDA_UHF_FN_1 VDDA C4214 2.2uF C4216 1 OUTPUT 5 ERROR 2 SENSE 6 5V_TAP 8 INPUT 7 FEEDBACK 3 SHUTDOWN IN_5V_RF_REG_UHF_FN_1 IN_5V_RF_REG C4211 0.7uF C4252 1000pF C4254 0.97 VDC 2.7 VDC .01uF R4222 510 1 R4223 68 C4223 C4224 1uF C4225 510pF C4222 0.52 VDC 4.01uF C4206 10uF 0.78 VDC (Rx) 35 100pF SFIN 30 DATA 7 MODIN 10 CEX 9 CLK 8 VSF_UHF_FN_1 4.01uF 3 2 1 K3 K2 K1 4 A3 5 A2 6 A1 R4201 150 C4204 R4206 100pF 33K C4208 C4287 100pF C4205 .4-26 C4212 .63 VDC (TX) 2.58 VDC C4253 4.018uF U4211 LP2951 5V_UHF_FN_1 5V_UHF_FN_2 5V 4.1uF C4207 Vac VCTRL_UHF_FN_1 VCTRL C4210 2.5pF D4261 Y4262 16.48 VDC 11 VMULT4 12 VMULT3 14 VMULT2 15 VMULT1 41 MODOUT 19 FREFOUT C4230 PREIN 2.28 VDC 3.8MHz TTS05V 1 VCNTL VCC 2 GND OUT 3 4 C4251 ZWG0130270 Figure 4-17.8MHz R4262 C4262 220pF R4263 C4232 .2uF U4507 VCOBIAS_2 C4228 0. 7K 10K BIAS_2_UHF_PA_1 MOSBIAS_2 3.4 to 2.022uF C4457 C4456 9.11 VDC (44W) 2.033uF C4495 1000pF C4489 Vac R4633 C4490 C4497 1000pF Vac C4436 10uF C4493 Vac C4478 1000pF C4482 30pF C4438 0.3K 620 R4425 620 Q4473 6.67nH C4473 100pF C4472 36pF R4507 10K R4476 Vac Q4471 C4446 100pF C4630 0.8pF C4494 10pF C4448 12pF C4496 5.2 VDC (28W) 3 R4424 C4521 R4503 100pF 3.1uF C4486 30pF 390nH L4401 11.1uF R4405 200 R4433 C4462 Vac Load C4424 Vac R4414 4.3K C4452 Vac VR4473 5.7 R4602 G S1 S2 S3 S4 4.1 VDC (44W) 2.6K R4488 3K C4426 100pF R4408 Vac Vac Vac TP4536 3.8pF C4444 C4466 Vac C4491 10pF Vac Vac C4465 C4459 100pF R4457 120 C4469 100pF C4492 100pF L4493 17nH L4491 17nH L4492 17nH L4411 390nH TXINJ C4407 0.9K C4502 .7 to 3.2 VDC TP4530 9V3 PCIC_MOSBIAS_1 24 VAR3 23 RX 22 NA 21 RS 20 VAR1 19 VLIM 18 VAR2 17 V5EXT CLK_VHF_PA_1 TP4537 2.85nH C4441 30pF C4442 39pF C4443 6.4 VDC (28W) TP4533 CNTLVLTG_UHF_PA_1R4514 CNTLVLTG 3.6V R4496 82 R4511 51 L4473 43.6 VDC R4480 PCIC_MOSBIAS_1 Vac R4411 R4431 C4414 1000pF R4428 4.2 VDC (28W) PA_PWR_SET R4483 100K LM50 C4522 1000pF C4503 2200pF Vac R4523 ALT ZWG0130271 Figure 4-18.9 VDC Vac Vac Vac R4481 R4486 120 R4631 1K R4485 120 R4607 Vac C4464 Vac Vac 100K C4470 C4507 100pF Vac C4499 100pF A+ R4513 10K VR4471 5.4-27 PASUPVLTG L4402 A+ PASUPVLTG_UHF_PA_1 C4485 30pF C4602 .02uF 3.9pF C4404 100pF L4421 57R01 L4436 57R01 L4474 C4423 1uF C4422 100pF C4439 100pF L4437 17nH R4471 Vac R4497 51 R4495 51 1 J4401-1 2 J4401-2 3 J4401-3 C4488 100pF L4543 13.03nH C4403 3.6V D4451 D4452 C4463 Vac Vac C4417 Vac 100pF C4461 Vac R4415 100 R4416 100 C4447 C4419 36pF 6 Q4421 30pF C4453 Vac L4472 17nH C4474 12pF C4480 D4472 Vac C4475 2pF RX_IN_VHF_PA_1 RXIN C4410 100pF C4401 100pF R4402 15 R4401 300 R4403 300 4 GND1 5 GND2 12 GND3 13 GND4 D4402 R4459 Load R4487 100K Q4451 C4425 .5 VDC (44W) 6.1uF R4632 24K R4630 Vac C4476 Vac C4520 Vac TP4531 R4475 0 C4510 36pF RESET_VHF_PA_1 RESET FE_CNTL_1_VHF_PA_1 FECTRL_1 FE_CNTL_2_VHF_PA_1 FECTRL_2 16 RFIN RFOUT1 1 VCNTRL RFOUT2 14 VD1 VG1 11 G2 U4401 VG2 09Z67 8 NC1 9 NC2 10 NC3 15 NC4 6 7 2 3 2 1 3 4 5 7 8 Vac C4455 D4403 C4479 100pF R4512 470 Q4472 R4427 10K C4416 . UHF (403-470MHz) Power Amplifier Schematic Diagram .7 C4434 39pF Vac C4420 43pF Vac Vac C4437 7 G1 8 G2 9 G3 10 G4 C4432 30pF D4471 C4435 27pF Q4441 MRF650 2 4 3 C4460 39pF C4450 C4449 33pF 16pF 1 L4441 13.1uF C4483 100pF R4600 Q4431 MRF5015 D C4431 4.85nH C4487 30pF C4412 100pF C4409 0.1uF PASUPVLTG C4481 3000pF VR4472 5.015uF C4504 .2 VDC (28W) R4455 Vac C4451 Vac R4504 10K K9V1_UHF_PA_1 K9V1 DATA CSX TEMPSENSE_UHF_PA TEMPSENSE CLK DATA_VHF_PA_1 R4492 9V3 10K CSX_VHF_PA_1 R4422 620 R4423 620 Vac PA_PWR_SET_1_UHF_PA_1 PA_PWR_SET 9V3 PA_PWR_SET 9V3 1 U4502 POS 1 RFIN 2 T1 3 CI 4 INT 5 CJ 6 VL 7 CL 8 GND1 GND2 25 CLK 26 BPOS 27 DATA 28 CEX 29 TEMP 30 RSET 31 ANO 32 U4501 H99S-4 V45 16 VG 15 V10 14 CQX 13 CQ 12 Q 11 QX 10 F168 9 C4506 2200pF C4505 1uF 0.022uF R4412 5.6pF R4491 11K 4 to 6 dBm TX_INJ_UHF_PA_1 R4409 9V3 100K L4440 57R01 R4421 10 D4453 R4506 R4474 10K R4472 R4473 4.6K R4502 200K 9V3 R4482 200K R4484 68K 2 VOUT GND 4.7 R4601 C4498 6.6V Vac 9V3 Vac 9V3 L4541 57R01 Vac ALT 9V3 9V3_UHF_PA_1 L4403 C4418 0.5 VDC (44W) 4.033uF C4632 57R01 C4484 30pF C4421 .75 VDC TP4532 R4501 5. 3nF 100pF 100pF 1.2uF 2.8pF 1.2uF 2.8pF 1.8pF 13pF 10pF 82pF 16pF 16pF 10 nF 10 nF 100pF 10nF 10uF 100nF 100nF 2.3nF 47uF 1nF 1nF 82.7nF 100nF 10nF Description Circuit Ref C3152 C3155 C4001 C4002 C4003 C4004 C4005 C4006 C4007 C4008 C4009 C4010 C4011 C4012 C4013 C4014 C4015 C4017 C4018 C4019 C4020 C4021 C4021 C4022 C4023 C4024 C4025 C4026 C4027 C4029 C4030 C4031 C4051 C4052 C4053 C4054 C4202 C4203 C4204 C4205 C4206 C4208 C4209 C4210 C4211 C4212 C4213 C4214 C4215 C4221 Motorola Part No.0pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 82. 2113741F49 2113741F49 2113740F09 2113740F39 2113740F41 2113740F42 2113740F42 2113740F42 2113740F41 2113741F25 2113740F51 2113741F13 2113741F37 2113741F13 2113741F37 2113740F51 2113740F51 2113740F09 2113740F29 2113740F35 2113740F40 2113740F40 2113740F51 2113740F40 2113740F35 2113741F25 2113740F11 2113740F09 2113740F09 2113740F09 2113740F09 2113740F30 2113740F27 2113740F49 2113740F32 2113740F32 2113741F49 2113741F49 2113740F51 2113741F49 2311049J25 2113743E20 2113743E20 2104993J02 2113743E20 2113743E05 2311049A09 2311049A09 2311049A09 2109720D01 10nF 10nF 1.4-28 Table 4-4. UHF B1 Radio Parts List Circuit Ref C0101 C0107 C0112 C0121 C0122 C0131 C0132 C0141 C0151 C0201 C0204 C0212 C0221 C0222 C0223 C0224 C0225 C0226 C0227 C0231 C0232 C0234 C0235 C0236 C0241 C0243 C0244 C0245 C0246 C0252 C0254 C0255 C0261 C0262 C0265 C0267 C0271 C0272 C0273 C0275 C0276 C0277 C0421 C0422 C0423 C0426 C0427 C0428 Motorola Part No. 2113740F51 2113741F25 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113740F35 2113740F35 2113743E20 2113741F49 2311049A57 2113743E20 2311049A57 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113740F51 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743B29 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E07 2113743E10 2113743E20 2113740F51 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113741F49 2311049A07 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113740F49 2113743E20 2113741F49 2113741F49 2113743E20 2113741F37 2311049A99 2113741F25 2113741F25 2113743N48 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743N48 100pF 1nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 22pF 22pF 100nF 10nF 10uF 100nF 10uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100pF 100nF 100nF 100nF 1uF 100nF 100nF 22nF 33nF 100nF 100pF 100nF 100nF 10nF 1uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 82pF 100nF 10nF 10nF 100nF 3.2uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 120pF 100nF 100nF 4.0pF Circuit Ref Description C0429 C0430 C0431 C0445 C0446 C0447 C0448 C0449 C0470 C0471 C0472 C0473 C0474 C0476 C0477 C0478 C0482 C0483 C0484 C0485 C0486 C0487 C0488 C0490 C0491 C0492 C0493 C0494 C0495 C0496 C0497 C0499 C0501 C0502 C0503 C0504 C0505 C0506 C0508 C0509 C0510 C0511 C0512 C0513 C0514 C0515 C0516 C0517 C0518 C0541 Motorola Part No.2uF 100nF 1.8pF 33pF 39pF 43pF 43pF 43pF 39pF 1nF 100pF 330pF 3.2uF 100nF Description .8pF 12pF 22pF 36pF 36pF 100pF 36pF 22pF 1nF 2.2pF 1.8nF 2.8pF 1. 2311049A99 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113741F17 2380090M24 2311049C06 2113743E20 2311049A99 2113741F17 2311049A97 2113743E20 2311049A97 2311049A57 2113743E20 2311049C05 2113741F49 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113741F25 2113740F31 2113740F39 2113743E20 2113740F37 2113743E20 2113740F49 2113740F33 2113740F35 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E11 2113743E11 2113743E20 2311049A57 2113743E20 2113740L30 2113740L29 2113743E11 2311049A40 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113740F53 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113741F41 2113743E20 2113741F49 47uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 470pF 10uF 22uF 100nF 47uF 470pF 33 UF 100nF 33 UF 10uF 100nF 47uF 10nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 1nF 15pF 33pF 100nF 27pF 100nF 82pF 18pF 22pF 100nF 100nF 39nF 39nF 100nF 10uF 100nF 33pF 30pF 39nF 2. 2113743L09 2113741F17 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F49 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F17 2113743L09 2113743L09 2113741F49 2113743N48 2113743L09 2311049A05 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 10nF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470 PF 470 PF 470pF 470 PF 470pF 10nF 82pF 470pF 470nF Description Circuit Ref C0542 C0591 C0592 C0593 C0601 C0603 C0611 C0612 C0622 C0641 C0644 C0645 C0652 C0654 C0655 C0661 C0662 C0663 C0671 C0681 C3100 C3102 C3103 C3104 C3110 C3111 C3112 C3114 C3115 C3116 C3121 C3122 C3123 C3132 C3133 C3134 C3135 C3136 C3137 C3138 C3139 C3140 C3141 C3142 C3143 C3144 C3145 C3146 C3147 C3151 Motorola Part No.3nF 330pF 3. 2109720D14 0882422W23 2113741F18 2113740F51 2113743E20 2104993J02 2113741F49 2113741F49 2104993J02 2113741F49 2113740F51 2113740F51 2113740F51 2113740F51 2113740F51 2113741F25 2311049A56 2113743E20 2113740F51 2113740L37 2113740F59 2113740F07 2113740F51 2113743E20 2113740F51 2113740L16 2113740L16 2113740L08 2113740F03 2113740L01 2113740F51 2113743E20 2113740F51 2113740F51 2113740F29 2113740F03 2113740F07 2113740F51 2109720D14 2113740F51 2113743K16 2113740F03 2113740F51 2113741F25 2113740L05 2311049A56 2113740L14 2113743E20 2113740F44 2113740F44 100nF 1. Varactor Diode. Varactor Diode Schottky Diode Schottky Diode Schottky Diode Diode Ferrite Bead Ferrite Bead Ferrite Bead 2-Pole Crystal Filter.85MHz 2-Pole Crystal Filter.2uF 2.7uF 100nF 100pF 62pF 220pF 1. Varactor Diode.2uF 100pF 220nF 1pF 220nF 100pF 1pF 1pF 100nF 100nF 100pF 100pF 100pF 3. Varactor Diode. 2111078B19 2113740A55 2111078B32 2111078B31 2113740F51 2113740F23 2113740F10 2113740F51 2113740F38 2113740A55 2113740F38 2113740F38 2113740F38 2113740F38 2113740F51 2111078B13 2111078B42 2180464E63 2111078B07 2111078B09 2113740F51 2113743E03 2113741F33 2113743E06 2311049A07 2113741F33 2113740F51 2111078B31 2113740F51 2113741A57 2113743E20 2113741F25 4805649Q13 4862824C01 4862824C01 4802245J22 4862824C01 4880236E05 4813833C02 4813833C02 4813833C02 4813833C02 4813833C02 4813833C02 4880154K03 4862824C01 4862824C01 4880154K03 4862824C01 4862824C01 Description 16pF 100pF 39pF 36pF 100pF 6.0uF 510pF 100pF 100nF 2. 2113740F51 2113743E07 2113740F44 2113740F44 2113740F03 2113740F51 2113743E20 2113743E20 2104993J02 2104993J02 2113740F51 2113743K16 2113740F03 2113743K16 2113740F51 2113740F03 2113740F03 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113740F51 2113740F51 2113740F51 2113740F17 2113740F51 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113740F51 2113740F51 2113741F25 2113743E07 2113740F51 2113743E20 2113740F40 2113741A57 2113740A55 2311049A08 2113743E07 2113740F51 2113740A40 2111078B27 2111078B25 2311049A45 2113743E20 2111078B42 2180464E40 2180464E34 2111078B09 2113740F51 2180464E65 2111078B23 100pF 22nF 51pF 51pF 1pF 100pF 100nF 100nF 2. 455kHz Filter.4-29 Circuit Ref C4222 C4224 C4225 C4227 C4228 C4230 C4231 C4232 C4233 C4234 C4242 C4243 C4244 C4245 C4246 C4252 C4253 C4254 C4255 C4261 C4262 C4263 C4287 C4289 C4301 C4302 C4303 C4304 C4305 C4306 C4307 C4308 C4309 C4311 C4312 C4313 C4314 C4315 C4316 C4317 C4318 C4321 C4322 C4323 C4324 C4325 C4331 C4332 C4333 C4334 Motorola Part No. Side Entry 20-Pin Connector Connector.2pF 3.9pF 100pF 100nF 100nF 100pF 100pF 1nF 22nF 100pF 100nF 36pF 33nF 100pF 1uF 22nF 100pF 30pF 30pF 27pF 10uF 100nF 100pF 30pF 39pF 6. 455kHz 12-Pin Flexible Connector Flexible Connector.2uF 10nF 100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF 100pF 1nF 4. 44.0pF 100pF 30pF 100pF 30pF 30pF 30pF 30pF 100pF 10pF 100pF 10pF 5.5pF 100pF 100nF 100pF 220nF 1pF 100pF 1. 455kHz Filter.8pF 100nF 51pF 51pF Description Circuit Ref C4335 C4336 C4337 C4338 C4339 C4351 C4352 C4353 C4354 C4355 C4361 C4362 C4363 C4371 C4372 C4373 C4374 C4375 C4381 C4382 C4383 C4401 C4403 C4404 C4407 C4409 C4410 C4412 C4414 C4416 C4417 C4418 C4419 C4421 C4422 C4423 C4425 C4426 C4431 C4432 C4435 C4436 C4438 C4439 C4441 C4442 C4443 C4446 C4448 C4449 Motorola Part No. Zif Horizontal DC Power Connector Mini-UHF RF Connector 620nH 620nH 620nH 470nH 470nH 150nH 27nH 15nH 390nH 12uH 33nH 2.0nF 3pF 4. 455kHz Filter. 44. Varactor Diode.5pF 100pF 100nF 100pF 8.2uF 10nF 10nF 2.0nF Diode. Varactor Diode Schottky Diode Dual Diode Dual Diode Dual Diode Dual Diode Dual Diode Dual Diode Schottky Diode.2nF 22nF 1uF 2. Varactor Diode.2pF 8.7uF 6.2nF 100pF 36pF 100pF 33nF 100nF 1. Varactor Circuit Ref D4051 D4201 D4261 D4451 D4452 D4453 D4471 D4472 E0271 E0272 E0631 FL3101 FL3102 FL3111 FL3112 FL3114 FL3115 J0401 J0451 J0501 J0551 J0601 J4401 L3101 L3111 L3112 L4003 L4008 L4051 L4053 L4054 L4201 L4221 L4225 L4231 L4301 L4302 L4303 L4304 L4305 L4311 L4312 L4313 L4331 L4332 L4333 L4361 Motorola Part No.8pF 100pF 12pF 24pF Description Circuit Ref C4450 C4459 C4460 C4472 C4473 C4474 C4475 C4479 C4482 C4483 C4484 C4485 C4486 C4487 C4488 C4491 C4492 C4494 C4496 C4498 C4499 C4502 C4503 C4504 C4505 C4506 C4507 C4510 C4521 C4602 C4630 C4632 CR4301 CR4302 CR4303 CR4311 CR4321 D0101 D0151 D0179 D0621 D0651 D0660 D0661 D3101 D4001 D4002 D4003 D4004 D4005 Motorola Part No.8pF 100 pF 15nF 2.9pF 1pF 2pF 100pF 100nF 100pF 100pF 12pF 1pF 1.6pF 6. Varactor Dual Schottky Diode.8pF 2. Varactor Diode. 4886143B01 4802233J09 4802245J22 4880236E05 4880236E05 4880236E05 4802482J02 4802482J02 2484657R01 2484657R01 2484657R01 9180112R16 9180112R16 9180469V04 9180469V06 9180468V06 9180469V03 0902636Y02 0902636Y01 0986105B01 0905505Y04 0986165B01 0986166B02 2462587T25 2462587T25 2462587T25 2462587T23 2462587T23 2462587T17 2462587X46 2462587X43 2462587Q42 2462587P25 2462587T40 2462587Q20 2462587T22 2462587T22 2460593C01 2462587T22 2462587T22 2462587T22 2460593C01 2462587T22 2462587T09 2462587T36 2462587T22 2462587T22 Description Diode Mixer Diode Tripple Diode.2uH 390nH 390nH Teflon Resonator 390nH 390nH 390nH Teflon Resonator 390nH 33nH 15nH 390nH 390nH .85MHz Filter. 4-30 Circuit Ref L4371 L4401 L4402 L4403 L4411 L4421 L4436 L4437 L4440 L4441 L4472 L4473 L4491 L4492 L4493 L4543 Q0110 Q0151 Q0171 Q0173 Q0177 Q0181 Q0183 Q0185 Q0271 Q0641 Q0661 Q0662 Q0663 Q0681 Q3101 Q3102 Q3151 Q3152 Q4003 Q4301 Q4331 Q4332 Q4333 Q4421 Q4431 Q4441 Q4471 Q4472 Q4473 R0101 R0102 R0104 R0105 R0108 Motorola Part No. 5-turns Airwound Coil.9K 2. 3-turns Airwound Coil. 0662057B47 0662057B47 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A63 0662057A97 0662057B46 0662057B10 0662057A82 0662057A82 0662057A73 0662057A65 0662057A73 0662057A65 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A84 0662057A65 0662057A89 0662057A89 0662057A65 0662057A89 0662057A65 0662057A89 0662057A65 0662057A89 0662057A25 0662057A43 0662057A43 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A57 0662057A57 0660076E70 0660076E70 0662057A82 0662057A82 0662057A84 0662057A71 0662057B22 0662057B22 0662057A89 0662057B47 0662057A89 0662057A91 0662057A97 0662057A73 0662057A97 0662057A82 0 0 10K 10K 10K 3k9 100K 10M 330k 24K 24K 10K 4K 10k 4K 10K 10K 30K 4K 47K 47K 4k 47K 4k 47K 4k 47K 100 560 560 10K 10K 2K 2K 7.4K 3.8K Description Circuit Ref R3108 R3111 R3112 R3115 R3116 R3117 R3118 R3130 R3132 R3133 R3134 R3135 R3144 R3145 R3146 R3147 R3151 R3152 R3153 R3154 R4001 R4002 R4003 R4004 R4005 R4006 R4007 R4008 R4009 R4010 R4011 R4012 R4013 R4014 R4022 R4051 R4052 R4060 R4201 R4203 R4204 R4206 R4211 R4221 R4222 R4223 R4228 R4241 R4251 R4252 Motorola Part No.8K 51 15K 8.5K 1. 5-turns NPN NPN NPN NPN Darlington NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN DUAL NPN NPN NPN Darlington NPN NPN NPN DIG NPN DIG NPN Diode Dual Schottky NPN NPN NPN LDMOS Power Amplifier Bipolar Power Amplifier Bipolar Power Amplifier NPN PNP MMBT3904 10K 4K 10K 100K 2K Circuit Ref R0109 R0111 R0113 R0114 R0115 R0117 R0121 R0131 R0132 R0151 R0152 R0170 R0171 R0172 R0173 R0174 R0175 R0176 R0177 R0178 R0179 R0181 R0182 R0183 R0184 R0185 R0186 R0201 R0202 R0204 R0205 R0206 R0207 R0208 R0211 R0212 R0221 R0222 R0223 R0224 R0226 R0227 R0241 R0242 R0251 R0252 R0253 R0261 R0262 R0265 Motorola Part No. 0662057A89 0662057A73 0662057A41 0662057A82 0662057A73 0662057A77 0662057A33 0662057M26 0662057A25 0662057M26 0662057M26 0662057M26 0662057B47 0662057B47 0662057A65 0662057A97 0662057A77 0662057A97 0662057B47 0662057B47 0662057A89 0662057B47 0662057A43 0662057B47 0662057A49 0662057A33 0662057A33 0662057A65 0662057A83 0662057A82 0662057A01 0662057A91 0662057A65 0662057A82 0662057A73 0660076E70 0660076E51 0662057A01 0662057A01 0662057A49 0662057B02 0662057A84 0662057A73 0662057A79 0662057A93 0662057A75 0662057A01 0662057A25 0662057A83 0662057A69 47K 10K 470 24K 10K 15K 220 10 100 10 10 10 0 0 4K 100K 15K 100K 0 0 47K 0 560 0 1K 220 220 4K 27K 24K 10 56K 4K 24K 10K 7. 5-turns Airwound Coil. 2462587T13 2460591B04 2484657R01 2462587T22 2462587T22 2484657R01 2484657R01 2460592A01 2484657R01 2460591C23 2460592A01 2460591N36 2460592A01 2460592A01 2460592A01 2460591C23 4880048M01 4880048M01 4880048M01 4880052M01 4880048M01 4880048M01 4880048M01 4880048M01 4813824A10 4880048M01 4805921T02 4813824A10 4880048M01 4880052M01 4813827A07 4813827A07 4880048M01 4880048M01 4813827A07 4805218N63 4813827A07 4813827A07 4802245J50 5105385Y91 4805537W01 4880225C30 4880048M01 4805128M27 4813824A10 0662057A73 0662057A65 0662057A73 0662057A97 0662057A57 Description 68nH Airwound Coil.5K 7. 3-turns Airwound Coil.2K 10 10 1K 150K 30K 10K 18K 68K 12K 10 100 27K 6. 3-turns Airwound Coil.7K 10K 270 68 33 150 150 270 100K 270 10 0 51 0 330K 150 47 47 33K 0 150 510 68 47K 220 39K 30K Description . 0662057A44 0662057A75 0662057A01 0662057A39 0662057A37 0662057A83 0662057A69 0662057A18 0662057A77 0662057A71 0662057A73 0662057A51 0662057A58 0662057A61 0662057A45 0662057A75 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A97 0662057A37 0662057A63 0662057A59 0662057A73 0662057A35 0662057A21 0662057A13 0662057A29 0662057A29 0662057A35 0662057A97 0662057A35 0662057A01 0662057B47 0662057A18 0662057B47 0662057B10 0662057A29 0662057A17 0662057A17 0662057A85 0662057B47 0662057A29 0662057A42 0662057A21 0662057A89 0662057A33 0662057A87 0662057A84 620 12K 10 390 330 27K 6. 3-turns Airwound Coil.2K 10K 1.3K 680 12K 10K 10K 10K 10K 100K 330 3.5K 24K 24K 30K 8K 1M 1M 47K 0 47K 56K 100K 10K 100K 24K Description Circuit Ref R0267 R0268 R0269 R0273 R0275 R0276 R0401 R0407 R0408 R0409 R0467 R0468 R0481 R0482 R0510 R0511 R0512 R0525 R0527 R0528 R0529 R0530 R0531 R0533 R0535 R0537 R0538 R0539 R0541 R0591 R0592 R0611 R0612 R0621 R0641 R0642 R0643 R0651 R0652 R0661 R0662 R0671 R0672 R0681 R0682 R3101 R3102 R3105 R3106 R3107 Motorola Part No. 4-turns Ferrite Bead 390nH 390nH Ferrite Bead Ferrite Bead Airwound Coil.2K 2. 3-turns Ferrite Bead Airwound Coil. Radios in which these parts have been replaced in the field will be off-frequency at temperature extremes.7 4. 0662057B02 0662057A67 0662057A73 0662057A12 0662057A31 0662057A01 0662057A70 0662057A67 0662057A12 0662057A35 0662057B47 0662057A91 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A09 0662057A81 0662057A73 0662057B47 0662057A01 0662057A49 0662057B47 0662057A33 0662057A09 0662057A33 0662057B47 0662057A57 0662057A49 0662057A01 0662057B47 0662057A73 0662057B47 0662057A31 0662057A36 0662057A05 0662057A36 0662057A32 0662057A97 0662057A67 0662057A25 0662057A25 0680194M01 0611079A69 0611079A69 0611079A69 0611079A69 0662057A73 0662057A65 0683962T51 0662057A64 0662057A97 150K 5.8 MHz * Motorola Depot Servicing only Reference designators with an asterisk indicate components which are not field replaceable because they need to be calibrated with specialized factory equipment after installation. 16.6K 100 100 10 620 620 620 620 10K 4. . 38.5K 5.7K 120 4K 100K Description Circuit Ref R4475 R4480 R4482 R4483 R4484 R4485 R4486 R4491 R4492 R4495 R4496 R4497 R4501 R4502 R4503 R4504 R4506 R4507 R4511 R4512 R4513 R4514 R4600 R4601 R4602 R4631 R4632 SH4301 SH4302 T4051 T4052 U0101 * U0111 * U0121 U0122 U0141 U0211 U0221 U0251 U0271 U0611 U0641 U0651 U0652 U3101 U3111 U3115 U4201 U4211 U4301 Motorola Part No.2K 1K 10 0 10K 0 180 300 15 300 200 100K 5.7 1K 24K VCO Shield VCO Shield Mixer 4:1 Mixer 5:1 Microprocessor EEPROM ROM SRAM REMUX Quad Opamp ASFIC MUX/DEMUX AUDIO PA Adjustable Voltage Regulator Adjustable Voltage Regulator 5V Regulator Under-Voltage Sensor IF IC CMOS Switch CMOS Switch Fract-N Voltage Regulator VCO Circuit Ref U4401 U4501 U4502 VR0151 VR0501 VR0503 VR0504 VR0505 VR0509 VR0510 VR0537 VR0541 VR0601 VR0621 VR4471 Y0131 Y3101 Y3102 Y4261 Motorola Part No.7 4.4 kHz Crystal Oscillator 455 kHz Discriminator Crystal Oscillator.6K 30 270 0 56K 10K 10K 22 22K 10K 0 10 1K 0 220 22 220 0 2.4-31 Circuit Ref R4261 R4301 R4302 R4303 R4304 R4305 R4311 R4312 R4313 R4314 R4315 R4321 R4322 R4323 R4331 R4332 R4333 R4334 R4335 R4336 R4337 R4338 R4339 R4340 R4341 R4342 R4343 R4344 R4345 R4346 R4347 R4361 R4401 R4402 R4403 R4405 R4409 R4412 R4415 R4416 R4421 R4422 R4423 R4424 R4425 R4427 R4428 R4457 R4473 R4474 Motorola Part No.6K 10K 30 180 10 7. 5105109Z67 5185765B01 5185963A15 4813830A15 4805656W09 4805656W09 4813830A40 4805656W09 4813830A40 4813830A40 4813830A15 4813830A27 4813832C77 4813830A15 4813830a15 4880113R19 4880606B09 9186145B02 4880114R04 Description LDMOS PC Temperature Sensor Diode Zener Quad Zener Quad Diode Zener Quad Diode Diode Diode Diode Transient Suppressor Diode Zener Diode Crystal Oscillator. 0662057B47 0662057A73 0662057B05 0662057A97 0662057A93 0662057C53 0662057C53 0662057A74 0662057A73 0680195M18 0680194M23 0680195M18 0662057A67 0662057B65 0662057A63 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A73 0680194M18 0662057A41 0662057A73 0662057A61 0662057C19 0662057C19 0662057C19 0662057A49 0662057A82 2605782V03 2605782V03 2505515V03 2505515V04 5102226J56 5102463J64 5186137B01 5185963A21 5113805A30 5183222M49 5185963A53 5113806A20 5109699X01 5183308X01 5183308X01 5113816A07 5113815A02 5186144B01 5113805A86 5113805A86 5185963A27 5185963A33 5105750U54 Description 0 100K 200K 100K 68K 120 120 11K 10K 51 82 51 5.3K 4.9K 10K 10K 10K 51 470 10K 3.6K 200K 3. 4-32 This page is intentionally left blank. . 4-33 C0251 C0211 R0252 C0212 R0211 14 1 J0451 C0267 R0267 C3209 C3210 L3201 C3213 R3242 C3222 R3222 L3232 C3231 C3255 C3226 C3227 R3227 C3245 R3211 C3243 C3244 C3253 C3233 C3223 C3224 R3221 C3221 16 8 7 1 C0255 R3223 1 R0268 FL3114 U3115 R3145 C3145 Y3102 2 18 5 4 U3211 8 U0211 C0105 C0121 U0251 R0251 R0212 C3242 R3144 C3143 1 C3139 11 7 10 C3144 14 C3132 C3134 C3133 R3130 R0253 C0252 8 9 C0261 R0269 C0253 7 8 C0262 R0262 Q0110 R0102 C0451 C0452 C0453 C0454 C0455 C0456 C0457 C0458 C0459 C0460 C0461 C0462 C0463 C0464 C0421 C0466 C0467 C0468 C3211 C3235 3 2 8 R0128 16 1 C3140 C3141 U3101 R0261 C0441 C0442 C0447 C0470 C0471 C0472 C0474 C0473 C0476 C0477 C0478 C0443 C0444 C0445 C0446 C0448 C0449 C3215 C3214 C3246 C3252 R3251 R3252 C3254 C3234 C3232 R3263 FL3112 U3111 C3135 C3136 1 R3117 R3132 C3115 C3137 R3111 20 C3131 26 U0101 1 U0121 R0115 R0101 R0108 R0104 R0110 R0109 R0221 C0225 C0221 R0224 C0222 C0243 4 C3142 1 14 R0222 C0224 C0226 1 C0495 C0232 C0233 R0223 C0241 37 C0242 L3362 R0242 C3365 D3361 R3364 L3364 R3363 R3361 C3361 C3362 L3361 C3363 C0496 SH3301 L3341 C3324 C3341 R3341 C3344 L3346 D3341 L3343 C3342 R3336 C0486 C0487 L0482 C0483 C0494 C0493 C0488 C0482 C3426 R3408 C3425 C3346 L3344 C3337 Q3304 L3333 R3335 C3336 3 2 T3001 4 6 R3031 R3362 C3032 D3031 C3035 R3009 C3020 D3362 L3034 6 T3002 1 2 3 4 C3101 3 4 2 FL3101 5 6 R3106 C3103 R3101 3 4 L3101 2 FL3102 5 R0116 C0227 C0106 C0107 C3364 C3357 C3114 6 U0221 C0246 13 25 R0241 C0244 C0245 C0235 L3363 C0104 51 C0132 17 32 R0131 R0132 1 4 C0131 R0170 C0101 R0106 R0105 R0114 C0102 76 C0231 C0236 C0223 C0234 C3102 C3016 C3015 R3342 C3007 C3019 C3006 C3004 R3001 C3010 R3002 R3008 L3002 R3006 C3011 D3001 R3014 Q3001 R3015 C3005 1 C0652 U0651 2 C3017 D0201 C3345 Y0131 R0651 D0651 C0651 3 L0481 C0655 U0271 C0654 1 D3004 L3032 C3034 C3014 C3013 C3012 R3007 R3005 C3009 2 3 R0652 R3003 R3013 R3004 C3008 C3002 C3347 C3021 C3018 D3003 9 1 5 U0641 C3412 C3506 C3402 6 Q3501 R3514 Q3502 R3515 R3508 C3509 R3516 L3403 1 C3510 C3411 R3507 R3410 R3401 R3402 R3403 C3401 R3400 C3400 C3408 C3404 C3403 C3501 L3401 D3471 Q3471 L3477 R3458 L3472 C3475 L3471 R3407 C3413 C3414 R3411 16 9 R3405 C3410 U3401 1 8 C3417 R3471 C3474 C3473 R0186 R0182 R3413 C3428 R3419 C3409 R3418 D3472 R3461 C3407 R3424 U3502 L3411 L3474 C3491 C3492 C3472 R0185 Q0185 Q0181 Q0177 C3508 R3513 R3416 R3409 L3413 R0181 R0522 R0535 R0539 R0524 R0528 R0538 VR0505 VR0503 C0516 C0513 C0510 R0510 VR0510 C0501 C0542 VR0501 L3414 R3512 C3478 R3506 4 Q3421 8 R3505 R3415 3 C3420 2 1 L3412 C3418 R3425 C3507 5 R3404 6 7 C0509 C0508 C0506 C0505 C0504 C0503 C0502 C0518 C0540 C0520 C0519 C0517 10 11 C0539 C0515 C0537 C0538 C0535 C0514 C0536 C0511 C0533 C0512 C0534 R3406 C3435 C3446 L3422 C3434 R0533 C0612 5 C0601 C3422 C3443 R3431 C3455 C0531 J0501 C3441 C3456 20 L3421 C3437 L3431 C0532 C0530 C0528 C0527 C0526 C0525 C0524 C0523 C0522 C0521 6 U0611 1 1 R0612 R0611 R3432 C3444 C3458 C3423 C0603 L3433 L3432 C3447 C0484 C3440 C3439 C3436 C3438 C3445 J3401 L3443 L3444 2 3 J0601 ZWG0130227P Figure 4-19. VHF (136-174MHz) Main Board Top Side PCB . 1pF R3036 1K NU Figure 4-20.1pF RXIN_VHF_FE_1 SP_1_1 RXIN SP_2_1 SP_2_2 1K R3011 4.01uF R3013 3. This will further improve intermodulation performance but will further decrease specified RX sensitivity.5K R3014 51 R3015 10 R3009 100K C3015 56pF C3016 100pF C3017 43pF L3025 150nH NU R3034 820 NU R3035 0 NU C3019 .001uF IO4 3. R3032 820 NU R3030 10 NU L3031 560nH R3031 51 L3032 150nH C3034 82pF IF_VHF_FE_1 IF C3035 20pF Q3002 L3002 470nH R3006 390 R3008 390 R3033 0 C3022 . R3016.7pF NU 4 3 2 6 XFMR T3001 1 10K NU R3003 1K .001uF 3.001uF D3031 D3004 2 1 SP_4_1 C3018 4.5pF SP_4_2 C3013 56pF C3021 120pF XFMR T3002 3 2 IO1 IO2 1 6 4 2 C3001 4.7K R3000 1.7pF SP_1_3 D3001 1 C3008 .7pF NU R3021 560 C3025 2.001uF L3034 RXINJ RXINJ_VHF_FE_1 C3031 18pF NU 33nH NU C3032 13pF NU C3033 5.5VDC C3020 .6VDC Q3001 3 SP_2_3 R3018 12 SP_3_3 3 SP_4_3 IO3 R3001 100K FECNTL_1_VHF_FE_1VLTG R3019 47K FECNTL_1 C3023 330pF NU C3024 3300pF NU C3004 56pF C3005 100pF C3006 56pF D3003 R3004 1.3K C3009 330pF R3005 R3016 100 R3017 100 R3007 30 C3012 SP_3_1 SP_3_2 C3014 7.5K R3002 560 C3007 .0033uF C3010 330pF C3011 . remove R3018 . VHF (136-174MHz) Receiver Front End Schematic Diagram . but will decrease specified RX sensitivity.0 -7.0033uF SP_1_2 1 3 2 R3012 C3002 9.0033uF D3000 NC_D3000_1 K9V1__VHF_FE_1 K9V1 C3003 . For critical basestation applications remove R3018.4-34 R3010 680 9V3_VHF_FE_1 9V3 9V3_VHF_FE_2 C3000 . R3017.0033uF Note1: In case of interference caused by strong offchannel inband carriers. This will improve intermodulation performance. 1uF U3101 IFAMP_DEC2 L3100 620nH NU R3112 10 Y3102 45B01 455KHz 1 2 4 5 VCC R3130 6 IFIC C3144 0.9VDC R3116 330 C3121 0.1uF R3146 680 C3138 2.1uF FL3102 12R17 3 IN OUT 6 L3112 620nH C3115 22pF C3114 18pF R3111 12K R3114 100 NU R3115 14 FL3112 CFWC455D 4 1 IN OUT 14 2 8 VDD VSS CNTL 14 9 3 VDD VSS CNTL FL3114 CFUCJ455D 4 1 IN OUT 14 2 8 VDD VSS CNTL C3151 .1uF 15 C3143 120pF 1 2 LIM_DEC1 LIM_DEC2 OSCOUT MIXOUT C3132 0.039uF U3111-2 MC74HC4066 3 4 3VDC C3112 82pF C3110 27pF U3111-3 MC74HC4066 U3115-2 MC74HC4066 R3145 3 U3115-3 MC74HC4066 R3154 10K R3152 10K 0.2K C3142 0.395MHz 1 IN OUT 3 C3135 33pF C3136 30pF 3 20 C3131 1pF NU 5 8 11 13 12 17 16 GND GND1 Y3101 2 4 12R17 R3132 15K LIMOUT C3133 10uF RSSIOUT 51 C3134 0.1pF NU L3111 620nH R3107 6.1uF R3155 1.1uF DISCAUDIO_VHF_IF_1 DISCAUDIO RSSI RSSI_VHF_IF_1 Figure 4-21.1uF Q3155 NU C3155 .1uF C3140 0.1uF C3152 .75VDC 0.5kHz 0VDC 20/25kHz 5VDC 7 GND1 GND2 6 7 7 7 6 GND 5 5 3VDC R3118 6.8K Q3101 R3108 620 C3111 0.75VDC R3144 2.01uF R3134 10K R3133 8.1uF 44. VHF (136-174MHz)Receiver IF Schematic Diagram .4K C3137 .2K C3139 0.039uF C3123 .1uF R3105 5V 390 R3117 27K C3116 0.1uF IFIN_VHF_IF_1 C3100 IF 1000pF C3101 2.4-35 FL3115 CFWC455F 1 IN OUT 2 GND1 9V3 GND2 3 4 9V3 MC74HC4066 14 2 9V3_VHF_IF_1 9V3 9V3_VHF_IF_2 9V3 U3111-1 MC74HC4066 9V3 9V3 VDD VSS CNTL FL3111 CFWC455G 1 1 IN OUT 14 2 11 VDD VSS 14 10 2 VDD VSS CNTL FL3113 CFUCJ455F NU 1 1 IN OUT 14 2 11 VDD VSS CNTL 10 9V3 CNTL GND1 GND2 7 7 13 3 12 U3111-4 MC74HC4066 7 13 U3115-1 MC74HC4066 GND 12 3 7 R3153 10K R3151 10K Q3151 BWSELECT_VHF_IF_1 BWSELECT 4 U3115-4 MC74HC4066 R3104 100 NU 5V_VHF_IF_1 5V 100 5V R3106 27K C3104 0.3K C3145 0.039uF 3.8K C3122 .2uF C3146 4700pF R3147 12K C3147 0.2pF NU FL3101 12R16 3 IN OUT 6 L3101 620nH C3103 33pF C3102 15pF R3101 12K R3102 10 C3113 9.01uF 9 9V3 3.1uF 3 VDD VSS CNTL 12.2K NU C3141 0.01uF Q3152 Q3102 D3101 5V GND1 GND2 GND3 GND4 1 GND1 2 GND2 4 GND3 5 GND4 1 24 9 RFIN RFIN_DEC OSCIN RSSI_FEED 7 14 18 10 19 AUDIOOUT AUDIO_FEED IFAMPOUT IFAMP_DEC1 GND IFAMPIN QUADIN LIMIN R3135 1. 1uF R3203 47 22pF NU R3204 47 C3246 220pF R3228 47K NU LOCK_VHF_FN_1 LOCK 5VDC (Locked) 0VDC (Unlocked) TP3201 BWSELECT_VHF_FN_1 BWSELECT 4.52VDC (R) 2.01uF Y3262 NU 2 OSC_16.1uF VCOBIAS_2_VHF_FN_1 VCOBIAS_2 VCOBIAS_1_VHF_FN_1 VCOBIAS_1 5V_VHF_FN_1 5V_VHF_FN_2 (SOURCE) 5V 4.7uF C3252 1000pF C3254 DATA_VHF_FN_1 0.01uF NU 1 Y3261 XTAL 16.2pF PRESC_VHF_FN_1 C3255 2.97VDC 13.62VDC (T) +1dBm 0VDC (R) 4.1uF C3207 VCTRL_VHF_FN_1 VCTRL C3209 0.2uF 5V R3211 47 D3201 .018uF 1 5 2 6 C3213 2.01uF C3203 3 2 1 K3 K2 K1 4 A3 5 A2 6 A1 R3201 OUTPUT ERROR SENSE 5V_TAP U3211 INPUT FEEDBACK SHUTDOWN 8 7 3 9V3_VHF_FN_1 9V3 C3211 0. VHF (136-174MHz) Fractal-N Schematic Diagram .1uF R3226 47K NU C3225 0.1 .30VDC 6.8MHz D3261 C3263 1.2uF 0 C3214 2.2uH C3234 .2uF L3231 2.42 23 XTAL1 C3241 VDC 56pF NU 25 16 28 46 4 45 43 TP3202 .1uF 5V Reg GND 4 C3215 2.2uH NU WARP NC3 INDMULT NC2 SFOUT NC1 ADAPTSW LOCK CCOMP IADAPT REFSEL IOUT U3201 PREIN 38 SFBASE 37 TEST2 TEST1 SFCAP FRACN 3 BIAS2 2 AUX4 AUX3 BIAS1 1 48 AUX2 VBPASS AUX1 PVREF 11 VMULT4 SFIN 12 14 VMULT3 VMULT2 DATA 15 VMULT1 MODIN R3241 41 MODOUT 100 CEX 19 FREFOUT CLK 2.95VDC (R) 0VDC (T) VCOMOD_VHF_FN_1 VCOMOD 16_8MHz_VHF_FN_1 16_8MHz TRB_VHF_FN_1 TRB 4.01uF C3233 2.8K R3222 1K 1 R3223 C3223 1uF NU 100 C3224 1uF C3222 0.83VDC 11.5 .022uF R3221 1.4-36 C3212 .4.2 to +7dBm R3227 100K NU C3226 8.2uF VDDA_VHF_FN_1 VDDA L3201 390nH 1.01uF C3232 .01uF C3206 10uF C3208 0.28VDC C3202 .5VDC 5VDC 0VDC C3244 220pF C3242 220pF C3245 220pF C3243 220pF CSX_VHF_FN_1 VCP VRO DVDD AVDD PRE_VDD PD_VDD CSX CLK_VHF_FN_1 CLK VDDA 47 13 36 20 34 5 R3261 150K 2 C3261 62pF C3235 .91VDC (T) R3242 0 L3232 2.1VDC PD_GND 44 PRE_GND 33 AGND 22 DGND 6 1 31 29 17 42 18 32 27 26 39 40 21 35 30 7 10 9 8 2.1uF MODIN_VHF_FN_1 5VDC 5VDC DATA MODIN 2.1uF NU 5V OUT 3 Figure 4-22.2uF R3251 200k PRESC 3.2K NU C3262 220pF R3263 100 NU 4 GND FADJ VDD 1 C3251 0.63 VDC C3227 100pF R3252 330K VSF_VHF_FN_1 VSF C3253 4.2uF VDDA R3206 33K NU C3205 .90VDC 24 XTAL2 3.1uF C3228 0.5pF C3231 .01uF C3210 2.8MHZ R3262 6.11VDC C3221 . 78VDC (R) 4.6pF NU L3311 100nH NU R3321 10K 4.11VDC R3343 VCTRL 1uH 100 R3319 47K NU RXINJ_VHF_VCO_1 L3301 RXINJ C3306 5.44VDC (R) 0VDC (T) R3311 100 C3311 .1uF C3324 .53VDC (R) 0VDC (T) Q3304 BFQ67W C3341 1000pF R3342 R3341 220 39 L3341 8nH C3342 3pF C3344 1.14VDC (R) UMC5N 0VDC (T) 4 Q3303 3 2 9.66VDC (T) 4.1uF 1uH R3335 33 C3336 .022uF R3312 100 NU L3331 68nH C3331 10pF NU L3332 100nH R3331 47 C3332 0.5nH C3345 20pF R3336 15K L3343 180nH C3346 .01uF 4.8pF R3314 10 NU C3316 3.5 .6pF 20K C3355 .8pF R3301 75 R3308 0 Q3301 2.62VDC (T) VCOMOD VCOMOD_VHF_VCO_1 Figure 4-23.78VDC (R) 4.2K D3362 4.2 to 7dBm (T) L3318 100nH C3357 7.022uF 0.4-37 9.49VDC (R) 0VDC (T) R3302 100 C3303 .27VDC (T) VCC_LOGIC VCC_BUFFERS U3301 VCO IC 10 8 12 7 13 TX_OUT RX_OUT PRESC_OUT RX_SW TX_SW GND_BUFFERS GND_LOGIC TX_IADJ RX_IADJ SUPER_FLTR COLL_RFIN RX_BASE RX_EMITTER TX_BASE TX_EMITTER GND_FLAG FLIP_IN TRB_IN 1.1pF 18nH C3301 15pF NU C3302 6.3pF 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 15 20 19 R3351 20K C3351 L3345 1uH C3347 .92VDC (R) 0VDC (T) 4.01uF L3302 100nH C3312 0.01uF C3313 330pF NU TXINJ_VHF_VCO_1 TXINJ R3315 220 NU C3315 15pF VCOBIAS_1_VHF_VCO_1 R3353 100K R3354 150K VCOBIAS_1 17 11 9 0 .83VDC (R) 0VDC (T) VSF L3333 C3335 .52VDC (R) 2.2K R3313 1K NU 1.6pF R3363 VSF 39K R3356 12K 0VDC (R) 1.22VDC (T) 18 14 C3334 .12VDC 3.01uF C3337 0.40VDC C3348 .01uF C3361 1000pF R3361 R3362 47 C3362 5.5dBm (T) C3317 33pF 2.91VDC (T) C3319 1000pF 220 R3364 2.52VDC (R) 0VDC (T) VCOBIAS_2_VHF_VCO_1 R3352 12K C3352 .01uF R3355 L3317 33nH 0VDC (R) 4. VHF (136-174MHz)Voltage Controlled Oscillator Schematic Diagram .52VDC (T) R3323 VSF 1K C3318 5.5pF D3361 L3364 1uH L3362 68nH L3363 56nH C3365 1000pF TRB_VHF_VCO_1 TRB 0VDC (R) 4.56VDC (R) 2.01uF 9V3_VHF_VCO_3 9V3_VHF_VCO_2 9V3_VHF_VCO_1 9V3 VDDA 4.01uF R3305 220 R3307 NU 220 NU Q3302 NU R3318 22 R3317 10K NU C3314 6.92VDC (T) L3351 1uH C3356 .54VDC VDDA_VHF_VCO_1 VSF_VHF_VCO_1 VSF 5 1 7.8pF L3346 35.18VDC (R) 0VDC (T) C3304 330pF NU R3304 1K R3306 22 NU R3316 0 C3305 5.97VDC 4.1uF NU R3303 2.022uF VCOBIAS_2 .022uF C3364 C3363 68pF 18pF L3361 56nH PRESC_VHF_VCO_1 PRESC .1uF C3333 0.01uF D3341 VCTRL_VHF_VCO_1 L3344 2. 254 Center: 1.022uF VCONT L3402 57R01 A+ C3406 1000pF C3421 .3.75VDC TP3501 R3501 6.1uF C3426 2200pF 2200pF R3507 680 D3455 NU C3477 2200pF NU 9V3 Q3501 1 POS 2 0.7K NU R3513 620 R3514 620 R3515 VCONT 620 R3516 620 C3510 0.1uF L3443 57R01 C3456 1000pF L3473 1.1uF C3498 47pF C3497 20pF R3433 R3434 R3435 56 56 56 R3412 5.03 Reverse: 0.3K 5.01uF L3421 57R01 C3436 10uF L3431 57R01 C3437 0.6K NU R3418 5.2uH C3457 1000pF 9V3 C3411 .674 C3492 470pF C3409 2200pF C3441 1000pF L3432 36.91 Forward: 0.2.524x20.6K C3422 1000pF R3462 C3432 82pF C3461 2200pF R3455 68K 39K R3475 10K C3471 .905x15. VHF (136-174MHz) Power Amplifier Schematic Diagram .022uF C3403 33pF NU L3401 39nH C3400 R3424 68 L3403 68nH C3404 2200pF R3400 L3411 68nH R3425 68 C3412 2200pF C3440 0.75 .4-38 PASUPVLTG_VHF_PA_1 PASUPVLTG C3405 1000pF 9V3_VHF_PA_1 9V3 C3402 .254x22.54nH C3438 0.1uF C3445 1000pF L3444 33nH 4.022uF C3418 24pF R3411 6.1uF NU C3439 1uF L3474 12nH D3471 L3477 1.524x8.87VDC K9V1_VHF_PA_1 K9V1 RESET_VHF_PA_1 RESET FECNTL_1_VHF_PA_1 FECNTL_1 FECNTL_2_VHF_PA_1 FECNTL_2 C3428 PCIC_MOSBIAS_1 2200pF R3410 68K R3406 150K PCIC_MOSBIAS_1 C3420 R3416 100 VAR3 RX NA RS VAR1 VLIM VAR2 V5EXT TP3406 1 3.68VDC (28W) R3517 100K PA_PWR_SET_VHF_1 PA_PWR_SET 2.2uH C3472 150pF D3472 C3415 C3416 .22nH C3455 56pF L3433 12.2uH C3488 150pF NU L3494 51nH C3490 36pF C3489 130pF C3407 2200pF R3436 120 R3437 120 C3458 .905x29.953x8.022uF R3417 5.20VDC (28W) TP3402 Q3502 R3508 680 R3506 680 R3505 680 C3508 2200pF R3512 100K C3478 2200pF R3504 1K Q3473 NU R3477 43 NU R3476 220 NU C3501 2200pF VOUT 1 R3511 100K 9V3 R3510 20K R3502 39K 1 RFIN 2 C3502 2200pF 3 T1 CI 4 INT 5 CJ 6 VL 7 CL 8 GND1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 C3505 1uF 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 9V3 C3506 2200pF GND2 CLK BPOS DATA CEX TEMP RSET ANO U3501 H99S-4 V45 VG V10 CQX CQ Q QX F168 GND 3 U3502 LM50 C3507 100pF R3503 1K C3504 2200pF 3.90VDC MOSBIAS_2_VHF_PA_1 R3404 MOSBIAS_2 10K C3424 R3419 20 0.65VDC (28W) C3503 2200pF R3518 10K NU TEMPSENSE_CNTLR_1 TEMPSENSE Figure 4-24.022uF 2200pF C3423 1uF NU A+ L3422 16.6K NU L3471 1.763 1.77nH C3435 2200pF R3431 51 R3432 51 TP3407 2.685 C3449 36pF C3467 82pF L3445 18nH R3458 0 C3468 18pF NU C3452 68pF R3461 62 Spacing: 0.8K CNTLVLTG_VHF_PA_1 CNTLVLTG R3413 3.022uF 2 1 R3471 470 9V3 VR3471 3 R3474 51 R3473 51 R3463 15K C3466 1000pF C3474 RXIN_VHF_PA_1 RXIN 1000pF C3473 150pF TP3404 C3475 18pF C3410 .77VDC (50W) 2.45VDC (50W) 5.1uF R3414 820 Q3471 Q3472 1 8.90VDC 82pF R3415 100 RT3471 50K NU CLK C3509 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 9V3 CLK_VHF_PA_1 DATA_VHF_PA_1 DATA CSX 9V3 CSX_VHF_PA_1 R3509 10K R3408 150K C3425 1uF R3409 4.8K NU L3413 27nH R3442 10 L3442 57R01 TP3403 R3453 820K C3460 0.751 C3443 220pF C3444 220pF R3441 51 L3441 30nH C3447 56pF C3459 C3448 100pF 36pF 9V3 L3476 R3460 L3475 120nH 0 150nH NU D3452 C3491 16pF NU C3465 1000pF C3494 47pF L3491 51nH L3492 51nH R3490 47K J3401 L3493 51nH C3496 43pF R3457 43 C3414 2200pF C3464 11pF R3464 0 L3472 48nH C3413 .77VDC (50W) 2.01uF 4 GND1 5 GND2 12 GND3 13 GND4 470 2200pF TP3401 U3401 16 TXINJ_VHF_PA_1 R3402 C3401 1 6 TXINJ RFIN RFOUT1 14 VD1 RFOUT2 7 43 2200pF 1 VCNTRL VG1 2 11 VG2 3 G2 R3403 R3401 5105109Z67: 0 to 5dBm 9 130 130 NC1 10 NC2 R3405 15 NC3 100 8 NC4 C3408 18pF C3417 2200pF L3412 L3414 33nH 4.77nH D C3450 68pF C3451 18pF R3459 0 NU C3453 10pF NU D3451 S1 S2 S3 S4 G C3433 10pF 1.254x23.96nH C3431 180pF C3430 Q3421 5105385Y70: 33pF C3429 20pF NU C3434 1uF L3423 12.70 .696 Q3431 MRF5015 C3442 390pF G1 G2 G3 G4 Q3441 C3446 MRF247 56pF R3443 1MEG R3444 1MEG 1. 2nF 24pF 82pF 10nF 1nF 68pF 1uF 2.8pF 20pF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 22nF 10nF 22nF 7.8pF 10nF 5.2nF 2.7uF 100nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10uF 22pF 100nF 100nF 2.2nF 18pF 2.5pF 56pF 100pF 43pF 10pF 10pF 82pF 10nF 5.2uF 2.2uF 2.6pF 68pF 18pF 1nF 2.1pF 10nF 15pF 16pF 15pF 33pF 100nF 27pF 100nF 82pF 18pF 22pF 100nF 100nF 0.1pF 3.5pF 6.1uF 39nF 39nF 10uF 100nF 33pF 30pF 39nF 2.2nF 1nF 1nF 2. VHF (136-174MHz) Radio Parts List Circuit Ref C3143 C3144 C3145 C3146 C3147 C3151 C3152 C3155 C3202 C3203 C3205 C3206 C3207 C3208 C3209 C3210 C3211 C3212 C3213 C3214 C3214 C3221 C3222 C3224 C3225 C3226 C3227 C3228 C3231 C3232 C3233 C3234 C3242 C3243 C3244 C3245 C3246 C3252 C3253 C3254 C3255 C3261 C3262 C3263 C3302 C3303 C3306 C3311 C3314 C3315 C3316 Motorola Part No.7pF 9. 2113741F37 2113740F19 2113740F26 2113741F37 2113740F45 2113740F51 2113740F45 2113741F37 2313741F25 2313741F13 2313741F13 2113741F37 2313741F25 2313740F45 2313740F24 2313740F45 2313740F51 2313740F42 2313741F25 2313741F25 2313740F53 2313740F49 2313740F20 2113740F49 2113740F31 2113740F32 2113740F31 2113740F39 2113743E20 2113740F37 2113743E20 2113740F49 2113740F33 2113740F35 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E11 2113743E11 2113743E20 2311049A57 2113743E20 2113740L30 2113740L29 2113743E11 2311049A40 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E20 3.6pF 1nF 10nF 100nF 100nF 22nF 10nF 10nF 100nF 1nF 3.7uF 100nF 2.2uF 100nF 18nF 2.1uF . 2113740F53 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113741F41 2113743E20 2113741F49 2113741F49 2113741F49 2113741F49 2113741F49 2113741F49 2311049A57 2113740F35 2113743E20 2113743E20 2311049A40 2113743E20 2113743E05 2311049A40 2311049A09 2311049A09 2113743E07 2113743E20 0882422W33 2113743E20 2313740F25 2313740F51 2113743E20 2113741F49 2113741F49 2311049A40 2113741F49 2113740F59 2113740F59 2113740F59 2113740F59 2113740F59 2313741F25 2311049A56 2113743E20 2311049A40 2313740L38 2313740F61 2313740F07 2113740F23 2113741F49 2113740F20 2113743E07 2113740F23 2113740F31 2113740F15 120pF 100nF 100nF 4.01uF 1uF 1nF 390F Description Circuit Ref C3000 C3001 C3002 C3003 C3004 C3005 C3006 C3007 C3008 C3009 C3010 C3011 C3012 C3013 C3014 C3015 C3016 C3017 C3019 C3020 C3021 C3022 C3033 C3034 C3035 C3101 C3102 C3103 C3104 C3110 C3111 C3112 C3114 C3115 C3116 C3121 C3122 C3123 C3132 C3133 C3134 C3135 C3136 C3137 C3138 C3139 C3140 C3141 C3142 Motorola Part No.1pF 22nF 6. 2113740F39 2113740F21 2113741F25 2113741F49 2113743E20 2113743E20 2113743E07 2113741F49 2311041F49 2113743E20 2113741F25 2113740L05 2113740F09 2113740L25 2311041F49 2311041F49 2311041F49 2311041F49 2113743E07 2311041F49 2113743E07 2113740F24 2113741F25 2113740F21 2113740F47 2113740F33 2113741F25 2113741F33 2113741F33 2113743E07 2113741F33 2113740A79 2113740A79 2113741F33 2113740F33 2113741F33 2113743E07 2113743E07 2113741F33 2113743E07 2113741F33 2113743E07 2113741F33 2113741F33 2113740F36 2113740F49 2113741A45 2113740A79 2113741A45 2113928E01 2113741F33 33pF 5.2pF 100pF 100nF 10nF 10nF 2.2nF 2.2uF 22nF 100nF 1uF 100nF 8.0pF 1.2uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF Description 1nF 56pF 56pF 56pF 56pF 68pF 36pF 68pF 56pF 1nF 1nF 10nF 82pF 100nF 2.2nF 2.2nF 22nF 22nF 2.2nF 22nF 2.2uF 10nF 220pF 220pF 220pF 220pF 220pF 1nF 4.2nF 2.3pF Description Circuit Ref C3317 C3318 C3319 C3324 C3332 C3333 C3334 C3335 C3336 C3337 C3341 C3342 C3344 C3345 C3346 C3347 C3348 C3351 C3352 C3355 C3356 C3357 C3361 C3362 C3363 C3364 C3365 C3400 C3401 C3402 C3404 C3405 C3406 C3407 C3408 C3409 C3410 C3411 C3412 C3413 C3414 C3415 C3416 C3417 C3418 C3420 C3421 C3422 C3424 C3425 C3426 Motorola Part No.3nF 56pF 100pF 56pF 3.2nF . 2113741F33 2113740A41 2113740A61 2113740A53 2113740A29 2113741A45 2113741F33 2113741A45 2113741M69 2113741W01 2113741M69 2113740A79 2111078B57 2111078B51 2111078B51 2113740A79 2180464E50 2180464E50 2111078B36 2111078B36 2111078B38 2111078B31 2111078B38 2111078B36 2113740A79 2113740A79 2113741A45 2180464E20 2113743E20 2113741F33 2113740F28 2113740A79 2113740A79 2111078B37 2113743E07 2111078B47 2111078B47 2113740A79 2113741F33 2113741F33 2111078B45 2111078B31 2111078B59 2111078B34 2111078B33 2111078B21 2111078B34 2113741F33 2113741F33 2113741F33 2113741F33 2.5pF 1nF 5.3nF 10pF 56pF 7.8pF 15pF 3.2nF 11pF 1nF 1nF 62pF 22nF 150pF 150pF 1nF 18pF 18pF 130pF 36pF 470pF 47pF 43pF 20pF 47pF 2.2nF 10uF 0.4-39 Table 4-5.2nF 2.2nF 33pF 82pF 220pF 10pF 10nF 2.2nF 22nF 2.3nF 4.2nF 22nF 2.2uF 68pF 270pF 1.2nF Description Circuit Ref C3428 C3430 C3431 C3432 C3433 C3434 C3435 C3436 C3437 C3439 C3440 C3441 C3442 C3443 C3444 C3445 C3446 C3447 C3448 C3449 C3450 C3451 C3452 C3455 C3456 C3457 C3458 C3459 C3460 C3461 C3464 C3465 C3466 C3467 C3471 C3472 C3473 C3474 C3475 C3478 C3489 C3490 C3492 C3494 C3496 C3497 C3498 C3501 C3502 C3503 C3504 Motorola Part No.3nF 10pF 330pF 330pF 3. 2nF 2. 455kHz Filter. 44.2uH 51nH 51nH 51nH 51nH NPN PNP NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN Dual NPN/PNP RF LDMOS MOS Circuit Ref Q3441 Q3471 Q3472 Q3501 Q3502 R3000 R3001 R3002 R3003 R3004 R3006 R3007 R3008 R3009 R3010 R3011 R3012 R3013 R3014 R3015 R3016 R3017 R3018 R3019 R3021 R3031 R3033 R3101 R3102 R3105 R3106 R3107 R3108 R3111 R3112 R3115 R3116 R3117 R3118 R3130 R3132 R3133 R3134 R3135 R3144 R3145 R3146 R3147 R3151 R3152 R3153 Motorola Part No.2nF 100pF 2.2uH 48nH 1. Hot Carrier Diode. 2462587V15 2462587Q47 2484562T13 2462587N56 2462587N68 2460591N68 2484562T18 2462587N68 2462587N50 2462587N51 2462587N50 2462587N68 2462587X48 2484657R01 2462587T13 2462587T13 2462587X47 2462587X46 2460591A01 2462587R01 2460591C73 2460591B73 2462587R01 2460591F77 2460591B73 2460591E77 2462587R01 2462587R01 2460591X03 2460591X01 2462587X69 2460591X05 2462587X69 2462587N42 2462587N55 2462587X69 2460591B01 2460591B01 2460591B01 2460591B01 4813827A07 4813824A17 4813827A07 4813827A07 4880048M01 4880048M01 4813827A07 4802245J50 4805218N63 5105385Y70 4805537W01 Description 100nH 1uH 8nH 180nH 1uH 1uH 35.85MHz Filter.2uH 18nH 100nH 33nH 100nH 68nH Circuit Ref L3332 L3333 L3341 L3343 L3344 L3345 L3346 L3351 L3361 L3362 L3363 L3364 L3401 L3402 L3403 L3411 L3412 L3413 L3414 L3421 L3422 L3423 L3431 L3432 L3433 L3441 L3442 L3443 L3444 L3445 L3471 L3472 L3473 L3474 L3475 L3477 L3491 L3492 L3493 L3494 Q3001 Q3002 Q3101 Q3102 Q3151 Q3152 Q3301 Q3303 Q3304 Q3421 Q3431 Motorola Part No.2uH 12nH 150nH 1.5nH 12. Pin Crystal Filter.5nH 1uH 56nH 68nH 56nH 1uH 39nH Ferrite Bead 68nH 68nH 33nH 27nH 4. Pin Diode. 44. 455kHz Filter. 455kHz Filter.77nH 30nH Ferrite Bead Ferrite Bead nH nH 1.22nH Ferrite Bead 100nH 100nH Ferrite Bead 35.4-40 Circuit Ref C3505 C3506 C3507 C3508 C3509 C3510 CR3301 CR3302 CR3303 CR411 CR412 CR413 CR440 CR501 CR503 D3000 D3001 D3003 D3004 D3031 D3101 D3201 D3261 D3341 D3361 D3362 D3451 D3452 D3471 D3472 FL3101 FL3102 FL3111 FL3112 FL3114 FL3115 L3002 L3025 L3032 L3100 L3101 L3111 L3112 L3201 L3231 L3301 L3302 L3317 L3318 L3331 Motorola Part No. 0662057A73 0662057A17 0662057A17 0662057A17 0662057B47 0662057A55 0662057A49 0662057A25 0662057A97 0680539A25 0662057B47 0662057B05 0662057B10 0662057B02 0662057A22 0662057A25 0662057A57 0662057A49 0662057B47 0662057A25 0662057B47 0662057A09 0662057A73 0662057A49 0662057A17 0662057A13 0662057A77 0662057A33 0662057A15 0662057A25 0662057A80 0662057A75 0662057A97 0662057B02 0662057A80 0662057A75 0662057A33 0662057A17 0662057A87 0662057A57 0662057A41 0662057A28 0662057A16 0662057A28 0662057A73 0662057A25 0662057B02 0662057B02 0662057A73 0662057A67 0662057A61 10K 47 47 47 0 1K 1K 100 100K 100 0 200K 330K 150K 75 100 2K 1K 0 100 0 22 10K 1K 47 33 15K 220 39 100 20K 12K 100K 150 20K 12K 220 47 39K 2K 470 130 43 130 10K 100 150K 150K 10K 5K 3K Description .2nF 100nF Ring Quad Diode SMBV1032 Dual Common Anode Cathode Schottky Diode Schottky Diode Schottky Diode Dual Diode Common Cathode Rectifier LED Red/Yel Diode Dual Varactor Diode Dual Varactor Diode Mixer Triple Diode Triple Diode Varactor Dual Varactor Dual Varactor Varactor Diode. Hot Carrier Diode. 455kHz 470nH 150uH 150uH 390nH 620uH 620nH 620nH 390nH 2. 2311049A07 2113741F33 2113740F51 2113741F33 2113741F33 2113743E20 4802245J42 4805129M96 4880154K03 4802245J47 4802245J47 4802245J47 4813833C02 4880107R01 4805729G49 4813833C02 4805649Q13 4880154K03 4805649Q13 4886143B01 4880154K03 4802233J09 4802245J22 4805649Q13 4805649Q13 4862824C01 4882290T02 4882290T02 4802482J02 4802482J02 9180112R16 9180112R16 9180469V04 9180469V06 9180469V06 9180469V03 2462587T23 2462587T17 2462587T17 2462587T22 2462587T25 2462587T25 2462587T25 2462587T23 2462587Q42 2462587N44 2462587N53 2462587V28 2462587V34 2462587H32 Description 1uF 2. 4884411L04 480048M01 4805128M27 4813824A17 4813824A10 0662057A53 0662057A97 0662057A43 0662057A49 0662057A53 0662057A39 0662057A12 0662057A37 0662057A97 0662057A45 0662057A65 0662057A49 0662057A61 0662057A18 0662057A01 0662057A29 0662057A29 0662057A09 0662057A89 0662057A43 0662057A18 0662057B47 0662057A75 0662057A01 0662057A25 0662057A83 0662057A69 0662057A44 0662057A75 0662057A01 0662057A39 0662057A37 0662057A83 0662057A69 0662057A18 0662057A77 0662057A71 0662057A73 0662057A51 0662057A58 0662057A61 0662057A45 0662057A75 0662057A73 0662057A73 0662057A73 Description RF Power NPN PNP PNP NPN 1K 100K 560 1K 1K 390K 30 390 100K 680 4K 1K 3K 51 10 150 150 22 47K 560 51 0 12K 10 100 27K 6K 620 12K 10 390 330 27K 6K 51 15K 8K 10K 1K 2K 3K 680 12K 10K 10K 10K Circuit Ref R3154 R3201 R3203 R3204 R3211 R3221 R3222 R3223 R3227 R3241 R3242 R3251 R3252 R3261 R3301 R3302 R3303 R3304 R3308 R3311 R3316 R3318 R3321 R3323 R3331 R3335 R3336 R3341 R3342 R3343 R3351 R3352 R3353 R3354 R3355 R3356 R3361 R3362 R3363 R3364 R3400 R3401 R3402 R3403 R3404 R3405 R3406 R3408 R3410 R3412 R3413 Motorola Part No.85MHz Crystal Filter. 0662057T71 0662057A25 0662057A25 0662057C34 0662057K21 0662057K21 0662057M18 0662057M18 0662057C45 0662057C45 0662057C45 0662057T51 0662057T51 0662057M18 0662057C27 0662057D48 0662057D48 0662057B20 0662057A93 0662057M16 0662057C01 0662057M20 0662057A87 0662057D04 0662057C01 0662057A41 0662057M18 0662057M18 0662057A73 0662057A89 0662057A69 0662057A87 0662057A49 0662057A49 0662057C71 0662057C71 0662057C71 0662057C71 0662057A73 0662057A80 0662057A97 0662057A97 0662057A69 0662057A69 0662057A69 0662057A69 0662057A97 2508396X02 2508397X02 5186144B01 5113805A86 820 100 100 20 68 68 51 51 56 56 56 120 120 51 10 1M 1M 820K 68K Description Circuit Ref Motorola Part No.4-41 Circuit Ref R3414 R3415 R3416 R3419 R3424 R3425 R3431 R3432 R3433 R3434 R3435 R3436 R3437 R3441 R3442 R3443 R3444 R3453 R3455 R3457 R3460 R3461 R3462 R3463 R3464 R3471 R3473 R3474 R3475 R3490 R3501 R3502 R3503 R3504 R3505 R3506 R3507 R3508 R3509 R3510 R3511 R3512 R3513 R3514 R3515 R3516 R3517 T3001 T3002 U3101 U3111 Motorola Part No. 16.8MHz * Motorola Depot Servicing only 0 62 39K 15K 0 470 51 51 10K 47K 6K 39K 1K 1K 680 680 680 680 10K 20K 100K 100K 6K 6K 6K 6K 100K Transformer Transformer SA616 Quad Analog Mux/Demux . 5.6V T3001 2508396X02 Transformer T3002 2508396X02 Transformer Y3101 4880606B09 Crystal Oscillator.85MHz Y3261 4880114R04 Crystal Oscillator.395MHz Y3102 9186145B02 Crystal Filter. 44. Description U3115 5113805A86 Quad Analog Mux/Demux U3201 5185963A27 Ground Fault Protection U3211 5185963A33 Voltage Regulator U3301 5105750U54 VCO Buffer U3401 5105109Z67 LDMOS UHF/VHF Driver U3501 5105750U54 Power Control U3502 5185963A15 Temperature Sensor VR3471 4813830A15 Diode. 45. 4-42 This page intentionally left blank . CDM™ and PRO SERIES™ Mobile Radios contact control C A. © 1999 Motorola. Motorola. Printed in USA. CDM Series and CDM Model numbers. All rights reserved. *6881091C63* 68P81091C63-O . Inc. Professional Radio. PRO Series and PRO Series Model numbers are trademarks of Motorola.
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