Manual de Operacion de Corte Cnc

March 29, 2018 | Author: Ras Michel Nava | Category: Numerical Control, Computer File, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Manufactured Goods, Mechanical Engineering



Please Read the Operator Manual Before OperatingHoneybee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Operator Manual Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry CNC Equipment Co.,Ltd Oct. 2010 Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Preface Dear Customers, Thanks for choosing Honeybee products. z This book is Operator Manual for Honeybee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine produced by Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry CNC Equipment Co.,Ltd. z For correct and safe operation of this machine without malfunction, please read this Operator Manual carefully. z The Operator Manual content may be different with the product because of products upgrading. The recorded pictures are printed ones, it also may be different with the real product. z z Please keep the Operator Manual for check whenever you need. If you have questions about the Operator Manual, please contact our dealers, contact us directly, or visit our website. We will try our best to solve your problems. z This Manual is given to the machine users. Dalian Huarui Heavy Industry CNC Equipment reserved the copyright. Reproduction of this work, in whole or in part, without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Contact: Add: No.666, Xinshuini Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China P.C 116033 Website: Tel: +86 411 85865100 Fax: +86 411 85866100 After-sale service: +86 411 85867100 E-mail:[email protected] -2- Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Table of Contents CHAPTER I SAFETY AND OPERATION RULES .............................................................................4 CHAPTER II OUTLINE ...................................................................................................................8 1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................8 2 MODEL...................................................................................................................................9 3 INTRODUCTION OF OPERATION BUTTON ...........................................................................10 4 CONTROL BOX AND COMPONENTS .......................................................................................10 CHAPTER III OPERATION .............................................................................................................12 1 SYSTEM OPERATION INTERFACE .......................................................................................12 2 CNC SYSTEM START ...........................................................................................................12 3 SIMPLE OPERATION PROCEDURE .......................................................................................17 CHAPTER IV SYSTEM MENU INTRODUCTION ................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1 START.................................................................................................................................20 2 WINDOWS DISPLAY LAYER .................................................................................................20 3 MENU DETAIL INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................21 3.1 GRAPHICS .......................................................................................................................21 3.2 FILES.............................................................................................................................22 3.3 PARTS OPTIONS .............................................................................................................24 3.4 PARAMETER SET .............................................................................................................25 3.5 GRAPHICS DISPLAY AND STEEL PLATE DISPLAY .......................................................26 3.6 CUTTING MODE ...............................................................................................................27 3.7 DISPLAY KERF CONPENSATION ROUTE .........................................................................27 3.8 CNC CLEAR .....................................................................................................................27 3.9 START CUTTING .............................................................................................................27 3.10 STOP.............................................................................................................................27 3.11 MENUS UNDER MANUAL MODE .......................................................................................28 CHAPTER V USUAL CUTTING CODE ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 1 CODE MEANING ...................................................................................................................31 2 EXAMPLES ...........................................................................................................................31 CHAPTER VI MALFUNCTION AND TROUBLE SHOOTING .................................................................32 CHAPTER VII MACHINE MAINTENANCE ...........................................................................................33 CHAPTER VIII CUTTING PARAMETER FORMS(FOR REFERNCE ONLY) ...........................................35 1 OXY-FUEL CUTTING PARAMETER .......................................................................................35 1.1 OXYGEN CUTTING,NO.102(KOIKE COMMON NOZZLE) ...................................................35 1.2 OXYGEN CUTTING,NO.102D5(KOIKE SPEED NOZZLE) .................................................35 1.3 OXYGEN CUTTING, NO.102D7(KOIKE SPEED NOZZLE) ...............................................36 1.4 OXYGEN CUTTING, NO.308(GENTEC NOZZLE) .............................................................37 2 OXYGEN-PROPANE AUTO AND SEMI-AUTO GAS CUTTING ...................................................37 APPENDIX I TRANSVERSAL AND LONGITUDINAL AUTO ADJUST 90° ......... 错误!未定义书签。 -3- PREVENT FIRE ACCIDENT ● Cutting machines use flammable gas such as propane. ● DO NOT CHECK WIRES OR CHANGE ELECTRIC COMPONENTS WHEN POWER ON. acethyne. SHOCK PREVETION ●POWER SUPPLY FOR THE MACHINE: 220V AC ●DO NOT TOUCH ANY ELECTRIC COMPONENTS IN THE ELECTRIC BOX WHEN THE MACHINE POWER ON OR MACHINE RUNNING. LPG. ● THE QUALIFIED REPAIRING TECHNICIAN SHOULD CHECK THE MACHINE STRICTLY ONLY ACCORDING TO THE ELECTRIC REPAIRING REQUIRMENTS TO PREVENT ACCIDENT. OTHERWISE IT WILL CAUSE POWER SHOCK.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine CHAPTER I SAFETY AND OPERATION RULES I. SAFETY 1. ● DO NOT OPERATE ANY BUTTONS BY WET HANDS TO PREVENT POWER SHOCK.OTHERWISE IT WILL CAUSE POWER SHOCK OR INJURY. Check regularly that the gas route are sealed well. ●DO NOT TOUCH TORCH OR COMPONENTS WHEN OPERATING PLASMA CUTTING. 2. -4- . ● Operator should control when regulate the flame to prevent fire accident. 4. ● Oil stain is not premitted on the oxygen pipes. machine repairing technician should make sure the machine is stopped and the warning board should be displayed when repair the machine. ●To prevent sudden running and accident. -5- . The related fire-extinguishing installation distinguisher should be placed at side. ● Suggest users to add back fire arrester between gas resource interface and gas pipes. ●After every cutting finished. EARTHING SAFETY ●Ensure power supply earthing wire is grounding. torch should be adjusted to the highest position to prevent torch touch steel plate and collision. 3. PREVENT INJURY ● Watch if there is people or any object when machine running.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine ● Gas resource of the cutting machine should be away from flame. ( Back fire arrester life is one year and it should be replaced in time. ●Do not touch radiator or other heated components by hand after machine running for long time. (10)Turn off all the gas and air valves and release all the remained gas in the pipes before turn off the machine. (6) Make the machine running at zero load before cutting to avoid damage to equipment and products. (4)Check and don’t turn on the machine if there is any gas leak from pipes. Operation Rules (1)Check if your voltage is same as the rated voltage on the nameplate. (7) Operator can’t leave his working position at random and the non-operator can’t turn on the machine. II. (5) Check and remove the barriers if there is any barriers on the work table and guide rails after turn on the machine. (2)Please use the plasma power soruceh which has groundingprotection to ensure security. (3)Replace the damaged power cable if any. -6- . (8) Press the red emergency stop or the power switch if any emergency happen.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine ●Make earthing device and wires are all grounding. (9) Only professional person maintenance or repair the cnc cutting machine. ● Avoid strike and crash when hoist the cutting machine. Otherwise it will cause malfunction. (14) External wire connection and gas pipes connetction ● Layout the power connection and pipes arrange strictly according to the regulation. (13) Move and Installation ● Remove the cnc controller before moving the machineandensure it is not shocked.Other people are prohibited to operate it. then the power supply and gas supply should be connected strictly according to the requirments of plasma power sources manufacturer. (12) Record the malfunction if any happened. Remark:Only the trained opearator can operate the machine. ● If has plasma power source.move the torch in proper position to ensure balance. (15)Don’t change related parameters of the machine.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine (11) Cut off the power supply and gas supply quickly if find the pipes back-fire. -7- . (16) The machine installation place should be away from big press machine or other machines which will cause shaking. ensure the wires and pipes have suitable length. guide rail device. threw off the CNC tech binding. machinery and pressure vessels industries for steel plates cutting. The machine body is composed of cross beam. Any computers can be connected to Printer Type CNC cutting -8- . torch and gas pipe cabinet. easy operate and maintenance. It enjoys functions of Gantry CNC Cutting Machine and price of Portable CNC Cutting Machine. cut all kinds of complex spare parts. It is applicable in ship building. engineering machinery. it is used for steel plate cutting. easy operation and simple maintenance. petrol equipments.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine CHAPTER II OUTLINE 1 Product Introduction Bigbee CNC Cutting Machine is cost-saving. driven system. Bigbee CNC Cutting Machine is composed of machine body. power generation equipments. positive driven trolley. which satisfied kinds of requirements. servo system. mining machinery. building machinery. Power control box System Cross beam Torch Follower driven trolley Positive driven trolley Picture 2-1 Overall Picture of Bigbee Guide rails Technical Features of Bigbee CNC Cuttign Machine: 1)Like a printer. follower driven trolley. etc. It can set preheat modes. 4)Volume-produce. cutting line and kerf compensation for high quality and unique cutting regardless of oxy-fuel or plasma cutting. 2 Model Description Bigbee CNC Cutting Machine has three models: HBB-I HBB-II HBB-III Specification is as below: Bigbee has three standard specifications Model I:HBBI—3 x 6 x 1 (guide rail can be extended) Track span and guide rail: 3x6 mtrs. production conformity and high reliability. one plasma torch and one flame torch -9- .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine machine and cut on steel plate provided it has Windows system. one flame torch Model II:HBBII—3 x 6 x 1A (guide rail can be extended) Track span and guide rail: 3x6 mtrs. low cost. 2)Cross beam can adjust precision automatically and keep 90° with guide rail at every starting. cutting acceleration-deceleration methods. one plasma torch Model III:HBBIII—3 x 6 x 1 +1A(guide rail can be extended) Track span and guide rail: 3x6 mtrs. Honeybee VUP CNC system includes all the functions of cutting. 3)Guide rail is made of bearing steel under heat treatment. pierce modes. precise grinding and chromate treatment. As picture 2-2 shows. the components in the Power Control Box. ·General Power Switch: Gerneral Power on/off. Picture 2-2 4 Machine Power Control Box and Components As picture 2-3 shows.10 - .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine 3 Machine Operation Buttons and Functions ·Emergency Stop:stop machine when power is still on. ④ ① ② ⑧ ③ ⑨ ⑤ Picture 2-3 ⑥ ⑦ ①Servo Driver ② I/O Control Board ③ Power Supply Box ④Controller ⑤Terminals and Connection Wires . the other is General Power Switch. the upper one is Emergency Stop Button. Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine ⑥ Power Supply Socket ⑦ Air Switch ⑧ Emergency Stop Button ⑨ General Power Supply Switch Picture 2-4 and 2-5 are VUP system control panel instruction Display Emergency stop On and Off Mouse Keyboard Direction Gas and IO Control Menu Back Number Function Torch Control Picture 2-4 .11 - . 12 - .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine System Connection Wire USB Interface Picture 2-5 CHAPTER III 1 System Operation Interface OPERATION As picture 3-1 shows. Normally. . after turn on the machine. display cutting running situation. the cnc system operation interface: Work Display Running Control Observe Cut Control and Cutting Data Display Menu and Control Scroll bar of observe area Picture 3-1 Work Display area: Cutting drawing display. . as picture 3-1 If can’t enter system operation automatically.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine the CNC system start interface displays the last cutting. and observe output (4/4). If showed picture 3-3 and 3-4. auto enter system operation inerface. Chapter VI will introduce i n detail every menu's function. Menu area: Execute the functions of all menus. Click on the in the scroll bar of observe area can shift between difference interfaces. as picture 3-2 shows: Picture 3-2 Click on this file twice.13 - . enter MY COMPUTER. D:\Vup file and click file. observe situation (3/4). Observe area: has four situation display: observe input(1/4). cutting speed and kerf compensation. enter system operation interface. and cutting buttons (2/4) as picture 3-1 shows. please check if the system wire connection is loose. Cutting data display: the display and setting of system cutting mode. 2 CNC System Start Turn on the machine and enter WINXP interface. it means communication is abnormal. status displayed on the top left of the interface. As picture 3-5 shows: .14 - .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Picture 3-3 Picture 3-4 After enter system operation interface. If it shows red or yellow light. Please contact us if it is broken. then check if the connection wire of back Strong Power Box is broken.15 - . please change system file as following procedures: First. click right key of mouse and choose “Properties”. If it is ok. as picture 3-6 shows: Picture 3-6 . choose”My Computer”. If it is turned on.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Picture 3-5 Check if the Emergency Stop Switches on the side of back Strong Power Box is turned on as picture 2-2 and 2-4. If the port display COM3.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Then click “Hardware”----“Equipment Management”---“Port/COM”. then change COMM=X to COMM=3 in the picture. as picture 3-7 Picture 3-7 Ensure the position of USB-TO-SERIAL port. as picture 3-8 shows: Picture 3-8 .16 - .INI file in HONEYCNC file folder. then need t set as following: find HBC. Picture 3-10 is built-in graphics. picture 3-11 is from U disk where user save files.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine 3 Simple Operation Procedures Use computer to make graphics file Load to cnc system by usb Read File Adjust parameter set Flame or plasma cutting Finish Following is a simple operatio procedure of cutting a simple graphics file ·Load File: choose the graphics you want to cut in Graphics Management(picture 3-10) or File Management (picutre 3-11). .17 - . Picture 3-12 Parameter Setting . steel plate dimension and powder mark's deviation distance. all parameters of parts cutting will be set. parts dimension. including parts position.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Picture 3-10 Graphics Management Interface Picture 3-11 File Choose Interface ·Set Parts Parameters: choose " Parameter Set “ (picture 3-4) and "Parts Options" menu. etc. cutting speed.18 - . details are as following (picture 3-14): Click"AUTO" menu. . Picture 3-14 If the start cutting point is not at the bottom left of steel plate. Notice: suggest the operator who are not familiar with the machine press "Simulate" first to avoid lost caused by wrong operation. · Cutting: Click on "START CUTTING" menu to begin cutting. it means step moving. then enter into manual situation.19 - . bottom left has" LOCK". if shows"MANUAL". ·Move: Move the cutting machine to the start point of cutting. · Function Test (optional): Ignition or arc pilot test. Press "cutting mode" menu one time. This system has three cutting modes: Oxy-fuel. will change one cutting model until select the wanted cutting mode. it can lock movement. If without"LOCK". Plasma or Simulate.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Picture 3-13 Part/Shape Option · Set Cutting Mode: choose cutting mode. refer to Chapter VI Re-plan and leave margin function adjusting. F6· Cut Mode:Shift among oxy-fuel. F5· Show Part: Shift between steel plate and parts. edge distance and kerf compensation path. F7· Display cutting drawing kerf compensation path. F4· Setup: Set parts cutting parameter and system parameters. as picture Graphic Administration 4-2。 F2· Files: Choose drawing in the available files. 2 Windows Display Layers Layers diagram of every level menu as picture 4-2 . as picture 4-4 Picture 4-1 Start menu F1·Shapes: Choose drawing in the library. F3· Parts Options: Set parts ratio.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine CHAPTER IV SYSTEM MENU INTRODUCTION 1 Start Enter system. F8· Zero Position: Clear the operated coordinate track. F10· Stop: Stop running. revolve angle. see the menu on the bottom of inteface. plasma and demo cutting modes. F9· Start: Cutting running control button.20 - . 1 Graphics Management Graphics Management interface is as picture 4-2。It has some simple graphics for operator use: Picture 4-2 Graphic Management .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Picture 4-2 Menu layers diagram 3 Menu Detail Introduction 3.21 - . ·Code Edit: cutting G code edit. copy.22 - .as picture4-3。 Graphic G Codes Edit Display Picture 4-3 G Code Edit ·Upgrade Macro: Add new graphics in built-in graphics library. 3. . choose.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine ·Graphics Macro: Display graphics library.2 File Management As picture 4-4,it is File Management inteface which is important and can do the operation of cutting file input. etc. delete. 4-6 Picture 4-5 Choose file source----BROWSER----choose U disk.23 - . copy the file to wanted file folder. .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Picture 4-4 File Manangement Input method as pictures 4-5. it means zoom out. it can be adjusted ratio.3 Parts Options Parts Options inteface as picture 4-6.revolved angle. if smaller than 0.24 - . Revolve angle.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Picture 4-6 User also can copy the file in U disk directly to D:\HONYCNC\part list 3.adjusted steel plates begin points and compensated kerf. Picture 4-6 Parts Option If Ratio multiple is bigger than 0.Mirror image: can revolve the graphics at many angles and directions. means zoom in. . It can only be operated by professional technicians. (The machine cannot work normally if changed this parameter). etc. z Diagnosis:It can only be operated by professional technicians. z z Watch:Observe system I/O .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Re-plan. Picture 4-7 Re-plan and Keep Margin 3.include the input.25 - . alarm and manual output. . It is time –waste and not accurate. and the drift distance of Mark torch. z z Process:Set the cutting parameters for any cutting mode except for Cutting Menus. Password/system adjust: adjust for the system inner. Software User:Set the CNC system. professional technicians z Disable Control:Control the signal of the Enable. we need to adjust begin point manually. Operate and test for the system information.4 Parameter Setting Parameter setting menu is as picture 4-8。 Picture 4-8 z “Parameter Set” Menu Cut:Set the cut parameters. Such as Steel size. Keep Margin: If the graphics we want to cut is not on the postion of begin point of the steel plate. The function of Re-plan and keep margin can automatically adjust the positions of cutting graphics and steel plate. as picture 4-7. cut and mark speed . Status. General operator is not suggested to know this item. including recognizable file type and Chinese-English shift. I/O port、Port、Alarm state、Keyboard. output . 26 - .5 Shift Between Display Overall Graphics and Display Steel Plate Display Overall Graphic:as picture 4-9. Display Steel Plate:as picture 4-10。 Picture 4-9 Show Overall Graphic Pictre 4-10 Display Steel Plate .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine 3. 3.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine 3.the trace of machine and travel distance coordinate will be deleted. If we set torch kerf compensation is 10mm. line is kerf compensation. we can see it clearly: Set the Kerf width Picture 4-11 Display Kerf Compensation Path 3.6 Cuttign Mode Shift among flame cutting. Suggest the operator choose simulation first to have a preview of the cutting. The green line is cutting path.9 Start Cutting Press this button and start to cut for machine after the parameters and cut mode are set. plasma cutting and simulation. 3. If there is abnormal during cutting.27 - .7 Display Kerf Compensation Path Display kerf compensation path as picture 4-11.10 Stop The button for stop the cutting movement. .8 CNC Clearing Do not exit the CNC system. Move Distance: User can set coordinate to move to the position you want. If steel plate is not put upright. can’t pierce the steel plate. z Picture 4-12 z Manual Option: Used for correct steel plate straightness. cutting graphics angle can be adjusted. Press F5 as picture 4-13 . back to coordinate original point. as picture 4-12. steel plate straightness will be displayed.) 3. etc. cutting path is wrong.28 - .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine press this button to stop cutting (for example.11 z Menu Introduction Under Manual Mode Back to Start Point: used for find start point. which can save materials. Choose F3 Manual Option. Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Picture 4-13 The inteface displays angular point 1. As picture 4-14 Picture 4-14 Move torch to left bottom of the steel plate.29 - . press F1 Angular Point 1 as picture 4-15 . angular point 2. Put Upright. etc. 30 - . press F2 Angular Point 2.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Picture 4-15 Move torch over 500mm according to steel plate direction. then press F5 Put Uprigh as picture 4-16 Picture 4-16 . Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine Press F8--OK. the cutting graphic will revolve according to steel plate angle. click OK. include normal..Y). Picture 4-17 z z z z Axis Back to Zero: make the machine transversal and longitudinal axis back to absolute zero point. M07 Open order .. Means the starting point of Programming G01 X...Y) G00 X. I. I. CHAPTER V USUALLY USED CUTTING CODES 1 Codes Meaning G91 Means the programming coordinate is the Relative Coordinate G90 Means the programming coordinate is the Absolute Coordinate G92 X.J) G03 X... Click F7 to exit steel plate adjust. G42 Right kerf to direction of motion...Y), Coordinate of circle center to the starting point (I... Quick movement,Coordinate end point(X. J. Rectilinear motion,Coordinate end point(X...31 - ..... Y. As picture 4-17. Y.J) G41 Left kerf to direction of motion. Anti-clockwise Circle,Coordinate end point(X. Change speed: change machine running speed..Y) G02 X.. Y.. Y.. Observe overall graphic: to observe all the graphics position on the steel plate....Coordinate of circle center to the starting point (I.... Clockwise Circle,Coordinate end point(X.. Manual mode: can change manual running mode. step and lock.. G40 Cancel Kerf. Y. J. the system will remind steel plate inclination angle.. 32 - . re-enter cnc system 1 Need restart cnc system after set parameters 2 System keys failure in Winter Low surrounding temp in winter make keys bad contact and failure(except wrong keys) Raise surrounding temp . For example: Sample 1:Square(picture5-1),Lead into place is circle 10。 G91 M07 G41 G01 X110 Y0 G01 X0 Y-100 G01 X-100 Y0 G01 X0 Y110 G40 M08 M02 Picture 5-1 Square Sample 2:Circle(Picture 5-2),Lead into place is circle 10。 G91 M07 G42 G02 X10 Y-10 I0 J-10 G03 X0 Y0 I50 J0 G02 X-10 Y-10 I-10 G40 M08 M02 Picture 5-2 Circle CHAPTER VI TROUBLE SHOOTING Item Malfunction The machine does not work according to the set parameters Reasons Solutions Exit cnc sytem and backto WINDOWS.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine M08 M02 2 Close order Finished the programming. Need Re-install cnc system 7 Failure turn on high voltage oxygen he solenoid valves have to be cleaned by professionals. It usually works in bad circumstance and conditions because cutting metal will cause a lot of dusty. Remark:Pls contact with us and the unskilled person don’t touch it when there are some problems for the machine. repair and maintenance. Strictly make a distinction between machine earth wire and plasma power earth wire. and don’t pointed to the receive port. The plasma power source has high frequency and disturbs the system. Some professional technician should be responsible for machine lubricant. Run out of Battery. The heat dissipation is not good enough in summer. 8 Automatic oxygen failure Replace the electric resistance on the relay panel. and the CNC system is covered by other programming. Change the working conditions. and the electric resistance is broken when there are no problems for button and solenoid valve. Make the air circulation. Carefully check the earth wire and keep the formal state. 6 Can’t find the CNC operate system in Screen. the cnc system is in mess codes or halted System halted in summer. . 4 5 Sudden system halted often Clean the dust on aixs card. long-time working and many dust on axis card. The limited current electric resistance is small. Or the earth wire of plasma power source and machine don’t contact with ground well. and make the system heat dissipation. 9 Operate keyboard (or remote controller) failure Replace the battery. The solenoid valve of the control the high voltage oxygen is block. the wireless keyboard (remote controller) point to the receive unit. System work overtime. CHAPTER VII CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF MACHINE CNC cutting machine has to be cleaned and kept in good conditions. it makes driver failure contact and the system halted he operator installed other programming in system.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine 3 After start plasma power source.33 - . The machine has to be cleaned totally every week. In order to keep in good of lubrication. 2. clean the dust inside cabinet by the vacuum and the blower. III. After work. Check if all drive parts are loose. and if the gear and rack have inosculated. II. 2. replace them if broken. Monthly and Quaterly Care and Maintenance 1. Daily Care and Maintenance 1. 3.34 - .Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine I. checking its sensitivity. the air supply and power have to be closed. whether replacing sonde or not. Check all the cutting torches and holders. gears and racks have to be cleaned and lubricated. and if all pipe straps broken. If there is auto THC device. 3. In case of ano other people operation. And check if the connector lug is loose. 3. Check if the operation plate and fastening screw are loose. you have to pay attention to the rail and rack of the machine if they have lubrication. The power has to shut down if you leave it too long time. Check if all gas-type connectors are loose. . and if the every switch and the manometer is working. Weekly Care and Maintenance 1. To fasten or replace if necessary. 4. clean the garbage of the burning torch in order to keep the burning torch in good condition. Guide rails. 5. To adjust it if necessary. Check if there is dirt on general gas inlet port. Check all the buttons and choosing switches. 2. The dirt of Machine tool has to be cleaned every workday in order to make it keep clean. 5 50 62.5 4.5 3.2 1.7 7.0 3.35 - .5 12.7 3.5 1.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine CHAPTER VIII CUTTING PARAMETER(for reference only) 1 1.2 1.75 2.2 Model 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 Speed(mm/Min) 620 550 525 450 425 350 300 275 254 200 175 150 125 75 50 Kerf(Dia.5 Model 0 0 1 102D5 nozzles cutting parameters Speed(mm/Min) 690 625 575 Kerf(Dia.7 Oxygen cutting.5 19 25 37. 102#(KOIKE common nozzles) Form 6-7 102# nozzles cutting parameters Steel thickness (mm) 6 9.5 12.1 Flame Cutting Oxygen 1.5 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.2 2.75 .25 6. 102D5# (KOIKE speedy nozzles) Form 6-8 Steel thickness (mm) 6 9.5 75 100 125 150 200 254 300 1.0 3. 7 .5 12.7 3.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine 19 25 37.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.7 7.0 3.0 2.0 4.0 3.5 4.5 19 25 37.25 6.3 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 510 480 420 350 300 280 225 210 165 125 90 70 2.5 3.0 4.7 7.5 1.5 50 62.7 Oxygen cutting,102D7# (KOIKE speedy nozzles) Form 6-9 102D7 nozzles cutting parameters Steel thickness (mm) 6 9.2 2.2 1.5 75 100 125 150 200 254 300 1.7 3.75 2.5 50 62.5 4.5 75 100 125 150 200 254 300 Model 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 Speed(mm/Min) 725 675 625 550 500 450 400 350 310 250 225 175 140 100 75 Kerf(Dia.36 - .0 3.2 1.25 6. 0 3.025 0.6 0.7 0. Semi-auto Auto. Semi-auto Auto.0 2.0 1.7 0.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine 1.04 0.6 0.0 Oxygen-Propane Auto and Semi-auto Cutting Form 6-11 Oxygen-Propane Cutting Nozzle No.7 3.035 0.025 0.7 0. Semi-auto Auto. Semi-auto Auto. Semi-auto .5 6 Oxygen Pressure (MPa) 0.025 0.2 1.03 0.04 0.7 Proane Pressure (MPa) 0. (JP-No) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Steel Thickness (mm) 3—10 5—20 20—30 30—50 50—70 75—100 100—150 150—250 250—300 Kerf Width (mm) 1 1.7 0.5 2 2—3 3—4 3—4 5 5. Semi-auto Auto.7 0.5 1. Semi-auto Auto.37 - .308# (Gentec Nozzle) Form 6-10 308 nozzles cutting parameters Steel thickness (mm) 5-10 10-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-150 150-250 250-300 2 Model 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Speed(mm/Min) 800-900 700-800 450-600 400-450 340-400 280-320 200-280 120-180 90-120 Kerf(Dia.04 Cutting Speed (mm/min) 600—700 550—600 450—550 380—450 320—380 250—320 160—250 130—160 100—130 Equipment Used Auto. Semi-auto Auto. Semi-auto Auto.75 2.035 0.4 Oxygen cutting.2 2.7 0. X factory automatically when the machine opened every time. . The Bigbee Printer CNC Cutting Machine set the Automatic back to Zero device. until touch the back zero switch or limited position switch when the Back to Zero operation. This position is regarded as the Zero point of cutting plate.Operator Manual for Bigbee Printer Type CNC Cutting Machine APPENDIX I Adjust 90° for Transverse and longitudinal automatically Back to Zero point can ensure the Zero point position of every axis on the cutting plate.X.38 - . We usually use this Zero piont at the break power protection and break point memory. The machine will adjust the precision of E. The relative CNC axis will automatically move to the Zero point position which is set at the E.factory of machine.
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