Mantra Powers

March 26, 2018 | Author: Chetanya93 | Category: Yoga, Mantra, Enlightenment (Spiritual), Kundalini Yoga, Mental Training



Map OM: 7 levels OM: 7 methods Soham Mantra useHome Yoga cons About Connections Mind Mantra Use Soham Soham Practice Soham Trataka Basics Interactive CDs Meditation Mantra Kundalini Japa / Ajapa-japa Gayatri OM Mantra OM Practice Practices Yoga Sutras Levels Philosophy Karma Fun/Misc. Traditio Lifestyl Mantra and Brain Maharityunjaya Mahavakyas Maranatha Yoga Nidra CD Swami Jnaneshvara 125,000 OM's are on this page! by Swami Jnaneshvara Bharati (See the Om Mantra Article) (more fun) It is said that 125,000 recitations of a mantra will bring mantra siddhi, the realization of a notable level of benefit from the mantra. While this web page is created in a spirit of playfulness, who knows, it might just have an effect to scroll down it one time. By holding down the "down arrow" key, it will scroll slowly through the 125,OOO OMs below. If you're really in a hurry to finish this visual japa (recitation) practice, hold down the "page down" key. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali says that practicing one-pointedness of mind is the antidote (sutra 1.32) for nine different obstacles (sutra 1.30), including illness, procrastination, doubt, negligence, laziness, cravings, confusion, failure to do practices, and losing ground you've already gained. As if that's not enough, he goes on to say that these nine bring along four more obstacles (sutra 1.31), including pain, sadness, anxiety, and irregular breath. Isn't it great to know that the single solution of one-pointedness is one of the highest antidotes to these problems! Remembering mantra is an age old method for doing this, whether you call it mantra japa, remembering the word, or repeating affirmations. You can do it aloud, mentally recite or remember, or fill out a page of paper with written mantras--each of these ancient methods is effective in its own way. Or, just scroll down! :) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OM Tat Sat . Laya. mantra and prayer finally converge into a unified force directed towards the final stage. Related Searches Yoga Classes Type Of Yoga Raja Yoga Meditation Yoga And Meditation Classes Vinyasa Yoga Yoga Hatha Find Yoga Classes Gentle Yoga Kundalini Yoga And Meditation SmarterPower SmarterPower Ads Trust Rating 78% swamij. which is one and the same with the Absolute Reality. the Self. Kundalini. while not compromising quality or depth. Mantra. as well as Hatha. leading to the Absolute. This Self-Realization comes through Yoga meditation of the Yoga Sutras. piercing the pearl of wisdom called bindu. understandable and beneficial ways.------- This site is devoted to presenting the ancient Self-Realization path of the Tradition of the Himalayan masters in simple. and Bhakti Yoga. Nada. Siddha. We employ the classical approaches of Raja. Karma. contemplation. and the intense devotion of Samaya Sri Vidya Tantra. the contemplative insight of Advaita . Meditation. the Atman or Purusha. Jnana. and Tantra Yoga. Kriya. The goal of our sadhana or practices is the highest Joy that comes from the Realization in direct experience of the center of consciousness. the three of which complement one another like fingers on a hand. To see what a psi wheel is check out the video in the gallery of a young girl attempting psychokinesis using a psi wheel. The videos featured here contain mantras repeated to help attain the mantra siddhi powers of psychokinesis. Chris Zanetti who created these videos notes that he uses them to help his focus and concentration when attempting psychokinesis and recommends using a psi wheel when practicing.. Psychic Power Training. A mantra siddhi is a power attained through doing a specific mantra.                     Psychic Power Training Dreams Psychic Relationships Psychic Readings Astral Projection Psychic Tests Time Travel Telepathy Remote Viewing Psychic Videos Brain Power Famous Psychics Meditation Psychic Evidence Healing Abundance Chakras Mind Power Psychic Towns in Meditation. Psychic Videos · 0 Comments This post features mantra siddhi powers showcasing mantra siddhi for psychokinesis videos. Psychokinesis is the reputed ability to move objects by thought or mind power alone.. . especially during meditation. siddhis are just powers that are attained through spiritual practice. I know that seems like a mouthful! What does it really mean though? Essentially.SmarterPower Ads       HOME ABOUT CONTACT DISCLAIMER PRIVACY POLICY TAPPING INTO REAL PSYCHIC POWER Search in this site. A mantra is simply a repeated word or sound to help one concentrate or focus. not to burst your bubble or anything. mantra siddhi videos. but I’ve read on other sites that in order to attain the mantra siddhi of any particular power you should repeat or listen to the mantra 125. mantra for psychokinesis.  Tags: develop psychokinetic powers. mantra siddhi.000 reps before your begin passing the salt on your own! Young girl practices psychokinesis using a psi wheel. if you do have some time why not give the mantra siddhi powers videos above and below a try.mantra siddhi powers. psi wheel. Who knows. psychokinesis. if you are trying to learn how to move the salt shaker with your mind you may be better off just having someone else pass it to you… But. nobody said it would be easy! So.000 times – and this within a 48 day time span at 3-108 times per session depending on various factors. siddhi powers  o o o o  o o o o  o o o o  o o o o       o o     o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Horoscopes Consult an Astrologer Astrology Software Products & Services . learn psychokinesis. Hey.Now. it might not take 125. "Om Hreeng Greeng Hreeng" This is Shaktivinayak Mantra. landed property. house. This Mantra brings financial prosperity. reputation. It gives Riddhi. This is a Tantrik Mantra. "Hastipishachilikhey Swaha" This Mantra is very very important. Buddhi and complete financial prosperity. Follow Bramhcharya during Mantra meditation. vehicle etc. quickly. attaining success. It brings financial prosperity and materialistic success. inflow of money. For Mantra Siddhi recite it 5 lakh times. Siddhi. intelligence and wealth because Lord Ganesha is the Lord of Riddhi. . glory. For Mantra Siddhi it should be recited 1 lakh 25000 times.o o o o  o o o o o o o o o o o o  o o  o o o o o o o Daily Rashifal Tarot Web Apps Mantras For Overcoming obstacles and attaining intelligence GANPATI MANTRAS: (For overcoming obstacles. Siddhi and Buddhi) "Shri Ganeshay Namah" "Om Ganeshay Namah" "Om "Om Gang Shri Ganadhirajaay Manmahaganaadhipatye Namah" Namah" "Vakratundaay Hung" This is favourite Mantra of Lord Ganesha. This manta is very popular because it yields quick results. This is one of the most powerful Mantras of Lord Ganpati. he can achieve materialistic as well as spiritual progress. This Mantra is best for the eradication of poverty and debts. For Mantra Siddhi recite it 1 lakh times. It is essential to follow Bramhcharya during Mantra meditation. prosperity and intellect because he is the Lord of Ridhi (prosperity). This Mantra can be recited for attaining all types of Siddhis. overcoming impotency and for semen retention. -"Om Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Glaung Gang Ganapatye Var Varad Sarvajanmey Vashmanay Tha Tha."Om Ganesh Rhinam Chhindhi Vareniyam Hung Namah Phutt" This is Rhinaharta Ganesha Mantra. enjoying new heights and ecstasy in conjugal felicitation. because. It should be recited 5 lakh times for its Siddhi. This meditation Sadhana programme should be completed with in 24 days in the maximum. Stay away from sexuality during Mantra meditation. This Mantra is very effective for appeasing Mercury and Rahu. "Rayaspaushasaya Dadita Nidhido Ratan Dhatuman Rakshohanovalaghano Vakratundaay Hung" This is most important and secret Mantra of Lord Ganapati. If this Mantra is recited even once debt and poverty shall never enter inside one's house. This is a boon for improving marital happiness. Your eyes should be focussed on an idol of Lord Ganesha during Mantra meditation. "Om Hung Gang Glaung Haridra Ganapatye Var Varad Sarvajan Hridayam Stambhay Stambhay Swaha" This is Haridra Ganesh Mantra. "Vakratundaikdaikdanshtraay Kleeng Hreeng Shreeng Gang GanapatyeVar Varad Sarvajanam mey Vashmanay Swaha" This is Trailokya Mohan Kar Ganesha Mantra. It brings special glow on he face of the person who recites it. enhancing sexual pleasure. By reciting this Mantra all sorts of sins and diseases also get eradicated. Siddhi (success) and Buddhi ( intellect). Follow Bramhcharya and recite it 1 lakh times for Mantra Siddhi. his is most useful for ypnotism. As a result who so ever comes in contact gets hypnotised. "Om Namo Siddhivinayakaay Sarvakaryakartrey Sarvavighanprashamnay Sarvarjya Vashyakarnaay Sarvajan . Yellow clothes and yellow colour Asana should be used. "Om Shreeng Gang Soumyaay Ganapatye Var Varad Sarvajanmmey Vashmanay Swaha" This Laxmi Vinayak Mantra is combined Mantra of Goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesha. Rosary of bulbs of turmeric should be used for Mantra meditation. Man can attain everything in his life with the blessing of Lord Ganpati. Lord Ganpati destroys all types of obstacles. he is the only one God which can bring both types of progress simultaneously." Before starting any auspicious ceremony or work Lord Ganpati should be worshipped. This Mantra is considered most auspicious. Every person should recite this Mantra at least 108 times every day." This is Siddhi Vinayak Mantra.Sarvastree Purushakarshanaay Shreeng Om Swaha. . most powerful and most significant. People prefer to attain the Siddhi of this Mantra before starting any other type of Mantra Sadhana because it makes the path of Sadhana easier. This is a very potent Mantra. . Join Date: March 2006 Location: Italy Age: 27 Posts: 594 Reputation: 6007 Mantras for obtain siddhis . we shall have to manufacture another. spirituality. If the body could be made strong and perfect. produce these extraordinary powers. After a month he did not suffer much. notably the use of metals in medicine. I once saw a man who had kept his hands raised in this way. Certain sects of Yogis claim that many of their principal teachers are still living in their old bodies. until their hands wither and die. the power of words and the power of mind. Patanjali. but that the body was the only instrument by which to attain to all these. that is the principal theme of this science. Others believed that certain drugs could bring powers. without getting out of the present body? The theory is perfectly correct. Through such practices powers (Siddhis) can be attained. All of you know that chemistry originally began as alchemy. or spiritual. Their idea is that if the mind manufactures the body. which have power. as it were. The Siddhis (powers) are attained by birth. and so forth. Why is it impossible to keep our bodies all the time? We have to manufacture all the bodies that we ever have. This time he is born. and we cannot attain to the highest through them. Samadhi is the means through which we can gain anything and everything. day and night. If we can do that. The power of words. such as flying through the air. By http://www. to enjoy the fruits of them. that he was a born Siddha. If the body came to an end every now and again. does not deny this. and I asked him how it felt when he did it first. You find that in every religion mortification and asceticisms have been practised. the great authority on Yoga. and that is Yoga proper. There is no limit to man's power. By birth I haven't any siddhi (occult power). or concentration. They claim that this body can be made immortal. The preceding ones are only secondary. For instance. until their feet swell. In these religious conceptions the Hindus always go to the extremes. but have to stand all their lives. Many of the most wonderful medicines of the present day we owe to the Rasayanas.html the commentary of Swami Vivekananda: Sometimes a man is born with the Siddhis. and make other bodies. why cannot we do it just here and now. and religion were all very right. which means literally a man who has attained to success. mental. moral. chemical means. Before he has advanced very far he dies. and so on. then dies. we should have so much more time to become spiritual. Men keep standing.Namaste all. In this way much time will be lost in dying and being born again. and if it be true that each mind is only one outlet to the infinite energy. there should be no limit to each outlet getting any amount of power from outside. day and night. power of words. first make the body very strong. those he had earned in his previous incarnation. Then he takes another body and begins again. .com/sutras/pata4. So these Rasayanas say. that we do not think anything of them. In the first verses of the fourth chapter of Yoga-sutra Patanjali says: 1. We are living in the midst of such a mass of miracles. a man wants to practice Yoga. As soon as this body dies. Mortification. In India there was a sect called the Rasayanas. why is it impossible that we should have the power of making bodies here. There are certain sacred words called Mantras. Concentration is Samadhi. the legs become so stiff in this position that they can no more bend them. It was such torture that he had to go to a river and put himself in water. when repeated under proper conditions. It is said of Kapila. and that by certain preparations of these a man could keep the body as long as he liked. knowledge. the great father of the Sankhya philosophy. and if they live. and it is the highest means. and that allayed the pain for a little while. If it its possible that we live after death. it would take so much more time to attain to the goal. The Yogis claim that these powers can be gained by chemical means. or wants to become spiritual. of course. without entirely dissolving this body. You will find men with their hands up all their lives. Their idea was that ideality. He said it was awful torture. so that it would get rid of birth and death. simply changing it continually? They also thought that in mercury and in sulphur was hidden the most wonderful power. powers. men went in search of the philosopher's stone and elixirs of life. mortification. l7. 04:00 PM orlando Aspiring vaishnava Join Date: March 2006 Location: Italy Age: 27 Posts: 594 Reputation: 6007 Now. By perceiving the impressions.verses 5-6: - - - Those who undergo severe austerities and penances not recommended in the scriptures.Some yogis eve died during pranayama. (comes) the knowledge of past life. 22. __________________ I aspire to be the servant of the servant of Lord Krishna #2 13 April 2006. By making Samyana on these. 26.. ). who are foolish and who torture the material elements of the body as well as the Supersoul dwelling within. By this the disappearance or concealment of words which are being spoken and such other things are also explained. (comes) the knowledge of the cluster of stars. comes the knowledge of the fine.chapter 17.the Yogi excels in the respective qualities. 27. and the remote.I don't know the chimical means to obtain siddhis.I will never reach it if I don't conquer prana first. 28. etc. I don't know mantras to obtain siddhis. are to be known as demons. the Yogis know the exact time of separation from their bodies.for me the only way to obtain siddhis (occult powers) are mantras. By making Samyama on the signs in another's body. performing them out of pride and egoism. 24. (comes) the knowledge of the world. By making Samyama on the Effulgent Light.. I can't practice mortification because I need a healthy body to work. knowledge of his mind comes. 21.please read the following sutras of third chapter: 16. 19. their respective strength comes to the Yogi. meaning and knowledge. the obstructed. But not its contents. comes the knowledge of all animal sounds.And then I would offend Lord Vishnu. which are ordinarily confused. By making Samyama on the three sorts of changes comes the knowledge of past and future. who are impelled by lust and attachment. that not being the object of the Samyama. 23. or by the signs called Arishta. 20. the Yogi's body becomes unseen. Karma is of two kinds � soon to be fructified and late to be fructified.And this is very dangerous. By making Samyama on friendship. By making Samyama on word. By making Samyama on the strength of the elephant and others.Lord Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavad Gita. . the perceptibility of the form being obstructed and the power of manifestation in the eye being separated. By making Samyama on the sun. By making Samyama on the form of the body. portents.. So. mercy. 25. 18. About concentration (samadhi). On the moon. by his knowledge of its channels of activity (the nerves). These are obstacles to Samadhi. 32. called great disembodiedness. 42. From that comes to the body the power of rapid movement like the mind. By making Samyama on the objectivity and power of illumination of the organs. power of the organs independently of the body. From that arises the knowledge belonging to Pratibha and (supernatural) hearing. and can. the yogi goes through the skies. 37. even they will be discriminated by the above Samyama. Now.I don't consider the raja-yoga samadhi the way to obtain moksha. 44. touching.I am almost sure that someone will make me note the verse 38:These are obstacles to Samadhi. but they are powers in the worldly state. 50. 41. By making Samyama on the discrimination between the Sattva and the Purusha come omnipotence and omniscience. On the hollow of the throat. and place. 46.29. adamantine hardness. The word Siddha does not refer to those men who have become free � a sense in which it is often used. When the cause of bondage of the Chitta has become loosened. By making Samyama on the gross and fine forms of the elements. By making Samyama on a particle of time and its precession and succession comes discrimination. enters another's body. die at will. but they are powers in the worldly state. Please could someone write mantras that I may use in order to obtain siddhis? . comes disappearance of the covering to light. outside of the body. all only possibility to obtain siddhis are the mantras.I would like to obtain siddhis (occult powers). As I earlier said. By conquering the current called Udana the Yogi does not sink in water or in swamps. strength. "glorification of the body. comes the conquest of the organs. On the navel circle. 40. By the conquest of the current Samana he is surrounded by a blaze of light. sight of the Siddhas. On the nerve called Kurma. 33. on egoism. sign. (comes) fixity of the body. 38. By making Samyama on the "real modifications" of the mind. Or by the power of Pratibha. (comes) cessation of hunger. the Yogi. he will see these Siddhas. As a visistadvaitin. 34. From that comes minuteness and the rest of the powers. and conquest of nature. through meditation on them. 45. Siddhas are beings who are a little above ghosts When the Yogi concentrates his mind on the top of his head. Samyama on the self-centred one gives knowledge of the Purusha. 54. (comes) the knowledge of the motions of the stars. tasting and smelling. 48. On the pole-star. Enjoyment comes from the non-discrimination of the soul and Sattva which are totally different because the latter's actions are for another. 47. knowledge of minds. 53.. 39. On the light emanating from the top of the head. their essential traits. he can walk on thorns etc. the inherence of the Gunas in them and on their contributing to the experience of the soul. 43. In the heart. 36. complexion. The "glorification of the body" is beauty. seeing. 49. By making Samyama on the relation between the ear and the Akasha comes divine hearing. comes mastery of the elements." and indestructibleness of the bodily qualities. 35. 31.. the inherence of the Gunas in them and on their contributing to the experience of the soul. Those things which cannot be differentiated by species. (comes) the knowledge of the constitution of the body. By making Samyama an the relation between the Akasha and the body and becoming light as cotton-wool etc. 30. thanks to siddhis i would not need money. I could live without eat and drink.When I would like to make a pilgrimage. __________________ I aspire to be the servant of the servant of Lord Krishna #6 16 April 2006. Orlando. Regards.are the two things incompatible? However.Please answer. Orlando. Regards. Orlando. 04:38 PM orlando Aspiring vaishnava Join Date: March 2006 Location: Italy Age: 27 Posts: 594 Reputation: 6007 Namaste. 04:17 PM Singhi Kaya Join Date: April 2006 Posts: 455 Banned Reputation: 45 First decide whether you want money or you want siddhis! #4 13 April 2006. 02:17 PM orlando Aspiring vaishnava Join Date: March 2006 Location: Italy Age: 27 Posts: 594 Reputation: 6007 .i could go to India just by the power of my mind.I would really thank and bless him/her! Regards. I wait other answers. __________________ I aspire to be the servant of the servant of Lord Krishna #5 16 April 2006. __________________ I aspire to be the servant of the servant of Lord Krishna #3 13 April 2006. Dear Singhi Kaya. 03:48 AM orlando Aspiring vaishnava Join Date: March 2006 Location: Italy Age: 27 Posts: 594 Reputation: 6007 Namaste all. Please could someone write mantras that I may use in order to obtain siddhis? This questions is very important for me. By http://www. USA Age: 39 Posts: 246 Banned Reputation: 4 Orlando. . But i doubt if any of the forum members would know.srimadbhagavatam. r � � the greatest v sī t � is completely M TRANSLATION One who fixes his pure mind on Me in My manifestation as the impersonal Brahman obtains the greatest happiness. o t t r t -siddhi. but only if you read into the life story of einstein you will know what struggles and inspirations need to become a true u should not try for lottery or some quick fortune. no matter where you are the lord will be with you. or "t r t st pp ss.hindudharmaforums. At http://www. t t vot s o p rso esire.Namaste all. or wt t t r wor . or the perfection of completely I desire to became wealthy by winning at lottery. being a devotee of vishnu. paramapp ss p ot � obtains. r c t st r t st t r pp ss. wherein all his desires are completely fulfilled. mayi � co c tr t v � pur � the mind. there could be mantras like what you r u r r v p r tr k p ot o 'v sī t SYNONYMS r u � w t out qu t s r � in Brahman. PURPORT P r . it is like studying the formula e=mc2 a single line equation and thinking that is all science is about and trying to become a scientist. Orlando. you wont feel that not visiting india is a big handicap. __________________ I aspire to be the servant of the servant of Lord Krishna #7 16 April 2006." s c t s c r st t Śrī -B v t k .php?t=131 I already wrote the reasons because I wish wealth. Please could someone write the mantra to be recited in order to acquire Paramananda siddhi? Regards. if you are a real devotee . most of the times reading scriptures alone doesnt give you much inroads. O w o s p rso s r s c rt p tfor t r t st pp ss s k v s obtaining anything that one desires. you need to pick up and read the life history of the azhwars and nayanmars to get inspiration. 10:22 PM Namo Narayana Join Date: March 2006 Location: NorthEast. yatra � w r k � sr fulfilled. What about Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya? Dhruva Maharaja pleased Lord Vishnu by reciting Vasudeva mantra and had His darshan. there is no big siddhi mantra.000 times blesses one with sidhis « Previous Thread | Next Thread » Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1 (0 members and 1 guests) Thread Tools Show Printable Version Email this Page Display Modes Linear Mode Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded Mode Posting Rules You You You You may may may may not not not not post new threads post replies post attachments edit your posts .this mantra can be recited only after a bath and in complete purity. __________________ I aspire to be the servant of the servant of Lord Krishna #9 21 January 2012. no matter where you are the lord will be with you. #8 17 April 2006. I look for a mantra (related to Sriman-Narayana) that can be recited always without rules.I have to do with people that make me suffer psicologically. 02:04 AM Join Date: March 2006 Location: Italy Age: 27 Posts: 594 orlando Aspiring vaishnava Reputation: 6007 Namaste. if you want these huge wrote:"if you are a real devotee . Namo Narayana." Please note that make pilgrimage in India is just one of the reasons of my wealth desire. you wont feel that not visiting india is a big handicap. Suffering is worse than sensual pleasure to destroy mental peace. And about ashtakshara mantra. Orlando. Because of my job. chant ashtakshara mantra. Regards. 09:23 PM Join Date: January 2012 Posts: 1 bobbysandhu Reputation: 10 Re: Mantras for obtain siddhis its said reciting the om mantra 125.this is just an analogy. all mantras are like rivers they lead to the same ocean. as simple as that. The mantras can be beejas. doing it in the form of namavali is part of mantra marga. meaning devotion is all important in them. The stuti or nama is used as the symbol of devata. This involves practice of chanting. Their chanting involves elaborate procedure and austerity. Some of the mantras. slokas also get the status of mantras.vB code is On Smilies are On [IMG] code is On HTML code is Off Fundamentals of Mantra Sadhana or Practice By Shankara Bharadwaj Khandavalli There are different types of mantras. while the same word when not accompanied by its intonation is for contemplation of the meaning alone. . The object of worship is usually the devata.  In Mantra marga Mantras. While mantras and suktas are used primarily in mantra marga. Namavali is one of the popularly practiced norms. the individual names in stotras are arranged as a sequence of nama mantras (called namavali) for worship. slokas. but the set of word. are chanted repeatedly. mantras are arranged and chanted in a particular sequence. and object of meditation is usually the form. In some cases. tatva cintana and mantra. qualities and glories of devata. Thus while reading the same stotra is bhakti marga. Broadly. slokas and stotras (a collection of slokas in praise of the Devata) are used for worship. Contents [hide]  1 Approaches  2 Rules of Chanting  3 Modes of Japa  4 Mantra-Anusthana  5 Mantra Upasana and Purascarana  6 Mantra Siddhi  7 Some axioms of mantra marga Approaches Mantra is not just the word. there are three approaches – bhava. especially nama mantras (names of gods). The slokas of Saundaryalahari are also used as mantras. It is good to chant them without errors. Any of these independently does not qualify to be called mantra. its intonation and meaning.  In Bhakti marga Nama mantras. It is said that the word along with its intonation is mantra (sa swaro mantraah). For instance each verse of the Candi Saptasati ofMarkandeya Purana is used as a mantra in Candi Yaga. these are bhava pradhana. portions of or complete suktas. uniting one’s consciousnesswith the sound. Thus usually it is not the text/word used but the approach that differentiates the nature of worship. While mantra vidya is dhvani pradhana. Besides. nama mantras. suktas are used for worship. but errors in pronunciation or intonation are not harmful as they are in mantra vidya. makeing unnecessary movements of hands or head. it should be done along with the swara. Saama or the balance of chanting (the tune of entire mantra) 6. Rules of Chanting There are specific rules for chanting a mantra. and eventually the object of spiritual philosophy is realized. Matra or duration of uttering each syllable 4.  Chanting should not be done like singing. intonation. The mantras used in jnana marga are usually the nishkala or mahavakyas (four mantras taken from each of the four Vedas that are said to contain their essence). Not chanting aloud but it in a low voice or simply recalling the mantra with lip movement. the meaning of mantra is contemplated on. In Jnana marga. The various factors involved in chanting. Balam or stress on each syllable 5. it applies even more rigidly in case of chanting a mantra. it is seen as a preliminary/beginner’s stage of japa. though it involves intonation and rhythm. While this rule in general applies to singing also (say for instance classical music). are incorrect ways of chanting. chanting like reading a text quickly. without making any voice. the text on science of chanting. The repeated chanting of a mantra is called japa. Recalling the mantra within. Some of the rules of chanting are:  The duration of each tone is fixed and one should chant the manra according to the swara with each syllable stressed to the required extent.  Whether the mantra is chanted aloud or internally. or like reading. stress are explained in it. This is called Bahya or external mode. and each tone (for the corresponding syllable) chanted for that duration. muttering. These are found in Siksha. each syllable should be properly uttered with the required stress and pronounced with clarity. The chanting of a mantra. Varna or alphabet (or in general syllable) 2. . lip movement or movement of tongue. This is the state best recommended. is different from singing. It should not be muttered fast. This is done in different methods. This is called Upamsu japa. In case of short mantras that are to be repeated many times. Taittiriya Upanishad specifies six elements of chanting (Siksha Valli. Santana or the spacing of words Modes of Japa Mantra marga or worship through mantra primarily involves mantra japa or chanting of mantra. Chanting mantra like a song. chapter 2): 1. such as pronunciation. modes and stages. There are three modes in which japa is done: 1. and not shake or move while chanting. Chanting should be done with a fixed posture to allow the complete effect of the sound energy. Swara or intonation of each syllable 3. This is called Antarjapa. chanting louder than required. Chanting the mantra loudly in a rhythm. through which the nature (tatva) of the mantra/devata. 2.  While chanting one should sit with his back upright. 3. This is best suited for suktas. Japa is the means to get one to the Samadhi state. pratyahara are general rules. 2. If japa is done 100. Therefore its effect is specific to the language in which it is composed. There are alternatives for all these.000 times then ten dvijas are to be invited for samaradhana. niyama. Dhyana sloka is chanted after that. food and clothes (of the devotee). Mantra cannot be translated.000th count of japa.Mantra-Anusthana Mantra-Anusthana is the encapsulation of mantra japa into the astanga yoga. milk or any other specified substance.deeksha (specified) and nitya (regular). If japa is done 100. 3.000 times then abhisheka is done 100 times. However. Abhisheka – the idol of devata is bathed with water. it is not merely a means but the yoga itself. This is done with a hundredth of japa count. A few of them are: Each devata is said to have specific timings in the day when the devata wakes/sleeps. The offering is made by chanting the mantra. . The steps like yama. 5. If one has to do just the japa. Mantra is sound-specific or dhvani pradhana. such as timings. There are five parts in purascarana.000. Homa – oblations to be offered to the devata through fire. It is generally a sweet fluid. Samaradhana – this is the conclusion of purascarana where Dvijas are invited and fed every 10. The beejas used in a mantra define the nature of Devata. in two modes . 1. Mantra yoga is about using the upadhi of external sound to realizing the one beyond upadhi. and it remains merely text and no more a mantra once translated to another language. This is a 1000th of japa count. 3. Asana is the posture in which japa is done. which is called purascarana sankhya. And then japa is started. Mantra and Devata are inseparable. If japa is done 100. Pranayama is the breath regulation done before japa. The count varies from Mantra to Mantra. Japa is prescribed in the time the mantra adhidevata (deity of the mantra) wakes. Every devata is said to be mantra-baddha. along with the mantra. Mantra is the sound-form or subtle body of Devata. and the purascarana is 100. offerings (made to the devata) and so on. One should do japa facing different directions when seeking different results. There is a specific minimal count for every Mantra for the sadhaka to “see” its effect.000 times to substitute for the entire process. This is a tenth of japa count. Mantra Upasana and Purascarana Mantra upasana is the systematic worship through Mantra. the devata is obliged to fulfill the purpose for which the mantra/devata is invoked. It is done for a specific duration of time or for life.000 times then 10.the mantra should be chanted for the count specified in purascarana for that mantra. and if nothing is possible japa itself multiplied five times should be done. Mantra Siddhi The state where the energy represented by a god-form can be invoked is called mantra siddhi. 2. milk or any other specified substance. Chanting mantra is the same as worshiping Devata.000 times then tarpana is done 1000 times. while chanting the mantra. There is a purascarana for every Mantra. Meaning is known through sound and sound is realized through meditation on the meaning. that is. 4. Some axioms of mantra marga 1. There are stipulations for deekha. Sound and meaning are inseparable.000 oblations are offered in fire with the mantra. Dharana is done through karanyasa and anganyasa. homa is the most effective way to get Devata’s grace. 5. If japa is done 100. then the mantra should be done 500. this is concentrating on the form of the devata. Japa . this is invoking devata in the body. Beejas represent natural phenomena. 4. Tarpana – satisfying the devata by offering water. Mantra yoga at the four different levels of vak is basically the path of realization. This page has been accessed 1. Thus along with istapurti. gradually becomes more Devata centric and less desire centric.6. And the object of worship too. Another is its impression on the doer. Thus the sadhana phases into nivritti from pravritti.219 times. Mantra Japa is Karma. mantra serves istapurti. and karma becomes more of nishkama karma and causes karma nivritti because of non-attachment to the immediate result. namely the Devata. Karma is called isti in the pravritti marga. and the being starts realizing himself as an instrument of divine. The sole objective of karma/mantra yoga will be the fulfilment of Devata’s wish. The seeker’s attention slowly shifts from the result of action to the one who grants the results. at 19:08.    Log in Privacy policy About Hindupedia. because it results in ista purti. In case of kamya. it will also ensure the doer’s elevation. the Hindu Encyclopedia  Di . Yajna. mantra upasana results in the elevation of the upasaka. Its fruit is two-fold. develop antarmukhatva – from gross to subtle to causal. One is the immediate result of karma. However when performed according toDharma. Explore Other Articles Adhikara Nandi BholanathaAbhiramaArdhaNava Graha Prarthana This page was last modified on 29 December 2013. Light a fire. The person concerned will be under your control. Repeat 7 times for 11 or 21 days. (4) Mohammadan mantra . Repeat for 21 days. After than take any good fruit and infuse it with mantra 108 times. Mantra "Om Dev namo Hrarye tha tha Swaha" (2) Use of fruits The mantra shoud be recited ten thousand times to attain siddhi. Mantra "Om Chimi chimi Swaha" This mantra too can be used to control the enemy. will be under your control. Recite the above mantra adding name of the enemy before the word "Swaha" and put one chilly in the fire. Whosoever will take the fruit will remain under your control. Drink this water. Mantra "Om Hareeng Mohini Swaha" (3) Use of water Rise early in the morning and after your ablutions purify the water with 7 mantras and with the name of the person required to be brought under your control. Procure 7 red chillies with branch. It is best to take sweet supari packets duly infused and kept with you for use. Whosoever is offered this supari and eats it.Home VASHI KARAN MANTRAS (1) Vashi Karan Mantra(Use of Supari) Supari (Used in betel) should be infused 108 times with this mantra. For enemy this should be started on Tuesday or Saturday. (b) Make a powder of Kakjanga. the articels used in such mantra must be infused with recitation 7 times with above mantra and given to the husband to eat to control him. Exorcise and then give to lady or any person to eat in bettel leaf. Replace the name of the lady in place of word Amuk in the mantra. After that use this mantra for any lady who will be infatuated and remain satisfied under your control. par teen san tee talag" Stand naked on the wrong side of the cot. Mantra "Om Namo Kamakshi Devi Aamuki me Vansham Kuru Kuru Swaha" After attaining siddhi of this mantra use any of the following methods and articels etc. which can be exorcised 108 times by the above mantra and the desired results are obtained. trunk and branch of black datura tree or plant. Mix in them kesar. The lady will approach within 7 days. Mantra "Om namo maharyakshaya Mam Pati me Vashya kuru kuru Swaha" Recite the mantra 108 times duly performing Homa. Kesar. Replace the name of the lady or person instead of word Amuk in mantra. Preserve the powder and put on the forehead of the the lady or any person who will become in infatuated with you. those who do not cooperate and are our of control. Keep Gur under the cot and sleep during the night. In the morning. (c) Procure on sunday flowers. This mantra is be recited one lakh times for siddhi. (7) Kamakhya Vashi Karan Mantra A most effective mantra . the Gur should be distributed among the boys. Mantra "Om Manohhavay Vidahe Kandpye demahi Tantra Kama Parchodyat" Recite this mantra 1. Mausli and Tagar. Camphor and Gorochan.25 lacs times to attain siddhi and to appease Kam Devta. Exorcise the same . Exorcise 108 times with above mantra. (6) Kam Gayatri Mantra This Kam gayatri mantra is most effective. feet and nose on sunday.. take Gur in your hand and recite 121 times. opponents. Make a powder of all. leaves root. (a) Take out dust from all nails of the hands. This mantra too can be used to control enemies. superiors and others.Mantra "Eena etevena shetan meri shakal ban Amuk ke pas jana oose mere pass lana rahi to turi Bahan. (5) To control husband Ladies can use this mantra to control their husbands who have gone astray. Put Tilak on the forehead and go before the lady or any person. There are simple mantras which arc known to snake charmers who. when uttered in a particular manner and contemplated within. kama (procreative universal truth and sensual satisfaction) and moksha (salvation from birth and rebirth). The mantra is a mystic phenomenon. can make sorrows wither and assure mukti (salvation).take out types of mantras in vogue? the poison from the mouth of a snake. What are the different A. Can you explain the essence of mantra? . However. Gautam Chatterjee talks to Dr. Mantras have definitive importance both at the materialistic and spiritual levels. who will be subjected to Vashi Karan. which has its headquarters in Delhi A. artha (philosophical interpretative value or meaning and even the means). Viswamitter JI Maharaj. "A mantra can make the impossible possible" Published in Discover India Jan'2001 Issue Dr. Q. Head of Sri Ram Sharnam.108 times. The aim of mantra is to achieve dharma(religious righteousness and duty). with the help of these mantras. A mantra can be a word or a sentence which. there arc mantras which are universal benefactors and take out „ ‟f f w Q. At the sight of this miracle. mantra ensures peace. We nurture materialistic cravings. finally went strength? to the Himalayas. let me cite another story. wealth etc which are never permanent and dwell in the sphere of mortality. What are the dynamics of mantra? and ensure emancipation. A. while contemplating and strolling along the banks of the Ganga. old age. Alexander told the sadku to ask for anything. beauty. Everything in the world is perish-able and we remain mortal. Near a snowy mountain he met a sadhu (ascetic). after conquering country after country. The Minister. But amantra is bigger than yantra and remains the embodiment of Paramatman. If a calf does not sit near a cow then how can it get milk? If a baby does not cling to its mother than how can it get milk? Not going near God how can one get peace? How can the soul fill its hunger? So worshipping or doing upasana with mantra ensures a state of emancipation which scales beyond time and space. Mansingh. Q. A python was about to attack the saint but failed miserably. "Do you think you are the most powerful person? Then bring the sun rays here and if you ‟ w ww here.Q.. The saint asked. Let me tell you a short story. Mantras are powerful and by the act of japa (constant remembrance through counting beads) one is progressively empowered. Can mantras enhance A. To understand the power of a mantra. The saint could dare to say all this and banish the ego of the Emperor with his mantra sadhana! Thus amantra empowers and makes an ascetic fearless. youth. If you want to understand yantra then see for yourself the impermanent aspect of yantra : Childhood. The saint. An ex-ample is the Rama mantra. On the other hand. the Supreme Being. to find a solution as a fort being built at Prayag was collapsing again and again for unknown reasons. with his power of mantrahad defeated the python. Yantra only activates materialism and remains mortal. We are all yantra. the Min-ister approached the . There are two aspects: One is yantra and the other is mantra." Alexander stood speechless. Once Emperor Akbar told his Minister. Once Alexander the will power and mental Great. It does not provide peace and only feeds the world called maya or illusion. saw a saint meditating. Peace can be achieved through mantra and upasana (sitting near). . Initiation with mantra from the guru covers most aspects of sadhana (spiritual cultivation). Mansingh followed his advice and the fort was rebuilt successfully. With the power of Tantra and Mantra. The Mughal asked. One is Sabhri which empowers one with siddhi or mystic powers. A mantra can change an unfavourable situation into a favourable one. the saint said that the fort could not be built as Goddess Devi Shakti was annoyed. a Mughal killer was able to penetrate the security system of Shivaji. the Mughals hatched a conspiracy and tried to kill Shivaji in a clandestine manner. The Mughal took out his sword and was about to attack a sleeping Shivaji when. Then he gave a piece of paper with a mantra inscribed on it and instructed the Minister to lay it on the foundation of the fort and start building again. A mantra can make the impossible possible. After some contemplation. Can you highlight the A. Finally. It so happened that Shivaji was fighting the Mughals and repeatedly eluded the sword of the mighty Mughal Empire. This mantra once given by a guru can erase fear within and diminish demonic influences. suddenly. "Your ishta(God) could penetrate the security system and facilitate you to S ‟ Ishta who is satvik (pure) and all-powerful is already present here to save Him". The third is Vedic mantra which goes towards achieving eternal peace for the soul. "Who is stopping me?" Immediately an answer was heard. Q. if any.saint with the problem of Emperor Akbar. A simple sadkak can become a great saint with the power ofmantra. Q. an unseen invincible power held his hand. the land of the Supreme Soul. The second types of mantras is Tantra which gives ckamatkari (amazing demonstrative wehave? powers) at the mystic level. Whosoever cultivates the Guru mantra is able to travel to Puramdham. How can a mantra make things favourable? Can you cite an example? A. Thus an attempt to murder Shivaji was foiled by a mystic power which was appeased with S ‟ mantra sadhana. A mantra can create a favourable at-osphere and the lshta (the God) of that particular mantra can even save a per-son from evil designs of his foes. There are three types of mantras. Mahamaleshwar. In the process of japa. The negative karma of past lives gets effaced with the chanting. If one ties a small stone at the end of a rope and swings it to revolve then this small stone gets so powerful that if released it can even kill. In Jabalpur there lived a saint. But there has to be a wish for the movement of the tongue which is called manamay kosh. respect and dedication and then it becomes the harbinger of happiness or anandamay . This is called Naam Yoga. Will you elaborate the context of Guru mantraat the power level? A. Rama uttered from Gurumukh (mouth of . On the score of utterance there are various stages or centres of activity. By uttering the seed mantra of naam (name) one gets into a creative process automatically. Then there has to be a doer (karta) called Vigyanmay kosh. And when he chanted naam kirtan even dogs danced. and if anybody touched any part of his body one could hear Rama Naam ringing automatically. Q.Q. This is powered by the life force called pranmay kosh. how does While we utter the name of God and all centres of activity work in cohesion and unison it empowers us with mental and physical strength. The utterance of the name of God in a repeated manner is a japa and once it is chanted loudly it becomeskirtan or devotional song. Mantras have a tremendous impact at the body and mental levels. A sadkak (worshipper) is not to bother about its result as the God or lshta Naam takes care of the disciple automatically. Similarly.anandamay kosh. Finally. The amalgamative power of a mantra at the sound andbhava level can become so prominent that one can even assume the qualities of the Divine. A mantra is physically a pure sound and its repeated utterance creates a ring of sound within and outside. The name of God has to be uttered with deep love. Rama. when Mahaprabhu Chaitanya chanted naam kirtun trees began to sway as if in dance to his sacred tune. Will you narrate a story citing the impact ofmantras? Q. the sadkak gets closer to his/her Ishta or God who in turn bestows love and care on the sadhak. In actuality. A. There is an involuntary movement of the tongue which is called annamay kosh. A. The mantra if repeatedly chanted can create a dynamic sound wavelength which can inspire one to aspire for anything. the God of any given name resides within the naam(name) and so the Naam mantra is referred to as Mantramay or embodiment of God within the sacred sound of mantra. We do not see these seeds sprouting in plenty. when Rama. Similarly. Rama is processed by the tapa and siddhi of a Guru. Let me explain this idea: We all see the gigantic Vata Vriksha but its seeds are very small. it becomes cosmic nada of Rama. Rama. .Rama. a simplemantra become a Guru mantra? the Guru) has special meaning as the sound comes out of f G ‟ tman (soul) and gets planted in the heart of a sadkak (follower). Actually these small seeds are food for animals and birds who digest them and out of their body heat the seeds become soft and sprouting becomes easy. Such is the power of the Rama mantra which emits from the soul of the Guru. Rama. ether with sound.tan and tra which implies that through sadhana and pooja one can mould nature and God according to one's desires. water with taste.but on account of cosmic bombardment. the centre of communication directly between the individual and infinite consciousness above. Without mantras tantra cannot be successful. In reuniting Shiva shakti.Home Yantra Mantra Charms Books Tantra Division of tantra Pattal Paddati Kawach Sahastra Nam Stotra Yoga and tantra Practical use of the tantra Herbal plants in tantra Vajara Danti Aam tari Black turmeric Danwantri Dev Adali Articals of tantrik use Shvetarak Ganpati Dakshineye Sankh Lagu Coconut Something about rudraksha How to purify the rudraksha rosary Importance of rudraksha Tantra is composed of two words. a method. it is immediately transformed and diffused throught the body. Tantra is not a religion but is a sadhana. the adept can reach out and enjoy the benefits falling from the sahastara chakra. Sahkti or pure consciousness is constantly coming down in a shower on human beings. a technique or a path that is available in all religions. i.e. a process of gradual involution whereby the body is identified with the sense of smell. Both are practiced simultaneously to achieve success in tantra. the great one. It is also stressed that all the rituals should be performed under the guidance of the Guru. Besides mantra the asana is also closely related to tantra. consisting of religion's treatise compiled by Lord Shiva containing mystical formulae for the attainment of supernatural powers. a shastra. fire with vision. Tantras are deeply associated with the mantras. The mantras produce appropriate vibrations within a psychic field. Mantras are continually whispered by a tantrik while performing the rituals as they help to energise tantras for specific purposes. Tantra is a sadhana. air with touch. Various kind of initiation by a Guru are mentioned in . These five elements are merged one by one into their sources with potentials of energies and ultimately ego is dissolved into mahat. Asana is actually a step by step dissolution of the body into the subtle elements. 2. Division Of Tantra Tantra is a shastra which indicates ways to bring people and situations under one's control through sadhana. pressures and various centres of the subtle body. includes the methods of taking bath from morning to puja jaap mantra. contractions. it's ultimate aim is to join oneself with the universal self. Yoga used in tantra is based more or less on the haath yog with extra dimension. bidhanmdya. Also methods are indicated for use of mantra.Despite different kinds of initiation. 4. To perform haath yoga without doing inner work on the subtle body is a pointless execise from the tantra point of view. mantra and homa articles for a particular Deva or Deity. Yoga And Tantra The yoga comes from the sanskrit word 'Yoj' which means to unite.kriyabati. Kawach : The method which we adopt to appease each devta through their names and pray for protection is known as kawach. The bodily attitudes. twists. method of making yantras. use of medicines. of jaap for desires. and other details have been provided in the stotras.etc.sambhabi. Sadhana shastra contains the various methods of sadhana which can be divided into 5 parts. Paddati : The methods of sadhana indicated in this part. It is a way through which siddhi of devtas is obtained.Tantra sastras. It indicates the various details of different deities. Hence the principal aim of haath yoga is to build a healthy body and train the synthesise i. Pattal : This part details the importance. 1. Sahastra Nam : It implies to thousand names. can also be infused for use in tantra.anabi.Specific mantras for siddhi of these deities are detailed therein. 3.kalatma.barnamoyee. contractions and pressures which make haath yog are designed to specifically work upon the inner mechanism of the human body.mantri. Practical Use Of The Tantra . Stotra : They are the verses of pooja. Kawach is used after japa. The verses contains thousand names of the devta for which pooja is performed.e. 5.all produce the same effect and lead to liberation from bondage. Talismans are made through it and clothes etc. Use of mantras if any are also indicated in this. Yog being another technique of transformation is an important part of tantra. though it may help the outer body's health and stamina. A person practicing haath yoga will easily recognise the relations between it's pulls.etc. their use and methods of sadhana for particular occassions. homa. prayer of deities.They are sakti. But the self is not gained by a weak body. If the root of lemon tree is taken by a lady with water who is blessed with sons and wants daughters. Directions whenever specified should be followed and homa whenever indicated should be performed with correct material and appropriate mantras. If a lady childless ties it on her left hand in silver or copper talisman. To vanish worries . Herbal Plants In Tantra . To get respect . To have a daughter . Tangeti.If the teeth are kept by anybody with him or her and uses it in a silver talisman the person will be respected everywhere. 2. kills the worms and removes the pain. 3. It cures diabetes. kills the worm and pain is lessened. To stop stammering . Add Khadirasara (T.Catechu . Put a drop in the nose on the side of nostril. than the side affected with epilepsy. H. Leaves of Vajradanti when put in the ear removes the pain.Tantra is fundamental and total. Ragi (broken or Powder) must be cooked in hot water and the Kanji should be taken with butter milk. For night blindness :1. Kaviri .Heeng (half a masha) should be mixed with a few drops of water. Balarakkisa H. Two or three drops of Juice of sitaphal leaves. For toothache 1. when placed in the crevices of the teeth. Leaves of Jambu should be dried in the shade and powdered.Tarwar country soma) must be dried and should be taken with pepper and sugar. Shial Kanta) must be rubbed with water on a smooth stone and the paste taken. Tender leaves of Jivanti should be fried in ghee and eaten.The result is assured if tantras are performed properly. .when a man/woman cries in happiness tears should be sucked by one who has worries and the worries will be vanished. she will give birth or girls. Milk of arka when placed in the damaged tooth. 3. 2. To cure epilepsy . For diabetes 1. The tantra if practiced methodically and with full faith and respect so as to achieve success. This is a reliable remedy. To have a child . 2. It's real importance is that a tantrik can reach the heart of the problem.The milk teeth of a child when it falls should be picked up before falling on the ground. The root of Brahma dandi (T.and put between the teeth. Tender leaves of Hema Pushpi (T. she will be blessed with a child. Tender leaves of Castor (4 or 5) taken every day cures night blindness. 4.Leaves of manduka parni should be dried in the shade and powdered. This powder should be taken with crystal sugar twice a day. hands and body all wrinkles will go and one will look gives man a long life.Some of the important plants are Vajara Danti : The plant is well known as its roots are used for cleaning the teeth. Its leaves dipped in water for three days and then ground to a paste.Fresh leaves made into a powder if taken with milk cures eye diseases. It is barely four or five feet in height and has small leaves. it increases the semen. Its leaves are pointed and some thorns are found with its roots. If its root is cooked with dal. Leprosy and Rheumatic diseases. This plant is found around the Narbada river in Madhya Pradesh. Fistula. and taken for 15 days. it clears the skin of blemishes and body becomes attractive. removes white hair and leads to a luxuriant growth.Tantra deals with the medicinal and other uses of plants. This plant shines and twinkles like a fire during the night. and in the plains of Vastor. The powder of its root mixed with hair oil and if rubbed on the hair. The powder if taken by them for a month makes them beautiful and the body becomes lean and attractive. Aam Tari : This plant is found around Dehra Dun and in the Lal Tiba area of Mussorie. For ladies. The powder of its root processed through calcination. If a pinch of Devadali and mustard is taken with ghee and water from Oudumbar (wild Fig tree) diseases of liver and spleen. If the powder is taken with the powder of aswagandha and ghee. Danwantri : The plant is available in Jammu-Kashmir area and being called as Dhanuri by the local people. Its root if mixed in vegetables and cooked removes the blackish hues from the body and face. Dry its leaves in the shade and make a powder. if applied on the face. if applied as a paste removes the black colour of the body and a new good colour of body appears and one looks beautiful. The trunk. This is called 'Kalpa Tantra'. the teeth become strong. in equal quantities should be mixed and warmed in the sesame oil. It is a herbal plant with a great medicinal and tantric value. Flowers of sesame. It may be taken twice a day. Tuberculosis. The oil must be used for 7 days. If milk of roots is taken in. This cures epilepsy. the plant acts like magic. If drunk for 21 days. which shine during the night. The juice if applied on the face for three days removes all marks of small pox and the face becomes clear. Articles Of Tantric Use . Milk or milk and rice should be taken. in Makwan Pur Dist of Nepal. The plant is about three feet in height and its growth is about two feet. one is cured of all diseases. Jaundice and anaemia are cured. Dev Adali :The juice of this plant with an equal amount of amalaka juice and twice the amount of ghee is taken in an iron vessel and slightly heated with dried stems of amalaka. If the root or skin is kept between teeth for 21 days. This powder when mixed with honey and taken for a week removes sexual incompatibility. with lotus flowers and juice of leaves of this plant. weight is also reduced by this plant. the hair becomes thick and black. One does not feel hunger and thirst for 24 hours if one takes just one leaf. leaves and its roots are very valuable and are used to cure many diseases. Black turmeric : It is known as Kali Haldi and is used in Tantrik Sadhana. One becomes lean if its roots are taken. When the bark and thin wood over the root is peeled off. This is called SHVETARAK GANPATI. This too can be useful after doing sadhana.wealth and happiness. which is eunuch. In addition. The place or house where this shell is placed and its pooja is performed brings good future to all. Puja is performed by placing it on a silver plate everyday. This bestows wealth and all comforts of life. The aak plant has a rare white plant. nothing is immpossible for him. It is of supari size and too small. Yogis use it mostly for sadhana. Something About Rudraksha . This aak plant has green and blue leaves. Lagu Coconut : Generally the coconut with two eyes is found. female and eunuch. The female conch does not give any sound. It brings wealth and the comforts of life. remains free from all evils and the possessor is blessed with immense wealth. A male conch is rarely available.Nature has created some rare things. Its flowers are of small size but without any fragrance. which also has white flowers. When once Ganpati is awakened through sadhana. green topaz's Ganpati and Ganpati made of crystal glass are very valuable.This coconut has three eyes and is rarely available. These rare articles are used as tantric articles for different purposes. which has a white Ganpati. The male sankh gives a sound when blowing through the lips. the use of which is auspicious for health . It can be used in many ways in tantric sadhana. The root of this white aak must be taken out carefully. This is used for pooja. The Shastras say that in any house. is always solid but gives no sound. The male sankh gives the sound of 'Om' when put near the ear.Few of them are Shvetarak Ganpati : In Sanskrit it is called ark and in hindi is known as aak. This is a rare plant and cannot be found easily. The right hand sankh or right hand conch is found in three sizes small. one will see an image of Ganpati below it. Dakshineye Sankh : The seashell which opens towards the left hand are commonly available but the shells which open towards the right hand are rare. A conch. Some people take the root of a white aak to the carpenter and get a Ganpati made. medium and big and correspond to male. mantra and tantra' Related Searches Free Astrology Hindu Astrology The Signs Of The Zodiac Vedic Astrology Astrology For Lovers Free Astrology And Horoscopes Vedic Astrology Chart Horoscope Readings Astrology Signs SmarterPower . The rosary should then be put in the smoke of dhoop and after reciting the mantra "Om Namah Shivaye" eleven times. The one-faced rudraksha is termed very auspicious as it bestows wealth and happiness. They are being used in many ayurvedic medicines and in its capsules. Fatal diseases.The the 21 faced bead is very auspicious.importance of various articles in tantra and tantric remedies fro diseases and problems of life can be found in the book 'Secrets of yantra. chandan.Sterling publishers pvt. The rudraksha are of 38 Eleven. out of which 21 faces are available in India. Seven. Those having blood pressure should wear it on the right arm. Fourteen and twenty. The Seven-faced bead is auspicious for the birth of a son. It bestows on the wearer comforts and peace of mind. the rosary may be worn. epilepsy and fainting fits are cured by rubbing it in honey. Out of the series of Rudrakshas One.their essence. Nine. Buy This Book: 'Secrets of yantra. silver.use. one should take a bath before sunrise. These should be worn after performing due rituals to gain maximum benefit out of this rare natural fruit. and are rarely available. The details of various tantras. The Eleven-faced is good for religious purposes such as Bhagwat Darshan of one's deity. Importance of Rudraksha Rudraksh trees are found in Nepal. The bead of holy rudraksha is the best besides others of tulsi. Indonesia and Malaysia.A bead is the perfect article for offering prayers to God. Sanyasis and foreigners who use them around their neck as beads or as a rosary. which are called Rudrakshas. and the beads should be well washed in Cow's milk. How to purify the Rudraksha Rosary On Monday morning.R. It helps in attaining moksha and nirvan.complete procedure of perfoming and gains. Tibet.These are often helpful in curing diseases.L. which is the most auspicious for wealth.Chawdhri Publisher . These are generally found with Yogis. The rudraksha brings good fortune. The trees bear flowers and then the flowers turn into fruits. This also includes Gauri Shankar Rudraksha. Panch or five-faced rudrakasa is worn as it is auspicious and is a result giving rudraksh. The wearer has inclination to do good deeds and it helps in getting the power of intuition. After that the rosary should be washed in holy Ganges water.mantra and tantra' by Dr. Besides above all toher rudrakshas are also genuine and have good faced ones are termed very lucky. Fourteen-faced rudraksha is good for wealth. family and comforts. Five. etc. Deities are worshiped in different forms and each form is linked to a yantra. All the yantras given above are placed at different places according to their use i. dharan yantras. fire. A bindu or zero is used to form various broad figures known as 'Yantras'. chhatar yantras. as sharir yantras. darshan yantras. The yantra hence becomes the medium through which the invisible forces of energy act on an individual. water.e. mandal yantras. etc. copper. they may be placed below a house. etc which is worn by the person. The preparation of yantra is difficult process as there are many prescribed steps and rituals that have to be followed exactly. Yantra uses signs and writings to remove a planet's malice effects and increase it's beneficial aspects. puja yantras. There are different divisions of yantras based on their use.Home Tantra Mantra Charms Books How to write yantra Materials used In yantra Different yantras and their uses                    Shri Yantra Bagala Mukti Yantra Kali Yantra Shri Bhairon Yantra Saraswati Yantra Shri Ganesh Yantra Mrit Sanjivani Yantra Mangal Yantra Nava Graha Yantra Karia Siddhi Yantra Vashi Karan Yantra Pandhara Yantra Kamakashya Yantra Subhagaya Vijay Yantra Shanti Karan Yantra Stambhan Yantra Videshan Yantra Uchchattan Yantra Maran Yantra Practical uses of yantras for daily life According to our shastras Yantra is a science which can be used through the five elements-earth. It is drawn and energised on a piece of silver. A yantra can be drawn by anybody but it is fruitful only when energised by a 'sidh mantra'. asan yantras. . tied on a part of body. sky and air and by recitation of mantras to control nature in one's own interest. The time or 'muhurat' to perform the yantra has a very important role. The lines of the figures are drawn in different directions according to the desired positive or negative results. Scent or rose water may also be used. lal chandan and kesar. It brings popularity to those already in power. The materials differ according to the purpose and planet to be aroused. The combination of 8 materials can vary to some extent. white chandan. achievement of his goals of securing wealth. sandal. Yantras may be worn around the neck. sandoor. Different Yantras And Their Uses Yantras must be prepared according to prescribed rituals and instructions. Also it provides guard against chronic diseases. But the most commonly used material is 'Ashat Gandha'. It comprises of 8 materials .agar. kasturi. In this way the yantra used and recited are powerful and bestow the desired result. It frees the sadhak from debts and cures blood pressure and rash temper. operation. law suits and provides protection against scars. Mrit Sanjivani Yantra : This yantra offers protection from all diseases bestows sadhak with wealth. authority and financial success. Shri Yantra : This is the most important yantra and is used to attain power. good fortune. maran and removal of poverty. etc. Saraswati Yantra : This yantra sharpens the intellect and ensures success in studies and high achievement in competitive examinations. Mangal Yantra : It provides protection from accidents and enables speedy recovery from operation. tagar. Materials Used In Yantra There are many materials prescribed to write yantras such as camphor. Shri Bhairon Yantra : It brings good luck and bestows the sadhak with fulfillment of desires. The time of day yantra is performed various according to the purpose of the yantra. Shri Ganesh Yantra : The sadhak will be blessed with fulfillment of desires. . barley. gorochan. Kali Yantra : It bestows on the sadhak the fulfillment of desires. etc. fame and happiness. finger or placed at prescribed place and each has different effect as described below.The powder of these materials is mixed together with holy water. wealth and comforts of life. The sadhak must face certain direction and use different materials for different puposes. misfortune and harmful effects of saturn that bring sorrow in human life.How To Write Yantra A certain method must be followed while writing yantras. Bagala Mukti Yantra : It is useful to achieve success in competitive exams. It is effective for Vashi karan. power and authority. good fortune and fame. Pandhara Yantra : It is used to get love of the person of opposite sex. prachand chandika yantra is performed.Nava Graha Yantra : It is performed when a particular planet. It is highly recomended that the . 3. to prevent abortions. Uchchattan Yantra : This is best suited for uchchattan of a person. Subhagaya Vijay Yantra : This is highly auspicious yantra for the control for the ladies to win over members of the opposite sex. the evil eye and spirits. Vashi Karan Yantra : It is used to win over the affections of one's lover. pandrah yantra is useful. 8. Shanti Karan Yantra : This yantra includes cure of diseases and warding off the evil influences of planets. Maran Yantra : This is a death inflicting yantra. For removal of poverty. Success is assured in gaining the affection of the concerned man or woman. For wealth. All yantras should be performed by or under guidance of some competent person and at the right time.As the yantra is completed the enemy will face uchchattan. Kamakashya Yantra : The yantra is used for vashi karan of ladies of royal families or those connected with high status. To win law suits. to remove stammering. to find a suitable match for a girl. 2. 6. For wealth and happiness. prosperity and peace of mind. For birth of son. matangi yantra is used. beesi yantra is performed. 1. husband wife. bhuvaneshwari yantra is performed. For improvement of speech and promotion of music.prosperity and fortune. kamala yantra is used.mahamritanje yantra is very useful. wealth. Videshan Yantra : This is used to create differences between two persons. or planets are positioned in a way that harms the individual's health. 5. to win gambling. For good health. Stambhan Yantra : Through this yantra a person can stop his/her enemies from bringing downfall or harm in anyway or by any means. 4. 7. to stop drinking habbit and many other daily causes. mahammadan yantras can be used. But this should be used only in self defence. friends or brother. Practical Uses Of Yantras For Daily Life The yantras can be used for fulfillment of some daily life causes as protection of a child. To acquire worldly objects. Karia Siddhi Yantra : It ensures one's well being and success in one's all endeavours. given yantras should be used for welfare of the mankind.Chawdhri Home Yantra Mantras Asanas during meditation Siddh asana Padma asana Pranayam Trakata Pooja Agani hotra Lights in meditation Rosary. Beej mantra and samput Beej mantra Samput Division of mantra and their use Shantikaran Vashi Karan Stambhan Videshan Uchchattan Maran Practical use of mantra Some important mantras Panch akshari Asht akshari Ganpati mantra Hanuman mantra Saraswati mantra Dattatreya mantra Tantra Charms Books .R.mantra and tantra' by Dr. The detailed process of performing these yantras are given in the book 'Secrets of yantra.L. a picture or on Om. Retain the air as long as you can comfortably. Do twenty rounds in the morning and twenty in the evening. Upamsu (Whispering). One must learn to pronounce them properly and understand their meaning. setting up patterns of vibrations. on the space between eyebrows (Trikuti). Siddh Asana : This Asana is very useful to acquire Sidhi. Asanas During Meditation The posture arousing mantra shakti is known as asana. The eyes must be focussed if not closed. garlic. Trataka : This involves steady gazing at a particular point or object without blinking to increase concentration. Close the right nostril with the thumb. Then exhale very very slowly. it can inflict losses. He should observe brahamcharya and should not fear if he sees any miracles during sadhana. etc. The feet or legs should be so arranged that the ankle joints should touch each other. Then do it like wise with the right nostril. Even fat persons can practice it. 3. Mantras are used in rituals. This is the physical position for the spiritual process. Draw in the air very slowly through the left nostril. improves digestion and increases the appetite. A sadhak should observe some rules and regulations very strictly while practicing mantra shakti. Each mantra has a tremendous force and draws maximum benefit. Pooja : Deva or Deity should be kept in one's mind while reciting the mantra. achieve peace of mind and removal of mental strain. Sit for 15 minutes with closed eyes concentrating on God. through the nostril after removing thumb or finger. One's subconcious mind can help to find the solution through meditation and recitation of mantras. One must press the tongue against the teeth and chin against heart. It helps awaken the Kundalini. 2. Mansik (Mental). Padma Asana : Place the right foot on the left thigh and then carefully bring the left foot on the right thigh. This asana is useful in curing rheumatism and keeps the mind and body in order. Sit in Padma or Siddh asana. Pranayam : Pranayam removes all diseases.Mantras are single or strung together syllables. egoism. and develop will power. He must completely believe in the shakti and should avoid anger. Hands should be placed straight on the knee joints. Aagni Hotra : Homa is performed with fire in accordance with prescribed rituals. It is a very effective method to control the mind. steadies the mind in concentration. This can be performed in three ways: 1. Guidance of a competent guru is quite necessary to attain success. The sight should be focussed on the tip of the nose. Vaikhari (Verbal) by speaking loudly. improve the eyesight. It destroys diseases. purifies the Nadis. onion. . The food of a sadhak should be simple and must not contain meat. Breathing should be slow. It can be done by concentrating one's attention on a black or white dot on the wall. Mantra sadhana is very difficult as if during practice any drawbacks remain. Increase it gradually. Place one heel at the anus and keep the other heel at the root of generative system. Continuous sadhana will enable the sadhak to find solution to all problems. whispered or chanted in combinations and contexts.etc. Lights In Meditation Various lights are manifested during meditation.In the beginning a bright light of the size of the pin point will appear in the forehead in the trikuti,which is called the 'Ajna chakra'. Different lights are seen when eyes are closed. These lights appear in mental space, and are tantric lights having it's specific colors. Frequently it is combination of white and yellow but red and blue lights are rarely seen. Initially small balls of light are seen which later become dazzling lights. The lights become stable with advancement of meditation. Also at higher stages of meditation figures as sadhus or other physical forms are seen in stable light.One should not pay much attention to these figures and should concentrate on the ultimate goal only. These are simply to make one convience that there is existence of God and super physical and meta physical realities. This is 'sadhana shakti'. If carried out with faith, one can achieve marvellous results, get siddhi and can benefit both the oneself and the mankind. Rosary, Beej Mantra And Samput Rosary : During meditation beads are a must.Different beads are there in rosary according to the purpose.Beads may be padam beej, rudraksha, tulsi, shankh, pearl, gold, silver, gem, root of khush. All beads in a rosary should be of equal size, free from decay and unbroken. One additional bead of a bigger size than others is put at the top of the rosary. The number and type of beads in a rosary vary with purpose. Shiva shakti mantras - Rudraksha. Vishnu and Lord Krishna mantra - Tulsi Death inflicting mantras - Padam Beej Mantras for wealth - gems, jewels, gold and silver. Beej Mantra : A mantra is full of shakti and there are various beej mantra each with it own power. When mixed with other mantras, they provide extra power to that mantra. Basic beej mantra "Om" is further expanded into the following types of beej - yog beej ,tejo beej, shanti beej and raksha beej, which are respectively known as aeng (aim) hreem, sreem, kreem, kleem, dum, gam, glaum, lam, yam, aam or um or ram. There are some one word beej mantras which are particularly suitable to young boys and girls who can repeat them with zest and faith, to secure good results. Few of them with their purposes are 1. Kshasraum - Narsimha bija.Removes all sorrows and fears. 2. Aim - Saraswati bija.Makes proficient in all branches of learning. 3. Shree - Lakshami mantra.Leads to prosperity and contenment. 4. Hareem - Bhuvaneshvari mantra.Makes a person leader of men and help get a person all he needs. 5. Kaleem - Kamraj mantra. Fulfills one's desires. 6. Kreem - Destroys enemies and gives happiness. 7. Dum - Durga beej. One gets whatever one wants. 8. Gam Glaum - Ganesa beej. Removes all obstacles and promotes success. 9. Lam - Earth beej. Helps to secure good crops. 10. Yam - Vayu beej. Help secure rains. 11. Aam Um Ram - Beej mantras ao Brahma,Vishnu and Rudra. Samput : Samput are some specific words used in the mantra. These can be used at the start, middle or end of the mantra. The samput has great shakti and should be used carefully. Gayatri Mantra "Om bhur bhava suha tatsa vetur vareneyam bargo devasyaha dhimi diyo yona parachodayat." Few words can be added after Om bhur bhava swaha as samput to fulfill various desires. Some samput with their purposes are given below. Om aeeng kaleeng soo - for proficiency in words. Om shareeng hareeng shareeng - for wealth and comforts. Om aeeng hareeng kaleeng - enemies are destroyed, troubles vanish and the individual is blessed with joy and happiness. Om shareeng hareeng kaleeng - Blessed with progeny. Om hareeng - Recovery from diseases. Om aeeng hareeng kaleeng - Protection from all evil forces. Hopes and wishes are realised. Division Of Mantra And Their Use The uses of mantra is divided into six categories 1. SHANTIKARAN : These mantras deal with the cure of diseases and warding off the malefic effects of the planets. One example will be of no use as there is different mantra for different disease. 2.VASHI KARAN : Through these mantras one can put under one's control any woman, man, officer, minister, devta, soul, animal, etc. and can fulfill your wishes. "Om namo sarvlok vashikaraye kuru kuru swaha". 3. STAMBHAN : These mantras are used to stop all the persons, souls, devtas, etc. from doing any harm to you. "Om namah bhagvate shatrunam budhi stambam kuru kuru swaha". 4. VIDESHAN : these mantras are used for creating differences between two or many individuals. "Om namo nardaya amukasya amuken seh vidheshna kuru kuru swaha". 5. UCHCHATTAN : These mantras deal with distraction of the mind of the enemy so that they may remain away from their country, birthplace, residence, work and family members. It is also used if the sadhak wants aperson to remain at war with others. "Om shareem shareem shareem swaha". 6. MARAN : These are death inflicting mantras through which you can kill anybody at any distance without disclosing your identity. To avoid it's harmful use it is not been given. Besides one mantra given in each category, there are many mantras with different number of times they are to be recited under each category. Also specific time, day and the articles used for different mantras vary from category to category. The basic mantras for every day recitation and early siddhi attainment of one's mantras are "Om Namo Shivaye". "Om Namo Narayane Aye Namaha". "Om Namo Bhagwate Vasdev Aye Namaha". Practical Uses Of Mantras For education : "Om kreeng kreeng kreeng" For attaining moksha : "Om shree hreeng kreeng krishnaye swaha" For wealth : "Omnamo dhandaye swaha" For success in elections : "Om emminder vardhaye shteriyame ma emam vishmek virsham kirinu tawan" For fame : "Om giravargrateshu hirnye ch goshu cha" For successful completion of all jobs : "Om namo sarvarthsadhni swaha" For reduction of rash temper : "Om shante parshante sarv karodh pashnon swaha" To attract one or all : "Om chamunde tarutatu amukaye akarshaye akarshaye swaha" Besides these purposes given above,there are mantras for fulfilment of all kind of desires and for reduction of all kind of flaws. There are mantras for worship of different Gods and Goddesses and pleasing them to fulfill one's desires. Some Important Mantras Some simple mantras are given which can be recited by anyone and help achieve what the sadhak wants. They have simple or no methodology associated with them. Panch Akshari - "Om Namah Shivaye" - It fulfills all desires.It leads to moksha and all sins are destroyed. It has no methodology assocaited and can be recited by anyone anytime. Asht Akshari - "Om Namah Narayanaya" - One can achieve and can be blessed with anything. Ganpati Mantra - "Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha" - It not only removes all obstacles but also gives success in one's efforts. Hanuman Mantra - "Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye hoom phut swaha" - There is no favour that Hanumanji cannot bestow. Hanumanji is the embodiment of all good qualities which he freely gives to his devotees. Saraswati Mantra - "Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiya Namaha" - It makes a person a learned scholar and he attains high profeciency in education. This mantra should be recited all morning pujas. Dattatreya Mantra - "Om Hareem Parambraham Parmaatmane Hari Harbrahyendraya Dattatroyaye swaha" - Dattatreya can bestow everything on his followers. The details of various mantras, their essence, time and number of times they are to be recited, the rules for sadhak and complete procedure of reciting a mantra can be found in the book 'Secrets of yantra,mantra and tantra' by Dr.L.R.Chawdhri Publisher - Sterling publishers Some lucky charms Crystal gazing Phenomena of crystal gazing Instructions of crystal gazing Astral appearance in the crystal Mystic eye Instructions for the use of mystic eye Type of question one may ask Everybody beliefs in charms that bring good luck and ward off evils. Everywhere people carry a lucky sign, or some talisman to bring in good luck. Some of the lucky signs widely used are very popular. Some Lucky Charms cures from diseases and for spiritual advancement. silver or copper. The Sanskrit meaning of the word is "purveyor of good fortune". represents the trinity. happiness and prosperity. This is perfectly permissible. A black horseshoe or its ring is specially used to ward off the evil effects of the planet saturn and that of the evil eye. It is used everywhere and is always used in ways to keep the luck from spilling over.Om : This is a lucky sign for prosperity. crimes have been solved. Each one of them can be used as lucky charm but when added together. Key : Three keys are usually worn together. It can be used around the neck. the keys stand for love. The best beads are of rudraksha. The circle represents eternity. which has brought good fortune to the family. Cross : This sign is attributed to Jesus Christ. chandan. If an object seems to be connected with one's success. This charm is supposed to bring skill in learning and is worn by students. purity in life and finally helps the wearer to realise Christ. hidden facts or lives have been discovered and unrealised aspects of one relationship with others have been revealed. The triangle having three sides. Bamboo and Serpent : This is an ancient and complicated symbol. In this charm.It is fixed on doors also. Across the circle lies a bamboo stick of seven sections crossed by a serpent. The sign can be of Gold. This may be worn around the neck or on a ring. Beads : Beads are worn for prosperity. wealth and health and the wearer is believed to be able to unlock the doors to these. Fish : The fish is considered as a religious symbol in various religious rites. or on the ring in gold. Planetary Signs : When a planet is malefic and is not giving favourable results. The serpent has always been a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Often an heirloom. Many people make and carry their own charms. Corel beads are used by children to protect them from the evil eye or from disease. It also removes the effects of sadesati and the wearer is benefited with wealth. Swastika : It is the most auspicious and tested replica. The wearer will be blessed with fortune. It bestows luck and prosperity on the wearer. all these bring luck and success to the student and the wearer. Many people wear little carvings of fish as a means of ensuring wealth and good luck. Peace of mind. The Bamboo stick has seven knots to represent the seven stages of wisdom through which the scholar must pass to attain perfect knowledge. Crystal Gazing Crystal Gazing is an ancient Hindu art. tulsi and coral. It also indicates the future and gives . lost articles are found. so as to retain good luck. it is permissible to use this object as a charm and a source of good luck. Due to its great fertility. It ensures prosperity. as advised to neutralise the evil effects. Birthday Sign : You can use the replica of your sun sign (Aries to Pisces) in the prescribed metal for good luck. attributed to Lord Ganesha son of Lord Shiva. will be passed on to the child and heirs in the family. comforts and all round success. silver or copper. Through its use. use replica or sign of another planet. wood. Horse Shoe : Universally accepted as a charm of good luck. It consists of a circle around which numerous triangles are inscribed. it is a sign of wealth and prosperity. Be truthful. To what extent this power exists in the would be experimenter can be told by a first class Phrenologist. Ability to concentrate is the key to success. without any blemishes or bubbles. Avoid any light rays from being reflected or in any manner directly reaching the crystal. 4. the person should be highly sensitive and receptive. glaring colours. There should be no noise in the room otherwise it will distract and reduce concentration. 5. normally see symbolic visions. unselfish and grateful and have confidence in yourself to gaze and concentrate the mind. taking care that it is as far as possible free from mirrors. illustration of thoughts. Two principal classes of visions will present themselves to the gazer: (a) Symbolic indicated by the appearance of symbol such as flag. Astral Appearance in the Crystal In the end. we tabulate the results of Astral appearance in the Crystal. The persons endowed with natural ability to concentrate are aided in their use of the sphere. the scenes in the crystal will change as you gaze and you should tell what you see and what is happening before your eyes. 10. Persons. 3. .replies to one's questions. which may cause distraction. THIRD: Images. Some memory or Imaginative effect. never suddenly or in a forceful manner. who are active. SECOND: The images of ideas unconsciously acquired from others. The gazer should seek to put everything out of his mind except the problem. 9. Revivals of memory. Select a quiet room where you will be entirely undisturbed. The back of the crystal ball should be held towards the light. 11. Do not add to it. Though crystal gazing has been used with remarkable success in piecing together the facts of the past. pictures bringing information as to something past. Sometimes. and the like. exciteable. by telepathy or otherwise. New reproductions. The basic conception of crystal Gazing is "concentration". gold etc. 7. Instructions for Crystal Gazing 1. Be honest in revealing what you have seen. and bringing no fresh knowledge to the mind. questions should be put by the person present in a gentle low and slow tone of voice. pictures. The crystal Ball must be clean. looking to the future and discovering what that is about to happen have to be done cautiously. Do not use the crystal ball as entertainment. in action or otherwise. and decisive. For successful gazing. knife. Passive persons will find direct or little revelation. 2. (b) Actual scenes and personage. Phenomena of Crystal Gazing The phenomena of crystal gazing may be classified as follows: FIRST: Images of something unconsciously observed. Everything around you should be completely "shut out" from your thinking. When you have developed Occult powers. Gaze steadily at the Crystal without batting an eye or moving the muscles of the body 6. voluntary or spontaneous. 8. Any person or persons admitted to the room should keep absolute silence and remain seated at a distance from you. which does not come from the gazer's ordinary self. but never its face. boat. present or future which to interpret the gazer has. clairvoyant or prophetic. grief.Moving towards the left-hand mean 'The real' or a picture of an actual thing. Whit The Kundalini. Blue cloud . Chap.Injurious warning. she holds her tail in her mouth and lies resting half asleep at the base of the body. in the form of latency.The chemical and active rays or influence of the direct sunlight are injurious. Green. coiled round upon herself. slander.Itrepresents presence of Spiritual beings. Instructions for the use of mystic eye . it will react upon the seer sooner or later with terrible effect.The negation of all questions. Black cloud .Good.108) jjThe divine power. 8.Benefits the magic mirror or gazing crystal 9. beware. shines like the stem of a young lotus. Mystic Eye Mystic eye is a phenomenon of physical reaction to your conscious subconscious and super conscious mind. Whatever appears on the right hand side is symbolical. If the query is a silent one it makes no difference. excellent 4. 5. the affirmative. favour 2. surprises of a disagreeable nature. Descending clouds . and will ruin the magnetic susceptibility of the crystal. deception.1. Violet. All are strictly cautioned to be good and do good only. e cloud .Affirmative replies to questions asked.Coming joy. Crimson. Sunlight . (Hathayoga-pradipika. is coiled like a serpent. v. Orange or Yellow cloud . Kundalini. Clouds or shadow . viz-that if the seer's purpose is evil when he or she uses the crystal or Magic mirror. One who impels this Sakti(energy) to move will attain liberation. Extreme of Heat or cold . 10. Red. Ascending clouds . loss.Danger. Moonlight . betrayal. 6. 7. and their interest. knows all and tells all. like a snake. 3. The mystic eye is that it sees all. trouble. A sure and certain low exists.Bad. inauspicious 3. sickness. hold the string of the Pendulum between the thumb and is indication of unhappiness and troubles. Automobiles : Dream of an automobile suggests that some hasty news will be sent to you. so that the pendulum is suspended about ¼ inch about the "eye".Seeing others being beaten predicts money loss. Beating : Beating someone shows that you are not happy with the person whereas beating a animal suggests damage in one's own affairs.New clothes tell of prosperity. the way to use and predict through crystal gazing and much about the mystic eye and way to use it can be found in the book 'Secrets of yantra. Remove all skepticisms from your mind and concentrate your attention on the Eye.The mystic eye consists of psycho-activated pendulum and answers YES and NO. According to the situation going in life. where dog represnts faithfulness.Sterling publishers pvt. The details of various charms. Clothes : Clothes suggests how one wants to look in front of others.Dreaming of dove or pegion is a sign of peace and happiness and that one is involved in philosphical or spiritual activities or some creative venture.But if the air is misty. The mystic eye responds when one ask or are asked a question. Earth : Dreaming of earth is indication of sorrows. Air : Dreams of air represent freedom or escape from limitations.buying of clothes indicates success in love. Besides one can know the date of birth of a person and answer to many futuristic questions using mystic eye.illness . Birds : Birds depict the exalted mental condition of the dreamer. This can be corrected by starting with a more jotting one's present or future.Seeing a animal being beaten have different interpretations for different animals. the pendulum will start moving or swinging in the direction of the answer. Baby : A baby in dream interprets new ideas.Different relatives can be interpreted differently.interpretations can be made depending on animals character. Animals : Dream of an animal shows a parallel mental and emotional state of the dreamer i.L. business. The mystic eye may also be used as a lie detector or self analyser. Do not move your hand or attempt to control the motion of the Pendulum. Being Beaten : Such a dream is a sign of discord in family. Think of a question or ask a question in a fairly loud tone. specially woman dreamer should be careful from his associates.Beating of family members shows happiness and success in love.Owniwng a car tells that one may recieve a gift. If the pendulum is answering "yes" to a question and the next question calls for a "no" answer.e. Type of question one may ask One may ask a question about any subject relevant to oneself or one's surrounding.Usually baby indicates happiness but a baby taking first step may suggest difficulty in business or a helpless baby shows disappointment in love.different states of earth being predicted .mantra and tantra' by Dr.The dreams of different ways one travels in car suggests different thing in life as happiness when with children or scandal when with woman. If there is slight delay in motion of the Pendulum it indicates lack of concentration.stormy.cold or hot.But torn or soiled clothes foretell some deceitful actionthat may harm the dreamer .fox shows a cunning state of mind. money or success.humiliation. You will discover that your subconscious thoughts are as powerful as a giant motor.Chawdhri Publisher . The Pendulum will then swing in the direction of the answer. Relax.Clear air and blue sky denotes success and happiness. health. about love. Rest your elbow on the table.R. the pendulum will automatically slow down with a circular motion and then swing to "no" answer. It is not necessary to stop the motion of the pendulum when asking a new question. one's past. white-purity and grey-conventionality.a tree with leaves turning yellow tells of sickness.someone attempts to kill you-long life.karmic numbers (11. Snake : Appearace of snake in peaceful state denotesgrowth of wisdom.The interpretations about numbers 1-9 are same as in numerology.a dead tree foretells unhappiness.a big building change in present situation and a magnificent building suggests long life and travel.Kindling of fire suggests many good surprises in store for you.a businessmansecurity.Stealing money in a dream indicates sickness whereas spending money indicates failure due extravagance and one should be careful.killing a friend-good health. Water : Water dreams in general indicates abundance and joyful enjoyment.violet-7. Love : Loving someone indicates satisfaction.abundance and good news but a sapling tree indicates colors stand for black-malice.But other stateas of snake have different interpretations . .biting-business may be injured.loving animals is sign of single digit numbers.abundance and financial gains.Different colors have been assigned different numbers that have interpretatoins same as in numerology.Failure in love indicates just the opposite.if name appears in dreams it should be calculated to evaluate a number. Tree : Seeing a tree in general denotes happiness.a small building failure. But dreaming of earth full of grains or oneself being worried brings prosperity and green pastures suggests good children.but unwanted love shows heart trouble. Sex : It foretells happiness.a bird-damage and so self defence-victory.) also have the same effect as in numerology. attacking position-treachery.33. Fire : Fire in dreams is a good sign if one does not see oneself being burnt. Numbers : It could be a number written on something or particular number of objects or you may visit a place particular number of if you see no flames and only smoke.Setting of office on fire indicates advancement in business and house on fire tells good companions and faithful servants.Dreaming of oneself naked is sign of disappointments but married persons dreaming themselves naked foretells a wealthy future for them.People in church or in black clothes shows unhappiness but a crowd in street suggests business prosperity.walking over them-sickness.little snakes around-defame.differently.Killing defenselesssorrow..Falling into water or walking into it foretells marriage with awrong person. Naked : Seeing oneself naked indicates unwise involvement that may bring in public disgrace. Colors : Clear and rich color indicates positive effects whereas dull or muddy colors are a sign of negative aspects. Money : Generally profit and loss in dreams foretell just the opposite in real life.leading to gradual is a sign of diappointment.Being loved suggests success.A tall building suggests success.silver-11.yellow-3. People : Seeing people shows your own personality or behaviour these days.Climbing a tree foretells elevation in life and work.Muddy water tells sorrow and there is contradiction on this point.As in numerology. Red-1. Killing : There are different situations and different interpretation regarding and good fortune.killing a snake-victory in work but after difficulties. Drawing water from a fountain suggests fortune through a beautiful young wife..indigo-6.taking fruits from the tree indicates inheritance from elderly people.Different ways in which water is seen indicates many different things. House : A new house with many rooms in dream foretell newer levels of learning .But loving friend brings in bad news and loving relatives suggests financial loss. The astrological contents that are added to it are to reflect the findings of a palmist or rather to corroborate it. Moon and Mars etc. As regards the comparative power of the planets it is the same as . Thus we have the twelve houses and the nine planets posted in the chart having twelve houses. The palm has been divided into 12 parts just as the natural Zodiac is divided into twelve signs like Aries. As Sun is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra. Whatever be the system or method of preparation the chart has ascendant or the lagna and the other twelve houses numbered serially. the astrology of Lal Kitab is different from astrology we know of. In Lal Kitab’s astrology we have two Mars. western or of any origin. Despite all this. We propose only to discuss and deal with astrological contents of the book. It is popular amongst neophytes and masters of astrology equally. we say that Sun is exalted in Lagna and debilitated in the 7 th house. The lordship of the houses will also go likewise. How charts are made from the palm is not our subject here. The authenticity of astrological charts is to be corrected by the chart prepared from palm imprints. Both the Mars have their own properties. Rather they bring credit to him who suggests them. Whatever be the facts they are quite effective and cannot be just given up for their simplicity. They are often different from the birth charts prepared on astrological principles. In the palm we talk of lower Mars and upper Mars. The astrological chart is ready on the basis of the palm. This is one peculiarity of Lal Kitab’s astrology. Mars is always the lagna Lord and Venus the 7th Lord.Home Free Services Numerology Vedic Lessons Our Lal Kitab Expert Basics of Lal Kitab Lal Kitab needs no formal introduction. The enamoured of the remedial measures of Lal Kitab and the astrologers who suggest them take pride in them. but it is in Lal Kitab only that we comes across the birth charts of the natives having twelve houses and all the planets (earliest known nine planets) posted there. These shapes wherever they exist on palm are supposed to be occupying particular houses of the birth chart. For signs. Taurus etc. house No. one a malefic or bad Mars and the other a benefic or a kind of good Mars. Planets and Nature-1 Planets and Nature-2 Routine Remedy Important Remedy-1 Important Remedy-2 Lal Kitab Consultancy Lal Kitab is essentially palmistry. Some types of shapes have been alloted to planets. each horoscope is to be treated just like the horoscope of Kala Purusha. These signs represent the planets they are alloted to. Ordinarily the palmists talk of mounts and lines Sun. be it eastern. 1 should be considered as identical with Aries in all cases. The measures are too simple to be explained in detail and too typical to be understood by an intelligent human being. Though they are the 12 sings of the Zodiac the signs have no significance in the chart. Rules of prediction are also very much like those enunciated in astrology. we may say. that is. Shri Yograj Prabhkar Basics of Lal Kitab Twelve Houses-1 Twelve Houses-2 On the face of it Lal Kitab is an important treatise on palmistry and astrology. Mercury for instance. According to Lal Kitab the affliction of Sun shall be passed on to Ketu. A group of two planets together form one particular artificial planet or a substitute of that planet. It may be pertinent to note that the aspect of the planet is not the same in each house. Such results do need a deep research and the results are likely to enrich our astrology. according to some. There is also a concept of sacrificial goats. The house is blind if it has no planets in it. He may. is considered to be equivalent to Sun in power of giving results. We call that house as weak. suppose. We have a basic assumption that a planet gives the results of the houses of his lordship and those of the house occupied by him. We have a concept of blind or sleeping planets and blind or sleeping houses in Lal Kitab. In other words the affliction would affect the results of Ketu. Likewise there are artificial planets for each of the planets including the nodes Rahu and Ketu. It may be brought on record that such effects have actually been noticed although Saturn does not represent wife nor he is the significator of wife. This is the concept in astrology also. There is also a concept of the artificial planets. This is a revolutionary concept and really needs deep research work like the assumption of sacrificial goats referred to above. In short it is the house that grants aspect to the planet. Mercury or Rahu etc. This will not affect the effects of any other planet like Mars. also offer the results of house or houses of which he is the natural significator although we have our own reservations but the planet in Lal Kitab can give results of any house by applying suitable remedies. The planets are supposed to have an aspect of some houses and affect the results of those houses. Sun if posited in house 2 shall not aspect the 8 th house but the 6th house only and if 6th house is unoccupied sun becomes blind. If.given in classical texts but at the same time we come across the concept of equivalent planets. The affliction of Saturn would be spoilt. Sun is afflicted by Saturn the effects of Sun shall be affected. In Lal Kitab if the aspecting planet has no planet in the aspected house the aspecting planet becomes a blind planet in the aspected house the aspecting planet becomes a blind planet himself. The wife of the native may die or suffer from miseries and troubles. Sun and Venus together form one artificial Moon. Shri Yograj Prabhkar In order to save oneself from the poison of houses 6 and 10 one should take the things of the planet inimical to the planet in 5th house and . Basics of Lal Kitab 1. The planet who transits house No. 3. The dogs should be fed with flour loaves of bread. The flour should be of the weight of the son and feeding continue from 25 to 48 days. 2. If 2nd house is occupied by benefic planets and the 12th house also contains similar planets it would be beneficial to awaken the 6th house. 4. Ketu in 8th and Saturn in 5th house. Venus in 11th. 6 Lal Kitab Consultancy . In other words the native should serve his maternal uncles and help them or serve his own daughters and help them.Basics of Lal Kitab Twelve Houses1 Twelve Houses2 Planets and Nature-1 Planets and Nature-2 Routine Remedy Important Remedy-1 Important Remedy-2 bury them under ground or if the native has his ancestral house the same should be kept in that house till the duration of the bad results of 8th house. If Jupiter is in 10th house. Saturn and Ketu will give the results of 7th house. The relevant commodities of that planet should be given in alms and charities. When the planet in 11th house of the birth chart transits 11th house or 8th house the articles pertaining to the planet should not be purchased (new) and brought in the house and kept safely. 10 is unoccupied the planets in . If house No. 6. 5. 8. 7. House the annual progressed chart will cause health afflion. 9 can be awakened throught eh 2nd house provided house 3 and 5 are empty. Mercury. If they are undesirable they can be remedied. Commodities of the planets or the relative signigfied by them should be served. 9. Money in cash to the blind persons for food would be of no avail.the 4th house cannot give good results. If the planets in 8th house are inimical to planets in house 11 the native will not be benefitted by anything relating to planets in the 11th house. They will be helpful if the articles pertaining to the planet friendly to the planet in house 11 or pertaining to the planet who can change the directtion of the planet in the 11th. If some machines are purchased the toys for the . Service of parents will be helpful. If you are purchasing a house when Saturn is in 11th house you should also bring a dog to the house. Ten blind persons should be fed. are also purchased simultaneousl y. 10. Provided none of the planets Rahu. Sun in the 11th house will give good results so long as the native remains religious. In case the 9th house is unoccupied Jupiter's articles will be helpful. 11. 1. If any of these planets is in the lagna the articles pertaining to the planets in 9th house at that time would be helpful. pious and vegetarian. If he indulges in . The planets in the 11th house will generally give good results when they transit house No. When they transit the 8th house they will give bad results.children should also be purchased. In such a case the articles of the planet in 11th house or those of his friends would be helpful. Ketu and Saturn are transiting the lagna at that time. 12. So Long as it is with the bride . 13. If Jupiter is giving bad results according to the birth chart.drinking and non vegetarianism the results may be awful. at the time of marriage of the girl(when celebrated according to Hindu tradition) two pieces of pure gold (of any weight but the two should be of equal weight) should be given in charity as the girl is given to the bridegroom. Moon in 11th house will give very good results at least till the mother of the native is alive. He may be childless. If Jupiter and Ketu are good in the chart. One of those pieces should be thrown in running water of a river and the other kept by the bride which she should not sell away but should keep with her. there would be no bad effects of Jupiter. If Sun is giving bad results the pieces should be of red copper. For Mars it may be red (not bright red) stone. for Rahu the remedies of Moon given above and for Ketu take stone of two colours. For Venus we substitute pearls of the curd hue. If real pearl is not available. for Mercury take diamond. a weight of the native should be kept in the house at the time of marriage. . for Saturn iron and steel. In case of such a Moon pearl (white) should be substituted for gold. When Jupiter is in 6th house and Ketu is badly placed the native should do the remedies of Ketu. If Jupiter is in the lagna for generally good results the native should undertake the business or trade indicated by Moon. 28. 24. 26. 15. When Sun afflicts other planets the friendly planets to Sun that is Moon. Saturn in the 6th house will be giving good as well as bad results but it shall surely spoil the good results of Jupiter. remedies pertaining to Saturn should be used. In such cases the commodities pertaining to Mars should be buried underground. When Jupiter is in 2nd house and Mercury in 10th house giving bad results. 30. Things pertaining to Saturn like the coconuts and almonds etc. 18. 25. This may mean touching the feet of the deity with hands etc. He should help or at least behave respectfully with his brother. For help of children undertake the vocations of Ketu. or constructs a new house or if any of the blood relations of the native gets married. When Sun is afflicted by some other planet that planet should be propitiated. house No. Mercury and Saturn in 10th house remedies of Moon are necessary. When Jupiter is in lagna and Saturn in the 11th house service of cow is recommended. 19. 27. If houses 8 and 12 are occupied by friendly planets and house 2 is unoccupied or if houses 8 and 12 are occupied by friendly planets. In case of eye troubles or to remove bad effects of Saturn throw coconuts in the running water. For good luck of wife the things relating to Venus will be helpful. bad results are likely to happen. 16. Mars and Jupiter should be propitiated. When Jupiter is in 3rd house Durga Paath is always suggested. 17. When Jupiter is in 2nd house and Venus & Mercury in 10th house remedies of Moon are necessary. Mercury and Saturn in 10th house giving bad results need the remedies of Jupiter. Basics of Lal Kitab . Mercury should be propitiated. When Sun ocupies 6th or 7th house. Sun would be helpful. 29. 23. Some times extinguishing the fire of the chulha (where we cook our food) by pouring milk is extremely helpful. 6 contains some benefic planet and 2nd house remains unoccupied the native will do well to go to places of worship and touching any part of his body to the deity in paying his regards. 22. 20.14. When Jupiter is in 11th house and Sun. In unlucky periods when Jupiter occupies the 8th house the native should give in alms the commodities of Venus or Jupiter to the places of worship.. Under this combination if the native gets a male child. he should be fully dressed before other persons. When Jupiter in 10th house and Mars in 4th house the native should help or serve the relatives indicated by Mars. When Jupiter is in lagna and the 7th house is unoccupied vacations pertaining to Venus should be under taken. When Jupiter is in 4th house sleeping or inert that is there is no planet in 10th house the native to have good effects of Jupiter should not allow his bare body seen by any body that is. should be thrown in the running water. 21. He will keep on having financial stability. For his own prosperity or victory in quarrels. Most help ful Mantra would be Shree Ganeshaya Namah. Moon or Mars are in 5th house and give bad results the native should follow some trade or business alongwith his brother or a cousin if he has no coborn. bad or mixed. The things may not brighten up immediately but will help in emergencies or when help is most needed. Brokerage or trade will be auspicious as profession. 4. To fight misfortune in this regard some golden thing in the hair of women should always be used. 5. The profession concerning both the planets will be beneficial. When Jupiter and Saturn give bad results regarding health the service of father. Jupiter and Moon in 7th house is not a good combination. Clay toys or spreading dust where road is under construction would be profitable profession. Jupiter and Venus in 6th house is also not a good combination. will be financially profitable. 2. Jupiter and Venus in 10th house may not give bad results regarding money matters unless the native is a nonbeliever or does irreligious acts. Jupiter and Moon in 4th house very auspicious Business or service should be regarding the commodities pertaining to either of the planets. 8. Shri Yograj Prabhkar Basics of Lal Kitab Twelve Houses-1 Twelve Houses-2 Planets and Nature-1 Planets and Nature-2 Routine Remedy Important Remedy-1 Important Remedy-2 Lal Kitab Consultancy Jupiter and Venus will help if there is a vocation pertaining to Venus. Jupiter will not give good results at that time. 11. Articles of Ketu should be buried under ground or tied around the neck. 7. 10. 6. Pure gold and saffron in the house will be helpful. When Jupiter Moon give bad results regarding health or wealth or both one silver thali should be kept in the house or an empty silver vessel should be buried in one corner of the houise. 3. . Jupiter and Moon in 11th house is also not quite auspicious. Jupiter and Venus in 8th house give good results generally except in financial matters. Some financial help to daughter or father's sister or maternal uncles or to sweeperess will be helpful. The profession concerning mud and dust on roads under construction etc. Jupiter and Venus in 3rd house is also inauspicious. 9. Jupiter and Sun in one house and Venus in subsequent houses.1. Throwing almonds or coconuts in the running water of a river will be helpful. will be helpful. (vaidurya is the stone for Ketu). The results of Saturn in 6th house will be doubtful. if in joint family with father. They may be good. Mercury over Gemini and Virgo. There is similarity between astrology and Lal Kitab upto this place. Mars and jupiter are the male planets. no good results should be expected of Jupiter. The rasis ruled by these planets are also the same. 16. and Ketu. Pakka Ghar of planets Pakka Ghar is nothing but the concept of natural significator of houses. There are many type of classifcations of these planets some of them are same as we have in regular astrology. Jupiter over Sagittarius and Pisces. The native seeks pleasures in doing immoral or secret acts that harm his vitality etc. Venus over Taurus and Libra. The planets are classified as males and females. and Saturn over Capricorn and Aquarius. Though the last two are nodes yet they are also treated as planets. One peculiarity of Lal Kitab is that the rasis are not taken into account. Saturn. Mercury. 5th. Moon over cancer. Rahu and Ketu are just the associates of Saturn. Mercury and Rahu in Virgo. namely Sun. Saturn and mercury are the eunuchs. Jupiter and Venus in 11th house. Jupiter in Cancer. 13. Mars over aries and Scorpio. Ketu in Sagittarius. The other planets Pakka Ghars are as under: Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Lagna 4th house 3rd & 8th house 7th house 2nd. They have not been assigned any sex. Sun rules over Leo. The ash of gold or silver may be useful if taken internally under medical advice. The number of Rasis which are taken to be identical with house numbers. Whenever Jupiter and Mercury are together. Shri Yograj Prabhkar Basics of Lal Kitab Twelve Houses-1 Twelve Houses-2 Planets and Nature-1 Planets and Nature-2 Lal Kitab deals with nine oldest planets. are only important. The houses of debilitation of each planet are houses 180 degrees apart from their houses of exalation. 9th and 11th house . moon in Taurus. 15. When Jupiter and Saturn are together the planet aspecting them should be awakened. Rahu. Saturn in Libra. Mars in Capricorn and Venus and Ketu in Pisces. Sun's Pakka ghar is lagna. and may have some venereal disease. moon. 14. Venus. Sun gets exalted in Aries.12. In birth chart rasis are identical with houses. sun. Mars. To mitigate the bad effects of Jupiter and Saturn in 2nd house the remedies for Saturn would be useful. Rahu gets exalted in Gemini also. Routine Remedy Important Remedy-1 Important Remedy-2 Lal Kitab Consultancy As regards houses of exaltations and debilitations of these planets they are also the same as in regular astrology. jupiter. Moon and Venus are female planets. When Jupiter and Saturn are together in the 5th house the native should never touch wine. Venus Saturn Rahu ketu 7th house 8th and 10th house 12th house 6th house Friends and Foes of Planets Each planet has his friends as well as his enemies just as we human beings do. The planets so grouped are supposed to be equal in strength. Ketu. Rahu & Ketu Ketu. Mercuty. The list of planets is as given under. Venus. Ketu and Saturn Mars and Jupiter Ketu and Jupiter Jupiter and Moon Jupiter. Ketu. Mars Moon. Saturn. Jupiter and Mars Venus. Rahu Mercury. Rahu Sun. Saturn. Moon Sun. Moon. Rahu Mercury. Rahu Sun. Jupiter and Mars Venus. and Rahu Saturn. Mars and Jupiter Rahu. Saturn Venus. Saturn. Moon. Ketu Mercury. Mercury and Sun Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu When Mercury and Sun or Rahu and Mars are posited in one sign together Mercury or Rahu would always be quiet Moon and Sun when posited in any sign with Rahu and Ketu respectively will be less powerful. Saturn. Mars Sun. Rahu Enemies Venus. Mars Apart from friendship or enemity of planets there is also a concept of equivalent planets. Saturn. Jupiter Sun. Moon. Mars Saturn. and Rahu Saturn. Mercury Venus. Venus. Ketu Moon Venus. Saturn. Ketu and Saturn Mars and Jupiter Ketu and Jupiter Jupiter and Moon Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu . Mars and Jupiter Rahu. Mercury Sun. Ketu. Venus. Artifical Planets : Lal Kitab has the concept that a group of two planets are equivalent to planet noted against each. Mercury Venus. Moon. Mercury Sun. The list is given bleow. Mars. The list for illustration is given below Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Friends Jupiter. 5th. Sun's Pakka ghar is lagna. Ketu in Sagittarius. 9th and 11th house 7th house 8th and 10th house 12th house 6th house Friends and Foes of Planets Each planet has his friends as well as his enemies just as we human beings do. Shri Yograj Prabhkar Basics of Lal Kitab Twelve Houses-1 Twelve Houses-2 Planets and Nature-1 Planets and Nature-2 Routine Remedy There are many type of classifcations of these planets some of them are same as we have in regular astrology. Mars over aries and Scorpio. Sun gets exalted in Aries. Mercury. In birth chart rasis are identical with houses. The planets are classified as males and females. and Saturn over Capricorn and Aquarius. As regards houses of exaltations and debilitations of these planets they are also the same as in regular astrology. Moon over cancer. Saturn. Venus. Mars and jupiter are the male planets. The list for illustration is given below . Saturn and mercury are the eunuchs. Important Remedy-1 Important Remedy-2 There is similarity between astrology and Lal Kitab upto this place. Jupiter over Sagittarius and Pisces. Venus over Taurus and Libra. Mercury over Gemini and Virgo. The houses of debilitation of each planet are houses 180 degrees apart from their houses of exalation. Jupiter in Cancer. The number of Rasis which are taken to be identical with house numbers. Rahu and Ketu are just the associates of Saturn. Saturn. jupiter. Though the last two are nodes yet they are also treated as planets. Lal Kitab Consultancy Pakka Ghar of planets Pakka Ghar is nothing but the concept of natural significator of houses. One peculiarity of Lal Kitab is that the rasis are not taken into account. The rasis ruled by these planets are also the same. Rahu gets exalted in Gemini also. Rahu.Jupiter. moon. Saturn in Libra. Sun rules over Leo. namely Sun. Mercury and Rahu in Virgo. are only important. moon in Taurus. The other planets Pakka Ghars are as under: Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu ketu Lagna 4th house 3rd & 8th house 7th house 2nd. They have not been assigned any sex. Moon and Venus are female planets. Mars. sun. Mars in Capricorn and Venus and Ketu in Pisces. Mercury and Sun Ketu Basics of Lal Kitab Lal Kitab deals with nine oldest planets. and Ketu. Venus. Saturn. Moon. Ketu and Saturn Mars and Jupiter Ketu and Jupiter Jupiter and Moon Jupiter. Artifical Planets : Lal Kitab has the concept that a group of two planets are equivalent to planet noted against each. Ketu Jupiter Sun. Mars Saturn Venus. Mercuty. The list of planets is as given under. Ketu. Sun. Venus. The list is given bleow. Mercury Saturn. The planets so grouped are supposed to be equal in strength.Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Friends Enemies Jupiter. Moon Rahu & Ketu Sun. and Rahu Saturn. Saturn. and Rahu Saturn. Saturn. Venus. Moon. Mercury. Mars and Jupiter Rahu. Ketu. Saturn. Moon. Jupiter and Mars Venus. Mercury Venus. Venus. Mars Rahu Mercury. Sun. Mars. Saturn. Mars and Jupiter Rahu. Mercury and Sun Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu . Ketu. Mercury Ketu. Saturn. Rahu Sun. Mercury Venus. Saturn. Sun. Mars Apart from friendship or enemity of planets there is also a concept of equivalent planets. Ketu and Saturn Mars and Jupiter Ketu and Jupiter Jupiter and Moon Jupiter. Mars Venus. Rahu Ketu Mercury. Moon Rahu Sun. Jupiter and Mars Venus. Moon. Rahu Moon. Mercury and Sun Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu When Mercury and Sun or Rahu and Mars are posited in one sign together Mercury or Rahu would always be quiet Moon and Sun when posited in any sign with Rahu and Ketu respectively will be less powerful. By way of illustration. 2. In such a case Mars shall be malefic or the negative Mars. It has been apply described by Lal Kitab in the following words. If these results are bad we may try some remedial measures and they shall be set right or improved. if inimical to planets in 2nd house and 11th will strike at the most vulnerable point. Saturn and Ketu shall give their results at various periods. Saturn. Moon is the most powerful planet for the affairs of 8th house. Saturn. Moon by strength of his placement and position can undo the ill of 12th house also. Moon and Jupiter singly or jointly occupy this house the bad effects remain limited to house No. 2. Moon and Rahu offer the results according to the placement and position of Venus. Sun. Rizque and Akal have been used metaphorically for Venus and Mercury because both these planets are the natural significators and Venus is also the lord of the house. when the planet in this house becomes effective. In such cases the planets in 12 th house should also be judged. 8 and its affairs. 2 if the other two houses namely the houses 3 and 5 are unoccupied. Moon or Mars occupying this house singly give only good fruits. The cause of the malefic nature of 8 th house will be house No. Sun. where the native has to struggle hard for fulfilling his material wants of bread. House No. 9 and becomes active he will give results at his own age till his period is completed. Here Akaash. In house 7 if the planets are more than two in number only the male relatives are affected. The planets in house 8. The house is considered to be a great ocean. clothing the housing etc. In other words the justice is on the basis of tit for tat. Mars and Jupiter are the male planets. Zameen. House No. if . Every planet has been assigned a particular period of age. Lucky period of the native shall start. however. 4 and 8 should be judged simultaneously. any two or all the three together join in this house they give bad results. Here justice means eye for eye and tooth for tooth. Normally the male planets affect the male relations and the female planets on affliction affect the female ones. Moon and Venus are females. Both are the natural significators of the house if Sun. Moon or Mars occupying this house singly give only good fruits. Moon shall affect the health of the persons. Bad results due to the position of Venus cannot be improved or mitigated by remedies. It is the joint seat of Mars and Saturn. If any of these houses is afflicted the results will be bad for both the houses. Mars and Mercury occupying the house jointly give good results only if Saturn occupies house No. 4 through house No. In other words the houses 2. The native sweats himself out in search of his food and clothing etc. In case the house is inert. The planets may be friendly or inimical the planets in 12 th house shall influence the results. Mercury. Any of the planets who has been dormant till he transits house No. House No. In other words these results shall come to pass and the remedies will all go waste. good or bad. it can be activised through house No. If. 7 is known for the family affairs. The native gets ground between the earth and the sky for food . Saturn will give deaths after deaths.Related Searches Free Astrology Hindu Astrology The Signs Of The Zodiac Vedic Astrology Astrology Chart Astrological Readings Astrology For Lovers Horoscope Readings Zodiac Signs And Horoscopes SmarterPower SmarterPower Advertisement House No. 8 deals with death and justice. 9 is known as the commencement of luck. 8 has its influence on house 6. In other words. 4 will not be able to give good results. 11 indicates all about the native’s status and condition. 12 if we can somehow improve the position of planets in lagna. If Rahu is a benefic the native shall not accept a single penny from his parents and whatever he gets will be lost to him due to one reason or the other. For improvement of the position of 12 th house we look to house No. House No. If houses 2 and 8 are occupied and there is no planet inimical to planet in 8th house the person shall command a keen intellect of very high order. 10 is occupied by inimical planets their results shall be unpredictable An idea of the nature of results can be formed from the position and placement of Moon. Lal Kitab has given great importance to this house and planets in it. In case house 10 is unoccupied the planets in house No. 3 is vacant. Ketu in house No. 10 is treated as the ground for the foundation of luck. Vice versa in each case would also be true. They will however. of the native but 12 th deals with the character etc. 7 to 9 and 10 to 12 in each part of his life respectively. If Sun or Moon occupy house 9 there will be no bad effects of even Rahu and Ketu. 1 and its planets. 4. This is to say that nobody can be sure about the nature of results to be given by the planet. to 6. House No. Planet in No. 5 aspect the planets in house 9. we can improve and get better results in house No. 6 and 8 are occupied the native has good character. The planet in 9 at the time of his transiting house 10 will give bad results even though the planets in house 6 & 5 are the friends. The results will be bad if house 8 is afflicted and good if house 2 is in good shape. Related Searches Free Astrology Hindu Astrology The Signs Of The Zodiac Vedic Astrology Horoscope Compatibility Astrology For Lovers Free Astrology And Horoscopes Zodiac Signs And Horoscopes SmarterPower .Jupiter is in house 2 and transits the house in the progressed chart he will give results at the age of 16 and continue to do so till 16 years. The planet transiting the house. give bad results in house No. This can be modified by the condition of house No. If the life span is divided into 4 compartments we can judge how the native shall fare by the houses 1 to 3. but all that he earns by the sweat of his own brow will be with and give him pleasure. 11. 11 would nullify the good effects of Moon and if Rahu occupies the house Jupiter’s good results would be spoilt. If Moon is benefic good results shall be obtained. The results of Rahu and Ketu. 2 for improvement. 8. House No. If lagna is vacant we should go to house No. Personal income and earnings of the native and his relation with the world at large can be judged from this house. House No. House 10 reflects the physical valour etc. Planets in house No. If houses 2. its position and placement shall give a glimpse of worldly status of the native. Saturn is the natural significator of the house. according to the progressed chart. if occupying the house. can be judged and they will be good normally if house No. Even Rahu and Ketu give good results. becomes a doubtful planet. If house No. 12 is the place of final rest according to the deeds or misdeeds of the native. 12. The nature of results would depend upon the nature of houses 8 and 2. 9 is the seat of Jupiter. 1 aspects the planets in house No. In case Jupiter afflicts Mercury we should propitiate Venus because Sun and Venus constitute Jupiter. intelligence and longevity. In Lal Kitab this house also stands for education. Being the first house all the subsequent houses stand in relation to it. Planet posited in house No. Lal Kitab states that the house is the house of struggle between Maya and Jiva or the soul and matter. It is from house No. Venus is its ruler. House No. 7 and unburdens itself to some extent provided the house No. Every thing depends upon the strength or otherwise of this house. honour and mind. If this house is vacant the planets in house No. The lagna house becomes inactive or weak. It is but natural that our own deeds or misdeeds come to play their part in the struggle for liberation. If Mercury afflicts Jupiter we may try to help Jupiter because the group of Jupiter and Rahu together is an artificial Mercury. Sun is the natural significator. It also has the portfolios of wealth. Mars is the ruler of the house. Mercury is an enemy of Jupiter. 2 is the Dharmasthana or the place of worship. All affairs of human life are divided into 12 classes and each class of affair is in the domain of one or the other house of the chart. 9 is considered to be the ocean of Karmas. This is the house that stands for the fruits of the karmas or the deeds and misdeeds of the native. If the latter is unoccupied the planet in lagna gives good results. 11. Some of these features are useful in suggesting remedies. 2 stands is the Dharmasthana or the place of worship. Planets and Nature-2 Routine Remedy Important Remedy-1 Important Remedy-2 Lal Kitab Consultancy Out of the 12 houses the first house or the lagna is the most important of them all. It is the throne of the ruler. education. In other words Venus gets importance if there are two or more planets in the lagna. Here is the seat of Jupiter the jagat Guru or the preceptor of the world at large. The achievements or failures of the native depend largely upon this house. This house has a relationship with house No. Incidently. House No. house No. In other words it is the house of struggle to get liberation from the shakles of Maya. If there are a two or more planet in lagna Venus becomes the judge to decide about the nature of results. In fact Sun represents the human soul and vitality in the physical body. 1 become inert. They may look strange but it should be remembered that the basis of astrology in Lal Kitab is palmistry. The Twelve Houses of the horoscope There are twelve signs in the natural Zodiac and 12 houses in the horoscope. The concept of artificial planets particularly is of great help in remedies against planetary ills. This is also true if the lagna is not occupied.Basics of Lal Kitab Shri Yograj Prabhkar Basics of Lal Kitab Twelve Houses-1 Twelve Houses-2 Planets and Nature-1 These are some of the special features of Lal Kitab’s astrology. By strengthening Venus we shall be increasing power of Mercury (Venus is Mercury’s friend) and decreasing the power of affliction of Jupiter. 9 that the winds laden with water of the Karmas rise . If Jupiter is propitiated Mercury shall lose half of his strength and Jupiter shall become extra strong. 7 is occupied and not vacant. 2 the house No. In times of adversities we should look towards the strength of 4th house. its lord the natural significator or Karaka Moon who stands for mother as well as mortality and mind. house No. In a hypothetical case let us assume that Ketu occupies house No. 6 through the agency of the aspect of the planets in house No. This is an inauspicious and malefic house that way. Saturn will help Venus. It is a well-known assumption that . If the houses are occupied by two or more planets we have to assess the harm. Planets in house No. For good results of House No. 3 as the times of exit from this world and the gateway of exit. 4. In other words we come to know about the time of death and its causes. 3 is horrible. 9 due to the weakness of Dharmasthana or the Jagatguru or Venus. The results are likely to be better if house No. 4. Likewise Jupiter in the 3rdhouse and Mercury his enemy. Wherever there is a severe onslaught of misfortunes from house No. Ketu shall have no ill effects upon the native. On the other hand there will be all round happiness and prosperity.and pour it on house No. 4 is the period of childhood and the prenatal period. Lal Kitab refers to house No. This may appear strange but every thing becomes clear if we go by the assumptions of Lal Kitab. Malefics in Dusthanas or inauspicious houses are normally considered to be a good placement. House No. 6. In adversities this house gets strength from 12th house even though the planets in 12th house are enemies of the planets in the 3rd house. in respect of each planet and then draw our final conclusions. Mars its natural Significator and Rahu shall have the dignity of exaltation. 2 are aspected by the planets in house 2 aspect the planets in house No. in any. 12. Moon is the lord and natural significator of the house. House No. Mercury is the lord of 3rd house. 2 gets its strength from house No. Perhaps mother's blessings may help the native tide over his/her difficulties. 2 is also vacant. 2. As illness is one of the routine ways of exit we have to judge the illness and diseases from this house. 2. in 12th house will not be able to cause any harm. comes to rescue. If Saturn occupies the 3 rd house simultaneously Rahu will not be able to play his mischief. If houses 2 and 8 are both vacant there is no question of compounding the troubles of 6th house. Mars is an enemy of Ketu but in emergencies Mars will always help Ketu despite his enmity. 6 and 8 are all occupied the poison of house No. 8 shall be transferred to house No. According to Lal Kitab are placements of sinners meaning Rahu and Ketu in house No. This may happen when house 3 is occupied by Rahu or Ketu and houses 6 and/or 8 by malefics. 3 and Mars is posited in house No. Rahu and Venus in 12th house normally being about the death of the partner – wife or husband – in 24/25th year of the native. 8 should be vacant or unoccupied. If houses 2. It is said that even if they are not able to bring about the end itself they shall be competent to bring about death-like position. It also covers the old age. If houses 6 and/or 10 are afflicted the articles connected with the planet inimical to the planet in 5th house should be kept under ground in the house. Venus in 11th house. 5. The planets in houses 6 or 10 will also give bad results without any regard whether they are friends or foes of the planet in house No. In such a case if Mercury or Rahu happen to be posited in house 6 there would be no bad effects of the malefics on the house because it is the house of exaltation for both of them. The obvious result would be that the planets in 2nd and 12th houses will get extra strength. This means that Jupiter should be benefic by his placement and position in the annual progressed charts. It has been said above the houses 2. 4 are transferred to the affairs of the house occupied by Saturn. 8 is also afflicted the article should be kept under ground in the ancestral house. 5 is occupied by Rahu and Saturn. 6 is unoccupied there shall be no transfer of the afflictions of 8 th and 2ndhouses. House No. So long as Jupiter is in good position there shall be peace and prosperity. Sun is the lord of this house. 1. To avail of this opportunity is houses 2 and 3 . 5. 6 is ruled by Mercury and hence the planet in house No. 6 and 8 are mutually interconnected with each other. 6 is likely to afflict the results of house occupied by Mercury. No planet gives bad effects to the affairs of this house if Moon does not occupy and of the house No. Even the rank malefics like Rahu and Ketu become benefics for this house is Moon does not occupy any of the quandrangular houses. For this malady loaves of bread or flour of the weight of the son should be given to dogs for 25 to 48 days. Mars or Mercury are in 4th house and child will be safe and healthy in mother’s womb before birth and even Rahu or Ketu would not be able to spoil that. About the welfare of children also we have to judge the same house. There shall also be no aspect from 6th house to 12th house. House No. They are strong by the night and also when there is some trouble. 7 or 10. 6 is aspected by the planets in house No. How shall the native fare in the world can be known from his house No. Sun. If house No. Ketu in 8th and Jupiter in the 10thhouse there shall be illness initially to the partner and thereafter the son is likely to suffer. 6 is known as the hidden world. 2. treasure house of mercy and providential help. 5 is the house of progeny and the future of the native. Similar is the position of planets in this house. For the pre-natal period if any if Jupiter. House No. Rahu and Ketu will influence results according to their placement in the chart. Ketu is the natural significator of the affairs of the house. 4. House No. Jupiter is the Karaka graha or the natural significator planet for the house. Ketu or Venus. 8 through house No. While attempting and modification in any of the houses including the 6th house we have to keep in view all the three houses. If house 4 or 4 or 9 is afflicted the planet in house 5 shall give bad results. In case house No. If house No. The bad effects of planets in house No. Jupiter gets exalted here.Moon is strong by night. 2 and the house No. When the planet in 11th house of the birth chart transits 11th house or 8th house the articles pertaining to the planet should not be purchased (new) and brought in the house and kept safely. Mercury. The relevant commodities of that planet should be given in alms and charities. If house No. Mercury and Ketu will not offer good results till the age of the planet in house 6 or 8. 6. In such a case the articles of the planet in 11th house or those of his friends would be helpful. The question of the ages of planets will be dealt with at its proper place. Ketu and Saturn are transiting the lagna at that time. The flour should be of the weight of the son and feeding continue from 25 to 48 days. 2 but the position would be reversed in the case of Saturn who will aspect house No. 6 in the annual progressed chart will cause health afflion. Money in cash to the blind persons for food would be of no avail. 2 from 6th house. In other words the native should serve his maternal uncles and help them or serve his own daughters and help them. If 2nd house is occupied by benefic planets and the 12th house also contains similar planets it would be beneficial to awaken the 6th house. The dogs should be fed with flour loaves of bread. 2. If you are purchasing a house when Saturn is in 11th house you should also bring a dog to the house. If Jupiter is in 10th house. 8. Jupiter and Moon all the other planets in 6 th house would be offering their own results. Except Sun. Venus in 11th. 1. If the planets in 8th house are inimical to planets in house 11 the native will not be benefitted by anything relating to planets in the 11th house.are occupied by benefics it would always be helpful to awaken house No. If some machines are purchased the toys for the children should also be purchased. If they are undesirable they can be remedied. House No. Service of parents will be helpful. Provided none of the planets Rahu. This is possible by serving the maternal uncles (helping them) or serving the daughters of the daughter. If any of these planets is in the lagna the articles pertaining to the . 3. 10. 10 is unoccupied the planets in the 4th house cannot give good results. Although the planets in house No. 5. The planet who transits house No. Ketu in 8th and Saturn in 5th house. Saturn and Ketu will give the results of 7th house. Commodities of the planets or the relative signigfied by them should be served. 4. They will be helpful if the articles pertaining to the planet friendly to the planet in house 11 or pertaining to the planet who can change the directtion of the planet in the 11th. In order to save oneself from the poison of houses 6 and 10 one should take the things of the planet inimical to the planet in 5th house and bury them under ground or if the native has his ancestral house the same should be kept in that house till the duration of the bad results of 8th house. Ten blind persons should be fed. 9. 7. When they transit the 8th house they will give bad results. 1. The planets in the 11th house will generally give good results when they transit house No. are also purchased simultaneously. 6 are aspected by the planets in house No. 6. 9 can be awakened throught eh 2nd house provided house 3 and 5 are empty. For Venus we substitute pearls of the curd hue. In case of such a Moon pearl (white) should be substituted for gold. One of those pieces should be thrown in running water of a river and the other kept by the bride which she should not sell away but should keep with her. Sun in the 11th house will give good results so long as the native remains religious.planets in 9th house at that time would be helpful. for Rahu the remedies of Moon given above and for Ketu take stone of two colours. If he indulges in drinking and non vegetarianism the results may be awful. So Long as it is with the bride there would be no bad effects of Jupiter. He may be childless. 13. If real pearl is not available. . Moon in 11th house will give very good results at least till the mother of the native is alive. If Jupiter is giving bad results according to the birth chart. For Mars it may be red (not bright red) stone. a weight of the native should be kept in the house at the time of marriage. 11. at the time of marriage of the girl(when celebrated according to Hindu tradition) two pieces of pure gold (of any weight but the two should be of equal weight) should be given in charity as the girl is given to the bridegroom. 12. for Mercury take diamond. for Saturn iron and steel. If Jupiter and Ketu are good in the chart. pious and vegetarian. In case the 9th house is unoccupied Jupiter's articles will be helpful. If Sun is giving bad results the pieces should be of red copper. The Indian Astronomy and Astrology considers earth as the centre. As far as human experiences are concerned both studies are complementing to each other. the correlation are very strong. is immaterial. Within the space. In Hindu Astrology. Fire. People use it in different forms according to region and culture of the area. What is important to us is that variation in their disposition determine variations in the events on the earth. These heavinely bodies are determined on the basis of astronomy and mathematics. or they only indicate such phenomena by their various dispositions. Water and Earth each is therefore attributes. We. The Indian astronomy is thus geocentric. In Vedic astrology it is founded that nothing in the universe is stationery. there are four elements Air. In any case we consider ourselves in the central point with rest of universe in the constant motion around us. Place of birth and exact time of birth. . consider the position and movement of all the heavinely bodies in relation to earth itself. Actually Astrology starts where Astronomy ends.Aryabhatt Astrology software Astrology is the study of human behaviour and experience on the back drop of time and space. Whether the sun. this system has been explained as space time connection. Raja and Tamasa and make up 12 divisions in the nature. sattva . therefore. Astrological findings are based on the Astronomical and mathematical and biological principles. are mapped in the form of a horoscope. Their specific position in the horoscope indicates specific happenings in the case of individuals. and not heliocentric which latter considers sun as the centre. the moon. and all other heavenly bodies moving around it in one manner or the other. So the zodiac in which earth and all the planets are imprisoned by gravitation and revolve around the sun is divided by 12 clusters of stars or signs of the zodiac. Astrology is widely used all over the world. The main factors affecting the horoscope of any individual are Date of birth. Astrology is a scientific study and application of the language of the heavenly bodies(planets and stars). the planets and stars themselves influence the terrestrial phenomena. the Mars. Of these the Sun is star. the Moon. All the planets as they travel around each zodiac sign. One of sign rising happens to be the sign rising at the eastern horizon at the time of birth. Each house represents certain characteristics. Heuristic predictions. it is comprised of 360 degrees. the moon is a satellite of the earth. This means that signs and houses donot coincide. and so on. Mercury. Saturn. the second bears the label of sign that will rise next. Rahu and Ketu are mere mathematical points on the zodiac. Vedic Astrology has three major facets. Apart from it Vedic astrology recognises nine grahas. Charting System in Vedic Astrology The main points of it are as follows: Rashichakra is regarded as 360 degree of the imaginary globe in which important houses as well as nakshatras have their own place these positions keep changing from time to time. The nine grahas(from the sun to ketu) are the occupants of these houses. The sign falling in these houses also represents certain characteristics. Each sign has a certain specific influence of its own. The twenty-seven nakshatras being evenly distributed on it each having the span of 13°20’ arc. More about principles of Astrology As we know that there are twelve signs of the zodiac. The first house has the label of sign rising at the time of birth. In India various styles of . Since it encircles the earth. The rules and the information based on these rules to predict the influence of planets. Such a division is called Rashi or Sign . While the remaining ones are planets. Rahu & Ketu. exert an influence according to their separate nature and in accordance with the quality of aspect which they form. The various nakshtras are numbered from one to twenty-seven. They are the Sun. The lagna happens to be the first house of horoscope. A sign consist of two and a quarter nakshtras.The zodiac forms the reference point for fixing up position of any planet or star in the sky. When the zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts. Venus. each such part has an extension of 30 degrees of the arc. Jupiter. This rising sign is called as lagna or Ascendant. Horoscopic Chart Before going further it is important to understand how a horoscopic chart looks like.    Detailed mathematical calculations. North Style South Style Oriya and Bengali Various Chart Styles Nakshatra: After arriving at Ishtakal. NAKSHATRA YONI GAN NADI Asvini Bharani Krittika Rohini Mrigsira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Rakshash Magha Ashva Gaja Mesh Sarp Sarp Shwan Marjar Mesha Marjar Mooshak Dev Manushya Rakshash Manushya Dev Manushya Dev Dev Rakshash Rakshash Adya Madhya Antya Antya Madhya Adya Adya Madhya Antya Antya .astrological charts are prevalent. the position of the nakshtras and its value is known. In Astrology 27 nakshatras are known. it is necessary to make the horoscope.P. it is known as lord of that sign. Phalguni U. if a planet is in a particular sign. In a horoscope. Phalguni Hasta Chitra Swati Vishakha Anuradha Jyestha Moola Purvasdha Uttaradhdha Shravana Dhanishtha Shatbhisha P. Ascendant(Lagna) : To know the ascendant. The Ascendant is the particular sign and degree exactly on the eastern horizon in the latitude of birth place for which the chart is cast. Bhadrapad U. bhadrapad Revati Mooshak Gao Mahishi Vyaghra Mahishi Vyaghra Mrig Mrig Shwan Kapi Nukula Kapi Sinh Ashva Ashva Gao Gaja Manushya Manushya Dev Rakshash Dev Rakshash Dev Rakshash Rakshash Manushya Manushya Dev Rakshash Rakshash Manushya Manushya Dev Madhya Adya Adya Madhya Adya Antya Madhya Antya Adya Madhya Antya Antya Madhya Adya Adya Adya Antya Birth sign: Whichever sign the moon is in. will be known as persons birth sign. Planets : In the life of man planets exert a deep influence. SIGNS LORDS Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Sagittarius Capricorn Scorpio Libra Virgo Moon Sun Pisces Aquarius Mars Venus Mercury Jupiter Saturn . 10 and 11.8 and 12. These are highly auspicious and. The lagna being both a kendra and a trikona. These houses indicate struggle. wealth.5 and 9. The Apoklimas(or Cadent Houses) : Houses 3. In astronomy it is the vertical of the latitude belonging to the place of the birth.5. One-twelfth part of the circle of observation constitutes an astrological house. The Ayu-sthanas(or houses of longevity) : Houses 8 and 3(8 th from the 8th).The system of Houses Houses : There are twelve celestial houses in Astrology and a house is constituted with 30 degrees. 5. rise and virtue or a native. and their original nature undergoes modifications depending upon the lagna. The stars on the earth show the place of birth.6. determine the health. The rising house is called ascendant and the others are known as angular. These are highly significant houses. disease. The Upachayas : Houses 3. competition and material achievement. 1. status. Houses 1 to 7 indicate the invisible half and houses 7 to 1 indicate the visible half of the b. The maraka-sthanas(or killer houses): houses 2 and 7 The two halves of a horoscope. horoscope. 8. The angles are four cardipoints in the horoscope. They indicate the length of life and therefore.9 and 12 The Trikons(or Trines) : Houses 1. is the most significant of all the houses. The kendras(or Quadrants) : Houses 1. Houses 10 to 4 indicate the eastern half and houses 4 to 10 indicate the western half of the horoscope. loss and misery. The Trika Houses : houses 6. The planets in the horoscopic chart are subservient to lagna. 8 and 11. Nine main planets are employed in Vedic astrology : Their Hindi Vedic names and English equivalent are given below : Vedic Name English Equivalent Ravi(Surya) Chandra Mangala Budha Guru(Brihaspati) Shukra Shani Rahu Ketu Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu(Dragon’s head) Ketu(Dragon’s Tail) . 4. 2. 9.4. dignity. The panapharas(or Successant Houses) : Houses 2. 6. a. These are considered bad houses(Duhsthanas). along with the kendras. 7 and 10. also the death. succedent and cadent houses. 3.6. 7. They are derived from an equal division of the circle of observation in to 12 parts. They indicate debt. . For Neela. Some Useful Tantra Mantra TANTRA/MANTRA    MAIN HOME MAA NAUBAHI REAL AVATAR HISTORY     MAA NAUBAHI HISTORY MAA NAUBAHI PHOTS MAA NAUBHI CHALISA MAA NAUBAHI ALL MANTRA    MAA NAUBAHI SHAKTI  MAA RANI DAY MAA BHAJANS AND ARTI       HANUMAN CHALISA MATA RANI SONG'S DURGA SAPATSATI TRUST/CHARITY CONTACT US TANTRA/MANTRA SPRITIAL/BLACK MAGIC MANTRA    VISHNU MANTRA'S SANSKRIT MANTRA JASBIR SINGH RANA JASSI Jai Mata Naubahi Devi ki Mantra for controlling jaundice Om Shriram Sar Rita. mantras for attaining siddhis-youtube mantra for attaining siddhis. Peela. Mantra for Vanishing Diseases Mantra for vanishing diseases .000 Mantra chant is needed. 10. Neela Thotha Peela Peela Sarvavidha Rahe to Ramchandraji Ka Rahe Naam Meri Bhakti Guru Ki Shakti Phure Mantra Eswaro Vacha Murmuring this mantra and touching the body of a jaundice patient can help overpower the disease. Lakshman Sadha Baan. Mantra for specific disease control Om Aadesh Guru Ko Kali Kambali Vale Shyam. Kahaye Hain Unko Ghanshyam Rog NasheShok Nashe Nahin To Krishna Ki Aan Radha Meera Manaave. Guru Ki Shakti. The use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of theseeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting is favourable and helps to cure from diseases. Mantra for protection of pregnancy Om Rudra Bhi Drava Ho. (Name the Patient) Ka rog doshJaveThe name of the patient of whose disease is to be controlled should be chanted at the right placewhile murmuring this mantra. Mantra for protecting oneself . Riddance from Evil Spirits Ayeim Kreem Kreem Khrim Khrim Khichi Khichi Bhootnaathaay Pishaachaay Khrim KhrimPhat.Satya Naam Aadesh Guru KoThis mantra can lead to siddhi if chanted for 10. The remembrance of Lord Krishna and Shiva be kept in mind.Phuro Mantra Eswaro Vacha.Om Rogansheshanpahansi Tushta Rusta Tu Kaman Saklanbhishtan. Tvamashritanam NaVipannrananam Tvamashrita Hyashraytam PrayantiThis mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. Mantra for protection against eye soreOm Namo Ramji Dhani Lakshman Ke BaanAankh Dard Kare To Lakshman Kuwar Ki AanMeri Bhakti. Ha Ha Ha Hoo KaThe pregnant woman should chant this mantra for 108 times a day.000 times. U B M M .T “M M ”. Ghanta Swanena Nah Pahi ChapajjanihSwanen Ch. The mantra is veryeffective when diseases/ailment is continuously jeopardizing life or there is continuous fear of life. following the procedure will produce early result-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra for increasing profits in business Om Kansonsmitam Hiranya Prakaram Aardraam Jwalantim Triptam Tarpyenteem.I f .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra for Longevity and getting rid of Ailments Om Trayambakam Yajamahe S P V . Taya Mamadya Medhayagne MedhavinamKuruThe regular chant of this mantra with red sandal beaded garland and pouring water helps to bring peace to ancestors. The regular and continuous chantof this mantra for 1. .Om Shoolena Pahino Devi Pahi Khadgen Chambike.25 lakh times. fears and troubles use of rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) whilechanting is favourable Mantra for peace of ancestors Om Yaam Medham Devganah Pitarasch Upasate. It helps to get rid of enemies. The use of a beaded garland of Tulsi (Basil Plant) isrecommended for better and early results------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra for getting rid of Incurable Diseases Om Hon Joon Sah Om Bhoorbhuva Swah Om Trayambakam Yajamahe SugandhimPustivardhanam Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormurksheeya Mamritat. PadhesthitamPadhmavarnaam Tami Hope VhayeshriyamThis mantra is attributed to Goddess Lakshmi. The regular and continuous chant of this mantrahelps to increase profits in business. Even otherwise.Om Swah Bhuvah Bhu Om Sw J H O T “M M M ”. the chant of this mantra is very beneficial. T mantra is attributed to Lord Shiva. I L S .This mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra for getting rid of all kinds of adversities Om Sharangat Dinart Paritran Parayane.25 lakh times helps to bring back lost pleasures and strength of mind. The useof rudraksha mala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) while chanting isfavourable. This mantra is attributed to Lord Rama or Lord Narayana. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra for 1. The use of rudrakshamala (A beaded garland of the seeds of Eleocarpus Ganitrus Tree) or a beaded Garland of redsandal is favourable and helps to attain early results.Moreover. it brings along with it the blessing of the God. Sarvasyarti Hare Devi Narayani NamostuteThis mantra is attributed to Lord Narayan. Bhayebhyastrahino Devi Durge Devi NamostuteThis mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra for getting pleasure Om Ram Ramaya NamahThis is a very powerful Mantra.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra for getting pleasure in life Om Hanumate NamahThis mantra is related to Lord Hanuman. Theregular chant of this mantra leads to success in every field of life and worldly pleasure. The mantra helps get rid of fear and anxiety.Mantra for getting rid of fear Om Sarva Swaroope Sarveshe Sarvshakti Samanvite.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra for getting blessed with son and acquiring wealth . The use of red sandal beaded garland while chantinghelps in consolation from troubles and adversities. The regular and continuous chant of this mantra between 08:00 p. This manta is very popular because it yields quick results. Buddhi and complete financial prosperity. reputation. Follow Bramhcharya during Mantra meditation. intelligence and wealth because Lord Ganesha is the Lord of Riddhi. house. T M Mantras For Overcoming obstacles and attaining intelligence GANPATI MANTRAS: (For overcoming obstacles. landed property. For Mantra Siddhi it should be recited 1 lakh 25000 times. glory. quickly. to 10:00 p. It gives Riddhi. "Om Hreeng Greeng Hreeng" This is Shaktivinayak Mantra.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra for getting all round success O S H K N T “S M ”. Siddhi.Om Sarvabadha Vinurmukto Dhandhanya Sutanvitah Manushyomat Prasaaden Bhavishyati NaSanShayaThis mantra is attributed to Goddess Durga. inflow of money. This Mantra brings financial prosperity. vehicle etc.m. will help get blessed with son and acquiring wealth. "Hastipishachilikhey Swaha" . attaining success. For Mantra Siddhi recite it 5 lakh times. Siddhi and Buddhi) "Shri Ganeshay Namah" "Om Ganeshay Namah" "Om Gang Ganadhirajaay Namah" "Om Shri Manmahaganaadhipatye Namah" "Vakratundaay Hung" This is favourite Mantra of Lord Ganesha.m. This Mantra is very very important. It brings financial prosperity and materialistic success. This is a Tantrik Mantra. "Om Ganesh Rhinam Chhindhi Vareniyam Hung Namah Phutt" This is Rhinaharta Ganesha Mantra. This Mantra is best for the eradication of poverty and debts. If this Mantra is recited even once debt and poverty shall never enter inside one's house. -"Om Shreeng Hreeng Kleeng Glaung Gang Ganapatye Var Varad Sarvajanmey Vashmanay Tha Tha." Before starting any auspicious ceremony or work Lord Ganpati should be worshipped. This is one of the most powerful Mantras of Lord Ganpati. Lord Ganpati destroys all types of obstacles. Man can attain everything in his life with the blessing of Lord Ganpati, he can achieve materialistic as well as spiritual progress, because, he is the only one God which can bring both types of progress simultaneously. This Mantra can be recited for attaining all types of Siddhis, prosperity and intellect because he is the Lord of Ridhi (prosperity), Siddhi (success) and Buddhi ( intellect). By reciting this Mantra all sorts of sins and diseases also get eradicated. For Mantra Siddhi recite it 1 lakh times. This Mantra is very effective for appeasing Mercury and Rahu. "Rayaspaushasaya Dadita Nidhido Ratan Dhatuman Rakshohanovalaghano Vakratundaay Hung" This is most important and secret Mantra of Lord Ganapati. "Om Shreeng Gang Soumyaay Ganapatye Var Varad Sarvajanmmey Vashmanay Swaha" This Laxmi Vinayak Mantra is combined Mantra of Goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesha. It should be recited 5 lakh times for its Siddhi. Stay away from sexuality during Mantra meditation. This meditation Sadhana programme should be completed with in 24 days in the maximum. "Vakratundaikdaikdanshtraay Kleeng Hreeng Shreeng Gang GanapatyeVar Varad Sarvajanam mey Vashmanay Swaha" This is Trailokya Mohan Kar Ganesha Mantra. his is most useful for ypnotism. It brings special glow on he face of the person who recites it. As a result who so ever comes in contact gets hypnotised. Your eyes should be focussed on an idol of Lord Ganesha during Mantra meditation. Follow Bramhcharya and recite it 1 lakh times for Mantra Siddhi. "Om Hung Gang Glaung Haridra Ganapatye Var Varad Sarvajan Hridayam Stambhay Stambhay Swaha" This is Haridra Ganesh Mantra. This is a boon for improving marital happiness, enhancing sexual pleasure, enjoying new heights and ecstasy in conjugal felicitation, overcoming impotency and for semen retention. Rosary of bulbs of turmeric should be used for Mantra meditation. Yellow clothes and yellow colour Asana should be used. It is essential to follow Bramhcharya during Mantra meditation. "Om Namo Siddhivinayakaay Sarvakaryakartrey Sarvavighanprashamnay Sarvarjya Vashyakarnaay Sarvajan Sarvastree Purushakarshanaay Shreeng Om Swaha." This is Siddhi Vinayak Mantra. This Mantra is considered most auspicious, most powerful and most significant. Every person should recite this Mantra at least 108 times every day. This is a very potent Mantra. People prefer to attain the Siddhi of this Mantra before starting any other type of Mantra Sadhana because it makes the path of Sadhana easier. siddhi by mantra? Submitted by makar on Thu, 04/28/2011 - 07:48. Tags:  chant  Mantra  Power  Siddhi Your vote: ancel Rating 0 0 0 0 00 Average: 4 (5 votes) can I achieve siddhi reciting mantras? How many times a mantra should be recited? is it 108 times for all? and for how many days? like for ganesha mantra etc.? Is some special mala used for counting? what if we have to recite for more than 108 times? where should my attention be during recitation of mantras? Share this post on:    ‹ A mantra for employment- HH Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, Mantra for age of Kali ›  Login or register to post comments  Printer friendly version sidhi technique First, I would advise you strongly not to get involved in sidhis, it can work against you, it requires long and extensive training in order to purify you, it can make enormous subconscious problems. It is not just a mantra or any other technique but mainly to avoid side effects or deviations. This is the reason why the ability is partially blocked in most people - in order to protect them. Second, it depends on the specific sidhi you look for - there are techniques for materializing objects, for telequinecis, for mind reading and so on. For mind reading - sit comfortably and feel your body from within with no strain. At some point you will suddenly feel a mild vibration that will become strong extend that field of vibration to outside your body until it encompasses the whole world - at that point while you maintain awareness to this field of vibration, concentrate on the person you want to read his/her mind, then switch to his/her vibration, the same type of vibration that you feel from within your body - then say silently: "I demand to read the mind of X, it happens, tank you, thank you, thank you", then be vigilent to your stream of consciousness, to the moving content of your mind - soon you will notice images and thoughts that are not yours, that are not typical - these are the thoughts of that other person.  Login or register to post comments divine intervention | Thu, 04/28/2011 - 12:47 can u please tell how can it can u please tell how can it work against me? and what do u mean by ability being partially blocked? side effects? as of now, I want to increase my concentration and mental power.which is the mantra for this? Will this work? "Ya devi sarvabhuteshu smriti - rupena samsthita, namas tasyai, namas tasyai, namas tasyai namo namah" will this give siddhi after some time or I will have recite it everyday? thanks  Login or register to post comments makar | Fri, 04/29/2011 - 01:58 mind reading all of the psychics don't do this?  Login or register to post comments makar | Fri, 04/29/2011 - 02:01 " Then you show how to read minds. it might or might not work. 100 of which are yours and 8 are for the universe. initiate you into the mantra. 05/08/2011 .000. these are closed. If you find a mantra in a book.13:28 Confusing First you advise "strongly not to get involved in sidhis. A teacher can introduce you to a mantra. A purascharana is 1250(?) malas. 1st: They can be achived through PRAYANAYAMS (Yogic-breathings). intended for a specific purpose. What gives?  Login or register to post comments Quantum | Thu. There are two ways to achive them. (But beware this way is more than enough dangerous) _/\_Jasdir . helpful to everyone. so that he/she can work for you. 1. A repetition of a mantra 108 times is called a mala. restricted. 2nd: Find the weekness of any person who has achived them. If a mantra is closed to you and you may need 1 or 2 maha purascharanas to open it. and try it. open for everyone. Find a teacher.  Login or register to post comments hrit-padma-1 | Sun.03:33 Personal understandings My personal understandings about SIDDHIES is that. a maha purascharana is 8 purascharanas.Mantra open Some mantras are like prayers.000 reps. explain how to do it. this course is long and tuff and need the help of perfect teacher daily who can teach us personally. The mantra becomes open for you. Others are specialized. Gayatri. 05/26/2011 . A mala is string of 108 beads.
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