Malpraktik Keperawatan

March 28, 2018 | Author: Fatmi Umrayani H | Category: Tort, Negligence, Health Professional, Nursing, Service Industries



Malpraktik KeperawatanBy. Ns. SIlvi Definisi • Penelantaran vs. Malpraktik ▫ Saat ini banyak pengadilan menganggap kasus penelantaran adalah malpraktek • Penelantaran adalah ‘kegagalan melakukan perawatan hingga tingkat tertentu, yang dilakukan seseorang berdasarkan kebijaksanaan yang lazim jika ia berada disitusi serupa’ (Helm, 2003) Definisi... • Negligence is ‘the civil action initiated under the law of torts in which health professionals, and health care institutions, may become liable if a patient, or client, sustains an injury while in their care’ (Forrester & Griffiths 2005) In Law... • In law, malpractice is classified as a tort, which is a wrongful act resulting in injury to another's person, property, or reputation. In a tort, the injured party is entitled to seek compensation for the injury. All torts, including malpractice, have three features: ▫ a person who has a duty of care toward others ▫ a failure to exercise due care ▫ an injury or financial damages caused by the failure Mencegah Liabilitas Malpraktik • • • • • • • • Ketahui kekuatan dan kelemahan Delegasikan dengan cermat Lakukan instruksi/order dengan waspada Memberikan obat dengan cermat Membina hubungan baik dengan pasien Jangan memberikan pendapat Baca sebelum tanda tangan Dokumentasikan tindakan keperawatan dengan akurat • Cegah pasien jatuh/sediakan lingkungan yang aman • Siaga saat membantu menjalankan prosedur • Ikuti kebijakan dan prosedur fasilitas kesehatan Jenis Malpraktek • Assessment • Planning • Implementation Contoh Malpraktik Keperawatan • • • • • • Kesalahan dalam pemeberian obat Kegagalan proses komunikasi Kegagalan pendokumentasian Kegagalan melakukan pengkajian yang akurat Kegagalan memberikan perlindungan Kegagalan memberikan perawatan yang efektif dan rasional • Kegagalan menjaga kerahasiaan Contoh/examples.. • Other common reasons for lawsuits against nurses include: ▫ failure to secure the patient's safety ▫ failure to properly assess the patient ▫ failure to perform a procedure according to established standards of care ▫ failure to administer medication properly Why Malpractice occured?  Negligence could be caused by inadequate knowledge or skill from the professionals, or by mistaken to seek reasonable judgment in the application of professional knowledge or skills.  Lack or failure is determined by comparing the action in question with what a similar practitioner would reasonably be expected to do in the same circumstances. The results of doing Malpractice • The patient suffered disability, disfigurement, pain, suffering, or financial loss as a result of negligence • The health professionals/nurses get lawsuit and affect their carrier Malpractice in the world • In turkey, Health professionals were held liable in 59% of the lawsuits. Midwives had the highest percentage of malpractice liability (52%), followed by physicians (29%) and nurses (19%). To reduce potential liability, nurse education should be improved, a nursing malpractice law should be enacted, and instructions for nursing procedures should be formulated. Kasus 1 • Dokter RSUD Raha tangani pasien via Hp. Dalam penatalaksanaan pasca transfusi setelah 2 hari lewat dari kebutuhan, P/ mengalami sesak napas. Dokter mengorderkan paracetamol. 6 jam setelahnya pasien bertambah sesak dan kemudian menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya. • Problem: standing order pendelegasian kepada tenaga keperawatan dalam memberikan askep/pelayanan kesehatan Kasus 2 Hukum kesehatan terkait Malpraktik • Hukum kesehatan tentang tenaga keperawatan : ▫ UU No. 23 th 1992 ttg kesehatan ▫ PP No. 32 th 1996 ttg tenaga kesehatan  Hub P-K merupakan subjek hukum
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