Majirel Color Chart.pdf

March 26, 2018 | Author: wingchun108tek | Category: Allergy, Green, Brown, Color, Blue



The Haircolor Beauty Treatmentby the world’s greatest hairstylists . . shine.cuticle zone A . • Permanent •crème color for rich.cuticle zone C warm G zone ionène A ionène G zone B .surface violet warm gold gold copper copper red red violet cool cool mocha natural natural warm warm cool absolute green blue violet cool natural warm te care absolute ce absolute confidence cool sults care ation • Predictable.cortex ionène G zone B .cuticle zone A zone C .cuticle absolute care • Ionène G and Incell® complex strengthen & reinforce hair from the inside out • Long-lasting.the treatsthe thehair hair thefirst firsthaircolor haircolor that that treats from the core to the surface for long-lasting.surface ance • Smooth. precise results • Fresh fragrance green green natural natural • Ionène G and Incell®complex strengthen & reinforce hair from the inside out • Long-lasting.cortex red zone A zone B . creamy texture for easy mix and application % white • Fresh fragrance eativity blue blue warm cool • Predictable. the haircolor beauty treatment the haircolor beauty treatment t absolute color absolute absolute the first haircolor that treats the hair color color • P•ermanent crème color fordeep rich.surface zone A . radiant color color with the first haircolor that treats the hair from the core to the surface for long-lasting.ofdeep Optimum coverage of up 100% white white • Optimum coverage uptoresults to 100% • Optimum• coverage of up to 100% white 9 shade families for unlimited creativity ••190shade shade families for unlimited families for unlimited creativity creativity te or green green sults white tivity ute lor absolute absolute confidence blue blue violet cool violet cool warm te re then ute e out erior are ading ngthen dition de out uperior fading ndition copper gold red copper red warm warm confidence zone A . radiant withbrilliant brilliantshine. precise results • Smooth. radiant color with superior resistance to fading • Brilliant shine and condition zone C ionène G zone C zone C . results from the core to the surface for long-lasting.cortex zone B . creamy texture for easy mix and application nce • Fresh fragrance results lication grance gold cool results • Smooth. from the core to the surface for long-lasting. radiant color with brilliant shine. radiant color with superior resistance to fading • Brilliant shine and condition gold copper zone B zone B ® incell complex ® incell complex zone C . precise results ute zone A . radiant color with brilliant shine. deep results Permanent crème color for rich. radiant color with superior • Ionène G and Incell®complex strengthen resistance to fading & reinforce hair from the inside • Brilliant shine and out condition • Long-lasting.cortex zone C .surface zone B zone A ® incell complex zone B ® incell complex zone C . creamy texture for easy mix and application • Predictable. The Haircolor Beauty Treatment The Haircolor Beauty Treatment . . • If he/she experiences any reactions . Do not use metal utensils. mix a small amount of your final formula developer in a plastic or glass container. even though your client has previously used a haircolor product from this brand or another. we advise you not to color your client’s hair that day. open and mix product away from client • For the health and safety of you and your client. Advise your client to consult a physician for treatment. Tightly recap the hair-colorant and developer. • Apply mixture to the test area with a cotton swab or ball. you are ready to color.­­­ always examine your client’s scalp • Examine your client’s scalp for abrasions or irritations. Instruct client not to wash. ask: • Have you ever colored your hair? • Do you have any allergies? • Have you ever had a reaction to haircolor? Knowing answers to these questions will help you properly determine if your client is sensitive to certain hair products and will assist you with your product choice. always mix product in a well ventilated room. • Using a plastic utensil. DO NOT COLOR YOUR CLIENT’S HAIR UNTIL HE OR SHE HAS CONSULTED A DOCTOR. • Instruct client to examine test area periodically over the next 48 hours. • Does your client have a tattoo? If your client has a tattoo. i­­nstructions • Follow manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions. the risk of an allergic reaction may be increased. use gloves when L’Oréal Professionnel advises all haircolorists­­­­­­­­ to wear gloves when: • Preparing and mixing haircolor • Performing a patch test • Applying haircolor • Rinsing haircolor test for allergies Perform a skin allergy test 48 hours before each use. such as a haircolor dispensary. eruptions or irritation in or around the test area. If your client has scalp irritation. • All product packaging includes manufacturer’s instructions. burning. • Let test spot dry. • Wear a protective mask when mixing a reactive productive such as a powder lightener. swelling. skin abrasions. L’Oréal Professionnel’s dedication to research and development ensures that all products have been tested to achieve optimum results when following recommended guidelines.such as redness. now you’re good to go! .L’Oréal Professionnel advises caution consult with your client and before coloring your client’s hair. • If no reaction has occurred. •A  lways read and follow recommended guidelines. cover or disturb for 48 hours. Pat dry. as allergies can develop suddenly. • Clean an area the size of a quarter in the bend of your client’s elbow with soap and water. itching. 1 .21 10VB 10.01 violet ­­­­­­cool .green .22 .77 5GrGr 9.01 9NB 8.15 4BRv .07 .1 7B 7.01 8NB 8.13 8BG 7.1 8B 8.13/.01 10NB 5.21/.07 8NGr .23 9.01 7NB 7.15 10.13 9BG 9.07 5NGr 5.77 blue .22 9VV 4.13 7BG 6.1 6B 6.07 6NGr 6.1 5B 8.01 6NB 5.1 9B 9. When using 6. apply ½ target shade + ½ natural shade on the same level.0* 7NN 7 7N 7.32 6GV 6.8 and 5.31 7GB 7.31 9GB 8. 7.35 7GRv NEW 6.45 4CRv 3 3N 1 1N When using 4.8 7M 7.8 5M 5.8 8M 9. apply target shade.0* 5NN 5 5N 5. apply target shade without mixing.8 and 8.35 5GRv NEW 4.35 6GRv NEW 5.natural mocha .8: •F  or up to 100% coverage of white hair. * Extra Coverage Shades .35 .32 5GV 5.5 5Rv 4.35 4GRv 6.8 4M 4.8: • For up to 100% natural coverage of white hair.45 6CRv 5.0* 4NN 4 4N 4.0* 6NN 6 6N 6. • For 100% opaque coverage of white hair.8.8 6M 6.0 .32 .5 10 10N 9 9N NEW 8.0* 8NN 8 8N NEW 7.45 .8 warm .31/. 43 8.03 7NG 7.4 5C .03 8NG 8.30 8GGG 8.43 7CG 6.30 .34 8GC 8.3 8G 7.40 7.33 8GG 8.03 10NG 9.3 copper .40 7CCC Rubilane 10.03 7NG 6.3 4G 7.3 6G 5.34 6GC 5.3 5G 4.3 9G 8.­­­­­­­­gold .34­­ .03 .4 7C 7.3 7G 6.4 .33 .43 8CG . 65 6RRv 6.56 5RvR Rubilane 6.62 5RV 5.46 6CR 5.60 6.6 .60 6RRR Lumax 5.65 4RRv .red copper .6 6R 6.55 .62 ­­­­­.64 7RC Lumax 6.64 6RC Rubilane 5.64 .46 .60 5RRR Lumax 7.64 5RC 4.6 5R 5.55 5RvRv 5.62 6RV 6.65 .56 . 4 Ultra light blonding and toning for dark natural bases 607 NGr Lightest Natural Coolest Brown 913 BG Lightest Beige Blonde 600S NN Super High Lift Lightening Crème on Level 4 Ultra light blonding and toning in one step.® The Haircolor Beauty Treatment ultra light blonding and toning in one step for levels 5 .Lift Haircolor ® The Haircolor Beauty Treatment cool mix shades blue mix violet mix warm mix shades­ green mix yellow mix copper mix copper-red mix red mix .9 911 BB Lightest True Ash Blonde 921 VB Lightest Pearl Ash Blonde 901 NB Lightest Natural Ash Blonde 900 NN Lightest Natural Blonde 900S NN Super Light Blonde 903S NG Super Light Natural Golden Blonde 901S NB Super Light Natural Ash Blonde 601 600S NB NN Lightest Natural Super High Lift Ultra light blonding and toning for dark natural bases Cool Brown Lightening Crème on Level 2 902 NV Lightest Natural Pearl Blonde ultra lightening and toning for levels 1 . Hi. 30/8GGG.1 .8 .56 .31 9GB 9 9N 9.13 9BG 9.8 LEVELS 4.5 red .5 5Rv 5.32 5GV 5. Up to 4 coverage of white 35 Up to 30% developer min 20.07 8NGr natural mocha 6. add a little warm water to the hair and gently emulsify. Levels 1 – 4 virgin application levels of lightening •A  pply mixture 1/2 inch away from scalp to the mid-lengths/ends. • Apply to mid-lengths/ends immediately after re-growth application. Hi.40 7. 6.2/V GOLD .3/9G.6 .8 and 8. Ultra light blonding and toning in one step. For special effect uses.43 8.45 4CRv 4.or 30-volume developer.4/C level tone B blue .8 5M 5.1/B blue. mix 1/2 tube of Majirel Mix shade with 1. add a little warm water to the hair and gently emulsify.3 oz Majicrème 20or 30. Thoroughly rinse color from the hair and shampoo twice with L’Oréal Professionnel Post-Color Shampoo. Hi.34 6GC 7. add a little warm water to the hair and gently emulsify.3/6G.01 7NB 7.60/6RRR*.6 oz Majicrème 20.35 5GRv NEW 4. 4/4N.35 4GRv 7.1 8B 8.7 M mocha .4 7C 7.4/C copper. • Develop for 15 minutes. • Develop for 15 . 6. 5.13/.65 4RRv 4.8/M min .1 V violet .3/5G. cool mix shades blue mix violet mix warm mix shades­ green mix yellow mix copper mix copper-red mix re-growth application on mid-lengths/ends red mix minimum fading • Apply target shade to re-growth • Process for full development time •Add a small amount of warm water to the remaining mixture • Emulsify mixture through the mid-lengths and ends at the shampoo basin. When development time is complete. add a little warm water to the hair and gently emulsify. Thoroughly rinse color from the hair and shampoo twice with L’Oréal Professionnel Post-Color Shampoo. 7.62 ­­­­­.43 7CG 3 3N 1 1N Ultra light blonding and toning for dark natural bases When using 4. 6.46 .2/V violet.77 5GrGr . apply target shade without mixing.8 7M 7.77 blue . 6/6N. pre-lighten hair to appropriate underlying pigment and color with the target Majirel Mix shade.3/G COPPER . blonde 9 light blonde 8 blonde .30 8GGG 8.8 8M 8. Up to 2-3 levels Up to 100% 900 NN Lightest Natural Blonde majirel mix usage guide majilift usage guide maximum fading (2 .64/6RC* 5.65 . 6.8: • For up to 100% coverage of white hair.3 .60 5RRR Lumax 10.0* 5NN 5 5N 5.13 8BG 7. 5.4oz.or 30-volume Majicrème mixing color level majirel level 9 level 8 level 7 level 6 level 1-5 8.23 7VG NEW 7.8 4M 4.35 . • Apply mixture to the re-growth and re-apply to mid-lengths/ends. 8.3/G COPPER .volume developer rinsing gold shade: 4.33 8GG 8.4 5C 6.62 6RV 6.07 6NGr 6. .15 4BRv . 5.6 6R 6.03* When development time is complete. depending on the color of the mid-lengths/ends.4/C MOCHA .6 brownish black example: copper .3 7G 6. 7/7N.34­­ .6/R N natural gold . Majicrème developer development time 30 50 min min * these shades can only be mixed with double tone red & copper shades pure tone shades to intensify.3/8G. • Add a 3 inch ribbon of a color match shade (see color matching guide) to the remaining mixture. • Develop for full development time.03 7NG 7. 6. •A  pply mixture to the new growth and re-apply to mid-lengths/ends.1/B VIOLET .01 8NB 8.20 minutes of development time.45 10 10N 9.60 6.0* 6NN 6 6N 6.01 9NB 8.3/G gold.8 LEVELS 7&8 BLUE .23 6VG NEW 6.3 8G 7.01 6NB 5.46/6CR re-growth application 1 tube + 3. unwashed new growth. perform a 10 minute strand test to determine processing time on mid-lengths/ends.8 and 5. 7.3 6G 6. unwashed new growth. Ultra light blonding and toning for dark natural bases When using 6.1 9B ­­­­­­­­gold warm .8 LEVELS 4. • Process for full development time.07 .65 6RRv 6.34 8GC 8.56 5RvR Rubilane 5.4 .20 minutes.10 minutes before the end of the development time. red tone under 50% white min note When using Majirel Mix shades for special effects. • For 100% opaque coverage of white hair. 9.or 40-volume Majicrème mixing 1 tube + 3.3/7G.3 levels) levels of lightening 902 NV Lightest Natural Pearl Blonde * Extra Coverage Shades green .40 7CCC Rubilane .15 5.1 5B 9.35 6GRv NEW 5.32 6GV 6.03*. level 7 . 8/8N.9 911 BB Lightest True Ash Blonde 921 VB Lightest Pearl Ash Blonde 901 NB Lightest Natural Ash Blonde 901S NB Super Light Natural Ash Blonde 913 BG Lightest Beige Blonde ­­­­­­majirel usage guide coverage of white developer 20. Thoroughly rinse color from the hair and shampoo twice with L’Oréal Professionnel Post-Color Shampoo. • Process for full development time.64 7RC Lumax 6. 10/10N rinsing mixing ¼ tube of Majirel Mix shade + 1 tube of Majirel or Majirouge shade + 2. • Apply mixture through mid-lengths/ends for the last 15 .0* 8NN 8 8N . .3 4 REDVIOLET . • Process for full development time. *complete coverage without mixing rinsing 35 min majiblond ultra usage guide if the client’s desired majirel shade is cool: ½ tube of the desired shade + ½ tube of the corresponding level Natural shade Choose the client’s desired Majirel shade.5/Rv tone dark blonde light brown VIOLET . depending on the color of the mid-lengths/ends.30/8GGG 8. . •P  ull through 5 .8. Ultra light blonding and toning in one step.55 .64 6RC Rubilane 5. 7. & 6 development time 35 minutes 15 35 35 min REDVIOLET . • Process for full development time.1 7B 7.8: • For up to 100% natural coverage of white hair.30 .7/ Gr green tone Levels 5 – 9 levels of lightening Up to 4 35 min coverage of white Up to 30% developer 30. Thoroughly rinse color from the hair and shampoo twice with L’Oréal Professionnel Post-Color Shampoo.46 6CR 5.1/B re-growth application • Apply to dry. GREEN .3/4G.6/R ing level Gold shade. • Apply a small amount of warm water to mixture. • Process for full development time.43/7CG. When development time is complete.55 5RvRv 5. When development time is complete.22 9VV .46/6CR.23 .7/Gr RED . 9/9N.03 8NG 8. apply target shade.8 primary tone of color secondary tone of color .20 minutes. 15 min more than 50% white if the client’s desired majirel shade is warm­­­: ½ tube of the desired shade warm shades have a + ½ tube of the correspond.6/R law of color . unwashed re-growth.2/V Opposite colors on the color wheel will counteract or neutralize each other.03 7NG 6.62 5RV 5. neutralize or create special effects­ majirel guidelines for superb coverage of white 35 min • Apply to dry.33 .35 7GRv 6.8/M 35 min Natural dual coding system Opposite colors on the color wheel are also complementary.31 7GB 7.32 9. •A  pply mixture to the new growth and re-apply to mid-lengths/ends.60 6RRR Lumax 5.21 10VB 10. 5/5N. moderate fading (1 level + tone) • Apply target shade to re-growth • Add a small amount of warm water to remaining mixture.4oz.3 4G 4.6 5R 5.40/7CCC* 6.32 Rv red-violet .45 6CRv 8.Lift Haircolor ® The Haircolor Beauty Treatment ultra light blonding and toning in one step for levels 5 . • Process for 15 . * For cool and natural shades.or 30-volume Majicrème mixing 900S NN Super Light Blonde 1 tube + 2.64 5RC 4.13 7BG 6. 30 min 50 MOCHA .8 6M 6. & 6 GREEN .4 607 NGr Lightest Natural Coolest Brown 601 600S NB NN Lightest Super High Lift Ultra light blondingNatural and toning for dark natural bases Cool Brown Lightening Crème on Level 2 600S NN Super High Lift Lightening Crème on Level 4 30 min 15 min ® The Haircolor Beauty Treatment re-growth application • Apply to dry. • Process for full development time.64 . This is not recommended for global application.10 minutes before the end of the development time.03* and 8.3 5G 5.8 LEVELS 7&8 BLUE .21/.1 6B 6.03 copper .07 5NGr 5.31/.03 10NG 9. 3/3N.3 9G 7.5/Rv red-violet or .01 violet ­­­­­­cool .0* 4NN 4 4N 4.01 10NB 8. Majicrème developer 903S NG Super Light Natural Golden Blonde 35 min ultra lightening and toning for levels 1 .7/Gr Natural N GOLD .64/6RC*.5 NEW 8. natural shade: 1/1N. 8.22 . 6. . Majicrème developer development time 30 50 min min application 15 min virgin application •A  pply mixture 1/2 inch away from scalp to the mid-lengths/ends.43 8CG red copper . min application virgin application • Apply mixture to the mid-lengths/ends ½ inch from the scalp.64/5RC.Lift Haircolor 50 application ideal base color matching guide development time Ultra light blonding and toning for dark natural bases TM • Apply target shade to re-growth.34/8GC 7.6oz.2 G 6 C 5 brown Gr 1 black level of color R 3 2 6GV 6.0 10. apply ½ target shade + ½ natural shade on the same level. * A  color match shade is a Majirel shade that is warmer than your target shade.4 dark brown darkest brown RED . •P  ull through 5 .green .0* 7NN 7 7N 7.5/Rv red-violet or .5/Rv min ideal base cool shades have a . 7. N rinsing 10 very lt. 15 min 35 min . Thoroughly rinse color from the hair and shampoo twice with L’Oréal Professionnel Post-Color Shampoo.or 30-volume Majicrème mixing re-growth application 1 tube + 3. Thoroughly rinse color from the hair and shampoo twice with L’Oréal Professionnel Post-Color Shampoo. • Process for full development time. Majicrème developer development time 30 50 min min application virgin application • Apply mixture 1/2 inch away from scalp to the mid-lengths/ends. rinsing When development time is complete. • Pull through 5 . add a little warm water to the hair and gently emulsify.10 minutes before the end of the development time. Majicrème developer development time 30 50 min min • Apply to dry. depending on the color of the mid-lengths/ends.10 minutes before the end of the development time.20 minutes. • Develop for full development time.or 40-volume Majicrème mixing 1 tube + 3. • Process for full development time. depending on the color of the mid-lengths/ends. • Process for full development time. 15 min 35 min majiblond ultra usage guide ideal base Levels 5 – 9 levels of lightening Up to 4 35 min coverage of white Up to 30% developer 30. Up to 4 coverage of white 35 Up to 30% developer min 20. unwashed new growth.majilift usage guide TM application ideal base Levels 1 – 4 virgin application levels of lightening • Apply mixture 1/2 inch away from scalp to the mid-lengths/ends. unwashed new growth. re-growth application • Apply to dry.20 minutes. • Process for 15 . add a little warm water to the hair and gently emulsify. • Pull through 5 .4oz. rinsing When development time is complete.4oz. • Apply mixture to the new growth and re-apply to mid-lengths/ends. • Apply mixture to the new growth and re-apply to mid-lengths/ends. • Develop for 15 . 1/B 5 tone N natural B blue .majirel mix usage guide pure tone shades to intensify.6 3 Gr darkest brown green .6/R law of color COPPER . 5. very lt. This is not recommended for global application. pre-lighten hair to appropriate underlying pigment and color with the target Majirel Mix shade.3 oz Majicrème 20or 30.5 4 R dark brown red .8 LEVELS 4.4 brown brownish black example: mocha .4/C GOLD . mix 1/2 tube of Majirel Mix shade with 1.7/Gr VIOLET . .8/M min . & 6 .1/B dark blonde 6 light brown GREEN .3/G COPPER .2/V REDVIOLET .5/Rv Natural N RED . Thoroughly rinse color from the hair and shampoo twice with L’Oréal Professionnel Post-Color Shampoo. 35 For special effect uses.6/R GOLD .32 copper . add a little warm water to the hair and gently emulsify. blonde 9 light blonde MOCHA . When development time is complete.1 V violet .7/Gr VIOLET .7 2 M 1 black 6GV 6.8 LEVELS 7&8 BLUE .8/M 8 blonde 7 .2/V min REDVIOLET .2 G gold .3 C Rv red-violet . & 6 development time 35 minutes 15 min 35 GREEN .8 LEVELS 4.8 LEVELS 7&8 BLUE .or 30-volume developer.5/Rv Natural N RED .3/G dual coding system Opposite colors on the color wheel will counteract or neutralize each other.volume developer min note When using Majirel Mix shades for special effects.6 oz Majicrème 20. 5.8 level of color primary tone of color secondary tone of color . 30 min 50 MOCHA . neutralize or create special effects­ rinsing mixing ¼ tube of Majirel Mix shade + 1 tube of Majirel or Majirouge shade + 2.4/C level 10 Opposite colors on the color wheel are also complementary. 345.lorealprofessionnel-us.08-13 www.5012 U1137600 For more information contact L’Oréal Professionnel’s ­­­­Hotline at 1.
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