
March 29, 2018 | Author: Jayaraj Vijaya Kumaran | Category: Analysis Of Variance, Standard Deviation, Anatomical Terms Of Location, Mathematics, Nature



ISSN : 0082 - 6340TREUBIA A JOURNAL ON ZOOLOGY OF THE INDO-AUSTRALIAN ARCHIPELAGO Vol. 39, pp. 1-85 December 2012 Published by RESEARCH CENTER FOR BIOLOGY INDONESIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCES BOGOR, INDONESIA Rosichon Ubaidillah. Ristiyanti M. Malaysia Natural History Laboratory. December 2012 Board of Editors: Prof. Alan T. Hari Sutrisno Dr. the Arts and Sport (NRETAS) Australia. Paul Bates MA PhD Dr.Si. Dr. Hadiaty Director Harrison Institute Bowerwood House Botolph’s Road Sevenoaks. Ibaraki University.Institut Evolutions und Biodiversitatsforschung an Humboldt-University zu Berlin. Germany University of California. Cheras. Dra.Sc. Faculty Of Science. Jun-ichi Kojima 3. Dewi M. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km 46 Cibinong-Bogor 16911-Indonesia Email: treubia@gmail. Dr. Marwoto. Djunijanti Peggie. M. Dr. Evy Ayu Arida Ir. Japan Department of Natural Resources. M.ISSN : 0082 . International Editors: Dr. pp. 1-85. Prawiradilaga Layout: Sri Handayani Managing Assistant: Sri Wulan Subscription and Exchange RESEARCH CENTER FOR BIOLOGY Jl. Thomas von Rintelen Dr. .6340 Accreditated : A No. Mulyadi Dr. Hitch Referees: 1. Michael Braby Proof Reader: Prof. Dr. Kent. Jalan Koope Society Cuepacs 3E. 39. CA 95616 USA 15 für der 43. Davis. Ibaraki. Prof. Invalidenstraβe 10115 Berlin. 259/AUI/P2MBI/05/2010 TREUBIA A JOURNAL ON ZOOLOGY OF THE INDO-AUSTRALIAN ARCHIPELAGO Vol.Sc. Mito. M. Dr. Dr. (Chief) Dr. Renny K. Lim Boo Liat 2.Phil. Dr. Malaysian Natur 12. TN13 3AQ UK Museum für Naturkunde Leibniz . Selangor. Taman Cuepacs. Environment. Daisy Wowor. . Raya Jakarta Bogor Km. back gray or brown. It is found in lowland forest to montane forest at elevation above 600 m (Lekagul & McNeely 1977. There appear to be limited publications of C. 2000). Key words: Chironax melanocephalus. as well as statistical analyses of skull and external characters revealed that the Kalimantan population is sub-specifically different from Sulawesi and Sumatra-Jawa populations.Treubia 2012. The forearm length is 39-47 mm. but can also roost in gregarious colony in rock crevices and caves in forest (Kingston et al. chin yellowish. taxonomy. weight between 1219 gram and two pairs of lower incisors. morphology INTRODUCTION Chironax melanocephalus is a small tailless fruit bat with head black. Kingston et al. Kalimantan. ventral pale buff and without spot on the wings. melanocephalus since its first description by Temminck in 1825. Sulawesi (Maharadatunkamsi 2006). The Kalimantan population is desribed herein as Chironax melanocephalus dyasae subsp. It is distributed in South-East Asia region throughout Thailand. It feeds mainly on figs (Lekagul & McNeely 1977). It flies in forests at all level height below the canopy (Hodgkison et al. 2009). Bergmans & Rozendaal 1988). Sumatra. 2009). Morphological character. variation. It roosts in small colony consists of 2-8 individuals in tree ferns and in shallow cave (Payne et al. Nowak 1999) but more abundant at higher altitude (Kingston et al. 2009). Some reports indicate that breeding is restricted to the beginning of the year (Bergmans & Rozendaal 1988. It is recorded from about 300 m asl at Bogani Nani National Park. 2004). nov. Sulawesi and Jawa (Hill 1983. 46 Cibinong. 39: 51-65 MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATION IN CHIRONAX MELANOCEPHALUS (CHIROPTERA: PTEROPODIDAE) FROM INDONESIA AND DESCRIPTION OF NEW SUBSPECIES Maharadatunkamsi Zoological Division Research Center for Biology-LIPI Jl. Fax + 62 21 8765068 email: datun_mzb@yahoo. Examination by Hill (1974) 51 . Bogor 16911 Phone + 62 21 8765056. ABSTRACT The taxonomy of small fruit bat members of the genus Chironax was examined. greatest skull length. first 52 . (1993) and Maharadatunkamsi & Kitchener (1997). ZB. 16 ♀). 4 ♀. Sumatra (4 ♂. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 81 adult specimens from the collections of Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense-LIPI were examined. melanocephalus from Jawa and Sulawesi by Bergmans & Rozendaal (1988) showed morphological differentiation in subspecific level of these two island populations. fourth upper premolar width. width between outside first upper molar breadth. melanocephalus from some Indonesian islands in the context of their subspecific taxonomic ranking. 21 ♀. dentary condyle to tip of dentary. C1C1. P4L. West Jawa (Andersen 1912. Subsequent study of C. due to lack of material from Kalimantan. However. P4W. width between outside upper canine. he tentatively referred the Sulawesi form to nominated species which was described from Bantam. upper canine to first upper molar length. Pelage descriptions follow the color terminology of Kornerup & Wanscher (1984). The measurements recorded for skull are as follows: GSL. melanocephalus tumulus. dentary and dental characters (hereafter referred to skull characters) and of 15 external body characters from all specimens were recorded to an accuracy of 0. melanocephalus in Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense-LIPI from Sumatra. LIW. 1 unknown) (Appendix 1). ONL. Jawa and Sulawesi could find no appreciable differences between them. third upper premolar width. M1L. first upper molar length. C1M1. Hill (1983) found that there were differences between the Sulawesi and Jawa forms. zygomatic breadth. P3L. postorbital width.01 mm. Eighteen measurements of skull. Adults specimens were diagnosed as those with the basisphenoid-presphenoid suture completely fused. orbit to nasal length. P3W. These were from Kalimantan (12 ♀). Measurements points for skull and external characters followed Kitchener et al. The collection of C. BW. Sulawesi and Jawa is much more extensive than was hitherto available for previous studies. third upper premolar length.Maharadatunkamsi: Morphological variation in Chironax melanocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Indonesia and description of new subspecies using small samples from Malaysia. the status of this population remains uncertain. M1M1. fourth upper premolar length. the Kalimantan population is thus considered sub-specifically distinct and herein described as a new subspecies. They named the Sulawesi form as C. M1W. On this basis. With two other additional specimens from Sulawesi for comparison. braincase width. least interorbital width. Measurements were taken using vernier caliper. Jawa (11 ♂. Corbet & Hill 1992). POW. While waiting additional samples. 2 unknown) and Sulawesi (10 ♂. CPL. This paper reports the morphological variation C. Kalimantan. dyasae subsp. D2M .0 statistical package. m. melanocephalus (Sumatra-Jawa) and C. Computations for all analyses were undertaken using the SPSS 14. M1M1. All DFA were initially run with the full set of 26 skull and external body characters that had no significant sex interaction. C1M2. P4L and POW) and two external characters (D1 and D3M) were significantly influenced by sex. For subsequent analyses. C1M1. Anova was run for the main effects sex. lower canine to second lower molar length. m. and M1M1. instead of using all characters. width between outside first lower molar. D1. ONL. phalanx 1 length of digits 2 to 5.Treubia 2012. A discriminant function analysis was run for all skull and body combined using all sex-free effect characters. These results indicated that most characters were not sexually dimorphic in both skull and external body characters (see Table 2). only results based on reduced characters are detailed below. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Descriptive statistics Summary statistics of the data including mean. reduced set of characters were selected on the basis of minimizing the Wilk’s Lambda value. P 3L. C1M2. M1M1. standard deviation.nov (Kalimantan). phalanx 2 length of digits 2 to 5. 39: 51-65 upper molar width. C. a sub set of ten characters (C1C1. Canonical variate (discriminant function) analysis (DFA) The DFA was run using the following island groupings representative of putative taxa as follows: C. and D2P2 D5P2.D5P1. The DFA on the three island groups using this reduced set of characters produced similar DFA plots to those based using complete characters. minimum and maximum values and sample size for all characters examined for each subspecies are presented in Table 1.D5M. The external body measurements are as follows: FA. Five skull characters (LIW. P3W. forearm length. tibia length. To avoid what is known as “overfitting”. D3P1. TIB. digit 1 length. D2P2. D4M and D4P1) were selected on the basis that they minimised the values of Wilk’s lambda. metacarpal length of digits 2 to 5. tumulus (Sulawesi). m. Analysis of Variance (Anova) To determine the influence of sex effect on characters measured. Consequently. D2P1 . Sexual dimorphism of 18 skull characters and 15 external body characters were investigated by analysis of variance on sex effect. 53 . 97 19.97 4.69 2.55 54 14.62 D4P2 10 16.53 25.58 7.28 0.72 0.51 1.51 7.50 7.62 GSL 12 13.74 4.26 52 6.43 C1M2 12 3.40 1.03 17.07 15 1.26 23.m.11 53 9.63 23.12 6.23 19.80 6.38 0.32 16.17 0.57 0.47 0. melanocephalus C.56 23.31 21. and SD.52 10.52 22.15 17.62 7.41 12 26.05 1.19 D4P1 10 1.19 16.29 0.92 20.45 13 13.92 17.61 17.42 ZB Table 1.18 21.54 0.86 31.62 1. melanocephalus C.40 7.40 0.70 14.46 1.76 1.53 0.39 1.37 54 39.65 0.98 0.40 5. Max.00 3.08 0.31 1. N.02 54 13.25 M1M1 D3P2 10 6.01 0.51 0.30 22.15 0.27 54 2.12 0.09 D4M 9 6.23 18.93 6.12 0.73 0.14 54 24. maximum.18 4.63 10.38 0.68 0.20 1.60 1.69 17.54 C.36 1.23 14.03 23. Skull and external body measurements (mm) sex-free effect for Chironax melanocephalus examined in this study.41 16.m.09 13 14.00 6.95 6.41 5.80 30.03 22.05 53 1.31 53 5.39 47.07 4.10 6.56 0.26 0.00 22.51 1. Mean.73 8.95 13 27.56 D2P1 10 8.38 8.01 8.55 53 20.22 14 5.24 15 9.85 45.68 29.42 7.30 C1M1 12 20.71 17.03 53 0.41 4.53 15 15.49 0.88 8.88 1.93 54 14.02 1.58 0.25 0.57 0.m.49 54 22.84 6.24 0.19 15 3.24 1.42 16.09 1.m.31 0.98 46.08 29.07 5.46 1.27 1.82 0.33 53 14.43 28.48 23.07 15.71 0.68 TIB 10 9.11 0.27 17.38 13 3.45 5.32 44.02 43.93 17.23 15 6.05 7.28 54 18.62 5.67 0.38 10.88 0.98 1.43 0.02 0.95 0.73 0.49 15.84 23. standard deviation Maharadatunkamsi: Morphological variation in Chironax melanocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Indonesia and description of new subspecies .76 15 21.05 53 1.96 7.19 BW 12 19.m.90 15.99 1. tumulus C.49 CPL 10 5.14 53 6.33 1.09 0.95 0.82 54 19.88 1.63 25.07 0.59 28.47 ONL 10 1. minimum.32 5.m.04 0.70 16.37 9.39 FA 10 21.43 15 5.22 1.31 10.18 53 6.05 24.64 1.38 16.77 23.91 0.37 54 4.92 3.11 M1W 12 15.05 3.67 1. dyasae Taxon C.83 0.94 10.81 5.29 1.11 0.61 13 22.19 0.77 1.44 0.46 14.09 D2M 10 4.20 15 5.40 6.18 53 4.47 5.58 6.87 6.41 1. dyasae Taxon N Min Max Mean SD N Min Max Mean SD N Min Max Mean SD N Min Max Mean SD N Min Max Mean SD N Min Max Mean SD 12 41.36 0.12 M1L 12 15.10 15 0.65 13 43.25 20.01 12 20.32 15 6.24 0.08 27.80 23.17 24.10 27.30 15.89 13 15.96 0.15 6.81 13 15. sample size.43 1.39 22.92 13 19. Min.83 6.27 53 4.91 13 22.31 13 3.35 47.86 15.29 7.92 4.18 3.75 0.26 M1M1 D3P1 10 1.11 0.50 16.16 1.90 3.43 16.05 P 4W 10 13.07 15 0.68 53 13. tumulus C.24 D2P2 10 6.18 1.23 24.79 0.17 0.34 18.70 14.55 6.78 6.17 C1C1 12 4.19 17.47 0.36 7.40 0. 6% of individuals was correctly classified to their appropriate subspecies.51* 0.30 28. m.32 8. m.24 16.72* 1.97* 1.m.64 0. tumulus D5P1 12 13.82 13 14. p<0.01 1.83 0.30 Skull characters PL P3W 3 14.05 14.40 15.05 0. 1). dyasae. Function 1 explained a total of 87.78 16.10** P4L P4W POW ZB 6. Continued Taxon C.8 % (p<0. Plots of Functions 1 and 2 clearly separated the above three sub species of Chironax melanocephalus (Fig.82 1.01** 0.13 0.02 14.23 0.97 28.33 1. dyasae D5M 12 26.01 External characters D4M D4P1 D4P2 D5M D5P1 D5P2 0. Misclassification occurred on C.40 DFA based on reduced set characters extracted 2 significant functions that explained all the variance (Fig.10 0.78 54 12. 1).40 0.19 1.58 33. melanocephalus C.94 0.42 1 1 M 1M 1 ONL 0.67 16.22*** 10.59 0.m.m.09 54 13.48 N Min Max Mean SD N Min Max Mean SD N Min Max Mean SD C.43 31. df = 9).29 15.22 5.46 15.04 13 28.42 1.99 0.86 16.04 13 13.42 3.17 0.05*.39 0. Significance of F values are as follows: p<0.30 0.66 D5P2 12 13. 55 .Treubia 2012.07 30.16 1. melanocephalus with 1 of 51 individuals were classified to C.54 17. 12. 39: 51-65 Table 1.86 1.02** 2.00 17.001. df = 60) and Function 2.83 0.28 1 MM 1 0.89 0.01** and p<0.92 2.57 54 26. Anova of skull and external characters of Chironax melanocephalus by sex.64 14. A total of 98.83 1 Skull characters C1M2 CPL GSL LIW M1L M1W 1.001.81 30.65 External characters FA TIB D1 D2M D2P1 D2P2 D3M D3P1 D3P2 0.2% of the variance (p<0.21 4.66 Table 2.01 2.001*** BW 1 CC CM 2. 5850 (3. (2) C.596 12.0410) 0. Plot of canonical variate (discriminant) functions 1 and 2 based on ten selected characters of Chironax melanocephalus (1) C. These morphological groups were considered subspecifically distinct.9420) 0.4337) 0.573 87. m.4040 (1. D2P2 and D4M.Maharadatunkamsi: Morphological variation in Chironax melanocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Indonesia and description of new subspecies Figure 1.0750) -0. The characters that most loaded heavily on Function 2 were M1M1. dyasae (Kalimantan).4380 (-5.0530 (-0. C1C1. tumulus Sulawesi The characters with the canonical discriminant function coefficient that most loaded heavily on Function 1 were C1C1. The analyses indicated clearly that Sumatra and Jawa had similar skull and external body characters.4560) 0.5150 (0. Table 3. tumulus (Sulawesi) and C.0450 (-5.3950 (1.7190) Function 2 0.6100) -0.1420) -1.2 -18. Standardized and unstandardized (in brackets) canonical variate function coefficients for the three subspecies of Chironax melanocephalus Character C1C1 C1M1 C1M2 D2P2 D4M M1M1 M1M1 Constant Variation explained (%) Function 1 -1.2180) 0.1400) -0. m. C. C1M2. m.4490) 0. m. C1M1. dyasae Kalimantan.6070) 0. melanocephalus Sumatra-Jawa and (3) C. m. M1M1 and D2P2.8620 (3. melanocephalus in Indonesia. 56 . melanocephalus (Sumatra-Jawa) (Table 3).8020 (2.0360) 0. All of these suggested that some dental characters and wing characters were important discriminant between C.1540 (2.8 DFA indicated that three broad morphological forms occurred among C.9840 (4.1200 (0. m.4340) -17.6960 (-2.5720 (2. C1M2. East Kalimantan. K. teats enlarged but not lactating. Distribution Kalimantan. Barito Ulu. Sibau Hulu. skin prepared as a cabinet specimen. 22630 collected by A. Maruwei. Nanga Bungan.H. as well as from Sumatra-Jawa group. differed greatly in both skull and external body characters. m. K. 39: 51-65 Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Etymology Named after the author’s daughter. Suyanto. Kapuas Hulu. MZB 17983 collected by Boeadi on 25 June 1996 from Menjahan. Regency of Kutai. East Kalimantan.1 and 12686. East Kalimantan. Sato and A. Type locality Muara Rekut. MZB 23884 collected by Ibnu Maryanto and Pandam on 13 March 2006 from Maruwei Km 72. Retno Sri Widyastuti (Dyas). MZB 23885 collected by Ibnu Maryanto and Pandam on 22 March 2006 from Babao. SYSTEMATICS Chironax melanocephalus dyasae subsp. Central Kalimantan. Puruk Cahu. Suyanto. tumulus (Sulawesi). MZB 12686. 57 .Treubia 2012. nov. Samboja. and MZB 31010 collected by Ibnu Maryanto on 27 May 2008 from Lematang. m.2 collected by Sugardjito on 24 December 1979 from Wanariset Semboja. Busang River. skull and mandible separate. Central Kalimantan. West Kalimantan. melanocephalus (SumatraJawa) and C. Sinaga. East Kalimantan. It is clear that Kalimantan form is not representative of C. Kalimantan is an undescribed subspecies of C. Central Kalimantan. Village of Tugup. Barito Ulu. Sato and Yusup on 5 February 2001 and MZB 24429 collected by by A. MZB 17984 collected by Boeadi on 6 June 1996 from Sei Aso. collected using mist net on 22 April 1989 by M. Holotype MZB 14777. Paratypes Eleven adult females from Kalimantan as follows: MZB 14772 collected by Boeadi on 12 March 1989 from Muara Rekut. adult female. Specimens examined Specimens other than types are listed in Appendix 1. Saim on 19 February 2002 from Taman Hutan Wisata Bukit Bangkirai. West Kalimantan. MZB 22612. Busang River. melanocephalus and formally here described as a new subspecies in the following systematics section. fixed in 10% formalin. 82 (4. m.63). while in C.42) and orbit to nasal length 5.56 (13. m.67 (13.67-16. Tip of the ears tend to be oval rather than rounded as at the other two subspecies.88 (43. melanocephalus the dorsal fur is brown to dark brown and grey to greyish brown in C.98-46.54 (15.95 (4.47 (6. m.22 58 .31 (4.17 (8.38) versus 7.053. tumulus. least interorbital width 4.41 (39.70) versus 14. forearm length 44.55) and zigomatic breadth 14. m. tumulus. dyasae has longer rostrum among the three subspecies.00-6. phalanx 1 length of digit five 14.17 (8. m. tumulus in shape of its teeth which is more robust. Dorsal view of cranial of C. m.72 (6.92).32) versus 45. Lateral cranial view of C. nov. dyasae differs from C.. i.85). tumulus. and brownish grey to white in C. m. lower canine to second lower molar length 8.07) versus 4.86-16.88-8.39) versus 23.23-14. It differs from C. differs from two other known subspecies in having linoleum brown dorsal pelage. It has shorter in phalanx 2 length of digit three 23. heavier and squarer. It differs from C.94 (13.74-4.84) versus 25.41). width between outside upper canine 4.12 (5.73 (4.98-46.Maharadatunkamsi: Morphological variation in Chironax melanocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Indonesia and description of new subspecies in recognition of her understanding my frequent absence from home to do fieldwork.08 (21.50-16.40).05). melanocephalus and C.64 (20.40 (3.53 (6. melanocephalus by being larger in most skull measurements for example greatest skull length 23. It differs from C.88 (2. Its rostrum gently concave away to dorsocranial region.01-8.53-25.63) versus 22.4915.80-6.0323.95 (5. phalanx 1 length of digit three 22. Ventral fur yellowish brown compare to greyish brown in C.32) versus 43. m.80-23.37) versus 4.70). melanocephalus.58-6.11 (13.57 (20.35-47.20 (41.13). m. tumulus by being in most skull characters for example greatest skull length 23.63) versus 22.20 (41.08 (21.02). m.08 (20.18-3. width between outside first lower molar 6. dyasae shows a wider braincase width than the other two subspecies.32) versus 5.07-5.0317.73-8.87) versus 6. It differs from C. m.69). m.43-28.41-5.018.57 (21.65 (4. tibia length 15. m. Its palatal is moderately wider compared to C.24 (3.52). tumulus. lower canine to second lower molar length 8. phalanx 1 length of digit two 5. m.e.80-23.52-5.05) versus 14.70).39-47.23-24. tumulus in having the following external body characters much shorter.62-5.90) versus 2. The dorsalateral cranium is moderately inflated compared to C.40-6.98 (22. Diagnosis Externally Chironax melanocephalus dyasae subsp.48-23. m.30). melanocephalus and C. m. C.02-5.64) and phalanx 2 length of digit two 3.38) versus 7. melanocephalus by being longer in most external body character for example forearm length 44.64 (12.49 (4.86) versus 16.81) versus 4. 3) than those in the C. dyasae. tumulus were also apparent in the univariate statistics. dyasae Kalimantan (2) C. metacarpal length of digit five 28. tumulus Sulawesi 59 . 2) and length between upper canine to first upper molar length (C1M1) (Fig. m. melanocephalus Sumatra-Jawa and (3) C.43) and phalanx 1 length of digit five 14. m. m. m.05-24.42 (28. tumulus.77). m.94 (13. m.05) versus 15. C. 39: 51-65 (22. C.97) versus 31. m. m. dyasae differs from C. melanocephalus in having generally longer D4M (Fig.Treubia 2012. tumulus in having generally shorter metacarpal length of digits 4 (D4M) and from C. m.6716. m. dyasae Kalimantan (2) C. Bivariate plots of C1M1 over C1M2 for Chironax melanocephalus (1) C.40). Figures 2. The morphological differences demonstrated amongst C. melanocephalus Sumatra-Jawa and (3) C. melanocephalus and C. Bivariate plots of C1C1 over C1M2 for Chironax melanocephalus (1) C.81-30.58-33. C.86 (26. m. m. dyasae generally has longer distance between lower canine to second lower molar (C1M2) relative to both width between outside upper canine (C1C1) (Fig. For example in skull characters. m. m. 4). tumulus Sulawesi Figures 3. m. melanocephalus and C.59 (14.24-16. Fur are more sparse on the chin and throat. M. Anterior premolar (P1) is minute.20 mm (41. melanocephalus Sumatra-Jawa and (3) C. The hairs around shoulder. The skull is small.H. the braincase is convex descending at the posterior part. m. m.Ventral surface paler.31) and nasal length 5. side of neck to behind ears are lighter in colour.32) and tibia length 15. The dorsum is linoleum brown. In lateral view. ramus of mandible high. angular process stout and thin. M. m. dyasae Kalimantan (2) C. Its rostrum is gently concave dorsally to a moderately inflated dorsocranial region. slightly darker on head.Si.86).50-16.94-10. dyasae is similar to C.95 mm (5. braincase width moderate 10. In ventral view. S. the palate is wide.Maharadatunkamsi: Morphological variation in Chironax melanocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Indonesia and description of new subspecies Figure 4.08 mm (21. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many people have contributed to the successful completion of this work. yellowish brown.Sc whose field 60 .32). Ibnu Maryanto. is small with greatest skull length of 23. Drs. nov. Mandible is slender. melanocephalus. I especially wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Boeadi and Drs A.63). lightly built. Ears brown with the tip tend to be oval and slightly thickened at the edges. It has small body-size with forearm length 44. Suyanto. with moderate width of braincase to a relatively short rostrum. tumulus Sulawesi Description C.40-6. Patagia is brownish grey to greyish brown. tipped with linoleum brown. C.80-23. m.12 mm (9.67 mm (13. m. dyasae subsp. lighter on throat. Sinaga. It has massive canines and molars that in occlusal view tend to be more square in outline than the other two subspecies of C. Basal part of hairs is pale orange. Bivariate plot of D4M over D3P2 for Chironax melanocephalus (1). melanocephalus. The overall cranium shape of C. throat and extending to chin.98-46. m. The John Hopkins University Press. K. Akbar. Copenhagen and Norwich. 61 . Morphological and genetic variation in Aethalops alecto (Chiroptera. 488 pp. Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Indo-Australia. D. G. 1983. Z. Journal of Tropical Ecology 20: 667673. Hill. J.. 39: 51-65 work enabled me to obtain specimens for this study.G. W. Zoologische Verhandelingen Leiden 248: 3-74. 2006. 2004. Treubia 31(2): 133 – 168. 3rd ed. London.. Morphological variation in Eonycteris spelaea (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from the Greater and Lesser Sunda Islands. 1992.H. Hill. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology Series 45: 103-208. Vol I. Methuen Handbook of Colour. T.. The Mammals of the Indomalayan Region: A Systematic Review. 2nd ed.H. Bangkok. wing morphology and the vertical stratification of Malaysian fruit bats (Megachiroptera: Pteropodidae).. Pteropodidae) from Java. The association for the conservation of wildlife. 6th ed. Bali and Lombok Is. 1974.E. Nowak. REFERENCES Andersen. R. & F. Wahyu Ihdia measured many of the specimens used in this study. Vol I Megachiroptera. Notes on collections of fruit bats from Sulawesi and some off-lying islands (Mammalia. Lim & Z. Kingston. Bergmans. Maryanto. B. Schmitt & I. His assistance is much appreciated. Sank Jorgen Tryk Ltd and Fletcher and Son Ltd. Hisheh. 1977. Mammalia 57: 255 . Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Lekagul. A. Indonesia and description of a new subspecies. Baltimore and London.J.E.T. Wanscher. with taxonomic notes. S. 1988. 1997. Walker’s Mammals of the World. 145 pp.272. Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park. Hodgkinson. 836 pp. Bats of Krau Wildlife Reserve. 854 pp. Kitchener. Corbet. R. 252 pp. & T. Rozendaal. 1993. Kitchener. New records of bats from southeastern Asia. British Museum of Natural History.. Hill.A. 1912..Treubia 2012.. Oxford University Press. Balding. & J.M. McNelly. Akbar. Biodiversity in Sulawesi: Small mammals of Toraut. Natural History Museum Publ. L. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology Series 27: 127-138. B. Megachiroptera). J. Maharadatunkamsi. Maharadatunkamsi & D.B. 758 pp. Habitat structure. 1984. S.H. I also would like to acknowledge both Yusup and Nanang for their assistance during field work in West Jawa and Sulawesi.E..J. Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. & J. Selangor.L. 1999. Kornerup. Kunz. & J. 2009. Indonesia. Biota 11: 1-7. Mammals of Thailand. 2000. K. 2012 Accepted: October 10. dan Brunei Darussalam. Received: July 31. Francis. 386 pp. The Sabah Society Malaysia and Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia Program.. Mamalia di Kalimantan. 2012 62 .M.Maharadatunkamsi: Morphological variation in Chironax melanocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Indonesia and description of new subspecies Payne. J.N. Sabah. Phillipps & S. Kartikasari. Sarawak. C. 25994. North Sumatra. 25997 ♂ MZB 25995.7 Bukit Jarum Kapahiang. 30202. North Sumatra. List specimens of Chironax melanocephalus examined in this study (all adults) Sumatra: Wai Kambas. 39: 51-65 Appendix 1. North Bengkulu. Bandar Pasir Mandago. North Sumatra. Lampung. 15434. ♀ MZB 14203 ♂ MZB 22448 Sex unknown MZB 14337 Kelapa Nunggal. 15434. 12988 Jawa: Linggarjati. Aceh Tenggara. West Jawa. 25996 Ketambe. Regency of Asahan. West Jawa. 15444 ♂ MZB 15443 Air Putih. ♀ MZB 15441. ♀ MZB 30201. Sukabumi. 30204 ♂ MZB 30205 Awibengkok. Sukabumi. Muara Siaw. Jayanegara.Treubia 2012. 15442. Batang Toru. Lebong Selatan. ♂ MZB 10546 Martabe. ♀ MZB 14713 Gunung Salak. Gunung Ciremai National Park. Muara Aman. Regency of Sarolangun Bangko. Regency of Tapanuli Selatan. ♀ MZB 15107 Sawah Melintang. Jambi. North Bengkulu.6. ♀ MZB 24952. Bengkulu. ♀ MZB 15424. Gunung Leuser. West Jawa. Gunung Salak.2 Gunung Bungkuk. ♀ MZB 10670. ♀ MZB 12986. ♀ MZB 13284 Sungai Sengak. ♀ MZB 14087 63 . ♀ MZB 16720 Aek Nambaru. ♀ MZB 13622 Tapanuli Utara. West Jawa. Kutacane. North Bengkulu. ♀ MZB 18128 Ciwalen. Cisaat. Gunung Halimun National Park. Gunung Dieng. 33743 Sulawesi: Toraut. ♀ MZB 16888 Cikaniki. West Jawa. Gunung Gede. ♀ MZB 18440 Bodogol. ♂ MZB 22381 Pasir Cangkuang. Gunung Halimun National Park. 24864. Gunung Halimun National Park. 24863. West Jawa. West Jawa. Sex unknown MZB 22408.10. 10545. Gunung Halimun National Park. West Jawa. West Jawa. West Jawa. West Jawa. 24865 64 . ♂ MZB 22534 Gunung Bengbreng. ♀ MZB 17004. Cicurug. Regency of Banyumas. 22515 ♂ MZB 22513 Cibodas. Regency of Wonosobo. Gunung Halimun National Park. West Jawa.20 ♂ MZB 10544 Linggoasri. ♀ MZB 15492 Kebun Raya Cibodas. 17017. Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park. ♀ MZB 33742. Cibumbulan. Gunung Halimun National Park. ♀ MZB 10545. ♂ MZB 18434 Purwabakti. Central Jawa. North Sulawesi. Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park. Gunung Halimun National Park. ♀ MZB 22514.Maharadatunkamsi: Morphological variation in Chironax melanocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Indonesia and description of new subspecies Gunung Masigit. ♀ MZB 14653 Situgunung. West Jawa. ♀ MZB 12953 ♂ MZB 11958 Curug Cipendok. West Jawa. ♂ MZB 24862. ♀ MZB 27562 ♂ MZB 27563 Gunung Slamet. 17020 ♂ MZB 17008 Citorek. West Jawa. Central Jawa. Sukabumi. ♀ MZB 24861. Central Jawa.05 Gunung Kendeng. West Jawa. Gorontalo. Nokilalaki. Lore Lindu National Park. ♂ MZB 32385 65 . ♀ MZB 23703 ♂ MZB 23465 Pedreh.Treubia 2012. Southeast Sulawesi Sex unknown MZB 23708 Village of Makarti Jaya. North Sulawesi. Regency of Bolaang Mangandow. 23456. ♂ MZB 16943 Telawi. 39: 51-65 Matayangan. Taluditi. Lore Lindu National Park. Dumoga. 23462 Wuasa. 23461. ♀ MZB 23455 ♂ MZB 23450. Kanawe. . Java and Bali. Phillips. For example: LaSalle. figures. Year should be completely written.. 5. Systematics and Conservation Evaluation. or listed at the end of the manuscript. C.. D. Research Center for Biology. N. . year of publication. 1994. Jl.L. kg. Oxford. Carpenter 2005. After acceptance. In: Forey. Hemiptera.. aphids.R. full title of the journal (typed in italic).Except for short communications. double spaced throughout. Division of Zoology. References. publisher. Text. Joint authors will have to divide these copies among them at their discretion. e. Systematic Entomology 19: 235-258.P. and page numbers.01. title of the book (typed in italic) or/ and title of the chapter and editor (if part of a book).. 2002). 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In: The Tree of Life Web Project. city of publication.I.E. Oxford. Humphries & R. and plates should be inserted where you want them to be inserted.g.). (Ackery & Vane-Wright 1984). Systematics of the tribe Euderomphalini (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae): parasitoids of whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Schauff. Captions of tables. Indonesia. It is recommended to use metric measurements in abbreviation (e. General. Bogor 16911. Version 01 January 1995 (temporary). 491 pp. (Calder 1996. For three or more authors. Twenty five reprints are supplied free of charge. 4. etc. Field Guide to the Birds of Borneo. year of publication. if any. Scientific names should all be 2.Final proofs are given to the first or sole author for correction and approval. (Foster et al.01. They should not be offered for prior or simultaneous publication elsewhere. Raya JakartaBogor Km. Vane-Wright (eds. . Citation. . Acknowledgements. & K. .INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS 1. title of the paper. e. Abstract. . Sumatra. leafhoppers. 1994. typed in Times New Roman font 12 and submitted in triplicate to the editors of TREUBIA. J.E. articles should be accompanied by an abstract not to exceed 250 words which clearly states the essence of the paper.List of references should be in alphabetical order by the first or sole author’s surname. All numbers under 10 and any number forming the first word of a sentence must be spelled out.. the order should be placed before the final printing. 1995. For two authors. cicadas. Additional reprints can be furnished at cost. J. both names should be cited: e. Somadikarta 1986).Manuscripts to be published in TREUBIA must be written in English. should be placed preceding the list of references 6. 81-100. ………………………………………… 41 Maharadatunkamsi.. gunungcola (Diptera: Drosophilidae) at Cibodas.. Indonesia ……………………. Takahide A.…. Ishida. Woro A..………….. 67 Awit Suwito. Butterflies recently recorded from Lombok ……………………….. Noerdjito and Endang Cholik. Kouhei Hattori and Masahito T.. A list of the butterflies of Ujung Kulon National Park. 77 .. D.……. 27 Michael S... DECEMBER 2012 CONTENT PAGES Anang Setiawan Achmadi. Morphological variation in Chironax melanocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) from Indonesia and description of new subspecies ………………….. Kimura. Territorial and mating behaviours of two flower-breeding Drosophila species.……………. Indonesia ………………………………………………. Engel. West Java. elegans and D. 1 Kazuma Matsumoto.…………. Java. The honey bees of Indonesia (Hymenoptera: Apidae) ………………….CONTENT VOL 39. 51 Djunijanti Peggie. Ibnu Maryanto and Maharadatunkamsi. Systematic and descriptions of new species of Maxomys (Muridae) …………………………….
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