


Short Sadhanaof the Black Six-Armed Wisdom Mahakala, Remover of All Obstacles 12 1 light rays emanate. from RAM. CA in November 2002. AH. From the state of voidness. Last Revised: 10/2004 OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA ARGHAM PRATICCHA SVAHA OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA PADYAM PRATICCHA SVAHA OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA PHUPE PRATICCHA SVAHA OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA DHUPE PRATICCHA SVAHA OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA ALOKE PRATICCHA SVAHA OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA GANDHE PRATICCHA SVAHA OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA NAIVIYA PRATICCHA SVAHA OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA SHABDA PRATICCHA SVAHA OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA OM AH HUM. OM AH HUM (3x) OM SHRI MAHAKALA SAPARIWARA IDAM BALIMTA KA KA KAHI KAHI (3x) The Puja for the Black. Conclude with dedication prayer. the nectar increases and becomes inexhaustible. AH. The syllables then fall into the skull cup and melt. comes a white skull cup. From the three syllables OM. hooking back the three vajras. From OM. fire. from AHs. From the HUM at my heart light rays emanate. the fire blazes. Six-armed. Remover of All Obstacles was compiled from the Rinjung Gyatsa text and from a text handed out by Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tsephel at the Mahakala Empowerment in Palo Alto. 2 11 . Inside it are the five meats and five nectars and on top of these appear OM. the substances are transformed into nectar. and the substances inside the skull cup melt and boil. Torma Offering OM HRIH SHTRIH VIKRITA NANA HUM PHAT OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM Everything becomes void. to grant me the fruits of all samadhi states of single-minded concentration and to grant all sentient beings the peerless actual attainments as they wish. a grate of three human heads. from YAM comes wind. The text was slightly edited and formatted by Wolfgang Saumweber in November 2002. and potential are cleansed. Quick-acting Wisdom Mahakala. on top of grant me the supreme actual attainments. The wind moves. HUM. From AH. odor. HUM. the faults of color. From HUM. from an AH. which dissolve into them. This dissolves into the concentration being. Whatever I have done (incorrectly) because of not finding (the proper materials) or not fully knowing or lack of ability. CHITTAM SHRIYAM KURU HUM. I clearly appear as Mahakala. VAJRASATTVA TVENO-PATISHTA. To lead them to an enlightened state. Six-armed. I declare my wrong deeds from all time. unaffected by attraction to dear ones and aversion to others. Seven Limb Prayer With my body. I dedicate all virtues to great enlightenment. VAJRASATTVA MA ME MUNCHA. I shall liberate all sentient beings. HA HA HA HA HOH BHAGAVAN. (1 x) Preliminary Practice Refuge and Generation of Bodhicitta Recite three times with hands at heart: I go for refuge to the Triple Gem. for the same reason why you are a refuge for all living beings. Please stay until samsara ceases. please be patient with all of these. SARVA KARMA SUCHA ME. DRIDHO ME BHAVA.Sadhana of the Black. and that too dissolves into clear light voidness. I generate purely an enlightened motive. VAJRASATTVA BHAVA MAHA SAMAYA SATTVA AH HUM PHAT. SUTOSHYO ME BHAVA. Whatever slightest mistake I have made from my mind being deluded. May all beings never be separated from the happiness that is beyond all suffering. Quickacting Wisdom Mahakala. Remover of All Obstacles Name mantra of Shri Devi: OM SHRI DEVI HUM PHAT Heart mantras of the four emissaries: OM KSETRA-PALA VIGHNAN HUM PHAT OM JINAMITRA VASAM KURU HUM PHAT OM TAKKIRAJA SAMAYA BHYOH [DU JAH] HUM PHAT OM DU YAG JA MAHAKALA TRAKSAD HUM PHAT Final Dissolution The cremation grounds dissolve into the celestial mansion. And turn the wheel of Dharma for us. May all beings dwell in equanimity. I dissolve into the wisdom being. O Protector Mahakala. please be patient with all of these. speech and mind. SUPOSHYO ME BHAVA. From the state of voidness. And rejoice in the virtues of all. humbly I prostrate. The celestial mansion dissolves into me. And make offerings both set out and imagined. I beseech you 10 3 . my three places marked with the three syllables. (3x) Four Immeasurables May all beings have happiness and its cause. SARVA SIDDHIM ME PRAYACCHA. ANURAKTO ME BHAVA. May all beings be freed from suffering and its cause. HUM. Forbearance OM VAJRASATTVA SAMAYA MANU-PALAYA. reappear from the HUM. Above these stand a white OM. From HUM at my heart spread light-rays. emerge from his navel. like the beads of a rosary. from HUM. strung on a string of five-colored light-rays. a red AH. enter my navel and dissolve into the HUM in my heart. and all the substances in the skullcup melt and boil. with one face and two arms. recite the heart mantra: OM VAJRA-MAHAKALA KSIM KSETRA-VIGHNAN VINAYAKA HUM HUM PHAT PHAT SWAHA. to his left the smiling heroines. from BAM. and in the center. from JRIM. Instantaneously I arise in the form of glorious Vajrabhairava. crashing and ringing from damaru. one above the other. They emerge from my mouth. and from that a blue. These descend into the skullcup and all melts. use the fierce mantra (known as the Sasana dharani): OM SHRI MAHAKALAYA / SHASANA UPAHARINI / ESHA PACIMAKALO / AYAM IDAM RATNA TRAYAYA APAKARINAM / YADI PRATIJAH / SMARASI TADAM IDAM DUSHTAM KHA KHA / KHAHI KHAHI / MARA MARA GRIHANA GRIHANA / BANDHA BANDHA / HANA HANA / DAHA DAHA / PACA PACA / DINAMEKENA-MARAYA / HUM HUM PHAT PHAT Lights emanate from the HUM at my heart and strike the wind. from which arises a red. messengers and armies of the ocean of pledged protectors. in the east from BHRUM comes bull flesh marked by GO. excrement marked by BI. in the north-east. human flesh marked by NA. from AM.Yamantaka Self-Generation The wisdom beings are invoked from the south-eastern Great Cemetary of the Cool Forest and the Sandal Forest of One Tree Trunk. urine marked by MU. from KHAM. inviting from the foot of a sandalwood tree in the great charnel ground of Sitavana in the south-east Sixarmed. Light radiates from the three letters successively. above that. attacking or killing. from three AHs appears a tripod of human heads. the fire flares. from LAM. bell and so forth they come in an instant. in the south. to his right the strong heroes. Visualizing a perpetual circulation like this. fieldprotectors. from TAM. With a burst of rattling. in the south-east. from AH appears a white skullcup. enter Mahakala’s mouth. above that is RAM. marrow marked by MA. drawing forth the vajra body. dog flesh marked by KU. and a blue HUM. Quick-acting Wisdom Mahakala. the wind moves. Also recite theis mantra as much as you can: OM VAJRA NARA KSHIM KSHIM HUM HUM PHAT SVAHA For setting [spirits etc. 4 9 . above that. elephant flesh marked by DA. and the servants. in the north-west.] on. blood marked by RA. above him my root and lineage gurus. triangular fire mandala. which the three letters respectively absorb. in the west. and vajra mind. absorb into the HUM in his heart. Within the skull-cup. horse flesh marked by HA. bow-shaped wind mandala marked by banners. white bodhichitta marked by SHU. in the south-west. holding a curved knife and skullcup. from MAM. Blessing the Torma as Inner Offering OM HRIH SHTRIH VIKRITANANA HUM PHAT Recitation: From the HUM at my heart come black mantra garlands emitting red lightrays. from PAM. vajra speech. in the north. OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM All is empty. From within the state of emptiness appears YAM. in the center. in the West: (the water deity) Varuna. and riding a black demonhorse with white fetlocks. He is wearing a flowing cloak of black silk. raksasas. 8 5 . great lord of demons (maras). Takkiraja. yamas. openmouthed. HUM purifies all faults of color. his left holding a bloodfilled skull. there arise the first syllables of the (Sanskrit) names of each of the material offerings for my wishes to be fulfilled. above: Brahma. red-eyed. maras and mdtrkas and fill the whole expanse of the earth. in the southeast: Agni (fire deity). RASA. the eight great planets. OM RUPA. ALOKE. delighting in flesh. OM multiplies and increases it. from DU comes Traksad. Outside them are the ten directional guardians: in the east: Indra. they become increased. OM SARVA-VID PURA PURA SURA SURA AVARTAYA AVARTAYA HO. together with his entourage. the air and the heavens. together with his entourage. wielding all kinds of vicious weapons. his right hand flinging a noose at an enemy. in the north-east: Bhuta. reveling in blood. PUSHPE. from DZA comes the Lord of Death. on the throat a red AH. in the north-west: (the wind deity)Vayu. dark red. On the brow of each is a white OM. and a golden girdle. DHUPE. red-spear ensign. inthe south-west: (the cannibal Raksasa. as well as wild animals and objects of offerings. and below: (the owner of the earth) Parthiva. In addition to the above appear: the eight great gods. Yidams and Mahakala of Quick-Acting Deep Awareness. GANDHA. Outside them are the armies of the ocean of pledged protectors (“OathBound ones”). All are carrying out the wishes of the practitioner. Coming before the eyes of the Gurus. They are dressed as yaksas. at the heart a blue HUM. (f) On the left. VAJRA SPHARANAM KHAM. SPARSHA AH HUM. Yidams and Mahakala of Quick-Acting Deep Awareness. SHABDA AH HUM. SHABDA. and potentiality. OM AH HUM (3x) Blessing the Offerings to Mahakala OM HRIH SHTRIH VIKRITANANA HUM PHAT OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM (Everything) becomes void. While in a state of Voidness. his right hand piercing the heart of an enemy with his trident.(e) Behind. each adorned with a dot on top. beyond imagination. NAIVIDYA. inthe the north: Yaksa. These seventy-five lords of the pure clans are each surrounded by a host of ten million attendants. smell. (3x) OM ARGHAM. black. sucking out the lifebreath of all living beings in an instant. AH transforms it into nectar. All four are complete with the garb of wrathful emissaries [of Yama]. the twenty-eight lunar constellations and the four great kings. the nine great terrifiers. GANDHE. PADYAM. His upper teeth press on his lower lip. These melt and become the individual offering substances to bind me closer to the deities. the eight great nagas. merciless. his left threatening the vicious with a raised forefinger. high boots of shagreen. in the south: the Lord of Death. to please the Gurus. and the six bone ornaments. dark red. and anklets and belt of white ones. laughing loudly. mamos and dakinis. From it light-rays spread. eyebrows and hair. Out of Emptiness. elephant-headed and with three eyes. hindering enemies. His first right hand holds a vajra knife. His right hand offers to his mouth the essence of earth. He is anointed with dots of red lead on the brow. 7 . a necklace of a green one. are absorbed and transform it into Six-armed. (d) On the right. his first left a skull full of blood. together. one above the other at his heart. He has a gaping mouth with bared fangs and rolled-up tongue. return. black bear. from RAM a sun. red eyes. (c) In front of the principal. and tawny. with one face and six arms. Quick-acting Wisdom Mahakala (‘Great Black One’). from PAM comes a lotus. He is dead black like the cloud at the end of time. his gaping mouth with bared fangs calling lamentation on enemies. thunderous roar. benefit sentient beings. a long necklace of fifty fresh ones dripping blood. The second right holds a rosary of dry skulls and the last is violently playing a damaru. his left holds a skull full of nectar. black. Her right hand brandishes a demon’s black. his left presents to the mouth of the principal a skull of blood and the hearts of hindering foes. strong enough to suppress the three realms. earrings of red ones. from DZIM comes Lord Jinamitra (‘Conqueror’s Friend’). He 6 is corpulent. upward streaming beard. amid a turbulent sea of blood and fat. He is adorned with silks and jewels and lying down. With his two feet. From his nose rises a wind of the end of time. The second left holds a trident spear and the last a vajra noose. frightening all the gods and asuras. ‘the Glorious Goddess’) Lady of the Desire Realm. from KSHIM comes the yaksa Ksetrapala (‘Field-protector’). riding a threelegged small mule and surrounded by a hundred thousand flesh-eaters. His right hand brandishes skyward a knife. amid a great. a choker of a white one. and is beautified with a crown of five dry human heads with jewel finials. inside which. annihilate all vicious. (b) On his left.Main Practice Visualization OM SVABHAVA SHUDDHA SARVA DHARMA SVABHAVA SHUDDHO HAM All phenomena are by nature empty and thus are emptiness.’ he is trampling hard on the king of hindering demons (Ganapati). make offering to the Aryas. magic stick (khram-sin) and her left holds a bag of diseases. He is riding a frantic. from BHYOH comes Sri Devi (Palden Lhamo. Giving a terrible. dark blue. Shri Ganapati. His tiger-skin loincloth is tied with a girdle of green silk and he has a blue snake binding his hair. his right hand playing a damaru and his left holding a blood-filled skull. She is in the middle of a gale of fire. from a dark blue HUM comes a knife marked with HUM. gazing angrily with three round. fulfiller of the hopes of living beings. and sealed with Aksobhya-raja on the crown of his head. with his back resting on the trunk of a sandalwood tree. stout-limbed and of infinite splendor. dwarfish. (a) Above him. which melts into light and becomes the maginficent Owner of the Asembly. white. he is destroying all demons and obstructors and abides amid a blazing mass of fire of Wisdom like the fire at the end of the eon. scored. and upon these a white GAM. armlets of multicolored ones. bracelets of yellow ones. a radish complete with leaves. unbearable charnel ground. from a HUM in front comes the protection wheel. All his limbs have strings of little bells on.
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