Magnetos Slick Series 4300 - 6300 Manual Maintenance & Overhaul

March 26, 2018 | Author: Camilo Ernesto Melo Ramos | Category: Ignition System, Distributor, Vehicle Parts, Machines, Engines



L-1363D4300/6300 Series Magneto Maintenance and Overhaul Manual Technical Aspects FAA Approved SCOPE This Maintenance and Overhaul Manual provides Detailed maintenance, assembly, disassembly and Troubleshooting instructions and technical Information about the design and operation of Slick Magnetos. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries, Inc. PAGE NO. Cover REVISION Basic THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. L-1363 LOG OF REVISIONS To: Subject: 1. 2. Holders of L-1363C, dated February 28, 2006. Revision D, dated October 31, 2008. All pages of this manual are new. Revised pages that have important changes are shown below. Change Changed e-mail address in paragraph 0-4. Updated paragraph 3.1.1.B.9. Added Rotor and Distributor Block inspections to paragraphs 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, and 3.1.6. In paragraph 3.2.2, changed L-1177 to L-1499. Updated paragraph 3.2.8. Added NOTE following Figure 3.2.9. Added NOTE to paragraph 3.3.1. Added second sub-paragraph to paragraph 3.3.3.C. Added new Figure 3.3.3A. Added new paragraph 3.3.5.C. In paragraph 3.3.7.C.2, added tolerance to 135 VDC. Added new paragraph 3.3.8.B.3. Renumbered remaining paragraphs. Updated Figure 3.3.8. Added new paragraph 3.3.8.C.4. Added new paragraph 3.3.8.D.1. Renumbered remaining paragraphs. Added new paragraph 3.3.8.E, Lubrication. Updated paragraph 4.0. Added new paragraph 6.10.A. Renumbered remaining sub-paragraphs. Added Loctite part number to paragraph 7.2.F. Corrected torque value in paragraph 7.6.C to 120180 in-lbs. Updated paragraph 7.7.C. Updated Figure 7.7. Updated paragraph 7.21.A. Corrected paragraphs 8.2.B and 8.3.B. Added rotor inspection to Inspections - All Magnetos. Added Section number to Lubrication. Corrected torque value in Troubleshooting Guide. In the Remedy column for Corrosion on harness lead contacts, changed L-1177 to L-1499. Added broken rotor shaft to Hard Starting Possible Cause. Added broken rotor shaft to Possible Causes. Added Harness Cap Screw NOTE. Changed item 23 to read 'Harness Cap'. Added Harness Cap Screw NOTE. In Service Torque Specifications, corrected M-3019 Impulse Coupling Nut torque value to 120-180 in-lbs. Changed oil callout for distributor block and gear assembly oilite bearings. Added Consumables. Page Number Page 0-2 Page 3-1 Page 3-2 Page 3-3 Page 3-5 Page 3-7 Page 3-8 Page 4-1 Page 6-4 Page 7-2 Page 7-3 Page 7-8 Page 8-1 Page 9-1 Page 10-1 Page 10-2 thru 10-6 Page T-2, T-3 Page T-6, T-7, T-8 Page T-10 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries, Inc. PAGE NO. i/(ii Blank) REVISION D .THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. ........................................3 3......................... 3-3 Inspect Rotor ................................. 3-8 Inspect for Structural Damage .....................................................................3...3......... 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-2 0-2 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 TOOLS REQUIRED ............................ 3-1 100-HOUR INSPECTION ...............5 3........................2..............................1 3.................................................. iii REVISION D ........................7 3.....................2 3................. 3-9 Gaskets ................................................................................ 3-1 Operational Check ...................................................3 0.1....................5 INTRODUCTION .........9 3......................................................1 3................4........................................................................................... 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.7 3........................ 3-2 Inspect Orifice Vent (Pressurized Magnetos Only) ........ 3-1 Inspect Wiring Connections and Condition ........ 3-2 Inspect Tachometer Drive Contact Wire (Tach Drive Magnetos Only) .1 3......................................................... RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS ....0 0.............................................. Lag Angle ................2......... U......................................................3 1.......................................... 3-3 500-HOUR INSPECTION ......2 0. 3-1 500-Hour Inspection ........................................ 3-9 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford........................... MAGNETO SERIAL NUMBERS ..................................3 3...........................................................................................................................................................................4 3.............................1............................................................................... 3-7 Inspect Carbon Brush .....................................................................................S................. 3-2 Inspect P-Lead Attachment .................4 3......................................................1 0.....................................................................................................................2 3.......................Direct Drive Magnetos ......................................... Inc.....................2 3.............1...................4.........................................................Retard Breaker Magnetos ...............................................................1 3..............................5 3...........................2 1... 3-3 Inspect Ball Bearing Assembly ..............................................................................................................................3.... 3-1 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ..........................6 3...................3 3........5 3................ 3-1 500-Hour Inspection ................................................................................................................................................ 3-8 Orifice Vent ............ 3-8 ADDITIONAL 500-HOUR PROCEDURES FOR PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ................................................................................................................... GENERAL .................................................................................................................. THEORY OF OPERATION ....................................... SYSTEM OVERVIEW ..................................................4 3.....1 3..................................................................................................0 1...........................3 3.......................................................................3................. HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL ................................................................................................................Retard Breaker Magnetos ...............................................4.............................................................................................................0 3.......................... 3-3 Inspect Coil ..........3............................... 3-8 Inlet Nozzle ...........8 3.....................................................................4 1...........L-1363 Table of Contents 0..............3............................Impulse Coupled Magnetos ................................2...3.......................................................... 3-6 Inspect Condenser .............................................................................................3..................................................................................................8 3........................ 3-3 Disassembly and Cleaning ...........................4 2.....4.............................2.................................................................1............................................................................................. 3-1 Additional 500-Hour Inspection Procedures for Pressurized Magnetos ..............................................................2........................................................................Impulse Coupled Magnetos ........................... 2-1 MAINTENANCE .................. 3-2 Inspect Inlet Nozzle (Pressurized Magnetos Only) .......................................................... 3-1 500-Hour Inspection ....... Illinois..............Tachometer Drive Magnetos ...............0 3............ PAGE NO...........................................1.....................7 3........... 3-2 Inspect Switch Wire (Retard Breaker Magnetos Only) ..................... 3-3 Inspect Impulse Coupling (Impulse Coupled Magnetos Only) ................................................................................................................................ 3-5 Inspect Contact Points .2..........................2....... Lag Angle ...........................................................................................3...... COPYRIGHT STATEMENT .................10 3......................................................................................2....2 1.................................. 3-6 Inspect Distributor Block Assembly ... Rotation .......................................... MAGNETO PART NUMBERING ..........................................................................2......................................................9 3.......................................... 3-2 Inspect Turbo Filter (Pressurized Magnetos Only) .......................................................................... 3-9 Turbo Filter ..............................................1 1......... 3-2 Inspect Vent Holes (Non-Pressurized Magnetos) .......................................................................................................4 3................................... 3-1 Adjust Timing to Engine ................................................................All Magnetos ...... TECHNICAL REFERENCE .................................... 3-9 O-Ring .......3.2 3.................2................................... 3-1 100-Hour Inspection .....................1......1...........................A..2..............4 3....3 3...................................2..3 1................................................1 1...........4............................................2 3....6 3................... 3-1 500-Hour Inspection .......................6 3... ........................................................................................................... 6-3 REMOVE ROTOR ASSEMBLY ............... 6-3 Retard Breaker Magneto .................................................................................PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ...........................................2 7.........................................................1... iv REVISION D ....Retard Magnetos Only ................ Tachometer Drive Points .........................................0........................5 6...........1 4..................................................................2...................6 5..3 7.......................................................................... INSTALL COIL ..................................................7.............................7............................... 4-2 Harness Cap O-Ring ....................................4 4...... U........ INSTALL CONTACT POINTS ................................................................................................ Retard Breaker Contact Points ................................. General Order of Assembly ................................................................................................................................................10 6.................................................................................... 6-1 REMOVE WOODRUFF KEY .................. 6-2 REMOVE ROTOR GEAR .............................................................................................................L-1363 Table of Contents (Continued) 4.......................................... 6-3 Impulse Coupled and Direct Drive Magnetos .............................................3 7............................................2 7............................. 4-1 Discard Parts to be Replaced .......................4 4........8....................................... 6-2 REMOVE DISTRIBUTOR BLOCK ASSEMBLY ..................6 7................................0 6.....................................................................................................................................................................................10................................ 4-2 REMOVING MAGNETO FROM ENGINE ......... 6-1 General Order of Disassembly .................. INSTALL OIL SEAL .2.................. Inc......................................2 7..........................2................ INSTALL WOODRUFF KEY ..............................................................................1 7.......12 7............................................................................................................................................................7......................2.............. 6-3 Tachometer Drive Magnetos ........................................8 7.2 4....................................5 4. 6-4 REMOVE COIL ....................3 OVERHAUL ...................2 4......1 6................. Set Secondary Points .................0 7......................................................2...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 4.............................................1 6........................... 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries......... Primary Contact Points .............................4 6........................... 6-2 REMOVE CONDENSER ..................................................................................................... 4-2 Inspect Interior of Magneto ...................... 4-2 Inlet Nozzle ................................................0 4...........................................1 7.......All Magnetos ................................1 4.................................................................................................................................................... 4-2 Pressure Test Magneto ....................................7 7...ALL MODEL MAGNETOS ........ 4-2 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES ................................................................10 7..................................................................................................................................................................................1 7.Tach Drive Magnetos Only ...................... 6-3 REMOVE CONTACT BREAKER ASSEMBLY .............................................................. 4-1 Magneto Reassembly ....1 6..........10.............................1 7........10........................................... INSTALL ROTOR CAM ........... 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-1 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-5 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford........................................................ 5-1 MAGNETO DISASSEMBLY . ASSEMBLE BEARINGS ONTO SHAFT ......................S.......................................................................................................0......1................................. Set Tachometer Drive Points ....................... 6-4 REMOVE OIL SEAL ......2 6......................9 6...................2 6..........................................0 6...................................................................................9 7...........................5 7....................................6 6............. 4-2 Discard Parts to be Replaced ..........................A......... 6-1 REMOVE IMPULSE COUPLING ........................................................Tachometer Drive Magnetos Only ..... 4-2 Orifice Vent .......................................................................11 6.........8 6......1.................. INSTALL ROTOR SHAFT ASSEMBLY ..................................... 6-2 REMOVE DISTRIBUTOR HOUSING ASSEMBLY .................1 4.............2....................................................................All Magnetos ... 4-1 Remove Magneto from Engine .................................................................................................................................. INSTALL IMPULSE COUPLING ..................................... Illinois..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ASSEMBLE IMPULSE COUPLING .............................. 6-4 REMOVE AIR VENTS ................................. 6-4 MAGNETO ASSEMBLY ........................................................3 6........................................... TIME THE MAGNETO ..............................................7 6............................................. PAGE NO.................................. 4-1 Disassemble Magneto ...............................8..............................................3 4......................3 6.............................. Set Primary Points ....................2 4. 4-1 OVERHAUL PROCEDURE ...................................Retard Breaker Magnetos Only .......................................................... 6-3 REMOVE BEARINGS FROM SHAFT ....................................8....1....4 7....... ..................................A..........................................8 9.........................................................................................14 7.................................................................................... LONG-TERM TEST ...................11 7.PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ............................................... T-10 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford..................................................................................................................................................7 8........................................................................................................................................................... T-1 TABLE TWO ...... T-1 TABLE ONE ................3 8................................0 INSTALL CONDENSER ........................................ PREFLIGHT OPERATIONAL CHECK ................... 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-1 8-2 POSTFLIGHT OPERATIONAL CHECK ................................................................................................................................................................ Illinois.....................................................T-8 TABLE SIX ............................................................................................................ 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries................................................ PAGE NO...................................................10-7 TABLES ....................................................................................... 7-6 DISTRIBUTOR GEAR ASSEMBLY .............1 11............................0 9..................................S................................................ 7-8 ATTACH DISTRIBUTOR HOUSING ....................................................................................... IMPULSE COUPLING .....................................................PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ONLY ............0 8...................... PRE-TEST PREPARATION ........ T-9 TABLE SEVEN ............................ Inc................................................................... v/(vi Blank) REVISION D ....................................................16 7..............NON-PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ..................................................................................1 8.................................................................................................................4 8....................................................................................................................................................... T-2 ................................................ 7-7 CONNECT TACHOMETER CONTACT WIRE ................................ 9-1 MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST ..................................................................................................................................... 7-7 CONNECT CONDENSER WIRE .........19 7.......... COMING-IN SPEED ..................................................................... 7-6 ALIGN ROTOR GEAR .....................................................T-3 TABLE THREE .............. 10-1 .... 7-8 SECURE DISTRIBUTOR HOUSING ............. T-6 ..................................................................................................... -6 ALIGN DISTRIBUTOR GEAR ......2 8...........13 7....................................................... 7-8 POST-ASSEMBLY TESTING ..... 7-7 CONNECT RETARD CONTACT WIRE .................................................................. TEMPERATURE TEST ......................................................................17 7.....................................................................................5 8................18 7........................................................... HIGH-SPEED TEST ................................................20 7............. T-5 TABLE FIVE ........................................................................................................................................................................................ PRESSURE TESTING ......................................... 7-6 ASSEMBLE DISTRIBUTOR BLOCK ............................................... 9-1 TROUBLESHOOTING .................................. T-4 TABLE FOUR .............................1 10..........................................................6 8............................................................................................... U.....15 7.........................................0 10..........12 7........................................................................................................................... 7-8 ATTACH DISTRIBUTOR HOUSING ...............L-1363 Table of Contents (Continued) 7.............................................................. 10-1 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ...............................................................................................................21 8........ THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. L-1363 0.0 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL All rights reserved. This manual is produced exclusively for use with Unison Industries Magnetos and/or Ignition Harnesses. It may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from Unison Industries. WARNING: IMPROPER OR UNAUTHORIZED APPLICATIONS OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL MAY RESULT IN LOSSES OR DAMAGES TO THE USER. The accuracy and applicability of this manual has not been verified for any assembly, component or part not manufactured by Unison Industries. Any use of this manual for other than its intended purpose or for performing any installation, maintenance, replacement, adjustment, inspection or overhaul of any assembly, component or part not manufactured by Unison Industries is not approved, endorsed or sanctioned by Unison Industries. No liability will be assumed by Unison Industries for actual, consequential or other types of damages directly or indirectly resulting from the unauthorized use of this manual for other than its stated purposes. When performing installation, maintenance, replacement, adjustment, inspection or overhaul of any Unison assembly, component or part, it is imperative that the latest revision of the appropriate Unison manual or product support document be referenced. Contact Unison to be sure you have the latest manual or support document revision before performing any work. All reasonable attempts were made to make this manual as complete and accurate as possible. If you have any questions, comments, corrections or require clarification of any information contained herein, please call or write Unison Industries, Technical Publications, 7575 Baymeadows Way, Jacksonville, FL 32256, Phone 904-739-4132 (Fax 904-739-4006), or e-mail [email protected]. 0.2 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL Slick parts are produced and inspected under rigorous procedures to insure airworthiness and suitability in Slick magnetos. Parts purchased from sources other than Unison Industries, even though outwardly identical in appearance may not have had the required tests and inspections performed, may be different in fabrication techniques and materials, and may be dangerous when installed in a Slick magneto. Salvaged magneto parts, reworked parts obtained from non- nison approved sources, or parts the service history of which is unknown or cannot be authenticated, may have been subjected to unacceptable stresses or temperatures, or have other hidden damage, not discernible through routine visual or usual nondestructive testing techniques. This may render service work with this part, even though originally manufactured by Unison Industries, unsuitable or unsafe for use in a Slick magneto. Slick expressly disclaims any responsibility for malfunctions, failures, damage or injury caused by use of non-Unison approved parts. Slick magnetos are engineered so that mechanical parts wear at a balanced rate. Consistent and complimentary wear patterns establish the recommended maintenance intervals defined in Unison service literature, therefore used, service worn parts should never be used to troubleshoot or repair a magneto, nor should original parts be replaced by used service worn parts on magnetos being returned to service. Further, non-Unison manufactured parts may wear at uneven and different rates than original Unison manufactured parts, making Unison service literature an inappropriate guide to proper maintenance. Parts not manufactured by Unison Industries, even if FAA/PMA Approved may not fit or operate like original Unison manufactured parts. FAA testing of PMA parts does not require operation on an engine or flight tests and does not require the test duration to exceed the maintenance intervals called out in Unison literature. For these reasons, used service worn parts or parts not manufactured by Slick may adversely affect magneto reliability in ways not anticipated by Unison Industries and its service literature. The information in this manual is divided into 10 sections. Section One provides basic technical reference on the design and operation of Slick Magnetos. Section Two illustrates tools needed to correctly perform inspection and maintenance. Detailed instructions for removing the magnetos from the engine, magneto disassembly and magneto reassembly are contained in Sections Five, Six and Seven, respectively. Maintenance and Overhaul schedules and procedures are detailed in Sections Three and Four, respectively. The instructions in Sections Three and Four refer to procedures outlined in the Magneto Disassembly (Section Six) and Magneto Assembly (Section Seven) portions of this manual. It is recommended that this entire manual be thoroughly read before beginning any inspection or maintenance procedure. After any inspection or maintenance is done on Slick Magnetos, the testing procedures in Section Eight should be performed completely. The procedures outlined in this manual are generalized for all models of 4300/6300 Series Slick Magnetos, using only genuine Unison manufactured parts. This manual must not be used to maintain or overhaul a Slick Magneto that contains parts not manufactured by Unison Industries. Specific part numbers are detailed in the Tables located after the main text. Use only genuine Unison manufactured parts obtained from Unison Industries Approved sources. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries, Inc. PAGE NO. 0-1 REVISION D L-1363 The Maintenance Checklist located in Section Nine provides a summarized schedule for 100 and 500-hour inspections. This checklist should be copied and attached to the engine log book at the 100 and 500-hour inspections. Section 10, Troubleshooting, is provided as a reference guide for diagnosing ignition problems. 0.3 RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS - Single magnetos and harnesses. Timing pins and mounting hardware included for easy installation. - Complete parts supply for all current production Slick and non-Slick Magnetos. WORLDWIDE NETWORK Unison Ignition Systems are available through an international network of aircraft distributors that offer outstanding product support, delivery and service. See Unison Distributor List Form L-1051 for details. COMPLETE AOG INVENTORY Unison Industries supports its distribution network with complete AOG factory inventory available for next-day delivery. FACTORY TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Unison technical experts are available to assist you. Please contact our Piston Products Support line at 904-739-4081 or [email protected]. A COMPLETE OFFERING Unison FAA/PMA Approved Magnetos have applications on nearly all piston engines. Unison Ignition Components are available in the following configurations: - Complete Upgrade Kits: Cost saving kits including two magnetos, a complete harness and all mounting hardware. Unison Industries L-1499 Ignition Lead Assembly & Maintenance Manual. Unison Industries L-1318 Consolidated Application Data 0.4 SYSTEM OVERVIEW Unison Industries has been an innovative leader in the design and manufacture of aircraft ignition systems for over 25 years. Unison manufactures, not merely assembles, a superior FAA PMA Approved product consistently specified by quality conscious OEMs. VERTICALLY INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING. Unison Industries manufactures nearly every component in its magnetos and harnesses. This in-house manufacturing process allows Unison to control quality to precise tolerances from raw material to finished product, setting industry standards. DESIGN FEATURES - Smaller and Lighter Unison's unique design allows for a dimensionally smaller magneto, resulting in easier installation and lighter weight-as much as one pound lighter than competitive units. - Radio Noise Suppression Slick Magnetos feature superior noise suppression, eliminating the need for magneto filters. - Easy to Maintain Slick Magnetos use up to 50% fewer parts than competitive units. In addition, almost 70% of the parts in any Slick Magneto are interchangeable with the comparable parts in other current production Slick Magnetos. - High-Altitude Performance Slick Pressurized Magnetos maintain low altitude ambient pressure inside the magneto to reduce the likelihood of high altitude misfire. RELIABILITY Unison selects materials that are known for their reliability and durability with proper installation and compliance with maintenance procedures. Slick Magnetos should last the life of the engine before overhaul or replacement is required. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford, Illinois, U.S.A. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries, Inc. PAGE NO. 0-2 REVISION D the magneto is a complicated electromechanical device. the retard breaker assembly is also disengaged and the magneto returns to normal engine timing. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Customer part numbers are also provided on the data plate.4300 Series for four-cylinder engines 63xx . The lag angle. the impulse coupling disengages and returns the magneto to normal engine timing. gears located in the engine accessory case turn the magneto rotor shaft containing permanent magnets. The data plate contains serial number and model number information. is the impulse coupling’s retard angle measured in degrees.000V at normal speed and although simple in outward appearance and construction. identified by a red data plate.2. pole lamination design. Inc. Important. The size and shape of the rotating magnet head assembly. 1. is the retard breaker’s retard angle measured in degrees. When the engine starter disengages.3 ROTATION The magneto is a completely self-contained ignition generating device. At low cranking speed. shaft rotation direction (L indicates counterclockwise shaft rotation. Check the dataplate on the magneto being replaced for the shaft rotation. The first two digits indicate the Series: 43xx . U.S.4300 Series four-cylinder. 1. With the rotating shaft. the magneto is a balanced LRC circuit which should not be altered from its original condition. Left-Hand Rotation is counterclockwise when viewed from the magneto mounting end.1 LAG ANGLE-IMPULSE COUPLED MAGNETOS Slick 4300/6300 Series Aircraft Magnetos are manufactured by Unison Industries for use on 4. noted on the magneto dataplate. Unison Industries goes to great lengths to ensure that product and design improvements are retrofitable to prior magneto models. A typical Slick Magneto will produce in excess of 25.and 6-cylinder aircraft engines. a magnetic field is produced that is transformed into high tension current through primary and secondary coil windings.1 TECHNICAL REFERENCE GENERAL 1. the magneto impulse coupling retards the magneto ignition timing until the engine crankshaft is at its proper position for starting. Illinois.L-1363 1. magnet material selection.0 1. Rotation specifies the direction that the magneto rotor shaft turns when viewed from the mounting end of the magneto. After engine start. model number 71 6310 . All current production Slick Magnetos are provided as new units. Slick Magnetos are constant timing ignition devices once the engine has started.6300 Series for six-cylinder engines The last two numbers indicate the model number. Each magneto is identified with a data plate affixed to the side of the magneto frame. ignition coil design and capacitor design are all equally important in determining the efficiency of the device. At low cranking speed. 1. Typically. two magnetos are installed on each aircraft engine for redundancy. Six-cylinder magnetos are driven at one and one half times engine speed and produce six sparks through 720 degrees of engine crankshaft rotation.2. Right-Hand Rotation is clockwise when viewed from the magneto mounting end.2. model number 10 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Slick Magnetos are specified as OEM equipment by aircraft engine manufacturers and carry all FAA/PMA approvals from the Federal Aviation Administration. The magneto is typically timed to fire at an advance timing position for maximum power of the aircraft engine. Example: 4371 .2 THEORY OF OPERATION The impulse coupling is a mechanical device to assist in engine starting. The lag angle. Electrically. The high tension current is distributed to the appropriate cylinder through a distributor block assembly and ignition cables.6300 Series six-cylinder. 1. used to aid in starting the engine. PAGE NO.2 LAG ANGLE-RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS The retard breaker assembly is an electrical device powered by the aircraft battery. lag angle of the impulse coupling. noted on the magneto dataplate. the retard breaker retards the magneto ignition timing until the engine crankshaft is at its proper position for starting. Four-cylinder magnetos are driven at engine speed and produce four sparks through 720 degrees of crankshaft rotation. R indicates clockwise shaft rotation).A. When the aircraft engine crankshaft rotates. Replace with a magneto with the same rotation. 1-1 REVISION D .3 MAGNETO PART NUMBERING Current production magnetos have four digits in the part number and an optional suffix. A two-lobe cam and two-pole rotating magnet assembly are used to generate magnetic flux and trigger the high tension spark energy. Serial numbers indicate date of manufacture as follows: Eight-Digit Serial Numbers Slick Magnetos manufactured on or after January 1.L-1363 1. 1988 have an 8-digit serial number.4 MAGNETO SERIAL NUMBERS Slick Magnetos have an eight-digit serial number.A. the following 2 digits indicate the month and the remaining digits are the sequence number EXAMPLE: 91 01 0025 Sequence Number January 1991 NOTE: SUBSTITUTION OF NON-UNISON PARTS MAY ADVERSELY AFFECT THE PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY OF THE MAGNETO. PAGE NO.S. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Illinois. U. The first two digits indicate the year of manufacture. Inc. 1-2 REVISION D . Inc. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. U. T153 CAM AND ROTOR SET ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.L-1363 2.A. Illinois. ADAPTER PLATE T117 BASE ADAPTER PLATE T102 ROTOR AND FRAME ASSEMBLING PLUG T122 WEDGE EXTRACTOR T123 TIMING PLUG T121 BEARING PULLER (2 HALVES) T118 TIMING PIN T150 “E” GAP GAUGE T151. 2-1/(2-2 Blank) REVISION D . Adapter Plate Bearing Puller (2 Halves Wedge extractor Timing Plug Assembly Fixture "E" Gap Gauge Cam and Rotor Set Spacer Alternate Cam and Rotor Set Rivet Gauge Spacer (included with T125) Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T155 RIVET GAUGE T125 ASSEMBLY FIXTURE T106 PULLER T509 SPACER T103 OIL SEAL ASSEMBLING PLUG T152 SPACER T101 BEARING ASSEMBLING PLUG T119 BUSHING.0 REQUIRED TOOLS T-100 Assembly and Timing Kit includes: P/N T101 T102 T103 T106 T117 T118 T119 T121 T122 T123 T125 T150 T151 T152 T153 T155 T509 Description Bearing Assembly Plug Rotor and Frame Assembling Plug Oil Seal Assembling Plug Puller Base Adapter Plate Timing Pin Bushing. PAGE NO.S. .THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. Turbo filter used with pressurized magnetos 7. Contact points G. Cleaning B.IMPULSE COUPLED MAGNETOS B. B. Lubrication 3.1. Retard breaker switch wire (retard breaker magnetos) 5. Wiring connections and conditions 2. Rotor D. Lubrication 3.RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS Cleaning Ball bearing assembly Rotor Impulse coupling Coil Primary contact points Retard breaker contact points Condenser Distributor block Carbon brush Lubrication 3.1.3 500-HOUR INSPECTION . B. H. G. DO NOT FLY AIRCRAFT IF MAGNETOS ARE NOT FUNCTIONING NORMALLY. Cleaning B. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.2 A. PAGE NO. 3-1 REVISION D . whichever comes first. Cleaning B. I. D. orifice vent and turbo filter Inspect inside of magneto for turbocharger contaminants Frame gasket and screw gasket Harness cap O-Ring Pressure testing 500-HOUR INSPECTION .L-1363 3.1. Pressure check (pressurized magnetos.DIRECT DRIVE MAGNETOS 3. if required) 500-HOUR INSPECTION . Coil E. Primary contact points G. Condenser G.1 3. Rotor D.1. E.0 3.5 ADDITIONAL 500-HOUR INSPECTION PROCEDURES FOR PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS Inlet nozzle. Rotor D. following engine manufacturer's procedure for timing of magnetos. Impulse coupling E. Coil F. A. OPERATIONAL CHECK . D. CAUTION: BE SURE IGNITION SWITCH IS IN "OFF" POSITION AND THE CONDENSER LEAD IS GROUNDED. B. A. C. 100-HOUR INSPECTION A. Inc.1 ADJUST TIMING TO ENGINE A.1 A. Observe engine operation while running on both magnetos and left or right individually. K.1.TACHOMETER DRIVE MAGNETOS ONLY A. Ball bearing assembly C. Inlet nozzle (pressurized magnetos) 8. U. Postflight magneto operational check should be performed after each flight. 3. Contact points F. Carbon brush K Lubrication 3. Coil F. 1 cylinder is in the fulladvance firing position. Both magnetos should demonstrate normal operation and engine should operate within the parameters outlined in the engine manufacturer's operating manual.2. MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE 100-HOUR INSPECTION Adjust timing to engine Inspections 1. Distributor block H.1. C. Inspect tachometer drive wire (tachometer drive magnetos 6. Ball bearing assembly C. P-lead attachment 4. 3.6 3.7 A. J. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. DO NOT FLY AIRCRAFT IF MAGNETOS ARE NOT FUNCTIONING NORMALLY. Both magnetos should demonstrate normal operation and engine should operate within parameters outlined in the engine manufacturer's operating manual. Condenser H.A.S. Perform maintenance on each magneto. Turn the engine crankshaft in the normal direction of rotation until the No.2 The following maintenance procedures should be followed every 100 hours of service or at annual inspection. Condenser I. Tachometer drive points H.1.ALL MAGNETOS Before flight or after routine maintenance observe engine operation while running on both magnetos and left or right magneto individually. Carbon Brush J. Impulse coupling E. Distributor block I. Ball bearing assembly C. Vent holes (non-pressurized magnetos) 3. Illinois. Carbon brush I.4 500-HOUR INSPECTION . E. Distributor block J. Orifice vent (pressurized magnetos) 9. F. 8 The tachometer lead connects the tachometer drive contact points to the tachometer. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Follow the airframe manufacturer's recommendations to ensure that the tachometer drive lead is attached properly. Confirm that the P-lead is securely attached to the condenser stud. REPLACE CONDENSER IF TORQUE LIMIT IS EXCEEDED. 3. Reference the engine and/or airframe manufacturer’s literature for pressurization system corrective action and perform internal magneto inspection if contamination exists. If this lead is disconnected. 3.2.PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ONLY Refer to Harness Maintenance Manual L-1499 for complete wiring inspection instructions. STARTING CIRCUIT MAY BECOME INOPERATIVE. CAUTION: IF 13-15 IN-LBS TORQUE LIMIT IS EXCEEDED.2. the tachometer will become inoperative. condensation or free standing water or foreign matter in the filter element. Correct as necessary. Follow procedures in Section 3. 3. (See Figure 3. PAGE NO. Replace turbo filter.6 INSPECT TACHOMETER DRIVE CONTACT WIRE TACHOMETER DRIVE MAGNETOS ONLY Figure 3. reference the engine and/or airframe manufacturer's literature for pressurization system corrective action.2.2 INSPECT WIRING CONNECTIONS AND CONDITIONS 3. 3.3 INSPECT VENT HOLES .2. The P-lead connects the magneto primary circuit to the airframe ignition switch. CONDENSER PERFORMANCE MAY BECOME INTERMITTENT OR TOTALLY INOPERATIVE.5 INSPECT SWITCH WIRE .2.8 Figure 3.8). Possible fatal injury can result.5 AND 7.2. CAUTION: IF 13-15 IN-LBS TORQUE LIMIT IS EXCEEDED. If the P-lead is disconnected.S. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.2.3 of this manual.7 INSPECT TURBO FILTER . The retard breaker lead connects the retard contact points to the ignition vibrator.A. 3-2 REVISION D .7 INSPECT INLET NOZZLE . U. If this lead is disconnected the starting circuit will become inoperative.2. FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS IN SECTIONS 6. If the filter is contaminated.PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ONLY Inspect and clean inlet nozzle to insure it is clean and free of obstruction. Inc. Torque P-lead nut to 13-15 in-lbs.2.NON-PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS Vent holes must be clean and clear of any obstruction.RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS ONLY 3.L-1363 3.2. Illinois. Yellow or white particles or any oily film in the inlet nozzle indicates moisture contamination and possible lack of pressurization. Follow the airframe manufacturer's recommendations to ensure that the ignition switch and retard breaker lead are operating properly.4 INSPECT P-LEAD ATTACHMENT Inspect for yellow or red color. Follow airframe manufacturer's recommendations to ensure the ignition switch and P-lead are operating properly.12 OF THIS MANUAL.7). the magneto will be "ON" and will fire the spark plug if the propeller is rotated. If filter shows contamination. the magneto must be removed and inspected for contaminant damage. (See Figure 3.2. 025 ± . PAGE NO.3 INSPECT ROTOR A.9 NOTE: ANY INDICATION OF CONTAMINATION OR MOISTURE CONTAMINATION DURING INSPECTION STEPS 3.2. NOTE: IF BEARINGS ARE REMOVED FROM SHAFT.9.L-1363 3. Check for free movement.3. (See Figure 3. If rotor shaft binds. NOTE: DISASSEMBLE MAGNETO ONLY TO THE EXTENT REQUIRED TO SUPPORT THIS INSPECTION.2. Magneto Assembly. sticks or feels loose in bearing cap. (See Figure 3. 3. Inspect Oil Seal Inspect oil seal location on shaft ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 2. All procedures needed to perform the 500-hour inspections are detailed in Section 6.2 A.PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ONLY B.1 DISASSEMBLY AND CLEANING Figure 3. the rotor shaft must be replaced.3.4 INSPECT IMPULSE COUPLING . Assemble Bearings and Rotor Assemble bearings and rotor following instructions in Sections 7. Inspect rotor for damaged or worn keyway.) DIMPLES Figure 3.2.3. INSPECT BALL BEARING ASSEMBLY Inspect ball bearing assembly by rotating rotor shaft. exposing bare metal. CAM SLOT 3. Illinois.2. Magneto Assembly. to ensure a reliable inspection.006 inch per side.S. Inc.3.3.A.9 REQUIRES INTERNAL MAGNETO INSPECTION. Check rotor bearing surfaces for wear. Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. B. replace ball bearing assembly following instructions in Section 7. Proceed with magneto disassembly.3A).3 500-HOUR INSPECTION MAGNETO FLANGE MAGNETO FRAME Follow instructions in Section 5. 3-3 REVISION D . Magneto Disassembly. Magneto Disassembly and Section 7.3A 3. Magneto Assembly. No cracking is allowed.0.9 INSPECT ORIFICE VENT . Inspect Magneto Rotor Shaft Inspect magneto rotor shaft at impulse coupling location. 3.3. Orifice diameter is .2.3 Use lighted magnification (10X minimum) to inspect rotor shaft at cam slot for cracking. and 7. 3.2. C. INSPECT BASE OF ROTOR AT CAM SLOT Figure 3. Use a suitable grease dissolving solvent to remove all oil or sludge buildups on impulse coupling. U.0.8. All portions of the impulse coupling must be cleaned.3. Inspect Coupling. 3.IMPULSED COUPLED MAGNETOS ONLY Clean Impulse Coupling 1. The application of a suitable dye penetrant to the area prior to inspection is recommended. A. following instructions in Section (See Figure 3.3. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. return to Section 3. BEARINGS MUST BE DISCARDED AND REPLACED. If the heel of the pawl has struck the shaft and caused the shaft to dimple in excess of .005 inch. Removing Magneto from Engine. OR 3.7. When disassembled. ROTOR Inspect and clean orifice vent to insure it is clean and free of obstruction.0. 3. INCLUSIONS AND HEAT CHECKS MAY APPEAR AS SURFACE DISCONTINUITIES ON IMPULSE COUPLING COMPONENTS. If the edge of the pawl is visible beyond or can be felt to extend beyond the edge of the T155 Rivet Gage.3. BY THEMSELVES. Replace impulse coupling as necessary. None of these conditions are acceptable. the gaging will not be accurate. Inspect pawl retaining rivets. Replace impulse coupling as necessary. 9. Align the outer edge of the pawl with the outer edge of the impulse coupling plate. replace the impulse coupling. Minor cleaning to remove surface rust is acceptable. PLATE CORRECT GAGING POSITION 5. Illinois. PLATE INCORRECT GAGING POSITION 3. then replace the coupling. (See Figure 3. Inc. Position the latching end of the impulse pawl over the pawl plate as shown in Figure 3. Inspect the hub shaft and keyway for deformation or damage. 10.4 NOTE: IN MANY CASES. Inspect the impulse coupling hub for cracks.4A. Lift the inner edge of the pawl upward and push the pawl outward. REQUIRE IMPULSE COUPLING REPLACEMENT. 3-4 REVISION D . Inspect impulse coupling pawls. 1. Figure 3.S.) ACCEPTABLE Figure 3.L-1363 IMPULSE SHELL IMPULSE PAWL T155 RIVET GAUGE VIEW A VIEW A RIVET UNACCEPTABLE IMPULSE HUB IMPULSE HUB ASSEMBLY VIEW A Figure 3. Replace impulse coupling as necessary. U. peened or excessively worn. If the latching end that contacts the stop pin in the magneto frame is rounded. rust or signs of corrosion. Rotate the pawl in an arc while pushing upward and outward on the pawl. inspect the impulse coupling shell for cracks. T155 RIVET GAUGE PAWL 4. None of these conditions are acceptable.A.4B.4C.3. then replace the impulse coupling.4A.3. Measure the clearance between the boss on the underside of each (2) impulse pawl and the pawl plate using a feeler gage. Using acceptable procedures. If the inner edge of the pawl is not lifted when the pawl is pushed outward. THESE CONDITIONS ARE NORMAL AND GENERALLY DO NOT.3. PAGE NO.3.) 6.3. (See Figure 3. STRINGERS. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. If the rivets are loose or show indications of movement. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.4B 8. Minor cleaning to remove surface rust is acceptable. Install the T155 Rivet Gauge over the rivet head.4A 7.) T155 RIVET GAUGE PAWL 2. rust or signs of corrosion. (See Figure 3. 3.3. B. BOSS IMPULSE PAWL MAGNETO FRAME Figure 3.6 of this manual to install impulse coupling in magneto.3. If any cracks are evident.150 inch.4E 2. 3-5 REVISION D .3.050 inches across. Inc. Inspect coil for primary and secondary circuit resistance and continuity. CRACKS 2. the magneto frame must be replaced. replace coil. If the stop pin is worn.L-1363 LATCHING END OF PAWL ROTOR STOP PIN HEEL OF PAWL FLAT SPOT MAGNETO FLANGE PAWL PLATE Figure 3. Lubricate the hub and spring with aircraft engine oil.5 of this manual. PAGE NO.3. Coil must be replaced if resistance is outside of tolerances or an open exists. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Illinois. Replace magneto frame as necessary.4E. (See Figure 3. E. (See Figure 3.5 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.) Figure 3.140 inch for right-hand rotation impulse couplings.A.150 inch for left. Follow instructions in Section 7. Install Impulse Coupling. see magneto data plate. with a flat spot larger than . FEELER GAGE 3.4C 11. 3. cracks or corrosion.S. For coupling rotation.3.4D.5). Inspect coil for visible radial cracks. Reassemble Impulse Coupling 1. Section 7. D. Refer to Table Seven for tolerances. Flat spots should be measured using a dial caliper or similar measuring device. Inspect the stop pin for flat spots. See Figure 3. Inspect the stop pin for looseness. replace the impulse coupling. If the feeler gauge can pass between the full width of the boss and the pawl plate. Figure 3. U.hand rotation couplings and 0. C.4D C.3. Lubricate the pawl assembly with aircraft engine oil. Maximum clearance for pawls with two bosses is 0.3. Maximum clearance for pawls with one (1) boss is 0. No measureable wear is allowed on coil tab.5 INSPECT COIL A. Inspect Stop Pin 1. Follow reassembly instructions. Ensure that the pawls move freely. None of these conditions are acceptable. U.315 to . The service limit of the capacitor is . condenser and cam. Replace tachometer drive contact point assembly and cam.7A. 2. frosty surface around the edges.3.3. Condenser Inspection 1. points are functioning properly and can be reused. Retard Breaker Contact Points (Retard Breaker Magnetos Only) 3. and 1 khz frequency. clean with light soapy water. Either of these conditions is cause for component rejection. points are functioning properly and can be reused. frayed insulation. Inspect the condenser P-lead stud for twisting or "pulled" condition. 2. or equivalent test equipment.3. C. NOTE: In a retard breaker magneto. Inspect retard breaker contact points for signs of pitting and discoloration.3. If points are not discolored and have a white. 2.) Inspect the condenser wire for chafing. 1. they should be discarded. Illinois. 1. they should be discarded. 2. If points are blue (indicating excessive arcing) or pitted. If points are blue (indicating excessive arcing) or pitted. 2. INSPECT CONDENSER Clean Condenser 1.385 microfarad. Inc. Figure 3. 3.A. NOTE: In a retard breaker magneto. Test Capacitor. Figure 3. Capacitance value should be measured at room temperature. Using a magnifying lens. the primary contact points are secured by a BLACK anodized screw. If the external surfaces of the condenser are dirty. examine the glass bead end seals of the capacitor for broken glass or for glass separation from the retaining steel rings. If points are not discolored and have a white. Replace primary contact point assembly. they should be discarded. Tachometer Drive Contact Points (Tachometer Drive Magnetos Only) 1. frosty surface around the edges. PAGE NO. Replace as necessary. Replace retard breaker contact point assembly and cam. This condition is cause for component rejection. INSPECT CONTACT POINTS Primary Contact Points (All Magnetos) B. Test the electrical properties of the capacitor using the GenRad Digibridge 1157 component analyzer and a megohmmeter. If points are not discolored and have a white. Inspect the condenser for signs of corrosion.7).6 A. (See Figure 3. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. frosty surface around the edges. (See Figure 3. NOTE: Current condensor design utilizes a D shaped insulator to prevent damage from OverTorquing of P-lead stud. If points are blue (indicating excessive arcing) or pitted.S.7 A. the retard breaker contact points are secured by a SILVER screw. points are functioning properly and can be reused. Inspect primary contact points for signs of pitting and discoloration.3. 3-6 REVISION D .L-1363 3. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.7 B. Inspect tachometer drive contact points for signs of pitting and discoloration. Rinse soapy water and dirt from condenser surfaces with clear water and pat dry before reinstallation into the magneto housing.7A C.3. or exposed wires that could contact frame. 1. Inspect Distributor Gear 1.A. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE CONDENSER LEAD BE RESOLDERED TO THE CONDENSER STUD IF IT BECOMES DETACHED.8 Inspect oilite bushing for gumming oil condition. Inc. Inspect the electrode finger for looseness. carbon dust and other contaminants. Using a cotton swab or "Q-Tip". 3. replace distributor block. Visually inspect the block for cracks or other physical damage. Inspect gear teeth for wear and general integrity.) Inspect bearing inside diameter. Bearing ID should be 0. B.8 A. Install Condenser. oil. 2.12 of this manual. 5. C. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. 2. Replace block assembly as necessary. Replace block assembly as necessary.3.L-1363 2. Disassemble and clean the distributor block bearing bar using standard non-filming.3.8A 3. nonconductive cleaner. INSPECT DISTRIBUTOR BLOCK ASSEMBLY Clean block assembly.0003/-0.3. 4. Inspect Distributor Block. Clean the end of the electrode to remove electrical deposits. SOLDERING THIS LEAD CAN RESULT IN ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN INSIDE THE CAPACITOR AND/OR LOSS OF HERMETIC INTEGRITY. Make sure the distributor block surfaces are free of all oil and carbon dust prior to reassembly. The resistance measured between the capacitor stud and shell should be 50 Gigohms minimum at 135 ± 5 VDC.001/-0. Replace block assembly as necessary. Clean distributor gear with soapy water and rinse with clear water. Loose condition requires block and gear replacement. OILITE BUSHING (BEARING ID) Figure 3.) CAUTION: DO NOT PUT CLEANER IN EITHER BRONZE OILITE BUSHING.S.8A. ELECTRODE POSTS NOTE: NO FIELD REPAIRS OF THE CONDENSER ARE APPROVED. THESE BUSHINGS ARE IMPREGNATED AT THE FACTORY AND CLEANER WILL DRAW THE LUBRICANT OUT OF THE BUSHING. U.8.245 +0. This condition is normal and not cause for rejection. (See Figure 3. 3. Inspect the brass electrode posts for signs of physical wear. ELEC TROD E FINGER Figure 3.3.2420 +0.3. Illinois.000 inch. 1. 2. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. 1. Test the insulation resistance of the capacitor using a megohmmeter. During normal operation. 3-7 REVISION D . PAGE NO. Install condenser following instructions in Section 7. If the bushing is gummed. 4. D. Shaft OD should be 0. the post will experience an electrical-metal transfer with the distributor gear electrode. clean all surfaces free of dirt. Inspect rotor shaft outside diameter. The bushing should be free of contamination and the gear should turn freely in the distributor block with no appreciable drag. The electrode should be held securely to the shaft when tested with light finger pressure.0000 inch. (See Figure 3. U.S. Inspect Bearing Bar.9).10 Reinstall following Section 7. E. 3-8 REVISION D .4. Visually inspect the loading spring.A.1).1 BAD GOOD Figure 3. Replace assembly as necessary. Reference Section 7. Bearing ID should be 0.000 inch. Lubrication 1. Carbon brushes that do not meet these limits must be replaced.9A C. (Not required for closed end Distributor Block bearing. Inspect threaded areas to ensure threads are intact and not damaged. Overall free standing length should be greater than 19/32 inch. 3. 19/64 INCH INLET NOZZLE Figure 3.4. Section 7.3. Complete magneto reassembly. (See Figure 3. Reoil bearing bar and distributor block bearing as follows: a. Bake oil filled part in circulating air oven for 2 hours minimum at 200°F ± 10°F. Inc. following instructions in Assembly Section of this manual.1 d. INSPECT FOR STRUCTURAL DAMAGE b. INSPECT CARBON BRUSH Visually inspect the carbon brush. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. For bearing bars.4 ADDITIONAL 500-HOUR INSPECTION PROCEDURES FOR PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS INLET NOZZLE c.13 of this manual. Store oiled parts in clean containers with non-absorbent packing. install rubber cork in open end of bearing on side opposite the coil tab dielectric skirt.L-1363 D. Illinois. Inspect and clean inlet nozzle to insure it is clean and free of obstruction. Wipe bearing ID clean of any gummy residue.9 A. e.001/-0. Clean any excess oil from dielectric surfaces of block or bar.3. Check magneto frame and distributor housing for cracks or other damage.3. Visually inspect for cracks or other physical damage. 19/32 INCH 3.) Fill open end of bearing with Exxon Terrestic Grade 100 oil. Figure 3. (See Figure 3. PAGE NO. Remove from oven and allow to cool to room temperature before removing cork and decanting remaining lubricant from ID of bearing. Reference engine and/ or airframe manufacturer's literature for pressurization system corrective action. 1.4.9 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. 2. Replace as necessary. 3.245 +0. Reference Section 7. (See Figure 3. 3. 3. Overall length of the carbon brush must be greater than 19/64 inch and the OD of the brush diameter must be uniform.) Look for flat spots on the spring windings.13B.9A.3. Cork to be shaped to cover no more than 1/16" depth of bearing ID.13 of this manual. Springs that appear worn or do not meet the overall length requirements must be replaced.3.3. f. B. g. Make sure the bearing bar is free of all oil (other than that described in paragraph 3 below) and carbon dust prior to reassembly. Yellow or white particles or an oily film in the inlet nozzle indicates moisture contamination and possible lack of pressurization. 4. Replace ONLY with Unison Replacement Gaskets. Inspect screw gaskets for wear and replace as necessary.2 3. Replace turbo filter. screws.5 O-RING Inspect harness cap O-ring for wear and replace as necessary.4 GASKETS Inspect frame gasket for wear and replace as necessary. condensation or free standing water or foreign matter in the filter element.2). 3.4. Inc.025 ± . If filter shows contamination. PAGE NO.) If the filter is contaminated. and O-ring.4.3 of this manual.4. Orifice diameter is .005 inch. U. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Figure 3.4. Figure 3.A.3 3. (See Figure 3. (See Figure 3. Illinois. reference the engine and/or airframe manufacturer's literature for pressurization system corrective action. 3-9/(3-10 Blank) REVISION D .3 TURBO FILTER Inspect for yellow or red color.4.4. Follow procedures in Section ORIFICE VENT Inspect and clean orifice vent to insure it is clean and free of obstruction. the magneto must be removed and inspected for contaminant damage. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.S.L-1363 3. consult Table Five. For latest configuration of housing gasket. Replace ONLY with Unison Replacement Gaskets and Unison Mounting Screws. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. . even if FAA/PMA Approved may not fit or operate like original Unison manufactured parts. Parts purchased from sources other than Unison Industries. Further.1 4. even though originally manufactured by Unison Industries. or parts the service history of which is unknown or cannot be authenticated. Genuine Unison parts are produced and inspected under rigorous procedures to insure airworthiness and suitability in Slick magnetos. Additional parts may require replacement depending on conditions as determined during magneto inspection. For these reasons.1. the following components must be replaced at every overhaul. nor should original parts be replaced by used service worn parts on magnetos being returned to service. 4. Consistent and complimentary wear patterns establish the recommended maintenance intervals defined in Unison service literature. non-Unison manufactured parts may wear at uneven and different rates than original Unison manufactured parts. FAA testing of PMA parts does not require operation on an engine or flight tests and does not require the test duration to exceed the maintenance intervals called out in Unison literature. Salvaged magneto parts. not discernible through routine visual or usual nondestructive testing techniques. may be different in fabrication techniques and materials. The following parts must be replaced at overhaul. making Unison service literature an inappropriate guide to proper maintenance. NOTE: AN ALTERNATIVE TO OVERHAUL IS COMPLETE MAGNETO REPLACEMENT WITH A NEW SLICK MAGNETO.0 OVERHAUL Slick 4300/6300 Series Magnetos should be completely overhauled when conditions indicate. damage or injury caused by use of non-Unison approved parts. 6300 Series Overhaul Parts Replacement List. Magnetos must be overhauled after a lightning strike on the aircraft.S. In many cases.1. may have been subjected to unacceptable stresses or temperatures.3 DISCARD PARTS TO BE REPLACED Reference Table One. This may render service work with this part. failures. following instructions in Sections 6. Parts not manufactured by Unison Industries.1 OVERHAUL PROCEDURE . Slick does not authorize the use of "used" parts as replacement parts for other magnetos. 4. In no case should magnetos have in-service times greater than the TBO hour limit for the engine on which it is installed. Illinois. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Refer to tables One through Seven as you overhaul your Slick Magneto. Frame Gasket Housing Screw Harness Cap ‘O’ Ring A complete list of parts that must be replaced at overhaul can be found in Table One (4300 Series) and Table Four (6300 Series). Install only Unison Replacement Parts. PAGE NO. reworked parts obtained from non-Unison approved sources. NEW SLICK MAGNETOS INCORPORATE ALL THE LATEST DESIGN FEATURES AND ARE A COST EFFECTIVE ALTERNATIVE TO OVERHAUL.L-1363 4.A. U. unsuitable or unsafe for use in a Slick magneto. and may be dangerous when installed in a Slick magneto. Use only genuine Unison Industries manufactured parts obtained from Unison approved sources.0. subcomponent parts are matched at the factory and will function improperly if used in conjunction with other similar parts. a sudden engine stoppage. used service worn parts or parts not manufactured by Unison Industries may adversely affect magneto reliability in ways not anticipated by Unison Industries and its service literature. 4.0. Magnetos must be overhauled at every engine overhaul. Unison Industries expressly disclaims any responsibility for malfunctions. 4300 Series Overhaul Parts Replacement List of Table Two. Removing Magneto from Engine. even though outwardly identical in appearance may not have had the required tests and inspections performed.2 DISASSEMBLE MAGNETO Proceed with magneto disassembly. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.1. therefore used. or have other hidden damage. Discard all parts removed for overhaul replacement and REPLACE WITH NEW UNISON PARTS. service worn parts should never be used to troubleshoot or repair a magneto. ALL MAGNETOS Condenser Double Sealed Bearing Bearing Cap Assembly Coil Impulse Coupling Oil Seal Contact Point Kit Rotor Gear Distributor Block and Gear PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS: In addition to above parts. Inc.ALL MODEL MAGNETOS REMOVE MAGNETO FROM ENGINE Follow procedures in Section 5. 4-1 REVISION D . Slick magnetos are engineered so that mechanical parts wear at a balanced rate. or immersion. 4. the following must be performed.2.1 DISCARD PARTS TO BE REPLACED Discard parts as listed in Table Four.L-1363 NOTE: UNISON INDUSTRIES AUTHORIZES THE USE OF ONLY UNISON REPLACEMENT PARTS IN THE MAINTENANCE AND/OR OVERHAUL OF UNISON INDUSTRIES EQUIPMENT.3 ORIFICE VENT Inspect and clean orifice vent to ensure it is clean and free of obstruction.6 PRESSURE TEST MAGNETO Pressure test magneto using instructions in Section 8.4 INSPECT INTERIOR OF MAGNETO Inspect inside of magneto for corrosion.2.0 of this manual. 4.2. 4. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. 4.PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS In addition to the overhaul procedures outlined above. 4-2 REVISION D . Orifice diameter is . Presence of dirt or other contaminants indicates that the magneto pressurization system is not functioning properly. following instructions in Section 7.005 inch.2 INLET NOZZLE Inspect and clean inlet nozzle to ensure it is clean and free of obstruction. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.5 HARNESS CAP O-RING Inspect O-ring in harness cap for cuts or other conditions that would inhibit a proper seal. 4. 4.2. Illinois. 4.1. oil and other turbocharger contaminants.025 ± . 4.2 ADDITIONAL PROCEDURES .2. Replace O-ring as necessary. USE OF PARTS OR FASTENERS NOT MANUFACTURED OR APPROVED BY UNISON VOIDS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND MAY ADVERSELY AFFECT THE PERFORMANCE AND JEOPARDIZE THE AIRWORTHINESS OF THE MAGNETO.4 MAGNETO REASSEMBLY Proceed with magneto reassembly.S. Clean if necessary and inspect aircraft pressurization system according to the engine and/or airframe manufacturer’s recommended procedures.0 of this manual. U.A.2. PAGE NO. Inc. Consult engine manufacturer ’s manuals for corrective action. proceed as follows: 1. REMOVING MAGNETO FROM ENGINE To remove magneto. C. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Remove the P-lead wire that connects the ignition switch to the magneto condenser. Remove the harness cap from the magneto by removing the 3 screws that secure it to the magneto. Follow the engine manufacturer’s procedure to set the engine to fire cylinder number one. In certain applications. Inc. cover the hole with a suitable material while the magneto is removed from the engine.Disconnect tachometer lead or pickup device. U. NOTE: THE MAGNETO MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE ENGINE FOR DISASSEMBLY AND INSPECTION. Pressurized magnetos only . Retard breaker magnetos only . If applicable. at the timing setting shown on the engine data plate. To prevent any contaminant from entering the magneto accessory hole. PAGE NO. Tachometer drive magnetos only .Disconnect pressurization tube from magneto. Use this mark to ensure that the cap is properly oriented upon reassembly. remove drive gear/lug and save for reinstallation. B.A. When removing the cap. NOTE: DO NOT STRIKE OR EXERT CRUSHING FORCE AGAINST END OF ROTOR SHAFT TO REMOVE DRIVE GEAR.L-1363 5. proceed as if you were timing the magneto to the engine. place a visible mark on the harness cap and an adjacent mark on the distributor housing. D. Remove the 2 nuts. Illinois.S. it will be necessary to remove the drive gear/lug from the magneto. 2.Remove the lead that connects the retard contact points to the starting circuit. 5-1/(5-2 Blank) REVISION D . To remove the magneto from the engine. Inspect drive gear/lug according to the engine manufacturer’s recommended procedures. washers and clamps that secure the magneto to the engine. E. CAUTION: EXTRA CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO PREVENT ANY FOREIGN OBJECT FROM PASSING INTO THE ENGINE THROUGH THE MAGNETO ACCESSORY HOLE ON THE ENGINE WHEN THE MAGNETO IS REMOVED.0 A. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Remove Drive Gear/Lug. .THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. bushing and drive gear where applicable. Parts purchased from sources other than Unison. nor should original parts be replaced by used service worn parts on magnetos being returned to service. non-Unison manufactured parts may wear at uneven and different rates than original Unison manufactured parts. Inc. Slick magnetos are engineered so that mechanical parts wear at a balanced rate. even though outwardly identical in appearance may not have had the required tests and inspections performed. Further.1 A. 6-1 REVISION D . or parts the service history of which is unknown or cannot be authenticated. washer. even if FAA/PMA Approved may not fit or operate like original Unison manufactured parts. Refer to Table Two for specific part numbers and to Table One. and may be dangerous when installed in a Slick magneto.0E. Refer to tables One through Seven as you overhaul your Slick Magneto. used service worn parts or parts not manufactured by Unison Industries may adversely affect magneto reliability in ways not anticipated by Unison Industries and its service literature. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Use only genuine Unison Industries manufactured parts obtained from Unison approved sources. For these reasons. U. 6. Consistent and complimentary wear patterns establish the recommended maintenance intervals defined in Unison service literature. This may render service work with this part. Salvaged magneto parts. NEW SLICK MAGNETOS INCORPORATE ALL THE LATEST DESIGN FEATURES AND ARE A COST EFFECTIVE ALTERNATIVE TO OVERHAUL.A. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. service worn parts should never be used to troubleshoot or repair a magneto. (Section 5. may be different in fabrication techniques and materials. The directions are generalized and refer to both 4300/6300 Series Magnetos unless specifically noted.) Grasp shell of impulse coupling assembly and gently pull the assembly outward to clear the latching ears of the impulse hub assembly. REMOVE IMPULSE COUPLING Remove cotter pin. not discernible through routine visual or usual nondestructive testing techniques. damage or injury caused by use of non-Unison approved parts. Exploded Assembly Diagram. Frame Gasket Housing Screw Harness Cap "O" Ring A complete list of parts that must be replaced at overhaul can be found in Table One (4300 Series) and Table Four (6300 Series).0 MAGNETO DISASSEMBLY Following are disassembly instructions for Slick 4300/6300 Series Magnetos.S. NOTE: AN ALTERNATIVE TO OVERHAUL IS COMPLETE MAGNETO REPLACEMENT WITH A NEW SLICK MAGNETO. (See Figure 6. failures.) B. nut. ALL MAGNETOS Condenser Double Sealed Bearing Bearing Cap Assembly Coil Impulse Coupling (where applicable) Oil Seal Contact Point Kit Rotor Gear Distributor Block and Gear PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS: In addition to above parts. therefore used. Parts not manufactured by Unison Industries.1 GENERAL ORDER OF DISASSEMBLY Remove: Impulse Coupling Woodruff Key Distributor Housing Assembly Condenser Rotor Gear Contact Breaker Assembly Rotor Assembly Bearings from Shaft Coil Oil Seal 6. FAA testing of PMA parts does not require operation on an engine or flight tests and does not require the test duration to exceed the maintenance intervals called out in Unison literature. may have been subjected to unacceptable stresses or temperatures. Unison Industries expressly disclaims any responsibility for malfunctions. Install only Unison Replacement Parts. Additional parts may require replacement depending on conditions as determined during magneto inspection. or have other hidden damage. PAGE NO. unsuitable or unsafe for use in a Slick magneto. making Unison service literature an inappropriate guide to proper maintenance. Genuine Unison parts are produced and inspected under rigorous procedures to insure airworthiness and suitability in Slick magnetos.L-1363 6. The following parts must be replaced at overhaul. even though originally manufactured by Unison Industries.0.1. reworked parts obtained from non-Unison approved sources. the following components must be replaced at every overhaul. Illinois. REMOVE DISTRIBUTOR BLOCK ASSEMBLY Separate distributor housing from magneto frame.Disconnect retard breaker switch lead from contact breaker assembly. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. CAUTION: STRONG SPRING TENSION C.L-1363 Figure 6.2 REMOVE WOODRUFF KEY Pry woodruff key from rotor shaft using pliers.5 REMOVE CONDENSER When removing the condenser from the distributor housing.4 D.) Figure 6. Inc. C. Disconnect condenser lead from contact breaker assembly.) 6. Tachometer drive magnetos only . D. Illinois.1A 6. Engage Slick T-106 hub puller into grooves in the hub assembly. carefully rotate the condenser wire counterclockwise in the same direction as the condenser to eliminate twisting the condenser lead. U. Remove two screws and remove distributor bearing bar.2.A.S. Remove impulse shell and attached impulse spring. (See Figure 6. Figure 6. REMOVE DISTRIBUTOR HOUSING ASSEMBLY Remove three long screws and single short screw from distributor housing.lA.5.) Figure 6. and spacers from the frame. E. 6.Disconnect lead wire from contact points. distributor gear. Turn shell to release spring tension.5 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Tighten T-106 puller bolt and remove impulse coupling hub assembly. PAGE NO.3 A. distributor block. E.1 B. (See Figure 6.2 6. (See Figure 6. Retard breaker magnetos only . 6-2 REVISION D . REMOVE ROTOR ASSEMBLY Remove two screws and two bearing plate clamps. B. Remove screws and washers from primary contact breaker assembly. Remove cam by prying straight up with a screwdriver blade.A. Disconnect coil lead wire from primary contact breaker assembly.7. U. the primary contact points are secured by a BLACK anodized screw. Remove contact breaker assembly from bearing cap. Remove cam by prying straight up with screwdriver blade.2 RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS NOTE: In a retard breaker magneto.1 REMOVE CONTACT BREAKER ASSEMBLY IMPULSE COUPLED AND DIRECT DRIVE MAGNETOS Disconnect coil lead wire from contact breaker assembly. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.) Figure 6. (See Figure 6.6 REMOVE ROTOR GEAR Pry rotor gear out of the end of the rotor assembly using two flat-blade screwdrivers. B. The retard breaker contact points are secured by a SILVER screw. B.2 F.7. (See Figure 6. PAGE NO.S. 6.7 6.) A. 6. Inc.7. C. COIL LEAD WIRE 6. Remove screws and washers from tachometer contact point assembly. Illinois.7. E. D. Figure 6. (See Figure 6. TACHOMETER DRIVE MAGNETOS Disconnect tachometer lead wires from tachometer contact point assembly. Remove screws and washers from breaker assembly.L-1363 6. Remove tachometer contact point assembly and spacers. Remove primary contact breaker assembly. C.7. Remove cam by prying straight up with a screwdriver blade.) REMOVE CAM REMOVE SCREWS AND WASHERS A.3 A.7. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. B.1. Remove retard breaker contact breaker assembly and spacer. Figure 6. 6-3 REVISION D .1 6.7.8 Remove screws and washers from retard breaker contact breaker assembly. Press against the drive end of the rotor shaft and withdraw the rotor and bearing cap assembly from the drive frame. D. C.8 A. D.8.2. B. C. P/N M-3485 BEARING CAP ASS EM BLY Figure 6.12 REMOVE OIL SEAL Remove oil seal from magneto. E. 6-4 REVISION D .9. Remove only as required. THE BEARING CAP AND BEARING ASSEMBLY SHOULD NEVER BE DISASSEMBLED. Using coil wedge extractor T-122. U. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. C. Place rotor and T-121 bearing puller on T-152 spacer.9A ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.S. Press rotor shaft and remove drive end bearing.11 REMOVE AIR VENTS CAUTION: ROTOR IS MAGNETIZED.9A. (See Figure 6.) T-122 Figure 6.A. REMOVE BEARINGS FROM SHAFT Place rotor on T-152 spacer. 6. Remove air vents from magneto.3. paragraph 3. THIS ASSEMBLY IS PRELUBRICATED AT THE FACTORY WITH SPECIAL GREASE THAT TOLERATES THE OZONE RICH ENVIRONMENT WITHIN THE MAGNETO.) D. Press rotor shaft and remove bearing cap assembly.L-1363 6.10 6. (See Figure 6. Insert Slick T-121 bearing puller (both halves) between drive end bearing and rotor magnet head. Inc.10 B.9 A. (See Figure 6. remove coil wedges and lift out coil.5. PAGE NO. REMOVE COIL A. Remove coil primary ground screw. DO NOT ALLOW ROTOR TO COME INTO CONTACT WITH METAL. Inspect coil per Section 3. 6. Illinois.9 CAUTION: BEARING CAP ASSEMBLY HOLDS A DOUBLE-SEALED BEARING CAPTIVE IN THE BEARING CAP.) Figure 6.10. adapter plate and bearing assembly plug from the T-100 tool base. Place T-151 cam and rotor set onto the end of the rotor shaft and turn T-handle until the shaft bottoms in magneto frame. (See Figure 7. 7-1 REVISION D . Place the bearing assembly plug (T-101) onto the exposed end of the rotor shaft. ASSEMBLE BEARINGS ONTO SHAFT Insert the base plate (T-117) and adapter plate bushing (T-119) into the T-100 tool kit base. Figure 7. Illinois. (See Figure 7.) C. Remove the rotor shaft.2.0. Insert the rotor shaft into the adapter plate bushing (threaded end down). Place magneto frame in T-100 base (flange down). Figure 7. Place one ball bearing and bearing cap assembly onto the rotor shaft. B. D.2 F.A.1.L-1363 7.S.1 E. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. PAGE NO. adapter bushing.1. Position rotor shaft assembly in the magneto frame. (See Figure 7. E. U.2. INSTALL ROTOR SHAFT ASSEMBLY A.0 7.1 MAGNETO ASSEMBLY GENERAL ORDER OF ASSEMBLY Assemble Bearings onto Shaft Install Rotor Shaft Assembly Install Oil Seal Install Woodruff Key Assemble Impulse Coupling Install Impulse Coupling Install Coil Install Contact Point Assembly Install Rotor Cam Install Rotor Gear Timing the Magneto Install Retard Breaker Lead Wire (Retard Breaker Magnetos Only) Install Condenser Install Distributor Gear Assembly Install Distributor Block Connect Condenser Wire Align Rotor Gear Align Distributor Gear Attach and Secure the Distributor Housing 7. C.2. Figure 7.) D.2 Turn T-handle until the bearing cap bottoms in the frame.1 A.) 7. Inc.1 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Turn T-handle screw to seat the bearings against the bearing shoulders on the rotor shaft. Insert rotor and frame assembly plug (T-102) into the T-100 fixture T-handle. B. (Approximately one-quarter revolution. INSTALL OIL SEAL A.L-1363 F. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. 7.S. If cotter pin will not align with pin hole within the specified torque range. PAGE NO. making sure that it is back against the stops. remove nut. INSTALL IMPULSE COUPLING (If So Equipped) A. Install impulse washer. Torque screws to 20-24 in-lbs. (See Figure 7. D. C. CAUTION: DO NOT WIND COUPLING MORE THAN 1/4 TURN. Make sure the shell is seated squarely on the hub and turns freely. F. CAUTION: IF THE HIGH TENSION LEAD PROTRUDES ABOVE THE MAGNETO FRAME. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Insert the coil into the frame.6 CAUTION: ENSURE THAT THE OIL SEAL IS NOT NICKED OR DAMAGED BY THE EDGES OF THE WOODRUFF KEY SLOT. UNTIL AFTER POST-INSPECTION TESTING. Pull the hub straight back slowly far enough to clear the projections on the shell. 7. Illinois. Set the impulse shell on the hub.4 INSTALL WOODRUFF KEY Press woodruff key into the key slot of the rotor shaft. The convex center of the seal should face outward from the magneto. using screw. Lubricate oil seal with engine oil. C. and retorque drive nut to specified torque range. Reverse the magneto on the T-100 base so the flange is facing up. Retard Breaker Magnetos-Proceed to 7.7.) B.7 Figure 7. There is no tension in the coupling in this position. Insert the oil seal over the rotor shaft. using a hammer and flat punch. Inc.7. 90 degrees. Check to see that the coupling is free by snapping it through 3 or 4 times. IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO REMOVE THE IMPULSE COUPLING NUT AND WASHER DURING DRIVE GEAR INSTALLATION. IT CAN MAKE DIRECT CONTACT WITH THE DISTRIBUTOR GEAR AND CAUSE THE MAGNETO TO MALFUNCTION. lightly lap the bottom of the nut with emery cloth. Press the oil seal flush into the frame using the oil seal assembly plug (T-103) and the T-handle screw.3. Install impulse coupling assembly on to the rotor shaft. D.A. A. Hold the shell stationary and rotate the hub to wind the spring until the projections on the other section of the pawl plate pass the projections on the shell. Hold the shell in one hand and the pawls the thumb and forefinger of the other hand.) 7. Place the frame on the T-100 assembly and timing tool. D. Assemble the inner eye of the impulse spring into the grooves in the impulse hub. Position the coil high tension lead flush to 1/32 inch below and parallel to the parting surface of the magneto frame. B.5 ASSEMBLE IMPULSE COUPLING B. Insert the coil wedges between the bridge and the frame. Torque to 20 in-lbs. INSTALL COIL A. 7-2 REVISION D . 7.3 7. Attach the ground wire of the coil to the frame. C. LEAVE THE NUT AND WASHER INSTALLED AS IN STEP C. Install bearing clamps and the hold-down screws using Loctite 242 thread locker. B. Install coupling nut and torque to 120-180 in-lbs to seat coupling onto the rotor shaft. Install cotter pin through hole in rotor shaft. NOTE: ON SOME MAGNETOS. (See Figure 7. C.) G.3 E. Drive the two wedges tight. U. C. Inc. SET PRIMARY POINTS .9 7. Insert T-150 "E" Gap Gauge (Figure 7. NOTE: INSTALL PRIMARY POINT ASSEMBLY BEFORE INSTALLING RETARD POINT ASSEMBLY. CAUTION: RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS USE DIFFERENT LENGTH SCREWS TO SECURE THE CONTACT BREAKER ASSEMBLIES. TACHOMETER DRIVE CONTACT POINTS TACHOMETER DRIVE MAGNETOS ONLY B. (See Figure 7.10.9. A. Impulse Coupled Magnetos . 7.1 A.) Coil Coil Tab T-151 CAM Figure 7. B.10. Do not tighten screws until magneto is timed. PAGE NO. Looking directly down on the magneto. A. Place tachometer contact points on bearing cap and secure using two screws and plain washers.10 TIME THE MAGNETO NOTE: FOR RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS. 7.8. U. 7-3 REVISION D . Figure 7.A.S. Illinois. Retard Breaker Magnetos . Place spacer on bearing cap and attach retard contact points assembly using silver screw and plain washer. flange down.8. THE RETARD (SECONDARY) POINTS ARE SET IN REFERENCE TO THE PRIMARY POINTS AND THE PRIMARY POINTS MUST BE SET CORRECTLY TO ENSURE ACCURACY OF RETARD CONTACT SETTINGS.7 7. Direct-Drive Magnetos . USE OF INCORRECT MOUNTING SCREWS WILL DAMAGE UPPER MAGNETO BEARING AND CAUSE POSSIBLE MAGNETO FAILURE.Install the T-123 timing plug on the rotor shaft before placing the magneto on the T-125 rotor base. Parting Surface Of Frame Parallel and Flush To 1/32 Below Frame Drive the cam until it bottoms in the rotor cam slot. Install cam using a light hammer and T-151 cam and rotor set. 7.8. align the magneto so that the coil is oriented in the 12 o’clock position.L-1363 Spring Loaded Carbon Brush B. INSTALL ROTOR CAM A. B.ALL MAGNETOS Place the magneto on the T-125 base.3 NOTE: INSTALL PRIMARY POINT ASSEMBLY BEFORE INSTALLING TACHOMETER POINT ASSEMBLY.Do not use T-123 timing plug. 7.Install the T-123 timing plug on the rotor shaft before placing the magneto on the T-125 base. Do not tighten screws until magneto is timed.9 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. THE PRIMARY POINTS MUST BE SET FIRST.ALL MAGNETOS Attach contact point assembly on the bearing cap using appropriate screw.1) between the pole laminations in the rotor shaft and the pole laminations in the frame.2 RETARD BREAKER CONTACT POINTS . THE PRIMARY POINTS ARE SECURED WITH A BLACK ANODIZED SCREW.RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS ONLY 6300 Series Magnetos . NOTE: ON RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS.1 A. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. INSTALL CONTACT POINTS PRIMARY CONTACT POINTS .8 7.Remove T-509 timing base adapter. 7. NOTCHED END Using a timing light.010 inches.10. 7-4 REVISION D .10. Rotate the magneto frame on the T-100 base until the T-150 "E" gap gauge rests against the pole lamination in the magneto frame.10.1 50 "E" gap gauge.150 gauge. Locate the appropriate "L" or "R" timing slot on the rotor magnet head and insert the notched end of the "E" gap gauge. Retard Breaker Magnetos: Secure primary points by tightening the adjusting screw.10.2. A.1 above.) Figure 7. U.10.2 SET SECONDARY POINTS . FLAT END Figure 7. THE LAG ANGLE ON THE MAGNETO DATAPLATE IS THE RETARD BREAKER’S RETARD ANGLE MEASURED IN DEGREES.4 H. See Figure 7. THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE WILL SET THE RETARD POINTS THE REQUIRED NUMBER OF DEGREES FROM THE PRIMARY POINTS. See Figure 7.3. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 NOTE: RETARD POINTS ARE SET IN REFERENCE TO PRIMARY POINT SETTINGS. Illinois. adjust the contact points to be just opening when the frame is against the T. Torque to 15-18 in-lbs. Torque the pivot screw to 15-18 in. (See Figure 7. THE PRIMARY POINTS MUST BE SET FIRST.10. Rotate the magneto frame clockwise for left-hand rotation magnetos and counterclockwise for right-hand rotation magnetos.2 Insert notched end of T-150 when using new style rotors (with slots on magnet head). Attach coil lead wire to the vertical bronze male terminal of the primary point assembly. Proceed to 7.L-1363 E.10.3. Apply cam grease sparingly to each lobe of the cam.10. Inc. Figure 7. F. Set primary points according to instructions in Section 7.008-. Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. This will provide a point gap opening of . Proceed to 7. Tachometer Drive Magnetos: Secure primary points by tightening the adjusting screw.RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS ONLY NOTE: FOR RETARD BREAKER MAGNETOS. PAGE NO.10. Torque adjusting screw to 18-20 in-lbs.3 D. Impulse Coupled and Direct Drive Magnetos: Secure the points in this position by tightening the screws.2.lbs. AND THE PRIMARY POINTS MUST BE SET CORRECTLY TO ENSURE ACCURACY OF RETARD CONTACT SETTINGS.1 Insert flat end of T-150 when using old style rotor (no slots on the magnet head). and do not remove magneto frame from T-125 base.10. Reference the magneto data plate for magneto rotation. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.4. G. Insert the "E" Gap Gauge against the right lamination for right-hand rotation magnetos and against the left laminations for left-hand rotation magneto. Figure 7.S. Torque to 15-18 in-lbs. THE RETARD (SECONDARY) POINTS ARE SET IN REFERENCE TO THE PRIMARY POINTS.10. The magneto rotor shaft is now in "E" gap position.A. Do not remove T. Use the "L" slot for left-hand rotation magnetos and the "R" slot for righthand rotation magnetos. Holding magneto securely in base (in "E".10. E. Figure 7. Turn T-125 base over so that timing disk is facing you. The ticks on the timing disk each represent 5 degrees. Tighten the adjusting screws to secure the points in this position. Tighten one timing disk retaining screw to hold the timing disk in place. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Reverse T-125 base and place magneto in it. U. H. adjust the retard contact points to where they are just opening.10.3 A. This represents a pointof-reference for primary point "E" gap. Apply cam grease sparingly to each lobe of the cam. Remove magneto from T-125 base. F. Adjust tachometer drive points to have an opening of .013 (± . C.002) with the rotor oriented to the position of maximum cam lift.5. Rotate the disk according to the following chart: Magneto Retard Angle 5o 10o 15o 20o 25o 30o 35o 40o ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Figure 7. Rotate magneto frame until it contacts the pin in the T-125 base.10.) EXAMPLE: Lag angle as noted from dataplate: 25 o Rotation as noted from dataplate: L To set timing disk.S. D. THIS INDEX MARK WILL BE USED AS A POINT OF REFERENCE FOR SETTING THE RETARD POINTS A SPECIFIED NUMBER OF DEGREES FROM THE PRIMARY POINTS.10.L-1363 B.1 above. Rotate magneto against the direction of normal rotation (clockwise for left-hand rotation magnetos and counterclockwise for right-hand rotation magnetos) until the magneto bumps against the pin in the T-125 base.5 NOTE: THE ACTUAL NUMBER AT THE TIMING DISK INDEX MARK IS NOT CRITICAL. C. Torque adjusting screws to 18 . Scribe a mark on the timing disk corresponding to the index mark on the T-125 base.10. Loosen timing disk retaining screw. Timing disk should rotate freely.6 L. Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Tighten the adjusting screws to secure the retard points in this position. PAGE NO. Hold magneto securely in base and tip magneto and T-125 base. Illinois. rotate the timing disk counterclockwise for left-hand rotation magnetos and clockwise for right-hand rotation magnetos. 7-5 REVISION D . Note the lag angle from the magneto dataplate. Torque adjusting screws to 18-20 in-lbs.A. J.6. The magneto rotor shaft is now retarded from E-gap position the number of degrees indicated on the magneto data plate.) K. To set the timing disk in the proper position. G.) 7.6. Rotate the magneto frame clockwise for lefthand rotation magnetos. (See Figure 7. flange down (use T-123 timing plug). gap position). Attach coil lead wire to the male terminal of the primary point assembly. turn the timing disk 5 ticks (5 x 5o = 25) counterclockwise using scribed mark as reference point. Using a timing light. Inc. Tighten timing disk retaining screws. Number of Ticks on Timing Disk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 B. Apply cam grease sparingly to each lobe of the cam. D. (See Figure 7.10.20 in-lbs. Remove T-150 "E" gap gauge from magneto. 1.10. (See Figure 7. tip magneto and T-125 base and loosen timing disk retaining screws. counterclockwise for righthand rotation magnetos. Ensure that the T-150 "E" gap gauge is still positioned against the correct lamination. SET TACHOMETER DRIVE POINTS TACHOMETER DRIVE MAGNETOS ONLY Set primary points according to instructions in Section 7. Figure 7. Insert the open end of the spring into the open end of the distributor gear shaft.13. See Figure 7.13 Install carbon brush into spring. Turn carbon brush clockwise until the shoulder of carbon brush seats on the spring. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Secure rotor shaft to prevent rotation during assembly. INSTALL CONDENSER Assemble the condenser into the distributor housing.) 2. being sure to rotate the condenser wire the same rotation as the condenser is tightened in the housing. DISTRIBUTOR GEAR BRUSH/SPRING ASSEMBLY 1/4 INCH MAXIMUM BRUSH EXTENSION UNDER NO PRELOAD Figure 7.14 A. The top of the carbon brush should protrude from the top of the shaft approximately 1/4 inch. Figure 7.1 CAUTION: RETARD BREAKER LEAD WIRE MUST BE CHANNELED SECURELY UNDER CONDENSER. 7.13 A.11 Retard Breaker Magnetos Only . Gently press the carbon brush and spring assembly into the shaft until the spring seats on the bottom of the shaft. See Figure 7.11.11. (See Figure 7. 7-6 REVISION D .11.A. (See Figure 7. Align the "L" or "R" (depending on the rotation of the magneto . PAGE NO. Insert small end of carbon brush into tapered end of spring. 1. Assemble the distributor gear in the distributor block with the L&R facing you.14. DISTRIBUTOR GEAR ASSEMBLY Figure 7. 1.look at data plate) on the rotor gear so that it points up. Alignment of rotor gear is critical.1.L-1363 7.) B.11 A.12 A.12. B. 7. Assemble the bearing bar to the distributor block with the brush shield facing the notch in the distributor block as shown in Figure 7. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. U. ALIGN ROTOR GEAR Install rotor gear onto end of rotor shaft.S. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY CAUSE THE LEAD WIRE TO INTERFERE WITH ROTOR GEAR MOVEMENT OR POINT OPERATION.12 7.) 2. toward the high tension lead of the coil. ASSEMBLE DISTRIBUTOR BLOCK Using a clean cotton swab. Install carbon brush assembly into the distributor gear.Ensure retard breaker contact lead is channeled underneath condenser. B. Inc. lubricate bearing bar bushing and distributor block bushing with a small amount of clean engine oil. C. Illinois. 17.S.15. 7-7 REVISION D . The distributor gear and rotor gear are properly meshed when the index mark on the rotor gear aligns with the reference mark on the distributor block. (See Figure 7. (See Figure 7.14 7. U. CONNECT RETARD CONTACT WIRE Connect retard terminal wire to retard contact points.) ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.16. CONNECT CONDENSER WIRE A.16 Figure 7. Inc.A.) E.15. Figure 7.A Secure the distributor block to frame using screws provided. (See Figure 7. PAGE NO.17 A. Use "L" for lefthand rotation and "R" for right-hand rotation magnetos. (FROM LEFT) CONDENSER LEAD WIRE POINT ASSEMBLY Figure 7.A. Connect condenser wire to the primary terminal of the contact assembly.16 B. B. Place distributor block spacers on magneto frame. ALIGN DISTRIBUTOR GEAR Align the "L" or "R" hole in the distributor gear with the "L" or "R" in the distributor block. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Lock the distributor gear in place with the T-118 timing pin through the appropriate hole in the block and gear.L-1363 Figure 7. Attach the terminal with the lead pointing left.15.) BEARING CAP 7.15 D. C. Illinois. (See Figure 7. Place the distributor block on magneto frame.15 A.) 7. 19 ATTACH THE DISTRIBUTOR HOUSING .18) Figure 7. IF THE CARBON BRUSH CATCHES ON THE SIDE OF THE DISTRIBUTOR SHAFT. (See Figure 7. 7. SECURE DISTRIBUTOR HOUSING Secure the housing with three long screws and one short screw.21 A.18 A. Remove T-118 timing pin. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.S.18 7. Install housing gasket. Illinois. IF ROTOR SHAFT IS ROTATED WITH TIMING PIN INSERTED. Inc. THE COIL STRAP WILL BE BENT INTO THE WRONG POSITION DURING ASSEMBLY. THE MAGNETO MUST BE DISASSEMBLED AND INSPECTED FOR DISTRIBUTOR BLOCK AND GEAR DAMAGE. 7-8 REVISION D . ATTACH THE DISTRIBUTOR HOUSING PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS A. B.A. Place the distributor housing onto the magneto frame. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Place the distributor housing onto the magneto frame. CONNECT TACHOMETER CONTACT WIRE Connect wires to tachometer contact points. PAGE NO. Figure 7.17 7.28 in-lbs. U.20 CAUTION: MAKE SURE THE CARBON BRUSH IS CONTAINED IN THE DISTRIBUTOR SHAFT DURING ASSEMBLY.NON PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS A. B.L-1363 7. Torque to 18 . CAUTION: DO NOT ROTATE MAGNETO ROTOR SHAFT WITH THE T-118 TIMING PIN INSERTED IN THE DISTRIBUTOR BLOCK. Ensure that the T-118 Timing Pin has been removed. If the impulse coupling pawls slip past the stop pin or engage intermittently. Regular and consistent firing of the spark gaps is required during the entire test. install a pressurized harness cap and apply 15 psi filtered air to the inlet nozzle of the magneto.1 A. The magneto will generate heat during normal operation. LONG TERM TEST (OPTIONAL) 4300 Series Magnetos 1. Test run the magneto for a minimum of three hours.8 for Test Apparatus Details. Measure the temperature on the outside surface of the magneto frame during the long-term test at the highest RPM setting. lbs. Section 7. 8. Regular and consistent firing of the spark gaps is required during the entire test. PRE-TEST PREPARATION Mount the magneto on a suitable test stand in the same position as installed on the engine. TEMPERATURE TEST B. reposition gaskets and retorque housing and harness cap screws. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.) Testing should be conducted with magneto at room temperature. 8. the impulse coupling is not operating properly. The test gap must fire consistently at 255 RPM maximum on non-impulse magnetos. Operate the magneto at 3000 RPM for the first two hours and 4500 RPM for the remaining hour. Magneto must produce a consistent spark at all speed settings. 4300/6300 Series Magnetos 1. Air flow at 15 psi is 11-40 standard cubic feet per hour (SCFH). the test gap must fire consistently up to 150 RPM maximum while impulse coupling is engaging and 475 RPM maximum without impulse coupling engaging. Observe sparking regularity at the spark gaps.S. HIGH-SPEED TEST A. (See Figure 8. Screws should be torqued to 21-25 in. After magneto assembly.5 A. Maximum temperature on the outside surface of the magneto frame is 175 o F when tested at room temperature. 2. 6300 Series magnetos 1.A. 2000 and 3000 RPM for five minute at each speed setting.0. Operate the magneto at 1000. COMING-IN SPEED A. 8. Test run the magneto for a minimum of three hours.6 2. The impulse coupling should engage the stop pin in the magneto frame below approximately 150 RPM. Determine the lowest speed at which the magneto can be turned and still spark all 5mm gaps without missing. B. U.0 POST-ASSEMBLY TESTING 8.2 A. On impulse coupled magnetos. 8-1 REVISION D . 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. If flow is excessive. Illinois. PAGE NO. 8.L-1363 8. 8.4 2. B.PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ONLY 8. Inc. Impulse coupling should not engage at speeds above 475 RPM.3 B. Complete Magneto Reassembly. CAUTION: DO NOT OPERATE THE MAGNETO UNLESS THE IGNITION HARNESS IS INSTALLED AND THE OUTPUT LEADS ARE CONNECTED TO THE 5mm GAP. Install a Slick High-Temperature Ignition Harness on the magneto and connect each output led to a 5mm spark gap. IMPULSE COUPLING Rotate the test stand drive pulley in the same direction of rotation as stated on the magneto data plate.7 PRESSURE TESTING . Operate the magneto at 1725 RPM for the first two hours and 3400 RPM for the remaining hour. WARNING: DO NOT FLY AIRCRAFT IF BOTH MAGNETOS ARE NOT FUNCTIONING PROPERLY. observe engine operation while running on both left or right magnetos individually. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.A. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.8 Note: Flow meter may be obtained from: Dwyer Instruments. FLOW OF 40 SCFH AT 15 PSI AIR SUPPLY FLOW METER REGULATOR FILTER TO MAGNETO PRESSURE GAUGE Figure 8. PO Box 373 Michigan City. 8-2 REVISION D . IN 46360 (219-879-8868) Order Model MMA-7 8. U. Inc. Both magnetos should operate normally and engine should operate within parameters outlined in the engine manufacturer’s operating manual.L-1363 MAX. Inc.8 PREFLIGHT OPERATIONAL CHECK Before flight or after magneto maintenance. Illinois.S. PAGE NO. 3.3. U.0 POSTFLIGHT OPERATIONAL CHECK After flight. 3.3. 3.9 Sec.5 Sec.3 Sec. 3.2.3. 3.4. 3. 3. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.2.4.8 Sec.3.1 INSPECTIONS Wiring Conditions and Connections Vent Holes-Non-Pressurized Magnetos P-Lead Attachment Sec.10 Sec.3. 9. 3.2 Sec.L-1363 9.3.A. Turbo Filter (Pressurized Mags Only) Inlet Nozzle (Pressurized Magnetos Only) Orifice Vent (Pressurized Magnetos Only) EVERY 500 HOURS GENERAL CLEANING INSPECTIONS-ALL MAGNETOS Ball Bearing Assembly Rotor Impulse Coupling Coil Condenser Contact Points Carbon Brush Assembly Distributor Block Assembly INSPECTIONS-PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS Inlet Nozzle Orifice Vent Turbo Filter Frame Gasket Screw Gaskets Harness Cap O-Ring Magneto Interior-Check for Turbocharger Contaminants Pressure Testing (as required) LUBRICATION Sec. 3.3.3. 3. 3.2 Sec. 3. 3.4 Sec. Illinois.2.S.4.4 Sec. PAGE NO. 3.3. 8. 3. 3. 3.3 .5 Sec.4 Sec. 3. 3.4 Sec.1 Sec. 3.7 Sec.3 Sec.3. 3.2.2. observe engine operation while running on both left or right magnetos individually.8 Sec.9 Sec.2.4 Sec.8 Sec.3.3. 3.4. 3.1 Engine Make/Model Total Time on Engine Total Time on Magneto Date Sec.8 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.3 3.7 Sec. Both magnetos should operate normally and engine should operate within parameters outlined in the engine manufacturer's operating manual. 3.1 MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST A/C Type N# Magneto P/N Magneto S/N EVERY 100 HOURS ADJUST TIMING TO ENGINE Sec.3. 9-1 REVISION D .4.2 Sec.4. WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT FURTHER FLIGHT IF BOTH MAGNETOS ARE NOT FUNCTIONING NORMALLY.2.6 Sec. Inc. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. . Overtorqued impulse coupling nut. Section 3. Many non-ignition factors influence the performance of aircraft ignition systems and the replacement or repair of ignition components may not remedy problems in all cases. Correct as required. Corrosion on harness lead contacts.C. Worn pawls or stop pin.10 for internal timing specifications. Consult manual L-1499 for proper cleaning and inspection procedures.3.3. Inc. Illinois.1 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE I. plug to manufacturer's Incorrect spark plug gap. Repair or replace as necessary. Inspect impulse coupling nut for torque. Faulty ignition switch.A. Re-gap spark specifications. Section 7. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. then proceed to use this troubleshooting guide. PAGE NO. Clean spark plugs according to manufacturer's specification. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Section 7. Fouled spark plugs. Point gap setting incorrect. U. Correct as required Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Broken rotor shaft at cam slot. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. After verifying that all non-ignition related causes for possible problems have been explored. There must be . Inspect ignition switch for possibility of intermittent grounding and proper operation. Impulse coupling fails to return to unwound position. Section 3.10 for point gap specifications. OPERATIONAL PROBLEMS PROBLEM HARD STARTING POSSIBLE CAUSE Incorrect external timing to engine. Correct as necessary.4. Incorrect internal timing.020" play between drive gear and impulse coupling.3. Torque nut to 120-180 in-lbs on magnetos with attached drive gears.010 to .L-1363 10. Correct as required. TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE The following charts are intended to be used as a guide only. 10-1 REVISION D . REMEDY Consult engine manufacturer's specification for ignition timing. Correct as necessary. 10.S. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Faulty impulse coupling. for impulse coupling specifications and inspection procedures. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Inspect pawls and stop pin for wear. Correct as required. Cam Condenser Coil Distributor gear Distributor Block Incorrect or nonstandard starting procedures Faulty fuel delivery system.10. Non-impulse magneto not grounded while starter engaged. Replace as necessary. Inspect impulse coupling for operation. corrosion gap setting and general operation. Correct as required. Examine rotor gear bushings for wear. ROUGH RUNNING Incorrect external timing to engine Consult Unison Manual L-1363. damaged pigtail connector and damaged grounding. Correct as required. gear teeth. Correct as required.L-1363 PROBLEM HARD STARTING (cont. or inoperative contact points. damage to high tension strap or pigtail connector and integrity of windings. Inoperative retard contact point circuit. pitting. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Section 3. Inspect carbon brush for damage. PROPELLER KICKBACK DURING STARTING Impulse coupling not staying engaged while starter engaged Inoperative retard contact point circuit. Consult engine manufacturer's operation manual for proper operation and performance. shaft.A. Inspect for faulty wiring. Section 3. 10-2 REVISION D . PAGE NO. Inspect for faulty P-lead connection. Replace as necessary. for specifications and inspection procedures.3. Inspect distributor towers for evidence of abrasion or excessive burning. Correct as required. Replace as necessary.S. Inspect for cracks. Correct as required. Section 7. Replace as necessary Inspect electrode finger for looseness.) POSSIBLE CAUSE Magneto Internal Component Failure: Points REMEDY Consult Unison Manual L-1363. timing.C. for internal timing specifications. Incorrect internal timing ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.3. Inspect and correct as required. Correct as necessary. Consult engine manufacturer's manual for specifications and operation. Inspect wiring connections and operation of points. Inspect for excessive burning. U. Replace as necessary Inspect cam for excessive wear or unevenness that could cause "point spread". Illinois. Broken rotor shaft at cam slot. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Consult engine manufacturer's manual for specifications of ignition timing. Inc. P-lead stud for over-torqued condition. Correct as required. Correct as required. Replace as necessary. U. Consult Unison Harness Maintenance Manual L-1499.) POSSIBLE CAUSE Fouled spark plugs.A. Inspect cam for excessive wear or unevenness that could cause "cam spread". REMEDY Clean spark plugs according to manufacturer's specifications. P-lead stud for overtorqued condition. Inspect for leaks and faulty valve operation. Inspect ignition switch for possibility of intermittent grounding and proper operation. Correct as necessary. Test spark plug according to manufacturer's specifications. Section 3. Replace as necessary. gear teeth. Replace as necessary. Inspect for faulty P-Lead connection. Repair of replace as necessary.3. Replace as necessary. Inc. for ignition lead troubleshooting information. Consult engine manufacturer’s specifications for proper operation and performance. PAGE NO. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Replace as necessary. Examine rotor gear bushings for wear. Inspect distributor towers for evidence of abrasion or excessive burning. Regap spark specifications.L-1363 PROBLEM ROUGH RUNNING (cont. Faulty fuel delivery system. Faulty ignition lead. Section 3. Correct as required. Consult engine manufacturer's operations manual for proper operation and performance. Consult Unison Manual L-1363.S.C. Inspect for cracks. 10-3 REVISION D . for specifications and inspection procedures. Faulty ignition switch Magneto Internal Component Failure: Points Cam Condenser Coil Distributor Gear Distributor Block Rotor shaft at cam slot Excessive heat. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Illinois. pitting. Inspect baffling or cooling air duct. Inspect carbon brush for damage. Correct as necessary. corrosion. Inspect for excessive burning.3. gap setting and general operation. Faulty induction system ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. damaged pigtail connector and damaged grounding. plug to manufacturer's Incorrect spark plug gap Faulty spark plug. damage to high tension strap or pigtail connector and integrity of windings. shaft. Inspect electrode finger for looseness. L-1363 PROBLEM ROUGH RUNNING (cont. pitting.S. Illinois. Section 3. Inspect for obstructions in exhaust pipes and mufflers. Replace as necessary. or Propeller/Engine harmonic resonance. gear teeth. Faulty induction system Faulty exhaust system. Correct as necessary.A. Replace as necessary. Inspect for cracks. U. Section 3 for specifications and inspections procedures. Correct as necessary.) POSSIBLE CAUSE Faulty exhaust system. Consult engine manufacturer's manual for specifications and operation.C. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Cam Condenser Coil Distributor Gear Distributor Block Rotor shaft at cam slot Faulty fuel delivery system. Inc. PAGE NO. faulty valve operation. P-lead stud for overtorqued condition. 10-4 REVISION D . Replace as necessary. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. Consult engine manufacturer's specifications for proper operation and performance. Consult engine manufacturer's specification for proper operation and performance. Replace as necessary. damaged pigtail connector and damaged grounding. damage to high tension strap or pigtail connector and integrity of windings.3. Inspect for leaks and faulty valve operation. Correct as necessary ROUGH RUNNING OR VIBRATION IN SPECIFIC RPM RANGE Propeller out of track or unbalanced. Inspect carbon brush for damage. Correct as required. Examine rotor gear bushings for wear. Inspect cam for excessive wear or unevenness that could cause "cam spread". Inspect distributor towers for evidence of abrasion or excessive burning. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. REMEDY Inspect for obstructions in exhaust pipes and mufflers. Consult propeller manufacturer's manual for specifications. Replace as necessary. corrosion. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Inspect for faulty P-lead connection. Inspect for excessive burning. Inspect electrode finger for looseness. Consult engine manufacturer's specifications for proper operation and performance. Correct as required. Propeller imbalanced installed incorrectly. shaft. Magneto Internal Component Failure: Points Consult airframe manufacturer's operations manual. faulty valve operation. gap setting and general operation.3. Correct as necessary. Section 3. Inspect ignition switch for possibility of intermittent grounding and proper operation.10. Faulty ignition lead. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.C.L-1363 PROBLEM EXCESSIVE RPM DROP DURING MAGNETO CHECK POSSIBLE CAUSE Incorrect external timing to engine. Corrosion on harness lead contacts. Section 7. Correct as required Consult Unison Harness Maintenance Manual L-1499 for proper cleaning and inspection procedures. Replace as necessary. Re-gap spark specifications. Inc. REMEDY Consult engine manufacturer's manual for wspecifications of ignition timing. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Correct as required. MAGNETO “HOT” Faulty ignition switch. and damaged grounding. Correct as necessary. Test spark plug according to manufacturer's specifications Confirm tachometer accuracy at RPM where magneto drop noted. Section 3. Point gap setting incorrect.S. Broken rotor shaft at cam slot. Inspect for faulty P-lead connection.3. Inspect ignition switch for possibility of intermittent grounding and proper operation. Repair as necessary. Correct as necessary Consult Unison Harness Maintenance Manual L-1499 for ignition lead troubleshooting information.3. Repair or replace as necessary. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. 10-5 REVISION D . MAGNETO WILL NOT FIRE Faulty ignition switch. Fouled spark plugs.3. damaged pigtail connector. Section 3. Faulty tachometer. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. PAGE NO.7.3. U. Faulty spark plug. Correct as required. Broken “P” lead wire. plug to manufacturer's Incorrect internal timing. for internal timing specifications. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Illinois.C. Section 7. Inspect and correct as required. for point cap specifications. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Correct as required. Retard contact point circuit inoperative.A. Incorrect spark plug gap. Repair or replace as necessary Consult Unison Manual L-1363.3. Clean spark plugs according to manufacturer's specifications. Broken rotor shaft at cam slot. broken P-lead stud.10. Faulty condenser. S. MOUNTING FLANGE BROKEN Hold down clamp over torqued. Electrode finger contacting towers.3. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Improper spark plug gap. Clean spark plug according to manufacturer's specifications.L-1363 II. Consult Unison Manual L-1363 for proper timing procedures. for specifications and inspection procedures. HIGH TENSION LEAD ON COIL WORN OR BURNED THROUGH COIL CRACKED OR ARCING IN CASE Improper tension between high tension lead and carbon brush. Replace as necessary. Correct as required.3. PHYSICAL DAMAGE PROBLEM POWER LOSS POSSIBLE CAUSE Incorrect external timing to engine. for high tension lead loading specifications. Faulty spark plug Excessive heat ELECTRODE FINGER LOOSE ON DISTRIBUTOR GEAR Timing pin wedged between electrode and distributor block during timing process. Correct as necessary. Consult engine manufacturer's manual for specifications of ignition timing. Clean spark plug according to manufacturer's specifications. REMEDY Consult engine manufacturer's manual for specifications of ignition timing. Hold down clamps torqued unevenly. When magneto is reinstalled.3. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Correct as necessary.3. Fouled spark plug. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. for testing procedure. Faulty coil. Be sure mounting face is free of gasket residue. Section 3. Inspect baffling or cooling air duct. POINTS BURNED EXCESSIVELY Faulty condenser. Faulty Tachometer Broken rotor shaft at cam slot. Fouled spark plug. Magneto gasket residue on accessory case mounting pad. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Inc.A. Section 3. Illinois. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Inspect spark plug according to manufacturer's specifications. Replace as necessary. PAGE NO. 10-6 REVISION D . plug to manufacturer's Improper spark plug gap. Replace block and gear assembly. be sure clamps are tightened with even pressure. Correct as required. Re-gap plugs according to manufacturer's specifications. DISTRIBUTOR BLOCK TOWERS SCORED OR EXCESSIVELY BURNED DISTRIBUTOR GEAR Inspect and replace as necessary. Section 3. Inspect baffling or cooling air duct. Excessive heat. Section 7. Re-gap spark specifications. Torque hold-down clamps to 190-220 in-lbs.5.C.7. U.7. 2 and 7. for high tension lead loading specifications. for proper maintenance procedure. Section 3. Section 7.S. 10-7 REVISION D . lubrication of REMEDY Consult Unison Manual L-1363.L-1363 PROBLEM BUSHINGS EXCESSIVELY WORN POSSIBLE CAUSE Improper bushing. SPUN BEARING PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS ONLY: INTERNAL CONTAMINATION AND CORROSION ALL MAGNETOS: INTERNAL CONTAMINATION AND CORROSION Faulty pressurization or filtration system. Section 3.2 and 7. for proper maintenance procedure. Consult Unison Manual L-1363.3. Consult Unison Manual L-1363 for proper cleaning procedures. Inc. U.1. Consult Unison Manual L-1363.1. BEARING BAR BURNED Carbon tracking due to excessive carbon brush wear. Section 3. Consult Unison Manual L-1363. Correct as necessary. for proper maintenance procedures.A. Illinois. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Bearing not updated to correct configuration. Excessive or improper solvents or cleaning agents ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. PAGE NO. Improper bearing installation. Consult engine manufacturer's manual for pressurization system specifications. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. . U. or have other hidden damage. T-1 REVISION D . and may be dangerous when installed in a Slick magneto. Parts purchased from sources other than Unison Industries. non-Unison manufactured parts may wear at uneven and different rates than original Unison manufactured parts. Use only genuine Unison manufactured parts obtained from Unison approved sources. Install only Unison Replacement Parts. or parts the service history of which is unknown or cannot be authenticated. Additional parts may require replacement depending on conditions as determined during magneto inspection.L-1363 TABLE ONE 4300 SERIES OVERHAUL PARTS REPLACEMENT LIST The following parts must be replaced at overhaul. Description Condenser Double Sealed Bearing Bearing Cap Assembly Coil Impulse Coupling Oil Seal Contact Point Kit Rotor Gear Distributor Block and Gear Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reference Table Two "Parts Listing" for correct part number for a specified model magneto. nor should original parts be replaced by used service worn parts on magnetos being returned to service. Slick magnetos are engineered to that mechanical parts wear at a balanced rate. Illinois. For these reasons. may be different in fabrication techniques and materials. even if FAA/PMA Approved may not fit or operate like original Unison manufactured parts. Genuine Unison parts are produced and inspected under rigorous procedures to insure airworthiness and suitability in Slick magnetos. therefore used. not discernible through routine visual or usual nondestructive testing techniques. even though outwardly identical in appearance may not have had the required tests and inspections performed. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. making Unison service literature an inappropriate guide to proper maintenance. even though originally manufactured by Unison Industries. Salvaged magneto parts. may have been subjected to unacceptable stresses or temperatures. Parts not manufactured by Unison Industries. Further. PAGE NO. unsuitable or unsafe for use in a Slick magneto. This may render service work with this part. damage or injury caused by use of non-Unison approved parts. reworked parts obtained from non-Unison approved sources. used service worn parts or parts not manufactured by Unison Industries may adversely affect magneto reliability in ways not anticipated by Unison Industries and its service literature. service worn parts should never be used to troubleshoot or repair a magneto. Inc. Unison Industries expressly disclaims any responsibility for malfunctions.A. Consistent and complimentary wear patterns establish the recommended maintenance intervals defined in Unison service literature. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. failures.S. FAA testing of PMA parts does not require operation on an engine or flight tests and does not require the test duration to exceed the maintenance intervals called out in Unison literature. A. Carbon Brush Deleted Screw Spacer M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 2 2 4301 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3007 M3062 M1077 M3859 M3073 4302 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3513 4303 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3859 M3338 4309 M2556 M3019 M5372 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3073 4310 M2556 M3019 M5372 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3073 K3301 M3006 K3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3832 K3984 K3822 M3215 4316 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3076 M3062 M1077 M3888 M3047 4330 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3068 M3062 M1077 M3888 M3065 4331 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3065 4333 M2556 M3492 M3994 M3062 M1077 M5002 M5000 4342 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3548 K3301 M3006 K3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3740 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3784 K3984 K3822 M3215 4344 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3513 K3301 M3006 K3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3740 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3784 K3984 K3822 M3215 4345 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3548 K3301 M3006 K3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3832 K3984 K3822 M3215 Qty. Oil Seal Air Vent Frame Rotor Bearing Kit Ball Bearing Bearing Cap Assy. U. are used to attach wiring harness to all magneto models. quantity 3.S. Inc. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. T-2 REVISION D . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Description Cotter Pin Nut Washer Impulse Coupling Assy. Bearing Cap Clamp Screw Contact Point Primary Contact Point Secondary Rotor Gear Woodruff Key Coil Wedge Screw Coil Screw Air Vent with Hood Screw Housing.L-1363 TABLE TWO 4300 SERVICE PARTS LIST (Sheet 1 of 2) Ref No. Distirbutor Capacitor Dist. Illinois. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. PAGE NO. Used 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 K3318-4 K3318-4 K3318-4 K3318-4 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 K3318-4 K3318-4 K3318-4 K3318-4 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 NOTE: Harness Cap Screws M1553. Block & Gear Assy. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. Used 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 K3318-4 K3318-4 K3318-4 K3318-4 K3318-4 K3318-4 K3318-4 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 M3006 K3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3822 M3215 NOTE: Harness Cap Screws M1553. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Description Cotter Pin Nut Washer Impulse Coupling Assy. No. quantity 3.A. Carbon Brush Deleted Screw Spacer M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 M3021 M3826 2 2 4347 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3548 K3301 M3006 K3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3832 K3984 K3822 M3215 4348 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3512 K3301 M3006 K3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3832 K3984 K3822 M3215 4353 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3548 K3301 M3006 K3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3832 K3984 K3822 M3215 4354 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3529 M3062 M1077 M3859 M3158 K3301 M3006 K3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3827 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3832 K3984 K3822 M3215 4370 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3900 M3548 4371 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3163 M3062 M1077 M3859 M3158 4372 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3100 M3062 M1077 M3859 M3158 4373 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3529 M3062 M1077 M3859 M3158 4374 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3689 M3062 M1077 M3888 M3065 4381 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3007 M3062 M1077 M3859 M3158 4392 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3939 M3062 M1077 M3888 M3065 Qty. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. T-3 REVISION D . Inc. PAGE NO. Oil Seal Air Vent Frame Rotor Bearing Kit Ball Bearing Bearing Cap Assy.L-1363 TABLE TWO 4300 SERVICE PARTS LIST (Sheet 2 of 2) Ref.S. Distributor Capacitor Dist. are used to attach wiring harness to all magneto models. Bearing Cap Clamp Screw Contact Point Primary Contact Point Secondary Rotor Gear Woodruff Key Coil Wedge Screw Coil Screw Air Vent with Hood Screw Housing. Illinois. Block & Gear Assy. U. Illinois. U. Inc. T-4 REVISION D . 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.S.A.L-1363 TABLE THREE EXPLODED PARTS DIAGRAM 4300 SERIES MAGNETO 22 25 23 29 GND 26 30 23 21 29 30 23 24 19 18 27 13 12 20 17 14 15 16 14. 15 11 13 12 8 10 9 5 7 4 3 2 1 6 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. PAGE NO. unsuitable or unsafe for use in a Slick magneto. Inc. service worn parts should never be used to troubleshoot or repair a magneto. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. even though outwardly identical in appearance may not have had the required tests and inspections performed. Illinois. Parts purchased from sources other than Unison Industries. reworked parts obtained from non-Unison approved sources. damage or injury caused by use of non-Unison approved parts. Further. or have other hidden damage. Use only genuine Unison manufactured parts obtained from Unison approved sources. may have been subjected to unacceptable stresses or temperatures. may be different in fabrication techniques and materials. nor should original parts be replaced by used service worn parts on magnetos being returned to service. PAGE NO. non-Unison manufactured parts may wear at uneven and different rates than original Unison manufactured parts. Salvaged magneto parts. not discernible through routine visual or usual nondestructive testing techniques. or parts the service history of which is unknown or cannot be authenticated. Description Condenser Double Sealed Bearing Bearing Cap Assembly Coil Impulse Coupling Oil Seal Contact Point Kit Rotor Gear Distributor Block and Gear Qty 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PRESSURIZED MAGNETOS: In addition to above parts. For these reasons.S.A. used service worn parts or parts not manufactured by Unison Industries may adversely affect magneto reliability in ways not anticipated by Unison Industries and its service literature. Unison Industries expressly disclaims any responsibility for malfunctions. Parts not manufactured by Unison Industries. Slick magnetos are engineered to that mechanical parts wear at a balanced rate. Additional parts may require replacement depending on conditions as determined during magneto inspection. Genuine Unison parts are produced and inspected under rigorous procedures to insure airworthiness and suitability in Slick magnetos. even though originally manufactured by Unison Industries. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.L-1363 TABLE FOUR 6300 SERIES OVERHAUL PARTS REPLACEMENT LIST The following parts must be replaced at overhaul. and may be dangerous when installed in a Slick magneto. making Unison service literature an inappropriate guide to proper maintenance. therefore used. the following components must be replaced at every overhaul. Pressurized Magneto Kit Round Head Screw Round Head Screw Frame Gasker Housing Screw Harness Cap 'O' Ring 1 1 3 1 4 1 Reference Table Five "Parts Listing" for correct part number for a specified model magneto. This may render service work with this part. failures. Install only Unison Replacement Parts. T-5 REVISION D . U. Consistent and complimentary wear patterns establish the recommended maintenance intervals defined in Unison service literature. even if FAA/PMA Approved may not fit or operate like original Unison manufactured parts. FAA testing of PMA parts does not require operation on an engine or flight tests and does not require the test duration to exceed the maintenance intervals called out in Unison literature. 6355. Bearing Cap Clamp Screw Contact Point Primary Contact Point Secondary Rotor Gear Woodruff Key Coil Wedge Screw Coil Screw Harness Cap Screw Pressure Tube Fitting Air Vent with Hood Screw Housing. 6391. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. T-6 REVISION D . 6360. 6371.L-1363 TABLE FIVE 6300 SERVICE PARTS LIST (Sheet 1 of 3) Ref. No. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. U. 6340. Inc. 6363. and 6394 use Qty 2 Woodruff Keys. Used 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1* 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 * Models 6331. Oil Seal Pressure Vent Plug Air Vent Frame Gasket Pressure kit Ball Bearing Rotor Bearing Cap Assy. 6365. 6351. Distributor Capacitor Dist.S. are used to attach wiring harness to all magneto models. Illinois. quantity 3. 6390. Deleted Bearing Kit Carbon Brush Screw Spacer K3630 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3319 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3319 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3319 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3319 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3319 M3215 M3021 M3826 1 1 2 2 6309 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3946 M3006 M3914 M3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3832 K3984 K3823 6310 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3050 M3062 M1077 M3837 M3006 M3047 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6313 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3062 M1077 M3946 M3006 M3914 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6314 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3089 M3062 M1077 M3847 M3006 M3093 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6320 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3050 M3062 M3179 M3837 K3307 M3006 M3047 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3180 M3902 K3984 K3823 6324 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3089 M3062 M3179 M3847 K3307 M3006 M3093 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3180 M3902 K3984 K3823 6331 M2556 M3019 M3800 M3331 M3179 M3888 K3307 M3006 M3792 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M1280 M3902 K3984 K3823 6340 M2556 M3019 M331 M3179 M3900 K3307 M3006 M5618 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M1280 M3902 K3984 K3823 6350 M2556 M3019 M3331 M1077 M3900 M3006 M5617 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6351 M2556 M3019 M3333 M3331 M1077 M3859 M3006 M3327 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6355 M2556 M3019 M3635 M3331 M1077 M3859 M3006 M3416 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 Qty. NOTE: Harness Cap Screws M1553. 6361. Block & Gear Assy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Description Cotter Pin Nut Washer Impulse Coupling Assy.A. PAGE NO. 6350. Distributor Capacitor Dist. Inc. are used to attach wiring harness to all magneto models. Bearing Cap Clamp Screw Contact Point Primary Contact Point Secondary Rotor Gear Woodruff Key Coil Wedge Screw Coil Screw Harness Cap Screw Pressure Tube Fitting Air Vent with Hood Screw Housing.L-1363 TABLE FIVE 6300 SERVICE PARTS LIST (Sheet 2 of 3) Ref. 6360. 6365. 6390. 6363. Block & Gear Assy. 6391. Used 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1* 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 * Models 6331. U. PAGE NO. and 6394 use Qty 2 Woodruff Keys. 6371. 6361. NOTE: Harness Cap Screws M1553. Deleted Bearing Kit Carbon Brush Screw Spacer K3319 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3319 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3302 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3302 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3302 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 1 1 2 2 6360 M2556 M3019 M3331 M3179 M3900 K3307 M3006 M5617 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M1280 M3902 K3984 K3823 6361 M2556 M3019 M3333 M3331 M3179 M3859 K3307 M3006 M3327 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M1280 M3902 K3984 K3823 6362 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3050 M3062 M1077 M3837 M3006 M3047 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3154 M3125 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6363 M2556 M3019 M3331 M3179 M3900 K3307 M3006 M5617 M3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M1280 M3832 K3984 K3823 6364 M2556 M3492 M3590 M3062 M1077 M3853 M3006 M3496 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6365 M2556 M3019 M3331 M3179 M3900 K3307 M3006 M5617 M3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M1280 M3832 K3984 K3823 6367 M2556 M3492 M3524 M3062 M1077 M3856 M3006 M3499 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6371 M2556 M3019 M3331 M1077 M3900 M3006 M5617 M3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6377 M2556 M3019 M3172 M5014 M3062 M1077 M3859 M3006 M5015 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6379 M2556 M3019 M3172 M5020 M3062 M1077 M3859 M3006 M5015 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6380 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3050 M3062 M1968 M3850 M3006 M3047 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 Qty.A. quantity 3. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. 6350. 6340.S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Description Cotter Pin Nut Washer Impulse Coupling Assy. T-7 REVISION D . 6351. Illinois. No. 6355. Oil Seal Pressure Vent Plug Air Vent Frame Gasket Pressure Kit Ball Bearing Rotor Bearing Cap Assy. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. 6350. PAGE NO. 6340. No. ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. 6371. 6355. NOTE: Harness Cap Screws M1553. 6365. U. 6390. and 6394 use Qty 2 Woodruff Keys.S. are used to attach wiring harness to all magneto models. Inc. Used 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1* 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 * Models 6331. T-8 REVISION D . 6360. Bearing Cap Clamp Screw Contact Point Primary Contact Point Secondary Rotor Gear Woodruff Key Coil Wedge Screw Coil Screw Harness Cap Screw Pressure Tube Fitting Air Vent with Hood Screw Housing. Distributor Capacitor Dist. 6363. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Description Cotter Pin Nut Washer Impulse Coupling Assy.A. 6361.L-1363 TABLE FIVE 6300 SERVICE PARTS LIST (Sheet 3 of 3) Ref. Block & Gear Assy. Deleted Bearing Kit Carbon Brush Screw Spacer K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3302 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3302 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3302 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3302 M3215 M3021 M3826 K3320 M3215 M3021 M3826 1 1 2 2 6382 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3050 M3062 M1968 M3850 M3006 M3047 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3154 M3125 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 6390 M2556 M3019 M3331 M1077 M3900 M3006 M5617 M3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3740 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3874 K3984 K3823 6391 M2556 M3019 M3331 M3179 M3900 K3307 M3006 M5618 M3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M1280 M3832 K3984 K3823 6393 M2556 M3019 M3331 M1077 M3900 M3006 M5617 M3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3832 K3984 K3823 6394 M2556 M3019 M3331 M3179 M3900 K3307 M3006 M5618 M3630 M3018 M3221 M3637 M3637 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M1280 M3832 K3984 K3823 6399 M2556 M3019 M3172 M3939 M3062 M1077 M3972 M3006 M3948 M3485 M3018 M3221 M3081 M3828 M2536 M3040 M3020 K3975 M3021 M3084 M3015 M3902 K3984 K3823 Qty. Oil Seal Pressure Vent Plug Air Vent Frame Gasket Pressure Kit Ball Bearing Rotor Bearing Cap Assy. 6391. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries. quantity 3. Illinois. 6351. U. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.L-1363 TABLE SIX EXPLODED PARTS DIAGRAM 6300 SERIES MAGNETO 25 26 27 29 34 33 35 30 GND 35 34 27 22 27 28 32 20 19 14 13 21 18 15 16 17 15. PAGE NO.A. 16 12 14 13 11 10 9 5 8 4 3 2 1 7 ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 6 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. T-9 REVISION D . Illinois.S. Inc. -lbs Magneto Mounting Clamp 190 .-lbs Contact Point / Coil Ground 20 .220 in.-lbs * If cotter pin will not align with pin hole within the specified torque range.L-1363 TABLE SEVEN SERVICE LIMITS SERVICE TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS M-3614 M-3081 M-1053 M-1077 M-1343 M-1553 M-1723 M-2550 M-2555 M-3015 M-3019 M-3020 M-3021 M-3125 M-3180 M-3984 M-3221 Primary/Retard Point 15 .-lbs P-Lead Nut 13 .20.24 in.28 in.28 in.-lbs Housing Screw 18 .-lbs Housing Screw 18 .28 in.-lbs Contact Point 15 .-lbs Capacitor 150 .-lbs Air Vent Body 80 . U.000 .180 in.-lbs Air Inlet Nozzle 80 . Illinois.160 in.90 in.-lbs Distributor Block Screw 18 . remove nut and lightly lap the bottom surface of the nut with a piece of emery cloth.-lbs Air Vent Body 80 .2 Ohms 13.18 in.1.24 in.-lbs Harness Cap Screw 18 .-lbs Harness Adapter Screw 18 .For Rotor Cam Exxon Terrestic Grade 100 Oil .S.For Distributor Block and Gear assembly Oilite Bearings CONSUMABLES: Loctite 242 For Bearing Cap Hold-Down Screws TOLERANCES Primary Coil Secondary Coil Condenser .-lbs Air Vent Hood Screw 5 .35 MFD ± 10% ISSUED REVISED MO DAY YR MO DAY YR 05 01 91 10 31 08 Unison Industries 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford.-lbs Bearing Cap Screw 20 .28 in.A.90 in. PAGE NO.500 Ohms .7 in.28 in. LUBRICATION M-1827 Cam Grease .18 in.90 in. 61104 ©2008 Unison Industries.50 . T-10 REVISION D .-lbs Impulse Coupling Nut 120 .15 in. Inc. THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY. . com Form L-1363D Unison and Slick are registered trademarks of Unison Industries ©2008 Unison Industries .A. 61104 Telephone: 815-965-4700 FAX: 815-965-2457 http:\\www.Slick Aircraft Products 530 Blackhawk Park Avenue Rockford. U.S. Illinois.unisonindustries.
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