
March 19, 2018 | Author: xbabax | Category: Poetry, Languages



m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V.Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky;] bykgkckn vf/kU;kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k; % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk;ZØe ¼,e- ,-½ Master of Arts Programme (M.A) Course Title : British Drama dkslZ dksM % MAEN-01(O) / (N) Note : Maximum Marks : 30 Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all questions all questions are compulsory. 1 Section - A (Marks - 18) What are the characteristics of morality plays. 6 2 Discuss „Doctor Faust‟s‟ as a tragic drama. 6 3 Briefly describe Elizabethan tragedy. 6 Section - B (Marks - 12) Note : Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. All questions are compulsory. 4 Discuss hamlet as a revenge play. 2 5 Give the description of the „The Fairies‟ in „A Midsummer Nights Dream II‟ 2 6 Discuss Marlovre as an ironist. 2 7 Briefly describe the life and plays of show. 2 8 Discuss the title of the play „Look Back in Anger‟. 2 9 What is the significance of the title of „Dr. Fautins‟. 2 -½ Master of Arts Programme (M. Answer all questions all questions are compulsory. 6 3 Show that „Tom Jones‟ vividly reflects the contemporary English life. All questions are compulsory. 2 8 Write a note on Fielding‟s humor. 2 9 Describe Fielding‟s viewson novel.A) Course Title : British Novel dkslZ dksM % MAEN-02(O) / (N) Note : 1 Maximum Marks : 30 Long Answer Questions.] bykgkckn vf/kU.12) Note : Short Answer Questions. 4 What contribution was made by Jane Austen‟s to the English novel? 2 5 Write a note on Jane Austen‟s treatment of love and marriage in her novel. Section . 2 7 Describe the picaresque element in „Tom Jones‟.. (pride and prejudice) 6 2 Write a note on the novel title of the pride and prejudice. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.B (Marks .18) Write a note on Jane Austen‟s treatment of love and marriage in her novel.kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k.e. 6 Section .A (Marks . (pride and prejudice) 2 6 Give an outline summary of „pride and prejudice‟ .ZØe ¼. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk. 2 .m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V.Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all questions all questions are compulsory.kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k.] bykgkckn vf/kU. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words..-½ Master of Arts Programme (M. 6 3 What is Transformational Generative Grammar.m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V.A (Marks . All questions are compulsory. 2 7 Define Phonetic Transcription.18) What are the characteristics of human language? 6 2 Briefly describe the principles of Saussnean Heritage.B (Marks . 4 What is word formation? 2 5 Describe the Grammatical Changes in Modern English 2 6 What is speech Mechanism. % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk. 1 Section .e. 2 8 What is the difference between monophthongs and diphthongs? 2 9 What are the basic notions of syntactic constituency? 2 . 6 Section .ZØe ¼.Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky.12) Note : Short Answer Questions.A) Course Title : Aspect of Language dkslZ dksM % MAEN-03 (O) / (N) Note : Maximum Marks : 30 Long Answer Questions. kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k.m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V. 6 3 Discuss T S Eliot as a critic. 6 2 Discuss salient features of feminist criticism. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.-½ Master of Arts Programme (M. 1 Section .e. All questions are compulsory.A) Course Title : Literary Criticism and Theory dkslZ dksM % MAEN-04 (O) / MAEN-06 (N) Note : Maximum Marks : 30 Long Answer Questions.] bykgkckn vf/kU. 6 Section . 4 Explain the following terms: a) Gyno criticism 2 b) Eco-criticism 2 c) Tradition (Eliot‟s view) 2 d) Trope 2 e) Imagination (Coleridge) 2 f) Poetic Diction (Wordsworth ) 2 .ZØe ¼.Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky.12) Note : Short Answer Questions.A (Marks .B (Marks . Answer all questions all questions are compulsory.18) Discuss Aristotle‟s concept of „catharsis‟. % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk.. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk. 2 5 Write critical appreciation of the poem song of myself. 6 Section . Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k.18) Comment on the autobiographical elements in Hemingway‟s „A clean well-Lighted place‟ 6 2 What do you understand by Harlem Renaissance.A (Marks . 4 Write a note on the art of characterisation. 6 3 Write a note on the prose of the American civil war. 2 . 2 6 Comment on the theme in Walt Whitman‟s poetry.12) Note : Short Answer Questions. 2 9 Comment on the tragic problem of identify in the Hairy Ape.A) Course Title : American Literature dkslZ dksM % MAEN-05(O)/ MAEN-04 (N) Note : 1 Maximum Marks : 30 Long Answer Questions. 2 8 Discuss chief characteristics of psychological drama. Section .-½ Master of Arts Programme (M.B (Marks ..ZØe ¼. All questions are compulsory.Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky.e. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Write a note on the chief characteristics of Harlem Renaissance.m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V. 2 7 Write a note on the autumn as a short story. Answer all questions all questions are compulsory.] bykgkckn vf/kU. e. 2 5 How is irony used in “Birthday”? 2 6 What role do the Police play in “Headmaster.Prawn.18) What is the role of Translation In Comparative studies in Indian Literature 6 2 Discuss `Sanskara ` as an allegory.. % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk.ZØe ¼. All questions are compulsory.A) Course Title : Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation dkslZ dksM % MAEN-05(N) Maximum Marks : 30 Note : 1 Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all questions all questions are compulsory.kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k. They will build their name in the deep forest b) What were the words on my lips when i died. c) At night like a thief.Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky.chanachur”? 2 7 Explain any three of the following: a) A man with a broken heart came today accomplished by his lady love sprayed dreams and tears on the stone and went away rowing up stream.B (Marks . You seem to know them better than I You wrote : I had said `Help` May be I had said `Liberty` Now that I am dead I cannot remember. 4 Discuss the narrative technique in ”Salt”. 6 3 Discuss `Tamas` as a partition novel. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V.12) Note : Short Answer Questions. Section .A (Marks .] bykgkckn vf/kU. 6 Section ..-½ Master of Arts Programme (M. 6 . I bathe in it. I up my hand and drink. d) The river and the forest across the river no longer look the same How long can my sickly firmament Remain immutable? . But love is not quenched Nor thirst. Chaudhari.A (Marks . 2 8 Comment on the theme of the drama “Tara” 2 9 Write a note on „The Autobiography of an unknown Indian‟ by Hirad C. Section .A) Course Title : Indian English Literature dkslZ dksM % MAEN-06 (O)/ MAEN-07 (N) Note : 1 Maximum Marks : 30 Long Answer Questions. 6 2 Write a note on the narrative technique of the novel Kanthapura by Raja Rao.kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Discuss.m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V.Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky.B (Marks . 6 3 Throw light on the prose style of Jawahar Lal Nehru 6 Section .] bykgkckn vf/kU..18) „The Untouchable is a picture of a fragmented nation‟. % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk. 4 What is Hind Swaraj? 2 5 Discuss Kamala Das as a Confessional poetess.ZØe ¼.12) Note : Short Answer Questions. 2 6 Discuss A. 2 7 What are th challenges faced by Indian English Drama. 2 . All questions are compulsory. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. K.e.-½ Master of Arts Programme (M. Ramanujan as a poet. Answer all questions all questions are compulsory. B (Marks .e..Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky.ZØe ¼. 2 5 What is relationship between Africa and Elaluation of man.-½ Master of Arts Programme (M. 2 6 Discuss literature and Reality 2 7 Describe Africa‟s cultural and eiterary milicu. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. 2 9 Discuss the Birth and early education.12) Note : Short Answer Questions. All questions are compulsory. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.18) Discuss critically Pakistani literature in English 6 2 Write an essay on the rise of political novel in Africa.m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V. Answer all questions all questions are compulsory.A (Marks .A) Course Title : New Literatures in English dkslZ dksM % MAEN-07(O)/ MAEN-09(N) Note : Maximum Marks : 30 Long Answer Questions. 6 3 What is post colonial? Describe it 6 Section . 2 . 4 Discuss critically women and the freedom movement – A grain of wheat. % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk.] bykgkckn vf/kU. 1 Section . 2 8 Analyses the problems with the history and identity.kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k. 6 Section . Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.. D. 6 2 Discuss the major themes in the poems of charles Harpur‟s portry 6 3 Dscuss the critically idealism in the poems of A. Discuss it.-½ Master of Arts Programme (M.18) Discuss the major characteristic features of W. % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk.e. Hope? 2 9 What is Ramanticism? Discuss it 2 . 1 Section . Wentworth.A (Marks .12) Note : Short Answer Questions. Hope.B (Marks .A) Course Title : Australian Literature dkslZ dksM % MAEN-08(O) Note : Maximum Marks : 30 Long Answer Questions.] bykgkckn vf/kU.kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. Answer all questions all questions are compulsory.Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky.m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V. 2 6 What is Australian Literature. 4 Discuss the main features of nineteenth century Australian poetry. All questions are compulsory.ZØe ¼. 2 5 Discuss the origin and the development of Australian short Fiction/Story. D. 2 7 Who was the father of modern Australian poetry? 2 8 Discuss the major themes in the poetry of A.C. 2 .] bykgkckn vf/kU.A) Course Title : British Poetry dkslZ dksM % MAEN-09(O) MAEN-08(N) Note : 1 Maximum Marks : 30 Long Answer Questions.12) Note : Short Answer Questions.A (Marks . 6 Section . All questions are compulsory.ZØe ¼.Mu eqDr fo”ofo|ky. 2 6 Give a brief character sketch of the squire. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. 4 Write a note on the Renaissance peuiod.m0 iz0 jktf’kZ V. 6 2 What is spenser‟s geneeption of woman hood as shown in „Faerie queene‟? 6 3 Write a note on theme of epithalawin.kl (Assignment) – 2015-16 fo’k.e. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words. 2 9 Mention some of the main characteristics of Spenser‟s poetry.18) Give a brief character sketch of the wife o both and point out humour and irony and satire in the portraiture of her character. 2 7 How is Spenser the child of Renaissance? 2 8 Trace the influence of platorim in Spenser. Section . 2 5 Discuss briefly Chaucer as a narratine artist. % vaxzsth Subject : English ijkLukrd dyk dk.-½ Master of Arts Programme (M. Answer all questions all questions are compulsory.B (Marks ..
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