
March 22, 2018 | Author: James Jong | Category: Welfare Economics, Law And Economics, Financial Markets, Development Economics, Exchange Rate



Kurukshetra University, KurukshetraM. A. Economics Proposed Course Structure in PG Board Meeting of April 9, 2009 for Session 2009-2010 M. A. Economics 3rd Semester Paper-306 Paper-307 Paper-308 Paper-309 Max. Marks Time International Trade and Finance-I Economics of Environment and Social Sector-I Indian Economic Policy-I Economics of Growth and Development-I 100 100 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 100 100 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. Econometrics-I History of Modern Economics (Contribution of Nobel Laureates in Economics)-I Economics and Law-I Welfare Economics-I Industrial Economics-I Financial Markets and Institutions-I Economics of Gender and Development-I 100 100 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 100 100 100 100 100 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. Paper- 310 Option (i) Option (ii) Option (iii) Option (iv) Option (v) Option (vi) Option (vii) Note: Students are required to select any one option from Paper- 310. -2- M.A. (3rd Semester) Paper- 306 Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND FINANCE-I Note: Ten Questions will be set in all, two from each unit. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions, selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. Unit-I Theory of International Trade Classical Theory of International Trade – Theories of absolute advantage, comparative advantage and opportunity costs, J.S. Mill’s Theory of Reciprocal Demand; Offer Curve Analysis, Empirical Testing of theory of comparative advantage, Theorem of factor price equalization; Empirical testing of theory of absolute cost and comparative cost – Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade. Role of dynamic factors, i.e., changes is tastes, technology and factor endowments in explaining the emergence of trade; The Rybczynski theorem, immiserizing growth; Causes of emergence and measurement of intra-industry trade and its impact on developing economics. Unit-II Neo-Classical Theories of International TradeHeckscher-Ohhen Model Factor Price equalization theorem, The Rybczynski Theorem immizerizing growth, Metztor Paradox, Alternative Trade Theories and Empirical Testing Strategic Trade Theory, Infra Industry Trade emergence and Measurement Trade under Emperfecting Comparative Markets. Unit-III Measurement of Gains from International Trade Measurement of gains from trade and their distribution; Concepts of terms of trade, their uses and limitations; Hypothesis of secular deterioration of terms of trade, its empirical relevance and policy implications for less developed countries; Trade as an engine economic growth; The Theory of Interventions (Tariffs, Quotas and non-tariff barriers); Economic effects of tariffs and quotas on national income, output, employment, terms of trade, income distribution; Balance of payments on trading partners both in partial and general equilibrium analysis. Nominal, effective and optimum rates of tariffs – their measurement, impact and welfare implications; Unit-IV International Trade Policy The partial equilibrium/equalization generating analysis of trade policy; Arguments for Protection; Instruments of Commercial Policy; Trade Policy and Distortions in Domestic Markets; Further topics in Trade Theory and Policy -3- Unit-V Growth and Trade The Nature of the Growth Process; The Effects of Growth on Small Countries; The Effects of Growth on Large Countries; Technical Progress and International Trade; Import substitution V/s Export Push; Exports and Economic Growth; Trade Liberalization; Order, Sequencing and Speed; Liberalization experience of developing countries. Basic Reading List  Carbough, R.J. (1999), International Economics, International Thompson Publishing, New York  Chacholiades, M. (1990), International Trade: Theory and Policy, McGraw Hill, Kogakusha, Japan.  Dana, M.S. (2000), International Economics: Study, Guide and Work Book, (5th Edition), Routledge Publishers, London.  Dunn R.M. adn J.H. Mutt (2000), International Economics, Routledge, London.  King, P.G. (1995), International Economics and International Economic Policy: A Reader, McGraw Hill International, Singapore.  Krugman, P.R. and M. Obstfeld (1994), International Economics: Theory and Policy, Glenview, Foresman.  Sodirston, Bo. (1991), International Economics, The Macmillan Press Ltd. London.  Feenstra, R.C. (1992), “ How Costly is Protectionalism?,” Journal of Economic Perspectives. 6,159-178.  Gallaway, M.C., Blonigen, B.A., and J.E. Flynn, (1999), “Welfare Costs of the US Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws”, Journal of International Economics, 49,211214.  Hufbauer G.C. and K.A. Elliott (1994), Measuring the Costs of Protection in the United States, Institute for International Economics.  Miyagiwa, K. and Y. Ohno (1995), “Closing the Technology Gap Under Protection,” American Economic Review, 85, 755-770.  Vanderbussche, H. and M. Zanardi (2006), “The Global Chilling Effects of Antidumping Proliferation, “ CEPR Discussion paper. 5597.  Panagariya, A. (2000), “Preferential Trade Liberalization: the Traditional Theory and new Developments,” Journal of Economic Literature, 38, 287-331.  Maggi, G. and A. Rodriguez-Clare (1998), “The Value of Trade Agreements in the Presence of Political Pressures,” Journal of Political Economy, 106, 574-601. Additional Reading List     Bhagwati J. (1988), Protectionism, Cambridge University Press, Mass. Goldsten, M. (1998), The Asian Financial crisis: causes cure and systematic implications, Institute of International Economics, Washington D.C. Jackson, J. (1989), The World Trading System, Cambridge University Press, Mass. Pomfert, R. (1988), Unequal Trade: The Economics of Discriminatory International Trade Policies, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford. -4-        Mishkin, S.F. (1998), The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, (5th Edition), Harper Colins Publishers, New York. Panchmukhi, V.R. (1978), Trade Policies of India–A Quantitative Analysis, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi. Panchamukhi V.R. and R. Tandon (1987), Money and Finance in World Economic Order (RIS), Indus Publishing Co. Delhi. Brahmananda, P.R. and V.R. Panchmukhi (Eds.) (1987), The Development Process of the Indian Economy, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay. Joshi, V. and I.M.D. Little (1998), India’s Economic Reforms, 1999-2000, Oxford University Press, New Delhi. Patel, S. J. (1995), Indian Economy Towards the 21st Century, University Press Ltd., India. Satyanarayan, B. (1986), India’s Trade with Asia and the Far East Countries, B.R. Publishing Corp., New Delhi. M.A. (3rd Semester) Time: 3 hrs. Paper- 307 Max. Marks: 100 ECONOMICS OF ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL SECTOR-I Note: Ten Questions will be set in all, two from each unit. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions, selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. Unit-I Pareto optimality and perfect competition; External effects in production and consumption; Market failure in case of environmental goods - incomplete markets, externalities, non-exclusion; non-rivalry; non-convexities and asymmetric information. Unit-II Measures of economic value of environment WTP and WTAC; contingent valuation method; travel cost method; hedonic market methods; averting behaviour approach household health production function method. Unit-III Environmental policy framework in India - problems of command & control regime; Economic instruments for environmental protection; Price rationing - pollution charges, ambient charges, product charges, subsidies; Liability rules - non-compliance fees, deposit refund system, performance bonds. Unit-IV Quantity rationing - marketable pollution permits; Evaluative criteria of and practical conditions for use of the economic incentives; Mixed instruments; Choice among policy instruments; Coase’s bargaining solution and collective action; New Environment Policy. Quandt (1980). (3rd Semester) Paper-308 Time: 3 hrs. U. (Ed. White (1997). selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit.  Hanley. and R. Marks: 100 INDIAN ECONOMIC POLICY-I Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. N.CII etc in Indian economy. New Delhi. The Solow/Hartwick approach to sustainability.A. McGraw Hill. two from each unit. Unit-I Major features of Indian Economy in present times. Urbanization and civic amenities. A. Edward Elgar. Economics of sustainable development . The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. Murty and Smita Misra (1999). .. System of integrated environmental and economic accounting (SEEA). Microeconomic Theory: A Mathematical Approach. Max. Shogern and B.  James. Common-Perrings model.sustainability rules.) (2001). M.  Sankar. Maureen (1999). Valuing Environmental Benefits. M.M. New Delhi. N.E.J. Unit-III . Economics of Water Pollution – The Indian Experience.. Oxford University Press. Rural-urban migration. Valuation of natural assets in SEEA. J. Environmental Economics in Theory and Practice. Macmillan. Reading List  Henderson. Oxford University Press.  Cropper. New Delhi. Unit-II Broad demographic features of Indian population.Role of Pressure groups like PHDCC.F. Environmental Economics.-5- Unit-V Estimation of marginal cost of pollution abatement for designing the pollution tax. Role of State and Market in economic development . Poverty and Inequality. J. Parallel economy.  Reserve Bank of India. Balance of payments. Finances of Central Government. Unit-IV Fiscal federalism – Centre-state financial relations. Development Experience in the Indian Economy: Inter-State Perspectives. Chatterjee (2001). New Delhi.S. pricing of agricultural inputs and output. (Annual). Technological change in agriculture. and V. P. Policies for sustainable agriculture. Exchange rate policy and FEMA.Kapila Uma Indian Economy Academic Foundation New Delhi Latest Edition. Oxford University Press.  . India’s Economic Policy. R.  Jalan. and I. Fiscal sector reforms in India Unit-V Structure and direction of foreign trade. Ministry of Finance. . (1992).K. I. B.  Government of India. K. Oxford University Press.  Bardha. (Ed.R.K. (2001) Wage Goods Approach and Development Deep and Deep New Delhi. New Delhi. New Delhi.  Brahmananda.and Puri V. Viking. Issues in export-import policy. New Delhi.M. Indian Economy S Chand and Company Latest Edition  Sen.R.  Jalan. The Political Economy of Development in India.M.K.-6- Institutional Structure – land reforms in India. Deep & Deep Publications.  Parikh. Delhi. New Delhi. (1996). Foreign capital and MNCs in India. P. Viking.  Monga G.) (2001). New Delhi.  Mishra S. Finances of State Governments. Reading List:  Ahluwalia. Indian Economy: Agenda for 21st Century (Essays in honour of Prof.R.) (2001). The Indian Economy – Problems and Prospects. Brahmananda). Report on Currency and Finance. India’s Economic Reforms and Development (Essays in honour of Manmohan Singh). Terms of trade between agriculture and industry. B. Panchmukhi (Eds.and Goel M. (1999).) (1999). India Development Report – 1999-2000. Planning Commission.D. New Delhi. Deep & Deep Publications. Issues in food security.  Government of India.  Datt.Preparing for the Twenty First Century. (9th Edition) (1999). Second Generation Economic Reforms in India. P. Little (Eds.S. R. (Annual). Economic Survey. Problems relating to fiscal policy. Oxford University Press. and B. New Delhi. Bookwell.  Rudar Dutt and Sundram. Five Year Plan Development.J. Indian Economy Himalya Publication House Latest Edition.K. Max.-7- M. Marks: 100 ECONOMICS OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT – I Note: Ten questions will be set in all. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit.A. Unit-I Economic Growth and Development – Factors affecting Economic Growth: capital. Historical Perspective of Economic Growth and its relevance. two from each unit. Structural Diversity and common characteristics of developing nations. labour and technology. . (3rd Semester) Paper.309 Time: 3 hrs. Contributions of Adam Smith. (1966).Embodied and Disembodied. M. I. Stanford. Economic Growth. London.. Amsterdam. Economics of Development. Stanford University Press. Snodgrass (1992). Amsterdam. Impact and Policy options.R. Barro. New Delhi. Behrman. Romer and D. and T. Vol. . Mass. Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Economic Growth. S. S. Cambridge. Development Gap: concepts and measurement. Basic Reading List         Adelman. Chakravarti. Kaldor and Pasinetti. Explanation of Cross-Country Differentials in Economic Growth. McGraw Hill. Inequality and Development: Measurement. Handbook of Development Economics. R. Ricardo. Vols. (1961). D. education and research. Growth Models of Joan Robinson. (1982). Oxford University Press. Ghatak. Elsevier. Karl Marx and Schumpeter. (1986). On the Theory and Measurement of Technical Change. Unit-V Technological Progress . Theories of Economic Growth and Development. Elsevier.H. W. Neutral and Non-Neutral (Hicks and Harrod). PQLI and HDI and Capabilities Approach. Cambridge University Press. (3rd Edition). M. New York. and X. M.Martin. Neo Classical Growth Models: Solow and Meade.N. Handbook of Development Economics. Chenery. and T. S. Brown.N. Norton. Endogenous Growth Theory: Role of learning. H. 3.-8- Unit-II Development and Underdevelopment . Salai.Measuring Development: Income Measures. Srinivasan (1995). An Introduction to Development Economics. Gillis. Perkins. Allen and Unwin. Unit-IV Growth Models . Unit-III Classical Theories of Development . Basic Needs Approach. Poverty.Harrod and Domar: Instability of equilibrium. New York.W. Accumulation of Human Capital.) (1989). Srinivasan (Eds. 1 & 2. HG.-9-        Higgins. An Introduction to Modern Theories of Economic Growth. (8th Edition). Thirwal. C. Pearson Education.M. Economic Development. G. and J. two from each unit.W. Kindleberger. (3rd Edition). Economic Development. (1977). Macmillan. Leading Issues in Economic Development. U. New York. (6th Edition). Norton.E. Growth and Development.Rauch (2005). Penguin. (3rd Semester) Paper. and S. Growth Economics. B. Marks: 100 ECONOMETRICS–I Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. Delhi. Harmondsworth. Todaro.P. A. (1959). (8th Edition). M.K. Nelson. W. Oxford University Press. Jones. selecting one each from four units and fifth question may be selected from any unit . Smith (2003). Meier. M. London. (Ed. McGraw Hill.(1975).P.P. Economic Development.310 (Option. (1999).C.) (1990). A.K. Sen.A. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. New York.i) Time: 3 hrs Max. New Delhi. A. MCGraw Hill Kogakusha Tokyo Theil H. NewYork Koutsoyiannis. D. Unit – III Nature Test. (1988). The problem of Inference. Pindyck R. New York. M. R and adjusted R2. The Identification Problem. (1998). Intrilligator. Econometrics. Scope and Methodology of Econometrics. Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts. and D. Econometric Methods.(Ed) (1993). Marks: 100 HISTORY OF MODERN ECONOMICS -I (Contribution of Nobel Laureates in Economics) . Max. New York. London Kmenta J. T. B. Basic Econometrics (2 nd Edition) MC Graw Hill New Delhi. (1985). Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs.I Definition. Introduction to Econometrics. Rules of Identification. Elements of Econometrics. (1995). Simple Linear Regression Model.N. University of Michigan Press. Hypothesis Testing of Parameters. A. Techniques and Applications. (3rd Semester) Paper-310 (Option-ii) Time: 3 hrs.L.-10- Unit . Econometric Methods and application. Springer. Aldershot U. MCGraw Hall Book Co. Unit – V The Simultaneous Equation bias and Consistency of OLS Estimators.D. Multiple Regression Analysis. Econometric Methods. New Delhi M. (1978). Errors of Measurement. (1981). Functional forms of Regression Models.K. (1977).H. The Macmillan Press Ltd. Harvard University Press. New Jersey. Mass. London Maddala G. Gujarati. Multicollinearity and Autocorrelation Unit – IV Econometric Modeling: Traditional Econometric Methodology.S. OLS and Maximum Likelihood Estimates and Their Properties. Cambridge. Prentice Hall of India. Advanced Econometrics. Goldberger. Baltagi.S.A. (1991). Theory of Econometrics. Rubinfield (1976). Introductory Econometrics. Average Economic Regression.Order and Rank Conditions Basic Reading List:            Amemiya. Unit – II 2 General Linear regression Model. Consequences and remedial steps of problem of Heteroscedasticity. Oxford University Press. Johnson J. Types of Specification Errors. (1998).S. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. W. H. New York. S. New York. two from each unit. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. (1959). Vols. (1970). M. Chicago.  Friedman. (1990). Merton H. M. NBER. Vol. Mass. Cambridge.2 and 3 (Edited by A. (1957). Aldine Publishers. Unit-I Friedman. Franco Unit-III Markowitz. Princeton.-11- Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. Simon Lewis.  Tobin. J.  Modigliani F. Portfolio Theory and Capital Markets. Vol. Foundations of Portfolio Theory: Nobel Lecture. London. The Optimum Quantity of Money and other Essays.A. Milton Unit-II Tobin. J. 82. Arthur Reading List  Allais. 75. M. 1971. Hester (Eds. 1.M.  Friedman. The Collected Papers of Franco Modigliani.F.  Lewis. James.  Kuznets. MIT Press. M. Harry M. Journal of Political Economy. Unit-V Kuzenets. . A Theory of the Consumption Function. The Theory of Economic Growth. Princeton University Press. Macmillan. The Demand for Money: Some Theoretical and Empirical Results. Modigliani. (1959). North Holland.  Markowitz. Abel). Contributions to Economic Science. (1978). McGraw-Hill New York. I to III. Sir W. Six Lectures on Economic Growth. W. 67. and D.)(1967). Essays in Economics. Amsterdam. Sharpe. New Jersey. (1968). Unit-IV Miller.  Sharpe.  Tobin. John Wiley. Financial Markets and Economic Activity. William F.  Fiedman. (1955). (1980). 11. Cento G. Economic Approach to Law.History and Development. Legal Rules Evolution Process. Richard A. Chapter 1. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. Chapter 3. The Federal and State Court Systems.4. Economic Theory of Tort Liability. Law and Economics (2nd edition). The Nature of Legal Dispute. J. 5) Posner. Applications of the Economic Theory of Tort Law . Unit-II The Civil and Common law Traditions.A. Social Welfare Function. Law and Economics (2nd edition). (3rd Semester) Paper – 310 (Option-iii) Time. Decision Making Under Uncertainty. Unit-III Defining of Tort Law. two from each unit. 7 Brit. Economics of Intellectual Property Readings: Cooter and Ulen.3 hrs. In Dau-Schmidt and Ulen: 21-36. 1992. 1980.12) Posner. Chapter 2 from Economic Analysis of Law (4th edition). 1. Economic Efficiency in law and Economics.5 Friedman. 4. The Economic Approach to Law. An Economic Theory of Property – Concept. Max.2.-12- M. Tort Liability and Economic Models. Richard A. Market Efficiency and Failure. Intellectual Property: The Law and Economics Approach Journal of Economic Perspectives 19(2) 57-73. Applications of the Economic Theory of Property Law. Coase Theorem and related ideas in Welfare Economics. Interrelationship between Legal and Economic Process. Readings: Cooter and Ulen. Law & Society 158. Bargaining Theory.Marks: 100 ECONOMICS AND LAW-I Note: Ten questions will be set in all. Law’s Order (ch. 2005. The Economic Approach to Law: A Critical Introduction. Law’s Order (ch. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. Unit-I Introduction to Law and Economics. 2 Friedman. Compensation Principle. Veljanovski. In Dau-Schmidt and Ulen: 15-20. (1999). Apte. Chapter 8.(1993). P.G. PHI. Edward Elgar. . M.. London.L. George Allen & Unwin. Edward Elgar. and F. 9 Friedman.M.(1995).A. State Liability in India : Retrospect & Prospect. Massey. London. New Delhi. Boston. Bharat's Consumer Protection (law & Practice). G.P. Publishers Distributors Pvt. Bombay. Chapter 6. Formation Defenses and Performance Excuses. Function of Damages. The Economic Approach to Law. Oliver.P. (2nd edition). Law’s Order (ch. Horne. 14) Unit-V Economic Role and Theory of Contract. T.H.7 Friedman. I. Little Brown. 9 Friedman. New Delhi. J.(1998). and C. V. (5th edition). New Delhi. 14) Unit-IV Economics of Accidents.) (1997). Veljanovski (Eds. Zerbe. Consumer Courts. Nabhi's Manual of SEBI (Vols. TMH. Economic Analysis of Law. New Delhi.M. Law’s Order (ch.(1990). Fault.G. Jain. R. Law and Economics (2nd edition). Tripathy(P) Ltd. Ghosh. Economic Efficiency in Law & Economics. International Financial Management. Readings: Cooter and Ulen.P. Administrative Law. Verma.P. New Delhi. B. Deep & Deep Publications.-13- Readings: Cooter and Ulen. Buy Back of Shares. Remedies as Incentives. UK. B. Law’s Order (ch. (10th edition). Law & Economics. (2000). UK. Butterworths. Posner. (5th edition). Law and Economics (2nd edition). R. P.A. Edward Elgar.. Duress. (4th Edition). Consumer Protection. Eastren Book Company. Ltd. Lucknow.(1979). Outlines of Indian Legal History.(1997). Parisi (Eds. Law and Economics (2nd edition). (1998).K. Chapter 8. R.) (1999).O. Financial Management & Policy. I & II). Law & Economics.) (1981). Aggarwal. fault and Strict Liability. Posner. UK. (2000). Taxmann. (Volume I to V). J. De Geest (Ed. Encyclopaedia of Law & Economics. New Delhi. Applications of the Economic Theory of Contract Readings: Cooter and Ulen. and G. N. Burrows. Victim. NABHI. 12) Basic Reading List               Bouckaert. M.) (1996). Edward Elgar. The Economics of Corruption & Illegal Markets. New Delhi. UK. Zamagni (1999). Orlendo. Taxmann. Swanson. Environmental Problems.L. Cornish. (2001). Economics of Crime Control. P. Mittal. Johnston (19990. W. (ed. Philips L. New Delhi. Gupta. Universal Law Publishing.R. O. Pajovich. Atlantic. Kumar.(1999). World Trade Organization (successorr to GATT) and India. Divan. Anmol Publications. Environmental Law and Policy in India. A..R.P. London. UK. and S.) (2001). . Oxford University Press. T. Academic Press. Vols I & II. SAGE. The Economics of Property Rights. S.(1999). New Delhi. S.-14-           Fiorentini. Edward Elgar. Rosencronz(2001). Indian Patents Law. K. Schmidth. Delhi. Protection and Control (Vols I and II). Intellectual Property. Global Environmental Problems and International Environmental Agreements. Delhi. Votey (1981). UK. and S. G. 3rd edition. (1984). Edward Elgar. and A. (2nd edition). and H.(ed. An Economic Analysis of Crime & Justice. Oxford. Unit-III Marshallian Welfare Economics. Consumer’s Surplus. Optimum Resource Allocation and Welfare Maximization. The production optimum. Max. Additional Reading List .  Broadway. Measurement of Consumer’s Surplus – Difficulties involved. Concept of Consumer’s Surplus.I Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. (1962). selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit.C.J. The consumption optimum. Unit-II Assumption of Uniform Income – Utility Function of Individuals.K.  Pigou. Unit-I Benthamite Approach to Aggregate Welfare. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. U. Consumer’s Surplus and Tax-Bounty Analysis.W. Welfare Economics. W. Criticism. Questions of Income Distribution. Unit-IV Principle of Compensating Variation. two from each unit. Concept of contract curve. Issue of Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. Macmillan. Basic Reading List  Baumo. and N. Top level optimum. (3rd Semester) Paper-310 (Option-iv) Time: 3 hrs. Hicks’s Surpluses. Basil Blackwell.-15- M. Bruce (1984). A.A. R.) (2001). Welfare Economics. Unit-V Pareto optimality – Optimum exchange conditions. Marks: 100 WELFARE ECONOMICS . (ed. The Economics of Welfare (4th Edition). Unit-I Concept and Organization of a firm – ownership. Unit-II Productivity. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. constraints on growth.-16-   Hicks. Oxford Economic Papers. Unit-III Sellers’ concentration. Growth of the firm – Size and growth of a firm. M. Oxford.M. Unit-IV Methods of project evaluation. (1949). J. Little. Product pricing – theories and evidence. control and objectives of the firm. efficiency – concept and measurement. (3rd Semester) Paper-310 (Option-v) Time: 3 hrs. Factors affecting location. Ranking of Projects – NPV and IRR. two from each unit.R. Indian situation.D. (1956). Market structure and profitability. Vol. Theories of industrial location – Weber and Sargent theories. A Revision of Demand Theory.I Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. Marks: 100 INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. The Foundations of Welfare Economics. growth and profitability.A. I. Clarendon Press. . 1. Economies of Scale. Social cost-benefit Analysis. Market structure and innovation. Max. D.  Hay. and R. Jones et. London. R. J.  Jalan. An Introduction to Industrial Economics. Bagchi Publications.  Desai. B. Tata McGraw Hill. MNCs and transfer of technology. Additional Reading List  Bains.J.M. New York.B. Mumbai  Divine. Competition Act.S. Oxford University Press.) (1987). and V. A. Industrial Economy of India (5th Edition). J. The Economics of Corporate Economy. New Delhi. and D. Schwartz (1982). New Delhi. Mumbai.  Government of India. India’s Economy Policy.M. Cambridge University Press. V. (1994). U. Industrial Economics. D. I. V. S. Himalaya Publishing House. S. (1996). Role of public and private sectors. P. Cambridge.R. (1985).-17- Theories and empirical evidence on Mergers and Acquisitions (M & A’s) and diversification. Market Structure and Innovation. and N.R. Development Planning: The Indian Experience. Allahbad. P. 2002. (1980). Industrial Growth in India.  Chakravarty. India Development Policy Imperatives. Himalaya Publishing House. Industrial Organization.L.  Bagchi. B.  Barthwal. Oxford University Press. and I. F.V. New Delhi.K.L.  Kemien. Bhnoji Rao (Eds.) (1996). Viking. Industrial Economics: Theory and Evidence. Banerjee (Eds. Chaitanya Publishing House. M.  Brahmananda.C. Bombay. Oxford University Press.  Harndeen. . (1976).  Kuchhal. New Delhi. Industrial Economy in India (3rd Edition). The Development Process of the Indian Economy. New Delhi.R. and V. India: Macro Economics and Political Economy: 1964-1991. and M.) (1979).J.  Cherunilam. (1987). al. (1985). Oxford University Press. Wiley Eastern Ltd. Little (1999). Change and Choice in Indian Industry. (1975).  Kelkar. Calcutta.J. (1999). Moris (1979). Dunellen Publishers. Himalaya Publishing.T.. Panchmukhi (Eds. Unit-V Industrial policy in India – Classification of industries.  Reserve Bank of India. Basic Reading List  Ahluwalia.  Joshi. Report on Currency and Finance (Annual). (1996). New Delhi. Industrial Economics: Indian Perspective (3rd Edition). George Allen and Unwin Ltd. New Delhi. Cheltanham. Economic Survey (Annual). M. (3rd Semester) Paper. Concept and role of NBFCs. New Delhi. two from each unit. Importance and Stability of Financial Systems. Deep and Deep Publications Pvt.. Unit-I Financial System Concept and functions of Financial System. Future of Financial System. The candidates will be required to attempt five questions. and B. Chatterjee (2001). M. . Players in Financial System. Ltd.3 Hrs. Segments of Financial Markets. Marks: . selecting one question each from any four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. Financial Assets and the Financial System.A.-18-  Sen. Indian Economy: Agenda for the 21st Century (Essays in honour of Professor P.100 Financial Markets and Institutions -I Note: -Ten questions will be set in all.R. Brahmananda).310 (Option-vi) Time: . R. Inside Money and Outside Money. New Delhi. Interest rates in the Financial System. .J.Clearing and settlement mechanisms.  Bhole. Procedure for dealing at Stock Exchanges.R. Meaning. Chugh Publications. Vikas Publishing House. Concepts and Types of Derivatives.M. Interest and Prices Theories of demand for money.edged Securities Market.  Johnson. Financial instruments in Primary Market. Unit-III Money Market Introduction.. Certificate of Deposit Market.M. Financial Institutions and Markets. Unit-V Secondary Capital Market Introduction. Neutrality of Money. Basic Reading List  Bhole. Tata McGraw Hill Company Ltd. New York. Money supply process and factors affecting the money supply. Trading system. Growth and Development of New Issue Market in India. L. Indian Financial System. Call Money Market. H. (1993). Repo Market.quantity. (1999).  Machiraju. Importance and Functions of Capital Market. McGraw Hill. Commercial Papers Market. Stock Exchanges in India. Gilt. (1999). New issue floation and market functionaries. Allahbad. New Delhi. Unit-IV Primary Capital Market Introduction. Indian Financial Systems. Characteristics and Functions of Stock Exchange. Meaning Definitions Characteristics and Functions of Money market.-19- Unit-II Money. Definition. Financial Institutions and Markets. (2000). Treasury bill market. Objectives. Keynesian and modern approaches. L. M. Depository System. Futures and Options. SEBI and its role in the market. (1978). K. N. Society for Capital Research and Development. Marks: 100 ECONOMICS OF GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT. M. (1994). New Delhi. P.  Prasad.  Goss. Wheeler Publishing.  Smith. Appleton. The Theory of Financial Markets and Institutions.  Bhatt.  Crocker. P. Unpublished UGC. New Delhi. (1987). (1969).F. International Monetary Economics. (1996).  Gupta. L.) (1999). Monetary Economics. Delhi. The English Language Book Society.B. Mutual Funds. J. International Financial Markets in India. J. Mumbai.A.A. (2001).S.R.C. The Economics of Futures Trading. (1982). New Delhi. (4th Edition). (1983).  Fenstermaker.T. India’s Financial Markets and Institutions. Additional Reading List  Chandra. New York. A. Macmillan.A. H. Financial Liberalization and Economic Growth in Developing Countries with special reference to India. Prentice Hall of India. V.310 (Option-vii) Time: 3 hrs. UTI Institute of Capital Markets.  Gupta. London.G. B. Prentice Hall. International Money. Thiripalraju (1997). and Verma Neera (1995). New York. Englewood-Cliffs. and B. Amsterdam. Development of India’s Financial System.  Niehans. S. Nelson.  Sahadevan. J. John Hopkins University Press. Tata McGraw Hill. (1997). Chand & Company. New Jersey.S.N. R. Financial Markets.-20-  Ohlson. Issues and Analysis.V. and M. London. (3rd Semester) Paper. (Ed.I . K. Max. (1997). North Holland. Allahbad. Money and Financial Intermediation: The Theory and Structure of Financial System. Yamey (1978). S. Sarup & Sons.  Attri.  Machiraju. Major Project. Readings in Financial Markets and Institutions. New Delhi. Unit Trust of India and Mutual Funds: A Study. informal sector. paid and unpaid-work. economically productive and socially productive work – Economic status. organized industry. Women and Society in India. private and participation of women in pre-industrial and industrial societies. access to and control over economic resources. income level. particularly India. London. Unit-V Factors affecting female entry in labour market. and services sector. economic status. Property rights. particularly India. Studies of female work participation in agriculture. Bombay . Women and their access to nutrition. Supply and demand for female labour in developed and developing countries. mortality rates. Unit-II Demography of female population: Age structure. and their impact on female mortality and fertility. Unit-III Factors affecting decision making by women. Basic Reading List  Boserup E. Economic basis and functioning of patriarchy in developed and LDCs. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. N. patrilineal and matrilineal systems and relevance to present day society in India. Research Center for Women Studies. two from each unit. health. Raj (Eds. and sex ratio – Causes of declining sex ratios and fertility rates in LDCs and particularly India – Theories and measurement of fertility and its control. cottage and small-scale industries. Unit-I Importance and concepts of women studies – women in patriarchal and matriarchal societies and structures. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. George Allen and Unwin. assets. SNDT Unviersity. and M.  Desai.-21- Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. non-agricultural rural activities. visible and invisible work. health. (1970). Power of decision making at house hold.K. Unit-IV Concept and analysis of women’s work: valuation of productive and unproductive work. Economic status of women and its effect on work-participation rate. and in work participation rate.) (1979). education and social and community resources. and education in developing countries and India. Women’s Role in Economic Development. class community level. New Delhi. Sage Publications. R. India: Towards Population and Development Goals. New Delhi. Women and Development: The Indian Experience. Shariff (1999). Gender. Krishnaraj. Towards Equality – Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in India.M. . The Gender Gap in Basic Education: NGOs as Change Agents. Development and the Gender Gap. Wazir. (2000). Department of Social Welfare. (1995). Environment. Seth. Ministry of Education and Social Welfare. Sudarshan and A. M.-22-       Government of India (1974). New Delhi. and A. Oxford University Press. Oxford University Press. New Delhi.. New Delhi. Sage Publications. R. Sage Publications. M. Srinivasan K. (2000). Population and Development. Venkateswaran S. Shariff (1998). New Delhi. 3 Hrs. 100 100 3 Hrs. Economics 4th Semester Paper-406 Paper-407 Paper-408 Paper-409 Max. Econometrics-II History of Modern Economics (Contribution of Nobel Laureates in Economics)-I Economics and Law-II Welfare Economics-II Industrial Economics-II Financial Markets and Institutions-II Economics of Gender and Development-II 100 100 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs.410. Paper. 3 Hrs. 3 Hrs. 2009 for Session 2009-2010 M. A. Marks Time International Trade and Finance-II Economics of Environment and Social Sector-II Indian Economic Policy-II Economics of Growth and Development-II 100 100 3 Hrs. A. Kurukshetra M. 100 100 100 100 100 3 Hrs.410 Option (i) Option (ii) Option (iii) Option (iv) Option (v) Option (vi) Option (vii) Note: Students are required to select any one option from Paper.-23- Kurukshetra University. . 3 Hrs. Economics Proposed Course Structure in PG Board Meeting of April 9. Static and Dynamic effects of a customs union and free trade area. speculation. Emerging International Monetary System. Unit-IV The International Monetary System Need. SAARC. two from each unit. Unit-II The Determination of Floating Exchange Rate. Reforms of the International Monetary System. adequacy and determinants of international reserves. Macro Economic Policy with Floating Exchange Rates. process of adjustment under systems of gold standard. Marks: 100 INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND FINANCE-II Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. Max. fixed exchange rates and flexible exchange rates. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. ASEAN.A. Hedging. Rationale and Economic Progress. Asian Economic Integration. (4th Semester) Paper-406 Time: 3 hrs.-24- M. EU. Stability in a floating exchange rate market. . NAFTA. Interest rate. arbitrage. A critical review of the monetary approach – Foreign trade multiplier with and without foreign repercussions and determination of national income in an open economy. Equilibrium and disequilibrium in the balance of payments. International and financial institutions. covered interest parity. The foreign exchange market model of a spot exchange market. Unit-III The Theory of Regional Blocs Forms of economic cooperation. The supply of Foreign exchange. Relative merits and demerits of fixed and flexible exchange. Unit-I Balance of Payments Meaning and components of balance of payments. Expenditure-Switching Policies and Direct Controls. The Cost of Protection Preferential Trade Agreements. Expenditureswitching policies and direct controls for adjustment. India and developing Countries. Conditionality clause of IMF. The forward exchange market. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. Elliott (1994). (1988). Feenstra. Japan. B. 287-331. (1999). “Preferential Trade Liberalization: the Traditional Theory and new Developments. Institute for International Economics.. WTO and World Bank from the point of view of India. Routledge. (2000). The Asian Financial crisis: causes cure and systematic implications. International Economics: Theory and Policy. M. New              York Chacholiades.159-178.” Journal of Economic Perspectives. Zanardi (2006). Washington D. UNCTAD. Sodirston.C.  Institute of International Economics. Dana.S. The World Trading System.G. M. Glenview. Working and regulations of MNCs in India. Measuring the Costs of Protection in the United States. International Economics. (1995). Rodriguez-Clare (1998). and K. Unit-V Trade Policies in India Trade problems and trade policies in India during the last five decades.  Goldsten.” Journal of Political Economy.” Journal of Economic Literature. Recent changes in the direction and composition of trade and their implications. P. Dunn R.-25- Functions of GATT/WTO (TRIPS. H.H. Krugman. Singapore. and M. McGraw Hill International. (1999). M. (2000). 6. (5th Edition). Guide and Work Book. TRIMS).J. R. Rationale and impact of trade reforms since 1991 on balance of payments. “The Value of Trade Agreements in the Presence of Political Pressures. “Closing the Technology Gap Under Protection. International Economics. “The Global Chilling Effects of Antidumping Proliferation..R. McGraw Hill. M. IMF.C. and A. 755-770.E. (1992). Vanderbussche. and M.” American Economic Review. K. Ohno (1995). Flynn. King. Foresman. London. Panagariya. adn J. 38. “Welfare Costs of the US Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws”. 5597. Mutt (2000). Obstfeld (1994). and Y. 574-601. Recent import and export policies.211214. (1998). Jackson.C. employment and growth. Kogakusha. “ CEPR Discussion paper. The Macmillan Press Ltd. R. Basic Reading List  Carbough. Bo.M. Protectionism.C. Cambridge University Press. London. Routledge Publishers. International Economics: Study. World Bank and Asian Development Bank – Their achievements and failures. 85. International Trade: Theory and Policy. and J. Journal of International Economics. Cambridge University Press.A. International Economics and International Economic Policy: A Reader. Blonigen. (1991). P. Mass. Maggi. Hufbauer G. J. “ How Costly is Protectionalism?. International Thompson Publishing.A. 106. Miyagiwa. International Economics. A. 49. Mass. (1989). Additional Reading List  Bhagwati J. G. . London. Gallaway. (1990). Panchmukhi. Delhi. and I. Money and Finance in World Economic Order (RIS). New Delhi. J. and V. Indian Economy Towards the 21st Century. Blackwell Publishers. India. P. Harper Colins Publishers. New York. Himalaya Publishing House. 1999-2000. Unequal Trade: The Economics of Discriminatory International Trade Policies. (1995). Publishing Corp. Oxford University Press. S.M. (5th Edition).R. S. University Press Ltd. Satyanarayan. New Delhi. V. (1978). New Delhi. Little (1998). India’s Trade with Asia and the Far East Countries. Bombay.-26-         Pomfert..R. (1988). The Development Process of the Indian Economy. Patel. Mishkin. Tandon (1987). Panchmukhi (Eds. Oxford. India’s Economic Reforms. B. .) (1987). The Economics of Money. B. (1986).D. Banking and Financial Markets.R. and R.R. (1998).. Joshi.R. V. Indus Publishing Co. Panchamukhi V.F. R. Concept Publishing Company. Trade Policies of India – A Quantitative Analysis. Brahmananda. Management of common property resources.407 Time: 3 hrs. Unit-II Social-ecological research in India. Elementary capital theory. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. Unit-I Natural resources: types.existing pollution control mechanisms. water resource planning. ecology and equity.-27- M. Economy. Resettlement and rehabilitation of the displaced. Maximum principle of optimal control theory. (4th Semester) Paper.A. Marks: 100 ECONOMICS OF ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL SECTOR-II Note: Ten Questions will be set in all.Impact on India. Role of the state in forest resource management in India. Divergent environmental concerns of south and north. International environmental issues . controls and use of natural capital in India. Economic reforms and ecological refurbishment. Unit-IV Environmental legislation and implementation in India. Wetlands – policy briefs. environment and energy. Max. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. two from each unit. Subsidies. Land and forest degradation and the strategy for regeneration. Gender perspective in environmental management. Water and air pollution . . Unit-III Pani Panchayat model. classification and scarcity. Trade and environment in WTO regime. N. and Costant Relative. Delhi. pdf from internet.J. 1991  Education and economic growth.K. Dahlin . N. Blaug. (1972). D. Findings.. Routledge. Economics of Health: A Trend Report in ICSSR. Returns to Education: An International Comparison. New York. pdf from internet. M. . Department of Economics.R. University of Bristol. and Policy Implications. VI. The World Development Report.  Value of Life. Penguin.  Schultz. Turner (1991). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.  Education and Economic Growth. Institutional issues in health care . Macmillan.” Quarterly Journal of Economics. Infrastructure. Macmillan. Indian Perspective. Financing of education and health in India.W. A Survey of Research in Economics.  Chary. Principles of Environmental Economics. Important issues in basic and higher education. Economic dimensions of health care and determinants of health. Introduction to Economics of Education. Economic Instruments: Application to Environmental Problems. Bombay.  Painuly. Amsterdam:Elsevier. Value of Time.  Jeroen.  Brian G. White (1997).W.  Psacharopoulos. Vol. S. and Vyasulu. Environmental Economics in Theory and Practice. Bristol BS8 1TN. (1980). J. London. by UNEP from IGIDR. pdf from internet. 8 Woodland Road.-28- Unit-V Education as an instrument for economic growth. and R.  World Bank (1993). (1999). A.. New Delhi.M. Baltimore. Free Press. New York.  Panchmukhi. 1995. 1973. London. Working paper no 3. Vinod (2000). Inequalities in health and education – the class and gender perspective. U. Duke University. Reading List  Hanley.role of Government and market. Robert. The Impact of Education on Economic Growth -Theory. Social and private returns on education. Economics of Natural Resource Use and Environment. C. “Economic Growth in a Cross Section of Countries. Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics. Robert J.  Barro.M.  Pearce. Allied. 1993: Investing in Health. T.F. P. Jonathan Temple*.  Hussen. (1971). van den Berg (1999). John Hopkins University Press. J P. Shogern and B. Investment in Human Capital. G. Oxford University Press. Environmental Management . Issues and policies in financing infrastructure development. Approaches for employment generation. Privatization and disinvestment debate. two from each unit. Environment.-29- M. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. Unit-III Industrial policy. Unit-II Energy. Unit-IV . selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit.A. Achievements and failures of five year Plans. Max. Marks: 100 INDIAN ECONOMIC POLICY-II Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. Public Sector enterprises and their performance. Growth and pattern of industrialization. Regional imbalance. Exit policy – issues in labour market reforms. Social infrastructure – education and health.408 Time: 3 hrs. Small-scale sector. Unit-I Objectives and strategy of Indian planning. (4th Semester) Paper. New Delhi.D. Second Generation Economic Reforms in India. and B. The Indian Economy – Problems and Prospects. and I. New Delhi. (Annual). P. Bardha. New Delhi.) (1999). (1999). Deep & Deep Publications. Need for and issues in good governance. Parikh. R. (1996). Oxford University Press. Mishra S. Rudar Dutt and Sundram. India’s Economic Policy. P. B. Viking. Unit-V Globalization of Indian economy.K. Panchmukhi (Eds. B. New Delhi. Oxford University Press.S. New Delhi. Development Experience in the Indian Economy: Inter-State Perspectives. WTO and its impact on the different sectors of the economy.K. Jalan. Oxford University Press. Bookwell.) (2001). Report on Currency and Finance.and Puri V. Jalan. Economic Brahmananda. India Development Report – 1999-2000.and Goel M.M.R. New Delhi. R.R. Indian Economy Himalya Publication House Latest Edition.Preparing for the Twenty First Century. Indian Economy: Agenda for 21st Century (Essays in honour of Prof. Deep & Deep Publications. Government of India. Government of India. (Ed. Brahmananda). Datt. . The Political Economy of Development in India.2009 www.K.K. and V. Ministry of Finance. (2009) Governance System needs overhaul. (Annual). Indian Economy S Chand and Company Latest Edition Sen. Viking. New Delhi.) (2001). P. Central Chronicle March 02. (2001) Wage Goods Approach and Development Deep and Deep New Delhi. K. Working of SEBI in India.centralchronicle. Review of monetary policy of RBI.M. Reserve Bank of India. (1992). Little (Eds. . Money and capital markets. Chatterjee (2001). Delhi.J. Reading List                 Ahluwalia. New Delhi.-30- Analysis of price behaviour in India.R. Planning Commission. Goel M. India’s Economic Reforms and Development (Essays in honour of Manmohan Singh). I.S. (9th Edition) (1999). Five Year Plan Development. Monga G.Kapila Uma Indian Economy Academic Foundation New Delhi Latest Edition.M. A. two from each unit. Low Income Equilibrium Trap. Unit-I Approaches to Development . Choice of Techniques. FeiRanis. Dixit and Marglin. (4th Semester) Paper. Kelly et. Rationale and Pattern of Industrialization in developing Countries. Dual Economy Models of Lewis.409 Time: 3 hrs.Role of Agriculture in Economic and Unbalanced Growth. Max.-31- M. Critical Minimum Efforts Theory. Marks: 100 ECONOMICS OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT – II Note: Ten questions will be set in all. Agricultural Transformation: Designing an Agricultural Strategy. Jorgensen. . Unit-II Sectoral Aspects of Development . Barriers to Agriculture. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. Types and Process of Planning.International Trade as an Engine of Growth: Static and Dynamic gains from Trade. Development Planning: The Indian Experience.-32- appropriate technology and employment. Oxford.N. P. Chakravarti. Elsevier.) (1989). Handbook of Development Economics. 1 & 2. (1986). Fiscal Policy for Development. (3rd Edition). Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Economic Growth. New Delhi. Srinivasan (Eds. Mass. . (1966). WTO and Developing Countries. On the Theory and Measurement of Technical Change. S. Allen and Unwin.. Terms of Trade between Agriculture and Industry. The Washington Consensus. and T. S.W. Gillis. H. Bhagwati. Import Substitution and Economic Integration. (1993). Cambridge. (1982). Romer and D. Clarendon Press. and P. An Enquiry into Well-being and Destitution. Snodgrass (1992). Ghatak. London. India: Planning for Industrialization. Vols.Markets and Market Failure. London. Unit-III Trade Theory and Development Experience . M. Norton. Vol. Reforming Financial Systems. M. New York. D. Cambridge University Press. Basic Reading List:          Behrman. Elsevier. Amsterdam. Dasgupta. Perkins.H. Oxford. Issues of Good Governance. Development Planning: Rationale. Desai (1970). Chenery. Oxford University Press. Prebisch-Singer Thesis vis-à-vis Free Trade experience of Developing Countries. Chakravarti. Amsterdam. Oxford University Press. and T. Trade Policy Debate: Export promotion. S. W. J. S. Economics of Development.N. Srinivasan (1995). Clarendon Press. An Introduction to Development Economics. Unit-V Economic Development and Institutions . M.R. Handbook of Development Economics. Unit-IV Macroeconomic Policies and Development -Role of Financial System and Macroeconomic Stability. Brown. (1987). Role of State in Economic Development: State Capacity and State Failure. 3. International Debt Crisis and the Developing Countries. E. New Delhi. McGraw Hill.K. Economic Development.A. Growth and Development.Rauch (2005). Max.i) Time: 3 hrs. (1959). MIT Press. Sen. M. Oxford. Macmillan. (1977). W. Economic Development.) (1990). Delhi. Nayyar. Adaptive Expectations.P. Kindleberger. Oxford University Press. New York. A. Oxford University Press. Leading Issues in Economic Development.K. (1983).I Auto Regressive and Distributed lag Models. The Theory of Economic Growth. W. Hirschman. (3rd Edition). Problem of Autocorrelation. Higgins. Economic Development. George Allen and Unwin. Helpman (1991).M.P.-33-             Grossman. and S. Norton.A. Mass. Harmondsworth. G. U.) (1994). The Strategy of Economic Development. Poverty and Famines. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. B.(Ed. Inequality Reexamined. Thirlwal. New York. selecting one each from four units and fifth question may be selected from any unit Unit . New Delhi. A. Oxford University Press. and J. Almon Approach to distributed. London. Marks: 100 ECONOMETRICS –II Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. (6th Edition). Todaro. Yale University Press. C. Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy. Lewis. Causality tests. Sen. D. Industrial Growth and Stagnation: The Debate in India. Oxford University Press.O. (1999). G. Oxford. (Ed.lag model. (8th Edition). Sen. (8th Edition). Pearson Education. A. Cambridge. Granger and Sim’s Test . (1992). Smith (2003).Koyak Model.W. Partial Adjust Model. Penguin. (1955).P. Meier. (4th Semester) Paper-410 (Option. (1958). Growth Economics. A. two from each unit.A.C. and E. M. New York. MCGraw Hill Kogakusha Tokyo Theil H. Elements of Econometrics. T. Introductory Econometrics. Recursive Methods and OLS. The LPM . Dicky Fuller Test. Oxford University Press. Co-Integration. D. Unit – IV Time Series . Goldberger.Random Coefficients Model. University of Michigan Press. London Kmenta J. (1998).S. Intrilligator. Engel Granger Test. Aldershot U. Econometrics. random effects model. Cambridge. MCGraw Hall Book Co. Techniques and Applications. A. A. Advanced Econometrics. Vector Auto Regression (VAR) Panel Data Techniques. Unit – III Methods of Estimating Simultaneous Equation System. regression with dummy dependent variables. Harvard University Press. (1991).D. M.Testing Structural Stability of Regression Models. Comparing two regressions.S.N. and D.K.(Ed) (1993). Springer. Rubinfield (1976). (1985). Random Walk Model.L. Pindyck R. Prentice Hall of India. Econometric Methods. B. London Maddala G. New York.S. Stationarity. Johnson J. Indirect Least Squares (ILS). interaction effects. (1981). NewYork Koutsoyiannis. (1998). (1978).-34- Unit – II Dummy Variable Technique. Gujarati. seasonal analysis. Instrumental Variables (IV) 2SLS and 3SLS Methods. Use of dummy variables. (1995). Theory of Econometrics. Introduction to Econometrics. New Jersey. piecewise linear Regression.Spurious Regression. Fix effects model. Econometric Methods and application. (1977). Basic Reading List:            Amemiya. New York. Mass.H. (1988). Basic Econometrics (2 nd Edition) MC Graw Hill New Delhi. Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs. Econometric Methods. New Delhi . Unit Roots. Logit Probit and Tobit Models. Error Correction Mechanism Unit – V Forecasting with ARIMA and VAR Models-Box Jenkins Methodology. Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts. Baltagi. The Macmillan Press Ltd. -35- M. Marks: 100 HISTORY OF MODERN ECONOMICS . (4th Semester) Paper-410 (Option-ii) Time: 3 hrs.II (Contribution of Nobel Laureates in Economics) .A. Max. M. R. Tjalling Unit-III Myrdel. two from each unit. Interregional and International Trade. Oxford. Gunnar Unit-IV Meade. Unit-II Leontief. (1933). (1951 and 1955). New York.-36- Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. Bertil Unit-V Mundell. Duckwoth. (1978). The Theory of International Economic Policy. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. I & III. Ohlin. B.A. Unit-I Solow. Cambridge. J.W.M. Wassily W. Oxford University Press. Koopmans C. James E. R. Harvard University Press. Meade.E. Robert M. Vols. (1970). Ohlin. Mundell. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. (1971). Norton. W. London. . Basic Reading List:      Allais. Solow. Monetary Theory. Growth Theory: An Exposition. Contributions to Economic Science. Mass. Robert A. (4th Semester) Paper – 410 (Option-iii) Time. Economics of mergers. Miceli. Crime and Motor Vehicle Act Readings: Cooter and Ulen. Economic Theory of Crime and Punishment. Appeals Economics of Federalism. Laws related to Microfinance and Financial Inclusion and their Economic Implications Unit-V . Prospectus and Allotment. 15. Economics of Addictive Drugs and Crime. Share Capital and Debentures.12 Friedman. Decentralisation and Public Goods Delivery. Trial. Law’s Order (ch. Stanford University Press. Decentralisation and Good Governance Readings: Cooter and Ulen. Law related to Economic offences. Corruption and Economic Development. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. Max. 2008 Unit-III Indian Companies Act – Incorporation. 2nd Edition.3 hrs. Unit-IV Banking law in India and its Economic Implications. Chapter 10 Unit-II Crime. Amalgamations and Takeovers. Taxmann Allied Services Pvt. Efficient Punishment. Corruption and Human Rights. 18) Thomas J. Securities Market Regulation and Role of SEBI Readings: Companies Act (13th edition). Law and Economics (2nd edition). Role of RBI and IRDA. Ltd.A. Settlement Bargaining. Exchange of Information.Marks: 100 ECONOMICS AND LAW-II Note: Ten questions will be set in all. Unit-I An Economic Theory of Legal Process – Reasons to Sue. two from each unit. The Traditional Theory of Criminal law. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. Exim Policy in India. Chapter 11. Law and Economics (2nd edition). FEMA.-37- M. “The Economic Approach to Law”. New Delhi. London. T. N. NABHI. R. Aggarwal. Economic Efficiency in Law & Economics.. State Liability in India : Retrospect & Prospect. Taxmann. Global Environmental Problems and International Environmental Agreements. Boston. Delhi.P.R. P. The Economics of Corruption & Illegal Markets. An Economic Analysis of Crime & Justice. Horne. J. Anmol Publications. Economic Analysis of Law. Posner. New Delhi. Contract Theory of Distributive Justice. V. (Volume I to V). Law & Economics. Nabhi's Manual of SEBI (Vols. Universal Law Publishing. Academic Press. B. Kumar.K. Bombay. G. Divan. Johnston (19990. Oliver. Outlines of Indian Legal History.(1990). and G. UK. (2nd edition). (1984). Protection and Control (Vols I and II). Encyclopaedia of Law & Economics.M. 3rd edition.O. Philips L.(1993). Edward Elgar. and C. R.M. S. London. I. Orlendo. Environmental Problems. Edward Elgar. World Trade Organization (successorr to GATT) and India. Zerbe. (5th edition). Schmidth. R. UK. Deep & Deep Publications. and S. Parisi (Eds. Eastren Book Company. De Geest (Ed. New Delhi.L. Tripathy(P) Ltd. A. Publishers Distributors Pvt. B.G. Butterworths. Lucknow. and H. New Delhi.A.) (1999). (2000). Zamagni (1999).) (1996). Law & Economics. Edward Elgar. Veljanovski (Eds.. (5th edition). Ltd. Fiorentini. Burrows. Cornish. UK. New Delhi. I & II). (1998). SAGE. P. Ghosh.-38- Law and Distribution of Income and Wealth. (2001). Edward Elgar. Economics of Crime Control. New Delhi. Edward Elgar. Posner. PHI.(1995). UK. Financial Management & Policy. New Delhi. Personal and Corporate Taxation National and Global Environmental Problems and International Environmental Agreements – their Legal and Economic Implications Basic Reading List                       Bouckaert. and F. (4th Edition). P. (2nd edition). Rosencronz(2001). K. (10th edition). and A. Little Brown.P.(1999).(1979). International Financial Management. Atlantic.) (1981). Massey. Votey (1981). Taxation Laws and Efficiency. Swanson. Apte. TMH. (ed. UK. M. (2000).H. Delhi. G.G. (1999).P. Oxford University Press. W.L. . Jain.(1997). New Delhi. Verma.) (1997).M. T. J. Gupta. George Allen & Unwin. Administrative Law. and S.P. Bharat's Consumer Protection (law & Practice). Environmental Law and Policy in India.A. Intellectual Property.R.(1998). The Economic Approach to Law. Buy Back of Shares. London. -39-   Mittal. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. S. The Economics of Property Rights. Indian Patents Law. .) (2001). Vols I & II. Compensation criteria – Contributions of Barone. Cost-benefit analysis. W. Marks: 100 WELFARE ECONOMICS ... Kaldor and Hicks.J. (ed. Unit-I Infinite number of non-comparable optima vs. Problems of non-market interdependence. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. Max.A. Pigovian welfare economics. New Delhi. Externalities of production and consumption. U. Arrow’s possibility theorem. Taxmann. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. Interdependent utilities. Problem of public goods. Attempts of develop dynamic welfare analysis. Samuelson’s utility possibility curve Unit-III Value judgements and welfare economics Bergson’s social welfare function. M. (4th Semester) Paper-410 (Option-iv) Time: 3 hrs. O.) (2001). UK. Concept of Community indifference map.(ed. two from each unit. Welfare Economics. unique social optimum. Pajovich.P. Unit-IV Divergence between private and social costs.(1999). Unit-II The Scitovsky double criterion.K.II Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. Basic Reading List  Baumo. External economies and diseconomies. Marginal cost pricing. Unit-V Second-best optima. Edward Elgar. W. M. and N. Industrial legislation – Industrial Disputes Act and Factories Act. Sugar. Macmillan. Oxford. Sources of short term and long term finance. Corporate securities. Clarendon Press. Pigou. (4th Semester) Paper-410 (Option-v) Time: 3 hrs. The Foundations of Welfare Economics.II Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. The Economics of Welfare (4th Edition). Employment dimensions of Indian Industry. two from each unit. Unit-IV Structure of Industrial labour. R. Industrial economic concentration and remedial measures. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit.R. (1956). Marks: 100 INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS .-40-   Broadway.C. (1962). Max. Progress and Problems of some major industries in India-Textile. Oxford. I.M. The candidate will be required to attempt five questions. Industrial Financial Institutions: Role and functioning in India. Welfare Economics. Bruce (1984). 1. (1949). Ownership and creditor-ship securities. . Basil Blackwell. Development of Cottage and small scale industries. Iron and Steel. Additional Reading List  Hicks. Oxford Economic Papers. A. Cement Unit-II Regional industrial growth in India.  Little. Unit-III Industrial Finance. A Revision of Demand Theory.A. Vol.D. Unit-I Recent trends in Indian industrial growth. J. Little (1999). Indian Economy: Agenda for the 21st Century (Essays in honour of Professor P.T. Industrial Economy of India (5th Edition).  Cherunilam. India: Macro Economics and Political Economy: 1964-1991. Oxford University Press. India’s Economy Policy.2008  Desai B. New Delhi. Calcutta. and V.R. New Delhi. New Delhi. (1987).) (1996). (1980).D. Deep and Deep Publications Pvt.  Government of India.-41- Unit-V Industrial relations – Worker’s participation in management and Collective Bargaining. V. Bhnoji Rao (Eds. J.  Barthwal.) (1987). M. Industrial Economy in India (3rd Edition). (2000).Indutrial Economy in India. New Delhi.  Chakravarty. Dunellen Publishers.  Reserve Bank of India. Industrial Economics. I.Himalaya Publishing House. and N. J. Himalaya Publishing House . Venkata Ratnam-Industrial Relations .B. Tata McGraw Hill.R. Mumbai.L. New Delhi.S. Report on Currency and Finance (Annual). R. Banerjee (Eds.. R. Oxford University Press.V. Panchmukhi (Eds. Himalaya Publishing. Viking. . (1996). Wiley Eastern Ltd.R. F.. New Delhi. Basic Reading List  Ahluwalia. B. Allahbad. Bombay. and M. The Development Process of the Indian Economy.R. India Development Policy Imperatives.  Joshi. New Delhi. Development Planning: The Indian Experience.1999  Mishra &Puri-Indian Economy. A.Oxford University Press.  Harndeen.) (1979). Ltd. Himalaya Publishing House.2008  Ratna Sen-Industrial Relations in India Shifting Paradigms. Oxford University Press.  Jalan. The Economics of Corporate Economy. Brahmananda). S. Cambridge University Press. New York.J. V. (1985).Industrial Relations.1997  C.  Arun Monappa. Change and Choice in Indian Industry. Industrial Economics: Indian Perspective (3rd Edition).S. Cheltanham.K.2005  Website of Labour Ministry (Government of India) Additional Reading List  Bains. (1975). and B. Mumbai. B.  Kemien. (1999).  Sen. Chatterjee (2001). and V.Mcmillan. Industrial Growth in India. (1996). Second National Commission on labour.L.  Bagchi. Industrial Organization.  Brahmananda. U.  Kelkar. Cambridge.M. Himalaya Publishing House. and I.C. (1994). Chaitanya Publishing House.  Kuchhal. Economic Survey (Annual). Market Structure and Innovation.Tata Mcgraw Hill.  Desai. P. Bagchi Publications. S. Schwartz (1982). Exit policy and social security. Projects: Planning Analysis. Max. Defects and Suggestions to Improve Indian Money Market. Ltd. M. Unit-I Indian Money Market Meaning.3 Hrs. New Delhi. Selection. Marks: 100 Financial Markets and Institutions-II Note: -Ten questions will be set in all. The candidates will be required to attempt five questions.. Functions and Constituents of Indian Money Market. Mumbai. Implementation and Review.A.410 (Option-vi) Time: . Recent Developments in Indian Money Market and its various instruments. Himalaya Publishing House. Prasanna (1995). Chandra. Unit-II Banking System .-42-   Mamoria and Mamoria (2000). selecting one question each from any four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. Nature. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. two from each unit. Dynamics of Industrial Relations in India (15th Edition). (4th Semester) Paper. Definition and Principles of Insurance. Chugh Publications. The Theory of Financial Markets and Institutions. New Delhi. Commercial Banks. New Jersey. Development of India’s Financial System.A. Finance Company. Money and Financial Intermediation: The Theory and Structure of Financial System.  Smith.F. New York.M. Indian Financial Systems. McGraw Hill. Savings and Loan Associations.  Johnson. (1993). Pension Funds.-43- Evolution.J.. .  Ohlson. Financial Institutions and Markets. International Banking. H. Sarup & Sons. (2001). Financial Institutions and Markets. L. Unit-V Financial Institutions Merchant Bankers. Prentice Hall. Growth and Development of Insurance business with special reference to India. Allahbad.  Bhole. Indian Financial System. (1999). Tata McGraw Hill Company Ltd. (1987). Reforms in the Banking Sector. Credit Unions. International Liquidity. Investment Trusts. L. Portfolio Management by Commercial Banks. Unit-III Insurance Market Introduction. Forward Exchange Market and its Functions. Unit-IV Foreign Exchange Market Structure and Participants. Englewood-Cliffs. Fixed and Floating Exchange Rates. Amsterdam. (2000). New Delhi. Foreign Exchange Rate. Kinds of Insurance-Life Insurance and General Insurance. Development Banks and Merchant Banks. J.M. Types of Banks.N. Vikas Publishing House. International Monetary and Payment System. Emerging Scenario in Insurance Sector. Meaning and Functions of Banking. (1999). New Delhi.  Prasad. M. North Holland.  Machiraju. P.R. (1978). K. Mutual Funds. Common Trusts Fund Basic Reading List  Bhole. Rationale for opening up of the Insurance to Private Sector. II Note: Ten Questions will be set in all. Nelson. S. Mutual Funds. (1997). John Hopkins University Press. Macmillan. (Ed.  Attri. L. (1983). Unit Trust of India and Mutual Funds: A Study. Society for Capital Research and Development.A. selecting one each from four units and the fifth question may be selected from any unit. K. The English Language Book Society. N. and B. two from each unit. Issues and Analysis. Allahbad.  Fenstermaker. and Verma Neera (1995).R. (1997).V. India’s Financial Markets and Institutions.  Niehans. New Delhi. Wheeler Publishing. Marks: 100 ECONOMICS OF GENDER AND DEVELOPMENT . R. J. Yamey (1978). The candidate will be required to attempt five questions.-44- Additional Reading List  Chandra. London.T. Unpublished UGC. . New York. Mumbai.S. Tata McGraw Hill. (1969). International Monetary Economics. UTI Institute of Capital Markets.410 (Option-vii) Time: 3 hrs. New Delhi.  Bhatt. S.A. Readings in Financial Markets and Institutions. P. (4th Edition). New Delhi. and M. H. (1996).  Gupta. B.S. (1982). Prentice Hall of India.  Machiraju. A.) (1999). Chand & Company. M. (1994). Max. V. New York. Financial Liberalization and Economic Growth in Developing Countries with special reference to India. (4th Semester) Paper.G. Thiripalraju (1997).B. Major Project.C.  Crocker. J. Delhi.  Sahadevan. London. International Financial Markets in India. The Economics of Futures Trading. Appleton. Financial Markets. International Money.  Gupta. Monetary Economics.  Goss. Mainstreaming gender into development policies. Shariff (1999). Determinants of wage differentials. productivity.  Krishnaraj. George Allen and Unwin. Sudarshan and A. Gender-planning techniques. Gender sensitive governance. Department of Social Welfare. New Delhi. skill. ensuring economic independence and risk coverage. Gender and development indices. New Delhi.) (1979). Unit-II Impact of technological development and modernization on women’s work participation in general and in various sectors such as agriculture. effectiveness of collective bargaining. Unit-V Review of legislation for women’s entitlements.. non-agriculture rural activities. SNDT University. Research Center for Women Studies. Labour market biases and gender discrimination. Role of voluntary organizations.  Desai. education.K. Women and Society in India. R. London. self help groups in providing social security. Basic Reading List  Boserup E. gender. social security. M. Gender. Unit-IV Social security of women entitlements. Oxford University Press. N. Ministry of Education and Social Welfare. and M. efficiency. protection of property rights. Bombay  Government of India (1974). Women’s Role in Economic Development. (1970). small and cottage industries and organized industry Unit-III Female activities and ecological and environmental concern: the two way relationship Role of new technologies for helping women – Provision of information and training for simple harvesting of economic services.-45- Unit-I Wage differential in female activities. opportunity. access to credit and insurance markets.M. Raj (Eds. Towards Equality – Report of the Committee on the Status of Women in India. Structure of wages across regions and economic sectors. Population and Development. . Srinivasan K. Sage Publications. Wazir. and A. Environment. M. (1995). New Delhi.-46-     Seth. New Delhi. New Delhi. (2000). India: Towards Population and Development Goals. R. Sage Publications. (2000). Development and the Gender Gap. New Delhi. . Sage Publications. Women and Development: The Indian Experience. Oxford University Press. The Gender Gap in Basic Education: NGOs as Change Agents. Shariff (1998). Venkateswaran S.
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