MAdras University courses

March 30, 2018 | Author: Trinadh Yadav Boyana | Category: University And College Admission, Diploma, Academic Degree, College, Bachelor Of Science



br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf gšfiy¡fHf«bjhiyöu¡ fšÉ ÃWtd« nr¥gh¡f«, br‹id - 600 005, jÄœehL njáa¤ jukâ¥Õ£L¡ FGthš Kj‹ik¤ jFâí«, gšfiy¡fHf ešif Miza¤jhš ca®âw‹ ika« v‹w jFâí« bg‰wJ UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION CHEPAUK, CHENNAI - 600 005, TAMILNADU ‘University with Potential for Excellence’ by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. Accredited with “A” Grade By National Assessment and Accreditation Council É©z¥g¥gotK« jftnyL« APPLICATION FORM AND PROSPECTUS (University Examination Application Forms and Fee Remittance Challan Enclosed) Non-Semester with Credits Academic Year 2013 - 2014 and Calendar Year 2014 UNDERGRADUATE COURSES COST OF APPLICATION FORM & PROSPECTUS In Person By Post Through Website : Rs.100/- by cash at the Institute / Study Centres / Spot Admission Centres. : Rs.150/- by Demand Draft drawn in favour of The Director, IDE., University of Madras, payable at Chennai. : The cost of application form of Rs.100/- should be paid along with Registration Fee of Rs. 100/-, if downloaded through website. UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS (Established under the Act of Incorporation XXVII of 1857 Madras University Act 1923) (State University) INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION (Established in 1981) Dr. R. THANDAVAN Vice-Chancellor Dr. G. KOTESWARA PRASAD Registrar in-Charge Dr. M. RAVICHANDRAN Director in-Charge Dr. T. LAKSHMANASAMY Controller of Examinations in-Charge br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf« 1857M« M©oš ïUg¤njHh« ïiz¥ò ÉâÆ‹go ÃWt¥g£lJ - br‹id gšfiy¡fHf¢ r£l« - 1923) (khÃy¥ gšfiy¡fHf«) njáa¤ jukâ¥Õ£L¡ FGthš “A Grade” jFâí« gšfiy¡fHf ešif Miza¤jhš “M‰wšrhš gšfiy¡fHf«” v‹w jFâí« bg‰wJ. nr¥gh¡f«, br‹id - 600 005. nguháÇa® ïuh. jh©lt‹ Jizntªj® m‹gh®ªj khzt khzÉfns, thœ¤J¡fŸ ïªâahÉ‹ Kjš gšfiy¡ fHfkhfî« jÄHf¤â‹ jhŒ¥ gšfiy¡fHfkhd br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf¤â‰F c§fis khztuhf tunt‰gâš bgUk»œ¢áail»nw‹. fšÉÆY«, MuhŒ¢áÆY«, g©gh£oY« jiyáwªj ghu«gÇa Kiwa ï¥gšfiy¡fHf« 156 òfœÄ¡f tUl§fis¡ flªâU¡»wJ. Vw¤jhH 3,00,000 khzt®fis¡ bfh©l ï¥gšfiy¡fHf¤â‹ cW¥ãduh»a áw¥ig Ú§fŸ milªâU¡»Ö®fŸ. 1981-M« M©oš Mu«ã¡f¥g£l ekJ bjhiy öu¡ fšÉ ÃWtd«, fšÿÇfËš g£l¥go¥ò go¡f ïayhj khzt®fS¡F«, gÂÆš ïUªJ bfh©nl g£l¥ go¥ò go¡f ÉU«ògt®fS¡F«, fšÿÇfËš g£l¥go¥ò go¤J¡bfh©nl bjhiy¡fšÉ KiwÆš g£la¥go¥ò, KJÃiy¥ g£la¥go¥ò, rh‹¿jœ¥ go¥ò go¡f Kidgt®fS¡F« X® m¿a òfÈlkhf¤ âfœ»wJ. jukhd fšÉ mË¥gij F¿¡nfhshf¡ bfh©L fšÉ¤ju¤ij ïªÃWtd« fšÿÇÆš gÆštj‰F Ãfuhf¥ guhkÇ¡»wJ. tF¥òfŸ khzt eyÅš m¡fiw bfh©l mDgtÄ¡f, âwikahd nguháÇa®fshš tF¥òfŸ el¤j¥gL»‹wd. ekJ ÃWtd¤â‹ ghl§fŸ cz®ªJ bfh©lJ« âw«, c©Kf neh¡F, âwdhŒî rh®ªj áªjid, kd M‰wš ts®¢á M»at‰iw khzt®fS¡F nk‹gL¤J« tifÆš mikªJŸsd. nj®îfŸ rÇahd neu¤âš el¤j¥g£L KoîfŸ F¿¥ã£l fhy¤âš btËÆl¥gLtJ vkJ ÃWtd¤â‹ áw¥ò m«rkhF«. Ú§fŸ 炙UªJ bgW« g£l« c§fis¥ ngh£o ÄFej g cyf¤â‰F jah® brŒJ ntiy thŒ¥ig cWâ brŒ»wJ. ïªÃWtd¤jhš tH§f¥gL« 108 go¥òfS¡Fk. ï¢áw¥ò m«r« bghUªJ«. ca®fšÉÆš khzt® v©Â¡ifÆid ca®¤â, go¡f ÉU«ògt®fS¡F ntiy jU« fšÉÆid mˤJ, ïªâa eh£o‹ kÅjts nk«gh£L cWâah¡f¥g£L, br‹id¥ gšfiy¡ fHf¤â‹ Ú©l tuyh‰W¥ òfœ X§f¢ brŒa eh« ïizªJ cWâvL¥ngh«. c§fŸ bt‰¿¡F v‹ thœ¤J¡fŸ! m‹òl‹ 31.1.2013 ïuh. jh©lt‹ bjhiyngá (mYtyf«) : +91 - 44 - 2536 1074 / 2536 7563 bjhiyefš (mYtyf«) : +91 - 44 - 2536 7654 Ä‹dŠrš : [email protected] This 156 years old University has always striven to maintain its heritage and embrace new developments in terms of teaching and research. It is our shared duty to join hands to achieve the dream of education. THANDAVAN Phone (Office) : +91 . Through its increasing enrolment. all the learning resources of the IDE are prepared in Self Learning Format. The IDE’s mission is to maintain the quality benchmarks in the education it offers. For facilitating independent study. cannot undergo face to face education. R. Professor R.2536 7654 e-mail : vchome@vsnl. The Institute of Distance Education (IDE) of the University of Madras was started in 1981 with a vision to impart education to the students who.(Established under the Act of Incorporation XXVII of 1857 . due to various circumstances. University of Madras will prepare you for facing the tough competition in the job market and for further study at higher education institutions. Undergraduate. This enhances the Human Resource Development of our State and our Country.2013 .44 .2536 1074 / 2536 7563 Fax (Office) : +91 . Diploma and Certificate.Madras University Act 1923) (State University) Accredited at the “A Grade Level” by NAAC Conferred with the “University with Potential for Excellence” Status by UGC UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS CHEPAUK. Thandavan Vice-Chancellor 28th 31. Welcome to the portals of this great University which can boast of having more than 3.00. knowledge and critical thinking skills during their course of study.44 .000 students already on roll. We are confident that the degree you receive from the IDE. the IDE has remained a heaven for students who cannot afford to join colleges or who are employed or who are seeking an additional qualification. It is a source of satisfaction for us to watch our students hone their understanding. introspection. The Personal Contact Programmes are handled by experienced faculty drawn from the university departments and affiliated colleges. Over the years. It is my proud privilege to welcome you to one of the India’s renowned universities. CHENNAI . Dear Students.1. There is a vast array of courses that are offered in the IDE at different levels such as Postgraduate.600 005. Greetings. My best wishes for your great success. the IDE takes education to the doorsteps of people thus increasing the number of students in the Higher Education sector. Admissions are made throughout the year in the Academic Year Stream (June to May) as well as Calendar Year Stream (January to December). Professional 17.0 lakhs. However. INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION The Institute of Correspondence Education (ICE). The innovations introduced in the last decade have been many. Having completed 31 years. Law. Ambedkar Law University. (5) The Chetpet Campus (The Madras University Union). consequent amendments to the Madras University Act. Postgraduate 20. The first Vice-Chancellor of the University was Sir Christopher Rawlinson. Since then.UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS The University of Madras was formally established on September 5. . Presently NAAC has reaccredited the University of Madras with ‘A’ Grade. MGR Medical University and the Anna University respectively. career and personal goals. The University offers several Masters and Research Programmes. Medical and Engineering faculties earlier affiliated to this University have been since shifted to the newly created Dr. Union Territories. 1857 and undertook as its motto ‘Doctrina Vim Promovet Insitam’ (Learning promotes [one’s] innate talent). In order to meet this growing demand. now called the Institute of Distance Education (IDE) was established in 1981. The Institute of Distance Education at present offers 102 Degree Programmes : Undergraduate 27. (2) The Guindy Campus. 27 out of the 159 affiliated institutions have become autonomous. This practice of part time Vice-Chancellors (majority from the High Court bench) was to continue until 1923. The objective of the Institute of Distance Education (IDE) is to enable learners to achieve educational. the Institute of Distance Education today is a mega Institute with a student enrolment of more than 3. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has conferred the special status of ‘University with Potential for Excellence’ in the same year. The University at its inception comprised of four faculties – Arts. the Law. The opening of the golden page in the history of the University of Madras with the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) accrediting it at the ‘Five Star’ level took place in 2000. the number of Spot Admission Centres in Tamil Nadu. and Certificate 13. Robert Chisholm was commissioned in 1861 to build the University’s first building. Dr. grouped under 17 Schools. Professional and job oriented programs are now offered in collaboration with the industry. III. Medicine and Engineering. (4) The Taramani Campus. At present there are 70 teaching and research departments in the University. Within the Chennai Metropolitan area the University is now spread over six campuses such as (1) The Chepauk Main Campus. (6) The Maduravoyal Campus (Field Laboratory). The University of Madras was the first to introduce autonomous colleges within the University system in 1978-79. and examined candidates for degrees in all these disciplines. Efforts are taken to promote borderless education at the global level. also the Chief Justice of Madras. (3) The Marina Campus. Diploma 25. Statue 2. as in Madras University Act 1923 Vol I (2001 Edition) Chapter VIII. now a magnificent renovated heritage monument. and Study Centres in India and Abroad have been considerably increased. mJ gšfiy¡fHf tuyh‰¿š xU bgh‹ V£o‹ bjhl¡f« MF«. br‹id khefuh£áÆš gšfiy¡fHf« 6 tshf§fËš ïa§» tU»wJ. »ÇÞjg® uhÈ‹[‹’ v‹gt® Mth®.27.nk).Í.25 k‰W« rh‹¿jœ go¥ò . j‰nghJ _‹W ïy£r¤â‰F« nk‰g£l khzt®fis¡ bfh©L Äf¥bgÇa ÃWtdkhf ts®ªJŸsJ. g£la« (Diploma) . bjhÊš ÃWtd§fSl‹ T£lhf ïizªJ. 31 tUl§fis Ãiwî brŒâU¡F« ïªj ÃWtd«. 1. 1923. br¥l«g® 5š Kiw Mf mik¡f¥g£lJ. br‹id¥ gšfiy¡ fHf¤â‰F ‘A’ Grade (»nuL) ju¢rh‹¿jiH tH§» k‰bwhU Kiw jF⥠gL¤âaJ. bkÇdh tshf«. MŒî¤ â£l§fisí« tH§F»wJ.M®. ï§nf f‰ftU« khzt®fË‹ fšÉ ts®¢áiaí« ïy¡F miljiyí« jiyahd neh¡fkhdjhf¡ bfh©L ïªj ÃWtd« ïa§» tU»wJ. 3. všiy rhuh fšÉia cyfsÉš tH§Ftj‰F Ka‰áfŸ nk‰bfhŸs¥g£L tU»‹wd. m©zh gšfiy¡fHf« M»at‰nwhL ïiz¡f¥g£ld. bgh¿Æaš M»a eh‹F Jiwfisí« bfh©oUªjd. 1981« M©L Kjš bjiyöu¡fšÉ ÃWtdkhf (IDE) kh‰w¥g£lJ. eh£fh£o M©L (#dtÇ .III. m¿Éaš. M»a Jiwrh® fšÿÇfŸ ahî« Kiwahd r£l¤ âU¤j§fshš m«ng¤fh® r£l¥ gšfiy¡fHf«. Vol 1 (2001 Edition) ïaš VIII. . mªj¡ f£ol« jh‹ ï‹W ãukh©lkhd òfœ bg‰w ghu«gÇa Ãidî¢ á‹dkhf mikªâU¡»wJ.17. kU¤Jt¥ gšfiy¡fHf«. v‹w r£l¥ãÇÉ‹ Ñœ mikªj mŠrštÊ fšÉ Ãiya« (ICE) . kU¤Jt«. bgh¿Æaš. rÛg¤âš NAAC mik¥ghdJ. bjhÊšrh® ntiythŒ¥ò rh®ªj go¥òfis tH§» tU»wJ. m¤JiwfËš g£l« bgWtj‰fhf nj®ªbjL¡f¥g£l khzt®fŸ gÆ‹W tªjd®. fšÉah©L (#&‹ . j‰bghGJ ïªj ÃWtd« 102 g£lgo¥òfis tH§» tU»wJ. flªj 10 M©Lfhykhf gšfiy¡fHf¤âš f‰ã¥gj‰¡F« MŒî brŒtj‰F« 70 JiwfŸ cŸsd. mJ xUtUila ïašghd âwikiaí«.or«g®) M»a ïUtifahd M©LfËY« khzt® nr®¡if eilbgW»wJ. jFâ 2. 2.20. kJuthÆš tshf« (fs MŒtf«) gšfiy¡fHf«. bjhiyöu¡ fšÉ ÃWtd« r£l« v©. 6. br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf¤â‰F áw¥ò M‰wYil gšfiy¡fHf« (University with Potential for Excellence) v‹w áw¥ò¤ jFâia tH§»aJ. bjhÊšrh® fšÉ . 5.13. mit : ïs§fiy . lh¡l® v«. IªJ e£r¤âu¢ rh‹¿jiH tH§»aJ. ït® nghš 1923 tiu (bgU«ghY« ca®Úâ k‹w¤âÈUªJ) br‹id gšfiy¡fHf¤â‰F Jizntªj®fŸ gFâ neu ntªj®fshf ÃaÄ¡f¥g£ld®.br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf« br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf« 1857. br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf¤njhL ïizªJ ïUªj r£l«. juk tshf«. nr¥gh¡f¤âš Kj‹ik tshf«. »©o tshf«. fiy. mit 17 tif¥gh£oš xU§»iz¡f¥g£LŸsd. bgU»tU« njitia¡ fUâ. uhg®£ »n[hy« v‹gt® 1861š gšfiy¡fHf¤â‹ Kjš f£ol¤ij¡ f£l ÃaÄ¡f¥g£lh®. nr¤J¥g£L tshf« (br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf«) r§f«. KJfiy . jÄœeh£oY« ôÅa‹ ãunjr§fËY« cldo nr®¡if ika§fËš go¥ò ika§fŸ (Study Centre) fÅrkhf m¿É¡f¥g£LŸsd. gšfiy¡fHf¤â‹ Kjš Jizntªjuhf ÃaÄ¡f¥g£lt®. bjhl¡f¤âš gšfiy¡fHf« MdJ. kU¤Jt«. mit. gy KJfiy go¥òfisí«. njáa ju îza mik¥ghd (NAAC) mik¥ghdJ br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf¤â‰F. 4. 2000M« M©oš. mnj M©L gšfiy¡fHf khÂa¡FG. f‰F« M‰wiyí« ts¥gL¤jš v‹w F¿¡nfhis¡ bfh©L mik¡f¥g£lJ. br‹id Úâk‹w¤â‹ K‹dhŸ jiyik Úâgâahd ‘âU. 5 Credits to be earned for the Final Award 8.UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE COURSES CONTENTS Sl. 2. FEE DETAILS Page No. 5. 7. 11.4 Classification of Successful Candidates 7. 2 5 6 8 19 23 24 25 43 47 51 A) Break-up of Fee B) Total Fees .3 Scheme of Examinations (Practical) 7. 3. 12.2 Scheme of Examinations (Theory) 7. 13.1 Structure of Courses 7. 15. 4.Course-wise C) Fee Details . 1. No. 10. Coding Sheet and Address Slip 52 54 56 57 60 69 71 73 80 1 . 16. 6. Particulars Contact Details and Telephone Numbers Courses Offered Eligibility Condition General Information Admission Centres Lateral Admission Undergraduate Degree Course 7.Overseas Students 9. Personal Contact Program .PCP List of Spot Admission Centres and Study Centres Grievance Form and Feedback Form Simulataneous Admission to Certificate & Diploma Courses Examination Details with Examination Form General Information in Tamil Instrucation for filling the Computer Coding Sheet Admission Application form. 14. ideunom. Assistant Professor 25613804 2 www. University Centenary Building Chepauk. Assistant Professor ENGLISH 25613813 25613823 1. Chennai . Sargunavathi. Srinivasan. Website : www.unom. Aruna Devi. R. Mrs. O. Professor 2. Bharathi Harishankar. Dr. Professor MANAGEMENT STUDIES 25613802 25613803 1. Sasikala.600 005. Mathivanan. Dr. R. : 044-25613716 Institute of Distance Education Telegram : OPENLEARN University of Madras Fax : +91-44-25360865 IDE Buildings. B. director@ideunom.) M. Dr.vsnl.600 005.25613727 / 044 . Assistant Professor 25613821 25613810 Panchalan. Mr. Assistant Professor 2. (Mrs. Chennai . Dr.25613730 : 044 . S. Assistant Professor 2. Telephone No. Ravichandran. Dr.25613728 : 044 . Assistant Professor COMPUTER SCIENCE 25613809 1. S. The Additional Controller of Examinations Institute of Distance Education University of Madras IDE Buildings B) CONTACT DETAILS – EXAMINATIONS / CERTIFICATES Telephone No. Professor 2.600 005.1. Dr.) ( FACULTY MEMBERS Phone Numbers TAMIL COMMERCE Phone Numbers 1. V. Mathaiyan. Assistant Professor PSYCHOLOGY 25613805 POLITICAL SCIENCE / PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1. R. : 044-25392231 / 25613704 Fax : +91-44-25393595 Contact Numbers C) ENQUIRY & GRIEVANCE REDRESS : 044 . Chepauk E-mail : ide123@vsnl. Devamaindan. Dr. Chennai .25613729 / 044 . : 044-25368496 The Controller of Examinations Fax : +91-44-25366368 University of Madras E-mail : contexam@md2. M. Assistant Professor 25613801 25613800 1. Thenmozhi. CONTACT DETAILS AND IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBER A) CONTACT DETAILS – COURSES / ADMISSIONS The Director Telephone No. REGISTRAR [UG. REGISTRAR [SC/ST CELL] ASST. ADMISSIONS] ASST. PG. No.IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS (A) OFFICERS Sl./PROF. EXAMINATIONS . No.EXAMINATIONS] Officers’ Designation Phone Numbers 25362715 25368496 25392231 25384746 25393457 25382572 25385539 Phone Numbers 25613701 25399405 25613704 25613702 25613722 25613703 25613713 25613705 25613706 25613707 25613708 25613709 25613793 25613737 25613736 25613714 25613778 25613718 Fax Numbers 91-44-25360865 91-44-25366368 91-44-25393595 91-44-25393368 91-44-25393457 91–44-25385539 (B) ADMINISTRATION SECTIONS Sl. PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER [IDE. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 DIRECTOR CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS ADDL. to DIRECTOR AUDIT SECTION CALL CENTRE CASH COUNTER COMPUTER CENTRE OFFICE COMPUTER CENTRE DATA ROOM DESPATCH SECTION ELIGIBILITY SECTION ENQUIRY FINANCE [CHARGES-A] SECTION FINANCE [CHARGES-B] SECTION FINANCE [ESTT. REGISTRAR [IDE. REGISTRAR [LESSONS] ASST. REGISTRAR [FINANCE] ASST. CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS [IDE] DEPUTY REGISTRAR [FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION] DEPUTY REGISTRAR [ADMISSIONS] ACCOUNTS OFFICER PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER ASST. ADMISSIONS] ASST.C.I] ASST. UG. REGISTRAR [PG. REGISTRAR [IDE. REGISTRAR [GENERAL] ASST. CERTIFICATE] ASST. SECTION SC/ST CELL SERGEANT TELEPHONE EXCHANGE Phone Numbers 25613742 25613740 25613733 25613725 25613738 25613777 25613732 25613775 25613720 25613760 25613791 25613744 25613766 3 . EXAMINATIONS] ASST.II] ASST.A. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NAME OF THE SECTIONS FINANCE [RECEIPT-II] SECTION FINANCE RECONCILATION GENERAL SECTION GRIEVANCE CELL LESSON STORAGE-I SECTION LESSON STORAGE-II SECTION LESSON WRITING SECTION LIBRARY MAIL SECTION P. REGISTRAR [IDE. ] SECTION FINANCE [RECEIPT-I] SECTION Phone Numbers 25613715/73 25613765 25613795/96 25613743 25613819 25613820 25613721 25613768 25613727 to 31 25613745 25613782 25613746 25613741 Sl. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 NAME OF THE SECTIONS P. UG. REGISTRAR [IDE. EXAMINATIONS . .P. V B. Computer Applications 25613772 05 B. Tamil Literature B.A. DIPLOMA COURSES CERTIFICATE SECTION DESPATCH SECTION 02 E1-B B. 01 P. Vaishnavism. Christian Studies.A. Vaishnavism. Economics. Urdu. E5 E6 B. Psychology. 03 E2 25613712 25613779 25613717 4 . 09 Counselling Psychology. ADMISSION . 25613748 Phone Numbers UG.L. Co-operation B. B.T. Criminology and Police Administration. Public Administration. English. Hindi.I M.. 25613761 Counselling Psychology.Music Music UG.Com. Public Administration.Music 10 M. Information Technology [I.Com. ADMISSION .G. Library and Information Science 25613762 CERTIFICATE COURSES DIPLOMA COURSES P.III B. Mathematics.Sc. 25613726 B.C. Mathematics. ADMISSION . ADMISSION . Economics.) 25613770 06 06 25613755 PG.S.B. M.II B. English.A. Public Administration. .Sc. Medical Sociology. Urdu. Mathematics.Sc. . 25613849 Christian Studies. Tamil..III M. COURSES.Com. 06 Medical Sociology. B. ArabicHistorical Studies. COURSES STUDY CENTRES ADMISSION SECTION Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Professional Courses Certificate and Diploma Courses 07 SPOT ADMISSION CENTRES SECTION Undergraduate Courses Postgraduate Courses Professional Courses Certificate and Diploma Courses 07 25613756 25613757 (D) EXAMINATION SECTIONS Sl.Com.Music Tamil.Sc. Sociology.I B. CERTIFICATE COURSES..(C) ADMISSION SECTIONS Sl. Visual Communication 25613752 Hotel & Catering Management.V M. Modern Arabic.L.Sc.Lit. 25613723 05 Christian Studies. Historical Studies.IV M. Tamil. B. Sociology.I. 08 Modern.] Phone Numbers 25613735 25613734 25613711 25613753 Tamil. No.Com. Business Administration B. Geography. [I.A. and B.A.T. B. Corporate Secretaryship UG. Information Security PG. DIPLOMA COURSES M. Computer Applications E4-B B.ADMISSION SECTIONS PG. B. ADMISSION .A. Business Administration 02 25613751 03 25613750 04 25613759 04 25613763 05 UG. Psychology.Lit. M.Com. DIPLOMA COURSES.A. COURSES M. Computer Applications PG.Lit.Com.Sc.Phil. No. English. Human Rights and Duties Education.A.I. Bank Management M. Urdu.C. 01 U. 01 E1-A EXAMINATION SECTIONS B. Commerce B. Psychology.Com.L. ADMISSION . Phone Numbers Sl. Commerce 02 PG. Political Science. B. Co-operation. Mathematics.B.A. No. Geography.I. Corporate Secretaryship. Economics. B. Economics.C. Historical Studies. M. 25613710 Vaishnavism.Sc.A.A. Medical Sociology.]. Geography. Psychology.I. B. Political Science.A..Music Music 03 PG.II M. Christian Studies.Phil.A. M.B. M. Geography. Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences UG. Commerce B. Vaishnavism.A. Hindi.Com. ADMISSION . ADMISSION . 04 Public Administration.M. M. Criminology and Police Administration. Historical Studies.A. 07 B.Music.Sc. M.B.IV B.ADMISSION SECTIONS Phone Numbers Sl.B.G. M. ADMISSION . English.Nat. E3 EXAMINATION SECTIONS M. B.VI (Combined with OUS Section) B. Apparel & Fashion Design BMM Bachelor of Multimedia-Animation OUS SECTION (Candidates admitted upto 2006-2007 for the courses offered under Open University System) (B..Com.S.B. No.Com. Urdu..A..G.C. Library and Information Science M. PG. B.S. Human Rights and Duties Education.S.. E4-A B. ADMISSION .L. Computer Applications B. ADMISSION .. Medical Sociology. B. 12. 25. 3. B. B. B.B. 13.Sc. Nadagam) Public Administration Tamil Urdu Vaishnavism Bank Management Computer Applications Corporate Secretaryship General Tamil Literature Apparel and Fashion Design Geography Hotel and Catering Management Mathematics Medical Sociology Psychology Visual Communication Bachelor of Multimedia .Sc.Animation Music Business Administration Computer Applications 5 Medium of Instruction English & Tamil English & Tamil English & Tamil English English & Tamil English English & Tamil English & Tamil Tamil Urdu English & Tamil English & Tamil English & Tamil English & Tamil English & Tamil Tamil English English & Tamil English English & Tamil English English & Tamil English English English & Tamil English & Tamil English & Tamil . B. B. B.Sc. B. 27.Com.A. Courses Christian Studies Criminology and Police Administration Economics English Historical Studies Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (Non Clinical) Performing Arts (Muttamizh.Music B. COURSES OFFERED Sl.No. 17. 18. 22.A.Sc. B.A. B.A. 8. B.Com. Isai. B. 15.Sc. B.Com.A.A. 21. 14. 7.A.Lit. 11.2. BMM B. 1. B. 24. 2.A. 5. B.Sc.A.Nat. 9. 23. 4. B. 6. B. B. B. B. 26.Com. 10. B. 19. 20. B. B.Sc. Iyal.A. 16.A.A. B.C. REGULATIONS ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSIONS THREE YEAR DEGREE COURSES Admission to the First Year B. 6 . (8) Intermediate Examination [2 years] of Andhra Pradesh.Com.A. (6) (7) Those who have passed the Plus Two examinations of the National Open School. / B. University of Madras. / B.A. provided that they have been declared to have attained the pass standard in the examinations in not less than 5 subjects of which ENGLISH shall be one.A. (4) The Senior School Certificate Examination [XII Standard] conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education held in 1979 or thereafter provided that they have been declared to have passed the examinations in not less then 5 subjects of which ENGLISH shall be one. University of Madras. (5) The Indian School Certificate Examination [12 Years] conducted by the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination held in 1977 or thereafter. (2) The Higher Secondary Examination [Academic or Vocational Stream] conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu [or] other States [or] Union Territories [or] an Examination accepted as equivalent thereof by the authorities.B. / B. [X Standard] and Higher Secondary Examination (+2) or any other equilavent Examination as prescribed in the Prospectus for joining the First Year of Degree Course.3.L. Degree Courses is open to candidates who have passed any one of the following Examinations : (1) The Pre-University Examination conducted previously by the University of Madras or any other University accepted as equivalent thereof by the authorities. (3) There should be a minimum gap of two clear years between the date of appearance in the examination in which the candidate has passed the S. / B.C. Pre-Degree Examination [2 Years] of Kerala and Pre-University Examination [2 Years] of Karnataka under the 10+2 pattern.C.Nat. (9) Candidates who have successfully completed 12 or 13 years of education in any State in India or Abroad under 11+1 or 10+2 or 11+2 pattern. subject to approval by the authorities of this University. Chennai. New Delhi. / B.Music.Lit. / B. Pre-Technical Examination previously conducted after 11 years of study by the State Board of Technical Education and Training.Sc.S. / B. C. otherwise they should study a language and English paper in the Second year B. [Commerce] Degree Course of this University. University of Madras are eligible for lateral admission to the Second Year B. (14) Candidates holding ‘Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering (or) Diploma in Computer Technology.C.E.(10) Candidates who have Passed Two Years Foundation Course Examination (as equivalent to 12th Std) of Annamalai and Madurai Kamaraj Universities after passing 10th Std and Prefoundation course examination (as equivalent to 10th Std) conducted by the Annamalai and Madurai Kamaraj Universities.Com degree course. (12) Candidates who have passed the (16) Candidates who have already undergone their First Year and Second Year Undergraduate Degree Courses and passed or discontinued their studies through the Institute of Distance Education. [Advanced Level / Principal Level] with not less than 3 subjects in the ‘A’ Level with ENGLISH in the ‘O’ Level / SUBSIDIARY 7 . otherwise they should study a language and English paper in the Second year B. Degree Course of this University. Chennai. Government of Tamil Nadu or any other Diploma as equivalent thereto provided that they satisfy the eligibility conditions prescribed in the regulations are eligible for lateral admission to the Second Year B. provided they studied the Language and English paper at the Diploma level. provided they studied the language and English paper at the Diploma level.ideunom. (11) Candidates who have successfully passed the Three Year Diploma Examinations conducted by the State Board of Technical Education and Training.A.Music Degree Course of this University subject to the conditions that they should appear and pass all the papers from First Year onwards as prescribed in the regulations to successfully qualify the B. Chennai. Government of Tamil Nadu or any other Diploma as equivalent thereto provided that they satisfy the eligibility conditions prescribed in the regulations are eligible for lateral admission to the Second Year B. Diploma in Information Technoloty (IT) Electrical and Electronics Engineering (or) Diploma in Computer Hardware Maintenance. For details.C.A. Chennai after passing 10th Standard Examination.Music Degree Course. please visit our Website : www. Electronics and Communication Engineering Certificate’ [Three Year Course] of the Directorate of Technical Education and Training. (15) Candidates who have successfully completed 10th Standard and Three Year Diploma Course in Music recognised by the authorities. degree course. University of Madras [or] through the Colleges affiliated to the University of Madras including Autonomous Colleges under the purview of this University [or] through the Colleges affiliated to other Universities including Autonomous Colleges under the purview of the Universities concerned recognised by UGC/AIU are eligible for lateral admission to the Second Year and Third Year Degree Courses respectively for the courses offered by the IDE subject to approval by the authorities of this University.Com. (13) Candidates holding ‘Diploma in Commercial Practice Certificate’ or Modern office practice [Three Year Course] of the Directorate of Technical Education & Training. (ii) Preserve the Prospectus till the completion of the course as it contains all the information relating the course including formats of the examination application and fee payment challan. University of Madras”. University of Madras. IDE. registration fee paid challan endorsed by the Designated Banks . 5. They are cautioned that admission secured from unauthorised centres / agencies will not be entertained and University will not be held resonsible for the same. (i) Before filling in the application read the Prospectus carefully. 100/-. 6. The Applicant has to detach and fill in the following : (i) Application Form. 7. payable at Chennai for Rs. The following original Certificates/Documents with one set of xerox copies attested by competent authority should be sent along with the application form for admission to Undergraduate Degree Courses : 8 . The Applicant has to state clearly the Degree Course and Subject which he/she wants to study. 2. Admission across the counters will be made for those who come to the Single Window Admission Centre at IDE Campus / Spot Admission Centres / Study Centres in person along with the required original documents / certificates. The Application must be accompanied by All the Original Certificates as mentioned in the Prospectus and the Registration Fee of Rs. Students are advised not to have any dealing with any other unauthorised Institutions/ Agencies pertaining to admission to any of the courses offered by this Institute.4.100/3. Candidate seeking admission in the Study Centre / Participatory Programme Centres and other Centres to Provide the Original certificate in the concerued centre where they seek for admission. Admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right and the Institute reserves the right of admission.Indian Bank / IOB or a demand draft in favour of “The Director. GENERAL INFORMATION ATTENTION Students can seek admission only at Single Window Admission Centre / Spot Admission Centres / Study Centres / Participatory Programme Centres listed in the prospectus / University Website. 1. (ii) Computer Coding Sheet and (iii) Address Slip. 4. All the courses of the Institute are offered to the residents of India and also to foreign countries as per the discretion of the authorities. The application form duly filled-in and signed by the candidate along with all the original certificates mentioned above (a.(a) (b) Transfer Certificate from the Head of the Institution where the applicant last studied. Statement of Marks of the Qualifying examination. New Delhi . (g) All the original certificates should be attached at the top left corner of the application form with a tag or string to prevent them from getting lost. If the certificates are in a language other than ENGLISH / TAMIL. (h) Candidates are advised to take sufficient number of attested copies of their original certificates before sending them to the Institute. Chennai . such candidates should submit an “Equivalence Certificate” issued by the Association of Indian Universities (Address : Secretary Association of Indian Universities.600 005” be submitted to the concern Co-ordinators in case of Candidates seeking admission through Spot Admission Centres / Study Centres / Participating 9 . IDE. 8. as they are not eligible for admission. (iii) One on the reverse side of the Coding Sheet. an authenticated translation in English duly attested by a Gazetted Officer should be sent along with the original certificates.Assistant Registrar of the University of Madras with Seal] (ii) One on the Address Slip. University of means of challan paid through the designated Banks or by means of Demand Draft in favour of “The Director. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination should enclose all the original statements of marks right from their secondary school education along with the application form. (e) Candidates who have passed their qualifying examination from abroad. (j) Photographs to be affixed : (i) One on the Application Form [Attested by a Gazetted Officer / Faculty / Deputy . Kotla Marg.) (f) Candidates who have not undergone and passed the qualifying examinations under 10 + 2 or 11 + 1 or 10 + 3 pattern or who have passed under Open University system of this University / other recognised Universities need not apply. (c) (d) Provisional Pass Certificate / Diploma Certificate of the Qualifying examination. (i) Failure to submit any one or more of the above certificates / documents may entail rejection of their applications. together with Registration Fee of Rs.c) for admission to Undergraduate Courses.100/. 16.b.110 002. Institutions. MODE FOR PAYMENT OF FEES Students can make their payments with the Banks designated by the Institute of Distance Education. and return the IDE Copy and Student Copy to the student. 13. IDE Copy and Student Copy. 10 . A Course Completion Certificate in lieu of Transfer Certificate will be issued by the Institute either on completion of the course or on discontinuance of the course. IDE. The challan has three identical parts. 10. However. University of Madras” payable at Chennai. Viz. Students seeking admission through Single Window Admission centres at the Institute of Distance Education at Chepauk should submit the Application through the Counters. The student copy should be preserved carefully by the student as a proof of payment. The Registration Fee paid by means of designated BANK challan or Demand Draft towards admission for the above courses will not be refunded under any circumstances. The IDE copy of the BANK Challan should be submitted to the Concern Centres where they seek Admissions. All the columns in the application form should be filled in very carefully and incomplete application forms will summarily be (Subject to verification of payment of prescribed fee) 14. Admission to candidates who have qualified from other Universities/Bodies will be considered only on the condition that their previous qualifications are recognised by this University. In places where there is no facility for the payment of fees through the designated Banks. Bank Copy. University of Madras without any additional charge. 11. The BANK will retain Bank Copy. 12. Online Fee Payment System : Students can also remit their Registration Fee & Tuition Fee through Online Payment Gateway System provided in the Website: www. Candidates pursuing any other course of study at this Institute are eligible for admission to one additional course at the Certificate Level offered by this Institute. The Photocopy of the statement of marks of the qualifying examination accompanying the application form must be attested by a Gazetted Officer and also by the concerned Co-ordinator of the Spot Admission Centres / Study Centres / Participatory Institutions. action will be taken to recognise the examination of a recognised University provided the syllabus of the qualifying examination is produced by the candidate. subject to approval by the authorities of this University. 15. students may make the payment by means of Demand Draft obtained from any of the Nationalized/Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “The Director. The particulars required in the challan should be filled in by the Candidates without leaving any column blank.ideunom. Fees once remitted will not be refunded or adjusted in any manner under any circumstances.09. Hence. the syllabi and the self learning materials will be sent to the candidates. Students admitted through the Study Centres / Spot Admission Centres are advised to submit the payment challan endorsed by the designated Banks for onward transmission to the Director and required to collect the learning materials from the concern Study Centres / Spot Admission Centres. 19. etc. The enrolment of the defaulters will automatically stand cancelled. 2014 (For Academic Year Admissions) FEBRUARY 16. YEAR LAST DATE SECOND YEAR THIRD YEAR JULY 25. They may. under any circumstances. IDE. The students are strictly instructed to use separate BANK challans to pay the Tuition Fee and Examination Fee and be sent to the Director. Those who are not able to receive at the centres may request the Director for the same.16. 2015 (For Calendar Year Admissions) JULY 24. 17. 2015 (For Academic Year Admissions) FEBRUARY 26. The fee paid challan endorsed by the designated BANKS may also be presented to the Co-ordinator. However. 500/. candidates are advised to retain this Prospectus till the completion of the course for guidance and make remittances within the specified due dates on their own. Spot Admission Centres / Study Centres for onward transmission to the Director.2013 THE LAST DATES FOR THE RECEIPT OF THE TUITION FEE IS GIVEN BELOW. No extension of time will be given. For payment of subsequent tuition fees and other fees for second and third year. no separate intimation will be sent to the candidates admitted. be readmitted to the same course on payment of Rs. IDE. Learning materials will be supplied at the Single window admission centre at IDE / Study Centres / Spot Admission Centres. Hence they are advised to get them from the book-sellers. in separate envelopes. for payment of fee..subject to approval by the authorities. Candidates are not permitted to remit the fees in instalments. The Institute is not responsible for any delay in sending the learning materials or statement of marks. Students can use the Fee Payment challan supplied with this Prospectus. They are requested not to pay both examination and tuition fees together. 2016 (For Calendar Year Admissions) 11 . 18. LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF FILLED-IN APPLICATION FORM FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2013-2014 30. The Tuition Fee and other fees for the First Year should be paid only after receiving the intimation letter of provisional admission. if the examination and tuition fees are paid together. however. Prescribed text books for reference will not be supplied to the candidates by the Institute of Distance Education. (Corporate Secretaryship) / B.Lit.Sc.A..B.100/.A. / B. (ii) (iii) (2) Two attested xerox copies of the above statement of marks. Students who seek such exemption should submit their requisition together with the following documents and fees : (i) Original statement of marks in respect of the Foundation Courses or Part or Parts already passed by them as a whole. They will not be eligible for classification. (Corporate Secretaryship) / B.C.Com.20.A. in the same faculty./ B.Sc.Com. / B.Lit. / B. Students who have completed successfully the First / Second Year of studies in B. EXEMPTION AND CONTINUATION OF STUDY (1) Candidates who have already passed Foundation Courses or Part I/II subjects as a whole in the B. Music / B. / B. Degree Examinations of the University of Madras and the Universities approved by the University Grants Commission [UGC] and Association of Indian Universities [AIU] will be exempted from appearing for the Foundation Course (Paper I or II) as the case may be subject to the approval by the University.Com. (Computer Applications) / B. and the Colleges affiliated to other Universities approved by the University Grants Commission [UGC] and Association of Indian Universities [AIU] are considered for admission to the Second / Third Year of the Undergraduate Courses.Com.Music / B. after passing the papers prescribed for the First/Second Year Courses.towards exemption fee.A.Com. (General Commerce) / B.C.(General Commerce) / B. / B.A. First / Second Year statement of marks in original. / B. along with authenticated syllabus prescribed by the Autonomous Colleges / other Universities for scrutiny and to consider for exemption of papers by the authority of this University. (Computer Applications) B. subject to approval by the University authorities. (Bank Management) / B. Payment challan endorsed by the designated Banks for Rs. (Bank Management) / B. These candidates should send along with their application. / B. Degree Courses.Com. in the Colleges affiliated to the University of Madras under the regulations in force from 1983-84.B.A.A. in this Institute. in the Colleges affiliated to the University of Madras and the Colleges affiliated to other Universities approved by the University 12 . (3) Candidates who have discontinued B.Sc.Com.Com. and authenticated syllabus prescribed by the Institution / University concerned. / B. either under the old Non-Semester Pattern or under the Semester Pattern. They will not be eligible for classification. in this Institute. otherwise they should study a language Paper and English Paper in the Second year B. (5) Dyslexia students admitted to the three year Undergraduate Degree courses of this University shall be exempted from the study and examinations of the Language (i. Government of Tamil Nadu or any other Diploma as equivalent thereon after passing the 10th Std / 12th Std are eligible for admission to the Second Year of the B. 12th Std provided that they satisfy the eligibility conditions prescribed in the regulations. are eligible for admission to the Second Year B. if they pass the other examinations prescribed for the degree.C. (d) Amanuensis for all UG degree courses provide the request shall be duly certified by the Medical Board of the Government Hospital / General Hospital / District . (c) Leniency in overlooking spelling mistakes. (4) Deaf & Dumb and mentally challenged candidates admitted to the three year Undergraduate Degree Courses of this University shall be exempted from the study and examinations of the Language [i.Grants Commission [UGC] and Association of Indian Universities [AIU] are considered for admission to the Second/Third Year of the Undergraduate Courses in the same faculty concerned. These candidates also should send the required original documents mentioned above.] either Tamil or any other Language or English under the Foundation Courses and shall be declared qualified for the degree. after passing the 10th. under the current regulations.e.) (a) either Tamil or any other language under the Foundation courses and shall be declared qualified for the degree if they pan the other examinations prescribed for the degree.e.A.quarters Hospitals and they shall be declared qualified for the Degree if they pass the other examinations prescribed for the Degree.Com. Degree course at this Institute provided they studied the language and English paper at the Diploma level. (6) Candidates who have passed the Diploma in Commercial Practice or Modern office Examination conducted by the State Board of Technical Education and Training. Degree 13 . (7) Candidates holding ‘Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering [or] Electrical and Electronics Engineering [or] Electronics and Communication Engineering Certificate’ [Three Year Course] of the Directorate of Technical Education and Training. Chennai. (b) they shall be allowed extra one hour time in the examinations. subject to approval by the University authorities. Government of Tamil Nadu or any other Diploma as equivalent degree course with effect from the academic year 2005-06 and thereafter. 23.750/. degree course with effect from the academic year 2005-06 and thereafter. but in special cases change may be permitted within one month from the date of admission on payment of the prescribed fee of Rs.or such fee as may be in force from time to time towards condoning the break in study and for permission to rejoin the course. if any. Legal dispute. Only after receiving the entire fees. Visually and other physically challenged applicants are advised not to apply for the Practical oriented M. 14 .. Degree Courses. Otherwise.Music Degree Course of this University subject to the condition that they should appear and pass all the papers from First Year onwards as prescribed in the regulations to successfully qualify for the B. 22.500/.A. his/her Course Completion Certificate will be issued. change of subject or medium of instruction will not be allowed. relating to Admission / Examinations of IDE. Normally. before 31st May of every year. (8) Candidates who have successfully completed 10th Standard and Three Year Diploma Course in Music recognised by the University of Madras are eligible for admission to Second Year B. CHANGE OF COURSE OR MEDIUM Candidates are advised to make a firm choice of the course of study they wish to pursue and the medium of instruction before sending the application for admission. 21. INCASE OF DISCONTINUANCE OF STUDY Students who want to discontinue their courses after the completion of first year should inform the Director. if he/she wants to join in the second year course. full fees will be collected for the subsequent years.subject to approval by the authorities.towards transfer fee in addition to condonation fee.C. IDE.Sc. 500/.Course at this University provided they studied the language and English paper at the Diploma level. will be subject to Chennai Jurisdiction only. otherwise they should study a language and English paper in the Second year B. CONDONATION OF BREAK IN STUDIES Candidates who have discontinued courses from Colleges or from this Institute and who seek admission in this Institute in the Second Year of the course should pay a sum of Rs.Music Degree Course. Candidates from other Universities should pay Rs. Sc. B. These learning materials will guide the students in effective learning. (2) For the students of B. practical classes will be conducted at Ambur. Apparel and Fashion Design. For B. Puducherry. Students are advised to attend the classes in their own interest for effective learning. (3) The Personal Contact Programme classes will be arranged for the benefit of the students in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry and at the Study Centres in India. B. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION (1) The method of instruction is (a) mailing or distributing learning materials periodically to the students enrolled and (b) personal contact programme. Tiruchirapalli. he/she is not eligible for appearing for the University Examinations (Theory and Practical). The Table gives the list of courses for which contact classes are conducted. However. Visual Communication.A. The learning materials can be collected by the students or his/her representative personally from the Institute / Study Centres / Spot Admission Centres on production of the student’s copy of the payment challan endorsed by the designated BANK. It also gives the duration.C. This programme is meant for classroom lectures on important topics and clearing the doubts of the students. They will be charged a re-do fee for their appearance and the details will be sent to the students on request. if a student does not attend the compulsory contact programme. and B.Animination practical classes will be conducted in the Institute at Chennai.Sc.A. Computer Applications students. Chennai. Geography / Psychology students who do not secure attendance at the compulsory practical classes will not be permitted that year for the practical examination. BMM Bachelor of Multimedia . Salem. B. Vellore and at all the Study Centres.Com. Hotel and Catering Management. a set of learning materials will be sent to the students periodically. If candidates appear for the University Examinations (Theory and Practical) without adequate attendance in the compulsory personal contact programme.C. the nature (whether optional or compulsory) and details of centres.Sc. For each paper of study. In courses where attendance is made compulsory.Music. and B. Coimbatore.24. such candidates can appear for the practicals in the subsequent years after fulfilling the attendance requirements. B. they do it at their own risk and it leads to cancellation of their appearance in the Examinations.Sc. 15 .Com. Madurai. Attendance for B. Computer Applications theory and other practical classes is compulsory. If the original card is lost. They should note that the examination Hall Tickets will be issued by the Chief Superintendent of the Examination Centres.(4) The venue and dates of PCP Classes will be intimated separately. Candidates are advised to make necessary arrangements in the post office for their mail to be redirected to their new address in the event of a despatch being sent before the change is effected. the card shall become invalid for the year / years yet to be completed. The arrear candidates can use the Identity Card for obtaining Hall Tickets even though the duration of the course of study is over. 28. Letters received without the enrolment number will not be entertained. IDENTITY CARD Identity Card will be issued after the receipt of First Year tuition fee. Write the address in capital letters and use ball pen only. CHANGE OF ADDRESS All communications and learning materials in the case of those who opt to receive by post. The enrolment number will hold good for the entire duration of the course of study. Any change in the address should be intimated to the Institute. 27. ENROLMENT NUMBER Enrolment Numbers will be assigned to candidates on admission. Candidates are instructed to preserve their identity cards. In communications addressed to the Institute. 25. a duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs. 26. 16 . only on production of the identity card. Spot Admission Centres and the Study Centres immediately with the enrolment number. will be sent to the candidates to the address given in the application form. The admission intimation. original certificates and learning materials will be sent to the address furnished in the Address Slip only. In the event of a student discontinuing a course. ADDRESS SLIP The applicants for admission are required to furnish their address in each of the six slots provided for the purpose on a separate sheet attached to the application form. this number should be stated. The Identity Card will be valid till the completion of the course. 100/.through the designated Bank Challan and the payment endorsed Bank Challan is to be sent for this purpose together with a passport size photograph. The Enrolment Number is a twelve digit unique code (alpha-numeric). The first two digits indicate the year of admission. The third, fourth and the fifth the centre, the sixth, seventh and the eighth the subject and last four the actual enrolment number. 29. SCHOLARSHIP i) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates who pursue their studies through this Institute are eligible for reimbursement of the fees. They are also eligible for an annual allowance of Rs.500/towards purchase of essential/prescribed books. The details in this connection can be obtained from the Director / SC / ST Special Cell, Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras, Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005. ii) The eligible SC/ST students are directed to submit the SC/ST scholarship form during their study at IDE only and it will be accepted after the period of study at IDE on any circumstances. iii) Visually impaired or otherwise physically challenged candidates, can avail themselves of the State Government Scholarship for the Disabled. The prescribed form may be obtained from the District Rehabilitation Officer in the districts concerned for reimbursement of non-refundable fees. 30. FEE CONCESSION The Institute of Distance Education, University of Madras offers the following fee concessions: A. Fee concessions to differently-abled candidates / Prisoners (a) Differently-abled candidates with atleast 40% physical disability and who are in possession of national identity card for disability issued by the competent authorities can pursue distance education programmes offered by the University of Madras with full exemption of tuition fees and special fees. (b) Prisoners of Tamil Nadu will be considered for exemption of tuition fees provided they submit their appliction for admission with a ‘No Objection Certificate’ issued by the competent authority. 17 B. Concessions for pursuing additional certificate / diploma course (a) Undergraduate students on roll of the IDE can do one certificate course (EXCEPT French, German and Sanskrit) with full waiver of tuition fee. (b) Post-graduate students on roll of the IDE can do one certificate / diploma course with full waiver of tuition fee. 31. CANDIDATES WITH ARREARS Students with arrears, after the completion of the duration of the course of study, have to seek and obtain on their own initiative, with a requisition letter and with self-addressed envelope, the particulars of change of syllabus, provision for completion of course, practical classes, practical examinations, Examination Application forms, from the Director, IDE, University of Madras. The Co-ordinators of PCP / Spot Admission / Study Centres may also provide the above particulars. In all the communications to the Institute, these candidates should quote the Enrolment Number and address. 32. PROVISIONAL DEGREE CERTIFICATE Provisional Certificate will be issued to those who have qualified for the degree after the publication of results. For obtaining Provisional Certificate and Degree/Diploma, a Fee of Rs.300/- or such fees as may be in force from time to time, should be paid along with the Final Year Examination Fee. Prescribed forms for obtaining Provisional Certificate and Degree/Diploma are also available with the Institute, and at the PCP Centres/Spot Admission Centres/Study Centres and can also be downloaded from the Website ( 33. The University has the right to cancel / suspend any course/s mentioned in the Prospectus for various administrative reasons. 34. Please visit our website periodically for any updates given in the prospectus. It is the responsibility of the Student to visit the Website on Regular Basis. 35. 36. No conduct certificate will be issued to any student of this Institute. Students are requested to furnish their Mobile Number in the Admission Application Form / Examination Form, for any further queries / clarification. The furnished number will be treated as REGISTER MOBILE NUMBER (RMN) and this is a value added / optional service offered to the Students of IDE. 18 5. ADMISSION CENTRES (i) ADMISSION THROUGH SINGLE WINDOW ADMISSION CENTRE (AT THE INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION CAMPUS, Chennai) With a view to simplify the admission procedure, for the distance education students, University of Madras has opened a Single Window Admission Centre located at the IDE building at Chepauk Campus, Chennai. Located in a spacious hall, the Single Window Admission Centre ensures admission across the counters. Students seeking admission at IDE Campus of the University at Chennai can make use of this Centre. Students using the Single Window Admission Centre should go through the following instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Collect the Application-cum-Prospectus from the Prospectus Sales Counter on payment in cash. Pay the registration fee at the “Registration Fee Payment Counter” available at one of the counters.. Submit the filled-in application form to admission front desk and collect the token and wait for their turn. Candidates seeking admission to Under-Graduate degree courses should submit the Higher Secondary Certificate or Diploma Certificate of the qualifying Diploma and also the transfer certificate from the Institution last studied, along with 10th standard Certificate in original. 5. The application form and other certificates should be arranged in the following order: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Registration fee payment receipt Filled-in application form + Filled-in address slip Xerox copies of the Certificates Filled-in Computer Coding Sheet If the certificates are in a language other than English / Tamil an authenticated translation in English duly attested by a Gazette Officer. 6. The xerox copies of the Certificates will be verified with the originals and the original certificates will be returned along with the provisional admission intimation letter. 7. After obtaining the provisional admission letter, the students can remit the specified fees at the Bank Counter available at the Centre. Payment may also be made at the Indian Overseas Bank or Indian Bank branches within the University Campus or any other Branches. After remitting the fees, the students can collect the study materials and ID card from the respective counters. 8. Working Hours: The Single Window Admission Centre functions on all days including Saturdays and Sundays except holidays declared by the Government of Tamil Nadu. The Centre is open from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on week days and between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. 19 the Institute of Distance Education. (Ref. On receipt of enrolment number the students can pay the requisite fees and collect the study materials. The Identity card will be sent directly to the students from the Institute of Distance Education. (Please refer page Nos. Pg. To facilitate the admission of students in various areas all over Tamil Nadu. 5. The PCP classes both theory and practical for the students admitted under academic year stream through IDE Single Window Admission at Chennai & Spot Admission centres within Tamil Nadu will be conducted by the University in various PCP centres. (ii) ADMISSION THROUGH SPOT ADMISSION CENTRES (WITHIN TAMIL NADU) 1. No. 5. Students can submit the filled-in application along with Registration fee and required documents / certificates as per eligibility criteria for seeking admission. The PCP classes both theory and practical for the students admitted under academic year stream through IDE Single Window Admission at Chennai & Spot Admission centres within Tamil Nadu will be conducted by the University in various PCP centres. Students can collect the Prospectus cum Application forms by payment of cash from the Co-ordinator of any of the approved Spot Admission Centres. 6 & 7 and for documents / certificates to be submitted refer Page. 3. 8) 4. 7. The PCP Theory & Practical classes and examinations for the Students those admitted under Calendar year stream through Single Window admission at Chennai & Spot Admission Centres within Tamilnadu will be conducted only in Chennai. 52 .55 Fee Particulars . University of Madras has established Spot Admission Centres all over Tamil Nadu. (Ref. Pg.9. 60 & 61) 2. No. The PCP Theory & Practical classes and examinations for the Students those admitted under Calendar year stream through Single Window admission at Chennai & Spot Admission Centres within Tamilnadu will be conducted only in Chennai.59) 9. 57 . 20 . No. The Second year learning materials can be collected by the students at the Spot Admission Centres on production of the student copy of payment challan endorsed by the designated Bank.Course-wise. 57 to 59) 10. Eligible students will be given admission and enrolment number will be assigned to them immediately by the Spot Admission Centres. University of Madras after confirming the eligibility criteria. 8.) 6. (For eligibility Criteria refer Page No. (For list of Spot Admission Centres refer page No. The filled-in application forms along with the Registration fees will be forwarded by the Study Centre to the Institute of Distance Education. 5. WITHIN INDIA the students can pay the requisite fees in a Single Demand Draft drawn in favour of the “Director. University of Madras payable at Chennai and the other in favour of the Co-ordinator of the concerned Study centre and submit the same to the Study centres. (Please refer to page Nos. The students can collect the Identity card and study materials from the concerned Study centres.Course-wise. 52 & 55 Fee particulars . 6 & 7 and for documents / certificates to be submitted refer Page. the students can pay the requisite fees in two Demand Draft . 62 . To facilitate the admission of students in various areas all over Tamil Nadu as well as other states. University of Madras has established Study Centres for admission all over Tamil Nadu including centres in abroad. Applications received by post directly from the candidates of other States will automatically be linked with the IDE Study Centre of the State Concerned. University of Madras payable at Chennai or through triplicate challan of designated banks to the study centres. The Demand Draft / Fee Challan shall be forewarded by the Study Centres to the Institute of Distance Education. 8) 4. University of Madras and on receipt of the same. 3. Institute of Distance Education. Eligible students will be given admission in the Institute of Distance Education. 8. (Please refer to page Nos. (i) On receipt of the Provisional Admission Intimation along with enrolment number through the Study centres.67) 2. Students can collect the Prospectus cum Application form by payment of cash from the Co-ordinator of any of the approved Study Centres.Course-wise.) 7. University of Madras and Provisional Admission Intimation with Enrolment Number will be assigned by the University and will be sent to the concerned study centres 6. No. University of Madras for verification of eligibility criteria and for further processing of admission. the Institute of Distance Education. Students Identity Card and Study materials will be sent to the concerned study centre. (For eligibility Criteria refer Page No. 9. (For list of Study Admission Centre refer page No.(iii) ADMISSION THROUGH STUDY CENTRES (WITHIN AND OUTSIDE TAMIL NADU INCLUDING CENTRES AT ABROAD) 1. Institute of Distance Education. 21 . 56 Fee particulars .) (ii) On receipt of the Provisional Admission Intimation along with enrolment number through the Study centres OUTSIDE INDIA. Students can submit the filled-in application along with Registration fee and required documents / certificates as per eligibility criteria for seeking drawn in favour of the “Director. 22 2. 8. University of Madras and on receipt of the same. Eligible students will be given admission and Provisional Admission Intimation with Enrolment Number assigned will be sent to the Participatory Institutions. On receipt of the Provisional Admission Intimation along with enrolment number through the Participatory Institutions the students can pay the requisite fees in a Single Demand Draft drawn in favour of the “Director.10. 5. No. The students can collect the Identity card and study materials from the concerned participatory Instituions. will be linked with the nearby IDE Study Centre of the other state and candidates should undergo the courses offered by this Institute through such allotted IDE Study Centre only.) The Demand Draft / Fee Challan shall be forwarded by the Institute of Distance Education. . Identity Card and Study materials will be sent to the participatory Institution. University of Madras as regular week end programmes through Participatory Institutions (Campus Learning Centres) can refer page No. The PCP classes for the students admitted through approved Study Centres (Within & Outside Tamil Nadu and Outside India) will be arranged and conducted by the concerned Study Centres. (Please refer to page Nos. 12. Students can collect the Prospectus cum Application form by payment of cash from the concerned participatory Institutions. (For eligibility Criteria refer Page No. 52 . University of madras payable at Chennai or through triplicate challan of designated banks to the Participatory Insitution. 10. 9.54 Fee particulars . 6 & 7 and for documents / certificates to be submitted refer Page. 8) The filled-in applications along with the Registration fees will be forwarded by the Participatory Institution to the Institute of Distance Education. Application received by post directly from the candidates of other States where there is no study centre of this Institute. 67 & 68 for the list of Participatory Institutions and Participatory Online Institutions. 6. (iv) ADMISSION THROUGH PARTICIPATORY INSTITUTIONS (CAMPUS LEARNING CENTRES) 1. University of Madras for verification of eligibility criteria and for further processing of admission. The Students who are willing to undergo the Courses of the Institute of Distance Education. Institute of Distance Education. 4. 3. 7. 11. The PCP classes for the students admitted through approved Participatory Institutions will be arranged and conducted by the concerned Participatory Institutions. It is the sole responsibility of the Concerned Participating Institutions to arrange and conduct the PCP Classes for their Students. Students can submit the filled-in application along with Registration fee and required documents / certificates as per eligibility criteria for seeking admission.Course-wise. It is the sole responsibility of the Concerned Study Centres to arrange and conduct the PCP Classes for their Students. Format for UG Lateral admission Copy of Syllabus duly attested Students who have undergone the first / second year Undergraduate course in institutions abroad must submit along with the application an EQUIVALENCE CERTIFICATE obtained from the Association of Indian Universities (AIU). can seek lateral admission to the Second / Third Year Undergraduate degree course of study in the respective subject concerned. The following Certificates (Original) must be enclosed without fail : 1. Association of Indian Universities. the decision regarding exemption will be communicated to the student individually. 6. 16. Undergraduate Degree First / Second Year Statement of Marks. One complete set of attested xerox copies of the above.) Students applying for lateral admission must enclose the Transfer Certificate or Course Completion Certificate issued by the Institution where they did the First / Second Year Undergraduate course. they should submit the original Statement of Marks of their previous appearances and an authenticated relevant syllabus prescribed by the Institution/University in original or the syllabus attested by the Principal/Head of the Department from where they have undergone their previous course for verification and to consider for exemption of papers after perusal by the authorities of the University of Madras. LATERAL ADMISSIONS REQUIREMENTS FOR LATERAL ADMISSION TO SECOND / THIRD YEAR UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Students seeking Lateral Admission to Second / Third Year Undergraduate courses must enclose two copies of syllabus of the paper / papers for which exemption is requested. Kotla Marg. 12th Mark List. The syllabus enclosed should be attested by the Principal / Head of the Department of the Institution where they studied. 23 . 7. New Delhi (Address : The Secretary. LATERAL ADMISSION Students who have successfully completed their First Year / Second Year (or) discontinued Second / Third Year Undergraduate Degree Courses through the Colleges including Autonomous Colleges affiliated to this University (or) from the Colleges including Autonomous Colleges affiliated to other Universities recognised by the UGC/AIU and accepted as equivalent thereto by the University of Madras. New Delhi . Student seeking lateral admission from other Universities and Autonomous Colleges are NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CLASSIFICATION.6. 2. 10th Mark List. 5. Students from colleges affiliated to the University of Madras coming under a different regulation / pattern are also NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CLASSIFICATION. They should submit their application forms for admission together with original Transfer Certificate / Course Completion Certificate wherein the actual duration of course undergone by them be appropriately indicated by the Institution/University concerned. Transfer Certificate from the Institution where he/she completed the First / Second Year Undergraduate Course. Provisional admission will be given with the condition that the student appears for all the papers of the First / Second year course. after the scrutiny of the syllabus. For exemption of papers relating to the subjects already passed through their previous Institution/University.110 002. The certificate should clearly state the period of study without giving scope for any ambiguity. Students desiring to avail themselves of lateral admission to second year Post Graduate courses should enclose two copies of the syllabus for the first year of their study obtained from the University / College where they have undergone the course. Only after a proper scrutiny of these documents a decision on granting exemption will be taken. 4. 3. However. TAMIL or an ‘ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE SUBJECT for TAMIL’ [i. Application Oriented Subjects and Elective Subjects are furnished under each course of study. / B.Music/B.[PART I and PART II] The course of study for the FOUNDATION COURSES shall comprise the study of PART I .French only [iii] FOREIGN LANGUAGE[S] Candidates admitted to B.ENGLISH.ENGLISH PAPER-II.A.[Corporate Secretaryship] Degree shall consist of the following : [a] [b] [c] FOUNDATION COURSES CORE COURSES [MAIN and ALLIED SUBJECTS] APPLICATION ORIENTED SUBJECT FOUNDATION COURSES .ENGLISH PAPER . if sufficient number of candidates are enrolled. [ii].1 STRUCTURE OF COURSES B.Com.Nat.A.PAPER .C.C.PART I .LANGUAGE TAMIL .A.e. / B. However.] anyone of the following MODERN INDIAN LANGUAGES or CLASSICAL LANGUAGES or FOREIGN LANGUAGES or COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH at the option of the candidates and PART II . Allied Subjects.Com. Note : For the above Languages. Candidates admitted to B.II or anyone of the ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE SUBJECT for TAMIL. Personal Contact Programme Classes shall be conducted.Com.Sc.I in the FIRST YEAR. and PART II .A.Music / B. [Corporate Secretaryship] Degree Courses should appear and pass the PART I .Nat. / B./B. Hindi and Urdu CLASSICAL LANGUAGES COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH . Degree Courses should appear and pass the FOUNDATION COURSE ./B. [Bank Management].Music / B.PAPER . in the FIRST YEAR ONLY.Nat.B. / B. 24 .B. B. and LANGUAGE TAMIL . and [iv] above. [iii]./B.Sanskrit and Arabic . Kannada.Com.TAMIL [i] [ii] [iv] MODERN [Indian] LANGUAGES . ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE SUBJECT for PART I .PAPER-I LANGUAGE TAMIL or anyone of the ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE SUBJECTS for TAMIL as indicated under [i]. [ii].A. learning materials alone will be provided to the candidates. / B.Telugu. according to the syllabus and text-book prescribed from time to time. and B. [iii].Com. / B. and [iv] above. [Computer Applications] / B. The details of the Core Courses – Main Subjects.I or anyone of the ALTERNATIVE LANGUAGE SUBJECT for TAMIL as indicated under [i]. Malayalam. / B.Sc. and PART II .A. No Personal Contact Classes [PCP] will be conducted.A. DEGREE COURSES The Courses of Study for the B. and ENGLISH PAPER II in the SECOND YEAR under FOUNDATION COURSE.Com.7. / B. [Commerce]. B.Sc. I Part .II Core Course .VI : Christian Practices Paper .II Core Course .VIII: Christianity and Environment Application Oriented Subject Christian Spirtuality and Art Duration (in hours) Maximum Passing Marks Minimum Credits Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Second Year Third Year 2.Paper .English .II .II .A.Allied Subject .I .Language .II Part .III : Police Administration Paper .Old Testament Paper .I Human Behaviour and Criminality Foundation Courses Part .Allied Subject .Paper .I . B.IV : Christian Beliefs Core Course .II : Criminal Laws Core Course .II .Language .A.II : History of Christianity Core Course .I Religions of India Foundation Courses Part .Paper .Paper .VII: Vigilance and Security Management Paper .New Testament Paper .V : Human Rights and Police Administration Paper .2 SCHEME OF EXAMINATIONS (THEORY) 1.II South Indian Philosophy and Culture Core Course .I .VI : Police Station Management Paper . Christian Studies Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .Paper .Main Subjects Paper .An Introduction Paper .English .V : The Holy Bible . Criminology and Police Administration Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .I .Language .VIII: Counselling and Guidance Application Oriented Subject NGOs and Criminal Justice Administration Duration Maximum Passing (in Marks Minimum Credits Marks hours) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Second Year Third Year 25 .Paper .Main Subjects Paper .I Core Course .I : Principles of Criminology Paper .English .Main Subjects Paper .VII: Christian Ethics Paper .Allied Subject .English .I Core Course . B.I Part .IV : Penology and Correctional Administration Core Course .II .Main Subjects Paper .Allied Subject .Main Subjects Paper .II Part .Main Subjects Paper .Paper .7.II Contemporary Crimes Core Course .Paper .Language .III : The Holy Bible .I : Christianity . Main Subjects Paper .VI : Fiscal Economics Paper .VII : Indian Writing in English Paper .II .I .IV : The 20th Century Core Course .Paper .Paper .II .Language .3.Language .Main Subjects Paper .VIII : Language & Linguistics Application Oriented Subject Journalism Duration (in hours) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Maximum Passing Marks Minimum Credits Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Second Year Third Year 26 .Paper .English .English .Paper .Problems and Policies Paper .Allied Subject .Language .Language .Paper .A.VII : History of Economic Thought Paper .I . Social History of England from 1801 to the Present Day and Literary Forms Core Course .V : Shakespeare Paper .Paper .VIII : Managerial Economics Application Oriented Subject Environmental Economics Duration (in hours) Maximum Passing Marks Minimum Credits Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 9 9 5 8 8 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Second Year Third Year 4.I Part .Main Subjects Paper . B.II Rural Banking Core Course . English Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .English .II History of English Literature.I Principles of Commerce Foundation Courses Part . Social History of England from 1500 to 1800 and Literary Forms Foundation Courses Part .Main Subjects Paper .II .II Part .II Core Course .II : The Augustan & The Romantic Age Core Course .VI : American Literature Paper .I .II Part .II Core Course . Economics Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .Paper .Paper .A.I Core Courses .I : Indian Economy .III : Micro Economics Paper .II : Statistics for Economists Core Course .I History of English Literature.English .I Part .Allied Subject .I Core Course .II .IV : Monetary Economics Core Course .Main Subjects Paper .I .I : The Elizabethan Age Paper .V : Macro Economics Paper . B.Allied Subject .III : The Victorian Age Paper .Allied Subject .Main Subjects Paper . 2000 Core Course .D.Paper .Language Subject .IV : History of East Asia A.II .Allied Subject .D.D.1603 to A.II 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 3 100 40 5 3 3 100 100 40 40 9 9 Core Courses .II Outlines of Political Theory Third Year Core Courses . B.I : Main Currents in Indian History upto A.2000 Core Course .A.Problems and Policies Second Year Foundation Courses Part .V Paper .English .Paper .Allied Subject .I Indian Economy .5.D.Main Subjects Paper .2000 Paper .VII : An Outline History of England A.Principles and Practices and Archives Keeping 3 100 40 6 3 100 40 9 3 100 40 9 3 100 40 9 3 100 40 9 3 100 40 5 3 3 100 100 40 40 9 9 27 .Paper .1757 Paper .D.I .II .D.Paper .D.D.1757 Paper .Language Part . Historical Studies Passing Duration Maximum Minimum Credits (in hours) Marks Marks Year First Year Foundation Courses Part .I .III : Main Currents in Indian History from A.VI : Social and Economic History of India in the 19th and 20th Centuries : History of Modern Europe A.English Core Courses .D.1839 to A.D.VIII : India and Her Neighbours and History of South East Asia A.Main Subjects Paper .I 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 Part .II .1453 to A.2000 Application Oriented Subject Tourism .II : History of Tamil Nadu upto A.Main Subjects Paper .1914 Paper .D.II .1900 to A. Bandhas.6.II Application of Yoga and Naturopathy in Physical Education Third Year Core Course .Nat. Mudras and Meditations Allied Optional Subject .Language .III : Methods of Yoga Practices Paper .I .II . Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (Non Clinical) Year First Year Foundation Courses Part .Paper .I 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 Subject Duration Maximum Passing (in hours) Marks Minimum Credits Marks Core Course .II . B.I Part .Main Subjects Paper -IX : Pathanjali Yoga Sutras Paper -X : Yogic Diet Paper -XI : Nature Cure Paper -XII: Mental Health and Physical Health Paper -XIII: Practicals-Advanced asanas.III Application of Yoga and Naturopathy Practices in sports performance Project on any one of the following areas : Asanas.English .IV : Practicals (Asanas and Pranayama) Allied Optional Subject .I Part .English .II : Basic Anatomy and Physiology Paper .Main Subjects Paper .VII: Anatomy and Physiology of Yogic Practice Paper .Main Subjects Paper -V : Principles of Yoga Theraphy 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 5 5 5 5 Paper -VI : Philosophy of Yoga Practice and Naturopathy Paper . Kriyas.II 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 5 5 5 5 5 Core Course . Bandhas. Mudras and Meditations 3 100 40 5 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 5 5 5 5 3 100 40 5 3 100 40 5 100 8 28 .I : Principles of Yoga and Naturopathy Paper .Paper .I Fitness and Wellness Second Year Foundation Courses Part .II .VIII : Practicals-Basic Kriyas and Meditation Allied Optional Subject . Kriyas.Language . Pranayama.Paper .Paper . Pranayama. I .Tamil Compositions (Music) (Practical) Paper .X Foundation Course in Isai .I Paper .A.Choreography (Practical) Allied II .III (Practical) Core Paper X .II (Practical) Core Paper VI .Nadaga .I : Language Paper .I (Music) (Practical) Second Year Core Paper III .Paper .Paper .7.Aranga Amaippu .II (Music) (Practical) Third Year Core Paper VII .Paper .Paper .XV Application oriented Subject Foundation Course in Isai (Music) (Theory) 3 100 40 8 1 100 40 8 1 100 40 8 1 100 40 8 3 100 40 8 1 100 40 8 1 100 40 8 1 100 40 8 3 100 40 8 3 100 40 8 1 100 40 8 1 100 40 8 29 .II (Theory) Core Paper IV . Performing Arts Year Subject Duration (in hours) 3 3 3 Passing Maximum Minimum Credits Marks Marks 100 100 100 40 40 40 8 8 8 First Year Paper .Paper .Paper .I (Practical) Allied .Paper .Paper .I (Theory) Core Paper II .XI Foundation Course in Isai (Music) (Theory) Core Paper VIII .Paper .XIII Fundamentals of Nadagam comprising of South Indian Dance and Theatre .Introduction to Paper .I Paper . B.IX Adal .VI Introduction to Muttamizh .VII Fundamentals of Nadagam (Theory) Core Paper V .V : Foundation Course in Isai .VIII Fundamentals of Nadagam comprising of South Indian Dance and Theatre .II : English Core Paper I .XII Nattuvangam (Practical) Core Paper IX .Paper .Paper .IV : Fundamentals of Nadagam Comprising of south Indian Dance and Theatre .III : Muttamizh .XIV Foundation Course in Isai . jhŸ 2 áw¥ò¥ ghl§fŸ (Core Courses) jhŸ-3 : ïy¡fz« .8.2 .Language . fh¥ãa§fS« áw¥ò¥ ghl« .English .M§»ybkhÊ . USA.bkhÊ . Tamil tUl« Kjyh« M©L ghl« nj®¢á nj®î neu« bkh¤j bgw¤ Credits njitahd kÂasÉš kâ¥bg©fŸ kâ¥bg©fŸ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 mo¤js¥ go¥ò (Foundation Courses) ãÇî . (xÊãaš Ú§fyhf).VI : Public Financial Administration Paper .III : Principles of Management Paper . bkhÊbga®¥ò« jhŸ-8 : ïy¡»a¤ âwdhŒî ga‹ghL bjhl®ghd ghl« (Application Oriented Subject) eh£L¥òwÉaš 30 .VII: Development and Environmental Administration Paper .V : Public Personnel Administration Paper .jhŸ -1 ãÇî .I Core Course .I : Principles of Public Administraion Paper .I .I Police Administration Foundation Courses Part .1 .Main Subjects Paper .English .M§»ybkhÊ .II .rka¥ ghlšfS«. France. ehlf«.II Core Course . B.Paper . òâd«.ah¥gU§fy¡fhÇif.e‹}š (fh©oif ciu MWKf ehty®).rh®ò¥ ghl«-2 (Allied Subject-II) jÄœ ïy¡»a tuyhW _‹wh« áw¥ò¥ ghl§fŸ (Core Courses) M©L jhŸ-5 : ïy¡»a«-2 .1 .jhŸ 2 ãÇî .2 .2 .bkhÊ . (thif Koa) jhŸ-4 : ïy¡»a« -1 .Main Subjects Paper .II : Administrative Thinkers Core Course .Language .VIII: Indian Administration Application Oriented Subject Labour Welfare Administration in India Duration Maximum Passing Marks Minimum Credits (in Marks hours) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Second Year Third Year 9.Allied Subject .IV : Modern Administrative Systems (UK.Main Subjects Paper .A.II . Public Administration Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .Allied Subject .I Part .I .r§f ïy¡»a« (mf«.rh®ò¥ ghl«-1 (Allied Subject-I) jÄHf tuyhW« g©ghL« ïu©lh« mo¤js¥ go¥ò (Foundation Courses) M©L ãÇî . ciueil.Paper .A. j©oay§fhu« (g¤J mÂfŸ k£L«) áw¥ò¥ ghl« . òw«) jhŸ-6 : jÄœbkhÊ tuyhW«. áWfij) jhŸ-2 : ïy¡fz« -1 .II Part . Switzerland & China) Core Course .Paper .Paper . âuhÉl bkhÊfË‹ x¥ãy¡fzK« jhŸ-7 : ïjÊaY«.jhŸ .1 áw¥ò¥ ghl§fŸ (Core Courses) jhŸ-1 : ï¡fhy ïy¡»a« (fÉij.II Basics of Computer Education Core Course . òw¥bghUŸ bt©ghkhiy. B. ቿy¡»a§fS«. I : History of Vaishnavism Paper .II Part .I : Classical Poetry (Textual & Detailed) Paper .Main Subjects Paper .Main Subjects Paper .Main Subjects Paper .I Sri Vaishnava Commentarial Literature Foundation Courses Part .V : Vaishnavism in Tamil Stotra Literature Paper .I Core Course .I .II Part .English .II Paper .Paper .III : Divyaprabandham .Main Subjects Paper .A.English .II : Prose (Detailed & Critical) Coure Course .I .II Core Courses . B.Paper .Language .VI : Literary Criticism Paper .Paper .Language . Rhetoric and Essay Application Oriented Subject Urdu Sahafat Aur Tarjuma Duration (in hours) Maximum Passing Marks Minimum Credits Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Second Year Third Year 11.I Part .English .VIII: Prosody.English .Allied Subject .VI : Rahasya Literature .Paper .II Paper .I (a) History of Tamil Literature (or) (b) History of Malayalam Literature Foundation Courses Part .Allied Subject .I Part .A.IV : Rahasya Literature .II .Allied Subject .Paper .III : Novel (Textual and Critical) Paper .VII : Modern Poetry Paper .Allied Subject .VIII : Vaishnavism in Sanskrit Stotra Literature Application Oriented Subject Agamas and Temple Worship Duration Maximum Passing (in hours) Marks Minimum Credits Marks 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Second Year Third Year 31 .II Core Course . Vaishnavism Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .Main Subjects Paper .I .II History of Arabic Literature and Text for Translation Core Courses .II .Language .Main Subjects Paper .I Core Course .Paper .II : Divyaprabandham .V : Drama & Afsana (Textual & Critical) Paper .I .II Vaishnavism in Indian Philosophy Core Course . Urdu Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .II .IV : History of Dakkani Literature Core Course .II . B.Paper .I Core Courses .VII: Concepts of Visishtadvaita Paper .10.Paper .Language .I Core Course . Paper -II . Bank Management Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .Paper -I .Language Part .11 : r§f ïy¡»a« jhŸ .II Business Statistics & Operations Research Core Course .5 : jÄHf tuyhW« g©ghL« jhŸ .12 : eh£L¥òwÉaš jhŸ . g¤J mÂfŸ k£L«) jhŸ .II : Business and Corporate Laws Core Course .14 : ïy¡fz« .ah¥gU§fy¡fhÇif (xÊãaš Ú§fyhf).8 : ቿy¡»a§fŸ jhŸ .Lit.Allied Subject .12.Allied Subject .2 : g¡â ïy¡»a« jhŸ .3 . e«ãaf¥ bghUŸ.I . Law & Practice Paper -IV : Corporate Accounting & Auditing Paper -V : Business Communication Paper -VI : Business Taxation Core Course .English Core Course .Main Subjects Paper -VII : Credit and Treasury Management Paper -VIII : Financial Markets and Services Paper -IX : Marketing of Banking Services & CRM Paper -X : Management Accounting Paper -XI : International Banking Duration (in hours) Maximum Passing Marks Minimum Credits Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 10 8 6 8 10 8 8 8 6 8 6 10 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Second Year Third Year 32 .15 : ïjÊaš nj®¢á nj®î neu« bkh¤j bgw¤ Credits k  a s É š k â ¥ b g © f Ÿ njitahd kâ¥bg©fŸ 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 ïu©lh« M©L _‹wh« M©L 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 13. òw¥bghUŸ bt©ghkhiy (thif Koa) jhŸ .Main Subjects Paper .2 . j©oay§fhu«.jÄœ bkhÊ tuyhW« âuhÉl bkhÊfË‹ x¥ãy¡fzK« jhŸ . òâd«.Main Subjects Paper -III : Banking Theory.9 : fšbt£L« nfhƉ fiyí« jhŸ . ehlf«.1 .7 : ïy¡fz« . B. B.1 : ï¡fhy ïy¡»a« (fÉij. (xÊãaš Ú§fyhf).I : Financial Accounting Paper .e‹}š (fh©oif ciu MWKf ehty®.13 : ïªâa bkŒ¥bghUËaš jhŸ .6 : ïy¡»a¤ âwdhŒî jhŸ .Com.3 : ïy¡fz« . áWfij) jhŸ .4 : fh¥ãa§fŸ jhŸ . ciueil.II .10 : jÄœ ïy¡»a tuyhW jhŸ . Tamil Literature tUl« Kjyh« M©L ghl« áw¥ò¥ ghl§fŸ (Core Courses) jhŸ .I Business Economics Core Course . II : Practical I .English Core Course .I Indian Economy-Problems and Policies Second Year Core Course .II .Language 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 .Main Subjects Paper .14.Com.Main Subjects Paper-VIII : Database Management System and Web Technology Paper-IX : Practical-III RDBMS and Web Designing Lab Paper-X : Cost and Management Accounting Paper-XI : Business Taxation Paper-XII : Banking and Financial Services Paper-XIII : Marketing Management 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 6 4 10 8 8 8 3 100 40 8 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 7 4 10 8 3 100 40 5 3 3 100 100 40 40 4 8 3 100 40 6 33 .Main Subjects Paper-IV : Tally and Java Programming Paper-V : Practical II .III: Financial Accounting Core Course .Tally and Java Lab Paper-VI : Corporate Accounting Paper-VII : Principles of Management Core Course .Paper.Allied Subject .I .PC Software and C Programming Lab Paper .I : Information Technology Paper .Allied Subject . Computer Applications Year Subject Duration (in hours) Passing Maximum Minimum Marks Marks Credits First Year Foundation Courses Part .II Business Statistics and Operations Research Third Year Core Course .Paper.II .I Part . B. Main Subjects Paper-V : Cost and Management Accounting Paper-VI : Commercial and Industrial Law Paper-VII : Income Tax Paper-VIII : Banking Theory.II Indian Economy : Problems and Policies Core Course .Paper.I Core Course .I : Financial Accounting Paper .Com.15.Paper .Paper.II : Business Economics Core Course .I Business Statistics & Operations Research Core Course .II . Corporate Secretaryship Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .I : Financial Accounting .Allied Subject .Paper .Main Subjects Paper .I Part .Main Subjects Paper -III : Corporate Accounting Paper -IV : Banking and Financial Services Paper -V : Business and Corporate Law Paper -VI : Principles of Management Core Course .Language .Paper .II : Business Management Core Course .Language Part .Com.Allied Subject . B.I .English Core Course . Law and Practice Application Oriented Subject Research Methodology Duration (in hours) Maximum Passing Marks Minimum Credits Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 10 8 6 8 8 6 10 8 10 8 8 8 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Second Year Third Year 16.II Core Courses .English .Main Subjects Paper-III : Company Law and Secretarial Practice Paper-IV : Corporate Accounting Core Course .Allied Subject .English . General Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .Language .Allied Subject .II Statistics Core Course .II .I Paper .II Part .Main Subjects Paper -VII : Business Taxation Paper -VIII : Practical Auditing Paper -IX : Entrepreneurial Development Paper -X : Cost and Management Accounting Paper -XI : Marketing Management Duration (in hours) Passing Maximum Minimum Credits Marks Marks 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 10 6 8 3 3 3 3 3 Second Year 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 10 8 8 8 6 Third Year 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 6 10 8 34 .I .Main Subjects Paper .II . B.Paper .II .I .I Office Management and Business Communication Foundation Courses Part .I . II . Apparel and Fashion Design Year Subject Duration (in hours) Passing Maximum Minimum Credits Marks Marks First Year Foundation Courses Part .II Apparel Construction Practical .IX: Design Collection Practical .Allied Subject .Main Subjects Paper .I Part .I .English .English .II Pattern Making and Grading 3 100 40 3 3 100 40 7 3 100 40 7 3 100 40 7 Third Year Core Course .Language .II : Apparel Manufacturing Technology Core Course .I Part .Allied Subject .I Textile Science Practical . B.II 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 Core Course .Language .II .I : Introduction to Fashion Designing Paper .Paper .III Apparel Construction Practical 3 100 40 5 3 100 40 7 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 7 7 7 7 35 .17.Paper .Main Subjects Paper -III : Design Concepts and Art Portfolio Paper -IV : History of Costumes and Ornamentation Techniques Core Course .Main Subjects Paper -V : Fashion Merchandising and Marketing Paper -VI : Draping & Design Specialization Paper -VII : Management of Apparel Quality Paper -VIII : Apparel Costing Technique Application Oriented Subject Paper .I Fashion Designing and Illustration Second Year Foundation Courses Part .Sc.I 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 7 7 7 3 Core Course .II .Paper .Paper . Representation of Relief.18.Map and Image Interpretation and Surveying.I Language .(a) Theory (b) Practical Allied Paper : Any one of the Allied Subjects : i) Applied Statistics ii) Geology iii) Environmental Science Major Paper -V : Geography of India Paper -VI : Basic of Remote sensing Paper -VII : Basic of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Paper -VIII : World Regional Geography Paper -IX : Practical .I : Fundamentals of Physical Geography .Paper I Any of the AOS Subjects : i) Geography of Healthcare ii) Demographic Studies iii) Geography of Tourism (Major) 4 days Compulsory Practical Classes and 5th day Examination (Allied) 3 days compulsory Practical Classes and 4th day Examination Passing Duration Maximum Minimum Credits (in hours) Marks Marks 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 Exam 60 Record 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 7 9 6 Second Year 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 Exam 60 Record 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 7 9 6 Third Year 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 7 7 7 7 3 100 40 10 Exam 60 Record 40 6 36 .Paper .I Paper . Climatic and Economic data Allied Subject II .Paper .Cartography (Fundamental Exercises) Allied Subject I .II Language . B.III .(a) Theory (b) Practical Allied Paper : Any one of the Allied Subjects : i) Applied Statistics ii) Geology iii) Environmental Science Foundation Courses Language . Weather Maps and GPS AOS .Paper .I Major Paper .Paper . Geography Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Language .II .II Major Paper -III : Fundamentals of Physical Geography .II Paper -IV : Practical .II : Practical .I .Sc. Hotel and Catering Management Year First Year Subject Theory Communicative English Communicative French Food Production & Patisserie – I Food & Beverage Service .19.II Human Rights & Human Relation Education Practical Food Production & Patisserie-III Food & Beverage Service-III Industrial Exposure Training Report Application of Computers Duration (in hours) Maximum Passing Marks Minimum Credits Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 Second Year 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 Third Year 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 37 .III Front Operation .II Marketing & Sales Management Facility Planning Accomodation Operation . B.II Hotel Engineering & Maintenance Food & Beverage Management Principles of Accounting Environmental Studies Practical Food Production & Patisserie-II Food & Beverage Service-II Front Office Operation-II Accommodation Operation-II Theory Food Production & Patisserie – III Food & Beverage Service .I Front Office Operation-I Accommodation Operation-I Nutrition & Food Science Practical Food Production & Patisserie-I Food & Beverage Service-I Front Office Operation-I Accommodation Operation-I Theory Food Production & Patisserie – II Food & Beverage Service .Sc. Paper .II : Calculus and Differential Equations Allied Subject .English Paper .Sc.II Core Course .II Part .Paper .I : Algebra and Trigonometry Paper .Paper .Sc.I .I .I .Main Subjects Paper -III : Social Research Methods and Statistics Paper -IV : Basics of Physiology Core Course . B.II .I Part .Language Part .I .III : Analytical Geometry and Vector Calculus Paper .II Social Anthropology Core Course .Language .Language . B.Paper .I Core Course .IV : Mechanics Allied Subject .II : Basics of Anatomy Core Course .IX : Computer Practice in C Language with Numerical Methods C Paper . Medical Sociology Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .Allied Subject .Language Part .Allied Subject .I Financial Accounting Part .II .II Cost and Management Accounting Paper Paper Paper Paper - F/CF/ Duration Maximum Passing (in Marks Minimum Credits AC hours) Marks F 3 100 40 8 F 3 100 40 8 C 3 100 40 8 C 3 100 40 8 AC 3 100 40 8 F F C C AC 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 8 8 Second Year Third Year V : Algebraic Structures & Probability C VI : Real Analysis & Laplace Transforms C VII : Complex Analysis & Fourier Techniques C VIII : Programming in C (Theory) with Numerical Methods C Paper .English .II .I : Foundations of Sociology Paper .Main Subjects Paper -V : Medical Sociology Paper -VI : Community Health Paper -VII : Health Practices in Indian Society Paper -VIII : Social Problems in India Application Oriented Subject Hospital Management Duration (in hours) Maximum Passing Marks Minimum Credits Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Second Year Third Year 38 .English .I Social Psychology Foundation Courses Part .Main Subjects Paper .English Paper . Mathematics Year First Year Subject Part .20.II .X : Application Oriented Subject Operations Research AC 21. III .II .III .II Core Course .Paper .Main Subjects Part . Television Production.Main Subjects Paper -III : Biological Psychology Paper -IV : Experimental Psychology (Practicals) Allied Subject .Paper .Main Subjects Core Paper .II Part .III .I Core Course .Advertising Part .I .Communication Skills Part . Advanced Photography. Computer Graphics Duration (in hours) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Maximum Passing Credits Marks Minimum Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 4 Second Year Third Year 3 100 40 4 39 . Drawing and Graphic Design.VI .Paper .IV .Elements of Film Part .III Paper -VII : Media.English .Introduction to Visual Communication Part .Basic Photography (Theory) Allied Paper-II Basic Photography (Practical) Part .V .Language .II Introduction to Sociology Core Course .I Part .I .II English .III .II : Cognitive Psychology Allied .22. Culture and Society Paper -VIII : Television Production (Theory) Paper -IX : Computer Graphics (Using open source softwares only) Allied Paper-III Television Production (Practical) Project (Practical) Options.I : Basic Psychology Core Paper .Paper .II .Sc.Paper . Psychology Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Language .II .I Course .Sc. B. Visual Communication Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .Drawing Allied Paper .I Graphic Design (Practical) Foundation Courses Part .I English .Paper .Language .II Core Course . B.Psychological Statistics Foundation Courses Language .English .Paper .I .I .Main Subjects Part .Paper .Main Subjects Paper -V : Social Psychology Paper -VI : Psychopathology Paper -VII : Developmental Psychology Paper -VIII : Counselling Psychology Application Oriented Subject Educational Psychology Duration (in hours) Passing Maximum Minimum Credits Marks Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Second Year Third Year 23. 1 Core Course .Allied Subject . B.Introduction to Theory Core Course .2 Core Course .II Paper .II .III VFX Essentials Project .II English .I English .Paper .I : Photography Foundation Courses Language .II Practical-Subsidiary Vocal / Instrument .Allied Subject .I Paper .III Core Course .I Practical .Main Subjects Paper .VI: Animation Aesthetics Core Course .Music Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Part .I : Tamil Prosody & Music Part .I .Subsidiary Vocal / Instrument .Paper .Paper .Main Subjects Paper .II .IX: Practical Allied Subject .Higher Level Musical Forms .V : Animation Basics and Applications .VII: Writing of Media Paper .III Core Course .Kritis Paper -IX : Songs from Sangam and Bakthi Literature Paper -X : Theory .Physics of Music Paper -VI : Theory .Part .VIII: Script Writing for Animation Paper .Allied Subject .II Part .II : Visual and Interactive Design Paper .Main Subjects Paper -VII : Practical .I : Introduction to Communication Paper .Advanced Musical Forms Paper -VIII : Practical .History of Music Application Oriented Subject Music in Other Arts Duration Maximum Passing (in hours) Marks Minimum Credits Marks 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Second Year Third Year 40 .Advanced Theory Core Course .Main Subjects Paper .I : Practical-Foundation Exercises and Songs Paper .2 Paper -V : Theory .Main Subjects Paper -III : Practical .III: Animation Drawing and Modeling (Practical-I) Core Course .II : Theory .IV: History of Animation Arts Paper .24.III Core Course .Language Part .Higher Level Musical Forms .Allied Subject .Paper .Practical Paper .II .Animation Projects Duration (in hours) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Passing Maximum Minimum Credits Marks Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 4 4 Second Year Third Year 25.1 Paper -IV : Practical .I . Bachelor of Multimedia Animation Year First Year Subject Foundation Courses Language .Paper .Main Subjects Paper .II : Film Studies Part .Paper .English Core Course .I Part . Year Subject Duration (in hours) Passing Maximum Minimum Credits Marks Marks First Year Foundation Courses Part .Main Subjects Paper-III : Business Communication Paper-IV : Cost and Management Accounting Paper-V : Business Environment Paper-VI : Business Regulatory Framework Core Course .I : Principles of Management Paper .26.B. B.I .II : Financial Accounting Core Course .Paper.Allied Subject .Allied Subject .English Core Course .II .I Business Statistics and Operations Research 3 100 40 8 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 Second Year Core Course .Main Subjects Paper-VII : Financial Management Paper-VIII : Marketing Management Paper-IX : Production and Materials Management Paper-X : Human Resource Management Paper-XI : Entrepreneurship Development & Management of Small Business 3 100 40 8 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 41 .I Part .Main Subjects Paper .II .Language 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 .Paper.A.II Managerial Economics 3 100 40 8 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 8 8 8 8 Third Year Core Course . II . B.C.Software and C Programming Lab.Paper .P.Paper . Data Structures & Algorithms Paper -VII : Operating Systems and Microprocessors Paper -VIII : Practical-II . Computer Applications Year First Year Foundation Courses Part .RDBMS and Web Applications Lab.Main Subjects Paper -IV : Programming in COBOL and C++ Paper -V : Financial.Programming in COBOL & Microprocessors Lab Paper -IX : Practical-III-Numerical & Statistical Methods and Data Structures using C & C++ Third Year Core Course .Main Subjects Paper -X : Programming in Java & Data Communication and Networking Paper -XI : Database Management Systems and Computer Graphics Paper -XII: Visual Programming & Software Engineering Paper -XIII : Resource Management Techniques and Web Technology Paper -XIV : Practical .Language .I Part .27.English 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 Subject Duration Maximum Passing Credits (in hours) Marks Minimum Marks Core Course .IV .C.Programming in Java and Computer Graphics Lab 3 100 40 5 3 100 40 5 3 100 40 8 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 3 100 40 8 3 100 40 5 3 100 40 5 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 3 3 100 100 40 40 8 8 3 100 40 5 3 3 100 100 40 40 7 8 Paper -II : Digital Logic Fundamentals and 42 . Second Year Core Course .A.Main Subjects Paper -I : Mathematics Programming in C Paper -III : Practical-I . Cost and Management Accounting Paper -VI : Numerical and Statistical Methods.I .II . Paper -XV : Practical -V. I (Music) 1 1 100 100 40 40 Paper-V SECOND YEAR CORE PAPER .Geography FIRST YEAR CORE COURSE .IX 1 1 100 100 40 40 CORE PAPER .II Paper-IV ALLIED .Mathematics THIRD YEAR CORE COURSE .I .VI Paper-IX ALLIED .Aranga Amaippu .Fundamentals of Nadagam Comprising of South Indian Dance and Theatre .Nattuvangam .Practical .A. Music Degree Course) SCHEME OF PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS Passing Duration Maximum Minimum (in Hours) Marks Marks 3 3 1 100 100 100 40 40 40 B.Sc.MAIN SUBJECT Paper-IX .Sc.Nadaga . .Choreography .II (Music) 1 1 1 100 100 100 40 40 40 CORE PAPER .Adal .Cartography (Fundamental Exercise) Practical 60 Record 40 3 100 40 43 .I .Computer Practice in C Language and Numerical Methods Practical Record 80 20 } } 3 100 40 B.II .Performing Arts FIRST YEAR CORE PAPER . .X Paper-XIV B. Course in Isai .Fundamentals of Nadagam Comprising of South Indian Dance and Theatre .Foundation.I . .7.V Paper-VIII .Foundation Course in Isai .Foundation Course in Isai .II Paper-X THIRD YEAR CORE PAPER .VIII Paper-XII Paper-XIII .3 SCHEME OF EXAMINATIONS (Practical) Pattern of Examination FOUNDATION & CORE COURSES Each Written Examination Each Practical Examination Each Practical Examination (B.II .Fundamentals of Nadagam Comprising of South Indian Dance and Theatre .MAIN SUBJECT Paper .III .Tamil Comositions (Music) 1 100 40 CORE PAPER . Pattern of Examination Passing Duration Maximum Minimum (in Hours) Marks Marks CORE COURSE .ALLIED SUBJECT .Psychology SECOND YEAR CORE COURSE .Hotel and Catering Management FIRST YEAR Food Production & Patisseries-I Food & Beverage Service-I Front Office Operation-I Accommodation Operation-I SECOND YEAR Food Production & Patisseries-II Food & Beverage Service-II Front Office Operation-II Accommodation Operation-II THIRD YEAR Food Production & Patisseries-III Food & Beverage Service-III Industrial Exposure Training Report Application of Computers 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 44 .Map and Image Interpretation and Surveying.I Theory Practical & Record SECOND YEAR CORE COURSE .Representation of Relief. .Practical .MAIN SUBJECT 60 40 } } } } 3 100 40 Paper . Weather Maps & GPS Practical 60 Record 40 3 100 40 B. Climatic and Economic data Practical 60 Record 40 Theory Practical & Record 60 40 3 100 40 CORE COURSE .Sc.IX .Experimental Psychology Practical Record 80 20 } 3 100 40 B.Sc.IV .II 3 100 40 THIRD YEAR CORE COURSE .MAIN SUBJECT Paper .III .IV .II .MAIN SUBJECT Paper .ALLIED SUBJECT .Practical . . XIII .Subsidiary Vocal / Instrument .I Fashion Designing and Illustration SECOND YEAR CORE COURSE .MAIN SUBJECT 3 100 40 Paper .II Pattern Making and Grading THIRD YEAR APPLICATION ORIENTED SUBJECT Apparel Construction Practical 3 100 40 3 100 40 3 100 40 B.II Basic Photography THIRD YEAR Allied Paper .Foundation Exercises and Songs . Pranayama.I .I Paper .Practicals . Music FIRST YEAR CORE COURSE . Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences FIRST YEAR CORE COURSE .III Television Production Project (Practical) Options.Advanced Asanas.Practical .Animation FIRST YEAR CORE COURSE . Mudras and Meditations 3 100 40 B.ALLIED SUBJECT . .IV .MAIN SUBJECT Allied Paper .Practical .MAIN SUBJECT Paper .VIII .Asanas and Pranayama SECOND YEAR CORE COURSE .Sc.MAIN SUBJECT Paper .ALLIED SUBJECT .Practicals .Visual Communication SECOND YEAR CORE COURSE .III Animation Drawing and Modeling SECOND YEAR Paper .Practicals .MAIN SUBJECT 3 100 40 Paper .Pattern of Examination Passing Duration Maximum Minimum (in Hours) Marks Marks B. Bandhas.MAIN SUBJECT Paper . Computer Graphics 3 3 100 100 40 40 3 100 40 BMM . Television Production. Advanced Photography. .Sc.Apparel Fashion Design FIRST YEAR CORE COURSE .Bachelor of Multimedia .1 1 1 100 100 40 40 CORE COURSE -ALLIED SUBJECT 45 .V Animation Basics and Applications Practicals 3 3 100 100 40 40 B.Basic Kriyas and Meditation THIRD YEAR CORE COURSE .Nat. Drawing and Graphic Design. Kriyas. .IX Practical .III PC Software and C Programming Lab 3 100 40 Programming in COBOL and Microprocessors Lab Numerical and Statistical Methods and Data Structures using C & C++ 3 3 100 100 40 40 THIRD YEAR Paper .II CORE COURSE . 46 .V Practical .XV Practical . .Practical .IX Practical .VII Paper .IV Paper .I SECOND YEAR Paper .Practical .Computer Applications CORE COURSE .C.A.I SECOND YEAR Paper .Practical .Advanced Musical Forms .2 1 1 1 100 100 100 40 40 40 CORE COURSE .MAIN SUBJECTS Passing Duration Maximum Minimum (in Hours) Marks Marks Paper .II Practical .ALLIED SUBJECT .II THIRD YEAR Paper .Practical .II THIRD YEAR .Computer Applications CORE COURSE .MAIN SUBJECTS Paper .II Paper .Subsidiary Vocal / Instrument .VIII Practical . Music Degree Course) SCHEME OF PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS 3 3 1 100 100 100 40 40 40 B.VIII .MAIN SUBJECTS FIRST YEAR Paper .2 .III Practical .V RDBMS and Web Application Lab Programming in Java and Computer Graphics Lab 3 3 100 100 40 40 PASSING MINIMUM Candidates who have secured not less than 40% of marks in each written paper / practical shall be declared to have passed the Examination.Pattern of Examination SECOND YEAR CORE COURSE .III PC Software and C Programming Lab 3 100 40 Tally and Java Lab RDBMS and Web Designing Lab 3 3 100 100 40 40 B.1 .XIV Practical .Com.III Paper .Kritis 1 1 100 100 40 40 FOUNDATION & CORE COURSES Each Written Examination Each Practical Examination Each Practical Examination (B.Higher Level Musical Forms .IV Paper .Practical .Higher Level Musical Forms .MAIN SUBJECTS FIRST YEAR Paper . Com.5 and above but below 9.0 to 10.Sc.5 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS provided he/she has passed all the papers. / B. (iii) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the English papers 47 . otherwise it will be treated as First Class : and (iv) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the language papers and securing Grade 5.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS .DISTINCTION provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS .5 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS provided he/she has passed all the papers. / B. (iii) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the language papers and securing Grade 9. otherwise it will be treated as First Class.0 and above but below 7.0 in the aggregate shall be declared to have passed the examinations in the Second Class.EXEMPLARY provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance. otherwise it will be treated as First Class.7.A.Nat. (ii) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the English papers and securing Grade 7. (Corporate Secretaryship) (a) Foundation Courses (i) Tamil / Alternative Language Subject (i) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the language papers and securing Grade 6.0 and above but below 7.0 and above but below 6.5 and above but below 9. All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed the examination in the Third Class.DISTINCTION provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance. (ii) English (i) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the English papers and securing Grade 6. / B.4 CLASSIFICATION OF SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES (1) B.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS . (ii) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the language papers and securing Grade 7. 48 . (iii) Successful candidates passing the examinations for Core Courses (Main and Allied) and Application oriented subject securing Grade 9.0 to 10.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS .Com. Foundation Courses consisting of two papers and the other 13 papers. Allied and Elective Subjects). (b) Core Courses and Application Oriented Subjects (i) Successful candidates passing the examinations for Core Courses (Main and Allied) and Application oriented subject securing Grade 6.and securing Grade 9. (2) B.DISTINCTION provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance. otherwise it will be treated as First Class. (Core.5 and above but below 9.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS .5 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS provided he/she has passed all the papers.EXEMPLARY provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance. All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed the examinations in the Third Class.0 in the aggregate of the marks prescribed for core courses and application oriented subjects together shall be declared to have passed the examinations in the Second Class.Com. otherwise it will be treated as First Class: and (iv) Successful candidates passing the examinations for Core Courses (Main and Allied) and Application oriented subject securing Grade 5. otherwise it will be treated as First Class : and (iv) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the English papers and securing Grade 5.0 and above but below 7. Classification of successful candidates in B.EXEMPLARY provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance.0 and above but below 6.0 and above but below 6. All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed the examination in the Third Class.0 to 10. (ii) Successful candidates passing the examinations for Core Courses (Main and Allied) and Application oriented subject securing Grade 7.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS .0 in the aggregate shall be declared to have passed the examinations in the Second Class. Degree Course is to be made separately for the two groups. 0 and above but below 6. (iii) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the language papers. (3) B.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS . otherwise it will be treated as First Class: and (iv) Successful candidates passing all the examinations prescribed for the course and securing Grade 5.0 and above but below 7. (ii) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the language papers. in the Second Class.0 to 10. otherwise it will be treated as First Class.0 and 49 .0 and above but below 7.(i) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the language papers.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS .EXEMPLARY provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance.0 to 10. (i) Successful candidates passing all the examinations prescribed for the course and securing Grade 6. Core Courses (Main and Allied) and Application oriented subject securing Grade 7.Lit.0 in the aggregate shall be declared to have passed the examinations.EXEMPLARY provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance. Core Courses (Main and Allied) and Application oriented subject securing Grade 6.5 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS provided he/she has passed all the papers.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS .5 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS provided he/she has passed all the papers. (iii) Successful candidates passing all the examinations prescribed for the course and securing Grade 9.5 and above but below 9. Core Courses (Main and Allied) and Application oriented subject securing Grade 9. otherwise it will be treated as First Class: and (iv) Successful candidates passing the examinations for the language papers.5 and above but below 9. (ii) Successful candidates passing all the examinations prescribed for the course and securing Grade 7. All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed the examinations in the Third Class.0 shall be declared to have passed the examination in FIRST CLASS .DISTINCTION provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance.DISTINCTION provided he/she has passed all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the First Appearance. otherwise it will be treated as First Class. Core Courses (Main and Allied) and Application oriented subject securing Grade 5. Music). Classification.C. B.Music. the candidates shall be required to obtain not less than 40% of marks in Theory and Practical separately for declaring him/her to have passed the examination in that paper. are the same as prescribed for other undergraduate degree courses. (Bank Management). Allied (Application Oriented Subject in the case of B.above but below 6. A candidate shall be declared to have passed in each paper. (5) B.. etc. classification of successful candidates is to be made separately for the two groups. (Computer Applications) and B. Foundation Course consisting of two papers and the other papers consisting of Core.Com.0 in the aggregate shall be declared to have passed the examinations in the Second Class. The detailed scheme and conditions regarding Project Work / Practicals.Com. including practicals. Passing Minimum.Com.. In the case of subjects involving practicals. (Computer Applications) and B.A. All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed the examinations in the Third Class. etc. if he/she secures not less than 40% of the marks prescribed for the examination. Only those candidates who have passed all the papers including practical and project work in the first appearance as per the scheme of examination shall be considered for the purpose of RANKING.C.A.B. For the B. Courses. Credits to be earned for the Final Award Certificate Course (3 months) 10 credits (Minimum) Diploma Course (6 months) 20 credits (Minimum) PG Diploma Course (1 Year) 20/40 credits (Minimum) UG Degree Course (3 Years) 120 credits (Minimum) PG Degree Course (2 Years) 80 credits (Minimum) PG Degree Course (3 Years) 120 credits (Minimum) 50 . will be mentioned in the Syllabus which will be sent later to the candidates admitted to Course. B. (4) B.A. 5 PG UG 0.0 0.0 9.0 7.9 5.0-4.5 and above but below 6.0 GRADE PG&UG O+ O D++ D+ D A++ A+ A B+ B PG UG U C+ C U CLASSIFICATION OF FINAL RESULT PG&UG First Class . For a Semester/Year: GRADE POINT AVERAGE [GPA] = Σi Ci Gi / Σi Ci Sum of the multiplication of grade points by the credits of the courses GPA = Sum of the credits of the courses (passed) in a semester/year For the entire programme: CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT AVERAGE [CGPA] = Σn Σi Cni Gni / Σn Σi Cni Sum of the multiplication of grade points by the credits of the entire programme CGPA = Sum of the credits of the courses of the entire programme (CGPA is calculated only if all the courses in the entire programme are passed) CGPA PG&UG 9.5-10.5 and above but below 9.9 0. Gi = Grade Point obtained for course i in any semester / year.5 8. n refers to the semester/year in which such courses were credited.5 5.0 8.4 6.5 and above but below 8.0 and above but below 6.Exemplary* First Class with Distinction* First Class Second Class PG Re-appear UG Third Class Re-appear * Applicable to those who pass all the papers as per the scheme of Examination at the first appearance.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 and above but below 5.0 0.0 and above but below 7.0 and above but below 4.9 7.0-10.0-7.5 7. 51 .0 and above 4.5 and above but below 5.0 but below 5.0 and above but below 9.0 and above but below 8.5 0.0-6.5 and above but below 7.5-7.9 7.0 and above but below 4.0-5.0 LETTER GRADE DESCRIPTION PG & UG PG & UG O Outstanding D+ Excellent D Distinction A+ Very Good A Good B Average PG UG PG UG C Satisfactory U Re-appear U Re-appear AAA ABSENT PG : Post-Graduate UG: Under-Graduate (also for Certificate/Diploma/PG Diploma) Ci = Credits earned for course i in any semester / year.0 4.0-8.5 6. otherwise only first class will be awarded.Conversion of Marks to Grade Points and Letter Grade (Performance in a paper/course) RANGE OF MARKS PG & UG 90 -100 80-89 75-79 70-74 60-69 50-59 PG UG 40-49 00-49 00-39 ABSENT GRADE POINTS PG & UG 9.9 PG UG 4. Performing arts 8.Criminology 3. BA . B.Lit . BA . Admission Fee 1. 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 500 320 1200 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 500 520 1600 Nil 500 620 2000 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 2.Urdu 11.Tamil 10. BA.8.Public administration 9. BA . BA .Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences 7. 52 BA . 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 30 50 30 50 30 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 50 30 200 50 30 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 50 30 200 300 BA -Christian Studies Matriculation Fee for those seeking admission to the University of Madras for the first time Rs. HSC Examination of (+2) TN Board Rs. BA . BA .Economics 4. (+2) Examination of other Board/Universities outside India Rs.History 6. No. BA . Name of the Course . Examination of other Board (+2) / Universities in India Rs.Vaishnavism 12. BA .Tamil Special Fee Tuition Fee Lab Fee Sl.English 5. FEE DETAILS UNDERGRADUATE COURSES (A) BREAK-UP OF FEE FEES TO BE PAID BY THE CANDIDATE AT THE TIME OF FIRST YEAR ADMISSION ONLY FOR EVERY YEAR RECOGNITION FEE Development Fee Postage Fee Registration Fee along with filled in application Rs. BSc . Bachelor of Multimedia . BSc . B. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 30 30 30 30 50 30 50 30 200 200 200 200 200 200 50 30 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 50 30 200 300 50 30 200 300 50 30 200 300 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 50 30 200 300 2020 50 30 200 300 2020 100 50 30 200 300 2020 100 50 30 200 300 2020 100 B. BCA . B.Com .Corporate Secretary ship 16. BSc .BBM 25.Com . B.Apparel & Fashion Design 100 1000 1000 8000 2000 100 500 620 3000 Nil 100 1000 1000 8000 2000 100 100 500 500 620 2000 Nil 500 520 1600 Nil 500 2520 1600 Nil 100 1000 1000 8000 2000 100 1000 1000 8000 2000 100 100 100 500 620 2000 Nil 500 520 1600 Nil 500 520 4600 Nil 18. B.Hotel & Catering Management 53 20.Medical sociology 22.General (Commerce) 17.Sc .Psychology 23.Sc . B.Visual Communication 24. B . BSc . BBA .Business Administration 27.Mathematics 21.Geography 19. BSc .Computer Application 15.Music 26.Com .13.Com.Computer Application .Bank Management 100 50 30 200 300 2020 100 500 320 1200 Nil 500 620 2000 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 500 320 1200 Nil 14. V.A.A. Tamil ã. t§»Æaš nkyh©ik B. 10. Economics ã. 2170/- I Year Rs. E T&E T&E E T&E E T&E T&E T Urdu T&E UBT T&E 100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/2170/2170/2170/2770/3270/2170/2170/2170/2170/2170/100/2170/UCP UEC UEN UHS UNY UPD UPA UTL UUR UVA UCS Course Code Other States +2 Passed. PUC Passed Candidates Sl. Ãfœ¤J¡ fiy B. 12.V.A. ã. tuyhW B. itzt« B. jÄœ B. Name of the Course II YEAR III YEAR Rs. +2 Passed Candidates 1. ïa‰if kU¤JtK« nahfhrd m¿ÉaY« B.V. Public Administration ã.Nat.A.V. Historical Studies ã. Christian Studies ã. Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences ã. bghUËaš B. »U¤Jt ïaš B.V. bghJ îthf« B. 4.A.A. cUJ£. (B) FEE PARTICULARS . English ã.A. 2400/- I Year Rs. Criminology and Police Administration ã. 7.A.Com. Vaishnavism ã.V. No.V.COURSE-WISE (For Students getting Admission through Single Window Centre / Spot Admission Centres / Study Centres) ghlthÇahd fšÉ¡ f£lz§fŸ . 9. 54 3.A. Performing Arts ã. 2120/2120/2120/2120/2120/2720/3220/2120/2120/2120/2120/2120/- Rs.THREE YEAR DEGREE COURSES _‹wh©L g£l¥ go¥òfŸ COURSE FEES Medium Application Registration Fee Madras University PUC Passed Candidates TN Govt. 5. M§»y« B. 2500/2500/2500/2500/2500/3100/3600/2500/2500/2500/2500/2500/- Rs. 6. 8.V.V. 11. Urdu ã.fh«. 2120/2120/2120/2120/2120/2720/3220/2120/2120/2120/2120/2120/- 2.V. Bank Management . F‰wÉaš k‰W« fhtšJiw îthf« B.8. 100/2400/2400/2400/2400/3000/3500/2400/2400/2400/2400/2400/- I Year Rs.A. 20. tÂf îthf« B. 3220/2120/2120/2120/12100/4220/12100/3220/2720/5120/12100/12100/3220/2720/5720/- 13.A.Com.fh«.vÞ. I Year Rs. òÉÆaš B.á. ã.B. Geography ã.Sc. 26.Com.á. 25. 19. 23.vÞ. Name of the Course II YEAR III YEAR Rs. 16. Music ã.V.Sc.È£.ã.fh«.Äôá¡ B.vÞ.á. Medical Sociology ã.Sc.á.fh«. PUC Passed Candidates Sl. General (Commerce) ã. Corporate Secretaryship ã. ÉZtš f«ôÅnfõ‹ B. tÂfÉaš B. Psychology ã. 3220/2120/2120/2120/12100/4220/12100/3220/2720/5120/12100/12100/3220/2720/5720/- Rs. Tamil Literature ã.COURSE FEES Medium Course Code Application Registration Fee Madras University PUC Passed Candidates TN Govt.Com. Mathematics ã. Business Administration ã.Sc.vÞ. 17. Computer Applications . 14. +2 Passed Candidates Rs. 15.C. fÂÅ¥ ga‹ghL B. csÉaš B. fÂj« B. 21. jÄœ ïy¡»a« B.Sc. UCC UCR 100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/100/T&E T&E UBA UCA T&E 100/100/100/12150/3270/2770/5170/12150/12150/E 3270/2770/5770/4270/12150/2170/2400/12380/4500/12380/3500/3000/5400/12380/12380/3500/3000/6000/2170/2400/UCM ULT UAF UGE UHC UMA UMS UPY UVC UMM UMU T&E T&E E T&E E T&E E T T&E T&E 2400/2170/2500/2500/2500/12480/4600/12480/3600/3100/5500/12480/12480/3600/3100/6100/T&E 100/3270/3500/3800/- I Year Rs. ÃWtd brayh©ik B.á. fÂÅ¥ ga‹ghL B. Aparel and Fashion Design ã. kU¤Jt r_fÉaš B.V.á.Sc.vÞ. Other States +2 Passed.Sc. 27.A. Visual Communication ng¢ kšo Ûoah Bach Multi media ã.á. I Year Rs. 55 18.vÞ. m¥Õš m©L ngõ‹ oirŧ B.vÞ. Computer Applications ã. 22. No.á. Hotel and Catering Management ã.Lit. nAh£lš k‰W« nf£lǧ nknd{nk‹£ B. 24. OVERSEAS STUDENTS (Total fees inclusive of the admission fee / tuition fee to be collected per annum) TABLE I . 45 US.Com.C.Com.$.$. Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences B.B. B.$.$.SAARC COUNTRIES UNIVERSITY FEE NAME OF THE COURSE UNDERGRADUATE COURSES B. 38 US. Historical Studies. 185 US.$. Historical Studies.Sc.$.$.$.Nat.Com.Sc. English.$.EXAMINATION FEES OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES SAARC COUNTRIES Subject Service Total University Charges to the Fees in Fees in Co-ordinator in US.$ is to be collected from each student towards postal charges.$.A. 65 US.C. B. Public Administration.Com. Bank Management / Corporate Secretaryship. Mathematics B.A.Sc. Criminology and Police Administration. Economics.$. 140 US.$. 90 US. 278 US.$. Tamil Literature B.Sc.OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES NAME OF THE COURSE UNDERGRADUATE COURSES B. TABLE III .$.Lit. Tamil.OTHER FEES NATURE OF THE FEES Fees to be collected in US.Nat. (C) FEE DETAILS .A. Tamil Literature B. US.Computer Applications B. Business Administration B.A. Hotel and Catering Management B. 45 Transfer Fee for other University Students US.Com.$.$. Fees to be collected in US. Public Administration. 1020 Note : In addition to the above fees (Table I & II) a sum of 25 US. 138 US.Lit. US.Music / B. Urdu. 195 US. Mathematics B.A. 130 US.$. 30 US.$.Music / B. 340 US. US.A. Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences B. 130 US.Computer Applications B.$. US.$.B. Vaishnavism. Christian Studies. Economics.$ by the Study Centres in Foreign Countries / other than SAARC Countries UNIVERSITY FEE STUDY CENTRE FEE TOTAL FEE US.$. Christian Studies. 93 US. Vaishnavism.$. 260 US. 390 US.$.$. Criminology and Police Administration. 30 US. Undergraduate Courses per Paper / Practical Application Fees Statement of Marks Provisional Certificate (For final year) Convocation Degree Certificate (For final year) Migration Certificate 4 56 2 - 16 12 12 15 10 15 15 - 5 - 20 15 15 10 15 10 .$. 210 US. Geography. 75 TABLE IV .8. Psychology.$.$. Business Administration B. Urdu. Fees to be collected in US. 113 US. B.$. Medical Sociology. 680 US. Service Total University Charges to the Fees in Fees in Co-ordinator in US. B. Bank Management /Corporate Secretaryship.$ by the Study Centres in SAARC Countries Other Foreign Countries Change of Course Fee US.$. 75 US. Tamil.$ by the Study Centre in SAARC Countries only STUDY CENTRE FEE TOTAL FEE US.$.$. Psychology. 70 US. . Commerce B.$.$. . Hotel and Catering Management B.$. 275 US. Commerce B. Geography. Medical Sociology.Com. 60 US. English. 413 TABLE II . The PCP classes both Theory and Practical for the students admitted under academic year stream through IDE Single Window Admission at Chennai & Spot Admission centres within Tamil Nadu will be conducted by the University in various PCP centres. Personal Contact Programmes for practical oriented subjects shall be conducted at the PCP Centres listed in the statement below subject to sufficient enrolment of students and availability of essential infrastructure facilities at the PCP Centres for conducting the practical oriented subjects. 10. Students are advised to collect their study materials from the Study Centres by submitting their tuition fee remittance challan (designated Bank). 8. 9. 13. 2.45 p. 12. 9 (b) PERSONAL CONTACT PROGRAMME CENTRES [i] [ii] Personal Contact Programmes will be organized in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry at the centres listed below. 4. Students are advised to bring their own Note-books.m. to 12. 7. Any change in the programme will be intimated to the students at the venue of the PCP Classes. Students are instructed to keep their identity card ready to be produced for any reference. Students from other States may attend Classes at any one of the nearest PCP Centres. 11. & 1.m. Pens. 5. Students are advised to make their own arrangement for Boarding and Lodging.m. Personal Contact Programmes for all courses offered by the Institute of Distance Education.9 (a) PERSONAL CONTACT PROGRAMME Students are instructed to note the following 1. Students should not use Cell Phones in the class rooms.30 a. Otherwise. University of Madras. Pencils. the students shall be merged with other nearby PCP Centres where the practical oriented courses can be conducted or they have to attend the PCP Classes at Chennai. 57 [iii] [iv] .m. etc. The PCP Centre Code allotted to the places of centres in the statement below be chosen by the candidates and the same be indicated in the boxes provided in the application form as well as coding sheet properly. The PCP classes both Theory and Practical for the students admitted under calendar year stream through IDE Single Window Admission at Chennai & SpotAdmission centres within Tamil Nadu will be conducted only in Chennai.45 p.30 p. Detailed Time-Table for PCP Classes will be made available at the PCP Centres on the first day of the PCP Classes. 3. 6. It is the sole responsibility of the concerned Study Centre / Participating Institutions to arrange and conduct the PCP Classes for their Students. PCP Classes will be held from 9. to 4. The Co-ordinator / Additional Co-ordinator at the respective Centres will be available for any clarification regarding the course. will be conducted at Chennai. .in 58 . depending on the student strength available in the concerned centers. The detailed schedule for PCP regarding Dates. University reserves the right to cancel the existing centres or add new centres.PCP CENTRES CENTRE CODE PCP CENTRES CENTRE CODE AMBUR 221 SALEM 231 CHENNAI 223 TIRUVANNAMALAI 233 KANCHEEPURAM 227 VELLORE 235 KUMBAKONAM 229 PUDUCHERRY 237 * Classes will be conducted in the above PCP centres. for Undergraduate Courses will be intimated separately and also available at website : ideunom. etc. subject to availability of student strength. Nat.25 days Compulsory B. Music 6 59 Theory and Practical 10 days per year Theory 10 days per year Practical (Geography) 3 days per year Practical (Geology) 2 days per year I Year . Coimbatore.Sc. Vellore.Sc. 2. Tiruchirapalli.Sc. CONDUCTED 1 10 Days per year Optional B. Salem.A. 2 B. the PCP Classes will be arranged & conducted by the Respective Institutions.e.Sc. The conduct of PCP classes is subject to student strength. Classes will be conducted for certain courses only at selected centres outside Chennai. Thiruchirapalli. DAYS TO BE CENTRES ATTENDANCE COURSE No. Computer Applications 4 B. Salem. Chennai. Salem.Lit. will be conducted in Chennai only. Vellore and Study centres Ambur. all courses except Computer Practical oriented courses) may be conducted in Chennai only if the minimum student strength admitted by a particular centre is less than 25 for each subject. Salem.Sc. B. Bachelor of Multimedia Animation B. Geography 9 B./B.C.B. Students who have enrolled with the Study Centres. Psychology 8 B.Com.A. Puducherry. Geography. Visual Communication B.21 days II& III Year .9 (c) PERSONAL CONTACT PROGRAMME PCP Centres for the students who have enrolled in the Single Window Admission Centre of IDE. In Chennai. Kancheepuram. B.Com (Bank Management).A. Participatory Centres.Sc.Music etc. Chennai. (Commerce) B. Puducherry.6 days per year 7 B./B. Vellore and Study Centres Ambur. B. Apparel and Fashion Design Chennai Only Note : 1. Spot Admission Centres of the University THEORY & PRACTICALS Sl.Sc. Coimbatore. Tiruvannamalai.Com. Chennai. (Corporate Secretaryship). the number of outside centres for these courses may be increased. classes will be conducted for all the courses. (i. 3. depending on student enrolment.Com. Mathematics 3 B. However. Tiruchirapalli.21 days II & III Year .Sc. Mathematics. Psychology. Coimbatore and Study Centres 5 B. B. . Puducherry.Hotel and Catering Management B. Puducherry and Study Centres./B.Sc. B. Kumbakonam.25 days I year – 15 days II & III year – 30 days Theory 10 days per year Practical . Coimbatore. PCP Classes and Practical Examinations for B. 10 days per year Compulsory Optional Compulsory Optional Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Optional Compulsory Chennai only Compulsory 5 Days Compulsory for III year ‘C’ Program Ambur. Chennai. Vellore and Study centres Chennai only Chennai only Chennai.Sc. Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences 15 days per year Computer Oriented Subjects Commerce Oriented Subjects I Year .Sc. I. SALEM-636 007. Phone : 04175-236298 Fax : 04175-236553 Mobile : 9442250302 15 121 GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE.O.603 104. PVP Nagar. Poonthottam. Stone House Hill P.E. Nemili . Phone : 044-25613727 / 25613728 / 25613999 Fax : 91-44-25360865 /25393368 2 102 APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BY POST WITHIN TAMILNADU. KARUR-639 006. [Kanyakumari District] Phone : 04652-223302 / 230859 Fax : 04652-223302 Mobile : 9865210713 11 116 ST. KRISHNAGIRI-635 001. Otteri Road. DINDIGUL-624 708. SPOT ADMISSION CENTRES & STUDY CENTRES SPOT ADMISSION CENTRES Name of Centre.O. Phone : 04343-292730 Fax : 04343-234780 60 9 111 GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE. CUDDALORE-607 001. Devanampattinam. (Autonomous) KUMBAKONAM-612 001. ECR Road. Chengam Road. UDHAGAMANDALAM-643 002. Phone : 0431-2333235 Fax : 0431-2331435 14 120 GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE. [Thanjavur District] Phone : 0435-2442149 / 2442977 Fax : 0435-2442977 10 114 MODERATOR GNANADASON POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE. Fax & Mobile Sl. University of Madras. Buildings. THIRUVANNAMALAI-606 603.O. Phone : 044-27402535 4 201 UNIVERSITY CONSTITUENT COLLEGE. Phone : 044-25730382 5 104 MAZHARUL ULOOM COLLEGE. Distillery Road. COLLECTORATE (P. Bagayam. Theradi. [Tirunelveli District] Phone : 0462-2577630 Fax : 0462-2577630 Mobile : 9788421646 12 117 GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE. K.. Ramanasramam P. Race Course Road. Phone : 04543-268444 / 268445 Fax : 04543-268633 Mobile : 9750953331 18 125 CHERAN MATRICULATION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL.. CHENNAI-600 005. Cherry Road. Reddy Thoppu. 3 200 UNIVERSITY CONSTITUENT COLLEGE. The Nilgiris Phone : 0423-2443981 Fax : 0423-2448500 16 122 MUTHURANGAM GOVT. Phone : 04324-222004 / 222029 . Centre Code 1 101 INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION. Chennai Road.600 019.). No. Phone : 0416-2262068 Fax : 0416-2263768 Mobile : 9842281620 17 124 PANNAIKADU VEERAMMAL PARAMASIVAM COLLEGE. VELLORE-632 002. Singarakottai (P. Thiruvottiyur. ARTS COLLEGE . XAVIER’S COLLEGE OF EDUCATION. 7. Phone : 04342-230008 Fax : 04342-281850 8 110 GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE [MEN]. Address. THIRUCHIRAPALLI-620 020. No. DHARMAPURI-636 705. Khajanagar. Vennaimalai.O). Phone : 04142-293153 Fax : 04142-293436 7 107 GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE. John’s College Road. Chepauk. PALAYAMKOTTAI-627 002. AMBUR-635 802. Phone : 0427-2413273 Fax : 0427-2413273 13 119 JAMAL MOHAMMED COLLEGE. NAGERCOIL-629 001. Chennai . Phone. [Vellore District] Phone : 04174-242644 Fax : 04174-249638 6 106 PERIYAR ARTS COLLEGE.D.10. Dindigul Batlagundu Highway. Chennai. 044-2362 3676. 11/F. TIRUTTANI-631 209. Phone : 0413-236420 Fax : 0413-2353108 Mobile : 9894494144 CHENNAI REGION 1 601 DEEPIGHA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY. Post Box No. [Namakkal District] Phone : 04268-220255 Fax : 04268-223355 Mobile : 9443001385 22 129 SREE AMMAN ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE.H.K. Behind Nava India.T. CHENGALPATTU-603 001. Old No. ERODE-638 102. Green Land. Vayalur. Phone : 04146-251150 Mobile : 9865546688 27 135 RAJESWARI VEDACHALAM GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE. Paramathi-Velur Taluk.600 056Phone : 044. Phone : 04362-253666 Fax : 04362-246444 Mobile : 9786227505 20 127 VOORHEES COLLEGE. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION.SPOT ADMISSION CENTRES Name of Centre. Middle Point. Chittode. VILLUPURAM-605 602.602 025. Poonamallee. Phone : 0424-2533987 / 2535172 Fax : 0424-2535171 23 130 PACHAIYAPPA’S COLLEGE FOR WOMEN. Phone : 422-2561633 / 2561644 / 2561666 Fax : 422-2561655 29 137 SUDANDIRA MATRICULATION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL. PORT BLAIR-744 101. Address. VELUR-638 182. Velrampet. Road. Street. PUDUKOTTAI-622 001.G. THE RAJAH’S COLLEGE. Abi & Abi Nagar. PUDUCHERRY-605 004. Fax & Mobile Sl.SEC. New No. G. Road.SCHOOL. Phone : 04322-221558 25 133 JOHN BOSCO ARTS & SCIENCE COLLEGE. Tiruvallur District. Mg Nagar. (Between Kasi Theatre & Hyundai). KANCHIPURAM-631 503. Maruthur. Sevvapet. Vellalar Street. Chennai – 600 032.26490953 Fax : 044-24983384 . V. 14. HR. Phone. Phone : 044-27431257 / 27427816 61 STUDY CENTRES . THANJAVUR-613 003.TAMILNADU Fax : 044-27431257 28 136 HINDUSTHAN COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE.26. Mudaliarpet & Lake Street. Officer’s Line. Phone : 03192-232695 / 239688 Fax : 03192-244045 32 203 WISEMAN HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL. Near Government Hospital. Tiruvallur Railway Station. THIRUVALLUR DISTRICT-602 001 Phone : 04146-27691499 / 27600611 Mobile : 9443641266 26 134 JOHN DEWEY MATRIC. Phone : 0416-2220317 Fax : 0416-2220318 21 128 KANDASWAMI KANDAR’S COLLEGE . VELLORE-632 001. 100 Feet Road. M. Ph: 72999 55236 . Phone : 044-27222768 24 132 H.COIMBATORE-641 028. Tiruvallur Dt . Phone : 044-27885414 Mobile : 9443019772 30 138 SIDDHARTHA MATRICULATION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL . SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Ist Cross Street. Tiruvallur Taluk.45. Hindusthan Gardens. Vayalur.R. No. 149. Fax : 044-2225 3123 2 602 BHARATH POSTGRADUATE COLLEGE. Centre Code 19 126 ABI & ABI COLLEGE ARTS. 1/A. M. Mettu Street Cross. Ekkaduthangal. 98415 67876 .S. Phone : 044-26740666 31 202 TAGORE GOVT. Kumbakonam Main Road. Mount Road.2713900 13 613 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY. Podaturpet. Tiruvallur.044 -42779395 / 92 14 614 VENUS EDUCATION CENTRE.600 004 Phone : 044. Phone : 044-27849744 Mobile : 9444246103 7 607 RENAISSANCE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES TRUST. No.R.30/54. Opp To E. 22350805 Fax : 044-22301314 62 9 609 BHARATH POSTGRADUATE COLLEGE. 3. Bus Stand Complex.631208. TVM Nagar. No. Opp. New No. Ph : 91-96262 55433. Chennai.600 01. 1st Floor. 91 4252 222955 17 619 CHENGAI STUDY CENTRE.TAMILNADU Name of Centre.600 045.C. Phone : 044 – 22201333.STUDY CENTRES . 383. No. 10th Avenue. 65611355 Fax : 044-23712435 Mobile : 9600067655 8 608 STUDENT STUDY CENTRE. Pallipat [Taluk].600 015. Street. 3rd Main Road. East Tambaram. North Raja Street. No. Chennai.Othavadai Street. Palipet Tk.O. Sankarankovil . W-12. Irumbuliyur Village. 044-26376660 12 612 VISALAM EDUCATION CHARITABLE TRUST. Cauvery Palam. Centre Code 3 603 RUKMANI THAYAR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. 149. No-1. Ashok Nagar. Chengalpattu . 294. Phone : 044 -42975555.044 .60.Phone . Perambur. Chennai . 40.638 003.43159565 Fax : 044. Upstair of Federal Bank.600 041.9843234234 / 9843703005 15 615 OVIYA ACADEMY. Address. Trunk Road. 144/D3. Ph : 9884002347 19 655 NIRDS. 60. Phone. Trichy. Ramasamy Street. Karpagambal Nagar.H.2261777. Phone : 044.627 756.ART CONSULTANCY. Thiruvalluvar Salai. 12/2 . Erode. Near Chinthamani Super Market. Chennai. Old No. Road. Saidapet.600 083. Phone . Near Railway Station.600 054 Phone : 044-26376699. 161. High School.24990953 / 24984366 Fax : 044-24983384 10 610 TVM COLLEGE OF EDUCATION .620 002. V. 18 620 KALLAZHAGAR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUE.600 059 Phone : 044-22393775 Fax : 044-24983384 4 604 TAMBARAM ACADEMY FOR DISTANCE LEARNING. 1. Phone : 0431. 42104450 16 618 AIMS ACADEMY. Chennai. 8. Thayagam Building.T. Phone : 0424. Mylapore.43159565 Mobile 9841155653 5 605 ACADEMY OF DESIGN AND RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. 9788873707 .600 056. Poonamallee . 17. Avadi. 303/10/52. Madhavaram High Road.603 001. Thiruvanmiyur.64611146. Thiruvallur District Pin – 631 208 11 611 INFORMATICS EDU. C.602 001. Fax & Mobile Sl. Opp To Towers Club. Phone : 044-65419098 Fax : 044-26281471Mobile : 9710406009 6 606 SWARNAMMAL GANESAN EDUCATIONAL SOCIAL AND HEALTH CARE TRUST. Annanagar. Ist Floor. Rajapalayam Main Road. Little Mount. Chennai. Chennai. Phone : 044-27423555 / 9840188776 Email : djbohra@gmail. Old Gst Road. Chennai. Keelachintamani. Chennai-600 040. Kulunthi Amman Koil. Phone . Tambaram West. No. COLLEGE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION. 10. Vatakara -673 101 Phone : 0496.3265065 Fax : 0452. Vellore – 632 001.123302 Phone : 01259. Near ICICI Bank. Ardhanari Street.641 602. No. Motinagar. II Floor.2275350.. Phone. Covai Road. No. 14.612 001. RMS Near Railway Station. 4360664.STUDY CENTRES .4360664 26 667 SRI SAI VAIGAI ACADEMY. 9843334935 22 660 NATIONAL ACADEMY.Phone : 0431 – 402 55 55 63 STUDY CENTRES . Sri Ram nagar. Erragada. Sappani Pillaiyar Koil Street. 09349464763 ANDHRA PRADESH 5 302 BOSCO INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS. Avinashi Road. Arni Road. No. (Behind Lakshmi Complex). 9/41.59.Salem. Fax & Mobile Sl. Extn. Goripalayam. No. Karur -639 002 Phone : 04324 -233322. Theni.367C.276341 4 801 MALABAR EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUSTMALABAR COLLEGE.M. New Fair Lands. Karnal (Haryana) 132001 Phone : 0184. No. No-51B. Near Central Bank V& P. 5. Near APR Stores. Puducherry Phone : 0413-2220925. 249667 Fax : 04324. Opp New Bus Stand Kalaigar Maligai Backside.Kosli(Rewari) Haryana. KKC Complex. Opposite to Civil Court.OTHER STATES Mobile : 93444-45335 / 93446 – 54545 29 671 AIMS ACADEMY. Convent Stop.249667 Mobile : 9843034934. No. G H Road. Phone : 0421-2208113. Fax : 0421-2208113 24 664 VELLORE STUDY CENTRE (P) LTD. Hyderabad -500 018.276341 Fax : 01259.TAMILNADU Name of Centre. 4216660 Mobile : 9363023465 25 666 PADMARAJAM COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT. Kancheepuram – 631 502. Phone : 04546-260785 27 668 SREE ARAVINDHA STUDY CENTRE. Baba Mukhteshwar Siksha Samiti. Kalpalam Road.O. RNR Towers .4 Phone : 0427-2335151 23 663 SAI INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES. Phone : 0435-2400105 28 669 GATEWAY FOR ENTREPRENEUR AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES (Gems Trust).2521695. Kumbakonam .625002 Phone : 0452. S. Trichy – 18. Near ESI. Tiruppur . Madurai. Salem .Salai Road. Mobile : 96262 55433 1 441 PONDICHERRY CENTRE FOR MANAGEMENT STUDIES TRUST. Opp.636 016. Annamalai Nagar. Address. Mission Street.4033847 Fax : 0184-2201036 3 434 J. Centre Code 20 658 ANNAMALAIYAR FOUNDATION. 63/1-22A. 12A. No.C. 40.O -142 . Phone : 044 27232393 Fax : 044 27232393 21 659 BITS & BYTES COMPUTERS. 73/12. Phone : 040-23833742/23832361 Mobile : 09441512177 .B. Sector -13 Main Market. Phone : 0416 – 4200565. Nageswaran Sannathi. No. 2220955 Mobile : 9345055255 2 433 NALANDA COLLEGE NALANDA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. Near Dhinesh Hospital. Shramika Nagar. Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar.DEGREE COLLEGE.Centre. Kalpetta – 673 121. Opp. No. North Block.560 040. Chirala-523 155 Mobile : 09840683466/09989283589 KARNATAKA 64 12 321 S. Nagar Branch. Hyderabad-500 001. Church Road. Mannuthy. Ameer Estates.1 st Floor.P. Centre Code 6 303 JEEVAN SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCES. Vishakapatnam-530 026 Phone : 0891-2512891 Mobile : 09866661134 9 312 VASISTA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY& MANAGEMENT. Besides ICICI Bank S. Ashok Nagar.R. Vijaynagar Extension. Vijaynagar. 3 rd Floor.STUDY CENTRES .C. Himayath Nagar.LTD. Olavakkode Junction.R. 201. 3rd Floor. No. Mangalore-575 006. Station Road. Phone : 0861-2333097/2333107/2317612 Mobile : 09246433371 8 309 M. A.OTHER STATES Name of Centre.A Pais Building. Kutty College. Bangalore.K. Chinagantyada. Phone : (0487) 2371337/2370447Mobile : 09446184468 . No. Raghava Ratna Towers. Bangalore-560 044 Phone : 080-41673379/23111020/23352571 Fax : 080-2340 Mobile : 09741609599/09739524221 14 323 MANAGALA EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY. Flat No. Aravinda Nagar. Phone : 0821-2462592 Mobile : 09986101525 KERALA 16 328 MALABAR EDUCATIOAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST. Near Tollgate Circle.O. Phone : 080-23107336/23113811 Mobile : 09448884488/09343106379 13 322 UNIVERSAL COLLEGE. Ist Stage (Behind Banashankar Bus Stop) Mysore-570 023. Thrissur – 680 651.. Phone : 0824-2453910 15 324 SAPTAGIRI ISTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES. Aiswarya Complex. Palakkad-678 002 Phone : 0491-3265616 Mobile : 09349119325 17 329 ST.11. Amarjyothi Nagar.R. Nellore -524 003. 102. Jamuna Plaza.M. Phone. 1st Floor. #795. Hyderabad-500 082. Chirag-Ali-Lane. 5 th Main. Phone : 0468-3207877 / 3207899 Mobile : 9847723324 18 330 MALABAR EDUCTIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST. Address. Fax & Mobile Sl.Bus Stand. Phone : 040-23205738/39 Mobile : 09848828919 7 306 VIDYANIKETAN (E. Sims..S. V.S EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. Pathanamthitta-689 513.R COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND COMMERCE. Phone : 040-23758509 Mobile : 09985550088/09885550088 10 313 S. Gajuwaka Post. (MALABAR COLLEGE). Phone : 04936 -205833 Mobile : 09447694285 19 332 DON BOSCO COLLEGE.M) HIGH SCHOOL. Nariyapuram P. Hyderabad-500 029 Phone : 040-27630650/2763065 Mobile : 09246883308 11 315 BHARATI DEGREE COLLEGE . Abids.60 Feet Road.PAUL’S INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY PVT.90 Magadi Main Road. Wayanad District. Phone : 0483-3290570 28 339 INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY FOR MANAGEMENT STUDIES. Beside Jai Jalaram Mangal. Near Jubilee Mission Hospital. S. Phone : 0495-2369363 Mobile : 09400802899. Arafa Building. Fax & Mobile Sl. Kannur – 670 001. Opp. Patna – 800 016. Dnyaneshwar. Road. Tiwari Industries Campus.O. Trade Centre.STUDY CENTRES . Near Collectorate.K. 40/554.Road. Manjeri. S.676 121. Phone : 0712-2240158 33 356 JVR EDUCATIONAL TRUST. Phone. Jubilee Road. Thrissur District. Arya Kumar Road. Shreenath Plaza. Cochin – 682 025. Phone : 022-26541910/26541911/26541912 Mobile : 09867306232 31 354 WISDOM INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES. Address. Manimuriyil Bank Road. Rajendra Nagar. Plot No. Phone : 0240-2464733 Mobile : 09922445008/0917577111 32 355 WISDOM INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES. ‘Abhilash’ Opp.K. Hiwari Layout. Junction. Shivaji Nagar. Pune – 411 005. New Kodakasseri Building. Mobile : 09447082717 BIHAR 29 341 ARCADE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Cochin . 06115-222222 MAHARASHTRA 30 351 NATIONAL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION & MANGEMENT. Kerala . Near Fathima Hospital. 21 491 VIVEKANANDA EDUCATIONAL & CHARITABLE TRUST SCIENCE ACADEMY. Thiruvananthapuram – 695 034. Kurla Market. Inox Square. Wardhman Nagar. Town Hall. Behind White House.OTHER STATES Name of Centre. Kacharipadi. KMC IX-1436 B. Vedant Nagar. Yogasala Road. Centre Code 20 333 VIDYODAYA INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION & MANAGEMENT. Near Municipal Bus Stand. Meads Lane. Hotel Renaissance.1. Phone : 0612-2666000. Pho ne : 0483-6061234 / 9744889956 23 334 SHRI VIVEKANANDA EDUCATIONAL TRUST. No.N. Palarivattom.S. Malappuram – 676 505. Kurla (West) Mumbai – 400 070. Puthenpalli. 09349119325 24 335 LITTLE FLOWER COLLEGE. P. 020-25536407/ 25530024 Mobile : 09960731651 . 1184/4. Guruvayoor – 680 103. 2nd Floor. Palayam. Padwka Chowk. Phone : 0481-2300522 Mobile : 09249490722 65 27 338 REGIONAL MANAGEMENT COLLEGE. Kottayam – 686 001. Cell : 9349119325 22 492 EDUWIN DISTANCE EDUCATION CENTRE. 21.Higher Secondary School. 0497-2703531 Mobile : 09895182232 26 337 ACADEMY FOR MANAGEMENT STUDIES. Nagpur – 440 021. Aurangabad – 431 001. Karalaya. Station Road. 2663335.682 018. Calicut – 673 001. Opp.C. F. Phone : 0487-2550982 Mobile : 09526310389 25 336 MALABAR EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST. ASSAM 41 451 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES. Global Foyer. Shillong – 793 008. Guwahati – 781 007. Bardoli – 394 601. No. 60/1. Phone : 02622-228898 Mobile : 09913506069 66 SIKKIM 38 411 PAKIM PALATINE COLLEGE. Phone : 03592-257413 Mobile : 09932441720 UTTAR PRADESH 39 423 INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. Golf Course Road. Plot No. Orissa – 751 007.43. Near North Campus – Delhi University. Civil Lines. Phone : 0674-2543025. 0674-2542908 Mobile : 9853087201. 9 th Bye Lane . 2. Delhi – 110 009. Centre Code MEGHALAYA 34 361 SACRED HEART THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE. Gurgaon – 122 002. 9758615566 HARYANA 40 432 GLOBAL SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE. East Sikkim – 737 106. Mawali. Phone . Kolkatta – 700 020. Phone. Chowringhee Road. Aligarh – 202 001. Phone : 0364-2550315 Mobile : 0943699408 WEST BENGAL 35 372 INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES . Saheed Nagar.784. Hospital Road.2742309. NEW DELHI 36 382 VIVEKANANDA INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER EDUCATION. 2647. Phone : 0361-2466348 Mobile : 09435146170 ORISSA 42 486 LIBERTY EDUCATION. Address.Pakyong. Zoo Tinial. Etah Bye-Pass Road. Alexandra Court. Rgb Road. Phone : 011-47058209 Mobile : 09268571123 GUJARAT 37 391 MOHAMMEDBHAI ALIMOHAMMEDBHAI MEMON HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL. Gandhi Road. Ist Floor. 7. Sec. Fax No. Hudson Lane.STUDY CENTRES . 8 . Quarsi.0571 . Fax & Mobile Sl.OTHER STATES Name of Centre. Bhubaneswar. O. Alagapuram.Box.1. Sultanate Of Oman. Shastri Nagar. 4 508 KUWAIT EDUCATIONAL CENTRE. 080 – 25547030 .5726. Muscat.P. Phone.Box. Opp. 6 514 ATLAS INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE. 16A.Srilanka Phone. House of G-Tec Indus Avenue. Laws Ghat Road. Phone. Peace Centre. 5 510 POLYGLOT INSTITUTE OMAN IIC. Ramnad District. No. Address.03-04. 2362 3678 2 905 AIMS ACADEMY.63 /1-22 A. Kathmandu. 111. Nepal.E.Nuzha – 73053.. Phone : 044-2496 4101 Mobile : 98418 25101 8 924 G-TEC EDUCATION. 3 506 HIMALAYAN EDUCATION NETWORK . Box 16762. 1 st Floor.A. Manikodi Srinivasa Nagar Main Road.O. No.600 096.0097150 .673 002.39271.009411-4613225 Fax: 009411-2451090.600 060. Bangalore – 560 042.STUDY CENTRES .4255595 Mobile : 9626255644 6 910 ACER FOUNDATION. Paramakudi Post & Taluk. Phone : 0462. Juhu Garden Services Apartment. No. Phone . Phone : 0427-2443445 Fax : 04252-222955 Mobile : 9626255622 3 906 AYIRA VAISYA INSTITUTE. Kodaikanal-624101. Chennai . Ltd. St John’s Road.(+965)4729161/47221439/5618333 Fax: 4729161 / 5661606. Centre Code 1 503 PMC SCHOOL OF LOGISTICS. No.Kandivali (W). Greams Road. Near Toll Plaza. Phone. Empire & Mosque) 100 Feet Road.7946945 PARTICIPATORY INSTITUTIONS 1 901 67 MADRAS INSTITUTE OF FASHION TECHNOLOGY. Ruwi Postal Code 112. No. Colombo -13 . 84. Kalai Nagar. Fax & Mobile Sl. Mumbai-400 067 Phone : 022-28670101 5 909 VIRUTSHAM FOUNDATION. Phone. Thousand Lights. (Phone : 91 495 408833 (60 lines) Fax : 91 495 4088334 9 925 HCL TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED.G. Razal Al Kaimah. 57. No. No.221.24835777 Fax: 24834602. (Between Hotel Ambika. Phone : 044-28495454 7 923 THE MARK BUSINESS SCHOOL AND RESEARCH CENTRE. Calicut .O Box.977-1-4476685 Mobile-977985109909 Fax: 977-1-4477709.ABROAD CENTRE Name of Centre. De Silva Mawatha. Chennai-600 026 Ph : 98412 70011 . Free Trade Zone. 23/95.No. Singapore – 228 149. Professional Integrated Programme CA 10 911 BMS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY. P.625017. Sri Ram Nagar. Kalai Nagar 2nd Street. P.1. Old Natham Road. Vadapalani. Madurai. Charkop Sect. Phone. Kuwait. Kallai Road. 98412 71133 . Pvt. 623 707 Phone : 04564-227666 Fax : 04564-224666 Mobile : 9443684210 4 907 LN GROUP OF INSTITUTES. U. Salem – 636 016. Perungudi . No. OMR. SES Campus. George R. Ugarthe Nagar. Behind Ekvira School. Sophia Road. No.200. 2 504 ASIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Old Baneshwor Chowk-09.O. Raz Al Kaimah.Kerala . (Majdalawi Educational Institute For Unversity Services) P. 42.0065-63399703 Fax: 0065-63399742. 5/338 Sowkthali Street. Domlur. Bangalore . Phone : 24990953/24987025 Fax : 044-24983384 Mobile : 9884002347 2 916 EVERONN BUSINESS EDUCATION LIMITED . . T. Chatean ‘D’ Amba. No. Sriperumbudhur.24962800 TECHNICAL COLLABORATION INSTITUTION FOR INDUSTRY INTEGRATED COURSES 1 926 EDU SEARCH INDIA PVT. 0097715522677 20 922 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS MANAGEMENT. 1st Floor. . Address. Industrial Estate. IVth Floor. Venus Complex. No. 172/9. 68 ONLINE PROGRAMME INSTITUTIONS 19 921 WELHAM’S COLLEGE. Karpagam Avenue.600 096. Chennai .Perungudi. Surveyor Colony. Ishwarya Complex. Karpagambal Nagar. Pacifica Tech Park No-23.30. 18 4 th Street. Tambaram Road. Jwalakhel Kathmandhu Lalitpur. 7th Block. Phone : 080-26631833 / 834 Fax : 080 . Fax & Mobile Sl. Trunk Road. Phone : 044. OMR (Near To Polaris Lab). 110. 23742195 1 913 SPE TRUST.96-99. They are cautioned that admission secured from unauthorised centres agencies will not be entertained and university will not be held responsible for the same.600 017. Arulperumjothi Nagar. Madurai . Kanakapura Main Road. Kanchipuram– 602 105. Students are advised not to have any dealing with any other unauthorised Institutions/ Agencies pertaining to admission to any of the courses offered by this Institute. “Everonn House” Plot No.600 004. 97715008617 Cell : 0097715520509. 4. 237427501.42968400 Fax : 044. Old Hal Airport Road.Nagar. Centre Code 11 912 GALAXY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT GALAXY EDUCATIONAL HEALTH & CHARITABLE TRUST.29. Phone : 04253-288545 16 918 AIMS ACADEMY.642 10. Admin Office: Galaxy Towers. 252. Chennai-600 056 Mobile : 09600055533 17 919 APOLLO COMPUTERS EDUCATION LIMITED. 120 Feet Road. 3rd Floor. Near Sundar Theatre Poonamallae. Chennai-603103 Phone : 044-28192329 14 915 DIAMOND DART ACADEMY. Chennai . Duraisami Road. Rajiv Gandhi Salai . Mylapore. 13 914 NEWREEL DESIGN AND ENTERTAINMENT (P) LTD. Phone. Bangalore – 71 Phone : 08025355666 Mobile : 9626255644 15 917 VETHATHIRI MAHARISHI INSTITUTE FOR SPIRITUAL AND INTUITIONAL EDUCATION [VISION FOR WISDOM]. Vellarai. Chennai – 600 028. Chennai. Chennai. No. Aliyar Pollachi . Temple Of Consciousness. Raja Annamalaipuram. Near Domlur Bustop. LTD. 83/1C.PARTICIPATORY INSTITUTIONS Name of Centre. Phone : 044 – 42102510/24956277/24956299 Mobile : 91-44-24939925 12 CAMPUS: GALAXY INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT . Nelson Marikam Road. Jaya Nagar. No. Nepal. Tel No. 8. Sekar Complex.22450490 ATTENTION Students can seek admission only at Single Window Admission Centre / Spot Admission Centres / Study Centres / Participatory Programme Centres listed in the prospectus / University Website. Min Nagar. Navalur.560 082. 18 920 GLOBAL SCHOOL OF FOREIGN TRADE. No.625 007. Phone : 9851021078. ......................................600 005 Date...... Institute of Distance Education.......... Name of the Course : ................... SECTION OFFICER P................................ Examination * Payment Particulars ................................... Name of the Candidate Address : ............... .. Year of Admission . ................... * These details should be furnished relating to Provisional / Degree Certificate............ GRIEVANCE FORM (MAKE PHOTO COPIES FOR MULTIPLE USE) UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION CHENNAI ........................................... Enrolment No........................................R...... ........... The filled-in grievance form may be sent to “The Public Relations Officer............................................................................. University of Madras...................................................600 005”..... ............. / A......S................ (Fax : 91-44-25385539) 69 ......................11.......................... : ....... of passing the of passing the Examination Year ... Chennai ............ ....O.......................................................... Grievance in brief Signature of the Student Action taken (To be filled in by the Office) ASST......................................................................................... Chepauk...........................O.. Pin code : ............................................................................................................................... Month and Year * Month and Year Month . : ......................................................................................................................... Name of the Teacher : Course and Paper Title: Enrolment Number Name of the Centre : Name of the Student Directions : For each Item. Teacher . The teacher encouraged participation and discussion by students. Subject Matter 1. SA A N D SD B. 70 . Please indicate your choice of the statement by ticking under each heading. The question of the examinations were explained after the examination. 3. 2. The teacher’s method of teaching made the lecture interesting 11. SA : Strongly Agree A : Agree N : Neutral D : Disagree SD : Strongly Disagree A. The depth of coverage of the subject was adequate The teacher’s overall organization and presentation of the subject was very clear The teacher stimulated intellectual curiosity. 7. The teacher began classes in time The teacher used the class hour effectively. 3. All units of the course were completed in time 10. The teacher’s attitude toward the students was friendly and helpful 13. 6. The teacher’s communication ability was satisfactory 12.Leading Process 4.600 005 Date : 1. 2. 8. All the daily lectures (or class work) were well organized and in a meaningful sequence The explanations were clear and to the point. 5.STUDENTS FEEDBACK FORM (MAKE PHOTO COPIES FOR USE) UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION CHENNAI . 9. 150/. 100/. SIMULTANEOUS ADMISSION TO CERTIFICATE & DIPLOMA COURSES INFORMATION TO CANDIDATES Along with the course selected. French & German. if an applicant wishes to join any one of the Certificate or Diploma Courses simultaneously. b) A student can additionally enrol for one Certificate Course only at a post towards the cost of Application and Prospectus and to submit the application together with bonafide certificate of the Institution where he/she is studying the Under-Graduate Degree person or Rs. French & German. 71 . University of Madras are eligible for admission to the “Diploma Course in Rain Water Harvesting” only. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS (A) CERTIFICATE COURSES a) Candidates undergoing any Degree Course (Regular Stream) of the University of Madras or any other University recognised by UGC/AIU accepted as equivalent thereto by this University are eligible for admission to the Certificate Courses other than Sanskrit. c) A student can additionally enrol for one Diploma Course only at a time. he/she should obtain separate Prospectus prescribed for the Certificate/Diploma Courses on payment of Rs. (B) DIPLOMA COURSES a) Candidates undergoing any Post-Graduate Degree Course (Regular Stream) of the University of Madras or any other University recognised by UGC/AIU accepted as equivalent thereto by this University are eligible for admission to the Diploma Courses other than Sanskrit. b) Candidates who have passed +2 Examinations conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu (or) Senior School Certificate Examinations conducted by the CBSE (or) Government Board Examinations of the Other States (or) Union Territories (or) an Examination as equivalent thereof by the authorities. (C) DUAL DEGREE a) Candidates, who are undergoing Postgraduate Degree courses in the regular colleges affiliated to any University recognised by the UGC / AIU shall be permitted to do another Undergraduate / Postgraduate degree course in the IDE under Dual Degree programme, provided such candidates satisfy the admission requirement prescribed for the course concerned. b) Candidates who are under going courses in regular colleges should submit their filled in application forms along with the bonafide certificate issued by the Principal of the College where the candidate is studying at present; also the candidates should submit their basic qualification certificate in original; if the candidates are not able to submit their original certificates, such candidates should submit the Photostat copies of all the qualifying certificates duly attested by the Principal of the College, where the candidate is undergoing the course now. c) Candidates who are admitted in the IDE, should follow the rules and regulations prescribed for the course and satisfy all the requirements prescribed for completing the course in order to qualify for awarding the Degree. 72 13. EXAMINATIONS 1. Candidates are instructed to read the following instructions relating to examinations carefully and take note of the special instructions relating to examinations. 2. Separate intimation regarding examinations and examination applications will not be sent to the students admitted from Academic Year 2012 - 2013 & Calendar Year Admissions 2013. They have to apply for examinations as and when they are eligible within the prescribed last date. Students should take photo copy of the specimen examination application appended to this Prospectus and submit it to the University before the prescribed last date furnished under serial number 4 below. The examination application can also be downloaded from the IDE website 3. The annual main examinations for Students admitted under “Calendar Year Stream” are conducted at the end of the Calendar Year, i.e., November every year. Subsequently, the supplementary examinations for this batch of students will be conducted during May every year. 4. The last date for submission of filled-in examination application for the Main Examinations Please refer IDE, University of Madras Website. 5. While submitting the filled-in application for examination they should enclose the xerox copy of the fees remittance challan towards the tution feess paid till the date of submission of examination application. Otherwise, their applications will not be registered for the examinations. (Student who has not paid the Tuition fees will not be permitted to write the examinations under any circumstances) 6. The examinations are conducted at various centres furnished in the examination application appended to this prospectus. However, the University has the right to restrict the number of examination centres depending upon the students’ strength. In such cases, students choosing a particular centre may be asked to take the examinations in the nearby Examination Centre. 7. Normally two examinations are conducted per day. The fore-noon session is from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and the after-noon session is from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Those who have cleared all the prescribed papers at the end of each year, will have only one examination per day. 8. Qualitatively, the examinations conducted for the students of Institute of Distance Education are on par with the examinations conducted for the regular College students. 9. The ID card issued by the Institute should be produced at the Examination Centre both for obtaining the hall ticket and for taking the examinations. No other ID card will be accepted for taking the examinations. 10. Even though the students are registered for the courses under English / Tamil Medium acording to their choice indicated in the Admission Application form, students are permitted to write their examinations either in Tamil or English irrespective of their choice of medium of instruction at the time of admission. 11. Students, who have arrears of paper, after the completion of the duration of the course of study, may also submit the examination application form to clear their arrear papers within the last date indicated above along with the prescribed examination fees. 73 Cost of Application Rs.25/- (to be paid along with examination fees) UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf« INSTITUTE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION bjhiyöu¡ fšÉ ÃWtd« APPLICATION FOR UNDER GRADUATE DEGREE EXAMINATION MAY / NOVEMBER .......................... IMPORTANT NOTE: Name of the Degree :........................ Main Subject ................ UG Separate intimation regarding examinations and examination application will not be sent to students admitted from Calendar Year 2011. Keep this specimen application form till the successful completion of the degree.Candidates should use only photocopy of the specimen application to submit as and when he/she is eligible to apply for the examinations. 1. The annual main examinations for students admitted under “Calendar Year Stream” (Enrolment number starting with alphabet “C”) are conducted at the end of the Calendar Year, i.e., November every year. The supplementary examinations for this batch of students will be conducted during May every year. The annual main examinations for students admitted under “Academic Year Stream” (Enrolement number starting with alphabet “A”) are conducted at the end of the Academic Year, i.e., May every year. The supplementary examinations for this batch of students will be conducted during November every year. Before filling the application, please read carefully the instructions furnished in this application as well as “Instructions to Candidates”. IMPORTANT DATES - Last date for submission of filled-in application: For May Examinations - Please refer IDE, University of Madras Website. For November Examinations - Please refer IDE, University of Madras Website. Applications received after this last date will be rejected. 2. 3. 4. Designated Banks Indian Bank / IOB Details of fees remitted to the IDE Tuition fees remitted so far (Enclose Xerox copies of Challan) First Year Second Year Third Year Rs.................................. Date:................................. Rs.................................. Date:................................. Rs.................................. Date:................................. Fees remitted for the current examinations: (Enclose the Original IDE Copy of the Challan or Demand Draft) Examination Fees: Provisional Certificate Convocation Degree Certificate Rs........................................ Rs......................................... Rs......................................... 1. EXAMINATION CENTRE / nj®î ika« : CENTRE CODE NO. / nj®î ika F¿pL v© : 2. ENROLMENT NUMBER / gâî v©. 3. MEDIUM SELECTED / ghlbkhÊ : ENGLISH / M§»y tÊ TAMIL / jÄœ tÊ 4. NAME OF THE CANDIDATE / khzt® bga® (AS PER ADMISSION) RECORDS A. In English M§»y¤âš (IN CAPITAL LETTER) B. In Tamil jÄÊš 5. DATE OF BIRTH / ãwªj njâ : 6. a) Name of Father / jªij bga® : b) Name of Mother / jhah® bga® : 7. ADDRESS (IN CAPITAL LETTERS) WITH LANDLINE/ MOBILE NO. (RMN) KftÇ Men / M© - Women / bg© AFFIX HERE CANDIDATE’S RECENT PASSPORT SIZE PHOTOGRAPH DULY SIGNED rÛg¤âš vL¤j khzt® ifbah¥gÄ£l kh®gsî òif¥gl« x£Ljš nt©L«. 8. SUBJECT/S FOR WHICH THE CANDIDATE IS NOW APPEARING / khzt® j‰bghGJ nj®î vGjîŸs jhŸfŸ Étu« : FIRST YEAR / Kjyhkh©L SUBJECT / ghl« CODE / F¿pL SECOND YEAR / ïu©lhkh©L SUBJECT / ghl« CODE / F¿pL THIRD YEAR / _‹whkh©L SUBJECT / ghl« CODE / F¿pL Total Number of Subject/s Appearing Total Number of Subject/s Appearing Total Number of Subject/s Appearing 74 Practical Examination for the B.ideunom.M. 12. if any.C. 9. Centre Notification will not be sent to the Candidates by post to their residential addresses. Centre / nj®î ika« Result nj®î Koî SECOND YEAR / ïu©lhkh©L THIRD YEAR / _‹whkh©L 10. 75 . Candidates can download their HALL TICKETS from the Website : www. Station : Date : Signature of the Candidate / khzt® ifbah¥g« IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. The Time Table. give details : I hereby declare that the above information furnished by me are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I have paid all my tuition fees and also I have attended the compulsory classes including practicals conducted by the I.A. THe information with regard to examination Application.Sc. Centre. Centre Notification from the Website. Enrolment number / gâî v©. Time Table. Applications registered from Candidates for the current examination will not be used for the subsequent examinations and that the www. 3.ideunom. granted in any subjects (Copy of the Exemption Order to be enclosed) 11.Mus. Applications received without prescribed examination fees will be rejected. 2. Tuition Fee should not be remitted along with the Examination Fee under any circumstances.E.P. manual HALL TICKET will not be issued. 5. 11. Candidates appearing for the Examination for the First time either in the First Year or Second Year or Third Year should register for all the Papers prescribed for the respective years. 4. eh‹ nk‰go F¿¥ã£LŸs Étu§fŸ mid¤J« c©ikahdit v‹W«. Details of Exemption. except the very first appearance) FIRST YEAR / Kjyhkh©L Paper jhŸ Subject ghl« Code F¿pL Month & Year / khj« & tUl« 6. only at the P. / B. paid by the Candidate will not be carried over OR adjusted for any future examination OR any other purpose under any State whether he/she has been rusticated for malpractice if Yes. bjhiyöu¡ fšÉ ÃWtd¤â‰F brY¤j nt©oa go¥ò¡ f£lz§fis KGikahf brY¤âíŸns‹ vdî« cWâ mË¡»nw‹. Time Table.9. / B. No Candidate shall be allowed to write the Examinations without the Identity Card issued by the Director. Centre Notification and Model Question Papers are available through Website : www.D.A. 8. IDE. ___________________________________ Details of previous appearance/s Kªija nj®î Étu§fŸ (This column should be compulsorily filled in by the candidate. if any.C. Candidates are advised to download the Exam. 10. m¤Jl‹ bjhiyöu fšÉ ÃWtd¤jhš el¤j¥g£l všyh f£lha tF¥òfS¡F« (brŒKiw c£gl). / B. / B. Candndiates who are in arrears of Tuition fee / Discontinued the course are strictly advised not to apply for the Examination. Degree Courses will be conducted at the end of Practical Classes each year. tUif¥ gâî M»íŸns‹ v‹W« cWâ mË¡»nw‹.B. Candidates are advised to go through the enclosed SUBJECTS and SUBJECT CODES thoroughly before filling Application. Candidate should fill all the columns in the Application in their own hand writing only. NO OTHER IDENTITY CARD WILL BE ENTERTAINED FOR THE PURPOSE ON ANYACCOUNT. Sex : M/W...... * Convocation Degree Certificate TOTAL 7.. May 201 Nov.. Rs.COMPUTER CODING SHEET / fÂÅ F¿p£L¤jhŸ Course : UG Exam / ïsÃiy¡ nj®î Subject / ghl« : ___________________ Month & Year of Exam nj®î khj« & tUl« 1. Signature of the Candidate / khzt® ifbah¥g« 76 .. * FINAL YEAR CANDIDATES APPEARING FIRST TIME SHOULD PAY COMPULSORILY 9.. Examination Fees (including cost of application and Statement of Marks) 2.. Batch nr®¡if M©L Details of Fees Paid 1. 2..... Rs. (Men M©/Women bg©) ghÈd« 4. Address Éyhr« PIN CODE : Note : Candidates should fill all the columns in their own hand writing only... Subjects for which the candidate is now appearing for the Examination : j‰bghGJ nj®î vGjîŸs jhŸfË‹ F¿pL Étu« (Subject Code should alone be quoted in the columns) FIRST YEAR : Kjyhkh©L SECOND YEAR : ïu©lhkh©L THIRD YEAR : _‹whkh©L 10.... 6.... 8....... 201 Name Examination Centre Code / Name : nj®î ika F¿p£L v© / bga® Enrolment Number: gâî v© : Name of the (In English) Candidate: É©z¥gjhu® bga® (jÄÊš) Date of Birth: Date (as per school records) Month Year 5.. Rs...20 ____ Year of Admission :.. MEDIUM : TAMIL / ENGLISH ghlbkhÊ : jÄœ tÊ / M§»y tÊ Rs........ 3... * Provisional Certificate 3......... 20 ____ . ... (FILL THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS IN CAPITAL LETTERS) nj®î ika« : Examination Centre : gâî v©.............. ïsÃiy¤ nj®î U.................. MAY / NOVEMBER 20................................. : Mobile No............................................................................................................................................. : bga® Name : ........ADDRESS SLIP / Éyhr Éšiy ïsÃiy¤ nj®î U........................ (FILL THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS IN CAPITAL LETTERS) nj®î ika« : Examination Centre : gâî v©......................................................... 77 ...................... PIN ........... Éyhr« Address : .......................................................................... (FILL THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS IN CAPITAL LETTERS) nj®î ika« : Examination Centre : gâî v©................. PIN .. DEGREE EXAMINATION.............. Éyhr« Address : ................................... : ........................... ............. (FILL THE FOLLOWING PARTICULARS IN CAPITAL LETTERS) nj®î ika« : Examination Centre : gâî v©................................................................................ DEGREE EXAMINATION........................................ : bga® Name : .......... Enrolment No............. Enrolment No................................................................. MAY / NOVEMBER 20.. : Mobile No........................G........................... ....................................... PIN ... Enrolment No... MAY / NOVEMBER 20.... DEGREE EXAMINATION........................ ïsÃiy¤ nj®î U. Éyhr« Address : ..................................... Enrolment No...................... : bga® Name : ....G......................................... : Mobile No................................................. .............. : ............ PIN ......................... Éyhr« Address : ....................................................................G...................... ïsÃiy¤ nj®î U............................................................................ : ................G......................... : .......... : Mobile No.................. : bga® Name : ..................................................... DEGREE EXAMINATION....................... ................................ MAY / NOVEMBER 20.............. 600 005.175/To be paid by final year candidates appearing for first time Calicut. Statement of Marks and Cost of Application. in this regard. Write the name and place of the Bank. University of Madras. Candidates should specify the Medium in which they choose to write the Examination (i. Payment of Fee is to be made either through enclosed challan in the designated bank branches or by means of an Account Payee Demand Draft. for subsequent appearances.for each appearance 6. Date of Payment and the amount. 7. Institute of Distance Education. Varanasi. 11. the examination fee once paid will not be refunded in any manner or adjusted for the subsequent examinations or for any other purposes under any circumstances. Patna. 13. in English or Tamil). (i) IDE Copy of Examination fee paid challan or Account Payee Demand Draft (ii) Address Slips (Neatly Written) (iii) Tuition fee paid challan (IDE Copy) The Examinations for academic year admission will be held during the months of May (Main examination) / November (Supplemental Examination) every year. Candidates will be intimated in advance. Tirupathi. Examination will be held in the following centres.E. This institute reserves all rights to change any of the Examination Centre at its discretion. 60/Statement of Marks Rs. The Time Table.To be remitted for each appearance along with Examination Fee * Provisional Certificate Rs. in the appropriate boxes provided in the application form.e. Time Table. The detailed Time-Table for the examinations and “Examination Centres” will be sent to the candidates individually by post. Port Blair. However. Kannur. besides noting the total amount. The information with regard to examination Application. Candidates appearing for the first time either for first year or second year or third year should pay the fees for all the papers prescribed. CENTRE Bangalore Mumbai Kolkata Coimbatore Cuddalore Delhi Dharmapuri Erode Hyderabad Kancheepuram Kumbakonam Madurai Puducherry CODE 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 CENTRE Salem Thanjavur Thiruvannamalai Tiruchirappalli Tirunelveli Thiruvananthapuram Vaniyampadi Vellore Villupuram Chennai Port Blair Cochin Krishnagiri CODE 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CENTRE Arakkonam Chengalpattu Nellore Patna Vishkapattanam Vijayawada Tirupathi Ambur Trissur Mysore Gujarat Varanasi Guruvayoor CODE 30 33 34 35 37 39 40 41 42 45 46 47 49 CENTRE Kannur Malappuram Jammu Aligarh Calicut Guwahati Bahrain Dubai (UAE) Singapore Srilanka Doha (Qatar) CODE 60 61 62 64 66 67 501 502 503 504 505 2. Trissur. The Fee prescribed for the examination are as follows : Each Practical Paper : Rs. 25/Cost of Application Form Rs. Kolkata. Gujarat. Institute of Distance Education. for Calendar year admissions main examination will be held in November and supplemental examinations in May every year. Time Table.UNDER GRADUATE DEGREE EXAMINATIONS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. Chepauk. Rs. 120/Each Written Paper Rs. Hyderabad. 8. Vijayawada. Centre Notification will not be sent to the Candidates address directly by post to their residential addresses. If he/she has been granted exemption from appearing for any paper/s he/she should give full particular/s of exemption in the column 10 and also enclose a xerox copy of the exemption order issued by the Director. 25/. Centre Notification and Model Question Papers are available through Website : www. Candidates who are unable to appear for the Examination in any of the papers. Candidates will be permitted for paper-wise registration. Candidate are advise to download the Exam.ideunom. 12. 9. Candidates who wish to appear for the Examination in the following centres located outside Tamil Nadu should pay an Additional Fee as noted.125/* Convocation Degree Certificate Rs. before the prescribed last date. Jammu. IDE. besides the above Examination Fee. Chennai . Centre Notification HALL TICKET from the Website : www. Guruvayoor. 78 . Vishakapattanam. He/She should keep a record of these particulars for his/her future reference. Nellore. Chennai . In such cases. University of Madras.D. I. Enter the correct Code Number of the Centre legibly in the column provided thereto in the application. Malappuram Delhi.600 005 by Registered Post with Acknowledgement Due together with the following. 250/. 3. Building. Each Examination Centre is given a Code Number. Thiruvananthapuram. Once the medium is opted they will not be permitted to change it later.for each appearance Rs. Filled in application is to be submitted to the Aligarh 5.ideunom. 10. Those who are not in receipt of the same may refer to the notification that will be given in the leading News Papers both in Tamil and English before the commencement of the May/November examinations. 300/. Application. Demand Draft Mysore. drawn from any one of the nationalized banks (payable in the city of Chennai) in favour of the Director. Mumbai. Cochin. may appear for such papers in the subsequent examinations as and when they are held. Candidates may choose anyone of the following centres to appear for the Examinations. Sikkim. Sc. University of Madras. Malpractice Cases : Candidates who were alleged of malpractice at the previous examinations shall be permitted to appear for the subsequent / current examinations at their own risk pending decision. The Old Regulations Candidates should write their examinations only in the existing revised syllabus under equivalent paper scheme.E. Application for Retotalling of Marks should be submitted to the Institute within two weeks time from the date of publication of results by remitting the prescribed fee of Rs. Statement of Marks will be sent to the candidates by Registered Post/Speed Post to the address furnished in the examination application.100/. No incriminating materials should be carried inside the examination Hall. (i) Those who want to apply for Revaluation have to pay Rs. University of Madras. Chennai .100/-. CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS 79 . The Practical Examinations will be conducted only at the end of Practical Classes each year and only at the P. IDE. I..600 005” 21. 27. Chennai . Xerox copy of Tution fee paid Challan / Details of D. Discrepancies found in the Statement of Marks issued by this office should be brought to the notice of the Additional Controller of Examination.for further details. Attendance for the Practical Classes for B. If the admission fees is cancelled by the Director. 37. 30. No application will be entertained after this time limit. Any discrepancy found in his/her computerised Hall Ticket with regard to Subject Code for which he/she was registered for the Examination or correction in the name. Candidates who desire to change their examination centre on valid reasons should make their request one month before the commencement of I. 250/. 300/. they need not apply for the examination under any circumstances. 2.14. Candidates can apply well in advance for a Duplicate copy of the Hall-Ticket/ldentity Card in the event of loss in transit by remitting the prescribed fee of Rs.Degree: Attendance for the Personal Contact Programme is compulsory. University of Madras). The Enrolment Number should not be written in any of the inner pages of the Answer books on any account.C. 20. All queries regarding his/her examination (Marks Not Available cases ) have to be made within 15 days time from the date of publication of results as the office will preserve his/her answer scripts for a limited period only for the purpose. Final Year Candidates should pay compulsorily a sum of Rs. IDE. 26. Blind Candidates will be permitted on prior permission from the Additional Controller of Examinations. 36. Candidates who fail to attend Personal Contact Programme / Practical Classes should attend the same in the subsequent batches on prior permission from the Director.B. Candidates who have tution fees due should contact the Director.200/-per paper.175/-) along with examination fee for third year (First time).B.shall be enclosed. failing which their results will not be declared and no claim will be entertained thereon. Examination application of candidate with shortage of Attendance will be cancelled. 35. 22. etc. Examinations on payment of prescribed fee of Rs. should be brought to the notice of the Additional Controller of Examination. candidates may apply for a Duplicate copy of the Statement of Marks by paying the prescribed fee (upto 5 years Rs.D.600 005” by mentioning “Requisition for revaluation”. Candidates are instructed to contact the Director. The requisition together with fees for revaluation received after the due date and the fees paid by the ineligible candidates will not be entertained. 18. 15. B. 33.200/.. I. 31. 32.E. 25. in case if they are not available at that address during the time of delivery. IDE.A. Fee etc. 5 to 10 years Rs. IDE to appoint a Scribe (other than the Subject holder) to write their Examinations..C. No Candidate will be allowed to write the examination without the Identity Card issued by the Director.towards Provisional Certificate (Rs. As per G. No queries will be entertained from the candidate after this period under any circumstances. I.D.100/-before the commencement of the Examination.Music is compulsory. 34.O. 23. Candidates who have earned 80% attendance and progress alone will be permitted to appear for the Examination. 24. On any account the practical Examinations will not be conducted during supplementary examinations.No other Identity Card will be entertained for the purpose on any account.E. Result will not be declared in case of any deficiency in filling up the columns provided thereto in the Answer scripts and they cannot put forth any claim over that at a later stage. I. IDE to get their Results. Candidates who have earned 80% of attendance alone will be permitted to appear for the Practical Examination. The Hall Ticket should be preserved safely by the Candidate until he/she completes the whole examination and should be shown to the invigilators along with his/her Identity Card on each and every session of the examination and till the receipt of statement of marks from the University. 4. 3. In case of any loss. IDE. Candidates are expected to be in their seats 10 minutes before the commencement of the examination. IDE. 16.Degree : Attendance for the Personal Contact Programme for the Paper VII Computer Programming (MW2) is compulsory.above 10 years per statement. The fees once paid for the purpose will not be refunded in any manner under any circumstances. (Geography and Psychology).Centre for those who have earned the attendance and progress by completing the record note books.. 19. and clear off the dues and ‘No Fee Due Certificate’ should be obtained and produced to the Additional Controller of Examinations. within 15 days from the date of receipt of the same for necessary action. Application for Revaluation of Answer Script should be submitted to the Institute within 15 days from the date of publication of results. Chepauk.D. will be withheld. date of birth. If they fail to do so examination taken by them will be cancelled.E. Candidates should not wait for the out-come of Re-Totalling/Revaluation of Marks for submitting their application for subsequent examination.125/-) and Convocation Degree Certificate (Rs.D. IDE for further action.(in the form of Demand Draft drawn infavour of “The Director. Candidates should make necessary arrangements to get the same by giving necessary authorisation./B. The Results of the Candidates who have arrears of Tuition Fee/Exam. The Enrolment Number / Subject / Subject Code / Date of Examination should be written legibly by the candidates in the appropriate boxes provided in the Answer Books.Blind Candidates are exempted from remitting the Examination Fee.750/.P.E.per paper. B.M. Such candidates will be allowed to appear for the examination only on production of Re-admission intimation obtained from the Director. The prescribed remuneration for the scribe has to be borne only by the Blind candidates. 28. Candidates are permitted to apply for revaluation of answer papers irrespective of their appearance within the stipulated period of course. Candidates who are eligible to apply for Revaluation of answer script should send his/her request mentioning the Subject code for which he/ she is seeking revaluation with Enrolment Number addressed to “The Additional Controller of Examinations. IDE to earn necessary attendance to appear for the above examination. ATTENDANCE : 1.D.) 17.D.and Rs. 29.A. The Demand Draft for the above amount shall be drawn in favour of “The Director. zhkiy kw.fspy.fofk.Wjp tFg.Tfs. .rr .fs.fshy. rp. p ngw.fhd jFjpepiy ngw. f s.Lk. j pNyh my.w . 5.spfs. elj. gapw.gLk.fspd.kpA+rpf.Wk. kJiu . gs..> gp. Njh. tFg. Nfusk.Lk. nrd.T (Pre-Technical Course). gjpndhU mq. cs. gl.Lk.3... ngw.(nrd. Njh.jy. gy.fg.fpyk. Njh.gpy. (12tJ tFg.Gf. Kjyhz. gs.T (fy.fg.tpy. gs.sp (National Open School. Njh.tpy. Njh. 9.fiyf.> gp. elj.spf. p ngw.fspy. W k. mq.j.fs.jpa cah. gpd. . VjhtnjhU khepyj.gpy.> gp.T.tpy.sp .izahf kw. ngw.V.yJ .wpy. (+2) Njh.F . epiy) my.lhz.ff P hpf. Kd.fiyf.wpf. y J ntspehl. z hkiy kw.Fk. Njh. (nrd.> gp. gpwF khepyj.jpag.w khepy k‰W« ôÅa‹ gpuNjr murhy.fs.fiyf. .Uj.dUk. cl. gy. elj.wpjo. Njh. .gp.wth.tpy.fofq.ehlfj.Fk.fofj. fh.. t pia Kbj. Nky. 8. gpd. 11+1 my.l gpw gy. 12 NrUtjw.bYk. Fiwe.G) Mq.l Kd. Njh. Njh. Me. Ntz.L Mz.jhy. f . Njh. r pg.spr.. gapw. (12 Mz. Mz. elj.L .. epiyj. Njh.Lg. FOtpduhy..rr .Fl.e.wpUj. w tu. G Njh.Wk.jJ Ie.yJ nrd.jpa GFKf tFg.rp. rhd.ilntsp .uz. 1. Nru tpioNthh.wjw.jpa gs. 1977 Mk..fof xg. mjw.v].v].wth.rr .ypl.gpw.yJ 10+2 my.wpjo.> gp. fPof . njhopw.izahd Njh.L mbj.> gp.jpug.Lfs.rr KOikahd .J ghlq. gl.fshy.T (10+2 Kiw).wjw.w njhopw.fiyf. 10Mk. Ntz.T kw.jepiyg. _‹wh©L g£l¥ go¥òfS¡F¤ jFâ gp. Njh. elj. p ngw. Fiwe.tpy. z.jg.lJ).Lfs.rp EioTj.jy.V.Lfs.yJ njhopy.yJ 13 Mz.glf.rpf. jkpof murpd.wth.lhz. rhd.izahdJ) kw.wpy.bYk.wpUj.fofq. (v].jg. gbg. j pahtpd.fpyk. mjw. epiy my. Mz.GjYf.e.ilepiyj.ngw.rr .jg. 80 . cl. gs.jy.l Njh.v].fiyf. kJiu fhkuhru.fy.V. 1979 Mk.Fg.ehl.idg.Fk.jsk..Wk. gy.> Mfpatw.glf. 4.. FOtpduhy.vy.lhz.e.rr .ilNa . gy. gs.wpUj. kw. tFg.epiyj. b Nyh fy. p ngw.w elj. Ntz.Lg.fofq.jg.ngWk.Lfs. 7.idg.> gp.G (12Mk.fiyf.Fg.idg.yJ 11+2 vd.. cs.jy. p ngw. 2.) Mq.fPfhpf.Fg.rp..rr .Gj.J ghlq.fs.jpy. New Delhi) Nky.epiyg. . Njh.epiy Njh. gy.. p ngw. Njh. p ngw. Njrpa jpwe. r . / gbg.jpy.jJ Ie. gpuNjrj.dUk. ntw.. mz. NkYk. Vjhtnjhd. 6.rp) .l tFg.s .spr. by. Njh.jid MFk. nghwpapay.fspy.L fzpdp .tw.gpy.eJ .gpy.ff P hpf.lhJ.fisr.> Mq. gapd.Fj. . gapw.L gp.fiyf. Mz.L .Jj.Y}hpfs.glkhl.ffj. ghFghL}hpfs.fg.tpNyh Njh.fspYk. ghlk.L gp.e.fiyf. gl.rr . “X” my.J 2005-06Mk.dpay..lag. jFjp ngw. Njh.Nju.idg.rpg.J eilKiwf.jpag.T (10Mk. gbf.L Njh. Nrh. p ngw.gLk. 81 .yJ .gbg. .ay..tpNyh my.fofq.fiyf.fg.. [p. kw. Mdhy. fiykzp) . Mq.V.lhkhz.Wk. nkhopg. .th. fy. gl. ghlk.jhk. mq.jg.fg.Lk.whz. .rp .ghy.fof khdpaf.whz. jhs. Ntz. gl.TfspypUe. gl. gl. gy.idg.j fy.fg.ngWk.jy.rp.fs. tFg.Wjpj.fpyk.fs. ..jpy.T ngw. Njh.jhy.fg.lhk. (. ( tFg.rp .L kw.jgpd.V. elj. njhluKbahky. gy.wth.laj. 11.fspd.mZ .Wk.> kw.rr .lhk. ghFghL toq.J Njh.J 2005-06Mk.rr .kpA+rpf.lhkhz.l %d. nkhopg.F .fs. (. $l.l Njh. gy. gy.fofq.idg.J xU nkhopg.J tpyf. mth.F Kjyhk.TfspypUe.Tfspy.jfty.> kpd. 15. mtu. Mq.. elj.iynadpy. p 13.fofk.sepiy khepyj.gbg.J eilKiwf.wth.gbg. p ngw. kw.elj.iynadpy.lhk.jJ %d.F Kjyhkhz. gp. Njh.fhk.Gfspy.Lk./%d.gil EioTj.lg.> .F mspf. p ngw.Y}hpfspy. gapd.Uf.Gf. Mz.izg. .ilapy. Mz. tpl. .lhk. gl. Nrh.w gpd.lag.T Kbj.lg. mtu. ghjpapy. .G gbg..G Njh. njhopy.Gg.kpA+rpf.mZ .whz. jkpof murpd.fy.Wk.rr gapw.ikepiy) Fiwe. p ngWjy.gpy.ngWk.kpA+rpf.jg.fpyk. p ngw. tFg. gapw..> .W .f mq. Mz.fiyf. gapd.gLk. fiykzp) Nruyhk.fs.> jd. Njh.fs.fs. fy. %d.e.F .L bg.Uf.ay..wth.sNkh gbg.fofk. gl. .gLk.fpyk.L .> nrd.rp.gpy.F Ntz.likg.ffj. gbf.Gfs.fSf.gbg.> nrd.fpyj.ghlk.fs. kw.gLk.rr .y.wpwF . Mdhy.rp. (m) gapw.wpUj.rr .FO> . Njh. Kjyhz. (.Lk. %d. ( kw.W . njhopw.fiyf.L tzpftpay.ay. .uz.f Ntz. .igj.L tzpftpay. 12. 14.izahdJ) fUjg. Mdhy.y. Njh.f Ntz. kw.@ nrd. Kiw) mbg.G my.gbg. %d.L gp.lg.j epiy kw.fofj.whz. rhh.fSf. “v” epiyapYk. nkhopg.fyhk.dh.fPfhpf. gl. Mq.ffj..lg.w . Mz. mq. gbg.fPfhpf.jg.Lk. .whk.e.rr .fs.fg.fs.).eJ .-nghwpapay.irf.F mspf.ghlk. fiykzp) gl.L elj. jkpof muR njhopy. ngw. tFg.jhy.W> gbg. (cah. Mdhy.> kpd.Lk.yJ . .fiyf. 16.Wk. p ngw.lag.lth.epiy> Kjd. Njh. epd.WNghdth.wth.F tUfpwJ.izahd Njh.wth.bypUe. my.gpy.lhkhz.jhy.yJ Jiz epiyapYk.. mth..L gp. Mz.Nwhh.fs. gbf. Nrh.jhy.fg. .. .jpy.gbg.> kpd.rp .W ghlq.J tpyf.jg. Kjyhkhz. .fofj.> (gj. Mq. .gl khl. gjpTf. my. fy. gbtq.lq.fs.> 2. epWtdj. gpupjn .gl.jpd. 3.zg.wj. tpzz .> rhsu NrHf. mjDld. cupikNah epWtdj..l tpz.ilAk.fg.idg.> gy. epWtdj. gy. jpl. NrHf. nrYj. tho. nghWg.J vtUk. nghJj.lhk. gbtk.nfhs.gbtk. gy. NrHj.jpd. njhlHG nfhs.100/-I .Nfw.e.if Fwpj. nfhs. NrHf. fy. njhiyJ}uf.fisNah> jdpg. Kd.ngw.ff P .fspYk.Wk. kw. Uk. vd. . gbg. vd.if ikak.idapy. . xw.gtHfs.gj. gy.jpw.glhj epWtdq.J ngwg.iwr.gLk.Jld. my.nfhs.yJ . khztHfs..jfty. mjw.Dk.14.yhj ikaq.wpy.fhJ.fs.izf. Njitahd cz.fpg.tpz. khw.> 3.Ngw. mq.ayhJ. Vw. 1.ff P upf. midj.F khztHfs.. (ii) gbg.ifiag. nrd.y.jpd.jf.> nrd.idg.l KftHfisNah epWtdj.fs.W khztHfs. cupik nfhz.gjhuH gpdt .Ws.gLfpwhHfs.yJ cldbr.jpah kw. NrHf. xw.F cz.ij epiwT nra.Jg.G ikak. Neupy. .yJ .iffs.Wk.fofj.Jf.Fg.fiyf.fspy.bYk. tq. ftdj.> jfty. . njhiyJ}uf. mit> 1.iff.s epWtdj.fisg.Jr. epWtdk. my.if ikak.Gj.ikr.Ak.fl.lhJ.izf. / cldbr.fiyf. ngaupy.s NjHT tpz. NrHf. 82 . ngwyhk.rl P L .jhy.ehLfspy. vLf.LNk Nru Ntz..if ikak.fzpdp gFg. ghJfhf.gLthHfs.Wf.jpy. Vl.l gw.Kftupr.Wld.jpad.Wk. tq. gbg. tiu jfty.> Mtzq. gbtk. / gbg. kl. kw.f Ntz.fTk.fs. gy. KbAk.lhl . ftdkhfg.fiyf.t. jLj.fpapy.fp my.jpw.f tifapy.gj.Lk.G fhyk. epiwT nra.fiyf. 2.fhd XtHrp] jhs.gj.ijj.l tiuNthiy . Mfpatw.Wr.fiyf.fofj.Lk.fg. Mfpatw.e.fofk.fofk.G ikaq. g.Sk.fof .Ls.aNtz.zg.rl P L . nfhLj.fg. Vl.lzkhf &.L. mwpTWj.jpYk. g. / gq. cupikNah> kWf.iwg. mq. NrHf.J epiwT nra. (i) tpz.s Ntz.fTk.G ikaq. rhsu NrHf. Mfpatw.tpzz .if ikaq. gbf. NrHf.FeH> njhiyJ}uf. Vl.Lk. my. .rpg. gpw jkpopy. rhd. 6.jhy. NjHr.izf.rhd.W gzpf.ayhJ.fofk.6.yhJ gpwnkhopfspy.gpl Ntz. rhd. rq.if ngw tpUk. 10+2 my.. tpz.fspy.yhj gpw gy. gbj. NjHr.L murpjopy.sepiy NrHf. 7.l khw.ikr.fs.gjhuH jhk.J ngwg.izf.gpupit tpz.fhd tq. Fwpg.bay.Wr. . Ntz.jpd.zg. tHfshy.yJ gq.G gbg.W (attested) ngwg. fy.1. gjpT ngw.rhd. gy.fiyf.jpypUe. cWjpr. ghlg. kw.sepiyg. Vl. (nrayH> .Gk.fisAk.fhd jw.Wfs. Ntz. 7..2.5. gapy tpUk.fofr.lzkhf &.wpjo. cz. tpz. my. NjHTfspd. gl. gpd.f Ntz. cs.wpjo.fpyk. my.wpjo.fspd.jy.Fk.Wk.gj.yJ 11+1 my.jpypUe.w NjHTf. tpz.fNtz. .W nrd.fiyf.s gbg.3.s midj. 7.jpy.Lk.fg.Ue.Nfw.fofq.Ws. tpz.Jld.lg. rhd.> gs.if ngWtjw.s khztHfs.fg.Wk.rp ngw.jpa Mq. 83 . rq.w xUtuhy. ngw. ngw. .s midj.zg.100/nrYj. ngw.G gapd. gl.gpf... gapyhj khztHfs.5.ej .lar.zg. .Lk.e.wpjo.Gk.gjhuhH ntspehl.Jr. gjpTf.ikr.gplg.Ls.w epWtdj. idAk. gpw . gl. ..J .e.fSld. efy. njhlHGila rhd.f Ntz..wtuhf . (Diploma) 7.> tpz.Wk.gjhuH NrHf.Wjpj.wpjo.gbg.gj.jpw. gw. ngw.> 16> nfhl.jpajw.4.izj.fis . Fwpg.G ikak.f .F nkhop .rpg. rhd.rhd. rhd.wpjo. 7.fspy. gl.fhypfr.J jFjpr.fl.> NjHr.lgbg. kjpg.110 002) 7.sp .W kw.fofr. jFjp tha.fiyf. rhd.rl P b .Wr. .jpa gy. kw.yJ gl. rhd.Wk. (Provisional) my.yJ 10+3 Mfpa jpl.Jld. jfty. 7.Wk.Wjpahff. .tUk. Mq.fs.izf.F tpz.lq.zg. NjHtpypUe. njspthff.ngz.J cz. cWjpr.Lk. rhd. fPo.fg.fpg.zg.yh khHf. Gk.fofg.dH Njitahd efy.idg.13. xl.gjhuupd.fSk.GfspYk. Kd.rhd. vtNuDk..fNsh Mtzq.NghJjhd..dH Njitahd gbfis efy. gbg. gjpthsHfs.9. xd. .wpjo.Fk.) 84 . Jiz / cjtpg.J %yr.zg. gbg.10.(Course Completion Certificate) .Wf. mg.gj. xd. kl. tpz.whz. nrYj. .F mDg.L fl.l rhd. gpizf.jpw. NrHe.l VNjDk.W ngw Ntz. Mz.lJ gf. Nkw. toq.Jld.J gbf.e.fsJ %yr.> rhd.8. vLj.Lk. rhd.G epiwTr.jpapUf.fs.gk.fis (original) epWtdj.jpl.wpjo.f Ntz.Nky.F %d.jpd. khztHfs.zg.Fk.fg.wpjo..J gbf.whz.J jtwptplhky.F mDkjpf.L ..Uf. Mdhy.wpjo.wpUf. gbg.LNk $ ngwtpy. ngw.wpjo.J itj.f E}ypdhy.zg. rhd.whk. nfhs. Gifg.lq. 7.F mtHfs. gbg.. gl. kl.wpjo. %d.fs.lhYk.7.fg.iy vdpy.Lk. toq. gy. gbg.if tpz.s Ntz.gj.yJ xd.zg.Lk.gbfis (Photostat) vLj..epWtdj.zg. %d.jtHfSf.gjw. khztHfs. NguhrpupaHfs. NjHT vOj mDkjpf.izf... 7.sepiyg. epiwT khl.fg.fs.jpw.rp ngwhj Ntz.fg. jq..gpl.rhd.W (murpjo.lzj.glq. NrHe.w mYtyH (gazetted officer) / nrd.ilapy. . mg. rhd. rhd. %yr.lg. Kd. nfhs.j fhyj.gj. NtW ve.12..G epiwTr.Gfspy. NrHf..Jf. gbg.wpjo. eilKiwapy.ghlj. 7.fNsh .gLk.> khztHfs. .11.gLk.Lk. epuhfupf.jpypUe.7.jg.14.F mDg. gjpT ngw.Fwpg.W my. Nkw.Fk. .jpw. khztHfs.sNtz. 7.fis epWtdj.f .Jf.JgtHfSf. xUtuplk. tiu> njhlHe. 7.Fk.Wk. tpz. 7.jpy..Lk. NrHe.fyhk.J gbg.ghf toq. midj.lhHfs.gLk. mit tpz.fg.Gk. .lg.Lk.fg.gLthHfs.: (i) tpz.ig epWj. rhd.ig Kbj.fg.fiyf.Wjpapy.> NjHr. kw.ijAk.rp %iyapy. 7. L . j.fg.ff P upf.G khl.ngz.jpNyh> gpw epWtdq.lhJ.jg.bUf. f iyf.F mtHfs.l.> Ntz.Ls.gj.e..fofq..whz. rPlb toq.Jf. . Ntz.fg. rhd. l gl.wpjo. my. toq.lj.fpfspy. xd.Lk.if ikak.jpwF .ij KOikahf epiwT nra.fiyf.J . tpjpKiwfSf.Ws. .fg.jpl.jtHfSf.fhd gjpTf. mj.ff P upf.lzk.ij mspj. 13. 9. f ofq. rhd.fspNsh gbj. kW rhd.yJ gapwr .jifa khztHfNs NrHf.Ug. ngw. tiuaWf.> khztHfs. gbg.lag.J ifnahg. cldb mDkjp ngw tpUk.gLk. 12.zg. gbg.. . .izj. gbg. NjHTfs. Nfhug.gLk.sepiy khztHfs.600 005 vd...fyhk.gk. KJepiy khztHfs.w epWtdk.f.fofj.J &.Lk.fofk.ilapy.fg. .W (iii) FwpaPlL . .fs.j fhyj.J cz. nfhz. f s. (course completion certificate) gbg.glhj gpw gy.e.Ws. gy. ngw.jhy. jhq.fg.ngw. . gjpT mQ. jpUg.jy. epiwT nra. Fwpf.ghsuhy. g y.wspf.jy. my. .jhy.F 85 .gj. NkYk. gbg.fs. tpz.fy. nrYj.igAk. %d.fs.Fk.L Njitahd NkNy khl.epWtdj.F Vw.Gfpdw .w Kftupf. 10.Lk.Uj.W 8.g Ntz. l q. gpd. 11.zg.fsJ tpz.idg.WfisAk.s NjHT ngw.JgtHfSf. j hy.fg.epWtdj. gpw gy. gbj.Fg. ahTk.gj.j gbg.g.> nrd. 100/.fiyf.s midj. Kbe.fg. f iyf.G epiwTr. tpz. kpf ftdkhf epiwT nra. p ika xUq.ig Kbj.rypy.fspd.fl.Lk. gjpTf. f ofj.fpizg.fhuzk.Lk.wspf. tpz.> NrHf. .fs. g l. idAk. gFjpfisAk.fg.fg..yJ .gjhuH jq. f spy.Lk. tHfspd.. Ntz.fiyf.sepiyg.Lk.Gwk..Jtiu mq. $Ljyhfg.w kjpg. murpjo.wpjo.jpy. toq.jpa gw.jpd.ngwhj tpz. gbf. ghlj. tptuq. .jTld.fg.igAk.s midj.zg. nfhz. mDg.f. nrYj. Kftup> njhiyJ} rhd.gpDk.ig epWj.Ug. nrd.. xd. ngwg.fl. kl.. gjpT ngw.iff. rhd. gbg.Wr.gpd.lzk. vf.ff P upf.l tq. KOikahf epiwT nra.g mit mq.F cupatH Ntz. Ntz.lzk.litahf . Vw.gpd.jpy. Njrpa kakhf.Fk.jhy.ff P upf. kly.yJ tq.rp ngwhj khztHfs. jftNyl. tq. fy.jyhk. gjpTf.jpajw.L 86 . fl.G epiwTr.fpapdH jq.Wk. jw.fs.Fupa gbtj.fl.jpad.ijAk.Jtjw...l gjpTf. fy. Neupy. tpz.fSf.jTld.lzk.fg. $Ljy.lhYk. tiu> khztHfs.izf.Lk.fg..Lk.jpw.> khztHfs. nrYj.e. njhlHGila fl. ftdkhfg. gad. Kjyhdtw.fspd.lq.W gFjpfs.ideunom.Fk. nrYj.ff P upf. Mz.wk.tpf.lzk.> khztHfs.%d.fp / .whkhz.Lk.> NjHr. epWtdj.lzk.lzk.izf.jg.fhypfr.ijf. eilKiwapy. Kiw khztHfs.fiyf.l . %d..Jk. mg. fl. fpilj.ijj. . .tp epWtdk. ngaUf.lzj. nrYj.Feuplk.lzk.fg. 14. Mz.fg.nfhs. XtHrp].e. .bd.y.tH.jpw.s ..> fy.fp trjpfs.fpf.iza top gzg.fisAk..fhf xg.tpf.ij KOikahf epiwT nra.Fupa gbtj.thW gbg.j Ntz. %d. xU gFjpia itj.l tq.fspy. .zg.. fpisapYk.L fl.lzq.jpad.jpd.Lk.lzq.f Ntz.lzk.if mwptpg. (www. cs.l VjhtJ xU tq. epWtdj. fl. fl.lhk.jf. ghJfhj.> NjHTf.lzj.jpahtpy. khw. NrHf. g.Fupa nrYj. my.bUf.gLthHfs. nrYj.lzk.Jf.Dk. KiwapYk. .jpd.yJ mQ. . nrYj. nrYj. nrYj. rhd.Fr. %ykhf mYtyfg.jpah KOtjpYk. Mdhy.G epiwTr.jpll . midj. fy. my.Jf.L kw. tiuNthiy vLj.lzq.s tq.tpf. rhd. khztHfs. epWtdj. epWtdj.f Ntz.wpjo.ijAk.jyhk.ay.iwg.lzk.fpapy.wj. nfhLf.jf. fpisfspy.jpy. mq. fl. k. cs.idapy.yhj .bw.fhd fy..l .jyhk. 15. nfhs.fl. khztH fl. (course completion certificate) .whtzkhf khztHf. gbtj. nrYj.Wk. fl. %d. fl..gLk.gLk.Fk. fl. gpw fl. fl.gilf. njhiyJ}uf.f tifapy.ghf toq. gy.ry. NjHT vOj mDkjpff .G rk.> njhiyJ}uf.lzk.ijAk.s fl.lzkpd.Lk. cupa gbtk..F toq..Wk.s Ntz. gbg.whkhz.Uf.fis . 16. gjpTf. rhd.fp Mfpatw.jpapUf..jhy.F tiuaWf.Fupa gbtj.fg. . Ntz.wpjo.fg.J mDg. my.ijAk.GfSk.tpuz. jpUg.s mwpTWj.t.jpy. gl.J khztHfSf. fl.. #o.gpidg.J mDg. jdpj. NjHTf. ikaq. jpl.jpypUe. mDg.gLk.fl.lhHfs.G MfhJ..> ghlj. ghHj.jr. vdNt khztHfs.F mDkjpf.jpa fl.njhFg. (gf.bay. my.jdpNa mDg. fl.tpf. khztHfs.bdhNyh Ntz. .gLfpwhHfs. nrYj.Jtjw.gLthHfs.ayhJ.jpd.ay.lzk.fis cupa fhyj.fsplk.Jtjw.fpg. fl.ngw. XNu mQ.yJ gapw. (Challan) xU khl. epWtdk.sNth .J khztHfs.jdpNa nrYj.fis khztHfSf. toq.W> kPzL . gbtq. / kjpg. toq.J . glkhl. gbtk.rp 18.f . gbtj.29) . jhkjj. fl.Ws. ve. cs.> kWNrHf.fs. Mdhy. jfty. ghlj.ayhJ..epiyapYk. rupnra. 87 .lzq. jq.fs. NrHf.lhJ. fy. n fhz. l zq.j.F epWtdk. Neupy.lzq.lzq. J k. mDg. tpw.fspy. gbg. 26 . nrYj. ngw.j..gpj.tpf. XNu tq.Wr. L > jhq. khztHfs.G vJTk.jpypUe.fis XNu fl. .yJ NtWtifapy.iw E}y.jpd.jg.G fhyk.J nfhs.fiyf. vdNt nrYj. njhFg.yJ jdpj. nghWg.baJ njhlHghd KOj. ngw.nrYj.fs.s fy.if ikak. ghJfhg.yJ cldbr.lhnkd mwpTWj.lhJ. fy. ghlj..J cupa fhyj. ciwapy. nrYj. rPlb . juNth my. epWtdj.. fhy ePlb ..j Ntz. epWtdj.lzj.fisAk.lKk. Nkw.fSk. fl. %y E}y.G toq. fl.> jtiz Kiwapy..lzg. tq.b .nfhs. j py.jpy. KbAk.lzkhfr.jdpNa fl.$wpa fl.gLk. njhFg. g b mwpTWj. %ykhfj. nfhs. tq.F ve.iff. NrHf.fisr.fisr. k.jpdhy..wpy. njhFg.Jg.Gjy.ghfNt ePff . itj. nrYj.gLfpwhHfs. g. 500/.j Ntz.ghf itj.lzq.jftNyl. 17.jhjtHfs.fg. Neub mDkjpr. khztHfs.fisAk.Wf.if eilngWk. gy. J f.F mDg. 19. khl.j jdpahf mwptpg.gidahsHfsplkpUe.gLk. njhiyJ}uf.Gtjpy. MfNt> mtw.jpy. f Ns cupa fhyj. fl. jq.lzj. Mfpatw.fg. g.Gjy.gLfpwhHfs. .jg.gLthHfs. fl.ghlj.lzkhf &.jp> jdpj. nrYj.lzq.fpg. ngw.g.L fl. f isr.F epWtdk.nfhs. d.jg. tiu .ilg. Vw. MapDk.syhk. xU Kiw nrYj.. mjidg. #o. nrYj.Gfs.lzq.fg.gpdhNyh ghlj.jftNyl.epiyapYk. ghlj.. ize.rr . tpjptpyf.F te.j ghlj.Tfis vOjp Koikahf Njh.fspy.jw.].Fk. FOkk.s fy.fs. fy. fofq.V. KOikahf 88 .Js.> gp.foff. .> gp.sepiy khztHfSk.fisr. pUe. ngw> fl.fofj. gp. %y kjpg. k.V.wpd..syhk. [_iy 25> 2014 (For Academic Year Admissions) gpg.bay.s fy. nrd. vOJtjpdpd. .Y}hpfs. i) ii) iii) Kd. . epWtdj.Y}hpfspy.uthp 16> 2015 (For Calendar Year Admissions) [_iy 24> 2015 (For Academic Year Admissions) gpg. KOikAk.if Mizak.jpl.lzk. gFjp-I.> gp.ize. gl.Gj. ngw.l Kiwapy.Ue.fs. Mdhy.> gp.V. gbfs. .J> Kjyhz.gpy.> .F Ntz. 26> 2016 (For Calendar Year Admissions) tpjptpyf.yJ gFjpfspd.fsJ fy.gbg. gy. 1983-84k. gy.e. tpyf. gFjp-I.epWtdj. p ngw.jpa gy.> gp.Wjp ehs. njhlHG nfhz. FOkk. z.l kjpg.Jld. / %d. F 20.ej . gp.rp.. mq.ize. w hkhz. ngWth.> gp..e.L mQ. .> .V. .fof ey.wpd. ngw. khzth.fhd . gl. gbj.idg. Nkw.Feiuj.whk.Y}hpfspy. p ngw. gy.rr .jpag.wpUf.Wjpehs..rp.> .> kw.v]. tpjptpyf. ghlq. .f Ntz.rp.ltw.ngz. Mz.baypd.Jtjw.w gy.fiyf.Ws.> kw. f .w gy.e. gy.ayhjtHfs. fofj.Wk.rp. %yk.ize. Njh.ikaq. .s fy.]p.jpy. Vw.if Mizak.jhy.fiyf. . nfhs. .Js.fofq.fspy.nfdNt gp.jpd.lhkhz. gl.jpy. mq. midj. 20.lg. gl. fPof .Wk. l hkhz. tpz. ghOJ kPzL .uz.fiyf. gFjp-II Njh.Wf.100/-. gFjp-II ghlq.tUkhW: tUlk.L efy. gy.jpd.fspf. L %d. Nrh. nrd.J .fg. L . ghlj. jq.foff.idg.s gFjp> my.tpahz.Ff..fiyf.lg.lzq. .lhk. mDkjp ngw Ntz.v].fhk.fiyf.Fg.G .L .ff P huk.fof ey.fs.Gfisg. fl. ngw.Y}hpfs.s fy.L eilKiwf. &. gy.ff P .1.v].> gp. gpw nkhopfs. mq. KOikahfj.thW epWtdk. Njitapy.iy.lg.gpl. gbf.ngz.L / . p Fd.fs.igj. jFjpAilath.> gp. mth.iwAk.L / 20. Kjy.Fk.jpd.Uf.fof FOkk.> gl.whk.fg..why. .s gpw Njh.fhk.Y}hpfs.wpjo. NrUk.rr .fiyf. my.ize.gilapy.Js.. ngWtjw.Ls.fofj.izf. Nruyhk. gbg. .fs.jpy. njhiyJ}uf.wpy.lhk.ijg.igj.fpyk.e.jpd.jpy.fiyf. ngwj.Y}hpfspy. jFjp epiy (Kjy.NghJ gbg. Kjyhz.lhkhz.Wk.J tpyf.s fy.> gp..yJ Mq. fofq.Lf.ej . itf. . Njh.bay. kdtsh. p ngw.GfspYk.wpidg.> gp. gl.. gy.V. .v]. my. 20.fs.gjpypUe.fs. gbg. fhJ Nfshj kw.zg.wpa khzth.jJ .sg.J .v].fs.lhkhz. k.fiyf.Lk.f Ntz.fspd.lg.g Ntz. gl.L / %d.Lk.igj. njhlu KbahJ Nghd khzth. mth. .> gUt KiwapYk.ypl.fs. . kjpg.Lk.f Ntz.Ggth.jpl.fspy.whkhz. gl.jpapy. ghprPyid nra.fs. my. mDg. ghlj.w gy. kPzL .igj.Fj.khzth. Kjy.Lj.Wk.lg. gl. ghlkhf Mfpa . ghlj. . gj.> gp.ayhky.fs.> gp.Lg. VjhtJ xd.fs.Y}upfspy. f. njhlu> .whkhz.fiyf.s fy.Tfspy..lj. jFjp ngw.ida gUtky. mt.fis tpz. epWj.L p ngw.gLfpwhh.wth.2.j mNj fy.jpag. gy. tFg.gLthh. gapy Ntz.epWtdj. Gyj. mbg. p ngw.> .epWtdj.t.GjNyhL . .fisg.> gp.yJ fy. fy. njhlu .uz.l khztHfs.gpy.fs.e.rp. mk.fiyf. khzth.jhd.V.w khzth. gy.yh.dh.w rhd. Njh. gbg.> mbj. %y kjpg. jkpo.tpg.Ls. nfhs. Mz.G) Nghd.jptpl.ngz.G> %d.jpy. gp. Njh.thW Nru tpUk.yhj KiwapYk.epWtd .lhk.rr . .V.g.s ahtw.J gbg. my.e.gbg. . gbj. VjhtJ xU nkhopg.rr .rp. gy. Kd. tFg. Kd. KiwNa .jpd. 89 .fs. epjp ey.l tFg.rr . / .3.if Mizak.fspf.. xg.fg.Tfspy. NrHe. Fwpg.lhk. gbg.Jld.wpd.> kw. Mth. gbg. rpnkhop Mfpatw.nthU Mz. nra.ilAk.gpypUe.w Mz.Fs. njhiyJ}uf.gj.fspYk. nra.Lk.Jf.j ehspy.. Nkw.ilntsp Vw.lzj.gpw. 500/.J tUfpd. ghlg.jg.fF .l gpd.fg.Fj.zg. epWtdj. nrd.. fl.wk.gjpy.fof khztHfs.. Nk jpqf . rl.l ikaq.Fg. njuptpf.if ikaq. kw.gpy. elj. Kiwg.$wpa fl. nfhs. .gpdhy.f Ntz. . njhlHG tFg. epWtdj.fhd fy.. Fwpg. jkpo.ig epiwT nra. toq. 22. cs.Kiw gapw.Jj. NeHKfj. .gpl.gLk.jpg.lzk. fl.J .w NrHf. Mz.s kw. Cdk.Lk. Fwpj.gLfpwhHfs. khztHfs.rp cs.nfhs. epWtdj. GJr. njhlHghf vOk. 24. fz.thwhdtHfs.gpupT> gapw.jpahtpy. Ntz.lzkhf &.fofj. tuk. gy.lij Kiwg.G jhq. gpd. mtHfSf. ghlg.gpupT my. gbg.s fl. ngwg.Lk.FeUf.jpid mDg.gLj.fSila Kjyhz. Mdhy.Jiwapd. nghJthf> ghlg. gpw gy.J t#ypf.Ue. Nru tpUk.fspYk.GjNyhL khw.. rhd.j Ntz. NrHe. khztHfs. fl.sTk.jTld. jq.s . xg.jg.lzkhfr. njspthd> .jpw. nrYj. tpyfpf.gLk.e.yJ eilKiwapy.Lk.gpupT> gapw..NrupapYk. gbg. fy.wk.Wnkhop khw.Wjpahd KbT vLj.gpdhy.jy.wy.gLk. rpwg. fPo. NeHKfj.> mtHfs. &.fy.lzq.Wk. mt. .GkhW mwpTWj.ijr.jpwdhspfs.iltpyfy. k.j gpwNf tpz.jTk.f tpUk.fiyf.J xU khjj.G tpjpapd.NjhL $Ljyhf &.njhlHe. cl.L gbg. ehSf.fs.fg. .gpa gpwF mjpy. 23.ilapy.lhk.rp nkhop Mfpa . 750/. khztH NrHif kw.L gbg. njhlHG tFg. rpf. s. ghlq.F tpz. kPzL . ePjpj.iwf.w khw. gpw fl.fl.Wk. cs.Wk. 90 . mDkjpf.fs.fiyf.fs.gLfpwhHfs.iy.khw. khztuplkpUe.f Ntz. cs.gpy.wpjo. NjHTfs.W mwpTWj.zg. khw.a mDkjpg.500/ kw. jtwpdhy.sepiy mwptpay.s tpUk.jhd. eyDf.s Fwpg.lzj. Kiwahf xt. nrYj.Wj.LfSf.gpl.lhk. nrYj. if tpz.. nfhs.jifa tFg.tpf.fg.ig njhiye. lg.w 91 . gy.nthU khztUf. milahs ml.Fk.gj.Fupa mDkjpr.Ug. gbg.dUk.. fl. topj.s Ntz.Lk. NjHTf.tFg.fSk.ilia> .zg. tiu my. Kbe.G> ghlj. itj.gplg.fspy.gLk. 25.zg.fisg..jg. rPlb . gl.J tpl.Gld. .Gfs.fSila Kftupia MW . jq. njhFg. Nehf. cldbahfr.. kw.fkhFk. vdNt> Kftupapy. njuptpf.jpw. fy. NjHTfSk.fiyf. itj.rp> nra.Ls. Iaq.> khw.gtHfs.NghJk. .gijf.Jf.wit> NrHf. jq. NrHf.gLk.wk... gapw.gLj..s Ntz.syhk.j gpd.d.fs.s mtrpak.Jk. .GfSk.if tpz. tpupTiufs. milahd ml..iliaj.fs. tiu ghJfhg.F mtw. milahs ml..L NrHf.rp tFg..t.fs.izajsj. Kftup khw. . eilngWk.G fhyk.Ls.Fk.L fy. kw. Kftupr. khWjy.Gfs. nfhs. rPl. toq.lq. .fpa ehspjo. fl.600005 vd. ..Fupa . ngWk.Zld.FeH> njhiyJ}uf.Jld.Fj. jUtJk. Fwpg. rPli .G kly. NjHT vOJk. ngWtjw.s Kftupf.L epWtdk.lhag. gpw mwptpg. ghlj. vd. khztHfspd.s khztHfSf. gapw.ifg.ngWk.lzk. gapw.f Ntz. Kf.Wk. nfhs. gad. NjHTj.Gfs.lq.> nrd.jpf.rp ikaj. milahs ml.> nrd.j.gpl. gjpT vz. gbg.idg.izf. 27.Gfspy.yJ gbg.lhy. cs.FtJk. jdpahf mwptpf. khztHfs.wpaikahj ngWk.jpy. ngWk.if mwptpg. xt.gpd. ftdj. y.jpd.Lk. mjid> khztHfs. nrYj.fofk. milahs . vOj Ntz.fg. .Fg.Wk.gj.W milahs ml.Lk. Nghd. jhs. 26.J gad. njhFg.Kiwg. NrHf.fis Nghf. KbAk. .G fhyk. Fwpg.Lk.jpy. top mwptpf. Kjyhz..wpw. fk.ijAk.Lk. gjpT vz. NrUk.Gjy. NrHf. khw. Ntz.yf.if vz.. gpw fl.zg.lTld. MjpjpuhtplH kw. lAk. gapYk. kw.fisAk. cjtpj. epWtdj.Wj.fq.y. NrHf. kiythOeH rpwg.Jiw mYtyuplkpUe. fl.Wf.Wj.. NkYk. cjtpj. mjw..fis <l. cupa gbtk. .lzq.l khw.Lj. cupa tq.if ikaj. njhifahfg.Wk.nrYj.fhd tpz.W> ehd.gpl Ntz.jpy.yhj ve. NrHf.jpd.Jf. %d. ngw. Fwpg.jpa midj. gjpT vz.fpapy. gjpT vz. epWtdj.syhk.izj.yf.F .jpy.fl.gpj. cilajhf ..j tpz. gjpT vz.zg.> mf.Kftupf.F tpz.dpuz.fs.s ehd.fq.Wf.glj.Sk. gjpT vz.izf.Fg.Wjpahf cs. NrUk.ifg. jpwdhspfs. Kjy.fisAk.j vz.nfhs.e. gd.lzq.ifg.F> Ie. .glkhl. jtpu> nryT nra. epWtdj. NghJ xt. &. nghUe.Ftjw..Wf. fl.Fk. kiytho.gj.fhd tpz. 28.gj.ifg. NrHf.lhak. ftdpf.T eyj.yf.Fk. mtutH rhHe.zg. njhlHG nfhs. gbg.J ngw.Uf. ghlg. (Reimbursement) ngWtjw.fs. MjpjpuhtplH kw.fis thq..jpy. ghlg. ngwtpayhj (Non .ijf. 500/.Lj.Fk. mspf.Wr.nthU fbjq. jFjpAilatHfs.lhJ.ijAk. Mz. fbjKk. . njhif .. jpUk. (Reimbursement) ngwyhk. NrHf.jhtJ .. nfhs.yf.ifg.gLk.Gg. 29.zhFk. 92 . NrHf..Refundable) fl.zg. khztHfs.L .gg. %yk. njhif ngWtjw. njhifahfg.bidf.zg. KbAk.fg.L . <l..J (SC/ ST Special Cell) ngw.lzq.syhk.. MW> VO> vl.jtH (SC/ST) jhq. tiu> mDg. Fwpf.gj.Wk.ijAk. rYifahf &.> Njitahd ghl E}y.> khHgsT Gifg. .fg..fs. mJnjhlHghd tptuq. Fwpf. gw.Jk.Fk.Jld.Jld.fisj.Fk. cupa tptuq. .100/. Fwpf. epWtdj.Lk.yf. nrYj. jpwdhsHfs.fisAk. me.G fhyk. Mz.syhk.gj..fspYk. .fk.gpupitf. rPli .s khtl.. NrHf.Lr. mtHfSf. b . ngw. gy.F mspf.lzr. fl. .Ff..F Nkw. gpd.Wj. NeHKfj.jpl.jpfisg.jpUg.iliag.NjhL njhlHG nfhs.gtHfs.zg. ePqf .J> ghlj. fy.fNs epWtdj. fl.Fwpf.lzr.jpy. gapYk. gbg.. (gpnuQ.lzk.l khWjy. RaKftup vOjpa mQ.Uf. fPot .izj.jpUe.tpf. kw. KOf.zg.jpy. gbg.tpf. fl. epYit itj. gl. gbg.> rk]. njhiyJ}uf.Ws.izf. epWtdj.lzr. rYifapidg. KOtpyf. ngwyhk. rpy khztHfs.Gld. rYif nrd.W tpz. rhd.lag.ifg.R> n[Hkd. epWtdj. m. fl.Kiwj..w rYiffSld. .gj.Lk. ciwAld.lg.Fupa fl. khw. KJepiy gl. Uk. fl.Lk. fz. J k. jpwdhspfs. fl. / ifjpfSf.Gf. xt. NjHTj.j gpwFk. jpwdhspfSf.wpjo. fy.Lf.J ngw. 1.jpYk.l tptuq. 31. M .Sk. Njitahd nra.ghff. yhf).fpUjk. gbg. NrHf. gjpT vz.fy.Fr.wpjo.> jhq. jkpo. nghUe.s 40 tpOf. gapd. fy.gpl Ntz.idg. xU rhd.F mspf. jilapd.ngw.G ikaj. . 93 . khztHfSf.fhL CdKs.Ff. 2. ngwyhk.fisg.Wk. .zg.ry. Njrpa mstpshd milahs ml.lzj. NrHf. tpz.lzr. gapYNthUf.gLk. toq.> nra.G / rhd.s khw.gk.Wk.gLk.if ikaj.> nra.fz.jhy. njhiyJ}uf.FeUf. rpy NjHTfis vOj Ntz.wd.. njhlHG tFg.Wk. ifjpfs.Wj.ikr. rYiffs.fg.30. VNjDk.gLfpd.why. nfhs.fg.sepiy kw.G fhyk.tpapy. Fwpg.lzk.> Neubr. fy.nthU KiwAk.wpjio cupa mjpfhupaplkpUe.. Kbe.Gfs.> NjHT tpz.Jld. jhs.jpYk.fg. KO tpyf..gpj.Kiwg.rp tFg. gapw. mj.fyhk.fofj. Nkw. t UtdTk.tpf. rYiffs.s Ntz. rpwg. wpjo.w ifNgrp vz.T tpz. / jpUj. jaT jq./gl.jpw. ngw..gk.if ikaj.fisAk. fl. kw. ve.J rhd. J mt. epug. (Degree) ngWtjw. / itf. NjHT KbTfs.syhk.fhd cupa tpz.fhf ePff .syhk.$Ljyhfr. topahf jftNyl. g pf. gl. .zg.ry.gk.gLk.g Ntz. mwpe. s khw. 34.Wf.zg. Nritahf . J GJg..iza jsj. nfhs.e.fhypfr.F . 35. gpupTfis epHthff.j Ntz. (Provisional) mQ.. njhiyJ}uf.Jld.fiyf. w q.wpjo.jpd.fg.nthUtUf.fis mwptjw. rhd.J elj.fSf. nrYj.Fk..fSf.wpjo. g l.Wjpahz.L. jw. Nth my. . NeHKfj. vq.F Njitahd tptuq.jq. ntspahdTld. khzth.fNth gy.jd.Fk.wpjo.fhypfr.gplg. rhd. epWtdj. 94 .J jq.Uf. vLj. gjptpwf..fhypfr. N ghJ ghHj.> Neub epWtdj. ngWtjw.jpYk.Fk.ej . (www.Ls. .fiyf. fhuzq.wpjo.izaj.jpYk.G tha.jpd.iz mDkjp tpz. jw.lak. nfhs..zg.idg.j xU khztUf.fhypfg. gl. t g.300/.Gfspy. rhd. ngw. jw.G ikaj.epWtdj. Fwpg. &.F vspjhf .F cupik cz.fofj.Wk. .ideunom. gbf.zg.Jf. jw. nrd. itf. VNjDk. gy. f g.s gbg.lhJ.Fk. rpy gl. .fs.yJ epWj.32.Lk.ijj. f isAk.e. L s. kjpg.lg.Uf.ij rhd.fSf.Fk. fy..> jFjpahd xt. . gl.L NjHT tpz. njhlHG tFg.jpYk.jpy.sTk.epWtdj. nra. ngwNtz. xw.l Kftupr. .zg.fsJ jw.gk. njhlq.sepiy NrHf.jpy.fs. nrYj.Kiwapy. epiwT nra. NrHf. nfhz.if njhiyJ}uf.Lk. tifapy.if ikaq..ijAk.j Kiw tUk. (i) xw.jpd.ltrjpiaf.iwr. 5..Wjp tFg.fhd gw.> .F te.f Ntz.Gk. rhsu NrHf. epWtd tshfk.Wld.gKk.fl.gjhuH . (Counter) nrYj.. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) gjpTf.jpajw. tifapy.Wjpahfg.jpUf.ffofj. jftNyl. xOq. ngwtpUk.Wk.rl P L .ag.rhd. kw.gLj.W xJf. gue.iwr.if ngw tpUk.Wk. epiwT nra. rhd.ij epiwT nra. nrYj.sJ.J NrHf. gjpTf.fg.Lk.. 4.jpypUe.tiu fhj.Lk. nfhLj.J mjidg.f nrd. NrHf. gy.fisAk.l FwpaPlL .lar.Fk.gj. . efy.F gLj.idg. epWtdj.W my.wpjo.Lk.fiyf.wpjo. 3. tshfj.Wf.zg.W kw. cupa tpz.Ls.Ws.Jtpl.if .ij mjidr.f Ntz.nfhz.if (njhiyJ}uf. rhsu NrHf.ikak.jpy.l khw. fy. gbj. jFjpr. fl.zg.Wk.j epWtdj. tpupeJ .Wr. rhd.gj.> nrd. gzpf. ngWkplj. 1.L mikf.zg.j Ntz.sp ..G NjHr. khztHfs.tUk.fhd %yr. rhd.sJ. khztHfspd.F vd.jpy. gs.rp ngw.fg.Jtjw. kpfTk.fspd.k.khztH NrHf. tpz. ngw.gjhuH fl.Wr.. .J ngwg.Ls.zg. Nkepiy tFg. Kiwapapy.G kw.w Ntz. Uk. rhd.yJ gl. tpjpKiwfisg.s rhsuj. epiwT nra.lzk. tpz. NrHf.jpw.jhs. 95 . tpz.Jg. gpdt . rhd.L tupir vz.izj.l tpz.ifia vspjhf. tpz.rl P L . j.fg. Mfpatw. rhsu Kiwapy.ilAk. . fy.L jq.if Kiw Nritiag. ngw.ijg.Wk.ik rhd.w mYtyuhy.nwhg.tUk.iliaAk. tq. cz. khiy 4 kzp tiuapYk. cs. rhsu trjpf.. xw. Mq.(v) jkpo. 6.. rhd.wpjo. XtHrp]. gf.gjhuH gzpf. elj. 58 . jkpo.L murpjo. (jkpo. rhd. tq.if fbjj.wpjo. gpd..gLk. tpz. thu ehs. kw.fpapNyh cupa fy. efy.baiyg.Gk. cldbr. tpLKiw ehs.jpNyNa my. xg..fSld.fiyf.fg. njhiyJ}uf.jpad. nfhLf. NrHf.s .gLk.ngWk. NrHf.fg. khiy 5 kzp tiuapYk. xw.w rhd. rhsu Kiw (Single window Admission at Chennai) kw..s epWtdj. gy.Fk. nrd.fg.rhd.ijr.jpy.fofj. thapyhfg.fisAk.fhypf mDkjpr.zg. cldbr.lzj.fspy.Js. gapYk.fspy.fspYk.fpapNyh my.w gpd. NrHf. nray. cWjpr.fs.fof tshfj.gpl. nra. rdp QhapW ehs. 7.> Mq. NrHf. 60).gk. xw. . rhsu ikaj.fiyf.fTk. e hL) 1. 8. mike.Fk. ghHf.s . Kiwiag. ngw.Uf.yh ehs. . njhlHG tFg. mjd.NtW ikaq. fhiy 10 Kjy. nkhopngaHf. khztHfSf.if ikaq.fpyk.jpad.fiyf.lq. ghHf.gLk.gjhuH jw. fhiy 10 kzp tpz. gy .ifngWk. (Spot Admission Centers in Tamil Nadu) Mfpatw.syhk. rhsu ikak. mike.Fs.Wk.if xw.if fbjKk. fl.fsJ ghlE}y. NrHf.L> mit jpUk.fs..yhj gpw nkhopfspy. nrYj. gjpT ngw.jpy.if ikak.fhf jkpoe ..gpwF khztHfs.jg. fy.wpjo.fspy. milahs ml.Gfs.e. jtpu> rdp QhapW cl.iwr. gy.Fk.iwr.Jld.Js. (jftNyl. jq.fs.tpf. (ii) cldbr. khztHfs.f gf.idg.fs. ehl.jhy.ehL vy.yJ gy.fofk.Lk.Ls. (ghHf.wpy.Wf.if ngw gpd.wTk.Fj.Lg. jkpo. khztHfspd.e.g toq.. 96 .nfhs.fg.j Ntz. njhiyJ}uf. jw.jpy. mDkjpr.fis cUthf. NrHf. hl.wpjo. f 6-8) 60 .fspy. Njitahd rhd.wpy.fspy. gf. NrHf. gl.ehL> gpw khepyq.gpw. kw. gbg. nrYj.ehL / gpw khepyq. ngw.fiyf.gpj..fg. jFjpAila khztHfs.Fr. ( rhsu Kiw (Single window Admission at Chennai) kw.fs. elj.Jg.NtW ikaq. jkpo. jq.fis mwpa $ba tpz.fisg. .if epWtdj.Gk.2.gj.fspy.ifngWk. epiwT nra.jhy. cUthf. njhiyJ}> cupa ghlE}y.lhk. jkpo. toq.ngWk. tiuaWj. NrHf.Zk. nrYj.jpypUe.Wf.ehLfspy. ngw.ij cupa fl.f Ntz.zg.if ngWtjw.G cWjp nra.fofj. jFjpAila khztHfSf.syhk.59).if ikak. khztHfs.jpd. kw.tpapy.> khztHfSf. fy.ijr.Wk.lzk. jFjp Vw.Wk. (jaTnra. ngwyhk. khztHfs.if cldbr. (iii) gbg. NrHf. nfhs.ngWk.F mDg. rPlb .if nfhs. gy. NrHf. NrHf.iwr.Wr. Mfpatw.Fupa njhiyJ}uf.lg. njhiyJ}uf.ij epWtdk.iw .fspy.fs.).if vz.Fupa ghl E}y..Fupa NrHf.Jld. njhlHG tFg.Ls.> NrHf.f gf.if ( nrd.fiyf.J .tpf. 6.fs. 52-55 ghHf. gzpf. xw.G ikaq. gbg.ifAk.wpjo.L fl. 7.jg. vspjhfr. fy. fy.J fl.68) 97 .fhfj. gjpTf. milahs ml.lTld. (ghHf.gj.Fj. Mz.Fs.gLk.Lk. may.J Neubahf khztHfSf.fofj. id> cldbr. / Mtzq.izg. (Spot Admission Centers in Tamil Nadu) Mfpatw.fis ngw.fTk.fl.lzj. 5.lz tptuq. cldbr. 57 . cldbr. ehl.fiyf.if ikaq. 8. jftNyl..fofj.Gfs. NrHf.izj. gy..fs.idg.lzj. khztHfs. gapy tpUk. nrd. / may. (ghHf.Wf.s tpz. fl.) 1. fhz. epWtdj.lhkhz.ehLfs.Lld.G ikaq.fg.syhk. gy.fs.jpy. itf. cupa epiwT 6.igg.L cupa NrHf.Fr. fl.zg. gbg.jpw. kw.fg.Fk. ngaUf. chpa gbg.W> . nrYj.fspypUe. 98 .fpg. g. $ba tpz.f tifapy. mspf. Njitahd rhd.lz tq. fhz. rPlb . gbg.fhfTk. 56).fiyf.lzj. gf.ij .Wk.idg.lzk.nfhz.gjw.fg.fofk.zg.fis mwptjw.fg.idg.fiyf.jf. tpz.jpd.rl P b epWtdk.L khztHfs.if vz. fy.nfhs.Wk.G ikaq. tiuNthiyahfNth epWtdk. ngaUf.gpidr. (jaTnra. NrHe.fhypfr. fhz.iff.igg.f rhd. $ba jw.Zld.fofk.fSf.Ff. 5.Lk.fisj.J nfhs. mwptjw.w gpwF khztHfSf.J mDg. gy.gLk. M) may. fy.F mDg. gy. midj.L> cupa fl.jpwF .ij .lzg.G ikaj. jftNyl.ghsh.L tiuNthiyahf xd.yJ tiuaWf.. NrHf. / Mtzq.if mwptpg.jpd. cupa gjpTf. ngw. khw. nrd.fs. nrYj. idg.G gw.lzj.l tpz. fy.G epWtdk.idapy.> NrHf. gbg.. NrHf. tiuNthiy / tq. vd.jhy. gjpTf.f Ntz.Jld.Lld.syhk.Ff. njhiyJ}uf. 7.FeH> njhiyJ}uf. > gbg. fhz. ghlE}y. rupghHf.fpfspy.nwhU tiuNahiyia xUq.lzj.izj.Lk. khztHfs.jpy.Dk.f Ntz.G ikaj. xJf. njupe.jf.J gbg.wpjo. kw.wj.Fr.jpy.idg..if vz.gj.Lk.Wf.if vz. topahfg. (jaTnra.fiyf.l tpzz . jFjpAila khztHfSf.Zld.wj.G ikaq.Dk.fpidg. ngw. ngw.f> gf.gjhuH> epiwT itf. 6-8). 3.if ikaj.fTk.fofj.wpjo. mspf.jpa fl.L> cupa 52 . njhiyJ}uf. cupa gbg.J fl. khztHfs.> nrd..Wf.Jg.ngWk. itf.tjw.f Ntz.. vLj.fhypf mDkjpr. NrHf.fspypUe.J> nrd. $ba jw. gw.ij cupa fl. gy.ngWk. 4. gbg.f ngw.G epWtdj. topahfg. jw.iw> mtw. khw. gbg.F milahs ml. mDg. vd.ehl.gj.G ikak.55).fis .jpy. m) idNah gbg. nrd. nrd.> nrd. (jFjp mwptjw.fg.J fl. Nky.lzk.Fk.idg. fl.fs. fy.lz tptuq. njhiyJ} itf.fhypf mDkjpr.G ikak.> jFjp Vw.FeH> njhiyJ}uf.zg.F epWtdj.eltbf.Fj.fofj.f> gf.G epWtdj.Jld.if mwptpg. gzpf.fspYk. gl. (Study Centers} (jkpo.fspd.f.Lk.zg.J NrUk.e.Nfw.fofj.Fk. fhz.fs.fis .fspy.Wk.nfhs. fy.e.izf. kw. nrYj.8).fspy. 11.Wjp ehs. .je.Fupa milahs ml. njhiyJ}uf.zg.f.epWtd gbg.gLk. ngw tpUk. tpz. khztHfs.G gbg. mq.Wk.f> (PCP) elj.y. khztHfSf.Fk.fs.G ikak. gy.fspd.wy. tpz. toq.fs. may.gbg. .zg. gq. gq. njupe.G epWtdq.izak. fy.e.s khepyj. . 3.s khepyj. gl.ry.Nfw. cupa fl. / Mtzq.Gfis thu . .G ikaq. Njitahd rhd. (iv) gq. topahfg.syhk.j kw. top P upf.Gk.if ngw tpUk.khepyq. 99 .G ikaq..Lld.fspy.tjw.jpd. topahf Neubahf epWtdj.lg.Nfw.gLk.khztHfs. (jFjp mwptjw.ngWk.f Ntz.gjhuH rhHe. gq. njhiyJ}uf.zg. . mk.fiyf.idg.fs.ngw. ngwyhk.> epiwT nra. 67 .if ngwyhk..iynadpy.Ue.gjhuH rhHe. jq.G ikaj. / ntspehLfs.wpjo.Wk. ghl E}y.F .if (fw. (ghHf. 2.if ngWk..zg.Fk.fisj.khepyq. topahfNt ngwNtz.jpd. gf.> cldbahf tpz. khztHfs.G ikaq..izf.jhy.fs. njhlHG tFg. NrHf.jpy.jpy.izf.) NrHf.Jld. gbg.Fk. ngwg. gbg. . gjpTf. . 6 .ba rhd.jpd.fis cupa gbg. NrHf.fspypUe.fSf. . $ba toq. tshf ikaq.Ue.Jld.fg.fg. gzpf.jpw.G ikaq.Gfs.J ngw. mikag. khztHfs.) 1.G ikaq.lzk.f Ntz.Nfw.s khepyj.Jg. gf. gbg. 9. khztHfs. gy.fiyf.gj.ehL / gpw khepyq.gj.G ikaj. Vw.Gfis 57-59).fk. NrHf.jpd.J nfhs. may.> tpz.G ikaq. kw. (gq.epWtdj.> gbg.fspy. nrd.bay. .fofj.fg.Ws. fhz.68).F me.wpjo..G ikaj.Wf.ry.J mQ.Nfw.Lk.ghl.J mQ.l tpz.epWtdk. FeH> njhiyJ}uf. tiuNthiy / tq. gy.idg. njhiyJ}uf.fhypf mDkjpr.4.jpa itf.Wr.jg.if vz. njhiyJ}uf.fspypUe.ij .Fj. epiwT nra.> jFjp Vw. 7.Gfs..eltbf.Wk.J mDg. fy. itf.fg.Wr. tiuNthiyahfNth my.F me.fis mwptjw.J fl. ikaq. gy. > gq. gw.J> nrd. epWtdj. cupa gq.f Ntz.rl P L .ngWk.fhypfr.l tpzz . khw. njhlHG> nrd.f toq. mspf. vd.syhk. ghl E}y. gw.if mwptpg.lz tptuq.fiyf.Fupa milahs ml. gq.idg.Wk.fofj. mq.jpd. NrHf. fhz. nrYj.Jld.f> gf. epWtdk..Nfw. 52 .tp kw.wgpwF khztHfSf. NrHf.Nfw. 100 . fy.jpwF . g.fg. m) ngw.fofj.iff.gjw. nrd. kw. khztHfs.Nfw. fy.Nfw. 9. Vw. gq.fspypUe.fTk.jpy.fSf.if vz. $ba jw.54).gp itf.F milahs ml. jw.fg. mspf.idg.fofj.J ngw. ngaUf. jFjpAila khztHfSf.Wf.iffSf. nrd.fofk. ghlE}y.gLk.G idNah gq.Ff.fspd.L cupa ikaq.G ikaj.fspy.yJ ikaq.fiyf. 5.J gbg. tq.lzj.Nfw.fis cupa gq. kw.j ikaq.G ikaj. mDg. topahfg.ngWk.Nfw.G ikaq. Nky. njhiyJ}uf.Nfw.fs.ff P upf.fpg. cupa gjpTf. NrHf.fhfTk.fSf.lzj. NrHe.ngWk. 6.wj.Fr. gy.gpidr. khztHfs.Nfw. rPlb .idapy. (jaTnra.F epWtdj.L> cupa fl.F mDg.ghl.Wf.jpd.Fk. ngw. jq.if ngWk.Wk. epWtdk.G ikaq.. gy.Lk. gp. 2. 1.> kiyahsk.ik).g mikAk.ïš nrU« khzt®fŸ Kjyh« M©oš ãÇî .š f©l ãÇî . (nkyh©ik) / ã. f .> gp. (epWkr. elj. njhlh.V.fiyf. mbj. fÂÅ¥ ga‹ghL / ã.ej .š f©l kh‰W bkhÊ¥ ghl§fËš jhŸ .l nkhopfSf. 2.G> rhh. 3.GfSf.fs. ghlj. hy.> gp.iwg.jpa nkhopfs.fpyk.wpw.F>> gp.G mt. F khw.> gp. Mq.II mšyJ 1..> gp..dlk..ngWk.ghL nra. 101 . gbg. 4 .ltw.R kl. 2) ã.fh«.fs.Kfj. fPof .fpUjk.G ghlq. : rk].G tFg. gp. Neh.á.kpA+rpf.NghJ gy.fz.> kpFjpahd khzth.fs.I.> muhgpf.. fl.fg. g hlq.e.fpyk. gl.I jÄœ mšyJ jÄG¡F kh‰W¥ go¥ò mšyJ Ñœf©l j‰fhy ïªâa bkhÊfËš x‹W mšyJ mašeh£L bkhÊfŸ mšyJ bjh‹ bkhÊfŸ mšyJ bjhl®ãaš M§»y« ït‰WŸ x‹iw¤ nj®ªbjL¤J¡ bfhŸsyh«.v].jsg.rp. njhlh. 1) jw.V.V.> gp.ã. Neh.. 3.lh.lhakhdjhFk. toq. ãÇî .fhy . : gpnuQ.Ug. Vw.I.I jÄœ jhŸ .. gad. rpwg.> gp. 3) ã. . z.gpay. ghlE}y.gbg.4.V. ngw.rp.ghL njhlh.lg.I. mbj. ïu©lh« M©oš ãÇî . (gphpT I & II) ãÇî .š nrU« khzt®fŸ Kjyh« M©oš jhŸ .Lk. (ÃWk¢brayh©ik) .ehl. nrayhz.ehl. 4 . / ã.fh«. nkhopfs.jg.V. ghpe.II Mq. _‹wh©L¥ g£l tF¥ãš gÆy nt©oa ghl§fŸ gp.II M§»y« gÆy nt©L«.Gfs.fofk.Gfs.jsg. 3.> gp.e.V.ghd ghlq.glkhl. nkhop 3) njhd.V. W nkhopg.II M§»y« jhŸ .V.> gp.G tFg.Fk. / ã.wpUf.fhd ghlq..Fk.II M»at‰iw¥ gÆy nt©L«... mbj.fh«.. 4) njhlh. jhŸ . (tÂfÉaš) / ã.v].II M§»y« jhŸ .ehl. kl.> cUJ> .gpDk.> gp. / gp. gphpT.GfSk.vÞá.fhk. . Nrh.fhk.I jÄœ mšyJ kh‰W bkhÊ¥ ghl«.> ghlE}y. f s. jÄœ jhŸ I mšyJ 1. 2) may.fh«. .fs.fs.Äôá¡ / ã.> / ã. : njYq.Kfj.gbg.Nfw.GfSk. / ã.rp.jpl.gLk.G : 1) Nkw.kpA+rpf..ã..Jiuf. vOjpj.J tUk. nkhj.Jf.tpy. F NkYk.fshf mwptpf.nthU jhspYk.ngWth. / gp. tFg. jhs. ngwhj xUth.W Njh. Njh. bt‰¿ bg‰w khzt®fË‹ jFâÃiy 8.fg.w jFjpiag. tFg.W nkhj. m) jkpo. Njh. Njh.ngWth. ahtUk..fs. y J gpw nkhopfs.LNk Njh.ngz.whk.F NkYk.fspy. Njh.ghlj. ngw. p ngw.gpy.lhk.r.yJ jhs.jpd.ngz.gLthh. (epWkr. ghlkhf itf.ehl. nkhopg. Njh. Mq. w th. / gp.fg...fhd jhs. .Ls. p Njh.fspy. Fwpg. M) itf. p ngw..j msT kjpg.fspy. nkhj. Fiwthfg.jkhf 60% kjpg.V.w khzth.rr . / gp. ngWgth.w gpw khzth. mjw.why.l jhspy. . g py.fg. p ngw.jkhf 50% kjpg. py Njh. Njh.rr . .F NkYk. my.W Mdhy.fSk. ngWgth. 60% kjpg.ngz. f shf mwptpf.lhk.jkhf 60% kjpg.fg.nj®î g‰¿a Étu§fŸ nj®î bgw¡ Fiwªj g£r kâ¥bg© 11.fs. f pyk. 102 . f s. ngWth. Fiwe. p ngw. kl.Tj.rp.rr .gpy py. ngWfpd.rp ngw.fg. py Njh.jJ 40% kjpg. Njh. tFg.v]. Njh. %d. ngw KbAk.tpy. p ngWtjw. KOikahfj.fs. Njh.1.lj.rr .fs.Ff.wth. ngWth.s xt.wth. ngWgth.wtuhf mwptpf. mjw.ngz.fs. ngw.fSk.ngz.ngz.fshf Kjy.fhd Fiwe.Jj.Lg...Jf.Tfspy.rr . gl.W nkhj. ghlj.wth.fshf mwptpf.fpyg.fisg. gbg.Ls.s midj.rp ngw. Njh.ik) i) mbj.Ff.F NkYk.rr . 8.rr mjw. tFg. ngWfpd.fSk. r p ngw.ngz.rr . my. r . mjw.fspYk.ngz.fSf.fisg.jkhf 50% kjpg.jsg.fg..r.fSf.wtuhf mwptpf.. mLj.fhk. 60% kjpg. p ngw.fg. Kjy. Njh.rp p ngw. Fiwthfg. nrayhz. tFg.fSk. gp.fhd jhs.gpl. jhd.Gfs.r.whf Ntz. gg.F NkYk.fs.lhk. 9. %d.fspYk.W Mdhy. tFg. ngWgth.fhd .fs. Kjy.whk. gad.fshf mwptpf. kw.fspy. Mfpatw.rr ngw. rhh.fshf mwptpf.fspYk.fspy>. gz.. jhs. Njh. ngWth.Tfs. Njh.rr .fs.wth. Njh.fSk.fg.gpy.fg.fs.fg. mjw.wth. . Njh.fSf. ..rr . ghlq. p ngw.ngz. mjw.rr .wth.fshthh. p ngw.fSk.F ngw.Gila ghlKk ghlKk..Wk. ghlk.F NkYk.wpw.Jj.W ntw.W ntw.. p ngw.fs. p ngw. Njh.gpy.wth.) kw.gLthh. tFg.rr .F 60% kjpg. Njh.rr . gz.ngWth.fshf mwptpf.ngWth.wth.fg. Njh.rr . p ngw. rpwg.fs.fs. gbg.ngz.fhLk.rr . 60% Fiwthfg. VjhtJ xU ghlj.fg.. gp. mjw.fSk. jFjpAld.jkhf 60% kjpgn mjw. Kjd.fshf mwptpf.wth. Njh.wp ngw. . p ngw.ghL njhlh.fg. ghlKk. nkhj.rr . Kjd. p ngw. mth. Njh. mbj. p ngw.rr . tFg.fhk. Mfpad ahTk. ahtUk.fg.fplg. p nkhj.gpy.F NkYk.fs.wpailgth. 103 .uz.3. Njh.rr . paile..U tifapy.wth.j khzth.jsg.gpy. . tFg.w gpw khzth.fhk. Njh.rr ngw.2. nkhj.fshf mwptpf..w gpw khzth.whk.ikg.Jj. p ngw.gpy.gLthh. 9.yhtw. ii) ikag. %d.gpy.. (Distinction) Njh.fs.fhd jhs. mikAk. 60% Fiwthfg. ntw. vOjpaNghNj Njh.lg. ngWth. Kiwahfj.lhk.Gf. Njh.rr .ghlk. p ngw. ghlq.fs. gad. mjw.w gpw khzth. ahtUk.> tpUg.Gg.nwhU gphpthfTk.jkhf 50% kjpg. ngWgth.fSk.jhy.gbg.fs.. ngWth.. ahtUk. Nrh.gLthh. ngWgth.. 75% tpOf.fs.wpailgth. Njh. tFg. Njh..fs. fzf. jhs..gpy.gpy.wth. tFg. gl. Kjy.rr .whk. nkhj. gp.Njh.fshf mwptpf. nkhj.fs.fSk. (Kjd..fspy>. p ngw.fhd jFjpepiy .Gj. tFg. midj. p ngw. ngWgth. ngWgth.wpUe. %d.W mit vy.fs.fshf mwptpf. Njh.ikg.ghL njhlh.jkhf 50% kjpg. mjw. Kjy.ghlq.jkhf 60% kjpgn .F NkYk.fshf mwptpf. ikag. p ngw. gp.rr .Gila ghlk.Gg. ghlKk.gLk.fg.jJ .w khzth. ngWth.> rhh.fg. ngw.. xU gphpthfTk.W Mdhy. p NkYk.rr .rr . midj. tFg.wpYkhfr. p ngw.fshf mwptpf.wth.L jhs. ngw. Gg.gpy. me.fs.w khzth.. g£la« k‰W« ïs§fiy¥ ghl¥ãÇîfSffhd nr®¡if khzt®fS¡F cÇa jftšfŸ : xU khzt® jh§fŸ nj®ªbjL¤j ghl¥ãÇnthL nr®¤J xnu rka¤âš ntW xU rh‹¿jœ / g£la« ghl¥ãÇit¤ nj®ªbjL¤J¥ gÆy ÉU«ãdhš.fs. gp.fSf. fye.fg. p ngw.rr .fs.fs.rp. khzth. kl.ghL kw.jj. mjw.jpl. Mfpad kw.rp ngw.lg.. nra. fzf.gpy.fspy.fplg. ahtUk.fp Nkyhz.Kiwj.fg.gLj.5. tFg. gp. p ngw.T ngwf.tpy. ngWfpd. 104 . ghlj.ikg. Kjd.fs. 10.sthNw . Njh. Njh.ngz.rr . nra.sq.lj.jkhf 50% kjpg. Fiwe.F Ma.fs. mbj.Gf.V.Lk.w gpw khzth.rr .Wk.fshf mwptpf..j kjpg. ghlq.jhd.nwhU gphpthfTk.ik) gl. Njh.4.ghL njhlh.fSf. jhs.rr . mªj jftny£o‹ Éiy neuoahf¥ bg‰whš %ghŒ 100/-. ngw.fhk. mth.fg.fSf. ngWgth.U tifapy.F cs. gl.why. itf.fhd jFjp epiy .fs. jdpj. p ngw.fhd .gLk.V.jJ 40% kjpg. kw.wtuhf mwptpf.> tifg. (tq.L jhs.Wk. rh‹¿jœ.NjhL mDg.jdpNa vOj.fg.Kiwf. Njh. .rr .lq.gbg. 60% Fiwthfg.rp. tFg.fhd KOikahd tptuq.fspy.wth.jpl.ngWth. 9. Nrh.ngz.lhk. Njh.ik> fzpdp> rhh.KiwAk.wth.fSk.. gp. mªj khzt® mªjªj ghl¥ãÇî¡FÇa jÅ jftny£il¥ bgw nt©L«. jhs.Gfspy.fisj.fg. Njh.Fk.Uf.r. gbg.fhk.fshf mwptpf. (Classification) Kjypad> kw. .Wk.. gp.J kw.w khzth.s xt. p ngw.gpy.fg..nkhj.ngz.Uf.F NkYk.ghlk.W Mdhy.nthU jhspYk.w .fs.fs. gbg.jJ 40% kjpg.> itf. Njh.fisg.. ghlj. 9.jsg.gLk. mikAk.ngWth.lg. mwptpf.jy.V.fiyg. gp.e.T> nra. ngWth. xU gphpthfTk. %d. Fiwe.j khzth. Fiwe. jhspy.fp Nkyhz.Gila ghlk. p ngw.. ngw.. mŠrš tÊÆš bg‰whš %ghŒ 150/.1m) rh‹¿jœ ghl¥ãÇîfŸ m) br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf¤âš VnjD« xU g£l¥ go¥ig¥ gÆY« khzt®fŸ mšyJ gšfiy¡fHf khÅa¡ FG AIU . M»at‰whš m§ÑfÇ¡f¥g£L. jFâ bgWtj‰FÇa ÃgªjidfŸ 11. ïªj rh‹¿jœ¥ ghl¥ ãÇîfËš nrUtj‰F jFâ cilatuhf M»wh®fŸ. 11.ïªj Éiy É©z¥g got¤â‰F«. M) jÄœehL murh§f« 12M« tF¥ã‰F el¤J« bghJ¤ nj®Éš nj®¢á¥ bg‰w khzt®fŸ mšyJ CBSEMš el¤j¥gL« nkšÃiy¥ gŸË nj®Éš nj®¢á¥ bg‰w khzt®fŸ mšyJ 105 . jftny£o‰F« nr®¤J îzÆ¡f¥ g£LŸsJ. ãbuŠR k‰W« b#hk‹ bkhÊ¥ ghl¥ãÇîfS¡F »ilahJ. ãbuŠR k‰W« b#hk‹ bkhÊ ghl¥ãÇîfS¡F »ilahJ. ïªj Éâ rkÞ»Uj«. br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf¤â‰F Ãfuhf¡ fUj¥gL« ntW vªj gšfiy¡fHf¤âY« g£l go¥ig¥ gÆY« khzt®fŸ. jh§fŸ ïs§fiy go¥ig gÆY« ÃWtd¤âlÄUªJ j§fS¡FÇa cWâ¢rh‹¿jœ (Bonafide Certificate) nr®¤J x¥gil¡fnt©L«. br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf¤â‰F Ãfuhf¡ fUj¥gL« ntW vªj gšfiy¡fHf¤âY« g£l go¥ig¥ gÆY« khzt®fŸ. 11.2 (M) g£la¥ ghl¥ãÇîfŸ m) br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf¤âš VnjD« xU KJfiy g£l¥ go¥ig¥ gÆY« khzt®fŸ mšyJ gšfiy¡fHf khÅa¡FG AIU. nkY«. É©z¥gjhu® É©z¥g¤ij¥ ó®¤â¢ brŒJ x¥gil¡F« nghJ. ïªj g£la¥ ghl¥ãÇîfËš nrUtj‰F jFâ cilatuhf M»wh®fŸ. M) xU khzt® xU F¿¥ã£l gUt¤âš TLjyhf xnu xU rh‹¿jœ ghl¥ãÇÉš jh‹ nru Koí«. M»at‰whš m§ÑfÇ¡f¥g£L. ïªj Éâ rkÞ»Uj«. ït‰nwhL j§fSila mo¥gil jFâ rh‹¿jœfË‹ mriy tH§f nt©L«. br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf¤ bjhiyöu¡ fšÉ ÃWtd¤âš tH§f¥ bgW« ïu£il¥ g£l¤â£l¤â‹ Ñœ k‰bwhU ghl¥ãÇÉš nruyh«. nj®îfŸ M»at‰¿š nj®¢á bgW« khzt®fŸ ngh‹nwh® kiHÚ®¢ nrfÇ¥ò F¿¤j g£la¥ ghl¥ãÇɉF¢ nru¤ jFâíilat®fŸ M»wh®fŸ. 11. br‹id¥ gšfiy¡fHf« m§Ñfhu¥ bg‰W el¤j¥gL«. ï) xU khzt® xU F¿¥ã£l gUt¤âš TLjyhf xnu xU g£la¥ ghl¥ãÇÉš jh‹ nru Koí«. 2. mrš rh‹¿jœfis tH§f KoahÉ£lhš. mj‰F cÇa Éâ Kiwfisí« njitfisí« fil¥ão¤J cÇa KiwÆš ó®¤â¢ brŒa nt©L«.3 (ï) ïu£il¥ g£l« m) gšfiy¡fHf¤jhš ïiz¡f¥g£l. ï§nf bfhL¡f¥g£LŸs nj®îfŸ bjhl®ghd bghJ m¿îW¤jšfisí« áw¥ò m¿îW¤jšfisí« ftdkhf¥ go¤J kdâš ÃW¤â¡ bfhŸSkhW khzt®fŸ m¿îW¤j¥ gL»wh®fŸ. M) fšÿÇfËš gÆY« khzt®fŸ j§fË‹ fšÿÇ Kjštuhš tH§fbgW« cW⢠rh‹¿jnHhL ó®¤â¢ brŒa¥g£l É©z¥g¥ got¤ij x¥gil¡f nt©L«. nj®îfS« mJ rh®ªj É©z¥g¥ 106 . 12. nj®îfŸ 1. gšfiy¡fHf khÅa¡ FGthš mšyJ AIUthš m§ÑfÇ¡f¥g£l fšÿÇfËš gÆY« khzt®fŸ. 2013M« M©oš nr®¡f¥g£l khzt®fS¡F. ï) bjhiyöu¡ fšÉ ÃWtd¤âš nr®ªj khzt®fŸ jh§fŸ nr®ªj ghl¥ãÇit Ko¤J¥ g£l« bgwnt©L« v‹whš. fšÿÇ Kjštuhš rh‹bwh¥g« ïl¥g£l (Attested) mt‰¿‹ efiy x¥gil¡f nt©L«. mt®fŸ nrU« ghl¥ãÇɉFÇa jFâfis¥ bg‰¿U¡f nt©L«.ãw khÃy murh§f« ôÅa‹ ãunjr« M»at‰whš el¤j¥gL« muR bghJ¤ nj®îfŸ. nkY«. fšÿÇfËš gÆY« khzt®fS¡F eilbgW« nj®îfS¡F ïizahfnt bjhiyöu¡ fšÉ ÃWtd khzt®fS¡F eilbgW« nj®îfŸ mikªâU¡F«. 4.ideunom. 7.00 k tiuÆY«.00 k Kjš khiy 5. ã‰gfÈš 2. khzt®fŸ jh§fŸ nj®î brŒj nj®î ika§fS¡F gâyhf mt‰¿‰F mU»š cŸs ntW VnjD« nj®î ika¤â‰F¢ bršy. v‹w ïizajs KftÇÆš ïUªJ« gâî ïw¡f« brŒJ bfhŸsyh«. 8. eh£fh£o M©o‹ ïWâÆš et«g® khj¤âš eilbgW«. mt®fS¡F m¿îW¤j¥ glyh«. khzt®fË‹ v©Â¡ifia¥ bghW¤J nj®î ika§fË‹ v©Â¡ifia¡ Fiw¡f gšfiy¡fHf¤â‰F cÇik c©§fS« mD¥g¥gl kh£lhJ. nj®î¡fhd É©z¥g¥ got¤ij x¥gil¡F« bghGJ. 6. ó®¤â¢ brŒa¥g£l nj®î É©z¥g got§fis x¥gil¡f nt©oa ïWâ ehŸ: ïizajs KftÇia gh®¡fî«. 3. mªj¢ rka§fËš. fhiyÆš K‰gfš 10. eh£fh£o M©oš nr®¡f¥g£l khzt®fS¡F cÇa M©L Kj‹ik¤ nj®îfŸ. ïªj jftny£oš ïizªJŸs nj®î É©z¥g¥ got¤âš F¿¥ãl¥g£LŸs gšntW ika§fËš nj®îfŸ eilbgW«. ï¤Jl‹ ïiz¤JŸs nj®î É©z¥g¤ij F¿¥ã£l ïW⤠njâ¡FŸ. nj®î¡fhd É©z¥g¥ got¤ij www. x›bthU tUl¤â‹ ïWâÆY« F¿¥ãl¥g£l všyh¤ jhŸfisí« Ãiwî brŒgt®fS¡F. xU ehis¡F ïu©L¤ nj®îfŸ eilbgW«. 107 .00 k Kjš ã‰gfš 1. khzt®fŸ jh§fŸ É©z¥g¥ got x¥gil¥ò ïW⤠njâ¡FŸ brY¤âa f‰ã¤jš f£lz got¤ijí« (Tuition fees Challan) nr®¤J x¥gil¡f nt©L«. bghJthf. x›bthU ehis¡F« xU nj®îjh‹ tH§f¥bgW«.00 k tiuÆY« nj®îfŸ eilbgW«. mt®fŸ nj®îfS¡F É©z¥ã¡f nt©L«. mj‰FÇa Jizik¤ nj®îfŸ x›bthU tUlK« nk khj¤âš eilbgW«. ï›thW brŒaÉšiyba‹whš mt®fSila É©z¥g« nj®î¡F¥ gâî brŒa¥glkh£lhJ. f‰ã¤jš f£lz« (Tuition Fees) brY¤jhj khzt®fŸ. m¥bghGJjh‹ mt®fS¡F nj®î¡fhd EiHî¢ Ó£L »il¡F«. cÇa nj®î¡ f£lz¤Jl‹ gšfiy¡fHf¤âl« x¥gil¡fyh«.9. ghl¥ãÇÉ‹ fhy« Koªj ã‹ò« ÃYit¤ jhŸfis (Arrear Paper) it¤âU¡F« khzt®fS« j§fŸ ÃYit¤ jhŸfis¥ ó®¤â brŒtj‰F nk‰T¿a nj®î¡fhd É©z¥g¥ got¤ij Ãu¥ã. khzt®fŸ jh§fŸ ghl¥ãÇî nr®ªj bghGJ É©z¥g¥ got¤âš cŸs nj®î vGJ« bkhÊfshd M§»y« / jÄœ M»at‰¿š vªj bkhÊia¡ F¿¥ã£L ïUªjhY« nj®î vGJ« bghGJ M§»y¤âY« vGjyh« jÄÊY« vGjyh«. 11. vªj¡ fhuz¤ij¡ bfh©L« nj®î vGJtj‰F mDkâ¡f¥glkh£lhJ. khzt®fŸ nj®î ika¤âš x¥gil¡f nt©L«. ÃWtd¤âš tH§fbgW« milahs m£ilia. 10. 108 . ntW vªj milahs m£ilí« nj®î neu¤âš mDkâ¡f¥glkh£lhJ.
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